
=== MrWGW- [n=nondiscl@cpe-75-85-97-183.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Tonio_imbrandon: ping ?01:31
=== Hobbsee waves
imbrandonTonio_, pong01:32
imbrandoni'm headed to sleep in about 5 minutes hehe01:32
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@khepri.openbios.org] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_hey Hobbsee ;)01:33
Hobbseehey Tonio_ :)01:33
Hobbseeimbrandon: so i shouldnt bug you at the moment?  :P01:34
imbrandonHobbsee, bug me in a few hours01:34
Hobbseeimbrandon: :)01:35
kwwiihowdy all01:36
Hobbseehey kwwii :)01:36
kwwiihi imbrandon, Hobbsee01:36
Hobbseekwwii: how's the feisty artwork going?01:36
kwwiiHobbsee: I am a busy bee01:37
Hobbseekwwii: ahhh, okay01:37
jjesseevening :)01:37
Hobbseekwwii: i'd suspected as much, when i'd heard none of it01:37
Hobbseehey jjesse!01:37
Hobbseejjesse: are you using irc at work, btw?01:37
kwwiiHobbsee: half way done with Ubuntu01:37
jjesseHobbsee: nope, can't connect @ the client i'm working at01:37
jjessethough that job is done next week01:38
jjessecould an evening be any better, working on kubuntu, listening to the complete soundtrack to les miserables and drinking good wine?01:39
Hobbseekwwii: nice :)01:39
imbrandonheya kwwii01:40
imbrandonok i'01:41
jjessehello imbrandon01:41
imbrandonm off for a few hours for some sleep01:41
imbrandonheya jjesse01:41
jjessenight then :)01:41
imbrandonHobbsee, btw stick that amarok fix on aurora and i'll grab it from your home dir tonight when i goto work01:48
imbrandonif you want01:48
imbrandon( i seen your email )01:48
Hobbseeimbrandon: i think Tonio_'s uploading it - there were more, and i didnt build it on aurora anyway.  debdiff is on buntudot01:49
Tonio_imbrandon: will upload it yes, once the archives are opened01:50
imbrandonhrm ok let me know when you do i would like to tweak a few more things too on it before final01:51
imbrandonanyhow i'm off to sleep01:51
Tonio_imbrandon: just a question, what is a "billing address"01:52
Tonio_imbrandon: should contain your datas right ?01:52
=== ash211 [n=andrew@user-11213kf.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandonyours, where ever the cc is registered to01:52
imbrandonor it wont go through01:53
jjesseusually only have to fill it ouf that is different then the mailing addres01:53
imbrandonjjesse, it is01:53
jjessethe form should display that01:53
=== jjesse does a lot of registering for hotels and flights online
Tonio_imbrandon: okay great :)01:54
Tonio_imbrandon: then I can't order that machine :)01:54
Tonio_imbrandon: billing infos has to be in the us.... :)01:54
imbrandonahh not good01:54
imbrandonwe'll figure something out tomarrow01:55
Tonio_imbrandon: no need, I'l buy another one, too complicated....01:55
imbrandonim might be able to buy it then have you send me the money01:55
imbrandonhahah ok01:55
imbrandonwas worth a try01:55
imbrandonok SLEEP !!01:55
Tonio_good night :)01:55
=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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jjessedoes anyone have screenshots of the upgrade process for edgy -> feisty?02:32
jjessenixternal: ping... i'm trying to figure out how/where to tie in your wireless section ot the official ubuntu book02:33
jjessenixternal: exactly how to work it in, i don't quite see yet02:33
nixternalright around the networking/internet section, or somewhere in the hardware section I would guess02:34
jjessenixternal: i would like to have under system settings -> network and connectivity as i used to mention wireless02:34
jjessenixternal: i don't have a real "hardware" section02:34
nixternalit could work under there under a subheading for devices or something?02:35
jjessemaybe i'll do something like Wireless networking is even furthered improved in Kubuntu 7.04 as will be discuessed later, and create a whole new sub section02:35
jjesseooo time for coffee and the office :) :)02:35
nixternalholy cow, it is02:36
jjessei love that show02:36
nixternalMy Name is Earl!02:36
jjessemy old co-worker looks/acts exactly like jim from the office02:36
=== jjesse loves his dvr
jjesseseriously some chick when he was on vacation in florida said "are you jim from the office?"02:37
jjessehe laughed02:37
=== hak0 [n=user@bl5-9-58.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddelljjesse: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/02:48
hak0i'm trying to rebuild my kubuntu for my i686 , and i was thinking on using apt-build , any sugestions ?02:48
Riddelladept[1-7] .png02:48
Hobbseemorning Riddell02:51
kwwiiRiddell: isn't that using the wrong style?02:53
=== kwwii ducks
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jjesseam i the only one w/ a blank system03:21
jjessesorry am i the only one w/ a blank system settings in feisty?03:21
Hobbseejjesse: i cant reproduce, but i've seen bug reports saying that03:23
jjessei wonder if its because its a herd 3 install?03:23
jjessebut its completely up-to-date03:23
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=== RadiantFire_ is now known as RadiantFire
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=== Hobbsee wonders why SARAH DISK is not mounted on the desktop
Hobbseeoh ,there it is06:20
Jucatomaybe it wasn't pointy enough to be easily seen...06:22
=== Jucato runs and hides
=== mode/#kubuntu-devel [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
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dinosaur-ruswhen nvidia-glx package will be updated for 2.6.20-8 kernel?08:09
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GNUrogood morning!11:32
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_StefanS_hi there11:34
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=== Hobbsee waves
=== Jucato surfs and drowns
=== Hobbsee rescues Jucato
Jucatoheh thanks :)01:15
Jucatoso tomorrow will be universe FF right? no more new packages/features?01:16
Hobbseei dunno01:17
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases01:17
Jucatoheh.. !schedule doesn't have the link to the Feisty schedule anymore01:18
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+101:18
Tm_TJucato: =01:18
HobbseeJucato: that's development week 17.  try feb 2201:18
Jucatooh lol!01:19
JucatoI keep on misreading those....01:19
=== Jucato has yet successfuly made a fool of himself again...
=== Jucato > /dev/null
Hobbseedont worry01:21
Tonio_hi ;)01:22
=== Tonio_ is in a good mood today..... sorry for yesterday, I was horrible
Hobbseeheya Tonio_!!!01:23
=== Hobbsee doesnt remember Tonio_ being horrible yesterday
=== Hobbsee may not have been online and watching yesterday though.
JucatoI think you weren't around anymore by that time Hobbsee01:23
Jucatohi Tonio_! glad to see things better for you now :D01:23
HobbseeJucato: ahh01:23
Jucatodid you get any answer to your "questions", btw?01:24
Tonio_well I still beleive we are taking bad decisions, but I shouldn't have flamme the channel like this....01:24
Tonio_Jucato: no that'll be debatted next meeting, I assume01:24
=== Hobbsee goes to look up what it was
=== Jucato wonders when that will be...
Tonio_Jucato: no I'm in a good mood today simply because I've just bought a new laptop :)01:24
=== Jucato had the fire extinguisher ready last night anyway :D
Tonio_my yesterday personnal issues are still there01:25
Jucatowoot woot!01:25
Tonio_but those are sweeter with a new computer :)01:25
Jucatorawr!! everybody's getting new stuff except me!01:25
Jucatonew computers, new babies..01:25
Tonio_I bought a macbook pro01:25
Tonio_I wanted a thinkpad, but the US price is 1700$01:25
=== Hobbsee wants a new USB disk
Jucatowhoa? just when Ubuntu's going to drop "official" PPC support?01:26
Tonio_the price for the same machine in france is : 400001:26
Jucatooh bah.. stupid me01:26
Tonio_that's a joke !01:26
HobbseeTonio_: ouch.01:26
Tonio_as a friend of mine said : "open your ass, IBM is coming..."01:26
Tonio_sorry for this.....01:26
Tm_TTonio_: My friend ordered IBM laptop from Germany, here it's over 1100  and he paid less than 500 01:27
Tonio_Tm_T: how so ?01:27
Tm_TOr was it HP, can't remember.01:27
Tm_TTonio_: No idea, some stuff just cost more here. (small markets)01:28
Tonio_well hp is more expensive in europe, but the difference isn't that ridiculous....01:28
Tm_TOne city might have more people than whole Finland. =)01:28
Tonio_the point is that for a very good machine, apple is probably the less expensive01:28
Hobbseeoh.  found Tonio_ ranting :)01:28
Tonio_honnestly, compare to even dell, apple is cheeper.....01:29
Tonio_for the same config of course01:29
HobbseeTonio_: we dont ship thunderbird for linux on kubuntu, btw.01:31
Tonio_Hobbsee: no but we ship the windows version01:31
JucatoHobbsee: we do, but for win32 iirc01:31
HobbseeTonio_: indeed.01:31
=== Hobbsee has used it once...maybe twice...
Tonio_the point that drives me nuts is okay I can understand for thunderbird and firefox01:32
Hobbseethen updated, as the apps has been out of date01:32
Tonio_but why are we loosing 4 megs for speedcrunch ?01:32
HobbseeJucato: note the "for linux" in there :)01:32
Tonio_and kdepim is UNUSABLE on windows01:32
Tonio_crashes every 3 seconds01:32
JucatoHobbsee: see? told you I keep on *not* reading things...01:32
HobbseeJucato: hehe01:32
Tonio_Hobbsee: and well in my opinion, providing windows apps is nice01:32
Tonio_BUT has to stand as an option01:33
=== Jucato gasps at speedcrunch...
HobbseeJucato: i keep on not seeing things.  the boss told me about where some specific stuff was.  i listened, forgot, then couldnt find them anywhere.01:33
Tonio_as we are running out of space01:33
HobbseeJucato: what about it?01:33
Tonio_I can't understand that we removed digikam from the cd instead of windows apps01:33
HobbseeTonio_: true. where's the output of what's on the seeds, and is taking up the space?01:33
JucatoHobbsee: er.. I meant "speedcurnch for windows"01:33
Tonio_I went mad when I so this....01:33
HobbseeJucato: ah,   yes01:33
Tonio_that's ridiculous01:33
HobbseeTonio_: the opencd is still current, istn it?01:33
Tonio_Hobbsee: windows apps are 60MB, on every cd01:34
Hobbseeyes i realise, i read the backscroll :)01:34
Tonio_with this we could had digikam, the digikam plugins, twinkle, more languages packs etc......01:34
Hobbseehow big's digikam + related langpacks?01:34
Tonio_we are castrating kubuntu to ship windows apps that "almost" nobody will ever use01:34
Tonio_Hobbsee: digikam is 4MB01:34
HobbseeTonio_: http://www.theopencd.org/news/2006/ocd4001:34
Tonio_Hobbsee: I know.......01:35
HobbseeTonio_: it still seems current.  interesting @ their comments, though01:35
Tonio_we are just castrating kubuntu to do a "small" opencd equivalent, not as good though01:35
HobbseeTonio_: is it feasible that we could promote opencd on kubuntu.org?01:35
Tonio_Hobbsee: sebas said the benefit would be better to remove windows apps and include a kubuntu description page with installation instructions for windows users01:36
Tonio_I +100000000 this01:36
HobbseeTonio_: yes.  i saw :)01:36
HobbseeTonio_: answer the question :)01:36
=== Hobbsee agrees with you - no point, preaching to the converted
Tonio_well I don't blame the windows apps, I just want that to be optionnal01:36
Tonio_damn digikam is a pure killer app, we HAVE to have it !01:37
HobbseeTonio_: you havent answered my question yet.01:37
Tonio_Hobbsee: you know that the amd64 cd has lots of problems, missing langs etc.... ?01:37
Tonio_it also has the windows apps01:37
Hobbseeyes.  seeing your comments01:37
=== mode/#kubuntu-devel [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
Tonio_which is ?01:37
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@28.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has left #kubuntu-devel [requested]
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@28.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbsee[23:35]  <Hobbsee> Tonio_: is it feasible that we could promote opencd on kubuntu.org?01:37
Tonio_hu ? I've been kicked ?01:38
Hobbseewas right above "sebas said"01:38
HobbseeTonio_: yes, to get my point across :)01:38
Hobbsee[23:37]  <-- Tonio_ has left this channel (requested by Hobbsee: " now come on, answer my question mate!").01:38
Hobbseebtw, it was a remove.  </pedant>01:38
Tonio_haha :)01:38
Tonio_well I don't know that canonical marketing01:38
=== mode/#kubuntu-devel [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
Tonio_and riddell is offline since yesterday so I don't have his opinion on this01:38
Tonio_but yes I think we should promote the opencd that does a very good job, instead of duplicating with something not as good that handicaps kubuntu development01:39
HobbseeTonio_: what i'm thinking - can we promote opencd on kubuntu.org - say "if you want to try out a whole heap of linux apps, including x,y,z, that are in our default install, then see the open cd at...01:39
Tonio_that's my opinion01:39
Hobbseeat which point we coudl easily remove the windows apps.01:39
Tonio_Hobbsee: exactly, that could feet on the kubuntu presentation page01:40
Riddellmy opinion is that we give out hundreds of thousands of CDs, a majority of which will be to people who won't change to kubuntu but will be interested if they can start to use Free windows software01:40
Tonio_Hobbsee: btw we will have to remove windows apps for a very simple reason :01:40
Tonio_feisty+1 will need kdelibs 4.0 AND kdelibs 3.501:40
Tonio_so....... let's just anticipate this01:40
Hobbseeooh, Riddell is here :)01:41
HobbseeRiddell: true.  but we're also giving out a live cd.01:41
=== Riddell is always here
Tonio_Riddell: ahhhh ;)01:41
HobbseeRiddell: which we didnt used to01:41
Hobbseenot when you're asleep, you're not01:41
Tonio_Riddell: yeah I was in a terrible mood yesterday, sorry for this.... personnal problems didn't help01:41
Tonio_Riddell: I perfectly agree with you on that point01:42
Tonio_but the first thing is : which apps should we provide ?01:42
_StefanS_Tonio_: hope you figure the personal the stuff out01:42
Tonio_Riddell: kdepim is unusable on windows, pre-alpha state, craches all the time01:42
Tonio_Riddell: speedcrunch is useless for 99% of the people01:43
Tonio_Riddell: I follow you for firefox and thunderbird01:43
=== Hobbsee notes that giving out the opencd in addition to kubuntu would be a smart move, but would require more cost
Tonio_Riddell: and the main thing is that handicaps current kubuntu development....01:43
=== Tonio_ hopes Riddell isn't angry after him....
Hobbseewow, so many apps on that opencd01:45
Riddellcan you imagine me angry?01:45
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HobbseeRiddell: yes.01:46
Tonio_Riddell: yes but I've been wrong and agressive yesterday :)01:46
Riddellif you saw the jumper I'm wearing you'd understand I could never be angry01:46
=== Jucato nods :D
Tonio_Riddell: lol01:46
=== mhb [n=mhb@64.73.broadband3.iol.cz] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_Riddell: I perfectly understand your opinion01:46
Tonio_Riddell: but don't you think it's a bit illogic to provide speedcrunch or kdepim (crappy) for windows and remove digikam, one of the best kde app ever ?01:47
Tonio_and globally make the windows content prior to the linux one as we favor keeping windows things and "castrate" kubuntu ?01:47
HobbseeRiddell: why, what's the jumper you're wearing?  :)01:48
RiddellHobbsee: big and fluffy knitted jumper01:48
=== Jucato is heavily pro-KDE, but if the korganizer/kabc for win32 is crappy and Thunderbird is already there... (not to mention it might give KDE a bad name...)
Jucatopic! pic!! :)01:48
HobbseeRiddell: ahh01:49
Tonio_Riddell: with 60MB more, we could do so much for a perfect desktop out of the box........01:49
Tonio_Riddell: digikam + its plugins, a voip software, more languages etc........01:49
Tonio_we also are diverging from debian as we split several packages to remove the docs..... a digikam doc would also be nice etc.....01:50
RiddellTonio_: applications are always a luxury on a 1 CD OS01:50
Tonio_Riddell: sure ! but when it is possible to have them, but we don't for something that cannot in any case be considered the priority for the global project....01:51
Tonio_Riddell: this is something that is out of my logic ;)01:51
=== sebas is far from convinced that shipping Windows applications will gain Kubuntu one more user.
Tonio_and even if we want to absolutly ship some apps, that I can understand, we should not ship super unstable things like kdepim01:52
sebasEspecially, but not exclusively if it's crappy apps.01:52
Tonio_or useless things like speedcrunch, which I doubt lots of people are interested in01:52
Tonio_I don't know how is kexi on windows but I doubt it is really usable....01:52
Tonio_of course firefox and thunderbird are really mature, no problem against that01:53
fdovingmy mom didn't like speedcrunch, even on linux, i had to install kcalc. :)01:53
Tonio_Riddell: did you ever try kdepim on windows ? I did01:53
Tonio_if you want people to be conviced that free softwares are crappy and buggy things, that's what to do, honnestly...01:54
Tonio_fdoving: that's another debate hehe :)01:54
Tonio_fdoving: already discussed :)01:54
Tonio_but yes I doubt lots of people will say "wow, super calculator on that cd, let's install it !"01:55
Tonio_firefox or thinderbird, okay, even gimp eventually !01:55
Tonio_gimp is a very good and mature app for windows that's deserves promotion ! but speedcrunch....01:55
=== Jucato doesn't use speedcrunch either... katapult is faster for simple stuff....
Tonio_I think we can make a compromise, ship the best apps and free some space with useless or crappy stuff01:56
=== fdoving use speedcrunch
Tonio_kdepim should be removed, as it deserves free software (on windows) beeing pre-alpha state01:56
Tonio_and of course the windows port was just a test, it is unmainted....01:57
fdovingTonio_: i agree, ship few stable and good apps. (if any at all)01:57
fdovingfor windows, that is.01:57
Tonio_fdoving: well I think we should remove all of them, but I'm for the compromise01:57
Tonio_I think a good compromise can be done01:57
fdovingi'm pro removing everything but firefox. with firefox one can safely download thunderbird.01:58
fdovingand you can't use any of them without a internet connection anyway.01:58
fdovings/use/make use of/01:58
Tonio_Riddell: is any change considered impossible or can we consider a debate next meeting ?01:58
Tonio_not obviously to remove all, but eventually to find a good compromise that will avoid removing killer apps on the kubuntu side ?01:59
Hobbseeyay, amarok accepted :)02:00
Tonio_I'll test kexi on windows.... 16MB lost because of this, so I really hope that stable and usable :)02:00
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_sebas: can someone from koffice team give his opinion on that point ?that'd be interesting :)02:01
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
Tonio_brb in 2 hours, have to go... ;)02:04
fdovingsee you.02:07
Tonio_ho Riddell, just before leaving, to me, the "luxury" on a one cd linux install is the windows apps, not the linux one ;)02:08
Tonio_I wouldn't say that for a dvd, of course....02:09
RiddellTonio_: it's too late to remove winfoss for feisty, that would need to be done before feature freeze02:09
Riddellbut might be worth asking heno if he'd remove some stuff02:10
HobbseeRiddell: sure this doesnt count as a "major, act of god" thing?  :P02:11
Hobbseeto violate the freeze?02:11
Riddellcan't see how god got into it02:12
Hobbseei know :P02:12
HobbseeRiddell: the question is, even though we're late, do we ignore the chance of feisty becoming a better release, just due to a freeze?  this *only* affects kubuntu people, not the whole distro02:14
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Tonio_Riddell: well I understand that's a matter of spec, but we should try to focus on the good apps...02:16
Tonio_kdepim is just lost of space, as that cannot be really used on windows02:16
=== Hobbsee is always surprised, looking back, just how much better each release of kubuntu was over hte last one
Tonio_and I beleive kexi is about the same state.... but It'll give a try02:17
Jucatohm... so you mean, we shipped digikam in Edgy, but won't be shipping it in feisty?02:17
Tonio_Jucato: that's the risk yes.... the first big kubuntu regression02:17
raphinkI like the idea to promote new apps and new projects02:18
raphinkbut not to the cost of our primary goal, which is to ship a Linux OS02:18
gnomefreakthe herd4 iso site for kubuntu https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FeistyFawn/Herd4  needs to be fixed? it says herd4 nhas not been released but it has now.02:32
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Riddellgnomefreak: that's ubuntu :)02:37
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raphinkhi nixternal02:58
nixternalRiddell: are you working on a release notes for the website? if now I can do it up quick and give you a patch02:59
nixternalhiya raphink02:59
Riddellnixternal: go ahead03:00
Riddellalthough it's just a patch to kubuntu.rss03:00
Riddellnixternal: actually kubuntu.rss is out of date in the bzr archive so you can't do that03:01
nixternalI just noticed that03:03
nixternalOK, I thought I was going nuts03:03
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Riddellkubuntu.org updated03:05
Riddellthanks for another great herd page nixternal03:06
=== Jucato claps
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nixternalahh Riddell, actually everyone tossed in this go round with great stuff03:11
yuriy_hello all from ubucon03:11
nixternalthanks to everyone for the help :)03:11
Riddellyuriy_: ooh?03:12
Riddellyuriy_: in new york?03:13
yuriy_yes, at google offices03:13
Riddellyuriy_: many people there?03:13
yuriy_currently awaiting bfeakfast03:13
yuriy_40ish so far03:13
Riddellyuriy_: any Kubuntu types?03:14
yuriy_someone next to me, looks like edgy03:14
yuriy_some macs though, thought that was strange.03:14
Riddellthe weak willed03:15
Hobbseeor the "soon to be enlightened"03:15
yuriy_the kubuntu guy next to me is actually a debian dev03:18
Riddellyuriy_: oh?  what's his name?03:19
Riddellnot a KDE packager then03:19
yuriy_(last name^)03:20
Riddellhmm, aspell and ttf fonts, poor chap03:21
fdoving.. and dovecot :)03:22
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ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases03:57
ubotunvidia-glx: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 1.0.8776+ (edgy), package size 3970 kB, installed size 12312 kB03:57
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Jucatoboo bddebian03:58
bddebianahhh. :-)  Hi Jucato03:59
dinosaur-ruswhen nvidia-glx will be updated for 2.6.20-8 kernel?03:59
Jucatodinosaur-rus: try #ubuntu+103:59
yuriy_dinosaur-rus: i'm running nvidia on 2.6.20-8 right now...03:59
nixternaloob naibeddb03:59
dinosaur-rusyoriy_: the latest nvidia-glx package available is for 2.6.20-6 kernel... :/04:00
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=== dinosaur-rus kicks his ass :))
dinosaur-rusyuriy_: don't worry, that was my bad :)04:11
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Tonio_pfffffffffff, papers, papers, papers, french administrations are a pain !04:29
Riddellgo on strike04:30
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Tonio_Riddell: haha, I don't have a job, remember !04:37
Riddellperfect, you're already on strike04:39
Tonio_Riddell: hehe04:43
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nixternalis NdisWrapper on the Live and Alternate CDs?05:11
nixternal!info ndiswrapper05:11
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas05:11
nixternal!info ndiswrapper-common05:12
ubotundiswrapper-common: Userspace utilities for ndiswrapper. In component main, is optional. Version 1.18-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 13 kB, installed size 80 kB05:12
nixternalthanks ubotu05:12
nixternalwth did I just say thanks to a stinkin' bot ;p05:12
nixternalI originally setup my wifi card in edgy with ndiswrapper05:14
nixternalnow, if I do apt-get remove ndis and hit tab, it doesn't show it05:15
nixternalnow with Feisty, my wifi card info is WAY different05:15
nixternalbefore it showed up as a Broadcom 4311 Unknown Device or something similar05:16
nixternaland now it says...05:16
nixternal06:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PCI Card (rev 01)05:16
nixternalwhich is definitely incorrect, as this is a Compaq/HP laptop :)05:17
nixternaland since HP and Dell HATE each other, I highly doubt they are interchanging devices05:17
=== Zerlinna [n=Zerlinna@C6f6f.c.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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nixternalI need to backup my ~/ and reinstall with Feisty fresh. I am interested in seeing if ...05:18
nixternalwth..I can just boot from a LiveCD :)05:18
Riddellhi Zerlinna05:22
Zerlinnahi Riddell05:22
RiddellZerlinna: neversfelde said the services that had been shut off were run by \sh_away not amu05:22
ZerlinnaRiddell: for the planet and the jabber it's true (sorry about that!), the archive has been disabled by amu afaik05:23
RiddellZerlinna: archive of what?05:23
ZerlinnaRiddell: packages05:24
ZerlinnaRiddell: he also deleted the aliases (name@kubuntu.de) without telling anybody05:24
ZerlinnaRiddell: well, if you want we can just see and wait what / if will happen05:25
RiddellI did e-mail amu, got no reply yet05:27
ZerlinnaRiddell: in his last mail (two weeks ago) he told me that he's no longer interested in linux05:29
Zerlinnaand the last news from his page was one month ago.. also he removed us from joomla adminstration, so except him (and maybe sh) nobody can contribute to the site05:32
Zerlinnahi neversfelde :)05:33
neversfeldenixternal: I read about your wlan card. I have the same chipset also in an HP Notebook. The last test with Herd 3 showed me no difference to edgy05:33
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nixternalneversfelde: ya, since I changed to Feisty the card has reported differently than Edgy.05:44
neversfeldenixternal: I'm going to test ist this weekend. Hopefully there is no change to Dell *g*05:45
nixternalI haven't even checked google for an answer, but I am sure you still have to use NdisWrapper for it to work05:45
neversfeldemhh. I hoped feisty would solve the problem with the fwcutter.05:47
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nixternalwell, if you check bcm43xx.berlios.de it will pretty much tell you, there is only support for 3 base chipsets05:52
nixternalI have been following the forum on this chipset and it requires way to much work to even document, and has only worked once or twice and hten just crashes out05:52
neversfeldeI tested several howtos, but now I'm using ndiswrapper too, although some people told, that they get it working with the fwcutter05:54
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=== Lure_ is now known as Lure
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_SimeRiddell: FYI, I'm sitting on a few bug fixes for the media stuff. I want to patchify, test them and send them off this weekend.06:35
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Riddell_Sime: great06:48
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LureRiddell: regarding SRU's (bug 75017) - did anybody notify Simon about verification needed?07:13
UbugtuMalone bug 75017 in kubuntu-default-settings "SRU: remove /.hidden file " [Undecided,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7501707:13
Lurehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates looks to be very strict on verification part07:13
LureRiddell: we have several users confirming it, but we need Simon to ACK it07:13
RiddellLure: not that I now of, give him a ping (sfllaw) and ask07:14
LureRiddell: I think there is another kubuntu sru by Tonio_ (do not recall bug ID though)07:15
Riddellthere was https://launchpad.net/bugs/6947907:17
UbugtuMalone bug 69479 in katapult "SRU: katapult" [Undecided,Needs info] 07:17
Tonio_Lure: digikam ? I've stoped looking at it.....07:17
Tonio_I'm finished with SRUs07:18
LureTonio_: ;-)07:18
Tonio_I prefer to spend 5 minutes fixing a bug on feisty than 2 month for edgy...07:18
Lureand Riddell, I am all with Tonio_ to drop some winfoss in favor of digikam on CD!07:18
=== Tonio_ hugs Lure
LureRiddell: kdepim is no brainer - it just is not good enough, speedcrunch also has limited use for windows users07:19
=== Lure hugs Tonio_ back
Tonio_Lure: I will test kexi to check if it is really usable.... which I doubrt07:19
Tonio_kde3 apps on windows are more "tests" than really published apps07:20
LureRiddell: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDistUpgrade <- is this final and you want me to test or should I wait for -proposed/SRU?07:20
LureRiddell: but I can test this only once ;-)07:20
Tonio_Lure: wow the katapult SRU is longer than mine ;)07:24
Tonio_3 1/2 month :)07:24
Tonio_with a bit of chance it'll be uploaded just after feisty is released.........07:24
fdovingif that's the good old katapult sru it's been a mess since the start.07:26
RiddellLure: please test07:27
RiddellLure: it should just work now, straight from adept, no need to use kdepyuic07:27
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Tonio_Riddell: my kdebase upload failed.... I'll look at it, strange since it worked locally...07:58
Tonio_Riddell: will be fixed toonight07:58
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Tonio_Riddell: okay kdebase build issue is due to kdelibs, I have to wait for it to be published...08:23
Riddellit should have a build-dep08:24
Tonio_Riddell: not a build dep, but a function has been changed to have one more arg08:46
Tonio_Riddell: so the .h file isn't correct08:46
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Riddellerr, changed by who?08:50
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Tonio_Riddell: the patch for the effect touches both kdelibs and kdebase09:30
Tonio_the zoom on execute09:30
Tonio_so I need kdelibs published with the patch for kdebase to build properly ;)09:30
Riddellso kdebase should have an increased build-dep09:31
Tonio_increased, yes09:31
Tonio_Riddell: well should we version the builddep with 0ubuntu* version ?09:32
Tonio_Riddell: or simply wait for kdelibs to be build and upload , ;)09:32
gnomefreaknixternal: When you get a minute can you ping me.09:34
RiddellTonio_: doesn't make much difference, but the best way would have been to have the build-dep on first upload09:34
Tonio_Riddell: yes, I forgot that requirement, sorry ;)09:34
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_StefanS_evenings :)10:21
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LureRiddell: any plans to fix font issue in Feisty? I am on edgy now and I am suprised that I have completely forgotten how nice fonts looked like in edgy... :-(10:45
LureRiddell: currentyl updating to latest edgy, then I will do dist-upgrade10:46
RiddellLure: it's not top of my list, but it would be nice10:46
RiddellLure: going to test the new dist-upgrade tool?10:47
LureRiddell: yes - first update edgy, then upgrade10:47
LureRiddell: I have kde355 and some other repo's (seveas, allee)10:47
=== Riddell crosses fingers
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Tonio_Lure: I checked a bit but that looks complicated...10:49
Tonio_Lure: we can switch to dejavu but that'll create other problems with certain languages10:49
Tonio_and sans serif is broken, but I couldn't find any reference to that bug anywhere...10:49
LureTonio_: it is really strange - I have Sans Serif in edgy and it is great, same font on Feisty looks fat and blurry10:50
Tonio_Lure: yes it's completly broken10:50
LureRiddell: so no editing of source required (as listed on KubuntuDistUpgrade)?10:51
Tonio_Lure: but that's not kubuntu specific10:51
Riddelltried the edgy fontconfig on feisty?10:51
RiddellLure: no, should just work10:51
Tonio_Riddell: yes.... no change10:51
Tonio_Riddell: I know :)10:52
LureRiddell: I suspect edgy fontconfig would just work (because that upload broke fonts), but I may try this after upgrade.10:52
Tonio_I don't know who is the fontmaster for ubuntu....10:52
Tonio_Lure: I tried, it doesn't change....10:52
Tonio_sans serif is still crap10:52
LureTonio_: that is really strange - I am 100% sure that that specific fontconfig upload broke it for me10:53
Lurebtw, is security repo also mirrored (like de., fr.)?10:54
Tonio_Lure: yes mee too10:54
Tonio_the issue appeared after fontconfig upgrade10:54
Tonio_but I tried edgy fontconfig and that didn't change anything for me10:54
Tonio_don't ask me why....10:54
=== Tonio_ retries to confirm
Lureno it is not... :-(10:54
=== Lure will have to wait a while - security is slow and has to get kdelibs from there
RiddellLure: security isn't mirrored (security needs to get to people fast)10:56
RiddellLure: and the data centre is having problems10:56
RiddellLure: but you don't need kdelibs from security, you need it from the dist-upgrade repo on kubuntu.org10:56
Tonio_Lure: note that the issue can be in a builddep of fontconfig10:56
Tonio_which would explain update caused the issue and backporting edgy doesn't change anything10:57
Tonio_23:00.... I have 4 hours to fix this !10:57
LureRiddell: ok, will the do upgrade directly on your repo10:58
=== Lure enjoys full speed now (even though only 1 Mbps)
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Tonio_Lure: just build edgy fontconfig, restarting X now11:14
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Tonio_Lure, Riddellright now issue with edgy package....11:16
Tonio_I'll investigate and try to fix11:16
LureTonio_: so builddep thing?11:16
Tonio_Lure: no that's fontconfig.....11:17
ryanakcaanybody have a quick and easy task I can do?11:17
Tonio_I didn't do the test right last time...11:17
=== ryanakca has half an hour to kill
Tonio_Lure: I'll investigate, test the patches etc.... I'll find !!!11:17
=== Lure hugs Tonio_
Riddellryanakca: did you update the install-mp3 script?11:21
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Tonio_Riddell: something strange....11:28
ryanakcaRiddell: fix it? Tonio_ stole it from me11:28
Tonio_Riddell: we have fontconfig 2.4.211:28
Tonio_on fontconfig.org : The current development series is working towards version 2.4.111:28
Tonio_I'm wondering if 2.4.2 isn't development version in fact...11:28
ryanakcaRiddell: upgrade the version I have on my comp... I ran a dist-upgrade last night...11:29
=== jdong scratches head
Tonio_looks like the big different is the fonts.conf.in file....11:29
jdongapparently kcontrol set font settings affect gnome-terminal and Firefox under GNOME....11:29
jdongbut not any other app11:29
ryanakcaRiddell: anything else?11:37
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Tonio_Riddell: I think I found the bug...11:38
Tonio_ <family>sans-serif</family>11:38
Tonio_ <prefer>11:38
Tonio_ <family>Bitstream Vera Sans</family>11:38
Tonio_+<family>DejaVu Sans</family>11:38
Tonio_Riddell: in old version of fontconfig, sans-serif maps to bitstream vera by default and dejavu if this one misses11:39
Tonio_Riddell: that's been removed from 2.4.211:39
Tonio_Riddell: that means we've always used bitstream vera infact ;)11:39
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Tonio_hum no it's still there, just the config has been split to several files...11:42
hak0i all11:44
hak0can anyone confirm me that xorg dev files to build X exist on the mirrors? i'm in Portugal and apt-buil doens find it on pt mirror, tnkx11:45
Riddellhak0: you would need to tell us the package name11:47
hak0i tried xorg after doing a dpkg -l | grep xorg that seemed the right package to start building all of X packages , sudo apt-build build-source xorg   , i'm using 6.1011:49
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hak0and it failled to find the package , saying unable to chdir to $xorgversion, because it simply didnt found it on the mirror i think11:50
hak0Riddell: so the question is , if you are using apt-build , can u reproduce my error or try to correct me, please11:51
hak0Riddell:: ai have built more packages , but so far xorg and kdebase (this one from anothr unofficial repository) have failled11:52
hak0thanks in advance if this is not the right channel , and sorry for the english11:53
yuriy__ubucon is wrapping up11:55
RiddellI've never used apt-build11:55
Riddellyuriy__: oh, what happened?11:55
yuriy__well a few talks, a packaging talk that was useful hopefully, MagicFab did a talk on canonical support11:55
yuriy__just met LH :)11:56
yuriy__ok g2g time for another 4 hour bus ride11:56
Riddellhave fun11:56
Riddellhak0: I recommend doing apt-get source <package>; cd <package>-name; debuild12:06
hak0Riddell: the magic in the next lines12:07
hak0 x-dev: dummy package for transition purposes. In component main, is optional. Version 7.0.7-1 (edgy), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB12:08
hak0 xorg-dev: the X.Org X Window System development libraries. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.1.1ubuntu6.2 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 44 kB12:08
hak0 xserver-xorg-dev: X.Org X server -- development files. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.1.1-0ubuntu12.1 (edgy), package size 290 kB, installed size 1628 kB12:08
hak0Riddell: x-dev finished quite fast12:09
hak0going to sudo apt-build build-source xorg-dev12:10
hak0xorg-dev failed againd with same error , is it my mirror, going to add international mirror to apt-sources12:11
hak0maybe uk12:12

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