
UbugtuNew bug: #86145 in launchpad "Sprints page should not have context title or tabs" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8614512:25
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cprovdoes anyone know why librarian is failing ?01:33
LaserJockoh cprov, you got a sec for a issue with the Maintainer: field creating teams?01:41
cprovLaserJock: yes01:42
spivcprov: in production, or in development?01:42
cprovspiv: production01:42
spivcprov: !01:43
spivcprov: where can I see the error?01:43
LaserJockcprov: we are implementing a spec in Ubuntu (you might know something about it) where packages changed by Ubuntu are going to have the existing Debian Maintainer: replaced with an Ubuntu one01:43
cprovLaserJock: AFAIK, Maintainer field creates new person, already.01:43
LaserJockcprov: thats the problem01:43
cprovspiv: lp-error ML ?01:43
spivcprov: ta01:44
LaserJockwe already have mailing lists and teams for the values in the Maintainer field01:44
cprovLaserJock: I see, can't you transform a person in a team ? 01:44
LaserJockbut they aren't linked because we don't need every LP email for that team going to our mailing list01:45
cprovLaserJock: how could we find out an email is supposed to be a team, not a person ?01:45
cprovLaserJock: just speculating ...01:45
LaserJockwell, it doesn't really matter in this case so much if it's a team or person01:45
LaserJockthe issue is that I'm not sure if we want to associate the ML with the LP team01:46
LaserJockso LP created a team for us01:46
LaserJockor rather person ( I think)01:46
LaserJockbut it's bogus01:46
ajmitchpretty sure it's a person01:47
spivcprov: I don't have access to the relevant logfile, I've pinged the admkins.01:47
spivadmins, rather.01:47
LaserJockcprov:  so, for example, https://beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gem/ has Maintainer point to ~ubuntu-motu01:47
LaserJockcprov: when it really should point to ~ubuntu-dev01:47
cprovspiv: thanks, it seems to fail in both WR & RD01:47
cprovLaserJock: isn't -ubuntu-motu IN -ubuntu-dev ?01:48
LaserJock~ubuntu-motu was created on an upload01:50
LaserJockbecause the address is ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com I presume01:50
cprovLaserJock: yes, that was it01:50
cprovLaserJock: what should we do in this case ? (I'm slow here, hot Sunday night)01:51
LaserJockcprov: well, I'm not exactly sure01:51
LaserJockit'd be nice if LP associated ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com with ~ubuntu-dev01:52
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LaserJockwithout having it be the contact address01:52
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cprovLaserJock: hard to find out how ...01:53
LaserJockwell, I figured it would be a corner, Ubuntu-specific, case01:54
LaserJockbtw, ~ubuntu-devel-discuss has the same issue for ~ubuntu-core-dev01:54
spivcprov: no sysadmins around, and lifeless doesn't have access01:54
spivcprov: is this breaking package uploads?01:54
cprovLaserJock: maybe we could configure some types of messages that should be bounced to some other team (if it doesn't sound too insane as I think now)01:55
cprovspiv: yes, some uploads and some publishing runs01:55
LaserJockcprov: the only solution I saw was to set the ML address as the contact address, which is less than ideal01:56
spivcprov: ok, I'd ring the admins.  That sounds like an urgent problem to me.01:56
cprovcprov: 1 AM london, no ?01:56
spivcprov: Yeah, but it's urgent.  Perhaps try stub instead if you like.01:57
cprovLaserJock: yes, it should work for some messages (upload announcement, for instance) but maybe not for others. dunno.01:57
cprovspiv: yes, sounds like a better idea.01:58
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UbugtuNew bug: #86166 in launchpad-bazaar "reverse dns for importer should indicate what it is" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8616602:06
cprovspiv: Stuart will be online in a bit, thanks for helping.02:18
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spivstub: hi02:19
spivstub: I guess we should make the librarian use the OOPS infrastructure so you don't get woken up ;)02:19
=== stub looks or celso's mail
spivstub: any idea why it's broken?  finally run out of diskspace?02:20
stubBox is idle and only 20% disk in use02:23
stubOver 1800 log files though...02:24
cprovstub: Hi and sorry again :( . So buildd cronscripts failures don't tell us much apart of the "500 Internal server error". What does librarian log say ?02:24
cprovstub: librarian logs might be pretty noisy, I guess.02:25
stubAnything you can think of I should check before bouncing it?02:27
cprovstub: weird ... maybe spiv has a clue.02:27
stubspiv: I would suspect the 'update last_accessed' date code, as it was most recently added. Perhaps a DB exception happened and cleanup not done properly?02:28
stubI've bouned the librarian. I expect everything will run smoothly again, for a while at least.02:29
stubI need a new 'c' key02:29
cprovstub: I'm running the publisher again manually. Things looks sane now.02:34
cprovstub: critical path is gone, librarian performed well this time.02:35
cprovstub: Thanks for now.02:35
=== spiv looking now
spivstub: weird.02:39
lifelessstub: is librarian configured for dba access, or 'stub' ?02:39
spivstub: bouncing is the best I can think of for that.02:39
spivstub: I guess somehow the "zopeless" transaction machinery got stuck in an inconsistent state, but it's weird that we've never seen it before.02:40
stublifeless: No idea - I can't see the sudoers file02:41
stubShould be dba02:41
lifelessstub: I tried to login to look for cprov, but couldn't02:42
stubFile an rt request then - you should have access02:42
stub(I thought spiv had access too?)02:42
spivstub: apparently not02:42
spivI'm sure I did back in the mists of time.02:42
stubLucky I do then :)02:42
lifelessshould he? I can put it in the same rt request02:43
spivProbably before the librarian moved hosts.02:43
stub2 people + sysadmins should be enough02:44
=== cprov brb
spivI'm happy to not touch production systems ;)02:44
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stubspiv: Are you able to look at the critical bit of Bug 86171? It should be a trivial tweak if twisted doesn't get in the way.02:50
UbugtuBug 86171 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/86171 is private02:50
cprovstub: Ah, almost forgot about it ... Could you provide a new production DB snapshot for mawson (dogfood) ?02:53
stubcprov: I'll try and kick it off later. Holiday today :)02:53
stubRight now I'm finishing some emails then back to bed (like you should be!)02:54
cprovstub: uhm, double sorry then :(. It'd be nice tomorrow, but not later, otherwise we will be blocked at sprint.02:54
stubShould be ready when you wake up02:54
cprovstub: very good, you're a star !02:55
spivstub: looking now02:59
stubThe trigger must have been the librarian garbage collector, so I'll switch that off for the time being03:00
spivstub: ah.  Yes, I think I can do that.03:00
stubMight need a quick think through the logic to see what isolation level is actually needed - probably READ COMMITTED. Autocommit might work too and fix robustness issues at the same time.03:01
stubok - I'm off03:04
=== cprov goes too
=== cprov is now known as cprov-ZzZ
spivstub: thanks03:10
stublifeless: You asked for macaroni access, not mizuho03:18
spivstub: oh, that'd be my fault03:20
spivstub: I looked at the "production" config, I should have looked at "production1".03:20
spivAh, and I do have access to that.03:21
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pochuanybody around?03:25
pochuI have a question: is it possible to change the owner of a team?03:25
pochuI mean, the owner can step down and set up another owner?03:26
pochuand if it's possible, how can it be done?03:26
spivpochu: I think so03:26
=== spiv looks
pochuty :)03:27
lifelessyup, visit +edit IIRC03:27
pochulifeless: thanks :)03:28
spivpochu: I think the owner will have a "Change Owner" link they can use.03:28
spivHmm, or maybe it is just in +edit.03:28
spivpochu: I'm sure it's somewhere, anyway :)03:28
pochuI didn't know if that would be possible. I thought yes, but wasn't sure :)03:29
pochuso thanks!03:29
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UbugtuNew bug: #86185 in launchpad "Librarian "500 Internal server error"s (when uploading) should generate an OOPS, and include the OOPS code in the error to the client." [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8618503:55
cprov-ZzZspiv: just for the record, librarian continues to fail, same reason.04:22
=== cprov-ZzZ really goes to bed ..
spivcprov-ZzZ: !04:24
spivcprov-ZzZ: thanks for letting me know04:24
spivcprov-ZzZ: I'll take a look.  Have a good sleep04:24
spivcprov-ZzZ: I've bounced it again :(04:30
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jmlwhat's the most helpful status to use when re-opening a bug? Unconfirmed?05:43
mptjml, whichever was the previous status, I think05:52
mpt(unless that was Fix Somethinged)05:53
jmlmpt: thanks.05:54
UbugtuNew bug: #52780 in launchpad-bazaar "We need to return a user-friendly message when someone tries to register a branch with a invalid URL." [High,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5278005:55
jmlmpt: umm... pay no attention to the bug status behind the curtin :)05:57
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UbugtuNew bug: #86210 in launchpad-bazaar "branch name sort should be version-aware" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8621008:05
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dokowe had a package launchpad-build-dependencies in the past, is this package still available? or could somebody tell me the current lp build and runtime dependencies?09:23
spivdoko: https://launchpad.canonical.com/RocketFuelSetup09:28
spivdoko: that page mentions the apt repo with the launchpad-developer-dependencies package.09:28
dokospiv: is the python-sqlite still needed, or can it be updated to python-sqlite2?09:40
spivI can't remember what that's used for.09:41
=== spiv hmms
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spivdoko: with a quick grep, I can't see any reason for sqlite, but there might be something I'm forgetting.  Ask the launchpad@ list?09:45
dokook, will do09:45
lifelessask ddaa 09:46
spivlifeless: thanks09:46
dokoddaa: ^^^09:47
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ddaadoko: yes10:00
ddaabut lifeless wrote the code, so HE knows better10:00
ddaacscvs uses python-sqlite10:00
UbugtuNew bug: #86222 in launchpad-bazaar "codebrowse needs a robots.txt" [Critical,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8622210:25
UbugtuNew bug: #49173 in launchpad-bazaar "supermirror branch puller bails out on failed sftp connection" [High,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4917310:35
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lifelessspiv: can I ask a favour? I'm rushing to get this patch landed before john gets up10:48
lifelessspiv: can you run the reviewers meeting? My points are: I've not gotten to the promised meeting split, and I cross my heart will for next week, now that dirstate is over the hump.10:48
spivlifeless: ok10:59
spivReview meeting in, uh, 0 minutes!11:00
spivBjornT, SteveA: ping11:00
spivlifeless has sent his apologies, as you can see above :)11:01
spiv== Agenda ==11:02
spiv * Roll call11:02
spiv * Next meeting11:02
spiv * Queue status.11:02
spiv * Roll call11:02
spivSo far just me and Bjorn!11:02
spivSteveA is apparently in the channel, lifeless apologises, and the others are absent.11:03
spiv * Next meeting11:03
spivFrom lifeless: "== Agenda ==11:03
spiv * Roll call11:03
spiv * Next meeting11:03
spivFrom lifeless: "I've not gotten to the promised meeting split, and I cross my heart will for next week"11:04
SteveAhi spiv 11:04
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spivSteveA: hi11:04
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spivACTION ITEM: lifeless to split meeting, and announce times via email11:04
spiv * Queue status11:05
spivThe queue is the shortest I've seen for weeks.11:05
spivSteveA has a 20 day old branch in his queue.11:05
spivsalgado has a 9 day old one, but it has conflicts.11:06
spivBjornT has a 6 day old one, but it also has conflicts.11:06
spivAnd everything else is within the desired time limit11:06
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BjornTi'm reviewing that branch atm. the conflicts are trivial.11:06
spivSo either the developers are slowing down, or we're speeding up ;)11:07
spivWell done to the reviewers.11:07
spivSteveA: what's going on with tim/launchpad/redirection-navigation?11:07
SteveAspiv: I reviewed most of it and talked with tim about it11:08
SteveAI just need to finish it off11:09
spivOk, so that one isn't quite as dire as the pending-reviews page status suggests, although it still needs attention.11:09
spivI'll keep encouraging Tim to nag you ;)11:10
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spiv * Other business?11:10
spivThere are no proposed items.11:10
BjornTno other business from me11:11
spivNone from me either.11:11
spivAnd Steve typically says by now if he wants to add something to the agenda :)11:12
spiv(what's roman for 0?)11:12
spivThanks everyone.11:12
BjornTthanks spiv 11:13
=== spiv -> dinner
sabdflspiv: Rome never invented the zero, i think that was an Arabian concept that kicked in a couple centuries later11:30
sabdflrather useful, too11:30
cprov-ZzZspiv: thanks, the last librarian restart has fixed the problems.11:31
spivcprov-ZzZ: that was stub's doing, in fact, so thank him :011:34
spiver, :)11:34
spivsabdfl: very useful11:34
spivcprov-ZzZ: there are about three seperate bugs contributing to this problem, I think.11:35
spivcprov-ZzZ: I have a patch that should fix the one where it gets stuck in a broken state11:36
spivWhich is the most serious.11:36
spivAh, dinner is ready...11:36
cprov-ZzZspiv: what is it ? zopeless tm ?11:36
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cprovgood morning !12:20
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UbugtuNew bug: #86253 in launchpad "Registration in LP should not automatically create an Ubuntu WikiName" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8625312:50
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UbugtuNew bug: #86255 in malone "feisty-desktop-i386/amd64 (herd 4) livecd boot fails" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8625501:05
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YannigHello everybody :)03:11
YannigLast time, I explained that OpenOffice was not in Occitan on my system (contrary to the other programs) and someone explained me that I had to recompile it but I cannot remember how :(03:12
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UbugtuNew bug: #86299 in launchpad "pagetests.gpg-coc prompts for passphrase when run under gpg-agent" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8629904:45
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TheDemonInsideHello, shame on me, I have forgotten my launchpad email address.06:47
jameshTheDemonInside: do you know your launchpad user name?06:49
TheDemonInsidejamesh: I need some sleep...06:51
jameshlaunchpad user names are lower case alphanumeric names, so it wouldn't be TheDemonInside06:52
TheDemonInsideYes, I see that I never finished registration process.06:52
TheDemonInsideI'm really sorry.06:53
jameshno problem06:53
jameshif you finish the registration process, your account should be created06:53
TheDemonInsideYes, I have looked in my spamfilter once again and THERE is the mail for finishing it.06:54
TheDemonInsideI thought I did it and wondered why I can't login. ;)06:54
TheDemonInsideThanks for your patience.06:55
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ddaabug numbers are starting to be awkwardly long...08:11
ddaaanybody knows of an algorithm to translate numbers into pronounceable, but random-looking sequences of letters?08:12
ddaaI guess something involving trigraphs probabilities, but deterministic...08:13
=== markvandenborre [n=mark@d54C44CCF.access.telenet.be] has joined #launchpad
markvandenborrewe have a .pot in Rosetta (uploaded ourselves through the web interface)08:21
markvandenborreif I understood danilos correctly last week,08:21
markvandenborreit should be possible to update that one by just uploading another .pot to replace it08:21
markvandenborreand that process should happen manually08:22
jameshyou mean automatically, right?08:22
markvandenborreerr, yes08:22
markvandenborrewe manually upload it using https://translations.launchpad.net/support.points.map/trunk/+pots/support.points.map/+upload08:23
jameshmarkvandenborre: danilo is currently on holiday, and carlos won't be around til tomorrow morning (he has a bit of jetlag08:23
markvandenborreand it gets accepted automagically08:23
jameshmarkvandenborre: so if this is a difficult problem, you may have to wait a day for an answer08:23
markvandenborreheh, I just guessed it was something really stupid we overlooked ourselves08:24
markvandenborrebut if I understand correctly, there's noone around who can make any suggestions on that right now?08:25
jameshso has the import not been processed?08:25
jamesh(you haven't actually stated the problem yet)08:25
markvandenborre-> it is marked as "needs review" there08:26
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markvandenborrewhich is somewhat surprising comparing to what danilo said 08:27
jameshmarkvandenborre: the filename "messages.po" looks weird08:29
jameshI'd expect something like "support.points.map.pot"08:29
markvandenborreactually, it was renamed to end in .pot08:30
markvandenborre(but not "support.points.map.pot")08:30
markvandenborreshould I try to name it like that and upload again?08:30
jameshmarkvandenborre: since it is in the import queue, I wouldn't08:30
jameshmarkvandenborre: if it is not urgent, I'd try and get hold of carlos tomorrow08:31
jameshhe works on European time08:31
markvandenborreok, thx for the help!08:32
UbugtuNew bug: #86352 in malone "SchoolTool imported bugs have invalid subscribers" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8635208:50
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mptGoooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!09:01
sabdflwell that was brief but exciting09:03
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phanaticis it possible to ask for a manual ubuntu mirror verification?09:08
sabdflnot sure, salgado wrote that code but it's carnival in Brazil so he'll likely be away this week09:11
sabdflping him if you see him online09:11
sabdfli think it's a good idea, though, to be able to request it for a specific mirror and get emailed the resulting analysis09:11
sabdflor just to be able to subscribe to a mirror and get emailed it every time we do it09:11
phanaticsabdfl: thanks, i'll ping him when i see him09:12
phanaticshall i file a support ticket or a feature request regarding this?09:12
lifelessthe mirror stuff is largely admin centric at the moment, so I think making a feature request would be a good idea09:27
lifelessbecause we clearly dont want to dos a mirror just because some random people decide they want to ask for 100's of verifications09:28
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UbugtuNew bug: #86361 in malone "Search for duplicate and similar bugs on +filebug sometimes timeout" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8636109:36
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