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jdongok, obviously kinit is not the command for _renewing_ kerberos tickets01:02
jdongOH, -R01:04
=== jdong hangs head in shame
jdonggrr Active Directory was a lot easier to use </joke>01:04
zulman pages usually help01:05
jdongzul: yeah yeah yeah01:05
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wasabi_<--- kerberos wizard01:26
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Hobbseekeescook: oops, thanks for the info!02:42
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Mithrandirdoko: given-back10:16
FujitsuMithrandir, is the publisher not running at the moment?10:19
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MithrandirFujitsu: it should be running, I'll take a look if something's wedged.10:23
MithrandirFujitsu: what's the problem you're seeing?10:23
FujitsuNothing seems to have been processed since about 13.5 hours ago.10:25
Fujitsu(it's all sitting in Accepted)10:25
Mithrandirsomething's blowing up in the publisher.10:27
FujitsuI thought as much.10:27
Fujitsu(I originally thought that it might still be on manual, but then I noticed it had been going beforehand)10:28
Mithrandirsomething in the custom upload processor for update-manager.10:29
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MithrandirI'll reject those bits so the queue works.10:29
FujitsuIs there something in place to notify people of such failures?10:31
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Mithrandirit's supposed to land in a mailbox on drescher and we tend to notice when stuff hasn't published for a while, but no, not really.10:33
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FujitsuThat looks a little better.10:35
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bSONwill ubuntu feisty not use x.org 7.2?02:16
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seb128bSON: no02:23
bSONseb128, was it released too late?02:23
seb128will it not use -> no02:24
seb128it'll use02:24
Hobbseeseb128: tepsipakki has packages for it, at the moment02:24
Fujitsuseb128: That's very ambiguous in a silly language like English :P02:24
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seb128Fujitsu: well, the question was weird02:25
racarrjoin #ubuntu+102:25
seb128"will feisty use xorg 7.2" is easier to understand and reply to ;)02:25
seb128bSON: a bunch of xorg 7.2 packages have been uploaded yesterday02:25
bSONseb128: oh excuse me02:25
bSONoh, so the x updates from today were 7.2 versions02:26
bSONok, thanks 02:26
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=== Fujitsu heads off to bed.
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alecjwhi. sorry if this is the wrong place to ask thios, but does anyone think that ti could be a good idea to replace start.BMP on the livecd with a start.PNG?02:32
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hungeralecjw: I think that there is no png library available at the time start.BMP is read.... so that is not possible.03:00
alecjwhunger, ok03:01
hungeralecjw: I might be wrong, but that is generaly the reason for using BMPs;-)03:01
alecjwhunger, so whay cant a png library be put in? is it just because it takes up mroe space than it saves or osemthing?03:02
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hungeralecjw: It will probably take more space than using png would save.03:02
hungeralecjw: Is that BMP used in grub? That has a limitation on its executables size IIRC.03:03
alecjwhunger, it's the splash screen gor the windows program installery thing. i'll put it on my website to show you if you dont know what i mean03:04
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hungeralecjw: Hmm... then it is probably that windows can handle BMP out of the box but not PNG.03:05
hungeralecjw: Why add a new library if things work the same way without after all? The picture won't change just because you store it differently.03:06
alecjwhunger, yeah, i suppose. it would praoblyo nly make about 200kb of differnce anyway....03:06
alecjw*proably only03:07
hungeralecjw: Yeap. And you'd drag in the png code which you need to maintain.03:07
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alecjwhunger, in case you're wodnering, here' the iamge (converted to jpeg): http://alecjw.no-ip.org/home/start.jpg03:09
hungeralecjw: I am:-) No windows here, so I'll probably never see that thing;-)03:10
hungeralecjw: Can't connect to your server.03:11
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alecjwhunger, that's because my server's crap and my internet's too slow. i'll put it on iamgeshack.03:12
alecjwhunger, http://img64.imageshack.us/my.php?image=startkl9.jpg03:13
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hungerlooks nice enough.03:14
hungeralecjw: Thanks:-)03:14
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Lathiathrm the window title on the feisty CDs still says Ubuntu 6.0605:12
Lathiatwhen booted in windows05:12
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wereHamsterhttp://www.neopsis.com/projects/yukon/browser/trunk/build.sh gives http://pastebin.ca/34948606:16
wereHamsterwhat's wrong? it works fine under bash, but fails under dash06:17
hungerwereHamster: Have you tried adding a "test" between the if and the ! in line 13?06:21
wereHamsterno, is 'test ...' and '[ ... ] ' the same or is there a difference?06:22
hungerwereHamster: thinking about it: that should not work either;-)06:22
hungerwereHamster: They are the same.06:22
wereHamster.. why won't test work?06:23
hungerwereHamster: I'd remove the !, put in a echo "... found" and push the existing code into an else branch.06:23
wereHamsterthe strange thing is that the first which (which echo) passes, but it fails on which rm06:24
hungerwereHamster: Because test evaluates an expression and gives an return code depending on that.06:24
hungerwereHamster: In line 13 you evaluate the which (which you negate with the ! which is not portable IIRC).06:24
wereHamsterwhat about [ -x "$(whioch ${tool})" ]  ?06:25
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hungerwereHamster: Won't work.06:26
hungerwereHamster: which always returns a text:-)06:26
wereHamster.. my example would evaluate to [ -x /bin/rm ] , which means '/bin/rm isexecutable, right?06:27
hungerwereHamster: But it will fail on echo...06:28
hungerwereHamster: Try removing the & before the >... That makes things work here.06:30
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hungerwereHamster: dash's man-page states that it supports ">&", so try that instead.06:32
hungerwereHamster: Bash supports that as well, even though there the &> form is prefered.06:33
hungerwereHamster: Using the long form which "echo" > /dev/null 2>&1 works in both bash and dash here.06:35
wereHamsterso &>/dev/null isn't POSIX-conform?06:38
hungerwereHamster: Dunno. dash does not support it, so it is a good guess that it is not:-)06:39
wereHamsterI dislike the long form.. I dislike everything that is long :(06:42
hungerwereHamster: You can always replace /bin/sh with /bin/bash in the first line;-)06:43
wereHamsterbut what on systems that don't have bash?06:50
wereHamsterI want ot be as portable as possibkle06:50
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jdongwereHamster: &> is a bash extension06:54
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wereHamsterand >& posix?06:56
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bluefoxicybah this sucks.06:59
bluefoxicyI have a pretty good idea of what to do to Ubuntu to magically make the install CD also support A) Installing as a Xen Dom0 controller; B) Installing as a Xen DomU guest06:59
bluefoxicyAs for actually implementing... no07:00
bluefoxicy(it needs an extra kernel; needs to install into a disk image; needs the Xen hypervisor on the CD; and needs the installer to know that there's 2 new ways to handle installation)07:01
bluefoxicyHave not figured out how to get Xen to boot from a CD image though.. I guess I could tell it it's another disk drive but I'd need a kernel and an initrd that would expect to be booted in Xen.07:02
bluefoxicyIt WOULD help if network didn't die every 10 minutes under Xen07:07
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hungerwereHamster: >& is POSIX, but it is only valid as part of something like 2>&1 from what I understand.07:18
wereHamstereg. not in >&/dev/null ?07:18
hungerwereHamster: Nope, that does not work. Tried it and it complains about wrong/missing fds.07:19
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geserwereHamster: but you can use > /dev/null 2>&1 which is according to the bash manpage the same as &> /dev/null in bash08:46
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eXistenZHello, can I change my wiki name?10:47
eXistenZphaidros_, I registered an account on wiki.ubuntu.com. How can I change the wikiname I was given?10:49
gnomefreakeXistenZ: yes and this shouldnt be in -devel try #ubuntu-offtopic10:49
eXistenZgnomefreak, okay10:49
gnomefreakeXistenZ: or read the dropdown on the wiki10:49
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phaidroswell, #ubuntu is always just beginners and most popular stuff, never get answers there, always just answering .. *sigh11:05
phaidrosanybody here familiar with xkb stuff?11:06
phaidrosonly thing i want, is that my right ALT works as ALT and not MOD+5 in gnome, *sigh11:07
phaidros(/me feel marvinish ..)11:07
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=== Kano64 [n=kano@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kano64hi, some reported system locks using the integrated ndiswrapper 1.30 in the kernel, could you update it to latest11:56
=== cr3 [n=marc@pdpc/supporter/bronze/cr3] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kano64especially with usb wlan devices11:57
_ionFile a bug report.11:58
Kano64i prefer to patch it myself when noone else does it...12:02
phaidrosthats community ;)12:05
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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