
=== lns [n=lns@216-102-14-140.scoe.org] has joined #edubuntu
lnsHey everyone!12:42
lnsCan anyone give me some starter troubleshooting steps to see why a PXE booting client isn't getting past the TFTP boot line (after it acquires a DHCP addy)?12:47
lnsI've verified TFTP server is working from the same workstation booted into windows12:47
lns(This is Ubuntu/muecow btw, not edubuntu)12:48
lns(used instructions at http://developer.novell.com/wiki/index.php/Edgy/HOWTO:_Install_MueKow_on_Ubuntu)12:48
lnsam also using Windows NT4 DHCP server (no service pack I believe)...I actually think this is the problem...it's probably not passing the arguments correctly, as some web sites say the DHCP implementations are badly broken before SP301:01
lnsI hate windows01:01
cliebow_lns:so you have options 17 66 and 67 set in windows?01:04
lnscliebow_, yep01:04
lns017 = /opt/ltsp/i38601:05
lns066 = ubuntultspserveripaddress01:05
lns067 = ltsp/pxelinux.001:05
cliebow_and netstat -anp|grep ":69" shows xinetd listening01:05
lnsudp        0      0    *                          4930/inetd01:06
cliebow_so check that /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/pxelinux.o exists01:06
cliebow_or is it one level down in i28601:06
cliebow_heh i38601:06
lnsit is in i38601:07
cliebow_cool..so alter01:07
lnscan i create a symlink?01:07
lnsmaybe safer to alter dhcp conf?01:07
lnsi'll try dhcp conf firsty01:08
cliebow_well//option 6701:08
cliebow_the early versions were as you have it..later versions went to i48601:08
cliebow_time to turn on the lights01:09
lnsthat's funny..in this server room the lights keep turning off every 30 seconds if i'm sitting down01:09
cliebow_figures 8~)01:09
lnshold on01:10
lnsthx btw01:10
cliebow_btw: i m bootign "some ppc clients via windows..and all my netvistas01:10
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lnsstill not working.... "PXE-E32 PXE Open Timeout"01:12
lnsafter it obtains a valid IP via DHCP01:12
lnserr... TFTP Open Timeout01:13
cliebow_dang:btw:watch out for root-path..windows pads it with 00001:13
lnsis there a workaround?01:14
lnsthis is NT4 (no servicepack applied i believe)01:14
cliebow_yeah..simlink /opt/ltsp/i386 to /opt/ltsdp/i38600001:14
cliebow_more or less01:15
lnsreeeeaaaally...hahaha... ok hold please ;)01:15
cliebow_wont solve your problem01:15
cliebow_guess you'll have to run wireshark on the  linux server see what is going on01:16
lnsoh weird01:20
lnson another (similar but newer model) machine (compaq ipaq) it's actually giving me a "Only absolute filenames allowed" during tftp..so it *is* hitting the server at least01:20
lnsgimme a sec01:20
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lnsmust be a bug in the older ipaq's PXE version01:34
lnscuz all the newer ones are booting right in!01:34
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lns*dance of joy*01:35
cliebow_lns:YEAHHH..i have a few caunkus pxe cards too..01:38
cliebow_so you get a login?01:38
cliebow_the root-path WAS padded?01:40
lnsnot sure if that was what did it or not (padding)01:41
lnsthe old clients are still hanging at tftp01:42
lnsbut the newer ones are booting up...although in 75Hz monitor mode instead of 6001:42
lnsit auto adjusts to 60 if i ctl+alt+f1 then f701:42
lnskinda weird01:43
cliebow_they are two different operations..first dhcp gets filename...second dhcvp gets filename01:43
cliebow_gets toor-path i mean01:44
lnslights man lights! =p01:44
cliebow_gets root-path i mean01:44
lnswell the older ipaqs aren't getting past initial tftp01:44
lnsthey DO get a valid dhcp ip though01:44
lnsi'm guessing i'll have to upgrade the BIOS01:45
lnsin each of the old ones01:45
lnsif possible...01:45
cliebow_well you are on a rol.l now..good luck01:45
lnsthanks so much cliebow_ !!01:45
lnsi love this irc room01:45
cliebow_i hang on #ltsp as well..01:47
cliebow_my pleasure!01:47
lnsi'm sure i will be, more and more01:47
lnshopefully this 'pilot' at an elementary school is gonna go district wide01:47
lnsgetting the clients to boot right now is a HUGE step forward01:47
cliebow_lots of the original devs are in #ltsp..i stand on shoulders of giants01:47
cliebow_i am also in schools..twelve..01:48
lnsthe IT administrator of the district is pitting Ubuntu LTSP against Windows Terminal services at another school and seeing how they compare01:48
lnswow nice!01:48
lnshow's the admin/support for 12 schools?01:48
lnsi'm only at one other place right now, an after-school place01:48
cliebow_ltsp will blow tws away as far as bandwidth is concerned\01:48
cliebow_i do most remotley with nx01:49
lnsThat's what I told him today too, NX would be great for remote access by kids from home01:49
cliebow_yes..that too..01:49
lnsthough i read somewhere online today that ltsp/ssh compares well in bandwidth with nx...?01:49
cliebow_i have not tried it in bulk so dont know how server looad will be affected01:49
lnsok off to check some stuff01:50
cliebow_lns: keep in back of your head..alternate dhcp for clients with etherboot01:50
lnshave you seen lots of older clients with etherboot only?01:51
cliebow_only started using pxe last week01:51
cliebow_etherboot rocks01:51
cliebow_effortless double-bot01:51
cliebow_effortless double-boot01:52
lnsi only have exp. with pxe01:52
lnsseems meukow/ltsp is made primarily for pxe01:52
lnshavent tried etherboot01:52
cliebow_oh yeah..most all of my stuff is dunpster-diving stuff01:53
cliebow_with alternate dhcp..you can jump right in the middle of a windows network and never touch windows dhcp01:54
lnsalright i'm out for the day! thanks!!02:02
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TeePOGmorning guys08:20
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barktpolarI have been trying to get my USB Hard Drive to work and whenever I try to compile the driver, I get this message: http://pastebin.ca/365932 Can anyone help me with that please?12:16
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juliuxhi willvdl12:38
willvdlhi guys12:38
willvdlNo RichEd or ogra for meeting today12:38
cbx33hey willvdl12:39
cbx33was looking for you12:39
willvdlhi. have fever so my head is swimming12:39
juliuxwillvdl, go back to your bed ;)12:43
willvdlI'd love to but I have back-to-back meetings for the next two days and need to wrap stuff up before I leave in March12:44
willvdlArgentina! 3 Weeks!12:44
cliebow_ Cool:working vacation?12:45
willvdlvacation. wedding. more vacation12:46
cbx33willvdl: unfortunately I won';t be in meeting12:51
cbx33I'm about to leave to go home12:51
willvdlcbx33, I leave on 28 feb and am back on 21 march12:51
willvdlso I won't be at next one. anyway I'll keep the fires burning12:52
juliuxwillvdl, have fun in argentina12:53
willvdlI'll be around from Monday to WEdnesday at least12:53
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cbx33sorry willvdl12:56
willvdl============Edubuntu Meeting in 5 mins ? ===================12:58
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cbx33by my clock it's 12:0512:59
willvdlso it is12:59
willvdl====== meeting starts ======12:59
jsgotangcoits a miracle01:01
jsgotangcoi am in an edubuntu meeting again01:01
highvoltagecliebow_: #ubuntu-meeting01:13
cliebow_ got it 8~)01:14
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cliebow_id like to pop in from school..01:14
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highvoltageedubuntugirl: willvdl++ [ great wikipage changes ] 01:25
willvdltook a while :)01:25
willvdlstill need to tie up some loose ends01:26
willvdlhighvoltage, who you got in JHB?01:28
highvoltagewillvdl: what do you mean?01:29
willvdlinkululeku? only Hilton in Jozi?01:29
highvoltageah, there's others in Jozi too01:31
willvdlany tech people?01:32
highvoltagethere's Kenny01:32
highvoltageand another guy that recently joined, I keep forgetting his name01:32
highvoltagethey mostly work on the DD's01:32
highvoltageDigital Doorways01:34
willvdlah. anyhoo. I gotoo lie down. catch ya monday01:34
highvoltagenot feeling well?01:35
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nwebmaster 02:12
nwebmasterI'm looking for someone advice me to use ubuntu plz02:13
Kamping_Kaiseri sugest you state your problem02:17
nwebmasteri'm newbie on ubuntu02:17
nwebmasterDo you have anything advice me on ubuntu02:18
nwebmasternewbie on ubuntu but no newbie on Unix02:18
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Kamping_Kaisernwebmaster, watch for the no root account, otherwise not much to worry about02:23
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blinky_ghosthi can anybody tell me how do i get usplash working with ltsp clients?04:21
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a5benwillisThis is my first time here and I have a question about EduBuntu in an Education environment04:29
cbx33go for it a5benwillis04:30
cbx33blinky_ghost, what's up04:30
a5benwillisHas anyone been able to use Edubuntu with NCP authentication against a Netware Server using the pam_ncp_auth.so module?04:30
cbx33a5benwillis, not me04:30
a5benwillisI can authenticate my gdm sessions locally against NDS but the SSH side which is required for the thin client refuses to work.04:31
blinky_ghostcbx3, bootsplash doesn't work with ltsp clients04:32
a5benwillisI've searched the web for weeks but can find nor info on this with Edubuntu. It seems to work well with other LTSP systems though.04:33
a5benwillisI guess that  Edubuntu is the only one to use ecryped/authenticates ssh sessions for thin clients.04:34
a5benwillisSince I am new here. What time is typically the busiest here? Should I ask my question again later in the day?04:39
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cbx33ask now04:42
cbx33sbalneav is a guru04:42
a5benwillisi did04:42
a5benwillisoh ok04:42
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a5benwillisHas anyone been able to use Edubuntu with NCP authentication against a Netware Server using the pam_ncp_auth.so module?04:44
a5benwillisI can authenticate my gdm sessions locally against NDS but the SSH side which is required for the thin client refuses to work.04:44
a5benwillisI've searched the web for weeks but can find nor info on this with Edubuntu. It seems to work well with other LTSP systems though.04:44
a5benwillis I guess that  Edubuntu is the only one to use ecryped/authenticates ssh sessions for thin clients.04:44
blinky_ghosthi can anybody tell me how do i get usplash working with ltsp clients?04:45
sbalneava5benwillis: Hmm, maybe something with the pam stuff for ssh, let me look.04:46
sbalneavblinky_ghost: um, I think you can just:04:46
sbalneavchroot /opt/ltsp/i38604:46
sbalneavmount -t proc proc /proc04:46
sbalneavapt-get install edubuntu-artwork-usplash04:47
sbalneavthen exit04:47
sbalneavand ltsp-update-kernels04:47
blinky_ghostok, i'm gonna try04:47
a5benwillissbalneav: Thanks, would you like to know what Ive tried with the pam.d/ssh file?04:51
blinky_ghostsbalneav, it's saying now that i'm out of range. i've changed the default to vga=791 and nothing04:51
a5benwillissbalneav: I've placed this lineat the top of pam.d/ssh; "auth    sufficient      /lib/security/pam_ncp_auth.so -d -a -u10000,50000,f,c ndsserver= -a -L -zATX -A04:52
blinky_ghostsbalneav, now it's working with vga=788 :)04:53
a5benwillisWhen attempting to SSH I get a password prompt, which fails. I then look in the /var/log/auth.log fileand I see where authentication was attempted but fails on the password.04:53
sbalneava5benwillis: never actually used the ncp authentication.  Can you just ssh into the box as a user?04:53
sbalneavi.e. ssh localhost?04:53
a5benwillisyes, local user authentication works fine.04:54
a5benwillisI can even ssh in remotly as a local user04:54
sbalneavbut if you ssh in as a ncp user it fails.04:54
a5benwillisBut, with NCPand remote authentication. The pam_ncp_auth.so file authenticates and creates the user on the server at the same time.04:55
a5benwillisThis authentication and account creation works fine with a local x session login.04:55
a5benwillisBut with Edubunutu's ssh'd xsession I cant log in to a thin client obviously.04:56
a5benwillisBecause the initial ssh connection fails first.04:57
a5benwillisI realize that this isnt a simple problem. I havebeen unable to find help anywhere. I had hoped that another engineer in the education field would be in there at some point.04:58
sbalneavWell, I'm familiar with LDAP authentication, but I've never used the ncp auth module.  Does the module have a debug option that you can crank up debugging, and see what it thinks it's doing?  I know the ldap auth module has one.04:59
sbalneavBarring that, tcpdump's always an option.04:59
a5benwillisyes, I use the -d option and it logs to /var/log/auth.log04:59
sbalneavWhat does it say in there?04:59
sbalneavother than "failed"05:00
a5benwillisgonna try to paste05:01
a5benwillisFeb 21 07:42:20 EduBuntuLTSP sshd[8054] : (pam_unix) check pass; user unknown05:01
a5benwillisFeb 21 07:42:20 EduBuntuLTSP sshd[8054] : (pam_unix) authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=a5do-benwillis.acsd5.local05:01
a5benwillisFeb 21 07:42:21 EduBuntuLTSP sshd[8054] : Failed password for invalid user di from port 56548 ssh205:01
a5benwillisFeb 21 07:42:25 EduBuntuLTSP pam_ncp_auth[8054] : using server ctxs a5do.adm.acsd5 group (null)05:01
a5benwillisFeb 21 07:42:25 EduBuntuLTSP pam_ncp_auth[8054] : nw_create_verify_conn_to_tree: trying to resolve  di.a5do.adm.acsd505:01
a5benwillisFeb 21 07:42:25 EduBuntuLTSP pam_ncp_auth[8054] : trying to login as di.a5do.adm.acsd505:01
a5benwillisFeb 21 07:42:27 EduBuntuLTSP pam_ncp_auth[8054] : Invalid password (-669) when trying to login05:01
a5benwillisFeb 21 07:42:27 EduBuntuLTSP pam_ncp_auth[8054] : final PAM retval 705:01
a5benwillisthe passwordis correct obviously.05:02
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a5benwillissbalneav: Thanks for trying, Im gonna camp out here today and see how many people I can ask :-)05:14
sbalneavthe ruser= line is interesting05:15
sbalneavsorry, got called away05:15
sbalneavI'd expect the ruser= to be the user attempting to auth.05:15
a5benwillisno problem, thanks again for trying05:16
sbalneavthe fact that it's empty seems wierd.05:16
a5benwillisI think I can explain that05:16
a5benwillisthe first authentication attempt is madevia pam_unix. The account doesn not exist so it can;t retrieve the attributes.05:17
a5benwillisthe second (stacked) authentication attempt happens with pam_ncp_auth05:17
a5benwillistheubuntu chan is to busy to even ask a serious questionin....05:19
sbalneava5benwillis: Maybe you need to append a "try_first_pass" onto the ncp module.05:24
sbalneavjust about any pam module should support that.05:24
a5benwillisi'll try it05:24
a5benwillisisnt it use_first_pass05:26
a5benwillisits ignored by this module.05:26
a5benwillisper docs05:26
sbalneavWell, there's try_ and use_05:27
a5benwillisdoes it go after the module on the auth line?05:27
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a5benwillissbalneav: Heres my /etc/pam.d/ssh file05:45
cbx33ping juliux05:56
juliuxcbx33, pong05:59
cbx33should have a deb soon ;)05:59
juliuxcbx33, cool06:00
cbx33just pbuilding06:03
a5benwillisHas anyone been able to use Edubuntu with NCP authentication against a Netware Server using the pam_ncp_auth.so module?06:03
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a5benwillissbalneav: Anymoreideas?07:03
=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock
cbx33hey LaserJock07:29
cbx33howz it going dude?07:31
LaserJockbusy as ever07:33
LaserJockwas on the computer for 14hrs yesterday07:33
LaserJock'til 2am07:34
cbx33you sound like me now07:34
LaserJockexcept I actually can/want/need sleep :-)07:35
cbx33then do it07:35
LaserJockno time07:35
LaserJockI just got to work07:35
a5benwillisHas anyone been able to use Edubuntu with NCP authentication against a Netware Server using the pam_ncp_auth.so module?07:37
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cbx33a5benwillis, why not post to the mailing list?07:51
a5benwillisno joy07:51
cbx33sorry dude07:51
a5benwillisit seems to be a complicated or high level issue07:52
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LaserJockdarn, were's ogra when I need him08:36
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a5benwillisHas anyone been able to use Edubuntu with NCP authentication against a Netware Server using the pam_ncp_auth.so module?09:08
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cbx33LaserJock, ogra's in italy10:07
cbx33ping Burgwork10:07
LaserJockdarn, for how long?10:08
cbx33just today I think10:09
cbx33he's there with RichEd10:09
LaserJockcbx33: is there any demand for CAD apps in your school?10:15
LaserJockhave you used qcad?10:16
LaserJockI got it's MIR approved today10:16
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LaserJockbut pitti said that he didn't like that it doesn't have gettext support10:17
LaserJockwhich means it's won't work with Rossetta10:17
cbx33ahhh yes10:19
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LaserJockI think we want qcad, but I wanted to ask ogra for sure10:22
LaserJockbut in any case pitti approved it10:22
edistarI have a question, I bet you think I'm completely stupid, but I'm only a beginner ;) I have experienced a speed boost with the server-kernel, what are the disadvantages of this kernel?10:30
edistarfor otherwise why shouldn't everyone use it?10:31
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edistarcan't anyone advise me?10:36
edistaror is it OT?10:36
LaserJockusually the generic kernel has more compatibility10:37
a5benwillisI need help with getting edubuntu's ssh to authenticate thin clients using the pam_ncp_auth.so module.10:38
cbx33a5benwillis, ajmitch or ogra maybe able to help you10:39
a5benwillisCan anyone point me towards someone with experience in this area? Specifically authenticatino with Novell Netware10:39
cbx33but ogra isn't here right now10:39
a5benwilliscbx33: Hello again, tired of hearing from me yet? :-)10:39
cbx33never ;)10:39
cbx33trying to help you10:39
cbx33but as I know NOTHING about it10:39
cbx33I'm buck passing10:39
a5benwillisI know this has to be able to be done. Netware is still used heavily in education and Im sure that theres a need for this10:40
a5benwillisI have about 6000 workstations, all of which log into Netware NDS.10:40
a5benwillisPlus 16k users that I need to authenticate when loggin into this clients10:41
cbx33i can see why you're persistent in asking this quewastion now ;)10:41
a5benwillisYeah, I've been working on this for a few weeks. I cant find any help on this online. Only in general LTSP software. Not for Edubuntu10:42
cbx33well Edubuntu uses general LTSP10:42
a5benwillisI guess Edubuntu's the only one that uses the SSH session back to the LTSP server.10:42
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cbx33i thought that's how LTSP working in general10:42
a5benwillisI can get the authentication to work fine at the servers login but not the SSH sessions from the thin clients.10:43
a5benwillisI have seen several how-tos for this but none mention the SSH issue10:43
cbx33the ssh.....shouoldn't need to authenticate against anything else other than the edubuntu server10:43
cbx33hey guys10:43
a5benwillisBut since the logging in user doesnt exist on the server it cant authenticate.10:43
cbx33the ssh authentication should be transparent10:44
a5benwillisTHAT is awesome~10:44
a5benwillisI have to get this pilot off of the ground so my student can see artwork like that.10:44
cbx33my wife did those ;)10:45
a5benwillisdoesnt the SSH session use the credentials of the user loggin in?10:45
cbx33i don't think so... sbalneav ?10:47
ajmitchcbx33: hm, what am I supposed to be able to help with?10:47
cbx33hehe network authentication10:47
ajmitchI see it's netware10:48
ajmitchwhich I haven't had experience with10:48
a5benwillisok, maybe its more simple then10:48
a5benwilliscause I can get the authentication to work with GDM10:48
a5benwilliscan anyone confirm how the SSH session from the thin client works?10:49
a5benwillisalso, when the login box is displayed on the thin client. Where is the authentication for that controlled?10:49
a5benwillisso amny questions :-D10:49
=== ajmitch wishes he know the edubuntu/ltsp mix better
a5benwillisany links to documentation on the process?10:51
a5benwilliswell, I'll hang out here for a bit. If any other gurus pop in please let me know!!!10:52
a5benwillisTo bad developers don't visit these chans10:53
ajmitchthey do10:53
a5benwilliswsell this is my first day here. I'll camp out for a few days until I can corner one LOL10:53
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cliebow_a5benwillis, :you just missed sbalneav..11:49
cliebow_auth appens on the server..id wager yopu have some ssh keys to make11:52
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