
Muzik83ah touche12:01
=== new_fan [n=knoppix@p5495E4E4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
thekidriobut not all kernel panics cause core dumps12:01
ompaulhossasaur, you don't need to - you need your data12:01
FatherTymeDoes anyone have a netboot image for Dapper with the bnx2 drivers?12:01
LMNT_OXwhats a good partition prog for ubuntu, DVD player, IRC client (Graphical preffered), a good DL site for Progs. and, site to learn how to operate through the terminal, please reply in PM.... Thanks :)12:01
adaptrAbsenth: true.. close enough, *in wintendo terms*.. it's still miseducation12:01
hossasaurompaul: i'm worried that the sda2 partition will fill12:01
thekidriolove that12:01
slv<thekidrio> the kernel gets afraid of ghosts <-LOL12:01
justin4thirtyI tried Feisty, but I manage to break that every five minutes.12:01
new_fanhi all ;-)12:01
hossasaurompaul: sda1 is larger than sda2's free space12:02
thekidriohehe slv12:02
thekidrioi do only use windows for games12:02
ompaulhossasaur, so then only do data - see eariler message12:02
AbsenthWho was asking about WPA?  Take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo12:02
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thekidrioso it is like a wintendo12:02
hossasaurAbsenth: i was, thanks12:02
=== adaptr wishes his heheLOLOLOFROFL!!!111one filter worked in Konversation...
PwcrLinuxI wondered if the LTS system require would be same? mines is 2 Ghz, 768 MB and 40 GB/16 MB cache HD.12:02
=== alex-weej [n=alex@halls-129-31-82-59.hor.ic.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
adaptrPwcrLinux: dapper is dapper, there is no difference12:02
adaptrPwcrLinux: use for what ?12:03
adaptr2 real GHzes ?12:03
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AbsenthI found a document that discussed installing Ubuntu 5.10 with an encrypted / /home and swap partition.  What are the chances the same procedure is likely to work on 6.10?12:03
=== Hallage [n=halhorn@d211-31-249-153.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #Ubuntu
SaveFerrisHey, how do i set my USB headset as the default audio device?12:03
adaptrAbsenth: 100%, basically.. it'll only have gottten better, not worse...12:03
SilentMI have a set of speakers and a USB headset12:03
PwcrLinuxyes, 2 Ghz12:03
PwcrLinuxhang up ops..12:03
=== mdious [n=mdious@bppp-p-144-139-37-252.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== PwcrLinux Sony Vaio PCG-GRZ610 P4 2.0 Ghz lappy
=== PwcrLinux OS: Ubuntu Linux | HD: Toshiba 40GB 5400 RPM 16MB Cache | Ram: 768 MB PC2100 DDR | Video: ATI Readon Mobility 7500 32MB VRam (Linux Driver: ATI Readon 9000) | CD: Sony Slim Combo CRX835E (8X DVD/24X CD/24X CDR/24X CDRW)
SilentMWhen I set the audio settings to USB Headset everything works fine12:03
Absenthadaptr: perfect,  I suspected as much, but some times packages change, are removed, or replaced.12:03
SilentMExcept some programs (namely firefox + flash) play on my speakers instead12:04
adaptrAbsenth: well, as long as the method used is the same, I don';t see why it would be any different12:04
SilentMHow would I fix that?12:04
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=== Ranbee_ [n=iceni@80-47-225-112.lond-th.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
adaptrPwcrLinux: be aware of the vaio issues... there's a wiki about it I think, or google, lots of info on vaio's12:04
stizi google WPA and ubuntu and I get a 100 different answers, isnt there just a config file or something i can download with a gui to put my WPA key in?12:04
Absenthadaptr: I'm going to give it a shot on my notebook tonight.12:04
HallageHey, guys. My /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse) and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/edgy-universe.list (dist parse) files, for Synaptic, seem to be malfunctioning. I cant actually USE Synaptic to download anything. Both cite a malformed line on line 2 as the issue when I run Synaptic. Any ideas? Can this be fixed with someone just sending me the files?12:05
=== linuxnewbie756 [n=matt@adsl-234-194-179.cha.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Absenthstiz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo12:05
PS_hi all, is this a good place to get help with xorg config of the ati driver in Edgy?12:05
PwcrLinuxadaptr: yes, breezy work prefectly, but the LTS?12:05
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adaptrAbsenth: unless you use STR a lot, I would just scramble swap on shutdown12:05
hak0unop: thanks , will start build soon i hope12:05
adaptrPwcrLinux: oh, well - why would you want to ?12:05
adaptrAbsenth: an encrypted swap would be a serious performance hit on a laptop12:05
linxehisnt the LTS the same as Breezy ?12:05
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Absenthadaptr: mostly screwing around with it.  with 1gb of ram it may not be quite as bad, but point taken.12:06
=== munroe [n=munroe@CPE000f3d505cab-CM0011ae8a8546.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
PwcrLinuxnot same, the different version12:06
linuxnewbie756i have /home/matt/Data/1, and when i mount something there, i can't write to it, i have tried chmod and chown, but i don't know if i have done them correctl12:06
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.12:06
adaptrlinxeh: no12:06
adaptrlinuxnewbie756: mount them as who ? root ?12:06
=== CTYDEHT [n=denis@91-moc-3.acn.waw.pl] has joined #ubuntu
hossasaurompaul: for future reference, where is a good place to mount the fat32 partition that contains all of my music/videos/docs?12:07
linxehok my bad12:07
Hallage Hey, guys. My /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse) and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/edgy-universe.list (dist parse) files, for Synaptic, seem to be malfunctioning. I cant actually USE Synaptic to download anything. Both cite a malformed line on line 2 as the issue when I run Synaptic. Any ideas? Can this be fixed with someone just sending me the files?12:07
davieyAnybody here having problems with evolution and IMAP accounts, receiving attachments??12:07
Absenthstiz: did that document cover what you're looking for?12:07
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ompaulhossasaur, not having one is best12:07
adaptrlinuxnewbie756: the first time you create a new partition, you need to sudo chmod 777 /mount/point, or only root will have access12:07
linuxnewbie756well, i am using truecrypt, and i have to use sudo to get it to work, so it is root, and if i look at the folder properties after its mounted, its owned by root12:07
hossasaurompaul: i use both windows and linux, i'd like to be able to share that media12:07
linxehsorry, I meant Dapper and LTS ?12:07
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adaptrhossasaur: the place really does. not. matter. in the slightest12:07
PwcrLinuxLTS 6.06 and Dapper 6.1012:07
ompaulhossasaur, however if you must, then I would call it  /media/fat12:07
=== Dante123 [n=opera@bas4-kitchener06-1167936690.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
adaptrlinxeh: dapper is an LTS version12:07
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adaptrPwcrLinux: whuh ?12:08
stizAbsenth: thanks that looks like what i need12:08
linuxnewbie756adaptr, i just tried that, it didn't work12:08
davieyhossasaur, /mount/fat32  (or something that sounds good to you, ie winxp)12:08
ompaulhossasaur, stop procrastinating move 100% now is your chance ;-12:08
=== alessandro_ [n=alessand@adsl-75-31-129-1.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Api984has anyone tryed to install a modem on ubutu12:08
linuxnewbie756sudo chmod 777 /home/matt/Data/112:08
adaptrlinuxnewbie756: well, I've never used truecrypt, so I really couldn't say12:08
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sadasdsadadhttp://axeofwar.zapto.org/go_sp.php?69 Join Please12:08
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hossasaurompaul: will that permanently mount the partition there?12:08
adaptrlinuxnewbie756: is there data on it already ?12:08
hossasaurdaviey: thanks12:08
davieyhossasaur, no, in order to do it perm' you need to edit /etc/fstab12:08
Absenthstiz: just an FYI to improve your googlefoo...  I searched:   wpa +ubuntu      and then looked for the one that was linked off of ubuntu.com  :)12:09
ompaul!ntfs > hossasaur (see message from bot)12:09
linuxnewbie756um..sorta, one file that i used sudo cp to get there12:09
=== Kresjah [n=a@ti231210a080-5970.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
Hallage Hey, guys. My /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse) and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/edgy-universe.list (dist parse) files, for Synaptic, seem to be malfunctioning. I cant actually USE Synaptic to download anything. Both cite a malformed line on line 2 as the issue when I run Synaptic. Any ideas? Can this be fixed with someone just sending me the files?12:09
LMNT_OXwhats a good partition prog for ubuntu, DVD player, IRC client (Graphical preffered), a good DL site for Progs. and, site to learn how to operate through the terminal, please reply in PM.... Thanks :)12:09
Api984does anyone know how to install a analog modem on Ubuntu12:09
hossasaurompaul: thanks for the help12:09
adaptrlinuxnewbie756: do an ls -la /mount/point when its mounted.. you need to investigate, sir12:09
hossasaurdaviey: thanks for the help12:09
davieyLMNT_OX, gpart for partitons.  or gparted as a live cd12:09
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ompaulhossasaur, yw12:09
adaptrApi984: serial modem ?12:09
linxehLMNT_OX: cfdisk vlc xchat, universe repository,12:09
Api984on a laptop12:09
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=== atomiku`irssi [n=atomiku@cpc5-ipsw1-0-0-cust260.colc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
hossasaurompaul, daviey: i haven't run linux in over 10 years, so i have to re-learn everything12:10
Api98400:11.6 Communication controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. AC'97 Modem Controller (rev 80)12:10
adaptrApi984: go to linmodem(s).org, see if it's even supported *at all*12:10
davieyhossasaur, you'll get there! ;)12:10
lisapci got a new ntebook with Vista on C: and a free D: partition. Can I install xbuntunu on D: and create a dual boot menu?12:10
adaptrApi984: chances are.... not good12:10
LMNT_OXthanks :)12:10
davieylisapc, yes12:10
Absenthlisapc: did you miss the last two times I answered the question?12:10
hossasaurompaul, daviey: i used to be able to do everything from bash, i don't remember a single command now......i'm all mixed up with dos commands12:10
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lisapcAbsenth SORRY yes12:10
lisapcAbsenth i was cLLED away12:11
mdious"i got a new ntebook with Vista on C" you poor guy/girl12:11
Hallage Hey, guys. My /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse) and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/edgy-universe.list (dist parse) files, for Synaptic, seem to be malfunctioning. I cant actually USE Synaptic to download anything. Both cite a malformed line on line 2 as the issue when I run Synaptic. Any ideas? Can this be fixed with someone just sending me the files?12:11
=== LMNT_OX [n=enforcer@216-67-21-83-cdsl-rb2.cwc.acsalaska.net] has left #ubuntu []
davieyhossasaur, yeah, i'm the same on a win machine, i try to use linux cmds on dos12:11
Absenthlisapc: you May find http://www.eloff.se/tutorials.php?ubuntu_vista_dualboot helpful12:11
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lisapcAbsenth can u repeat it pls?12:11
lisapcAbsenth thanks si much12:11
Absenthlisapc: ^  :)12:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cygwin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:11
davieyHallage, copy and paste your entire sources.list TO PASTEBIN12:11
adaptrwhat !?!?12:11
mdiousdaviey:  that is very frustrating, I do the same with cisco IOS commands on linux but most of the common editing ones work so I don't look too stupid :P12:11
ompaulhossasaur, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions  might help refresh memory and bring you up to date on how we do things today - very little compiling12:11
Absenthlisapc: It should be MOSTLY standard, however, there are some Grub changes Vista requires that XP or 2000 did not.12:11
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tom47vmware server does not start even though it shows in bottom panel as starting.  where would i look for why it is failing?12:12
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:12
=== Jordan_U [n=jordan@h-68-164-94-52.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
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linuxnewbie756adaptr, i did  ls -la, what do i need to see?12:13
adaptrlinuxnewbie756: permissions and ownership12:13
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hossasaurompaul, daviey: do you have any suggestions for ide's? i got really used to using windows studio stuff12:13
adaptrlinuxnewbie756: just paste it...12:13
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PwcrLinuxadaptr: oops!  I misread on the website..   Breezy > Dapper > Edgy > Feisty (April 2007)12:13
davieyhossasaur, kdevelop is quite good.  What languages is it for?12:14
adaptrPwcrLinux: none of which has any bearing on wheter any one of those is LTS...12:14
linuxnewbie756total 2759612:14
linuxnewbie756drwxr-xr-x 2 root root     4096 1969-12-31 19:00 .12:14
linuxnewbie756drwxrwxrwx 7 root root     4096 2007-02-16 17:59 ..12:14
linuxnewbie756-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 28248064 2007-02-16 17:27 report.txt12:14
=== savant_ is now known as Savant2k6
cc2khow do i get files back when i used rm -R *  ??12:14
adaptroh boy12:14
adaptrcc2k: you erm.. don't, but google, there are nasty hacks12:14
linxehhossasaur: anjuta, kdevelop, eclipse (has a good C environment too)12:14
hossasaurdaviey: c variants12:14
Hallagedaviey: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6161/12:14
adaptrcc2k: recently from windows, I suppose ? :)12:14
cc2khm..   well i deleted the phpmy admin from my www folder..12:14
cc2kyeah ^^12:15
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Savant2k6hi there. ubuntu runs as you can see. WOOHOOOO12:15
ubotuanjuta: A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.2-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1494 kB, installed size 3760 kB12:15
cc2k<-- n00b^^12:15
davieycc2k reinstall it then12:15
PwcrLinuxBreezy support til april 200712:15
mdiousadaptr:  perhaps use rm with -i in future so it prompts before deleting?12:15
cc2kapt-get install phpmyadmin?12:15
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adaptrcc2k: oh.., not personal files, no worires, just apt-get it again12:15
davieycc2k, sudo apt-get remove phpmyadmin && sudo apt-get install php-myadmin12:15
Absenthadaptr, cc2k: there was an article in a magazine I just read this week that discussed recovering deleted files.  although it might have been specific to mysql and dropped tables.  *goes looking for the magazine*12:15
atomiku`irssiwhat program can I use to get cool info meters on my desktop? like disk usage, internet upstream/downstream etc etc. Ive tried gdesklets but didnt like it12:15
cc2kmdious i wanted to delte, but forgot about phpmyadmin inthere ^^12:15
adaptrmdious: I never do.. it gets tedious for a gazillion files12:15
tom47where would i look for error messages on programs that begin but do not get as far as a full gui window?12:15
davieymdious, doesn't rm automatically use -i in ubuntu?12:15
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linuxnewbie756adaptr, matt@matt-desktop:~$  ls -la /home/matt/Data/112:16
linuxnewbie756total 2759612:16
linuxnewbie756drwxr-xr-x 2 root root     4096 1969-12-31 19:00 .12:16
linuxnewbie756drwxrwxrwx 7 root root     4096 2007-02-16 17:59 ..12:16
linuxnewbie756-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 28248064 2007-02-16 17:27 report.txt12:16
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Hallagedaviey:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6161/ [sorry] 12:16
mdiousdaviey:  I think you might be right...i'll test it out on /, one second12:16
atomiku`irssi!paste linuxnewbie75612:16
cc2kthx guys,   and Absenth nm man ^^:)12:16
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:16
Savant2k6how can i install the native nvidia gfx card drivers? if i try to start the installer, it tells me i cannot run the installer from inside an x session? (newb, sorry) ^12:16
adaptrAbsenth: basically, with ext2|3 or any othe rmainstream Linux FS, you can't - any "solution" will be a nasty hack that is never guaranteed to recover anything12:16
davieyHallage, do you want the cd-rom as a repo, or just the internet?12:16
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dsadasdsadhttp://axeofwar.zapto.org/go_sp.php?69 Join Please12:16
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mdiousdaviey:  it didn't on mine...just wiped it12:16
Hallagedaviey:CD-ROM is preferable as a repo12:16
Hallagedaviey:So yes12:16
adaptr!nvidia | Savant2k612:16
ubotuSavant2k6: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:16
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PwcrLinuxstupid spammer's ads12:16
hossasaurdaviey, ompaul: another dumb question, but once i'm in gnome, how do i get to just straight terminal? or how do i switch to kde?12:17
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adaptr!software | Savant2k612:17
ubotuSavant2k6: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents and !Offline12:17
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ
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Absenthadaptr: yeah, I found the article I was talking about.  It's in the Feb. Linux Journal.  "Tech Tips with Gnull and Voyd"  but it's specific to dropped MySQL tables, and not filesystem deletions.12:17
ghatakHow do i patch a file, i have .patch file, but do not know what command to issue ????12:17
adaptrAbsenth: urm12:17
PwcrLinuxompaul: thanks :)12:17
adaptr!patch | ghatak12:17
ubotughatak: patch: Apply a diff file to an original. In component main, is optional. Version 2.5.9-4 (edgy), package size 93 kB, installed size 188 kB12:17
Absenthadaptr: ie, I was mistaken :)12:17
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adaptrAbsenth: I know, it's not even in the same universe...12:18
linuxnewbie756adaptr, did you get what i pasted?12:18
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davieyhossasaur, switch user to go to kde or ctrl + alt + f1 to get to terminal12:18
adaptrlemme check12:18
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cc2khmm i reinstalled phpmyadmin, but its not in the www dior anymore..12:18
Hallagedaviey:Any ideas?12:18
cc2khow does that effect me tru the server?12:18
atomiku`irssiwhat program can I use to get cool info meters on my desktop? like disk usage, internet upstream/downstream etc etc. Ive tried gdesklets but didnt like it12:18
davieyHallage, hmm i don't know what the correct line is for cd-rom, if you comment that line out, does it work?12:19
hossasaurdaviey: when i switch user, it just takes me to the login screen12:19
adaptrlinuxnewbie756: what does cat report.txt say ?12:19
=== GreySim [n=dennis@c-24-19-242-218.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cc2knm, gonne try cope paste the folder,  that will work right?12:19
DARKGuyatomiku`irssi: adesklets12:19
Absenthdo we know if 7.04 is going to support the Reiser4 file system?12:19
ompaulhossasaur, ctrl+Alt+F[1-6]  terminals - sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop  - for kde12:19
atomiku`irssiThanks DARKGuy, I'll check that out :)12:19
DARKGuyatomiku`irssi: if you use Fluxbox, the slits stuff are nice too12:19
Hallagedaviey: I dont know, I cant edit it, its readonly/root access12:19
davieyhossasaur, in the left hand corner there is "select session"; if kde is installed you can select it there12:19
DARKGuyatomiku`irssi: welcome ^^12:19
atomiku`irssiAnd ill check out fluxbox as well12:19
atomiku`irssithanks again dude12:19
adaptrlinuxnewbie756: ...or head, or tail, even.... catting 28MB would be.. silly12:19
ompaulhossasaur, ctrl+Alt+F7  back where you started12:19
DARKGuywelcome :D12:19
=== ericz [n=eric@ip70-174-127-4.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
cheesedudei cant get flash installed through synaptic, any ideas?12:19
davieyHallage, using termail type sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list12:19
adaptrAbsenth: is Reiser out of prison, then ?12:19
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vinboywhen I try to boot the Herd 4 cd, i get Can't access tty; Job control turned off12:20
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zcat[1] beryl hates me :(12:20
davieyvinboy, join #ubuntu+1 for feisty support12:20
adaptrberyl loves my geforce 6600GT :)12:20
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linuxnewbie756what does cat do?12:20
davieyzcat[1] , for beryl support join #ubuntu-effects12:20
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Absenthadaptr: the developer being in prison is a reason not to include support for the file system?  and to answer your question I hae no idea.12:20
hossasaurompaul, daviey: thanks12:20
adaptr..but for some reason, Edgy hates my AMD64 3200+12:20
davieylinuxnewbie756, it outputs the contents of12:21
cc2kadaptr: how do i copy a folder?   cp -R ???  ?12:21
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davieylinuxnewbie756, ie cat textfile.txt12:21
linuxnewbie756to where?12:21
=== bruenig [n=a@adsl-69-155-91-38.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
adaptrAbsenth: I had no idea it was fully stable yet... from your question I deduced that reiser4 would need to be finished before inclusion ?12:21
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adaptrcc2k: use cp -a, man cp12:21
wallais there a way to change the icon for my audio files in nautilus?12:21
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davieylinuxnewbie756, the screen (if using terminal / console)12:21
zcat[1] I think I'll just give up. It used to work. Perhaps it will fix itself with the next update...12:21
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adaptrright-click, change it ?12:21
cheesedudedoes anyone know how to get flash installed? synaptic didnt work12:21
hossasaurman....it takes forever to copy from one partition to another on here.  sata drive, higher speed, 8gb shouldn't take 20min12:21
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash12:22
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adaptrhossasaur: have you run hdparm or bonnie ?12:22
bruenigcheesedude, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list12:22
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bruenig!paste | cheesedude12:22
ubotucheesedude: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:22
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Hallagedaviey:Now I have an error on line 41 :-\12:22
hossasauradaptr: no12:22
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cc2kadaptr: i need to use the , aswell?  so: cp -a, man cp?   where i put the folder name? ^^ im really a n00b ^^:)12:22
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adaptrcc2k: then start with "man cp"12:22
hossasauradaptr: what are those?12:22
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adaptrcc2k: press "q" to exit a man page12:22
davieyHallage, comment out 41 & 4212:22
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adaptrhossasaur: those are the way to determine whether your HD speed is correct12:23
adaptrhossasaur: start with hdparm -tT /dev/whateveryourdriveis12:23
amxanyone managed to run feisty herd4 using VirtualBox?12:23
Absenthadaptr: a quick search of the oracle makes it look as if Reiser4 is released.  but not merged into the mainline linux kernel.12:23
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mdiouscya everyone12:23
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Absenthadaptr: *shrug* i guess it doesn't really matter :)12:23
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adaptrhossasaur: do that with both drives - if it's only one drive, then of course your performance will be less than 50%12:23
linuxnewbie756att@matt-desktop:~$ sudo chown matt /home/matt/Data/112:23
linuxnewbie756chown: changing ownership of `/home/matt/Data/1': Operation not permitted12:23
adaptrAbsenth: oh, i see.. well, I understand that there were serious stability issues with early releases12:24
cc2kadaptr: so liek this right?  cp -a /phpmyadmin /var/www/ <-- like that?12:24
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cc2kand yes i did read ^^:)12:25
adaptrlinuxnewbie756: it would make sense - in more ways than one - to disallow changing the ownership and/or permissions of an encrypted drive after it has been created, save through the interface specifically defined for truecrypt12:25
adaptrcc2k: cp -a /soure/dir /dest/dir, add a / at the end to make sure it takes the dest as a dir12:25
linuxnewbie756um, i haven't found an interface in truecrypt, asfar as i can tell, its only terminal based adaptr12:25
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adaptrcc2k: that makes a perfect copy of everything in the source dir12:26
cc2kk ty adaptr12:26
adaptrlinuxnewbie756: as I said before, never used it, no idea, sorry12:26
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bruenigcheesedude, ...12:26
linuxnewbie756adaptr, there is one for windows, a gui that is, so wouldn't it make sense that there would be for linux?12:27
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cc2kk ty adaptr it workt ^^:)12:27
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Hallagedaviey:All kind working, thanks [for now - until I find what caused it] . THanks12:27
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davieyHallage, good 'o12:28
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linxehlinuxnewbie756: there is no gui provided by the creators of the tool. use kgpg or whatever12:28
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xdxhi, how can i correct this : libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x5b ?12:28
linxehlinuxnewbie756: or write a gui :)12:28
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hossasauradaptr: 1800mb/sec cached reads, 24mb/sec buffered disk reads12:28
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linuxnewbie756linxeh, kgpg??? what is it and where can i get it?12:28
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linxehlinuxnewbie756: it encrypts files and emails and such. kde gnu privacy guard (an open implementation of PGP)12:29
linxehlinuxnewbie756: it doesnt do filesystems though12:29
adaptrhossasaur: that is verra slow12:29
KresjahAre there any specific reasons for a make failing, due to not finding an include file in a location specified to search for include files... _even_ if the include file actually is in that very path?12:29
hossasauradaptr: i know, what's up with that12:29
=== Explosif [n=me@c-67-165-250-50.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
adaptrhossasaur: but since it's SATA, you won't have much luck determining the settings with hdparm... try it anyway: hdparm /dev/whatever12:30
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adaptrand also get the specs out of the drive: hdparm -i /dev/whatever12:30
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thingyhossasaur, instead of hdparm use sdparam <-- for sata disks!12:30
Explosifwhat program can i use to recieve and play podcasts?12:30
bruenigExplosif, rhythmbox12:31
clotarnis some one good for grub help12:31
hossasaurthingy: it's not finding sdparam as a command12:31
adaptrthingy: that works ? verra good12:31
thingyhossasaur, apt-get it12:31
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports12:31
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Api984 Timing cached reads:   444 MB in  2.00 seconds = 221.73 MB/sec12:31
Api984 Timing buffered disk reads:   70 MB in  3.08 seconds =  22.71 MB/sec12:31
Jordan_U!anyone | clotarn12:31
ubotuclotarn: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:31
Api984is that ok?12:31
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hossasaurthingy: request sense failed12:33
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cc2kadaptr: how do i make a printscreen in ubuntu?? ^^ its aparntly not that easy in ubuntu as in win ^^12:33
Savant2k6i would install the "linux-restricted-modules-amd64-k8" <- for an athlon64 3000+, right?12:33
KresjahDuring a make I get this error12:34
thingyhossasaur, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=342931&highlight=sdparm12:34
mindstateSavant2k6: if your using gnome goto Applications --> Accessories --> Take Screenshot..12:34
Kresjahcannot find include file "stddef.h"   ...   not in /usr/src/linux-headers-
mindstateits in my menu12:34
KresjahBut I can guarantee that the file exists there12:34
hossasaurthingy: thanks12:34
Walskicc2k : use gimp :) - it has a feature to capture screenshots12:34
KresjahAnyone who can tell me why it refuses to find it even if it's there?12:34
davieyKresjah, what are you building?12:35
cc2kah k ^^ th Walski12:35
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snilleIs there anyone that have a working xorg.conf with 4 screens (2 dual head nvidia) and beryl working?12:35
davieyKresjah, do you ahve the symlink in /usr/src/ pointing to version12:35
clotarnsorry guys, my english is not so good, i just wonder how to get grub as i format my dual boot12:35
Jordan_USavant2k6: Depends on what kernel you are using, most likely you just want -generic12:36
KresjahTrying to get Mesa 6.5.1 to get my Mobility M1 (mach64) accelerated accelerated12:36
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davieyclotarn, back up your existing grub?12:36
clotarnand i lost grub I do not know how having it back12:36
Kresjahdaviey, keep in mind that I'm a newbie :p12:36
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clotarntoo late, lool dav12:36
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KresjahBasically, the ubuntu mesa packages does not include the mach64 kernel modules for security reasons, so I need to get them somehow, and there seems no other way than to build it myself12:37
Jordan_Uclotarn: There is a howto on the ubuntu wiki but if you can't understand it I can walk you through it also12:37
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Jordan_U!grub | clotarn12:37
ubotuclotarn: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:37
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mqueiroshello! Anyone tried to install a Pinnacle TV Card 310i on ubuntu 6.06 ?12:38
savant_i did all the installation steps installing the nvidia glx drivers now. how can i tell if 3d acceleration is activated now, please?12:38
clotarnthanks, I'll have a look there ok12:38
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Jordan_Usavant_: glxinfo | rendering12:39
davieyKresjah, try sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-xxx /usr/src/linux    (hit tab after headers to complete)12:39
savant_Jordan_U:  will try. thx12:39
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:39
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash12:39
Jordan_Usavant_: If you see direct rendering = yes then you have 3D acceleration12:39
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savant_Jordan_U: ah! it seemed to have worked. strange thing is, the tutorial said i should see some nvidia logo after hitting ctrl+alt+backspace. and i didn't12:41
cc2kadaptr:  http://imagebin.org/7317   that shoudnt be like that  ^^12:41
hossasauradaptr: how do i fix the speed problem?12:41
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linxehis there an ardour2 package somewhere for ubuntu ?12:42
Jordan_Usavant_: That can be turned on or off, it should be on by default but just because it isn't displaying doesn't mean it isn't working12:42
cypherdelicHa! I DO know, why Microsoft make a mircale of their source. Not because of they want to make money, but just because of their source is embarassing poor :)poor12:42
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Kresjahdaviey: Ok, done. Should I try to make again?12:42
savant_Jordan_U: i see. now i just need something to test it with. nice one12:43
davieyKresjah, yeah12:43
cypherdelicif some functionality is given by a bad performing code, they dont care, because noone will ever see it12:43
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cypherdelicso vista needs 1gib ram12:43
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davieyKresjah, are you following any guides?  I suggest making a deb package rather than actually installing12:44
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cypherdelici dont know why...12:44
Kresjahdaviey: Nope, still the same story12:44
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Stuttergartdoes anyone know what something like "@MKINSTALLDIRS@" means in a make file?12:44
Jordan_Ucypherdelic: #ubuntu-offtopic12:44
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savant_Jordan_U:  i still have the feeling that the desktop is still slower than in the MS System i wouldn't mention here... ^12:44
Stuttergartthe significance of the "@" symbol12:44
cypherdelicit seems not to need it, if i watch memory usage of open source OSes that look nicer12:44
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Kresjahdaviey: I'm following the guide from www.mesa3d.org on compiling. Also, I have no idea on how to make .deb packages12:44
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armadill0Hey does anyone know where I can find some good docs on how to implement live webcasts with linux, I'd like to record/ stream simultaneously.  Thanks!12:44
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linxehcypherdelic: actually a lot of the MS source isnt that bad12:45
bitemeanyone here up for some brainpicking?12:45
cc2khttp://imagebin.org/7317   that shoudnt be like that  ^^    i deleted all the files and folders in /var/www/    and shoudnt delete phpmyadmin,  now i copy paste it from /etc/phpmyadmin/ to  /var/www/   and it looks like that picture if i access it12:45
cypherdeliclinxeh, but it isnt that good, either :)12:45
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linxehcypherdelic: no, but nor is most open source code12:45
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dyrnearmadill0: not really a good scalable solution maybe but i often just use vlc to stream. all in the gui if you want12:45
cypherdelicso if something wrong with open source, i go on irc12:46
jahidhow can i see available users of my system?12:46
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davidwhy, when i dist-upgrade my Edgy installation, does it want to remove upstart and add sysvinit?12:46
linxehcypherdelic: if something goes wrong on windows I phone MS and they will often send someone out12:46
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cypherdelicwhat do i have to do with windows "send problem"?12:46
dyrnejahid: users currently logged in or all users with accounts?12:46
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dabideneed help (total linux newbie): i installed ubuntu server, but changed the network card afterwards and now i dont get the ip for the server over dhpc, what should i do?#12:46
cypherdeliclol i would never call microsoft12:46
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Kresjahdaviey: Would it be helpful if I pastebin the make log?12:46
asdfdoes nasm on x86_64 give output for 32 or 64bit?12:46
jahidall users with account and group12:46
cypherdelici even did used it not legally12:46
davieyKresjah, yeah, try it12:46
linxehcypherdelic: well, we have a large support contract with Microsoft, Sun, HP and Redhat12:47
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Jordan_Udavid: You should not use dist-upgrade to upgrade from dapper to Edgy12:47
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dyrnejahid: dunno i usually just cat /etc/passwd12:47
armadill0dyrne ok coolness I'll check it out12:47
cypherdeliclinxeh,  of course, money holding companys will arrive good support12:47
cc2khttp://imagebin.org/7317   that shoudnt be like that  ^^    i deleted all the files and folders in /var/www/    and shoudnt delete phpmyadmin,  now i copy paste it from /etc/phpmyadmin/ to  /var/www/   and it looks like that picture if i access it<-- any1? plz ^^12:47
ompaullinxeh, cypherdelic, nothing to do with the fact that this is offtopic, and in fact the hidden calls made by their software, but if "approved OEM software makes those calls then it does not get called approved" has nothing to do with it, the fact that they have a policy of embrace and extent and break has nothing to do with it, sorry it is offtopic can we leave it there thanks.12:47
cypherdelicbut if i, for person use, got a bug12:47
davieylinxeh, how many pages to this 'large contract' ;)12:47
dyrnearmadill0: videolan has a website with howtos12:47
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davidJordan_U: this is a fresh edgy install12:48
linxehompaul: sure, no worries. I simply said that MS code was really no worse than most open source code, but ok12:48
jahidhow can i delete a user of my system?12:48
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davidJordan_U: that wants to use sysv12:49
linxehompaul: and plenty of open projects "embrace and extend", but that's allowed12:49
cypherdelicjahid open /etc/passwd and delte the line of that user12:49
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cypherdelicthen, if it is a human user12:49
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cypherdelicdelete the /home/user12:49
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Jordan_Udavid: Strange, what does it try to do if you run: sudo apt-get -f install12:50
dyrnejahid: deluser or edit the passwd file. there is a gui tool in ubuntu but i dont know gnome very well12:50
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switchyhi, I installed a new gdm log in screen, but it doesn't match my moniter's optimal screen resolution, is there a way for me to scale it accordingly?12:50
cc2kany1 wanne help my phpmyadmin problem plz? ^^:)12:50
davidJordan_U: nothing12:50
dyrnejahid: youd just remove the whole line the user is in in passwd. if you just want to change groups and access you can sudo gedit /etc/group12:50
davieycc2k, what is the prob; i told you what to do12:50
Kresjahdaviey: http://rafb.net/YkLyWP44.html   <---- The make with errors. I've made one change to the configs, and that is adding two extra include paths to search for the files in (one of which is that linux-headers path). This has helped a lot, as I had probably 3 times or more errors searching for missing files earlier.12:51
cc2ku did?12:51
davidJordan_U: i'm using the ubuntu.mirrors.tds.net servers--could those be making it funky?12:51
cc2ku mean cp -a dir dir ?12:51
davieycc2k, sudo apt-get remove phpmyadmin && sudo apt-get install php-myadmin12:51
cc2klast part is with the -?12:51
davieycc2k, sorry ignore the '-' in the second part12:51
cc2kthen i did that already :P12:52
cc2kbut it didnt show up in the www folder12:52
cc2kthen i copy it to the www folder and now its not working like it should ^^12:52
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Jordan_Udavid: Shouldn't but try with the default servers and see if anything different happens.12:52
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dabideneed help: i installed ubuntu server 6.10, but changed the network card after the installation, now the server doenst get an ip adress anymore over dhcp, what should i do? (total newbie :( )12:53
iturkhi there guys i am getting no scan results with my wireless tools! The board its working! in which place could be the problem ?12:53
cc2kdabide join the club, only kknow windows ^^:)12:53
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bryan986Hello, I am trying to use my public ip to access my ubuntu server behind the same router as me, I want to use it like a local ip address so that I can test it as if someone was trying to connect from the internet, how would I get this to work? (It works from another network but not on the same one as the server)12:54
Jordan_Uiturk: Is your wireless card supported?12:54
riddleboxhow long is dapper supported for?12:54
cc2kbryan proxy problem maybe? i have the same problem..12:54
iturkJordan_U: yes12:55
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dyrnedabide: sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces   or you can do through the gui12:55
Quintinbryan986: that may or may not work depending on your router.  if it's a storebought router, there's not much you can do to make it work.  You can just use the local IP and it should be what anyone connecting from the net would get.12:55
dabidedyrne: how do i start the gui in ubuntu server?12:55
dyrnedabide: you could also just sudo gedit /etc/iftab   and switch the device names for the mac addresses12:55
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iturkJordan_U: i also install the latests wireless tools 2.8 version so it should work12:56
dyrnedabide: sorry sudo nano12:56
Quintindabide: by default I don't think there is a GUI in ubuntu server ..12:56
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dabideQuintin: thought so :)12:56
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Quintindabide: Are you using a supported card?  is it listed in lspci or dmesg ?12:56
Quintiniturk: are you using supported chipset?12:57
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stizim looking at the ubuntu guide for WPA and /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf does not exsist, and wpa supplicant is installed12:57
QuintinOh, this is important.12:57
iturkQuintin: yes a really linux friendly one12:57
bryan986Quintin: yes I know I would get the same thing, but I would like to be able to test out that things such as a domain is working12:57
dyrnedabide: thought you just added another nic12:57
QuintinDoes anyone here know ubuntuforums.org admin ???12:57
cc2kdavid: u saw what i wrote about the phpmyadmin?12:57
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bayzidersWhere can I find a list of all my current running daemons?12:57
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Sergoit is possible to empy reclye bin from console ?-)12:57
dabidedyrne: no, i changed the card (ethernet) - removed the old one, and plugged the new one in, but made no further steps on the server12:58
Quintinbryan986: Shouldn't be any reason to need to test that, just make sure your dns is configured properly12:58
QuintinSergo: there are '.Trash' directories around.. find them12:58
Jordan_UQuintin: Why?12:58
Quintindabide: lspci , dmesg12:58
QuintinJordan_U:  ?12:58
dabideQuintin: yes its listed12:58
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Quintiniturk: what chipset12:58
Jordan_UQuintin: Why do you need an Ubuntuforums.org admin?12:58
QuintinJordan_U: Because apparentally links are opening in new windows.  and this is very stupid.12:59
iturkQuintin: Intersil Corporation Intersil ISL3890 [Prism GT/Prism Duette]  (rev 01)12:59
imsocutei can't get beryl to work right12:59
thekidrioi prefer links to open in a new window12:59
thekidriothen i can trap it into a new tab12:59
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jahidis there anyone who use or used proftpd?12:59
thekidrioi have12:59
thekidrioi prefer vsftp12:59
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QuintinNot everyone does.  It should be set to be same window, and let the user decide what to do.  anything else is almost always stupid.  if you want to argue, ask someone in #web12:59
Quintinjahid: I have01:00
iturkQuintin: the driver for it its activated in the kernel01:00
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thekidrioyou ask someone in web ya jack ass01:00
dyrnejahid: never used it but there is a gui tool to set it up called pureadmin its the only front end to a ftp server i know of in repos01:00
Quintiniturk: iwlist wlan0 scanning01:00
Madpilotthekidrio, be polite01:00
iturkQuintin: no results01:00
Quintinthekidrio: I don't need to ask because I already know.  and watch the language  please01:00
thekidriofuck that kick me01:00
jahidwhen i was installing my proftpd, i got an error, which shows not getting my ip address01:00
Quintiniturk: and you are near an AP?01:00
thekidrioban me01:00
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Quintin!ops thekidrio01:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops thekidrio - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:00
iturkQuintin: people in my house are all conected to wireless01:01
dyrnejahid: id recommend openssh-server  then just use sftp or scp. its easier to secure01:01
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ubotugpm: General Purpose Mouse Interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.19.6-22ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 202 kB, installed size 500 kB01:01
iturkQuintin: i am the only one using cable now01:01
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QuintinJordan_U: So do you have any contact details?01:01
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dyrneQuintin: might ask in ubuntu-ops01:02
MadpilotQuintin, for Ubuntuforums stuff, #ubuntuforums01:02
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fghjwhat is the closest thing to "apt-get 32-bit-tool-chain" (I'm running x86_64)01:02
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lufi1Is there a way to install an iso without burning it to a CD?01:04
vinboywrite it to cd01:04
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Jordan_UQuintin: http://ubuntuforums.org/announcement.php?f=4801:04
lufi1vinboy: ...that would entail burning it01:04
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:04
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iturkQuintin: and the light of the board its green sometimes so the problem its not the pcmcia i think01:04
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Jordan_UQuintin: Just send them a pm01:04
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savant_doh. is there no flash player for amd64 / firefox available?01:05
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Quintinsavant_: 64bit is usually more trouble than it's worth..01:05
Blais1Hi there,01:05
lufi1savant_: nope, you can thank adobe for that.01:05
rmd_lufi1: the implication here is that vinboy is very clever and has corrected your terminology.01:05
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cc2kany1 here know how to fix my phpmyadmin window,   i deleted from the  /var/www/ folder and  then i did apt-get remove and install,  but it didnt came back in the www folder so i did a cp -a /etc/phpmyadmin/ /var/www/    but that didnt work http://imagebin.org/7317  i can use some help, as im a ubuntu n00b ^^01:05
lufi1rmd_: i'm very amused.01:06
Blais1How do I change my refresh rate without reconfiguring X?01:06
Jordan_Usavant_: Nope, not for windows or Linux, you can get the 32 bit version to work though01:06
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dabideQuintin: yes the ethernet card shows up in lspci, etc/network/interfaces has it set to dhpc - how  can i check if its got an ip? (by now i checked in the router status)01:06
QuintinJordan_U: I click a link on that page.. and it happens again.  I am very unhappy. :(01:06
vinboysorry guys01:06
rmd_lufi1: as is everyone else, i assure you.01:06
Quintindabide: ifconfig01:06
savant_Jordan_U:  okeez, will try the 32bit then. thx :)01:06
QuintinBlais1: system > prefs > screen res01:06
dyrne!install | lufi101:06
ubotulufi1: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues01:06
dyrnelufi1: the first link01:07
lufi1dyrne: thanks01:07
Blais1dyrne: It doesn't give me the full range that I have in xorg.conf01:07
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dyrneBlais1: eh?01:07
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dyrneBlais1: only the lower rates showing up as options?01:07
Blais1dyrne: I want 1680x1050@60, this isn't available01:08
Blais1the lower rez's also01:08
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gaussian88dabide: I just jumped and I don't know the beginning of your conversation, but you can always check your IP of your interfaced by typing: ifconfig in your terminal window (Accessories --> Terminal)01:08
gaussian88dabide: I just jumped in ......01:08
QuintinBlais1: are you sure your monitor supports that?01:08
iturkQuintin: by the way i am using kernel 2.6.19 so wireless extensions its WE-19 so wireless-tools should work fine01:08
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Blais1I forced it to 1680x1050@75 and it doesn't look good01:08
Blais1I've very fuzzy text01:09
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dyrneBlais1: gogole for a online modline calculator01:09
dyrneBlais1: youll have to edit xorg or do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:09
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shadowhywindanyone have any idea why when i try to use my wireless my my computer slows down to a halt01:10
Blais1no probs01:10
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christopherI setup a print server but the test page spits out single lines of gibberish per page. I've setup that printer locally on linux before, but for some reason the printer isn't working this time..01:10
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Quintiniturk: I'm lost if you don't get anything from above..  sudo su and then iwlist scanning should show something01:10
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Jordan_U_savant_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava01:11
jahidis there any light weight ftp server, i will just use in LAN, so i don't need that much security or complexity01:11
juano__christopher: mmm, this happens remotely or on the server as well ?01:11
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megafaunaHi I seem to have killed all sound coming out of my box, I believe that I turnt off (or on) Service Settings --> Audio Settings Management. How do I turn it back on pls?01:11
christopherjuano__, well I'm sending the test page remotly, via the webpage admin interface01:11
christopherjuano, dunno if that counts as remotely or not01:12
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Jordan_U_savant_: Sorry my wireless is flakey, I hope that link got to you.01:12
juano__christopher: sounds like a printer issue more than soft config, though have you tried it with windows or something ? , same results ?01:12
iturkQuintin: after i install wireless-tools i dont have iwconfig working but iwlist its installed .. isnt it strange ?01:12
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gaussian88jahid: Use gftp01:13
christopherjuano__, I'm 99.9% sure the printer is fine.01:13
dabidewhen i modify etc/network/interfaces and want to save it with "save interfaces" i get "e212: cant open file for writing" - whats the right command to save this in vim?01:13
gaussian88jahid: simple, but not too too light01:13
iturkQuintin: this doing make and make install of wilress-tools 2801:13
Jordan_U_megafauna: in a terminal run alsamixer01:13
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juano__christopher: hehe good, well we know its a soft configuration01:13
Quintindabide: you're not root.01:13
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Quintindabide: :w ~/tmpfile01:13
Quintindabide: then copy it later01:14
juano__christopher: is this printer shared with samba ? or how are you sharing the printer ?01:14
Quintiniturk: building from source makes it a lot harder to give support01:14
lightupIs it possible to disable the graphics card in my AGP slot and run from my onboard graphics without removing the card?01:14
megafaunaJordan_U trying now:)01:14
Hasrat_USAI typed man in the terminal and it brought up some text. but how can i now go back to the normal terminal and quit man?01:14
christopherjuana__, I haven't install samba yet, I'm jus trying to get the test page to print fisrt01:14
Quintinlightup: Probably.  Look at the BIOS for your computer, not here. (!)01:14
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bruenigHasrat_USA, q01:14
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QuintinHasrat_USA: q01:14
jahidgaussian88, i tried to install gftp through my synaptic package manager01:14
Hasrat_USAthanks it was so easy and quick and my ignorance is to blame01:14
jahidbut, i just get clients, but no server01:14
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lightupQuintin: ok thanks, I thought it was something you did in the OS01:15
juano__christopher: ah ok , so your printing through the server01:15
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christopherjuano__, I haven't installed cups raster or the gimp drivers, I don't know if they come standard or not01:15
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juano__christopher: on the machine that the printer is connected to01:15
iturkQuintin: from apt the version its 19 and my driver in the kernel its prepared to work with 21 but when i try to compile 21 i get 'C' stange errors01:15
gaussian88jahid: ohhh  I thought you wanted a client.  I'm not too familiar w/ ftp servers01:15
megafaunaJordan_U  It is on and the bars are empty (Amarok is playing)01:15
gaussian88jahid: sorry01:15
Hasrat_USAthere are 966 people in this room omg!01:15
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jahidgaussian88, its alright01:15
bruenigI have 96501:15
megafaunaJordan_U_  It is on and the bars are empty (Amarok is playing)01:15
ubuntunewbiehi, I'm new to ubuntu. I installed network-manager but my wireless connection isn't showing up in network manager. Can someone please help me?01:15
Quintiniturk: I can't support compiling stuff from source.  use the .debs01:15
gaussian88964.   liers!01:15
iturkQuintin: so i deceide to use the latest source 28 which didnt gave any errors in compiling01:16
juano__christopher: it could be helpful to look up in synaptic those GIMP drivers01:16
Quintinubuntunewbie: what chipset?01:16
megafaunaJordan_U_  What does this mean?01:16
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juano__christopher: if you need them, that is01:16
gaussian88it's like a trading floor01:16
Jordan_Umegafauna: You have the volume turned down01:16
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ubuntunewbieQuintin ipw220001:16
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kurbacikanybody know how to configure PPTP in Ubuntu?01:16
christopherjuano__, I found a driver and it's supposed to work 100%. (a ppd file)01:16
kurbacikwhat is needed?01:16
Quintinubuntunewbie: and what does going to google and typing 'ipw2200 ubuntu' tell you?01:17
juano__christopher: and its installed ?01:17
Jordan_Umegafauna: Use the right / left arrow keys to choose a channel and up and down keys to raise and lower the volume01:17
megafaunaJordan_U_  k01:17
Pleceboif my laptop is having trouble with display on the live cd what boot params shoudl i use? i tried vga=771 and i still get the boot up sound with no display01:17
christopherjuano__, yeah pretty sure.01:17
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christopherjuano__, not 100% sure.01:17
Pleceboi can switch to a terminal ctrl+alt+f101:17
ubuntunewbieQuintin, I looked at ubuntu guide and it said that if I want to use WPA, all I need is to install network-manager01:17
juano__christopher: ok, do you know the package name in synaptic ?01:17
Jordan_UPlecebo: Yes01:18
seravitaeis there a channel for specific help with x server?01:18
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Hasrat_USAokay folks here's another terrific problem: after an otherwise nice installation of ubuntu on my desktop (AMD 64 dual core 3000+ with 1024 MBs of dual-channel DDR2 ram and 160GB HDD) I experienced a rather anoying feature : my usb mouse (Logitech optical wheel mouse) stalls after some time. Unplugging the USB chord and re-plugging it instantly solves the problem. but again after a very few minutes it occurs again01:18
bruenigseravitae, this will do for the most part01:18
christopherjuano__, cups web interface says this  "HP DeskJet 940C Foomatic/hpijs (recommended)"01:18
PleceboJordan_U, yes what?01:18
juano__christopher: you might wanna try a sudo apt-get install $drivername  , to check and be sure its installed properly01:18
megafaunaJordan_U_  hmm, still trying01:18
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seravitaedoubt it but ill try01:18
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juano__christopher: ok, its detecting your printer fine01:19
Jordan_UPlecebo: You can switch to a terminal with ctrl + alt + F101:19
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juano__christopher: mm seems so though, is that the proper model ?01:19
seravitaebruneig - i just deleted nvidia-settings.rc, reset my xconfig to standard twinview because for some reason my X screen was 1280x1024 but my resolution was 1024x768 (i did *not* change this)01:19
seravitaeso for some reason my entire display was scrolling.01:19
elias__where can i get libartsc0?01:19
seravitaenow i'm back on standard twinview and im still vertically scrolling.01:19
Jordan_Umegafauna: Use the m key to mute / unmute a channel01:19
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PleceboJordan_U, oh i know, i was saying that i could do that... but how do i get some GUI goin? what can i do at the live cd to get that working?01:19
seravitaewhat the f** caused this and how do i stop it01:19
christopherjuano__, up exactly the same as what's on the printer01:19
megafaunaJordan_U_  k /trying the mute01:19
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juano__christopher: goo then01:19
juano__christopher: good*01:19
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juano__christopher: mm maybe some settings at printing time01:20
megafaunaJordan_U_  :-DDDDDDDD01:20
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Comrade-Sergei_how do you convert a tar.gz into a .deb using alien?01:20
megafaunaJordan_U_  I wonder how I did that....01:20
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juano__christopher: really not sure what it could be01:20
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Naik0Hey i cant loginto any session?01:20
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megafaunaJordan_U_  I mean I wonder how I muted everything01:20
christopherjuano__, checking logs....01:20
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Naik0i keep cooming back to gdm01:21
Jordan_UPlecebo: What kind of GFX card do you have?01:21
Naik0so anoying01:21
Naik0please help me somebody01:21
PleceboJordan_U, it is one of the mobile ati cards x70001:21
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megafaunaJordan_U_ All sound is working now, Thanks!01:21
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Naik0Hey i cant loginto any session?01:22
Naik0i keep cooming back to gdm01:22
Comrade-Sergei_how do you convert a tar.gz into a .deb using alien?01:22
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Naik0someone have to help me please....01:22
Jordan_UPlecebo: If it is supported by the fglrx drivers you can install them from the liveCD using apt01:22
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christopherjuano__, aha. here is an error "E [16/Feb/2007:19:06:43 -0500]  Filter "foomatic-rip" for printer "HpDeskjet940c" not available: No such file or directory"01:23
Jordan_UNaik0: What happens when you login using the failsafe gnome session?01:23
iturkhey guys i would like to install packages with higher version can i do it with apt? like i am using dapper but maybe i need to use some edgy packets is there a way to do it ?01:23
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Naik0i keep cooming back to gdm01:23
Jordan_U!backports | iturk01:23
ubotuiturk: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports01:23
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Jordan_UNaik0: Even using the failsafe session ( not just the regular login ) ?01:24
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Naik0Jordan_U: all started with i tried to install beryl then all was freezed so i restartedx01:24
Naik0restarted x*01:24
Hasrat_USAhi everyone. I was reading a response to a problem in a forum where the responder was saying "Just to inform you that Breezy has no problem with my mouse and laptopJust to inform you that Breezy has no problem with my mouse and laptop". My question is: how do i know what I have? i mean do i have breezy also or do i have something else?01:24
Naik0Jordan_U: i tried them alll01:24
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ubuntunewbieI tried iwconfig eth1 and it showed my wifi card but it doesn't show in my network-manager, anyone help please?01:24
Jordan_UNaik0: Did you install XGL also?01:25
bashianybody here got xubuntu?01:25
Naik0think so01:25
Naik0what is the package name01:25
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Comrade-Sergei_how do you convert a tar.gz into a .deb using alien? please help!01:25
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krasherhey why security.ubuntu.com repository is so slow today?01:25
Jordan_UNaik0: I would try getting help in #beryl01:25
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Jordan_UNaik0: Or #xgl01:26
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Jordan_U!alien | Comrade-Sergei_01:26
ubotuComrade-Sergei_: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)01:26
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bashianybody know of any light Linux web browsers besides epiphany and fire fox??01:27
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Walskitext based?01:27
Jordan_Ubashi: lynx201:27
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Walskioprah :)01:27
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v1rtualcowboyis what my friend uses on his suse01:27
Comrade-Sergei_Jordan_U yes i know but do you have to down load it01:27
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:27
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Jordan_UComrade-Sergei_: What application are you trying to install, chances are it is available as a .deb somewhere ?01:28
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bashithanks people01:29
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Comrade-Sergei_Jordan_U http://art4linux.org/pages/gnome.html01:29
Comrade-Sergei_the web foot one01:29
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geemywas i able to finally hel;p?01:30
geemyawe goodiie01:30
bashithanks again to all!01:30
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geemyhe likes us01:30
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th1how do I get xchat to open links in firefox instead of Konqueror??01:30
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geemydont know01:31
krasherhey why security.ubuntu.com repository is so slow today?01:31
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nikinWrasher: everyone is downloading i think :D01:31
Jordan_UComrade-Sergei_: That isn't an RPM01:32
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Comrade-Sergei_Jordan_U yes it is a tar.z01:32
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Jordan_UComrade-Sergei_: tar.gz is not RPM01:33
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Jordan_UComrade-Sergei_: Just open it with login window preferences01:33
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Comrade-Sergei_Jordan_U yes i know cant you use alien for that01:33
Jordan_UComrade-Sergei_: No.01:33
Jordan_UComrade-Sergei_: Nor would you need to01:34
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rmd_krasher: look in the options somewhere... under something like "applications"01:34
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dalaniIs it "apt-get install package"(.deb)???01:34
dabideagain (my pc keeps crashing..) my misery: i installed ubuntu server 6.10, but physically changed the network card after the installation, before everything worked fine and i could connet via ssh to the server, but afer the change of the nic the server doesnt get an ip-adress from the router, lspci shows it, ifconfig tells that he ip is - i tried in etc/network/interfaces to set it from dhpc to: "iface eth0 inet static     adress 19201:34
Jordan_UComrade-Sergei_: It is already in the format you need it to be01:34
Comrade-Sergei_Jordan_U how would you do it then01:34
Comrade-Sergei_i run ubuntu01:34
Jordan_UComrade-Sergei_: Just open it with login window preferences01:34
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dalanito install a single package.deb01:34
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dalaniIs it "apt-get install package"(.deb)???01:35
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bigtoyota479anyone had problems with nForce 3 chipsets and sata HD's on install??01:35
Jordan_UComrade-Sergei_: System -> Administration -> Login Window then click the Add button01:35
Comrade-Sergei_wait i know nm01:35
shatratdalani, dpkg -i file.deb, but are you sure you cant find it in a repo somewhre?01:35
Comrade-Sergei_im a noob apparently01:35
Ian-CHowdy all!  I'm using Edgy on an x86 with a Rage128 video card.  I selected a screen saver that crashes X each and every time (though thankfully the machine stays up and the Cron jobs run - the reason I put the machine together).  How can I completely turn off the screen saver, or at least change it to one that doesn't crash.  I can't change it via the control panel aplet because that immediately invokes the crash01:36
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dalaniShatrai no I downloaded the app01:36
dougbi have a problem, i did "sudo chmod -x /usr/sbin/dhcbd"  and "sudo chmod -x /usr/sbin/NetworkManager " to stop networkmanager from running, but now I want it back.  I've already tried doing chmod -X to both of them, but it still did not work.  any other ideas?01:36
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dyrnedabide: the ip of your nic is
kreldougb: have you tried +x01:36
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shatratdalani, I realize, but if you could find whatever youre trying to install in a repository, either main or universe or multiverse, tahts a better solution.  If the .deb is the only source you can find, use dpkg -i to install it01:37
dabidedyrne: thats whats under "inet addr:" in ifconfig01:37
jstarcheros[Linux 2.6.17-10-386 i686]  distro[Debian testing/unstable]  cpu[1 x AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 150    @ 2.82GHz]  mem[Physical : 2026MB, 68.7% free]  disk[Total : 291.76GB, 78.60% Free]  video[nVidia Corporation GeForce 7800 GTX]  sound[] 01:37
Jordan_UIan-C: You need to edit some .desktop files, let me find a link to a thread that might help.01:37
dalanishatrat I downloaded a commercial package demo version01:37
dyrnedabide: are you sure thats not the loopback   lo device?01:37
shatratdalani, I see, well dpkg is the way to go to install a .deb01:37
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dabidedyrne: youre right, it is01:37
dyrnedabide: heh01:37
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dalanishatrat thanks01:38
dabideso what am i doing wrong? :(01:38
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dyrnedabide: what do you get if you type sudo ifconfig eth0 up; sudo dhclient eth001:39
Jordan_UIan-C: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198809 Read through the instructions, you don't need to install xscreensaver since all you want to do is disable a screensaver01:39
Ian-CJordan_U:  Thanks.  I knew I had to edit something, and Googled myself blue trying to find which files.01:39
Naik0Jordan_U: i think i know the problem, i checked /var/log/Xorg.0.log and it says something about /dev/wacom error01:40
dyrnedabide: should aquire an ipaddress01:40
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dyrnedabide: assuming the router or whatever is accepting dhcp req01:40
dabidedyrne: ficonfig eth0 up: error, no such device01:40
dabidedyrne: i dint make any changes to the server after i changed the nic01:41
dyrnedabide: what is your configuration? like isp --> router --> computer ?01:42
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dabidedyrne: its not a router problem, i just checked on my windows pc, the dhpc adress assigning works01:43
dougbif my question was answered, i missed it because my computer froze01:43
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dyrnedabide: cat /etc/iftab or ifconfig -a  what is your device name? eth1?01:43
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Jordan_UIan-C: By the way, you should send a bug report about that screensaver01:43
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dabideha.. "eth3"01:44
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dyrnedabide: is that the only nic on the computer youre using?01:44
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au_bash: syntax error in conditional expression: unexpected token `;'01:44
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au_bash: syntax error near `;'01:44
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au_ if [[ $num -eq ${nej[$a] }] ] ; then echo "ahoj"; fi01:45
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dabidedyrne: yes (but the third one, i remove 2 cards before, ow i hahave only one)01:45
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au_ if [[ $num -eq ${nej[$a] }] ] ; then echo "ahoj"; fi - why it doesn't work?01:45
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Jordan_Uau_: You might try #bash01:46
dyrnedabide: sudo nano /etc/iftab  remove the other lines and assign the current eth3 mac address to eth0, you dont need to but it will avoid confusion.01:46
dyrnedabide: or just go ahead and sudo ifconfig eth3 up; sudo dhclient eth301:46
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Ian-CJordan_U:  From what I've read, the fact that several of the 3D screen savers crash X is fairly well known - do you think they really need the Bug Report?01:47
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Mazzwould anyone be able to help with VGA ---> Composite using an nvidia card? all i get is a black screen01:47
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Jordan_UIan-C: I don't know *shrug* use your own judgement01:48
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bogdanfete ? :P01:48
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dyrnedabide: then do sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces and add the lines auto eth0 and the next line iface eth0 inet dhcp01:48
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greg_how do i open gparted?01:49
Jordan_UMazz: Do you have the Beta nvidia drivers installed?01:49
Get_A_Fi1good day all. would this be the place to ask for help adding a second video card, P4 and Ubuntu 6.06 ?01:49
Jordan_Ugreg_: On the LiveCD?01:49
macrinhi all,01:49
Mazzdo not know Jordan01:49
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Mazzwould that make a difference?01:49
dabidedyrne: thx alot, its now working01:49
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dyrnedabide: np01:49
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macrini have problem with frequency on nvidia ubuntu 6.1001:49
greg_no from installed ubuntu01:49
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Jordan_UMazz: Yes01:49
Mazzhow can i tell?01:49
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Mazzit works fine with a normal monitor and stuff01:50
Mazzjust doesnt on the tv01:50
macrinmaybe there is somebdoy that can help me resolve this problem01:50
Mazzthe little "composite" icon at the top is moving around01:50
jmalone68Hello all.  Any LTSP experts in the building01:50
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Mazzbut a black screen01:50
BHSPitLappyHi all.01:50
Jordan_UMazz: Are you trying to install Beryl /compiz?01:50
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jmalone68I need help with auto login on Linux Terminal Server under Ubuntu01:51
Jordan_UMazz: Oh, sorry, I misunderstood when you said composit, I was thinking composited Window manager :)01:51
BHSPitLappyI'm seeking a way to be able to use this laptop so that I can connect to a Wifi network, and then connect an ethernet (crossover, maybe?) cable between it and another computer, thus giving that computer internet access.01:51
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Mazzah nono :)01:52
BHSPitLappyAny suggestions for getting this done, software-wise?01:52
Mazzusing vga --> composite for hdtv01:52
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Mazzim thinking it might be the refresh rate01:52
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sebrockdoes anyone know how to change the volume keys on my keyboard to the same volume as the one in the upper right corner?01:52
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dougbnetwork-manager isn't running for me01:53
ulyssesHello everybody01:53
ulyssesI'm jsut curious01:53
ulyssesWhat OS does everybody here use?01:53
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Jordan_Uulysses: I think most probably use Ubuntu ;)01:54
DARKGuyWindows 3.101:54
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ulyssesIf you're gonna use DOS, use FreeDOS01:54
Jordan_UMS bob01:54
jmalone68Trying like mad to get Ubuntu to do what I want!01:54
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ulyssesbut seriously, I'm jsut trying to be a moron01:54
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DARKGuyAmigaOS (?)01:54
th1can anyone help me how to change the default browser in KDE with Ubuntu/edgy?01:54
bruenigth1, what are you trying to change it to01:55
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th1firefox from konquerir, bruenig01:55
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bruenigth1, sudo update-alternatives --set x-www-browser /usr/bin/firefox01:55
greg_ulysses, :O01:55
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bruenig!hi | blackduck301:55
ubotublackduck3: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:55
DARKGuyOkaaaaay what the hell? my right screen just got a right shift and I had to scroll it back to the left, o_O!01:55
=== DARKGuy shrugs
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Doug52392I got a question about Ubuntu01:57
th1bruenig thanks, that worked! ..01:57
=== lordkeiden [n=lordkeid@68-188-193-183.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigyes I figured it would01:57
th1but some people in #kde said it should be in KControl under Components, but it wasn't there01:57
bruenig!justask | Doug5239201:57
ubotuDoug52392: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:57
=== mahound [n=mahound@89-180-155-46.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu
DameIve inserted new PCI sound card (my previous one was on-board) and now I have sound randomly. Sometimes when I boot I have sound on the on-board card and sometimes on the new PCI card. I want to have sound on both of them every time. What I need to do?01:57
Sergowho know an good video player01:57
DARKGuySergo: Totem, VLC01:57
bruenig!media players01:58
Doug52392How do I install Ubuntu with Windows XP all ready installed and dual-boot between the 2 operating systems?01:58
=== albert [n=albert@m85-94-184-69.andorpac.ad] has joined #ubuntu
DARKGuyMplayer too01:58
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs01:58
=== DARKGuy got pwned by Ubotu
th1sergo depends what you want to play and what you have if it is amd64 or i38601:58
Sergototem cannot play .wma01:58
mahoundi'm having trouble installing gentoo in an lg laptop with a sata hd01:58
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:58
mahound*ubuntu, sorry01:58
=== HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@ABordeaux-256-1-154-193.w86-207.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
th1Sergo, but it can if you install w32-codcs01:58
=== Poromenos1 [n=poro@ppp68-214.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
redguyDame: disable you onboard sound card in your BIOS?01:58
sebrock?? where is the keyboard mapping located?01:58
bruenigDoug52392, go through the installer on the ubuntu live cd and let it partition for you. It will set up the dual boot and after everything is installed, you will be able to choose when you boot which OS01:58
mahound"ata1: port reset"01:58
Poromenos1why do I get a  "cannot find encoder MPEG AAC Audio" error when i try to encode with ffmpeg?01:58
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Dameredguy, I cant get sound on both of them?01:59
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anevelosHi room01:59
bruenig!hi | anevelos01:59
ubotuanevelos: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:59
Doug52392so it does not reformat the hard drive, just resizes the current partition?01:59
anevelosAll of a sudden I am not able to download updates01:59
shatratDame, there may be a way to do that, but I dont know it and it would be unusual, Youd have to do some reading01:59
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redguyDame: you didn't say you wanted sound on both of them01:59
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bruenigDoug52392, right if you pick the second option that says it will resize01:59
redguyDame: sure you can02:00
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lordkeidenhas anyone had a bad experience with HP tech chat? I am conference calling with a rep from executive support on monday about their web support, and would like other cases besides my own. If you have the email of the chat history they usually send after the chat, that is best.02:00
_siegfried_I have a new ubuntu installation and I want to print an open office document. I have added my printer but nothing happens when I print from open office.02:00
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th1Doug52392, as long as you don't have converted your XP disk to a "Dynamic Disk" then you can resize the XP partition with the ubuntu installer02:00
anevelosI must have done something02:00
shatratDoug52392, it resizes the NTFS partition, and then creates and formats 2 partitions on the empty space02:00
bruenig!offtopic | lordkeiden02:00
ubotulordkeiden: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:00
DJNOVA2006has anyonde tired out herd4? Im downloading it now02:00
Dameredguy, I said i want that but ok. How I get sound on both?02:00
LjLtired out? as in, stress testing?02:00
shatratDJNOVA2006, try #ubuntu+102:00
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DJNOVA2006any testing?02:00
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anevelosI get an window on the toolbar that says Starting Administration Application02:01
anevelosbut the window closes02:01
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Doug52392does it automaticly set the dual boot up?02:01
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redguyDame: hmm that's not very easy as far as i know02:01
brueniganevelos, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade02:01
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:01
=== marmasso [n=marmasso@ppp-62-10-41-18.dialup.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigDoug52392, essentially yes, just check the right option02:01
blackduck3I am running ubuntu on a PowerBook G4. i want to know how to boot from disk i am trying to put Dreamlinux02:01
x-5t4t1chere goes: I have two HD's one had 1 partition with winxp, 2nd had 6 partitions 1 ntfs, 1 swap, 1 root (ubuntu) and some empty ones, i lost access to my 2nd drive and have bad superblocks, but formatted and installed ubuntu on the 1st one. any ideas?02:01
shatratDoug52392, and remember to defrag first, and back up just in case02:02
th1bruenig, regarding that answer you gave me before.. how to set default browser.. where could I have found that out, without asking?02:02
Doug52392ok, thanks.02:02
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:LjL] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org
bruenigth1, don't know, someone told me in here is how I found out02:02
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th1heh ok, thanks :)02:02
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anevelosbruenig: I tried that in a terminal but got an error02:03
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brueniganevelos, well paste the error, if it is long use pastebin02:03
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:03
anevelosunable to lookup vaio-laptop via gethostbyname()02:03
redguyDame: www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/ lofiversion/index.php/t48385.html might help you02:03
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DJNOVA2006my screen res has only one option in 6.10, i only get 640*480 how can i increase it? Is there a driver out there? Its just a standard graphics card built into the motherboard02:04
SilentDiswhile I know many of you DON'T have this bit of hardware... I'd appreciate it if someone could look over the work I did on the Ximeta Netdrive Wiki, for installing in Ubuntu 6.10.  Please tell me if there's glaring problems: http://code.ximeta.com/trac-ndas/wiki/Ubuntu6.1002:04
brueniganevelos, odd error, never seen that before. Sounds like a local problem02:04
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x-5t4t1cany one know a good program i can run on linux for data recovery? i cannot access partitions on a drive (bad superblocks)02:04
redguydarn /me has to remember not to tell people that thigs are not easy02:04
anevelosok thanks02:04
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redguyx-5t4t1c: giving us the filesystem type might hel helping you02:05
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FlamekebabI know it's not entirely ubuntu related, but how would I go about adding a command to Firefox to open links intended for Windows? (in this case, the link is xfire:get_game_rig)02:05
x-5t4t1cit's the whole drive, ext2, ext3, ntfs02:05
=== Naik0 [n=naik0@c80-216-216-16.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #Ubuntu
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Naik0hey my gdm couldnt write to my authority file, so i cant login to any session02:06
Naik0how do i fix this?02:06
DARKGuyDJNOVA2006: try running "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver", following the instructions there will help you to choose other resolutions (it will be best to do it out of X, inside a tty terminal)02:06
x-5t4t1cnot the whole drive, sorry, i have access to a swap partition on there02:06
bruenigNaik0, can you get to tty and delete it02:06
DARKGuyDJNOVA2006: erm, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:06
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shatratFlamekebab, well, to do that youd have to be running xfire02:06
Poromenos1anevelos: it's probably that ubuntu doesn't do wins resolution02:06
SilentDisx-5t4t1c, I think what he was looking for was a pastebin output of this command:  sudo fdisk -l /dev/drive (where drive is hdb or whereever it's located)02:06
sebrockplease anyone help me with this02:06
Naik0bruenig: is it .Xauthority i should delete?02:06
=== G0ttsche [n=virtuous@c-24-17-112-124.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigNaik0, sounds like it02:07
Flamekebabshatrat, I know and I have it running under Wine02:07
Flamekebabit seems to work surprisingly well02:07
Poromenos1anevelos: try this: http://www.poromenos.org/node/5302:07
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sebrockMy multimediakeys for volume is changing the wrong volume, how do I change this???02:07
Poromenos1why do I get a  "cannot find encoder MPEG AAC Audio" error when i try to encode with ffmpeg?02:07
shatratFlamekebab, there is an xfire plugin for gaim that works well, and you dont have to bother with wine02:07
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bruenigNaik0, sometimes .Xauthority gets owned by root when you open graphical applications with sudo02:07
FlamekebabI know there is, but still, I'm trying to get it working with browser integration02:07
x-5t4t1cok, how do i post that much info?02:08
Flamekebaband GAIM doesn't really cut it02:08
Flamekebabit's not IMPORTANT, sure, but it's a bit of a challenge02:08
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:08
rmd_i want to define a custom thunar action to convert .flv to .mpg using ffmpeg.. but i can't quite figure out how to get it to work.  how to i make the output file have a different extention?02:08
redguyx-5t4t1c: the only reasonable thing that comes to my mind is dd02:08
x-5t4t1cwhat id dd?02:08
SilentDis!dd | x-5t4t1c02:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:08
x-5t4t1cwhat is dd i mean, i ran the fdisk item, and it gave 6 partitions for hdb02:08
SilentDis!info dd | x-5t4t1c02:08
DARKGuyThat's contradictory, ubotu itself shouts when telling people to not to shout =P02:08
bruenigx-5t4t1c, do man dd02:08
ubotux-5t4t1c: Package dd does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas02:08
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shatratFlamekebab, I dont know how to do it exactly, but I think what you need to do is change the way that firefox handles xfire: links, but I dont know if theres a way to make linux firefox communicate with xfire in wine.  good luck02:09
Naik0how do i kill all x things02:09
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sparrNaik0: including X?02:09
Naik0something with 302:09
sparrctrl alt backspace02:09
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DJNOVA2006Thanks DARKGUY, im going to ask what seems like a stupid question, how do i leave X to get to the terminal? Im a noob02:09
x-5t4t1cthank you, I'll try that dd02:09
blackduck3I want to install dreamlinux. i use a powerbook  g4. how do i boot it from cd ?02:09
Naik0sparr: no not that way02:09
Naik0inet 3 or something02:09
sparrinit 302:09
bruenigblackduck3, put the dreamlinux cd in02:09
sparri dont know if that works in ubuntu...02:09
DARKGuyDJNOVA2006: Welcome ^^ that's easy, control + alt + F1 through F6 IIRC02:09
FrogzooDJNOVA2006: ctrl alt f1-f602:10
SilentDisNaik0, I run gnome... I use sudo killall gdm.  that'll leave you empty for all x stuff.  if you want to just restart X, it's ctrl-alt-backspace02:10
blackduck3Then ?02:10
bruenigblackduck3, it should boot02:10
anevelosThanks all for the help and attention...adios02:10
Flamekebabcheers anyway, shatrat02:10
redguyDJNOVA2006: after that alt-f7 to get back to X02:10
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blackduck3I done that nothing happens02:10
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sebrockhow do I change the default volume in alsamixer????02:10
sparrredbox: or alt-f8, if you have two X running02:10
shatratblackduck3, reboot, i should boot from CD, if it doesnt you might need to hit F12 or something for a boot menu, or change the boot order in the bios, it will depend on your pc02:10
bruenigblackduck3, perhaps bad file or bad burn or maybe your computer and its hardware is not supported02:10
blackduck3do I need to write in a command?02:10
sparrsebrock: alsactl store 002:10
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=== Jeruvy [n=jeruvy@unaffiliated/jeruvy] has joined #ubuntu
sebrockspar, what does that do exactly? the zero?02:11
DARKGuyActually, how can I run two X windows separately (so I can kill :0 and leave :1 running, or something like that) but allowing the mouse to navigage between the two ?02:11
sparrsebrock: first sound card02:11
sebrocksparr ^^02:11
sebrocksparr, I only have one, thats not the problem. It's already set, but its a 5.1 card and the wrong volume is changed02:11
=== TygerFish [n=cj@user-727b0d.user.msu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
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JackzI'm using a 7800GT and whenever I go to boot any form of Ubuntu I get artifacts.  I've tried 6.06, 6.10, and even the text-only install of 6.10, which was a disaster.  The artifacts are bearable at first, but as time progresses they RAPIDLY get worse, and after only a few clicks the computer freezes. Any explainations?02:11
redguyDARKGuy: hmm x2x perhaps?02:12
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DARKGuyredguy: x2x? never heard of it :p02:12
Naik0gaah its not working!02:12
ubotux2x: Link two X displays together, simulating a multiheaded display. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.27.svn.20060501-1 (edgy), package size 20 kB, installed size 76 kB02:12
DARKGuyOh :o02:12
DJNOVA2006Thanks guys for your help im off to try it out.02:12
sparrDARKGuy: just the mouse?  that should work just by having two screens02:12
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DARKGuysparr: yeah, I have dual display set up, but sometimes I want to kill the primary monitor and leave the second running, but if I kill :0, :0.1 is linked to it so :/02:12
sparrsebrock: you lost me.  you already did alsactl store 0?02:12
SilentDisJackz, i had a very similar problem on my machine.  it turned out to be really bad settings in my bios.  I do remember disabling FastWrite in BIOS went a long way to fixing it.02:12
Naik0why cant i login, it says gdm couldnt write to my authority file?02:13
sparrDARKGuy: ahh.  ok then, run two whole copies of X on :0 and :1 and use x2x02:13
JackzSilentDis: So just disabling FastWrite in my Bios might fix it?02:13
dimeotaneAnyone have recommendations for how to backup my system before I resize my partition?  There's so many methods out there:  tar, dar, partimage, dd, and others... I want something easy to restore and reliable... any suggestions?02:13
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bruenigNaik0, it will involve I am pretty sure deleting some .directories, I am not sure which exactly. starting with .Xauthority I would think02:13
DARKGuysparr: yeah, that's what I'm gonna do now that I know that x2x exists, thanks sparr and redguy :) gotta run!02:13
atomiku`irssiWhat is a good text editor with syntax highlighting n stuff?02:13
fr500is there a way to install ubuntu with lvm with the live cd installer02:13
Naik0bruenig: i did that..02:14
sparrdimeotane: doesnt help now... but next time, partition your system so that you dont lose anything when you reinstall02:14
bruenigatomiku`irssi, gedit02:14
DARKGuyatomiku`irssi: I like Kate :P02:14
=== DARKGuy runs
atomiku`irssigedit eh?02:14
atomiku`irssinever knew it had syntax highlighting02:14
atomiku`irssione sec02:14
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bruenigatomiku`irssi, saved with the right file extensions it does02:14
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Hasrat_USAi accidentally typed modprobe -i | grep mouse and hit enter. what kinds of problems can it give it to me and how can i get modprobe back to its original configuration?02:14
sebrocksparr, I only have 1 soundcard and it is set. But when I enter alsamixer there is a lot of different volume controllers. So when I use the multimediakey for volume on my keyboard the wrong volume gets altered. This was the case with the volume changer on the upper right corner as well before, but that was easy fixed by right-clicking and changing it in prefs.02:14
dimeotanesparr: how do you do that?   I've got a 30g partition that I want to resize... what should I do to make a backup?02:15
JackzSilentDis: So just disabling FastWrite in my Bios might fix it?02:15
redguydimeotane: this is just too easy: cp -a <path> ?02:15
dimeotaneJust incase i screw up my ubuntu system02:15
atomiku`irssiIll give kate a look as well02:15
Naik0bruenig: i did delete .Xauthority02:15
Naik0still not working02:15
sparrsebrock: find out what is catching your keyboard events02:15
bruenigNaik0, well what is next, does anyone know, is it .gnome02:15
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SilentDisJackz, as I said, that's what got me stability back.  I can't remember all the options I changed though, it was a while ago.  sorry02:15
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sebrocksparr, w8 I might have found a solution02:15
sparrdimeotane: you shouldnt resize :-p02:15
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redguycp -a <old_path> <new_path>02:15
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Naik0bruenig: delete .gnome directory?02:16
JackzAlright, I'll try just the FastWrite to begin with.  If that doesn't work, I'll be back!02:16
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atomiku`irssiill try kate02:16
Naik0maybe i can remove and install gdm again02:16
bruenigNaik0, I have never had this problem, I have seen others solve it by deleting some .directories. I don't know which, maybe somebody else does.02:16
dimeotaneredguy: cp is better than : tar, dar, rsync ... any reason why?02:16
sparratomiku`irssi: kate is by far the best gui editor ive found for linux for general purpose editing.  it isnt the best at any one thing but it does a lot of things well.  also, it uses embeddable KDE controls for the editor, the browser, the terminal, etc...  so its easy to extend02:17
dimeotanesparr:  what do you suggest I should do if I'm runninng out of room, instead of resizing?02:17
sebrocksparr, ok so the straight question is how do I change which of the volumes in alsamixer is set to default. By that everything will work out02:17
sparrdimeotane: what is the partition for?02:17
sparrdimeotane: your root?02:17
sparrdimeotane: move /home to its own new partition02:17
redguydimeotane: well, it's on every reasonable rescue cd......... and even in most initrds :-)02:17
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Naik0bruenig: do you think it will work if i remove gdm and install it again?02:17
=== GMWeezel [n=james@adsl-75-23-38-240.dsl.lgvwtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigNaik0, no02:18
sparrsebrock: i dont think alsamixer has anything to do with your problem02:18
dimeotanesparr: didn't know that was possible!  cool..02:18
bruenigthe config file will still be there, maybe if you purge it could work, but still not certain there either02:18
Frogzooatomiku`irssi: emacs does everything02:18
=== jexdawg [n=jexdawg@adsl-153-9-189.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hasrat_USAcan anyone please answer this question: i accidentally typed modprobe -i | grep mouse and hit enter. what kinds of problems can it give it to me and how can i get modprobe back to its original configuration?02:18
Naik0maybe delete .gnome*02:18
GMWeezelIs there a theme manager for Ubunutu to remember my panel positions, transparency, background, icon set, window style, etc.?02:18
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sparrdimeotane: make a new partition.  close everything but one shell, copy your home to the new partition.  edit fstab to mount the new partition as /home.  move the old contents of /home out of the way.  mount the new /home.  enjoy02:18
atomiku`irssiFrogzoo: I'll try emacs as well, thanks :)02:18
=== Gerry_W [n=alex@pool-71-123-213-141.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
redguyemacs can do emacs...02:18
dimeotanethx guys for all the great suggestions... the ubuntu support community is always so inspiring02:19
spookyxwell  i have to say,  i like ubuntu  i have been running freebsd for many years,  switched to ubuntu because i needed flash and newer java for some development work i am doing  :D02:19
sparrdimeotane: any folder can be mounted from its own partition.  /home is the first choice, and the best, because its the one you most want to preserve if/when you reinstall the OS02:19
shatratGMWeezel, Im not sure what you mean, it should remember all that stuff automatically between log ins02:19
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Frogzoo!gnome-art | GMWeezel02:19
ubotugmweezel: gnome-art: install GNOME themes from art.gnome.org. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-3 (edgy), package size 26 kB, installed size 200 kB02:19
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sparrdimeotane: /boot on its own partition is nice if you do weird multi-OS things.  /opt on its own partition was popular back when a lot of software installed there, not so much any more02:19
sebrocksparr, it would be one way of solving it. By simply changing which volume that gets altered as default. This is the exact thing I had to change for the graphical volume meter to work aswell, after install it was set to center and then I choose front and everything is fine... so I want to do the same thing with alsa02:19
GMWeezelshatrat: So I can save my settings for different looks; e.g. say one month I want a blue them or a red one; I dont want to have to manually change all my settings again.02:20
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:20
=== Illnor [i=zgsomjv@] has joined #ubuntu
sparrsebrock: why do you think alsamixer is involved with your multimedia keys?02:20
shatratGMWeezel, you could back up the settings files02:20
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=== Frogzoo wonders why gnome-art isn't in the base install...
GMWeezelfrogzoo: I need to manage profiles for custom settings.02:20
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sparrFrogzoo: i wonder why kde isnt in the base install  :-p02:20
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GMWeezelfrogzoo: Not download new ones; e.g. automatically remember my background, icon set and window styles.02:20
sebrocksparr, honestly... that WOULD solve it02:20
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sparrsebrock: what do you mean by 'default' in alsamixer anyways?02:21
sebrockforgett the multimediakeys, they >work< just for the wrong volume02:21
FrogzooGMWeezel: system -> prefs -> theme02:21
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sparrsebrock: when you press the mmkeys, some program gets run to change the volume.  i doubt that program is related to alsamixer at all.02:21
GMWeezelfrogzoo: The background though.02:22
=== Jackz [n=chatzill@68-118-148-114.dhcp.gdis.ne.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
GMWeezelfrogzoo: granted I'm probably just being lazy but...02:22
JackzAck. I couldn't find it. >.<02:22
crimsunsebrock: unless you use feisty (with the new hotkey configuration), you'd need to expose the correct control via alsa.02:22
fr500is there a way to install ubuntu with lvm with the live cd installer02:22
FrogzooGMWeezel: gnome-art02:22
shatratGMWeezel, i believe if you back up your .gnome folder and then restore it later it should revert all settings, or you could probably just back up certain files but I havent check what files save what settings02:22
GMWeezelfrogzoo: also, that wont save panel placement, transparency or the background02:22
sebrocksparr, I have a 5.1 card, when pressing the keys the first meter gets changed which I dont have any output for anyway. So I need it to be for "Front Speakers"02:22
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Flannelfr500: no, you need the alternate CD02:22
crimsunsebrock: in other words, we need more information. What's the lspci -nv output, and what's the cat /proc/asound/modules output?02:22
=== albert [n=albert@m85-94-184-69.andorpac.ad] has left #ubuntu ["Me'n]
sparrsebrock: why are you talking about alsamixer?  you need to be working with the program linked to your mm keys02:22
whoniccai use imgburn via wine, how do i find the icon it uses on windows so i can assign the same icon to it under linux02:23
JackzAnyone have a definate answer as to why when booting Ubuntu, even without it installed, I have artifacts, that within clicks become much worse, and freeze my computer?02:23
Sergois the codec w32codecs required for playing .wmv ?02:23
megafaunaHi, my mp3 collection sounds really poor, should I be using a different decoder?02:23
sparrSergo: not neccessarily, but usually.02:23
crimsunSergo: for certain versions of wmv, yes.02:23
bruenig!quicktime | megafauna02:23
spookyxJackz  bad video card or driver?02:23
ubotumegafauna: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:23
FrogzooGMWeezel: sys -> prefs -> session to save layout02:23
bobofettGMWeezel I think I know what you are saying and sounds like the best thing for you is to learn how to create new themes and styles and create some just the way you like it...save them and then you can swtich to them just like any other theme.02:23
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sebrocksparr, that would works aswell, but the easy way would be to do the same thing with alsamixer as with the graphical volume changer, I know that this is implemented in 1.0.1402:23
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Sergoi cannot play wmv, cannt install w32codecs, don't know what to do :(02:24
crimsunsebrock: eh, we made no such change in 1.0.14...02:24
bruenigSergo, you can't install w32codecs?02:24
megafaunaThanks Uboto! U beautiful inamimate and inincarnate guru!02:24
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JackzSpookyx: It works fine with Windows02:24
sebrocksee this crimsun: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=50674102:24
JackzI can play graphics intensive games fine, but windows man..02:24
Sergonope... the terminal says that sudo cannot return an valid version for it02:25
sparrsebrock: i think youre confused.  alsamixer has *NOTHING* to do with whatever is between your mmkeys and your volumes02:25
Jackzerr Ubuntu, Man, it owns me02:25
Sergosomething of this02:25
GMWeezelThanks all; might end up writing something myself since there doesn't seem to be a one-app solution to remember panel placement, background and theme.02:25
sebrocksparr this goes for you as well: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=50674102:25
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sebrockthat is exaclty my problem02:25
crimsunsebrock: no, I know Tobin's work02:25
spookyxJackz driver might not,  i had that problem with an nvidia card.  i loaded the nvidia drivers,  worked fine then02:25
mark_anyone know how to convert from an img file to an iso?02:25
sparrsebrock: that guy is confused too02:25
Api984this ubuntu is great02:25
bruenigSergo, wget http://debian.nsu.ru/debian-marillat/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb02:25
Api984all my hardware works02:25
bruenigSergo, do one and then the other02:25
sparrsebrock: alsamixer has nothing to do with your problem.  alsamixer is just ONE program that can adjust alsa mixers (not to be confused with alsamixer)02:25
sebrocksparr, well he solved it with 1.0.14rc1 anyways :D02:26
=== Linuturk [n=Linuturk@c-68-84-22-59.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
JackzI don't have the ability to load them before it craps out02:26
crimsunsebrock: that work does not, at all, touch hotkey assignment02:26
Api984Xine LIB...02:26
Api984it has all codecs in...02:26
=== Doug52392 [n=ubuntu@c-24-63-82-116.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sebrockcrimsun? did you read the post? He SOLVED it...02:26
Illnorstupid newbie question: i'm dual booting xp and ubuntu, whats the most efficient way to play all of the mp3s from my other hard drives?02:26
=== dredhammer [n=dredhamm@pool-71-247-44-215.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
megafaunabruenig Thanks, I will check it out.02:26
crimsunsebrock: I don't think you read what I typed :)02:26
bruenig!quicktime | Illnor02:26
ubotuIllnor: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:26
sparrsebrock: he says he solved it.  and has a patch.  and then he never posted again for 3 months.  i doubt he solved it, and i know he didnt solve it doing anything with alsamixer02:26
crimsunsebrock: I _know_ his work; I'm the alsa maintainer for Ubuntu.02:27
sebrockwhos work?02:27
=== Naik0 [n=naik0@c80-216-216-16.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #Ubuntu
JackzIs there any way to load the nvidia drivers before even installing Ubuntu?02:27
dredhammercan KVM be compiled in Edgy or is it only for Fiesty?02:27
crimsunsebrock: Tobin Davis's.02:27
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crimsunsebrock: aka GrueMaster.02:27
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sebrockso this line: EDIT: Fixed with alsa 1.0.14rc1 is pure BS from barcode_linux?02:28
gaspipe1hey people02:28
sparrsebrock: ill try to make this simple...  your sound driver for ALSA provides a number of "mixers", controls for adjusting various channels.  the program named "alsamixer" provides an ncurses GUI for accessing the ALSA mixers.  *SOME OTHER PROGRAM* is being run when you press your mm keys, and THAT program is accessing the wrong ALSA mixer, which has nothing to do with the program named alsamixer.02:28
spookyxJackz,  from console maybe02:28
bruenig!hi | gaspipe102:28
ubotugaspipe1: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:28
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crimsunsebrock: you're not understanding the problem.02:28
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crimsunsebrock: the problem is that the original pin-out/in configuration was wrong. He fixed it. It has nothing to do with hotkey "assignment".02:28
Naik0im going crazy02:28
=== sebrock breathing heavily :)
sebrockhmm ok02:29
bruenigNaik0, try sudo chown -R username:username ~02:29
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Doug52392Hi, I am trying to install Ubuntu, but the installer keeps freezing after I select "resize IDE1 Master, partition 1 (hda1) and use freed space" and select 14gb to free up.02:29
sparrsebrock: i think that the edit in that thread is just saying that the default mixer was changed for his driver in a new version of alsa.  you could post a bug and be patient and hope the same happens for your driver.02:29
holycowDoug52392, your using the live cd aren't you?02:29
JackzAgh, I don't know how to use the console that well, mang!02:29
Music_ShuffleOk, every new window I try to open...vanishes. Ideas anyone?02:29
holycowDoug52392, its VERY buggy especially at that part.  download the alternate cd and use the text based d-i installer.02:30
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sebrockthe card is in no way new, it's a 24-bit onboard Soundblaster02:30
crimsunsebrock: we've _already_ fixed it in feisty. The changes are too invasive to backport to current edgy - a stable release - so I haven't done it.02:30
holycowit works very well, its a mature piece of code02:30
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bruenigit is more difficult for a newb though to setup dual boot that way02:30
savant_hm... can i mount my old windows harddisk somehow, to copy over some things? (ntfs)02:30
mark_Music_Shuffle: If it were windows, I'd tell you to reboot!  (but I'd still try a restart.  had that once)02:30
rmd_i'm trying to setup a custom action that converts flv to mpeg using ffmpeg.. but i cant quite figure out how to configure the action to chnage the file extension to for the output file entry02:30
Frogzoo!ntfs | savant_02:31
ubotusavant_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse02:31
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sparrsavant_: sudo mkdir /media/hdz9 && mount /dev/hdz9 /media/hdz902:31
=== Tremitos [n=poopy@bb121-6-9-202.singnet.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
sebrockthing is this: if I run alsamixer and then press my mmkeys only the first leveler gets altered, and I want the fourth leveler to alter :D02:31
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crimsunsebrock: and are you running current feisty? ;)02:32
gaspipe1i saw on digg that the new version of ubuntu is out....02:32
gaspipe1anyone try it yet?02:32
crimsungaspipe1: you mean another milestone.02:32
sparrsebrock: alsamixer is showing you the state of the mixers.  some other program is actually changing them when you press the keys.  go figure out what that other program is, thats step 1.02:32
savant_thx, Frogzoo02:32
atomiku`irssiSo I wanna write a basic application in C++. I wanna make it have a GUI. How would I do this? Maybe theres some GTK libraries I have to use or something?02:32
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sebrockcrimsun, and the little graphical meter shows up as well02:32
Sergodoes anyone know if the RealPlayer10GOLD is freeware ?02:32
crimsunSergo: for certain connotations of "free"02:32
Doug52392do I have to burn the alternate CD, or can I just stick it on a flash drive, because I burned Ubuntu on the last CD-R i had.02:32
gaspipe1errr... brb02:32
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JackzAnyone have a definate answer as to why when booting Ubuntu, even without it installed, I have artifacts, that within clicks become much worse, and freeze my computer?02:33
crimsunatomiku`irssi: wxwidgets2.6, ultimate++, etc.02:33
holycowatomiku`irssi, gtkmm yes, or you can use qt with the pretty darned nice kde dev ide02:33
Tokidoes anyone know where the button/icon for the gnome shutdown applet is, or what package it comes in02:33
atomiku`irssiOkay, thanks crimsun. I'll do some googling02:33
sparrJackz: have you run memtest from the live cd?02:33
bruenigrmd_, rename s/.flv/.mpg/ file02:33
atomiku`irssiSo I just assume its pretty straight foward? Like making buttons? supply the x/y coordinates to some makebutton function or something lol02:33
sparrsounds like bad ram02:34
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JackzBetter not be.02:34
JackzBut I'll be back with the results.02:34
crimsunatomiku`irssi: depends on the toolkit [and api]  you use.02:34
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atomiku`irssiOkay cool :)02:34
Naik0please can somebody help me! i cant login to any session!02:34
sebrockok goodnight02:34
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Naik0i just keep cooming back to GDM02:34
rmd_bruenig: what?02:34
BalsamicChickenHi, How do i use command line to cd to a folder whose name has spaces in them?02:34
holycowNaik0, easiest solution: reinstall02:34
rmd_BalsamicChicken: use the "\"02:35
sparrBalsamicChicken: "foo\ bar"02:35
Naik0holycow: reinstall ubuntu?!02:35
rmd_ex: "/Program\ Files"02:35
=== bleanna_unux [n=msn@cpe-24-24-130-238.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
BalsamicChickenrmd_ sparr, thx alot guys02:35
sparrBalsamicChicken: without the quotes...  or just "foo bar" with actual quotes  :)02:35
bleanna_unuxhow can i customize ubuntu to install only the packages i want during setup? i don't want openoffice or the multimedia apps...02:35
bruenigrmd_, that should change the file extension02:35
BalsamicChickensparr cool thx02:35
holycowNaik0, why not?  you can spend days googling the solution to that or you can reinstall in 15 minutes02:35
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sparrbleanna_unux: dont use the gui setup02:35
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sparrbleanna_unux: and probably dont use the Desktop CD at all02:35
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Frogzoobleanna_unux: check the wiki - ubuntu customization02:35
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bruenigyou can adapt to fit the script or whatever you are doing02:36
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imsocutecan someone help me?02:36
bruenig!anyone | imsocute02:36
ubotuimsocute: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:36
Frogzooimsocute: we don't know02:36
shatratimsocute, that depends on how cute you are02:36
Sergobruenig 404 Not Found :(02:37
bruenig!w32codecs | Sergo02:37
ubotuSergo: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs02:37
imsocutewhere can i find the command line of lxg?02:37
GaiaX11Sergo:  dpkg --info realplayer02:37
imsocutexgl i mean02:37
bruenig!xgl | imsocute02:37
ubotuimsocute: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:37
Frogzooimsocute: binaries typically are in /usr/bin02:37
Doug52392where do I find the alternate cd?02:37
GaiaX11Sergo:  dpkg -s realplay02:37
=== pataloca [n=mariorau@user-0cdvbls.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:37
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bruenigDoug52392, ubuntu.com then go to download and keep navigating02:37
zachtibdoes anyone here know much about a11y? I'm having some trouble.  With a11y enabled, my program will not run.  It starts, but freezes as soon as the window is drawn.  I can't get a11y working on edgy to test this out myself, however, so this is becomeing very hard to debug02:38
SergoGaiaX11 i didnt installed realplay yet::)02:38
atomiku`irssiBy the way, does gtkmm already come with ubuntu?02:39
holycoweverything is in the repos, but you haveto google how the parts come together02:40
holycowits not like the ms world where the ide typically contains pretty much everything including a compiler02:40
bruenigholycow, explain that02:40
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holycowwhich part? the part where everything is in the repo or the part where everything is in the repo?02:41
bruenigthe part of google how parts come together02:41
bruenigdependencies are satisfied, are you talking of something else02:41
holycowbruenig, i think you need to pick a fight with someone else02:41
holycowyour not going to win one with me02:41
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BalsamicChickensparr what if the folder has name "hello world!!!", when i do cd "hello world!!!" it complains about !!!02:41
brueniglol, there was no fight being picked, I am trying to understand what you are saying02:42
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megafaunaHi, my help button in Amarok doesn't work (Can't launch the KDE help centre). Is the handbook online or how do I fix this? I want to learn about labels02:42
LjLBalsamicChicken: there are characters that you need to escape. space and ! are such characters02:43
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LjLBalsamicChicken: they can be escaped by prefixing a \, that is "\ " and "\!"02:43
holycownothing to understand i wasn't talking to you, scroll up to see atomiku`irssi comments, i'm too lazy to copy paste and the topic is too wide for me to bother when google is out there (in regard to atmoks comments that is)02:43
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zenalright, what's the point of the backport repos?02:44
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bobofettlol hahah I thought the same thing bruenig I was watching this one unfold a bit....hahaha...damn internet missundersandings.02:44
zenCause I added them temporarily, and they had a bunch of updates....02:44
LjL!backports > zen    (zen, see the private message from Ubotu)02:44
=== kitche [n=kitche@pool-141-149-143-249.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLzen: you added repos without knowing what the point of said repos is? ungood.02:45
holycowzen, ubuntu releases only get security patches, sometimes new software needs to be backproted because it is important enough02:45
=== bruenig departs while things are civil
Flannelzen: usually with backports you just download and manually install, instead of adding the full repository02:45
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zenLjL, I added them on them on the advice of Ubuntuguide.org, and considering they came from Ubuntu, I considered it pretty safe...02:45
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LjLzen: they're generally pretty safe.02:46
jonathan__hey all02:46
LjLzen: but if you notice, there *is* a huge disclaimer in sources.list02:46
patrick_gnomad? 2.8.10, anyone able to install this? i need it to connect my creative  zen with my computer02:46
jonathan__im trying to convert a wma file in audacity where would i find the libmp3lame.so02:46
jonathan__where do i find that02:46
LjL!find libmp3lame | jonathan__02:46
zenSo is it a good thing to have them enabled, or should I leave them off generally?  (With the understanding that I like the newest and greatest, but I don't want unstable stuff.)02:46
ubotujonathan__: Package/file libmp3lame does not exist in edgy02:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about liblame0-dev - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:47
ubotuliblame-dev: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.96.1-2 (edgy), package size 201 kB, installed size 540 kB02:47
Quintinzen: I should think you need them off.02:47
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CapaHQuestion, I cannot seem to apt-get install winesetuptk --- is there some other package I should get in its place?02:47
Comrade-Sergeiis it possible to easily change the splash screen?02:47
jonathan__audacity sais that it uses lame to encode in mpe02:47
LjL!usplash > Comrade-Sergei    (Comrade-Sergei, see the private message from Ubotu)02:47
LjLComrade-Sergei: i wouldn't say "easily" perhaps02:47
jonathan__and this is  audacity02:47
crimsunjonathan__: libmp3lame.so is specific to the liblame-dev package.02:47
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Quintinjonathan__: anytime you do something like that.. you will lose quality, fyi02:47
crimsun(it's a symbolic link)02:47
Comrade-SergeiLjL is it like a menu option or a kernal crack?02:47
jonathan__what is the best way to convert it02:47
LjLhm, that might be why the bot doesn't get it...?02:48
jonathan__i tried soundkonverter i keep getting an error02:48
MeshyfHey guys I'm following this guide http://www.debianadmin.com/enable-wpa-wireless-access-point-in-ubuntu-linux.html   and it says to comment everything out. What does that mean?02:48
LjLComrade-Sergei, it is what the bot said it is02:48
Comrade-Sergeii see that now02:48
atomiku`irssiso... What gtkmm do I have to install?02:48
atomiku`irssiIve got alot of options here....02:48
jonathan__is it worth the quality loss crimsun02:49
=== JDStone [n=JD@netblock-208-127-100-157.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu
BalsamicChickenLjL thx for the tips on "\", I found out I could use tab, which was easier for a newbie like me lol02:49
BalsamicChickenthx everyone, g2g for now02:49
LjLjonathan__: imho, not. converting a lossy audio format into another lossy one, for storage, is never a good idea.02:49
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jonathan__i was goign to convert it to mp3 usin soundkonverter with it set to high quality02:50
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zennow, a bit of advice...02:51
jonathan__was going to convert it to wave or ogg in audacity02:51
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LjLjonathan__: and the question is, why? you lose quality, you get a bigger file, and mp3 is patented too02:51
zenshould I use Adobe's flash off the site, or UbuntuGuide.org's flash player instructions?02:51
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jonathan__what should i convert my music too02:51
LjL!flash > zen    (zen, see the private message from Ubotu)02:51
Comrade-SergeiLjL not worth it02:51
zenAlright...I should try asking ubotu next time before y'all...02:51
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:51
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about comment - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:52
jonathan__what format should i convert it to then02:52
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LjLjonathan__: if you feel you have to convert your lossily compressed files into something else, FLAC is probably the least of your evils.02:52
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headphaseI am having trouble getting my Intel 945 driver to work.  I have the code right in xorg and have tried 915resolution to no avail.  It seems like the resoultion is overriden when I boot up ubuntu.02:52
LjLjonathan__: who's saying you should convert them in the first place?02:52
MeshyfHey guys I'm following this guide http://www.debianadmin.com/enable-wpa-wireless-access-point-in-ubuntu-linux.html   and it says to comment everything out. What does that mean?02:52
cpk1cant go wrong with flac02:52
jonathan__ok but i was doing that using a program but my audio files in windows ended up really big02:52
holycowheadphase, did you make sure the correct resolution option is in your xorg.conf file?02:52
jonathan__ljl i have such a variety of formats i just want to uniform them into one format02:52
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cpk1Meshyf: a line that starts with # is commented out02:53
holycowheadphase, i've noticed on occasion 915 resolution doesn't modify xorg.conf properly02:53
hossasaurhey, why is it that when i type 'sudo gedit' at the terminal it just sits there and doesn't open gedit?02:53
LjLjonathan__: of course, FLAC is lossless -- that means files will be an order of magnitude bigger than MP3, WMA or Vorbis02:53
Meshyfcpk1: Thanks much :D02:53
hossasaurif i type gedit, it opens, if i type sudo gedit, it doens't02:53
holycowhossasaur, because you need to do gksudo gedit02:53
jonathan__so converting to flac is worth the size increase02:53
LjLjonathan__, rip them again. converting lossy->lossy is simply a stupid idea02:53
LjLjonathan__: i don't know if it's "worth" it. i know you won't lose quality02:53
LjLit's just like converting to PCM (i.e. WAV), but a bit smaller02:53
jonathan__couldnt i just convert them using soundkonverter to convert them to flac02:54
hossasaurholycow: it says authentication failed02:54
headphaseholycow: I have tried booting up with both xorg modified and 915resolution modifed.02:54
LjLi don't know which formats soundkonverter supports. maybe.02:54
atomiku`irssiHow do I install GTKMM?02:54
holycowhossasaur, ah thats something different.  i haven't ever heard of that02:54
holycowhossasaur, i won't be able to help :/02:54
bobofettThe best thing to do jonathan_ is to get them again..rip them, download them whatever again in the format you want....but keep your player options wide too so you can play lots of different kinds of files then you don't have to worry about if some of mp3 or ogg or whatever.02:55
bobofettjust my 2 cents.02:55
jonathan__it supports tons of formats flac being one of them02:55
jonathan__even itunes m4a format02:55
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imsocutemy beryl always crashes..i have ati 9250 series and i don't know where to find the fix....anybody?02:55
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jonathan__ty ljl if i have any more questions ill be back02:55
holycowimsocute, wrong channel, try #ubuntu-beryl or #ubuntu02:56
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holycowimsocute, beryl is very early and buggy piece of software02:56
headphaseholycow: I have also tried setting to driver to i810 and vesa.02:56
holycowyou should be expecting it to crash and of course it does02:56
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holycowespecially with ati video cards02:56
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Phrozen_Onehow come sometimes I experience an "odd" menu list, such as you have to scroll through it to see everything listed in the menu, is it something related to gtk and redrawing of the menu?02:56
holycowheadphase, how about this idea .... did you accidentally chmod your xorg.conf file to something other than ... what is it iagain ... root?02:57
holycowah yeah root.root02:57
headphaseholycow: I moded it in root02:57
hossasaurok, when i'm testing my wpa_supplicant.conf, i get invalid cypher error messages02:57
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LjLimsocute: it's so unstable and experimental that we have a separate channel for it and its friends, #ubuntu-effects02:58
Tokican anyone DCC me their  gnome-shutdowns from /usr/share/icons/gnome02:58
holycowheadphase, i am guessing there is a permissions issue ... but i can't really help with that to be honest.  i don't feel like reasearching for you.  may i suggest a non answer ... reinstall?  it just might be faster than searching for a solution02:58
headphaseholycow: I made a xorg_backup file as well02:58
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headphaseholycow: reinstall ubuntu?02:59
dimeotaneheadphase: you on a laptop?02:59
headphasedimeotane: yes, Intel Inspiron e140502:59
holycowheadphase, if its a permissions issue and your a noob its going to be hell tracking it down.  it just might be faster to reinstall yeah.02:59
dimeotanethere's a i915 package that I recall needing to install when i put ubuntu edgy on my dell02:59
headphasedimeotane: I mean Dell03:00
dimeotaneI think that gave me my full 1280 resolution03:00
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Sparkubuntu seems not to be executing my .Xclients file03:00
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headphasedimeotane: dri-Intel-3.4.3006-20051209.i386.rpm?03:00
Sparkthe permissions are 75503:00
Sparkis there another name for this file in ubuntu? it seems to be completely ignored03:01
dimeotanesudo apt-get install 915resolution03:01
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PeloSpark,  can you expand on your problem ? what symptoms are you getting ?03:01
headphasedimeotane: ok, but I've done this 10 times before03:01
dimeotaneyoure using ubuntu right?03:01
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headphasedimeotane: yes03:01
headphasedimeotane: dapper drake03:02
SparkPelo: it's not being executed at all i think03:02
Sparkno idea why03:02
dimeotaneoh I'm on edgy.. I wonder if that's the difference?03:02
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands03:02
PeloSpark,  you can try looking it up in the forum03:02
Plecebowhy would i be able to log into x but switching to a terminal will not display anything but gibberish... is there a way i can get to a working terminal from the login prompt (ctrl + alt + f1 gives gibberish)03:02
headphasedimeotane: I've posted on there03:02
headphaseholycow: could it be a bad iso file?03:03
PeloSpark,  do you mean X isn't starting and you are not getting a GUI ?03:03
holycowheadphase, sure03:03
holycowdid you do a checksum on it?03:03
SparkPelo: no it starts fine, it just doesn't execute ~/.Xclients03:03
agnostic anyone using notebook HP 500 CM-350?03:04
Sparkso my xset and xmodmap stuff doesn't happen03:04
headphaseholycow: yes, it had a mismatch03:04
holycowtime to download another methinks03:04
dimeotanetheres a few more threads about this on ubuntuforums.org. ... search the 915resolution keyword03:04
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Toma-Hehe. Automatix2 depends on an icon theme? :/03:04
headphaseholycow: I can't find a good source to download03:04
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dimeotaneanyone use tuxcards?03:04
PeloToma-,  automatix installs restricted packages, themes shouldn'T realy matter03:05
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Toma-Pelo: yeh i know. those bizarre packagers that made the deb made it depend on tango-icon-theme. weird!03:05
dimeotaneI'm trying to find the icon for it... the .deb file doesn't install the package into the gnome menu...03:06
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Toma-dimeotane: youll have to restart the gnome-panel...03:06
shivI am using xchat-gnome and I am not able to open URLs from it. It says this "There was an error launching the default action command associated with this location."03:06
Tokican anyone point me in the direction of the gnome-shutdown icons?03:07
Toma-dimeotane: press Alt+F2 then run "killall gnome-panel"03:07
holycowshiv, may i recommend you remove that and just use xchat instead?03:07
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holycowshiv, xchat now has a hierarchical view like xchat-gnome so there is no point in using it03:07
holycowand it actually works03:07
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shivholycow: Why? I like xchat-gnome some how03:07
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shivholycow: I see03:07
holycowshiv, because it doesn't work? :)03:07
jonathan__what other good audio converters r there03:08
Sparkis anyone here succesfully using a .Xclients file?03:08
jpoetaanybody knows03:08
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jpoetaHOW INSTALL GDM03:08
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.03:08
shivholycow: I need to set autostart autojoin for channels, I can do that in xchat as well is that correct?03:08
Sparkit's not the sort of thing that doesnt work03:08
LjLjpoeta: GDM is always installed by default on a normal Ubuntu03:08
Pelojpoeta, http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/03:08
Sparkit's only a script :)03:08
Toma-jpoeta: 'sudo apt-get install gdm'03:08
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jonathan__ljl what other good audio converters r out there03:08
Toma-jonathan__: soundconverter works a treat03:09
holycowshiv, of course.  xchat is a very old piece of software, xchat-gnome only appeared in the last year.03:09
dimeotanetoma: so youre saying tuxcards should be installed from the .deb file into the menu?  I rebooted and it's not there...03:09
jpoeta i know03:09
Toma-dimeotane: oh weird.03:09
LjLjonathan__, don't know, if i had to convert audio i'd probably just pipe a decoder into an encoder03:09
Tokican anyone tell me where the gnome startup script is, im trying to add beryl-manager to the startup03:09
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dimeotanetoma: you installed tuxcards?03:09
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Toma-dimeotane: was it an ubuntu .deb file?03:09
jonathan__ya well its taking a really long time to decode the song its seems to be stuck at 14%03:09
Toma-dimeotane: no :) i dont run gnome either03:10
dimeotanetoma: not ubuntu specfic03:10
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rio`hi i installed ubuntu and try to get the nvidia driver from nvidia.com running03:10
PeloToma-,  a .deb file is a debian package,  they can be easily installed in ubuntu03:10
rio`but i always get "API mismatch"03:10
jpoetabut i dont skeak english very fluency03:10
rio`whats wrong?03:10
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Sparksigh, i may just uninstall gdm and run startx03:10
Sparkthat works fine03:10
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Toma-Pelo: thanks for the tip. sometimes debian packages dont respect the default .desktop locations in ubuntu.03:10
jpoetaanybody knows03:10
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Toma-especially if its a 3rd party debian package03:11
jpoetaa ubuntu spanish chanel03:11
Pelojpoeta,  #ubuntu-sp03:11
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:11
Toma-dimeotane: try running "locate tuxcards | grep .desktop"03:11
Toma-thats assuming youve run 'updatedb' tho :)03:12
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dimeotanesudo updatedb ?03:12
Toma-you bet03:13
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jpoetahow i install a theme in gmd03:13
dimeotanethat locate command has been coming in handy lately03:13
Toma-it is quite quick03:14
Toma-jpoeta: run 'sudo gdmsetup'03:14
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dimeotanewhy the  .desktop ?03:14
unopToki,  gnome autostart or X autostart?03:14
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dimeotanethe icon is called tuxcards.xpm03:15
Toma-dimeotane: in all honesty, it might pay just to make a new one yourself03:15
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unopToki,  ~/.config/autostart -- and you need to create your entry in there -- create one in the GUI and follow it's template03:15
dimeotanestill curious why you suggested the grep .desktop03:16
Toma-dimeotane: the deb file might have thrown the .desktop file into a different directory03:17
Toma-would have been a simple mv to get it fixed03:17
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dimeotane.desktop files are where icons are located?03:17
Toma-that is assuming, that the packager actually included a .desktop file to begin with03:17
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unopToma-,  whats the name of the package you installed?03:17
Toma-.desktop files are the launchers03:17
Toma-unop: Nothing today :D03:17
jpoetaoie manicero03:18
jpoetaya solucione03:18
|LF-r|hello i need help, im trying to browse one of my partitions in linux but it says i dont have the permission to03:18
jpoetacreo todo03:18
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jpoetapor el msn03:18
unopToma-,  ahh, n/m .. i thought it was you looking for the .desktop03:18
jpoetate digo03:18
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Toma-unop: its dimeotane looking for it03:18
Mazzis there an easy way to change refresh rates?03:18
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dynamicrefluxcan someone please give me guidelines to install a logitech quickcam ?03:19
cartman368como instalo un theme d gdm n ubuntu?03:19
unopdimeotane,  dpkg -L packagename -- should list the files it has installed on your machine03:19
MeshyfFollowing this guide: http://www.debianadmin.com/enable-wpa-wireless-access-point-in-ubuntu-linux.html I get to the eate a file called /etc/default/wpasupplicant, add entry ENABLED=0 and save the file   step and I don't know how to create the file. I go into gedit and try saving it to the right directory but I can't save it because it says I don't have acess privileges to it :\03:19
Toma-dynamicreflux: plug it in. use it..03:19
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:19
dynamicrefluxhow does one just "use it"03:19
Toma-dynamicreflux: what do you want to do with it?03:19
dynamicrefluxuse it in skype03:20
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|LF-r|im trying to browse one of my partitions in linux but it says i dont have the permission to, how can i give myself permission?03:20
dynamicrefluxbut is there a way to "test" it so to speak03:20
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Toma-dynamicreflux: not sure if skype for linux supports webcams... but anyway, install skype. use it! :D03:20
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dynamicrefluxtoma-: is there a way to "test" it tho man03:20
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Toma-yep! hang on... forgotten the name of it03:21
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unop|LF-r|,  which partition?  please do an "ls -ld" on it03:21
unop|LF-r|,  and let us know what you see there03:21
dynamicrefluxthanks toma-03:21
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Toma-dynamicreflux: gqcam works fine03:22
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unopapt-cache search webcam03:22
Toma-or camorama03:22
unop!info webcam03:22
ubotuwebcam: capture and upload images. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.95-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 33 kB, installed size 112 kB03:22
Toma-thats a CLI tool tho unop :)03:22
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unopToma-,  and you guys were "testing" right? :>)03:23
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Toma-theres prettier ways to test!03:23
=== magez [n=magez@cable-roi-fedfdd00-224.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Meshyf Following this guide: http://www.debianadmin.com/enable-wpa-wireless-access-point-in-ubuntu-linux.html I get to the eate a file called /etc/default/wpasupplicant, add entry ENABLED=0 and save the file   step and I don't know how to create the file. I go into gedit and try saving it to the right directory but I can't save it because it says I don't have acess privileges to it :\03:24
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Toma-Meshyf: use "gksu gedit" instead of simply gedit03:25
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MeshyfToma: Thanks :D03:25
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mike1oim trying to install ubuntu on my friend's PC but i messed up with apt trust* files and get this http://pastebin.com/882564 error when i try to install vlc... is there any way i can reset/reconfigure  apt ?03:27
mike1oi have all the repos in my sources.list03:28
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Shaezscheif i compile a custom kernel, will it still get autoupdated with the latest patches through ubuntu??03:30
jpoetahow install a gdk theme03:30
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Comrade-Sergeihow can you access ntfs drives in ubuntu03:30
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter03:31
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Comrade-Sergeii cant reformat03:31
Comrade-Sergeii have data on the drive03:31
mackinacnobody said to03:32
Pici!ntfs | Comrade-Sergei03:32
ubotuComrade-Sergei: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse03:32
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)03:32
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse03:33
Shaezscheif i compile a custom kernel, will it still get autoupdated with the latest patches through ubuntu??03:33
Plecebocan you install the fglrx drivers from the live cd?03:33
jpoetahow can i install GTK????03:33
ubotuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI03:33
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Tidgehow hard is it to get a wireless network going? does ubuntu support any wireless USB adapters?03:35
=== hossasaur [n=andrew@CPE-70-94-47-141.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:36
hossasaurhey, how do i mount a partition so that i can read and write to it?03:36
VigoForuns have all that data03:36
hossasauri tried sudo mount /dev/sda6 -o,owner,rw03:36
hossasaurit didn't work03:36
jpoetahow can i install themes gtk?03:36
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=== ElbridgeGerry [n=kooj@ip68-106-140-79.pn.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
kondor21Tidge,  I can tell you this, I installed ubuntu yesturday and it recognised my PSP (sony psp) via USB03:36
Tidgethanks all03:37
Tidgei have a d-link usb adapter and i cant get it to connect03:37
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mikedep333hello, in light of the fact that 6.10 hates my hardware, I am interested in updating to feisty, how do I do this? Do I update /etc/apt/sources.list then run apt-get dist-upgrade?03:37
mackinacmikedep333, you might want to ask about that in #ubuntu+103:38
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hossasaurnevermind, i figured it out03:39
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kondor21Tidge, you may or may not have luck with http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/List#D03:39
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Naik0hey, where can i find fstab03:40
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PiciNaik0: /etc/fstab03:40
=== base_slash [n=ubuntu@cpe-66-68-207-195.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:40
base_slashi realy need help03:40
mackinacgo on03:40
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base_slashi just tried to install ubuntu on my pc and all i got was a formated hard drive03:41
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Naik0how do i activate if i mounted a disk from /media/hdb5 to a map in my home?03:41
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ApollyonX11jpoeta: sudo apt-get install gtk-theme-switch03:41
Tidgedid you partition your drive or choose to install over Windows (or whatever other OS you had)03:41
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headphaseI keep getting different checksums from isos03:42
ApollyonX11!language | jpoeta03:42
ubotujpoeta: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:42
Tidgethanks kondor21 i'll look at that03:42
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kondor21Tidge, you got the model number of that d-link usb i will do a search while i am up to nothing03:42
sivikyucky, d-link03:43
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mike1oi need help also.. :-(03:43
Vigo_d-linj wqas the shizzle pops at one time03:43
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Tidgekondor: the adapter is a D-Link DWL-G122.   Thanks :)03:43
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gop!kiba dock03:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kiba dock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:44
ApollyonX11!ask | mike1o03:44
ubotumike1o: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:44
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nnliui oftentimes have ubuntu freeze on me, anyone else have this trouble?03:44
mike1oApollyonX11, i get this http://pastebin.com/882564 error when i try to install vlc... is there any way i can reset/reconfigure  apt ?03:44
=== base_slash [n=ubuntu@cpe-66-68-207-195.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ElbridgeGerrynnliu: Are you using Beryl or anything...?03:45
nnliuberyl yea03:45
=== Gerry_W [n=alex@pool-71-123-213-141.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
nnliuthat's a problem?03:45
Tidgei will boot back into ubuntu and play around thanks03:45
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base_slashhello i need help with ubuntu03:45
ElbridgeGerrynnliu: Beryl locks up quite a bit. Comes with the fancy.03:45
ApollyonX11!ask | base_slash03:46
ubotubase_slash: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:46
nnliubah, damn03:46
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mike1oApollyonX11, i modified trusted* files in /etc/apt03:46
base_slashi tried to install ubuntu and just got a formated hard drive03:46
gophmm kiba dock crashes03:46
=== shiv [n=shiv@c-65-96-200-131.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gopwhen I try to mov eit03:46
kondor21Tidge   http://www.hotubuntunews.com/blog_2.shtml   <--- D-Link DWL-G122 USB Adapter in Dapper03:47
gopis thier an offical install of kiba dock03:47
ElbridgeGerrybase_slash: What options did you pick during installation?03:47
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Sergowhy i got always this error when trying to install  http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl edgy-seveas/extras w32codecs 1:20060611-0.003:47
Sergo  403 Forbidden03:47
base_slashto format my drive and completely instal ubuntu03:47
Sergowhat is needed to do..03:47
ElbridgeGerryElbridgeGerry: And what happened?03:48
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dynamicrefluxis there any video chat software that is cross platform?03:48
ElbridgeGerrybase_slash: And what happened?03:48
Sergowhat is wrong03:48
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base_slashnothing it just stoped at 64 %03:48
cartman368how can i install a gtk theme?03:48
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megafaunaHi can someone help me get my realplayer streams to sound listenable? They are really choppy and staticee with realplayer (helix) 1003:48
exploitI have Hp Notebook with integreated camera...is there any app that run that cam??03:48
ElbridgeGerrybase_slash: Still stopped, or did you shut down?03:48
dynamicrefluxexploit: im on ur issue too03:49
=== penguin___ [n=tnedev@c-76-22-59-86.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sergo http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl edgy-seveas/extras w32codecs 1:20060611-0.003:49
ApollyonX11mike1o: What did you do exactly with your /etc/apt ?03:49
Sergo  403 Forbidden03:49
Sergowhat's wrong03:49
ElbridgeGerryIs it locked up, or can you hit cancel?03:49
=== dm [n=dm@p54B32F08.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
dynamicrefluxubuntu is GQCAM is not working.03:49
ElbridgeGerryYou may want to restart the installation.03:49
exploitso dynamic u also have hp notebook? or cam problem03:49
AdamKilihelp i ordered a new motherboard to fix this computer, but it has CPU socket 993! on the product page it said it had the same socket as the motherboard I'm replacing. Can I put the socket from the old motherboard on to the new one?03:49
dynamicrefluxexploit: yes03:49
cartman368how can i install a gtk theme????03:50
DJNOVA2006im runnung 6.10, and can only get 640*480 screen res option. Any tips on how to increse it?03:50
dynamicrefluxdjnova2006: install vid drivers03:50
AdamKilii mean 93903:50
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base_slashit is locked up03:50
Sergohow can i install w32codecs03:50
DJNOVA2006Where from?03:50
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ElbridgeGerry!gtk | cartman26803:50
ubotucartman268: GTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI03:50
exploitcamorona webcam viewer is nt working03:50
dynamicrefluxdjnova2006: system>controls> synaptics package03:50
tim167base_slash, maybe try the ubuntu alternate install CD, that worked for me on a computer where i could not install ubuntu from live cd03:50
ElbridgeGerrycartman368: Meh, that didn't help...03:50
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penguin___newbie question... i just installed ubuntu 6.10, i wrote a hello world C program, and i get stdio.h: No such file or directory, etc... ??03:50
exploitNy app here to run cam????????????03:51
DJNOVA2006good plan, just type in vid drivers from the search?03:51
mackinac!restricted | Sergo03:51
ubotuSergo: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:51
ElbridgeGerrybase_slash: Did you see tim's message?03:51
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ElbridgeGerrybase_slash: Try the alternate install CD, instead of the LiveCD03:51
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cartman368i dont know how to install a theme03:51
mike1oApollyonX11, i copied the trust* files in that dir from another pc to try to avoid having to add all the gpg keys... but now im missing a lot basic packages in that box..03:51
Weemswhats the file to set dns server?03:51
base_slashi dont have it03:51
Sergoi have installed all this codecs but still my totem can't play  prorely .wmv format03:51
penguin___newbie question... i just installed ubuntu 6.10, i wrote a hello world C program, and i get stdio.h: No such file or directory, etc... ??03:51
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=== JONES3700 [n=jones@addr-212-50-138-201.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu
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base_slashwere do i get the other cd03:52
mackinacSergo:  try VLC player03:53
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AdamKilianyone know if CPU sockets are part of the motherboard or do they come off easily?03:53
=== philip_ [n=philip@adsl-69-230-223-123.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
cartman368i have downloaded a theme from this page http://www.gnome-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=100 how can i install it?03:53
=== Tiksi [n=tiksi@69-183-50-39.adsl.snet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sergodon't work too03:53
Sergorealplayer doesn't work too03:53
Sergoit's seems i need to install w32codecs03:53
Api984GLXGEARS shows: libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4203:53
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jpoetaaca manicero03:54
Api984how can i fix this03:54
mulljuliya vlc ftw03:54
jpoetaaca estoy03:54
mackinacVLC doesn't need other codecs03:54
tim167base_slash for example here: http://lug.mtu.edu/iso/ubuntu/edgy/03:54
Vigo__I am sleppy, nity nite03:54
cartman368how can i install these themes i have downloaded a theme from this page http://www.gnome-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=100 how can i install it?03:54
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FlubsIve gotten apache installed and I get to the defautl page when I go to http://localhost.  Where do I put my html file to over ride this?03:55
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dynamicrefluxhow do i get ubuntu to recognize my quickcam logitech in /dev/video?03:55
marcos4022alguem de porto alegre03:55
Sergovlc is the best.. -)03:55
Plecebowhat is the keyboard shortcut to change resolutions in x?03:55
Api984libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x42???03:55
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DJNOVA2006has anyone tried out herd 4 yet?03:56
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dynamicrefluxhow do i get ubuntu to recognize my quickcam logitech in /dev/video?03:56
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Eclypsewhat's the most reliable ISO burning software for ubuntu?03:56
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Api984does anyone know how to fix this??03:56
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marcos4022estou em porto alegre brasil03:57
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=== Hasrat_USA [n=hasrat@user-387gjsq.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
exploitny way 2 run google talk or client like that in ubuntu?????????????03:57
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roleri just got a dell 355 wireless bluetooth, i'm wondering if linux will support HID devices like a mouse or keyboard?03:58
lotusleafexploit: does google talk work in gaim?03:58
HP_VueWhat tool can I use to run window's apps?03:58
megafaunaHi can someone help me get my realplayer streams to sound listenable? They are really choppy and staticee with realplayer (helix) 1003:58
=== xtknight [n=xtknight@c-68-43-122-102.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Eclypsewhat's the most reliable ISO burning software for ubuntu?03:58
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tim167HP_Vue: Wine03:58
xtknightEclypse: gnome-baker should be reliable, i prefer k3b personally03:58
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:58
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.03:58
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HP_Vuewhats the command to get wine?03:59
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ubotuHP_Vue: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.03:59
Eclypsextknight I have gnome-baker and it doesn't have an image option . . .03:59
=== CapaH [n=capah@cpe-70-122-235-158.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
tim167Eclypse: k3b works well for me too03:59
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ElbridgeGerryxtknight: The command is wine [program path] 04:00
Eclypsetim167 does it support dvd's too?04:00
xtknightElbridgeGerry: actually HP_Vue asked04:00
tim167Eclypse : sure04:00
ElbridgeGerryOh, sorry. =p04:00
dennisterhey ppls...hoping for some networking help...trying to get my voip adapter working on this new dsl modem/router04:00
xtknightEclypse: really?  'burn image' or something like that?04:00
ElbridgeGerryHP_Vue: THe command is "wine [program path] "04:00
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esaymanybody know where a changelog is for the ubuntu kernels?04:00
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Eclypsextknight, nothing.  might I note that I installed it through automatix.04:01
dennisteranyone up for this challenge? :-)04:01
xtknightesaym: well all debian packages have a changelog.  look for the changelog for linux-image perhaps.  i'm not sure where that might be to be honest04:01
tim167Eclypse: dont you have 'burn image' when you right click an iso in gnome ?04:01
xtknightEclypse: hmm, don't know04:01
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Eclypsetim167 that gave me a shitty dvd that didn't boot. it's a OSX formatted iso if that matters.04:01
specialbuddyhow do I change my IP04:01
Eclypsetim167 (i.e. HFS+ file system ISO.)04:02
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mike1oi get this http://pastebin.com/882564 error when i try to install vlc... is there any way i can reset/reconfigure  apt ? im missing a lot of basic packages04:02
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exploitis there any way to login through root user account???04:03
tim167Eclypse: hmm, maybe your iso isnt 100% sane... i know k3b always does checksum before burning an iso, if i were you i'd try k3b04:03
=== yellowdart [n=yellowda@cpe-24-29-210-190.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Quintinexploit: Why would you want to?04:03
Quintinexploit: sudo su > passwd > will set root's password04:03
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exploitbecause i want to install my Nvidia video driver & its saying install through root04:04
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bjohnsoncan someone please provide info on how to install Snu java?04:04
Quintinmike1o: paste your sources.list?04:04
kitche!java | bjohnson04:04
ubotubjohnson: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository04:04
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bjohnsonkitche: thnaks.  experienced linux user but new to Ubuntu.04:05
hagabakaapt-index-watch keeps using up about 70% CPU every few minutes...what could be the problem?04:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sex - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:05
exploitbut in which interface i login.....I m trying to login 4m welcome screen & it saying that system administrator does not login 4m this screen......for root user04:05
Phrozen_Onebjohnson, what distro you coming from?04:05
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Phrozen_Onebjohnson, hows the transition so far for you?04:06
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deweygood day mates04:07
bjohnsonfamiliar with the apps .. having trouble figuring out which apps are available from which repos04:07
Quintinexploit: Lost me.  ask again what question is?04:07
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deweyI need to mount another parttition on the hda drive?04:07
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Phrozen_Onebjohnson, are you just experimenting, or what drew you away from fedora?04:07
deweyubuntu is on my hdb drive?04:07
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exploit U r saying to login through terminal or welcome screen?04:08
ubotuUnless you're Dutch, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..04:08
bjohnsonPhrozen_One: ubuntu is supposed to have better support for my dvb card .. but I'm still at reconfiguring my apps/scripts that I run all the tmie under fc604:08
=== LMNT_OX [n=k40571k@216-67-84-131-cdsl-rb1.cwc.acsalaska.net] has joined #ubuntu
Quintinexploit: You do those commands at a terminal.04:09
bjohnsonthe different concept of root is still new to me04:09
LMNT_OXok i just added a hard drive do i partition it as a ext3 fat32???? i want to use it to store more stuff ... n e body04:09
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gaspipe1hey people04:10
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exploitok thanks Quintin04:10
sean13hey there, anyone got any idea how to "enable" my graphics card04:10
trollboysean13 what card04:10
sean13I have downloaded the nvidia drivers but I get an error when trying to enable them04:10
trollboyand what do you mean "enable"04:11
sean13two seconds04:11
trollboywhat error?04:11
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trollboyalso, you doing sli?04:11
=== shola [n=shola@slkrmb01dc1-255-52.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
bjohnsonsun-java5-jre is already the newest version is message I get from apt-get but I get errors when trying to run jbibwath that I normally run with sun jre 1.5.904:11
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FlubsCan anyone answer a noob question about apache204:11
bjohnsonerr .. that's jbidwatch04:11
mike1oQuintin, http://pastebin.com/88276504:11
gaspipe1anyone install fiesty fawn?04:11
=== Hedegaard [n=hedegaar@242.Red-88-14-95.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
gaspipe1i read on digg that it is out04:12
Music_Shuffle!feisty | gaspipe104:12
ubotugaspipe1: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+104:12
=== HarunAs-Sami [n=harun@pool-72-78-164-232.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hedegaardcan I ask Beryl questions here ?04:12
ElbridgeGerryHedegaard: You're more likely to get answers in #beryl but feel free04:12
sean13trollboy, nope not running sli, the card is an NV20 Geforce 3 and the error is "Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed04:12
sean13the nvidia driver for your running kernel."04:12
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:13
sean13there are only two nvidia drivers in the repositories and I have tried them both04:13
Music_Shuffle#ubuntu-effects might be of more use to you Hedegaard04:13
trollboyhave you tried the one from nvidia's site?04:13
tim167sean13: if you need to install nvidia drivers: try 'envy' http://lunapark6.com/?p=2717 very easy!04:13
sholacan anyone help me get 3d acceleration working on my radeon x800?04:13
HedegaardI had it working, then I upgraded to ATI drivers instead of the ubuntu default - beryl loads but when activating the open windows flickers a few times and then it goes back to normal ...04:13
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sean13tim167, thanks i'll check it out04:13
Quintinshola: yes.  install kernel headers.  install drivers from ati.amd.com04:13
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sholai have tried every single howto in the history of the internet on how to get 3d acceleration working04:13
HedegaardMusic_Shuffle, I'll give them a try :)04:14
sholai installed the drivers from the ati site04:14
dennistersean13: after you have the driver installed into your kernel, type into a terminal this: nvidia-settings04:14
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bjohnsonhmm .. seems that if I run /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun- it works.  I must have /bin/java pointing at another version of java04:14
sholaQuintin: but how do i go about installing the kernel headers?04:14
LMNT_OXi just added a unformatted harddrive into my PC, i want it to be set up so that i have more storage capacity on ubuntu. my first 1 is 17gigs, as well as the new one, what do i do with Gparted to make it accessable?04:14
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exploitWhn i m installing my Nvidia driver through root then it saying u r running in x server...first exit......wat is x server & how to exit dat??????????04:15
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sontek_Does anyone know what the hardware detection commands are?  I forget =)04:15
kitcheexploit: the gui is X server04:15
exploithow to exit dat?>>04:15
sontek_I just installed a new nic and need to get it installed04:15
gaspipe1sean13: try this it helped me http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35118304:15
dennisterexploit: if you just had text on your screen, x server wouldn't be running04:15
TygerFishsontek_: You mean like lspci or lsusb?04:16
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sean13gaspipe1, thanks, i'll have a look04:16
tim167exploit:  to install nvidia drivers : http://lunapark6.com/?p=271704:16
Quintinexploit: One bit of puntuation only, please.  Maybe 2 if you want to make a point.  Try sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop04:16
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gaspipe1sean13: i had problems with my video card... that guy's post helped.... after i did what he said my graphics card was up and working.... not the screen looks sooo sweet04:16
dennisteranyone know these dsl modem/routers?04:17
sontek_TygerFish: No, the ones that they run on install to detect what hardware you have and then grab the modules it needs04:17
Quintinshola: apt-get install linux-headers-mykernel04:17
Quintinshola: uname -a to see your kernel04:17
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gaspipe1sean13: let me know if it helped..... about time I helped someone with all the help I have recieved....lol04:17
dennister<---------trying to be patientm trying to get the networking help04:17
FrogzooLMNT_OX: first off find out which device belongs to the drive - /dev/hdX   for ide a/b/c/d etc04:18
=== thatGuy [n=joey@c-69-138-218-106.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
vox754Alright, let's get jiggy with it. This weekend's lecture starts by saying that I want everybody to know that I HATE the common "Hello Word!" example that appears in all programming languages.04:19
Frogzoodennister: people aren't going to scroll up to find your original problem04:19
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LMNT_OXi know that the knew hdd is slave ide on my windows hdd ribbon04:19
ElbridgeGerryvox754: Why?04:19
LMNT_OXor no04:19
LMNT_OXits a dvd player and then new hdd04:19
tim167vox754 its Hello WorLd ;)04:19
LMNT_OXon the same ribbon04:19
sholaQuintin: so my kernel is 2.6.17-11-generic04:19
vox754!offtopic > ElbridgeGerry04:19
dennisterok...i finally have this new dsl modem/router working, but am having trouble getting the second device (voip adapter) to work at the same time04:20
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TygerFishsontek_: All that's coming to my mind for that one is Xorg -configure...04:20
ElbridgeGerryvox754: You started it here. *phttt* =p04:20
vox754tim167, You see, I even wrote it wrong... I tell you. It is he word of the devil.04:20
sholaQuintin: do i run apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.17-11-generic?04:20
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gaspipe1anyone have any luck with MFC printer?04:20
dennisterthe linksys voip adapter does have a dhcp address in the router's software configuration, but that's it04:20
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dm_Anyone have any tips on how to save some battery life ? My meter states 3 hours, but i only get about 2, i have CPU scaled down, wifi off, (always keep LCD brightness at max)  but there seems to be an issue with me actually getting the time i used to get in windows04:20
tim167vox754 the worLd of the devil :)04:20
dennisteranyone? with any ideas?04:20
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vox754ElbridgeGerry, hahaha. I told you. It drives me mad. Now let's get back to Linux.04:21
sholaQuintin: ok, got it figured out...they're already the newest version04:21
dennistergaspipe1: i've had my mfc210c working for quite a while04:21
LMNT_OXand the /dev/hd0 i figured it out cause it shows the partitions made when i installed04:21
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FrogzooLMNT_OX: sudo gparted /dev/hdb   & create as many partitions as you like, & set them to be ext304:21
gaspipe1dennister: i have a 5100c04:22
gaspipe1dennister: and i searched... no luck with it04:22
dennistergaspipe1: check the brother site...they have some great linux documentation04:22
Sparki've been trying to get a custom kernel running on this ubuntu desktop for some time now04:22
Sparkbut it refuses to mount the root filesystem04:22
Sparkand i have no idea why04:22
gaspipe1dennister: u'r scanner works too?04:22
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Sparki can't find any docs that mention anything special about custom kernels on ubuntu04:23
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Frogzoodennister: what is your actual problem?04:23
dennisterand if you still need more assistance, they will email you support from china...yes, my scanner works04:23
FrogzooSpark: did you specify initrd in grub?04:23
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LMNT_OXnow how to i find it Graphically or do i need to do so through the Terminal04:23
dennisterFrogzoo: my problem is geting my voip adapter device configured in dsl router04:23
sontek_Spark: did you compile the correct file systems into the kernel?04:23
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild04:23
=== ElbridgeGerry [n=kooj@ip68-106-140-79.pn.at.cox.net] has left #ubuntu []
Hedegaardany easy way to uninstall beryl ? so i can start over with a fresh beryl install ?04:23
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SparkFrogzoo: yeah that was my first mistake, but fixing it made it boot up with the logo but it just hung... disabling the logo and making it verbose shows it saying "waiting for root fs" or something like that04:24
dennisterFrogzoo: while i'm patiently waiting for someone who might be able to help me, i thought i'd answer another person tech question04:24
Sparksontek_: yep, although i specified reiserfs while installing, it actually decided to make me an ext3 root fs04:24
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Sparkbut ext3 is compiled in now04:24
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sean13so I installed the latest nvidia drivers using envy, but I still can't get a higher resolution than 1024x768m before the upgrade to edgy I was able to get a much higher resolution than that04:25
Sparkits a bit of a "wtf" though, i specified reiserfs, and it went ahead and made an ext3 root fs...04:25
patrialtCan someone help me out, i just reinstalled my ubuntu (cuz i tampered with mounting) but umm, now that i've newly installed ubuntu, i cant see my all of my partitions04:25
sean13although now with the nvidia drivers i'm getting a broad range of smaller resolutions04:25
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trollboycan someone tell my why my cdrom won't open?04:25
trollboyI hit the button04:25
trollboyI typed eject04:25
xtknighttrollboy: a cd is mounted04:25
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trollboynope checked that xtknight04:25
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sean13trollboy, un mount it, or if an icon for it is on the desktop right click and eject04:25
trollboytrollboy@ubuntu:/media$ sudo umount /media/cdrom0 umount: /media/cdrom0: not mounted04:26
Quintinsean13: look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:26
xtknighttrollboy: `sudo hdparm /dev/blkdevice -L 0` to force an unlock04:26
gaspipe1sean13: did you try that link?04:26
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xtknighttrollboy: sorry, `sudo hdparm -L 0 /dev/blkdevice` rather04:26
vox754patrialt: did you unplug the drives (assuming you have more disks) during reinstall? If so, you may need to reconstruct the "/etc/fstab".04:27
trollboywhere blkdevice is the cdrom0?04:27
patrialtno, the missing drives are other partitions of the same HDD04:27
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Quintintrollboy: type 'mount' in a terminal04:27
sean13gaspipe1, yeah I had the page loaded but it closed when I was installing the drivers, can you link me to it again04:27
Sparki'm new to initrd though, i have no idea how it works04:27
sholaok, i installed the ati drivers but they didnt work, ive tried all the fglrx tutorials i could find, but when i type "fglrxinfo" i still get the mesa project and no direct rendering04:27
Sparki just ran update-initramfs and let it make me an initrd image04:27
Sparki have no idea if that initrd image is right04:27
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patrialti can only see my ext3 partition that Ubuntu is installed on, and my swap04:27
trollboyQuintin: and?04:27
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tim167sean13: maybe: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:27
Quintintrollboy: and .. look at it.  any cdrom?  it will probably be iso966004:28
Shadowpillarany reason gnome-screensaver is eating up 100% cpu when it's a blank screensaver?04:28
gaspipe1sean13: 1 sec...04:28
trollboyQuintin: nope04:28
trollboyits not mounted04:28
Shadowpillarit's been doing this since I turned on the composite extension04:28
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vox754patrialt: still, mounting deals with "/etc/fstab" so you need to set it up correctly. Try "fdisk -l" and give feedback in the pastebin.04:28
=== Comrade-Sergei [n=andrew@74-37-21-112.br1.glv.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Frogzoodennister: config is like so:?      voip adaptor -> ubuntu box -> router -> inet ?04:29
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:29
gaspipe1sean13: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35118304:29
sean13gaspipe1, thanks again04:29
gaspipe1sean13: let me know if it worked04:29
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vox754Shadowpillar: I can only think in some problem with 3D capabilities of you video driver04:29
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patrialtvox754 i receieved no feedback04:30
Nobis network-manager preinstalled with Ubuntu 6.10?04:30
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vox754patrialt: ??? You open the terminal and type "sudo fdisk -l".04:30
patrialtehh, minus the sudo part :P whoops04:30
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ShadowpillarVoX: nvidia04:31
dennisterFrogzoo: no. config is this: voip adapter (port 2) into router/dsl; pc (port 3) into router/dsl04:31
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patrialtvox754  Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System04:31
patrialt/dev/sda1   *           1        2568    20627428+   7  HPFS/NTFS04:32
patrialt/dev/sda2            2569       15944   107442720   83  Linux04:32
patrialt/dev/sda3           15945       19274    26748225   83  Linux04:32
patrialt/dev/sda4           19275       19457     1469947+  82  Linux swap / Solaris04:32
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patrialtyou wanted me to past here right? =\04:32
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:32
patrialtmyb ad04:32
vox754Shadowpillar, reinstall the driver. There have been some issues with the last kernel.04:32
=== sean13 [n=sean13@62-30-180-12.cable.ubr06.dund.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Quintinpatrialt: not if it's more than a line or two.. it doesn't matter much at the moment since it's not too busy here.. but normally that's frowned on04:32
sean13gaspipe1, nope that didn't work04:32
patrialtsorry again =\04:33
sean13still can't get a higher resolution04:33
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Shadowpillarvox754: can you remind me how to do that? I'm somewhat burned out from installing an alternator into my car and wrestling with the power steering pump04:33
mon^rchhow can I output the contents of a directory to a text file????04:33
Quintinsean13: what resolutions are listed in your xorg.conf file?04:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about puntuation - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:33
Shadowpillarmon^rch: ls -l > textfile04:33
Frogzoo_dennister: so why is theis an ubuntu problem? just get the router to nat the VA04:33
patrialtk, it's pasted04:33
Quintinmon^rch: just one '?' please.04:33
gaspipe1sean13: srry.... thats how i got mine to work04:33
mon^rch] ty Shadowpillar04:33
sean13gaspipe1, no problem thanks anyway04:33
Quintinmon^rch: use a shell redirect .. 'ls dir/ > listing.txt'04:33
sean13Quintin, let me go check04:33
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:34
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dennisterhow to "nat the VA"?04:34
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gaspipe1sean13: u fallowed what SD-Plissken posted?04:34
LMNT_OXso now that this other hard drive is a partition i dont have to physically locate to save to it???04:34
sean13gaspipe1, yeah04:34
patrialtvox754 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6184/04:34
gaspipe1sean13: ehhh srry... to bad... mine worked perfect04:35
sean13Quintin, these are the resolutions listed in xorg.conf "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"04:35
vox754Shadowpillar: that was funny... Unfortunately I can't give you details since I don't own an nvidia. These are the things you should care about your hardware. Many people in here are using nvidia, they may help you. Good luck.04:35
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gaspipe1sean13: under Apllications>System Tools do u see NVidia Settings?04:36
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tim167sean13 did you do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?04:36
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sean13gaspipe1, nope didn't notice them but looking at them now04:36
sean13tim167, nope but i'll do it now04:37
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mackinac!nvidia > Shadowpillar04:37
Quintinsean13: There's your problem right there, smart guy. :P04:37
patrialtany idea what to do vox?04:37
Frogzoo_dennister: nat = network address translation, you'll also need to forward ports from the router to the VA (voip adaptor)04:37
vox754patrialt: so, I guess you only see sda3 and sda4, root and swap.04:37
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Milk_good evening04:38
unska_how can i playback dvds with ubuntu?04:38
dennisterk...have done port forwarding before, but with my old dlink router...can't seem to find it in this router software04:38
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patrialtvox754, nah, im using sda2 for ubuntu install and yea, sda404:38
Milk_I'm experianceing some odd disk issues.  My machine is rebooting randomly, and generating grub 16 (maybe 18) errors at random, or just never booting, or dropping to a grub console04:38
tovellahow can I enable Automatic Logout after say 15 minutes of inactivity?04:38
Milk_is there anyway to troubleshoot the problem?04:38
patrialtsda1 and 3 are not visible04:39
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firestormHi...I am running Edgy and want to run the latest linux-image kernel....my synaptic only shows 2.6.17-11...is there a way I can get 2.6.19 or 2.6.20 without "rolling my own"?04:39
vox754patrialt, seems like a piece of cake, so I recommend you to look under !mounting04:39
gobanhow do i make a folder hidden04:39
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bobesponjahey all04:39
bobesponjais there a tool other than date to change the date from bash?04:39
patrialtim new to linux >.<04:39
=== doppelganger_ [n=doppelga@cpe-24-243-160-214.jam.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions04:40
t0dd_hey, I just installed Ubuntu and am trying to install the gd graphics library, but I am getting errors, would anyone be able to help me?04:40
t0dd_I'm also new to linux04:40
Quintinbobesponja: date doesn't change the date, it prints it!!  If you want to set it, perhaps 'ntpdate time.nist.gov'04:40
doppelganger_can someone help with a slight audio problem when they get a sec?04:40
Milk_t0dd_, how are you trying to install it?04:40
unska_how can i playback dvds with ubuntu?04:40
ubotuunska_: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages04:41
t0dd_Milk_, could I private message you?04:41
Milk_t0dd_, sure04:41
vox754patrialt: give it a try with the links, it's not that hard. I could recommend you to try "sudo mount -a", but also post the contents of "/etc/fstab" in the pastebin.04:41
dennisterfirestorm: 11 is the newest kernel for edgy04:41
=== t0dd_ is now known as t0dd
tim167doppelganger_: what's your audio problem ?04:41
=== HercuLeeZ [n=fhqtc@S0106000f3d84c892.mh.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
bamtol_how can i run emacs?(root authority)04:41
patrialtlast time i touched mounting commands was about 4 hours ago, where i messed up my /home and couldn't get it fixed :p04:41
tovellafirestorm: you could TEMPORARILY change your apt repos to feisty, do an apt-get update, then install linux-image-generic.  follow by changing your repos back to edgy, performing another apt-get update.04:41
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ChaosEddiebamtol: did you try sudo?04:42
=== fnf [n=fnf@] has joined #ubuntu
doppelganger_tim167: it's kinda weird..  you know the on-screen volume control that comes on when you push (insert button or knob here) to turn it up/down?04:42
IcemanV9tovella: that's a dangerous idea04:42
doppelganger_well..  it doesn't affect the master control, or any sound control for that matter04:43
firestormtovella: what is the newest kernel image in feisty?04:43
bobesponjaQuintin: thanx04:43
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=== _magez_ [n=magez@cable-roi-fedfdd00-224.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
tovellafirestorm: 2.6.20-804:43
doppelganger_i have a knob on my dell keyboard that usually handles it (well, did in kubuntu), but i've even tried binding it to other normal keys on the keyboard and it still effectively controls nothing04:44
tim167doppelganger_, hmm somehow that doesnt surprise me ...i just use alsamixer most of the time04:44
bamtoli did try sudo.04:44
doppelganger_let me see what i'm using, one sec04:44
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=== Comrade-Sergei [n=andrew@74-37-21-112.br1.glv.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
vox754Message for everyone: the Herd 4, or development CD for Feisty, is out. More info on ubuntuforums.org Just remember, it is NOT stable. Experts only.04:44
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse04:44
firestormtovella: i agree that it sounds  a little dangerous....is there a URL I can go to instead, download linux-image-2.6.20-8.deb and then do a 'dpkg -i .deb', manually change my boot config....that way I can fall back to known good kernel and not have to mess with my apt sources04:44
fnfdoppelganger_: Did you set the right effective channel in the Volume applet ?04:44
t0ddMilk_, do you see my messages?04:45
patrialtvox754 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6185/04:45
=== Bawbag [n=xtreme@host81-154-95-28.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
doppelganger_hmm..  it's set for alsa, but i'm figuring you mean alsamixer as in an app i'd need to download, right?04:45
=== TomSwift [i=TomSwift@user-142h7sq.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
Milk_t0dd, yes04:45
doppelganger_fnf:  i might have, i'm not sure of what you mean exactly04:45
patrialtidk about you, but that stuff quite franky confuses the crap outta me :p04:45
Apollyon_vox754: What does that mean in practise?04:45
tovellafirestorm: what i've suggested will not mess with your existing kernel.  it will add another option when you boot.04:45
fnfdoppelganger_: alsamixer is a ncurses front-end to control sound. It comes by default with Ubuntu.04:45
doppelganger_actually, i'm using linux mint04:46
fnfdoppelganger_: Open the Preferences of Volume applet04:46
doppelganger_(didn't wanna 'fess that)04:46
vox754Apollyon_: If you are an expert, you can try it to give bugs feedback. If you are a newbie, stay away, and wait for April.04:46
doppelganger_but um..  it might be alsamixer for all i know04:46
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fnfdoppelganger_: Do you use GNOME ?04:46
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Apollyon_vox754: I am not a newbie04:47
Milk_t0dd, via the MOTD, private messages are disabled04:47
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fnfdoppelganger_: What is your WM/DE ?04:47
firestormtovella: to upgrade my sources from edgy to feisty can I just do a simple regexp replace of s/edgy/feisty/g .. or is there a better technique to updating source lists?04:47
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doppelganger_i have the volume prefs open04:47
Quintinfirestorm: Are you planning on beta testing and filling out bug reports?04:47
Apollyon_vox754: But not an expert as well. Are you?04:47
patrialtvox754 sorry, i just realized that im an idiot, they are mounted, and i was sure of that, just for some reason it's displaying the drived differently04:47
patrialti have them mounted as /Windows and /Storage04:47
doppelganger_fnf: gnome04:48
firestormQuintin: i just want a new kernel...am willing to strace/gdb if I get errors...but I won't be actively looking for errors04:48
fnffirestorm: yup, but expect breakage as 2 different repositories do not always work interchangably04:48
vox754patrialt: you kidding? ... I'm gonna spank you!04:48
patrialtand instead of showing (in the file browser on the left, they're among the /home files04:48
tovellafirestorm: or you could use sed.04:48
=== francois [n=francois@fctnnbsc15w-156034069042.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
fnfdoppelganger_: Do you have the Volume applet on one of your GNOME panels ?04:48
Quintinfirestorm: oh.  do you *need* a new kernel for something?04:48
firestormtovella: cool...just checking...coz I saw something about 'update-manager -c' somewhere04:48
tovellafirestorm: not sure which would be better, though.04:48
patrialtyea, they're in the "File System" direcotry04:48
doppelganger_yup, by my date up top04:48
fnfdoppelganger_: If so, right click on it and choose Preferences.04:48
firestormQuintin: yup...some hardware drivers etc04:48
francoisevening everyone, i need a hand here, i can't get a link between a folder on my desktop to another user's desktop working, when i create it it says that the folder doesn't exist04:49
firestormQuintin: think intel onboard wireless chips in laptops :P04:49
doppelganger_fnf: i'm there04:49
Quintinfirestorm: as someone mentioned above, change apt sources, get the kernel, then change back... might work04:49
Quintinfirestorm: I would just get another wifi adapter04:49
patrialton a lighter note, any idea how to get them to show on the left side? (a way a nooby could accomplish :P)04:49
=== exploit [n=exploit@] has joined #ubuntu
vox754Apollyon_: NO. No expert. I just want to make a point, because new users tend to go with those unstable versions and mess their machines. Try it if you have a spare computer or hard drive.04:49
exploitHow to edit boot manager??????04:50
fnfdoppelganger_: You may choose one of the effective channel, the channel which will be changed when you change the volume in the applet. Normally I use Fron or PCM channel.04:50
firestormQuintin: so would I if I didn't have a mortgage and wife :)04:50
firestormQuintin: I'd get another car too :-)04:50
=== t0dd [n=todd@pool-72-95-252-212.pitbpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Apollyon_vox754: Ok. Thx04:50
doppelganger_it gives me a basic list of everything i CAN control, but no options other than that04:50
firestormso exactly how dangerous is running feisty at the present?04:51
doppelganger_as in, which one to set as the one to control04:51
doppelganger_it's just more or less a list of what is available04:51
=== tovella [n=ktraglin@ool-4579ba05.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
exploiti m getting 2 REPEATED OPTION WHILE STARTING PC ............ UBUNTU & UBUNTU recovery mode....... again both of them r repeating....is there ny way to edit boot managar04:51
Quintinmike1o: I can't support someone with 87 third party repos, sorry.04:51
=== FabioAL [i=FabioAL@201009208232.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
fnfdoppelganger_: You set which channel should be affected by clicking on it, and try changing the volume.04:51
vox754patrialt: Not sure really. But try mounting them under "/media/Windows" and "/media/Storage". I think "/media" is a default directory for mounting this stuff.04:52
fnfdoppelganger_: It's a selectable list.04:52
patrialthehe, i better not attempt changing mounting points04:52
=== Karill [n=God@FL-ESR1-216-196-165-167.fuse.net] has joined #Ubuntu
patrialtit scares me :P04:52
patrialtcuz it's not very clear to me04:52
unska_exploit, yes it is, i unfortunately just dont remember how to ;)04:52
exploiti m getting 2 REPEATED OPTION WHILE STARTING PC ............ UBUNTU & UBUNTU recovery mode....... again both of them r repeating....is there ny way to edit boot managar ?????????????????????????????????04:52
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b morpheus74!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by nalioth
unska_theyre listed in a text file04:52
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IcemanV9exploit: /boot/grub/menu.lst; by the way, you'll need recovery mode04:52
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=== bjohnson [n=bjohnson@i209-195-71-248.cia.com] has joined #ubuntu
francoisdoppelganger_: theres an option to set how many images to show, you don't want to delete them, just set it to show only 1 image04:53
Quintinexploit: Those are the other kernels on your machine.  That's supposed to be there.  Now quit with the caps and idiot punctuation.04:53
Frogzooexploit: no spam - ubuntu is failing to boot & looping on the grub prompt - fix the boot issue04:53
=== mqueiros [n=mqueiros@c-217-70-65-71.bragatel.pt] has joined #ubuntu
fnfI'm sorry, but gtg04:53
tovellaanyone have any ideas about how to enable Automatic Logoff (after a period of inactivity)?04:53
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francoisdoppelganger_: sry wrong person04:53
=== nolog [n=chatzill@kntpin04-nas-03-s110.cinergycom.net] has joined #ubuntu
mackinacexploit:  if they list two different kernel versions, its because you have more than one kernel installed and it's giving you an option to boot from either04:53
exploitok thankx guys04:54
bjohnsonxine is my perferred movie player.  I've got it installed but I can't get it to play xvid files.  but I can play them in mplayer.  any ideas on how I can get xine to work too?04:54
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=== Milk_ [n=None@74-134-97-185.dhcp.insightbb.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
tim167exploit: you can edit /boot/grub/menu.lst, but make a backup of it first04:54
francoisi can't get a link between a folder on my desktop to another user's desktop working, when i create it it says that the folder doesn't exist04:54
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Quintinfrancois: check permissions04:54
vox754patrialt: no problemo, just go into your "/etc/fstab" and change "/Windows" with "/media/Windows", same with the other one. Ah, just remembered, "mkdir /media/Windows", first you create the directories. Save the file. And then remount.04:55
AzMooAnybody know how I can allow anybody to access my shares without a password?04:55
morpheus74I'm reading a book on VIM, and some of the commands do not work (e.g. c, T, F).  Any ideas?04:55
doppelganger_fnf: perhaps this is a different version..   i can check boxes and this and that, but that only dictates what i see now when i double click the mixer on the panel04:55
patrialtvox754 that have to be done from livecd?04:55
francoisQuintin: i did, everything should be ok, but when i click on the link it just says that the destination doesn't exist, but its obviousl there04:55
doppelganger_if i use my volume knob, even if i just have master shown, it still doesn't control it04:55
unska_how do i mount a .img file?04:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about img - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:56
KarillYou can dd it to a directory04:56
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn04:56
doppelganger_hmm..  guess fnf left04:56
Karillor mount it as a loop04:56
=== zero88 [n=zero88@ppp-69-236-50-198.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Quintinunska_: mount  ..04:56
vox754patrialt: NO. It can be done with the current install. The "/etc/fstab" is only used during mounting, that is when you use the command "mount"; else the fstab file is just a normal file.04:56
Quintinfrancois: check permissions04:57
patrialtkk thankies, i'll try it now then :D04:57
patrialtbtw, you make it much more understandable than online guides04:57
exploithow to login as root in terminal windows?04:57
unska_mackinac, do i have to unmount it once im done04:58
SteveCoffeesudo -s and your password exploit04:58
tim167exploit: sudo su04:58
mackinacsudo -i04:58
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Rune_anyone else have trouble installing libsdl on ubuntu amd64?04:58
=== Byan uses sudo su otheruser alot
mackinacunska_:  i imagine yes04:59
=== Norrit [n=Norrit@cpe-72-177-245-254.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
tim167mackinac: oh what's sudo su then ?04:59
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:59
NorritHi, been having a small problem installing, getting an error message and wanted to know if anyone could give me some help on it04:59
=== Hasrat_USA [n=hasrat@user-387gjsq.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
francoisNorrit: go ahead04:59
=== mattycoze [n=chatzill@CPE-143-238-135-142.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about unmount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:59
patrialtvox754 could you give me the command to enter the File Browser and a SU04:59
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francoisunska_: its umount05:00
bjohnsonwhat repo has w32codecs?05:00
exploitin terminal i have to edit a text file how to do dat???05:00
=== krezlim [n=dvanderw@m015f36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu
Byan!umount | unska_05:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about umount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:00
kitche!seveas | bjohnson05:00
ubotubjohnson: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages05:00
francoisexploit: say sudo nano /file/05:00
vox754patrialt: Yes. I'm more understandable because I'm charging you... I mean, check this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6186/05:00
=== bruenig [n=a@adsl-69-155-91-38.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
bjohnsonkitche: thnx again05:00
Norritgetting an error message, which seems to be specifying specific nodes on my HD such as = [502.607707]  buffer I/O error on device hdc, logical block 105:01
tim167exploit nano textfile.txt05:01
Norritgetting a whole lot of them repeating05:01
Mazzcan osmone help me to get my refresh rate to 60Hz?05:01
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Mazz*can someone05:01
=== Dr_willis [n=willis@74-140-6-108.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
vox754patrialt: File browser? "nautilus" and SU? what do you mean, Superuser? Be specific.05:01
=== mattycoze [n=chatzill@CPE-143-238-135-142.qld.bigpond.net.au] has left #ubuntu []
patrialtyea, sorry, i want to enter nautilus as a superuser05:01
francoisNorrit: say my name before you type to me, it'll help my reading :)05:01
=== Hasrat_USA [n=hasrat@user-387gjsq.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
exploitthankx guys u r very helpfull05:01
bruenigpatrialt, gksudo nautilus05:01
=== Bryann [n=brymelvi@71-214-191-247.tcsn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
francoisNorrit: ok, so is the hard drive good ? does it run ?05:01
patrialtbruenig thank you05:02
Quintinpatrialt: gksu nautilus --no-desktop05:02
Apollyon_ !mounting | unska_05:02
ubotuunska_: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter05:02
=== metusine [n=dgs@203-109-237-155.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Quintinmazz look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:02
Mazzyes i do that05:02
NorritFrancois: kk will do, yeah it runs, had a windows install on it. computer i got from a friend. I was looking over it again hdc, is that the normal name given to your HD? i thought that was generaly hda05:02
=== murdoc [n=murdoc@cpe-69-207-152-219.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Mazzbut when i redo it default display to 640x48005:02
Mazzand nvidia logo is gone05:03
francoisNorrit: yeah it should be hda,05:03
=== gumpish [n=gumpish@r74-192-164-240.gtwncmta01.grtntx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu
NorritFrancois: so hdc would apply to? and why is it giving me read errors? bad cd maybe?05:03
francoisNorrit: so windows is already installed, did you let the ubuntu installer partition the drive automatically ?05:03
Mazzi see there is a tool called "resapplet"05:04
Mazzbut it does not seam to want to run05:04
Apollyon_Mazz: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:04
vox754patrialt: It is not recommended to "enter" the file browser as Superuser. There are restrictions for a reason. It'll be a Coca Cola, by the way.05:04
mackinacMazz:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:04
=== csills [n=csills@c-71-59-52-223.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mazzill look into those thanks guys05:04
NorritFrancois: i started the ubuntu install and it went as far as the second step in the graphical install and starts spewing errors05:04
bruenigvox754, it is not not recommended to enter the file browser as superuser05:04
francoisNorrit: does the error apear on your hard drive ? or on the cd ? because you can check hte cd, before you install it05:04
patrialtlol, i only did it so that i could edit fstab without remembering the terminal command05:05
gumpish... How do you get a contents of a whole folder AND preserve the file structure with lftp? mget just dumps all of the contained files into your local dir, it doesn't recreate the directory structure...05:05
NorritFrancois: ill run the check on the cd05:05
francoisNorrit: does the cd run in windows ? it should be able to launch an app with things you can install05:05
patrialtunless you have tips on ways to remember all these millions of commands for linux :P05:05
NorritFrancois: dunno lemme check05:05
francoispatrialt: buy a book :)05:05
bruenigpatrialt, well you know gedit is the editor, and gksudo is the graphical sudo, therefore gksudo gedit /etc/fstab05:05
vox754patrialt: yep, listen to bruenig, it is better "gksudo gedit /etc/fstab"05:06
patrialtwell i didn't know gedit was the command til now xD05:06
=== inuyasharenegade [i=UPP@c-68-81-7-199.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
exploithow to change the permission of other hdd to write .....that NTFS......of other OS?05:06
=== Khisanth [n=Khisanth@pool-71-247-17-220.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
vox754bruenig: I recall you? but from where, and when?05:07
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse05:07
NorritFrancois: i think its an older version, might just redownload if anything *still checking in windows, its loading up alright*05:07
Apollyon_francois: water wash the cd and dry it. Probable it is dirt05:07
=== veganpops [n=Stan@sbthomas.dsl.xmission.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigvox754, probably in here05:07
NorritFrancois: loads fine in windows05:07
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francoisNorrit: yeah, the cd might be dirty, which version do you have ?05:07
=== sigger [n=chatzill@ool-44c0a897.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
vox754bruenig: OBVIOUSLY from here. But, specific conversation?05:08
bruenigThere are so many05:08
NorritFrancois: 6.02?05:08
murdocCan someone help me I can't find where Internet Explorer is in Ubuntu?05:08
Norritfrancois: bah, 6.06 rather.05:08
francoisNorrit: ok, where theres 6.10, so you can either try installing the old version, and then updating if you want to, or just burn the latest....05:08
=== bruenig doesn't know if he should take murdoc seriously
tim167murdoc: use Firefox05:09
=== kungfugoat [n=dhillman@c-76-20-252-192.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Hellevator [n=rko618@cpe-75-83-161-227.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== vox754 agrees with bruenig
=== OzoneCo [n=stanp@CPE-24-27-138-124.neb.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Quintinmurdoc: opera is faster05:09
=== patrialt [n=chatzill@pool-151-205-61-75.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Quintinby far05:09
NorritFrancois: alright, im gonna try to wash and install see fi that works05:09
murdocFirefox doesn't have the E in the corner like IE though05:09
brueniglynx is pretty fast05:09
francoislinks is king05:09
francoistext all the way05:09
murdocNo images05:09
lotusleafQuintin: fast is no good if I can't audit the code for security05:09
murdocCan I swear in this channel or is that frowned upon?05:10
patrialtvox754 i love you haha, that was so easy05:10
patrialti actually understand what i did there05:10
francoismurdoc: frowned05:10
patrialt(changing my Storage and Windows mounts05:10
murdocWhat's the limit like can I say damn?05:10
francoismurdoc: yeah just about05:10
Apollyon_!language | murdoc05:10
ubotumurdoc: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:10
mackinacmurdoc:  this chan is also only for support issues. for general chat, go to #ubuntu-offtopic05:11
patrialtvox754 have you ever changed your /home directory to a seperate partition for storage?05:11
patrialterr, has anyone, for that matter?05:12
bruenigI merged them once05:12
vox754patrialt: Luke, I'm your father... Now take some bucks and donate them to an open source project, I suggest "ndiswrapper". ... My /home is a separate partition.05:12
patrialtlol vox754 what if im broke :(05:12
NorritFrancois: its during the "mounting root file system" stage that it happens05:12
patrialtaka FREE OS GO!05:12
=== sigger [n=mark@ool-44c0a897.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
patrialtsry , forgot teh caps rule05:13
bruenigpatrialt, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome05:13
francoisNorrit: ok, so whats the exact error ?05:13
patrialtbruenig, no, that's where i went when things went wrong05:13
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patrialtwhen i went to log in my user account on Ubuntu, after making the changes05:13
patrialtit said my /home directory was missing, and wouldn't let me log in05:13
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bruenigpatrialt, did you change fstab?05:13
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patrialtbut i didn't understand what i was doing05:14
Norrit[502.607707]  buffer I/O error on device hdc, logical block 1 - starting at a much lower number in brackets and continuing for a while, until i shut down05:14
bayzidersHo do you uninstall a package?05:14
patrialti was basically (at some points) copy+pasting things05:14
siggercan anyone recommend an irc client that (1) has GUI and (2) allows you to turn off join/part/etc msgs?05:14
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NorritFrancois: [502.607707]  buffer I/O error on device hdc, logical block 1 - starting at a much lower number in brackets and continuing for a while, until i shut down05:14
bruenigpatrialt, oh I think the issue might be that this doesn't use uuid05:14
veganpopsbayziders: sudo apt-get remove mypackage05:14
patrialtno clue bruinig05:14
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mackinacsigger:  Xchat05:14
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patrialtsigger, im using Chatzilla05:14
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NorritFrancois: just tried again, the error started at 174.5421205:15
francoisNorrit: what kind of machine are you running this on ? i need to understand what hdc is,05:15
kungfugoatcan anyone recommend a good media player for gnome that's equal to amarok?05:15
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siggerpatrialt: I was just trying chatzilla.  I didn't see how to turn off the join/part/etc/msgs05:15
Quintinkungfugoat: mplayer is the best.05:15
Quintinsigger: irssi05:15
bruenigkungfugoat, listen exaile05:15
bayzidersThe package is called crossover-pro so  sudo apt-get remove crossover-pro?05:15
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siggermackinac: just DL xchat.05:15
NorritFrancois: old emachine i got from a friend, CD, Floppy, one HD05:16
siggerQuintin: looking for GUI.  irssi is terminal, yes?05:16
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vox754bruenig: Now that you mention that, I haven't tried those methods to "symlink" a partition to the home directory. I just use different partitions in chunks for storage. I need to try some of this stuff.05:16
NorritFrancois: should i just download 6.1, and try it on another cd?05:16
exploithow to change permission to write my other OS partition through Ubuntu?05:16
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Quintinsigger: you don't need a gui.05:16
patrialti prefer gui, cuz im a stupidhead :P05:16
bruenigit isn't symlinking05:17
francoisNorrit: ok, did you check to see if the computer meets requirements ? and the cd rom works because you ran it in windows right ?05:17
Quintinexploit: writing to NTFS is experimental and not recommened.05:17
patrialtsigger yea, i just looked, dont see the notify on/off button either :p05:17
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bruenigI don't think, I didn't read through it but it seems kind of ridiculous to symlink it05:17
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mackinac!ntfs-3g > exploit05:17
smileim planning on installing ubuntu for the first time soon!05:17
mackinac!fuse > exploit05:17
patrialtbruenig what you use a seperate partition for storage what format do you use?05:18
francoissmile: good job, :)05:18
patrialtwhen you use*05:18
bruenigpatrialt, ext305:18
bruenigpatrialt, you don't have to change the /home directory to just make a separate storage partition05:18
patrialtwith the little windows program listed on that weblink you gave me a moment ago?05:18
siggerwow, I miss icechat (win).  I just assumed other irc clients would allow turning off the annoying notifys.05:19
exploitya 2 hdd r coming on my ubuntu desktop but i m not able to write on that hdd..so is there ny way to write???05:19
NorritFrancois: yes it works in windows, didnt check sys reqs, and feel kind of stupid for that. its a 366 Celeron, 32 meg ram, 4 gig hd, figured that was enough05:19
patrialtbut by default doesn't all downloaded items from the add/remove or synaptic manager download to the ubuntu default partition?05:19
bayzidersI am trying to install a package buy got the error that it conflicts with another package so i removed the other package but i still get the error what do i do?05:19
EdgEyis there any way to force a particular refresh rate for X05:19
EdgEyinstead of giving a range05:19
siggersounds like a good time to try wine05:19
vox754bruenig: I don't say it is symlinking, but I know there are different things that I've yet to try.05:19
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francoisNorrit: not enough ram, you might want to install the alternate cd, and then install a desktop,05:19
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NorritFrancois: what is the ram req? i might have some old SD layin around05:20
francoisNorrit: recommended to have 128, anyhting less is rediculous05:20
Quintinexploit: ?05:20
mackinac<exploit> ya 2 hdd r coming on my ubuntu desktop but i m not able to write on that hdd..so is there ny way to write???05:21
mackinackeeps repeating question...05:21
vox754EdgEy, what range? Where did you see that?05:21
JackzI still has issues with Artifacts, and the memtest told me I had no problems. Suggestions?05:21
mackinacexploit:  did you get message from ubotu?05:21
NorritFrancois: haha agreed, didnt realise the ram req was so high tho, didnt care to do any work on the system haah05:21
Quintinexploit: If you are asking me a question, preface it with "Quintin:" so my client highlights it please05:22
bayzidersWhat does edgy have on the last dapper drake?05:22
EdgEyvox754, you set vsync/hsync ranges for your monitor05:22
francoisNorrit: the graphic components require a lot,05:22
EdgEydpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg does it it's also in xorg.conf05:22
bruenigbayziders, upstart init05:22
francoisNorrit: if you just run and use the command line then its ok05:22
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francoisNorrit: but otherwise get the alternate cd install05:22
bayzidersbruenig: What does that mean?05:22
vox754EdgEy: I think that refers to the "monitor" and has little to do with the actual X Server.05:22
=== Tiksi [n=tiksi@69-183-50-39.adsl.snet.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/05:22
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JackzI still has issues with Artifacts, and the memtest told me I had no problems. Suggestions?05:23
NorritFrancois: whats the alternate install?05:23
gaspipe1night all05:23
bayzidersNot really. =\. I upgraded and only half my apps worked correctly05:23
t0ddwhat should i search for to install flash?05:23
bruenigJackz, at this point, if I were you, I would give up on ubuntu. Couple of days in here and still problems05:23
francoisNorrit: a seperate version of ubuntu for older computers, without all the extra stuff,05:23
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bruenigt0dd, pastebin the output of this command "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"05:23
JackzYeah.. I was thinking that05:23
bruenig!paste | t0dd05:24
ubotut0dd: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:24
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francoist0dd: go to www.adobe.com and follow instructions05:24
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NorritFrancois: hrm, kk ill check it out05:24
JackzBut, I haven't spent all that much time in here, but any other suggestions for good Linux distrobutions?05:24
NorritFrancois: thanks a lot05:24
francoisNorrit: np, but i didn't really fix anything lol05:24
LT1Jackz - Debian05:24
bayzidersjacksz:Install it from the kernel, that's always fun.05:24
EdgEyJackz,  what graphics card do you have05:24
bayziders(sorry for typo)05:24
JackzDebian, or openSUSE, or RedHat - I have a 7800GT05:25
bruenigopenSUSE is evil05:25
francoisopenSUSE is garbage05:25
EdgEyi had problems with my 6200turbocache in debian, though my 7900gto is fine in ubuntu05:25
bayzidersI want to install gentoo.05:25
bruenigby association05:25
giodJackz: mint is cool05:25
EdgEyand i'm going to say05:25
EdgEyit's probably more graphics drivers than the distro05:25
bruenigmint will give you the same problems since it is ubuntu + codecs05:25
vox754bruenig: weren't you the guy that helped people with their Broadcom wireless devices?05:25
bayzidersDevil Liux, go with that one.05:25
elkbuntucan we please keep this channel on topic (ubuntu support only). if you want to talk about stuff that doesnt fit that, go to #ubuntu-offtopic05:26
bayzidersGUIS are for nubs, obviously.05:26
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bruenigNo I am not a wireless person05:26
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giodbut its cool cause it haz "Dirty software"05:26
JackzI was thinking it might be the drivers - is there a way to install ubuntu with the driver package, or whatever?05:26
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QuintinJackz: What is your problem, exactly?05:26
t0ddbruenig http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6187/05:26
NorritFrancois: just thoguht of this, the computer was running win XP in graphical interface05:26
giodJackz: yes whats the prob. Just enterd05:27
francoisNorrit: woah, thats harsh, must of been slow as hell05:27
vox754The first Linux I tried was OpenSUSE. . . . . . Just because the genial chameleon mascot . . . . I wish Ubuntu had it.05:27
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Norritit was, but it ran it, is ubuntu harder than XP?05:27
bayzidersPeople who I was talking to before: go to offtopic05:27
JackzWhen Ubuntu boots, from CD, or from a Text-Only install, there are artfacts, which are bearable, but within moments, or a few clicks, the artifacts make the screen indecipherable, and the whole computer freezes.05:28
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giodNorrit: No it is easier05:28
bruenigt0dd, do the following all at once: sudo bash -c 'echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list' && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:28
francoisNorrit: X is hard on ram, not so much ubuntu05:28
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JackzThe CD Tray won't even open after the problem elevates.05:28
Hedegaardhey guys, where can i find new themes ? and where do i make setting to how things should look - can't find it anywhere....05:28
NorritFrancois: thats what i thoguht, hrm, so probably not the ram then, there migh have been an upgrade, the 32 was on the sticker on the front05:29
=== Chickdey [n=Chickdey@c-68-58-185-249.hsd1.sc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigHedegaard, art.gnome.org gnome-look.org05:29
mackinacHedegaard:  system > preferences > theme05:29
patrialtHedegaard yea, mackinac was faster than me05:29
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Hedegaardbruenig, i've been looking there - but i have no clue what to download - they have gtk, compiz, metacity and what have we not .. don't know what they do or which one i should go for when i want a different theme05:30
QuintinJackz: What kind of hardware?05:30
bruenigHedegaard, metacity unless you have changed stuff, and you probably haven't or you would know which one05:30
Hedegaardmackinac, i was thinking something else than the default themes :)05:30
Hedegaardgotcha :) i'll give it a try and come back crying in half an hour :) thanks for the help :)05:31
=== martin1991 [n=Miranda@ppp-62-216-206-41.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu
Aralorhi, guys. i have a question about moving my second hard drive from my old computer currently running Ubuntu, over to a newer Windows computer so I can dual-boot05:31
bayzidersCan some one please help me with my problem, I tryed to install a package and I got a error that it was conflicting with another package so i removed the other package but i am still geting the same error.05:31
vox754Hedegaard, your welcome.05:31
Jackz7800GT, 2gigs of.. um.. RAM 2.01 GhZ Processor. :( Um.. that sounds right. I could look it up I suppose.05:31
t0ddthanks bruenig05:31
bruenig!pastebin | bayziders05:31
QuintinAralor: Just put the drive in, fix menu.lst, and install GRUB on the first hard drive.05:31
ubotubayziders: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:31
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@203-59-253-184.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
t0ddbruenig, could you help me find my wireless drivers for my laptop too?05:32
Aralori've looked in the forums, and things range from saying EASY! to pretty hard05:32
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bayzidersThat was two lines, it didn't flood.05:32
bruenigt0dd, no I know nothing of wireless05:32
QuintinAralor: It's childlike.  I could do it in less than a minute. :P05:32
vox754t0dd: look here http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/List05:32
Aralorso where is this menu.lst?05:32
QuintinAralor: /boot/grub/menu.lst05:32
bruenigbayziders, I mean to paste your errors05:32
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QuintinAralor: or 'whereis menu.lst'05:33
mackinacor google ;p05:33
Aralorhow can i fix menu.lst if ubuntu isn't installed on the second hard drive yet?05:33
=== Explosif [n=me@c-67-165-250-50.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about podcast - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:34
bayzidersIt is only one line,and I descirbed it but here, ERROR: Conflict with the installed package "crossover-pro". So I removed the package and I still get the same error.05:34
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bayzidersI love doing that05:34
t0ddmy laptop keeps making annoying beeps too.. whenever I do ctrl+f and find nothing, and backspace, etc05:34
t0ddwhy is that?05:34
JackzNo one has anything for me? :S05:34
Menais there a way o scaduale my pc to shutdown auto05:34
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vox754Jackz, sorry...05:34
Menai am on kubunty05:34
dave_hey! i need help!05:35
bruenigMena, on a regular basis or just once?05:35
ExplosifIm getting an error in rhythm box, it says no error set, this could be a problem with GStreamer or Rhythmbox.  Anyone enver gotten that message?05:35
Menabruenig, once05:35
Aralorkubunty sounds better :)05:35
lotusleafMena: #kubuntu05:35
dave_anyone want to help me? newbie at Ubuntu, have 5.10 and want to upgrade. ow do i do that?05:35
Menaaralor, hahahah sorry for that05:35
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:35
Menalotusleaf, i asked there no reply05:35
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bayzidersSo can some one help me out?05:36
VilhelmsIs it possible to mount an FTP site?05:36
vox754bayziders: what package have you installed? why? from where? what does it do? more info please. Just saying that the references don't match is not very helpful.05:36
bruenigMena, you could do sudo shutdown -h seconds05:36
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.05:36
JackzAlright then, I'll just switch to Debian. Bai.05:36
bruenig!upgrade | dave_05:36
ubotudave_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:36
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mackinac!upgrade > dave_05:36
bayzidersThis is the most gg bot I have ever seen05:36
jagerhow do I redetect the hardware in Edgy?05:36
Menabruenig, ok but if i want regular05:37
bayzidersI love it05:37
tmiw_jager: go to store.apple.com in your browser. Purchase and contact Apple support for further assistance.05:37
bruenigMena, you would have to set a cron job05:37
siggerpatrialt: I can remove notify's in xchat.   Settings, Advanced, Text Events then delete those events (e.g. join, part)05:37
vox754bayziders, you can do that in private "/query ubotu" all you want.05:37
mackinacedgy elf :)05:37
bayzidersCrossover pro was corssover 5.0 it is like wine but closed scource. I got a "fixed" version of it from a torrent site called demonoid05:37
patrialtsigger great, so you got yourself all figured out? xD05:37
deweyokay I can play various files now :)05:38
AralorQuintin, can we assume that the second hard drive going in the windows computer is brand new?05:38
bayzidersI like doing it in here thou ='(05:38
siggerkinda.  not the most elegant solution.  but good 'nuff fern now05:38
Aralori connect it, now what?05:38
EdgEy!botkill bayziders05:38
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bayzidersWhat did that do?05:38
siggerpatrialt: besides icechat wouldn't work under wine05:38
bayzidersI don't kill bots, just feed them.05:38
t0ddI know what wireless drivers I need, but is there an easy way to install them through ubuntu?05:39
bayziders!botkill t0dd05:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about botkill t0dd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:39
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VilhelmsIs it possible to mount an FTP site?05:39
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Menabruenig, How to use cron job ?? :)05:40
vox754t0dd: join #vocx05:40
bruenigMena, I have only ever needed to use cron for normal user stuff not things that required sudo, I am looking to see how to do stuff that requires root05:40
Aralorcan someone explain how to create a dual-boot computer with windows and ubuntu?05:40
ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)05:40
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Aralorubuntu will be going on a second hard drive05:41
Menabruenig, ok05:41
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bruenigMena, do you know what time of day and when exactly?05:41
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bruenigor rather what day and what time of day05:42
Menabruenig, yes05:42
bruenigMena, and that would be...05:42
=== Khisanth [n=Khisanth@pool-71-247-17-220.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Aralorhmmm do i still have to be polite to a bot and say thank you? :)05:42
Mena6:42 am Saturday05:42
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mackinacAralor: ubuntu forums has tons of info on dual booting :)05:43
=== Chickdey1 [n=Chickdey@c-68-58-185-249.hsd1.sc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Menabruenig, you mean the time i wont it to shutdown or the time now05:43
Aralormackinac: yes it ranges from EASY! to oh, this is pretty hard to do... doom and gloom05:43
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bruenigMena, the time in general, that you want happening on a regular basis05:44
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bleanna_unuxi get th error msg: "cannot connect to x server" when i do "startkde"05:45
mackinaci dual boot with second hdd - yeah it was confusing at first because grub didn't know how to find windows - had to edit "device.map" and all was good :)05:45
bruenigMena, so every saturday at 6:42?05:45
ivxhello, i am using mail-notification, and it has an option to run a command when mail is recieved. i want it to play a sort mp3. what command would work to play an mp3? is there a way to get it to play w/o launching anything?05:46
LT1bleanna_unux - try 'startx'   no quotes.05:46
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Menabruenig, ok the time i wont would be.....8:00 am and every thursday05:46
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Aralorthe howto simply says to put in the cd and follow the instructions. easy enough. will it give me the option of installing linux on the second hard drive?05:46
lufi1What's the best p2p client for linux? is nicotine+ the best it gets?05:46
ivxlufil, i use frostwire05:47
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lufi1ivx: limewire clone? is it java?05:47
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mackinacAralor, sorry I'm not sure about default install procedure. i've always used "expert" install and manually edited the partitions05:47
MunchkinguyHello. I've been working on an Human OpenOffice icon theme based on Jakub Steiner's work. Version 0.3 is now available.05:47
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bleanna_unuxLT1: i did but i get the errors "xauth: error locking authority file..." X: canot stat /etc/X11/X no such file or directory05:47
ivxlufil, yes. they fixed the excessive cpu usage issues05:47
lufi1Munchkinguy: sounds great. link? :)05:47
MunchkinguyDownload and instructions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2168119#post216811905:47
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lufi1ivx: hm, i'll give it a go. thank you05:48
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Munchkinguylufi1: Be warned: it is incomplete05:48
who_caresif something in /etc/init.d fails to start, where would that be logged?05:48
ivxlufil, you need to install jre also05:48
lufi1ivx: yes, of course05:48
bruenigMena, ok do gksudo gedit /etc/crontab, and then add this line at the bottom but before the #05:48
bruenig0  7    * * 4   root    shutdown -h now05:48
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ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:48
shoumikCould someone give me an easy way to download .tar..gz files. I want to download Yamipod and I extracted it into my Desktop. Now what?05:48
Menabruenig, ok05:48
gpledanyone know of a midi player for ubuntu?05:48
lufi1Munchkinguy: looks great anyways. :)05:48
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ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.05:49
bruenigshoumik, wget05:49
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shoumikis that what i have to type in the yamipod directory?05:50
EdgEyi've installed xubuntu-desktop, and i'm now running xfce05:50
bruenigshoumik, you are trying to download .tar.gz files?05:50
EdgEyhow can i remove gnome and all its dependencies etc i no longer need05:50
bruenigshoumik, just do wget url.com/thing.tar.gz05:50
EdgEyas if i just installed xubuntu05:50
shoumikI'm trying to install yamipod05:50
shoumikok not downloading05:50
Menabruenig, i open it but its empty is that wrong or normal?05:50
shoumikI downloaded it05:50
shoumikbut now what?05:50
=== Tidge [n=timgraha@ppp216-47.lns2.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
shoumikHow do I run it?05:51
bruenigMena, are you on edgy or dapper?05:51
bhall412a script/daemon keeps overwriting my resolv.conf, resulting in being unable to contact my DNS. The solution is to comment out 2 lines of code in a file- problem is, i cant remember what file. Please help!05:51
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shoumiko not me05:51
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bruenigshoumik, do tar xf whatever.tar.gz05:51
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VilhelmsHow can I mount an FTP site as a drive?05:51
shoumiki have extracted it05:51
bruenigMena, it should not be empty05:51
bruenigshoumik, read the readme05:51
Tidgehey guys is feisty fawn alpha 4 stable (enough) lol05:51
LT1bleanna_unux - something is messed up. you might try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:51
WimpogGUYS, I need help. I installed phpmyadmin on ubuntu server. I accidentally changed the language to russian, and now can no longer view phpmyadmin's page. Does anybody know how I can COMPLETELY uninstall it and install again? I say COMPLETELY, because when I used apt-get remove phpmyadmin, some of the config files remained.05:51
bruenigMena, do "cat /etc/crontab05:52
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newest007hey can someone pleaaase help me?05:52
mackinacneeding help is generally why one asks a question05:52
bruenig!anyone | newest00705:52
ubotunewest007: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:52
newest007ive been trying for over a week to download and install doom legacy05:52
Menabruenig,sorry the file name was with , at the end05:52
newest007its almost impossible for me05:52
Menabruenig,now its right05:52
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Tidgehas someone got an answer for my q yet? :)05:53
bruenignewest007, sudo apt-get install doomlegacy-x1105:53
Menabruenig,so do what you said then it would work nromaly05:53
newest007see thats the thing, the x11 is bad apparently, i mean its really buggy05:53
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bruenigMena, yeah, if you want to be sure you did it right, you can paste that file to pastebin and I can look it over05:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:53
newest007ive been told to dl legacy sdl05:53
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vox754Tidge, NO. Not stable. If you have spare disk, install it to report bugs.05:53
mackinac!feisty > Tidge05:53
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newest007but in order to dl sdl, i gotta get a WHOLE heap of other files05:53
TidgeOK thanks I will stick to edgy for now05:53
newest007its soooooooo confusing05:53
bruenignewest007, whichever, That was just the first thing that popped up with a apt-cache search doom05:54
WimpogGUYS, help, please05:54
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WimpogHow to COMPLETELY REMOVE some package on Ubuntu05:54
bruenigWimpog, what package and calm down on caps05:54
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience05:54
newest007see i just did apt cache search doom05:55
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newest007and nothing came up05:55
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newest007why the hell is this soo complicated?05:55
Dr_willisWimpog,  apt-get remove whatever05:55
shoumikBruening it says to copy libfmodex to /usr/lib. How do I do that via terminal05:55
Wimpogbruenig: phpmyadmin. The problem is I accidentally changed the language to russian or something and can no longer see phpmyadmin's page, it gives a bunch of errors.05:55
shoumikIt also says i need root priveleges\05:55
bruenigMena, perfect05:55
Dr_willisWimpog,  the purge option 'should' clean out any config files as well05:55
WimpogDr_willis: I tried that, but the config files are NOT being replaced05:55
newest007this is too much05:56
newest007im sticking to windows xp for games..05:56
Menabruenig,so to disable it i must to remove that line05:56
bruenigMena, if you cared to understand the syntax, the 0 is for the minutes, the 7 is 8 o clock (it counts up from zero) the 4 is thursday being first day of week05:56
bruenigMena, yeah05:56
amaani was looking for realtek audio drivers for my asus w7j...does anyone know where i can find for ubuntu?05:56
bhall412wimpog- find the folder, and delete it (you may need to be sudo- best way is to type 'sudo nautilus). I am assuming you have apt-get removed and there are files left over05:56
newest007truly dissapointed with ubuntus capabilitys when it comes to games05:56
Dr_willisnewest007,  you expect a comercial game to be in the repos? theres some doom 'rewrites' out.. but not sure if any re in the repos.05:56
bhall412a script/daemon keeps overwriting my resolv.conf, resulting in being unable to contact my DNS. The solution is to comment out 2 lines of code in a file- problem is, i cant remember what file. Please help!05:56
Menabruenig,ohhh okay good05:56
QRZWimpog: Try, "sudo apt-get --purge remove --assume-yes <package_name>" to remove it.05:56
newest007no i got the doom wads05:56
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Menabruenig,thanks :)05:56
newest007i just need the doom legacy port05:57
newest007which i know where it is05:57
Dr_willislxdoom - Unix port of boom, an enhanced version of DOOM05:57
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Dr_willis!find lxdoom05:57
bruenigshoumik, ?05:57
ubotuFound: lxdoom, lxdoom-sndserv, lxdoom-svga, lxdoom-x1105:57
newest007installing it is a hassle05:57
newest007a big hassle05:57
shoumikIt also says i need root priveleges\05:57
shoumikBruening it says to copy libfmodex to /usr/lib. How do I do that via terminal05:57
Dr_willislife is a hassle.05:57
WimpogQRZ: the problem is that I deleted some of the config files manually, and now when I install it again it says "Not replacing deleted config file /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf..."05:57
newest007yes i have doom legacy it on my desktop05:57
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bruenigshoumik, which are you?05:57
newest007how the hell do i install it though????05:57
vox754Attention everyone: Herd 4, development version for Feisty, is out. This is NOT a stable version. It is released only so people can give feedback and, possibly, report bugs. Don't use it if you don't know what you're doing.05:57
newest007theres about a million different ways05:57
newest007whcih most dont work05:58
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newest007its stupid05:58
bruenigshoumik, oh you are tar.gz guy, give a link to the package, I shall DL and look05:58
Dr_willisnewest007,  on the desktop?  Id just fire up the package manager and click the packages and click install.05:58
Dr_willisthe packages may require the comercial data files from the doom game.05:58
amaani was looking for realtek audio drivers for my asus w7j...does anyone know where i can find for ubuntu?05:58
QRZWimpog: Yeah, try removing it first with that command...05:58
newest007right... so i fired up synaptic05:58
newest007now what05:58
newest007cause i type in doom in synaptic... nothing05:59
who_caresif something in /etc/init.d fails to start, where would that be logged?05:59
newest007yet its on my desktop05:59
newest007yet i have the thing05:59
WimpogQRZ: THANK you and other guys a LOT. That did work!05:59
newest007yet i cant bloody install it05:59
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QRZWimpog: welcome05:59
newest007doom legacy sdl05:59
bruenigshoumik, you aren't satisfied with gktpod and the others available in repos?05:59
WimpogQRZ: you're great guys05:59
newest007ive checked the forums05:59
shoumikummm no05:59
Dr_willisnewest007,  on the desktop? you did not need to download it seperately.. the package manager will download and install packages.. You are thinking in windows terms.05:59
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shoumikgtkpod is stubborn05:59
bruenigjust wondering while it downloads06:00
shoumiki'be used yamipod in windows and i liked it06:00
newest007really, so i just type in doom legacy into synaptic and voila....06:00
newest007well that didnt happen06:00
newest007thats why i dl it manually06:00
Dr_willisyou proberly dont have the multiverse and other repos enabled.06:00
shoumiki can almost run yamipod windows version via wine06:00
mazMan do any of you guys know how to make copies of CDs?  I've tried gnomebaker and graveman but they both think there's no audio CD loaded, when there is.  Annoying...06:00
shoumikbut it shuts down.06:00
Dr_willis!info lxdoom06:00
ubotulxdoom: Unix port of boom, an enhanced version of DOOM. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.4main-0.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 287 kB, installed size 480 kB06:00
shoumikfor some stupid error06:00
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:00
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shoumikbruening have you downloaded it06:01
vox754newest007: Please don't rant angrily. There is nothing wrong with having a separate Win partition to play games. Take it easy.06:01
bruenigshoumik, ok, it looks like you should do this, first cd into the directory and do "sudo cp libfmodex.so.4.02.05 /usr/lib" and then do ./YamiPod06:01
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Mazzok when i go into xrandr i only see a refresh rate of 85Hz which i do not want anyway to get 60Hz with this?06:01
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newest007i give up06:01
newest007 its impossible06:01
newest007a week and a half06:01
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newest007and i cant even install doom, lol,06:01
exploithow to access another partition of hd through ubuntu desktop?06:01
=== Dr_willis goes on to play lxdoom.
brueniguh oh no doom, OS is obsolete06:02
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exploitis there any way to write another partition of HD through ubuntu desktop?06:03
bruenigexploit, you need to mount it, do you know its name (/dev/something)06:03
patrialtahh, i cant figure out how to install a login screen i downloaded >.<06:03
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bruenigpatrialt, system>administration>login window06:03
mazSo has anyone here been able to make CD copies?06:04
bruenigmaz, like what exactly?06:04
exploiti m able to read drive but not write.........how to change permission from root to my username?06:04
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Dr_willismaz,  ? dd to a ,iso file and then burn the ,iso file :)06:04
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patrialtbruenig yea, i got that far, but when i browse for the file i have, it wont show up :p06:04
bruenigyeah I was thinking what Dr_willis said06:04
mazbruenig, i'm trying to copy an audio cd, but graveman and gnomebaker can't see the audio cd i put in06:04
Dr_willisexploit,  what kind of partition?06:04
mazdr_willis, was the command dd?  I can do that i guess06:04
mackinacwho_cares:  /var/log/messages ??06:05
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LionheartAnybody know what font the terminal uses and if it's the same for other distros?06:05
bruenigmaz, do you know the name of your drive? (/dev/something)06:05
Dr_willisdd if=/dev/cdrom of=whatever.iso06:05
amaani was looking for realtek audio drivers for my asus w7j...does anyone know where i can find for ubuntu?06:05
=== Tomcat_` [n=Tomcat@p54A1C07A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
mazbruenig, how would i find this out?  I know sound juicer can see the audio tracks06:05
patrialtahh i see it now bruenig, but what do i select? a .png or ?06:05
exploitNTFS partition Dr_willis06:05
Dr_willisexploit,   check out this url...06:05
Dr_willisDefacto NTFS (and works for Vfat as well) guide for your Fstab/mounting of NTFS partitions -->  http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfs-en#how_do_i_mount_an_ntfs_volume06:06
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vox754patrialt, maz, bruenig left06:06
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patrialthe's so sneaky06:06
Dr_willisexploit,  also the ubuntu wiki/pages have some info on ntfs partitions06:06
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:06
shoumikwhats the command in terminal for moving files??06:06
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exploitok thankx06:06
mackinac!ntfs-3g | exploit06:06
ubotuexploit: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)06:06
mackinac!fuse | exploit06:06
ubotuexploit: Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse06:06
Lionheartshoumik it's mv06:06
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mackinacfor the 3rd or 4th time...06:06
shoumikwould i have to be in the directory to move the file?06:07
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mazdr_willis, dd gave me the error message input/output error.  Could my CDrom have another name??06:07
FireHazard17ntfs-3g is now RC106:07
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Dr_willismaz,  could.. :) look in /dev/ and see06:07
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FireHazard17there wont be RC206:07
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FireHazard17just the release06:07
Dr_willismaz,  may be /dev/cdrom0 not sure.06:08
exploitwat say ill use or not that ntfs-3g??????06:08
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mackinacexploit, what is your native language?06:08
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Dr_willisexploit,  if you MUST write to the ntfs drives.. you will want it.06:08
mazdr_willis there's a dev/cdrom, and a /dev/cdrw06:08
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vox754shoumik, NO. You can move thing like this "mv <something> <somewhere>", the something may be the absolute path "/some/path" to "/another/path"06:08
FireHazard17^^ for RC06:09
LionheartSo nobody knows the "system terminal" font?06:09
exploitactually i want 2 write from songs 4m dvd to my ntfs hd partition therefore i can play 4m both ubuntu & windows06:09
VilhelmsI installed lufs from package but I get an error when I try to mount an ftpfs, the error is "you don't have kernel lufs support (check whether the lufs module is available/loaded)06:09
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vox754exploit, Don't use it. It is better to copy your files to a ext3 partition. Now Windows is able to read ext3 through a plugin.06:10
mazdr_willis an ls -l /dev/cdrom shows that it is a link to /hdd06:10
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Dr_willismaz,  ya should be able to do a dd if=/dev/hdd of=whatever.iso also then.06:10
exploiti m abe to read from ntfs hd but not write is it fine ...?06:10
Dr_willisexploit,  thats normal...06:11
mazdr_willis, same error.  Isn't hdd hard disk drive??06:11
vox754Lionheart, I don't know. Maybe "console" or something. I've seen shells where you can modify these parameters. I think I saw them in Knoppix .06:11
Dr_willisexploit,  writing is considuered 'risky' but i hear it works ok.06:11
Dr_willismaz,  whats the exact command ya are doing? and whats the exact error?06:11
CapaHDoes anyone here know a quick way to test if a password is or is not valid for a certificate file (.p12 .crt etc) ?06:11
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mazdr_willis:  command is   sudo dd if=/dev/hdd of=tomwaits.iso and the error is...   dd: reading `/dev/hdd': Input/output error06:12
LionheartI've searched for console/terminal/system. No luck :(06:12
amaani was looking for realtek audio drivers for my asus w7j...does anyone know where i can find for ubuntu?06:12
vox754exploit: YES. Reading is normal. But writing is not fully supported due to proprietary issues with Microsoft.06:12
Dr_willismaz,  Hmmm....06:12
fr500i installed 2 new sata drivers on a n existing desktop06:12
exploitmicrosoft sucks06:12
Dr_willismaz,  you do have a cd in the drive? :)06:12
vox754Lionheart: try "slocate fonts"06:13
fr500is it possible to partition them using LVM (the other disk is not like that) and move my home there?06:13
mazlol yes dr_willis, and sound juicer can see it06:13
exploitSound output is not working....any way to fix it?06:13
Dr_willisdd if=/dev/hdb of=test.iso06:13
Dr_willisworks for me.06:13
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:13
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bleanna_unuxI'm installing Ubuntu from a minimal CD installer. After installation, what apt-get packages do I need just to install the gnome base (no multimedia, games, office, etc) so I can have a GUI interface?06:14
VilhelmsI installed lufs from package but I get an error when I try to mount an ftpfs, the error is "you don't have kernel lufs support (check whether the lufs module is available/loaded)"06:14
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Dr_willisVilhelms,  load the  lufs module?06:14
VilhelmsDr_willis, I did06:14
arrenlexbleanna_unux: x-window-system-core gnome-core06:14
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vox754bleanna_unux, I'm not sure, I would try also "gnome-desktop"06:15
arrenlex!info gnome-desktop | vox75406:15
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ubotuvox754: Package gnome-desktop does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas06:15
shoumikHi, I've had Ubuntu for 2 weeks now and I've not been able to use my webcam the wholet time. The PC is not recognizing it. Its a logitech quickcam chat. Can someone help?06:15
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arrenlex!webcam | shoumik06:16
ubotushoumik: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras06:16
vox754arrenlex: yeah, I don't remember. What are the desktop packages then?06:16
shoumikkk ill look at tha06:16
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bleanna_unuxarrenlex: do i need xserver-xorg or gdm?06:16
nathan__I just installed ubuntu along with the developer packages, downloaded the latest version of epic, and it refuses to compile, it passed the configure script fine though.  Anyone else have any problems getting epic to compile?06:16
arrenlexvox754: [ku] buntu-desktop. But that installs all multimedia packages.06:16
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TonrenHow can I get my computer to run an arbitrary command on bootup?06:17
vox754arrenlex: true. Thanks.06:17
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ubotuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup06:17
TonrenI want my server to access my dynamic DNS url every time it reboots06:17
arrenlexbleanna_unux: x-window-system-core will install xserver-xorg as well as all packages it needs to run. You don't strictly need gdm -- you can log in textmode and use the startx command. But you can get it if you want.06:17
Tonrenvox754: Not GNOME - bootup.06:17
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arrenlexnathan__: a) what is epic? b) what error is it giving you?06:18
TonrenAnyone?  How can I add an arbitrary command to init.d?06:18
bleanna_unuxarrenlex: when i boot, i want the gui to start auto. so i guess i need gdm right? do i need to configure anything in the process?06:18
arrenlexTonren: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/2806:19
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arrenlexbleanna_unux: Yes, you need [xkg] dm. No you don't need to configure anything.06:19
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y0hmHow does one remove the .conf files & stuff with apt-get remove ? I thought there was an option for doing that !06:20
arrenlexy0hm: Do you mean apt-get remove --purge?06:20
ardchoilleIs there a tutorial about how to have multiple livecd's on one dvd? I know it's possible to do this, but I just need to learn how.06:20
y0hmyup :)06:20
bleanna_unuxarrenlex: cool. thx.06:20
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icicledTonren, add what you want to do to /etc/rc.local06:20
vox754arrenlex: I see you've got everything covered up. I'm gone then.06:20
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justdaveis there any way to optimize the remote desktop stuff in gnome?  When using it it seems like it's constantly transmitting the entire screen instead of just the things that change, and so I have to disconnect and reconnect pretty frequently to get a fresh screen because it starts lagging badly after a while.06:22
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justdave(this is in Dapper)06:22
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nathan__arrenlex: epic is a text based ircclient, it gives an error on a line that says "extern char *tparm();06:23
Illnorstupid newbie question: I'm dual booting xp and ubuntu, on xp I can browse the files on my four hard drives, how do I do this in ubuntu?06:23
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nathan__of a parameter list with an ellipsis cant match an empty parameter name list declaration ...06:23
fr500i installed 2 new sata drivers on a n existing desktop06:23
fr500is it possible to partition them using LVM (the other disk is not like that) and move my home there?06:23
exploitwhich is best player for mp3 format??06:24
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:24
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_jvictoru need to modofy /etc/fstab06:24
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_jvictorany toshiba laptop owners (phoenix bios) ?06:24
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andouIf I want to make an FTP server, do I need a www.xxx.com address?06:25
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arrenlex!any | _jvictor06:25
_jvictorif it has to be there in the internet yes06:25
Quintinandou: no06:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about any - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:25
cellfishhi there, i was wondering if there was any way I could set up mplayer as my default video streaming plugin in firefox ... it keeps using totem and totem seriously sucks06:25
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Quintin_jvictor: uh, no.  kthnx06:25
arrenlexcellfish: Install mozilla-mplayer06:25
Falstiusandou: you can use something like dyndns, or just remember your IP address.06:26
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exploitcan i install Yahelite on ubuntu????06:26
andouQuintin: So, can I just use my ipaddress and then instead of http://.* I could use ftp://myipaddress?06:26
arrenlexcellfish: And remove totem-mozilla.06:26
Quintinexploit: You're getting on my nerves.  *one* "?", ok?06:26
cellfisharrenlex: i have 6.10 and every time i try mozilla-mplayer, it acts like the package doesn't exist06:26
Quintinandou: Yes.06:26
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arrenlex!info mozilla-mplayer | cellfish06:26
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andouFalstius Ok thanks. So, as long as I use my ipaddress, there's no problem?06:26
Falstiusandou: assuming that you have your server and router set up correctly, yes.06:26
ubotucellfish: mozilla-mplayer: MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.31-1 (edgy), package size 467 kB, installed size 1616 kB06:26
arrenlexcellfish: i.e. enable multiverse06:26
andouFalstius: Hehe. Yeah. That's a pretty big assumption.06:27
Quintinandou: You might need to do some port-forwarding if you're behind a NAT router.  Also make sure that that port is not being blocked by your ISP.06:27
imsocutehave any of you tried tricksteronline with ubuntu06:27
cellfisharrenlex: how do i do that?06:27
meisamhi guys, do u know where the defaulpath of jdk after installation is?06:27
arrenlex!multiverse | cellfish06:27
ubotucellfish: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:27
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arrenlex!easysource | cellfish06:27
ubotucellfish: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:27
exploitQuintin r u getting angry wid me?06:27
Quintinmeisam: which $var , whereis $var  .. try that.06:27
andouQuitin: Ok. Thanks for the tip. If I do that, would I need to use ftp://myipaddress:openport?06:27
arrenlex!u | exploit06:27
ubotuexploit: Unless you're Dutch, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..06:27
Quintinexploit: Quit being an idiot.  Thanks.06:27
Falstiusandou: sure, but important.  You can get a free address like "yourname.dyndns.net" if you don't want to remember the number.06:28
_jvictormeisam "/usr/lib/jvm"06:28
Quintinarrenlex: On top of things there.. :)06:28
Dr_willisU sure?06:28
meisamQuintin what do u mena?06:28
angel12hey guys, whenever i use apt or try to connect to irc, i have to ping the address (us.archive.ubuntu.com or irc.freenode.net for instance) before i connect, otherwise it wont work06:28
exploitquintin u want me to quit?06:28
exploitsorry you06:28
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andouFalstius Can I use just any free address? Will that have to be 'setup' somehow?06:28
VilhelmsHow do I find out my uid?06:28
shoumikHi I downloaded camorama and it's not detecting my webcam06:28
shoumikIt's a logitech quickcam chat06:28
_jvictorunder jvm, there will be the current versiion of jdk06:28
Quintinexploit: Quit being an idiot?  Yes.  Please.  One "?" per question, maybe two.  Same for "!" and friends as well.  Thanks.  To answer your question, have you tried google and searching for 'yahelite ubuntu'?06:29
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lotusleafshoumik: there are a number of camera apps to be found in Synaptic, search for them, also you may ask in #spca50x06:29
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Falstiusandou: do a google search for "free dynamic dns" and do some reading.  The setup is pretty easy.06:29
meisam_jvictor i have installed the jdk 1.5 but it is installed in my desktop friend06:29
nikki__hey all, is there a way to get KDE4 on edgy?06:29
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meisam_jvictor i wanna change it to the defult one06:29
andouFalstius: Would something like the no-ip.com ones work?06:29
Quintinexploit: To search available packages from the command line, do 'apt-cache search $var' or apt-cache search $var | grep $var2 to search within those results.06:29
Hellevatornikki_ kde4 hasn't been released yet06:29
fieryprophethello all06:29
exploitsorry quintin for that....06:30
nikki__are you sure? i've seen people using it\06:30
exploiti ill not ask now06:30
Falstiusandou: maybe, I don't know anything about no-ip.com.  Going to bed now, good luck.06:30
VilhelmsHow do I find out my uid?06:30
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Dr_willisecho $UID06:30
Quintinexploit: no one's perfect06:30
andouFalstius Ok. Well Thanks for the advice! Goodnight :)06:30
fieryprophetanyone ever dealt with the infamous "Unknown interrupt or fault 0XXXX, etc." boot time problem?06:30
arrenlex!kde4 | nikki__06:30
ubotunikki__: For information on KDE 4 (not to be released for quite some time yet), see: http://www.canllaith.org/svn-features/kde4.html. Also worth checking are: appeal/phonon/plasma/solid.kde.org06:30
meisam_jvictor how can i unistall this and then trying to install in the default path?06:30
andouQuintin: Thanks for the advice :)06:30
VilhelmsDr_willis, Thanks06:30
Quintinandou: you're welcome :)06:30
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Hellevatornikki_ yes, it is not scheduled to come out for several months.  Chances are you saw a mockup of what kde4 will look like06:31
Quintinandou: as an aside, FTP is totally insecure.  You should be aware of this if you're going to run a public server.06:31
_jvictorsudo aptitude update-alternatives or soemthign of that sort..06:31
exploiti know but i was askin lik dumb widout surfing06:31
_jvictorsorry theres no aptitude06:31
exploitsorry 4 dat06:31
andouQuintin: Ok. I don't really know what you mean though. I've heard something about SFTP. Would that be a better option?06:31
shoumiklotusleaf it's taking way to long form them to respong06:32
Quintinandou: The internet is insecure, by design.06:32
angel12hey guys, whenever i use apt or try to connect to irc, i have to ping the address (us.archive.ubuntu.com or irc.freenode.net for instance) before i connect, otherwise it wont work06:32
_jvictorsudo update-alternatives --config  java will do the owrj06:32
Quintinandou: I mean that the data you send, but more importantly the *credentials* you send, are sent in cleartext.06:32
meisam_jvictor ?06:32
lotusleafshoumik: try ##linux #creative06:32
_jvictorangel use a static ip.06:32
angel12_jvictor, i do...06:33
Quintinandou: type 'traceroute google.com' in a terminal.  Anyone on any of the computers between you and the remote site can sniff traffic, get access to login details, and proceed to do bad stuff.06:33
_jvictormeisam: use this > sudo update-alternatives --config  java06:33
lotusleafshoumik: also the forums: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/06:33
meisamit did not work06:33
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_jvictorangel do u use a dlink router by anychance ?06:33
meisam_jvictor it did not work06:33
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Moniker42how do i play .mov files? ie Apple Trailers?06:33
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Quintinandou: I would use scp.  http://winscp.sf.net/ is an opensource, easy to use scp/sftp client that you can use on windows machines.  On ubuntu, you can use scp command-line program or you can mount with sshfs or the built-in gnome tool for mounting ssh06:33
andouQuintin: I won't be putting anything of 'real' importance on the ftp. I just want to use it for practice. Also, I'm in Korea and an associate of mine will be sending video files from Australia that we will edit here06:33
_jvictormeisam can u tell what the error is ?06:34
andouQuintin I thought an FTP would be the best way to send the files.06:34
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects06:34
Quintinandou: Use a different user account than your own, and set the shell of that account to /bin/false.06:34
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cellfishis totem NECESSARY to have in ubuntu? it seems all of my problems would be solved if i just got rid of it06:34
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Quintincellfish: totem is piece of useless FILTH.06:34
Quintinrubbish.  junk.  garbage.06:34
arrenlexcellfish: Of course not. Nothing is really NECESSARY in ubuntu.06:35
meisamthere is no error he said there is only one program provides java...06:35
_jvictorangel 3 things to do .. i use a static ip ,2) add you ISP's dns server add instead of ur router 3) disable ipv606:35
exploiti use camorama app for my cam..but not detectable.....any other app for cam?06:35
arrenlexcellfish: Especially not media players.06:35
cellfishbecause it's seriously getting in the way of my trying to view the videos on cnn.com06:35
_jvictorok so u have only gcj installed ?06:35
TonrenI'm trying to configure my server with a static IP instead of DHCP; I'm behind an SMC Barricade G router.  I can set up /etc/network/interfaces with "iface eth0 static; address;" and it successfully gets the IP address and I can navigate to my router's config page, but I can't access the internet06:35
Quintinandou: From command-line 'sudo usermod -s /bin/false ftp' to change ftp user to have a non-login shell.  Then you should be ok06:35
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cellfishwhy does it constantly tell me that i may be removing 'ubuntu-desktop' if i try to remove all of the useless software?06:35
_jvictorthe jre is different from the jdk..06:36
QuintinTonren: Yes you can access the internet.06:36
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andouQuintin: Ok. That's some great advice. I'm checking it out now. Thanks for that.06:36
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Quintinandou: glad to help06:36
arrenlex!metapackage | cellfish06:36
ubotucellfish: A meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.06:36
TonrenQuintin: Pinging anything gets me "network is unreachable".06:36
TonrenQuintin: Anything except the router, that is06:36
fieryprophetAnyone have any idea how to get around this error everytime I boot? "Unknown interrupt or fault 0X00000, etc." ?06:37
QuintinTonren: You didn't configure the interface properly then.  I was thinking it was name resolution.06:37
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QuintinTonren: Please paste your /etc/network/interfaces for me06:37
Quintin!paste Tonren06:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about paste tonren - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:37
arrenlex!ubuntu-desktop | cellfish06:37
ubotucellfish: k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.06:37
Quintin!paste | Tonren06:37
ubotuTonren: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:37
cellfishalright ... so this friggin bullshit is telling me that 'totem' can't play the cnn video even though it should be gone ... it still appears and loads from the menu, but even add/remove acts like totem isn't installed06:37
system_eFile-roller (archive manager) corrupt my text file while making tar.gz file. Does anyone know how to repair it. Added spaces (or something that looks like spaces) between all letters. There were about 10 files and only one with .pl ending has this problem. Kate tells me it is binary file.06:37
Quintincellfish: watch the language, please.06:38
ubotuSCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/06:38
sparrcellfish: in firefox?06:38
Quintinsystem_e: odd.  have you tried creating with command line tar?06:38
arrenlexcellfish: Have you restarted firefox? If so, type about:plugins in the address bar and pastebin the whole page.06:39
cellfishok nevermind, i got rid of totem06:39
fr500which is better aiglx or xgl?06:39
cellfishnow cnn loads mplayer but the video itself doesn't show06:39
Quintinfr500: better is highly subjective.  but aiglx06:39
TonrenQuintin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6189/06:39
fr500Quintin, ok06:39
sparrubuntu is a bit wonky when it comes to media plugins for firefox06:39
fr500care to explain?06:39
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arrenlexcellfish: Right-click on mplayer-plugin, go to configure, and check "Connect to RTSP media over TCP"06:39
QuintinTonren: what is the address of your internet gateway?06:40
fieryprophet"Unknown interrupt or fault at EIP 00000060" about a thousand times over is scrolling down by screen whenever I boot Ubuntu. I am more than technically inclined (I have linux acpi=off and noapic in the GRUB menu.lst file, but this error is continuing)06:40
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cellfisharrenlex: alright, done ... now when i run a quicktime, it runs, but some of the video is cut out06:41
system_eQuintin: I'm trying to get my file back. I don't have the orginal. I don't know how to use comand line for tat or gzip.  You think that ther may be a command to repair archive?06:41
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arrenlexcellfish: "cut out"?06:41
QuintinTonren: I've corrected the file.  Install the corrected version, then do sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth006:41
=== ReKlipz [n=reklipz@ip68-106-209-195.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
exploiti have hp notebook .....wid cam built ... is there ny way or app for working of webcam?06:41
TonrenQuintin: I can't see your correction.06:41
Quintinsystem_e: You can't manually correct it?06:41
QuintinTonren: sorry, try http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6190/06:41
meisamsorry guys, i think there has been problem has happend to my .bashrc file, the terminal is not working, what to do?06:41
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cellfishyeah .. i see the top left of the video .. the right extreme side and the bottom right doesn't show ... and that checkmark didn't help for cnn06:42
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rpcdo you know what might be causing regular ssh sessions disconnect on a particular box? keepalive in enabled on sshd06:42
tabmanhow can I update to the latest version of firefox ?06:42
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Quintinrpc: solar flares.06:42
Quintintabman: apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade06:42
system_eQuintin: Yes I can but it will take me some time.06:42
rpcQuintin i thought so too at first :)06:42
cellfisharrenlex: ok nevermind, quicktime works fine now ... only cnn is left06:42
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meisamguys sorry  i was changing something in .bashrc file06:43
cellfishargh nope, still cuts the image06:43
arrenlexcellfish: Does selecting x11 as your video driver in configure help?06:43
TonrenQuintin: Okay, now I can ping IP addresses but not domain names.06:44
TonrenQuintin: My resolv.conf is blank06:44
TonrenQuintin: How do I set a nameserver properly?06:44
arrenlexcellfish: Also, you are refreshing when you change these settings, right?06:44
meisami think it is damaged, the terminal does not recognize any coommand06:44
fieryprophetWould anyone mind assisting me on an Ubuntu booting issue?06:44
cellfisharrenlex: heh, nothing was selected.. i just put it on gl06:44
QuintinTonren: sudo echo "" > /etc/resolv.conf06:44
arrenlexcellfish: Try x11.06:44
system_eQuintin: You think i should test how this happend and if it will happend again send a bug report. If yes where should i send bug report.06:44
QuintinTonren: I'd keep at the bottom of resolv.conf and put the nameservers listed in your route at the top.06:44
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TonrenQuintin: Also, what is  Shouldn't it be, or one of the nameservers listed in my router's configuration?06:44
QuintinTonren: lies.  make the file readonly when you're done.06:44
cellfisharrenlex: should that fix cnn.com's video too?06:45
noodles12I have a fat32 partition to transfer between xp and ubuntu. How come it xp doesn't recognize the newly copied file right away. It usually takes a restart or a few minutes for xp to recognize the newly copied folders. why is that?06:45
Dr_willishrh hrh06:45
QuintinTonren: it's a military DNS server.06:45
TonrenQuintin: Ah, guaranteed to be up.06:45
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tabmanQuintin: I just want the update for firefox06:45
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reklipz_hey guys, ive got a 1.4GHz Centrino and 128MB PC2700 DDRRAM equipped laptop currently running ubuntu edgy. I'm wondering if I'll notice any speed increase by switching to ubuntu, any ideas?06:45
arrenlexcellfish: I don't know what's wrong with it. It works for me. *shrug*06:45
TonrenQuintin: Doesn't it need to be "nameserver x.x.x.x" and not just the IP adress?06:45
cellfishmaybe i just need to install the codec.06:45
meisamhow can i fine .bashrc file guys?06:45
shoumikHi I just downloaded qc-usb-source. How do I compile the source?06:45
cellfishlemme try a regular wmv without streaming06:45
arrenlexreklipz_: currently running ubuntu edgy. switching to ubuntu <--- ?06:46
shoumikanyone know?06:46
lotusleafmeisam: locate filename06:46
reklipz_hey guys, ive got a 1.4GHz Centrino and 128MB PC2700 DDRRAM equipped laptop currently running ubuntu edgy. I'm wondering if I'll notice any speed increase by switching to xubuntu, any ideas?06:46
arrenlexmeisam: It's in ~/.bashrc06:46
QuintinTonren: that's the idea, yea.  I use it at the bottom of all my resolution files06:46
cellfishok the wmv codec is simply missing06:46
reklipz_xubuntu, my bad =(06:46
ChaosEddiereklipz_: what do you mean?06:46
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arrenlexreklipz_: Oh, that's different. xD06:46
cellfishlemme install vlc and see if it works after that06:46
QuintinTonren: yes, if I didn't say that before06:46
arrenlexcellfish: That would do it.06:46
ChaosEddiesorry i missed the full question06:46
TonrenQuintin: Great - thanks!06:46
arrenlexcellfish: vlc?! What does that have to do with mplayer?06:46
arrenlexcellfish: No, install w32codecs06:46
fieryprophetrelipz: I'm guessing you mean switching to ubuntu edgy, in which case I don't think you'd see more than an incremental change06:46
lotusleafreklipz_: yes and also have a look at blackbox fluxbox openbox06:46
cellfishit installs the missing library as far as i know06:46
reklipz_xubuntu, my bad =(06:47
arrenlexcellfish: Install w32codecs.06:47
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cellfishhrmm alright06:47
reklipz_ORIGINAL QUESTION: hey guys, ive got a 1.4GHz Centrino and 128MB PC2700 DDRRAM equipped laptop currently running ubuntu edgy. I'm wondering if I'll notice any speed increase by switching to xubuntu, any ideas?06:47
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sm0k3dhey guys, im new to linux and my friend told me that ubuntu would be the best for making a server06:47
lotusleafreklipz_: #xubuntu06:47
Quintinreklipz_: Yes, you will.06:47
reklipz_lotusleaf, so ditch the xubuntu alltogether?06:47
Quintinsm0k3d: He lied to you.06:47
meisamlotusleaf the terminal does not do anything06:47
fieryprophetsm0k3d: Look for the Ubuntu server edition06:47
ChaosEddieyea i got the question, give me a sec06:47
Quintinsm0k3d: lies.06:47
sm0k3dyea i downloaded that06:47
meisamlotusleaf what can i do?06:47
Quintinsm0k3d: FreeBSD or Debian.06:47
lotusleafreklipz_: try xubuntu and compare it to window managers like fluxbox and openbox06:47
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tabmanQuintin: i just want firefox update not for the whole system06:48
reklipz_everyone: thanks! I'll try xubuntu and get back on irc when its done06:48
lotusleafmeisam: did you type anything at the command prompt?06:48
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Quintintabman: apt-get install firefox06:48
TonrenQuintin: Thanks for all your help.  I think everything's working now06:48
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:48
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QuintinTonren: You're welcome.  Glad to help.06:48
Munchkinguylotusleaf: It's strange, but I find that Kubuntu runs on my old computer *faster* than Xubuntu06:48
TonrenQuintin: If I pore over man interfaces, will I figure out why I needed the network declaration, or should I look somewhere else to figure out why?06:48
arrenlexreklipz_: You could just use aptitude to install xubuntu-desktop, and log into it and see if it runs faster, and then use aptitude remove xubuntu-desktop to get rid of it all when you're done having fun06:48
sm0k3dhey but im pretty new to linux, are FreeBSD or Debian easy to work with for new users?06:48
arrenlexsm0k3d: No.06:49
Tonrensm0k3d: Ubuntu is a debian derivative, and it is easy to work with06:49
ChaosEddieim going to say yes06:49
meisamlotusleaf no i just wanted to set up the path for java in bashrc file06:49
lotusleafMunchkinguy: cool, I recommend Kubuntu to everyone but if they're looking for other things to try I recommend they try and compare ;)06:49
QuintinTonren: It should be mentioned in there.  I can't tell you for sure, since it's been awhile.. I just remember this from setting it up long ago.  The interfaces manpage is pretty in depth though I think.06:49
cellfisharrenlex: when i try to install w32codecs, it tells me that 'no candidate version found for w32codecs'06:49
lotusleafmeisam: vim .bashrc06:49
reklipz_arrenlex, that will work?06:49
meisamafter that the terminal is not accepting anything06:49
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Madpilotubotu, w32codecs | cellfish06:50
ubotucellfish: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs06:50
Quintinsm0k3d: They're not for 'users' they're for network administrators.06:50
reklipz_arrenlex, will i need to apt-get remove ubuntu-dekstop?06:50
Madpilotubotu, codecs | cellfish06:50
ubotucellfish: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:50
sm0k3dok, i downloaded the server install, but it says that there is no graphics user interface, is it hard to install one? and where can i get it?06:50
TonrenQuintin: Cool.  THanks again06:50
theherbalizerhwy guys, how can i format a usb thumb drive so that it will show up in windows? it's a gig drive and only coming up as 219mb right now06:50
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imsocutehi can anyone help me out with installing my ati driver??06:50
lotusleaf!windows > theherbalizer06:50
Tonrentheherbalizer: Are you talking about, as Ext3 filesystem?06:50
Madpilotsm0k3d, if you want a webserver, installing a GUI is not recommended. If you want a desktop machine, that's different06:50
Tonrentheherbalizer: If so, you can use "ext3fs" for windows06:50
Quintinsm0k3d: I don't know what your level of skill is.  It's trivial for me, but I do this stuff every day.  If you're afraid of the command line, you might have troubles.06:50
fr500i installed 2 new sata drivers on a n existing desktop06:51
fr500is it possible to partition them using LVM (the other disk is not like that) and move my home there?06:51
arrenlexreklipz_: No, you can install them at the same time.06:51
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theherbalizerTonren: as in it can be read by a windows xp machine?06:51
meisamlotusleaf its not working06:51
Quintintheherbalizer: fat32 or ext3.06:51
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Tonrentheherbalizer: Yes.06:51
meisamlotusleaf does not accept06:51
reklipz_arrenlex, thanks, will give it a whirk06:51
reklipz_err, whirl06:51
arrenlex!ati | imsocute06:51
ubotuimsocute: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:51
Quintinfr500: yes06:51
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meisamlotusleaf command not found06:51
QuintinI'm going to bed, it's almost 1 am.06:51
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sm0k3dwell i am sorta afraid of the command line, is there any way i can install a GUI?06:51
fr500Quintin, what tool can i use to partition?06:51
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Quintinsm0k3d: 'apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'06:52
imsocuteim following this sitehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Radeon_9200/9250_%28RV280%29_and_DVI and i don't know if im doing it right06:52
lotusleafmeisam: use gedit also see #bash06:52
patrialtJust joined, but i use Gparted06:52
Madpilotsm0k3d, easiest way is just to re-install with one of the desktop ISOs06:52
Quintinfr500: From linux?  gparted would be GUI program.  I would use cfdisk and mkfs command line programs06:52
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fr500thanks a lot06:52
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imsocutewhen i entered sudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xorg-driver-ati it says Unable to find a source package for xserver-xorg-driver-ati06:52
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meisamlotusleaf it does not accept gedit also, let me find .bashrc first06:52
lotusleafmeisam: what doesn't accept it06:53
boredandbloggingok, I just installed beryl with my radeon 9250, never set up anything special with my drivers and it looks very cool06:53
patrialtcan somebody tell me how to install a new Splash Screen?06:53
meisamlotusleaf it does not accept anythin like commands06:53
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lotusleafmeisam: try the #bash channel06:53
sm0k3dok guys thanks for your help, im gonna try the command line and see how i do =)06:53
Taime1holy crap..i wasin the middle of asking that question, patrialt06:53
arrenleximsocute: xserver-xorg-video-ati06:54
imsocuteboredandblogging, what ubuntu are you using?06:54
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Taime1that was serriously wierd06:54
boredandbloggingimsocute, edgy06:54
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imsocutearrenlex, where can i find xserver-xorg-video-ati??im sorry im new to this06:54
imsocuteboredandblogging, 6.10?06:54
boredandbloggingimsocute, yeah06:55
Taime1i actually just want to install the backsplash graphic06:55
Taime1anyone know how to do this?06:55
imsocuteboredandblogging, crap i can't get it to work...i have 9250 radeon too06:55
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arrenleximsocute: In your command, instead of using "xserver-xorg-driver-ati", use "xserver-xorg-video-ati".06:56
boredandbloggingimsocute, let me see if I have any drivers installed06:56
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arrenleximsocute: Also, if you're new, why are you trying to build source packages?06:56
justin4thirtyDo you guys support Feisty in here yet?06:56
arrenlex!feisty | justin4thirty06:56
ubotujustin4thirty: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+106:56
imsocutearrenlex, i want beryl to work with this06:56
zcat[1] hi06:56
arrenleximsocute: And it doesn't currently?06:57
justin4thirtyWas that a yes or a no?06:57
boredandbloggingimsocute, I do have the ati drivers installed, not sure if its being used though06:57
tabmanwhy is it that everyone has suddenly started shifting to beryl just as Vista has released ? are we in a competition here ?06:57
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fierypropheti could really use some help with the following error code: "Unknown interrupt or fault at EIP 000000060" scrolling on my screen when I boot Ubuntu06:57
ardchoilletabman: It's a new toy, people have to check it out.06:57
arrenlexjustin4thirty: The last part: Help in #ubuntu+106:57
imsocutearrenlex, well i tried xgl and i can't seem to get aiglx to work06:57
justin4thirtyAh, gotcha. Sorry.06:58
boredandbloggingimsocute, you used these instructions to get it to work? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BerylOnEdgy06:58
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boredandbloggingtabman, I just wanted to see what the hoopla was with beryl...I have yet to even see Vista in action06:59
coffee-mugmy machine just froze06:59
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coffee-mugand I had to reboot06:59
coffee-mugwhat can I do to try to diagnose it?06:59
fieryprophet*waits for someone to even attempt to help*06:59
imsocutearrenlex, ummm do i have to do the one on the site or just follow with the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BerylOnEdgy06:59
boredandbloggingwell, I got it running with the one ubuntu.com, so....07:00
arrenleximsocute: I don't know. I would follow the ubuntu instructions.07:00
patrialtTaime1 http://www.linuxextremist.com/?p=54 instuctions on how to change your splash screen07:00
boredandbloggingfieryprophet, did you check the forums, there is a thread about it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29471207:00
tabmanboredandblogging: no i'm not asking you I'm asking in general I saw beryl related question yesterday as well, its like all the OS community now realizing after vista that they want 3d interfaces07:01
fieryprophetboredandblogging: yes, but the acpi=off and noapic additions to GRUB only resulting in the same error07:01
Gerry_Wtabman: I heard about beryl first. It really looks better than vista07:01
Gerry_Win my opinion07:01
imsocutearrenlex, let me try...07:02
Gerry_Wor saw beryl, rather07:02
fieryprophettabman: I would barely consider Vista as having a 3D interface on any kind of level as beryl. It's more like a gussied-up OS X07:02
bleanna_unuxim getting error 18 on @ the grub menu. ideas?07:02
boredandbloggingfieryprophet, doing a google search, I see quite a few references to it? doesn't seem like its uncommon, never seen it myself though07:02
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imsocutearrenlex, yey it's downloading...so i just have to change driver to video instead?07:03
boredandbloggingtabman, competition is natural...everyone wants the coolest toys!07:03
fieryprophetboredandblogging: I've noticed the same thing, but there doesn't seem to be any real acknowledged fix that I can find. In fact, it supposedly relates to pre-Pentium Pro chips not support PEA, but the machine I'm using is a Celeron D. . .and by all accounts does support PEA07:03
tabmanubuntu says "firefox is already the newest version" and I just installed Ubuntu yesterday & its not the newest version07:04
Madpilottabman, which version did you install?07:04
fieryprophetboredandblogging: I've installed Ubuntu in all 3 versions on 6 of my own machines, this is the first complete failure to load I've ran into07:05
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imsocutearrenlex, where can i see the created directory...i just finished the downloading it and i have to edit line to some files07:05
boredandbloggingfieryprophet, are the others running the Celeron D too?07:05
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fieryprophetI've also used Mandriva, Fedora, openSUSE, and Yellow Dog, so I'm fairly experienced, but this has me scratching my head07:05
fieryprophetOne other is running Celeron D, yes, though a slightly older chip07:06
arrenleximsocute: What did you just install?07:06
boredandbloggingfieryprophet, don't know what you tell you man07:06
fieryprophetI initially attempted to use openSUSE on this machine, and it loaded and installed fine, but then would never actually boot once installed07:07
fieryprophetvery strange, I know07:07
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fieryprophetI'd hate to know that Windows XP can run on a system and not Ubuntu :)07:07
arrenlexfieryprophet: wth? You expect your operating systems not only to install, but to boot, as well! Jeez, man. Lay off, stop being so picky.07:08
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andouHow can I setup ubuntu so I can control my desktop with my laptop (macbook)?07:08
fieryprophetarrenlex: lol07:08
andouThrough the wireless router07:08
imsocutearrenlex, the driver thing... ^^07:08
arrenleximsocute: Where in the guide are you stick?07:08
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andouAnyone know a good guide for controlling desktop running ubuntu with a macbook through a wireless router?07:09
tabmanMadpilot: whatever comes default with ubuntu installation07:09
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fieryprophetboredandblogging: thanks for looking up some help for me, I'll just surrender for now and regroup later07:09
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cellfishalright .. can someone tell me how to remove 'movie player' in ubuntu?07:09
Madpilottabman, sorry, I meant which version of Ubuntu07:09
cellfishi hate it and want it gone07:09
cellfishi thought it was totem but apparently it isn'rt07:09
boredandbloggingfieryprophet, sorry couldn't help you out07:09
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Madpilotcellfish, yes, it is totem07:09
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rylanSometimes my programs just dont open. can anyone help me?07:09
fieryprophetboredandblogging: no problem07:09
cellfishmadpilot: well, after i remove totem it's still there for whatever reason07:10
tabmanMadpilot: 6.06 LTS Dapper Drake07:10
fieryprophetgoobye all07:10
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andouAnyone know a good guide for controlling desktop running ubuntu with a macbook through a wireless router?07:10
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SpacePuppyrylan: you could try running the program from the command line and see if standard out gives you some info.\07:11
Madpilottabman, Ubuntu does not update programs after a release. Upgrade to 6.10 (Edgy) if you want a newer version of FF07:11
rylanok, whats the command to run from terminal?07:11
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imsocutearrenlex, well i don't know what to delete...im using gedit with radeon_bios.c07:11
tabmanMadpilot: damn what crap is this /07:11
rylanSpacePuppy, ok, whats the command to run from terminal?07:11
meisamhow can i unistall jdk ? thxx07:12
SpacePuppyrylan: which program doesn't run for you?07:12
tabmanMadpilot: you are trying to tell me that to get firefox update I need to upgrade the whole damn OS ?07:12
rylanSpacePuppy, Last.fm07:12
Madpilottabman, that's the easiest way, yeah. And mind the language, thanks.07:12
SpacePuppywhat is last.fm?07:12
rylanSpacePuppy, and amarok07:12
arrenleximsocute: ...I don't think you should be there. o__O07:13
SpacePuppyrylan: are you trying to use amarok to stream ??07:13
rylanSpacePuppy, it says "floating point exception (core dumped)07:13
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rylanSpacePuppy, no just listen to music. last.fm i use to stream. and neither are working07:13
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welkinerhow to install flash in herd4 64?07:14
SpacePuppyrylan: there ya go then.. type sudo dmesg and see if there's a clue there as well.07:14
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rylanSpacePuppy, oh christ thats a lot of text. what am i looking for07:15
SpacePuppyrylan: stuff relating to the programs you are having problems with.07:15
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welkinerIs this the best chatroom for help with herd4, or is there a better place07:16
SpacePuppyrylan: have you tried uninstalling the progs and re-installing?07:16
Madpilotwelkiner, #ubuntu+107:16
welkinerMadpilot; thanks07:16
rylanSpacePuppy, several times07:16
imsocutearrenlex, cause line 574 is just /* and line 561 is n = RADEON_BIOS8(tmp + 5) + 1;07:16
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meisamsorry guys i have installed jdk 1.5.0_11 on my desktop how cn i unistall it?07:17
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rylanSpacePuppy, all that list was talking about was hardware.07:18
rylanSpacePuppy, nothing about lastfm or amarok07:18
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andouAnyone know a good guide for controlling desktop running ubuntu with a macbook through a wireless router?07:19
meisamis there any speciall channel for jdk?07:19
zcat[1] !vnc07:19
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX07:19
SpacePuppyrylan: take a look /var/log/ in the various log files and see if you can find something ther as well.07:19
andouzcat[1] : Thanks :)07:19
Madpilotmeisam, I'm pretty sure there's a #java07:20
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Madpilotmeisam, ##java, actually07:20
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zcat[1] andou: basically you just want to pick System > Preferences > Remote Desktop on the desktop to share it, then Internet > Terminal Server Client on the lappy to access it... You'll need to know the IP address of the desktop machine.07:21
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zcat[1] andou: and make sure port 5900 isn't open to the outside world (If you're using NAT it probably won't be..)07:22
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ardchoilleHow do I see which ports are open?07:23
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Quintinardchoille: netstat07:23
rylanSpacePuppy, i dont see anything related to last.fm or amarok07:23
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meisamMadpilot i can not join it07:25
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Madpilotmeisam, no? try #java07:25
robdemanhey folks.. eveytime I minimize an applicatuiom I loose the gui...07:25
ChaosEddiecommunist_pope: nice nick. hi07:25
robdemanlike I just minimize dmy audio playe.r.07:25
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robdemanehrm how do I restore the gui?07:25
meisamMadpilot no :(07:25
robdemanI am missing the Windows tray bar..??07:25
ardchoilleQuintin: ta :)07:25
communist_popeChaosEddie: thats what everyone says07:25
Quintinardchoille: okie07:26
meisamMadpilot do u know how to unistall jdk07:26
communist_popeWhat are some must install apps for a fresh install of ubuntu on a 1007:26
Madpilotmeisam, some channels might restrict entry to ppl who're registered & identified - you're neither.07:26
nf4what is the differance between the feisty-dvd-i386.iso and the feisty-desktop-i386.iso07:26
communist_popedrive, sorry for the multiple lines07:26
Madpilotcommunist_pope, Inkscape07:26
rylanSpacePuppy, any ideas?07:26
communist_popeMadpilot: what does it do?07:26
ardchoillenf4: The dvd has more packages from the repos07:26
Toma-nf4: -dvd- will have some of multiverse/universe on it i think07:27
Madpilotcommunist_pope, vector drawing program. very cool.07:27
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Madpilotubotu, java | meisam07:27
ubotumeisam: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository07:27
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communist_popeHi everyone07:28
pmr_123Anyone know if the 2.6.20 kernel has better support for the broadcom cards?07:28
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nf4I seem to get some error if i try to upgrade do to openoffice  and i cant seem to uninstall openoffice as it seems broken i try to use the fix option with no luck07:28
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SpacePuppyrylan: well.. it could just be 1)the build of amarok is not complatable with your box, you could build it yourself. 2) you have a hardware prob on your box causing the floating point error.. don't know how to diag that.07:28
communist_popepmr_123: My broadcom is working07:28
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rylanSpacePuppy, thanks.07:29
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pmr_123communist_pope: What chip id you have?07:29
SpacePuppypmr_123: my bcm43xx chip works too.07:29
pmr_123communist_pope: Any are you using the ndiswrapper or the driver?07:29
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:29
rylan!$@%@! my computer doesnt work.07:30
ericabcan someone tell me how i can grant my user privileges so i can add and delete files to my 'filesystem' ?07:30
robdemanhey all.. where do my applications go when I minimize them??07:30
rylanbottom of the screen07:30
ardchoilleericab: use sudo ?07:30
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ardchoille!sudo > ericab07:30
shoumikHi, my trash symbol on the bottom right f my screen is not showing07:31
communist_popepmr_123: I dont know, wired into the motherboard(dell)07:31
ericabardchoille, i want to use the gui though, i know how to do it through terminal07:31
Samus_Arancan someone explain to me how to make Gnome/GTK+ apps stop complaining that they can't connect to the address of the message dbus ?07:31
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ardchoilleshoumik: right click the panel, choose add to panel, and add the trash back to the panel07:31
bigfuzzyjesusi am on ubuntu-server (via ssh) and i accidently set the chmod for /var/run/sudo/ to 777 and now i dont know how to change it back...07:31
ardchoilleericab: gksudo nautilus  <-- that will give you a root nautilus window, but be careful with it.07:31
rylanI NEED SOMEONE TO HELP ME, my computer has several stealthy problems. all i know is that i get a lot of programs that will work for a few days, then for no reason stop working.07:31
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ericabim talking about granting privelages through SYSTEM -> ADMIN -> users and groups though07:32
pmr_123ericab: launch your file manager with sudo07:32
bigfuzzyjesusardchoille, i am on ubuntu-server (via ssh) and i accidently set the chmod for /var/run/sudo/ to 777 and now i dont know how to change it back...07:32
SirOSOriSim a noob ericab07:32
ardchoille!gksudp > pmr_12307:33
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rylanAnyone up for a challange?07:33
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Samus_Aranbigfuzzyjesus: sudo chmod u=rwx,go= /var/run/sudo07:33
ericabim using gnome; so it would be naut..07:33
SirOSOriSericab,  try logging in as root and changing the privildges the same way again07:33
bigfuzzyjesusSamus_Aran, but i cant use the sudo command...07:33
rylanim at the point where i might try sacrificing a goat to my computer and praying that it works properly07:33
Samus_Aranbigfuzzyjesus: why not ?07:33
ChaosEddieericab, open your terminal up07:33
ericabi did, but i guess im confused as to what GROUPS and users are07:33
ChaosEddieand then type sudo (whatever command) up07:34
ardchoilleericab: Never run a GUI app with sudo.07:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about group - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:34
bigfuzzyjesusSamus_Aran, sudo: /var/run/sudo writable by non-owner (040777), should be mode 070007:34
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robdemanwhat is the Gnome euivalent to the Windows systray?07:34
rylan#%^# i just want my computer to work! /cries07:34
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ardchoilleSirOSOriS: Logging in as root user is not supported configuration and is not recommended. Please don't tell people to do that.07:34
Samus_Aranbigfuzzyjesus: that is an interesting paradox.  I guess you should reboot and put in your install Live CD and then mount your Ubuntu partition and change the permission there07:35
ardchoillerobdeman: notification area applet07:35
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Samus_Aranbigfuzzyjesus: once you boot up the Live CD, it will probably put icons for your hard drives on the desktop, so it should be point-and-click easy07:35
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Samus_Aranbigfuzzyjesus: just make sure the permissions end up as rwx------07:35
bigfuzzyjesusSamus_Aran, it is a server install so there is no live cd and the pc is way to slow to run a live cd...07:35
=== corevette [n=corevett@adsl-75-35-200-112.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
nf4somtimes i log in as root when i need to move  a icon to usr/share/pixmaps07:36
Samus_Aranbigfuzzyjesus: it isn't too slow, just go into single user mode07:36
robdemanardchoille: So I should add the notification area applet to the panel?07:36
nf4so far i havnt broke my system07:36
Samus_Aranbigfuzzyjesus: as in, no GUI07:36
rylanis there any way to repair my whole OS, Kernal and all, i think its pooched, stuff just randomly doesnt work and no one is helping me07:36
ericab1 sec, im typing...07:36
ardchoillenf4: Not a good idea to have the root account enabled. You can do everything you need via sudo or gksudo.07:36
corevettehow do i get permissions to write on my external hard drive?07:36
Samus_Aranbigfuzzyjesus: do you have any apps running as root already, such as synaptic ?07:36
bigfuzzyjesusSamus_Aran, server mode is cmd only07:36
nf4yes i disable it as soon as i am done07:36
ardchoillerobdeman: If you don't already have that applet in a panel, yes.07:36
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bigfuzzyjesusSamus_Aran, servermode has no gui you use sudo apt-get etc07:37
ardchoillenf4: Meanwhile, hope no one breaks in?07:37
Samus_Aranbigfuzzyjesus: and I'm saying you can always use the install CD, any install CD for any distro, as a rescue CD to edit/change/delete/chmod files as you need07:37
robdemanardchoille: thanks that did the trick07:37
Samus_Aranbigfuzzyjesus: ah okay, sorry, I should have caught what you meant07:37
ardchoillerobdeman: :)07:37
communist_popeITS not playing my mp3 files07:37
corevettehow do i get permissions to write on my external hard drive?07:38
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nf4Well its ok if i disable it after i am done i think isnt it07:38
Samus_Aranbigfuzzyjesus: anyhow, unless you've set up actual root logins, you'll need to reboot onto a rescue CD.  you could also try using GRUB to directly do the command, it might work that way07:38
venatici__I want leave the X.  How i do it?07:38
Samus_Aranvenatici__: Ctrl+Alt+F1 to go to TTY1, then Ctrl+Alt+F7 to go back07:39
rylanwhat does "Floating point exception (core dumped)07:39
rylan" mean? and how do i fix it?07:39
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ardchoillenf4: I don't think it's ok to ever have the root account enabled in the first place. That is what sudo and gksudo are for. I have been running Ubuntu since Warty and have never enabled the root account.. it just isn't necessary.07:39
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venatici__But i want do it on xterm ou console07:39
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Samus_Aranrylan: it means the program crashed07:39
venatici__leave the x07:39
rylanSamus_Aran, ok, how do i fix it.07:39
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Samus_Aranvenatici__: if you want to completely turn off X window system, then /etc/init.d/gdm stop07:40
bigfuzzyjesusSamus_Aran, ill try mounting with a lightweight distro like dsl or puplinux07:40
bigfuzzyjesusSamus_Aran, thanks for the idea07:40
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nf4I am the sUx when it comes to command line though and  dont know how to move files  to where i need them sometimes oh well07:41
fr500i just installed nvidia-glx and now x won;t start07:41
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:41
Samus_Aranbigfuzzyjesus: you may be able to use GRUB directly, as in set init to /bin/chmod blah blah /var/whatever/sudo07:41
venatici__And how i can change root password?07:41
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:41
corevette/home/corevette/Azureus Downloads/earth is not a cold dead place07:41
elyon225!sudo | venatici__07:41
ubotuvenatici__: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:41
Samus_Aranvenatici__: on Ubuntu there is no root login account by default07:41
corevettehow do i get permissions to write on my external hard drive?07:41
ardchoillecorevette: Use sudo ?07:42
Samus_Aranvenatici__: if you're sure that you want to have a root login, then you can add a password for root, but you should have a good reason for it07:42
corevetteit says i can't write on it ardchoille07:42
communist_popeGO TO SYSTEM-ADMINISTRATION-users and groups07:42
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venatici__but i want use root... i can it?07:42
corevettewrite only ardchoille07:42
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venatici__can i it?07:42
ardchoillecorevette: Type mount and see if it is mounted ro07:43
ericabok so for example; i download a SKIN for XMMS, and i need to copy it to /usr/share/xmms/themes, but when i try to copy it a popup window shows  saying i cant copy a file OR delete a file07:43
venatici__use root07:43
ChaosEddiesudo passwd07:43
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ChaosEddiethat shold bring up 'change root password'07:43
venatici__only sudo passwd07:43
ChaosEddieim pretty sure thats it07:43
Madpilotvenatici__, why? Just use sudo, like Ubuntu is designed for...07:43
arrenlexericab: You could just use ~/.xmms/skins instead. Or whatever the folder is called.07:43
ericabbut i want that ability by defualt on my user name so i dont have to be logged into root all the time07:43
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rylan&(*^&_^ who can help me fix a "Floating point exception (core dumped)07:43
ardchoilleericab: sudo cp /path/source /path/target07:44
corevettehow do i tell which one it is ardchoille07:44
ericab<ardchoille>; ok07:44
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rylanwhy is no one helping me......07:44
communist_popeim charginnnnnnnnnn mahhhh lazer07:44
ardchoillecorevette: You don't know which drive it is in the mount list?07:44
dihi, how do i share files with a windoze computer?07:45
communist_poperylan: because noone likes you....07:45
Samus_Aranvenatici__: sudo -i will log you in as root07:45
elyon225rylan: Try being most specific with your question... and keep in mind, this isn't a programming support channel :)07:45
diover my wifi router?07:45
rylancommunist_pope, i realized that.07:45
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communist_poperylan: im joking07:45
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rylanelyon225, im just trying to get a few programs that used to work, working again07:45
corevettesorry...didn't have it plugged in archoille07:45
elyon225rylan: So... what programs?  What doesn't work now and what have you changed since the last time they worked?07:45
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stealerwhat is code to install .gz file in terminal???07:46
corevetteardchoille: /dev/sde1 on /media/External HD type ntfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8)07:46
ardchoillecorevette: Ah, it might be a good idea to plug the drive in forst ;)07:46
elyon225stealer: .gz files are archives... they cannot be installed.  You need to first extract them... then  take it from there.07:46
ardchoillecorevette: ntfs? I can't help you.07:46
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elyon225stealer: .gz is similar to the .zip from Windows.07:46
communist_popedi: setup folder sharing, and have your music in that folder, then go to my network places or equivelent and do that07:46
stealeroh ok07:46
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rylanelyon225, lastfm, amorak. and a lot has changed, i just started using this system. had a shite load of problems with sound that i fixed, installed new videocard drivers, installed a couple of other programs and now they dont work. i have tried re-installing, no good07:47
ardchoillecorevette: I don't feel that writing to ntfs from Linux is stable enough to be able to advise you how to do it.07:47
dicommunist_pope, thanks, ill try that07:47
elyon225rylan: Now, when you say they "don't work," what exactly do you mean?  What errors are they giving you?07:48
stealerafter extraction of .gz file how to install ??07:48
rylanelyon225, Floating point exception (core dumped)07:48
elyon225stealer: That depends on what kind of archive you got.  DId you download a source package?07:48
ardchoillestealer: Go into the folder and read the README, INSTALL files07:48
Samus_Aranardchoille: the most recent version from the http://www.linux-ntfs.org/ site is quite stable now07:48
ericabok, i got that other thing somewhat fixed, but now can someone tell me how to be able to READ and WRITE to my external HDD, used via windows? its NTFS.... either way, it says i dont have privelages to copy,move or write anyting to it and it has an emblem with a picture of a LOCK on it... any ideas??07:48
user_i have few questions if anyone could talk to me07:48
Samus_Aranardchoille: it has full write support07:48
elyon225!ask | user_07:49
ubotuuser_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:49
user_i got this setup-ubuntu-full.exe07:49
user_what do i need to have for it to work07:49
ardchoilleSamus_Aran: I won't help with Windows items.07:49
user_i have like a duron 1.307:49
elyon225Huh?  Ubuntu has a windows version? lol07:49
user_512 mb ram07:49
Samus_Aranardchoille: it isn't a windows item, perhaps you should look at it07:49
fr500i just installed nvidia-glx and now x won't start help me please07:49
Samus_Aranardchoille: it's just as much a "windows item" as the vfat kernel module07:49
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ardchoilleSamus_Aran: Writing to ntfs isn't a windows item?07:49
user_!ask what do i need to install this setup-ubuntu-full.exe07:49
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elyon225fr500: When it throws you to the console, what is the error message?07:50
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SirOSOriSfr500,  join ubuntu-effects07:50
Samus_Aranardchoille: it's just as much a "windows item" as the vfat kernel module07:50
corevettewhat is different from feisty fawn (as of right now) and edgy?07:50
stealerFor the absolute impatient:07:50
stealer(drink coffee)07:50
stealermake install07:50
stealerAnd you're done! this is written in readme file07:50
ardchoillestealer: Have yo installed build-essential?07:50
user_anyone care to help?07:50
stealerwhere to install dat?07:50
elyon225stealer: Did you follow those instructions (and just so you know, it's pretty much frowned upon to post multiple lines of text at once)07:51
user_i have this setup-ubuntu-full.exe  what do i need to have to install this?07:51
fr500elyon225, (EE) No devices detected.07:51
fr500Fatal server error:07:51
fr500no screens found07:51
Samus_Aranardchoille: it is an open source module07:51
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communist_popeWHAT IS THIS: Amarok currently cannot play MP3 files.07:51
Samus_Arananyhow, going to watch a show with someone.  night all07:51
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elyon225user_: .exe files can only be used on Windows-based systems... I have no clue why Ubuntu would have any kind of .exe file.07:51
ardchoilleSamus_Aran: Please stop. I refuse to help with anything related to M$ products.07:51
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stealerwhat is build-essential?07:51
user_that's a 610 mb file07:51
corevettewhat is different from feisty fawn (as of right now) and edgy?07:51
user_it should install ubuntu07:52
ardchoillestealer: sudo apt-get install build-essential07:52
elyon225communist_pope: Ubuntu does not install the needed codecs for MP3 files by default.07:52
elyon225user_: It won't.  Where did you get it?07:52
user_i mean it makes a dual boot  xp and ubuntu07:52
user_you chose ubuntu then a  linux loader will start07:52
ericabcommunist_pope; if you want a distro that has these things by default, is duggest looking into linux MINT07:52
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user_and you should go into linux07:52
elyon225!restricted | communist_pope07:52
ubotucommunist_pope: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:52
user_then it looks like you don;t know too much07:52
rylanelyon225, any ideas?07:53
communist_popehold on07:53
user_the problem is i get a error07:53
elyon225user_: Uhm, you're the one trying to install Linux from within Windows...  you came here for help.  Don't bother insulting those willing to help ... you won't get very far.07:53
user_i didn't insult you07:53
communist_popei did07:53
user_but maybe i will if you keep on with that attiude07:54
fr500elyon225, seems i need nv legacy07:54
ericabuser, calm down man07:54
Madpilotgradin, ping -07:54
user_i'm calm07:54
nf4if k9copy is a vamps gui is it better to use the vamps gui under gnome?07:54
ericabalright then, they are just trying to help07:54
user_have you tried to google setup-ubuntu-full.exe ?07:54
elyon225user_: Why would I?  I'm not the one having the problem.07:55
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ericabwhy on earth would you try to install linux winthin windos though user_ ?07:55
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elyon225user_: Installing Ubuntu works just perfectly setting up dual boot... I've never needed a Windows program to do it for me.07:55
user_yea but you should get informed before saying this is impossible07:55
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elyon225user_: Well, you've been unsuccessful in your endeavor, have you not?07:56
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user_i'm just gonna ignore you07:56
elyon225user_: Likewise... oh, and welcome to Linux :)07:56
Madpilotelyon225, user_ - cool it, both of you.07:56
=== Mikch [n=michael@m41.net195-132-219.noos.fr] has joined #Ubuntu
ericabok, can someone give me a hint about my linux problem??07:56
user_anyone else knows about this file? setup-ubuntu-full.exe07:56
elyon225Man, I used to get frustrated and furious at Linux too... but I never insulted someone that tried to help.  Oh well :)07:57
communist_popeuser_: have you burned the iso file to a cd?07:57
elyon225ericab: I'm sorry, could you repeat the problem for me?07:57
rylanelyon225, soooo, can you help me?07:57
user_no need to burn07:57
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user_it's NO ISO07:57
ericabelyon225, thanks... ill pm u cause the main chat is too turbulent...07:57
user_it's more like a hdd install07:57
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user_and i'm not a noob07:57
Madpilotuser_, the install.exe thing is new, very experimental.07:57
user_i know some things in linux07:57
elyon225user_: Uhm, was this a torrent file that you downloaded?07:57
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user_i know it's experimental07:58
mackinacexe installer >>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/install.exe/Prototype07:58
user_i do the install it works07:58
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user_then i boot07:58
user_choose ubuntu07:58
hagabakawhen i compile microdc2 <http://corsair626.no-ip.org/microdc/> on Ubuntu and run it, its tab completion featuring using readline completes only local files instead of current command completions. but on Slackware it works fine. anyone know what could be the problem?07:58
gortba_Hi everyone. Does the ubuntu distro come with gcc/g++?07:58
zcat[1] user_: You've chosen a very difficult way to install Ubuntu. I know it's possible, but I have no idea how well it works yet and I suspect nobody in here has done it. You might want to try the regular install off the CD...07:58
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communist_popeIt doesnt work for me either07:58
elyon225gortba_: Yes,.07:58
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user_then i get the bootmenu of ubuntu07:58
user_and have an error07:58
gortba_elyon225: Do I have to install it?07:59
communist_popeinstall as a dual boot07:59
user_i don't want to do it the regular way cause i have to make partitions07:59
communist_popeor, run from a live cd first to test it out07:59
user_it's more complicated07:59
elyon225gortba_: Not usually, no... it is installed by default.07:59
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user_i had ubuntu installed07:59
user_get that into your head07:59
ericabelyon, i sent a pm..07:59
elyon225What could possibly be more complicated than using Windows to install Linux??07:59
elyon225ericab: I didn't get it, bud...07:59
ericabid ahve to agree08:00
ericabok ill send it here..08:00
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ericabcan someone tell me how to be able to READ and WRITE to my external HDD, used via windows? its NTFS.... either way, it says i dont have privelages to copy,move or write anyting to it and it has an emblem with a picture of a LOCK on it... any ideas??08:00
Madpilotericab, you need to be registered & identified to PM on Freenode08:00
gortba_elyon225: Hmm...well I'm not real sure how to get it to compile a test program to make sure it's working. Is there a way to check if it's installed?08:00
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hagabakawhy isn't there libreadline4-dev?08:00
bthorntonIs it possible for one core of a dual-core CPU system (i.e. Pentium D) to "die", effectively yielding a uniprocessor system?08:00
user_thank you for your time and support08:00
zcat[1] user_, you're just going to have to figure it out yourself.. the windows .exe installer is very new and not a lot of people will be able to help you with it.08:00
hagabakaapt says libreadline4 replacces it, but it doesn't really contain header files08:01
elyon225gortba_: I'm not positive, but you could try running sudo apt-get install gcc08:01
user_i figured08:01
gortba_elyon225: I gave the command this: g++ HelloWorld.cpp -o HelloWorld08:01
user_maybe i should go to the forums08:01
bthornton'cause I used to see two CPUs in /proc/cpuinfo in edgy and now I just see one... (and I haven't done a thing to the hardware)08:01
pashahey guys.. trying to put ubuntu on a really old computer that does not have boot from cd in the bios... I did this before using some custom boot loaded on a floppy but can not recall what it was.. any suggestions?! :)08:01
user_and that's what i'll do08:01
elyon225user_: Then do it already.08:01
Madpilotuser_, check the install.exe project pages, they might have set up an IRC channel of their own08:02
elyon225ericab: When you right-click on that folder, and choose Properties, who is listed as the owner under "Permissions"?08:02
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user_that would be awesome08:02
Hellevatorgortba_ if its not installed try "sudo apt-get install build-essential08:02
user_but i don't have the page08:02
user_google it :D08:02
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zcat[1] pasha: easiest option (what I do) is pull the hard-drive out and put it in a machine that can boot from CD. works quite well.08:02
rylanim starting to get really frustrated here. ive been asking for help for a while now and no one seems to care.08:02
elyon225Madpilot: I don't think they HAVE a page... he downloaded a torrent.... without a description.08:02
glyndoes anyone how to retireve the WEP password/WPA passkey?08:02
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mackinacuser_: what version of windows?08:03
Madpilotuser_, mackinac gave you the URL: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/install.exe/Prototype08:03
elyon225rylan: It usually isn't that no one cares, but more that nobody really knows.08:03
user_xp sp208:03
pashazcat[1] : i have one right beside me... won't the screw with drivers though?08:03
Hellevatorgortba_, to check what version you have you can type "gcc -v"08:03
ericabelyon225, it says "eric", BUT the permissions are READ only, and when i try to change it to READ/WRITE it says i cant... :/08:03
elyon225rylan: Trust me, when you ask a question, if someone knows, they will answer.08:03
elyon225ericab: What do you mean it says you "can't"?  What is the exact error?08:03
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glyndoes anyone know the WEP password/WPA passkey for my router?08:03
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gortba_Hellevator this is what I get: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6193/08:04
glynI need the network key, but I'm not sure how to find out what it is08:04
elyon225ericab: You could also try this:  sudo chmod ug+rwxX /folder08:04
pashaglyn: hold on let me get it from my little black book08:04
gortba_Hellevator: Do you know what it means?08:04
rylanelyon225, still. do you have any idea how to start solving my problem?08:04
ericabit says "the permission could not be changed" "because it is a read only disk"08:04
zcat[1] pasha, usually you have to reconfigure X, but everything else sorts itself out generally08:04
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glynalright pasha thanks08:04
elyon225ericab: Scratch that,...insert the -R like this:  sudo chmod -R ug+rwxX /folder08:04
Hellevatorgortba_, close synaptic and then run the command again08:04
Madpilotericab, if it's an NTFS HDD, it's going to be read-only anyway08:04
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elyon225rylan: You were having problems with several programs not working now, right?08:04
rylanelyon225, yeah.08:04
pashazcat[1] : hmm.. i'll give that a shot I guess... X is not a prob, I'm not putting it on, it's just a little fax server08:05
elyon225Madpilot: For some reason, I've been able to read AND write to my NTFS partition just fine.08:05
user_i guess i need to have ntfs file system and not fat32?08:05
ericabso do i need to add anytjhing so i can add files to it ?08:05
rylanelyon225, i get a really vague error message when i run from terminal. i was hoping someone could point me in the right direction08:05
user_Does not work with Windows 98.08:05
user_    *08:05
user_      We don't plan on supporting any pre-NT systems, because GRLDR needs NTLDR, which is present only in NT-based systems, and FAT32 has a 4GB file size limitation, which will severely restrict the size of the root disk image08:05
=== zcat[1] is happy. Beryl's working again!!
pashaglyn: sorry lost that page somewhere..08:05
pashashoulda spent more money on that notebook08:05
elyon225zcat[1] : Fun stuff, isn't it? :)08:05
glynpasha:do you have any idea?08:05
elyon225zcat[1] : And much more than just eye candy.. a lot of great features that have saved me a lot of time.08:05
gortba_Hellevator: Thanks. I sudo apt-get install gcc. Do I need to get build-essential too?08:06
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pashaglyn: hehe.. are you joking?! the point of your router's secret key.. is that it's SECRET08:06
Madpilotuser_, please don't paste more than two lines into the channel. thanks08:06
elyon225rylan: Well, the best I can tell you is try to undo whatever you did before they quit working.08:06
ericabMadPilot, is there anyway i can have read/write access to it ??08:06
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:06
Madpilotubotu, ntfs | ericab08:06
ubotuericab: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse08:06
rylanelyon225, that would pretty much mean crippling my system. im not uninstalling my drivers08:06
glynpasha:well my friend is here and wants to use my router but we need a WEP key08:07
ericabthank you08:07
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zcat[1] elyon225, bloody frustrating, the last update made this machine totally lock up as soon as beryl started, and my other machine have all kinds of nasty problems which was messing up the FS, amongst other things.08:07
pashaglyn: if you can't get your pass phrase back you have to reset your router to factory defaults and reconfigure it08:07
elyon225rylan: Didn't you say you had just started using your system?08:07
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Hellevatorgortba_, depends. i usually just install build-essential because i'll wind up needing it eventually.  You'll need it if you ever install something from source, but if your just trying to compile your c program installing gcc should be enough.08:07
elyon225zcat[1] : You have ATI?08:07
rylanelyon225, yeah.08:07
themchttps://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/pdf/ubuntu/C/desktopguide.pdf - This will help a lot of the general questions08:07
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pashaglyn: your best chance is if you're using some third party application that actually shows your key, then check the settings in that, otherwise you have to reset your router08:07
elyon225rylan: So, I'm confused then... you said all these programs used to work?  But you just started using them? :)08:07
zcat[1] elyon225, nvidia in both machines.. different cards.08:07
ericabthanks for the help everyone, i gtg!08:08
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gortba_Hellevator: I'm trying to compile c++.08:08
ericabthx elyron22508:08
canine_koujidog, this admin at layeredtech not only enables root via ssh, but enables anyone who knows the root password to su even though they're not in group wheel08:08
zcat[1] elyon225, found the answer on a message board.08:08
elyon225zcat[1] : Ah... I used the automatic install script for Beryl with my nvidia...it worked flawlessly the first time.08:08
communist_popeglyn: It might be not locked, if you didnt set it up like that08:08
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elyon225ericab: Sorry I couldn't be of more help.08:08
canine_koujihow can I make my server secure and turn off su for anyone not in group wheel?08:08
rylanelyon225, yeah i have had ubuntu for like a week now. i got drivers going, got sound going. everything was cool. now last.fm doesnt work and amorak doesnt work.08:08
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ericabelyon225, its ok, madpilot sent me a link..08:09
elyon225rylan: When you installed amarok, did you install the kdebase package as well?08:09
zcat[1] elyon225, it used to work flawlessly until a little while ago, some update broke it.08:09
ericabi should have it fixed soon08:09
elyon225ericab: Good luck, bro.08:09
glynhow do I use a program that's made in perl?08:09
rylanelyon225, i installed it using add/remove applications. so i assume so08:09
stealeri have hp notebook wid cam inbuilt.....but i m not able to find app or driver to start cam.....F-photo manager not able to detect?? ny way to detect it08:09
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elyon225rylan: Have you tried removing it completely and then reinstalling it?08:10
communist_popeglyn: you rape it08:10
zcat[1] glyn, same as any other; chmod +x foo.pl ; ./foo.pl08:10
rylanelyon225, several times08:10
Hellevatorgortba_, g++ is for compiling c++08:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia-legacy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:10
themcGartral: Its not a broken key, is it?08:10
canine_koujinevermind, found it08:11
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)08:11
jtgansGartral: did you accidentally break the keymap for it via xmodmap?08:11
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glynzcat[1] :okay, I chmoded it and now what?08:11
gortba_Hellevator: So should I sudo apt-get g++?08:12
zcat[1] glyn, usually just ./foo.sh will run it if it's in the current directory08:12
communist_popeRAPE IT08:12
zcat[1] err foo.pl rather08:12
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glynokay say the pl file is WE.pl what is the exact command to run it?08:13
communist_popeGartral: Well, its not a fork08:13
zcat[1] glyn, ./WE.pl08:13
Hellevatorgortba_, you probably already have it but you can type "sudo apt-get install g++" and it will install it if you don't have it08:13
GenNMXHow do I get a USB KB detected?08:13
glynzcat[1] :command not found08:14
zcat[1] glyn, typing ./ means to run from the current directory, otherwise it will try and find it in your PATH08:14
fr500GenNMX, most of the time just plug it08:14
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weijie902Gartral: what happened?08:14
gortba_Hellevator: Thanks. I'm asking all this because I tryed to compile a program using the command g++ and it said no such command was found. I took your advice and installed build essential which solved my problem. Thanks a bunch. You guys are great!08:14
Madpilotcommunist_pope, cool it.08:15
zcat[1] glyn, head WE.pl, what's the first line of the file say?08:15
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Hellevatorgortba_, no problem :) its always great when we can help people08:15
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weijie902who says linux people are elitist08:15
GenNMXfr500: It's connected to a hub. The mouse is working, but not the KB.08:16
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nf4ubuntu poeple are elitist and soon will take over the free worlds08:16
gortba_Hellevator: One last thing. If I have a executable, how do I make it so I can just type the name in the terminal and the program is executed?08:16
rylanOK i need someone to tell me how i can go about getting more information about a program crashing, if i just run the program, it says its starting. then it just dissipears. when i run from terminal it says Floating point exception (core dumped)08:16
rylan. is there a way i can fix this.08:16
glynthe script I'm trying to run is WeakIVGen.pl, how do I run it?08:16
junminhello ,everyone08:16
fr500GenNMX, maybe the keyboard needs more power, try at the mobo directly08:16
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gortba_Hellevator: That is without having to navigate to the folder08:16
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elyon225rylan: Have you tried searching Google for that exact error message?  (Maybe also add the words 'linux' and 'ubuntu')?08:17
zcat[1] glyn, try "perl WeakIVGen.pl" perhaps?08:17
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GenNMXfr500: It's a USB Share Switch, and Windows detects the KB and Mouse fine08:17
valehru_Does anyone here use kxmame?08:17
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fr500GenNMX, weird08:17
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junmindoes anyone here use maya8?08:18
GenNMXfr500: Is there a way to force redetection, or get error messages?08:18
communist_popeeasymac: NO SIR, I MUST HUMP MORE.08:18
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Hellevatorgortba_ you would have to add the directory the file is in to your path.  For now though I think it would just be easier to type ./filename to run it.08:18
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Hellevatorgortba_, or if its in a different directory you would type ./directorytofile/filename08:19
glynIs there any way to just get the WEP password/passkey?  I own the router, so I should be able to get the infromation08:19
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mweor just directorytofile/filename08:20
glynnetwork key08:20
communist_popeNO SIR, I MUST HUMP MORE.08:20
zcat[1] !ops communist_pope is looking for the door...08:20
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zcat[1] thanks .. :)08:21
glynconsult the documentation for wireless router08:21
zcat[1] !botsnack08:21
gortba_Hellavator: Thanks! Catch ya later.08:22
glynhow do I get to my router's configuration site?08:22
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zcat[1] glyn, the WEP key will be in your router config.. how to get it depends totally on how your router works.08:22
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glynzcat[1] : i think I configured the router before, because I was enabling and disabling permissions and enabling port forwarding..is it that same page that has the conjtrols for the key?08:23
rylanis there a way to downgrade from edgy to dapper?08:23
Hellevatorgortba_ ill be here if you have any more questions :)08:23
zcat[1] glyn, yeah, that's where I'd start. Dig around, it should be in there somewhere08:23
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glynzcat[1] :  How do I get to that page again?  I remember it's like an IP address or something but I forget how to get there08:24
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gortba_Thanks Hellevatort08:24
mweglyn: probably or or something like that. depends on setup/router08:25
zcat[1] glyn, is it the same box that provides your internet connection everywhere else?08:25
glynzcat[1] :  I just use the DSL router here at home08:25
glynlet me try those addresses08:25
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mweglyn: it will be on the same subnet as your own IP08:25
zcat[1] glyn, usually it'll be or You have the manual for it, the default will be in htere?08:26
glynit's a westell08:26
glynI don't have a manual for it08:26
mweglyn: But some routers requires a port as well like or some other port specific to the router08:26
mweGartral: is your space bar broken?08:27
jtgansGartral: fixing your space bar issue will be complicated, but should solve the problem for the short term.08:27
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zcat[1] glyn, is the config address still in your browser history?08:27
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mweGartral: the key or the setup?08:27
jtgansI think you hit the same problem I did recently, where the Gnome key binding app binds keys it shouldn't.08:27
t0ddhey, I'm having trouble installing my wireless drivers.. would anybody be able to help me?08:27
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shaprasI have little problem. I read in internet but nothing help. Hot to assing my user nick as root. What always my user have root access. O how in folder change owernship to ather user. Becouse is root user and I nothing can do.08:27
jtgansIn my case I was attempting to bind Control-Alt-\ to the Play/Pause key, and it wiped out my \ key.08:28
DemisMhow do I upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10?08:28
t0ddI have an ipw394508:28
jtgansThe fix is that you have to manually rebind the key using xmodmap.08:28
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radioaktivstormhello, my panels just died,a situation ive never encountered before. how do i turn them back on?08:28
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jtgansGartral: since you need spaces to be able to do this, you'll have to open up the character map-like application and copy spaces when you need them from there.08:28
zcat[1] !sudo | shapras08:28
ubotushapras: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:28
mwejtgans: but that's hard if the space key is broken ;) He'd probably have to go to the console.08:28
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jtgansmwe: hard, but not impossible. And he won't be able to fix it from the console, since it's an X server issue.08:29
Frogzooradioaktivstorm: run gnome-panel from terminal08:29
ciplogicE: /var/cache/apt/archives/vmware-player-kernel-modules-2.6.20-8_2.6.20.2-8.6_i386.deb: subprocess new post-removal script returned error exit status 108:29
ciplogicE: /var/cache/apt/archives/vmware-tools-kernel-modules-2.6.20-8_2.6.20.2-8.6_i386.deb: subprocess new post-removal script returned error exit status 108:29
mwejtgans: I mean outside X08:29
mwejtgans: eg ctrl-alt-f108:29
ciplogicAlways after install or uninstal I get the same errors08:29
radioaktivstormFrogzoo thanks08:30
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jtgansmwe: *nods*08:30
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t0ddI have an ipw3945 and am having trouble installing the wireless drivers.. could anybody help me with this..?08:30
jtgansmwe: I don't think you can solve it from there.08:30
jtgansThough that might be my Google-centric line of thinking.08:30
ciplogicI've tried to uninstall the packages, the same error08:30
mwejtgans: wouldn't you be able to edit ~/.Xmodmap from there?08:30
glynOkay, I got into the router configuration, how do you find the WEP key?08:30
ciplogicnone wants to be removed08:30
mweGartral: it is08:30
shaprasubotu: I know. But i want delete files in windows meniu, not in console. mounting disk (for example /dev/hdb6) have only root user access. Hot to change premission to my user?08:30
mweGartral: firt you need to run xev and press space to find the key code08:31
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J-_anyone know if there's anything like guitar pro in the repos that has working sound/tab and is easy to install?08:32
andres_J-_, not as good08:32
GartralKeyPress event, serial 29, synthetic NO, window 0x2400001,08:32
Gartral    root 0x3f, subw 0x0, time 3466462587, (435,291), root:(445,375),08:32
Gartral    state 0x10, keycode 65 (keysym 0x0, NoSymbol), same_screen YES,08:32
Gartral    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:08:32
Gartral    XmbLookupString gives 0 bytes:08:32
Gartral    XFilterEvent returns: False08:32
andres_kguitar is the best but not as close08:32
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Frogzoo!appdb | J-_ : maybe give wine a look08:32
ubotuJ-_ : maybe give wine a look: Appdb is a database of apps & help for programs that run under wine: see http://appdb.winehq.org08:32
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shaprascool boot ubotu :-D08:32
J-_Frogzoo: thanks08:33
jtgansOh, hey, I forgot!08:33
jtgansWe can do this straight from X, after all.08:33
Steven_Mare there any minicom users here?08:33
shaprasI need not bot help.08:33
Quenyarhello, anyone know why my USB Thumbnail drive isn't recognized?  How do I change its mind?08:33
jtgansGartral: now open a gnome terminal and copy this exact line into it and press enter:08:33
mweGartral: ok keycode is 6508:33
jtgansecho keycode 65 = space |xmodmap -08:33
shaprasI want delete files in windows meniu, not in console. mounting disk (for example /dev/hdb6) have only root user access. Hot to change premission to my user?08:33
mwejtgans: no08:34
Opus_HollandsWould anyone here have any ideas for why my computer reboots just after the graphical install of ubuntu (6.06dapper drake) loads the initrd?08:34
glynzcat[1] :I'm at the config site but how do I find the WEP key?08:34
mwejtgans: oh yes. sorry08:34
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mwejtgans: for temp fix08:34
jtgansThen the long-term fix is to remove the keybinding from the list.08:34
Gartralthank you08:34
FrogzooOpus_Hollands: probly cos it can't find the kernel or init image to boot08:34
jtgansSure. =o)08:34
QRZSteven_M: I've used it before.08:34
jtgansMake sure you remove that keybinding from the keylist.08:34
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mwejtgans: so where is that list?08:34
Gartralremove what?08:35
mwejtgans: he needs to edit ~/.xmodmap, no?08:35
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DemisMwhat are the 6.10 repositories?08:35
jtgansmwe: no.08:35
Quenyarhave found some confusing USB mount "answers" but none of them made any sense08:35
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jtgansmwe: the problem originated from Keyboard Shortcuts.08:35
mwejtgans: oh08:35
jtgansGartral: if you set the F12 key in Keyboard Shortcuts, you need to remove it in there.08:35
Gartrali dont want to08:36
Opus_HollandsI've tried using the graphical install, the grub for dos loader, and i downloaded instalux (but was lost)08:36
jtgansThis is actually a common problem with that capplet.08:36
jtgansGartral: Unfortunately, if you don't, you'll end up stuck again.08:36
Gartralits bound to launch terminal08:36
mwejtgans: I asume it's already reported if it's common?08:36
jtgansGartral: there is no short term fix for this kind of bug.08:36
jtgansmwe: possibly. I haven't checked.08:36
Quenyarwhen I insert the USB thumbnail drive in the USB port, it lights up, but I'm not getting any prompts, etc08:36
shaprashello. I need same help. I want delete files in windowsm, not in console. mounting disk (for example /dev/hdb6 or folder) have only root user access. Hot to change premission to my user?08:36
jtgansLast time I tried to report a bug to the GNOME people, it went unanswered for at least a year.08:36
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jtgansI ended up having to patch it manually myself and close the bug myself.08:37
Steven_MQRZ: can it be used for telnet connections over broadband internet?08:37
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Madpilotjtgans, Ubuntu tries to get to bugs a bit faster than that...08:37
Frogzooshapras: running gui apps as root is bad practice08:37
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jtgansMadpilot: True enough. =o)08:37
GartralQuenyar: in terminal type mount sda108:37
Frogzoojtgans: so then, problem solved ;D08:37
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QuenyarOn my Fedora box, UBM thumbnail is just automatically reocgnized. But on the ubuntu box, it is totally unresponsive.08:38
Madpilotjtgans, there's always the ubuntu bugteam, if you want to help out on that front - #ubuntu-bugs, I believe ;)08:38
jtgansWell, we hope. =o)08:38
smilehow risky is it to install ubuntu onto my laptop08:38
shaprasFrogzoo: I want manage some ntfs files wiht my user. When I manege linux system files, then I do in consol.08:38
smilei cant find wether it is supported or not08:38
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jtgansI don't feel like diving into the large chunk of code that is the Keyboard Shortcuts capplet, though. =op08:38
Opus_Hollandshow do i see a list of sub channels?08:38
gradinQuenyar: try fdisk -l (L) it will list the phyisical drives attached to your box08:38
QRZSteven_M: It is not a telnet client so, no, not by itself.  However, it can be used to establish a serial console connection to a host which could then allow you to use the telnet client on that host.08:38
corevettehow come my internet doesn't work on feisty out of the box?08:38
Frogzoosmile: it's not - why would it be? of course, no guarantees - but realistically, ubuntu can't hurt your hardware08:38
Frogzoocorevette: feisty is beta - so deal08:39
Frogzoocorevette: submit a bug to launchpad if you like08:39
gradinthen mount /dev/sda# where #= what ever the disk displays as to a directory you created08:39
corevetteits not even beta frogzoo08:39
jtgansSorry for the slight bit of cynicism on that front, guys.08:39
jtgansI've been bitten by that particular bug too many times, I guess. =op08:39
QRZSteven_M: What are you trying to do?08:39
Frogzoocorevette: I think you want -> #ubuntu+108:39
Gartraler, just dont try it if you have one of the new hp laptops... ubuntu dosnt like those too much08:39
Steven_MQRZ: telnet to an ansi style bbs08:40
shaprasFrogzoo: ntfs file sis windows diks. A have a loot of media files. I want listen and delete music files. Manage music files. You whint that in conosle is good manage files music?08:40
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shaprasFrogzoo: whint=think08:41
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QRZSteven_M: Well, if the BBS supports telnet, why not just use the normal telnet client?08:41
jtgansGartral: did you bind F12 to some other action before your space bar got screwed up?08:41
Gartrali forgot i tryed to bind space to play/pause earlyer08:41
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CryptoMolehi all08:42
jtgansYeah, that would do it. =o)08:42
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Gartralyeah, thanks for the help08:42
jtgansIs space bound to anything in the Keyboard Shortcuts capplet still?08:42
Gartralsorry if i was on edge... i dont like waking up to a busted comp08:42
=== jtgans nods
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jtgansDon't worry about it -- the feeling against that particular kind of bug is mutual. =o)08:43
jtgansLooks like you're golden for future sessions, then. =o)08:43
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Gartraler, hate, kill destroy, mame, maul...08:43
Quenyargartral - mount command results in "sudo: /etc/fstab: command not found"08:43
Steven_MQRZ: i can't get the terminal or konsole to display the ansi chars properly08:43
shaprashello. I need same help. I want delete files in windowsm, not in console. mounting disk (for example /dev/hdb6 or folder) have only root user access. For example I want manage music files in windows ntfs diks. How to change premission to my user?08:43
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Quenyargradin fdisk -l results in nothing, just empty prompt08:44
jtgansHmm... Is NTFS write support supported in Dapper?08:44
Gartralim at a loss...08:44
fr5000shapras, writing to ntfs disks is riskky08:44
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Gartraljust not generally common, or easy08:45
=== jtgans nods
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QRZSteven_M: I'm sure there is a way to change the emulation and char set support for your terminal session... although not sure how atm.08:45
jtgans{HP,NT}FS support has never been easy. =o)08:45
shaprasfr5000: I download all nfts library  and other componets for linux. Tha suport ntfs08:45
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse08:47
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pavshow to mount windows ntfs (seperate dahrdrive) under ubuntu so that I can view/copy files?08:47
mwepavs ^^08:47
Gartralntfs support on linux has always been a headach... v1 was easy, after that, microsucks decided to close all its source code...08:48
pavsi asked at the right time08:48
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DemisMwhich is the main binary reposity for edgy?08:48
Frogzoo!ntfs | pavs | read only is pretty ok08:48
ubotupavs | read only is pretty ok: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse08:48
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)08:49
Quenyaralthough I have an entry in fstab for /dev/sda when I try to found sda, I get the same meesage about no entry in etc/fstab or mtab08:49
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jtgansGartral: NTFSv1 was open?08:50
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Gartraldid you try other usb ports?08:50
mwentfs-3g should be safe enough. It doesn't allow you to change permissions of files, though.08:50
QuenyarI wonder if perhaps the USB does not work on this computer08:50
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Gartralno, but it wasnt as tightly closed08:50
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pavsthanks frogzoo08:50
Mba7ethhi all08:50
Mba7ethhow is everybody ?08:50
FrogzooQuenyar: usb will specifically not work if you give it an fstab entry - remove it, then reinsert the usb08:51
Mba7ethi have a Q ?08:51
mweMba7eth: shoot08:51
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Gartralits the sole reason winblows 200 actually communicates with linux without TOO much trouble08:51
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ardchoilleI may install beryl just so I can use this, it's cool looking: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=5317908:52
Mba7ethcan we recover deleted files with rm command , while using ext3fs ? A lot in the forum says no, while others say yes ?? So where is the truth ? can we recover files ?08:52
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mweCommunicating via smbfs/cifs works fine for all windows versions I think. Except for the slowness08:53
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Quenyarfrogzoo, removed entry in fstab. unplugged thumbnail and reinserted it, what next?08:53
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jtgansMba7eth: no. Not reliably.08:53
t0ddmy computer makes loud beeps whenever i cant find a word using ctrl+f.. how could i disable this in ubuntu?08:53
Gartralright, slow=bad08:53
jtgansThe journal in ext3 prevents it.08:53
FrogzooMba7eth: deletes in ext3 are permanently gone for good, no recovery possible - ext2 is recoverable08:53
t0ddand loud beeps during other events too08:53
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mweMba7eth: well it's complicated too I think08:53
phatrabbithi all is there anyway to backup all the updated files that ubuntu downloads08:53
FrogzooQuenyar: tail -f /var/log/messages - while inserting08:53
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mweMba7eth: the file is still there if it's not been overwritten but the handle is gone08:54
Gartralhence the reason my root subset is ext3fs, while the rest ext208:54
Frogzoophatrabbit: /var/cache/apt/archives/08:54
Mba7ethjtgans : but there are many links you can get in google and alot of commercial programs!!! So are they just saling myths to us ?08:54
opshdsCould I get some help here. I ran into a snag while installing ubuntu dapper drake on my celeron xp box, during the loading of just the initrd (The Kernel loads no problem) or perhaps even just after the load, my computer reboots to the video bios?08:54
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karthikguys..help me!!...I want to share the Internet connection between my host(running on Ubuntu) and my client(running on xp)...how to do that?..i installed ethernet card on both the system....08:54
opshdsccould it have to do with my bios?08:54
Mba7ethmwe : give a link to recover ?08:54
phatrabbitthanks Frogzoo08:55
t0ddand how could I install the glut libraries in ubuntu?08:55
Quenyarfrogzoo  usb 2-2: new full speed USB d evice using uhci_hcd and address 408:55
Gartralwhats the make?08:55
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mweMba7eth: don't have one at hand, sorry08:55
phatrabbitso if i just burn that dir to CD i can reinstall them all if i do a clean install08:55
Mba7ethmwe : nop :)08:55
mweI thought ext3 was just ext2 with a journal08:55
FrogzooQuenyar: so ls /media08:55
Quenyarfrogzoo how do I access content on drive?08:55
Gartralit is, and a few other revisions08:55
jtgansmwe: it is, but there are other subtle differences in how data is written to disk.08:55
t0ddnobody responds to my questions =\08:56
mweI see08:56
karthikguys..help me!!...I want to share the Internet connection between my host(running on Ubuntu) and my client(running on xp)...how to do that?..i installed ethernet card on both the system....08:56
karthikhelp me pals08:56
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Gartraltodd, whats up?08:56
Quenyarfrogzoo ls /media >>  cdrom  cdrom0  floppy  floppy008:56
t0ddDo you know how I could install opengl/glut libraries in ubuntu?08:56
jtgansmwe: if you apt-get install recover and read the docs in /usr/share/doc/recover you'll be more enlightened as to the why than I can explain at the moment. =o)08:56
FrogzooQuenyar: not sure why the usb's not there - a reboot may be necessary08:57
mwejtgans: ok08:57
phatrabbitFrogzoo: whats the best burning tool to use with ubuntu08:57
Frogzoophatrabbit: k3b - no question08:57
Gartralk3b rocks08:57
Quenyarfrogzoo reboot ineffective, tried it already08:57
FrogzooQuenyar: you tried after you deleted the fstab line?08:58
FrogzooQuenyar: this edgy?08:58
meisamhi guys, what should i be writting for putting java in path?08:58
Frogzoomeisam: not necessary, just install JRE from the repos08:58
Quenyarfrogzoo this is 6.6 (dapper?)   yes, after I deleted fstab line08:58
Madpilotphatrabbit, depends what you're burning. Nautilus works fine for data & ISOs; serpentine is great for music.08:59
Gartralopengl/glut? no08:59
meisamFrogzoo its not like that friend, i did it , i installed jdk package which includes jre08:59
meisamFrogzoo it has to be defined08:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opengl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:59
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meisamFrogzoo i mean path08:59
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DemisMwhat is the difference between 6.06 and 6.10 dapper and edgy also feisty now?08:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glut - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:59
meisamFrogzoo i think in .bashrc08:59
Gartralfeisty is beta08:59
t0ddokay, forget about that then08:59
t0ddcould you help me install my wireless drivers?09:00
t0ddI have an ipw394509:00
t0ddand the module is detected09:00
Gartral6.06 is LTS (long term support) and 6.10 is current stable09:00
t0ddbut it still isnt configured correctly?09:00
Frogzoomeisam: you want to set CLASSPATH then...?09:00
Quenyarfrogzoo - maybe is goofy old crappy computer and not ubuntu's fault09:00
meisamFrogzoo yes09:00
ChaosEddiehey im getting a weird error where my desktop clock is right, but the times in firefox (gmail, etc.) are wrong. im on a live cd so i dont see why this would be a problem. any ideas?09:00
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FrogzooQuenyar: HAL on dapper isn't great, google may help09:00
jtgansChaosEddie: You mean on GMail and GCal?09:01
opshdsCould someone help me troubleshoot an install issue I'm having with 6.06?09:01
Frogzoomeisam: you can set it in ~/.gnomerc or /etc/environment09:01
karthikguys..help me!!...I want to share the Internet connection between my host(running on Ubuntu) and my client(running on xp)...how to do that?..i installed ethernet card on both the system....09:01
mwejtgans: From what I read it seems recovering ext3 files is possible but hard ;)09:01
Gartralchaos, you running dapper or edgy?09:01
jtgansmwe: yes, it is possible.09:02
jtgansmwe: just /neigh/ impossible09:02
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jtgansmwe: especially when running a disk-heavy environment like X + GNOME.09:02
DemisMare there mirrors to us.archive.ubuntu.com?09:02
Quenyarfrogzoo - was intending to install xbuntu 6.10 on this box, but found CDROM didn't boot, got new CDrom drive and intending to install, but can't be bothered.  Maybe enogh things won't work to motivate me.  Thanks.09:02
MadpilotDemisM, us.archive is a mirror09:02
jtgansmwe: immediately after deleting the file, you would have to immediately switch to single user mode to ensure that the data was still intact.09:02
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DemisMother mirrors09:02
jtgansmwe: otherwise, you're running a fruitless grep over the entire block device.09:03
mwejtgans: yeah09:03
karthikguys..help me!!...I want to share the Internet connection between my host(running on Ubuntu) and my client(running on xp)...how to do that?..i installed ethernet card on both the system....09:03
savvaswhat more does the dvd version have?09:03
DemisMhow do I edit sources.list through terminal?09:03
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karthikguys..help me!!...I want to share the Internet connection between my host(running on Ubuntu) and my client(running on xp)...how to do that?..i installed ethernet card on both the system....09:03
phatrabbitFrogzoo: k3b looks like its for kde ?09:03
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savvasphatrabbit: you can use k3b on gnome and kde09:04
phatrabbitits optimised for kde09:04
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phatrabbittheres nothing that suits gnome betteR ?09:04
savvasDemisM: nano /etc/apt/sources.list09:04
Quenyarkarthik - running DSL broadband connection?09:04
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karthikADSL broadband09:04
savvasphatrabbit: maybe gnomebaker, but k3b is better if you ask me09:04
Frogzoophatrabbit: it will run under gnome, some poor souls use gnomebaker09:04
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jtgansDemisM: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list09:05
savvasoh yeah, forgot the sudo :p09:05
phatrabbitok thanks09:05
jtgansOtherwise you're only able to view the file, not edit it. =op09:05
Quenyarkarthik, then get a hub/switch, plug that into ADSL modem, then plug your two computers into hub/switch.  Both will have equal access to the Internet.09:05
DemisMjtgans: isn't there a terminal app that gives you a list of mirrors though?09:05
Madpilotphatrabbit, when you stick a blank CD-R in, gnome should give you a popup that asks what you want to do with it - Burn Data, Burn Music - those tools work just fine09:05
jtgansDemisM: Hmm... I believe apt-setup will give you a list, but what is listed in the /etc/apt/sources.list file should be all you need already, unless it's been mucked with before.09:06
savvasDemisM: cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep http ?:)09:06
mwejtgans: I think I once read that's possible to even recover files that are overwritten if you have the tools/expertise as even deleted files leave a trace on the surface. But that's probably a job for the FBI or something ;)09:06
DemisMit's fine but the mirrors are too slow09:06
jtgansmwe: six layers deep of overwriting, yes.09:06
bigfuzzyjesusanyone here good for server support09:06
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jtgansmwe: any more than that and the data is next to impossible to recover.09:06
karthiki m directly connecting the two computer directky using "crosswire cable"...09:06
Quenyarkarthik - unless you want to firewall your LAN and have your local Ethernet behind that firewall.  In that case, you need to put two ethernet cards in your Linux server and do IP masquerading and firewall - much more to do09:07
mwejtgans: I see09:07
jtgansmwe: NSA supposedly can do more than that, which is what degaussing wands are for. =o)09:07
jtgansWaahahah! That's the best logo ever. =o)09:07
karthiki m able to share the internet in windows when both the systems are running in windows09:07
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karthikbut how to do in ubuntu(server)...09:08
karthiki want the steps09:08
Gartralif your using any network card made after 2002.... it automaticly detect the connection type, you dont need a cross over patch09:08
ChaosEddiejtgans: gmail,chi ubuntu page etc09:08
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mwekarthik: it's easy with firestarter09:09
fluxdhi I am trying to add a grub splash screen in the menu.list file should i put splashimage=(hd1,0) or splashimage=(hd0,0) ?09:09
karthiktell me how to do that with firestarter09:09
mwekarthik: install that and you will be sharing the net in no time09:09
Quenyarkarthik - If you just want to share the Internet access - equal peers, then all you need is a hub or switch. This is simple hardware.09:09
jtgansGartral: don't always count on that. Give it a try, but there are plenty of cards post 2002 that don't honor that nicety.09:09
ChaosEddieif you see the planet ubuntu page, you will see i JUST posted a blog (plug) but it says i posted at 4 56 am, 3 hours ahead09:09
jtgansI've run into a few brand new Intel 1Gb cards lately that don't quite cut the mustard in that area.09:10
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mwekarthik: it also configures the firewall so make sure you check it's log if it's blocking something it shouldn't. If you don't want a firewall look for other methods. hint ip forwarding09:11
fluxdhi I am trying to add a grub splash screen in the menu.list file should i put splashimage=(hd1,0) or splashimage=(hd0,0) ?09:11
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Ex0`easiest way to remove a ata password from a hdd? (previously in an modded xbox hdd)09:11
Quenyarkarthik - if you want to have your server on the Internet and connect one or many other computers behind that, then first you need two ethernet cards in your ubuntu server eth0 and eth1. eth0 connects to the Internet. You then configure IP masquerading and aliasing from eth1 to eth0 so that your windows boxes can send and receive packets through the server to the Internet.09:12
Frogzoofluxd: neither work: splashimage (hd0,6)/boot/grub/blah.xpm.gz09:12
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karthikmwe...tell me how to share the internet using firestarter09:12
fluxdFrogzoo What you mean?09:12
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Frogzoofluxd: splashimage wants the full path09:12
jtgansChaosEddie: http://planet.ubuntu.com/?09:12
karthik IP masquerading.......is it a software?????/09:13
mindstatewhen trying to compile a program i get a  "checking for GTK+ - version >= 2.0.0... no" and the same message for Glib 2.0.. anyone have any input on this09:13
mwekarthik: I don't remember exactly. I just remember it was really easy. Just click about a bit in the interface09:13
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karthikok mwe09:13
fluxdFrogzoo oh so ho do i find out the (hd0,6) part for my computer?09:13
llama32i had to help some stoned guy install windows xp today... turned out he was using office xp discs. i sent him home with ubuntu :)09:13
karthikIP masquerading.......is it a software?????/....09:13
DarthLappymindstate: Have you installed the -dev package for GTK?09:13
mwekarthik: or maybe read the help09:13
HaCk-NaSaciao a tutti09:13
mindstateDarthLappy: No09:14
DarthLappymindstate: That's probably why.09:14
HaCk-NaSain this room speak italian09:14
mindstateDarthLappy: how do i install from apt-get ?09:14
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Quenyarkarthik - will leave you in mwe's experiened hands....  I'm used to doing it the old fashioned, manual way. If firestarter will just configure this all automagically, then that's going to be simpler to implement (but harder to customize).  Good luck!09:14
Frogzoofluxd: -> /boot/grub/device.map09:14
Gartralsudo apt-get install (package name)09:14
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SirOSOriSDarthLappy, sudo apt-get packageyouwant09:15
ChaosEddieit should read 1:54 AM because thats when I posted it. the group is in CT im assuming. right now it says 747AM, which changed from 4 56 am the last time i checked it. so in 5 minutes, the time changed, delta of +2 hours09:15
DarthLappymindstate: sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev, I think.09:15
youkilldkennedyHas anyone had trouble with their laptop speakers still playing sound even when headphones are plugged in?09:15
DarthLappySirOSOriS: I don't need to know :)09:15
fluxdFrogzoo I see this (hd0)/dev/hda09:15
cypher1youkilldkennedy, what is the nature of your headphones ?09:15
HaCk-NaSai'm italian09:15
karthikQuenyar.....tell me how to configure IP masquerading.....steps in details09:15
mindstateDarthLappy: thanks dude09:15
karthikQuenyar.....tell me how to configure IP masquerading.....steps in details09:15
youkilldkennedyJust headphones with a mini-plug. Like for a CD player09:16
mwekarthik: don't repeat, please09:16
DarthLappymindstate: Not a problem.09:16
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Gartralhiding from hacker karthic?09:16
HaCk-NaSachi sa usare aircrak09:16
Frogzoofluxd: which partition is the image on?09:16
HaCk-NaSachi mi aiuta?09:16
static__i'm setting up ubuntu server, with bind, if I need to setup multiple domains point to the same IP address, what's the best way to go about doing this, I already have one domain working but can't seem to get a second with the same ip...?09:16
BHSPitLappyyoukilldkennedy, are you sure the plug isn't too small?09:16
mwekarthik: why do you want IP masquerading?09:16
BHSPitLappyLike a cell phone connector?09:16
mwekarthik: you need IP forwarding I think09:16
youkilldkennedyPositive. Sound plays through the headphones.09:17
karthikQuenyar said like that09:17
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karthikthats y i am asking09:17
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jtgansChaosEddie: Sorry about the long response time -- my browser is being rather slow at pulling those sites up.09:17
mwekarthik: You went away from the firestarter method?09:17
HaCk-NaSanessuno parla italiano09:17
fluxdFrogzoo how do i figure that out?09:17
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karthikno..i m now installing firestarter09:17
Flannel!it | HaCk-NaSa09:17
ubotuHaCk-NaSa: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:17
slvmchnhow reliable is ubuntu on a g4 laptop?09:17
Frogzoostatic__: CNAMEs will do that, but they resolve to the alternate domain name which maybe isn't what you want09:18
evilmegamanHi, if I install herd 4, will I have to reinstall the entire system to upgrade to 7.04 final?09:18
Frogzoofluxd: mount09:18
ChaosEddieI emailed myself (just now) and gmail says my time is 8 18 am09:18
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mwekarthik: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/preferences.php09:19
Gartralsounds like the time zone setting is screwy09:19
jtgansChaosEddie: GMail doesn't set the outbound email's time, though. The mail servers do.09:19
jtgansChaosEddie: My guess is that your timezone file is messed up.09:19
FrogzooChaosEddie: if you're using an ntp server in a different time zone, you'll have problems09:19
jtgansChaosEddie: Could you tell me what "readlink /etc/timezone" says?09:19
Gartralright, but they collect timezone data from your system :)09:19
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fluxdFrogzoo I have 4 partitions 1 ntfs 1 fat 1 ext3(ubuntu) and 1 swap ubuntu one is hda309:19
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jtgansChaosEddie: ...and where you're supposed to be at in the world? =op09:19
valehru_hey guys, does anyone play mame here?  I'm having trouble getting the axis to work on my joypad.  The action buttons work fine (punch etc) but the movement axis does not seem to get recognised09:19
ChaosEddiewhere is that located? im running all of this off a live cd i swear09:20
Frogzoofluxd: so (hd0,2)09:20
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jtgansChaosEddie: Heh. Sorry. From gnome-terminal type in "readlink /etc/timezone"09:20
Gartralwell, right click the clock in the corner09:20
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fluxdFrogzoo oh ok ty so i put this is in grub splashimage (hd0,2)/boot/grub/blah.xpm.gz ?09:20
Gartraladjust date and time09:21
ChaosEddieit's not returning anything09:21
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Gartralclick time zone and set09:21
arnorhello all09:21
Frogzoofluxd: if that's where you put your splashimage09:21
=== Gartral sneezes
fluxdFrogzoo yup ty verymuch09:22
jtgansChaosEddie: Wow, I've been messing with old Debian installs too much -- I forgot that /etc/timezone isn't a symlink anymore.09:22
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jtgansChaosEddie: Right click on the clock in your panel and choose Adjust Date and Time09:23
jtgansAnd follow the rest of what Gartral said. =o)09:23
jtgansI'm going to go hide in the corner now. =op09:23
static__cname doesn't seem to do it if i'm entering it in correctly anyways, what I'm trying to do is make example1.com and example2.com goto the same ip address..09:23
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mindstatehow do i install the x development library from apt-get09:24
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Flannelmisnix: xserver-xorg-dev09:24
fluxdFrogzoo I can put this line anywhere in te menu.list file right?09:24
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Flannelmindstate, sorry09:24
evilmegamanwhen I try to start the live CD, it freezes up while loading, The CD is verified as working, It has something to do with the computer I am installing it on.. any ideas?09:24
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Gartralok, had to restart x09:25
Flannelmindstate: dev packages all end in -dev, so whatever ones are pertinent09:25
ChaosEddiejtgans: thanks. I found the issue. right click and 'synchronize with web server' turned the clock to 8 2509:25
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Frogzoofluxd: is there a line: # Splash Image09:25
ChaosEddieinstead of 2 25am09:25
jtgansChaosEddie: thank Gartral -- he provided the fix that works. =o)09:25
mindstateFlannel: ok09:25
fluxdFrogzoo no dont think so09:25
Gartralis that the right time?09:25
ChaosEddieno no he provided the problem09:25
ChaosEddienopeits off by 18 hurs09:25
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Frogzoostatic__: CNAME will do it, you've gone wrong somewhere09:25
youkilldkennedyAnyone have suggestions for good DVD ripping and burning software?09:26
Gartralok, in that same window, theres a select time zone09:26
Frogzoofluxd: k, just put it at the top, before the autogen'd section09:26
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages09:26
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fluxdyoukilldkennedy there is a program called dvdrip09:26
fluxdyoukilldkennedy there is a program called dvdrip and gnomebaker09:26
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Gartralyou still need libdvdcss209:27
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userlinuxAnyone know what a dcopserver is09:27
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fluxdFrogzoo the beginning of the menu.list file right?09:27
userlinuxAmarok error keeps asking make sure its running09:27
ardchoilleyoukilldkennedy: There is a nice DVD ripping app called xdvdshrink: http://dvdshrink.sourceforge.net09:27
Frogzoofluxd: sure09:27
ChaosEddieit seems that everything is off by 6 hours, except that one time when it went out by 1809:27
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FrogzooChaosEddie: u using ntp ?09:28
imsocutehi...how can i change the color depth???09:28
fluxdChaosEddie if u install ntp support it should update autoatically09:28
Gartralchaos, did setting the timezone help?09:28
userlinuxyeah it keeps asking about dcopserver09:28
userlinuxwhat is it/09:28
Gartralnational time protocol09:28
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ubotuntp: Network Time Protocol: network utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.2.0a+stable-9ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 256 kB, installed size 464 kB09:28
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Gartralnetwork, sorry09:28
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fluxdChaosEddie right click clock then adjust time09:29
jtgansChaosEddie: nice blog post, btw.09:29
FrogzooChaosEddie: 'keep clock sync'd with internet servers' ?09:29
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ChaosEddiejtgans: thanks im produ of it09:29
Gartraland set time zone09:29
KennyRIs there an easy way to access a Windows Shared Folder on another PC?09:29
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ChaosEddieohhh k im getting NTP09:30
Frogzoo!samba | KennyR | yup09:30
ubotuKennyR | yup: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dcopserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:30
KennyRFrogzoo, Thanks09:30
FrogzooChaosEddie: use ntp servers in your timezone09:30
FlannelChaosEddie: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/serverguide/C/NTP.html09:30
ChaosEddiehuh well  NTP says that either myself or a script modified the time/date settings09:30
ubotumtr: Full screen ncurses and X11 traceroute tool. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.71-2 (edgy), package size 46 kB, installed size 160 kB09:30
ChaosEddieand i just update it09:30
ChaosEddiethanks guys09:30
ChaosEddieGartral: of course extra special thanks to you for helping fix problems while sneezing. human potential at its best.09:31
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Gartraloh hah09:32
userlinuxAnyone know why Amarok is not working it keeps asking about dcopserver not running and stuff09:32
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects09:32
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Gartraldcopserver is an sql server, amarok uses sql to track song settings09:33
ChaosEddiegah! now gmail is 100% fine, but the planet chicago page is still wrong.09:33
userlinuxwhat other programs can i use to play my music on ubuntu09:33
ChaosEddiei'll live with it. thanks everyone.09:33
userlinuxi just want to play my music T_T09:33
Gartralnp ce09:33
=== ChaosEddie sits back and tries to fix OTHER people's problems
Gartralrythem box is nice09:34
DarthLappyMPD :)09:34
Frogzoouserlinux: amarok & audacious09:34
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userlinuxrythem box can't seem to play back my mp3's09:34
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ubotuA !repository for the Audacious audio player now exists: see http://audacious-media-player.org/Downloads09:34
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userlinuxit keeps giving me an error09:34
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:34
ChaosEddieuserlinux: what error specifically?09:34
userlinuxlet me check. h/o09:34
Gartralmp3 is a closed source, i prefer !ogg09:34
cypher1userlinux, you can use the new spec09:35
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:35
cypher1hold on09:35
userlinuxoh so linux can't play mp3s?09:35
Frogzoouserlinux: guess again09:35
DarthLappyYes it can.09:35
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userlinuxwhat program plays mp3 than09:36
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posingaspopularhey sorry guys, this is still me. ChaosEddie, posingaspopular w/e.09:36
posingaspopularuserlinux: you need to modify the codecs of ubuntu09:36
posingaspopularto play mp3s09:36
posingaspopularamarok will play mp3s09:37
posingaspopularonce you configure it09:37
userlinuxThe problem is Amarok won't even boot09:37
cypher1userlinux, which version of ubuntu are you using09:37
DarthLappyWell it's more installing, rather than modifying.09:37
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posingaspopularpeople need to stop ghosting me09:37
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jtgansposingaspopular: ghosting you?09:38
userlinuxcypherl: 6.1009:38
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posingaspopularstealing my nick or changing my nick or generally messing around with my messaging apps.09:38
cypher1there is a easycodec installation spec in feisty but seems not in edgy (6.10)09:38
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phatrabbitFrogzoo: are u there mate09:39
userlinuxis Xine one09:39
posingaspopularlogged into two aim sessions on two different boxes the other day, my brother has my posing passwd (he set it) and i duno what just happened to ChaosEddie09:39
posingaspopularChaosEddie: give me back my nick!09:39
cypher1userlinux, you can follow the RestrictedFormats link and install the required codecs to enjoy mp3 and other things in ubuntu09:39
surgyok so im running kubuntu edgy 6.10 and no one in #kubuntu know the answer. What is the macro for changing between instances of X?09:39
cypher1!mp3 > userlinux09:39
posingaspopularjtgans: see what i mean09:39
Frogzoophatrabbit: sup?09:39
cypher1!mp3 > cypher109:39
DarthLappycypher1: You can /msg the bot too :)09:40
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cypher1DarthLappy, oh sorry will do from now on09:40
jtgansposingaspopular: have you considered changing your password?09:40
DarthLappycypher1: Heh, you don't have to be sorry. It was just a suggestion :)09:40
userlinuxwhats the mininmal req for running ubuntu09:41
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posingaspopularjtgans: I need to repartition my HD and fix some other software issues, so until I have a stable OS there is not point09:41
Frogzoouserlinux: 5gigs maybe09:41
cypher1DarthLappy, ok :)09:41
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surgy ok so im running kubuntu edgy 6.10 and no one in #kubuntu know the answer. What is the macro for changing between instances of X?09:41
posingaspopular1.0 ghxz, 154 ram09:41
userlinuxyour kiddin09:41
jtgansposingaspopular: ...and I don't see another ChaosEddie in here. =op09:41
Frogzoouserlinux: 256ram / 500meg cpu09:41
je_frohey guys, what kernel comes with 6.10?09:41
posingaspopular2.0 gig or something like that09:41
jtgansOh, scratch that. Now I do.09:41
cypher1je_fro, uname -r09:42
martin_aulbachuname -r gives you the kernel version09:42
userlinux256mb of ram09:42
Steilsurgy: if you're in X, ctrl + alt + F7-F12?09:42
phatrabbitFrogzoo: i have tried reading up on how to download and install the k3b package, but i am not sure what to add to my sourcelist file09:42
posingaspopularprobably some bot or such joker09:42
surgysteil let me try09:42
martin_aulbach2.6.17-11 is the current one in Edgy (6.10)09:42
userlinuxand everything lags09:42
je_frocypher1, Linux speedy 2.6.18-gentoo-r6 #4 SMP PREEMPT Tue Jan 9 10:19:30 CST 2007 x86_64 AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 246 AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux09:42
Steilsurgy: has to be left ctrl/alt09:42
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youkilldkennedyDoes anyone know why my music plays over both my laptop speakers and my headphones? And not one or the other??09:42
je_froI need a .20 for my G965 board09:43
Steilyoukilldkennedy: what version?09:43
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cypher1je_fro, just try "uname -r".. it is  2.6.18-gentoo-r6 for you09:43
surgysteil: thats it thank you09:43
youkilldkennedySteil: Of? Ubuntu? Edgy09:43
Steilnot a problem09:43
Steilyoukilldkennedy: what kind of laptop do you have?09:43
je_frocypher1, yeah, I'm on gentoo looking for a livecd with a 2.6.2009:43
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je_froI don't want to make one myself09:43
babyjuwhois matti09:43
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youkilldkennedySteil: HP, dv2000. Altec Lansing speakers.09:44
je_froknoppix has .1909:44
je_froI'll try that09:44
je_frothanks all09:44
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Steilyoukilldkennedy: hmm not much I can suggest, file a bug with alsa.....my laptop used to have that problem with anything bfore edgy09:45
Frogzoo!k3b | phatrabbit09:45
ubotuphatrabbit: k3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto09:45
martin_aulbachnice one, japanese working in XChat ;)09:45
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youkilldkennedySteil: Odd, it'd do this in windows too for a while too, then it'd work for a while, and keep switching.09:46
arromeoWhat file should I edit to start a specific window manager?09:46
Steilyoukilldkennedy: does your laptop have volume buttons on the side?09:46
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youkilldkennedySteil: On the top above the keyboard, yes.09:46
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KennyRFrogzoo, Is samba all command line??09:47
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KennyRFrogzoo, Is there a GUI version of samba?09:47
Steilmy laptop is HP. all my side buttons except the volume up stopped working, can't disable/enable wireless radio, all the lights are dead09:47
Steilhad nothing but trouble with it09:47
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youkilldkennedySteil: Only my mute, volume and play buttons work.. next, stop, and previous refuse to work.09:48
t0ddwhat is the best movie player to use in ubuntu?09:48
Steilif windows is giving you the problem too, i'd call up HP or go on their website and do a live chat with a customer service rep09:48
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Steilthey're usually pretty helpful09:48
youkilldkennedySteil: Good idea, I'll check it out. Thanks09:49
Gartralnote the usually09:49
posingaspopulart0dd: VLC09:49
posingaspopularmy opinion09:49
t0ddany other opinions09:49
posingaspopularmontee: !09:49
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t0ddposingaspopular do you know the package name?09:50
posingaspopularsudo apt-get install vlc09:50
t0ddi guess its just vlc09:50
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KennyRIs samba all command line??09:51
posingaspopulartimes flies when you're fixing problems in #ubuntu09:51
KennyRIs there a GUI version of samba?09:51
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t0ddoh, another question09:51
t0ddwhy when I go to install g++, I am asked to insert my ubuntu live cd09:51
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posingaspopularis that the exact message?09:52
pounceyou need to change your /etc/apt/sources.list09:52
t0ddhow do I do that?09:52
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posingaspopularterminal. type what pounce posted.09:53
diffbavishey guys when i scrot a realplayer window the video appears just black. is there some way to capture that?09:53
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posingaspopularpounce: those are the repositories?09:53
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pounceyou can use nano to edit them09:54
pouncenano /etc/apt/sources.list09:54
t0ddwhat should I change?09:54
t0dddoes pico work as well?09:54
posingaspopulark im trying to learn all the different commands/meanings09:54
pounceyou have to do it as root, so do sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list09:54
pouncepico is an alias to nano09:54
t0ddoh, alright09:54
t0ddis there a specific line in the file I need to change?09:54
posingaspopularall of them!09:55
pouncecheck out this page09:55
pouncethat's how you edit the sources09:55
phatrabbitHi, how can i check if i have the latest nvidia drivers installed on ubuntu09:55
KennyRWho knows anything about Samba?09:55
pouncedid you install them, phatrabbit?09:55
pounceor are you just installing ubuntu for the first time?09:55
martin_aulbachI don't know much about samba09:56
martin_aulbachI'd just read the Wiki entry on how to set it up and use it09:56
pounceif you're just now installing ubuntu, go here: http://lunapark6.com/?p=2717 and follow the instructions to install envy - it's an easy way to update your nvidia drivers without having to mess with compiling.09:56
posingaspopularjtgans: did you see when ChaosEddie left out the room?09:56
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pounceI used it and it worked like a charm.09:57
jtgansposingaspopular: No, I'm afraid I didn't. But I don't see him in my list of users anymore.09:57
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posingaspopular[02:52]  <-- ChaosEddie has left this server (Success). from when *I*left out of #chicago-ubuntu09:58
posingaspopularyea i told you it was problem a joker/bot09:58
jtgansI did a /who on the nick and it showed up as a separate IP address from the same blockadn ISP.09:58
jtganss/blockadn/block and/09:58
posingaspopularhuh that's weird09:58
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jtgansIt might just be something weird with your IRC client.09:59
posingaspopularit's probably a redirect of the ip09:59
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jtgansposingaspopular: eh?09:59
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acke_hey i get an error from ivman, device /dev/sda1 is not removable? ubuntu  doesnt mount any of my other partititions.09:59
posingaspopularthey bounced their signal around through verious proxies to mask their real origin of the information09:59
=== jtgans shrugs
posingaspopularyea whatever. it's just the internet.10:00
posingaspopulargnight to you10:00
jtgansG'night. =o)10:00
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brosiohi all10:01
brosiohow could hi minimize thunderbird in the systray ?10:01
Frogzoo!docs | posingaspopular10:01
ubotuposingaspopular: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com10:01
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switchyhi all, is there a way for me to get ubuntu to run an applications (full screen amarok) using solely a keyboard shortcut? I've checked the keyboard shortcut menu in edgy, but it only has predefined commands.10:02
brosioso ??10:02
Frogzooswitchy: check under configuration editor -> apps -> metacity10:02
parixahi.. I am having some problems with the Herd4. I am having trouble logging out. Where can I find relevant info to file a bug report?10:02
posingaspopularbrosio: maybe someone in #thunderbird has an answer10:03
Frogzooswitchy: or ... if you start amarok in your session, you can define keys in amarok10:03
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posingaspopularparixa: wiki.ubuntu.com/herd410:03
posingaspopulari beliveeee10:03
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posingaspopularthats the one10:03
parixaI meant where can I find the log files, so I can open a relevant report10:04
posingaspopularummmmmm check the documentation, I have no idea at all. and i need sleep10:04
dave__hi, can anyone recommend some ftp software and some coding software for the web (something similar to the coding interface on dreamweaver)?10:04
switchyFrogzoo: I'm trying the first suggestion now, but the full screen feature is altogether a separate program, so I don't think Amarok  is integrated with it by default.10:04
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youkilldkennedydave_: You could try running Dreamweaver in WINE.10:05
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duncan_I'm having problems with my wine install, I installed steam, and put the tahoma font into the font folder, but steam refuses to display any text10:07
dave__youkilldkennedy: will it be slower than normal because it is going through wine?10:07
youkilldkennedydave_: I run World of Warcraft on wine at a higher FPS than on windows.10:07
duncan_probably a slight difference dave10:07
infidelswitchy, if you find out let me know10:07
youkilldkennedy!wine | dave_10:07
ubotudave_: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.10:07
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mindstatecan i put mplayer on a continuous loop?10:07
switchyinfedel: sure10:08
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infidelswitchy, thanks10:08
dave__cheers everyone, i notice there are a lot of ftp programs, can anyone recommend a decent one?10:08
scrollzerdave__: gftp10:09
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dave__thanks scrollzer10:09
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martin_aulbachwell I just bought a 3-month subscription of Cedega for 15 Euro10:10
switchyIn the config editor, under apps > metacity> global keybindings, i see several "run_command_#", does anyone know how to assign certain commands to the hotkey?10:10
duncan_could someone be kind enought to answer me? :)10:10
youkilldkennedydave_: I hope that works out for you.10:10
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martin_aulbachfor playing games, Cedega is much more comfortable and better, I think10:10
daveRfinally lol, is there a place i can go for good gfx effects with ubuntu, for example that effect when you move a window is wobbles10:10
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martin_aulbachdaveR: XGL and Compiz will make you happy10:10
martin_aulbachyou will find information about it on the Wiki pages10:11
duncan_I've found wine to have better performance than Cedega10:11
martin_aulbachI didn't get around to try out Cedega really much until now.10:11
duncan_the steam based games I've been using :)10:11
daveRthanks martin_aulbach10:11
martin_aulbachyeah, but steam really sucks, I think10:12
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martin_aulbachI mean, to give control over your computer over by steam10:12
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martin_aulbachbut the game I wanted to install in Cedega yesterday wasn't better anyway: Trackmania Nations10:13
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martin_aulbacheven though it's free, it has a bad copy protection (StarForce) similar to Sony's Root Kit10:14
mindstatecan i put mplayer on a continuous loop?10:14
martin_aulbachso it won't install, because Cedega can't simulate such a deep interaction with Windows10:14
switchyinfidel: still there?10:15
diffbavismindstate: mplayer -loop 0 movie.avi10:15
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mindstatediffbavis: thank u10:16
=== ThomBrown [n=thom@pool-141-155-17-135.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ThomBrownany1 go to Ubucon here in NYC?10:17
infidelswitchy, yup10:17
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switchyhere's the deal10:17
switchyopen up the configuration editor10:17
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switchyand then go apps> metacity > global keybindings10:18
duncan_I think i'm just going to reinstall ubuntu, it will be easier to solve my problem10:18
switchylemme know when that's taken care of10:18
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infideli can't find configuration editor10:19
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switchyumm.... right click on the applications menu, go to edit menu, and then go to system tools, and enable config editor10:20
switchythat should work10:20
arunkumaranhello room10:21
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arunkumaranis there any service that allows free calling to US...can i use ekiga for that?10:21
switchythat worked?10:21
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switchythen do what i told you before10:22
ThomBrownare we talkin about Palm syncing?10:22
Gerry_Wwhat's the best way to mount iso's in ubuntu?10:22
brosiohow could hi minimize thunderbird in the systray ?10:23
infidelcool thanks10:23
switchyfigure the rest out?10:23
watson540mount -t iso9660 <file <location>10:23
infidelworking on it10:24
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nikinyesterday i was talking about i didnt get extra performance changing an MX440 to a 6600.. i think i found the problem.... its most likely the AGI slot on my MB (kinda fake AGP).. anyone agree or disagree?10:24
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Gerry_Wwhen I try that10:25
Gerry_Wmy system locks up10:26
snilleGood morning everybody! :)10:26
cmp1988How do I edit my GRUB to remove redundant entries, such as previous versions of the Kernel?10:26
Gerry_Wlike it's doing right now :S10:26
phatrabbithi all. Ubuntu does not recongise my other drives10:26
phatrabbiti would like to get into my Windows Drive10:26
phatrabbitthey will not mount ? any ideas10:26
cmp1988Usually when Ubuntu installs, you have an option to add the mount points of your windows drives to /media10:26
watson540Gerry_W - umm you're doing - mount -t iso9660 file.ext /media/dir ?10:27
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phatrabbitcmp1988:  how can i reconfigure this10:27
watson540Gerry_W - is it an iso file?10:27
Gerry_Wdoes it have to be in /media?10:27
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Gerry_Wit is10:27
cmp1988phatrabbit: I'm not sure, that's all I know about mounting other drives10:27
phatrabbitok np10:27
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watson540Gerry_W - it can be wherever you have a valid directory on the hard drive10:27
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snilleAnyone here with a working 4 screen setup running beryl?10:28
Gerry_Wit may be working, but I can't check10:28
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cmp1988Beryl is kinda slow on my comp, but it works10:28
watson540Gerry_W - try a alt-sysrq-SUB10:28
cmp1988a bit10:28
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages10:28
watson540or alt-sysrq-I if it works10:29
watson540or SAK10:29
phatrabbitis there anyway to get the gnome window browser to show the full path as in pwd10:30
nikinis there any support for AGI slots in ubuntu10:30
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snilleAnyone with xinerama and beryl working?10:30
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phatrabbitok the answer is CTRL+ L10:32
KennyRdoes k9copy run on Edgy?10:32
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jtgansphatrabbit: nooo! I'm reading that thread now! =o)10:32
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DarkClownanyone that could point me in the direction of info on how to config grub in mbr to boot grum on a partiotion?10:33
phatrabbitlol sorry10:33
jtgansJust wish NewsForge had listed the message IDs so I could find the actual threads faster. =op10:33
jtgansThe ensuing discussion from both outbursts from Linus were quite enlightening.10:34
jtgansAnd honestly, I've felt the same pressures backflowing from my patches to the GNOME project as he has, apparently. O.o10:34
snilleIs there anyone here with a 4 screen setup at all?10:34
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Gerry_WI'm back10:35
Gerry_Wthe same thing occurred before when I tried to mount10:36
Gerry_WI switched to metacity from beryl, but it didn't help10:36
phatrabbityer im having issues aswell Gerry_W10:36
switchyinfidel: oh sorry, anyways, set run_command_1 with a certain hotkey combination, and then move to define keys (or something like that), which is the option bwloe define global keybindings and set run_command_1 with the definition "AmarokFD" without the quotes10:36
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switchyif that works, it's high time for me to sign off10:37
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phatrabbitdoes anyone know how to make my USB drive writable10:38
Toxhi why after last reboot i found grub boot list changed and how to edit it where i cud find it ?10:38
phatrabbitcan i do chmod -R 775 /media/usbdrive10:38
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mackinacTox - just got a kernel update?10:40
Hellevatorphatrabbit, im not sure if that would work or not.  It depends on how the drive was mounted and what filesystem the usb stick is10:40
Toxseems not .. maybe earlier10:40
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phatrabbitHellevator: its a mass storage USB drive 300 gig10:40
mackinacTox - /boot/grub/menu.lst10:40
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Hellevatorphatrabbit, what filesystem is it?  FAT?10:41
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Toxmackinac: tnx .. and it becomes slower what happened10:41
Phatrabbit|2 If you have software installed that automatically mounts your usbdisk,10:41
Phatrabbit|2and when mounted you only have read permissions then you should first10:41
Phatrabbit|2unmount the usbdisk and then remount it again but with extra options to10:41
Phatrabbit|2trick the fat32 filesystem to giving you read/write permissions for accessing the10:41
mackinaccant anser that part Tox10:41
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Hellevatorphatrabbit, yeah :) thats what I was going to get at eventually10:42
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Gerry_Whow can I mount isos? the regular command just locks up my system10:42
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smokiesudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/usbdisk/ -t vfat -o iocharset=utf8,umask=00010:42
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn10:42
Hellevatorsmokie, yeah, that should do it10:43
Toxvery strange 2 months i got no problem ...10:43
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infidelswitchy, you still there?10:44
Toxmackinac: how do u think if i install debian (full version dvd) it shud be more stable than ubuntu ?10:44
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mackinacTox - I dont know10:45
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:46
Toxmackinac: ok .. tnx for ur help10:46
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switchyinfidel: was there a problem?10:47
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead10:47
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t0ddI need help installing my ipw3945 wireless drivers.. could anyone pleaseeee help me?10:47
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama10:47
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imsocutehi im having trouble installing files using wine....10:48
zmasterhi all10:48
Gerry_Wmackinac:that iso-mounting command just freezes up my system10:48
Gerry_W any active windows can still be read, but anything else I try to start just sits in the taskbar as "starting <program>" and then disappears off of it10:48
AJIEXAhi all10:48
infidelswitchy, yeah i can't find where to change which programs i want to open with keyboard shortcuts10:48
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zmasterIs there a gui for mencoder for ubuntu, since in windows i used a gui for mencoder to encode full res vids for my psp10:49
daveRhey, does anyone know how to set certain programs to auto start when i login, e.g. gmail notifier and GAIM?10:49
daveRnvm, found it10:50
AJIEXAplz help me, i need a good program to organize my MP3 CD, I try to find but still can't .... may be somone tell me the good choise ? thx10:50
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infidelswitchy, nevermind i found it10:50
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Gerry_Whow can I mount an iso besides the default command (which freezes up my system)10:50
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ernzHi people, COPYRIGHT ISSUE >> Am I permitted to safely use the Ubuntu logo within a personal avatar?10:50
zmasterAJIEXA: you mean something like itunes ?10:51
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szachistahi there10:51
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects10:51
szachistadoes nvidia-legacy drivers support aiglx/beryl?10:51
t0ddwhats the best programming editor to use in linux?10:51
szachistaberyl is hot topic as i can see ;)10:51
AJIEXAzmaster: yes .. but i also see-manage my CD10:52
szachistat0dd: what language?10:52
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snilleAnyone with xinerama and beryl working?10:52
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zmasterAJIEXA: songbird is your answer10:52
szachistat0dd: for n00b or haxor? ;)10:52
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t0ddlets hear both10:52
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zmasterIs there a gui for mencoder for ubuntu, since in windows i used a gui for mencoder to encode full res vids for my psp10:52
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szachistat0dd: it said emacs/vim are for hardcore users the best one, but i'm just noob....10:52
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AJIEXAsongbird: BIG thx!!! I try it10:52
ernzzmaster: I normally use avidemux - that is pretty cool.10:52
szachistat0dd: for simple programs i would recomend geany, it's really nice app :)10:53
st3try anjuta10:53
hoagieok if anyone remembeers from yesterday, I managed to get the internet working, But my problem is that local pages, such my isp's one don't load. Not even the one that's uploaded in my modem10:53
zmasterernz: ive never used it since im a newbie but i really like songbird, has a itunes feel to it and you can browse the web sine its based on mozilla firefox, also when browsing the web it lists all the audio and video it finds so you can play it10:53
Gerry_Whow can I mount an iso besides the default command (which freezes up my system)?10:53
hoagieany ideas?10:53
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zmasterIs there a GUI for MENCODER10:54
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t0ddthanks for the advice10:54
t0ddI guess I will try emacs.10:54
ssstormyzmaster, yeah but I think it's only for windows10:54
ssstormynot sure10:54
daveRHi, how do i turn off compiz in the terminal commands?10:54
t0ddI liked notepad++ on Windows10:54
ernzszachista: Sorry I misunderstood - I thought you were wanting a video file editor.10:54
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ssstormyzmaster, oh actually look for gmencoder10:55
mackinacGerry_W - what command do you type10:55
phatrabbitevery update that ubuntu downloads is saved into /var/cache/apt/archives/ is that correct ? if i burn all the contents to that dir to CD can i reinstall all the updates on a new install of ubuntu10:55
t0ddI always hear cs professors on my campus praising emacs though, so i guess it is a good choice10:55
szachistaeracc: no, i just would like to have beryl under geforce4, is this possible only with xgl?10:55
zmasterssstoray: ok, will do that10:55
szachistaernz: ^10:55
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ernzszachista: You seem to be a hardened Ubuntu user. What are the copyright permissions regarding the official Ubuntu image - Can I use it in a personal avatar?10:55
t0ddand another question, what would you recommend as a music player for ubuntu?10:55
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sparrernz: you mean the logo?10:56
Gerry_Wsudo mount -o loop "the iso".so /me/home10:56
ernzSparr - Yes.10:56
Gerry_WI know I have all of the data right10:56
szachistaernz: werrr.... i'm even not an ubuntu user, sorry...10:56
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Gerry_WI had the system browser open before the system locked up10:57
daveRcompiz has messed all my windows up and i really need to stop it.  i put in this "compiz --replace gconf" to start it, now i need to stop it.10:57
Gerry_Wnow it appears10:57
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szachistaernz: logo is copyrighten, but it's just avatar, common10:57
ernzI am having a stupid morning today, eh?10:57
phatrabbitevery update that ubuntu downloads is saved into /var/cache/apt/archives/ is that correct ? if i burn all the contents to that dir to CD can i reinstall all the updates on a new install of ubuntu10:57
bimberiphatrabbit: yes10:57
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gansinhohello... does anybody know if it is possible to run ubuntu via a zip drive in a windows computer?10:57
Gerry_Wthat my directory has been filled with the iso files and others have been deleted10:57
fongcan anyone point me to the link for a good installation guide for ubuntu, where the GRUB is installed in the linux partition and only slight changes are made to the windows boot loader?10:57
Gerry_Wnot that I had much there10:58
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Gerry_Wbut I'll copy them somewhere else in the future10:58
szachistaernz: type "trademark policy" on ubuntu.com10:58
bimberiphatrabbit: you will still need to update the repositories (apt-get update) but when you upgrade it will find the packages there and use them.10:58
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Gerry_Wyou know what? I think I've realized the problem. sticking this in my /home was not smart10:58
Gerry_WI see10:58
fongcan anyone point me to the link for a good installation guide for ubuntu, where the GRUB is installed in the linux partition and only slight changes are made to the windows boot loader?10:58
Gerry_WI'll put the iso somewhere else10:59
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects10:59
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mackinacyeah /home is not a good choice for a mount point ;)10:59
fonginstallation guides please?11:00
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bimberi!install | fong, not sure if this has exactly what you need but worth a look11:01
ubotufong, not sure if this has exactly what you need but worth a look: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues11:01
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Quilbycan someone help me with automatix11:01
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FrogzooQuilby: -> #automatix11:01
Quilbythere is no one there frogzoo11:01
LucifelWhat would I need if I wanted to encode a bunch of old mpgs into DivX in Ubuntu?11:01
Gerry_Wmackinac: I'll stick the iso in another directory and see what happens11:01
fongbimberi, i used a guide before which detailed about the installation particularly the GRUB, and that its written in the linux partition, then there would be slight modifications to the windows boot loader11:02
FrogzooQuilby: if you want to run automatix, that's where you go for support11:02
fongbut i cant remember the link, and didnt bookmark it11:02
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valehru_Sweet lord...world war 3 has started in china...my window just exploded from fireworks.....11:02
core123My clock under gnome crashes every time i start, what to do ?11:02
Stormx2Quilby: We in #ubuntu heavily discourage automatix11:02
fonglinks links links11:03
mackinacGerry_W - try /media/cdrom11:03
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:03
=== Shadowpillar remembers when automatix was encouraged in here ;)
Quilbyis automatix a virus?11:04
=== mindstate [n=mindstat@pool-71-164-69-198.albyny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
imsocutecan someone tell me a good how to page for wine???11:04
Gerry_Wmackinac: it's not allowing me to paste from my ntfs partition anymore, though the iso is still fine11:04
bimberi!wine | imsocute11:04
ubotuimsocute: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.11:04
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bimberifong: idk sorry :|11:04
snilleimbecile: here is a good page: http://appdb.winehq.org/11:05
Quilby!automatix | quilby11:05
FrogzooQuilby: it's not very compatible with ubuntu, if you want to run it, you take their support11:05
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ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe11:05
mackinacGerry_W: i dont understand11:05
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ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.11:06
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mindstateanyone know why im getting a error when trying to mount an iso, it says wrong fs type, bad option , bad superblock on /dev/loop0,11:06
Quilbywhere can i get a list of repositories?11:06
Gerry_Wmackinac: well, I click copy for the iso on my ntfs partition, and it won't let me paste into /media/cdrom11:06
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ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive11:07
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LucifelCan anyone tell me what I need in order to encode some old MPEG video to DivX?11:07
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:07
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:07
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org11:08
mackinacGerry_W: what about "sudo mount -o loop my.iso /media/cdrom"11:08
krinnshi all11:08
krinnsi have install ubuntu all good11:08
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:08
krinnsi have users using konqueror11:08
krinnsso i install11:08
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:08
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Quilbyhow do i know what graphics card i have?11:09
Gerry_Wmackinac: well, I can't paste it in there, so that doesn't work11:09
krinnsits going to crash11:09
elias_are there any wiki on installing drivers for a sound card?11:09
krinnssome times for some users11:09
core123Quilby, lspci11:09
krinnsany idea what to do11:09
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dave_hi, in firefox on windows what are the default fonts used? cause they are different to linux11:09
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Gerry_Wmackinac: I guess I'll unmount the drive and mount it again11:10
phatrabbitdoes anyone know how i can test my drivers for my video card are working properly11:10
defryskglxinfo | grep direct11:10
mackinacyeah i would think the mount point needs to be free first...11:10
KennyRdid they take the DVD-Shrink support out of Edgy, im assuming Edgy is newer than Dapper Drake, or am I incorrect?11:11
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jtgansAh. Much better -- back on Dapper.11:11
ardchoilleKennyR: I don't think it ever had dvd shrink. Dapper doesn't.11:11
Phatrabbit|2Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".11:11
Phatrabbit|2Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".11:11
Phatrabbit|2Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".11:11
Phatrabbit|2Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual11:11
Phatrabbit|2Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".11:11
Phatrabbit|2Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".11:11
Phatrabbit|2Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".11:11
Phatrabbit|2Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".11:11
infidelswitchy, did it work for you?11:11
Phatrabbit|2i take it from that response they are not installed properly11:11
KennyRardchoille, on one of my live-cd's it had a DVD-Shrink menu.. I think it was 6.0611:11
KennyRardchoille, if im not mistakin 6.06 is Dapper Drake?11:12
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imsocutei can't intall software using wine...it just says  wine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\flashget181en.exe": Module not found...help!11:12
core123Phatrabbit|2, USE pastebin11:12
ardchoilleKennyR: Yes, 6.06 is Dapper, that's what I run, but I have never seen dvd shrink in Dapper.11:12
ardchoilleKennyR: http://dvdshrink.sourceforge.net11:12
Phatrabbit|2core123: i have never used pastebin before can you give me a hand11:12
KennyRardchoille, Let me boot up inside my Live-CD on my laptop, maybe im mistaken and seen something else.11:13
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Phatrabbit|2is that the website where u paste your errors and people help u11:13
core123for long textes11:13
Phatrabbit|2ta mate11:13
core123No thats a service where you can paste long texts11:13
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sm0k3dhey guys11:13
diazepamguys can anyone tell me where i can get "liblame0" for Edgy?11:13
dave_does anyone know of any help documents for dual screens with different resolutions?11:13
ubotuliblame0: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.96.1-2 (edgy), package size 182 kB, installed size 452 kB11:14
Stormx2diazepam: You need to enable multiverse11:14
sm0k3di have been trying to install realvnc for almost an hour, can any1 help me11:14
KennyRardchoille, Another quick question.. Why did I receive Dapper-Drake Live-CD if Edgy is newer?? I received these disks about 2 weeks ago.11:14
diazepamhmm i thought i had multiverse11:14
diazepamobviously not11:14
Stormx2KennyR: Dapper is meant to be easier to support, etc#11:14
Tomcat_KennyR: I think they don't send edgy CDs...11:14
Tomcat_KennyR: Because Dapper has long-term support11:15
KennyROh ok, thanks Stormx2 , Tomcat_11:15
ardchoillediazepam: sudo apt-get install liblam0 , it's in multiverse11:15
sm0k3dcan some1 help me install realvnc (or any program for that matter)11:15
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX11:15
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ardchoilleKennyR: The ShipIt service will ship Dapper instead of Edgy, I don't know why.11:15
ubotuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX11:16
KennyRardchoille, Hmm, thats something that should be corrected, if they wish to add more support for newer versions.. But I do have Edgy on This PC, because I downloaded the Live-CD11:16
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Phatrabbit|2can somone give me help with that error11:17
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Stormx2KennyR: Its a decision, its not accidental. The basics is that dapper is a more solid platform, and anything which goes wrong is easier to fix, etc. Basically it has a more stable codebase than edgy11:17
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ardchoilleKennyR: just as an aside, I will never run Edgy. Dapper has been rock-solid and never gave me a problem. Edgy, on the other hand, has too many problems, IMHO.11:17
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diazepamsorry one more:  Every time i try to compile from source i get this error - does anyone know how to correct:  "checking for gcc... gcc11:18
diazepamchecking for C compiler default output... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables"11:18
KennyRardchoille, Do you suppose thats why my sound doesnt work?11:18
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ardchoilleKennyR: I could never get sound to work in Edgy either.11:18
alecjwdiazepam, do you have th kernel headers?11:18
KennyRardchoille, If im also not mistaken, the reason why my wireless Winbond PCI card doesnt work is because lack of support from Winbond's drivers in Linux..11:19
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ardchoilleKennyR: I don't know much about wireless, sorry11:19
KennyRardchoille, Well thats ok, I didnt come here for support on that.. Im more interested in what I seen in Dapper's menu on Live-CD11:20
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DaveRwhere can i get twinview from?11:20
Gerry_Wmackinac: my /media just wasn't big enough11:20
ardchoilleKennyR: I don't think any of the Ubuntu livecd's have dvdshrink. You really need libdvdcss2 to be able to rip/watch most modern dvd's and that lib can't be included due to legal restrictions. You can install dvdshrink, though. I have it.11:21
mackinacoh really?11:21
KennyRWell I cant find DVD-Shrink for edgy11:21
ardchoilleKennyR: http://dvdshrink.sourceforge.net11:21
Gerry_Wmackinac: yes. only 2.5 GB. I'll resize it, make it larger11:21
Gerry_Wbut later11:21
Gerry_Wright now11:21
KennyRardchoille, I looked in the Add/Remove programs, shouldnt it be in there?11:21
Gerry_WI'm copying to a folder in /home11:22
fongdo i need to create a fat 32 partition when installing a dual boot system?11:22
ardchoilleKennyR: That package has an installer that checks for deps. If the deps aren't installed, it will tell you what you need. All the deps are in the repos.11:22
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mackinaciso of a dvd then eh?11:22
ardchoilleKennyR: dvdshrink is not going to be there.11:22
zmasterhey all11:22
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rem_hey .. I installed totem-xine package...but i still cant play divx, xvid etc .. anyone knows why .. ?11:22
zmasteris there a good gui for converting full res psp videos11:22
KennyRardchoille, Thanks for your support, I wouldnt be using Ubuntu if it wasnt for the lovely community..11:22
mackinaclol i didn't think of that11:22
fongdo i need to create a fat 32 partition when installing a dual boot system?11:22
ardchoilleKennyR: Ditto :)11:22
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ardchoilleKennyR: BTW, that link I gave you for dvdshrink is the Linux version, it doesn't need wine.11:24
ghatakHi, i use fluxbox as window manager on edgy, the screen resolution keeps getting back to default and does not stay at what i change it to using gnome-control-center every time i restart. How do i change it so that it stays permanent ?11:24
Phatrabbit|2can somone give me help with that error11:24
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KennyRardchoille, Thanks alot.. i'll be sure to check it out..11:24
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rem_fong you only have to if you want to use the windows disk loader ... if you use grub then no...It could also be convenient to share files with windows...fat32 is easier read/write then ntfs, although thats possible too ..11:24
zmasteris there a good gui for converting full res psp videos11:24
typecastPhatrabbit|2: can you paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log?11:24
rem_hey .. I installed totem-xine package...but i still cant play divx, xvid etc .. anyone knows why .. ?11:24
rem_on a fresh edgy install ..11:25
zmasterrem_: you dont have the codecs installed11:25
fongrem_, can i do away with the fat32 partition? can the ntfs-3g do the job?11:25
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)11:25
rem_zmaster...ok but how do i install them .. ?...usually totem-xine package is enough .. ?!11:25
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter11:26
ardchoillerem_: sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs11:26
DaveRanyone know how to setup twinview?11:26
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:26
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse11:26
rem_I havent tried the ntfs-3g ..i heard it wasnt working flawlessly in the past but that its pretty ok now ... although as i said i havent tested it yet ..11:26
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse11:26
rem_k thx ard ill try that ,..11:26
zmasterrem_: since im a newbie i used automatix2 and selected the codec package fro mthere and everything works11:26
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Phatrabbit|2typecast: http://rafb.net/p/ZaYyeD98.html11:27
zmasteris there a good gui for converting full res psp videos11:27
rem_yea..i thought about taht too ... i might do that if the extracodec packes dont work... thx zm ..11:27
typecastrem_: you might want to have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Multimedia11:27
ardchoille!automatix > rem_11:27
fongrem_, can i do away with the fat32 partition? can the ntfs-3g do the job?11:27
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Gerry_Wmackinac: hmmm... now I try to mount it and it says there's no such file or directory11:28
rem_I havent tried the ntfs-3g ..i heard it wasnt working flawlessly in the past but that its pretty ok now ... although as i said i havent tested it yet ..11:28
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rem_fong..so it should work..but haven tested it ..11:28
Gerry_Wmackinac: I'm sure I typed it out right11:28
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typecastPhatrabbit|2: Driver          "vesa" <--- that's the problem11:28
zmasternp, does any one know of a good gui to encode video for the psp/ipod11:28
mackinacGerry - paste it11:28
phatrabbitohh ic it should be nvidia11:28
sm0k3dif i download a program off the internet, how can i install it so i can use it?11:28
ardchoillesm0k3d: Are you sure it isn't in the repos? What is the app name?11:29
phatrabbitok i will replace vesa with 'nvidia'11:29
Gerry_Wmackinac: sudo mount -o loop hlm-gtasa.iso /home/alex/GTA11:29
Gerry_Wis what I wrote11:29
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assasukassehi everyone i was using irfanview on windows and now i need something similar in ubuntu, what should i look for11:29
ardchoillesm0k3d: Ok, what kind of package is it?11:29
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fongin gparted, i cant seem to make a partition that is extended for the unallocated.. it seems that its grayed-out in the drop down.. why is this so?11:30
GreySimassasukasse: Eye of Gnome or GQView, I think. I'm not sure though. It's been a long time since I've used Irfanview.11:30
typecastphatrabbit: you might want to have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia11:30
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phatrabbityer i have followed that11:30
doomsteris there a live CD for use with PPC based machines?11:31
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phatrabbiti changed vesa to nvidia and i get the same error11:31
chablei bought new hardware11:31
chableand now , ubuntu wont start the installation11:31
phatrabbitwhen i do glxinfo | grep direct11:31
ardchoillesm0k3d: tar xzf file.tar.gz   unpack it and go inside and read the README and INSTALL files, if any.11:31
mackinacGerry_W : do you have room in '/' ?11:31
typecastphatrabbit: fine. then substitute "vesa" with "nvidia"11:31
ardchoillesm0k3d: Have yo installed build-essential ?11:31
mackinactry making a dir in / as root, then mount there11:31
Gerry_Wmackinac: I knew that six gigs would come in handy11:31
sm0k3d yea i did that, but all of the files had a lock on them11:31
fongcan the linux-swap partition be a primary partition?11:32
ardchoillesm0k3d: Did you download it as root?11:32
Frogzoochable: hit F6 - change the boot line to add 'acpi=off'11:32
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chableFrogzoo, cheers11:32
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phatrabbittypecast: i have already subed vesa for nvidia still get the same error11:32
Typosup ppl11:32
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Gerry_Wmackinac: but I obviously need to install it in a folder inside root, or it will overwrite root11:32
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typecastphatrabbit: you have to restart your x-server11:32
sm0k3di thought i should rarely go on root cuz i might screw up linux11:32
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phatrabbitohhh yer11:32
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ardchoillesm0k3d: Very good practice11:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linux-swap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:33
externhow can I reconfigure xorg server? (to set all the resolution options, etc...)11:33
mackinacGerry_W : yeah11:33
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chableanyone here uses Abit motherboard11:33
sm0k3dgod linux is so confusing11:33
Frogzoosweet mary the mysql-server update is a monster11:33
ardchoilleextern: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:33
greaselCould someone tell me how to make applications start automatically when I sign in?11:34
assasukasseGreySym thanks11:34
Frogzoogreasel: sys -> prefs -> session11:34
phatrabbitoh uh its all gone wrong lucky i have backup of old conf11:34
Typoanyone know how to get tor for ubuntu11:34
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greaselThank you!11:34
FrogzooTypo: apt-cache search tor11:34
chableapt-get install tor11:34
chableif the right sources are uncommented11:35
TypoE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)11:35
TypoE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?11:35
ardchoilleFrogzoo: That's going to output way too much11:35
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Typoalways says that11:35
typecastTypo: sudo apt-get install tor11:35
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arnorhello World!11:35
Typok thx11:35
Typoi knew it was something like that lol11:36
arnoris there any mean to reset sources.list ?11:36
chablearnor, u can edit it11:36
arnoryes, I know11:36
Frogzoo!easysource | arnor11:36
ubotuarnor: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:36
arnorbut I want to turn it back to its initial state11:36
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ardchoillearnor: Did you make a backup before changing it?11:36
chableu can set it from software sources option in gnome11:37
arnorardchoille: I guess11:37
ardchoillearnor: Then you can restore from the backup11:37
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arnoris there any server where the default sources.list is stored in?11:37
Gerry_Wmackinac: hmmm... no. there isn't enough space. dang.11:37
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chablewhat that ACPI stands for ?11:38
Gerry_Wmackinac: should I try my fat32 /shared folder?11:38
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arnorchable: www.wikipedia.org ;)11:38
chablei could try google aswell11:38
ardchoillearnor: I have the default sources.list for Dapper. You running Dapper?11:38
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arnorardchoille: LTS11:39
arnor6.06 LTS11:39
chablethats dapper11:39
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arnorI'm just waiting for Ubuntu 7.04 (or higher)11:39
ardchoillearnor: This is the sources.list that ships with the alternate cd: http://rafb.net/p/F8ftJY13.html11:39
arnorchable: Dapper?11:39
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arnoryou're right11:39
chablearnor, yes , dapper drake11:39
dv_is libdps available for edgy?11:39
arnorLTS just stands for Long Time Support ;)11:39
=== ardchoille never edits a file without first making a backup
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dv_because, I cant find it in they reps11:40
mackinacGerry_W: i don't think that will be a valid mount point either11:40
dv_only in old ones (warty, hoary)11:40
zmasternp, does any one know of a good gui to encode video for the psp/ipod11:40
zmasternp, does any one know of a good gui to encode video for the psp/ipod11:40
Frogzooarnor: yes11:40
zmasternp, does any one know of a good gui to encode video for the psp/ipod11:40
Frogzoozmaster: no spam, plskthx11:40
Gerry_Wmackinac: damn. I guess I'll have to resize /media11:40
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zmasterfrogzoo: sorry lol had my hand on enter when getting water bottle, but do you have an answer11:41
Gerry_Wmackinac: I'll try /shared, though11:41
fongdoes the ubuntu installer automatically set the linux partition to be the active one?11:41
arnorfong: nope11:41
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fongarnor, ok thanks..11:41
arnorfong: you'd better keep the Windows partition activated if you use it11:41
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dv_can I use the hoary libdps1 library safely in edgy?11:41
Frogzoozmaster: apt-cache search video |grep -i ipod11:41
justin4thirtyBurn it! Burn it to the ground!11:41
fongarnor, yes, im still in the process of installation, but i'm following this guide http://www.matthewjmiller.net/howtos/dual-boot-linux-and-windows/11:42
chablethats a great thing i like11:42
arnorfond: I think that there are some matters with Windows loader if you deactive your Windows partition11:42
bigbang14could someone explain some things to me about uhci_hcd and ehci_hcd?11:42
chableu can mount ntfs partition11:42
chableread only11:42
mackinacFrogzoo: what is the criteria for the mount point of mounting an ISO? , like does it need to be owned by root or in fstab or ?11:42
chablethis way i can accidentally werase anything11:42
fongand it states that it automatically sets the ubuntu partition active..11:42
DaveRwhich package do i need to install to support mp3?11:42
fongjust double checking11:42
chablei cant*11:42
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Frogzoo!anyone | bigbang1411:42
typecastdv_: probably not.11:42
ubotubigbang14: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:42
typecastdv_: isn't there an edgy version of that library?11:42
fongalso, my ext3 partition is in HDA3, should i install my GRUB on hd0,3, or hd0,1?11:43
dv_typecast, I cant find any11:43
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Frogzoomackinac: no criteria I can think of - just a standard directory11:43
mackinacFrogzoo: hmmm ok thanks11:43
fonghow do i know what the numbering is for the primary partitions?11:43
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fongneed to know if my ext3 partition is the hd0,1...11:43
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mackinacah, i see what i did wrong11:44
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mackinacGerry_W: go ahead and try any folder, such as your /shared11:45
typecastdv_: indeed. that package neither exists on dapper nor on edgy11:45
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about soundcard - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:46
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DaveRanyone know the mp3 decorder i need to install please?11:46
typecastdv_: i don't think that it is save to install the hoary packet on your edgy system. that may break things11:46
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KennyRDoes anyone know anything about aMSN?11:46
DaveRKennyR: a little11:47
elias__Does anyone know how to get my Creative SB Audigy 4 soundcard to work?11:47
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Gerry_Wmackinac: well, it didn't work. Thanks for all your time, but I think I need to turn in. I can probably get it from here.11:47
varkatopefong: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Partition/devices.html11:47
bigbang14i have a usb printer. when i connect it to my pc cups cant always detect it. i looked in the syslog and it showed that it was first found by ehci_hcd and then it seems that it was overridden by uhci_hcd and then wont accept any ports it is given. however very rarely it will connect perfectly and cups can detect it. what could be causing this and how can i stop it?11:47
mackinacGerry_W: sorry it didn't work out ... 'nite11:47
KennyRDaveR, See whats happening is.. when I run the program, I see some windows and then it disappears..11:47
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ropiQuelqu'un pour aider une personne avec une livebox pour se connecter en wifi (la carte est econnue et active merci11:48
DaveRKennyR: have you tried unistalling and installing it?11:48
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phretorhi there11:48
arnorphretor: hi11:48
KennyRDaveR, Actually let me rephrase that, I get into the first window, where I can login.. I start typing something, then the new version window comes up and everything goes bye bye leaving me with a tray icon that doesnt do anything.11:48
KennyRDaveR, Yes I have..11:48
ropiSorry i was looking for fr irc11:48
ropiBye, see you11:48
phretor(I've just switched from Debian to Ubuntu, actually Kubuntu, and I'm quite happy) Why does my distro runs fsck at *every* boot?11:49
dv_aw, man11:49
dv_maya requires gcc 4..2011:49
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varkatopefong: cat /proc/partitions11:49
bigbang14phretor: there is a kubunut11:50
fongthere we go, thanks varkatope11:50
Mattiasgah, i forgot how to hide parts / joins and such in irssi >,< anyone know?11:50
phretorbigbang14: what?11:50
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phatrabbittypecast: ok i finally fixed my xorg.conf from backup11:50
bigbang14 phretor: sorry11:50
phatrabbitchanging vesa to nvidia really screwed xserver up11:50
bigbang14phretor: there is a kubuntu irc11:50
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ardchoilleMattias: type /ignore and read the examples11:50
phretorI know that #kubuntu exists but, c'mon, the distribution core is the same11:50
Mattiasardchoille: thanks ^_^11:50
bigbang14phretor: just checking u knew11:51
bigbang14phretor: i might be a little less crowded over there11:51
phretorbigbang14: I've (cross)posted the question right there ;)11:51
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typecastphatrabbit: it broke? what error message did you get?11:52
bigbang14good on yah!11:52
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Mattiasirssi is too great :) i woudlnt be able to live without /lastlog :P11:52
fongso basically, hda0,1, points to the first primary partition?11:52
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DaveRKennyR: I am unsure of the problem, have you tried GAIM instead?11:52
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KennyRDaveR, Yes iv tried GAIM, but I love aMSN more.. It just started having this problem recently..11:53
phatrabbittypecast: it went to command line and said xserver has been disabled11:53
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TypokennyR Whats the problem?11:53
TypoI am IM king11:53
phatrabbitand the blue screen came up giving the standard xserver is screwed errror11:53
KennyRTypo, ill paste it, hold on11:53
bigbang14phretor: unfortunaly i dont know the anwser to your question. i suggest maybe googleing for it?11:53
KennyRTypo, Im having a problem. I get into the first window, where I can login.. I start typing something, then the new version window comes up and everything goes bye bye leaving me with a tray icon that doesnt do anything.11:53
sm0k3deverytime i add a user to anywhere, it never saves them, can any1 help with this?11:53
varkatopefong: hda0 ist the first partition on the first harddrive on the first controllerchannel11:53
Typofor wut instant messenger?11:53
KennyRTypo, aMSN11:54
KennyRTypo, I can also manipulate this..11:54
varkatopefong: if you have scsi or s-atat it will be sda011:54
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KennyRTypo, Ill walk you through step by step of what happens..11:54
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TypoKennyR: just use gaim its brilliant11:54
fongwarkatope, should i follow the minor lines? in this case, since i want to install the GRUB in hda3, thus, should it be hd0,2?11:54
sm0k3dhow come whenever i add a user, it never saves them?11:54
KennyRTypo, I dislike GAIM11:54
DaveRKennyR: you may get better support from their own irc, http://www.amsn-project.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=275&highlight=irc11:54
typecastphatrabbit: ok. try again and save the file /var/log/Xorg.0.log and paste it11:54
fongbut the cat /proc/partitions shows that hda3 has minor line of 311:54
typecastphatrabbit: that file will contain the error messages11:55
bigbang14i have a usb printer. when i connect it to my pc cups cant always detect it. i looked in the syslog and it showed that it was first found by ehci_hcd and then it seems that it was overridden by uhci_hcd and then wont accept any ports it is given. however very rarely it will connect perfectly and cups can detect it. what could be causing this and how can i stop it? is there an irc for usb issues?11:55
TypoKennyR: try kopete?11:55
KennyRDaveR, Typo, Ill try their webpage first, then return with no luck..11:55
Typogaim is brilliant though11:55
varkatopefong: ok, got caught me, i dont really know ;)11:55
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Supre_Mehello, I would like to change my terminal language to english from swedish. How do I do that?11:56
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DaveRKennyR: have you installed anything recently?11:57
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KennyRDaveR, Not that I know of.11:58
bigbang14Supre_Me: help translate this application11:58
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sm0k3dhow can i add a user that wont dissapear when i hit close?11:58
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insanity_Hey guys, how do I do alt-codes in ubuntu?11:59
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Sobekmaybe shift+ctrl+<numpad> insanity_?12:00
enoxshello, i compiled a 2.6.18 kernel on my box with a hostap kernelpatch. When i try to send frames in the air, wireshark sees them as malformed frames. Somebody how knows how to fix this?12:00
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Supre_Mebigbang14: sorry, what do you mean? I know there should be some kind of command for this because I got help to do it before.12:00
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Sobekhowever, the 0 does not seem to work over here :/12:00
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DaveRDoes anyone know how i can network an installed printer so other computers (windows computers) can print using it?12:00
Sobekat least not at the beginning12:00
SobekDaver "samba"12:01
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DaveRSobek: is that some software or package?12:01
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varkatopeDaveR: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Debian-and-Windows-Shared-Printing/sharing_with_windows.html12:02
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math_hello, is there some goed howto for sharing files with a macintosh and ubuntu?12:05
bigbang14Supre_Me: you want to change the language of the terminal?12:05
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math_I realy dont know how to share my files with the macintosh12:05
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math_i gues I need to use nfs?12:06
math_but the macintosh doesn't find the pc with ubuntu12:06
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DextorionHey. Seting up a desktop machine here, and need some neat program for handeling pictures taken with my camera.  I've looked a bit at googles picasa2. Are there any other options? :)12:07
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math_realy quiet in here...12:07
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=== Enselic`` makes some noise
Dextorionwuwu Enselic``12:07
Phatrabbit|2sudo cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log > spit.txt12:07
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Sobekmath_ u need to set the -insecure parameter, otherwise the mac does not find the other pc12:08
Enselic``Dextorion: F-spot12:08
SobekI have read that on a german how-to for nfs, want to have the link?12:08
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DextorionEnselic``: Thank you. I'll go have a look :D12:09
bigbang14does im work in this irc, cos i never get anwsers?12:09
DextorionSobek: Think he left. Oo12:09
Dextorionbigbang14: sure12:09
Enselic``bigbang14: im = private messages? no...12:10
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Dextorionah, true12:10
SobekDextorion: ups, he hasn't even waited 5 minutes, what a shame12:10
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Sobekmaybe that explains why the autocompletion of the name would not work :)12:10
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DextorionSobek: yup, my thought exactly.. heh12:10
DextorionSobek: ;)12:11
Supre_Mebigbang14: yes, I want to change the language of the terminal to english12:11
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|cybertop|hallo all12:11
|cybertop|ciao a tutti12:11
TrunkzMorning folks :) Somewhat middle-ish problem regarding ntfs-3g12:11
=== Sobek makes the dance of joy, because gothic2 works with wine .9.31 and a fixed exe
|cybertop|parlate anche italiano qui??12:11
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Trunkzeverytime I do sudo mount -a, I'd get the following error12:11
Dextorionchannel is waking up eh? :)12:12
Trunkz/sbin/mount.ntfs-3g: /usr/lib/libfuse.so.2: version `FUSE_2.6' not found (required by /sbin/mount.ntfs-3g)12:12
TrunkzHowever I know I have fuse 2.6, since I just downloaded the source, compiled it & make install'd =/12:12
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Phatrabbit|2what was that pastebin link again12:12
bigbang14|cybertop|: io si, ma loro mi sembra di no12:12
ardchoille!paste | Phatrabbit|212:13
ubotuPhatrabbit|2: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:13
|cybertop|bigbang14: mi servirebbe una mano12:13
|cybertop|non so come e da dove partire per configurare la scheda tv12:13
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ardchoille|cybertop| , bigbang14 Please take that to the proper channel. English only here.12:13
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Enselic``|cybertop|: /join #ubuntu-es12:14
Phatrabbit|2typecast:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6200/12:14
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bigbang14 |cybertop|: scusa devi andare a #ubuntu-it12:14
bigbang14Enselic``: it was italian and he was lost12:15
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Enselic``bigbang14: oh :P12:15
bigbang14Enselic``:neva mind sorted now12:15
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brosiozhow could i run some application at login with gnome ?12:15
ardchoillebrosioz: System -> Preferences -> Sessions, go to the startup tab12:16
F-nkyMNKah ardchoille, you beat me to it! :)12:16
ompaulbrosioz, system preferences sessions12:16
ardchoilleF-nkyMNK: :P12:16
ompaulardchoille, I reall am not awake12:17
ompaulwhere is the  letter12:17
ardchoilleYay for using the up arrow key i irssi :)12:17
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Phatrabbit|2typecast:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6200/12:18
mEck0Hi! I have problems with optical sound to my surroundsystem from my new HP laptop with Intel HDA-chip. I use the spdif-interface. For some days ago, I didn't have sound to my headphone, but fixed it by upgrading ALSA. Someone have a clue how I could fix it?12:18
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MedivhXHELLO PPL!!!12:18
MedivhXcan any body answer this to me12:18
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MedivhXisn't abbrevation for euro EMU and not EUR???12:18
bigbang14do im messages showup in the main area but only the person they are directed at can see them?12:19
Enselic``MedivhX: nah12:19
ardchoillemEck0: What exactly is "optical sound"?12:19
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Enselic``MedivhX: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euro12:19
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mEck0ardchoille, I mean digital sound with optical cable (spdif)12:19
mEck0also called toslink12:19
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|cybertop|I have the problem with Empire all in one configuration12:20
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs12:20
|cybertop|how can i configuration it?12:21
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:21
phatrabbitwheres the guide to nvidia driver installs ?12:21
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|cybertop|in the system  it is = a bt878 video capture12:23
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|cybertop|help pleace12:23
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zoli2kHi. I m installed some additional modules to perl from CVS. Upgrading ubuntu will broke this modules? I run 6.06 LTS server.12:23
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RolandUhi all! Is there a disk-surface-scan package in ubuntu? I need something to check whether my secondary harddisk is broken, as windows always crashes while installing.12:24
|cybertop|ahh i have installed ubuntu 6.1012:24
Stormx2Hey folks. Is there generic command to turn my monitor off from ubuntu?12:24
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FrogzooRolandU: best bet - smartmontools12:25
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Desphi all12:25
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DespI have very serios problem and someone help me please12:26
abbi2bhi guys!! I am trying to install ubuntu 6.10 on my Dell 640m laptop. but its not recognizing the vga and X is crashing even in safe graphics mode. any suggestions??12:26
zoli2kRolandU: badblocks12:26
DespI upgraded ubuntu 6.06 to 6.10 from daper to edgy12:27
zoli2kRolandU: !badblocks12:27
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about badblocks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:27
zoli2kabbi2b: Can you get a root terminal?12:28
Despand last time i couldnt open the desktop or gonome cause i get conflict with the grafic drivers , I have intel grafic and when its install nivida and ati I get the problem what i have to do to skip this problem when i restart12:28
zoli2kRolandU: see "man    badblocks "12:28
abbi2bzoli2k: yes12:28
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zoli2kabbi2b: did you try to set the device in vesa mode in /etc/X11/xorg.conf?12:29
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Desphelp me please12:30
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slippyr4hi all, i am trying to install ubuntu 6.10 desktop. but the partitioner in install says i have -999119309152 bytes of disk space and i can't create sensible partitions! any ideas? can i set this up manually or anything?12:30
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abbi2bzoli2k: thx i will check12:30
zoli2kDesp: Do you have an integrated intel graphics card?12:31
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zoli2kwhich driver U use for X?12:31
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DespI havent installed driver yet12:32
RolandUzoli2k, thanks, it seems to check12:32
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DespI downloaded inte but it couldent complete the installation12:32
Frogzooslippyr4: did you enable LBS in the bios?12:32
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Frogzooslippyr4: did you enable LBA in the bios? (can't type)12:33
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zoli2kDesp: Can you once again write your problem? So you have a problem to start the graphical interface? Do you have a terminal window?12:33
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slippyr4frogzoo, yes, it is enabled. the drive is actually a raid controller (1.2 TB array)12:33
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Sobekslippyr4: as root you can try fdisk, mkfs, (cfdisk  /dev/xdY)12:33
bigbang14is there a specifc usb help irc?12:33
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zoli2kbigbang14: I am not sure, but you can ask the forum maybe somebody can help you :)12:34
slippyr4frogzoo: i've now created a 128MB boot partition and a big partition for the rest of the space. I want to use LVM on the rest of the space - does the installer support LVM? i can't see any mention of it anywhere12:34
Despok zoli2k ill restart and see if i get the problem again12:34
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hoagieOne of my partitions (dev/sda2) appears as _PNG why?12:35
tony_i've got a question: im on 6.10 ubuntu and have a 80gb hd, i want to connect my hd to it... but not have to format the other drive becoause there is music and other files i want to keep... will i be able to do this, and read the files from the other drive? any help helps, thanks12:35
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slippyr4frogzoo: or do i need to set up LVM manually too?12:35
Frogzooslippyr4: LVM for your other partitions should be fine - root's a problem so make / ext312:35
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Frogzooslippyr4: not sure if the installer will do that, you might need the alternate12:35
ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.12:36
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slippyr4why must i have root as non lvm ? thats what initrd is for12:36
tony_!multiple harddrives12:36
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zoli2ktony_: If you want only simple add this drive to the system, it will be recognized without any  problem. O course, nor formating is needed.12:36
Hemantanyone can send the invitation of demonoid.com/ ? plz help12:36
hoagieOne of my partitions (dev/sda2) appears as _PNG why?12:36
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tony_thankz zoli2k12:37
Frogzooslippyr4: sure you can, it's a question of what the installer can manage12:37
zoli2kHemant: This is ubuntu forum, not demonoid.com forum.12:37
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slippyr4hmmm. i think i will need the alternate cd. LVM tools aren't here12:37
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Frogzoohoagie: labele2fs12:37
Tehlakmoin moin12:37
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FrogzooHemant: apt-get install demonoid12:38
hoagiewhat is label2fs?12:38
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Frogzoohoagie: man labele2fs12:39
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externhow can I set the gamma in xorg.conf file? If I set it through system settings->monitor & display->gamma, then it ruins my xorg.conf file and next time I restart my computer, the monitor doesn't show anything. I've set "gamma 1.17" in the monitor section, but when the kde starts, the monitor still displays it incorrectly, while monitor & display settings show the gamma value as 1.17. If I move the slider back and forth, so it is still 1.17 and12:39
externpush apply, then everything is displayed properly12:39
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hoagiethere is no command like label2fs12:40
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hoagieand it has no manual...12:40
ocleti'm drunk12:40
Despdone without problems12:40
Frogzoohoagie: soz e2label12:40
ocletso drunk12:40
ocletapt-get install wasted12:40
hoagieok thanks12:41
Frogzoooclet: hit alt f4 to read ubotu's pm12:41
hoagieshall I reboot?12:41
zoli2kextern: http://xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/X11R6.8.0/doc/xorg.conf.5.html12:41
ocletFrogzoo: ur a douche bag12:41
ocletand not funny12:41
slippyr4if i was to install to a regular HD, can I at a later date copy the files from my root partition to a different drive, update fstab, update grub / install grub on new drive, and be good to go? or is there more to it than that12:41
ocletand a dumbass12:41
zoli2kextern: you can set this in the Monitor Section with the Gamma option.12:41
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externI have set it12:42
externbut when the graphicafl environemt starts12:42
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bigbang14i have a printer i cant find a driver for. its an inkjet. is there a list of drivers i should try? should i try and write my own ppd? or can i find my ppd on my windows installation disc?12:42
externit seems as if it is ignoring that value12:43
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externthough the monitor settings show the correct value set12:43
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zoli2kslippyr4: Yes it is possible. It is a little bit tricky, but it can be done. You boot up a liveCD mount the two disk. Copy the whole root partition and install grub.12:43
phatrabbitwhere can i find info on how to uninstall my nvidia drivers12:44
brosiozanyone have superkaramba on gnome ?12:44
tony_so i just hooked up my other HD and tried to access it from Places>Computer>19.1GB Volume and it gave me this error :   error: device /dev/hda1 is not removable12:44
tony_error: could not execute pmount12:44
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Mattiashow do i get wxpython 2.8 if it isnt in the repos?12:44
Daverocksphatrabbit: you can just not use them, by specifying the driver "nv" in xorg.conf12:44
tony_any suggestions?12:44
slippyr4zoli2k. cool, i'll give it a go12:44
zoli2kslippyr4: but if you use 'cp' for copy be careful to do this with the --preserve flag12:44
brosiozanyone have superkaramba on gnome ? i can't run liquidwheter :|12:44
Daverocksphatrabbit: as opposed to the proprietary nvidia driver12:44
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zoli2kslippyr4: this will preserve the original rights of files12:45
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slippyr4surely cp -s wil do the job?12:45
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slippyr4*** cp -a12:45
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bigbang14how can i convert ogg to wma?12:45
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phatrabbitDaverocks: yes12:45
zoli2kslippyr4: cp -r --preserve12:45
phatrabbitthe updated drivers i have installed12:46
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zoli2kslippyr4: Or you can use rsync12:46
Daverocksphatrabbit: did you want to roll back?12:46
phatrabbityes to the defualt drivers12:46
externdoes anyone have any idea why my desktop environment ignores the gamma value set in xorg.conf after it boots?12:46
slippyr4zoli2k: or i could use dd and then resize the filesystem12:46
bigbang14does anyone here have an olivetti any_way simple printer?12:46
zoli2kslippyr4: Yes, this is also an alternative.12:47
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tony_zoli2k, would these instructions work for what i'm doing.. or anyone http://daryl.learnhouston.com/2006/05/03/adding-a-hard-drive-to-a-ubuntu-linux-box/12:47
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hoagiee2label only works for ext parrtitions mine is fat3212:47
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zoli2kslippyr4: but be carefull, in my edgy installation the fstab does not contain the name of devices like /dev/sda1 but the UUID of hardisk.12:48
slippyr4i've seen that too. where can you find out the uuid of a new disk?12:48
zoli2kslippyr4: so if you use dd, on the new disk this value may be different.12:48
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hoagieso how can I make the partition to be displayed as Data instead of _PNG12:48
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DespI installd dc++ and limewire from sources and installd java but i still cant run dc++ or limewire12:49
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phatrabbitoh dear this is driving me mad12:49
Despmaybe I have to replace the java folder ?12:49
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phatrabbitcan somebody help me with my Nvidia driver issue12:49
tony_got it to work ty12:49
Shaffoxdoes anyone here has wordpress ?12:50
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phatrabbiti have followed the unbuntu dapper 6.06 guide and downloaded the latest drivers, however the xorg.conf does not update properly and the driver section still says vesa and when i change it to nvidia and restart xserver it crashes12:50
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zoli2kslippyr4:  vol_id /dev/hda112:50
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Sobekah damn, gothic2 works only with wine .9.31 if sound and music is disabled12:51
SteilI'm having trouble getting 6.10 to boot on a blade 100. Can anyone help?12:51
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DespI installd dc++ and limewire from sources and installd java but i still cant run dc++ or limewire12:52
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zoli2kDesp: did you tried linuxdc++?12:52
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Despwhere can i download it12:52
zoli2kDesp: It is a good and fest alternative.12:53
Despand how can i remove limewire and dc++12:53
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bigbang14how do you convert ogg to wma12:54
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zoli2kDesp: http://wiki.ubuntu.cz/LinuxDC%2B%2B?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=linuxdcpp0.691_0.0.1.cvs20061208-1_i386.deb12:54
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zoli2kDesp: Did you installed dc++ and limeware from source with "make install"?12:54
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Mattiasupdated to wxPython 2.8 and now it tries to auto update backwards to 2.6 again12:55
Mattiashow can i stop it from doing so?12:55
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Daverocksbigbang14: i don't know if any linux software can encode TO wma12:55
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desp_zoli2k can you give me the link again please12:56
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klawd kl4d3v12:56
Mattiasbigbang14: why wma?12:56
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desp_thanx man12:56
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Phatrabbit|2Can somebody assist me with my Nvidia driver issue12:57
desp_and how to remove limewire and dc++12:57
Phatrabbit|2that is the paste12:57
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ardchoillePhatrabbit|2: Did you compile the nvidia drivers?12:58
MattiasPhatrabbit|2: looks like error on wacom device12:58
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MattiasPhatrabbit|2: post your xorg.conf12:58
desp_zoli2k:  why I can reach my host from my linux box but not from the WAN or local ?12:59
Phatrabbit|2no i installed them using12:59
Blais1Hi can anyone help me with setting the correct resolutionan drefresh rate for my monitor?12:59
Phatrabbit|2sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common sudo nvidia-glx-config enable12:59
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Phatrabbit|2i will paste my xorg.conf12:59
desp_nice dc++ working12:59
desp_thanx alot bro12:59
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ardchoillePhatrabbit|2: Ok, did you edit xorg.conf and then restart X ?01:00
Phatrabbit|2the only thing i edited was01:00
Phatrabbit|2driver and it said vesa so i changed it to nvidia01:00
zoli2kdesp_: I did not understand the question.01:00
Phatrabbit|2and when i restart x everything crashes01:00
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desp_when i open my host on browser Its open but when i open it on other box it dont01:01
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zoli2kPhatrabbit|2: Try to remove the Load "glx" line from your xorg file.01:01
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Meltdown79Hey guys, have anyone of you gotten Dreamweaver MX 2004 to work on Ubuntu 6.10??01:01
Mattiaszoli2k: im having that and im running fine01:01
Mattiasusing GeForce 7800 GT01:02
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Tominatorhi. since the last kernle update, my prism2.5 card doesn't work anymore... what is wrong with it?01:02
zoli2kdesp_: do you have DNS set correctly?01:02
MattiasPhatrabbit|2: change Driver "vesa" to Driver "nvidia"01:02
desp_how can i check it ?01:03
Phatrabbit|2yer i do then i restart and it crashes01:03
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desp_it sould be my static ip right01:03
MattiasPhatrabbit|2: and you need to increase resolution too, wait, ill remake the xorg.conf and fix it all01:03
Phatrabbit|2ohh thanks so much ive been trying for the last 4 hours and i am going slightly mad!01:03
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MattiasPhatrabbit|2: btw, whats the error?01:03
ardchoilleHas anyone gone to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and looked at the fifth option in the Syntax drop down list? What's up with that?01:03
Phatrabbit|2it cant restart Xserver and you get the blue screen asking if u want to see the error01:04
desp_when I run nmap it show me that everything ok and 1 host up01:04
zoli2kdesp_:  the /etc/resolv.conf contains the current DNS serves IP. Our you can set and control this by "network-admin" from the control panel.01:04
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Phatrabbit|2i find it abit hard to grab that text and put it into a file01:04
MattiasPhatrabbit|2: do you use wacom tablet at all?01:04
IdleOneardchoille, seems pastebin either get hacked or it's an actual syntax01:04
Phatrabbit|2not sure what wacom is sorry01:05
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ardchoilleIdleOne: Yeah01:05
MattiasPhatrabbit|2: okay, ill remove that too then ^_^01:05
varkatopeMeltdown79: wine / crossover office01:05
Phatrabbit|2FYI: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common sudo nvidia-glx-config enable01:05
Phatrabbit|2nvidia-glx is already the newest version.01:06
Phatrabbit|2nvidia-kernel-common is already the newest version.01:06
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Meltdown79varkatope yepp, i have tried to follow those guides for wine, i got my photoshop to work but not dreamweaver mx200401:06
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c1|freakyhi all. is there anywhere a wiki page describing how i can make and use encrypted filesystems on a partition and how to use it and what the advantages and disadvantages are?01:06
sadafdshey pls click this link!! http://800Call.info/ptp.php?usr=confucio34201:06
desp_its set to lo 127.* should i change it to eth0 cause it gives the right ip ?01:06
tanimhi, getting error when i mount a CD in my drive01:06
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tanim"device doesn't have read permissions for this account"01:07
MattiasPhatrabbit|2: this should work, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6209/   restart computer after that01:07
Phatrabbit|2CHEERS !01:07
MattiasPhatrabbit|2: if it doesnt, i need to know exact error message ^_^01:07
Phatrabbit|2hrmm is there a way you can remove all the numbers down the side01:07
c1|freakyi got it nm ;D01:07
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monziehi all01:07
monzie i have a radeon express 200M card01:08
MattiasPhatrabbit|2: sec ill see what i can do about those01:08
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tanimi should mention i am mounting the CD as a user01:08
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monziei followed all the step given in the ubuntu wiki to set it up01:08
unoptanim,  what exact command are you using?01:08
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baboso I'm typing away on irc, and suddenly the window minimizes. This happens often.01:08
monzieand all it does it freezes up the system01:08
baboAlso, the caret jumps to the cursor mark without me pressing anything :-(01:08
monziehelp please!01:08
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MattiasPhatrabbit|2: go to the bottom and copy everything from the lil window with all text in01:09
baboI've adjusted the touchpad sensitivity ( I think ) but the problem still happens. Am I the only one with this issue ? it's an edgy vanilla install ...01:09
gansinhohello, does anybody knows if the kubuntu bleeding edge package has still development packages or just the final releases?01:09
zoli2kdesp_: you should set DNS to the value given by your internet provider.01:09
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Phatrabbit|2ok np01:09
Flannelgansinho: what?  Feisty is alpha still.  If that's what you're asking01:09
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Flannelgansinho: it just has the versions it'll release with01:10
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Phatrabbit|2Mattias: ok before i go how can i get the exact error01:10
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monziehow do i fix the ati binary driver problem?01:10
Ubuntu85ragazzi avrei bisogno di creare una tap virtuale sapete dirmi come procedere?01:10
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desp_ok 1 sec01:10
MattiasPhatrabbit|2: look if its the 3d card device or any other device name in the blue screen01:10
Flannel!it | Ubuntu8501:10
ubotuUbuntu85: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:10
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gansinhoFlannel: nope, there are some repos called "kubuntu bleeding edge KDE" in source-o-matic and I wanna know if these sources has just fresh new packages for Kubuntu or development versions of the packages01:11
HarksawSo when I try to go to my bank's website, firefox always crashes. What's another browser that isn't likely to crash?01:12
Phatrabbit|2Mattias: usually i do somthing like cat cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf > xorg.txt   can i do somthing like that01:12
monziecan someone please tell me how to fix the binary driver problem?01:12
unska_okay guys im having some serious problems! i did a: mount -o loop filename.img /home/unska/ and now i cant access to my computer anymore, everything stopped working01:12
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Phatrabbit|2where is that error written to01:12
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unska_the mounting itself worked fine but i have lost the access to all files etc01:12
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Flannelgansinho: bleeding edge usually means less than stable01:12
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phretorhi there01:13
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Frogzoounska_: that was a really bad place to mount a cd01:13
phretorI've already posted my problem on #kubuntu: http://www.google.com/search?q=there+are+differences+between+boot+sector+and+its+backup+not+automatically01:13
vorboteunska_: you asked for it :-) quick solution "sudo telinit 1" and unmont the image file while in single user mode.01:13
gansinhoFlannel: thanks!01:13
Frogzoounska_: ctrl alt del - & don't mount the cd there next time01:14
Flannelgansinho: you might try asking in #kubuntu, they'll know more, because it's apparently their repository (http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-latest)01:14
vorboteunska_: or just reboot the machine.01:14
gansinhoFlannel: thanks!01:14
unska_Frogzoo, im on alt+ctrl+f1 view01:14
MattiasPhatrabbit|2: usually logs is in /var/log somewhere01:14
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unska_i cant log on to my account :p01:14
unska_i didnt restart my ubuntu though01:14
unska_would that fix it?01:15
vorboteunska_: yes01:15
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unska_i should mount stuff to /mnt? :p01:15
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Watakachhi everybody !01:15
Flannelunska_: /media is standard on ubuntu (well, a subdir thereof)01:15
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vorboteunska_: that's the canonical mounitng point. /media is used by the gnome vfs server01:16
Phatrabbit|2Frogzoo: when xserver screws up and you get the blue screen asking if u want to check the error what path does that error get saved to01:16
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MattiasPhatrabbit|2: /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:16
ardchoilleIdleOne: That's actually a programming language. Wikipedia has an article about it.01:16
Frogzoounska_: 'sudo umount /home/unska'01:16
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Phatrabbit|2ok gonna give it a go now01:16
IdleOneardchoille, lmao well ok then01:16
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IdleOne!hi jazz__________01:17
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WatakachHello, I    got a big probleme... my menu.lst is  is empty....01:18
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zoli2khow can I protect a package to be upgraded? I installed a deb package from debian sarge with  higher version number.01:18
Flannel!pin | zoli2k01:18
ubotuzoli2k: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto01:18
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Watakachif someone want to help me, it will be realy nnice01:18
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zoli2kFlannel: Thx01:19
jazz__________gaim crashes every time i start a discussion with a msn user01:19
Flannelzoli2k: but, mixing debian/ubuntu isn't a very good idea.  They aren't guarenteed binary compatability.  Just, something to be aware of01:19
FrogzooPhatrabbit|2: /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:19
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IdleOneWatakach, what did you do before the list got emtied?01:19
IntensityHi. I'm getting RAID errors like "sdc2 has same UUID but different superblock to sda2; sdc2 has different UUID to sda2" when booting.  sd[a-d] 2 are a RAID6 that worked fine previously.  Temporarily one of the drives couldn't be seen properly with another kernel.  Does this mean that some kind of drive renumbering took place transparently?01:19
cbx33what's up Watakach01:19
jazz__________gaim crashes every time i start a discussion with a msn user01:19
cbx33ask your question01:19
mkay__hi guys. i installed edgy. my problm is, that my pci and usb dont work. in dapper i have startet with usb=bios pci=bios in the kernel-parameters. how i have to start in edgy?01:19
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ardchoillejazz__________: We heard you01:20
Watakachi try to make a nother boot with a script grubed01:20
jazz__________wha i have to do?01:20
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Watakachso now im on knoppix to put my backup file of menu.lst01:20
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xopher-jazz__________, isnt there some less annoying nickname available? :| Just a thought01:20
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ardchoillexopher-: Thank you01:20
staar2how can i use ira in ubuntu01:21
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jazz__________less annoying nickname??jazz rocks!!01:21
staar2i need to use ira with nokia 5100 ???01:21
zoli2kFlannel: It is the libyaz-dev package, so it should be fine I think.01:21
staar2infrared connection01:21
iturkhi there guys is there a way to replace the lilo in the masterboot again after another OS has been placed there  ?01:21
IdleOnejazz__________, jazz rocks fine the ___________ that is wasted space and takes up room on my screen is annoying01:21
IdleOnety :)01:22
Flanneliturk: you'll just have to re-install lilo01:22
josealguien habla espaol ?01:22
Flannel!es | jose01:22
ubotujose: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:22
staar2i need to use ira with nokia 5100 ???01:22
unska_Frogzoo, vorbote thanks, everything is perfect again hehe01:22
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ardchoillejazz_time: W00T! :)01:23
IdleOnejazz_time, better :)01:23
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iturkFlannel: ok i will try01:23
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WatakachIdleOne: I cant put my backup file of menu.lst, because its a read only file system (im try to do it on knoppix)01:23
arno__lo i m new user under linux01:24
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unopWatakach,  mount your drive a read/write (on knoppix)01:24
arno__it's great01:24
IdleOneWatakach, sorry dont know how to fix that01:24
IdleOnearno__, welcome01:24
Watakachunop, i did chmod, but it doesnt want to change01:24
jazz_timeso,What have i to do whit gaim?it crashes every time a msn user inveites me to a chat...01:24
humboltoI am having apt authentication problems over and over again with EDGY repos! What might be the reason?01:25
Phatrabbit|2Mattias: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6213/01:25
humboltoedgy and edgy backports01:25
Phatrabbit|2no luck with ur config01:25
IdleOnejazz_time, you can use Amsn sudo aptitutde install amsn01:25
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sebrockdoes anyone know how I swap channels in Alsa+01:25
jazz_timenow i use amsn but i gaim is better01:25
Watakachunop, i cant write one this file...01:25
unopWatakach,  no no, on the desktop, click your drive/device, right click, mount -> as read/write (or what it's named there)01:25
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Watakachok i try01:26
desp_zoli2k: I have 2 dns in my resolv.config and no one of them my isp ip01:26
IntensityAlso, ubuntu install cd is not recognizing the SATA disk.  sd[a-c]  show only when I boot from the CD.  But the kernel is showing all 4 sd[a-d] .  There is one of the four drives that initialize separately in BIOS.  The system was working before but somehow the RAID superblocks have been modified.  And I'm getting the errors I described above.  Any ideas?01:26
desp_should i remove them both ?01:26
MattiasPhatrabbit|2: it fails to open glx drivers01:26
unopWatakach,  knoppix mounts devices are read-only by default, if you want to change anything, you must remount them as read/write01:26
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Phatrabbit|2where was your pastebin config again mattias i want to double check somthing01:27
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MattiasPhatrabbit|2: i installed my nvidia with beryl, and it worked, maybe you could try it too http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Edgy_with_nVidia01:27
Phatrabbit|2i got it01:28
iturkFlannel: i have this option for lilo in the man -> lilo.real -M /dev/XXX [ mbr | ext ]       install master boot record !!!! so the device should be hda, do you think its correct ?01:28
MattiasPhatrabbit|2: xorg.conf is okay, its not that01:28
unopIntensity,  is that the live CD or alternate CD?01:28
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MattiasPhatrabbit|2: well i gotta go, try that guide and it should work01:28
Mattiasgood luck01:28
Phatrabbit|2ok thanks for ur help01:28
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Intensityunop: It's server install.01:30
unska_Frogzoo, so how should i mount this image now?01:31
Intensityunop: I could reboot the machine again and let you know the separate screen information that is given for that particular SATA device...01:31
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unopIntensity,  that'd definitely help in troubleshooting01:31
Intensityunop: But, the real mystery is how the UUID changed...  In any case, I need to fix it to be consistent.01:31
unopIntensity,  ahh, UUID problem01:31
Watakachunop, thx it wasnt put read write , but its steal downst make it.. but i will try other thigs now i can write.. i must go dinner see ya01:31
KennyRwhat kind of Media Player can play WMA, MP3, etc01:32
Frogzoounska_: 'sudo mkdir /mnt ; sudo mount -o loop blah.iso /mnt'01:32
unopIntensity,  well, is this a UUID problem in relation to something like /etc/fstab?01:32
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unska_Frogzoo, why not use the /media ?01:32
Phatrabbit|2Frogzoo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6213/01:32
Phatrabbit|2any ideas on how to get it to load glx properly01:32
unopIntensity,  in most cases, it's safe to use the old-style device names instead of UUIDs, perhaps you could try that01:33
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Frogzoounska_: that's for HAL01:33
Intensityunop: jmicron pcie-to-sataii-ide raid controller01:33
unska_Frogzoo, what his this HAL?01:33
desp_zoli2k: I did but i still cant reach the host from othe box01:33
unska_btw i had the /mnt on default01:33
Frogzoounop: grub gets cranky if you do that01:33
zoli2kdesp_: can you ping the IP ?01:34
ubotuhal: Hardware Abstraction Layer. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 347 kB, installed size 1112 kB01:34
desp_from the linux box01:34
zoli2kdesp_: yes01:34
desp_yes i can01:34
desp_and the host too01:34
desp_how to stop the ping01:34
unopFrogzoo,  errm, i've never seen that happen -- i've grub get cranky when the device the UUID points to changes and is no longer available, and thats extremely annoying, i dont see the point to UUIds01:34
zoli2kdesp_: CTRL-C01:35
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Intensityunop: I'm not specifying anything manually; the boot doesn't get anywhere.  I get the messages about UUID's being differently upon kernel bootup.01:35
desp_41 packets transmitted, 41 received, 0% packet loss, time 40048ms01:35
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unopIntensity,  well, let us know the exact messages as you seen them01:36
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desp_so ?01:36
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koregaonparkhey all. can someone tell me how to prevent my slave hard disk from mounting to /media? I'm going to be formatting that drive and putting windows on it...01:36
desp_and i cant even ssh the box from local (my lapto)01:37
Phatrabbit|2http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6213/  can anyone help with my nvidia driver issue01:37
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dcordeskoregaonpark: remove the relating line in /etc/fstab01:38
Intensityunop: I'm getting RAID errors like "sdc2 has same UUID but different superblock to sda2; sdc2 has different UUID to sda2" when booting.  sd[a-d] 2 are a RAID6 that worked fine previously.01:38
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koregaonparkdcordes, ah okay. so i would have to open it in gedit right? sudo gedit /etc/fstab?01:38
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unopIntensity,  ok, from the previous few lines before that messages, what does linux appear to be doing? is it verifying something or trying to mount this RAID device?01:40
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Intensityunop: It's mounting the RAID device because it's a RAID6 for the root filesystem.  It worked before, so I'm not sure what changed.  And, any idea why I can't see the last drive when I boot into rescue mode with the CD?01:41
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Frogzoounop: sudo update-grub will helpfully replace your device names with the UUID01:42
dcordeskoregaonpark: damn right01:42
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dcordes!fstab | koregaonpark01:42
ubotukoregaonpark: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions01:42
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koregaonparkdcordes, thanks!01:42
dcordeskoregaonpark: no problem mate01:42
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unopIntensity,  I'm not really sure about the missing drive in rescue mode -- doesnt linux have anything to say about this drive while booting up into rescue mode? does hdparm list any information about them once in rescue mode01:44
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Intensityunop: No, no information is reported.  Only sda through sdc appear in any dmesg output.  No sdd information shows at all.  But when I boot the other kernel, it does show.01:45
dcordesIntensity: define previously01:45
kestazhow to upgrade to feisty ?01:45
fstarter     ....01:45
dcordeswhat's that? korean?01:45
koregaonparkhey dcordes, hdb1 only shows up in /media and not in the fstab file.01:45
koregaonparkdcordes, can i just go ahead and wipe out hdb1 and install windows?01:45
steffmy problem: sometimes i start and i can see only the brown ubuntu background the mousepointer - and for a very short time i can hear the start up sound - after taht a restart approx. 2 times more and it works01:45
dcordeskoregaonpark: what in media is it? /media/hdb1 ?01:46
unopIntensity,  by other kernel, do you mean normal mode? because there's a difference01:46
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koregaonparkdcordes, i have my secondary hard disk (80 gb) mounted in /media/hdb101:47
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Intensitydcordes: I set up Annvix just early today and it booted fine.  I then added two IDE drives temporarily.  This shifted renumbering or threw something off.  (Or perhaps this was because one of the drives wasn't attached all the way).. But ever since then, while I get grub to load, I don't get any defaults loaded.  So I have to enter the command line myself.  Annvix ships with another 2.6 kernel that is recognizing the drive.  But now it's not getting 01:47
dcordeskoregaonpark: ah sure you can :) but i should inform you, that when you first install linux and then windows, windows will overwrite your master boot record which includes grub01:47
dcordes!grub | koregaonpark01:47
ubotukoregaonpark: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:47
illerHow can i change the crontab rules without using 'crontab -e'?01:47
externhas anyone managed to access cell phones' file system?01:47
Phatrabbit|2http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6213/  can anyone help with my nvidia driver issue01:47
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koregaonparkdcordes, ohh damn! i need to be able to access my primary installation of ubuntu edgy!01:47
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koregaonparkdcordes, thanks for the links!01:48
KennyRDoes anyone know where to get some XMMS Themes/Skins??01:48
pablo_hi! how do i join ubuntu box to a windows 2003 domain?01:48
dcordeskoregaonpark: it is a bit tricky restoring GRUB after a windows installation when you are new. but when you read all that stuff you should be able to do it01:49
SteilKennyR: They're the same as winamp classic skins, check winamp.com01:49
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unoppablo_,  http://google.com/linux :)01:49
ghatakPhatrabbit|2: looks like your driver is not installed correctly01:49
KennyRSteil, You can load Winamp skins into XMMS?01:49
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koregaonparkdcordes, okay... it doesn't look too hard, i have a dapper live cd01:49
SteilKennyR: Winamp classic01:49
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Steilnot the modern skins01:49
Spee_DerKennyR, sudo apt-get install xmms-skins01:49
dcordesKennyR: xmms uses the same format. i have the good oldskool skin here01:49
Steilyou can also load equalizer presets fro winamp01:49
KennyRSo I cant load the modern themes??01:50
dcordeskoregaonpark: there you go. that's all you need01:50
KennyRI have the Blues, Modern Theme01:50
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dcordesi only have the good old winamp one01:50
Steilmodern themes wont work01:50
koregaonparkdcordes, thanks again, i'll let you know how it goes...01:50
dcordeskoregaonpark: good luck01:50
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Koelkasthello guys, I got a question01:50
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aatdarkfeel free to ask :D01:51
dcordes!ask | Koelkast01:51
ubotuKoelkast: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:51
Koelkastalready made a forum post about it, but decided to ask it here as well :D01:51
KennyRIs there a way to minimize XMMS to a tray icon?01:51
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Phatrabbit|2ghatak: i have installed them .. i think01:51
steffno ideas ?01:51
KoelkastWell I just installed xubuntu 6.10 and it comes with gxine, and well I just downloaded the win32 codecs01:51
Phatrabbit|2ghatak: i just installed the deb package for the latest drivers01:51
Koelkastand If i run a mpeg file, it only gives me video, no sound, altough I get sound when playing wav files, so Its not the sound settings I think01:52
dcordesKennyR: i once used a program called alltray. i was able to put everything in tray with it! very nice tool. you just install it and run the programs you want in tray with "alltray programname"01:52
KennyRdcordes, Do you know where I can get this tool?01:52
Koelkastand mp3s dont work either, i also tried to install totem, but it gives less result then gxine does :/01:52
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Crippy-Boykeolkast, look at restricted formats on the wiki01:53
Intensityunop: Hmm. The jmicron pcie-to-sataii-ide raid controller state of affairs looks pretty ugly.  Still, I don't know why it wouldn't be seen in a later 2.6 kernel...01:53
KennyRKoelkast, im using XMMS and its playing my mp3's mastered... iv never heard my songs sound so better01:53
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dcordesKennyR: not really. i would have to google it too01:53
dcordesthere are debs!01:53
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KennyRdcordes, Do you know the name at least?01:53
Koelkastyes I read all that, and i installed the win32 codecs, but i think its weird i dont get sound on mpeg files but do get video01:53
Phatrabbit|2ghatak: i done  sudo dpkg -i nvidia-glx_1.0.8776+
Crippy-BoyDepends which codec the video is using for sound01:54
dcordesKennyR: ah you should read what i say :P01:54
KennyRdcordes, Nevermind, I seen your above comment, its called alltray, correct/01:54
desp_zoli2k: the file interfaces is empty ..../etc/network/interfaces01:54
desp_ what should i have there01:54
dcordesyep yep01:55
desp_my ip ?01:55
KennyRdcordes, Yeah.. there was alot going on ATM..01:55
koregaonparkdcordes, i have only 1 linux partition, you think it's wise to use super grub disc?01:55
KennyRdcordes, im sorry..01:55
dcordesKennyR: nvm01:55
koregaonparkdcordes, i mean only 1 linux install01:55
dcordeskoregaonpark: yes super grub disc saved my as* several times01:55
zoli2kdesp: configure your network with "sudo network-admin"01:55
ghatakPhatrabbit|2: depends which card you got .....01:55
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koregaonparkdcordes, okay, great!01:55
unopIntensity,  well, from what you have told me, it looks like a UUID clash if thats how this controller works (i.e. assinging UUID to the various devices)  or it appears that your disk might have dropped out of the array configuration and the device has detected that it has a different superblock as a result01:55
dcordeskoregaonpark: if you won't be able to restore it with SGD you will at least be able to boot01:55
Koelkastwhat about VLC should I try that?01:55
desp_ok then01:56
mackinacVLC plays almost everything without needing to install codecs01:56
unopIntensity,  s/device/controller/01:56
dcordesKoelkast: depends on what you are going to do with it01:56
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Phatrabbit|2i have a 6600 GT01:56
Koelkastalright, just playing user submitted videos01:56
dcordesmackinac: except w32 stuff01:56
Koelkastalright lemme try that01:56
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desp_what about domain name its empty should i put my host there ?01:57
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Koelkastk installing it atm01:57
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Intensityunop: I think that it may have been renumbered (swapping sdc and sdd).  But that wouldn't explain all of the errors I got because it was comparing sda to sdX where X is in b, c, d.01:57
koregaonparkdcordes, just 1 thing...  will hdb1 still mount at /media after i install windows?01:58
unopIntensity,  it's likely that that drive that it is complaining about is failing/ is about to fail .. you should use SMART to rule that out01:58
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dcordeskoregaonpark: yep01:58
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dcordesmost likely01:58
mackinacdcordes, I don't know about all, but it plays some win stuff01:58
KoelkastBtw I also searched alot of this problem, even tough i tried alsa mixer and everything, i cant get surround to work, on a Realtek AC97, people say its impossible on some forums, so best choice is to buy a sound card?01:58
koregaonparkdcordes, okay, so ill most probably be able to access my win partition?01:59
linci've searched and searched and can't find out how to NOT have certain modules loaded at boot up01:59
dcordeskoregaonpark: indeed01:59
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mackinaci have it playing wma right now01:59
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unopIntensity,  well, that doesnt explain why 3 devices are detected normally and one isnt01:59
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Wookstahow can i get my webcam working under ubuntu?02:00
unop!webcam | Wooksta02:01
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ubotuWooksta: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras02:01
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KoelkastTHX Guys02:01
Koelkastvlc plays it perfectly02:01
linccan anyone help me out? there are a few kernel modules i don't want ran at bootup. they block me from using ndiswrapper02:01
KoelkastI also installed the mozilla plugin for vlcplayer02:01
Koelkastthx alot :D02:01
KoelkastAltough I still wonna fix gxine :p02:01
aardvark972I have installed ubuntu 6.10 on my thinkpad t40 laptop; I am looking for a way to configure the built-in wireless card02:02
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mackinacplays wmv too . . .02:02
aardvark972some forums say that the built-in card is unsupported, but those are relatively old02:02
Koelkastoh yes, darn totem is still standard media player02:02
Koelkasthow do I change it to VLC?02:02
aardvark972is that really so? or is there a way to make it work...02:02
DGilmourhi everybody02:02
Intensityunop: But the partial recognition is only an issue when I am using ubuntu.  I am only using ubuntu for the purposes of recovery.  I can't burn another CD at the moment.  So I'm just guessing that it is not supported in ubuntu.  The main problem is what caused the UUID's to change.  And why I'm not getting a real menu in grub anymore.  And, why I'm not able to mount the RAID6 root filesystem.02:03
DGilmourI'm learning to develop gui applications on Linux02:03
DGilmourcould anyone tell me a good work or web resource for it?02:03
DGilmourfor now I'm trying glade02:03
KoelkastIf I got VLC now, do I still need xine / or totem?  or Can I delete those?02:03
lincno one can help me out with my kernel modules problem?02:03
mackinacKoelkast:  R-click on a media file, properties, open with02:03
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mackinacdeleting totem will break ubuntu-desktop metapackage02:04
Koelkastthx Mack, sorry cant pm, not registered02:04
mackinacnot a huge problem except for dist upgrade02:04
desp_Usage:program_name [address] [:port]  what is this mean ?02:05
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Koelkastwell got enough HD space anyways, wont delete totem then :D02:05
elkbuntu!register | Koelkast, registering is easy02:06
ubotuKoelkast, registering is easy: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration02:06
Enselic``desp_: you can optinally provide an adress and optionally a port to that adress02:06
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Enselic``desp_: [this]  means "not obligatory"02:06
desp_why do i need it02:06
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desp_should i restart networking now ?02:07
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Enselic``desp_: I dont know why you need it, I dont know what program you refer to02:07
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Koelkastk done02:07
KoelkastI registered :D02:07
unopIntensity,  I'm not sure how this controller works -- I have a feeling that what happens here is linux reads the superblock of the devices and based on it, assigns them into the RAID array of a mapped UUID .. but since one of the drive reports another superblock now, linux is complaining02:08
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Intensityunop: The error message I got the from the kernel is already self-contradictory.02:09
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Intensityunop: It says that the UUID is the same and that it is different.02:09
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yamanwhere can i find a driver for this (ATI SB400 - AC'97 Modem)02:10
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Enselic``What's the easiest way to try the 2.6.20 kernel?02:11
yeniklasorIs there any HP laptop webcam driver?02:11
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras02:11
xtknightEnselic``: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31115802:11
Enselic``yeniklasor: do you have any video[0]  in /dev/*?02:11
Richardi am using hp laptop now!02:11
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yeniklasorRichard : Did you do anything manual for webcam driver?02:12
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Richardwhy i cant use Fn+f7 and Fn+f8,it's nothing!02:13
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Richardoh ,i know, if you are use ubuntu,the webcam can be use02:13
unopIntensity,  there'sa difference in UUID and superblock .. it's reporting the same UUID for the devices but that hdcX reports a different superblock .. in any case, I'm not really sure how to go on from here, it might be as simple as reassigning hdcX back into the set or it could be that hdcX is failing/failed .. ic ant be sure02:13
xtknightRichard: what are fn+f7 and fn+f8 supposed to do?02:14
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yeniklasorI can use that02:14
Richardit's dark and light02:14
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xtknightdark and light, what?02:14
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xtknightoh brightness and contrast?02:14
xtknightyeah those keys just don't work sometimes since they use software hooks02:15
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Intensityunop: When I changed the configuration in BIOS from basic to the other mode (I forget what it's called), I now get in ubuntu: /dev/sdb: SCSI2 (0,0,0) (sdb) - 327.7 kB ATA Config Disk.  What on earth would that mean?  A 327.7 kB disk drive?  It's sitting beside the other three 300GB disks.  Any idea what that means???02:15
yeniklasorchoose true one02:16
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Richardwhat's choose?02:16
unopIntensity,  I'm quite convinced at this moment that the disk is "dead" .. perhaps you have some SCSI tools that your HDD's vendor has given you, use that to test the drive02:17
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yeniklasorAnd ubuntu don't support my Raid 0 harddisks02:17
yeniklasorRichard : There is HP drivers02:17
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xtknightyeniklasor: what raid0 controller?02:17
yeniklasoryou can try :)02:17
yeniklasoryes raid002:18
xtknightwhich controller?02:18
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yeniklasor80 GB+80 GB samsung harddisks With raid 002:18
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praveer_fedorais there audio support for intel 865gvhz board on ubuntu 6.06lts?02:18
yeniklasorand ntfs02:18
Intensityunop: Well, it's not SCSI; it's SATA.  And, the drives are now.  And, they are being recognized when I boot the other 2.6 kernel (where I see sda through sdd).  It's only under ubuntu where I do not see sdd.02:19
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yeniklasorxtknight : What do you mean with controller?02:20
Richardit's hp v3212TU,what should i choose?02:20
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yeniklasorVIA raid tolls ?02:20
Koelkasthmmm my boxes are crackling a bit tough02:20
Koelkastwith vlc02:20
Phatrabbit|2Hi all if i have a AMD 64+ Geforce 6600 GT which one do i download from http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html02:21
unopIntensity,  I've seen "dead" drives report anomalous sizes .. and you seem to have that too .. SCSI or SATA (the error message there is a little misleading) you should verify the consistency of this drive at this point02:21
xtknightpraveer_fedora: it's the ALC202A chipset.  i think alsa may support it, but i'm not sure02:21
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xtknightyeniklasor: no, what chipset for the raid0?02:21
praveer_fedorathere are drivers for Redhat, Novell or SUSE but none for debian based ones @ http://downloadfinder.intel.com/scripts-df-external/Product_Filter.aspx?ProductID=1704&lang=eng02:21
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Richardyeniklasor it's hp v3212TU,what should i choose?02:22
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xtknightyeniklasor: via onboard raid i assume?02:22
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Intensityunop: But under Ubuntu it's clearly marked separately from the other drives - with the string "ATA Config Disk".  So that can't be because of what the actual drive is reporting.  And, the partition table shows fine when I boot the other kernel.02:22
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yeniklasorRichard : wait02:22
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Phatrabbit|2Hi all if i have a AMD 64+ Geforce 6600 GT which one do i download from http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html02:22
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xtknightpraveer_fedora: it should work in the latest alsa with the intel 8x0 driver02:22
Richardso what should i choose?02:22
ashamanPhatrabbit|2: I would not recomend installing nvidia drivers that way02:23
k750iIm using azureus on edgy but it closes by itself after some time. Plz can anyone help me?02:23
Richardhp or campaq02:23
praveer_fedoraxtknight: how to change driver from oss to alsa in ubuntu AFAIK i am right on question02:23
yeniklasorI will look my laptop02:23
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_nnx_I just updated Ubuntu 6.06.1 to the latest kernel and everything, and now all my virtual consoles are gone.  Any insights as to how I go about restoring them?02:23
Phatrabbit|2how would you do it ashaman02:23
xtknightpraveer_fedora: what does this command report: "asoundconf list" ?02:23
IdleOneRichard, if you have HP then choose HP02:23
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linccan anyone help me out? there are a few kernel modules i don't want to run at bootup. they stop me from using ndiswrapper02:24
Watakachunop, hi its me again02:24
Richardyes ,i have02:24
xtknightlinc: blacklist those kernel modules02:24
ashamanPhatrabbit|2: let me get you a repo02:24
IdleOne!nvidia | Phatrabbit|202:24
ubotuPhatrabbit|2: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:24
Richardto linc ,use the old kernel to boot02:24
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racarrjoin #ubuntu-devel02:24
praveer_fedoraxtknight: ICH502:24
xtknightlinc: add them to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist02:25
lincxtknight: blacklist? how?02:25
ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add "blacklist modulename" to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type "sudo update-initramfs -u"02:25
ashamanPhatrabbit|2: are you running 64bit or 32bit02:25
xtknightpraveer_fedora: are you in ubuntu or fedora now?02:25
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praveer_fedoraxtknight: i am helping a friend who is on ubuntu, i am on fedora02:25
unopWatakach,  hi :)02:25
praveer_fedoraxtknight: i am thinking of invitng him here02:25
xtknightpraveer_fedora: ah and he typed asoundconf, not you, right?02:25
Phatrabbit|2i have a 64bit AMD processor02:26
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praveer_fedoraxtknight: yup02:26
Phatrabbit|2but i would say its running at 3202:26
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Watakachunop, so you were write it was in read only and coudlnt write..02:26
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xtknightpraveer_fedora: well it looks like his card is detected.  have him type "sudo lshw -class sound | grep driver="02:26
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Watakachunop, i put every possible write and then made a chmod, but it tell : "chmod:changing permissions of menu.lst : Read-only file system02:27
ashamanPhatrabbit|2: well here is a repo with both 32bit and 64bit drivers "http://www.albertomilone.com/driver.html"02:27
Phatrabbit|2ashaman: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common  is that what your using ?02:27
Richardto idleone02:27
Watakachunop, and it doesnt   change02:27
_nnx_Or actually, to be more specific...02:27
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_nnx_It looks like the consoles are THERE but there's no way to login on any of them.02:27
ashamanit will show you how to do it02:27
_nnx_They're just blank with a cursor blinking.02:27
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lincthanks again xtknight02:28
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unopWatakach,  you havent mounted the drive properly as "read/write" if its still complaining about a "Read-only file system" .. if you do a "mount" command, you should ideally see the drive marked "rw"02:28
xtknightlinc: np02:28
=== alecjw [n=alec@client-86-25-62-176.brnt.adsl.tesco.net] has joined #ubuntu
praveer_fedoraxtknight: configuration: driver=Intel ICH        <---sudo lshw -class sound | grep driver=02:29
mastermixerhey, i can't seem to find mBox on the repositories i have here... any suggestion on how i could get it? instead of compiling it myself..02:29
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Watakachunop, ok02:29
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Koelkastone more question : why arent gif images moving in GQView?02:29
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Koelkastwhen I open them02:29
alecjwhi. is ther any reson why there's start.BMP rather than start.PNG on the livecd?02:29
Watakachunop, so i should make a unmount and the remount the  disk ?02:29
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IdleOnemastermixer, you enabled universe and multiverse?02:30
ashamanPhatrabbit: yes that would be how you get it after you add the repo to your software sources02:30
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!02:30
ashamanPhatrabbit: you need to go to that url and follow the directions02:31
k750iazureus crashes by itself  anybody have any idea whats going on02:31
xtknightpraveer_fedora: hmm ok, what about "lsmod | grep intel8x0"02:31
=== dave1 [n=dave@cpc2-shep8-0-0-cust245.lei3.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ashamanyou will have the lasest drivers02:31
k750iits urgent plz02:31
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mastermixerIdleOne, yes i did it.. couldn't even find the package on packages.ubuntu.com02:32
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IdleOnemastermixer, doesnt seem to be a package for mbox. what is it?02:32
sebrockAny advice on apps to control the fan speeds??02:32
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dave1hi, can anyone tell me how to restart X from bash please?02:33
crazy_busWhat is the default font and font size for firefox?02:33
Phatrabbit|2thanks Ash02:33
Enselic``Anyone know by heart where I can find infrared stuff in the 2.6.20 kernel?02:33
xtknightdave1: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart02:33
ashamanPhatrabbit your welcome02:33
Richardhello guys! do you know what should i choose my hp keyboard?02:33
xtknightEnselic``: it's probably labeled IrDA02:33
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praveer_fedoraxtknight: http://pastebin.ca/36043002:33
xtknightcrazy_bus: where exactly are you looking?02:33
mastermixerIdleOne, it's a music organizer / tag editor.. it can do mass stuff like mass renaming, tag edition02:33
dave1thx, i'll try that again, but last time it just crashed it instead02:34
unimatrix9k750i probably your java, thats not doing the right thing, download an new version of azeurus and follow this how to02:34
Phatrabbit|2where can i find the sourcelist again02:34
xtknightpraveer_fedora: ok.  well his card should be working.  there might be a switch in the mixer he needs to check (like analog/digital output) to get it to work properly.  other than that, it's detected by ubuntu and the driver has been loaded02:34
Enselic``xtknight: ah, ty02:34
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crazy_busfirefox-edit-prefrences-content-default font02:34
praveer_fedoraxtknight: ok,02:34
cbx33mastermixer, looked at amarok?02:34
unimatrix9k750i run it from the new dir...dont use the one from synaptic...02:35
mackinac!find mbox02:35
IdleOnemastermixer, search in synaptic for tag editor I know there is a app for exactly what you want just cant remember the name right now02:35
ubotuFound: rhythmbox, rhythmbox-dbg, archmbox, libmail-mbox-messageparser-perl, libmail-mboxparser-perl (and 7 others)02:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mixer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:35
ashamanPhatrabbit: System>administation>software sources02:35
mackinac!find audio-tag-tool02:35
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ashamanPhatrabbit: third party tab02:35
xtknightpraveer_fedora: type 'gnome-volume-control' and go to the Switches tab.  try switching on/off the options till the sound works02:35
ubotuPackage/file audio-tag-tool does not exist in edgy02:35
ashamanPhatrabbit: add it and your set02:36
ubotump3info: An MP3 technical info viewer and ID3 1.x tag editor. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.4-9 (edgy), package size 28 kB, installed size 108 kB02:36
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praveer_fedoraxtknight: yes, ty, i am trying that02:36
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mastermixercbx33, heard of it lots of times, but i don't think i had given it a try.. i didn't like rythmbox though.02:36
cbx33amarok is nice02:36
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mackinac!find audio tag tool02:36
ubotuFound: alsa-utils, gstreamer0.10-alsa, gstreamer0.10-esd, gstreamer0.10-plugins-good, kaudiocreator (and 49 others)02:36
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Phatrabbit|2Ash do you know the actual path to the file02:36
mastermixerIdleOne, i'm gonna do it now, thanks for the attention.. if you happen to remember the name of a good application for that, please let me know of it02:36
larson9999been using gnome regularly for a month or so now.  got about 12 years of linux under my belt.  the question i have is, "why the heck is it so hard to configure anything in gnome?"02:36
IdleOnemastermixer, yup np02:37
Phatrabbit|2its ok its /etc/apt/sources.list02:37
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xtknightlarson9999: probably because you haven't been using gnome for 12 years.  gnome!= linux :)02:37
mackinacmastermixer:  i think "audio tag tool" might be worth lookin at02:37
ashamanPhatrabbit : /etc/apt/02:37
xtknightlarson9999: what specifically did you find difficult?02:37
MsK`does (k)ubuntu edgy cd has rt61 module ?02:38
Frogzoolarson9999: you don't say what your problem is02:38
Phatrabbit|2ashaman:  how can i use apt-get to get that file02:38
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larson9999xtknight: no, not gnome for 12 years straight.  but off and on.  but many desktops so i have a decent frame of reference.02:38
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xtknightlarson9999: i haven't had to mess around with gnome much, but in general i find the gnome desktop very easy to configure and use.  most dialogs are simple and straight-forward.  give me an example ?02:39
ashamanPhatrabbit : once you have the repo added do a sudo apt-get update02:39
cbx33larson9999, on that note02:39
larson9999xtknight: sure, i'll give some example02:39
ashamanPhatrabbit : then sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx02:39
cbx33I wanted to change the taskbar panel font colour02:39
cbx33you can't do that02:39
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xtknightcbx33: you probably can with a theme file02:40
cbx33can gnome and kde live side by side nicely?02:40
ashamanIt will install the lastest drivers from the new repo02:40
xtknightcbx33: yes02:40
cbx33xtknight, tried it.....but then I didn't spend muh time02:40
xtknightcbx33: i dont know of any other desktop that lets you change font color on the taskbar though.  does kde?02:40
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cbx33no idea02:40
cbx33xtknight, but it is possible I know cos fedora do it02:40
agliv5Greetings all :) Is it possible to create 5 Partitions when installing Ubuntu 6.1?02:40
xtknighti dont think you can dock gnome for that02:40
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cbx33xtknight, oh no02:40
cbx33I love gnome02:40
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cbx33I develop all my apps for gnome02:40
xtknightcbx33: possible with fedora and gnome?02:40
larson9999xtknight: the icons on the desktop.  i'd like to change the size en masse, i only see a way to change the sizes one by one02:41
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cbx33xtknight, yes02:41
xtknightcbx33: ah complain to ubuntu then ;P02:41
cbx33xtknight, heh02:41
KajinCan I make an SSH connection with the Place > Connect to Server.. window and then delete it from my desktop while still having it under Places?02:41
mackinacyou can tweek gnome a ton if you don't mind mucking through the theme xml02:41
PoHxDwhere can i find a mouse-driver for logitech mx518 (ubuntu linux)02:41
xtknightlarson9999: alright.  hmm, lets see02:41
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cbx33Kajin, I just turn my dsktop off02:41
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Watakachunop, thx a lot i think its  work now !!!02:41
cbx33xtknight, is it just a case of.....apt-get install kde-desktop?02:41
Watakachi had just to unmount and mount the disk.... THX A LOT02:41
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xtknightcbx33: er im' not sure02:41
larson9999xtknight: there is an option that restores them all to original size but not one to resize them all at once.  at least it's not in the same place.02:42
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PoHxDwhere can i find a mouse-driver for logitech mx518 (ubuntu linux)02:42
PoHxDwhere can i find a mouse-driver for logitech mx518 (ubuntu linux)02:42
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Watakachunop, i had just to unmount and mount the disk.... THX A LOT02:42
dave1hi, can anyone please tell me how to restart X in ubuntu 6.10 using bash, "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" doesnt work02:42
cbx33larson9999, is there not an option in the gconf editor?02:42
xtknightPoHxD: one's included02:42
FrogzooPoHxD: you don't need a mouse driver02:42
oddipoddianyone know if ubuntustudio is an OS by it self like kubuntu or is it an "expansion" to ubuntu?02:42
PoHxDit doesnt work :S02:42
Watakachunop, im gonna try it im gonna reboot ! thx again !02:42
PoHxDthe muse isnt even turned on02:42
Frogzoo!mouse | PoHxD read the example mouse config02:42
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ubotuPoHxD read the example mouse config: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto02:42
xtknightdave1: it should.  what happens when you type that command?02:42
xtknightdave1: is your X broken?02:43
mastermixermackinac, "audio tag tool" seems to be a great app indeed, but doesn't have a package listed on synaptic02:43
Watakachunop, byebye02:43
xtknightlarson9999: you're right on that one.  there is no dialog to customize icon size afaik02:43
dave1xtknight the screen goes black and a "_" prompt flashes at me02:43
Phatrabbit|2ashaman: ok i done sudo apt-get update but it didnt download anything, so it proberly thinks i have the latest realease02:43
matasonAnyone running PDT Eclipse on Ubuntu 6.06? It's really slow!!02:43
xtknightdave1: looks like your X is broken.  type 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and then 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'02:43
larson9999xtknight: editing the start menu with the 'edit menus' dialog you get from right clicking the start button only says, "show" and "don't show"02:43
mackinachmm, do you have universe and multiverse active?02:43
matasonAlmost unusable02:43
oddipoddianyone know if ubuntustudio is an OS by it self like kubuntu or is it an "expansion" to ubuntu?02:43
dave1ctrl-alt-backspace works fine tho02:44
xtknightlarson9999: double click a menu item to edit it02:44
xtknightlarson9999: ( or right click, props )02:44
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mackinacmastermixer: package name = tagtool ... sorry :)02:45
xtknightmatason: is regular eclipse slow too?02:45
larson9999cbx33: maybe there is but why wouldn't be in the same menu as the 'restore all'?02:45
babowhen i plug in my headphones, they don't work02:45
ashamanPhatrabbit: you need to do a sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx02:45
babomy normal speaker sound works fine though02:45
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zythWhat's that DVD ripping program that comes with Kubuntu?02:45
ashamanPhatrabbit: then reboot02:45
mastermixermackinac, installing it, thank you =)02:45
Enselic``zyth: K3B?02:46
Phatrabbit|2ahh thats what i needed02:46
larson9999xtknight: when i right click an item in the start menu there are only options to add it to different places.  no edit option.02:46
dave1xtknight, when i type ctrl-alt-backspace that restarts it fine tho?02:46
zythk9 something02:46
zythI think02:46
xtknightlarson9999: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/misc/1060-there-icon-size-option-gnome-gui.html02:46
xtknightdave1: really?02:46
Phatrabbit|2ashaman: how can i remove my old nvidia drivers02:46
xtknightdave1: kubuntu or ubuntu?02:46
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Phatrabbit|2so i can start fresh02:46
dave1xtknight, ubuntu 6.1002:46
matasonxtknight: Hmm I don't fully understand it all, I wanted to work on PHP projects so I just downloaded PDT All in One - should I try some other version?02:46
doojinWhat seems to be the common difference between debian and ubuntu?02:46
xtknightdave1: i have no idea why it's not working02:46
mackinacmastermixer:  np02:46
Enselic``Is the notably better desktop performance with the 2.6.20 kernel a myth, or has anyone here experienced it?02:46
ashamanPhatrabbit: how did you install them02:46
xtknightmatason: hmm.  well it looks like pdt is some plugin for eclipse?02:46
xtknightEnselic``: i am using 2.6.2002:47
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oddipoddianyone know if ubuntustudio is an OS by it self like kubuntu or is it an "expansion" to ubuntu????02:47
matasonxtknight: Yes it provides the extras for working with PHP stuff02:47
dave1xtknight, wouldnt "/etc/init.d/gdm restart" restart gdm rather than X?02:47
xtknightEnselic``: i do notice faster startup, i think.  try applying the realtime/dyntick/tickless patches for 2.6.20 (i386 only) then you may see improved performance and battery life02:47
xtknightdave1: restarting gdm should restart X02:47
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ashamanPhatrabbit: If you used apt-get then it will update them02:47
dave1xtknight, is that what the ctrl-alt-backspace command does?02:48
ashamanPhatrabbit: but before you reboot run sudo nvidia-xconfig02:48
koregaonparkHey. I'm installing Windows on my secondary (slave) hard disk. I've erased it and am attempting to install, but the Windows setup says that I must delete my Ubuntu partition because the setup needs to write some files to the primary disk.02:48
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xtknightdave1: that restarts Xorg itself actually02:48
Meltdown79guys, anyone of you got Dreamweaver mx 2004 to work in ubuntu 6.10? I have been following guides ect but its not working. =)02:48
Enselic``xtknight: is there a central place for kernel patches?02:48
Phatrabbit|2ashaman: using sudo dpkg -i package_file.deb02:48
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Enselic``xtknight: like that one02:48
xtknightdave1: i guess to restart Xorg itself you can do 'sudo killall X'02:48
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xtknightEnselic``: not really, but i can get you the link for that one i was talking about02:49
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oddipoddidoes adobe products work on ubuntu?02:49
Enselic``dave1: pkill gdm && sudo gdm start02:49
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Phatrabbit|2ashaman: can i use envy if i used sudo dpkg -i package_file.deb02:49
aatdarkoddipoddi probply with wine .02:49
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larson9999xtknight: yes, i saw that post before.  so, how do you get to desktop preferencse?  i go to system->settings-> but there is no desktop preferences.  only desktop background.02:49
xtknightEnselic``: http://www.tglx.de/projects/hrtimers/2.6.20/   apply with 'bzcat ../asdf.bz2 | patch -p1' to /usr/src/linux/  kernel tree02:49
xtknightEnselic``: and 'sudo -s -H' before that since it requires root to modify /usr/src/*02:49
dave1xtknight, how do i restart it after killing it?02:49
xtknightdave1: usuaully X restarts on its own02:50
Enselic``xtknight: I've arleady started to compile, but Ill consider it next release ;)02:50
Enselic``xtknight: how come its not part of the vanilla kernel?02:50
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dave1ok thx, will try that02:50
xtknightdave1: obviously your X is broken if gdm restart and killall X doesn't work, what's the log say?02:50
koregaonparkCan anyone please help?02:50
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xtknightEnselic``: it will be in 2.6.21.  it's just slightly beta atm and ports to amd64/arm are still in the works so it can't be merged to the multi-arch tree02:50
ashamanPhatrabbit: dpkg -r package.deb will remove it02:51
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storkis it possible to stop one x screen and leave the other running?02:51
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xtknightlarson9999: not sure, really02:51
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ashamanPhatrabbit I don't use envy02:51
xtknightstork: yes just kill that particular X that is pointing to :DESKTOP02:51
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Phatrabbit|2awsome thanks02:51
storkxtknight, sorry, what? you lost me02:52
koregaonparkHey. I'm installing Windows on my secondary (slave) hard disk. I've erased it and am attempting to install, but the Windows setup says that I must delete my Ubuntu partition because the setup needs to write some files to the primary disk.02:52
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ashamanPhatrabbit: np02:52
KoenhHello, anyone who knows if Kubuntu already folows the new DST for America?02:52
ashamanPhatrabbit: hope you get it02:52
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storkxtknight, i have dual monitors configured, is it possible to turn one off with the command line? i.e. screen 1 but not screen 002:52
xtknightlarson9999: edit->preferences in nautilus02:52
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zythwhen does daylight savings time start?02:52
Sodanhello everbody02:52
xtknightstork: maybe 'xrandr'02:52
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larson9999xtknight: so if you click on an item in the start menu and right click on it, say gparted, you get an option to edit it?02:52
Sodani need some help with the installation of ubuntu 6.1002:53
Frederickfolks my ubuntu file system is corrupted is there any winows applycation I can use to acess my data and try to save at least something?02:53
ashamanPhatrabbit: How long have you been using ubuntu02:53
xtknightlarson9999: nah, just 'add this launcher to start menu' or something02:53
Sodancause my sata-controller suxx02:53
koregaonparkSodan, yes?02:53
Phatrabbit|2for about a week now02:53
xtknightlarson9999: the menu editor for gnome is great tho, so that's not really an issue imo02:53
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koregaonparkSodan, oh sorry... I have no idea about sata-controllers.02:53
xtknightlarson9999: i think it perevents accidental context menu selection by n00bs02:53
Koenhzyth: normally they are changed begin of 2007...02:54
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ashamanPhatrabbit: once you get the hang of repos you will like it02:54
Phatrabbit|2im half way through reading the online ubuntu how to, its just i forget alot of commands02:54
sidjsterwhats the matter with youi sata ?02:54
Koenhbut i have to know if they are already changed in kubuntu...02:54
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olioBeato`i ALREADY like it !02:54
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desphi again02:54
xtknightstork: if you're using nvidia, nvidia-settings02:54
larson9999xtknight: so how do you get to the menu editor?02:54
Phatrabbit|2yer ive been trying to configure my xorg for 6 hours straight02:54
xtknightlarson9999: right click the top menu bar and click edit menu02:54
ashamanPhatrabbit: I can understand that there is alot to learn02:54
despI mad some changes and the host get down :(02:54
Phatrabbit|2i cant figure out why GLX wont load and i think it might be becuase i have the wrong drivers02:55
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despwhat should i check to fix the error02:55
storkxtknight, no way to switch it off without restarting X02:55
Phatrabbit|2ashaman: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6213/02:55
xtknightstork: hmm.  nvidia?02:55
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PoHxDwhat is the program X :P02:55
storkxtknight, yeah02:55
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larson9999xtknight: and then it opens a window entitled "Edit Menus"02:55
xtknightPoHxD: X is the desktop foundation, more commonly called Xorg (www.x.org)02:55
Sodancan anyone help us??? with have a problem with the installation of ubuntu 6.10 on a sata-hdd.02:56
xtknightlarson9999: right.....02:56
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ashamanPhatrabbit: if you are using the nv drivers then you will not get glx to work but the way i have shown you will get it up and running02:56
PoHxDok, whats a deskop foundation, is it the same as GNOME?02:56
xtknightlarson9999: can you do what you want from within there?02:56
sidjsterwhats the deal with the sata install?02:56
xtknightPoHxD: it's the underlying component that interfaces with the hardware to display 2d and 3d graphics.  gnome is a desktop environment02:56
ashamanjust remember to run nvidia-xconfig02:56
dave1xtknight, killall X gives "X: no process killed"02:56
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PoHxDok, why is Xorg better that gnome?02:57
PoHxDfeks gnome...02:57
larson9999xtknight: that is only letting me decide either to show or not show an item.  no way to add or edit the item as far as i can tell.02:57
xtknightdave1: what about 'startx' ?02:57
sidjsterwhat do you mean xorg is better than gnome??02:57
xtknightPoHxD:  gnome uses Xorg02:57
koregaonparkArgh. Does no one know?02:57
PoHxDwhats the difrence between Xorg and gnome :S  ?ok02:57
Phatrabbit|2ashaman:  yer i hope this works, 6 hours straight and no luck is driving me nutters02:58
xtknightPoHxD: well, sort of, anyway.  gnome is run on top of xorg i should say02:58
PoHxDnow i understand, :P02:58
varkatopelarson9999: just rightclick02:58
xtknightPoHxD: as is kde and xfce..02:58
xtknightlarson9999: sorry, you must have missed my last msg.  double click or right click->properties02:58
agliv5I'm installing Ubuntu any was wondering if anyone would recommend or dissaprove of using the jfs datasystem?02:58
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ashamanPhattrabbit: you will get it02:58
xtknightagliv5: i dont know.  instead of ext3 i'm not sure why you'd use it02:58
xtknightagliv5: less compatibility than the ubiquitous e2/e3fs02:59
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ashamankoregaonpark: what do you need02:59
Aldolielagliv5: Any particular reason you want to use jfs?02:59
dave1xtknight, it complains that X is already running, so i would need to stop X first, how would i do that?02:59
larson9999varkatope, xtknight: right click doesn't do anything.  double clicking either.02:59
PoHxDwhats the best IRC program? im using GAIM at the moment, but i dont like it :P02:59
xtknightdave1: maybe your Xorg lock file is stuck, maybe that's the problem.02:59
Phatrabbit|2ashaman:  sudo nvidia-xconfig enable02:59
xtknightdave1: does it say anything about a lock when you type startx?02:59
xtknightlarson9999: ubuntu 6.10?02:59
Phatrabbit|2ashaman:  isnt it sudo nvidia-glx-config enable03:00
agliv5xtknight, Aldoliel, according to http://linuxgazette.net/122/TWDT.html#piszcz jfs and xts and jfs have the fastest benchmark results...03:00
larson9999xtknight: yeah03:00
Frogzooxtknight: really depends what you're looking for in an irc client03:00
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xtknightFrogzoo: PoHxD actually03:00
ashamanPhatrabbit: yea03:00
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xtknightlarson9999: and you're using the "alacarte" menu editor?  check with "ps ax | grep alacarte"03:00
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xtknightagliv5: well xfs is supposed to be pretty good03:01
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larson9999xtknight: 4239 pts/1    R+     0:00 grep alacarte03:01
larson9999jason@jasonntu:~$ ps ax | grep cart03:01
larson999914249 pts/1    R+     0:00 grep cart03:01
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dave1xtknight, i pm'ed u the output03:01
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xtknightlarson9999: goto applications->accessibility in the menu editor for example.  then double click 'onscreen keyboard'  you dont see edit options?03:02
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xtknightdave1: i didn't get a pm03:02
xtknightdave1: pastebin it if all else fails03:02
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xtknightdave1: make sure you have a registered nick or you can't pm people on this irc network, i think03:02
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agliv5xtknight, so would you suggest xfs over jfs?03:03
dave1how do i do that?03:03
xtknightagliv5: yeah, i'm pretty sure xfs has a more solid foundation.  i used it myself for a while and it seemed faster for big files iirc03:03
xtknightdave1: /msg nickserv register03:03
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xtknightagliv5: i dont know about that.  he says it's taking hours to mount a file system.03:03
larson9999xtknight: i get an error message could not launch /usr/bin/gok03:04
xtknightagliv5: that's just plain wrong03:04
dave1 /msg NickServ HELP REGISTER03:04
anchovywhy i cant find the touchpad device in the xorg.conf?03:04
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xtknightlarson9999: where did the error come from?03:04
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xtknightanchovy: it's probably called "synaptics" or it's just recognized as a regular mouse?03:05
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larson9999when i clicked on-screen keyboard03:05
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xtknightlarson9999: hmm i have no idea.  maybe your gnome is borked03:05
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davetheuncleanxtknight, i tried to pm u again03:06
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Phatrabbit|2ok ashaman u there mate03:06
anchovyi also can not find the synaptics, i am not sure if it is recognized as a regular mouse.03:06
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agliv5xtknight, which test are you refering to?03:07
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xtknightanchovy: do you need to edit the mouse config for a particular reason?03:07
xtknightagliv5: the one you linked http://linuxgazette.net/122/TWDT.html#piszcz03:07
Frogzooanchovy: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:07
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ashamanPhatrabbit i sure am03:07
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larson9999xtknight: perhaps.  this is an OLD file system but i cleaned out all the proper directories. i'll check it out on a fresh install on another machine.03:07
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Phatrabbit|2ashaman: ok i done sudo nvidia-glx-config enable and then i got the error Error: your X configuration has been altered.03:08
jpoetaHoW CAN I INSTALL A dOC?03:08
Phatrabbit|2This script cannot proceed automatically. If you believe that this03:08
Phatrabbit|2not correct, you can update the md5sum entry executing the following03:08
Phatrabbit|2md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum03:08
Phatrabbit|2otherwise edit manually /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the Driver section03:08
chxI have a series of numbers and I would like to get a function that fits them best . To my eyes it looks exponential, but... how could I do this? I have the numbers entered into gnumeric.03:08
Phatrabbit|2from nv to nvidia.03:08
jpoetaLIKE A MAC?03:08
xtknightPhatrabbit|2: just do that md5sum command it tells you but please don't paste >3 lines at a time here (use !pastebin)03:09
Phatrabbit|2but it seems that my xorg.conf does not update at all03:09
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TrunkzErrm.. something is making my CPU go on practically 100%.. how do I close the running app(s) which are causing this.. I dont know which apps are causing this btw03:09
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Phatrabbit|2sorry xtknight03:09
xtknightTrunkz: type 'top' in the terminal03:09
ChousukeTrunkz: run top in terminal03:09
agliv5xtknight, yes, but which specfic benchmark test are you refering to?03:09
Trunkzlol thx03:09
Phatrabbit|2ashaman: can you check your pm mate03:09
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Chousukethen use kill to kill the process.03:09
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infidelFrogzoo, where can i find a list of commands that are common to configuring the system?03:09
TrunkzLemme go remove myth actually03:09
xtknightagliv5: 'filesystem mount time' and below the graph he says 'reiserfs takes a VERY long time...03:09
Chousukeyou need the process id.03:09
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TRouBLe_FeTe yo03:10
TRouBLe_FeTe y'a du monde ?03:10
xtknight!fr | TRouBLe_FeTe03:10
ubotuTRouBLe_FeTe: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:10
ashamanPhattrabbit: i guess private messages are not going through03:10
TRouBLe_FeTe ubotu thx03:10
larson9999xtknight: alacarte isn't installed.  i'm installing it now.03:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:10
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xtknightashaman, Phatrabbit|2 register your nicknames to get private msgs03:10
Phatrabbit|2ashaman:  its ok i think it worked brb i am gonna try it !03:10
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TrunkzChousuke: Err.. my audio is sorta playing in like a slow-mode stutering03:11
Aldolieljpoeta: I believe Gnome can do what you ask, I h no idea how the dock works on a mac though03:11
ChousukeTrunkz: weird.03:11
Trunkzyeah.. how can I restart the audio server03:11
Trunkzdaemon* rather03:11
Trunkzmaybe that'd fix it03:11
TrunkzI think.. I'm using alsa03:11
jpoetaMAKE MORE NICE03:12
agliv5xtknight, the time is in sec on the graphic and I'm not qualified to comment on his statement about RAID volumes... what's a RAID volume and why should I care?03:12
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Chousukejpoeta: don't use caps03:12
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Trunkznvm.. fixed it, something is wrong with alsa tho xD (I had to transfer it to oss)03:12
Aldolieljpoeta: Less caps please?03:12
Frogzoo!docs | infidel03:12
ubotuinfidel: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com03:12
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Aldolieljpoeta: What do you want it to look like? A Mac?03:13
xtknightagliv5: i think his tests are bunk.  it takes me <1sec to mount a reiser volume03:13
TrunkzWell.. thats half my problems solved.. thanks u two ;p03:13
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TrunkzI got a few more coming your way03:13
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xtknightagliv5: i suggest looking at some benchmarks from other sources as well03:14
ubotuagliv5: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO03:14
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xtknightagliv5: well RAID itself is just a way to mirror hard disks for backup, raid0 is actually a way to speedup disk access03:14
xtknightagliv5: but that doesnt cause long mount times03:14
TrunkzFirstly.. how do I set modprobe to automatically "modprobe <module>" with the relevant settings (basically.. during bootup, I assume the kernel sends a signl to modprobe to do modprobe saa7134.. I want it to do modprobe saa7134 card=59 tuner=1 basically.. :p)03:14
AMDwhat can i use to convert wma to mp303:14
Aldolieljpoeta: Something like this? : http://www.taimila.com/ubuntuosx.php03:14
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TrunkzI think its in modprobe.conf, but not too sure where that is (it isnt in /etc/)03:15
jpoetabut i want to see in my desktop information about my pc but i don't know how03:15
agliv5xtknight, but you still think that xfs is good / beter than the others?03:15
xtknightagliv5: on some things.  there is no one, agnostic, BEST File system03:15
larson9999xtknight: well, alacarte is better.  more things are configurable and you can add items, etc.  but the main thing i was looking for, the ability to start the program with various parms isn't there like it is in menu editors in most of the other desktops i've used.  do i have to write a script just for that?03:15
xtknightTrunkz: probably /etc/initramfs-tools/modules03:15
Amaranthlarson9999: with it with what?03:15
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Amaranthlarson9999: params?03:15
xtknightlarson9999: just add the params to the end of the cmd line03:16
larson9999Amaranth: yeah03:16
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Trunkzxtknight: doesnt exist03:16
Amaranthlarson9999: you mean `foo --bar=baz`?03:16
infidelFrogzoo, thanks03:16
Aldolieljpoeta: Hmmm, I'm not sure how you would achieve that03:16
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larson9999Amaranth: yep03:16
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jpoetait's incredible03:16
larson9999xtknight: in alacarte i don't see a place to give it a custom command line03:17
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jpoetai love ubuntu system03:17
AldolielGlad to help03:17
Amaranthlarson9999: err, edit the Command line?03:17
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xtknightTrunkz: sorry, what version of ubuntu?03:17
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Trunkz6.10 I beliv03:17
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xtknightTrunkz: type "locate tools/modules"03:18
jpoetabut how03:18
Trunkzokeh :o03:18
xtknightjpoeta: but how to do what?03:18
jpoetahow install03:18
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xtknight!install | jpoeta03:18
jpoetareally i a noob03:18
ubotujpoeta: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues03:18
Trunkzmeh not much luck03:18
xtknightTrunkz: nothing returned?03:18
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jpoetasorry thanks03:19
larson9999Amaranth, xtknight ok. it's popping up now.  at first the command line wasn't there.  no it is right where you'd expect03:19
Trunkzno, it gives out some things which dont exist apparently03:19
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jpoetaanothe question03:19
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TrunkzI did a locate modprobe.conf03:19
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ubotugmail is a webmail service. For information on using it with Evolution see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingGmailWithEvolution03:19
jpoetawell i have a VIA UniChrome03:19
Trunkzdidnt bring back the correct one either03:19
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jpoetaand i can't have beryl03:19
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xtknightTrunkz: odd.  what about /usr/share/initramfs-tools/modules ?03:20
jokoonI can I access the windows registry ?03:20
jokoonhow ?03:20
Quilbyis there any program that i can use to upload files to gmail, and use it as another hard drive?03:20
xtknightjokoon: with ubuntu? not in any easy way03:20
jpoetao don't know how make beryl works03:20
larson9999Amaranth, xtknight ok. there was only name and comment.  no command. ran it again and command was there.  that's one off the list.03:20
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xtknightjpoeta: beryl can not work with your card.  but ubuntu does not have beryl by default03:20
Trunkzxtknight: thats not a directory03:20
Aldolieljpoeta: I don't think you can have beryl with that card03:20
LjLjokoon, access your Windows registry from Ubuntu? even if it's somehow possible, it doesn't sound like a good idea to me03:20
xtknightTrunkz: it's a file03:21
Amaranthlarson9999: you were editing a menu then, not a menu item :)03:21
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rojo^anyone running two nvidia cards SLI?  Whenever I try enabling SLI (Option "SLI" "Auto" in Section "Device"), X freezes the console and never launches; can't ctrl-alt-F[1-6] .  Anyone else encounter this?03:21
ElbridgeGerryI give up! How do I turn off the "tap-to-click" feature of my laptop touchpad?03:21
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blackesthelp I need live cd to boot into 800 by 600 any ideas03:21
jokoonLjL forget that, I was trying to piss someone about windows to get banned.03:21
Trunkzbut that still wont solve my problem I dont think03:21
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jpoetabut if i buy a NVIDIA Card03:21
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LjLjokoon: ... uh?03:21
Trunkzsince the kernel still will do saa7134 on its own (without the other parameters such as card=59 and tuner=1)03:21
ElbridgeGerryjokoon: Eh?03:22
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Trunkzwhich.. will defeat the whole purpose xD03:22
xtknightjpoeta: yes any modern nvidia card can run beryl03:22
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rojo^blackest: you can hit ctrl-alt-minus or ctrl-alt-plus to change desktop resolution03:22
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blackestrojo i tried and it didnt respond03:22
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TrunkzMy next question, will be beryl oriented.. so good luck figurin that one out xD03:22
muuhDBXwhats the linux defrag tool ?03:22
jpoetathank you very much03:22
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xtknightTrunkz: there's no reason you should be missing the "modules" file03:22
TrunkzmuuhDBX, you dont really need to defrag linux03:22
muuhDBXyes i do03:22
Trunkzas the partition resists fragmentation03:23
jpoetasee you later master ALDOIEL03:23
LjLmuuhDBX: "defrag". it's been unmaintained for ages, though, and anyway ext3 is quite resilient to fragmentation03:23
TrunkzOr.. so I was told03:23
muuhDBXi do alot of files delete and write03:23
DaverocksmuuhDBX: you don't need to defrag ext303:23
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DaverocksmuuhDBX: that doesn't matter. ext3 is designed to not fragment03:23
larson9999Amaranth: no same item.  the space where command goes was there but just empty.  if you edit a menu there is no space for command.  think the display was borked somehow.  but it's fine now.03:23
Trunkzlol.. I actually know something xD l33t or what =D03:23
xtknightmuuhDBX: xfs_fsr (file system repait) can defrag XFS03:23
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ardchoillemuuhDBX: You don't need to worry about defrag in Linux03:23
jokoonIs an athlon 2200+ 512mb of ram and a gfti4200 going to make beryl stuff run smoothly ?03:23
xtknightmuuhDBX: i believe ext2/ext3 filesystems have a tuning option.  but defrag isn't needed nearly as much with linux03:23
muuhDBXive noticably geting an increase in disk lag03:23
Trunkzjokoon: not too sure about.. that gfx card03:24
Trunkzwhat geforce is it specifically? Gf4?03:24
Aldolieljpoeta: No worries :-)03:24
ElbridgeGerry!synaptics touch pad03:24
__Ace2016__Well whenever i've run bittorrent i've had majour fragmentation03:24
jokoonyes the 4th generation of nv cards03:24
Trunkzahh k03:24
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__Ace2016__so ext3 needs a defrag tool03:24
xtknight__Ace2016__: how did you read fragmentation levels?03:24
Trunkzerr.. well, u can try it.. It * shud * work, altho not with all the bells 'n' whistles03:24
jokoonafter gf3 and before the 5k series03:24
DaverocksmuuhDBX: you could use fsck03:24
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FrogzoomuuhDBX: by default, ext sets aside 5% of disk for managing defrags, so you need never defrag yourself03:25
LjLDaverocks, Trunkz: sorry to contradict, but "ext3 does not fragment" and such are false statements. ext3 simply employs some quite effective tricks to reduce fragmentation, but in the end it fragments like any other filesystem.03:25
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__Ace2016__xtknight: i read it based on what my hard disks sound like when using the downloaded files03:25
DaverocksLjL: alright, sorry. :P03:25
TrunkzLjL: same :p03:25
xtknight__Ace2016__: that does not indicate fragmentation, it could be hitting the page file instead of cache03:25
dave1xtknight, that seems to restart X but doesnt restart gdm aswell :(03:25
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Aldoliel__Ace2016__: The sound your disks make don't relate to fragmentation.....03:25
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Trunkz* gasp * :O03:26
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larson9999xtknight: now alacarte runs when i do 'edit menus'  aparently, this used to be a real problem in gnome as i found an article dated 9/2006 with the headline "Alacarte: GNOME's long overdue menu editor"03:26
TrunkzIts.. an OP O_O.. run damnit03:26
DaverocksmuuhDBX: specifically, fsck.ext3 would help you03:26
__Ace2016__Aldoliel: 10gb of files downloaded in random order means a lot of seeks03:26
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Trunkz(btw.. why is the user-list somewhat non-existant in xchat?)03:26
jokoonoops I left03:26
xtknight__Ace2016__: in that case you can tune your VM.  set vm.swappiness to 100 to make reducing cache a last resort?03:26
muuhDBXisnt fsck just a like file system checker ?03:26
muuhDBXit dosent defrag anything03:26
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LjLmuuhDBX: yes03:26
DaverocksmuuhDBX: it fixes as well03:26
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LjLmuuhDBX: correct03:26
muuhDBXit dosent defrag anything03:26
ElbridgeGerrymuuhDBX: It does.03:27
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__Ace2016__xtknight: i don't use a swap file03:27
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LjLElbridgeGerry: since when?03:27
xtknightlarson9999: hmm03:27
Daverocksi don't know about defragging, but it does fix something. like repairing bad blocks and stuff03:27
__Ace2016__xtknight: they are just tv episodes in a massive torrent thats all03:27
balzachello. I want to upgrade from breezy badger to edgy eft03:27
xtknight__Ace2016__: odd.  what filesystem?03:27
balzaci don't want to bother with burning a CD03:27
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LjLbalzac: you need to go through dapper drake03:27
ElbridgeGerryLjL: Since I started listening to daverocks. =p03:27
xtknightDaverocks: defragging does not fix bad blocks (format does that)03:27
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__Ace2016__xtknight: it used to be xfs and then ext303:27
ardchoillebalzac: You can't upgrade directly, you'll have to go to Dapper, and then to Edgy.03:28
adaptrDaverocks: fsck does not repair bad blocks as a rule03:28
__Ace2016__but xfs had the nice defrag tool03:28
Aldoliel__Ace2016__: You aren't using swap?03:28
balzacLjL, can you tell me the command?03:28
xtknightDaverocks: defragging moves discontiguous blocks of a file to one big contiguous blob so that the hd doens't have to seek all over the place03:28
LjL!upgrade > balzac    (balzac, see the private message from Ubotu)03:28
__Ace2016__Aldoliel: nope03:28
Daverocksok ok.03:28
Daverocksi'm learning a lot lol03:28
xtknight__Ace2016__: i think i may have experienced the same fragfmentation with huge files (like vmware images), and that's when i started using xfs ;)  i can't remember the linux cmd to check fragmentation03:28
Aldoliel__Ace2016__: That's strange...03:28
phatrabbitashaman_: u there mate03:28
dave1hi, does anyone what code the ctrlaltbackspace shortcut executes?03:28
Quilbywhat program can i use to transfer my files to gmail?03:29
xtknight__Ace2016__: i think the statement applies to MOST people, but certainly not everybody.  ext3 CAN fragment03:29
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Psyhey guys03:29
__Ace2016__Aldoliel: why? i have 1.25gb of ram and the swap was never used so i got rid of it03:29
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xtknightand i've had ext3 files in 700 segments03:29
xtknightvs. xfs with one segment03:29
jokoonBtw when I see a beryl video most of the time it is a spinning cube, so it generally allows only 2 sides to be seen. Isn't there some version of beryl or else where you can see your windows like if you are in a sphere or IN a cube, all that with an increased FOV ?03:29
=== mc44 [n=mc44@unaffiliated/mc44] has joined #ubuntu
balzaci installed easyubuntu but i never got it to work. can i still upgrade?03:29
MarcMdavel - ctrlaltbackspace will restart X03:29
muuhDBXdo you need a WEP WAP if you are going to use wirlees over ssh ?03:29
__Ace2016__xtknight: how do you know it was in 700 segments? is there a checking app?03:29
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xtknight__Ace2016__: yes, i'm trying to find it03:29
Psyi left a ubuntu setup running on a 266 overnight and now i've forgotten what username i gave it - i can remember the password, is there anyway to login as root?03:29
phatrabbitashaman_:  can you pm me its easier to see your writing03:29
ashaman_Phattrabbit: whats up03:29
TrunkzTo users of xchat, did they hijack the user-window? Cos I cant see anyone o.o03:30
dave1MarcM, i know what it does, but i want to know how it does it?03:30
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Aldoliel__Ace2016__: Fair enough03:30
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balzaci installed easyubuntu but i never got it to work. can i still upgrade or did it destroy my installation?03:30
ElbridgeGerryTrunkz: You may have more of a chance getting an answer in x-chat's irc channel. ;)03:30
xtknight__Ace2016__: i think it was called 'extents' but maybe it was only an xfs utility03:30
ardchoillePsy: You can boot into recovery mode, that'll give you a root shell.03:30
Psythanks ardchoille03:30
Trunkzwhich I assume.. is #xchat? :P03:30
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ashaman_phatrabbit: do you have your nick registered03:30
Psyi presume its int he boot menu somewhere?03:31
phatrabbitashaman_:  nope03:31
xtknight__Ace2016__: actually it's 'filefrag'03:31
phatrabbithow can i reg03:31
rojo^phatrabbit: msg nickserv help03:31
AldolielPsy: hit escape on boot should bring up the list, it's normally the second entry03:31
ardchoillePsy: Press the ESC key during boot and you'll get a grub menu. You can choose recovery from that.03:31
ashaman_phatrabbit: ok you have to be registered for pm's03:31
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Psycool, thanks :)03:32
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects03:32
ardchoilleashaman_: phatrabbit is identified to nickserv right now.03:32
kev_bcan anyone recommend a good usb bluetooth dongle with ubuntu support?03:32
=== howlingmadhowie [n=anton@dslb-088-073-226-091.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
__Ace2016__xtknight: thanks03:32
howlingmadhowiehi everybody :)03:33
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AldolielHello there, howlingmadhowie03:33
nsdkboa rtarde03:33
xtknightdoes ext3 fragment?  yeah, it does "Windows XP Professional x64 Edition-flat.vmdk: 250 extents found, perfection would be 161 extents"03:33
xtknightseems to be only for big files though03:33
Psyis there a command to view usernames?03:34
ardchoilleext3 does fragment, but not to the point where you need to worry about it unless your hard drive is 95% full.03:34
fongmy grub install failed..03:34
fongis this the last step of the installation?03:34
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unopPsy,  users .. user<tab, tab> :)03:35
ardchoilleI rip several DVD's everyday and I just ran fsck less than an hour ago.. my hard drive is 0.8% (less than 1%) fragmented03:35
howlingmadhowiePsy: or just look in /etc/passwd03:35
Psythanks both03:35
xtknightPsy: gksu users-admin03:35
ardchoillePsy: How many users did you set up?03:35
howlingmadhowieardchoille: linux defragments automatically03:35
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
ardchoillehowlingmadhowie: Yes, that was my point03:36
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howlingmadhowieardchoille: pretty cool :)03:36
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Trunkzhow do I get xorg to remake its xorg.conf file, and make sure it uses the open source ati drivers?03:36
unopPsy,  perl -F/:/ -ane '$\=$"; print $F[0] ' /etc/passwd03:36
HymnToLifeTrunkz, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:37
xtknightext3 fragmentation on my vmware image causes tons of i/o (accompanied by freezing).  never had the issue with xfs and with a regular xfs_fsr.  tried vmware's defrag option but it doesn't seem to do anything03:37
ardchoilleTrunkz: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:37
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=== Hotbird [n=Hotbird@174-181-119-85.dyn4.digitaleitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
Hotbirdhello everybody, can somone please help me with gnome 2.17.91? I am experiencing this error: GLib-CRITICAL **: g_strlcpy ...... everytime i run gnome-theme-manager from control center03:37
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ompaulHotbird, which version of ubuntu are you running?03:38
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ardchoilleHotbird: Is that on Feisty?03:38
john83is there anyone here who can help me with som installation problems with ubuntu?03:38
xtknightHotbird: sounds like a gnome incompatibility.  did you try to recompile gnome or something?03:38
HotbirdFeisty Fawn yes03:38
xtknight!anyone | john8303:38
ubotujohn83: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:38
ardchoilleHotbird: Thought so, /join #ubuntu+103:38
=== john83 is now known as sarothx
=== sarothx is now known as saroth
dpupphelp, i need to format about 80gb into FAT32 so i can use that as a shared space between windows and linux. windows only offers me to format NTFS, and when i try gparted in linux, it just hangs there doing nothing but scanning.03:38
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Psygksu users-admin came up with could not display or something03:39
Psyi set up one username03:39
Psybut i forgot it03:39
xtknightPsy: youre in a virtual terminal i assume03:39
Psyi'm now in the recovery menu03:39
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ardchoillePsy: ls /home03:39
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Psyls /home gives: oem03:40
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Psythats it03:40
ardchoillePsy: users-admin is a GUI app and won't work in a vt03:40
Psyoh ok03:40
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lesojoin #amici_sempre03:40
xtknightPsy: not all user names have a /home03:40
sarothok. first of all I have to say i'm new at linux.  my problem is: when i start the install, it goes to the checking og alot of stuff, and everything is OK. but after that it goes to a black screen with a white hyphen in the top left corner03:40
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dpuppdoes anyone know a quick way to format a drive into Fat32?03:41
ardchoillePsy: Did you install the oem mode?03:41
xtknightsaroth: it could be a graphics card driver issue.  beyond that, i'm not exactly sure03:41
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Psyardchoille - to be honest, i don;t have a clue03:41
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rojo^saroth: new hardware?03:41
Psyi ran the alt installation cd03:41
sarothpc from around 97.03:41
Trunkzmeh.. doesnt seem to work03:41
ardchoillePsy: I think you did. Did the system ever ask you to set a username and admin password?03:41
Trunkzi did a reconfig of xorg03:41
Daverocksdpupp: dosfsck?03:41
sarotha P500MHz with a little under 500MB ram03:41
Frogzoodpupp: mkfs.vfat03:41
xtknightdpupp: perhaps 'mkfs.vfat -F 32  /dev/blkdev'03:42
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xtknightotherwise itll be fat12 or fat1603:42
Trunkzbut.. I'm getting a "no" direct rendering when runnin glxinfo | grep direct03:42
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Aldolielsaroth: It could just be taking it's time, which cd are you using?03:42
Psyi think i remember setting a password - butt hat could have beent he install before that which didnt work ue to lack of ram03:42
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Daverocksdpupp: yeah, mkfs.vfat , mkdosfs03:42
Daverocksthings like that03:42
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rojo^saroth: what kind of video card?03:42
xtknightdpupp: -F 32 if you want fat3203:42
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threeseasany trick to getting youtube sound working on 6.10?03:42
gw3n yo03:42
=== dpupp takes note.
xtknightthreeseas: it's flash sound probably that isn't working.  common issue that's documented on the forums03:43
sarothburnt a image from a 6.06 verssion i downloaded. it's and old graphic card i don't remeber the name of03:43
sarothbut can check03:43
ardchoillePsy: If ls /home returns only oem, I think you installed in oem mode, If that is the case, just boot it up and it will let you setup a user,03:43
dpuppmkfs.vfat , mkdosfs -F 32 if you want fat32 ? . ...03:43
sarothbut might it be the graphic card?03:43
Psyardchoille, it took me to the logon screen03:43
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xtknightdpupp: yes03:43
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ardchoillePsy: Ok, then it may not have been oem.03:43
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rojo^saroth: well, it could be that the CD is trying to load a driver that's freezing the graphics card03:43
sarothhmm. can try with another card03:44
rojo^couldn't hurt03:44
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__Ace2016__/Archive/Anime/Ouran High School Host Club 1-26/Ouran High School Host Club - 21.avi: 2134 extents found, perfection would be 2 extents03:44
sarothhave tried with another linux too, freespire, same problem03:44
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xtknight__Ace2016__: ouch03:44
__Ace2016__Anyone wisk to write a defrag app for ext3?03:44
ardchoillePsy: You still in recovery?03:44
Psyardchoille, what if i try to create a new user fromt he recovery console?03:44
gw3nhi all ! there is a french speaking support aid chanel ?03:44
=== boblag__ [n=bob@host134-120-static.13-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues03:45
gw3nfor poor noobs03:45
ardchoillePsy: cat /etc/passwd   <-- and look near the bottom of that list to see if you recognise any usernames03:45
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=== rojo^ hugs gw3n
xtknight!fr | gw3n03:45
ubotugw3n: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:45
gw3nthank rojo03:45
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Aldoliel!oem | Psy03:45
ubotuPsy: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues03:45
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AldolielPsy: Look for oem on there03:45
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Psynone i recognise, oem is there - says temporary user next to it03:46
xtknight__Ace2016__: this might work ftp://ftp.uk.linux.org/pub/linux/sct/defrag/   not sure if it works for ext3, but ext3 is based off ext2 so it should03:46
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ardchoillePsy: Yeah, I think you installed in oem  mode. Not sure how to get into it as I never used that install methond.03:47
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xtknight__Ace2016__: actually it's proably not a wise idea to try o nxet303:47
xtknight__Ace2016__: on ext3*03:47
AldolielPsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview03:48
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ardchoillePsy: See the link Aldoliel just posted for you03:48
Psyah yes that looks like how i installed it03:48
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Psyi couldnt use the live cd as i don't have enough ram on that box03:48
AldolielPsy: As far as I can tell, just reboot to the login and use 'oem' with no password03:48
ardchoillePsy: I thought so, since ls /home returned oem03:49
dpuppi think im doing it wrong.... fdisk -l keeps showing the drive as fat16...03:49
__Ace2016__xtknight: i'm reformatting it wtih xfs, but i need to burn 25dvds first, maybe more03:49
Psyyeah just read that, thanks, i'll try  it now03:49
meisamhi im trying to restart apache but it fails whay?03:49
ardchoilleAldoliel: That makes sense03:49
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tehmazegood day03:49
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tehmazehow would I be able to use a dubset of feisty packages in an edgy installation?03:49
meisammeisam@apolo94:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart03:49
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meisam * Forcing reload of apache 2.0 web server...                                   apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName03:49
meisam(98): make_sock: could not bind to address [::] :8003:49
meisamno listening sockets available, shutting down03:49
meisamUnable to open logs03:49
meisam                                                                         [fail] 03:49
Aldolielardchoille: Thanks :)03:49
xtknight!pastebin | meisam03:49
ubotumeisam: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:49
meisamxtknight orry03:50
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ardchoillemeisam: There is an answer to that in the wiki tutorial for apache203:50
MarcMdavel: not certain, but i think something similar to03:50
ubotuapache2: next generation, scalable, extendable web server. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.55-4ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 35 kB, installed size 80 kB03:50
MarcMkillall -HUP (g,k,x)dm <-- "-HUP" will restart gdm, kdm, or xdm as appropriate ("gnome/kde/xfce display manager")03:50
meisamardchoille where is that would u give me the page?03:50
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:50
meisamardchoille thx :)03:50
ardchoillemeisam: There ya go :)03:50
Julepe79tell a spanish channel of ubuntu please03:51
xtknight!es | Julepe7903:51
ubotuJulepe79: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:51
ardchoillemeisam: I think it is near the bottom of the page in the "Trouble shooting" section03:51
meisamardchoille thanks man i try to find it03:51
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padge_What is glib?03:52
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glib - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:53
brianskiam i the only one whose /etc/cron.monthly/scrollkeeper freaks out with lots and lots of error messages ?03:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glibc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:53
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padge_That's a good one, eh? :)03:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libc5 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:54
brianskii think ubotu must be confused03:54
=== Trevinho [n=Trevi@host156-0-dynamic.6-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)03:54
mackinac!find glib03:54
ubotuFound: glibc-doc-reference, libarts1-mpeglib, libdbus-glib-1-2, libdbus-glib-1-dev, libglib-perl (and 35 others)03:54
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ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...03:54
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brianskisorry to repeat after the !flood, but... am i the only one whose /etc/cron.monthly/scrollkeeper freaks out with lots and lots of error messages ?03:55
brianski(related to unescaped XML entities)03:55
larson9999linux rocks03:55
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watson540Hi, does anyone in here have a lapto? The reason I ask is that I posted a rather intriguing post on the forums. A question about laptops and docking bays under linux. See I just bought an awesome lappy, except the video card sucks, uses shared memory. My propsed solution?? Get a docking bay with PCI slots in it, slap a better video card and tv tuner in the PCI slots and call it a desktop PC! of course the video card would only output to an externa03:55
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brianskiwatson540, what is your question? you can do that, same as when you were asking about that yesterday03:56
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ardchoillebrianski: You can also  /query ubotu  and do multiple bot searches there :)03:56
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ardchoillevarkatope: The bot is fat enough ;)03:57
padge_Is glib the GNU standard library for compiling programs?03:57
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padge_I'm trying to get an IDE installed... I've found Anjuta but it seems to need glib, which is not in the repositories, afaik03:58
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ardchoillepadge_: Anjuta is in the repos. If you install from the repos, it should pull in all the deps.03:59
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ubotuanjuta: A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.2-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1494 kB, installed size 3760 kB03:59
slippyr4anyone got a link for where to start with getting nvidia+xorg playing nicely?03:59
padge_ardchoille: That is where I got it.03:59
ardchoillepadge_: You did sudo apt-get install anjuta ?03:59
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padge_ardchoille: Negative.  I used synaptic package manager.04:00
ardchoillepadge_: What is the exact problem, then?04:00
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wimpiesanybody here that has setup a bluetooth network connection between a PDA and bluez ?04:01
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padge_ardchoille: When I try to create a project, it fails with an error that glib and libtool are needed.  I found libtool on the repositiry, but not glib.  And this is not the first time I've needed glib for something.  Also, gcc doesn't compile my programs right and I was thinking this might be related.04:01
padge_ardchoille: That's why I want a better understanding of what glib is, glibc, and the difference between them04:02
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mackinacdid it specify a version?04:03
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finalbetaAnyone has guide/repositories to get beryl 0.2rc2 to run on ATI fglrx?04:03
padge_mackinac: me?04:03
IdleOne!beryl | finalbeta04:03
ubotufinalbeta: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:03
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ardchoillepadge_: Have you installed build-essential ?04:04
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padgeardchoille: Never heard of it.  Checking...04:05
ardchoillepadge_: apt-cache policy build-essential04:05
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padge_ardchoille: Evidently I haven't, it's working now04:06
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ardchoillepadge_: You really should have build-essential installed if you're going to be coding04:06
padge_ardchoille: I did not know about that package.  I thought if I had a few things like, the C library, and a C compiler, I was ready to get going04:07
ardchoillepadge_: Almost ;)04:07
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padge_ardchoille: but moving to a more sophisticated environment like an IDE, I figreded if I just got what the program said I needed I'd be in the clear04:07
padge_ardchoille: Thanks for your help with that :)04:08
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ardchoillepadge_: You're welcome04:08
IdleOnehi Seracht04:08
padge_ardchoille: So, do you think those programs that I wrote that compile in g++ but not gcc will compile in gcc now?04:08
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IdleOnepadge, they should04:08
SerachtQuick question guys. I have a 320 and a 80gb hdd. Windows is on the 320 and I want to install ubuntu on the 80gb. How should I partition it?04:08
SerachtI am thinking 15 EMT3, 1 Swap Area, rest FAT3204:08
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padge_Seracht: Consider a swap partition to make up the difference between your physical RAM and 1.5 gigs04:09
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padge_Seracht: Oh, you said that :)04:09
Seracht1 gb for awap04:09
ardchoilleSeracht: The installer does a good job of partitioning , I've never had to mess with it when running the installer.04:09
Serachter swap04:09
dimeotaneI'm attempting to do a backup of my home directory, but tar says "tar: /home/dimeo/.contacts.dimeo: socket ignored"04:09
dimeotaneany idea WTF that means?04:10
Serachtdimeotane doesn't it make it all EMT3?04:10
fongcan anyone help me? i'm getting an error "Unable to install GRUB in (hd0,1)"04:10
charl_iemake sure to have a separate /home directory04:10
padge_Seracht: You might consider not putting any FAT32 on it04:10
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Serachtpadge_ I wanted it mainly for transferring media files over04:10
larson9999Seracht: why the fat32?04:10
Serachtfrom windows to ubuntu04:10
padge_Seracht: There's a much better way04:10
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charl_ieprovides a ext3 filesystem drive for windows04:11
dimeotaneSeracht:  what's EMT3?04:11
padge_Seracht: There's a driver for XP that allows you to read/write ext304:11
Serachtcharl_ie that is ext2 heh04:11
padge_Seracht: charl_ie is on the ball here :)04:11
Serachtis ext2 == ext3?04:11
charl_ie:). http://www.fs-driver.org/ still works for ext304:11
ardchoilleSeracht: ext2 = ext3+journal04:11
Serachtoh ok :)04:11
Serachtsorry, im a nub04:11
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padge_Seracht: I believe that the difference is transparant04:11
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larson9999yeah ext2.  if you make it ext3 and windows shuts down unexpectedly you have to fix it.04:12
ardchoilleSeracht: We all were at one time :)04:12
dimeotaneubuntu thrives on nOObs04:12
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Serachtso which option should I choose then04:12
SerachtI got the alternate cd04:12
dimeotanefastest growing linux distro04:12
Serachtfor AMD6404:12
Serachtwhen it asks for partitioning info04:12
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padge_Seracht: In my experience, I think that the driver doesn't journal its work, so when you mount it back up in linux, it freaks out and checks the filesystem, but never any major problems though04:12
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padge_dimeotane: Why are you here?04:13
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Serachtaight padge04:13
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padge_Seracht: aight. :)04:13
Serachtwhich parition option do you guys normally chose04:13
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Serachtbecause I cannot have 2 computers up at 1 time04:13
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Serachtonly 1 powercord/monitor04:14
padge_Seracht: I would do it like this04:14
padge_Seracht: You have your 320 set.  How much RAM do you have?04:14
Serachtoh I do not have the live cd btw04:14
Serachti have 1gb04:14
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Serachti ahve the alternate cd04:14
Serachtwhen I ran the live cd before...it wouldn't give a signal to my monitor lol04:14
larson9999Seracht: if you pick ext3 over ext2 do yourself a favor and print out or bookmark the forum posts about how to recover when windows borks the ext3.04:14
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Serachtlarson9999 heh ok04:15
Serachtso should I choose EXT2 then?04:15
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padge_Seracht: I would format the 80 gig drive with 79.5G EXT3 and the rest swap at the end of the drive04:15
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Serachtonly 500?04:15
SerachtI thought you said between 1 and 1.5 heh04:15
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larson9999Seracht: i would for that partition you plan to share with windows04:15
padge_Seracht: To make up the difference between your memory and 1.504:15
dimeotanepadge_:  I'll post my question again:   I'm attempting to do a backup of my home directory, but tar says "tar: /home/dimeo/.contacts.dimeo: socket ignored"04:15
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dimeotanewhat does that mean? how do I fix this?04:16
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ardchoilledimeotane: It's a socket, tar won't use it.. that's normal.04:16
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dimeotaneardchoille: can you elaborate?04:16
Serachtpadge ok :)04:16
charl_iei'd do 15gig ext3 for / 500mg swap and the rest ext2 for /home04:16
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turboloverhey guys04:16
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Serachthmm that seems like a good idea too04:17
dimeotanethe main problem is that tar doesn't complete the backup operation " tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors"04:17
brianskithe thing about that windows ext2 driver that scares me is what if you get a virus, it can wipe out or screw with files on your linux partition (it doesn't have a read only mode, or even look at access rights)04:17
padge_dimeotane: I'm actually no authority on linux.  I'm here for help myself.  I was being snarky when I asked because you made an off-color remark about Ubuntu and its users.04:17
turbolovermy machine was slow and i got it running alright, and now after several updates it seems to be running slow and somehow vmware got broken, any ideas04:17
LjLok, let us be back to ubuntu support please?04:17
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Serachtah crap I forgot what I was gonna say04:17
Serachtoh right04:17
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brianskidimeotane, tar still completes when you get that error. that's what it means by "exit delayed" - what they mean is the exit doesn't happen04:18
dimeotaneAcutally, I was being quiet enthusiastic about the fact that Ubuntu needs lots of new users !  It has become the fastest growing distro because... thats GOOD!04:18
Serachtso charl_ie for your idea 15 emt3, 500 swap, and rest emt204:18
Serachtwhat mountpoint and things should I use04:18
padge_charl_ie: Why ext2 for the remainder portion?04:18
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charl_iewindows mucking ext3 up04:18
dimeotanebrianski: so what your saying is that it doesn't quit.. it acutally finished the backup operation?04:18
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padge_charl_ie: That's a good precaution.04:18
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padge_Seracht: I agree with charl_ie.04:19
Serachtya I think I will do that04:19
e-vocrmorn, where does X log errors when not starting?04:19
Serachtjust question about mount point, primary vs logical04:19
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brianskidimeotane, it finished,but look thru the output. you probably got error messages about things like sockets not being added to the archive04:19
SerachtI don't know how to choose those04:19
ardchoilledimeotane: Very basically, you can consider a socket file to be part of the entire connection mechanism that two programs set up when they need to exchange information via a socket. A socket is kinda like a "temporary" file, tar doesn't need it and won't archive it.04:19
brianskiin general software that uses sockets like that will just re-create them and it's no problem04:19
|Kerberoshey folks, i am trying to install ubuntu on a ibm 300GL. The loader starts up fine, but then it seems to be taking a VERY long time to load the rest. The CD is continuing to spin and the hard drive to write, but it's been over 60 minutes and i am still at a black screen. Any ideas?04:19
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charl_iei have all my partitions primary04:20
padge_Seracht: I don't know.  But guessing without knowing I would go with primary :)04:20
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charl_ieyou can only have 4 primary partitions per hard drive04:20
Serachtok...i put logical last time lol04:20
Serachtah ok :)04:20
brianski|Kerberos, have you given the install cde any input at all?04:20
brianskiit's possible the install cd is just fubared04:20
Serachtso even the swap and emt2 should be primary :)04:20
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ardchoilledimeotane: a socket is not something you need to restore when you restore from a backup anyway04:20
|Kerberosnone. i ran a cd check and it said everything was fine.04:20
Serachthow about mount point04:20
|Kerberosi also tried the same cd on a 2.4Ghz, machine and it install fine as well.04:21
charl_ie15gig ext3 for /04:21
charl_ie500mb swap04:21
dimeotanewow... thanks guys... I guess I actually got the backup job done right and didnt' even know..  my kindof 'tar' program would give confirmation.. .such as "job completed 10m50s. 10mb/s04:21
charl_iethe rest for /home04:21
Serachtis / = root?04:21
Serachtoh ok04:21
padge_Seracht: I don't think it really matters.  Stick the ext2 part on /videos or something04:21
Serachtso /home is like another paritition kinda. is it under root?04:21
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padge_Seracht: Assuming videos is what you're moving around :)04:21
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Serachtor does ubuntu only have 1 root video04:21
Serachtroot folder04:22
ardchoilledimeotane: You can run tar with time:  time tar czf file.tar.gz   (time till tell you how long tar took)04:22
lincsuggestions for a bit torrent client?04:22
bulmerdimeotane: now all you need to find out is, if that back-up is good or not04:22
padge_Seracht: I think he's suggesting using the ext3 partition for /home and /usr and /var and all the linux stuff04:22
padge_Seracht: and /04:22
Serachtno I meant04:22
charl_ieuse the big ext2 partition for /home04:22
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Serachti will try it04:22
charl_ieits kind of like "My documents"04:22
larson9999padge: it does matter where home is.  you want it on a separate partition.04:23
padge_charl_ie: oooh, then keep the videos in his login's home directory somewhere04:23
Serachtok :)04:23
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padge_Assuming, again, that videos are what's being moved around :)04:23
Serachtalso will it install grub on my 320 (with windows) right away04:23
Serachtthe primary hdd04:23
charl_ieon your master boot record04:23
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Serachtso that is (hd0)04:24
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chrisanyone know where I can find libmysqlclient_r.so.10.0.0, I need a copy of this library.04:24
Serachteven if windows is installed on there?04:24
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padge_larson9999: Thanks.  I forget things like that.  My mind has been poisoned by microsoft's model of computing.  I'm used to the concept of "if the operating system goes, so does My Documents"04:24
larson9999Seracht: my normal recommendation for dual booting is to make the windwos drive the slave and the linux drive the primary.  it's not the only way to do it but i found by experience that it leads to fewer problems04:24
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|Kerberosany suggestions? ideas?04:25
larson9999padge_: yep, that's the reason.  should do the same in windows imo.04:25
Serachtlarson9999 I tried that last time04:25
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Serachtand windows wouldn't boot up04:25
derblubberubuntu feisty herd 4 crashes to a emergency shell with error from modprobe while all previous versions run well. can i fix this, in vmware it runs well04:25
SerachtIE: I installed windows on the 320 (Which was hd2), formatted hd1 and couldn't use windows again04:25
SerachtNTLDR was not found04:25
ardchoillechris: Likely one of the -dev packages for libmysqlclient04:26
padgeNo wonder my nick was padge_04:26
charl_ieserachti dont think grub was installed properly then04:26
Serachtcharl_ie it installed it on the primary I guess04:26
charl_ieit should work fine04:26
ompaul!fiesty | derblubber04:26
ubotuderblubber: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+104:26
Serachtand primary only had ubuntu04:26
mackinac|Kerberos:  how much ram?04:26
padgeIs there a good front end for setting up grub?04:27
larson9999Seracht: if you did that, the windows boot loader would have been totally intact and there shouldn't have been any issues.04:27
SerachtI tried adding it manually to the grub.lst but it couldn't find ntldr04:27
Serachtlarson9999 I think it is because I formatted the primary hdd (the 80)04:27
padgeI have like the past 5 kernels and their respective safe-modes on my grub menu, and I'd like to have them gone and the order changed04:27
Serachtso it lost the MBR04:27
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padgeand I don't really feel like digging around through a configuration file re-ordering a bunch of text04:27
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watson540remove them via apt Paavo04:27
larson9999Seracht: that wouldn't matter.  you could then just tell your bios to boot from the 2nd drive.04:27
watson540err.. padge04:27
|Kerberosmackinac: 192? I think. I'm pretty sure i had 3 - 64 sticks in there04:27
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mackinacmight be a problem04:28
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watson540padge - use synaptic04:28
Serachtlarson9999 hmmm.....I dunno man I tried that04:28
SerachtIE: I swapped the 320 and 8004:28
Serachtcouldn't find NTLDR04:28
SerachtI think I screwed something up04:28
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padgeWhat was I thinking?04:28
Serachtshould I choose yes here?04:28
Serachtor no04:28
watson540Seracht - umm yeah anytime youswitch the order of HD's that have os's on them, expect problems04:28
Serachtheh ya lol04:29
chrisardchoille: could you perhaps expand a bit, is there a way for me to search it out?04:29
Seracht>_> <_<04:29
jctyler1does anyone out therer know of a linux driver for a brother Multi-function center model722004:29
watson540:), ive been there man..m.any times04:29
Serachtwhatever learn with every mistake04:29
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charl_ieseracht: answer yes04:29
larson9999Seracht: but when you install linux it will see the windows drive and set up grub to boot it without messing with the windows boot loader.04:29
Serachtok charl_ie thanks04:29
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:29
|Kerberosoh, here we go, it's partially loading the GUI. Taking forever!04:29
jctyler1do you know where I could find such a thing04:29
mackinac|Kerberos:  you might squeek by with 192 ... sound like symtoms of when i tried with 128 (not enough)04:29
Serachtwatson540 ya, its juist a format....and I formatted earlier so I lost like...microsoft office and drivers haha04:29
larson9999Seracht: when you got that message which drive was windows on?  first or second?04:29
Serachtlarson9999 thats a pic i got from the weh04:29
Serachtso I didn't install ubuntu yet...again04:30
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Serachtpreviously, windows was on the second drive04:30
Serachtso it didn't even give me the mesage04:30
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Serachtalright larson9999, charl_ie, padge, and watson540. Thanks a lot for your help, I am going to try this. will come back if I have any problems04:31
|Kerberos128 isn't enough? what would you recommend?04:31
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Serachtoh wait 1 more question04:31
jctyler1i am looking for a linux driver for a Brother MFC-7220 printer/fax.  Does anyone know where one would be able to find such a thing?04:31
larson9999oh.  well, imo you want to get that message with windows as the 2nd drive :)04:31
Serachtif I install ubuntu, cna I still install KDE?04:31
padgeSeracht: Good luck :)04:31
Serachtcharl_ie and I can switch back and forth between them?04:32
charl_iesudo apt-get install kubuntu_desktop04:32
padgeSeracht: There's a package called Kubuntu04:32
Serachtpadge ya I know04:32
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Serachtbut I would like both04:32
mackinac|Kerberos:  192 *might* be enough - 256 would be fine04:32
Serachtso I can experience both04:32
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watson540Seracht - oh yes you could switch between them no problem04:32
charl_ieyou can switch back and forth04:32
Serachtok cool04:32
larson9999Seracht: yep and vice versa.  and most other linux apps.  'gnome' and 'kde' 'apps' is a bit of a misnomer.  you can use apps for one in another04:32
padgeSeracht: I installed it, and now I get to choose my environment.  It's slick.04:32
Serachtalright going to try this04:33
Serachtthanks again04:33
padgeSeracht: But I stayed with gnome.  I got enough of KDE with Knoppix :)04:33
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=== watson540 prefers aspects of both, buit I always go back to kde
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padgewatson540: I looked, but I don't see anything like what I'm looking for.  Does that mean my trail has hit an end?04:34
svgjctyler1: I HAVE A 722004:34
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watson540padge - heck no, did you search for 'kernel' in synaptic?04:34
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Matteo_Mhi there04:34
padgewatson540: I wonder about repositories... Is there a way to add to the list of repositories with Synaptic?04:34
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svgyou can dowload al drivers from brother04:34
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svgthey even have deb packages04:35
Matteo_Mhow can I get the ubuntu livecd??04:35
padgewatson540: I have before... but I wasn't looking for a grub front-end at the time04:35
watson540padge - yes you can, but you dont need to ADD repo's to REMOVE packages :)04:35
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bulmerMatteo_M: downloaded them from ubuntu site04:35
padgewatson540: Well I'm not really ... OH04:35
cmp1988Matteo_M: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/GetUbuntu/download?action=show&redirect=download04:35
watson540padge - when you remove those old kernels via synaptice or apt, they will automagically update your menu.1st file which is what tells grub what and where your kernels are04:35
dahoopleIs it OK to ask a ? about feisty on this channel?04:35
padgewatson540: I don't really want to remove the kernels from my computer04:35
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drivera90General tech question. When I'm recording a CD and I want it to be readable in like, a car stereo, can I just burn it as a data CD with all the songs in it, or must I burn it as an audio CD? What is the difference?04:36
Matteo_MI dont find the livecd iso, everyone works also as livecd?04:36
padgewatson540: I just want to change what options I have and what order they appear in04:36
watson540padge - I thought you said that IS what you wanted, in any case you dont need them especially if you dont have them in your grub menu04:36
mackinacMatteo_M:  desktop04:36
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charl_ieMatteo_M: install CD == live CD04:36
drivera90Serpentine fills its capacity based on length of tracks instead of size of data, so it gets full really quickly.04:36
Matteo_Mthanks you04:36
cmp1988Matteo_M: Don't download the Alternate Install04:36
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watson540padge to change what and where, edit /boot/grub/menu.1st04:36
charl_iemake sure its the desktop04:36
padgewatson540: I suppose you're right, if I haven't needed the last 6 minor releases of the kernel so far, I probably won't :)04:37
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padgewatson540: So basically yeah, I'm going to have to dig around in a configuration file :)04:37
padgewatson540: No pretty front-end04:37
watson540padge - afaik not for just editing the optins of grub although i may be wrong,,,coulda swore there WAS a gui ap out there for editing such things04:38
ardchoillepadge: Always best to keep at least two kernels. There was recently a kernel problem in Dapper that  wouldn't allow us to upgrade and fix something that went wrong in the kernel package.04:38
meihi guys sorry im trying to start or restart the apache2 but it gives me an error here : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6236/04:38
watson540might want to search the forums04:38
larson9999heck, they all look alike to me04:38
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dahoopleUsing minicom in edgy eft with a USB to serial dongle I chose serial "port" /dev/ttyUSB0.  That no longer appears in /dev.  Any advice?04:39
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padgeardchoille: I will keep the next most recent kernel then.  But I also want to move other options... Well, I used to want to put Windows XP at the top of the list, but now I really don't :)  However, I do want to change the timeout settings and stuff like that04:39
Frogzoodahoople: has it moved to /dev/ttyUSB104:40
ardchoillepadge: Yeah, I made some changes to mine too.04:40
cmp1988When I edit my /boot/grub/menu.lst to take out a useless entry, should I just delete what it is?04:40
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cmp1988like after a kernel update04:40
dahoopleFrogzoo:  Sorry.  My cut 'n' paste missed that I was using feisty now and that it had dissappeared.04:40
fonghelp, should there be a /boot directory?04:40
fonginstallation is not yet complete btw.04:40
cmp1988let install complete04:40
lastnodefong, yes, there is generally a /boot dir04:41
padgewatson540: ardchoille: One thing I'm wondering about.  right now I'm running 2.4.something for the K7, and the update notifier wants me to get 2.6.something, but it's all for the i38604:41
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padgewatson540: ardchoille: How much performance difference is there for having your kernel compiled for a processor that has been out less than two decades?04:41
Frogzoodahoople: does tail -f /var/log/messages pick up the dongle on insert?04:41
fongi'm having problems with completing the installation, as i got an error in the GRUB installation... it states unable to install GRUB in (hd0,1)04:41
watson540padge - nah dont get that.. ibelieve the 'generic' kernel now is for all arch's?04:41
Enselic``Is it safe to simply dpkg -r after dpkg -i with a compiled 2.6.20 kernel?04:42
dahoopleFrogzoo:  <head slap!>  Good call.  Not enough caffeine this AM.  Will check.04:42
watson540you should have been using 2.6 all along anyway ":) 2.4 is ancient04:42
ardchoillepadge: I'm not a good one to help with that because I have always just let the pm handle the kernel.04:42
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ubotuBackground to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)04:42
lastnodepadge, it's for i386, i686 <-- those are merged to -generic04:42
vasseri want to install some sort of a linux distrebution as a server, which one should i use ?04:42
lastnodewhat ubotu said04:42
watson540padge - I believe you willl be ok if you get the 'generic' or 'i686'04:42
vasser(it doesn't need to have X in it)04:42
Enselic``vasser: try Ubuntu Server04:42
lastnodevasser, you'd expect us to say ubuntu, and we generally will.04:42
ardchoillelastnode: Ah, thanks. I didn't know that.04:43
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lastnodevasser, though, to be fair, debian is an excellent choice too.04:43
vasserEnselic``: will i be able to tell it not to install X ?04:43
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padgewatson540: That's another question I was going to ask.  What processor has come out in the last decade that doens't support i686 instructions?  Can't we call i686 compatible enough?04:43
Enselic``vasser: I gues04:43
Frogzoovasser: probably dapper LTS04:43
watson540padge - yes..and very safely at that :)04:43
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vasserand install disc that will allow me to install via ssh ?04:43
lastnodevasser, the server doesnt install x by default04:43
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padgewatson540: So why are they putting out i386 builds? :)04:44
watson540padge - cause linux supports ALL machgines :) people in ethiopia might not be able to afford that new dual core :)04:44
padgeI mean, I would get an i386 build if I were using a pentium or something04:44
lastnodepadge, here in sri lanka, a lot of people are still using old pentiums04:44
lastnodethat's the great thing about linux, choice04:45
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ardchoillepadge: I use Ubuntu on a PII04:45
padgeardchoille: You've got 686 instructions then04:45
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ardchoillepadge: Yes04:45
watson540686 goes down to P104:45
padgewatson540: P Pro04:45
watson540ah.. though p1 preceded p pro04:46
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AdyethsI"m having a strange problem with my printer now. Not sure where to go to find the answer. I can print SOME stuff, such as plain text files, but other stuff such as pdf or postscript files I am completely unable to print. Up until yesterday I was able to print them. Anyone here who might know what I can do to correct this problem or find out what caused it?04:46
padgewatson540: The P1 and P1 w/mmx didn't have i686 instructions04:46
ghatakHi guys, suggest a similar player to XMMS or better  ...... :)04:46
Enselic``ghatak: Banshee04:46
ardchoilleghatak: Beep Media Player?04:46
padgewatson540: It does, but the P Pro was the first chip to do i686 instructions04:46
watson540padge - I coulda swore they were all 686's when it got to pentium but maybe you're referring to the short lived 585, its been so long ago sinc eI had that old 486/66 DX :)04:47
Frogzoo!audacious | ghatak04:47
ubotughatak: A !repository for the Audacious audio player now exists: see http://audacious-media-player.org/Downloads04:47
watson540err.. 58604:47
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 2.6.20 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:47
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild04:47
padgewatson540: That is an i586 :)  And it really wasn't that short lived04:47
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padgewatson540: aha, sucker!  I had a DX4-100 :)04:47
watson540it seems short lived in hindsight, but of cours ei was only about 14 at the time as well :)04:47
ghatakFrogzoo: have use it, XMMS can do that all :)04:48
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watson540padge - hey I still have an old Tandy 8088 sitting down here in my basement :) complete with CGA screen!04:48
watson540surely it'll be worth some douigh someday :) heh04:48
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padgewatson540: CoCo 3.  6 feet away ready to hook up :)04:48
ardchoillewatson540: Wowsers!04:48
watson540padge - heh, my tandy still even plays chessmaster 3k lol04:49
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dahoopleFrogzoo:  from /var/log/messages it IS still /dev/ttyUSB0.  Here is oupput:  usb 1-2: usbfs: interface 0 claimed by ftdi_sio while 'brltty' sets config #104:49
dahoopleftdi_sio ttyUSB0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now disconnected from ttyUSB004:49
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padgewatson540: Computers and chess is funny.  So can it whip you every time?04:49
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kane77how do I make some network service available (eg webserver)? (there is something like hosts allow but I cant remember where)04:49
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padgewatson540: On the 3rd difficulty setting of 13, the NES takes about 45 seconds to my 5 minutes per turn, and beats me.04:50
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charl_iehi bigbang1404:50
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bigbang14how can i disable my login screen and logo auto?04:50
watson540padge - heh, the NES is no 'deep blue' :)04:50
watson540I would probably get beat quicker though :)04:51
charl_iesystem > administration > login windows04:51
padgewatson540: and I'm clearly no Kasparov :)04:51
watson540padge - eheh, noted04:51
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padgewatson540: The NES is some crappy chip... a 6809 I think, clocked at 1.4MHz with 2kb of working RAM04:52
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padge6809 modified04:52
watson5402K of ram! wow.04:52
charl_iebigbang14: then go to the security tab, then check enable timed login04:52
charl_iethen select the user and the delay04:52
bigbang14charl_ie: cheers04:52
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bigbang14charl_ie: what about automatic login?04:54
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charl_ielogs in straight away i presume04:55
MoonAngelssh key04:55
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cmp1988Which kernel is Feisty gonna be using? The latest 2.6.20?04:59
crickhi all! anyone knows how to transfer files between sony-ericsson k300i and PC via irda?05:00
zythcrick, the usb works fine for that phone (I have one)05:00
zythand its faster too05:00
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BigMachey how would I go about making a backup of xorg.conf05:01
p01n7is there a channel for server specific help?05:01
zythBigMac, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak05:01
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crick4zyth, I have a belkin usb irda and I want to connect my k300i with it05:01
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[jonne] hi, i screwed up royally, and i can't get X to work any more. How do I reset everything? tty is nice and all, but a gui would be better ;)05:01
zythcrick, ahh.  Couldn't tell you, I don't use irda, slooooowwww.05:01
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Frogzoocmp1988: => 2.6.2005:02
[jonne] I'm using the livecd now05:02
charl_ie[jonne] : did you try init 305:02
[jonne] init 3  ?05:02
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howlingmadhowiejonne: how about checking to see if gdm is running? ps aux | grep gdm05:02
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crickI have installed irda-utils & openobx-apps but I don't know how to configure it05:03
[jonne] gdm is running, but x gives an error when it tries to start05:03
Frogzoohas anyone compared 16 bit & 32bit pcmcia to CF converters, and is there much of a difference05:03
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howlingmadhowiejonne: start by killing gdm05:03
daveRhow can i install fonts such as verdana and arial on ubuntu? where can i get them from too?05:03
howlingmadhowiejonne: have you been playing with xorg.conf?05:03
Frogzoo!fonts | daveR05:03
[jonne] yes, a lot05:03
ubotudaveR: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer05:03
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howlingmadhowiejonne: what are you trying to do? install a graphic driver?05:04
desphi all05:04
[jonne] and i'd like to run whatever ubuntu did when i initially installed it05:04
despsomething wrong happend with me05:04
despi cant access as root05:04
howlingmadhowiejonne: you may have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup or similar05:04
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howlingmadhowiedesp: doesn't sudo work?05:04
[jonne] the latest kernel update broke beryl and the nvidia driver05:04
[jonne] and i was trying to fix that05:04
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howlingmadhowiejonne: oops.05:05
despdesp is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported05:05
howlingmadhowiejonne: which nvidia driver are you using? nv or nvidia?05:05
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despI changed user/group the i got the problem05:05
Frogzoodesp: reboot to recovery mode & add yourself back to the admin group05:05
despiam not admin05:05
[jonne] it tried both, they both don't work05:05
Frogzoodesp: bingo05:05
howlingmadhowiejonne: strange that nv doesn't work05:05
Dheeraj_ki miss these feature a lot in ubuntu :( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFQ7ivaXXEU&NR and this is important http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFQ7ivaXXEU&NR05:06
howlingmadhowiejonne: what card have you got?05:06
chriswho knows the 3 letter command to show your working directory, I can't for the life of me remember it?05:06
[jonne] isn't there an easy command to run whatever the installer/liveCD ran?05:06
howlingmadhowiechris: pwd05:06
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chrishowlingmadhowie: lol, ty05:06
howlingmadhowiejonne: there is something, let me have a look:05:06
[jonne] or even better, could i copy xorg.conf from the liveCD (which I'm running now) to /etc/X11/05:06
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lenyHi channel. Does anyone know how to get AUCTeX mode working in xemacs21 on Edgy?05:07
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[jonne] i mean /media/etc/X11/, as that's where i mounted my old FS05:07
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shivHow do I get xchat to autojoin channels on connect?05:07
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vasseris the server install cd starts in gui ?05:07
vassercuz i need one in text05:08
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howlingmadhowiei'm not sure how live cds work. it's possible there isn't a real xorg.conf on there, but it gets made when you start the cd05:08
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[jonne] vasser: no05:08
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vasseror some install cd that even allows ssh install05:08
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basehello i  need help with ubuntu05:08
[jonne] that's what i mean, that xorg.conf should at least work, right?05:08
peegycan i move the harddrive with ubuntu installed on it to another computer and it would work?05:08
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howlingmadhowiejonne: there is a program called nvidia-xconfig05:09
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bulmerpeegy: with exact hardware..yes05:09
ysop@peggy if the other comp has the same hardware, then yes05:09
erUSULpeegy: it should boot it in recovery mode and reconfigure X05:09
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peegyand what if the hardware isnt the same?05:09
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erUSULysop: no need to be the same hardware all the people that uses ubuntu uses the same kernel and drivers05:09
howlingmadhowiejonne: what card have you got? nvidia stopped supporting my card a few releases back05:09
chris[jonne] : your aware anytime your kernel changes you have to reinstall the nvidia drivers, have you tried envy?>05:10
[jonne] i tried envy, and it didn't work05:10
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hossasaurhello, i'm having troubles with vista/ubuntu dual boot05:10
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[jonne] i tried both beta and stable05:10
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howlingmadhowiejonne: what graphicscard have you got?05:10
basehello can anyone help me05:10
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chris[jonne] : looks like you got to do it the old fashioned way then, just pretend you never had any drivers installed, because you basically have to re-do the nvidia drivers once your kernel has changed05:11
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Adyethsok, now I'm really confused. I have SOME pdf documents that I can print. But I have others that will not print no matter what I try. they show up in the print queue. But they are stopped and will not start. Does anyone have any idea how to figure out what the problem is?05:11
=== gonator [n=asdf01@pD9E9C3C4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:11
howlingmadhowiejonne: so download the driver from nvidia.com and install it per hand...05:11
=== luna6 [n=luna6@ip68-14-110-43.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
novicecan anyone help me to install 3dchess.deb file which is in my HDD05:11
hossasauri installed vista first, then ubuntu.  vista didn't like grub on its mbr, and i accidentally resized the ntfs partition.  so, i formatted and reinstalled vista.  i'd like to re-configure grub. i'm reading a quick guide, but it suggests to put grub on hd0, and says that should be the drive where linux is located.  in my case, that's the partition vista is located.05:11
hossasaurany ideas?05:12
[jonne] i just want it to work with the nv driver ;)05:12
watson540novice - dpkg -i file.deb05:12
lenynovice  use the command sudo dpkg -i 3dchess.deb05:12
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howlingmadhowiejonne: it's strange that it doesn't. have you gone through xorg.conf cutting out the extra sections the nvidia configuration script puts in?05:12
watson540hossasaur - for one i can tell you windows likes to be on the first partition of the first drive05:12
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vox754peegy: the important thing is to install all necessary "drivers". Your Ubuntu install may have all the necessary drivers to make it work as you say; if it doesn't work, then you need to twitch the system.05:12
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lenybase: perhaps fire away05:13
watson540hossasaur - other than that just type 'grub-install /dev/hd0'05:13
novicewatson: y can't we use sudo apt-get install file.deb??05:13
Miloschwhat is the RightWay to get xorg sources for ubuntu?05:13
watson540novice - you can, essentially they both do the same thing, apt uses dpkg :)05:13
vox754hossasaur: I don't think many Ubuntu people have rushed to the stores to buy Vista to dual boot...05:13
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[jonne] howlingmadhowie: i copied the liveCD xorg.conf file over my old one. I'll try it this way05:13
novicewatson:but its showing some error when i use dat command05:13
[jonne] need to reboot now05:13
watson540vox754 - heh, i second that.05:14
chrisvox754: heh :)05:14
watson540novice - what is the error?05:14
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brannis there a way to tell gnome not to decorate a specific window (i.e. no title bar at all for this window)05:14
ysopvox754: roflmao05:14
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vox754watson540, chris, ysop : thank you. Just my opinion.05:14
chrisbrann: try #gnome05:14
novicewatson:"couldn't find dat package"05:15
chris!vista | hossasaur05:15
ubotuhossasaur: vista is the new operating system by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org05:15
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padgeI'm having some trouble getting new window manager themes05:15
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Miloschi.e. I want to compile the ivtv xdriver and need sources, but want to be sure it will load with my currently install xorg05:15
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padgeI've downloaded some 'gtk-engines-whatever' theme packages... Is there something else I have to do to get them to appear in my list of themes?05:16
Adyethsdoes anyone have any idea how to fix this printing problem that I'm having?05:16
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Frogzoopadge: drag them into theme manager to install them05:17
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vox754Adyeths, I'm sorry. I've got no clue.05:17
novicewatson:"couldn't find package 3dchess_0.8.1-11_i386.deb05:17
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basehello can any one help me ?05:17
Adyethsthanks vox75405:17
lenybase: Perhaps I can?05:17
padgeFrogzoo: Well, I downloaded them using the synaptic package manager... It didn't tell me where it put them.  Since it didn't I figured it did the work for me :|05:17
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:17
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ookamiHi, In windows my drive partition shows as fat32, in linux fdisk reports it beeing fat 16. wtf? how do i make SURE linux will write at it as fat32? ...05:18
basei am trying to install ubuntu in my laptop05:18
Frogzoopadge: oh that's different05:18
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k31thwats the latest stable release atm ?05:18
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novice!info installing .deb files05:18
lenybase: What sort of laptop what sort of CD?05:18
ubotuPackage installing does not exist in edgy05:18
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ookamiin short, how do i change a fat16 to fat32 in linux?05:19
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hossasaurubotu: i actually prefer vista to linux05:19
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k31thhossasaur: lol you troll05:19
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maquivexwho speack sapish?05:19
basei have an hp pavilion dv 5000 and i have the live cd05:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:19
maquivexsorry spanish05:19
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.05:19
padgeFrogzoo: So I went and got one and used the theme manager's install dialog and browsed to it... it opened it and said that everything was great and that it could now be selected from the list05:19
padgeFrogzoo: except... it's not on the list.05:19
=== GMWeezel [n=james@adsl-75-23-38-240.dsl.lgvwtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:19
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell05:19
mindstatehey everyone..i used mdf2iso to convert a .mdf to a iso file..once i get the iso i try to mount it..and i get some weird errors05:19
GMWeezelCan a windows screensaver be run in Linux with WINE?05:20
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ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome05:20
maquivexgracias ubotu05:20
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.05:20
novice!.deb files05:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about deb files - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:20
mjrGMWeezel, probably, of course depends if it hits any Wine bugs05:20
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padgeFrogzoo: oh, wait.05:20
vox754ookami, seem odd. Try giving more info. What WIndows?05:20
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes05:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fesity - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:20
mjrGMWeezel, not sure if you can integrate them with the xscreensaver framework very easily, tho05:20
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ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+105:20
GMWeezelmjr: Thought so because if I remember right, windows screensavers are just EXEs with a different extension.05:21
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mjrGMWeezel, that's correct05:21
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ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:21
vox754maquivex, you have any specific question?05:21
lenybase: Go  ahead what does or does not happen, or are you wanting a walk-through?05:21
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:21
maquivexmmm si redes05:21
mindstatehey everyone..i used mdf2iso to convert a .mdf to a iso file..once i get the iso i try to mount it..and i get some weird errors . "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, ..."05:21
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ookamivox754, in windowsXP my drive reports as fat32... in in ubuntu 6.06 it shows as fat16 (according to fdisk -l).... Id like to make sure both OS see this partition as fat32.05:21
=== bigbang14 [n=pattuzzi@88-106-205-238.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
baseleny: i it just froze in 64 % and didint continue05:22
Mattiashow can i make update application ignore some specefic applications to not get downgraded/upgraded?05:22
midohello every body05:22
=== cyphase is going to install warty warthog in a virtual machine
padgeFrogzoo: Nevermind.  Thanks anyway, though05:22
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novicei used the command dpkg -i to install 3dchess .... wat is the next command to complete the installation05:23
despI cant change the user and login as admin05:23
vox754ookami: Is there a real problem with that, or just curious? I think that it may be FAT16, though I'm gonna check how to find out.05:23
despwhat can i do05:23
lenybase: how long did you leave it for?05:23
Paddy_EIREfor some reason my "caps lock" key has stopped working in ubuntu05:23
despi cant use sudo05:23
mindstatenovice: it should be installed05:24
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Chousukedesp: Why?05:24
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despi changed my user name05:24
novicemindstate: it's showing setting up 3dchess...... but afterwards it shows nothing05:24
despthen i coldnt log in as admin05:24
maquivexred window from Ubuntu?05:24
vox754ookami: My only thought right now is that you try some partitioning program like GParted so you can view graphically your partitions. Maybe you get more info with that.05:24
Chousukehow did you change it?05:24
despcant even use sudo commnds05:25
Chousukewhat kind of error does it give you?05:25
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despdesp is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.05:25
ChousukeI see05:25
unopdesp,  how did you "change" your username-- did you create a new user or modify your user's name?05:25
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ookamivox754, if im correct fat16 does not handle continuous files larger than 4gb? ... and fat32 does?... i could be wrong. i dont want such limitations but i want to keep share between lin and win. i do Anime music video editing (large files)05:26
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hottiwhat file is used to set dns-addresses?05:26
vox754maquivex: seems you are having a hard time with the diccionario. Well, let me tell you that I haven't tried setting a network connection between Windows and Ubuntu, so I can't give you specific details.05:26
unopdesp,  what does the "id" command return?05:26
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chrishotti: /etc/network/interfaces05:26
unophotti,  /etc/resolv.conf05:26
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chrisunop: oops05:26
bigbang14im get this from quicktime movie "(no video)" and and a black patch where the video should be. any ideas?05:26
despsudo -i05:26
ookamivox745, gparted just hangs when i try running it... it stays at "scanning" .... and "disk" wont list under administrative.05:26
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:27
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donatello1how do i adjust keyboard detection settings?05:27
hottiunop: but everytime i boot my computer i get the old dns instead of my isp's :/05:27
vox754ookami, NO. You are wrong. FAT32 only supports up to 4 GB, FAT16 supports even less. So, unless you have and old DOS3.0 install, you probably you have FAT32.05:27
novicecan anyone help me to install .deb files05:27
mindstatenovice: try installing 3dchess via synaptic ..its there05:27
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unophotti,  do you get an IP address from a router?05:27
Mattiaswhere is the ubuntu blacklist for apps synaptic should just ignore?05:27
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ookamiAH! i see. thanks vox754. that clears that up05:28
mindstatehey everyone..i used mdf2iso to convert a .mdf to a iso file..once i get the iso i try to mount it..and i get some weird errors . "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, ..."05:28
unophotti,  in otherwords .. is your IP address DHCP based?05:28
novicemindstate: i tried dat way also ....... it shows installed..... where shld i see05:28
hottiunop: yes05:28
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about logitech - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:28
mindstatenovice: type 3dchess in the terminal see if that works05:28
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ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add  blacklist <modulename>  to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type  sudo update-initramfs -u 05:28
unophotti,  you should be able to rectify this from the router then05:28
ubotuIf you really don't wish to see the messages from a particular person on IRC, you can use /ignore nickname05:29
=== Dieu is now known as x-Dieu
donatello1novice, you can install .deb files with the command dpkg -i <package name>05:29
drivera90Does anyone know how to split text onto two columns in Open Office's Word Processor?05:29
{Nathan}How do I install the "x.org development/sdk package for my distribution"? I am running edgy eft.05:29
Mattias!downgrades updates05:29
vox754ookami, take a look at this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FAT16 Also, if you want to share folders, you can use ext3. Nowadays there is a plugin for WinXP that reads ext3. I haven't used it, though.05:29
mindstateMattias: /msg ubotu05:29
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Mattiasmindstate: doesnt matter, that boot gives irrelevant answers05:29
unophotti,  you should be able to configure your router to provide clients with DNS servers from the ISP or a list your provide05:29
mindstateMattias: then stop asking it questions :)05:29
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novicemindstate: can u temme the exact code...05:29
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noviceto run it in terminal05:30
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Mattiasmindstate: do you know where the blacklist for synaptic is? like ignore an app from getting into that update app (upgraded an application manually because of old repos) now it tries to downgrade05:30
mindstatenovice: to install a .deb file "sudo dpkg -i file.deb" ..works fine when i do it05:30
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Dr_willisof course that wont install all the dependencies.05:30
njerohey all, I was trying to help my cousin setup a split boot on his Dell Dimension. I read some horror stories last night about the DELL partition. Anyone have good links or advice before I proceed?05:30
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mindstateMattias: no i dont..sorry dude05:31
noviceafter showing setting up 3dchess ........ it strucks there05:31
Dr_willisnjero,  may be a VERY good idea to track down a 2nd hd for him to install and boot from.05:31
ivxnjero, the only thing is that windows backup partition05:31
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vox754njero, I've read them too. Hopefully I don't own one. I think there is plenty of info in the forums.05:31
Dr_willisive heard stories about dell and their cost cutting methods..05:31
atomikuLjL you here?05:31
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:31
ubotuFor help with enabling the TV-Out, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition (Nvidia cards) or http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Tvout (ATI cards, *untested*)05:31
mindstatenovice: just play 2d chess lol05:31
Dr_willislets use up a large % of the users hd...  just to make our life easier.05:31
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ivxnjero, i would back up all files, then install windows from a real windows disk, then do ubuntu05:32
ardchoilleDr_willis: The first thing I do with a hd like that is repartition the whole thing05:32
novicemindstate:k... thanx dude.....05:32
silyaHi all! When I login on my PC through vnc xfce4session starts, but then "Keyboard layout Switcher" disappears and I add him by hand again. What is the problem?05:32
njeroyikes... okay... it is hard to ignore that advice...05:32
ivxnjero, actually, i would just skop windows, but you know05:32
njerome too :)05:32
donatello1how do i adjust keyboard detection settings?05:32
njerobut Cedega+Wow is not to his liking :)05:32
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njeroivx, Dr_willis... thanks...05:33
=== Dr_willis gave up on WoW - irc is more rewarding.
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unopMattias,  this ought to help pin packages at a particular version : http://people.debian.org/~osamu/downgrade.html05:33
ivxnjero, np05:33
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ardchoilleDr_willis: lol05:33
Dr_willisplus i dont get Pkilled..05:33
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=== Dr_willis sits in a channel waiting for a named beast to respawn....
{Nathan}Dr_willis: I wish I could get my friends to do the same05:33
njeroWhen you start getting /kick'ed though...05:33
Mattiasunop: odd thing is wxpython 2.8 is stable and should be in the repos05:33
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DanZhey, im a newb. I just did "sudo aptitude install xserver-xgl". how do I get into the xgl window manager now?05:33
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{Nathan}njero: We still respawn05:34
Dr_willisall my 'friends' are playing vanguard right now.. my PC aint got enough power to play it.. plus its by SONY.. plus its $50 so *#*@&*@ the game05:34
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:34
Una^Hey, I am trying to get a core dump to debug a segfault in my program but I don't seem to be able to find it... I have set ulimit -c unlimited but it still does not seem to be creating the dump. Any ideas?05:34
donatello1 how do i adjust keyboard detection settings?05:34
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kentis there problems with nvidia-legacy in feisty? I get this from running glxgears: http://pastebin.com/883044    and glxinfo core dumps.05:34
mindstatehey everyone..i used mdf2iso to convert a .mdf to a iso file..once i get the iso i try to mount it..and i get some weird errors . "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, ..."05:34
vox754Una^, wow that's something I don't read very often. I'm sorry I can't help you.05:34
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unopMattias,  what do you mean "stable" in reference to -- that could be a debian term to differentiate between their testing, unstable and stable distros (like dapper, edgy feisty on ubuntu)05:35
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ivxmindstate, what command did you use05:35
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donatello1how do i adjust keyboard detection settings?05:35
njeroDr_willis, ivx: I once hacked out the ntldr to do a split boot without grub. That might be another option. I wonder does 6.10 allow you to install without grub?05:35
__doc__hi, I've got a dell inspiron 1100 and a us robotics maxg usb wireless adapter, how do I make that work on ubuntu?05:35
Una^vox754, heh no worries ill ask elsewhere05:35
Mattiasunop: latest stable from wxPython's own site, which is version
mindstateivx:  sudo mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop0 <ISO_File> <Mount_Point>05:35
Mattiasunop: also the applications i use needs it, or they do not work05:36
vox754donatello1, you want to switch layouts?05:36
ivxnjero, i have never seen an option to not install it, don't know for sure05:36
Dr_willisnjero,  i just use a 2nd hd.. and use the bios boot options to boot that hd.. that way windows never gets touched at all.05:36
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donatello1mindstate: How do i change my keyboard format?05:36
ivxmindstate, specify the file system in there, prolly ext305:36
njerookay... sounds saner... :)05:36
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ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn05:36
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mindstatedonatello1: system --> preferences --> keyboard05:37
donatello1vox754: no my keyboard is not correctly detected.. i cant print the double quote character05:37
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{Nathan}I'm in gnome, and I have KDE installed. How do I switch to it?05:37
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mindstateivx: ok ill try that05:37
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ivxmondstate, i don't know for sure though, but i got there error when i didn't have that paremeter once05:37
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findetonhi there05:38
mindstateivx: can't hurt to try it..brb05:38
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unopMattias,  what is the name of the package again?05:39
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vox754__doc__, browse your hardware here http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/List05:39
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donatello1mindstate: i can print a sort of double quote by pressing shift+comma+comma05:40
unopMattias,  err, full name i.e. -- dpkg -l | grep -i wxpython05:40
Mattiasunop: all related to wxPython is libwxbase, libwxgtk, python-wxgtk, python-wxversion, they try to update to version 2.6 which is from 1 year ago or something05:40
donatello1mindstate: changeing the layout did not help05:40
opshldshello all. I'm trying to do a multi boot of xp and dapper drake (alt install ) with 3 hard drives. Xp is already installed. Could anyone hook me up with some grub settings for the menu.lst and how i should set it up to install from my harddrive?05:40
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vox754donatello1, I think you can select different keyboards from "gnome-keyboard-properties"05:40
mindstatedonatello1: sounds dumb, but maybe ur keyboard is dirty05:40
Mattiasunop: update -> downgrade i mean05:40
TiakoDoes anyone use Folding at Home?05:40
findetoni've got this problem: i'm trying to compile a program called gtkguitune in ubuntu but i can't. When running ./configure it says i need to have installed Qt (>= Qt 3.0.1) (headers and libraries). The funny thing is that I've got installed libqt3-headers version 3.3.305:40
donatello1mindstate: no its not.. all keys work well in windows (my comps dual booting)05:41
findetonit says: "checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0.1) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!"05:41
howlingmadhowiedonatello: where are you clicking for the double quote?05:41
mindstatefindeton: i think it needs the dev files05:41
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donatello1howlingmadhowie: i am using shift+comma+comma05:42
donatello1howlingmadhowie: and get this: 05:42
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mindstatethats weird05:42
howlingmadhowiedonatello: what do you get with shift+2?05:42
opshldsi'm a newbie in linux and i'm not quite ready to drop windows05:42
DextorionAaawww...  stuffed of pancakes!!!05:43
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donatello1howlingmadhowie: i get @05:43
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{Nathan}findeton: You have the headers, but I think you still need the libraries. Search packages.ubuntu.org for them.05:43
findetonmindstate: which dev files?05:43
mindstateopshlds: sometime u gotta just jump into it05:43
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vox754__doc__, your card seems to be under the U in the ndiswrapper list. It has a broadcom chipset so chances are it may work with a native driver.05:43
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findetonthanks {Nathan} i'll try05:43
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donatello1Dr_willis: thats a kind of double quote i get... does not seem proper... ()05:43
howlingmadhowiedonatello: what sort of keyboard have you got? us american?05:43
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findetoni've got libqt4-dev installed05:44
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mindstatefindeton: then try wuth {Nathan} said05:44
ubotuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV05:44
donatello1howlingmadhowie: i think so.. looks like all other keyboards... (has a dollar ($) no euro)05:44
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howlingmadhowiedonatello: what happens when you click shift+'05:45
findeton{Nathan}:  nor that one :P i'll try what u said05:45
donatello1howlingmadhowie: it does not print anything05:45
findetoni've got libqt3-dev installed05:45
baboThis is really, really, really annoying. Something keeps pressing the mouse button. My caret keeps jumping up to the cursor point. It's not me. I'm not touching it...05:45
opshldsWould anyone know why my system would reboot just after loading initrd going into the install?05:45
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:46
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howlingmadhowiedonatello: just to make sure we're talking about the same thing, ' is the key to the right of enter05:46
howlingmadhowiedonatello: oops, left of enter :)05:46
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donatello1howlingmadhowie: it is to the left...05:46
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donatello1howlingmadhowie: we are talking about the same thing... sorry about the confusion with the comma05:47
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howlingmadhowiedonatello: what do you usually click to get double quotes?05:47
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[{-Thanatos] }-Hi there ubuntu gods. I just downloaded and installed my first linux distro. Of course, it was ubuntu. Anyone have a couple minutes for some noobish questions?05:47
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:48
donatello1howlingmadhowie: in windows i just type shift+(apostrophe)05:48
mindstatewow another person from nyc..hiya Winter_Nyc05:48
[{-Thanatos] }-Ok, thanks05:48
=== speedwolf [n=chatzill@82-45-18-77.cable.ubr05.stav.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
[{-Thanatos] }-I have 2 physical hard drives05:48
donatello1now i have a very ugly apostrohe (got by typeing shift+apostrophe+apostrophe)05:48
[{-Thanatos] }-I seem to have borked my XP partition, but that's fine with me, if i can get ubuntu working05:48
findetoncan i ask if i can ask if i can ask a question?05:49
quaalfindeton, ha05:49
Dextorion;p findeton05:49
vox754findeton, NO!05:49
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[{-Thanatos] }-I like the atmosphere here.05:49
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samiam010203hello all05:49
[{-Thanatos] }-I have a bunch of media on my second hard drive, and it's in NTFS. how can i access it in ubuntu?05:49
speedwolfHi, is this a place for Ubunto noobs?05:50
quaal[{-Thanatos] }-, we dont need to be fluffed. just ask the question.05:50
howlingmadhowiedonatello: strange that it doesn't work05:50
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter05:50
Dextorionmount -t ntfs /dev/hd** /mnt/yourmountdirectory05:50
=== [{-Thanatos] }- takes the dicks out of his mouth
Dextorionor soemthing like that.05:50
ChadariusOK I'm losing my mind with with Lirc and an IR Blaster I'm setting up. None of the howto's are working for me... anyone out there get this working that can help?05:50
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donatello1yes... i cant type the apostrophe that you get... this is what i get 05:50
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opshldsAnyone willing to give some pointers on doing a multi boot of Dapper drake with XP on the primary hard drive using grub or something easier?05:50
howlingmadhowiedonatello: where have you tried to enter a double quote? in an irc client on the console?05:50
vox754Chadarius, Is that remote control?05:50
donatello1howlingmadhowie: i can get an apostrphe like this: 05:50
donatello1howlingmadhowie: looks like an accent mark to me05:51
ameinkegrub is easy05:51
Chadariusvox754:  Yeah... setting up a transmitter to control cable box for Mythtv05:51
[{-Thanatos] }-ok, so i open the terminal, and type that in?05:51
Dr_willisI dont even have a   key05:51
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Dr_willis`  '  "   thats it..05:51
howlingmadhowiedonatello: what does your apostrophe next to the accent mark look like? can you enter all the things you get?05:51
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howlingmadhowie,.;:'`" :)05:52
opshldsI take that as a no?05:52
donatello1howlingmadhowie: ive tried typing double quotes in gedit05:52
vox754[{-Thanatos] }-, where /dev/hd* is your partition. Better paste what is in "sudo fdisk -l" use the pastebin05:52
Dextorion[{-Thanatos] }-:  yeah.  Make a directory for it first. Where you want to mount your ntfs partition.05:52
enry183somebody know about EpiOS?05:52
enry183someone succeeds to signal where to make a download to me of EpiOS?05:52
vox754!pastebin > [{-Thanatos] }-05:52
underdog5004hi, I'm helping this guy over the phone, and he's got ubuntu (I've got kubuntu). I need to know where and what is the IRC client and Wireless Network chooser thing.05:52
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donatello1howlingmadhowie: i cant type a straight apostrophe. It looks like this 05:52
donatello1howlingmadhowie: i cant type a good double quote as well: 05:53
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ameinkeopshlds, what's your problem?05:53
vox754underdog5004, I use the console to set wireless. The IRC client can be GAIM but he can install Xchat.05:53
donatello1howlingmadhowie: other keys seem to work correctly05:53
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Paddy_EIREhow much does "Ekiga" and "Wengo" cost to call someone...are they worth using05:53
howlingmadhowiedonatello: what's your keyboard set to?05:53
sebrockanyone more than me having a problem (or knows what to do) with azureus not shutting down tidy... I get that damn slider with every reboot05:53
donatello1howlingmadhowie: can you tell me what your keyboard layout is in gnome-keyboard-properties?05:53
underdog5004vox754, so...iwconfig?05:54
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vox754underdog5004, YES sir.05:54
opshldswell i'm new to linux and irc for that matter, and I'm trying to install dapper drake onto my second hardrive, i'm using grub4dos, and I keep getting an error when i try to load the grub at the boot menu05:54
donatello1howlingmadhowie: it is set to us eng intl (with dead keys)05:54
howlingmadhowiedonatello: U.S English. model: generic 105-key (intl)PC05:54
tcpipneed help installing HP 610c05:54
varkatopeenry183: i know about it but it seems to be under development atm05:54
donatello1howlingmadhowie: because of the double quotes my c programs dont compile!05:54
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opshldshow do i target a user with a message?05:55
vox754underdog5004, remember the terminal is great because it does stuff regardless of the desktop, or graphical frontends.05:55
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howlingmadhowiedonatello: i can imagine that printf doesn't like that...05:55
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lenyhowlingmadhowie: I got something similar to donatello1 when I mis-instructed the keyboard detection on install.  Fixed it by overwriting /etc/default/console-setup but can't remember where I got the file from.05:55
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donatello1howlingmadhowie: yes!!05:55
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underdog5004i know, but its boring spelling out commands over the phone...05:56
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vox754Paddy_EIRE, sorry, never used them...05:56
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donatello1leny, howlingmadhowie, should i try to edit xorg.conf or something?05:56
Brismetalhi, I keep getting a PC Speaker beep when in console and a msg saying it's disableing an IRQ (normally 177) any ideas on how to stop this?05:56
ubuntu_not problem05:56
vox754sebrock, Azureus crashes also with me. It is a shame.05:56
tcpiphow can i eject my dvd writers tray from terminal05:57
Gimpyhi, I tried to use the ubuntu livecd to test it out, but I don't have a mouse pointer. I looked around but there aren't many straightforward answers for linux newbies like me05:57
howlingmadhowiedonatello: what happens on a console? ctrl+alt+F1 (ctrl+alt+f7 to return to gnome)05:57
varkatopesudo eject05:57
sebrockvox754, thing is, it isnt crshing at all, it works fine (well a bit unstable)05:57
ameinkeopshlds, how does your menu.lst look?05:57
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tcpipvarkatope: i have two burners05:57
sebrockBut whenever I restart the computer I get the message, it's linked to the java process in some way05:57
varkatopesudo eject /dev/...05:57
lenydonatello1: it can be fixed with xmodmap but it might be the console definition05:57
BrismetalMessage from syslogd@brismetal at Sun Feb 18 02:57:46 2007 ...05:58
Brismetalbrismetal kernel: [17180234.852000]  Disabling IRQ #17705:58
Brismetalis the error I keep getting05:58
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tcpipvarkatope: how do i chk which device?05:58
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vox754sebrock, Well, I use the term broadly. It never crashed with me either, but after a reboot, it would no longer start.05:58
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mindstatetcpip: why not just press the eject button lol05:58
donatello1howlingmadhowie: 1) when i press shift+apostrphe+a i get a with an umlaut! ()05:58
ameinkeopshlds, my xchat prints out "Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems"05:59
donatello1howlingmadhowie: same thing in console too basically05:59
opshldstitle Windows XP05:59
opshldsroot (hd1,0)05:59
opshldsmap (hd0) (hd1)05:59
opshldsmap (hd1) (hd0)05:59
opshldschainloader +105:59
opshldstitle Ubuntu "dapper"05:59
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opshldsKernel (hd0,0)/dapper/install/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 devfs=mount,dall ramdisk_size=1700005:59
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opshldsinitrd (hd0,0)/dapperinstall/initird05:59
opshldssorry everyone, noob at ubuntu and irc05:59
tcpipmindstate: i wouldnt be asking if i could do that05:59
erUSUL!pastebin | opshlds05:59
ubotuopshlds: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:59
vox754ameinke, you have to use the nickname infront of everything, use the <TAB> key to complete nick names.05:59
donatello1leny: how should i try it? just type that at the keyboard?06:00
__doc__vox754: ic, will try06:00
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howlingmadhowiedonatello: that's strange. what does /etc/default/locale contain?06:00
mindstatetcpip: i usually right click the cd-drive in gnome..and eject volume06:00
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vox754__doc__, Alright, check that out.06:00
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ameinkevox754, yes i know that tab trick06:01
donatello1howlingmadhowie: it has LANG="en_IN"06:01
Brismetalso, can anyone help me with my problem?  I only have that and one more and I'm ready to delete my windows drive06:01
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opshldsameinke, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6249/plain/06:01
tcpipmindstate: i did that.. but the tray did not come out06:01
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Brismetalwell, maybe 3 now, azureus takes forever to check a torrent downloading06:01
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howlingmadhowiedonatello: what happens if you change the keyboard to uk english and try shift+2 ?06:01
ChadariusOK I'm losing my mind with with Lirc and an IR Blaster I'm setting up. None of the howto's are working for me... anyone out there get this working that can help?06:02
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speedwolfI'm starting to think I didn't make the best decision trying to install Ubuntu on my hardware06:02
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sebrockvox754, well it's a java problem... try killall java before rebooting and I don't think you will have that message again... what is the name of the shutdown script where I can put that command?06:02
speedwolfAMD64, NVidia graphics, USB Wifi06:02
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vox754ameinke, you may register in the freenode server, but I haven't tried it. You want to talk privately? you can always create a temporary channel.06:02
donatello1howlingmadhowie: do the changes made in gnome-kbd-props take effect immediately?06:02
ameinkeopshlds, your root is ram0?06:02
speedwolfall seem to be the wrong choices06:02
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ameinkevox754, thank your for info06:03
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donatello1howlingmadhowie: because it seems to have no effect changeing to uk english... still get a @06:03
opshldsameinke, actually I just saw that, thanks...06:03
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vox754sebrock, I don't know. I have removed azureus since. The only thing I remember was a message with "core failure" or something like that.06:03
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smoenuxcan someone tell me if there is a good tutorial online for using the Terminal Server Client ?06:04
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sebrockvox754, :(06:04
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Gimpyhi, I tried to use the ubuntu livecd to test it out, but I don't have a mouse pointer. I looked around but there aren't many straightforward answers for linux newbies like me06:04
ameinkeopshlds, on the second line of your linux tag i miss a "slash"06:04
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Dr_willisGimpy,  what kind of mouse ya got?06:04
GimpyLogitech G506:05
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Gimpy"gamer mouse06:05
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bruenig!hi | Tiako2206:05
ubotuTiako22: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:05
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Tiako22Can someone give me a link that well help a newbie with basic linux commands?06:05
{Nathan}Every time I start Ubuntu, it runs gnome -- with KDE inside it. Is there a way to fix it? There's a screenshot of it at nathan.homelinux.org/temp/gnomekde.png06:06
Tiako22Something I can print off that will give me all the basics..06:06
{Nathan}Just google, there are many tutorials on this06:06
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mindstatetcpip: i just typed eject in my terminal06:06
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mindstateand both my cd roms opened one after the other06:06
opshldsIs there a way to load grub without the menu gui maybe just console or something?06:06
mindstatetry that06:06
bruenigTiako22, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommand06:06
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cotyrotheryhi i need some serious help06:06
ardchoille!commands | Tiako2206:06
ubotuTiako22: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands06:06
{Nathan}what is your question, cotyrothery?06:07
tcpipmindstate: only one is ejecting06:07
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ameinkeopshlds, add "hiddenmenu" to your menu.lst06:07
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cotyrotherywhen i try to run ubuntu it some times shows me the desktop and somethimes nothing and the screen goes blacl06:07
howlingmadhowiebloody stupid nvidia proprietary driver.  wouldn't let me come back from a console to gnome and then locked the computer :(06:08
padgeHow can I set an alias for all terminals from startup?06:08
mindstatetcpip: is your cdrom showing up in your fstab?06:08
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{Nathan}cotyrothery: What kind of graphics card to you have?06:08
donatello1howlingmadhowie: :-)06:08
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colutticotyrothery: whats your video card?06:08
opshldsameinke thanks06:08
cotyrotheryum im not sure06:08
cotyrothery3d agp06:08
{Nathan}cotyrothery: lspci | grep VGA06:08
Gimpycotyrothery : make suer you're using the right resolution while in the BootCD menu06:08
=== cyphase is booting the warty live cd in a Vm now
k31thhi guys06:09
ardchoillepadge: Maggie says have a look in ~/.bashrc (look for .bash_aliases)06:09
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bruenig!hi | k31th06:09
ubotuk31th: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:09
{Nathan}cyphase: Warty? why would you do that?!06:09
cotyrotherywhat is the right resouloution06:09
k31thjust upgrading to edgy :s hope it goes well :D06:09
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cyphase{Nathan}: just to see how different it is06:09
mindstateanyone know if pearpc is in the repo's?06:09
ChadariusOK I'm losing my mind with with Lirc and an IR Blaster I'm setting up. None of the howto's are working for me... anyone out there get this working that can help?06:09
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padgeardchoille: thanks06:09
Gimpyso does anyone have a fix for my mouse pointer problem?06:09
donatello1howlingmadhowie: i think xmodmap might help me... but how do i use it?06:09
tcpipmindstate: i just checked .. theres only one 'cdrom0' << i think thats my cdburner .. not my dvdnurner06:09
{Nathan}cyphase: Cool... I never used Warty before -- learned linux when Breezy was out06:09
ameinkevox754, is it possible to use "pastebin" without an webbrowser?06:09
{Nathan}ameinke: you can use w3m06:10
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cotyrotherybut when it does show the desktop06:10
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coluttiGimpy: is it an usb mouse?06:10
dooglus{Nathan}: he said 'without a web browser'06:10
cotyrotheryand i go to click install06:10
=== cyphase has been using Ubuntu since the day warty came out, and linux before that
vox754ameinke, ??? You mean direct information to another user?06:10
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mindstatetcpip: add your dvd to your fstab .. "gksudo gedit /etc/fstab" .. i'd make a backup copy b4 i altered anything though06:10
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cyphasealthough not much before06:10
mindstateill brb06:10
cotyrotherynothing happens06:10
{Nathan}dooglus: True, but he could really mean without an X11 web browser06:10
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ameinke{Nathan}, not pissible to use it directly in my "chat-window"?06:10
Chadariusameinke: You can use link or lynx? They are text only terminal browsers06:10
dooglus{Nathan}: true, but he could really have meant anything06:10
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padgeardchoille: I'm wanting to set an alias for all users and all terminals, including the real ones06:11
tcpipmindstate: whats the command for mounting temporairly06:11
cotyrotherycan anyone help06:11
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howlingmadhowiedonatello: i wonder why xmodmap should be important. it should work without it. try a keydump in a console06:11
ardchoillepadge: What do yo mean? When someone types a command it executes something else?06:11
{Nathan}ameinke: you an /msg it to someone if you need to06:11
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padgeardchoille: Yes, when someone types 'dir' I want it to execute 'ls -l'06:11
donatello1howlingmadhowie: oh ok...06:12
bruenigjust teach them ls -l06:12
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doogluspadge: define it in /etc/bash.bashrc06:12
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coluttipadge: open /etc/bash.bashrc06:12
GreyGhostcotyrothery ,nothing whatsoever?06:12
ardchoillepadge: create the file ~/.bash_aliases and put this in it: alias dir='ls -l'06:12
coluttipadge:  write alias dir="ls -l"06:12
cotyrotheryso what do i do06:12
cotyrotheryi want to install it06:13
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padgeardchoille: Wouldn't that make it only for my user?06:13
AJIEXAhi all06:13
AJIEXAhelp me plz sombody ... i try to use a program (cdcollect) to organize my mp3 CD and DVD and read MP3 tags06:13
AJIEXAbut i not understand what output plugin i must use ?? so this is man file http://cdcollect.sourceforge.net/faq.php06:13
AJIEXAmay be sombody worked with them ????06:13
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padgecolutti: Thanks06:13
GreyGhostcotyrothery ,u mean to say u double clicked "install" and it didnt respond at all?06:13
ardchoillepadge: Well, yes, you'd need to do that for each user.06:13
cotyrotheryyep i got nothing06:13
donatello1howlingmadhowie: can anything be done? .. i need to fix it... ive found the following in my xorg.conf : Section "InputDevice"06:13
donatello1        Identifier      "Generic Keyboard"06:13
donatello1        Driver          "kbd"06:13
donatello1        Option          "CoreKeyboard"06:13
donatello1        Option          "XkbRules"      "xorg"06:13
donatello1        Option          "XkbModel"      "pc104"06:13
howlingmadhowiedonatello: go to a console (alt + ctrl + F1) and type: dumpkeys > mykeymap.txt06:13
donatello1        Option          "XkbLayout"     "us"06:13
coluttipadge: youre welcome06:13
sha1sumwhat's up all?  I have a suggestion to add to the 6.10 edgy release, but I don't know where to add it on the website... I'm using xubuntu, but I'm unsure of whether the same occurs in other flavors of ubuntu releases... I don't believe that usbhid is loaded as a module post-install by default. I just had no input devices whatsoever and ended up having to cold poweroff and plug in a ps2 so I could add usbhid to /etc/modules [more] 06:13
donatello1        Option          "XkbVariant"    "intl"06:13
donatello1        Option          "XkbOptions"    "lv3:ralt_switch"06:13
GreyGhost!paste | donatello106:13
ubotudonatello1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:13
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doogluspadge: ~/... files are only for your user.  /etc/profile and /etc/bash.bashrc are for all users06:14
howlingmadhowiedonatello: there's your problem: pc10406:14
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ameinke!paste | ameinke06:14
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cotyrotheryis there a way to install it without live cd06:14
{Nathan}padge: For system wide things, use /etc/rc.local06:14
sha1sumis there a detection of connected USB devices during install-from-CD?  if so, I was using a KVM switch and it was set to my other system, so that's definitely possible, but if not, maybe usbhid should be added by default?06:14
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donatello1howlingmadhowie: then what should it be? 105?06:14
speedwolfanyone know why I can't install an inf file with ndiswrapper?06:14
vox754donatello1, DON'T do that. Even if your intentions are good, you may get banned by a bot!06:14
Gimpycolutti: Yes, it's a usb mouse.06:14
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speedwolfit's telling me that can't copy it06:14
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:15
howlingmadhowiedonatello: exactly :)06:15
{Nathan}speedwolf: sudo06:15
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ameinkespeedwolf, what is the error message?06:15
howlingmadhowiedonatello: if you're using a normal pc06:15
donatello1vox754: isorry.. ill remember next time06:15
coluttiGimpy: run this command: lsusb and post the result06:15
ameinke{Nathan}, another possibility06:15
Tiako22I just fucked up.06:15
speedwolf"couldn't copy cdrom0/BCMRNDIS at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 135."06:15
Tiako22And del like everything on my computer06:15
ardchoilleTiako22: You sure did.06:15
cotyrotheryi have a pc with like 128 mb of ram06:15
AlexC_!oops | Tiako2206:15
ubotutiako22: oops: caching HTTP proxy server written for performance. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.23.cvs-2.2ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 315 kB, installed size 960 kB06:15
dooglus{Nathan}: he's trying to define a global alias.  how is /etc/rc.local any use for that??06:15
Gimpycolutti one sec be right back06:15
cotyrotherycould that be the problem06:15
AlexC_woops, wrong command :P06:15
speedwolfNathan: I was sudo06:15
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{Nathan}dooglus: That runs when the computer boots, so wouldn't that work?06:16
vox754speedwolf, go to #ndiswrapper06:16
Gimpycolutti : I saw something about HWCursor off in xlog.conf06:16
donatello1howlingmadhowie: k.. il try that out and get back here!06:16
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{Nathan}speedwolf: Is it on the CD or your hard drive?06:16
speedwolfvox754: thanks will do06:16
dooglus{Nathan}: it would define an alias in the shell which runs rc.local, but no other shells06:16
sha1sumI think that some people got the first half of my question, and the others got the other half, but nobody really saw them in their full glory heh06:16
[{-Thanatos] }-what is the basic shell command for moving up a directory?06:16
cotyrotheryanyone willing to help06:16
coluttiGimpy: ok .. but le me see your mouse first ..06:16
dooglus[{-Thanatos] }-: cd ..06:16
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speedwolfNathan: Both, I've installed from Desktop and cdrom006:16
robdemanhi folks.. how can I make a connection to another linuxbox using ssh2?06:16
AlexC_[{-Thanatos] }-: cd ..06:16
speedwolfNathan: or at least tried06:16
[{-Thanatos] }-i wasn't putting the space, thanks06:16
robdemanusing 'comnnect to server...' gives an 'unknown internal error' when doing ssh06:17
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AlexC_robdeman: ssh user@pc-name06:17
sha1sumor at least a "point-to" as to where to request this (and if it even needs requesting) on the ubuntu site06:17
ardchoille[{-Thanatos] }-: I would have answered you but your nick is too difficult to type06:17
erUSUL!bugs | sha1sum06:17
ubotusha1sum: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots06:17
robdemanAlexC_ where do I put the password?06:17
{Nathan}speedwolf: Have you tried all versions on the CD or downloaded the latest driver off the manufacturors website?06:17
AlexC_[{-Thanatos] }-: yes it is very weird username06:17
rylananyone know whereabouts i could find drivers for webcams?06:17
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robdemanAlexC I need a gone solution I mean06:17
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coluttirobdeman: you dont06:17
sha1sumerUSUL: okay.. was unsure whether that would be considered a bug or not06:17
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Chadariusrylan: I just plugged my webcam in and it worked without doing anything06:17
AlexC_robdeman: type, in terminal "ssh user@pc-name" then it will ask you for the user password,06:17
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[{-Thanatos] }-I've always used "Thanatos"06:18
donatello1howlingmadhowie, unfortunately that did not make any difference...06:18
[{-Thanatos] }-for almost 20 years now06:18
erUSULsha1sum: i dunno my usbhid devices have not given me any problem06:18
rylanChadarius, well. mine is a cheap chinese one06:18
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donatello1howlingmadhowie, i made the change and hit CTRL+alt+bksp06:18
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ardchoille[{-Thanatos] }-: Those extra brackets are too difficult to type out06:18
cotyso what do i do to install it06:18
AlexC_[{-Thanatos] }-: very :P06:18
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Dextorion[{-Thanatos] }-: So, whats wrong with only using that then? heh..06:18
speedwolfNathan: There's only one on the cd, I haven't tried the manufacturer, I'll do so now06:18
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Chadariusrylan: Mine is a nice Logitech one :)06:18
rylanChadarius, and i mean CHEAP, like $706:18
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findetoni'm on ubuntu edgy and gnome, and before upgrading, gtkguitune worked fine, but now it doesn't work (it hungs up). If i execute it on a console, it shows this kind of error many times: "Gtk---CRITICAL **: file widget.cc: line 32 (Gdk_Window Gtk::Widget::get_window() const): assertion `is_realized()' failed."06:18
findetonwhat can it be?06:18
howlingmadhowiedonatello: oh :( what do you have in system->preferences->keyboard preferences->layouts->model ?06:19
Chadariusrylan: and what happens when you plug it in?06:19
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rylanChadarius, whole lot of nothing,06:19
[{-Thanatos] }-The brackets are there so I don't have a nick conflict. there's always someone else06:19
vox754speedwolf, It is recommended to copy the drivers to the harddisk, not copying them from the CD.06:19
{Nathan}I am running Ubuntu 6.10 -- Edgy Eft. I am having a really wierd problem -- KDE is running inside of Gnome. (Screenshot -- nathan.homelinux.org/temp/gnomekde.png) Any help?06:19
AlexC_[{-Thanatos] }-: why not Thanatos_ ?06:19
rylanChadarius, any command i could check to see if the computer "sees" it?06:19
donatello1howlingmadhowie, Generic 105-key (Intl) PC :-(06:19
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cotyanyone at all that can help06:19
Chadariusrylan: you get anything from it if you type "lsusb"06:19
sha1sumerUSUL: I downloaded the edgy release of xubuntu specifically and the usbhid devices worked excellently in the livecd environment, but they were not enabled post-install.... I ended up having to poweroff because I had no pointer or keyboard device and powering back on with a ps2 keyboard, and entering a line for 'usbhid' in /etc/modules, reboot, and it was fine06:19
AlexC_!anyone | coty06:19
ubotucoty: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:19
speedwolfvox754: I've treied both, I'm going to see if I can find a newer inf online06:19
=== [{-Thanatos] }- is now known as Thanatos_
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Chadariusrylan: that will list your usb devices06:19
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fnffindeton: Useless suggestion, but you shouldn't expect an alpha version to be successfully upgraded.06:20
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ardchoilleThanatos_: Much better, thnk you :)06:20
howlingmadhowiedonatello: maybe you should try changing it to 104 :)06:20
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fnffindeton: Best way would be firing a bug report.06:20
findetonfnf so what do u recommend me?06:20
Thanatos_it says it's owned by someone else06:20
HymnToLife{Nathan}, how do you run KDE ?06:20
donatello1howlingmadhowie, uh... ok06:20
{Nathan}HymnToLife: via KDM06:20
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ameinkeAlexC_, only ops are permitted to perform such "!" commands?06:20
AlexC_ameinke: No, anyone can do them =)06:20
rylanChadarius, hmmm, z star microelectronics corp.06:20
rylanChadarius, that must be it.06:20
erUSULsha1sum: i bought my usb mouse after installing ubuntu (long ago :)) and it worked fine without a line in /etc/modules06:21
Thanatos_back in the day, it IRC would boot me off the server if you had a nick conflict06:21
AlexC_!ubotu | ameinke06:21
ubotuameinke: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:21
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atomiku<ameinke> AlexC_, only ops are permitted to perform such "!" commands? <--- no they arent06:21
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[Jonne] is there a way to reinstall Ubuntu from scratch, without touching the home directory?06:21
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donatello1howlingmadhowie, no luck!! dint still worj06:21
Chadariusrylan: I would install somethinig like ekiga or wengophone or skype and see if they can use it06:21
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HymnToLife[Jonne] , putting it on a separate partition06:21
howlingmadhowiedonatello: wierd :(06:22
fnf[Jonne] : Yup, don't put your home into the same partition with the root.06:22
rylanChadarius, i have Kopete, and it sees nothing06:22
cotydoes anyone know how i can install linux because i try to run the run and install at boot up and it takes about an hour to boot up and sometimes it does not boot up right at all leaveing me with a black screen or my pc is frozen. If it does load up correctly and i get the walpaper and the install and example files and i try to click on them nothing happens. Can someone help me please?06:22
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[Jonne] can i do that with the livecd?06:22
vox754[Jonne] , just don't format it during install. You can always create a spare partition to store data.06:22
AlexC_coty, try the Alternate CD06:22
HymnToLifecoty, specs on hardware ?06:22
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Dr_williscoty,  sounds like bad hardware, or a bad cd burn.06:22
cotyi have 128 mb of ram06:22
donatello1howlingmadhowie, you were saying something about dumpkeys...06:22
Dr_willis128mb - ICK. :)06:22
sha1sumerUSUL: what's REALLY weird is that all of my sources for apt are using edgy.... but my iso and the torrent I used to download the install cd are both named for feisty fawn06:23
Chadariusrylan: try googling or searching on ubuntuforums.org for the text that you got with lsusb and see if anything pops up06:23
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donatello1howlingmadhowie, i did that.. now what?06:23
sharperguyHow do i get my super (windows) key borking on my UK keyboard (it was working until I reinstalled edgy)06:23
sha1sumwhich I was more-than-willing to try06:23
Dr_willisuse the alternative instll cd then. Not the live cd.06:23
fnf[Jonne] : Make a new partition then set the /home mount point to that partition durng setup. You can configure it later though.06:23
cotyit is a 7 year old pc06:23
howlingmadhowiedonatello: yeah. have a look at what's in the keydump06:23
sha1sumbut apparently I wasn't meant to have feisty06:23
phaedracoty, Try xubutu with that ram...06:23
Dr_williscoty,  you may want to check into alternative LIGHT linux disrtos  - like xubuntu, or DSL, or Puppylinux06:23
cotyis it better06:23
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HymnToLife[Jonne] , http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome06:23
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xopher-sharperguy, open gnome-keyboard-preferences and select the appropriate layout from the list06:23
mindstatecoty or knoppix live-cd06:23
cotyi have xubuntu on the way06:23
Thanatos_I'm having trouble specifying a mount directory to mount my ntfs partition to. I made a folder on my desktop, and I'd like to use that. it's called mediadisk06:23
[Jonne] vox754, if i install it without formatting, my home dir will still be where it was?06:23
soundraymindstate: knoppix won't run well in 128 MB06:23
cotyI dont have a burner06:23
phaedracoty, The alternate would be best...06:24
Dr_willisset up the hd with a swap partition - will help some. :) the live cds should see that swap partition and use it06:24
vox754coty, plesae, giving your specifications at the beginning would've helped you earlier.06:24
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rylanChadarius, thank god for google.06:24
erUSULsha1sum: !!! maybe you should go and ask in #ubuntu+1 (feysty channel)06:24
cotylet me get them for you06:24
cotyone sec06:24
mindstatesoundray: ran ok for me..but i guess we all have our own definition of what well is06:24
sharperguyxopher-, I'm using the same one I was before I think06:24
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findetonfnf, is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtkguitune/+bugs where i should fire the report?06:24
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sha1sumerUSUL: nifty... there's a channel for everything now lol06:25
xopher-sharperguy yeah, but reselecting it might just do the trick.06:25
vox754[Jonne] , depends on whether you created the /home as a different partition (recommended). The root directory along with /usr and /opt and so, must all be formated.06:25
ameinkehow can i get my xchat "menu" back?06:25
Dr_williswhich xchat menu?06:25
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mindstateanyone got pearpc emulator working ? i just installed via apt..and cant seem to find the command to run it06:25
sharperguyxopher-, ill try it06:25
Dr_willis!info pearpc06:25
ubotupearpc: PowerPC architecture emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.0-1 (edgy), package size 340 kB, installed size 948 kB (Only available for any-i386 any-amd64)06:25
vox754soundray, I think it does. Knoppix needs like 32 MB for text install.06:25
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mindstatei know wut pear pc is06:25
[Jonne] so i could create a new partition with gparted, and move /home/ to the other partition?06:25
cotywere should i look for my specs06:25
ameinkethe one at the chat window06:25
soundraymindstate: try 'dpkg -L pearpc | grep bin' to see the executables06:25
cotyon the hardware06:25
Dr_willismindstate,  check the package manager and see what file it installed.06:25
[Jonne] then reinstall06:25
Thanatos_<b>help</b>I'm having trouble specifying a mount directory to mount my ntfs partition to. I made a folder on my desktop, and I'd like to use that. it's called mediadisk06:25
fnffindeton: You may look at the left panel, there should be a "Report a Bug" link.06:26
blackestanyone know how to reduce refresh rate and resolution on a live cd boot06:26
mindstatesoundray: thanks ..and Dr_willis thanks06:26
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ameinkeDr_willis, the on above the chat window06:26
cotywere do i look for hardware specs on my computer06:26
findetonfnf that's it thanks06:26
Dr_willisameinke,  you mean the 'xchat view server settings window help' menu items?06:26
vox754[Jonne] , you got that right!06:26
ameinkeDr_willis, right06:26
phaedraThanatos_, I mounted mine under /mnt/windows and used a symlink on the desktop.  That might be better06:27
Dr_willisameinke,  hit ctrl-f906:27
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lenyWhat do I do to get auctex working on xemacs?06:27
ameinkeDr_willis, thanks06:27
mindstatesoundray: thanks yo...worked perfect06:27
soundrayvox754: Knoppix isn't designed primarily for installation, it's designed as a graphical live CD ROM. As such, you should give it 256MB or more for a reasonable desktop experience, which in my opinion includes running OpenOffice.06:27
cotydoes anyone know were to look for hardware specs06:27
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Dr_willisameinke,  at least thats is the key combo listed in the menus to hide the menus06:27
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donatello1howlingmadhowie, oh my god!! i can type apostrophe with altRt+apostrophe (') and double quote with altRt+shift+apostrphe (")06:27
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gopif I get a portable 60 gig hd06:27
gopcan I install ubuntu06:28
howlingmadhowiedonatello: well at least that's something :)06:28
gopand plug it in in any pc and it runs06:28
basehello can i get some help here?06:28
gopdoes any one know06:28
AlexC_gop:  you'll need the rest of the PC to go with it :P06:28
vox754coty, Info is RAM, motherboard, video card, sound card, ethernet, wireless. You probably need only to know the first three.06:28
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ameinkeDr_willis, without the menu i cant get the key comb.06:28
soundraycoty: 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep model\ name' would be important06:28
mindstatedonatello1: thats so weird dude06:28
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ardchoilleAlexC_: hahaha06:28
gopalex it won't work like a live cd06:28
gopAlexC_,  hahaha06:28
AlexC_!ask | gop06:28
ubotugop: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:28
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Dr_willisameinke,  yep - catch 3306:28
AlexC_sorry, wrong person06:28
gopI did I just asked my question06:28
AlexC_!ask | base06:28
ubotubase: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:28
cotyI dont know were to find my computer hardware specs06:28
AlexC_gop: yeah, wrong person :P sorry06:28
donatello1howlingmadhowie, mindstate yup... but atleast my c programs can run now...06:28
Thanatos_how do i make a directory in shell?06:29
gopALex so I can't take my portable 60 gig hd anywhere and boot from it06:29
donatello1howlingmadhowie, mindstate should i file a bug or support request on launchpad?06:29
[Jonne] how many gigs should i allocate for Ubuntu (OS + apps?)06:29
vox754soundray, Yes. I guess you are right with the Knoppix thing. I don't recall the exact specifications right now.06:29
blackestgop how are you connecting it usb ?06:29
basemy media player is asking for plugins06:29
soundrayThanatos_: mkdir06:29
AlexC_!mp3 | base06:29
ubotubase: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:29
baseno mpg06:29
blackestit is definately possible06:29
gopI want to use like I am using my flash usb thumb drive06:29
AlexC_!mpg | base06:29
vox754[Jonne] , 3 GB minimum. You plan to install everything? Probably 15 GB.06:29
rylanChadarius, so how do i go about installing this driver.06:29
Thanatos_AlexC- Thanks06:29
soundray!cli > Thanatos_, have a look at your pms06:29
gopwhere I plug it it in anywher eit works06:29
coty<ubotu> were do i find my hardware specs06:29
blackestit should work pretty similar gop06:30
gopand it boots via usb06:30
howlingmadhowiedonatello: maybe your keyboard has something strange about it which would be trivial to support. i'd file a bug report :)06:30
ardchoille[Jonne] : I have my Dapper heavily customised and my hda1 is only 4Gb06:30
AlexC_coty: Ubotu is a bot ... not a human06:30
gopblackest,  so if I do a full install06:30
[Jonne] disk usage manager says my old install was +/- 10G, excluding home06:30
speedwolfNathan: Gah! Latest drivers are in windows installers, cabs, exes and the like06:30
gopI can go to work computer or school computer and boot up06:30
Chadariusrylan: Might want to search the ubuntu packages to see if its already in the reposiboty06:30
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AlexC_!enter | gop06:30
[Jonne] so i guess 15 then06:30
ubotugop: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:30
soundraycoty: 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep model\ name'06:30
Chadariusrylan: repository06:30
rylanChadarius, thats a good idea06:30
{Nathan}speedwolf: For many .exe's, you can unzip them06:30
cotywhat si that soundray06:30
howlingmadhowiei've gotta go work. have fun :)06:30
blackestyep reckon so the only tricky bit is grub but there are howto's to do it06:30
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gopis 60 gigs for 60 usd, a good price for a protable usb drive blackest06:30
soundraycoty: a command to run in the terminal once you've booted live06:30
Chadariusrylan: also search the forums and the wikis to see if anyone has already written a howto about it06:31
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soundraycoty: oh, you can't do that, sorry06:31
blackestnot my country gop06:31
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isakillI can't get sound to work properly in KDE06:31
cotynope i cant06:31
cotywell i can06:31
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soundraycoty: not to worry06:31
cotybut it messes up on me06:31
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Thanatos_ok, so I go into terminal, go to the mnt directory, and type "mkdir windows" and it says permission denied. I type "sudo mkdir windows" and put my password, and it doesn't work either06:31
vox754[Jonne] , nobody knows your system better than yourself, so allocate as much space as you need.06:31
cotywhy should i not worry06:31
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AlexC_Thanatos_: define "Doesn't Work"06:31
soundraycoty: 7 years old and 128 MB RAM is enough to know that the best recommendation here would be to use xubuntu06:31
minntcI'm looking for resources on optimizing reiserfs on raid506:31
rylanChadarius, thanks06:31
=== [QUEEN] [n=Rubber@125-238-149-52.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
[QUEEN] hey all06:31
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[QUEEN] hi babo06:32
[QUEEN] base06:32
[QUEEN] i mean :P06:32
cotywell i have kubuntu on the wya06:32
=== [QUEEN] giggles
cotywill that work06:32
soundraycoty: kubuntu won't work06:32
rylanChadarius, readme file says "cd to the folder its in then make, make install." does that make sence to you?06:32
cotywhy not06:32
{Nathan}rylan: yes06:32
cotysomeone said it would06:32
soundraycoty: because ubuntu hasn't worked06:32
[QUEEN] anyone want to help a rubber girl who is having some ubuntu problems06:33
soundraycoty: kubuntu has the same RAM requirements06:33
[QUEEN] i will trade pr0n06:33
ardchoillecoty: I believe (k)Ubuntu needs 192Mb ram to function properly06:33
[QUEEN] for assitance <306:33
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Thanatos_sorry, mkdir: cannot create directory `windows': Permission denied06:33
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Chadariusrylan: Yep... you need to download the driver (probably a XXX.tar.gz file), then extract the files to a directory, then you need to compile and install it06:33
AlexC_!anyone Z [QUEEN] 06:33
{Nathan}[QUEEN] : What is your question?06:33
isakilllol queen06:33
{Nathan}Thanatos_: sudo mkdir06:33
cotywell im close to that06:33
colutti[QUEEN] : whats going on?06:33
vox754coty, I think you really have and old computer. And you don't seem well prepared to handle a complete Linux distribution. You may need to buy a new PC, or a used one that better supports what you want. Otherwise, you need to do everything from the command line.06:33
Chadariusrylan: its the spca5xx driver right?06:33
rylanChadarius, , ok, can you explain that to me in plain step by step english06:33
ardchoillecoty: close != is06:33
basewhere can i download some plugins06:33
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[QUEEN] I dont really have one im proficient06:33
Gimpycolutti: Hey06:33
[QUEEN] im just looking for perverted ubuntu users :D06:33
cotyok how would i do it from a command line06:34
Gimpycolutti, I'm in Ubuntu now, I can show you the usb devices if you want06:34
soundrayvox754: don't say that, coty will be fine with xubuntu06:34
coluttiGimpy: show me06:34
[QUEEN] whats the flag to see all files06:34
AlexC_ls -a06:34
Gimpycolutti, In PM or just in the channel?06:34
GigaClonwhen i plug in my ipod, I can't write to it06:34
cotyi dont have a burner so i cant get xubuntu06:34
coluttiGimpy: here06:34
rylanChadarius, no its the dspcav1-20070110.tar.bz06:34
soundray[QUEEN] : drop the profanity please06:34
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vox754[QUEEN] , unbelievable. First time for me to be in this situation.06:34
isakillok anyone wanna help me tackle my sound woes in KDE?06:34
AlexC_!ipod | GigaClon06:34
ubotuGigaClon: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod06:34
GimpyBus 005 Device 001: ID 0000:000006:34
GimpyBus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:000006:34
GimpyBus 004 Device 001: ID 0000:000006:34
GimpyBus 003 Device 001: ID 0000:000006:34
GimpyBus 002 Device 002: ID 046d:c041 Logitech, Inc.06:34
GimpyBus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:000006:34
AlexC_!paste | Gimpy06:34
cotyand they dont ship xubuntu06:34
ubotuGimpy: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:35
GimpyI'm trying to use ubuntu without a mouse :(06:35
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[QUEEN] (06:35:29) (soundray): [QUEEN] : drop the profanity please06:35
[QUEEN] I swore :O06:35
st3coty, just use a linux distribution which isn't bloated as ubuntu, choose slackware e.g.06:35
[QUEEN] I was on my best behaviour06:35
coluttiGimpy: Logitech .. it should work!!06:35
Chadariusrylan: Searching the help.ubuntu.com web site turns up this link that tells you everything you need to do. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Spca5xx06:35
GigaClonAlexC_, no Im using it as a external harddrive06:35
soundray!ops | [QUEEN]  is spamming06:35
ubotu[QUEEN]  is spamming: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso06:35
agliv5Greetings all :) trying to connect 2 Ubuntu boxes via ethernet but it've got 0 connectivity... can anyone help please?06:35
cotywhat do you mean06:35
[QUEEN] soundray whats your problem?06:35
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Gimpycolutti,  not working for me haha, I'm depending on "Press Control To show where cursor is" feature in Ubuntu to do my work :P06:35
rylanChadarius, your a king.06:35
[QUEEN] ping06:35
ameinkeubotu: ;)06:36
AlexC_[QUEEN] : Stop spammign up the channel, if you don't want support, or want to help out - Leave, now.06:36
coluttiGimpy: whats you video card?06:36
st3coty, if you got 128M ram, you can't run GNOME quickly06:36
=== lulugin [n=lulugin@AMontpellier-152-1-55-77.w83-197.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
[QUEEN] colutti hi :)06:36
st3nor kde06:36
vox754soundray, I guess you are right. I really appreciate your constructive comments. I haven't tried Xubuntu, but that guy seems not really that well prepared.06:36
Gimpycolutti, BFG Geforce 6600GT OC 128mb06:36
rylanChadarius, no dice, wrong driver06:36
st3so install, say, slackware and xfce or fluxbox06:36
GimpyOC out of the box06:36
ameinke!firefox google.de06:36
ubotufirefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 8992 kB, installed size 28580 kB06:36
[QUEEN] im here to offer support, sorry ill try and follow the rules06:36
coluttiGimpy: give me a minute06:36
{Nathan}coty: Try kubuntu -- it uses less memory than Ubuntu. Try it out with "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"06:36
ubotuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)06:37
Gimpycolutti, no problem... i have all day :-)06:37
=== achim [n=achim@pD9E31586.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== coNP thinks very funny that firefox counts as "lightweight" :)
GimpyI really like XCHat06:37
AlexC_[QUEEN] : I can't see you offering _any_ support as of yet. All you are doing is spamming. If you want to help, fine - help, but stop the spamming.06:37
rylanChadarius, i need this driver http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=203465006:37
ardchoilleWait.. there are other distros??? ;)06:37
=== derspankster [n=larry47@cpe-76-181-4-2.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
minntcDoes anyone have experience/knowledge/resources they can throw at me for opimtizing reiserfs performance on a RAID5 array?06:37
=== tibore [n=tibore@dsl5401C511.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
soundray{Nathan}: kubuntu does not use less memory06:37
isakillok anyone wanna help me tackle my sound woes in KDE?  anyone?06:37
Chadariusrylan: I just know where to look my friend :)06:37
AlexC_!anyone | isakill06:38
ubotuisakill: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:38
basehello can any body help me were can i download some video plugins?06:38
isakillthe sound worked when gnome was up06:38
cotyok it is on the way06:38
vox754minntc, sorry. No experience with that. What is so special about ReiserFS? Just wondering.06:38
AlexC_!mp3 | base06:38
=== speedwolf [n=chatzill@82-45-18-77.cable.ubr05.stav.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
ubotubase: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:38
{Nathan}soundray: Somebody benchmarked it and with Konsole, Konverstation, and FireFox up it used less than xfce and gnome06:38
soundraycoty: good luck with your install06:38
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coluttiGimpy: is you video card work fine?06:38
=== mobbelix_ [n=papa@T9173.t.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu
rylanChadarius, i just need an explation on how to do the "Cd to the folder then make make install"06:38
[QUEEN] Im having problems watching some videos in ubuntu... they wont play anyone got any ideas?06:38
baseno for video formats06:38
=== yeniklasor [n=yeniklas@] has joined #ubuntu
AlexC_base: Video is a form of "multimedia" check the links out,06:38
Gimpycolutti, Yeah right now all colours are working perfectly on my 1024x768 resolution if that's what your asking06:38
[QUEEN] its driving me mad... 650 gb of movies cant watch half of them06:39
Chadariusrylan: did you unpackage the tar file?06:39
=== moggio [n=moggio@213-48-145-14.cro.cvx.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
rylani have.06:39
=== gma [n=graham@ip-81-170-98-79.cust.homechoice.net] has joined #ubuntu
rylanChadarius, yeah06:39
agliv5Ubuntu networking for beginners??? no connectivity???  help please06:39
vox754{Nathan}, It is NOT Kubuntu the one that uses less resources, it is XXXXubuntu. Watch out for typos.06:39
=== achim [n=achim@pD9E31586.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoille!restricted | base | [QUEEN] 06:39
ubotubase | [QUEEN] : For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:39
coluttiGimpy: thats weird ..06:39
AlexC_base: there =) I've already sent you the links twice.06:39
rylanChadarius, but thats a hole lot of confusing files.06:39
[QUEEN] thanks06:39
soundray{Nathan}: have you got a reference for this experiment?06:39
=== minntc [n=ubuntu@c-75-72-202-236.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
coluttiGimpy: this mouse is so easy to configure ...06:39
=== goban [n=whyso@ip68-229-102-1.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
{Nathan}soundray: I would, but my X is broken. It was on digg a while back06:39
Chadariusrylan: Don't trouble yourself with all that06:39
ardchoille{Nathan}: I find that hard to believe06:40
ameinke!mp3 AlexC_06:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mp3 alexc_ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:40
=== DJ1SJ [n=DJ1SJ@dialin-212-144-145-216.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
{Nathan}ardchoille: So did I06:40
Chadariusrylan: just run the commands there06:40
rylanChadarius, what commands?06:40
AlexC_ameinke: ? why do I need to know about mp3 =)06:40
coluttiGimpy: have you tried to connect it in another usb slot?06:40
st3{Nathan}, definitely not the right choice if you don't want to become old waiting for kde to show up06:40
Chadariusrylan: go into the directory of the files you just unpackages and run "make"06:40
=== writerz_ [n=ReturnTo@ABordeaux-256-1-165-247.w86-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
[QUEEN] hmmm still having problems06:40
{Nathan}st3: I run kde on my 600mhz laptop just fine06:40
Gimpycolutti, no.. but I can try that06:40
Gimpyone moment06:40
[QUEEN] this is the movie that wont work06:40
AlexC_[QUEEN] : you've spent ... ooo, 1 min trying?06:40
Chadariusrylan: it will churn around in there and do some stuff to compile the driver06:40
st3with 128M ram?06:40
coluttiGimpy: do it06:40
=== radox [n=radox@cpc2-mfld1-0-0-cust355.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
rylanChadarius, that sounds almost too easy. you sure it wont brick my computer?06:40
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[QUEEN] http://img9.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=68049_octopus_lesbian_movie____preview5_123_4lo.jpg06:40
isakillok here's another shot.. sound was/is provided by a soundblaster LIVE! the sound worked just fine in Gnome but nome sucks royal and I installed KDE cause I like it better. Sound no longer works. what exactly could be causing this?06:40
[QUEEN] http://img172.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=68047_caps_123_13lo.jpg06:40
Gimpycolutti, the mouse still works fine though, I can move and click like normal. The cursor just doesnt show up06:41
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso06:41
Thanatos_ok, i type "sudo mkdir -t ntfs /dev/hda /mnt/windows" I get "mount: /dev/hda already mounted or /mnt/windows busy".  When I try to browse the partition in disks manager, it says I don't have the permission. Is it already mounted?06:41
soundray!ops | [QUEEN]  is spamming06:41
ubotu[QUEEN]  is spamming: please see above06:41
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[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/16523915/Octo_Lesbo__1_.part01.rar06:41
Chadariusrylan: can't brick it with just make cause it won't do anything06:41
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/16222302/Octo_Lesbo__1_.part02.rar06:41
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/16542094/Octo_Lesbo__1_.part03.rar06:41
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/16664369/Octo_Lesbo__1_.part04.rar06:41
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/16671730/Octo_Lesbo__1_.part05.rar06:41
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/16680527/Octo_Lesbo__1_.part06.rar06:41
{Nathan}st3: I did for a while, yes, but I upgraded to 256 recently.06:41
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/16687263/Octo_Lesbo__1_.part07.rar06:41
ardchoille[QUEEN] : You can't have read and followed that entire tutorial06:41
Gimpyholy crap06:41
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/16698782/Octo_Lesbo__1_.part08.rar06:41
rylanChadarius, good point06:41
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/16707901/Octo_Lesbo__1_.part09.rar06:41
numistanyone around?06:41
Gimpycan someone ban queen?06:41
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/16707901/Octo_Lesbo__1_.part09.rar06:41
AlexC_!ops [QUEEN]  | spam06:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops [queen]  - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:41
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/16766956/Octo_Lesbo__1_.part10.rar06:41
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/16723431/Octo_Lesbo__1_.part11.rar06:41
ameinkeAlexC_: iam testing, sorry for using your nick :)06:41
[QUEEN] it wont play06:41
=== xoo [n=xoo@] has left #ubuntu []
[QUEEN] :(06:41
[QUEEN] i read fast06:41
Chadariusrylan: then run "sudo make install" that will actually move the files into the right places for your kernel to use06:41
{Nathan}/ignore [QUEEN]  all06:41
ardchoille[QUEEN] : You just made my ignore list.06:41
coluttiGimpy: sound like a conflict between you video card and mouse ...06:41
AlexC_[QUEEN] : you serioulsy are a jerk.06:41
rylanok, so just in the terminal hit make install?06:41
AlexC_!ops | [QUEEN]  | spam06:41
ubotu[QUEEN]  | spam: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso06:41
gordonjcpwhere does ubuntu save passwords for connecting to SMB servers?06:41
coluttiGimpy: can you try to use the vesa driver?06:41
Chadariusrylan: If you want to uninstall it go back into that directory and run "sudo make uninstall"06:41
rylanChadarius, that is a lot easier than i thought it would be06:41
vox754LjL, you've got to meet this one...06:41
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Chadariusrylan: yep06:42
Gimpycolutti, yup... I checked this out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35072606:42
yeniklasorI can see with ubuntu in my home-network to my windows machine and with windows, ubuntu. But I can't do file sharing with these06:42
=== Pichu0102 [n=pichu010@adsl-70-134-2-138.dsl.dytnoh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gimpycolutti,  i just don't understand how to do that.06:42
=== [QUEEN] is reading
ameinke!mp3 > ameinke06:42
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AlexC_Where the hell have all the ops gone?!06:42
coluttiGimpy: let me see06:42
[QUEEN] sorry sorry06:42
[QUEEN] im reading now06:42
=== Seracht [i=Seracht@] has joined #ubuntu
[QUEEN] i wont post again06:42
Serachtinstalled ubuntu06:42
Serachtbut got a little problem06:42
soundray!enter | Seracht06:42
ubotuSeracht: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:42
AlexC_Seracht: we are not physic.06:42
isakillgood luck06:43
GimpySeracht, don't spam. Just ask your problem06:43
FirstStrike!ask | Seracht06:43
ubotuSeracht: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:43
{Nathan}Just ask your question -- you don't need to ask if you can ask a question06:43
Serachtsec typing it up sec06:43
=== achim [n=achim@pD9E31586.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
isakillok here's another shot.. sound was/is provided by a soundblaster LIVE! the sound worked just fine in Gnome but nome sucks royal and I installed KDE cause I like it better. Sound no longer works. what exactly could be causing this?06:43
coluttiGimpy: have you tried this option? Option "HWCursor" "off"06:43
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achimhi there06:43
Gimpycolutti, I don't know how to do that06:43
[QUEEN] http://img111.imagevenue.com/img.php?loc=loc96&image=06385_analhorsecumdrink_2_122_96lo.jpg06:43
Thanatos_ok, i type "sudo mkdir -t ntfs /dev/hda /mnt/windows" I get "mount: /dev/hda already mounted or /mnt/windows busy".  When I try to browse the partition in disks manager, it says I don't have the permission. Is it already mounted?06:43
AlexC_!ops | [QUEEN]  | Spam/porn06:43
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/13998381/AnalHorseCum_and_MareLick.zip.001.html06:43
ubotu[QUEEN]  | Spam/porn: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso06:43
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/13998307/AnalHorseCum_and_MareLick.zip.002.html06:43
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/13995590/AnalHorseCum_and_MareLick.zip.003.html06:43
coluttiGimpy: ok .. lets do that06:44
[QUEEN] none of these work06:44
Serachtmy friend told me I would have to go reconfigure a dpkg, whatever that means. And he gave me the command (to enter in recovery mode) dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xcsg? I cannot read the last word06:44
[QUEEN] wtf ubuntu06:44
AlexC_[QUEEN] : Get a bloody life,06:44
coluttiGimpy: open a terminal06:44
moggiousing edgy, tried install driver for Geforce 6200 , installed nvidia-glx from repos , did  sudo nvidia-glx-config enable------:error unable to load nvidia kernerl driver06:44
Gimpyalright, opened06:44
Serachtanyone know how to reconfigure it so I can choose VESA06:44
Serachtbecause nothing is showing up on my screen at themoment06:44
=== sha1sum is now known as sha256sum
vox754AlexC_, You know, I was wondering this, when are the Prin stars going to use Ubuntu? Now we have our answer...06:44
ameinke!search info06:44
ubotuFound: 11:57]  <ubotu> strigi, ubotu, hidden-root, koffice, metisse, laptop, sudo, openbox, teg, topic06:44
ardchoille[QUEEN] : Please leave the channel.06:44
AlexC_Seracht: sudo dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg06:44
coluttiGimpy: type sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:44
Serachtorg ok :) Thank you06:44
AlexC_vox754: haha yeah06:44
SerachtI will try it06:44
=== TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-36-117-87.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Serachtthanks you alex-weej06:44
[QUEEN] (06:45:25) (ardchoille): [QUEEN] : Please leave the channel06:44
dev1In vimtutor tutor.ru has koi8-r charset by default. iconv fix the problem. please note that06:44
Serachter AlexC_06:44
[QUEEN] why?06:44
ameinke!info xchat06:44
ubotuxchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.6-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 275 kB, installed size 760 kB06:44
soundrayardchoille: there's no point, we'll have to wait for an op06:44
AlexC_[QUEEN] : do you have to ask that?06:45
GimpyAlright I'm in06:45
=== nebo [n=nebo@dslb-084-057-255-017.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
[QUEEN] http://www.funny-games.biz/farms-sex.html06:45
isakillWTF over?06:45
=== OracleGD [n=gd@adsl-69-149-34-69.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso06:45
[QUEEN] why im a nice girl06:45
=== arab_ [n=arab@ip-241.c3.gylcomp.hu] has joined #ubuntu
nfp|kelnoky[QUEEN] : because you obviously dont wanna be here06:45
OracleGDQueen stays.06:45
coluttiGimpy: find a section named Device06:45
GimpyAlright I'm in that section06:45
=== bobjones_ [n=bob@] has joined #ubuntu
[QUEEN] thanks OracleGD06:45
numistAlexC_: once is enough06:45
AlexC_Gotta go, food o'clock - cya06:45
[QUEEN] i was feelign so loney06:45
[QUEEN] no one wants tohelp me06:45
coluttipaste this Option "HWCursor" "off"06:45
OracleGDBoW to the CoW06:45
AlexC_numist: the more times the better for this idiot.06:45
[QUEEN] i need to get off06:45
=== felixhummel [n=dfm21@p5496DE0B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
[QUEEN] but i cant watch my pr0n06:45
[Jonne] crap, /ignore doesn't work in gaim . Why didn't they put xchat on the liveCD?06:45
[QUEEN] ubuntu is causing issues06:45
=== markus_ [n=markus@p50808EAB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
[QUEEN] bow to the cow06:46
=== w0rmy is now known as doronbe
[QUEEN] :D06:46
{Nathan}[Jonne] : irssi06:46
[QUEEN] <#06:46
arab_hali van vki aki magyar?06:46
bobjones_hi all, can someone give me a few pointers on mounting a smb share via fstab in edgy?06:46
GimpyOk I did that colutti06:46
isakillCDC is still around?06:46
=== Bishi [n=anthony@5ac0301d.bb.sky.com] has joined #ubuntu
[QUEEN] yeah06:46
Bishi 800006:46
OracleGDcDc is SOOOO still around.06:46
GimpyI pasted Option "HWCursor" "off" underneath the BusID line06:46
=== DreamThief [n=mathias@unaffiliated/dreamthief] has joined #ubuntu
[QUEEN] see if ubuntu is in 20 years :P06:46
coluttiGimpy: ok . now close the file06:46
=== Adri2000 [n=adri2000@ubuntu/member/adri2000] has joined #ubuntu
OracleGDOoooh, burn.06:46
=== raptros-v76 [n=raptros@] has joined #ubuntu
[QUEEN] you cant even watch horse pr0n on it06:46
GimpyI should save first though, right ?06:46
ardchoilleWow, the toddlers are filling up my ignore list today :)06:46
[QUEEN] sux0r06:46
coluttiGimpy: and we will need to restart X ...06:46
shatrat[QUEEN] , I thought new zealanders only looked at sheep porn anyway06:46
coluttiGimpy: yeap06:46
Thanatos_ok, i type "sudo mkdir -t ntfs /dev/hda /mnt/windows" I get "mount: /dev/hda already mounted or /mnt/windows busy".  When I try to browse the partition in disks manager, it says I don't have the permission. Is it already mounted?06:47
[Jonne] oh, i found it06:47
[QUEEN] i have goat pr0n06:47
[QUEEN] u like that more?06:47
=== Bhaal [i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal] has left #ubuntu ["Coming]
Gimpycolutti, now I just restart?06:47
=== Bhaal [i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal] has joined #ubuntu
rylanChadarius, i think im still messing something up06:47
OracleGDQueen, paste some more.06:47
[QUEEN] h9ow about scat06:47
[QUEEN] ubuntu hates that too06:47
coluttiGimpy: hit <ctrl> <alt> <backspace> .. this will restart X06:47
[QUEEN] http://img31.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=92461_caps_123_96lo.jpg'06:47
isakillI've pasted my problem multiple times. i've asked what I believe a pertinient question and not once has anyone tried to help me resolve the issue06:47
=== tibore [n=tibore@dsl5401C511.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
[QUEEN] FOR cDc06:47
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/15809522/MFX836_Girls_In_Paradise.part01.rar06:47
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/15823831/MFX836_Girls_In_Paradise.part02.rar06:47
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/16197178/MFX836_Girls_In_Paradise.part03.rar06:47
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/15859222/MFX836_Girls_In_Paradise.part04.rar06:47
=== anandanbu [n=Administ@] has joined #ubuntu
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/15946702/MFX836_Girls_In_Paradise.part05.rar06:47
=== morrolan [n=morrolan@host81-155-222-84.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/15957416/MFX836_Girls_In_Paradise.part06.rar06:48
=== han_ [n=han@86-39-63-7.customer.fulladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/15971273/MFX836_Girls_In_Paradise.part07.rar06:48
shatratisakill, if nobody has had the problem before nobody can help.  to google06:48
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/16018777/MFX836_Girls_In_Paradise.part08.rar06:48
OracleGDFOR cDc!06:48
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/16506817/MFX836_Girls_In_Paradise.part09.rar06:48
geemynot every one who can help06:48
=== Kiongku [n=waikeung@ADSL-TPLUS-106-20.telecomplus.net] has joined #ubuntu
tiborena, kirly06:48
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/13414473/mfx_Lesbian_Scat_Military_Girls_Vol_1___killerjago_Rip_.part01.rar.html06:48
tiboreez mr valami06:48
rylanisakill, welcome to ubuntu. i get that all the time too. sometimes it gets busy here06:48
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/13417318/mfx_Lesbian_Scat_Military_Girls_Vol_1___killerjago_Rip_.part02.rar.html06:48
Gimpyokay I hit ctrl alt backspace06:48
geemyis sitting at their machines06:48
raptros-v76isakill: whats the question06:48
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/13420639/mfx_Lesbian_Scat_Military_Girls_Vol_1___killerjago_Rip_.part03.rar.html06:48
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/13424024/mfx_Lesbian_Scat_Military_Girls_Vol_1___killerjago_Rip_.part04.rar.html06:48
Chadariusrylan: Ok what happened when you ran make?06:48
=== arabigsevilla [n=arabigse@115.Red-213-97-134.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
geemysome do have lives06:48
ardchoilleisakill: Not everyone here knows everything about all possible issues. It's possible that no one here knows the answer.06:48
coNP!hu | tibore06:48
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/13427112/mfx_Lesbian_Scat_Military_Girls_Vol_1___killerjago_Rip_.part05.rar.html06:48
Mattiasi just noticed, why is half the screen fading to blurry ? i mean, it gose from clear on the left side and fades into little blurry to the right, i can see it clearly when viewing websites or something06:48
isakillok here's another shot.. sound was/is provided by a soundblaster LIVE! the sound worked just fine in Gnome but nome sucks royal and I installed KDE cause I like it better. Sound no longer works. what exactly could be causing this?06:48
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/13429586/mfx_Lesbian_Scat_Military_Girls_Vol_1___killerjago_Rip_.part06.rar.html06:48
coNP!hu | arab_06:48
ubotutibore: Ha magyarul beszelsz kerlek probald a #ubuntu-hu06:48
ubotuarab_: Ha magyarul beszelsz kerlek probald a #ubuntu-hu06:48
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/13432226/mfx_Lesbian_Scat_Military_Girls_Vol_1___killerjago_Rip_.part07.rar.html06:48
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[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/13435412/mfx_Lesbian_Scat_Military_Girls_Vol_1___killerjago_Rip_.part08.rar.html06:48
tiborena, ha majd tudsz angolul, akkor gy mlik az info06:48
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/13411029/mfx_Lesbian_Scat_Military_Girls_Vol_1___killerjago_Rip_.part09.rar.html06:48
OracleGDcDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:48
geemyno comprende06:48
tiboremost megkeresem a magyart06:48
[QUEEN] :D06:48
rylanChadarius, i double clicked on the file labled make, and nothing happened06:48
[QUEEN] 2 vomit Amateur Deepthroat Choking06:48
arab_ok 1 v mulva leszek06:48
[QUEEN] http://img128.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=68895_2_Vomit_Amateur_Deep_Throat_Gag__Puke_123_518lo.jpg06:48
[QUEEN] Code:06:48
=== skirk [n=skirk@ip-103-163.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu
rylanChadarius, so i opened terminal.06:48
[QUEEN] http://rapidshare.com/files/3150461/2_Vomit-Amateur-Deep-Throat-Gag-_-Puke-3m35s.mpg06:48
Chadariusrylan: do all of this in terminal06:48
[QUEEN] cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:49
rylanChadarius, im not sure what i am doing wrong.06:49
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coNParab_, tibore pls --> #ubuntu-hu06:49
[QUEEN] cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:49
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso06:49
[QUEEN] cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:49
OracleGDcDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:49
=== Fieldy [i=H71wFj2L@gentoo/contributor/Fieldy] has joined #ubuntu
[QUEEN] cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:49
[QUEEN] cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:49
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[QUEEN] cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:49
geemyqueen needs to go bye bye06:49
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Chadariusrylan: go into the directory that the files are in and run make from there06:49
[QUEEN] cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:49
OracleGDcDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc OWNS YOU06:49
raptros-v76isakill: (almost missed it) give me a moment06:49
rylanChadarius, ok. newb me please and just tell me what to write.06:49
[QUEEN] cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:49
[QUEEN] cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:49
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numistUdontKnow: you do it06:49
[QUEEN] cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:49
[QUEEN] cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:49
[QUEEN] cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:49
Chadariusrylan: where are the files at?06:49
jim_hi all06:49
{Nathan}/ignore OracleGD all06:49
[QUEEN] cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:49
vox754I bet the whole New Zealand gets banned.06:49
[QUEEN] cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDccDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:49
[QUEEN] cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:49
geemy* Added *!*n=Rubber@125-238-149-52.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz to ignore list06:49
Thanatos_how can i ignore this guy?06:49
[QUEEN] cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:49
[QUEEN] cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:49
OracleGDcDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:49
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o numist] by ChanServ
[QUEEN] cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:49
[QUEEN] cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:49
=== [QUEEN] [n=Rubber@125-238-149-52.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has left #ubuntu [requested]
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coluttican anybody kill queen please?06:49
crazytales2[QUEEN] : you're disgracing the name of my favourite band.06:50
OracleGDcDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:50
rylanChadarius, /home/rylan/drivers/06:50
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morrolanjust put them on ignore06:50
rylanChadarius, you mean the .tar.gz file right?06:50
xtknightops will prolly be here shortly06:50
morrolanSetting up SSH, both computers on Ubuntu Edgy, can login directly using IP address but not over the internet using DynDNS and port-forwarding?06:50
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@125-238-149-52.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] by numist
vox754Watch out! It's a Microsoft agent!06:50
OracleGDIgnore me.06:50
soundraycolutti: we'll have to wait for ops06:50
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OracleGDcDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:50
Chadariusrylan: did you extract that file yet?06:50
Gimpythanks man.. I have a cursor now :)06:50
shatratthis is why children can't be allowed to do anything but work in textile factories.06:50
isakillthere's 2 for the ignore box06:50
OracleGDBAN ME BITCH!06:50
mindstatethats just ridiculous06:50
OracleGDcDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc cDc06:50
rylanChadarius,  yes i did06:50
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@adsl-69-149-34-69.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] by numist
Gimpycolutti, ubuntu is so much better with a cursor haha06:50
geemyno kidding06:50
numistOracleGD: ignored.06:50
=== Luck [n=steady@ip70-160-26-12.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
morrolanSetting up SSH, both computers on Ubuntu Edgy, can login directly using IP address but not over the internet using DynDNS and port-forwarding?06:50
geemyya me too06:50
coluttiGimpy: worked?06:50
sha256sumjust do a filter for any strings coming through with "cDc cDc" and gline them for a good chunk of time06:50
GimpyYes Sir06:50
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Chadariusrylan: ok and that's in /home/rylan/drivers then06:50
Mattiasi just noticed, why is half the screen fading to blurry ? i mean, it gose from clear on the left side and fades into little blurry to the right, i can see it clearly when viewing websites or something06:50
coluttiGimpy: nice06:51
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GimpyYeah, thanks a lot.06:51
raptros-v76isakill: so, you switched to kde, now sound doesnt work06:51
coluttiGimpy: you are welcome06:51
Thanatos_Please help me mount this drive, anyone. ok, i type "sudo mkdir -t ntfs /dev/hda /mnt/windows" I get "mount: /dev/hda already mounted or /mnt/windows busy".  When I try to browse the partition in disks manager, it says I don't have the permission. Is it already mounted?06:51
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rylanChadarius,  so i write what in terminal?06:51
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gordonjcpI have a few DS3s sitting spare, would it be rude of me to packet OracleGD into oblivion?06:51
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raptros-v76isakill: and its a .. soundblaster?06:51
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mc44numist: thank you kindly06:51
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xtknightgordonjcp: not rude but immature06:51
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Chadariusrylan: Is there another directory in the drivers directory or are all the files direclty in there06:52
xtknightgordonjcp: dont feed the trolls just let them go06:52
numistwelcome.  was hoping a real chanop was watching but alas06:52
gordonjcpxtknight: pfff, I'm 33, I can live with immature06:52
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fr500how can i create an lvm volume on an empty hdd?06:52
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isakillthere IS an internal sound system on the motherboard but I think it's disabled06:52
xtknightwaste of good bandwidth anyways06:52
gordonjcpyeah, where are all the ops?06:52
cchancehow do i make a link from /var/www to /home/owner/desktop/webserver?06:52
rp3where is the default location for wallpapers?06:52
morrolanSetting up SSH, both computers on Ubuntu Edgy, can login directly using IP address but not over the internet using DynDNS and port-forwarding - can't login using WAN IP address either.06:52
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raptros-v76isakill: hmm try the sound system control thing06:52
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Chadariusrylan: Should see stuff like README etc... in there06:52
rylanChadarius,  there is the .tar.gz and another driver.06:52
raptros-v76take a look in there06:52
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bobjones_ hi all, can someone give me a few pointers on mounting a smb share via fstab in edgy? i cant seem to make the share user mountable, iam passing user as an option06:52
sha256sumhey they say kids laugh 400+ times per day, and adults laugh around 40... I'd venture to say that immaturity is "called for," if you will, on certain occasions06:52
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/06:52
xtknightrp3: /usr/share/pixemaps/backgrounds06:53
rylanChadarius, ah, then its /home/drivers/gspcav1-2007011006:53
xtknightmeh sure adults can have their fun too i guess but is ping flooding 'fun'?06:53
rylanChadarius, ah, then its /home/rylan/drivers/gspcav1-2007011006:53
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vox754sha256sum, what has just happened?06:53
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raptros-v76isakill: are you there?06:53
shatratbobjones_, theres an article about mounting windows shares permanently at help.ubuntu.com06:53
Chadariusrylan: Ok that's is where we need to be. cd into that directory06:53
xtknightrp3: /usr/share/pixmaps/backgrounds rather (mistyped)06:53
cchancehow do i make a link from /var/www to /home/owner/desktop/webserver?06:53
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isakilldoesn't list any hardware06:54
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anandanbuproblems with edgy EFT in the Internet connection can someone help me06:54
LonerVampnot to be a stickler, but that was chat flooding, not ping flooding.06:54
h3sp4wnmorrolan: I would not expect you to see the effects from inside the network of any forwarding06:54
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sha256sumvox754: you took a chemical called rufenol while drinking06:54
rylanChadarius, ok so i write cd /home/rylan/drivers/gspcav1-20070110/06:54
sha256sumcheck and see if you still have kidneys06:54
raptros-v76isakill: give me a minute, ill go look for something06:54
Chadariusrylan: yeah06:54
morrolanh3sp4wn: I was thinking that, but I wanted to test the DynDNS connection and port-forwarding before I drove 40 miles, only to find it doesn't work :(06:54
Chadariusrylan: then just type "make" and hit enter06:55
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bobjones_shatrat, thanks ill checkitout06:55
isakillthank you raptros-v7606:55
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h3sp4wnmorrolan: you can test it with an online port scanner06:55
Chadariusrylan: then when that is done type "sudo make install" and hit enter06:55
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morrolanh3sp4wn can you recommend one please?06:55
cchancehow do i make a link from /var/www to /home/owner/desktop/webserver?06:55
cchancehow do i make a link from /var/www to /home/owner/desktop/webserver?06:55
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rylanChadarius, ok, we have drivers driverizing as we speak06:55
Fieldycchance: please stop repeating06:55
h3sp4wnmorrolan: Don't know one from the top of my head I just use nmap from an external machine06:55
agliv5Ubuntu networking for beginners??? no connectivity???  help please???06:56
vox754sha256sum, I guess you are into chemistry... or drugs. Either way, let's get back to Linux. It's not our fault he doesn't follow the instructions to watch MPEG. These are piece of cake on Ubuntu.06:56
cchanceFieldy, well if you would give me the answer i wouldent have too06:56
Fieldycchance: riiight.06:56
xtknightcchance: sudo ln -s /var/www/ /home/owner/desktop/webserver06:56
Fieldyman ln, it's in there06:56
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DespI cant use sudo or su commands06:57
xtknightDesp: why?06:57
DespI changed the user name06:57
cchancesudo ln -s /var/www/ /home/owner/desktop/webserve06:57
h3sp4wnmorrolan: maybe look into fail2ban if you don't want people trying to get into your connection constantly06:57
Despand i cant login as admin06:57
=== emet [n=jonathan@69-163-187-99.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
raptros-v76isakill: what model of sound card?06:57
xtknightDesp: alright, go in to ubuntu recovery mode and i think you need to add your user to the sudo group06:57
cchanceowner@cchance:~$ sudo ln -s /var/www/ /home/owner/desktop/webserver06:57
cchanceln: creating symbolic link `/home/owner/desktop/webserver' to `/var/www/': No such file or directory06:57
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xtknightDesp: admin group rather?  not completely sure06:57
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spdfor you could change the apache config file to point to /home/user/public_html06:57
emetwhat is the name of the binary ATI driver06:57
xtknightemet: fglrx06:58
spdfThat way you could edit files as the user, and not have to sudo everything..06:58
AlexC_!ati | emet06:58
ubotuemet: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:58
Despxtknight i tried but it tell me to press ctrl+d to contenue but i ligin as user desp06:58
Despand its not admin06:58
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xtknightDesp: in single user (Recovery Mode) ?06:58
isakillraptros-v76 it's a SB LIVE!06:58
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fr500how can i create an lvm volume on an empty hdd?06:59
xtknightDesp: sorry.  su (single user) mode should just take you to a terminal and ask nothing about login06:59
isakillI've also noticed the tab function quit working :/06:59
GigaClonevery usbdisk HDD I plug in is deemed "Read-only" how can I change this06:59
vox754fr500, why do you need that? I've never used it.06:59
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patrialtCould someone assist me plz, i installed AVG and last night while it was running an update i closed it, now i cannot update it at all.06:59
xtknight!lvm | fr50006:59
ubotufr500: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO06:59
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fr500vox754, i added 2 disks for storage and i want them to look as one07:00
patrialti get this message: Update process failed..07:00
xtknightpatrialt: avg?  is there a linux avg?07:00
patrialtReason: Process 'avgupdate' is already running.07:00
patrialtyea, xtk07:00
AlexC_xtknight: yes there is07:00
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xtknightah sorry i dot know07:00
xtknightGigaClon: umm mount them as read/write?07:00
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Despmaster you mean ?07:00
xtknightDesp: master ... ?07:00
Despthere is ubuntu recovory mode07:01
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GigaClonit mounts them automatically when i plug them in07:01
Despbut it take me to login window07:01
xtknightGigaClon: hm perhaps they're in fstab.07:01
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vox754GigaClon, probably need to change the "/etc/fstab". I think they use FAT32 so you add the option "rw"07:02
Despubuntu kernal recovery mode07:02
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GigaClonits isn't in fstab07:02
GigaClonits just an ipod that im using as a harddrive07:02
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Thanatos_I'm having a difficult time following the chat, I'm trying to mount an ntfs partition. Can someone pls pm me?07:02
raptros-v76isakill: could you /msg me with the entirety of the details of your problem? your original question sems to have gotten lost in the ^07:02
Thanatos_I'm having a difficult time following the chat, I'm trying to mount an ntfs partition. Can someone pls pm me?07:02
Gimpyanyone here play CS:Source on ubuntu07:03
slippyr4how can i tweak it so that i can log in as root to the desktop07:03
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xtknightGigaClon: sorry, i'm not quite familiar with ubuntu's automount07:03
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter07:03
vox754GigaClon, oooh. Well that is different. You give that kind of info right away. The more info you get the better.07:03
[GuS] anandanbu: ask me here... not in pv please...07:03
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xtknightGigaClon: perhaps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35341207:03
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minntcanyone know why the livecd has reiser4progs but can't mount a reiser4 partition?07:04
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patrialtis there a command to force a program to end?07:04
vox754Thanatos_, you can create a temporary channel just for yourself. #thanatos then ask people to help there in private.07:04
agliv5does anyone know of a good guide to setting up a ethernet connection between 2 ubuntu boxes?07:04
geemyi have a rather simple sounding question07:04
mindstatepatrialt: kill07:04
xtknightminntc: reiser4progs is a toolset.  resiser4 is an unofficial kernel patch that is not in ANY distro at the moment07:05
geemyhow do i see my second hadd07:05
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minntcpatrialt: kill07:05
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shatratpatrialt, you could try xkill if its a window you want to close07:05
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gordonjcpmorrolan: what I do is I forward a "different" port, so (for instance) port 32222 outside forwards to port 22 on my server07:05
xtknightagliv5: you need a crossover cable, then set static ip on each pc you should be able to get it to wrok07:05
sha256sumpatrialt: if kill doesn't work try: killall <command>07:05
patrialtnah, it's a procoess "avgupdate"07:05
Despgive root password for maintenance (or type control-d to continue)07:05
Despso ?07:05
xtknightDesp: sorry i'm not sure07:05
xtknightDesp: broken install maybe.07:05
gsienerAnyone familiar with using the nvidia driver with an nforce2 board?07:05
mindstategordonjcp: i believe firestarter can do that for you07:05
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HymnToLifeDesp, just press enter07:06
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Thanatos_vox754, would you join me in channel #Thanatos_07:06
HymnToLifethere is no root pw in ubuntu07:06
geemythe second hdd needs fdiskiong?07:06
Despsame msg07:06
HymnToLifedid you set a root password ?07:06
xtknightif ubuntu says that, it's broken07:06
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:06
opshldsWill Grub4dos run on ntfs filse system or do i need to put the grldr and menu.lst on a fat32 system07:06
minntcxtknight: So it is...I had assumed it was included by now.07:06
agliv5xtknight, got the crossover cable... entered a thought-up ip for each ethernet card, but it's not working...07:06
Despis there other way to fix it and change the user name as before07:06
xtknightminntc: reiser4 is not in the official kernel tree due to "politics" (and some code problems on the side007:07
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gordonjcpmindstate: probably07:07
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atomikuDecent torrent client for ubuntu?07:07
siegfried__Can someone please help me install my HP G85 printer on ubuntu  6.06.1? I have tried and it won't print.07:07
xtknightagliv5: well can you ping each other?07:07
gordonjcpmindstate: I either do it "by hand" or in whatever management the firewall has07:07
xtknight!torrent | siegfried__07:07
ubotusiegfried__: Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt)  -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html07:07
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vox754Desp, I think you've set a root password, but then forgot it. That means you may have a problem.07:07
noianoHello everybody07:07
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agliv5xtknight, no07:07
Despno man07:07
xtknightDesp: you'd have to start a livecd and then fix your broken local system from there.  it does not mean you set a pw, it means ubuntu is broken07:07
Despi know the root passwd07:07
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noianois there a graphic tool to manage wireless connection in gnome?07:08
mindstategordonjcp: then do it lol07:08
xtknightnoiano: network-manager07:08
siegfried__ubotu, will the bittorrent FAQ help me install a HP G85 printer?07:08
tldWhat do I need to install to get man pages for stuff like fprintf, mmap etc?  (libc and syscall things for example)07:08
coNPnoiano: network-admin07:08
xtknightagliv5: sorry, my knowledge of networking  = bleh these days07:08
Despyou mean reinstall ubuntu07:08
noianoxtknight: thanks i will check it out07:08
xtknightDesp: that would be easiest07:08
StoneNoteI'm following the directions at the end of the ubuntu guide to do a dist-upgrade from egdy to feisty.  Are there any 'gotchas' that come to mind that I should know about at this time?07:08
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xtknighttld: probably the -dev packages07:08
rp3how can you test how fast the video drivers are, I just installed Nvidia and would like to check.07:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about blubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:08
Despand the fils i have07:08
tldxtknight: Yeah, suspected as much, but can't figure out which ones.07:08
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Despno way man07:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about winbuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:09
opshldsdoes the grldr and the menu.lst need to be on a fat32 filesystem?07:09
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xtknighttld: sorry, i dont have 'man mmap' either07:09
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xtknighttld: i got printf but not fprintf07:09
yeniklasorniano : wifi-radar07:09
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tldxtknight: Has to be possible somehow...07:10
opshldsor could someone assist me with setting up an wingrb menu, to install dapperdrake...07:10
tldcan't make sense of which package it should be in07:10
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xtknighttld: they might not even have a pkg for it07:10
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slippyr4is there a gtk-version of sudo ?07:10
xtknighttld: has man fprintf ever worked?07:10
mindstatehey everyone..i used mdf2iso to convert a .mdf to a iso file..once i get the iso i try to mount it..and i get some weird errors . "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, ..."07:11
xtknightslippyr4: gksu or gksudo07:11
ardchoilleslippyr4: gksudo07:11
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yeniklasoranyone know Samba network article?07:11
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ardchoilleslippyr4: Or you could use gksuexec07:11
unopgksuexec is a nice thing if you have it installed07:11
tldxtknight: This is my first time on ubuntu, but it works on other distros, with the rigth stuff installed07:11
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xtknighttld: ah really.  like suse and fedora?07:11
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xtknight!samba | yeniklasor07:11
ubotuyeniklasor: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT07:11
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tldxtknight: Yeah, probably.07:11
minntccan I start a server install from the Desktop install CD?07:12
raptros-v76isakill: ok, im not finding anything. you may have better luck on ubuntuforums.org07:12
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xtknighttld: sorry, you could ask in #debian07:12
gsienerAnyone using nvidia with nforce2?07:12
soundrayminntc: no07:12
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tldxtknight: tbh, I haven't used linux in a long time.  I've been taking a break from Linuxes, running *BSD instead.  Ubuntu is tempting though. :)07:12
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hartvig^Hi, how can i install Flash player on my system?07:12
AlexC_minntc: you can install the packages to make up a LAMP server, yes. But you would be better of installing the Server CD07:12
tldxtknight: Thanks for your help.07:12
xtknight!flash | hartvig^07:12
ubotuhartvig^: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:12
AlexC_!anyone | gsiener07:12
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash07:12
ubotugsiener: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:12
slippyr4gksudo seems to work, thanks andchoille : what would gksuexec do that i might like then?07:12
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vox754LjL, where you been? you've missing all the fun.07:12
xtknighttld: the debian people are generally more dev oriented ,they can prolly give you a package name that you can install on debian or ubuntu07:12
hartvig^ty xtknight ;D07:12
LjLvox754: yeah, i noticed already :)07:13
ardchoilleslippyr4: Open a term and run  gksuexec, I thik you'll like it.07:13
slippyr4ardchoille: i don't have it installed07:13
minntcAlexC_: I'm installing onto a raid array, two drives of which are on a controller not recognized by the server or alternate discs, but it is recognized on the desktop cd.07:13
vox754LjL, New Zealand, remember that.07:13
gsienerTrying to use nvidia with nforce2/Xorg.  When I first boot up, X shows the splash screen, then a blue screen and the wait cursor, then screen is black but I can see/move the mouse07:13
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ardchoilleslippyr4: You don't?07:13
mc44LjL: yeah, your omnipresence is lacking :)07:14
AlexC_!nvidia | gsiener07:14
ubotugsiener: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:14
minntcAlexC_: So I've got my arrays configured and all, but the desktop install only wants to let me see the HD* devices.07:14
AlexC_gsiener: try that first,07:14
tldxtknight: Thanks. :)07:14
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ardchoilleslippyr4: Do you have Applications -> System Tools -> Run as different user  ?07:14
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xtknighttld: oh please let me know if you find out07:14
AlexC_minntc: I know nothing of raid arrays with Linux sorry,m07:14
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gsienerYep, I have already installed the binary drivers07:14
slippyr4gsiener. No - seems it's not installed out-the-box07:14
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tldxtknight: Willdo07:14
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LjLmc44: well, staffers came to the rescue anyway i see. i guess being saturday evening has something to do with the lack of ops... :)07:15
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ardchoilleslippyr4: Yes it is, it's just that the menu item is hidden. You haven't checked it in the alacarte menu editor.07:15
minntcsoundray: know much about raid on linux?07:15
slippyr4ardchoille: nope, that menu doesn't exist07:15
AlexC_LjL: may I PM you to talk about ops?07:15
slippyr4alacarte menu editor?07:15
kexmani just installed ubuntu into a vmware machine, can i somehow port this installation to another partition and use it without vmware ?07:15
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ardchoilleslippyr4: Are you running Dapper or Edgy with gnome desktop07:15
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coNPkexman: I guess not trivially07:15
coNPkexman: but you can copy it and make bootable07:15
soundrayminntc: enough to know that it's not worth the effort in most cases ;)07:15
slippyr4ardchoille: edgy07:15
patrialtcan anyone recommend a nice antivirus?07:16
slippyr4ardchoille: gnome07:16
LjLAlexC_: depends, i guess - #ubuntu-ops might be better07:16
soundrayminntc: have you seen ubotu's advice on raid?07:16
soundray!raid | minntc07:16
ardchoilleslippyr4: does this return anything?  which gksuexec07:16
ubotuminntc: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO07:16
AlexC_LjL: oh, didn't know that existed! thanks07:16
ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2107:16
mindstatepatrialt: clamAV07:16
patrialtty mind, i'll try it now07:16
patrialtmindstate is is gui or command?07:16
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coNPpatrialt: see above what uboto said07:16
slippyr4ardchoille: no, it doesn't (which is how i concluded it wasn't installed)07:16
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robdemanhi folks07:16
Icehawk78I have a bit of a beginner's question, and unfortunately don't know enough to know quite *what* I need to ask for.07:16
mindstatepatrialt: i use cli07:16
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ardchoilleslippyr4: I guess Edgy doesn't install it.. that's too bad, it's a nice little app.07:17
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GimpyI wish I could install ubuntu.... but then i'd lose all my games an applications from windows07:17
Gimpywhat to do :\07:17
patrialtconp i didn't see anything about antivirus as i scrolled up07:17
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Se22hello, it is possible to change the system default language ?07:17
robdemandudes I did a sudo rm -f /var/log/apache/www.domainname.com-error.log07:17
slippyr4how can i work out what package it's in?07:17
kjlGimpy: noty true07:17
kexmancoNP well yes i would be booting to a livecd then mount my / to a dir then mount the new / to another dir copy then make bootable ... but what about vmwaremachine != my machine ! so kernel should be remade ... right ?07:17
coNP!virus | patrialt07:17
robdemanbut my logfile is gone rnow07:17
ubotupatrialt: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2107:17
slippyr4archoille: how can i work out what package it's in?07:18
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robdemanI hoped that apache would create a new /var/log/apache/www.domainname.com-error.log07:18
robdemanI restarted apache07:18
slippyr4gimpy: buy a wii and bin windows07:18
patrialtis that a big explanation about how linux isn't targetted by all the viruses that are created?07:18
Freezeili'm having trouble installing both Ubuntu 6.10 and Ubuntu 6.0607:18
kjlGimpy: You can install Ubuntu side by side with' Windows07:18
robdemanwhy doesnt it create a new /var/log/apache/www.domainname.com-error.log07:18
morrolanh3sp4wn - it seems to connect (I don't know the protocol for SSH) and it asks for the password, then just fails me three times, whether I use my account password on the remote machine, or the dsa passphrase I created and copied to the remote server (whilst it is local)07:18
Freezeil6.10 gives me an "I/O error" box and then restarts, and 6.06 goes through a few mins and then "Uncompressing files... Ok, booting to kernel", and then it does nothing07:18
coNProbdeman: I guess the log is created, but not the directory07:18
CrescendoI'm trying to connect to my SSH servers, and I'm getting "Nautilus cannot display "ssh://martindale@gwing.net".  Please select a different viewer and try again."07:18
minntcsoundray: yeah, the TLDP doc is using LVM, which is only good for RAID0/1. The second doc is for people with hardware RAID, not software (via mdadm) which is what I'm using07:18
Freezeilwhat am i doing wrong?07:18
robdemancoNP: /var/log/apache/www.domainname.com-error.log is a text file not a directopry right?07:18
kexmani just saw a PS2 boot yesterday :)07:18
AlexC_Freezeil: do you have a Core 2 Duo?07:18
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robdemancoNP: ohg its /var/log/apache2/www.domainname.com-error.log07:19
mindstatehey everyone..i used mdf2iso to convert a .mdf to a iso file..once i get the iso i try to mount it..and i get some weird errors . "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, ..."07:19
FreezeilAlexC_: yes07:19
xtknightahhh core 2 duo07:19
Se22hello, it is possible to change the system default language ?07:19
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xtknighti can help you there07:19
Gimpywell i dunno can I still run all my games07:19
AlexC_Freezeil: Ok....could be fun. ahhh, talk to xtknight!07:19
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robdemancoNP: but anyway there are other domains creating error logs in /var/log/apache207:19
exploit is there any driver or app which can detect my mmc  hardware?07:19
xtknightthanks i wouldnt have even thought of it07:19
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exploit is there any driver or app which can detect my mmc  hardware?07:19
Freezeilxtknight: what should i do?07:19
Icehawk78I recently set up a LAMP server, and set up, among other things, FTP support. So currently when I want to upload something into my web server, I have to manually add it to my /var/www folder from my personal folder... Is there a way to either create a link or soemthing like that to let me FTP directly into that folder?07:19
robdemancoNP: but the one I removed as goner07:19
kjlGimpy: by rebooting into Windows.07:19
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soundrayminntc: what's your RAID question?07:19
Se22how to change system language?07:19
kexmandoes ubuntu have anything like automatic kernel maker ?07:19
xtknightFreezeil: umm, you're probably screwed when it comes to ubuntu 6.06~6.10 if you want to know the truth.  but let's make sure.  what motherboard are ou running?07:19
Se22how to change system language?07:20
=== base [n=ubuntu@cpe-66-68-207-195.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
GimpyI'm on a livecd right now07:20
xtknightkexman: it has debian kernel pkg which is really easy07:20
coNProbdeman: okay, I mean is the www.hostname... dir existing?07:20
FreezeilASUS P5B Deluxe...07:20
torbitis it possible to install ubuntu onto a serial ata drive, but have grub/the bootloader load from an IDE drive? my current system is unable to boot from SATA (i have an add-in card)07:20
basehow can i play mpg i the live ubuntu cds07:20
xtknight!core2duo | Freezeil07:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about core2duo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:20
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=== CrakeHunter [n=martin@p57B8E229.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
kjlGimpy: I'm serious. That's the only good way.07:20
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robdemancoNP: yes the domain is running.. what do you mean exactly? I just remove dthe error logfile07:20
robdemancoNP: the domain is still up & running07:20
xtknightFreezeil: maybe this site will help http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwiki.ubuntu.com%2FCore_2_Duo_Support&ei=cUfXRajpEKCajgGVh73LCQ&usg=__rjboeEgStaW2KhZG5Na0hx-zjWA=&sig2=LOURQP0Hum47c1CIc0jvVw07:20
coNPI mean there is no directory in /var/log/apache207:20
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Gimpykjl,  you can use Wine and Cedega though aswell07:20
Se22how to change system language07:20
xtknightFreezeil: this i mean https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Core_2_Duo_Support07:20
chervahow can i prevent a program from accessing the internet ?07:20
kjlGimpy: "good"07:20
ardchoille!repeat | Se2207:20
ubotuSe22: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:20
exploitany 1 help me here? about mmc card07:21
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slippyr4torbit: yes it is07:21
patrialtcoNP does spyware removal programs apply to linux in the same way as antivirus software?07:21
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CrakeHunterhello, i would like to contribute to improving the ubuntu system. sometimes when a program crashes it shows i coul report the bug. then there is a file listed. how can send this file and the description and to whom should i send it?07:21
soundraySe22: System-Administration-Language Support07:21
coNPpatrialt: I guess yes07:21
torbitslippyr4, any special 'hacks' i'd have to do, or would the installer handle it for me?07:21
kjlGimpy: Wine isn'r stable yet, and cedega mainly applies for games07:21
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patrialtalright coolies, worry-free xD07:21
AlexC_CrakeHunter: you could report a bug on Launchpad,07:21
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AlexC_!launchpad | CrakeHunter07:21
ubotuCrakeHunter: launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/07:21
Freezeilso i basically can't install Ubuntu due to having a new computer?07:21
patrialtim my computer's own worse enemy >.<07:22
coNPwhy not, Freezeil?07:22
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slippyr4torbit: i very much doubt the installer would handle it, you';d need to install, then boot to a live cd then setup grub again manually07:22
=== coNP is his own worse enemy :)
AlexC_Freezeil: No, I have a Core 2 Duo .. the problem comes with the JMIcron IDE/SATA controller that conflics with the Linux Kernel07:22
=== phixnay [n=phix@pool-141-156-243-233.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayFreezeil: please try a few boot options07:22
xtknightFreezeil: not sure, see if that page has any useful info for you07:22
kjlGimpy: You can. I am advising you to install Ubuntu alongside with Windows by clicking on "install" and following the directions.07:22
soundray!bootoptions | Freezeil07:22
ubotuFreezeil: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions07:22
torbitslippyr4, ah, I will mess around with it at some point, thanks07:22
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chervahow can i prevent a program from accessing the network ?07:22
Gimpyokay kjl , gotcha07:22
Gimpyi have to go now though07:22
Gimpylater all07:22
xtknightcherva: firewall07:22
=== valberg [n=scout@0x535bb921.bynxx17.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
AlexC_Freezeil: I had an Abit AB9, I spent 2 weeks trying to get it work ... in the end, I gave up and brought a new motherboard ( AW9D-Max ). There are ways of getting it to work though, like different boot options and/or kernels07:23
Icehawk78Is there a way to either create a link or soemthing like that to let me FTP directly into a different folder than my personal directory?07:23
=== alex-weej [n=alex@halls-129-31-82-59.hor.ic.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
soundraycherva: I don't think you can block an individual program from having net access07:23
Freezeilok. i'll read through the pages07:23
kjlsoundray: you can, but I doubt there is a program for that that we know of...07:23
cherva i need to block doom3 because as soon as i have internet and i launch it it says cd  key allready in yse07:23
AlexC_cherva: don't pirate then?07:24
torbitsolution: buy the game?07:24
slippyr4cherva: so go and buy doom3 rather than asking us for help in stealing it07:24
chervanoway i'm doing that07:24
phixnayI'm having trouble modprobing ndiswrapper. "depmod -a" gives a permission denied error, and if I go ahead and modprobe ndiswrapper, or even sudo modprobe ndiswrapper, it "doesn't fit" or something like that07:24
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL
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atomikuYarr Harr Fiddle ee dee07:24
AlexC_cherva: then don't expect help.07:24
atomikudo what you want because a pirate is free07:24
kjlcherva: why noty?07:24
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soundraycherva: try a free game instead07:25
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torbitdoom 3 is like $20 new now07:25
atomikulike enemy territory07:25
mc44cherva: please do not ask for help with illegal things in here07:25
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kjlcherva: i can help, but only if you buy doom307:25
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slippyr4kjl: he wouldnt need help if he bought it07:25
AlexC_slippyr4: true, true07:25
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chervai will never buy a game i have only Guild Wars original i'll find a way to block it07:25
slippyr4cherva: why will you never buy a game?07:26
hoagieHello people07:26
Icehawk78Is there a linux command line equivalent to a Windows "shortcut" into another folder?07:26
=== MissCapriz_ [n=biskvitk@lan4-69-138.interbild.net] has joined #ubuntu
Freezeilumm... the c2d support page says "Boot off the PATA CDROM and copy a KNOPPIX installation to USB stick. KNOPPIX will utilise kernel etc from the CDROM and then resume booting from USB stick. "07:26
LjLcherva: without our help, thanks. so if you have ubuntu support questions, please ask07:26
Freezeilwhat is "Knoppix"?07:26
Amon-sanxfce compared to windowmaker - which one would faster?07:26
AlexC_cherva: not everything in life will be free. Did you pay for your toaster? So why not Doom3?07:26
=== gaspipe1 [n=gaspipe1@cpe-68-173-167-233.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about knoppix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:26
Amon-san*would be07:26
=== EnsignRedshirt [n=wweckess@cpe-24-59-254-40.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gaspipe1sup people07:26
kjlcherva: tip, google for > block program from internet linux <07:26
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AlexC_Icehawk78: cd /my/dir07:26
mindstateFreezeil: its a linux live cd07:26
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chervakk bye for now07:26
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kjlcherva: but i will not google for it myself07:26
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xtknighttld: manpages-dev     i've got man mmap and man fprintf now07:26
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hoagieem I delted /etc/fstab by an accident, is there a way to retrieve it?07:26
phixnayIcehawk78: ln <original_file> <alias> I think. Better check07:27
elias1hello guys07:27
kjlhoagie: do you backup? if so, yes. if not, no.07:27
torbitsolution: go outside, get a job at mcdonalds, work for 4 hours, quit, buy doom307:27
Icehawk78So, ln is the command I'm looking for, most likely?07:27
soundrayhoagie: not really, but you can probably reconstruct it.07:27
StoneNotecherva investigate iptables and squid re: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/block-outgoing-network-access-for-a-single-user-from-my-server-using-iptables.html & http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch32_:_Controlling_Web_Access_with_Squid07:27
AlexC_Icehawk78: sorry, I missread you're question.07:27
LjLhoagie: no. it's not very hard to reconstruct if you know what your HD is like, though07:27
Freezeilmindstate: so i need a USB stick?07:27
torbitor get a better job07:27
soundrayhoagie: is the system still running?07:27
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mindstateFreezeil: or a cd burner07:27
xtknightFreezeil: personally i used a usb cdrom and dapper07:27
phixnayI'm having trouble modprobing ndiswrapper. "depmod -a" gives a permission denied error, and if I go ahead and modprobe ndiswrapper, or even sudo modprobe ndiswrapper, it "doesn't fit" or something like that07:27
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CrescendoI'm trying to connect to my SSH servers, and I'm getting "Nautilus cannot display "ssh://martindale@gwing.net".  Please select a different viewer and try again."07:28
elias1I want to play an .mpg file with mplayer and  I get "Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device Mplayer"07:28
=== torbit falls over
hoagieis there a way to boot from recovery mode and reconstruct it?07:28
xtknighthoagie: `sudo fdisk -l` will show a HD layout07:28
elias1any ideas?07:28
kjlhoagie: do you know what your HD is like?07:28
Freezeili am using a cd burner... that is an IDE07:28
AlexC_Icehawk78: yes, ls are system links in Linux, far more powerful than windows 'shortcuts' In terminal do "ln ~/folder ~/.my_hidden_holder" and then the folder will be linked to .my_hidden_holder07:28
LjLhoagie: yeah, it's called "booting into recovery mode and opening a text editor".07:28
LjLsome hints:07:28
LjL!fstab > hoagie    (hoagie, see the private message from Ubotu)07:28
LjL!uuid > hoagie    (hoagie, see the private message from Ubotu)07:28
AlexC_Icehawk78: or the other way around ... I forget which way it goes07:28
soundrayhoagie: boot a live CD, do as xtknight suggests, then mount each partition and look what's on them.07:28
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atomiku!enter | LjL07:28
ubotuLjL: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:28
mindstateelias1: are you using the right drivers07:29
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atomikui always wanted to do that07:29
agliv5xtknight, I don't know how I did it, but now I can ping one dirrection...07:29
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soundrayhoagie: do you need a basic fstab to model your own after?07:29
=== shiv [n=shiv@c-65-96-200-131.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
royelhello Ubuntu, I'm trying to setup a Daemon using a modified /etc/init.d/skeleton, problem I have is, the start command I need to use is # mono bf2ccd.exe .. can anyone tell me the correct format to put this command in the daemon script.. I'm having alot of trouble.07:29
hoagieyes please07:29
=== bigpaul [n=bigpaul@host160-110-dynamic.4-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ
atomikuuh oh07:29
kjl^^^ thats ok for !enter07:29
elias1mindstate what do you mean?07:29
LjLkjl: not funny >:07:29
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL
atomikuTurbo mode activate!07:29
Icehawk78Hmm... I tried doing that (I checked the man page for the correct method) and got this: ln: `/var/www/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/manual': hard link not allowed for directory07:29
agliv5xtknight, but on the recieving end when I try to open my network connections I get a crash...07:29
kjlbut, what  LjL showed is not ok to scold him for  entering07:29
mindstateelias1: right click mplayer goto preferences --> video and set it to "xv"07:29
atomikuI know :P07:30
kjlljl: i wasnt laughing.07:30
AlexC_Icehawk78: use "sudo" infront of the command07:30
mindstateelias1: i had the same problem and that worked for me07:30
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elias1let me try07:30
LjLkjl: well, i could have kept the "some hints" on the same lines probably. anyway, it's hardly a big deal07:30
kjlljl: k07:30
atomikulol LjL i was just joking btw :P07:30
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atomikudont hurt me D:07:30
tldxtknight: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28339107:30
LjLi know :P07:30
mc44LjL: the installer must have some magic for generating fstab, I wonder if you can do that on its own07:30
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Icehawk78Still not allowed.07:30
kjlIcehawk78: talking to... who?07:30
AlexC_Icehawk78: what is the full command you typed?07:30
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AlexC_kjl: me :P07:31
kjlok alexc07:31
=== CheshireViking [n=Inter@unaffiliated/cheshireviking] has joined #ubuntu
Icehawk78sudo ln /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/manual07:31
morrolanIs there an alternative to Gnome-Network-Manager to manage multiple wireless networks?07:31
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soundrayhoagie: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=283131 ; scroll down to Fstab Examples07:31
LjLmc44: wouldn't know where to look07:31
robdemanfolks any help with the missing error log?07:31
tldxtknight: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28339107:31
AlexC_Icehawk78: it's need to be like ln /dir1 /dir207:31
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agliv5when I try to run network-admin It crashes!!! can anyone help please?07:31
Mattiasis there a way to override the update application?07:31
AlexC_Icehawk78: because you Link one directory to another07:31
kjlok, i have a question.07:32
Icehawk78Do I need to create the directory in my home folder first, or not?07:32
xtknighttld: did you get my last msg07:32
xtknighttld: manpages-dev     i've got man mmap and man fprintf now07:32
AlexC_Icehawk78: no, I don't think so anyway07:32
soundrayMattias: what are you trying to do?07:32
tldxtknight: Ahh, thanks. :)07:32
morrolanIs there an alternative to Network-Manager-Gnome to manage multiple wireless networks?07:32
Mattiassoundray: it tries to downgrade my newly update wxPython07:32
kjli am on ubuntu live cd on my lat. d610, and i would like to enable wireless.07:32
xtknight!pin | Mattias07:32
ubotuMattias: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto07:32
hoagieLABEL=data /mnt/usr_data ext3 auto,users,rw 0 007:32
hoagieUUID=fab05680-eb08-4420-959a-ff915cdfcb44 /media/flash vfat user,rw 0 0 what do these stand for?07:32
=== aZu [n=aZul@dhcp-128-194-21-110.resnet.tamu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
kjlthats it. thats alll. what do i do?07:32
tldxtknight: That's what I found as well, my ubunto was just a bit too happy about climbing onto a neighbours wireless, so I connected from the wrong link, and lost the connection.07:32
elias1now | get an alsa error07:32
Icehawk78sudo ln /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/manual /home/nicholas/manual_uploads07:32
Icehawk78That also did not work.07:33
ubotuwifi-radar: graphical utility for managing Wi-Fi profiles. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.7-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 36 kB, installed size 208 kB07:33
morrolanIs there an alternative to Network-Manager-Gnome to manage multiple wireless networks? Wifi-Radar doesn't work either...07:33
gaspipe1which drivers should i dl for my Brother MFC 5100C printer? LPR drivers or CUPS drivers07:33
soundrayhoagie: actually, forget that example. I'll type up a new one on the pastebin. Give me three minutes or so07:33
aZui'm trying to register a shell script but i'm getting a permission denied07:33
=== tschaka [n=tschaka@p54B38A10.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
AlexC_Icehawk78: I think it's the other way around, so "sudo ln /home..... /var......"07:33
elias1unable to find PCM 007:33
xtknightit's sudo ln -s <realfile> <fakefile>07:33
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xtknightthe manual page for ln is awful07:33
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xtknightyou can never figure that out07:33
kjli am on ubuntu live cd on my lat. d610, and i would like to enable wireless. what do i do???07:33
agliv5does anyone know how to setup internet connection sharing in ubuntu?07:33
aZuxtnight: can you help?07:33
AlexC_xtknight: yes, yes it is. I get so confused with which they they are suppose to go07:34
hoagieI just need the line for the / partition and the swap one07:34
=== Thorinos [n=Thorinos@bas8-quebec14-1168082807.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
aZuxtknight: can you help?07:34
mindstateelias1: go back tp preferences --> audio and check esd07:34
xtknightaZu: sure.  sudo chmod +x ./shellscript.sh; ./shellscript07:34
kjlAlexC_: same here!!!!!07:34
Icehawk78But it will still work for folders?07:34
morrolanyenixlasor - that doesn't work for me either - it will let me add a new network, but the last network I had working renames to the new SSID, therefore saying that there is already a profile configured?07:34
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xtknightIcehawk78: symbolic links? yes07:34
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movihow can i get more visualizations for totem ?07:34
hoagieIf i remember correctly it's /dev/hda07:34
LjLmc44: maybe "os-prober", it's a dependency of ubiquity07:34
kjlIcehawk78: and for files too07:34
AlexC_Icehawk78: do "sudo ln -s /var/www.... /home......"07:34
meihi guys, how can i unistall php5 and apache2 fully?07:34
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Icehawk78Oh, good, the -s tag worked.07:34
Icehawk78Thank you very much07:34
=== jikanter [n=jordan@c-24-12-220-77.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
AlexC_mei: sudo apt-get remove --purge php5 apache207:34
xtknightmei: search in synaptic and select them with the completely remove option07:34
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xtknightor that07:35
royelhello Ubuntu, I'm trying to setup a Daemon using a modified /etc/init.d/skeleton, problem I have is, the start command I need to use is # mono bf2ccd.exe .. but I think the space in the command among other things are creating a problem..07:35
=== caplink811-log [n=caplink8@dslb-088-073-031-160.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
slytherinIs anyone using memory stick pro with Edgy?07:35
meixtknight thx07:35
aZuxtknight: not exactly what i meant07:35
meiAlexC_ th07:35
AlexC_!anyone | slytherin07:35
ubotuslytherin: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:35
xtknightmei: see AlexC's comment07:35
gaspipe1is installing a printer on ubuntu the biggest pain? I can't find any info on my printer07:35
=== lich [n=lich@81-233-59-155-no71.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
aZui have to register events07:35
morrolanroyel - ubotu is a bot07:35
=== babyju [n=aedwards@ool-4351dd68.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
xtknightaZu: events?07:35
morrolan!ubotu | royel07:35
aZusudo cat <<EOF > /etc/acpi/events/x41t-swivel-down07:35
uboturoyel: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:35
aZu# /etc/acpi/events/x41t-swivel-down07:35
aZu# called when tablet head swivels down07:35
aZuevent=ibm/hotkey HKEY 00000080 0000500907:35
AlexC_!paste | aZu07:35
ubotuaZu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:35
royelmorrolan: you should re-read my question then07:36
elias1mindstate:  I love you dude07:36
kjlcan i please ask a question here? am i allowed to? if so, why is my q ignored07:36
soundrayhoagie: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6255/07:36
elias1it worked07:36
xtknightkjl: 'cause no one knows the answer07:36
mindstateelias1: lol :)07:36
slytherinPlease tell me which driver to load to use memory stick pro on edgy07:36
=== hagi [n=hagi@adsl-84-227-91-150.adslplus.ch] has joined #ubuntu
elias1although I got an error on start it plays just perfect07:36
xtknightkjl: what's your question?07:36
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AlexC_!ask | kjl07:36
soundrayhoagie: please use my nick, so your lines are highlighted for me07:36
ubotukjl: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:36
lichi am pretty pissed of att my screen resolution, i can change to 1024*768 of a reason, have had it before, but now i am stuck at 800*60007:36
kjli am on ubuntu live cd on my lat. d610, and i would like to enable wireless. what do i do?07:36
xtknightaZu: so....umm...what's not working>07:36
elias1ok now I'm going to watch the video07:36
aZuxtknight: please scroll to the bottom07:36
lichanybody that can help?07:36
CrescendoI'm trying to connect to my SSH servers, and I'm getting "Nautilus cannot display "ssh://martindale@gwing.net".  Please select a different viewer and try again."07:36
aZuit's giving me a permission error07:36
elias1that's why I love ubuntu07:36
aZueven when i'm using sudo07:37
elias1because of it's spirit07:37
gaspipe1what distibution is ubuntu considered (Mandrake, Red Hat, SuSE or Debian <and BTW says drivers don't work with Debian 3.0> )07:37
LjL!wifi | kjl07:37
mc44LjL: ah yes it seems to detect partitions with OS's on,. but doesnt generate fstab from it07:37
ubotukjl: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:37
AlexC_aZu: what is the error?07:37
unoproyel,  quote the parameters you pass in appropriately -- command 'key value'  or  command key\ value07:37
mjrCrescendo, sftp:// rather07:37
xtknightaZu: at which cd07:37
hoagiewhat shall id o edit it?07:37
xtknightaZu: at which command07:37
morrolanlich - have you tried manually editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?07:37
mjrCrescendo, ssh is an obsolete method with some issues...07:37
kjlljl: i am on my desktop typing07:37
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meiAlexC_ it workdd07:37
soundrayhoagie: how have you booted the system now?07:37
kjlmjr: telnet07:37
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lichmorrolan : no07:37
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meiAlexC_ does this command work for all applications on ubuntu?07:37
hoagieI'm in windows...07:37
Icehawk78ssh is obsolete?07:38
Crescendo...ssh is obsolete?07:38
Icehawk78What's used in its place?07:38
LjLmc44: maybe it's just ubiquity doing that. it would be interesting to see if there are differences between an fstab generated by the alternate CD and one made by ubiquity07:38
soundrayhoagie: do you want to try and fix it from within Windows?07:38
CrescendoI thought telnet was obsolete?07:38
royelunop: can I paste the top part of the script to you in #flood.. maybe you can tell me what is wrong, I have tried puttin single quotes around the command?07:38
xtknightssh isn't obsolete07:38
AlexC_mei: yes, you can use Synaptic (System->Admin->Synaptic) or the command line "apt-get"07:38
hoagiebut how?07:38
kjlIcehawk78: telnet. not ssh, is obsolete07:38
morrolanlich - if you make a backup of that file, then manually edit it and choose your new default resolution.  Google for it07:38
mindstatei used ssh yesterday07:38
mjrIcehawk78, Crescendo, ssh:// in gnome-vfs is the one that's obsolete, you sillies07:38
Icehawk78lol, I was confused07:38
CrescendoI hope it is due to be fixed, soon. :/07:38
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meiAlexC_ thx dude07:39
mjrCrescendo, it isn't. Use sftp:// urls, as I said07:39
aZuxtknight: starting at the sudo cat<<eof07:39
AlexC_mei: you're welcome07:39
mc44LjL: i think ubquity probably reuses those bits from debian-installer07:39
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xtknightaZu: i don't even know what that command is doing07:39
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soundrayhoagie: please use my nick, so your lines are highlighted for me07:39
hoagieom what would the secondary dvd drive be named? /media/cdrom1?07:39
soundrayhoagie: yes07:39
Mattiasxtknight: adding pin to /etc/apt/preferences as it described didnt help and gave me errors instead07:39
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xtknightMattias: sorry, i really have no idea how to pin stuff, only know of that article07:40
AlexC_I really should get off IRC .. got work to do!07:40
aZui'm working on a tablet07:40
unop!pastebin | royel,07:40
uboturoyel,: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:40
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aZuand i'm trying to get the screen orientation to flip07:40
aZuwhen i swivel down07:40
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hoagieok I'm done now i paste it?07:40
Icehawk78Oh shoot. Windows apparently isn't smart enough to know how to follow a ln link while in explorer FTP07:40
Crescendomjr, thanks for the workaround, though - I've been having this problem for months. :)07:40
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soundrayMattias: there is a "Lock Package" command in synaptic that might help07:41
royelunop: I meant to join the channel #flood, have always used that for pasting.. sec I'll set up pastbin07:41
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows07:41
xtknightaZu: instead of using his bass-ackwards command why don't you just edit the file with a normal editor like gedit07:41
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xtknightaZu: gksudo gedit /etc/acpi/events/x41t-swivel-down07:41
unopIcehawk78,  is that an online filesystem like samba or FTP ?? or using the ext2/3 driver offline?07:41
aZuah ok07:41
movi_quick question : how can i get more visualization plugins in totem ?07:41
xtknightaZu: and then put in everything from # to before EOF07:41
aZudidn't think of that07:41
soundrayIcehawk78: it might be your ftp server preventing that07:41
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movi_i installed libvisial-plugins, but still only goom is listed in totem07:41
aZuwait before the eof?07:41
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Icehawk78Um... the FTP server is my Linux box.07:41
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aZunot including?07:42
xtknightaZu: the file should look like tihs: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6256/07:42
soundrayIcehawk78: well, it has to run ftp server software for it to act as an ftp server07:42
xtknightaZu: likewise for the other, except 'up' instead of down07:42
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unoproyel,  but i am not in #flood and use the !pastebin . it's easier, i can have a static record of the paste in my browser instead of changing channels and fighting other people's floods07:42
Icehawk78Yes, I do remember installing that07:42
royelunop: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6257/07:42
Icehawk78But I'm guessing I need to figure out which one?07:42
Victor_:::: http://www.fourmigration.com/link.php?pid=15&cont=507:42
royelunop: it is easy, ty07:43
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soundrayhoagie: when it's this busy, I don't see your lines, UNLESS you use my nick07:43
hoagiesoundray:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6258/07:43
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soundrayhoagie: no07:43
sebrockwhere can I turn off the multimedia keys in gnome?07:44
meiim trying to restart the apache but it is giving me an error : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6236/07:44
daveRhi, what decoder do i need to play mp3 files?07:44
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soundrayhoagie: you have two instances of /dev/hda1 and two of /dev/hdc07:44
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xtknightsebrock: gnome-keybinding-properties07:44
LjL!mp3 > daveR    (daveR, see the private message from Ubotu)07:44
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hoagieby the way the /media/windows is dsa107:44
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sebrockxtknight, thank you!07:44
emetwhats a yakukake like thing for gnome07:45
xtknightemet: yakuake works with gnome doesn'tit?07:45
hoagiesoundray: by the way the /media/windows is sda107:45
coNP!tilda | emet07:45
ubotuemet: tilda: Linux terminal which behaves like terminals in shooter games. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.09.3-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 32 kB, installed size 148 kB07:45
Icehawk78Oh, I'm using proftpd for ftp.07:45
xtknighthm cool07:45
soundrayhoagie: you want to fix that then07:45
coNPxtknight: works, but you have to install kde libs07:45
sebrockxtknight, well I've been there before, it has no button for turning them off tho???07:45
emetxtknight, yah but I don't waint to taint my gnome de with kde packages ! :P07:45
xtknightsebrock: press backspace on the commands you want disabled07:45
hoagiesoundray: yeah but would the secondary device be hd what07:45
coNPemet: look what ubotu has said to you :)07:46
meixtknight do u know anything about apache2 ? im not able to restart or start it07:46
hoagiesoundray: dvd device07:46
sebrockxtknight, hmm... ok07:46
soundrayhoagie: if your two optical drives are on the same channel (cable), one should be hdc, the other hdd07:46
xtknightmei: what's it say in the logs07:46
aZuhas anyone used xournal yet?07:46
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hoagiesoundray: one is the slave of the ide disk and other one of the sata disk07:47
aZui'm getting errors compiling Xournal because it doesn't recognize the packages that i already have07:47
xtknighttilda is sweet07:47
unoproyel,  this is a shabby script -- what error message are you recieving there?07:47
_siegfried_Can anyone help me print a document from G85 with ubuntu 6.06.1?07:47
soundrayhoagie: there are no slaves in SATA drives.07:47
soundrayhoagie: oh, sry, IC what you mean07:47
agliv5can anyone help me with a network-admin crash?07:47
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aZucan anyone help me?07:48
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xiantialu all07:48
royelunop: it's a modified version of /etc/init.d/skeleton so I can't take full credit, at this moment with the script the way you see it. this is the error: /etc/init.d/bf2server: line 24: test: /home/bf2server/bf2/mono: binary operator expected07:48
hoagiesoundray: so what would that be?07:48
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meixtknight http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6236/07:48
Serachthow do I change my hostname07:48
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lichi am pretty pissed of att my screen resolution, i can change to 1024*768 of a reason, have had it before, but now i am stuck at 800*600, anybody that can help me?07:48
soundrayhoagie: the slave to hda would be hdb. The SATA DVD is probably sdb07:49
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emetcoNP thanks07:49
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sebrockanyone using keytouch?07:49
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Serachtlike can I just leave it something like ABC and make it work on all networks? even if I just connect directly to the modem rather than a router?07:49
xtknightmei: looks like you need to adjust the binding address in your httpd.conf07:49
meixtknight would u mind helpin me adjust it?07:49
hoagiebut I'm not sure which /media/cdrom0 is and whic cdrom1 is07:49
xtknightmei: i wouldn't mind if i knew how ;)07:49
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Kissman86hi, any1 with hp nx7400?07:50
xtknightmei: but i can prolly provide some general advice...do you know where httpd is?07:50
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xtknightmei: httpd.conf rather07:50
hoagiesoundray: what shall put07:50
royelunop: ps, you realize I left off 90% of the bottom of the script.. I also use this exact script to start a teamspeak server.07:50
soundrayhoagie: by the way, if you attach your IDE CD-ROM as master via an extra cable, you will get slightly improved hard disk throughput07:50
aZui hate dependency erros07:50
meixtknight no unfortunately07:50
coNPyw, emet07:50
aZui hate dependency errors07:50
slippyr4how can i get rid of the graphical slidy bar thing when the kernel starts and see it's text output instead?07:50
xtknightmei: "locate httpd.conf"07:50
chablehow to install speedtouch adsl modem on ubuntu ?07:50
unoproyel,  well -x tests execute permissions .. and you are testing -x on something like "/home/bf2server/bf2/mono bf2ccd.exe" which is errm, not going to succeed .. anyway, you need to quote  it this way -- test -x "$daemon"07:50
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xtknight!usplash | slippyr407:50
ubotuslippyr4: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork07:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about speedtouch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:50
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xtknight!spam | Victor_07:50
ubotuVictor_: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !AskTheBot - and most importantly, use common sense :-)07:50
slippyr4xtknight : non booting system :(07:50
hoagiesoundray is there a command to view all of this inforamtion?07:51
chableanyone can help with this issue07:51
Serachtalso, i just installed ubuntu07:51
Serachtanything you guys recommend I do now07:51
Victor_no spam !!07:51
soundrayhoagie: corrected fstab: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6260/07:51
meixtknight found it07:51
xtknightslippyr4: recovery mode?07:51
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Victor_game :http://www.fourmigration.com/link.php?pid=15&cont=507:51
xtknightVictor_: what is it?  it just looks like nonsense to me07:51
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daveRquick question, i have a bittorrent running, if i switch user will it stop the download?07:51
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jpoetaanybody knows how amarok works with amsn like amsne infopipe plus xmms???07:51
slippyr4xtnight: good point, there is little difference between that and regular kernel07:51
hoagieso boot into recovery and i sue cat?07:51
soundrayhoagie: I don't know any, but in cases like this, I do 'dmesg | less' and search for occurrences of hd and sd07:52
SerachtI just installed Ubuntu, and I already updated, installed video card drivers and all that :). Do you guys think I should get Beryl?07:52
Dr_willisSeracht,  no.07:52
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soundrayhoagie: recovery won't boot without an fstab07:52
aZuxtknight: i'm having a problem compiling because i have dependency issues, but the thing is that i already had these packages included with edgy eft07:52
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xtknightaZu: compiling what?07:52
hoagieso how can I edit it?07:52
SerachtDr_willis,  why not?07:52
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soundrayhoagie: USE MY NICK07:52
likwidWorkSeracht why not.  Beryl looks cool and it would be somethign fun to learn07:52
vasseranyone here uses mldonkey ?07:52
Dr_willisSeracht,  you dident ask why.,. :)07:52
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soundrayhoagie: get ext2fsd for windows07:52
royelunop: is there another way I should go about this, perhaps I'm going around my butt to get to my elbow.. so to speak.07:52
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SerachtDr_willis,  lol ok :)07:52
xtknightaZu: what dev package are you missing?07:52
Dr_willisSeracht,  and it MAY , just MIGHT.. possibialy... even work...07:53
soundrayhoagie: get ext2ifs for windows07:53
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vasseri need to know where is the config file07:53
meixtknight after  i locate the file07:53
hoagiesoundray: but how can I put the file in the /etc to wrok07:53
aZuit says i'm missing atk1.0-007:53
Dr_willisSeracht,  its like winning the lottery if it works or not. it seems07:53
Serachtok one other question, I am currently installing KDE, if I do something in GNOME will it also be applied to KDE?07:53
xtknightmei: oh, erm, "gksudo gedit /location/of/httpd.conf"07:53
meixtknight but the default directory is not there07:53
aZuit says i'm missing libatk1.0-007:53
soundrayhoagie: mount your root file system in Windows, using ext2ifs07:53
Thanatos_I've got a drive on my computer that will be primarily running ubuntu. I'd like to make it visible to my xp computers on my wireless network. Can anyone who has a clue on how to make this work, pls join #Thanatos_ so we can have a detailed chat?07:53
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xtknightaZu: sudo apt-get install libatk1.0-dev07:53
aZuxtknight: libatk1.0-007:53
emetberyl is broke :(07:54
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xtknightemet: youll get better help in #beryl07:54
Serachtalso, what is the difference between BERYL/AIGLX and XGL/Compiz?07:54
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agliv5does anyone know how to use nautilus to connect to a network computer?07:54
Mattiashow do i do with multiplayer games thats in the repos? but isnt up to date but needs to to use on servers? like Nexuiz which is the best fps ever :P07:54
chableanyone can help me to sort this speedtouch adsl modem issue ?07:54
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xtknightSeracht: xgl is an x server designed with a gl backend07:55
unoproyel,  well, pass along the whole script , i'll see what i can suggest -- it's hard to put it all into perspective without the whole script07:55
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Serachtxtknight,  what does that mean hahah07:55
Thanatos_I've got a drive on my computer that will be primarily running ubuntu. I'd like to make it visible to my xp computers on my wireless network. Can anyone who has a clue on how to make this work, pls join #Thanatos_ so we can have a detailed chat?07:55
xtknightSeracht: compiz is a compositing window manager from suse/novell.  aiglx is another server, beryl is a newer, more community-driven compositing window manager with more features than cmopiz07:55
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soundrayThanatos_: you won't get any takers that way. Free support can only go so far. Please read pms from ubotu07:55
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soundray!wireless > Thanatos_07:55
Serachtxtknight,  know any good guide I can follow to get BERYL and make it work?07:55
soundray!samba > Thanatos_07:56
m1chable: which one?07:56
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xtknightSeracht: join #beryl they'll give you everything you need07:56
MattiasSeracht: yes, their own wiki07:56
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chableubuntu 6.1007:56
Serachtok thanks07:56
aZuxtknight:still the same problems07:56
Serachtwill try it out, thanks guys07:56
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MattiasSeracht: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu07:56
xtknightaZu: a different dependency issue?07:56
aZuxtknight: no07:56
mei xtknight ok ok07:56
aZuthe same07:56
meixtknight then?07:56
m1then describe the issue07:56
xtknightmei: um find binding/listening address for the server?07:56
aZuxtknight: the same07:56
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lich_i am pretty pissed of att my screen resolution, i cant change to 1024*768 of a reason, have had it before, but now i am stuck at 800*600, anybody that can help me?07:56
xtknightaZu: try installing regular libatk then.  sudo apt-get install libatk1.0-007:57
atomiku!language | lich_07:57
ubotulich_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:57
xtknight!resolution | lich_07:57
Mattiaslich_: edit xorg.conf ^_^07:57
chableml my internet connection is adsl07:57
ubotulich_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:57
aZuxtknight: i tried that already07:57
chableim using a speedtouch usb modem07:57
EnquestHardware question: I'm about to by a new computer with a new screen. However I also want to use my old screen so that I have two screens. Would you go for to graph cards(nvidia) or would you go for one card that can handel two displays?07:57
aZuxtknight: it says i have the latest version07:57
xtknightmei: one sec07:57
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EnquestThe screens will be diffrend resulution07:57
chableand i dont know how to make it run07:57
xtknightaZu: then you may need to adujst PKGCONFIG07:57
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xtknightaZu: one sec07:57
aZuxtknight: how do i do that?07:57
sethkchable, does the o/s discover and identify it?07:57
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sethkchable, lsusb    doesn't show it?07:58
chabledidnt try07:58
chableim not at home :(07:58
chableim at a friend07:58
xtknightmei: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/bind.html07:58
chablecoz i cant connect fropm home07:58
Mattiasis there any 3d worms like game for linux yet? ^_^07:58
sethkchable, you should connect it, turn it on, do  lsusb,   then also do dmesg    and capture the lsusb output, and the last couple of screenfuls of dmesg output, and put them on the postbot and come back07:58
livingdaylightQuintin: ping07:58
Mattiasor maybe plain old worms 2d like game?07:59
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Mattiasmulti player ofcourse07:59
sethkchable, then we'll have some data to work with07:59
chablei see ..07:59
xtknighthow do you get a list of files contained in an installed package, using the terminal?07:59
soundray!games | Mattias07:59
ubotuMattias: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org07:59
royelunop: sorry for delay, pastebin said I was a spammer.. here is link: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6261/07:59
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sethkchable, do dmesg, then turn the thing on, do dmesg again.  The lines that appear after turning the thing on are what we need to look at.07:59
xtknightaZu: um pastebin the ./configure --help  command for xournal07:59
chableok sethk07:59
chablei have to go home for that07:59
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phixnayhow can I fix this problem with modules08:00
chablei might quit on it :(08:00
sethkchable, you can paste the entire dmesg output, but if you have a slow connection that will cost you a few minutes of uploading.08:00
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chableim living 45 kins from here08:00
phixnaydepmod -a gives errror08:00
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xtknightaZu: also try "PKG_CONFIG=/usr/lib/pkgconfig/ ./configure" for xournal, but i'd like to see configure --help if that doesn't work08:00
aZuxtknight:no go08:00
sethkchable, be nice if you can borrow a working modem from someone, it's tough to troubleshoot witnout being able to say "try this, try that ..."08:00
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chablei dont know anyone having a modem08:01
aZuxtknight: ./configure --help doens't work08:01
chablethis guy im at , has cable-tv08:01
sethkchable, bring your machine to wherever you are right now?08:01
chablethis will take 2 hrs08:01
sethkchable, it will be much less frustruating for you that way.08:01
Mattiassoundray: so no worms port?08:01
sethkchable, whatever, just commenting that it might take several iterations, if you do something, tell us what it said, then do the next thing, etc.08:01
chablebut if i get my machine here , i dont have the phone broadband08:01
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xtknightaZu: alrighty then let me try xournal08:02
soundrayMattias: I don't know, I don't do games08:02
chablethanks for help08:02
sethkchable, true, but we can still do a lot with it08:02
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esaym to compress a folder do I have to make a tar first and then use gzip?08:02
=== soundray wastes enough time just doing IRC
aZuxtknight: wait08:02
sethkchable, we can get it to the point where the o/s finds it and configures it. before that, the phone line isn't helping you anyway08:02
esaymsoundray: yes you do ;)08:02
Mattiassoundray: still same old games on those list ^_^ been playing games on linux for many years :D08:02
aZuxtknight: i got ./configure --help to work08:02
soundrayMattias: write one08:02
xtknightaZu: ok pastebin it08:02
chableim gone08:02
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Mattiasah just remembered, anyone playing shadowbane on linux or know if it works?08:03
Serachtum ok08:03
Serachtthis is hard (to install BERYL)08:03
m1Is possible to install opera for xubuntu?08:03
CheshireVikingis there an application for gnome that will cycle through a series of photo's as a desktop background, I had KDE installed a while ago & that did that automatically08:03
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mborgi've tried serpentine, and k3b and neither program supports "mp3" when i try to burn an audio cd. why is this? i can listen to mp3's fine.08:04
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whoniccaubuntu doesnt have nftp?08:04
aZuxtknight: http://pastebin.ca/36075608:04
MidNightSunRaymborg, you have to install k3b mp3 plugin08:04
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soundrayCheshireViking: check out wallp and wallpaper-tray. KDE is ahead of Gnome in this particular respect08:04
Mattiaswhonicca: it has tnftp :P08:05
Mattiaswhonicca: i use gFtp myself08:05
lotusleafFileZilla is in universe in Edgy/Feisty08:05
sethkwhonicca, you could install nftp, but why bother, the others are just as good08:05
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xtknightaZu: so you mean ./autogen.sh  does not complete properly?08:06
whoniccai see, can u use pret on tnftp?08:06
hoagiesoundray: ext2fssays it's only for windows nt08:06
whoniccaand i cant find firewall settings in gftp08:06
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aZuxtknight: yes08:06
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CheshireVikingsoundray, thanks for that, i'll have a look08:06
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Mattiasmborg: you need to burn mp3 files like a data cd, audio cd's are always in wave, but then again it should convert mp3 to wave before it burns in that case08:06
xtknightaZu: odd because it worked here08:06
soundrayhoagie: what version of windows do you have?08:06
aZuxtknight: won't work...says there are dependancy issues08:06
xtknightaZu: do you have the dev packages they say in the INSTALL file?08:06
hoagiesoundray: xp08:06
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aZui thought they were included with ubuntu edgy eft08:06
kexmanGUYS/DEVS : ubuntu is super userfriendly :) realy :)08:06
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soundrayhoagie: go for http://ext2fsd.sourceforge.net/08:06
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Mattiaskexman: still lots to make it even more ^_^08:07
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kexmanlike what ?08:07
empirichi all08:08
empirici have ubuntu install its all good08:08
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Mattiaskexman: editing xorg.conf easier for newbies and such08:08
empiricbut am using konqueror for some raesons08:08
soundrayempiric: congrats08:08
kexmana lot of people want to make it even more userfriendly ? :) ahaha there is no such things :)08:08
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empiricits crashing i have java based application for which i use konqueror08:08
kexmanMattias ohh that would be nice for them but if they would rtfm then there would be no problem :)08:08
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soundrayempiric: install sun java08:09
empirici have  all08:09
soundray!java | empiric08:09
ubotuempiric: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository08:09
xtknightsun instead of blackdown08:09
jpoetaANYBODY knows how i can make a GMD THEME??08:09
empiricits oracle application08:09
empiricsome times its crashes08:09
kexmanbut its a little odd that i cant login as root but have root privileges as normal user like i can go to /root and stuff like that08:09
empirici dont know why08:09
gaspipe1anyone know the kernal version of 6.10 or how to access it?08:09
kexmani dont get it yet :) but its my first install08:09
empiricn users also complain abt slowness08:09
soundrayempiric: are you listening?08:09
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xtknightgaspipe1: 2.6.17-1008:09
lotusleaf!filezilla edgy-backports08:09
ubotufilezilla: Port of the famous Win32 graphical FTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.0~beta2-2~edgy1 (edgy-backports), package size 659 kB, installed size 1716 kB08:09
emethow you check what kernel version you have08:09
gaspipe1i tried #uname -r in terminal08:09
xtknightemet: uname -a08:09
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gaspipe1xtknight: thanks!!08:10
empiricits all done08:10
moggiousing edgy, installed nvidia-glx from repos for Geforce6200, getting : unable to load nvidia kernel driver08:10
empirican using my application08:10
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soundraygaspipe1: try uname -r in terminal08:10
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empiricn i think ist all good08:10
aZuxtknight: i thought they were included with ubuntu edgy eft08:10
empiricbut some time my konqeror crashes08:10
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quaalany of you ever linked a ti calculator to ubuntu ?08:10
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xtknightaZu: umm..not the devel pkgs08:10
lotusleafempiric: #kubuntu08:10
dimeotaneI just plugged in an external USB fat32 hard drive but the icon doesn't show up on the desktop.. what should I do next to access my files?08:10
xtknightaZu: i mean they're not automatically installed08:10
xtknightaZu: xournal runs fine on my Edgy now so it's possible08:11
empiricam using ubuntu + konqueror08:11
hoagiesoundray: windows don't reckognise ext3 how can I select the drive form ex2fs then?08:11
kexmanhahah ! im root !08:11
andreas__Hi. Can someone please help me get my usb-cable and nokia N73 connect? There is absolutely no connection for the time being.08:11
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lotusleafempiric: yes but konqueror is a KDE app, so ask in there :)08:11
aZuxtknight: how do i apt-get?08:11
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:11
dimeotaneI would have thought that ubuntu would automatically mount it and put an icon on the desktop08:11
xtknightaZu: sudo apt-get install pkgname08:11
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xtknightaZu: i can make a pkg if youre really desperate but we should be able to get this working08:11
gaspipe1soundray: that worked.... thanks08:11
soundraydimeotane: pull it out again, run 'tail -f /var/log/syslog' and look for error messages as you plug the drive08:11
max3887drivers Intel Graphics of mainboard d946gzis Intel?08:11
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gaspipe1anyone know the CUPS version?08:11
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aZuxtknight: it can't find it the packages08:12
xtknightaZu: xournal is not a pkg no,  apt-get its dependencies08:12
soundrayhoagie: once you've installed ext2fsd, you can run the helper application, familiarize yourself with the interface and mount your ubuntu root partition (give it a drive letter).08:12
aZuxtknight: i know, that's what i'm doing08:12
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xtknightgaspipe1: 1.2.4-2ubuntu308:12
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gaspipe1xtknight: thanks again08:13
aZuxtknight: sudo apt-get install libgnomecanvas-2.008:13
xtknightaZu: right08:13
BryonHey guys:  I'm trying to install Ubuntu 6.1 Server.  The installer detected my wireless card fine -- but in the distro, it will not dectect.:  Ath0: ERROR....No such device08:13
kexmanwhere does su - get me ? :)08:13
aZuxtknight: but that's not working08:13
phixnaywhat does modprobe do?08:13
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gaspipe1xtknight: i have had Zero luck installing my printer (MFC-5100C Brother) and am now sending them an email08:13
xtknightaZu: sorry it's actually this: sudo apt-get install libgnomecanvas2-0 libgnomecanvas2-dev08:13
MidNightSunRayphixnay, it loads a module08:13
soundraykexman: nowhere08:13
kexmannever used su - but now i saw that using "konsole" you can get to a root shell and that is via su -08:13
phixnayMidNightSunRay: what do I do if it doesn't work08:13
max3887Ubuntu 6.10  drivers the Intel Graphics of mainboard d946gzis Intel?08:14
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soundraykexman: not in ubuntu. Use 'sudo -i' instead08:14
MidNightSunRayphixnay, it depends on what's the problem you have... :)08:14
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sc0tchI created a couple partitions, one being of type linux swap, do I need to format that partition before it will be recognized and used as swap on boot?08:14
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unoproyel,  ok, can you tell me where bf2ccd.exe actually resides? in /home/bf2server/bf2/?08:14
BryonHey guys:  I'm trying to install Ubuntu 6.1 Server.  The installer detected my wireless card fine -- but in the distro, it will not dectect.:  Ath0: ERROR....No such device. I have a Airlink card08:14
dimeotanesoundray:  no errors but the kernel recognized "Attached scsi disk sdc"08:14
royelunop: yes08:14
kexmansoundray i got a root shell !08:14
kexmandont need to sudo nomore08:14
soundraykexman: sudo is so cool08:14
phixnayMidNightSunRay: depmod -a gives a permission denied error08:14
royelunop: an mono is in /home/bf2server/mono-
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soundraydimeotane: nothing else?08:15
unoproyel,  ok, 2 secs08:15
xtknightaZu: just type this: sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf autogen automake libgtk-dev libgnomecanvas2-0 libgnomecanvas2-dev libgnomeprint2.2-0 libgnomeprint2.2-dev08:15
kexmanyes sudo is fine for me to08:15
MidNightSunRaydid you run it using sudo phixnay  ?08:15
phixnayno, I thoguht you weren't supposed to08:15
MidNightSunRayyou thought wrong phixnay08:15
dimeotanea few entries for " New device added"08:15
phixnaybecause running it in sudo doesn't give any errors08:15
soundraydimeotane: try 'sudo fdisk -l' and see if it sees the partition on sdc08:15
aZuxtknight: thank you very much!08:15
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vox754MidNightSunRay, why did you join #Thanatos_ Do you know him?08:15
phixnayMidNightSunRay: and when I did (sudo) modprobe ndiswrapper it wouldn't work08:16
kexmanwhy cant i change my resolution to bigger then 1024 x 768 ?08:16
MidNightSunRaynope, i was hoping to help him though vox75408:16
aZuxtknight: btw, how come ctrl+v doesn't work in terminal08:16
BryonCan anyone handle helping me with my wirless problem? :-P08:16
livingdaylight_am i registered?08:16
=== Olip [n=op@user-85-201-45-239.tvcablenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
xtknightaZu: not sure, it's silly but just use right click paste08:16
kexmani need 1280x1024 on a tft08:16
soundraykexman: you can (if your hardware is up to it)08:16
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kexmanhow would i do that ? edit xorg.conf ?08:16
MidNightSunRayphixnay, in which sense it didn't work ?08:16
soundray!fixres | kexman08:16
ubotukexman: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:16
dimeotaneDisk /dev/sdc: 20.4 GB08:16
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xtknightaZu: i think because CTRL+__ generally sends a signal to the program like SIGUSR1 or SIGTERM, and paste is not a signal08:16
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BryonaZu: or use your middle mouse button.  it moves the selected text08:16
royelaZu: try clicking your middle mouse button08:16
phixnaylet me do it again, and copy down the exact error08:16
kexmansoundray welllll i am using a vmware machine :)08:16
vox754MidNightSunRay, ok. He still needs help trying to connect his WinXP machines with Ubuntu.08:16
kexmannot sure what it can/cant08:16
dimeotaneI am correct then, that ubuntu should have automatically mounted the fat32 usb drive?08:17
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kexmanbut i think it could do me 1280x102408:17
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aZuthanks guys!08:17
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BryonCan anyone handle helping me with my wirless problem? :-P08:17
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MidNightSunRayvox754, ubuntu does all the dirty job for you... :)08:17
BhaalHey guys, how do I set the max number of files allowed open by any user?08:17
xtknightBhaal: that's complicated.  why?08:17
livingdaylight_how do i register?08:17
enoxsHey, i'm trying to change the mac address of one of my network interfaces, ifconfig <dev> hw ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx , i've got the message SIOCSIFHWADDR invalid argument. How can i fix this?08:17
soundraykexman: configure vmware accordingly, and follow the last link that ubotu gave08:17
livingdaylight_am i registered?08:17
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kexmanwhat do you mean accordingly ?08:17
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livingdaylight_is it /msg nickserv identify <password>08:18
kexmanooo and i couldnt install vmware tools 108:18
xtknightBhaal: youll have to define a file (file handle of which there are usually 200 or so open at any one time like config files )..or everything like shared memory , handles to video deviecs, etc?08:18
kexmanmaybe that is my prob08:18
phixnayMidNightSunRay, vox754, what do you know, modprobe worked this time!08:18
aZuxtknight: do you know the pkg for libgnomeprintui08:18
soundrayenoxs: it has to have six bytes08:18
kexmanit gave me an error i need gcc binutils make and kernel sources so it can compile itself right08:18
Bhaalxtknight: because I am having trouble with too many open files08:18
dimeotanek it also shows it as " OnTrackDM6"08:18
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xtknightaZu: libgnomeprintui2.2-0  and libgnomeprintui2.2-dev08:18
dimeotanewindows formatted it at fat32.. so why does linux see it as a "OnTrackDM6" system08:19
livingdaylight_can anyone read me?08:19
soundraydimeotane: have you set drives to automount via 'Sys-Prefs-Removable Drives'?08:19
royellivingdaylight_: /msg nickserv register <pw>08:19
vox754phixnay, there you go!08:19
phixnayMidNightSunRay, vox754, so now all I have to do is "ndiswrapper -m" and add the line "ndiswrapper" to /etc/modules?08:19
xtknightaZu: use "apt-cache search" for future reference08:19
hoagiesoundray : for some reason I'm able to boot into recovery mode, so can you please tell me the command to create /etc/fstab and edit it?08:19
xtknightaZu: or sudo apt-get install libgnomeprin<then press tab>08:19
distro-testerhi all08:19
MidNightSunRayphixnay, i suppose so08:19
aZuxtknight: thank you again!08:19
xtknightBhaal: odd.  where is that error coming from?08:19
soundraydimeotane: the OnTrackDM6 partition is not the FAT32 partition. It is invisible to Windows08:19
dimeotaneyup.. but the reason its not automounting may be due to that " OnTrackDM6"08:19
enoxssoundray : Sorry, i forgot to type a byte. I've tried something like 11:22:33:44:55:66 to test this08:19
Bhaalxtknight: downloads08:19
livingdaylight_Quintin, ping08:19
vox754phixnay, if you have a working wireless, then yes. But you may need to setup also "/etc/network/interfaces"08:19
xtknightBhaal: sorry youll have to be more specific..what app and when?08:19
soundrayenoxs: then I don't know, sorry08:20
BryonCan anyone handle helping me with my wirless problem? :-P08:20
dimeotaneonce I get my files off i need to reformat this sucker08:20
enoxssoundray : Ok, thx anyway08:20
aZuxtknight: i got xournal working!08:20
dimeotaneThat ontrack goes waaay back to when I was using this drive internal on a p133 !  bios needed ontrack to use the whole drive08:20
xtknightaZu: so it wasn't even libatk was it?  or maybe you needed libgtk that' why.  atk is part of gtk and libgtk-dev contains a GTK pkg config08:20
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hoagiesoundray: how can i edit /etc/fstab in recovery mode?08:20
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xtknighthoagie: nano /etc/fstab08:21
SerachtI installed KDE, can I uninstall it now08:21
soundrayhoagie: find a way to download http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6260/ with wget perhaps08:21
aZuxtknight: i guess not!08:21
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hoagieok ty08:21
skeelhey, does anyone know of an FTP-client for gnome that does SSL/TLS? gFTP doesn't seem to do it... if it can, please point me towards a howto or guide about how to enable it.08:21
=== TomB [n=tomb@host217-44-205-57.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
aZuhow do you make a shortcut for a program you compiled in the menu bar?08:21
royelskeel: try proftpd08:21
aZu(that's my last question08:21
soundraydimeotane: which line corresponds to your fat32 filesystem?08:21
xtknightaZu: it may appear upon a logout but you can use alacarte menu editor08:21
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skeelroyel: a CLIENT, proftpd is a server daemon08:22
unoproyel,  you there?08:22
royelskeel: sorry..08:22
royelunop: yes08:22
unoproyel,  http://pastebin.ca/36077808:22
soundrayaZu: add a launcher and edit its properties08:22
skeelroyel: arrgh!! :)08:22
=== aZu is confused
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phixnayvox754: I use a custom script that runs WPA_Supplicant and dhcp that gets me onto the internet.08:22
royelunop: ah! arguments!!!08:22
xtknightaZu: type alacarte in the terminal08:22
=== Bryon needs Wireless support :]
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
xtknightaZu: then make a new item (shortcut) for xournal, it's /usr/local/bin/xournal08:23
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vox754xtknight, you seem to prefer "nano" instead of "gedit" right? I think both should be taught so people are able to edit their files with and without X server.08:23
phixnayvox754: but now that I did ndiswrapper -m and added ndiswrapper to /etc/modules, everything is cool right?08:23
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unoproyel,  ahh no, but thats what I've defined for this script08:23
xtknightvox754: no i prefer gedit when at a GUI and nano at a terminal08:23
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=== soundray quits for protected matrimony time ;) Bye
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livingdaylight_anyone have experience downloading torrents from btjunkie?08:23
dimeotanethe external usb drive is seen as:   /dev/sdc1   *           1        1023     8217243   54  OnTrackDM608:23
livingdaylight_unop, hi buddy08:23
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dimeotaneBecause of the ontrackDM6 .. I need to specify a mount command I guess08:24
soundraydimeotane: ok08:24
aZuxtknight: thank you!!!!! :D08:24
MidNightSunRayxtknight, why not vim ?08:24
vox754phixnay, ah, ok. I don't use WPA so I'm not sure about that. I never wrote anything to /etc/modules that I recall.08:24
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soundraydimeotane: 'mount -t vfat /dev/sdc1 /mnt'08:24
soundraydimeotane: sudo of course08:24
unoplivingdaylight_,  hi :) what's up?08:24
soundraydimeotane: or open gparted and change the filesystem type08:24
xtknightMidNightSunRay: cause it's needlessly complicated i guess.  i dont like the escape colon stuff08:24
KanRiNiNIf I do sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop && autoremove && install kubuntu-desktop will that switch my environments?08:24
soundrayKanRiNiN: no08:25
livingdaylight_unop, oh, the usual... ^^08:25
livingdaylight_unop, you back in sheffield?08:25
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unoproyel,  let me know how it fares08:25
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soundrayKanRiNiN: just do 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' and select a KDE session at the login screen08:25
unoplivingdaylight_,  aye indeed :)08:25
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emethow do I make ubuntu not ask for password on boot08:25
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soundrayemet: System-Administration-Login Window-Security- Autologin08:26
unopemet,  run the gdmsetup tool .. you've got options there08:26
livingdaylight_unop, the town where steel comes from08:26
vox754MidNightSunRay, yeah, vim seems good for the very hardcore/old guys. I think for editing purposes, nano is fine. First time I tried vim I was shocked, I couldn't do a thing.08:26
ehey where do i see the system up-time?08:26
=== soundray really quitting now
=== charl_ie [n=charlie@80-41-79-177.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
dimeotanesoundray: don't i need to give a mountpoint folder? /mnt/usb  or just /mnt08:26
ei saw it somewhere...08:26
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MidNightSunRayvox754, i agree about this point, but how 'bout flexibility ? :)08:26
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andrewacltHi, it seems ubuntu server uses lvm by default and I'm trying to use debugfs on my / parition but it won't let me, is there a similar lvm tool available?08:26
unoplivingdaylight_,  _came_ from .. the steel industry here is now almost zilch .. it's more of a university town and we also have the infamous meadow-hell :)08:27
sstchurHi all.  I'm running beryl under KDE and I've noticed that whenever I drag a window around, my CPU spiked to nearly 100% and I can hear this annoying high-pitced sound coming from somwhere in my machine.  Any idea what would cause that?08:27
lotusleafsstchur: #ubuntu-xgl #beryl08:27
sstchurlotusleaf: ok, thanks08:27
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lotusleafsstchur: yw08:27
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mindstateis there software i can tranfer mp3's to my palm pilot08:27
MidNightSunRayi'm going to dinner... see you later08:27
livingdaylight_unop, meadow-hell?08:28
FantasticFoohey guys. i'm having a really weird problem. i can't use most gtk2 themes from gnome-look.org... with a lot of themes, i try and install and enable them, and they look very buggy and ugly in comparison to the screenshot on gnome-look.org08:28
emethi where is the beryl channel for ubuntu08:28
BryonI need some wireless support with Ubuntu server please.... it should be somewhat simple!08:28
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royelunop: getting an error: Starting Battlefield Server: monostart-stop-daemon: stat mono /home/bf2server/bf2/bf2ccd.exe: No such file or directory (No such file or directory) already running.08:28
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mindstateemet: #beryl08:28
dimeotanesoundray:  "VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev sdc1."08:28
lotusleafemet: #ubuntu-xgl #beryl08:28
sebrockWhat is the difference between these sensors: W83627EHF / W83627HF ??08:28
andrewacltBryon try askign a question then?08:28
linuxrockzjust installed scorched3d on 6.06 with deb package, cant figure how to run,help please08:28
FantasticFoothe scroll bars look plain and square, when in the screenshot for the theme, the scrollbars look pretty and rounded08:28
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FantasticFoosame with the progress bars and buttons08:29
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Bryonandrewaclt Hey guys:  I'm trying to install Ubuntu 6.1 Server.  The installer detected my wireless card fine -- but in the distro, it will not dectect.:  Ath0: ERROR....No such device. I have a Airlink card08:29
max3887drivers Intel Graphics of mainboard d946gzis Intel?08:29
traco /s irc.tin.it08:29
unoproyel,  ok, one sec then08:29
traco /server  irc.tin.it08:29
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royelunop: when the service is running, ps aux returns this: 1004     14808 25.4  2.6  33964 13420 pts/0    Ssl+ 13:29   0:01 mono bf2ccd.exe08:29
mborgi configured, compiled and installed madlib and neither serpentine or k3b will recognize mp3s...could someone point out why i'm having so much trouble with this?08:29
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m1how I uninstall the java runtime enviroment08:29
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pbureauwhats the command line to see how  much memory ubuntu is reconizing ?08:30
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emetdoes fglrx not support beryl or something ?08:30
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aalhamadwhat the difference between08:31
aalhamadAutoScan Pre 1.00 (Interface) and AutoScan Pre 1.00 (Daemon)?08:31
lotusleafpbureau: cat /proc/meminfo08:31
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BryonHey guys:  I'm trying to install Ubuntu 6.1 Server.  The installer detected my wireless card fine -- but in the distro, it will not dectect.:  Ath0: ERROR....No such device. I have a Airlink card08:32
slippyr4anyone know how to get root on LVM working? my initrd doesn't seem to be activating my volume group. something needs reconfiguring but i don't know what. any help?08:32
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emetwhat is the console command to shutdown computer08:32
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slippyr4emet: shutdown -h now08:32
m1ernet> halt08:32
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Gabby_Hayesam trying to install java on Ubuntu Edgy, but not working by following these instructions: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#Java_.26_Non-Media_Browser_Plug-ins08:33
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Gabby_HayesAny ideas?08:33
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meisam_hi guys apache does not restart, would u tell me how i can fix it?08:34
m1why Opera says that I have JRE installed? does it comes with ubuntu?08:34
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meisam_http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6236/ this is an error08:34
lonranim looking for a good software to record music with various tracks, any idea?08:35
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psynaps3Hi, I need to backup my home partition to a directory in root. Now, if I use rsync for doing this, will I loose all the file permissions?08:35
ameinkeGabby_Hayes: there is a package in the repository of ubuntu that is called "sun-java*"08:35
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Chadariuslonran: Audacity might work for you08:35
Data_hi I seek for soft for readin cdg+mp3 files; does anybody help?08:36
lonranisnt audacity very simple?08:36
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unoproyel, this should work -  http://pastebin.ca/36080508:36
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Asc__maisam_: Did you clear the logs recently?08:36
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SerachtI installed Ubuntu, then I installed KDE. how can I check if everything is working normally?08:36
Serachtis there some sort of a script I can run08:36
Chadariuslonran: Depends on what you want to do08:36
poningruSeracht: turn it on?08:36
jack_deltrinowhat causes the weird accent marked 'a's to appear? example: error: expected ) before * token08:36
Asc__meisam_*: Apache doesn't start for me if the apache log folder is missing.  But that gives me a different error.08:37
Serachtponingru,  I did, its working fine :)08:37
royelunop: looking now08:37
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poningruSeracht: there you go... its fine08:37
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poningruwhy wouldnt it be working fine?08:37
SerachtBut I dunno, when I was installing KDE I got a bunch of options...and I think I might have screwed it up bad lol08:37
Serachtthats why poningru08:37
Chadariuslonran: for multitrack editing and some effects it works fine08:37
SerachtI am just really nervous lol...first time installing Ubuntu :)08:37
lonranok, thanks a lot08:37
ameinkeGabby_Hayes: to use java in your mozilla/firefox browser install "sun-java-plugin"08:37
Asc__meisam_*: On the other hand, I'm also using version 1.308:37
meisam_Asc__ so what to do?08:37
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poningruSeracht: naah its cool08:37
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SerachtAlright bud :) Thank you08:38
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Gabby_Hayesameinke:  was using the "java-package" line, will try the  "sun-java*" line .. thxs08:38
Serachtoh one thing is wrong08:38
Serachtwhen I try to change my resolution, it doesn;t change it08:38
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poningru!resolution | Seracht08:38
ubotuSeracht: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:38
Asc__meisam_: Does the folder /var/log/apache exist?08:38
amnesiaedgy and feisty won't boot on my new scaleo P fujitsu-siemens desktop08:39
meisam_Asc__ yes08:39
amnesianot sure but it might be the SATA drive08:39
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ameinkeGabby_Hayes: there were two different java packages, because sun's java wasnt opensource08:39
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royelunop: Starting Battlefield Server: bf2server/etc/init.d/bf2server: line 35: mono: command not found08:39
meisam_Asc__ there ar e 2 logs error and acccesses08:39
amnesiaany idea how to test a little more?08:39
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psynaps3Hi, I need to backup my home partition to a directory in root. Now, if I use rsync for doing this, will I loose all the file permissions?08:39
Gabby_Hayes..  "cannot find any package .. named "sun-java*"   :-(08:39
Asc__meisam_: Okay.  Well, then that's not the problem.08:39
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romulohow can i edit bootable images?08:40
royelunop: think were getting closer though, mono is in /home/bf2server/mono-
royelunop: I could try moving bf2ccd.exe in the same directory as mono08:40
unoproyel,  are you sure, that location seems to be in $PATH here -- what does this command return - which mono08:40
Gabby_Hayessee that in the FAQ .. but still isn't finding anything  (the "multiuniverse"  line is in the sources list08:40
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romuloiso ones08:41
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unoproyel,  ahh no, let's leave it be because it might depend on things relative to its location08:41
kinectioni'm having trouble with edgy, i installed it on my parents computer and it was working for awhile. However, I have recently come back to check on it and it has stopped working... The X server is not starting up. I am getting "Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libglx.so" and failing to load nvidia.ko, no such file or directory problems. I've checked, and it's not a permissions issue08:41
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royelunop: /home/bf2server/mono-
kinectionI'm not sure which package to install or reinstall, I have tried reinstalling nvidia-glx but it does not solve the problem08:41
jdrakeHave you guys heard of an /sbin/lrm-video before? I am trying to setup fglrx, but having issues.08:41
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ameinkeGabby_Hayes: oh, suprising08:41
unoproyel,  right, so, we forgot the /bin at the end there :)08:41
royelunop: an I was wrong as well08:41
SerachtI'm lost man08:41
linuxrockzany help to play the game i install on 6.06 with debpackack08:42
Asc__meisam_: Um, try going to localhost:80 in a web browser.  See if there's anything there.08:42
Serachtponingru, I dunno. I go to system settings, try to change it to 1024, but it is not changing from 1280 lol08:42
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unoproyel,  i think if you edit PATH now .. add /bin to the end so it looks like this - PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/home/bf2server/mono-
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ameinkeGabby_Hayes: hm, not suprising, ive found sun-java packages....08:42
royelunop: haha, got it!08:42
royelunop: Thanks so much man.. you did a great job :)08:43
unoproyel,  yw :) so it works now?08:43
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royelunop: yes :)08:43
unoproyel,  how about stop and restart?08:43
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ameinkeGabby_Hayes: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=sun-java&searchon=names&subword=1&version=edgy&release=all08:43
mirakanyone uses Freevo here ?08:44
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henghahi, I can not locate socket.h under /usr/include of my ubuntu6 x86, which package I missed ? how to find it out by apt-get ?08:45
ameinkeGabby_Hayes: you have to turn on the multiverse repository08:45
linuxrockzany guru here?08:45
mborgok this is becoming confusing...i have lame, madlib, gstreamer and so forth ALL installed, however mp3's are still not being recognized in serpentine or k3b. how can i resolve this?08:45
=== QMario [n=QMario@cpe-70-116-124-115.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
ameinkehengha: try to install libc6-dev08:46
xopher-!mp3 | mborg08:46
ubotumborg: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:46
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ameinkelinuxrockz: no, only geeks08:46
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xopher-mborg anyway, for k3b, and mp3-support, search for k3b in eg. synaptic08:46
linuxrockzcan i still get some help?08:47
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fr500at least08:47
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fr500found a media center that doesnt suck!08:47
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linuxrockzinstall scorched3d with deb cant run it08:48
henghaturned out under linux,asm,bits and sys subdir of /usr/include08:48
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Hellevatorlinuxrockz, have you installed your graphic drivers?08:48
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linuxrockzcant find the rite file to run or open08:48
ameinkelinuxrockz: try "dpkg -L scorched3d | grep /usr/bin"08:49
royelunop: well, it keeps focus after I start it that way, I need it to run in the background, just tried adding "bf2ccd.exe &" and "bf2ccd.exe >/dev/null 2>&1 &" but neither of those arguements work.. any ideas08:49
boggleThe Call for Papers for LinuxTag is still ongoing, if you have a last minute submission, visit https://www.linuxtag.org/vcc08:49
linuxrockzthanx bud08:49
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amnesiagtg, bye08:50
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FuzzMasteurHi, I have a USB/Serial Actiontec modem, and am trying to get it to work.  I followed the instructions at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2170720, and all goes well, same device, same place, but for whatever reason Ubuntu just won't let me connect.  I don't even see a connect button, nor will the modem monitor let me activate it.  Any ideas?08:52
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Serachthi, quick question. I have windows on my primary harddrive and ubuntu on my secondary harddrive. However, I want to reinstall ubuntu (kbunutu actually). So anyways, if I delete my 3 partitions in my secondary harddrive, will that screw up GRUB?08:53
Serachtor will grub automatically update itself08:53
Gabby_Hayesameinke: .. get a window saying that the package cannot be installed on my hardware  (dual P3 cpu @450MHz)  :-(08:53
ameinkeGabby_Hayes: ui08:54
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unoproyel,  yea, this should do http://pastebin.ca/36084608:54
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ameinkeGabby_Hayes: then try to download the archive from sun and follow the instructions08:55
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Gabby_Hayesythxs,  ameinke  :-)08:56
TrixseyWill ext4 be introduced to Ubuntu in Feisty?08:56
Gabby_Hayes... thnxs,  even08:56
FantasticFooit seems there are a lot of gtk2 themes on gnome-look.org that require the "pixmap" engine. i looked under /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ and there is no "pixmap" lib08:56
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FantasticFoowhere can i get this "pixmap" engine?08:56
royelunop: that works, restart stop don't appear to work though08:56
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ompaulTrixsey, ask in #ubuntu+108:57
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ameinkeGabby_Hayes: good luck08:57
royelunop: Stopping Battlefield Server: bf2server/etc/init.d/bf2server: line 46: kill: SIGTERM: invalid signal specification08:57
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ghatakguys, suggest me a good mp3 tag editing program, probably which has the facility to download album art from amazon etc08:57
dyrneFantasticFoo:  sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-pixbuf08:57
Gabby_Hayeswhat is that other ubuntu channel that is a more a chat room than a help room?08:58
FantasticFoodyrne: oh thanks!08:58
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dyrneGabby_Hayes: ubuntu-offtopic08:58
dyrneFantasticFoo: np08:58
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novicecan anyone help me to upgrade firefox to 2.0 in ubuntu breezy08:58
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dyrneproblems with libgtk2-ruby package was wondering if anyone else is experiencing.08:59
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FuzzMasteurHi, I have a USB/Serial Actiontec modem, and am trying to get it to work.  I followed the instructions at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2170720, and all goes well, same device, same place, but for whatever reason Ubuntu just won't let me connect.  I don't even see a connect button, nor will the modem monitor let me activate it.  Any ideas?09:00
dyrnenovice: i just usually grabbed the current firefox package and unpackaed to my home dir then did changed the launcher link in gnome to point to it09:00
aalhamadwhen i use evolution where are the mails stored?09:00
aalhamadplz help09:00
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dyrnenovice: wow that was alot of typos but you get the idea :)09:00
royelunop: I think the name it's expecting is "bf2server" for the PIDfile, an # ps aux returns: root     17608  0.3  2.3  30132 12148 pts/1    Sl   13:55   0:01 mono /home/bf2server/bf2/bf2ccd.exe09:00
unoproyel,  ok, edit the script and change that line to - kill $(cat $PIDFILE.my)09:00
ameinkedyrne: simple as simple :)09:00
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novicedyrne: i have d\led .tar.gz and used the command sudo apt-get install firefox-bin09:01
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novicebut its not working09:01
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aalhamadwhere does evolution keeps it mails???09:01
ameinkeaalhamad: look at your home directory, its evt a hidden dir09:01
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aalhamadok  thanks09:02
unoproyel,  kill expects a PID not a name -- the signal i used to kill should be -- kill -TERM ... but -TERM is the default .. so a simple kill will do09:02
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unopaalhamad,  ~/.evolution/ ..09:02
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joevandykpastie: sup09:03
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about stiet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:03
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:04
darkmatter7anyone here familiar with rosegarden on edgy?09:04
Justy-I have got so less space left in my hdd partitation which is 1gb09:04
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andresup folks09:04
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royelunop: changing that line gives, Stopping Battlefield Server: mono bf2ccd.exe/etc/init.d/bf2server: line 46: kill: (17635) - No such process09:04
Justy-now i need more space how can i get this space from my windows partitation09:05
andrehow do I access the nvidia binary driver control panel?  (I forget the command)09:05
darkmatter7use gparted09:05
jack_deltrinoJusty-: use something that repartitions like qtparted or gparted09:05
darkmatter7go into synaptic09:05
darkmatter7search for gparted09:05
jack_deltrinoJusty-: and resizes*09:05
darkmatter7install it09:05
=== xvegas44 [n=xavi@103.Red-80-37-89.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
unopnovice,  if you download a tar.gz .. you need to extract it using tar -- apt-get has installed firefox from the repositories09:05
darkmatter7and you should be able to resize the partition09:05
dyrnenovice: sorry i was away.  i meant like 'tar xfvz firefox.tar.gz -C /home/username/' that would uncompress the files to a /home/user/firefox directory then you can just cd /home/user/firefox/   and ./firefox  to run  or edit your launcher icon to point to /home/user/firefox/firefox09:05
andrehow do I access the nvidia binary driver control panel?  (I forget the command)09:06
darkmatter7is anyone familiar with rosegarden here?09:06
Justy-jack_deltrino: i will try now thanks09:06
coNPandre: nvidia-settings, maybe09:06
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unoproyel,  ok try this command,  "killall mono" and then try starting and stopping anew09:06
royelunop: well, it does actually stop it though09:06
andreconp tx09:07
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unoproyel,  hmm, does it complain when it stops?09:07
novicedyrne: k........ thanx ...... i will try......09:07
CrankeyeWhen i restart it ask for the root password or to type ctrl+d. Anyone know how to fix that or any logs i can view?09:07
royelunop: Starting Battlefield Server: mono bf2ccd.exerunning [mono /home/bf2server/bf2/bf2ccd.exe]  1859809:07
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EdgeTGuys, I'd need some help, any live version of Ubuntu works, but when I install it, X doesn't detect my display (?!) I got a HP Pavilion dv6000 if anyone could please help me09:08
royelunop: Stopping Battlefield Server: mono bf2ccd.exe/etc/init.d/bf2server: line 46: kill: (18598) - No such process09:08
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ameinkeCrankeye: youre starting in single-user mode09:08
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages09:08
unoproyel,  hmm ,.. lol, thats odd09:08
royelunop: well, it almost appears to be a complaint, but it does in fact stop09:08
xvegas44alguien spanish?09:08
Crankeyeameinke: hmm what do you mean?09:09
dyrneEdgeT: not familiar with livecd but maybe the install is using nv or ati driver instead of vesa. you have an nvidia card or ati or onboard intel?09:09
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EdgeTdyrne, GeForce Go 720009:09
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hartvig^Hi, what's the 'rc-update' command in ubuntu?09:10
ameinkeCrankeye: at grub type "e" to edit the line where the kernel is defined and remove the option "single"09:10
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royelunop: either way, it is functional, an I learned a bit more than I knew, so I guess you did pretty darn good :)  Thanks so much for all your time.09:10
dyrneEdgeT: do this command:  grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf    one of the lines should be nv or vesa09:10
Crankeyeameinke: ok, then when i reboot it should work?09:10
EdgeTdyrne ok ty, brb09:10
ameinkeCrankeye: no09:10
unoproyel,  yw -- it probably just needs a bit of refining -- but i'll let you do that :d09:10
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royelunop: yeah, I might play with it till I break it :)09:11
hossasaurhow do i download from a third party repository in synaptic?  i'm attempting to get everything from http://www.libsdl.org/cgi/viewvc.cgi/trunk/SDL_image/ what is the line i should put into synaptic?09:11
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ameinkeCrankeye: therefor you have to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and remove "single" in this file09:11
unop royel well, backup first :p09:11
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royelunop: oops, too late! haha09:11
unoproyel,  anyway, dinner's ready... i'm out :)09:11
royelunop: enjoy your dinner09:11
whazillahow do i install WineCVS.sh on ubuntu09:12
Justy-jack_deltrino: hey, can you help me again please ? =)09:12
whazillai get an error09:12
EdgeTdyrne Btw, what do I do then?09:12
whazilladuring make09:12
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hartvig^Hi, what's the daemon or whatever that starts up services in ubuntu? :P09:12
maikolhow can i encode a .wav file to have an id3 tag as an mp3 using ffmpeg. i did ffmpeg -i in.wav -ab 192 out.mp3 to the files and only one turned out to have an id3 tag09:12
Crankeyeameinke: my menu.lst file only has single in the recorvery mode kernels09:12
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ompaulhartvig^, mostly people depend on init09:12
jammerhi everyone09:12
numahartvig:  init09:12
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Justy-jack_deltrino: I cannot do anything because there is a "lock" icon on the partitaion i need to resize. what is the problem about it?09:13
hossasaurdyrne: you helped me the other day, thanks.  i'm having trouble adding third party repositories in synaptic.  i want to dl/build everything in http://www.libsdl.org/cgi/viewvc.cgi/trunk/SDL_image/ what line do i put into synaptic?09:13
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numahartvig^:  you can use inetd also to start things09:13
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Crankeyehey jammer09:13
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whazillai need xorg-dev09:13
dyrneEdgeT: well that will tell you what driver the 'gui' is using once we know that well have a better idea howto get you up and running09:13
whazillaor x11-devel09:13
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assarixhello, I'm having a hard time formatting a usb stick09:13
assarixit's /dev/sda09:14
hartvig^numa, so if i want it to start samba on startup i use a init thing?09:14
EdgeTdyrne I think it's nv, should I change it to vesa?09:14
assarixand it gets automounted09:14
Mhzhi everyone, I'm looking for a little help with the fstab09:14
assarixwhen I do umount09:14
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ameinkeCrankeye: and what value has your "default" option?09:14
bruenig!enter | assarix09:14
ubotuassarix: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:14
assarixdevice /dev/sda is not available for fdisk09:14
jammerI can't use the gui to copy and paste files because of permissions. any idea how to get or change privilages for files?09:14
hossasaurompaul: thanks for helping me the other day.  i'm attempting to dl/build everything from http://www.libsdl.org/cgi/viewvc.cgi/trunk/SDL_image/ with synaptic.  what line do i put into 'third party repository' to do so?09:14
bruenigjammer, cli09:14
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jammerthat a program?09:14
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bruenigjammer, what files are you talking about, it may be a bad idea to change permissions09:15
Justy-jack_deltrino: are you there ?09:15
MhzI would like to automount a windows partition with read/write access to user. how do I do that?09:15
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bruenigcli = command line interface09:15
hossasaurMhz: ntfs?09:15
ArafangionWhen I suspend-to-ram, I can never, ever wake up! How can I troubleshoot this? (Using ATI drivers)09:15
Crankeyeameinke: default009:15
assarixI have this usb stick and I unmount it because I want to fdisk it, but when unmounted my device is gone. What's the trick?09:15
Justy-jack_deltrino: well no problem ...09:15
kexmancan u help me install ntp ?09:15
jammerI'm trying to get the flash plugin to work for mozilla, but I have amd64 distro so requires some copy and pasting.09:15
ArafangionPreviously, with Badger, it worked correctly (if I edited the script to echo 3 > /proc/acpi/sleep properly, as by default that would only dim the screen)09:15
kexmani am using the desktop version of the ubuntu amd64 6.06 lts09:15
dyrneEdgeT: yeah vesa almost always works.  either do: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf  to open a text editor or simply sudo sed -i 's/nv/vesa/g' /etc/X11/xorg.conf   that might make some of the comments messy but shouldnt hurt anything09:16
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bruenigjammer, just use the terminal and do "sudo cp /path/to/file /new/path/to/file"09:16
Justy-I have a problem with gparted. I need to resize a partitation with ntfs on it but there is a lock icon and i can change nothing. what is the problem ?09:16
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bruenigjammer, you might also consider using 32 bit, much easier09:16
dyrnehossasaur: sorry im not too familiar with dpkg or apt-get as far as building from source09:16
hossasaurJusty-: i woudln't resize an ntfs partition09:16
jammerwell I'm trying to use 32 lib to install it actually09:16
kexmani can sudo with no password ! why is that ?09:17
Justy-hossasaur: but i need space for my ubuntu partitation09:17
hossasaurdyrne: no prob, how do i build if i just dl everything into a directory?09:17
Crankeyeameinke: can you join #reboot its hard to see your messages09:17
bruenigjammer, yeah I mean to use the 32 bit OS, if copy and pasting is giving you trouble, 64 bit might be a bit out of your league, imo of course09:17
royelwhere is the file for sudo users at?09:17
hossasaurJusty-: if you resize the ntfs partition, you'll most likely lose whatever's on it09:17
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dyrnehossasaur: what app is it again?09:17
EdgeTdyrne, oki brb09:17
maikolJusty-: you might need to install ntfsprogs09:17
jammerkexman using a live cd?09:17
jakeyheya chazza09:17
ADZI cannot get my camera to work with ubuntu09:17
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bruenigroyel, /etc/sudoers if I understand your question09:17
jammerbruenig maybe09:17
kexmanjammer, nope installed system !09:17
ADZit gives me an error09:17
jakeyheya chazza09:17
maikolJusty-: and i have resized many ntfs partitions without any problems09:17
jakeymy screen is soooo shit09:18
hossasaurdyrne: i'm attempting to download/build from synaptic, but i'd just as easy dl to a directory and build, i just don't know how to do that.  it's svn-image from http://www.libsdl.org/cgi/viewvc.cgi/trunk/SDL_image/09:18
ADZis there any way to make it recognised as a disk drive?09:18
chazzar u all ok09:18
jammerkexman idk then sry09:18
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royelbruenig: yes you did, an thats what I thought.. would help if I didnt mispell things.. Ty09:18
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kexmannever mind09:18
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hossasaurmaikol: if vista's on the partition, it will die09:18
hossasaurJusty-: what's on the ntfs partition? vista or xp?09:18
Justy-maikol: so what should i do to resize it with gparted? i see a lock icon and ccannot resize it and give free space to ubuntu09:19
Justy-hossasaur: xp09:19
chazzacock head09:19
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jammerbruenig I installed linux32 libares and nsplugin wrapper09:19
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bruenig!language | jakey chazza09:19
ubotujakey chazza: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:19
bruenig!caps | jakey09:19
ubotujakey: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.09:19
hossasaurJusty-: do what maikol said, but only if you can first backup the partition, because you'll most likely corrupt the partition09:19
=== andre [n=andre@fctnnbsc16w-156034212013.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
ChadariusSomeone ban jakey09:20
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso09:20
andrehello again folks09:20
royel!ohmy | jakey09:20
ubotujakey: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:20
turboloverhas anyone here noticed their ubuntu has slowed down since getting updates?09:20
jammerI just need to copy the flash .so and. xpt files to mozilla and I should be done.09:20
=== HellDragon [n=JD@modemcable136.38-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ArafangionOk, just tested with the open-source drivers, standby works.  I guess that this /particular/ revision of the ATI graphics drivers doesn't work on my machine with standby?09:20
turboloveri think it may have borked my ati drivers, or something09:20
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:20
turbolovervmware no longer works either09:20
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Justy-hossasaur: do you know how to resize an ntfs partitation with gparted09:20
maikolhossasaur: never tried with vista, my bad.09:20
=== Peres_ [n=michel@a82-93-93-63.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigjammer, right just do "sudo cp /path/to/flash.so /destination/for/flash.so"09:20
royelSeveas: woot, ty!09:20
andreI've installed nvidia-glx, but nvidia-settings doesn't give me the same options anymore... mainly the options necessary for my setting up my dual monitor setup....  can someone help me please?09:20
hossasaurJusty-: i think you can only make a ntfs partition larger with gparted, not smaller09:21
Peres_i have an error when I type ls | wc -l09:21
Peres_it says /bin/ls: Argument list too long09:21
hossasaurmaikol: np, i just went through 24 hours of fuxoring thanks to resizing an ntfs partition with gparted09:21
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unopPeres_,  ls -1 | xargs wc -l09:21
maikolhossasaur: gotta love it09:21
aburrentis there a way to 'restart' the sound subsystem in ubuntu?09:21
hossasaurJusty-: nevermind, you can resize using sudo gparted09:22
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Peres_unop: is it a limitation of bash? why is that error?09:22
unopPeres_,  you've got too many files in that directory apparently09:22
bruenigaburrent, I always used to do "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart" but I never read that anywhere just sort of thought that looked right and so haven't had any confirmation as to whether that really does anything or not09:22
Peres_unop:ehm...what's to many?09:22
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unopPeres_,  too many "files"09:23
hossasaurmaikol: i set up all partitions, installed vista, installed ubuntu, grub even recognized vista partition.  when i booted to vista, it would hang at the loading screen.  i guess between overwriting the mbr and resizing it corrups the partition, though you can still read/copy from it from linux.  odd.09:23
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Justy-hossasaur: but i have a problem09:23
aburrentbruenig: thanks09:23
andreI've installed nvidia-glx, but nvidia-settings doesn't give me the same options anymore... mainly the options necessary for my setting up my dual monitor setup....  can someone help me please?09:24
hossasaurmaikol: it made it so i couldn't boot to dos or from the vista boot disc (also hang on loading screen)09:24
Peres_unop: i understand, but i want to know the exact limitation, so how many files is too many?09:24
Justy-hossasaur: can you please hang on a little so that i upload a ss ?09:24
hossasaurJusty-: go to the terminal, type "sudo gparted", you should be able to resize it09:24
hossasaurJusty-: sure09:24
brueniggksudo gparted09:24
maikolhossasaur: very. my friend installed vista alongside his xp and linux partitions and all went well for him.09:24
dyrnehossasaur: well if you have a repo in sources.list you can sudo apt-get update; and apt-get -b source packagename     appearantly. otherwise maybe mkdir temp;cd temp;wget http://url/dir/*;./configure;make or something09:24
=== willskills [n=will@pc-62-30-149-134-hr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
hotsodaanyone know how i can hide the icon for the beryl manager?09:24
willskillsany alsa/teamspeak experts in the house? :)09:24
Peres_unop: and when i start a korn-shell, when i do " ls -l | wc -l" it says 436709:25
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:25
unopPeres_,  it's a limitation of /bin/ls -- i think it can only handle 1024 or 2048 files (arguments actually) depending09:25
joevandykGreetings, fellow nerds.  My PC keeps losing the wireless signal.  When I do a iwconfig, it shows the signal strength as being '0/94'.  Sometimes it works to do a 'iwconfig ath0 essid <MYSSID>', but sometimes it doesn't and rebooting fixes the problem.  Any ideas?09:25
hossasaurmaikol: it's all about resizing the ntfs partition from gparted, and i think the sata controller might have something to do with it.  there's loads of people on forums who've had the same problem09:25
=== willskills is away: shops, brb
Peres_unop: ls -1 | xargs wc -l gives another wwaaaaay bigger number09:25
=== mzfckr [i=mzfckr@you.just.got.owned.lv] has joined #ubuntu
FunnyMan3595I'm having problems with A/V sync in video playback.  It's affecting .wmv's and flash movies for certain, possibly others (haven't tested).  Video lags behind audio, and in mplayer, moving resets them to sync'd (momentarily), and the new position seems to be based off of where the audio was.09:25
=== I-kido [n=Reco@140-034-128-083.dynamic.caiway.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Peres_unop: no, it is bash , because kornshell can handle it well.09:25
Peres_unop: thanks anyway09:25
bruenigFunnyMan3595, that sounds familiar for flash 7, never heard it on wmv09:26
=== edno [n=edno@host236-185-dynamic.54-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
hossasaurmaikol: my new general rule of thumb is to only resize ntfs with dos/windows-based partitioners09:26
FunnyMan3595bruenig: Flash 9.09:26
jammerbruenig that works, thanks, I just forgot the format for the cp command09:26
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hossasaurdyrne: thanks09:26
Justy-http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/5853/gpartedzd5.png    \\  I  typed sudo gparted and here my problem is09:26
maikolhossasaur: good rule.09:26
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andreCan someone take a minute out of their day to help me setup my secon monitor?09:27
FunnyMan3595It's got to be an overarching problem, to hit two video playback methods that dissimilar, doesn't it?09:27
unopPeres_,  errm, it cant be bash, the error message says otherwise but -- for i in `perl -le 'print for a..z'`; do ls $i*; done | wc -l    should help09:27
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kaje1Is a firewall installed by default in Ubuntu 6.10?09:28
Peres_unop: when i start kornshell, it can handle, ls can handle it perfectly and give me the exact number of files, and it uses the same ls program. so why do u think it is not a bash limitation??09:28
andreI've installed nvidia-glx, but nvidia-settings doesn't give me the same options anymore... mainly the options necessary for my setting up my dual monitors....  can someone help me please?09:29
bruenig!firewall | kaje109:29
ubotukaje1: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).09:29
Justy-hossasaur: http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/5853/gpartedzd5.png    \\  I  typed sudo gparted and here my problem is09:29
blackestwhich is better edgy or dapper09:29
Peres_unop: wow, this is extremely weird09:29
=== ardeni [n=ardeni@ele3.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:29
bruenigblackest, what are you looking for specifically, dapper is said to be more stable generally. Edgy is more bleeding edge, firefox 2.0 and whatnot09:29
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kaje1uboto: thanks for clearing that up... That's what I thought, but I firestarter's website made it sound like it was not just a GUI config tool, but the actual firewall itself...09:30
=== ADZ [n=emperora@pool-72-80-226-139.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["irc-U"]
Peres_unop: now, under bash, i tried it again, and it says --> 5312, so now it can handle it?? (im still downloading small files, and monitor the progress with ls | wc -l09:30
unopPeres_, you should ask the folks in #bash, they'll definitely know09:30
bruenig!thanks | kaje109:30
ubotukaje1: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)09:30
=== nomis_ [n=nomis__@chello062178225065.14.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
blackestwell myth tv slimserver and probably zoneminder and with 3 tv cards plus digital tv09:30
unopPeres_,  but which command did you try - mine or yours?09:30
kaje1lol, well thanks anyway =)09:30
blackesti think edgy might support this best09:31
=== Jatone [n=james@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu
Peres_unop: its not a bash thing apperantly? now it can handle it?? but before with smaller amount of files, it gave me the error09:31
hossasaurJusty-: close gparted, type 'sudo umount /dev/hda1' then 'gksudo gparted'09:31
Peres_unop: mine, ls -l | wc -l09:31
Justy-hossasaur: nope, i can just format it and delete09:32
unopPeres_,  I dunno, how are you downloading files and populating thid directory?09:32
=== TheVault [n=chatzill@cpe-24-209-11-142.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Peres_unop: wget09:32
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TheVaultHello guys, I got a question about Broadcom in Ubuntu, I am sure you get this alot but mine has a little problem09:33
StFSdoes anybody know how I can "pause" the boot process? I need to see a message that appears...09:33
hossasaurJusty-: what did it say when you typed umount09:33
unopPeres_,  I dunno really .. you should ask the #bash folks09:33
Justy-it un mounted it successfully did say nothing09:33
=== Adsum [n=Epimethe@c-0ff2e155.1111-1-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
Peres_unop: thanks alot for ur response anyway! laterzz09:34
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=== Industrial [n=tom@a80-100-243-86.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
JatoneAnyone here have any luck installing a conexant 14f1:2F00 modem in edgy?09:35
=== trins [n=trins@190.pool85-49-143.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu
Peres_unop: it's weird, because i tried again ls *.jpg | wc -l ----> bash: /bin/ls: Argument list too long :D09:35
TheVaultWhat do you do if Ubuntu does not recognize your wireless network card. I have a Dell Inspiron E1405 laptop. When I did the command to show me what network devices I have, it shows a I have a broadcom device but it does not tell me what kind because it says it does not exit or something like that09:35
IndustrialHow do I disable my PC speaker?09:35
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hotsodais there any way i could hide the beryl manger task icon in gnome?09:35
TheVaultSays Broadcom and some words thats does not relate to what I have09:35
exsguys, how do I update my gtk-gnutella client?.. version 0.96.3 is out and I want to upgrade. Thanks09:35
unopPeres_,  does ls *jpg actually work (without the pipe to wc) ?09:35
SenesenceHow do I install this font http://www.netalive.org/tinkering/triskweline/09:35
jack_deltrinoIndustrial: try sudo rmmod pcspkr09:35
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trinsIndustrial, disconnect "fisically" it from the motherboard :)09:35
JatoneIndustrial your speakers or your sound card?09:35
Industrialspeaker, and its a laptop09:36
dyrneTheVault: best bet is to do a google search like: site:ubuntuforums.org broadcom wireless   youll get alot of step by step stuff for ndiswrapper. its not too bad to setup but ive never done it09:36
spasticteapotSpeakers...I know about speakers!09:36
joevandykAny ideas about how to 'reset' my wireless NIC after it loses it's wireless signal?09:36
spasticteapotWhat's the issue?09:36
Jatonejust hit the mute key? lol09:36
spasticteapotFinally...I'm useful!09:36
jack_deltrinoIndustrial: try what i said, rmmdo pcspkr09:36
joevandykit shows a signal strength of 0/94 after a bit of being on09:36
jack_deltrinosudo rmmod pcspkr*09:36
Justy-hossasaur: it says nothing, it successfully mounted09:36
Industrialin short - this godawful anoying beep sound.09:36
Peres_unop: no, it says also bash: /bin/ls: Argument list too long09:36
Industrialjack_deltrino: roger09:36
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spasticteapotIndustrial: What's the speaker problem?09:36
spasticteapotI actually know a good bit about speaker design, repair, and creation.09:36
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hossasaurJusty-: look at gparted right now, what does it say under mountpoint for /dev/hda109:37
JatoneAnyone know how to install modem drivers?09:37
TheVaultdyrne: Thank you. I will try that. Will I be able to get my wireless to work using the LIVE CD? I don't feel like installing linux like I did before, I wanna make sure that I am able to do things before I go making it my 2ndary OS09:37
Industrialspasticteapot: that it made a beep, hehe. But its fixed now.09:37
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Justy-hossasaur: it is blank, it is not mounted09:37
=== darich [n=trickyki@host86-140-174-38.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
emethow do I see all processes in GNOME09:38
emetalt-ctrl-del no work09:38
hossasaurJusty-: are you browsing the partition, have a file open from the partition, etc?09:38
Industrialemet, System - administration - system monitor09:38
=== nizy [n=nizy@pool-71-110-60-224.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Justy-hossasaur: nope..09:38
SenesenceHow do I install this font http://www.netalive.org/tinkering/triskweline/09:38
JatoneAnyone know how to install modems specifically hsf chip 14f1:2F00?09:38
Industrialemet: you could make a shortcut to that for ctrl-alt-del09:38
Justy-hossasaur: i cannot read hda109:39
dyrneTheVault: id image the steps might work on livecd.09:39
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davinhow do I reload the gnome panel/s again?09:39
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ubuntu_nubi m havin some problems (yep)09:39
TheVaultdyrne: Thanks. I will try what you suggested09:39
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ArafangionHow do I setup dual-head with the free fglrx drivers?09:39
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davin!ask > ubuntu_nub09:39
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ubuntu_nubi built the mesa gl libs from cvs09:40
hossasaurJusty-: did you manually mount that drive, or does linux do it from boot?09:40
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=== Industrial [n=tom@a80-100-243-86.adsl.xs4all.nl] has left #ubuntu []
ubuntu_nuband now every time i go to start a gl app i get a bunch of dispatch errors09:40
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ratbert90Good god I hope that the daily build of fiesty works with my DG965RY.  As I do not have a 512 meg thumb drive :(09:40
exsanyone want to help me installing the new gtk-gnutella client?.. i got the setup file but neither 'Configure, make or install' are working09:41
unopPeres_,  it turns out bash limits lines to 64K long --  you need to break ls down in  this case09:41
emethow do I force the cd open09:41
Justy-hossasaur: linux does. it is in fstab i think09:41
=== CapaCala [n=jani@dyn58-63.dsl.spy.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
JatoneAnyone here with experience setting up dial-up drivers?09:41
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unopPeres_,  http://www.soe.ucsc.edu/classes/cmps290g/Winter03/p2-tutorial.html09:41
davinhow do I reload the gnome panl agai?09:41
davinI forgot =[09:42
=== Vaxu_ [n=vaxaren@adsl-36-5.regionline.fi] has joined #ubuntu
jammerwhat is delete file command in console?09:42
davinsomething with kill-all09:42
davinjammer: rm09:42
trins killall gnome-panel09:42
Peres_unop, wow, okay, that makes sense :) thanx bigtime!!09:42
davintrins thanks man09:42
hossasaurJusty-: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab, put a # at the beginning of the line that starts with /dev/hda109:42
=== bayle [n=bayle@host167-100.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
joevandykAnyone know how I can reset my wireless NIC?  it shows a signal strength of '0/94' after a few hours of being up.  Doing a 'iwconfig ath0 essid myssid' works sometimes to get it working again.  Rebooting always works.09:42
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knight__how can i boot to windows back?ive installed ubuntu new and lost my original grub boot list, now i dont have the option to boot to windows09:42
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hossasaurJusty-: so it'll look like #/dev/hda1      /media/hda1   ntfs xxxxxxx when you're done09:43
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Justy-hossasaur: restart?09:43
hossasaurJusty-: yes09:43
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Jatonejoe you try clicking the enable box in the network system > administration > networking window?09:43
Peres_unop:nice site also09:43
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Jatoneclick it off then on might reset it09:43
Justy-hossasaur: brb wait for me =)09:43
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emethow do I eject CD from cmdline09:43
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eismai did dual boot with windows/ubuntu, and partitioned too little of space i wanted for windows. how do i uninstall ubuntu and restore windows to the entire hd?09:43
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hossasaurwoot, 3rd day running linux and i'm already helping people09:44
trinsemet "eject"09:44
Crankeyeameinke: no luck my friend09:44
unopPeres_,  yea, some college/uni09:44
emettrins, LOL09:44
emetit works@09:44
=== CapaCala [n=jani@dyn58-63.dsl.spy.dnainternet.fi] has left #ubuntu ["Lhdss"]
trinsyeah, it's a very intuitive command :D09:44
ameinkeCrankeye: hm09:44
knight__ive installed ubuntu new and lost my original grub boot list, now i dont have the option to boot to windows, how can i get it back?09:44
Crankeyejoin #reboot again09:45
Crankeyeif you can ;D09:45
ameinke'join reboot09:45
=== Cyrus25801 [n=cyrus@dsl-244-199-109.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
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Jatonethere a server for help with networking?09:45
kexmanguys what do i do when i get something like this ? sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Feb 21 17:21:54 2007 ?09:46
=== incorrect [n=fwest@cpc1-cmbg8-0-0-cust155.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
kexmani was playing with the time09:46
kexmantrying out ntpdate + ntp09:46
Cyrus25801what is a good download manager09:46
=== Data_ [n=dod@host-85-27-67-131.brutele.be] has joined #ubuntu
kexmanit works but ... now i have other problems09:46
santaknight__, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6269/09:46
pingsweptI'm trying to install Edgy on an Abit AB9 with two SATA drives, but the drives aren't detected in the installer. However, the SATA controller appears in the output of lspci, and the controller detects the drives during boot. Any suggestions on what to try next?09:46
Jatonekexman u need to watch more sci-fi, because you would learn playing with time = bad09:46
trinsCyrus25801, try wget for the shell09:46
unop!ask | Jatone09:47
ubotuJatone: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:47
santaknight__,  root            (hd0,0) this has to be changed to the harddisk where your windows is located09:47
kexmanbut how do i correct it now ?09:47
LjL!language | kexman09:47
ubotukexman: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:47
=== mobninja [n=mobninja@nor75-11-82-66-224-236.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulhossasaur, I saw your note, don't try that if your only three days in09:47
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:47
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kexman!sudo time09:47
ubotusudo: Provide limited super user privileges to specific users. In component main, is important. Version 1.6.8p12-4ubuntu5 (edgy), package size 161 kB, installed size 396 kB09:47
Justy-hossasaur: hello again09:47
santaknight__, any more questions ?09:47
Justy-hossasaur: it is the same..09:47
santahi all09:47
Mhzhossasaur: sorry man, I was away, you answered my post 30 minutes ago09:47
Cyrus25801trins: is it gui or text based09:47
Mhzthe partition is fat3209:47
Jatone!network help09:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about network help - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:47
santacould someone paste the output of: cat /usr/share/xsessions/gnome.desktop09:48
unopJatone,  just ask a question09:48
=== Senen [n=Senen@ABordeaux-253-1-20-250.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
knight__santa, but is there any related link to refer to so that i coul do it well09:48
trinsit's text based but i think there is an extension for firefox to manage with it09:48
Justy-hossasaur: i am so sorry09:48
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whazillai cant find x-window-system-dev09:48
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kexmanhehh :) just kill the terminal you are running then restart it ... makes sudo work again :) okay and now i know why i wasnt asked several times about my root pass :) coool09:48
trinsi use it in the shell, it's terrific09:48
whazillawhat repo must i add ?09:48
kexmanplaying with time = learn :)09:48
santaknight__, i would have to search give me a second and i try to find a appropriate howto09:48
=== pectic_ [n=existenz@bzq-88-155-45-40.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
MhzI would like to automount a windows partition with read/write access to user. how do I do that?09:49
unopwhazilla,  you want these packages - x-dev xorg-dev, xserver-xorg-dev09:49
cavediverHi. What doed the latest linux-image-server patch fix in Dapper? Is there a changelog domewhere ?09:49
Jatonelol kex09:49
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whazillafor WineCVS09:49
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whazillai got a make error09:49
trinswellcome to the real world :D09:49
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knight__santa, im also searching...09:50
=== Slasherx4 [n=craig@host86-141-112-78.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jatone!Installing modem drivers09:50
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Mhzso, anyone up for a little support with fstab? please?09:50
=== piedoggie [n=chatzill@harvee.org] has joined #ubuntu
eartheneiama ptmagic could do that for you, I'm not sure of what else could09:50
Slasherx4Hey, can anyone help me out with ATi drivers please?09:51
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venatici__How i can use beryl(aiglx) + xfce on xunbuntu?  I not want use beryl on KDE or Gnome...  I want use it on XFCE.09:51
Jatonemight be able to slasher =P09:51
MhzI already went through some doc but I can't figure out what's wrong09:51
ompaulMhz, can you be more specific and then the famous "anyone" might show themselves ;-)09:51
eismaUsing Gparted, anyone know how I can turn my unallocated space into the partition where i want ubuntu installed onto?09:51
MadFlyingHello guys.  Can someone recommend me a MP3 manager for Ubuntu?  Tried Amarok, Prokyon, etc...  but they are mostly focused at playing music.  I am looking for an organizer that makes managing a large collection easily.  I was using Mediamonkey on Zindow, not sure if you've seen it, but that's basically that type of functionnality I'm looking for...09:51
venatici__nyone know?09:51
=== AlinuxOS [n=vsichi@] has joined #ubuntu
Cyrus25801i am having problems with mozilla and firefox both hang halway when im browsing.what can i do09:51
hossasaurJusty-: sorry mang, i have no idea09:51
venatici__Anyone know?09:51
venatici__How i can use beryl(aiglx) + xfce on xunbuntu?  I not want use beryl on KDE or Gnome...  I want use it on XFCE.09:51
=== Manny [n=chris@p5496AA43.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Slasherx4Well I tried following a few guides, and apt-get on one of them didn't work (missing packages) so I tried the hard way and the ATi thing keeps telling me an error09:51
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Mhzompaul: I posted the following question a bit earlier: I would like to automount a windows partition with read/write access to user. how do I do that?09:51
Slasherx4./ati-installer.sh: 163: Syntax error: Bad substitution09:51
Slasherx4Removing temporary directory: fglrx-install09:51
=== okias [n=okias@esthe.cust.centro-net.cz] has joined #ubuntu
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:52
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:52
Mhzompaul: is there any "prefered" way to ask a question adressed to "anyone"?09:52
piedoggiehave a problem with a vmware guest that has lost its eth0.  The kernel recognizes the device at boot time but it's just not available.  The same device (eth1) is visible and usable.09:52
=== JoCe [n=joce@74.Red-81-35-67.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jatone1sec slasher let me find the guide i used09:52
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ompaul!ntfs | Mhz09:52
Slasherx4ok m8 ty09:52
venatici__Is possible install beryl + xfce ????09:52
ubotuMhz: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse09:52
venatici__Anyone know?09:53
venatici__Is possible install beryl + xfce ????09:53
ompaulMhz, ^^09:53
Slasherx4I have beryl on xgl09:53
piedoggieI'm not sure how to see if the device eth0 is really available09:53
ompaulMhz, don't ask to ask - ask09:53
Justy-hossasaur: ok. do you know if -somehow- i find a way to create an unallocated space, is it possible to enlarge my current ubuntu partitation by adding this unallocated space to it?09:53
okiasHi, i need help> working nvidia-glx with new on amd64?09:53
piedoggiejusty: yes it is09:53
piedoggieuse the resize tools09:53
venatici__Anyone know if Is possible install beryl + xfce ????09:53
Jatoneslasher open a tab up with me so we can talk less spam hehe09:53
Mhzompaul: alright, thanks, I'll be back if this doesn't help. thanks a lot ;)09:54
Justy-piedoggie: yes! i didnt understand09:54
knight__santa, thank you ill take care of it09:54
=== SinClaIrR [n=sinclair@113.pool85-58-0.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu
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Justy-piedoggie: i didnt misunderstood you can add the unallocated space to current ubuntu partitation?09:54
Justy-piedoggie: or did i?09:55
=== Plecebo_ [n=larry@D-128-208-60-92.dhcp4.washington.edu] has joined #ubuntu
santaknight__, so09:55
=== Polibio [n=Pohlee@92.Red-83-34-199.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Slasherx4Jatone: done, I think, lol09:55
santaknight__, if you have a question just ask09:55
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piedoggiejusty: if you're talking about adding unallocated space at the end of the current partition during the disk partitioning process at install time,09:55
piedoggieI think you can do it but you have to work a little hard09:55
hossasaurJusty-: sorry bud, you can resize your ntfs partition in windows09:55
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Cyrus25801i am having problems with mozilla and firefox both hang halway when im browsing.what can i do09:56
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hossasaurJusty-: you can add unallocated space, but from the looks of it you don't have any09:56
piedoggiejusty: if you're talking about changing sizes afterwards, it can be done but you need to be very careful and you're probably better off with LVM underneath everything09:56
piedoggiealthough that has a series of big negatives associated with it as well09:56
litheumwoo, just did aptitude upgrade the other night.... and now when i try to start my machine i see tons of "modprobe: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"!09:56
Jatonego there slasher09:56
hossasaurpiedoggie: this is his table http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/5853/gpartedzd5.png09:56
Slasherx4cheers will check it out09:56
dev1When I add button or some else widget on window in glade it fills all window space. What is the reason?09:56
santaknight__, would you be so kind and paste the output of: "cat /usr/share/xsessions/gnome.desktop" and paste it on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/09:56
=== Centaur5 [n=fishman@209-33-229-216.dsl.infowest.net] has joined #ubuntu
hossasaurJusty-: a program like partition magic can resize your ntfs partition09:57
Jatoneyou will need a few packages from the update manager09:57
piedoggiedoesn't gparted reallocate space for NTFS as well?09:57
piedoggieI should say repartition storage09:57
=== mattwoodyard [n=matt@74-140-156-240.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
hossasaurpiedoggie: it can, but it can corrupt an ntfs partition09:57
JatoneAnyone have any luck installing a modem on edgy?09:57
=== mickeldi [n=mickeldi@cz251.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
Jatonefor dial up09:58
piedoggieand this is a problem how?  :-)09:58
knight__santa, sure09:58
hossasaurpiedoggie: i can currently resize my ntfs partition, but last time i did i had to reformat/reinstall vista09:58
derFlowhere can i dl plugins for  rhythmbox?09:58
=== whonicca [n=whonicca@ool-45746dfa.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
kexman!x resolution09:58
=== mrbrdo [n=mrbrdo@89-212-77-221.static.dsl.t-2.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about x resolution - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:58
piedoggieI see.  You are better off with partition Magic09:58
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:58
=== watson540 [n=Recruit@AC903C98.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigpartition magic is garbage09:58
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=== Lugaid^away [n=javier@67.Red-83-42-54.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
kexmanyeah dont use pqmagic09:58
mrbrdohey. what do you have to do if you install Windows AFTER ubuntu, so Grub boot screen is gone?09:58
kexmanat least dont mix it with linux09:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about installdrivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:59
piedoggiefor certain values of garbage09:59
santabruenig, i agree09:59
kexmanthey dont realy like each other :)09:59
hossasaurbruenig: if you have another windows-based partition program, do suggest09:59
Jatone!install modem09:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about install modem - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:59
derFlowhere can i dl plugins for  rhythmbox?09:59
=== sogen [n=sogen@chello087207066148.chello.pl] has joined #ubuntu
santamrbrdo, use the linux live cd or grub-install09:59
bruenighossasaur, gparted live cd will work fine09:59
whoniccaquestion, lets say theres this file .ioftpd in 100 folders in parent directory archive, is there a command that i can do to delete every instance of the file .ioftpd without me having to manually go through each folder?09:59
hossasaurbruenig: gparted can corrupt an ntfs partition if it resizes it09:59
bruenigso can partition magic09:59
hossasaurbruenig: it just happened to me yesterday09:59
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=== speck [n=speck@ANancy-157-1-111-136.w90-6.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
hossasaurbruenig: partition magic was made to resize ntfs partitions, it'll actually work10:00
mrbrdosanta: what exactly, i use the live cd and do what?10:00
pingsweptI'm trying to install Edgy using ubiquity, but it won't detect any hard drives. Is there another way I can install?10:00
knight__santa, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6272/10:00
brueniggparted was made to resize it as well10:00
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:00
hossasaurbruenig: gparted can corrupt ntfs partitions, and does on a regular basis10:00
Jatone!network dialup10:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about network dialup - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:00
santaknight__, thank you, you helped me a lot. just ask if you need something with your setup10:00
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto10:00
bruenighossasaur, and it does work, in your particular case it failed, but don't act as if that is a norm, you should always backup obviously10:00
knight__santa, didnt get how i helped you10:01
santamrbrdo, you have to rewrite the grub entry10:01
piedoggiehossasaur: stick with PartitionMagic for NTFS or do a full image backup and try gparted10:01
hossasaurbruenig: many people have had the same problem as myself10:01
=== Industrial [n=tom@a80-100-243-86.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigsort of the same concept as !worksforme but the other way around, don't FUD this because you had a bad experience10:01
hossasaurpiedoggie: i've already fixed the problem10:01
mrbrdosanta: do i just do grub-install from console on the live cd?10:01
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davinwhat player you use to listen to BD10:01
mrbrdosanta: i have proper settings in /boot/grub/menu.lst10:01
santaknight__, i removed my gnome.desktop unintentional10:01
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knight__santa, :)10:01
=== phaidros [n=phaidros@pD9512469.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
santaknight__, so i wasn't able to start with gnome session thanx10:02
piedoggieis there anyone who knows about ethernet devices and how to find out why an ethernet device might be missing?10:02
sharperguyanyone know why the kernel would refuse to load when thees a usb mouse plugged in?10:02
santaknight__, : )10:02
hossasaurbruenig: i'm sorry, i completely disagree10:02
emetcan I do a forced unmount10:02
emetlike if the drive is busy, ignore that10:02
santamrbrdo, use grub-install10:02
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phaidroshi, since edgy my right ALT is different than left ALT, hot to get them the same for GNOME shortcuts?10:02
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hossasaurbruenig: this isn't an uncommon occurance. every person who's resized their ntfs partition with vista installed on it has corrupted the partition10:02
mrbrdosanta: so just boot into the live cd, open a console and type grub-install?10:02
hossasaurbruenig: many with xp have done the same10:02
santamrbrdo, do you know how to use this10:02
bruenigwell that is a vista problem then obviously10:03
santamrbrdo, yep look the parameters and ask if something is unclear10:03
Cyrus25801bruenig: i am having problems with mozilla and firefox they both hang temporarily.can you help10:03
hossasaurbruenig: no, it's picking the wrong partition software10:03
mrbrdosanta: okay let me try that10:03
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.10:03
jahidhi, how can i know which application is using my 21 port? when i was trying install proftpd, i get an error like "Failed binding to ::, port 21: address already in use"10:03
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bruenigCyrus25801, kind of vague there10:03
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=== Crankeye [n=Crankeye@ip70-176-176-149.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
hossasaurbruenig: the software he wants to use is partition magic10:04
=== tk [n=tk@bym121.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
daumhey guys, quick question, is the ubuntu install easy for a person new to linux?10:04
bruenigok, I have had bad experiences with good ole partition magic10:04
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hossasaurdaum: yes10:04
jahiddaum, i think so10:04
daumhossasaur, it mostly graphical?10:04
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hossasaurdaum: yes, but you should know what you're doing before getting into it10:05
daumi only ask because my friend is going to be switching over and I use gentoo so no idea how easy it will be for him in ubuntu10:05
=== deadeyes [n=deadeyes@79.74-64-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
hossasaurdaum: the most confuzing part, imo, is knowing how to set up partitions10:05
=== Senesence [n=senesenc@ool-4354a6c5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
daumalright i can do that easily=)10:05
=== sigger2 [n=mark@ool-44c0a897.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
hossasaurdaum: good10:05
=== necr0man6er [n=vincent@ip-81-11-172-124.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Cyrus25801bruenig: while im browsing i cant change tabs or do anything in any one of the programs. the rest of the system is fine all other programs work but mozilla and firefox hang. a few minutes later it comes right and then does the same.10:05
daumhossasaur, it use a graphical client for that or fdisk command line?10:05
MarcMdaum: i agree with hossasaur, everything else is very simple10:05
santadaum, if you are aware how to set up gentoo properly it shouldn't be hard to set up ubuntu10:05
phaidroshi, since edgy my right ALT is different than left ALT, hot to get them the same for GNOME shortcuts?10:05
daumMarcM, alright supeb10:05
SenesenceHelp, Ubuntu can't recognize .PCF fonts. Whats the deal?10:06
daumsanta, heh, i've been running linux for about 6 years now10:06
hossasaurbruenig: i had one bad experience with partition magic in conjunction with ext3 partitions, but he's not dealing with that, he's dealing with ntfs10:06
kexmani get this with uname -a Linux tux02 2.6.15-28-amd64-generic #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Feb 1 15:53:41 UTC 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux | and i need the source of this running kernel ! where can i find it ?10:06
daumsanta, just wasn't sure if my friend was going to be going nuts10:06
santadaum, than installing with a gui shouldn't be a problem : )10:06
=== Industrial [n=tom@a80-100-243-86.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
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hossasaurdaum: graphical, though i'd highly suggest using windows-based partition software if he's resizing an ntfs partition with vista on it10:06
=== coffee-mug [n=coffeemu@pool-71-247-173-202.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
daumsanta, ubuntu uses what type of partition by default?10:06
bruenigCyrus25801, well the first thought that comes to my mind is to do "mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozillabackup" and then launching firefox again and seeing if the problem persists. If it goes away then it could be a bad combination of extensions or configurations.10:06
=== eXistenZ [n=existenz@unaffiliated/eXistenZ] has joined #ubuntu
santadaum, use ext310:06
phaidroskexman, aptitude search kernel-sources10:06
hossasaurdaum: ext3 or ext210:06
Industrialsqlite isnt available to me from the commandline, and I dont see a package for it. the library is installed but I have no idea how to make a database.10:06
daumhossasaur, aye you have a reccomendation for whta type of software to resize his ntfs with(xp windows)10:07
phaidroskexman, or aptitude search linux-sources (cant remember)10:07
hossasaurdaum: i say ext3 first because that's the one he should use10:07
daumaye ext3 i'll have him use10:07
hossasaurdaum: partition magic10:07
kexmanwell the first one didnt gave me no output10:07
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:07
hossasaurdaum: well, eh, use a dos-based partition program10:07
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phaidrosanyone familiar with xkb? have two different ALTs want to have it the same, so both keycode 64 & 113 make ALT10:07
kexmanphaidros, doesnt work10:07
hossasaurdaum: something that's good with ntfs10:07
Cyrus25801bruenig: will try that and come back to you.10:07
piedoggieI second hossasuar's recommendation as well10:07
SenesenceAny support guys around here?10:07
phaidroskexman, what it shows?10:07
kexmannothing :)10:07
piedoggieat least for NTFS10:07
=== royel [n=royel@24-196-15-93.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
daumhossasaur, ok thanks10:08
IndustrialSenesence: about 1000 :P, just ask.10:08
kexmansudo: timestamp too far in the future: Feb 21 17:21:54 2007 aaaaaaaaa, how do i get rid of this ?10:08
hossasaurdaum: partition magic works well in xp, i'm not sure if they have a vista-compatible version yet10:08
SenesenceHow do I get PCF font's working on Dapper10:08
santamrbrdo, and do you know what to do ?10:08
phaidroskexman, change system datre10:08
=== adrian_ [n=adrian@adsl-69-224-155-38.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
kexmanphaidros, the date is okay !10:08
Industrialsqlite isnt available to me from the commandline, and I dont see a package for it. the library is installed but I have no idea how to make a database.10:08
royelhey, what can I do to enable syntax highlighting in a console editor? Which editors are best suited for this?10:08
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phaidroskexman, well, set the date to feb 2210:09
kexmanwhy should i !?10:09
hossasaurdaum: but if he's resizing an ntfs partition with vista on it in gparted (graphical partition software on the ubuntu live cd), it will corrupt the partition and he'll have to re-install vista, and then re-install grub10:09
bruenigroyel, vim10:09
piedoggieroyel: emacs and vi10:09
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Industrialroyel: I recommend Vim, vim.org - but it has a steep learning curve and is not 'conventional'10:09
hossasaurdaum: otherwise, very easy install, as easy as xp10:09
Jatoneanyone know how to set up a dial up modem?10:09
phaidroskexman, what kind of package u try to install when the date-foo shows up?10:09
kexmanman i used ntpdate to correct my time but before that i set it back to 17:2110:09
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Jowi!dialup | Jatone10:09
ubotuJatone: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto10:10
royelbruenig: piedoggie: Industrial: which is most like "nano" if any?10:10
Industrialnoone knows how to get sqlite? dont have it on the cmdline ..10:10
kexmani dont try to install any package i just commandline sudo anything10:10
phaidrosbut it says february 21 ..10:10
SenesenceI mean no matter what I do, Ubuntu just can't find PCF fonts. I can't believe it's such a complicated matter. I mean it's just fonts.10:10
bruenigroyel, nothing with syntax that I can think of10:10
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Industrialroyel: nano, :P10:10
jetsaredimdoes anyone know what happened to the 686-smp kernel package??10:10
Jowi!info sqlite10:10
ubotusqlite: command line interface for SQLite. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.17-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 19 kB, installed size 80 kB10:10
Jowijetsaredim, it's in the generic one10:10
royelIndustrial: was afraid of that :)10:10
Jowi!generic  jetsaredim10:10
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phaidrosSenesence, try scribus wiki, they have alot on fonts, me never succeeded getting macfonts on ubuntu ..10:10
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto10:10
bruenigroyel, if you do "vimtutor" you can learn how to use vim at least the basics10:10
IndustrialJowi: $ sql<tabl><tabl>, nothing.10:10
jetsaredimJowi: generic doesn't work with nvidia drivers10:10
phaidrosanyone familiar with xkb? have two different ALTs want to have it the same, so both keycode 64 & 113 make ALT10:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jeneric - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:10
sigger2anyone recommend a GUI mp3 tag editor - not loving Easy Tag.10:10
hossasaurhow do you install a library from the terminal? in this case sdl and sdl-image10:11
Jowiwhat's wrong with my spelling today?!10:11
bruenigeasytag is the best I have seen10:11
phaidrossigger2, rhythmbox? listen?10:11
piedoggieroyel:  most editors have tutorials.  I know Emacs and vim do10:11
jetsaredimI want  to be able to use smp and nvidia binary drivers10:11
phaidroswhy not do it with the player?10:11
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royelIndustrial: bruenig: is there something special needed to invoke the highlighting, I don't see any yet with vim10:11
bruenigphaidros, because you have to do each mp3 separately10:11
SenesenceAnyone here use Triskweline?10:11
sigger2phaidros, they do tag editing?10:11
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bruenigroyel, save it with the right extension10:11
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phaidrosbruenig, partly tru for listen and rhythmbox ..10:11
Jowijetsaredim, you need the restricted modules and nvidia-kernel-common10:11
ubotuBackground to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)10:11
Industrialroyel: #vim, theres vimtutor and readmes etc.10:11
bruenigcompletely true for rhyhmbox10:12
phaidrossigger2, imho .. or is it just for the player-database?10:12
jetsaredimJowi: the nvidia drivers don't work with the generic kerne;10:12
royelpiedoggie: I'm most used to nano/pico, but I'm not afraid of the others. I will admit I'm sure I will need a reference for a while though10:12
MikesHardLinuxjetsaredim: i use generic smp (Pentium D) AND nvidia drivers (7600GT)10:12
sigger2bruenig, ya one by one is not what I want10:12
IndustrialJowi: any idea? I dont have sqlite(3) on the commandline so I dont know how to make a database ..10:12
sebrockphaidros, where are those mac fonts you talk about?10:12
IndustrialJowi: also not in the packages10:12
hossasaurbruenig: how do you install a library from the terminal? in this case sdl-image and sdl10:12
piedoggiethere are plenty of those for Emacs10:12
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sigger2phaidros, not player database.  I use ampache for that.10:12
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IndustrialJowi: only libsqlite3 and doc.10:12
jetsaredimMikesHardLinux: really?10:12
kothHi there10:12
bruenighossasaur, sudo apt-get install libsdl-image1.210:12
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Jatonejowi that guide is useless for me atm lol10:13
hossasaurbruenig: thanks10:13
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gemini9hey there10:13
jetsaredimdo I need to be booted to the generic kernel in order for the nvidia drivers to get installed in the right place?10:13
MikesHardLinuxjetsaredim: Yes. Have you looked in the restricted modules as Jowi has suggested?10:13
=== rowdy [n=rowdy@c-68-49-208-218.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lisapcI have vista installed and want to install ubuntu on hda1.  any docs on how pls>10:13
JowiIndustrial, sqlite is in the universe repo10:13
bruenig!dualboot | lisapc10:13
ubotulisapc: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)10:13
gemini9hey there10:13
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Cyban1Is there a minilmist verison of ubuntu?10:13
jetsaredimMikesHardLinux: I've got the nvidia working with the 686 kernel10:13
trinstry jed like an editor with syntax highlighting10:13
bruenig!hi | gemini910:13
ubotugemini9: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:13
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bruenig!minimal | Cyban110:13
ubotuCyban1: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD10:13
SenesenceAnyone here know how to install .PCF fonts on Dapper??10:14
kexmanthat picture is LOL10:14
emetwhat is the name of the blubuntu package10:14
emetthe theme for ubuntu10:14
MikesHardLinuxjetsaredim: but 686 kernel is not smp, right? :-) or is it?10:14
jetsaredimMikesHardLinux: right - its not10:14
bruenigemet, themes aren't generally packaged in the repositories if that is what you  mean10:14
IndustrialJowi: thanks.10:14
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bruenigemet, you will probably need to google it until you can find the tar.gz or whatever else way they have you install it10:14
MikesHardLinuxjetsaredim: i am using the default generic kernel along with the restricted nvidia module and smp is working fine10:14
trinsMikesHardLinux,  my generic 686 is smp10:15
gemini9i have a pc with KUBUNTU only, but my APT manager is locked down (keeps asking for my su password...how do i find out what it is?)10:15
trinsLinux lis01 2.6.17-11-generic #2 SMP10:15
emetbruenig, I thin this one is10:15
kothQuestion about DualBoot, the WindowsDualBootHowto talk about installing windows and ubuntu on the same hdd10:15
seanmccannI just installed Feisty Fawn and my screen "messes" up every few seconds; almost like old rabbit ear tvs. Also it takes forever to scroll down. What settings do I config?10:15
MikesHardLinuxtrins: well, not talking about generic. talking about the "686" kernel10:15
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Jowitrins, yes, in edgy the generic kernel is both 686 and smp. in dapper you would need to install the 686-smp kernel.10:15
Flannelseanmccann: Feisty support is in #ubuntu+!10:15
Flannelseanmccann: er, #ubuntu+110:15
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naliothgemini9: there is no 'su'.  use YOUR user pass10:15
seanmccannthank you10:15
bruenigemet, wow it is10:15
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ubotublubuntu-look: Blubuntu look - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 6 kB, installed size 64 kB10:16
FlannelJowi, trins, no.  In dapper kernels are both SMP and non at the same time, so you need only install -68610:16
kothIf i want to install windows and ubuntu into 2 different hdd, is it possible? same HowTo doc?10:16
l2obertun french for me please ?10:16
Flannel!dualboot | koth10:16
jetsaredimMikesHardLinux: do you know if it is just installing to the kernel you're booted to?10:16
bruenig!fr | l2obert10:16
ubotul2obert: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:16
ubotukoth: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)10:16
gemini9nalioth -i did issue my user password...says incorrect10:16
rowdyhi there!! on my ubuntu-server i want to automount my external hard-drive when I connect or when my server boots and they drive is connected10:16
patrialtis there any difference between xubuntu/ubunut/kubuntu other than visual?10:16
trinsi think it was about edgy, sorry10:16
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gemini9when i login at boot up that same password works fine10:16
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phaidros_hm, kicked myself10:17
naliothgemini9: try opening a console and typing "kdesu adept" or "gksudo synaptic"10:17
Flannelgemini9: and you're using sudo, right?10:17
JowiFlannel, ah. my memory must be off.10:17
MikesHardLinuxjetsaredim: not sure i understand the question. i guess, when you install the restricted module, yes it will install to the kernel you are booted in10:17
Flannelv4m21: please take offtopic stuff to #ubuntu-offtopic10:17
naliothv4m21: please don't do that here.  #ubuntu-offtopic is a better place for it10:17
kumelkwhat tools to people use to download music and such on ubuntu ?10:17
rowdyon my ubuntu-server i want to automount my external hard-drive when I connect or when my server boots and they drive is connected10:17
jetsaredimMikesHardLinux: m,aybe that's the probn10:17
l2oberti have a problem with kubuntu for connect my computer (kubuntu) with the pc "mother"(windows xp)10:17
gemini9yes, using sudo10:17
kothFlannel: Thank for the link, i looked at that HowTo already, it is telling me to resize the partion, but is it possible to install both OS into different hdd and have it dual boot?10:18
naliothl2obert: perhaps #kubuntu might be a better channel10:18
MikesHardLinuxjetsaredim: are you trying to install the nvidia driver onto a different kernel than what you are currently using?10:18
l2obertif you want help me it's very nice10:18
v4m21k, sorry.10:18
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:18
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Cyban1Is that minimal CD PPC compatiable?10:18
l2obertthk nalioth :)10:18
kumelkIm really wondering, caus Im been looking around and cant find anything which suits me ^^10:18
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Cyban1!minimal PPC10:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about minimal ppc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:18
gemini9this is a KUBUNTU only pc. non-dual booat10:19
Flannelkoth: of course.  Just install windows to one, then ubuntu to the other.  If windows is on anything but primary master (hda), you may need to add a line to grub's config, but yeah, doable and easy10:19
rowdyon my ubuntu-server i want to automount my external hard-drive when I connect or when my server boots and they drive is connected10:19
Jowirowdy, put it in /etc/fstab to mount it at boot time. if you want it to automount when you connect it you will need to create a udev rule I think...10:19
gemini9boot, even10:19
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Flannelgemini9: so, you used sudo [whatever] , it asked for the password, you gave it your user password, and it gave you an error?10:19
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kexmanhttp://fukung.net/v/589/goodpaintjob.jpg hahahaha10:20
rowdyThanks Jowi, I will look up the udev rule, duh! dont know why the fstab didnt strike me10:20
emetmy ubuntu is blue10:20
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emetif you like blue10:20
emetdownload this10:20
kothFlannel: Thanks, windows is actually on hda now, since it is my first OS and i am trying to add ubuntu, is it going to be harder?10:20
ubotublubuntu-look: Blubuntu look - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 6 kB, installed size 64 kB10:20
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Jowirowdy, I haven't done it myself but should be in /etc/udev/rules.d10:20
trinsi will trye it, blubuntu.. xD10:20
mirakwhy can't we open two session with this firefox idiot ?10:21
sigger2In EasyTag when I try to exit a dir with music files, it tells me "Some files have been modified but not saved..." even though I haven't touched any files.  Anyone know why?10:21
emetit's not bad10:21
rowdyCool!!, thanks again10:21
Flannelkoth: nope.  Easier.  Just install ubuntu to the second harddrive, write grub to the MBR of hda (which will be default), and you're good to go.10:21
gemini9neither work10:21
kothFlannel: Thank a lot. i am going to try it now.10:21
sentehi all, i want to install ubuntu on my laptop which currently has XP, i don't want to have to reinstall XP and i want a dual-boot, someone mentioned 'gparted' do i need a certain .iso to do this or will whatever 'standard' iso i can find a torrent of work?10:21
=== IsleVegan [n=ask@74-61-161-0.hon.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu
kexmanhttp://fukung.net/v/528/deadoralive.jpg looooool cnn loooooooool10:21
emethow do I make tilda autoload when GNOME loads10:21
gemini9says session crashed under kdesu... syanptic not working10:21
trinsapt-get install  blubuntu-look ^_^10:21
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rowdyJowi: have a question10:21
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Flannelkexman: please take that elsewhere.  #ubuntu-offtopic if you'd like.10:21
ubotuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !AskTheBot - and most importantly, use common sense :-)10:22
rowdywhat happens if the drive is not connected when the server boots and fstab entry is present10:22
ubotutilda: Linux terminal which behaves like terminals in shooter games. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.09.3-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 32 kB, installed size 148 kB10:22
MeizanoI really need help. I've been trying to install a USB WiFi adaptor with ndiswrapper and I get errors when following exact instructions. Help?10:22
emethow do I get that to autoload?10:22
bTophi. need to setup a php development environment on ubuntu. What do I need10:22
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Flannel!lamp |  bTop10:22
ubotubTop: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:22
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emetguys if you going to download that I would modify the default settings cause hey are bad10:22
DLB|Maximusanyone here use synergy?10:22
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emetbut I got mine looking real nice10:23
Jowirowdy, then you can mount it normally.10:23
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rowdybut would tbe boot fail?10:23
kumelkwhich tool is best to download movies / music on ubuntu, newsgroup tool or smth ?10:23
rowdyi mean would the server still boot up?10:23
krantixhi! what are the main advantages of moving /home to a new partition of the hard disk? thanks!10:23
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Jowirowdy, "mount" will follow the rules as set up in /etc/fstab. no the boot will be fine as long as the external disk does not mount to a system critical point such as /lib for example.10:24
rowdykrantix: it gives u the advantage of reparing ur system, reinstalling, upgrading w/o loosing ur data10:24
Flannelkrantix: when you reinstall/whatever you can keep all your data (reinstall around /home)10:24
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wkdownkumelk: like a torrent? or like limewire?10:24
patrialtflannel couldn't you just copy the folder before you reinstall/upgrade?10:24
krantixrowdy and flannel, thanks... but i need to reinstall all additional software?10:24
rowdyGreat!! U have been a great help Jowi10:24
DLB|Maximusim wondering if anyone can tell me why on synaptic has synergy 1.3.1-2 when all i can find on synergy's homepage is 1.3.1-110:24
trinskrantix, if you install a new version of ubuntu, you will have your users data "unafected"10:24
Flannelpatrialt: yeah, but that's a lot of work.  copying, then restoring10:24
whoniccais it just me or do i notice most kde based apps are better than their gnome counterparts10:24
patrialti wouldn't think so10:25
Jowirowdy, it will work similar to the cdrom entry that is also in fstab. the boot will not fail if there's no cd in the drive, right? :)10:25
rowdywhat do u mean krantix10:25
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patrialtgksudo nautilus then copy+paste10:25
rowdyDuh again!10:25
Flannelkrantix: yeah, you'll only keep your stuff in /home, so just configs and user data.  programs will still need to be reinstalled10:25
cavediverNoone knows where the kernel-changes for linux-image-server is found ?10:25
krantixrowdy, as an example all my wine settings are in the /home folder...10:25
cavediverSomething is updated but I don't know if it's something I need to update my server for10:25
krantixflannel, a fresh installation of wine would then use the old settings?10:25
Flannelpatrialt: right, but when you have GB of data, it takes a while to copy (besides, where are you going to copy it to?)10:25
Flannelkrantix: yep10:26
krantixflannel, sounds great...10:26
Flannelkrantix: actually, a fresh install of wine would have your old programs in it too10:26
rowdyi do it all the time10:26
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Cyrus25801bruenig: it seems to be working but all my book marks are gone. what was the command i ran and how did it solve the problem10:26
Flannelkrantix: just because of how wine stores programs, in your homedir (~/.wine/drive_c/[windows stuff] )10:26
rowdykrantix: i just installed Ubuntu ultimate edition and used the same home folder10:26
patrialtflannel: i have a windows partition (20gb) and 100gb ext3 partition for storage for both Windows/Ubuntu, and a 25gb partition for my ubuntu install10:26
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emethow I gethow do I get program to autoload when GNOME loads in linux10:26
rowdyso i have 2 ubuntu edgys both using the same home folder10:26
lisapcif i have ubuntu installed on hda1 , how can I totally clear that partition so the swap part is also deleted?10:26
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gemini9do i need to get root? to install apt get installs?10:26
rowdyall the applications run fine10:27
turboloverhey what is video overlay and opengl overlay? could they impact the performance of my system?10:27
krantixflannel, rowdy, i think i will move my home partition right now... sounds good in case of system crash or whatever...10:27
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maccam94gemini9, use sudo or sudo su10:27
ubotuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD10:27
Flannelgemini9, maccam94, don't use sudo su.  if you want a root shell, use `sudo -i`10:27
maccam94gemini9, all you have to do when using sudo is enter your user password10:27
ubotuppc is PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers, and now a fully supported Ubuntu architecture.10:27
patrialtcould someone recommend a cd burner that recognized .bin/.cue format?10:27
rowdyyeah krantix ..if you are afraid of losing data, check out mondorescue10:27
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rowdyits a great peice of software10:28
maccam94Flannel, I forget the reason, but why do you need to do that?10:28
cavediverpatrialt: K3B10:28
gemini9what's the diff?10:28
maccam94gemini9, some security thing I think10:28
patrialtthank you cavediver10:28
gemini9i figured10:28
krantixrowdy, i've almost finished my migration from XP to Ubuntu... it's the first time i'm stopping to dual boot :-)10:28
naliothpatrialt: k3b10:28
patrialtthank you also nalioth :p10:29
maccam94gemini9, but both give you the root shell in any case10:29
naliothgemini9: sudo su is redundant.  sudo -i or sudo -s is the correct way to get a superuser shell10:29
maccam94eh, i just like sudo su because it's easier to type10:29
crimsunubotu: ppc ~= s/fully supported/community\-supported \(as of Feisty\)/g10:29
dyrneyou guys tried deluge? i really like it very light weight in gnome and xfce10:29
kothis using ntfs still risk in ubuntu?10:29
patrialtwhen you download something with add/remove or synaptic manager where does it download to?10:29
dyrnethat was meant for offtopic sorry10:29
Flannelpatrialt: /var/cache/apt10:29
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naliothmaccam94: when your box breaks, you get to keep the pieces :)10:29
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patrialtflannel thanks10:30
naliothkoth: it is not advised with any linux distro10:30
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maccam94on a different machine however, i've got a problem with a segfaulting synaptic, dunno why but it has not worked for the past 2+ weeks (apt-get works though)10:30
nalioth!tell koth about ntfs10:30
padgeHow do you print to the stderr in c?10:30
padgeSorry for the off-topic10:30
krantixflannel, rowdy, what about aving a partition even for /opt ??? it that a good idea?10:30
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Flannelpadge: ##C10:30
bTophow do I install apache2 ? whats the command again?10:30
trinskrantix, yes for 3rd party software is very usefull10:30
naliothkrantix: that is up to you10:30
FlannelbTop: sudo apt-get install apache210:30
nalioth!tell bTop about lamp10:30
=== cephalon [n=cephalon@c-69-254-254-60.hsd1.ks.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lisapcwhen installing ubuntu, whats the recommended swap file size using a notebook with 1 gig ram?10:31
emetdoes epiphany have adblock10:31
naliothlisapc: 768mb10:31
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Flannellisapc: depends on what you're doing.  If you ever plan on hibernating, you'll need at least 1G10:31
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dyrne1 gig might be better for hibernate10:31
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padgeFlannel: Thanks10:31
naliothemet: if it uses firefox plugins, yes, if not, no.  you can always use a hosts file (this will stop all crap from any network app)10:31
fluxdHow do I add yself to a group?10:31
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gemini9no luck10:31
bTopthanx Flannel10:32
Flannellisapc: most people recommend double the RAM, with a max of about 1G, unless you're doing specialized stuff, in which case you'd know ;)10:32
trinsfluxd, man addgroup10:32
dyrnefluxd: there are cli tools and gui ones but i usually just sudo gedit /etc/group and add myself10:32
gemini9apt-get ujust gives me a  menu10:32
lisapcnalioth 768 mimiumal?  or 1 gig?10:32
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maccam94i'm a gentoo users as well, and when i get segfault issues it's usually fixed by doing an "emerge -uN world" (update and reinstall everything new) or "emerge -e package" (reinstall everything related to a package), but I don't know how to do something similar in a debian based system.10:32
patrialtflannel when you install a .deb does it get installed to any specific directory?10:32
gemini9i want to get apt-get manager to come out of lock-down mode10:32
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lisapcFlannel so 1 gig swap would suffice?10:33
Flannelpatrialt: er, it gets installed all over the place.10:33
fluxddyrne, trins how would I add myself using the gui Users and Groups tool ?10:33
maccam94i really want to fix synaptic, it's easier to search for stuff with it than with apt-get/aptitude10:33
patrialtAhh, okay10:33
Flannellisapc: I imagine it should be, yeah.10:33
nzxis there a gui tool for recovering deleted files from a fat32 partition?10:33
naliothlisapc: i've got 2.5gb of physical ram on my current box and never really use any swap . . .   i've found on previous boxen, that anything over 768 isn't used much at all (again, specialized tasks may call for different settings)10:33
patrialtwas just hoping to be able to relocate some of it, to place on my storage partition10:33
dyrnefluxd: im not very familiar with gnome sry10:33
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oritemishi guys.10:33
fluxddyrne ty np10:33
oritemisI am just new in ubuntu.10:33
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maccam94hi oritemis10:34
Flannelpatrialt: Er.  Linux does stuff differently than windows.  for example, programs are in /bin, config files in /etc, instead of having folders with everything for a particular program in them10:34
oritemismaccam94: Hi, thank you for the welcome.10:34
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maccam94oritemis, things working well so far?10:34
patrialtflannel oh, okay, thanks about that, im still new to the conversion from windows to linux :P10:34
oritemismaccam94: I would like to do just some customizations. ;)10:35
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emetepiphany is fast10:35
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emetbut I'll prob still with FF10:35
patrialtcould someone explain  to me why ext3 doesn't get file fragmentation, much unlike NTFS of FAT32?10:35
dyrnepatrialt: nice thing about that is you only need general paths for all your libs and exes in windows you cant just type a program into run and expect it to. linux it should. plus sharing lib is more effecient10:35
tuxxmanis there a ppc channel anybody can redirect me to?10:35
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emetbut damn epiphany is fast10:35
phaidros_how to set ALT_L and ALT_R correctly? (my right Alt is Mod+5 and doesnt work as Alt-shortcut in Gnome)10:35
trinsfluxd, Select manage groups -> "choose your grup" -> properties -> check users10:35
maccam94oritemis, a good place to start is by getting themes at www.gnome-look.org10:35
phaidros_emet, tried ff 3.0 ?10:36
oritemismaccam94: I am getting a message from rythmbox about a plugin of GStreamer to decod mp3 files.10:36
trinssomthing like this10:36
emetna I'm running
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emetis 3.0 good?10:36
maccam94oritemis, ah ok you need to get the codec package10:36
trinsi think the way of sudo vi /etc/groups is better and fast10:36
Slasherx4anyone know how to kill shift+backspace?10:36
atomiku<patrialt> could someone explain to me why ext3 doesn't get file fragmentation, much unlike NTFS of FAT32? <-- good question, but i didnt know that ext3 didnt get fragmentated10:36
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phaidros_emet, just read they use new gecko 2.0 which is speedimproved alot ..10:36
gemini9adept manager has me in read-only mode10:36
oritemismaccam94: then that it's expected?10:36
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patrialti heard that it didn't in like...some video tutorial a few days back10:36
emetepiphany uses gecko I think10:36
phaidros_emet, (all alpha state!)10:36
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phaidros_emet, but not gecko 2.010:36
dyrnepatrialt: its more like it polices itself instead of expecting you to. auto corrects i believe10:37
maccam94oritemis, yup. mp3 is a proprietary piece of software, so it is not included by default.10:37
fluxdtrins ty10:37
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emetit just is highly integrated with gnome, which makes it load a whole two seconds faster then FF for me10:37
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patrialtdyrne awesome, thank ya much10:37
kothmaccam94: codec package, that's what i need too. can you tell a little more about how to get it/10:37
oritemismaccam94: proprietary? I thinked it was free...10:37
phaidros_emet, ah you mean appload, not pageload10:37
emetno pageload is probably the same10:37
lisapcnalioth ok ill use 76810:37
DLB|Maximuscan someone help me with "route" im using my wireless connection which i can access the internet on but when i try to ping a pc on my lan i get "destination unreachable" im pretty sure this has to do with route....10:38
maccam94oritemis, free != open source ;-)10:38
suboptWhich distro is typically has more recent versions of packages: Ubuntu, or Debian/testing?10:38
oritemismaccam94: sure.10:38
fluxdtrins do i have to reboot its added but I cant run a program unless I am in the group10:38
Jatoneanyone know where i can get conexant drivers for edgy?10:38
phaidros_DLB|Maximus, what the prob?10:38
Flannelrestrictedformats | koth10:38
oritemismaccam94: free as freedom.10:38
lov2uhello tt le monde10:38
Flannel!restrictedformats | koth10:38
MeizanoDoes anyone have any experience with ndiswrapper errors? I can't figure out how to install my sis163u usb wifi card, even after following exact steps. I must be missing something.10:38
ubotukoth: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:38
emetsubopt, I think debian and ubuntu backport is the same10:38
lisapcif I chose to install ubuntu using ntfs, will that allow me to copy files from ubuntu to vista, and vice versa?10:38
phaidros_xkb | koth10:39
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suboptemet: backport?10:39
kothflannel, thanks10:39
emetyou get packages about 1 day after they released ?10:39
DLB|Maximusphaidros_: can we chat in #flood, things moving a bit fast in here....10:39
phaidros_!xkb | koth10:39
Flannelsubopt: debian testing would have more recent packages.  Ubuntu freezes versions of stuff for releases, and backports only contains specific software10:39
maccam94i'm not familiar with the bot in this channel, but there must be something like10:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xkb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:39
maccam94!tell oritemis about codecs10:39
phaidros_!xmodmap | koth10:39
eXistenZIs it possible to change the ubuntu wiki name?10:39
ubotukoth: xmodmap: X input map modification. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.0.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 18 kB, installed size 76 kB10:39
lisapcnalioth if I chose to install ubuntu using ntfs, will that allow me to copy files from ubuntu to vista, and vice versa?10:39
phaidros_DLB|Maximus, not much time. quick question, quick answer::)10:39
unopatomiku,  patrialt - it's the way linux handles the filesystem cache, it loads the file into memory on read and tries and keeps all blocks contigious when writing, defragmentation happens but at a very very small rate -- it's only when you have something less than 5%, that it becomes an issue10:39
emetsubopt, backport repositories keep your packages updated to latest versions, by default ubuntu doesn't enable them .. but there is a risk if you do10:39
maccam94!codecs | oritemis10:39
ubotuoritemis: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:40
patrialtlisapc the only way to write to ntfs from linux is with experimental programs10:40
FlanneleXistenZ: change the wiki name?10:40
dyrneunfortunately our bot is alittle simple. we're not allowed to train him and have to rely on ops10:40
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Flannelemet, subopt, and only some programs are backported, at that.10:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about backport - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:40
suboptHow do i find out what versions are available in Ubuntu w/o installing it? I couldn't find a listing on the web page.10:40
maccam94!codecs | koth10:40
ubotukoth: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:40
oritemismaccam94: and what about beryl? it is masked?10:40
DLB|Maximusphaidros_: i can access internet on my wifi connection ( but i cant ping pc's on my lan, is there a way i can check the route to make sure its setup right?10:40
lisapchow can I get ubuntu to use my nivdea 7300?10:40
emetsubopt, to enable backports goto source.list and uncomment them10:40
zt1`anyone using webmin ?10:41
trinslisapc apt-get install nvidia-glx10:41
maccam94oritemis, ah, you have to follow a special guide for that depending on your graphics card10:41
atomiku!nvidia | lisapc10:41
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phaidros_DLB|Maximus, do the PCs also have 192.smehting?10:41
ubotulisapc: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:41
krantixis there a way to configure the behaviour of the trash on ubuntu for the different drives? thanks!10:41
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patrialttrins why you gotta be so smart, finally im almost able to answer a question, and you answer it better :p10:41
maccam94oritemis, i'd check out www.ubuntuguide.org, that page lists basically everything you need to know to get anything working (just search the page for beryl)10:41
trinskrantix i don't think so10:41
DLB|Maximusphaidros_: yes, but im seeing something strange when i try to ping10:41
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eXistenZFlannel, I registered in wiki.ubuntu.com and I want to change my wiki name10:41
Flanneloritemis, maccam94, ubuntuguide is unsafe.  For beryl, go to #ubuntu-effects and read the topic10:42
tuxxmanhello, i'm trying to use fsck.hfs on my ubuntu ppc livecd, but fsck.hfs is an unknown command10:42
oritemismaccam94: sure.10:42
tuxxmanhow would i install this?10:42
maccam94Flannel, ah ok10:42
=== fannagoganna [n=root@68-67-84-13.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
phaidros_DLB|Maximus, so you use wireless to connect to the pc or the ethernet?10:42
trinspatrialt, LOL :D10:42
=== maccam94 is not used to this channel's policies ;-)
krantixtrins, not even the maximum size for all drives?10:42
fannagogannahi, wondering if possible to set up LVM2 partitions in Ubuntu installer?10:42
jahidi have a USB HDD, is it possible to give a user read-write-execute permission on that mounted device?10:42
oritemisFlannel: Ok, I will take a look.10:42
fannagogannaon edgy?10:42
oritemisFlannel: thank you.10:42
suboptFlannel: How do i find out what versions are available in Ubuntu w/o installing it? I couldn't find a listing on the web page.10:42
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Flannelfannagoganna: yeah.  You need the alternateCD, not the desktop10:42
DLB|Maximusphaidros_: when i ping from wifi connection ( it says ping (my router) the it says from destination unreachable, the in my wired lan ip, which isnt in use10:42
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mrbrdoDoes ubuntu come with injection patches for madwifi-ng applied?10:43
Flannelsubopt: packages.ubuntu.com has listings (for various repos, including backports)10:43
DLB|Maximusphaidros_: wireless currently10:43
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tuxxmananybody know>10:43
suboptFlannel: thanks10:43
emetwhat is better then xmms for winampish media player10:43
patrialtjahid i would probably try gksudo nautilus and go to "properties" on that device and set read/write/execute permissions for your user accnt.10:43
trinskrantix, no10:43
patrialtthat's how i tamper with my file permissions10:43
phaidros_DLB|Maximus, dialog ..10:44
trinsno way xD10:44
phaidros_how to set ALT_L and ALT_R correctly? (my right Alt is Mod+5 and doesnt work as Alt-shortcut in Gnome)10:44
krantixtrins, thanks10:44
phaidros_please someone?10:44
Flanneljahid, patrialt, you want to give it options when mounting.  chmod/chown won't do it.10:44
unopkrantix,  I dont think so, usually ~/.Trash only maintains a record of what you delete and normally you only have one drive/partition for yourself/homedir so it's basically pointless having your trash work for other partitions/drives or even other users' homedirs10:44
dyrnetuxxman: anyone answered you yet? apt-get install hfsutils   i thinkg10:44
tuxxmanits installed10:44
MarcMemet: Beep Media Player is a nice alternative with similar feel10:44
DLB|Maximusphaidros_: dialog?10:44
patrialtflannel your explanation is very fuzzy to me, im still new to linux :p10:45
jahidFlannel,  i tried to user "chmod10:45
phaidros_DLB, PM window10:45
jahidFlannel, how can i do that then?10:45
eXistenZFlannel, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserPreferences10:45
emetI'm installing gnash10:45
ubotuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/10:45
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phaidros_what about flash9 ??10:45
tuxxmanwhy on earth wouldnt a ppc exclusive livecd come with fsck.hfs...doesnt that make sense to have hfs(mac) fs stuff correcly installed?10:45
DLB|Maximusphaidros_: i pm'd you, did you get it?10:46
krantixunop, is there a way to disable completely the trash for the ntfs partitions mounted?10:46
Flannelpatrialt, jahid, chmod (changing the permissions) won't do it (and generally chmod/chown is a bad solution anyway, causing problems later on), you want to give it options when mounting, a umask usually10:46
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Flannelphaidros_: flash9 is in backports10:46
phaidros_DLB|Maximus, yes, but u dont have it in separate window?10:46
phaidros_Flannel, thx10:46
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phaidros_Flannel, but for flash9 plugin i have to remove all the free flash things, right?10:46
mrbrdoDoes ubuntu come with injection patches for madwifi-ng applied?10:46
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jahidFlannel, but when i am connecting the device, its auto mounting10:47
=== ubuntuclient [n=knoppix@197.Red-80-59-135.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #Ubuntu
phaidros_mrbrdo, I doubt10:47
ubuntuclienti have one question10:47
ubuntuclienti wan to install ubuntu in pen drive10:47
bTopmysql it seems to be installed but I cannot connect> how do I set a root password10:47
Flannelphaidros_: er, flash9 is a dropin replacement for the regular flash10:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pendrive - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:47
Apollyon_!hi | bTop10:47
ubotubTop: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:47
DLB|Maximusphaidros_: yes, i have a seperate pm window, if thats what your asking... i just didnt get a reply back from you so i didnt know if you got my pm10:47
Flannel!lamp | bTop, read this page, it explain it.10:47
ubotubTop, read this page, it explain it.: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:47
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phaidros_DLB|Maximus, replying all the time, something broken there .. grrr10:47
unopkrantix, errm, not that i know of .. and ~/.Trash is a folder in /home/<user>/.Trash .. it does not exist independantly for each and every physical drive.. just one per user in their homedir10:47
jahidand its not necessary that my device will be connected always, so i cant put that on my .bashrc. and when i connect the device, its auto mounting10:47
ubuntuclientApollyon man do you know how to install UBuntu in pen drive10:48
ubuntuclientAttach your USB device to your computer and create a partition (using e.g. cfdisk) large enough to hold the contents of the ISO image plus about 5%. The rest of this discussion assumes that you can address this partition using /dev/sda1.10:48
MeizanoCan anyone aid me with the installation of a usb wifi card using ndiswrapper?10:48
jahidFlannel, can you give me any better idea?10:48
ubuntuclientbut how10:48
Flanneljahid: hmm, I'm actually not familiar with the automounting.  I'm sure there's a method though.10:48
ubuntuclienthow much memory i need to leave .10:48
bTopFlannel, yes. But mySQL wants a root password , Im using the Administrator GUI but I did not set up one..10:48
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jahidFlannel, are you suggesting to, umount the auto mounted device, then again mount manually?10:49
patrialtpoor flannel, he's getting too much chat love :p10:49
ubuntuclientCreate a file system on the partition. ???10:49
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ubuntuclientand what it file system x3 or?10:49
FlannelbTop: that page explains it all.  No, you don't need to set a root password for linux, just a root password for mysql10:49
ubuntuclientext3 or ?10:49
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Flanneljahid: no, that's silly.  I'm sure theres configuration for the automount script10:49
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atomikuDecent linux irc client with nice GUI and scripting?10:49
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bTopyes I know. MySQL wants a root password. I did not set one up? Can I reset the Mysql ???10:50
jahidFlannel, do you have any idea where can i get that script for auto mounting?10:50
unopatomiku,  xchat is good10:50
atomikui tried that, its crap :P10:50
unopjahid,  its already available10:50
hossasauri'm having a problem building something.  every time i try it says "libstdc++.a no such file or directory" "libstdcxx.so error 1" "all error2"10:50
FlannelbTop: if you'd take the time and read that page, you'll see that it tells you how to set the mysql root password10:50
hossasaurwhat's up with that?10:50
unopjahid,  just plug your drive in and it'll automount10:51
krantixunop, i don't know why, but i have a different .Trash folder in every drive... it contains only the files deleted on that particular partition...10:51
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patrialtunop, that is his problem10:51
jahidunop, my device is auto mounting, but i want to add permission when mounting10:51
bTopFlannel, Ok.. be back soon :)10:51
unopkrantix,  hmm, something new i have never seen -- what you can do is chmod it so it is read only for that drive then10:51
jahidunop. so i need to know the location of the script so that i can edit10:51
naliothunop: you have a hidden trash folder on all seperate partitions, if you use ANY kde stuff10:51
Apollyon_ubuntuclient: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=515110:51
sebrocksparr, I solved the mmkey problem btw10:52
unopjahid,  rather than do that, just change permissions for the contents of the drive10:52
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unopnalioth,  right, thats probably what he experiences10:52
Apollyon_ubuntuclient: http://pendrivelinux.com/2007/01/25/usb-x-ubuntu-61010:52
Flannelunop, jahid, chmod is NOT the answer.  And unop, changing the permissions for the stuff on the drive is destructive.10:52
jahidunop, its not possible to change the permission of a mounted device using "chmod/chwon", do you have any other idea?10:52
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jahidFlannel, yes10:53
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jahidbut, anyone having a better idea?10:53
emethow do I get stuff to load when gnome loads10:53
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Flannel!statup | emet10:53
tuxxmanhow do i run fsck on hfs from an ubuntu livecd!10:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about statup - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:53
tuxxmanplease help10:53
tuxxmanhfsutils and hfsplus are both installed10:53
naliothemet: system > prefs > session10:54
ompaulFlannel, have an R10:54
unopFlannel,  heh, so how do maintain different permissions on a drive then? different permissions for different users, etc ?10:54
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ubuntuclientApollyon what is file system10:54
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hossasauri'm having a problem building something.  every time i try it says "libstdc++.a no such file or directory" "libstdcxx.so error 1" "all error2" what's wrong?10:54
bTopFlannel, Woohooo.. .Got it :) I'll be back with more issues soon I'm sure.. Thanx10:55
Flannel!startup | emet10:55
ubotuemet: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup10:55
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kothim installing ubuntu now, and planning to switch from windows to ubuntu... wish me luck =D10:55
Flannelompaul: couldn'tve done it for me, eh?10:55
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q_hi all, i'm using XFCE (Xfce 4.4 BETA2) and when i restarted got this error "Starting without administrative privileges" and i lost the right click mouse button menu and the background image, anybody know why?10:55
naliothhossasaur: use apt/synaptic to search for libstdc++ and install the -dev version10:55
emetnalioth, thank you it worked10:55
ubuntuclientFlannel what mean file system,is this is ext310:55
Flannelunop: using a umask10:55
hossasaurnalioth: it was already installed10:55
naliothhossasaur: then perhaps the code isn't up to 'alpha' quality10:56
hossasaurnalioth: hrmph10:56
Apollyon_emet: System > Preferences > Sessions   Configure it and when you login in gnome the selected programs will be launched automatically  :-)10:56
mrpoundsignSo I am trying to install ubuntu on my machine, running a Nvidia 7800 GT -- when the installer launghes, I get a corrupt bar in the middle of the screen, and nothing else.  It also happens right after the welcome sound playes, so that may be related. Running a SigmaTel audio board (built-in)10:56
tuxxmanhow do i run fsck on hfs from an ubuntu livecd10:56
emetApollyon_, thank you nice stuff10:56
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unopFlannel,  a umask as an option for the mount point?10:56
naliothtuxxman: not advised. use your OSX install media > disk utility10:56
tuxxmandidnt work10:56
tuxxmancouldnt recognize the volume10:57
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ubuntuclientApollyon what mean file system,ext3 ???10:57
tuxxmanbut linux can10:57
Flannelunop: yes, in your fstab, or in your mount options, if mounting manually10:57
mrpoundsignI have ubuntu running great on my Dell D610 laptop.  This is a Gateway 8400GM, if that helps in any way.10:57
Remorse_that's a secret10:57
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hossasaurnalioth: nevermind, i didn't have one of the -dev versions10:57
hossasaurnalioth: thanks10:57
naliothtuxxman: sounds like major trouble to me10:57
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tuxxmanyea....so how do i run fsck.hfs10:57
unopFlannel,  ok, fair enough .. that dictates permissions for new files created, etc .. what about existing files on the drive?10:57
naliothtuxxman: you mount the hfs volume and run fsck on it10:57
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tuxxmanbut it tells me fsck.hfs isnt there, which it isnt10:58
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tuxxmanbut i can mount it10:58
tuxxmanso i dont understand why fsck.hfs wouldnt be installed10:58
Flannelunop: no no, that dictates how the drive is mounted.  For files on the drive, they have their own permissions10:58
Apollyon_Remorse_: What is a secret?10:58
emetooo I discovered how to make macros in Bash10:58
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P4ndamanhey does beryl GUI come with the latest distribution of ubuntu (6.10)10:58
q_hi all, i'm using XFCE (Xfce 4.4 BETA2) and when i restarted got this error "Starting without administrative privileges" and i lost the right click mouse button menu and the background image, anybody know why?10:58
ubuntuclientApollyon what mean file system,ext3 ?10:58
naliothq_: please join #xubuntu10:59
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tuxxmannalioth: do you know why its ont installed / how to install it?10:59
FlannelP4ndaman: #ubuntu-effects for info on how to enable it10:59
naliothtuxxman: i have no clue, either10:59
ubuntuclientnalioth what mean file system,can it be ext3??????10:59
P4ndamanthanks flannel10:59
naliothubuntuclient: yes, use ext310:59
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emethow do I search for packages from commandline11:00
ubuntuclientnalioth and do you know,KNoppix11:00
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Flannelemet: apt-cache search [stuff] 11:00
ubuntuclientnalitoh i have 3 gb usb how i need to put to install ubuntu on them.11:00
emetawesome thanks11:00
kothanyone here use vnc with ubuntu?11:00
Apollyon_ubuntuclient: man fs11:00
ante_can somebody tell me how megaupload works with linux11:00
emetI'm making easy macros to install and search :P11:00
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naliothubuntuclient: join #knoppix11:00
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bTophi mYsql .. is there a getDate() like in sql server11:01
ubuntuclientAppolyon thanks11:01
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ubuntuclientjoin #KNoppix11:01
FlannelbTop: you might be looking for #mysql11:01
ante_can somebody tell me how megaupload works with linux, please?11:01
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Apollyon_ubuntuclient: /join #knoppix11:01
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Comrade-Sergeiwhats the command to unmount a ide hdd11:01
q_nobody on xubuntu11:01
bTopFlannel, Thanx11:02
ubuntuclientAppolyon thanks man i forget the command.11:02
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FlannelComrade-Sergei: umount is the unmount command11:02
Comrade-Sergeioh umount ty11:02
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Apollyon_Comrade-Sergei: umount11:02
Flare183Does anybody know how to switch window managers?11:02
linuxnewbie756is there some way to "scan" and then remove unused packages?11:02
unopFlannel, if i read this right, a umask (might vary for filesystem to filesystem) dictates the permissions for all directories and files created anew on a filesystem .. atleast that's my understanding of the option in the manpage .. otherwise the umask for a directory is determined from a per-directory umask or the processes umask11:02
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linuxnewbie756tlike packages that were installed as dependencies, but are no longer needed, so are now just taking up space11:02
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kane77is there any mp3/flac to aple lossles converter?11:03
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Comrade-Sergeiis there a way to reformat a ntfs drive to fat32 without losing the data/11:03
Flare183Does anybody know how to switch window managers?11:03
ubuntuclientApollyon in knoppix don't respong11:03
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ubuntuclientApollyon don't respond11:04
Quintinlivingdaylight_: PONG11:04
naliothComrade-Sergei: if you use a commercial product (like Partition Magic) you may be able to do so, but i'd still back up all your data)11:04
ante_can somebody tell me how megaupload works with linux, please?11:04
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robdemanhi folks.. how do I manually install a library? (I need to replace a 32 bits libs with a 64 bits one)11:04
naliothFlare183: at your login screen, you can choose different sessions11:04
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robdemanjust copy the file over the old one?11:04
robdemanor does it need some kind of registration / install process?11:04
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phaidroshow to set ALT_L and ALT_R correctly? (my right Alt is Mod+5 and doesnt work as Alt-shortcut in Gnome)11:04
QuintinI'm having a problem with a WINE app... it's stuck in my system tray, can't get window to show up.. any idea what to do?11:04
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Comrade-Sergeinailioth ive seen it doen in win 2000 server11:04
unoprobdeman,  no, you install the package containing the library -- simple as that11:04
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Flare183nalioth:> i know that it's just that when i do that compiz is not there11:05
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naliothComrade-Sergei: good luck11:05
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Quintinante_: tell us what that is, and maybe11:05
robdemanunop: no the package isnt update dyet11:05
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ubuntuclientApollyon i don't have fs,i only have hfs,jfs,reiserfs,xfs11:05
Comrade-Sergeium thanks....11:05
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robdemanunop: the maker emailed me that I need to manually update the libs11:05
bTopFlannel,  Whats that LAMP Page again?11:05
robdemanuniop: and he send me the 64 bit version of the libs11:05
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samalexhey guys.  no matter what, i still can't get amarok to play MP3's.  It plays OGG fine though.11:05
samalexany suggestions?11:05
naliothFlare183: ahh, you've probably not set up a new entry in /usr/share/xsessions/11:05
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unoprobdeman,  are you running 64bit ubuntu?11:05
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Quintin!mp3 samalex11:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mp3 samalex - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:05
robdemanunop: Yes11:05
Quintin!mp3 | samalex11:05
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naliothFlare183: go back to your compiz howto and look for this setting11:05
ubotusamalex: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:05
emetdoes the ATI fglrx driver have any settings11:06
robdemanunop: so would I simply overwrite the lib file?11:06
emetdoes the ATI fglrx driver have any compositing11:06
patrialtO_O, how does a person go about getting a 64bit ubuntu?11:06
Flare183nalioth:> where would that be in Synaptic or what?11:06
patrialtnvm, i think im a tool11:06
unoprobdeman,  i'd make backups of the library first tho11:06
Quintinpatrialt: go to the download page and pick 64 bit. ..11:06
robdemanunop: I did11:06
unoprobdeman,  and yes, thats the way'd go, overwrite the file11:06
naliothFlare183: no, you'll have to do it manually.  see your compiz howto11:06
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Apollyon_ubuntuclient: fs stands for file system (all kinds)11:06
patrialtyea, i just remembered seeing it there quintin lol11:06
linuxnewbie756is there something i can use to remove uneeded pacakages automatically?11:06
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naliothFlare183: join #ubuntu-effects for more help11:06
ubuntuclientApollyon aha,and what i need to press.11:07
unopjahid,  have you had any luck?11:07
Apollyon_ubuntuclient: go to the terminal and type:   man fs11:07
abysslo anyone knows an easy to use spamfilter for evolution?11:07
ITS_FOR_REALPlease could any take step by step howto install flashplayer to OPERA on ubuntu5,1. mozilla ff was np but when trying on Opera:  http://quad.mine.nu/Sk%c3%a4rmdump.png11:07
jahidunop, nope11:07
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unopjahid,  what kind of a drive is it? windows NTFS?11:07
bTopFlannel,  :: That LAMP page. what was it again please11:07
QuintinHow do I delete all of my WINE settings and start from default?11:07
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)11:07
phaidrosQuintin, rm -rf ~/.wine11:07
ante_Quintin: did u read what i wrote to u11:08
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naliothQuintin: remove the ~/.wine directory11:08
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pppoe_dudehi. anyone here managed to get a 1280x800 resolution on their consoles?11:08
jahidunop, not sure, but suppose to be FAT3211:08
QuintinOk geniuses, that deletes all of my programs too.11:08
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QuintinI want to delete any settings I might have changed, not drive_c and friends :p11:08
naliothpppoe_dude: on console ?11:08
abysspppoe_dude, nope but if u find a solution can u tell me ? ^^11:08
LattywareAnyone know how to get the Soundmax Superbeam Array Microphone that comes with the Asus P5B Deluxe to work in Ubuntu, because plugging it in straight appears not to.11:08
phaidroshow to use right ALT key (which gives MOD+5) as ALT (like left ALT-key) ??11:08
pppoe_dudeim looking for a tool called vbetest but i can't find it in repos, and apparently lrmi was replaced by vbetool11:08
naliothQuintin: you asked a question. you got the answer.11:08
pppoe_dudenalioth, yes11:09
Quintinnalioth: No, I didn't.  Learn to read before using irc, kthnx.11:09
unopjahid,  make sure -- run this command on the device (i use hda in this example) -- fdisk -l /dev/hda11:09
phaidrosQuintin, i answered you a porper answer11:09
abysspppoe_dude, which kind of laptop ? dell inspiron?11:09
pppoe_dudenalioth, i managed a stretched 1024x768 on my wide screen, but i'd like to use all my pixels ;)11:09
=== hehlamers [n=b1rd@220-245-134-30-vic-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
QuintinI asked how to delete *settings*.  I don't want to get rid of other things.11:09
pppoe_dudeabyss, nope a gateway but with intel chipset11:09
naliothQuintin: please be civil. you got a correct answer.11:09
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=== Mark17 [n=mijn@cc549783-a.haaks1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse11:09
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Quintinnalioth: please don't be an idiot :)11:09
phaidrosQuintin, ok, .wine is settings for me :)11:09
hehlamerswhats with the ubuntu 5 not setting root password on install?11:09
Quintinhehlamers: there is no root account11:10
hehlamersits got me lost, it only asked for a user account11:10
linuxnewbie756how can i remove uneeded dependencies?11:10
Quintin!root | hehlamers11:10
ubotuhehlamers: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:10
phaidroshehlamers, sudo passwd ;)11:10
phaidros(if you really need root)11:10
Mark17does xen work correctly on ubuntu?11:10
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icicleddoes anyone know a fix for large fonts in openoffice? screenshot: http://imagebin.org/732511:10
hehlamersthankyou for the help ubotu11:10
Quintinhehlamers: the first user has unlimited sudo privileges.   if you want root account, sudo su then passwd and enter a password11:10
phaidroshehlamers, its nice concept, but i lawys fall back to use root ;)11:10
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hehlamersahh k11:10
naliothphaidros: please don't advise that. you'll break things that way11:11
hehlamersmust be a ubuntu invention11:11
Apollyon_Seveas: Please put in the factoids Pt-Br or Brazilian Portuguese or Portuguese pointing to > #ubuntu-br    :-)11:11
pppoe_dudei know that my i855gm has a faulty video bios too, which kinda sucks coz i think there is no native 1280x800 resolution (without a patcho f some sort)11:11
naliothhehlamers: please don't do that.11:11
hehlamerscheers for the assistance11:11
phaidrosnalioth, whut? I always use that11:11
livingdaylight_Quintin, wanna play de ping pong?11:11
naliothhehlamers: use sudo for your superuser tasks11:11
ompaul!works for me11:11
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.11:11
abyssexists any other good c/cpp ide  as anjuta?11:11
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ITS_FOR_REALPlease could any take step by step howto install flashplayer to OPERA on ubuntu5,1. mozilla ff was np but when trying on Opera:  http://quad.mine.nu/Sk%c3%a4rmdump.png11:11
naliothphaidros: this is #ubuntu. it's to help with #ubuntu with Ubuntu answers. not 'how phaidros does it and it works for him' answers11:11
lisapcmy TV tuner saves HD video. how can I play HD mpg files?   mplayer only plays low defintion ones11:11
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Apollyon_Seveas: better Pt-br11:11
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kothFlannel: I just installed ubunto on hdd, after restart, it get back to XP(on hda) am i missing some step?11:11
phaidrosnalioth, well .. then I'm not of use here ..11:11
GMWeezelHow can I control were volume icons are placed after being mounted?11:12
Apollyon_Seveas: better Pt-br or pt-br11:12
Quintinnalioth: I don't see anything breaking from giving root a password11:12
=== J|m [n=jim@cpe-67-10-40-63.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ante_can somebody tell me how megaupload works with linux, please?11:12
hehlamersyer root is good11:12
QuintinGMWeezel: In GNOME?  just right-click > move11:12
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phaidrosnalioth, is there an agenda which free support channel people should read and work through?11:12
Quintinante_: I asked you already, what is that11:12
hehlamersfeel empty without it :D11:12
ompaulQuintin, stuff breaks if you do it on certain versions11:12
naliothQuintin: ubuntu is set up to use the sudo system.  if you enable a root pass, some things won't respond to it11:12
Quintinompaul: I was not aware of this.  examples?11:12
ante_how do u mean11:12
jahidunop, it doesn't show my mounted HDD on the list11:12
ompaulQuintin, single user mode11:12
naliothphaidros: wiki.ubuntu.com is a start11:12
GMWeezelHow can I control were the icons are placed after being mounted withotu user interaction e.g. I want Icon X to appear at location (x,y)11:12
Quintinante_: What is 'megaupload' ?11:12
dozeanyone knows if dmraid will be supported by default in 7.04 installation?11:12
lisapcnalioth any ideas?11:12
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phaidrosompaul, same as quintin here11:12
pppoe_dudeany ides on how to list the available framebuffer modes in edgy?11:13
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naliothlisapc: recompile mplayer for HD ?11:13
Quintindoze: the alternate install disc will let you configure software raid11:13
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phaidrosnalioth, well, than i should not waste time here, I'm just ansering questions and never get answers anyway ..11:13
Apollyon_unop: : Please put in the factoids Pt-Br or pt-br or Brazilian Portuguese or Portuguese pointing to > #ubuntu-br    :-)11:13
dozeok, thx11:13
ompaulphaidros, so what I said11:13
ante_megaupload is the same thing like rapidshare or sendspace, server for uploading files11:13
=== habtool [n=clive@83-71-26-141.b-ras1.lmk.limerick.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu
unopnalioth,  ehh .. sudo has no bearing on the enabling of the root account -- sudo authenticates you according to your credentials not roots11:13
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phaidrosnalioth, I second unop11:13
naliothphaidros: i am not running a standard ubuntu by any definition, but i provide answers that work on any Ubuntu install11:14
lisapcnalioth i cAn recomplie mplayer for HD mpg files?11:14
ompaulunop, the setting of root causes stuff to break11:14
unopompaul,  like what?11:14
ITS_FOR_REALPlease could any take step by step howto install flashplayer to OPERA on ubuntu5,1. mozilla ff was np but when trying on Opera:  http://quad.mine.nu/Sk%c3%a4rmdump.png11:14
ompaulunop, single user mode11:14
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:14
unopompaul,  well, if you set the root password, you use the same in single user mode, dont you?11:14
naliothphaidros: unop: that's all nice, please give Ubuntu answers so you don't lead to (apparent) breakage on new users machines11:14
QuintinITS_FOR_REAL: slow down a little, please11:14
phaidrosnalioth, if someone asks for root, then - ok first is to describe sudo concept, after that sudo passwd is a hint for everybody who wants it ..11:14
kothi have problem after installing ubunto, it still boot into windows. I have install ubuntu on a different harddisk11:14
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ompaulunop, now forget that password - and you are stuffed11:14
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ITS_FOR_REALQuintin, sorru feels like im being ignored :P11:15
Apollyon_unop: Sorry to disturb you. But, please put in the factoids Pt-Br or pt-br or Brazilian Portuguese or Portuguese pointing to > #ubuntu-br    :-)11:15
pppoe_dudeah i think hwinfo might do it11:15
phaidrosompaul, why should i forget my root password?11:15
Quintinkoth: You need to install GRUB on the master boot record of the hard disk that you are booting from11:15
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LattywareAnyone know how to get the Soundmax Superbeam Array Microphone that comes with the Asus P5B Deluxe to work in Ubuntu, because plugging it in straight appears not to.11:15
naliothphaidros: please don't advise that. advise sudo -i instead11:15
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QuintinITS_FOR_REAL: you're not, trust me.  but ask maybe every 3 min instead of every 30 s11:15
ompaulphaidros, cos you got a bang on the head who knows - bottom line leave out advising it here11:15
kothQuintin: GRUB, is there any doc or HowTo?11:15
patrialtwould someone care to give me a link of a well kept linux game database? :p11:15
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:16
ompaulITS_FOR_REAL, repeat after 15 mins11:16
Quintinkoth: a bajillion.  Please describe for me your physical disk layout and partition layout on those disks11:16
unopompaul,  thats an entirely different issue -- and it's possible to recover the root password11:16
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koththank you PwrLinux11:16
Se22hello, why always i have a bad music quality?11:16
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QuintinSe22: your soundcard sucks?11:16
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unopnalioth,  i dont usually recommend enabling root -- i was just disagreeing with you there11:16
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natohow can i install k3b11:16
phaidroswell if its the ubuntu way ..11:16
Quintinnato: 'apt-get install k3b'11:16
phaidrosnato, apt-get install k3b11:17
Se22after i installed xmms the sound quality is very bad..11:17
QuintinSe22: Play with your sound output settings.11:17
Se22i don't know what's wrong11:17
QuintinSe22: What soundcard do you have?11:17
phaidrosSe22, check maybe xmms EQ11:17
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ubotugfxboot: bootlogo creator for gfxboot compliant boot loaders. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.23-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 72 kB, installed size 364 kB11:17
ompaulunop, however - we don't suggest it here - that is the main point, what people do in the privacy of their own command line is their business - but it is unfair on a new user to do things non standard on them11:17
unopApollyon_,  do you think i am an op here? coz if so, i am not :)11:18
=== Crankeye [n=Crankeye@ip70-176-176-149.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulunop, then your job in irc increases in difficulty11:18
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Apollyon_unop: So, who is that?11:18
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Se22after i reinstallled ubuntu evrything goes ok, but after some xp with some kinds of softs sound goes bad11:18
=== tyreth [n=tyreth@CPE-60-224-136-227.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
emetwhats a good GTK+ IDE for Linux11:18
Quintinkoth: ..>?11:18
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fr500how do i change the usplash theme?11:18
ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork11:19
Quintinemet: vim is a great editor.11:19
tyrethHi - how do I list what packages are installed with dpkg?11:19
emetI know vim11:19
ompaulApollyon_, ask your quesiton in the channel and enjoy the answer11:19
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emetbut gtk+ based11:19
unopompaul,  I agree .. like i said, i dont recommend anyone enable root, you dont need to -- i'm just disagreeing with you on the issue of things breaking and so far you havent told me of one real downside to enabling root11:19
robdemanwhere do I pyut 64bit libs11:19
QuintinIs that kernel update that was broken fixed yet?11:19
phaidrosso anybody can help with Gnome shortcuts: I want to have right ALT (keycode 113) the same as left ALT (keycode 64), but even with keycode 113 = Alt_R Meta_R in .Xmodmap pressing right ALT results in Mod+511:19
pppoe_dudeemet, anjuta?11:19
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robdemancan I just put then in /user/local/lib64 ??11:19
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naliothunop: join me in #ubuntu-classroom please11:19
pppoe_dudeemet, dunno if it's great, but it works11:19
ompaulunop, we have seen it here - in the past more than recently so we learnt a valuable lesson we teach only one way11:19
shivIs it possible to install shockwave player in linux?11:19
unop!ops | Apollyon_ these guys are the ops11:19
ubotuApollyon_ these guys are the ops: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso11:19
pppoe_dudeemet, also, kdevelop has gtk+ modules for its IDE11:19
Quintinrobdeman: put it somewhere where your application will find it.  check your app with "ldd" program.11:20
naliothshiv: unforuntately not11:20
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fluxdHi I have a gfxboot question? Do i need to uninstall grub for it to work?11:20
Quintinshiv: With a lot of pain, yes.  I'd just not use it.11:20
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shivnalioth, thats okay thanks. I can live with that11:20
=== numa [n=thenuma@c-69-247-220-126.hsd1.mo.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
shivQuintin, do you know a place that has the how to, I would like to see it though11:20
Apollyon_ompaul: : Sorry to disturb you. But, please put in the factoids Pt-Br or pt-br or Brazilian Portuguese or Portuguese pointing to > #ubuntu-br    :-)11:21
jahidhow can i list my usb devices?11:21
=== Zamber [n=Zamber@edr98.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.11:21
jahidi mean, how can i know all my USB connected devices?11:21
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Apollyon_ompaul: it is obrigado and not obrigada :-)11:21
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Quintinshiv: There is a cool site where you can search for things.  it's http://www.google.com/  check it out :)11:22
Quintinshiv: 'wine ubuntu shockwave' and you'll probably find it11:22
shivQuintin, lol11:22
phaidrosso anybody can help with Gnome shortcuts: I want to have right ALT (keycode 113) the same as left ALT (keycode 64), but even with keycode 113 = Alt_R Meta_R in .Xmodmap pressing right ALT results in Mod+511:22
TrunkzHey folks, I installed fglrx, but I'm still getting mesa when I do fglrxinfo =/11:22
shivQuintin, I am not interested with wine, thanks11:22
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Quintinshiv: That's how it is done.  You have any other plans for running a win32 application in linux?11:23
=== Se22 bored
GMWeezelIs Beryl an alternative for X Windows or an add-on?11:23
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QuintinTrunkz: lsmod | grep fglrx11:23
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ompaulApollyon_, done11:23
Apollyon_ompaul: Obrigado is for man and obrigada is for women. Since ubotu is "man", so the right way is "obrigado" :-)11:23
QuintinGMWeezel: Beryl is a window manager.  It's totally *not* X.  apples and oranges11:23
shivQuintin, no its a website I have a kid who plays on www.learningplanet.com11:23
Trunkzfglrx                 534616  011:23
Trunkzagpgart                34888  2 fglrx,nvidia_ag11:23
Apollyon_ompaul: Thx :-)11:23
TrunkzQuintin: does that help?11:23
=== JDStone [n=JD@netblock-208-127-100-157.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotupt is Por favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.11:23
Quintinshiv: wine is all you can do for shockwave, I'm sorry.  that or setup a virtual machine with windows 98 or such11:23
=== moreati [n=alex@user-54442aad.lns2-c10.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
GMWeezelQuintin: not really the answer I'm looking for; is beryl an alternative or an add on?11:24
QuintinTrunkz: paste your xorg.conf for me please.   on a paster11:24
numaGMWeezel:  window manager, in some ways it's an add-on, in that you can use X without, but X without a window manager, is sorta boring (i know I know, remote X etc.)11:24
ompaulApollyon_, so there is !br and there is !pt it does not repeat the same clue rapidly11:24
=== jwhitlark [n=jwhitlar@h-67-102-70-2.snfccasy.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ShaffoxI rebooted my computer in a bad way (by pressing the powerbutton on my tower) and now i have a bigger resolution, how can i change this? system>preferences>resolution doesn't help, 'cause it only has this and something lower, but i want a higer resolution.  How can i fix this ?11:24
QuintinGMWeezel: read what I said11:24
TrunkzQuitin: what, in the channel? :o11:24
Apollyon_ompaul: Great! Thx from Brazil!11:24
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torbitok, someone said earlier that it was possible to install ubuntu to a sata drive, but have grub/bootloader start from a main ide drive..i have a sata add-in card, can't boot off of it.i got ubuntu installed to it, but now I can't boot anything, says GRUB Error11:24
numaGMWeezel:  view X as a base11:24
Trunkznvm, paste-bin xD11:24
Trunkzone sec :P11:24
ompaulApollyon_, np11:24
GMWeezelnuma: Alright thanks numa11:25
=== montagg is now known as Montagg
numaGMWeezel:   beryl is simply a way to manage YOUR viewpoint of programs11:25
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Quintintorbit: where is grub?  where is /boot ?11:25
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GMWeezelQuintin: I read what you said; didn't really answer my question.11:25
Apollyon_ompaul: What is np?11:25
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:25
Yodudehey is Banshee 0.11.6 available in anyt way for ubuntu Edgy? i really want it i hate version 0.11.111:25
TrunkzQuintin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6281/11:25
torbitbooted off the live cd, ran the grub-install on the main ide drive, it installed, also pointed it toward my mounted ubuntu install for the root directory, everything seemed to work until I rebooted, same error11:25
ompaulApollyon_, no problem11:25
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numatorbit:  what's your boot drive?  where did you put grub?11:25
Apollyon_ompaul: Ok.11:25
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Trunkzthere seems to be two "devices" section for some reason11:25
QuintinTrunkz: what card11:25
Trunkz9800Pro / XT11:26
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Trunkz(Radeon 9800Pro flashed with the 9800XT firmware ;p)11:26
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pppoe_dudewho asked me to let them know if i get 1280x800 working on console?11:26
QuintinTrunkz: line # 131 in your file.  s/vesa/fglrx , then restart x with ctrl + alt + backspace11:26
torbitQuintin, grub is installed to /dev/hda, my main ide drive, my ubuntu partition is on /dev/sda2 , my sata drive11:26
Quintintorbit: where is /boot ?11:26
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Polysicshi all11:27
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torbiton the ubuntu partition?11:27
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Polysicsanyone knows if ruby 1.8.5 has finally been packaged?11:27
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bulmertorbit: which is ?11:27
numatorbit:  /boot in your situation can't be under the / mount11:27
TrunkzQuintin: I dont understand11:27
pppoe_dudecoz i did, and it's awesome. just: apt-get install hwinfo; sudo hwinfo --framebuffer|grep1280; add that mode (0xXXX) to the boot line as vga=0xXXX11:27
Quintintorbit: you have to be more exact11:27
Trunkzthere are two devices sections.. I'm pretty sure there's something wrong there11:27
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ompaul!ruby | Polysics11:27
ubotupolysics: ruby: An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby. In component main, is optional. Version 1.8.2-1 (edgy), package size 18 kB, installed size 96 kB11:27
logankoesterCan anyone tell me what the "proposed" repo is for?11:28
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QuintinTrunkz: ??? edit your xorg.conf .. sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf   replace "vesa" with "fglrx".  then restart X.  I already gave you the line number11:28
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ompaulPolysics, that is the latest stable11:28
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Yodudecan someone tell me whee to get banshee 0.11.6 for edge?11:28
ameinkepppoe_dude: not 1280x800, 1280x1024!!11:28
torbitQuintin, /boot is on /dev/sda2, main ubuntu partition, i'm (trying) to boot off of /dev/hda11:28
TrunkzQuintin: okey..11:28
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vladuz976hi, anybody know how I can open eps created by illustrator on linux?11:28
vladuz976or psd files?11:28
Quintintorbit: what is the GRUB error code?11:28
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pppoe_dudeameinke, also follow those instructions and you can do it for that too11:28
Quintinvladuz976: GIMP.  apt-get install gimp11:28
numavladuz976:  gimp11:28
Quintinvladuz976: actually, it's installed by default.11:28
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torbitsorry, disconnected11:29
vladuz976numa: Quintin gimp doesn't let me open them11:29
mvfeinsteinCan anyone here tell me if there is a way that I can connect to a Win 2k3 VPN?11:29
Polysicsompaul, so apt-get dist-upgrade should get me ruby 1.8.5 amongst other thingies?11:29
Quintinmvfeinstein: maybe with a VPN client..11:29
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torbitam I going to need another linux partition on /dev/hda, just for grub?11:29
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torbitXP is currently taking up the whole drive11:29
ompaulPolysics, that was .2 in edgy11:29
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Quintintorbit: GRUB is on the MBR.11:29
buntaokey.. back11:29
mvfeinsteinQuintin are there any GUI VPN clients that you can recommend?11:29
Flare183does anybody know how to make a xsession file?11:29
ameinkepppoe_dude: i know how to change the resolution on the console, but there are only 3 or 4 modes for standard framebuffer11:29
=== Steil [n=hedch@S010600e029837be0.ca.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
OuZohi all, i want to help a friend set up his Ubuntu remotely, what program can i use? he can connect to the internet & i know his IP11:29
torbitQuintin, I know..I meant for a /boot directory11:29
ShaffoxI rebooted my computer in a bad way (by pressing the powerbutton on my tower) and now i have a bigger resolution, how can i change this? system>preferences>resolution doesn't help, 'cause it only has this and something lower, but i want a higer resolution.  How can i fix this ?11:29
Quintinmvfeinstein: no, sorry11:30
vladuz976numa: Quintin do i need a plug in to open that in gimp?11:30
buntaQuintin: no luck.. fglrxinfo still says mesa11:30
pppoe_dudeameinke, not with mine11:30
numavladuz976:  nope11:30
Quintinbunta: uhm.. you the ati 9800 guy?11:30
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buntaQuitin: thats right11:30
ameinkepppoe_dude: ok i check ;)11:30
ompaultorbit, no, a dual install will work wherever you point it, the grub entry usually goes on the start of the first hard drive on the machine so you can boot whatever you want11:30
Quintintorbit: What SATA card?11:30
vladuz976numa: but that's the error i get when i try to open them11:30
pppoe_dudeameinke, did you try hwinfo --framebuffer? there should be all the supported native resolutions11:30
jwhitlarkmvfeinstein: if you're using openvpn, network manager can control VPN connections with a little setup.11:30
Flare183does anybody know how to make a xsession file?11:30
Apollyon_Shaffox: dkpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:30
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SteilBeryl isn't drawing window borders, I have it set to use emerald but i still don't get any borders...tried "emerald --replace" no go.11:31
Quintintorbit: and what is the GRUB error code ??11:31
pppoe_dudeFlare183, xauth?11:31
numavladuz976: hrm  exact error?11:31
ameinkepppoe_dude: wait11:31
torbitQuintin, can't remember off the top of my head, but I went through a huge ordeal trying to be able to boot from it, with no luck at all11:31
QuintinSteil: /join #beryl11:31
jwhitlarkmvfeinstein: I think it also works with cisco VPN, (it's a plug in setup)11:31
Flare183pppoe_dude:>ok i'll try11:31
Quintintorbit: error code, please11:31
vladuz976numa: Opening11:31
pppoe_dudeman xauth, Flare18311:31
mvfeinsteinjwhitlark can you point me towards and doc on it?11:31
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Quintintorbit: paste your menu.lst too11:31
ofchi all11:31
phaidrosis there an #x11 channel something?11:31
vladuz976numa: Opening /home/vladuz/parabola.psd failed: Plug-In could not open image11:32
naliothphaidros: tried #xorg ?11:32
jwhitlarkSteil: use the emerald theme manager to select a theme, then try rebooting.11:32
Polysicshow do i know what the latest version of a package in teh repos is, without having an ubuntu machine up? what's the repo's address, pls?11:32
torbitQuintin, ok, sec, need to go back to that system11:32
Quintin#XXX  ?11:32
buntaQuintin: yep, i'm the 9800 guy11:32
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pppoe_dudeFlare183, although unsure if thats what you're looking for11:32
phaidrosnalioth, thx11:32
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jwhitlarkmvfeinstein: yea, just a minute, let me look it up.11:32
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Flare183pppoe_dude:>i'am trying to make a new session file for compiz11:32
LattyHey, can anyone help me, all of my audio is fine, except for the fact I get no sound from my microphone11:32
Quintinbunta: paste /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:32
pppoe_dudenalioth, i now have 1280x800 fb resolution on my ttys!11:32
Flare183pppoe_dude:> since metacity is in the way11:32
QuintinLatty: unmute it11:33
pppoe_dudei am missing two rows from the bottom tho...11:33
naliothpppoe_dude: h@X0r!11:33
pppoe_dudebut it;s great!11:33
LattyQuintin: Have done.11:33
ameinkepppoe_dude: $>: hwinfo --framebuffer doesnt prints out anything, but fglrx is the worst driver ive ever seen11:33
pppoe_dudeameinke, sudo hwinfo11:33
Flare183pppoe_dude:> since metacity is in the way11:33
QuintinLatty: Turn it up all the way... what is the soundcard?11:33
Flare183pppoe_dude:>i'am trying to make a new session file for compiz11:33
torbitQuintin: where would it be located?11:33
buntaQuintin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6284/11:33
=== bunta is now known as Trunkz
numavladuz976: pspi11:33
Trunkzbloomin.. nickserv -__-"11:33
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Quintintorbit: when you try to boot it should be at the end.. 'GRUB error code $n'11:34
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naliothFlare183: did you not get any help in #ubuntu-effects?11:34
torbitQuintin, I think it was '21', but I can boot it again and check11:34
torbiton a laptop next to said system11:34
ameinkepppoe_dude: ah really wonderfull, found "Mode 0x0376: 1600x1200 (+6400), 32 bits", going to try it, thanks :-D11:34
logankoesterCan anyone tell me what the "proposed" repo is for?11:34
pppoe_dudeameinke, lol that *might* be too small :)11:34
logankoesterI'm just curious11:34
LattyQuintin: Have done, It's onboard on the Asus P5B Deluxe11:34
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Flare183nalioth:>yeah but when i ran compiz my computer metacity just froze11:34
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ameinkepppoe_dude: change this in menu.lst or where?11:35
jwhitlarkmvfeinstein: try http://reflection-design.dk/?p=117 for a start.  Which VPN are you using?11:35
ernzHi - How can I get GLX working in Edgy? It has caused some problems with loading beryl onto my machine in the first place, and now I can't even play armagetron because "Couldn't set video mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual" - Someone please help?11:35
QuintinLatty: I see..  have you checked audio cables?  tried google?  broke down and spent $2.99 on a new one?11:35
pppoe_dudeameinke, yep, just add vga=0x0376 to the boot line11:35
ameinkepppoe_dude: i mean Mode 0x0346: 1400x1050 (+5632), 32 bits11:35
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LattyI've googled to no avail, and the cables are right11:35
Quintinbunta ??? wher eare you ?!11:35
vladuz976numa: what is pspi11:35
mvfeinsteinjwhitlark not sure what you mean by which vpn11:35
Lattythe microphone works.11:35
TrunkzQuintin: right here quintin (I'm bunta ;p)11:35
pppoe_dudeameinke, add whichever mode you want to try to the boot line (after quiet splash etc - although i have those disabled)11:35
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QuintinTrunkz: You stop that crap right now mr.11:36
Flare183nalioth:>yeah but when i ran compiz my computer metacity just froze11:36
torbitQuintin: "GRUB Loading stage1.5." "GRUB loading, please wait..." "Error 21"11:36
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QuintinTrunkz: How did you install the driver?11:36
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TrunkzQuintin: Sorry mister11:36
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TrunkzQuintin: A guide off the forums.. I downloaded the *.run file, ran it.. yada yada11:36
jwhitlarkmvfeinstein: which vpn are you trying to connect to?  openVPN, cisco VPN, microsoft VPN, PPP, other?11:36
jexdawghello fellow ubuntu-ers. i'm wondering - is it possible to change the TEXT color on a panel? like, Applications Places System is all black text but i can't see it well on a black background where my panel has a low opacity. is my only option to install a theme? all i want is to change the text color. any help?11:36
Quintintorbit: give me a minute and I'll check it out.  does the addin card have a BIOS that shows when you boot?11:36
Trunkzmade it into a *.deb, ran those deb11:36
pppoe_dudeameinke, but definitely easier on the eyes when using a proper resolution11:36
QuintinTrunkz: From where.  ati.amd.com ?11:36
ameinkepppoe_dude: ive got a "ubuntu from scratch" :)11:36
mvfeinsteinjwhitlark, ms vpn11:36
ameinkepppoe_dude: i know11:36
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TrunkzQuintin: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=305665&highlight=ati is the guide I used11:37
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TrunkzQuintin: the *.run driver was from ati.amd.com..yes11:37
QuintinTrunkz: I'm not opening that :P  did the installer have ati logo?11:37
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torbitQuintin, i'm not sure, I went through a huge ordeal a while back, moving around PCI cards, trying it in different machines, it never showed a bios boot screen11:37
ameinkerunning feisty fawn11:37
numavladuz976:  I am out of my element, I had thought I had opened .psd in the past on gimp, but it appears I did not, as I just got the same error when I tried to do it here now.  hmmm, for some reason I thought I could.  sorry11:37
bulmerjexdawg: look into tput11:37
QuintinTrunkz: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`11:37
jexdawgbulmer. thank you. i will.11:37
TrunkzQuintin: I believe i've done that already :o11:37
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Quintinnuma: photoshop image?  they open with that.11:37
alex__Does stage 6 work in ubuntu/firefox?11:38
Flare183I still need help11:38
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QuintinTrunkz: give me 1) uname -a  2) dpkg -l | grep linux-headers11:38
ompaullogankoester, some random url: After the big X update problem in Dapper we instituted a dapper-proposed repo where updates go to be tested before they are sent out to dapper-updates.11:38
GenNMX"The Linxrew is the most well-designed interchangable bit screwdriver on the market, far, far better designed then the Winxrew. It is made out of an indestructible material, yet weighs only a feather. It has the ability to intelligent detect the strength required to screw, aleivating any chance of stripping. The Winxrew has none of this." "Really? The Winxrew can use 512 different bits. How many can Linxrew use?" "5. But that's all yo11:38
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jwhitlarkmvfeinstein: ah.  look at http://www.dailytechnology.net/how_to_setup_vpn_in_ubunty_edgy_eft.php and see where that leads you.  I think most stuff should be there.  You are running edgy, yes?11:38
numaQuintin:  I think he wants layers, etc, full native .psd stuff11:38
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Yodudehelp with banshee please11:38
logankoesterompaul: gotchya, thanks11:38
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Flare183somebody tell me how to make a  a xsession file to gdm to boot from11:38
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logankoesterI'll leave that out of my sources file then11:38
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TrunkzQuintin: 1) Linux ubuntu 2.6.17-10-generic #2 SMP Tue Dec 5 22:28:26 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux11:39
Trunkz2) ii  linux-headers-2.6.17-10                                 Header files related to Linux kernel version11:39
Trunkzii  linux-headers-2.6.17-10-generic                         Linux kernel headers for version 2.6.17 on x11:39
Trunkzii  linux-headers-generic                                        Generic Linux kernel headers11:39
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TrunkzApologies for the paste there :p11:39
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jexdawgbulmer: is tput a command for terminal or a program? google is telling me its a command but it doesn't seem to be related to what i want done.11:39
ompaulTrunkz, paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:39
Trunkzompaul: apologies :p11:40
vladuz976numa: can you open this file? http://www.vladuz976.com/parabolalogo.eps11:40
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QuintinTrunkz: it's fine, chan is not too busy.  Have you tried running the installer without making .debs ?11:40
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Trunkzerr.. nope o.o11:40
Quintinit's 3 lines, let's throw a pity party.11:40
dev1https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vim/+bug/85902 - what do you say about that?11:40
TrunkzI just follow the guide, so I dont go all iffy11:40
Comrade-Sergeiwhere is the gparted in dapper?11:40
Yodudecan somebody PLEASE help me with Banshee music player?11:40
QuintinTrunkz: I think that's how I got my ati box setup.11:40
bulmerjexdawg a bash command... tput setb [1-7] 11:40
QuintinComrade-Sergei: 'which gparted' 'whereis gparted'11:40
zt1`anyone using webmin ?11:41
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ompaulQuintin, more than two lines here will bring the wrath of an op on peoples heads11:41
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TrunkzQuintin: the only reason I'm even bothering with this driver muck-up, is for beryl + compiz =p (or beryl + xgl, whichever one works xD)11:41
Comrade-SergeiQuintin the one thats on the live cd11:41
jwhitlarkFlare183: look at /etc/X11/xsession for the default.11:41
Quintinompaul: then they have serious problems.11:41
jexdawgis there anywhere i can learn more about it? learn how to utilize it fully?11:41
QuintinComrade-Sergei: ???  same thing.11:41
Comrade-SergeiQuintin i need to reformat a disk11:41
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Comrade-Sergeibut its no t there11:41
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ompaulTrunkz, if you want beryl ask them in #ubuntu-beryl11:41
TrunkzComrade-Sergei: try sudo fdisk -l11:41
Yodudehow can i get backported packages?11:41
QuintinComrade-Sergei: Have you even *tried* using those commands?11:42
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Yodudeplease someone help me with this it's important:(11:42
Trunkzompaul: I'm in #ubuntu-effects ;p11:42
Comrade-Sergeiyes im not that much of a n00b11:42
alex__Stage6...Ubuntu? Is it possible?11:42
nalioth!tell Yodude about backports11:42
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TrunkzI need to sort out a couple of problems regarding ubuntu11:42
Trunkzthen I'll move onto beryl11:42
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QuintinComrade-Sergei: what is the output?11:42
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports11:42
Comrade-Sergeinothing isnt there a little gui for that somewheres in here11:42
alex__seriously? does anyone know how use the stage6 site in ubuntu?11:42
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jexdawgdamn yodude, everytime i've been in here, you are here. i'm not trying to be an asshole, but you really don't seem to get out much, haha11:42
ameinkepppoe_dude: working fine, thank for that info11:42
karmayogi54hey can someone help me11:43
jwhitlarkFlare183: It depends on what you're trying to do, but there is a lot on info already in the file.  for more detail: man xsession 511:43
naliothYodude: your private messages don't work?11:43
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Comrade-SergeiQuintin like it used to be back in hoary with gnome partitioner11:43
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TrunkzQuintin: Any idea as to why Xorg is being a nasty lil so and so? :p11:43
torbitQuintin, just out of curiousity i'm going to try and take out this sata card, and put it in another machine here...i won't be able to hook up my sata drive to test it, no power connectors, but I can see if it brings up any sort of bios screen on boot11:43
karmayogi54i dual-booted with windows11:43
Yodudejexdawg: cuz your time is different than mine i live in lebanon11:43
QuintinTrunkz: have you tried rebooting?11:43
karmayogi54im sorry11:43
TrunkzQuintin: twice..11:43
karmayogi54i really didnt dual-boot11:43
torbitno matter what i did though, it wouldn't do anything on my desktop11:43
Yodudenalioth: i forgot my IRC password11:43
Apollyon_karmayogi54: !ask11:43
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karmayogi54but i tried installing ubuntu on a different paritition11:43
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emethow I theme grub11:43
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:43
karmayogi54and the installer didnt do nething11:43
QuintinTrunkz: Ok.  I would try using the .run but not creating any .deb pckages11:44
naliothYodude: ubotu speaks with all (it wouldnt do much good if he didn't)11:44
Apollyon_!ask | karmayogi5411:44
ubotukarmayogi54: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:44
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emetwhere do I download grub themes? gnome-look.org ?11:44
QuintinComrade-Sergei: what is the output of those 2 commands I gave you?11:44
seamus7What log files would be useful to look at if my computer is freezing on boot up now and then? It is likely due to a video configuration problem.11:44
TrunkzQuintin: lemme see11:44
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Apollyon_!enter | karmayogi5411:44
ubotukarmayogi54: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:44
samalexquestion.  why in /etc/fstab, instead of /dev/hda1 it has UUID=7f3e6a4b-379a-4ef6-bd75-d49974e0e7cd ?  It does this for / and Swap partitions11:44
Quintinafk pizza11:44
=== tenzin [n=tenzin@gw.ptr-80-238-207-145.customer.ch.netstream.com] has joined #ubuntu
jexdawgoh yodude, alright. my bad. got it.11:44
Comrade-SergeiQuinten all my drives and thier respective stats11:44
bulmerseamus7: start with /var/log/messages11:44
TrunkzQuintin: should I remove all the hubble bubble stuff that was installed? :o11:45
seamus7bulmer: ok thx11:45
pppoe_dudeameinke, no problem :)11:45
headphasehow can I get rid of a locked gnome-streamer folder on the desktop?11:45
Comrade-SergeiQuintin where is that little gui for that11:45
Comrade-Sergeilike to one on the live vd11:45
storkmeati is very lame :(11:45
oritemisguys, What do you think about kiba-dock?11:45
QuintinComrade-Sergei: I'm losing patience with you.  I asked you a simple question11:45
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karmayogi54i didnt lose grub11:45
QuintinTrunkz: hubble bubble .. ?11:45
karmayogi54maybe i did11:45
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shatratoritemis, its cute but I dont use it all the time.11:46
QuintinComrade-Sergei: whereis gparted which gparted .. waht is the output from that?11:46
Apollyon_!enter | karmayogi5411:46
ubotukarmayogi54: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:46
Comrade-Sergeii told you11:46
Comrade-Sergeiits the drives and their stats11:46
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oritemisshatrat: another good option?11:46
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QuintinComrade-Sergei: I don't see it, let me search.11:46
alex__Yay! Who wants to help me!?11:46
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oritemisshatrat: I couldn't find it into apt.11:46
TrunkzQuintin: errr.. all the stuff thatI installed (such as xorg-driver-fglrx_8.33.6-1*.deb, fglrx-kernel-source_8.33.6-1*.deb etc..)11:46
QuintinComrade-Sergei: No, I don't.  I need the exact output.11:47
shatratoritemis, its not in the repos.  There is a deb for it on the forums or you could cmpile it from CVS11:47
alex__Does anyone know how to make Divx stage 6 work in ubuntu?11:47
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Comrade-Sergeinm ill do it myself if its going to ber this difficult11:47
QuintinTrunkz: Oh.  Yea, get rid of that.  Also change fglrx back to vesa in your xorg.conf until we get teh ati driver reinstalled11:47
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QuintinComrade-Sergei: really simple question.. don't see what issue is11:47
Comrade-Sergeiits alot of pastine11:47
TrunkzQuintin: Also, I'm running the .run file (using sudo) and I've gotten two errors in the terminal : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6289/11:47
TrunkzQuintin: okey..11:47
oritemisshatrat: where can I get the deb?11:47
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Comrade-Sergeimy fingers are freezing and i cant type today11:48
Apollyon_!divx | alex__11:48
ubotualex__: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:48
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QuintinTrunkz: you can safely ignore those I think11:48
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QuintinComrade-Sergei: know the feeling, sucks11:48
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natofor installing a program is necessary do it by add programs?11:48
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs11:48
Comrade-Sergeiwe got like 8 feet of snow here now and its like -20 out11:48
alex__thanks! :D11:49
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about banshee0.11.6 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:49
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Apollyon_!apt | nato11:49
ubotunato: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)11:49
=== nickreynolds [n=nickreyn@ppp-70-246-145-205.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Yodudehey is there any way i can "Reset" my sources list an authentication keys?11:50
oritemisshatrat: there are place where this deb are?11:50
Yodudei mean a TOTAL reset11:50
nickreynoldshi all11:50
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Yodudei'm getting a ton of errors11:50
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shatratoritemis, search for it on ubuntuforums.org there is a how-to there11:50
vladuz976i've been using archlinux for a while now i am considering switching to ubuntu for ease of use. all i need is a stable os. but i am concerned with the distro upgrades every six months. does that usually break things?11:50
oritemisshatrat: I will, thank you.11:50
=== thunder [n=thunder@dslb-088-072-056-037.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Quintinvladuz976: not really11:51
nickreynoldscan anyone help me with SSH on ubuntu11:51
vladuz976Quintin: but it doesn happen?11:51
Quintin!ask | nickreynolds11:51
ubotunickreynolds: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:51
=== Dasnipa` [n=Dasnipa@hotelecho.stev192.eiu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulnickreynolds, sudo apt-get install openssh-server11:51
TrunkzQuintin: .. how do I remove all the stuff? :o11:51
Quintinvladuz976: sometimes.  not often for me11:51
Comrade-SergeiQuintin i can do it in disc manager let me try it11:51
QuintinTrunkz: apt11:51
vladuz976Quintin: my problem with archlinux is that it just takes too much time to set everything up the way i want it. otherwise it's a fine distro11:51
TrunkzQuintin: quote the .deb file or the file name o.o11:51
Yodudeis there any way i can reconfigure my sources list to default?11:52
Apollyon_nickreynolds: sudo apt-get install openssh-client11:52
nickreynoldsan if i do that install i will be able to remot into my server using putty11:52
QuintinTrunkz: hm?  dunno.  I'd search for it with grep or synaptic11:52
nickreynoldsthats all i need to do11:52
Quintinvladuz976: all linux is like that, really.  'cept maybe SuSE or something else proprietary11:52
ompaulnickreynolds, if you are on the same network yes11:52
Trunkzkk :p11:52
Se23i discovered if the volume in totem is on maximum then the sound quality of track is bad, i want to know if this is bug11:52
hdxxTrunkz: sudo apt-get remove packet_name11:52
headphasenever mind, I found out11:52
=== l2obert [n=jenesais@88-137-88-223.adslgp.cegetel.net] has left #ubuntu []
Se23and this is in all media players not only totem11:52
nickreynoldsthank you, also when i'm in command prompt why am i unable to login as root11:52
Quintin!root | nickreynolds11:53
ubotunickreynolds: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:53
=== kbgrimes [n=kbgrimes@user-0c998g5.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
Trunkzaite.. removin =X11:53
nickreynoldsi see, i'm just use to typing in root at login then my pass11:53
Quintinnickreynolds: that's not gonna fly around here, Mister.11:53
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Quintinnickreynolds: sudo su > passwd if you want to give root a password11:54
crazy_penguinGood night!11:54
=== madjes [n=madjes@] has joined #ubuntu
nickreynoldsits wierd how the only user i have setup isn't actually root but its password is11:54
Flare183ok i'm screwed11:54
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Flare183i still don't get it!11:54
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Apollyon_nickreynolds: are you coming from debian?11:55
Flare183I don't know what to do I can't make compiz work11:55
TrunkzQuintin: Why.. do I have two "devices" in my xorg.conf, shudnt there be just one? :o11:55
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QuintinTrunkz: eating,11:55
=== tycoon [n=tycoon@Ld790.l.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu
nickreynoldsyes but i only have a little backround in that as well, well linux as well11:55
TrunkzQuintin: PIzza? :p11:55
kbgrimesIs there an easy way to enable commercial DVD playback with ubuntu on a Powerbook G4?11:55
QuintinTrunkz: duh11:55
QuintinTrunkz: all I eat11:55
TrunkzQuintin: xD11:56
Quintin!dvd | kbgrimes11:56
ubotukbgrimes: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages11:56
=== AcKRoNiC [n=danilo@host215-190-dynamic.4-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
nickreynoldsi'm a windows user trying to gain some knowledge in linux, i haven't actually had to use command prompt since dos abck when i was 6 years old11:56
QuintinTrunkz: link me your xorg.conf file again please11:56
Apollyon_nickreynolds: I felt that when I came to know ubuntu. But, in fact, sudo is very safe believe us :-)11:57
=== danilo [n=danilo@host215-190-dynamic.4-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
TrunkzQuintin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6281/11:57
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=== danilo is now known as Danilo
nickreynoldssince ubuntu uses the debian core then that means apache, python, php, and sql are all preinstalled correct11:57
Trunkznickreynolds: Providing you dont have some odd hardware.. ubuntu will be a nice thing =p11:57
bulmeris there a configuration do Disable storing pictures viewed in .thumbnails ?11:57
Quintinnickreynolds: no, incorrect.  none of those are in debian base either11:58
=== AcKRoNiC [n=danilo@host215-190-dynamic.4-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
Trunkznickreynolds: uh.. you can easily install those using apt-get =P11:58
=== thunder [n=thunder@dslb-088-072-056-037.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Trunkznickreynolds: such as typing.. sudo apt-get install mysql-server will sort u out ur sql server ;)11:58
Apollyon_nickreynolds: Yea. This is a "window$ desease" - not to use cli's :-)11:58
=== d00d_ [n=d00d@c-24-126-33-225.hsd1.wv.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Trunkznickreynolds: I was having a look around a while back, on some sort of a LAMP setup on ubuntu.. maybe someone can clariffy this for you as well ;p11:58
QuintinTrunkz: how many video cards do you have in the box?11:59
TrunkzQuintin: One, hence.. my worry xD11:59
PwcrLinuxHello, I wondered does the linux would works on my gf's mac lappy?11:59
torbitQuintin: update, put the card in another computer, still not any sort of bios message coming up for it, looked through all the options..it has a VIA VT6421A chipset11:59
QuintinTrunkz: how many video outputs?11:59
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Quintintorbit: ok, I'll try to get with you in a minute11:59
torbitthe sata card I mean11:59
TrunkzQuintin: VGA & DVI.. I guess11:59
jamie_Can any one help me. I am trying to install an older kernel on ltsp as the latest one on edgy does not seem to support the sound balster module on the sff very well. How do I do this please?11:59
=== derspankster [n=larry47@cpe-76-181-4-2.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kaje1I'm using Firestarter, but it seems to only be able to configure one network device as my internet connected device... However I have two network devices that may be connected at any given time..11:59
pppoe_dudei have 2 rows missing from my tty... the tty is just no using them, as if the size is wrong. ROWS is set to 48, how can i change the number of rows? stty didn't help me much11:59
QuintinTrunkz: which are you using?11:59
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torbitQuintin: no prob, I can see you're helping a lot of people :P11:59
TrunkzI'm too cheap to get a TFT monitor xD11:59
kaje1is there a way I can get it to handle both devices?11:59
=== cal [n=cal@lns-bzn-49f-81-56-163-124.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
TrunkzI've been using Ubuntu for.. just over 5hrs12:00
Trunkzand I've learnt a fair share of information =X12:00
bulmerkaje1: i dont know how to use those front ends, but if you can get hold of its configuration files and know iptables..you can then do it manually12:00
Apollyon_!lamp | nickreynolds12:00
ubotunickreynolds: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:00
=== zenrox-server [n=kergan@pool-71-115-200-45.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
QuintinTrunkz: Leave xorg.conf as it is for now, install the .run without making debs, then use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to generate a new one is what I would do.12:00
cephalonI love lamp12:00
abysshow i can config vim to make only 4 spaces tabs ?12:00
IndyGunFreakTrunkz: |Ubuntu is oneof hte easier distros to pick up and learn12:00
TrunkzQuintin: Yes sir =D12:00
TrunkzIndyGunFreak: Some guy wanted me to use.. gentoo I think o.o12:00
Quintinkaje1: elaborate please.12:00
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QuintinTrunkz: Wow, I'm impressed.  you seem to not be totally clueless like most :)12:01
Yodudeplease can someone help me with synaptic? i'm getting some errors ( i'll post them in the pastebin)12:01
=== cal [n=cal@lns-bzn-49f-81-56-163-124.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu

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