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cliebowok..i give up..name of executable to manage printers in ubuntu..12:25
cliebowsi if i do system-admin-printing..what is running?12:34
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juliuxhi cbx3312:46
cbx33hey juliux12:47
edubuntugirlcbx33: by the way, Burgundavia told me to tell you 'I vant to suck his blood..er..I mean I want his chapter' 1 hours, 57 minutes and 26 seconds ago (on Sun Feb 18 23:49:50 2007)12:47
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bimbericliebow: gnome-cups-manager12:49
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cbx33ping Burgundavia12:53
pygiwow, cbx3312:54
pygiogra, poke12:54
cbx33i did try to send you an email...12:54
pygito who?12:54
pygiedubuntugirl, tell ogra Would you mind getting in contact with me when you get some spare time pls?:)12:54
edubuntugirlRighto, pygi!12:54
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cbx33edubuntugirl, tell Burgundavia, I will be home from work early tomorrow which will give me time to finish up those changes on the chapter.  I did try to email you, but pocketpc died.12:57
edubuntugirlRighto, cbx33!12:57
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cbx33ping Burgundavia01:11
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ajmitchhi cbx3301:13
LaserJockhi cbx3301:13
cbx33hey ajmitch01:13
cbx33hey Laser_away01:13
cbx33nope there are are two today01:13
cbx33Hi LaserJock01:13
=== cbx33 just opened his own repo :)
LaserJockyeah, sorry01:14
LaserJockI was tired of lag on my work computer01:14
LaserJockso I fired up Xchat locally01:14
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Burgworkcbx33: pong01:14
cbx33Hey Burgwork, got two secs?01:14
cbx33really quick?01:14
cbx33pm ->01:15
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Burgworkgot it01:15
cbx33I have phimage in my local repo ;)01:18
cbx33well personal repo ;)01:18
cbx33well cool01:18
cliebow bimberi:much obliged..01:27
cliebowahhh..not installed01:28
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crazy_busMy next door neightbour needs some help with long multipication and I was wondering if there was a program to help them05:48
LaserJockcrazy_bus: how old?05:59
LaserJocktuxmath is the only thing I could think of :/06:06
crazy_bustuxmath seemed a bit fast for long multipication.  Would kalcul or kmathtool also help?06:09
crazy_busAlso I was looking at KEduca and I was wondering if there were any sample files to use with it?06:12
LaserJockcrazy_bus: I honestly don't know06:17
LaserJockI would install them and try them out06:17
LaserJockcrazy_bus: I found a  perl script that will make a .ps file with a problem and answer key06:27
LaserJocknot sure if that's helpful much06:27
crazy_busnot really.  Thanks anyway06:28
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cbx33ping ogra get my mail?09:03
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sewensinsguten tag11:45
sewensinsenglish or german?11:46
ys76sewensins: English preferred...11:47
sewensinswell kay then...i want to know if someone here could help me with questions regarding chroot with LTSP in edubuntu 1.wellidontknow11:48
sewensinsthe things is...once the user logs in everything is fine..but ..users on the terminal still see the "real" root filesystem not the fake root envirement wich was created during install by ltsp11:49
sewensinsi want to know where i can create entries like chroot or so11:50
stgraberthe ltsp chroot is only used while booting a client11:51
stgraberonce logged you see the server filesystem11:51
sewensinsi know there is a file in /opt/tsp/i386/etc/ called lstp_chroot but that thing is empty and its not documented anywhere how i need to fill that with sense11:51
stgraberthe ltsp chroot is only used locally once X started you aren't connected locally but on the server11:52
sewensinsyeah one sees that but the users just have ro on the filesystem...as far as that its fine ...but i really want to jail these horrible kids so that they dont play around to much if you know what i mean11:53
sewensinsbut anway thanks so far for ur answers mister stgraber11:54
stgraberI doubt there is any easy way to do so as the software they will use have to be in the chroot11:54
stgrabermaybe it would be easier to find how to limit nautilus11:54
sewensinshmmm yeah i seem to get the point11:54
sewensinsit must have st to do with some components wich are dreived from the basesystem while booting the client11:55
sewensinssorry for my bad english by the way11:55
sewensinscorrect me if im wrong...the way i understand what u say is...there is a whole rootfilesystem sitting in /opt/ltsp and its just used for bootig and afterwards its worth nothing... thats heavy ressourcekill11:57
stgraberthe thin clients have to boot and since they don't have a harddisk, the harddisk is stored on the server11:58
stgraberbut there isn't a lot of thing in it11:58
stgraberjust kernel + boot scripts + X11:58
stgraberthen the user log on the server11:58
stgraberand use the "real" server /11:59
sewensinsso no way of strangeling these kids into a chroot-jail11:59
stgraberCheck on the internet if there is an easy way to restrict the direcctory that can be seen using Nautilus12:00
stgraberbut as they have to access these files and run those softwares they will always have the rights to see them (but you can make that a bit harder to do :))12:01
sewensinsokay i will try12:02
sewensins4 now i wish to have a nice day night or whateva time it is12:03
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juliuxogra, the edubuntu weekend was a real sucess12:35
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edubuntugirlogra: by the way, pygi told me to tell you 'Would you mind getting in contact with me when you get some spare time pls?:)' 12 hours, 17 minutes and 46 seconds ago (on Mon Feb 19 01:55:09 2007)01:12
highvoltageogra: *drool*01:13
ograits a bit odd, you cant use standard widgets on the canvas .... so i have to design everything myself ...01:13
ograi.e. the entry field ...01:14
highvoltageogra: the other day you said that we wouldn't need pam_mount with LDM, but I haven't been able to figure out where you'd use sshfs and ldm on edubuntu yet01:14
ograwe dont need pam mount for general network auth ... but we need it for fat clients01:14
ograand i was planning to use sshfs there01:15
highvoltageogra: from the ltsp plugin you posted the other day, the fat clients use GDM?01:15
ograin combination with pam_mount01:15
ograthe plugin i posted was the kiosk plkugin ... yes, that uses gdm for a local autologin01:16
ograyou can easily make it a full desktop kiosk ... by installing *-desktop in it01:16
highvoltageso LDM would be usable for local logins (such as diskless fat) as well?01:16
ograand removing ~/.xsession of the kiosk user01:16
ograldm isnt designeds for local logins01:16
cbx33ogra: looking sweet01:18
cbx33got my reboot button in there yet :p01:18
cbx33nag nag nag01:18
ogracbx33, no buttons at all atm01:19
ograall that stuff moved to a context (right click) menu ...01:19
cbx33ahh right01:19
ograand yes, it has a reboot button, but no code behind it yet ...01:19
cbx33ahh right01:20
ograonly basic login functionallity is there ...01:20
ograi want a popup to select a different server as well ...01:20
cbx33you're doing an amazing job01:20
cbx33oooh that's a cool idea01:20
cbx33ogra: you have to design your own widgets?01:20
ograyou cant put standard widgets on a drawing area01:21
ograand i didnt want to load to many python modules ...01:21
ograso i have to design buttons and entry fioelds via cairo01:21
ograjust a bit of measuring fontsizes and positions and rectangle drawing :)01:22
cbx33what about like the cursor etc?01:22
cbx33i mean for text editing01:22
cbx33and passwords01:22
ograyou draw a vertical line ...01:22
ogra(for a cursor)01:22
cbx33can you define a "text entry" type thing01:23
ograand for passwords you count the length and create a string opf starts or dots with the same length01:23
cbx33sounds like hard work01:24
ogratextentry: draw a rectangle ... measure teh length of the string, show it if non zero, draw a vertical line (cursor) behind the last letter01:24
ograif stringlength > rectangle width, cut off the displayed string01:25
cbx33do you "draw" the letter too?01:25
ograthats it01:25
cbx33right i see01:25
ograyoui draw all pieces01:25
cbx33so you have a keypressed event handler01:25
cbx33and that adds letters?01:25
ograthat reruns the above loop01:25
cbx33i get it01:26
cbx33and i suppose there is a mouse handler too?01:26
ograif the rectangles would be paint, a small tower of stacked labels would grow in the middle of your screen01:26
cbx33so you could create your own cairo widgets01:26
cbx33thanks ogra01:26
ograwell, i use the handlers on the window ...01:26
cbx33i see01:26
ograthast easier ...01:26
highvoltagesounds like a complete LDM UI overhaul01:29
cbx33it is01:29
cbx33is this for feisty01:29
jsgotangcowhat is this????? LDM in cairo01:32
highvoltagecairo in LDM, more like it :)01:32
jsgotangcoekk who did this drop shadow01:32
highvoltageI'm sure that will change before release01:34
highvoltageit's not so much a drop shadow01:34
highvoltagemore of an evil glow01:34
jsgotangcoit looks to bright it washes away the effect01:35
cbx33does cairo do the gradient?01:39
cbx33does this have an impact on the low end specification?01:40
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cbx33ping ogra two seconds of your time when you have a sec03:27
cbx33bout the book chapter03:27
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cbx33how much manual configuration is required when trying to install Edubuntu and LTSP on an already present Ubuntu system03:44
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juliuxcbx33, you have to run ltsp-build-client and to change the dhcpd3.conf to your settings03:53
cbx33what about fuse?03:53
cbx33for local devices?03:53
juliuxgood point i should test this tomorrow03:53
cbx33heh....probably be too late by then ;)03:58
cbx33for me anyway03:58
cbx33juliux, on the desktop cd03:59
cbx33when you boot up at the beginning, do you get the option to install as a workstation?03:59
cbx33or is it just start and install?04:00
pituxhola reinaldo04:03
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juliuxcbx33, oh good point i have no idea04:08
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pscheieis there a way during bootup to turn off the splash screen so I can see what the system is doing?06:27
sbalneavpscheie: yeah, remove the "splash" and "quiet" option from /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default06:29
pscheieso, there's no way to do it on the fly, during bootup?06:29
pscheieor if I turn off quiet, will removing the splash be an option?06:30
pscheiemost of the time the splash is okay, just sometimes I'd like to be able to see what's happening06:30
pscheiefor troubleshooting, etc.06:31
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cbx33hey willvdl06:54
willvdlhey cbx3306:54
cbx33howz it going willvdl06:57
willvdlit's all good. all busy06:58
willvdlmy potatoes are boiling though...06:58
cbx33mine too06:58
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=== Petaris [n=Petaris@] has joined #edubuntu
PetarisHi all07:06
Petariscan anyone tell me how I can unmount a share that pam created/mounted?07:07
Petarissmbumount doesn't seem to work07:07
PetarisI can do a umount thought07:07
Petaristhing is I need to umount every user share (mounted by pam during login) and not touch the other mounts07:08
Petaristhat way I can delete user home directories with a script set in a cron job07:08
Petarispam is supposed to unmount them when the user logs out but  it doesn't07:09
juliuxcbx33, are you using ltsp in your school?07:11
Petarisjuliux: I use LTSP in my schools07:11
juliuxPetaris, cool07:11
juliuxwe tested a lot of hardware settings at the weekend07:12
juliuxand now i want to compare the hardware for servers;)07:12
juliuxto see if your test resualts are normal results07:12
PetarisI use dual opteron boxes with 4 GB of RAM07:12
Petarisdual Gbit nics07:12
Petarisand RAID 1 SATA07:12
Petarisright now each server handles 25 clients but I think they could handle about 50 just fine07:13
juliuxwe played around with a pentium D system and coreduo computers07:14
juliuxbut the coreduos are realy slow07:14
juliuxon the pentium D we had with 15clients a load from 5!07:14
Petariswhat are your client boxes?07:14
juliuxthat was only a test network;)07:14
juliuxwe had p4 clients and notebooks and normal thinclients07:14
PetarisI ordered custom clients (nothing speacial) with no moving parts for my labs07:15
juliuxwe get 20 p4 systems for free for the weekend07:17
PetarisI need to write a script07:18
juliuxhave fun07:20
Petarisif AD and PAM would play nicer together I wouldn't have to07:20
PetarisI wish I knew shell scripting better07:22
PetarisI know what I need to do07:25
Petarisbut I am not sure how to tell the script how to do it for each user in /home/ except for some that must be excluded07:26
PetarisI know the excludes should be in a an array or list of some sort to bechecked against07:26
Petarisexcludes=( ) might do that07:26
juliuxyou can add all user to an extra group than you can do it for all users in this group07:26
juliuxbut i think that is a diry solution07:27
Petarisright, but they are AD users07:27
Petarisnot local07:27
cbx33juliux, no we're not using LTSP yet....at least not to any large extent07:34
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cbx33the Desktop CD is really just a standalone install right?08:20
Petariscbx33: it seems to be the LTSP server right off the bat08:21
PetarisI installed it the other day08:21
Petaris6.10 that is08:21
cbx33the Desktop CD doesn;t insstall the LTSP server08:21
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cbx33doesn't setup a client root anyway08:22
Petarisit did for mine08:22
Petarisand all I wanted was a standalone08:22
cbx33I was certain it didn't setup the chroot08:22
cbx33ogra, can you confirm?08:22
Petarisunless I grabbed the wrong iso08:22
cbx33anyone else know?08:22
PetarisI grabbed edubuntu-6.10-insall-i386.iso08:23
Petariser, install08:23
cbx33yeh, that's not the desktop one08:24
Petarisok then ignore me08:27
cbx33never Petaris08:28
cbx33howa rey ou anyway?08:28
Petarisnot bad08:29
Petaristrying to write a script to solve a problem08:29
Petarisbut I since I am not very knowlagable about programming I am having difficulties trying to get it to do what I want08:30
PetarisHow have you been?08:30
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cbx33yeh good08:32
cbx33what's the script do?08:32
Petariswell its supposed to crawl through /home and unmount the Staff and Students shares in each AD user's local home dir then rm -rf the dir and move to the next one, but it needs to look at a list to see which dirs to skip doing that too08:33
PetarisI have the names of the dirs to skip in a array named "excludes" but I don't know how to tell it to exclude them08:34
Petariscbx33: http://phpfi.com/20527808:34
Petaristhere is what I have so far08:35
Petarisand yes, I know $user doesn't exist in that script08:35
PetarisI am piecing it together out of other scripts I have done in the past08:35
cbx33so is the excludes show hostnames?08:35
Petarisno, the excludes are the dir names under /home that I want to keep08:36
cbx33ahhh i see08:36
Petaristhat I don't want this script to play with08:36
cbx33i see08:36
cbx33so basically if $useris equal to one of those08:36
cbx33don't do it?08:36
Petarisbut to every other folder in that dir do it08:37
Petarisand don't complain if those shares aren't there or if they aren't mounted08:37
cbx33once traversing each dir in /home/08:38
cbx33then traverse each element in excludes08:38
PetarisI want to dump the local home/profile but not the files in their network home08:38
cbx33and compare it to what you already have08:38
cbx33if the two match, ignore08:38
Petaristhen make an array out of that08:38
cbx33so basically....08:38
Petarisand run the functions on that arrya?08:39
=== cbx33 gets ready to write a pseudo srcipt
cbx33hang on08:39
cbx332 secs08:39
Petarisso the flags are marking the dirs that are not in excludes08:43
Petarisok, let me incorporate this and post again08:43
cbx33the flag just says.....no i havn't found a match yet08:43
cbx33as soon as it does.....it makes a note08:44
cbx33so when you check after checking the home dir against all the excludes you have a record of if it was found or not08:44
cbx33ping ogra08:45
cbx33or anyone else who knows who to setup and install an LTSP environment inside Ubuntu08:45
stgrabercan't you simply install ltsp-server or ltsp-server-standalone08:46
stgraberand then do : ltsp-build-chroot ?08:46
cbx33i don;t know can you08:46
cbx33sbalneav, can you confirm this?08:46
stgraberit "should" be possible to do that way, personally I never tried (I just remember the ltsp-build-chroot from Dapper)08:47
sbalneavThat's what you do.08:47
Petariscbx33: http://phpfi.com/20529508:47
cbx33sbalneav, presumably there is a fair amount of manual configuration08:47
sbalneavIn addition to ltsp-update-kernels, and ltsp-update-sshkeys.08:47
cbx33could you spend me a few secs in a pm?08:47
sbalneavno, actually, it's pretty easy.08:48
sbalneavogra, Mr Wizard Man, makes it all automagical.08:48
stgrabercbx33: lts.conf and dhcpd.conf should be the only files you have to edit08:48
cbx33what's the diff between ltsp-server standalone and ltsp-server ?08:48
cbx33ogra, is a Wizard08:48
stgraberAs I understand -standalone include dhcpd and some more stuff (from the package description)08:49
stgraberso ltsp-server should be for an existing network with DHCP already set08:49
cbx33ahh i see08:49
stgraberltsp-server-standalone depends on ltsp-server + dhcpd08:50
stgraberso it's just += DHCP08:50
cbx33ahh isee08:50
cbx33thanks stgraber08:50
stgrabernp :)08:51
cbx33Petaris, looks like it's getting there08:51
cbx33do you have a test directory you can try it out on?08:51
Petarisno, but I will create one08:52
Petarisin /opt08:52
Petariser, /opt/home08:52
cbx33good good08:52
cbx33always a good idea to test it first ;)08:52
Petarisso I don't fsck things08:52
=== cbx33 always does the same
Petarishrm, how can I reference where $user is?08:52
Petarisdo a $dir?08:53
cbx33what do you mean?08:53
Petaristo reference the directory name (current)08:53
cbx33so you want to find what that dir is?08:54
=== cbx33 is slow this evening
Petariswell I need to so that I can unmount the shares and delete it08:55
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cbx33give me an example08:55
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Petarisso  I crawl though and see a dir named "testu"08:55
Petarisand I need to umount /home/testu/Staff08:55
Petarisand umount /home/testu/Students08:56
cbx33testu is the name of the current user?08:56
Petaristhen rm -rf /home/testu08:56
cbx33or the current machine?08:56
Petarisof the current dir in /home that it is working on08:56
cbx33run that command will give you /home/dir08:56
Petarisbut that would only work if you were in that dir08:57
cbx33i think I'm still not getting it08:57
Petarisso how does it know which directory it is working on right now?08:58
Petariswe go through all of the directories and compare them to my excludes list08:58
Petarisand then do something to them08:58
cbx33right i get it08:58
cbx33well seeing as you know the current dir08:58
Petarisbut we can't do something to them if we don't know which dir it is08:58
cbx33which is dir08:58
cbx33you can use that08:59
cbx33can't you?08:59
Petariswe need to step through the list of all dirs flagged 008:59
cbx33no no...08:59
cbx33the way it works is it does them as it goes along08:59
cbx33once it has finished comparing the current dir to the exclude list....09:00
cbx33it will inspect the flag09:00
cbx33if it's set it'll delete etc09:00
cbx33sbalneav, so....09:00
cbx33would it be.....09:00
cbx33install ltsp-server-standalone09:00
cbx33rund the build client09:00
cbx33run the update kernels09:00
cbx33and the ssh keys09:00
cbx33and you're done?09:00
cbx33oh and edit the dhcp09:01
cbx33and the lts09:01
sbalneavYeah, unless they're doing something "funky", the default lts.conf should do 'em.09:01
cbx33thanks sbalneav09:01
cbx33oh ok awesome09:01
cbx33and if they already have a dhcp server09:01
cbx33just do ltsp-server right?09:01
stgraberyes and configure the dhcpd.conf of the dhcp server manually to point on the LTSP server (next-server and filename)09:03
cbx33does the ltsp-server pull in ssh server too?09:03
stgraberyes, it depends on openssh-server09:04
stgraberhmm, well more recommends than depends09:04
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cbx33hey ajmitch09:13
cbx33sbalneav, got a sec?09:16
cbx33does the desktop CD install ltsp server at all?09:16
cbx33Whaaaaasuuuup homie09:17
sbalneavThat I DON'T know.09:17
cbx33have to check that with ogra09:17
cbx33anyone know how the 2nd CD will work?09:20
cbx33sbalneav, swap server09:21
cbx33how does it work?09:21
sbalneavThe swapping server gets installed as part of ltsp-server-standalone.09:21
sbalneavit's basically just a shell script wrapper to nbs-server.09:22
sbalneavit gets fired off from inetd.conf.09:22
ajmitchuses nbd?09:22
cbx33so it all gets setup automatically09:22
sbalneavYes indeed.09:23
stgraberAs I understood about the 2nd cdrom it will mainly contain some extras softwares and language pack and will be added to the sources.list09:23
cbx33ahhh right09:23
cbx33so if you go apt-get intsall09:24
stgraberthen once the system installed you will be called to insert cdrom1 or cdrom2 depending of the one the software is on09:24
cbx33it'll ask you to put in the second CD09:24
cbx33right ok09:24
stgraberlike with the 7CD Debian :)09:24
stgraberhi highvoltage09:49
highvoltagehi stgraber!09:50
=== mpytasz [n=dduck@staticline824.toya.net.pl] has joined #edubuntu
Petariscbx33: with your help and a few others on different channels I got the script working09:56
Petaristhanks for your help09:56
cbx33anytime Petaris09:58
highvoltageedubuntugirl: goodnight!10:00
edubuntugirlGoodnight, highvoltage, have fun counting your electric sheep!10:00
cbx33nn highvoltage10:00
highvoltagenn cbx3310:00
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Petarislater all10:26
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cbx33ping Burgwork 2 sec question11:12
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BillMeLaterWant to compile list of actual edubuntu usage in school districts...11:33
BillMeLater..any input from here?11:33
LaserJockBillMeLater: can you explain what you want a bit more?11:38
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MagicFabHi - where can I find out information about using local USB storage in Edubuntu Edgy clients ?12:16

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