
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HobbseeScottK: FYI, jjesse is a docs dude.  if they tend to hang around here, and ask mostly development questions, we let them :)12:39
HobbseeScottK: to the people who dont, ie, ask non-development questions regularly, we send htem elsewhere12:40
HobbseeRiddell: do you need more people to test the dist-upgrader?12:46
=== superstoned_ [n=supersto@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Huahua [n=hua_@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@c-71-224-172-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HobbseeTonio_: ping?01:08
HobbseeTonio_: for kio-resources, + Homepage: http://kde-apps.org/content/download.php?content=26521 is not a homepage - it's a download link01:08
bddebianUh oh, Hobbsee must be on the REVU rampage.. :-)01:09
Hobbseebddebian: :)01:09
Hobbseebddebian: well, if Tonio_'s done it, it must be pretty good, right?01:09
=== Hobbsee saw that motu email
bddebianOf course :-)01:09
Tonio_Hobbsee: argh !01:10
HobbseeTonio_: :)01:10
HobbseeTonio_: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=435801:10
Tonio_indeed, again a problem in klipper cache.....01:10
=== Hobbsee test builds now
Tonio_Hobbsee: I'll fix and upload then :)01:11
HobbseeTonio_: great :)01:11
Tonio_Hobbsee: can you in the same time revu the second kio package ?01:11
Tonio_there is a second one if my remembering is correct...01:11
=== Tonio_ restart kde to test qt3 packages
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@28.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_Hobbsee: fonts bug fixed ;)01:13
Tonio_fdoving: thanks for the help ;)01:13
HobbseeTonio_: yay!01:13
HobbseeTonio_: archived. :)01:18
Tonio_Hobbsee: thanks01:18
HobbseeTonio_: cant see a second kio package - there's http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=4199 which you need to reply back on, if you wish01:19
=== Hobbsee reviewed a few kdeish things that look interesting
Tonio_Hobbsee: yes licencing issues are a bit complicated on this..... that's the reason it isn't in debian atm01:21
Tonio_Hobbsee: I'll give a look at revu, maybe I didn't upload the second ioslave package yet01:21
Hobbseequite possible01:21
Hobbseeor it's archived01:21
=== yuriy [n=yuriy@209-6-133-37.c3-0.frm-ubr3.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseefabo: we should probably fix https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/basket/+bug/85781 in debian01:34
UbugtuMalone bug 85781 in basket "Basket installs without khelpcenter" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 01:34
=== LaserJock [n=mantha@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalLaserJock: Hobbsee is :)01:36
LaserJockimbrandon suggested I talk with Riddell or sebas about a power managment problem01:36
nixternalRiddell spoke just over 2 hours ago01:36
=== nixternal gets to docs
LaserJockwith Edgy I'd get random hibernations01:37
Hobbseenixternal: hrm?01:37
LaserJockand then I tried KDE last night and it did a hard shutdown01:37
LaserJockHobbsee: I'm tying to figure out how to debug a power management issue in KDE01:38
LaserJockimbrandon told me that Gnome and KDE use the same backend01:40
LaserJockso I don't understand why this would happen01:40
=== imbrandon looks up
imbrandonmoins peeps01:48
Hobbseehey imbrandon :)01:48
Hobbseeimbrandon: KONVERSATION DEBS!01:48
=== Hobbsee goes back to hiding again :)
=== snikker [n=Irc@host70-85-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
LaserJockhi imbrandon01:49
imbrandonheya LaserJock Hobbsee01:49
imbrandonHobbsee, doh, hehe ok01:49
snikkersomeone have used k3b with verbatim dvd+r?01:49
imbrandonsnikker, yes , daily01:50
snikkerimbrandon: and it work fine?01:50
snikkerimbrandon: k3b detect my dvdrecorder, the empty dvr+r, but when i press the burn button it say to me to insert a dvd disc....01:51
imbrandontry a diffrent disk01:51
snikkerimbrandon: at thw moment i've got only this disk, but they work fine under onother OS :(01:52
imbrandonthat happens sometimes, you probably have a bad disk01:53
imbrandonor dirty01:53
snikkerimbrandon: i don't know... i've tried with another disc (i've buy a box of verbatim disks), but it's the same thing....01:55
=== neoncode [n=neoncode@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
snikkerimbrandon: solved... i'm a dumb :-P  i've set write type to "incremetal", with "auto" work fine02:00
snikkerimbrandon: but is not possible to create multisession dvd?02:00
=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== praetor [n=praetor@203-166-244-60.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-57-2.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== lexual [n=lexhider@ppp131-197.lns3.mel6.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ScottKHobbsee: Thanks.  Didn't know who jjesse was.  Sorry about that.03:13
HobbseeScottK: docs person :)03:14
HobbseeScottK: he wrote part of the official ubunt book, too :)03:14
=== ScottK will remember and not do it again.
Hobbseeit's fine :)03:15
=== Hobbsee subscribed to kubuntu users
=== Hobbsee isnt sure if that's wise or not
ScottKHobbsee: Just keep a standard reply with this: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html in it and you'll be fine.03:19
ScottKI'm subscribed to both ubuntu-users and kubuntu-users and I think ubuntu-users is harder to take.03:19
lexualIs that default gmail.com setting in konq->browser_setting meant to enable full ajax mode, if so we need to change it.03:21
HobbseeScottK: ahhh yes, i like that guide03:21
Hobbseeugh, yeah, never subscribed to ubuntu-users03:21
Hobbseelexual: dont know, to be honest03:22
=== Hobbsee tries to figure out where lexual is familiar from
lexualMaybe I should open a bug?03:22
ScottKI subscribed because I run ubuntu servers and that's where those questions tend to come up.  I've never run Gnome so most of it goes right past me.03:22
HobbseeScottK: hehe, i'd forgotten how good some of this was.03:24
Hobbseelexual: what's wrong with full ajax mode for konqi?03:25
=== Hobbsee doesnt know
ScottKIt's also useful when people whine I didn't hold their hand enough...03:26
lexualHobbsee: the default setup takes you to html mode. To get ajax mode you need to set browser id to firefox.03:27
Hobbseelexual: do we do that by default?03:27
Hobbseeor have i just got it set that way?03:27
lexualOn my system, the default settings we have don't work.03:29
Hobbseelikely my config03:29
Hobbseelexual: can you file a bug under kubuntu-default-settings about that we need to make the browser identification for gmail as firefox?03:29
Hobbseebleh.  that sentence is terrible :)03:30
claydohHobbsee:  re: kubuntu-users, not unwise, just not useful unless you love long rambling rants and neverending threads :)03:40
claydohnot many experienced linux/Kubuntu users post in there much03:41
claydohnot many gurus, that is03:41
Hobbseeclaydoh: just before i subscribed to it, i made lots more folders in my email, and split up each ML :)03:41
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeclaydoh: but yeah, S/N ratio at the moment seems to be 003:42
claydohhelpful, I did that recently03:42
Hobbseeyep :)03:42
Hobbseei think i'ts even fixed today03:42
=== Hobbsee notes that kubuntu-devel contains ubuntu-devel, which is unhelpful.
=== Hobbsee then made the kubuntu-devel ML rule run *before* the ubuntu-devel one
claydohlol at jdong's quit message03:42
claydohI don't follow ubuntu-devel03:43
claydohbut kmail can filter on mailinglist id which may help03:44
UbugtuMalone bug 85945 in kubuntu-default-settings "Konqueror doesn't use gmail's ajax mode" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 03:44
lexualehh, launchpad always seems to get in my way.03:44
Hobbseegnomefreak: it's not03:44
Hobbseeclaydoh: it's gotten a lot better03:44
Hobbseeclaydoh: probably more interesting than k-u03:44
gnomefreakwhats not?03:45
claydohI never subscribed to it mostly as I am not a dev :) but I follow k-u for some bugs and such03:45
Hobbseeclaydoh: you are on kubuntu-devel, presumably?03:46
Hobbseegnomefreak: that firefox issue not being fixed03:46
Hobbseeclaydoh: good ;)03:46
gnomefreakHobbsee: the one that i said might have been related to k-f-i?03:46
gnomefreakthe popup dialogs should be part of the firefox intergration03:47
Hobbseegnomefreak: k-f-i?  k-firefox-integration or something?03:47
gnomefreakyes that03:47
Hobbseetrue - but what's this about firefox integration at all?03:47
Hobbseewe dont integrate firefox into kubuntu at all, to my knowledge...03:48
gnomefreakHobbsee: you do as of feisty03:48
gnomefreakatleast last i heard03:48
claydohHobbsee: I lied, its the kubuntu-bugs list lol03:48
=== claydoh rushes to make sure he is subbed to the right lists :)
Hobbseeclaydoh: hehe03:49
Hobbseegnomefreak: interesting.  wonder where you heard that03:49
=== Hobbsee should really do a clean install
Hobbseemmm, okay03:49
=== Hobbsee will poke lure
gnomefreakthere was also a spec on it and i think imbrandon was gonna work on it (havent heard in a while but that was last i remember)03:49
Hobbseeyes, i remember that much03:50
Hobbseefor dapper03:50
Hobbseethe packages are at....hmmm....newly suggested packages page, iirc03:50
gnomefreakand damn you got that fast03:52
Hobbseegnomefreak: hrm?03:53
=== Hobbsee saw it in -testers
gnomefreakHobbsee: i had just changed that when you said something03:53
Hobbseeyep.  Ubugtu's broken, it's reporting whenever a bug gets changed03:53
=== Hobbsee wondesr about using the crystal clear icons for feisty
=== freeflying [i=flyingfr@gobstopper.dreamhost.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeheya freeflying03:56
jjessegah sometimes owning a home is so hard03:58
jjessei think i have a frozen pipe :(03:58
yuriythat sucks, we had one frozen 2 years in a row03:59
=== yuriy is burning herd 4
freeflyingHobbsee: hi04:06
freeflyingIt's the first day of our traditional new year :)04:07
crimsunhappy new year, freeflying04:12
yuriyhappy new year04:12
crimsun(it's still NYE here)04:13
crimsunI'm flying home tomorrow to have NY's dinner with my folks04:13
=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== ScottK-laptop [n=kitterma@static-72-81-252-22.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
freeflyingcrimsun: thanks04:15
yuriylexual: bug 85948 i guess is because the tabs in konversation aren't normal tabs04:15
UbugtuMalone bug 85948 in konversation "ctrl-,/. shortcut not working in konversation" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8594804:15
freeflyingyuriy: thanks04:16
=== ScottK2 [n=kitterma@static-72-81-252-22.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
=== hunger_t [n=tobias@p54A73CEF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== vinboy [n=vinboy@125-238-82-8.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseelexual: poke04:41
Hobbseelexual: if you go back to the default shortcuts for konvi, the tab ones, does ctrl+. and ctrl+, work?04:43
Hobbseeapparently they broke in dapper, which was why it was changed04:43
lexualhow do I go back to the defaults?04:45
Hobbseesettings, configure shortcuts, and hit the default button04:45
Hobbseewow, sho_'s furious at us04:46
Hobbseecrimsun: ? to which?04:46
crimsun22:46 < Hobbsee> wow, sho_'s furious at us04:46
Hobbseecrimsun: upstream konvi developer04:47
Hobbseesarah@LongPointyStick:/devel/k-d-s$ bzr checkout sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kubuntu-default-settings/ubuntu04:47
HobbseePermission denied (publickey).04:47
Hobbseebzr: ERROR: Unable to connect to SSH host bazaar.launchpad.net; EOF during negotiation04:47
lexualHobbsee: yes that makes it work.04:47
crimsunHobbsee: right, I was hoping for a rundown of the drama.04:47
Hobbseecrimsun: kubuntu has changed some of the defaults of konversation, as it's our default irc client04:47
crimsunwhat's ticking off sho_?04:48
Hobbseethat we changed some of their defaults, and people went to #konversation asking about it04:48
crimsun(oh please.)04:48
Hobbseecrimsun: do you know why id' be getting that error message?04:49
Hobbseecrimsun: afaik, my ssh key is still here, etc.04:49
Hobbseeand i'm in kubuntu-members04:49
crimsunis the hostname correct?04:50
HobbseeKubuntu Default Settings is now being maintained in bzr with write04:50
Hobbseeaccess to anyone in kubuntu-members.04:50
Hobbseebzr checkout sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kubuntu-default-settings/ubuntu04:50
Hobbseemv ubuntu kubuntu-default-settings-6.1004:50
Hobbseeedit edit04:50
crimsunI've not used bzr in a few months, so I don't know if bazaar.launchpad.net is used instead of, say, bazaar.canonical or whatever04:50
Hobbseebzr commit04:50
Hobbseedebuild -S04:50
Hobbseewas in an email a while ago04:50
Hobbseei'm assuming so04:51
crimsunyou might want to poke in #launchpad, sorry04:51
Hobbseeoh, i'ts bzr, it seems04:51
crimsunoh, wait04:51
crimsunyou're not providing a username04:51
Hobbseeshouldnt have to, should i?  not if ~kubuntu-members is there?04:52
crimsunI've not tried w/o a username@bazaar.launchpad.net04:52
=== Hobbsee tries
Hobbseewow, we have some old defaults here05:01
crimsunworks? fails?05:01
Hobbseeyep.  works now05:01
crimsundon't know if the username@ is required or if it was just a heisenberg05:02
HobbseeMez: didnt you change the konvi port to 8001?05:02
crimsunthat was in feisty, yeah.05:02
crimsun(and I didn't push that change)05:02
Hobbseecrimsun: of course, it's a valid question if we should be taking out menu options, etc.05:07
Hobbseeespecially if they were made in dapper, and there has been a major release since then05:12
=== MrWGW- [n=nondiscl@cpe-75-85-97-183.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
MrWGW-good evening05:23
Hobbseehey MrWGW-05:23
MrWGW-how are you doing?05:24
=== neoncode [n=neoncode@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseegood, dealing in konversation woes, at the moment05:25
Hobbseewhich is hard, as i dont understand much of kde coding05:25
MrWGW-I'm doing something rather controversial this evening05:25
=== MrWGW- is forking GNU
MrWGW-specifically, I'm creating a fork of the so called "userland" that will be a seperate project and will remain under its current license, rather than upgrading to the GPL v3 when it comes out, and I'm also wanting to tackle some of the major annoyances in GNOME05:30
HobbseeMrWGW-: ick.05:31
=== freeflying [i=flyingfr@gobstopper.dreamhost.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
MrWGW-well I told you it would be controversial05:32
Hobbseeor just insane :P05:32
MrWGW-in my case, more fun than anything05:32
MrWGW-its very easy to do05:32
MrWGW-you just download the sources, rename everything, use symlinks so that nothing breaks, and voila05:33
MrWGW-also, GNOME IMO has a number of UI flaws05:33
MrWGW-which annoys me, because I otherwise prefer it to KDE05:33
=== praetor [n=praetor@203-166-244-60.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Jucato [n=jucato@ubuntu/member/Jucato] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== neoncode [n=neoncode@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
JucatoHobbsee: have you noticed if it were possible to change where GRUB is installed to in the Edgy Desktop CD?06:15
HobbseeJucato: i'ts not06:15
JucatoHobbsee: hm.. strange thing... I remember a few weeks ago, I tried the Desktop CD. when I reached the part where it's confirming where GRUB will be installed and which partitions will be formatted, the location where GRUB will be installed is clickable (like a link). When I clicked on it, it gave me a text box asking for a location to install GRUB in06:16
MrWGW-hey Jucato06:17
Jucatohi MrWGW-06:17
HobbseeJucato: sure that wasnt a feisty cd?06:17
Jucatonope. I burned that CD on the day Edgy was released...06:17
=== Jucato has no feisty anything...
HobbseeJucato: odd.  no idea06:18
Hobbseeafaik, they didnt have time to say where grub was to be installed to, on the desktop cd06:18
Jucatoheh I find it odd too... and I only remembered this yesterday...06:18
Jucatoit's in step 6, where you confirm which partitions will be formatted06:19
Hobbseegrrrr....why cant i find the amarok that was released with 3.5.6, in kdesvn06:20
Jucatoamarok is in trunk/extragear06:21
Hobbseeahh, excellent, thanks06:22
Jucatonp :)06:22
Jucatoextragear apps don't follow the KDE releases... and they're in trunk, even if they're still for KDE 3.5.x06:22
Hobbseegah.  i cant find exactly what i'm looking for06:25
Jucatowhat is it? maybe I can help (trying hard...)06:26
Hobbseein amarokrc of k-d-s, we only set some of the shortcuts (the XF86... is the stuff i'm interested in) - i'm wondering if we need to, and if we do, why we arent setting *all* of the XF86 buttons.06:26
Hobbseehttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src/app.cpp?rev=634709&view=markup is the appropriate file, within amarok.  i'm not sure where/if global kde shorcuts come into it06:27
=== Jucato searches too
Hobbseewe're still setting a lot of crack in konqi, which i've now removed, and am now looking at amarok's06:27
Hobbsee/me suspects we dont need06:29
Hobbsee[Gst-Engine] 06:29
HobbseeSound Output=alsasink06:29
Hobbseein there either06:29
Jucatosince Amarok doesn't work w/ GStreamer currently?06:30
=== Jucato sighs... one day... one day...
JucatoI'm gonna talk like this too06:30
=== Hobbsee is learning...slowly
Hobbseeer, s/konqi/konvi/06:30
Jucatoand that's *exactly* what I need to do, too. learn **slowly**... no more crash courses for me06:31
Jucatohm.. brb...06:31
=== yuriy [n=yuriy@209-6-133-37.c3-0.frm-ubr3.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeooh!  svn finally cmae down!06:35
yuriyis kdm crashing for anybody else?06:36
Hobbseedefine crashing06:37
Hobbseeer, bzr06:37
yuriyon start up it comes up, then goes away, and i have to go to vt and login and startx06:37
yuriyit doesn't actually die though06:38
yuriythis has been happening for a while and i've kinda been ignoring it (yaya i'm useless) but i just did a fresh install of herd4 and it's still doing it06:39
Hobbseethat's not good - clean config?06:39
yuriyumm no, i keep forgetting to try that oops06:40
yuriywhat config am i looking for? since kdm isn't user specific06:41
yuriythat answers that -- fresh install so yes, clean config06:42
Hobbseei'm not sure...06:46
HobbseeJucato: and where will i find kopete?06:48
JucatoHobbsee: kdenetwork06:54
Jucatogah sorry late reply06:55
nixternalwoohoo, I have killed the docs tonight!!!06:55
nixternalman, so much work, so little time :/06:55
Hobbseehrm, i think i found them06:56
=== Hobbsee can now patch the kopete icons, if she wants to
JucatoHobbsee: if you're looking for the version released w/ 3.5.6 (stable), it's in tags/06:56
HobbseeJucato: was looking for the 0.11 versions, but i found it another way :)06:56
HobbseeJucato: did hte interface change between 0.11 and  0.12?06:57
Hobbseeiirc, it did06:57
JucatoI can't recall, but iirc yes it did06:57
=== Jucato is not a heavy kopete user, doesn't notice details...
=== Hobbsee wonders why we have a kopetechatwindow.rc, and if i'ts actually in date
=== jdong_ [n=jdong@SIMMONS-EIGHTY-TWO.MIT.EDU] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== jdong_ is now known as jdong
=== Hobbsee commits
=== Hobbsee test builds, first
=== chavo [n=chavo@67-22-97-187.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseerm'ing .local isnt such a great idea.07:14
=== yuriy [n=yuriy@209-6-133-37.c3-0.frm-ubr3.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeahh well07:18
jdong /usr/local/bin/insertrant kubuntu-default-settings "Stop hiding my root"07:18
=== Hobbsee attempts to commit to bzr
Hobbseejdong: in feisty it doesnt.07:18
jdong&& rm -f /etc/kubuntu-default/settings/*07:18
jdongHobbsee: well obviously it didn't delete the .hidden from edgy now did it?07:19
jdongand thank you for regaining your senses.07:19
Hobbseejdong: no, there's still a SRU for that, and all of the SRU's are pretty much being abandoned07:19
Hobbseeit was an experiment.07:19
jdongI love to hear that07:19
jdongboth of those statements07:19
Hobbsee05:18 < Tonio_> I prefer to spend 5 minutes fixing a bug on feisty than 2 month for edgy...07:19
Hobbseeenough said, really07:20
MrWGW-woo forking is fun07:20
Hobbseejdong: how many SRU's have you done, again?07:20
jdongHobbsee: err, that's not my job....07:20
jdongHobbsee: if I were more involved in development I would od more07:20
Hobbseeyay, it committed07:20
jdongHobbsee: and that's a pretty lame excuse for why stable distro bugfixes are being abandoned07:21
Hobbseejdong: exactly.  so i wouldnt whine about people not going thru the process, unless you've done at least one yourself.07:21
Hobbsee2 months is on the quick side!07:21
jdongthen there's something wrong with the process07:21
jdongall I know is 80% of backports requests should've been something handled through SRU07:21
jdongbut oh well I have no problem with just backporting a newer release07:21
Hobbseethen handle them?07:21
jdongI don't have the knowledge about the situation to handle them07:22
jdongI barely can deal with backports and the forums07:22
jdongI don't need much more added to my plate07:22
jdongor I'm gonna be fatter than rosie odonnell07:22
=== Hobbsee hopes it will change...
=== jdong does too
jdongI'm sorry if SRU is a painful process07:24
jdongprobably because of update paranoia arising from our various 'incidents'07:24
Jucatoand yet we still seem to have some incidents...07:25
jdongJucato: well no amount of paranoia fixes that :)07:25
jdongJucato: our recent incidents seem to be better though07:26
jdongarising out of really odd corner cases07:26
jdongnot, say, 100% the nvidia audience :)07:26
Jucatoyeah. the recent can be blamed on soyuz, iirc07:26
jdongor 80% of AGP users07:26
yuriyalthough it's not really ubuntu's fault, there was a recent problem for a good part of the nvidia audience07:28
jdongyuriy: that was not a ubuntu porblem at all07:28
jdongthere is no way you can blame ubuntu for that one07:28
jdongubuntu needed to get out a security update07:28
yuriywell, of course07:28
jdongthat broke binary compatibility07:28
jdongand 3rd party vendors weren't fast enough in getting out updated drivers07:28
yuriywe should get a big funnel07:29
yuriyand point it at hardware manufacturers when people complain07:29
yuriyi guess that doesn't work too well when they aren't physically rushing at anybody07:30
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jdongnot at hardware manufacturers :)07:31
jdong3rd party repos07:31
=== LongPointyStick pokes jdong
jdongmaybe there's something inherently broken about the way updates are handled?07:31
jdongLongPointyStick: what?07:31
jdongfix azureus07:31
jdongor at least +1 it07:31
=== LongPointyStick DOOOMS jdong
LongPointyStickjdong: true, but it's probably better to fix for the next release, then argue against a procedure which people dont want to change (yet, hopefully)07:33
jdongLongPointyStick: hehe I'll just file a backport request for it :D07:33
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== yuriy [n=yuriy@209-6-133-37.c3-0.frm-ubr3.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Bent [n=bent@port46.ds1-esp.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== yuriy [n=yuriy@209-6-133-37.c3-0.frm-ubr3.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== yuriy [n=yuriy@209-6-133-37.c3-0.frm-ubr3.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== marseillai_ [n=cyril@AMarseille-156-1-126-104.w83-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== MrWGW- [n=nondiscl@cpe-75-85-97-183.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== MrWGW- [n=nondiscl@cpe-75-85-97-183.socal.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu-devel []
=== MrWGW- [n=nondiscl@cpe-75-85-97-183.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== luc_ [n=luc@230-82-244-84.zapcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Bent [n=bent@port46.ds1-esp.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
yuriythe faq needs some updating10:15
fdovingso does kubuntu.org -> contact i guess.10:20
fdovingdon't belive amu want to be listed as a contact person any more.10:21
=== Jucato [n=jucato@ubuntu/member/Jucato] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== jpetso [n=jpetso@v213-022.vps.tuwien.ac.at] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
=== totopullman [n=flp@ppp-246-67.21-151.libero.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== totopullman [n=flp@ppp-246-67.21-151.libero.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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mhbgood morning11:06
hungerWhy does kde store its cache files in /var/tmp and not in /tmp?11:07
fdovinghunger: /tmp is cleaned at reboot, i guess /var/tmp is not.12:05
fdovingonly thing i can come up with.12:05
hungerfdoving: Yeap... but does that matter?12:11
fdovingdon't know.12:12
fdovingthe cache is stored in /var/tmp/12:13
fdovinglike  /var/tmp/kdecache-frode/favicons12:13
fdovingthe cached favicons, makes sense not to delete them at reboot.12:13
=== Huahua [n=hua_@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
fdovingalso, the khtml http cache is stored there.12:14
fdovingand ksycoca12:14
fdovingprobably makes sense to not have it in /tmp12:15
fdovingthe alternative would be somewhere in ~ i guess.12:15
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee waves
=== dinosaur-rus [n=dinosaur@ppp85-140-215-44.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseedinosaur-rus: where'd you find the ETA of KDE4?12:25
dinosaur-rusHobbsee: I don't remember, but I've read somewhere that KDE4 is gonna be released somewhere this autumn...12:31
Hobbseedinosaur-rus: they bumped it, iirc.12:32
Hobbseethey're still working on the libs, which they originally said they wouldnt be touching after november (snapshot 2)12:32
dinosaur-russome time ago I've made a packages update and language switching stopped working12:32
Tm_TThere's no "official" ETA for KDE4 ;)12:34
Tm_TGood estimation is "before chrismas" but can't say what year.12:34
Hobbseethis one would be nice12:35
HobbseeTm_T: get going :P12:35
HobbseeTm_T: what are you working on, at the moment?12:36
Hobbseedinosaur-rus: for kde4, presumably?12:36
dinosaur-ruskeyboard layout switching looks to be broken now :(12:36
Tm_THobbsee: Nothing really, just messing around in IRC, help this and that.12:36
=== dinosaur-rus is very sad
mhboh, I managed to compile kdesktop! yay!12:42
Hobbseemhb: yay!12:42
dinosaur-ruscan anyone use non-English keyboard layouts?12:43
mhbcompiling the whole kdebase seems impossible to me12:46
=== GNUro [i=GNUro@gateway/tor/x-b9d6a21283514afe] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatomhb: kde4?12:50
mhbJucato: no, kde312:51
Jucatohave fun :)12:51
mhbnow that I compiled it I can finally fix the bugs I want :o)12:52
Hobbseemhb: why dont you fix the bugs in the distro and in kde?  :)12:52
Jucatomhb: that's how I did 2 patches to Konqi :)12:54
=== Jucato goes for a while... bbl
=== dinosaur-rus [n=dinosaur@ppp91-76-76-158.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-022-171.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
dinosaur-rusI've found that it's kxkb; if it's disabled or I'm in another DE/WM keyboard layouts work without problems01:04
superstoned_* superstoned loves the label support in amarok01:15
=== mhb thinks superstoned_ should learn the "/me" command :o)
superstoned_just forgot...01:16
=== superstoned_ knows that...
marseillaisuperstoned_: should learn the "/ame" command01:17
=== superstoned_ what does this?
=== superstoned_ doesn't see a diff between /me and /ame
marseillaisuperstoned_: look on #strigi01:18
=== Hobbsee test
marseillaisuperstoned_: Hobbsee it makes a /me on every channel you are01:18
Hobbseewhat's /ame do, that /me doesnt?01:18
Hobbseeholy cow01:18
marseillaias does superstoned_ with is first message01:18
Hobbseesuperstoned_: you dont here.01:18
Hobbseemarseillai: yes, i just found that out, when they all turned blue...01:19
superstoned_btw now i'm just being talked to here, i can ask - is polyester now the default style in kubuntu???01:19
marseillaithere is also a /amsg if i well remember01:20
marseillaibut not sure01:20
marseillaihi everybody01:20
superstoned_marseillai: :D01:20
marseillaiit's that01:20
marseillai/amsg hi everybody01:20
marseillaiarf it does this on every server you are too .........01:20
marseillaieven on private message01:21
superstoned_so you're REALLY bugging everybody :D01:21
marseillaifrench channel are surprise! :)01:21
superstoned_I forgot the /me and used * cuz forums don't use /me, so you have to type it... :D01:22
=== superstoned_ hates that
=== superstoned_ loves /me
superstoned_(no, not that way)01:22
superstoned_btw the label support REALLY rocks. Get labels automatically from last.fm (use the plugin) and then sort your music on labels/artist/album (or whatever). lovely!01:24
marseillaido you know who works on suspend in ubuntu? i've find a way to improve the speed of suspend.01:25
Hobbseemarseillai: suspend2?01:26
Hobbseemarseillai: ask in #ubuntu-devel tomorrow, probably01:26
marseillaii erase the ram cache before suspend01:27
marseillaiecho "1" > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches && sleep 1 && echo "0" > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches01:28
marseillaithen suspend01:28
marseillaiand hibernate became as fast as a suspend ...01:28
=== Jucato [n=jucato@ubuntu/member/Jucato] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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dinosaur-rusmy problem with switching keyboard layouts is really strange -- it only occurs when kxkb is started automatically with KDE. when it's started after KDE is loaded (i.e. manually), everything is ok.02:02
dinosaur-rusany ideas?02:04
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@upstream/dev/RadiantFire] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== _StefanS_ [n=sfs@cpe.atm2-0-52148.0x535a54ca.naenxx10.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_StefanS_hi there02:17
_StefanS_i was wondering.. the logout has not been applied to kdm.. maybe that should be done too ?02:19
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@28.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_StefanS_the modified logout I mean02:20
_StefanS_Tonio_ !02:20
dinosaur-rus_StefanS_: I got stretched icons on logout screen (but text is displayed, thanks for that)02:21
_StefanS_Tonio_: I was wondering about that logout, I noticed we have not applied that to kdm02:21
Tonio_Lure: be happy :)02:21
Tonio_Lure: I merged qt with debian, there is a patch for the fonts bug :)02:21
Tonio__StefanS_: hey ;)02:21
Tonio__StefanS_: hum true, indeed02:21
LongPointyStickhey Tonio_102:21
Tonio_well it is a bit rare to logout via kdm02:21
Tonio__StefanS_: but if you can paztch this, why not02:21
LongPointyStickTonio_: when can i discuss various k-d-s stuff with you?02:22
Tonio_LongPointyStick: sure02:22
Tonio_LongPointyStick: I have to go this afternoon, but can you come tomorrow ?02:22
LongPointyStickTonio_: preferably not now, i'm going to bed :)02:22
Tonio_hehe, no probleme02:22
Jucato_StefanS_: I'm presuming that the logout from kdm will only have 2 buttons?02:22
LongPointyStickokay - ping me when you're around?02:22
Tonio_LongPointyStick: tomorrow for sure02:22
_StefanS_Jucato: exatcly02:22
=== LongPointyStick is getting asked for tech support, as she still had ops in #kubuntu
LongPointyStickhence the sign out02:23
_StefanS_I'm going to mimck that precise dialog02:23
Tonio__StefanS_: I'll be glad to upload if you can patch this too02:23
_StefanS_Tonio_: I will look at it02:24
_StefanS_Tonio_: See if it can be done quickly02:24
_StefanS_Tonio_: I think it would sort of round up the logout feature02:26
_StefanS_Tonio_: how much time do I have btw, ?02:26
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Tonio__StefanS_: not that much ;)02:28
dinosaur-rus_StefanS_: I can switch keyboard layouts when kxkb is launched automatically with KDE, but if I start it manually, everything is ok. any ideas?02:28
Tonio__StefanS_: I don't think that'll break the feature freeze since that's just an extention of an existing feature btw02:29
_StefanS_dinosaur-rus: dont know about that, sorry02:29
_StefanS_Tonio_: ok, I will try02:30
=== pascalFR [i=JfBQmqX0@cha92-7-82-230-174-61.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_SimeTonio_: Hi,02:35
Tonio_hey _Sime :)02:36
Tonio__Sime: I read you were working on the media patches ?02:36
Tonio__Sime: may I ping you this week concerning a few issues I'd like to point you at ?02:36
Tonio_mostly integration things, not technical ones02:37
_SimeTonio_: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKDEMedia02:37
_SimeTonio_: I put some new patches up on there.02:37
Tonio__Sime: great, I'll update them tomorrow or toonight02:37
_SimeTonio_: you should be able to drop them straight in.02:37
_SimeTonio_: they don't fix everything (yet). But hopefully a lot of your complaints will be fixed.02:38
Tonio_ Improved names for disks on the desktop.02:38
Tonio_GREAT !02:38
Tonio_that was really missing for me :)02:38
_Simethe old names are bad for me, but good for you.02:38
_Simeso I'm combining the two.02:39
Tonio__Sime: that was not complaints ! I just wanted to point you at improvements solutions02:39
_Simeso you should see things like "Removable disk 40Gb (data1)"02:39
Tonio__Sime: the idea of removing them was just because you were not available last weeks02:39
Tonio_that has (you know it) never against you and your work !02:39
Tonio__Sime: yeah that's nice02:40
_SimeI've never taken your comments in that way. don't worry. ;)02:40
Tonio_better than "disk1"02:40
_Simecomplains/bug reports, kinda the same.02:40
Tonio__Sime: I hope that'll be translated via launchpad quickly btw02:40
_Simethe mount point is important for me02:40
Tonio__Sime: thanks for the work ! I'll test them and will upload toonight probably02:40
_Simebecause I don't remember the size of my partitions.02:41
_Simeso "Removable disk foobar" isn't very useful for me.02:41
_Simeso hopefully everyone will get useful names now.02:41
Tonio__Sime: isn't df -h enough ? :)02:41
_Simethe only problem is that the icon names on the desktop get wrapped and cut off if they are too long02:41
Tonio__Sime: yes but that's for the all kde.... not a problem with your patches, I won't blame that02:42
Tonio_and btw that'll work on "konqueror" while pointing to ~/Desktop no ?02:42
Tonio__Sime: another thing, but that might be hard to figure out02:43
_Simesince our names are going to be longer, maybe we should give the icons more room on the desktop.02:43
Tonio_is there a way to hide "cdrom" folder in /media if nothing is mounted ?02:43
Tonio_just asking for feasability02:43
Tonio_that's what I like with media:/ it is dynamic02:44
Tonio_I think that'll be hard to do no ? ;)02:44
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_Simethe easiest way to do that is to remove the folder, and remove cdrom from /etc/fstab.02:44
Tonio__Sime: and last thing, is there now a way to "unmount" a disk via the context menu ?02:44
Tonio__Sime: currently we only can "remove" it which is a pain when you need to just unmount to use for example qtparted or gparted02:45
_SimeTonio_: Yes, it is called "Safely Remove". You should have that option available.02:45
Tonio__Sime: that only unmount ?02:45
Tonio_okay I'll test, I must say I didn't test that for a while :)02:46
Tonio_btw thanks a lot for your work ;)02:46
=== Tonio_ is happy his criticisms helped for improvement :)
_Simefor USB stuff that is unmount. For disks you probably only have "Eject" right now02:46
Tonio__Sime: okay ;) I have to leave now, sorry...02:47
Tonio__Sime: thanks again :)02:47
_SimeI think I saw on the k3b change log that it now support HAL and unmounting disks by itself.02:47
_Simek3b might be smarter now.02:47
Tonio__Sime: version 1.0 ?02:48
Tonio_yes but we have lots of problems packaging it :)02:48
_Simedon't know which version. it was after edgy though.02:48
=== snikker [n=Irc@host117-58-dynamic.0-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
snikkeri possible to set the home dir when i lunch kdesu?03:11
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dinosaur-ruswhat packages need to be installed for developing KDE apps? just there're too many of them... :P04:04
dinosaur-ruswell, nevermind :)04:06
dinosaur-rushave a nice day ;)04:07
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nixternalOK you speakers. I have a lappy 1280x800 Intel. How can I get it to output out the external port at say 1024x768?04:55
nixternalany tricks?04:56
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snikkercan anyone compile and test a simple program? it's only to see if the problem is on my machine or not...07:24
ubotuFor your support options, see http://www.ubuntu.com/support For IRC support, join #ubuntu / #kubuntu / #xubuntu etc07:25
=== jikanter [n=jordan@c-24-12-220-77.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
=== ypsila [n=opera@wrzb-590cef07.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ypsilakwwii: ping08:32
=== froud [n=karen@dsl-242-144-212.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiiypsila: pong08:35
jjesseafternoon :)08:36
jjessehello kwwii08:36
froudhi, why can I see libpst here http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/source/libpst but cant find it via apt?08:36
kwwiihowdy jjesse08:36
ypsilakwwii: good evening to germany :-)08:37
ypsilakwwii: even better: good evening to frankconia08:38
=== oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiiypsila: lol, yeah :-)08:38
ypsilakwwii: seriously, we would like to do a little bit of promotion for the german-speaking kubuntu-community, but I'm not sure whether this is the right place to discuss about08:39
=== yuriy [n=yuriy@209-6-133-37.c3-0.frm-ubr3.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiiypsila: wir koennen das im /query machen wen du willst08:40
ypsilakwwii: I would prefer you join our official team-channel #kubuntu-de.org08:41
MrWGW-hi kwwii08:42
MrWGW-I'm up to something rather.....controversial08:42
kwwiiMrWGW-: hehe, aren't we all :p08:47
MrWGW-well this is especially controversial08:48
MrWGW-I'm creating a fork of GNU08:48
MrWGW-I already have one developer lined up08:48
MrWGW-the primary objective is to keep the fork availible under the terms of GPLv208:48
MrWGW-the fork basically consists of the so called "userland" plus GNOME and GTK08:48
MrWGW-so the other primary objective is to fix GNOME08:49
mhbwouldn't it be better to wait until GPLv3 gets released?08:49
ajmitchsounds like a good way to get obsolete, very fast08:49
jjesseare you trying to recruit people away from kubuntu-devel?08:49
MrWGW-possibly, but its trivial to update the codebase to reflect changes made before that time08:49
MrWGW-I don't want Kubuntu developers working on it, because Kubuntu is a KDE project08:49
MrWGW-and Kubuntu and Ubuntu, I suspect, will become GPL v3 licensed08:50
MrWGW-which isn't a problem for me08:50
MrWGW-I would use the GPL v3 for my own stuff08:50
MrWGW-but, there is a market need for a fork of GNU, and I'm moving to fill that void08:50
ajmitcha market need? where?08:50
MrWGW-*cough Suse cough*08:51
=== mhb thinks this is *really* not the place to discuss it
mhbPM or some offtopic channel perhaps08:51
MrWGW-you're right08:52
=== MrWGW- [n=nondiscl@cpe-75-85-97-183.socal.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu-devel []
=== MrWGW- [n=nondiscl@cpe-75-85-97-183.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ypsilaMrWGW-: may I ask, where you are from?08:57
MrWGW-the US08:57
ypsilaMrWGW-: just intererst, nothing more08:58
MrWGW-I'm from Los Angeles08:59
=== GNUro [i=GNUro@gateway/tor/x-6864f7221b6c90cb] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ypsilaMrWGW-: the country would have been enough :-) I'm from Germany#08:59
MrWGW-ah lovely09:05
MrWGW-I've been all over your country09:06
MrWGW-probably seen more of it than any other country in Europe09:06
lotusleafMrWGW-: but have you seen #kubuntu-offtopic #ubuntu-offtopic ? :)09:07
lotusleafboth unique locations with plenty of happy birds09:07
ypsilaMrWGW-: which one do you prefer? I guess people would love to see us leaving :-D09:09
MrWGW-Kubuntu#offtopic is fine09:10
MrWGW-I stray off topic very easily09:10
MrWGW-although frankly I fail to see the point of topics in channels that are dead :-P09:10
MrWGW-anyway, see you there09:10
mhbhave you discussed the windows utilities on the CD yet, Tonio_ ?09:11
ypsilaMrWGW-: dont discuss, it's not worth the time09:11
=== allee [n=ach@allee.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Luremhb: no conclusion afaik09:19
Luremhb: I would like to get rid of some in favour of digikam09:19
Tm_TLure: Firefox +109:27
Tm_TIt's outdated anyway.09:27
LureTm_T: we will probably have to keep some, but having kdepim or speedcrunch there is no point (imho)09:28
mhbLure: me too09:32
=== MrWGW- [n=nondiscl@cpe-75-85-97-183.socal.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu-devel []
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=== _czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-063-063.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Lure_StefanS_: evening09:54
Lure_StefanS_: logout now works nicely for my needs (keyboard navigation)09:55
_StefanS_Lure: good thing :) - I'm glad to hear that09:56
_StefanS_Lure: However it dont seem like the accelerator keys work09:56
jjessequick question: anyone else having problems starting amarok on a feisty box?  just curios if it is my virtual machine or not09:56
_StefanS_Lure: alt+L for instance09:56
_StefanS_jjesse: I have no issues09:56
_StefanS_jjesse: running amarok 1.4.509:57
Lure_StefanS_: never used those...09:57
_StefanS_jjesse: I can start my virtual machine, hang on and I'll test it09:57
_StefanS_Lure: oka09:57
jjesse_StefanS_: ok, must just be my vm then, every time i open it up, it just sits there and then i get a message that it has stopped responding09:57
_StefanS_jjesse: is it vmare you're running?09:57
jjesseyeah vmware server and the vm has 512mgs of memory09:57
_StefanS_ah the free one..09:57
_StefanS_mine is a workstation 6.0 beta309:58
_StefanS_hangon, its bootin09:58
_StefanS_jjesse: do you even have audio on vmware server ?10:00
jjesse_StefanS_: hmm does it matter?10:00
_StefanS_jjesse: donno :) - my amarok is started,  what kind of errors do you get on yours?10:00
jjesse_StefanS_: i just get the spinning "wait" and it hangs there10:00
=== ypsila [n=opera@wrzb-590cef07.pool.einsundeins.de] has left #kubuntu-devel []
_StefanS_jjesse: did you update using adept?10:01
jjesseif i switch active applications then the screen sort of hangs, waiting to take focus off amarok....10:01
_StefanS_jjesse: have you installed vmware tools?10:01
jjesseyes i have10:01
_StefanS_jjesse: mine is not installed10:01
jjesse_StefanS_: i'm just trying to document stuff for the update for the official ubuntu book, so its no big deal if its just mine10:02
_StefanS_jjesse: try starting something else that use the audio subsysttem10:02
jjessewill do10:02
_StefanS_jjesse: donno if it will give you any clues10:02
_StefanS_jjesse: by the way.. try starting amarok from commandline, like konsole. It might give an idea10:03
jjessethanks for the help10:03
_StefanS_jjesse: you could try #amarok if you think its an issue with amarok itself10:04
jjesse_StefanS_: i will try some things later, moving on to next section i need to update :)  thanks for the help10:04
_StefanS_jjesse: no problem :)10:04
_StefanS_Tonio_: ping ?10:08
jjessewhat ersion of open office is in feisty?10:16
_StefanS_jjesse: 2.1-3ubuntu110:16
_StefanS_this is just funny... I didn't know kdm had a schedule shutdown feature10:17
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Tonio__StefanS_: pong ?10:36
Tonio_mhb: not yet ;)10:36
_StefanS_Tonio_: hep hey10:37
_StefanS_Tonio_: well I just found a little bug in the logout.. the accelerator keys are not workin'10:37
Tonio__StefanS_: have a fix ?10:37
_StefanS_Tonio_: so I just fixed that, and I couldn't help starting to fix kdm10:37
Tonio_yes send me the patch please :) I'll fix this10:37
_StefanS_Tonio_: so I will probably have a diff soon for both10:37
Tonio_both ?10:38
_StefanS_Tonio_: 1) bugfix for logout, 2) kdm shutdown/restart10:38
Tonio_you have done it ?10:38
_StefanS_after that I going to experiment with the kdesu thing10:38
_StefanS_need to test some fades ;)10:38
_StefanS_and "above other windows" functionality10:39
_StefanS_Tonio_: I just used the First letter of each (R)estart, (H)ibernate, (L)ogout for the accelerators10:40
_StefanS_Tonio_: I think thats ok10:40
Tonio_okay ;)10:40
_StefanS_Tonio_: did you hear anything from manchicken lately ?10:41
_StefanS_Tonio_: he might be on vacation or something10:41
Tonio__StefanS_: nope... nothing10:45
_StefanS_Tonio_: well maybe he just went outside the house and liked it :)10:45
=== _StefanS_ doesnt really want to work tomorrow...
_StefanS_Tonio_: did you know that kdm supported scheduled shutdowns (?), its just not enabled by default, and I really don't see the point either.10:47
Tonio__StefanS_: hum, didn't knew that indeed10:48
_StefanS_Tonio_: the new dialog wont have have functionality10:48
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_StefanS_Tonio_: dont really want to bother with something that was never used10:50
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_StefanS_Tonio_: isn't there a way to just compile one .deb from kdebase ?11:33
_StefanS_Tonio_: for instance if I just want to compile kdm11:33
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_StefanS_Tonio_: ping ?11:54
_StefanS_Tonio_: sent you the ksmserver patch by email11:54
Tonio__StefanS_: thanks !11:59
Tonio__StefanS_: I'll upload toonight....11:59
_StefanS_Tonio_: another one is coming soon.. kdm is working fine, and I'm just adjusting the width of the dialog right now. Will send you the diff soon12:01
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