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=== BrendanM [n=mccollam@hor-gold95.hor.ucl.ac.uk] has joined #xubuntu
BrendanMAnyone know how to setup pdf-cups so I can print to PDFs?12:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pdf-cups - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:51
SharnNope. =\12:51
maxamillionBrendanM: why do you need to print to PDF?12:52
maxamillionBrendanM: OOo can just export them and AbiWord can just save as PDF12:53
=== gripir is now known as gripiR
BrendanMActually, I'm trying to circumvent restrictions on a fill-in PDF that I downloaded. It won't let you save a filled-in copy12:55
BrendanMit will let you print a filled-in copy12:55
BrendanMit's actually cups-pdf, not pdf-cups. I think I figured it out12:56
ubotucups-pdf: PDF printer for CUPS. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.2-1 (edgy), package size 39 kB, installed size 240 kB12:56
maxamillionoh ... interesting12:56
BrendanMthere we go. By "printing" to a PDF, I've essentially saved a filled-out copy of the form.12:57
maxamillionBrendanM: nice12:57
=== Laibsch [n=Laibsch@p4020-ipbf2103marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #xubuntu
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zOapHi, I'm looking for laptops that work 100% with xubuntu 6.10, which means that all hardware are supported without to many fuzz. If anyone knows about more than one it is fine. We may have a whole line of lappies to choose from..(inernet store)01:17
SharnThere may be sites that sell only 100% compatible Linux laptops.01:17
maxamillionzOap: www.dell.com/linux01:17
Sharnmg. -checks-01:18
maxamillionzOap: www.system76.com01:18
zOapmaxamillion, thanks:)01:18
SharnNiiice find.01:19
maxamillionzOap: www.emperorlinux.com .... www.linuxcertified.com01:19
maxamillioni eat, sleep, and breath linux ... i try to keep my eye out for such things01:19
SharnVery impressives prices at system76.01:20
graziedon't dell charge the same for Windoze & Linux labtops? I can't figure that out myself?01:21
maxamillionSharn: the Dell prices are actually a little cheaper, but you have to install for youself because they only come with FreeDOS pre-loaded01:21
Sharnemperorlinus is pretty spendy, though..01:22
maxamilliongrazie: no, it is cheaper for a linux laptop from dell because you don't pay the microsoft licensing fee ... its only $60-80 cheaper, but its nice to stick it to the man from time to timr01:22
SharnEspecially since they're just thinkpads...01:22
maxamillionSharn: yes, very expensive for hardware that cost that much01:23
SharnThinkpads are popular. xD01:23
maxamillionThinkpads used to be awesome, but since Lenovo started building them it has gone downhill01:25
SharnYou sure?01:29
SharnI know the old ones often get Xubuntu thrown ont hem... :P01:30
Jester45yes.. he says the new ones arent good01:34
=== darrend [n=darren@43-015.adsl.zetnet.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu
Jester45anyone know how to use bash script to check from an installed program01:35
maxamillionJester45: what program01:35
Jester45no no01:36
Jester45check if its installed via script01:36
Jester45like if its installed give this out put01:36
maxamillionJester45: aptitude search mplayer .... if the output has an 'i' next to it then its installed01:37
Jester45it its not give this01:37
maxamillionyeah, uhmmm ... that would just be search functions01:37
Jester45how would i put that in script01:37
darrendJester45: FOO=`which mplayer`; if [[ "" != "$FOO"] ] ; then ...01:37
=== BFTD is now known as OGDA
darrendthose are backticks around the which command, not apostrophe's or quotes01:38
Jester45ok im still beginning scripting01:39
Jester45i put that in a terminal and all i get is a new line01:40
darrendthat's because it wasn't a complete script01:40
darrendi assumed you'd realise that01:40
darrendreplace the ellipses with:  echo "installed"; fi01:41
Jester45i said i now01:41
darrend also missing  a space in the first bit.01:43
darrendtry this:01:43
darrendFOO=`which mplayer`; if [[ "" != "$FOO" ] ] ; then echo "installed"; fi01:43
Jester45whats the fi01:44
darrendends the 'if' bloack01:44
darrendfind a tutorial from that link, there are some good ones01:44
Jester45ok i just started yester day01:45
darrendyou'll find it easier to work from a tutorial than ask on IRC01:45
Jester45one last question01:46
Jester45how can i make it a if not installed then do apt-get install mplayer01:47
darrendwell, apt wil lonly install if not already installed anyway so the script would be redundant01:48
darrendbut for the purpose of the script:01:48
Jester45but i dont what it to try each time or show that its trying01:48
darrendif [[ "" == "$FOO" ] ] ; apt-get install mplayer; fi01:48
Jester45so if the foo=`which mplayer` part comes back with somthing then its continuies01:50
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Jester45would if [[ "$yn" != "$y" ] ] ; then FOO=`which mencoder`; if [[ "" != "$FOO" ] ] ; then echo "installed"; fi02:00
=== Laibsc1 [n=Laibsch@p4020-ipbf2103marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #xubuntu
Jester45work ? if the $yn was a y/n question and the answer was yes02:00
Jester45or y02:02
darrendwouldn't it be easier to try i than to ask?02:03
Jester45i was going just now02:04
Jester45syntax error in conditional expression02:04
Laibsc1I am not much of an expert with wireless.  Will two clients connected to the same AP generally be able to see/ping each other?02:05
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=== cellofellow [n=josh@] has joined #xubuntu
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cellofellowhow do I set how many virtual terminals I have? The default is six and I never use that many so I figured I'd reduce that number to three or four.02:27
Jester45remove the gettys i think02:28
cellofellowI mean permenantly. I think init creates the virtual terminals (which I think are virtual serial ports o something.) so init would be the place to look.02:29
Jester45thats what i ment02:30
cellofellowha, just googling instead.02:31
cellofellowweird. kernel panic (in the guest system) when I use -kernel-kqemu in qemu.02:31
Jester45how you get kqemu i couldnt figure that out02:33
Jester45dont talk to me i ahve to get to work02:33
cellofellowI see what you mean02:34
cellofellowI just compiled it02:34
Jester45stop that02:34
cellofellowSee what you mean about the getty's02:34
cellofellowstop what?02:34
Jester45talking to me02:34
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cellofellowJester45: you ok?02:37
cellofellowdid I say something?02:37
Jester45SHUT UP!!!!! :)02:37
PuMpErNiCkLeHe has to go to work, and lacks multitasking skills. ^_^02:38
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cellofellowhe could just sign out if he's having that much trouble02:38
=== kalikiana_ stumbles into the romo, accidentally pulling every piece of work from Jeser45's desktop.....
Jester45you no listen??02:38
Jester45im learning/working02:39
=== cellofellow just puts his foot in his mouth.
=== kalikiana_ throws a pillow in Jeser45's direction
=== Daemonic [i=Daemonic@adsl-70-233-248-190.dsl.okcyok.sbcglobal.net] has left #XUbuntu []
Jester45would anyone like to point out what i doing wrong with a bash script02:40
=== cellofellow is no expert, but finds bash scripts simple
cellofellowwhat's the problem?02:40
kalikiana_I would, but I find bashscripts have a horrid syntax :P02:40
cellofellowmaybe C Shell?02:41
Jester45paste bin ing02:42
Jester45it doesnt work good02:44
Jester45i been going into this kinda fast02:45
cellofellowusing qoutes in echo is probably a good idea.02:46
Jester45works fine with out them for now02:46
Jester45but will add02:46
Jester45and do a spellscheck :)02:46
cellofellow'sides that, I've no idea what to do.02:46
PuMpErNiCkLeEnding ifs with fis is probably also good.02:46
Jester45i have a habit of not thinking when typing so i misspell a lot02:47
cellofellowjust run ispell (or aspell, can't remember exactly on Ubuntu) on it.02:48
Jester45i have that on ff and irc02:49
Jester45not mousepad02:49
cellofellowjust aspell -c thefile02:50
Jester45PuMpErNiCkLe: any reason why that wouldnt work02:50
cellofellowuse more lines and \(newline) to keep it readable02:50
=== commandosquirrel [n=Devon@ip72-195-184-139.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #xubuntu
Jester45i get error aT LINE 2402:50
Jester45syntaz error near unexpected token `then'02:51
cellofellowuse fi, like PuMpErNiCkLe said02:52
PuMpErNiCkLeYou didn't close your `.02:52
=== commandosquirrel [n=Devon@ip72-195-184-139.mc.at.cox.net] has left #xubuntu []
PuMpErNiCkLe$(stuff) and a text editor with parantheses matching are your friends.02:53
bigfuzzyjesusi got my thinkpad working02:53
Jester45o man02:54
Jester45im so confused02:54
bigfuzzyjesusJester45, bout what02:55
SharnPmg. Jester45. CONFUSED?02:55
Jester45that script im trying to make02:55
cellofellowJester45: try scite, it's good for all sorts of code. C, bash, python.02:55
cellofellowhas highlighting.02:56
cellofellowor just vim with :syntax enable02:56
Jester45its just bash and should be simple02:56
cellofellowit's not as simple as all that02:56
Jester45all i need is 2 strings one if its PAL and one if its NTSC and then edit the aspect ratio02:58
Jester45the part above that is checking for installed mplayer and enocder02:59
cellofellowseems like what you've got is syntax errors and an editor with syntax highlighting helps a lot.02:59
Jester45this would be a good script03:00
Jester45turn any video into a dvd03:00
Jester45very simple once its done03:00
SharnSweet. I would use it. :O03:01
=== sunnz2 [n=zac@ppp115-5.static.internode.on.net] has joined #xubuntu
Jester45i know03:01
Jester45i could get the part after encoding done in 10 mins03:01
Jester45but this encoding part is nasty03:02
Jester45Sharn: you wouldnt happen to know bash?03:02
SharnHah. No03:02
SharnRofl.. I can't even get DOS to isntall.03:03
=== sunnz2 [n=zac@ppp115-5.static.internode.on.net] has joined #xubuntu
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free03:05
Jester45install the rar package to use it in xarchiver03:06
Jester45or install the free one and use unrar e to extract it03:07
=== malnilion [n=malnilio@] has joined #xubuntu
malnilionSo a new kernel appeared in the repository the other day and was installed apparently successfully, would you guys think it'd be alright to go ahead and remove the old kernel?03:15
PuMpErNiCkLeIf the new one works, and you feel comfortable not having a backup... sure.03:16
malnilionGood stuff.03:16
cellofellowJester45: no credit to me for you hostname on your website. :)03:18
Jester45you can put it there03:18
Jester45you have access to the ftp right?03:18
cellofellowI do, but I don't want to it's yours03:19
Jester45i dont care if you do anything with it03:19
cellofellowwhatever you say03:20
Jester45you can add a link03:20
Jester45dont delete my stuff03:20
Jester45did you know furniture polish can really get rid of hard skin?03:21
Jester45i got little baby hands now :003:21
cellofellowand I can't get into your FTP server03:22
Jester45o well03:22
Jester45brb afk03:22
=== malnilion [n=malnilio@] has joined #xubuntu
Sharn....that's nice. xD Furniture polish...03:45
Jester45yep it works03:45
SharnAnyone know how to make a folder into a floppy .img?03:47
SharnNo-one? O:03:51
malnilionWhy not just copy the folder over to the floppy disk in question?03:55
Sharn..... do you have floppys? xD03:57
SharnI don't even have a floppy drive...03:57
=== Jester45 [n=Jester45@d28-69.rt-bras.wnvl.centurytel.net] has joined #xubuntu
malnilionSharn, why do you need to make a .img then :P04:15
BlueEaglesharn: sounds like you want to make a file with dd then mount it with -o loop and then copy the files to it.04:17
BlueEaglesharn: You should be able to format it once it's mounted.04:17
BlueEaglesharn: Then it will act just like a floppy disk.04:17
Jester45can you make a bash script wait a number a seconds to wait for a command to finsih04:17
BlueEaglejester45: man wait04:18
Jester45i know there is plain wait but that waits for a command to finish04:18
BlueEaglemake that: man sleep04:18
Jester45sllep n04:18
Jester45sleep n (n is the seconds)?04:18
=== malnilion would guess milliseconds
BlueEaglejester45: man sleep04:19
BlueEaglejester45: or info sleep04:19
=== malnilion would be wrong :P
Jester45i have somthing for the user to input somthing if they are not ready for my script to do somthing04:19
malnilionIt's seconds04:19
Sharnmalnilion: I'm making floppy images for VMware04:19
Jester45would you say 5 secs is good04:19
Jester45for a user to ctrl c the script04:20
Jester45im also doing it this way for addes experience04:20
malnilionI'd make it 10 if it was gonna fuxor things :P04:20
Jester45well its not a hard choise04:20
BlueEaglesharn: Again. man dd to get the manual. You want if=/dev/zero and of=/path/to/filename.img and you need to specify the size (check the manual for syntax). Then you mount the file with -o loop to a mount point and format it as a floppy disk. Then you copy the files over and unmount the file and you've got yourself a brand new floppy disk image containing the files you want,.04:21
Jester45choice the things above it is only inputing file path and type of dvd wanted04:21
malnilionHeh 5 seconds should be fine then :)04:22
Jester45i just tested it04:23
SharnBlueEagle: Alright, I'll look into it. Thanks. :)04:23
BlueEaglesharn: Upi04:23
BlueEaglesharn: You're welcome.04:23
Jester45and 7 cools good 10 to long for ppl that know the script and if they look away user might miss the 5 sec04:24
Jester45this is starting to look good04:25
Jester45but its kinda not working now but i working deeper i think its gonna fix it04:26
=== Dell_Boy [n=Linux_Ma@ip70-181-173-229.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #xubuntu
Dell_BoyI need Help. I am New to Linux04:28
SharnWhat'da need help with? :P04:29
Dell_BoyServer X?04:29
Dell_Boywhat is that04:29
Dell_Boyit says my Graphical interface is not set up correctly04:29
SharnYou mean the "X Server" Like, X.org?04:29
Dell_Boywhat do i do?04:29
SharnWhere at does it say that?04:30
=== MagicFab_ [n=magicfab@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #xubuntu
Dell_Boyafter it shows Swap something04:30
Dell_Boyits after i hit start or install Xubuntu04:30
SharnSo, at startup?04:30
SharnSo, does it never make it past text?04:30
Dell_Boyit doesnt make it past04:31
Dell_Boyim using an ATI Radeon 9250 PCI DDR 256mb04:32
SharnDid you try to isntall drivers for it?04:32
Dell_Boytheirs drivers?04:32
Dell_Boyi only got the Windows Drivers(i think)04:32
SharnYeah... do you not have Xubuntu installed at all?04:32
SharnLike, is that happening on the livecd04:32
Dell_Boyim on Window Currently04:33
SharnOoooh. Ouch.04:33
SharnI think that might be over my head...04:33
Jester45as long as its xp i dont care04:33
Dell_Boyyes its XP04:33
Dell_Boyim trying to have Linux and XP on my HD04:34
Jester45ok whats wrong with the x server04:34
SharnIf you had it installed, you could probably dpkg or whatever it is and fix it... Being a live cd, I'm not sure how to fix it.04:35
Dell_Boyit says Server X  ( graphical interface) is not set up properly (i think)04:35
Jester45and have you installed it or using live cd04:35
=== MagicFab [n=MagicFab@ubuntu/member/magicfab] has joined #xubuntu
SharnHe says he's using the live cd..04:35
Dell_Boyusing LiveCD trying to try Linux out04:35
Dell_Boythen see if i wanna instal it04:36
Jester45well you cant edit things on the live cd... only once its booted04:36
=== MagicFab_ [n=MagicFab@modemcable175.169-57-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #xubuntu
SharnI think it's all booted except for X...04:36
Jester45becuase the live cd is on a cd and even if it was a rewriteable04:36
Dell_Boyoh dangit04:37
Jester45the fs i scompressed04:37
SharnDell_Boy: does it come to a login prompt or anything?04:37
SharnWhat does it do after the error?04:37
=== MagicFab_ [n=MagicFab@modemcable175.169-57-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #xubuntu
Dell_Boyits after swap something [ok] 04:37
Dell_Boythen something else [ok] 04:37
Dell_Boythen it does the Server X problem04:37
SharnDoes it just hang there? Not go any farther?04:38
Dell_Boyit stays there after i hit ok couple of times04:39
Jester45o its messing up during boot04:39
=== MagicFab_ [n=MagicFab@modemcable175.169-57-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #xubuntu
Dell_Boyit says "After fixing Restart GDM"04:39
Dell_Boyshould i download the Radeon Drivers for Linux?04:39
Jester45try waiting for someone smarter like PuMpErNiCkLe or crimsun to look04:40
Jester45no you shouldnt04:40
Jester45the driver for ati that comes with xubuntu supports all the caRDS to some extent04:41
SharnYeah... the livecd should boot almost no matter what card you have..04:41
Dell_BoyI burnt the Xubuntu Disk from the internet04:41
Jester45what version04:42
Jester45drapper or edgy04:42
Dell_Boyhold on04:42
SharnI'm pretty sure that's not the problem. :P04:42
Dell_Boy6.10 Edgy Eft04:42
SharnYou COULD try Dapper.. It may work better.04:42
Jester45Sharn: could make the problem more specific04:42
Jester45drapper is more stable04:43
Dell_Boyok it did the same thing with Ubuntu04:43
Jester45is pre drapper supported any more?04:43
Dell_Boy6.10 Desktop04:43
SharnIf it doesn't take you too long to download the disc, I would try it.04:43
SharnAnd, Jester45, I don't think they are..04:43
SharnYou want a link, Dell_Boy?04:43
SharnOne sec04:44
SharnYou want Xubuntu or Ubuntu?04:44
Jester45goo choice04:44
Dell_Boyi only have 700mb black CDs04:45
SharnHmmmm. Do you torrent or just direct download?04:45
Dell_Boydirect download04:45
Dell_Boywhats Torrent?04:45
SharnTorrent directs the load away from the server. Everyon uploads and everyone downloads.04:46
Dell_Boythis is going to take awile to download04:47
SharnIt'll take as long as the other ones. =\04:48
Jester45the torrents also can be faster04:48
Jester45because the severs dont have that much speed but many users have more speed04:48
Dell_Boythats cool04:48
Jester45and even the dial upers can add up04:49
Dell_Boywould BitTorrent do it?04:49
Jester45if you dl from 50 dial up connections you can get 100k/s04:49
Jester45yes that would work04:49
SharnThat's exactly it... :P04:49
Jester45you can try that it might be faster04:49
Dell_Boymy Download Speed supposed to be 7Mbps04:50
Jester45also you need to give it time to connect to people04:50
Jester45with direct dls you connect to 1 place on torrents i connect to about 100 per torrent04:50
Dell_BoyWhere do i get the Torrent File for Xbuntu?04:51
SharnI'll grab it, one sec.04:52
Dell_Boythank you04:52
SharnGotta make myslef helpful somehow. xD04:52
Dell_Boy3days XD04:53
Dell_Boylol now its 2days04:54
Jester45Sharn: you keep xubuntu iso links in your clipboard? :004:54
Dell_Boythats cool04:54
Jester45give it 15 mins and that is probly top speed04:54
Jester45but ig the ETA keep droping then wait some more04:55
SharnJester45: xD ah, the site's easy to get to though. :P04:55
Dell_BoyWhat can i get with Bit Torrent?04:55
Sharn...stuff. :O04:55
Jester45and if it gets faster than the direct download then stop that04:55
Jester45Dell_Boy: anything04:55
Jester45Dell_Boy: on one "torrent" vista has been downloaded 30,000 times04:56
SharnWho's going to tell me how to add stuff to my floppy?04:56
Jester45and its been there 2 weeks04:56
Dell_BoyVISTA on Torrent04:56
Jester45im not suggesting it :004:56
Sharnthen there's ten or so others equaling another 10,000. :P04:56
Jester45vista sucks so bad04:56
Dell_BoyI use Limewire XD04:56
SharnVista ftl.04:56
SharnLimewire ftl.04:56
Jester45do you get videos from limewire?04:56
SharnFrostwire and Xubuntu ftw. ^_^04:57
Dell_Boydont do it04:57
Jester45gtk-gnutella ftw04:57
Dell_Boyvideos programs contain Trojans trust me i tried it04:57
SharnJester45: short answer: no. Look answer: you can try. :P04:57
SharnIt'll be slow and chances are it won't work anyhow.04:57
SharnaXXo. Torrentspy.04:57
SharnNothing. -whistles-04:58
Dell_Boyits back to 3days04:58
SharnIt'll speed up.04:58
Dell_Boyi hope so04:58
Jester45Dell_Boy: the most downloaded torrent on mininova.org is season 1 eps. 3 of desprate house wifes and has been downloade d 1,300,000 times04:58
SharnOk, how the heck do I add my files to my fake floppy.04:58
SharnAre you serious?!04:59
Jester45dd it Sharn04:59
SharnAhhh. dd sucks. :P04:59
Jester45well i got that from memory i know its the same show and its over 1 mill04:59
SharnOh that's sad.05:00
Jester451,061,000 times05:00
Jester45and by the looks of the leachers/seeds itsgoing strong05:01
Jester45aa i got the season and ep mixed05:01
Jester45season 3 ep 905:01
Dell_Boyno way i found the sims 1 on BitTorrent05:01
SharnStupid Playstation Underground. >.<05:01
SharnDell_Boy: you can find lots of weird stuff in torrents...05:02
Dell_Boyoh.... im new to it05:02
Jester45like thinks with many x's05:02
Jester45http://thepiratebay.org/tor/3513851/Freelancer_NO.CD.KEY.NEEDED is not my upload :) the guy just copied my user name05:03
Jester45has 6000+ dls05:03
Jester45very happy about that05:04
Jester45nice game05:04
Jester45very nice05:04
SharnThey're changing up daylight savings time again. >.<05:04
SharnWhat is Freelancer?...05:04
Jester45a great game05:07
Jester45i think ms still has it online05:08
SharnThey put Ubuntu in Popular Science. :O05:08
Dell_Boyya thats where i found how to install it05:08
SharnOh, sweet. Welcome to the open-source world. As soon as you get into it. :)05:08
Sharn(They theme lots better) :P05:09
=== Mlittle [n=Mlittle@rn-was3a19.uwaterloo.ca] has joined #xubuntu
SharnThat's an old game....05:10
Jester45yes it is05:13
Jester45but looks wonder full still05:14
Jester45i wish the reall world looked like that05:14
Jester45best thing ms made05:14
SharnQuake still looks cool too. :P05:14
Jester45no freelancer looks great not cool05:16
Jester45big diffrence :)05:17
SharnYeah yeah...05:19
SharnThis floppy thing is being so freaking stupid. >.<05:19
Jester45glade you see it my way05:19
Dell_BoyI found a version of Ubuntu that faster for my impatient personality05:19
Jester45ok now about my script problem05:20
Dell_Boyits in a .exe format05:20
SharnWell, you can try it.05:21
Dell_Boyill see if it works05:21
SharnI prefer mine custom anyway. ^_^05:21
=== Sharn needs something to do with those silly Windows 3.1 floppies
Jester45if [[ "$type" == "NTSC"] ] ;05:24
Jester45gives me  syntax error in conditional expression: unexpected token `;'05:24
=== Dell_Boy gets confused by linux codes
=== Jester45 also does
malnilionAre there supposed to be quotes around $type?05:25
SharnJester45: likes confusing linux lines...05:25
PuMpErNiCkLeJester45: Are you doing if [[ stuff ] ]  then ...05:26
Jester45PuMpErNiCkLe: ??05:26
Jester45im not sure05:26
SharnYeah, if that's true, then what?05:26
PuMpErNiCkLeIs that an if/then statement?05:26
malnilionThere probably shouldn't be a ; at the end.05:26
Jester45i dont anything about if stuff05:26
PuMpErNiCkLemalnilion: Exactly.05:26
Jester45yeas its a if ten05:26
PuMpErNiCkLeDon't use the ;05:26
Jester45but without the ; i get a05:26
Jester45syntax error in conditional expression05:27
malnilionAnd then you try removing the quotes around $type?05:27
Jester45syntax error near then05:27
Jester45i will try that05:27
malnilionThis still that bash script you're working on?05:28
Jester45yes lol05:28
Jester45i had to do some other things05:28
=== malnilion should consider learning some bash scripting.
malnilionThe syntax, rather.05:31
SharnYeeeeah. Good luck. :P05:31
malnilionEasier than learning assembly, I'd wager :P05:31
=== esc_ [n=esc@p57BB51A2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu
Jester45if [[ "$type" == "NTSC"] ] ; then <----- gives a error about the ;05:32
Jester45with out the ; gives syntax error in conditional expression near `then'05:32
Jester45and removing the "" around $type doesnt help05:32
malnilionFrom what I can tell, bash doesn't look too hard...05:32
SharnVb ftw. xD05:34
SharnJoking, rofl... Haven't used VB for a long time.05:34
malnilionOkay, I'm looking at the bash man entry right now.05:34
malnilionAnd you know what? The damnedest thing is that it appears you *do* have to have a semicolon after your if statement.05:35
=== Sharn prefers php
Jester45PuMpErNiCkLe: want to look at my code?05:35
Jester45o and FOO=`which mencoder`; if [[ "" != "$FOO" ] ] ; then05:36
Jester45echo "mencoder is installed";05:36
Jester45doesnt compline about anything05:36
Dell_BoyBye everyone05:37
malnilionHave you tried switching "NTSC" and "$type" around in the if statement (just for shits and giggles)? :P05:37
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SharnMay work. ^05:38
SharnJoking, I have no clue.05:38
Jester45bash needs to stop being gay05:41
SharnNo comment. xD05:42
malnilionGay bashing, lol05:43
Jester45i think i fixed it05:44
malnilionWhat'd ya do?05:44
Jester45yea fixed that05:45
Jester45if [[ "$type" == "NTSC"] ] ; the05:45
Jester45should of been05:45
Jester45if [[ "$type" == "NTSC" ] ] ; the05:45
Jester45very suttle05:46
malnilionAre you kidding me?05:46
malnilionWhitespace matters?05:46
malnilionThat's stiff.05:46
Jester45lol guess so05:47
Jester45still doesnt work perfectly05:47
malnilionWhat error you got now?05:47
SharnWelcome to programming. xD05:47
=== malnilion is finding this fascinating :)
Jester45no error just not finished05:48
Sharnmalnilion: do you program anything now?05:48
malnilionA little bit of Java, nothing fancy.05:48
malnilionCould do some C++ too.05:48
Jester45now my problem is that im not sure how to do this05:48
malnilionI'm a comp sci major, though, so I should theoretically be getting better :P05:49
Jester45im trying to automate dvd making encoding-authoring-burning05:49
malnilionLooks like you got the encoding part :P05:49
Jester45and the way im doing it05:49
Jester45is the first thing to encode is to check audio type and if needed to encode it05:50
Jester45now if its ac3 then nothing is done but if its somthing else i need to run a 2nd part of the script05:50
Jester45how could i do this05:50
malnilionAh, here's where oop is helpful05:51
Jester45i think i could run a 2nd outside script05:51
SharnSheesh... Probably fancier than mine. ^_^05:51
malnilionBut would you need to? Maybe not.05:51
Jester45but thats not what i would realy like05:51
malnilionLet's see what I can find about bash scripting.05:51
=== Jester45 runes to pastebin
malnilionAlright, let's make a function :)05:54
Jester45thats for if the audio is ac305:55
Jester45sorry if its a little sloppy to you05:55
Jester45its my 2nd script05:55
Jester45working up the ladder05:55
malnilionif [[ "$audiotype" != "ac3" ] ] ; then do_other_shit();05:55
malnilionor something05:55
malnilionCan you get the audio type into a variable somehow?05:56
Jester45well at line 3905:56
Jester45it figures if its ac3 or not05:56
malnilionAh, there ya go.05:57
Jester45hwac3 is ac305:57
Jester45like all my comments?05:57
malnilionif [[ "$AUDIO_FORMAT" != "hwac3" ] ] ; then do_other_shit();05:57
malnilion^ maybe?05:57
malnilionYeah, comments are helpful.05:57
Jester45they work as a separator for me05:58
malnilionOr here's what you can do:05:58
malnilionif [[ "$AUDIO_FORMAT" == "hwac3" ] ] ; then { code that you want to execute if it's true goes here } else { code that you want to do if it's false goes here }05:59
malnilion^ use appropriate line breaks with the curly braces por favor :)05:59
Jester45ok the above suggestion i need to be able to run 2 diffrent mencoder commands 1 for PAL and 1 for NTSC06:00
Jester45ok the above above06:00
Jester45so could i do06:00
Jester45the line 39 thing to get a $audio_format06:01
Jester45i c06:01
malnilionbash scripting has a strange syntax, lol06:03
Jester45do you know html?06:04
malnilionA tiny bit, probably forgotten most of it.06:04
Jester45you know the bookmark thing06:04
malnilionWish I could say I did.06:04
Jester45the www.blah.com/pagethis.html#skiptothispart06:05
malnilionOh, right.06:05
SharnI never got that part. :P06:05
Jester45tink bash has this06:05
Jester45i need to take a break06:05
Jester45head is over thinking again06:05
SharnWell, you guys have fun. I'm off.06:06
=== Sharn [n=dino@dsl-216-128-233-200.teton.id.tetontel.com] has left #xubuntu []
malnilionJust remember, your script runs in the order you specify with control structures06:06
Jester45but can i make a umm subsection06:07
malnilionThe answer is most likely yes :P06:07
malnilionYou are probably asking if you can make a function.06:07
Jester45ok do you understand what i need to so06:07
Jester45to do*06:08
Jester45as far as the encoding part06:08
Jester45its like a tree06:08
Jester45first think is the file then if the audio is right then if its PAL or NTSC then is its wide or full screen06:09
malnilionYep, you just use if statements for each step.06:10
Jester45after the audio i need to do a 2nd if06:11
Jester45not just one command06:11
Jester45can i do06:11
malnilionYou're saying you want to add another command to that if statement?06:11
Jester45if [[statement] ] ; then06:12
Jester45run this06:12
Jester45else run this if statement06:12
Jester45can the else contane a if statemtent06:12
malnilionYep, that'd be an else if.06:13
malnilionShould work.06:13
=== Jester45 needs lots of luck and his head to stop over thinking
malnilionI think you need to use the symbol "elif"06:14
malnilionif [[statement] ] ; then06:14
malnilionrun this06:14
malnilionelif [[statement] ] ; then06:15
malnilionrun this06:15
Jester45whats the diff06:15
malnilionI just think that's how the bash syntax works06:15
Jester45well i will try with noramal if06:15
malnilionYeah try an else if first06:17
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malnilionelif is a correct method, though06:19
malnilionOoooh, found something interesting.06:21
malnilionUntil you close an if with a fi, it's open for nesting :P06:21
malnilionWeird, weird syntax :P06:22
Jester45hsould i put 2 fi06:26
malnilionAre you updating that pastebin?06:26
malnilionOkey dokey :)06:27
Jester45thought i was spamming the old one06:29
Jester45its working!!!!!!!!106:30
Jester45now the video i did was only vid no sound06:30
Jester45but now it understands it06:30
Jester45you try it?06:31
Jester45i think it encoded 2 times06:32
Jester45it keeps encoding06:37
malnilionOh dear... :/06:38
Jester45not good for encoding06:38
Jester45i removed somthing06:39
Jester45works now06:39
Jester455.4 % over head06:40
Jester45989kb avi into 2.3mb mpeg06:40
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malnilionJester45, so I take it it's working?07:20
malnilionSweet, now the next part of the code? :P07:20
Jester45allmost done with step 2 of 307:20
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malnilionWhen you really wanna get fancy you can put in user prompts into your script ("Do you want me to try installing blah for you?" if yes, blah, if not, exit the script) :P07:24
Jester45yea i kinda have that07:25
Jester45echo you wanna install this07:27
Jester45read (user'simputas a word)07:27
Jester45so read type07:27
Jester45on my script was07:27
Jester45do you want a NTSC or07:27
Jester45PAL dvd07:27
malnilionMan, I love linux.07:30
=== b_52Free [n=skimo@adsl196-74-41-217-196.adsl196-10.iam.net.ma] has joined #xubuntu
Jester45do you know where i could get a little xml file hosted?07:39
Jester45 i need it for the authoring part but my site itsnt on 24/707:39
=== BrianR [i=Brian@host-69-144-45-20.msl-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #xubuntu
BrianRcan someone help me07:42
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BrianRI shoutcast with a shoutcast plugin in winxp I am switching to Ubuntu can you shoutcast with it to a shoutcast server?07:42
BrianRhow can you do that can you tell me wich program?07:42
Jester45i remeber that shoutcast has a linux server07:42
Jester45just second let me look07:43
BrianRI don't have my ubuntu cd yet07:43
BrianRgoing to be 4 to 6 weeks but your help is appreciated07:43
BrianRI know it's weird07:44
Jester45all you have to do is run "sudo apt-get install icecast-server"07:44
Jester45and it will be installed07:44
Jester45im not sure how you set it up07:45
BrianRI want to dj from ubuntu?07:45
BrianRto a already exsisting server07:45
Jester45yes you can do that with icecast07:45
BrianRoh and it will connect to shoutcast servers huh?07:45
Jester45you send your stream to s aserver that has more bandwidth07:45
Jester45yep as i said i dont know how to set it up but it should be easy07:46
Jester45!info icecast-server07:46
ubotuicecast-server: MPEG Layer III Streaming Server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.3.12-14 (edgy), package size 176 kB, installed size 728 kB07:46
Jester45this might work07:46
BrianRok thanks07:46
=== BrianR [i=Brian@host-69-144-45-20.msl-mt.client.bresnan.net] has left #xubuntu []
Jester45!info darkcast07:46
ubotuPackage darkcast does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas07:46
Jester45!info idjc07:47
ubotuPackage idjc does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas07:47
Jester45!info darkice07:47
ubotudarkice: Live audio streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.17.1-1 (edgy), package size 94 kB, installed size 308 kB07:47
Jester45you can search the ubuntu forums they might have somthing more detailed about it07:47
=== Rymac91 [n=ryan@cpe-75-179-133-65.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu
Rymac91hey! I got something to work!07:48
Jester45need help then?07:49
Rymac91I was wondering how to install firefox 207:49
Jester45ask way07:49
Jester45are you on drapper07:49
Jester45or adgy07:49
Jester45whats the default version? 1.507:50
Jester45goto the menu07:50
Jester45system ----> synaptic package manger07:51
Jester45settings --> repositories07:51
Jester45then check the top 4 boxes07:52
Jester45click close07:52
Jester45then in upper left coner click reload07:52
Jester45then close the package manger07:53
Jester45open a terminal07:53
Jester45type sudo apt-get upgrade07:53
Jester45then press enter type pass and type y press enter ans wait for it to finish07:53
Rymac91pass y like that?07:55
Rymac91or Pass then y07:56
Jester45is ask for you password07:56
Jester45type your passoword in press enter07:56
Jester45then it should ask you are you sure you want to continue? [Y/N] 07:56
Rymac91never got to that..07:57
Jester45is it downloading new files?07:57
Rymac91it asked for my password after entering "sudo apt-get update"07:57
Jester45type your password in07:58
Rymac91did that...07:58
Jester45and pressed enter?07:58
Jester45then what happened07:59
Rymac91either it was listing stuff or getting stuff07:59
Jester45ok ANS YOUr back at a new line?08:00
Rymac91then it said W: GPG error: http://wine.lowvoice.nl dapper Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE26308:00
Rymac91E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)08:00
Rymac91E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:00
Jester45do you stlll have the package manger open?08:01
Jester45ok well08:01
Jester45go to that08:01
Jester45and click mark all upgrades08:01
Jester45then click apply08:01
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Jester45did that work?08:07
Rymac91it's doing...whatever it does >_>08:07
Jester45its upgrading your system08:07
Rymac91I was thinking that08:07
Jester45is this the first time you did this?08:08
Rymac91just watching text fly by in the terminal08:08
Rymac91no I don't think so...08:08
Rymac91I think I've done this a month ago...08:08
malniliondapper -> edgy?08:08
Jester45well you have a lot of this to upgrade08:08
Jester45drapper-> newer drapper08:08
Jester45drapper to edgy is bad08:09
Rymac91I've heard there were problems with upgrading to edgy from drapper :S08:09
Rymac91E: /var/cache/apt/archives/samba_3.0.22-1ubuntu3.2_i386.deb: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 108:09
Rymac91that just popped up08:09
Jester45malnilion: any idea?08:10
Rymac91well...seems to be done08:10
malnilionJester45, nope, but then again, I didn't upgrade dapper to edgy.08:11
Jester45he isnt08:11
=== Rymac91 waits
Jester45shouldnt take long08:12
Rymac91it's done08:12
Jester45malnilion: think they will fix drapper to feisty?08:13
malnilionlol, no08:13
Jester45now search for firefox08:13
Jester45and look at the installed verson coulum08:13
malnilionI bet the only way to get feisty will be to upgrade from edgy or reinstall.08:13
Jester45i dont see why not08:14
Jester45drapper will still be supported08:14
Rymac91Installed version of firefox is 1.5.dfsg+
malnilionCan you upgrade whatever the c c release was to edgy? Don't think so.08:15
Jester45warty to edgy? fun fun08:16
malnilionWait, was there a c c release or did it go from breezy to dapper?08:18
malnilionHuh, guess it did go breezy to dapper08:18
Jester45whats c c08:18
Rymac91don't think it did anything to firefox08:19
malnilionWell, all the Ubuntu releases are double letter names08:19
Rymac91it's still 1.508:19
malnilionBreezy Badger08:19
malnilionDapper Drake08:19
malnilionEdgy Eft08:19
Jester45yes they are08:19
silyacan I upgrade ti fiesty?08:19
malnilionsilya, theoretically :P08:19
silyaand what features of that release in xubuntu?08:19
Jester45you can right now08:20
silyaBy the way.. I installed e17 and all russian symbols looks like squares :( howto fix it?08:21
malnilionCompile with unicode support?08:21
malnilionI dunno08:21
malnilionYou need unicode somehow.08:21
silyaFeisty Fawn Herd 3 Candidate Images Need testers08:22
Rymac91hmm...firefox is still 1.5...08:25
Jester45dont look at ff's about screen08:25
Rymac91wonder why it didn't work...08:25
Jester45it is messed up08:25
Rymac91I'm not...08:26
Rymac91I'm just noticing that firefox is lacking ver 2 features...08:26
Rymac91and it says 1.5 in the package manager ;)08:26
Jester45whats it sat next to the installed version ? same?08:27
Rymac91Could it be I need to manual install it?08:28
Jester45search he ubuntu forums08:29
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Jester45brbr kernal upgrade08:37
Rymac91still clueless08:40
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Rymac91ok...got a simpler(or more complex, depending on how this goes) question...08:50
Rymac91how the heck do I untar a tar file?08:50
DarthLappytar -xf foo.tar08:50
Jester45foo.tar meaning thr tar file08:51
DarthLappyO_o? What's up with the $ stuff?08:51
Jester45i going to bed08:51
Jester45and the $Sleep stops people from ending the log08:52
Jester45well bye bye08:53
Rymac91I've tryed using Xarchiver 0.3.3 but it fails no matter what tar I try to untar08:53
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gunny01All my packages have disapeered from synaptic, and I can't get them to reapper? Any help?10:48
silyaafter what?10:53
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gunny01Dunno: just booted up today and they aren't there10:54
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SoulChildHey all ...11:07
SoulChildI have this strange PRoblem that Links in Thunderbird or X-Chat (anywhere) do not open???11:08
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:59
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sk2Hi, I am unable to add new entries to GDM in Xubuntu. If I add them to gksudo mousepad /usr/share/xsessions/xgl.desktop & they don't show up01:40
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SoulChildHELP! Firefox does not open if i click any link???02:55
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the-noo-nooHi, newbie alert!  Would this be an appropriate place to ask a question about an OOo problem I have running on Xubuntu Edgy?04:01
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pk_butuOn xubuntu installtion..... I installed centos04:10
pk_butubut now I am unable to boot from xubuntu04:11
pk_butucan any body help what to do?04:11
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the-noo-nooSorry, am I missing something here?  There are 70 other people logged in but no-one answers questions...04:20
graziethe-noo-noo: is your problem with OOo?04:23
=== Laibsc1 is now known as Laibsch
the-noo-nooAh, thanks.  In Writer, whenever I click insert --> cross-reference the whole program crashes.  I've searched the forums and google with no references04:27
=== sunnz2 [n=zac@ppp115-5.static.internode.on.net] has joined #xubuntu
the-noo-nooFor your info, I don't have a JRE installed and have unchecked the box in OOo's options04:27
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=== OGDA is now known as BFTD
graziethe-noo-noo: I've no idea. try an OO.o channel04:31
the-noo-nooThanks anyway.  Here on irc you mean?04:32
maxamillionthe-noo-noo: that in all honestly could be the problem, i know it doesn't mention it in the package manager installation but i know on windows (because i install it on windows boxes at work) that during the installation it warns that if you lack atleast JRE 1.4.2 that the application might not have full functionality04:32
Jester45the-noo-noo: most if not all the people in here are just users so they sit here and if they get to their computer they answer questions04:33
the-noo-nooThanks Maximillion.  Unfortunately, I can't install JRE at the moment as I only have 45MB of drive space left!04:34
the-noo-nooThanks for your comment Jester4504:34
the-noo-nooYeah I have a 1999 laptop with a 4GB hard drive and it's partitioned in two lots of 2GB so that I can keep my Win98 installed until I'm happy that I can transfer completely to Xubuntu.04:35
Jester45the-noo-noo: you can remove some things from the package manger and that can give you much more space04:36
Jester45on freash installes i remove 200mb of stuff04:36
the-noo-nooOpenOffice is my biggest concern at the moment.  I have another crash problem with it that I have little way of knowing the cause.  It happens when I try to open a particular Word document so I never see what the problem is!04:37
the-noo-nooI've tried to remove as much as I can - non western fonts, GIMP, TBird, etc.04:37
graziethe-noo-noo: if haven't got much ram, OO.o can be pretty slow and troublesome04:38
maxamillionthe-noo-noo: the document that crashes out in OOo, have you tried opening it in AbiWord? ... i have noticed that sometimes OOo chokes one some documents with certain formatting whereas AbiWord will just ignore them and continue to function04:38
Jester45try running OOo from a terminal and see if it has a verbrose mode04:39
the-noo-nooFunny you should ask - I uninstalled AbiWord to make more space available!04:39
Jester45so it will tel you evry thing its doing04:39
the-noo-nooJester45: Can you explain how I would find out if it has a verbose mode, please?04:40
Jester45quick question: can you use ubuntu cds as a repo with synatic?04:40
Jester45man OpenOffice.org04:40
Jester45might work04:41
the-noo-nooJester45: sorry, what's a repo?04:41
Jester45idk the command for OOo i dont use it04:41
Jester45its where you download all the packages from04:41
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource04:42
the-noo-nooJester45: still not sure what you mean (I did give a newbie alert!).  OOo was installed from the liveCD04:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about krftb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:43
Jester45the-noo-noo: im talking about for me04:43
the-noo-nooJester45: Got you, sorry!04:43
BFTDwhast a good linux P2P program?04:44
maxamillionBFTD: gtkgnutella04:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gtkgnutella - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:44
ubotugtk-gnutella: shares files in a peer to peer network. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.96.1-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1982 kB, installed size 7016 kB04:44
maxamillionthat's better04:44
=== sunnz2 [n=zac@ppp115-5.static.internode.on.net] has joined #xubuntu
Jester45maxamillion: wonderfull program there04:46
Jester45anyone know where to get the ubuntu dvds04:48
Jester45or xubuntu if they have them04:48
graziethe-noo-noo: in a terminal enter 'oowriter'04:48
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maxamillionJester45: xubuntu doesn't have dvds ... the ubuntu dvds for feisty are ... http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/04:49
the-noo-noograzie: will that then log problems in the terminal window?04:52
the-noo-noograzie: Just searched the man OpenOffice but there doesn't seem to be a verbose mode04:53
the-noo-noograzie: you're right, the terminal logs problems.  Just opening the program without loading any files throws up 4 faults, the following one 3 times: (process:6997): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_screen_get_font_options: assertion `GDK_IS_SCREEN (screen)' failed04:57
the-noo-nooAnyone know why I get the above OOo fault?04:58
graziethe-noo-noo: launching programs from a terminal is a standard way to get more details05:00
graziethe-noo-noo: can't really help with those errors. how much memory you got?05:00
the-noo-noograzie: thanks. I've got over 100MB free, 186MB total05:02
the-noo-noograzie: Any ideas, I got the following fault when inserted a cross-reference: (process:7080): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: gtype.c:2240: initialization assertion failed, use IA__g_type_init() prior to this function05:03
graziethe-noo-noo: running OO.o with 256M is going to be pretty slow, so with 186M...05:03
the-noo-noograzie: doesn't seem too slow to me and, as I say, I've got over 100MB unused.05:04
graziethe-noo-noo: you're going to get better OO.o answers on a OO.o channel or forum05:06
the-noo-noograzie: You're probably right.  I'm just checking Google and ubuntuforums, but thanks for your help!05:07
the-noo-noograzie: it seems my system font is the issue, someone else reported the same issue and found that by changing to a different system font his errors cleared.  Sorry to be so ignorant, but how do I change the system font?  It is the one in Settings --> User Interface Settings, Theme, Font?05:16
graziethe-noo-noo: yes I suppose so...I've never needed to change mine. do you know what fonts will work though?05:22
the-noo-noograzie: no!  Just found another lead on the forums though.05:23
graziethe-noo-noo: the forums are great! :)05:23
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=== maxamillion <3's that forums
the-noo-nooJust a quick general question, in a DOS window you can press F3 to copy the last command typed in onto the current prompt.  Is there a linux equiv?05:34
maxamillionthe-noo-noo: the up arrow05:36
maxamillionthe-noo-noo: that will allow you to scroll through you last 30 (maybe more) commands you entered05:36
the-noo-noomaxamillion: you're a fine chap!05:36
maxamillioni try :)05:36
maxamilliongotta run ... bbl05:41
=== merhojt [n=Jimmy@h75n2c1o885.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #xubuntu
the-noo-nooWell, I still haven't found a fix for my crashing OOo writer, but I need to get some work done for a change!  That's the thing about linux - it's so much fun trying to fix and tweak things!05:42
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=== Sharn [n=dino@dsl-216-128-233-200.teton.id.tetontel.com] has joined #xubuntu
highvoltage!seen maximilion06:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen maximilion - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:52
SharnNo !seen?06:53
bur[n] eranyone build xfmedia 0.9.2?07:02
SharnNope, having troubles?07:03
Jester45!info xfmedia07:06
ubotuxfmedia: Xfce media player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.1-5ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 456 kB, installed size 1428 kB07:06
bur[n] erno, haven't tried, but I like .debs ;)07:06
Jester45do you really need 0.0.1 more?07:06
bur[n] ertotally07:06
Jester45my new camara records video as avi files07:08
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SharnNiiice. Like, video camera, or just normal?07:12
SharnAnd bur[n] er, compiling is fun. ^_^07:12
=== bur[n] er shrugs
bur[n] erI hope it makes Feisty release though07:14
SharnWhat does?07:14
bur[n] erxfmedia07:14
SharnPop Science is so freaking slow..07:15
Jester45they removed it in edgy its not gonna go back in07:15
bur[n] eri know gxine is preferred, but i like xfmedia :)07:15
SharnIs Fiesty mostly stable already?07:15
bur[n] erit's in universe07:15
bur[n] erI've been using feisty for awhile07:15
bur[n] ersince herd2 i've had no issues07:15
Jester45i prefer xfmedia for quick audio playing and mplayer for all videos and then amorak for long time music listening07:16
SharnAudacious for music for me. Sooo pretty. xD07:16
bur[n] erexaile over amarok for me just due to gtk and quest for lightness07:16
SharnSame ^07:16
SharnExaile is all right, but I prefer skinnable apps.07:17
=== habtool [n=clive@83-71-26-141.b-ras1.lmk.limerick.eircom.net] has joined #xubuntu
Jester45exile is to ugly07:17
SharnWorks though.07:17
=== bur[n] er likes a cohesive desktop
SharnPopSci needs to tell me how to make a solar backpack already.07:18
SharnI keep my desktop mostly bare, now....07:19
SharnTrash and IE. :P07:19
Jester45why IE07:20
SharnWhy did I want ti...07:20
SharnAnd ie4linux put an icon there. Looks alright so I left it alone.07:20
bur[n] erlol07:20
bur[n] erthat thing doesn't run very well here07:20
bur[n] ercrash happy07:20
bur[n] er...imagine that07:21
bur[n] eryeah07:21
SharnWorked alright for me.07:21
SharnBut then I didn't really use it either.07:21
Jester45i still wanna know why you would want IE07:21
SharnI was trying to get into a M$ site or something.07:21
SharnI don't remember.07:21
SharnI don't really use it.07:21
=== bur[n] er needs MS now and again... i won't argue against it
Jester45firefox has a plugin for that07:22
bur[n] erthat works in ubuntu?07:22
bur[n] erJester45: do tell07:22
SharnYes, please do. :P07:22
SharnBarely works in Windows. O_o07:22
Jester45i dont remeber the name but i used it before07:22
bur[n] erietab and ieview work in windows, but that depends on ie being installed07:22
SharnYeah. ^07:22
=== bur[n] er stresses... "in ubuntu?"
Jester45yes it works in linux07:23
SharnTrouble melts like lemon a dopr.07:24
SharnWoops. Wrong spot. :P07:24
hyper_chanyone knows the xlive cd?07:24
=== hyper_ch wonders what is necessary on that cd to get that cygwin/x forwarding working so that I can put it on my usb stick :( 350mb is just too much
Jester45guess what i just got07:26
hyper_chwhat did you just get?07:26
Jester45a 8 poty usb hub07:26
=== bur[n] er just got a working mediawiki installation ;)
hyper_choh.... more USB connectors... I need that07:27
=== hyper_ch thinks media wiki install is simple :)
Jester45super glued under my desk07:27
hyper_chbur[n] er: what's the first spam entry that you made? ^^07:27
=== hyper_ch takes Jester45's desk
Jester45soo it looks very nice and is very easy to add things07:27
Jester45and doesnt move at all07:28
bur[n] erhyper_ch: it's for my companies' intranet :)  easy way to set agenda for meetings07:28
bur[n] erbbl07:28
hyper_cha wiki for agenda... hmmm... itneresting :)07:28
=== nolo [n=chatzill@kntpin04-nas-03-s109.cinergycom.net] has joined #xubuntu
=== Laibsch [n=Laibsch@p4020-ipbf2103marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #xubuntu
SharnWikis pwn07:44
=== Sharn has only a 4 port hub
SharnIf I didn't use one from the hub, I'd have 10 posts. ^_^07:45
Jester45usb stuff is very helpfull07:45
Sharn6 from the PC.07:45
SharnI only have like 3 things to plug in. xD07:46
Jester45with hub in i have 8+6 open ports07:46
SharnSince my PS2 controller plugs into the LPT..07:46
Jester45i have 2 usb1 from motherboard07:47
=== Sharn likes hacking console controllers xD
Jester45then 2 usb2's from pci card07:47
Jester45and the pci card has a tthing in the front of caSE07:47
SharnMine has 2 posts on the front...07:48
SharnAlong with speaker and mic...07:48
Jester45i connected one of my speaker outs into the mic07:49
Jester45very fun with teamspeak or other voice im07:49
SharnTeamspeak won't work on Linux for me...07:50
=== b_52Free [n=skimo@adsl196-47-111-217-196.adsl196-12.iam.net.ma] has joined #xubuntu
SharnYeah. =\07:51
SharnI think it's got to do with the OSS drivers or soemthing.07:51
Jester45!seen cellofellow07:51
SharnKindof odd there's no ops in this channel ever.07:52
Jester45there are07:52
SharnNot when I'm on. :O At least that have op set.07:52
Jester45crimsun: is a op and gnomefreak might be one PuMpErNiCkLemight be one also07:53
Jester45they dont stay oped because it interfers wth ChanServ07:53
SharnOrly? Swiftirc ftw.07:54
Jester45so they op themelves then de op after they are done07:54
Jester45anyone know how to setup a blog?07:56
Jester45on apache207:56
SharnJust get a blog software...07:59
=== Stu_2 [n=Binkey@mrtcfw1.mebtel.net] has joined #xubuntu
Stu_2Hi everyone.. silly question #1... the installation for xubuntu never prompted me for a root password.. just "[my]  name" and a password, presumeably for a user account.  Did I miss something ?08:03
SharnStu_2: Nope, the isntall doesn't ask for root password. I think "sudo passwd root" should let you set one.08:05
SharnAnd Jester45, wordpress is probably the best known blog program: http://wordpress.org/08:05
Stu_2ah, ok.. seemed unusual compared to previous distros I've tried to install.  Thanks!08:05
grazieStu_2: but most people don't need a root account08:06
Jester45its defualt to the user's pas but you can change that08:06
Stu_2grazie: does sudo not normally require a seperate root password configured ?08:06
=== Owdgit [n=ron@88-110-127-232.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #xubuntu
SharnNo. Sudo requires the password you set there. And I use sudo all the time.08:07
SharnThe password didn't default to mine when I first isntalled, either.08:07
Stu_2hm... I must not really understand what sudo does as opposed to su->enter root pass, continue.  I'll take a look into it08:08
SharnStu_2: Sudo simply lets you use root for one command. Su will keep you as root until you type exit or close the terminal08:09
grazieStu_2: as Sharn says. The root account is almost always never needed!08:09
SharnUhhhh. I said I'm always using it. :P08:09
Stu_2I see... so the account I build upon installation already has permissions to define anything necessary for sudo to then grant me what would normally be root access?08:10
grazieSharn: yes, but you don't need it08:10
Stu_2grazie: In a different context, you're just saying that I won't need more privelege than the user account I created upon installation already has?08:11
SharnA normal user wouldn't...08:11
grazieStu_2: ye08:11
Stu_2so I'll be able to edit /etc/hosts, install packages, etc, without ever needing more access ?08:11
SharnIf you like to tweak and stuff you'll need sudo a lot. And sudo just logs you into root.08:11
SharnNope. You need the root password for those.08:12
Stu_2I see..08:12
SharnAt least.. I do. I think.08:12
SharnAnyway, doesn't matter. If you're root password set ok, no biggy.08:13
grazieSharn: no you don't need the root account. sudo gives you almost everthing su does08:13
SharnYeah... sudo IS using the root account though.08:13
SharnJust only for one command.08:14
Sharnsu just keeps you logged in as root in that terminal.08:14
SharnWhereas sudo only logs you in for one command.08:14
grazieSharn: no sudo gives you temp admin privs..,it's subtle but it is different08:14
Stu_2cool deal.. so just set the root pass when I get in, so I can use sudo as necessary... think I can handle that.08:15
SharnMeh. Ok.08:15
grazieStu_2: no. it's good not having the root account set!08:15
Stu_2ah.. from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo -- "By default, the root account is locked in Ubuntu. This means you cannot login as root or use su. Instead, the installer will setup sudo to allow the user that is created during install to run all adm08:15
grazieStu_2: exactly08:16
Stu_2silly irc client didn't paste it all..08:16
Stu_2regardless, the user account I created, should have access to do whatever I'd like08:16
Stu_2unless I'm misinterpreting that08:16
grazieStu_2: almost yes08:16
SharnWith sudo you can do anything root can, I believe.08:16
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:17
hyper_chhiho, is it somehow possible to run ssh on a different port? or rather have two ssh servers running on different ports?08:29
SharnIt may be...08:31
Sharnman ssh08:32
SharnIn terminal, of course.08:32
Stu_2hyper_ch -- there is a port option in openssh... edit wherever your config file is.. /etc/ssh/ssh_config perhaps...08:34
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hyper_chStu_2: but how to run two instances on two ports? Is that possible?08:38
Stu_2hyper_ch -- I'd say it's certainly possible -- you'd probably need two different ssh daemons, or one referencing two different config files.08:38
hyper_chrunning one instance listening to two ports :) that's possible08:39
hyper_chman pages tell so... but give not the syntax for it :908:40
SharnWhere would I find my USB camera...?08:40
hyper_chanyway, that's good, I'll find out08:40
Stu_2heh.. dunno.  If you find an answer, please share :-)08:40
Stu_2(or you might be able to add an addition Port: comment in the config... <shrug>08:40
hyper_chStu_2: I will... you see, I make daily backups through rsycn / ssh on (one) of my servers... and I don't want to overkill the connection (as I do now) so I thought I might limit one port it runs on :)08:41
Stu_2heh.. gotcha.  Best of luck :-)08:41
=== superkirbyartist [n=superkir@92.141.hiper0-nic0.std.dialup.ncf.ca] has joined #xubuntu
superkirbyartistI am having issues with splash screen.08:42
hyper_chStu_2: what would be a good port for sshd?08:43
hyper_chI have no clue what defaults are used :) 20/21 is ftp08:44
SharnClose to the normal one08:44
hyper_chthen there's printer on 6008:44
Stu_2if you never want to use telnet, use 23 as well08:44
hyper_chis 23 used by something important service?08:44
hyper_chtelnet is normally 23? well, then I use that08:44
hyper_chI think I have deactivated telnet08:44
Stu_2and if you're going to stick with ssh, I'd think you could steal it with no probs08:44
SharnGood idea. :)08:44
hyper_chcan I actually remove the telnet package?08:45
SharnMeh. I'll be back later. bye08:46
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knightwhat should I install for wifi in xubuntu09:00
knightcan I Still use Network manager09:00
hyper__chI don't have anything installed09:00
hyper__chwell, nothing additional09:00
knightwhat do you us09:00
hyper__chStu_2: it works like a charm09:00
hyper__chknight: the default thing provided by xubuntu09:01
knightoh ok09:01
knightit does not scan the wireless09:01
hyper__chStu_2: open the /etc/ssh/ssh_config09:01
hyper__chStu_2: at the very beginning you have a Port 22 entry09:01
hyper__chjust add below other port09:01
hyper__chand restart it :)09:01
hyper__chknight: why do you want to scan for wifi networks?09:02
superkirbyartistThe splash screen is dim and displaying at the wrong resolution.  Can someone help me please?09:02
knightI used to ust network manager09:02
hyper__chsuperkirbyartist: only the splash screen?09:02
knightand I an constantly moving09:03
knightto different office09:03
knightI use different passwords to evrery wifi09:04
hyper__chyou can scan it from the command line09:04
hyper__chwell, you could also install that gnome wifi manager applet thing but I don't know if that breaks anything09:04
knightoh ok09:04
knightwhich one is that09:04
hyper__chI don't know09:04
hyper__chopen adept or synaptic09:04
hyper__chand search for it09:04
knightoh ok09:05
knightI am having an error on apt-get09:05
knightit says09:05
knightE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:06
hyper__chyou need to sudo it09:06
knighti did09:06
knightand used the password wih it09:07
hyper__chthen you have adept or synaptic open09:07
knightthey are closed09:08
knightI am trying to open synaptic and nothing is working09:08
superkirbyartisthyper_ch: Yes, the startup and shutdown screen.09:08
hyper__chsuperkirbyartist: the rest runs fine?09:08
superkirbyartistOh yeah, I can start the computer and stuff.09:09
superkirbyartistI am using it right now.09:09
hyper__chknight, please pastebin:   ps aux | grep dpkg09:09
hyper__chsuperkirbyartist: but once it is started, resolution is fine?09:09
superkirbyartisthyper_ch: Yes, everything is bright and at 800*600.  I am using Xchat on it.09:10
hyper__chso what is the problem?09:11
superkirbyartisthyper__ch: It is very hard to see the startup screen.  It is very dim, if one looks too fast, it might seem like a black screen.  Also, it's not centered properly.09:12
Maximilian1stHi folks.09:12
hyper__chsuperkirbyartist: replace the startup screen then with something else09:13
superkirbyartistHi Max.09:13
superkirbyartistHow do we do that, hyper__ch?09:13
Maximilian1stI have a problem with my user interface. I use French as my main language and all is well translated but the close, help and so on buttons.09:13
Maximilian1stThese are controlled by GTK209:13
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Maximilian1sthi superkirbyartist09:13
superkirbyartistMax, I have the exact same problem.09:14
superkirbyartistThe menus, etc. aren't translated.09:14
Maximilian1stYou use what language?09:14
hyper__chapplications --> system --> login window (maybe)09:14
Maximilian1stor, what language do you use ;-p09:14
=== grumpymole [n=warren@c220-237-175-49.lowrp1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #xubuntu
superkirbyartistMaximilian1st: It's 50% english 50% french Xubuntu laptop.09:14
Maximilian1stCould you join in  #xfce-fr?09:15
hyper__chest-ce que a exist? Des mots franais pour "fermer", "aider" ... ? ^^09:15
Maximilian1stYou funny swiss guy. :-)09:15
=== kalikiana [n=kalikian@xdsl-87-78-113-55.netcologne.de] has joined #xubuntu
superkirbyartisthyper__ch vous n'avez pas raison.09:17
hyper__chJ'ai toujours raison :) C'est mon profession  avoir de raison :)09:18
superkirbyartisthyper__ch je ne parle pas du login screen je parle de ce qui vient avant.09:19
kalikianabonjour, mes dammes et messieurs, c'est le canal francais, oui?09:20
hyper__chc'est important ce qu'il a l?09:20
hyper__chMaximilian1st: you do speak french, right?09:20
Maximilian1stkalikiana, ;-p09:20
Jester45or how ever you spell it09:20
Jester45im 200% english09:21
Maximilian1stFor french Xfce join #xfce-fr, sorry for the english users.09:21
superkirbyartisthyper_ch oui ca pourrait l'etre.09:21
Maximilian1stYou joined the right channel.09:21
kalikianaI don't mind french to some extend, but I consider it unpolite to those who don't understand it.09:22
Jester45i tried some spanish but said "why waste my time when they could learn the far harder language english"09:22
=== hyper__ch [n=hyper@217-162-77-97.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #xubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libsexy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:23
kalikianaJester45, so your motto is just "Everyone after me, I'm the last one!" :P09:24
Jester45i guess09:24
habtoolI have been using Ubuntu fulltime since 6.04 and have now tried Xubuntu for the first time. WOW, is XFCE so cool! A real hidden Gem. Well done to all involved with Xubuntu, very neat indeed09:24
Jester45or better yet me first09:24
Jester45you mean 6.06 right?09:24
superkirbyartistQue fait le fichier libsexy?09:24
Jester45yes 6.06 but welcome to xubuntu09:25
kalikianahabtool, it's nice to hear that since we're all xfce fans :D09:25
hyper__chxubuntu is great09:25
habtoolThanks, really like it! :)09:25
Jester45better version of ubuntu and better is\rc channel09:25
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Jester45habtool: im not sure if you figured this out but, xubuntu can use gnome and kde apps09:26
habtoolmy PC is fast enough for Gnome and KDE, but XFCE is just so nice. Thanks to Dream Linux for letting me find XFCE09:26
hyper__chI run quite a bit of kde apps :)09:27
Jester45i figured that sence you been using ubuntu but just telling09:27
Jester45hyper__ch: me 2 :009:27
habtoolYes, Jester45, thanks i have amarok, akregator and gnomebaker install amoungst others09:27
kalikianahabtool, that is my story actually ;) but i never really used gnome longer than few days09:27
kalikianadreamlinux looks very cool, but it is missing consistency to me and not everything worked together :/09:28
habtoolI tired Kubuntu, but i cant say way, but it does not do it for me, PClinuxos does a much better job with KDE. But that maybe personal view so dont shoot me :)09:28
=== Dany700 [i=Promo_Pr@] has joined #xubuntu
Dany700hi to everybody09:29
hyper__chhmmm, amarok, k3b, konqueror, kate, konversation, kontact, krdc, krfb, kopete09:29
kalikianahi Dany7000 :)09:29
Dany700can someone tell me which is the default root password when running xubuntu live cd?09:29
hyper__chbtw, anyone has a list of P2P protocols and what ports they use?09:30
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habtoolkalikiana, i agree DL is very nice looking, but i also found it broke a bit too easy, maybe as they linking directly to debian (or maybe not) but DOES look very NICE09:30
Dany700hi kalikiana ;)09:30
Jester45a full kubuntu is to bloated for me i dont mine installing KDE apps i just dont want 10 text editors by default right now i have scite mousepad and vim09:30
Jester45Dany700: i dont think there is09:30
hyper__chJester45: kate is really nice :)09:31
Dany700jester: i need it to mount floppy in write mode09:31
Jester45hyper__ch: i can help you but most p2p apps start default with random ports09:31
kalikianaDany700, ubuntu in general doesn't have a root password by default and should not09:31
hyper__chand with konqueror you can open remote locations through ssh (or rather fish)09:31
habtooli ried kateos and zenwalk yesterday, but the Ubuntu repos just cant be beat :)09:31
Dany700leaving it blank, it says "sorry"09:31
kalikianaDany700, use 'sudo'09:31
hyper__chJester45: I just try to put the P2P appz into my wifi router as "bulk" priority...09:31
Dany700kalikiana ok09:32
Jester45hyper__ch: you can do that with thunar ssh ftp http shttp sftp09:32
Dany700kalikiana can i ask you a question?09:32
hyper__chJester45: what's the difference between ssh and sftp?09:32
kalikianaDany700, just ask :)09:32
hyper__chJester45: I like konqueror that much because it can be multi-pane :)09:32
hyper__chno need for gnome commander09:32
hyper__chor kcommander09:33
Jester45hyper__ch: well open the apps and define the ports they dont need a certian port  Ex: torrent= 7000 gnutela-7001 and so on09:33
hyper__chJester45: you're familiar with DD-WRT firmware?09:33
Dany700i do this: sudo mount /dev/fd0 but it is in read only mode... what have i to do for write mode?09:33
Dany700kali: sorry for my bad english, but i'm from italy09:33
Jester45hyper__ch: nope what is it09:34
hyper__chJester45: just a modified firmware for the linkysys 54gl router09:34
hyper__chJester45: what I like is to be able to adjust the output power and making use of dyndns services like dyndns.org and no-ip.com09:34
Jester45Dany700: theres a foreign exchange student from italy that lives in my subdivision she pretty hot09:35
hyper__chJester45: you should have read the newspaper here 2 days ago09:35
Dany700eheh i'm glad you like our girls eheh ;)09:36
=== drx0drx [n=DrX@69-12-186-114.static-dsl.keyway.net] has joined #xubuntu
habtoolas a matter of interest, is XFCE as active a project as Gnome and KDE, IE every year is the a lot of improvement in XFCE?09:36
hyper__chaccording to a research italian girls have the smallest boobs in europe... then comes switzerland with the second smalles and in average british girls have the largest09:36
Jester45habtool: yes09:36
Dany700hyper boobs are?09:36
habtoolJester45, cool :) cant wait to see how this pans out, just mad about it :)09:36
Dany700ass? :)09:36
hyper__chalthough I remember from my exchange year in Down Under.. there was Sarah and Gemma... they were both attractive09:36
Jester45british do seem to have the biggest but... have to look at the face also09:36
hyper__chDany700: nope, not ass... boobs = breasts = tits09:37
Dany700ahh tits ok ;)09:37
Dany700eheh ;)09:37
Jester45upper part of the body09:37
Jester45hyper__ch: her boobs arnt small09:37
hyper__chJester45: in average :)09:38
hyper__chDany700: what0s that exactly? /dev/fd0? is that the floppy drive?09:38
=== MagicFab [n=magicfab@ubuntu/member/magicfab] has joined #xubuntu
drx0drxhello, can anyone help me fix a dual-boot problem that happened after installing Windows?09:38
Dany700hyper little boobs are not bad :p i like little boobs, but they must be nice09:38
=== kalikiana considers boobs a more 'cute' version of the t-word
Dany700hyper yes fd is the floppy09:39
hyper__chdrx0drx: let me guess... after installing windows grub vanished and you can only boot into windows?09:39
Maximilian1stdrx0drx, sorry there are very important discussions here.09:39
Jester45maybe this should be talked about in #xubuntu-offtopic09:39
drx0drxhyper__ch, more or less09:39
Jester45drx0drx: installed windows then linux09:39
Maximilian1stI guess drx0drx installed linux and then windows.09:39
hyper__chDany700: I have this in my   /etc/fstab -->     /dev/           /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto  0       009:40
hyper__chdrx0drx: you need to reinstall grub09:40
Jester45drx0drx: windows over writes grub if its installed 2nd09:40
hyper__chdrx0drx: boot from the x/k/ubuntu cd09:40
Dany700ahh so i need to run mount as root user?09:40
Maximilian1stWould a boot with the live CD be a good idea for drx0drx ?09:40
kalikianaDany700, I don't have a floppy drive, but you may add hyper's line and run 'sudo mount -a' :)09:40
drx0drxhyper__ch, doing that now...09:40
hyper__chand go in recovery mode or something...09:40
hyper__chdrx0drx: at some stage you should then be asked to have grub reinstalled09:40
Dany700can you write me the exact code to use in the terminal?09:40
hyper__chdo that and afterwards you have dual booting again09:41
hyper__chdrx0drx: I don't know the exact steps as I haven't done it before09:41
Dany700kalikiana, i'm using a live cd09:41
hyper__chDany700: well, my entry is in my fstab... so that gets mounted at boot-up09:41
hyper__chah, live cd... uff.... no clue :)09:42
kalikianaDany700, oh, then forget that idea.. there is a panel plugin if that helps? :)09:42
kalikianaDany700, sry, I'm too much used to fstab contrary to mount as-is09:42
hyper__chkalikiana: I'm also used to fstab only except for mounting an iso :)09:43
drx0drxhyper__ch, btw, I have 2 SATA drives, Linux is on the first one and Windows on the second, and I printed out my gpartd screens before upgrading Vista09:43
Jester45im used to double clicking the icon09:43
kalikianahyper__ch, now I'm enlightened to hear that from somebody else than me *G09:43
Dany700hyper thanks anyway ;) kalikiana i can't run it from the panel... i know there a command to use with mount, but i don't know the exactly code to run mount with su privileges09:44
Dany700*there is09:44
Dany700no, it's like mount uid:0 or something09:45
kalikianaDany700, usually 'sudo mount ...' works fine, apart from my limited experience there09:46
kalikianaDany700, you ought to have a panel plugin which mounts the available drives09:46
habtoolAnyone know why spellcheck is not working on Xchat on my Xubuntu install? Do i need to install something extra?09:46
Jester45why not just use the disks manager?09:46
Maximilian1sthabtool, what language do you use?09:47
=== hyper__ch [n=hyper@217-162-77-97.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #xubuntu
Maximilian1stIt does work for me here though. You must be missing some package...09:47
Dany700when i go to file system, i see fd but when i try to enter, it says: what application would you use to open...09:48
=== SiGiN [i=AdiIRC@3-92.adsl.apoy.dnainternet.fi] has joined #xubuntu
Dany700kali, sorry but i'm a really newbie in linux, i can't understand which panel you mean09:48
Jester45or Maximilian1st you just tink its working09:48
drx0drxhyper__ch, does this take this long (it's been on Mounting root file system... a long time)09:48
hyper__chdrx0drx: never used the recovery, so I can't tell09:50
Maximilian1stIt does work here in french and did work in english the other day...09:50
drx0drxhyper__ch, trying a different DVD drive...09:50
Dany700i think i've find the code: sudo mount -t vfat -o uid=1000,gid=100,rw /mnt/floppy09:51
Dany700is it correct, isn't it? :)09:52
hyper__chdrx0drx: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html09:52
Dany700(without /mnt/floppy)09:52
hyper__chDany700: no clue09:52
Dany700hyper :)09:53
drx0drxhyper__ch, OK, it was b/c I have a SATA regular & compatible mode in my BIOS & it was compatible when I installed Linux but I changed it for Vista install... it's loading up now...09:53
hyper__chsei di Milano Dany?09:53
Dany700s :)09:53
hyper__chdrx0drx: how dare you using this evil word V***a09:54
hyper__chcognosci Sarah Di Fresco?09:54
drx0drxhyper__ch, btw, we can hose Vista if we have to but I don't want to lose Linux09:54
Dany700hyper ma sei italiano?09:54
Dany700no, i'm sorry hyper09:54
drx0drxhyper__ch, (but I need evil Vista in the end b/c some SW is only Windows)09:54
hyper__chdrx0drx: why did you want to install Vista???09:54
hyper__chDany700: no, sono Svizzero tedesco09:55
drx0drxhyper__ch, OK, at Live CD desktop09:55
Dany700ah ok09:55
Maximilian1stMa, sai quante persone vivono  Milano?? 8-|09:55
hyper__chMaximilian1st: 5-6 persone?09:55
Dany700o.O ehi ma  pieno di italiani qui? :)09:55
drx0drxhyper__ch, btw, right now my Second hard drive is set first in the boot order (in order to boot Vista) b/c Linux wouldn't boot when first drive set first in boot order.09:56
drx0drxdo i need to put things back in the bios exactly as they were before to prevent losing something?09:56
Dany700hyper dove abiti, vicino lugano?09:56
hyper__chdrx0drx: doesn't matter... just let grub install into the master boot record09:56
hyper__chdrx0drx: at least that's what I think... in my optinion it doesn't matter09:57
drx0drxOK, but won't it install on drive 1 even tho Linux is on drive 2?09:57
hyper__chDany700: no, abito  San Gallo... vicino di lago constanze(?)09:57
drx0drxoddly, right now Gparted only sees Drive 1 (Linux) and not Drive 2 (evil Vista)09:57
hyper__chdrx0drx: no clue :(09:58
hyper__chsee, billy boy did evil things to your computer09:58
drx0drxdo you know how to update GRUB on drive 1 so it will boot Linux on drive 1 and Vista on drive 2?09:59
hyper__chdrx0drx: grub should recognize all the installed OS and make boot entries... it doesn't matter on what drive which os is installed09:59
hyper__chit only matters for windows...09:59
hyper__chat least that's how far I understand all of it :) I'm far from being an all-knowing guru10:00
drx0drxdoes it matter that GPARTED doesn't see Windows right now?  should I play with the BIOS settings so LiveCD sees both drives first?10:00
Dany700hyper ah ok san gallo10:00
hyper__chit should see the windows drive/partition... that is indeed odd...10:01
drx0drxalso, I just reinstalled Vista so I can install it again (no software installed yet, no data) if that makes things easier10:01
hyper__chmaybe switch and test that way10:01
drx0drxlet me check the bios settings again, it was very temperamental the first time I set it up (without compatibility mode I got nowhere installing either OS)10:01
hyper__chwhen you boot the computer it sees both drives? I mean the bios recognizes both drives?10:02
Dany700i'm going now, thanks to everybody for help!!10:03
hyper__chDany700: is the proper name of Lake Constance in italian: lago di constance?10:03
hyper__chdrx0drx: indeed odd, that gparted doesn't see both drives then10:03
Dany700hyper: ma tu intendi se io abito l vicino?10:03
drx0drxit always did but there the installation CDs couldn't install on the SATA drives until I enabled compatibility mode and PATA vs SATA10:03
hyper__chdrx0drx: maybe you better ask at #kubuntu or #ubuntu --> there are some gurus there :) for me it just works fine :)10:04
Dany700hyper: cmq lago di costanza non l'ho mai sentito :)10:04
hyper__chDany700: no capsico "ma tu intendi se io abito li vicino"10:04
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #xubuntu
hyper__chwelcome back Seveas10:05
Dany700hyper what do you mean whit this lake? you mean is a lake near you or near me?10:06
Dany700i've never headr that lake before... anyway i know san gallo10:06
hyper__chLake Constance is nearby St. Gallen :)10:06
Dany700ah ok :)10:06
hyper__chI thought Lake constance would be better known than San Gallo :)10:07
Dany700no no it's the contrary eheh :)10:07
hyper__chMilano --> Universit di Bocconi :)10:07
hyper__chItaly's most renowned Business School if I am not mistaken10:08
Dany700more exactly i live most near "Monza" that is a minor city near milano10:08
hyper__chLa Monza :)10:08
hyper__chFerrari originates from Monza, right?10:08
Maximilian1stMonza F110:08
Dany700yes :)10:08
hyper__chgot a spare ferrari for me?10:08
Dany700eheheh hard to find :p10:09
Maximilian1sta spare part maybe... ;-p10:09
Dany700eheh :)10:09
hyper__chtoo bad10:09
hyper__chanyway, I gotta go watch some tv now10:09
Dany700ferrari is from Maranello10:09
hyper__chDany700: yes?10:09
Dany700monza is the place where F1 runs10:10
hyper__choh, it is? I thought it's from Monza... :) well, my mistake :)10:10
Dany700hyper: no problem, dont' worry ;)10:10
hyper__chI don't like Valentine's day10:10
Dany700hyper my girlfrines lives near lugano10:11
hyper__chhehehe.... it's not that far... :)10:11
Dany700yes, about 60km10:11
hyper__chmine is about 6000km away :(10:12
Dany700where is she?10:12
hyper__chOttawa / Canada10:12
Dany700o.O wow!10:12
Dany700why have your girlfriend so far?10:12
Dany700*have you10:13
hyper__chhmmm, because she lives there :)10:13
Dany700but how have you knew her?10:14
Dany700when do you meet her?10:14
Dany700i see my girl in the weekend10:14
Dany7001weekend yes and 1 not10:14
hyper__chwell, we talk almost everyday by skype :)10:15
Dany700we too ;)10:15
Dany700w skype!!! ;)10:15
hyper__chand I use amsn for the webcam :)10:15
hyper__chanyway, I'm off now :) cya10:15
Dany700i don't have the webcam but it cool anyway with skype ;)10:16
Dany700ok, then see you around ok?10:16
hyper__chyeah... I'm here sometimes :)10:16
=== Raptor` [n=Raptor`@] has joined #xubuntu
hyper__chwell, mostly I'm logged in here but that doesn't mean I'm really here :)10:16
Dany700goodbye hyper, nice to met you :)10:17
Dany700eheh ok :)10:17
Dany700i go now, too... i've to test the floppy mounting ;)10:18
Dany700goodnight to everybody and thanks for the support10:18
Dany700bye hyper, see you10:18
Maximilian1sthyper__ch, do you use your system in english or german?10:19
Maximilian1stI seem to be missing the translated mo files from gtk.10:20
Maximilian1stIt does not install translated message files at all.10:20
hyper__chMaximilian1st: in English10:21
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sdac221x_hi are there different drivers for ATI under linux or is it only fglrx ??  I have fglrx but beryl does not work despite following several guides.10:23
Maximilian1stCould you check if you have gtk2xxx.mo files in /usr/src/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES?10:23
sdac221x_Maximilian1st:  was that for me ?10:24
Maximilian1stno sorry, that was for hyper__ch10:26
Maximilian1stnever mind.10:26
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Maximilian1stMy battery is running out of power, have to leave.10:30
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kalikianaIt really is quite in here.10:47
drx0drxhow do you mount /dev/sda1 ?11:02
PuMpErNiCkLesudo mount /dev/sda1 /wherever/you/want/it11:02
drx0drxPuMpErNiCkLe, where might I want it?11:02
PuMpErNiCkLeYou may need to specify filesystem of -t type.11:02
PuMpErNiCkLedrx0drx: It's your system.  Wherever you want.11:03
drx0drxPuMpErNiCkLe, it's ext311:03
drx0drxPuMpErNiCkLe, for example?11:03
PuMpErNiCkLeAny empty directory will do.11:04
PuMpErNiCkLeAny at all.11:04
drx0drxPuMpErNiCkLe, I used /mnt11:05
drx0drxPuMpErNiCkLe, now I need to fix my menu.lst file because evil Vista left it broken11:05
PuMpErNiCkLeThat one's just a regular Xubuntu bug.11:05
PuMpErNiCkLeIt happens fairly frequently.11:06
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PuMpErNiCkLeWait, sorry, wrong menu file.11:06
PuMpErNiCkLe(I was thinking of the applications menu, not /boot/grub/menu.lst.)11:06
drx0drxPuMpErNiCkLe, so right now I have 2 drives but bios is set for 1 (can't boot live CD if set for 2), now Linux is sda but I think it may change to sdb when bios reset, what do I change in menu.lst11:07
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drx0drxalso, when I try to copy the menu.lst (for backup) it says "Permission denied"11:08
PuMpErNiCkLeBoth drives are sata?11:09
drx0drxPuMpErNiCkLe, yes11:09
PuMpErNiCkLeAnd the primary drive has Linux installed on it, and the secondary will/does have Vista?11:10
drx0drxPuMpErNiCkLe, I'm not sure which has which.  Previously, Windows was sda and Linux sdb, but I've been messing with the bios to get the Live CD to boot (it will only do this in compatible mode where drive 2 is not present)11:11
drx0drxPuMpErNiCkLe, in this mode, Linux changes to sda, but when I go back to enhanced mode it *may* be sdb11:12
drx0drxPuMpErNiCkLe, okay, I backed up the menu.lst via sudo11:14
PuMpErNiCkLeIt labels the drives by their position on the controller.11:14
PuMpErNiCkLeSo if it's the second drive, it would be sdb, but if it's the first, it'll be sda.11:15
drx0drxPuMpErNiCkLe, when I switch from compatible to enhanced mode, I think it changes position, or maybe I changed their positions in the BIOS11:15
PuMpErNiCkLeOr for Grub, 0,0 or 1,0.11:16
PuMpErNiCkLeI gotta run, though.11:16
drx0drxit shows Vista root (hd0,0) (vista drive is presently Not present in BIOS)11:17
drx0drxit shows Linux root as /dev/sdb111:17
=== eddie [n=eddie@pool-151-202-116-59.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu
eddiei am trying to rip into mp3 with Sound Extractor and I don't see the MP3 option11:19
eddieI've got flac ogg wav11:19
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drx0drxanyone know how to repair Vista-trashed GRUB?11:30
maxamilliondrx0drx: lol ... yeah, no .... not at all.... Vista can't even run Java correctly much less dual boot11:31
drx0drxI had it dual booting, I just had to change some bios settings & load vista first, but then I had to upgrade beta 2 to final release and BYE BYE GRUBBIE!11:32
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drx0drxThe trouble is, when push comes to shove, the boss is going to say trash Linux11:34
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eddieanyon please how to have Sound Juicer with MP3?11:37
drx0drxActually, the boss already said we don't need Linux.  But he also said if it doesn't take a lot of time to repair, we can keep it.11:37
drx0drxwhew, I think I got it fixed... Linux is booting!11:39
maxamilliondrx0drx: you should write a tutorial, i haven't heard of anyone dual booting linux and vista successfully11:41
eddierepai grub? Just install it again an override piece of $hit Vi$ta motherfucking bitch11:42
graziemaxamillion: i don't think he should :)11:42
eddiesorry I am lil agravated about the mp3 shit not working with xubuntu11:43
=== habtool [n=clive@83-71-26-141.b-ras1.lmk.limerick.eircom.net] has joined #xubuntu
drx0drxmaxamillion, oh, yeah, I've been doing it since beta 2 no problem.  Here's the 2-step tutorial:  (1) Install Vista (2) Install Linux11:44
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=== _Dez [n=elite54@71-218-244-92.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #xubuntu
_DezI got a Atheros card :)12:09
milkiihey. Could someone help me out with xubuntu installation on ATI/Amd64 sys?12:09
Jester45what type of cd? desktop or alternative?12:10
Jester45whats happening12:10
milkiiits alternate12:10
_DezAnyone heard of FON?12:10
milkiiwell it keeps stopping12:10
milkiiit shows me some kind of console where i can type anything but nothing happens12:11
Jester45milkii: are you using the live cd?12:11
milkiijust says kernel loaded12:11
milkiiits alternate12:11
Jester45have you checked cd for defects?12:12
milkiiit hangs up too12:12
milkiiburned it second time12:12
Jester45what about a md5 check of the iso12:12
milkiihm have to find the checksum (i never did this before)12:13
Jester45are you sure you have a 64bit processor and the 64bit cd12:13
ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:13
=== Rayvyn [n=slap@adsl-75-0-176-46.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #xubuntu
milkiiboth yes12:14
_Dezi think i use terminal more then anything on linux12:16
Jester45i have a workspace with 8 of them lined up12:16
milkiiahm << 1445 of 1445 listed files could not be read xD12:18
_DezIs there anyway you can hack a router to give you like wireless card12:18
milkiiah didnt place the md5sum oO12:18
Jester45_Dez: you mean change a wireless router into a wireless card?12:19
Jester45maybe im not to good with wireless but you could swap the incoming with the outgoing wires12:20
Jester45i know you can do that with ethernet12:20
graziemilkii: didn't place? do you mean you cannot find?12:20
milkiii placed the md5checker in system32 folder of windoof12:21
milkiiand run my cmd12:21
_DezI want to put a Router into CLient mode12:21
milkiiand the file failed the check12:21
milkiithe iso failed it i mean12:21
Jester45milkii: you have to redownload the file12:22
milkiibut how can it fail in 1445 of 144512:23
Jester45did it say it failed?12:23
milkiiWarning: 1445 of 1445 files could not be read12:24
Jester45then it failedtry redownloading it if it dosent take to long12:24
graziemilkii: it doesn't sound like you're using the tool quite correctly. What do you type in?12:25
milkiionly "md5sum -c alternate64.iso" without quotes12:25
milkiii think << i see now xD12:26
_Dezbrb im going to hack this router12:26
milkiiomh what the hell did i do :)12:26
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graziemilkii: try ""md5sum -b alternate64.iso"12:27
milkiiah ^^ yea thats it thanks12:29

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