
LaserJockyeah, 5200 files of possibly illegaly distributed code12:15
_MMA_It gonna work. Probably just not in the time frame we wanted.12:15
LaserJockawesome :-)12:15
LaserJockthat's my assesment12:15
=== tsmithe spent all that time on getting that process documented as well. better not be wasted. took aaaagggges
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ajmitchmattb: good to see you getting stuck in12:47
mattbI'm having a competition to see whether this package gets through NEW or REVU faster :p12:47
ajmitchhm, good luck there12:48
ajmitchwhat's the package?12:48
ajmitchright, I see it12:48
ajmitchwe'd usually want the first ubuntu version to be -0ubuntu1, but this is probably a special case since it's in NEW12:49
ajmitchah, a WAND project?12:49
TheMusoMorning ajmitch.12:49
ajmitchhi TheMuso 12:49
TheMusoOr for you I should be saying good afternoon.12:49
LaserJockanybody know where an .xsession-error would be in a RHEL system?12:49
mattbajmitch: yep a wand project12:49
ajmitchmattb: one main problem12:50
ajmitch+libtrace3 (3.0.0-1ubuntu1) fiesty; urgency=low12:50
ajmitchit's feisty, not fiesty12:50
mattbI debated over the version, but as you say, given it's already in new 1ubuntu1 seemed to make most sens12:50
mattbajmitch: oh, bugger12:50
ajmitchLaserJock: what do you suggest for DDs uploading to REVU? 1 ACK is ok? :)12:50
LaserJockwouldn't that make syncing a problem in the future12:50
LaserJockdepends on the DD :p12:51
mattbnext debian revision will be -2, which is > 1ubuntu1 12:51
mattbso syncs should be fine?12:51
LaserJockwell, but syncing -1 wouldn't work12:51
TheMusoajmitch: dd or MOTUs?12:51
ajmitchLaserJock: but he doesn't want to sync -112:51
ajmitchsince it's stuck in debian NEW12:51
LaserJockmattb: will there be Ubuntu changes in the future?12:52
ajmitchTheMuso: DDs12:52
mattbhighly unlikely12:52
LaserJockajmitch: but we'd want to get rid of the ubuntu1 if we could12:52
LaserJockso we'd sync -112:52
mattbthe point of this upload is to get it into feisty asap12:52
ajmitchbut we don't want to miss the freeze12:52
LaserJockeither way it's not a big deal12:52
mattbrather than having to wait for it to get through NEW and then sync12:52
ajmitchdebian NEW is crawling at the moment12:52
LaserJockwell, I was just saying, if you have to change fiesty -> feisty12:53
ajmitchit may not get out for another couple of weeks12:53
LaserJockwhy not 1ubuntu1 -> 0ubuntu1 for completness12:53
ajmitchLaserJock: are you suggesting it be uploaded with -1build1?12:53
LaserJockno, althought that's not a exactly the worst idea ;-)12:53
LaserJockany recovering RHELers want to help me find .xsession-errors?12:54
LaserJockGnome and KDE won't start up12:54
LaserJockI'm guessing something must be going wrong at login12:55
LaserJockbut I can't figure out where to look12:55
=== LaserJock curses RedHat under his breath
TheMusoLaserJock: I thought they were in the home directory.12:56
LaserJockTheMuso: I can't find it12:56
TheMusoI guess you could always do a find / -name .xsession-errors :)12:57
ajmitchLaserJock: /tmp or /home full? :)12:57
LaserJocknot even close12:57
LaserJockthat's what the KDE login says12:57
LaserJockI tried moving .gnome* and .gconf*12:58
LaserJockbut both Gnome and KDE have the problem12:58
LaserJockit just gives me a blue screen and a cursor12:58
mattbso, shall I upload again with feisty spelt correctly, and 0ubuntu1 ?01:00
ajmitchmattb: you may as well01:02
ajmitch& then it can sit & bitrot in ubuntu NEW01:02
ajmitchthough the oldest things in there are only 9 days01:03
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imbrandonquiet night02:09
lotusleafstarry night02:09
_ionhungry night02:09
sistpotyI'm tired, right?02:11
imbrandonsistpoty, yea02:11
sistpotyhi imbrandon02:11
_ionNo, you're suffering from caffeine deficiency.02:11
sistpotyhi Hobbsee02:13
Hobbseeimbrandon: i'm grabbing various fixes for amarok upstream at the moment, FYI02:13
=== hub [n=hub@toronto-hs-216-138-231-194.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseehey sistpoty :)02:13
imbrandonheya Hobbsee 02:13
imbrandonHobbsee, rockin02:14
Hobbseeimbrandon: :)  i am useful for something, i think02:14
superm1hey imbrandon, ya didnt get the mythtv and mythplugins uploaded by uvf...... i filed a uvfe for them02:14
imbrandonsuperm1, sorry slipped my mind02:15
imbrandoni'll try to help it get pussed02:15
superm1imbrandon, not a problem as long as motu-uvf gets them approved :)02:15
superm1awesome thanks02:15
LaserJockI'm so close to having my mirror done :-)02:23
lotusleafLaserJock: who is the fairest fawn of all?02:24
LaserJockFeisty of course02:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chocsnack - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:25
LaserJockuntil the cruel hunter kills Feisty's dad02:25
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imbrandonLaserJock, you makin a mirror at the edu too?02:28
imbrandonfull rsync ?02:28
LaserJockimbrandon: I'm using reprepo to make a mirror of i386/source main/universe at home02:33
imbrandonahh cool02:35
LaserJockit's a bit of an experiment02:35
LaserJockbut as I'll have 3 feisty machines tonight, I thought it'd be nice02:39
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LaserJockalso having all of the source locally will make packaging a bit more fun02:39
sistpotywell, I used apt-proxy as a cache for several machines... worked quite nice until apt-proxy switched to twisted. however that was some years ago02:40
=== imbrandon just runs a full rsync mirror ;)
LaserJockbut I'm investigating repo stuff02:41
sistpotymini-dinstall is ... kinda ugly, but it works for me :)02:42
LaserJockyeah, I did that too02:43
imbrandonfalcon ftw as far as making a repo02:43
LaserJockwell, I can't use falcon exactly02:43
HobbseeLaserJock: once you find hte easiest and most useful, do tell me about it :)02:47
Hobbseeor come to think of it, i wonder if imbrandon can do repos on buntudot, so i wouldnt have to figure it out...02:47
bddebianbdefreese@bdubuntu1:~/revu/acroread-asianfonts$ linda ../../pbuild-feisty/result/acroread-asianfonts_7.0.1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb02:49
bddebianRoses are red, violets are blue,02:49
bddebianlintian is dead and Culus goes moo.02:49
Hobbseebddebian: haha02:50
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LaserJockimbrandon: well, falcon isn't in the repos02:51
LaserJockimbrandon: and for what I'm doing I need to just use stuff that's in the repos02:51
imbrandoni supose i could talk Seveas into letting me upload it ;) its a little late now though02:52
imbrandonwhat are you doing anyhow?02:53
LaserJockoh, a little something02:54
LaserJockreprepo was really easy though02:54
LaserJockI'm not sure what the speed was02:54
LaserJockit took something like 4 days or so02:54
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LaserJockok, back to the blog post, it's only taken me like 7 hrs02:58
LaserJocksilly work, don't they know I have more important things to do, like blog about FLOSS02:59
imbrandonhrm anyone know how to make a dhcp server ( ubuntu ) serv a certain ip based on MAC02:59
imbrandonor where i can find the docs, google sucks03:00
imbrandonhrm , i think i found it03:01
sistpotyimbrandon: man dhcpd.conf... it's really straightforward03:06
LaserJockman, I can't wait to get home and upgrade my server desktop to Feisty03:08
LaserJockhmm, I wonder if update-manager would accept my mirror03:09
LaserJockI'm guessing not03:10
=== zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockheh, update-manager doesn't have a man page03:10
LaserJocktsk tsk03:10
ajmitchah, computers03:14
=== ajmitch hates them
=== bddebian too
=== _ion [i=johan@kiviniemi.name] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockajmitch: they are aweful aren't they03:17
=== ajmitch should take up a life of gardening or something
LaserJockthe more I use them the more I hate them03:18
LaserJockone of great curses on geeks everywhere03:18
crimsunand on non-geeks, too.03:18
imbrandonheh beowolf cluster of veggies03:18
bddebianI need to look for a new job and I'm thinking construction or something03:18
LaserJockI wouldn't even be good at McDonalds03:19
LaserJockif I don't get a job as a Chemist I don't know what I'll do ;-)03:19
=== imbrandon wants to wonder the world going to FLOSS confrences
bddebianI found some Linux jobs around here but I ain't gonna make what I do now :-(03:19
LaserJockbddebian: what do you do now?03:20
bddebianMy title is IT Manager but I'm really a "jack of all trades, master of bation"03:21
=== rexbron [n=rexbron@CPE001310b2d1d1-CM0012256e816a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianSometimes DBA, ERP implementation, help-desk, programmer...03:21
bddebiannetwork admin, foo, bar...03:22
ajmitchman, and you stoop down to our level & help with ubuntu?03:23
=== ajmitch is just a code monkey
imbrandonbddebian, sound like my job03:24
ajmitchbddebian is probably earning 3x what I do03:24
imbrandonprobably 2X me03:24
bddebianNot quite at 6 figures yet unless you count bonuses :-(03:25
ajmitch'not quite'?03:25
ajmitchmine's only 6 figures if you count the zeros after the decimal point03:25
ajmitchso bddebian probably earns > 4x what I do03:25
imbrandonyea about 2X me03:25
LaserJockbddebian: I make 20k :/03:25
bddebianI'm also old, married and have 3 kids guys :-)03:25
=== ajmitch earns about 26K (in USD)
imbrandoni make arround 60K there abouts, plus bennies03:26
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LaserJockbddebian: I'm married and my wife is currently unemployed. No kids though03:26
=== sistpoty is just a poor student
LaserJockme too03:26
LaserJockwhat a sob story03:27
sistpotyLaserJock: but you earn money... I don't ;)03:27
LaserJock"Destitute MOTUs go on strike for higher wages" :-)03:27
=== ajmitch is working fulltime for that 26K
bddebianLaserJock: Well I wasn't smart enough to finish College until I was about 30 :)03:27
ajmitchLaserJock: which means that bddebian probably got his phd in something :)03:27
LaserJocksistpoty: true, my school is nice that way03:27
bddebianajmitch: Hah, I don't even have a masters :-(03:27
ajmitchbddebian: so we know who to ask for donations when we are starving :)03:28
bddebianSure :-)03:28
ajmitchhey, we were just talking about a MOTU fund yesterday...03:28
=== ajmitch passes the hat around
imbrandoni'm still paying off everything though, from the 12+ months i dident work 03:28
bddebianOK damnit, I have gotten that goofy linda "error" now twice and I've never seen it before03:30
bddebianajmitch: Well remember I've also sold my soul to M$ :-)03:30
=== TheMuso is still looking for employment, just something entry leve at this point, due to not having a hell of a lot of IT quals, but was sick of studying.
ajmitchbddebian: that's ok, I'll remember that when I'm starving & broke ;)03:31
LaserJockTheMuso: do people hire for accesability work at all?03:31
bddebianTheMuso: Just go get an MSCE, they don't care :-)03:31
bddebianErr MCSE even03:31
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TheMusoLaserJock: THere isn't the market for Linux accessibility atm.03:32
TheMusobddebian: I said I was sick of studying, and don't really want to go back to the books for another year at least.03:32
TheMusoLaserJock: And the Windows accessibility market is rather ted up already, and since I haven't used those technologies for a while, I wouldn't be able to get a job doing that.03:33
TheMusoIncluding my standard school education, I was studying for 16 years.03:34
ajmitchthat's not long03:34
TheMusoFrom when I first started school, to when I finished an IT related course last year.03:35
bddebianTheMuso: There's always the military :-)03:35
TheMusobddebian: um............. no..........03:35
TheMusoAnd that also included a music degree.03:35
bddebianSomething wrong with the military?03:35
TheMusoBut I don't want a music career either.03:35
TheMusobddebian: If you didn't know already, I have a vision impairement.03:35
bddebianOh, no, I didn't know that03:36
ajmitchit doesn't really show over irc :)03:36
TheMusoOf course it doesn't.03:36
=== ajmitch has a sanity impairment
TheMusoPeople who haven't got a disability being involved with acecssibility related work is rather rare.03:37
TheMusoaccessibility even03:37
=== bddebian is intelligence impaired
=== sistpoty is the only normal guy of the world *g*
bddebiansistpoty: :-)03:38
LaserJockTheMuso: I'm still amazed sometimes at how much you are able to do and how fast03:38
LaserJockheno too03:38
LaserJockit's really cool03:38
ajmitchsistpoty: yes, I'm sure you're normal ;)03:38
LaserJockwell, impairment isn't cool03:38
TheMusoLaserJock: Heno is truely amazing.03:38
LaserJockbut people still being able to use computers is03:38
=== bddebian isn't touching netbeans5.5
TheMusoLaserJock: Its always an uphill battle for people like myself, but we get by with what we have.03:40
TheMusoIn terms of things in life not being thought through for accessibility reasons.03:40
TheMusoLike visual verification on websites for one.03:40
TheMusoSites do offer alternate means to do what you want, but its not always the best alternative.03:41
ajmitchTheMuso: how impaired is your vision?03:41
ajmitchie, how do you manage with something like irc?03:41
TheMusoajmitch: Well I am legally blind, am a Braille reader, can read large print slowly.03:41
TheMusoCan't exactly remember how much vision I actually have.03:41
TheMusoAnd I also use synthesized speech.03:41
=== ajmitch had a friend who is completely blind, it was impressive watching her use a computer
=== TheMuso is using irssi on the console, with a very much screwed speakup atm.
TheMusoajmitch: WHo was that?03:42
ajmitchjust a student at the hall of residence I was at03:42
LaserJockTheMuso: that's what I find amazing, I would never know from your irc converstions03:42
LaserJockit seems like it would take me forever to be able to "read" and write like that03:43
imbrandonyea i never knew untill it was popinted out03:43
TheMusoLaserJock: Since I have been vision impaired since birth, I have grown up learning alternative ways for reading and writing.03:43
TheMusoSO I started learning Braille when I started school, and also learnt to read print concurrently.03:44
TheMusoThen started learning to type in my third year of school.03:44
TheMusoThat was 1990, and have been typing ever since.03:44
TheMusoI can also write braille if the need arrises.03:44
LaserJockhow good is the the synthesized speech? what happens if there is a typo or non-standard word?03:45
_ionI'm curious; if you change the irssi window, will the speak synth read the whole "new" contents aloud?03:45
TheMusoLaserJock: Depends on the typo, and it also depends on the speech synthesizer.03:45
=== LaserJock imagines half of his text get's "missed" as a typo
TheMusoAt the moment, I have three different speech synthesizers in my posession.03:45
TheMusoAll sound completely different.03:46
TheMusoSorry, make the five, if you include the free software speech synthesizers.03:46
ajmitchthat's quite a few03:46
TheMusoBut I prefer to use hardware speech synthesizers.03:46
TheMusoThree of those are ISA cards.03:46
TheMusoI also have two serial synthesizers, which are both the same, and have the same speech as one of the ISA cards.03:47
ajmitchscary, ISA cards03:47
TheMusoNo actually, make that 6. I just remembered another proprietary synth for Linux that I have, but don't use much.03:48
ajmitchit's hard to find motherboards with those03:48
imbrandoni havent seen ISA in quite a while03:48
TheMusoajmitch: Thats why I'm holding onto my dual celeron.03:48
=== ajmitch doesn't miss ISA
LaserJockI have a number of ISA cards around the lab03:48
_ionAbit BP6?03:48
TheMuso_ion: Yep.03:48
LaserJockwe "just" upgraded to PCI boards for data aquisition03:48
TheMusoThere is *ONE* PCI synth, but not supported in Linux yet.03:49
imbrandonmight as well have went PCIe or something03:49
LaserJockimbrandon: I don't think they make PCIe boards yet for what we do03:49
_ionIt's a nice motherboard, but it has a *horrible* ATA66 controller. :-)03:49
LaserJockthe latest and greatest is USB and Ethernet03:49
TheMuso_ion: Thats why I don't use it.03:49
TheMusoI threw in an IDE card.03:49
bddebianUSB r t43 suXX0r03:49
_ionWhen i had one, i bought a PCI SATA controller.03:50
TheMusoAnd flashed a BIOS into it not containing the highpoint BIOS.03:50
LaserJockbddebian: I'm using GPIB right now, USB would be a definate step up ;-)03:50
imbrandonbah just use a c64 1541 floppy03:50
bddebianLaserJock: BTW, help me fix that on REVU ;-P03:50
bddebianimbrandon: :)03:50
LaserJockbddebian: I've got to run home03:51
=== TheMuso has been wanting to teach himself more c code, but hasn't got around to it.
bddebianWere you even alive when C64's were around imbrandon?03:51
LaserJockmaybe tonight I'll have a look03:51
LaserJockI doubt I was03:51
bddebianLaserJock: Well it's been up there for a few weeks :-)03:51
imbrandonlol yea bddebian 03:51
LaserJockI almost missed the DOS age03:51
_ionYou mean C64s aren't around anymore? :-)03:51
_ionThere's a whole active demoscene around C64. ;-)03:51
bddebianProbably on E-Bay03:51
TheMusoIdeally, I'd love to write kernel drivers for all ISA/PCI synths so they appear as standard serial like devices in /dev, and then interface them with Orca.03:52
sistpotyI've even read some docs about making the c64 display 256 colors... with some nasty and amazing asm tricks03:52
=== bddebian peeks and pokes
LaserJockhmm, I usually don't use "love" "write" and "kernel" so close together03:53
TheMusoWell as much as software speech is good, hardware will always be better.03:53
TheMusoLess CPU load.03:53
LaserJockI'm just figuring out how to write a GUI in something other than python03:53
LaserJockthat low level stuff is going to take me forever03:54
sistpotyoh... I've even had a speech synth on c64... I'm still amazed that this was actually possible03:54
crimsunsure. "I love bug triaging sound issues in linux-source-2.6.12, linux-source-2.6.15, linux-source-2.6.17 and linux-source-2.6.20."03:54
_ionIt shouldn't be *very* straining on CPU.03:54
TheMuso_ion: It isn't but I have found that dedicated hardware synths are more responsive.03:54
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@19-98.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusoAnd it leaves CPU for more important things.03:54
bddebianLaserJock: How about .NET.. Just drag and drop some controls :-)03:54
LaserJockbddebian: probably not03:55
LaserJockmy brain is only going to take in so many programming languages03:55
bddebianI'm having to play with it for work.. Sheesh...03:55
bddebianI used to like ASP03:55
LaserJockright now Fortan, Python, and C++ are more than enough to keep me busy03:56
sistpotyLaserJock: know one, know them all, that's what I experienced until I learned functional programming03:56
LaserJockhmm, I don't know any then :(03:56
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LaserJockI could probably use a programming course03:57
LaserJockI tend to do much better in an academic setting03:57
bddebianDefine "know".  I can write "Hello World" in several languages but I wouldn't say I "know" them :-)03:57
sistpotythe compiler construction course helped me a lot. If you think how the compiler does it, you suddenly understand even issues that seem weird at first.03:58
LaserJockI've read through the books and tutorials03:58
_ionRe: programming courses, some amazing lectures from the 1980s: http://johan.kiviniemi.name/blag/2007/02/13/structure-and-interpretation-of-computer-programs/03:58
LaserJockbut I still feel really really unprepared when I try to do anything real03:58
bddebianActually I know the C syntax very well but get into linking, macros, and all that shit, I get blown away :-(03:58
TheMusoThe only way I learn programming related stuff, is applying it to something practicle.03:58
LaserJockI got an autotools book out of the library the other day03:59
LaserJockit's been pretty good03:59
TheMusoI now know bash fluently, because I've had to use it a lot.03:59
LaserJockapplies well to packaging as well, which is nice03:59
LaserJockmy bash is good enough to be dangerous :-)03:59
TheMusoI can do php with the reference manual handy.03:59
=== bddebian can't learn from books :'-(
Laser_awayreally away now04:00
bddebianLater man04:00
sistpotycya Laser_away04:00
TheMusoI struggle most with languages where one has to import/include header files/libraries, as I don't use them enough to remember what I need to include.04:00
TheMusoHowever, I am able to look at some c code, and if variables/functions are named well, can work out what it does.04:01
=== sistpoty needs definitely to go to bed now
sistpotygn8 everyone04:02
bddebianGnight sistpoty04:03
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Hobbseeany core devs around?05:35
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=== ajmitch is off home now, bbl
Hobbseeajmitch: darn you.  :P05:42
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ajmitchHobbsee: now what did you want, and why?06:07
Hobbseeajmitch: an amarok upload sponsor.06:07
ajmitchmain is frozen06:07
Hobbseeajmitch: but i'd forgotten that we were in freeze.06:07
Hobbseeajmitch: it can wait and sit in the queue, cant it?06:07
ajmitchI think the preference is to check first06:08
LaserJockis apt-get or aptitude better for a full dist-upgrade?06:10
LaserJockupdate-manager is throwing an error06:11
jmillikinI prefer apt-get, since it's only one line06:11
imbrandonapt-get imho06:11
=== RAOF uses aptitude all the time
imbrandonaptitude tries to be too smart06:11
RAOFYou just need to read what it says it'll do.06:12
imbrandonand half the time i dont want it to do what it says ;)06:12
LaserJockI haven't had a ton of success with it06:12
LaserJockyou really have to stay on top of it or it gets way too messy06:12
=== ajmitch likes aptitude most of the time
imbrandonanyhow off to work for a few hours , see yall when i get there06:13
ajmitchbye imbrandon :)06:13
LaserJockhmm, my karma is going to be 0 in a few weeks06:14
ajmitchmine is already close to 006:14
LaserJockmine has been cut in half since their change06:14
=== ajmitch has ~11K
LaserJockI've barely go 2k06:15
imbrandonmine went from 16K to 4K06:15
ajmitchsurprising, I only had 7K last week06:15
ajmitchI didn't think I'd get that much in a week06:16
=== ajmitch obviously needs to work harder to catch up with motu superstars
=== LaserJock needs to join some super bug processing team ;-)
bddebianLaserJock: Nah, just write some specs ;-P06:18
=== Fujitsu had 12k immediately after the Great Reduction(tm), and it has significantly dropped now :(
Fujitsubddebian: Or use the support tracker!06:19
ajmitchFujitsu: it's 13K now, what are you complaining about?06:19
HobbseeLaserJock: make a new translation, and do lots of it.06:19
Fujitsuajmitch: Is it!?06:19
FujitsuHow odd.06:19
FujitsuIt was 9.5k when I last checked.06:19
ajmitchyes, and mine was about 7.2K last week06:19
LaserJockspecs are good06:19
TheMusoDo you get karma when you upload?06:19
FujitsuIt'd be nice if it didn't fluctuate like that.06:20
=== ajmitch is shocked
Hobbsee18K now.  pathetic.06:20
=== Fujitsu sends Launchpad back to school.
Fujitsu1022+1165 != 1313906:20
ajmitchpeople actually voted no for dholbach06:20
LaserJockTheMuso: no06:20
ajmitch1 person voted no for me :)06:21
Hobbseeoh yes, i need to vote on that06:21
ajmitchHobbsee: too late06:21
HobbseeSupport Tracker  77306:21
Hobbseeyou're kidding, right?  i filed one support request, maybe two...06:21
TheMusoSO what was the result?06:21
ajmitchHobbsee: MC voting closed, you had 2 weeks06:21
ajmitchTheMuso: look at the url06:21
Hobbsee3 disapproved, it seems06:21
Hobbseeof dholbach06:22
ajmitchcount the approved/disapproved for each candidate06:22
ajmitchI'm worried about that06:22
ajmitchwhy would 3 people disapprove of dholbach?06:22
TheMusoWhy would they?06:22
Hobbseebecause he's doing the CC06:22
ajmitchcc nomination was only public yesterday06:23
ajmitchI doubt it would have changed peoples minds06:23
Hobbseewhere do we vote for CC nominations, btw?06:23
Hobbseeenough troubles with the forums stuff, though06:23
bddebianShit, I forgot to vote too :'-(06:24
ajmitchHobbsee: you don't vote yet06:24
ajmitchpolls are not open06:24
Hobbseedarn :(06:24
LaserJockI'm amazed we had that many votes then06:24
TheMusoajmitch: Shame for anybody disapproving you06:24
=== Hobbsee is *definetly* going to vote on that one
LaserJockif Hobbsee and bddebian missed it06:24
ajmitchTheMuso: it was expected06:25
TheMusowell thats settled.06:25
ajmitchoh well06:26
ajmitchI guess I have to do stuff now06:26
LaserJockwell, we at least have to have the *appearence* that there was a reason to vote06:26
ajmitchwhat's funny is that I had the most votes06:27
=== LaserJock voted against all the candidates
TheMusoLaserJock: Bull****06:27
LaserJockLong Live the MOTU Trinity!06:27
ajmitch31 votes in total for me, yet dholbach had 30, crimsun 29, sistpoty 27, gpocentek 2106:28
LaserJockTheMuso: fine, you caught me06:28
ajmitchyou'd think that people would try & vote for everyone06:28
ajmitchscrewy people06:28
LaserJockajmitch: I think you can cast a "I don't care" vote06:28
ajmitcheven so..06:28
TheMusoWell I said yes to all.06:29
TheMusoI have had packages reviewed by all of those people at some point.06:29
ajmitchso that was your criteria for voting?06:29
TheMusoNot at all.06:29
TheMusoBut I have worked with you all, which gives me an insite as to what you are like with MOTU work.06:29
TheMusoSO it was based on having worked with the candidates previously.06:30
TheMusoOk, what do we do if our membership is about to expire?06:34
TheMusoI know we have to contact Denis, but where from there?06:34
FujitsuIt was discussed at the last CC meeting.06:36
Fujitsu(note that your membership won't actually vanish until your ubuntu-dev membership does, as ubuntu-dev is a member of ubuntumembers)06:37
TheMusoRight so I don't need to worry about it, or should I contact Dennis anyway?06:37
=== luisbg [n=d33p@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchtalk to him06:38
TheMusoYeah ok06:38
TheMusook thanks06:41
=== philwyett [n=philwyet@bb-87-81-146-45.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianGnight gang07:01
=== _czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-033-162.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== dholbach [n=daniel@i59F73F10.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockwelcome Prince Daniel!07:24
dholbachgood morning07:24
dholbachgood morning Seor LaserJock :)07:24
FujitsuHey dholbach.07:25
Hobbseehey dholbach 07:25
dholbachheya Fujitsu, hey ho07:25
dholbachHobbsee :-)07:25
dholbachlalala :)07:25
Lutinhay there07:26
dholbachheya Lutin07:28
Hobbseedholbach: hehe, i dont get a title?07:29
Lutinheya dholbach 07:29
=== dholbach hugs Hobbsee
=== joejaxx [i=joejaxx@ubuntu/member/joejaxx] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Hobbsee hugs dholbach back
LaserJockHobbsee: She-Ra, Princess of Power07:31
LaserJockso says google07:31
=== ash211 [n=andrew@user-112128p.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
HobbseeLaserJock: heh, oookay then!07:32
LaserJockI think it goes well with the DOOM stick07:33
=== StevenK [n=stevenk@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== matt_good [n=matt@ip24-255-125-63.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LutinI see some packages install their man3 pages in /usr/share/doc/<package>/man/man3. what's the difference with the packages installing them in /usr/share/man/man3 ?07:38
joejaxxhello all07:39
LaserJockhi joejaxx 07:39
joejaxxhello LaserJock 07:39
matt_goodI think there's a problem with the REVU password recovery07:40
matt_goodsee http://revu.tauware.de/lostpw.py?email=abcd07:40
matt_goodI get the same message with my email address07:41
matt_goodsome instructions for using GPG, and "Now paste the text below,", but there's no more text07:42
=== tonyyarusso [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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tonyyarussoQuery:  Why is Livejournal (blogging software) not in the repos?  It seems to be GPL2+, btw.07:44
RAOFBecause no-one's packaged it?07:44
RAOFIs it in Debian?07:44
tonyyarussoRAOF: Not sure - I'll check07:44
=== Kagou [n=Kagou@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tonyyarussoRAOF: No.07:45
RAOFtonyyarusso: So, the reason is because no-one's packaged it :)07:46
RAOF(that's your cue)07:46
tonyyarussoRAOF: Cool, simple enough.  I've been meaning to teach myself how to package anyway - maybe I'll give it a whirl.07:46
RAOFThe Ubuntu packaging guide is cool.07:46
=== ash211 [n=andrew@user-112128p.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
RAOFAlso, CDBS is awesome if the program doesn't do anything crazy.07:47
LaserJockit's getting there07:47
RAOFCommon Debian Build System.07:47
LaserJockit's a build helper07:47
RAOFBasically, a whole series of makefile scripts that you include into debian/rules07:47
LaserJockdebhelper is the other common one07:47
tonyyarussoIs it better to read the debian new maintainers guide first (what I tried before) or the Ubuntu guide first?07:47
RAOFWhich takes care of everything for you.07:47
RAOFI read the Ubuntu guide first.07:48
LaserJock*cough*Ubuntu Packaging Guide *cough*07:48
RAOFDebian's good for actual policy things.07:48
tonyyarussoSo that's two votes for Ubuntu.07:48
LaserJocktonyyarusso: I wrote the packaging guide as basically a replacement for the new maintainers guid07:48
=== ash211 [n=andrew@user-112128p.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tonyyarussoLaserJock: Hopefully it's less confusing?07:49
LaserJockI personally think the packaging guide and the Debian Policy are good places to go07:49
LaserJockI hope so07:49
LaserJocklet me know if you hit snags07:49
RAOFI *certainly* recommend the packaging guide.07:49
LaserJockI think it's really tough to make a packaging doc that is both easy to read/learn and comprehensive07:50
RAOFYeah, there's a lot to learn.07:50
RAOFJust ask if you run into snags, though.  I'll be happy to help.07:51
=== ash211 [n=andrew@user-112128p.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tonyyarussosure thing - thanks07:52
LaserJockyou can file bugs at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-docs/+filebug for the packaging guide too07:53
tonyyarussobtw, how is it done that things are built for multiple architectures?  Is that just a compile option, or do you need different machines?07:53
LaserJocktonyyarusso: when a packag is uploaded it is sent to the Ubuntu build machines07:54
LaserJockwe only upload source packages07:54
tonyyarusso(Also, I assume at this stage in the game I should shoot for Feisty+1 inclusion, if anything?)07:54
LaserJockunless you are very quick07:54
LaserJockdeadline is 22nd07:54
tonyyarussoHmm, ok.07:54
=== tonyyarusso starts reading
RAOFI need to push gandalfn to get gnome-compiz-manager reviewed and fixed.  Sooon!07:55
tonyyarussoum, where IS the packaging guide these days?07:56
=== tonyyarusso hasn't learned the reorganized help yet
LaserJocktonyyarusso: use doc.ubuntu.com07:56
LaserJockon the bottom right07:56
tonyyarussoLaserJock: Can I install it, pretty please?07:56
LaserJocknot presently, actually07:56
LaserJockI'm splitting it off into a seperate binary package07:57
tonyyarussohoh boy07:57
LaserJockso far in feisty it's not installed07:57
tonyyarussoLaserJock: Quickly, preferably.  ;)07:57
LaserJockbecause of the help reorganization07:57
tonyyarussoLaserJock: Reason being, every time I want to go to the next page, I'll need to grab a snack while it loads.07:58
tonyyarussodialup is FUUUNNN07:58
LaserJockyou *could* get the pdf of the edgy version07:58
LaserJockfrom help.ubuntu.com07:58
tonyyarussopdf isn't too great either07:58
LaserJockhmm, maybe I should build my own .debs of it07:59
LaserJockI've got to have some excuse to have my own repo ;-)07:59
RAOFLaserJock: I suggest building debs for random SVN snapshots.  That's why my repository exists :)08:00
LaserJockRAOF: how is the packaging subforum of the subforum going? :-)08:01
RAOFIt's been ages since I've been there, frankly.08:01
LaserJockme too08:02
RAOFLaserJock: Do you want to review gnome-compiz-manager, while I ask the packager if he'd be ok with me handling the packages :)?08:02
LaserJocksorry, I actually have to get to bed right now08:03
LaserJockgood night all08:03
RAOFCurse you and your sleeep!08:03
Laser_awaysorry RAOF, even the best of us have to sleep08:03
Laser_awayexcept crimsun of course08:03
FujitsuNight, Laser_away.08:03
tonyyarussodude, is irssi ignoring nickchanges?08:05
=== tonyyarusso pokes around
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-200-45.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tonyyarussooh, yep08:06
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tonyyarussoPlease tell me you're kidding...08:18
tonyyarusso"Creating a pbuilder environment will take some time as debootstrap essentially downloads a minimal Ubuntu installation."08:18
tonyyarussoIt would probably take me until the 22nd to do that...08:18
FujitsuWell, that's what it does.08:18
tonyyarussooh boy08:18
tonyyarussoThis is going to get interesting.08:18
=== robitaille [n=daniel@ubuntu/member/robitaille] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tonyyarussoPublic library, here I come.08:19
janmtonyyarusso, have you tried cowbuilder? It's quicker but a li'l bit trickier than pbuilder. 08:26
=== ash211 [n=andrew@user-112128p.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tonyyarussojanm: Haven't tried anything yet.08:27
tonyyarussoBasically, anything is going to be slow here.08:27
tonyyarussoWe have dialup :P08:27
=== Rohinton [n=chatzill@inet-netcache2-o.oracle.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
janmtonyyarusso, :)08:29
tonyyarussoWell, that's all for tonight.08:33
=== jwhitlark [n=jwhitlar@64-121-52-87.c3-0.snmt-ubr1.sfrn-snmt.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StevenKcowbuilder looks neat. I'm just not sure how to update a cowbuilder build place.08:57
=== ajmitch returns for some more chaos
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janmStevenK, I use this to update mine (adjust it accordingly) -> "sudo cowbuilder --update --basepath=/pbuilder/base.cow --buildplace=/pbuilder/build"09:18
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=== imbrandon returns
RAOFThe peasants run in confusion.10:06
lucasif someone was planning to write an article for debaday.debian.net, please do so now, as we don't have any article ready in the queue10:11
imbrandonheya lucas 10:12
imbrandonhum i dont have time to tonight, i have been meaning to try to get one up10:12
imbrandonmaybe the next day or so10:12
=== raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=kgoetz@unafilliated/kgoetz] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Kamping_Kaiserthis may not be the correct place to ask - but how does ubuntu get the 'translate this app' and 'get help online'  into every app. are they manually patched in, or is there an automated way?10:16
=== jwhitlark [n=jwhitlar@64-121-52-87.c3-0.snmt-ubr1.sfrn-snmt.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonits patched into the kde libs ( and i assume gnomelibs too )10:17
jwhitlarkhmm. doesn't look like there's ever been an article done on multitail...10:17
imbrandonKamping_Kaiser, look at launchpad-intergration iirc ( the package )10:18
Kamping_Kaiserimbrandon, thanks, i'll check it out.10:18
imbrandonheya jwhitlark 10:18
jwhitlarkheya,  what's up.  how was the motu meeting?10:18
imbrandoni missed it, durring my sleep time, i have to catch the minutes today10:19
jwhitlarkah.  what's new since UDS?  anything interesting?10:19
imbrandona few things, not alot10:20
imbrandonmotu wise or with me?10:20
jwhitlarklife treating you ok?10:20
imbrandonwith me, new job, new car, divorced wife, ummmm and ummm yea10:20
imbrandontook a packaging break for a few weeks , but i've been catching back up the last month or so10:21
jwhitlarkheh,  when you were talking about work, I was thinking, 'I thought he was self employed...'10:21
imbrandonworking on ways to get to the various confrences, even got a talk scheduled at one heh10:21
jwhitlarkdivorce is final now then, huh.10:21
imbrandonyup yup, 1000% done10:21
jwhitlarkcool, which one and what talk?10:22
jwhitlarkgood for you.10:22
imbrandonubuntu live, and about the use of Ubuntu in a Corp env10:22
jwhitlarkoooohhhhh.  shiny....10:22
imbrandonother than that alot of the same old same old10:22
jwhitlarkheh, considering how bad I screwed up V. Day, I might be joining you....10:23
imbrandonhahah hows that?10:23
imbrandonbrb one sec, phone 10:23
jwhitlarkwell, what I said was 'I'll cook dinner', what she heard was 'I'm going to server you a four course meal with champagne, candlelight, flowers, gifts, a fire in the fireplace, and everything will be perfect and you won't have to do a thing.'10:30
imbrandonhahahah that sounds so right10:30
imbrandonbeen there10:30
imbrandonheya ajmitch 10:31
ajmitchfor me, it was just sitting at home in front of irc ;)10:31
jwhitlarkso now I'm going to take friday off and surprise her with what she thought she was getting, otherwise I'll here about it for weeks...10:31
imbrandonfor me it was sleeping off a hangover10:31
imbrandonright on, good .plan10:31
StevenKFor me, it was a candlelit dinner.10:31
=== ajmitch is still rather single, so doesn't have to worry about those death threats
imbrandonStevenK, alone? just teasin10:32
jwhitlarkshe's asleep now, but I'm kinda annoyed about it, so I was playing python challenge for a while...10:32
jwhitlarkajmitch, there's something too that...10:32
=== StevenK kicks imbrandon
imbrandonzomg http://digg.com/tech_news/U_S_senator_It_s_time_to_ban_Wikipedia_in_schools_libraries10:32
imbrandonhow clueless is the goverment10:33
jwhitlarksaw it.  that jerk with the pipes again.10:33
=== robb_ [n=robb@pool-71-163-244-36.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonyea the pipes / truck intarweb dweeb10:34
ajmitcheveryone knows the internet is done by wet pieces of string10:35
jwhitlarkthis is pretty tight, look how many people have conquered the middle east: http://mapsofwar.com/ind/imperial-history.html10:35
ajmitchat least to NZ10:35
=== Lure [n=lure@external-7.hermes.si] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jwhitlarkajmitch, I though it was dixie cups and dry string?!  Are you giving away trade secrets!!!10:35
ajmitchno, wet string for us10:37
ajmitchthere's too much ocean to keep it dry10:37
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ajmitchthough they are upgrading the piece of string to 1.2Tbps, I heard10:37
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jwhitlarkimbrandon, any more thoughts about pycon?10:39
ajmitchso good to see NEW still stalled10:40
TheMusoHey all once again.10:43
imbrandonheya TheMuso 10:45
ajmitchhi TheMuso 10:46
imbrandonjwhitlark, yea i'm gonna take a day trip mostlikely unless something crazy pops up10:46
imbrandoni have the time/money to doso10:46
jwhitlarkcool, catch ya there.10:46
imbrandonok bbiab , i have to get some real work done ( back in 1 hour or so )10:46
ajmitchimbrandon: cool, want to sponsor a trip for me?10:47
imbrandonnew nagios server here i come10:47
jwhitlarklet me know when you're going, we'll set ya up in a room share.10:47
imbrandonajmitch, i totaly wish i could, maybe when it gets closer to time i can for ubuntu live10:47
jwhitlarkyou use dapper or edgy for nagios?10:47
ajmitchit's ok, it'd cost a fortune :)10:47
imbrandonedgy , its the only one with the perc 5/i raid controller drivers10:47
jwhitlarkah, that's what I'm running mine on too.10:48
=== herzi [n=herzi@p548FBEDD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonso we use edgy on almost all our servers because most dell's ( mostly 2950's ) have the perc 5/i10:48
jwhitlarknow if only I could get that NT4 domain to samba migration working...10:48
imbrandoni have them all on win2k3 AD auth10:49
jwhitlark@^$%^$%^# thing has been giving me fits!10:49
Kamping_Kaiserjwhitlark, samba4's vampire looks pretty cool10:49
ajmitchshould be trivial10:49
imbrandonshould be simple10:49
imbrandoni dident have much problems10:49
StevenKKamping_Kaiser: Now with longer fangs!10:49
ajmitchKamping_Kaiser: sure, but samba4 is a long way off10:49
jwhitlarkexcept I can't get it to join the bloody domain!10:49
Kamping_Kaiserajmitch, unfortunately so10:49
jwhitlarkat all!10:49
Kamping_KaiserStevenK, woot ;)10:50
imbrandonjwhitlark, lemme get this nagios thing done for work then i'll shoot you the doc we use inhouse for setting it up10:50
imbrandonshould be simple10:50
jwhitlarkcool, thanks.  10:50
imbrandontakes me less than 10 minutes to get a new box on the domain10:50
jwhitlarkas PDC?10:51
imbrandonno as a member, our pdc and bdc are true 2k3 servers10:51
imbrandonbut pdc should be easier than a member10:51
jwhitlarkwant to email it to me? jwhitlark@zentek.com10:51
imbrandonyea give me a few, might be at the end of my shit but i'll get it out to ya10:52
=== ajmitch should go & sleep & play with python stuff & AD tomorrow
ajmitchnice typo10:52
imbrandonhaha yea10:52
jwhitlarkno prob.  I'm going to bed anyway.10:52
ajmitchanyway, night all10:52
imbrandongnight ajmitch 10:52
=== RAOF is now known as RAOF|Away
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TheMusoGood evening Princess of power. :p12:34
TheMusoThe title bestoed upon Hobbsee by Laserjock I think.12:34
Hobbseehehe :)12:35
=== Fujitsu shakes fist.
=== tsmithe shakes cloak
FujitsuAha! I graffitied that one, remember?12:37
StevenKFujitsu: Unidentify, it'd drop the cloak. :-P12:37
=== TheMuso injects enjoyable music directly into the brain.
=== coNP notices now tsmithe 's shiny new cloak
geserdholbach: about bug #85135: is it important that I become bug contact because I don't speak haskell? I wouldn't be much help12:44
UbugtuMalone bug 85135 in gtk2hs "[UVF exception]  Sync gtk2hs ( from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8513512:44
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geserdholbach: gtk2hs was first uploaded in feisty and ftbfs because we have ghc 6.6 already so we don't have any binaries yet12:45
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dholbachgeser: gtk2hs doesn't have that many bugs... I think it's important to have somebody who can liaise with upstream once we get a new version in that is broken12:46
dholbachdaniel@lovegood:~/bzr/bughelper.dev$ ./bugnumbers --stats gtk2hs12:46
dholbachTotal Bugs: 112:46
dholbachStatus:  {'Needs Info': 1}12:46
dholbachImportance:  {'Undecided': 1}12:46
dholbachdaniel@lovegood:~/bzr/bughelper.dev$ 12:46
dholbachI can't force you to do it... I just think it'd be a good idea :)12:46
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geserit doesn't have any bugs because it never got build successfully12:48
dholbachI appreciate you working on it12:48
coNPis it a gtk-binding for haskell?12:49
gesergtk2hs is blocking the removal of the old mozilla suite as the gtk2hs build-depends on mozilla-dev12:49
dholbachIt's ok if you decide to not be bug contact for a while.12:50
gesercoNP: yes12:51
coNPgeser: that sounds very nice :)12:51
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fernandomoin all01:02
TheMusoOne more logn email to reply to, and then thats it for me tonight.01:17
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gpocentekhello Universe04:14
phanatichi gpocentek 04:14
gpocentekhi phanatic :)04:15
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bddebianHeya gang04:34
phanatichey bddebian 04:35
bddebianHeya phanatic04:36
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pochuhello everybody! I've a problem with the dependencies: listen needs python-mutagen, but if I add it to the build-deps, when it's built, it doesn't have python-mutagen in the normal build-deps, do I need to put it in both build-deps and deps?04:51
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ScottKpochu: Does it need python-mutagen to build or just to run?05:01
pochuScottK: both05:01
ScottKThen I'm pretty sure you have to list it both places.05:01
=== ScottK is relatively knew at this, so don't take it as gospel.
pochuScottK: ok, thanks. I thought it would be put automatically in build with ${misc:Depends}05:02
=== pochu is a noob :)
ScottKI'm pretty sure not.  Otherwise you'd never have build-deps that weren't runtime deps when you used it.05:03
pochuScottK: ok, thanks a lot!05:03
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pochuis universe frozen?05:22
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bddebianFor Upstream Version bumps, yes.  Not for NEW05:23
pochubddebian: and for bug fixes?05:25
pochuI mean: -0ubuntu1 ---> -0ubuntu2 :)05:25
bddebianNOpe that's fine05:26
pochuok, thanks :)05:26
matt_goodbddebian: are you or someone else here able to re-sync the REVU keyring?05:32
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bddebianmatt_good: Not me, sorry05:45
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cbx33anyone ever experienced a problem with network-manager06:04
cbx33it's just lost all my network interfaces06:04
cbx33reboot does nothing06:04
giskarddid you read /usr/share/doc/n-m/README.Debian?06:04
cbx33not yet06:04
cbx33it was woring fine06:04
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Lutinhay there06:07
cbx33yeh read that06:08
cbx33no help ;)06:08
Lutinany doxygen master around ? :)06:09
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Laser_awayI dist upgraded my desktop last night and I lost USB06:35
crimsunnice, that's about as vague as one can be.06:37
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ogracrimsun, nah ... "upgraded, now doesnt work" is vague ...  :)06:39
ograyou have at least a pointer what doesnt work ... thanks to developer experience on the reporters side *g*06:39
Laser_awaywell, all I know is devices are dead06:40
ogracheck dmesg and the other usual suspects ... if nothing helps blame Keybuk :)06:40
Laser_awayI'm checking dmesg06:41
Laser_awaygotta figure out what it's IP address is first (n-m blew away my network setup)06:41
Laser_awayhow did I end up with Xen kernels06:43
Laser_awayok, I got USB back by not using the Xen kernel06:50
Laser_awayalthough I have no idea why I have a Xen kernel06:50
Laser_awaybut still no networking as it seems that n-m still doesn't play well with static IPs06:51
crimsunknown issue, thanks for playing!06:51
Laser_awayI thought they fixed that06:51
Laser_awayguess not06:51
Laser_awayso now I've got to remove n-m and ubuntu-desktop :/06:52
Laser_awayis there a way I can just turn it off without removing it?06:52
zulLaser_away: why are you using the xen kernel?06:52
zuland edgy or feisty? :)06:53
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Laser_awayzul: feisty, and I'm not using it06:56
Laser_awayI have no idea why it's there06:56
Laser_awayI dist-upgraded and it was the default in my grub06:57
Laser_awaywhat package provides it?06:57
Laser_awaywhy the heck do they have a "Static Configuration" button if it doesn't even work??06:58
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ajmitchgood morning all08:15
LaserJockmorning andrew08:15
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gpocentekhello ajmitch, hello LaserJock 08:16
LaserJockhi gpocentek, congrats on MOTU Councilship08:16
LaserJockcongrats to ajmitch as well08:16
ajmitchmore slavery 08:18
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gnomefreakthey results from the voting is out?08:19
ajmitchof course08:19
ajmitchthey were out yesterday08:19
gnomefreakjust ajmitch  and gpocentek made it?08:19
ajmitcheveryone made it08:21
gnomefreakah cool08:21
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cbx33do we have a procedure for remastering a live cd yet?08:34
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gpocentekLaserJock: thanks :)08:55
LaserJockcbx33: Reconstructor and UCK, what do you mean by "we". The MOTU don't care about live cd remastering ;-)08:57
ajmitchwe just grovel in the dirt looking after the scraps that others don't want ;)08:59
LaserJockwe just have the real deal09:00
ajmitchgpocentek: so, thoughts on how you'll begin your reign of terror?09:02
zuli welcome our new overlords09:03
gpocentekajmitch: not really, maybe just write a "you have to do this" script :)09:04
Fujitsuajmitch: You are master of the Ubuntu Zopeness... I've added a zope3 Ubuntu task to a bug previously in SchoolTool (bug #80195). It's fixed in Feisty, but not in Edgy. Care to accept the Edgy task?09:10
UbugtuMalone bug 80195 in zope3 "Edgy Bug" [Undecided,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8019509:10
=== ajmitch looks
ajmitchdepends on what it is09:10
FujitsuA two line fix.09:11
FujitsuFor working with Python
ajmitchooh, SRU09:11
ajmitchit looks worthwhile, you want to prepare the SRU magic debdiff?09:11
ajmitchok, approved bug09:11
ajmitchonce LP responds09:11
FujitsuI'll do it some time in the next few hours, I've got to prepare for school.09:12
FujitsuSo it's not just me thinking LP is horribly slow?09:12
=== ajmitch is running off to work now
ajmitchoh no, LP is a dog most of the time :)09:12
ajmitcha malnourished dog with a broken leg09:12
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Burgworkwhich has been whipped09:13
=== Fujitsu looks up the main SRU process
ajmitchFujitsu: oh it is in main, isn't it?09:20
ajmitchhow annoying09:20
FujitsuIt is, I discovered to my horror.09:20
ajmitchit'll need to be demoted for feisty if it stays broken09:21
ajmitchwhich schooltool needs09:21
FujitsuLaserJock, SchoolTool is, and it breaks SchoolTool, but zope3 is the package in question.09:21
Fujitsuajmitch: I am able to get a SVN checkout working on Feisty fine.09:22
ajmitchoh good09:22
ajmitchI was afraid the API would have changed too much09:22
FujitsuSVN checkout of zope3, that is.09:22
FujitsuNot twisted web2.09:22
FujitsuI haven't tried that yet.09:22
=== ajmitch thought you meant a svn co of twisted-web2, with zope 3.3.0
FujitsuI realise that.09:23
ajmitchthe only way forward might be to cut out patches & graft them onto 3.3.009:23
ajmitchtalk with doko about it09:23
FujitsuWill do. I want Zope working :)09:23
=== ajmitch also
ajmitchI mainly use 2.9 though09:24
ajmitchplone don't work with 2.10 yet :)09:24
dokoajmitch: 3.0alpha2 should ...09:24
ajmitchsure, but I won't want to run an alpha on a production site just yet09:25
=== ajmitch has been following 3.0 from a distance
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LaserJockhmm, so why don't we have a "Welcome MC" email to -motu ?09:36
ajmitchLaserJock: because there's no need09:37
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LaserJockajmitch: why not? we've waited for a long time09:42
ajmitchemail the list if you think it's important :)09:44
LaserJockI was looking for something more official, but maybe09:45
ajmitchdholbach may mail the list once it's all sorted out09:45
LaserJockmaybe I'll just blog it ;-)09:45
LaserJockI still haven't finished my blog from yesterday09:46
=== ajmitch will put a blog up soon, honest
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zulajmitch: dholbach maybe on holiday as well09:47
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ajmitchhm, he said he'd be off for the weekend09:48
ajmitchI didn't think he'd leave already09:48
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TheMusoHey MOTUs.10:43
bddebianHello TheMuso10:44
=== pochu isn't a motu, but waves anyway
TheMusoI almost forgot. Hey MOTU hopefuls.10:44
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pochuhey TheMuso :)10:47
pochuTheMuso: can you upload to universe, now that it's frozen (I think)10:47
TheMusopochu: It depends on what there is to upload.10:47
pochuTheMuso: bug 84264 (they are 2 bugs)10:48
UbugtuMalone bug 84264 in ltris "some games do not install gnome menu items: lmarbles, ltris, pingus" [Low,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8426410:48
=== Marsmensch [n=daniel@149-203-116-85.dsl.manitu.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jharrpbuilder build *.dsc should spit out some .debs right?11:00
jharrerr "a .deb"11:00
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jharrpbuilder seems to be running fine, however I get no package back when I run it11:02
ajmitchjharr: it sticks it in the results dir11:03
ajmitchby default, /var/cache/pbuilder/result, I think11:03
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pochuTheMuso: can you upload that?11:04
jharrMaybe i was using a different tool when I got the .deb in $PWD.11:04
=== jharr is glad he's not going crazy
ajmitchmaybe straight debuild11:05
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TheMusopochu: Sorry mate, I'm currently busy with more important things for me atm.11:09
pochuTheMuso: np :) just if you have time to review it, I would appreciate it, but do the more important things first ;)11:09
shawarmapochu: I don't know if anyone told you yet, but you should rather subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors rather than -contributors.11:10
shawarmapochu: I already did it for you for this bug. :-)11:11
shawarmapochu: And sorry, I don't have the time to upload it for you either. 11:11
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shawarmapochu: -contributors is everyone who can upload to REVU. I'm guessing most of them won't care much about this bug. :-)11:15
pochushawarma: oh, thanks a lot!11:16
pochuI'll remember that :)11:16
Marsmenschwhen will herd4 be released? 11:16
pochuMarsmensch: tonight, I think11:16
pochuor tomorrow morning11:16
Marsmenschso i have to wait another day ...11:16
LaserJockMarsmensch: what do you want it for?11:17
shawarmapochu: no problem.11:17
MarsmenschLaserJock: i wanted to reinstall my laptop and thought i could test feisty11:18
LaserJockMarsmensch: well, you *could* get the latest daily if you wanted11:19
Marsmenschhmmm, yeah, but i think i will wait another day ... i also need some time to backup the old files11:20
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=== _MMA_ [n=atm@cpe-071-070-203-016.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Adri2000pochu: I'll look at your debdiffs tomorrow (UTC afternoon) if no one does it until then11:31
=== Fujitsu_ [n=Fujitsu@dsl-124-150-2-69.vic.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== fernando [n=fernando@unaffiliated/musb] has joined #ubuntu-motu
pochuAdri2000: thanks :)11:32
=== _MMA_ [n=atm@cpe-071-070-203-016.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== RAOF [n=chris@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== eXistenZ [n=amerdakk@unaffiliated/eXistenZ] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsunpochu: uploaded.11:42
Adri2000pochu: ^ ;)11:43
=== mwolson [i=mwolson@jpi-wlafyte-212-116.dmisinetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== cypher1 [n=cypher1@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #ubuntu-motu
keescookcrimsun: you're too fast!  I was just looking at that, and suddenly everything was uploaded.  :)12:02
pochucrimsun: thanks!12:04
=== rexbron [n=rexbron@complex1-372-008.resnet.yorku.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #ubuntu-motu

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