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morghanphoenixlaters all12:14
vegasamarok does kick ass...can't wait for my media center pc to be converted over to linux12:14
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vegasoh yeah, is there any way to make amarok support flac?12:14
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hattainstall libflac12:15
vegasi'll probably end up asking how to do that once i have the media center converted over12:17
hattasudo aptitude install libflac712:18
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dettoaltrimenti_graft: reading these instructions, I have to write "for conffile in ..... ; do" and after I write the whole command, there's a long line of "bash: /etc/ndiswrapper/..... .conf: permission denied" - do you know what the problem might be?12:19
graftdettoaltrimenti_: yeah, you're not doing it as root12:20
dettoaltrimenti_sudo doesn't work- do I need to use chroot?12:21
graftdettoaltrimenti_: um, sudo -i, not chroot12:21
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graftdettoaltrimenti_: type sudo -i, then run that for loop, etc.12:21
JRH3K5Howdy-doo.  Is there software that's like shoutcast, but for video streams?12:21
hattavlc can do it12:22
dettoaltrimenti_graft: when I do that, it says "bash: syntax error near unexpected token 'do'"12:22
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JRH3K5I found a tutorial that will get VLC to act as a P2P streamer - i.e., one instance streams to localhost, and then another receives it.12:22
dettoaltrimenti_graft: oh nevermind!12:22
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JRH3K5But I want to be able to connect to the server from anywhere and stream video from it.12:22
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hattaJRH3K5, can't you just point the remote vlc client at the same server?12:23
JRH3K5Hmm.  I tried connecting with WinAmp and WMP, but not VLC12:24
JRH3K5I'll see if that works12:24
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margishello all!!!12:28
JRH3K5The problem with using VLC is that it only acts as a client, not a server.12:28
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margisi have a small question......12:28
HymnToLifemargis, just ask12:28
margisi need a  programm to capture video from beryl12:28
margisi need   something  which  will dowload as     apt-get install "programm"12:29
margisany idea?12:29
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margiskanenas  ellinas?12:30
margisno one?12:30
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BluesKajmargis, ?12:33
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margisi need  a  screen video capture programm12:34
margisany idea?12:35
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margisis  help  chat  here  or  i must join another?  first time  here.....just 5 days  linux  user :)12:35
SpAwNhello all i installed pache and then installed the package php5 i then retstarted the web server but when i goto the site it trys to dl the php file instead of viewing it12:36
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margisi searched  in google  and  i  got confused...12:37
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SpAwNmargis, try to use xvidcap12:37
BluesKajmargis, or  http://www.unixuser.org/~euske/vnc2swf/12:37
skarfaceSpAwN: did you install libapache2-mod-php5?12:37
SpAwNskarface, ahh no..i just installed php512:38
margisso i will   put    apt-get install xvidcap?12:38
skarfaceSpAwN: should do it for you12:38
SpAwNskarface, sweet man thanks alot :-)12:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vnc2swf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:38
SpAwNOoO skarface its saying its already installed12:38
Lam_is there a way to regenerate fstab? i plan to remove a hard drive and replace it with a dvd drive and i want fstab to be configured correctly12:39
BluesKajfstab can be edited i believe12:40
skarfaceSpAwN: not sure then. check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP12:41
SpAwNskarface, k cool thanks again :-)12:41
Admiral_Chicagoeverything can be edited on a GNU / Linux system12:41
margisi searhed in synaptic   and i got  nothing  bout xvidcap12:41
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margisany other idea?12:41
SolidSourcemargis: you need a better sources.list12:42
margisdo u have anyone?12:42
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu12:42
margiscan u  upload  for me  one  in pastebin?12:42
BluesKajerr margis , do you have flash installed, then try this ; http://www.unixuser.org/~euske/vnc2swf/12:43
margisi have flash12:43
SolidSourcemargis: use this http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/12:43
margisbut  i just see  that  i need a sources  list12:43
BluesKajyou don't alway shave to use the sources list12:43
SolidSourceyeah, but its easier12:44
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BluesKajnothing worth doing is easy :)12:45
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SolidSourcethats just fools talk....plenty of things worth doing are easy, all you need to do is look12:47
SpAwNwhats the diff between the apache and apache2 webserver?....i had apache installed and just installed the apach2 .....is there big differences?12:47
flaccidapache is apache 112:48
flaccidapache2 is apache 212:48
flacciddon't install both :)12:48
flaccidno big difference, but there is not much reason to use 112:48
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SpAwNthanks flaccid12:49
BluesKajSolidSource, are you calling me a fool ...man yer quick to make personal judgments12:49
flaccidthe best things in life are free12:50
flaccidlike freenode12:50
BluesKajit's free but ya still gotta do some works to get things working right12:52
graftum, apache 1 and apache2 are VERY different in fact, in terms of configuration12:52
graftfeature-wise there's not a whole lot of difference, but transitioning from one to the other is a bit of work12:53
graftand if i'm not mistaken development is still continuing on both branches...12:53
flaccidgraft: well for the person who hasnt used it, i'd say that don't need more than just serving...12:53
graftapache1 is definitely way more popular12:54
flaccidthey both are12:54
grafti dunno if this is for ease-of-use or for historical reasons12:54
flaccidits because you don't need apache 212:54
flaccidwell i do for a few things, not that i can remember what they are12:54
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flaccidi do dislike ubuntu's implementation of apaches12:55
flaccidbut thats another story12:55
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BluesKajserver eh,  what kind of files do you have stored in apache12:58
flaccidwho me?12:58
surgyok i did something to mess up my perfect mount12:59
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surgymy hdd needs to be mounted i added it to fstab got it to mount, and now i cant enable it..... permissions are set, and well its got me freaking frustrated..... can someone help me start over from scratch on mounting it?12:59
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse01:00
flaccidthat guide is good01:00
flaccidfor any fs types01:00
flaccidif you cite me the error i can help01:00
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter01:00
surgyits not an ntfs partition and i know the basics01:00
surgyflaccid: its an ext3 drive01:00
SpAwNhmm ive instaled apache2 and used /etc/init.d/apache2 start and it doesnt do anything....ive also removed apache and it still shows up in /etc/init.d/01:01
surgyim using qtparted and it seams to make the problem worse01:01
flaccidlike i said01:01
flaccidits good for any fs types01:01
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flaccidSpAwN: i think you need to purge the package01:01
SpAwNflaccid, i am purgin now01:02
SpAwNk apache is gone and all i see is apache2...but its doing nothing :01:02
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flaccidfor an ext3 in fstab, you don't need any extra options.01:02
SpAwNroob@SeRvBuNtU:~$ /etc/init.d/apache2 status01:02
flaccidtry that under sudo01:03
flaccidsame result?01:03
SpAwNim a dunce01:03
SpAwNsame :/01:03
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flaccidps aux | grep -i apache01:04
flaccidor is it ps aux | grep -i httpd01:04
flaccidi can't remember if ubuntu renamed the binary01:04
SpAwNroob     30493  0.0  0.6   2880   836 ttyp1    S+   19:01   0:00 grep -i apache01:04
flaccidi would probably reinstall the package01:04
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flaccidlooks like something is fuxed01:05
SpAwNflaccid, yea...seems like it. ill try to purge the apache201:05
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skarfacedoes php5 work with apache 1?01:05
flaccidyeah purge the fresh install of package01:05
margishelloo again01:06
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flaccidhmm i can't remember sorry skarface. ask in #apache01:06
skarfacewell that was SpAwN's original question01:06
skarfacehis php5 wasn't working01:06
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SpAwNskarface, well i didnt get it to...im now trying to follow a guide to set up apache2 and php and mysql01:07
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flaccidwell his apache aint working at all01:07
SpAwNyea still nothing too...i purged and reinstalled01:07
skarfaceI see01:07
SpAwNroob@SeRvBuNtU:~$ which apache201:08
flaccidbecause of how ubuntu changes the apache implementation, i can't really think of where to start. used to unchanged apache. sorry01:08
SpAwNits there...but /etc/init.d/apache2 does nothing01:08
flaccidit could be the init.d script failing, try starting apache2 manually01:08
surgywhat do you know flaccid, i remove my little add on to fstab reboot and its fixed..... man im so confused how that thing works lol01:08
SpAwNflaccid, just type like sudo apache2?01:08
surgyanyone here use simplebackup?01:08
flaccidsurgy: the cool thing is auto and noauto in fstab. if you set noauto it won't mount on boot, but you can mount ad hoc by mount /mnt/point01:09
flaccidyou may already of known that01:09
flaccidum /usr/sbin/apache201:09
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flaccidunder sudo. does it need more command line options?01:10
SpAwNand yea its gotta be the init.d script.....sudo apache2 starts it.....but it STILL wont let me view the php page...it wants to dl it01:10
flaccidum you need to add something in the apache conf01:10
flaccidso .php is used with the php mod or cgi01:11
SpAwNcrap. let me read the whole howto01:11
flaccidi think there is a package01:11
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:11
surgyflaccid: yes but im trying to use the entire drive as a fail safe type setup where my simplebackup program makes a complete backup to that drive that only kdesu simplebackup can touch and when its done nothing can access the entire drive, so if something ever happens i know i have safe backups of everything01:11
flaccidi guess its in that guide01:11
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flaccidsurgy: ok. so its all cool? i would look at the uid, ro and rw options01:11
flaccidand umask, gmask etc.01:11
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surgyflaccid: yeah seams to be working, how long whould be a good estimate on a 30gb backup? on a 2.2ghz machine with 512mb ram on sata hdds?01:12
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flaccidum no idea sorry hehe01:12
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flaccidsata is fast so should be pretty good01:13
siegfried__I've burned http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu/kubuntu/edgy/kubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso to a CD. I see there are other versions on a DVD. Does the CD version dynamically download the other files that won't fit on the CD like the debian CD does?01:14
surgyflaccid: yeah on a manual copy paste its about 30 mins for 8 gb...... so about 2 hours whould be logicle?01:14
flaccidsounds pretty good to me surgy01:14
dwidmannsiegfried__: there's a seperate iso for the dvd01:15
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siegfried__Oh yes. I'm wondering about all the files that fit on the DVD and don't fit on the CD. Where do they come from?01:16
dwidmannor wait01:16
dwidmannthat's a .com, not a .org01:16
margisii found  streamer01:16
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margisbut  i dont  know  how to  set it01:16
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dwidmannhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu - if you're lazy and want a link :P01:17
margiswhat is this?01:19
dwidmannwhat is what?01:19
margisthe link...01:19
coreymon77can kaffeine play mp4s01:19
SpAwNon apache not apache2 the configs where a bit different...i want to not display anything when the user enters website.com/ ...i only want it to display when they enter website.com/~user/ i was told to remove the index.html from /var/www/ and change in the config file make it -index ?......but the config looks different.01:20
SpAwNhow might i do this in apache2?01:20
dwidmannOh, that was for siegfried__, of course, I was too lazy to say that.01:20
margisi still need  a video capture programm01:20
dwidmanncoreymon77: Yeah01:20
margisi tried all01:20
dwidmanndepending on the codec anyway01:20
flaccidSpAwN: goto apache.org and read the how tos. you probably want a <Directory> statement with Deny from all01:21
margisok...i will  make another question.....01:21
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margisi saw  in  a shortcut  that  says     <super> <shift>01:22
margiswaht is  super button???????01:22
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dwidmannMost likely the one with the not-so-super logo01:22
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scribzis there a cpu speed changer thing for kubuntu that'll replace the default powermanager ?01:23
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scribzhad to switch to gnome to get my cpu to run at full 1.2Ghz instead of 798Mhz01:24
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flaccidsounds about right01:24
flaccidi thought acpi is reducing clock speed because it doesn't need it01:24
scribzyeah but is stays that slow when the system starts to do intensive things01:25
scribzbit annoying01:25
flaccidi'm not sure that its actually accurate01:25
flaccidi noticed that behaviour too01:25
flaccidcpu was definately being full utilised on my system. can't remember what i used to verify that. prolly a shell command01:26
scribzim happy though, after reinstalling my fans dont spin anymore, sweet silence01:26
scribzcpufreqd i think01:26
flaccidyour fans don't spin?01:26
flaccidisn't that bad?01:26
scribznot hot either01:26
specialbuddyhas anyone here done anything with drupal?01:26
flaccidshouldn't fans always spin at least at their lowest speed01:27
flaccidespecially cpu fan01:27
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scribzmabye it's spinning *very* slowly01:28
scribzit used to make a horrible whiney sound all the time01:28
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flaccidcomputers are whiney sometimes hehe01:29
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siegfried__Thanks dwidmann. I'm new to ubuntu and xubuntu was great, but a little more compact than necessary. What do folks recommend for running openoffice, Gnu Cash and implementing a print server for a g85?01:30
siegfried__That is a HP g85 multifunction printer/scanner/fax.01:30
flaccidwhat is wrong with kubuntu?01:31
scribzfolder open time ?01:31
siegfried__I don't know if anything is wrong with kubuntu. I don't see it at that URL dwidman pointed me to. (http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/)01:31
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flaccidthen what is wrong with xubuntu ?01:32
Biovoresiegfried__: something with atleast a 600Mhz Proc and 128MB of ram and 5 GB of HD (min)01:32
siegfried__Biovore, that is what I have on this old machine.01:33
Biovoresiegfried__: should work..  Probably a bit slow..01:33
siegfried__flaccid, I was dissappointed that xubuntu did not come with openoffice or many other packages. I could install them seperate, I know.01:34
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flaccidthen there is no problem, correct?01:34
flaccidi mean if you want me to recommend something better. PC-BSD...01:34
specialbuddywhat's the best vnc viewer?01:34
siegfried__Biovore, It is "Examining File Progress" and I have not specified a partition for it to install on yet. I hope it is not wiping out some partition I want to keep.01:35
BiovorePC-BSD is a good idea.. but it dies on alot of hardware :-/01:35
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flaccidspecialbuddy: krdc is pretty good01:35
siegfried__flaccid, no problem with xubuntu. I love it for live boot. For some reason, it boots where knoppix does not.01:35
specialbuddythanks flaccid01:36
flaccidBiovore: so does ubuntu :p01:36
flaccidits true01:36
flaccidwe can't deny it01:36
specialbuddyflaccid, would you say that ubuntu is stable enough as a webserver01:36
flaccidspecialbuddy: yes i would01:37
flaccidi have one ubuntu server atm01:37
flaccidotherwise its freebsd servers01:37
specialbuddyhave you had a hard time using samba with ubuntu?01:37
specialbuddyI have01:38
flaccidmost problems you run into with samba are incorrect configs.. need to learn it more01:38
flaccidparticulary in mixed environments01:38
specialbuddyI used it with gentoo and I did the same thing with ubuntu and it didn't work so well01:38
flaccidi havnt found and tdb/sam or any auth issues in ubuntu01:38
flaccidyeah but why didn't it work so well01:38
flaccidIDK ?01:38
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specialbuddyI wrote the config files out the same as far as I know and just had problems accessing it01:39
flaccidwhat problems01:39
defiantCan someone please give me a hand with my nvidia card drivers. I installed them but I do not see the nvidia splash screen and my colors look weird01:39
flaccidlike show me something specific :)01:39
dwidmanndefiant: does glxgears run smoothly?01:40
defiantbut my colors still look weird01:40
defiantespecially black01:41
specialbuddyit was a while ago when I used it but I was just wondering if anyone else had problems configuring it01:41
dwidmannif the colors look weird, it might sound kind of odd, but try disabling usplash01:41
flaccidim a samba junkie and yeah no problems01:41
defiantwhat is that I am a noob01:41
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specialbuddymaybe I should attempt again01:42
specialbuddyit just seemed easier the first time I did it01:42
dwidmannusplash is the splash screen you see while booting, to disable it, open up /boot/grub/menu.lst (kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst), and there's something you need to change01:42
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dwidmannThere should be a line that looks like "#defoptions=stuff", within "stuff" should be "splash", remove the word splash and save the file01:43
flaccidspecialbuddy: if you have problems again and can show what they are, show me or in #samba01:43
dwidmannthen run "sudo update-grub"01:44
dwidmannand reboot01:44
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defiantmine only says #defoptions-splah01:45
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dwidmannleave it as "#defoptions=" ... just get rid of the word splash, that's the important thing here01:45
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defiantnow reboot?01:46
bulwynklhi all, just having trouble with the systemsettings.01:47
bulwynklwhen I go to admin mode, often the system will freeze -01:47
bulwynklthe systemsettings has a cild process '/usr/bin/kdesu --nonewdcop'01:47
bulwynklthat seems to hang.01:48
bulwynklkilling it returns the systemsettings to non-admin mode.01:48
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bulwynklrandom attempts fail or succeed without obvious reason.01:49
bulwynklany hints?01:49
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donTaqueroI wish to change perl for activeperl into my linbox but I need help to do it.01:56
donTaqueroWell, Exist any script to switch between perl and activeperl?01:57
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specialbuddywhat would be a good program for making a webpage01:58
jarnIs there a command line program to convert wma to mp3?01:59
ubotunvu: Complete Web Authoring System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0final-2ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 8373 kB, installed size 26448 kB01:59
ubotuamaya: Web Browser, HTML Editor and Testbed for Draft W3C standards. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.51-2.1 (edgy), package size 5331 kB, installed size 18364 kB01:59
iamcalvospecialbuddy: quanta01:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gemacs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:59
cpk1jarn: I think ffmpeg will02:00
flaccidthere is a few for your specialbuddy02:00
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto02:01
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu02:07
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bob_i'm looking for support on a couple of issues02:35
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bob_first issue is simple - how do i change my nick?02:36
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Branded_Atom/nick newname02:37
bob_branded - in this channel?02:37
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bobbicatbranded ty branded i found it02:38
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BluesKajanother rogers cable guy on linux !02:39
bobbicatsecond issue is unmounted swap file in kubuntu 6.1002:40
cpk1maybe you dont need it =)02:40
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BluesKajedgy doesn't seem to the swap file if you have 1gig or more of memeory02:41
cpk1bobbicat: do you have a swap partition?02:41
bobbicathow can i remount swap file it so it stays remounted and why did it unmount02:42
bobbicatcpk1 yup02:42
cpk1bobbicat: do you know what partition it is? /etc/fstab should say02:42
bobbicatcpk1 i'm a linux noob - a dos noob too02:42
bobbicati think its hdb202:43
cpk1better to make sure =)02:43
jarnWhat program will let me convert multiple WMAs to MP3s at the same time?02:43
bobbicati'll see if i can find etc fstab02:43
cpk1bobbicat: also fdisk -l /dev/hd* will tell you all the partitions02:44
bobbicati lost a load of personal files messin in dos02:44
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BluesKajbobbicat, it's /etc/fstab02:44
bobbicati'll use terminal - shakes with fear02:44
cpk1jarn: you can write a script for ffmpeg02:44
BluesKajjust use the runbox02:44
cpk1terminal is easy, just do cat /etc/fstab02:45
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hak0hi people02:45
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jarncpk1: How would I do that?02:45
hak0does anyone have rebuilt kubuntu using apt-build ?02:45
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cpk1jarn: do you know what command you need to do to convert wma to mp3 in ffmpeg?02:46
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bobbicatit lists drives and partition but says it can't open them02:46
jarncpk1: Isn't it just 'ffpmeg -i /path/to/file.wma /path/to/new/file.mp3'?02:47
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SpAwNim trying to make it so when someone enters site.com it does nothing or at least say no pgae or somthing...but when someone trys site.com/~user/ it will work. ive added this to my apache2,conf but it seems to have no affect and still is listing the contents on /var/www http://pastebin.ulteo.us/44002:47
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cpk1bobbicat: when you do fdisk -l?02:47
bobbicattheres no fstab folder in etc here02:47
bobbicati'll try fdisk -l02:48
SpAwNbobbicat, fstab is a file not a foler02:48
bobbicatnothing on fdisk -l02:48
cpk1jarn: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6034/ that *MIGHT* work02:48
bobbicati'll look spawn02:48
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Branded_Atomspawn, whynot make a "parking page" for site.com/02:49
Branded_Atomjust a random index.html page02:49
bobbicati got an fstab file and fstab.save file02:49
SpAwNBranded_Atom, i could but id rather do it the other way...i had it working with apache(not apache2) i now i have apache2 installed and the confs are all diff and i cant get it to work02:50
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Branded_Atomso you "don't" want a blank page to load?02:50
SpAwNive tried to make it not index the folder...but no matter what it shows everything in the folder02:51
Branded_Atomyou want a 404?02:51
SpAwNBranded_Atom, yea02:51
Lam_what controls that cdrom icon on the desktop? i changed my fstab and i want my new dvd drive to appear via that icon as well as my old one. my old one still does it, but the new one doesn't yet02:51
bobbicati've got four entries for swap all on hdb302:51
Branded_Atomif you make a regular index.html file, and make the site.com default resolve to it, it should not show the auto generated directory, but instead that index page02:52
bobbicatthree say swap sw 0002:52
cpk1jarn: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6037/ that should almost certainly work02:52
jhutchinsSpAwN: Make a default index.html for site.com that's zero bytes.  You won't get an error, just a blank page.  Is that what you want?02:52
hellcattravhi all02:52
bobbicatone says swap defaults 0002:52
jhutchinsSpAwN: Or you could make it a list of possible hopepaegs for th users.02:52
jarncpk1: Thanks. :D02:53
SpAwNhmm let me try this02:53
bobbicatand i see the umask on ntfs windows partition is 022 - i thought it should be 022202:53
SpAwNthe blank index.html made it so it doesnt list the contents of the folder02:54
Branded_Atomthats what you want right spawn?02:54
SpAwNbasicly. i guess ill just make one that says somthing clever02:55
SpAwNinstead of a blank white page02:55
Branded_Atomi don't know what you were looking for if not that?02:55
cpk1jarn: did that work for you? do a test with 3-5 files first to make sure it works correctly02:55
jarncpk1: How do I run it?02:56
SpAwNBranded_Atom, well seince ive added theose 2 lines i put in pastebin in my conf my site.com/~user/ link no longer works...says Forbidden which is what i wanted to do....only not for the users....only for the /var/www......as the users files are in ~/public_html02:56
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cpk1jarn: first, you need to edit it so it matches your information instead of mine then make it an executable02:57
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jarncpk1: Yeah.02:57
jarncpk1: What do I edit? Just the directory names?02:57
cpk1jarn: yeah02:57
jarnThat is this folder supposed to be: my $file= "/home/cpk1/Movies/SATC_Season1/"02:58
bobbicatcan i edit fstab in kate?02:58
jarnWhere it outputs to?02:58
jarnEr, what is, not that is.02:58
underdog5004anyone know what /etc/aliases.db is?02:59
cpk1jarn: umm sure, I did this a very long time ago =D perl is not known for its readability02:59
cpk1like i said jarn copy 5 files or so and do a test with them first03:00
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jarncpk1: How do I run it now that I've put in my information? Will something like "massconvert *.wma" work?03:00
jarnmassconvert is what I named the executable.03:00
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cpk1jarn: ./massconvert if thats the name of the file03:01
cpk1oh, you might need the *.wma03:01
jarnWell, it's in my bin, so I don't need ./03:01
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cpk1yeah try massconvert *.wma03:02
cpk1i mkae no promises03:02
=== cpk1 inserts all your normal warnings here
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cpk1strict and warnings are on so it will probably say all sorts of junk03:03
cpk1if doesnt work try turning off strict03:04
cpk1was there an error?03:04
jarnAnd there still is.03:05
cpk1what is it?03:05
jarn /home/jarn/andreas_music/converts/10: I/O error occured03:05
jarnIt's having trouble with the spaces in the name, I think.03:05
wordanyone know the device location for the cdrom drive on feisty?03:05
jarnBecause the name is '10 Sun King.mp3'.03:06
cpk1jarn: does it says its encoding?03:06
jarnThe text from the script does.03:06
jarnBut ffpmeg erros with that.03:06
jarnAnd doesn't encode.03:06
Admiral_Chicagoword: it's in /etc/fstab03:06
cpk1so its an ffmpeg error?03:06
jarnAnd yep, it's the spaces.03:07
jarnI renamed it with underscores and it worked.03:07
cpk1so my script works?03:07
wordAdmiral_Chicago: I'm asking because it isn't and i need to change it from hdc which I hope it's not...03:07
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jarnAs long as there's no spaces in the name.03:07
Admiral_Chicagoword: hmm, not sure, maybe someone can answer in the Feisty support channel. #ubuntu+103:07
cpk1well i dont name my files with spaces =)03:08
jarnHow do I edit it to accept spaces?03:08
jarnI do. :P03:08
cpk1hmm good question, this was supposed to be a very simple script though =P03:09
jarnIf you don03:09
jarnIf you don't want to help anymore, I understand.03:09
jarnThis was a lot of help.03:09
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cpk1jarn: using search and replace before and after might work, give me a second here03:10
jarnI got it to work.03:10
jarnOnly now they didn't encode right.03:11
jarnActually, I think it's just the song.03:11
jarnBecause one works.03:11
jarnAnd one doesn't.03:11
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cpk1once again, problem with the script of ffmpeg?03:15
jarnActually, it's the script.03:15
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jarnWhen I manually run ffmpeg on it, it works.03:15
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cpk1doesnt work how?03:16
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jarnOh wait. I see what the problem is.03:16
jarnThe file name had a ' in it.03:17
jarnAnd the way I got around the problem of the spaces was putting ' around the vars in the script.03:17
jarnIt was not encoding one song, but I figured out why.03:17
jarnDon't know how to fix it, but I know why.03:18
cpk1i thought i already had quotes...03:18
cpk1use double quotes03:18
jarnsystem("ffmpeg -i ""$file"" ""$tmp""");03:18
jarnLike that?03:18
jarnAt first there was nothing there.03:19
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cpk1jarn: or you could just use krename to change the spaces to _ and then after encoding change the _ to spaces, double quotes as in "03:19
cpk1so "$file"03:19
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jarncpk1: That gives a syntax error.03:20
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cpk1jarn: is strict on?03:20
jarncpk1: No.03:20
cpk1well using krename I think is an easy and viable solution03:21
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jarncpk1: Okay.03:22
jarncpk1: Thanks.03:22
cpk1you can tell it to find   and replace it with _ and then afterwards tell it to replace _ with03:22
cpk1so you will be able to mass rename quickly03:22
cpk1jarn: sorry the script wasnt *as* useful but I avoid spaces like the plague because its annoying having to use \ all the time, and I didnt make it to share with the world ya know +p03:23
jarncpk1: No biggie. Thanks a lot!03:23
jarncpk1: I avoid spaces in all but the names of my music.03:24
jarncpk1: But \ never bothers me because I autocomplete everything. :P03:24
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cpk1when you have alot that start similarly you need to type it out =(03:24
cpk1jarn: but i think krename still keeps it all really automated right? so you wont get slowed down too much there03:25
jarncpk1: Indeed.03:25
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cpk1just happy my script worked, I was using it to convert stuff to ntsc-dvd format but thankfully hardly anything needs to be changed to switch it to wma-mp303:26
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jarncpk1: Some of them give stream erros, which is a shame, but that's ffmpeg, not your script.03:26
jarncpk1: Thanks a lot. :D03:27
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cpk1ffmpeg is simply the easiest app i know that does most everything media related, there are most likely others out there that dont try to do as much and might be better suited for your case jarn03:29
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jarncpk1: Do you know what this error is? This is the error I get:  overflow in spectral RLE, ignoring Error while decoding stream #0.003:30
margiscan i play  lineage on kubuntu?03:30
margiswhich other  games i can?03:31
margisany link with list?03:31
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org03:31
cpk1jarn: does it error out or keep going?03:31
=== Admiral_Chicago waves.
=== Jucato waves to Admiral_Chicago
jarncpk1: The rest encode, that one doesn't. There were a few that did that. I may just do this in Windows, Windows SHOULD be able to handle wma. :P03:32
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margisany mmorpg  for  linux?03:33
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Jucatoafaik, you can play WoW and Guild Wars. not really sure03:33
=== Admiral_Chicago points margis to the link ubotu pointed out
cpk1wow should be really easy03:34
margisguild wars? what is this? is it good?03:34
Jucatomargis: Google it :)03:35
Admiral_Chicagoit's supposed to be very good03:35
jarnGuild Wars is awesome.03:36
=== jarn points out that there is a helpful thread on the Ubuntu forums about Guild Wars.
cpk1i have guild wars lying around somewhere...03:37
cpk1it works well on wine?03:37
margisok i found it03:37
jarnIt works VERY well in Wine.03:37
margisit  is  commercial? i must  pay?   any free  servers?03:37
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jarnIt's not pay per month.03:37
jarnBut it is commercial.03:37
jarnYou buy it but then you have it for life.03:37
jarncpk1: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28312203:38
cpk1but the expansion packs are priced as a brand new game03:38
Jucatoof course you'd need to buy the expansions too (if you want them)03:38
margisok thank  u03:38
cpk1jarn: hrmm i would have preferred to just do wine installguildwars.exe =P03:40
jarncpk1: No can do, Guild Wars uses a 32-bit mouse and Wine doesn't support that.03:41
jarncpk1: But there's a script there that all you have to do is run.03:41
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hellcattravguildwars is alright03:42
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crosscuthello all, does anyone know why knetworkmanager would not scan wireless networks but network-manager in gnome does03:44
crosscutiwlist eth1 scan works from command line03:45
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snowrichardcan someone go to http://schizophrenicprogrammer.info and see if the radio station link works ok for them? just set up a new shoutcast server acct.03:47
hellcattravcos knetworkmanager is weird03:47
cpk1jarn: interestingly cedega says nothing about the mouse03:48
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jarncpk1: Cedega probably supports 32-bit cursors.03:49
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crosscutknetworkmanager is weird eh? that helps03:49
[R] eaperanyone can tell me what is wrong here? http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/168/instantnea1ya0.jpg03:49
crosscutanything better to use?03:49
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mystery_isn't glxgears supposed to print out frame information? mine just sits there doing nothing... just showing the pic of turnin gears03:56
Biovoremystery_: glxgears -printfps03:57
hellcattravsorry, its just faulty at times03:57
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hellcattravknetworkmanager doesn't seem to connect all the time03:58
hellcattravive found that its best to have a wired connection03:58
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draikIf I have winxp on a diff partition on the same hdd, can I use vmware to use that partition?04:01
bur[n] er_draik: yes, but you have to make a second windows hardware profile that you boot04:02
bur[n] er_I read a whole article devoted to this... might be on the wiki04:02
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draikbur[n] er_: Happen to have a link?04:03
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bur[n] er_draik: no, but I'll search quick... check the wiki... wiki.ubuntu.com04:03
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draikbur[n] er_: What exactly would I be looking for?04:07
bur[n] er_draik: http://oopsilon.com/Running-a-Windows-Partition-in-VMware04:07
bur[n] er_I found it on digg :)04:07
bur[n] er_er... that's not it :\04:08
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bur[n] er_er... i lied, that is it :)  i haven't tried it, but it looks right04:08
margisi had installed  in  my core 2 duo   kubuntu 32    should  i have installed  amd64 version?04:08
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bur[n] er_margis: i think you're ok on teh 3204:10
margisanother question04:10
margisi have  a  folder in the dekstop and  i cant   delete  it04:10
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margishow i  can do this?04:11
margisit is lokced04:11
mystery_glxgears -printfps04:11
mystery_113 frames in 5.2 seconds = 21.809 FPS04:11
mystery_184 frames in 5.0 seconds = 36.683 FPS04:11
mystery_183 frames in 5.0 seconds = 36.536 FPS04:11
mystery_i'm embarassed to print that04:12
bur[n] er_margis: delete it with sudo?04:12
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margis rw "file" ?04:12
bur[n] er_margis: what's the icon?04:12
bur[n] er_margis: sudo rm file04:12
margisit  is  folder04:12
margiswith a  locker on it04:12
bur[n] er_oh... "sudo rm -rf folder"04:12
bur[n] er_you prolly just don't have permission04:12
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bur[n] er_you can also run "kdesu konqueror"04:12
margisif i get in root?04:12
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margisnice!!! thank u04:14
margisi deleted it04:14
cpk1mystery_: 1535 frames in 5.0 seconds = 306.765 FPS 1593 frames in 5.0 seconds = 318.599 FPS thats with an nvidia 660004:14
margiscan i  solve my  questions  here?  i have more....04:14
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margisi   use  dula boot  with  windows04:14
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hellcattravi have ubuntu desktop and i want to get rid of it and just keep KDE(kubuntu) how can i do this?04:15
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margisand  i have  a partition  which i use  with   both of  os  to  keep my  documents04:15
Jucatohellcattrav: try this http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde04:15
mystery_I'm using my friends dv9000z04:15
bur[n] er_hellcattrav: you have to remove all the packages that ubuntu entails... use adept to remove them04:15
margisi must  do  it   fat32  or  ntfs?04:15
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mystery_lemme tell u the name of the vid card04:15
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bur[n] er_margis: i'd do ext3... windows can read ext3 via fs-driver.org04:15
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bur[n] er_but fat32 (aka vfat) would be better than ntfs04:16
bur[n] er_you cannot write ntfs reliably\04:16
mystery_geforce go 615004:16
hellcattravokk how would i use adept to remove them- iv only ever used it to download something?04:16
margiswhat is  fs-driver.org?04:16
margiswhen i make it   ntfs  i    can   see it04:16
margisbut   can i   write  on this  safe?04:16
bur[n] er_margis: correct04:16
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ForgeAusmargis its a great little driver for XP04:17
ForgeAus(perhaps even 2000)04:17
ForgeAusthat reads EXT2/3 partitions04:17
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bur[n] er_oh...   i mean, you cannot write on ntfs safely with linux... fat or ext3 is preferred for shared data04:17
hellcattravI typed sudo apt-get  so would this work04:17
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margisyes   but  fat32    i hvae  now  and  kubuntu  cannot  see it04:17
bur[n] er_hellcattrav: "sudo apt-get remove --purge packagename"04:17
bur[n] er_margis: it can.. just mount it04:18
margisdo u thing  it  is  not  mounted?04:18
bur[n] er_!vfat04:18
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse04:18
draikbur[n] er_: Thanks. That's something to do.04:18
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse04:18
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bur[n] er_draik: sure... quite the process though!04:18
margisok ........  tell me the commant to mount it04:18
ForgeAushmm ok well ntfs3g isn't unsafe is it?04:18
draikIs anyone else here having an issue with your monitor going black after 5 minutes of idle time?04:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs3g - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:18
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)04:19
bur[n] er_ntfs-3g has had mixed results04:19
ForgeAusoh ok thats unsafe too04:19
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margisok guys     i need a command     to  mount  it04:19
margiscna u tell me plz?04:19
bur[n] er_margis: follow the link about vfat04:19
margisok   i will check it04:19
hellcattravBur[n] er: if i type in ubuntudesktop that wouldn't mess anything up would it?04:20
bur[n] er_hellcattrav: it wont' do anything... if you type ubuntu-desktop... it will not mess it up04:20
cpk1hellcattrav: read what it says its going to do04:20
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ForgeAusvfat is easy mostly just requires the mount command (generally in su mode and possibly a directory created before it to mount it too.. )04:21
margiss of Ubuntu 6.04 (Dapper Drake) there is slightly more NTFS writing support04:21
margisthrough a very experimental NTFS FUSE module. Using this seems to work but04:21
margisis NOT recommended. Do you want to use this? [no] 04:21
margiswaht is this?04:21
intelikeygee  linux is really lacking in the graphics department !04:21
bur[n] er_hellcattrav: use "sudo apt-get remove packagename -s" to do a pretend remove and see what it will do04:21
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ForgeAusmargis if you have a fat32 partition don't worry about NTFS its a different format04:21
cpk1if you use aptitude it will tell you what it will do then ask yes or no04:21
margiswhat i tell here ?04:21
margisyes or no?04:22
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse04:22
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ForgeAusgenerally linux will have a list of your drives and partitions already04:22
margisAll windows and mac partitions will now be mounted every time you boot04:22
margisYou do not need to reboot, the partitions are mounted now too04:22
margisok now04:22
margisthanks  all of u04:22
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ForgeAusall you have to do is tell it which ones to mount and where04:23
intelikeythis is outrages.  linux can't even handle one image file....04:23
intelikeywindows 95 could/can open 30 of them at a time but linux needs more ram...04:23
ForgeAusimage? what kind of image, a picture or some kind of drive image?04:23
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intelikeyi also converted to .bmp04:24
margiscna i  change hteir names?   form hd1 to  hard disk?04:24
margisor not?04:24
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margiscan ....their  (sorry)04:24
intelikeylinux can't open a 600k .tiff nor it's 11m .bmp counter part.04:25
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intelikeyand i just had 30 of them open in win95 to convert them all to bmp.04:25
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intelikey30 at one time.   same box.04:25
stunatrawho still uses win95? LOL04:26
intelikeystunatra who still uses windows period ?04:26
ForgeAusI still have win9804:26
stunatranewbs do04:26
cpk1intelikey: i dont seem to have a problem with targas04:26
cpk1the targas i have are 5mB04:27
intelikeycpk1 how much ram do you have ?04:27
cpk11.25gB heh04:27
intelikeyi've got the .25 part of that04:27
intelikeyit seems that linux needs about a gig to view one image where windows can edit 30 of them in 25% of that.04:28
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Biovoreintelikey: ?04:29
intelikeythat's not good.04:29
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intelikeyso doing the math  windows was 120 times better at viewing/editing images 12 years ago than linux is today...04:30
jbrancoone of my computers running linux only has 256m of memory and I don't have a problem04:31
=== intelikey still doesn't like M$ though
unix_infidelintelikey: that math seems odd to me.04:31
unix_infideli'd need a citation to believe you.04:31
intelikeyjbranco i don't have a problem editing a 20k .png icon either.04:32
intelikeyunix_infidel scroll up ^04:32
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unix_infideland it'd have to be like comittee that DEVELOPED img formates.04:32
dennisterhey ppl...can't stay, but will be back 2morrow, i'm sure04:32
unix_infidelintelikey: you're test case is neither standardized or documenented...04:33
unix_infidelwhat reason do i have to believe you.04:33
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intelikeyunix_infidel none what so ever.    why should i care whether you believe me or not?04:33
intelikeyshort answer i shouldn't.04:34
intelikeyand dont.04:34
unix_infidelheh, because you just made an outrageous claim about the OS many of us use in here.04:34
unix_infidelcome back with some cites, it might actually be constructive rhetoric.04:34
intelikeygo to any state.gov site dl the county maps and start editing them.   then you can see for your self.04:35
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jbrancoon my celeron/256m linux box i can view plenty of pics from my digital camera(whihc are quite large), surf the web, listen to music, and whatever else no problem04:36
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intelikeyjbranco yes i've viewed pic's from camera too.    and you should be able to open the whole memory stick full of pictures on that system04:37
intelikeybut you can't04:37
hellcattravno idid04:38
jbrancodo you have links of certain pictures you are having trouble with?04:38
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intelikeyjbranco i'll get it for you.  busy right now, give me a few.04:38
specialbuddydo I have to get vncserver in order to use vncviewer?  Remote Desktop is on the computer by default but I don't see how it will work without vncserver.04:39
Biovorespecialbuddy: vncviewer is a sperate program.. there  not related04:39
specialbuddyI think they are related because usually viewer is used to with the server04:40
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intelikeyjbranco here pick one.  http://www.arkansashighways.com/search2.htm04:43
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intelikeyjbranco get the tiff format  i think they have pdf also.04:46
jbrancoi downloaded a 4mb saline county map04:46
jbrancono probs04:46
jbrancowhile chatting, watching a dvd, surfin web, and checking e-mail04:47
intelikeyjbranco no probs as in it down loaded ok or what ?04:47
jbrancoi opened it, it opened in about 1-2 seconds04:47
jbrancoviewed it fine04:48
intelikeybox specs ?04:48
jbranco2.66ghz celeron/256megs of ram04:48
jbranco7200rpm hdd04:49
intelikeyand you are telling me that it didn't start swapping on that 256m of ram ?04:49
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intelikeyjbranco maybe i haven't tried the right app yet.  what did you open it with ?04:50
jbranco<--- newb sry04:50
jbrancoi opened that particular file with gewnview04:51
jbrancotried it?04:52
jbrancoyou using kubuntu?04:53
intelikeytried everything else i could find.04:53
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intelikeygthumb kviewimage gimp ooDraw kpaint xpaint paul imageMagic and others...04:55
intelikeyjbranco not really.  ubuntu + kde04:55
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jbrancooh ok, i was just wondering because it comes with kubuntu04:55
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intelikeytried it on two boxes both with 256m ram   neither will open an 800k .tiff image  in less than 5minutes.04:56
jbrancoalso, i'm sure other people have different opinions then mine, but i have found that kubuntu seems to run a little better/faster then ubuntu on my machines04:56
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cpk1intelikey: shouldnt there be no problem since you have a swap file too?04:57
intelikeywith tones of swapping.   so i rebooted the slower machine to win95 and opened 30 of them at a time then saved them as .bmp    they translate to about 10m .bmp files.    it swapped some but went pretty quick   very little waiting.04:58
jbrancoyea, i find that strange also, i was trying to duplicate his problem but couldn't04:58
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intelikeycpk1 one stinking .tiff file less than one meg in size should NEVER need more than 200m of ram.04:59
cpk1i have too much ram to duplicate04:59
jbrancoi have actually noticed an increase in performance from my machines when i switched to gnu/linux04:59
intelikeyand this 256m box runs with 200+m free most of the time.04:59
jbrancocame from winxp04:59
intelikeyjbranco yeah imo xp is dog slow.05:00
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jbrancoit has been such a long time since i used win95 and at the time i was probably running 64megs so i can't really compare05:01
Dr_willisXP = eXtra Patience needed05:01
Dr_willisXP is so messed up on my machine.. i need to fix it badly...05:01
Dr_willisbut its such a hassle to get back up to speed with it.05:02
Dr_willisworse  then linux in so many ways..05:02
intelikeyi know i'm using old "junk" hardware  but still there is no excuse for linux to be that far behind on image manipulation    no excuse at all.05:02
Dr_willisinstall the os.. (whoich takes longer) get the nvidia drivers.. install/reboot/ reboot a dozen more times for all the other hardware...05:02
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intelikeythe system i'm running is less than a year old.  but i used 12 year old windows to do what i couldn't do in linux....05:03
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Dr_willissorry intelikey  i just got here.. no idea what you are ranting about. :)05:04
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jbrancohe is talking about opening and viewing tif files05:05
gregdjbranco: what type of tiff encoding?05:06
intelikeylarge .tiff05:06
Dr_willisi cant say that ive got any tiffs to even check05:06
intelikeytry a 12m .bmp  that will suffice.05:07
jbrancothat is a 4m one05:07
sampantiffs take a while to open on my xp laptop too ... but 150 meg files are slow to load i guess05:07
Dr_willisi found a honking Huge pdf image (map of the state) that brought XP and Linux to a crawl. :)05:08
Dr_willisbut it was a amazing map.05:08
Dr_willistoo bad it waent truely interactive05:08
gregdlike specs, fax level 4 encoded tiffs are not well supported by libtiff05:08
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Dr_willis621711.tif takes about 3 secs (by my count) to open05:09
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lonewolf1066Stupid question, used to XP, how do you switch between tabs in Firefox in Ubuntu?05:09
gregdyou can use kfax for em, uses progressive loading scheme05:09
gregdlonewolf1066: same way05:09
gregdctrl pgup/pgdown will do it too05:10
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lonewolf1066gregd: Thanks, ,forgot the crtl pgup/pgdown. Ctrl-Tab was switching between desktops05:10
intelikey<sampan> tiffs take a while to open on my xp laptop too ... but 150 meg files are slow to load i guess <<< that's kinda the way i was thinking.   cause i would have to turn on swap on this box to open one 800k .tiff file   (had over 200m free befor trying it)    but then i rebooted to win95 and opened over 30 of the things in less time that it takes gimp to come up empty.    "i was like what the hell is wrong with linux ?"05:10
gregdintelikey: what kind of images? res, bit depth, encoding?05:11
sampanintelikey  yeah, but i was saying it all depends on the .tif files -- mine are 16bbp with layers ... and 150 megs in size.  your arkansas map opens for me (only 512 ram) in under a second05:11
sampani click and it opens instantly in konq05:12
sampansame in gwenview too05:13
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cntbhow do I fsck a root partition from recue cd - installer env ?05:14
intelikey<sampan> intelikey  yeah, but i was saying it all depends on the .tif files --.... <<< yes but they were the same 33 file   the same box   only the os/apps changed.   linux can't open any one of them.  win95 opens them all at the same time.....05:15
cntbhi intelikey05:15
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sampanintelikey  i understand the issue ... my experience is quite different though.  windows and linux seem about the same on images. only slowdowns i get are when i'm opening HUGE tif files and that's because they are just so large.05:16
intelikeycntb sudo fsck /dev/hda1         hda1 is only an example.  use the right address.05:16
jbrancouse win95 then, if gnu/linux can't do what you want then no use using it then05:16
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Dr_willisWowsers.. I just learned somthing new about Ubuntu/Kubuntu.. check out....05:17
Dr_willisls -l /dev/disk/by-label/05:18
Dr_willisls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/05:18
Dr_willisthats MUCH easier to find out what uuid/label is then the other ways ive seen05:18
cntbintelikey: I dont recall where is fsck05:18
cntbintelikey:  now on rescue mode no paths must figure out where it is05:19
cntbwait I will "locate" on this machine05:19
intelikeyjbranco interesting remark.   sounds more like "shut up and leave us alone"  but interesting just the same.    if i thought that all it was was a rant.  i would have hushed after the first post.   but i know that bring things like this to the attention of communities sometimes sparks an interest and fixes things....05:19
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Dr_willisfsck would be in /sbin/ i would think05:19
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intelikeycntb rescue mode has path set.05:19
cntbDr_willis: ye05:19
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gregdintelikey: since you seem to be ignoring my attempts to help you, i'll just repeat my comment that tiffs can vary in encoding. some such as fax group encoding are not well supported by libtif and benefit by using a program that can use tiled progressive loading05:20
Dr_willisTesting out SidUX in a vmware session at the moment.. :) heh05:20
intelikeyshouldn't matter where it is.   the path is the same.05:20
cntblocated on this system  tis /sbin but rescue mode installer env shell wont start fsck05:20
cntband Ia mot supposed to mount fsckd system05:21
cntbSo ... ?05:21
intelikeygregd but .bmp is supported isn't it ?05:21
jbrancointelikey: i did not mean to sound like that at all, i am just having trouble helping you because i can not replicate your problem while using a similiar machine. if windows95 allows you to do what you need to do and gnu/linux doesn't then you should use windows95. sorry if you took my comment the wrong way05:21
intelikeycntb ah fsck is probably not there.   e2fsck05:22
scribzhmm, autologin from console doesn't seem to work right05:22
gregdintelikey: link to the trouble file?05:23
scribzi switched off kdm to save resources05:23
sampangregd, the tif example he posted is just a 8bbp 2000x2000 monochrome tif ... like jbranco it opens lightning fast on my machine, which is like 3+ years old and only 512 megs of ram, so05:23
intelikeyjbranco hope i didn't offend.  i seldom ever get upset at what people say.  and haven't here today.05:23
cntbtyvm inteli also on mounted is riskey so back to installer env shell for e2fsck05:23
jbrancointelikey: no i'm not offended i just wanted to explain my comment in order to avoid coming across harsh05:24
intelikeysampan i didn't post a link to a file.05:24
intelikeysampan i posted a link to a page where you can find files.05:24
intelikeysomeone chose that one.05:24
sampanintelikey  http://www.arkansashighways.com/Maps/Counties/621711.tif  <-- that wasn't one?05:24
intelikeyjbranco k.  np05:24
jbrancoi posted a link to the file from the site he linked to me05:24
sampani didn't see the nick that posted -- just opened the page ... gotcha05:25
jbrancoit was just an example05:25
intelikeyhttp://www.arkansashighways.com/Maps  i'm not even sure that state is the same encoding..05:25
cntbintelikey: Dr_willis. e2fsck-d alright ty05:25
intelikeytry the texas maps.05:26
intelikeycntb sorry i didn't think of the scripts (fsck*) not being on the cd.05:26
Dr_willistexas is too big for us yankees to handle. ;)05:26
intelikeyDr_willis that may be the problem  :)05:27
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Dr_willisTexas has garbage dumps bigger then many of the original 13 states!05:28
intelikeygregd as per the exact encoding, tell me how to get that info and i'll tell you the specifics.  i can't just open one of them and check, obviously; or i wouldn't have been ranting about it.05:28
intelikeyDr_willis yes.  and most of the therteen export their garbage to texas...  ;/05:29
intelikeysome of it.05:29
Dr_willisintelikey,  and the trucks taking garbage to texas.. come back with spinich and lettus and other food stuffs... ICK!05:30
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intelikeywell they are 'supposed' to wash them before reloading...05:32
Dr_willisheh.. yea.. wash off all the bacteria! :)05:33
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Dr_williswe had a lot of food scares in the last 2 years or so.. spinich, green onions,  lettus, what else was there...05:33
Dr_willisthere was some problem with Pumpkins in this state i recall also. so No kissing that Jack-o-lantern05:34
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gregdintelikey: get libtiff-tools. command is tiffinfo input...05:36
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gregdpaste output05:38
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gregdit is just like I said. just use kfax.05:43
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intelikeyerror.   glass breaking.    due to patend reasons kfax can not handle lzw (limple ziv & welch) compressed fax files.05:49
intelikeygregd kfax will handle some of them though.  thanks for the tip there.     and the memory usage is reasonable  Mem usage: 36/249 MB (14%)05:51
intelikeybefore ^05:51
intelikeyMem usage: 64/249 MB (25%)05:51
intelikeyafter opening one of them. ^05:51
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siegfried__I burned http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu/kubuntu/edgy/kubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso and booted it expecting to get an installer. It looks like a live CD. Can I install from this?05:53
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intelikeyso am i to understand that linux in general is to disorganized to be able to share the resources/information to make image viewer work on different encoding    you need one app for one encoding and another app for another encoding of the .tiff files ?      if so linux is still more than 12 years behind on that issue.05:54
intelikeysiegfried__ if you are lucky you can.  some do.05:54
Dr_willisthe livecd should have an icon for a hd install.05:54
Dr_willisthats getting to be very common way of installing.. which is nice in ways.. annoying in others. :)05:55
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intelikeyDr_willis and just plain fails on some specs05:55
cntbhow can I hide a partition till a client  pays me ?05:56
Dr_willisintelikey,  yep. seen many a live cd that dont like my system05:56
Dr_willisremove the hd.. :)05:56
Dr_willisdisable it in bios.. then password protect the bios?05:57
Dr_willisenctypt the thing..05:57
HymnToLiferemove the superblock with dd so it can't be mounted ?05:57
HymnToLife(but be sure you know how to restore it :p)05:57
intelikeyi wouldn't have anything against the live CD being the only install disk  IF, they'd set it up where you could choose text mode at boot time and the installer would run in the console...      errr actually not the installer that is on the liveCD it would need to be a good one.05:58
gregdintelikey: no. the fax encoding is obsolete. that is why it works well on windows05:58
intelikeyHymnToLife nothing would keep them from using an alternate superblock       nothing but ignorance that is.05:59
HymnToLifeoh, right05:59
siegfried__Is there a non-live installation disk on http://www.kubuntu.org/download.php somewhere? I did not see one. Should I be looking somewhere else?05:59
HymnToLiferemove the backups too, then :p05:59
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HymnToLifesiegfried__, yep, it's called "Alternate"05:59
intelikeygregd linux is not usually the os that abandons things...05:59
intelikey!alternate | siegfried__06:00
ubotusiegfried__: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.06:00
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HymnToLifeyep, just look at the options for 20 years old hardware when compiling a kernel :p06:00
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intelikeyhehhe note; ***the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD***   as if the alternate CD was not a live CD    lol06:03
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siegfried__Does the live Kubuntu install with lvms?06:04
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intelikeyinstalls lvm  i dont know about installing on an lvm ....06:06
Dr_willisintelikey,  technicially then every installcd has always been a live cd. :)06:07
Dr_willisi recall using the alternative consoles ages ago during text based installs..06:07
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intelikeyi find the desktop installer very inflexable06:07
intelikeyDr_willis yeah06:08
Dr_willisintelikey,  i do also .. seen much better installers.06:08
Dr_willisMEPIS for all its failures - had a decent installer last i used it.06:08
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intelikeymdk9 had a pretty good installer graphic and text on one disk  (well there were three disks altogather but the installers were on disk#1)   it did have one bug in the mouse setup portion, had to manually refresh or the mouse didn't act right.  wouldn't mess up the installation but was annoying.   that was what 02 ?06:10
intelikey03 maybe ?06:11
Jucato1. Ubiquity (the installer) is very new... just started w/ Dapper. 2. The purpose of the Desktop installer is not the same as that of other GUI installers, like MEPIS'. True it could do better. Maybe it will... too early to tell06:11
intelikeyJucato ok, i'll bite.   "what is the purpose of the Desktop installer" ?06:13
=== intelikey just kinda figured the purpose was "to install linux" ...
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Jucatointelikey: a very basic desktop install, with the defaults that are set in the Desktop/Live CD06:14
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Jucatoit basically just copies the files in the Desktop CD, hence there are no .debs in the CD06:15
szyszejahow can i use my mp3's player06:15
szyszejaits usb06:15
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intelikeyJucato are you saying the intent of the author/s is to make it as ridgid as possable ?06:15
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Jucatoif they wanted to make it "as rigid as possible", they wouldn't give options to partition and mount the system to partitions would it?06:16
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gregdszyszeja: there may be a button labeled "play"06:16
szyszejahi gregd06:17
intelikeyJucato it would have to.   no way an installer of any os can/should just copy to hda1 ...   what do you do if they have sata or scsi drives06:18
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Jucatointelikey: so it is not "as rigid as possible"06:18
intelikeydang near06:19
intelikeywith the architecture that most people have, and linux kernel's capabilities.  one could write an installer that will at boot time   1 load a pseudo kernel that locks the power button the cd tray and does dd if=installationfile.img of=/dev/hda    when the copy is complete,  ejects and resets the box.06:23
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intelikeyactually could use tar in that equation and make the output larger than the input06:24
ErtainI can't seem to record anything with my headset.  Though I can hear stuff through the speakers when I use the mic it doesn't record.06:25
intelikeyErtain kmixer  and/or the app you are using to record   and make sure that the mic is the device that is being recorded06:26
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Menahey why cant i format to ntfs file system06:47
Menai want to format a normal pat for a ntfs file system but i cant06:47
ChaosEddieMena: let me guess06:47
ChaosEddieno root file system?06:47
Menathe option on Gparted And Qtparted dusable cant choose it06:48
Menai have already a partition for the root06:48
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MenaCHaosEddie, so !06:49
ChaosEddiehehe, its a crazy bug.06:49
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ChaosEddiei posted a blog about it on chi-ubuntu loco page. let me grab the bug report.06:49
MenaCHaosEddie,okay take you rtime06:49
intelikeyMena why are you using linux to make an ntfs partition ?06:50
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ChaosEddieuh if you want to see, the blog is at posingaspopular.wordpress.com06:50
Menaintelikey, bec i use Xp two06:50
intelikeyMena let xp make the partition it will install on.06:50
intelikeyor at least let it format it.06:51
Menaintelikey, no problem in that06:51
intelikeyok then what ?06:51
Menaintelikey, okay but is there a bug in the program06:51
Menagparted or qtparted06:51
Menabec at first i was able to use it06:51
Menasince first time i install linux06:52
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Menaand use it06:52
ChaosEddieMena: it's a known bug.06:52
intelikeyMena the liveCD installer  yeah   imo the program is a bug with some good code accidently inserted into it...06:52
XossMena if you want to create a dual boot with XP and linux i think you have to install XP first06:52
MenaXoss, ok06:52
ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)06:52
ChaosEddiexoss is right06:52
MenaCHaosEddie,sure i try it befro06:53
intelikeyyou don't have to.  but it makes life easier06:53
Xossthere is a problem with the GRUB boot loader06:53
Menaintelikey , ok06:53
ChaosEddieMena: is that doesn't work, try user supergrub06:53
ChaosEddiei think thats the name06:53
MenaChaosEddie, no no no this is not the problem i just decide to resize Xp part then that happened06:54
ChaosEddieMena: post your partition table plz06:54
Xossi think gparted can format ntfs file system..06:55
Mena  /dev/hda306:55
intelikeyMena that means use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org  and put the output of    sudo fdisk -l     there.06:55
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Menasorry :)06:56
=== intelikey wonders if gparted can make an ntfs on /hda ...
MenaChaosEddie, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6062/06:58
intelikeywow   i just made a fat32 fs that windows can't use but linux can.06:58
Jucatoyeah, that happens06:58
ForgeAusa windowsless fat32? wow thats wierd06:59
Jucatodunno if it's the norm or the exception....06:59
ForgeAusok so why can't windows use it?06:59
intelikeyJucato yeah06:59
ForgeAusrofl Jucato :)06:59
intelikeyForgeAus it's not in a partition06:59
ForgeAusoh another partitionless disk?06:59
intelikeyall mine are.07:00
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=== Jucato thinks Windows considers a FAT32 fs made by a linux partitioner as an illegitimate child
ForgeAusbecause you like to stick to lilo instead of going to grub?07:00
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Jucatobecause he's just that "unique"07:00
ChaosEddiewhere is the windows SUPPOSED to be07:00
ChaosEddiebecause i dont see it in the table07:01
intelikeyhey.  you know how to catch a unique rabbit ?07:01
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ForgeAusno, how?07:01
jimis there a way to add the Fiesty archives to edgy's updater so I can update that way07:01
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intelikeyChaosEddie it's hda3  but the lable may be wrong.07:01
intelikeyForgeAus     unique up on it...07:02
MenaChaosEddie, no no no i dont install it yet and the partition cpuldnt be mount correct so i dedied to format it to ntfs07:02
ChaosEddieah thats what i though07:02
intelikeyForgeAus you know how to catch a tame rabbit ?07:02
adydashow on earth do you disable bloddy dhclient for ever07:02
ForgeAusif its tame you just call it, and it comes to you no need to catch it07:02
SolidSourcejim: yes, but thats for upgrding to the next distro version...and its not suggested at this current time unless you an official tester07:02
intelikeyForgeAus tame way...07:02
ChaosEddieand you tried to mount to the new ntfs hd3 and it didnt go07:02
MenaChaosEddie, no i couldnt format it to ntfs07:03
ChaosEddiedo you need a /home?07:03
MenaChaosEddie, mean07:03
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ForgeAusI'm beginning to think XP is better with fat3207:04
ForgeAuswhats the point of NTFS?07:04
intelikeyto give linus hell07:04
MenaChaosEddie, u mean a root part or a /home file on root part07:04
ForgeAusa few extra permissions, filesystem compression, encryption (which I don't like anyway)...07:04
ChaosEddiei guess,07:05
ForgeAusthe only benefit I'd get is a little extra space...07:05
ChaosEddiewhy does your ID on the table have a B07:05
ChaosEddiefor hda207:05
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intelikeyChaosEddie bootable ?07:05
intelikeyoh no i see what you are asking.07:06
intelikeythat's  0b07:06
ChaosEddiemy windows partition has a 7 for the id07:06
ChaosEddiebut it's NTFS07:06
intelikeypartition type  0b07:06
ChaosEddieintelikey: which is...07:06
MenaChaosEddie, friends when i decied to resize i formatted Xp partition and all part except the root so that what happend and i dont no way its b07:06
intelikeyMena he's just looking at the two digit code for the partition type.07:07
Menaintelikey , ok but i realy dont know what is the function of the digit code07:08
intelikeyChaosEddie 07 is ntfs partition type   06 is win95-   05 is extended     04 is fat12   iirc.07:09
intelikeythe full code is in c/fdisk07:10
ForgeAusfat12 is like floppy disks right?07:10
ChaosEddieman i suck at partitioning07:10
ForgeAusme too07:10
ForgeAusI always tend to mess up something07:10
ForgeAuslast time I partitiones space for kubuntu I killed my win98 boot07:11
ForgeAusgrr partitioneD07:11
MenaSo my win95 nust be 6 or b for boot07:11
ForgeAusI can easily fix it, but I'm more concerned that if I do that my NTLDR will be unrecoverable07:12
ForgeAusMena what program are you using for this?07:12
ozwanyone up for a challenge?  i'm trying to get my foot pedal to work.  and i'm a serious beginner heh.07:12
ForgeAusfoot pedal?07:12
MenaForgeAus, gparted or what do you mean07:13
ForgeAusan input device for a driving game or music or something?07:13
ForgeAuswow gparted can do that?07:13
Menahey i dont knwo what do you mean07:13
ozwyea a foot pedal...i use it for medical transcription07:13
ozwit's just a thing that sits on the floor with three buttons to play/rewind/fast-forward07:13
ozwit was kind of a bitch to set up on windows, so i'm sure it'll be even more difficult on ubuntu07:14
intelikey 01 FAT12  04 FAT16 <32M (win95-)   05 Extended  06 FAT16  07 HPFS/NTFS  0B W95 FAT32  0C W95 FAT32 (LBA)  0E W95 FAT16 (LBA)  0F W95 Ext'd (LBA)  11 Hidden FAT12  14 Hidden FAT16 <32M  16 Hidden FAT16  17 Hidden HPFS/NTFS  1B Hidden W95 FAT32  81 Minix / old Linux  82 Linux swap / Solaris  83 Linux  BE Solaris boot   BF Solaris    E3 DOS R/O     DA Non-FS data    and the list goes on.07:14
ForgeAuswell its an input device but thats all I know about it07:14
ForgeAushow does it plug in? usb? ps2?07:15
Menainetlikey, ok07:15
ForgeAusjoystick/midi port?07:15
ForgeAusCOM/Serial port?07:15
ozwum.  well, its serial...but on windows i couldn't get it to work with serial so i have an extension that converts it to ps/2, and an extension that converts that to usb lol07:15
Menainetlikey, can i install Xp now whithout touching Linux07:15
ForgeAuswow... Serial > PS2 > USB.. nice!07:16
Menainetlikey, i mean install Xp while linux is already installed07:16
ForgeAusum if you plug it into usb I'm not sure its going to know what your plugging in... does the autodetect detect it as some type of device?07:16
ozwi think windows recognized it as a game controller/joystick07:16
Menainetlikey, and i already had a menu for choosing between linux and Xp07:17
ozwit def detected the usb-to-serial thing, but i don't know how to check if it detected the pedal itself07:17
ForgeAusok.. kewl07:17
ozwi don't think it has07:17
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intelikeyMena not likely.   you have the partition  hda3 reserved for windows.  windows will cry if you don't give it the first primary partition of a disk.   i.e.  hda1 in your case.07:17
ozwi could try serial as well but i'm not sure how to check if it detected that either07:17
ForgeAusit doesn't DETECT serial07:17
ForgeAusyou just need the driver to run it07:18
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ChaosEddieForgeAus: is there anywya to run a driver in wine07:18
ForgeAusas to what driver would be correct for it I'd have no idea07:18
ozwyea, well, i have no idea how to go about doing that heh.  it's an olympus rs23 pedal, but olympus doesn't support linux07:18
Menainetlikey, ohh okay07:18
ChaosEddieor something crazy like that07:18
ForgeAusChaosEddie, I have no idea07:18
ozwolympus doesn't support much at all heh07:18
intelikeyMena it's not hard to get windows to work on another primary partition.  but it is hard to get it to install there.07:18
Menainetlikey, ok07:18
ForgeAusyou could try installing it but I can't make any promises07:18
ForgeAusI've never tried to do anything like that07:19
ChaosEddieForgeAus: i have a f-link router that wont support windows, and im trying to think of crazy ways to get it to work. google d-link is too much work07:19
SolidSourcewhats the command to download a repository key?07:19
ForgeAusmy d-link works great with linux or windows!07:19
ozwi tried setting it up to work in wine but that didn't work out either...i'm sure because linux needs to know what it is first07:19
ForgeAussolid you need the url07:19
ForgeAusnot just directory but the gpg key file07:20
SolidSourceyeah thats what I'm trying to get07:20
ozwthe foot pedal not working is pretty much the only thing that keeps me having to switch back to windows every night to do my work07:20
ForgeAusthen theres two sudo commands (one to retrieve it, and the other to add it to the key"ring")07:20
intelikeyMena i know it's not fun but the easiest way to do what you want to do is to delete all partitions  (probably have to sudo swapoff -a first)  and make one primary partition for windows then make an extended partition and install windows in the primary letting it format c:   then install linux in the extended part.     that would be the smoothest road home.07:21
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ForgeAusozw perhaps you might want to go to a more specific channel? they might have people who can help you better07:21
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intelikeyooops just a little too late.07:21
SolidSourceI know those commands, I just don't have the gpg key # is07:21
ForgeAusor the other way... #linux07:21
ForgeAussolid try googling the repository name then perhaps?07:22
ForgeAustheres bound to be a reference somewhere07:22
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ForgeAusor you could try http/ftp-ing the file structure and looking for the key file07:22
SolidSourceyeah,,,in chinese07:22
ozwcan you suggest a more specific channel?07:22
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ForgeAusset your search engine to only look for english pages then07:22
ozwi really don't know where to start heh07:23
adydasanyone got a good link for setting up nvidia drivers07:23
ForgeAusozw same here mostly... #linux might be a good place to ask for that07:23
ozwalright, thanks07:23
intelikey!ati | adydas07:23
ubotuadydas: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:23
intelikeydoes that not work for you ?07:23
SolidSourceForgeAus: thats thing...I have done all that...it doesn't come up with anything07:23
ForgeAusno .gpg or .key or whatever the extension is?07:24
SolidSourcenope nothin07:24
ForgeAusand you can't download anything from that repo because it needs a key?07:24
intelikeyForgeAus sometimes key.txt07:24
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ForgeAuswell then I have only 2 suggestions07:24
ForgeAusone find someone to translate chinese for you07:24
ForgeAusor B) use a translator!07:24
ForgeAus(like babelfish)07:24
ForgeAusrun a webpage thats chinese through it and see what you come out with!07:25
ForgeAusjust an idea, not sure if it will help or not07:25
ForgeAusbut I Can't think of a better way07:25
SolidSourceeh, I don't even know what the repository was for...07:26
SolidSourceso removed it07:26
SolidSourcenot going through all that just to figure it out07:26
ForgeAusfair enuff07:26
intelikeyit was obviously for a little while.07:27
intelikeyfor a few days even.07:27
SolidSourceif you care to know what the repo is its: deb http://cle.linux.org.tw/candyz/Ubuntu/edgy amd64/07:27
ForgeAustw... hmmm taiwan I gather07:27
intelikeylooks taiwanees to me07:28
ForgeAusI don't have an amd64 mine's just an i4/5/686 ... (p4 actually)07:28
ForgeAusintelikey is that a condition related to knock-knees?07:29
intelikeyno more related to uncle ho07:29
ForgeAusyeah but 686 is i3/4/586 compatible right?07:29
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intelikeyForgeAus yes07:29
intelikeyForgeAus cat /proc/cpuinfo07:30
ForgeAusie old or generic software with no i4/5/686 will work with the i386 vers07:30
intelikeyForgeAus cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name'       would be more readable07:30
ForgeAus(I noticed most WindowsXP cd's have an i386 folder)07:30
ForgeAuswhich has most of the installation files07:31
ForgeAusmodel name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz07:31
ForgeAusmodel name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz07:31
SolidSourceForgeAus: found how to get the key07:31
ForgeAus(its hyperthreaded thus it sees it like 2 processors in that respect)07:31
ForgeAushence the dual identical result07:32
ForgeAusSolid, nice!07:32
adydasintelikey: that means nothing07:32
intelikeyyes i386 builds will run on 386+ arch    while i686 builds will run with errors on 386-568   and without error on 686+   (in theory)07:32
SolidSourcejust used "wget http://cle.linux.org.tw/candyz/Ubuntu/candyz.key" and then "sudo apt-ket add candys.key"07:33
ForgeAuspossibly excluding ia6407:33
ForgeAusSolidsource yeah basically07:33
intelikeyia64 is 686+  yes07:33
ForgeAusbut you had to know the candyz.key file07:33
intelikeyadydas ?07:33
SolidSourceubuntu forums had something on the exact repo07:34
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adydasis there a differnce for installing nvidia drivers for kubuntu over unbuntu ?07:35
provolikGood morning to you all07:35
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adydasthat file you linked mes all good, but means nothing as nothing on that file is there07:35
adydasstep 1)go to System and then Administration07:35
intelikeyonly gui apps will differ between the *buntu's adydas07:35
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adydasi have no such thing07:36
adydasi dont have or can i find a synaptic package manager07:36
intelikeyyou can install synaptic  if you like.07:36
adydasIf thats what i ahve to do to get these dam nvidia drivers going, so be it07:36
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto07:37
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intelikeyeven using adept to install synaptic is acceptable07:37
ubotudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.07:37
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adydashows that different than adept07:37
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intelikeyactually a lot smother imo.   and i'm not a gnome fan.07:38
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SolidSourceadydas: to get nvidia driver working you have to change all the "nv" to "nvidia" in the xorg.conf file07:38
adydasyes but07:38
adydasit dont work07:38
provolikwhat about the installation of fonts and ttf?07:38
adydaswhen i reboot it dont stick07:38
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SolidSourceadydas: do you got kubuntu-desktop installed?07:38
orkid___how do i get rid of the fadingness in fesity?07:38
gansinhohello could anybody help me, I'm trying to compile kpilot from source and I'm having some trouble and I just can't figure out how to solve it07:38
adydasits only effective for the time i boot from console into x via start x after installing07:38
orkid___gansinho: dont ask to ask.07:39
intelikeylol yeah.    ubuntu's brain storm of having xorg reconfigure each boot  lol.....07:39
adydasSolidSource: i have a fresh install of kubuntu07:39
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intelikeythere are several ways to stop it tho.07:39
SolidSourceadydas: just use adept/synaptic and install kubuntu-desktop package07:39
adydasim using a kde based desktop gui atm07:39
adydasthat count?07:39
adydasi mean 1607:40
gansinhoorkid___: thanks,  this is the output http://pastebin.com/88193007:40
SolidSourceadydas: this doesn't have anything to do with that07:40
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intelikeyedit the init script that's causing it     make the xorg.conf imutable     remove the first comments from the xorg.conf  (full line not just the #)   and other ways07:40
SolidSourceadydas: the package ensures your settings and such....without you will have problems07:40
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adydaskubuntu-desktop is already the newest version.07:41
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orkid___gansinho: you can't install kpilot from the repositories?07:41
Danihello all07:41
orkid___gansinho: are you building from SVN?07:41
SolidSourceadydas: ok, what video card do you have?07:42
gansinhoorkid___: yes, the one in the repo is too old and does not work propely wih kontacts07:42
adydasNvidia 7900GT07:42
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gansinhoorkid___: if you are aware of some repo that has it atualized with svn it would help me a lot07:42
SolidSourceadydas: and you installed the nvidia-glx package?07:42
adydasfresh install of kubuntu07:43
adydaslast time i downloaded a .run file from nvidia.com07:43
adydasso i would have to say no i dont have nvidia0glx installaed07:43
SolidSourceadydas: theres your problem07:43
adydasawsum, that is now installing07:44
adydasdo i use that .run file after?07:44
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orkid___gansinho: if you're compiling from SVN you might have errors b/c SVN is the current devel and sometimes might not work.07:44
SolidSourceadydas: no07:44
adydasno files or forums ive read suggest what you just said07:44
orkid___gansinho: you might want to upgrade kontacts (or wahtever) to svn before you try to compile kpilot. but again, i don't know if this will work. mixing things together like this is asking for trouble.07:45
orkid___yo ucould just install a test setup all from SVN... but then again kde is in kde4 development so trunk in kde is version 4.07:45
SolidSourceadydas: only use adept to install nvidia-glx...the reason is, not all installers know where to put files and since adept does, use it to install as much as possible07:45
orkid___i know this isn't what you'r elookin for but it might be wisest to just hold out for a proper release for kpilot that includes th support you're looking for07:46
adydasok thats done, so i can now change nv to nvidia in x.conf?07:46
gansinhoorkid___: I asked in kpilot channel, the developers said to me that updating kpilot is the only way to solve it... I just wanna know is what is happening to the make command that it is not working07:46
SolidSourceadydas: no07:46
intelikey" Karbon is a vector graphics application. "   so what do you do with a vector graphics application?07:46
SolidSourceadydas: restart first and then if the settings haven't worked, then change it07:46
adydasThank you07:47
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orkid___gansinho: try in kpilot channel again, it's related to the SVN as far as i can tell, the source might be messed up and simply not compile because of a problem in it07:48
orkid___that should/could be fixed by the devels07:48
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orkid___try updating from svn again and recompiling perhaps it's fixed already or file a bug report (again, best to see #kpilot)07:48
orkid___it seems like an error with kpilot and not any of the compile or support tools/libs07:49
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gansinhoorkid___: oh thanks! I thought it could be a broken dependency, so I'll ask over there! thanks !07:49
SolidSourceanyone have a working skype repository? cause the official skype one doesn't seem to be signed07:50
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto07:51
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SolidSourcelol yeah, done that07:51
SolidSourcethe repo keeps comming up "Failed to fetch http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/dists/stable/non-free/binary-amd64/Packages.gz"07:52
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orkid___gansinho: well i don't know for sure, it looks like something with libkcal, but then again, you're working with svn from kpilot so they should be able to help you out more as they're probably compiling this stuff all the time anyway (if they're devs)07:52
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intelikeySolidSource at   deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free  ???07:53
korielanyone knows why sometimes my system boots with no sound at all?07:53
SolidSourceintelikey: yep07:54
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korielseeing the output of lsmod all modules are loaded but no sound07:55
intelikeySolidSource the server seems to be borked.07:56
intelikeyi can't access that url  not http nor ftp07:57
intelikeytry   http://skype.com/go/getskype-linux-deb07:58
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intelikeyreverse name lookup may be the issue there...07:59
intelikeyor the server may be modified and not updated with a good redirrect08:00
SolidSourceits no big deal, just want the repo so it can update...trying to remove thinking from some things08:00
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justin_Does anyone here use MPlayer?08:02
justin_in K?08:02
SolidSourceand last....http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/dists/edgy-seveas/Release.....package is messed up and its an official repo08:02
SolidSourcejustin_:use it as a plugin, but nothing more08:02
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justin_What would you rather? I'm a noob, trying to find a good media player to play my avi's08:03
SolidSourceI use kaffeine for AVI, MPG, etc and LinDVD for DVDs08:03
justin_Ah I need to find codecs for kaffeine then because it doesn't seem to want to play anything I have yet08:04
justin_Is that something I can find with adept?08:04
SolidSourcefor some, but you need w32codec which is not in the main repos08:05
justin_I'll try to find that guy, thanks!08:05
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:06
intelikeyjustin_ ^08:06
SolidSourceyes but those don't say much about how to get W32codecs08:06
ForgeAusthere is a reason w32codecs isn't in the offical repos08:06
SolidSourcethough it gives all the others you need08:07
ForgeAusbut you can get it from adding others08:07
intelikeyyeah the developers don't want sued08:07
SolidSourceyeah, licensing....screw em08:07
intelikey          - But please use free formats if you can:08:07
intelikey          https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:07
intelikeyand you can.08:08
SolidSourcethat will get you w32codecs08:08
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=== intelikey misses his hacker....
intelikeyat least i had something to try to figure out.08:11
ForgeAusso how different is Debian + KDE to kubuntu?08:12
intelikeyForgeAus debian stable is not as "cutting edge"  and not as buggy.08:13
ForgeAusintelikey how about debian sid?08:13
intelikeythat's where the ubuntu packages come from     for the most part.08:13
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SolidSourceso debian + kde isn't as entertaining as kubuntu08:13
intelikeyentertaining    :)08:14
intelikeyis that what you call it when things don't work ?08:14
SolidSourceit was a joke08:14
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intelikeyyeah sorta....      oh you mean yours was...08:15
ForgeAuslol both are :)08:15
SolidSource :-S08:15
ForgeAusdepending on your viewpoint08:15
ForgeAusand of course sense of humour08:15
sancho21anybody know the most crowded ubuntu or linux mailing list?08:16
intelikeyhey don't accuse me of having any sense08:16
SolidSourcedidn't know we were08:16
intelikeySolidSource that was aimed at ForgeAus08:17
ForgeAuswouldn't you rather dollars than sense? :)08:18
intelikeysancho21 why would you be looking for the most spamed ?08:18
SolidSourcelol I was reading his mind08:18
intelikeyForgeAus actually no.08:18
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cntbintelikey: can I hide partitions with password ?08:18
ForgeAusahh so you need some sense to keep your cents?08:18
intelikeycntb grub can do that i think.08:19
intelikeyForgeAus i've meat people with more dollars than sense,  nothing i want to emulate.08:19
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ForgeAuswell I don't think I should confute that one ...08:23
externwhere can I find sound volume configuring app? if I remember right, it used to be in the task bar, but it's not there now08:24
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sancho21intelikey, no I want to have my question about openssl answered since the I've been dizzy googling and trying but those things didn't satisfy me.08:25
ForgeAusso you're looking for appeasment?08:25
intelikeyhmmm looks that way.08:27
intelikeysancho21 what is your "question about openssl" ?08:27
sancho211. What's the difference between CA.sh -newcert and CA.sh -newreq?08:29
intelikeyForgeAus sed s'should'could' ^08:29
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sancho21From my conclussion postfix has self-signed certificate08:30
sancho21also ejabberd08:30
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intelikeydon't guess i can appease you there.08:32
pfein_any KDE-applets for working with blogger.com?08:32
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ForgeAuspfein, whats wrong with firefox?08:33
SolidSourcelol, yeah whats wrong withit?08:33
ForgeAusI wouldn't dream of MAKING you if there was another option08:33
ForgeAusI'm just suprised that you have an aversion to it08:33
SolidSourceI wouldn't dream of you at all08:33
intelikeyi wouldn't dream of using ff   period08:33
ForgeAusmost people I know LOVE firefox08:33
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pfein_eh, I don't, it just kinda annoys me more than Konq, actually.08:33
pfein_KDE: The least annoying GUI on Linux, outside of OSX.08:34
SolidSourceno specific reason?08:34
ForgeAusKonq is at least partially firefox compatible (you can set it to identify as firefox 1.5)08:34
intelikeyit annoies me more than any web browser short of w3m08:34
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pfein_yeah, though the AJAX-heavy Google sites don't work so good, blogger esp.08:35
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pfein_this is my blog: http://pfein.blogspot.com/08:35
externwhy is some dark colors displayed incorrectly for me? The dark areas of pictures are filled with a slightly incorrect color08:36
externit's displayed wrong in everywhere, if it's a desktop wallpaper, or a picture on the internet08:36
sancho21Is it inpractical to create my own Certificate Authority and assign my own certificate instead of using self-assigned certificate of ssl?08:36
pfein_Yes, I blog like a 12 year old girl.08:36
pfein_sancho21: just use self-signed08:37
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intelikeysurfraw - a fast unix command line interface to WWW08:38
justin_Err, I tried finding w32codecs on the "http://packages.freecontrib.org/" repo and it can't connect to it08:38
justin_Is there a newer repo that would have it?08:39
SolidSourcejustin_: there servers seem messed up08:39
sancho21Why? Would it be better if I have certificate which my own CA assign?08:39
justin_Ah, ok I'll grab some sleep and try again tomorrow08:39
SolidSourcejustin_: I can send you the file, other wise thats the only place08:39
SolidSourcethat I know of right now08:39
justin_Hmm, how would I install it then?08:39
SolidSourceits a DEB file08:40
justin_Can I still get apt to recognize it?08:40
ForgeAusactually that blog page worked for me ok in konqueror08:40
ForgeAusbut then I don't know what its MEANT to look like elsewise08:40
pfein_sancho21: it's not gonna matter - anyone who trusts your CA would trust a self-signed cert.  To be honest, I've never heard of anyone creating their own CA08:40
SolidSourcejustin_: just use terminal and type "sudo dpkg -i --force-all FILENAME"08:41
justin_Ok SS08:41
ForgeAuslooks almost the same in firefox but maybe thats because I have both installed?08:41
intelikeyforce-all ???08:41
intelikeywhat did i miss ?08:41
justin_I don't know how to grab files on here08:41
SolidSourcewell force all is only needed if you use 64bit08:42
ForgeAusdcc justin08:42
ForgeAusyou can send/get files over IRC via DCC08:42
ForgeAusnot sure what kind of support Konversation has or hasn't for it however...08:42
justin_Allright I didn't explicitly say actually how clueless I really am with this08:43
justin_irc too08:43
intelikey/dcc send nickname file08:43
justin_Ah, thanks!08:43
intelikey/dcc get nickname file08:43
naliothintelikey: i like ebooks08:43
SolidSourcedoes that work even if he isn't registered?08:43
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intelikeynalioth yeah.08:44
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SolidSource/dcc send justin_ /media/programs/Linux/Apps/w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb08:44
justin_It doesn't recognize /DCC get08:44
SolidSourceyeah DCC didn't work08:44
intelikeySolidSource i'm not sure.08:44
justin_Just /dcc brings up a new tab08:45
kjean-pierrehello every body08:45
SolidSource/dcc send justin_08:45
kjean-pierreespagna?como esta?08:45
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SolidSourcemight not work since I'm using kopete08:45
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justin_Oh gotcha08:45
justin_I'll try a google search for that deb file08:45
intelikeySolidSource you registered ?08:46
justin_I'm not, is that why?08:47
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intelikeyummmm hmmmm SolidSource seems to be firewalled in or something.08:47
externhas anyone had any issues with fglrx after the update? it says now that direct rendering is not supported08:48
sancho21Ok then. Has anybody installed ejabberd on their local network + internet?08:48
SolidSourceintelikey: no, both have to be registered...cause you can't send private messages to none registered ppl either08:48
justin_Dcc won't let me grab it, I see it intelikey08:48
intelikeyjustin_ can you get that?08:48
intelikeySolidSource i am registered08:49
justin_Ok cool that worked08:49
intelikeyand justin_ can dcc get.08:49
intelikeywe just proved it.08:49
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justin_Although I have no idea where it went.. =)08:50
SolidSourceok maybe it didn't sign me in08:50
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SolidSourcefor some reason its not letting me sign in08:51
intelikey/msg nickserv identify password08:51
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daleachI have a problem that resembles this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-166753.html08:52
SolidSourceintelikey: notta08:53
daleachI got it from tryign to apt-get install all the nvidia packages08:53
daleachat same time (whoops? or is this not supposed to break it?)08:53
daleachi left out legacy08:53
intelikeySolidSource client ?08:54
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intelikeythat can auto identify08:55
justin_It timed out08:55
SolidSourcewell its set up to...08:55
intelikeyi'm not sure what you need to change.08:55
christeneanyone around who can help me out?08:55
SolidSourcemaybe, whats the question08:55
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intelikeyyes what is the question.08:56
christenenewb to ubuntu. k, i have a netgear wireless card in the laptop i am using and cant get it to recognize my network08:56
externhas anyone had any problems with dark images not being displayed correctly?08:56
christenei can see it but and connect but i cant pull any pages or anything else08:56
intelikey!wifi | christene08:56
ubotuchristene: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:56
intelikeybeen there ?08:57
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SolidSourcehmm, never used removable wireless cards...always go internal08:57
christenei am just clueless cause i am totally new to ubuntu08:57
christenetrying the link you gave me though08:57
justin_SolidSource I can't respond, I don't know bud...08:58
intelikeywell i'm clueless but for entirely different reasons08:58
SolidSourcejustin_: the download not go through?08:58
justin_Naw it timed out08:58
justin_Not sure why08:58
SolidSourcedamn my connection sucks08:58
SolidSourcemy ISP hates their customers08:59
intelikeySolidSource can you grab that test file ?08:59
justin_I found a couple .deb files from a site somewhere, but I don't really know what to do with them?08:59
justin_Who is your isp?08:59
SolidSourceintelikey: didn't see nothin come in08:59
mike_is it ok to make the ubuntu desktop a server?08:59
intelikeycheck tabs08:59
SolidSourcejustin_: some unknown local company...Readytek.net....its the only thing in my area09:00
justin_Oh, bastards09:00
SolidSourceintelikey: didn't get a message09:00
daleachjustin_: u know bout dpkg09:00
intelikeymike_ yeah.   most people don't want/need all the gui stuff on a server... but there is nothing wrong with it.09:00
SolidSourceonly go the IRC righ now09:00
justin_Ah no, but I'll try it really quick, SS gave me a command to run09:01
daleachdpkg -i09:01
daleachman dpkg for that stuff i think09:01
justin_Many thanks, lemme give it a shot09:01
christeneokay still really lost. can anyone please help me?09:01
SolidSourcechristene: you said you can connect with the card?09:01
mike_intelikey: thanx, is there any disadvantages or advantages?09:02
daleachshe prob needs to run09:02
christenei can see my router and connect to it but i cant pull any pages09:02
daleachdhcpclient wlan0 or whatever it is09:02
daleachlike that09:02
intelikeymike_ depends on your security modle i suspose09:02
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christenei have a netgear wg511t pcmia card. i got it cause i was told it works right out of the box in ubuntu09:02
SolidSourcechristene: using any kind of security features?09:02
SolidSourcechristene: mac filtering or wep?09:03
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daleachyeah could be ur router's security09:03
christenei was using them both before, let me check to see which one i turned off09:03
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Ayabarahi. any kdbg users here?09:04
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SolidSourceyeah, course usually it shouldn't even let you connect if the security isn't met09:04
christenenow i have it setup in acl mode09:04
christenedoes that make a difference?09:04
daleachu prob don't want that09:04
christeneshould i turn it off in that case?09:04
daleachi would just to make it simple for starters in ur router settings u mean?09:05
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Ayabarawhen I try to start kdg with "kdbg -p pid" it doesn't seem to attach to the process. "ddd -p pid" works the way it should.09:05
christenewhat do you mean?09:05
blue|palmDoes anybody know if there exists a driver for my Canon MP160's scanner?09:05
intelikeySolidSource /exec echo boo > testfile09:06
daleachhey Ayabara what is the package for kdbg ?09:06
daleachis there one?09:06
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intelikeyand send it to me.  i'll see if you can send.   i'm suspecting you can't do that either09:06
SolidSourceintelikey: nope09:06
SolidSourcehold on09:07
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SolidSourcek sent09:08
justin_Ok I used dpkg to install the two deb files, w32codecs.deb and libdvdcss2, is there something else I have to do?09:08
justin_Seems like it worked09:08
justin_but Kaffeine still won't play avi's09:08
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SolidSourcedid you install the Gstreamer plugins?09:08
christene_back, anyone there who can help me out?09:09
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justin_Me SS? If so, no09:09
SolidSourceyou need those too09:09
justin_Oh ok09:09
intelikeySolidSource was that supposed to be empty ?09:09
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:09
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SolidSourceintelikey: its just supposed to contain the work "testing"09:09
newest007hey there, ive really found that the gnome desktop top is really rubbish, im going to change to KDE, how do i do this cleanly though? last time i installed KDE alot of gnome stuff was left behind and clogged up my menus09:10
intelikeynope  nothing09:10
SolidSourcewell I'm going to have to kill my ISP09:10
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christene_hey, can anyone please help me with my networking problem?09:10
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intelikeyCDCC Auto-geting file test.txt from [SolidSource] 09:10
intelikey-:- DCC Unable to create connection: No route to host09:10
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daleachchristene: what directions are u following09:11
SolidSourceyeah, thats my ISP blocking it09:11
intelikeyi got an empty inode showing that it did try.09:11
christene_i dont really have any, i was just kind of browsing and seing what i could come up with09:11
Ayabaradaleach, kdbg ..09:11
junehow long should a memtest usually take with a 2ghz proccessor and 2gb of ram?09:11
newest007hey there, ive really found that the gnome desktop top is really rubbish, im going to change to KDE, how do i do this cleanly though? last time i installed KDE alot of gnome stuff was left behind and clogged up my menus09:11
intelikeyjune how many passes ?09:12
daleachchristene i woudl turn the access control list's off in the router and security off... start from there09:12
SolidSourcenewest007: yeah, downloading the kubuntu disc and installing from it09:12
juneintelikey: honestly i have no clue, should it say that on the display somewhere? i've never run memtest before09:12
christene_i use iwconfig to see my card and i can but it still wont pull a page09:12
daleachAyabara: i get nothing for "aptitude search kdbg"09:13
daleachi think u just solved my problem my lists are out of date or whatever?09:13
mike_june: i got a 1 gig memory and it takes a long time09:13
daleachiwconfig doesn't do it though if i remember correctly09:13
daleachso u don't need modprobe09:13
daleachu already have ur card and stuff09:13
intelikeyjune i did run it one time.  and if i recall there is a pass number some place lower left quarter i think09:13
juneintelikey: ok, well apparently it's on test 4 pass 2?09:13
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daleachguys isn't it dhclient wlan009:13
junelemme check how many passes though09:13
daleachor somethign?09:13
Ayabaradaleach, I found it in the repositories, with apt-get. don't know which repo09:14
daleachi forgot haven't done that stuff in a bit09:14
christene_yeah, i got another one today09:14
daleachAyabara i think that's at the root of the problem with teh nvidia stuff09:14
intelikeyjune ok unless it finds errors it should default to 3 passes    i think09:14
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blue|palmSolidSource: They dont have any linux drivers, thanks anyway09:15
SolidSourceblue|palm: ok, well I never got my canon working...ended up getting a Brother all-in-one printer with networking09:16
blue|palmSolidSource: sounds like something i should do...09:17
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intelikeyi never could get the scanner portion of the brother all in one  to work09:17
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SolidSourceblue|palm: Brother makes their own linux drivers...though can be tricky to set up09:17
christene_someone please help me!09:17
SolidSourceyeah, me either09:17
SolidSourcescanner just didn't seem to want to accept commands from linux09:18
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juneintelikey: well it just found one error, i'm investigating a problem with my (other) computer, openGL crashes my computer now under certain conditions, i don't know exactly what causes it, i'm thinking maybe offscreen rendering.  Is it possible that might be part of it?  (it's a laptop) but i was under the impression my video memory was dedicated, not shared09:18
SolidSourcechristene_: have you turned you routers security off?09:19
christene_yes i have09:19
christene_no security whatsoever09:19
blue|palmSolidSource: From what ive seen hp have invested interest in linux, do they provide drivers?09:19
SolidSourcechristene_: hmm09:19
blue|palmDoes anybody know whether hp provicde printer drivers for linux or not?09:19
christene_all my card does it blink09:20
SolidSourceblue|palm: I don't know...I hate HP just as much as I hate Microsoft09:20
blue|palmSolidSource: woah...09:20
SolidSourcechristene_: I'm just wondering if there is need for a driver for the card...even in linux09:20
blue|palmSolidSource: I dont hate either of them, they do business... and provide good products. its just that they are expensive...09:20
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mike_hi, im planning to make a email server, how do u admin it? just back-up files?09:20
christene_well, the card i have is a netgear wg511t if that tells you anything. i have no idea how to use ndiswrapper with the windoes drivers either09:21
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daleachwhat is ur iwconfig09:22
SolidSourceblue|palm: yeah well...I have reasons, I have kind of a inside view into microsoft...and I hate HP because my products from them always broke really easily09:22
daleachis it wlan009:22
daleachtype dhclient wlan0 then try browsing09:22
daleachi couldn't remember it hehe09:22
christene_are you talking to me?09:22
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daleachu said u saw it with iwconfig right?09:23
blue|palmSolidSource: did you work for microsoft by any chance :)09:23
SolidSourceblue|palm: no, but know someone that does09:23
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christene_yes, it recognizing it from what i see09:23
blue|palmSolidSource: I see... i cant really stand their policies personally09:23
daleachwhat dose it say09:23
christene_it comes up as a atheros card09:23
daleachas the09:23
daleachit should be somethign like wlan009:23
daleachdo u see "wlan0"09:23
blue|palmor ath009:23
daleachchristene: take whatever it is xxx0 and type dhclient xxx0 (or am i crazy guys? missing a step?)09:24
christene_there is already a pid file /var/run/dhcllient09:24
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xenophile7x7ok, konversation is kicking my ass..is there a way to set auto-ops and scripts and such?09:25
SolidSourcechristene_: you could try using KDEs Wassistant09:25
SolidSourceor Knetwork09:25
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christene_right now i am using the wireless assistant 0.5.509:26
christene_its telling me i am connected but i can never pull a page when i detached my hardline09:27
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christene_going to detach it again and try09:28
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christene_can you all still see what i am saying?09:28
christene_anyone there?09:29
xenophile7x7christene: we can see you09:29
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daleachwe all see u09:29
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christene_now i am confused09:29
daleachur on wifi?09:29
daleachcongratulatoins if u are hah09:30
SolidSourcewho knows....these wifi issues are why I still use WinXP on my laptop09:30
christene_okay, i can still talk but i cant pull a page on the webrowser on here09:30
SolidSourcewell thats strange09:31
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AWOSLappyCertain fonts I use regularly are no longer working correctly in KDE-based apps; they work correctly in OOo but not Krita, KolourPaint, ...09:32
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christene_this is total bullshit09:32
AWOSLappyIt looks EXACTLY like Sans Serif09:32
SolidSourcechristene_: well,firewall might be blocking it, but I doubt it09:33
AWOSLappyJust FYI:09:33
christene_what firewall is my question. i dont have one on here and i dont think my router has one09:33
AWOSLappy!language | christene_09:33
ubotuchristene_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:33
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christene_i'm sorry09:34
SolidSourcechristene_: iptables is always installed09:34
christene_just getting a little aggrivated09:34
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AWOSLappythat's okay, just don't have it happen again.  it's cool :)09:34
christene_not a problem09:34
SolidSourcechristene_: but I doubt its blocking09:34
christene_oh, forget it. i wanted to try this cause i've heard good things but this isnt worth it. thanx for the help all. i am going back to windows xp09:35
SolidSourcechristene_: yes, linux is getting close to being able to be on laptops with no problem buts its not there yet09:37
christene_i see this firsthand. nonethess i thank you for your help and anyone else who minded me bickering while i tried to work through this09:38
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christene_hold on, is there anyone else using an external lappie network card on this channel?09:42
daleachif you are on irc09:42
daleachhere without the wire?09:42
daleachits ur browser probably09:42
AWOSLappychristene_ I find that FreeBSD is easier to use when it comes to PCMCIA Network cards.09:42
daleachu have some sort of crazy proxy or something?09:43
christene_so what broswer would you recommend?09:43
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daleach"sudo apt-get install firefox"09:43
daleachare u on firefox?09:43
christene_no, i was using konqueror09:44
AWOSLappydaleach she's prolly on Konqueror, which SHOULD work.09:44
AWOSLappyI don't see how Firefox would make a difference.09:44
daleachwell the key there is in a clean slate ;-)09:44
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pCarstenhas anyone here taken Ubuntu (LPI) certification ?09:44
daleachI never had an issue with konqueror either but... i dunno09:44
christene_just used the command and i was told that the package is missing , has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source09:45
daleachu might have to do09:45
daleachsudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox09:45
christene_same thing09:46
daleachoh wait so taht's not getting out to the web either then?09:46
xenophile7x7sounds like a firewall09:46
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xenophile7x7router settigns perhaps?09:46
daleachwait christene are u at a school?09:46
christene_no, i am at home? i live in a college town but thats about it09:47
daleachk hehe09:47
daleachas long as u don't use them for the internet access hehe09:47
christene_oh no, i'm linux challenged. not stupid09:47
SolidSourceeven then shouldn't have such a problem09:47
daleachwell what would allow this traffic but not09:48
daleachwhat site are u visiting? like www.google.com ?09:48
christene_i tried that one and it keeps timing out09:48
daleachdid u try like restarting the router?09:48
daleachmight want to try messing with some of that09:48
daleachdid u dual boot with windows try goign in there and seeing if u have access09:49
daleachsure u will but yeah09:49
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SolidSourcereally doubt its a router problem now09:49
parkerw207hiya guys dunno if anyone could help me09:49
incorrectother than quanta what other good web dev tools are there that are qt based?09:49
parkerw207i lose wifi signal in my bedroom , and i always have done , but when i loose it with linux its ever worse09:50
parkerw207when i go and search for my router again09:50
parkerw207it doesnt find it09:50
christene_i didnt dual boot. previously i had windows xp on this machine but its to intensive to run on here. my lappie kept overheating and stalling09:50
parkerw207even if i am right next to it09:50
daleachfrom my experience kubuntu was more intense than my windows on my really old dino laptop09:51
daleachi used to use xfce or whatever for my laptop09:51
daleachwith ubuntu09:51
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daleachcan someone please answer this question this time around? heh... so i get "The module Display could not be loaded." in Display - System Settings09:52
christene_with ubuntu i use less battery and the overall performance is better. thats why i wanted to switch to it09:52
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SolidSourcedaleach: your video driver is screwed up09:52
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daleachfrom system settings-> display.... it gives me... The diagnostics is:  blank..... possible reasons: an error occured during your last kde upgrade leaving an orphaned control module09:52
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daleach"you have old third party modules lying aruond"09:53
AWOSLappyXFCE + Ubuntu = Xubuntu.09:53
SolidSourcedaleach: did you upgrade and not reinstall video driver?09:53
daleach2 things i did.... one originally (i don't think this is the issue was tried to run nvidia bla bla.run...the one from the nvidia site.......it DIDN'T install though because was missing the kernel it needed09:54
daleachso then i did apt-get the nvidia and then got this..09:54
daleachthis is a brand new kubuntu09:54
SolidSourcethats why09:54
SolidSourceyou have 2 video drivers installed09:54
daleachall i did was really apt-get a bunch of those packages i thin09:54
SolidSourcedon't use nvidia's website for the driver...just apt-get09:55
daleachok i was told that09:55
daleachok i ran update and upgrade09:55
daleachi forgot....ther'es a clean isn't there09:55
SolidSourcewell the only way I was able to solve such a problem when I had it was by reinstalling the entire and starting over09:56
daleachholy @#$09:57
daleachbecause other than doing some partition stuff..... i just copied my stuff over and moved my .rc's etc..09:57
daleachon debian i installed the nvidia off of their site09:57
daleachcustom edited my xf86config09:58
SolidSourcewell you might be able to remove the driver from the site....09:58
daleachfor my 2 widescreen monitors09:58
daleachany idea where that stuff goes?09:58
incorrectdamn quanta keeps crashing09:58
daleachi know the ftp attempt failed09:58
SolidSourcewell, (k)ubuntu doesn't do everything exactly like debian09:58
SolidSourcethough the nvidia's website instruct should work...they tend not to09:59
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daleachwhen it tried to get stuff then...once i gave kubuntu gcc and make, libc(why the heck doesn't this come with those?)....it was asking for the kernel locatoin09:59
daleachand i dind't know where that stuff was hehe so i just stopped09:59
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daleachi don't THINK at that point it actually did anything09:59
SolidSourcewell, thats the point of using Adept and apt-get...cause it knows that stuff10:00
incorrectwhere does quanta store its config?10:00
SolidSourcedon't know...don't use10:01
daleachk i'm using adept10:02
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daleachso..... i'm doing remove10:02
daleachon all nvidia10:02
daleachwhat does purge do?10:02
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SolidSourcedeletes the evidence...in essence, not sure if it will catch the files installed by Nvidia's run script10:03
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n4cht what's the kde default network manager's startup command?10:03
daleachthe "nv" that's listed by default on my system is NOT the nvidia drivers? that's so stupid and deceptive10:03
SekaabGood Morning10:03
daleachyeah the downloaded stuff10:03
daleachits liek a make clean right i guess?10:04
daleachideally knows all of where it writes to10:04
adydasdont start me on nvida drivers10:04
SolidSourcedon't know what the command for that is10:04
daleachdon't start me on linux10:04
daleachto purge in adept u right click10:04
adydasapparantly my kernel source dont match my version of nvidia driver10:05
n4chti had a fun little adventure with the nvidia drivers today.  i couldn't get my updated drivers to work after updating my kernel.  (same problem adydas just mentioned, actually) and then i realized -why-.10:05
adydasoh tell me10:05
n4chti updated my kernel, but didn't reboot into said updated kernel.10:05
adydasmines booting into the new one10:06
n4chtnew driver + old kernel = mistmatch.  lol.10:06
SolidSourcenv is the same as using the built in driver for video in windows.....you don't get all the features until you install the official driver10:06
adydasn4cht: ok, how did you resolve it10:06
adydasgot any website links you used to remedy it10:06
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n4chtadydas, did you apt-get install linux-restricted-modules`-uname -r`-generic  ? (which should also update your kernel with the generic, as it's a dep for the restricted modules package.)10:07
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adydaslinux-restricted-modules-generic is already the newest versio10:08
ismailhey guys10:08
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Sekaabmorning ismail10:09
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n4chtadydas, that's just plain weird then.    all i did was apt-get clean, apt-get install linux-restricted-modules`-uname -r`-generic, apt-get remove nvidia-glx, apt-get clean (one more time for good measure) and apt-get install nvidia-glx10:09
ismailhows everyone doing?10:09
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n4chtand then reboot into the kernel with the highest version number.10:10
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ismailwhats that about a kernal upgdate?10:10
Sekaabjust fine, only following the discussion here10:10
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adydaswhat version you using out of intrest there n4cht10:11
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n4chtLinux black 2.6.17-10-386 #2 Tue Dec 5 22:26:18 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux10:11
ismailhow do u get the kernal version?10:11
ismaili wanna check!10:12
adydasuname 0r10:12
n4chtmind you, i haven't rebooted yet.10:12
n4chti just use /exec -o uname -a10:12
adydaswhen ever i reboot it goes pearshapped10:12
adydasboots to console10:12
adydasneeds a manual edit of x11.conf to change from nvidia to nv to get x back online10:12
adydasi cant understand how it installs and works, Untill i reboot10:13
n4chti'd say it's a case of the normal "nvidia driver falling behind in versions while the kernel chugs ahead" thing that happens almost every kernel update, honestly.10:13
adydasit loads the nvidia splash screen. It shows all the stuff in the nvidia manager for KDE, shows the GPU temp and tv output. reboot and Boof10:13
ismailadydas u wanna chance the nvidia to nv?...i think u change it in the script i think10:13
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adydaswell no, i want to Keep it using nvidia not nv10:14
daleachwhat does it mean whe u have a c next to ur thing in aptitude?10:14
adydasim going back to nv to stop it screen failing10:14
daleachthe linux restricked module u said...has the c10:14
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n4chtdaleach, i don't know.  i came to ubuntu from slackware.  i don't use gui tools.10:14
daleachif u type aptitude search10:15
daleachfirefox for instance10:15
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daleachinur console10:15
n4chti'm actually only in here because i need to know the name of the default kde network manager for a network sharing wiki entry i'm writing.10:15
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daleachanyway it gives u text out10:16
daleachnot a gui only10:16
ismailsay how do umake a programstart at log in?...10:16
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daleachn4cht: i think you may have fixed all my problems :P10:22
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daleachi still get thsi junk but... gives me another image to reload into right? so i should log out and stuff10:23
daleachcross my fingers or something10:23
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SolidSourceanyone know what folder application icons are stored? or are they spread out all over10:31
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zorglu_q. my fsck got killed by oom kernel killer during boot... i got very weird things happening with disk since i updated to edgy, like doing fsck every 2 boot. is there a page somewhere on the change made to disk mounting from dapper->edgy10:43
sancho21anybody know hardware information like Everest in Linux? So I can easily know my hardware specification10:44
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SolidSourcekinfocenter = kinfocenter -caption "%c" %i %m10:48
zorglu_https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/63175 <- ok im not the only one to get the fsck bug :)10:48
zorglu_but it is a pain to boot in 30min with edgy while it was under 1min on dapper10:48
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SolidSourcehmm...haven't had the problem..so no idea10:49
samiam010203it defanitly should not take that long to boot the system. hum.10:50
samiam010203did you try and boot with the live disc to see how long that takes to rule out hardware issues10:51
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zorglu_samiam010203: it is a bug as it was perfectly ok with dapper, and start being wrong the day i updated to edgy10:54
samiam010203i never had that problem with edgy though thats why i wounder about hardware10:54
zorglu_samiam010203: moreover other people reporting the exact same issue tends to say it is not my personnal hardware :)10:54
samiam010203did you try feisty yet?10:55
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zorglu_one guys got a workaround "disabeling all fsck in fstab"10:55
SolidSourcenow that would not help...feisty = many many problems10:55
samiam010203no, im running it now very stable10:55
zorglu_samiam010203: nope :) and  i wont for the next 6month :)10:55
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samiam010203fesity comes out in 2 months10:56
zorglu_my policy is update 4month after the official release date, thus major bugs got fixed10:56
samiam010203ok sounds good10:56
zorglu_but sometime it is not enougth, as my fsck issue show :)10:56
samiam010203anyone in here going to ubucon today in nyc?10:57
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SolidSourceif I was in NYC I would10:58
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samiam010203solidsource : where are you?10:58
samiam010203im in nyc , bronx10:58
SolidSourceon the other side of the country10:59
samiam010203to bad10:59
samiam010203it looks like its going to be a gas i already got dressed for it10:59
SolidSourceyes yes...I used to live in NYC ...but that was so long ago10:59
samiam010203what part10:59
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kubuntu_testerhello folks11:00
samiam010203hello there11:00
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kubuntu_testeris it possible to control access to my linuxbox from X to Y hours?11:01
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kubuntu_testerexample: john wants to use a pc at 11 o'clock but he cant coz the system rejects his ident/auth process11:02
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:05
samiam010203grand unified boot loader baby!11:05
ubotuacpi: displays information on ACPI devices. In component main, is optional. Version 0.09-1 (edgy), package size 10 kB, installed size 72 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 amd64)11:05
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SolidSourceI'm sure there is...just not sure how11:07
SolidSourcewhy can't azureus just be installed with the system install....screw ktorrent11:09
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SolidSourcekubuntu_tester: get your question answered?11:11
kubuntu_testerSolidSource: nope11:11
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SolidSourcekubuntu_tester: youi go into system settings >> user management and adjust their profile11:11
SolidSourceoh wait....11:12
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SolidSourcethats password only...11:13
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SolidSourceyou can do it easy through a server...but thats external access only11:14
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kubuntu_testerSolidSource: I'm reading cron manual11:17
waylandbillgrrr. stupid wallet. what's the point if I have to keep typing my passwords anyway. >:-|11:18
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SolidSourceyeah...eventually it saves them11:19
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SolidSourcekubuntu_tester: from what I can tell that feature has yet to be implemented on a system bases11:20
kubuntu_testerSolidSource: where can I get more information about?11:21
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SolidSourcekubuntu_tester: there really isn't much...found a forum with someone who asked about same thing..but no useful responses11:23
kubuntu_testerSolidSource: oh okay, thanks11:23
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kubuntu_testerI have to go now, see you!11:23
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hyper_chSolidSource: where are the system users saved?11:24
SolidSourcehyper_ch: what you mean? like root?11:25
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JiraiyaQuand j clik sur un icon11:25
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Jiraiyail me dis11:25
Jiraiyaca :11:25
SolidSourcehyper_ch: also what are you trying to do?11:25
JiraiyaEt j'ai plusieur choix de reponse11:25
JiraiyaMais c'est en anglais j capte que dal11:25
hyper_chSolidSource: no, isn't there a place, a text file, that contains all system users and the groups they belong to?11:26
hyper_ch!fr | Jiraiya11:26
ubotuJiraiya: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:26
Jiraiyaj croyais que j etait sur le bon chan :/11:26
SolidSourcehyper_ch: don't know...only use the user manager...so I don't screw things up11:27
hyper_chSolidSource: well, that would solve the problem of kubuntu-tester... he could then by cron "exchange" that file :)11:27
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SolidSourcehyper_ch: cron sets user login time quotas?11:28
hyper_chSolidSource: no, if you have a file containing all system users... then you can make like multiple copies of it11:28
waylandbillhyper_ch: yes. /etc/group and /etc/passwd11:28
hyper_chand delete the ones that shall not have access at some time11:28
waylandbillhyper_ch: umm no.11:29
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waylandbillhyper_ch: those are shadowed. you can't edit them.11:29
SolidSourcehyper_ch: oh I see...that wouldn't be exactly a good idea...too unstable11:29
hyper_chand then you just replace the original one with your modified ones at a given time11:29
hyper_chwell, was just a thought :)11:29
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SolidSourceyes, but its just too unstable to do that11:30
hyper_chwaylandbill: what do you mean by "they are shadowed"?11:30
waylandbilljust look into quotas. that'll do what you want.11:30
ubotuquota: implementation of the disk quota system. In component main, is optional. Version 3.13-8 (edgy), package size 393 kB, installed size 1196 kB11:30
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about userquota - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:30
waylandbillhyper_ch: the system uses different files than those. The textual versions are not what the system uses.11:31
SolidSourcewaylandbill: I was searching specifically for quota info..couldn't find anything but requests such feature11:31
hyper_chwaylandbill: ah ok :)11:31
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hyper_chui nice, the EU wants to Source Code of vista :)11:32
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hyper_chdue to fair trade :)11:33
waylandbillI doubt they get it.11:33
waylandbillthey'll just fine m$ again. :-)11:34
SolidSourcewaylandbill: did you mean the program "QUOTA" ?11:35
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hyper_chwaylandbill: yes, up to $ 3 mio per day11:36
SolidSourcefar as I'm concerned..the more microsoft gets screwed, the happier I am at this point11:37
waylandbillSolidSource: I could've sworn that was how to restrict logins, but I'm mistaken.11:37
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SolidSourcewaylandbill: no QUOTA is used for disk space restrictions11:37
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waylandbillright. basically that's the only kind of restrictions I've ever wanted to use.11:38
waylandbillI've wanted to keep the daughter off the computer at night, but basically it came down to me teliing her to go to damn bed.. lol11:39
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hyper_chwaylandbill: the other was looking for timely restrictosn... at certain hours of the day only certain logins can be used11:39
SolidSourcewell, a quota system would be easier11:39
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hyper_chwhy? quota is something totally different :)11:41
SolidSourcenot really11:41
SolidSourceQUOTA the program is yes...11:41
waylandbillhyper_ch: I'm not sure why a certain user wouldn't be allowed to login at a certain time. Usually they can login anytime they want, but are restricted to only a subset of the filesystem.11:42
SolidSourcebut using a quota system would say you can be on for so long11:42
lucio_hi! what do i find in the dvd (http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/ubuntu-cdimage/kubuntu/releases/dapper/release.1/) more than cd? are there repository in that i can install?11:42
hyper_chwaylandbill: that's what the other guy was asking for.... restrict user access to a certain time...11:42
hyper_chwaylandbill: if it's that what he wants then it's that what he wants :)11:43
waylandbillusually, you limit access by locking the office doors and kicking everyone out.11:43
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SolidSourceI understand what he wants to do....just don't know if there is a way besides setting up an individual server that they have to log into11:43
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hyper_chbtw, anyone has had yet the fun of using Office 2007? Is it now totally compatible to OOo?11:44
waylandbillif you need to disable remote logins for a certain user, I'm sure there's a good argument that they shouldn't be allowed any access.11:44
SolidSourcelucio_: what was your question?11:44
lucio_solid: i was wandering what's inside dvd (http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/ubuntu-cdimage/kubuntu/releases/dapper/release.1/)11:44
waylandbillthat's my two cents anyway. :-)11:44
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SolidSourcewaylandbill: no, its just to ensure that kids aren't playing while they should be doing school work11:45
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SolidSourcelucio_: it contains all the CDs plus some more packages so theres less to download11:46
waylandbillSolidSource: That's what I thought it was. It's called watch them. :-)11:46
hyper_chI prefer the CD and a self written install.sh :)11:46
waylandbilllucio_: there's a 'list' file in that directory that appears to show the package contents if that's what you mean11:47
lucio_solid: ok! ty! maybe it would be a good idea for me to get it since i've a dialup connection...11:47
lucio_saylandbill: i'm sorry... i wasn't able to find that list, i searched for it...11:47
lucio_saylandbill: i'm really goofy... now i've seen that list! :D11:48
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daleachguys been trying to get these nvidia drivers working at this point i have a bunch of images i don't know how they got there... first question is i'm on a pentium 4 ...should I be 386 ? what is 686 64 bit? k7 is amd right? how come I am able to boot into these other images?11:48
SolidSourcelucio_: if you plan on downloading...don't ...just buy a copy from someplace...if its the kubuntu distro Frozentech.com has it for just less than $3US with shipping11:48
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SolidSourcelucio_: dialup can't handle a 4GB download11:49
waylandbilllucio_: or shipit!11:49
oFF-beAti'm using ubuntu i installed kubuntu-desktop and when i try login in with KDE i get "Could not start kstartupconfig. Check your installation."11:49
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daleachI did apt-get linux-restricted my version of uname and then it got me all this... after checking after doing install nvidia-glx ..i don't know at what point i got all these but..11:50
SolidSourcewaylandbill: haven't used shipit...is it any cheaper?11:50
lucio_Solid: ok! (i didn't really meant to download it from dialup! :D i was thinking about some friend with adsl, but buying it maybe is a better choise! :)11:50
waylandbillSolidSource: costs nothing but you have to wait a few weeks.11:50
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oFF-beAtif u r talkin abt shitit.. then they have to pay the shippin fee.. that's all11:51
SolidSourcelucio_: well also, buying it ensures it will work...I have had problems in the past with downloading and writing own discs of various linux distros11:51
oFF-beAtcoul b more expensive then downloadin and burnin it to a cd11:51
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waylandbilllucio_: a friend on dsl would be a perfect way to acquire the CD.11:51
waylandbillproves how good a friend they are. ;-P11:52
SolidSourcewaylandbill: well, frozentech, it gets to me no longer than 5 days11:52
waylandbillSolidSource: that's decent time.11:52
SolidSourceDVD is better in my opion, but I don't have that great of a connection11:52
waylandbillyes. for bad connection, spend a little more and have them ship a DVD. I agree11:53
lucio_way: i already have the cd and kubuntu installed and working, but i've trouble any time i need some new package, due to dialup and no working modem under kubuntu... i need to download .deb with windows and then install them under kubuntu11:53
SolidSourcelucio_: yeah DVD would definitely be your choice then11:54
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waylandbilllucio_: oh. when I had a modem and dialup, I had an external modem.11:54
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daleachis 686 64 bit?11:55
daleachwhat's "686"11:55
rojanuhas any got experience in a acer aspire 505111:55
rojanuI am having problems with sound and graphics11:56
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lucio_wayland: it's a really boring problem that... i tried many pci or external modems... but noone worked... :|11:56
daleachand why the heck does my system get me 386+k7+686 makes no sense11:56
eMish___when i pkg has "pending installation" status, how do I make it reset this status ?11:56
waylandbillPentium Class processor. specifcally PII and higher11:56
waylandbilldaleach: you have all those kernel images installed?11:57
waylandbilllucio_: I didn't know there wasn't an external modem that didn't work.11:58
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zaferturk varm11:58
daleachis it a cyrix?11:58
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waylandbillyup. cyrix 6x86 is one of them.11:59
daleachwaylandbill: sigh yea....11:59
zaferhi all11:59
waylandbillit's a class of processors not a single one.11:59
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lucio_waylandbill: serial modem i tryed didn't work... do you think an usbmodem would? i haven't tryied any usbmodem, should i try?12:00
daleachwaylandbill: i actually just graduated CS so yeah i do know but.. like12:00
daleachnot too familiar with like where they all diverged... the are still IA intel arch right?12:00
SolidSourcealright you all have fun picking at each others minds....I'm sleepy12:01
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daleachor am I crazy12:01
waylandbilllucio_: you couldn't communicate with a serial modem? usbmodem wouldn't do you any good then. In the end it'd look just like a serial modem.12:01
daleachbut anyway i have a pentium 4 shoudl i be using the 386?12:01
waylandbillyou're talking the kernel? you can use 686.12:02
daleachprevious installs i used like i586 i thought but yeah ok so 68612:02
lucio_waylandbill: thank you, it really long time i have this modem problem and by now i have lost hope i will find a solution for it! :)12:02
daleachapt went nuts and i have like 8 images some k7's and 386's12:03
waylandbill386 is mainly failsafe cause some chips won't boot 686.12:03
daleachah ok12:03
daleachpentium 4 should be fine 686 then ok gotcha12:03
daleachnot a hardware fan12:03
daleachnor a kernel hacker :(12:03
waylandbilllooks like edgy has now "linux-generic" so they may be doing away with the k7, 686, 386 stuff anyway.12:03
daleachoh that's why he wnated me to tack a -generic on to it12:04
daleachyeah i'm stil on dapper .... when i tried edgy eft today it gave me a harder time with x even12:04
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waylandbillyes. the linux-k7 says "Obsoleted by linux-generic" so they appearing to be scrapping the multiple kernel idea.12:05
daleachisn't that wack though?12:05
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daleachor is it that they can't really optimize for the 3 anyway?12:05
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daleachhow does it work i have no idea... dothey have all 3 in 1? or just not optimize for the specific?12:05
daleachi should check out the architecture one day I guess12:06
waylandbillwell, the kernel is really where you'd get the biggest gain from -march compile. that and maybe glibc.12:06
ubotuBackground to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)12:06
waylandbillJucato: excellent.12:06
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waylandbillha.. it sounds like a speed placebo. :)12:07
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aliasghermanHas anyone ever tried to interface a MODEM in kubuntu ?12:09
aliasghermanThrough Minicom12:09
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daleachhey waylandbill: would you say its safe to delete the *k7 and *386 in the /boot then?12:11
daleachor will that make my system implode12:11
lucio_bye all!12:11
waylandbillyou could. make sure you can boot the 686 first of course12:11
waylandbilllucio_: take care12:11
daleachuname -r says *686 i'm good right?12:11
Jucatothe proper way to "delete" those extra kernels would be to uninstall them12:11
waylandbilldaleach: jucato is right cause then the grub entries will go away too12:12
daleachi thought i read that the grub read from the dir automagically or somethign12:12
daleachbut ok so12:12
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daleachif apt is the solution for this i suspect it won't work but i can try12:13
waylandbillwhy wouldn't it work?12:13
daleachk can someone please tell me what the c next to the package means12:13
Jucatotechnically, you "can" delete those files in /boot. but that won't really remove them from the system. there are still some stuff lying around.12:13
daleachinstead of p or i12:13
Jucatodaleach: where's that?12:13
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kollaI cant get http://babelfish.altavista.com working with konqueror on kubuntu - I just get "Sorry, Bad Request. Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand." - Anyone else?12:14
daleachadept doesn't show anything suspicious with all my files but there is12:14
daleachI haven't done this in a while where is the temp downloads and stuff12:14
waylandbilldeleted but not purged.12:14
daleachi always manage to break my apt sigh...hehe12:14
daleachthis isn't too bad12:14
daleachok so12:15
waylandbillconfiguration files are still on the system in other words, that's why 'c'12:15
daleachah i see12:15
waylandbillif you installed it again, it would retain the configuration.12:15
daleachso let me try some purge12:15
daleachyes here come the locks12:17
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zorglu_i had apt-index-watcher running every 5sec or so, i did the workaround "sudo /etc/init.d/apt-index-watcher stop". but im curious, what is the goal of apt-index-watch ?12:18
Jucato libapt-front based application make use of some additional indexes for package informations. Unfortunately, there is no way to run hooks when an application such as apt-get or aptitude regenerates the APT package index. apt-index-watcher tries to work around this problem by periodically checking if the APT indexes have changed, and rebuilding the apt-front indexes.12:19
Jucato(from apt-cache show apt-index-watcher)12:20
zorglu_Jucato: thanks12:20
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Jucatoman:/apt-index-watcher also12:21
zorglu_Jucato: maybe somebody could point them a inotify :)12:21
=== Jucato shrugs
Jucatoit's APT...12:21
Jucato!it | tezuo12:21
ubotutezuo: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:21
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waylandbillis there a switch for apt-cache to only show the package not the descriptions?12:34
fdovingwaylandbill: --names-only12:35
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fdovingor -n12:36
waylandbillthat only affects what it searches.12:36
fdovingah, to SHOW..12:36
fdovingno, there is no switch for that, but you can use 'cut' easily.12:36
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fdovingwaylandbill: apt-cache search foo|cut -d' ' -f112:37
fdovingfor example.12:37
fdovingthat'll use space (' ') as a delimiter, and show the first field.12:37
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waylandbillyeah. looking at the man page. thanks12:37
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daleachso i have all those extra images i don't need how can i "uninstall" them the proper way?12:43
fdovingwhat images?12:44
waylandbillkernel images12:44
daleachwhoops sorry i thought i typed that word ;-)12:45
daleachmy bad12:45
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SagaciousKJBI have a REALLY simple question about load averages I can't find an answer for on google.12:45
daleachi'm googling but12:45
waylandbillspeaking of images, is there a program that assists printing a large image over several letter sized sheets?12:45
SagaciousKJBFrom left to right, what do the 3 load average collumns represent?12:45
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waylandbilldaleach: I'd just apt-get purge the ones you don't want12:46
fdovingdaleach: you can uninstall the linux-image packages you don't use.12:46
daleachfdoving: more than one person in here thinks i can12:47
daleachthing is I can't find the package these are tied to to purge though12:47
fdovingdaleach: sudo dpkg -l 'linux-image*'12:47
waylandbillSagaciousKJB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Load_(computing)12:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:47
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fdovingdaleach: then: sudo apt-get --purge remove {list-of-images-you-don't-use}12:48
SagaciousKJB:D  Thank you12:48
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daleachis what i have12:50
waylandbilloh. apt-get needs --purge.. hmm. I use aptitude. learn something new everyday. :-D12:50
daleachthanks guys12:50
daleachthanks fdoving12:50
fdovingwaylandbill: it doesn't need --purge, unless you want to purge. it's similar to 'aptitude purge <pkg>'12:50
waylandbillfdoving: that's what I meant.12:51
daleachhe just meant the "--"12:51
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waylandbillI just didn't communicate it as effectively. :-)12:51
fdovingfor apt-get, --purge is an option to remove, in aptitude it's it's own 'sub-command' or something like that.12:52
daleachsee what's really confuysing is12:52
daleachi had to do dpkg12:52
daleachinstead of... an apt search12:52
daleachright? *had* to do dpkg stuff?12:52
fdovingapt-cache search searches the apt-cache.12:53
fdovingie. all available packages.12:53
fdovingdpkg searches installed packages.12:53
daleachoh that's the only dif? i didn't know that thanks hehe12:53
fdovingwhich is what you need in this case.12:53
daleachoh i see12:53
daleachno u know what i was doing ok i was searching kernel, module12:54
daleachand not image12:54
daleachthese would've been i's in aptitude i suppose12:54
fdovingremoving the image will auto-remove the rest, iirc.12:54
daleachsee i found em with aptitude now12:54
daleachi gotcha thanks though good to know heh12:54
fdovingapt:/ in konqueror is nice too.12:55
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daleachoh never knew that had that12:55
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JuJuBeeGood morning everyone...12:56
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daleachyeah that's pretty awesome12:56
JuJuBeeDoes anybody know of a cgi-proxy that will allow https that I can put on my server?12:56
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waylandbilldaleach: man:/ and info:/ too. :-)12:56
fdovingthe webshortcuts are nice too, wp:something -> wikipediasearch for something.12:58
waylandbilldidn't know about those. those documented somewhere?12:58
daleachremoving those kernel images gaveme 252 mb of space back hehe12:58
fdovingwaylandbill: you can see the list and make your own in the konq settings.. not sure about docs though.12:59
fdovingwaylandbill: konq -> settings -> webshortcuts12:59
daleachdo u guys really use konqueror though? over firefox?12:59
daleachi had issues a while back12:59
fdovingI use konq mainly.12:59
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fdovingbecause of the webshortcuts.12:59
daleachfdoving do u develop12:59
daleachfor ubuntu?12:59
fdovingdaleach: a little.12:59
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fdovingfor ubuntu too.01:00
waylandbillI use konq for file management and firefox for web browsing cause of the extensions.01:00
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daleachsame wayland01:00
daleachactually i don't even bother with extensions lately just use it for some compatibility adn stuff..... i really like konqueror with midnight commadner though01:00
daleachfrigen sweeeet01:01
waylandbillI develop, but not for ubuntu. :-)01:01
daleachme to when i'm not gettng my ass kicked by apt01:01
daleachnah its great though01:02
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Hobbseewaylandbill: what do you developa?01:06
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waylandbillHobbsee: windoze applications.01:08
Hobbseewaylandbill: ick.01:08
waylandbillI'm teaching myself linux programming day by day though.01:08
jaykubuntu installed a generic kernel instead of 386 for me, I fetched the 386 kernel and headers but on each upgrade it tries 2 fetch the generic kernel again. How can I stop that?01:09
fdovingjay: you'll have to remove it.01:09
fdovingjay: 'sudo aptitude purge <packagename>01:10
waylandbillI like Qt. It's rather easy to program with.01:10
Hobbseejay: you want to install -generic01:10
Hobbseejay: in almost all cases01:10
waylandbillgeneric is the mainstream one now. 386 is available in case the generic doesn't work for you.01:11
jaywhy woudl you?01:11
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Hobbseejay: because they renamed it.  smp, i believe01:11
jayI thought it was the other waay around01:11
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ubotuBackground to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)01:12
Hobbseeoh, well, the smp might be01:12
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ForgeAusQT is easy?... what kind of windows programming did you do .NET?01:13
smozewhere are my sounds? amarok, kaffeine and other media software can make a sound but none of my games will...01:13
waylandbillForgeAus: no. win32 api & mfc.01:14
Hobbseesmoze: install alsa-oss01:15
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crazy_busI'm trying to follow this guide: http://po-ru.com/diary/fixing-ffmpeg-on-ubuntu-edgy/ But when I type sudo apt-get build-dep ffmpeg I get this "E: Unable to find a source package for ffmpeg"01:17
crazy_busWhere is the ffmpeg source package?01:19
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Jucatocrazy_bus: make sure you have the deb-src repository for universe enabled, then "apt-get source ffmpeg"01:20
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dartdogwhat is the server for kubuntu es?01:20
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Jucato!es | dartdog01:20
ubotudartdog: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:20
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smozeHobbsee: ok, what is it?01:21
Hobbseesmoze: type in a console:  apt-cache show alsa-oss and read the description :)01:22
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Hobbseefor reference, alsa's the stuff that's wokring, oss is the stuff that isnt01:22
Hobbseeunless it's esd, in which case i dont remember what the solution is01:22
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parkerw207anyone here informed about mono ?01:24
smozeHobbsee: ok, i'll tryy this one01:24
ubotumono: Mono CLI (.NET) runtime. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB01:24
parkerw207!mono development01:24
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parkerw207does anyone know how you can install the program to develop .net programs on linux ?01:25
ForgeAusparker get monodevelop01:26
parkerw207i searched for that on adept and i couldnt find it01:26
ForgeAusyou can even add system.windows.forms references (but you have to do it all in text)01:27
ForgeAusmight have to add a repo01:27
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parkerw207ooo my fualt01:27
ubotumonodevelop: C#/Boo/Java/Nemerle/ILasm Development Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1695 kB, installed size 5344 kB01:27
Jucato!monodevelop | parkerw20701:27
parkerw207i found it lol01:27
ubotuparkerw207: please see above01:27
Jucatobah :D01:27
Jucatowhoa! ubotu just got smarter :)01:27
parkerw207hehe :)01:27
ForgeAushow so?01:27
parkerw207is mono good ?01:28
alexiconhow can i find out what version of apache ive got01:28
JucatoForgeAus: when I repeated the same inquiry (!monoevelop) <ubotu> parkerw207: please see above01:28
alexiconwith apt, adept is busy :P01:28
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parkerw207!apache  | alexicon01:29
ubotualexicon: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:29
parkerw207ha ha ha01:29
alexiconoh cool01:29
alexiconthat sounds useful too01:29
parkerw207ooo ok01:29
ForgeAusahh yes lamp01:29
parkerw207i was just trying out that trick :P01:29
parkerw207ForgeAus: is mono any good ?01:29
Jucatoalexicon: you can actually browse through packages in Adept even while it's still downloading/installing packages01:30
ForgeAusI'm not sure if/how monodevelop and lamp mix01:30
alexiconoh yeah Jucato?01:30
=== alexicon tries
ForgeAusdepends on what you mean by good I guess...01:30
parkerw207i need to make a vb.net programm for my programming coursework :P01:30
ForgeAustheres no form designer01:30
Jucatoalexicon: View menu01:30
alexiconim installing flyspray, just needed to know which apache if one ive got01:30
ForgeAusbut lots of stuff works01:30
alexiconhrm its greyed out01:30
alexiconguess i can open another instance01:30
alexiconhrm mebbie not lol01:31
parkerw207hmm , is it similar to visual basics ?01:31
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parkerw207as in the development environment ?01:31
ForgeAusyou can use it like visual basic01:31
ForgeAusat least textwise01:31
parkerw207ooo , what about creating forms ?01:31
parkerw207dont tell me i have to do it manually :O01:32
alexiconits dpkg -s01:32
ForgeAusyou do01:32
stefanI setup on kubuntu a mysql cluster with heartbeat and want to monitor with mon. Mon should stop heartbeat on master node when mysql is not running. I dont get this to work.01:32
stefanCan someone help?01:32
waylandbillparkerw207: something tells me you like r.a.d. method of design. :-)01:33
ForgeAusyou have to add the reference to windows.system.forms and then you have to make a form01:33
parkerw207r.a.d ?01:33
parkerw207visual basics is all i know lol01:33
ForgeAuswayland is there any easy visual form builder for Linux?01:33
JucatoR.A.D = Rapid Application Development01:33
waylandbillparkerw207: rapid app development. Like VB's form layout.01:33
ForgeAusits visual basic or visual basic .net01:33
parkerw207oo i do .net01:34
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parkerw207but yeah i like rad01:34
ForgeAusme too to be honest01:34
daleachrad as in rational?01:34
parkerw207so how do i get to do things like the microsoft one :P01:34
waylandbillForgeAus: I like designer (qt) for laying out forms.01:34
parkerw207hehe i'm new at programming01:35
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ForgeAushmmm sounds like something i should check out01:35
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waylandbillis it "easy" .. after learning the way it works it's not bad.01:35
ForgeAushow hard is it to learn how it works tho?01:36
parkerw207hmm where do i go to learn lol :P i have like a week to make a maths game for children01:36
waylandbillthey provide some tutorials.01:36
parkerw207it has to randomly generate questions01:36
mikmakI have a problem with USB keys which cannot be automatically mounted, it seems to be a DBUS/HAL config error somewhere but I don't know what to change exactly01:36
parkerw207then display scores and save and print hehe01:36
mikmakkded says kded: ERROR: mount failed for /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_34BB_89C9: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied - A security policy in place prevents this sender from se01:36
mikmaknding this message to this recipient, see message bus configuration file (rejected message had interface "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume" member "Mount" error name "(unset)" de01:36
mikmakstination "org.freedesktop.Hal")01:36
mikmakanybody got an idea what to change ? (sorry for the flood)01:37
ForgeAusparker another option is eclipse01:37
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parkerw207eclipse ?01:38
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ForgeAusits an ide mostly java-based tho01:38
waylandbillparkerw207: an ide01:38
parkerw207ide ?01:38
waylandbillI love kdevelop.01:38
fdovingkscope is nice.01:38
ForgeAusyou can plug in Python but not really VB01:38
waylandbillintegrated development environment01:38
parkerw207ooo , this has to be done in vb.net01:38
ForgeAusthen again I don't think you can plugin in VB to kdevelop either!01:38
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ForgeAusthen parker you need mono or visual studio (under windows)01:39
ForgeAus(mono under linux I meant)01:39
parkerw207oo i have it on windows :P01:39
parkerw207 just wanted to do it on linux01:39
waylandbillunder windows visual studio express is free download.01:39
parkerw207things seem to work better on linux :P01:39
parkerw207yeah i got it01:39
ForgeAusok on windows get sharpdevelop :)01:39
ForgeAusits simpler01:39
parkerw207oo ok thanks , i gtg shops now :P be back in a sec :P thanks for the help all :)01:40
waylandbillI was never able to get far with C# on linux, so I gave up trying. hehe01:40
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ForgeAusI'm not into C# either01:40
ForgeAusI prefer Python01:40
ubuntukubuntu espanol?01:40
ForgeAusseems more like Boo for .net lately tho01:41
ForgeAusboth sharp develop and mono use boo instead of Python01:41
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ForgeAusalthough there is also the option of Iron Python01:41
fdoving!es | ubuntu01:42
ubotuubuntu: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:42
waylandbillboo. hmm. didn't know that existed.01:43
externwith which program can I access my mobile phone memory?01:44
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DHGEextern: apt-cache search mobile01:46
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DHGEkandy works for me01:47
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externit doesn't connect to my phone, kmobiletools connect properly. Though I want to access the files in my phone, which kandy and kmobiletools seem not to support01:48
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marijohi can anyone help me :) ?01:50
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yossirHi. Why would one want to install Kubuntu over Ubuntu?01:51
yossirwhat are the advantages?01:51
alexiconif you prefer kde over gnome01:51
DHGEextern: U might ask in #kpilot to get some advice01:51
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alexiconpersonally i like adept much better than synaptic package management too01:51
yossirwhy would one prefer KDE over Gnome? what are the advantages? :)01:52
marijoplesae people i need help with wallet01:52
eeoshi there01:52
alexiconkde is much much more configurable01:52
alexicongnome is pretty basic, clean design, but cant do much with it ultimately01:52
alexiconjust a different look really01:52
DHGEyossir: a matter of taste IMO01:52
alexiconi prefer kde tools over gnome ones.01:52
alexiconworth trying out both livecds to see what suits you better01:52
mauroi like KDE a lot more than GNOME01:53
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yossirI don't know, KDE seemed way too bouncy and flashy when I tried Kubuntu-desktop01:53
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DHGEyossir: I use some gnome apps in KDE - it only cost HD-space01:53
soulrideryossir: really ?01:53
Jucatoyossir: you can always tone it down01:53
yossirsoulrider: there's a lot more going on graphically then in default Ubuntu.01:53
Jucatothat's how configurable KDE is... you don't have to stick to defaults01:53
yossirJucato: yeah, I'm considering another try.01:53
Jucatoalso take note that how Kubuntu ships/tweaks/presents KDE is not the default KDE sometimes01:54
alexiconi prefer konqueror over nautilis, even tho it uses more resources01:54
alexiconits much more versitle01:54
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yossirDHGE: using KDE apps within the Gnome desktop is pretty slow and awkward.01:54
marijoplease how to start wallet but that it does not ask my password every time, answer just this ;)01:54
DHGEyossir: have not tried THAT ;-)01:55
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alexiconyou can always install gnome on kubuntu, it will run fine. really the only difference is going to be adept v synaptic, and even still you can install both01:55
yossirJucato: after Windows, Gnome seemed pretty configurable.01:56
alexiconi really prefer using adept01:56
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yossiralexicon: yeah, I installed kubuntu-desktop on vanilla Dapper, so I had both. and Synaptic.01:56
waylandbillultimately kde is intended to be designed that the whole of it uses the same menuing and widgets throughout its interface.01:56
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waylandbillthat's what their introduction to programming kde says anyway. :-)01:57
alexicongnome is the same tho01:57
alexiconthey both offer that uniformity01:57
yossirGnome seems to aim to be simpler.01:57
waylandbilluntil third party apps come into play.01:57
yossir(and it _seemed_ a bit more consistent in its performance)01:57
yossirbut I guess I should give KDE another try. most of the K apps are better than their Gnome equivalents.01:58
yossirk3b, Konsole, Amarok01:58
alexiconits just configurability really01:58
alexiconqt apps have a lot more options than gtk ones01:58
yossirprobably Konquerer as well.01:58
yossirand Koffice.01:58
alexiconyes, probably at the cost of using more system resources mind. but i find its worth it for me01:58
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yossiralexicon: it's for a development box, so it's pretty powerful (CoreDuo 6300, 2gb ram)01:59
yossirmaybe I'll get comfy with vanilla Ubuntu (Gnome), then give Kubuntu-desktop another try.01:59
marijothanks a lot01:59
waylandbillyes. kde is a hog, but most computers these days can handle it just fine.02:00
waylandbillless ram is used by kde than windows though.02:00
yossirWindows sucks. I didn't realize how much till I got on Ubuntu.02:00
alexiconvista will be the best thing to ever happen to *nix lol02:01
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=== waylandbill hopes that's true.
Jucatos/will be/is/02:02
alexiconhehe indeed ;)02:03
JuJuBeeDoes anybody know of a cgi proxy that supports https?02:03
yossirthat shameless tactic of forcing gamers to upgrade to DX10 is going to work, though.02:03
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yossirif you're a PC gamer, you're probably not going to have a choice.02:03
Jucatoif you're a PC gamer, you probably don't even care about *nix02:04
yossirJucato: some *nixers are also gamers :)02:04
yossirand they might have to get Vista at some point.02:04
=== alexicon plays games
alexiconlol you tried playing games in vista??!02:04
Jucatoyeah, but the "stereotype" PC gamer...02:04
yossir(though I'd prefer they all got Wiis :)02:04
alexiconi couldnt affort to buy enough memory to ever play games on vista :P02:05
yossiralexicon: the last game I played was Deus-Ex :)02:05
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yossirwhich theme do you guys use on Kubuntu?02:05
alexiconi used to play wow02:05
yossir(btw, read this if you haven't - http://www.illusionary.com/GNOMEvKDE.html )02:06
alexiconbut then decided i needed my life back :P02:06
waylandbillI don't even bother with PC games. My playstation does just fine with that at a lower cost.02:06
yossirwaylandbill: yeah, hopefully games will become something you do on the conosle.02:06
yossiralexicon: yeah, like a visual theme.02:06
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alexiconmake my own theme i guess. use plastik stuff mostly02:06
alexiconunless im using beryl02:07
alexiconwhen i use beryl i use emerald so it looks like gnome simple theme02:07
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yossiryeah, Konversation is nice :)02:12
yossirand so is Kopete02:12
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nxserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:12
vgeKopete dont work that well with iso and utf-8 or does someone have a solution for that?02:13
waylandbillI like the front page to illusionary.com. cute.02:13
vgeatleast with ICQ02:13
yossirwaylandbill: yeah, very cool02:14
waylandbillthe subtle wargames references are my favorite.02:14
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vgeSomeone can help me to get this one to work: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03) (any change it allready works in feisty? :) )02:24
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:25
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precipizioragazzi in questo canale bisogna registrarsi ??02:26
Jucato!it | precipizio02:26
ubotuprecipizio: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!02:26
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ndistwrapper - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:40
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:41
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soulrideranyone know if theres a way to find out when it was that i installed ubuntu?02:49
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BluesKajHowdy all :)02:56
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arke_hi ... i installed the kscreensaver-xscreensaver wrapper, the entire xscreensaver stuff, however the xscreensaver stuff is not showing up inside the screensaver list (in system settings) ... what can Ido to have it find them?03:20
arke_(the reason is that I want the phosphor screensaver belonging to xscreensaver)03:21
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arke_oh wait03:23
arke_works now o.O03:23
arke_thanks :)03:23
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sasoynahi guys i have a problem with ktts.In talker configuration "select voice" is gray. i can;t select a voice though ktts not work.:(. i have a kubuntu 6.06 distro. you can help me?03:24
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TnT07Where are people who speak french ?03:24
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:24
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=== DaSkreech yawns
=== BluesKaj hands DaSkreech a strong cuppa coffee , here...wake up!
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=== DaSkreech dunks his marshmellow in it
DaSkreech.o0(Great Now my pillow is wet)03:26
slyfoxSi Kwallet is broken in Latest kubuntu for good ?  As it is not working with Kmail and Kopete - always asks me for apsswords03:26
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BluesKajkwallet is more of pain than it's worth IMHO03:27
slyfoxBluesKaj: yeah, and they plan to keep Kwallet for future too ?03:28
DaSkreechThey will03:29
DaSkreecha small bump on teh roadmap of development does not invalidate the goodnes of an appliaction03:29
slyfoxThis is so annoying as it just sitst there and does not work03:29
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slyfoxAre developers awre of that problem at all ?03:29
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blue|palmHelp!!! My RAM consumption is huge when running xgl!!!! I have 1GB of ram and in xgl (no beryl/compiz loaded or any program for that matter) and I am using 825 MB RAM. Can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong?03:30
slyfoxblue|palm: #beryl  should knwo better03:31
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blue|palmslyfox: there is no beryl loaded03:31
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ubotuA quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html03:32
slyfoxblue|palm: still they would know better in that channel03:32
blue|palmslyfox: thanks03:33
Jucatoblue|palm: just a little note, Linux consumes all of your RAM really. whether or not apps are actually using that RAM03:33
Jucatothe rest are used for disk cache03:33
sasoynahi guys i have a problem with ktts.In talker configuration "select voice" is gray. i can;t select a voice though ktts not work.:(. i have a kubuntu 6.06 distro. you can help me?03:34
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blue|palmJucato: oh03:34
blue|palmJucato: lol, couldnt somebody tell me that :) thanks03:34
blue|palmJucato: I am a windows veteran so unfortunately i dont know this03:35
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visik7I've a problem03:35
visik7apps that require priviledge root and tring to run kdesu aren't able to display the dialog03:36
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visik7dunno why03:36
visik7if I run kdesu it works03:36
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visik7ok solved03:37
visik7dunno what was03:37
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MetaBookfoziSwhy feisty 3 don'T have partition manager?03:37
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MetaBookfoziShm:) i have found03:41
MetaBookfoziSbut looks it a bit buggy.03:41
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BluesKajthen stick with edgy , MetaBookfoziS03:42
BluesKajMetaBookfoziS, /join fiesty03:43
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ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+103:44
MetaBookfoziSthat room is not exists03:44
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MetaBookfoziSop jeh.03:44
JucatoMetaBookfoziS: the room is #ubuntu+103:44
BluesKajno , I'm surprised03:44
parkerw207whats the best theme for kde ?03:44
Jucato(Ubuntu can't make a new room for every release :P)03:44
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.03:44
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waylandbillparkerw207: one that matches your favorite color.03:44
parkerw207hehe i was just asking for opinions :P03:45
parkerw207just checking out kde-look03:45
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Jucatowell, you have to start by defining what you mean by "theme"03:45
waylandbillI like red, but am too lazy to change the default blue03:45
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MetaBookfoziSwaylandbill > i recommend to try polyester, that is a widget style03:45
parkerw207ermm well on kde-look there is like whole themes , in the theme/styles bit03:46
parkerw207they all look nice enough lol03:46
waylandbillpolyester... hmm...03:46
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=== Jucato has a new favorite: Domino. but would suggest for people to wait till 0.4 comes out next week
parkerw207ooo i like that thats very nice03:48
waylandbillyeah. I like that.03:48
waylandbillapt-get here I come. :-)03:49
MetaBookfoziSthat is old03:49
jessoHi. I am trying to add a qt application to the kde startup on the 6.10 livecd but i cannot find where to put it03:49
MetaBookfoziS0.99 iirc03:49
Jucato!autostart | jesso03:49
ubotujesso: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.03:49
MetaBookfoziSjesso > as every kde, ~/.kde/Autostart03:49
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jessowell, i am chrooted into the livecd and there is no home use in /home on the cd03:50
jessoi want an application on the kde seesion where the "Install" icon is03:50
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MetaBookfoziSi'm not understand you (but that is possible it's my fault)03:52
jessowhen u boot the install cd kde comes up03:52
jessothere is an install icon03:52
jessoi want to add my own icon to laucnh a program03:53
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MetaBookfoziSthen, right click on that icon03:53
Jucatojesso: you can't add to that without modifying the live CD03:53
MetaBookfoziSand in the opened window, click on theicon on the top left03:53
Jucatobecause everytime you restart the Live CD, it will reset to the default settings03:53
jessoi no, I have mounted the livecd and chroot into it to change it03:53
MetaBookfoziSbut because this is a livecd it isn't saved.. as jucato say.03:53
jessoi modifying the livecd03:54
jessoso really I customizing the live cd03:54
jessoI am folowing this:03:55
jhutchinsjesso: To modify the live CD you would have to re-burn it.03:55
jessoi know03:55
MetaBookfoziSjesso > ls the livecd's desktop03:55
jhutchinsOk, it sounded for a bit like you were trying to modify it while you were booted...03:55
MetaBookfoziSi think that is something install.desktop03:55
jhutchinsAnyway, if you right-click on the desktop, you can create a new link to an application.03:55
MetaBookfoziSand it's a plain textfile, open it and i think that contains the icon information in INI style03:55
jessoya, i did that , but it's in a /usr/share03:56
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jessocould find where to put in a kde session, like "/home/user/Desktop"03:57
jessothere must something funky  to it03:57
jessoi thought there would be a /home/ubuntu on the livecd03:57
jessobut there is not03:57
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Jucatothere is. iirc, the username on the Live CD is "ubuntu"03:58
waylandbillmaybe it's in a squashed fs, or is created on the fly.03:58
jessomust be on the fly03:58
Jucatoyeah, I think on the fly03:58
jessoi am chroot into the squashed fsand there is no direcroty in /home03:58
waylandbillduh.. of course it is... it's in ram, so it has to be..03:59
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waylandbillunless it was a straight file copy I guess.03:59
jessoi see the install desktop link, so they must create the ubuntu user and copt it03:59
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jessoso need to find out what process they use to do this then04:00
waylandbillgrep for the desktop link mentioned somewhere.04:00
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MetaBookfoziSthe livecds absolutely not uses the hdd?04:00
jessoi know04:01
JucatoMetaBookfoziS: no.04:01
MetaBookfoziSi asks....04:01
jessothey do not use hdd04:01
MetaBookfoziShmm, a bit hard to understand how the system can live04:01
JucatoMetaBookfoziS: everything is done in RAM04:01
MetaBookfoziSyep, but it laods the whole system to the memory?04:01
jessoi 'll have to search files and grep it04:02
Jucatohard to do? it's been done. hard to understand the technical details? definiately not for a beginner04:02
MetaBookfoziSno, i'm just wondering04:02
JucatoMetaBookfoziS: Google will be of more help for you04:03
waylandbillIt's not too different than emdedded development.04:03
jessothanks anyway04:03
MetaBookfoziSi thinked about how many space i have, when i sustained a conference today on a kubuntulivecd:)04:03
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MetaBookfoziSand i prayed to have enough for what i doing.04:03
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ale_hi all, I'm trying to install kubuntu alternate onto my epia board (1gHz nehemian cpu), I'd like to install my root partition onto a software raid1 device... will it slow down my system?04:06
ale_a lot.... I mean...04:06
ale_(this isn't a fast processor...)04:07
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ale_anyone experienced here?04:09
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO04:09
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ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO04:10
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BluesKajsee, it works :)04:10
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ale_wasn't trustin you...04:11
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rickHi everyone04:12
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rickCan anyone help me I can't start kaffeine anymore, I tried to uninstall and reinstall in adept but still the same result ? :(04:13
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jayKonquerror suddenly stopped mounting my usb external driver... it brings up a hard drive under /media/ but when i right click and mount I get "Feature only available with HAL"04:14
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jhutchinsrick: WHat happens when you try to start it?04:16
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rickjhutchins  it tries to start but nothing happens04:16
dromerhmm, I just "found" a HP scanjet 5p on our attic .. how can I make it work in kde?04:16
jhutchinsjay: HAL is an important part of the system that actually does the mount (very little to do with Konq).04:16
jhutchinsjay: What have you changed?04:16
dromerah wait, it has a weird (thought it was printer-) cable ..04:16
jhutchinsrick: Try starting it from a console, see what it says.04:16
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jaythat's just it.. i don't remember doing anything stupid04:17
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jaythe last thing that i did that had 2 do with mounting was mounting my drive from the  tty04:17
jayneeded a file from it04:17
jaynothing else04:17
rickJhutchins, nothing happens it just moves to the next line04:18
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rickno messages at all04:18
jhutchinsrick: Hm.  No idea then.04:18
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jhutchinsyou might have a look at /var/log/messeges or even dmesg.04:19
jhutchinsrick: I like mplayer, but some people have trouble with sound sync.04:19
jhutchinsjay: Install or remove any packages?04:19
rickI like mplayer too but it doesn't work as a dvb-t application :(04:19
arthur_kalmHi everyone, I'm using Kubuntu 6.06.1 on a desktop with an nVidia 6200. I run XGL and Beryl as well. It seems that after a recent kernel upgrade I am unable to run dual monitors anymore. My xorg.conf hasn't changed since the previous time I used this computer but dual monitors refuses to work. Here is my xorg.conf: http://paste.plone.org/12979 and /var/log/Xorg.0.log: http://paste.plone.org/1298004:20
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arthur_kalmIt's also possible that X11 was updated as well...  I don't think I remember running 7.0...04:20
jhutchinsrick: I think xine works with dvb.04:20
rickyeah but would it work without kaffeine ?04:21
jhutchinsarthur_kalm: Did you update the nvidia driver?04:21
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jhutchinsrick: I think so.  I don't run kaffeine, I've never been able to get it to work consistently.04:21
rickjhutchins are you using kubuntu or ubuntu ?04:22
jhutchinsMandriva <grin>04:22
jhutchinsI've got kubuntu on a PC in an office I use sometimes.04:22
jayummm... not really04:22
jayjust xwinwrap04:22
ubotukaffeine: versatile media player for KDE 3. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 2160 kB, installed size 5868 kB04:22
rick :)04:22
arthur_kalmjhutchins: I'm using the latest :P04:22
jhutchinsarthur_kalm: I know this has happened to other people before, but not how to resolve it.04:22
jhutchinsarthur_kalm: Have you tried running something other than beryl?  Straight KDE, or xfce?04:23
arthur_kalmjhutchins: the thing is the drivers work. I'm running XGL and Beryl right now, however, my other monitor is sitting there blank04:23
jhutchinsberyl is very alpha-test software, it breaks frequently.04:23
dromermaybe not apropriate question here but: does anybody know what this weird cable on my (just found) hp scanjet 5p is? my other (not yet working) scanner has a 'regular' printer-cable ta attach is to the pc, but this one is different04:23
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jhutchinsIf it's a scanner, and it has a 25pin connector, it's probably SCSI.04:23
arthur_kalmjhutchins: I don't think it can be Beryl since the dual monitors isn't working when I load up GDM. However, I am running XGL instead of straight X.... it's possible that XGL stopped working04:24
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arthur_kalmjhutchins: and btw, if you use the not SVN version of Beryl it's very stable :P04:24
dromerjhutchins: hmm, I guess so, damnit, out with the trash I guess :/04:24
jhutchinsYes, the whole XGL thing, part of beryl, could be a problem, or it could be xorg.04:24
jhutchinsdromer: You can probably get a SCSI card for $5 - $10.04:25
jhutchinsdromer: Possibly a USB-SCSI adaptor.04:25
jhutchinsSCSI's a very good interface for scanners, much faster than USB 1.0.04:25
dromerjhutchins: wouldn't know where though, if I can get my other scanner working I'll keep that one (though it's an 'obscure' starscan)04:25
dromerjhutchins: ok .. hmm04:26
arthur_kalmjhutchins: hmm I'll try AIGLX04:26
jhutchinsdromer: Ebay, local used computer store, pricewatch.com.04:26
jhutchinsarthur_kalm: If you can try a straight plain vanilla X that would be where to start.04:26
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arthur_kalmjhutchins: yes I'm going to remove XGL from gdm.conf-custom04:27
Mo-Zwhats the boot up manager i kde kalled? and were is it located?04:27
jhutchinsMo-Z: kde doesn't manage boot.04:27
ubotuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/04:28
BluesKajlogin page is prolly what he means04:28
jhutchinsMo-Z: Did you want to know about kdm, which handles starting the GUI and logins?04:28
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Mo-Zjhutchins: yup04:28
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jhutchinsxdm is generic, kdm is kde, gdm is gnome, they will all launch multiple desktop environments.04:29
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dromerjhutchins: I think I'll rather get my other scanner working than work with this scsi-stuff, can't find anything here (NL) atm04:30
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X2BGuys, one brief question, is there a way to poweroff your pc via a shell command without being root?04:30
esaymjust tried gnome for the first time in my life04:31
dromerjhutchins: perhaps the used pc-store .. but I don't want to try ;/04:31
jhutchinsdromer: We are complacent in our amazing access to junk here in the US.04:31
dromerhmm, ah well04:31
jhutchinsX2B: sudo shutdown -r now04:31
esaymI got 4gb of files I need to compress into a zip or rar.  Anyone know of a good program?04:31
jhutchinsX2B: You can configure which users are allowed to run shutdown directly.04:31
dromerwhat would be the way to go if I want the other scanner to work?04:31
jhutchinsX2B: Sorry, that's sudo shutdown -h now.04:31
esaymark doesn't seem to work so good04:31
jhutchins-h for halt, -r for beboot.04:31
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X2Bok then i will have to edit sudoers... Just thought there might be an easier way04:33
jhutchinsdromer: your starscan?  sane (Scanner Access Now Easy or some such) is usually where scanner support is packaged.04:33
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juano_X2B: visudo04:33
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dromerjhutchins: ok thnx, will look into that afer I finish up cleaning ;)04:33
sanalguem fala portugues?04:34
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X2Bbut visudo is just sudo nano /etc/sudoers, isn't it?04:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:34
jhutchins!bn | san04:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:34
jhutchinsdang, sorry san, I'm pretty sure there's a factoid for it.04:34
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.04:35
sanJia.. Obrigado04:35
juano_X2B: could be, i use visudo04:36
sane como fao isso?04:36
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petrahello all :)04:41
petraIcan not start kde:04:42
petra"kdeinit: aborting. $display is not set"04:42
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petra"permission denied"04:42
petracan somone help?04:42
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jhutchinspetra: That sounds like maybe you upgraded Xorg and KDE some stuff got moved.04:43
jhutchinspetra: can you start x with the startx command?04:44
fdovingpetra: how do you try to execute kde when this fails?04:44
fdovingfrom kdm?04:44
petragoing to console and execute startkde04:44
petraunder screen 7 I can not log in there comes an error with dcopserver04:46
petraI googled about this stuff but was not able to find an answer04:46
petraI create  a new home dir and all is running well04:47
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petrabut I want my environment back04:47
jhutchinspetra: Somethnig in your .kde folders then.04:47
juano_petra: check whats in ~/.kde/Autostart/04:48
juano_petra: could be an app starting up with some error04:48
esaymI got 4gb of files I need to compress into a zip or rar.  Anyone know of a good program?04:49
jhutchinsesaym: zip or rar.04:49
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jhutchinsesaym: bzip's the most efficient in compressibilyty vs. time.04:49
jhutchinsesaym: Um, no that's gzip.04:50
petraI did :chown stefan:stefan under .Kde04:50
jhutchinspetra: chown -R ...04:50
juano_jhutchins: can you compress with unrar ?04:50
petrathere is only:  .directory04:50
esaymwell what are the programs that can do zip or rar?04:50
juano_jhutchins: or is it just for unraring04:50
jhutchinsjuano_: No, you have to get that actual rar program from their web site.  non-free.04:50
juano_jhutchins: ahh ok04:50
|lostbyte|juano_, and it works for a time period..04:51
esaymark has a zip and rar plugin but it doens't work to welll....04:51
petrachown -R to .kde ?04:51
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juano_|lostbyte|: ok04:51
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jhutchinsesaym: Because rar is not an open format, only the people who sell rar (or the people who buy licenses from them) can distribute software that works with it.04:52
jhutchinsesaym: They have allowed free uncompressors in order to make their format more popular.04:52
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Jucato!info rar04:52
uboturar: Archiver for .rar files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.5.1-1 (edgy), package size 239 kB, installed size 472 kB (Only available for i386)04:52
Jucato!info unrar04:52
ubotuunrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.5.4-0.1 (edgy), package size 84 kB, installed size 216 kB04:52
zchhello, can someone tell me is there chance to get really old lucent winmodem to work with kubuntu04:53
jhutchinsJucato: Is that a free rar?04:53
zchit is lucent i-302 winmodem04:53
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Jucatojhutchins: no. those are the ones in multiverse04:53
juano_Jucato: i have unrar, i downloaded it from synaptic04:53
esaymso there is a rar program for ubuntu then? let me check the repos..04:53
Jucatothey're non-free only by license04:53
|lostbyte|zch, lucent drivers are kernal depentent so, you would want to degrate to an older kernel just for the old drivers..04:53
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zch|lostbyte|: thanks for the tip, think i will just tell they guy to buy new modem04:54
zchthe guy*04:54
Jucatoesaym: there are 2 rar utilities, the rar-free and the rar (non-free due to license). both are free as in free beer. both are command line apps also. Ark is a GUI frontend that can use these04:54
petraokay all the same. can not startkde04:55
|lostbyte|yes.. or buy the drivres..04:55
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jhutchinszch: Getting winmodems to work is like pushing string up a wall.04:55
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:55
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto04:55
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zchjhutchins: yeah i kind of got the idea :)04:55
waylandbillI'd just stick with open format.. what's wrong with a gzipped tar ball (or even bzipped) anyway?04:55
anythinghi i'm going to install beryl on my laptop ati radoen now..anybody can give some tips or guide me along?04:55
esaymhmm looks like I already have rar installed04:55
|lostbyte|could anyone link me to the kubuntu release cycle page?04:56
waylandbillanything: if it uses XGL, expect lockups and/or crashes.04:56
jhutchinsanything: !ati04:56
jhutchinsHeh, think before you type, hutch...04:56
esaymhowever when I try to compress a 4gb folder with ark using zip or rar it always messes up :(04:56
anythingshould i use aiglx or xgl for my ATI?04:56
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jhutchins!ati | anything04:56
ubotuanything: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:56
waylandbillanything: some radeons can use aiglx, some cannot04:56
jhutchinsanything: Do you intend to do anything with the laptop, or is this just for fun?04:57
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BluesKaj!ati | beryl04:57
ubotuberyl: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:57
anythingits just for fun04:57
anythingsome eye candies.. to show off haha04:57
JucatoBluesKaj: huh? :D04:57
waylandbillanything: if you can get direct rendering with open driver, you'll probably get aiglx working04:57
anythingi used it to play warcraft too using wine04:57
BluesKajanything, good luck04:57
arthur_kalmanything: I find that I can't work without it :P04:57
anythingarthur_kalm: can't work without beryl?04:58
jhutchinsarthur_kalm: Really?04:58
arthur_kalmjhutchins: I'm not running XGL anymore, still no dual monitors :S04:58
arthur_kalmanything and jhutchins: yes04:58
arthur_kalmI got addicted04:58
waylandbillanything: if you need fglrx to get DRI, then you'll need XGL which crashes too much for it's own good.04:58
jhutchinsarthur_kalm: Ok, it's in the drivers or the xorg conf then.04:58
zchi couldnt get xgl to run with my radeon 960004:58
arthur_kalmeverything else seems dead to me :(04:58
zchso i just gave up, it said that drivers don't support it04:58
jhutchinsarthur_kalm: #xorg04:58
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arthur_kalmjhutchins: I got some weird error in the /var/log/Xorg.0.log...04:59
anythingok first of all..let me get it straight first.. i get aiglx, xgl and fglrx?04:59
waylandbillzch: this 200M hates xgl04:59
anythingi'm getting confused by those terms04:59
waylandbillanything: you need DRI first04:59
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waylandbillotherwise it'll be slow.04:59
arthur_kalmjhunchins: "(WW) NVIDIA(GPU-0): Unable to read EDID for display device CRT-004:59
anythingDRI? ok i've already followed the steps from !ati on how to setup my ati card04:59
ubotudri is direct rendering infrastructure, a framework for allowing direct access to graphics hardware under the X Window System in a safe and efficient manner.04:59
arthur_kalmwayland: can't you use AIGLX with 200M?05:00
waylandbillwith the fglrx driver?05:00
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BluesKajanything, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#head-c966b2cb7c82944d6883f27a2896725db3b90a3a05:00
waylandbillarthur_kalm: I don't think fglrx and aiglx are compatible.05:00
arthur_kalmjhuchins: should I set the EDID manually?05:00
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anythingactually i've alot of failed attempts to install beryl05:00
_Ace2016_hi all05:01
arthur_kalmwaylandbill: I don't think so either, but with the 200M I believe that you can use the Open Source drivers05:01
_Ace2016_whats the difference between vmrss and wmsize?05:01
arthur_kalmwaylandbill: AFAIK05:01
anythingmy furthest attempt is when i can create a profile at login splash screen to log in as aiglx or something like that, and its lagging mad05:01
waylandbillarthur_kalm: you mean the 'radeon' driver? I've not tried that.05:01
arthur_kalmwaylandbill: yeah I think that's what it's called05:01
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waylandbillI'm running the ati one now. I'll have to give it a try sometime.05:02
jhutchinsarthur_kalm: I really wish I could afford the hardware to gain the experience to be able to help you.05:02
jhutchinsarthur_kalm: My ATI card cost $35 about 5 years ago.05:02
waylandbillfglrx works, but then X hangs shutting down and I don't like improper shutdowns. :-)05:02
BluesKajI tried beryl on my ati equipped pc, but you have to make sure Xgl is chosen only at the login page ..then you can both X and Xgl (with beryl ) when you choose to05:02
jhutchinsarthur_kalm: That's why I recommend the #xorg channel.05:03
arthur_kalmwaylandbill: yeah, I believe that M200 was the only real card that could work with the Open Source drivers05:03
waylandbillI'm happy my desktop has an nvidia in it.05:03
arthur_kalmjhutchins: hehe no problem, well this 6200 isn't expensive, only like $50 :P but it works... it's only at work though05:03
waylandbillarthur_kalm: excellent. I'll look into it thanks.05:03
arthur_kalmjhutchins: I guess I'll try looking there05:03
arthur_kalmwaylandbill: no problem05:03
BluesKajberyl is slow anyway ..eye candy is nice but still tto buggy for my taste05:04
BluesKajtoo buggy05:04
waylandbillheck if you don't mind PNY or other off-brand a screamin fast video card is only $20005:04
waylandbillBluesKaj: I agree there. way buggy yet.05:05
BluesKajno point , not a gamer05:05
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spawn57it'll get stable soon enough05:05
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arthur_kalmBluesKaj: which video card are you using?05:06
anythinghi there's one part that it says make sure fglrx is loaded by verifying that the module appears in the list of loaded modules, by issuing the command "lsmod";05:06
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BluesKajmy philosphy is ..get a friggin xbox or PS if ya wann aplay games05:06
waylandbillBluesKaj: the video card comment was for someone else.05:06
arthur_kalmBluesKaj: it's suppose to even work on Intel cards05:06
anythingand so i do lsmod | grep fglrx05:06
anythingand i get agpgart                34888  2 fglrx,intel_agp05:06
anythingis this correct?05:06
BluesKajarthur_kalm, I'm using a plain jane onboard ati xpress20005:06
waylandbillBluesKaj: ps is cheaper than a decent gaming PC by far is my philosophy05:07
arthur_kalmBluesKaj: and that's slow with Beryl? hmm you're using XGL right?05:07
BluesKajyup, I was05:07
arthur_kalmwaylandbill: yeah but PS doesn't have as good games :P05:07
waylandbillthat's my card xpress 200m05:07
arthur_kalmwaylandbill: or at least the ones I like to play05:07
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waylandbillarthur_kalm: they don't have Wow? ;-)05:08
arthur_kalmwaylandbill: i.e. strategy and FPS05:08
arthur_kalmwaylandbill: hehe actually I don't play WoW :P, yeah I know, I'm weird ;)05:08
waylandbillI don't either.05:08
BluesKajwaylandbill, then good luck with beryl ... it can be done, but it takes patience and a lot of jiggery-pokery05:08
LeeJunFanIf a game doesn't have M'16's and M203's I don't wanna play it :p05:09
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waylandbilljiggery-pokery. LOL.05:09
arthur_kalmLeeJunFan: true to that ;)05:09
BluesKajLeeJunFan, WTH is M'16 s ...guns ?05:09
LeeJunFanBluesKaj: yeah.05:10
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LeeJunFanBluesKaj: M-16, USA standard military gun.05:10
waylandbillLeeJunFan: combine our tastes and a baseball field becomes a war zone. That'd be a fun game. :-)05:10
BluesKajbah humbug ...yeah i'm aware of that05:10
arthur_kalmLeeJunFan: I think BluesKaj was poking fun at the M16 :P05:11
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LeeJunFanwaylandbill: hehe, or the Sim's vs AH-64 Assault Helicopter.05:11
BluesKajof course I'm an old fogey ...we used to play games outside in the fresh air in my childhood..  :)05:11
jhutchinsI like flight simulators (and the games based on them), but I'd rather be out riding my motorcycle.05:11
arthur_kalmhey umm can anyone post some vertical and horizontal syncs for LCD monitors that you use in xorg.conf, for some reason EDID isnt' working05:11
LeeJunFanBluesKaj: yeah, but fresh air here right now is -20F fresh.05:11
arthur_kalmBluesKaj: pft, fresh air, who needs that05:12
jhutchinsLeeJunFan: We're a balmy 15 here.05:12
waylandbillBluesKaj: If it was summer I'd go outside and play ball. 20 inches of snow and I'll play it on the tube.05:12
BluesKajcold there eh , it was -20 last nitre but its 0C  and sunny now05:12
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=== waylandbill thinks warm thoughts
BluesKajwhere the hell are you guys ?05:12
arthur_kalmhehe it was -30 with the wind chill yesterday :S05:13
BluesKajonly have 12"  of snow here in northern Ontario05:13
LeeJunFanBluesKaj: well, I take that back - it's +20 out now, it was in the neg this morn. Cheboygan Michigan here.05:13
waylandbillI'm near rochester, new york05:13
arthur_kalmBluesKaj: hey, haha I'm also in Ontario :P05:13
jhutchinsKansas City, MO - smack in the middle.05:13
arthur_kalmBluesKaj: Toronto to be precise05:14
LeeJunFanwaylandbill: I'm from Jamestown NY :)05:14
BluesKajcheboygan ,... been there ...Im 160 mi west of the Soo05:14
LeeJunFanwaylandbill: my cousin lived in Rochester years ago.05:14
jhutchinsLeeJunFan: I grew up near Binghamton.05:14
BluesKajerr east of the soo05:14
arthur_kalmjhutchins: hmm it seems xorg is kind of dead :S05:14
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arthur_kalmjhutchins: I mean #xorg05:14
jhutchinsarthur_kalm: How about rolling back xorg and may be the kernel?05:14
jhutchinsarthur_kalm: Oh, sorry about that.05:14
BluesKajarthur_kalm, i'm 70km west of sudbury05:15
LeeJunFanMan - small world eh. heh05:15
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arthur_kalmBluesKaj: wow, you live in a small town I assume?05:15
BluesKajyup, espanola05:15
LeeJunFanBluesKaj: yeah, I went to Ontario probably 20 yrs ago. Only time I've been outside the country.05:15
arthur_kalmjhutchins: not your fault :P but umm how would I role back X?05:15
jhutchinsarthur_kalm: How about #ubuntu-effects ?05:15
xstIn /etc/fstab I have marked two mountpoints with noauto. But when I login to my KDE session as a regular user, these two are being mounted anyway. Why? And how can I turn this behavior off?05:16
arthur_kalmjhutchins: I'll try thanks05:16
BluesKajontario is a big place LeeJunFan ...even larger than texas05:16
waylandbillLeeJunFan: I'm actually from Wayland, I'm just about down the 86 from ya. :-P05:16
jhutchinsxst: Where do you see them mounted?05:17
BluesKajwonder when the "off topic bot" is gonna give us a warning ? :)05:17
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jhutchinsI don't worry about off-topic chat unless it's generating noise that drowns out on-topic stuff.05:18
waylandbillBluesKaj: ontario is big, but 90% of the population is in the southern 90%.05:18
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BluesKajyeah , and we like that way , .. waylandbill :)05:19
BluesKajwe like it that way05:19
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BluesKajwe northerners , like the so called unspoiled countryside ... it ain't so unspoiles , but most city ppl think we're isolated an deprived somehow.... man are they misguided :)05:20
arthur_kalmBluesKaj: which town are you in?05:20
BluesKajEspanola, puplp n paper town05:21
xstjhutchins: in bash with the "mount" command05:21
LeeJunFanBluesKaj: not here, all the city people come here to ride their snowmobiles and hunt. They know how good we've got it here, everyone wants to live in this area but no jobs.05:21
jhutchinsxst: What I meant was when you see them mounted in kde, where do you see them?05:22
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arthur_kalm* checks google maps for Espanola05:22
waylandbillLeeJunFan: aint that the truth05:22
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BluesKajbummer . LeeJunFan ...it's relatively prosperous here but the employment is pretty static , so most young ppl leave for the city when finished school05:23
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xstI don't necessarily see them mounted in kde.05:23
BluesKaj<---retired old fogey05:23
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arthur_kalmBluesKaj: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Espanola%2C_Ontario05:24
BluesKajarthur_kalm, if you get DRI working you can run google earth for linux05:24
arthur_kalmBluesKaj: wow, only 5500 people.. hmm I think I would die :P05:24
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LeeJunFan<--- barely surviving business owner :)05:25
arthur_kalmBluesKaj: hmm I haven't tried it... on my desktop (at home) using the beta nVidia drivers I was able to do that05:25
jhutchinsxst: Did you have a question?05:25
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BluesKajwell. there many towns around here  and sudbury is only 45 mins away ...lotsa malls etc to keep wifey happy :)05:25
xstjhytchins: Yes. My questions are: Why is KDE performing these mounts and how do I turn this auto-mounting off?05:26
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arthur_kalmBluesKaj: hehee well must be nice and quiet there05:27
jhutchinsxst: Ok, in order to answer you, I need to know how you see the drives being mounted in KDE.05:27
BluesKajarthur_kalm, this town is well wired for the internet ...2 ISPs available05:27
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BluesKajwell, i play in blues rock band so we make a little noise on wknds :)05:28
Evil_DuDecool :D05:28
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arthur_kalmBluesKaj: nice.. high speed I assume05:28
jhutchinsxst: For instance, I can have kde display un-mounted drives on my desktop, and if I click on them they'll mount and open.05:28
BluesKajyup, got sympatico, ultra HS05:28
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xstjhutchins: Before login I switch to console, login, and type "mount". Here the two mountpoints are unmounted. NExt, I login to KDE via X and the two disks spins up - and the two mount points are suddenly listed when typing "mount"05:29
BluesKajarthur_kalm, rogers I assume :)05:29
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jhutchinsxst: What applications start when you start kde?05:30
anythinghi... in my xorg.conf , i got 2 sections of Device .. should i remove one?05:30
anythingi'm using ATI05:30
anythingone the driver is vesa , the other is fglrx05:30
arthur_kalmBluesKaj, hehe same here05:30
jhutchinsanything: vesa's sort of a fallback.05:31
anythingi've got 2 section "Device"05:31
xstjhutchins: Kopete, Evolution, Konsole, Emacs, Firefox05:31
BluesKajanything, leave it alone05:31
anythingso i should no remove if nothing goes wrong?05:31
jhutchinsanything: If fglrx is working, you can delete it, but you don't really need to worry about it.05:31
anythingthen i got this         Option      "OpenGLOverlay" "off"05:31
anythingshould it be off?05:31
anythingVideoOverLay is On05:32
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anythinghow do i know if my fglrx is running?05:33
JuJuBeeI have 2 wireless cards in a computer.  Both are Linksys WMP54G.  The only difference I can see is that one is a v.4 and the other is a v.4.1 card.  The v.4 works fine, but when the v.4.1 card is installed, the system hangs on configuring network and the card does not work.05:33
waylandbillglxinfo should show direct rendering05:33
BluesKajanything, in the terminal fglrxinfo05:33
jhutchinsJuJuBee: It may be that they changed the chipset, you could do a web search and see what you can find.05:34
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anythingok its up and running05:37
quetzI'm having a hell of a time getting ubuntu to bootstrap on an intel xserve05:37
anythingso..what's the next step to get beryl?05:37
quetzI believe I'm having EFI problems, can anyone confirm getting ubuntu in any flavor up on an apple xserve?05:37
BluesKaj!beryl | anything05:38
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ubotuanything: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:38
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anythingi'm reading05:40
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anythingit asked me to off composite when installing ATI.. now it ask me to on?05:41
anythingto off or on05:41
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anythingwhat's the representative button in kubuntu to see the processes like in windows' ctrl-alt-del ?05:43
MetaBookfoziSctrl escape05:44
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MetaBookfoziSbut better if you start: ksysguard05:44
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anythinggot it05:44
MetaBookfoziSthat have the ctrl-escape's windows content in a tab, but an otehr tab you can add statistics graphs05:44
waylandbilland what ctrl-esc was in windows is alt-f1.05:44
MetaBookfoziSsuch as cpu load, batttery using etc...05:44
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MetaBookfoziSyou're welcome05:45
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dec_does anyone know where I can find firegl x11 extensions for an ati video card on my laptop05:46
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jhutchinsdec_: Have you checked the beryl stuff above?05:47
anythinghey i should get beryl on edgy with GLX or AIGLX?05:47
dec_where above?05:47
jhutchins!beryl | dec_05:48
ubotudec_: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:48
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dec_is it stable05:48
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jhutchinsdec_: No, not at all.05:48
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dec_what is the likelihood of it screwing up my os05:48
jhutchinsdec_: Very low.05:49
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dec_is it easy for a beginner like myself to install05:49
jhutchinsdec_: If it doesn't work you just remove it, or run something else for a while and wait for it to improve.05:49
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Gast458hallo ist jemand da05:50
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jhutchinsde! Gast45805:50
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jhutchinsde! | Gast45805:50
jhutchins!de | Gast45805:50
ubotuGast458: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de05:50
mikeyIn Edgy with KDE 3.5.6, I can't get Konqueror to show previews in the file tips. I set it and it works for a little bit then quits. Anybody have the same problem?05:51
jhutchinsGast458: Mein Deutsch is zehr alt und slecht.05:51
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dec_I just pulled up the beryl website and every download is a tar ball, how do you install those05:51
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jhutchins!tarball | dec05:52
ubotudec: Files with ".tar.gz", ".tar.bz2" or ".tgz" extensions are compressed archive formats, similar to ZIP files. See !tar for extracting them. Some of these files contain programs in source code form; see !compile for getting them to run.05:52
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jhutchinsdec_: Be sure to look for the packages in apt first though.05:53
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dec_where do i input !compile?05:53
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jhutchinsRight here!05:54
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:54
jhutchinslike that.05:54
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eeoshi there. has the open source java been relesead yet? which package is in the repository?05:56
iroxorsjuis there full games in the package manager05:56
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eeosI found several, some are called java5 and some java6 but none of them reports any news about the type of license05:58
eeosboth of them have the source package, so it looks like the source is open05:58
MetaBookfoziSsun has opened java's source05:58
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eeosMetaBookfoziS yes, but from what version? the ones in the repository are already the open one?05:59
MetaBookfoziSonly open and free is in the main repos05:59
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:59
MetaBookfoziSrestricted repos have the free but closed ones...05:59
MetaBookfoziSlike nvidia driver etc...05:59
eeosMetaBookfoziS I have all the respositories on05:59
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anythinghi.. help i'm on xgl mode now... and its lagging badly if i try to move the windows..helppp06:00
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eeosMetaBookfoziS they are all in multiverse06:01
MetaBookfoziSi think, google for that06:02
MetaBookfoziSit's a big thing06:02
MetaBookfoziSso i think posted on thousads of blogs06:02
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MetaBookfoziSi dunno more06:02
eeosMetaBookfoziS yes, indeed, I read a bout it quite a lot, but it is now clear what is the level of inclusion06:03
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waylandbillOMG! so close but then this: (II) RADEON(0): Direct rendering broken on XPRESS 200 and 200M06:03
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dec_I have xorg-driver-fglrx installed but I do not have direct rendering how do i get this to install i have an ati card06:05
arthur_kalmI managed to fix my dual monitor problem thanks to some people in #ubuntu-effects06:05
arthur_kalmhowever, now the fonts in all the applications are _tiny_06:05
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arthur_kalmi tired to change the font in kcontrol, but it made no difference06:05
dec_I have xorg-driver-fglrx installed but I do not have direct rendering how do i get this to install i have an ati card06:06
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anythinghelp..why fglrxinfo shows i'm on Mesa after i created a session to run in glx ??06:07
anythingbefore i run in glx it was ATi something06:07
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arthur_kalmanyone? these fonts are killing my eyes :(06:08
Godetturk varm hc06:08
ubotuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.06:08
Godete superms06:08
dec_how do i get direct rendering06:09
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MetaBookfoziSarthur_kalm > one, isntall msttcorefonts06:10
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MetaBookfoziStwo you need to restart your apps06:10
MenaHow to set a folder to Hidden06:10
MetaBookfoziSthe font setting is only on the newest opened wins06:10
dec_i installed xorg driver-fglx and now i do not have direct rendering how do i get direct rendering06:10
MetaBookfoziSMena >  on linux no hidden folder as you think from windows06:10
MetaBookfoziSthe folders that rpefixes with . are hided by default on some apps06:11
arthur_kalmMetaBookfoziS: I'll try that thank you06:11
MetaBookfoziSbecause that is configuration directories06:11
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MetaBookfoziSarthur_kalm > okay06:11
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eeoshow do you restart alsa after the sound driver crashed and unloaded the modules from the kernel?06:11
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MenaMetaBookfoziS,ohh ok06:11
MetaBookfoziSMena >  but you can set the persmissions to others can'T list a folder06:11
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cox377does KDM change anything other than the login screen?06:11
MetaBookfoziSso that folders that is in that, are hidden (uh my english grammar...:))06:12
MenaMetaBookfoziS,i laso guess that06:12
arthur_kalmMetaBookfoziS, I think that during some attempts at getting the repos synced I removed some font package...06:12
dec_I have xorg-driver-fglrx installed but I do not have direct rendering how do i get this to install i have an ati card06:12
arthur_kalmwhere do the aptitude logs live?06:12
ubotukdm: X display manager for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 611 kB, installed size 1480 kB06:12
MetaBookfoziScox377 > that is only a display manager:)06:13
arthur_kalmMetaBookfoziS, hehe it's there06:13
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MetaBookfoziSthat displays the shiny screen06:13
iroxorsjuhow do i get a .run file to work06:13
MetaBookfoziSand able to do some things06:13
cox377MetaBookfoziS: what do u mean when u say display manageR?06:13
dec_does anyone know?06:13
MenaHen the kdmtheme manger for Login screen06:13
MetaBookfoziSsuch as remote login, or other de starting... rebooting etc06:13
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Menawait a seconed06:13
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BluesKajdec , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#head-c966b2cb7c82944d6883f27a2896725db3b90a3a06:14
MetaBookfoziSthe login screen _is_ kdm:)06:14
dec_blues thank you06:14
MetaBookfoziSor gdm if you uses gnome(brr) or xdm if you uses xfce06:14
MenaMetaBookfoziS, but you cant choose you logng scrren untill you install it for the login screen06:15
MetaBookfoziScox377 > and kdm can do some preloading... iirc06:15
MetaBookfoziSyou can06:15
MetaBookfoziSsudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm06:15
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MetaBookfoziSor when you install other display manager, it asks for the default06:15
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cox377MetaBookfoziS: i've got it installed and loaded some themes but all that seems to change is the login screen06:15
MetaBookfoziSbecause you have downloaded and installed login screen themes06:16
MetaBookfoziSnot more, not less:)06:16
jhutchinscox377: Right.  *dm handles the login and the choice of the window manager, then it passes you off to the window manager.06:16
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jhutchinskde themes would affect the actual desktop environment.06:16
MetaBookfoziSkde has 1000 type of theme...06:17
MetaBookfoziSfrom kdm theme to color scheme...06:17
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MetaBookfoziSyou can check anything on kde-look.org06:17
cox377MetaBookfoziS: ok mate i shall take a look06:17
Menayou have a theme managet For the window manager in setting06:18
iroxorsjusorry for caps06:18
ubuntu_what's the channel for ubuntu's french users?06:18
Mena!ubuntu's french06:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu's french - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:19
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ubuntu_i've try : #ubuntu.fr06:19
iroxorsjuanyone help me out right quick?06:19
HymnToLifeubuntu_, ut's  #ubuntu-fr06:20
ubuntu_HymnToLife: thanks06:20
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iroxorsjufor some reason it won't let me type in a window06:22
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iroxorsjubout time to go back to windows06:23
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quetzI believe I'm having EFI problems, can anyone confirm getting ubuntu in any flavor up on an apple xserve?06:27
cox377does anyone here use songbird?06:29
exobuzzquetz: I have debian running on Intel based mac.06:29
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exobuzzquetz: via EFI06:29
quetzexobuzz: did you have to do anything special to get it to work?06:30
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quetzexobuzz: elilo and grub2 both fail to bootstrap any of the kernels we've tried06:30
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quetzexobuzz: they get as far as loading the initrd, then everything takes a dump06:30
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exobuzzquetz: well. custom built kernel, and loaded via elilo, which is loaded form teh network, hmm.. how does the kernel die ?06:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about songbird - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:31
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ghosthi linux funs06:31
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quetzexobuzz:  I'm not convinced the kernel was ever alive... it doesn't panic... it just sorta stops after the bootloader reaches "startkernel"06:32
quetzexobuzz: We've been theorizing that since the xserves are the only intel macs not supported by bootcamp that perhaps they lack some legacy stuff that the kernel may be using06:34
quetzexobuzz:  the xserves have gotten no firmware patches since the bootcamp stuff first started06:34
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exobuzzyou sure the kernel is getting loaded though ? how are you viewing the output ? do you know if your kernel has support for itthe xserve display ?06:34
quetzexobuzz: Nope, we initially weren't sure that the kernel had halted, so we configured serial bootargs... but we never see anything from that either06:35
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quetzexobuzz:  But there's no disk activity... its entirely possible that the kernel is halted and we can't see the output to diagnose the problem06:36
quetzexobuzz:  But we also have no reason to suspect that its working at all06:36
exobuzzquetz: patcha kernel with latest mactel-linux patches and try it ?06:36
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quetzexobuzz:  I think our kernel supposedly is at that patchlevel... we successfully boot it on a macbook pro core duo... but we are unable to reproduce the results on an intel xserve06:37
quetzexobuzz:  also works on a mac pro desktop06:37
quetzexobuzz:  just not our xserves06:37
exobuzzoh hmm.. im not sure I can help. i can only suggest you ask for more advice from the mactel-linux list. perhaps someone else there has a similar setup ?06:37
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exobuzz(someone esle who is rich enough to afford an xserve) :-)06:37
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ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:38
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quetzexobuzz: heh, I tried the mactel guys on irc, they weren't very responsive... I think its a problem specific to the xserves and nobody's got one to test on but us06:39
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quetzexobuzz:  thanks for trying tho help tho!06:39
exobuzzquetz: perhaps the mailinglist will be more useful than the irc channel..06:39
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exobuzzthere are quite a lot of people on the list.06:40
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quetzexobuzz:  good suggestion, I'll try it06:40
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Schuenemanncan anyone help setting up an HP printer?06:42
Schuenemannon dapper06:42
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:43
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SchuenemannI get errors with cups06:44
stamenwith which program I can make themes for kde06:44
DaSkreechI'm having an issue with a folder06:44
eyedol59i am trying to install a new kernel image, could anybody please help me?06:44
DaSkreech if i try to run a script on the folder the folder cahnges it's name06:44
HymnToLifeeyedol59, just ask your question06:44
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SchuenemannHymnToLife, to you have an HP and use HPLIP?06:45
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Schuenemannwhy doesn't HP provide tools for linux?06:46
Schuenemannonly windows and mac06:46
eyedol59ok, i am running a i386 kernel on a AMD64 754, and i wanted to know if the K7 kernel image will work with my processor.06:46
HymnToLifeeyedol59, yes but you will see very little performance gain06:47
HymnToLifeeyedol59, which ubuntu are you running ?06:48
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DaSkreechanyone ever have that issue?06:48
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eyedol59the last Kubuntu release (6.10, i think)06:48
HymnToLifeeyedol59, install the generic kernel then06:49
HymnToLifethe k76 one doesn't exist anymore06:49
stamenwho knows how to create KDE themes06:49
eyedol59by generic you mean the i386 kernel?06:49
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HymnToLifethe genrric06:50
HymnToLifesudo apt-get install linux-generic06:51
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HymnToLife!info linux-generic edgy06:51
eyedol59ok thank!06:51
ubotulinux-generic: Complete Generic Linux kernel. In component restricted, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB06:51
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uroshi all. i like my menu's to be on top i the panel (mac os) and have done this. the thig i am missing is that the panel also states the name of the current application (now the menu changes, but you are not sure which application they belong to). anyone have an idea how to do this? any applet?06:52
makka2Hi all..i wanted to ask if anyone knows an applet to show email status (i i have new mail)under KDE.06:53
makka2I serche in kde-look,but nothing06:53
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jhutchins_ltmakka2: If you're running kmail, there is an option in the configuration to use the system tray; it will display an icon with the number of new messgaes.  You can also enable other forms of mail notification in kmail.06:54
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jhutchins_ltmakka2: If you're not running kmail, there are mail notification applications you can find in aptitude.06:55
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kshowmail - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:56
MenaIs there a progarm to make and iso file with Auto run and design a cd ...did you understand me ?06:56
ubotukbiff: KDE mail notification utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.8.0-0ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 261 kB, installed size 1184 kB06:57
Menalike making an auto run cd06:57
SchuenemannIt was not possible to retrieve the list of printers. Error message received from the manager: The connection with CUPS server failed. Check if the the CUPS server was correctly installed and is being ran. IPP request failed due to an unknown reason06:58
waylandbillMena: you mean like Windows reading the autorun.inf?06:58
Schuenemannwhat could this be?06:58
Menawaylandbill, yes something like that06:58
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makka2ok,thanks all,very nice06:58
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waylandbillMena: maybe try here: http://research.silmaril.ie/autoruncd/07:01
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ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows07:02
DaSkreech if i try to run a script on the folder the folder changes it's name07:03
Schuenemannwhy isn't this damn cups working?07:04
drkmdoes anyone here use Kget successfully with rapidshare?07:04
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DaSkreechnixternal: ping07:05
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nixternalDaSkreech: pong?07:08
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DaSkreechUniverse and multiverse enabled by default?07:08
DaSkreechThat's for all *buntu?07:09
nixternalKubuntu that I know of, the others I don't know07:09
drkmdoes anyone here use Kget successfully with rapidshare?07:09
HymnToLifeuni- and multiverse are not enabled by default07:09
nixternaldrkm: can't say that I have tried07:09
jhutchins_ltSchuenemann: What's da problem?07:09
DaSkreechHymnToLife: Not according to breaking news :)07:09
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nixternalHymnToLife: with Herd 4 they are in Kubuntu07:10
DaSkreechnixternal: oh thanks to the team for my favourite gripe being fixed07:10
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nixternalDaSkreech: it was only a matter of time07:10
DaSkreechChangelogs in Adept :)07:10
DaSkreechhooray :)07:10
|lostbyte|Whats the best sound studio ?07:10
nixternalyes, that is about enough to make me start using Adept more and more now07:11
Schuenemannjhutchins_lt, I'm trying to setup my printer, and when I go to system admin > printer I get this message:07:11
SchuenemannIt was not possible to retrieve the list of printers. Error message received from the manager: The connection with CUPS server failed. Check if the the CUPS server was correctly installed and is running. IPP request failed due to an unknown reason07:11
DaSkreech|lostbyte|: One Love Studio down the road from me07:11
nixternal|lostbyte|: Audacity is popular, but seeing as jono is my hero, I have to say jokosher is good as well07:11
nixternalonly issue with jokosher with KDE is it has to install the gtk libs07:11
jhutchins_ltSchuenemann: k, start the cupsd service then.07:11
|lostbyte|:).. nixternal , tx will look it up..07:11
Schuenemannjhutchins_lt, I see cupsd in process table07:12
nixternal|lostbyte|: I am guessing you are referring to editing tracks and what not, or customizing some tunes :)07:12
jhutchins_ltSchuenemann: I know ther have been  a lot of people who have had trouble with that.  What happens when you go to localhost:631 in a web browser?07:12
Schuenemannjhutchins_lt, cups07:13
Schuenemannthat means it's running, right?07:13
jhutchins_ltOk, verified that cups is running.  Yes.07:13
|lostbyte|nixternal, i am look for something, like audacity but with tools to mix, and add beats.. and many plugins..07:13
DaSkreechnixternal: Who was thE on-by-default DECIDED BY?07:13
|lostbyte|Something like Fruityloops..07:14
jhutchins_ltI'm a bit distracted, there's a huge fire right next door to my favorite local pub, and I'm watching it on the news.07:14
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jhutchins_ltSchuenemann: Coverage supposedly on msnbc.07:14
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nixternalDaSkreech: that I couldn't tell you, I would have to say at least the master himself07:14
Schuenemannjhutchins_lt, I see "new printers found"07:15
jhutchins_ltANyway:  You'll need to enable admin access, see http://jhutchins.blogspot.com for how.07:15
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Schuenemannjhutchins_lt, should I add from this web panel?07:15
DaSkreechnixternal: <whisper> the dictator? </whisper>07:16
abhinayis there any gdesklet like application in KDE ?07:16
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jhutchins_ltSchuenemann: You'll need to fix admin access first before you can make changes from there.07:16
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Schuenemannok, I'll try07:17
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Schuenemannit says I'm already a member07:18
DaSkreechnixternal: damn it now I have to upgrade to feisty just for changelogs07:18
DaSkreechnixternal: When is beta due?07:18
SchuenemannUser otto is already a member from lpadmin07:18
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jhutchins_ltSchuenemann: Yeah, I think that's variable.  The only other thing is adding cupsuser to shadow.07:19
Schuenemannwhat is shadow?07:19
jhutchins_ltAccess to the password file so cups can verify the user.07:19
Schuenemannnot dangerous?07:19
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Schuenemannwell, added07:20
DaSkreechI have a problem if i try to run a script on the folder the folder changes it's name07:21
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ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases07:21
MenaHow to add a link fot the trash on desktop07:22
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+107:22
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Schuenemannjhutchins_lt, sigh... my printer is not in the list07:23
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jhutchins_ltSchuenemann: Not in the list of printers you can add?07:24
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SchuenemannI'm not sure if adding to shadow worked, as I still get the error from system config07:25
Schuenemannjhutchins_lt, do you have an HP?07:25
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jhutchins_ltActually a brother now, just sent my old HP4 out the door.07:25
Schuenemanndid you use HPLIP?07:26
jhutchins_ltSchuenemann: system config may still not work, but now you can save changes in cups directly.07:26
jhutchins_ltSchuenemann: It'll ask you for username and password.07:26
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jhutchins_ltSchuenemann: HPLIP?  No, but you may be able to find cups support for it on the web.07:27
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SchuenemannHPLIP says is support my model07:27
Schuenemannsays it support*07:28
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jhutchins_ltOh, yeah, it's a bunch of cups stuff for newer hp things.07:28
SchuenemannHP sucks07:29
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Mena_how to change a boot splash screen07:29
Mena_any idea07:29
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jhutchins_ltSchuenemann: Actually, they do make an effort to help with that hplip package.  Do you have it installed?07:30
SchuenemannI'm installing07:30
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Schuenemannthey provide a CD for windows and mac, why not linux too?07:31
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DaSkreechnixternal: damn Ubuntu one upped us07:31
jhutchins_ltSchuenemann: Yeah, it's a bit of a mess to have to install two or three diferent systems to control the printer, but once you get everything talking to each other it works.07:31
HymnToLifebecause linux users don't need cd's07:31
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HymnToLifethey get everything through t3h int3rweb07:31
jhutchins_ltAlso because linux is able to be far more up to date than a CD.  Have a look at the file dates on that CD.07:32
Schuenemannwell, their software have an auto-update07:32
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SchuenemannHymnToLife, from where, exacly?07:33
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sorush21where does the basket save files to?07:34
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dianahgenerally your desktop07:34
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jbrancohas anyone heard of or used this keyboard?  http://www.virtual-laser-keyboard.com/f-a-q.asp07:36
mart81Mena_: trash icon on desktop -> http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=Trash (2 secs google btw)07:37
sorush21jbranco: yes07:37
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jbrancosorushave you used it or heard of it?07:37
sorush21jbranco: I haven't used it07:38
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sorush21I did read a review on it jbranco it is good07:39
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Schuenemannsorush21, ~/.local/share/Trash/files/07:39
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jbrancosorush21: thanx07:39
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juanjoCBAhola amigos, hay alguien de argentina?07:40
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Schuenemann!es | juanjoCBA07:40
ubotujuanjoCBA: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:40
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Schuenemannjhutchins_lt, hey, I printed a test page07:43
Schuenemannand wasted a lot of color ink07:43
Schuenemannnow I just need the copy and scanner to work07:44
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TreskoHi all! Thanx for all of you :) Where can I find dvd torrents of the complete Kubuntu repositories?07:46
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BluesKajTresko, do you mean distros ?07:47
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE07:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about umuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:47
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TreskoBluesKaj: Well, I mean the DVD, and hopefully the DVDs of the repositories...07:50
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bonbonthejonTresko: if you download the kubuntu DVD it has some packages on it07:50
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Treskobonbonthejon: yes, that is true... But the distro have 2 more dvds right?07:53
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bonbonthejonTresko: why cant you just use the repos, why do you need a dvd07:53
Treskobonbonthejon: offline issue...07:53
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Treskobonbonthejon: of course... I could reape all repos :)07:54
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bonbonthejonTresko: http://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/DVDs/ubuntu/edgy/release/ shows only one dvd07:55
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia64 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:55
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:55
BluesKajTresko, you can use the dvd /cd distro as a repos if you wish but the online repos are updated regularly and are a more up to date source for pkges07:55
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Treskoubuntu: hi :)07:57
Treskoubuntu: you're at kubuntu ;)07:58
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NightBirdTresko, so he is...07:58
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bonbonthejonawww :(, you scared him off07:58
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sorush21when is auto config coming into action? I'm fedup with havinging to install dependencies08:03
bonbonthejonsorush21: where are you trying to install from? apt-get?08:03
bonbonthejonsorush21: i think you can use adept to install from source, it should also do dependencies08:04
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bonbonthejonsorush21: nevermind, it doesnt look like it08:05
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jhutchinsThat's the whole reason for not installing from source.08:09
jhutchinsThat's what a package manager is for.08:09
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bonbonthejonhi SpeS08:09
SpeSis it possible to run aiglx/xgl and compiz/beryl from the LIVE dvd?08:10
SpeSwith edgy...08:10
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bonbonthejonjhutchins: sometimes you want to compile your stuff08:10
AWOSLappyWhenever I try to use certain fonts on my system, KDE/Qt applications cannot use them (it defaults to Sans Serif) but GTK-based apps (such as AbiWord or OOo) can.  When I ran KWord from the Konsole so that I could see output, after clicking the font in the Format->Font window it printed this "couldn't open fontconfigs chosen font with Xft!!!".08:10
sorush21could someone please hoste a packge for me08:10
bonbonthejonsorush21: what do you mean08:10
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sorush21i have compiles and made a .deb package with checkinstall could someone host it on the sources list?08:12
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mike__SpeS: I don't thing it is possible, because you need drivers for your graphics card which support 3d08:14
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anatoliima  li nqkoi ot bulgaria08:16
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fdoving!bg | andres08:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:17
fdovingehm.. wrong nick and all.08:17
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yarrak - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:17
fdovingandres: sorry, i used the wrong nick.08:17
SpeSmike__, how does kubuntu install them?08:17
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mike__SpeS: Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BerylOnEdgy08:20
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SpeSok mike__  thanks :)08:20
daleachhey guys anyone know how to determine what "mode" (resolution) i'm in from within X? I know if you hit control/alt/nupad + - u get to switch between but... need to know which one08:20
SpeSdaleach, try randr08:20
SpeSor xrandr08:21
SpeSor something like that xD08:21
fdovingin konsole.08:21
SpeSxrand as root08:21
fdovingno, not as root.08:21
fdovingas the user running the X server.08:21
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dickensoftsabria alguien decirme como configurar kmail para correo yahoo ?08:24
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daleachspes fdoving: thanks08:27
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daleachwith xrandr -q is the * the res that I am in?08:32
daleachor default right?08:32
daleachbecause when id o + - ........doesn't seem to change08:32
daleachso actually less there is an option i'm missing this actually isn't doing what i want (still useful to see the values here aren't the same as in my xorg.conf hehe08:32
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Anton99people please help :) why i can defragment my partition in kubuntu?08:51
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MsK`lappyAnton99: because it's useless08:52
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MsK`lappyhow can I enable TV out ? ( kubuntu, edgy, ati FireGL v3200 mobility )08:52
Anton99MsK`lappy, but how i can defragment it? i very need.08:52
MsK`lappyi tried with atitvout but nothing for the moment08:52
MsK`lappyAnton99: a windows partition ?08:53
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Anton99no, reiserfs08:53
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MsK`lappyAnton99: so you don't need, it's useless.08:53
Anton99MsK`lappy, thx08:54
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me_hi, i got a little problem... after booting my system i dont get automaticaly in my graphical interface. i need to start the x server everytimes manual. or sometimes does ctrl + alt + f7 the trick too. any ideas pls?08:54
x1alphaanyway to remove the ugly gtk look from emerald themer ?08:54
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MsK`lappyx1alpha: port it to Qt haha :)08:54
x1alphaMsK`lappy : hehe08:55
x1alphaits an eyesore08:55
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bonbonthejonme_: does startx work ok08:56
me_jep it works fine08:56
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bonbonthejonme_: did you change anything recently08:56
me_it only doesnt it automaticaly08:56
me_it a long time ago since i got this error08:57
me_maybe 2-3 weeks08:57
me_but its annoying with the time so i decided to fix it (or at least try it) now08:58
bonbonthejonme_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:59
Sanneme_: is kdm configured to start at boot? You can check in system settings/system services08:59
bonbonthejonSanne: oh yeah, i forget kdm08:59
Sannebonbonthejon: :)09:00
me_yes i think so but ill take a look again w8 a sec09:00
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x1alphaokee i installed kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu, but the login manager being used is still gdm, even though i chose kdm :( anyway to change that ?09:01
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me_btw there is one think which i dont understand in the system services. the "Multyuser Mode"09:01
bonbonthejonx1alpha: there is a way, hold on let me look09:02
x1alphabonbonthejon: tahnks09:02
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Sanneme_: it's the run level 2, default for normal operation on linux.09:02
bonbonthejonx1alpha: one way would be to remove gdm09:02
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me_ok kdm is set to start but x11-common not... could this be the problem?09:03
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x1alphabonbonthejon: the other ? i need to try kde out before starting removing gnome components09:04
bonbonthejonx1alpha:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm09:04
Sanneme_: I don't know if that's a problem, but for me it is set to start at boot.09:04
bonbonthejonx1alpha: it will ask which you want to us09:04
me_ok ty then ill try it brb09:04
x1alphaokey thanks :)09:05
x1alphabrb restarting x09:05
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me_damn. nothing changed09:08
me_how i sayed: after booting i get a black screen. then i can press ctrl + alt + f7 and kdm is starting normally.09:09
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me_i dont know how this "ctrl + alt + f7 " mode is called but maybe my linux isnt starting in this mode09:09
Sanneme_: sorry to hear that. A shot in the dark: I had similar problems once and traced it down to the boot splash not giving the focus to kdm.09:10
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Sanneme_: I solved it by disabling the boot splash in /boot/grub/menu.lst, might be worth a try.09:10
me_ok i try w809:10
daleachcan anyone with nvidia-glx installed check something for me? i'm wondering what should show in system settings->display->graphics card: ___ and driver: ____09:11
daleachi have nv , nv09:11
daleachand it says09:11
juano_daleach: you can choose, nvidia or nv for Driver09:11
juano_daleach: if you want 3D rendering just use nvidia09:11
daleach'NVIDIA GeForce 6800 (generic)' in detected grpahics card09:11
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juano_!nvidia | daleach09:12
ubotudaleach: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:12
daleachoh god i didn't see that09:12
daleachnow the toher thing is though...i think i did that once but now it says still driver nv09:12
daleachis driver still ok for nv?09:12
juano_daleach: :)09:12
juano_daleach: as long as your not gaming or using beryl, i guess so09:13
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daleachwell yeah i prob will be but the real issue is i have these 2 widescreen monitors that make everything a mission09:13
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juano_daleach: i got a Nvidia X5500 256 MB and use nvidia09:13
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me_i am new to linux and havent got the experience. could u help me by editing this menu.lst pls?: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6131/09:13
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daleachthey're supposed to be......in the past i have custom edited the xf86config for that but this time...09:13
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me_or better help me to edit this09:14
me_jus say what i sould do :)09:14
juano_daleach: if you run a tool , dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg , you can personalize everything in the xorg.conf file with a tutorial/guide help09:14
Sanneme_: sure, I'll have a look (and if you talk to me, please type my nae so I get notified by my chat client)09:14
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Sanneme_: s/nae/name09:14
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me_Sanne: sure sry09:14
Sanneme_: np09:15
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juano_me_: well, we need to know how you partition, from what i see i suppose you have Ubuntu as primary partion in 1st IDE HDD09:15
juano_me_: cause of the (hd0,0)09:16
daleachoh i was following the suggestions and doing -phigh09:16
Sanneme_: two possibilities: you can just remove "splash" from lines 3 and 17 by hand. But there's a catch...09:16
daleachto reset but there's a guided menu thing or soemthing?09:16
vlt|homeHello. What can I do when my Konqueror (as file browser) suddenly changes its encoding to 8bit and shows me wrong utf8 filenames?09:16
juano_daleach: yea -phigh is good09:16
daleachwhoops shouldv'e man'd it09:16
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daleachwell it isn't doing jack for me09:16
me_Sanne: hm maybe i can make a new entry09:16
Sanneme_: usually you configure the boot options in the comment section above (which you didn't paste), and run update-grub...09:17
Sanneme_: wait09:17
me_Sanne: with the modified boot optioin09:17
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daleachjuano_: question is shouldn't i be seeing glx or somethign in my system settings display?09:17
juano_vlt|home: go to settings, Konqueror settings09:17
juano_vlt|home: then go to font09:17
Sanneme_: if you don't do it the official way, your changes might be overridden when the system runs update-grub (e.g. after a kernel update.09:17
Sanneme_: so, I would recommend:09:17
daleach"nvidia-glx" is supposedly installed09:17
juano_vlt|home: you can check the default encoding there09:17
Sanneme_: do it now by hand, try if it helps. If it does, we'll do it the official way together.09:18
juano_daleach: try nvidia-settings09:18
Sanneme_: done :)09:18
daleachah ok09:18
juano_daleach: type nvidia-settings09:18
daleachnice one09:18
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daleachfunny because that package says a p next to it...09:18
daleachk so it comes with nvidia-glx09:19
daleachij guess?09:19
juano_daleach: yes09:19
juano_daleach: if you think your xorg.conf is not well configured you should try the sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg09:19
daleachnah that gets me no where09:20
daleachat all09:20
daleachmaybe without the phigh to do custom09:20
me_Sanne: hm i didnt really understand the "usally way" because what will be the result of editing something which is commendet09:20
daleachit doesn't just magically work out of the box09:20
vlt|homejuano_: Thank you, I'll try.09:20
daleachit didn't in install its not going to now heh09:20
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juano_daleach: ok try without the -phigh yes09:20
daleachi have errors09:20
daleachon the console when diong nvidia-settings09:20
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daleachit loads but let me pastebin09:21
Sanneme_: actually, the lines with only one # will be read by update-grub and put after all the kernel start line. It confused my first also.09:21
juano_daleach: probably permission errors, try sudo nvidia-settings09:21
daleachoh ok09:21
me_Sanne: oh hadn't known it09:21
daleachnah same09:21
Sanneme_: the line that you would need to change is: # defoptions=quiet splash09:21
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Sanneme_: to # defoptions=quiet09:21
christian23nvhola a tof09:21
christian23nvme pregunto si algun usuario09:22
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Sanneme_: and then run update-grub (in any case, make a backup of menu.lst first)09:22
christian23nvexperimentado linux09:22
juano_!es | christian23nv:09:22
ubotuchristian23nv:: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:22
christian23nvme puede echar una mano09:22
juano_christian23nv: si09:22
juano_christian23nv: entra a kubuntu-es09:22
me_Sanne: ok found it so... ill try it the "unusual way" if it works i come back k?09:22
Sanneme_: yep, that's what I would do.09:23
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me_Sanne: ok made a backup and changed the menu.lst ill try it now brb09:24
Sanneme_: ok09:24
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dragon_ HOLA?09:25
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SYSDragon Hola09:26
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SYSDragon hola?09:26
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daleachjuano should i do use kernel framebuffer device interface?09:27
me_Sanne: :( nothing changed...09:27
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donovanqu pasa?09:28
x1alphahmm now i cant find the line with ServerCmd in kdmrc !!??09:28
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Sanneme_: oh well... it was worth a try... I'm out of ideas then, sorry.09:28
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ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows09:28
me_Sanne: oh w8 i editet the menu.lst saved it... but now there is splash again in the configuration... damn why? should i made grup update or somthing like that?09:29
xertraOk so here's my problem if anyone can help.  Today I left the house playing music on my computer through amarok  and I come home and for some odd reason No sound is coming out of my PC at all.  I know the card works becuase I ran a Live cd and it worked but I can't get it to play in Ubuntu.09:30
=== phobiac [n=phobiac@cpe-24-161-81-95.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Sanneme_: did you see the blue kubuntu logo and the progress bar while booting?09:30
me_Sanne: jep09:30
Sanneme_: ok, then all is not lost. Your changes didn't stick somehow. Please paste again the whole /boot/grub/menu.lst09:31
Schuenemannxertra, how is the volume control in kmix?09:31
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me_Sanne: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6133/09:32
xertrait's at 100% and it's not muted.09:32
Schuenemannxertra, well, once something similar happened to me, but got normal again after I lowered the volume a bit09:32
me_Sanne: there are no changes :( thats the problem i think...09:33
phobiacHas anyone ever used the Public File Server applet to share files?09:33
Sanneme_: please make sure your backup is intact09:33
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phobiacOh wait09:33
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phobiacI just solved my own problem09:33
Schuenemannxertra, it's playing well, but no sound?09:33
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me_Sanne: jep it is09:33
xertrastill doesn't work.  like it's picking up the hardware and it thinks it playing but  nothing is coming out09:34
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Sanneme_: now start an editor as root: kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst09:34
me_Sanne: i have09:35
daleachwhy on earth does dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg NOT have under medium options for resolution 1680x1050 @60 ....that's such a common config...instead it ahs @75...09:35
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daleachand does escape go back? so i can choose advanced?09:35
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Sanneme_: change line 86 from '# defoptions=quiet splash' to '# defoptions=quiet'09:35
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me_Sanne: k i have09:36
daleachgreat now the thing is locked09:36
Sanneme_: ok, now save the file, and type in a terminal (we *do* have a backup, yes?): sudo update-grub09:37
vlt|homeI tried "settings" -> "konqueror settings" -> "fonts" and set "standard encoding" from "country specific" to "utf8" but the file names are still shown wrong, juano__.09:38
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me_Sanne: nice i think that worked (and yes i still have a backup) ill try it now ok? brb09:38
juano__vlt|home: try setting it to default language enconding09:38
Sanneme_: wait09:38
BluesKajwhat version of the kubuntu edgy distros doesn't offer a choice of bootloader like grub or lilo etc ?09:38
me_Sanne: k09:38
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juano__vlt|home: set the option to USE LANGUAGE ENCODING , to be exact09:39
Sanneme_: make sure there's no splash in the kernel options anymore, and the defoptions line is as you edited.09:39
Sanneme_: to update the file in the editor, if you still have it open, press F509:39
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me_Sanne: yes ive done it already09:39
Sanneme_: I'm paranoid ;) Ok, then, good luck, see you in a minute :(09:40
me_Sanne: :D i hope09:40
Menamy metabar in the navigatiob bat doesnt work any idea09:40
vlt|homejuano__: Yes, I set it back to USE LANGUAGE ENCODING ("Sprachspezifische Kodierung verwenden" here) but still the same ...09:40
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Menaany idea09:42
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me_Sanne: oh jeeehaaa!!! i love u! ty very much :)09:43
me_Sanne: i think this fixed my shutdown error too09:43
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Sanneme_: aaahhhh wohooo cool!09:43
me_Sanne: perfect ty very much09:43
Sanneme_: you're welcome :)09:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about metabar - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:43
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ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration09:43
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AxioHello !09:46
caris_mereI'm trying to do some partioning with QTParted, but when I select a partition, I get no options09:46
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vlt|homeAny idea why Konqueror (as file browser) sometimes shows me wrong utf8 filenames?09:46
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angasulevlt|home: maybe because those files were created by some other OS that uses a different encoding (like windows, which tends to suck in that respect)09:48
angasulevlt|home: convmv is a little program that can help you switch the encoding of filenames09:49
xpointmaybe kubuntu sooks to :-)09:49
vlt|homeangasule: ??? No, the files are encoded correctly, it's Konqueror that shows them wrong.09:49
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angasulevlt|home: that's weird09:50
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caris_mereI'm trying to do some partioning with QTParted, but when I select a partition, I get no options09:53
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vlt|homeangasule: Yes. And how to solve it?09:53
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BluesKajcaris_mere, download and burn the GParted live cd ...you can boot into it to do what you need to do09:54
juano__vlt|home: mmm, it could be yes that its using some special encoding09:54
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vlt|homejuano__: Where do I see what it's currently using?09:55
vlt|home(looks like it thinks it's some ISO encoding)09:55
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caris_mereBluesKaj: My burner is broken09:56
MenaHow to add a boot splash screen09:58
zorglu_!usplace | mena09:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usplace - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:58
zorglu_!usplash | mena09:58
ubotumena: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork09:58
BluesKajcaris_mere, bummer :(09:58
caris_mereBluesKaj: I'll just try with a live disk, thanks09:58
BluesKajyeah it might work, knoppix is a good one09:59
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juano__vlt|home: mm what ever is selected in the selection bar10:00
juano__vlt|home: is what your using10:00
juano__vlt|home: you mean the file ?10:00
juano__vlt|home: try opening it up with kate , try sudo kate myfile10:01
juano__vlt|home: then check if you can see the encoding in the options10:01
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juano__vlt|home: try kdesu kate myfile, not sudo sorry10:03
vlt|homejuano__: I'm not speaking of the file contents. It's the file name. It contains one utf8 encoded character. I can verify this by hexdumping the output of `ls filename`.10:03
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vlt|homebtw, what's the "kdesu" for?10:03
juano__!kdesu | vlt|home10:04
ubotuvlt|home: In KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo10:04
juano__vlt|home: ah ok10:05
juano__vlt|home: mm and changing to utf8 didnt help much ?10:05
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vlt|homejuano__: Didn't change anything ;-)10:06
juano__vlt|home: mm i see, mm im not sure how you can fix this10:06
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phobiacOccasionally when I open firefox, it won't open. I've started trying to open it from the command line and I get this when it won't open.10:08
phobiacSegmentation fault10:09
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phobiacWhat does this mean/how can I fix it?10:09
Menato copy a file to folder i dont have a permision do what ...do that sudo cp (thefile)/(the place) or something else10:09
phobiacMena that should work10:09
Menaphobiac. ok10:10
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:11
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caris_mereBluesKaj: I loaded up with Knoppix, and used QTParted, and it allowed me to create one partition, but then it won't do anything else10:12
evilhadept keeps saying that something is accessing the repostiories so i can make changes10:12
phobiacevilh: What else is running?10:12
evilhi looked at the process table and see nothing obviously using adept10:12
evilhnothing else is running10:12
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caris_mereWhy will QTParted only allow me to do action?10:13
phobiacIs here a an icon in your toolbar that is the adept icon but has a sign with a ! on it?10:13
evilhphobiac: nope10:14
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caris_mereI reallly need some help with partitioning10:14
phobiaccaris_mere: It shouldn't be. It won't let you make another partition? Are you partitioning on unused space?10:14
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phobiacevilh: hmm, you have nothing open?10:14
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evilhnope. i restarted after ending my session to see if something was running in the background10:15
evilhno luck10:15
caris_merephobiac: I deleted my NTFS partition, then I made part of it FAT32, and now I can't do anything else with QTParted10:15
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evilhphobiac: kubuntu hard locked while adept was installing could that be why?10:16
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phobiaccaris_mere: Did you remount the drive?10:16
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caris_merephobiac: No, should I?10:17
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phobiacevilh: That could be why. Try removing and then reinstall adept10:17
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 10:17
phobiaccaris_mere: No idea, but try it.10:18
juano__vlt|home: any luck with encoding ?10:18
phobiacOr do that10:18
christian23nv_alguien me pude ayudar porfaaaaaaaa!!!10:18
soulrider!es | christian23nv_10:18
ubotuchristian23nv_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:18
Menaphobiac, do you know the meta bar i have a problem with loading it when i open konquer10:18
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christian23nv_juano can u give m a hand please in order to finish with the xserver- xorg?10:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about inetd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:19
phobiacMena: The toolbar on the side?10:19
Menaphobiac, How to fix it .....yes10:19
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jagercan irssi connect to an ssl irc server?10:19
evilhYAY! success10:19
ubotuxinetd: replacement for inetd with many enhancements. In component main, is extra. Version 1:2.3.14-1 (edgy), package size 127 kB, installed size 356 kB10:19
evilhthanks soulrider and phobiac10:19
phobiacI didn't help much :P10:19
Menaphobiac, No prob:)10:20
Mena :)10:20
phobiacjager: Check the webiste10:20
caris_merephobiac: no luck, I will try to restart and see if it will let me do my one action again10:20
vlt|homejuano__: still trying10:20
phobiacMena: What about it is broken?10:20
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:20
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Menaphobiac, ohhh sorry ....no its give as eroor kluncher ..protocol10:20
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firecrotchHow do I set something to start from inetd?10:21
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phobiacMena: I don't understand what you mean. :/10:21
=== jager sighs
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jagerthanks. ::P10:21
Menaphobiac, its saying (kluncher said : "unknown protocol"10:21
phobiacJager: A quick google tells me it does10:22
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Menaphobiac, and couldnt creat that io-slave10:22
Menawhat that mean10:22
phobiacI honestly don't know Mena. Sorry. :/10:23
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Menaphobiac, no problem10:23
soulrider!easysource | garen10:24
ubotugaren: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic10:24
jagerit is apparantly not compiled with ssl support, that's what my issue is10:24
jagerthanks anyway10:24
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jageri'm just SOL10:24
sasoynahi guys(i repropose my problem) i have a problem with ktts.In talker configuration "select voice" is gray. i can;t select a voice though ktts not work.:(. i have a kubuntu 6.06 distro. you can help me?10:24
phobiacjager: Oh, one site I found said it had ssl support. Guess not.10:25
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jageroh it does, it's a compile time option, that's what i didn't get10:25
vlt|homejuano__: I just checked $LANG in a konsole and it's set to "C". How can this happen?10:25
phobiacAh, okay.10:26
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soulridergaren: kdesu kate /etc//apt/sources.list10:27
cox377anyone use songbird?10:28
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vltHow can I set $LANG back to de_DE.UTF-8?10:29
fdovinghave a look at /etc/environment10:30
hyper_chwhat's the best way to convert a dvd to 4.7gb and make it region free?10:31
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juano__vlt|home: mm dunno really10:32
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:33
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu10:35
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jim_alguien por aqui?10:37
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:37
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Mnem0whats the cmd to copy a whole line in VI?10:39
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pixelationcould someone help me with my sound... I'm so confused and frustrated.10:40
pixelationshould I use the KDE sound manager?10:40
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spitwisei'm trying to export my gpg key in kgpg and there's no keyservers to choose from in the dialogue box10:41
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d03boy_i need a good svn client10:44
paniKHi. I wanna run kubuntu with vmWare in windows so that I can fully learn the OS before switching over. But I cant find any vmWare configurations files for kubuntu edgy? Plz help ;D10:44
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paniKNo one got a great idea? ;D10:47
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zorglu_paniK: run it under qemu ?10:48
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zorglu_paniK: or there are other VM available10:48
angasulepaniK: search vmware's website?10:48
zorglu_paniK: qemu would work but likely slower10:49
angasulepaniK: http://www.vmware.com/vmtn/appliances/directory/456  <-- took me 1 minute to find it10:49
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esaymugh, anybody got an easy way to flash motherboard bios10:49
firecrotchHow do I start something with inetd ?10:49
esaymI need a bootable dos cd or floppy10:49
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paniKthanks alot! :)10:51
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gansinhohello is there anybody out there that could help me to install kpilot from svn?10:52
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jhutchinsgansinho: You might want to check in #kde.11:01
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gansinhojhutchins: thanks!11:04
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ubotusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/11:05
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rahmetlii can hear sound from the internal speakers,but when i plug-in the external ones(2ch speakers), they dont work.11:07
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Blu3sigh, cdimage.ubuntu.com got dugg i guess.  any good mirrors for southern florida?11:09
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uboturahmetli: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:10
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enjoihello everyone...would anyone happen to know why i can't boot from my Edgy DVD?11:11
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Gretlenjoi: you have to make sure in your bios setting cd is first boot device11:14
enjoisorry rahmetli i havent subscribed yet11:14
enjoiwell i ahve even tried going to my boot menu and then booting from the dvd11:14
enjoiit used to boot fromt he dvd but now ti doesnt...11:15
rahmetliany error output?11:15
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enjoino after that it just goes straight to GRUB11:16
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AllexHey everyone- I'm looking to cimpile Java on Kubuntu 6.1011:16
enjoibut it takes a long time to get to GRUb, almost like it is trying to boot from the dvd but can't for some reason11:16
AllexI use the "gij <filename>" command, but it comes up with erros?11:17
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Cavallitois there any shell command whichone should tell you what graphic card you have and so on ?11:17
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HymnToLife!ops | please ban the spammer11:19
ubotuplease ban the spammer: Help! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, or DBO11:19
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jhutchinsCavallito: lspci will usually show you what you need to know.11:23
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flipstarhi ;)11:25
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almuis it possible to connect to a static IP network using networkmanager?11:25
almumy network uses WPA, and the association to the AP is ok, but the problem is the IP...11:26
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evenstarHello, I'm trying to figure out what happened to my sister's installation of Xorg... She says she deleted her xorg.conf and now the display system settings won't come up.11:27
evenstarI tried reinstalling *xorg* to no avail.11:28
Cavallitojhutchins: thanks11:28
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foohmm, how can I tell things like kbluetoothd, adept notifier, klipper, and kmix to not start up with kde? I took it out of the taskbar and now it pops up in a window. gah11:29
SanneCaseyOmah: you can try to generate a new xorg.conf with: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:30
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flipstar@foo did u checked the autostart folder?11:30
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CaseyOmahSanne: Does it make sense for xorg.conf being missing to crash the display applet in system settings?11:31
coreymon77is there a task manager type thing for kubuntu11:31
SanneCaseyOmah: might be if the display settings want to access xorg.conf... but that's just a guess, I don't know for sure, sorry.11:31
CaseyOmahOkay, I'll try.11:32
CaseyOmahThanks, Sanne11:32
Sannegood luck11:32
fooflipstar: Nope, were is that?11:32
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NightBirdfoo, does ctrl+alt+del bring up either a menu or the program?11:32
flipstarpff smth like /home/+++username+++/.kde/Autostart11:32
fooNightBird: uh, are you serious?11:33
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NightBirdfoo, it brings up ksysguard on my kubuntu install11:33
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fooIt asks me if I want to log out.11:33
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jhutchinscoreymon77: Or just Ctrl-Alt-Escape11:34
almuif mine's a very trivial question, could anyone tell me some link or documentation I should read to solve the problem?11:34
NightBirdah, ok, well, I guess mine just at some point got setup to open ksysguard...11:34
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NightBirdfoo, what if you go to sysmenu+run and then type in ksysguard?11:34
jhutchinsNightBird: Usually it brings up the log out/shut down dialog.11:34
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fooNightBird: nice, ok, what do I do here?11:35
NightBirdit has a list of processes?11:35
modgefitcan anyone help me change my screen resolution?11:35
fooNightBird: yeah11:35
Sannealmu: I would if I knew ;). All I can recommend is try to search the ubuntu and kubuntu wiki and the forums for info. Do you know where to find those?11:36
NightBirdwell... that's the task manager for kde...11:36
flipstar@modgefit goto system setting then -->monitor11:36
fooNightBird: I want to remove this stuff from startup...11:36
NightBird"this stuff"?11:37
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SchuenemannI want to reinstall windows. What should I do after it replaces my boot settings?11:40
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SanneSchuenemann: there's a page in the wiki for recovering grub, I'll find it for you, sec (you might need to translate some commands to KDE)..11:42
SanneSchuenemann: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows11:42
almuSanne: I think I will manage, thanks, but as far as I have seen that apparently easy problem is not easily solved11:42
almuSanne thanks11:42
Schuenemannlet me see11:42
Sannealmu: you're welcome, good luck11:42
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coreymon77Schuenemann: first question11:43
coreymon77why do you want to reinstall windows?11:43
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flipstarquestion:how can i set up an proxy or smth for Konversation??11:43
Schuenemannbecause I haven't in a long time11:43
Biovoreflipstar: google on BNC11:44
daleachSchuenemann: that's actually a good answer i think hehe11:44
fooNightBird: klipper, kmix, kbluetoothd .. I have icons in my task bar and I can open them in a new iwndow11:44
daleachand i want to see this link save it for the future hehe11:44
coreymon77Schuenemann: but you have kubuntu, why would you need it?11:44
Schuenemanncoreymon77, because kubuntu is not perfect?11:45
=== coreymon77 gasps
flipstar@biovore hm i know what a bnc is...i just dont know how to set up -_-11:45
Gretlwhat happens when you seel your boot record in bios?11:45
Biovoreflipstar: well I never messed with it..11:45
GretlWill windows install then work?11:45
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Schuenemanncoreymon77, as far as I've searched, I'm not able to use my IR without recompiling kernel... and that's stupid11:45
coreymon77ive never had problems like that11:46
Gretli mean to prevent then reinstalling and adapting grub11:46
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Schuenemannthere are other problems, specially when it comes to companies-that-pretend-linux-does-not-exist11:47
Gretlso to keep evil redmont from fiddling with boot sector11:47
daleachwhat kinds of things are in the 'backports'11:47
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SanneSchuenemann: if it's possible at all right now, there's hope that it will be included in the main kernel in the future, I think.11:47
NightBirdfoo, setting up those tools to disable their startup is under the system settings, in the advanced tab11:47
coreymon77Schuenemann: thats when wine, cedega, crossover and vmware come in very handy11:47
rahmetligood question daleach11:47
fooNightBird: What's that called to get into system settings? Hmm11:47
NightBirdkde menu-> and there should be something in there about it11:48
daleachSchuenemann oh i thoguht u meant dual boot11:48
Schuenemannlet's be honest, using wine is not even close to using the program in windows11:48
fooNightBird: I disabled the kde menu, hm11:48
Schuenemannand I don't play games11:48
daleachif you really want to get ahead of the game just use vmware11:48
daleachbut that's a pain in the butt sometimes to11:48
Sanne!backports > daleach11:49
daleachas far as i am concerned u need a windows + linux machine if u are a nerd11:49
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Sannedaleach: read the message from ubotu about backports11:49
Schuenemannwhy a nerd?11:49
NightBirdwell.... I'm not sure how to help you then.. because I don't know the program you run to get the kubuntu settings..11:49
rahmetli !backports > rahmetli11:49
coreymon77because otherwise11:49
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coreymon77you would know how to get it to work very well without resorting to dual-boot11:50
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daleachcoreymon77: what are u talking about "resorting to"11:50
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coreymon77booting into actual windows, atleast for me, is an absolute last resort11:51
daleachif you are running intensive complex windows apps you probably want to be runnign them in windows .... heh..11:51
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daleachwell that's because you are doing/using linux stuff11:51
Schuenemanncoreymon77, so, what is your suggestion to using IR or a nokia cable?11:51
Schuenemannfor using*11:52
Sannecoreymon77: everybody has their own pace of switching11:52
daleachSchueneman: vm is pretty good11:52
daleachit might be able to do a lot of that.....less u really need it tightly integrated with ur main os11:52
Schuenemannwill I need to install windows in that VM?11:52
daleachand that's not a solution11:52
daleachyeah hehe11:52
daleachi know hehe not sure what ur using it for11:53
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daleachif just to do a transfer11:53
daleachu can drag out of like vm etc..11:53
Schuenemannis safer to install on a new partition11:53
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daleachnah nah not really11:53
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daleachvmware is pretty easy hehe....if u do a lot with it there are things u need to know like transfering images > 4gb into a fat32 = bad bad11:54
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daleachthat a licensed vmware workstation is a lot better than the player.... etc etc hehe11:54
Schuenemannhmmm... no, I prefer to keep on a separated partition11:54
daleachk yeah11:55
Alpha_Clusteranyone here used Kdevelop?11:55
daleachi've never instaleld windows after installing linux11:55
daleachi guess its doable11:55
fooAny idea what the name is of application that allows me to select programs for start up11:55
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Schuenemannit is11:55
Schuenemannanyway, I'll have to install edgy11:55
Sannedaleach: it is, I did, and I gave Schuenemann the wiki page where it is detailed11:55
SchuenemannSanne, yeah11:55
SanneSchuenemann: :)11:55
rahmetlifoo right click  menu editor11:56
daleachoh ok scrolled up and found it missed it the first time11:56
flipstar@foo try /home/++your_username++/Autostart11:56
Sannedaleach: :)11:56
fooflipstar: thanks11:56
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flipstaroh that was wrong *_* try this: /home/username/.kde/Autostart11:58
flipstarthis folder is typically hidden11:59
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almuwell, the cleaner solution I've found for the current edgy network manager to manage static IP addresses is by tweaking and recompiling the package, so I think I'd rather llok for 0.7 for edgy12:00
almudo you think I could get it: networkmanager 0.7 for edgy?12:00
daleachhey is sources.list read right away after editiing......at runtime that is12:01
daleachor do I have to restart my machine or something like that12:01
modgefitcan anyone help with a resolutions problem?12:01
Schuenemanndaleach, to need an update12:01
Sannedaleach: you have to uodate your package cache12:01
Schuenemannapt-get update12:01
daleachah gotcha yeah duh12:01
flipstar@modgefit just goto sys settings.....12:01
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Schuenemannhow big should my swap partition be?12:02
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Schuenemanndoesn't it depend on the RAM?12:02
JucatoSchuenemann: depends on your RAM12:02
Jucatonot necessarily12:02
Jucatoif you have 1-2GB RAM, doesn't mean you "need" 2-4GB Swap12:03
Chousukeif you have 2GB, you don't need swap12:03
Chousukeor maybe a couple hundred MB12:03
almuChousuke: depends on what you do, try kino ;)12:03
flipstarexept u working with very large photos or smth12:03
Chousukefor laptops you need at least the amount of RAM though.12:03
SchuenemannJucato, is there a formula, then?12:03
=== CVirus [n=GoD@] has joined #Kubuntu
Jucatonowadays, the rule/formula for RAM-Swap should be indirectly propotional...12:04
Schuenemannand what is it?12:04
=== rahmetli [n=anybudy@] has joined #kubuntu
Jucatohow much RAM do you have? and what do you plan to do most of the time with your system?12:05
Schuenemannonly 384, but I might have more soon12:05
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Jucatobecause if you're compiling lots of stuff or doing lots of resource intensive activities like rendering or video editing, you might need as much swap as you have RAM12:05
JucatoI think that 1GB Swap is a *safe* amount12:06
Schuenemannonly 384?12:06
Schuenemannright now I have 780, which is 2 times12:06
=== pinksphere [n=pinksphe@pool-71-180-52-187.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
pinksphereI need some help :)12:07
pinksphereAnyone here?12:07
angasuleI'm trying to get the rear speakers in my sound blaster live! 5.1 to work12:07
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=== LeeJunFan [i=junfan@s64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu
pinkspherei'm new to kubuntu but not ubuntu ( been using it for awhile now) but thought i'd give KDE a try. Problem? I just did the install from Ubuntu so my kopete is messed up and i'm trying to install the newer one but no luck.12:08
LeeJunFanugh, cogent sucks! Repos are slow as all hell.12:09
modgefitcan anyone help im struggling to change my screen resolution on a dell computer if anyone could help it would be appreciated?12:09
flipstarlol @ modgefit u r funny12:09
=== BluesKaj [n=Wiliecoy@bas1-sudbury98-1177672156.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
=== sadasdsadad [i=Revenger@] has joined #kubuntu
flipstar@pinksphere did u tried to reinstall kopete?12:10
sadasdsadadhttp://axeofwar.zapto.org/go_sp.php?69 Join Please12:10
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almubye all12:11
=== ppp [n=ppp@bkg210.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu
christian23nvalguien  me puede echar una manito_12:12

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