=== netjoined: irc.freenode.net -> brown.freenode.net | ||
=== Elektrochelovek [n=nereikal@] has joined #ubuntu-freshers | ||
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-ops] Welcome to #ubuntu-ops - Home of the operators for official K/X/Ed/Ubuntu channels. Questions, requests and complaints about Ubuntu related channels and their people can be filed here" | 10:04 | |
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic and consider spending some time on the FAQ mentioned there | 10:04 | |
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-server] Ubuntu Server Discussions (development and support) | 10:04 | |
=== silwol [n=silwol@] has joined #ubuntu-freshers | ||
=== netjoined: irc.freenode.net -> brown.freenode.net | ||
=== silwol [n=silwol@] has joined #ubuntu-freshers | ||
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-ops] Welcome to #ubuntu-ops - Home of the operators for official K/X/Ed/Ubuntu channels. Questions, requests and complaints about Ubuntu related channels and their people can be filed here" | 10:42 | |
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic and consider spending some time on the FAQ mentioned there | 10:42 | |
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-server] Ubuntu Server Discussions (development and support) | 10:42 | |
=== Elektrochelovek [n=nereikal@] has joined #ubuntu-freshers | ||
=== silwol [n=silwol@] has joined #ubuntu-freshers | ||
=== Elektrochelovek [n=nereikal@] has joined #ubuntu-freshers | ||
=== darich [n=trickyki@host86-142-224-50.range86-142.btcentralplus.com] has joined #Ubuntu-freshers |
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