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jendajuliux, a bonus :)01:26
=== tsmithe has to misbehave now before he gets his cloak, btw jenda
jendatsmithe: hhe01:33
tsmithealso. i have a task for you01:33
tsmithedo it all now :)01:33
jendanever ;)01:34
tsmithewhy not?01:34
jendaI don't have time, sorry01:34
tsmithe5155 is a hell of a lot of files for one small team :S01:34
jendathe best way to avoid responsibility is to claim you have a lot of responsibility ;)01:34
tsmithewhich you just failed to do01:34
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tsmithejenda, happy birthday!01:36
jendathanks, tsmithe ;)01:36
rjianjenda: happy birthday01:36
jendatsmithe: did I tell you? How did you know? ;)01:36
tsmithei remembered 01:37
jendaI suppose I said it somewhere ;)01:37
jendaok, cool :)01:37
tsmithenow you better remember mine01:37
jendawhen's it?01:43
jenda(btw, I'm sorry, but I can barely remember my parents')01:43
tsmithejenda, it was last week.01:48
tsmithei was in the topic01:48
jendayou expect me to remember it for a week?01:50
jendaerr... ear01:50
tsmitheyou have logs ;)01:51
jendatsmithe: if my exam season ends around your birthday...01:51
jendado you expect me to be _sober_?01:51
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poningruhey guys we have to finish herd 4 by tomorrow eve03:27
poningrurelease notes that is03:27
poningruI will join you guys in like 8 hours03:28
poningrusleep time for now03:28
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cyphasehow do i join the gobby session for the herd4 release notes?10:12
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poningrucyphase: hi11:10
poningruyou there?11:10
poningruhold on11:11
poningruI havent started much yet11:12
poningrujust doing research and stuff11:12
=== cyphase was looking on the wiki, but couldn't find it
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rpereiraIs there some one working on herd4 page?06:37
poningrurpereira: in gobby06:41
poningruI gotta go to work though06:42
poningruI have it all planed out just need to actually write it and screenshots06:42
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rpereiraponingru: Do you need help?06:53
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=== beuno_ waves
jendawhy can I never catch beuno? :-D07:18
=== beuno [n=martin@68-155-114-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
tsmithejenda, Seveas is around now ;)07:21
jendabeuno: pingity07:21
posingaspopularyou caught bueno!07:22
jendabeuno: I have an envelope here with a name on it...07:22
jendaposingaspopular: ;)07:23
jendabeuno: but, there's no address to put under the name.07:23
=== beuno jumps up and down
beunojenda: email going your way07:23
jendabeuno: and there's also no confirmation you actually want it, nor any money to back that up ;)07:23
beunojenda: reply the email with paypal information and ammount and you'll get it07:24
jendabeuno: do you pay from paypal balance, or credit card?07:24
beunojenda: from my paypal account07:25
jendaok, cool.07:25
beunojenda: how where things around here these days?07:27
jendanot sure, because things are hectic here ;)07:28
beunoI can see UWN is on the loose07:28
jendabeuno: I'm leaving for India in 3 days.07:28
beunoand herd4 page needs urgent help07:28
beunothat's right...07:28
beunoyou're gone for a month, right?07:28
jendaI was gonna meet up with meatballhat tonite and discuss our project.07:29
jendaBut I didn't read up for it at all :/07:29
jendadamn, time goes fast when you need it to slow down :(07:29
jendabeuno: sent07:30
jendaI'll do my best to get the stickers out before I leave, but can't guarantee it.07:31
beunojenda: no real hurry07:32
beunojenda: can we get diy up anyway while your gone07:33
jendaof course!07:33
jendaI'll bbl07:35
beunook ok, if my internet connection permits it, I'll be here all day07:36
beunojenda, "You have sent a payment! An email has been sent to the recipient."07:36
jendabeuno: it's a credit card payment :/07:45
beunooh, I paid from my paypal account07:46
jendabut it charged your CC07:47
beunoI didn't check to see if I had balance, I though it was the same07:47
beunosorry  :(07:47
beunohow much did it charge you?07:47
jendaI'll just send it back07:47
jendaI can't accept it.07:47
jenda"The ability to accept credit or debit card funded payments is reserved for Premier and Business accounts. To accept this pending payment, please upgrade your account now."07:47
jendabeuno: I have a premier account for this purpose ;)07:47
beunomaybe I can add balance to the account if it's easier for you07:48
beunoI can't...07:49
jendaIt's not easier - but this way I'd have to ask you to send $3107:49
jenda"A message has been sent notifying the Sender that their payment has been denied."07:49
beunowell. $31 won't kill me so...07:50
jendaalrighty, the account is jenda.vancura at gmail.com07:51
jendameatballhat: cloaked :)07:52
beunojenda: $31 crisp new dollars gone your way07:54
jendaOne of them is bent.07:55
jendaJust kidding, thanks.07:55
beunoyou will be sending fotos from your trip, won't you?07:56
jendahehe :)07:56
jendaI'm hoping to do something like a blog of it once I come back...07:57
beunothat would be a good idea07:58
tsmithejenda, thanks!07:58
=== tsmithe has a cloak!
tsmithei mean07:58
beunowhat's a cloak?07:58
=== tsmithe has an ubuntu/member cloak!
jenda* [tsmithe]  (n=tsmithe@ubuntu/member/tsmithe): Toby Smithe07:59
tsmithejenda is staff07:59
tsmithehe'll explai.. oh he already did...07:59
beunonice, you got approved too toby, congrats!07:59
beunooh, jenda, btw, maybe you can help08:01
beunoany idea why my revision to the diy page was removed?08:01
beunoI saw it wasn't there anymore in launchpad08:01
beunoand the pull gave me a -108:01
jendano idea08:03
jendameatballhat might know...08:03
jendaI didn't even know you guys used bzr :)08:03
jendaI'm glad you do, though.08:03
beunowell, dan doesn't know either08:03
beunoso I guess it's some kind of mixup08:04
jendain that case, LarstiQ could help :)08:05
jendaHe knows everything, so he should know this.08:05
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tsmithebeuno, ask in #bzr08:16
tsmitheoh wait08:16
tsmitheyou are :P08:16
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snedarhi! is there a gobby channel I can join to see the herd4 document? just wondering whether there is anything new I'm not aware of...10:13
juliuxsnedar, use gobby10:14
snedarjuliux, I've started it but I don't know which server to use10:14
juliuxsnedar, gobby is a extra software that is not a channel10:14
snedarokay, s/channel/server then :-)10:15
juliuxsnedar, host ist ubuntu.juliux.de port 652310:15
juliuxsnedar, password  ufl@ftw10:16
snedarjuliux, thanks! I'll see if I can contribute in the future10:17
juliuxsnedar, cool10:17
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bapoumbaHello :)11:02
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bapoumbahey tsmithe 11:40

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