
=== RedKrieg [n=RedKrieg@ip68-230-209-186.rd.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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sistpotyLutin: actually linda/lintian doesn't tell me anything about mlt12:27
sistpotyLutin: and the package looks nice12:27
sistpotyLutin: well apart from the linda easter egg *g*12:27
lionelgeser: you mark #76967 as fix released, did you notice that it FTBS on ia64 ? (I have really no idea of the problem)12:27
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Lutinsistpoty: the linda easter egg 12:28
sistpotyLutin: is it valentine's day in your tz? then just run linda12:29
Lutinsistpoty: ahhh nice :)12:30
Lutinsistpoty: fine if you have no problem with it. 12:30
=== ThunderFox [n=KitsuKun@oh-71-55-62-166.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Lutinmaybe it was hapening because I was running the edgy linda on packages builded in a feisty pbuilder 12:31
sistpotyLutin: well, maybe... feisty ones are all quiet here.12:31
Lutinsistpoty: cool then ;12:31
Lutin:) *12:31
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sistpotybtw.: any c++ guru around, who could happen to know how I could find out the typename of the type a pointer points to?12:32
slomosistpoty: almost no c++ knowledge here... but afaik you need rtti12:34
slomosistpoty: http://www.cpp-tutor.de/cpp/le16/le16_03.htm looks good12:34
sistpotyslomo: thanks for the hint, but I guess rtti is not exactly what I need...12:36
slomosistpoty: what's the difference to what you want? :)12:38
sistpotyslomo: actually I want to convert a std::list of a derived class to a std::list from a base class... give me a sec and I'll put sample code on a pastebin12:39
sistpotyslomo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5639/12:39
sistpotyslomo: and I don't want to simply reinterpret_cast (both are lists of pointers, so that *should* work), because I want to know if I change my class hierarchy to be no longer compatible during compile time12:40
slomosistpoty: hm what about the n other casts of c++? ;) sorry, i don't really know much about c++... it just looks confusing to me ;)12:42
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sistpotyslomo: the problem is that the lists are distinct types, so I can either reinterpret_cast them or not cast them at all :( (so I try the trick with the template to look if the elements can be type-converted implicitely)12:43
=== caravena [n=caravena@32-29-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LutinLaserJock: could you have a look at mlt on revu when you have some time ?12:44
sistpotyslomo: ha, got it :) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5643/12:51
slomosistpoty: congrats :) what are you doing btw?12:52
sistpotyslomo: writing my thesis... a VHDL to c compiler for the faumachine project12:53
sistpotyslomo: the idea is to translate e.g. a pci-card modelled in vhdl into c-code that can be used as a component in the virtual machine12:53
slomosistpoty: wah, vhdl... the ugliest language i ever saw :) but other than that this sounds like fun12:54
sistpotyslomo: vhdl is *really* ugly... :(12:54
sistpotybtw.: http://faumachine.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/FAUmachine/fauhdlc/12:55
ThunderFoxYeah, I do agree with everyone, VHDL is a little obsolete in it's design.  However, getting engineers to stop using Fortran is dificult enough.01:05
LaserJockbut Fortran rocks01:06
ThunderFox*laugh* for limited use . . . newer structured scripting languages are better.01:06
LaserJocktell that to my advisor ;-)01:07
ThunderFoxFortran was revolutionary in it's time . . .  I guess that's when your advisor was young.01:07
ThunderFoxIt's like I have an affinity for c-form basic variants.01:07
ThunderFoxI know they suck, but I can't help it.01:08
ThunderFoxI grew up with later DOS variants, there is no helping it.01:08
ThunderFoxAnyways, has anyone started considering making a Universe package for the Doom engine OdaMex yet?01:10
ThunderFoxIt recently got it's first public release (Mixed license issues prevented it earlier.  They didn't want a Doom Legacy issue set.)01:10
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crimsunThunderFox: no, but feel free.01:14
ThunderFoxGood, I'm sure the folks back at the OdaMex community will like that as a contribution.  It should get them lots of good developers.01:16
ThunderFoxShould I put it in /usr/local, where it is designed for using hacked level files, and is considered a beta-stability Alpha (prevents glitches with degunkers, and makes degunking easier if packages switch out uncleanly)01:17
ajmitchnever put any packaged stuff in /usr/local01:17
tsmithenow i've got my membership, i'm gonna work really hard to get motu01:21
ThunderFoxajmitch, Yes, I noticed most packages use a remote /usr/local directory storage if they look for extra binaries there.01:21
ThunderFoxajmitch, they tend to only create the directory in those cases.01:21
ThunderFoxajmitch, thanks for the tip.01:22
=== zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
pochuhi guys! I have a small question: what's the best way to not apply a patch (.patch system) in debian/patches, rename it? and if so, what's the best?01:24
Lutinpochu: why would you want not to apply a patch ?01:25
pochuLutin: fixed upstream01:25
Lutinpochu: just delete it then01:25
sistpotypochu: fixed upstream --> remove the patch01:25
pochuLutin: and of course I say that in the changelog, right? :)01:25
Lutinpochu: sure01:26
pochuthanks :)01:26
Lutinnp :)01:26
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pochuanother question: if a patch applied in a file which no longer exists now, what should I do? (it's about a .desktop entry)01:38
Lutinpochu: nuke the patch :)01:38
Lutinpochu: if doesn't apply to any actual file, there's no point keeping it01:39
pochuLutin: ok, thanks :)01:39
Lutinpochu: you might want ot make sure the 'issue' hasn't been moved elsewhere though ;)01:40
pochuLutin: I think that was a desktop entry, which was on the source code, however I think now it's managed into debian/ subdirectory, is that possible? but that file doesn't exist anymore, now it has a menu entry01:41
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Lutinpochu: menu entries are for debian, you need a desktop file for ubuntu. if none is provided in the upstream tarball, create one in debian/whatever.desktop and install it in /usr/share/applications :)01:42
pochuLutin: I've just found it! It's been moved into misc/ directory. The problem was that nautilus didn't show the correct name, but the app name ?01:43
pochuinstead of listen.desktop, it says Listen Music Player01:43
pochubut an ls in the terminal shows listen.desktop :)01:44
pochuI'll see if this is well now, or if the patch should still be applied, thanks for your help Lutin !01:44
Lutinpochu: nautilus diplays the 'name' field of the desktop instead of the actual filename :)01:44
Adri2000pochu: you are working on the new upstream release of listen?01:45
pochuAdri2000: yes, but I'm very noob, so if you are also doing it, do it, as I'm doing it just for learning01:45
pochuAdri2000: but if you want to review my work, you can do it :)01:45
Adri2000yep, and upload it, if you file an UVF exception request and if it is accepted, no problem :)01:46
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pochuAdri2000: ok :)01:47
pochudo you know why de .desktop entry should not have the "Encoding=UTF-8" line?01:48
Adri2000should not?01:49
pochuAdri2000: the patch of the desktop entry removes it, don't know why (I know about nothing hehe)01:50
Lutincan't see th reason either .. ubuntu has been using utf8 for ages01:51
pochuLutin: sure :)01:51
pochuthere is nothing else interesting in that patch, do I drop it? I think I should :)01:51
Adri2000(testing with a .desktop file without Encoding) gtodo.desktop: error: required key "Encoding" not found01:52
Adri2000desktop-file-validate says that01:52
Lutinpochu: what does the changelog says about that patch ?01:52
pochuthe other things are typos (fixed upstream)01:52
pochu+ Added 15_desktop.patch to improve desktop entry01:53
pochuit changes the description and that01:53
pochuand an [fr]  comment which no longer exist in the new upstream version01:53
pochudo you want me to put the patch in a pastebin?01:54
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Lutinpochu: no need to do so ;)01:55
pochuok, then I'll drop it. thanks a lot :)01:56
Lutinpochu: you can check the the desktop file with desktop-file-validate if it's ok01:58
Lutinto see if it's ok*01:58
pochuLutin: thanks! is this a semicolon? ";"02:00
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Lutinpochu: can't tell, I never remember that02:01
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pochuLutin: hehe, np :)02:01
Lutinpochu: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semicolon02:01
pochuLutin: hehe, thanks :)02:02
Lutinnp ;)02:02
Lutinwell, need some sleep. g'night guys02:02
Adri2000me too02:03
Lutin'night Adri2000 02:03
pochunight guys! :)02:03
pochuand thanks 4 your help :)02:03
Lutinnp :)02:03
=== RAOF [n=Chris_@matht464.maths.unsw.edu.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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bddebianHeya gang02:28
LaserJockhi bddebian 02:28
bddebianHeya LaserJock, what's happening?02:28
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LaserJockohh, I think I'm going to head home02:29
LaserJocktry to get some food and recover from the day before the MOTU meeting02:30
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bddebianDamn, an MOTU meeting?02:30
=== bddebian is so out of touch lately again :-(
bddebianHeya siretart02:31
LaserJockit's at 10:00UTC02:31
LaserJockso something like 5am for you maybe02:31
bddebianUhm, that ain't gonna happen :-(02:32
LaserJock2am for me02:32
LaserJockoh come on02:32
LaserJockI made a 4am Launchpad meeting02:33
bddebianWell 2am I could do 'cause I'm usually up02:33
bddebian5am, forget it, I'm like the dead02:33
LaserJocksurely you can suck it up and do 5am ;-)02:33
ajmitchtake one for the team02:33
bddebianGah, I'm pretty useless anymore anyway02:33
ajmitchLaserJock: it's really at 2AM for you?02:34
ajmitchbddebian: don't make me swear at you02:34
LaserJockbddebian: we're all pretty useless02:34
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LaserJockbut we keep trying02:34
ajmitchLaserJock: you're in the pacific timezone?02:34
LaserJockand somehow it seems to work in the end02:34
LaserJockajmitch: yep02:34
bddebianajmitch: C'mon, I don't think I've ever heard you swear02:34
=== ajmitch thought you were one over
ajmitchbddebian: I'm sorely tempted at times :)02:35
LaserJocknah, I'm pretty close to San Fransicko02:35
LaserJockI have to finish some glade/c++ stuff tonight02:36
LaserJockso I'll probably be up late anyway :/02:36
bddebianWhoa, go LaserJock.. I though you weren't gonna get in that deep? :-)02:36
LaserJockit's really small02:37
LaserJockbut since I have to learn glade/gtk/C++ concurently to do it it's been taking some time02:37
bddebianLaserJock: Now, wanna help me with glibc? :-)02:37
LaserJockI'm just figuring how to put buttons in a GUI02:38
LaserJockI don't dare touch the real stuff ;-)02:38
LaserJockanyway, off to home02:38
bddebianGah, come on.. :-)02:38
bddebianLater man02:38
LaserJockthe wife is waiting02:38
zulheh ive heard ajmitch swear02:38
LaserJock"Holy Battle Cat He-man!"02:39
ajmitchzul: never02:39
bddebianLaserJock: hehe02:39
ajmitchsigh, valentines day today02:39
ajmitchhow sickening02:40
RAOFI'll just ping again.  Anyone want to provide the second ACK to http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=4323 ?02:40
LaserJockgood thing we had a valentines weekend02:40
bddebianajmitch: Did you send me flowers? :)02:40
LaserJockthis is the only day I'll be home before 7pm this week02:40
ajmitchbddebian: hah!02:40
ajmitchbddebian: not going to happen02:40
sistpotyRAOF: I'll take a look02:41
bddebianRAOF: Don't get too excited, sistpoty will catch all the shit I missed :-)02:41
RAOFEven better.  A cleaner package for when I get around to posting a Debian ITP02:42
Hobbseeajmitch: oh damn.  02:43
Hobbseeajmitch: i'd forgotten about that, with regards to having to leave the house today02:43
TheMusoHeya Hobbsee, ajmitch, bddebian.02:44
ajmitchHobbsee: yeah, well, you can probably avoid the worst of it02:44
bddebianHi TheMuso02:44
Hobbseeajmitch: hopefully02:44
Hobbseehey TheMuso :)02:45
ajmitchHobbsee: you could always send bddebian some flowers :)02:46
TheMusoValentine's day is very much a commercial thing IMO.02:48
Hobbseeajmitch: hehe02:48
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pochuhi guys! I have a small question: with .patch patch system, should I apply them manually before building? I think so, but I'm not sure...02:51
ajmitchdepends on debian/rules, if it has a patch system to apply them02:52
sistpotyRAOF: looks good, uploading02:52
pochuajmitch: it hasn't, they are just diffs02:53
RAOFsistpoty: Thanks muchly.02:53
crimsunnixternal: / Amaranth: commit 0a70404517448b8d3176f47798765baad52a6c70: UBUNTU: sound/pci/hda/: More Conexant HDA fixes (patch_conexant.c)02:53
ajmitchpochu: no matter whether the patches are just diffs, what does debian/rules have?02:53
Amaranthcrimsun: is that after -8?02:53
crimsunAmaranth: will be, yes02:53
pochuajmitch: I think it hasn't any patch system02:54
Amaranthalright, because -8 broke it :)02:54
ajmitchcrimsun: post herd-4?02:54
crimsunajmitch: yes02:54
=== ajmitch hopes that the freeze doesn't go over a week this time
pochuajmitch: while building: if [ "reverse-patches" = "reverse-patches" ] ; then rm -f debian/stamp-patched; fi02:55
pochupatches: debian/patches/21_listen_desktop_entry.patch02:55
pochuPatch debian/patches/21_listen_desktop_entry.patch is not applied.02:55
pochummm: Build-Depends: cdbs02:56
Hobbseeajmitch: me too02:56
ajmitchpochu: so it has some patch system at least02:56
pochuajmitch: it seems like that :)02:56
ajmitchprobably simple-patchsys02:56
pochuajmitch: don't know how it works :(02:57
Amaranthpochu: simple-patchsys is just drop a patch in debian/patches/ and go02:57
pochuAmaranth: then it should be applied... going to ensure :)02:58
Amaranthmake sure you name them 01-patch-name.patch and etc02:58
Amaranthso they get applied in a sane order02:58
ajmitchimportant if the patches overlap02:58
ajmitchnot so important otherwise02:58
Amaranthajmitch: if they don't overlap just name them all 01-* :)02:59
pochuAmaranth: if there is just one patch, should it be 01? or can be other number, as 10?02:59
ajmitchpochu: whatever you feel like02:59
Amaranthpochu: i'd go with 0102:59
ajmitch01 is best02:59
Amaranthnever know when you'll want to add more02:59
ajmitcheasier to add 02 than 1000303:00
pochuthere were another 01, and I removed it, so I don't know if I should use 01 or other number :)03:00
ajmitchit's just for patch ordering, nothing magical03:00
pochuajmitch: ok :)03:00
pochuit's called 21_listen_desktop_entry.patch (a little large) :(03:01
Amaranthnah, that's about average03:01
pochuI'm gonna rename it, but it's fine (if hasn't been applied)03:01
Amaranthbut if the package is listen i'd call it 01_add_desktop_file.patch03:01
Amaranthor something like that03:01
pochuany idea why it isn't applied? :S03:03
pochuinclude /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk03:06
pochuinclude /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk03:06
pochuinclude /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/makefile.mk03:06
pochuthat's in debian/rules03:06
pochuyou were right :)03:06
RAOFpochu: It's possible that the patch has been previously unapplied, but the patch-stamp file hasn't been removed.03:07
RAOFThat's happend to me a bit.03:07
pochuRAOF: I've added the patch, and I haven't applied it. I thought it would be applied while building. What should I do then?03:08
RAOFIt depends on the rest of the environment, I think.03:08
RAOFI haven't used simple-patchsys before, but I have used dpatch, and that' s similar.03:09
RAOFMaybe if you pastebin the entire output of trying to build the package, it'd help?03:09
pochuRAOF: sure :)03:09
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pochuhi fernando :)03:11
pochuRAOF: http://pastebin.ca/354639 :)03:11
fernandohi pochu =)03:12
RAOFpochu: I don't suppose you could pastebin that in English? :(03:14
pochuRAOF: sorry :(03:14
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pochuRAOF: any idea to get the output in english? :)03:14
pochuRAOF: I don't want to translate line by line :)03:15
RAOFI *think* you can set an environment variable.03:15
RAOFI'm not sure which.03:15
RAOFit might be something like LOCALE="C" dpkg-buildpackge, or something.03:15
fernandoexport LC_ALL=C; dpkg-build...03:16
Amarantharg libwnck got updated03:18
ajmitchAmaranth: is that bad?03:18
RAOFHave those patches to make compiz work made it upstream yet?03:18
Amaranthyes it upgraded over my version with viewport support03:18
AmaranthRAOF: no but i've fixed all the problems the maintainer had03:19
RAOFThey're still bitrotting on bugzilla, then :(03:19
Amaranthif i don't get a response before the feature freeze for 2.20 i'll try to force it03:20
=== fowlduck [n=nate@24-183-45-79.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
pochuwow! fernando thanks :)03:20
fernandopochu: you're welcome03:21
pochuRAOF: here it is :) http://pastebin.ca/35466003:22
RAOFpochu: That seems to have worked fine.03:23
RAOFIt tries to unapply the patch first, but it's not applied.  Which is ok.03:23
RAOFThen it builds the source package.03:23
RAOFThen it applies the patch, and builds the binary.03:23
RAOFLines 64 & 65.03:24
pochuRAOF: sure, it seems to have been applied :)03:25
RAOFOh, and I notice that docbook2x-man doesn't segfault for you.03:26
RAOFBe careful when building it in a pbuilder, I had problems with it segfaulting for no obvious reson.03:26
pochuRAOF: I don't know how to use pbuilder :)03:27
pochuRAOF: I think it hasn't been applied...03:27
RAOFpochu: Why not?03:28
pochuthe listen.desktop entry in /usr/share/applications/listen.desktop looks like the upstream one...03:28
pochumaybe the patch isn't right...03:28
TheMusolol at linda03:29
RAOFpochu: It seems the build process probably updates listen.desktop.  About line 12403:31
RAOFAnd 121.03:31
RAOFYou need to patch listen.desktop.in, if you're not already doing that.03:31
pochuRAOF: hehe, thanks! I was patching listen.desktop, instead of listen.desktop.in :)03:32
RAOF(I've been bitten by that *so* many times)03:32
pochuRAOF: going to try that right now!!03:32
=== RAOF is now known as RAOF|Away
=== sistpoty is off to bed
sistpotygn8 everyone03:35
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keescookwho do I need to talk to about universe UVFEs?04:03
keescookI want to get libfilter-template-perl into Ubuntu, and it was recently added to Debian... gah!04:03
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ajmitchkeescook: motu-uvf, file a bug & assign to them04:07
ajmitchand uvf exceptions aren't needed for new packages yet04:07
ajmitchso you should be fine :)04:07
keescookajmitch: really?  uvf universe on the schedule says the 8th??04:07
ajmitchyeah, but new packages can get in later, since they tend not to break other packages04:08
ajmitchso you should be able to get away with just a sync request & some fast talking04:09
bddebianOMG can the news PLEASE shut up about Anna Nicole Smith04:17
=== bddebian jumps off a cliff
jdongbddebian: didn't she stay at a hard rock hotel or something?04:18
=== jdong not following news
bddebianI don't really care.. :)04:19
jdongoh well04:19
=== jdong goes away puzzled
TheMusobddebian: Its in the news here.04:21
TheMusoas well.04:21
ajmitchTheMuso: it's in the news everywhere04:21
TheMusoajmitch: Right.04:21
=== TheMuso doesn't give a crap.
=== jdong obviously needs to watch the news
ajmitchno, you really don't04:22
bddebianjdong: Believe me, no, you don't :-)04:22
jdonggood enough for me04:22
bddebianIt's one of the few things even I'm ashamed of the US04:23
=== ajmitch doesn't even know who she is
TheMusoheh me neither.04:23
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LaserJockajmitch, TheMuso: you guys are missing out04:26
bddebianHah, not hardly04:26
ajmitchLaserJock: I'm sure I am04:26
ajmitchbut I don't care at all :)04:26
LaserJockI don't either04:26
LaserJockand I don't see much news04:27
TheMusoI don't care, so I don't want to know.04:27
LaserJockand I still can't get away from her04:27
TheMusoOk. Time to see what jobs are around that I don't want to do. :)04:28
ajmitchlots of them!04:30
=== ajmitch is glad we have someone willing to sacrifice himiself for the project
TheMusoajmitch: I am referring to employment related searching.04:31
ajmitchoh right04:32
ajmitchI thought you were volunteer to do various ubuntu jobs04:32
jdongTheMuso: you mean you're not merging reiser4 into the kernel?04:32
TheMusojdong: I am not that skilled.04:33
TheMusoAnd for the record, I stay way from reiserfs of any kind.04:33
jdongpfft :)04:33
jdongso he killed a wife or two....04:33
jdongyou've done worse04:33
jdongeverytime you touch a non-open device God kills 3 penguins04:33
=== vil [n=vladimir@ubuntu/member/vil] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== ajmitch waits for jdong to stop
jdongajmitch: it'll stop when I collapse from exhaustion04:34
ajmitchoh what a shame04:34
jdongthat's what she said!04:35
jdong(ok sorry sorry I'll stop)04:35
=== RAOF|Away is now known as RAOF
RAOFHope the desktop.in patch worked :)04:49
pochuRAOF: sure, bug #8494604:50
pochuRAOF: thanks a lot :)04:50
pochuRAOF: I hope the archive admins accept the upload :)04:50
=== mayday_jay [n=mayday_j@maydayjay.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== luisbg [n=d33p@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== LaserJock kicks reprepo and his DSL connection
ajmitchah, finished work for the day05:46
=== RAOF is now known as RAOF|Away
=== Czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-032-008.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Q-FUNK [n=q-funk@modemcable208.212-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Q-FUNKwell, pretty nice office space they have, at the ubuntu tech.support office06:11
LaserJockin Montreal?06:11
ajmitchyeah, there are some photos of it online06:12
Q-FUNKI just got back from there06:12
ajmitchQ-FUNK: you been visiting, or interviewing for a position?06:12
=== viviersf [n=cain@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchhi viviersf 06:12
Q-FUNKalthough rumour has it that they do have more openings coming up06:13
=== ajmitch tries to remember who put up photos of the montreal office recently
ajmitchhey nixternal 06:13
nixternalhiya ajmitch 06:13
=== nixternal head>kb
nixternalI have had my head stuck in code all night and just realised I have a chapter due tomorrow for Kubuntu :\06:14
nixternalargh, and the release notes for Herd 406:14
=== nixternal jumps into a snow bank
=== jwhitlark [n=jwhitlar@h-67-102-70-2.snfccasy.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jwhitlarkimbrandon, wasup?06:16
jwhitlarkwasn't there a motu meeting soon?06:17
viviersfalo ajmitch06:17
Lathiatyeh in 5 hours i think06:18
LaserJockhi nixternal 06:19
jwhitlarkLaserjock, in the last 2 days, I haven't signed on when you haven't already been on, and I've been working waaaayyy too  hard...06:20
jwhitlarkdon't you ever sleep?06:20
ajmitchof course not06:20
ajmitchit's LaserJock 06:21
ajmitchLaserJock is not human06:21
jwhitlarkI guess so.06:21
LaserJockjwhitlark: me?06:22
crimsunof course, one-third of the motu trinity.06:22
LaserJockwell the last few days I've been on ~20 hrs/day06:23
LaserJockwell, I gues more like 1806:23
ajmitchstill sick06:23
LaserJockanyway, way too much06:23
crimsunI think lj should be on the mc06:23
ajmitchI agree06:23
=== ajmitch steps down
=== LaserJock give ajmitch his crown back
ajmitchdunce cap you mean06:24
crimsunouch, apport is killing performance here06:24
LaserJockreally? how so?06:24
ajmitchLaserJock: I hope you'll spend time with your wife tomorrow :)06:24
crimsunI'm getting _severe_ cpu spikes06:24
LaserJockajmitch: actually not, we both have a bunch of stuff to do, I won't see her till ~ 10:00pm06:25
crimsunaudio hiccups despite RT privileges, visible mouse cursor hitching and the like06:25
LaserJockajmitch: we did Valentines this weekend06:25
=== ajmitch briefly managed to catch up with a friend at lunchtime
ajmitchhe's in about his 6th year (or more) of his phd 06:26
LaserJockcrimsun: that's no fun06:26
LaserJockI'm starting to see the light06:26
nixternalhiya LaserJock 06:26
LaserJockbut it requires more time on research and les on Ubuntu06:26
ajmitchso is he - only another year or so of experiments :)06:26
LaserJockmy advisor started seriously talking about what I need to do to finish up06:27
LaserJockthat's a pretty major step for me06:27
ajmitchhe's not only married & studying, but has 4 kids as well06:27
ajmitchthat's a good step06:27
LaserJockit's just hard when I'd rather be working here than on research :/06:28
ajmitchtemptations lie in wait..06:28
crimsunyou have to be glutton for punishment if you enjoy bug triaging more than research ;)06:29
crimsunto be a, even06:29
LaserJockdepends on the research actually06:30
LaserJockmy problem is I'll have a PhD and never get to do the research I signed on to do06:30
ajmitchthat's ok06:31
ajmitchyou can be a fulltime ubuntu celebrity06:31
ajmitchcrimsun: going to try & get to UDS Sevilla?06:32
crimsuncan't, time already spoken for06:32
ajmitchI thought it may be06:32
ajmitchyou'll be fairly busy over the next few months?06:33
LaserJockI'm still not sure06:33
=== ajmitch won't be there
LaserJocka free trip to Spain for Ubuntu stuff is awefully hard to pass up06:34
=== ajmitch won't be sponsored
LaserJockbut I need to sort of step back and focus on research and home06:34
LaserJockso I don't know if it would be a good idea or not06:34
LaserJockon the other hand, one of these days I'll have a "real" job06:36
LaserJockso I should travel while I can ;-)06:36
ajmitchat least you'd get sponsored to go :)06:36
ajmitchsince you're active06:36
AmaranthI don't have a chance at being sponsored this time06:36
Amaranthand i'm still in some financial pain from the last trip06:37
Amaranthtoo many $100 cab rides06:37
ajmitchyeah, lots of pain06:38
crimsunwe need an motu/uds fund ;)06:38
=== Amaranth needs to get back into development
ajmitchpass the hat round on planet ubuntu ;)06:38
Amaranthor get the things i toy with included in ubuntu ;)06:39
ajmitchcrimsun: maybe the motu council can setup a fund & select worthy people :)06:39
crimsunthat's an idea :)06:39
ajmitch(which would exclude the council members from being selected)06:39
ajmitchthere was a rather long discussion in the CC meeting about conflicts of interest, etc06:40
ajmitch& there were 5 people nominated for 3 CC places06:40
ajmitch(dholbach, mdke, mikeb, jsgotangco, burgandavia)06:41
LaserJockI've dicusses a MOTU fund for sponsorships and other needs before with others06:41
AmaranthSo, my goal for feisty+1 is compiz being installed by default and being almost completely indistinguishable from metacity except for the extra "bling".06:41
ajmitchLaserJock: yes, especially for things like hardware for those that really need it06:41
AmaranthStating this here so you can make fun of me when I fail.06:41
ajmitchAmaranth: I'd expect that anyway for feisty06:41
ajmitchAmaranth: why isn't it like that right now?06:41
Amaranthajmitch: driver issues and stability problems06:42
ajmitchok, we know that drivers suck06:42
Amaranthi think nearly all of the stability problems are, in fact, driver issus06:42
ajmitchwhat differences are there between compiz & metacity in some of the functionality like viewports?06:42
ajmitchor all the little things?06:42
Amaranthall the little things06:42
Amaranthdoesn't help that ideas for the window placement code are coming from kwin06:43
ajmitchI'd welcome compiz if it integrates seamlessly & doesn't get in the way06:43
ajmitch(ie, no burning windows)06:43
Amaranthapparently since kwin itself has a bunch of different window placement options06:43
Amaranthajmitch: sudo apt-get install desktop-effects, it's like that now06:43
ajmitchit'd be nice, if it worked properly06:43
Amaranthit even uses plain old workspaces by default and uses every metacity settings that applies to it06:43
ajmitch& doesn't cause unclickable hidden windows or other stupid things06:44
Amaranthdon't have minimized windows when you start it :)06:44
ajmitchwell that's a bit stupid06:44
=== ajmitch also doesn't want to have to hack xorg.conf with arbitrary magic & restart X
Amaranththe worst case is when it throws a window offscreen06:44
ajmitchit's always rhythmbox that tends to disappear on my laptop06:45
ajmitchor on my desktop..06:45
Amaranthprobably went offscreen06:45
ajmitch"Desktop effects do not work with xinerama"06:45
ajmitchreal useful06:45
Amaranththat's a lie06:45
Amaranth0.3.6 has xinerama support, last time i checked06:45
ajmitchthat's what it claims06:45
ajmitchand so I can't turn it on06:45
ajmitchthis is just boring old nvidia twinview06:46
Amaranthyou can, just not with the big button06:46
ajmitchno real xinerama06:46
ajmitchI don't want to have to fiddle to turn it on :)06:46
Amaranthturning it on doesn't register it in autostart anyway06:46
ajmitchI want it to be like things in OSX, and Just Work06:46
Amaranthbut it does make it restart when it dies06:47
ajmitchnot be like the typical half-assed linux desktop :)06:47
Amaranthwhich is real fun, right now it restarts itself no matter _how_ you kill it06:47
Amaranthmetacity --replace? screw that, compiz is coming back on06:47
LaserJockajmitch: you should try science apps for linux ;-)06:47
Amaranthhow is gchemutils?06:48
=== ajmitch values his shreds of sanity
LaserJockAmaranth: good actually06:48
LaserJockI'm working on that tonight actually06:48
Amaranthajmitch: anyway, my goal is Just Works06:48
LaserJockworked last night til 3am on it06:48
=== ajmitch was going to hack on authtool again tonight to make it Shiny
Amaranthand a sane UI with at most 5 tabs to configure it06:49
ajmitchyeah, I'm trying to minimise UI clutter :)06:49
LaserJockbut we are planning a release for the weekend or next week06:49
AmaranthLaserJock: cool06:49
Amaranthi lost interest once i couldn't work on the shiny bits :P06:49
Amaranthwas only working on gallium because learning cairo was _fun_06:49
LaserJockI'm learning C++ and a bit of GTK06:50
Amaranthand i get off on efficient XML parsing ;)06:50
LaserJockwell, we do quite a bit of XML stuf06:50
LaserJocknot sure how efficient it is06:50
Amaranthi'm sure it's pretty good06:50
Amaranththe real problem is I/O06:51
LaserJockbut gchemtable is a heck of a lot faster than kalzium06:51
Amaranthbut kalzium does a lot of neat things06:51
LaserJockon the other hand kalzium has some wicked cool stuff06:51
Amaranthdid you see the new element layout?06:51
Amaranthoh, i think you blogged about it06:51
=== Amaranth can't remember
LaserJockme neither06:51
LaserJockI think I did06:52
Amaranththat reminds me, how do i get myself on planet ubuntu?06:52
Amaranththink i might blog more if i knew more than 100 people were reading it06:52
LaserJockAmaranth: follow the direction06:52
Amaranthand those 100 people are using RSS clients to poke it06:52
Amaranthwhat directions?06:52
=== ajmitch doesn't blog, for that reason :)
Amaranthit was fun when everyone was reading it looking for new pymusique info06:52
Amaranthor new alacarte releases06:52
LaserJockwe need to bask in ajmitch's wisdom06:53
ajmitchLaserJock: I'm sure you'll just drown in the depth of my wisdom06:53
LaserJockblogging is good for people who want to talk and not work06:53
ajmitchif you could drown in something barely ankle deep06:53
ajmitchAmaranth: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PlanetUbuntu06:53
AmaranthLaserJock: but if i talk a lot the things i do work on get more attention ;)06:53
nixternalhrmm, I just did lspci and now my wifi card is totally different than what it really is06:54
Amaranththere is no way http://steelgryphon.com/blog/?p=98 is real06:54
Amaranthi thought only new england worked like that06:54
LaserJockajmitch: they say you can drown in 1 inch of water06:54
ajmitchLaserJock: now slice that water as thin as you possibly can06:54
ajmitchthat's how deep my wisdom is06:54
LaserJockajmitch, you are so full of crap06:55
ajmitchI agree06:56
Amaranthnow to decide: my whole blog or just a certain tag?06:56
Amaranthi don't think i've ever posted something that wouldn't fit the planet06:57
ajmitchif I blogged, I wouldn't put my whole blog on planet06:57
ajmitchsince I *know* that I'd want to blog stuff that people wouldn't want on planet :)06:57
Amaranthi suppose it can't hurt to have to tick an extra checkbox to make it go on planet06:57
=== ajmitch might put up something once this plone 2.5 setup is up & running
LaserJockI separate Ubuntu from others06:58
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockI'm also on another planet06:58
ajmitchhi Burgundavia 06:59
LaserJockso I try to keep things separated and relevant06:59
Burgundaviahey ajmitch, LaserJock06:59
FujitsuHey Burgundavia.06:59
Burgundaviahey Fujitsu06:59
LaserJockhi Burgundavia and Fujitsu 06:59
=== ajmitch wonders when CC voting will open :)
FujitsuHey LaserJock.06:59
FujitsuHas the Council Grayskull voting closed yet?07:00
BurgundaviaI urge you all to vote for me, as a for Corey is a vote for tyranny07:00
ajmitchFujitsu: tomorrow07:00
LaserJockFujitsu: ends the 15th07:00
ajmitchBurgundavia: we need more tyranny07:00
ajmitchkeep certain people in line07:00
ajmitchwho needs consensus when you can rule by decree?07:00
LaserJockconsenus really stinks a lot of the time07:01
LaserJocknot that it's bad in and of itself07:01
ajmitchit's a fine line to try & keep people going in the same direction07:01
LaserJockit just takes forever and in the end you have something that nobody feels passionate about07:02
LaserJockof course a less-than-benevolent tyranny is no fun07:03
ajmitchmmm, design by commitee07:03
ajmitchdid you read the latest CC meeting log?07:04
LaserJockI didn't yet07:04
ajmitchthe issue of people being on multiple councils, especially07:04
ajmitchthere was a spirited discussion, mainly sabdfl, mako & ubuntugeek :)07:04
Burgundaviaand what was the conclusion?07:05
ajmitchthat people on multiple councils will recuse themselves from decisions in certain situations07:05
ajmitchyou'd need to read the logs to see07:05
Burgundaviaseems reasonable07:06
ajmitchyeah, that was mostly sabdfl being persistent07:06
LaserJockwell, I honestly don't see how we can keep all the councils/governance orthogonal07:06
ajmitchthe other side was that someone serve on only one council07:06
LaserJockunless we start voting in people just because they aren't on a team yet07:06
ajmitchwhich gets pretty stupid07:07
ajmitchit's not like there are that many active MOTUs, yet we'll have a council of 507:07
=== RAOF|Away is now known as RAOF
LaserJockwell, as long as nobody nominates me for anything07:09
LaserJockI don't care what they do so much ;-)07:09
ajmitcharen't you already on the edubuntu council or something? :)07:10
LaserJockyes, and I don't think I need more07:10
=== ajmitch nominates LaserJock for TB
LaserJockmy term there will be up with Feisty07:11
ajmitchthough only sabdfl nominates07:11
LaserJockthat would be the stupidest thing ever07:11
ajmitchalmost as bad as me being on the TB :)07:12
ajmitchthey tend to have their meetings at awful times, too07:12
LaserJocklike the Launchpad meetings07:15
ajmitchhow's that going?07:15
LaserJockoh, ok07:15
LaserJockour bug for getting preloaded tags is in review07:16
ajmitchare some are our pet bugs getting addressed?07:16
LaserJockor rather the cod for it is in review07:16
ajmitchthat's for setting a tag with +filebug?07:16
LaserJockwell, I gave kiko the full list that I have07:16
LaserJockI also gave him a Top 5 list07:16
=== ajmitch is tired
LaserJockand he said he was putting people on it07:17
ajmitchI wonder if anyone will miss me if I skip this motu meeting ;)07:17
ajmitchI don't think they'll notice07:17
LaserJockof course they will07:17
LaserJockyou're like the MOTU Godfather or something07:17
=== _czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-057-019.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchmore like the senile old grandfather sitting rocking on the porch07:20
LaserJockI feel like a monkey trying to figure out this code07:22
LaserJockI just see something similar and copy-n-paste and change the variable names07:22
ajmitchcode monkey07:22
LaserJockand see how it breaks07:22
LaserJockthen change something, see how it breaks07:23
LaserJockad infinitum07:23
LaserJockI'm starting to get a little better then that07:26
LaserJockbut not a lot better07:26
=== ajmitch just thrashes around & hopes for the best with code
=== dholbach [n=daniel@i59F71A0E.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachgood morning07:32
dholbachhi Andrew07:32
ajmitchhi :)07:33
LaserJockhi dholbach 07:35
dholbachhi LaserJock07:36
=== LaserJock votes we start the meeting now
=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-74.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== ash211_ [n=andrew@user-112128p.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchsure, I'm awake now :)07:40
Amaranth@schedule Chicago07:43
AmaranthUbugtu: ?07:43
ajmitchthat'll only work in -meeting07:44
Amaranthworks in -offtopic too07:44
=== ajmitch shrugs
Amaranthooh, MOTU meeting in 3 hours07:44
Amaranthfirst one?07:44
ajmitchwe've been having them for a couple of years now07:44
ajmitchnot always very regular07:45
ajmitchthere was one 3 weeks ago07:45
Amaranthis the council stuff done yet? :)07:45
ajmitchvoting is still open07:45
Amaranthah, i thought this was the first meeting with the council in place07:45
=== bigon [i=bigon@imladris.bigon.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== ajmitch decides to depart for a couple of hours
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-47-9.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== MagnusR [n=magru@c83-252-237-96.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Zic_ [n=Zic@Final-Fantasy.FF-IRC.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Lure [n=lure@external-7.hermes.si] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretartmorning folks08:26
LaserJockhi siretart 08:28
=== Kagou [n=Kagou@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== LaserJock does the "it freaking builds" dance
=== robitaille [n=daniel@ubuntu/member/robitaille] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== davromaniak [n=cyril@AFontenayssB-152-1-34-119.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== dholbach [n=daniel@i59F71A0E.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockcan anybody tell me what an & is in C++?08:50
LureLaserJock: reference?08:50
LureLaserJock: in front of variable?08:51
crimsunit could be a bitwise AND.08:51
crimsunit depends on the context08:51
Lurecrimsun: right, but that is also in C...08:51
=== thill2708 [n=thomas@cpe-66-91-113-26.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
thill2708why isn't mountiso in the repos?08:52
crimsundo you want a serious answer to a contextless question?08:53
thill2708can we do both? 08:53
thill2708whichever you like first08:53
=== Lathiat puzzles
Lathiatdid you read "to a" as "or a" ?08:53
thill2708or a, apparently08:54
Lathiatyou suck :)08:54
thill2708so it seems08:54
thill2708ok, so how would I ask that question better?08:54
LaserJockthill2708: the problem is your question is sort of rhetorical08:55
LaserJockmountiso isn't in the repos because it isn't in the repos08:55
crimsun1) no source package of that name exists in Debian08:55
crimsun2) no source package of that name exists in REVU08:55
crimsun3) no source package of that name exits in Ubuntu08:55
thill2708do I have to be the author to request it into the repos?08:55
thill2708how does this usually work?08:56
LaserJockbut it's generally better if you do something more than "I want mountiso"08:56
crimsun---->  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New  <----08:56
LaserJockthill2708: we have a wiki page where you can request an app08:56
thill2708ah, yeah, looking now08:57
crimsunlook, linked from the topic!08:57
crimsunwhich people obviously never read08:57
thill2708just thought I'd blurt out something before researching08:57
LaserJockcrimsun: context is: if (family & 1){08:57
LaserJockof course, that's what we all do ;-)08:57
LaserJockexcept crimsun of course :-)08:57
StevenKLaserJock: What type is family?08:57
StevenKLaserJock: It's bitwise AND.08:58
LaserJockso what is that doing then?08:59
StevenKLaserJock: Which is silly, because it's the same as 'family == 1'08:59
LaserJockok, that's sort of what I thought it was08:59
LaserJockbut I'm not quite sure how an AND would do that09:00
LureStevenK: not precisely, it checks if family is odd number09:00
LaserJockhmm, how would I do "if family == 1 or family ==0"09:02
StevenKYup, Lure is correct. I didn't check closely enough.09:03
=== givre [n=Florent@APuteaux-152-1-90-40.w86-205.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockdo I just do if (family == 1 || family == 0){09:08
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@host-213-189-171-21.brutele.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StevenKLaserJock: No, because that isn't it. family & 1 returns true if family is odd.09:13
LaserJockStevenK: can you explain for my poor chemist brain why it returns true if family is odd?09:19
=== jwhitlark [n=jwhitlar@h-67-102-70-2.snfccasy.covad.net] has left #ubuntu-motu []
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LureLaserJock: bitwise AND 1 means that it checks the lowest bit in integer (bits go for 1, 2, 4, 8,...), therefore if you do bitwise AND 1, it will return true if lowest bit is 1 and since only this bit can give you odd number (all other bits give you multiple of 2 or sign (this is highest bit for int)09:30
LureLaserJock: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitwise_operation09:30
LureLaserJock: this may be much better explaination than mine ;-)09:30
=== coNP [n=conp@unaffiliated/conp] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockLure: wow, ok. Interesting09:34
LaserJockoh my goodness, it all works!!!!!09:36
siretartbigon: re: bug #84604 09:37
UbugtuMalone bug 84604 in sylpheed "[UVF exception request]  sylpheed 2.3.1-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8460409:37
siretartbigon: I'm at work right now, so I cannot sponsor your upload ATM. perhaps you manage to find a faster sponsor than me09:38
LaserJockok guys09:41
LaserJockI don't think I'm going to make it09:41
LaserJockI really have to go to bed :/09:42
=== freeflying [i=flyingfr@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== lukketto [n=lukketto@host86-8-dynamic.7-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretartslomo: re: UVF: we did agree that the 2nd ack upload the package, didn't we?10:19
=== twilight [n=twilight@ubuntu/member/twilight] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== givre [n=Florent@APuteaux-152-1-90-40.w86-205.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== sistpoty [n=sistpoty@ubuntu/member/sistpoty] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== luisbg [n=d33p@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== RAOF [n=chris@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusoHey sistpoty.10:47
TheMusoAre you coming to the MOTU meeting?10:47
sistpotyhi TheMuso10:47
sistpotyTheMuso: sure10:47
siretarthuhu sistpoty!10:48
sistpotyhi siretart10:48
=== TheMuso looks at the agenda.
=== ajmitch drags his carcass back to the keyboard
=== sistpoty needs more coffee... much more coffee *g*
StevenKajmitch: Who'd you kill?10:51
slomosiretart: we did? hm, maybe... will do in the future and later for the remaining ones i ack'd yesterday10:52
ajmitchslomo: yes, it was Decreed10:52
=== ajmitch wonders if there's enough people here for the meeting, or if he can go back & sleep :)
=== tmarble [n=tmarble@user-38q4et6.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== TheMuso is going.
ajmitchhi tmarble 10:55
tmarbleajmitch, hello!10:55
ajmitchgood to see you here & congrats on your ubuntu membership now :)10:55
tmarblethank you very much10:56
ajmitchyou're wanting to get further into the java areas?10:56
tmarblei dropped in to #ubuntu-meeting as I am most keen on becoming a MOTU (looking for advice on the next steps)10:56
tmarbleyes, now that more and more software is being (re)licensed under open source licenses (esp. Java) I'd like to get it packaged10:57
=== givre [n=Florent@APuteaux-152-1-16-179.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchthe next steps generally consist of doing the work & getting uploads sponsored10:58
ajmitchmaybe we could trade something for MOTU status, like a T2000 :)10:59
siretartslomo: ajmitch: I remember we agreed on that for SRU, not sure about UVF, but that's probably a good idea anyway10:59
=== tmarble sees fabbione has been bragging about his machines :)
ajmitchtmarble: I installed dapper on one awhile back :)11:00
=== siretart thinks a MOTU Metting on a valantines day is a bit unfortunate
siretartnot sure if I'm gonna make it11:00
ajmitchsiretart: right, it may have only been for SRU, not UVF11:00
ajmitchsince for UVF you may not have the whole thing to upload11:01
ajmitchtmarble: a local startup got some T2000s to play with, and I ended up setting up ubuntu on one11:01
ajmitchnot bad machines11:01
ajmitchsiretart: alright, we'll understand :)11:02
siretartajmitch: T2000?11:04
tepsipakkisun hardware11:05
tepsipakkii guess :)11:05
=== ajmitch had the model with 16GB RAM, 8 cores
tepsipakkiwe had one too, but I never saw it11:05
ajmitchI saw 4 of them in the rack (and heard)11:05
StevenKThey're 1 or 2RU, I can't remember which11:06
StevenKAnd noisy as hell11:06
ajmitch2U, iirc11:06
tepsipakkiheh, we have a rack of 1U HP opteron-servers.. they are mighty loud :)11:06
tepsipakkiglad that I don't have to visit the server rooms that often anymore..11:07
tmarblewell, yes, they *are* loud (at the advantage of being rather energy efficient).... on the SWaP metric (including space, heat and power along with performance) they outperform the competition 5x to 8x11:08
ajmitchthey're also quite fast (for certain tasks) :)11:09
siretartah, this remembers me, I did talk to michael at the local departement here, looks like we could setup a sprac dev machine for MOTUs11:10
ajmitchthat's good11:10
ajmitchit's still officially supported (for server at least)11:10
=== tsmithe wonders why sparc is supported but not ppc
ajmitchtsmithe: canonical deals, perhaps?11:11
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmithesounds likely11:11
ajmitchsabdfl isn't likely to drop sparc after making a big show of supporting it11:11
tsmitheguess not11:12
tmarblewell, and i think ubuntu has benefited from our partnership (lot's of media attention shared both ways)11:12
ajmitchand there are likely to be customers who run ubuntu on sparc11:13
tmarbleit's actually quite nice11:13
=== tmarble is not a solaris evangelist :)
tsmithewell, i wouldn't know (:11:13
=== ajmitch certainly preferred having a familiar linux system on sparc
=== davromaniak [n=cyril@AFontenayssB-152-1-78-206.w86-218.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretarthowever, there is still no sun java jre for linux/sparc. a showstopper at least for our departement11:18
=== ajmitch ran into that as well
tmarblesiretart, i am exquisitely aware of that (and we are working on it)11:19
siretarttmarble: cool! great to hear!11:22
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geserlionel: didn't notice it (only checked on packages.ubuntu.com) but as I don't know how to fix this ftbfs on ia64 I'll leave it like this for now11:33
lionelgeser: ia64 is not officialy supported btw11:34
lionel(and not a current arch I think...)11:34
=== TheMuso_ [n=luke@dsl-124-149-101-87.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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gesershould we sync iceape for replace of mozilla-browser?11:51
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@ubuntu/member/fujitsu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sistpotygeser: imo we should... but feel free to ask on -devel maybe s.o. has a different opinion there11:52
ajmitchnow I can get to bed before midnight :)11:53
ajmitchI'll try & get lists & bugs filed asap11:53
=== TheMuso commences minutes work.
ajmitchnight all :)11:54
TheMusonight ajmitch.11:54
FujitsuNight ajmitch.11:54
=== RAOF [n=chris@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusoHeya Fujitsu.11:55
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FujitsuHi TheMuso.11:57
sistpotygn8 ajmitch11:58
FujitsuHey sistpoty.11:58
sistpotyhi Fujitsu11:58
dholbachsistpoty: thanks (motu/faq)12:02
sistpotydholbach: you're welcome ;)12:02
=== Fujitsu blinks.
Fujitsu4400 {un,mult}iverse bugs... Not much fun.12:03
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
FujitsuHey Hobbsee.12:04
Hobbseehey Fujitsu!12:05
Hobbseehow's the meeting?12:05
sistpotyhi Hobbsee12:06
sistpotyHobbsee: we're done already 12:06
Hobbseeah, fair enough12:06
Adri2000did anyone log the meeting? (I hope so :)) I was at school... :/12:14
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs12:14
FujitsuHobbsee, they're probably not there yet.12:14
=== TheMuso did, as well as ajmitch.
TheMusoI'm doing the minutes now.12:14
HobbseeFujitsu: some of them might be12:14
=== tsmithe waves at everyone
TheMusoHey tsmithe.12:16
Adri2000TheMuso: can you put it at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/MOTU ?12:17
Adri2000hi tsmithe 12:17
Hobbseehey tsmithe!12:17
TheMusoAdri2000: Once I have written it, and posted to the ML, I will wikify it and put it up.12:17
=== tsmithe wishes for his shiny new cloak
tsmithecan i have a matt cloak then?12:22
=== Fujitsu graffitis tsmithe's future cloaks.
=== tsmithe grabs a past cloak
tsmithehehe you didn't think of that12:23
=== Fujitsu thinks of a better plan.
=== tsmithe steals Fujitsu's brain
=== tsmithe fails cos he couldn't find it
=== sistpoty heads off to uni
sistpotylater folks12:36
=== fernando_ [n=fernando@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
fernandomoin all12:47
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tsmithehi fernando 12:57
=== TheMuso sends minutes to mailing list.
TheMusoNow to prepare for wiki upload.12:58
=== pochu [n=pochu@38.Red-88-7-170.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseesiretart: can you ack https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ksynaptics/+bug/84738 please, per the last comment?01:14
UbugtuMalone bug 84738 in ksynaptics "UVFe request: ksynaptics" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  01:14
=== raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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enycHrrm I wonder who is going to test 77485 / 78005 SRU updates.... they definitely work.. using both the new packages on machines of my own... and 'sheer' uses them too...01:17
Hobbseeoh damn, i wanted to give feedback over UVF01:17
Hobbseethanks TheMuso 01:17
enycI dont know what the proceuder is when there seems to be limited-use of a simple SRU fix that does work but not enough testers !01:18
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs01:18
TheMusoHobbsee: np.01:19
TheMusoHobbsee: YOu can always reply to the relevant part from the minutes on the mailing list.01:19
HobbseeTheMuso: true :)01:20
TheMusoTHeres a big email I need to reply to on the accessibility list actually, but I need a fully awake brain to do so. :)01:21
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TheMusoHow do logs usually get put on the wiki for meetings? Automatically, or manually? If manually, where does one get the log in the format all the other logs are in?01:33
TheMusoAh I see01:38
TheMusodepends on who uploads them.01:38
TheMusoAnyways, I'm outa here folks.01:39
TheMusogah! How does one make sure new lines are new lines?01:41
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TheMusoIf anybody could please fix up the formatting on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/MOTU_2007-02-14, I'd much appreciate it. I am no wiki guru, and just don't know how to do it right. :)01:53
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Lutinajmitch: the file mlt++_0.2.2+cvs20070214-0ubuntu1.dsc seems to be stuck in revu, could you nuke it ?02:21
=== givre [n=Florent@APuteaux-152-1-24-177.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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xerxasHi all 02:59
=== ursula_ is now known as Ursinha
=== schultmc_ [n=schultmc@c-68-58-138-203.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== enyc looks for replies above...
enycI dont know what the MOTU SRU procedure is for whet there seem to be limited users of a working fix and there is trouble getting sufficent testers ;-)03:28
enycwhich is a problem for 77485 / 78005 bugs03:28
=== zul_ [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== proppy hugs dholbach
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@c-71-224-172-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianHeya gang04:03
geserHi bddebian04:04
UrsinhaUrsinha, hi hi04:07
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bddebianHello geser, Ursinha04:07
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=== Q-FUNK [n=q-funk@modemcable208.212-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Q-FUNKdo we have a feisty BSP channel?04:21
crimsun#ubuntu-bugs is the "bug channel"04:23
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Q-FUNKcrimsun: ah yes, that's the droid I was looking for :)04:27
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Q-FUNKweird bug with pulseaudio on feisty.  no sound and when launching an audio ap from commandline, some complaint about starting as  suid root withotu being a member of pulse-rg group.04:30
crimsunpurely diagnostic04:33
crimsunyou can add your user to pulse-rt04:33
Q-FUNKme senses it's gonna be a dist-upgrade issue for many04:34
Q-FUNK(rhythmbox:5919): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_element_dispose: assertion `GST_STATE_PENDING (element) == GST_STATE_VOID_PENDING' failed04:39
=== Retardedpope [n=erik@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Q-FUNKcrimsun: yup, I added all users there.04:42
Q-FUNKI still get the above.04:42
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RetardedpopeI would like to see "GPRS easy connect" in feisty, could anyone pack it?05:14
Retardedpope(before the feature freeze for univers)05:15
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lionelRetardedpope: could you add it to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Candidates05:34
Retardedpopelionel: I'll do that...05:36
Retardedpopelionel: or not, it's there already05:37
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geseroh, an other bddebian :)06:00
jdongaah! singular identity!06:01
jdongNO NO NO NO NO!!!06:01
=== jdong burns philosophy homework
jdongbddebian: are you the integration with zombie bddebian2?06:01
gesertwo bddebian can do twice as much work as one bddebian06:01
=== mayday_jay [n=mayday_j@maydayjay.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianAre you kidding, two bddebians can suck twice the intelligence out of this room :-)06:02
zulheh sven luther as dpl....that will be the day06:14
=== Lure [n=lure@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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Laser_awaydholbach: do you think the "packaging" and "bitsize" tags are a bit too generic?06:30
dholbachno, I don't :)06:32
Laser_awayhow will be separate Main from Universe, or bitsize for docs/artwork/etc. ?06:32
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Laser_awaydholbach: seems like we should use motu-*06:39
dholbachassign or subscribe motu and then mark 'bitEsize'06:39
Laser_awaybut then how do can't just search for motu tags06:40
dholbachyou can search for tags06:42
Laser_awayI guess06:42
Laser_awayseems overly complicated but it would keep the number of tags down06:43
dholbachwhat do you you suggest?06:43
dholbachI don't think that tagging bugs is complicated06:43
dholbachwe can have  tinyurl  for those canned searches on MOTU/Bugs06:43
Laser_awayI just wonder how much people will really pay attention to them06:44
bdmurraydholbach: I think tagging bugs is harder than it should be though06:45
dholbachI think it's a lightweight process of indicating "here's a problem that lies in packaging"06:45
Laser_awayI just think people might search for motu-* tags06:46
Laser_awayto see what different things are going on, etc.06:46
Laser_awaybut as you say, assigning or subscribing motu would fix that I guess06:46
dholbachI think we should have ONE specific tag across the distro06:46
Laser_awayalong with the canned searches06:46
dholbachyou can still search for universe bugs among them06:47
Laser_awayI just wonder how useful a tag is if it's so general that you have to then do more searching to narrow down the results06:47
Laser_awaybut I see your point06:47
dholbachbecause a new contributor wants to see bitesize tasks because she wants to help out06:48
dholbachat the moment there is NO bitesize task at all06:48
dholbachand I guess she doesn't care if it's in Universe or Main :)06:48
siretart_bitesize? what's that?06:48
dholbachsiretart_: a thing that you can fix "in one bite" :)06:49
dholbachsiretart_: if you don't want to "bite off more than you can chew" :)06:49
siretart_so I can mark all my bugs which I'm to lazy to upload just as bitesize, and hope somebody else does it :)06:50
dholbachi wrote a mail to bugsquad and motu to mark bugs as bitesize and packaging06:50
dholbachI think it's a good way to get bugs fixed and people involved06:50
dholbachwe have some in the bughelper project too06:51
Laser_awaydholbach: I understand what you are saying, but people "do" care if it's in Universe or Main06:51
siretart_"'bitesize' if you think that it's suitable for a beginner."06:51
siretart_that sounds really useful06:51
Laser_awayperhaps the approach from ~motu works fine06:51
dholbachLaser_away: you can still make the distinction if you care06:51
dholbachif you feel strong about it, let's discuss on the mailing list06:52
dholbachi'll approve your mails on ubuntu-bugsquad@.06:52
Laser_awayI just need to think about it06:52
siretart_with 'beginner' you mean a MOTU hopeful06:52
Laser_awayhmm, I guess I'm not on that list06:52
Laser_awayI should be I suppose ;-)06:52
siretart_espc. if the package is already in bzr :)06:54
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superm1bddebian, you around?07:17
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herziwhat's the ubuntu way of doing an RFP (request for package)? is there a meta-package so I can file those requests as bugs?07:30
mr_pouitherzi, you can add it on this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Candidates07:31
keescookI'm still confused about universe UVF; it seems to be listed twice on the Feisty schedule (8th and 22nd)07:34
LaserJock22nd is Feature Freeze07:34
keescookLaserJock: ah, okay.07:35
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sistpotyhi folks07:53
fernandohi sistpoty 07:55
sistpotyhi fernando07:56
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sistpotyhi ajmitch08:05
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LaserJockhi ajmitch 08:07
LaserJockI wonder how a "Software freedom is highly overated" planet post would go over? :-)08:08
zulafternoon ajmitch08:08
zulLaserJock: you will probably burst into flames08:09
ajmitchLaserJock: it'd be a great way to invite flames08:09
LaserJockmaybe I could tone it down a little bit08:10
_ionWe'll have to limit the freedoms of your software, otherwise the terrists win.08:10
LaserJockas long as I don't get RMS goonies at my door  I'd probably survive ;-)08:11
ajmitcheven the slightest concessions will get raving hordes beating down your door ;)08:12
zulof course if no one reads your blog then you are probably ok08:12
LaserJockyeah, that too08:12
LaserJockjust seems like there could be some balance08:13
zulyou can do it08:14
ajmitchgo for it08:15
ajmitchwe'll cheer you on08:15
LaserJockhehe. until you flame me :-)08:15
ajmitchI'd never08:15
ajmitchooh, 4h45 until motu council votes close08:16
LaserJockthat has been like the longest vote ever08:17
ajmitchCC will be longer08:18
ajmitchabout 3 months to get nominations, how long to get votes?08:18
LaserJockoh geeze, that's going to be fun08:19
zulLaserJock: I might flame you....I might not ;)08:19
zulmost likely not..08:20
=== Neonightmare [n=neonight@] has left #ubuntu-motu []
ajmitchcan you resist it?08:20
sistpotyLaserJock: I'd wait until the vote is done before you post :P08:20
LaserJockI'm not being voted on so I don't care08:21
LaserJockit'll take me 5-6 hrs to write the stupid thing anyway08:21
zulajmitch: nope08:21
=== TwoPints [n=frank@ACBD7A7B.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchsistpoty: why would the vote have anything to do with LaserJock trolling? ;)08:22
sistpotyajmitch: because I thought LaserJock would also be in MC... I blame the lack of sleep tonight *g*08:23
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LaserJockajmitch: trolling? surely not ;-)08:23
ajmitchnah he can troll away to his heart's content08:23
zultrolling = giving an alternate point of view08:24
LaserJockzul: of course08:24
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TheMusoHey MOTUs and hopefuls. :)08:52
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Ademan_is there any way to see previously revu-ed packages?09:08
Ademan_or more importantly, just a list of the packages that will be in fiesty09:08
mr_pouitAdeman, you can see archived packages on this page : http://revu.tauware.de/index.py?archived=true09:09
=== philwyett [n=philwyet@bb-87-81-146-45.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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bddebianOK, shoveling snow sucks.  Bring on the Global Warming!!09:13
Ursinhabddebian, hahahah :)09:14
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imbrandonmoins all09:27
bddebianHeya imbrandon09:27
imbrandonheya bddebian 09:27
sistpotyhi imbrandon09:27
bddebianHeya sistpoty09:27
jdongis nickserv not talking ot me or something?09:28
sistpotyhi bddebian09:28
imbrandonheya sistpoty 09:28
LaserJockhi *09:28
imbrandonello LaserJock 09:28
bddebianHeya LaserJock09:29
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imbrandonbddebian, i'm righht with you there, tooo much snow here for my taste09:33
imbrandonand ICE, i hate ICE09:33
imbrandoni did a 360 on the highway comming home from work yesterday09:34
imbrandonluckly i dident wreck09:34
LaserJockimbrandon: the joys of living in rural Montana, we used to go ice-skating with out cars ;-)09:38
jdongLaserJock: ice skating is more fun in cars09:39
jdongLaserJock: I call it SUV skating09:39
jdongyou can get like 21 mpg while skating09:39
jdong(in city that is)09:40
jdongand a very nasty hospital visit in highway.09:40
jdongand imbrandon , I know how you feel, I still remember when I spun out on the highway09:40
jdongfrom tapping the brakes on a non-ABS car09:40
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imbrandoni drive a chevy blazer suv09:47
imbrandonwith abs , and still spun09:47
TheMusoHeya imbrandon.09:47
imbrandonhey TheMuso 09:47
jdongimbrandon: ouch then that's just slick weather :)09:48
jdongimbrandon: find a slipping rabbit (hmm, what do you call the ice-testing equiv of a rabbit?)09:48
ScottKSorry I couldn't make the MOTU meeting.09:50
=== ScottK has read the minutes/irc log and is happy with the results on his adgenda item.
sistpotyScottK: could you please check MOTU/FAQ if that's clear enough?09:51
ScottKWill do.09:52
sistpotyoh, and TheMuso: excellent minutes, thanks a lot :)09:52
TheMusosistpoty: np.09:52
ScottKsistpoty: I think that "may lead to problems" is, um, problematic.  Assuming the audience is people who don't know a lot about packaging, I think the FAQ should either say what bad thing will happen (and let the packager decide/ask if it's a problem) or be directive and say "If you need to remove a file from the upstream debian dir, you need remove it and repack the original tarball instead".09:56
sistpotyScottK: oh, right... would you mind correcting this?09:58
ScottKI'll take a shot at it and then ask you to review.09:58
sistpotyScottK: great, thanks09:58
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ScottKsistpoty: How's that?10:04
sistpotyScottK: nice. thanks!10:05
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enycmeep moop10:08
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enycSomebody please tell me what the right thing todo is where there seem to be limited users of a working SRU universe fix and there is trouble getting sufficent testers to 'Works_For_Me' -- which is now a problem for 77485 78005  bugs.10:15
=== hagi [n=hagi@adsl-84-227-201-117.adslplus.ch] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sistpotyenyc: try to find more testers... e.g. you could ask around on #ubuntu, or you could write into the forums (well, I want to make a forum thread tonight anyways, once I've written the next sru-report)10:19
=== dholbach [n=daniel@i59F73F10.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sistpotyenyc: well, I guess we could make exceptions for really non-breaking SRU's like these two... but I don't want to make a decision on this yet, and rather wait two more weeks to see if the testing situation will improve10:23
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mattbhi there, I've just added myself to the team in launchpad, so that I can upload to REVU11:01
mattbapparently I ask someone here to sync the keyring now?11:01
jdongajmitch: ^^?11:02
sistpotymattb: I'm on it11:03
mattbcheers :)11:03
sistpotymattb: will take a few minutes until the script is finished11:03
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mattbok, I'll sit patiently 11:08
sistpotymattb: done11:10
mattbexcellent, many thanks11:10
sistpotyyou're welcome11:10
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Lutinrexbron: ping11:40
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rexbronLutin: hey11:41
rexbronLutin: I take it you got my email?11:42
Lutinrexbron: I actually didn't understand why you mailed me ;)11:42
rexbronLutin: cause you packaged it, wondered if you did the debian/copyright by hand, or with a script11:43
Lutinrexbron: I've never packages cinelerra11:43
rexbronLutin: you also changed the upstream debian files11:43
rexbronLutin: it was in regard to one of your packages that had many entries into debian/copyright11:44
rexbronLutin: WE are packaging Cinelerra, but do not look forward to having to comb through all the files manually for copyright info11:44
rexbronalso by we, I mean Ubuntu Studio11:45
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Lutinrexbron: sorry, I checked all the files manually when packaging mlt11:45
Lutinrexbron: it's really difficult to script such stuff11:46
=== janm [n=jmalonzo@ppp4592.dsl.pacific.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Lutinit assumes all the (C) are written the same way in all the files, which is likely not going to happen11:46
rexbronIt would be a nice tool to have11:47
Lutinit's really painful to check every single file11:48
LaserJockit's probably more painful when we have to remove the package from the repos because it's undistributable11:50
LaserJockbut yeah11:50
Lutinmissing licenses in some files are also painful11:51
=== jaldhar_ [n=jaldhar@c-24-0-153-89.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmithehum. anyone wanna put a word in, or help out with the UbuntuStudio project's review of cinelerra licences (so we can get it into universe) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/CinelerraReview11:54
LaserJocktsmithe: what is there to do exactly?11:54
LaserJockhave you put it on REVU yet?11:54
tsmithesome of the files are not under the same licence that the LICENSE file implies11:55
tsmitheand there are even non-free fonts distributed11:55
rexbronLaserJock: we need update the debian/copyright to reflect everything11:55
tsmithe(even in a gpl app)11:55
rexbroncinelerra = mess11:55
rexbronfor licencing11:56
LaserJockhehe, I know11:56
Lutinmultimedia = mess actually11:56
LaserJockbut what are you doing about it?11:56
tsmitheread the spec :)11:56
LaserJockhas -cv decided what to do?11:56
tsmitheupstream are indifferent11:56
LaserJockso are you removing the fonts?11:57
tsmitheof course11:59
tsmitheamongst other things11:59
tsmithe(*urges to read the spec*)11:59
LaserJockdoes the unlicensed code come from heroine?11:59
tsmithei don't know yet12:00
LaserJockI feel better if it comes from heroine12:01
LaserJockif it's code from elsewhere it's a bigger mess12:01
tsmithethey include libquicktime, etc12:02
tsmitheit's all in bzr if you want to check it out12:02
LaserJockbut are those parts that don't have licenses/copyrights ?12:03
tsmithesome... some just aren't GPL and aren't noted down as such12:03
tsmithe(as i said, the LICENSE suggests everything is GPL, which is plainly isn't)12:04
LaserJockare the licenses compatible?12:04
tsmithei'm not 100% sure of the entire situation yet. this is why we're running this review12:05
Lutinsistpoty: ping: even with debian policy, I don't really understand when the lib soversion has to be appended to the package name in a -dev package (eg libfoo1-dev vs libfoo-dev). any clues ?12:06
LaserJockwell, I have doubts if cinerella will ever make it12:06
tsmithepessimist :P12:06
LaserJockI'm almost positive it's won't make it in Feisty12:06
LaserJockI think heroine and -cv are illegaly distributing code12:06
tsmithethat's sad12:07
bddebianLutin: Have you read the library packaging guide?12:07
tsmithethey are12:07
tsmithethey just don't care12:07
Lutinbddebian: yes12:07
tsmithe(hence multiple *sigh*s)12:07
sistpotyLutin: usually you don't append it to the -dev package, unless you plan to have two incompatible versions of the same library in the archives12:07
LaserJockI don't think Ubuntu wants to have that12:07
tsmitheLaserJock, that's what we're out to fix)12:07
LaserJocktsmithe: but only the author can fix it12:07
LaserJockthat's the problem12:07
Lutinsistpoty: ok, thanks :)12:07
LaserJockbecause the author is the only entity that can change the license12:08
LaserJockyou can't just relicense things for people ;-)12:08
tsmithewe're not changing anything, i hope12:09
LaserJockI think heroine is the root of the issue12:09
LaserJockyou'll have to12:10
LaserJockyou have to have license/copyright info12:10
LaserJockunless you can convince heroine to look at their code and fix it I think it's not going to get anywhere12:10
LaserJockunless -cv steps up12:12
LaserJockbut it doesn't sound like they are very willing to do it12:12
rexbronLaserJock: cv is lazy12:12
LaserJockbut even then, I don't know that they can relicense the stuff12:12
LaserJocksince they got it from heroine, I'm assuming12:12
tsmithei don't think they can12:12
LaserJockwell, the only thing I can really see (if sending a patch doesn't work) is asking the FSF to step in12:13
=== _MMA_ kick LaserJock in the butt for the disheartening remarks. :(
LaserJocksorry _MMA_ 12:14
LaserJockI just don't want you guys to waste your time12:14
LaserJockif it's not going to work12:14
tsmithecome on LaserJock!12:14
tsmitheit's only 5200 files! :P12:14

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