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tempubunhi are there any ubuntu-ppc wizards/clever types here? my iBook is driving me insane with startx issues01:02
tempubunhave checked xorg.conf carefully, re-ran dkpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, checked for known ATI Rage issues, X still fails with signal 11, fatal server errors.01:16
tempubunthe main error is "invalid io allocation", any suggestions?01:18
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tempubunfixed, in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, set => Option "UseFBDev" "true" to "false", booted right up after that, happy me01:42
pochutempubun: nice :)01:43
tempubuni found the answer in the ubuntu-ppc forum hidden away as a reply to a similar fault on a different machine01:43
tempubunif that makes any sense ... pity that ubuntu will doscontinue support for ubuntu-ppc in 200801:44
pochutempubun: with dapper, yeah01:49
pochubut not with feisty01:49
tempubunso, feisty fawn will still have PPC support?01:50
pochutempubun: ups, I think I've misunderstood you01:50
tempubuncos the way it reads in the community, there will be *no* future support of PPC by ubuntu, at all01:50
pochutempubun: no, feisty won't support _officially_ PPC01:51
pochubut it will be supported by the community01:51
tempubunk, right, hmm that is a shame, cos ubuntu is the ducks guts as far as i am concerned and PPC is a good platform01:51
tempubuni was exclusively pclinux but not anymore01:51
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tempubunanyone know a good and safe method of cleaning an apple iBook keyboard?02:36
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defendguini went through 2 weeks ago and submitted a few bugs and i haven't had any responses yet02:53
tempubunk, contact someone in the bug team02:58
defendguini could do that03:02
defendguinsome aren't even getting triaged03:24
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tempubundoes anyone know if the G3 iBook takes special laptop ram sticks?04:23
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orangedgood day06:25
orangedjust wondering if anyone knows the status of some drivers for the 'other' toshiba laptops ;)06:27
orangedthe ones with the phoenix bios06:27
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mixandgohello, does suspend to ram work in edgy ? I get a black screen and freeze on resume11:20
crimsunWorks For Me11:21
mixandgocrimsun, did you do anything special ?11:21
crimsunyes, I need POST_VIDEO=false in /etc/default/acpi-support11:22
crimsunthis is an i915GM11:22
crimsun[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/ThinkpadX41-2527 ] 11:23
mixandgoI've got nvidia11:23
mixandgocrimsun, do I need to restart something after I make a change in acpi-suport ?11:27
crimsunI've always just rebooted11:32
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mixandgohmmm... I managed to resume just now11:41
mixandgoby putting that VBE thingy to flase11:41
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