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Ubugtu | New bug: #48462 in kubuntu-docs (main) "Konqueror's help refers to menus removed in default Kubuntu profiles" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48462 | 02:09 |
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Liz | quick question for anyone.. | 04:23 |
Liz | are the two ubuntu books i saw at a tech show today, from any of our team? | 04:23 |
Liz | show = shop | 04:23 |
Admiral_Chicago | Liz: link? | 04:24 |
tonyyarusso | Liz: The one entitled "The Official Ubuntu Book" is. Ubuntu Hacks may be as well - I don't remember the author. | 04:24 |
tonyyarusso | (As in, Jono might be on that one - I think he was for Linux Desktop Hacks) | 04:24 |
Admiral_Chicago | the Official Ubuntu Book is written by Jono Bacon, Benjamin Mako Hell, and Corey Burger | 04:25 |
Liz | i didnt have a look online ..wait one | 04:25 |
Liz | no, thats not the one i saw then | 04:25 |
Admiral_Chicago | so that is the one to get imho | 04:25 |
Liz | one was written by a french author | 04:25 |
Liz | i wanted to check before i actually got one | 04:25 |
Liz | besides..it was $80 NZD for the book | 04:25 |
nixternal | Admiral_Chicago: don't forget Jonathan Jesse as well | 04:26 |
nixternal | Jonathan wrote chapter 7 | 04:26 |
Admiral_Chicago | and others...actually. | 04:26 |
Admiral_Chicago | there is some community writing in there as well | 04:26 |
nixternal | it was all created pretty much from community writing of some sort | 04:26 |
nixternal | I can't wait for the feisty release | 04:27 |
nixternal | speaking of which... | 04:27 |
Admiral_Chicago | thats true | 04:27 |
LaserJock | Admiral_Chicago: Benjamin Mako Hell? :-) | 04:27 |
nixternal | wth? | 04:27 |
nixternal | hahahahahahaha | 04:27 |
tonyyarusso | lol | 04:27 |
Admiral_Chicago | LaserJock: oh, dvorak keyboard...you know | 04:27 |
nixternal | dude, you just lost your membership!! | 04:27 |
nixternal | gahahahaha | 04:27 |
nixternal | Admiral_Chicago: quit blaming dvorak for that | 04:27 |
Admiral_Chicago | oh that's way off regardless | 04:27 |
Admiral_Chicago | HAHAHHa | 04:27 |
=== Admiral_Chicago ducks | ||
=== nixternal talks to mako | ||
nixternal | ya, like he is ever online | 04:29 |
nixternal | damn, he is online | 04:29 |
Admiral_Chicago | hahaha | 04:29 |
nixternal | LaserJock: you watch Boston Legal? | 04:29 |
LaserJock | nope | 04:29 |
nixternal | oh wow, this show is hillarious | 04:30 |
LaserJock | I'm guessing Mako Hell is where Bill Gates will go ;-) | 04:30 |
nixternal | rofl | 04:30 |
nixternal | oh wow, I just got an idea | 04:30 |
Admiral_Chicago | ya that's the second time nixternal pointed out me mispelling his name. | 04:31 |
Liz | http://www.techbooks.co.nz/scripts/techsearch.asp | 04:31 |
nixternal | haha, that's right | 04:31 |
nixternal | last time you spelled his name make | 04:31 |
Liz | thomas K was the one i saw | 04:31 |
Admiral_Chicago | yup | 04:31 |
Liz | the official ubuntu book wasnt on display | 04:32 |
Liz | tho that database says they had it | 04:32 |
Liz | id rather support our guys of course | 04:32 |
Liz | hence why i had to come and ask | 04:33 |
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CIA-4 | Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3827 kubuntu/printing/C/printing.xml: kubuntu printing section - added new content | 06:53 |
CIA-4 | Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3828 kubuntu/printing/C/printing.xml: spell check is a neat feature :) | 06:56 |
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mdke | morning | 09:03 |
LaserJock | hi mdke | 09:08 |
mdke | hiya LaserJock | 09:10 |
mdke | LaserJock: sent you a mail | 09:15 |
LaserJock | mdke: very interesting | 09:25 |
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mdke | LaserJock: so did you discover how hard it is to make two binaries out of ubuntu-docs? Do you think we should just proceed and make a separate source package? It might be harder to get it into the repo | 09:30 |
LaserJock | well, it's certainly doable | 09:31 |
LaserJock | I'm just struggling for time these day :/ | 09:31 |
LaserJock | waaaay to many deadlines at roughly the same time | 09:31 |
mdke | ya. I might be able to look into it if there is a simple guide | 09:32 |
mdke | you mentioned cdbs, that sounds a bit scary | 09:34 |
LaserJock | it's sort of a black box afair | 09:34 |
mdke | I think we should leave the packaging as much as possible the same as before, to avoid any unforeseen issues | 09:35 |
LaserJock | sure | 09:38 |
mdke | ok, gtg | 09:38 |
LaserJock | mdke: mostly I just need to experiment a little | 09:41 |
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LaserJock | mdke: still up? | 08:16 |
nixternal | LaserJock: it is only 7pm there, he is to young to be in bed that early :) | 08:18 |
LaserJock | but young enough to be out doing non-Ubuntu things I suppose | 08:19 |
LaserJock | ;-) | 08:19 |
nixternal | on a Wednesday? never | 08:19 |
nixternal | haha | 08:19 |
LaserJock | I wonder if Christina Armstrong is ever on IRC | 08:20 |
nixternal | did you get her email as well today? | 08:24 |
nixternal | I seen her in #ubuntu-marketing like once I think | 08:24 |
LaserJock | hmm | 08:25 |
tonyyarusso | She came on for a meeting once or twice. Nick was c?a, I think. Maybe cja? | 08:25 |
nixternal | ya, something like that | 08:25 |
LaserJock | nixternal: I was going to file a bug but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say | 08:30 |
mdke | LaserJock: hi | 08:31 |
LaserJock | mdke: well, I was able to get an ubuntu-serverguide .deb built | 08:32 |
mdke | ooh | 08:33 |
tonyyarusso | LaserJock: YAAAAYYY! | 08:33 |
LaserJock | mdke: but I'm still trying to get all the files going to the right package | 08:33 |
mdke | maybe I can help with that | 08:33 |
=== tonyyarusso high-fives anyone involved in packaging extra guides for installation locally. | ||
mdke | LaserJock: are you going to commit it? | 08:34 |
mdke | or maybe send me a patch or something with instructions about how I can help | 08:35 |
LaserJock | mdke: well, I had a couple questions | 08:35 |
LaserJock | what format do we want to ship the serverguide as? | 08:35 |
LaserJock | and I'm assuming we don't want it to depend on ubuntu-docs, is that right? | 08:36 |
mdke | yes | 08:36 |
mdke | html | 08:36 |
mdke | take the serverguide target from ubuntu/Makefile | 08:36 |
LaserJock | is the HTML done that way standalone? | 08:37 |
LaserJock | or does it link to common stuff? | 08:37 |
mdke | yes, you need the css and img stuff of course | 08:37 |
mdke | you'll see that under the serverguide target | 08:37 |
LaserJock | I'm just trying to figure out how to work this | 08:37 |
LaserJock | because 2 .debs can't own the same files | 08:38 |
mdke | so you'll need build/ubuntu/serverguide and build/ubuntu/common | 08:38 |
LaserJock | so I'm not sure what to do with the common files | 08:38 |
mdke | install everything in /usr/share/ubuntu-serverguide/ | 08:38 |
LaserJock | yeah | 08:38 |
mdke | so /usr/share/ubuntu-serverguide/common and /usr/share/ubuntu-serverguide/html | 08:38 |
LaserJock | exactly | 08:39 |
mdke | that will work fine | 08:39 |
LaserJock | now we still want the serverguide XML in ubuntu-docs? | 08:40 |
mdke | no, that isn't shipped in ubuntu-docs | 08:40 |
LaserJock | or is the stuff you want in ubuntu/ | 08:40 |
mdke | you don't need to change anything shipped in ubuntu-docs | 08:40 |
LaserJock | debian/rules has a section for installing generic/serverguide/ | 08:41 |
LaserJock | for doc in server; do \ | 08:41 |
mdke | not here | 08:41 |
mdke | server |= serverguide | 08:41 |
LaserJock | oh, that's the server material for TBH? | 08:41 |
mdke | that should be left | 08:42 |
mdke | nixternal: what's all that weird kubuntu/tmplibs about? | 08:42 |
LaserJock | I see, I was equating the two, my bad | 08:42 |
LaserJock | mdke: in the install though I see: | 08:44 |
LaserJock | generic/serverguide/sample/* usr/share/ubuntu-docs/ubuntu/sample | 08:44 |
mdke | stuff left over I guess | 08:44 |
mdke | I'll deal with that | 08:44 |
mdke | nixternal: I think I see what you're trying to do, you want to change the html.stylesheet parameter. But you shouldn't create a whole new separate folder with new files for that, just pass the parameter on the command in the Makefile. See the command under the "index" target in ubuntu/Makefile | 08:45 |
nixternal | mdke: ya, that was fine, however calling the images can't be changed like that | 08:48 |
nixternal | that is why I did it like that temporarily | 08:48 |
mdke | nixternal: you are using different images? | 08:49 |
nixternal | same images, but in the xslt template they are called ../../common and for the index.xml I need them as common/ | 08:49 |
nixternal | s/are called/are called as/ | 08:50 |
mdke | no, adjusting the path to the css works fine for that | 08:50 |
mdke | because the images are called by the css | 08:50 |
nixternal | well for Kubuntu docs none of the images are called rom css | 08:50 |
nixternal | s/rom/from | 08:50 |
mdke | how are they called? | 08:51 |
nixternal | kde-default nor kubuntu-default call the images. they are hardcoded in one of the .xsl files in kubuntu/libs | 08:51 |
mdke | eww | 08:51 |
nixternal | why? I don't know, I guess they have been that way since day one | 08:51 |
nixternal | I will look at changing that though | 08:51 |
LaserJock | hmm, so it seems ESR wants to become a MOTU | 08:52 |
mdke | haha | 08:52 |
LaserJock | I'm not sure how that will be | 08:53 |
mdke | nixternal: surely there must be a better way to do that than creating new files. Maybe just one separate xsl file will work | 08:53 |
LaserJock | I might have to watch what I say a bit more | 08:53 |
nixternal | mdke: the way the 3 xsl templates are tied in requires duplication of the 3 | 08:54 |
nixternal | I will fix that though | 08:54 |
nixternal | I need to get ready for school, so in between classes tonight I will look into it | 08:54 |
LaserJock | man, this is going to make me nervous | 08:55 |
mdke | nixternal: you can customise xsl like you can with css files | 08:56 |
LaserJock | wow, ESR was a Red Hat guy for 13 years? | 08:59 |
LaserJock | mdke: I've got a seminar to go to, shouldn't be more than 45 min. and then I should have a package for you shortly | 09:00 |
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mdke | LaserJock: awesome, I'll take a look later, thx | 09:07 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #86837 in kubuntu-docs (main) "[Feisty] Links incorrect on Konqi main page" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86837 | 09:36 |
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LaserJock | mdke: around? | 10:07 |
mdke | LaserJock: (In case I'm not around at the moment, please provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I get back) | 10:07 |
LaserJock | lol | 10:07 |
LaserJock | mdke: so ESR want's to make a man page browser system | 10:09 |
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nixternal | LaserJock: he is late, KHelpCenter has done that for more than 10 years now :) | 10:44 |
LaserJock | nixternal: well, it's a bit different | 10:44 |
LaserJock | he actually wants to put all documentation in one place | 10:45 |
LaserJock | it's almost like our TBH stuff | 10:45 |
nixternal | ahhh | 10:45 |
LaserJock | he want's make a large serchable database of documentation | 10:45 |
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nixternal | tell him to get on it then | 10:46 |
LaserJock | so he is currently grabbing *every* man page in Ubuntu | 10:46 |
nixternal | just don't blog about Ubuntu is all I ask | 10:46 |
LaserJock | and he's going to turn it into docbook | 10:46 |
nixternal | he was good in 99 when he wrote the revenge or whatever of hackers | 10:46 |
nixternal | since then he has been a virus | 10:46 |
nixternal | alright, class time. I will bbiab to work on the xsl and css for Kubuntu docs, and now that bug jjesse created | 10:47 |
LaserJock | nixternal: well, he might be coming over here shortly so be nice ;-) | 10:48 |
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esr | Anybody home? | 11:00 |
LaserJock | hi! | 11:01 |
LaserJock | funny seeing you here ;-) | 11:02 |
esr | LserJock: I've made a launchpad account. Should I just write up a spec, or are there political steps best taken first? | 11:11 |
LaserJock | esr: well, it doesn't really hurt to make the spec | 11:12 |
LaserJock | esr: but if it was me I'd send an email to the doc mailing list to sort of throw it around a bit | 11:12 |
esr | I will heed your advice. | 11:13 |
esr | I've already subscribed. | 11:13 |
LaserJock | a spec, in and of itself, doesn't mean a whole lot so there's not really any harm in creating one | 11:14 |
LaserJock | but I'm sure the team will have questions/comments/suggestions so I kinda like to braindump it to the list first | 11:14 |
LaserJock | usually because I don't want to make an idiot of myself | 11:14 |
esr | That's a good reason:-). | 11:16 |
LaserJock | although making an idiot of myself on a mailing list does tend to be a bit more permanent than doing it on the wiki | 11:17 |
mdke | LaserJock: hi | 11:17 |
LaserJock | mdke! | 11:17 |
LaserJock | I got it | 11:17 |
mdke | nice work | 11:17 |
LaserJock | mdke: what's the best way to rename a file in svn? | 11:17 |
mdke | svn mv? | 11:17 |
LaserJock | doh | 11:18 |
LaserJock | maybe I've been using CVS too much lately, I thought it was more complicated | 11:18 |
mdke | esr: I think you should continue talking to the gnome guys about help systems, they are working on a new project which probably overlaps with what I've read above | 11:19 |
mdke | in terms of desktop help systems, we'll be following GNOME in Ubuntu | 11:20 |
mdke | there's definitely room for system wide specifications, but there is existing talking upstream about it so that's the place to work | 11:21 |
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esr | mdke: I hear you. What I'm actually hoping to do is sell this concept to the Linux Foundation, spin up a distribution-independent documentation infrastructure group fuunded by them, and then flog the resulting software to all distros. | 11:26 |
mdke | ah. | 11:27 |
esr | That having been said, there are things about Ubunti that suggest it would be the right place to do the first implementation. | 11:27 |
mdke | well, dig around for a spec on it, it exists | 11:27 |
esr | Project Mallard? Googling now... | 11:27 |
mdke | there is some free desktop stuff on it too, I think | 11:28 |
mdke | talk to DonS and shaunm about it in the gnome-docs team | 11:28 |
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=== mdke goes to bed | ||
esr | Oh, crap. I'm reading the Project Mallard spec... | 11:29 |
LaserJock | mdke: just a sec | 11:29 |
LaserJock | mdke: should I just commit my changes? | 11:29 |
mdke | LaserJock: if they work, why not :) | 11:29 |
LaserJock | mdke: make sure to look them over | 11:29 |
esr | ...and it looks like a recipe for a mess to me. First, they want to write a new markup language... | 11:30 |
LaserJock | I'm a little unsure of dependencies for the serverguide | 11:30 |
esr | and we don't *need* a new markup language! We've got too many of the crusty buggers as it is! | 11:30 |
mdke | esr: plenty of discussion on the list about that. I myself questioned it and got some good responses | 11:31 |
mdke | LaserJock: will do | 11:31 |
mdke | night | 11:31 |
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CIA-20 | Ubuntu Documentation: mantha * r3829 debian/ (11 files): | 12:02 |
CIA-20 | Ubuntu Documentation: * reworked packaging to make a standalone server guide .deb | 12:02 |
CIA-20 | Ubuntu Documentation: * updated long descriptions of the packages now that the server guide | 12:02 |
CIA-20 | Ubuntu Documentation: and packaging guide aren't shipped | 12:02 |
LaserJock | \o/ | 12:03 |
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=== kupesoft [n=dave@CPE004010100002-CM0013718cb08a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc |
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