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apecat | i booted up my debian testing home server with ubuntu feisty's latest 2.6.20-server package (as the stock kernel in debian testing might trigger a file curruption bug when using ext3 and rtorrent (which i rely upon heavily), and the 2.6.20 i tried to compile on my oen didn't boot)). Works just fine,as one might expect. What got me curious is the whole concept of server tuned kernels, and the faq (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/) ... | 04:00 |
apecat | ... didn't answer my questions. Where can i find discussion about this sort of thing? i'd like to know, for example, why the server kernel which i am now running has "CONFIG_HZ=100" rather than 250 (which is the dafault these days afaik) or 1000 (which i remember reading about being the value chosen for the UbuntuStudio kernel). I know nothing about this except the fact that netcraft will now display very long uptimes without resettign the ... | 04:00 |
apecat | ... counter ;) | 04:00 |
apecat | just out of curiosity, something like a redirecttion to some mailing list archive thread or someting would be useful :) | 04:01 |
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zyga | hi, I'm planning on running ubuntu server (edgy) from a CF card with cf->ide adapter, are there any things besides flash write limit that I should be aware of? | 11:22 |
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zyga | (asking again, maybe someone new will have some hints) hi, I'm planning on running ubuntu server (edgy) from a CF card with cf->ide adapter, are there any things besides flash write limit that I should be aware of? | 03:12 |
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ebe-1 | How do I return to the network config? I skipped it on install. I am connected via ethernet. | 03:27 |
zyga | ebe-1: are you after install? | 03:28 |
ebe-1 | Yes. | 03:28 |
zyga | I don't really know how to return to that file but in general /etc/network/interfaces has all the things you need and it trivial to modify | 03:28 |
zyga | I can help you if you like | 03:28 |
ebe-1 | ah yes, i remember now. thanks. :) | 03:29 |
ebe-1 | been a while ;) | 03:29 |
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