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hardawaywhat is the status of Dell and HP preloading Ubuntu12:55
Burgworkhardaway: good luck12:56
hardawayNow that Michael has stepped back in as CEO maybe he will be open to an opportunity--if Mark S. will meet with him12:57
hardawayUbuntu needs to partner with IBM to offer support at universities to help students load Ubuntu on their laptops and get rid of windows12:59
ChaosEddieubuntu needs to bomb the windows HQ too. my opinion of course01:01
hardawayI think it is very doable01:01
ChaosEddiewe'll I am working on a plan to distirbute ubuntu at my college01:02
hardawayIt is in IBM's interest01:02
hardawayI have many students that once they learn of open source and Ubuntu want it01:02
hardawayMark S. needs to talk with Scott Handy at IBM01:03
hardawayThe time is now--Vista is a disaster01:03
hardawayWho is the strategic planner for Ubuntu01:04
hardawayI guess there are no marketing people from Ubuntu on this channel01:06
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Admiral_Chicagohopefully some more people can get to UWN 3005:42
Admiral_Chicagoi've done some more additions but I'm way busy with school work05:43
ScottKWhen are you trying to release it?05:45
ScottKAdmiral_Chicago: I may have some more time in 12 - 18 hours.05:46
Admiral_Chicagothe release is really up to Corey05:52
Admiral_ChicagoI won't have time until tomorrow night (24 UTC, probably later than that(05:53
ScottKOK.  If I get a chance I'll pop back in tomorrow and see if I can help out.05:54
Admiral_Chicagomessage me if you can05:54
ScottKWIll do.05:54
Admiral_Chicagothanks. afk now05:55
dotwaffleAdmiral_Chicago: URL for UWN 30?05:56
Admiral_Chicagodotwaffle: it's on gobby05:57
dotwaffleAh, right. Never mind. I can't edit Corey's Gobby stuff for some reason05:57
dotwaffleI think Feisty's Gobby has barfed.05:57
Admiral_Chicagoit's been working for me since Herd 105:57
dotwaffleAdmiral_Chicago: Really? 05:58
=== dotwaffle goes to check
dotwaffleCan you message me the ip please?05:58
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coNPHello, I don't know if it is the proper way / if this has been reported yet, but http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/herd4 has broken links in the "tests" section, I guess the four testing links 'www.ubuntu.com' should be replaced with 'wiki.ubuntu.com'.11:40
tsmitheargh this always happens11:40
coNPhey tsmithe :)11:41
tsmithefile a bug on the ubuntu-website product11:42
tsmitheunless it's not already been filed11:42
coNPare you sure you want me to do that?11:42
tsmithe*unless it has already been filed even11:42
tsmithecoNP, yup11:42
tsmithewhy not?11:42
coNPtsmithe: okay I thought you can fix some links :)11:44
tsmithei can't11:44
coNPtsmithe: do you think https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+bug/76244 is enough or should I file this in a separate bug11:47
coNPif it is going to get fixed, this resolves my issue as well, however, based on the comments, I am not sure this happens in the near future (if ever) :)11:48
tsmithefile a new one, and link to that, saying it would be nice if that got fixed11:48
coNPokay, thanks, tsmithe 11:48
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MenZaSundaay, bloody Sunday!02:24
tsmitheit's monday...02:33
coNPtsmithe: I guess somewhere it has been still Sunday when MenZa wrote this02:36
tsmitheare there any places utc-13?02:36
tsmithethat doesn't really make much sense02:36
coNPtsmithe: no, it is not possible :)02:36
coNPtsmithe: so you were right02:37
tsmithehehe yup ;)02:37
coNPWe might need this however, for marketing issues: we also support utc-13 (if we really do) :)02:38
=== tsmithe is confused
xopherDoes ubuntu have it's marketing strategy available for the public somewhere? eg. mission, vision and that crap02:40
tsmitheubuntu? who's that?02:42
tsmitheit's basically get out there and "sell"02:42
tsmitheyou could take a look at wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam and diy.devubuntu.com02:43
tsmithein particular, http://diy.devubuntu.com/spread.php02:44
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nixternaljuliux: you around?07:27
juliuxnixternal, yes07:28
juliuxnixternal, sorry i forgot to send you your shirts07:28
nixternalheh, I was just going to ask you who you ship them through so I know to keep a lookout for them07:28
nixternalUPS and the Mailman know where to stash my stuff, other shipping companies don't07:28
juliuxi will send you them this wek07:28
juliuxi will send them via dhl07:29
nixternalOK, I think they tend to come early07:29
juliuxi will send you shirts the next days07:30
nixternalthat's cool juliux, I trust ya :)  They get here when they get here, as long as they get here :)07:30
juliuxi have so sort all the stuff i have here07:30
juliuxto not so07:30
nixternalI received another international shipment today, so I thought it might be you, but it is UPS07:31
juliuxups is to expansive07:31
nixternalanywho, that's cool. I need to get back to my homework before class here pretty soon07:31
juliuxhave fun;)07:31
nixternaljuliux: ya it is, but I didn't order anything, so someone is shipping me something for free07:31
juliuxnixternal, great;907:31
nixternalhehe, will do. yay homework rocks!07:31
juliuxi will have dinner now07:31
nixternalhehe, thanks again, ttyl07:32
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mindspinhi hwo is responsible for uwn now, nixternal?10:27
crimsuncorey and cory, last I checked10:27
mindspincorey burger?10:28
tsmitheand cody somerville10:28
tsmithe^^ not cory somerville ;)10:28
mindspinok then I know who to contact10:29
tsmithewhatcha want?10:29
mindspinI want to translate (k)uwn to german10:30
tsmithedo so!10:30
tsmitheand then tell cory/cody10:30
mindspinand it would be nice if we could have it even partwise a little " in advance"10:30
tsmithewell, you may like to e-mail burgundavia[at] ubuntu.com10:31
tsmithe(that's corey)10:31
mindspinIthanks, I think I have his e-mail already ;-)10:31
tsmitheah k :)10:32
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mindspinjuliux ping11:02
juliuxmindspin, ping11:03
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tonyyarussojuliux_: pong, it's pong.11:37
juliux_tonyyarusso, pong11:38
juliux_tonyyarusso, how can i help you?11:38
tonyyarussobut only in response to ping...Thou shalt not count two unless thou then procedeth on to three!11:38
tonyyarussojuliux_: was referring to your mindspin exchange.11:38
juliux_tonyyarusso, ah11:39
mindspinthank you very much juliux11:39
juliuxmindspin, you are welcome;)11:39

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