
drxChadarius, I sometimes wonder...12:01
gavintlgoldhopposai: ok, i bet the problem i'm getting is the sudo part... hehehe12:01
Hopposaigavintlgold: i'm new to it myself, but it seems pretty straightforward12:01
Hopposaibbl folks, time to weboot12:01
gavintlgoldhopposai: yeah, there we go, now i have a few more options12:01
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Roeyweboot.  Sounds like something you do when your Wii crashes.  Wiiboot.12:01
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bruenigpatrick_, oh sorry, I didn't read the error close enough, apparently the malformed line is somewhere else. Put the output of this "cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dapper-multiverse.list"12:02
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abois there a text mode irc client in ubuntu?12:02
bruenigabo, irssi12:02
Chadariusdrx: track me down anytime man. I'll bend over backwards to keep you using Ubuntu with a smile on your face!12:02
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Slartabo: I think bitchx is text mode too12:03
=== Spragie` [i=Spragie@cpe-071-068-017-218.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
lee___total noob. sorry if this is annoying. i'll try one last time.... i'm doing a fresh installation of ubuntu and want the canned LAMP stuff that's all rolled into the server version but i also want the LiveCD and GUI on the desktop version. does anyone know if you can install the desktop version (so i have the liveCD and the GUI ) but then can install a canned apache/mysql/php something or other on top of the desktop?12:03
Mumbleshas anyone in here got Gnump3d working ?12:03
Mumblesbecouse i get errors when i start up12:03
HymnToLifelee___, I don't know of a "canned" apache//php/mysql12:03
patrick_bruenig: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5839/12:03
drxChadarius, you may regret that offer someday  ;)12:03
HymnToLifebut you can very well install them separately12:03
Chadariusdrx: Never! :)12:04
drxChadarius, and, no that's not a gay thing, not that there12:04
Chadariusdrx: LOL12:04
lee___thanks HymnToLife. maybe some kind of something or other in a software repository?12:04
drxChadarius, is anything wrong with that12:04
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Chadariusdrx: Is it wrong for a man to help another man fix his Ubuntu?12:04
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Chadariusdrx: Ok this is weird on Valentine's day though12:04
lee___HymnToLife, there was something in the fourms about the base installation not mattering that you can always add the GUI or the A/M/P later... but no help on where/how12:04
HymnToLifelee___, well, do sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql12:05
drxChadarius, I think that's a don't ask don't tell kinda thing12:05
HymnToLifevoil :)12:05
=== jesus [n=jesus@40.Red-80-38-126.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
elias__goodnight guys!12:05
bruenigpatrick_, do gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dapper-multiverse.list and change the 3rd line adding the / like this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5840/12:05
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:05
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elias__thanks for the help12:05
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abohow do I get how much memory I have in my graphic card?12:05
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drxChadarius, to be fair to Ubuntu, my Office 2007 keeps crashing in Vista.  But, then, the solution *probably* won't involve editing .mnu and .config files and certainly won't involve mounting anything.12:05
HymnToLifeabo, read the box ?12:05
aoirthoirbrb i have to go pee pee12:06
LjLabo: if that's for a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - you don't need to fill that in, just leave it blank, it can autodetect it fine in most cases12:06
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Chadariusdrx: LOL no... it will probably involve waiting for MS to release a service pack in 6 months :)12:06
aboHymnToLife, ... no command/config file with that info?12:06
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bruenigconfig files are fun to edit12:06
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aoirthoirdrx..no it will involve going through a bunch of screens, clicking numerous commands, downloading drivers or updates or other packages12:06
HymnToLifeabo, not that I know of12:06
lee___thanks :)12:06
aboLjL, ... nothing related to that ..12:06
aoirthoirdrx that is IF there is a fix in a reasonable time period.12:06
meredyddOkay, new question. If I don't have a net connection, and I have to go with just what's on the CD, how much will " Ubuntu Feisty HERD-3 ALTERNATE ISO" have on it?12:07
LjLabo: then  lshw -class display 12:07
bruenig!hi | Roey12:07
ubotuRoey: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:07
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Roeyabout this Feisty Fawn... does anyone else have problems connecting to a wifi network with a d-link dwl-ag650?12:07
aoirthoirdrx.. that is why windows is good for HOME users and thats it... GNU/Linux is good for business users..which even in a windows based situation would require a professional in order to fix problems12:07
bruenigRoey, #ubuntu+112:07
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brueniglinux is good for HOME users12:08
patrick_bruenig: that didnt help :\12:08
patrick_but thank you!12:08
LjLmeredydd: Feisty is not a stable release, and the channel to discuss the testing of it is #ubuntu+1. anyway, you'll have all packages that are dependencies of the "ubuntu-desktop" package. i'm afraid i can't get you a list right now, though12:08
aboLjL, CHEERS... wonderful12:08
patrick_any other ideas?12:08
bruenigpatrick_, that was the only difference12:08
Chadariusyeah I only use Ubuntu at home12:08
aoirthoirbruenig.. let me rephrase...12:08
patrick_i know, i dont get it12:08
patrick_ill try it again maybe a restart will help12:08
aoirthoirbruenig.. windows is AWEFUL for business users.. it is LESS aweful for home users12:09
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RoeyI just don't like how it does not come with emacs keybindings12:09
aoirthoirhome that clarifies12:09
Roeymakes it harder to use for me12:09
drxaoirthoir, we'll I'm trying to be unbiased, I work in Windows and Linux, and I've worked in Unix longer but with Windows more, and I would say Windows is easier to maintain by a longshot and requires less technical knowledge but that Linux/Unix are more stable overall IF you have that knowledge, which many don't (and I don't)12:09
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kane77how do I hibernate from cli?12:09
bruenigOK I undersTAND what you are sAYIng now12:09
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meredyddLjL: Rightie. (I'm aware of instability, please forgive.) So, that would give me a functioning window system, some apps, but, say, probably not a development toolchain?12:10
aoirthoirdrx you will find with some studying.. that the linux is quite simple to run12:10
Chadariusaoirthoir: depends on the business and what its used for. Linux works great for point of sale machines and any users that don't require MS Office specifically12:10
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wolfwalkerFor MS Office, there's always OpenOffice12:10
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Chadariusaoirthoir: but you are right... its harder for businesses to adopt Linux in general12:10
HymnToLifemeredydd, all the stuff needed for compiling (aka build-essential) wil be on the alternate CD too12:10
wolfwalkerI just discovered it, and I LOVE it!12:10
HymnToLifeat least, it has always been so12:10
LjLmeredydd: quite correct. the alternate CD, however, *does* have GCC and friends on it, even though they're not installed by default (contrary to the Desktop CD, which doesn't have that at all)12:10
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aoirthoirchad the only reason someone would require MS Office is because someone else is sending them MS office files12:10
LjLat least if i remember right12:10
bruenigwolfwalker, abiword is good12:11
youkilldkennedyAnyone know how to get 3D Acceleration working for nVidia cards?12:11
aoirthoirchad actually I am saying the opposite..12:11
LjL!nvidia > youkilldkennedy    (youkilldkennedy, see the private message from Ubotu)12:11
patrick_bruenig: it also comes up with this error : when i try to reload http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5842/12:11
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drxaoirthoir, I'm in for the long haul because I need a replacement for Netware, but *MS* did a lot of usability & driver work that just isn't there on Linux12:11
Chadariusaoirthoir: I wish that were true, but there are so many applications out there that use Office as well12:11
meredyddAha. Score. I'm guessing that an IDE would be too much to ask for? :P12:11
gavintlgoldyoukilldkennedy: there's a cool program called "envy"12:11
clearzenDoes anyone know how to use rsync mirrors?12:11
gavintlgoldyoukilldkennedy: sorry, script i meant12:11
bruenigpatrick_, you could just delete that particular repository and it would work12:11
youkilldkennedyso sudo apt-get install envy?12:11
youkilldkennedyHow's that work?12:11
LjLgavintlgold: that's not needed to get 3D support, at all.12:11
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Chadariusaoirthoir: especially business apps that generate documents like loan documents and stuff like that12:12
bruenigpatrick_, just put a # in front of the third line and then try to reload12:12
LjLyoukilldkennedy: no, just follow the instructions of !nvidia please12:12
GMWeezelHow can I make Ubuntu ignore an installed video card and use only the integrated one? If you are wondering why I am doing this, the installed one was cheap ($30 USD) and while it handles 3D rendering much better than the integrated card, it doesn't do 2D too well which is pretty much the only thing I do on my Linux box.12:12
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youkilldkennedyOkay, will do12:12
aoirthoirchad since windows requires a professional to run, it is no more simple than linux12:12
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gavintlgoldsorry if i was giving misinformation12:12
wolfwalkerI wish someone could tell me the answer to this question. Ubuntu/Kubuntu/other -buntus won't run on my computer. Apparently Ubuntu types are the ONLY Linux distros that won't run. Can someone suggest a distro that is as close to Ubuntu as possible?12:12
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HymnToLifeGMWeezel, remove the other one ?12:12
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HymnToLifewolfwalker, Debian12:12
GMWeezelHymnToLife: I want windows to use it for games.12:12
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wolfwalker|HymnToLife:| I tried Debian. I was lost without the GUI desktop :/12:13
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aoirthoirGMWeezel: i dont use non-free systemks if I can avoid it.. I have one more program to get rid of and then I wont be using windows ever again12:13
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mc2003morning guys12:13
patrick_which repository is it bruenig?12:13
HymnToLifewolfwalker, which Debian did you try ?12:13
patrick_i tried the # and that didnt help12:13
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bruenigpatrick_, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dapper-multiverse.list and then put a # in front of the security repository12:14
wolfwalker|HymnToLife:| I dunno. Googled "Debian", went to the homepage, started a bit torrent.12:14
Chadariusaoirthoir: I suppose they both require professionals in a business sense though. In a business sense its more about the cost of moving to applications that are not Windows centric and less about the cost of support people since that will remain a constant relatively speaking for many businesses12:14
wolfwalkerIt just said Debian.12:14
posingaspopularhelp? my log in to my ubuntu failed. apparently my password/username is not what i thought they were and now im stuck back on a live cd?12:14
Stormx2Issue! My printer works fine with a driver supplied by canon. Well, it works on the "print test page"! nothing else will print! It just sits there in the print queue! I don't know what to do, I've tried from gedit, firefox, etc...12:14
bruenigpatrick_, in front of the whole line (in front of #deb)12:14
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GMWeezelaoirthoir: That's nice but I still do;12:14
mc2003newb question...if i use once a swap space of about 5% lets say doshnt it have then to go back to 0% when the load is cooling?12:14
HymnToLifewolfwalker, you certainly got stable then (aka Sarge) which is pretty old and can cause problems on recent hardware12:14
GMWeezelaoirthoir: Linux can run the games I paid for.12:14
GMWeezelaoirthoir: *can't12:15
HymnToLifewolfwalker, dowload testing (aka Etch) and you should be fine12:15
EnphenitiieSo.. anyone got a link directly to the text only install of 6.10?12:15
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patrick_yeah i tried that, didnt help haha what the hell!12:15
=== bruenig doesn't like doing someone else's googling
clearzen!rsync mirror > clearzen12:15
patrick_thank you for helping bruenig, i searched abit and then came here i dont know12:15
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bruenigEnphenitiie, http://ftp.wayne.edu/linux_distributions/ubuntu/edgy/ubuntu-6.10-alternate-i386.iso12:15
bruenigpatrick_, I meant Enphenitiie12:16
aoirthoirChadarius:  I feel ya. In our case we have one old DOS program that we are migrating to a mysql/php setup (for now) and the Act! sales database program and then of course MS office..open office is a good replacement for that..and my program will replace the other two12:16
clearzenHow do you use rsync to access mirrors?12:16
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AtTiLiO_78ho all12:16
AtTiLiO_78hi all12:16
aoirthoirChadarius: combined these other programs are costing us many many man hours in lost productivity not to mention the financial cost..but its the lack of ability to change things and the security that most cause us to desire a move to ubuntu12:16
Chadariusaoirthoir: Sweet... I'm working on a plan to migrate maybe about 10,000 workstations to Linux in the next 12-18 months12:16
AtTiLiO_78question, who is the last release BERYL or COMPIZ ?12:17
bruenigwho is the last release?12:17
posingaspopularChadarius: help me out here12:17
bruenigis who the right pronoun?12:17
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dsquarewho is for people12:17
SlartAtTiLiO_78: I think beryl is more up to date.. not sure though12:17
dsquareor groups of people12:17
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects12:17
gavintlgoldooooo beryl is cool12:17
gavintlgoldi love it12:17
dsquareok, if i install beryl, or compiz, is my desktop going to crash a lot?12:17
Chadariusaoirthoir: For me its finding the low hangning fruit out of the 200,000 desktops we support that can handle running Linux from an applicaiton perspective12:17
aoirthoirChadarius: well that is tiny compared to what we have..heck I have to convert 3 servers over (one is already over) and 20 workstations12:17
meredyddposingaspopular: Can you mount your root filesystem from the liveCD?12:17
dsquarewill i lose my work if i install beryl or compiz??12:17
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hackeronhmm, I've read the release notes and dev pages for ubuntu feisty and I still don't know what new features are added - I see a re-arranged system->preferences menu to a control-panel style tool, anything else?12:17
Slartindeed.. I just with they would fix the screensaver lock thingy12:17
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bruenig!beryl | dsquare12:18
ubotudsquare: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects12:18
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Chadariusposingaspopular: what you need?12:18
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GigaClonwhat is the format command?12:18
AtTiLiO_78i have installed compiz and is right12:18
meredyddposingaspopular: Can you mount your root filesystem from the liveCD?12:18
ompaul!nickspam | ||drake||12:18
ubotu||drake||: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages (see !Away for more details): use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently12:18
Slartdsquare: nope. you can install, turn on, off etc.. nothing lost.. nothing broken12:18
meredyddposingaspopular: (Does that sentence even make any sense?)12:18
posingaspopularuh it makes sense12:18
dsquareahhh very nice slart! ty! im gonna do it now.12:18
posingaspopulari dontknow HOW12:18
aoirthoirChadarius: yeah for smaller companies like ours it is much easier12:18
posingaspopularbut i think its possible12:18
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||drake||!nickspam | ompaul12:18
ubotuompaul: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages (see !Away for more details): use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently12:18
Slartdsquare: there's a repository with prebuilt up to date packages out there12:18
Chadariusposingaspopular: sure... sudo df to find out the partitions and which one is which12:18
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brueniguh oh12:19
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meredyddposingaspopular: The liveCD may have already done it12:19
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bruenigand there he goes12:19
Slartdsquare: no config, just instant eye candy =)12:19
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gavintlgoldhow can i make a hard drive writeable to someone other than root? i just figured out how to mount it, but now i can't copy files to it?12:19
k1pieeout of interest12:19
dsquarewow incredible..12:19
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posingaspopularwhat does the df stand for? should i pastebin?12:19
Chadariusposingaspopular:  then look at the list... will tell you if its mounted already12:19
gavintlgoldsorry, remove the last "?"12:19
meredyddposingaspopular: good idea.12:19
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Kennyhello all12:20
aridesegavintlgold, try looking up "chmod" "chown" commands, especially the recursive option12:20
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Chadariusposingaspopular: just a disk space usage tool that prints nice list of mounts12:20
gavintlgoldaridese: ok, thanks12:20
posingaspopularwhich command shows you the partition?12:21
paul_ubuntuhey guys.. I'm getting this error while trying to install "error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/libgnomeui-2.so.0: invalid ELF header" .. any advice would be appreciated :)12:21
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Chadariusposingaspopular: will show it to you just running df if its mounted12:21
bruenig!hi | ShakespeareFan0012:21
ubotuShakespeareFan00: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:21
ShakespeareFan00anyone on here familar with CVS?12:21
aridesei have a wi-fi PCI card set up and it works on an encrypted network; each time i turn the card on, i have to use iwconfig to enter the encryption key. is there any way to get by this?12:21
bruenig!hi | Jarlaxe12:21
ubotuJarlaxe: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:21
ShakespeareFan00I need some help over on #wikicats12:21
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posingaspopulargive me a sec, pastebin is being screwy !pastebin12:22
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:22
SmartManhi guys i need help for making ubuntu fairewall / router12:22
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bruenig!firewall | SmartMan12:22
ubotuSmartMan: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).12:22
eclipse__Hi, i am trying to install NVIDIA driver for my system. my system has, Gforce4 440 card, i tried nvidia-glx driver but it does not start X. X crashes with error saying no Nvidia GPU dound, help please.....12:22
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LjL!iptables > SmartMan    (SmartMan, see the private message from Ubotu)12:23
LjL!firewall > SmartMan    (SmartMan, see the private message from Ubotu)12:23
ralphr_Hello, on boot i'm getting an error "cannot create directory '/var/run/network/: no such file or directory". It's causing the loopback interface to not work. However, the directory is there and there is an ifstate file there too. Any ideas?12:23
paul_ubuntuhey guys.. I'm getting this error while trying to install "error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/libgnomeui-2.so.0: invalid ELF header" .. any advice would be appreciated :)12:23
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Chadariusposingaspopular: OK so doesn't look like its mounted12:23
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Chadariusposingaspopular: try sudo fdisk -l to list out your drives and partitions so we can make sure we mount the right one12:24
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Chadariusposingaspopular: unless you know its /dev/sdb1 or something12:24
paul_ubuntunobody has any clue with mine?12:24
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ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:25
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gavintlgoldyay... got the hd writing working... ran sudo chmod a=rwx media /hdb112:25
paul_ubuntuhehe.. thanks for that ;)12:25
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aluno1mother fuckers12:26
gavintlgoldguys, is there any media center-like app for linux... i don't have a tv card, but does mythtv work anyway?12:26
Lunar_Lamppaul_ubuntu, what are you trying to install?12:26
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glokanyone have an opinion on which tape backup program is most reliable?12:26
Chadariuspaul_ubuntu: Can you give us some more context? What are you installing?12:26
posingaspopularit's spitting out something weird12:26
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paul_ubuntuLunar_Lamp: ubuntu christian edition12:26
Chadariusposingaspopular: paste bin it12:27
dyrnegavintlgold: there is a knoppix mythix livecd you could try out. why do you want it with no tv card?12:27
SmartManok anther something guys what is the best program i have to use as messenger for (MSN , Yahoo , etc12:27
posingaspopularyou said sudo fdisk -12:27
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dyrnegavintlgold: knoppix myth12:27
wolfwalkerSo I went looking for this Debian distro you said to get. Etch, wasn't it?12:27
posingaspopularand everythign it returns?12:27
wolfwalkerSo is this it? http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/weekly-builds/i386/bt-cd/12:27
Chadariusposingaspopular: sure why not?12:27
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gavintlgolddyrne: i just want some cool way to brows videos on my hd... is there anything?12:27
HymnToLifewolfwalker, yep12:27
Lunar_Lamppaul_ubuntu, at what point in the install does it go wrong?12:27
posingaspopularwait i got it12:27
posingaspopularbrb i have a dog12:27
wolfwalkerWhich of the many versions do I want?12:28
wolfwalkerOr do I need all of them?12:28
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Chadariusposingaspopular: I should check mine too they are outside12:28
posingaspopularhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5844/ keep yourselfs busy with that. should take 512:28
wolfwalkerThere's like more than 20 cds here12:28
HymnToLifewolfwalker, note that if you want KDE of XFCE, you have cd's for them at the bottom12:28
wolfwalkerKDE sucks eggs, imo12:28
dyrnegavintlgold: well nautilus isnt bad in that it makes vidclips of each one for an icon.12:28
HymnToLifewolfwalker, if you have a net connection, you can get only the first one12:28
bruenigas does thunar12:28
wolfwalkerBut that's probably because they just didn't put enough care in the Kubuntu distro. It felt like a hastily redone Ubuntu.12:29
paul_ubuntuLunar_Lamp: it goes through detecting hardware, creates whatever it needs for the x-session and that's where it dies with that error... (before getting into the gui) weird thing is, the error is in X, and I get the login screen if I click "OK" then it tries to login again (automatically) and quits again12:29
guerbyhmm 2.6.20-6-generic boots but not 2.6.20-8-generic on my x86_64 feisty box, am I alone in seeing this?12:29
Hopposaigavintlgold: did it work?12:29
gavintlgolddyrne: yeah, but my friend has windows media center and it looks kind of cool.... i was just wondering if there was something like that for linux12:29
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wolfwalkerSo do I just get the first one, or all of them?12:29
Lunar_Lamppaul_ubuntu, ah right, so you get it when loading up the live cd for the first time? Have you tried booting into safe mode?12:29
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gavintlgoldhopposai: yep, and then I ran chmod to get it to read/write without root12:29
posingaspopulargavintlgold: what is windows media center>12:29
HymnToLifewolfwalker, only the first12:30
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marshallsup guys12:30
marshallanybody know how to go about burning a .bin cd image?12:30
wolfwalkerThank you for helping a rank newbie :)12:30
GigaClongavintlgold, maybe MythTV?12:30
aoirthoiri like cheerios12:30
HymnToLifethe other ones contain additional packages but if you have a net connection, you can apt-get them anyway12:30
aoirthoirdoes anyone know what the name cheerios means?12:30
bruenigwindows media center is a crappy OS they put on the super low end computer they are trying to dump on idiots who say "cool a 300 dollar computer, what a deal"12:30
dyrnegavintlgold: well my friend uses kde with mythtv  kde is better on tv displays and is very customizable.  but ive never used media center12:30
HymnToLifeaoirthoir, isn't that a bif !offtopic ?12:30
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marshallanybody know how to go about burning a .bin cd image?12:31
gavintlgolddyrne: i don't have a tv card or even cable, but i was wondering if it would work anyway12:31
aoirthoirHymnToLife: not since general mills announced they are migrating all of their servers to ubuntu12:31
Nikolas!offtopic == NOT offtopic12:31
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posingaspopularoh okay12:31
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gavintlgoldaoirthir: they are?12:31
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posingaspopularyea im back guys12:31
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gavintlgoldaoirthoir: they are?12:31
patrick_bruenig: any other ideas?12:32
marshallanybody know how to go about burning a .bin cd image?12:32
bruenigpatrick_, sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dapper-multiverse.list12:32
gavintlgoldthanks hopposai!! very helpful12:32
frogzoomarshall: mdf2iso is easiest12:32
Stormx2E [14/Feb/2007:23:32:10 +0000]  cupsdAuthorize: Local authentication certificate not found! <-- CUPs is saying this. Any suggestions?12:32
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Chamucoactually media center is not the low end is the high end windows xp12:32
Chamucowith extensions to handle tv card and stuff like that12:33
Chamuco not better than mythtv12:33
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gavintlgoldyeah, media center is a program within windows xp i believe... if you get media center edition12:33
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=== Mumbles gets mad with gunump 3d
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gavintlgoldi don't really like it, but i like the idea of browsing files that way12:33
patrick_bruenig: that didnt help ! ahh12:33
paul_ubuntuLunar_Lamp: it's not the live CD I'm trying to just do the install (regular), I'm gonna try Safe mode right now though see if that makes any difference, thanks for the tip appreciate it, if you can think of anything else my ears are open :)12:33
fimp_can someone help me with movie streaming?12:33
=== andy___ [n=chatzill@83-216-138-90.advant530.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigpatrick_, what error do you get when you do "sudo apt-get update"12:34
nn2wow there are a lot of people on here!12:34
patrick_E: Malformed line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dapper-universe.list (dist parse)12:34
SmartMansome one using program it's name is NETCUT it using for cuting internet of any computer on the lan12:34
=== Spee_Der [n=n1gke@ip68-14-29-148.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lunar_Lamppaul_ubuntu, hmm, whilst I haven't used the christian edition myself, I thought all normal ubuntu installs were live-cds that you then clicked on "install" on the desktop to install.12:34
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Jarlaxegood bye12:34
bruenigpatrick_, sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*12:34
nn2im using the new knoppix 5.1.1 and it rocks12:34
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patrick_ah that worked!12:35
posingaspopularfimp_: problem?12:35
patrick_beautiful, thank you bruenig12:35
nn2the new kernal fixed my sound problem!12:35
bruenigyah for deleting a whole bunch of stuff until it works12:35
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fimp_posingaspopular: I cant view the following video. I hear a short clip of sound, then it stops, but no video either. It's in Danish, but here is the direct link: http://sputnik-dyn.tv2.dk/player/asx.php?playlist=6118612,&ticketHandle=9746989:bfbefadbf6a144740311b6c1c24d08f6&free=true12:35
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patrick_so update will restore all of that?12:35
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bruenigpatrick_, well with the automatix repos in your real sources.list those others aren't really necessary12:36
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nn2somthing with the chip that controled my speekers?12:36
Chamucoanyone knows of a good how to on installing a 32 bit inside a 64bit ubuntu12:36
patrick_ahh  okay12:36
paul_ubuntuLunar_Lamp: hehe.. you're probably right, I am kind of new to ubuntu... I used a few other distros before this.. but love ubuntu now... I messed around with fedora, yoper, centOS12:36
gavintlgoldchamuco: doesn't it just work?12:36
posingaspopularwhat are you trying to view it in, under etc?12:36
kitche!chroot | Chamuco12:36
ubotuChamuco: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box12:36
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fimp_posingaspopular: I installed linux mint which is using mplayer12:36
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Roeyanyone here use a d-link dwl-ag650?  I'm having trouble getting mine to connecto the open wireless network here12:37
gavintlgoldchamuco: i mean i installed ubuntu edgy 32-bit edition fine on my amd64 bit... is that what you meant?12:37
posingaspopulardid you try the multimedia page12:37
ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications12:37
Lunar_Lamppaul_ubuntu, I'm not sure precisely what extra software Christian Edition includes, but it *might* be an idea to just install normal ubuntu and install the extra packages yourself.  Just a suggestion :-)12:37
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kitchefimp_: ask the linux mint channel for help if that's the distro that you use12:37
Chamucono I have a 64bit ubuntu and want to have a chroot with a 3212:37
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fimp_kitche: mint is ubuntu with some extra packages12:37
ChamucoI started but couldn't get it to work12:37
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box12:37
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kitcheChamuco: follow the guide that ubotu12:37
gavintlgoldchamuco, never mind then12:38
kitchefimp_: but doesn't mean it's supported here though12:38
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paul_ubuntuLunar_Lamp: yes that is exactly my plan actually hehe.. I was just hopign to save some major time in configuring / installing all the packages myself :) (lazy)12:38
domdoes anyone know how i can tell if i have the latest version of GLX installed?12:38
posingaspopularChadarius: i expect some answers when i come back12:38
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fimp_posingaspopular: I tried that when I had ubuntu, no luck.12:38
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Brunellus_what do I have to do to get it to make-kpkg12:39
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dexem_hi, when I launch sabayon (as root) it gets frozen and says no errors. It's trying to connect to X. Why could it be this problem?12:39
Brunellus_dexem_: ask in #sabayon12:39
Brunellus_this is #ubuntu12:39
dexem_my distro is ubuntu :P12:39
dexem_anyway, I'll try there12:39
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domn/m, glxinfo12:40
domso, i have 1.2, some parts of JOGL require 1.3, how can i upgrade?12:40
dexem_sabayon linux is not what I'm talking about12:40
Mumblesok has anyone tired to install Gnump3d latley ?12:40
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dexem_I'm talking abut gnome sabayon12:40
Mumblesi get - /usr/share/example-content/example-content is a recursive symbolic link12:40
kitchedexem_: are you using gksudo when you are starting it or just root12:40
axa-axaI'm using Edgy Eft and my screen goes black when it should start screensaver. Does anyone know what is the problem?12:41
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dexem_kitche: sudo, but launching it from the control center does the same problem12:41
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private_pylewhat is Ubuntu?12:42
kitchedexem_: and the terminal doesn't say anything when you start it from the terminal12:42
kitche!ubuntu | private_pyle12:42
ubotuprivate_pyle: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome12:42
LjL!ubuntu > private_pyle    (private_pyle, see the private message from Ubotu)12:42
dexem_kitche: just if I kill it with Ctrl-c12:43
private_pylewhere is mark12:43
private_pylei want to speak to mark12:43
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ntbnntprivate_pyle: to the left hand of debian whihc is right of god12:43
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BigMacIs there a way to make opera the default application for links in irc and such?12:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntulite - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:43
gavintlgoldbyebye everyone12:43
private_pyleby god you mean freebsd?12:43
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ompaulprivate_pyle, na, that would just be daemonizing stuff12:44
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Meltdownyeah, what about freebsd, my friend tells me to run it... what makes it better then ubuntu really? =)12:44
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:45
KeitaruI just broke X now I am in text based terminal12:45
ompaulprivate_pyle, this is not a chat channel it is actually a support channel if you want "debate" have a look in #ubuntu-offtopic thanks (Meltdown you might be interested in this)12:45
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private_pyleKeitaru type startx12:45
Keitarui broke the resolution thing12:45
LjLKeitaru: by doing what?12:45
domcan someone tell me how to upgarde my GLX server? i have i81012:45
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KeitaruLjL: i added some lines12:45
private_pyletype edit /etc/X11/Xorg.conf12:45
LjLKeitaru: then restore the backup of the previous version12:45
leafwany recommended CPU temperature monitor applet for gnome ?12:45
jellobeanDilemma: I am trying to install ubuntu 6.10 using a live CD, i insert the CD and it boots up fine, I pass the language and identify keyboard stage, but when i get to mount the CD-ROM it says it cannot find my drive (my bios reads my drive), does anyone have a similar problem, or know how to go around this...I read it is a problem with people that have SATA HD's12:45
noodles12do u guys know what happened toubuntu lite? the site is down and i can't find anywhere to download it12:45
=== PhoenixP3K [n=opera@bas1-montreal19-1177816140.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
dexem_kitche: this is what I get if I kill it with Ctrl+c      http://www.pasteserver.net/10012:47
Keitaruprivate_pyle will do !12:47
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ompaulKeitaru, so do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and sort it out12:47
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private_pylethen change the mode lines and off you go Keitaru12:47
Keitaruwow that sounds simple :P12:47
Keitaru<-- newbie xD12:47
private_pyleompaul, wont he lose all other settings too??12:47
LjLKeitaru, the simplest solution is surely restore the backup that i'm sure you had done beforehand :)12:47
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axa-axaI'm using Edgy Eft and my screen goes black when it should start screensaver. Can someone plase tell me how to fix this?12:47
domanybody? xgl? latest version?12:47
LjL!xgl > dom    (dom, see the private message from Ubotu)12:47
ompaulprivate_pyle, resetting them to how it started out ... doubt it12:47
frogzoo!fixres | Keitaru12:47
ubotuKeitaru: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:47
domagh, not XGL, GLX12:47
domi need the latest GLX12:47
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LjLdom: AFAIK GLX is just an Xorg extension. you have it.12:47
domum, yes?12:48
LjLdom: if you mean the nvidia driver (since the package is called "nvidia-glx"), that's a different issue.12:48
private_pyleif your having trouble get dri-devel12:48
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domthe trouble is that i need the latest version12:48
domglxinfo says i have 1.212:48
domjogl needs 1.312:48
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LjLdom: what distribution, what video card12:48
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dommesa, intel12:49
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private_pylewhich version of ubunti dom?12:49
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dsquareE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?   <-- how do i make that not happen please?12:51
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dsquarei am running a sudo install command12:51
Keitaruwhat does "sudo command do"12:51
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jellobeanDilemma: I am trying to install edgy using a live CD, i insert the CD and it boots up fine, I pass the language and identify keyboard stage, but when i get to mount the CD-ROM it says it cannot find my drive (my bios reads my drive), does anyone have a similar problem, or know how to go around this...I read it is a problem with people that have SATA HD's12:51
LjLdsquare: by closing the other process that is using it. do you have other APT software running?12:51
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MumblesHas anyone installed gnump3d befor ?12:51
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private_pyleKeitaru: switch user do command12:51
Mumblesim gettint wired errors here12:51
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dsquareljl no i have nothing but xchat and a mp3 player and my terminal window open..12:52
posingaspopularsudo is superuser12:52
private_pylein other words, it switches you too a root account for the command12:52
LjL!adept crash fix | dsquare, then try this12:52
Keitaruprivate_pyle Thanks the edit command wasn't aloud12:52
ubotudsquare, then try this: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 12:52
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ntbnntinstead of having a root user12:52
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LjLdom: sorry, i'm afraid i don't know enough (and can't find enough on google) to help you12:52
Chamucojellobean: I have a SATA had some problems I am a newbie so I tried 2 install knoppix, fedora & had that trouble12:52
bradleyi am looking for a sound program called jakosher-- i'm not sure if i spelled it correctly.  does anyone know where i can get it?12:53
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domanyone? latest GLX? intel card12:53
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jellobeanchamuco....what errors did you get when installing yours?12:53
LjLroot____: IRC as root is not a good idea, you know12:53
Chamucothen I installed suse and it worked but I then switched 2 ubuntu12:53
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dsquareLjL, thanks for your help that worked perfectly!!!12:53
Chamucosame thing couldn't see the HD it could see the CD12:54
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jellobeanchamuco...did it finally end up working out for you?12:54
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domaaaaaaaanybody? latest GLX for INTEL?12:54
Chamucoalso the chipset for my mobo is ATI12:54
Chamucofor the sata interface12:54
bradleyi found it!  <jokosher> i was spelling it wrong.12:54
Chamucotry suse12:55
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frojnd hello I need help. I need to convert 434 pages of pdf into odt or word12:55
jellobeanis it free?12:55
ChamucoI am not sure if the fact of having suse installed and then installing ubuntu over that may have made a difference maybe somebody elese here would know12:55
frojndand I need to do this with pdftk12:55
frojndhow can I do this12:55
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Chamucowell suse was the first one that I was able to install, ubuntu works great I find it easier to install additional software12:56
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domanybody know how to get the latest GLX for intel?12:57
jellobeanthanks for the help12:57
jellobeanill give a shot12:57
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cafuego_frojnd: I don't think pdftk converts to anything but jpeg or pdf.12:57
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cafuego_frojnd: So if you *have* to sue that, the answer is "not" ;-)12:58
axa-axaI'm using Edgy Eft and my screen goes black when it should start screensaver. Can someone plase tell me how to fix this?12:58
frojndI tryed to convert with Kword, but the result is: everything is mixed up12:58
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cafuego_frojnd: Yeah12:58
frojndwhy is that12:58
Chamucoalthough I am still learning I have done many other things already in suse using KDE and now I am using gnome in ubuntu. in ubuntu ATI opoen sources drivers worked w/o a problem12:58
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frojndhow can I set that pictures from pdf format will suit in Kword12:58
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cafuego_frojnd: improper pdf support? non-opti,al conversion?12:58
frojndcafuego_: I'm not following12:59
ChamucoI had a lot of problems getting ati display drivers I have a ATI x300 card w/2 monitor and wanted 2 d horizontal desktop rather than cloning12:59
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frojndKword is for proccessing pdf into odt and from odt to pdf..12:59
frogzoo_Chamuco: did you try fireglcontrol?01:00
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cafuego_frojnd: that doesn't necessarily mean it's good at it.01:00
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frojndyes, but for now I only know for Kword for process those files..01:01
Chamucoaxa-axa: is the crt shuting at the same time that your screen saver is turning on?01:01
frojndIf I knew for any better program..01:01
Chamucofrogzoo_:  now my displays are working perfectly using the open source drivers & controler01:02
axa-axaChadarius: I guess. Screen saver worked fine, but I've had to remove my home dir and make a new one (without previous config files), since then it behaves like this. Does it maybe have something to do with poser management?01:02
Chamucoaxa-axa: U know how to check 4 what I said01:02
jellobeanDilemma: I am trying to install edgy using a live CD, i insert the CD and it boots up fine, I pass the language and identify keyboard stage, but when i get to mount the CD-ROM it says "No common CD-drive detected" (my bios reads my drive), does anyone have a similar problem, or know how to go around this...I read it is a problem with people that have SATA HD's01:03
axa-axaChamuco: I guess. Screen saver worked fine, but I've had to remove my home dir and make a new one (without previous config files), since then it behaves like this. Does it maybe have something to do with poser management?01:03
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frojndcafuego: can pdftk convert pdf format into jpeg pictures (each page for itself for one jpeg picture) ?01:03
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cafuego_frojnd: Yup, that's what I use it for.01:04
Chamucogo to prefernces see power managment and check that the shut off of ur crt time is longer than that of your screen saver01:04
axa-axaChamuco: I've specified screensaver to start after 20 min. and to put screen and computer to sleep (in power management) after 1 hour. But screen goes black after 20 min.01:04
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frojndso after I have pictures, I just have to paste them into writer...01:04
cafuego_frojnd: if images in an ODT document is fine, have a look at http://pdf2oo.sourceforge.net/01:04
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cafuego_frojnd: I thought you needed actual editable text.01:04
frojndcouse there is too many pictures01:05
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cafuego_I use pdftk to split a PDf into images, so users can browse a book on a website before they buy it :-)01:06
Chamucoaxa-axa:  well change the time to a minurte and see what happens01:06
ghostdogi need install mysql-admin , what i do ? thank u01:06
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dan__anyone know anything about gfire?01:06
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Gonhey guys01:07
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mytrueheroWhat's a good program for syncing up my iPod? I'm getting nothing but grief from gtkpod.01:07
Gonneed a lil help here :(01:07
fgsfdsfgsfdscan i dual boot ubuntu and keep OSX on my intel MacBook?01:07
cafuego_frojnd: Actually, I lie. I sue `convert' from imagemagick.01:07
Gonhow do i install ubuntu :(01:07
axa-axaChamuco: Just about now, Ive disabled power_management and specified 1 min. in xscreensaver, and still the same, it goes black when it should show selected screensaver01:07
dan__anyone know anything about gfire?01:07
dasickisGon: what do you mean?01:08
Gonwhen i try to install all i get is some irqpoll something01:08
fgsfdsfgsfdsGon- run from disc, install is on the desktop01:08
dasickisGon: did you get the livecd01:08
Goni think i did01:08
frojndcafuego_: ? with this pdf200 I can put whole pdf into odt01:08
frojndjust like that01:08
Gonlemme go try again01:08
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cafuego_frojnd: looks like it, but from what I cna tell it uses ODP, not ODT.01:08
fgsfdsfgsfdscan i dual boot ubuntu and keep OSX on my intel MacBook?01:08
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Chadariusfgsfdsfgsfds: Yeah there is no reason why you can't01:09
dasickisfgsfdsfgsfds: try parallels01:09
frojndcafuego_: what the f ODP what is this01:09
cafuego_frojnd: dude01:09
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axa-axaChamuco: Now, I've specified to put monitor to sleep after 59 min. and it's same. I'll try now to put both (monitor and computer) to 59 min.01:10
dasickisfgsfdsfgsfds: that's for u01:10
Chadariusfgsfdsfgsfds: Parallels isn't dual booting, but it will let you run Ubuntu virually in OSX01:10
frojndas far as writer eat it.. it's fine by me01:10
fgsfdsfgsfdsthanks guys01:10
dasickisfgsfdsfgsfds: google mac linux dual boot01:10
cafuego_frojnd: ODP is Impress. I'd test to see if it cna export as ODT.01:10
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dasickisfgsfdsfgsfds: or just try googling ubuntu dual boot "os x"01:11
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mytrueheroWhat's a good program for syncing up my iPod? I'm getting nothing but grief from gtkpod.01:11
ubotuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.5 for Edgy and packages are  available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok01:11
axa-axaChamuco: No , it's no use. It's the same.01:11
Chamucono put the screen to sleep to 20 min put the screensaver to 1min01:11
mytrueheroHymToLife: Thanks; I'll check it out!01:11
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axa-axaChamuco: please refere tome directly because I can hardly recognize you messages to me only.01:12
dasickismytruehero: what's the problem you get when you plugin ur ipd?01:12
axa-axaChamuco: I'll do that now...01:12
lazrpark93How do I change the default player for a .avi format? I have tried the method of right clicking and setting the "open with..." to vlc, but I am unable to change the repository by clicking or double clicking.01:13
youkilldkennedyDoes anyone know of a N64 emulator for Linux? I need my mario kart fix...01:13
dasickislazrpark93: are u on gnome, kde, or ...?01:13
lazrpark93"click box"01:13
brueniglazrpark93, right click, select properties, then change the open with01:13
mytrueherodasickis: I'm not getting any problems when I plug it in. Ubuntu sees it, mounts it, and even gives it a nice custom icon. Just not able to get gtkpod working.01:13
dasickiswhat's the issue with gtkpod?01:13
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axa-axaChamuco: No, it's still the same.01:14
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lazrpark93bruenig, I am when I click on vlc it unselects itself and will not allow me to change it.01:15
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LordUltimaDavidso what are the top 3 torrent programs for gnome01:15
mytrueherodasickis: When I try to sync, it complains about not having imported iTunesDB. When I try to read iTunesDB, it freezes. Also, I don't like the need to have a separate app to do the syncing, as it doesn't easily get my playlists or song ratings. Was hoping that someone could recommend a better option.01:15
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LMNT_OXhey all01:15
Chamucowhat does it do at the 1 min  mark?01:16
LMNT_OXi just downloaded ubuntu, how do i install01:16
lazrpark93I believe I have encountered a bug in ubuntu 6.10 gnome.01:16
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dan__you just smash ur head really hard on the keyboard01:16
Chamucoaxa-axa: what does it do at the 1 min  mark?01:16
FeldegastLMNT_OX you downloaded an iso?01:16
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LMNT_OXtook like 2 hrs01:16
ChamucoLMNT_OX: did you burn the image to a cd or just downloaded the file01:16
ChadariusLMNT_OX: http://doc.ubuntu.com/screencasts/Downloading_and_Burning_an_Ubuntu_ISO01:17
FeldegastLMNT_OX you boot from the cd it makes and install it, did you want dual boot or something else?01:17
dasickismytruehero: try this => http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103071&highlight=gtkpod01:17
dsquarehow do i check if 3d acceleration is on please?01:17
frojndhow can I install this pdf20001:17
Stormx2Ack! My ruddy printer won't print under certain circumstances...01:17
LMNT_OXjust dl the file....... need to dual01:17
frojndI downloaded the program01:17
dasickisStormx2: whats the deal?01:17
frojndunag it01:17
Stormx2Well it will print test pages01:17
frojndand now there are 3 files01:17
Stormx2But it won't print from gedit.01:17
frojndreadme, license and pdf20001:17
Stormx2And I don't know why ;__;01:17
Chamuco glxgears01:17
FeldegastLMNT_OX do you have unpartitioned space to put it into?01:17
LMNT_OXno need help doing so01:18
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lazrpark93When I right click on an avi file -> properties -> Open with, I am unable to change from "movie player" to vlc.01:18
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axa-axaChamuco: if I spcify monitor to go to sleep after 20 min, and screensaver to start after 1 min. then monitor still goes black after 1 min.01:18
Chadariuslazrpark93: Is this in Mozilla?01:18
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frojndbased on this plain, README txt, can someone tell me how to isntall pdf200: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5850/01:19
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lazrpark93no, this is in ubuntu gnome01:19
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Keitarusuccessfully installed beryl :)01:19
Keitaruthat wasn't so hard01:19
dan__ive got beryl working :)01:19
Keitaruall i had to do was type Beryl01:20
Chamucoaxa-axa:  silly ? did you specify a type of screensaver there is the blank screen one sure U don't have that one selected01:20
Keitaruin terminal haha01:20
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kyle_Hi, I just updated and have found out that the xserver broke (I'm using irssi). What can I do in 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' to get it working again?01:20
axa-axaChamuco: GL ss worked well later, but here now I'll put some other ss01:20
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axa-axaChamuco: Yes of course.01:20
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Stormx2Ah screw this01:20
ELEMENT_OXhow do i partition my hd01:20
Stormx2I might as well just boot into windows. cya later.01:20
dan__Kyle: try and roleback to ur X backup file01:20
Chadariuslazrpark93: When you right click choose properties and then edit the Type: I think. I'm in KDE right now but I think its the same in Gnome01:21
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ChamucoELEMENT_OX:  using qtparted01:21
stinger_aui got a question: when running top in ubuntu it seems that 18 -20 of the cpu is spent on si (software interrupts) is this normal for ubuntu ? its a AMD duron 1.6, on my desktop AMD 4400 dual core running gentoo i have less than .3% used on si and about 99.5% when idle ??01:21
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ChamucoELEMENT_OX: or gpd01:21
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ChamucoELEMENT_OX: or gparted01:21
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Chadariuslazrpark93: You should be able to adjust the default by making vlc the first one in the list in there01:21
MotorCityMadManneed help installing a flash player for konqueror. ?01:21
ELEMENT_OXchamco know a good dl for that???01:21
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MasterZenSomeone please answer this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2157373#post215737301:21
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ChadariusMotorCityMadMan: I think you might be out of luck for flash in Konquerer01:22
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axa-axaChamuco: no, even with nogl screensaver it bahaves the same01:22
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lazrpark93Chadarius, thank you I will try that01:22
kyle_dan__: ok, I'll try that. thanks01:22
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Chamucofrom synaptic search for gparted01:22
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Chamucoand go play01:22
Chadariuslazrpark93: let me know if that doesn't work I'll figure out something for you01:22
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MotorCityMadManChadarius> well, just kick me in the teeth01:23
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lazrpark93Chadarius, I am having difficulty making vlc the first one in the list.01:23
axa-axaChamuco: any Ideas ?01:23
stinger_auAny got any ideas why the SI value is so high on ubuntu ?01:23
Chamucoaxa-axa:  what happens if you go to a terminal and do glxgears?01:23
zeroddon't know01:23
stinger_auwhat si values you guys get on more or less idle system ?01:23
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ChadariusMotorCityMadMan: I think there is only a flash plugin for Mozilla based browsers01:24
axa-axaChamuco: it start well01:24
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cm515how come i can't take mp3 files from a cd and play them in totem?01:24
pbureauactually the flash 9 is and works if you install it for mozilla and run opera after the install it finds it and uses it :)01:24
Chadariuslazrpark93: is there an up/down button there or something?01:24
kyle_Dan__: What would the command(s) be to use the backup xorg?01:25
axa-axaChamuco: I must epahasize once more, that before, in my older home folder (with older conf files) everythign worked well01:25
ChadariusMotorCityMadMan: I googled konqueror flash plugin http://freebsd.kde.org/howtos/konqueror-flash.php01:25
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lazrpark93Chadarius, there isn't, but there is an Add button and a remove button01:25
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spuddogg_HELP:  right now in my house I have 4 linux boxes.  3 of them are ubuntu, 1 is knoppix.  for some reason all of them can access my shared folders except my laptop.  help please!01:25
axa-axaChadarius: Nvidia glx drivers are not the issue01:25
axa-axaChamuco: Nvidia glx drivers are not the issue01:25
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MotorCityMadManChadarius> ty, having a look now01:26
Chamucowhat files did you move or copy or changed?01:26
ChadariusMotorCityMadMan: No sound for that though... Firefox is your best bet for flash I think01:26
Chamucoaxa-axa: what files did you move or copy or changed?01:27
kyle_What would the command(s) be to use the backup xorg?01:27
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axa-axaChamuco: I've had a disaster with reiserfs partition (the one where /home is). I've deleted and made a new ext3 parition with new empty (of config fiiles) home directory. Then, when I've logged in, I've set everything like it was before.01:28
lazrpark93Chadarius, are you familiar with gconf-editor? I am not familiar with it, but I heard it is useful from the ubuntu forums. I couldn't get any useful information there though.01:28
Chadariuskyle_: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf... this will replace xorg.conf with xorg.conf.backup... only do this if you don't want to keep anything from your current xorg.conf01:28
cm515new to ubuntu here....can't play mp3 files off a cd in the audio player01:28
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axa-axacm515: http://ubuntuguide.org/01:29
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axa-axacm515: There you will find everything you need to know to make multmedia files working01:29
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lazrpark93Chadarius, I have to go thanks for your help.01:30
cm515thank you01:30
Chadariuslazrpark93: sorry man... I'm mostly a KDE guy01:30
axa-axacm515: np01:30
GaiaX11cm515: try amarok + extra-codecs01:30
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cm515is it a pretty common problem?01:30
axa-axaChamuco: Any ideas left to try?01:30
dsquare!ubot crash01:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubot crash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:31
Chamucoaxa-axa:  well when you say you had a disaster and made a new ext3 do you mean a new install?01:31
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GaiaX11cm515: It is not a problem. It is a matter of configuration :-)01:31
plagerismI am trying to use kickstart to boot via pxe/dhcp.  The image boots up fine, however when it gets to the network autoconfiguration its not recognizing the option routers and option domain-name-servers options in my dhcp configuration, however it gets an ip address.  Anyone perhaps know a solution to this??01:31
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axa-axacm515: yes if it's a new system, but it is easily fixed. The guide at address I've gave you, is a nice step by step explanation01:31
rmd_is there a way to tell synaptic/apt-get that I don't want it to remove all my xubuntu packages when i do an autoremove/autoclean?01:32
cm515well i'm using 5.10 right now, i'm upgrading to 6.10 right now i'll catch up on it after i upgrade01:32
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axa-axaChamuco: No, no, just /home partition, system is on other partition and is intact. I've just updated /etc/fstab and everything is like it was, except for this.01:32
rmd_i installed ubuntu and then aptituded the xubuntu-desktop01:32
jribHi everyone, I'm trying to get my internet to work on an asus p5b deluxe.  Both eth0 and eth1 don't seem to work, although network manger claims both are "connected".  I cannot 'ping www.google.com'.  Not sure how to further troubleshoot this... any suggestions?01:32
rmd_except xubuntu-desktop isn't installed anymore, as i removed a couple apps...01:33
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Chadariusjrib: can you ping your own internal cable modem router?01:33
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axa-axacm515: There you will find explanation on how to make flash, wmv, java... working and some proposals of windows alternative programs.01:33
dyrnejrib: try to ping your router if you have one then try to go to the router ip. route -n should give you the ip01:34
dyrnejrib: might be dns01:34
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jribChadarius: is there a standard ip for me to try?  Also please note that I have to disconnect here to try the other computer since I don't have a router01:34
cm515cool man, thanks for the knowledge01:34
frogzoo_jrib: does ifconfig show either eth0 or eth1?01:34
cm515i'm a total noob01:34
jribfrogzoo_: shows both01:34
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axa-axacm515: You dont have to read it all, just pick the subject01:34
frogzoo_jrib: but no ip addresses?01:34
axa-axacm515: youre welcome01:34
Chadariusjrib: see dyrne's post above. type "route -n" to see your router IP01:34
Chamucowell maybe a drastic idea but you could move personal files to a partition and then install again without formating the partition w/ your files kinda last resort but only thing Ican think of for my level of expertise which is not much01:35
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jribfrogzoo_: ah yes, I didn't even notice, but I do have an ip address assigned01:35
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frogzoo_jrib: can you ping the router?01:35
Chamucoaxa-axa:  and when installing you can set that partition to your /home01:35
Dante123Hi all.....here is the scoop.....I have a GE Force pci graphics card....and a built in internal one........I couldn't install Ubuntu using the PCI one but I could using the integrated one.....now I want to edit the configuration file so that it uses the GE Force pci card......do I edit the xorg.conf file?01:35
axa-axaChamuco: er... no, after all the hasle I've been through of setting things like they were before, that is not an option, only to make screensaver working.01:36
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IreclanI've got an apparent bug in the update manager that I'm VERY unhappy about...01:36
jribfrogzoo_: no router, dyrne, Chadarius: I will try your suggestions now.  I need to disconnect here and will be back shortly01:36
ChadariusDante123: You probably don't have to edit it. It should use the same driver01:36
bruenigIreclan, doubt it is "in the update manager"01:36
axa-axaChamuco: But thank you for your effort.01:36
Chamucoyeah to much effort for a ss01:36
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dsquarehow do i install the mesa package please?01:37
ChadariusDante123: Have you installed the Nvidia binary driver yet or are you just using the built in "nv" driver?01:37
axa-axaChadarius: thanks for your time. Bye.01:37
dyrneDante123: i could be wrong but i thought with agp plugged in and enabled in bios you cant see pci slot cards. i have no direct experience with that though. im sure someone will correct me:)01:37
Ireclanbruenig, shall I describe the bug?01:37
bruenigIreclan, I was thinking you would, but ball is ultimately in your court01:38
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dyrneDante123: er use pci driver01:38
Dante123Chadarius.....i'm sorry to say that I believe I do need to edit it ....since I had to originally in order to get it to work with the ge force card......the itegrated one is Intel.....and I believe the geforce one is nvidia  (I think).....I shouldn't have to ask this twice....since I fixed it once...but I can't remember what I did.....oh yeah...this is a el cheapo Dell with no agp (they left it out) it is a Dimension 240001:38
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bruenig!info mesa-utils01:38
ubotumesa-utils: Miscellaneous Mesa GL utilities. In component main, is extra. Version 6.3.2-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 19 kB, installed size 88 kB01:38
adriencomment je peux instaler beryl svp01:38
ChadariusDante123: Ah OK yeah you will have to edit your xconf.org then01:38
frogzoo_!fr | adrien01:38
ubotuadrien: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:38
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects01:38
adrienje conais pas trop ubuntu01:39
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IreclanWell, you know how it shows you a list of the updates so you can select which ones you want to install?01:39
adriena surement tromp de tchat01:39
frogzoo_adrien: #ubuntu-effects aussi01:39
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:39
Dante123I had to reinstall Ubuntu because my kids screwed it up.....found out what root was....and well....you can just imagine what they did....01:39
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frogzoo_Dante123: kids aren't supposed to have access to root - give them their own account01:39
ChadariusDante123: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaPCI?highlight=%28nvidia%2901:40
frogzoo_Dante123: without admin rights01:40
ChadariusDante123: try that out and see how it goes01:40
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Dante123okay Chadarius....so do I change the Intel line to nv and then just put the right pci code in there...01:40
ChadariusDante123: Yeah pretty much01:40
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ChadariusDante123: If you don't like vim use "nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf" to edit it01:41
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Dante123yeah.....well what happened is i installed ubuntu....and never got around to adding their user.....they had watched me on my own machine...and well.....figured out the root password.....my fault....but then again.....there was no real harm other logging in problems and...they went nuts adding applications untile they filled up the hard drive01:42
ChadariusDante123: I like nano best but make sure to use the -w with nano01:42
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Dante123ok thanks01:42
elias_Do I have to have windows installed to use wine?01:42
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IreclanWell, my update manager isn't showing all of the updates! Yet it still tries to add them to the list of those I want to download! And since the updates are on the list, I can't deselect them. The updates total some 37 MB.  I'm on dial-up for cryin' out loud! I can't download 37 MB!01:42
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LjLelias_: no01:42
Dante123just did fresh install.....do I need to reboot before editing the xorg.conf file?01:42
LjL!virtualizers > elias_    (elias_, see the private message from Ubotu)01:42
pbureauDante make time to make the root account 64 bot alphanumerical password :) should keep him guessing for at least a day01:42
mattycozeelias no, wine is for linux or unix desktops01:42
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Chadariuselias_: Nope! that is the best part about it. You don't have pay for a windows license then01:43
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bruenigDante123, you need to boot into the hard drive install if you are still on the cd01:43
ChadariusDante123: Yeah... what bruenig said01:43
bruenigIreclan, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade01:43
Dante123thanks all01:43
pbureauIreclan, lol 37mb, when I did a fresh install.. it was 87MB ..01:44
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kekko_if i cp a ./file in a directory like /usr/bin which is present in my $PATH do i need to refresh $PATH in order to get that command universally recognised ?01:44
bruenigOn dapper, I once had 130 MB on a fresh install01:44
cstextiles How can I assign rights to the menu in the Applications menu according to the users in Ubuntu?01:44
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kekko_hi all btw01:44
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pbureaubruenig, wow... thank god for high speed Inet (well for me anyways 3MB wireless ISP)01:45
frogzoo_hmmzzz - if apt would dump a list of files needed to be upgraded & you could then d/l that list using say wget to a usb ...hmmm01:45
dreamerdudeAnyone know C++ or know what server i would find a C++ channel on?01:45
pbureaukekko_, try using " updatedb &"01:45
bashihow do i download java runtime enviroment? anybody01:45
bruenigkekko_, good question, you could move it and then see,  and if it doesn't open a fresh terminal01:45
frogzoo_!java |bash01:45
ubotubash: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository01:45
bruenigbashi, sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre01:45
jvaiany1 uses "aptoncd"? it makes a backup of all the apps u installed thru synaptic.. any1?01:45
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bruenigor java601:46
kekko_bruening: done that, not working01:46
rmd_i installed ubuntu, but installed xubuntu-desktop.  i erased a couple packages that came with it and now when i "aptitude autoremove" it threatens to remove all my other xubuntu packages.  is there a way I can tell it not to do this when i do an autoremove?01:46
bruenigkekko_, both of them?01:46
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bruenigrmd_, don't do the autoremove, just remove the packages you want specifically01:47
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bashithanks ill try01:47
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rmd_bruenig: thanks for replying, but that's not an answer to my question.  i'd like to know if there is a way to mark the packages, or perhaps some other process?01:47
kekko_pbureau bruenig : the updatedb is taking a while01:47
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pbureaukekko_, yep it will take  1-5 mins.... dont worry about it... just wait until the drive stops.01:48
FilibusterAnyone know why zeroconf mdns would stop working randomly?01:48
cstextileskekko_: You can try this http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Custom_JAVA01:48
=== bruenig uses apt-get
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Filibusterzeroconf loads for my wired connection, but not for my wireless.  it used to work in both.  :-(01:48
kekko_pbureau bruenig : the updatedb worked . Thanks guys01:48
bashiit didn't work01:48
rmd_bruenig: as do i.01:49
bruenigwell aptitude autoremove is not apt-get01:49
bashiwhat now?01:49
kekko_cstextiles: thanks . updatedb worked perfectly01:49
Ireclanbruenig: what good does that do me? I'm on dial-up, It stands to reason that if 37 MB is a problem, 157 MB will be too...01:49
jexdawgis there a site where i can get gnome/ubuntu panel applets? i specifically want to control rhythmbox through a panel... possible?01:49
rmd_bruenig: actually "apt-get autoremove" and "aptitude autoremove" do the exact same thing.01:49
cstextilesHow can I assign rights to the menu in the Applications menu according to the users in Ubuntu?01:50
Dante123Chadarius......you there?01:50
bashibruenig it didnt work01:50
paul_ubuntuhey guys.. I'm still having the problem with ubuntu install.. anyone exprienced in this?01:50
bruenigbashi, you need to have your repos enabled, what version of ubuntu are you using and have you ever messed with your repos01:50
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bruenigrmd_, they achieve the same end, but do they do the exact same thing01:50
bashiim using 5.04 and no01:51
bruenigoh wow01:51
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bashinot that i know of at least01:51
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bruenigis 5.04 even supported anymore01:51
cstextilesbashi: Just try to do from the Synaptic Package Manager but if at last it somehow does not works then try this http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Custom_JAVA01:51
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rmd_bruenig: the point is rather moot, i suppose.  i'd still like to know if there is a way to accomplish this01:51
bashiits an old machine01:51
frogdusterAnyone familiar enough with zeroconf that you might be able to give me a  hand figuring out why it's not working?01:52
bruenigwell I mean if it didn't do the exact same thing, it could very easily be different processes01:52
paul_ubuntumy installation quits while trying to setup the gdm x-session I guess... judging by the error message..01:52
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rmd_bruenig: it doesn't matter.01:52
Dante123okay all.....I am in the xorg.conf file....and I changed it from Intel to "nv"....but I am not sure what to put for PCI......the BusID for the intel i810 was PCI:0:2:0.......what should I put for the GE Force pci card?  Any ideas?01:53
rmd_bruenig: i just want to know if i can avoid this issue in the future01:53
bashihow do i do it?01:53
bruenigbashi, I can't be sure on 5.0401:53
Dante123or just leave it the same???01:53
bruenigIreclan, do that command01:53
cstextilesbashi: Watch out the website I gave01:53
CrescendoCan Nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-legacy coexist peacefully?  (Two cards)01:53
cstextilesHow can I assign rights to the menu in the Applications menu according to the users in Ubuntu?01:53
jribdyrne, frogzoo_: ok so I don't think route -n  gave me an ip for my cable modem (I don't have a router).  route -n listed and, I tried to ping both anyway and it failed.  I also tried to ping my own ip and that works.  But pinging the ip I got for www.google.com didn't work01:54
Dante123Somehow I think when i did this before it was 0:1:0...but not sure01:54
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IreclanBruenig: I did. How was it supposed to help me?01:54
bashiok thanks anyway i wouldnt be using it exept this is more of a hobby computer and its pretty old its not my main01:54
paul_ubuntuif anyone can help, please pm me :)01:54
bruenigIreclan, well just sudo apt-get install whatever you want from those01:54
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bashicstextiles: why .what does it do?01:55
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jexdawghey - is it possible to control rhythmbox through a panel? like, play-pause and next/previous track buttons in a panel?01:55
cstextilesYou have to install the java manually without Ubuntu Packages and it shows the procedure01:55
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cstextilesHow can I hide menu in the Applications menu according to the users in Ubuntu?01:56
bruenigrmd_, why did you remove xubuntu-desktop?01:56
bruenigI mean if you keep that on, none of this should come in to play01:56
bashicya thanks01:56
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bashibye thank for the help01:57
Dante123is there a way to see what is detected on pci?01:57
jribDante123: lspci ?01:58
EldorianHey, new to Ubuntu (and Linux for that matter) was curious if anyone ever ran into this: When I created my cd and I try to load from it... absolutely nothing happens... it acts like it's going to load the bar moves across the screen... and then it stops and locks up all together. I can't even install from it. Any thoughts?01:58
Dante123trying to figure out pci BusID for GE MX4000 pci card01:58
frogzoo_jrib: have you run pppoeconf ?01:58
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Dante123so i can edit xorg.conf correctly01:58
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bruenig!alternate | Eldorian01:58
ubotuEldorian: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.01:58
SpacePuppyDante123: read jrib's answer01:58
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cstextilesHow can I assign rights to the menu in the Applications menu according to the users in Ubuntu?01:59
jribfrogzoo_: this is a cable modem01:59
Dante123okay...trying that now....thanks01:59
jribfrogzoo_: does pppoeconf still work in that case?01:59
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[Ayanami] Hi, I have someone who's using Ubuntu for the first time on AIM... Is there a quick reference I can point him at? He's new enough he thinks Ubuntu is "linux."01:59
frogzoo_jrib: if it can find a pppoe server or not it will say01:59
[Ayanami] As in, its all Linux.01:59
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IdleOne[Ayanami] , wiki.ubuntu.com02:00
jribfrogzoo_: k, I'll give that a try.  Anything else?  Just throw out any ideas you have, I don't mind trying a lot of stuff but switching back and forth is annoying.  Thank you for your help btw02:00
Chamucohow can I clone a partition02:00
[Ayanami] Ubuntuguide.org fails to resolve, for future reference.02:01
bruenigChamuco, dd02:01
bruenigit certainly does not02:01
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[Ayanami] Thanks, IdleOne and bruenig.02:01
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bashianybody here runnin ubuntu 5.04?02:01
jrib[Ayanami] : help.ubutnu.com, also the help menu02:01
Dante123okay.......so do the first numbers in the line that reads.....01:04.0 VGA Compatible controller:  nVidia Corporations NV18 (blah blah) tell me the BusID?02:01
bruenigubuntuguide.org resolves quite well02:01
[Ayanami] There we are, it was still loading .com...02:01
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KeitaruDoes ubuntu come with irc?02:02
bruenigKeitaru, gaim can be an irc client02:02
robline_gaim or get x-chat02:02
jribKeitaru: gaim connects to irc02:02
KeitaruI tried to get x-chat but it says there is a IRC client that exist on my system already02:02
=== dsnyders [n=dsnyders@206-248-137-198.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu
SmartManguys thir is any messenger can contact (msn yahoo ...etc ) multi messenger but for ubuntu 6.1002:03
IdleOneKeitaru, sudo aptitude install xchat-gnome or xchat-common02:03
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bruenigSmartMan, gaim02:03
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Chamucobruenig: man dd says dd - convert and copy a file02:03
robline_not a fan of irssi, but some are02:03
bruenignot xchat-gnome, that is awful02:03
Dante123okay.......so do the first numbers in the line that reads.....01:04.0 VGA Compatible controller: nVidia Corporations NV18 (blah blah) tell me the BusID?02:03
=== [Ayanami] is using irssi only because I'm running an ssh window to a server.
SmartManthanks :)02:03
Cat2sometimes it just turns out that way02:03
jribKeitaru: the "xchat" package should give you the "good" xchat02:03
[Ayanami] xchat-gnome plz.02:03
cstextilesHow can I assign rights to the menu in the Applications menu according to the users in Ubuntu?02:04
IdleOnejrib, xchat package gives xchat-gnome iirc02:04
gdbIdleOne: no02:04
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Keitaruok thanks everyone02:04
=== jtmoney [n=james@ip72-196-124-106.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
jtmoneyi have all the repositories enabled on two machines... on my i386 install, i can "sudo apt-get install ivtv-source" without a problem, but on my amd64 box, i cannot... what gives?02:04
Chamucoanyone how do I clone a partition02:04
gdbIdleOne: apt-cache search xchat and be enlightened02:04
jribcstextiles: I don't know if this is what you want, but have you looked into sabayon?02:05
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IdleOnegdb, I dont need to be enlightened and I dont need your attitude either thanks :)02:05
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gdbIdleOne: Then work on being right, thanks!02:05
=== ankan_ [n=ankan@c-68-45-241-16.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
IdleOneor sarcasism02:05
IdleOnei did say iirc02:05
IdleOneapperently I didnt recall correctly02:05
IdleOnesue me :P02:06
cstextilesjrib: No What is that02:06
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ankan_hi....does anyone know why my xmms player hangs saying - Connecting to 64.236... whenever i try to tune to a particular station in streamtuner02:06
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IdleOneankan_, maybe that station is down?02:07
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jribcstextiles: apt-cache show sabayon, also google02:07
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ankan_IdleOne: i have tried most hit stations under shoutcast and its doin the same02:08
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rmd_i installed ubuntu, but installed xubuntu-desktop.  i erased a couple packages that came with it and now when i "aptitude autoremove" it threatens to remove all my other xubuntu packages.  is there a way I can tell it not to do this when i do an autoremove?02:09
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bashihow do i download java runtime? ive tried alot of different ways and my browser still wont load alot of things it says:aditional plugins required.02:10
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IdleOnebashi, sudo aptitude install sun-java5-jre02:11
mjgI just upgraded to Edgy from Dapper and my wireless nic (Netgear MA311) is no longer available in Network Settings Dialog. Any ideas?02:11
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ubinewbeeHi - I installed 6.10 on a dell Cpx (ancient).  Trying to get dlink dwl-650 going.  I see it in graphical device manager but not under lspci...any suggestions?  Should I follow the ndiswrapper route?02:11
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bashiill try02:11
cstextilesbashi: Did you watch out the website doc.gwos.org/index.php/Custom_JAVA?02:11
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Differeverybody's joining at once.02:12
bashii tried it and it didnt work02:12
Differinstallfest going on somewhere?02:12
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Pottiwhats a good program to burn iso's02:12
IdleOnePotti, gnomebaker K3B cdrecord02:12
miki_try brasero02:12
brussel_so what's one got to do to make phpdocumentor work on ubuntu, I'm running out of creatures to sacrifice.02:13
IdleOnebashi, have you enabled universe and multiverse?02:13
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frogdusterRabbits!  Have you tried rabbits?02:13
bashii think it worked! let me check02:13
brussel_Rabbits, frogs, virgins, nothing's left...02:13
ubinewbeeAny suggestions about the dwl-650 issue?  Or is there better distro for old dell laptop like Cpx?02:14
frogduster..went to far as to sacrifice a virgin, eh?02:14
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:14
brussel_I've even been doing ghosts02:14
MECUhi, I just installed ubuntu, install went okay, went to boot, get the boot screen and it looks okay and then it just goes black, for 5 minutes... reboot and try again and same thing, is it my video driver not compatible with my video card? I have an ATI 9800pro. Will booting in "safe" mode (I can't remember the exact name it gives, sorry) allow me to install the right drivers?02:14
bashiit didnt work02:14
IdleOnebashi, have you enabled universe and multiverse?02:14
Pottii found cd/dvd writer gnomebaker02:14
IdleOnePotti, that works good for me02:15
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Pottito burn iso's as ewll02:15
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Pottiawesome thanks alot02:15
IdleOnePotti, sudo aptitude install gnomebaker02:15
bashii duno02:15
guspadi think that the last kernel update broke the fglrx module ?02:15
IdleOne!universe | bashi02:15
ubotubashi: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource02:15
Pottii got it alreddi it was in teh add/remove thign02:15
DifferMECU:won't work, see http://ati.amd.com/products/radeon9800/radeon9800pro/specs.html02:15
Pottithanks anyway broo02:15
guspadwhen i try module-assistant build fglrx, it fails02:16
frogdustertried sudo pear install phpdocumentor?02:16
IdleOnebashi,  follow the link ubotu just gave you to enable universe and multiverse02:16
IdleOnePotti, np and cool02:16
Dante123Hi All, having some troubles here.....I want to use a Chaintech GE Force MX 4000 on this older Dell instead of the integrated video card.....what do I need to do.......I know I will need to edit xorg.conf.....is there anything else I need to install/download?02:16
bashiwich one?02:16
SmartManguys mp3 dosen't work02:16
IdleOnebashi, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories02:16
MECUDiffer: but they have http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux64/linux64-radeon.html02:16
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IdleOne!mp3 | SmartMan02:17
ubotuSmartMan: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:17
brussel_frogduster: oh, thanks for the wakeup02:17
bashiim tryin it hold on a sec02:17
ubotusabayon: system administration tool to manage GNOME desktop settings. In component main, is optional. Version 2.12.4-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 117 kB, installed size 1868 kB02:17
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DifferMECU: try it out.02:17
Differit might work.02:17
ubinewbeeHi - I installed 6.10 on a dell Cpx (ancient).  Trying to get dlink dwl-650 wifi card going.  I see it in graphical device manager but not under lspci...any suggestions?  Should I follow the ndiswrapper route?02:18
brussel_frogduster, with all the messages floating by I don't look unless I hear my beep.02:18
bashiwhat do i have to do to make it work its getting really annoying02:18
frogdusterbrussel_, may have to do sudo apt-get install php-pear first..02:18
IdleOnebashi, you need to actually ( like for real for real ) read the site and enable universe and multiverse repos02:18
MECUDiffer: that pages says "32-Bit packages must be installed for 64-Bit Linux drivers to install or work." but I thought I just read that ubuntu 64 won't run 32-bit?02:18
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IdleOnebashi, then and only then will you be able to do anything you want to do with ubuntu :)02:19
Luis07hello! I own a nVidia GeForce2 MX/MX 400, should I install nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-legacy?02:19
bashiok thanks02:19
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:19
Luis07IdleOne, I've seen that page, but it doesn't provide the help I need... about which driver to install02:20
DifferMECU, see the post two above.02:20
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IdleOneLuis07, sorry dont know what to tell you :/02:20
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IdleOneLuis07, stick around someone will be able to help soon02:20
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Luis07IdleOne, I've installed the nvidia-glx... but I can't see the nvidia logo on boot.. something must be wrong, yes?02:21
dan__what is wrong?02:21
Pottiok i guess burning it wasnt the full issue i need to know how i can made the iso02:21
Pottiwhat can i use02:21
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IdleOnePotti, make the iso? what iso?02:21
dan__to make an iso rub two sticks together very rapidly02:21
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Differdan__: lol.02:21
Pottii d/ld tiny2003 its an xp instalion but i need to make it into an iso and then burn it02:22
Pottii think02:22
dan__jsut google iso maker02:22
quaalwhere do i go to setup/configure ssh clients ?02:23
dan__but im sure u can use nero02:23
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quaalso people can connect through ssh02:23
dan__i used somehting called magic iso'02:23
Differwith Wine?02:23
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents02:23
dan__rel work on wikipedia....ROFL02:23
sparrwhy doesnt ubuntu have 'moving target' repository names like debian's stable/testing/unstable?  having to modify my sources every 6 months to keep up to date is hella annoying02:23
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jvairotfl!! @ ubotu02:24
dan__why don't u submit a formal complaint to Mr. Ubuntu02:24
kitchesparr: why not just use update-manager?02:24
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dan__kitche that would be to easy02:24
Luis07how can I confirm I have 3d acceleration working? I have no 3d games or stuff here to test, just the driver02:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about daemontools - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:24
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dan__the isa  cmd Luis02:24
=== enlight [n=ghost@125-238-43-199.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
brussel_frogduster: I get a Fatal error when I try to install phpdocumentor, something about a memory size of 8388608 bytes being exhausted.02:25
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cstextilesdan__: Use Daemon Tools02:25
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dan__for what?02:25
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cstextilesdan__: for CD writing as it is free02:25
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DifferFree or free?02:25
ChamucoLuis07 glxgears02:25
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dan__im aware02:25
sparrkitche: ill try it02:26
enlightI'm trying to do a "sudo apt-get source apache2"... but it gives me an error:02:26
enlightE: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/nz.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_edgy-updates_main_source_Sources - open (2 No such file or directory)02:26
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Luis07Chamuco, appears to be OK then, it's smooth02:26
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iratikAlright - on a random reobot (with the reboot command) - after grub it booted into a blue screen testing my memory - i shut it off half way and it came back again02:27
sparrkitche: update-manager doesnt seem to be relevant02:27
SanneLuis07: you might need legacy nvidia drivers. To confirm, read the binary driver age in the wiki for nvidia, in seciotn "Install and activate drivers" point 4 there's a link to help you find out. Wiki page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia02:27
iratikam i royally screwed ?02:27
ChamucoLuis07 have u ever tried armagetron02:27
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IdleOne!easysource | enlight seems your sources.list is buggered02:27
ubotuenlight seems your sources.list is buggered: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic02:27
IdleOne!upgrade | sparr02:27
ubotusparr: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:27
Luis07Chamuco, never tried02:27
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Toma-iratik: sounds like you have memcheck running?02:27
enlightubotu: thanks, I'll try that.02:27
dan__i cant get gfire to work :(02:27
sparrIdleOne: did you even read my question?  didnt think so.02:27
iratikToma-: thats what it says at the top02:27
ChamucoLuis07 is very cool game sort of tron02:28
iratikToma-: why is it running ?02:28
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Toma-iratik: you might have a serious problem with your ram02:28
Toma-iratik: you could always use synaptic to remove it tho02:28
Chamucolook in add remove02:28
=== AMD [n=opera@cpc3-stkn1-0-0-cust479.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
iratikToma-: I've been at work for 9 hours and am really tired - i've still got another hour or two more of work to do02:28
enlightIdleOne: thank you then :)02:28
Luis07the ubuntu wiki for nvidia drivers says "if you have a generic kernel image, the X will not work"... I have a generic kernel image! now what?!02:28
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Keitaruhow do you edit the source.list02:28
iratikToma-: its on a server hosting 3 websites and 5 databases - dns ... hosting server02:28
Keitaruits read-only02:28
rylanok, im working on day four of having no sound. so far, i get the startup noise, i have about 30 seconds of highpitched whine accompanied by my music and now nothing again. any ideas?02:28
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Toma-iratik: so im guessing lots of ram modules?02:29
Luis07Chamuco, I see, tron is cool, so I might try it ;)02:29
jellobeanDilemma: I am trying to install edgy using a live CD, i insert the CD and it boots up fine, I pass the language and identify keyboard stage, but when i get to mount the CD-ROM it says "No common CD-drive detected" (my bios reads my drive), does anyone have a similar problem, or know how to go around this...I read it is a problem with people that have SATA HD's02:29
iratiki mean... how do I get back to work!02:29
ChamucoKeitaru: do alt-f202:29
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cstextilesOMGWindowsrul3z: I don't know the difference between free and Free?02:29
DifferFree as in open source.02:29
Differfree as in cost-free.02:30
Toma-Theres freeware and GPL.02:30
Toma-GPL > Freeware02:30
cstextilesI think it is free not Free02:30
jrib!free | cstextiles02:30
ubotucstextiles: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing02:30
=== grovermuse_ [n=grover@ppp-69-219-153-151.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
iratikthis is the worst day of troubleshooting i've ever had in my LIFE - and its just one thing after another - not any particular thing's fault - but - nothing would work!02:30
iratikanybody know how to get out of memcheck and boot regular ?02:30
ChamucoKeitaru: then type gksudo nautilus, this will open a file window go to /etc/apt right click and edit02:30
quaaldoes anyone log into ubuntu remotely02:30
Toma-iratik: i told you, remove memcheck and youll be ok.02:30
SanneLuis07: i read that as that you need to first install the correct linux-restricted-modules for your kernel image.02:30
Toma-iratik: HOPEFULLY.02:30
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iratiki can't remove it if i can't boot into something !?02:31
cstextilesjrib: Ya I got that02:31
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Toma-iratik: Ahh. so you cant even boot without memcheck running?02:31
sparrkitche: update-manager seems similar to kubuntu adept_updater02:31
rylanok, im working on day four of having no sound. so far, i get the startup noise, i have about 30 seconds of highpitched whine accompanied by my music and now nothing again. any ideas?02:31
iratikthat's what i said - it goes into it right after grub02:31
sparrkitche: how do i make it automatically change my sources?02:31
Toma-iratik: sorry, you said "randomly" the first post02:32
=== Kilroy [n=dan@dhcp38-170.laptops.usf.edu] has joined #ubuntu
kitchesparr: when a new version of ubuntu comes out it will tell you02:32
sparrkitche: and then?02:32
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Toma-iratik: ok, will select soemthing different from the grub menu... or does that get you into memcheck too?02:32
sparrkitche: also, i dont want "when it comes out", i want development versions02:32
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iratikshould i interrupt it again ?02:32
Toma-iratik: reboot the computer, and select something else from grub02:33
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Toma-yeh its just a scanning program02:33
kitchesparr: then just eidt your source.lst to say feisty02:33
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jvairylan, maybe an "acpi" issue? u may have to edit the boot menu on boot... i forgot how to do it, i had to when i was on hoary02:33
iratiki honestly just wanna get this freaking horrible miserable day over with and go home - i've never had so much bad luck with ubuntu in one day02:33
MECUDiffer: recovery mode was useless02:33
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sparrkitche: already did.  and 6 months from now i have to do it again.  and again 6 months after that.  and so on and so forth.  annoying.02:33
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Toma-iratik: sounds like you tried to install memcheck and you somehow hosed your grub config :)02:34
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DifferMECU: did you see my message above?02:34
enlightAh crap, updating the source list didn't fix my problem.02:34
rylanjvai, so, what should i do02:34
MECUum, no?02:35
iratikToma-> Oh happy day ... (oh happy day) - ...02:35
=== rattlerviper [n=rattler@ip68-3-0-92.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
DifferMECU: ah, nvm.02:35
Toma-iratik: have you got any rescue disks or even the ubuntu install disk?02:35
iratikthe only option available is memtest - wtF!!!!!!!!!02:36
=== AnnaAniston [n=annaanis@d58-106-7-240.mas2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
iratiki'm going to go nuts ... but yes i do have an ubuntu install disk for this version next to me02:36
DifferMECU:well, I can't answer your problem.02:36
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MECUit's okay02:36
Toma-iratik: yikes! well do you know how to get your grub menu.lst back to working order?02:36
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rylanok, im working on day four of having no sound. so far, i get the startup noise, i have about 30 seconds of highpitched whine accompanied by my music and now nothing again. any ideas?02:37
jvairylan.. this is 1 link i found - http://dramor.blogspot.com/2004/10/ubuntu-dell-d600-and-some-acpi.html it may or may not work02:37
iratiki don't know what happened to it02:37
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Toma-ok. are you running the latest kernel for ubuntu?02:37
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rylanjvai, thanks02:37
=== dabdu [n=dabdu@81-208-31-218.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu
iratiki think i tried doing a dist-upgrade 4 hours ago02:37
iratiki've been at this since -11! hours ago02:38
Toma-iratik: ....a dist-upgrade to what?02:38
iratiki don't know02:38
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Toma-why on earth would you do that!?02:38
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iratikapt-get update&&apt-get dist-upgrade .... so on02:38
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Toma-thats madness.02:38
ralphr_Hi I'm using lvm and on boot my network is not configured. I see an error that it cannot create the /var/run directory. However the /var/run directory is there. Any help?02:39
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r00723r0hi, i'm having issues with ubuntu02:39
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Toma-iratik: ok, heres the plan. ill copy a chunk of my grub menu.lst for you, you add that to your menu.lst, and add whatever kernel version you have into it.02:39
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r00723r0specifically, it won't let me configure my wireless card02:39
Keitaruwow xchat looks so much different than mirc02:39
iKitchuhi fellas!!! i'm trying to get Xubuntu installed on an old iMac G3 400Mhz with 256Mb of ram (64 shared with video) and a 15Gb HD... so I guess it should be good enough to run it... but still when I get past the loooong splash screen it just turns black and nothing happens... could it be the video resolution? how could I change the installation settings (or boot settings) ????02:39
=== vorwarts [n=manchine@cm10237.red83-165.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu
rylanok, im working on day four of having no sound. so far, i get the startup noise, i have about 30 seconds of highpitched whine accompanied by my music and now nothing again. any ideas?02:40
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Toma-Keitaru: you get used to it :)02:40
jvairylan from ubuntu launchpad - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/4855602:40
r00723r0hi, i'm having issues with ubuntu - specifically, it won't let me configure my wireless card02:40
vorwartsi am trying to remove phpmyadmin but nothing seems to do it:02:41
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vorwartsroot@cedacosur:~# dpkg --remove --force-depends --force-remove-reinstreq phpmyadmin02:41
iratikToma-: oh god02:41
vorwarts(Leyendo la base de datos ...02:41
Keitarucool toma your text was in red02:41
vorwarts29475 ficheros y directorios instalados actualmente.)02:41
vorwartsDesinstalando phpmyadmin ...02:41
vorwarts/var/lib/dpkg/info/phpmyadmin.prerm: line 12: db_get: command not found02:41
vorwartsdpkg: error al procesar phpmyadmin (--remove):02:41
vorwarts el subproceso pre-removal script devolvi el cdigo de salida de error 12702:41
vorwartsSe encontraron errores al procesar:02:41
vorwarts phpmyadmin02:41
Keitarustood out02:41
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iratikalright ... so what! -- i wish i knew how grub worked ... do i need to boot of the install disk to a terminal?02:41
Toma-Keitaru: thats because i said your name. you can type the first couple letters of someone name and hit tab and itll finish it for you02:41
Toma-iratik: yep.02:41
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Toma-get into rescue mode/terminal02:42
linux_kidvorwarts: English02:42
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:42
r00723r0anyone have any advice?02:42
Keitaruohh thats awesome02:42
=== iratik hates rootkits which he suspects to be the original cause of all this calamity
retrogradehi. im trying to install ubuntu 6.10 from a live CD but the partitioner wont recognise either my master or my slave drive. any advice how to get it to find them?02:42
vorwartslinux_kid: no matter the error verbose locale, the hassle is readable :(02:43
linux_kidvorwarts, good point :)02:43
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Toma-iratik: heres my default option. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5863/ You MUST change the UUID code and possible the "root" location and possibly the filenames of kernel and initrd02:43
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Toma-iratik: sounds like youre not backing up your servers!02:43
Toma-tsk tsk02:43
linux_kidr00723r0, what is your device?02:43
jvaiquestion, does any1 fel the squid proxy cache for a single box is a compliment filter to iptables?02:43
r00723r0linux_kid, ra002:43
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linux_kidr00723r0, sorry, no i don't02:44
r00723r0hmm ok02:44
iratikToma-: there are backups02:44
iratikfor the most important data02:45
Toma-of the /boot folder?02:45
rylanjvai, doesnt look like anything im having problems with, nothing locks up, everything else is fine. just no sound, i do get sound on startup, that african music-y thing, and now nothing.02:45
iratikthats system stuff02:45
Toma-iratik: if you have backups of /boot youre in luck...02:45
iratikwe don't back that up - we have mirror sites if our system goes down02:45
iratikwell.. there is an option on this disk that lets you 'Reinstall GRUB boot loader'02:45
jvairylan & x boots up fine? what kind of pc do u use?02:45
Toma-iratik: /etc and /boot are so very critical to have backed up.02:45
iratikshould i do that02:46
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jvairylan, it's just a sound issue?02:46
rylanjvai, im using a pentium d 805 with a asus motherboard.02:46
Toma-iratik: as soon as you can, get a cron process that backsup /etc and /boot at 4am everyday or something02:46
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iratikgreat -- more work02:47
Toma-iratik: youre a sys admin. you never stop getting work :)02:47
rylanjvai, its just a sound issue. interestingly the person who was having problems in the second link is also using an asus computer, so i am looking into it a bit more with lspci -vv02:47
iratiki've spent the last 5 hours just getting the existing backup process to work without an FTP server - and only a local windows box to backup to02:47
=== Steve__ [n=chatzill@84-203-44-93.mysmart.ie] has joined #ubuntu
r00723r0i'm having issues with ubuntu - specifically, it won't let me configure my wireless card; any advice?02:48
iratik i had put up a rails server on the server just for that purpsoe - so i could dump files into ports behind the NAT and get them with the windows box02:48
jvaiasus.. "amd" processor?02:48
iratikoh god its been a long long long day02:48
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iratiksigh... its asking me where in dev to put grub02:49
Steve__I am looking for some help with partioning, can anyone tell me how to reinit GRUB after changing the partion structure02:49
iratikwe have a raid 1+0 sata setup02:49
Toma-iratik: ahh.02:49
iratik        " /dev/sda ? "02:49
Toma-iratik: i think so.02:49
iratikwell.. it could only get worse02:49
Toma-thats the spirit :)02:49
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rylanjvai, sound card is coming up as ASUSTec Computer inc Unknown sound device02:50
iratiki'm like at the point where snakes could fly out of the back of the machine and i wouldn't flinch02:50
rylanjvai, no Pentium proc.02:50
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bart_IRC question , is there a way to output the channel list to a file ?02:50
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jvaiok @ rylan lol the best i can do is help u google it.. "googling now"02:51
iratikf!!!! str8 to memtest02:51
Toma-bart...theres a button on the middle in xchat02:51
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rylanjvai, thanks, your a gem02:51
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:51
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TheShrewdDudeHey guys... I just downloaded a .RUN file.02:52
TheShrewdDudeI have no idea what to do with it.02:52
TheShrewdDudeAny suggestions?02:52
iratikalright ------- please  ... please help me02:52
shatratTheShrewdDude, what are you trying to install?02:52
TheShrewdDudeshatrat: OK, so it's an install file?02:52
Steve__--> ubotu:  Thanks for that02:53
TheShrewdDudeshatrat: What can I do with it? :P02:53
shatratTheShrewdDude, whenever possible, try and get things from repositories, anything installed from a .run isnt gonna get updates02:53
iratiki pressed e at the grub menu... two more options now root (hd0,0)  and boot as well as memtest02:53
iratikjust tell me what to do02:53
Steve__I will read into it now02:53
shatratTheShrewdDude, well, you downloaded it...what is it?02:53
TheShrewdDudeshatrat: I tried that... I couldn't find it via synaptic :(02:53
TheShrewdDudeshatrat: It's tremulous.02:53
dalani33NOTICE: anyone notice it's possible to run console commands without sudo with full root access when booting in failsasfe mode???02:53
Toma-iratik: what on earth... did you add that section i told you about?02:53
TheShrewdDudeshatrat: So now I have a 100-MB thing sitting on my desktop and I can't do anything with it.02:53
shatratTheShrewdDude, ah, yes that is definitely in the repos.  You probably need to enable universe and multiverse repos though.02:53
Toma-dalani33: yep.02:54
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shatratTheShrewdDude, /msg ubotu universe and the bot will PM you instructions02:54
TheShrewdDudeshatrat: Well, how would I go about installing this .RUN file?02:54
gn0me... is it normal for "Printer" to not be in the Control Center?02:54
dalani33sheesh what's up with that??02:54
bart_Toma-,  what button , i want to ./list > channel.list.file02:54
Toma-dalani33: you can disable it by remvoing rescue mode from the grub config02:54
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dalani33oh really?02:54
jvairylan.. wow! the google search turn up maaaad issues w/ asus sound look @ this - http://www.leenooks.com/ASUS+A7V266-MX+built+in+sound+card02:54
dalani33So how do I failsafe?02:54
shatratTheShrewdDude, like I said before, thats kind of a last resort for installing things, because if it installs that way i tmight not install to the proper locations and it wont update automatically.  If you enable universe and multiverse, youll be able to apt-get install tremulous02:55
iratikToma-> You said boot to the rescue system  -- the only other thing you have told me to do is " iratik: as soon as you can, get a cron process that backsup /etc and /boot at 4am everyday or something "02:55
SanneTheShrewdDude: I just got the zip file of tremulous, extracted it somewhere and ran it directly. But maybe you don't want to download again...02:55
dalani33if needed02:55
iratikthen you trailed off02:55
rylanjvai, thanks02:55
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ramirexhola como estan02:55
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:55
iratikpor favor!02:55
TheShrewdDudesanne: Hmm, they offer zips of a fully compiled version?02:55
jvairylan i use a thinkpad.. i dont kno much about asus02:55
TheShrewdDudeshatrat: Well, ok, thanks.02:55
Toma-dalani33: you cant :>02:56
shatratTheShrewdDude, trust me, you'll be saving headaches if you install from universe repositories.  it creates ane ntry for it in yoru Applications menu and everything :)02:56
rylanjvai, asus is the devil. chinese brand for chinese people.02:56
SanneTheShrewdDude: lemme check (but also make sure there isn't the latest version in the repositories, look at packages.ubuntu.com)02:56
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rylanjvai, cheap as shite.02:56
dalani33Toma: Ill try removing the feature for good form then02:56
Toma-dalani33: like i said, you can add passsword protection onto grub options02:56
dalani33excellent thnks02:56
Toma-iratik: heres my default option. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5863/ You MUST change the UUID code and possible the "root" location and possibly the filenames of kernel and initrd02:56
Toma-thats from 5 mins ago02:56
SanneTheShrewdDude: yup, I got tremulous-1.1.0.zip02:56
Toma-add that to your menu.lst02:57
Toma-and change the stuff i just said02:57
TheShrewdDudeSanne: Ok, cool; I have a bit more time and bandwidth. :)02:57
jvai<-- buying up all the ibm thinkapds t40's" only..  on a mission, & will get broken in the process02:57
iratikwhat in the name of all that is bacon!02:57
SanneTheShrewdDude: but the repositories for edgy also have 1.1.002:57
SanneTheShrewdDude: you would just need to enable multiverse02:58
iratikwhere do i get that UUID! ?? --- wtf does god have against me !02:58
TheShrewdDudeI'll try to see if I can get those repositories enabled... I don't think I can do it without blundering and severely screwing up my system. :(02:58
Toma-iratik: you can swap it with normal /dev entries02:58
SanneTheShrewdDude: it's not hard, it's the official way really02:58
iratiki mean... i don't even know what a UUID is ?!?02:58
shatratTheShrewdDude, its as easy as checking a few checkboxes or deleting a couple #s from a text file.02:58
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iratikhow am i suppsoed to change it to something that'll work02:58
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ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)02:59
clearzenDoes anyone know how to use rsync mirrors?02:59
Toma-iratik: its a special code given to all your devices. just use "blkid" at the command to give you the root devices's UUID02:59
=== AdamBerg [n=beseiged@c-24-131-96-98.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
CrescendoI'm having trouble connecting to an SSH server in Nautilus - but it works fine in the terminal.  Any suggestions?02:59
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rylanjvai, so how do i go about getting those AC97 codecs?02:59
iratikalright --- from this grub menu - how do i get to a !shell02:59
AdamBergi am trying to get a game to load in wine and i can't seem to do it. i've run through the install 2 time02:59
TheShrewdDudeOk, thanks guys. :)02:59
SanneTheShrewdDude: look here for info how to do that: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu02:59
blazemongerwhat's the alternative install cd for?02:59
gn0meWhere would I go to add/remove a printer? There's nothing in my Control Center for it.02:59
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blazemongerdoes it contain tweaks or something?03:00
Toma-iratik: i told you, from the rescue area...03:00
bimberi!alternate | blazemonger03:00
ubotublazemonger: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.03:00
=== drake [n=david@c-68-82-186-226.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sanneblazemonger: the alternate cd can also be used as a repository, while the live cd can't.03:00
bimberign0me: System -> Administration -> Printing03:01
blazemongerSanne:so it doesn't install all of the bloated stuff?03:01
=== Monoxide [n=joe@c-24-15-163-254.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rylancan someone tell me how to go about getting the AC97 codec?03:01
=== Kr0ntab [n=Kr0ntab@unaffiliated/Kr0ntab] has joined #ubuntu
iratiki'll reboot - get to the rootfs as root ... find the uuid -- and hopefully find out if the filesystem and data are still intact ..... write it down , write the main partition path in dev down then reboot to this grub menu and replace your directives with mine and if there is any glimmer of hope for the existence of a being above - then it'll boot and i can go on with my work -- wish me lucjk03:01
jvaihold on rylan.. this coffe shop has slooow arse bandwidth03:01
gn0mebimberi: It's not there.03:01
Sanneblazemonger: heh... it installs the same packages as the desktop cd03:01
CrescendoI'm having trouble connecting to an SSH server in Nautilus - but it works fine in the terminal.  Any suggestions?03:02
rylanjvai, thanks a lot for helping man, it really means a lot to me03:02
Toma-iratik: if you can get to the rootfs, why not add that option of mine to the /boot/grub/menu.lst?03:02
iratikit looks like yours is not made for a server03:02
jvairylan np.. just giving back "what was given03:02
iratiki'm so freaking screwed - it makes me sick03:02
bimberign0me: try running 'gnome-cups-manager' from a terminal03:02
Toma-iratik: its a learning experience! :)03:03
gn0meThank you03:03
iratiki dropped the optimistic laughter for intermittent chuckles of schizophrenic madness many hours ago03:03
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bimberiSanne: actually the livcd does have a small repo on it - with things like build-essential (and dependencies)03:03
mon^rchdoes fsck work on ntfs?03:03
jvairylan 2 links - http://forums.viaarena.com/messageview.aspx?catid=17&threadid=76146&enterthread=y & http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=420&OSID=25&CatID=2950&SubCatID=154?03:03
bimberimon^rch: no03:03
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rylanjvai, sweet. i might have found one too03:03
Sannebimberi: ah, makes sense, thanks for mentioning.03:04
plex0ranyone ever use xgl?03:04
jvaiquestion, does any1 fel the squid proxy cache for a single box is a compliment filter to iptables?03:04
bimberiSanne: np :)03:04
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ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:05
Cdesza1jvai, squid does very little aditional filter, and is meant to be a cash, not a filter.03:05
=== mon^rch uses xgl
plex0roh you are a cunt arent you03:05
clearzenIs there a support channel for mythtv?03:06
bimberi!language | plex0r03:06
ubotuplex0r: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:06
Sannemon^rch: you can find out what fsck supports by typing: fsck<tab><tab>03:06
jvaicdeszal... u mean.. i'm using it thinking it adds fitering for my browser, but it doesnt?? no way!03:06
iratikblkid didn't return anything03:06
duckdownHey all.. Lately I have been experimenting with the -D option when I connect to one of my shells (it opens a SOCKS proxy for me, and I can then use it hide my IP & browse and what not), and it appears I am just idling in the shell and nobody is any the wiser that I am surfing.. But are logs of all the sites i visit and stuff visible to admins some how?03:06
iratikunless you want me to type " blkid "  which means i've died and gone to hell03:07
AdamBergcan anyone help me solve this error ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5866/03:07
jvaii thought squid would add an extra layer of protection w/ iptables03:07
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jellobeanedgy installer does not find my cd-rom drive (eventhough it loads fine and the bios recognizes it)...is there a way I can manually tell it where it is03:07
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rylanjvai, ok i have downloaded it. now how the eff do i install it?03:07
archangelpetrodoes anyone know which package the syscall manpages are held in?03:07
wheels3572Can someone help me with mounting I have tried following some links but am getting no where03:07
Toma-iratik: well thats bizare03:07
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bimberiarchangelpetro: probably manpages-dev03:08
jvailol... now "that" i dont know "properly"@ rylan03:08
iratikhow screwed am i03:08
archangelpetrowheels3572, what you trying to mount?03:08
archangelpetrobimberi, thanks :D03:08
plex0rWhy when i load beryl-manager through terminal it just loads a white screen and halts?03:08
rylanjvai,  i will do my best.03:08
jvaii dont wanna make it worse03:08
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bimberiarchangelpetro: yw :)03:08
CrescendoI'm having trouble connecting to an SSH server in Nautilus - but it works fine in the terminal.  Any suggestions?03:08
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CrescendoI'm having trouble connecting to an SSH server in Nautilus - but it works fine in the terminal.  Any suggestions?03:08
CrescendoWhoops, my bad. ;x03:09
MECUDiffer: okay, I tried fixing it by editing xorg.conf and it said something like "file/disk read only"03:09
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iratikToma-: aww man... are you nodding silently!03:09
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:09
plex0rWhy when i load beryl-manager through terminal it just loads a white screen and halts?03:09
=== hematitec [n=cratz@adsl-71-159-206-4.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
CrescendoMECU, make sure you're root.03:09
wheels3572archangelpetro, im trying to mount my windows fat 32 partition03:09
Toma-sadly... yes.03:09
MECUduring boot?03:09
stinger_auhow come there is no wheel group in ubuntu ?03:09
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archangelpetrowheels3572, mount /dev/hdaX /mnt/mountpoint ?03:09
Toma-what the heck is a wheel group?03:09
archangelpetrowheel == default group allowed to SU03:10
plex0rthere is wheel in freebsd :)03:10
plex0rWhy when i load beryl-manager through terminal it just loads a white screen and halts?03:10
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wheels3572archangelpetro, if it's that easy then why are the damn tutorials so hard lol03:10
bimberistinger_au: 'admin' in Ubuntu.  idk why a different name though03:10
stinger_auscreen -r /server03:10
stinger_auMust run suid root for multiuser support.03:10
archangelpetrowheels3572, people who use unix like to pretend theyre a lot smarter than the rest of us :P03:10
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noodles12i'm trying to install a cups-pdf printer. I have installed it and i see it in /usr/lib/cups/backend but it does not show up as an option when adding a printer.03:10
archangelpetrowheels3572, just make sure you know which partition == windows one03:11
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Vande8594what distro of ubuntu is recomended for an old win. 98 box? will edgy work or is there a better version?03:11
archangelpetrowheels3572, try it and get back to me :P03:11
wheels3572archangelpetro, /dev/hdb1               1        2434    19551073+   c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)03:11
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bimberiCrescendo: does sftp work (in the terminal)?03:12
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Crescendobimberi, why sftp?03:12
bimberiCrescendo: ... because that's what ssh in nautilus is doing03:12
archangelpetrowheels3572,  'mount /dev/hdb1 /media/windows03:12
Crescendobimberi, yep03:12
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shivI have 2 audio cards one onboard and 1 audigy. How do I tell mixer to make audigy default everytime it boots?03:12
archangelpetro(mkdir /media/windows first)03:12
SanneVande8594: depends on the hardware. Maybe choose a smaller desktop like xfce (xubuntu) rather than gnome (ubuntu) or kde (kubuntu)03:12
rylanjvai, looks like i need to bring in an expert.03:12
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wheels3572archangelpetro, ok will try03:13
Vande8594Sanne its all older hardware. so is xubuntu lighter?03:13
archangelpetrowheels3572, dont forget the 'sudo' ;)03:13
Vande8594and more compatable with old stuff03:13
rylancan someone please help me install a AC97 codec? this is a bit too tech heavy for me03:13
amoxikaamai staffe toebak03:13
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bimberiCrescendo: what trouble is nautilus giving you?03:13
SanneVande8594: yes, definitely. I used it on an athlon thunderbird 1 ghz box and it was fine. What processor is that on your box?03:13
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dan__i have a p6 7000ghz03:14
jvairylan woord, & i found an asus wiki - http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/asus.html03:14
Crescendobimberi, it sits there "Connecting to server" forever.03:14
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amoxikaal tmacheert dan toch03:14
Vande8594Sanne umm not sure havent turned it on in awhile its around 800 or so mHz, all i want to do is type and surf web on it03:14
Vande8594Sanne maby some music playing03:14
iratikalright -- et--- ne parlez pas ca langue ici ... allez au #ubuntu-fr03:14
rylanjvai, ill try that too03:14
Crescendobimberi, PM further help to me - I need to go pick up the girl03:14
Vande8594dan_ i wish i could have that03:14
dan__lol vande03:15
iratiki did some lookng .. for /boot/grub03:15
rylanvariant, are you there?03:15
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dan__anyone else run css under wine?03:15
iratikfind /boot/grub -- and did cat /boot/grub/menu.lst -- and saw there was a command "update-grub" ... it relies on "ls" somehow to get its source data03:15
iratikmy "ls" is broken03:15
SanneVande8594: I would test with xubuntu. You could try the live cd to see if it picks up all hardware, but keep in mind that ir will be faster when actually installed. There are also still lighter desktops/window managers like fluxbox, openbox etc, but you will trade speed for convenience then.03:15
bimberiCrescendo: i can't really help much sorry03:15
amoxikano france03:15
iratikhow do i get to the cd to copy over the cd's ls and overwrite my ls ?03:16
Toma-iratik: ls is broken? sounds like a rootkit to me03:16
iratikit is a rootkit03:16
dan__anyone else run counter strike source under wine?03:16
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shivI have 2 audio cards one onboard and 1 audigy. How do I tell mixer to make audigy default everytime it boots?03:16
jvairylan fire up synaptic.. see if those drivers r in the repos03:16
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Vande8594Sanne ok awsome ill jot those down, ill prolly start then with live scence i dont have a harddrive installed yet03:16
iratiklast week -- i spent all day to day trying to get the darn thing to communicate without using FTP - that's how we think they got in03:16
Toma-iratik: youll need the coreutils package03:17
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iratiki did all that stuff to fix it03:17
iratikdidn't fix it03:17
taylo1Greetings all. Have a challenge with OO.o calc. I'm trying to set an Advanced Filter for "NOT EMPTY", how might I achieve that?03:17
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SanneVande8594: what I don't know to recommend is if you should use edgy, or play safe and use dapper (last one before edgy with long time support - more stable)03:17
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iratikwe locked down the ports on our network .. at the moment only 20,21,25,80,81,143,443 are open03:17
Vande8594Sanne ok good idea03:17
iratikso we haven't had any more intrusions03:17
Toma-iratik: are you running a LIDS?03:18
SanneVande8594: maybe try edgy first, if it works, you'll have more recent software.03:18
Luis07how can I enable nvidia's digital vibrance at system startup? I can only enable it by running "nvidia-settings"03:18
rylanjvai, where would i look?03:18
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n00banybody wanna help a noob out?03:18
dan__sure nub what u need?03:18
frogzoon00b: we don't know if we can help03:18
n00bwhat's the easiest way to tell what version I'm running (ie - 6.10 or 6.06)?03:18
Vande8594Sanne : k ill just burn both, i got like 5 computers sitting here so i can try a version on each03:18
frogzoon00b: lsb_release -a03:18
taylo1uname -a03:18
jvairylan, the package manager, just type in the driver's name just to see, synaptic may shock u with them03:19
SanneVande8594: cool, good luck then, have fun :)03:19
Vande8594Sanne :: thanks man i hope this all works03:19
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Sanne<-- grl, Vande8594 ...03:19
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bart_ /exec lsb_release -a03:19
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n00bok, easiest way to tell if it's running the amd64 version as opposed to the 32-bit?  gcc -dumpmachine?03:19
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rylanjvai, i did a search for it, it does have an AC97 in there, but nothing in the packages03:20
jexdawghas anyone ever installed music.rpm (small gnome applet for controlling music via a panel) and wants to help a lost, confused, and abandoned newbie out?03:20
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Vande8594Sanne thanks women*03:20
SanneVande8594: hehe, you're welcome :)03:20
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RohintonHi - The builds from last night for Feisty on i386 - are they being rebuilt?03:21
wheels3572wheels@wheels-desktop:~$ sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /media/windows mount: mount point /media/windows does not exist03:21
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jvairylan.. lol.. i might lose u on this.. but a ?reboot? may be in order, to see if those drivers r in there properly03:21
Vande8594now only if they had mirrors in the states...03:21
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wheels3572archangelpetro, wheels@wheels-desktop:~$ sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /media/windows mount: mount point /media/windows does not exist03:21
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dan_where is the new server button on xchat?03:21
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rylanjvai, so restart my computer?03:21
SanneVande8594: I bet there *are* mirrors in the us03:21
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Toma-dan_: Ctrl T03:21
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iratikintrusion detection system03:21
Vande8594Sanne: well registered mirrors03:21
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n00bfrogzoo: Thanks for the help.  I think it was you that said it first.03:22
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iratikWell Toma-: i'm one kid - i just turned 2103:22
n00bAnybody else whgo helped: Thanks to you too.03:22
archangelpetrowheels3572, mkdir /media/windows03:22
jvairylan bfore u do a reboot, see if u can archive the drivers, like "right clicking" then "auto archive"  i think it is03:22
iratiki'm responsible for the entire IT systems of 2 companies - and honestly - i'm starting to loathe it03:22
amoxikais this chat in the U.K ?03:22
Luis07how can I enable nvidia's digital vibrance at system startup? I can only enable it by running "nvidia-settings"03:22
SanneVande8594: ah... and I forgot, it's xubuntu, maybe different, because it's manily a community project (should have mentioned that).03:22
frogzooamoxika: international03:22
iratiklike i'm getting taken advantage of or something03:22
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frogzooiratik: sup?03:22
amoxikao k03:23
wheels3572archangelpetro, I had followed a thing that I had made a Windows directory already03:23
rylanjvai, what i downloaded has a whole arseload of files.03:23
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Vande8594Sanne :: ok thanks03:23
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archangelpetrowell wheels3572 use that directory instead of /media/windows03:23
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jvairylan wher r they located?03:23
SanneVande8594: :)03:23
fgsfdsfgsfdsQuestion about installing Ubuntu on Parallels03:23
Toma-iratik: theres an old saying.. K.I.S.S. It applys to everything really. Keep It Simple Stupid. try not to complicate things with extra "features" as youll endup leaving doors open. and backup EVERYTHING.03:23
iratiki freakin -- wanna go home! .. i wanted to an hour and a half ago -- but instead ... i'm stuck here alone in an empty office03:23
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rylanjvai, in a folder on my desktop03:23
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iratikToma-: i got it fixed i think03:23
Vande8594well i have decided if i get this working i am going to make a dedicated seeding computer03:24
Toma-rad :>03:24
jvairylan, right click the folder03:24
frogzooiratik: sux to work in IT at the bottom of the food chain03:24
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jvailet me kno the options03:24
jvaiu see03:24
fgsfdsfgsfdsI'm trying to install ubuntu on Parallels Mac, and it wants to know how I want to partition the disk. which one do I pick to not lose all my OS X files?03:24
jexdawgdoes anyone know of a deb package to install a music controlling applet in a panel for ubuntu? or, any way to control rhythmbox from a panel? like, any at all? please?03:24
iratikthats the problem - i'm the whole food chain - i'm the top and the bottom03:24
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frogzooiratik: anyways -> #ubuntu-offtopic03:24
iratiki get paid in the middle for doing things at both extremes03:24
Toma-sounds like a dodgy company03:24
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iratikalright yeah.. it is offtopic - my bad tho03:24
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kyle__hi, My xorg.conf tells me I have an API mismatch. The nvidia kernel module thinks I have 8776 drivers while the drivers I have installed are the latest 9XXX series. Which kernels do I need to remove and which do I need to get? Thanks03:25
rylanjvai, ill try a restart03:25
iratikoh thank god03:25
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Toma-kyle__: youll find you didnt use the correct xorg lib location03:25
CrescendoI'm having trouble connecting to an SSH server in Nautilus - but it works fine in the terminal.  Any suggestions?03:25
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dan_crescendo: use Nautilus03:26
dan_crescendo: use Terminal*03:26
kyle__Toma- What do you mean?03:26
bart_Crescendo, have you installed sshfs ?03:26
Crescendodan_, yes it works fine in terminal03:26
linux_kidWelcome, cellfish, to #ubuntu-offtopic03:26
=== katie [n=katie@ip70-160-117-211.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-kyle__: well, did you use a deb to install the 9xxx drivers?03:26
Crescendobart_, it worked fine a couple days ago03:26
jvaiok @ rylan.. the best, man03:26
jvaicome back in to let me know @ rylan03:27
kyle__Toma- I downloaded them from alberto milones repository.03:27
bart_Crescendo, might want to delete old certificates in ~/.ssh03:27
Toma-kyle__: ahh ok03:27
CrescendoAlright, will do03:27
katiehi, i have a wireless card with the bcm43xx driver, things worked perfectly up until a couple days ago03:27
Toma-kyle__: have you read his message boards?03:27
katiethen all of the sudden.. i can't associate03:27
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katieonly thing i've done since is use update-manager03:27
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linux_kidkatie, what have you done that may have killed your wireless03:27
Sannekyle__ (and Toma-): sorry for interrupting... before you do anything: I had this same error some days before, the kernel picked up the wrong nvidia driver during boot, I resolved it with a new reboot. No idea what this was, but worth a try maybe?03:28
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gatenim disableing some of my boot services. the guide at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89491 suggests changing the captial 'K' in all the unused services in /etc/rc0.d/  to a lowercase 'k'. would removing executable permission work just as well or no b/c they are symlinks or that the boot process is run as root (i think)03:28
=== passbe [n=passbe@ppp184-119.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
katiealtho previously.. i was getting bad connections with the 2.6.17-10 kernel03:28
linux_kidkatie, what did you get for the update manager?03:28
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katieand had to revert back to 2.6.1503:28
katiebut now that doesn't even work03:28
linux_kidkatie, changing the kernel could kill the wireless03:28
katieyeah.. i'm sure it could..03:28
katiei switched back to the working03:28
Toma-Sanne: kyle__ : yeh i did that. you can also "sudo rmmod nvidia"03:28
katieor rather what i thought was working03:28
katiebut that fails03:29
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BoxxertrumpsIs this stable? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/install%2eexe03:29
kyle__ok, I'll try thank03:29
jexdawgi want to install this: http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/edgy/gnome/music-applet but i'm not really sure what to download. there are like 6 billion options. thats a lot. haha. can anyone help me?03:29
linux_kidkatie, did you say bcm43xx, ndiswrapper or linuxant?03:29
katiein /var/log/messages it says03:29
katieADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth2: link is not ready03:29
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katiei'd never use that crap linuxant..03:29
katiendiswrapper was required when i first installed this laptop03:29
dan_Katie: are u a girl?03:29
wheels3572archangelpetro, ty that worked perfectly :)03:29
katiewell.. the laptop is my gfs :)03:30
linux_kidkatie, i use it and i have someone to ask for money back if it dosen't work :)03:30
katiei'm just logged in her name03:30
katiei set it up for her last april03:30
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Sannedan_: an what if katie was?03:30
katieit required ndiswrapper back then03:30
archangelpetrowheels3572, np03:30
jvaiyo rylan.. what happens?03:30
katieshe does use it every day up until now :(03:30
blazemongeri thought it wasn't reccomended to run a server on debian unstable but ubuntu is based on debian unstable right?03:30
rylanjvai, well, i have... sound now, but its also got a really high pitched whine also03:30
katiehasn't booted back into widows03:30
wheels3572archangelpetro, now to go 1 step further.  I wanna make one folder on that drive accessible not the whole drive ?03:31
linux_kidkatie, what wireless card is it using?03:31
jexdawghow do i find out if i am amd64, i386, or powerpc - what is my architecture?03:31
katieit's a minipci03:31
jvaiwhoot rylan.. asus issues..03:31
=== diego [n=diego@200-112-152-49.bbt.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
katiebroadcom 4306 is all it says03:31
dan_anyone know a good prism2 card for use with ubuntu?03:31
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linux_kidjexdawg, whats your manufacturer and model number?03:31
archangelpetrowheels3572, chmod -R xxx /mnt/win/foldername03:31
archangelpetrowheels3572, man chmod03:31
jvairylan, the high pitch noises r from the speakrs?03:31
diegohi everyone03:32
rylani've learned 2 important things about fixing computers. first, get a good bottle of wine, and second get your girlfriend out of the house.03:32
linux_kidkatie, 4306 is it03:32
KeitaruHow in ubuntu can I access shared folders on a  network which is windows [i am using ubuntu] 03:32
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iratikscrew you guys - i'm going home03:32
jvairylan try fidling with the sound.. lke the "line in"03:32
linux_kidrylan, good point03:32
rylanjvai, sounds like mostly one side.03:32
Sannerylan: I find this slightly  offensive03:32
=== krups [n=arthomps@pool-72-75-50-132.washdc.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
krupsi'm having issues playing some cds.  it's works for some, but not others.  ideas on how to troubleshoot?  i can rip them on a windows box - just don't like to.03:33
Sannerylan: and I don't mean the wine ;)03:33
=== poorenglish_ [n=poorengl@126.Red-217-126-209.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
jvailmao @ rylan.. cause we luv the girls, but not the distractions. lolo03:33
=== ReturnToZero [n=ReturnTo@ABordeaux-256-1-41-81.w90-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
BoxxertrumpsKeitaru: if you can dual boot you could just use windows.03:33
wheels3572hey archangelpetro may I PM you or does that not work?03:33
rylanSanne, sorry, my girlfriend is "traditional" asian, so something like a kitten the size of a 16 year old.03:33
linux_kidkrups, what kind of CD's?03:33
dasickishey i was wondering how do you remove a program you build from source?03:33
dan_duel boot and use windows03:33
KeitaruBoxxertrumps: How do I grab files from windows03:33
KeitaruYes I use dualboot03:33
dan_Keitaru: you have to mount your windows partition03:33
archangelpetrowheels3572, go ahead03:33
krupslinux_kid: audio cds.  this one is phillip glas - solo piano.  and i'd like to rip it to flac.03:34
rylanjvai, well. i touched the "line" setting in alsa mixer and sound dissapeared /cry03:34
BoxxertrumpsKeitaru: just go onto windows and get the files you need03:34
Sannerylan: ok, lol, but please remember not to act like we (women) don't exist in this channels.03:34
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linux_kidkrups, like did you buy it at a store, or from your friend?03:34
Keitaruboxxertrump: then03:34
jvaiu "touch" it & it bounced? @ rylan..03:34
dasickishey i was wondering how do you remove a program you build from source?03:34
Keitarudan_: how do i mount my windows partition03:34
krupslinux_kid bought it at a store - it's not a copy.03:34
Boxxertrumpsid love to marry a linux user03:34
dan_Boxxertrumps: why go back to windows when u can use linux?03:34
KeitaruI am trying to transfer my music/movies onto linux03:35
SanneBoxxertrumps: my husband did :)03:35
dan_ill help u03:35
Boxxertrumpsdan_: so you can use the windows only functions03:35
rylanSanne, hardly. i know you exist, but wouldnt you be miffed if your boyfriend kept coming up to you for lovin every 10 min03:35
linux_kidkrups, im not sure, but you may have to use windows :(03:35
krupslinux_kid assuming some wierd drm shit.  bleh03:35
linux_kidSanne, good job being a female computer person03:35
Sannerylan: yeah, of course, I understand :)03:35
=== drake [n=david@c-68-82-186-226.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rylanjvai, pretty much i was going to turn down the "line" imput and sound shut off.03:35
linux_kidkrups, good point, i agree03:35
Keitarudan_ id appreciate it :) thanks03:35
=== guspad [n=guspad@r201-217-140-55.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu
jvailmao... i thought i was alone in that @ rylan.. soo, othr guys go thru too!!! what a joy!03:36
IdahoEvmy new ubuntu install is not detecting my video card (ATI Radeon 9800), and is running in safe 640x480 mode.   What should I do first to fix/debug this?03:36
wheels3572archangelpetro, hmmm didnt' work your not on my buddy list or im not on yours I believe thats why tha tdont work lol03:36
guspadmy nautilus is pointing the trash to /var/run :S03:36
katieso.. hmm03:36
linux_kid!ATI | IdahoEv03:36
ubotuIdahoEv: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:36
rylanso, does anyone have any idea why my "touching" the line setting in alsa mixer totally canceled out my sound?03:36
jvairylan try playing around with the sound.. see if u can get it  back, by toggling things03:36
Sannelinux_kid: thanks, but wasn't much effort really, I'm drawn to that stuff (and sorry for offtopic...)03:36
=== lufis [n=sam@adsl-70-232-49-103.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
IdahoEvlinux_kid: grazie03:37
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katieit's weird cuz this appears on every kernel in dmesg now ... ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth2: link is not ready03:37
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guspaddoes someone know where the config for the trash path is ?03:37
Boxxertrumpsalready at 7%...03:37
archangelpetrowheels3572, what are you on to logonto IRc?03:37
=== katie isn't a super expert in ubuntu really.. all my machines are gentoo
Boxxertrumpsubuntu EXE, here i come!03:37
linux_kidSanne, tell that to ALL of your gfs03:37
katiebut i knew ubuntu would be better for her03:37
lufisguspad: dunno, but type trash:// in nautilus03:37
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Boxxertrumpsubuntu is the most popular starter linux03:38
=== stephen [n=stephen@ppp-70-227-47-108.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
rylanjvai, nothing helps03:38
Sannelinux_kid: I'd love to have more females with whom to talk computer and linux. More males also, for that matter. But there's always the 'net ;)03:38
wheels3572archangelpetro, yeah03:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mdns - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:38
linux_kidkatie, is she all for ubuntu? cause if you can help her more with gentoo, it may be better03:38
Boxxertrumpsi usually argue with my best friend about Win vs Lin03:38
katiewell linux distros aren't that different really03:38
linux_kidSanne, we're in a half-perfect world :)03:38
archangelpetrowheels3572, ok to change the permissions on a directory you need to use the  chmod command..03:38
katieall have the same basic software03:39
Sannelinux_kid: yeah :)03:39
lufisguspad: it's in a hidden dir in your home... ~/.Trash03:39
=== Monoxide [n=Monoxide@c-24-15-163-254.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jvairylan u know what,, a reboot may solve it, & u may have to live with the high pitch sound?? it sounds crazy.. but...03:39
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katieplus i know that having some ubuntu specific knowledge would be useful03:39
jvairylan u r on dapper?03:39
archangelpetrowheels3572, to change a directory + its contents... you do something like..  chmod -R 750 /the/name/of/dir03:39
katiesince lots of other people are hearing about ubuntu now03:39
=== kungfugoat [n=dhillman@c-76-20-252-192.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
guspadlufis, but it's not pointing to there03:39
katieaha.. called for food03:39
lufisguspad: what do you mean?03:39
BoxxertrumpsI vote that we all go down to our local computer stores and convince the IT staff to have linux preinstalled for free.03:39
wheels3572archangelpetro, ok03:39
=== sarah [n=sarah@MH-ESR1-72-49-16-121.fuse.net] has joined #ubuntu
guspadlufis, it's poiting to /var/run03:39
archangelpetro(750 refers to 3 octal numbers denoting permissions of, USER/Group/others   which can be read in the man page for chmod)03:40
rylanjvai, i downloaded the cd deal from the ubuntu website.03:40
lufisguspad: weird. just a sec03:40
linux_kidwow, for the past 10 minutes, I though I was in the offtopic channel :) lol03:40
guspadlufis, i mean that u open the trash and u see the content of  /var/run03:40
jvairylan "cd deal"?03:40
rylanjvai, looks like 6.10 edgy eft03:40
lufisguspad: have you made a symlink or something?03:40
Boxxertrumpsi tried downloading kubuntu, and i think i got cd to work, but my BIOS threw a startup error at me03:41
jvaiooooo! no wonder... rylan... living near the cliffs is kinda... brave.. u must be in cali03:41
=== plex0r [n=plex0r@adsl-066-156-083-089.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
rylanjvai, and there is no living with the high pitched wail. i love my music03:41
linux_kidBoxxertrumps, whats the error03:41
rylanjvai, try across the ocean, im in shanghai03:41
kungfugoatI need replacements for mediamonkey and microsoft money03:41
=== Killeroid [n=Krush_U@pool-68-160-187-128.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
lufisWeird question, but: would I be completely insane to dist-upgrade to Feisty?03:41
plex0rHi i have a problem i installed xgl and compiz but when i run thefuture in terminal i get this error plex0r@plex0r-laptop:~$ thefuture03:42
plex0r/usr/bin/thefuture: line 2: gnome-window-decorator: command not found03:42
linux_kidkungfugoat, wine them03:42
jvaigod..... rylan.. dapper , maan, for peac of mind.. u r a braver soul than myself03:42
=== xipietotec [n=jackfros@cpe-67-49-247-144.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rylanjvai, try ignorant of the differances. anychance i can downgrade?03:42
linux_kidjavi, Edgy isnt that bad for desktops03:42
kungfugoatlinux_kid: thanks03:42
plex0rplex0r@plex0r-laptop:~$ thefuture03:43
plex0r/usr/bin/thefuture: line 2: gnome-window-decorator: command not found03:43
=== holden [n=holden@d83-184-29-185.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
jvairylan, i dunno, try a live cd of dapper, play around with it... it may be the solution03:43
jvaidapper is supported till '0803:43
linux_kidIs there a file like xorg.conf for sound cards?03:43
guspadlufis, yes03:44
linux_kidkungfugoat, your welcome03:44
rylanjvai, hmmm. problem is i backed up all my stuff on this now, and i have all of one CD-R left03:44
plex0rdoes anyone know this error for compiz and xgl03:44
linux_kidrylan, ill send you some...03:44
plex0rplex0r@plex0r-laptop:~$ thefuture03:44
plex0r/usr/bin/thefuture: line 2: gnome-window-decorator: command not found03:44
rylanlinux_kid, im in shanghai, the cost to send it would be about 800% the price of them here03:44
linux_kidplex0r, its an invalid command03:44
IdahoEvlinux_kid:  thanks again, install of fglrx as per the instructions you linked worked perfectly.03:45
lufisguspad: i tried it a couple of weeks ago. everything went ok until apt started spewing errors about the metacity package03:45
jvaidapper - 6.06 .... rylan.. no extra storage.. even an extra box lying round to tranfer?03:45
rylanjvai, nah, nothing03:45
linux_kidIdahoEv, You are Very Welcome03:45
plex0rbut i followed the ubuntuguide and it tells me to run that command?03:45
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guspadlufis, gnome is still in beta03:45
linux_kidrylan: lol03:45
lufisguspad: yeah, but i don't mind a crash here and there03:45
rylanjvai, so no way to clean up the sound then?03:46
=== sei [n=sei@bzq-82-81-68-183.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
guspadlufis, ah, ok, then go ahead03:46
jvaiwish i could mail u 1 o mine @ rylan but.. the loooong distance mail would bankrupt me03:46
lufisguspad: well... the question is if i'll be ABLE to go ahead without borking my system :P03:46
jvaithere's always a wayt @ rylan to clean up the sound.. but right now, it's beyond me03:46
rylanjvai, im going to restart, get rid of alsa mixer and try the stock one,03:47
jvaiok @ rylan03:47
rylanjvai, then, fiddle with things more.03:47
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aridesehow do i mount a *.bin file?03:48
bruenigyou don't mount a .bin file03:48
aridesebruenig, it's a CD-ROM image03:49
rpcdoes anyone know why mysql doesn't like my tunneled connection? can it see the difference between real localhost connect and tunneled one?03:49
bruenigoh that03:49
bruenigthe bin and cue03:49
bruenigyou can play that I believe in vlc03:50
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aridesebruenig, it's a data file.03:50
=== bruenig goes to learn more about bin cue, only knows it in its movie pirating role
Frogzooaridese: mdf2iso is probly what you want03:51
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Frogzoorpc: only the authentication is different03:51
=== [Ayanami] forgets if you can mount .bin files in a loopback natively, but mdf2iso would be useful to turn it into an iso that you can simply mount.
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn03:52
=== xipietotec_ is now known as xipietotec
Frogzoo[Ayanami] : cdemu to mount bin/cue files03:52
=== AMD [n=opera@cpc3-stkn1-0-0-cust479.midd.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu []
aridesecdemu? ightt, thanks03:52
[Ayanami] Oooh, thanks. :)03:52
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Frogzooaridese: but you have to compile, so mdf2iso is quickest03:52
Boxxertrumpsubuntu exe:21%03:53
aridesewhy is it still so archaic to mount images though... no daemontools or similar ;( ?03:53
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arideseFrogzoo: i don't mind compiling, mdf2iso bangs a bit too many bits on the hard drive :/03:53
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Frogzooaridese: all it needs is for someone to tweak nautilus - there's already a script - you just right click & mount03:53
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arideseoh really?03:53
arideseill look around for that, thanks03:54
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl345.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
plex0ri need help... i followed all this: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Xgl.2FCompiz_.28Nvidia.2903:54
plex0rand i get an error03:54
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Frogzooplex0r: -> #ubuntu-effects03:54
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quaalwhere does it say in the pfsense cd image what version it is03:55
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OwnerHey, I am running the live cd for ubuntu on my laptop. is it possible to configure to connect to the internet without having installed linux?03:56
arideseFrogzoo, i have compiled cdemu, i understand it's a kernel module, do i need to do anything special for it to be loaded automatically on every boot?03:56
=== null__ [n=null@60-241-43-186.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
jvairylan. i'm sorry i dont kno what to do , to help ya03:57
null__hello \03:57
FrogzooOwner: is this a trick question?03:57
Ownerno, it isnt.03:57
null__any one having coreduo with intel ipw3945 wireless module ?03:57
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null__there is a kernel cpu bug03:57
=== Borat [n=shayan@ip68-101-105-112.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
rylanjvai, well, i have the distortion tracked down to my left speaker, im pretty sure the audio is getting muddled from my line in and possibly other data too.03:57
OwnerIs this a stupid question? Sorr.03:57
Frogzooaridese: read the install docs03:57
Borathey, does anyone know how i can find out what kernel im running?03:57
FrogzooOwner: cds tend to be read only03:57
rylanjvai, but i think i will just mute my left speaker for now untill i get it working03:58
HymnToLifeBorat, uname -r03:58
null__Borat, uname -a03:58
jvairylan r those audio files on the desktop still?03:58
OwnerOkay, does that mean I would have to install linux entirely to make it mesh with my wireless card?03:58
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rylanjvai, yes,03:58
Boxxertrumpsyou know what pisses me off? leetspeak.03:59
Boxxertrumpsyou have 10 fingers, USE THEM DAMMIT!03:59
FrogzooBoxxertrumps: dl dUd04:00
rylanis there anyway to just reboot my sound, or do i have to keep rebooting my computer.04:00
GaiaX11Hi I am trying to do a credit card payment, but it is secured by verisign and it has not accepted my payment. Does Verisign avoid linux at all?04:00
arideseBoxxertrumps, j00 r a n00b, 57f|_|04:00
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jvaithere should be a way @ rylan, i'm googling for ya now04:00
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FrogzooOwner: unless you want to reconfigure every boot04:01
linux_kid1How do i do a ghost on NickServ to log out another identity?04:01
OwnerBut is it possible to do it this time?04:01
FrogzooOwner: depends - wireless can be fussy04:02
=== linux_kid [n=kevin@adsl-70-229-194-102.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
rylansound is fuzzy too,04:02
iKitchuI'm trying to install Ubuntu on an iMac G3, I get a black screen when I boot from the CD (edgy)... I can still access the alt+ctrl+F1toF604:02
rylanwell more like screaching04:02
OwnerFrogzoo: Assuming I have the livedisk, how would I do it?04:02
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Frogzoo!wifi | Owner04:03
ubotuOwner: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:03
=== MECU [n=MECU@c-71-196-141-239.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ownerubotu: Thanks.04:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks. - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:03
=== oljanx [n=oljanx@c-67-165-215-241.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MECUwell, I failed to install ubuntu because it doesn't support my ATI video card (at least, I think that's the reason)04:04
MECU"recovery" mode was crap04:04
MadpilotMECU, what model of ATI card?04:04
ChadariusMECU: that shouldn't be a problem with ATI card04:05
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ChadariusMECU: Does X fail to load or something?04:05
jvairylan, u in here still? look @ what i found - http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/01/02/sound-problem-fix-for-edgy/04:05
=== LordUltimaDavid [n=david@c-71-225-178-47.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
timthelionis it possible to prevent a window manager(ie metacity) from starting when gnome starts?04:05
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MadpilotMECU, that should work, my 9600XT works nicely04:05
=== AMD [n=opera@cpc3-stkn1-0-0-cust479.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
cmorhi all04:06
MECUX? the load screen comes up fine, looks good, then black screen04:06
rylanjvai, thanks04:06
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pavswhere is the .htaccess file located?04:06
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ChadariusMECU: are you using default ATI driver or the binary driver04:06
=== wheels3572 [n=wheels@mdm2-66-243-203-64.pivot.net] has joined #ubuntu
MECUI'm using whatever one gets installed when you install04:06
linux_kidSome DVD's play in Totem, some Don't.  How do i make sure I have ALL the plug-ins?04:07
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cmori just noticed this os on ebay :P so i dug deeper and found the official site, and was wondering about a few things.04:07
=== W0nderl00t [n=w00t@c-71-204-52-161.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rylanjvai, im trying it.04:08
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jvaiok @ rylan04:08
josh__hello everyone!04:08
Pelocmor,  yeah, don't buy it on ebay, just steal it from the free download site04:08
cmorcan you play world of warcraft on this os?04:08
cmordownloading it now :P04:08
Chadariuscmor: Yeah! You can04:08
rylancmor, its doubtful04:08
W0nderl00tHello everyone! quick question: if im running vmware over ubuntu, where is the folder where i could put files that my VM can see? i tried .vmware but doesnt do the trick...04:09
jvairylan i got that link from this 1 - http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_MIDI_sound_server_.28Timidity.2B.2B.2904:09
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cmorchad you say yes and rylan says no :(04:09
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josh__Can anyone help me with getting mp3 playback? I have sounds (they play when I log in) but my system will not play CD's or mp3s04:09
Chadariuscmor: Give me a second I'll post a link on WOW for you. I play WOW GuildWars and City of Heroes in Linux using Cedega04:09
rylancmor, well i have only been using for a few days, seems unlikely04:09
rylanthats fnucking awesome04:10
rylanremind me again why people use windows?04:10
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Chadariuscmor: I don't think you really need to use Cedega anymore though I think WINE will probably do it now04:10
cmori would love to tell mircosoft to go pound sound :P04:10
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Pelo!mp3 | josh__04:10
ubotujosh__: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:10
rylancmor, well right now linux is pounding my sound04:10
Chadariuscmor: the only thing I have it around for us Battlefield 214204:10
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages04:10
blazemongeris the ubuntu alternative install cd have a more stable ubuntu on it?04:11
linux_kidblazemonger, no04:11
Chadariuscmor: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12061504:11
blazemongeri was told earlier today it was04:11
HymnToLifeblazemonger, no, it's the very same04:11
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Peloblazemonger,  it's a CLI installation interface, ie not a live cd04:11
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W0nderl00t...um can someone tell me which folder i put stuff in so my vmx machine can see it? im using vmware player and not server, if that helps.04:11
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blazemongereverytime ive tried ubuntu it's been extremely slow even on a p4 1.4 ghz with 768 megabytes of memory04:11
blazemongerthen again i dont have a 3d card04:11
cmorthanks chad ill go do some reading :P04:11
PeloW0nderl00t, ,  try in #vmware04:11
blazemongeri want faster 2d graphics04:12
blazemongerlike debian/slack offered04:12
Chadariuscmor: You probably don't have to compile WINE yourself... this is an older howto. Just install the latest WINE using Synaptec04:12
W0nderl00tPelo: I'll try that04:12
neko_while date +%h -lt 12; do sleep 3600; done; execute command here ##How can I use while with date lke this? This doesn't work.04:12
vltHello, I just installed the package "linux-source-2.6", now there's a bz2 file in /usr/src. Is this normal? Why wasn't it unzipped by the install process? Or where is it now?04:12
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Peloblazemonger,  you might want to try xubuntu , it is somewhat lighter04:12
blazemongerwould building a new kernel speed up ubuntu?04:12
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atomikuwhat good torrent cilent can you recommend?04:13
neko_Oops, wrong channel. Meant at #bash.04:13
Peloatomiku,  utorrent running on wine04:13
blazemongerhow do i repair bugs in ubuntu?04:13
linuxfanstarso composite by default is definetly not going to be in 7.04 now that it is defered?04:13
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atomikuPelo: was thinkin about that04:13
Chadariusatomiku: I use azureus most of the time04:14
Peloatomiku,  but keep an eye out for deluge-torrent , it looks promissing04:14
atomikuyeah okay ill do that04:14
HymnToLifeblazemonger, if done correctly, yes04:14
atomikuthanks guys04:14
cmori have installed different version of linux in the past some i got as far as getting them online.. and then messed something up in the boot loader or something to that affect and went back to winblows.. ive always wanted to run linux tho. its about time i learn :P04:14
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HymnToLifeand to really speed it up, rebuild -everything- :p04:14
Chadariuscmor: Cool man... take the plunge the water is great!04:14
blazemongercmeme:i want to use Ubuntu but it's not stable on my computer04:14
blazemongerbut OTHER distros like Debian work though04:14
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blazemongerwhy would ubuntu which is based on Debian be *SLOW*?04:15
blazemongerit'[s slower than XP04:15
Chadariusblazemonger: That seems funky to me cause Ubuntu is based on Debian...04:15
blazemongerit IS fishy to me chable04:15
vltand are the files in linux-source-2.6.15.tar.bz2 the very same that produced my running kernel 2.6.15-28-k7?04:15
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blazemongereven debian SID is faster than Ubuntu on my system04:15
rylanjvai, those sites are a bit too technical for me04:15
blazemongermaybe there's alot of background processes in ubuntu that dont run by default on debian04:16
HymnToLifeblazemonger, Ubuntu is not designed to be fast04:16
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Chadariusblazemonger: Is the graphics that are slow? Drive speed? what?04:16
HymnToLifeif you don't like that, don't use Ubuntu04:16
chrisjw_grr brb04:16
blazemongerand alot of times the gnome pannels FREEZE04:16
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PeloHymnToLife,  out of curiosity, what is designed to be fast ?04:16
blazemongerand there's alot of applications that just refuse to run04:16
cmorare there programs available that allow you to talk to your freinds on lets say Cough crappy ol msn Cough while you are on linux? and  the will be my last newb question today. ill just sit back and watch :P04:17
HymnToLifePelo, Debian, FreeBSD, Slack, Gentoo...04:17
blazemongerlike for example:billard-gl it works PERFECT in Debian but it freezes ubuntu to where i have to reboot04:17
ChadariusHymnToLife: I don't find Ubuntu especially slow in comparison to other desktop distros. True if you want a really tight and fast Linux install Gentoo might be the way to go. If you want to really hack the kernel up nicely :)04:17
PeloHymnToLife,  tnaks04:17
blazemongeri'm having nightmares in ubuntu04:17
Pelocmor,  gaim04:17
kungfugoatwell, everything works on my laptop04:17
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kungfugoatlinux has come a long way04:17
jvairylan.. those commands r "copy & paste" variety.. it's easy, i didnt start using a pc till 2004, dont overwelmed @ it..04:17
iKitchuhow do I change the refresh rate in text-only mode?04:17
blazemongerkungfugoat:what kind of laptop do you have that way i can go out and buy the same hardwar04:17
cmorgaim ahh nice ..  i think i am fim with that too.. nice04:17
Chadariusblazemonger: What kind of hardware you running it on?04:18
kungfugoatblazemonger: I have a fujitsu lifebook n353004:18
blazemongera Pentium 4 1.4ghz with 768 megabytes of SDRAM04:18
blazemongerand a ATi RAGE 128 video card with 128 megabytes of memory04:18
rylanthe one you sent is just for MIDI, and the other websites dont apply04:18
blazemonger(at least my friend says it has 128 megabytes of video04:18
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blazemongermaybe i should buy a new computer04:18
kungfugoatit's got centrino duo, Intel wi-fi and ati radeon x140004:18
rylanjvai, the one you sent is just for MIDI, and the other websites dont apply04:18
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Chadariusblazemonger: Rage? hrm04:18
jvaioooo sorry @ rylan04:19
blazemongerand there are no rage drivers supported by ATI04:19
rylanjvai, no prob. the forum post looks promising04:19
blazemongerdo i need a advanced graphics card to even USE ubuntu?04:19
Chadariusblazemonger: Yeah that is a super old card too04:19
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blazemongeri know it's old but it works PERFECT in Debian but flaws like crazy in Ubuntu04:19
SportChick/sb end04:19
blazemongerwhich i don't understand WHY it would..04:19
Chadariusblazemonger: no I use it on some really old stuff. The native ATI stuff usually works pretty well04:20
HymnToLifedifferent drives, maybe ?04:20
blazemongerand not only that Ubuntu has alot of things missing like the configuration editor04:20
blazemongerthe system tools menu the debian menu04:20
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HymnToLifeblazemonger, why do you use it then ?04:20
blazemongeri apologize if i seem annoying04:20
blazemongerI want to use Ubuntu04:20
rylanjvai, no dice on that one either, thats for 2 sound cards'04:20
blazemongerhybrid:i've been trying to fix the bugs04:21
rylanvariant, i could really use your help04:21
blazemongerso it can run faster04:21
atomikuIs there anything better than wine?04:21
HymnToLifethat sounds a bit masochistic :p04:21
atomikuim having a few issues with some programs04:21
blazemongeri want Ubuntu to actually work04:21
kungfugoatatomiku: vmware04:21
HymnToLifeI also think Debian is beter than Ubuntu, thus I use debian04:21
jvaiok @ rylan.. the wif iconnect is slow mollasses in tryst... too many ppl in here.. w/ windows laptops.. lol04:21
blazemongerwhich programs Atomiku?04:21
atomikusomething that actually makes the program run like any other04:21
atomikunot in some virtual desktop04:21
blazemongertheres ALOT of things that work even in SID that won't even run in ubuntu04:22
blazemongerbut i like ubuntu's interface alot better04:22
kungfugoatthe free vmware server isn't half bad04:22
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kungfugoatI've got it running on my server04:22
kungfugoaton debian04:22
rylanjvai, no prob. gunna restart again, mute my right channel audio that should give me decent sound, from my left.04:22
jvairylan try this also... - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544904:22
blazemongerhell even the vice emulator won't even run04:22
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jvaiok @ rylan04:22
rylanjvai, i always liked a good puzzle04:23
Owneri understand nobody's a wireless expert, but i cant get ubutntu live disk to connect to my network04:23
blazemongeri just want to know how Ubunto totally messed up debian04:23
rylanjvai,  but i like listening to music while doing it.04:23
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jvailol.. that's what linux is for.. to make us live longer.. it cures alsheimer's04:23
cmorhey i resemble that remark04:23
blazemongerwell linux does create jobs lol04:23
Ownerdoes anybody have any ideas as to why i cant get it to connect, or could somebody walk me through it?04:24
blazemongeri read on ubuntu's site that Ubuntu is STABLE04:24
jvailinux is fundamental.. like reading is fundamental04:24
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blazemongereven though hardly anygthing works in Ubuntu i still like Ubuntu04:24
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cellfishhey guys, i'd like to know how i can delete an ntfs partition in ubuntu and switch it to a linux-ready filesystem?04:24
jvaii dont know how t ouse a pc04:24
blazemongerUbuntu works as long as you don't run any programs04:25
Chadariuscellfish: use gparted04:25
rylanjvai, last one looks like it should work.04:25
kungfugoatI think linux can be big for thin client setups04:25
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cellfishchadarius: alright, i guess i should run it as an administrator because that's what i tried .. how do i run gparted as an administrator?04:25
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jvaiok @ rylan... google is a wonder.. it should never go away04:25
kungfugoatit sucks that my company gives me a core duo machine with 2 gigs of ram and then lock it down so I can only check e-mail04:25
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Chadariuscellfish: sudo gparted :)04:26
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cellfishi did sudo gparted but gparted still doesn't give me the option to delete the partition04:26
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blazemongercan anyone explain WHY ubuntu would be SLOW on a fast system?04:26
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BigMacis there a way to turn of my touchpad on my laptop because it is interfering04:26
Pelocellfish,  unmount it first04:26
Chadariuscellfish: You need to make sure that the partition is umounted first04:26
Dante123hi all......did a fresh install of ubuntu......updated.......ran autom@tix....and then cant login on reboot.....any ideas?  Is this what they mean when they say autom@tix "broke" my system?04:26
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cellfishi thought that meant to unmount04:27
cellfishoh nevermind04:27
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PeloBigMac,  it's probably something you need to edit in xorg.conf04:27
cellfishgeez i'm mixed04:27
cellfishbut i mean well04:27
Chadariusblazemonger: Blaze can you do an lspci and tell me what it says about your graphics card?04:27
Chanksteri keep getting this error "bash: ./sb: cannot execute binary file" on one ubuntu system but it works fine on a different system.  Any ideas?04:27
riotkittieDante123: duuuuude. what possessed you to install automatix?04:27
blazemonger01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Rage 128 PF/PRO AGP 4x TMDS04:28
Dante123put it on another machine....and it added the bells and whistles I was lacking....and typing to you from that machine right now......thought it would work on the kids ubuntu machine....they want java, flash, and the codec stuff too.04:28
BigMacAnother thing, I tried creating a custom laucher with opera so I could use a different icon, but if I click this icon it just loads the old opera o, but any other icon will switch04:28
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Dante123so would you say that autom@tix..."broke" my install?04:29
blazemongeri've spent more time in ubuntu trying to get things working than actually USING my system for things i SHOULD be able to do like producing music and mastering audio04:29
mutestreamerdoes anyone know where the hotplug stuff went to on feisty?  I'm trying to get my bcm203x bluetooth dongle to work and I can't sort out where the firmware goes.04:29
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Dante123FirstStrike....are you saying automatix is to blame?04:30
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=== Pelo has never has a problem with automatix and neither have many others, which doesn'T mean there arent some but just means not to jump to conclusions
FirstStrikei believe we even have a disclaimer for it04:30
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe04:30
jvaiwb rylan04:30
rylanjvai, haha lowtec fix, unplugged right speaker04:30
blazemongerso why would debian sid be more useable than Ubuntu?04:30
blazemongerwhy is Ubuntu even released if hardly any of the packages run04:30
Chanksteri keep getting this error "bash: ./sb: cannot execute binary file" on one ubuntu system but it works fine on a different system.  Any ideas?04:31
Dante123is there anyway to "fix" the inability to login?04:31
blazemongerlike even simple stuff04:31
jvai& u got full sound? @ rylan04:31
Dante123blazemonger what type of pc, ram, etc, are you running?04:31
rylanjvai, no not really. but atleast i can listen to sound while i figure it out04:31
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Chadariusblazemonger: Have you tried the "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" to see if that fixes your ATI driver?04:31
jvaiooo k04:31
dsquarei downloaded a "linux demo" and i dont have any idea how to run it.. there are some .py files, some .so.3 files.. one with no extension04:31
dsquarehow do u make it go lol04:31
riotkittieDante123: youre, imo, best off doing a total reinstall. who knows what else it's hosed.  but uhm, why cant you log in? invalid pass? no such user?04:31
FirstStrikeblazemonger: There's many, many, many people that run Ubuntu without any hitches including the various packages in the repositories.04:31
blazemongeryes i have Chadarius04:32
PeloDante123,  the real reason that automatix is not supported here is that Canonical purposefully did not include the restricted propriatary stuff for philosophical reasons,  automatix is a seperate project and is not supported in this channel,  you can try installing the propriatary codecs and stuff using this proceedure04:32
Chadariusblazemonger: I really want to help you blaze but you are seriously just complaining... How about some productive stuff please?04:32
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blazemongerFirstStrike: well why isn't it working for me?04:32
Pelo!restricted | Dante12304:32
ubotuDante123: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:32
Dante123incorrect username and password......but the other users and even root dont work either....04:32
blazemongeri'm not complaining..i'm just trying to get a few things working and trying to keep ubuntu from freezing04:32
blazemongerChadarius:would compiling a new kernel fix things?04:33
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Chadariusblazemonger: Other people have very similar cards working with Ubuntu http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12061504:33
jvaiok all ty uall for help.... i gotta get home04:33
FirstStrikeblazemonger: There's a lot of things that can go wrong..generally, it's something simple as well.04:33
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Dante123its not me that needs to use freeformats.....its the bastard making the website that I like and want to watch who need to be converted04:33
Chadariusblazemonger: No ATI driver is built in already.04:33
FirstStrikeblazemonger: and i highly doubt compiling a new kernel will do anything except waste your time04:33
blazemongerChadarius:well all i know it's not working at all for me04:33
riotkittieDante123: try booting into recovery mode and creating an account from there... then reboot in normal mode and see if that account works04:33
FirstStrikeblazemonger: ATI has terrible linux drivers, and that's not Ubuntu or any other Linux distro's fault.04:34
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blazemongerChadarius:I have a ATI card that's no longer supported by ATI and i'm not a "modern" gamer i only like old games04:34
Peloanyone here just gdesklets ? I have a minor issue : when I come back to my comp in the morning python uses all the available %cpu and my desklets are all white fiels on my desktop , is it just me ?04:34
blazemongerwell things ran fine when i had Debian sid running04:34
Peloanyone USE gdesklet04:34
blazemongeri thoughtt hat because ubuntu was based on debian that it would be just blazing fast like debian is04:34
Chadariusblazemonger: Doesn't matter if its not supported by ATI, it should be working fine in Linux with the open source driver04:34
FirstStrikeIt's "blazing fast" on my PC. Much quicker than XP.04:35
Dante123okay...will try that......this is actually the problem that happened before which is why I did a fresh install of ubuntu......unless I am getting low on HD space and that has something to do with it....which is a possibility......has anyone heard of lack of hd space causing difficulties logging in???04:35
blazemongerChadarius: *SHOULD* that is04:35
blazemongerbut the thing is..it's not04:35
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trollboyblazemonger: debian was faster for me honestly04:35
trollboyI had to upgrade my ram to get ubuntu to run on this box04:35
trollboymind you, there was only 128mb04:35
trollboyand now there's a gig04:35
trollboybut still04:35
blazemongertrollboy:why is ubuntu much slower? shouldn't 768 megabytes be enough memory?04:35
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riotkittieDante123: i dont see why it would - ive nearly depleted my diskspace and have no problem at all. as a matter of fact, the other day, i was down to < 30mb04:36
blazemongeryou mean you have a gigabyte of memory and ubuntu STILL runs slow?04:36
kungfugoatthat's crazy04:36
trollboyblazemonger: I only HAD 128mb04:36
Dante123anyone here run puppy linux before?04:36
trollboyNow I have a gig04:36
blazemongerman..the ubuntu developers are messed up04:36
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kungfugoatI have a gigabyte of memory and ubuntu flies04:36
riotkittiehm. im running on 256MB RAM and have no issues04:36
trollboyand obviously, since I'm talking to you, it runs just fine04:36
blazemongeri'm prob just gonna go back to Debian or Gentoo or something04:36
Peloblazemonger,  768 is enough, you might want to review what you are running , service and program wise04:36
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TrixseyIs there any way to forcefully try to access a computer on the network from Ubuntu? In windows I can always do "\\Computer" in the address-bar, any equal alternative here?04:36
blazemongerthe default stuff that's in ubuntu04:37
FirstStrikeIf you don't have the graphics drivers working properly, then it will run slow04:37
blazemongerlikie right now my gnome pannels are frozen04:37
Dante123I find it runs damn fast especially on new hardware.....04:37
riotkittiedont blame the developers for the fact that there's a problem with your pc. :P04:37
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FirstStrikeIt's never the users fault04:37
Peloblazemonger,  is this your first install ? might want to try it again04:37
blazemongerwell it's not my hardware because it works PERFECT in Debian04:37
Chadariusblazemonger: Dude seriously if you want help cool it04:37
FirstStrikeIt's always the developers04:37
FirstStrikeblazemonger: Ubuntu isn't Debian04:37
blazemongerthis is the 10th time ive installed it04:37
blazemongerChadarius: ok.04:38
blazemongeri know but it's based on Debian supposedly04:38
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riotkittiethe tenth?  and its been so awful the previous NINE times that youve continued to come back?04:38
riotkittiecall me crazy, but ... :)04:38
FirstStrikeBased on Debian yes..but it's come so far since then that it's not really remotely similar to Debian anymore04:38
blazemongeri keep thinking that a reinstallation will fix it04:38
kungfugoatI use windows all day at work04:38
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kungfugoatI don't want to use it at home04:38
TrixseyIs there any way to forcefully try to access a computer on the network from Ubuntu? In windows I can always do "\\Computer" in the address-bar, any equal alternative here?04:38
blazemongerIt's buggier than Debian04:39
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FrogzooFirstStrike: debian has also moved with the times04:39
kasperdirect rendering: No <<<<<<<<<<<<< how to solve these???04:39
riotkittieblazemonger: which release are you running  ?  edgy?04:39
FirstStrikeAlbeit slower..they've pushed back their next release again04:39
blazemongerdebian sid is much more stable04:39
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PeloTrixsey,  I think you need to install samba to access windows machines on a network04:39
blazemongeryes..edgy..because in dapper it didn't work well either04:39
shirishhi all :)04:39
blazemongerand i reccomended Ubuntu to friend of mine that's a newbie to linux i told him it was more stable and faster than XP04:39
=== Pelo looks at shirish suspiciously
nikinhy. i am installing xubuntu 6.10 on a Pentium2 with a RivaTNT2 card... i tryed to install the legacy drivers, and all went fine.. the Nvidia logo shows up, but if i try to run glxinfo i get a lot of this: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".04:39
shirishthnx Pelo :P04:40
kasperdirect rendering: No <<<<<<<<<<<<< how to solve these???04:40
blazemongeri get that too niikin04:40
cellfishhey guys i need some help04:40
Peloblazemonger,  that is my experience,  it might just be your machine that is not ubuntu friendly04:40
Chadariusnikin: I'm not sure that Riva cards support that04:40
cellfishi just converted an ntfs partition to ext3, i would want it to show up in my places at bootup and be available to all users04:40
cellfishwhat do i do04:40
blazemongerpelo:i thought linux was linux04:40
riotkittieblazemonger: no clue what to tell you. i've got a p III 750mhz with 256mb ram and i have no problems with ubuntu's performance at all.04:40
Kiongkukasper, put the graphics card proprietary drivers04:40
Pelokasper, try searching for your error message in the forum04:40
shirishok guys I'm having probs. as to how to setup a network printer04:40
blazemongeryou have NO problem with ubuntu performance!?04:41
kasperi am using ati04:41
nikinChadarius: AFAIK TNT2 supports GL ...04:41
oggy__does anyone know if rain in beryl can be put into html?04:41
riotkittieblazemonger: no. :>04:41
blazemongermaybe ubuntu hates americans :(04:41
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FirstStrikei'm an american04:41
blazemongeror hates Germans04:41
FirstStrikei run it just dandy on 2 desktops and 1 laptop04:41
Peloblazemonger,  I have no problems and it does work faster then my xp on the same computer,  but I don'T realy ask much of it , I am just a basic home user04:41
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:41
blazemongerhow do did you get it runnning fast pelo?04:41
Dante123nikin.....ever tried puppy linux.....good distro for older hardware like that04:42
blazemongerwas it running fast out of the box?04:42
Chadariusnikin: ah sorry I was read aglx and you just said glx04:42
riotkittieblazemonger: yea.04:42
Peloblazemonger,  just a basic install,  I didn't mess with anything hardware side04:42
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blazemongerriot:and you promise you didn't make any modifications?04:42
Chadariusnikin: you check that the nvidia driver loaded properly?04:42
nikinDante: yep i tried that... but i have no problems with kubuntu just this ASUS TNT2 .... nothing else... i have 256MB RAM in this PC it runs fine04:43
FirstStrikeUbuntu has always run nice and speedy for me out of the box as well. I installed ubuntu, installed my graphics drivers and that's it.04:43
FirstStrikeEasy as pie04:43
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riotkittieblazemonger: no, i didnt tweak anything.04:43
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nikinChadarius: how to do that?04:43
shirishIst's this post which I've posted on ubuntuforums also http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=361845 can somebody help?04:43
blazemongerFirstStrike:i have a ancient graphics card though that's not supported by anything04:43
rylanHey all, i need some help figuring out some sound issues04:43
Peloblazemonger,  what does the system monitor tell you ?04:43
FirstStrikeI've installed it on a P4 with a Geforce 5600, AMD with a Geforce 6800 and Intel core duo with an ATI Mobility graphics card04:43
FirstStrikeAnd no hitches04:43
blazemongersystem monitor?04:43
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FirstStrikeDell Ultrasharp04:44
Chadariusnikin: open terminal and type lsmod |grep04:44
riotkittiein gnome ... probably on system > admin menu04:44
blazemongeri dont see the system monitor in any of the menus04:44
Peloblazemonger,  menu > system > admin > system monitor04:44
shirishguys can somebody help me, plz. :(04:44
FirstStrikeBuy a newer graphics card..you can get a Geforce 5xxx series for like $40 these days04:44
Peloblazemonger,  what every it is in english that tells you the memory cup usage04:44
nikinChadarius: yep it is loaded...04:45
Peloshirish,  we won'T help you if you don't tell us what is wrong04:45
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blazemongerwhen i boot into ubuntu it freezes because i selected the molecule screensaver04:45
blazemongeranother problem i didnt have04:45
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shirishI want to install a network printer LaserJet 2600n on ubuntu & don't know how to set it up04:45
nikinextension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".04:45
rylanHey all, i need some help figuring out some sound issues. i get a screeching noise from my right audio channel. i think it has something to do with my soundcard as when i try to mute/turn down any line in or mic stuff the sound cuts out.04:45
Chadariusblazemonger: screensaver keeps it from booting properly? your screensaver loads immediately?04:46
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eckmasteri have a question concerning the linux-headers04:46
Peloshirish,  you might find something for that here http://revision3.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8404:46
blazemongeri was going through screensavers and it froze my system04:46
blazemongeri dont know what's going wrong with this04:46
blazemongermaybe i should try fiesty04:46
LucifelWhich options do I need to add to my fstab entry to make a disk mountable and writable by other users?04:47
=== Pelo is off, g'night folks
Music_ShuffleNight Pelo04:47
blazemongerand my mouse cursor turns bladck too04:47
Chadariusblazemonger: OK well that is because there is something wrong with your video driver... until that is fixed I think you should expect those problems eh?04:47
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blazemongeri have the video driver that came with Ubuntu04:47
rylanHey all, i need some help figuring out some sound issues. i get a screeching noise from my right audio channel. i think it has something to do with my soundcard as when i try to mute/turn down any line in or mic stuff the sound cuts out untill i reboot. PLEASE HELP.04:47
=== Kilroy [n=dan@dhcp36-6.laptops.usf.edu] has joined #ubuntu
blazemongerand the video drivers are the same on ubuntu as it is on debian sid04:47
riotkittiek, while i'm here, i need input - my laptop has an 11.2GB internal drive (i am multibooting Win2k, Dapper, and Zenwalk, and have the obligatory /swap, along with a FAT32 dumping ground... and space is tight). I had a 400GB external delivered today, but my laptop is ancient and does not support booting from USB.04:48
shirishlooking up the thread now Pelo :)04:48
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blazemongeranother thing is i can't acces the function in my bios where i can disable acpi04:48
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riotkittieCan I put a /boot partition on the internal, and have a point it at an install on the external?04:49
Chadariusblazemonger: Your xorg.conf file might have something messed up with it pehaps? Did you change anything? You have any 3d stuff installed like Beryl or anything?04:49
cellfishnevermind i figured out fstab04:49
cellfishi love this04:49
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eckmasterwhen I use kubuntu x86 should I use the linux-headers for the i386 architecture instead of the generic04:49
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blazemongernope i don't have beryl installed04:49
Chadariusblazemonger: have you thought of comaring xorg.conf files with Debian install?04:49
blazemongeri just want the packages to work..even simple things like gnome-art freeze04:49
blazemongeri dont know what it could be04:49
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blazemongerthey're both the same04:50
rylanHey all, i need some help figuring out some sound issues. i get a screeching noise from my right audio channel. i think it has something to do with my soundcard as when i try to mute/turn down any line in or mic stuff the sound cuts out untill i reboot. PLEASE HELP.04:50
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Chadariusblazemonger: All your freezes are probably all related to your driver issue04:50
blazemongerrylan:try Debian04:50
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blazemongerChadarius:well there's no other video driver for my card04:50
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eckmastercan someboy HELP ME???04:50
rylanblazemonger, i would rather fix the problem than start all over04:50
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blazemongerand when i installed kubuntu-desktop it gave me defoma font warnings like fonts that were missing04:51
blazemongerit's like ubuntu has gone downhill04:51
Chadariusblazemonger: Have a nice day blaze. I'm done helping you for today. Come back when you are willing to try to be civil and not degrade the chat :)04:51
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Madpiloteckmaster, which kernel you use will depend on which CPU you have - AMD or Intel? Generic works OK with everything, though04:51
rylanChadarius, could you help me figure out my sound issues?04:51
riotkittieerrr. any chance you installed from a disc that was, at best, FUBAR?  did you check it? test the md5?04:51
blazemongeri'm not trying to degrade things..i'm just frustrated that ive spent more time dealing with broken stuff than using my system..ive thought about going back to windows04:52
blazemongerwhere things actually work04:52
Chadariusblazemonger: Take your own advice and use Debian04:52
blazemongeror trying out suse04:52
m0xie_Then go back to Windows, and check back every so often.  The most important rule is to use what works for you!04:52
eckmaster@ Madpilot I have an core2duo>intel04:52
Music_Shuffle'Going back to Windows' does not constitute a valid threat in here. Sorry.04:52
rylanblaze, enjoy the challenge of fixing things.04:52
Chadariusrylan: What is your sound problem?04:53
Kilroyblaze, maybe u should just stick to your ti 83+04:53
Chadariusrylan: I'm not much of a Linux sound guy but I'll try my best04:53
blazemongerim the linux sound guy04:53
blazemongerdynebolic is good for mus. production04:53
Madpiloteckmaster, generic will work fine, or the Intel-tweaked kernel (686, I guess? I run AMD, I'm not up to speed on the Intel/Linux stuff)04:53
riotkittiesomeone answer my stupid question :P04:54
rylanChadarius, well, i get a screeching high pitched noise coming from my right audio channel, messing with the "line in" component for some reason causes all sound to stop untill i reboot.04:54
riotkittieme mentally '!patience's herself04:54
blazemongerrylan:well i' not the only one where ubuntu has been terribly slow04:54
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blazemongeri read where one person had ubuntu on even a top of the line setup04:54
rylanChadarius, i think it has something do to drivers.04:54
blazemongerand it was extremely slow04:54
=== bruenig [n=a@adsl-69-155-91-38.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kilroyblaze it has to do with drivers04:54
blazemongerwell if you can find some drivers for my rage 128 card i'll install them04:55
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rylanblazemonger, then find something that does work for you. i suppose thats whats important04:55
blazemongerbecause I have searched04:55
shirishguys tht was a big thread but it doesn't answer my query04:55
Chadariusrylan: doesn't sound like feedback to you?04:55
Kilroyblaze: google ati drivers for ubuntu04:55
shirishmy query is this04:55
blazemongerKilroy:wouldn't the drivers in debian and ubuntu be the same drivers?04:55
blazemongerwhat about building a new kernel04:55
rylanChadarius, no, it littlerally is a high pitched noise, constant.04:55
blazemongerkillermach:i have said: I have a *ancient* ATI *RAGE* 128 not a RADEON which is supported by ATI04:56
Chadariusrylan: OK have you searched the forums or wiki yet?04:56
shirishI have set up ubuntu 6.06 at a friend's place, he has a laserjet 2600n on the network with an address & wants to use it to print through Ubuntu, my question is how do I go about doing it?04:56
rylanChadarius, i tried, but to no avail. linux terminology is a bit above me,04:56
blazemongeri've searched google and i tried the fglrx drivers and it messed everything up because it didnt work with my specific ATI card04:56
blazemongerif i had a Radeon th ings would probably work04:56
shirishhe is able to print through all the windows machines effortlessely04:56
rylanChadarius, this is the 4th day of my using linux.04:56
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rylanChadarius, i found this page, that looks like it could help. but i dont understand it. http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/doc-php/template.php?company=Intel&card=ICH+southbridge+HD-audio+and+modem.&chip=ICH6%2C+ICH6M%2C+ICH7%2C+ESB2&module=hda-intel04:57
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shirishcan anyone help me?04:57
riotkittieshirish: does the printer have linux support ?04:57
=== ReKlipz [n=reklipz@ip68-106-209-195.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
shirishsupposedly yes04:57
rylanChadarius, also this one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544904:57
blazemongermy card is supported by linux itself04:57
rylanChadarius, i was trying to find new soundcard drivers04:57
Chadariusrylan: Cool let me read it real quick04:58
shirishthis is the 1st time i'll be trying out network printing on ubuntu04:58
=== witless [n=witless@68-118-184-17.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittieshirish: is he using GNOME? has he tried letting GNOME's printer thingamajiggee detect network printerS?04:58
witlessis it possible to rip just the audio from an AVI file?04:58
rylanChadarius, thanks. i also read that the AC97 codec could fix my problem but i couldnt figure out how to install it.04:58
bruenigwitless, using avidemux you can04:58
Kilroywhen u say just audio u mean plit it from video?04:58
ReKlipzanyone know where i can get help with beryl?04:58
witlessbruenig: thanks04:58
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:58
blazemongerthere are not any third party drivers for my video card or alternatve drivers04:59
blazemongerubotu:i can't use Beryl..no one willl support a rage 128 card04:59
MikesHardLinuxshirish: have you seen this page already? : http://casa.che-che.com/blog/2005/11/16/helping-linux-printer-driver-for-hp-2600n/04:59
Kilroythen use compiz...04:59
rylanblazemonger, why not just get a new one? they are pretty cheap.04:59
shirishriotkittie : he is using GNOME? Do u mean System > Administration > Printing or something else04:59
bruenigwitless, http://www.avidemux.org/admWiki/index.php?title=Save_only_audio05:00
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Kilroyanyone know anything about gfire?05:00
blazemongerrylan:my pc was built for free05:00
noodles12is explore2fs a better way to view ext3 from windows than that other one? (i forogt the name... >.<)05:00
blazemongercuz i couldn't afford a upgrade when i had my pentium 205:00
Kilroyblaze....get a job05:00
Chadariusrylan: what happens when you run aplay -i? Does it list your sound card there?05:01
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blazemongerKilroy:i would but i live in the middle of nowhere05:01
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rylanChadarius, it does.05:01
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Chadariusrylan: What does it say it is?05:01
shirishMikesHardLinux I didn't see tht one but foo2hp  is there in the database, I think I'm messing things up hence need a correct way of doing things05:01
noodles12bruenig: is that what you use?05:01
blazemongeri have a radeon card but i dont know how to install it05:01
LucifelWhat fstab option do I need to add to an ext3 volume line to make it writable by non-root users?05:01
blazemongeri suck with hardware05:01
Eroickhow could ubuntu be setup so that the login screen takes the username and pasword and logs into a server. thin client style. ?05:01
bruenignoodles12, that is the one I see recommended all the time and I have never heard anyone complain that it didn't work, never heard of that other one05:01
cellfishdammit i added the following: '/dev/sdb1       /media/goliath  ext3    defaults00' to my fstab and restarted but for whatever reason, i still can't write to an ext3 partition as a user05:02
blazemongerand the pc shop here wants to charge $100 for installing a video card05:02
rylanChadarius, it says it is an intel05:02
Eroickblazemonger: total ripoff05:02
blazemongeri kno05:02
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bruenigultimately since the filesystem is open and the thing you add has specifications on how to add it from windows, I am sure that they would both work as that combination would seemingly make it easy to implement this05:02
Eroickblazemonger: all that has to be done hardware side is open the case, take out old card, pop in new card05:02
shirishMikesHardLinux: I didn't see tht one but foo2hp is there in the database, I think I'm messing things up hence need a correct way of doing things05:02
blazemongeri'm 6'" have gigantic hands and my body releases static energy05:02
blazemongereven if i ground myself05:02
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Eroickblazemonger: ask a friend? :P05:03
Chadariusrylan: Have you tried running alsamixer to adjust settings or anything?05:03
Lucifelcellfish that's about where I'm at too, let me know if you come up with the solution05:03
blazemongerero:he lives 2 hours away05:03
noodles12bruenig: that's the other one! i've only talked to one person and he said he had problems with it. =/ but if you've never heard of the one i posted. not sure if it's safe05:03
blazemongerthe person that built my computer for me05:03
Chadariusrylan: The Intel cards are usually pretty well supported so I don't think its a driver problem05:03
blazemongerone time i tried building my own system and i fried the motherboard05:03
blazemongerjust by putting in a video card05:03
MikesHardLinuxshirish. by database, do you mean in Synaptic? You do have it installed?05:03
Eroickblazemonger: the static thing is odd. i have done lots of hardware stuff never grounding my self and I have never had any problems.05:03
rylanChadarius, i did, when i touch the line in, mic, or cd audio, the sound cuts out till i reboot.05:03
shirishLemme explain05:04
blazemongerero:well me and hardware is a wierd situation..i can make a computer fry just with my brain05:04
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Chadariusrylan: Call me crazy but I think its just feedback05:04
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rylancant be. that speaker worked fine in Win xp05:04
kungfugoatwhat the??05:04
shirishMikesHardLinux: I tried first by going through System > Administration > Printing05:04
bruenig!hi | kungfugoat05:04
ubotukungfugoat: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:04
rylanChadarius, and besides, there is nothing nearby that could give it feedback,05:04
blazemongeri've messed up a pc by connecting a USB cable05:04
=== bayziders [n=c@h-67-100-107-186.nycmny83.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
blazemongeri know how to code in assembly blindfolded05:05
Chadariusrylan: This on a laptop?05:05
kungfugoatI had fglrx installed prefectly last night and now it's fglrxinfo is showing the Mesa GLX message05:05
rylanChadarius, unless linux has some funky voodoo05:05
rylanChadarius, nope a desktop05:05
shirishMikesHardLinux: Add New Printer > Network Printer > HP JetDirect05:05
blazemongeri know HOW to install hardware but when my body touches a card it fries05:05
blazemongerwhere's linux for space aliens05:05
Chadariusrylan: You have a microphone attached to it anywhere?05:05
RohintonEroick: You've been luck with static... :-)05:05
Kilroyslave out your little brother05:05
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blazemongerkilroy:do you know how to instal a video card?05:06
blazemongerwithout frying a motherboard?05:06
shirishMikesHardLinux: then here it asks me Host name & gives a default 1900 or 9100 port no., i'm stumped what to give here?05:06
blazemongeri have a dead motherboard when i tried to install a video card05:06
Madpilotblazemonger, how about Linux for Things That Eat Human Souls? http://www.warbard.ca/temp/CthulhubuntuLogo.png05:06
rylanChadarius, there is one beneath my monitor but its not plugged in. and besides, havent moved anything since win-xp so feedback cant really be it.05:06
killermachblazemonger: I have a Sony PCG-V505DC2P, and lshw says "ATI Technologies, Radeon Mobility M6 LY 128MB" and I haven't succeeded in getting openGL to work05:06
MikesHardLinuxshirish: the default port 9100 should work. for the host, do you know the correct IP address of the printer?05:07
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rylanChadarius, thing is, im using an ASUS motherboard with onboard sound, so i highly doubt that it is infact an intel soundcard strapped to it.05:07
blazemongermy rage 128 is supposed to have 128 megabytes of memory.it's a all in wonder card05:07
shirishMikesHardLinux: yup its
bayzidersIdk if this is the correct place to ask this but I am not geting much help in other rooms. I need to foward a few ports for xbox live and my torrent client. However my ip is dynamic and it changes every time i load a page or do any thing so when I foward the ports(the nat is built into my modem) it doesn't really do any thing. Can some one help me out? Oh and when I setup a static ip using directions from the port fowarding site i05:07
blazemongerand i cant find any tv out software that works05:07
shirishMikesHardLinux: tht is the info. I need to enter into Host?05:07
FirstStrikebayziders: This is the Ubuntu support channel, not the xbox live support channel.05:07
MikesHardLinuxshirish: yes :-)05:07
rylanChadarius, cheap chinese hardware, chances are its "similar" to an intel. and ubuntu is mistaking it as intel05:07
bayzidersI just mentioned live.05:08
Chadariusrylan: You would be surprised :)05:08
bayzidersIt has to do with port fowarding05:08
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rylanChadarius, as would you, china is a pretty messed up place, i live in shanghai. they dont make anything well here.05:08
shirishMikesHardLinux: ok cool, I did try tht before also then it gives me a drop-down box of the Manufacturers lists & HP is listed there05:08
crimsunrylan: HDA Intel is the moniker for the specification. It has no bearing on the actual codec manufacturer. See ``tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat'' for that.05:08
FirstStrikebayziders: Again, we support Ubuntu here..not your network setup, your xbox live or whether or not the sky is blue.05:09
rylanslow down, what exactly do i type into the terminal05:09
MikesHardLinuxshirish: one thing I don't remember is if you enter or if it's \\
crimsunrylan: the command between the `` and ''05:09
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rylanchadarius, got it05:10
EroickRohinton: well, i touch some metal if i remember to or w/e05:10
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bayzidersim running ubuntu. ;O05:10
nowimprovedim getting these weird problems with mplayer X11 error: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied05:10
crimsunmost Asus boards w/ HDA are powered by Realtek codecs05:10
shirishMikesHardLinux: checking HP I do get LaserJet 2600n  & it is foo2hp as the driver. Mikes will also try out the \\ also05:10
nowimprovedi have tried everything and been looking for a solution for this problem for month05:10
nowimprovedit is fixed after i restart x05:10
nowimproved and i have the latest nvidia drivers05:10
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wheels3572archangelpetro, How do I configure this so this uses my firefox browser i get this error:  Could not run "shortcuts program" Failed to execute child process "index" (No such file or directory)05:10
Eroickis it possable to have the gdm login screen take the username and password but use it to login to a server?05:10
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Eroicklike Novell for Windows (shudder)05:11
kungfugoatanybody else having problem with fglrx and DRI?05:11
shirishMikesHardLinux: then it asks for Description & Location , again what do I enter here?05:11
kungfugoatI followed the binary howto to the letter and I still can't get it to stick05:11
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rylanChadarius, Mixers:                    0: analog devices AD1986A05:11
graodoes anyone know if perl is in the apt repository?05:11
rylanChadarius, by the way, im running edgy05:11
crimsunrylan: are you using hg alsa-driver? If not, you need to be.05:12
shirishMikesHardLinux: u there?05:12
MikesHardLinuxshirish: ya, sorry. am researching this at the same time :-)05:12
rylancrimsun, how do i check?05:12
crimsunrylan: cat /proc/asound/version05:13
shirishMikesHardLinux: ok sorry05:13
crimsuni.e., if you don't know, you're not.05:13
MikesHardLinuxshirish: i don't remember this for sure either, but it seems like those last 2 aren't important - just a description for you to see IIRC05:13
killermachblazemonger: I'm sure mine must bleed from the system RAM, being a laptop and all05:13
blazemongerdoes anyone have accxess to better rage 128 drivers than the ones that came with ubuntu05:13
rylancrimsun, ALSA driver 1.0.12rcl05:13
graocan you get perl fom the apt repository?05:13
shirishMikesHardLinux: ok cool so its basically like a statement or comment05:13
crimsunrylan: right, you're not.05:14
Madpilotgrao, yes05:14
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rylancrimsun, so how do i get the HG one05:14
MikesHardLinuxshirish. yup. pretty sure, well 50/50 hehe05:14
crimsunrylan: follow the instructions on the wiki for compiling from hg05:14
graoMadpilot: Do you know the exact command?05:14
wheels3572can anyone show me how to point a file to use firefox in my launcher?05:14
shirishMikesHardLinux: apart from trying // everything else is same, but I dont get the printer to spit out a test page05:14
blazemongershould i try to build a new kernel?05:14
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rylancrimsun, this is my 4th day using anything close to linux, dumb that down a bit for me05:14
Madpilotgrao, it might be installed by default, but either way, search Synaptic for it05:14
shirishMikesHardLinux: Is there anything more to be done or tht's it?05:15
blazemongersince obviously it seems like a kernel problem05:15
blazemongerif all of these packages won't run05:15
MikesHardLinuxshirish: on that link I posted, near the bottom, someone posted a couple of commands to see if you can send something to the printer. you may want to try that first05:15
crimsunrylan: there's a how-to on the wiki for compiling alsa-driver; search for it, and you're bound to find it.05:15
graoITs a server, would it be automatically installed?05:15
graoBecause i cant find it on my server05:15
graowould it be in /etc/init.d/?05:15
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crimsunrylan: it may link to a version in the forum05:15
rylancrimsun, ill try05:15
blazemongerflightgear wont even work in ubuntu05:15
Chadariusrylan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto?highlight=%28hda%2905:15
blazemongerit's like windows is faster than linux05:15
MikesHardLinuxshirish: look for a post by "Juan Jose Pablos" : http://casa.che-che.com/blog/2005/11/16/helping-linux-printer-driver-for-hp-2600n/05:16
Chadariusrylan: hmmm that one might be a little old though05:16
riotkittiewee. i found the info i needed. now i'm frightened.05:16
Dr_willisblazemonger,  you using the fglrx drivers or the ati drivers?05:16
blazemongerthe ati drivers05:16
blazemongeri tried the fglrx drivers thinking it would work with my rage chipset05:17
Dr_willisThats a somewhat old card then eh?05:17
blazemongergod i miss my amiga05:17
Madpilotubotu, enter | blazemonger05:17
ubotublazemonger: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:17
blazemongeryes dr0ne05:17
shirishMikesHardLinux : you mean these 2 commands  foo2hp2600-wrapper testpage.ps > testpage.zjs05:17
shirishnetcat xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 9100 ?05:17
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=== Dr_willis has several amigas :)
blazemongerdr.willis...i have a ancient card05:17
MikesHardLinuxshirish: yes05:17
blazemongerand i want to show off Ubuntu to a friend05:17
Dr_willisblazemonger,  icky. so the fglrx drivers dont work eh.05:17
rylanChadarius, that sounds to be exacty my problem, thanks05:17
shirishMikesHardLinux: ok tht one is also written down & what should I expect in the command line?05:18
blazemongerand he4's saying ubuntu sucks because it won't run anything05:18
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blazemongerand he's now saying theres no working software05:18
graoMadpilot: What is the command for getting perl from apt because its not on my server05:18
Dr_willisblazemonger,  reach back.. and smack him hard.05:18
graoIm pretty damn sure05:18
Dr_willisthen tell him to grow up.05:18
riotkittieerr. should i suck it up and just buy an internal? :/05:18
ctfordhas anyone had issues with firefox not loading file types into plugins that it's supposed to?05:18
Madpilotgrao, let me check - just a sec05:18
blazemongerDr_willis:should i build my own kernel?05:18
Dr_willisif ati does not want to support their hardware fully under linux - theres not a lot that can be done with it.05:18
blazemongerdo you think that would make things work a bit better/more stable?05:18
Dr_willisblazemonger,  whats that supposed to accompilsh? not much i am guessing05:18
newest007hey there my system just crashed and rebooted from the splash screen, i checked the KSystemLog, and it gave me this: Internal error: memory corruption detected,  how do i go about fixing this?05:19
blazemongerDr_willis:well less resource use05:19
MikesHardLinuxshirish: I doubt you'll get any response at the command line, unless there's an error. also, you'll need something to use as the testpage05:19
blazemongermore tweaks05:19
blazemongermaybe that SHOULD fix things05:19
Dr_willisblazemonger,  you got the windows mentality going. :)05:19
Dr_willisblazemonger,  looking for magic answers.05:19
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kungfugoatDr_willis: I've long ago stopped blaming the developers05:19
graoWhat is the command for apt-get , i need perl05:19
Dr_willis"hate the game not the players" :)05:19
shirishMikesHardLinux: so maybe I make a 2 line some .txt file tht should do it :)05:20
blazemongerand maybe the default kernel options in ubuntu has things disabled or alot added to it that debian doesnt05:20
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kungfugoatI just wish I could boycott both ATI and everybody else05:20
jayhow can i make kiba-dock items always stay in place when the return intstead of hanging outside... if u kno what I mean. They don't make one line, other icons just hang off05:20
Madpilotgrao, "sudo aptitude install perl" should work05:20
kungfugoatbut the thing is in my laptop05:20
shirishMikesHardLinux: but then how would the command be modified?05:20
blazemongerlike everything that works in debian won't work in ubuntu05:20
ChadariusDr_willis: deja vu with blaze... He's been doing the same talk for over an hour man05:20
Dr_willisblazemonger,  you are bascially 'guessing' at this arent you...05:20
blazemongeri am extremely confused on why05:20
=== CorpseFeeder [n=CorpseFe@ppp119-150.lns1.bne4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
graoKudos madpilot, i got root inabled though so no need for sudo05:20
rylanChadarius, "couldn't find package build"05:20
blazemongerDr_willis yah..since thyere's no official answers and i've filed bug reports on all the packages that wont run05:20
ChadariusDr_willis: I /ignored him a while ago05:20
blazemongeri've filed opver 50 bug reports like the gnome pannel freezing05:20
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MikesHardLinuxshirish: I am doing a "man foo2hp2600-wrapper" and it looks like you might need to have a .ps file. still checking05:21
Dr_willisblazemonger,  i would like to see proof of that statement also..   but since ive gotten rid of my ati cards.. good luck.05:21
newest007hey there my system just crashed and rebooted from the splash screen, i checked the KSystemLog, and it gave me this: Internal error: memory corruption detected,  how do i go about fixing this?05:21
kungfugoatanybody want to buy a laptop?05:21
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kungfugoatbefore I throw it out the window?05:21
blazemongerDr_willis:is ubuntu supposed to be crashing?05:21
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VilhelmsI've heard people talk about a script called Xgame for running OpenGL Apps while in Xgl mode but can't seem to find it. Where could I look for a Howto or something similar on using Xgame?05:21
MikesHardLinuxshirish: that command will just make sure your computer can actually see and access the printer, in case there's a hardware/cable/network problem05:21
graoI can give you the name of someone who might want to buy it05:21
Dr_willisblazemonger,  prove it, trouble shoot it.. make it repeatable.. then file a bug report.. it never crashes on me.. so it may be PEBKAC05:22
Chadariusrylan: what version of Ubuntu are you using?05:22
blazemongeri've tried to troubleshoot it05:22
shirishMikesHardLinux: ok lemme know, thnx for helping me out :)05:22
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CorpseFeederI was in the middle of downloading stuff, and my ethernet connection just went dead. And now I can only make it work if I assign it a static IP - DHCP is no longer assigning an IP address to my eth0.... What's up with that? Is this normal?05:22
blazemongeri've never got replies on the bug reports i've filed05:22
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blazemongernot even a simple 'ubuntu hates you'05:23
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Madpilotblazemonger, are they good, technical bug reports, or "OMG Ubuntu is borken!!!!!11111oneoneone"?05:23
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Dr_willisMadpilot,  i wasent going to go there.. :)05:23
crimsunwe don't look at bug reports that don't have pony attachments.05:23
rylanChadarius, im on edgy, though regretting it.05:23
xenos76Can someone help me set up the latest version of flash player for the latest version of Ubuntu?05:23
blazemongereven blag works on my system05:23
blazemongerubuntu is the only one that's not working05:24
Dr_willisubuntu must hate you then.05:24
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Madpilotubotu, flash9 | xenos7605:24
ubotuxenos76: Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash05:24
blazemongeri dont see why ubuntu would hate me since i like ubuntu05:24
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports05:24
blazemongeriv never said bad things about it ive always said great things about it05:24
dsquarehow do i upgrade to edgy eft please?05:25
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bruenig!upgrade | dsquare05:26
ubotudsquare: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:26
shirishMikesHardLinux: so what should I give as a testpage because unless I don't have a test-page I don't know whether it's working or not?05:26
dsquarethx bruenig!!05:26
blazemongerlike flightgear works in debian but it wont in ubuntu05:26
bruenig!thanks | dsquare05:26
ubotudsquare: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:26
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rylanChadarius, that website looks like it's working now. i had a typo. what does it mean by "linux-headers- 'uname -r'  "05:26
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:26
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash05:26
blazemongerubuntu neeeds to fix it's rage 128 drivers05:26
bruenigfor those 2 people that use that card, yep05:26
Chadariusrylan: ah that is to download the headers for your version of the linux kernel05:27
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Chadariusrylan: if you type uname -r in a terminal it gives you the kernel version05:27
rylanChadarius, so type it in exactly that way?05:27
graoWho in here runs opensysco or smoothwall05:27
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crimsunblazemonger: which bug reports are you referring to wrt rage 128?05:27
bruenigrylan, it means linux-headers-`uname -r`05:27
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CorpseFeederIs it normal for ethernet to just drop out dead for no apparent reason in Ubuntu? What's up with my ethernet not accepting DHCP anymore? Has it shat itself? Am I doomed to be confined to static IP now?05:27
bruenigrylan, the ` is at the top left above tab and to the left of 1, it is not05:28
Chadariusrylan: yeah in fact cut and paste is better you have to get the right ` around uname -r to make it work properly05:28
ghostkernelhow come my internet connection with ubuntu is real slow? its very fast with mandrake05:28
MikesHardLinuxshirish: if you have a vector editing program installed like Scribus or Inkscape, you can save to a .ps. Other programs will do that, too.05:28
crimsunghostkernel: you're not pedaling fast enough.05:28
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rylanbruenig, thanks05:28
ghostkernelcrimsun what do you mean by that?05:28
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shirishMikesHardLinux: ok cool, can install either one no issues, what I meant was will then the command be something like :-05:28
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crimsunghostkernel: it's a tongue-in-cheek response to a contextless question.05:29
knovakwhere can I get / how can I add new screen savers to gnome-screensaver?05:29
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blazemongercrimson: example: gnome pannel freezes05:29
jbruckmandoes anyone know of a linux editor that works about the same as frontpage(but of course better)?05:29
blazemongerout of nowhere05:29
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crimsunblazemonger: that's not necessarily the video driver's fault.05:29
Chadariusjbruckman: NVU is nice if you want WYSIWYG05:29
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MikesHardLinuxshirish: I just found this. might be the simplest answer: http://foo2hp.rkkda.com/ubuntu/05:29
rylanChadarius, looks like my headers are up to date,05:29
blazemongercrimsun:isn't ubuntu stable though?05:30
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bruenigblazemonger, edgy is edgy05:30
shirishMikesHardLinux: foo2hp2600-wrapper shirish.ps > shirish.zjs with 'shirish' being the name of the *.ps, ok looking tht one also05:30
jbruckmanChadarius: I need something that will let me log into the server and upload it from my home computer05:30
Chadariusrylan: good... you just need them to be able to compile stuff :)05:30
blazemongerif it's stable why are things freezing05:30
MikesHardLinuxshirish: I believe that is right05:30
crimsunblazemonger: just because it's marked stable doesn't mean that things will always work correctly.05:30
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linuxrockzhi all can some one tell why my sound ongames sometime works and then not work ?05:30
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VilhelmsI've heard people talk about a script called Xgame for running OpenGL Apps while in Xgl mode but can't seem to find it. Where could I look for a Howto or something similar on using Xgame?05:30
rylanChadarius, thats useful. so next step here, i need the latest version of alsa,05:30
Chadariusjbruckman: Yeah I'm pretty sure that NVU has site management stuff like that05:30
blazemongercrimsuN:do you have r128 card?05:30
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crimsunblazemonger: no05:31
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ghostkernelis there a way i could speed up my connection in ubuntu 6.10,i using dsl and the internet goes real slow like if i were using dial up05:31
FirstStrikeVilhelms: Google.com05:31
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juancamilohi all05:31
bruenig!hi | juancamilo05:31
ubotujuancamilo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:31
shirishMikesHardLinux: ok cool, will try tht one tonight, least to say it has been educative & nice knowing you05:31
blazemongerwhat is the ideal Ubuntu setup then?05:31
jbruckmanChadarius: ok. i downloaded NVU, but i haven't played around with it. I also got quanta and bluefish. I was waiting to hear some input before i started learning one.05:31
blazemongerfor a desktop05:31
Spo8Hi everyone.  i was wondering if i could get some help with partitioning and the install.05:31
rylanChadarius, that looks pretty complicated on the website. any chance there is an easier/automated way?05:31
jbruckmanChadarius: thanks!05:31
juancamilodoes anyone knows how to list display properties05:31
juancamiloi need my display adress05:32
MadpilotFirstStrike, please don't tell people here to JFGI...05:32
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MikesHardLinuxshirish: good luck. don't forget those 2 commands. you might need to to troubleshoot some more. there could be something else wrong, like a cable or whatever.05:32
ghostkernel is there a way i could speed up my connection in ubuntu 6.10,i using dsl and the internet goes real slow like if i were using dial up05:32
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FirstStrikeMadpilot: He asked where he could look for info about it :P05:32
VilhelmsFirstStrike, I've tried... google, ubuntuforums, and the beryl forums05:32
Chadariusrylan: Its not that bad once you get through it... that howto is well documented. It might seem like gibberish to you but this is the common way to compile drivers in Linux :)05:32
loupgaroublondhi, i can't get postgresql to install in edgy, it gives me ssl errors05:32
MadpilotFirstStrike, yes, and you were not really helpful05:33
Chadariusrylan: This will be old hat to you in a few months :)05:33
loupgaroublond|aka:  * The PostgreSQL server failed to start. Please check the log output:05:33
loupgaroublond|2007-02-14 23:31:19 EST LOG:  could not load root certificate file "root.crt": no SSL error reported05:33
Spo8okay so anyway, i created two partitions from my main win xp hard drive, one 18gb for the root install, then a 1gb for the swap (still not sure why it's needed), but anyway, during the installation when i select "/" for the big one and "swap" for the small, it says "no rood directory"05:33
rylanok, so goto the website and manually download the drivers?05:33
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blazemongerfor example:in debian sid flightgear runs fine but in ubuntu flightgear won't run.and i would love to run ubungtu since it's ALOT better05:33
rylanchadarius, ok, so goto the website and manually download the drivers?05:33
bruenig!info postgresql05:33
ubotupostgresql: object-relational SQL database management system (transitional). In component universe, is optional. Version 7.5.21 (edgy), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB05:33
Chadariusrylan: Yeah just follow those links05:33
rylanchadarius,then type in that stuff.05:33
kungfugoatmaybe someone can help me troubleshoot fglrx05:33
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kungfugoatI have my xorg log file pasted here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5873/05:33
blazemongerkungfugoat:just don't try it on a rage chipset05:33
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kungfugoatblazemonger: I have a radeon mobility x140005:34
bruenigSpo8, if you are setting one as mounting at / then that should be the root05:34
kungfugoatfglrx is being loaded but something is getting screwed up with DRI05:34
bruenigmake sure you are formatting that partition05:34
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MixxI used dd to copy my Edgy install from a 36 GB partition to a 78 GB partition on another disk.  I've reinstalled GRUB and modified /etc/fstab.  However when I use df (or when mythtv discovers free space) it only sees 36GB as being the total space.  Any idea how to fix?05:34
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blazemongerUbuntu includes more than 16,000 pieces of software, but the core05:34
juancamiloim getting this error when trying to open kwrite: cannot connect to x server05:34
Chadariusrylan: find the file names that are listed below the links with the "sudo tar" statements05:34
Dr_willisMixx,  use parted/qtparted/gparted - to resize the drive/partition.05:35
Spo8oh, i formatted it before the install with partitionMagic, should I be formatting it again when selecting the root?05:35
blazemongerbut only 5% of the software works05:35
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Dr_willisMixx,  use it from a live cd..05:35
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MixxDr_willis qtparted shows the partition as being 76 GB05:35
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bruenigblazemonger, believe me, your problems are localized to you, not the community as a whole05:35
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Dr_willisMixx,  :)  i rember there being a reason not to  use dd on different sized drives.05:35
blazemongerbruenig:well how do i fix them though?05:35
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blazemongerthat's the question05:35
rylanChadarius, already downloading em,05:36
blazemongeri've spent hours searching on google today and taking adderalls05:36
MixxDr_willis I guess this is it ;)05:36
kungfugoatis fglrx supposed be both a kernel module and xorg module?05:36
kungfugoatI'm confused about that05:36
Dr_willisMixx,  its sshowing a single partition eh of 76gb ?05:36
bruenigblazemonger, I am not a graphics card person. Perhaps if you fixed that, some of the others would fall in line.05:36
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linuxrockzneed help for sound problems  LTS6.0605:36
bruenigI have a piece of crap integrated graphics card that does me well05:36
blazemongerbruenig:thing is i reccomended Ubuntu to a friend of mine  and told him Ubuntu was stable05:36
MixxDr_willis yes, qtparted running on a Knoppix live install shows 7805:36
=== Ferret uses cp to copy stuff from one drive to another
blazemongerwhen it doesnt even work on me05:36
FerretIt works, for some reason05:36
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blazemongeram i supposed to say ubuntu is faster and more stable than windows ?05:37
Chadariusrylan: I'm sorry friend but I've got to go hit the hay... I think you will be just fine when you complete that howto though05:37
Ferretinvalid comparison error05:37
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bruenigblazemonger, it is, I am on here very often and even considering that this is the help room so you are by design seeing the worse of the worse, there is very rarely something that isn't user error05:37
rylanChadarius, thanks a ton05:37
kungfugoatthis takes me back to slackware and my packard bell machine :|05:37
MixxDr_willis is there any other config file partition size is stored?05:37
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kungfugoatsame ole xwindows05:37
bruenigblazemonger, not that it doesn't happen, but to generalize ubuntu as a whole being unstable and not working is just from my experience in this room wrong05:38
blazemongerbruenig:well if things are working for others why isn't it working for me?05:38
dynamicrefluxanyone have any thoughts on the merge with Lindows?05:38
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Dr_willisMixx,  thats all on the boot record stuff i think.. id do some googling to see what others have done to fix that05:38
blazemongeri want to use ubuntu i like it's packaging05:38
Ferretkungfugoat: yes05:38
=== elyon225 [n=elyon@c-71-205-65-72.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blazemongerbut what use is a OS when there's no programs gthat work for it05:38
Dr_willisdynamicreflux,  its not lindows any more i thouight.05:38
elyon225!info knotify05:38
ubotuPackage knotify does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas05:38
bruenigblazemonger, perhaps you should get a different graphics card that is better supported05:38
dsquarecannot install these updates:   libcairo2   libcairo2-dev          -- im trying to upgrade to edgy why do i get this message?05:39
blazemongerthe only distro that's worked on me is dyne05:39
bruenigblazemonger, they do work05:39
dynamicrefluxblazemonger: of course there is programs05:39
blazemongeri have one that's suported05:39
kungfugoatblazemonger: they work05:39
Dr_willisblazemonger,  i have plenty of programs that work for me on it.05:39
blazemongerit's my rage 12805:39
dynamicrefluxdr_willis: yea its still called lindows. they are basing it off ubuntu now and charging money for it05:39
bruenigwell you said the drivers were poor05:39
blazemongerat least it says in the xorg config file rage 12805:39
bruenigthat sounds like bad support05:39
MixxDr_willis ok.  thanks very much again for helping me out (you've helped me in the past with something else)05:39
blazemongerdoesn't that give open source a bad name?05:39
bruenigati is known for being crappy05:39
MikesHardLinuxgeez blazemonger. even my servers run newer/better cards than that :-)05:39
Madpilotblazemonger, despite the name, a rage128 card only has about 32 or maybe 64Mb of RAM - it is not a modern card by any stretch...05:39
blazemongerwhy won't ati release proprietary drivers for the rage 12805:39
bruenigthat is them05:39
dynamicrefluxblazemonger: we are all waiting for ati's open source info05:39
bruenignot ubuntu05:40
blazemongerMadpilot:flightgear won't even work in ubuntu05:40
elyon225Could someone tell me what knotify is?05:40
Dr_willisMixx,  for backing up from one hd to another - 'tar' with a lot of options is normally used. not dd.05:40
bernie_my boot flag constantly resets to ntfs (only after i log into windows) and then i cant boot until i boot to the live cd and reset the flag05:40
bruenig!info knotify05:40
Madpilotblazemonger, with a card that elderly, I'm not surprised05:40
kungfugoatati always had problems on every OS that I've ever used05:40
ubotuPackage knotify does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas05:40
elyon225bruenig: Heh, already tried that ;)05:40
dynamicrefluxati sucks05:40
kungfugoatI only bought this stupid laptop because of the gorgeous screen05:40
blazemongerwell i have a radeon card05:40
kungfugoateverything else is nvidia05:40
blazemongerwhen i tried to install it my computer fried05:40
elyon225ATI's are actually EXCELLENT cards... it's their DRIVER support that sucks.05:41
blazemonger(i tried to build a pc from scratch while stoned05:41
bruenigelyon225, it looks like it is part of kcontrol05:41
Madpilotblazemonger, so you've got hardware problems. How is this Ubuntu's fault?05:41
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bernie_my boot flag constantly resets to ntfs (only after i log into windows) and then i cant boot until i boot to the live cd and reset the flag05:41
bruenigan apt-file search at least has it being in that package05:41
blazemongerif it's hardware problems why would things work perfect in Debian?05:41
dsquareCannot install all available updates:   Some updates require the removal of further software.... skipping: libcairo2   libcairo2-dev          -- im trying to upgrade to edgy why do i get this message?05:41
linuxrockzradeon 9250 series?05:41
dynamicrefluxnvidia is the best choice in light of ubuntu05:41
dsquareplz help??05:41
MikesHardLinuxnot all ati cards are a problem. my 9600xt worked without a hitch, although I haven't tried it with beryl05:41
blazemongerand slack and arch05:41
MixxDr_willis yes I tried tar first and thought I could shortcut some other issues i ran into by using dd.  looks like it's back to tar if i can't resolve this05:41
MadpilotMikesHardLinux, likewise, with the same card05:42
blazemongercould it be the old RAID card i have?05:42
bruenigblazemonger, I would suggest using them then for obsolete hardware in which drivers aren't available because of the company's refusal to write them and not opening up the specs for others to do so05:42
kungfugoatok, time to get a check list so I can figure this out05:42
elyon225blazemonger: Because everyone here will fight to defend Ubuntu's perfection no matter what that means :)05:42
blazemongeri've complained to ATI about not having r128 drivers even offered for download05:42
Dr_willisMixx,  i recall using some of the fdisking tools.. but never personally used it.05:42
blazemongeri've wrote 50 letters to ATI05:42
dynamicrefluxwhoa wait, ubuntu's perfection is being questioned? crazy talk05:42
bruenigstop supporting ati, buy nvidia05:42
kungfugoatright now I'm afraid of what those large corporations are cooking up05:43
bruenigthat would be a better course05:43
Dr_willisblazemonger,  i bet you scared them big time.05:43
blazemongerdynamicreflux:it doesnt work on me05:43
elyon225blazemonger: You could have bought a BETTER nvidia card for the price you spent on that postage ;)05:43
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MixxDr_willis actually, what would tar do that dd does not that would avoid this issue?  seems to me i'd be in the same situation05:43
kungfugoatif I have to stay up all night to get things to work, I will05:43
blazemongerbruenig:i'm one of those who has nothing but second hand hardware05:43
MixxDr_willis since all the files would copy over verbatim05:43
blazemongerkungfugoat:u got adderall?05:43
bruenigbuy second hand nvidia05:43
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kungfugoatblazemonger: what's adderall?05:43
linuxrockzwho would complain about a free os?05:43
Dr_willisMixx,  it copys files.. not the filesystem.. and not the 'partition information/mbr'05:43
dynamicrefluxdoes anyone in here use tilda?05:43
xenos76I have tried to install flash player any way I can, can someone please tell me why it wont work in Firefox?05:44
=== bruenig tried using tilda, didn't like it
dynamicrefluxyea, i hate it too05:44
dynamicrefluxits way too glitchy05:44
Dr_willisdd is just a raw data copy.. tar will follow the filesystem stuff.05:44
bruenigxenos76, did you add the right repositories? what version of ubuntu are you using?05:44
elyon225xenos76: What version of Ubuntu/Firefox do you have?  And what version of the flash player did you try installing?05:44
elyon225xenos76: Also, please explain what "doesn't work" means.05:44
blazemongerwell why is ubuntu not working when everything else does?05:44
blazemongeris ubungtu some kind of ultra secret conspiracy OS?05:44
blazemongerim not a troll05:45
linuxrockzopen source05:45
MixxDr_willis i understand, but I would still ahve to go through steps to create MBR and a new partition table with both options.  I agree tar is probably the preferable method though, if only from a philosophical standpoint05:45
dynamicrefluxconspiracy OS lol. how can it be a conspiracy if its open source05:45
bernie_my boot flag constantly resets to ntfs (only after i log into windows) and then i cant boot until i boot to the live cd and reset the flag05:45
=== yellowdart [n=yellowda@cpe-24-29-210-190.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigthe troll is for observation only, feeding is not allowed05:45
elyon225blazemonger: ALL Linux systems are incredibly different, but Ubuntu took the longest for me to get running well... but now that it is (for the most part)... I love it.05:45
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blazemongerhow long did it take you to get ubuntu working properly?05:45
kungfugoatI just got a nice second hand IBM server, complete 4 with loud SCSI hard disks and a tape drive!05:45
linuxrockzwant everything done auto buy  microsoft05:45
=== Bawbag [n=xtreme@host81-155-32-118.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
dynamicrefluxtook me about05:46
blazemongeranother thing i dont know any C/C++ so im unable to fix bugs myself05:46
dynamicreflux20 minutes05:46
elyon225blazemonger: Hmm... about 15 reinstalls and a month :)05:46
Dr_willisMixx,  you just partition/format the drive, then tar.. with the normal tools..   problem is that the wrong data is now in the drives boot sectors.05:46
dynamicrefluxworked fine with my laptop05:46
dynamicrefluxwireless and all05:46
xenos76I try to access youtube videos and it does not work. I dont know if my repositories are up to date or how to fix them. I have flash player nine that I am trying to install. I dont know what version of fireox I have but I am dowloading the new one right now to make shure.05:46
Madpilotblazemonger, if another distro works better with your hardware, use it. File bugs with Ubuntu, and check back in a few months - april's release might solve some of your issues...05:46
linuxrockzthat y linux rocks05:46
blazemongerelyon225:im on my 10th about to be 11th05:46
dynamicrefluxblazemonger: try fedora core 605:46
Dr_willisMixx,  im sure theres a proper way to fix it using dd.05:46
Madpilotblazemonger, installing ubuntu took about 30min; installing ati drives another 5, done. (at least for me...)05:46
blazemongermaybe building a custom kernel will work05:46
Dr_willisMixx,  perhaps even using dd to skip the first boot records/mbr of the hd05:46
brueniginstalled ubuntu, all worked out of the box05:46
MixxDr_willis yes that's what I did05:47
blazemongermaddler:you have other drivers for the rage 128!?!?!?!?!?!?05:47
elyon225xenos76: With the flash player, extract the libflashplugin.so file into /usr/lib/firefox/plugins   Then restart firefox and you should be good to go.05:47
blazemongerplz send05:47
xenos76ok thanks Ill try that05:47
Madpilotblazemonger, me? no, I run a much newer ATI card - 9600XT05:47
bruenigxenos76, it would be much easier to get it from the repos05:47
blazemongermaybe theres something in the kernelt hat ubuntu enabled that doesnt like my system?05:47
bruenigxenos76, what version of ubuntu do you have05:47
bruenigdapper or edgy05:47
xenos76The latest05:47
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kungfugoatok, my problem is...05:47
=== IcemanV9 [n=jwvehrs@c-71-194-83-26.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dynamicrefluxblazemonger: u just need to wait like me for ati to release there ish05:47
kungfugoatI've screwed up a configuration step and now need to roll back to a safe point05:48
elyon225dynamicreflux: Don't hold your breath.05:48
MixxDr_willis i used dd to copy the partition, not the whole disk, then I reinstalled GRUB to write the MBR (i tried to use the MBR from the old install but it must have had a pointer to a different partition on 0x40)05:48
dynamicrefluxelyon225: i beg to differ actually05:48
blazemongeri'm prob gonna just quit wasting my time and you folks time and switch to another distro05:48
dynamicrefluxgo to FC605:48
blazemongermaybe ubuntu hates me cuz i voted for Bush05:48
elyon225blazemonger: Also... to put it into perspective - I had a Radeon 9600 (much newer than the Rage128)... and I eventually had to give it up to get Ubuntu to work.05:48
MikesHardLinuxblaze: try Fedora05:48
dynamicrefluxbut linux video drivers are linux video drivers05:48
dynamicrefluxif they arent on ubuntu05:48
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dynamicrefluxthey wont be there05:48
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bruenigxenos76, ok do the following: sudo -c 'echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list' && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:48
Dr_willisMixx,  this is a ext2/3 partition? You should then be able to grow the filesystem to fill that extra space. For ext2 filesystems, try using the ext2resize tool.05:48
blazemongerdynamicreflux:how do i build my own distro?05:49
dynamicrefluxget about 10,000 ppl in a community05:49
Dr_willisMixx,  is what i am googing here -----> http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/saw27/notes/backup-hard-disk-partitions.html05:49
kungfugoatblazemonger: that's a lot of work05:49
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dynamicrefluxgrab debian or something05:49
dynamicrefluxand have fun ! =)05:49
elyon225bruenig: Hmm... installing flash from the repos never worked for me... pretty sure it always installed flash705:49
IcemanV9is it possible to backport kvm to dapper??05:49
xenos76ok ill try that05:49
blazemongeri know dynamicreflux and linux = linux nd gnome=gnome05:49
bruenigsudo bash -c echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list' && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:49
bruenigI forgot the bash05:49
kungfugoatI'm waiting for openbeos05:49
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blazemongerdynamicreflux:i seriously want to run ubuntu05:49
dynamicrefluxur like me then05:49
dynamicrefluxi cant run beryl05:49
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kungfugoatdebian on the server end and openbeos on the desktop will be nice05:49
blazemongerthe only thing i can think of is the kernel problems05:49
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dynamicrefluxi have an x1600 ATI05:49
blazemongerdynamicreflux:i can't run beryl either05:50
bruenigelyon225, you didn't have your backports05:50
blazemongeri tried to run beryl on my rage 128 gl card05:50
dynamicrefluxno ati users can right now05:50
dynamicrefluxur not alone05:50
xenos76bruening: it says that I have a illegal operation using -c05:50
elyon225bruenig: Yeah, I did... well, I think I did.05:50
MikesHardLinuxblazemonger: I doubt you could ever run beryln on a Rage12805:50
elyon225blazemonger: Don't try taht ;)05:50
dynamicrefluxnot true05:50
bruenigelyon225, do apt-cache show flashplugin-nonfree | grep Version05:50
dynamicrefluxu probably could05:50
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dynamicrefluxjust not on these drivers05:50
bruenigshould be a 9 in there05:50
elyon225blazemonger: And Beryl is great, by the way.05:50
blazemongerdynamicreflux:i'm going to reinstall ubuntu one more time but this time i'm going to build a kernel05:50
Dr_willisMixx,  check out --> http://puppylinux.org/wikka/BackupHDD05:50
MixxDr_willis - the partition is already the right size according to the partition table, I wouldn't be able to grow it as it already shows it's 72 GB05:50
blazemongerand i'm going to log all updates05:50
vltHello. I'm trying to compile a kernel module on Dapper running 2.6.15-28-k7. I installed linux-source and -headers but get a lot of compiler errors: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5870/   ---   Any idea?05:51
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-47-9.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
blazemongerand have u folks help me out05:51
bruenigxenos76, right use the second one that I pasted05:51
jmillikinIn Launchpad, how do I assign a bug to a team? (Hopefully this is the correct channel)05:51
Dr_willisMixx,  Hmm.. never mind that last url.. heh .. i missread it.05:51
blazemongerbut for now i'm sick of computers and i gotta go and smoke some mary jane05:51
elyon225bruenig: Nope... version 7 :)05:51
dynamicrefluxu go do that05:51
MixxDr_willis =)05:51
=== callisto [n=callisto@cpe-24-174-228-101.gt.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
blazemongerthe way i got into computers was midi05:51
bruenigelyon225, you must not have backports multiverse05:51
Dr_willisMixx,  im wondering how dd did that.. when it ran out of data on the first hd.. what did it write to the rest of the 2nd hd..05:51
blazemongeri have a bunch of synths and keyboards05:51
xenos76oh thanks, i didnt see that05:51
Madpilotjmillikin, try #ubuntu-bugs or #launchpad05:51
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blazemongerand i got a computer so i could use it as a sequencer05:52
blazemongermaybe i should buy a hardware sequencer05:52
kungfugoatblazemonger: you can buy my geforce4 4200 card with zalman heatpipes05:52
jmillikinWill do, thanks05:52
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blazemonger(im just one of those dj's05:52
Madpilotblazemonger, please stop using your Enter key as punctuation - you've been asked about that before...05:52
=== cellfish [n=cellfish@modemcable088.95-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
callistohey room05:52
elyon225bruenig: Hmm... I've reinstalled so many times (switching from gnome to kde and back)... can't remember if or how I enabled backports this time.05:52
blazemongernot a geek05:52
bruenigthat one is messed up to, wonder if it will fail05:52
cellfishis there any way to use chmod to set permissions for a folder to just ONE user?05:52
Dr_willisMixx,  it COULD be you did dd from /dev/hda  when ya should of used /dev/hda105:52
bruenigsudo bash -c 'echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list' && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:52
bruenigthat is right05:52
cellfishlike chmod cellfish+rwx /media/whatever05:53
=== Born_In_Xixax [n=dstaudt@adsl-69-154-140-98.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
blazemongeri give up on computers..i love my prophet 5 synth05:53
bruenigchmod u+rwx should be enough05:53
xenos76phew thanks, now its working05:53
blazemongerand my korg drum machines/samplers05:53
kungfugoatblazemonger: I already tried using my computer to DJ05:53
Madpilotcellfish, "chown" is the command to change ownership of a folder/file05:53
bruenigmassive commands are fun05:53
elyon225blazemonger: There are no computer problems, only user errors (user either being you or the programmer)05:53
xenos76yeah haha05:53
pavswhats the command to see what services are runnning?05:53
callistodoes anyone know anything about xgl and ati cards05:53
blazemongerkungfugoatyoure a dj?05:53
cellfishchown! that's what i needed05:53
cellfishthank you05:53
blazemongerim not a programmer05:53
kungfugoatblazemonger: used to be05:53
kungfugoatI sold most of my stuff05:54
blazemongerkungfugoat:really? whatd u play?05:54
blazemongeri still am into the scene eheh05:54
Dr_willisMixx,  perhaps check   http://www.mckeay.net/secure/2004/10/using_dd_to_clone_a_hd.html heh.05:54
blazemongerwhat country u live in?05:54
kungfugoatblazemonger: electronica, house, hip-hop, etc05:54
kungfugoatnot really hip-hop, but trip-hop05:54
blazemongeri play what i call psy-trance-idm05:54
pavswhats the command to see what services are runnning?05:54
blazemongerhouse is fun05:54
blazemongerdj ESP05:54
bruenigpavs, ps -A05:54
Madpilotpavs, top05:54
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@124-168-101-56.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
kungfugoatI spent way too much money on music at places like beatport05:55
bruenigkungfugoat, bittorrent...05:55
=== ||drake|| [n=david@c-68-82-186-226.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kungfugoatspent way too much money on DJ equipment too05:55
blazemongerkungfugoat: I still do lol05:55
blazemongerit's like crack isn't it?05:55
cellfishok what would be the command to change the owner of a folder from 'root' to 'cellfish'? is it sudo chown cellfish /media/whatever?05:55
kungfugoatIt took me 4 months to sell my CD players05:55
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kungfugoatI kept looking at them and weeping05:55
bruenigcellfish, yeah, you might want to do it recursively05:56
blazemongeri also throw parties too05:56
kungfugoatI now want to buy them back05:56
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rylangod i love ubuntu05:56
rylanwho needs a rubix cube, this is way more fun05:56
blazemongerhttp://www.dynebolic.org/ this is the distro that works for me05:56
Madpilotkungfugoat, blazemonger - non-support chat to #ubuntu-offtopic or PM, please - try to keep this channel for support questions. Thanks.05:57
MikesHardLinuxrylan: me too!!!05:57
blazemongerand does what I need it to05:57
blazemongerit has a midi sequencer05:57
kungfugoatMadpilot: sorry about that05:57
=== kungfugoat wipes a tear away from his right eye
blazemongerdynebolic is good05:57
blazemongerkungfugoat:try dynebolic if you are into audio bro05:57
blazemongerubuntu's not there yet for audio05:57
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MixxDr_willis I dd'd from the 36gb to the 72 gb so when it ran out of things to read it just stopped writing05:57
Michael_Desrosieokay, so I really want to make the switch over to ubuntu. the only thing keeping me from switching is doubt as to whether or not my wireless card will be supported. its internal, so i cant just take it out and look at the name for it. i found NdisWrapper, and i cant tell whether itll work for me. any suggestions?05:57
shirishMikesHardLinux: sorry wasn't here, have to look sometimes after a sick grandma :(05:57
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blazemongeri was able to just load dynebolic and click on the sequencer and im able to record05:58
tds5016hello. I'm having a problem with the xine plugins.... Basically it won't play sirius's online music.05:58
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kungfugoatMichael_Desrosie: do lspci05:58
MixxDr_willis probably the thing to do would have been to create a partition of the same size, dd it over, then resize05:58
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blazemongerbut ubu8ntu has to be all complex05:58
Dr_willisMixx,  but did you dd of=/dev/hda or /dev/hda1 ?05:58
tds5016I'm not sue which plugin I'm using, or which one I should.05:58
dynamicrefluxhey curious, does anyone know of a site(s) with a bunch of terminal commands?05:58
MikesHardLinuxshirish: :-(. hope she is ok. that's ok. i think my last post was just to mention you might need those 2 commands to trouble-shoot05:58
dynamicrefluxjust a complete run through of commands available in terminal05:58
MixxDr_willis if=/dev/hda2 of=/dev/hdb105:58
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shirishMikesHardLinux: saw tht, will try all the stuff :)05:59
Dr_willisMixx,  there goes my theory then.05:59
rylanit just feels so dam cool every time i do something in terminal and stuff happnes.05:59
Dr_willisdynamicreflux,  check out some linux tutorials.. :) or browse the man pages05:59
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mdesrosso, anybody knowledgeable about support for wireless cards?05:59
Madpilotrylan, easy geek points ;)05:59
tds5016anyone able to help?05:59
rylanthough, also scares the hell out of me if i make a small typo06:00
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MixxDr_willis i'm sure there's some file that has the old part size on it, I just haven't foudn it yet (google not being cooperative... yet)06:00
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rylanAm i the only person that prays a little whenever they hit sudo make install?06:00
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kungfugoatrylan: no06:01
shirishMikesHardLinux: there is one more printer to do, care to take a shot at tht one?06:01
Madpilotrylan, yes, spelling matters ;)06:01
dynamicrefluxwhy rylan06:01
tds5016anyone able to help me out with the sirius not working with the plugin I'm using?06:01
Madpilotrylan, I avoid that by never compiling, ever :)06:01
Dr_willisMixx,  that would be the data in the boot record i am guessing.06:01
MikesHardLinuxshirish: lol! is it by any chance a Dell 3000CN?06:01
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kungfugoatrylan: it's pray and then oh sh*t when you see a bunch of errors about pointers06:01
rylani bet.06:02
rylanso far no errors06:02
rylani hope.06:02
pavskinda offtpic question I am trying to setup apache server I can see the apache folder from my machine but when I try to do it from a differant machine with my ip address I see my router configuration page, how do I set it up so that I can see my website/apache page?06:02
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Spo8Hi, i'm getting this error when trying to install.  can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong?  http://img167.imageshack.us/img167/2281/partitionproblemsgm9.png06:02
shirishMikesHardLinux: srry to disappoint u but it's an Epson Stylus R230 (USB-based) connected to a Windows machine by USB (I think) although accessible through the network, it's not a network printer06:02
redboxpavs: you need to forward port 80 on your router to your local machine that is running apache06:02
pavsredbox can I msg you in private>06:03
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MikesHardLinuxshirish: what version of windows is on the computer with the epson?06:03
kungfugoatpavs: you shouldn't be seeing your router configuration page unless you're typing in the wrong address06:03
rylanWEEEE this is fun.... oh crap! (a short story about linux terminal)06:03
shirishMikesHardLinux: It's '98 SE06:03
tds5016anyone able to help with video plugins with firefox?06:03
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pavshow do I forward port 80 to my local machine?06:04
rylantime for reboot and praying06:04
Spo8can anyone help me out on that install problem above?  i was hoping to get this installed tonight.06:05
pavswhen I do http://localhost06:05
pavsI see my apache webpage06:05
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MikesHardLinuxshirish: i am checking to see of the r230 is even supported yet06:05
pavsbut when I put my ip it goes to router configuration06:05
shirishMikesHardLinux: ok cool :)06:06
shirishMikesHardLinux: the correct name is Epson Stylus Photo R23006:07
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[R] eaperi need help with my ati card06:08
redboxpavs: go to your  router configuration there should be an option to port forward06:08
MikesHardLinuxshirish: it's not listed at openprinting.org, but it'll probably work with the same driver as the whole R200 series....I assume.06:08
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Nergarcan ubuntu tell me the manufacturer of a wlan usb card?06:09
rylanIT WORKS!06:09
cafuego_Nergar: usually yes. `lsusb'06:09
rylanOh thats just sexy06:09
Nergarthnx cafuego_06:10
rylani am a god among people with no ability to use linux! ROAR06:10
cafuego_Nergar: it might show the manufacturer as 4 hex digits though06:10
redboxNergar: or try lspci -v06:10
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MixxDr_willis i'm going to try running fsck on startup and see if that .. um .. sorts things out.  =)06:10
cafuego_redbox: No.06:10
tds5016how do I see what software I have installed via apt-get?06:10
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shirishMikesHardLinux: from the review http://asia.cnet.com/reviews/printers/0,39051175,39097221p,00.htm it seems it works but not the way I would like it though06:10
cafuego_Nergar: If you get hex digits, google is your friend :-)06:10
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redboxcafuego_: oh! didn't see "usb card" ;p06:10
BoratHi, does anyone know where to find the fonts luxi sans, or Swis721?06:10
tds5016like I want to search for wha tI have installed in terms of firefox plugins.06:10
=== DigitalNinja [n=dhull@134-7-178-69.static.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
Spo8so no one can help with my installation problem?06:11
[R] eaperanyone can help me with this?? http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/977/instantnea2js0.jpg06:11
DigitalNinjais there a way to install the old version of flash on Edgy? Edgy comes with version 9 I would like the dapper version. I think that's 706:11
cafuego_Borat: Luxi is in `ttf-xfree86-nonfree'06:11
MikesHardLinuxshirish: ya. that's pretty typical. here's where I'm looking right now: http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Epson-Stylus_Photo_R20006:11
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redboxSpo8: whats your problem?  I see your image, but whats the issue?06:12
dsquarewow is the upgrade usually 1.2 gigs?~!?!!06:12
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Boratcafuego, thanks !06:12
Spo8redbox: See at the bottom how it says "No root file system"?  It isn't letting me continue the installation, it just brings up that notice.06:12
Asc__tds5016: Well, synaptic should list all such software.06:12
mike__using Azureus with 8 to 9 Mbps cable modem speed trying to download ubuntu   and only get incredibly bad (<50k/s) download speeds????06:12
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Asc__tds5016: Although firefox plugins are also found under ~/.mozilla/plugins06:13
tds5016Asc__, oh okay.06:13
IcemanV9where OR how do i get qemu packager to update its package from 8.0 to 9.0 for dapper??06:13
DigitalNinjaI see Flash on dapper is 9 also06:13
GMWeezelHow can I make xorg use the "nvidia" driver for 3D acceleration but the "nv" driver for 2D?06:13
redboxSpo8: your missing something in the earlier steps .. why is / sda5 ? what is sda1 ?06:13
mike__what am i doing wwrong??06:13
cafuego_and Swiss 721 appears to be downloadable. Just put the .TTF in ~/.fonts/06:13
redboxmike__: are there a lot of seeders?06:14
Spo8redbox: sda1 is my main windows install.  I created those two with partitionmagic in windows.06:14
mike__hold on..06:14
DigitalNinjais there a way to go back to flash 7 in edgy06:14
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redboxSpo8: I'm not familiar with the installation process your image is showing so its hard to say .. is there an option to set sda5 to primary?06:15
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redboxSpo8: or to set ext3 on sda5 ?06:15
nnliumy ubuntu says no swap space available, can anyone help me out? I have created a linux swap partition06:15
shirishMikesHardLinux: I read tht page but pretty much is overboard, it does mention something about gutenprint, anyway u can make it less technical for guys like me to understand :)06:15
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MixxDr_willis need to have the super-block updated ;)06:16
MikesHardLinuxshirish: i can show you the basic network set-up for a windows shared printer (samba), but I fear you may have some trouble to get it working because of that specific printer06:16
[R] eaperplease help me!! http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/977/instantnea2js0.jpg06:16
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Asc__DigitalNinja: Probably if you replace the flash 9 plugin with the flash 7 plugin, that would do it.  Not sure where'd you get the v7 plugin these days though.06:16
Dr_willisMixx,  yea.. i was thinking somthing like that.. but couldent rember the name06:16
MTecknologyNeed some help... I have Ubuntu Linux installed nice on my tablet. I'm bored so I felt like installing LinuxMint (A Ubuntu based distro). When trying to boot it hangs. It goes through the regular boot process. The same point where Ubuntu will pause w/ the sliding bar and the screen flickers then loads the desktop, LinuxMint will hang. I waited for almost 15min and got nothing more. I tried booting w/ the acpi=off option but got nowhere. Any ideas?06:16
Dr_willisMixx,  im not that geek-haxor06:17
Spo8redbox: no, not that I'm aware of.  Both partitions are logical, if that makes a difference.06:17
shirishMikesHardLinux: tht is alright, atleast I would have had tried :)06:17
DigitalNinjaAsc__: Thanks! I'll have to do some searching06:17
GMWeezel[R] eaper: You need different video card drivers probably; I remeber having the same problem. If you are using ATI, try fglrx.06:17
[R] eaperi have ATI, and the ati.com fglrx driver06:18
GMWeezel[R] eaper: Did you reset xorg to reflect the changes?06:18
[R] eaperyes06:18
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MikesHardLinuxshirish. from the windows comp with the printer, you need it's ip address, and the share name of the printer.06:18
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GMWeezel[R] eaper: Hmm well not sure what I did to get it working and I did it so long ago, the links aren't in my history any more. Buena suerte.06:19
nnliumy ubuntu says no swap space available, can anyone help me out? I have created a linux swap partition already06:19
unpersonHi, my system has an Athlon 64 X2 processor.  I was trying to run the amd64 version of edgy but found the lack of compatibility with proprietary 32-bit binaries too much trouble.  Now I've installed the 32-bit version of Edgy, what kernel should I use (686, k7, etc.)?06:19
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shirishMikesHardLinux: means even tht printer has an ip address, I was specifically told it's not a network printer (confused)06:19
unpersonOh, maybe it's moot.  It looks like k7 and 686 now say they're obsoleted by the generic image.06:20
shirishMikesHardLinux: it's connected through the Win'98 SE machine06:20
MikesHardLinuxshirish: no, not the printer. just the computer's ip address06:20
[R] eaperdamn... :(06:20
MikesHardLinuxshirish: since you'll be connecting through that computer06:20
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MTecknologyNeed some help... I have Ubuntu Linux installed nice on my tablet. I'm bored so I felt like installing LinuxMint (A Ubuntu based distro). When trying to boot it hangs. It goes through the regular boot process. The same point where Ubuntu will pause w/ the sliding bar and the screen flickers then loads the desktop, LinuxMint will hang. I waited for almost 15min and got nothing more. I tried booting w/ the acpi=off option but got nowhere. Any ideas?06:20
MTecknologyjust by the time it's hanging i would guess an xorg problem, but i've know idea how to diagnose the exact problem or where to begin trying to fix it06:20
MTecknologyalso, i can't find a channel for linuxmint06:21
shirishMikesHardLinux: ok cool got tht, so let's say it's 192.168.1. 10 & the name is 'G2'06:21
MikesHardLinuxshirish: do you know how to share the printer on the windows computer?06:21
Dr_willisMTecknology,   could try the  'nofb' boot option. to disalbe the framebuffer and the 'nosplash' option to disable the silly splash screen06:21
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shirishMikesHardLinux: nope, not at all :P06:22
Dr_willisMTecknology,  that may let ya see any error messages06:22
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nnliuThe IRC channel is ready. The server is irc.spotchat.org (standard port 6667) and the channel name: #linuxmint.com06:22
shirishMikesHardLinux: but willing to learn06:22
MikesHardLinuxshirish: :-) hehe. you'll need to tell windows to share the printer. the steps you take depend on if that computer already has sharing enabled or not06:22
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MikesHardLinuxshirish: here's a tutorial. it should be straightforward: http://www.microsoft.com/windows98/usingwindows/work/articles/906Jun/Shareprinter.asp06:23
shirishMikesHardLinux: it should be in sharing, as other comps. are able to print through tht, but still run tht one by me so I can check out if it's right or not, it doesn't hurt to check stuff06:24
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rylani have a question, is it possible to run photoshop in ubuntu. and if so how.06:24
VilhelmsI'm trying to install avant, but a dependancy is missing and I can't install... Here is the output when I try to install http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5878/plain/06:24
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MikesHardLinuxshirish: you may have to go all the way to the network settings to make sure that sharing is enabled. I believe it is disabled by default06:24
mike__to whoever asked me about seeds in azurues.......i uninstalled azureus and reinstalled and it seems to be working now  seeds 5(45)06:25
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mike__speed at 354 kB/s06:25
MikesHardLinuxshirish: then, (after a reboot) you can right-click on the printer and choose "sharing" and then set it to be shared06:25
shirishMikesHardLinux: ok will check tht & will enable it, after tht?06:25
MikesHardLinuxshirish: right.06:26
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rylanphotoshop on linux?06:26
shirishMikesHardLinux: ok cool will do tht :)06:26
Asc__rylan: Try WINE.  It used to work for me.  It doesn't any more, but seems to work better for other people.06:26
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rylanAsc__, could you run photoshop through wine?06:26
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MikesHardLinuxshirish: I forgot to ask, are you using regular ubuntu (Gnome) or a different one? Xbunutu or Kbunutu?06:26
Kilroywhy dont u just use gimp?06:26
glokanyone have an opinion on which tape backup program is most reliable?06:27
rylanbecause i dont know gimp.06:27
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mike__learn gimp06:27
shirishMikesHardLinux: it's Ubuntu 6.06 :)06:27
cafuego_rylan: It's a lit easier to learn gimp than it is to run Photoshop on wine.06:27
cafuego_lot easier06:27
rylanhmmm, ill considder that06:27
cafuego_in fact, learning gimp is possible at all06:27
asc_rylan: I used to run 5 with it, and I also heard that 7 worked.  Not sure about more recent versions, but there should be information in winehq's application database06:27
DaveyJonesdoes anyone know about runing an ET server?06:27
KilroyEt is too hard he is always trying to "phone home"06:28
DaveyJonesET the game06:28
asc_cafuego_: Dunno, it's always seemed to me like the tools don't behave as they should.06:28
shirishMikesHardLinux: anything after tht?06:28
MadpilotKilroy, beat me to that joke by about 10 seconds ;)06:28
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MikesHardLinuxshirish: ok. on the ubuntu machine, when you choose to add a network printer, choose Windows Printer (SMB). if that is not an option, you may need to install smbclient06:28
DaveyJonesi need to find a file06:28
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VilhelmsI'm trying to install avant, but a dependancy is missing and I can't install... Here is the output when I try to install http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5878/plain/06:29
MikesHardLinuxshirish: and smb-common (IIRC)06:29
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Kilroyanyone run counter strike source under wine?06:29
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shirishMikesHardLinux: it does show Windows Printer (SMB) :)06:29
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MikesHardLinuxshirish: you enter the IP address of the windows computer where it asks for host. enter the shared-name of the printer where it says printer.06:30
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Nergaramazing i cant find a driver for windows, all i find is the linux driver :/ life is messing with me06:30
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MikesHardLinuxshirish: don't need a username/password unless you told you windows machine to ask for a username/password06:30
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MTecknologyNeed some help... I have Ubuntu Linux installed nice on my tablet. I'm bored so I felt like installing LinuxMint (A Ubuntu based distro). When trying to boot it hangs. It goes through the regular boot process. The same point where Ubuntu will pause w/ the sliding bar and the screen flickers then loads the desktop, LinuxMint will hang. I waited for almost 15min and got nothing more. I tried booting w/ the acpi=off option but got nowhere. Any ideas?.06:31
MTecknology.. Just by the time it's hanging I would guess an xorg problem, but I have know idea how to diagnose the exact problem or where to begin trying to fix it.06:31
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seb-_how upgrade to latest 6 month release from old one?.....apt-get dist-upgrade ??06:31
DaveyJonesanyone know the path to ET its something like /etwolf ?06:31
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MikesHardLinuxshirish: the next step is where you choose the driver. you may have to try a few, but start with one of the R200 series printers (duh) hehe06:31
KarlosIIhello, I've installeed gallery 2 nad goto http://localhost/gallery2/ but file is not found, anyone know why?06:32
asc_MTeknology: Can you get to a tty?06:32
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MikesHardLinuxshirish: the rest of the steps are just for the description that you  will see.06:32
VilhelmsKarlosII, What are you using for your HTTPd?06:33
seb-_MikesHardLinux: how upgrade to newer ubuntu? apt-get dist-upgrade?06:33
KarlosIIVilhelms: all I know is apache 2 is installed and working06:33
shirishMikesHardLinux: ok will do tht, any command-line stuff to check whether my comp. is talking to printer or not?06:33
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VilhelmsKarlosII, Do you know where your siteroot is?06:34
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KarlosIInot sure, it used to be in var/www/ before the upgrade06:34
MikesHardLinuxseb-_: I personally don't recommend doing version upgrades. they never work for me, I always end up with major problems06:34
VilhelmsKarlosII, Is gallery2 a php/cgi script?06:34
DaveyJonesbah porkchops!06:34
KarlosIIit's a installa pkg in synaptic06:34
MixxDr_willis http://mandrivausers.org/lofiversion/index.php/t30308.html ;)06:35
shirishseb-_ : Mikes is right, I found the same through the hard way also :)06:35
VilhelmsKarlosII, Okay let me find some info on it, hold on06:35
seb-_MikesHardLinux, shirish: so you guys do a new install?06:35
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KarlosIIVilhelms: tried teh forums but all they had was info on the 1.5 version not 2.0 version06:35
shirishseb-_ : make backup of ur important data, format & install the new way so no brainache :)06:36
MikesHardLinuxseb-_: yes. every time. one thing i do is have a separate partition for /home. that way i can keep all my settings and stuff06:36
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seb-_good idea06:36
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MikesHardLinuxshirish: still checking on the right way to send a test page to a windows shared printer. maybe someone knows the proper command?06:37
shirishseb-_ : I used to do tht but need to partition for /home before doing any logical partitions for windows otherwise it didn't work06:37
noiesmohey all, had a hard drive failure, well my ext3 is now ext2 my data appears ok but I would like to convert to ext3 again is this possible without lossing any data06:37
MTecknologycan anybody PLEASE have some idea for me???06:38
slosticflierI set up my printer today it was pretty easy06:38
shirishMikesHardLinux: tht would be cool if somebody knows tht06:38
unpersonIf I want to use the proprietary nvidia drives, do I have to use the 386 kernel?06:38
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MixxDr_willis bed now, tunefs tomorrow...06:38
unpersonBecause when I select nvidia-glx in synaptic it wants to install a 386 kernel image.06:38
noiesmounperson, you need the kernel headers matching your running kernel06:38
shirishMikesHardLinux: btw when we are on the topic of printers, is there a definite site to know which ones are the most compatible printers are with Ubuntu?06:39
unpersonnoiesmo, You mean to compile the driver myself?06:39
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noiesmo!envy | unperson06:39
ubotuunperson: envy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia and ATI drivers. Please see http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html . Developers may be interested in https://launchpad.net/products/envy - See also !Nvidia06:39
NicknameH guys anybody used the latest version of the vmware edgy eft posted on vmware.com. I installed the automatic updates and I lost my ethernet connection as it is not shown in the network connections06:39
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rangansH guys anybody used the latest version of the vmware edgy eft posted on vmware.com. I installed the automatic updates and I lost my ethernet connection as it is not shown in the network connections06:40
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SluffMteck, do you get to the X login?06:40
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slosticfliershirish: the list on the network setup is so long it's rediculious06:40
MikesHardLinuxshirish: I seem to remember that there is an ubuntu HCL site...06:40
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MikesHardLinuxslosticflier: do you know a simple commandline to send a test page to a windows shared printer, just to make sure your comp can see it?06:40
imbecileanyone know how to setup freenx?06:40
shirishMikesHardLinux: I have seen tht one, but as slosticflier pointed it out, its messy06:41
FurthuRHow do I associate a filetype to a console application? I want to be able to run a console app inside gnome-terminal with the selected file06:41
sigger_I'm mounting nfs shares from my Knoppmyth system and I guess that the user/group numbers are different.  Its messing up my ability to access.  Any easy solutions?06:41
shirishMikesHardLinux: wouldn't it make things simpler, if it had some kind of star rating or something so we know which printers work the best, out of box & require minimal stuff to get it working :)06:42
MikesHardLinuxshirish: i search on ubuntuforums and also look at openprinting.org, but I dont know of a realy definitive list of known-working stuff06:42
slosticfliermike if you go to system>admin>printing you can do it from there06:42
FurthuRi got a checksum checker (cfv) through apt-get and i wanna know how I can get it to open the terminal so i can see the output of the program once I click on the checksum file06:42
FurthuRthere isisnt any options to "run in console"06:43
unpersonnoiesmo, Thanks.06:43
noiesmounperson, np envy roks06:43
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FurthuRany ideas?06:43
MikesHardLinuxslosticflier: the problem with that solution is if the driver doesn't like that printer, it may not work. I'm sure there;s a way to use the cli to send something like text that doesn't require any drivers06:43
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shirishslosticflier: the point being if there is a way to communicate to the printer through the command-line, because AFAI understand everything tht we click is nothing but an emulation of the same stuff working through command-line06:43
slosticflierwhat printer are you using?06:43
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slosticflierlet me look06:44
KarlosIIhello, I've installeed gallery 2 nad goto http://localhost/gallery2/ but file is not found, anyone know why? It has not worked since upgrading from ubuntu 6.06, I have apache2 installed and mysql installed, and the ubuntu pkg supposedly presets it up? Any idea why where to start to find the issue?06:44
shirishslosticflier: it's an Epson Stylus photo R23006:44
unpersonnoiesmo, Yeah, I was actually looking at using the repositories from the same guy, but again they want to install the 386 kernel.06:44
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MikesHardLinuxshirish: i honestly don't know how to send something simple like text to a windows shared printer from the commandline, but it's gotta be possible :-)06:45
spektorI've got a problem and was wondering if anyone could help me06:46
sstchurseeking some wireless help:  lspci lists my Atheros card, but iwconfig does not list ath0 anywhere (only lo, eth0, and sit0 all with "no wireless extensions")06:46
KarlosIIspektor, if you tell us what the problem is, then maybe we can help06:46
shirishMikesHardLinux: lol, argh what can I say06:46
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cafuego_sstchur: You need to install the atheros drivers.06:46
FurthuRAnyone knows howto associate a filetype to a console application?06:46
KarlosIIif noone answers then that means noone is smart enough to know the answer06:46
cafuego_sstchur: 'sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)06:46
SluffCan you echo or cat a test files to it???06:47
sstchurcafuego_: I installed madwifi... what more do I need?06:47
sstchurcafuego_:  ah... okay06:47
shirishslosticflier: any luck slosticflier06:47
cafuego_sstchur: The drivers are precomiled for your kernel in that package.06:47
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FurthuRIn a way that running that filetype will open a console with the selected console application06:47
slosticflieri can't find anything on wiki06:47
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cafuego_sstchur: if you built ones by hand, you may need to load the drivers by hand. Using prebuilt is easier I guess.06:47
MikesHardLinuxshirish: LOL. i can do that stuff from msdos so easily, but i still have a lot to learn about using smb on the cli06:47
spektorI've got an old Dell inspiron 2100 and it keeps crashing using the edgy live cd,  I was able to edit the xorg.conf file while it was booting but now it's shutting the sytem when it looks like enabling alsa06:47
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VilhelmsKarlosII, Hey, do you still need help with gallery2?06:47
sstchurcafuego_: I didn't buld anything by hand....06:47
KarlosIIyes Vilhelms06:48
Keitaruhey guys what music player do you guys use to run your media/mp3s on linux06:48
KarlosIIVilhelms: I thought you dc'ed06:48
VilhelmsKarlosII, I did :(06:48
cafuego_KarlosII: Check /etc/apache2/conf.d/gallery206:48
slosticflieris printer hooked to windowsw box?06:48
sstchurcafuego_:  what does the line you gave me do exactly?  installes restricted modules I gather, but what is the -$ and (uname -r ) ?>06:48
VilhelmsKarlosII, Okay, can you get to http://localhost ?06:48
shirishMikesHardLinux: atleast run tht command by me, the msdos one06:48
oljanxWould using python and PyGTK instead of pure C make a huge difference in performance for your run of the mill application, assuming no a lot of number crunching is involved?06:48
cafuego_sstchur: $(uname -r) is replaced with the current kernel version.06:48
shirishslosticflier: yup it's on windows box06:48
sstchurcafuego_:  oh!  well, that's very handy06:49
cafuego_sstchur: aye :-)06:49
slosticflierok let me try something06:49
MikesHardLinuxshirish: the msdos would be simple: echo some text > \\\epson-r230 <---- of course insert the proper ip addres and printer share-name06:49
kungfugoatwell, I finally got fglrx and dual head working with my radeon x140006:49
kungfugoatall is right with the World06:49
cafuego_KarlosII: Does /etc/apache2/conf.d/gallery2 exist? Did you restart apache2 after installation?06:50
LucifelWhat options do I have to add to the fstab entry to get my ext3 volume writable by non-root user?06:50
cafuego_Lucifel: Nothing, you need to set permissions on the filesystem itself.06:50
KarlosIIyes I restarted apache after inst6al, one moment checking for that path06:50
cafuego_apache or apache2?06:50
rangansguys anybody have ethernet adapter disappearing problem with edgy eft automatic upgrade06:50
FurthuRAny of you guys know howto get a console based application to run a certain file... as in it would pop up gnome-terminal and run the program with the file you clicked06:50
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Lucifelcafuego ahh, thank you06:51
KarlosIIcafuego prince@House:/etc/apache2/conf.d$ cd gallery206:51
KarlosIIbash: cd: gallery2: Not a directory06:51
MikesHardLinuxshirish: just wanted to clarify so you know for sure what to type:   echo any text > \\ipaddress\printer's_shared_name06:51
VilhelmsI'm trying to install libwnck-dev as a dependancy for something else but when I try I get the following output: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5879/plain/06:51
shirishMikesHardLinux: so if I get this right it would be echo some text > \\ipaddress\share-name am I getting it right?06:51
MikesHardLinuxshirish: yup06:51
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tom__Any of you able t ohelp me with a small problem i am having?06:52
TrixseyHow do I install something with ant?06:52
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shirishMikesHardLinux: ok atleast I would know what's happening there :)06:52
KarlosIIVilhelms: see my response to cafuego06:52
FurthuRtom__ : Ask your question06:52
MikesHardLinuxshirish: i am sure that wont in linux though, because you are using smb to connect to the printer and that requires extra stuff06:52
KarlosIIawaiting cafuego response06:52
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tom__my question is, how do i download the updates06:53
tom__it asks me for a password06:53
Trixseyso fill it in06:53
tom__i use both the admin and my current ones06:53
SluffYour password.06:53
tom__and it comes with these errors06:53
MikesHardLinuxshirish: actually, you could try it, but i doubt it would work....06:53
Trixseyhow do you log in to the comp then?06:53
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cafuego_KarlosII: file. not directory.06:53
spektoranyone know how to diable alsa on boot for the livecd?06:53
KarlosIIoh sorry06:53
tom__The passwords are correct, ill get you guys the errors06:53
VilhelmsI'm trying to install libwnck-dev as a dependancy for something else but when I try I get the following output: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5879/plain/ What could I do to solve this?06:54
spektorautomagicly Trixsey06:54
KarlosIIcafuego gallery2 -> /etc/gallery2/apache.conf06:54
shirishMikesHardLinux: I understand tht perfectly, sometimes one does have to also do testing on the windows machine, tht command would work for both the printers & I would have an idea what is there :)06:54
slosticflierit's gottbe in samba06:54
KarlosIIseems to be linked06:54
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FurthuRAny of you guys know howto get a console based application to run a certain file... as in it would pop up gnome-terminal and run the program with the file you clicked06:55
shirishslosticflier: we have figured it out tht it is something to do with samba but what, how devil in the details06:55
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tom__"Failed to run /usr/bin/update-manager:child Terminated with 1 status06:55
spektoranyone know how to diable alsa on boot for the livecd? anyone?06:55
nnliu" sudo swapon /dev/sda2" turns on my swap, any1 know how to make my swap partition automatically load?06:55
slosticflieri got the shovel out06:55
KarlosIITom__ enter your password06:55
kungfugoatgetting mediamonkey running under wine was foiled by windows validation06:55
kungfugoatI don't have a single windows machine to validate06:55
cafuego_KarlosII: Yup, that's fine. Is the line 'Alias /gallery2 /usr/share/gallery2' present in that file>06:55
FurthuRspektor : there should be a boot argument for that06:56
SluffA symlink would work also eh?06:56
FurthuRspektor : look at docu06:56
philc_does anyone know if the icons from the human theme are licensed as such where I could use a few of them on a website of mine?06:56
kungfugoatanybody know where I can get a copy of MDAC 2.8?06:56
yell0wFurthuR, what do you mean ?06:56
KarlosIIcafuego yes06:56
tom__This is odd06:57
tom__im using the correct pass06:57
cafuego_KarlosII: Hrm. /usr/share/gallery2 exists?06:57
tom__the one i use to log06:57
MikesHardLinuxshirish: just extra info for possible trouble-shooting. this page has some good info on setting up printing to windows pcs: http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-mini/Debian-and-Windows-Shared-Printing.html06:57
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cafuego_kungfugoat: Yup, #windows ;-)06:57
tom__then i use another, random wrong pass and get the same error06:57
spektorFurthuR: thanks06:57
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slosticflieri got it let me work it out06:58
KarlosIIcafuego ye3s, remember my localhost points to /var/www/06:58
SluffDo you have multiple usernames on the system Tom?06:58
VilhelmsI'm trying to install libwnck-dev as a dependancy for something else but when I try I get the following output: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5879/plain/ What could I do to solve this?06:58
CapRiCoRN^80hi ! any one who has installed ubuntu on sun blade 150 ?06:58
tom__I have the root account, which i named root06:58
cafuego_KarlosII: DoucmentRoot doesn't affect those aliases.06:58
tom__and this user account, which i named tom06:58
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ubotuHave a look here for Docs http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/install/sparc/ KnownIssues and TODO are on the wiki.06:58
cafuego_KarlosII: I'd kill apache with a hammer and start it back up. Also make sure firefox isn't caching a 404 (it can do that).06:58
SluffNot a good idea.06:58
tom__Why not?06:59
SluffRoot already existed.06:59
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KarlosIIyah I've tried  ff from 2 diff comps...k I will kill -906:59
tom__oh damn lol06:59
SluffI guess you probably overwrote it.06:59
tom__shit lol06:59
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SluffI saw a fix for that.  Let me dig it up....06:59
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spektorFurthuR: can't find anything in the ubuntu documentation, any other doc I should refer to?06:59
sstchurcafuego_: so... after installing the restricted modules... what more do I need?  Nothing seems to have changed07:00
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SluffHang on.07:01
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cafuego_sstchur: sudo modprobe ath_pci07:01
shirishMikesHardLinux, slosticflier : guys will just make some tea & then back on :)07:01
cafuego_sstchur: (on reboot, stuff should auto-load)07:01
KarlosIIcafuego dunno if this info is relevant07:02
KarlosIIcafuego apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName07:02
slosticflieri got the command working on the syntax07:02
sstchurcafuego_:  okay, that's kind of what I though... I tried that (forgot the sudo) and the modprobe failed..... I then rebooted, tried it with the sudo, but this time I get module ath_pci not found07:02
KarlosIIjust a fyi07:02
cafuego_KarlosII: shouldn't be07:02
cafuego_sstchur: ghhrrrmmm..07:02
MikesHardLinuxslosticflier: cool. is the command smbclient?07:02
SluffRead the entire thing.  First there is a way to add a password to the root account, then a way on down further how to fix this problem.07:02
KarlosIIcafuego k server restarted07:02
cafuego_sstchur: can you check if 'dpkg -l restricted-modules-$(uname -r);' lists 'em as installed?07:03
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cafuego_Um, with linux- in front too07:03
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slosticflierno lpstat -a will show status of available printers,07:03
slosticflierstill working on test pager07:03
Lukewill someone type the word "fluke" so I can see if my highlight allowes it?07:03
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sstchurcafuego_: I must have screwed up somewhere:  "No packages found matching restricted-modules-2.6.17-11-generic."07:04
KarlosIIcafuego The requested URL /gallery2/ was not found on this server.07:04
KarlosIIApache/2.0.55 (Ubuntu) PHP/4.4.2-1.1 Server07:04
cafuego_sstchur: Ok, retry :-)07:04
Lukesstchur: its called "linux-restructed-modules"07:04
cafuego_KarlosII: Your apache2 is evil.07:04
||drake||how to burn dvds?07:04
KarlosIII agree............07:04
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sstchurLuke: ah... thanks... still verified that they're not installed07:05
shatrat||drake||, use GnomeBaker?07:05
KarlosIIcafuego but ubuntu installed it......07:05
||drake||come default?07:05
Lukesstchur: np - will you type the word "fluke" so i can test my highlights on irc?07:05
KarlosIIcafuego if I can just rest everything to defaults and try again somehow07:05
sstchurthat's it?07:05
Lukesstchur: sweet it worke d- thanks07:05
shatrat||drake||, I dont remember, I bet its in universe repositores at the least though07:06
sstchurglad to help :-)07:06
sstchurno idea what I did07:06
||drake||couldnt find it07:06
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Lukesstchur: it highlights my name whenever someone says it in channel but i was getting highlighted on "fluke" as well as "luke" =D07:06
BHSPitLappyhey all07:06
LukeBHSPitLappy: yea07:06
||drake||fluke luked07:06
sstchurcafuego_:  ok that time it worked, and now knetworkmanager is picking up my wireless07:06
KarlosIIcafuego I've tried completely removing gallery07:06
sstchurcafuego_:  on the freak chance that I don't see wireless when I reboot, what would that mean?  Is it even possible?07:07
Lukenite nite all07:07
KarlosIIcafuegoI could try a complete removal of apache2 and reinstall07:07
BHSPitLappyI have broken dependencies, on a system with no internet access;   It needs these 7 packages, which I've obtained manually and have on a disk, but I don't know how to tell it to use them.07:07
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BHSPitLappyI can't install them manually, since I can't install ANYTHING (broken packages)07:07
tom__Sluff, you there?07:08
KarlosIIBHSP sudo dpkg -i "name of dir" make sure you are in the dir with the pkg07:08
SluffYes Tom.07:08
KarlosIIerr "name of file"07:08
tom__yeah, it said use the pass of my current user as sudo pass07:08
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tom__but its like, not working >.<07:08
SluffYeah after you fix the problems you created by creating a root user.07:09
kungfugoatok, got MDAC07:09
KarlosIIdid u enter a password at setup tom?07:09
slosticfliersyntax is lp -d (printername) filename07:09
kungfugoatMDAC now requires IE 407:09
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tom__karlos, i created a user called "Root" which seems to have overridden the actuall root user07:09
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KarlosIIcafuego, wondering if your still able to help?07:09
KarlosIITom_ oh geesh07:10
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tom__mabey i should just re install07:10
SluffIt should tell you how to remove that user and create one correctly.  It's all about access really.07:10
KarlosIIjust reinstall its easier07:10
eshaasedoes ubuntu use .deb files for its packages?07:10
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KarlosIIless time07:10
BHSPitLappyKarlosII: heh, I didn't expect it to install.07:10
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cafuego_KarlosII: phone07:10
MikesHardLinuxslosticflier: do you think that will also work on a printer shared from a win98 box? maybe lp -d \\\printer_name file_name07:10
tom__Windoze has made me stupidider07:10
BHSPitLappyeshaase: yeah07:10
KarlosIIcafuego oh ok sorry :)07:10
slosticfliermines shared to a 98 box07:10
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SluffTom.  Hang on...07:10
VilhelmsI just installed Avant but the icon for the current selected window is always missing, until I select another window and then the one that was missing comes back and the other one dissapears. What could be the problem?07:10
slosticflierchecking it now07:11
MikesHardLinuxslosticflier: to or from?07:11
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noodles12how come vnc has a slower visual refresh rate than using windows remote desktop/07:11
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eshaaseBHSPitLappy: so whats this complaint i remember reading about that ubuntu's packages are incompatible with debian's07:11
MikesHardLinuxnoodles12, have you tried adjusting compression settings for vnc?07:11
slosticflierok here it is:07:12
kungfugoatnooslwa12: forget vnc07:12
noodles12MikesHardLinux: i don't knwo hwo to do that.... >.<.07:12
slosticflieryou print from directory file is in07:12
BHSPitLappyeshaase: no clue, I've used debian packages.07:12
SluffI see the dilemna now Tom.07:12
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slosticflierlp filename07:12
kungfugoatuse either X tunnelled through SSH or freenx07:12
SluffYOu need access to add a user.07:12
yustaguyExcuse any breach of etiquette...but live ubuntu cd's won't run on my XP machine. I suspect DEP. Is there a way around that? Thanks for any help07:12
tom__yeah lol07:12
noodles12MikesHardLinux: i just set-up tightvnc on the windows machine and used vncviewer to connect.07:13
slosticflierjust tested it, I can here printer spooling07:13
SluffNeither account, or any account you made can get by the ?07:13
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tom__well, when i try to log onto the user called Rott in the login screen07:13
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tom__it says "This user cannot login from here" or somthing along those lines07:14
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slosticfliermikes_hard did you get that>07:14
MikesHardLinuxslosticflier: shirish has an epson R230 on a win98 box, and wants to access it from an ubuntu box. it doesn't seem that lp filename would work?07:14
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slosticflierthe printer here is hooked up to a 98 box, works fine07:15
MikesHardLinuxnoodles12: tightvnc has a setting fro compression somewhere in there that will affect the speed. I havent used it in a while....07:15
noodles12MikesHardLinux: would i be changing it on the server or clientside?07:15
slosticflierUbuntu is oodles easier to set up network printers on07:15
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MikesHardLinuxnoodles12: on the client side. i know it sounds weird, but it works :-)07:16
Dr_willisslosticflier,  i agree with you there.07:16
tom__Sluff, im going to reinstall ok, ill be right back ^^_07:16
dabaRMikesHardLinux: has shirish tried adding the printer through the gnome-cups-add dialog?07:16
dynamicrefluxanyone have any idea why my colors are distorted in Mplayer when viewing content07:16
dynamicrefluxseems to have a purple hue07:16
dabaRtom__: What is your issue?07:16
MikesHardLinuxslosticflier, it isn't so much that as much as there is no guarantee that the R230 is even supported, since it isnt listed as being supported07:16
slosticflierI took me forever to get windows to print to it, took me 2 sec on this07:17
slosticflierahh i see, does he have the driver?07:17
tom__I think i over wrote the root account and cant downlaod updates because my passwords always wrong07:17
shirishMikesHardLinux:  slosticflier dabaR: hi guys i'm back :)07:17
dabaRtom__: no need to reinsatll.07:17
TrixseyI can't get Samba to work. I try to connect to my Vista machine and I get prompted for user/pw.. I tried inputting both user/pw for my "root"/admin in Vista..then I tried another account I made specifically for this.. neither works07:17
TrixseySorry, couldn't display all the contents of "Windows Network: server".07:17
TrixseyI get this after 3-4 failed attempts07:17
MikesHardLinuxi was just giving shirish some possible trouble-shooting tips in case the regular install didn't work07:17
SluffOKay Tom.07:17
dabaRtom__: So, open a terminal, and type sudo ls, then see whether your password works.07:17
haarycan anyone recommend a current and cheap notebook that works with Linux?07:17
glokanyone have a suggestion ... stumped on why samba works from one xp box but not another, using same xp account/pwd07:17
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VilhelmsI just installed Avant but the icon for the current selected window is always missing, until I select another window and then the one that was missing comes back and the other one disapears. What could be the problem?07:17
slosticfliershirish, do you have the driver for your printer?07:18
dabaRhaary: http://system76.com/07:18
SluffJust create a user for yourself.  ANd you should be fine.07:18
dabaRglok: did you add a machine account for the machine?07:18
shirishslosticflier: from what MikesHardLinux has been telling me, the R200 series is okish, don't know if there is one written for the R230 specifically07:18
tom__Tom is not in the sudouseres list. This incident will be reported07:18
davidok i got my wallpapper woring ing in fluxbox but how do save it so idont have to run the root command evey time i start FB07:19
dynamicrefluxanyone have any idea why my colors are distorted in Mplayer when viewing content07:19
TrixseyGive me suggestions!07:19
TrixseySave me!07:19
glokdabar, i have put the new machine into hosts.allow ... didn't see what adding a machine accnt means07:19
glokwhat command?07:19
SluffWhoa.  He;s being reported.07:19
dabaRglok: see help for smbpasswd07:19
MikesHardLinuxshirish: one thing I found that may help if the add printer thing doesn't work is from the cli you can list all the shares from the windows box like this: smbclient -L . At least you'll know your computer "sees" the shares07:19
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SluffSee any black helicopters yet? ):07:19
tom__>.< thats bad right07:19
Trixseyhelp me!!07:19
TrixseyHelp me!! :'(07:19
glokdabar oic - i am using the same xp account on the boxes btwn what works and doesn't -07:20
SluffNOt really. :)07:20
tom__oh ok lol07:20
shirishMikesHardLinux: what is ?07:20
dabaRtom__: restart the computer, and press escape to get to the grub menu. select rescue mode, and it will get you to a root prompt. At it, type adduser tom admin. then restart, and voila. Do you understand?07:20
TrixseySave me!! :'(07:20
dynamicrefluxshoot no one knows how to fix mplayer?07:20
glokso if the accnt on linux was created for one machine, now i use it off another machine - should that work or no?07:20
dabaRTrixsey: don't do that, please.07:20
MikesHardLinuxshirish: put the ip address of the windows box in there07:20
dabaRtom__: good luck.07:20
BHSPitLappyto fix my broken dependencies, I still need to remove one package (musixtex-slurps), but I can't remove it.  It errors out.07:21
haarydabaR: Thanks. But I'm afraid they don't have resell rartners in Europe...07:21
ardchoilledynamicreflux: I can only suggest chaning the video driver within mplayer and see if that helps.07:21
dynamicrefluxhow does one do that ardchoille07:21
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SluffIt is his root account that is hosed.  Can you adduser root admin to fix it?07:21
dabaRhaary: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops :)07:21
shirishMikesHardLinux: ok will do, although I'm able to see the hdd of networked comps, but not the printer :(07:21
SluffMaybe after you remove the non-admin'd root.07:22
slosticflierthe command will work once the printer is set up,07:22
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dabaRglok: there is this concept of a machine account. read the help for smbpasswd07:22
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ardchoilledynamicreflux: Open mplayer, right-click the main window, choose Preferences, go to the Video tab and choose a different video driver. This has sometimes helped me fix things.07:22
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dynamicrefluxthanks man07:22
MikesHardLinuxshirish: are you sure those comps are sharing a printer? if so, then that is strange07:22
glokdabar, ok thanks i missed that concept, will check it out07:22
haarydabaR: Thanks again07:22
slosticflierbut there has to be 100 printers on the epson list, and you have the one that isn't there07:23
Keitaruhow do you install .svg files aka dock07:23
shirishMikesHardLinux: yup I'm sure, but still will re-check them again when I visit his place in the evening07:23
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Trixsey<Trixsey> I can't get Samba to work. I try to connect to my Vista machine and I get prompted for user/pw.. I tried inputting both user/pw for my "root"/admin in Vista..then I tried another account I made specifically for this.. neither works07:23
Trixsey<Trixsey> Sorry, couldn't display all the contents of "Windows Network: server".07:23
Trixsey<Trixsey> I get this after 3-4 failed attempts07:23
Trixsey<Trixsey> Ideas?07:23
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kungfugoatI can't believe I have to install office 2000 just to get mediamonkey to work under wine07:24
MikesHardLinuxslosticflier: ya! LOL!! that's my problem with wireless nics. I always end up with an atheros nic, and have never set one up atheros sucessfully in linux :-(07:24
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shirishMikesHardLinux: from any windows box, in the CLI I just need to type echo some text \\ipaddress\printer's shared name right?07:24
Pie-rateis there a good utility to change Vorbis .ogg file properties (like genre, artist)07:24
dabaRTrixsey: please keep your question in one line, or paste to pastebin, and link here.07:24
ardchoillePie-rate: Try easytag07:25
MikesHardLinuxshirish: yes07:25
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ubotueasytag: viewing, editing and writing ID3 tags. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.99.12-1 (edgy), package size 748 kB, installed size 2428 kB07:25
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plex0rcan anyone help me with beryl?07:25
MikesHardLinuxshirish: you forgot the >07:25
dynamicrefluxardchoille, im not seeing anything in reference to a video driver07:25
chris_does anyone here in Ubuntu use Yakuake?07:25
ardchoilledynamicreflux: Are you in the video tab?07:25
MikesHardLinuxshirish: echo some text > \\ip_address\printer_share_name07:25
shirishMikesHardLinux: my mistake lol :P its direction pipe07:25
dynamicrefluxthis is the DEFUALT movie player ardchoille07:25
slosticfliershirish, try installing the generic stylus photo and see if that works07:26
ardchoilledynamicreflux: YEs, the one installed from the Ubuntu repos07:26
dynamicrefluxthere is general / display / audio07:26
MikesHardLinuxshirish: that's a nice simple trouble-shooting step because it doesn't require any driver07:26
dynamicrefluxunder display, there is no video driver07:26
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plex0ri installed beryl and it installed fine and it runs, but it looks distroted and green07:26
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ardchoilledynamicreflux: You need to go to the "Video" tab07:26
dynamicrefluxthere is no "video" tab07:26
dynamicrefluxi think u are using a different prog07:27
shirishslosticflier: the drivers & stuff come much l8ter for me, right now I'm looking for a simple one-line command so tht I can talk to the printer07:27
ardchoilledynamicreflux: Did you right-click and choose properties?07:27
Pie-rateardchoille: it has a dependency of libvorbisfile3, will libvorbisfile3 just work with rhythmbox?07:27
cry0xchris_: I have it installed and use it frequently07:27
shirishslosticflier: something similar to what MikesHardLinux told me about the windows one07:27
ardchoillePie-rate: no idea07:27
plex0ri installed beryl and it installed fine and it runs, but it looks distroted and green07:27
dynamicrefluxyes sure did07:27
chris_cryox you're using Ubuntu?07:27
shirishslosticflier: if tht works then one can try getting a better printer driver :)07:27
stylusslosticflier, :P07:28
MikesHardLinuxshirish: I gotta do some homework. I hope you get the printers going without any problems!07:28
plex0ri installed beryl and it installed fine and it runs, but it looks distroted and green07:28
stylusYou cannot install me!07:28
dynamicrefluxwait, ardchoille, what am i right clicking on07:28
dynamicrefluxi dont understand where this properties thing is07:28
slosticflierok this will tell you if your box see's the printer07:28
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slosticflierlpstas -a07:28
KarlosIIcafuego I will come back later I ned to get some sleep07:28
ardchoilledynamicreflux: You should right click on the mplayer main window07:28
dynamicrefluxthis is "totem movie player"07:28
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slosticflierlpstat -a07:28
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dynamicrefluxunless totem isnt what i should be using07:28
plex0ri installed beryl and it installed fine and it runs, but it looks distroted and green07:28
ardchoilledynamicreflux: Well, that isn't mplayer, now is it?07:28
dynamicreflux<- idiot, ardchoille07:29
shirishslosticflier: ok will try tht one also :)07:29
dynamicrefluxwell, is totem any good or should i trash it07:29
TrixseyThank you for your advice, dabaR. I have now prepared a text on mathbin. You may find it at: http://www.mathbin.net/803607:29
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ardchoille22:20:19 < dynamicreflux> shoot no one knows how to fix mplayer?07:29
KarlosIIcafuego k07:29
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)07:29
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dynamicrefluxwhy the heck does it say Mplayer in my apps bar, and it brings totem then07:29
ardchoilledynamicreflux: I was answering your question pertaining to fixing mplayer, why am I an idiot for doing that?07:30
dynamicrefluxi am07:30
dynamicrefluxim the idiot07:30
slosticflierif that doesn't work, use add printer wizard (it takes 1 min)  look for the name of the box the printer is hooked to07:30
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dabaRTrixsey: what about checking whether your users are allowed to log in remotely, is there such a thing in vista?07:30
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slosticflierthen if it has a printer listed, your box see's it07:30
dynamicrefluxah i got it now07:31
dynamicrefluxthanks ardchoille07:31
ardchoilledynamicreflux: IMHO, tote is the worst media player on the planet. MPlayer, however, ROCKS!07:31
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davidhow do i save my Esetroot settings?07:32
shirishslosticflier: wouldn't lpstat -p would be better?07:32
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davidin fluxbox07:32
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chris_cry0x did you check out Tilda?07:32
ubmI think i have found a problem with fluxbox running on the latest ubuntu build. When i launched nautilus from xterm as root it shutdown fluxbox and my background changed back to default as in what you see during login... anyone else experience this issue?07:32
slosticfliereither one works07:32
dynamicrefluxis very very unstable07:32
cry0xchris_ no, is it similar?07:32
cry0xI use gnome so I don't really like having and kde apps installed07:33
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cry0xso I use aterm more often07:33
chris_unstable how? it is working perfectly for me07:33
chris_check out Tilda.07:33
chris_does the same thing07:33
chris_only it's better07:33
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shirishslosticflier: ok will try all tht one by one, this is installed by default when ur using CUPS or something else has to be installed?07:33
davidmy backgroud doeosn't stay either after i restart fluxbox07:34
shirishslosticflier: I meant the lpstat command07:34
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slosticflierlpstat -a or -p will show printers that your box see's07:34
ubmdavid have you tried running nautilus as sudo from xterm?07:34
ubmsee if it kills fluxbox on your machine07:34
davidno not yet07:35
slosticflierbut if your network settings aren't set up for it, the easiest way is to use the wizard07:35
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ubmplease let me know if it does because this could be very very bad07:35
shirishslosticflier: ok cool, will try them, thnx for all the help :)07:35
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ardchoilleubm: First of all, never run a GUI app with sudo, you need to use gksudo for GUI apps. Secondly, nautilus manages the desktop and if you run nautilus, it will change the desktop bg and disable any other menus for other window managers.07:35
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MyGhetekhow do i enable dhcp on interface eth0 in command line?07:36
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slosticflieranyone here install kaffeine 0.8.3?07:37
TrixseydabaR, when connecting to another computer, do you use an account on the computer you are connecting TO? Or do you use an account on the computer you are connected FROM, configured to be accepted by the target machine?07:37
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dabaRconnecting to, Trixsey07:37
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TrixseyThen this should be working!07:38
dabaRif you want to connect to your home computer from its keyboard, you use that computer's login07:38
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ubmardchoille yes you are correct when you say that, but why does nautilus do this is my question.. thanks for your response.07:38
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dabaRTrixsey: read a little, I am busy atm. http://forums.microsoft.com/TechNet/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=1175590&SiteID=1707:38
ardchoilleubm: Because nautilus, by default, manages the desktop when it runs. If you use Fluxbox and use run nautilus, it will change the desktop bg and disable FLuxbox's desktop menus.07:39
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ubmardchoille is there a way for me to bring up xterm or do i need to reboot?07:39
ubmi want to restart fluxbox07:40
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ed1thow much space does a new ubuntu installation takes?07:40
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SluffCD says 2 gb.07:40
ardchoilleubm: No need to reboot. You can simply CTRL+ALT+BCKSPC to restart X and log in again. But, you need to learn how to disable nautilus' management of the desktop. I'll show yo how to do that when you're logged back in.07:41
ubmardchoille you are the shiznic my man thank you so much!07:41
ardchoilleubm: You're welcome :)07:41
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dynamicrefluxardchoille: what is the best option for watching embedded .mpg's in firefox07:43
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ubmardchoille i'm back and I patiently await your response.07:44
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davidno that dint work when i resarted fluxbox no background07:44
ardchoilleubm: Ok, hold on..07:45
ardchoilledynamicreflux: No idea, I don't allow videos in web browsers.07:45
hasrat_usai need some help really badly! :(07:45
dynamicrefluxhrm interesting, alright07:45
hasrat_usai'm using a ubuntu live CD and chatting from Gaim right now07:45
hasrat_usaand i want to know wheather or not it will support my nVIDIA geforce card after i install it to my HDD07:46
davidit should07:46
cry0xchris_ tilda seems okay, what key do you use as your hotkey?07:46
davidi have a geforce and no probs07:46
ardchoilleubm: http://rafb.net/p/iCjhsj74.html07:46
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SluffShould look exactly the same as it does now.07:46
davidtry automatix to get right 3d drivers for it07:47
hasrat_usaand also, i used to have only a NTFS partition (size: 160 GB) and XP was installed on that. now how do i create two seperate partitions (one for swap and another for linux file system) out of this 160 GB space? i don't want to lose windows XP. i wanna dual boot07:47
ardchoilleubm: After you have done that, launching nautilus should not change anything when it runs.07:47
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=== ardchoille hands cry0x a "/"
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cry0xthanks, but no thanks. Had this highlighted instead of my terminal07:48
ardchoillecry0x: hehe07:49
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hasrat_usahow can i make a free space out of this 160 GB partition without affecting windows XP?07:50
hasrat_usai have GParted right in front of me07:50
SluffWhen you install there is an option to repartition your drive to add space.07:51
hasrat_usaok and?07:51
hasrat_usawould that do harm to windows XP?07:51
ubmardchoille that's the winning ticket! It worked like a charm and all is well. :)07:51
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SluffIn theory. no...07:51
ardchoilleubm: W00T!07:51
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hasrat_usaokay sluff thanks a lot by the way when i install, four options come up regarding partitioning. exactly which one should i go for?07:52
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ardchoilleubm: iirc, fluxbox has a run dialog.. I think it comes up with ALT+F207:52
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ubmyeah well at least i have enough humility 'being a humble' person to ask questions and not give up and never give back in to M$.07:52
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regresshow can I change the installation dir synaptic uses?07:52
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ardchoilleubm: You can use that even if your menus are borked.07:52
unpersonWhat is the proposed repository?07:52
tom__ /wrists07:52
ardchoilleubm: That's very wise of you ;)07:53
unpersonI have some idea what backports is.07:53
amonkeyduring bootup, the loading bar hangs for a good minute for something, how can i find out what it is?07:53
SluffShould be one something like repartition from free space.  I can't remember exact words.07:53
dabaRhasrat_usa: you should resize right in the installer. there is an option for that. Always back up important data before doing things to your hard disk, like this partitioning, it is 99.9, or some high percentage safe, but you do not want to the the 0.01, do you?07:53
variantamonkey: it sounds like dhcp, do you use dhcp to get an ip address?07:53
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variantSluff: gparted07:53
tom__damit, i get update manager working to be told i need to download a new ubuntu coz im Out of date07:53
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ardchoilletom__: Which Ubuntu are you using?07:54
SluffI was going to mention that.  There is always the chance this could wipe your windows.07:54
varianttom__: what does lsb-release -a say?07:54
tom__ahahaa lol wait a sec07:54
ardchoilletom__: lsb_release -a07:54
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regresshow can I change the installation dir synaptic uses- is it an easy google question?07:55
tom__lsb n\a release 5.04, code name horay07:55
hasrat_usashould i go for ext3 journaling system?07:55
ardchoilletom__: The current stable is Edgy (6.10)07:56
variantregress: well, you could symlink it to another directory. there may be an official way to do it but that will have the same affect and wont cause any problems07:56
tom__i orded a cd ages ago07:56
regressusing Edgy in case that's important07:56
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SluffIs that the default?07:56
tom__like AGES ago07:56
regressthat would be nice07:56
zcrxsir88can someone help me with a Ubuntu dual boot question!!?!?!07:56
regressmy hd is too full now, trying to put it on a different partition07:56
variantregress: by installation dir do you mean where the programs are installed to or where it downloads the packages to?07:56
ardchoilletom__: I would imagine that ShipIt is backed up, given the popularity of Ubuntu.07:56
tom__would it help if i downlaod the updates07:56
regressvariant, both would be nice07:56
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tom__would it update me to the next stable version?07:57
ardchoilletom__:  you on DSL?07:57
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tom__yeah, broadband07:57
tom__NZ lol07:57
Sluffdownload image file.07:57
zcrxsir88anyone there?!07:57
ardchoilletom__: You can download the latest and burn it: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/GetUbuntu/download?action=show&redirect=download07:57
regressso would symlinking kill the programs I have installed already?07:57
variantregress: well, if you have a spare partition you can move the larger directories out to the spare and symlink it.. for example /usr/share is pretty big normaly so mv /usr/share /media/sparepartition/ && ln -s /media/sparepartition /usr/share07:57
Atom-zcrxsir88 just ask your question07:57
tom__if its an iso then what can i sue 2 burn it07:58
amonkeyvariant, thats what i thought too. yes i do use dhcp, how can i disable it trying to find a dhcp address on boot?07:58
variantregress: no07:58
regressah, that's a nice command, hehe07:58
ardchoilletom__: I believe nautilus can burn an ISO as an image07:58
regressI'll give it a try07:58
variantamonkey: well, if your using dhcp then you should leave it.. otherwise you wont be able to connect to the net?07:58
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Sluffdoubleclicking file should let you burn an ISO image.07:58
ardchoilletom__: see what Sluff just said ^^07:58
varianttom__: just burn it and it will chose how to do it auto07:59
tom__So why exactly is MS stil lable to sell windows, Linux seems so much better, seriously, doubt Explorer can burn iso07:59
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zcrxsir88Ok. So I have a 120 GB HD, 60 GB is Win XP, Remainder is Ubuntu (on it now ;)...  But Grub isnt showing that I have XP installed.  How do I get to dual boot.  Right now it defaults to Ubuntu Since I just installed it!07:59
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elyon225tom__: Windows has a much larger marketing budget :)07:59
variant!dualboot | zcrxsir8807:59
ubotuzcrxsir88: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)07:59
ardchoilletom__: Windows is still around?! ;)07:59
SluffAnd Satanic influences. :)07:59
elyon225tom__: Most people I even MENTION Linux to have no idea what it is.07:59
stonarmusicanyone know how to change the date format in 'Evolution' to us-style?07:59
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amonkeyvariant, it's a laptop. i don't want it grabbing dhcp at boot anyway.07:59
elyon225Sluff: That too.07:59
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ardchoilleSluff: hehe08:00
variantamonkey: hmm, it might not even be that thats causing the problem.. i beleive during boot you can press escape or something to disable the ubuntu splash screen08:00
variantamonkey: or boot with nofb in grub options08:00
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stonarmusicwhen i try to set the exception for recurrances it comes up 14/02/07 instead of 02/14/0708:01
tom__MS should seriously start giving up, whats better 600 or so Private workers working on a behemothof an os, or thousands, an entire community working on certian Distros08:01
variantamonkey: that way you will see for sure whats causing the problem before we go disableing anything08:01
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tom__oh well, one day =P08:01
dabaRtom__: worked?08:01
=== Sluff concurs.
varianttom__: true, but !offtopic08:01
davidive also tryed fbsetbg and it still dosent save backgroud perminantly08:01
variantdavid: you are using fluxbox?08:01
nrdbHi, I am using the C command "ioctl(cdrom,CDROMEJECT,0)" to open the CD ROM tray, if there is no CD in the drive the command returns an error and errno is 5 indicating an 'IO error'.  Am I doing something wrong ?08:01
ardchoilletom__: Well, If M$ employed intelligence, then Windows wouldn't be the crap it is to begin with.08:02
elyon225tom__: I'm not even sure MS knows about Linux... haven't seen a Linux version of IE yet ;)08:02
tom__oh right, so back on topic08:02
dabaRtom__: did you get your sudo back?08:02
ardchoilleoops, yeah, ot.. I'll shutup now.08:02
amonkeyvariant, nofb, perfect. thanks08:02
tom__Doubt MS would make IE 4 Linux, any way, why would ya want it lol08:02
variantdavid: it's been so long since i used flux, you mighth ave to set it int he configfile08:02
tom__yeah i got sudo ^^_08:02
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zcrxsir88Ok, so that help file for dual boot didnt really help. I have both OS's installed.  I need help getting Grub working properly!08:02
dabaRtom__: you were gonna reinstall:P08:02
zcrxsir88so that I can dual boot08:02
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tom__i ahve to download the latest version of ubuntu08:02
variantzcrxsir88: it tells you how to do it in that help file08:03
tom__becuase im using 5.0408:03
dabaR!upgrade > tom__08:03
davidill try that thanks08:03
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tom__so im D/Ling it now08:03
SluffYour fine Tom.  It's your Ubuntu that's outdated. :)08:03
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chiefbearclawlo everyone08:03
dabaRtom__: see private message from ubotu. You can upgrade from this version to the newest.08:03
dabaRtom__: one version at a time:)08:03
zcat[1] !i81508:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i815 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:04
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tom__oh well, i started DLing, its only gona take08:04
tom__2 and a half hrs08:04
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ardchoilletom__: upgrading from where you are to Edgy would likely take longer than downloading Edgy anyway.08:05
SluffThat's not terrible.08:05
sivikhow do i set the suders to ask for a password evertime i do a command wtih sudo08:05
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sivikhow do i set sudoers so it always asks for a password when doing a command as sudo08:06
variantsivik: use te visudo command08:06
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sivikvariant: but i don't know what i need to add08:06
variantsivik: we heard you the first time. please dont repeat your self liket hat08:06
sivikvariant, well, no one answered me08:07
ardchoillevariant: He'll need the proper syntax to enter into viduso08:07
sivikvariant, i tried something before and its not working08:07
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tom__sooo, does ubunto come with a C compiler08:07
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sivikardchoille, thanks, thats what i'm trying to figure out, what i need to add the the visudo so it works correctly08:07
variantsivik: i actualy don't know the exact part of the config that specifies the timeout..08:07
siviktom__, no you have to add it08:07
tom__aww well08:07
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siviktom__, gcc08:08
varianttom__: apt-get install build-essential08:08
siviktom__, or build-essential08:08
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tom__ok, thanks08:08
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siviktom__ yw08:08
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sivikardchoille, do you know what the syntax needs to look like?08:09
zcrxsir88 hmmm. will dual booting with Ubuntu work since my windows part is NTFS????08:09
ardchoillesivik: I just saw it on the forums, searching for it now..08:09
sivikzcrxsir88, yes08:09
sivikardchoille, ok, just send me the link when you find it08:09
sivikzcrxsir88, grub is able to read ntfs so it will work08:10
sivikzcrxsir88, thats how i boot my desktop08:10
zcrxsir88ok, well its not seeing my windows part08:10
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tom__<3 auzzie servers08:10
sivikzcrxsir88, does ubuntu see it after you load it08:10
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variantsivik: he doesn't know what you mean08:11
zcrxsir88after I installed Ubuntu all it see's is Ubuntu08:11
racarrAnyone have any advice on resizing an LVM ext3 partition?08:11
ardchoillesivik: You looking for a longer sudo timeout?08:11
sivikzcrxsir88, does it not appear when you do a df -l08:11
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ytooxhi, how do I stop and resume metalinks with aria2?08:11
sivikardchoille, shorter08:11
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sivikardchoille, i want it to ask me all the time, not every few minutes08:11
zcrxsir88didnt try that...08:11
zcrxsir88do i type that command in Grub?08:11
sivikzcrxsir88, you should be able to see the parition08:11
sivikzcrxsir88, you will have to go in and edit your menu.lst file to make it work correctly08:12
sivikardchoille, does that make sense?08:12
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variantracarr: you should be able to use resize2fs08:12
ardchoillesivik: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=229309&highlight=sudo+timeout08:12
PygmyBaldEagleAnyone know about winex3?08:12
sivikardchoille, thanks08:12
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siviki will check it out08:12
ardchoillesivik: I think timeout=0 makes it to ask every time.08:12
racarrvariant: I do not think so...it is not a partition with a file system it is a partition being used as a volume in a group08:12
sivikardchoille, thats what i did, but it doesn't seem to work08:12
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variantracarr: hmm, yeah sorry. do you have e2fsadm installed?08:13
variantracarr: check08:13
zcrxsir88no i dont see it if i do the df -l command08:13
ardchoillesivik: :(08:13
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zcrxsir88I know that if I rewrite my MBR ill auto boot back into windows though :)08:13
PygmyBaldEagleCan anyone help me with winex3?08:13
sivikardchoille, timeout=0 in the file doesn't work08:13
racarrvariant: I don't think e2fsadm exists for lvm2, apt-file search indicates that no installable package contains it08:13
ardchoillesivik: Here are some more http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=1460249608:14
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variantracarr: seems to be good instructions here: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/extendlv.html08:14
quaaldoes anyone use azureus ?08:14
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ardchoillesivik: It's not timeout=, it's passwd_timeout=08:14
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sivikardchoille, yeah, i saw that now08:14
variantracarr: this might be more appropriate actualy: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-lvm-maintainers/2005-August/000174.html08:15
racarrvariant: Need to shrink, and the tool it mentions e2fsadm doesn't exist for08:15
ardchoillesivik: Please let me know if that works for you08:15
variantracarr: check that next link08:15
ardchoilleI may do it myself08:15
zcrxsir88any thoughts?08:15
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siviksudoers file: syntax error, line 9 and i added passwd_timeout=008:15
sivikardchoille, for some reason its not saving it08:16
ardchoillesivik: Did you add that in the "Defaults" section?08:16
racarrvariant: Looking in to it thanks08:16
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PygmyBaldEagleLooking for some help with winex308:17
sivikardchoille, yes08:17
sivikardchoille, same error08:17
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zcrxsir88is there a file i can edit for grub to input the boot for windows or something?08:17
ardchoillesivik: I haven't been able to get it to work either.08:17
sivikzcrxsir88, yes, its called menu.lst08:17
sivikin the /boot/grub folder08:17
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defrysk /boot/grub/menu.lst08:18
sivikardchoille, it seems to be fubared08:18
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sivikdefrysk, i just told him08:18
david_nope didnt work just acted like i never touched the config fill for fluxbox style twice configuration08:19
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sivikardchoille, thats why i wish someone that has done it would respond08:19
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RaidenCXso will creating a partition from a logical one erase data or something?08:19
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ardchoillesivik: You might post in the forums and ask for the exact syntax.. stating what you have tried and what errors you received. Te ubuntuforums.org is quite awesome.08:19
sivikardchoille, yeah, i use it all the time, i just couldn't ever find anything about it for some reason, it would return no search results08:20
ardchoillesivik: Make a new post :)08:20
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PygmyBaldEaglecan anyone give me a hand with winex308:21
RaidenCXpygmy, whats the query08:21
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PygmyBaldEagleWell, I suppose my problem is more with xlibs08:22
=== nonix4 ponders... current h/w finally breaking down after 9 years of 24/7 +50% oc use... what kind of new hardware should he choose (esp. video cards)?
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sivikardchoille, i just posted in that area08:22
ardchoillenonix4: For video cards, I'd stick with nVidia08:22
siviknow i get to wait for a reply08:22
nonix4ardchoille: they didn't exist back when I last upgraded :)08:22
ardchoillesivik: URL?08:22
RaidenCXso will creating a partition from a logical one erase data or something?08:22
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ardchoillenonix4: Oh, ok08:23
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XuckAnyone here give out bnc's?08:23
siviki would concur with ardchoille stay nvidia, they work better and have better support for linux than ati until amd starts releasing open source drivers08:23
bozo_I have a stupid question: is there a channel for feisty testing?08:23
siviki just added a reply08:23
ardchoillebozo_: #ubuntu+108:23
sivik#ubuntu+1 is always the channel for the test version08:24
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PygmyBaldEagleI was able to get winex3 installed, but when I tried to execute the setup file I wanted to open, it gave me a x11 error08:24
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sivikPygmyBaldEagle, is that a new version of wine or something?08:24
PygmyBaldEagleas far as I know it's an older version08:24
erlingreHello I'm working on a small bash script and want to create a message in X. xmessage is very crude do I have any alternative for Ubuntu/Gnome that is installed by default?08:24
furryballsIs there a way to search vbulletin forums for words with brackets in them? Like for example searching for "[word] "?08:25
nonix4ardchoille: Upgraded the h/w that is... software on the other hand... I tend to run bleeding edge kernels, thus blobs / binary drivers are mostly unacceptable. How good are the opensource drivers for those cards these days?08:25
PygmyBaldEagleThey changed the name08:25
RaidenCXpygmy, try updating and exporting xlib files from a working sys08:25
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sivikPygmyBaldEagle, what are you trying to run?08:25
PygmyBaldEagleI'm trying to setup The Wheel of Time from cdrom08:26
sivikPygmyBaldEagle, like what software are you going to run with it08:26
varianterlingre: there is a gnome/kde version, i forget the name though08:26
PygmyBaldEagleI plan on running it with winex08:26
sivikPyromancer, i would check out wine, they probably support it08:26
varianterlingre: probably gtk-message or soemthing simmilar08:26
sivikPygmyBaldEagle, why old software?08:26
PygmyBaldEagleBecause I don't want to pay the 15 dollar subscription fee for the new stuff08:26
ardchoillenonix4: I have used nvidia drivers on 5 distros and never had a problem. The ones in the Ubuntu repos are easy to install.08:26
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sivikPygmyBaldEagle, wine doesn't charge for anything, at least that i can find08:26
sivikPygmyBaldEagle, now Cedega does, but wine doesn't08:26
ardchoillenonix4: I tried ATI drivers once, it was a nightmare.08:27
PygmyBaldEagleWhere are you looking at wine08:27
sivikwinehq.com and the winehq channel08:27
sivikPygmyBaldEagle, #winehq08:27
amonkeyif when i closed vlc the music continued to play, and killall vlc doesn't do anything, how can i force everything to let go of my soundcard (hw mixing ftw)08:27
siviknot trying to advertise for the channel, just letting him know about it.  I don't want to get into trouble08:27
erlingrevariant: I have used something in the past, but can't remember the name. I don't think it is called something ovious as I hve alredy tried for any combination of g[tk]  and message, etc.. :(08:28
sivikamonkey, do a ps aux and search for vlc, and then do a kill processnumber that you fround from ps aux08:28
ardchoillesivik: No problem in pointing some that way to help them with an issue :)08:28
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PygmyBaldEagleThanks, I'll take a look at that08:28
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varianterlingre: ask in gnome on irc.gimp.net08:28
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thekidrioamonkey: ps aux | grep vlc08:28
sivikardchoille, just wanted to make sure08:28
sparrmy firefox is giving me weird cursors...  a blue pointer, a very tall hand for links, a blue cursor with a spinning clock while loading.  very surprising, very annoying.  what might have done that and how do i fix it?08:28
erlingrevariant: okay, thanks08:28
sivikamonkey, what thekidrio said works as well, and then do a kill to the process number of anything with vlc08:28
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thekidrioor killall -9 vlc08:29
thekidriobut thats lazy hehe08:29
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sivikamonkey, or just restart your gui08:29
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sivikthekidrio, what does the -9 do?08:29
amonkeythekidrio, sivik, ah, it08:29
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amonkey's name is actually wxvlc08:29
sivikamonkey, its also better to kill the process number08:29
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anutHow should I make Ubuntu recognize my secondary hard disk as storage?  It didn't give me the option of setting up an LVM or anything at install, and I didn't feel like manually poking about in the partition table.08:30
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amonkeysivik, why?08:31
sivikamonkey, cause then you don't have to remember what the excate name is, i'm better at typing in numbers than typing in a long program name08:31
sivikat least for me08:31
=== cypherdelic [n=cypherde@port-87-234-140-161.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu
davidi tryed setting the backround in Twice config file for fluxbos styles to the path of my background but makes no difrence at all08:31
ardchoilledavid: You got nautilus running?08:32
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davidno it kills my fluxbox right click menu08:32
sparrthis is really scaring me08:32
ardchoilledavid: That's what I was going to say. You can disable that in nautilus, though.08:33
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racarrthat was rather scary08:33
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racarrI accidently resized the logical volume before resizing the FS08:33
RaidenCXanut try mounting it, mnt hdd208:33
ardchoilledavid: Run: gconf-editor08:34
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ardchoilledavid: In the conf editor, go to apps/nautilus/preferences and uncheck show_desktop08:34
anutSure, but mount it to where?08:34
RaidenCX<RaidenCX> anut try mounting it, mnt hdd208:34
davidgot it thanks08:34
ardchoilledavid: That will disable nautilus' managing the right click menu08:34
ardchoilledavid: There's another one to disable nautilus drawing the bg, want it?08:35
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ardchoilledavid: desktop/gnome/background and disable draw_desktop08:35
ardchoilledavid: That will stop nautilus from chaning the desktop wallpaper08:35
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ardchoilleI honestly wish they turn off the nautilus desktop management or at least add some options for it in nautilus prefs08:36
adrienhi how can i go on ubuntu-fr serveur please ?08:36
ardchoilleadrien:  /join #ubuntu-fr08:37
davidwith nautilus can i have it start when i start fluxbox?08:37
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ardchoilledavid: Yes08:37
davidnot to a dweeb or anything but how would i do that i dint have to do all this in slack08:38
elyon225Can I safely remove all the "wacom" device entries from my xorg.conf file?  (I believe it causes errors in the console when I run most gui apps)08:39
ardchoilledavid: I'm looking for the fluxbox how-to for it, sorry08:39
anutHm.  It does not go.  I've got the second disk partitioned, and I try mounting hdb1 to /media/disk2, but no joy.08:39
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davidthats cool08:39
ardchoilledavid: You have to add nautilus to .xinitrc, it's explained here: http://www.fluxbox.org/docs/en/faq.php#startup08:39
ardchoilledavid: I believe it's "nautilus &" (without quotes) in ~/.xinitrc08:40
davidi dont mind all the config stuf just hate repeating everytime i want a deskto backgroug to stick lol08:40
ardchoilledavid: Yeah08:40
ardchoilledavid: no problem :)08:40
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davidlater and thanks agan for the help08:45
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=== anut looks around
ardchoilleHi anut08:46
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=== cyphase is thinking of putting up fliers at the local community college offering installation/configuration services for Ubuntu
anutI'm still trying to get my second disk to mount.  I've got it partitioned, and I try mounting /dev/hdb1 to /media/disk2, but it doesn't go.  It didn't give me the option of setting up an LVM or anything at install, and I didn't want to poke into the partition tables manually.08:47
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anut... Oh, NOW it works. Still, is there any better way to get it to use both hard disks?  I don't suppose it's too practical to move everything to an LVM after install time or anything, but...08:49
zuesmaybe you should define the file system08:49
=== BlackMage-Redwiz [n=blackmag@d198-53-175-75.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
zuesdoesnt it have to be in fstab?08:50
=== anut , though trying his best, still occasionally needs Linux explained to him like he's four years of age.
illriginalis it safe to update ubuntu generic?... or is it still messin up nvidia video cards?08:50
cyphaseillriginal: i'm fully updated, and i've had no problems08:50
illriginalshoot last week i updated.. and it messed up X08:51
zuesmine updated a couple of days ago and my beryl stopped working but I just recompiled the nvidia drivers with the new kernel and it came back up08:51
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illriginaland didn't recognize my video card.08:51
zuessudo apt-get install nvidia-glx  then nvidia-xconfig --twinview08:51
illriginali can't even get into X.08:52
illriginali have to use the old kernel.08:52
illriginali haven't attempted to log onto the new updated one because well... i can't even log onto X to begin with :P08:52
zuesyou can log into a shell and then remove the nvidia package and reapt-get it08:52
zuesbut thats the same thing that happened to me08:52
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illriginalit'll connect to the internet still?08:53
zuesyou dont need x to connect to the internet08:53
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illriginaland all i need to do is type sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx then nvidia-xconfig --twinview, then restart my machine and it'll log onto X?08:54
adriansUhi everybody08:54
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illriginalif that's all i need to do... then ill do it right now.08:54
adriansUwhat program i need for open selfextracting zip files in linux?08:54
zueswell you dont need the --twinview unless you have dual monitors08:54
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illriginaloh ok08:54
illriginalso i dont need to type nvidia-xconfig, correct?08:55
illriginaljust the apt-get install.08:55
adriansUwas a million dollar question?08:55
zuesnow you may want to remove the nvidia first08:55
illriginalalright brb gonna attempt it.08:55
zuessudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx08:55
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illriginali dont even think it has nvidia to begin with.. but ill do it to make sure.08:55
zuesok, what kind of graphics processor do you ahve/08:55
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illriginalhm... i dunno how to answer that question.08:56
zuestry this   dmesg | grep nvidia08:56
illriginalit's a 5200 GeForce08:56
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zuesthen thats nvidia08:56
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illriginaloh it's def. nvidia.08:57
zuesso do those two commands08:57
adriansUcan you say me a program for open zip archives?08:57
zuessudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx08:57
illriginal[17179590.060000]  nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel.08:57
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illriginalok brb gonna attempt it08:57
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adriansUjust one of a kind08:58
zuescant you use the tar command for self extracting archives?08:58
zuestar -xvf08:58
adriansUdon't think so08:58
zuesmaybe not08:58
adriansUbecause it's an exe file08:58
diskusand use unzip or something08:58
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zuesextensions really dont do anything in linux08:58
zuesonly in windows08:59
cafuegothey give the user a hint, which is handy08:59
zuestreat it like a tar.gz file08:59
nonix4Any hardware buyers guide compatibility matrices available on the net (reg. BinaryDriverEducation)?08:59
zuessee what happens08:59
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adriansUok i am trying08:59
adriansUt u08:59
cafuegoadriansU: Run 'file <filename>' and see what that makes of it.08:59
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adriansUcommando not found :)09:01
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adriansUcan you say me a zip manager for linux?09:01
zuestry tar09:02
zuestar -xvf filename.exe09:02
unopzip and unzip09:02
zuesno go09:02
adriansUno it say09:02
adriansUdon't seem a tar archive09:02
adriansUzip and unzip09:02
zuesinstall automatix2?09:02
unopadriansU,  obviously, an .exe is not a tarball09:02
=== cry0x [n=cry0x@ip68-6-199-224.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
unop!info unzip09:03
ubotuunzip: De-archiver for .zip files. In component main, is optional. Version 5.52-8ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 143 kB, installed size 324 kB09:03
adriansUunop obviosly i know but zues09:03
unop!info zip09:03
ubotuzip: Archiver for .zip files. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32-1 (edgy), package size 103 kB, installed size 248 kB09:03
adriansUsuggest me09:03
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adriansUis alredy installed zip?09:03
cry0xmkay... so I do a dist-upgrade, and now X is complaining that it can't find the nvidia kernel module09:03
adriansUor sudo apt-get?09:03
cry0xcould someone lend me a helping hand? I appreciate it09:03
zuesa self extracting archive is still an archive, it just have some code wrapped around it09:04
unopadriansU,  it says these are optional packages, so no09:04
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unopadriansU,  sudo aptitude install zip unzip09:04
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adriansUthank u boss :)09:04
adriansUnow i try to unzip it09:05
unopadriansU,  you trying to extract a self-extracting .exe?09:05
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unopadriansU,  look at !cabextract and !unsheild also then09:06
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adriansUit's a normal winzip self ext file09:06
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ubotucabextract: a program to extract Microsoft Cabinet files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-1 (edgy), package size 43 kB, installed size 144 kB09:06
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ubotuunshield: extracts CAB files from InstallShield installers. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5-3 (edgy), package size 7 kB, installed size 60 kB09:06
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crazy_penguin'morning all!09:07
adriansUwhat the paradise...09:07
adriansUdoesn't work!09:07
zueswhat are you trying to unzip09:07
cursivewhats the best irc client to use in ubuntu. gaim sucks09:07
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cry0xwhat I'm using now because my X server is broken09:08
zuesirssi is good09:08
cursivehow do i run irssi09:08
zuescryox, remove your nvidia stuff and recompile it with new kernel09:08
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cafuegocursive: gaim is less then ideal for irc, especially in LARGE channels09:08
=== Zdra [n=zdra@68.164-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
zuesjust drop to a shell and type irssi09:08
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cry0xzues, which specific packages?09:09
zuesnvidia-glx in my case09:09
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zuesits worth a try, someone from work told me about this earlier, i havent tried that out yet09:09
adriansUsomeone knows an object bar macos style?09:09
cry0xif someone could post a URL to the latest nvidia linux driver tarball I would be more than happy to wget that and install it myself09:10
zueshold on, i'll look09:10
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:10
cry0xyes, let me get a curses based web browser and read that09:10
cry0xthanks bot09:10
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zuesthats a shell script, but you can run it since your x isnt running right now09:11
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zuescryox, wget that link09:13
cry0xindeed, thanks09:13
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cry0xgetting a 404, checking for typos09:14
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zuesti works for me09:16
=== epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
cry0xzues, thanks so much09:17
cry0xI get an error during the driver install though09:17
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cry0x"Please install the X.org SDK/development package for your distrobution09:18
zuesdid it finish anyhow?09:18
zueshmm, your not using xorg?09:18
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cry0xI should be using xorg09:18
cafuegoit'll still need x11-dev09:18
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bart_cry0x, sudo apt-get install xorg-xserver-dev09:18
cafuegocan't build an X driver without X headers09:18
unop!info xorg-dev09:18
ubotuxorg-dev: the X.Org X Window System development libraries. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.1.1ubuntu6.2 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 44 kB09:18
=== rulus [n=roel@d54C1A033.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
zues!info xorg-xserver-dev09:19
ubotuPackage xorg-xserver-dev does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas09:19
bart_ye it's xorg-dev09:20
cry0xspectacular, installing now09:20
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bart_and xserver-xorg-dev09:20
ubotuxserver-xorg-dev: X.Org X server -- development files. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.1.1-0ubuntu12.1 (edgy), package size 290 kB, installed size 1628 kB09:20
cafuegoand linux-headers-$(uname -r) and build-essential09:20
zuesi like the bot, nice09:20
unopdoes fglrx pertain to ATI or NVidia?09:21
ardchoilleunop: ATI09:21
zuesthat is ati i seem to remember09:21
=== therapy [n=tommycat@d54C62F43.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
zuesthere are no ops in this room?09:22
cry0xyou guys are fantastic09:22
cry0xgot the dev pack, installed the beta driver09:22
Frogzoozues: there are ops, they only mod up as necesary09:22
ardchoillezues: Sure there are09:22
cry0xup and running now09:22
cry0xzues, thanks a bunch for that driver link09:22
NicknameHi guys could somebody help me with my edgy eft network problem09:22
zuesno problem just googled it09:23
Frogzoo!helpme | Nickname09:23
ubotuNickname: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:23
FrogzooNickname: we don't know if we can help you yet09:23
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Nicknameubotu: I put a question a lot of times before and did not get a reply so why sorry09:23
zuesso whats going on with your network?09:24
ardchoilleNickname: ubotu is a bot09:24
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zuesyou must be typing a long question09:24
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Nicknamezues: I used a vmware installed edgy eft and after i played it in vmware player it asked me to do automatic upgrade which I did and then I lost my ethernet connection09:25
Nicknameardchoille: I got that late. thanks09:25
=== dr0ne [n=fn@S01060016b6b541d2.va.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
variantNickname: vmware installed ubuntu is not supported. somone might help you but don't expect it :P09:25
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zueswhat happens when you 'ifconfig -a'09:26
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zuesdo you have any interfaces?09:26
Nicknamevariant: I understand it is not supported but it does not seem to be a vmware problem as I included eth1 eth2 ath0 etc. and still none recognised09:26
Nicknamenone at all which seems to be my problem09:26
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CapRiCoRN^80anyone there who has install ubuntu on sun blade 15009:27
Nicknamei tried dmesg and grep for any eth none there09:27
zueswell that gets tricky because of how vmware handles interfaces.  is it binding to your interface (windows) or is it creating a virtual interface09:27
alecjwCapRiCoRN^80, is that a sparc?09:27
FrogzooNickname: find out which driver to use for ethernet would be a start09:28
zueswhat about proc -  have you looked through there for your interface?09:28
ubotuHave a look here for Docs http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/install/sparc/ KnownIssues and TODO are on the wiki.09:28
Nicknameit creates a virtual interface but inside ubuntu it is shown as a normal interface and that iface was detected upon initial bootup through which is how I upgraded the installation09:28
alecjwCapRiCoRN^80, you cna install ubutnu server oon it, but nothiung graphical09:28
CapRiCoRN^80ubotu: i did look at it . but nothing special09:29
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alecjwCapRiCoRN^80, ubotu is a bot09:29
CapRiCoRN^80well after installation we can set up Gnome09:29
alecjwyou cant09:29
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CapRiCoRN^80but that after story first i have to install cli09:29
zueshow often do people talk to ubotu?  I almost did a few minutes ago, It seems that could be a source of endless grins09:29
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alecjwit's not in the repositories, CapRiCoRN^80 so you'd have to isntall it form source09:29
CapRiCoRN^80i boot fine from ubuntu but got illegal instruction error09:30
alecjwzues, its our only source of amusement in theis otherwise boring irc support channel09:30
CapRiCoRN^80alecjw: i have booted fine n got the boot: prompt then i wrote install ide=nodma . but got error09:30
zuesNick -- try ifup /dev/eth009:30
CapRiCoRN^80illegal instruction09:31
zuesor just  sudo ifup eth009:31
zueswhats the output09:31
Nicknamezues i tried sudo ifup for eth0 eth1 and ath0 it says no such interface09:31
alecjwCapRiCoRN^80, hmmmmm.... im not sure. sorry.09:31
CapRiCoRN^80alecjw: its ok09:31
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Nicknamezues: If you want i can post my /etc/network/interfaces file09:32
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Nicknamezues I have setup eth0, eth1 and ath0 as auto with DHCP09:32
Jowihello ubuntu_newgal09:32
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zuesnick  - what happens when you do 'ls /dev/ | grep eth'09:33
zuesls /dev | grep eth*09:33
ubuntu_newgalhi, I have what is probably a no brainer question about power supplies.  Was wondering what is the difference between a 24 pin and 20+4 pin connector for power supplies09:33
zues4 pins (joke, sorry)09:34
mwels /dev | grep eth wont return anything09:34
ubuntu_newgaland I am asking so I can learn...  if you know of a good hardware website where I can look it up that would be GREAT!09:34
mweinterfaces are not device files09:34
Nicknamezues I do not find eth listed there either09:34
mweyou'd want ifconfig or something09:34
zuesyeah he's right09:34
Nicknamemwe: then do you know where I can look them for09:35
nanothiefhey I'm having heaps of trouble with ipv6, internet won't work with it. Ive added a blacklist and alias to the modprobe.d folder to no avail09:35
tommcdthe 20+4 pin connector on PSUs will let you use it on older mobos with 20 pin connectors09:35
ubuntu_newgalLOL Zues!!!!  sorry I was a little slow on the uptake...09:35
mweNickname: What's your problems again?09:35
mweNickname: ls /dev | grep eth just jumped into my eyes ;)09:35
Nicknameif I do ifconfig -a I only get lo which is the local loopback adapter09:35
mweNickname: oh. The driver is probably not loaded for some reason09:36
ubuntu_newgalah ok, so If I have one mobo with 20 pins and a 2nd mobo with 24 pins, then a 20+4 power supply can be used for both/either correct?09:36
ardchoillenanothief: Did you add "alias net-pf-10 off" to /etc/modprobe.d/bad_list?09:36
Nicknamemwe: I downloaded a vmware install of edgy eft and upgraded it and then my eth0 was lost and I am without any ethernet connection now09:36
JowiNickname, sounds like your nics are not detected (or driver not loaded). if you have a cable inserted into one of the nics, is the link light on?09:36
zuesnewgal- its for reverse compatability,  and some motherboards have the extra 4 pins plugged into a different spot too.  the best thing to do is to read your manual.  they'll say wether they require all of them or not.  In some cases you can pick up an 20 to 24 pin adapter and it will work just find09:36
mweNickname: odd09:36
mweNickname: vmware has never touched my interfaces. It has only created it's own vmnet ones09:37
NicknameJowi: it is not the actual nic it is a virtual nic created by vmware player09:37
nanothiefardchoille: yep (although the name of the file was /etc/modprobe.d/alias-ipv6, and I also added a blacklist blacklist ipv6 to a blacklist-ipv6 file09:37
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JowiNickname, ok. that's a bit strange.09:38
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ardchoillenanothief: Does ip a | grep inet6 return anything?09:38
Nicknamemwe: yeah the initial vmx file had one ethernet0 vmnet created and after upgrading it got lost and after reading on some forums I even added more to the vmx file to check09:38
mweNickname: I'm not sure what's going on. sorry09:39
nanothiefardchoille: no it does nothing. Also, the command lsmod | grep ipv6 also returns nothing09:39
zuessame here nickname.09:39
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ubuntu_newgalok googling and looking for the manual... brb09:39
Nicknamemwe: well thats alright I might have to go through the entire process again I guess BTW as a side question did you download edgy eft vmdk09:39
ardchoillenanothief: If "ip a | grep inet6" returns nothing, then ipv6 is disabled. You r problem is probably elsewhere.09:40
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Vic24hi all09:40
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mweNickname: no. I use vmware-server to run windows 200009:40
Jowihello Vic2409:40
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Nicknamezues : thanks for your time I will see if I can come up with an answer and let you guys know09:40
nanothiefardchoille: I still think ipv6 is the problem. For example, the wget "www.google.com" will fail, but wget "www.google.com" -4 will work (the -4 forces ipv4)09:40
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mweNickname: make sure the module for your nic is loaded if you know the name09:41
ardchoillenanothief: Ok.09:41
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Jowinanothief, will "ifconfig" give you an ipv6 address as well as an ipv4 one?09:41
nanothiefJowi: how do I test that?09:41
Nicknamemwe: ok but you use ubuntu as your base system right could you tell me how to easily change resolution rather than running dpkg-reconfigure and then gdm restart09:41
Jowinanothief, ifconfig | grep inet609:42
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Nicknamemwe: what do you mean by the module could you elaborate it a bit please09:42
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nanothiefJowi: no it gives no output09:42
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mweNickname: asuming xorg.conf is configured to know about the resolutions you want ctrl-alt-+09:42
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nanothiefI'm not sure if this helps, but package manager, evolution, add/remove progs and gaim don't work as well09:43
MyGhetekhow do i check my disk space in command line?09:43
mweNickname: lsmod. but you need to know the module name you need for your nick09:43
Nicknamemwe: no the base I donwloaded has only 800x600 I need to add 1280x800 to the list09:43
mweNickname: modules==drivers09:43
unopMyGhetek,  df -h09:43
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mweNickname: well I'd recommed reading !fixres or pasting xorg.conf for someone to look at it09:44
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Jowinanothief, did you restart the network after you disabled ipv6?09:44
nanothiefJowi: yep09:44
Vic24I have a question about installing ubuntu 7.04 pre-release. I have two HDD. One with WinXP and another is clean. I want to install on clean HDD ubuntu, but grub must be on HDD with WinXP. I choose Advanced in last step, and can't understand: what it want from me? Default value is (hd0), where it come from?09:44
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FrogzooVic24: no reason for grub to be on the winxp disk09:45
vltHello. I tried a dist-upgrade and it failed. Is there an apt command to repair an installation that is messed up?09:45
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defryskvlt, sudo apt-get -f install09:45
defryskvlt, then continue with dist-upgrade09:46
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vltdefrysk: I'll try ...09:46
Nicknamemwe: is there a way to find that I see my vmx file giving names for scsi (lsilogic), sound (as1371) but none for ethernet09:46
quaalis there a way to turn off the local monitor output once you login through vnc09:46
erlingreif I have a .xsession in my homedir will /etc/X11/Xsession execute anyway?09:46
nanothiefabout the ipv6, to get firefox (and chatzilla ) to work I had to set network.dns.disableIPv6 to true09:47
mweNickname: well if linux doesn't your your nic neither can vmware09:47
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Nicknamemwe: well the reason i dont understand is it worked before the upgrade and I upgraded and rebooted and its gone09:48
vltdefrysk: hmm, after 0.8 seconds I get "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."09:48
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Jowinanothief, what aliases did you put in /etc/modprobe.d/aliases? "alias net-pf-10 off" should do it.09:48
newest007hey there, i just installed realplayer,  is the only way to run it buy using the ./realplay comand in terminal??09:48
mwenanothief: if you disable ipv6 system wide it's not nessecary ;)09:48
Vic24<Frogzoo> but I don't want to choose in BIOS from which HDD to boot, when changing OS'es09:48
newest007isnt there a way to make a GUI shortcut on the desktop?09:48
mweNickname: what did you upgrade?09:48
defryskvlt, then nothing is broken :)09:48
unopnewest007,   realplayer09:48
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dromerI want to learn scripting in perl, what packages do I need for that?09:48
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mwedromer: perl is already installed09:48
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newest007how do i create a shortcut for it on the desktop, like an icon i can double click to open realplayer?09:49
vltdefrysk: Ok, sounds good. What to do next to upgrade09:49
unopnewest007,  ./realplay is looking for a file in the same directory -- and it's probably not there09:49
nanothiefJowi: alias net-pf-10 off is in my aliases file09:49
newest007no, i can run it ok in command09:49
Jowinanothief, reboot?09:49
Nicknamemwe: the update manager said there are some 70 packages to upgrade as soon as I booted first time so I let it download and install them and then since it asked to reboot I did and then my network is gone09:49
newest007but i want a shortcut on the desktop09:49
defryskvlt, what are you upgrading and what goes wrong ?09:49
newest007and not have to run it in command line all the time09:49
unopnewest007,  ln -s `which realplayer` ~/Desktop/09:49
Nicknamemwe: is there a way I can look at what all was upgraded09:49
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Ademanany suggestions for video editing on linux?  I've dug up Kino so far, and cinelerra09:49
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mackinacVic24, hd0 is the first drive, hd1 is the second09:49
Nickname\mwe: maybe the local install cache for what all was fetched09:49
dromermwe: ok, but (I'm reading Learning Perl 3rd) when I do $ ./hello_world (first program ;) ) nothing happens ..09:49
nanothiefJowi: I've haven't changed that file since I turned my comp on today. I've had this problem for a few weeks now :S09:50
dromermwe: or specifically, this happens: bash: ./hello_world: /url/bin/perl: bad interpreter: No such file or directory09:50
unopdromer,  you might want to ask this in #perl .. perl is off-topic here09:50
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vltdefrysk: I want to ugrade from breezy via dapper to edgy.09:50
dromerunop: ok09:50
newest007so i type -s realplay ~/Desktop/ to creat the shortcut?09:50
Frogzoodromer: would you believe................... perl ?09:50
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mwedromer: oh09:50
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dromerunop: I just thought I didn't have it installed09:50
defryskvlt, maybe its better to do a fresh install ?09:50
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dromerunop: and wanted to know which packages I needed09:50
mwedromer: odd. perl should be install. try dpkg -l|grep perl09:50
unopdromer,  there's an error there -- /url/bin/perl doesnt exist09:51
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vltdefrysk: I don't know, is it=?09:51
unopdromer,  you probably want /usr/bin/perl09:51
defryskvlt, for sure it is ;)09:51
newest007unop its not working09:51
mwedromer: and dpkg -l perl. isn't it there?09:51
cry0xis pastebin down? =/09:51
k31thguys I just did apt-get install rails on ubuntu... however gems was not installed any ideas?09:51
dromermwe: gives lots of stuff ..09:51
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mwedromer: what if you type perl09:51
unopnewest007,  copy and paste that command in exactly as i typed it09:51
newest007says command not found09:51
mackinacVic24, still, you only have to make that BIOS choice once. then you can choose which drive is default with grub09:51
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Vic24<mackinac> thx, but in linux terms, what is first and second drive? WinXP drive is SATA on mb, clean drive is additional IDE controller on mb09:52
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unopnewest007,  ln -s `which realplayer` ~/Desktop/09:52
vltdefrysk: Can I install edgy directly or do I have to install dapper first (I'm concerned about possible changes in config file formats)?09:52
dromermwe: hmm, nothing exept an empty line09:52
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mwedromer: perl -e 'print "hello\n"'09:53
mwedromer: does it print hello?09:53
defrysk!backup | vlt09:53
ubotuvlt: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:53
dromermwe: no09:53
mwedromer: and dpkg -l perl. isn't it there?09:53
unopdromer,   #!/usr/bin/perl not #!/url/bin/perl09:53
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nanothiefabout ipv6: is the process of obtaining an dns address contained in a script i can edit to forcefully disable ipv6?09:53
mweunop: oh. good spot09:53
newest007weird, nothings appeared on the desktop09:54
vltdefrysk: I have a backup of all data. But when I inject my old breezy formatted /etc and /home into /edgy ...?09:54
dromerunop: hmm, ahh, why is that ?09:54
mwedromer: type which perl09:54
dromerunop: my bad :$09:54
mwedromer: does it say /usr/bin/perl?09:54
dromermwe: no it's cool now09:54
unopdromer,  because linux is looking for a executable named perl in /url/bin .. which is a non-existant location09:54
=== dromer noob
dromerbbl :P09:54
newest007lol, i c09:54
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newest007no, sorry im not after a link to the desktop from the realplayer directory, im after an icon on the desktop that will start up real player when i click on it09:55
defryskvlt, not sure whatyou mean but if you have a seperate /home you can use it again in any ubuntu install, just make sure to set it up with the partitioner during install09:55
Nicknamemwe: did you see my msg do you have any suggestions on how do I get a list of packages it upgraded for us to check09:55
unopnewest007,  right click desktop - new - link (or whatever) .. blah .. have you tried all this already?09:55
mweNickname: I didn't get a /msg09:56
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mweNickname: you're probably not registered09:56
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Nicknamemwe: oh yeah okasy that is the problem09:56
mwe!register | Nickname09:56
ubotuNickname: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration09:56
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Nickname!register | Nickname09:57
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mweNickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration <-- read that ;=)09:57
mackinacVic24, ah... i beleive sata device notation is like 'sda, sdb, sdc' ... ide = 'hda, hdb, hdc'09:57
Nicknamemwe: thanks goin thru it09:57
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[StingRay] Hi all, I asked in winehq, but noone responded. Can somebody tell me how to apply this patch?-> http://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-patches/2002-October/003553.html09:59
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starzanyone got the 2.6.20.xx kernel working with edgy?09:59
starzi was thinking of compiling it09:59
mwestarz: yeah09:59
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starzmwe encourageing :>09:59
starzalso what about linksys or netgear wireless cards and WPA09:59
nanothiefwould compiling a new kernel possibly help with my ipv6 problem?10:00
starzwhats your problem nanothief10:00
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Vic24<mackinac> I can handle with dmesg to find exact device notation, but ubintu developers, have own notation :)10:00
starzipv4 over ipv6?10:00
unop[StingRay] ,  it's very very likely that that patch is outdated .. it's about 5 years old :)10:00
mwestarz: I hope you're into configuring kernels ;)10:00
starzmwe o?10:00
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Vic24... in this case10:00
mwestarz: if you want to compile your own kernel10:01
starzive not been classically....10:01
[StingRay] unop, I have no other choice. This funcion is still unimplemented in wine 0.9.30. My app is throwing away an error...10:01
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mackinacVic24, though i don't remember for sure how it wants you to input it, might be "/dev/sda1"10:01
starzbut i figured start with config for the x.x.17.x and use that for the next one lol10:01
nanothiefipv6 doesn't work. Ive added a blacklist ipv6 as well as a alias net-pf-10 off.  ifconfig | grep inet6, lsmod | grep ipv6, ip a | grep inet6 all return nothing, and I've run out of options :(10:01
mwestarz: well you could use the ubuntu kernel config as a base10:01
starzim sure it will panic XD10:01
mackinacVic24, or maybe i don't understand your question :)10:01
starzthats my hope mwe10:02
mwestarz: well no biggie as long as you keep the ubuntu kernel ;)10:02
unop[StingRay] ,  usually what you do is -- you get the wine sources .. extract them to a directory -- enter that directory and issue a patch command like -- patch < pathfilename10:02
starzwhat about patching it for ubuntu?10:02
starzwhat about using the feisty .2010:02
mwestarz: I don't use the ubuntu patches10:02
unop[StingRay] ,  and then go on to compiling wine as normal10:02
Vic24<mackinac> you understand me correctly :) i left default value... will see what happens ;) thx for help10:02
nanothiefstartz: my problem is definitely ipv6 as wget "www.google.com" doesn't work while wget "www.google.com" -4 works (-4 forces ipv4)10:02
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mwestarz: I wouldn't mix distros it's usually a bad thing (TM)10:02
mackinacVic24, ok good luck! :)10:02
starzdo you have dns setup in ipv6 nanothief?10:03
unopstarz,  have you tried installing the .deb from feisty?10:03
starzmwe sure sure10:03
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nanothiefstarz: what do you mean by that?10:03
starzbut worth a thought now and then...10:03
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starznanothief it still needs something to translate the google.com >>> ipv610:03
[StingRay] I see unop, I have to compile from source...This is not my strength. Can you tell me which file I have to patch in my case. I have never done this?10:03
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muuhDBXwill ubuntu adapt the web isntall metod in future ?10:03
rangansmwe: previously i was saying that i upgraded some packages through the auto update manager and that killed the eth0 so I want to know if there is a way to look at the list of upgraded packages now to see what broke10:04
unop[StingRay] ,  the patch knows which files to patch -- you run patch like this in the sources directory - patch < patchfilename10:04
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nanothiefstarz: I'm confused. I though you could completely disable ipv6 so that google.com >>> ipv4 always10:04
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starzmuuhDBX lets hope so10:04
starznetinstall >>>> all10:04
unop[StingRay] ,  but i'm willing to bet that this is not going to work, the sources will have changed dramatically over the last 4 years10:05
starznanothief your trying to get ipv4 to work10:05
starzand ipv6 is fucking shit up?10:05
starzare you on ipv6 network or something?10:05
starzwhy is it even active?10:05
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ohme - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:06
[StingRay] thanks unop. I will try this. I have no other choice...10:06
nanothiefstarz: no ipv4 always works perfect, ipv6 never works, my network doesn't support ipv6, and I want to completely destroy ipv610:06
IdleOne!ipv6 | nanothief10:06
ubotunanothief: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv410:06
starzwell it sounds like you enabled it somehow10:06
starzyeah there u go10:06
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muuhDBXstarz: is a cop he can talk like he wants10:06
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nanothiefstarz: I've been to that link and many others but they don't work :(10:06
starzyes i am muuhDBX.... just not here10:07
starznanothief how did it get activated in the first place?10:07
IdleOnemuuhDBX, starz can talk like he wants in his house but in this house he needs to follow the rules :) and so do you :)10:07
starzive done 32 bit and 64 bit installs and never had that one10:07
Jowistarz, ipv6 is active by default10:07
nanothiefstarz: It has always been active, internet doesn't even work with a ubuntu 6.10 live cd10:07
starztechnically im banned here anyway IdleOne10:07
starznanothief research your hardware from a sudo lspci -v > somefile.txt10:08
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Jowinanothief, are you on dapper or edgy?10:08
muuhDBXIdleOne: arent you idleing ?10:08
IdleOnestarz, all the more reason to follow the rules then10:08
nanothiefJowi: edgy10:08
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muuhDBXso much for freechoice if you have to follow10:09
unopnanothief,  does this return anything ? lsmod | grep -i net-pf-1010:09
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nanothiefunop: no10:09
=== flo_ [n=flo@gprs-pool-1-012.eplus-online.de] has joined #ubuntu
Jowinanothief, strange. i just tested editing /etc/modprobe.d/aliases and replaced "alias net-pf-10 ipv6" with "alias net-pf-10 off ipv6", rebooted, and now it is disabled system wide and working fine.10:09
IdleOnemuuhDBX, you have the choice to say what you like but not where you like10:09
starzIdleOne i follow rules that suit me :P10:10
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Windyhi, can anyone help me with an issue concerning my soundcard (intel onboard HD Audio) WINE and Ventrilo? (yes, I've looked up setup guides, yes I've tried fiddling with ALSA mixer, with no real luck) The issue is that I can hear everyone but I can't speak10:10
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IdleOnestarz, that is why you now have to evade a ban :)10:10
muuhDBXlrt starz do his job10:10
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flo_hey guys10:11
starzno IdleOne thats not it really10:11
nanothiefJowi: i agree it is very strange, most people with ipv6 problems have it fixed instantly with that alias trick. unfortunately i don't think linux likes me too much :S10:11
starzan op was being a tool and i told him how i felt10:11
starza few ppl joined in and he banned me10:11
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starzso i told him to ban a half dozen of my nicks10:11
starzhe banned 210:11
=== starz shrugs
starzi understand that ppl have bad days10:12
flo_i'm currently running feisty - after an dist-upgrade the bcm43xx wifi driver has changed, i think. now an ifconfig eth1 up gives me this in dmesg:10:12
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starzi even have them occationally... but days like that one needs to log off at times10:12
flo_ bcm43xx: YOUR FIRMWARE IS TOO OLD. Firmware from binary drivers older than version 4.x is unsupported. You must upgrade your firmware files10:12
starzwhich he/she/it should have10:12
flo_where can i get a newer firmware10:12
flo_the bcm43xx-firmware package is installed10:12
vltCan I install ubuntu from a running linux w/o burning and booting from a cd?10:13
starzIdleOne ive put in a lot of hours helping ppl so i dont intend to let one op on a rampage stop what i do.10:13
unopstarz,  women and children frequent this room - it's easier not to be a little considerate and not swear in their presence - and everyone is happy if you dont :)10:13
IdleOneyeah sometimes that happens. but irc isnt a democracy. we all have the right to say and do as we please but we also have the obligation to be aware of our surroundings and how what we say and do affects them10:13
starzbesides sometimes i need help also - usually when installing on a friends system that has crap hw10:13
muuhDBXdamn right10:13
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[StingRay] unop, the patch < patch.diff is asking me which file to patch.10:14
muuhDBXwhats this irc channel surrounding look like ?10:14
starzunop there has been a rather large movement for quite a few centuries which got popularized in the last few decades called womens rights.. going for equality... its not that chivalry is dead its that women killed it.10:14
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starzwith that aside i cannot tell who is a child and who is not.10:15
unopstarz,  thats not the point, how do you know how old everyone is thats watching your posts? eh?10:15
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starzand frankly irc is not something that someone so tender as to be exposed for the first time to a word like sh 1t should be on it10:15
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Windyhi, can anyone help me with an issue concerning my soundcard (intel onboard HD Audio) WINE and Ventrilo? (yes, I've looked up setup guides, yes I've tried fiddling with ALSA mixer, with no real luck) The issue is that I can hear everyone but I can't speak. Thanks in advance.10:15
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[StingRay] this is the link unop, http://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-patches/attachments/20021009/489340ac/patch.obj10:15
starztherefore the blame lies with the parents.10:15
IdleOnestarz, and that is why we all need to be polite and curtious as much as possible and not curse or try to use any language that could be offesive10:15
Windyno, i'm not a spambot10:15
unopstarz,  no, you used another four-letter word thats worse10:16
ardchoillestarz: Your convo is drifting ot10:16
muuhDBXstarz: i agree kids should be banned from irc10:16
starzardchoille agreed but guided by i assume ops10:16
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starzmuuhDBX i did not state that nor do i believe that.10:16
vltI mean I have a running linux kernel, a network connection, no X ... Can I start an install process from that running system w/o booting from Install CD?10:16
starzi merely treat every entity i meet as a 40yo male till proven different.10:16
Frogzoostarz: muuhDBX -> #ubuntu-offtopic10:17
ardchoillestarz: Please take this to #ubuntu-offtopic10:17
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starzand unop im fairly certain that any word i used has legitimate purposes and would also be in any good dictionary :P10:17
Jowi!install | vlt (here are your installation options)10:17
ubotuvlt (here are your installation options): Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues10:17
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muuhDBXbuy kids i was thinking about you starz ;D10:18
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royelanyone know an easy way to change the size of icons on a desktop?10:18
starzin closing since this is directed at the rules for the room: perhaps one should consider the types of restrictions that are actually implied by blindly following rather than improving rules like that. while i would agree that it would not help anything for ppl to cuss someone out that is quite different from using a bit of language as an adverb here and there.10:18
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starzroyel yes right click on it and select resize.10:18
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Jowiroyel, right click on an icon and resize10:18
starzthen click on the box on the corner and drag to however large you like :P10:19
shinobi2how can i wget recursively for  http://giscenter.isu.edu/training/ppt/programming/introvb2005_ch06.ppt ?10:19
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royelJowi: starz: ty both, that was too hard for a dummy like me to figure out :)10:19
muuhDBXare kids the ones talking dirty online ?10:19
starzshinobi2 man wget - its right in there... or we could look at google..10:19
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rpedrowhat's that program that use instead of 'make install' to create a deb package?10:19
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ardchoillerpedro: checkinstall10:20
shinobi2starz: it did not work with wget -r address10:20
starzrpedro i use checkinstall10:20
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rpedroardchoille, starz: right, thanks10:20
ubotucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!10:20
starzrpedro i believe ardchoille beat me :P10:20
nanothiefabout the ipv6: if noone has a solution, is there anywhere else I could go to get help? I've tried the forums and the help site.10:20
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flo_anyone an idea?10:21
starzbtw note on checkinstall: make sure that your version is correct; try to avoid pure letters in it.. there is a bug here and there10:21
ardchoillenanothief: I still believe your ipv6 is disabled and the problem is elsewhere.10:21
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unopnanothief,  i would look into using another list of DNS servers10:21
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mc2003!i/o error10:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i/o error - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:21
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Frogzoorpedro: //quit10:22
|Z_E_R_O|mc2003 i have the same error10:22
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mc2003did u try to DL torrent?10:22
starzunop im thinking your right.. or an offchance its a hardware error... but sounds like its got to have a ipv6 dns server as main dns no?10:22
nanothiefardchoille: where else could the problem be? ping and firefox work perfectly on all sites in all domains, wget "asite" never works (which uses ipv6), while wget "asite" -4 always works (which doesn't use ipv6)10:22
|Z_E_R_O|dl torrent?10:22
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|Z_E_R_O|i tried acpi=off10:22
|Z_E_R_O|but nothing10:22
mc2003i get only when i try to DL torrs10:22
|Z_E_R_O|no i'm trying to install ubuntu10:23
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|Z_E_R_O|but i got i/o erro10:23
mackinacdoes nfs-server have any particular problems with vfat partitions?10:23
|Z_E_R_O|i have a I/O card10:23
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starzshinobi2 i bet there is a referer link on that10:23
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unopstarz,  that or worse, the DNS server looks up IPv6 and is also a forwarder which forwards the queries on to a list of similar others10:23
starzi got a better way perhaps10:23
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starzmake sure that links or links2 or lynx is installed10:23
starzthen go to the url with it10:23
starzand dl that way and it will follow across forwarders10:24
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yettenetHi there10:24
starzunop mm didnt htink of that tho i considered that perhaps the same dns server does ipv4 and 6?10:24
shinobi2starz: what's a referer link? the one from the host?10:24
nanothiefunop: what other dns servers could I try, and where do I put them?10:24
unopnanothief,  how do name lookups on random hostnames fare?? e.g. nslookup google.co.jp10:24
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starzshinobi2 when u click on xxxxx.com takes u to yyy.net takes u to zzz.org10:25
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nanothiefunop: that worked and returned
starza lot of download links for things are like that10:25
yettenetCould anyone help me in connection with sound problems? I don't hear any sound on my comp and I don't even know where to start10:25
starzespecially if its php10:25
starzyettenet is the cords in tight10:25
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:25
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yettenetI think I found the solution10:25
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starzyettenet what was it then10:25
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starzdont leave me hanging !10:25
shinobi2starz: no, it's not a refer link10:25
yettenetI had to take a look at the volume control... :D10:26
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=== yettenet shoots himself
muuhDBXdoes any one belive in net privacy ?10:26
shinobi2starz:  how can i wget recursively for  http://giscenter.isu.edu/training/ppt/programming/introvb2005_ch06.ppt ?10:26
unopnanothief,  but how quick was the looku p-- use dig to give you times --- dig google.co.in @yourprimarydnsserver10:26
starzyettenet thats the second thing to do.. look at the mixer and default sound device as mackinac was saying there...10:26
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mackinacthat was a good place to start! :)10:26
ardchoillemuuhDBX: #ubuntu-offtopic10:26
shinobi2starz: wget recursively for  http://giscenter.isu.edu/training/ppt/programming/10:26
starzwell first10:26
muuhDBXi guess that offtopic10:27
starzyeah dont list a certain file there shinobi210:27
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starzi would do the mirrror option with the one where it doesnt go to parent directories10:27
unopshinobi2,  gwt -np -r http://giscenter.isu.edu/training/ppt/programming/  should work10:27
starzwget -m -np linky10:27
shinobi2starz: i see a pattern there, just replace chapter 06 with 01, to 08 works10:27
Hasrat_USAquestion: on windows XP, when i go to properties, i see the following texts ---> AMD Athlon (TM) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ 2 GHZ. the question is: which version of ubuntu should I install?10:27
rylanso, im looking for a way to get my webcam running. any ideas?10:27
starzunop's is probably cleaner10:27
nanothiefunop: dig google.co.in @ had a query time of 223msec10:27
starzmine tho sets up its own folder locally :P10:27
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:28
Hasrat_USAquestion: on windows XP, when i go to properties, i see the following texts ---> AMD Athlon (TM) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ 2 GHZ. the question is: which version of ubuntu should I install? Another problem is: i have mistakenly installed the i386 version10:28
ardchoille!repeat Hasrat_USA10:28
unopnanothief,  ok, can you !pastebin (not paste in here) the output from this command --  ifconfig -a; route -n10:28
MadpilotHasrat_USA, probably the 32bit version, there's a 64bit version but it's got some issues10:28
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yettenetHm... and what should I download if I wanted to play mp3 messages?10:28
starzHasrat_USA how much tolerance do you have for issues10:28
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Madpilotubotu, mp3 | yettenet10:28
ubotuyettenet: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:28
starzif you like messing with things 64 bit will be perfect :P10:28
shinobi2unop: nope that did not work10:28
starzotherwise 32 like the rest of us XD10:29
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econobeingi liked the mouse pointer icon in mandriva, is there any way to get that in ubuntu?10:29
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starzshinobi2 ok one sec ill do on my server10:29
unopshinobi2, any errors?10:29
shinobi2unop: HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden10:29
yettenetThanks, Madpilot10:29
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bayzidersman I got this gg domain but no ideas for a site =\10:29
mc2003shoudnt Hasrat_USA install the x64 bit?10:29
unopshinobi2,  wget -U"Mozilla Firefox" -np -r http://giscenter.isu.edu/training/ppt/programming/  should work10:29
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Madpilotmc2003, why? 32bit has fewer problems, and will run just fine on 64bit CPUs10:29
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Hasrat_USAmc2003 should I? really?10:30
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mackinacmc2003, it's not recommended unless you really really need 64bit10:30
starzunop its not gonna work10:30
starzbots are forbidden10:30
Hasrat_USAor are you just jealous that i got a 64 bit PC?10:30
starzhes not mentioning the eror10:30
Jowieconobeing, download it from a site. place it in your .icons directory. install gcursor. run gcursor and select the new mouse pointer/cursor. restart xorg.10:30
starzHTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden10:30
shinobi2unop: still forbidden10:30
unopshinobi2,  can you access http://giscenter.isu.edu/training/ppt/programming/ using a regular browser?10:30
mc2003i thought that x32 is x32 and x64 must use x64 :/10:31
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starzno unop10:31
starzno directory listing allowed :>10:31
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unopstarz,  well, then there's no way recursing is going to happen10:31
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starzmc2003 x32 must use 32 x64 can use either10:31
starzunop agreed.10:31
rylanI need HELP. for some reason a bunch of my programs just "dont start"10:31
nanothiefunop: ive pasted it but how do you generate a link to the paste? (im a bit new to irc)10:31
starzrylan like what?10:31
Hasrat_USAthe ISO that i downloaded and burnt onto a CD has something like i386 in its filename and as far as i can remember, that 'i386' is what i installed and it never occurred to my mind that my PC isn't an Intel one10:32
shinobi2unop: it says directory listing denied10:32
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Jowirylan, start them from a terminal and see if you get errors10:32
unopnanothief,  once you submit your paste.. it returns a url which you can use10:32
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rylanstarz, like, i click the messenger program, it says "starting" then nothing10:32
starzHasrat_USA you can install a kernel - look for it in synaptic10:32
unopshinobi2,  recursing is not going to happen from that URI then10:32
MultiplyWhy should i choose Ubuntu for my server, as the OS, instead of any other?10:32
rylanJowi, how.10:32
JowiHasrat_USA, i386 is a general 32 bit version10:32
shinobi2unop: as i was saying, i can just change the chapter # and can download the rest10:32
nanothiefunop: lol i wasn't thinking :S ... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5885/10:32
starzrylan try opening a terminal and running said messenger program10:32
shinobi2unop: =(10:32
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starzwhat program is it10:32
unopshinobi2,  you have to look into otherways to downloading -- what was the original URL again?10:32
Hasrat_USAthis is what i loaded http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu//6.06/ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.iso10:32
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Jowirylan, open a terminal. type in the name of the program and press enter10:32
starzHasrat_USA you got the right one for 32 bit it seems10:33
Jowi!terminal | rylan10:33
uboturylan: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands10:33
shinobi2unop: http://giscenter.isu.edu/training/ppt/programming/introvb2005_ch02.ppt  works all the way to chapter 810:33
sdac221x_hi can someone please help me set up a complete sources.list file ?  I added everything from guides but still can't find the stuff i need.10:33
rylanJowi, terminal is one of the things not wanting to open10:33
coNPsdac221x_: what do you need?10:33
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource10:33
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starzand then there are my sources10:33
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ardchoillesdac221x_: You're not adding debian sources are you?10:33
sdac221x_i need kwrite and google earth. do you recommend using the auto sources maker website10:33
Jowirylan, same thing happen when you log out and in again?10:33
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coNPsdac221x_: sure, that is cool :)10:33
shinobi2starz: let me know when you can try it on your server10:33
rylanJowi, just started like a min ago10:33
starzsdac221x_ a lot of ppl wouldnt agree... but i use automatix for little things like google earth10:34
Hasrat_USAokay thanks starz but what about this? >>> AMD Athlon (TM) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ 2 GHZ. << why do I see that in my computer properties? my pc isn't a 32 bit pc. it's a 64 bit x2 dual core and all that crap lol10:34
starzkwrite should be in normal repos i think10:34
Jowirylan, what did you do before this happened?10:34
econobeingJowi: thanks, know where i can get any cursors?10:34
unopnanothief,  how does this fare - ping google.co.uk10:34
yettenetyay, I'm installing it! :)10:34
sdac221x_starz:  i found kate not kwrite so i added the kde stuff but still not there.10:34
yettenetThanks for the help, guys10:34
Jowieconobeing, http://www.gnome-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=36&PHPSESSID=8ca724b08080d3b3dce1401423b7ab8710:34
rylanJowi, reading email, started installing some things from "add/remove applications"10:34
starzsdac221x_ add multiverse and universe to all repos10:35
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starzreload and enjoy10:35
unopshinobi2,  you could try google's cache of that location -- google "site: http://giscenter.isu.edu/training/ppt/programming/"10:35
starzHasrat_USA 64bit x2 dual core is what that said it was10:35
sdac221x_starz do you have a website that gives those repos addresses ?10:35
unopshinobi2,  s/ //10:35
Jowirylan, do you remember what you installed?10:35
starzHasrat_USA you do have amd no?10:35
nanothiefunop: it pings to with an average time of about 370ms10:35
coNPsdac221x_: kwrite is in the kate package10:35
Hasrat_USAstarz yes my PC is an AMD10:35
coNPsdac221x_: that is in main10:35
unopnanothief,  and does it ping almost immediately, any waiting times? if so how long?10:35
sdac221x_starz:  actually do you know the website of the auto sources maker.  i am unable to find with a google search..cant remember exact name10:36
rylanJowi, yeah, Tremulous, (FPS) and a MSN program10:36
ardchoille!easysource | sdac221x_10:36
ubotusdac221x_: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic10:36
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nanothiefunop: no its basically instantainus (about half a second maybe or less)10:36
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shinobi2unop: ? google " site:// http://giscenter.isu.edu/training/ppt/programming/"10:37
unopnanothief, errm, ok, which other applications are affected with this problem10:37
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Jowirylan, ok, try this: co to console with ctrl-alt-f1. login. type "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get upgrade" and see if you get errors. you can come back to the graphical interface by pressing ctrl-alt-f7 or alt-7.10:37
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starzzdarn inet is so unstable atm10:38
unopshinobi2,  like this query here - http://tinyurl.com/2esc2e10:38
nanothiefunop: wget, gaim, evolution, add/remove,the updater and the synaptic package manager10:38
ardchoillenanothief: add/remove and synaptic are only front-ends to APT10:39
unopnanothief,  errm, dang .. lol thats basically everything10:39
Hasrat_USAokay i'm sure i should install the 64 bit one from ubuntu's site lol. by the way since i already have installed a version of ubuntu, what would I do after burning the 64 bit iso for my AMD is complete? should i just make it a liveCD and boot from it again? or should i somehow uninstall the current version first?10:39
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mackinacHasrat_USA, the first thing10:40
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Hasrat_USAhttp://www.amd.com/us-en/Processors/ProductInformation/0,,30_118_9485_13041,00.html << and this is the exact chip i have. and in ubuntu's site, they are saying "For computers based on the AMD64 or EM64T architecture (e.g., Athlon64, Opteron, EM64T Xeon). It is not necessary for all (even most) processors made by AMD -- only their 64 bit chips" and mine is a 64 bit chip10:40
starzzdid you make a seperate partition for /home ?10:40
nanothiefunop: lol i know. But firefox works and through that I can manually download everything but it is cumbersome10:40
Hasrat_USAstarz yes sir10:40
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Hasrat_USAand also a seperate partition for linux swao10:40
starzzbecause if so you can just set each partition to its old use and it will reformat / and swap and keep home if you tell it to which can be nice at times10:40
unopnanothief, that page was only to give you a clue of what URLs (and combinations) you could then use from wget and a script :)10:41
nanothiefunop: I'm not sure if this helps but aMSN and chatzilla work, as well as the default dictionary program10:41
starzzgo go bash scription eh unop10:41
Hasrat_USA<mackinac> Hasrat_USA, the first thing << ?10:41
unopnanothief,  err, sorry, disregard my last comment -- that should have been for shinobi210:41
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rylan_hmmm, looks like everything is back to normal10:42
nanothiefunop: irc does that to people10:42
unopnanothief,  let's see your /etc/resolv.conf then -- pastebin10:42
mackinacHasrat_USA, " should i just make it a liveCD and boot from it again? or should i somehow uninstall the current version first?" boot again, reinstall / to / as starzz said :)10:42
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rylan_nono, programs still not working.10:42
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nanothiefunop: its just one line: nameserver
rylan_can someone tell me how to launch a program from terminal?10:42
coNPrylan_: you type its name10:43
unopstarzz,  bash meh no, well, yea, if you like -- i'd prefer something with a bit more errm, hubris10:43
coNPrylan_: or which exactly do you want to start10:43
starzzlike gaim : open terminal and type::::::: gaim10:43
Hasrat_USAlol launching a program from terminal is COOL10:43
rylan_gaim instant messenger isnt working10:43
starzzrylan_ what is the exact error10:43
Hasrat_USAthat's not possible rylan10:43
unopnanothief,  hrrm, i'd replace that one and add in a few more if i were you -- one sec10:43
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rylan_coNP, i want to launch gaim instant messenger10:43
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starzzthe thing about windows is that the errors are quite vague at times whereas in linux just googleing errors will fix stuff 97% of the time10:44
coNPrylan_: okay, then open a gnome terminal and type gaim <enter>10:44
rylan_starzz, for some reason a bunch of programs arent working10:44
starzzor will find the fixes... only problem is that sometimes its hard to follow the fixes XD10:44
starzzanyway rylan_ do what coNP there is asking he can probably help u quite well ^^10:45
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starzzwb Hasrat_USA10:45
shinobi2unop: i get i can do a script, but a guessing game still =) hahah10:45
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Hasrat_USAthanks accidentally clicked the X icon lol10:46
unopnanothief,  try these  http://pastebin.ca/35686910:46
shinobi2unop: i guess i can do ...10:46
unopshinobi2,  well, google is just one of the search engines that maintains a cache :>10:46
starzzthat part mssg there is so darn true.... high quality minds tend to go in one of two directions.. or some of each :>10:46
shinobi2unop: thanks10:46
rylan_coNP, looks like that is working again, now is there a way that i can get my webcam to work?10:47
nanothiefunop: ok done. How do I make them take affect (do I need to reboot?)10:47
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unopnanothief,  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart10:47
coNPrylan_: it might, however I never used a webcam...10:47
rylan_coNP, ah, one last question. how do i go about getting wine to work?10:47
starzzwhat other programs were not working tho10:47
starzzand what are you trying to do with wine10:48
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coNPrylan_: that is easy, first install wine (from universe)10:48
rylan_just thought i should get to know it.10:48
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rylan_coNP, already did that10:48
stylusI'm attempting to setup oidentd as my identd. It seems to be running, but obviously isn't configured properly..10:48
starzzrylan_ i agree its fun to play with things... but what do you wanna use it for exactly?10:49
nanothiefunop: I did the networking restart thing, and a lot of text was outputted, but after it finished wget "www.google.com" still didn't work10:49
coNPrylan_: cool, then try to run whatever you want :)10:49
stylusWhat line should be in /etc/services?10:49
vagelisi want to download theams10:49
ardchoilleunop: his /etc/resolv.conf will get re-written on reboot and all that work will be undone10:49
rylan_i wanted to get possibly some games, and photoshop are my two important ones10:49
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coNPvagelis: for your gnome / kde desktop?10:49
starzzsudo apt-get install gimp10:49
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unopardchoille,  only if resolvconf is installed .. but anyway, its not the problem10:49
starzzanyway there is an extensive section on gaming in the forums: www.ubuntuforums.org which i highly recommend you read10:50
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coNPand try wesnoth :10:50
starzzas that might require bleeding edge packages10:50
starzzcoNP wats wesnoth >?10:50
coNP! wesnoth10:50
newesthey is it necessary to be using peergaurdian when dl with azureus, whilst in ubuntu?10:50
ubotuwesnoth: fantasy turn-based strategy game. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1.8-1 (edgy), package size 1820 kB, installed size 4140 kB10:50
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starzzah lol10:50
Frogzoostarzz: turn based strategy game - think might & magic10:50
coNPI *love* that :) and it is open source as well10:51
vagelisi want to download theams do you now?10:51
starzzive played a few from the repos.. lot o fun10:51
coNPvagelis: what theams?10:51
starzzbut u gotta love DOPEWARS !!!10:51
fix--are there any hp or dell servers where you can install ubuntu server on without any problem (with raid controller?)10:51
coNPlol @ starzz10:51
starzzin fact it should be installed by default on all systems10:51
=== starzz nodds
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starzzi would donate a penny per install if it were probably10:51
fix--The last del I bought I had to use a custom kernel to install th damn thing10:51
starzztowards afund that did something good :D10:52
fix--anybody a good solution ?10:52
unopnanothief,  can you pastebin this -- wget -v google.co.kr10:52
osfamerondopewars is a big timesink for me10:52
osfameronso is frozen bubble10:52
starzzfix-- try alternate install cd worx wonders10:52
vageliscoNP: ubuntu10:52
newesthey is it necessary to be using peergaurdian when dl with azureus, whilst in ubuntu?10:52
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starzzif installation is the problem :P10:52
fix--starzz, yeah but I need to buy new hardware10:52
osfameronand mahjong...  actually, it's a good thing I don't try any actual contemporary games or mulitplayer things, or I would completely lose my entire life10:52
starzznewest peerguardian just sets itself up as a firewall to protect you from ebil ips10:52
fix--just want the hardware to be supported out of the box10:52
starzzbut remember even that is not really enough.10:53
fix--specially the raid controller10:53
newestso would i reaaaally need it?10:53
starzzsomeone has to get caught for anyone to know the ip is evil.10:53
newestor am i pretty safe?10:53
starzznewest yes.10:53
coNPvagelis: you mean more themes than the ones available in your gnome control center?10:53
starzzyour pirating stuff10:53
starzzso yes10:53
ardchoilleosfameron: crack-attack, lbreakout2 and chromium10:53
newestcause... there no version of peergaurdian available for linux yet...10:53
ardchoilleosfameron: Oh, and powermanga10:53
starzzbut must you use azureus?10:53
newestwhat should i use in place?10:53
nanothiefunop: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5889/10:53
starzzinstall wine and use utorrent.10:53
Hasrat_USAI know it's gonna be a dumb question but duh....what does http://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/DVDs/ubuntu/edgy/release/ubuntu-6.10-dvd-i386.iso have that http://ubuntu.cs.utah.edu/releases/edgy/ubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso doesn't have? in brief, would it be great if i download Ubuntu 6.10's dvd version instead of CD? i have a fast connection (8 MBPS dedicated)10:53
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starzi use bittornado10:54
coNPHasrat_USA: not at all10:54
newestyeah, cause most of the private trackers i use only really let clients away with azureus10:54
vageliscoNP: images10:54
coNPHasrat_USA: I would recommend you to download the CD and select the other packages you like10:54
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starzi use the cli interface: btlaunchmanycurses.bittornado /path/to/torrents/dir10:54
rylan_now, anyone here know how i would go about getting my webcam to work?10:54
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unopnanothief,  heh, you using a proxy server?10:54
starzthey let bittornado all the way almost everywhere ever10:54
coNPHasrat_USA: they can be downloaded and installed, especially when you have a fast connection then you might want to download only the packages you want to install10:54
newestso what should i use in place of peergaurdian?10:54
unopnanothief,  or ever tried using one?10:54
ardchoilleHasrat_USA: The DVD has more packages. But, if you install from the cd, then installing more apps is just an spt-get install away.10:55
nanothiefunop: i'm not but I think my network is.10:55
starzand never ever EVER use ktorrent. in fact no one use ktorrent its very very very broken.10:55
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nanothiefunop: under system-preferences-network proxy "direct internet connection" is selected10:55
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unopnanothief,  well, it's clear from there that it's trying to use the proxy at
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nanothiefunop: oh i just thought it meant the dns lookup failed and it returned
Hasrat_USAi see. lol the main difference is the number of packages. okay ardchoille and coNP thanks for sharing the information. I thought "omg the dvd is 3.5 GB while the CD only 700 MB and omg the dvd is so cool and stuff" lol10:56
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dooglusstarz: how does getting caught tell anyone which IP is evil?10:56
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newestmm' kay, so what should i use instead of peergaurdian?10:57
unopnanothief, is a non-existant network .. i bet you, all lookups are being direcred there -- try for e.g. - wget -v youtube.com10:57
ardchoilleHasrat_USA: If it's on the DVD, it's in the repos :)10:57
coNPHasrat_USA: yep it is cool, but every cool program is available from the repos :)10:57
Hasrat_USAbrb going back to ubuntu from XP10:57
nanothiefunop: yep again10:57
nanothiefbut wget -v youtube.com -4  works see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5891/10:58
unopnanothief,  ok, errm -- enter root's shell and try wget -v there --  sudo -i .. and then type wget -v google.co.in10:58
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osfameronardchoille: NOOOOOOOO!! ;-)10:59
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starzzmy inet is sooooooooooooooo unstable10:59
nanothiefunop: it gives the same output11:00
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ardchoilleosfameron: ?11:00
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osfameronardchoille: the games recommendations :-)  Now my life will be completely swamped ;-)11:00
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osfameronardchoille: which is to say, "thanks", I've noted the recommendations11:01
senectusI cant seem to upgrade from dapper to edgy via CDROM, any idea's why dpkg-dev11:01
senectuslibc6-dev are causing me problems?11:01
unopnanothief, hmm11:01
ardchoilleosfameron: Ah, cool :)11:01
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ardchoilleosfameron: I dislike multi-player games and the ones I recommended to you are cool for single-player.11:02
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osfameronardchoille: excellent. It's not that I dislike multi, just that I don't have lots of gamer friends or broadband at home, and I'm also steering clear of it when I do have broadband, as I know I'd get addicted :-)11:02
unopnanothief,  is the output of this command "sudo aptitude update" similar to what's seen here? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8862511:03
ardchoilleosfameron: hahaha11:03
rylan_hmmm, so webcams are pretty much a non-option in ubuntu11:03
Frogzoo!hardware | rylan_11:03
uboturylan_: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport11:03
I-kidohaaaai guns11:04
guns_u now...when i met u at 1st sight. i know but u is mongkey,,heehee11:04
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nanothiefunop: very similar (but i cancled before it got all the way through)11:04
=== I-kido is no mongkey, maybe a rabbit, bu no mongkey at all
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nanothiefunop: a way I found to get some programs working was to add the hostname and ip address (found with ping) to the hosts file11:05
vltHello. I'm trying to comlile a kernel module. I installed linux-source and -headers, unzipped the source and created some symlinks that point to it. When running make I get 3,663 lines of stderr output: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5870  --- What am i doing wrong here?11:06
guns_well...but u,r same with mongkey.btw where do u from?11:06
unopnanothief,  ok, seems like quite a few other people have this problem, even in other distros11:06
dayawhere can i found the driver for SigmaTel STAC9200 Sound Controller11:07
mc2003anyone heard about the corrupted data torrent kernel bug?i get an I/O error and a lock on drives after i try to DL a torrent with Any client.......i need a URL to see what to do.....11:07
nanothiefunop: have the other people managed to get it fixed? I can survive using the host file hack, but it is tedius to have to add every address visited by sites other than firefox11:08
unopnanothief,  yea, that's just a workaround tho, the real issue is with something else -- i would try reinstalling the bind-host -- sudo sh -c "aptitude purge bind-host bind9-host; /etc/init.d/networking restart; aptitude install bind bind9-host"11:08
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guns_its to far.im from bali.do u now Bali11:08
unopnanothief,  while you run this command, i shall find out _if_ other people have gotten it fixed :)11:08
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sdaxc1hi do 2 types of drivers for ati exist ?  I have fglrx... is there another driver made by ATI ?  if so is it better11:08
unopnanothief,  oops11:08
unopnanothief,  hold on with the command11:08
xstasiis there a netinst for ubuntu like debian?11:09
I-kidoI know bali guns, my gf is half endonesian11:09
ardchoilleguns_ , I-kido Please go to #ubuntu-offtopic11:09
xstasii don't want to download all the 650 MB..11:09
nanothiefunop: ummm tooo late???11:09
I-kidooops sorry11:09
I-kidour right11:09
unopnanothief, sudo sh -c "aptitude purge bind-host bind9-host; /etc/init.d/networking restart; aptitude install bind-host bind9-host"11:09
rylan_ok, looking for some help here. i need to install a program i got off the internet, whats the code for that?11:09
unopnanothief,  nahh, just a little mistake, all done now11:09
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ardchoillerylan_: Are you sure that app isn't in the repos?11:10
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rylan_ardchoille, i checked. unfortunatly my girlfriend is chinese and needs a version of QQ instant messenger, i found EVA. (and i hope it works)11:10
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unopnanothief,  restart networking after that too11:11
ardchoillerylan_: Ok, what kind of file is it? .deb? .bin?11:11
nanothiefunop: i've got the first command running11:11
ardchoillerylan_: You'll need to unpack it and read any docs inside before continuing11:11
rylan_ardchoille, thx11:11
ardchoillerylan_: Most of the time, the docs tell you how to compile/install.11:12
unopnanothief, is that the first one or the correction i gave you?11:12
rylan_ardchoille, thanks11:12
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starzrylan_ also sudo apt-get install build-essential11:13
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nanothiefunop: I did the second command and its finished11:14
starzgood place to start.. add checkinstall in there also and double check there isnt a package for it in the repos and check the forums if someone has already made it for your flavor of ubuntu11:14
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starzkay ninie night all11:14
unopnanothief,  ok, restart networking and try again11:14
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nanothiefunop: wget "www.google.com" still returns :(11:15
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unopnanothief,  ok, i'm still googling -- while i am doing that, let this timeconsuming command run -  sudo egrep -inHR '1\.0\.0\.0' /*11:16
unopnanothief,  let me know if anything comes up when it is running11:17
nanothiefunop: i've got a couple "no such file or directory" or "no such device or address"11:17
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nanothiefunop: such as /bin/lsmod.modutils, /dev/nvidia0, /dev/nvidiactl and /dev/log11:18
unopnanothief,  ok, apart from errors :p11:18
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nanothiefunop: ok :lol:11:18
darekim from poland11:19
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl11:19
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unopnanothief,  do you use a wireless card by any chance?11:19
nanothiefunop: nope i use adsl broadband through a router11:20
unopnanothief,  what kind of router?11:20
nanothiefunop: a web excel adsl2/2+ router11:20
Frogzoonanothief: ping www.yahoo.com ?11:21
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pukekoanyone setup mgetty in /etc/event.d ?11:21
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nanothiefunop: it pinged yahoo all right11:22
ubotuFor at f support til Ubuntu p Dansk bedes du venligst g til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal tales kun Engelsk.11:22
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Frogzoopukeko: what's wrong with getty, if you don't mind me asking?11:22
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unopnanothief,  it seems ping isnt affected by this problem -- i think  wget -v yahoo.com  would still return
pukekoFrogzoo: dial-in modem11:23
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nanothiefunop: right you are (i checked :D)11:23
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unopnanothief,  any progress on the grep?11:24
nanothiefunop: no its still going (nothing has been added for a long time though)11:24
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unopnanothief,  ok, let that run then -- what does this return - dpkg -l | grep -i dns11:25
Frogzoonanothief: do you have a web proxy set? either in connection settings or wgetrc ?11:25
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Frogzoopukeko: havne't done it: should be pretty straightforward, no?11:25
unopFrogzoo,  apparently, it's quite a few other applications - evolution, gaim, synaptic, apt, etc11:26
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nanothiefunop: output of dpkg... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5892/11:26
Frogzoonanothief: system -> preferences -> network proxy - disable11:26
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pukekoFrogzoo: i am used to inittab format11:26
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Frogzoonanothief: then start a new term & try again11:26
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LeFrenchyhello there11:27
Frogzoopukeko: just copy one of the tty files in /etc/event.d/11:27
nanothiefFrogzoo: it is already on "direct connection to the internet"11:27
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muuhDBXhttp://www7.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0611/feature2/gallery16.html look it kisss the penguin ! how sweet :D11:27
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Frogzoonanothief: echo $http_proxy11:27
LeFrenchyi need a little help: i can't play flac files with xine11:27
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nanothiefFrogzoo: it just prints an empty line11:28
pukekoFrogzoo: nope that don't work i think it needs an exec in there somewhere..11:28
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pukekomuuhDBX: what exactly "kiss the penguin" ?11:29
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Frogzoonanothief: try again from a new terminal11:30
unopnanothief,  verify that /etc/resolv.conf is what i gave you -- and hasnt reverted11:30
FrogzooLeFrenchy: noone knows11:30
nanothiefFrogzoo: it still gives an empty line11:30
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nanothiefunop: it reverted :P11:30
unopnanothief,  really?11:31
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nanothiefunop: its now nameserver
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unopnanothief,  do you have the link i gave you for the ones i posted?11:32
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nanothiefunop: no ive lost it11:32
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unopnanothief,  ok, hold on a second11:33
CheshireVikingLeFrenchy, i don't know anything about flac files, but found this link from google, maybe this'll help http://element14.wordpress.com/2006/09/28/play-flac-files-in-amarok-on-ubuntu/ it mentions a bug in xine with flac files11:33
nanothiefunop: got it again11:33
LeFrenchythanks viking11:34
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nanothiefnanothief: ive put the replacement text back in, should i restart the network again?11:34
nanothiefunop: ive put the replacement text back in, should i restart the network again?11:35
nanothief... oooops11:35
unopnanothief,  errm, dont11:35
nanothiefunop: ok11:35
unopnanothief,  just try wgetting something now11:35
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nanothiefunop: It worked!!!!!!11:36
papoin universe, there is a package available containing the header file for this library... but in which package is the shared library itself?11:36
nanothiefunop: wget is getting yahoo and google now!!!11:36
unopnanothief,  so it's working then?11:37
nanothiefunop: yes it seems so. Add/Remove successfully updated its program list, which it has never done before11:38
nanothiefunop: thank you so much for your help this one has had me stuck for a long time11:38
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unopnanothief,  sounds like a problem with your router there - you need to get /etc/resolv.conf to change11:38
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unopnanothief,  try and remove this package -- sudo aptitude purge resolvconf11:39
dexem__I'm having a problem using sabayon in ubuntu. When I try to edit a profile, it gets frozen... could it be something related to permissions or... what should I check?11:39
shaprashow to install JDK to root directory?11:39
unopnanothief,  if it complains that too many packages depend on it, then cancel11:39
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unopshapras,  you mean /?11:39
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shapraswe must be JDK11:40
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nanothiefunop: i dont think i had it on my computer, as it gave no prompt to remove it11:40
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unopdexem__,  sabayon is another distro, am i right? if so how are you running it under ubuntu?11:40
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dexem__unop: sabayon is a system administration tool also11:41
unopnanothief,  well, lets see the output11:41
dexem__unop: apt-cache search sabayon11:41
dexem__sabayon - system administration tool to manage GNOME desktop settings11:41
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unopdexem__,  ok, in that case, disregard my last -- i'm sorry11:41
nanothiefunop: output: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5895/11:41
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unopshapras, the JDK needs to go in /usr/lib dude .. why are you wanting to put it in /?11:42
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unopnanothief,  hmm, well, I would do this -- sudo chmod a-w /etc/resolv.conf11:43
shaprasI frits time instaling extrating files.11:43
phatrabbithi where can i find the ubuntu beryl channel11:43
unopphatrabbit,  probably #ubuntu-effects11:43
nanothiefunop: ok done (although it didn't appear to do anything)11:43
phatrabbitalso is there a command to show what graphics card i am running11:43
coNPphatrabbit: I guess #ubuntu-effects11:43
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unopnanothief,   whatd oes this return -- ls -ld /etc/resolv.conf11:44
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shaprashow ti install JDK to this directory "/usr/lib/"?11:44
nanothiefunop: -r--r--r-- 1 root root 75 2007-02-15 21:34 /etc/resolv.conf11:44
unopphatrabbit,  lspci usually lists devices11:44
unopnanothief,  ok, looks good-- try all your usualy diagnostics now :)11:44
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unopshapras,  why dont you just follow what the instructions say .. which package are you installing, the one from sun?11:45
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shaprasbecouse then use command "chmod .." then extrating to cataloge there file been.11:45
shaprasby JDK instrukction11:45
shaprasbut not instaling to these directory11:45
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nanothiefunop: yep it still works11:46
nanothiefunop: and gaim also now works11:46
unopnanothief,  :)11:46
unopnanothief,  you should be ok now :d11:46
nanothiefunop: so it will be ok to reboot and everything11:46
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unopnanothief,  I should presume yes .. but please make sure -- if it doesnt stick, come back and we'll hack around that11:47
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nanothiefunop: thanks again for your help :)11:47
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nanothiefunop: ill think ill try rebooting to see if it works11:48
unopshapras,  if you chmodded that file and ran it, it will have installed all files into a location like this /usr/lib/java-sdk ...11:48
unopnanothief,  yw, :) yea, and try rebooting11:48
ndlovuanyone know of a good ghost util that's open source? I need it to be able to ghost windows installations.11:48
LeFrenchyyou guys know a good payer who can easily organise over 13,000 audio files?11:48
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LeFrenchydon't say amarok11:49
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ptyLeFrenchy: have you tried quod libet ?11:49
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LeFrenchyno, not yet11:49
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LeFrenchydoes it woth it?11:49
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ptyI have about 10,000 tracks and it works fine11:50
shaprasi try11:50
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jattksalright lads11:50
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LeFrenchyi'll "throw an eye" on it11:50
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Tode_IHey y'all. Just installed and it's defaulted to a too-high setting for the wimpy 15" CRT, so the screen is garbled. How do I change the setting, other than reinstalling?11:50
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shaprasunop:  first what I must do, tha JDK file place into /user/lib?11:51
shaprasand do chmod11:52
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nanothiefunop: it stopped working :(11:52
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sebrockanyone using gdesklets? My starterbar shows all the time, it's on top of all programs?11:52
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concept10how do I get real video to open in anything else but the non working totem?11:56
ndlovuTode_I, can you open a text terminal (Ctrl-F3 for example)?11:56
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ndlovuTode_I, That should be Ctrl+Alt+F311:57
Slartctrl+alt+f7 to get back11:58
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ndlovuSlart, good point :)11:58
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SlartI've sent people off into console land before =)11:58
Slartwithout telling them that11:58
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jussi01concept10: right click on the file, then open with then choose the program...11:58
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jussi01 concept10: or did you want it straigt from firefox??11:59
concept10jussi01, doesnt work, this is a javascript web link11:59
ubotujed: editor for programmers (textmode version). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.18-4 (edgy), package size 113 kB, installed size 292 kB11:59
ndlovuSlart, lol11:59
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Slartlooks like we lost Tode_I too.. well.. he'll be back after a reboot..12:00
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Slartthey really should print that to the console when doing the shift+alt-thingy... "to return to x, press ctrl+alt+f7"12:01
jussi01concept10: wait one, just finding it :D12:01
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ndlovuSlart, so it would seem. although if the display was garbled, he'd probably be using a different computer :-\12:01
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Slartndlovu: true.. we'll just have to wait and see12:02
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cyclopsI would like to help with a sound recording issue, is there someone availible?12:03
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Tode_ISorry, got impatient and went to the forums.12:03
Tode_I...which appears to have made it worse. :>12:03
SteveCoffeeHello Everybody :D *hope its working this time12:03
ndlovuTode_I, glad we haven't lost you ;)12:03
Tode_II rebooted to console and did this:12:04
Tode_Isudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:04
cyclopsI need to figure out why when I attempt to record a sound from my mic, it just records dead air?12:04
Tode_Ibased on a post in the forum. I tried to pick safe values, but now X failed to start.12:04
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cyclopsI have a Creative Labs SB Live! card, and it records audio in Windows12:04
ndlovuTode_I, that would have been my suggestion also12:04
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Tode_I"Unable to find a valid framebuffer device"12:05
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SteveCoffeedoes someone know the name from the programm DSL uses to show the system stats (netload, batterie, Cpu..diskspace...) on the desktop i dont think its gdesktop and im trying to find it.12:05
Frogzoocyclops: check your levels - sound -> volume control12:05
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Tode_IScreens found, but none have a usable configuration. Blarg.12:06
cyclopsDone that, I have enabled "Capture" and "Mic" and selected "Mic1" as well.12:06
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rangansHi guys I am trying to figure out how to uninstall unwanted packages and if I remove some in synaptic manager like dvd+r tools or evolution mail which I am never going to use iit removes all dependent packages including ubuntu desktop12:07
ndlovuTode_I, not something I've come across I'm afraid12:07
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rangansis there a safe way to remove unwanted software using dpkg or synaptic12:07
unopSteveCoffee,  whats DSL?12:07
unopSteveCoffee,  why are you asking about DSL in ubuntu?12:08
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Tode_IStory of my life - Somehow, I always manage to get the really oddball issues.12:08
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:08
SteveCoffeeim using xubuntu right now, im was looking if maybe one knows the programm or a somelike like it for ubuntu beside gdesktop.12:08
cyclopsFrogzoo, any ideas if that doesn't work?12:09
Tode_IThanks, I'll give that a read. :>12:09
unopSteveCoffee,  its probably a DSL specific utility, please find the DSL channel and ask them12:09
Tode_IWill the commands "For Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake):" work for 6.10?12:09
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Tode_ICause there's nothing on the page for 6.1012:09
SteveCoffeei agree unop will be the fastet way :D12:10
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unopSteveCoffee,  :)12:10
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coNPyep, unop is even faster than ubotu12:10
cyclopshmm...  is that a no?12:10
ranganscould somebody help me with synaptic /dpkg problem. I want to remoe some totally unwanted packages and not sure how12:11
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unopcoNP, you arent implying that ubotu was a prototype now, are you? :p12:11
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Slartrangans: just to be sure here.. is it really necessary to remove these programs?12:13
Kapuchehi !12:13
Frogzoocyclops: dude it works - check file -> device   &  edit -> preferences - for levels not currently displayed12:13
ndlovuTode_I, I usually get the best answers by searching on ubuntuforums.org12:13
Slartrangans: most "premade" , "ready to use" distributions come in big pieces.. sometimes you can't remove just one little part without the whole thing going with it12:13
doogluscan someone help me to get my middle speaker to work in ubuntu please?  it works in Windows, but not ubuntu12:13
unoprangans,  hmm, well, probably needs to be done by hand - what i do is open synaptic .. and sort by installed packages .. then i go through the list, if i feel a package does not belong on my system i try and uninstall it :)12:13
rangansSlart: I am working on a small pre-built vmdisk and so I would like to remove several unwanted programs to make room for some new ones I am planning to install12:13
unoprangans,  errm .. i "mark for removal" actually , to save time12:14
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ndlovuTode_I, you could try http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=14609228 (not sure if the link will work)12:14
linuxorPlease, How to rename 100 files as file001, file002 .... ?12:14
Slartrangans: oh.. then I guess you'd be better off using some other distro.. perhaps one specifically designed to be small.. or build it yourself from scratch12:14
rangansunop: by hand how?? using dpkg commands if so could you direct me on what to read tx12:14
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Slartrangans: but there might be a way to do it with ubuntu... but I don't know one12:14
unoprangans,  read my post again please12:15
cyclopsFrogzoo, Done that, I even tried to use OSS for the recording source, neither will pick up anything from the microphone to capture it.12:15
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Slartlinuxor: some bash scripting.. what do you have now?12:16
rangansSlart: thanks for the heads up on other distros might try others12:16
doogluslinuxor: n=0; for i in *; do mv -i "$i" $(printf "file%03d" $n); ((n++)); done12:16
SteveCoffeelinuxor, i dont know if its in a ubuntu, its in xubuntu . look unter apps -> system -> bulk-rename12:16
Slartrangans: you're welcome12:16
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linuxorSlart : yes12:16
rangansunop: I am not sure if I mark for removal in synaptic it asks several other packages to be marked as well12:16
assasukassehi everyone, i wish to use my pda with edgy, what should i do, simply pluggin in doesnt work12:16
linuxorSteveCoffe : bu shell12:16
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unoprangans,  well, then you go through those other packages and see if you want to keep them or not12:16
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SteveCoffeeyeah i was to slow when you said that ;)12:17
Slartlinuxor: look at dooglus little script there... that's one way12:17
SteveCoffeedooglus, already gave you answer :D12:17
cyclopsFrogzoo,  if I unmute the microphone in the play options, I can also hear it via the speakers and it causes feedback12:17
rangansunop: Many packages like (cups printer files which i never use/have bluetooth evolution email all want to remove ubuntu-desktop which I definitely want to keep12:17
unop!info ubuntu-desktop12:18
ubotuubuntu-desktop: The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.30 (edgy), package size 16 kB, installed size 44 kB12:18
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unoprangans,  ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage which you can definitely remove without any adverse effect12:18
jussi01Can someone tell me how to safely remove open office... is synaptic the best way? or is there a good uninstaller that remvoes everything you dont need as well...?12:19
rangansunop: I am sorry so you mean to say ubuntu-desktop is optional and I can still have the GUI without the ubuntu-desktop12:19
unoprangans,  exactly12:19
cyclopsDoes anyone know how to get Ubuntu to record from a microphone?12:19
Slartjussi01: synaptic is a good uninstaller for almost everything.. including openoffice I'd assume12:19
rangansunop: oh never knew that before thanks a lot will try that12:19
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jussi01Slart: thanks - just thought to check that that there wasnt some special way...12:20
IdleOnerangans, ubuntu-desktop is just a file with a list of all the packages that comprise the ubuntu desktop so once it is installed you can remove that file ( ubuntu-desktop ) and still have all the GUI12:20
unopjussi01,  something like this might do -- sudo aptitude purge $(dpkg -l | grep -i "openoffice.org" | cut -c 3-30 | xargs)12:20
Slartjussi01: synaptic is as special as it gets.. it keeps track of all installed software.. knows what needs what etc..12:21
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rangansIdleOne: just to make sure would taht break my future upgrades if I do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop12:21
unopjussi01,  that command is not tested so i'd see what this returns first - dpkg -l | grep -i "openoffice.org" | cut -c 3-30 | xargs12:21
IdleOnerangans, no it wont12:21
Slartjussi01: I don't think it'll remove documents or changed files though.. you'll probably have to do that yourself12:21
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rangansIdleOne: thanks I am marking for removal now lets see how it goes12:22
sebrockanyone at all using gDesklets?12:22
Slartsebrock: I have once or twice, why?12:22
jussi01unop: where does that command start? with - or dpkg?12:22
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unopjussi01,  with dpkg :)12:23
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sebrockSlart, well I use the starterbar but it sits on top of every other program12:23
jussi01unop: Thanks :D12:23
sebrockSlart, I want it to just be on the desktop12:24
cyclopsAnyone at all?12:24
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Slartsebrock: hmm.. I'll have a look.. brb12:24
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jussi01unop: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5901/12:24
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phatrabbithi this is abit off topic but whats the command to open a new server in xchat12:24
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unopjussi01,  what you could do is -- dpkg -l | grep -i "openoffice.org" | cut -c 3-30 > toremove.txt  -- and then edit the toremove.txt to make your changes -- and then run - sudo aptitude purge $(cat toremove.txt)12:25
phatrabbitactually dont worry i got it12:25
Slartsebrock: hmm.. mine stays on the desktop.. didn't find any settings for it either12:25
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unopjussi01,  well, from what you have shown me, it looks like you can remove those packages12:26
jussi01unop: Im not really sure wha I want to remove except all of openoffice12:26
Tode_IDid that xorg reconfigure thingy again, and it's actually got an option to disable the framebuffer thingy12:26
unopjussi01,  the first command i gave you should suffice then :)12:26
Tode_INow I can go to bed feeling like I accomplished something. |>12:27
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jussi01unop: excellent thanks a lot - Ill let you know how things go12:27
sebrockSlart, I know... could you check the source by rightclicking it12:27
sebrockSlart, and then tell me if you have this: <display anchor="center" window-flags="below, sticky"12:27
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ubotuenvy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia and ATI drivers. Please see http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html . Developers may be interested in https://launchpad.net/products/envy - See also !Nvidia12:28
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muuhDBXoficial drivers arr non free12:29
ndlovuTode_I, nice!12:29
phatrabbitnon free ?12:29
Slartsebrock: hmm.. here it is.. look for yourself http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5902/ =)12:29
phatrabbitunder the GPL12:29
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muuhDBXonly open source grafic driver are supported in ubuntu12:29
jussi01unop: small problem... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5903/12:30
IdleOnephatrabbit, free to use non free to redistribute12:30
phatrabbitoh i c12:30
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phatrabbiti just used envy to install my new nvidia drivers12:30
phatrabbitand ubuntu boots and the screem goes into sleep mode12:31
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:31
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unopjussi01,  can you !pastebin this - dpkg -l | grep -i "openoffice.org"12:31
phatrabbitsudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:31
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jussi01unop: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5904/12:32
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jayhow can i make kiba-dock items always stay in place when the return intstead of hanging outside... if u kno what I mean. They don't make one line, other icons just hang off12:34
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phatrabbitwhen on command line12:34
phatrabbithow do i copy the text12:34
Guest_649 hi how can i pass a message using wall or write to some ther computers tty?12:34
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unopjussi01,  this should do then - sudo aptitude purge $(dpkg -l | grep -i "openoffice.org" | cut -c 3-40 | xargs)12:35
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jussi01phatrabbit: ctrl-shift-c paste ctrl-shift-v12:35
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jussi01unop: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5905/12:36
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jussi01should I accept that solution?12:36
Guest_649how can i pass a message to some other computers tty? is it possible?12:37
unopjussi01,  yea, you can accept the solution12:37
jussi01ok thanks!!12:37
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phatrabbitis it ctrl+shift+backspace to restart xserver12:38
jussi01unop: will an apt-get auto-remove get rid of any leftovers?12:38
unopjussi01,  only thing tho, the next time you use apt to install/remove something, you might be warned of these broken packages12:38
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phatrabbitctrl+shift+backspace wont work12:39
Guest_649how can i pass a message to some other computers tty? is it possible?12:39
unopjussi01,  errm, i dont think so, i dont like these "auto" commands, because then i am not in control :d12:39
unopphatrabbit,  ctrl+alt... :)12:39
garyIf, for example, I want the latest release of a particular program, but it is not avaailable on the stable apt list, is it possible to download that one package from a different list, say the testing version, so that I can have the latest release of it?12:39
unopGuest_649,  man wall12:39
jussi01gary: yes12:40
unopgary,  not advisable12:40
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unopgary,  it'll probably wreck your install12:40
phatrabbitok envy does not work so well12:40
garyAh, thanks guys, I'll avoid doing that and just be patient and wait :-)12:40
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Guest_649unop, but is it possible to send to some other computers tty which has a different ip?12:41
jussi01unop: thanks a million mate - everything seems fine!! cheers!!12:41
unopGuest_649,  errm, i havent come across something like that before .. you hacking someone? :)12:41
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unopjussi01,  you sound english :d yw :)12:41
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jussi01unop: not quite - youll have to go alot futher south... to god's own country12:42
unopjussi01,  errm, ok, south africa? :>12:43
Guest_649unop, no i just wanted to send a message to some other computers tty having a different ip..12:43
royelunop: he's an aussie..12:43
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unoproyel,  ahh, i shoulda done a whois .. :)12:44
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jussi01Unop: royel is spot on... though im living near the arctic circle now...brrr12:44
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unopjussi01,  i thought it was summer there now?12:45
phatrabbitunop, what does restricted modules mean when downloading NVIDIA drivers12:45
unopphatrabbit,  those modules are non-free drivers, kernel modules, etc12:45
royel!restricted | phatrabbit12:45
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phatrabbitand where does apt-get save the packages to on my computer12:45
ubotuphatrabbit: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:45
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jussi01unop: as just mention Im near the ARCTIC circle now.... (ie finland...:P)12:46
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unopjussi01,  ahh shucks, i'm not reaing well , i thought i read antarctic :p12:46
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hdxxdoes anyone know why my cd-rom, doesn't detect cd12:47
jussi01unop: Lol...btw are you forum staff by any chance?12:47
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unopjussi01,  but brr indeed, we had 2 days of snow last week and we cant even hack it, i can imagine what it's like for you12:47
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phatrabbitunop, i used sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx12:48
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jussi01unop: you i the uk?12:48
unopjussi01,  errm no, I am in no way affiliated with ubuntu (yet?) :p12:48
phatrabbitand my computer keeps beeping12:48
rickymplphatrabbit, normally apt-get saves the debs to /var/cache/apt/archives12:48
unopjussi01,  indeed12:48
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phatrabbitthe little speaker off my motherboard wont stop beeping12:48
phatrabbitkinda freaking out :P12:48
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phatrabbitthanks rickympl12:49
unopphatrabbit,  yea, the nvidia-glx package depends on l-r-m -- nothing to be worried about :)12:49
phatrabbitoh phew!12:49
royelphatrabbit: try this instead for Nvidia drivers.. you won't be dissappointed http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html12:49
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phatrabbitwell i tried using python script envy and that screwed my drivers12:50
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Oursonj'ai un soucis avec un dd sata12:50
jussi01unop: do you know how to change the color the windows icon flashes on the panel?12:50
IdleOne!fr | Ourson Bonjour!12:51
ubotuOurson Bonjour!: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:51
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phatrabbitroyel, after it downloaded the new drivers and installed and backed up my old config and xserver restarted it my monitor went into sleep mode and wouldnt come out12:51
unopjussi01,  ahh no unfortunately, i dont use gnome12:52
unopjussi01,  it's probably something you can change from within the gconf-editor (registry?) tho12:52
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jussi01unop: yeah, had a look there, couldnt find it. I know its in the theme somewhere - but I have absolutley no idea about playing with theme stuff12:53
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blackesttode_I you still got problems ?12:54
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jussi01unop: anyays thanks again - Im off to have some fun12:54
unopjussi01,  have fun :)12:54
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unopjussi01,  and yw :)12:54
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phatrabbitdoes ubuntu network my pc's automatically12:57
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phatrabbitcan i transfer stuff using the IP12:57
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sacaterhello again all, in ubuntu, if i save something to a floppy disk, why does it not write immiediatly12:57
sacaterit waits a min12:58
sacaterand then write12:58
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jaywhere can i get a deb package for kbfx?12:58
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hdxxsudo apt-cache search kbfx12:59
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royel_phatrabbit: you probably will need samba, are you trying to connect to window machines or other linux boxes?01:00
blackestany tvcard experts available ?01:01
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Daverocks!anyone | blackest01:01
ubotublackest: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:01
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mackinacsometimes only a certified expert will do01:02
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mattycozehay does anyone know where to fix gaim issues?01:03
mattycozewith Ubuntu01:03
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bokeymattycoze, what's the problem ?01:04
michaelpohello.... i cannot watch vcd... i can watch dvd... what do I need to do? before i did a reinstallation i could watch both dvd and vcd after i installed some package... i could not find the website that teach me how to do it now... please help...01:04
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mattycozegaim won't connect to my msn account, it's a gaim issue that's all01:04
mattycozed.w i've found thier chatroom01:04
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royel_michaelpo: what media player are you using?01:05
CheshireVikingmattycoze, i think there's problems with msn today, a number of my contacts can't get online to msn01:05
=== coNP neither
blackestok I need some help configuring saa1734 driver01:05
hdxxyes, hotmail have problems01:06
michaelporoyel i'm using mplayer and totem01:06
royel_michaelpo: try using VLC or Xine, I think that might be the problem.01:06
mackinacmichaelpo, ??? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats ???01:06
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royel_michaelpo: this site might be of some use to you as well. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats01:07
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michaelpovlc? xine? ok i'll try that....01:07
mackinacvlc rocks01:07
michaelporoyel i've already done the restrictedformats thingy01:07
royel_michaelpo: check the above link as well..01:07
royel_mackinac: yes it does01:08
mackinacexcept for h264 here for some reason :(01:09
mackinacfor * with01:09
bokeywhat's epson stylus cx 3900's status in dapper ?01:09
bokeyanyone here knows if it works ?01:11
michaelpodownloading vlc now...01:11
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ndlovuI'm having some weird audio recording problems. my mic works fine in windows, and occasionally works in ubuntu. when I push the record button (on sound recorder for example), the audio capture toggle is automatically muted on the volume control. any ideas why?01:12
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ndlovulspci output: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)01:14
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Rothbuntuding dong01:16
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Rothbuntuhow do i mount a .bin file and extract the goodness within01:16
=== ndlovu thinks it's eerily quiet in here
rexybchunk it to an iso01:16
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rexyand then mount it01:16
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rexycant mount bins01:16
rexymplayer can play em directly though01:16
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rexyif it's a vid cd anyway01:17
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Rothbuntuits vid indeed01:17
FaithfulHow can install a 2.6.20 kernel in edgy?01:18
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mneptokFaithful: why?01:18
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jattksuh, can i say something?01:18
jattkslinux sucks ass man :s01:18
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Rothbuntuoh wow01:18
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jattksthis is so shit this whole ufucktoo thing :S01:18
Rothbuntui did not know that01:18
rexyquick bring out the tar and feathers \o/01:19
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Faithfulmneptok: hardware support... why else?01:19
Rothbuntuoh lawd ive been tricked01:19
RothbuntuVISTA SAVE ME01:19
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johns^pff, ofcourse linux sux01:20
mattycozesomeone kick jattks01:20
johns^every os sux01:20
johns^linux sux less01:20
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KasoHi, i seem to have lost the ability to type 'x' whats going on?01:21
mneptokFaithful: for what?01:21
niyidoes anyone know where you can get hold of software to connect phones on linux01:21
michaelpovlc did not work... it crashed when first loading vcd content..01:21
rexyi'm guessing here01:22
Faithfulmneptok: you are not answering the question... if you don't know don't say anything.01:22
rexybut i think you mean to connect your nokia via bluetooth/cable and do "stuff"?01:22
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niyiuh huh01:22
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niyibut not a nokia01:22
niyibut you get the idea01:23
rexywell there's a program for it01:23
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rexyit's for nokia's but i guess it'll work01:23
rexyif only i could remember the name01:23
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mattycozejohns what's wrong with linux?01:23
Faithfulniyi: depends what you mean when you say you wan't to connect the phone...01:23
mattycozegive us your educated opinion01:23
Faithfulsynchronize ???01:23
rexysomething like that01:23
niyiuh huh01:24
mneptokFaithful: suit yourself.01:24
KasoThe 'Keyboar Shortcuts' program seems to have swallowe my 'd' an 'x' keys01:24
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IdleOneKaso, how did you manage to type the d and x in the last sentence?01:24
Kasocopy an pasting of course01:24
rexythat's it01:25
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Faithfulmneptok: well you didn't really help me... just made it seem as if I had to gain your permission to put a 2.6.20 kernel on my machine01:25
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Piciniyi: This may also help you:01:26
Pici!info bitpim01:26
ubotubitpim: utility to communicate with many CDMA phones. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.9.04.dfsg.1-1 (edgy), package size 3884 kB, installed size 12952 kB01:26
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mneptokFaithful: seeing that i work for the company behind Ubuntu in a senior support role, my reticence in having users apply custom built kernels to their machines is understandable.01:27
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JONES3700is anyone running continuum w/ wine01:28
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Faithfulmneptok: So round about you are saying that there is not an ubuntu edgy 2.6.20 linux-image01:28
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johns^mattycoze: ass I said, linux sux *less*01:29
johns^less than that *other* os anyway :)01:29
Faithfulmneptok: 2.6.17 is too old for my sata controller.01:29
mneptokFaithful: not in a packaged form, no.01:29
mattycozejohns, yeah - implying it sucks to a degree01:29
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mattycoze... so tell me how much it sucks?01:29
mneptokFaithful: see if Feisty has your driver.01:29
johns^not much01:29
mbarzegarI got a question about glibc installation01:30
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PiciFaithful: I believe, mneptok correct me if I'm wrong, but 2.6.20 is in / will be in  Fiesty01:30
johns^otherwise I wouldn't have been using it as a primary os for the last 10 years01:30
kuma_when i plug my USB thumb drive the OS won't mount it, I have to sudo mount it to make it work. This works for me, but my sister don't know how to do it. How can I make the mounting can be done by any user?01:30
mbarzegarcan any1 help me ?01:30
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mneptokPici: last i knew Feisty was using 2.6.1901:30
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johns^mattycoze: but nothing is perfect, so eventually you will find something that makes you go 'that really s*cks'01:31
PeaceLoverheya all01:31
mbarzegarcan any1 help me ?01:31
mbarzegarI got a question about glibc installation01:31
DimensionsHiya .... how do we mount a usb pen drive ... i just formatted it ...as sda1 vfat and sda2 ext3 ... it appears as /dev/sda im installing linux on it ... when i do mount /dev/sda /media/foo it says u must specify the file system type ????01:32
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:32
royel_!any | mbarzegar01:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about any - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:32
royel_!anyone | mbarzegar01:32
ubotumbarzegar: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:32
mattycozejohns, mmm01:32
mbarzegarI got a question about glibc installation01:32
mbarzegarcan any1 help me ?01:32
PiciThen ask it01:32
IdleOnembarzegar, what is the question?01:32
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mbarzegarit says it has to be installaed in a seperate build directory01:33
mbarzegari dont understand it01:33
johns^mbarzegar: you didn't just apt-get it?01:33
mbarzegarGNU libc cannot be compiled in the source directory.  You must build it01:33
mbarzegarin a separate build directory.  For example, if you have unpacked the01:33
mbarzegarglibc sources in `/src/gnu/glibc-2.4', create a directory01:33
mbarzegar`/src/gnu/glibc-build' to put the object files in.  This allows01:33
mbarzegarremoving the whole build directory in case an error occurs01:33
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mbarzegari got the glibc-2.501:35
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johns^why build it yourself?01:35
mbarzegarplease some1 help me01:35
mbarzegarit's so urgent01:35
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mbarzegari didnt biuld it my self01:36
mbarzegarthis text was the part of the readme install file01:36
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furryballsCould someone mount a root partition from the livecd and chroot then uninstall something? Other than the mounting how would this be done?01:37
johns^mbarzegar: from the top... what have you done allready? what are you trying to install01:37
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mbarzegarI downloaded the glibc01:37
johns^furryballs: your cdrom is readonly01:37
johns^mbarzegar: a tar.gz I guess?01:37
mbarzegarthen i typed ./configure01:38
Picimbarzegar: Any particular reason you want to compile it from souce?01:38
johns^then again: what Pici said01:38
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furryballsjohns^: Chroot woudl use the partition as the root directory, or should. I have never done this. I have on gentoo I think tho. Isn't it possible?01:38
mbarzegari have this error : configure: error: you must configure in a separate build directory01:38
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IdleOnembarzegar, DO YOU WANT HELP OR NOT?01:39
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IdleOnembarzegar, johns^ and Pici have both asked why you qwant to compile it yourself?01:39
michaelpoi've also just installed quake... where is the icon to start quake?01:39
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mbarzegari have ubuntu 5.10 , when i want to install any kind of packages like GTK+ .. I get the error that the c compiler is not installed01:39
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mbarzegarso i thought i have to install GCC or Glibc , myself01:40
Picimbarzegar: just install build-essential01:40
IdleOnembarzegar, that is because you need to install a package called build-essential sudo apt-get install build-essential01:40
Picimbarzegar: its a metapackage that includes all the things you need to compile things01:40
IdleOneyou probably need to enable universe and multiverse also01:40
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johns^mbarzegar: apt-get install build-essential01:40
mbarzegarwhere can i get it ?01:40
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johns^ah, too late01:41
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IdleOne!universe | mbarzegar enable universe and multiverse01:41
ubotumbarzegar enable universe and multiverse: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource01:41
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mbarzegari go check it01:42
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arunkumaranHello Room01:42
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:42
=== IdleOne thinks universe and multiverse should be enabled by default but prolly not a good idea for security reasons or something
arunkumarani have just now installed 6.10 and find it very user-friendly01:43
johns^arunkumaran: It is01:43
arunkumaranbut wat is the major diff b/w ubuntu and Debian?01:43
Shaffoxcan i rip mp3 from my ipod ? and then convert them?01:43
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mattycozehay when does the next release of ubuntu come out?01:43
Pici!fiesty | mattycoze01:43
ubotumattycoze: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+101:43
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johns^mattycoze: 7.0401:43
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases01:43
royel_hey guys, why when I take desktop screenshots, if I have a video playing (dvd) the video player screen shows up blank in the screenshot?01:43
mattycozeahh, will that include the new kernel?01:44
Rothbuntunot if its played in vlc the vid comes out01:44
michaelpoi typed quake2... Error: Couldn't load pics/colormap.pcx01:44
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Piciarunkumaran: read here; http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu01:44
arunkumaran@royel..i think u have to pause the video01:44
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:44
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berentcan anyone tell me how to use kopete for yahoo room list01:44
berentcan anyone tell me how to use kopete for yahoo room list01:44
IdleOnedont think that a screenshot can grab moving video01:44
berentcan anyone tell me how to use kopete for yahoo room list01:45
arunkumaranwats de best mp3 player for ubuntu...is the a real player for ubuntu?01:45
Pici!repeat > berent01:45
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royel_arunkumaran: lol, so simple .. ty01:45
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IdleOneberent, noone has answered in the past 15 seconds ask again!!!01:45
PiciIdleOne: Dont encourage them :p01:45
arunkumaran@royel..i tried it in windows and had the same trouble....01:45
IdleOnePici, didnt you feel the sarcasm :)01:45
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PiciIdleOne:  didnt you see my :p01:45
IdleOneoh :P yeah lol01:46
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ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:46
Shaffoxcan i rip mp3s from my ipod ? and then convert them ?01:46
sambooim using ubuntu live dvd atm, could someone quickly describe how i can mount a ntfs drive so i can access data from it?01:46
IdleOnesamboo, nothing quick about ntfs01:47
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johns^samboo: mount -t ntfs -o ro /dev/hda1 /mnt/mountpoint01:47
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse01:47
berenthow to know if my sound card  and device are working01:47
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arunkumaran@berent ...try playing a .wav file01:47
samboothanks johns^, i'll give it a bash01:47
Piciarunkumaran: There kinda is a real player for linux, its called Helix, its based off of the Real Player code01:47
berent.wav > /dev/dsp -> no sound01:47
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Shaffoxnever mind, i have  found it myself01:48
arunkumaranwats de best mp3 player for ubuntu...real?01:48
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.01:48
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Rothbuntui use vlc for everything but im a lazy ass01:48
arunkumaransomething thats simple like winamp?..xmms?01:49
Piciarunkumaran: There are a number of mp3 players, foobar, beep-media-player, xmms, just to name a few01:49
todd22whats the kernel module for the realtek 8185 called?01:49
m0xie__Try xmms.01:49
berentmy device manager doesnt open01:49
johns^arunkumaran: xmms indeed. Or amarok01:49
johns^or beep01:49
berentand try to reinstall it doesnt01:49
furryballsIs there a way to uninstall kubuntu-desktop from a partition using a livecd?01:49
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johns^furryballs: no01:49
arunkumarani installed xmms using apt-get...there seems to be a trouble...the buttons in the dialog boxes are devoid of text...01:49
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xstasisince i can't boot ubuntu cd, can i install ubuntu from my running debian?01:50
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xstasilike with debootstrap or something01:50
johns^xstasi: you can netboot01:50
xstasiis there a howto?01:50
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues01:50
xstasifrom the ubuntu desktop cd?01:50
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mattycozedoes anyone how to flush dns on linux?01:50
berentwhen i try to open device manager a bug buddy opens throwing a core01:50
furryballsxstasi: Yes. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=36211201:50
berentwhats the remedy01:51
xstasifurryballs, there doesn't seem to be useful info in that thread..01:51
IdleOnexstasi, look at the links ubotu gave up there you will find the info you need01:52
berentno one knows anytthing today why01:52
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xstasiIdleOne, the first link seems to have old doc.. the others are useless to me01:53
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johns^xstasi: there is a debian howto for installing through a network01:53
xstasidoes this fit to edgy too?01:54
IdleOnexstasi, google ubuntu debian install. iirc there is a way to go from your debian install to ubuntu but I dont remember how or ever did it01:54
johns^but use the ubuntu files 'linux' and initrd.gz01:54
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xstasiIdleOne, i don't want to shapeshift my debian to ubuntu, instead i want to install ubuntu on another partition, from this debian01:54
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Dermirhi all. Can anyone help me? I have ms analisys servises. Ia there any analog on ubuntu?01:55
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johns^xstasi: netboot, then add a grub entry so it boots mentioned setup files and install is on it's way as usual01:55
johns^its easy01:55
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xstasithe live cd won't run since i have a radeon 9550, and both radeon and vesa hang the computer01:55
xstasijohns^, i only have a single computer.. can i netboot?01:55
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sambooive mounted a drive on ubuntu live, could someone answer my stupidly frustrating quetion of "how i can access it using ubuntus file browser" ?01:55
kiwiiI did modprobe -r usbhid, and my keyboard and mose went off :) how can i load this again ? :D ssh and telnet to the machine dont work01:56
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royel_samboo: where did you mount it?01:56
xstasithe best thing, i think, would be to start ubiquity on debian..01:56
varkatopehas anybody here experiences with the new via epia boards EX10000EG and/or EX150000EG, especially the video acceleration for mpeg 2/4 wmv9??01:56
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sambooi can access it doing "sudo xterm" and navigating in the terminal01:56
michaelpoi did a right click property in synaptic for quake2... lots of different directory... where is the quake2.exe file?01:56
sambooim a novice, dont know what else to do01:56
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samboodont know how to give enough privalges to the live cd to let me navigate to it in the gui01:57
royel_samboo: open file manager an on the view tab, click to show hidden files (CTRL+H) then you should find it01:57
skarhi, i've a asus p5b and install hangs as the jmicron ide chipset driver is not there yet in the cd01:57
skaris there a way to pass the generic ide driver option to the boot cd kernel? fedora seems to have an option for this that works in this motherboard01:58
samboosorry royel, i can already see it now ive mounted it01:58
sambooi just dont have permission to access it01:58
kuma_when i plug my USB thumb drive the OS won't mount it, I have to sudo mount it to make it work. This works for me, but my sister don't know how to do it. How can I make the mounting can be done by any user?01:58
sambooi DO have permission if i run "sudo xterm" and use the terminal to navigate to it01:58
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NoEvidenZhow does everyone make their terminals transparent and stuff?01:58
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royel_samboo: # sudo chmod 777 ./mnt/wintmp01:59
johns^xstasi: ttp://www.debian.org/releases/woody/i386/ch-install-methods.en.html#s-boot-drive-files01:59
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johns^usefull unfo01:59
xstasiwoody? floppy?01:59
royel_samboo: # sudo chown youruser:youruser ./mnt/wintmp01:59
IdleOneNoEvidenZ, I dont but goto Edit in terminal windows and then click profiles01:59
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samboobrilliant royel, thanks a lot01:59
johns^xstasi: as I said, use the ubuntu files and the idea is the same02:00
varkatope@ NoEvidenZ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BerylOnEdgy02:00
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xstasijohns^, i'm right now trying to debootstrap from here02:00
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xstasilooks like a better idea..02:00
johns^xstasi: you put them somewhere and tell grub or lilo to boot those files02:00
NoEvidenZIdleOne: I worship you. You're always the one who answers my questions.02:00
xstasii don't see how this can solve..02:00
xstasiok, i boot another kernel/initrd, and with that?02:00
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johns^xstasi: it's like a tftp boot. I use that to install fedora/debian/ubuntu on desktop pc's02:01
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Dermir     Is there any analog of MS analisys services  on ubuntu?02:01
xstasijohns^, ok, but my cd is ok. it's xorg that won't start because of the unsupported video card02:01
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xstasiso no matter which kernel/root i run from, X won't start02:01
IdleOneNoEvidenZ, johns^ also answered your question but he went the advanced beryl is the world and we all have 3d and stuff :) wich is real cool but I dont and assumed you meant Terminal as in terminal shell02:01
xstasiso no ubiquity02:01
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unopxstasi,  have you tried using "X -configure" to create a new xorg.conf ?02:02
michaelpowhich quake2 in terminal gives /usr/games/quake2 but there is no pics/colormap.pcx directory02:02
IdleOneerr sorry not johns^ it was varkatope02:02
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xstasiunop, i would configure X with vim, if only i could start the system.02:02
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xstasiunfortunately, i wasn't able to find a parameter to tell ubuntu not to boot X automatically02:03
varkatopenp, i maybe it was a translationmistake , i jsut saw "transparent window" ^^02:03
IdleOnevarkatope, :)02:03
unopxstasi,  CTRL+ALT+f1  not work?02:03
xstasiwith my ati radeon 9550, both "radeon" and "vesa" drivers completely hang the system02:03
xstasii can't even saK02:04
xstasinor kIll02:04
GreyGhost-Ubuntuerr how do i know with what permissions my NTFS drivers are munte?02:04
xstasifrom sysrq02:04
=== derder [n=icebreak@dslb-084-062-039-065.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
xstasii only could reBoot02:04
unopxstasi,  boot into single user mode and remove the link  /etc/rc2.d/?dm  that should stop X from starting02:04
xstasiand then telinit 2?02:04
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derderim looking for an easy to use ftp client for the console02:04
johns^derder: ncftp02:04
xstasincftp ftw02:05
unopxstasi,  i'm not so sure now that upstart has replaced sysvinit on ubuntu -- ought to work tho02:05
derderwill try it02:05
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xstasiwhat about the debootstrap?02:05
xstasiisn't this easier?02:05
derderand a tool to burn dvds in console02:05
johns^xstasi: and there is a manual :)02:05
xstasiderder, growisofs02:05
unopxstasi, yep, that works too -- but it's longer IMO02:05
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xstasiwith debootstrap02:06
unopxstasi,  init/telinit should work -- otherwise just issue -- shutdown -r now :)02:06
xstasido i get a "stock" ubuntu?02:06
varkatope@derder: data or video?02:06
xstasiunop, and i get the gdm link again.. :)02:06
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unopxstasi,  once you have finished business with xorg.conf you can use update-rc.d to start your dm02:06
unopxstasi,  i mean enable the dm in runlevel 202:07
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xstasii don't think gdm will start anyway02:07
varkatope@derder: mkisofs, cdrecord should do the job02:07
xstasibecause i need fglrx02:07
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xstasior no X at all02:07
royel_GreyGhost-Ubuntu: ls -l /dir/name02:07
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xstasithis is a badass video card, indeed02:07
unopxstasi,  right, its not starting .. thats the problem, you have to stop it from starting .. and thats the point to all of this :)02:08
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xstasiunop, and from there, how do i install without X?02:08
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NoEvidenZIdleOne: Yeah, I've tried beryl. Worked well, and I really liked it when I was running Feisty on my amd64, but this current computer is using onboard graphics. Couldn't handle Beryl. I already tried.02:08
michaelpo\nevermind... no need to try quake2... try something else...02:08
GreyGhost-Ubunturoyel_ ,i want to know the permissions of the partitions.. isnt that for linkin?02:08
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royel_GreyGhost-Ubuntu: try it an see if it doesn't give you the info you looking for02:09
GreyGhost-Ubunturoyel_ ok02:09
varkatope@NoEvidenZ: i didn't try so far on onboard graphics, but as far as i read, its difficult or impossible, depends on the chipset used02:09
unopxstasi,  do you need X to get a computer working? :p  use the command line :)02:09
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IdleOneNoEvidenZ, well I hope I answred your question02:10
xstasiunop, well, to install ubuntu... yes02:10
xstasifrom the cd i mean02:10
unopxstasi,  dude, what are you trying to do? edit xorg.conf or install ubuntu?02:10
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xstasi...install ubuntu02:10
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xstasii don't care how02:10
michaelpois there another good fps that i can try in linux?02:10
unopxstasi,  and you trying the live CD now?02:10
xstasibut i don't want to download and burn the alternate02:10
johns^michaelpo: enemy territory02:11
xstasino, i'm from my installed debian02:11
xstasimichaelpo, openarena02:11
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unopxstasi,  well, i dont think you have an alternative option than to get the alternate CD02:11
xstasimichaelpo, sauerbraten02:11
berentwhen i boot my Loading drivers option fails what to do?02:11
berentwhen i boot my Loading drivers option fails what to do?02:11
varkatope@michaelpo, ut, ut2k4, quake...02:11
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xstasiunop, i hope this debootstrap thing works...02:11
unopxstasi,  or use a minimal or netinstall CD and build on from there02:11
dooglus xstasi: you can install ubuntu from inside debian using apt-get02:11
xstasidooglus, from inside debian?02:11
unopxstasi,  knopiix/debian02:11
dooglusxstasi: from inside debian02:11
dooglusxstasi: see 'debootstrap'02:12
xstasii am debootstrapping right now02:12
unopxstasi,  knoppix is pretty much debian eh :)02:12
xstasiand that's ok02:12
cmaxstasi: why not just use deb?02:12
xstasicma, do your business, and i do mine.. :)02:12
PiciHe doesnt want to replace his current debian isntall02:12
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dooglusxstasi: I use debian now instead of ubuntu, and I installed debian from inside ubuntu using debootstrap02:12
pluffsyI don't know if this is OT, but I'm trying to pass a file path as a parameter to a bash script and then my bash script executes lpr with that file. But if there is a space in the path lpr cuts the string at the first space. I've tried to replace the spaces with '\ ' and so on but I can't get it to work. If I send a constant string like 'file path/foo/foo' to lpr it works fine but not my '/base path/foo/foo/'$1. Any ideas what I shall do?02:12
berentwhen i boot my Loading drivers option fails what to do?02:12
xstasiyeah ok02:12
xstasii have a debian02:12
xstasiand an empty partition02:12
xstasion which i want to install ubuntu02:12
NoEvidenZIdleOne: Yes, you did. Thank you muchly. =] 02:13
xstasifrom debian, i am debootstrapping into the empty partition02:13
dooglususe debootstrap to install ubuntu onto the empty partition02:13
berentwhen i boot dapper,while booting  Loading drivers option fails what to do?02:13
xstasiand i just finished02:13
xstasinow, all that i want02:13
xstasiis a "stock" ubuntu02:13
xstasilike as i installed from teh cd02:13
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varkatope@xstasi, so why cant u just boot from alternate install cd and install ubuntu that way?02:13
michaelpojohns^: : i've only found enemylines... not the same?02:13
IdleOneberent, do a fresh install you seem to have broken your system02:13
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xstasivarkatope, that would take much time to download, and a cd to burn02:13
[GuS] Guys... hi!!!.. quick  question.. how could i set my system to yuse gcc-4.0 instead of gcc-4.1?02:13
dooglusvarkatope: he doesn't have the alternate install cd02:13
berentIdleOne :no i have lots installed02:13
johns^michaelpo: no. try wolfenstein et02:14
berentcant lose them02:14
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dooglusxstasi: so what's the problem?02:14
xstasinow, i have ubuntu-minimal installed on the (not so) empty partition02:14
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xstasii want this installation to be "stock"02:14
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unoppluffsy,  errm - function parse () { echo "[$@] "; };  parse "foo bar";02:14
dooglusxstasi: install 'ubuntu-desktop'02:14
johns^xstasi: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:14
dooglusxstasi: that's the stock install02:14
xstasiis that all?02:14
michaelpojohns^: wolfenstein? my pc only p4 2ghz... ati radeon 7500 mobility... 32mb video ram...02:14
xstasivenom:~/debootstrap- chroot /mnt/02:14
xstasiroot@venom:/# apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:14
xstasiis this enough?02:15
dooglusxstasi: ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package that installs everything else.  you'll need a kernel too, of course02:15
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xstasioh yeah02:15
johns^michaelpo: maybe the graphics are a bit week, but I've run it on a 900MHz celeron02:15
dooglusxstasi: install 'linux-686' or some such to get the kernel02:15
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ardchoillexstasi: ubuntu-desktop is a meta package and will pull in lots of apps and their deps.02:15
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xstasiNeed to get 449MB of archives.02:15
xstasiAfter unpacking 1600MB of additional disk space will be used.02:15
xstasii see02:15
johns^michaelpo: alien arena is fun also02:15
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ardchoillexstasi: And go have a coffee ;)02:15
xstasimh.. mh..02:15
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unoppluffsy,  you get that?02:16
dooglusxstasi: since you need to download so much, it might be worth going the alternate-cd route02:16
xstasii don't know what are the plans02:16
pluffsyunop: hmm I'll try that atleast. :) thanks.02:16
michaelpojohns^: alien arena has good ai? i tried the win version 6 months ago... there are no enemy... only myself running around02:16
dooglusxstasi: that way you won't have to manually install a kernel, set up /etc/fstab, grub, etc.02:16
xstasibut wouldn't it be nice on feisty to have the propr drivers by default on live cds?02:16
johns^michaelpo: it's a great online(!) shooter02:16
unoppluffsy,  if you have additional params at the command line -- use something like this- function parse () { for i; do echo "[$i] "; done };  parse "foo bar" "baz quuz" "etc etc";02:16
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xstasidooglus, well, i need to download less MBs, and i don't have to waste a cd..02:17
michaelpocant find that in synaptics too....02:17
kiwiisometimes my mouse (USB) freezes, and i have to do modprobe -r usbhid ; modprobe usbhid... do you know where is the problem ?02:17
xstasii'm pretty used to debootstraps, i've installed debian many times from gentoo live cds eheh02:17
unopxstasi,  why not just install minimally -- something like fluxbox ?02:17
michaelpojohns^: cant find alien arena in synaptics as well...02:17
dooglusxstasi: that's fine, so long as you're able to get the debootstrapped install to be bootable.02:17
dooglusxstasi: there's a bit of fiddling around required02:17
varkatope@xstasi: this discussion has come to an end, there will be no proprietary drivers installed by default on feisty, and thats good because its ubuntu philosophy to stay opensource02:17
=== headphase [n=tdbrown8@cpe-066-057-086-163.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
johns^michaelpo: correct02:18
Shaffoxmichaelpo: sudo apt-get install alien02:18
johns^michaelpo: use google02:18
xstasivarkatope, right, i get it02:18
johns^Shaffox: that's something else :)02:18
pluffsyunop: but hmm when I pass $1 too echo the whole string is displayed. but maybe echo translates the array into a full string and lpr can't do that?02:18
xstasidooglus, fiddling?02:18
Shaffoxjohns^: oh, ok :)02:18
pluffsytoo -> to02:18
headphaseI am having trouble partitioning my hd02:18
dooglusxstasi: like setting up /etc/fstab, grub, and a few other little things02:18
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xstasidooglus, yeah, everything seems to be documented on the former link02:18
xstasiso np :)02:18
tom47headphase what sort of trouble02:19
dooglusxstasi: see http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/42602:19
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headphasetom47: it says there is no root02:19
xstasivarkatope, a good workaround could be to install from framebuffer too, like new debian installer02:19
xstasivarkatope, i mean, one should be able to install ubuntu on any computer with any video board02:19
unoppluffsy,  errm, it looks like you arent quoting that parameter you pass to the script properly -- call your script like this -- script "spaced parameter"02:19
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mweheadphase: the installer?02:20
unoppluffsy,  and script there should pick up $1 as "spaced parameter"02:20
xstasidooglus, yeah, i am desktopping :)02:20
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dooglusxstasi: you what?02:20
tom47headphase are you installing ubuntu??? ... if so its ounds lie you need to make one of the partitions the root partition ... thi is indicated with a /02:20
unoppluffsy,  if that is not an option, you will need to join up $1 and $2 (and whatever else)02:20
xstasiapt-get installing ubuntu-desktop02:21
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nexousNETHi, How would I go about making ubuntu 6.10 run the command 'opt/lampp/lampp start' on startup?02:21
dooglusxstasi: I see02:21
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varkatope@xstasi: opensource drivers cover most graphic chipsets, so installation is no problem02:21
unopnexousNET,  create a script, place it in /etc/init.d  and use update-rc.d to enable the script in the runlevels you want02:21
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xstasivarkatope, they only cover til 9200, speaking of ati radeon02:22
headphasetom47, yes I am trying to install it02:22
nexousNETunop: update-r.d, where might I find that?02:22
edecaI'm trying to create a backport of apache2.2 for 6.06lts, but one of the build deps is not available.  Is there any way to get round this?02:22
unopnexousNET,  man update-rc.d02:22
nexousNETunop: also, just to double check, by script you mean .sh file02:22
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varkatope@xstasi: i had now problems installing on an radeon 9800 pro02:22
xstasilucky boy :)02:22
johns^nexousNET: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/02:23
nexousNETunop: All I have to do is type 'opt/lampp/lampp start' in a .sh file?02:23
unopnexousNET,  yep .. although it doesnt have to end with .sh .. just make sure it is executable02:23
nexousNETjohns^: okay.02:23
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xstasivarkatope, so if a friend of mine tells me "the cd you gave me is freezing on boot, and i can't install ubuntu"02:23
headphasewhich one should I make the root and how do I do that?02:23
Andrew_0Would someone here be able to help me connect to my Apple Wireless Keyboard?02:23
mwenexousNET: put it in /etc/rc.local then02:23
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xstasishould i give him alternate and then make him install fglrx by hand?02:23
xstasijust to know.. :)02:23
johns^nexousNET: the script has to start with #! /bin/sh02:23
varkatope@xstasi: i would encourage him to try the alternate install cd02:23
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nexousNETjohns^: okay thanks, wouldn't have known that.02:24
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mwenexousNET: you can put various commands to run at boot time in /etc/rc.local02:24
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edecaxstasi: How far does it get?  No boot at all?  Part of the boot?02:24
tom47headphase have you installed linux previously?02:24
xstasiedeca, X frozen02:24
xstasihappens on every distro02:24
headphasetom47, no02:24
Mumblesanyone know what this means http://mpd.pastebin.ca/357089 - when trying to get gnump3d to find the files?02:24
edecaxstasi: Dodgy graphics or similar?02:24
mwenexousNET: you don't need a script to just run a command at boot02:24
tim167i have a problem installing nvidia driver, can it be installed from synaptic or not ? thanks02:24
xstasiedeca, ati radeon 955002:24
xstasiX starts02:25
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nexousNETmwe: well, I'm doing it this way now, if it works, it's fine with me.02:25
xstasidoesn't display anything02:25
royel_tim167: have you tried using envy?02:25
varkatope@tim167: yes, but not the most recent version02:25
xstasiand the box is frozen02:25
xstasiblack screen of death02:25
tom47headphase glance through these screenshots .... http://www.debianadmin.com/ubuntu-edgy-eft-desktop-installation-with-screenshots.html02:25
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ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)02:25
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unopMumbles,  it means that /usr/share/example-content/example-content is a link to a link to a link and so on ...02:25
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tim167royel/  what is envy ?02:25
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Mumblesyeh i get confused with the next bit02:25
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unopMumbles,  try and ensure that /usr/share/example-content/example-content points to the location directly instead of through other links02:26
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royel_tim167: http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html02:26
nexousNETHow is it that I create a file through terminal?02:26
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dooglusnexousNET: touch file02:26
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unopnexousNET,  gedit filename02:26
tim167varkatope: installed nvidia with synaptic but when i replace 'nv' with 'nvidia' in xorg.conf i get something like 'driver not found'02:27
varkatope@tim167: are you planning to install xgl or aiglx and beryl or compiz? if not, the driver in synaptic should fit ur needs02:27
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cmanexousNET: vi file02:27
ndlovu_think I got disconnected when I asked this last . any idea how to get vi working so it doesn't print A,B,C,D when I use arrow keys in insert mode?02:27
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varkatopetim167: what kind of nvidia chipset do u have?, perhaps you need the legacy driver02:27
nexousNETcma: there.02:27
xstasiwell thanks for all02:27
tim167varkarope: i need video accelleration for Gem (pure data)02:27
xstasisee you :)02:27
system_eTar or gzip just corrupted my file. It was normal text file. Now gedit can' t open it and kate or mcedit opens it but there is extra space between each letter.02:28
unopcma,  you'd recommaned vi to someone like that?02:28
mwenexousNET: feel free to complicate things of course, but just sudo su -c 'echo opt/lampp/lampp start' >> /etc/rc.local would solve it for you02:28
Mumblesunop, - http://mpd.pastebin.ca/35709402:28
tim167varkatope i doubt its legacy its a 6600 somthing...( ? )02:28
dooglusunop: you're recommend gedit to someone who just wants to create a file?02:28
mwenexousNET: sudo su -c 'echo opt/lampp/lampp start >> /etc/rc.local' that is02:28
Mumblesnot know what the hell that means02:28
headphasetom47: I get to this window http://debianadmin.com/copper/displayimage.php?pid=744&fullsize=1 how do I set the root?02:28
royel_tim167: did you see this link http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html02:28
varkatope@tim167: right, thats far from beein legacy, so the package: nvidia-glx should work02:28
unopdooglus,  right, because in all likeliness, he wants to have content placed in it02:29
cmaunop: true, touch is probably a better alt.02:29
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nexousNETIs that a command, or do I put that into /etc/rc.local?02:29
dooglusunop: we don't even know if he's got X working02:29
varkatope@tim167: look into /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:29
mwenexousNET: it's a command that puts the line in /etc/rc.local02:29
edecanexousNET: Just put /opt/lampp/lampp start in /etc/rc.local02:29
tim167royel: oh almost forgot to look, thanks :)02:29
tom47headphase i suggest you create 3 partitions02:29
royel_tim167: yw02:29
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tom47how much space do you have avaiable for linux?02:29
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ob1I would like to import my mail from mozilla-mail to evolution. Do you now how to do that ?02:30
mweedeca: that's what I suggested ;)02:30
unopMumbles,  why are you showing me this?02:30
tom47headphase you must have two partitions and its betterif you have 3 ... how much space is availabe for linux?02:30
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Mumbleswas wondering what it means02:30
headphasetom47: is there an irc client on ubuntu?02:31
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mweheadphase: several02:31
tom47headphase and if its not there you can soon add it with synaptic .....02:31
michaelpo i cant find the .deb file for alienarena02:31
nexousNETDo I want 'opt/lampp/lampp start' before or after 'exit 0'02:31
dooglusreally?  there's an IRC client in ubuntu?  gosh, I've been booting into Windows each time I needed to IRC.02:31
mweheadphase: xchat probably being the most popular client02:31
jitdoes somebody know how to run a genius mousepen on ubuntu? i just have ubuntu since last week and don't have any clue02:31
jit@dooglus: GAIM?02:32
headphaseI have almost 50 gb freespace on my hd02:32
varkatope@dooglus: lolz02:32
mwenexousNET: oh. before02:32
nexousNETmwe: okay thanks.02:32
headphaseI just defraged it too02:32
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dooglussudo apt-get install mIRC?02:32
tom47headphase i us XCHAT-Gnome-IRC chat02:32
unopMumbles,  it usually means that perl's File::Find will not process that location because it has come across it already when doing a search of file in a location -- it's a sign that you need to repair this link and get it to point directly at the location you want, rather than indirectly through another link02:32
Shaffoxdooglus: or just Xchat ..02:32
IdleOnedooglus, Umirc is the package02:32
nexousNET:/ now I have permissions error for rc.local for saving....02:32
varkatope@dooglus: sudo apt-get install xchat-gnome02:32
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royel_headphase: irssi is what I use02:32
tom47headphase how much ram in computer?02:32
headphasetom47: is that already installed?02:32
edecamwe: I was clearing it up, that's all :)02:32
mwenexousNET: you need to gksudo gedit /etc/rc.local if you want to be able to save the file02:32
nexousNETmwe: okay.02:33
mwenexousNET: normal users are not allowed to tamper with system files in linux02:33
ob1I would like to import my mail from mozilla-mail to evolution. Do you now how to do that ?02:33
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tom47headphase not sure its easily added though using synaptic, a package installer under the System>Administration menu02:33
headphasetom47: do you mean freespace or total on hd?02:33
nexousNETmwe: even the admin? not root.02:33
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nexousNETmwe: (gksudo:12764): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: is what i get now02:34
mwenexousNET: sudo/gksudo is a command to run commands as root02:34
tom47headphase you said you ad 50gb free to allocate to linux on hard disk yes????  how much ram does yr computer have?02:34
ndlovu_wow. what do I get with vim-full that I don't have with vim-tiny? (After unpacking 30.0MB of additional disk space will be used.)02:34
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mwenexousNET: are you i X window?02:34
headphase120 gb02:34
mwenexousNET: try sudo nano /etc/rc.local02:34
nexousNETmwe: I'm using Konsole as Super user, is that why?02:34
mwenexousNET: yeah. sudo nano /etc/rc.local will work02:34
nexousNETgot it.02:35
dooglusor just 'nano /etc/rc.local'02:35
tom47headphase RAM .... total memory not hard disk space please02:35
headphaseoh, you mean memory?02:35
dooglusno need to 'sudo' if you're already superuser02:35
ob1sudo -s is working also :)02:35
mwedooglus: yeah if he's root. but he said he couldn't save the file. odd02:35
headphase1 gb02:35
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unopndlovu_,  locales, languages, help files, syntax help files, support for languages like perl, python, etc, etc02:35
jit1gb ram?02:35
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tom47headphase ok here is what we want to do with that 50 gb of hard disk .....02:35
nexousNETWhat are the usergroups of ubuntu02:36
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jit<_<' have 256 ram02:36
nexousNETYou have your root(for system), then your admin? or just super user02:36
varkatopehave 2048mb ram, my penis is longer ;P02:36
mwenexousNET: root and normal users02:36
ndlovu_unop, 30MB worth? I always thought vim was a small little app. powerful, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised02:36
IdleOne!ohmy | varkatope02:36
ubotuvarkatope: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:36
royel_varkatope: lol, your naughty02:36
dooglusnexousNET: what are usergroups?02:36
nexousNETnormal user would be what I entered my username as on setup?02:36
mwenexousNET: normal users can be configured to be able to use sudo on a per user basis, though02:37
varkatopejust kidding02:37
jit@varkatope: hey i'm lucky that it still runs02:37
tom47headphase we need a root partition (/) of about 10gb, we can use another 10 gb for (/home) and we must have a swap partition of 1 gb02:37
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unopndlovu_,  vim is small and extensible, you have just installed all the extensions :02:37
mwenexousNET: by default users who are in the admin group can use sudo02:37
nexousNETdooglus: Just different 'access' attributes pretty much02:37
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tom47headphase some folk think you need 1.5gb of swap partition but 1gb is enough02:37
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ob1sudo -s is working also :)02:37
babowhere can i find good compiz/beryl 3D themes for my computer ?02:37
ob1I would like to import my mail from mozilla-mail to evolution. Do you now how to do that ?02:37
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dooglusnexousNET: ubuntu has 'users' and 'groups' - users belong to groups.  'usergroups' doesn't mean much though02:37
IdleOne!themes | babo02:37
ubotubabo: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy02:37
mwebabo: kde-look.org02:37
royel_babo: gnome-look.org ?02:37
tom47headphase so the first thing we need to do is to create those partitions02:38
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dooglusob1: I know how I did it, but it wasn't easy02:38
nexousNETdooglus: well, usersgroups = groups.02:38
michaelpoim tired.... will try finding fps and installing it another day..... bedtime... good night...02:38
Frogzoobabo: do you have emerald installed?02:38
dooglusnexousNET: ok.  there's a list of groups in /etc/group02:38
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nexousNETWhat if my main account is under the group 'root' ?02:38
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nexousNETIs that bad?02:38
bardhow come the wiki uses SSL ?02:38
baboFrogzoo: nope02:38
tom47the / (or root) partition should be of type ext3 as should the /home partition whereas the /swap partition needs to be of type swap02:38
ndlovu_unop, :) thanks02:38
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baboFrogzoo, what's that ?02:38
baboHow do I know whether or not my nvidia graphics card will handle the 3D themes ?02:39
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dooglusnexousNET: that's not especially bad, no.  it's not how it should be, but shouldn't cause any problems02:39
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varkatope@babo: you should install the latest nvidia driver manually02:39
tom47headphase do you want to boot up the livecd again and then find an irc client (or install one) then come back?02:39
nexousNETdooglus: well If I change it to 'admin' will it change anything?02:39
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mwedooglus: my user is not in the root group. in admin, though02:40
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dooglusnexousNET: you don't need to change it - you can add groups - each user can be member of multiple groups02:40
babovarkatope: hmm ... that sounds like it's going to be a pain in the ass ...02:40
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dooglusmwe: being in admin means you can sudo02:40
nexousNETdooglus: okay, well I have to go02:40
nexousNETThanks for the help everyone.02:40
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:40
mwedooglus: I know02:40
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dooglusmwe: being in root doesn't mean a lot, I don't think02:40
ob1I would like to import my mail from mozilla-mail to evolution. Do you now how to do that ?02:40
dooglusob1: yes02:40
varkatope@babo, it isnt, unfortunately i cant give u a tutorial in english, only in german if it helps02:40
mwedooglus: it means you can tamper with some system files if the root group has write perms02:41
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mwedooglus: only root should be in the root group ;)02:41
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bjdieiI upgraded from 5.10 to 6.06 and my hardware is not working (/etc/init.d/hotplug is missing too).   How do I fix this?02:42
headphasetom47: yeah, I'll see if I can come back02:42
babovarkatope: nah, it's ok thanks anyway ...02:42
mahatmahello: I'm trying to launch an app, but it says that it needs a font called: -*-times-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646 and I only have -*-times-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1. I'm on dapper; anyone got a ny idea?02:42
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mahatmait is the same font, but I got a "-1" appended to that name, for some reason02:43
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ob1I would like to import my mail from mozilla-mail to evolution. Do you now how to do that ?02:43
unopmwe,  well, most system files that matter are writeable only by the root user and not those in the root group anyway, but yea, not a good idea to add oneself into the root group as the EGID changes02:43
Frogzoobabo: emerald is a theme manager - reread the beryl install docs02:43
dooglusob1: they both use mbox format, so you just need to move the mbox files02:44
mwebjdiei: hotplug was dropped in favour of udev/hal in 6.0602:44
yettenetCould you tell me where can I install JVM from?02:44
erUSULob1: in Evolution File>Import02:44
mweunop: right02:44
unop!java > yettenet , check PM from ubotu02:44
ob1erUSUL, import not working ...02:44
bjdieimwe: Thanks mwe, how do I fix it?02:45
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mwebjdiei: what's not working?02:45
bjdieino sound, usbmouse etc02:45
bjdieimwe:no sound, usbmouse etc02:45
erUSULob1: mozilla mail stores mail in mbox format afaik and evolution can import those files02:45
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mwebjdiei: well you need to make sure the right modules are loaded. I don't know why usb modules are not loaded02:46
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babohow likely is beryl or compiz to fork everything up, if I install them on my system ?02:46
bjdieimwe: Is hal supposed to do this? I had to load my network module manually.02:47
apokryphosbabo: /msg ubotu beryl02:47
mwebabo: not likely. just don't use it if it doesn't work02:47
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Shaffoxhow can i see my video card options ? is there a command for it?02:47
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dooglusob1: they both use mbox format, so you just need to move the mbox files02:48
[OG] 6tonhey, can i make a dual boot setup with my windows xp and ubunto?02:48
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Shaffox[OG] 6ton: yes you can02:48
varkatopebabo: you can easily deinstall it if it doesnt work02:48
[OG] 6tonwith out burning a cd Shaffox?02:48
ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)02:48
kiwiihow can i run x windows program from shell02:48
mwebjdiei: well you put the names of the modules that you want to load at boot time in /etc/modules. The idea is the system should automagically load the right modules but that doesn't always happen02:48
kiwiii got cannot connect to X server02:49
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mwebjdiei: you need to figure the names of the modules you need to load02:49
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baboOK, if I want to dual boot with my present windows system. And I just throw in the edgy disk and ask it to repartition and set up a dual-boot. Do you think it'll work ?02:49
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baboor is there a chance that it will fork everything up ?02:49
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bjdieimwe: It used to automatically happen. Since this is a desktop I need hotplug b/c I constantly add/remove usb stuff02:49
=== mwe needs to ignore foo removes/sets ban on bar
Slartbabo: I think it'll work02:50
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Slartbabo: it worked for me =02:50
baboSlart: k thanks02:50
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mwebjdiei: hotplug is not anymore. hal/udev is supposed to do the same job.02:50
sebrockI have a problem getting azuerus to work, anyone wanna help me?02:50
varkatopebabo: its the normal installation to do so, if there is free space on your hd, if not, resizing of the win-partition is necessary, and that may be dangerous02:50
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mwebjdiei: I don't know why it's not working well in your case02:50
Slartbabo: come to think of it.. my windows partition is still there... just haven't used it for a while.02:50
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@static-ip-62-75-184-21.inaddr.intergenia.de *!*@ool-44c41595.dyn.optonline.net *!*@adsl-ull-43-211.51-151.net24.it *!KELEBE*@*] by Seveas
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@ *!*@c-24-3-2-67.hsd1.pa.comcast.net *!*@24-117-162-33.cpe.cableone.net *!*@] by Seveas
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bb *!*@ *!*@24-177-77-241.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com] by Seveas
bjdieimwe: Do you know how to configure hal to do this?02:51
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %ismoreno!*@*] by Seveas
ob1dooglus, Yes but the import fonction is not working enymore !02:51
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Shaffoxgo, Seveas , go02:51
mwebjdiei: it shouldn't need to be configured. try loading the modules. after that removing/adding usb hardware should work I think02:51
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@ *!*@cpe-68-175-50-212.nyc.res.rr.com *!*@slot061.vtpzilina.sk *!*@user-85-201-32-18.tvcablenet.be] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@c-68-56-236-157.hsd1.fl.comcast.net *!*@BSN-61-30-150.dial-up.dsl.siol.net *!*@ *!*@] by Seveas
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Peacergive me a wtfcake02:52
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbb *!*@c-68-61-229-223.hsd1.mi.comcast.net *!*@c-69-140-181-9.hsd1.md.comcast.net *!*@c-69-142-121-165.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] by apokryphos
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mwehow do you ignore foo removes/sets ban on bar in xchat?02:53
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@220-134-36-67.HINET-IP.hinet.net] by Seveas
varkatopei hope Seveas nad apokryphos are admins....02:53
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Seveasvarkatope, we are :)02:54
gentimjsI dont mean to troll, but is it normal for apps/daemons in ubuntu to not come with rc scripts? (specifically im asking about subversion/svnserve)02:54
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Enselic``If my wireless card can only handle abg, will itnot be able to handle WPA2?02:54
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@ool-4353b7c9.dyn.optonline.net *!*@ool-18ba433f.dyn.optonline.net *!n=iR2koOL@* *!*@modemcable175.213-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] by apokryphos
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbb *!*@mef-fe02.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca manfredododo!*@* KillerDemon!*@*] by apokryphos
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b DieM!*@*] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@CPE0080c6f9abe7-CM0012254237c0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com *!*@CPE0002724fc55e-CM000f211fd29c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com *!*@cpc2-hatf3-0-0-cust60.lutn.cable.ntl.com *!*@cor7-ppp3357.bur.dsl.connect.net.au] by apokryphos
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbb boohahahaha!*@* APPRECIATEIT!*@* *!*@abacus.kwzs.be] by apokryphos
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@220.Red-83-56-182.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o apokryphos] by apokryphos
gentimjsit just seems inconceivable to me that a server daemon package wouldnt come with an appropriate rc script in /etc/init.d ... or am I missing something?02:55
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headphasetom47: ok I am at the partition menu02:56
sacaterwhats the keyboard binding to send a window to another desktop02:56
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tom47headphase: great02:56
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bjdieiHi all, I just upgraded from 5.10 to 6.06 and hal is not working properly, anyone know what I should try?02:57
yettenetHm :P02:57
yettenetMass unbans02:57
Loveubuntuwho the latest stable version of the Linux  for ubuntu server02:57
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varkatopebetter than massbans ^^02:57
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tom47headphase we need a swap partition .... this should be circa 1gb in your case of type swap02:57
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yettenetYou might be right, varkatope02:57
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bb JAAmon!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic Olathe!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by Seveas
usr13Mouse just all-of-a-suden quit working.  Any clues as to why that would happen?02:57
=== ActiveOne is now known as IdleOne
gentimjsanyone have any insight into the missing rc-script issue I mentioned?02:58
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bb solid_liquid!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic theshadow!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by Seveas
tom47headphase: we need a base system area where root looks after most of the things that actually do stuff in linux this is called the root parition and id normally shoen a /02:58
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb bytecolor!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic stapol!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic joselj!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic maccam94!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by Seveas
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varkatopemaybe admins are in love and have to share their happiness ;)02:58
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Loveubuntuwho the latest stable version of the Linux  for ubuntu server , a like to recompile need, source02:58
Enselic``Seveas: what's going on?02:59
SeveasEnselic``, just some spring cleaning02:59
headphasetom47: so should I resize the sda2 to 21 gb?02:59
tom47headphase: we also need somewhere for you own data and certain other files for users and so i recommend andother partition called /home02:59
defryskhappy unbanistinesday!02:59
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sacaterwhats the keyboard binding to send a window to another desktop02:59
derderdoes somebody know how to switch channels in bitchx02:59
Shaffoxeveryone should get a second chance :)02:59
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ginnypig.net/x-27bc58d95eb6097f %*!*@ %*!*@ %*!*@ppp-70-128-254-212.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb %*!*@as53-bu1.dlp226.bih.net.ba %*!*@bdn33-1-89-84-70-21.dsl.club-internet.fr %merrin!*@* %paul_!*@*] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bb %pau!*@* %steph!*@*] by Seveas
tom47what is sda2?02:59
Shaffoxderder: tried /j #channel ?02:59
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defrysktom47, slave disc02:59
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yettenetA whole bunch of unbanned people, I say03:00
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mjrtom47, the second partition of your first sata/usb/scsi drive03:00
defryskooh sorry03:00
defryskmjr,  is right03:00
orgy`hi, ive got sun-java5-jre installed, but i want java 1.5 not 1.4.2 (as java --version says) what do i have to do?03:00
derderim talking of switching not joining03:00
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@ zch!*@* *!*@bas1-toronto01-1177663905.dsl.bell.ca *!*@h140058.upc-h.chello.nl] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@cpe-76-175-126-213.socal.res.rr.com ur2nub!*@* *!*@user-3cf8539.dsl.mindspring.com *!*@p54B72590.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@gssn-590c7a6d.pool.einsundeins.de *!*@e177076097.adsl.alicedsl.de *!*@ *!*@bsy91-1-82-230-48-208.fbx.proxad.net] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@c-24-9-27-105.hsd1.co.comcast.net ir2kool!*@* *!*@as38-182.qualitynet.net *!*@host-84-9-173-141.bulldogdsl.com] by Seveas
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@host-212-149-249-139.kpylaajakaista.net *!*@c-68-58-177-103.hsd1.sc.comcast.net *!*@d14-69-160-83.try.wideopenwest.com *!?=tmccrary@*] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@ *!*@host217-44-206-3.range217-44.btcentralplus.com *!*@ *!*@h193102.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp] by Seveas
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@user34.c1.vrhnika.kabelnet.net *!*@c-68-59-245-217.hsd1.tn.comcast.net *!*@243-154.static.ew.hu keke*!*@*] by Seveas
headphasetom47: so 3 partitions totaling 21 gb?03:00
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tom47headphase can you list all the partitions you presently have and what they are used for please03:01
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tom47headphase yes03:01
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@ip24-254-113-116.pn.at.cox.net] by Seveas
gentimjsanyone have any clue why the latest subversion (svnserve) on ubuntu doesnt come with init.d scripts?03:01
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@unaffiliated/zeeeyes *!*@user-69-1-42-188.knology.net *!*@ip-66-80-77-99.iad.megapath.net *!*@cpe-69-135-208-233.woh.res.rr.com] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@cpe-071-076-154-096.triad.res.rr.com] by Seveas
defryskorgy`, sudo update-alternatives config java and follow instructions03:01
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+bb JAAmon!*@* Olathe!*@*] by LjL
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@h69-129-245-186.69-129.unk.tds.net] by Seveas
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbb JAAmon!*@* Olathe!*@* *!*@pool-70-107-174-60.ny325.east.verizon.net] by LjL
tom47heaadphase you can make use of the remaining space at any future time whe you need it03:02
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defryskorgy`, sudo update-alternatives --config java and follow instructions03:02
defryskthat is03:02
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headphasetom47: should the space to be partitioned be the unallocated?03:02
defryskdouble --03:02
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orgy`defrysk already did that, but then i get Unrecognized option: --version03:02
orgy`Could not create the Java virtual machine.03:02
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@cpe-24-162-149-45.hot.res.rr.com *!*@fan194.internetdsl.tpnet.pl *!*@ *!*@81-163-97-89.event.dreamhack.se] by Seveas
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defryskorgy`, how did you install java ?03:03
tom47you shoudl take these 3 partitions successively out of the unallocated space03:03
Loveubuntuwho the latest stable version of the Linux  for ubuntu server ?03:03
Bayuany body can help me03:03
tanascarAnyone know of a good newbie guide to the linux file structure (in detail)...  showing what goes where and what each area is for?03:03
defryskcan someone kick Seveas for flooding ;p03:03
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb danlio*!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic dbft!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic mrcucumber!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic manny_!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by Seveas
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varkatopetanascar: http://www.freeos.com/articles/3102/03:04
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bb *!*@cpe-76-187-45-61.tx.res.rr.com *!*@] by Seveas
mweorgy`: the links created by update-alternatives for java didn't work for me either. I did ln -fns /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/bin/java /usr/bin/java03:04
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tanascarvarkatope: thanks :)03:04
b52laptopany one have  a soundmax card on a laptop ?03:04
varkatopetanascar: np03:04
mweorgy`: same for javac03:04
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@host-84-9-173-141.bulldogdsl.com *!*@ *!*@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ginnypig.net/x-27bc58d95eb6097f *!*@] by LjL
LjL!pm | Bayu03:04
ubotuBayu: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.03:04
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headphasetom47: the file system is nfts, would that be a problem03:04
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb MU*DKIP*!*@*!#ubuntu-unregged rand3438!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic paule!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic the_hammer!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bb *!*@AOrleans-151-1-172-63.w90-21.abo.wanadoo.fr *!*@AToulouse-157-1-129-218.w86-221.abo.wanadoo.fr] by Seveas
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mweorgy`: it's java -version, not java --version, though03:05
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orgy`ah xD03:05
freetoshow does ubuntu's repo's compare with the size of debian's?03:05
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Seveasubuntu has all debian has and more03:05
tanascarOne more question for the group.. does everyone normally do 2 or 3 partions for a new ubuntu install? I am installing fresh cause of a crash and found out if I did 3 I would have been able to save my home partition.03:05
mweorgy`: it's annoying these things are not consistent ;)03:05
apokryphosfreetos: hu-uge03:05
orgy`well i dont know if it works because of your links, but now it seems to work anyway03:05
orgy`thank you guys ;)03:06
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@60-241-230-4.static.tpgi.com.au *!*@host-212-149-254-2.kpylaajakaista.net *!*@d83-190-239-240.cust.tele2.it ?=phpbawt!*@*] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb ?=SFGSADGA!*@* *!*@CPE-24-31-243-62.kc.res.rr.com *!*@modemcable007.1-130-66.mc.videotron.ca *!*@pool-71-176-138-185.hag.east.verizon.net] by Seveas
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mjrfreetos, the universe repo basically has the debian stuff compiled for ubuntu03:06
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mjr(plus maybe some)03:06
Frogzootanascar: /home should be mandatory, I also like to have /var & /usr separate - & just have 500 meg /03:06
mweorgy`: well I get the error you described with java --version ;)03:06
gnomefreakmwe: java -version03:06
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mwegnomefreak: I know03:06
gnomefreakoh ok03:06
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Bayu>i want to compile PostgreSQL, but a can't run gmake. why???03:07
Frogzoocuriously noone has yet suggested /etc/ as its own parition, but it's looking increasingly like a reasonable option03:07
yettenetAre the updating servers slow for you either? :P03:07
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tanascarFrogzoo: So you recommend at least 3?03:07
mweBayu: use make, not?03:08
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yettenetIf not, could you give me an adress where I can get the files faster03:08
mweBayu: usually you don't run gmake, just make03:08
b52laptopany one have a laptop hp nx 6110 ?03:08
tom47tanascar this isn't bad either http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard03:08
PiciBayu: install build-essential03:08
yettenet8220 here :P03:08
Frogzootanascar: I say /home  & swap - the rest is up to you - if you run apache or mysql, /var is essential also03:08
headphasetom47: I got an error03:08
LjLBayu: can't you use the postgres that is in the repos instead of compiling it yourself?03:08
m0xie__yettenet, edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change the mirrors from us to ca.   I haven't been able to reliably update fromt he us mirrors in weeks03:08
Bayui have install build-essenstial03:08
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tanascarGreat.. thanks guys03:08
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mweBayu: as I said use make, not gmake03:09
yettenetWell, I'm in Europe :)03:09
tom47headphase tell me more03:09
Shaffoxis there a command to see your video card options ??03:09
yettenetBut I will try it :)03:09
yettenetWhat's your usual dl speed, m0xie__ ?03:09
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m0xie__Not incredibly fast, but with the us mirrors i was constantly getting stalled connections, etc03:09
headphasetom47: it occured while allowing space for partioning03:09
yettenetOh... :P03:09
derderhow can i burn a directory to a dvd03:09
kane77what do I use to make .iso out of a cd?03:09
Bayui use make, but error03:09
derderonly commandline access03:10
yettenetWell, then it seems that I'm lucky with my 10k average, right?03:10
headphasetom47: the error window is blank now03:10
mweBayu: what error? did you configure first?03:10
tom47headphase does windows resently occupy the whole disc?03:10
Frogzookane77: sudo dd if=/dev/cdrom of=blah.iso bs=100000003:10
headphasetom47: yes03:10
mweBayu: have you installed all nessecary headers and stuff?03:10
chrisjw_how do i flush dns pleae03:10
Bayuyes offcourse i'm ./configure03:10
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m0xie__yettenet, that's a bit slow.. I'd play around with adjusting to other mirrors and see if your speeds increase.03:11
headphasetom47: do I need to kill app?03:11
ardchoilleSeveas , LjL : Cleaning house?03:11
Frogzookane77: k3b also will do it03:11
LjLardchoille: yes03:11
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yettenetHow much do you download with usually, moxie? :P03:11
chrisjw_ANYONE ??03:11
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mweBayu: so what are the errors you get? and can't you use the one in the repositories?03:11
m0xie__yettenet, to be honest I haven't noticed.   Let me go try pulling a package down to see.03:11
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kane77Frogzoo, thanx03:11
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tom47headphase the step 1 requires that the windows partition be shrunk first ... before doing any of that you need to ensure you have backeup up anything that you value incase you make a mistake03:11
Frogzoochrisjw_: default is no dns cache03:11
Bayui'm using apt-get install postgresql, but is the old postgresql, not the latest03:12
soundraykane77: another way would be to right-click and select Copy Disk03:12
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=== mwe finally figured how to ignore all those removes ban messages ;)
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headphasewell I shrunk it03:12
Slartanyone know of a nice, fairly recent summary of filesystems for linux?03:12
yettenetmwe: I think they just simply ended03:12
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ardchoillemwe: How?03:12
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unopBayu,  did you update apt's sources?03:12
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FrogzooSlart: it's here --->  "use ext3"03:12
tom47headphase oh ok ... does windows still work in its reduced space?03:12
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Bayuhow i update the repository03:13
chrisjw_im just confused because i can't connect to msn messenger whereas my friend can03:13
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mweardchoille: well I already have an ignore script. add ignore 'Channel UnBan' to the list of events to ignore03:13
SlartFrogzoo: hehe.. thanks for that little summary.. I'm already wrong in using reiser on my boot partition then? =)03:13
headphasetom47: I haven't tried03:13
chrisjw_I assumed it was because the server I am connecting to is dead03:13
unopBayu,  sudo aptitude update   (but you need the right repositories enabled)03:13
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soundrayderder: insert the blank and follow the prompts03:13
ardchoillemwe: Easy enough, thanks03:13
headphasetom47: I am at the mountpoins screen03:13
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Bayuok thank , i try to update03:13
=== DeDeTe [n=grzdyl@xdsl-214.bielsko.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu
tom47headphase make me happy by telling me you backep up all the valuable stuff in the windows partition first03:14
m0xie__I'm getting ~ 150/200k second yettenet03:14
mwemaybe I need to add 'Channel Ban' as well ;)03:14
yettenetOh, damn... then I'm really slow03:14
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yettenetThis net can handle around 512K/s03:14
unopBayu,  i'd use something like this (for edgy) http://pastebin.ca/34862003:14
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IdleOneyettenet, I usualy average about 340/kps03:14
yettenetI'll try the canadian one03:15
headphasetom47: I dont hae anything that valuble to backup03:15
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tom47headphase ok then the risk is all yours ok?03:15
yettenetSo you say that I should change the first part of addresses from xy. to ca., right?03:15
headphasetom47: yes03:16
m0xie__yettenet, yes03:16
tom47headphase how many hard disks do you have?03:16
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PeacerI got a problem with dualbooting, can't get my windoez boot back :|03:16
yettenetDone :P03:16
headphasetom47: what do I do at the mountpoins screen?03:16
unopyettenet,  yes, something like -- sudo perl -i.bak -pe 's[\bus\.] [ca.] ' /etc/apt/sources.list03:16
Loveubuntuhow to download the last kernel edtion server to recompile03:16
Shaffoxcan i acces my windows hard disk ,03:17
tom47headphone at the mount point screen you are allocating the partitions on the hard disk to mount points within the linux file system03:17
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yettenetWhoa :)03:17
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yettenetI just changed it by mousepad03:17
tom47headphase sorry03:17
IdleOne!dualboot | Peacer03:17
ubotuPeacer: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)03:17
Shaffoxi have 2 separated hard disks, can i access my windows (my files) hard disk ?03:17
FrogzooLoveubuntu: whatever's latest in the repos is the latest you'll get source to match, & that's all that's supported03:18
freetosoperation destroy and wallow in the quagmire03:18
derderhow can i burn dvds in console03:18
Frogzoo!ntfs | Shaffox03:18
ubotuShaffox: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse03:18
Slartok, I have now formatted a new disk using gparted, one big partition. /dev/sdb1 .. how do I make this partition appear in nautilus places?03:18
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IdleOne!grub | Peacer03:18
ubotuPeacer: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:18
ShaffoxFrogzoo: thanks03:18
andy_0hi, could anyone help me with my bluetooth keyboard?03:18
headphasetom47: all I see is sda1, 2, and 3;  no allocated space03:18
FrogzooSlart: add an entry in /etc/fstab03:18
yettenetVaries between 80k at 250k... thanks, m0xie__ :)03:18
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andy_0I'm getting this error upon reboot: -->  hci_acldata_packet: hci0 ACL packet for unknown connection handle 703:18
LoveubuntuFrogzoo how to download?03:18
m0xie__cool!  glad that helped a bit, anyway!03:18
FrogzooLoveubuntu: apt-get source ###03:19
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Loveubuntuk thanks Frogzoo03:19
tom47headphase you will want the swap partition assocoiated with th e/swap mount point, the /home [artition associated with the /home mount point and th e/ (or root) partition associated with the / mount point03:19
SlartFrogzoo: last time I did this (using fstab), people said I should have used sometihng else.. unfortunately I forgot what I was supposed to use instead03:19
CheshireVikingchrisjw_, you said you had a problem connecting to msn, is it just today? I've seen a few problems with msn today with people not being able to connect or getting kicked off & somebody else mentioned a problem with an msn server03:19
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stevr1iti have ubuntu edgy with gnome. my problem is that on  a hardisk i have the root and grub and on another the home directory. how can i move the root and grub on a third hard disk with the same home directory?03:19
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soundrayLoveubuntu: I would just download the 'linux-source-<version>' package03:20
yettenetWell, I'll just have to do some tricks to starty mercury messenger then... :P03:20
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tom47headphase when you create a partition you have to indicate how big you want it to be03:20
soundrayLoveubuntu: the source ends up as a bz2 file in /usr/src03:20
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yettenetThat piece of... somethingbetterthangaim... <cough> doesn't want to start :P03:20
FrogzooSlart: they mention UUIDs ?03:20
headphasetom47: all I see is sda1, 2, and 3 for options03:21
SlartFrogzoo: nope.. I use that for some of my drives.. it was something else.. an alternative to editing fstab by hand03:21
varkatopederder: growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/dvdwriter -R -J /burn/03:21
tom47did you create sd2 and sd3?03:21
Loveubuntusoundray <soundray> Loveubuntu: I would just download the 'linux-source-<version>' package I don't now who the last version of the ubuntu server03:21
varkatopederder: where /burn is the directory to burn to dvd03:21
FrogzooSlart: is this a usb drive ?03:22
headphasetom47: no, all I created was unallocated which isn't available03:22
Peacerubotu: is vget=wget :p?03:22
Peacerdumb font03:22
SlartFrogzoo: nope... a regular sata harddrive, ext303:22
soundrayLoveubuntu: if you're on edgy, it's linux-source-2.6.1703:22
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tom47so you have 50gb of unallocated space headphase?03:22
FrogzooSlart: k, stick it in /etc/fstab & have done03:22
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Loveubuntuk thanks:)03:22
Trond^^it seems i am unable to get mp3 playback on 6.06, even with gstreamer packages supporting playback installed. help on this would be much appreciated! :P03:22
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headphasetom47: no, 20.71 gb03:23
mwe!mpt | Trond^^03:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mpt - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:23
mwe!mp3 | Trond^^03:23
ubotuTrond^^: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:23
SlartFrogzoo: ok, done that.. just wondering what this other, apparently oh so great, way of mounting stuff was03:23
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FrogzooSlart: I'm curious too03:23
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FrogzooSlart: sudo mount -a   & done03:23
stevr1ithello nobody can help me? i have ubuntu edgy with gnome. my problem is that on  a hardisk i have the root and grub and on another the home directory. how can i move the root and grub on a third hard disk with the same home directory?03:24
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl782.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
SlartFrogzoo: yup.. done that.. but it still doesn't show up in nautilus.. I have to reboot or something stupid windows-like for that to happen?03:24
tom47headphase we need to just plug through this till we are telling each othe sensible things ok ..... just a bit of patience and we will get there03:24
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SlartFrogzoo: I mean.. it shows up in /media/sdb1.. but not in the places panel03:24
tom47headphase i am trying to precisely understand how that 120gb hard disk is divided up t begin with ... can you tell me what partitions exist now and how big thye are03:25
freetoswell supported usb headset for linux?03:25
FrogzooSlart: dude, what's it doing in /media ? that's for removable devices03:25
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SlartFrogzoo: that's where ubuntu put all my hard drives on install03:26
varkatopedoes anyone here have experiences with the new via chipset cx700m2?03:26
SlartFrogzoo: removable or not03:26
derderis it possible to mount ntfs partitions writeable03:26
headphasetom47: sda1 is 39.19 mb, sda2 is 84.14 gb, sda3 is 4.64 gb03:27
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varkatopederder: it is, but its not recommended so far, as it is still in beta03:27
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FrogzooSlart: how odd03:27
headphasetom47: sda1 is fat16, sda2 is ntfs, sda3 is fat3203:27
derderits just because im stupid to burn something on dvd03:33
Enselic``In my /etc/network/interfaces, there is wlan0 mentioned, but I cannot figure out if wlan0 is eth1?03:33
=== mythos_ [n=mythos@85-124-125-46.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu
varkatopederder: did u read my  post above?03:33
Shaffoxthe host of a printer, is that the mac adress ?03:33
derderabout cdrecord?03:33
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varkatopederder:  growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/dvdwriter -R -J /burn/03:33
SlartFrogzoo: indeed what I thought.. but I just figured it was the ubuntu way of doing things .. it's done no harm so far that I know of03:33
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varkatopederder: where /burn is the directory to burn03:33
derderah ok thx03:33
bjdieiHi all, I just upgraded from 5.10 to 6.06 and hal is not working properly, anyone know what I should try?03:33
tom47headphase god thank you ..... what is in the fat16 partition?03:33
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Frogzoobjdiei: you could upgrade to 6.10...03:33
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FrogzooShaffox: it's probably the IP03:33
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bjdieiFrogzoo: Thanks I'll try that03:33
headphasetom47: I am not sure, this computer came partitioned this way03:33
tom47headphase ok, can i assume that win xp is in sda2?03:33
headphasetom47: yes03:33
bjdieiFrogzoo: How do I do that? Update manager doesn't show that as an option/03:33
varkatopeheadphase: maybe some m$-recovery stuff?03:33
PeacerI'm still having trouble with grub :|03:33
soundray!upgrade | bjdiei03:33
ubotubjdiei: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:33
=== Blario [n=joey@c-69-138-218-106.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
PeacerI can't boot my windoez install03:33
tom47headphase since there is no data on the pc that is of any value how about we use the sda1 partition for linux?03:33
bjdieiThanks, I'll try that!03:33
ShaffoxFrogzoo: what's the manufacturer ?03:33
TrixseyHow big is Ubuntus community all in all?03:33
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derderah ok thx03:33
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soundraybjdiei: consider doing partition image backups, because you cannot downgrade.03:33
mikeklI have pinnacle hybrid pro stick. I watch analogue tv using tvtime or xawtv but sound is really silent (about 1/4 sound level comparing to that in windows). Furthermore there are white noise on all of the channels and strange crackling on some of them. I made samples of sound using: sox -r 48000 -w -c 2 -t ossdsp /dev/audio1 -t wav /var/test.wav03:33
mikeklHow to increase sound level and eliminate crackling and noise? Decreasing sound level in mixer doesn't work.03:33
varkatopederder: does it work now?03:33
FrogzooShaffox: of your printer? I'm not a mindreader dude03:33
derderhow can i lookup the size of a diretory03:33
headphasetom47: ok03:33
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Peacerderder rightclick it and press preferences03:33
Frogzooderder: du -sk /xxx03:33
tom47headphase right so step 1 is delete sda103:33
ShaffoxFrogzoo: nvm03:33
IdleOneTrixsey, ubuntu has an estimated 8 million users worldwide I believe03:33
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headphasetom47: so, Ican't create an sda4?03:33
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tom47you did not mention any unused space beyond sda3 ... is there space there unallocated and how much?03:34
tom47headphase: ^^^^^03:34
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headphasetom47: 21.56 gb03:35
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TrixseyIdleOne, and how many Windows users is there? :P03:35
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tom47headphase so all up the hard disk is 150 - 160 gb in size?03:35
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IdleOneTrixsey, ask in ##windows03:35
Ubuntu-Demohow much does time I need to write of an harddisk with dd /dev/dandom ?03:35
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents03:35
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headphasetom47: 120gb03:35
soundrayTrixsey: Windows is the market dominating operating system. See launchpad bug #103:36
royel_IdleOne: lol, thats too funny03:36
headphasetom47: sda1 is 39 mb03:36
headphasenot gb03:36
PeacerI have troubles dualbooting, wanted to sneak in a windows partition into my ubuntu partition, I did but can't boot windows now... help anyone?03:36
Peacernot the bot :|03:36
tom47headphase this does not compute .... add up the sizes you gave me already for sda 1/2/303:36
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CheshireVikingTrixsey, there's 1 windows user - Bill Gates, the rest of them get used by Windows :)03:36
IdleOneroyel_, type /msg ubotu vista03:36
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royel_CheshireViking: lol, well said :)03:36
hayden_does the nvidia driver work with the latest kernel in edgy?03:36
rojo^hayden_: yep03:37
soundrayPeacer: configure your /boot/grub/menu.lst. There is a sample title... section for Windows. Copy it to the end of the file and uncomment.03:37
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felix_In Firefox, I assigned "gmplayer" with the file type ".asx", but I cannot reset this assignment, as there is none listed in "File | Downloads | Download Actions".03:37
TrixseyCheshireViking, rofl.. dont forget their developers.. they prolly like it too ;p03:37
Peacerthank you ^^ didn't think that would work though *shrugs* simpler than I thought <.<03:37
tom47headphase ah ok my claculator is recalibrated lol03:37
derdervarkatope : does it only supports file name in 8.3 style03:37
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erUSULPeacer: add an "stanza" to boot windows in your /boot/grub/menu.lst there is an example in the coments of the file. maybe a simple 'sudo update-grub' could do the trick03:37
IdleOneTrixsey, I doubt they do but get paid well03:37
headphasetom47: sda1/2/3 is only up to 89 gb03:38
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headphasetom47: remember, sda1 is only 39 MB03:38
phatrabbitoh finally i got back here03:38
edleadanyone knows about att global client ?03:38
IdleOnewb phatrabbit03:38
tom47headphase yes i apologise for missing that detail earlier03:38
headphasetom47: can I create an sda4?03:39
tom47head phase we will make 3 new partitions03:39
phatrabbiti was using sudo apt-get install xchat03:39
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phatrabbitand wondering why it didnt work and i realised i had to update my ubuntu03:39
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tom47sda4 will be 1gb and will be the swap partion03:39
IdleOnephatrabbit, after enabling universe and multiverse right?03:39
headphasetom47: how do I create an sda4?03:39
tom47sda 5 will be / and will be the root partition03:40
varkatopederder: dunno, sry, but don't think so03:40
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phatrabbitnope i am using gaim IM03:40
phatrabbithow do i enable those03:40
sorush20can anyone here manage to see writing on this falsh box ? or just a bar graphhttp://www.iii.co.uk/markets/?type=sectors03:40
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IdleOne!repos | phatrabbit03:40
ubotuphatrabbit: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:40
varkatopederder: but spaces and special characters maybe a problem03:40
tom47headphase highlight the unused space and create a new partition of the right size03:40
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derderthan i will create a tarball ;D03:40
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headphasetom47: 1024 mb for swap?03:41
tom47headphase what is the brand and model of computer you havethere?03:41
sebrockcan anyone help me to get azuerus work? I installed on a fresh Ubuntu 6.10 Alternative, and it wont start... just some output in console...03:41
tom47headphase yep03:41
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edleadanyone uses vpn on ubuntu?03:42
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soundray!vpn | edlead03:42
ubotuedlead: From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD03:42
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headphasetom47: primary partition for swap?03:42
edleadsound: does it cover at&t vpn ?03:42
Slartsebrock: mm.. I got that when installed too... I .. ahem... .. used that other program.. automatix2 .. but you shouldn't.. cause it's bad... but it worked for installing azureus..03:42
soundrayedlead: kindly look for yourself03:43
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe03:43
edleadsound: ok thx03:43
Peacersoundray booting the lines from the example gives me an error "filesystem type unknown"03:43
Slartsebrock: there is probably a better way though03:43
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sebrockSlart, hehe, I used synapitc03:43
tom47headphase was just thinking maybe we should make the rest of the hard disk a primamry partition and the within it create logical partitions03:43
Slartsebrock: I did that first too.. got the same error you get, probably.. can't remember03:43
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.03:43
sebrockSlart, I wonder if its up to java itself that needs update or something03:43
sebrockSlart, so you say I should install it via automatrix2?03:44
Slartsebrock: I have no idea.. might be some weird setting that needs to be set... could be another version of azureus03:44
soundrayPeacer: have you substituted the device appropriately?03:44
rojo^anyone running two nvidia cards SLI?  Whenever I try enabling SLI (Option "SLI" "Auto" in Section "Device"), X freezes the console and never launches; can't ctrl-alt-F[1-6] .  Anyone else encounter this?03:44
tom47headphase i assume the three partitions you have already are primary partitions03:44
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LjLsebrock: no, he says you shouldn't be using automatix03:44
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Peacerdon't know if I have :|03:44
Slartsebrock: no.. didn't you read what ubuto said? automatix breaks things.. perhaps I was just lucky.. perhaps my install will die tomorrow..03:44
sebrockLjL, well, I see he says it worked but the program is shit...03:45
headphasetom47: yes03:45
soundrayPeacer: where is your Windows filesystem located? Something like /dev/hda1 would be typical.03:45
slvmchnwhere is menu.list or whatever thef ile is called, for grub?03:45
headphasetom47: I have a dell inspirion e140503:45
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rojo^slvmchn: /boot/grub/menu.list03:45
LjLsebrock: he's right. see !worksforme03:45
slvmchnthanks rojo03:45
varkatopeLjL: never trust a script you didn't write to crap yourself *g03:45
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tom47headphase then make aother primary partition of the remaining space and we will created the linux partitions as logical ones within it03:45
sebrockSlart, I can paste the output if thats any help03:45
Peacerslvmchn /boot/grub/menu.lst03:45
Slartsebrock: just letting you know I had the same error and that there are ways to get azureus to work..03:45
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soundrayPeacer: in the root line, put (hd0,1) instead of (hd0,0)03:45
Slartsebrock: probably wouldn't help.. but perhaps there is an azureus channel that can help you?03:46
Slartsebrock: check their site.. see if they offer a deb or something03:46
CheshireVikingsebrock, i used automatix when i was starting to use ubuntu - never again, some things worked, other didn't, it ended up breaking my update manager, i ended up doing a complete reinstall03:46
PeacerI know :p03:46
Peacerstill says it though03:46
KaVAnyone knows how can i find out, in which language an exe (windows) file has been written ????03:46
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youkilldkennedyAnyone know a repository with cool games on it?03:46
sebrockI searched for some info, find it strange that it does not work really03:47
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Slartsebrock: perhaps the version you get from synaptic is fixable... but I wouldn't know where to start03:47
yettenetI've got some error installing java :P03:47
yettenetCould anyone help me? :P03:47
soundray!games | youkilldkennedy03:47
ubotuyoukilldkennedy: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org03:47
yettenet5 lines of error message... :P03:47
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soundray!pastebin | yettenet03:47
ubotuyettenet: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:47
youkilldkennedyThanks soundray03:47
bauer77ok I did it today, I am solely running Ubuntu right now..lol03:48
headphasetom47: so in crate an new partition, I have 1024mb as a primary partition with linux-swap file system is that all ok?03:48
tom47headphase: so sda4 will be an extended partition03:48
sebrockSlart, Im gonna check later, have to work now :D03:48
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soundrayyoukilldkennedy: by the way, there is no such thing as a "cool game".03:48
Slartsebrock: ok.. good luck03:48
lukas__hi, I search some help for customize my usplash !03:48
tom47headphase ok hopefully03:48
headphasetom47: so I need to put extended partition?03:48
sebrocktnx, its that and the mulimediakeyboard volumes that needs fixing, then Im all set03:48
soundray!usplash | lukas__03:48
ubotulukas__: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork03:48
phatrabbitoh right nar i didnt use Repositories03:49
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lukas__soundray: it's to create one. I did it but I've some troubles with color.03:49
tom47headphase now that you have done that though we should create an extended partition covering the remaining space on the hard disk03:49
Peacersoundray got any more suggestions?03:49
headphasetom47: I haven't done it yet03:49
headphasetom47: I think the primary is sda403:50
tom47headphase if you have not done it yet than i think sda4 should be an extended partion covering all the spare space on the disk and we wil subdivide that for linux03:50
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soundraylukas__: sorry, no personal experience here03:51
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khronuslo all03:51
soundrayPeacer: can you pastebin your menu.lst pls03:51
headphasetom47: so I should make the 21 gb an extended partition?03:51
soundray!pastebin | Peacer03:51
ubotuPeacer: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:51
lukas__ok thanks03:51
khronustried to install ubuntu for first time last night, failed during install so i did the checksum disk check and it failed03:52
Loveubuntuthis Ubuntu Lite it's downs? http://ubuntulite.org/?03:52
khronusso i re downlaoded and burnt it again from a diff mirror03:52
Loveubuntuthis project http://ubuntulite.org/ it's down?03:52
khronusand that failed the checksum also03:52
khronusany ideas?03:52
Picikhronus: Try burning it at the slowest speed your burner supports, like 2x, sometimes that fixes those sort of issues.03:52
soundraykhronus: check the md5sum of the downloaded image(s).03:52
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khronusok ty03:53
yettenetwell, anyone for my java installing problem? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5919/03:53
ntbnntkhronus: if you're burning from windows, try the trial of alcohol120%03:53
soundrayyettenet: please pastebin your /etc/default/upnpd as well03:54
Peacersoundray http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5921/ :D03:54
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yettenetsure thing03:54
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headphasetom47: you there?03:54
phatrabbitis it worth upgrading to Edgy ?03:54
bauer77how would I run this file ati-driver-installer-8.33.6-x86.x86_64.run03:54
erUSULyettenet: the problem is with  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5919/03:54
ntbnntphatrabbit: it's stable... that's it03:54
erUSULyettenet: is with linux-idg not with java03:55
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_Jonathanphatrabbit: no, wait for feisty03:55
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ntbnntphatrabbit: i use dapper for the lts03:55
yettenetsoundray: could you tell me how to "execute" it or such? :P03:55
lordkeidenwhat is a simple way to sync folders betweer 2 laptops on a peer-to-peer lan?03:55
Peaceryettenet try sudo apt-get install linux-igd :)03:55
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phatrabbityer i use dapper 6.0603:55
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lordkeidenbig folders, over 2gb03:56
soundrayPeacer: for cosmetics (and avoiding kernel update problems later on) put it after the automagic kernels list03:56
varkatopelordkeiden: rsync, but it isen that simple i think03:56
ntbnntphatrabbit: when i used edgy, it was the same damn thing03:56
yettenetPeacer: It says that it's already installed03:56
soundrayPeacer: what's the exact error you're getting?03:56
tom47headphase yes03:56
bauer77how would I run this file ati-driver-installer-8.33.6-x86.x86_64.run  < Anyone?03:56
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headphasetom47: so I should make the 21 gb an extended partition?03:57
soundrayyettenet: retry sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin now03:57
rojo^bauer77: sudo sh ati<tab>03:57
bauer77thanks rojo03:57
patrick__hey i can't log in, i restarted my comouter, and when i put in my credentials it logs in and then comes back to the log in screen03:57
yettenetThe same03:57
patrick__ive tried all the log in options, but none work03:57
yettenetShould I reinstall linux-igd?03:57
PeacerI can't remember... I get it at startup, when I try to boot windows03:57
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IdleOneyettenet, sudo apt-get -f install linux-igd03:58
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tom47headphase whatever space is left after sda3 make into a single extended partition03:58
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lordkeidenis there a clean way to remove the vista bootloader and go back to grub?03:58
=== Peacer restarts and brb's
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:58
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yettenetThe smae for your one, IdleOne03:59
trelaynehi all, is it possible to chroot a mounted / filesystem (that is on another bootable HD) so that in some way you can run a program in that context? The other HD has Dapper while my current has Edgy03:59
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headphasetom47: ok03:59
rojo^lordkeiden: boot using a rescue disk, chroot to your installed linux "/" partition, mount /boot if needed, and type "grub"03:59
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JONES3700are there any .nzb grabbers that work on ubuntu?03:59
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rojo^lordkeiden: in the grub interactive mode, type "find /boot/grub/stage1"03:59
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Peacerfiletype system unknown, partition type 0x7 or something04:00
ntbnntlordkeiden: diito rojo^04:00
LjLroot__: service message - IRC as root is a bad idea04:00
rojo^lordkeiden: whatever the output of that is, type "root (whatever)"04:00
andy_owhat is the rc.local equivalent for adding commands to be run at shutdown in ubuntu?04:00
IdleOneyettenet, apt-get autoremove maybe04:00
patrick__hey i can't log in, i restarted my comouter, and when i put in my credentials it logs in and then comes back to the log in screen...ive tried all the options to login and none will work, any ideas?04:00
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rojo^lordkeiden: then type "setup (hd0)"  (assuming your installation is on hd0).  That'll overwrite the MBR04:00
headphasetom47: it is now pending04:01
yettenetthe same... lol04:01
ntbnntpatrick__: are you getting a graphical login?04:01
IdleOneyettenet, beats me04:01
soundrayPeacer: are you back in Ubuntu now?04:01
giuseppeHi guys, is possible use beryl with metacity theme for windows? thanks04:01
tom47now establish a partition withinit if 1gb for the swap partition04:01
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rojo^lordkeiden: don't forget to have an entry in /boot/grub/menu.list for Windows.  Make sure you have the line under Windows for "chainloader +1"04:01
headphasetom47: do I go foward and assingn the swap root and home?04:01
patrick__ntbnnt: yes i am04:01
yettenetBets me either :P04:01
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bauer77what is the command to restart x windows without rebooting?04:02
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yettenetShould I try to remove linux-igd and then reinstall it?04:02
Picigiuseppe: Yes, you need to install emerald, its a metacity theme engine for beryl04:02
Otacon22a software to make musical sheet on ubuntu?04:02
rojo^bauer77: ctrl-alt-backspace04:02
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@gateway/web/*] by Seveas
tom47headphase now establish a partition withinit if 1gb for the swap partition04:02
lordkeidenOtacon22: denemo04:02
soundrayyettenet: no, please pastebin your /etc/default/upnpd04:02
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patrick__ntbnnt: when it logs in it shows a NVIDA display icon and then brings me rightback to the login screen04:02
giuseppePici where can I found it?04:02
phatrabbithow can i check if my drivers are up to date04:02
ntbnntpatrick__: any messages?04:02
rojo^anyone running two nvidia cards SLI?  Whenever I try enabling SLI (Option "SLI" "Auto" in Section "Device"), X freezes the console and never launches; can't ctrl-alt-F[1-6] .  Anyone else encounter this?04:02
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lordkeidenrojo^: thanks04:02
yettenetsoundray: the content of it or what? :P04:03
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patrick__ntbnnt: nope, none at all after i log in and the NVIDA screen, it brings me back to wehre i enter my username, but no messages04:03
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ntbnntpatrick__: try opening a console and login (Alt+F1)04:03
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headphasetom47: I can only create a new partition on the allocated space within the new partition, Proceed?04:03
soundrayyettenet: if you want my help, stop pulling my leg.04:03
giuseppePici shall I add some repositories?04:04
patrick__ntbnnt: nothing comes up when i pess alt+F104:04
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tom47headphase my guess is the swap partition number is sda5 .... yes04:04
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Picigiuseppe: I'm sorry, its called heliodor, not emerald.  How did you install beryl?04:04
goundyconvergence_, yo04:04
shivnovacaine: Are u a doctoe?04:04
nexousNETWhen I'm in Mplayer,04:04
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goundyconvergence_, #ubuntu-fr pour le channel franais04:04
headphasetom47: it is a logical partition04:04
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@gateway/web/*] by Seveas
dooglusntbnnt: did you mean control+alt+F1?04:05
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@gateway/web/*!#ubuntu-ops] by Seveas
nexousNETwhoops... When I'm in Mplayer, when I go to fullscreen, why doesn't it stretch out the video?04:05
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@gateway/web/cgi-irc*!#ubuntu-ops] by LjL
tom47headphase now make the other two artitions04:05
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL
yettenethttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5926/ <--- here you go, I really don't know what you wanted04:05
dooglusntbnnt: and if so, shouldn't you tell him how to get back to his X session?04:05
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SeveasLjL, ?04:05
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Seveasah :)04:05
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ntbnntdooglus: y don't you then, hmmm?04:05
LjLSeveas: i removed mine, since it was narrower anyway04:05
Peacersoundray yep back in ubuntu04:05
goundyguys i've a problem04:05
goundygoundy@GLaptop:~/coding/bashanagi$ fglrxinfo04:05
goundyXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".04:05
soundrayPeacer: please run 'sudo fdisk -l' and pastebin the output04:06
shivnexousNET: Just right click on screen and see optons04:06
goundywhat does this mean?04:06
Seveasyeah, just realised that04:06
ntbnntdooglus: he's getting the graphical login but when it wants to display the desktop it crashes04:06
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headphasetom47: now do I create home and root logical partitions as ext3?04:06
ntbnntdooglus: bypass the desktop, the goal is access04:06
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giuseppePici I added the repositories and i typed sudo apt-get install beryl-manager04:06
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mzuverinkIm installing postfix and am using via dsl with a dyndns dns, do I choose internet site, internet w/ smarthost, or what?04:06
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nexousNETshiv: It goes to full screen, I'm just saying that the video is just wrapped around black space.04:07
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nexousNETshiv: I want the video to actually stretch, not have a wrapper around it.04:07
patrick__any ideas?04:07
tom47headphase yuo use the format to options04:07
shivnexousNET: LEt me see one, hold on04:07
bauer77can somebody help me install my ati drivers. I ran the installer from the ati website, but am still no getting graphics acceleration. I remember before I had to do something but dont remember what.04:07
goundybauer77, i've the same problem :/04:07
ntbnntpatrick__: try opening a console and login (control+alt+f1) then you can switch back to your grapical login using con+alt+f704:07
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yettenetWell, soundray? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5926/ <--- here is the thing, but I really don't know what you wanted04:07
Picigiuseppe: Okay, so just `sudo apt-get install heliodor` for the Metacity themer.04:08
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ntbnntbauer77: what card?04:08
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mzuverinkbauer77, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:08
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giuseppePici thanks :D04:08
bauer77I had fixed it before, and I think I had to change fglrx04:08
headphasetom47: should I make both the same size?04:08
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bauer77mzuverink: Ati Radeon Mobility 970004:08
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mzuverinkanyone with an answer for that postfix q?04:08
tom47headphase circa 10gb is ok to begin with04:08
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ntbnntbauer77: try command, aticonfig --inital04:08
soundrayyettenet: consider reading your error messages carefully, maybe then you'll understand04:09
shivnexousNET: I do not have a video file to test, I always use movieplayer (Totem) instead of that one without any probs04:09
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patrick__ntbnnt: it loged in that way04:09
yettenetI see04:09
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nexousNETshiv: I can't use Totem, because only Mplayer will play my .wmv files.04:09
giuseppePici excuse me, I have another problem, I'm italian but when I try to write on ubuntu-it the answer is : #ubuntu-it :Please register with services and use the IDENTIFY command (/msg nickserv help) to speak in this channel, but in past I wrote a lot in this channel...what happened?04:09
yettenetThe one under the ----------- is the content of upnpd04:10
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ntbnntpatrick__: sounds like its a problem with your graphics drivers04:10
shivnexousNET: I see, let me download a few from the net ant give it a try04:10
patrick__ntbnnt: how can i fix that?04:10
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soundrayyettenet: edit your /etc/default/upnpd according to the changes I posted at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5932/ -- then run 'sudo apt-get -f install'04:10
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ntbnntpatrick__: errr... i'm no expert in that, but you can tell people that you can login via the console04:11
headphasetom47: does it automatically assign swap since it is in linux-swap format?04:11
bauer77who gave me the ati --initial command?04:11
yettenetthx, soundray, I'll be back in a minute04:11
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patrick__ntbnnt: thanks for the help in finding out what it was04:11
ntbnntpatrick__: might help04:11
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fiXXXerMetIs there a LAME package for 6.10?04:11
ntbnntbauer77: me?04:11
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fredlhi, I'm trying to create a yum repository on an Ubuntu 6.10 server...04:11
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ntbnntbauer77: did, it crash on you?04:12
bauer77ntbnnt: Thanks, that resolved my issue, what exactly does that do04:12
[miles] good afternoon #ubuntu04:12
LjLusuario: ?04:12
Picigiuseppe: They probably had a problem with people spamming the channel.  See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup for instructions on how to register.04:12
patrick__anyone know how to fix a graphics driver issue via a console login?04:12
[miles] guys, can anyone recommend a good XML editor please?04:12
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tom47headphase ummmm no i think it has to be mounted as /swap04:12
ntbnntbauer77: oh, good, it writes the default configuration files04:12
soundrayPeacer: is your Windows partition fat32?04:12
yettenetI could've thought about it... thx, soundray... now I'm gonna try that java installing again :P04:12
giuseppePici thanks a lot ;)04:12
fredlI understand this is done with 'yum-arch', but when I type this on my Ubuntu box, it gives an error message: ImportError: No module named urlgrabber04:12
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headphasetom47: got it04:12
ntbnntbauer77: its a must04:12
[miles] and MLview bombs out often on my 64bit Ubuntu04:12
ntbnntbauer77: easy to miss though ;p04:12
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fredlI have python-urlgrabber installed though, so this error message makes no sense to me.04:13
tom47headphone hmmm looks like i am wrong04:13
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dooglustom47: you don't mount swap partitions.  you 'swapon' them04:13
Peacersoundray ntfs04:13
phatrabbitdoes anyone know how i can check if i have installed the latest Nvidia drivers04:13
novacainehow can I see a jpg in the shell?04:13
tom47headphase looks like i am wrong sorry abt nick04:13
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dooglusnovacaine: 'ls file.jpg'04:13
bauer77I had done it before but had forgotten, and that command didnt work before..04:13
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Kilroyhello everyone04:14
shivnexousNET: I downloaded this movie http://www.jhepple.com/support/SampleMovies/WindowsMedia.wmv and it plays fine without borders in mplayer for me04:14
headphasetom47: no, you were right04:14
derderi hate my notebook04:14
bauer77patrick__: your having the same issue?04:14
nexousNETshiv: what version do you have?04:14
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novacainedooglus: I want to display it...04:14
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patrick__same issure?04:14
dooglusnovacaine: in a shell?04:14
soundrayPeacer: try mounting it with 'sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda2 /mnt'04:14
bauer77with ati?04:14
patrick__what do you mean bauer77?04:14
Picinovacaine: in a terminal ?04:14
shivnexousNET: Hold on its kaffeine thats playing it04:14
soundraynovacaine: gnome-open file.jpg04:14
novacainedooglus, Pici: yes04:14
lordkeidenwhy do the wmv files i watch smear colors all over the video window? this happens in xine, mplayer, and kaffene.04:15
shivnexousNET: not the mplayer04:15
dooglusnovacaine: you might find that mplayer can do some kind of ascii-art translation of it04:15
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nexousNETshiv: hold on, ill give kaffeine a shot04:15
bardlordkeiden, use vlc04:15
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ntbnntbauer77: patrick__ has nvida04:15
Kilroy what is ur guys favorite ftp program for linux? as a client04:15
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bauer77ah ok04:15
soundrayKilroy: ncftp04:15
Andy_oata1: translated ATA stat/err 0x51/04 to SCSI SK/ASC/ASCQ 0xb/   ---> is this a bad error message to get on dmesg?04:15
patrick__ohh yes sorry i wasn't following the other conversations04:15
Andy_oI get a bunch of those04:15
bauer77patrick__: Understood04:15
Andy_o ata1: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }04:15
bardKilroy, kftpgrabber04:15
Dasnipa`Kilroy, sftp04:15
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soundrayPeacer: does that come back with any errors?04:16
ntbnnti ran these initial configuration commands for my x160004:16
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ntbnntbauer77: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) | sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx | sudo aticonfig --initial04:16
HymnToLifeKilroy, Konqueror :p04:16
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Peacersoundray yes04:17
nexousNETshiv: kaffeine is only for KDE? :/04:17
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yettenetsoundray: It seems like it worked, thanks :)04:17
ntbnntpatrick__: you might try that first command sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)04:18
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Peacersoundray wronf fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda2 missing codepage or other error, in some cases useful info is found in syuslog try dmesg | tail or so04:18
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ntbnntpatrick__: do it from the console after logging in04:18
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phatrabbitdoes anyone know where to un .tar.gz Adobe flash04:18
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Firebird8hello, how do you delete a menu in the menu editor?04:18
wheels3572Can anyone help me set up a launcher?04:18
novacainedooglus: i can use ascii art with mplayer using aalib as video output..but mplayer don't want to open jpg files :P04:19
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PeacerI chosed ntfs (fast) when I partitioned the rest of my diskspace for windoez with the windoez cd04:19
ntbnntphatrabbit: anywhere04:19
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phatrabbitits ok ig ot it thanks04:19
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fredlcan anybody here see the createrepo package? (apt-cache search createrepo)04:19
FireHazard17wheels3572: what version are you using04:19
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wheels3572Firebird8, im running Xubuntu 6.1004:19
secureboothow does one install from a usb drive?  If I have an .iso, how do i make that into something I can put on a usb drive?  do i have to format the drive in any special way?04:19
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FireHazard17wheels3572: idk using xfce04:20
patrick__ntbnnt:it said i had some packages that i could remove, its doing that, but i have to go thank you so much for your help04:20
patrick__if that doesnt work ill beback later!04:20
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securebootsurely, there must be a good link out there somewhere04:20
soundrayPeacer: just for sanity, try 'sudo mount -t vfat /dev/hda2 /mnt'04:20
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CrakeHunterhello, a quick question on security. a friend of mine thinks that linux is not as safe as windows because everyone can have a look at the source code and see the "backdoors". is that true?04:20
ntbnntpatrick__: cool, hope that does help04:20
wheels3572Firebird8, ok.  I was just trying to figure out how to associate an HTML file with Firefox using a launcher04:21
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Peacersame error message04:21
ntbnntsecureboot: you should see the wikis on booting linux from usb04:21
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Picifredl: No, that doesnt look like a valid package name/descriptor04:21
fredlanybody here using Feisty? please check if you see createrepo (apt-cache search createrepo)04:21
Firebird8wheels3572, FireHazard1704:21
erUSULCrakeHunter: "security by obscurity is long time ago debunked myth" by me04:21
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tkamppeterSomeone knows the usual way under Ubuntu to configure X if one has connected a new monitor?04:21
fredlPici - you on edgy or feisty?04:21
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LjLCrakeHunter: yes. however, the opposite is true as well: everybody can look at the source, so there are many eyes that can *spot* backdoors and report them quickly, so that they can be fixed ASAP. on closed-source, you can have backdoors unspotted for ages04:21
Peacersoundray same error message (with fancy colours)04:21
ntbnntsecureboot: that's how i did it, followed the wikis04:21
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=== FireHazard17 is cool
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securebootntbnnt: haven't been able to find wikis - which are you referring to?04:22
CrakeHunterok, so it is not completely wrong, thanks guys!04:22
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Picifredl: I'm on edgy, packages.ubuntu.com says that createrepo should exist in universe on fiesty04:22
ntbnntsecureboot: let me grab 'em04:22
wheels3572FireHazard17, sorry I sent that to the wrong person lol04:22
=== tijn [n=Rupert@a82-92-35-21.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Picifredl: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/admin/createrepo04:22
tijnhi all04:22
fredltnx Pici04:22
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wheels3572Firebird8, sorry bout that didn't realize there were 2 fires lol04:22
[OG] 6tonany1 know were i can get winndows xp for free.. going to test dual boot04:22
royel_CrakeHunter: stuff like that would be discovered an shutdown pretty quick, since it is open source, if any one were to have the potential for what you describe, I would suggest it to be the "other" OS since it is closed an you can't see whats in the code.04:22
Shaffox[OG] 6ton: legally, you you can't04:22
Pici[OG] 6ton: Try asking in ##windows04:22
erUSUL[OG] 6ton: warez no allowed here04:22
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Dr_willis[OG] 6ton,  go get a copy of freedoss its more fun.04:23
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tijnhow do i install gd? cant find the correct package, and the prog i want to use it for isnt very clear about it04:23
Shaffox[OG] 6ton: don' dualboot , stick to linux :p04:23
ntbnntsecureboot: what distro, ubuntu?04:23
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[OG] 6tonShaffox need to play ... css :D dont think linux is good at that?04:23
[OG] 6tonor am i wrong?04:23
ardchoille[OG] 6ton: My idea of dual-boot is Ubuntu and Kbuntu or Ubuntu and Xubuntu ;)04:23
Shaffox[OG] 6ton: yes it is04:23
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soundrayPeacer: there is a program called ntfsfix in the ntfsprogs package. I would try that.04:24
FireHazard17yeah freedos is free04:24
FireHazard17xp is illegal04:24
HymnToLifeardchoille, why dual boot twice the same thing ?04:24
Shaffox!wine | [OG] 6ton04:24
bulmer[OG] 6ton: if you are in a junior college in the US...you can buy them or have them nearly free use for six months..ask around..they have student version04:24
ubotu[OG] 6ton: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.04:24
securebootntbnnt: yes, ubuntu04:24
Picitijn: For perl?04:24
Peacersoundray thank you for your help, I'll try that, is that package with the default ubuntu install or do I have to apt-get it `?04:24
Firebird8did someone forget the delete button on the menu editor?04:24
FireHazard17but XP sucks ass04:24
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ardchoilleHymnToLife: Ok, Ubuntu and Mepis?04:25
tijnPici, really dont now, it says GD version : NO04:25
soundrayPeacer: apt-get it04:25
FireHazard17i despise m$04:25
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Shaffoxsecureboot: http://wiki.ubuntu.com04:25
soundray!ohmy | FireHazard1704:25
ubotuFireHazard17: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:25
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tijnPici, found it! it wanted php4-gd :S04:25
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=== Peacer bows before soundray
=== tom47 is grateful to XP ... without it i would never have become an ubuntista :D
[OG] 6tonhmm.. but its true that i cant ply games in linus without wine or something like that.. :)04:25
dooglusnovacaine: you can convert the .jpg to .avi and then to ascii maybe?04:25
CheshireVikingI have a multi-boot system, 2 of which are Ubuntu - one to use and a 2nd copy to test updates/installs beforei do them on my primary system - not so much synaptic updates, but non-repo packages etc04:25
bulmerwith out  problems in XP lots of us dont have work to fix them...so let em be.. :)04:25
=== Vilhelms [n=Vilhelms@] has joined #ubuntu
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soundraynovacaine: you could also try printing it04:26
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=== FireHazard17 hates Microsoft in all forms including xBox
FireHazard17i like beryl04:26
VilhelmsI just installed xubuntu-desktop and have ran it successfully, but whenever I try to click on an icon on my desktop my whole desktop moves (including the background) each click it toggles from moving up and down, and I can't click on anything because of it. Why would this be? Does anyone have any idea on how I could fix it? Thanks :)04:26
=== hossasaur [n=hoss@CPE-70-94-47-177.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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hossasaurhello, i need a little help with driver install04:27
=== HymnToLife likes Mirosoft mice and keyboard
HymnToLifeand gamepads :p04:27
tom47headphase how are you going there04:27
Luis07the new driver from nvidia doesn't show the "nvidia logo" on boot anymore?04:27
IdleOneFireHazard17, this isnt a We hate Microsoft Channel. perhaps a blog would be better suited for your hatred :)04:27
FireHazard17yeah they'rent bad04:27
Dr_willisVilhelms,  what if you just move the mouse around? it likd scrolls a larger desktop?04:27
hossasauri'm attempting to install drivers for my intel pro/100 3945abg wireless card04:27
HymnToLifehossasaur, they should be there by default04:27
tkamppeterSome X expert here?04:27
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ntbnntsecureboot: i did it with debian, it may work the same, i dunno04:28
hossasaurHymnToLife: it detected my wireless, but i can't connect04:28
HymnToLifetkamppeter, assume there is and ask your question04:28
soundraytkamppeter: dime a dozen04:28
hossasaurso i assumed it was a driver thing04:28
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VilhelmsDr_willis, No, only clicking on it does it04:28
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ntbnntsecureboot: http://wiki.debian.org/BootUsb04:28
HymnToLifehossasaur, it's most likely not, why can't you connect ?04:28
IdleOneFireHazard17, please talk in here or #ubuntu-offtopic and no this isnt basicaly a Microsoft hate channel by any means04:32
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VilhelmsDr_willis, And it only moves about 5 px up, and then 5 px down04:32
rickympli have 2gb swap and 1gb ram, however my ram is almost full and the swap harldy used, is this normal?04:32
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Dr_willisVilhelms,  odd...04:32
FireHazard17ok ok04:32
wheels3572Can anyone tell me what woudl stop an HTML file from not even loading when you press on firefox?04:32
VilhelmsDr_willis, I would agree, it is odd =\04:32
soundrayrickympl: yes04:32
hossasaurwell, i haven't ran linux in 10 years, so i guess that's my problem04:32
Dr_willisrickympl,  yes.. why would you swap when you got ram free. :)04:32
securebootrickympl: yes - that is normal and good04:32
IdleOneUbuntu does not claim to Hate Microsoft on any of theyre official sites04:32
tkamppeterI have bought a 22" widescreen monitor and I am connecting it to a laptop. Now I want to configure X to use the monitor's 1600x1050 resolution. How do I do this in Ubuntu?04:32
FireHazard17buuut no on is talking in offtopic04:32
HymnToLiferickympl, yes, in Linux, unused RAM is wasted RAM04:32
securebootrickympl: swap is really, really slow, so it shouldn't be used unless absolutely necessary04:32
hossasaurif i go to system=>admin tools=>network settings, it sees a wireless connection04:32
Pici!fixres | tkamppeter04:32
ubotutkamppeter: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:32
IdleOneFireHazard17, talkl and they will respond04:32
pukekoi need to mount a LVM disk on a non LVM system .. how do i do it /04:32
soundrayrickympl: Linux is very good at making the best use of your hardware. It uses RAM for buffer space.04:32
FireHazard17ok fine04:32
Peacersoundray sudo ntfsfix /dev/hda2 fails to mount it :S04:32
=== sacater [n=sacater@host86-144-187-31.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
HymnToLifethe amout of RAM your programs don't use is udes for caching04:32
Dr_willisof course go ask Microsoft why they do it the other way...04:32
=== gnopper [n=mariano@host89-49-static.23-87-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
royel_FireHazard17: you could be the first then04:32
hossasaurbut when i type in my ssid/key, it doesn't connect04:32
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ntbnntsecureboot: some of the links may also point you in the right direction, you may have to be invenful04:32
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soundrayPeacer: I don't know much about ntfsfix -- I would read the manpage at this point04:32
FireHazard17no ubuntu doesn't hate ms there has to be a reason to use linux04:32
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rickymplok, thank you all for your answers04:32
hossasaurHymnToLife: if i go to system=>admin tools=>network settings, it sees a wireless connection04:32
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Peacerok ^^04:32
hossasaurHymnToLife: but when i type in my ssid/key, it doesn't connect04:32
Bill_GatesI love Linux!04:32
=== Peacer is now known as Peacer|afk
FireHazard17well it is a better OS04:32
gnoppercan somebody link me the deb of gaim 2beta6???04:32
wheels3572Maybe this can help. Failed to execute child process "/home/wheels/index" (No such file or directory)04:32
=== petepete [n=pete@88-108-244-198.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Firebird8gnopper, compile it04:32
HymnToLifehossasaur, try to configure it from command-line and see if it works f rom there04:32
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tkamppeterThanks, ubotu, I searched the Ubuntu forums before and there was no help.04:32
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gnopperit is difficoult.... i'm busy ;)04:32
FireHazard17ubotu is a bot04:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is a bot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:32
=== petepete [n=pete@88-108-244-198.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:32
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petepetehow can i extract from command line,  a specific folder in a bz2 archive ?04:32
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hossasaurHymnToLife: how do you do connect from the terminal?04:32
tanascarReinstalling now.. setting up a separate partition for root and home, what is a good size to make the root partition? I assume I should leave most the space for my home..  I have a 250gb drive.04:33
HymnToLifehossasaur, sudo iwconfig YOUR_IF essid YOUR_ESSID key YOUR_WEP_KEY04:33
HymnToLifehossasaur, and then sudo dhclient YOUR_IF if you want to use dhcp04:33
unoppetepete,  man tar (the flag you want is --include i think)04:33
VilhelmsI just installed xubuntu-desktop and have ran it successfully, but whenever I try to click on an icon on my desktop my whole desktop moves (including the background) each click it toggles from moving up and down, and I can't click on anything because of it. Why would this be? Does anyone have any idea on how I could fix it? Thanks :)04:33
dooglusnovacaine: did you try ! caca-utils ?04:33
=== justin [n=nevyn@69-183-181-73.ded.snet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Firebird8gnopper, download the rpm and use alien to convert it to a deb04:34
dooglus! caca-utils04:34
ubotucaca-utils: text mode graphics utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-6 (edgy), package size 126 kB, installed size 324 kB04:34
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hossasaurHymnToLife: thanks, but what's IF?04:34
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gnopperi try04:34
unophossasaur,  interface04:34
HymnToLifehossasaur, InterFace, the identifier of your interface, eth1, wlan0, whatever04:34
HymnToLifeyou can find it by typing iwconfig alone04:34
phatrabbit"Ubuntu" is an ancient African word, meaning "humanity to others". Ubuntu also means "I am what I am because of who we all are". The Ubuntu Linux distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the software world.04:34
=== lucas_ [n=lucas@72-29.1-85.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #ubuntu
hossasaurHymnToLife: there's no wireless extensions04:35
HymnToLifeon all of them ?04:35
=== gnopper [n=mariano@host89-49-static.23-87-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has left #ubuntu ["Sto]
soundraytanascar: I use 2 GB for root on specialized installations (office machine) and 10 GB for experimental machines where I will try loads of different packages04:35
HymnToLifeyour wireless isn't detected then04:35
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ
tanascarsoundray: thanks04:36
HymnToLifehossasaur, try        sudo modprobe ipw394504:36
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b str8dsp!*@*!#ubuntu-ops] by LjL
hossasaurwait, nevermind04:36
hossasaurthere is04:36
hossasauri mistook it for nic04:36
hossasaurdo i have to put the essid into quotes?04:36
=== Amon-san [n=Amon@e178243251.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
r00tintheb0xHey, when i connect 2 unix machines together... with a crossover cable and each machine has 1 NIC. What should the eth configuration be?04:36
HymnToLifeif it is more than one word (e.g My Network), yes04:36
HymnToLifeif not (MyNetwork), you can omit them04:37
HymnToLifebut putting them won't hurt04:37
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL
hossasaurError for wireless request "Set Encode" (8b2a)04:37
=== r0bin__ [n=robin@124-8-25-11.dynamic.tfn.net.tw] has joined #ubuntu
ntbnntis there a clean way to uninstall firefox from ubuntu04:38
=== Enselic` [n=martin@kr-lun-58-151-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
HymnToLifentbnnt, you don't want to04:38
dooglusnovacaine: did you try installing and running 'bb'?  It just broke my brain04:38
dooglus! bb04:38
ubotubb: ASCII-art demo based on AAlib. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3rc1-7 (edgy), package size 1166 kB, installed size 1832 kB04:38
=== kauef [n=kauef@201-74-184-176-mc.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
ntbnnti want to replace it fully with opera04:38
hossasaurHymnToLife: got this: Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8b2a)04:38
=== draconius [n=draconiu@incognito.student.iastate.edu] has joined #ubuntu
HymnToLifentbnnt, use Opera then, but don't remove Firefox04:38
=== r0bin [n=robin@124-8-25-11.dynamic.tfn.net.tw] has joined #ubuntu
hossasaurthanks for the help, btw04:38
HymnToLifethat's asking for trouble04:38
HymnToLifehossasaur, what is the command you typed ?04:39
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Enselic`I have my wireless setup for WPA now, how hard is WPA nets to crack?04:39
hossasaursudo iwconfig eth1 essid "XXXXXX" key "XXXXXX"04:39
=== NoFX_SBC [n=NoFX_SBC@200-158-57-54.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
HymnToLifehossasaur, don't put the key between quotes04:39
VilhelmsI just installed xubuntu-desktop and have ran it successfully, but whenever I try to click on an icon on my desktop my whole desktop moves (including the background) each click it toggles from moving up and down, and I can't click on anything because of it. Why would this be? Does anyone have any idea on how I could fix it? Thanks :)04:39
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ntbnntno, i want to04:39
=== raphael_ [n=Khamael@16.80-202-79.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
rickymplanyone here know how to create an fserv using xchat? i tried osbidian2, but i keep getting a connection refused when trying to connect, is there any special port that has to be opened?04:39
hossasaurHymnToLife: i didn't the first time04:39
HymnToLifentbnnt, I repeat, you don't want to, that's asking for trouble04:40
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ntbnnthymntolife: i didn't think it was clean... :p04:40
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HymnToLifegoundy, do you have correct drivers installed for your card ?04:41
ntbnnthymntolife: yea, the wrapper that opera uses in linux is almost dependant anyway and yea, i was just wondering if it could be done clean...04:42
=== tjtansey [n=tjtansey@c-71-205-229-223.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
meisamhi, does anybody know how i can install tomcat apache and configure it, i need it very urgently guys04:42
goundycorrect drivers? what does this mean?04:42
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=== [nvc] lexx [i=lexx@dsl-122-15-116-82.cable.intramail.ru] has joined #ubuntu
sdac221x_hi do you guys recommend i use ATI open-source driver or fglrx for my ATI X1300 ?04:42
HymnToLifentbnnt, it can't, in Ubuntu at least04:42
goundyso i've installed the ATI propri DRIVERS04:42
soundraymeisam: sudo apt-get install tomcat504:42
[nvc] lexxhi all04:42
HymnToLifelots of things in Ubuntu depend on FF04:42
hexidigitalmeisam:  not sure about tomcat, but apache help can be found in #apache04:42
hossasaurHymnToLife: any ideas?04:42
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goundyHymnToLife, ?04:43
dooglussdac221x_: I have to use fglrx for my X1600 mobility, if that helps...04:43
HymnToLifethat's the reason FF 2.0 didn't get backported for Dapper <=04:43
ntbnnthymntolife: yea04:43
meisamsoundray  i need 5.5 can i write  sudo apt-get install tomcat5.5 ?04:43
soundraymeisam: yes04:43
ntbnntsdac221x__: yea, use fglrx04:43
VilhelmsI just installed xubuntu-desktop and have ran it successfully, but whenever I try to click on an icon on my desktop my whole desktop moves (including the background) each click it toggles from moving up and down, and I can't click on anything because of it. Why would this be? Does anyone have any idea on how I could fix it? Thanks :)04:43
soundraymeisam: if you're on edgy, that is04:43
HymnToLifehossasaur, no, can't help you further, sorry04:43
sdac221x_dooglus:  i used fglrx but never was able to get beryl working04:44
stuntgp2000hi everybody :)04:44
=== [nvc] lexx [i=lexx@dsl-122-15-116-82.cable.intramail.ru] has left #ubuntu []
goundyHymnToLife, do you know what I can do to repar this shit ?04:44
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hossasaurHymnToLife: thanks for the previous help04:44
soundraymeisam: consider also the tomcat5.5-admin and tomcat5.5-webapps packages04:44
sdac221x_beryl would simple change back to normal theme, when i try to apply the beryl theme. so i thought it may be related to graphic drivers04:44
HymnToLifegoundy, what card do you have and what driver are you using for it ?04:44
meisamsoundray it said : 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.04:44
dooglussdac221x_: I had beryl working with it, but it's not worth the effort really.  it's not very stable yet.04:44
goundyHymnToLife, ati radeon X8604:44
goundydrivers: ati proprio. (most recent one)04:45
=== xstasi [n=vmnigga@85-18-14-24.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
HymnToLifedon't know much abour Ati cr... stuff (^____^), sorry04:45
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@203-59-253-184.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
goundyATI Radeon X70004:45
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xstasi# cryptsetup -v create home /dev/hda304:45
xstasiCommand failed: Incompatible libdevmapper 1.02.07 (2006-05-11)(compat) and kernel driver04:45
sdac221x_dooglus: is it not stable because of beryl itself or fglrx04:45
=== riotkittie [n=riotkitt@cpe-72-228-33-163.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
xstasiis this normal?04:45
soundraymeisam: did it say anything about the package not being available?04:45
xstasiwhat does it want?04:45
meisamsoundray on port 8080 it does not show up04:45
ntbnntsdac221x__: don't think so...04:45
dooglussdac221x_: I don't know.  I've only ever tried it on this one machine.04:45
meisamno no04:45
goundyok HymnToLife thanks04:45
stuntgp2000does anyone know how can I call RSSOwl from Firefox ?04:45
sdac221x_oh ok.  alright then thanks04:45
goundyAnyone know about ATI stuf? >>> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5934/04:46
=== tdbrown2 [n=tdbrown2@cpe-066-057-086-163.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
meisamsoundray the problem is that it does not show up on 8080 port04:46
ntbnntdid someone say ati>04:46
soundraymeisam: slowly04:46
tdbrown2how do I do the alien?04:46
ntbnntgoundy: i'll see what i can do04:46
soundraymeisam: we have to make sure it's installed first. Can you do a 'cd /usr/share/doc/tomcat5.5/'?04:46
=== Spokodzieciak [n=spokodzi@aamv12.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
goundyntbnnt, thank you very much dude04:46
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SpokodzieciakWitam Wszystkich jestem nwy, potrzebuje mp3 karaoke lub cos w tym stylu z piosenkami miosnymi na walentynki ... prosze od odp. bede z 5 min04:47
SpokodzieciakDziki ;-)04:47
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl04:47
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ntbnntgoundy: what kind of laptop u got...04:48
soundraymeisam: is it installed?04:48
xstasiok, found04:48
xstasimodprobe dm-crypt04:49
goundyntbnnt, an ACER Aspire 502004:49
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ntbnntknew it :)04:49
goundyntbnnt, cpu: AMD Turion 64 (but i'm under a 32bit system)04:49
royel_Vilhelms: has it worked properly in the past, or has it been this way since installing Xubuntu initially?04:49
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=== llama33 [n=zak@065.a.001.beg.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Solarionwhen will the updates to fix module loading be uploaded (feisty)?04:50
=== SniZ [i=sniz@dynamic-vpdn-87-252-255-214.telecom.by] has joined #ubuntu
Vilhelmsroyel_, I just installed xubuntu and its doing this. Gnome worked fine, and it only does it if i run in the xubuntu session04:50
Solarionit'd be nice to have sound and pcmcia again.04:50
ntbnntgoundy: dapper or edgy04:50
Vilhelmsroyel_, also I'm running in Xgl, I'm not sure if that could be causing the issue but I'm running beryl along with xfce04:50
goundyntbnnt, dapper :-] 04:50
tjtanseycan anyone help me with how to install applications from source?04:50
meisamsoundray i can do that04:50
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)04:50
meisamit is full installed04:51
=== capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-69-149-51-209.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
applenuxhello i need help for my ppc04:51
meisamsoundray it is installed04:51
dooglusrickympl: you'll probably find that you RAM is only full due to the file cache.04:51
dooglusrickympl: there's no point using swap for the filecache.04:51
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applenuxwhat is url for flash plugin for Mozilla Browser on Ubuntu PPC ?04:52
dooglusrickympl: run 'free' in a terminal to see how much memory is really used, and how much is just buffers and cache04:52
soundraymeisam: okay, in that directory, you'll find some docs. Check out README.Debian first.04:52
royel_Vilhelms: I have no experience with xfce, I thought maybe you had some key stuck on your keyboard, but if it works fine in gnome then that can't be the problem04:52
soundraymeisam: consider also the tomcat5.5-admin and tomcat5.5-webapps packages (sry repeat, not sure if you saw it)04:53
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ntbnntgoundy: im thinking that this should work04:53
ReKlipzyo, in beryl / compiz, how do i make the windows fold so i can see whuts behind it?04:53
goundyntbnnt, but i don't yet :/04:53
ntbnntgoundy: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) | sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx | sudo aticonfig --initial04:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tomcat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:53
daveyatesmaximize the window first ReKlipz04:53
hossasauri'm having trouble04:53
ardchoilleWhat is tomcat?04:53
tjtanseythanks I'll see if that gets me anywhere04:53
hossasaurconnecting to my wireless network04:53
dooglus! tomcat04:53
soundray!tomcat5.5 | ardchoille04:54
ReKlipzdaveyates, dig it, thx04:54
ubotuardchoille: tomcat5.5: Java Servlet 2.4 engine with JSP 2.0 support. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.5.17-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 50 kB, installed size 340 kB04:54
hossasaurin gnome, i type in my essid, key, and it keeps saying "disconnected"04:54
ardchoillesoundray: Ah, thanks04:54
ntbnntgoundy: thats configuration errors for sure, acceleration isn't being happy with your system04:54
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goundyntbnnt, no :/04:54
daveyatesnp ReKlipz04:54
ReKlipzhow to get compiz to autostart?04:54
goundyntbnnt, all this is already done :/04:54
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ntbnntjust do the aticonfig --initial command04:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about effects - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:54
soundray!compiz | ReKlipz04:54
ubotuReKlipz: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:54
Lunar_Lamp<daveyates> maximize the window first ReKlipz <== then what?04:55
goundyntbnnt, goundy@GLaptop:~$ sudo aticonfig --initial04:55
goundyFound fglrx primary device section04:55
goundyNothing to do, terminating.04:55
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ntbnntgoundy: eya04:55
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ReKlipzLunar_Lamp, then just resize a corner04:55
ntbnntgoundy: okay04:55
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ntbnntgoundy: bear with me04:55
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royel_Vilhelms: are you able to use the "right-click" menu?04:55
goundyntbnnt, to bear = ??04:55
Lunar_LampReKlipz, huh? How do you resize a window when it's maximized?04:56
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Lunar_LampReKlipz, ah, ok, I get you, sorry.04:56
sdac221x_hi when i open some settings screens for some extensions in firefox... i get the setting screen window frame but nothing inside it except white.   any ideas ?04:56
ykrananothing comes from the word jolt in white capitals with me n spaz?04:56
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ntbnntgoundy: okay, try forcing it04:56
ykranamark try :d04:56
Lunar_LampReKlipz, it doesn't need to be a corner though - will work on any of the straight edges - I was misinterpreting what you were talking about.04:56
ykranareklipz, ah, ok, i think he's swedish chick04:57
ntbnntgoundy: sudo aticonfig -f --initial04:57
ykranagoundy: okay, try forcing it clean?04:57
armadill0Hi guys.  Sound isn't recording in Edgy for me.  I can hear my voice in the speakers, I've checked in alsamixer that I'm not muted, but KRec (and other programs) can't "hear" the sound from the mic.  I'm using onboard sound on a VIA 8237.  Does anyone have any idea what to do?04:57
ykranaeat voice anarky!!!04:57
goundyntbnnt, hum I think that acceleration worked with the generic drivers include in the dapper cd installation. How to restaure them?04:57
ykranadont ban him stuff hes supposed to include an option to +v04:57
Vilhelmsroyel_, I can right-click, and I can use the menu. Right clicking also makes the desktop move04:57
ykranaso did that with the rest of the recycle bin across the 3d desktop04:57
applenuxwhat is url for flash plugin for Mozilla Browser on Ubuntu PPC ?04:57
ykranalike ubuntu computer, can anyone willing to help?04:57
goundyi'll try the forcing, minute04:57
ntbnntgoundy: that command i gave you04:57
ykranabut i'll tell a database server is unfortunately, the similarly named database server and powerful04:57
goundygoundy@GLaptop:~$ sudo aticonfig -f --initial04:57
goundyUninitialised file found, configuring.04:57
goundyUsing /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:57
goundySaved back-up to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.fglrx-104:57
ykranagoundy: sudo aticonfig -f --initial04:57
ykranagoundy: sudo aticonfig -f --initial04:58
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso04:58
ykranaits only flat file04:58
mackinaclooks like a bot got in04:58
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goundyykrana, Done04:58
ykrananovoca1n is relegated to let/    windows linux04:58
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goundybut it still won't work04:58
ntbnntgoundy: okay, now you can maybe reboot after that force and go04:58
ykranamez, ljl, elkbuntu, imbrandon, dbo, gnomefreak, hobbsee, rob, ompaul, madpilot, burgundavia, seveas, carlk, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or unix04:58
apokryphosykrana: what are you doing?04:58
meisamsoundray how can i check if it is configured and set up compeletely?04:58
ykranawe should port it looks easily portable04:58
goundyntbnnt, just reboot X right?04:58
LjLwhat is going on here04:58
goundyok brb04:58
ykranaykrana, i had this relevant?04:58
=== DBO is confused too
royel_Vilhelms: are you using a virtual desktop, IE: desktop is 1024x768, but virtual makes it 1280x1024, trying to understand how your desktop could move04:58
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riotkittiegood question04:58
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DBOsoundray?  did you need something?04:59
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soundraymeisam: dpkg -l tomcat5.5 should show the package with 'ii' at the beginning of the line04:59
Seveassoundray, do NOT abuse !ops04:59
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soundrayDBO, Seveas: ykrana was spamming04:59
Math^anyone know how to check your hardware, so you can check wich videocart you have etc?04:59
Seveassoundray, ah ok, sorry04:59
Vilhelmsroyel_, no, all I'm using is beryl... i am on a widescree though so my resolution is 1280x800 I think...04:59
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DBOsoundray, ok seems seveas destroyed him05:00
apokryphosMath^: lspci05:00
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goundyntbnnt, none :(05:00
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Seveassoundray, hint !ops | Help ops ykrana is spamming05:00
soundrayThanks Seveas, DBO05:00
gilii need help with media file tagging!!05:00
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Math^thats what I was searching for apokryphos thnx :)05:00
Vilhelmsroyel_, I don't remember exactly and if I check desktop preferences it just says "Default" for my resolution, but there is no widescreen resolutions available in the list05:00
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goundyntbnnt, when I launch tremulous it say: Can't load openGL subsystem05:00
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soundraySeveas: hint taken, thx05:00
meisamsoundray yes it is shown here, it is installed i guess05:01
ntbnntgoundy: you might just contact ati... report a bug, but i don't know - try a full system reboot first...05:01
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goundyntbnnt, hey i've an idea05:01
royel_Vilhelms: I'm sorry, I'm grasping at straws here.. I really don't think I fully understand the problem. :(05:01
goundyntbnnt, i think that drivers include into dapper live CD works05:01
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soundraymeisam: README.Debian should tell you if you need to do anything in particular to start the service. Also, make sure that apache is configured properly.05:01
goundyntbnnt, can I restaure them without reinstalling the system ?05:01
giliI got a ton of media  (audio files) ogg and mp3 that are not taggesd...what is a good media/jukebox program that i can use to tag files from cddb databases05:02
meisamsoundray apprecitae it dude05:02
soundraymeisam: yw05:02
ntbnntgoundy: word, you can 'slipstream' them - but you may have to force an install from your cd via apt05:02
LjLgili, you could tag from the MusicBrainz database as well, or at least consider that possibility. Amarok can use it (though it was broken last time i tried), or... well, let me search05:02
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ntbnntgoundy: if you can do it through, apt, that's ideal05:03
goundyntbnnt, it's a bit complicated, i've not understood what u said ^^05:03
Vilhelmsroyel_, alright thanks for trying :)05:03
zOapdoes anyone know of a batch(or single) wma to mp3 converter?05:03
LjLgili, QuodLibet can tag based on all of MusicBrainz, CDDB and FreeDB05:03
LjLgili: you need the quodlibet-plugins package05:03
ntbnntgoundy: errr... yea, it is - ummm, mount your live cd05:03
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giliLjL quodlibet plugins05:03
giliwhat else05:04
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giliand amarok?05:04
goundyntbnnt, forget I'll dug out i'm sure there's another solution05:04
varkatopeLjL: ffmpeg -i xyz.wma -vn -ab 128 -ar 44100 -acodec mp3 xyz.mp305:04
goundycya ++05:04
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LjLgili: for amarok you just need amarok, but that's a KDE apps, so it'll install a lot of libraries if you have just GNOME05:04
ntbnntgoundy: yea, that could get nasty...05:04
LjLvarkatope: ?05:04
royel_Vilhelms: keep asking your original question, maybe someone else will come by an know what to do05:04
ntbnntgoundy: good luck, but it sounds like you should hit the forums...05:04
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varkatopezOap: ffmpeg -i xyz.wma -vn -ab 128 -ar 44100 -acodec mp3 xyz.mp305:05
giliok so if i dont want amarok installed what program should use?05:05
varkatopeLjL: sry05:05
eXistenZLjL, Have you got root enabled?05:05
goundyntbnnt, yea ;) thanks dude05:05
LjLeXistenZ, definitely not05:05
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zOapvarkatope, thanks alot:)05:05
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ntbnntgoundy: yea, np :)05:05
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VilhelmsI just installed xubuntu-desktop and have ran it successfully, but whenever I try to click on an icon on my desktop my whole desktop moves (including the background) each click it toggles from moving up and down, and I can't click on anything because of it. Why would this be? Does anyone have any idea on how I could fix this?05:06
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holycowVilhelms, #xubuntu05:06
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LjLgili: quodlibet is a possibility, as i said. that's a GNOME program. i see that also easytag (CLI program) has CDDB support05:06
soundrayVilhelms: are you using the standard xorg X server?05:07
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Vilhelmsholycow, I'm asking there but no answer05:07
olsenwhat package do you usually install for run 32 bit apps on 64 bit ubuntu?05:07
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holycowVilhelms, cool05:07
Vilhelmssoundray, I'm running in Xgl and using beryl05:07
LjLgili: also libtunepimp-bin for scripting mass-taggins using musicbrainz05:07
jussi01Vilhelms: you could try reinstalling it with: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop --reinstall05:08
linux_kidI recently Installed Firestarter, and nothing will connect to the internet.  now that its gone, same problem.  Windows works fine, sadly.05:08
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soundrayVilhelms: try #ubuntu-effects then05:08
Vilhelmsjussi01, I will try that05:08
olsenehm anyone?05:08
soundrayolsen: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29078505:08
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ElementCWorking on encouraging my local school board to convert to ubuntu. We need to quickly and easily customize the artwork (GDM login screen, background, window borders, controls) any advice?05:09
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Trypsinhi all05:09
soundray!edubuntu | ElementC05:09
ubotuElementC: Edubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org05:09
giliLjL, thanks05:09
sdac221x_i am trying to install some thinkpad software throught synaptic...and it wants to remove "xubuntu-desktop" package in order to install this... is this right ?? should i allow it to go ahead ?05:10
soundrayElementC: is artwork really the primary consideration?05:10
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ElementCThey're hooked otherwise.05:10
royel_ElementC: have you looked at gnome-look.org05:11
linux_kidElementC, thats great!05:11
ElementCI have the artwork itself.05:11
ElementCI just need to package it.05:11
varkatopeanyone here with ubuntu on via cx700 chipset family?05:11
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soundraysdac221x_: xubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage, containing no program files of its own, so it's okay to remove05:12
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jussi01!anyone | varkatope05:12
ubotuvarkatope: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:12
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innuhey, what modules needs to be loaded to use SB live 5.1 soundcard05:12
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olsensoundray: linux32 is a wrapper, there was a library that you could install and run 32 bit apps without a wrapper05:12
soundrayinnu: emu10k1 is my guess05:13
innuFATAL: Module emu10k1 not found.05:13
olsenthe library sits on /lib32 it hink05:13
olseni think*05:13
soundrayinnu: snd-emu10k105:13
varkatopehow to install ubuntu on via cx700 chipset family?05:13
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varkatopebetter? ;P05:14
Frogzooinnu: should be a whole bunch of stuff in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base05:14
dabaRHow do I make an add with tear-off phone numbers on the bottom?05:14
rojo^debaR: tried scribus?05:15
soundrayolsen: you can install the 32bit compatibility libraries. There is no single package for them that I'm aware of.05:15
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soundrayolsen: the cleaner choice is to setup a 32bit chroot environment05:15
rojo^err, dabaR: tried scribus?05:15
soundray!chroot | olsen05:15
dabaRI will05:15
ubotuolsen: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box05:15
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soundrayvarkatope: it's compatible with i386, so the procedure is the same as for those chips.05:16
FrogzoodabaR: gimp05:16
rojo^I dunno whether you can rotate text with it or not.  You might just have to use gimp05:16
dabaRFrogzoo: yes, that is a cool name, what about it?05:16
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dabaRFrogzoo: in other words, how?05:16
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varkatopesoundray: it should have been more precise, as im interested in the special features of that chipset like mpeg 2/4 and wma acceleration05:17
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goundyntbnnt, ntbnnt05:17
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goundyall work now05:17
ntbnntwhat did it?05:17
goundyi've reinstalled drivers with apt-get :/05:17
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soundrayvarkatope: you asked about the installation procedure. It is the same as for i386 chips05:18
innuFrogzoo, hmm.. there is emu10k1 modules. If i use lspci, it shows card even if its not loaded?05:18
coutis there a frontend for the network manager that doesn't require gnome or kde?05:18
ntbnntsweet, it was configuration, goundy05:18
goundybig thanks guys05:18
armadill0Here's a more general question:  My sound recording doesn't work.  I've posted on the ubuntu forums and asked here and have basically been ignored.  I know other people can't record audio and it is reaching the point where I have to start looking at other distros or going back to windows.  What more should I do to help resolve this issue?  Thanks.05:18
soundrayvarkatope: as for the special features, check http://www.via.com.tw for drivers first.05:18
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Chadariusarmadill0: can you send me your forum post link? I'd like to take a look and see if I can help you05:19
varkatopesoundray: there is a very short howto at via but it is for fedore core 505:20
armadill0Chadarius:  Thanks :)  its :  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33162905:20
soundrayvarkatope: also look at this page http://lwn.net/Articles/99464/ ; especially the comments at the bottom05:20
innuAre cards shown in lspci even if theryre modules are not loaded?05:20
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ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:21
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soundrayvarkatope: VIA can't be said to be among the few manufacturers who have "got" open source yet.05:21
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varkatope<- reading05:22
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kdittyi can not edit the file /home/kditty/hellanzb-0.9/etc/hellanzb.conf, everytime i try sudo gedit /home/kditty/hellanzb-0.9/etc/hellanzb.conf nothing happens but a blinking cursor. can someone tell me why its doing this?05:23
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soundraykditty: try gksudo instead05:24
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kdittyok, soundray, that gave me a screebn but its locked up05:24
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kditty(gedit:5360): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:05:25
kdittyAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.05:25
kdittythats what it printed soundray05:25
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[OG] 6tondoes ubunto support wireless net?05:25
[OG] 6tonhave a asus wlan netcard05:25
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kdittyis there a way i could just edit the file in root, through nautilus?05:26
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ardchoille!gksudo | kditty05:26
ubotukditty: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use  gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using  sudo <GUI-application> 05:26
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Frogzooinnu: try 'sudo modprobe snd-emu10k1 ; alsamixer'05:26
ardchoillekditty: You can run nautilus as root with: gksudo nautilus05:27
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kdittyardchoille, i tried gksudo nautilus and it says this "(nautilus:5540): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:05:28
kdittyAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.05:28
mike_does anyone know why the links at the ubuntu website are soooo slow to download ubuntu??05:28
ardchoillekditty: I get that all the time and I was told to ignore it.05:29
kdittyi would, except nothing came up05:29
erUSULmike_: use bittorrent it is faster05:29
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mike_ive tried bittorrent and seem to get at best about 200kbps is that normal ??05:30
baboguys, I want to dual-boot with windows. So should I just choose 'install on the largest continuous free space area' ? .. or should  I edit the partition manually ?05:30
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mike_edit partition manually05:30
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HymnToLifebabo, it depends on how your partitions are set up currently05:31
tjtanseyubotu: thanks it worked, and on top of it I found pages for other stuff I couldn't figure out either05:31
babomike_: right, what specifically should I do then ?05:31
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royel_babo: if your not familiar with partition tables, you might want to try the first option if you have free space available.05:31
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HymnToLifeif you have some _free_ space, you can go witgh "use the larges continuous free space"05:31
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baboroye1_: the first option is to erase the disk entirely ...05:31
HymnToLifeapokryphos, what's that for ?05:32
royel_babo: the first option you mentioned, which is use largest free space05:32
ubotuThere are many different channel and user modes on Freenode (see !freenode). Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml05:32
Frogzoobabo: you want to have partitions for - doze gigs| / 10gig|swap 1g|/home gigs   - & /var also if you plan a web/sql server05:32
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baboroye1_: ahh ... OK. What would be the advantages of partitioning myself ?05:32
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royel_babo: normally theres not much difference, but manually gives you the ability to setup the partitions specifically the way you want.05:33
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patrick__hey i can't log in, i restarted my comouter, and when i put in my credentials it logs in and then comes back to the log in screen...ive tried all the options to login and none will work, any ideas?05:33
baboFrogzoo: /var, /home/, /swap are the essential ones ... what else do I need ?05:34
[OG] 6tondoes ubunto support wireless net?05:34
kdittyardchoille, thanks, it opened nautilus root but a little while later ;x05:34
[OG] 6tonhave a asus wlan netcard05:34
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RememberPOLIs there a way to specify which version of glibc to use when compiling? (say, using the `make` command?)05:34
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sdac221x_hi im trying to install "configure-thinkpad" but its not in repos.   Is it safe to download and install a Red Hat/Fedora RPM or Mandrake RPM since i couldnt get the source to install.05:34
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RememberPOLLike say I have 2.4 and 2.3.2 installed... how can I specify which is used?05:34
Drel3how can i set in midnight commander to open my mp3 files in xmms not in rhythmbox, beacuse he always open in rhythmbox!!Nautilus is just fine he open mp3 in xmms05:34
patrick__i used sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(usname -r)05:34
babowill grub find the windows install and offer me a boot choice ? ... it says that grub will put ubuntu at hd005:34
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royel_babo: /swap / are the only essential ones.. it's common to use /boot / an swap though05:35
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HymnToLiferoyel, /swap is incorrect05:35
HymnToLifethe swap space is not mounted05:35
bauer78i am having problems installing java in mozilla, i think its creating the sym link to it can anyone assist me05:36
bauer78in installed in /usr/java05:36
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:36
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Frogzoobabo: / for root (10-15gig)+ swap (1g) + /var (2+gigs) + /home (gigs) + windows (gigs)05:36
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HymnToLife2 gigs for /var .05:37
incorrectswap is not me!!!05:37
royel_HymnToLife: simply mocking what they typed so he would understand the reference easier05:37
FrogzooHymnToLife: apt cache + apache/sql db05:37
RememberPOL./tremded.svn: /lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by ./tremded.svn)05:37
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HymnToLifeoh yeah, forgot about the apt cache05:37
erUSULbauer78: 'sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin'05:37
baboright, I'll just let the default install handle the partition, it's only a desktop and really I'm not fussy. Just as long as grub will respect the windows partition and automatically offer me a choice on boot up ...05:37
FrogzooHymnToLife: you only do it once05:38
patrick__any ideas?05:38
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ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)05:38
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guillem101HymnToLife, var is the variable space... the used  space depends on if he is runing services, spools printers, ... and remember packages downloaded by synaptic go there as well... so if you don't clean them with certain periodicity you'll need some space...05:38
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minimecHi. I have a strange problem. I installed ubuntu edgy on a PIII 400/100 with 383MB RAM. Then I found a PIII 500/100 for about 5 EURO and replaced it (also changed the DIP Settings on th mainboard). Now I cannot load ubuntu, I can't even start the live Disk.... But, and this dirves me crazy, I can start win98 on that same machine with this 500/100 CPU. I am a little bit lost here...05:39
bauer78erUSUL: thanks I will try that05:39
dabaRWhat I did to make that ad, was make a image file of the text, then pasted in many times into my openoffice document.05:39
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dabaRFrogzoo: and I did it with GIMP!05:39
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FrogzoodabaR: oh very good05:39
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guillem101<minimec> I cannot even imagine a possible reason for that :((05:40
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royel_minimec: put the 400/100 cpu back in, the lil bit of gain with the 500 probably isn't worth the trouble now is it :)05:40
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minimecguillem101: Man ;) Neither can I. It is not the first time I change some CPU. This never happened to me ;)05:41
administratorHi all, I have a problem with a raid1 created with mdadm. I can't assign permission 777 to raid mounted.05:41
guillem101minimec, but you could start the liveCD with the 400MHz CPU?05:41
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minimecroyel_: This is, what I will do probably, but it would be interesting to know, why the live disk is not starting with a working CPU. It blocks...05:42
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royel_minimec: what does it do exactly with the 500 when you try an load/start ubuntu?05:42
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minimecguillem101: Yeah. I installed edgy with the live disk ;)05:43
Hoosteenhiya peeps05:43
Frogzoominimec: tried acpi=off ?05:43
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catlixjest ktos z Polski??05:43
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minimecroyel_: It hangs after a while.05:43
Hoosteenok...i want to listen to some streaming audio..i'm running dapper and i assume i need mplayer...is it better to install via compile or to download a package..when i search in synaptics, i don't see anything....05:43
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minimecFrogzoo: You mean in the BIOS or as grub boot option?05:44
Frogzoominimec: grub option to kernel05:44
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noodles12in gedit, is there a way to allow ctrl+tab to cycle through the different tabs in gedit?05:44
catlixHow install drivers for ATI??05:44
royel_Hoosteen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats05:44
Frogzoo!ati | catlix05:44
ubotucatlix: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:44
minimecFrogzoo: Never had to do that. What would be the command for that?05:44
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guillem101minimec, and what happens now? kernel panic or what??05:45
Drel3how can i set in midnight commander to open my mp3 files in xmms not in rhythmbox, beacuse he always open in rhythmbox!!Nautilus is just fine he open mp3 in xmms05:45
catlixjest jakis Polak??05:45
Frogzoominimec: f6 to open grub prompt - find the root = line; hit 'e' to edit & append 'acpi=off' - hit return to exit editor & 'b' to boot05:45
minimecguillem101: It get a complete freeze.05:45
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Pici!pl | catlix05:45
ubotucatlix: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl05:45
minimecFrogzoo: THX. I will try that... Stay tuned for feedback ;)05:46
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royel_minimec: gl05:46
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Hoosteenmeant to say i was running edgy..but don't think it matters..hehe...thanks for the link royel_05:46
guillem101minimec, perhaps you could start without the quiet and without the splash options, so you at least see where it freezes05:46
royel_Hoosteen: yw05:46
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guillem101minimec, you can edit the options at the grub menu05:47
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patrick__how do you edit files when you log in just from terminal05:47
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patrick__not gedit but what?05:48
royel_patrick__: nano05:48
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Frogzoopatrick__: vi, or install emacs05:48
royel_patrick__: or those05:48
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patrick__0okay thanks05:48
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patrick__how do you delete files in terminal?05:51
royel_patrick__: rm05:52
bauer78rm and filename05:52
Davehey, does anyone know a irc for computer support (not related to ubuntu but general computing, especially hardware)?05:52
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patrick__yeah thanks05:53
webbyHi all. I have a problem with RAID1 created by MDADM. I ceate the array, mounted in /mnt/RAID...all ok. When I try to write in the /mnt/RAID as a normal user appear a message permission denied. I already set chmod 777 in /mnt and /mnt/RAID. HELP PLEASE!05:53
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patrick__my disk says its full but it wasnt when i logged off last time, and now i cant log in05:53
patrick__so im trying to delte stuff and see if i can log in and then fix the graphics card05:53
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minimecFrogzoo: It's a pain because 'grub' uses the us key settings on my swiss keyboard ...05:55
Frogzoopatrick__: rm ~/.thumbnails/large/* ; sudo apt-get clean05:55
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Frogzoominimec: urgl05:55
patrick__whats that do Frogzoo?05:56
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Frogzoopatrick__: should clean out some space to get you going - removes gnome thumbnails & the apt cache05:57
patrick__ah cool05:57
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minimecwhat do I have to add exaclty on the command line? append "acpi=off"?05:58
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minimecFrogzoo: what do I have to add exaclty on the command line? append "acpi=off"?05:58
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adrian_hHelp! My keyboard stopped working. I'm running Kubuntu 6.06. All of a sudden my keyboard is no longer responsive, although my mouse still works.05:58
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Frogzoominimec: without the quotes05:58
Frogzooadrian_h: check cable05:59
royeladrian_h: is it plugged in ?05:59
Hoosteenthanks royel_, worked like a champ05:59
minimecFrogzoo: so append acpi=off or just acpi=off05:59
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royelHoosteen: great, yw :)05:59
adrian_hIt's a laptop keyboard. It works during the boot menu and when I log into KDE, but after that it doesn't work.05:59
Frogzoominimec: acpi=off05:59
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patrick__how do i firgure out how much space is on the disc, via terminal05:59
Frogzoono append05:59
Frogzoopatrick__: df -k .06:00
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adrian_hpatrick__: df -h06:00
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patrick__i just did the apt-get clean, and it says i still have 100% full disck06:00
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patrick__and i know i didnt before06:00
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Davecan anyone help me with a trying to fit a second hard drive, i am having some problems with my pc picking  it up?06:01
cbx33ok i have network-manager but it's just lost all my network interfaces06:01
royeladrian_h: hit it with a hammer?06:01
cbx33what's happened?06:01
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ardchoilleroyel: hahaha06:01
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lordkeidenhow do i hide a partition at boot time?06:02
minimecFrogzoo: doesn't seem to work, but I am not sure if I typed it right. I gonna boot with the 400 CPU and add acpi of to the grub.conf. THX for your help anyway.06:02
royeladrian_h: sorry, but honestly no clue here :(06:02
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lordkeideni have done it with sbm in the past. any problems with using it with ubuntu?06:03
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lordkeidenhid a partition that is.06:03
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mettao87i'm trying to setup my wifi msi pc54g3card.06:03
mettao87how can i install ralink t61 driver=06:04
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mettao87i'm using a wiki06:04
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:04
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mettao87but i don't know what i've to do at (d) Edit the /etc/Wireless/RT61STA/rt61sta.dat as a binary file. The recommended way of doing this is:06:04
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adrian_hHmm, on further investigation, the keyboard works, but only if I hold a key down for about two seconds. Any ideas?06:06
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oscurohey guys, I can't play emmbeded videos into pages.06:07
adrian_hI tried looking at the KDE keyboard settings, but the delay setting is the same as it's always been.06:07
oscuroand I already installed a mozzilla plug-in for that.06:07
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oscurowhat can I be doing wrong?06:07
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lightseedoscuro: not sure..what type of vids? are you 64bit?06:08
DucimusOk, so i go and set up this computer in my office with Ubuntu and dedicate it as a server. set the group permissions, set all the people up as group members. that all worked fine but, the permissions aren't staing set. people will copy files onto the server and they become read-only for other users, so i have to go and re-apply all the permissions. any clue how to stop this from happening?06:08
_Ace2016_oscuro: are you using firefox and the mplayer plugin?06:08
oscuroyes sir.06:08
oscuroI can play the ones in youtube for example.06:08
lightseedi have a problem with the mplayer plugin not working also...using the 32 browser06:08
oscurobut I can't watch some others.06:08
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oscuroI think they're for online channels.06:09
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rojo^Ducimus: easiest thing might be just to dedicate a fat32 partition for public storage.  fat32 doesn't support permissions anyway.  Just a thought.06:09
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lightseedya i have the same prob...flash vids work...mplayer vids dont06:09
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oscurosame with radion onlin.e06:09
unopDucimus,  when a user creates a file, do the permissions on the file have writability for that user's group?06:09
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Ducimusall the other machines in the network are windows based and are running through samba06:11
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JarlaxeHi all06:11
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adrian_hFigured out my keyboard problem -- I had somehow activated "Slow keys," which evidently is an accessibility feature.06:12
erUSULDucimus: maybe the umask's of the users are not apropiate?06:12
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unopDucimus,  well, if the group has no writability, then how do you expect members of the group to be able to write to it? :)06:12
rojo^Ducimus: unop has a point.  there's a way to set the permissions mask in smb.conf for that share.  "create mode = 0766" in your [sharename]  declaration section I believe.06:12
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rojo^Ducimus: then sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart whenever you change smb.conf06:13
=== Ducimus goes to terminal to see if'n he can find that
unoprojo^,  is "create mode" a mask directive or a permissions directive?? because a mask of that would give the file 011 which is definitely not good?06:13
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VilhelmsIs Shfit+Backspace bound to anything by default? For some reason every time I prase shift+backspace it shuts down the X server and then I can't do anything but hard restart the computer.06:14
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PiciVilhelms: it restarts the x server06:15
Frogzoominimec: acpi=off06:15
rojo^unop: wouldn't that give the files a mask of rwxrw-rw- ?06:15
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VilhelmsPici, Wouldn't restart imply that it starts up again? Its not starting up again. I know ctrl+alt+backspace does that but shift+backspace just shuts it down06:15
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unoprojo^, i'm not sure, it depends if that directive is a mask for permissions or not? because setting umask 0766 would get files  created as 011 (------x--x)06:17
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sacaterwhen i log in a get a warning about not having ownership of .dmrc or something, how do i fix this06:17
unoprojo^,  i am not sure what that directive does, which is why i asked you :)06:17
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sacaterwhen i log in a get a warning about not having ownership of .dmrc or something, how do i fix this, also my fonts and font sizes are weird06:18
soundraysudo chown sacater.sacater /home/sacater/.dmrc ; sudo chmod 600 /home/sacater/.dmrc # substitute sacater with your real login name06:18
davieyIs there a 'find' that will look in the contents of a plain text file?06:18
Norf-ubuhi - wireless problems - lspci shows I have a Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) and iwconfig says thats its "mounted" as eth1 - yet i cannot connect or see any wireless networks out there with "wireless assistant" - any clues or pointers ?06:18
soundraydaviey: yes, it's called grep06:18
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JerseyHi there06:18
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Ducimuscan i paste multiple lines in here?06:18
soundray!cli | daviey06:18
ubotudaviey: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands06:18
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soundrayDucimus: no06:18
Picidaviey: grep06:18
soundray!pastebin | Ducimus06:19
ubotuDucimus: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:19
rojo^unop: I could be mistaken.  It could just be create mode = 766.  file masks have always been somewhat hazy to me.06:19
JerseyCan anybody help me with my ATI radeon X1300 card configuration?06:19
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davieysoundray, i know what the console is,  I wasn't aware grep would look in the contents of multiple files.  I always use it to | contents into it06:19
sacatersoundray: that command you gave me, is it meant to go in the terminal altogether?06:19
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unoprojo^,  well, let's find out then for sure (samba's always been hazy for me :) )06:19
rojo^unop: I'm not sure exactly how that directive works.  I'm sure I just found it on a wiki or discussion board one day and put it into my smb.conf06:19
twa1296hi i just installed a radeon x1550 and all is fine other than games not running fullscreen anymore, any ideas?06:19
soundraydaviey: grep searchpattern /path/to/dir/*.txt06:20
soundraysacater: yes06:20
ChamucoJersey:  I have an ati  x300 I know some stuff06:20
rojo^then things just started working06:20
davieysoundray, thanks06:20
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Chamucoanyone has a list of sources?06:21
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JerseyI've tried all tutorials and nothing workd06:21
soundray!easysource | Chamuco06:21
ubotuChamuco: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:21
davieysoundray, thats not working, but i'll have a look in man06:21
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ChamucoJersey: whats the problem?06:21
Ducimusok so i pasted itno the pastebin a clipping outta my smb.conf file.06:21
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Ducimusis that where i'd put that mask?06:21
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sacaternow when i log in it says that .dmrc is being ignored, and that i must have read write permissions to my home folder and not let anyone else have access..... what is going on?06:21
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soundrayDucimus: you'd have to give us the URL06:21
Norf-ubuhi - wireless problems - lspci shows I have a Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) and iwconfig says thats its "mounted" as eth1 - yet i cannot connect or see any wireless networks out there with "wireless assistant" - any clues or pointers ?06:22
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DucimusSorry - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5945/06:22
Chadariusarmadill0: Hey have you tried following this guide? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449&highlight=Creative+Labs+SB+Live%21+EMU10k1+%28rev+03%2906:22
VilhelmsHow can I disable the shift+backspace keyword from restarting the X server?06:22
=== Ducimus had brain cramp
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unoprojo^,  Ducimus - http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/AccessControls.html#id34648506:22
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soundraysacater: you must have made a mistake as you copied my line of commands06:22
sacaternow when i log in it says that .dmrc is being ignored, and that i must have read write permissions to my home folder and not let anyone else have access..... what is going on?06:22
rojo^unop, Ducimus: http://k12linux.org/netadmin/samba.html06:22
sacaterwell what was meant to happen soundray06:22
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royelVilhelms: did you resolve your other problem?06:23
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soundraysacater: it was meant to set the proper permissions on your .dmrc. I suspect you've inserted inappropriate spaces06:23
babo_right, back again ...06:23
JerseyWhen I change my xorg.Conf file to radeon or ati (instead of vesa) my screen looks blank06:23
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rojo^unop: my google is superior.  But yours is formidable.06:24
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sacatersoundray: is the # part of the command06:24
JerseyI have to change to vesa again to see something06:24
unoprojo^,  does you google happen to be http://google.com/linux ?06:24
JerseySorry for my bad english, I'm spanish06:24
Darknesssis there a gui application for setting up a wifi ad-hoc network?06:24
ChamucoJersey: you have a new install06:24
armadill0Chadarius: Thanks for checking back, yeah I took over it.  It seems to be focused on audio out issues, which I haven't had any problems with.  I can look over it again, maybe there is something useful for my problem.06:24
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Chamucowhat are u using?06:24
DarknesssI found a few apps but they are only used to connect to a network06:24
Jerseymore or less06:24
soundraysacater: no, it's a comment. Entering it with the # won't make a difference06:25
rojo^unop: nope, it's a firefox quicksearch that searches www.google.com06:25
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JerseyI have Trevinho's repository list installed06:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hostap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:25
soundraysacater: is your login name 'sacater'?06:25
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unoprojo^,  ahh, then it can't be superior when it comes to searching linux :d06:25
Chamucono what U have edgy breezy ...?06:25
Chadariusarmadill0: You might want to look at compiling from source... I'm looking up support for your specific card on the alsa sight right now06:25
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Jersey6.10 edgy06:25
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KarlosIIcafuego , are you around?06:26
babo_right, can anyone help me with my partition problem ?06:26
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Vilhelmsroyel, Sorry, I hit Shift+Backspace again... Yeah, I restarted and it worked fine06:26
JerseyI run Sabayon Live CD to test it (because it supports 3D) and screen blank06:26
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VilhelmsI just need to know how to disable shift+backspace06:26
VilhelmsBefore I hit it again by mistake06:26
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KarlosIIhi Vilhelms06:26
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soundraybabo_: no, not unless you give some detail06:27
JuhazVilhelms, man xorg.conf, search for "zap"06:27
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Chamucook then try this go to synaptic on the search type fglrx06:27
VilhelmsKarlosII, Heyyy, did you get your Gallery thing working last night? Sorry about that, my Internet was acting up yesterday06:27
JerseyI've just done06:27
LMJHello the chan06:27
KarlosIInot yet06:27
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:27
Chamucowhat packages are listed 7 which are saelected?06:27
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armadill0Chadarius:  Ok, that may be the way to do.  Generally I hesitate to diverge from the repository/ package manager binaries to keep my system "normal", but compiling is worth checking out for sure, if it looks like thats an issue.06:28
Chadariusarmadill0: It really looks to me that the drivers aren't loaded properly or something06:28
LMJI would like to recompile a working package on my ubuntu 6.10 for debugging purpose,  I need a tutorial/advices to show me the way to get the source, get dependancies & compile a package on Ubuntu, anyone could help ?06:28
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=== rojo^ ftw
Chamucoalso did you download and try to install the propietary ati drivers06:28
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Jerseyfglrx-control, fglrx-kernel-source, linux-restricted-modules..., xorg-driver-fglrx, xserve-xorg-video-ati06:29
Jerseyyes, I did and nothing works06:29
Chadariusarmadill0: The cat /proc/asound/cards didn't output anything on your aadebug06:29
armadill0Chadarius: That may be the case.  Maybe there is a kernel module that isn't being loaded...  Its so strange because I can hear my voice in the speakers, so I know the audio is getting "in" somewhere...06:29
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Norf-ubuhi - wireless problems - lspci shows I have a Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) and iwconfig says thats its "mounted" as eth1 - yet i cannot connect or see any wireless networks out there with "wireless assistant" - any clues or pointers ?06:29
Ducimusok, thanks, i'll give that a try. i may be back if i've completely wrecked things. :)06:29
Jerseyteel me06:29
=== Norf-ubu [n=dave@82-37-113-144.cable.ubr03.sand.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ChamucoJersey: which ones are installed?06:29
Jerseythese ones06:29
bauer78did you run the ati installer from the ati website?06:29
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Jerseythat I told you06:29
bauer78I wasnt here06:30
Chamucothe installer doesn't work06:30
Jerseyyes, bauer7806:30
bauer78they type ati --intial06:30
ChamucoI've tried06:30
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bauer78ati --initial06:30
Chadariusarmadill0: Can you do me a favor and run that command again just to see what it sends back? cat /proc/asound/cards06:30
armadill0Chadarius: Ok, I just cat'd that file... it output'd ok.06:30
bauer78then click ctl alt backspace06:30
Chamucono the open source ones work no problem06:30
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bauer78this resolved my issue 20 minutes ago06:30
Chadariusarmadill0: What did it say?06:30
Jerseysudo aticonfig --initial06:30
JerseyI did06:30
bauer78ati radeon 970006:30
sacateri now have the full error report when i log in.............    Users $home/.dmrc file is being ignored. this prevents the default session and language from being saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. Users $home directory must be owned by user and not writeable by other users06:30
armadill0Chadarius: There are two entries, one is my Hauppage card, the other is my VIA823706:30
soundrayLMJ: check out http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html06:31
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smartmanhi guys i want to convert ubuntu 6.10 to router06:31
Markonwhere is italian channel?06:31
JerseyMy ati radeon X1300 is special... hahahaa06:31
bauer78are you typing that in the terminal window?06:31
LMJok, let me see soundray06:31
Chadariusarmadill0: can you also do a cat /proc/asound/version for me?06:31
armadill0Chadarius: I just sent it to you in a tell06:31
rojo^anyone running two nvidia cards SLI?  Whenever I try enabling SLI (Option "SLI" "Auto" in Section "Device"), X freezes the console and never launches; can't ctrl-alt-F[1-6] .  Anyone else encounter this?06:31
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soundraysacater: okay, I gave you a command to set it to 600 because that is how it is set up here. Try this one instead:06:31
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JerseyI've read more than 5 tutorials and nothing works... I'm going crazy06:32
soundraysudo chmod 644 /home/sacater/.dmrc06:32
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Chadariusarmadill0: But you have a Soundblaster Live right?06:32
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Jerseypropietary, fglrx, ati, radeon... only vesa works06:32
sacatersoundray: now do i try logging in again06:32
armadill0Chadarius:  I don't think so, the soundcard is build into the mobo.  I don't recall it being a soundblaster live.06:33
Markonhei..can you help me? i cannot enter in the italian forum...is it a my problem?06:33
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ChamucoIMHO well my card is working is a x300 essentially what I did was on a clean install, opened synaptic put fglrx on the search box selected everything except the devel files then reboot did aticonfig initial etc, and now I have a dual display horizontal desktop with 3d accel, although for the 3d you need to add a line on xorg.conf06:33
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!06:33
armadill0Chadarius:  I just thought it was a generic VIA sound some-thing-or-another...06:33
=== netantho [n=netantho@ALille-253-1-41-74.w90-7.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Norf-ubui really need help with wireless networking please!06:33
ChamucoJersey:  brb06:33
jendaHow come xsane scans the preview in higher quality than the actual scan?06:33
Chadariusarmadill0: LOL nevermind... I was reading the wrong output in teh post for a second06:33
unopMarkon,  whats the URL?06:33
Jerseyok Chamuco, thanx06:33
jendaHow can I fix that?06:33
soundrayMarkon: it must be. "/join #ubuntu-it" works all right here.06:33
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JerseyI'll try again06:34
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JerseyIs there any issue using my ATI card with an AMD X2 4600?06:34
unopsoundray,  he did mention "forum" ( i was caught out by that too :) )06:34
sacatersoundray: it still gives the same error message, could it be another file or folder within my home directory thats doing it06:34
armadill0Chadarius:  hehe ok, "something-or-another" isn't exactly a product line... Crazy thing is, it used to work under breezy without issues.06:34
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soundraysacater: do a 'ls -ld /home/sacater' please. The beginning of the line should read 'drwxr-xr-x'06:35
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bauer78Norf-ubu: what is your issue06:35
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soundrayunop: it wouldn't have been the first time for someone to call a channel 'forum'.06:36
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sacatersoundray: WE HAVE THE STICKY LITTLE **** drwxrwxr-x06:36
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sacatersoundray: how do i change it to the version you gave me06:36
melodoshi everyone06:36
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Ajedreza Good List of Programs that work fine with wine? Please06:36
melodosi was wondering06:36
melodosis it easy to use ubuntu?06:37
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babo_I want to dualboot ubuntu with an existing windows install. I've repartitioned the drives. It's asking me where it should mount the windows partitions. It suggests /media/sda106:37
soundraysacater: what was that?06:37
hoagieyes melodos06:37
melodoseasier than debian?06:37
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hoagiealthough it depends on what you mean by ease06:37
melodosi was wondering if i can have xgl and compiz on ubuntu06:37
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sacatersoundray: drwxrwxr-x  >>>>>> MY HOME                  drwxr-xr-x  >>>>>>>> your version06:37
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hoagieyes you can melodos06:38
sacatersoundray: mine is different06:38
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erUSUL!es | keyrnerl06:38
ubotukeyrnerl: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:38
smartmanhi guys i want to make arouter06:38
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soundraysacater: try 'chown 755 /home/sacater'06:38
erUSUL!es | saray06:38
ubotusaray: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:38
sacatersoundray: okay if ur sure06:38
AjedrezHola keyrnerl06:38
soundraysacater: sure it's fine -- I don't expect it to make a difference, though.06:39
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sacatersoundray: sacater@neo:~$ chown 755 /home/sacater06:39
sacaterchown: changing ownership of `/home/sacater': Operation not permitted06:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about router - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:39
Norf-ubuhi bauer78 - i have a belkin wireless card - lspi shows it as a Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 - and iwconfig says that its "mounted" as eth1 - yet its dead in the water.,.. wireless assistant says there is nothing out there and manually configing it with networking doesn't seem to activate it (ie i cant see it on my windows box as an available ssid) - fairly newb here so help appreciated06:39
babo_there isn't one person on #ubuntu who's willing to help me do a dual-boot install ?06:39
soundraysacater: sorry! 'chmod 755 /home/sacater'06:39
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ip_tabel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:39
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sacatersoundray: bbiab06:39
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soundrayDang, I hate it when that happens06:40
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Chadariusarmadill0: Have you tried looked to see if your user ID is a member of the audio group?06:41
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soundraysacater: uhoh, you'll get told off for shouting now ;)06:41
armadill0Chadarius:  Yeah, I am a member of that group.06:41
soundraysacater: anyway, I'm glad it worked.06:41
jussi01!caps | sacater06:41
ubotusacater: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:41
sacatersoundray: i dont care :P06:41
royelsacater: quit screaming!! :)06:41
Crescendo__Why is Gaim being a douche recently?06:41
sacatersoundray: thanks again06:42
soundraysacater: :)06:42
sacateri scream when im happy :D06:42
saraycui e cui none sta e anone06:42
royelsacater: made my eyes bleed a lil06:42
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=== sacater gets digital paramedias for royel
armadill0Chadarius: So strange :/06:42
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Norf-ububabo_:  for dual booting - assuming you have windows installed already - see http://doc.ubuntu.com/screencasts/Installing_Ubuntu_with_Windows_Dual-Boot06:43
Norf-ububauer78:  any clues or ideas ?06:44
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will_a tutti06:45
Chadariusarmadill0: Can you send me the output from cat /proc/asound/devices?06:45
soundraysacater: you can easily make dangerous mistakes with chmod and chown, but generally only if you use the '-R' option06:45
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will_ well i have a problem06:45
will_in installing06:45
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soundray!enter | will_06:45
ubotuwill_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:45
sacatersoundray: i thought it was -hR06:45
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!06:45
armadill0Chadarius: sure thing06:45
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patrick__how do you delte folders from the terminal?06:46
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newbuntiehow do I find out which version of ubuntu I'm using?06:46
HymnToLifepatrick__, rm -r /path/to/dir06:46
HymnToLife-rf if the dir is not empty06:46
will_oook well i do not know how to modify the file sources.list06:46
defrysknewbuntie, cat /etc/issue06:46
erUSULpatrick__: rmdir for empty folders rm -r if you want to wipe it out06:46
soundraysacater: -h can compound the danger06:46
sacatersoundray: ah okay06:46
patrick__and the -r is after the folder name?06:47
soundray!cli | patrick__06:47
ubotupatrick__: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands06:47
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will_and to modify the some string i had added by mistake..06:47
HymnToLifepatrick__, no, after rm06:47
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soundraypatrick__: before or after, makes no difference in this case06:47
newbuntiehow do I install a photosmart c4180 is the driver for it isn't listed? (Ubuntu 6.06)06:47
patrick__soundray, i'm stuck in a login of terminal, i cant get into the gui06:47
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patrick__my disc says its full but i dont know why its saying this06:47
royelpatrick__: be extremely careful using rm -rf, this is very powerful an has been known to accidently delete entire systems06:47
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soundraypatrick__: try a 'sudo apt-get autoclean' first.06:48
newbuntiehow do I install an hp photosmart c4180 printer if the driver for it isn't listed? (6.06)06:48
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patrick__it still says 100% even after that06:49
jussi01newbuntie: www.linuxprinting.org i think may have info for you06:49
patrick__100% full06:49
newbuntieit's also not listed on the wiki...06:49
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newbuntiejussi: I'll check thx06:49
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royelpatrick__: how big is your hard-drive?06:49
kitchepatrick__: ctrl+alt+f2 and try and log in and do df -h06:49
will_the fact is that now the installation manager tell me "error opening the cache e:type "repository" in not known on line 41 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list06:49
wheels3572Im having trouble adding a program to a launcher.  Cant get it running.  I get no errors it just wont open the program06:49
patrick__80 gig06:49
Norf-ubui have a belkin wireless card - lspi shows it as a Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 - and iwconfig says that its "mounted" as eth1 - yet its dead in the water.,.. wireless assistant says there is nothing out there and manually configing it with networking doesn't seem to activate it (ie i cant see it on my windows box as an available ssid) - fairly newb here so help appreciated06:49
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jussi01wheels3572: what program?06:50
soundraypatrick__: then try 'sudo du -s | sort -n >/tmp/dusortn ; tail /tmp/dusortn'. This will tell you which directory occupies the most space (after a while)06:50
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patrick__i'veokay thanks soundray06:50
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wheels3572jussi01, it's an html file that I want to associate with firefox and it just wont come up06:50
soundraypatrick__: sorry, let me try again06:50
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jussi01so what have you done so far?06:51
soundraypatrick__: then try 'sudo du / | sort -n >/tmp/dusortn ; tail /tmp/dusortn'. This will tell you which directories occupies the most space.06:51
wheels3572I have added the launcher06:51
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unopsoundray,  just wondering. why not pipe to tail instead of creating temp file?06:51
wheels3572then added the path for firefox icon06:51
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soundrayunop: because he then has the option to examine the list further without redoing the time-consuming du06:51
Chadariusarmadill0: The more I look around the more I think compiling a newer version is going to solve your problem. I don't much like that either, but since your driver is loaded and everything looks OK there that's all I can think of. The only other recourse is perhaps to mess with your alsamixer but from what you are saying I don't think that is the problem either06:52
patrick__soundray: it says no such file or directory for tmp/dusortn06:52
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unopsoundray,  ahh right06:52
SanguineAnomalyguys, how do I stop ubuntu trying to make me update my kernel?06:52
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Chadariusarmadill0: I am using the 1.0.14 release right now and its working OK for me... but I don't have your sound card :)06:53
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armadill0Chadarius: Ok, yeah that sounds about right to me too.  Looks like its time to pull up the sleeves :)  Well thanks for your help, I appreciate it.06:53
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armadill0Chadarius: yeah, its the weirdest thing06:53
soundraypatrick__: don't miss out the leading slash on /tmp/dusortn06:53
defryskSanguineAnomaly, why not update kernel ?06:53
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Chadariusarmadill0: Good luck my friend!06:53
SanguineAnomalydefrysk, because it breaks06:53
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kitcheSanguineAnomaly: so you can still use the old kernel if you wish also06:54
patrick__soundray : it came back, sort:write failed: standard output: No space left on device06:54
karlyi am trying to install ubuntu onto my computer, but when i go to the menu and select the first option play and install, it goes to the loading screen, but after it loads the screen goes black with the little dashing line at the top left corner. after a while, it goes completely black. ive left my comp on for about an hour while this is happing, and nothing happens06:54
SanguineAnomalykitche, but then I have redundant kernels littering /boot/06:54
soundraypatrick__: okay, that means we have to write the file as root (because root can use a reserve of space on the filesystem)06:55
dyrnekarly: id try the alternate install cd available from ubuntu.com06:55
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Cinxtknight, yo06:55
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soundraypatrick__: erm, change of plan (following unops suggestion): 'sudo du / | sort -n | tail'06:56
armadill0Chadarius: Thanks, I'll see you around :)06:56
soundrayunop: would you mind taking over?06:56
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patrick__okay thanks06:56
soundraypatrick__: did that work?06:57
KarlosIIcafuego , are you around?06:57
patrick__yes it did06:57
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karlywhere do i find the alternate install cd06:57
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soundraypatrick__: and did it find an exceedingly large directory?06:57
unopsoundray,  whats up?06:58
royel!alternate | karly06:58
ubotukarly: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.06:58
soundrayunop: would you mind helping patrick__, 'cos my wife has made a lovely dinner for me06:58
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royelkarly: thought it would have had a link.. it's available under the downloads, scroll the page down a bit06:58
unopsoundray,  ha .. no worries :)06:58
patrick__yeah, other than my music folder and photos, it came abck with one  /var/backup/2007-02-14_20.20.58.193341.patrick.desktop.ful06:58
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soundrayunop: cheers! :)06:58
patrick__thanks soundray, eat well!06:59
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soundraypatrick__: unop will sort you out :)06:59
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hoagiesoundray have a nice time06:59
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igor47i just installed ubuntu, and its great!  one question though - i get the "software updates available" icon poping up.  however, i can't do "install updates" because i'm behind a proxy - can i set this "software updates" program to know about my proxy?06:59
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unoppatrick__,  so whats happening?07:00
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karlyroyel: do u mean ubuntu 6.06?07:00
mitchelochi guys, i'm trying to get ubuntu to detect my second monitor -- using fglrx and an ati card07:00
mitchelocany ideas? aticonfig dualhead doesn't seem to work?07:00
royelkarly: there is alternate for all of them if I recall correctly07:01
patrick__unop, okay my harddrive is showing 100% full now,and i rebooted last night, but since then i cannot log in other than using ctrl+alt+f1 to get to terminal log in07:01
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KarlosIIhello, I've installeed gallery 2 nad goto http://localhost/gallery2/ but file is not found, anyone know why? It has not worked since upgrading from ubuntu 6.06, I have apache2 installed and mysql installed, and the ubuntu pkg supposedly presets it up? Any idea why where to start to find the issue?07:01
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patrick__and we've been trying to sort out which folder ista king up a lot of space, and it seems to be from the sbackup program i instaled last night, the folder is quite large07:01
eggyknapI get the feeling this is a common problem, and I'm missing the solution, by why can't I install libc6-dev? I get "Depends: libc6 (=2.4-1ubuntu12) but 2.4-1ubuntu12.3 is to be installed" from synaptic07:02
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patrick__yeah, other than my music folder and photos, it came abck with one  /var/backup/2007-02-14_20.20.58.193341.patrick.desktop.ful unop, that folder07:02
hoagieigor 47: Open Synaptic then go to Settings>Preferences then go to the tab network and configure your proxy07:02
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MiDhi everyone07:02
unoppatrick__,  ok, so what is your plan of action ?07:02
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mitchelocare there any tools to make dual head detection easy on ubuntu?07:02
unoppatrick__,  keep the folder, delete it, clean it up ??07:02
babo_why is the installer suggesting that I mount my windows partition to /media/sda1 ?07:02
jussi01!hi | MiD07:02
ubotuMiD: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:02
KarlosIIdueal head what the heck is that07:02
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MiDa simple question: if i install ubuntu and kubuntu in different partitions, can i share the "/home" partition without having conflict problems?07:03
patrick__i'm going to delete it, i just removed sbackup07:03
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karlyroyel: do u mean dapper drake?07:03
kitchebabo_: probably because it's ont he first hard drive and first partition and on a SATA drive?07:03
unoppatrick__,  right, so all you want to do now is delete the folder, is that it?07:03
khronushey all, tried installing ubuntu for first time last night, it failed nistalling so i reburnt07:03
mitchelocKarlosII: in other words, i have two monitors out puts on my card, one dvi and one vga, i'm trying to get the dvi output to work (vga is already working)07:03
khronusand it failed agaIN07:03
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khronusSO I DID DISKCHECK07:03
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khronusAND IT FAILED07:03
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babo_kitche: right, so what should I do ?07:03
khronusSO I RE D/LED IT07:03
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unop!caps | khronus07:03
ubotukhronus: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:03
khronusAND SAME PROB07:03
KarlosIImitcheloc: I see07:03
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patrick__yes i'm going to do that now unop07:03
kitchebabo_: just let it mount there :)07:03
khronussorry folks07:03
khronuswas not looking whilst typing07:04
royelbabo_: it will give you access to the disk from within Linux/Ubuntu, it should be safe to do if you want to have access to anything from that drive partition07:04
MiDa simple question: if i install ubuntu and kubuntu in different partitions, can i share the "/home" partition without having conflict problems?07:04
unoppatrick__,  do you want help with that or can you manage?07:04
khronusso we d/led again and burnt at lowest speed but it still fails the diskcheck07:04
patrick__but it said permission denied unop :(07:04
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unoppatrick__,  sudoed?07:04
igor47hoagie: this thing has "manual proxy configuration" but i have an autoproxy...07:04
unoppatrick__,  sudo rmdir /path/to/directory07:04
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royelubotu got tired of us :(07:05
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patrick__ah that did it!07:05
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jim88hi all ... can someone tell me if there is an irc channel for help with openoffice issues?07:05
patrick__89% ful07:06
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patrick__horray thanks unop07:06
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patrick__lets try a log in.07:06
patrick__i also might have issues with my graphics driver haha07:06
babo_No file system is specified for partition #1 ... ?07:06
unopheh :)07:06
hoagieigor: sorry can't think of anything else07:06
bayzidersIs there a avi to wmv converter for ubuntu?07:06
patrick__how do you restart from terminal07:06
kitchejim88: yes07:06
royelbabo_: thats fine07:06
babo_I thought partition one was ntfs ...07:06
kitche!openoffice | jim8807:06
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unopbayziders,  we usually try and convince people to use free formats when creating video07:06
igor47hoagie: thats alright, now that i know this thing is synaptic, i'll know where to look for more info - thanks!07:07
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kitche!openoffice | jim8807:07
mitchelocanyone familiar with dual monitor setups?07:07
jim88thanks kitche is it freenode07:07
royelbabo_: you can correct it in /etc/fstab after you've installed the system07:07
bayzidersI would ussaly how ever it is for my 360 and it only plays wmvs07:07
kitchejim88: yeah07:07
unopseems ubotu's taking a break?07:07
babo_roye1: do you prefer ext2 or ext3 ?07:07
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kitcheunop: seems like ubotu just rejoined but it's still broken07:07
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kitchejim88: it's #opneoffice.users I believe ubotu has it but it's not working07:07
patrick__how do you restart the computer from terminal?07:08
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unoppatrick__,  sudo shutdown -r now07:08
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kitchepatrick__: sudo shutdown -r now07:08
thorpatrick__: reboot07:08
bayzidersShould I just get to googling?07:08
ubotujim88: a free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org07:08
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patrick__okay thanks all!07:08
royelbabo_: I use ext2 for /boot an reiserfs for my desktops, on my server I use ext2 an ext307:08
karlyroyel: so do u mean dapper drake?07:08
MiDa simple question: if i install ubuntu and kubuntu in different partitions, can i share the "/home" partition without having conflict problems?07:08
royelkarly: which do you want ?07:08
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karlyroyel: you siad to find the alternate text install version, and i dont see it07:09
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royelMiD: I would think you could as long as you don't try an share the same directories, IE: /home/royel for both sytems07:09
kitcheMiD: sure you can but just don't reformat your /home and it will be fine07:09
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royelkarly: which version do you want?07:09
hoagieigor are you there?07:10
igor47hoagie: indeed07:10
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karlyroyel: it doesnt matter to me07:10
MiDkitche, can i have users with same nick on both systems then?07:10
unopMiD, royel,  it shouldnt matter as long as ubuntu and kubuntu arent using it at the same time07:10
Gomu_Gomuserver irc.rizon.org07:10
karlyroyeL: as long as it works07:10
Gomu_Gomu\server irc.rizon.org07:10
patrick__thanks so much unop and soundray, it's working fine now07:10
unoppatrick__,  yw :)07:10
patrick__this channel is so much help07:10
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ZaggynlCan anyone help me with my pmcia prism card?07:10
hoagieok is the proxy problem only for the update manager or for ubuntu in general07:10
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bjdieiHi All.  I have upgraded from 5.10 to 6.06 to now 6.10.  hal is still broken.  Any suggestions?07:10
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royelkarly: try this http://ftp.wayne.edu/linux_distributions/ubuntu/6.06/ubuntu-6.06.1-alternate-i386.iso07:11
igor47hoagie: i set up the proxy for firefox in firefox settings, and i added it to my bashrc as an environment variable so applications like wget work07:11
igor47hoagie: the only thing i'm having trouble with ti sthis "software updater" - btw, apt-get on the command line works07:11
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royelkarly: I assumed for PC (intel x86)07:12
karlyroyel:thats dude ur awesome =D07:12
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khronushi folks, anyone know why ubunto cd is failing checksum?07:12
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hoagieok so I suppose that if you go to System>Preferences>Network Proxy and click the automatic proxy configuration will work... fortunately07:12
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karlyroyel:i tried to find out the version, but i couldnt open up the case, the screws were on the inside of the case, so i could only open it up partially, and it didnt say which version of bios07:13
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karlybut it is a intel pentium 2 processor07:13
Rammhi all07:13
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royelkarly: you shouldn't need to open it for anything, that info is enough to know which version of ubuntu to download, Did you try a LIVECD first?07:14
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lwizardlhow do you mount a remote directory as a local directory?07:14
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karlyroyel: wait whats a live cd?07:14
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bjdieiAnybody here know how I can fix hal?  I upgraded and it no longer works.07:14
royel!livecd | karly07:15
ubotukarly: Ubuntu Dapper 'Desktop' CD contains a Live CD (Ubuntu that runs straight off the CD and RAM) with an install option. Breezy's Live CD contained no install.07:15
karlyroyel: i got a ubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386 iso image off the site07:15
karlythat might be why it didnt work07:15
webwolf_27I need gnucash with hbci will upgrading to feisty do the trick, I will I have to build on my own07:15
khronushi folks, the diskcheck is failing on my ubuntu cd, even after d/l from diff mirrors and have also burnt at slow speed but still fails, any ideaS?07:15
hoagieigor still there ?07:16
royelkarly: you have to burn the .iso image to a CD now07:16
khronusbad burning software or dodgy ubuntu release??07:16
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karlyroyel: i know that, ive been using computers for a while, i just dont know much about linux. but im eager to learn =D. the file hasnt finished dl'ing yet07:17
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roedoes anyone know how to get the scroll wheel to scroll more than one line at a time?07:17
Gomu_Gomuserver irc.rizon.org07:17
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royelkarly: if you want to install directly from windows, then take a look at this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/install.exe/Prototype07:17
karlyroyel:but ill burn it when it finishes dling07:17
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slippyr4i keep reading about "enabling universe" . what does that mean and why would i want to do it ?07:17
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royel!universe | slippyr407:18
ubotuslippyr4: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource07:18
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karlyroyel: whoa thats tight. hrm. ill see if i can get this that to work if the first cd image doesnt work07:18
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julleis there anyone who knows the command for recieving a file a "dcc send" from a user in IRSSI?07:18
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slippyr4thanks royel07:19
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royelslippyr4: yw07:19
Advancedevenin :)07:19
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karlyroyel: but can i only do it from windows xp?07:19
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Picijulle: /dcc get perhaps?07:19
SportChickjulle: /dcc get $nickofsender07:19
royelkarly: I'm not sure, it might work with other versions of windows07:19
kumahi, In wich directory should I install an application that it isn't in the Adept?07:20
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karlyroyel: ok thanks. uve been a big help. im really grateful07:20
julleSportChick: okey thanks! is $ reqiured?07:20
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royelkarly: honestly, the 6.10 image you downloaded is probably gonna be your best bet, since it is a LiveCD07:20
royelkarly: anytime :)07:20
SportChickjulle: no07:20
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karlyroyel: wait so the image from the link you just gave me or the one i got before07:21
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bayziderscould any one recommend a bash/shell porgamming tutorial?07:21
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royelkarly: the one I gave you is whats called an alternate install cd image, it is not a LiveCD, meaning that you can only use it to install.. an it's a basic text mode version, it's generally used for slower machines or people wanting to have a bit more control over the install07:22
gnomefreakbayziders: abs guide07:22
Picibayziders: http://en.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/07:22
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karlyroyel:mkay.i get it now.07:22
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unopbayziders, this too  http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/index.html07:23
bayzidersWill bookmark them all.07:23
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royelkarly: the one you said you had downloaded, if it's the 6.10 i386 will give you a bootable fully functioning linux OS without actually installing.. (think of it as test driving) :)07:23
unopbayziders,  you might want to start of with the latter tho07:23
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royelkarly: ^^ that LiveCD also has the ability to perform an install07:24
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leafwis there any command that would do a 'cp -au this that', but deleting files that have been removed from the source dir, like rsync would do ?07:24
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royelleafw: mv ?07:25
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karlyroyel: yeah, but it just froze when i tried to install it as i explained before07:25
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VrilutZahow to add suport this on kernel07:26
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leafwnot mv, what I wan to do is to create a mirrored backup within the hard drive, like I would with rsync between different PCs07:26
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Geakhey, could you please tell me what kind of and os I should use if I am a beginner?07:26
VrilutZarequit the install htb-tools07:26
craigbass76Hey folks, I'm trying to mount up a share and it's not working.  mount -t smbfs //ip.address/share  The share is on a windowsME box, and while I know this is just asking for trouble, it's what I have to deal with.07:26
Geakhey, could you please tell me what kind of and os I should use if I am a beginner?07:26
unopleafw,  rsync definitely does that -- it's whole point is "synchronicity" .. man rsync07:26
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craigbass76oops, mount -t smbfs //ip.address/share /mnt07:26
leafwyes, but within the same computer, not remote sync07:26
KelbizzleGeak, use ubuntu07:26
mitcheloccan anyone help me with a dual-monitor set up using the fglrx/ati driver?07:26
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unopleafw,  rsync doesnt have to work over a network, it can do local folder-to-folder replication too07:27
Erealzhello everyone07:27
royelkarly: ah, I missed you saying that.. try the alternate then, if that is too much for you, you might wanna take a look at that windows installer I gave you link to, I haven't actually used it myself, but it has got alot of praise I'm told :)07:27
leafwunop: I see, rsync also works within one PC07:27
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mitcheloci can't get the video card to detect/use my second monitor -- argh07:27
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gOLdenHaWK3Dhi good ppl07:27
unopleafw,  correct07:27
soundraypatrick__: I see you removed your backup to get it going again07:27
leafwthanks unop, I've been using rsync for so long I forgot it could do local mirroring as well07:27
gOLdenHaWK3Di think my sata hdd has some bad sectors! how do i check them?07:27
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Kelbizzlemitcheloc, your issue might be better solved m checking the foru,s.07:27
mejdehas anyone experienced problems with getting pmtu to work?07:28
unopleafw,  well, i dont know the option you want off the top of me head - but generally -- rsync --options /source /destination07:28
Kelbizzlemitcheloc, by checking the forums.07:28
Erealzi have a quick question , and that is, what do i install to get mp3 to play. my box is a fresh install.07:28
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VrilutZaani body help07:28
soundray!mp3 | Erealz07:28
Pici!mp3 | Erealz07:28
ubotuErealz: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:28
royelcraigbass76: try mount -t ntfs07:28
mitchelocKelbizzle: i've read several forum posts and blogs and guides, can't seem to find the advice i need, i must be missing something...07:28
mitcheloci had this working about 6 months ago with ubuntu and don't remember doing anything speciail07:28
mejdethe icmp unreachable message is sent back but if I, say, copy something with ssh, it just stalls07:29
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craigbass76royel: on a windowsME box?07:29
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asranielhi, can i ask questions for feisty herd 3 here?07:29
soundray!feisty | asraniel07:29
ubotuasraniel: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+107:29
Kelbizzlemitcheloc,  Yea I was able to do it with one nvidia card. I would say start over. Just pick another tutorial then start over.07:29
bayziders*sighs* I need a dvd/r drive. This cd/r drive isn't cutting it any more.07:30
asranielsoundray: thx07:30
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royelcraigbass76: yeah, dont think windows has samba filesystems07:30
darwethDoes anyone know why Windows Fonts (Times New Roman and Arial) look so disgusting in OpenOffice?07:30
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Kelbizzledarweth, smooth fonts maybe?07:30
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royelcraigbass76: -t specifies which type of filesystem your wanting to mount07:30
Picicraigbass76, royel : WindowsME would be running on vfat07:30
darwethWell, Times New Ramone and Arial look fine outside of OO.07:30
darwethThey just look bad in that app.07:31
darwethRoman, not Ramone. Haha.07:31
royelPici: ooh, good catch.. I just seen Windows an stopped thinking07:31
KelbizzleI don't even know.07:31
royelcraigbass76: what Pici said, mount -t vfat //ip. /mnt07:31
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unoproyel,  errm, samba is a *nix implementation of the Windows SMB/CIFS ,... so windows technically has those file systems07:31
KelbizzleI still don't know why I can't find out when a file was created in the properties.07:31
PiciOh, you're going over a network?07:31
craigbass76royel: Yes, windowsME is running on vfat, but that's not the fs it's sharing stuff out as is it?07:31
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kdavidsonanybody successfully installed a DLink wireless adapter?07:32
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royelunop: but the command to mount would not be # mount -t smbfs //...07:32
Picicraigbass76: It would be mount -t smbfs -o username=something //ip/share /mnt/07:32
craigbass76Pici: Yes, over a network.  The command I typed has always worked on XPsystems, but I've never tried it on an older windows.07:32
unoproyel,  on windows it's net use ...07:32
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kdavidsonwifi radar states shows that it connects to the router as the adapter get's an IP from the router through DHCP07:33
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kumaI'm running Kubuntu, does anybody knows where can i find the wine source library?07:33
riotkittieyeah, if its a win share and he's trying to mount it, then yea, smbfs07:33
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soundraycraigbass76: make sure you have the smbfs package installed07:34
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PiciYou may need to install smbfs support, I'm not sure if its there by default07:34
craigbass76soundray: on Ubuntu?  Oh yeah... I'm running off the cd and didn't think of that.07:34
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kdavidsonAnybody running a wireless network?07:34
babo_ubuntu won't play with my wireless connection ...07:34
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bayzidersWould ubuntu recognize a external dvd rw drive?07:35
babo_what can I do to configure it ?07:35
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soundraykdavidson: is this a survey?07:35
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Kelbizzlekdavidson, I've gotten mine to work07:35
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kdavidsonsoundray: nope, legit question - I have a WNA-1330 Dlink adapter and it is not connecting07:35
royelcraigbass76: pardon the misinformation, I don't mount many windows shares.07:35
Kelbizzlekdavidson, lemme see which one I have07:35
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soundray!wireless | kdavidson07:36
ubotukdavidson: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:36
kdavidsonKelbizzle: looking more for the athero chipset07:36
riotkittieok. back to my stupid question. i have searched the forums and everything but could not find an answer. maybe my search terms were less than stellar, i dont know.07:36
craigbass76royel: S'ok, I try to steer clear of them too when I can.  Kind of like how I avoid Wal-Mart...07:36
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craigbass76royel: every once in a while I'm forced...07:36
Piciriotkittie: Dont make me use !ask ;)07:36
kdavidsonubotu: Thanks, will view that too :)07:36
kiwiihow to play ogg in shell ?07:36
cosstickHello, i need help installing stuff, i just installed ubuntu dapper, and i want to install .exe files07:36
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soundraydarweth: it may be worth backing up your $HOME/.openoffice.org2 directory and starting with a default config07:36
kumaI'm running Kubuntu, does anybody knows where can i find the wine source library?07:36
riotkittiePici:  hey hey hey, i was getting to it :P07:36
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royelcraigbass76: lol, I remember the days of Wal-mart being "Made in the USA", Sam Walton would turn over in his grave if he knew how it's run now07:36
soundray!ogg123 | kiwii07:37
Kelbizzlekdavidson, ahhh.. I have DWL-G12207:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ogg123 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:37
dyrnehey guys in bash what was the var to echo to see if command completed correctly? echo $something07:37
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:37
kdavidsonkelbizzle: I wish I was at this point, found plenty of instruction for that :)07:37
cosstickHello, i need help installing stuff, i just installed ubuntu dapper, and i want to install .exe files07:37
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Pici!wine | cosstick see here for information on running windows programs07:37
ubotucosstick see here for information on running windows programs: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.07:37
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seedsi need some help please. I've just installed the osx icon package but i have problems with the trash icon. I think its name is not correct. what name should i use for it?07:38
kdavidsoncosstick: I am still fairly new to Linux, but EXE files would need to be run through Wine07:38
kdavidsoncosstick: already answered by ubotu (oops)07:38
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Kelbizzlekdavidson, yea it would probably be different. If your looking for something with an atheros chipset. I'd probably get an adapter someone has already used.07:38
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Kelbizzlekdavidson, if you don't feel like trolling until you get it resolved.07:38
royelcosstick: it might also be worth mentioning, .exe files are window binaries.. an are not designed for GNU/Linux .. but as said above, check into Wine07:38
soundray!vorbis-tools | kiwii, this package contains ogg12307:38
ubotukiwii, this package contains ogg123: vorbis-tools: several Ogg Vorbis tools. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.1-5 (edgy), package size 92 kB, installed size 728 kB07:38
kdavidsonKelbizzle: Already own it - have been using it with Windows and decided last night, why not dual boot with Ubuntu....07:39
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craigbass76soundray: your advice is sound... I had no samba package installed...07:39
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kdavidsonThanks for the wifi document, will go through that and return if I still can't get it to work07:39
soundraycraigbass76: to mount a remote share, you need smbfs, not samba07:39
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kiwiisoundray: but what is a shell program to play mp3/ogg07:40
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riotkittieok. back to my stupid question. i have searched the forums and everything but could not find an answer. maybe my search terms were less than stellar, i dont know. i'm assuming that i /can/, yes?07:40
craigbass76soundray: apt-get install smbfs?07:40
soundraykiwii: ogg12307:40
riotkittiestupid up arrow. wrong line.07:40
soundraycraigbass76: yes (probably with sudo)07:40
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royelcraigbass76: yes, perhaps you need "sudo"07:40
Kelbizzleso I'm trying to mount my reiserfs partition. It mounts to /mnt/hdb anyone know why I don't have write permissions to it?07:40
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riotkittieI have an 11.2gb internal hard drive. i have a 400gb external hd. my bios does not support booting from usb devices. can i install ubuntu on the usb drive have /boot on a partition on the internal? i did see a thread or wiki entry about nonbootable drive installs and making a boot CD but it was confusing (and i dont really want to have to rely on a CD)07:40
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gordonjcpriotkittie: is it mounted rw?07:41
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riotkittiegordonjcp: of course it is :P07:41
royelKelbizzle: who owns /mnt/hdb07:41
craigbass76Man, I did that earlier and it borked twice, now it's installing. Whatever....07:41
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Kelbizzleroyel, root07:41
gordonjcpriotkittie: sorry, that was aimied at Kelbizzle07:41
RAW-mEAThello, my machine does not shut down automatically, whats gone wrong?07:41
Kelbizzlegordonjcp, no it's not rw lemme get the line in my fstab07:41
soundrayriotkittie: a boot partition on the internal one should be sufficient.07:41
RAW-mEATi have to press 5 secs power off.07:41
royelKelbizzle: might try # chmod 777 /mnt/hdb07:41
soundrayRAW-mEAT: is it a laptop?07:41
riotkittiesoundray: thank you.07:41
RAW-mEATno its a Pentium 3 500mhz07:42
gordonjcpriotkittie: in answer to your question, I don't see why not, but if it breaks you own both pieces ;-)07:42
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RAW-mEATnormal desktop pc07:42
kiwiisoundray: thx07:42
Kelbizzlegordonjcp, /dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb reiserfs defaults 0 207:42
Piciriotkittie: Yes, it should work, since essentially its the same thing as booting from any bootable device, CD or otherwise07:42
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RAW-mEATa while ago it worked perfectly.07:42
gordonjcpKelbizzle: say "mount | grep hdb1"07:42
luzyleeim running Edgy and Vista as dual boot.  Can I set up Vista like Ubuntu so the system files are locked and password protected?07:42
RAW-mEATsince i installed xfce it doesnt work.07:42
Pici!enter | RAW-mEAT07:43
Kelbizzle/dev/hdb1 on /mnt/hdb type reiserfs (rw)07:43
ubotuRAW-mEAT: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:43
Kelbizzlegordonjcp, /hdb1 on /mnt/hdb type reiserfs (rw)07:43
hoagieI don't think so luzlee, maybe you might wanna check uac in vista for that07:43
royel!vista | luzylee07:43
PiciRAW-mEAT: How are you trying to shut it down?07:43
ubotuluzylee: vista is the new operating system by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org07:43
soundrayluzylee: that's a windows question...  ##windows07:43
RAW-mEATI go on the "shutdown" button and wait.07:43
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dyrneneed some help with script. example: ls file.txt; if $something = 1; echo found the file.  im just wondering the variable that returns 0 or 1 if a command completes successfully.. sorry if this is not on topic07:44
soundrayRAW-mEAT: how far does it get in the shutdown process?07:44
RAW-mEATuntil the border turns from orange/yellow to black.07:44
gordonjcpKelbizzle: okay... can you write to it when you're root (or using sudo)?07:44
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Kelbizzlegordonjcp, yes sir.07:44
padgeI'm having trouble with permissions07:44
soundraydyrne: $?07:44
Picidyrne: [ -e /dir/file ] 07:44
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gordonjcpKelbizzle: probably want to adjust the permissions of /mnt/hdb then07:45
padgeif I am padge, and nautilus is a process I'm running, then it has the same permissions I do, right?07:45
dyrneah thats right thx *bangs head on keyboard*07:45
craigbass76Ok, so now this command sudo mount -t smbfs // /mnt gives me 7521: session request to failed (Called name not present)07:45
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Kelbizzlegordonjcp, oh ok I thought so. I just wanted to be sure.07:45
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gordonjcpKelbizzle: I say "probably", I mean that's what I'd do but consider that if you set it mode 777 anyone could write it...07:45
Picidyrne: `man test` for more syntax07:45
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RAW-mEATthere is a ubuntu screen with a processbar.. and i wait until the processbar is clear.. then i can wait 10 mins or 1 hour but nothing happens.07:45
hairulfrHey all - is there a repository that comes with Kiba-dock, or is there somewhere I can DL a Gnome/ubuntu friendly version?07:45
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Kelbizzlegordonjcp, will that make it show on the desktop?07:46
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royelcraigbass76: sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=xxx // /mnt07:46
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blazemongeri'm on my 11th time instaling ubuntu07:46
soundraycraigbass76: try 'smbclient -U username -L //host' first. It should give you a list of shares.07:46
Kelbizzlegordonjcp, I made volumes visible in gconf-edit for nautilus07:46
pabstAlright... I need a good HTML/XHTML/CSS editor?? Any idea's? Ive worked with SCREAM, it blows for doing style sheets, so does Quanta and Bluefish07:46
blazemongermy mouse cursor just turned all black07:47
craigbass76soundray: I didn't know there was a username on ME.  What, is it Owner?07:47
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soundraycraigbass76: I don't know, I think it's what you configured when you set up the share on the Windows side.07:47
sigger_just hooked my Ubuntu work lappy up to my home network (mostly Knoppmyth).  I have UID and GID conflict(s).  Knoppmyth uses UID 105 for its myth user which has a lot of files and I can't really change that, but Ubuntu uses 105 for cupsys.  Any advice oon how to proceed?07:47
RAW-mEATbut the machine does not response when i press STRG+ALT+DEL or STRG+ALT+BACKSPACE07:48
soundrayRAW-mEAT: what's the last message at the bottom of the screen?07:48
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Kelbizzleroyel,  thanks setting it to 777 worked.07:49
Kelbizzlegordonjcp, thanks it worked.07:49
mtymobilewhat package do i have to install to get the standard C documentation in man pages?07:49
padgeI have a directory which belongs to a particular group, and I'm a member of that group.  Shouldn't I have the permissions that are set for group?07:49
RAW-mEATi cant read any messages on the screen because its a black screen with a ubuntu logo.07:49
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royelKelbizzle: awesome :)07:49
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mtymobileto make man sscanf work07:49
blazemongersystem froze07:49
deweygood day mates07:49
RAW-mEATis there a bash command to shut down instantly?07:49
Kelbizzleroyel, now to get it showing on the dekstop.07:49
mtymobileRAW-mEAT, halt07:49
sigger_padge, unless you're alse the user of the dir07:49
blazemongerwhen i went to select scrreensaver(i'm on a fresh install)07:49
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seedsplease : what's the correct name for trash icons?07:50
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padgesigger_: Well, it's not working as I had hoped07:50
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soundrayRAW-mEAT: 'sudo halt' will do the same shutdown sequence07:50
seedsanyone please?07:50
royelKelbizzle: browse to /mnt/name an create a link :)07:50
sigger_padge what's wrong?07:50
deweyok I have ubuntu edgy eft installed :)07:50
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mtymobileplease, nobody knows?07:50
blazemongerdewey i do too..i just had to reboot my system from selecting a screensaver07:51
padgesigger_: I have a directory called 'sl', the owner and group are both 'secondlife'07:51
deweynow I want to install some msft fonts?07:51
padgesigger_: I am 'padge' and I belong to the group 'secondlife'07:51
craigbass76soundray: Oh goodie, I got to use the "home and office networking wizard"   We'll see how that goes. After a reboot of course (I totally don't miss windows at all sonce quitting)07:51
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seedsCan anyone tell me the correct name for trash icons in ubuntu?07:51
soundray!msttcorefonts | dewey07:51
ubotudewey: msttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 22 kB, installed size 164 kB07:51
soundray!fonts | dewey07:51
ubotudewey: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer07:51
cosstickwould sum 1 b able to run me through installing wine and installing useing wine please, geting very confused here :) thanks07:51
Kelbizzleroyel, links don't look pretty. I want it to look like when I connect my usb drive.07:51
padgesigger_: group permissions for the folder are rwx07:51
blazemongermaybe my computer is a piece of trash07:51
padgesigger_: but that just doesn't seem to work07:51
mtymobilewhat package do i have to install to get the standard C documentation in man pages?07:51
Pici!repeat > seeds07:51
deweythanx I will do that all :)07:51
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soundraymtymobile: manpages-dev07:52
padgesigger_: I cannot write to it07:52
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mtymobilesoundray, thanks07:52
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seedspici: can you help me please?07:52
edmundburke__ubuntu isn't connecting to my wireless lan ...07:52
cosstickwould sum 1 b able to run me through installing wine and installing useing wine please, geting very confused here :) thanks07:52
edmundburke__I can ping my localhost, but I can't ping my gateway ... :-(07:52
Piciseeds: I dont know the answer to your question07:52
joe__I'm having some trouble getting wireless working07:52
edmundburke__Is ubuntu not recognizing my wireless or something ?07:52
RAW-mEATokay as i heard the harddisk goes offline but the powersupply does not stop. :(07:52
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seedspici: ok thanks anyway07:52
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edmundburke__It seems that the network connection is configured from the GUI display ..07:52
karlyomg royel its working =D =D =D!!!!07:52
sigger_padge, by any chance is this dir a symlink or a samba or nfs mounted drive?07:52
padgesigger_: Any ideas?07:52
edmundburke__ping : Network unreachable07:52
royelkarly: woot :)07:53
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padgesigger_: no, it's real and local.07:53
royelKelbizzle: what type of mount is it?07:53
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soundrayRAW-mEAT: are you familiar with /boot/grub/menu.lst ?07:53
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RAW-mEATa bit yes.07:53
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edmundburke__that must point to my graphics card right ?07:53
cosstickwould sum 1 b able to run me through installing wine and installing useing wine please, geting very confused here :) thanks07:53
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mtymobileRAW-mEAT, can you please explain better?07:53
sigger_padge: ok, is it a mounted drive at all?07:53
Kelbizzleroyel, what the partition? what do you mean what type of mount07:53
varkatopegood evening07:53
royelKelbizzle: ah, just a partition07:54
edmundburke__that must be a wireless connection driver issue ?07:54
soundrayRAW-mEAT: you should try removing "quiet splash" from your default kernel line, reboot, and then try shutting down again. You will get a more verbose shutdown sequence, which will help diagnose the problem.07:54
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padgesigger_: it is a subdirectory of /07:54
asranieldoes anybody know how i can reconfigure my xserver? my x.org config is realy messed up, how can i generate a new one?07:54
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bart_cosstick, sudo apt-get install wine ?07:54
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Kelbizzleroyel, it's a second drive07:54
sigger_padge:  ok, knocks out first thing I thought of.  thinking.07:54
soundrayasraniel: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'07:54
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Ramosaany pointers how to run "Second Life" on Ubuntu ?07:54
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padgeRamosa: Make sure you have your video card drivers installed07:55
loca|hostwhat's the best sip softphone i can use with asterisk ? (ekiga wont work with my sound card)07:55
sigger_padge: how are you trying to write to it?  what specifically are you foing?07:55
blazemongercrashed again07:55
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gordonjcpIf I mount an SMB share from places, how do I find what its mountpoint is?07:55
blazemongerdo i need to reinstall?07:55
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royelKelbizzle: I'm sure there is a way to do it.. I'm not 100% certain how, your wanting a drive icon, like when you insert a CDrom an an icon pops up07:55
Ramosapadge, do I just install the one from secondlife.com, or is it in some repository?07:55
padgesigger_: I am trying to write to it using nautilus.  From the console, I cannot change to that directory07:55
blazemongeri sent a bug report just now07:55
edmundburke__which interface is sit0 ?07:55
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blazemongertelling them the molecule screensaver locks up system07:55
soundraygordonjcp: it's mounted via gnome-vfs, which means that there isn't a proper mountpoint.07:55
varkatopeRamosa: just download the alpha installer from the sl site07:56
Kelbizzleroyel, yea like macos x shows the mounted drives on the desktop. or if I connect my thumbdrive it shows on the desktop.07:56
sigger_padge: whoa. from console you can't even enter the dir?  (i.e. it doesn't think you have +x)?07:56
padgeRamosa: Secondlife provides an archive.  Just pop it open in your home folder and run the shell script 'secondlife'07:56
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Ramosapadge, thanks07:56
gordonjcpsoundray: ah, that's a bit rubbish07:56
blazemongergnome panel froze07:56
sigger_padge: from command line, "who" tells you that you are padge, right?07:56
padgesigger_: whoa, you have to have x to change to?07:56
=== siodine [n=josh@adsl-75-20-230-205.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
blazemongeri never had this happen with even windows 9507:57
soundraygordonjcp: not necessarily, the concept is good, but it's not widespread enough yet.07:57
sigger_padge: well to enter a dir, I believe you have to have +x in the dir07:57
ubotuwiki is http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Loads of user-contributed documentation07:57
gordonjcpsoundray: so basically you can only browse the files, you can't actually *use* them with anything?07:57
RAW-mEATokay i reboot now.07:57
blazemongeri'm on a fresh install too07:57
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ironyhello just discovered this xchat thing and am seeing if it works07:57
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soundraygordonjcp: for now, configure to mount your share in /etc/fstab, then you will have a proper mount point07:57
blazemongermy video card is a opengl card and i have the latest drivers that are available07:57
mtymobileblazemonger, what are you saying exactly by naming windows95?07:57
padgesigger_: checking07:57
gordonjcpsoundray: yes, that's what I'm doing07:57
soundraygordonjcp: you can use them with programs that are vfs aware07:57
=== Qew [n=qew@82-69-126-225.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
blazemongerwell the molecule screensaver locked up my computer twice ive had to reboot07:58
=== Gon [n=gon@ip68-100-196-135.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
padgesigger_: That fixed that07:58
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blazemongeri'm trying to run things that ran in debian07:58
padgesigger_: but the larger problem remains07:58
soundraygordonjcp: oh, you are. Then you will have defined the mountpoint in /etc/fstab (second column)07:58
Gonfinally got ubuntu installed :D07:58
blazemongerthat i used and everything i used in debian doesn't work in ubuntu...07:58
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soundrayGon: congrats07:58
padgesigger_: Correct me if I'm wrong, but users can belong to multiple groups, right?07:58
KelbizzleGon, congrats!07:58
Gonhow do i install codecs?07:58
blazemongerGon: have alot of pot ready07:58
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blazemongeri just installed ubuntu for the 11th time07:58
soundray!multimedia | Gon07:58
ubotuGon: For multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications07:58
blazemongerand did the updates07:58
Gonsweet thx07:58
gordonjcpsoundray: yes, I'm just setting that up just now07:58
sigger_padge: just for kicks, cd / and ls -l sl to check perms07:58
Kelbizzlelol @ blaze07:58
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riotkittie11th. dear god.07:59
Goni think i like this better then windows07:59
blazemongerwhy lol?07:59
mtymobileGon, use automatix207:59
headphaseI am having something conflict my installation of amarok07:59
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czrany idea where to find gcc-4.1 for dapper? (doesn't exist in dapper-backports)07:59
blazemongerubuntu is giving me nothing BUT problems07:59
Gonaight cool07:59
Pici!automatix | mtymobile Gon07:59
blazemongerand nightmares07:59
ubotumtymobile Gon: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe07:59
sigger_padge: yes, users can belong to many groups.  e.g. try groups padge07:59
gordonjcpsoundray: a nice idea, but I suspect it's one for the GUI users07:59
fbarcAnyone know where I can find the TYPES for an fsck -t?07:59
blazemongerim wondering if this wasnt tested enough07:59
royelKelbizzle: maybe ask in here again.. an let me know what you find out :)07:59
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soundraygordonjcp: which one?07:59
riotkittieproblems and nightmares but you keep coming back.  the mind. it still boggles.07:59
Kelbizzleroyel,  no problem.07:59
gordonjcpthe gnome-vfs thing07:59
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RAW-mEATsoundray it says: system halted with a number before the system halted07:59
blazemongercan't they make a note saying "This distro might crash old machines"07:59
RAW-mEATand after that comes nothing.07:59
mitchelocwell can't get the second screen up /me is about to give up and just stick with one 17" and put the apple 23" in the closet :(07:59
KelbizzleI'll be back after I hit the glass07:59
fbarcIs there a chat server for ubuntu that MSN users can logon to?08:00
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Picifbarc: mount should tell you what the type of filesystems you have mounted08:00
padgesigger_: wow, I'm in more groups than I thought I was.  But that confirms that I'm in the group 'secondlife'08:00
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blazemongerand i can't even get the tv out working on my rage128 all in wonder08:00
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.08:00
=== artbird309 [n=artbird3@68-190-158-139.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
sigger_padge: how about the ls?08:00
mtymobileblazemonger, you are not using debian08:00
blazemongerim not right now08:00
fbarcPici: thanks.. I'll try that..08:00
padgesigger_: Yes, I can change to the dir from the console and get a list08:00
blazemongeri just installed ubuntu thiniking it would be better than even debian08:00
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padgesigger_: However, I'm being treated as though I'm not a part of that group... as in my permissions are that of o instead of g08:00
riotkittiethen he found it so awful that installed it 10 more times :P08:01
soundrayRAW-mEAT: okay, that means at least it's safe to force-shutdown with the power button at this point.08:01
padgesigger_: g has rwx on that directory08:01
blazemongerdo i need to reinstall ubuntu again?08:01
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Kelbizzleblazemonger, I remeber this post in the forums "is ubuntu for you" doesnb't elp now but would have been a good read08:01
RAW-mEATokay, but its annoying to press 5 sec the poweroff button08:01
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soundrayRAW-mEAT: there are two options now: 1) diagnose further, 2) employ a workaround involving grub. What would you prefer?08:01
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padgesigger_: of course, I haven't tried to write with the console, but nautilus did experience a change...08:01
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blazemongerwell i'm a linux newb08:01
KelbizzleRAW-mEAT, pull the power plug08:01
RAW-mEATemploy a workaround.08:01
blazemongera work around?08:02
sigger_padge: (1) please double check the perms of the dir.  (cd /; ls -l sl) (2) try to create a file in sl (cd /sl; touch afile)08:02
Kelbizzleblazemonger, me too man just really savvy. and I troll alot.08:02
padgesigger_: at first, nautilus somehow got the names of the contents, but nothing else about them.  Now it gets the fact that they are folders08:02
RAW-mEATnah its a pc behind a desk :/08:02
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blazemongerhow do i prevent something as simple as a screensaver from freezing my system?08:02
Kelbizzleblazemonger, linux favors the prepared and persistant08:02
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blazemongerKelbizzle:i'm not a troll08:02
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soundrayRAW-mEAT: at the end of /boot/grub/menu.lst, make a new section with 'title Shutdown' and a single command, 'halt'08:02
Kelbizzleblazemonger, use no screensaver at all08:02
blazemongerKelbizzle:well if microsoft wouldn't have ripped me off on XP08:02
Kelbizzleblazemonger, I feel your pain there.08:02
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blazemongerwell why are the screensavers there then?08:03
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ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.08:03
fbarcIs there a chat server for ubuntu that MSN users can logon to?08:03
blazemongerthere needs to be linux for stoners08:03
Da9elSomebody know how to unrar on ubuntu ?08:03
Gonwait wait08:03
Kelbizzleblazemonger, Iis that the only screensaver that crashes your system?08:03
Gonwhere do i get automated install for codecs again08:03
Pici!rar | Da9el08:03
ubotuDa9el: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free08:03
welemskidoes anyone knows who can help me play quicktime movie in firefox? I already installed all the necessary plugins from totem,vlc,mplayer etc still it displays  "no video"08:03
blazemongerKelbizzle: nope08:03
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riotkittiebecause screesavers rock. and the vast majority of us have no problem with them.08:03
Kelbizzleblazemonger,  you have aim?08:03
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Kelbizzleblazemonger, it's got to be something with the drivers08:04
blazemongerriotkittie:well i have a top of the line system...a pentium 4 1.4ghz  at least top of the line for linux..a ATI RAGE 128 with 128 megabytes of memory08:04
fbarcPici:  I just tried 'sudo fsck /media/usbdisk -t vfat" but it just said "Read 512 bytes at 0:Is a directory"08:04
soundrayRAW-mEAT: to boot into the shutdown section, you have to do 'echo y | sudo grub-reboot N'08:04
blazemongerKelbizzle:I have the latest drivers08:04
blazemongercould it be i need to make a custom kernel?08:04
soundrayRAW-mEAT: to find out the correct number to enter for N, do this:08:04
padgesigger_: There are no non-directory files in the directory.  Should that work the same with a directory?  Also, I might have misled you about the placement of sl08:04
hdxxwelemski, download firefox addon MediaPlayerConnectivity08:04
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ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications08:04
soundrayRAW-mEAT: grep ^title /boot/grub/menu.lst | nl -v 008:04
blazemongerI didn't even have these probs in FreeBSD and Freebsd is much more complex than ubuntu08:04
padgesigger_: sl's whole path is /home/ftp/sl08:04
Kelbizzleblazemonger, no that screensave works on my notebook qwith crappy ati chip.08:04
Kelbizzleand it doesn't crash my computer.08:05
blazemongerKelbizzle:it doesnt crash your computer? HOW?!?!?!??!08:05
soundrayRAW-mEAT: the number of the Shutdown section is what you want to feed to the grub-reboot command08:05
padgesigger_: will (copy con > bla.txt) work to see if I can write?08:05
riotkittieblazemonger: i know your specs. you ticked them off for me last night while you were on your tenth install and waxing poetic about how awful ubuntu was08:05
Picifbarc: you need to umount the device first and provide the device name, not the mount point to fsck08:05
=== IanLiu [n=ianliu@201-95-43-70.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayRAW-mEAT: am I making sense?08:05
Kelbizzleblazemonger, I dunno. and that card can't even handle et in windows.08:05
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl54007F1B.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
blazemongeri know riotkittie08:05
blazemongerit handled windows PERFECT08:05
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:06
fbarcPici:  ahh..08:06
RAW-mEATiam trying to.. :)08:06
sigger_padge: no matter re full path.  touch should work.  also when I asked about the perms, I was asking about it from above.  e.g. cd /home/ftp; ls -l sl08:06
SpudDoggToday is my birthday...I feel like an old man.08:06
RAW-mEATone sec iam entering now things with gedit08:06
IanLiuWhere do I get GLIBC source code to compile it?08:06
blazemongerso why would ubuntu crash on me but work great for millions of others08:06
Kelbizzleblazemonger, what made you choose that screensaver?08:06
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blazemongercuz im stoned08:06
soundrayspuddogg: happy birthday, old man!08:06
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Kelbizzleblazemonger, ohhhh it has druge reference thats why I was asking :-D08:07
huascar80help, how can i rename a disc icon on the desktop? sda5 is now 'object", pro'08:07
=== Advanced [i=ExUser@82-38-66-44.cable.ubr06.brad.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
SpudDoggsoundray, thanks!  25 is getting old, isn't it?08:07
Advancedhey guys08:07
Kelbizzleblazemonger, like for thc, and lsd08:07
welemskihdxx, yes MediaPlayerConnectivity solves the problem but it opens a lot of windows sometimes too annoying... is there any posibility of playing the .mov on a webpage without MediaPlayerConnectivity?08:07
blazemongerthings are getting sluggish on my system now08:07
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IanLiuhow can I upgrade my GLIBC to 2.4 in Dapper Drake??08:07
blazemongerKelbizzle Yah :)08:07
padgesigger_: drwxrwxr-x08:07
Kelbizzleblazemonger, how much ram do you have?08:07
meisamguys sorry im stuck with tomcat 5.5, it is installed fully but i can not check it on 8180 port, it does not show up08:07
blazemongerthat's why i9 want to run this screensaver08:07
soundrayspuddogg: not if I'm the standard08:07
thekidrioanyone here have mythtv running on ubuntu?08:07
blazemongeri have 768 megabytes of memory08:07
blazemongerif 768 megabytes of memory isn't enough for Ubuntu and it's based on Debian SOMETHING is wrong08:08
hdxxwelemski, try with mplayer plugin or xine plugin08:08
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thekidrio768 is plenty08:08
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Kelbizzleblazemonger, what kind of crah. nah I have 76808:08
soundraymeisam: is that the port you configured?08:08
Advancedi just installed ubuntu, everything seemed to go fine, i rebooted to ubuntu, got to the loading screen and then it went into busybox, and gave me the error "bin/sh: cant access tty; job control turned off"08:08
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sigger_padge: cat > testfile08:08
Advancedcan anyone help me? :(08:08
blazemongeronce i select the screensaver things crash08:08
padgesigger_: permission denied08:08
KelbizzleAdvanced, just ask your question08:08
blazemongerit freezes my WHOLE system08:08
Advancedi did08:08
welemskihdxx, all the necessary plugins were already installed... tried checking it with about:plugins08:08
IanLiuWhere can I find GLIBC sources to compile ??08:08
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riotkittie756 is fine. im running on 256MB.08:08
huascar80please help, I really gotta rename that drive icon on the desktop08:08
meisami have not configured any port, but i just say somewhere that is te port neede to be checked08:09
riotkittiemaybe your ram is shoddy.08:09
=== IVBela [i=me2@dsl217-197-176-235.pool.tvnet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
blazemongerlike i can't even use ctl alt backspace to get back to GDM08:09
Kelbizzleblazemonger, so when you select the screensaver AND IT TRIED TO PREVIEW IT IS WHEN IT CRASHESD?08:09
=== ComradeC [n=comrade@das186.das.psu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
thekidriohrmm Advanced, hrmm interesting08:09
Gonhey guys08:09
Gonneed a lil help with the codecs here08:09
Kelbizzleopps caps.08:09
sigger_padge: "who" says you're padge, right?08:09
RAW-mEATsoundray: like title <tab> <tab> shutdown and root <tab> <tab> shutdown08:09
blazemongercorrect Kelbizzle and that's only one of 50 things that i've had gone wrong with Ubuntu08:09
meisamsoundray i have not configured any port, but i just say somewhere that is te port neede to be checked08:09
=== newbuntie [n=irc@chello084010157223.chello.pl] has joined #ubuntu
Advancedany idea's kidrio? :(08:09
meisam<riotkittie> maybe your ram is shoddy.08:09
Advancedi really want to try it out08:09
Goni have no idea on how to do this08:09
hdxxwelemski, then don't know sorry-:s08:09
Advancedquite sick of mandriva and suse08:09
padgesigger_: who gives me four lines, they all start with padge08:09
ComradeCI'm having problems with saving a location in the network settings tab, does anyone know why it wouldn't save a location for me?  Is there a manually way to save them in the console?08:09
soundraymeisam: sec08:09
=== roryy [n=user@tedo-ip-nas-1-p05.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
blazemongerAdvanced at least mandriva and suse work08:09
Kelbizzleblazemonger, maybe ubuntu isn'ts for you right now....08:09
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meisamsoundray sure08:09
newbuntiehow do i install an hp scanner in 6.06?08:09
blazemongerKelbizzle: why wouldn't it be for me?08:09
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blazemongeri have the hardware requirements08:10
IanLiuAnyone could help me? I must upgrade my GLIBC in Dapper, but I don't know how... Any tips?08:10
sigger_padge: then you are indeed padge.  jeez.  It hasn't hit me yet, but it will08:10
blazemongerso you're saying i should go out and buy XP?08:10
blazemongeror windows 2000?08:10
Kelbizzleblazemonger, and it works right?08:10
=== Darth_Tux [n=c@c-24-11-80-244.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kelbizzleblazemonger, are you booted up to a stable system? besideds that screensaver?08:10
soundrayRAW-mEAT: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5958/08:10
newbuntiehow do i install an hp scanner in 6.06?08:10
tonyyarussoI have a desktop computer with no monitor or keyboard.  I plugged it into my laptop via a crossover ethernet cable.  Network Manager on the laptop now says there is a wired connection.  ifconfig on the laptop gives IP addresses for interfaces eth0:avahi and eth1:avahi of and, respectively.  How can I find out the IP of the desktop so I can ssh in and use it?08:11
=== P3L|C4N0 [n=gcamposm@] has joined #ubuntu
blazemongerKelbizzle: i'm going to try to run the screensaver again okay?08:11
riotkittieblazemonger: you dont have to go buy windows - you have gone on and on about how great debian is, why not use that08:11
royelblazemonger: have you considered using the Kubuntu version?08:11
Kelbizzleblazemonger, no problem08:11
padgesigger_: I used the GUI admin utility to add myself to the group... could this have anything to do with the umask?08:11
welemskiwhat happen to the petition for apple on making a quicktime version for linux?08:11
sigger_padge: /home/ftp is kind of an odd place for it.  Unless you're setting the stuff up to be accessed by ftp.08:11
Ramosapadge, i can't get Second Life running on Ubuntu.. I get "Window creator error".. something with GLX08:11
blazemongerwell ubuntu is more updated08:11
blazemongerdont like KDE08:11
padgesigger_: That is, in fact, exactly what it is08:11
Kelbizzleyou should be able to view that screensaver.08:11
padgesigger_: however, I do want to be able to access it locally as well08:11
riotkittieblazemonger: the disc you installed from,... did you use the same disc all 11 times?08:11
newbuntiehow do i install an hp scanner in 6.06?08:11
SpudDoggsoundray, i just called my insurance agent and my car insurance went down $300 today...I feel a little better to be 25.08:12
KelbizzleI can do it on my notebook08:12
blazemongeryes riotkittie08:12
Kelbizzlewith radeon xpress 200m08:12
blazemongereven verified the md5 sums08:12
sigger_padge: dunno about the gui stuff.  I do almost everything via command line.08:12
blazemongereverything seemed to install perfect08:12
blazemongerthen when i boot08:12
riotkittieblazemonger: was it a disc you burned your self?08:12
RAW-mEATsoundray cant connect to this link. :/08:12
blazemongerthings go wrong08:12
Kelbizzleare you using edgy?08:12
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blazemongerit was08:12
blazemongerim using edgy08:12
padgesigger_: How do I add a user to a group with a command line?08:12
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soundrayRAW-mEAT: it's a bit slow right now, try again08:12
LjLpadge: adduser user group08:12
IanLiuany tips on Upgrading GLIBC on Dapper??08:12
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LjLIanLiu: yes: don't.08:12
riotkittieblazemonger: did you check the md5 against  the downloaded iso ?  did you check the disc for errors on install?08:12
RAW-mEATokay i wait.08:12
Kelbizzleblazemonger, I'll be back I'm booting up my notebook08:12
=== Killeroid [n=Krush_U@pool-68-160-187-128.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
blazemongeryes i did08:12
blazemongeri checked for errors08:13
sigger_can use moduser for an existing user.  (man moduser)08:13
IanLiuI cant upgrade it? :(08:13
meisamsoundray im here, when ever ur finished let me know plz thx08:13
Gonanyone installed codecs?08:13
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blazemongerso how do i make this screensaver work? it's the ONLY one that doesn't work08:13
sigger_padge: sorry thats usermod08:13
newbuntieno one knows hot to install a scanner in ubuntu 6.06?08:13
riotkittie!restricted > Gon08:13
welemskican we make another petition for apple to make a quicktime version for linux?08:13
Kelbizzleblazemonger, do me a favor....make a new user. and see if the same thing happens?08:13
blazemongerhow do i make a new user08:13
Piciblazemonger: Which screen saver?08:13
padgeLjL: I need to be root to do this, right08:13
LjLIanLiu, it would be suicide, as i'm sure you're realize: the C library is used by just about any programs, and Dapper programs expect the Dapper version of it. your system would, in all likelihood, become hopelessly broken08:13
padgesigger_: What is usermod?  adduser?08:13
LjLpadge: yes08:13
LjLpadge: sudo adduser user group08:13
soundraymeisam: I was going to install it and see for myself, but that would take to long (44 MB)08:13
blazemongerpici: the molecule screensaver08:14
blazemongersee if it works on your system08:14
royelblazemonger: well, my experience with Ubuntu was that it seemed a lil bit more involved getting it setup to work the way I liked.. but once I did, it seems to me to be much better than the other distro's I've tried.. Suse, Opensuse, Mandriva,Freespire,PClinuxOS,Sabayon (although this one was almost perfect) an several others08:14
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zOapwhat type of webcam is suported as is in dapper? is there a list somewhere?08:14
soundraymeisam: are there any /etc/tomcat* directories?08:14
blazemongerroyel:my experience has been the direct opposite08:14
meisamGon sudo aptitude install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-gl gstreamer0.10-plugins-base \08:14
sigger_padge: what LjL said08:14
meisamGon gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse \08:14
padgesigger_: It says that I am already a member of that group.08:14
Kelbizzleblazemonger, system > administration > users and groups08:14
riotkittieugh. i should be partitioning :\08:14
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meisam Gon gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse libxine-extracodecs w32codecs08:15
Gonthanks riotkittie08:15
padgeLjL: Thank you08:15
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Goni got it08:15
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MoxxonCan someone tell me how to get ventrilo working for08:15
meisamsoundray where can i find it?08:15
padgeLjL: I don't know how well you've been following my plight.  If you have, do you have any ideas?08:15
blazemongerroyel:how much time did you spend getting things to work? a month with no sleep and amphetamines?08:15
Kelbizzlemoxxon have you checked the forums?08:15
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royelblazemonger: hate to hear that, I think the other distro's run a lil better out of the box so to speak, but I'm glad I stuck with working out my troubles with Ubuntu, overal I'm totally happy with it now08:15
soundraymeisam: are there any /etc/tomcat* directories?08:15
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blazemongerroyel:well i have tracks to work on08:16
royelblazemonger: an several wipes an installs of other distros in between, yes :)08:16
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padgesigger_: okay, I might have found something08:16
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sigger_padge: you can write elsewhere, right?08:16
blazemongereven arch is easier to get working08:16
meisamsoundray how can i check if there is any?08:16
RAW-mEATsoundray it says i have to be root!08:16
Kelbizzleblazemonger,  I've been working at it for 4 months I"ve broken two glass beauties out of fustration08:16
blazemongeri'm gonna try selecting this screensaver again08:16
meisamsoundray in usr\share?08:16
padgesigger_: Yes, I can write in my home folder and anyplace else that has rwx for o08:16
padgesigger_: but get this...08:16
soundraymeisam: ls /etc/tomcat5.508:16
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MoxxonKelbizzle, Ive searchd google08:16
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=== tont hello at all
MoxxonDIdnt find anything really :/08:17
meisamGon there were 3 lines did you fully get it baby?08:17
padgesigger_: /home/ftp is owned by 'ftp' and belongs to the group 'nogroup'08:17
sidny4anybody know how to get my logitech USB Trackball to work with ubuntu, I used to be able to plug it in and go, now it's like it isn't recognized08:17
MoxxonKelbizzle, couldyou link me the topic?08:17
KelbizzleMoxxon, I didn't think vent worked for linux. because I use ts08:17
padgesigger_: I am not in nogoup, nor am I ftp08:17
KelbizzleMoxxon, lemme see if I can find it08:17
drxsidny4, try plugging it into a DIFFERENT usb slot08:17
soundrayRAW-mEAT: 'gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst', append the lines after the ### one08:17
holycowanyone here handle ubuntu laptop support?  just curious how remote desktop (vnc) assistance is handled behind routers ... anyone have any special configs that lets them rount remote vnc desktop dealier over port 80 perhaps?08:17
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sidny4drx: I've tried all 3 of them08:17
padgesigger_: Would child directories inherit restrictions like this?08:17
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KelbizzleMoxxon, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4173708:17
sidny4drx: it recognizes my USB Flash drive, and when I plug the mouse into another computer it works fine08:18
royelMoxxon: Vent does support a linux client (yet), I've even tried to run it thru wine with no luck08:18
soundraymeisam: okay, it seems that 8180 is the port that it should be running on. Is your apache configured, up and running?08:18
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meisamssoundray   policy.d  erver.xml  web.xml08:18
sigger_padge: mmm, don't think so.  e.g. my /mnt is root.root  however /mnt/stor/1 is writeable by many non-root people08:18
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sigger_padge: your /home may even be root.root08:18
meisamssoundray yes apache is working with no problem08:18
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meisamssoundray yes apache is ok and im using it with mysql08:19
blazemongerwill ubuntu freezing my system and having to restart my pc all the time cause problems?08:19
padgesigger_: You are correct, and the permissions are drwxr-xr-x08:19
sigger_padge: so, how'd you get the sl dir there?08:19
MoxxonHow do you install packages08:19
padgesigger_: I created it as root08:19
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Cyrus25801I have a audio cd that i can't play on my pc because of encryption. Is there a program that can cut through the encryption08:19
sigger_padge: and how'd you get the files there?08:19
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Kelbizzleblazemonger, no it shouldn't.08:20
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meisamssoundray yes etc/tomcat exists08:20
padgesigger_: I put them there before I used chgrp and chown08:20
headphaseI am having trouble installing amarok08:20
blazemongerwhoever coded this molecule screensaver was a crappy coder08:20
Cyrus25801PeaceLover: hi ho silver08:20
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RAW-mEATit says again that i have to be root to do echo y | .....08:20
Cyrus25801 I have a audio cd that i can't play on my pc because of encryption. Is there a program that can cut through the encryption08:21
hdxxheadphase, what trouble08:21
padgesigger_: more correctly, I put them there before I changed the permissions08:21
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blazemongerthis ubuntu distro is making me angry08:21
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blazemongeri'm starting to hate computers now08:22
soundraymeisam: have you got a java sdk installed? dpkg -l j2*08:22
sigger_padge: I'm running out of stuff.08:22
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ompaulblazemonger, funny there are a few million who don't get mad at it08:22
Kelbizzleblazemonger, don't bite noones head off.08:22
headphasehdxx: it says I have a conflict with othe applications when I try to install it in add/remove programs08:22
LiENUSwhy the heck is p7zip exe named "7zr" in ubuntu?08:22
blazemongerompaul:that's what i want to knoqw..Why is this a ISOLATED incidence?08:22
Kelbizzleblazemonger, I know what you mean man. lots of blown high messin with it.08:22
meisam soundray yes i have08:22
hdxxheadphase, install in console (apt-get)08:22
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Kelbizzleblaze have you posted in the forums? submitted a bug report?08:23
ompaulblazemonger, well if you think code is bad, you are entitled to not just say it is bad but yoiu can also submit a suggested fix08:23
blazemongeri found people complaining about the molecule screensaver08:23
Gonthanks guys08:23
sigger_padge: what are perms of /home/ftp08:23
blazemongermost of the probs i have have already been posted by OTHER people08:23
soundraymeisam: have you edited /etc/default/tomcat5.5 to tell tomcat where the j2sdk is?08:23
headphasehdxx: apt-get amarok?08:23
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meisamsoundray un  j2re1.4        <none>         (no description available)08:23
meisamun  j2se-common    <none>         (no description available)08:23
hdxxheadphase, sudo apt-get install amarok08:23
ompaulblazemonger, I found that screen saver issues was more to do with video cards that were not behaving themselves08:23
padgesigger_: drwxr-xr-x08:23
meisamsoundray no08:23
soundraymeisam: do not paste here08:23
yettenetDoes anyone have xfce? :P08:23
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meisamsoundray sorry :(08:24
lolmanyettenet, yep08:24
blazemongerwell I have a stable video card08:24
yettenetI can't find where it puts screenshots when I press print screen08:24
meisamsoundray no i have not said uet08:24
sigger_padge: perhaps try making /home/ftp go+x - even if just temporarily to see if thats it?08:24
blazemongerone that works and has been around..the dependable Rage 12808:24
meisamsoundray how should i be telling?08:24
headphasehdxx: I have done that before08:24
blazemongerworks on even Solaris08:24
sigger_padge: perhaps try making /home/ftp go+w - even if just temporarily to see if thats it? (typo)08:24
Kelbizzlehdxx, don't forget the dependancies.08:24
headphasehdxx: do I need to restart?08:24
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padgesigger_: I will try that, but I will break it into two steps to be more conclusive08:24
lolmanyettenet, I think it puts them on the clipboard, let me check08:24
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sigger_padge: sure08:24
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Kelbizzleyettenet, should ask you where to put them08:25
Kelbizzleyettenet, the default is desktop.08:25
blazemongerbut a system FREEZING over running simple code? I don't see anything complex with screensavers08:25
soundraymeisam: gksudo gedit /etc/default/tomcat5.508:25
yettenetIt doesn't save there08:25
ompaulblazemonger, if something does not work then why insist on trying it out, like either fix it or move on,08:25
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blazemongeri dont know how to fix it08:25
Kelbizzleblazemonger,  it's def. a video issue.08:25
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blazemongerKelbizzle so how do i fix it?08:25
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Piciblazemonger: Log a bug report then08:25
ompaulblazemonger, so what video card have you got?08:25
meisamsoundray then?08:25
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Kelbizzleblazemonger, bug report08:26
blazemongercompengi:A Rage 128 it's a good video card08:26
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Kelbizzleblazemonger, thats an old card08:26
ompaulblazemonger, and what driver are you using?08:26
blazemongerKelbizzle; but it's good08:26
nusa42Sup - Need a little advice on setting up X server for 1360x768 resolution. Progress so far is that I used 915resolution to hack onboard gfx BIOS (Intel i855G), added modelines in xorg.conf and screen resolution, and edited /etc/default/915resolution and added a script with the 915resolution hack to /etc/init.d/widescreen. However the resolution starts up in 1280x1024 and the 1360x768 isnt available under preferences->screen resolution. I have to manually perform t08:26
soundraymeisam: add a line "JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/j2se/1.4"08:26
blazemongerthe one that comes with ubuntu08:26
Kelbizzleblazemonger, THATS WHY08:26
hdxxheadphase: what is your error in amarok? if you don't know, type amaok in console, and copy/paste on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org08:26
blazemongerwhat other driver do i use?08:26
ompaulblazemonger, change it to vesa08:26
soundraymeisam: save, then 'sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 restart'08:26
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blazemongerchange it to VESA?!? i won't have opengl anymore08:26
Cyrus25801 I have a audio cd that i can't play on my pc because of encryption. Is there a program that can cut through the encryption08:26
blazemongerwill I?08:27
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blazemongeri used the same exact driver in debian08:27
Goney riokittie08:27
ompaulblazemonger, choices choices choices you know what is faulty don't know what is wrong, but can take out my initial suggestion to make it work?08:28
Goncould you link me again to the multimedia thing earlier08:28
meisamsoundray dude i have jdk 1.6.008:28
Goni kinda lost the link08:28
padgesigger_: That did not allow me to write a file in sl, however I am able to write a file in ftp08:28
RAW-mEATsoundray it always says i have to be root to perform this.08:28
blazemongerompaul:will OpenGL still work?08:28
ompaulblazemonger, that is just the debian driver from sid08:28
padgesigger_: that being change o+w08:28
RAW-mEATalso gksudo and sudo does not work.08:28
padgesigger_: Now that I'm putting data into cat, how do I write an EOF? :)08:28
soundraymeisam: give it the path to that, then08:28
blazemongeruse VESA right?08:29
soundrayRAW-mEAT: perform what exactly?08:29
sigger_padge: ergh. was hoping that changing /home/ftp would do it.  ctrl+D08:29
blazemongerompaul: well i was using debian sid and the molecule saver didnt crash08:29
gogogadgetcan someone help me with a wireless problem08:29
blazemongerand i see zero reason why it would in ubuntu08:29
cigaI have a double layered DVD-RAM (9.4GB). how do I use it with ubuntu?08:29
blazemongeror ubunpoo with the experience ive had with it08:29
ompaulblazemonger, be nice08:29
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blazemongerok ok08:29
headphasehdxx: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5964/08:29
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SonicChaohow do I remove my ubuntu partition?08:30
=== Advanced [i=ExUser@82-38-66-44.cable.ubr06.brad.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Advancedhey guys08:30
padgesigger_: That would have been convenient for the time being, however it would have left me in confusion as the circumstances are identical to that of /home and /home/padge08:30
SonicChaoand make Windows use 100% of hte drive again?08:30
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soundrayompaul: this person is resistant to advice or reason. I wasted half an hour of my wife with him or her yesterday08:30
Advancedi finally got it to boot08:30
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Advancedit was trying to boot from sda instead of hda08:30
RAW-mEATyou have to be root to do echo y | .....08:30
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Advancedbut now i have another problem08:30
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ompaulsoundray, I called him a troll by another name08:30
Cyrus25801SonicChao: why do you want to do that08:30
ompaulbut now .. hey08:30
Advancedwhen it loads in, i assume it reaches the login screen, but i cant see it08:30
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Advancedas it says it is out of range on my monitor08:30
soundrayRAW-mEAT: what have you found for N ?08:31
Advancedwhich is strange because its at 74 hz, yet my monitor can handle up to 7508:31
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SonicChaoDon't ask why, just tell me how. >>08:31
Advancedanyway, that aside, how can i lower it?08:31
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sigger_padge: I hear you.  step 1 get it working right (i.e not by just forcing /sl with o+w). step 2 figure out why.08:31
Advancedi tried entering recovery mode but it just gives me a command line interface08:31
Cyrus25801SonicChao: you are being cocky and that way you wont get any answers08:31
nusa42Can any1 explain the relationship between the System->Preferences->Screen Resolution and xorg.conf file - Cause my edits doesn't match the resolution utility!?08:31
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SonicChaosorry :<08:31
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cbx33does anyone know how the ubuntu live cd remastering workd for edgy?08:31
RAW-mEATsoundray it was number 508:31
sacaterhey whats that thing on the bottom of the screen called, where its lined up with icons, and when you hover over one it grows bigger than the rest and can be clicked on, a bit like mac os08:32
SonicChaobecause I use windows more anyway?08:32
Kelbizzleblazemonger, have you tried this at all?08:32
RAW-mEATso i put echo y | grub-reboot 508:32
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Kelbizzleblazemonger, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI08:32
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blazemongerim about to try it08:32
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LiENUScbx33, whachutalking bout willis?08:32
SonicChaoand my windows boot is slower with linux on the drive.08:32
sigger_padge: sorry, but I'm out of ideas.  I'm around for a bit if you have ideas or questions (or results!)08:32
Cyrus25801SonicChao: use norton partition magic08:32
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cbx33LiENUS, remasytering a live cd08:32
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SonicChaoCyrus25801, link?08:32
blazemongermy card is not a radeon chipset08:32
mXis it possible to make an installable preconfigured version of ubuntu?08:32
Cyrus25801SonicChao: so remove windows it sucks anyway08:32
Kelbizzleblazemonger,  nevermind I just saw your ins't radeon08:32
soundrayRAW-mEAT: does it work when you run 'sudo grub-reboot 5' and just enter Y by hand?08:32
hdxxheadphase: i think you need to install older liblaries, and then newer08:32
Cyrus25801SonicChao: search with google08:33
SonicChaoCyrus25801, I don't need your opinion. :<08:33
padgesigger_: I have changed ownership of sl to padge, and that fixes it.  Everything works exactly as I would expect, except group permissions are being ignored08:33
Kelbizzleblazemonger, get a nvidia card.08:33
SonicChaoI just want to remove it. Maybe some peple use windows more.08:33
Advancedguys, ubuntu boots out of range for my monitor, could someone help me fix this or link me to a page that will help?08:33
=== Pejo_ [n=paolo@adsl-194-82.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
hossasaurhey, i just installed ubuntu, few questions08:33
Cyrus25801SonicChao: then piss of and get help somewhere else08:33
Kelbizzleblazemonger, geforce4 ti 420008:33
hossasaurcan i go between workspaces with a keystroke?08:33
sigger_padge: ok, sorry I couldn't nail it down for ya08:33
ompaulSonicChao, well format it and then use append if it is available08:33
blazemongerKelbizzle:i don't have access to a nvidia card08:33
hossasaurlike alt-tab for windows08:33
SonicChaoIs that what you would tell someone if they wanted to remove Ubuntu?08:33
PiciCalm down.08:33
Kelbizzleblazemonger, buy one from computergeeks.com it will be hella cheap08:33
SonicChao'friendly' community, I'll keep that in mind.08:33
soundrayhossasaur: I think you can configure one in System-Preferences-Keyboard Shortcuts08:34
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hossasaursoundray: thanks08:34
blazemongerhow much kel?08:34
blazemongerhow can i tell it will work with my system?08:34
Advancedi guess i'll go back to searching the forum for hours again ;-;08:34
Kelbizzleblazemonger,  less than 5008:34
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blazemongeror my motherboard08:34
Cyrus25801SonicChao: you are the one with cocky comments and bad attitude08:34
Kelbizzleblazemonger,  it's an old card.08:34
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blazemongeri've invested all of my money in records and synths08:34
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mr_danielis there a way to save a .ram or .rm file to harddisk ?08:34
SonicChaoCyrus25801, actually no, I come with a question and get told my OS sucks.08:34
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Kelbizzleblazemonger,  but it works great, with beryl with TCE08:34
blazemongeri don't have enough left over for computer upgrades08:34
padgesigger_: I appreciate your going through the steps with me anyway.  It's somehow comforting that the problem is genuine and I'm not just a tool :)08:34
SonicChaoNot everyone has the same opinion as you. -.-08:34
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Kelbizzleblazemonger,  yea I hear ya.08:35
sigger_padge: doesn08:35
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blazemongerand besides i thought linux was for people who didnt want to upgrade..08:35
headphasehdxx: where do I ge them from?08:35
RAW-mEATsoundray yes this works.08:35
nusa42Any1 have experience with 915resolution utility?08:35
ompaulSonicChao, I suggested a way for you to do it08:35
Cyrus25801SonicChao: well the truth hurts (how do you crash windows.....nothing it does it all on it's own)08:35
sigger_padge: doesn't mean you're not ;)  happy to try to help.08:35
RAW-mEATbut it says something with bios supports only 18 cylinders..08:35
gogogadgetI have wpa_supplicant installed but there is no .conf file08:35
Kelbizzleblazemonger, no linux isn't for people who can't upgrade.08:35
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soundrayRAW-mEAT: does it shut down properly?08:35
blazemongerI can't upgrade08:35
RAW-mEATno it reboots and when i select by hand "shutdown" it turns down immiadetly.08:35
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Kelbizzleblazemonger, ok you can't upgrade...and you need a stable system...us no screensaver.08:36
soundraySonicChao: are you still looking for advice on removing ubuntu? Or has the desire to fight taken over?08:36
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padgesigger_: Haha, I hadn't considered that possiblility(watch, the solution to this will involve similar thinking).  If I think of it, I'll let you know what the problem is as soon as I get it worked out08:36
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blazemongeri have ati radeon card 9600 laying next to me that i tried to use when trying to build my own system, i built the system put things together and accidentally dropped a joint on the motherboard08:36
SonicChaoompaul, thanks :308:36
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SonicChaosoundray, still would like an explanation...08:36
blazemongerand baby went up in smoke lol08:36
hossasauralso, how do i install codecs for mplayer and movie player?08:37
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sigger_padge: thanks.  Look forward to hearing what (likely silly) thing I missed too.08:37
SonicChaoI don't know how to format.08:37
hdxxheadphase: type in console: sudo apt-cache search packet_name .. in your case sudo apt-cache search kdelibs4c2a .. and so on.. but before you gonan install, trype sudo apt-get remove packet_name .. and then install (sudo apt-get install packet_name08:37
meisamsoundray whta was the name of the file u told me to open up?08:37
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hossasauri downloaded the codec package for mplayer, but i can't get access to the usr/lib directory08:37
hossasauri need to be admin?08:37
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Arcad3any how to ...change ubuntu edgy boot splash with one o my own?08:37
soundrayRAW-mEAT: but doing the grub-reboot 5 should boot into the shutdown menu option automatically...08:37
blazemongeranother time i installed a sound card and didn't realize my computer was on (i thought it was off),08:37
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soundraymeisam: 'sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 restart'08:37
Gonwhats a good torrent client for ubuntu?08:38
Pici!usplash  | Arcad308:38
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soundraymeisam: gksudo gedit /etc/default/tomcat5.508:38
Kelbizzleblazemonger, man I thought I'de never say this to anyone. you have to stop smoking man08:38
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blazemongerwhy do i need to stop smoking?08:38
hossasauri'm having booting troubles08:38
PiciArcad3: The bot is lagging.. :/08:38
hossasaurbefore installing ubuntu, i was running vista08:38
soundraySonicChao: boot the desktop CD, open gparted, remove the ubuntu partitions and resize the Windows one to cover the freed space.08:38
cigaAnyone would help me out how to use a double layered DVD-RAM disc?08:38
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blazemongerhow's vista hossasaur?08:38
hossasaurbefore installing vista, i set up all partitions needed for both08:38
RAW-mEATsoundray my system does not boot now it says maximum of cylinders exeedet08:38
Arcad3Pici r u from ro?08:38
hossasaurblazemonger: i actually really like it08:38
Kelbizzleblazemonger, yo you tried to install hardware with your system still running.08:38
nusa42Gon: Nice stealth ' dropbox-like client is mldonkey - just "apt-get install mldonkey-server"08:39
PiciArcad3: Nope. US08:39
blazemongerreally hossasaur? will it run on a p4 ?08:39
SonicChaosoundray, ok, I heard somewhere you should defrag windows first, is this true?08:39
hossasaurblazemonger: it took a little finessing08:39
blazemongeri dont care about the aero crap08:39
hossasauri have no idea08:39
meisamsoundray i have added this: JAVA_HOME=/home/meisam/jdk1.6.0/bin is that right?08:39
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ubotuArcad3: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork08:39
ompaulblazemonger, kindly keep the conversation in a chat room this is a support channel and not for vista08:39
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soundraySonicChao: no08:39
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phadedGreetings all08:39
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blazemongerompaul ok...sorry08:39
Kelbizzleblazemonger, http://www.geeks.com/products.asp?cat=VCD08:39
hossasauranyways, prior to installing vista, i set up the partitions08:39
SonicChaosoundray, ok, thanks :3 I wrote down what you said and will try it when I have free time08:39
soundraySonicChao: it used to be true, when you were downsizing, but not any more08:39
nusa42Gon: Uses a web based interface as default - but there's several GUI utilities for it...08:39
hossasaurone ntfs for vista, one fat32 for media, one ext3 for ubuntu, one swap08:39
blazemongeri'm nowhere close to geek Kelbizzle08:39
Kelbizzleblazemonger, there cheap cards all under 100 bucks  and they are some really good cards.08:39
hossasaurinstalled vista, everything worked08:40
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hossasaurinstalled ubuntu, now i can't get into vista08:40
blazemongeronly thing is who will install the video card?08:40
LiENUSvista sucks :/08:40
soundraymeisam: no, JAVA_HOME=/home/meisam/jdk1.6.008:40
blazemongeri've never successfully put a computer together08:40
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hossasaurif i click vista longhorn in grub, it hangs at a loading screen08:40
Cyrus25801LiENUS: i'm with you08:40
blazemongeror installed a video card08:40
hossasauri didn't format that partition while installing ubuntu08:40
hossasauri left it alone08:40
Kelbizzleblazemonger, I could walk you through that shyt over the phone yo. you sound like my gf.08:40
LiENUShossasaur,  thats expected...08:40
soundrayRAW-mEAT: you can't boot into ubuntu any more?08:40
blazemongeri always have to pay people to do it08:40
hossasaurdid grub mess up something with the boot process of vista/08:40
battlesquidvista? what's the point... vista isn't much more than winxp in a new packaging08:40
Cyrus25801LiENUS: yea08:40
LiENUSbattlesquid,  no its a lot more08:40
hossasaurLiENUS: what can i do to fix it/08:40
blazemongerKelbizzle:you could walk me through it?08:40
blazemongerthe local computer shop wants to charge me $100 for installing a video card08:41
LiENUShossasaur,  vista prolly hangs because of grub08:41
Kelbizzleblazemonger, yea man.08:41
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RAW-mEATsoundray only in secure mode08:41
hossasaurLiENUS: so what should i do to fix it?08:41
phadedI'm not sure if it's improper to ask this here, considering I'm running Kubuntu. I recently installed the newest Kubuntu and had no problems except for one thing. I can't get the sound working in Amarok or Kaffeiene. I'm running integrated sound, and the sound works elsewhere.It's just those two programs. Anyone have any idea how to remedy this?08:41
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:41
blazemongerhow can i telll which video card will work with my system08:41
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:41
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soundrayRAW-mEAT: can you pastebin your menu.lst pls08:41
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blazemongersorry about my language08:41
LiENUShossasaur, vista has a bunch of drm  junk in it and most likely its detecting grub and saying "nuh uh its not signed by ms"08:41
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ompaulLiENUS, that is offtopic please leave it08:42
blazemongeri'm educated just not in computers/technology08:42
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Kelbizzleblaze do you have aol instant messenger?08:42
blazemongerKelbizzle:yah i do08:42
battlesquidLiENUS, you're on the wrong channel if you wish to advertise for microsoft... go away08:42
LiENUSompaul, hes asking why he cant boot into vista using the grub installed by ubuntu08:42
Kelbizzleyo Im me08:42
hossasaurLiENUS: i haven't run linux in 10 years, how do i change it?08:42
LiENUShow is it offtopic ompaul ?08:42
meisamsoundray yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss08:42
meisamsoundray thxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx08:42
LiENUSompaul,  is grub not part of ubuntu?08:42
meisamsoundray i love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu08:42
LiENUSompaul, because last i checked ubuntu installs grub by default...08:43
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battlesquidkick these spammers!08:43
ompaulLiENUS, the whole starting about it is a bunch of drm08:43
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hossasaurompaul: he's helping me with grub08:43
soundraymeisam: don't do it, you'll get told off for so much enthusiasm08:43
blazemongerim on aim now08:43
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Kelbizzleblazemonger, my sn is ocdutchmaster08:43
LiENUSompaul,  so grub is unsupported by ubuntu?08:43
soundraymeisam: but I'm glad you're up and running08:43
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LiENUSompaul, why does ubuntu include grub on the cd if its unsupported?08:43
sacaterwhats the command to send a window to another workspace08:43
ompaulLiENUS, I think you know the answer to tha08:44
meisamsoundray ok, dude then i have added this line to the bashrc fro java path to compile my java file, should i ommit bin at the end also there?08:44
marcelI got a message "Could not exec dpkg!" what is that?08:44
LiENUSompaul, ubotu says grub is supported by ubuntu, so apparently im not offtopic08:44
Kelbizzlegrub wouldn't be offtopi08:44
hossasaurLiENUS: i haven't run linux in 10 years, i'm sort of new to this again, how do i fix this? do i get rid of grub?08:44
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phadedIt means it couldn't exec dpkg ;D08:44
LiENUSompaul,  so i will continue helping him08:44
ompauland did I say it was  unsupported - your comments were more addressed to the unsupported aspects08:44
soundraymeisam: no, they are two different things08:44
ompaulLiENUS, work away08:44
sacaterwhats the command to send a window to another workspace08:44
soundraymeisam: (java home directory and path to java executables)08:44
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meisamsoundray ok ok, dun take ur time anymore08:45
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soundraymeisam: no problem08:45
phadedsacater: you can actually drag the programs window in the tray area over there08:45
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phadedsacater: well, not the tray area, but down on the open program list08:45
Cyrus25801sorry about just now guys. With the windows dood.if you look at the conversation you will see that he was really being rood. but any way njoy. c ya08:45
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marcelI am trying to download updates and get this message" could not exec dpkg!" what can I do?08:45
nusa42Hmm .. Anyone have any advice of setting 1360x768 resolution?08:45
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sacaterphaded: kk that works, but is there a key command08:46
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soundraynusa42: have you tried 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'?08:46
phadedsacater: I'm not entirely sure. I'm rather new myself. I'll look it up :D08:46
RAW-mEATsoundray: www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/756308:46
nusa42soundray: yeah - doesn't add this ood resolution08:46
sacaterphaded: ty08:47
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LiENUShossasaur,  gimme a min...08:47
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RAW-mEATsoundray i added line 152 and 15308:48
LiENUShossasaur,  !pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst08:48
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LiENUS!pastebin hossasaur08:48
ompaulmarcel, what are you using to do the updates with?08:48
LiENUS!pastebin | hossasaur08:48
ubotuhossasaur: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:48
nusa42soundray: ive configured xorg.conf with modelines, but the "screen resolution" utility does not reassemble the newly configured xorg when restarted.08:48
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marcelthere is an icon on the top  - I just double click08:49
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hossasaurLiENUS: one sec08:49
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phoposI have some problems with a USB 2.0 PCI Hub08:50
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phadedsacater: i cant seem to find a command. i'm as stumped as you are but i will continue to look08:50
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headphasehdxx: do I have to do this for all of them08:50
igorhi all..08:50
sorush20is there a restore to a recoverypoint program like in windows in linux?08:50
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chaoticg33khello everyone08:50
phadedhello igor, chaotic08:50
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phoposi plugged the pci hub but when connecting a webcam (usb 2.0) it appears as connected to a USB 1.1 port08:50
phoposwhy is that?08:50
soundrayRAW-mEAT: that looks all right. Try a 'sudo grub-install /dev/hda'08:50
dave__Hi, I have just installed ubuntu and so far love it.  one thing which is bugging me is the resolution.  I am using a 19" lcd and that requires 1024x1200ish and the largest available in the res settings is 1024x768.  how do i get a bigger res then this?08:50
headphasehdxx: and if I do, do I remove all of them before I install any of them?08:50
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chaoticg33kI start the long process of trasnfering my music to my linux08:51
ompaul!resolution | dave__08:51
ubotudave__: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:51
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hdxxheadphase: yes because you need older version to isntall fist, then you can update on newer08:51
apollo2011I am having some trouble with the ubuntu repos. I am trying to install the kde-devel package, but it won't install because there are some package dependencies that are not going to be installed. Can someone help me?08:51
soundraynusa42: have you seen this http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:51
igorwhy my ubuntu keeps trying to conect to: {TCP} cen02.ibeu.org.br( -> po-in-f91.google.com(
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LiENUSigor, you running firefox?08:51
hdxxheadphase: when did you isntall ubbuntu ?08:51
phadedI get no sound out of Kaffeine or Amarok, but sound from everything else. Anyone know why?08:51
hossasaurLiENUS: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5972/08:51
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hossasaurthis question is dumb, but how do i login as admin?08:52
phadedhoss: You can't08:52
headphasehdxx: this morning08:52
ZoohouseI want to update from phpbb phpBB 2.0.21 to phpbb2.0.22. All i need is "phpBB 2.0.22 [ Changed Files Only ] " file right? Steps: backup database and config log then override new files?? thats all I have to do??08:52
dackshossasaur, 'sudo su'08:52
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phadedhoss: If you need to use super user priveledges, use the sudo command in xterm08:52
IceToxHey! Using Wine emulator, where is the C hdd located?08:52
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hossasaurphaded: then how do i change files in root directory?08:52
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LiENUSIceTox, ~/.wine/drive_c08:52
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soundrayphaded: maybe they are configured to use arts. Reconfigure for alsa output.08:53
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Zoohouseopps, wrong channel. Sorry08:53
LiENUShossasaur, windows vista is installed in the first partition right?08:53
IceToxthanks a lot LiENUS :-)08:53
hossasaurLiENUS: yes08:53
hdxxheadphase: i think is better to do fresh install..  i think your packets messed08:53
phadedhoss: You should be able to do it in an xterm window08:53
igorLiENUS: yes I am08:53
hdxxheadphase: and i will give you my sourecs,list08:53
phadedsoundray: thanks i will try08:53
LiENUSIceTox, do ls -al ~/.wine/dosdevices to see all the drives and their locations08:53
headphasehdxx: so do I remove all of them?08:53
hossasaurphaded: eh...what's an xterm window?08:53
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hdxxheadphase: yes08:53
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LiENUSigor, ubuntu 6.06 or 6.10?08:53
dsquarehi im having some difficulty obtaining the GPG key from http://ubuntu.berylproject.org...when i type the command my cursor just blinks but there is no network traffic...08:54
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igorLiENUS: 6.10 edgy08:54
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phadedhoss: Right click on the desktop, Execute command, type xterm and hit enter08:54
IceToxyah, thanks a lot LiENUS :-)08:54
dave__ompaul: where is the sudo?08:54
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soundrayhossasaur: open a terminal and run 'sudo -i'. You will have root rights for everything you do in that terminal after that.08:54
LiENUSigor, thats firefox's google toolbar, it pulls search statistics08:54
HeavyMetallersalve qui aiuto per ubuntu?08:54
nusa42soundray: yeah - used 915resolution instead - no dice. The resolutions I put in xorg.conf isn't added when i restart the system. However if I just do the 915resolution hack and restart X, then I get the 1360x768 fine - when I restart, it's back to default resolutions again (/etc/default/915resolution startup script is configured and an additional script in init.d with the actual hack is also present)08:54
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ompauldave__, in a terminal I have to work now08:55
hossasaursoundray: thanks, do i have to do this every time i open the terminal, or restart? or is this permanent?08:55
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igorLiENUS: damn god08:55
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LiENUShossasaur, http://www.pro-networks.org/forum/about78184.html#dualboot try reading that...08:55
CaptainMorganhow do I change a trackpad settings(IBM) so that when I scroll and move the mouse at the same time, backward and forward buttons are NOT pressed?08:55
LiENUSigor, whats wrong with that?08:55
soundrayhossasaur: it's only for the one terminal session08:55
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igorLiENUS: I recieve a huge firewall LOG in the end of day.. think about 200 client ubuntu hosts doing this08:56
hossasaursoundray: is there a way to permanently make this work?08:56
CaptainMorganit scrolls, but if pressed a certain way, then the last page visited forward or back will appear08:56
sacaterphaded: kk08:56
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hossasaurLiENUS: thanks08:56
soundraynusa42: is that init.d script linked from the /etc/rc?.d directories?08:56
LiENUSigor,  so filter it out08:56
CaptainMorganI didn't recall this happening in Hoary, but maybe it's something to do with my conf08:56
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soundraynusa42: alternatively, call the init.d script from /etc/rc.local08:56
student2my repository list doesn't refresh08:56
igorLiENUS: now that  I know what is this.. I will.. thankz LiENUS08:56
headphasehdxx: could you give it to me now, I have a class in 30 min08:56
student2it's taking forever08:56
nusa42yeah - should be - followed a tutorial -08:56
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student2I'm in a class08:57
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fbarcanoyone know how to get ltwinmodems working?08:57
nixion252how do i add a album or artist columns to my mp3 folders in nautilus08:57
tonyyarussofbarc: sometimes.  linmodems.org, !dialup08:57
soundrayhossasaur: no, you will have to use sudo -i everytime you want to do administration. Please don't set it up any differently, because the Ubuntu design is inherently more secure than any 'login as admin'-hacks08:57
LiENUS!modem | fbarc08:57
ubotufbarc: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto08:57
student2does anyone know what repository downloading failed mean?08:57
dreesHallo allemaal08:57
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plagerismHow would I make portmap start before the sytem tries to mount auto filesystems??  I want to put /usr/ /sbin/ and others on readonly filesystem and serve them to multiple nodes with nfs, however when it boots up it cant mount them cause portmap isnt started08:58
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dreeshello roomies, greetings from Holland08:58
marcelwhen I use synoptic to install it tells me "could not exec dpkg!" what can I do?08:58
hossasaursoundray: thanks08:58
bauer77can having to big a swap file slow the system down ? And if so how would I adjust the swapfile?08:58
LiENUSmarcel, how are you launching synaptic?08:58
cmp1988Anyone here can help me get a D-Link DWL-G132 working on Ubuntu and Ubuntu-derivatives based on edgy?08:58
Dame!video capture08:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about video capture - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:58
hdxxheadphase: ok just a minute08:58
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bauer77I make it 1.5 times my  memory, is that to much08:58
marcelsystem - administration - synoptic08:58
soundraybauer77: no, and no08:58
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bauer77soundray: thanks08:59
RAW-mEATsoundray now iam waiting after i did gksudo grub-reboot 508:59
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unopbauer77,  linux uses only that much swap space it needs -- so having a huge swap partition make no difference to one that is sufficient08:59
chaoticg33kanyone know how to make xchat go to the system tray when I minimze/close?08:59
dave__can anyone quickly tell me how to get into the sudo?08:59
varkatopemarcel: do you have another program running, like the updatemanager?08:59
headphasehdxx: I think I made a mistake08:59
soundrayRAW-mEAT: it won't work with gksudo. Use sudo for command-line programs08:59
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Ian_Hey guys, I'm trying to install grub on my fakeraid array (using dmraid), and upon running grub-install /dev/mapper/sil_aeahdfdcbdba, I'm met with the error 'sil_aeahdfdcbdba5 has no corresponding BIOS drive' .. sil_aeahdfdcbdba5 is my first logical parition (second over-all) and is mounted to /boot.08:59
thekidriodave__: type sudo followed by command to use sudo09:00
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hdxxheadphase: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5976/09:00
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hdxxbut this is for edgy eft09:00
marcelnot sure, I actually double click an Icon that appears on the top of my Gnome window - right side09:00
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dave__thekidrio: do that on the desktop?09:00
Muzik83Ian_: not 100% sure on this, but i dont think you can boot off of a "fake" raid array09:00
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cmp1988Ok, whenever I try the normal Ndiswrapper stuff on edgy, as soon as I get to the $ modprobe ndiswrapper  part, the system hangs, any ideas?09:00
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hossasaurLiENUS: iirc, i saw install say it was using a scsi drive09:00
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hossasaurLiENUS: is there a way to check?09:00
thekidriodave__: do that inside a terminal09:00
Ian_Muzik83, with dmraid. It's dodgy, but it works.09:00
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marcelwhen I mouseover it tells me "there are 65 updates available"09:01
X3NHello, Is anyone here connected via the ISP BT (yahoo) ?09:01
Muzik83Ian_: ok nm then :p09:01
DameCan somebody recommend some good video capturing program?09:01
eriklodisk UUID in fstab? How very... new09:01
thekidrioapplications --> accessories --> terminal09:01
LiENUShossasaur, is this your personal home pc?09:01
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dave__thekidrio: sorry to be a little thick, but what and where is a terminal?09:01
hossasaurLiENUS: personal laptop09:01
dacksmarcel, you probably want to install those updates to stay current09:01
soundrayeriklo: very cool, too ;)09:01
AMDhow do i send a file using bluetooth09:01
LiENUShossasaur, its ide09:01
Ian_I'm going to go and look up the grub error, Muzik83, but I was hoping someone might have some experience with dmraid09:01
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thekidriodave__:  applications --> accessories --> terminal09:01
hdxxheadphase: like i said install ubuntu again, and use my repos.09:01
marcelbut it doesn't let me09:02
unopX3N,  BT != Yahoo :p09:02
eriklosoundray: Oh well, have to read up on it09:02
dacksmarcel, why not09:02
dave__thekidrio: cheers mate09:02
RAW-mEATsoundray now the error with the 18 cylinders while booting happens again.09:02
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AMDi have Bluetooth File Sharing 0.8.0 installed09:02
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thekidriodave__: terminal gives you access to the command line :)09:02
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cmp1988terminal is the scary black and white box that does things to your comptuer09:02
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dave__thekidrio: similar to ms dos then?09:02
X3Nunop: that's the isp package name because they tie in services from Yahoo09:02
LiENUShossasaur,  unless you payed extra for a scsi laptop...09:02
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marcelit gives me a message "could not exec dpkg!'09:02
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IceToxAnyone know if there's any good software out for broadcasting music and being a radio host using ubuntu?09:03
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soundrayRAW-mEAT: but only if you boot the default, correct? Recovery works?09:03
unopX3N,  aye indeed -- I was a BT/Yahoo customer for about 2 years09:03
thekidriodave__:  yeah similar in input :)09:03
phadedI used to go by the nick x3n for like 13 years. Heh.09:03
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cmp1988Anyone know how to disable a native linux atheros driver to get my Wireless card to work?09:03
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phadedI also owned x3n.net xD09:03
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RAW-mEATsoundray yes recovery works09:03
soundraycmp1988: edit /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common09:04
RAW-mEATso i fixed it again with grub-install09:04
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X3Nphaded: always wondered who owned that, i've got x3n.me.uk and wanted x3n.net for my server's host names :p09:04
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profoX`ALSA stopped working.. whats the best way of fixing that? (no process should be blocking alsa anymore, but i think flash 9 kinda screwed up when i closed firefox)09:04
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phadedx3n: Well, I'm not quite sure who owns it any longer. The domain name company that I purchased off of went bankrupt. Heh.09:05
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moconnorIs there a way in Debian or Ubuntu to get a list of packages that will be installed/updated other than running upgrade/dist-upgrade and parsing its intended-for-humans output?09:05
RAW-mEATand now the system does not shut down again. :[09:05
RAW-mEATit freezes.09:05
arodanybody using sensors-applet? mine says it can't find any sensors09:05
soundrayRAW-mEAT: this is really weird, because your kernel locations are identical for default and recovery09:05
soundrayRAW-mEAT: well, we never actually fixed the crash on shutdown09:05
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profoX`how can I see what apps could be blocking ALSA? lsof|grep -i snd ?09:06
RAW-mEAToh, ok so i have to press the 5 sec button anyway?09:06
profoX`or whats the device used by ALSA nowadays09:06
LiENUSmoconnor,  you want to progmatically access that data?09:06
phadedprofox: I'm having issues with ALSA as well. I can get NO sound out of Kaffeine. I tried changing it to ALSA, and set the wait setting for ALSA under control panel to 1. :(09:06
cmp1988soundray: What would I do to disable the Atheros chipset in my DWL-G132 Wireless USB dongle?09:06
RAW-mEATor how can i shut down now without repair my system all the time after rebooting with grub-reboot 5 ?09:06
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soundrayRAW-mEAT: yes, unless we get the grub-reboot to boot into the shutdown section09:06
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linxehmoconnor: why not apt-get -q -s dist-upgrade, and then just grep for the "Inst" lines ?09:06
soundraycmp1988: set ath_hal as disabled09:06
RAW-mEATokay ubuntu-team is working on it?09:07
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cmp1988soundray: Inside the quotes or no? as it shows in the example?09:07
soundrayRAW-mEAT: by "we" I mean you and me09:07
hossasaurugh, where do i find gparted?09:07
RAW-mEAToh okay.09:08
soundrayDISABLED_MODULES="ath_hal" cmp198809:08
hossasauris it only on the live disc?09:08
cmp1988soundray: thank you very much09:08
cmp1988soundray: I'll try that09:08
RAW-mEATthen iam ready now. system booted and repaired. ;)09:08
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kgalensSay I had a desktop.  And I wanted to purchase a wireless card for said desktop ( pci or otherwise ).  Any recomendations of a chipset that might work well with Edgy?09:08
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cmp1988soundray: One more quick question, do I have to reboot for effect or no?09:08
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baboguys, what's the ubuntu/debian version of chkconfig ?09:09
soundrayRAW-mEAT: I need you to explain this to me once more, please. Would you prefer to go to #ubuntu-de ?09:09
chaoticg33kI don't like rythmbox09:09
joeljkphow do i get dhcp to not clobber by dns entries?09:09
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soundraycmp1988: no, you can probably 'sudo rmmod ath_hal'09:09
cmp1988soundray: thanks again09:09
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pbureaukgalens, any atheros or Broadcomm based cards are pretty easy to install09:10
quaalhow do i login to my ubuntu share with osx09:10
quaali can access fine with winxp09:10
soundraychaoticg33k: 'cat file.mp3 >/dev/dsp' for great effect ;)09:10
kgalenspbureau: hmm, I have a broadcomm card right now and I've installed many drivers for it;  the current (and best that has worked) lets me stay connected for about an hour at a time09:11
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pbureaukgalens, what chipset is it ? and are you using ndiswrapper drivers ?09:11
kgalenstwo hours if I'm having a stellar day09:11
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pbureaukgalens, I use a broadcomm all day long without a problem09:11
ran_if i run some videos in either mplayer or totem theres no vertical sync. i enabled vertical sync for my ati radeon but it doesnt seem to have any effect when i play videos. anyone know how to correct this?09:12
kgalenshmm, would the manufacturer have anything to do with it?09:12
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dsquaremy gedit-root and sudo gedit won't work!! gedit will launch though.. why please? i jhust upgraded to edgy09:12
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pbureaukgalens, the rev of the chipset does.09:12
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kgalensI tried using ndiswrapper, yes09:12
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hossasaurwhere can i find partition information for my hd?09:12
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pbureaukgalens, do a lspci and look for the wifi card, copy and paste only that one line info here please09:12
LiENUSdsquare,  try "gksudo gedit"09:12
kgalensah, well I'm not at the computer yet, and I don't remember the version09:12
hossasauri just want to know the root entries09:12
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horizonalright, I'm trying to debug my manpages, because I can't get to any C-related ones, like strcpy.09:13
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kgalenspburueau: thanks for the help, I'll have to come back in when I'm at the computer09:13
hossasauri can't find gparted, and qtparted only sees my usb drive09:13
pbureaukgalens, ok well when you do come and visit #ubuntu-wifi I should be on, Ill help you check it all out09:13
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kgalenspbureau: thanks!09:13
dsquare(gedit:6822): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:09:13
dsquareAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.09:13
dsquareim just gonna reboot i think09:13
dsquarebbl :)09:14
CaptainMorgananyone have a thinkpad? I simply wish to scroll either up or down the page, which it does for a slight moment, then depending on the pressure I apply to the trackpoint it will revisit the last page visited09:14
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CaptainMorganthis didn't happen in Hoary, and my /etc/X11/xorg.conf is the same09:14
LiENUSCaplain,  cool09:14
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alvarezpCaptainMorgan, I know this isn't an answer, but I chose to disable the touchpad and use the buttons of the trackpoint.09:15
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CaptainMorganalvarezp, scrolling requires the trackpoint buttons as well as the trackpoint09:15
CaptainMorganpressure at the same time09:15
pbureauCaptainMorgan, do you use gnome, didyou check the settings in system-preferences -mouse ?09:15
CaptainMorganunless you're using the standard scroll bar to the right hand side09:16
dannyHi folks! I'm mostly a noobie at this linux thing. Anyway, can someone tell me how to install a program under KDE as a super user. When I try to enter my password under "Execute Shell Command" I just get a Konqueror box that won't let me type anything.09:16
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pbureaudanny, sudo09:16
CaptainMorganpbureau, not much to configure there ;)09:16
joeljkpwow, that was easy09:16
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CaptainMorganpbureau,  unless it's a sensitivity issue09:17
pbureauCaptainMorgan, not familiar with the scroll point on an IBM, but mine give me issues on my toshiba when I have exteral mouse connected to it..09:17
dannypbureau, I type sudo before the command but I just get a box asking for my password but won't let me type anything.09:17
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pbureaudanny,  hummm09:18
CaptainMorganno externals connected here pbureau, hmm..09:18
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pbureauCaptainMorgan, just trying to help :) eliminations you know...09:18
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alvarezpCaptainMorgan, could you elaborate? Mine is working fine.09:18
CaptainMorganpbureau, understood, thank you09:18
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CaptainMorganalvarezp, elaborate on which portion?09:19
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pbureauCaptainMorgan, maybe check IBM website (doubt they can help but..) maybe have a driver for it..? or maybe do a broadband search on google for linux and ibm touchpad ? and see if anyone else had this issue and possibly find a solution.. sorry all I got in my hat...09:19
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linux_kidWhen I play online embedded videos with the Mplayer Mozilla Plugin, only sound occurs, no movie, any help?09:19
alvarezpHow exactly are you trying to scroll? I have no other option here but to drag the scrollbar.. I was wandering if you were doing it some other way.09:19
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hossasaurLiENUS: i'm almost positive it's already set up correctly09:20
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hossasaurLiENUS: it detected vista when i installed grub09:20
LiENUShossasaur,  you might be running into vista's drm then09:20
CaptainMorganalvarezp, steps: I open a page, google.com. I browse to a search result. I like the result and I decide to scroll to the bottom of the page using the trackpoint buttons and trackpoint at the same time. About half way through I am taken back to the previous search engine result - previous page.09:20
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alvarezpCaptainMorgan, (forgot to ping)09:20
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hossasaurLiENUS: because it boots to the load screen for vista, then hangs09:21
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dannyOK, I'm trying to install VMware. When I try "Execute Shell Command" in Konq using the command './vmware-install.pl' it asks for my password, but when I enter sudo before that I just get a box that won't let me type anything.09:21
ddudeHelp!!! mY cisco vpnclient stopt working after update !?!?09:21
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LiENUShossasaur,  sounds like drm09:21
hossasaurLiENUS: how do i get around this? others seem to have no troubles09:21
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alvarezpCaptainMorgan, "using the trackpoint buttons and trackpoint at the same time" -- Are you dragging the scroll bar?09:21
chumphi everyone09:21
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alvarezpCaptainMorgan, sorry for too much asking, just trying to duplicate the problem here.09:22
ddudeserious problem: mY cisco vpnclient stopt working after update !?!? help pleaase09:22
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CaptainMorganalvarezp, not dragging anything, including a scroll bar. My mouse pointer is simply concetrated on the current page, and I simply depress the left trackpoint button AND the trackpoint(pushed or scrolled down)09:23
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craigbass76I need to install the samba package where there's no internet access.  What do I need to do?09:23
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hossasaurLiENUS: actually, is there a way to check the hd's root directories?09:23
ddudethis is a serious issue please help me out to understand why after an update, i cannot start my vpnclient iTS inSANE09:23
hossasauriirc, vista was on sda0 or something09:23
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CaptainMorganalvarezp, it won't scroll unless I depress the left trackpoint button.. otherwise if I just move the trackpoint it's just as if I am moving a mouse pointer around09:24
LiENUShossasaur, df -h09:24
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LiENUSpaste the line09:24
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LiENUSpaste the first moutn line09:24
LiENUSfirst mount line09:24
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ubuntuTEMPhi, i just restarted and had an X FAILED TO START Message, so im reinstalling, how do i see my partitions? they arnt showing up in computer09:24
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clustuwhich package contains man pages for C routines?09:24
CaptainMorganalvarezp, my /etc/X11/xorg.conf is the same as in Hoary, setup according to ThinkWiki09:24
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LJHarbi need to recompile mysql to use the sphinx search engine, im using ubuntu dapper and am quite new to linux. can anyone walk me through it?09:24
dannyWould Kubuntu Feisty Herd 3 be stable enough for daily-to-day use?09:25
alvarezpCaptainMorgan, I just can't seem to achieve any scrolling at all like that. -- What browser? And, are you using a plugin?09:25
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hossasaurLiENUS: it doesn't show my vista partition, but it does show my ext3 and fat3209:25
CaptainMorganalvarezp, you may not have your xorg.conf setup to allow scrolling as I have09:25
hossasaurwhich are both sda's09:25
LiENUShossasaur,  paste the first line09:25
marcelI am trying to send an email with evolution and get this message: "could not send message : broken pipe09:26
ddudeubuntu, with kernel update screws up my whole system configuration?! WHERE IS MY OLD KERNEL CONFIGURATION PLEASE!! I NEED TO WORK NOW09:26
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ubuntuTEMPhi, i just restarted and had an X FAILED TO START Message, so im reinstalling, how do i see my partitions? they arnt showing up in computer09:26
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alvarezpCaptainMorgan, paste xorg.conf09:26
hossasaur/dev/sda2              15G  2.5G   12G  18% /09:26
duckdownHey all.. Got a question, it is SSH/PuTTY related.  In putty, you can open a SOCKS port that is available to outside users by clicking an option off in tunnels.  I have gotten it to listen locally manually using ssh by doing 'ssh -D#### hostname' then I can use #### as a proxy, but how do I make it available to ALL users on my network like Putty09:26
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hossasaurLiENUS: /dev/sda2              15G  2.5G   12G  18% /09:26
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LiENUShmm then apparently for some reason you are using scsi hossasaur ...09:26
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LiENUShossasaur,  thisi s a laptop?09:26
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hossasaurLiENUS: yessir09:26
LiENUShossasaur, what brand?09:27
hossasaurhp dv2035us09:27
alvarezpCaptainMorgan, /me is checking.09:27
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LJHarbi need to recompile mysql to use the sphinx search engine, im using ubuntu dapper and am quite new to linux. can anyone walk me through it?09:27
LiENUS1 sec..09:27
CaptainMorganpaste mine? it's same as in that page... Ill paste it anyways... alvarezp09:27
LiENUSmight be something like sata..09:27
hossasaurthat must be it09:27
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duckdownIs there an SSH channel?09:28
alvarezpCaptainMorgan, it's ok.09:28
ubuntuTEMPhow do i mount /dev/sda2 and see it in nautilus?09:28
moconnorlinxeh: Grepping the output of apt-get -q -s dist-upgrade is exactly what I needed.  Thank you09:28
alvarezpCaptainMorgan, I'm looking at that one. I'll try to set up mine.09:28
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KarlosIIwhere do i find the php.ini file?09:29
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marcelanyone knows Evolution?09:29
CaptainMorganalvarezp, here is my xorg.conf: http://rafb.net/p/3GyN6H21.html09:29
CaptainMorganalvarezp, let me know yours goes :)09:29
ddudequestion: Kernel update screws up my cisco vpn client and my video card driver....this i would have never thought.  please, i really appreciate if someone can help me understand here why these things can happen, because i like ubuntu very much BUT THIS CANNOT HAPPEN09:29
ubuntuTEMPhow do i mount /dev/sda2 and see it in nautilus?09:29
hossasaurLiENUS: why would linux boot if it's set the same way?09:30
Lynouremarcel: me. But if you want an answer to something, you'll have to tell to what.09:30
LiENUShossasaur,  pastebin lspci09:30
LiENUShossasaur, run "lspci" and pastebin the output09:30
linux_kidDo I need to do anything else besides install the package "mplayer-mozilla" to play videos in Firefox with Mplayer??09:30
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quaalwhy is it that i can login to my ubuntu share with winxp fine but macosx is saying the login is incorrect09:30
soundrayddude: try this 'sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)'09:30
marcelyes, I get this message" could not send mesage:broken pipe"09:30
ubuntuTEMPhow do i mount /dev/sda2 and see it in nautilus?09:30
fbarcEverytime I run "sudo fsck -t vfat /dev/sdc1" it tells me that my backup and original boot sectors do not match. Neither option 1(copy original 2 backup) nor 2 (copy backup to original) do anything to fix the problem.. It always ends in filesystem unchanged... what do I do?09:31
shadowhywindanyone know if there is a way to get limit the ammount of ram that a single person uses09:31
ddudesoundray: thanks very very much for responding09:31
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finnduring the installation something runs which detects USB drives and creates folders in /media for them09:31
nusa42soundray: Ok - looks like my init.d/widescreen script is executed too late. How would I change the boot priority?09:31
linux_kidddude, these apps are kernel-specific, they must be installed for each kernel.  If this is a problem, stick with one kernel and only change for major releases.09:31
profoX`any idea why sudo or gdebi-gtk would do something like that? lock up my soundcard?09:31
finncan I manually run that on a already running system to detect new external drives and have the folders and mounts created?09:31
profoX`it locked up my soundcard :/09:31
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hossasaurLiENUS: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5982/09:32
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profoX`/usr/bin/sudo -H -S -p GNOME_SUDO_PASS -u root -- gdebi-gtk --non-interactive /tmp/*.deb <-- i had to kill that process09:32
ddudelinux_kid: where is my old kernel?? is it removed?09:32
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soundraynusa42: check the links to widescreen in '/etc/rc?.d' and rename them with lower leading numbers09:32
LiENUShossasaur,  ok its sata...09:32
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hzwCan somebody please help me with sound on my laptop?09:32
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linux_kidddude, it still should appear in GRUB09:32
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ddudelinux_kid, it isn;t09:32
finnit would make things a lot easier09:32
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padgesigger_: I got it worked out09:33
hossasaurLiENUS: so if i change the hd to sd in menu.lst, it should work09:33
hzwIt works on the live disc, and it used to work in the regular install, but now I just cannot get any sound...09:33
nusa42soundray: allright...09:33
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LiENUShossasaur,  doubt it09:33
sigger_padge: what'd you do?09:33
LiENUShossasaur, sata is ide09:33
dimeotaneanyone know of a program in ubuntu that I can use like a "notebook" for  collecting images, and text.. kind of like a digital scrapbook09:33
linux_kidddude, ok, go in to synaptic and search "linux image" and tell me which kernel numbers are installed09:33
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fbarchzw: what 's happening, or better said what isn't happening?09:33
slippyr4how can i tell what package a given tool is in? eg. I need fsck.ntfs . where can i find out what package it'd be in?09:33
LiENUShossasaur,  nm apparently sata uses sd in grub09:33
LiENUShossasaur,  yeah change it from hd to sd09:33
LiENUSand try09:33
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padgesigger_: As it turns out, group membership doesn't permeate until you log into the session, which means all instances of programs you run within that session, terminals, nautilus, etc.  I had to log out and log back in.09:34
LJHarbwhen i use apt-get source package, where is the source downloaded to?09:34
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hzwfbarc: there just is no sound at all, at no point09:34
hossasaurLiENUS: be back, thanks for the help09:34
linux_kidddude, actually, search "linux image 2.6"09:34
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LiENUSim out...09:34
ddudelinux_kid, oke, will check09:34
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sigger_padge: that sounds weird and counterintuitive, but glad it worked out09:34
ddudelinux_kid, there both installed09:35
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yettenetIs there a way to set my default fontset to a specific one?09:35
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linux_kidddude, what are they, like 2.6.17-11-generic or what?09:35
hzwfbarc: even though everything seems fine and my card is recognized, etc.09:35
gobani have to rinstall, how do i transfer my firefox bookmarks?09:35
slippyr4how can i tell what package a given tool is in? eg. I need fsck.ntfs . where can i find out what package it'd be in?09:35
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padgesigger_: I checked it first with a real terminal.  I logged in there and it worked as expected, so I restarted X and everything was go.09:35
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ddude 2.6.17-11-generic en  2.6.17-10-generic09:35
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hossasaurLiENUS: ugh, it says i can't save the file because i don't have permission09:36
padgesigger_: Anyway, there's a bit of trivia for ya to help yourself of others with.  Thanks for going through it with me.  It saved the other guy all that time.09:36
linux_kidddude, enter "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" in a terminal09:36
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LiENUShossasaur,  edit it with sudo09:36
Red_TideI require some assistance my brother desperately wants to install ubuntu but he has run into some problems with getting x to work properly09:36
LiENUShossasaur,  run sudo  gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst09:36
fbarchzw:  might be disabled at the bios level.. please check it..09:36
LiENUShossasaur, im about to leave09:36
LJHarbwhen i use apt-get source package, where is the source downloaded to?09:36
nusa42soundray: it's in the rc5.d directory.09:36
alvarezpCaptainMorgan, works fine here. Middle+drag down and middle+drag up does scrolling. -- Middle+drag left and middle+drag right does browser back/forward.09:36
=== NightCircle [n=nightcir@217-211-33-131-no91.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
gobani have to rinstall, how do i transfer my firefox bookmarks?09:36
hossasaurLiENUS: thanks for the help09:36
Red_Tidewhen x starts he gets an error message09:37
HymnToLifegoban, did you make a separate /home parittion ?09:37
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hzwfbarc: nobody went into the BIOS settings and it has worked...09:37
linux_kidddude, you there yet?09:37
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sigger_padge: I learned something new.  Thanks.09:37
padgesigger_: :)09:38
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gobanHymnToLife: not yet, but i have access to my old one09:38
Red_TideI think he needs the ati fglrx drivers as he has an ati card but i am not entirely sure how to go about installing them as I am not an ubuntu user myself and have a nvidia card09:38
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Kilroyanyone know any good wireless tutorials?09:38
linux_kidddude, ?...?09:38
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linux_kid!wifi | Kilroy09:38
ubotuKilroy: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:38
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igor47does anyone know how to send a file to a windows box via infrared?  the windows system and the ubuntu system discover one another, i'm just not sure what command to run to send a file...09:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:39
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LJHarbanyone? where would the source directory be found when downloading source with apt-get?09:39
linux_kidWelcome Kilroy09:39
slippyr4is there a way to install a "minimal" gnome? rather the the several hundred packages ubuntu-desktop wants to install?09:39
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linux_kidslippyr4, xubuntu-desktop09:39
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chervahi can someone tell me a torrent program witch i can minimize to the tray09:40
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slippyr4linux-kid - that's xfce though isn't it?09:40
Red_Tidecan someoe direct me to an ati-fglrx guide for ubyuntu?09:40
LjLslippyr4: you could probablt install the "gnome" package09:40
slippyr4and it's still a bucketload of packages09:40
linux_kidcherva, wine utorrent09:40
IVBelado someone know a program that i can use to monitor my ubuntu from winxp on a lan, in real time?09:40
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HymnToLifecherva, ktorrent... in KDE :p09:40
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IVBelai mean like cpu and mem usage, network, etc09:40
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linux_kidslippyr4, xfce is really gnome pulled down09:40
lnxmomodid anyone ever have a problem wid kde not installing themes?09:41
chervaGnome pls not KDE09:41
soundraynusa42: do you know what to do?09:41
HymnToLifeIVBela, ssh :)09:41
lnxmomomine does not want to install any09:41
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igor47IVBela: look into snmp.  i'm not sure how to do it, but its a place to start...09:41
LjLslippyr4: actually, make it "gnome-desktop-environment", since "gnome" is rather bigger09:41
linux_kid!seen ddude09:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen ddude - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:41
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LjLslippyr4: "gnome-core" is smaller even09:41
IVBelai thought there might be a tool for that09:41
bauer77Red_Tide: what are you trying to do?09:41
bluefox83i seem to be having trouble with mysql not allowing local programs to connect and access the database...anyone know how to solve that?09:41
LjLXfce doesn't have anything to do with GNOME apart from being based on GTK, afaik09:41
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chervai tried with azereus but it minimizes to nowhere and i have to kill the process09:42
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linux_kidLjL, they look strikingly similar09:42
Red_Tideinstall ati fglrx drivers so x will work on my bro's system09:42
HymnToLifebluefox83, not without more info, what does mysql say when you try toconnect ?09:42
LjLlinux_kid: that does not *make* them similar09:42
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linux_kidLjL, I see some copying going on ...09:42
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hzwfbarc: how do I check whether the correct driver is loaded for my soundcard?09:42
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bluefox83HymnToLife, it seems to always say that it's trying to connect with the password "YES" which isn't true...09:43
nusa42 soundray: tried to alter the Sxx number from S99 to S13 - didn't do the job however... should it be moved to lower RCx.d level?09:43
marcelhow to you set up Evolution?09:43
LjLlinux_kid: copying of looks and interface style is one thing, sharing of libraries and copying of code is quite another thing. i can make my KDE look very much like a default GNOME, if i wanted to09:43
soundraynusa42: no, probably not09:43
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HymnToLifebluefox83, then I'd guss the problem come from the program that tries to connect to mysql09:43
babowhat's the php/mysql package called again ?09:43
mc44LjL: and you should, cos its better09:43
HymnToLifenot mysql itself09:43
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nusa42soundray: it's being loaded after gdm... is that a problem?09:43
ubotuphp5-mysql: MySQL module for php5. In component main, is optional. Version 5.1.6-1ubuntu2.1 (edgy), package size 22 kB, installed size 108 kB09:44
bluefox83HymnToLife, i've had the same exact problem with two totally different programs..09:44
pbureaumc44, "cos its better" is a windows saying09:44
linux_kidLjL, good point, slippyr4 sounded like he wanted a GNOME GUI, not GNOME coding09:44
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soundraynusa42: yes! :)09:44
mc44pbureau: yes, Im just kidding :)09:44
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linux_kid!seen ddude09:44
nusa42heh - that figures.09:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen ddude - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:44
LJHarbso does /anyone/ know how to recompile mysql on dapper?09:44
slippyr4technically i need a gtk and X09:44
slippyr4right now i have console09:45
LjLlinux_kid, slippyr4 just asked how he could get GNOME without all the 600megs of stuff that come with the "ubuntu-desktop" package09:45
slippyr4and i want minimal crap09:45
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yettenetubotu default charset09:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about default charset - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:45
linux_kidLjL, "k"onversation over09:45
ddudelinux_kid,sounray: guys, i checked my grub, it's all there, try to boot them all and i get Starting /opt/cisco-vpnclient/bin/vpnclient: module directory /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/CiscoVPN not found.09:45
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pbureaumc44,  i know :)09:45
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LjLslippyr4: that's different then, just install a login manager such as XDM (or GDM, but that will get GNOME libraries installed), and then go your way happily09:46
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HymnToLifeddude, seems you need a kernel module that isn't there09:46
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linux_kidddude, odd, is the 2.6.17-10-generic kernel in GRUB?09:46
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soundrayddude: you need to reinstall the CiscoVPN modules, whereever you got them from in the first place09:46
bluefox83HymnToLife, would a special mysql package be needed for amarok or blootbot to use it?09:46
gu014_i am trying to recover an ntfs windows drive using an ubuntu 6.10 live cd. i have edited the /etc/fstab to read '/dev/cciss/c0d0  /media/windows ntfs  ro,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000  0 0' when i do a mount -a it says 'mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock'  any suggestions?09:46
rbs-titoDoes anyone know if the rt61 drivers are going to be packaged with Feisty?09:46
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linux_kid!ntfs | gu014_09:47
fbarcEverytime I run "sudo fsck -t vfat /dev/sdc1" it tells me that my backup and original boot sectors do not match. Neither option 1(copy original 2 backup) nor 2 (copy backup to original) do anything to fix the problem.. It always ends in filesystem unchanged... what do I do?09:47
ubotugu014_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse09:47
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karlyhey royel u still here?09:47
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linux_kid!ntfs-3g | gu014_09:47
ubotugu014_: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)09:47
HymnToLifebluefox83, not that I know of, it's more likely a configuration problem09:47
fbarchzw: Tyr going to SYSTEM:ADMINISTRATION:DEVICE MANAGER and find your sound device..09:47
dennianyone got some experience on running gdesklets here?09:47
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ddudelinux_kid, it is in grub...i didn;t looked well, i try booting every kernel in grub and try to start vpnclient like 'sudo /etc/init.d/vpnclient_init start'09:48
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slippyr4how can i remove the reference to the cd from my repositories list so i no longer need the cd, it just downloads everything09:48
yettenetHow can I change the default charset on my system?09:48
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ddudelinux_kid, but i don't get it started09:48
linux_kidddude, looks like it needs to be reinstalled09:48
bluefox83HymnToLife, what sort of configuration problem? is there someplace where i can tell it to allow local access or something?09:48
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dackswhat is the difference between ntfsutils and this new ntfs-3g09:48
linux_kidslippyr4, dapper or edgy09:48
karlyi just installed ubuntu and the screen is really messed up the left half is fine but the middle and right are like shifted and copied multiple times09:48
rbs-titoslippyr4: system, administration, software sources. Uncheck the CD box09:48
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fbarchzw: see what it says for device type and do a search on google for <device name> UBUNTU09:48
karlyne1 know what to do09:48
soundrayslippyr4: find the 'deb cdrom' line and comment it out with a # at the beginning09:49
linux_kiddacks, ntfs-3g is just a different approach09:49
denniim wondering if there is anyway to start gdesklets and get it to hide the desklets from gnome? i dont want to see my desklets when im tabbing and such09:49
slippyr4only got command line, need to  edit file. what file!?09:49
_JECKEL_Question...what would be involved in putting ubuntu onto an external hard drive09:49
dackslinux_kid, did they fix the <2gb file size bug?09:49
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dacks>2gb sorry09:49
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baboguys, I've used the ubuntu repos to install lamp. But php doesn't have mysql installed ...09:50
nusa42soundray: should I alter all linked rcx.d scripts? (rc2, 3 and 5)09:50
nevroni changed my sound card but ubuntu still uses the soundcard that i have disabled what can i do to fix this09:50
_JECKEL_like...if I wanna put ubuntu on an external hard drive so I don't have to partition my laptop drive?09:50
baboI have php5-mysql installed ...09:50
linux_kiddacks, im not sure, but all my iso's are under 2gb, so i dont care09:50
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slippyr4which file defines repositories?09:50
rbs-titobabo, just get the php apache modules from the repositories09:50
VrilutZaneed help this it's a my probleme09:50
soundraynusa42: I09:50
HymnToLifebluefox83, try to connect to it from the command line09:50
HymnToLifeand see if that works09:50
ddudesoundray,linux_kid yeah..oke, i will install it again, on my 3 machines i have, no kidding, i worked almost flawless since november last year, i deleted every windows crap i had. But i think this is weird.09:50
soundraynusa42: I'm not sure, this is dirty-hack territory09:50
linux_kidslippyr4, its called sources.list, but not sure where its located09:51
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VrilutZamake[2] : *** [scripts/kconfig/lxdialog/checklist.o]  Error 109:51
VrilutZamake[1] : *** [menuconfig]  Error 209:51
VrilutZamake: *** [menuconfig]  Error 209:51
SmydsI have got a HP ScanJet 4600, and it is not supported by sane09:51
_JECKEL_nobody have an idea?09:51
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soundrayddude: no, this is natural. If you install a new kernel, it won't have the extra modules that you got for the old one.09:51
SmydsWhat can I do ?09:51
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slippyr4. /etc/apt/sources/list, thanks09:51
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ddudesoundray, but i have my old kernel, and there it won't work either, so...09:52
bluefox83HymnToLife, never had trouble connecting via command line09:52
bwilsonHow do I change the default web browser so it is Firefox and not stupid Konqueror09:52
soundrayddude: you've somehow managed to delete parts of your old kernel installation.09:52
baborbs-tito, yes, I did that already ...09:52
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gu014_how can i get the ntfs-3g without an internet connection?09:52
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ddudesoundray, i only clicked update09:52
linux_kidbwilson, in ff, edit, prefs, set firefox default09:52
st3hi everybody. please don't use ubuntu feisty kernel until fixed if you want to use bcm43xx driver, thank you09:52
rbs-titobabo, did you try restarting apache?09:52
HymnToLifebluefox83, then the problem doesn't come from your mysql ;)09:52
linux_kidddude, thats all it takes09:52
ddudesoundray, and its happened on my 2 laptops and main machine09:53
bluefox83HymnToLife, whats the stardard connection port when connecting to mysql @ localhost?09:53
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SmydsI can't use my scanner !!09:53
nusa42soundray: heh - well altering the rc5.d only, didn't quite do it - the BIOS hack is applied, but X server hasn't not recognized it - If I shutdown X and start it again - then it works... so the script must be executed too late.09:53
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baborbs-tito, yeah, the restart did it :-)09:53
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nusa42(arghh.. damn HD check!)09:54
linux_kidHELP! MPlayer won't play embedded firefox videos, only sound!?09:54
ddudelinux_kid, i would have never thought this in my life...once i compiled a kernel myself, just for fun, and my old kernel were still intact09:54
f_qualcuno mi da una dritta su una wireless che non va??09:54
st3f_, i just said09:54
st3please don't use ubuntu feisty kernel until fixed if you want to use bcm43xx driver, thank you09:54
rbs-titolinux_kid: I got that, try getting gstreamer & al plugins instead09:54
bluefox83linux_kid, mess with your video output settings in mplayer09:54
st3just in case you have bcm43xx09:54
karlyhey, i just installed ubuntu and my monitors display is al messed up, ne1 have any ideas on what i should do. the left side is fine but the middle and right is all fuzzy and shifted09:54
linux_kidrbs-tito, bluefox83 thanks, ill try09:54
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nevroncan you tell me how i can assign a different soundcard for ubuntu to use by default09:55
linux_kidddude, thats cause you compiled it, some wifi drivers do the same thing09:55
rbs-titonevron: You have two present?09:55
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=== bluefox83 wonders if his stupid router could be the problem..that would be some dumb shiz >.>
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nusa42soundray: Hmm .. altering all entries didn't work either... any other ideas?09:57
=== ardeni robi blee
rbs-titoSeamusLP: Tried an update?09:57
wasabi__how do i change user access level for programs? say like wine09:57
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soundraynusa42: perhaps there is a way to call the script from /etc/init.d/gdm (dirty, dirty hack!)09:57
SeamusLPrbs-tito: what now?09:57
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rbs-titoSeamusLP: It was a joke, to fix your deformed rat problem09:58
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_JECKEL_...guess nobody knows...09:58
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marckoHello. I'm having problems with my internet connection. It's not always  but sometimes, after a few minutes of inactivity, the system gets disconnected. I'm using knetworkmanager to connect to the net09:58
soundraynusa42: I'm off now, hope you find a way...09:58
=== UltimateX [n=admin@pool-71-109-65-100.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
UltimateXYay Ubuntu09:58
UltimateXits awesome09:58
karlylol jeckel same for me =/09:58
linux_kidbluefox83, which plugin should i use, vlc or totem?09:58
nusa42soundray: Thank you soo much for the help!!09:59
nevronrbs-tito:in gnome under sound preferences in the sound tab the default sound card reads mpu-401 UART i switch it to SBLVE! 24-BIT external but it turns back to the uart09:59
mwewasabi_: anyone should be able to run wine09:59
_JECKEL_not the first time this happened09:59
Lynoure_JECKEL_: I have heard it is possible, googled for it?09:59
marckoIs there another way to connect to internet instead of knetworkmanager09:59
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rbs-titowasabi__: does it matter? If they don't run as root they can't do anything with them anyway. Othe r than that you could assign each user to a specific group09:59
eontasticnesshey all09:59
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erUSULwasabi__: create a group, say wine, and chgrp the wine exec to that group then make it only exec by members of the group. Add to the group the users you want09:59
SeamusLPrbs-tito: don't be an ass, digg me :P09:59
_JECKEL_yes I have09:59
eontasticnessI need a Backup Software that will control a tape drive that is TARDPROOF for ubuntu09:59
bluefox83linux_kid, if you're watching stuff in your browser, mplayer or vlc would be my suggestions...09:59
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eontasticnesspreferably one available from apt09:59
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wasabi__hmm thanks guys i will try that10:00
linux_kidbluefox83, ok10:00
rbs-titoSeamusLP: Will do, and the word is 'arse'10:00
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mwe!wifi | marcko10:00
ubotumarcko: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:00
bluefox83eontasticness, we generally don't suggest software not in apt10:00
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning10:00
SeamusLPrbs-tito: are you british?10:00
wasabi__actually, could i create a launcher that runs wine @ su level?10:00
Lynoureeontasticness: I have no idea what tardproof is but amanda is stable and well documented10:00
marckoI'm not using wifi10:00
rbs-titoSeamusLP: How did you guess? :P10:00
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nevronrbs-tito:in gnome under sound preferences in the sound tab the default sound card reads mpu-401 UART i switch it to SBLVE! 24-BIT external but it turns back to the uart10:01
eontasticnessLynoure: ive used amanda forever but this is something i have a windows user going out to set up, because we are in a bind10:01
marckoI'm not using wifi, mwe10:01
bluefox83wasabi_, why would you want to run wine with super user privledges?10:01
ddudesoundray,linux_kid, yeah well, please tell me your point of view: i update my system..cisco doesn't work...at all, on none of the kernels..so why is there a kernel update in the updates from ubuntu? and if it is, it should warn you for these problems as well? what is happened with my old kernel configuration, why does it CiscoVPN not found, while it was installed perfectly under 2.6.17-10-generic. please, i just want to understand why this can happen10:01
mwewasabi_: make it run kdesu wine. why, though?10:01
eontasticnessLynoure: and i need something that an Ubuntu user can install10:01
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eontasticnessLynoure: ie a linux relative noob10:01
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wasabi__mwe, because i try to run utorrent at normal level and settings won't save10:01
SeamusLPrbs-tito: it was the outrageous accent!10:01
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rbs-titonevron: Why won't it do to have multiple cards managed at once? Both of mine work simultaneously10:02
mwemarcko: well configure your interface. /etc/network/interfaces. see man interfaces and/or ask further questions10:02
linux_kidddude, this is a normal problem, you won't be warned, just be aware10:02
Lynoureeontasticness: I'd still say amanda they can, but some non-newbie might have to send them the configuration files, if they are non-daring10:02
rbs-titoSeamusLP: Awful weather lately, care for a crumpet?10:02
mwewasabi__: settings?10:02
chumpcan someone help me get my nvidia driver working on ubuntu 6.10 please ?10:02
marckook mwe, thank you10:02
erUSULubotu tell chump about nvidia | chump see priv msg from ubotu10:02
wasabi__like utorrent specific settings, like saving torrent files in the cache, connection settings10:03
SensaeI've got Beryl running on the Radeon drivers, but since I installed the Radeon drivers X seems to ignore resolutions set in xorg.conf. Can someone help?10:03
SeamusLPrbs-tito: only if a cup of earl grey is involved10:03
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eontasticnessLynoure: are there any amanda guis in the repos?10:03
mwewasabi__: did you run sudo wine at some point or something?10:03
nevronrbs-tito how can a bios disabled onboard card work?10:03
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mwewasabi__: if so the perms of .wine could be skewed10:04
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rbs-titorbs-tito: I'm more partial to a Darjeeling at this hour.10:04
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doofy2what do you suggest to import video from a dv cam over firewire... dvgrab splits the files up in to 1gb pieces which is quite annoying10:04
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rbs-tito*SeamusLP: I'm more partial to a Darjeeling at this hour.10:04
wasabi__mwe, oh hmm yea i usually run sudo wine10:04
dc2447Right - new Ubuntu webserver install - some php files work - some download - both have the same permissions, ownership and use the same tags - any ideas?10:04
hzwfbarc: the sound is on in the bios10:04
mwewasabi__: dont't ;)10:04
rbs-titonevron: If you need both leave it enabled, I've got a machine with two cards working at once10:04
Lynoureeontasticness: guis? No idea. Automatically running backup software rarely needs a gui10:04
wasabi__mwe, hah okay. i will try it again10:04
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dooglusmwe: if you don't run 'sudo wine', how is the malware going to install itself properly?10:04
mwewasabi__: as normal user chown -R $(whoami) ~/.wine10:05
fbarchzw: did you find the device in the device manager under administration?10:05
hzwI have the following when I do aplay -l:  http://pastebin.com/88165410:05
Lynoureeontasticness: But if you are a firm believer in guis, maybe bacula10:05
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nevronok i understand but i want to use the SBLIVE! as my default device somehow ubuntu doesnt let me set it as default10:05
eontasticnessLynoure: i know it doesnt for me, but this is a tard setting it up10:05
ddudelinux_kid, yeah. oke. but i think 'updating' a kernel isn't the same as deleting a module cisco from my old kernel config.10:05
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mwedooglus: heh10:05
hzwAlso the following in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base:  http://pastebin.com/88165410:05
mwewasabi__: actually chown -R $(whoami).$(whoami) ~/.wine10:06
rbs-titoddude: When you update the kernel all the modules you inseted manually are no longer any good. The deb modules should reinstal themselves thouh10:06
hzwfbarc: excuse me the aplay -l is here:  http://pastebin.com/88165310:06
linux_kidddude, its NORMAL, its OK, don't worry about it. have a soda and/or pop. relax10:06
hzwfbarc: yes the device is in the device manager...10:06
SensaeI've got Beryl running on the Radeon drivers, but since I installed the Radeon drivers X seems to ignore resolutions set in xorg.conf. Can someone help?10:06
fbarchzw: I just lost power.. I'm on UPS right now.. I dunno how how long I'm gonna last10:06
qos_hey guys ... i ve got problems with my java environment. it runs most java apps, but some apps have problems ... mostly problems with resizing the gui (on windows there is no problem with this) and selecting files ... does somebody know these problems?10:06
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rbs-titofbarc: QUICK! BACKUP!10:06
Lynoureeontasticness: I'd then send them a script that configures it instead of looking for a gui10:06
hzwfbarc: wow in what country us that?10:07
linux_kidfbarc BACKUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10:07
LjL!away > pic|away    (pic|away, see the private message from Ubotu)10:07
=== Red_Tide [n=aps@d154-5-44-46.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
SilentMSmall problem. I recently got a second monitor, and I've set it up using this: http://www.ublug.org/ubuntu/twinview/twinview-howto-breezy.html tutorial.10:07
SilentMOnly, the screens are set up the wrong way.10:07
LjL... backup? for a power failure?10:07
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wasabi__mwe, awesome! thank you10:07
Smydsarrrrgh !! http://www.sane-project.org/unsupported/hp-scanjet-4600.html10:07
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SmydsWhat can I do ?10:07
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mwewasabi__: I take it it's working now? ;)10:07
SilentM(It thinks the right screen is to the left of the left screen)10:07
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eetfunkI can't seem to get this crontab line working.  I want to run the script every 5 minutes, what's wrong?:  */5 * * * * /etc/refresh_iptables_rules.py10:08
wasabi__mwe, yep i don't need to run with sudo anymore10:08
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mwewasabi__: good ;)10:08
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Red_Tidewhat driver should be used for an ati x700se because the one ubuntu seems to load fails10:08
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rbs-titoSilentM: Can't you just wap them around? :010:08
IxanHey, is there any way to turn off the automount disks or the fsck on disks during the boot from the installation disk?10:08
SensaeSilentM: Switch the screens around. :p10:08
doogluseetfunk: is it executable?  and does it begin with a #! line?10:08
fbarcrbs-tito: linux_kid: relax guys I have nothing open except xchat right now..10:08
dduderbs-tito,linux_kid oke, thanks again for your answers, i just wanted to understand, i will install it again and have a soda i guess..don't get me wrong though i really appreciate your support, i just wanted to understand why this is so i wined a bit about it. maybe it is because i give up smoking a few days ago ;) anyway laterrz10:08
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eetfunkdooglus: yes and yes10:08
jpc1075 users (: .10:08
SilentMThey're place awkwardly.10:08
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SilentMIf I did that I'd be staring to my left constantly.10:09
SilentM== Pain10:09
fbarchzw: sometimes power is unpredictable here in Mexico..10:09
doogluseetfunk: what if you run "sudo /etc/refresh_uiptables_rules.py" ?10:09
jpcSensae, (: .10:09
dooglus(spelt right)10:09
linux_kidddude, GREAT JOB ON QUITTING, keep it up!!!10:09
wasabi__mwe, btw what's a lite bt client native to linux that has a low memory footprint? i've tried transmission but i find that it's banned on some tracker10:09
eetfunkdooglus: it works fine10:09
fbarchzw:  did you do a search on google with your device name?10:09
doogluseetfunk: where are you putting that line?10:09
SensaeSo anyone know anything about the radeon drivers + xorg.conf?10:09
linux_kidddude, the quiting being about the smoking10:09
rbs-titofbarc: You should talk to nlindblad, he has backups every 5 minutes in different towns10:09
mwewasabi__: bittorrent I think. I don't use it much, though10:10
SensaeI've tried switching to fglrx / ati drivers and it stops ignoring the resolutions10:10
linux_kidLjL, he quit smoking, im encouraging him10:10
eetfunkdooglus: in /etc/crontab10:10
rbs-titoIt's easy to quit smoking, I've done it 7 ties already this year10:10
Sensaebut I can't get Beryl working in fglrx10:10
ddudelinux_kid, hehe, thanks10:10
wasabi__mwe, okay thanks. i will look into it10:10
mwewasabi__: or bittorrent-gui maybe10:10
doogluseetfunk: is 'cron' running?10:10
hzwfbarc: I guess I am so used to that commodity10:10
LjLddude, the kernel is not intended to support running modules for one version of it in another version of it. nor is the way the kernel is packaged in Ubuntu. so custom modules simply have to be fixed up, that's all10:10
eetfunkdooglus: yes10:10
hzwfbarc: I don't even think about it...10:10
linux_kidddude, your welcome10:10
SilentMAnyone know if there's a way to change that or would I have to swap the monitors?10:10
doogluseetfunk: I've no idea then.10:11
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hzwfbarc: yes I did a search but couldn't find anything usefull10:11
rbs-titoSilentM: Can't you lie to Twinview and say they are the wrong way around?10:11
doogluseetfunk: what are the permissions on /etc/crontab and /etc?10:11
fbarchzw: I found a guy on the ubuntu forums with the same problem and there are some solutions..10:11
hzwfbarc: what I find weird is that it works in the live boot CD's10:11
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doogluseetfunk: ie ls -ld /etc{,/crontab}10:11
SilentMI'm such a nub, how would I go about doing that?10:11
fbarchzw: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=146936510:11
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rbs-titoSilentM: Doesn't twinview have a GUI?10:11
fbarchzw:  there are a few others..10:11
fbarchzw: look around..10:11
SensaeAnyone know anything about the ATI / Radeon / fglrx drivers and max resolutions?10:12
hzwfbarc: I looked and did: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting10:12
hzwfbarc: did not help, I'll check your link10:12
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eetfunkdooglus: /etc: drwxr-xr-x  /etc/crontab: -rw-r--r--10:12
rbs-titoSensae: Do you have a proble with the ATI drivers?10:12
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ddudeLjL that sounds also logic,..i need to read more about kernel and modules i guess.10:12
doogluseetfunk: and the owner of each?10:12
Sensaerbs-tito: I have a problem with the "radeon" drivers10:12
LynoureSensae: asking that way, yes. But I will unlikely be able to help you now.10:12
huascar80how can i rename the device icons on the desktop? no answer in the forums10:12
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SilentMNot that I know of... ?10:12
eetfunkdooglus: root10:13
SilentMThen again, I don't know much.10:13
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fbarchzw: Yeah that's a VERY general non specific guide.. You need to find somethign specific to your problem/card10:13
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SensaeI installed the radeon drivers, set it up in xorg.conf and all that. Since I've installed it it lists max resolution as 1600 x 1200, which is what the GDM login screen loads at.10:13
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doogluseetfunk: aah.  you need to put the word 'root' at the 6th argument10:13
Sensaein xorg.conf it's set to 1024 x 768 max for every color depth, it seems it's ignoring them10:13
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fbarchzw:  ok, my UPS is beeping very reapeatedly now.. I guess I'm gonna have to say goodbye.10:13
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hzwfbarc: byr10:14
hzwfbarc: bye10:14
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fbarcbye all..10:14
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hzwfbarc: and thanks for the effort!10:14
rbs-titoSensae: Swap the VGA cables?10:14
darwethdoes anyone know what Gnome Ubuntu uses? - dropline, freerock, gware?10:14
Sensaerbs-tito: Swap how so?10:14
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doogluseetfunk: "(/etc/crontab) uses the same format, except that the username for the command is specified after the time and date fields and before the command" <- man 5 crontab10:14
fbarchzw: sorry I could be more helpful..10:14
namuchanyone know why /proc/cpuinfo is mis-reporting cpu speed for my core 2 duo, but is properly reporting the cpu type?10:14
bwilsonIs there a keyboard shortcut to quickly switch between workspaces?10:14
Sensaerbs-tito: I have no onboard video and this is on a CRT10:14
ikonianamuch: you sure its not just scaled down10:15
dooglusbwilson: control-right?10:15
rbs-titoYou can do it through Xorg.conf10:15
dooglusbwilson: or alt-control-right?10:15
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namuchpretty sure, there is no speedstep or anything running, and the bios post shows the correct info10:15
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Sensaerbs-tito: Which does / How do you do it?10:15
bwilsonya ctrl+alt arrow keys    thanks10:15
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CaptainMorganalvarezp, did you make any progress?10:15
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naccanyone have any experience replacing an Ubuntu ISO's installer kernel?10:16
darwethoh nvm.  that was a dumb question.  ignore it.10:16
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naccI have looked over https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization, but it's not covered there10:16
ddudeoke, installed vpnclient succesfully, Starting /opt/cisco-vpnclient/bin/vpnclient: Done. back 2 work :)10:16
alvarezpCaptainMorgan, it worked correctly: middle+drag up/down = scroll up/down,   middle+drag left/right = back/forward.10:16
naccthe intuitive idea of building a kernel and replacing the kernel/initramfs in the iso and reburning sort of works, but the new kernel complains about not finding /dev/ram10:17
linxehmoconnor: glad it worked :)10:17
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hzwfbarc: no problem...!10:17
CaptainMorganalvarezp, omg.. thank you so much.. I didn't realize left/right was a functioning aspect10:17
rbs-titoSensae: For example: In the device section of xorg.conf "Option    "TwinViewOrientation" "CRT-0 RightOf DFP-0""10:17
CaptainMorganthat's what it was.. if ever so slight10:17
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Sensaerbs-tito: And what'll that do to the resolution?10:18
eetfunkdooglus: this still doesnt work:  */2 * * * * root /etc/refresh_iptables_rules.py10:18
linxehalsa question-  anyone know of a reasonably priced, firewire 24 channel ADAT I/O that works with alsa (or an 8channel stackable?) ? I only want ADAT I/O, not fussed by analogue i/o10:18
dave__hi, i am really getting screwed up with the res.  i need it higher than 1024x768 but can see an option in the screen res to go that high.  any suggestions?10:18
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alvarezpCaptainMorgan, ;-)10:18
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linxehdave__: you need to reconfigure X10:18
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rbs-titoSensae, that was intended for the person with the twinview issue sorry10:19
Sensaerbs-tito: I thought so, lol10:19
=== Jowi [n=johan@bgn92-4-82-238-212-88.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
rbs-titosilenM: See my above writing to Sensae10:19
fabio_sorry guy...i have a big problem with suspend....my pc don't wake up after suspend....all led turn on...but monitor is black...anyone can help me?10:19
romanosGRi\m trying to install ubuntu and it says BUG : soft lockup detected on cpu010:19
linxehdave__: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:19
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doogluseetfunk: what does 'head -1 /etc/refresh_iptables_rules.py' show?10:19
gu014_i have installed the ntfs-3g and i am trying to recover some files from a raid 5. my /etc/fstab = /dev/cciss/c0d0  /media/windows ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0'  when i attempt a mount -a it yields 'NTFS signature is missing,the device /dev/cciss/c0d0 doesnt have a valid ntfs'10:19
ikoniaromanosGR: core 2 duo ?10:19
nevronrbs-tito as expected amarok refuses to work now :)10:19
Sensaerbs-tito: Well do you know how to set max resolution with the radeon drivers?10:20
ikoniaromanosGR: edgy ?10:20
linxehromanosGR: using lots of question marks doesn't make your question stand out any more :)10:20
nevronxmms never worked in the first place10:20
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ikoniaromanosGR: edgy ?10:20
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dave__linxeh: problem, i dunno what my graphics card is lol.  i check all my pc manuals and they are near useless10:20
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romanosGRwhat do you mean edgy?10:20
ikoniaubuntu 6.10 - codename edgy10:20
romanosGRnbo idea10:20
SensaeromanosGR: Breezy (6.06) or Edgy (6.10) ?10:20
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huascar80I can't get a session as root!!!! help10:20
ShaffoxromanosGR: type uname10:20
eetfunkdooglus: #!/usr/bin/python    as I said, the file is a+x, and it runs fine when i do /etc/refresh_iptables_rules.py10:20
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storkjava on firefox anybody?10:21
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ikoniaromanosGR: the most common cause I've seen for that is the chipset not being supported10:21
romanosGRi have installed suse as well on the same system10:21
storkthe wiki didn't work :(10:21
romanosGRso no 6.10 for me?10:21
doogluseetfunk: odd10:21
Sensaestork: I have it working, but I don't remember exactly what I did10:21
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romanosGRi have intel chipset10:21
ikoniaromanosGR: check linuxcompatible and see if your chipset is supported10:21
doogluseetfunk: can you try a 'date >> /tmp/test' entry?10:21
eetfunkdooglus: yeah, very... i'll try that10:22
Sensaestork: I don't remember the name of the packets, but I did an apt-get install on the java jre and java-plugin10:22
romanosGRsounds ridiculous10:22
Sensaestork: *packages10:22
romanosGRi've even run osx86 on my laptop and i can't get ubuntu?10:22
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VrilutZaA have nvidia 440 how to install driver to accelerate10:22
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VrilutZaA have nvidia geforce 440 how to install driver to accelerate10:22
fabio_sorry guy...i have a big problem with suspend....my pc don't wake up after suspend....all led turn on...but monitor is black...anyone can help me?10:22
SensaeAnyone know how the radeon drivers sets resolution? It's ignoring xorg.conf10:22
linxehdave__: try this at a terminal -      lspci | grep VGA10:22
ikoniaromanosGR: osx86 is a different distro and has no relevence to ubuntu10:22
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linxehdave__: or alternatively maybe          grep -A 8 "Section .Device." /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:23
romanosGRwell al other distro's runned great10:23
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linxehVrilutZa: sudo apt-get install nvidia-xgl10:23
ikoniadepends on the version of the kernel shipped with the other distros as standard10:23
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dimeotaneAny suggestions for how I can get Samba to work better?  i can open up places-->network servers   but it says a half hour to copy a 500k file10:23
karly i just installed ubuntu and the display is really messed up. the left half is fine but the middle and right are shifted and copied multiple times. anyone have any idea on a solution to this problem? it would be much appreciated.10:23
eetfunkdooglus: it worked, so the problem is not with cron.  damn, i just don't get this one!10:23
ikoniac2d was brought out just as edgy was released10:23
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linxehSensae: you need to make sure that the horizontal and vertical refresh rates are high enoguh for the resolution you want10:24
ikoniadimeotane: sort reverse dns10:24
doogluseetfunk: pastebin the script?10:24
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:24
dimeotaneikonia: I don't follow... can you elaborate?10:24
ephemeros*question: is there a way (documented) to install UBUNTU from an iso image without burning?10:24
Sensaelinxeh: It's actually the reverse, it's running at too high a resolution10:24
ikoniadimeotane: get reverse name resolution working10:24
doogluseetfunk: i guess the script relies on some env.var which cron doesn't set10:24
linxehSensae: then you have too high a resolution in the xorg.conf10:24
=== SpiRit_ [n=joan@244.Red-212-170-17.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
dyrne!install | ephemeros10:25
ubotuephemeros: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues10:25
LjL!install > ephemeros    (ephemeros, see the private message from Ubotu) | netinstall i guess, which sounds complicated enough10:25
Sensaelinxeh: It's only set to 1024  by 768 in xorg.conf, but the login screen / max resolution is 1600 x 120010:25
ephemeroswow, cool!10:25
dyrneephemeros: ive found that link pretty helpful for alternate installs10:25
linxehSensae: are you sure you set every bit depth to 1024x768 and that there are no other higher resolutions there?10:25
eetfunkdooglus: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5996/10:25
Sensaelinxeh: Yes10:25
ephemerosthanks, dyrne, a friend of mine wants that, but has no cdrom, he lives in another town10:25
linxehSensae: you can cycle resolutions with ctrl+alt with plus and minus on the keypad too10:26
karlycan someone please help me. i would really appreciate it.10:26
=== juano__ [n=juano@r190-0-143-7.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu
karly i just installed ubuntu and the display is really messed up. the left half is fine but the middle and right are shifted and copied multiple times. anyone have any idea on a solution to this problem?10:26
doogluseetfunk: i meant the /etc/refresh_iptables_rules.py10:26
Sensaelinxeh: If I do that on the login screen will it keep that res?10:26
linxehSensae: maybe try runining the reconfigure script for xorg again10:26
bruenig!fixres | karly10:26
linxehSensae: it should do yeah10:26
linxehSensae: for this login anyway10:26
ephemerosLjL: thank you, too10:26
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LjLkarly: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:26
Sensaelinxeh: Tried that, and when I set it to ati for drivers or fglrx for drivers it properly uses my max res10:26
erUSULkarly: it i9s a weird problem never seen it before... try reconfiguring X with 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'10:27
Sensaelinxeh: When using the radeon drivers it ignores em10:27
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linxehI thought the recommended driver for radeons was the fglrx now ?10:27
linxehor is radeon better (Ive been trying to get my ATI M300 to work properly for ages, given up now)10:27
Sensaelinxeh: I dunno, but my goal is getting beryl working, and I10:27
darwethHey if I am moving my /home to a new partition... how much space do i need to leave on the old partition for installs? (a pretty basic system... nothing too special)10:27
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Sensaelinxeh: I've only succeeded with radeon10:28
linxeheugh, beryl10:28
linxehbuggy :(10:28
AMDcan you please help me google has failed ..................im trying to install btsco-0.5 http://pastebin.ca/35768910:28
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Sensaelinxeh: It's only a testbed10:28
gverigBetween Linksys and Trendnet WiFi PCI cards, what's the difference, is the first one better, how's Trendnet's linux support, etc?10:28
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linxehSensae: what was the radeon package name ?10:29
karlyhow do i get to the command line?10:29
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linxehkarly - ctrl alt + f110:29
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doogluskarly: wait10:29
linxehand then ctrl-alt and f7 to get back to X (probably)10:29
HymnToLifegverig, the maker of the card doesn't matter much10:29
HymnToLifeit's the maker of the chipset that does10:30
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doogluskarly: you'll want to know how to get back , too!10:30
Sensaelinxeh: Pretty sure it was xorg-driver-ati10:30
eetfunkdooglus: I found it!  My script was assuming that the current path was /etc/ when it ran, but it was not.  Thanks a lot for the help!  pointing me back to the python script  make me realize the error was in there.10:30
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marckowhat's better ? ext3 or xfs?10:30
eetfunkdooglus: sorry for all the confusion!10:30
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Sensaemarcko: ext3 is tried and true10:30
doogluseetfunk: no worries10:30
HymnToLifemarcko, depends what you want to do with it...10:30
mwemarcko: each for it's own purpose10:30
marckowhats xfs good for?10:31
gverigHymnToLife: I don't know who makes chipset for Trendnet. Linksys it's RT61 ... I spent like 4 hours yesterday building drivers *curses*10:31
mwemarcko: supposedly xfs is good for servers with millions of smale files10:31
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doogluseetfunk: you see the general approach tho - that 'date' test split the problem in half10:31
HymnToLife!wireless | gverig10:31
ubotwogverig: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:31
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HymnToLifethere's an extensive list of wireless cards there10:31
HymnToLifeand hw well they are supported10:31
marckothanks all10:32
patrick_has anyone set up their ubuntu to share a printer with an XP computer (printer connected to the ubutnu edgy) and how diffictult was it to do?10:32
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mrpoundsignI'm trying to get routing working with pppd to a pptp server -- but the routing scripts never seem to run.  If someone here has a lot of knowledge of pppd, I could use some help.  :)10:32
eetfunkdooglus: yeah!  but i was so sure that the problem lied in my crontab line... i must be tired10:32
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karlyoh. well im doing this on a seperate computer10:32
karlythe irc10:33
doogluseetfunk: incidentally, /etc isn't really for scripts, but for config files10:33
eetfunkdooglus: where should i put scripts? i wasnt sure10:33
patrick_and has any one connected/been able to sync a creative zen v with edgy and how difficult was that?10:33
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karlyso it doesnt matter. i dont think i would be able to to do anything on it normally with the screen problem, and i just installed it today10:33
doogluseetfunk: it's entirely up to you/  i would use /root/bin/ though10:33
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doogluseetfunk: (for local scripts run by root, that is)10:34
eetfunkgooglus: ok thanks10:34
HymnToLifeor maybe /usr/local/sbin10:34
abysslo i got a little problem: i was able to install my integrated wlan device in my laptop through win-driver and ndisw. all seems to be work except of wpasupplicant10:34
abyssis that a know problem?10:34
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dooglusHymnToLife: indeed.  that's better, prolly10:35
HymnToLifeabyss, no, wpasupplicant is known to work with ndiswrapper10:35
gverigHymnToLife: Neither card is in the list. I was able to build drivers for linksys and it works. the question is that Linksys is ~$50, and Trendnet is $5 (on sale). I am wondering is the second one worse, if yes-how much worse and if it's acceptable... I will look for linux support stuff. Primary question is how are the cards, if anyone knows10:35
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nevrondoesnt anyone have a SBLIVE! 24 bit soundcard?10:35
abyssHymnToLife, but in my case i dont think that works10:35
HymnToLifegverig, google a bit, you should be able to find out which chipset that card has10:35
marckoLet's suppose I want to create an email server. What does it mean in pratical terms?10:35
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dooglusabyss: I'm using wpa_supplicant with ndiswrapper right now10:36
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abyssHymnToLife, i try kwlan and kwifimanager nothing is able to connect to wpa enrypted wlans10:36
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HymnToLifeask dooglus, I have very little experience with WPA10:36
abyssHymnToLife, iwconfig finds on scan all networks10:36
abyssHymnToLife, but i cannot connect to anyone10:37
gverigHymnToLife: heh, doing it now. Seems like some kind of TI chipset.10:37
abyssHymnToLife, which program u use for fest wlan switching?10:37
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abyssHymnToLife, *fast10:37
st3wpasupplicant isn't supported by every chipset with ndiswrapper10:37
HymnToLifeabyss, command line only :)10:37
HymnToLifebut I never use wpa10:37
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dooglusabyss: all I use are these lines in /etc/network/interfaces: auto eth2 <ret> iface eth2 inet dhcp <ret> wpa-proto WPA <ret> wpa-ssid doognet <ret> wpa-psk "pa$$word" <ret>10:38
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dave__are there any cool graphical effects i can add to ubuntu, for example that cube turning effect to change the desktop or something?10:38
|thunderfor the love of god, how do I unzip a bunch of zip files in the same dir ? arg. 'unzip -X a-al603?.zip' is just erroring with 'caution: filename not matched:  a-al603l.zip' help10:38
HymnToLifeubotu, tell dave__ about beryl | dave__, see the private message from ubotu.10:38
ikoniadave__: thats part of beryl10:38
dooglusabyss: those lines automatically cause wpa_supplicant to be run - no other config is necessary10:38
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XuwqyzHow do you update one specific program with apt-get?10:38
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ikoniaapt-get update $program10:39
ikoniaupgrade $program10:39
ikonianot update10:39
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abyssdooglus, so i have to write those lines in the interface file?10:39
chumpcan someone help me get my nvidia driver working please .. the page you sent me earlier did not work for me10:39
ikonia!nvidia >chump10:39
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|thunderchump; have you tried envy ?10:39
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dooglusabyss: yes - that's what I did anyway.  I'm not using network manager though, 'cos I don't move to different access points10:39
patrick_has anyone got a creative zen v working with edgy?10:39
erUSULchump: what step failed?10:39
abyssdooglus, the problem is, i jump around many time on a day and there are all different aps10:40
dooglusabyss: when I do move to a different access point, I edit that file...10:40
wheels3572What's the command for a permanent Terminal window in the background?10:40
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dooglusabyss: ok...  probably you need to use network-manager then10:40
abyssdooglus, were talking about 5 time a day at least10:40
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abyssbut which one? not one seems to work with wpa encryption10:40
joeljkpi've been hearing about CNR coming to Ubuntu and how that'll bring in legal codecs and dvd players and stuff.... yet i'm looking at the CNR warehouse, and I can't find a single legal codec or dvd player; what's going on?10:41
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abyssdooglus, in my case10:41
dooglus! network-manager-gnome10:41
ubotunetwork-manager-gnome: network management framework (GNOME frontend). In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.3-2ubuntu6 (edgy), package size 245 kB, installed size 1608 kB10:41
dooglusthat works with WPA I believe - maybe you need wpa_supplicant installed too10:41
LjLjoeljkp, ask in #ubuntu-offtopic please10:41
Jowijoeljkp, check out fluendos site: https://shop.fluendo.com/10:42
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joeljkpjowi: yeah, i'm going to buy those, i wanted to see what cnr will be offering first10:42
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Jowijoeljkp, luckily for me I live across the atlantic :)10:42
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hzwI realise that my sound stopped working after the recent kernel upgrade that came in through the edgy synaptic updates10:43
hzwIs there anything I can try to solve my problem?10:43
karlywhen i type into the command line, no text shows up. but if i hit enter, it appears on a new line, then askes for password10:43
eetfunkwhat is the "real" path name for ~/ as "root" ?10:43
ikoniaeetfunk: /root10:43
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doogluskarly: you need to log in first...10:43
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eetfunkikonia: that was easy :)10:43
abyssdooglus, i apt-get it but where i can start the manager now form console?10:44
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aromanhello... I'm having some problems with broken package dependencies10:44
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aromanI'm trying to install vim-gtk (sudo apt-get install vim-gtk) but I get that  vim-gtk: Depends: vim-gui-common (= 1:6.4-006+2ubuntu6) but it is not going to be installed10:44
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dooglusabyss: it's a mystery to me...  I've never got the hang of network manager.  you might find that restarting GNOME (ie log out and in) will start it.10:44
Cincan anyone explain this message from glxgears? http://rafb.net/p/MrvM6281.html10:44
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aromanI've also seen that with trying to install vlc10:44
aromanany ideas what I can do to resolve the issue?10:44
wheels3572Im also having an issue with Repos.  I used to have 90 something and now only 48 since a fresh install of Xubuntu.  What am I missing?10:44
abyssdooglus, thanks ill give the x-restart a try brb10:45
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Cinwheels3572, sounds like you're missing sources from your /etc/apt/sources.list10:45
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wheels3572Cin, hmmmmm ok.  Not sure what I did differently though lol.  Must have added some maybe along the way?  I dont know10:45
Cinwheels3572, or just don't have the multiverse packages on10:45
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RunithardI love Ubuntu10:46
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wheels3572Cin, you talking the multiverse that is commented out in the sources.list?10:46
Cinwheels3572, yeah. there are some that just aren't enabled by default. you usually end up enabling them sometime when you want to install something extra10:46
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dooglusabyss: see any new icon in the top right corner?10:46
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fabio_sorry guy...i have a big problem with suspend....my pc don't wake up after suspend....all led turn on...but monitor is black...anyone can help me?10:46
Cinwheels3572, er, I'm not sure if it's commented out. it might just not be there10:46
wheels3572Cin, already enabled all of them in the list lol10:46
abyssdooglus, okay now the manager is there but this manage shows me only cable connection aviable10:46
Cinwheels3572, what ubuntu are you on?10:47
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Cinwheels3572, Dapper?10:47
nevronanother unresolved issue :D10:47
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dooglusabyss: edit /etc/network/interfaces and - um - I forget...10:47
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wheels3572Cin, forgot what the cli was to find out the name of the Distro lol10:47
wheels3572the version I mean10:48
abyss sudo ndiswrapper -l -> bcmwl5 : driver installed <ret>  device (14E4:4311) present (alternate driver: bcm43xx)10:48
RunithardWhats new in 7.X10:48
anutHello, all.  Anyone have any idea on setting up an LVM at install from the live disk?10:48
LjLwheels3572: lsb_release -a10:48
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aroman:( could anyone on 6.10 try to install vim-gtk and let me know if it works on their end?10:48
wheels3572that's it ty LjL10:48
Cinwheels3572, heh. I don't know either10:48
RunithardLVM is tough10:48
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Runitharddont do it on the root10:48
eontasticnessi have a crashed raid6 that says invalid superblock, e2fsck -b 8196 and fsck do not fix it10:48
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eontasticnessis there ANYTHING i can do or should i give up on my 1.7tb10:48
wheels3572Cin, Edgy not Dapper10:49
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RunithardI wrote a FAQ on NDISWRAPPER10:49
Runithardwho needs help?10:49
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kane77in what losless format can I get music into my iPod with banshee??10:49
wheels3572Runithard, I do for sure running a damn BCM43xx chipset10:49
LattywareHey all, I know this isn't hardware support, but #hardware came up with nothing, so I thought I'd last ditch attempt here.10:49
cableskane77, WAV? :)10:49
kane77cables, no, wav doesnt work :(10:50
LattywareI've just constructed an Asus P5B Deluxe/WiFi-AP system, and I get no ouput. No beeping, no video. Fans, lights, hard drive etc... all come on. But nothing out. Can anyone help.10:50
erUSULeontasticness:  e2fsck -b 32768 (for fs with 4k sector size that is the default)10:50
RunithardWheels3572: 64bit os?10:50
wheels3572Runithard, No 3210:50
kane77cables it doesnt import it...10:50
RunithardWheels3572: ok10:50
cableskane77, even if it did work, that would be pretty sad10:50
Cinwheels3572: have a read of that -- http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories10:50
RunithardWheels3572: 6.10?10:50
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eontasticnesserUSUL: i think i tried that too10:50
wheels3572Cin, ok ty10:50
wheels3572Runithard, Yes10:50
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StuttergartIs anyone here using true regex matching to define hostgroups?10:50
Cinanyway, if anyone can suggest what this error means, I'd be grateful: http://rafb.net/p/MrvM6281.html10:50
anutSure, so set up a five or ten or twenty gig or whatever root partition, but then say I wanted to have /share as an LVM spanning two drives?10:50
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RunithardWheels3572:  ok you need to rmmod the bcm module10:50
Marsmenschhi, anyone knows when herd4 is released?10:51
RunithardWheels3572:  the new BCM support SUCKS! in the kernel, ndiswrapper won't work if it's loaded10:51
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erUSULeontasticness: i do not have experience with raid set ups sorry i just was giving a shot in the dark :(10:51
RunithardWheels3572:  i had the same problem, i have an acer ferrari10:51
RunithardWheels3572:  with that chip10:51
arideseif i have custom drivers (kernel modules), do i have to recompile them every single time theres a kernel update? (the new or whatever)10:51
eontasticnesserUSUL: no problem, i'll take any ideas i can get10:51
erUSULaridese: yes10:51
wheels3572Runithard, I have an HP with this pos chipset lol10:51
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arideseerUSUL: anyway to automate it? any suggestions?10:51
PiNEwhen i make my panel transparent some of the items (the clock and systray) keep the old theme even if i restart x. how do i fix this?10:51
RunithardWheels3572:  it works good with NDIS wrapper10:51
arideseit's annoying10:51
crparrHi! I'm tryinbg to install ivtv. In a howto it read that one should remove 4 modules from within /lib/modules/...10:52
wheels3572Runithard, ok10:52
anutWould it be easier to set the drives up IDE raid, maybe?  If I did, would Ubuntu talk to them at install time?10:52
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crparrBut how can I recreate them?10:52
wheels3572Runithard, im VERY new to this so lol no idea what im doing period lol10:52
RunithardWheels3572: no problem10:52
abyssanyone else know how i can get network-manager-gnome regonize my ndiswrapper wlan card?10:52
dooglusabyss: Only devices that are *not* listed in /etc/network/interfaces or which have10:52
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dooglusbeen configured "auto" and "dhcp" (with no other options) are managed by NM.10:52
RunithardWheels3572: I'm digging up my old guide10:52
JowiLattyware, that used to be the case when you connected the floppy cable the wrong way... although I bet you don't have a floppy connector in this one :)10:52
wheels3572Runithard, ok10:52
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wheels3572Hey Runithard do you have any messengers?10:53
LattywareJowi: Do, but not using it.10:53
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dave__anyone know how to fix up dual screens?10:53
chumperUSUL : (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)10:53
LattywareJowi: At my wits end, I've been waiting for ages for this PC, and now it fails to work.10:53
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RunithardWheels3572: that link is for the 64bit driver, but you get the idea10:53
wheels3572Runithard, ok got the site ty10:53
wheels3572Runithard, ok ty10:53
RunithardWheels3572: do a lsmod10:53
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RunithardWheels3572: make sure you bcm module isn't their or you'll never get it working10:54
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wheels3572Runithard, ok10:54
aromanyeah.. problem solved, if anyone's interested... I just used a good mirror for my packages10:54
JowiLattyware, are you using the VGA connector at the back or one from a video card?10:54
RunithardWheels3572: You can email me if you still have problems, I'm going out to eat10:54
LattywareVideo card, it doesn't have onboard video.10:54
Lattyware(2 dvi actually.10:54
erUSULchump: and you instaled nvidia-glx? and linux-restricted-modules?10:55
wheels3572Runithard, ok ty10:55
Chadariusdave__: What video card are you using?10:55
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dave__chadarius: nvidia gforce4 Ti 420010:55
richardYeeeHAawww! :D10:55
=== postincremen1 [n=kevin@c-71-206-43-75.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
patrick_hey im using this install (for edgy)http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=199250 and i got this error(http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6015/), what should i do/what does it mean?10:56
JowiLattyware, the pic at the bottom of this page is not VGA? http://www.asus.com/products4.aspx?modelmenu=1&model=1179&l1=3&l2=11&l3=30710:56
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LattywareSerial not VGA10:56
randyfhello, everyone10:56
LattywareVGA would be female too.10:56
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JowiLattyware, ah, right. hard to see from that angle10:57
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JowiLattyware, what do you mean by 2 DVI. 2 cards or 2 connectors on one card?10:57
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Lattyware2 on one card.10:58
VrilutZawhat it's this erorr10:58
VrilutZaBusyBox v1.1.3(Debian 1:1.1.3-2ubuntu3) Built in shell (ash)10:58
VrilutZaEnter 'help' for a list of builtin commands10:58
VrilutZabin/sh:can't acces tty: job control turned off10:58
VrilutZainitramfs) _10:58
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Chadariusdave__: I searched for "nvidia twinview" on http://ubuntuforums.org and got http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=301946&highlight=nvidia+twinview10:58
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Ash-Foxvrtical, that's not a error, that's a emergency shell.10:58
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sivikvrtical, you were helping me last night, weren't you10:59
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VrilutZanobody help me?10:59
JowiLattyware, have a look in the manual if there are any manual switches to set up.10:59
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Ash-Foxrandyf /quit10:59
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Chadariusdave__: another useful tool that I think is installed with the nvidia binary driver is nvidia-settings10:59
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LattywareJowi: Have done, nothing I can see.11:00
Chadariusdave__: You can enable dual screens manually on the fly anytime you want using that tool11:00
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dave__chadarius: thanks, this has been a big help11:00
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JowiLattyware, are you using ATA or SATA?11:01
dooglus/quit && firefox http://myporn.com/11:01
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richardwhy is it that nvidia-settings always wants to deselect nvidia-glx in synaptic?11:01
LattywareJowi: ATA.11:01
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JowiLattyware, more than one disk?11:01
Lattyware2 Optical drives, 2 hard drives.11:01
postincremen1oh man, i think i just logged in a bit lat11:01
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postincremen1trying to get my dual monitors up11:02
LattywareI've tried booting without them, to no avail.11:02
postincremen1just moved from gentoo11:02
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postincremen1chardarius:, is the nvidia binary driver the way to go?11:02
JowiLattyware, reset the CMOS is all I can think of then.11:02
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Lattywarethanks for the help11:03
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Jowinp Lattyware11:03
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Advancedhey guys11:03
=== subzero2000 [n=subzero2@c-69-180-224-4.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Advancedi have an external drive plugged in for some important drivers11:03
oggy_SysInfo: FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE | Dual  MHz | Mem: / %C14[%C4%C3||||||||||%C14] %C | Diskspace: 35G Free: 26G | Bogomips:  | Screen Res: 1400x1050 | Procs: 9 |   | Uptime: 6:06PM up 260 days, 17:07, 4 users, load averages: 0.07, 0.23, | eth0: In: 0.00M Out: 0.00M | | Vpenis: 54 cm11:04
oggy_SysInfo:  |   MHz | Bogomips:  | Mem: /1M [||||||||||]  | Diskspace: 35.88G Free: 26.71G | Procs: 0 | Uptime: 0 sec | Load: | Vpenis: 11.9 cm | Screen: @1400x1050 (16 bpp)11:04
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Advancednow it went all gay on me and i had to go into terminal and pmount it myself11:04
cables!paste | oggy11:04
ubotuoggy: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:04
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JowiLattyware, you got a 24pin PSU?11:04
Advancedbut now its mounted its only available to root user11:04
Advancedand i dont know how to log in as root11:04
LattywareJowi: Yeah, why?11:04
Advancedwhen i try it at the login screen all i get is "admin cant log in from this screen"11:04
dooglusAdvanced: it went gay so you mounted it?11:04
Advancedlol, it didnt auto mount is what i mean11:05
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dooglusAdvanced: I think it's just decided to use protection11:05
abyssdooglus, thanks for advice wlan works now for multi aps :)11:05
Advancedbut yeah, its restricted to root access only11:05
dooglusabyss: cool.11:05
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=== Erealz hello everyone id like to know if their anyone game out for linux that are actualy good?
postincremen1help with dual display anyone? fresh install 6.10 amd64 nv driver Xinerama?11:05
Advancedi really need to access those files11:05
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dooglusabyss: that last thing I told you was copy/pasted from /usr/share/doc/network-manager/README.Debian11:05
JowiLattyware, it got an extra 4 or 8 pin aux connector?11:05
Advancedfor one, my network card driver is in there and its geting very tedious rebooting into windows every time i need the net11:06
patrick_hey im trying to install gnomad2 and i got this error while trying to use the make command... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6018/11:06
abyssdooglus, but after software upgrade i have another problem11:06
whoniccawhats the best program to use to sync ur ipod with, i keep having problems syncing my ipod with progs under linux, whatever letter the playlist i add starts with, removes everything that comes after it under the playlist menu11:06
dooglusAdvanced: mount it with '-o umask=0' or someting?11:06
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JowiLattyware, (have you connected it?)11:06
LattywareJowi: Has an 8 pin and 6 pin, yeah.11:06
whoniccai sync with itunes most of the time, also whatever i put on in linux doesnt appear on itunes11:06
=== Bergcube [n=Bergcube@cCB5F4BC1.dhcp.bluecom.no] has left #ubuntu ["http://www.ubuntu.com/"]
Advancedso pmount /dev/sdb1 -o imask=0 ?11:06
LattywareI havn't connected it.11:06
=== Stapol [i=Stapol@CPE0020fe1bf715-CM001225418aa4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
LattywareThere is a blanking plate over 4 of the pins on the mobo.11:06
Advancederm, umask even11:06
{Nathan}A program screwed up my menu.lst, is there a way I can regenerate it using dpkg?11:06
abyssit get the login window when im login i see only the background image about 3-5 minutes then gnome starts the windowmanager and rest of gnome11:06
dooglusAdvanced: I don't know pmount, but probably...11:06
=== rambo3 [n=stone123@c-bdf871d5.027-6-6b73641.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
Erealzare their any game for linux that are actually  good?11:07
Advancedi'd rather be 100% sure as i've rebooted about 32894632 times11:07
JowiLattyware, I just found this by chance. 1st paragraph: http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2006/09/13/review_asus_p5b_deluxe/page2.html11:07
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sivikis there a way to tell where i made a post on ubuntuforums.org?11:07
abysserror message: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.11:07
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dooglusAdvanced: I didn't really catch what you're talking about - what's the device you're mounting?11:07
erUSULErealz: doom3 quake 4 and all the precuels? nwn 1?11:07
Advancedhow can i log in as root and have my GUI ?11:07
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LattywareJowi: Hmmm... So I should hook up my 8 pin connector?11:08
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Advancedits just a psp, but its registered as a usb drive11:08
erUSULubotu tell Advanced about sudo | Advanced see priv msg from ubotu11:08
Erealzprecuels never herd of that11:08
hopintop1hi just testing11:08
rambo3Advanced, start safe mode and run startx11:08
JowiLattyware, seems like it. should be a protective cap covering 4 pins to remove for you11:08
rambo3or kill this gdm and sudo -i and startx11:08
abyssdooglus, any idea?11:08
dooglusAdvanced: so I would just:  sudo mount -o umask=0 /dev/sda1 /mount/point11:08
erUSULErealz: i mean quake 1 2 3 4 and doom 1 2 3....11:08
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Erealzway to old titles for me11:09
Advancedright guys, ill head off and try those two options :) hope this works! <33311:09
Erealztired of them11:09
dooglusabyss: did you reboot, or just kill GNOME?11:09
Erealzi have a question tho11:09
=== webby [n=administ@host138-1-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
Erealzi have unreal 200411:09
abyssi reboot11:09
Erealzwith support linux11:09
patrick_any ideas? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6018/ that error fro trying to install gnomad2?11:09
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dooglusabyss: I've seen that kind of behaviour before when old 'esd' processes are left hanging around11:09
abyssand after reboot the error happend11:09
JowiLattyware, should be just behind the keyboard/mouse connectors according to the picture. but have a look yourself.11:09
erUSULErealz: so quake 4 is too old but ut 2004 not?11:09
Erealzhas anyone try to install unreal 200411:09
patrick_using this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19925011:09
dooglusabyss: see if turning off sounds in GNOME fixes it11:10
dooglusabyss: if so, it's probably esd's fault11:10
abysswell wait a min i want to reboot again to see if it comesup again11:10
jmonI need help with my new video card, ubuntu wont boot with it11:10
Erealzhave you seen the gfx for quake11:10
Erealzit garbage11:10
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ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:10
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alex-weejany idea how i can get a kernel log dump when booting in recovery (if it fails to bring me to a shell)11:12
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects11:12
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[M] DarkoricalI just installed ubuntu for the first time ... in fact its my first attempt at linux of any sort11:12
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postincremen1does nv support Xinerama?11:12
[M] DarkoricalI was introduced to ubuntu via a you tube movie displaying a 3d cube multi desktop thing11:13
jmonHi, can someone help me with with my ati radeon 9250 pci (non e) video card) ubuntu wont boot with it! any help is much appriacated11:13
[M] Darkoricalanyone know anything about that desktop?11:13
bard[M] Darkorical, what grafik card do you have11:13
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sivik[M] Darkorical, could i see it11:13
postincremen1[M}Darkorical: you mean glx?11:13
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects11:13
Jowi[M] Darkorical, Beryl11:13
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patrick_any ideas? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6018/ that error fro trying to install gnomad2?11:13
LJHarbwhen i use "apt-get source blah" where does it get downloaded to?11:13
webbyHelp me please!!11:14
jmonsum 1 do the question bot thing11:14
bardwebby, with?11:14
jmonI forgot what it was11:14
=== jordo23 [n=jordo23@CPE-70-94-33-31.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jmonHi, can someone help me with with my ati radeon 9250 pci (non e) video card) ubuntu wont boot with it! any help is much appriacated11:15
JowiLJHarb, to the current directory i think11:15
[M] Darkoricalit was a you tube vid called dont guy vista get utunbu free11:15
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erUSULjmon: that card is very well supported i used to have one... can you boot in recovery mode?11:15
jmonhow do I do that11:15
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bard[M] Darkorical, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BerylOnEdgy11:16
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LJHarbill check jowi...11:16
jmonit wont boot, it brings up a error11:16
patrick_does any one use gnomad to use their creative zen??11:16
erUSULjmon: the grub menu offers the option11:16
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jmonim like a linux noob, if it has no graphic interface I cant do it11:16
JowiLJHarb, yeah, just "apt-get source mutt" and it downloaded and unpacked itself to the directory i was standing in.11:17
LJHarbok thanks11:17
jmonI can do terminal, but that is it11:17
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rendoIs it normal for my memory to keep going up and not flush?11:18
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postincremen1wondering why Xinerama is not working, my xorg.conf has been modified, but it seems as though i did nothing11:18
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postincremen1except my second screen looks like a bad trip11:18
jmonthanks I will try to find it , but I do now know that it will work11:19
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Se2ubuntu rulezz11:19
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mackinacits far out11:19
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sivikLeFrenchy, hi11:20
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ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead11:20
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ricmikare there any software that I can use to control CPU-speed on a Centrino processor?11:20
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LeFrenchyhi sivik11:20
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.11:20
postincremen1thx, think i read that one, but back to the11:20
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama11:20
LeFrenchylittle question: how to set vls as the default video player?11:20
sivikLeFrenchy, do you have a question?11:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about santa - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:21
LeFrenchyi mean vlc11:21
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sivikLeFrenchy, uninstall totem11:21
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abyssdooglus, i go mad here11:21
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LeFrenchythats all?11:21
abyssdooglus, the gnome problem is gone after autoupdate11:21
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hopintop1hi how can edit a config file that uses sudo command11:21
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JowiLattyware, does it boot?11:21
abyssdooglus, but now my wlan device not there anymore or find no networks11:21
Se2LeFrenchy totem is better then vlc?11:21
Se2vlc is better totem?11:22
Se2=] 11:22
sivikSe2, vlc is better than totem11:22
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postincremen1thx, i guess im off to swap nv for nvidia11:22
=== georgy [n=georgy@217-117-42-7.teledisnet.be] has joined #ubuntu
mackinacLeFrenchy :  right click a media file - open with tab - set vlc as default11:22
sivikSe2, totem you have to install a bunch of other crap to get it to work11:22
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LeFrenchySe2 i always used vlc without any pb, i don't know about totem11:22
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xcripthello all11:22
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patrick_sivik do you know why i'd get this error when installing gnomad2? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6018/11:23
LattywareJowi: Negative, Still fails.11:23
sivikpatrick_, i will check11:23
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dooglusabyss: strange.  does 'iwconfig' list the interface still?11:23
sivikpatrick_, did you know there is a gnomad2 in the repos that works, what are you trying to connect with it11:23
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hopintop1hi new to chat11:23
abysseth1      IEEE 802.11b/g  ESSID:""  Nickname:"Broadcom 4311"11:23
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abyss          Mode:Managed  Access Point: Invalid11:23
JowiLattyware, asus support is next in line I guess11:24
xcripthello can some one plz help me11:24
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LattywareJowi: Yeah :(11:24
thekidrioanyone here use an hvr card?11:24
xcriptI just bought a new HP 500 laptop11:24
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bardxcript, dont ask to ask/help just ask11:24
JowiLattyware, tried without any disks after you connected the aux power?11:24
thekidrioi think my card is a pvr 150 and an atsc reciever11:24
=== Kris [n=krille@h71n1fls32o1118.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
patrick_im trying this because i have a creative zen v that i want to connect, and the guide online says to do it this way.... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19925011:24
patrick_for edgy11:24
xcriptand installed ubuntu on it11:24
hopintop1i hav a question11:24
mackinacLeFrenchy :  sorry: right click a media file - preferences - open with tab - set vlc as default11:24
LattywareJowi: Yeah11:24
nevronis there anyone that uses a logitech mx50011:25
thekidriohopintop1: ask away11:25
abyssdooglus, iwlist : eth1      No scan results11:25
dooglusabyss: I don't know what to tell you.  I stopped using network manager because I didn't know how to get it to work reliably.11:25
xcriptevery thing worked but..... my touchpda11:25
sivikpatrick_, have you tried installing from the repos11:25
thekidrionevron: trying to get the buttons working?11:25
patrick_i also get this at the end when i do ./configure for gnomad...http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6023/11:25
dooglusabyss: ndiswrapper -l?11:25
abyssdooglus, but even iwlist dont find one anymore11:25
sivikpatrick_, let me look, i installed from the repo it works with my zen micro11:25
=== ] Baran[ [n=NobleHel@ool-45755717.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
sivikpatrick_, give me a few seconds to look at some things11:25
patrick_ahh i'll try that maybe11:25
JowiLattyware, got another video card to try with?11:25
patrick_thanks sivik!11:25
abyssdooglus: bcmwl5 : driver installed11:25
abyss        device (14E4:4311) present (alternate driver: bcm43xx)11:25
xcripthi patrick11:25
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hopintop1how do i configure a file uses sudo command,thanks11:25
dooglusabyss: 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper'?11:26
nevronthekidrio: any suggestions?11:26
patrick_hi xcript11:26
sivikabyss: what card?   i have 4318 working without ndiswrapper11:26
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LattywareJowi: No.11:26
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] Baran[Hey guys, I have a serious problem involving partitions, I would be happy if I could have some assistance in PM :) thanks.11:26
xcriptI need some guid11:26
bardsivik, what kernel???11:26
xcriptI need some guide11:26
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abyssFATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid argument11:26
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sivikbard: 2.6.17-10 the one that comes with edgy11:26
dooglusabyss: uh?11:26
bardsivik, okay11:26
abysssivik, the card works perfectly till i made the autp upgrade in x11:27
xcriptI bought an HP 500 notebook11:27
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xcriptI installed ubuntu 6.10 on on it11:27
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] Baran[Hey guys, I have a serious problem involving partitions, I would be happy if I could have some assistance in PM :) thanks. :$11:27
sunyataWhat is the best practice in Ubuntu for installing software not included. For example. I am running edgy, but need Apache 2.2.*. Is it a best practice to build from source, or should I backport feisty packages to edgy?11:27
abyssthe upgrade contain linux-header and linux-restircted-modules or so11:27
JowiLattyware, since you have no beeps it should be connected ok and RAM ok as well.11:27
sivikpatrick_, do you have aim or something?11:27
xcriptu there pat11:27
dabearehm, do anyone know how i Can open links from chat to konqueror in a new tab, and not a new window?11:27
patrick_i do, my aim is stfupatrick11:28
thekidriosunyata: almost always better to build from source if you are comfortable with that11:28
JowiLattyware, does that video card got a LED on it to show if it gets power?11:28
bruenigdabear, #kubuntu11:28
LattywareJowi: Yeah, except for the fact the board appears to have no system buzzer.11:28
georgysunyata: install the server version11:28
dooglusabyss: you need to install the ndiswrapper kernel module again11:28
thekidriobackports are easier, but not the most recent eh11:28
LattywareJowi: No... No fan either, passive.11:28
abyssdooglus, which module exactly?11:28
patrick_xcript, i dont know i'm new to ubuntu too11:28
dooglusabyss: ndiswrapper11:28
sunyatathekidrio: yeah I can build from src no problem11:28
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Chadarius] Baran[: What kind of problem?11:28
sivikpatrick_, are you on?11:28
xcriptok thanks11:28
thekidriosunyata: i would do that if you want the latest and greatest eh11:28
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xcriptcan any one help11:28
] Baran[Chadarius: do you have pms enabled?11:29
sunyatageorgy: what do you mean server version?11:29
thekidriolamp version11:29
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thekidrioerr sorry, its the server version with no gui11:29
sivikpatrick_, send a message to Sivik3011:29
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dooglusabyss: package name 'ndiswrapper-modules-$(uname-r)' I guess11:29
abyssdooglus: E: Konnte Paket ndiswrapper nicht finden11:29
sunyatathekidrio: heh, latest and greatest, actually just need mod_proxy balance, which comes in 2.2.. thanks man11:29
Chadarius] Baran[: pms?11:29
abyssdooglus, okay :)11:29
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bruenigxcript, ask a question11:29
thekidriosunyata: yeah then src for sure11:29
] Baran[Chadarius: Private messages11:29
hopintop1can someone tell me what forum will help beginner of linux11:29
sivikhopintop1, ubuntuforums.org11:29
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bruenighopintop1, ubuntuforums.org11:29
Chadarius] Baran[: Yeah11:30
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:30
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xcriptmy touchpad doesnt work11:30
sunyatathekidrio: thanks again11:30
hopintop1i mean like live chat11:30
mr_husHi. Just wondering... I just installed samba and I quickly had a look at the smb.conf. I changed it so that users can access their home directory though samba. I don't understand why but it only works with the account I created during the ubuntu installation... it doesn't work for the other accounts? Any ideas?11:30
Norf-ubuanyone noticed that updates from security.ubuntu.com are slow ????11:30
xcriptcan I fix it, I mean on ubuntu11:30
abyssdooglus, E: Konnte Paket ndiswrapper-modules-2.6.17-11-generic nicht finden11:30
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sivikpatrick_, lets chat in pm11:30
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thekidrioxcript:  yeah you can umm its in the laptop section11:30
dooglusabyss: yeah, I don't know why that is.  it seems that when a new kernel is released, the corresponding ndiswrapper kernel module isn't.11:30
thekidrio!laptop | xcript11:31
ubotuxcript: Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org11:31
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:31
y0hmmr_hus : when  your samba security is set to user ,this is normal behaviour !11:31
IndrefI was wondering, what is the terminal command for the file manager.11:31
dooglusIndref: nautilus11:31
fabio_sorry guy...i have a big problem with suspend....my pc don't wake up after suspend....all led turn on...but monitor is black...anyone can help me?11:31
sivikhow do i tell what version of a software i have installed11:31
thekidrioIndref: in gnome?11:31
Indrefthekidrio, In openbo11:31
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bruenigsivik, apt-cache show package | grep Version11:31
Norf-ubuanyone noticed that updates from security.ubuntu.com are slow ???? or is it just me ?11:31
lightseedwhere do i find chroot information for having the 32 bit ubuntu within the 64bit11:31
IndrefStupid x key11:31
nexeushello can some1 help me to install linksys-wpc54g wlan0 working plz11:31
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JowiLattyware, remove all cables, remove video card. remove all external devices. insert video card and one primary monitor. connect power. boot. maybe the video card is not correctly seated.... (ok, a long shot but that's what I would do myself)11:31
mr_husy0hm: but why is it just working for one account? I thought every user could then access their own home...11:31
thekidrioIndref: oh hrmm not sure haha11:31
y0hmmr_hus : because it inherits the linux permissions11:32
bruenig!repeat | Norf-ubu11:32
ubotuNorf-ubu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:32
rambo3Indref, install some alternative file manager then11:32
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nexeushello can some1 help me to install linksys-wpc54g wlan0 working using edgyu here  plz11:32
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ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box11:32
xcriptthankx bros..... what would I do without u ..... you are angels11:32
y0hmmr_hus : u can add additional users to your linux system11:32
JowiLattyware, need some sleep. good luck11:32
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rambo3!info rox11:32
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ubotuPackage rox does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas11:32
nexeushello can some1 help me to install linksys-wpc54g wlan0 working using edgyu here  plz11:32
Indreframbo3, Any suggestions?11:32
hopintop1ok got thanks , sivik, brunig11:33
bruenig!repeat | nexeus11:33
ubotunexeus: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:33
y0hmcheck out the excellent samba-how_to www.samba.org11:33
bruenig!wifi | nexeus11:33
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ubotunexeus: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:33
rambo3!info rox-filer11:33
uboturox-filer: A simple graphical file manager for X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.5-1build1 (edgy), package size 1436 kB, installed size 3992 kB11:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about filemanager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:33
bruenig!info thunar11:33
ubotuthunar: File Manager for Xfce. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.0svn+r23151-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 384 kB, installed size 2956 kB11:33
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glokhow easy and risky is it to add a new drive to a box and move the home directory to it?11:33
thekidrioROX-Filer... yeah heh11:34
glok(for an amateur)11:34
thekidriothats the open box standard it hink11:34
bruenigglok, with uuid it is a bit harder11:34
glokok ty - that's what i was looking for (ie i can probably find the steps; i just don't want to destroy my system)11:35
=== MaQui [n=jose@196.Red-83-60-110.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
thekidriohrmm you could un mount /home and change its mount point to something else then copy of the something else to the new /home mount point11:35
glokthat's what i was think, not sure whether that mv process messes up the box when i do the mounting11:35
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thekidrioi.e.  shouldnt just back up first haha11:36
sivikhow do i get aptitude to show what version is going to be installed11:36
IndrefI'm wiping this machine to sell, how would I go about saving the system setup so I can make it the same on my next computer?11:36
glokyou have an opinion on the most reliable tape backup program?11:36
bruenigsivik, aptitude show | grep Version11:36
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bruenigsivik, it will be the higher if there are more than one11:36
bruenigaptitude show package*11:36
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yell0wIndref, back up your /etc and /home, that's what i'd suggest11:37
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ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:37
Indrefyell0w, I'll be making my next machine a dual boot, would that change anything?11:37
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glokcool ty all for the help i'll check those11:37
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Indrefbruenig, Wow, that is a lot of info! :D11:38
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yell0wIndref, nope, except for grub11:38
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jlaHi, I'm trying to find the code change referenced in 'linux-source-2.6.17 ( edgy-security; urgency=low' changelog entry 'ide/pci/generic: Add all_generic_ide module option. ...' I expected to find it in linux-source-2.6.17_2.6.17.1-11.35.diff.gz. Where is the right place to find that change?11:39
Norf-ubuhi, i now have two ubuntu boxes connected via ethernet. one of which has a wireless card in, that connects to an Access Point to the net. How do I set up "internet connection sharing" on the one with the wireless card so that the other hardwired pc can connect to the net too ?11:39
Linkspeak spanish11:39
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:40
Indrefyell0w, What is grub.11:40
yell0wIndref, grub is your boot manager11:40
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:40
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IndrefI see.11:40
IndrefI think.11:40
tonyyarussoNorf-ubu: Probably the easiest way is to use firestarter, which iirc, has a little button for that.  Otherwise, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetConnectionSharing or some such.11:40
IndrefI'm starting to wonder if starting over would be easier.11:41
vcefI want to change default application which firefox offers me when I click on a link to pdf file and it asks wheter I want to save or open. How do I do that?11:41
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mr_husy0hm: I did read the guide... I just don't see why its not every user that can login with THEIR credentials to THEIR home directory11:41
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unopmr_hus,  that is exactly what happens on a normal install11:41
yell0wIndref, that's the reason why I keep a folder of whatever i did/changed to the system, configs and all11:42
ChadariusIndref: If you didn't do lots of configuration in your /etc files then just backup your /home directory to use for the new install11:42
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jlaNorf-ubu: I don't know if there is an easy option for this, hopefully so. The technical option is to enable ip forwarding and make sure the two boxes are on a different subnet than the wireless cards, and you'll need to set a default route. You could get fancy and set up a dhcp server on the box w/ the wireless card to autoconfig any machines on the wired network.11:42
bruenigvcef, edit>preferences and look around, I would bet it would be in the content tab11:42
IndrefChadarius, I've already backed up my files.11:42
IndrefChadarius, I'd just like my system to be sorta copied over, saved on a CD./11:42
Norf-ubuty tonyyarusso and jla - not as easy as a wizard then :/11:42
CyberCodhi everyone, I am having trouble doublsizing xmms in xubuntu edgy... Ive narrowed it down to the composite, but I dont know how to disable it, as it is not turned on in xorg.conf11:42
rambo3jla did you check ubuntu wiki11:42
mr_husunop: i dunno right now i only have one account who can access his home... all the other accounts they refuse the credentials somehow11:42
yell0wChadarius, if the new computer has similar hardware, then make and image and copy it over11:43
LJHarbok i have the mysql-server source, and the sphinx search engine files, but i have no idea how to compile mysql with sphinx - can anyone help11:43
unopmr_hus,  meaning they cant login?11:43
jlarambo3: I'm trying, I guess I don't know the right keyword or where to look.11:43
ChadariusIndref: Exactly yell0w. If the hardware is similar (especially the graphics card) then you can totally do that11:43
fipsis there a way to install openssh-server >=4.3 on dapper without compiling?11:43
rambo3jla that wasreply  to somone else . sry11:43
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IndrefChadarius, This is a laptop and I'm going to a desktop.11:43
jlarambo3: oh, bummer. I'd love to find that patch. :)11:44
rambo3Norf-ubu,  did you check ubuntu wiki11:44
vcefbruenig: all I've found there are settings for __automatically__ opened files. however I don't want to open them automatically, I just want another default application for it.11:44
bruenigvcef, filetypes11:44
unopfips,  what does apt-cache policy openssh-server list?? any versions you want?11:44
Norf-uburambo3:  i'm on there now11:44
=== BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu
nevroni have followed 2 guides from ubuntu forums org and still couldnt get my mouse buttons working can anyone help me with this logitech mx500 i have11:44
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IndrefI can't wait until I know enough to help in here.11:44
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elias_Does anyone know how to set the settings in beryl back to default?11:45
ChadariusIndref: If its both nvidia cards on those systems that it probably won't be too bad11:45
vcefbruenig: dtto11:45
=== Amon-san [n=Amon@e178210232.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
IndrefChadarius, I think I'll just start over.11:45
bruenigvcef, just rm -rf the .mozilla directory that should do it11:45
unopfips,  i believe you can also do this with aptitude -- sudo aptitude install openssh-server>=4.3 (or more specifically sudo aptitude install openssh-server=4.3)11:45
IndrefChadarius, All my music pics etc are saved, so that will do.11:45
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mr_husunop: they can login... but only the account i created during the installation can access his home through samba. All the other accounts I tried, and I can't access the home through samba (with their credentials)11:46
vcefbruening: asshole11:46
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Advancedhey again guys :S11:46
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Indrefvcef, Hey, be nice.11:46
rambo3vcef, what11:46
Advancedy'know for a first time user of ubuntu i sure as hell have come accross probably everything that can go wrong11:46
IndrefAdvanced, It gets better.11:47
jarhead756i have a .sh file i use to backup lots of files, but after reinstalling ubuntu, i don't "have permision"11:47
jarhead756any ideas why?11:47
jarhead756do i need to chmod it? if so, what would i use?11:47
unopmr_hus,  now wait, samba is another different story -- the samba user passwd database needs to be updated before new users can logon11:47
yell0wjarhead756, chmod +x  file.sh11:47
Advancedit would be amazing if i could install my network adapter and actually work on getting it 100% from ubuntu itself instead of coming back to windows every time i get stumped11:47
nevroni need help setting up my mouse buttons11:47
vcefIndref, rambo3: hey - I'm frustrated and I'm looking for help and this whacko tells me to destroy all my settings, extension, bookmarks ...11:47
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mamzers555elias_; delete in .beryl the settings.profile11:47
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Advancedright, next problem :S (you guys are saints by the way... i would be miles away if it werent for the help you give)11:48
Indrefvcef, No need to get nasty. No one is getting paid here, have a little respect.11:48
unopjarhead756,  chmod +x file11:48
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vcefIndref: ok, sorry11:48
fipsunop: Unable to find a version "4.3" for the package "openssh-server"11:48
bruenigvcef, this is a problem that is simply a click around until you find it specific application thing, shouldn't be too hard11:48
=== evilgold [n=evilgold@74-131-221-228.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
Advancedi need to compile some form of "makefile" for my driver, i know ill probably still be stuck once i've done that but hey, one step at a time11:48
Indrefvcef, It's ok. Computers make me wanna kill sometimes too.11:48
Advancedas far as i can see ubuntu doesnt have any tools for compiling this file11:48
fipsunop: i need it for the openssh VPN feature11:48
Advancedcan anyone enlighten me?11:48
yell0wAdvanced, apt-get install build-essential11:49
vcefbruening: doesn't thinks so. So far it seems to be buried somewhere in the deeps of gnome settings11:49
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unopfips,  VPN feature? what do you mean?11:49
Advancedsorry what? :S11:49
bruenigit should be in filetypes, I am able to do what you are saying in the filetypes11:49
Advancedyou want me to type that in terminal yell0w?11:49
yell0wAdvanced,  get build-essential package to enable you to compile and build programs11:49
Advanceddoes it try to connect to a webserver for a download?11:49
rambo3vcef, Firefox>Edit>Pref>Content>File Type11:49
mello__yelloCan anybody give me a hand with my router connection?  It is quite laggy to respond - it is a ZIO router(rather inexpensive) and I heard ubuntu sometimes has issues with these but they can be fixed11:49
bruenigvcef, you are talking about clicking a pdf in firefox and controlling what firefox does with that right?11:49
fipsunop: OpenSSH>=4.3 supports tunneling with tun/tap devices...11:50
yell0wAdvanced, yes, ubuntu's repositories11:50
Advancedas unfortunatley, the driver im trying to compile is my network cards driver, thus, no net connection11:50
fipsunop: ...therefore i need a newer version11:50
unopfips,  are you on edgy? because 4.3 is the current version i believe11:50
fipsno on daper11:50
unop!info openssh-server | fips11:50
ubotufips: openssh-server: Secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.3p2-5ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 212 kB, installed size 552 kB11:50
unop!info openssh-server dapper | fips11:50
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ubotufips: openssh-server: Secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.2p1-7ubuntu3.1 (dapper), package size 200 kB, installed size 540 kB11:50
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elias_mamzers555, there are 3 files in the .beryl directory; libberysettings.ini and settings. Is it the settings file Im going to delete?11:51
Advancedyell0w, can i download this file on windows, put it on external storage then boot into linux and install it from there?11:51
elias_2files *11:51
=== MUFFASO [n=ljsdkfjw@225-73-231-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
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fipsubotu: ?11:51
bruenigadvanced yeah11:51
bruenig!ubotu | fips11:51
ubotufips: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:51
abyssdooglus, okay fixed11:51
yell0wAdvanced, by this file you mean a .deb package ?11:51
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vcefbruenig: hard to say actually. the way firefox handles them is fine. All that bothers me is the default application which it offers11:51
dooglusabyss: how?11:51
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vceframbo3: looked there before I went on IRC. not helping11:51
abyssdooglus, seems that i have to compile every kernelupdate the nidsw again11:51
unopfips,  hmm, you could probably install edgy's version and get away with it .. but it's not advisable to try11:51
mamzers555elias_; yes11:51
Advanced..its just called "makefile"11:51
Flannelelias_: #ubuntu-effects for beryl support11:51
bruenigvcef, say exactly what you are trying to do this vague stuff obviously is very unhelpful11:51
dooglusabyss: that's crazy isn't it?11:51
Advancedwhen i open it with a text editer there's loads of code11:51
vcefI'll try to explain it once more11:52
Advancedlooks like c++ but im no coder11:52
abyssdooglus, sure but i write a shell script for doin that ^^11:52
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dooglusabyss: ubuntu is a binary distribution - why's there no binary package available?11:52
fipsunop: how could i do this?11:52
yell0wAdvanced, show me the link where you download the network driver ?11:52
=== Amon_3 [n=Amon@e178210232.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
vcefwhen I click on pdf. firefox gives me a dialog where I can choose wheter to save or to open the file11:52
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unopfips,  manually11:52
=== MrSiebel [n=mrsiebel@cpe-66-67-151-83.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
abyssdooglus, dont know11:52
Advancedbare with me :)11:52
bruenigI will take your word for that11:52
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dooglusabyss: is it because you're using a non-standard version of ndis?11:52
unopfips, http://packages.ubuntu.com11:52
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dooglusabyss: like 1.8 instead of 1.1 or something?11:52
Stapoljoin #hardware11:52
vcefand next to the open option is dropdown box where can I select application which will be used for opening that file11:52
abyssdooglus, nope11:53
vcefand I want to change that application there11:53
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bruenigit gives you an option to change it11:53
=== Tatster [n=tatster@80-193-5-25.cable.ubr06.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
abyssdooglus, it doesnt matter now, i know how ti fix at anytime thanks ti your for all and now i will try to get in on XGL + Beryl + fglrx ^^11:53
bruenigvcef, you see the drop down arrow11:53
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unopvcef,  are you sure you havent installed that PDF downloader extension in firefox? it does something like that11:54
bruenigvcef, what are you trying to change it to11:54
mparrishI have a high-resolution screen and I want to scale all the fonts up so they are not so tiny.  How do I do that in ubuntu edgy?11:54
vcefI know. I can click on others and locate it on the disk11:54
=== neighborlee [n=neighbor@c-24-16-9-153.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
abyssdooglus, how i use the inchannel bot?11:54
dooglusabyss: seen http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu ?11:54
TatsterHi all.  I've got a Ubuntu machine running 6.10 and a Canon printer attached to it using the turboprint driver.  How can I print to that from my mac laptop ?11:54
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects11:54
dooglusabyss: like that.11:54
MrSiebelCan anyone help me with this... $ cd RT61_Linux_STA_Drv1.1.0.0/Module/11:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about s2ram - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:54
vcefunop: I have no such extension11:54
fipsunop: thank you11:55
bruenigvcef, what are you trying to change it to11:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend2ram - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:55
bruenig!fishing | abyss11:55
ubotuabyss: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...11:55
vcefbruenig: now it says "Use default document viewer"11:55
unopvcef,  you using adobe's acrobat reader right?11:55
bruenigvcef, what are you trying to change it to11:55
vcefand I want that default document viewer to be kpdf11:55
vcefinstead of evince11:55
bruenigvcef, ok, put kpdf then11:55
vcefnope, no acrobat here11:55
abyssbruenig,  sorry not confirm with that ^^11:55
Advancedyell0w, ya still with me pal? :S11:55
yell0wAdvanced, are you on dapper ?11:56
nevroncan anybody help me setup my logitech mouse11:56
Advanced...im not sure what dapper is :(11:56
bruenigvcef, navigate to /usr/bin/kpdf11:56
LJHarbok i have the mysql-server source, and the sphinx search engine files, but i have no idea how to compile mysql with sphinx - can anyone help?11:56
vcefbruenig: you mean, click on that dropdown arrow and locate kdpf on the disk?11:56
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vcefrigh, good11:56
yell0wAdvanced, ok, go to command line, put in uname -a and tell me what you've got11:56
vcefbut when I restart firefox it disappears and I have to do it again11:56
MrSiebel$ cd RT61_Linux_STA_Drv1.1.0.0/Module/ Can anyone help me with this?11:56
Advancedi would have to reboot into ubuntu11:56
Advancedthen boot back into windows to get online lol11:57
bruenigvcef, check the do this automatically?11:57
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Advancedim in a right shambles11:57
yell0wAdvanced, dapper is ubuntu 6.4 i think11:57
rambo3Mr rhat rt61 wirless driver11:57
rambo3MrSiebel, that rt61 wirless driver11:57
vcefbruenig: I don't understand11:57
MrSiebelI know I need help configureing it11:57
Advancedi installed the version that is in the prototype section11:57
bruenigvcef, there is a do this automatically box in that dialog, check that11:57
MrSiebelI'm having some trouble11:57
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rambo3MrSiebel, there is full thread on that on ubuntuforums11:57
xcriptcan anyone help with my touchpad11:58
MrSiebelI know I got it11:58
MrSiebelI'm stuck11:58
MrSiebelFor some reason11:58
MrSiebelNot to sure11:58
rambo3MrSiebel, explain11:58
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:58
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xcripton edgy is not working at all11:58
bruenig!synaptics | xcript11:58
ubotuxcript: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad11:58
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MrSiebelI'll show you the form and how far I got https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT61?action=show&redirect=Rt61WirelessCardsHowTo11:58
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xcriptI have installed synaptics11:58
vcefbruenig: Oh. But that would mean that everytime I click on a link to pdf file it opens in kpdf. And I don't want that.11:58
xcriptbut still11:58
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MrSiebelI'm trying to compile the driver11:59
yell0wAdvanced, ok, so it'd edgy, meaning you're running kernel 2.6.....11:59
bruenigvcef, if it bugged you this much (not sure how many pdfs one runs across) just symlink evince to kpdf11:59
bruenigor apt-get remove evince for that much11:59
Advancedthat doesnt sound good11:59
yell0wAdvanced, from the network card driver website, For Windows 9X/2K/ME/NT/XP/Unixware/FreeBSD/Linux/Lan Server DOS/LANTASTIC. This driver supports linux kernel versions 2.2.x and 2.4.x (2.4.1-2.4.6).11:59
Advancedi dont think that driver supports it :(11:59
yell0wAdvanced, yes11:59
Advanceddoes it?12:00
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xcriptubotu I have seen this page and is notworking12:00
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yell0wAdvanced, yes, exactly12:00
vcefmy brother sticks to gnome, so that is also not an option12:00
bruenig!thanks | xcript12:00
ubotuxcript: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)12:00
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Advanceddamnit, theres not a driver on earth to support my network card in ubuntu!12:00
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yell0wAdvanced, what kind of network card is that ?12:00
LJHarbdoes nobody here know how to compile things?12:00
Advanceda VT6102, Rhine II12:00

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