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CIA-4 | Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3810 kubuntu/network/C/network.xml: formatting titles | 05:53 |
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martin_aulbach | I'd like to translate an article of the German Wiki into English | 09:51 |
martin_aulbach | it's about using Cedega in connection with a Windows system on a dual boot system | 09:51 |
martin_aulbach | http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Baustelle/Verlassen/Cedega_Windows | 09:52 |
martin_aulbach | would it be all right to create a new Wiki entry this way? | 09:52 |
mdke | martin_aulbach: that would be cool - the best thing is to integrate it with any material on cedega already on help.ubuntu.com/community | 09:58 |
martin_aulbach | I'm happy to hear that | 09:58 |
martin_aulbach | yes, I'll take a look about other articles relating to Cedega, too | 09:59 |
martin_aulbach | anyway the article about Cedega on the German Wiki has been abandoned for some time, so I want to take that over | 09:59 |
martin_aulbach | and if I get around to do it, I can translate the said article about Cedega&Windows to English | 10:00 |
mdke | great | 10:00 |
mdke | I know the German wiki has a lot of good material, it would be good to benefit from that on the doc wiki too | 10:00 |
martin_aulbach | yes, it occured to me that there are actually a lot of entries in it that are missing from its English counterpart :D | 10:01 |
mdke | martin_aulbach: if you do though, ensure you merge it with the existing stuff at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega, looks like there is already some comprehensive stuff there | 10:01 |
martin_aulbach | the last few days, I already wrote an article on a numerical library, based on the german version | 10:02 |
martin_aulbach | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lapack++ | 10:02 |
mdke | rocking | 10:03 |
mdke | well done, that looks nicely written | 10:03 |
martin_aulbach | But maybe it would be better to create a new article about the specific topic of using Cedega together with a preexisting Windows? Becaus this is quite nonstandard stuff. | 10:03 |
mdke | nicely formatted too | 10:04 |
martin_aulbach | One can however make a reference in the main article to it. | 10:04 |
mdke | if it's genuinely a separate topic, maybe you could use a subpage, and a link as you say | 10:04 |
martin_aulbach | thanks :) | 10:04 |
martin_aulbach | ok, this gives me the confidence to create such an entry, then | 10:05 |
martin_aulbach | subpage sounds good | 10:06 |
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somerville32 | When is the documentation freeze? | 05:33 |
nixternal | few weeks | 05:54 |
nixternal | somerville32: March 8th | 05:55 |
nixternal | 19 lovely days away | 05:55 |
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somerville32 | Do the doc packages get autogenerated or is it manual? | 07:04 |
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mdke | somerville32: manual | 08:18 |
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nixternal | hiya jjesse | 08:25 |
jjesse | hiya nixternal | 08:26 |
jjesse | busy day today? | 09:25 |
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