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ivoksanyone around? :)03:28
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Keybukwould anyone admit to knowing much about inotify?05:42
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st3we reported a critical bug about bcm43xx here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/8540409:50
st3we are receiving a lot of bug reports from ubuntu users, please fix it asap09:50
st3thank you09:50
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BenCst3: for one, ogra was getting bcm43xx crashes and/or poor performance11:33
st3what does poor performance mean?11:33
BenCdamnit, and ogra just left11:33
BenCpoor performance means if he was more than 10 feet from the AP, he lost connection11:34
st3note that 4311 and 4318 are partially supported11:34
BenCI think that performance issues are mostly 4318 related11:34
st3there are big issues with interferences and power transmission11:34
BenCbut the oopses are an issue regardless11:34
BenChe has an AMD64 laptop with 1G ram11:34
BenCand I thought that might be related, but didn't have time to debug his system11:35
st3ah yes, there are some experimental patches by larry finger11:35
BenCgive me a few minutes to pull up some bug reports11:35
st3you should have included that ones, instead11:35
BenCwth is that bug report unchangeable by me?11:35
st3i don't know, the bug was filed by michael11:35
st3(link: ftp://lwfinger.dynalias.org/patches)11:36
BenCoh, viewstatus11:36
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st3(e.g. ftp://lwfinger.dynalias.org/patches/patch_2.6.20_for_DMA_over_1GB)11:36
BenCthat's an unload bug11:37
BenCogra's oops happened at random times during usage11:37
st3it's softmac related11:38
st3by the way, did you have him check /proc/interrupts?11:39
BenCthe oops totally locked his box, so checking anything was impossible11:39
BenCIf I remember right, the oops was in interrupt11:39
st3even with netconsole?11:39
st3is linux-source-2.6.20 (Ubuntu) a vanilla kernel?11:40
BenCnetconsole doesn't bring the box out of a total lockup :)11:40
BenCit's mostly vanilla11:40
st3any patches related to softmac?11:40
st3he should enable full debugging output for both softmac and bcm43xx, and paste some more lines from dmesg right before the oops11:41
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
st3ogra, BenC was telling me about your oops11:42
ograright, i didnt have it since some time ..11:42
st3i think you should enable full debugging output for both softmac and bcm43xx, then post a bug report to bcm43xx-dev@lists.berlios.de11:43
ograbut with the recent kernel i have it complaining about my firmware being to old11:43
st3with the ubuntu kernel, you mean?11:43
st3that's completely broken11:44
st3it uses a very old version of -d80211 branch11:44
ograi only use ubuntu kernels, i dont have the time for kernel compiling :)11:44
=== BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
ograwell, then BenC should update that :)11:44
st3we received a lot of bug reports from ubuntu users for that kernel version11:44
st3anyway, could you try to enable debugging options in the kernel?11:45
ogradunno, BenC do we have a debug kernel ? 11:45
BenCogra: There's only small amounts of debug enabled, like softlockup11:46
ograshouldnt we have a dbg image for tests ? 11:46
ograwith everything thats possible switched on ? 11:47
st3you could just recompile those modules, btw11:47
ogra(and a big warning note indeed)11:47
BenCogra: Sure, if we want to double the amount of time and diskspace required to do it11:49
BenCe.g. i386 is already 5 kernels.....doing 10 would be really slow11:49
ograwell, i'm back to 2.6.20-5-generic, since -8 doesnt work at all ... -5 was completely stable, i havent seen any oopses with it11:50
st3what does it mean translated to vanilla naming scheme?11:51
st3so you didn't get that oops with the kernel you call -5, right?11:54
ograthats the package version ...11:55
ograright, i dot get them with the older version11:55
st3which i can assume is plain 2.6.20, no git snapshot, right?11:55
ograi know BenC added some fixes during the oslo sprint so these might be the ones fixing it for me11:56
st3isn't there a changelog or something like that?11:56
ograthey must have appeared between -3 and -5 ....11:56
BenCst3: in git, debian/changelog11:56
ograi think there is even a git tree11:56
st3is there a gitweb setup somewhere?11:57
st3(sorry, but i never used ubuntu, i'm not used to this)11:57
st3ah ok found it11:58
st3well, i can't find any related commit in git12:08
st3if you want to help, please send bug reports with debugging info to bcm43xx-dev@lists.berlios.de and stating exactly what kernel are you using, thank you12:08
BenCst3: Our git is available from kernel.org12:12
st3i saw it12:13
st3http://www.kernel.org/git/?p=linux/kernel/git/bcollins/ubuntu-2.6.git;a=summary isn't it?12:14

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