pochu | @now | 12:15 |
Ubugtu | Current time in Etc/UTC: February 16 2007, 23:15:21 - Next meeting: Xubuntu in 15 hours 44 minutes | 12:15 |
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juliux | @schedule berlin | 03:07 |
Ubugtu | Schedule for Europe/Berlin: 17 Feb 16:00: Xubuntu | 21 Feb 13:00: Edubuntu | 21 Feb 17:00: Kernel Team | 22 Feb 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 24 Feb 18:00: Ubuntu US LoCo Team Mentor | 25 Feb 18:00: LoCo Team | 03:08 |
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Xubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 21 Feb 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 21 Feb 16:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 22 Feb 16:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 24 Feb 17:00 UTC: Ubuntu US LoCo Team Mentor | 25 Feb 17:00 UTC: LoCo Team | ||
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highvoltage | so | 04:04 |
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cbx33 | highvoltage, ? | 04:10 |
highvoltage | cbx33: meant to ping somerville32, my connection just went a bit dodgy there for a while | 04:11 |
cbx33 | hehe | 04:11 |
somerville32 | Oh right | 04:11 |
somerville32 | Meeting time :) | 04:11 |
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somerville32 | I've been away in the hospital for the last little while so I'm a bit disorientated. | 04:14 |
somerville32 | Luckily they let me come home for a weekend :) | 04:14 |
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highvoltage | nice | 04:14 |
highvoltage | how's janimo doing? been a while since I heard from him | 04:14 |
somerville32 | I heard RL is getting to him | 04:15 |
somerville32 | ie. consuming more and more time | 04:15 |
somerville32 | I've never seen him on IRC | 04:15 |
highvoltage | ah | 04:15 |
somerville32 | Just correspondence via e-mail | 04:15 |
highvoltage | yeah, email seems the best way to stay in touch | 04:15 |
highvoltage | somerville32: did you get any other pongbacks for the xubuntu meeting? | 04:16 |
=== somerville32 nods. | ||
somerville32 | Errmm... not yet | 04:16 |
somerville32 | lol | 04:16 |
highvoltage | :) | 04:16 |
somerville32 | This time has never really been too good | 04:16 |
somerville32 | We might need to change it | 04:16 |
somerville32 | The wednesday meetings tend to get more people | 04:17 |
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highvoltage | seems so, yes | 04:17 |
highvoltage | for some people weekends seem to be better sometimes | 04:17 |
highvoltage | perhaps alternate it? | 04:17 |
somerville32 | We do, Wedo | 04:17 |
somerville32 | Wednesday and Saturday | 04:17 |
highvoltage | d'oh! | 04:18 |
=== highvoltage has been out of touch with xubuntu meetings | ||
somerville32 | Hopefully a few more people show up because there is a concrete agenda for today | 04:18 |
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highvoltage | I would probably be away now if I didn't get a burn on my arm from my motorbike today | 04:18 |
highvoltage | but I'll make a point of being here more often for the meetings | 04:19 |
somerville32 | Awesome :) | 04:19 |
cbx33 | how many people are involved in xubuntu...if you don't mind my asking | 04:19 |
somerville32 | Tough question | 04:20 |
somerville32 | 4-6 different people, I'd say | 04:20 |
highvoltage | as far as I understand, janimo packages most of the core packages, and then there's a cloud of xubuntu around that | 04:20 |
highvoltage | the xfce packages from xubuntu are going on the second edubuntu cd as well | 04:21 |
somerville32 | Janimo, Gpocentrek, Crimsun, and myself too most of the packaging stuff | 04:21 |
somerville32 | s/too/do | 04:21 |
highvoltage | that might help xubuntu in the long run | 04:21 |
somerville32 | :D | 04:21 |
somerville32 | Thats pretty cool | 04:21 |
somerville32 | How is Edubuntu doing with testing? | 04:22 |
cbx33 | highvoltage, AWESOME | 04:22 |
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somerville32 | Thats someone we're struggling with | 04:22 |
hyper_ch | may I ask something? | 04:22 |
cbx33 | testing it always hard | 04:22 |
somerville32 | hyper_ch, Sure :) | 04:22 |
hyper_ch | what I wonder is the following: When I install Ubuntu (for example) and then do sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop --> why isn't it the same as when I install xubuntu directly? | 04:23 |
highvoltage | somerville32: cbx33 is probably edubuntu's most prominent tester, probably followed by myself | 04:23 |
highvoltage | somerville32: well, except from ogra, that is | 04:23 |
cbx33 | indeed | 04:23 |
cbx33 | I test, but I suppose I dev more and more lately | 04:23 |
highvoltage | somerville32: some schools also switch to the next version before release, giving good feedback | 04:23 |
kalikiana | hyper_ch, what is different exactly? | 04:23 |
hyper_ch | kalikiana: can't tell... it just doesn't look the same and hasn't the same appz installed as by a default installation of xubuntu | 04:24 |
hyper_ch | same goes if I install xubuntu and then add kubuntu-desktop | 04:24 |
hyper_ch | and so on | 04:24 |
grazie | somerville32: I was getting iinvolved with doing some xubuntu testing..i contacted jani about it..but now the ppc plus has been pulled it changes things :( | 04:26 |
kalikiana | is it possibly fewer apps as in 'required' but without some optional things? i didn't actually notice that. | 04:26 |
grazie | s/plus/plug/ ^^ | 04:26 |
=== somerville32 nods. | ||
somerville32 | Alrighty | 04:27 |
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somerville32 | Today we need to discuss artwork, documentation, and testing | 04:27 |
somerville32 | I'd first like to focus on how we can improve testing to ensure that we get pre-releases out on time. | 04:27 |
somerville32 | I get the impression that people do test but maybe don't report it? | 04:28 |
Jmak | Hey, I am here | 04:28 |
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Jmak | Iam working on some icons | 04:30 |
somerville32 | Hi Jmak | 04:30 |
somerville32 | We're just discussing testing | 04:30 |
Jmak | I am testing feisty so far everything works great | 04:30 |
somerville32 | I think to resolve the issue with testing, we simply need to promote it more and make sure we're promoting the correct way of reporting so that the pre-releases get released automatically | 04:31 |
=== cbx33 can proabably throw in a quick test of xubuntu feisty later in the week if that'll help | ||
somerville32 | cbx33, It would be a big help :) | 04:31 |
grazie | somerville32: for myself...reports failures is fine...reporting passes is tedious..hence coverage is not recorded | 04:31 |
cbx33 | ok | 04:31 |
highvoltage | somerville32: I test Xubuntu packages regularly for work purposes | 04:31 |
cbx33 | I'll set it downloading now | 04:31 |
highvoltage | somerville32: but I don't report back on Xubuntu stuff | 04:31 |
highvoltage | somerville32: so I'll make a point of giving more feedback | 04:31 |
cbx33 | install or desktop? | 04:31 |
cbx33 | preference? | 04:31 |
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somerville32 | highvoltage, Maybe there are ways to facilitate communication with Edubuntu and Xubuntu with regarding to testing to prevent duplications of efforts. | 04:32 |
grazie | somerville32: I think a webform for test coverage would be good | 04:33 |
highvoltage | somerville32: absolutely | 04:33 |
somerville32 | How do people find using launchpad? | 04:36 |
somerville32 | Isn't that what we're suppose to be using these days? | 04:36 |
highvoltage | most complaints are about the UI and the licensing | 04:36 |
highvoltage | the UI is getting an overhaul, though | 04:36 |
highvoltage | some people have posted screenshots of the new lp interface | 04:36 |
somerville32 | Linkie? :) | 04:37 |
=== highvoltage looks for it | ||
grazie | LP it's mostly good. However more assistance in what package to report against would be a big improvement | 04:38 |
grazie | *is | 04:38 |
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highvoltage | egh, I can't find it, I read it on planet ubuntu about a week ago | 04:39 |
somerville32 | Isn't there one specific package you're suppose to report ISO testing to? | 04:41 |
somerville32 | s/package/product | 04:42 |
highvoltage | here's the post: http://www.ogmaciel.com/?p=321 | 04:42 |
highvoltage | can't remember where I saw the screenshots though | 04:42 |
grazie | somerville32: yes, but when a bug is found bug report is also needed | 04:43 |
kalikiana | I may say that I do like launchpad. Two drawbacks: license and random errors, but I think they've been working on the errors. | 04:43 |
hyper_ch | btw, I have herd2 installed and it works good except that I was not able to run vmware | 04:44 |
highvoltage | hyper_ch: it's best to test with the latest alpha, it might be fixed in herd4 now | 04:44 |
highvoltage | hyper_ch: it might also be possible that you just need to install the kernal headers package, since vmware would not ship pre-compiled modules for feisty yet | 04:45 |
somerville32 | Xubuntu has been unable to release herd 3 and herd 4 | 04:45 |
hyper_ch | highvoltage: well, I haven't tested it so far again because I used the same /home as in edgy and the quicklauncher was replaced... feisty doesn't like the one from edgy and vice-versa | 04:45 |
somerville32 | I'd like to be able to get the release candidate out | 04:45 |
highvoltage | oh wow, ok | 04:45 |
grazie | rync is excellent for keeping up to date! | 04:45 |
grazie | *rsync | 04:45 |
somerville32 | grazie: The issue is that the distro team won't release it until we can prove we've tested the ISOs | 04:46 |
Jmak | somerville32: take a look at the new terminal icon, i just emailed to the list | 04:46 |
=== somerville32 nods at Jmak. | ||
somerville32 | I dunno if it is because of lack of man power or lack of reports | 04:46 |
grazie | somerville32: what proof do they need? | 04:46 |
somerville32 | Just people saying it worked | 04:47 |
somerville32 | Same as the other distros | 04:47 |
grazie | somerville32: that can be arranged :) | 04:48 |
somerville32 | Awesome. | 04:48 |
somerville32 | Does Edubuntu have a testing team? | 04:48 |
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highvoltage | somerville32: it does. it's fairly loose, there's a team in LP too | 04:49 |
highvoltage | somerville32: and a bunch of wiki pages for co-ordination | 04:49 |
somerville32 | highvoltage, Do you find it effective? | 04:49 |
highvoltage | somerville32: it could be better, but so far it has worked well | 04:49 |
highvoltage | somerville32: we'll need something better as edubuntu becomes more complicated | 04:50 |
highvoltage | somerville32: the benefig that edubuntu has is, it uses the exact same desktop environment as ubuntu, so it gets a lot of free testing there | 04:50 |
=== somerville32 nods. | ||
highvoltage | somerville32: i think xubuntu's testing is even a bit more work than with edubuntu | 04:50 |
somerville32 | The biggest thing is making sure the ISOs are tested for us | 04:50 |
grazie | somerville32: I suppose what I really meant is that saying that the iso's worked can easily be faked :( | 04:50 |
highvoltage | ah I see | 04:51 |
j1mc | somerville32, i had a great install experience with the nightlies leading up to herd4. | 04:51 |
somerville32 | j1mc: Did you report that? | 04:51 |
j1mc | no :( | 04:51 |
somerville32 | hehe | 04:51 |
somerville32 | See, we need that | 04:51 |
somerville32 | We need to get an official testing team together maybe | 04:52 |
j1mc | i'm mostly on xubuntu-user mailing list. | 04:52 |
somerville32 | j1mc: Would you like to head up an Xubuntu testing team? | 04:52 |
j1mc | what would it entail? are there other examples of testing teams? | 04:52 |
somerville32 | IT seems like you already do quite a bit of testing | 04:53 |
somerville32 | So you'd just need to recruit a few more people to help you out and schedule regular testing | 04:53 |
somerville32 | Especially just before a pre-release | 04:53 |
somerville32 | So that we can release an image as the pre-release | 04:54 |
j1mc | sure. i think i can do that. | 04:54 |
somerville32 | What platforms can you test on? | 04:54 |
j1mc | just i386 right now. | 04:54 |
somerville32 | Ok | 04:55 |
j1mc | i could get another machine pretty easily. i volunteer for free geek chicago | 04:55 |
=== somerville32 nods. | ||
j1mc | we use xubuntu there, so they'd be willing to donate a machine. | 04:55 |
=== somerville32 nods. | ||
somerville32 | So you'd just need to find a few dedicated individuals who could help test the other official platforms too | 04:56 |
somerville32 | Awesome! :) | 04:56 |
j1mc | and then get them to report their results. :) | 04:56 |
j1mc | hehe | 04:56 |
=== somerville32 hands j1mc the "Xubuntu ISO QA Manager" hat. | ||
=== j1mc accepts hat | ||
somerville32 | I directed the testing for Herd 2 so we'll have to get together to chat ASAP. | 04:57 |
somerville32 | I'll pass off everything I have to you | 04:57 |
j1mc | i think you set up a wiki about testing, so i'll want to look at that. | 04:57 |
=== somerville32 nods. | ||
somerville32 | You'll also want to review all the ISO qa stuff you can find on the wiki for the other derivatives too to see how we can improve our processes. | 04:58 |
j1mc | i emailed you about xubuntu-docs, so you have my email address | 04:58 |
somerville32 | Ok, aweosme | 04:58 |
somerville32 | *awesome :) | 04:58 |
j1mc | ok | 04:58 |
j1mc | i work at a healthcare software company (just in the HR dept, though), but I know some QA people. i can talk w/ them about what they do for QA, too. | 05:00 |
somerville32 | Awesome :) | 05:00 |
somerville32 | If things go well, your position might evolve into a more general Xubuntu QA guy if you'd like | 05:00 |
somerville32 | Up to you :) | 05:00 |
somerville32 | But for now, we need to focus on the ISO testing for upcoming Feisty Release (yea!!) :D | 05:01 |
j1mc | Sounds great, somerville32 (the initial testing for Feisty, that is) :) | 05:01 |
j1mc | i'll be in touch with you | 05:01 |
somerville32 | Perfect. | 05:02 |
somerville32 | I feel much better about that now that there is someone leading that up | 05:02 |
somerville32 | Thanks a bunch j1mc | 05:02 |
somerville32 | Next on the agenda is Artwork, Jmak :) | 05:02 |
highvoltage | j1mc++ | 05:04 |
hyper_ch | btw, I had one big problem with feisty... I have IDE and SDA drives and after the isntall everything was mixed up.... grub wasn't able to select/assign them correctly | 05:05 |
j1mc | haha j1mc++ :) | 05:05 |
somerville32 | j1mc: A good person to chat with is sfflaw as he heads up ubuntu-qa (which extends to Xubuntu) | 05:05 |
hyper_ch | but that's not xubuntu specific | 05:05 |
j1mc | thanks . . . i'll note that. | 05:06 |
somerville32 | Awesome. | 05:06 |
somerville32 | Jmak, ping | 05:06 |
j1mc | Jmak, I think the new terminal icon looks great. | 05:07 |
somerville32 | Jmak, Did any of the new artwork get uploaded yet? | 05:08 |
j1mc | Seems like Jmak is away . . . is there another agenda item that we can go to, and then come back to artwork? | 05:08 |
somerville32 | Documentation | 05:09 |
j1mc | Yessss :) | 05:09 |
Jmak | They are on the wike page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Artwork/Feisty/Incoming | 05:09 |
j1mc | oh, there's Jmak. back to artwork then. | 05:10 |
somerville32 | But nothing has been uploaded to the repositories? | 05:10 |
Jmak | as far as know none | 05:11 |
somerville32 | ok | 05:11 |
somerville32 | I'll upload some of it | 05:11 |
Jmak | ok | 05:11 |
somerville32 | Anything else you'd like to touch on jmak? | 05:11 |
j1mc | One thing I like about ubuntu's new GDM login is that the font has a bit more weight to it. perhaps it's just bolded, but it looks more professional. | 05:11 |
Jmak | We have to decide on the use of icons | 05:12 |
Jmak | Tango? | 05:12 |
Jmak | Dropline looks great | 05:12 |
somerville32 | link? | 05:13 |
Jmak | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Artwork/Feisty/Desktop/Incoming | 05:14 |
=== cbx33 now has the install iso | ||
cbx33 | I'll give it a go | 05:14 |
somerville32 | cbx33, Thanks | 05:14 |
somerville32 | Dropline isn't bad | 05:14 |
Jmak | I like it too | 05:15 |
somerville32 | Is it complete? | 05:15 |
Jmak | The most popular icon set on the gnome look org | 05:15 |
somerville32 | Ok | 05:15 |
Jmak | Very complete | 05:15 |
j1mc | fwiw, i think the gion icon set looks great, too. | 05:16 |
somerville32 | :) | 05:16 |
somerville32 | Ok | 05:16 |
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somerville32 | Jmak: Do you have a "package" to present yet? | 05:16 |
Jmak | But that one not very complate | 05:16 |
Jmak | What package? | 05:17 |
somerville32 | Like, you're going to have to present a package that includes all the changes you'd like to make so that we can see what it looks like | 05:17 |
somerville32 | And then if it gets approved, it gets implemented | 05:17 |
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Jmak | The artworks on the wiki are now, pretty complate | 05:18 |
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somerville32 | It is hard to navigate and see what is decided | 05:20 |
somerville32 | I dunno what should be changed to accomplish what you want | 05:20 |
somerville32 | I just a few screenshots here and there | 05:20 |
Jmak | I already sent some time ago the xubuntu.xml to the list, I hope someone saved that too | 05:21 |
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Jmak | From the wiki I will deleat all artworks except the final ones. Is that ok? | 05:21 |
somerville32 | No | 05:22 |
somerville32 | Please don't | 05:22 |
somerville32 | Create a new wiki page that clearly outlines the gtk theme engine, theme, icons, etc. | 05:22 |
somerville32 | Give each package a name | 05:22 |
Jmak | ok | 05:23 |
somerville32 | And then organize it under that name | 05:23 |
j1mc | that sounds like a good approach | 05:23 |
somerville32 | So, if there are a few "packages" that you'd like to propose | 05:23 |
somerville32 | You might nickname them A, B, and C | 05:23 |
Jmak | all right | 05:24 |
somerville32 | And then you'd create a wiki page for each package and have everything related to it on that page (or linked under that page) | 05:24 |
somerville32 | Make sure to have a clear hierarchy when actually naming the pages | 05:24 |
somerville32 | ie. | 05:24 |
somerville32 | Xubuntu/Artwork/Proposed/A | 05:24 |
somerville32 | Xubuntu/Artwork/Proposed/B | 05:24 |
somerville32 | Xubuntu/Artwork/Proposed/C | 05:24 |
Jmak | ok | 05:25 |
somerville32 | That way when we visit Xubuntu/Artwork/Proposed/A it shows us exactly how Xubuntu would look if we went with Option A | 05:25 |
somerville32 | :) | 05:27 |
Jmak | sounds good | 05:27 |
somerville32 | Unfortunately there is a deadline | 05:27 |
somerville32 | Can you get this all done by the 22nd? | 05:28 |
somerville32 | Thats 5 days | 05:28 |
Jmak | Sure I can do the weekend | 05:28 |
somerville32 | Ok, perfect. | 05:28 |
somerville32 | After 22nd, we will start voting | 05:28 |
Jmak | ok | 05:28 |
somerville32 | March 15th is the FINAL deadline | 05:29 |
somerville32 | We'll be decided on the artwork at the next meeting | 05:30 |
somerville32 | *deciding | 05:30 |
Jmak | ok | 05:30 |
somerville32 | So please be ready :) | 05:30 |
Jmak | sounds good | 05:31 |
=== somerville32 nods. | ||
somerville32 | Ok, lets talk about Documentation | 05:31 |
Jmak | Now I go and start plannning it | 05:31 |
Jmak | see you next time | 05:31 |
j1mc | thanks, Jmak | 05:31 |
=== Jmak [n=mak@h66-201-246-248.gtcust.grouptelecom.net] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] | ||
somerville32 | j1mc: Re testing: Herd 5 will be released March 1st | 05:32 |
somerville32 | I'd really like to see Herd 5 be released via the efforts of your new team :) | 05:33 |
j1mc | ok. i'll do my best. | 05:33 |
somerville32 | Ok, onto Documentation | 05:33 |
somerville32 | We're doing better then Edgy | 05:34 |
somerville32 | We've seen some small updates | 05:34 |
somerville32 | But nothing substantial has been completed | 05:34 |
j1mc | i saw your spec up. how does that stand? | 05:35 |
j1mc | i can't remember the name of it off hand. | 05:35 |
somerville32 | That'll have to be deferred to Feisty+1 | 05:35 |
somerville32 | Where we'll really have to pull up our socks | 05:35 |
somerville32 | For the rest of this release, we should focus on improving current documentation | 05:35 |
somerville32 | ie. removing/updating outdated info | 05:36 |
somerville32 | And adding in new stuff that is applicable | 05:36 |
j1mc | i've been filing just a few bug reports, but would like to file some more. | 05:36 |
somerville32 | We simple do not have time to do the big overhaul that the other derivatives have done with their documentation. | 05:36 |
=== somerville32 nods. | ||
hyper_ch | btw, how do you select the appz that get added to the standard install? | 05:36 |
somerville32 | seeds | 05:37 |
somerville32 | j1mc: Are you interested in helping with documentation? | 05:38 |
j1mc | i am, but i don't know docbook xml. i have the current ubuntu-docs files installed locally via subversion, though. | 05:38 |
somerville32 | It is pretty easy | 05:38 |
somerville32 | It isn't anything special | 05:39 |
somerville32 | I think we should organize a documentation sprint | 05:39 |
j1mc | yeah . . . i think that if i'm going to be doing the QA stuff, that i shouldn't try to take on too much writing of documentation. | 05:39 |
somerville32 | Unfortunately, with me being in the hospital currently, I dunno when we could | 05:39 |
somerville32 | j1mc: *nods* | 05:39 |
j1mc | my regular job is going to be pretty crazy between now and the end of the month. | 05:39 |
somerville32 | :D | 05:40 |
=== somerville32 nods. | ||
j1mc | i plan to do a major bug reporting day, though. checking links, looking for items that are outdated, etc. | 05:40 |
somerville32 | Alrighty, so we'll try to set a date for a sprint | 05:40 |
somerville32 | Where we all get together on IRC and work on the documentation | 05:40 |
somerville32 | We can discuss the date on the xubuntu-devel and -users mailing list | 05:40 |
j1mc | would it be good to have the bugs filed prior to our sprint? | 05:41 |
somerville32 | We'll certainly review the bugs at the sprint | 05:41 |
somerville32 | So it would be a good way to create a todo list if you'd like | 05:41 |
somerville32 | Infact, that would be a wonderful idea | 05:42 |
somerville32 | It would make it easy for new people to find things to do | 05:42 |
j1mc | yes... it would help to focus our efforts | 05:42 |
=== somerville32 nods. | ||
somerville32 | Alrighty | 05:42 |
somerville32 | This has been a VERY productive meeting :) | 05:42 |
=== somerville32 is happy. | ||
j1mc | ok . . . i have tomorrow and monday off from work, so look for a bunch of bug reports from me over the next few days. | 05:43 |
somerville32 | highvoltage, What do you call your guy's qa team? | 05:43 |
somerville32 | :D | 05:43 |
somerville32 | j1mc++ | 05:43 |
j1mc | haha | 05:43 |
j1mc | is that it for documentation? | 05:45 |
somerville32 | I guess so :) | 05:46 |
j1mc | ok, well, we'll get the bugs filed, and then . . . do you want to set a tentative date for the doc-sprint? | 05:46 |
somerville32 | Well, I dunno when I'll be discharged from the hospital and I'd really like to be at the sprint | 05:47 |
somerville32 | Not to say that you can't hold it without me | 05:47 |
j1mc | no, i think it would be best if you were there. | 05:47 |
somerville32 | Alright | 05:48 |
somerville32 | We can discuss it on the mailing list and I'll try my best to get there. | 05:48 |
j1mc | ok. good luck getting better! | 05:48 |
somerville32 | Thanks :) | 05:48 |
somerville32 | If there isn't anything else... | 05:48 |
=== somerville32 declares the meeting over. | ||
j1mc | thanks, somerville32 | 05:49 |
somerville32 | btw | 05:55 |
somerville32 | Documentation freeze is March 8th | 05:55 |
somerville32 | Thats 19 days away | 05:55 |
j1mc | ok. i'll be out of town on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th | 05:58 |
j1mc | before that = work craziness + QA craziness. i'll file a bunch of bugs this weekend. | 05:58 |
somerville32 | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing | 05:59 |
hyper_ch | somerville32: do you use vmware? | 06:00 |
somerville32 | nope | 06:00 |
j1mc | somerville32, thanks for the link | 06:00 |
somerville32 | j1mc: I just created it. | 06:00 |
somerville32 | You'll want to fill in the blanks | 06:00 |
j1mc | yep | 06:00 |
j1mc | still, thanks. | 06:00 |
somerville32 | j1mc: What is your launchpad id? | 06:02 |
j1mc | jwcampbell | 06:02 |
=== j1mc thinks it is . . . goes to double-check | ||
j1mc | yes, that's correct | 06:03 |
somerville32 | Ok | 06:04 |
somerville32 | You're now an administrator of the xubuntu-testers team | 06:04 |
j1mc | thanks . . . | 06:04 |
j1mc | that was quick | 06:04 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Xubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 19 Feb 21:30 UTC: Mozilla Team | 21 Feb 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 21 Feb 16:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 22 Feb 16:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 24 Feb 17:00 UTC: Ubuntu US LoCo Team Mentor | ||
hyper_ch | if someone could check vmware... that would be great :) | 06:05 |
somerville32 | j1mc: Please make sure that you stick to the wiki hierarchy | 06:06 |
somerville32 | So, there are a few pages under Testing that you'll want to move around | 06:07 |
somerville32 | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/Dapper <-- Dapper Testing Results | 06:07 |
=== hjmf [n=hjmf@37.Red-81-33-109.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
j1mc | ok | 06:07 |
somerville32 | You might move that to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/Archive/Dapper | 06:07 |
somerville32 | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/Current <-- Herd 2 | 06:07 |
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somerville32 | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/Short <-- Short test | 06:07 |
j1mc | if i have questions, i'll be in touch. | 06:08 |
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somerville32 | Have fun! :) | 06:09 |
somerville32 | You're going to want to have clear hierarchies | 06:09 |
=== somerville32 giggles excitedly. | ||
somerville32 | Awesome. | 06:10 |
j1mc | hehehe . . . | 06:10 |
=== j1mc giggles nervously. | ||
=== j1mc thinks he can handle it, though. | ||
somerville32 | I'm sure you can | 06:12 |
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highvoltage | somerville32: it's called edubuntu-testers | 06:19 |
=== somerville32 nods. | ||
highvoltage | (sorry for late reply, had to fetch my mom from work and take her home) | 06:19 |
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 19 Feb 21:30 UTC: Mozilla Team | 21 Feb 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 21 Feb 16:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 22 Feb 16:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 24 Feb 17:00 UTC: Ubuntu US LoCo Team Mentor | 25 Feb 17:00 UTC: LoCo Team | ||
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