
CIA-4ubiquity: cjwatson * r1894 ubiquity/ (4 files in 3 dirs):01:46
CIA-4ubiquity: - partman-* updates add validation support (LP: #82768); also add01:46
CIA-4ubiquity:  XFS-on-/boot validation.01:46
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CIA-4ubiquity: cjwatson * r1895 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/partman.py): - Break out of setting the mountpoint if it's invalid (LP: #84543).02:03
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CIA-4ubiquity: cjwatson * r1896 ubiquity/ (configure configure.ac debian/changelog): * configure.ac: Bump required GTK version to
CIA-4ubiquity: cjwatson * r1897 ubiquity/debian/changelog: clarify02:34
evandcjwatson: quite the late night02:37
cjwatsoncan't sleep due to bunged-up respiratory system02:44
cjwatsonabout to try again02:44
evandouch, feel better02:56
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secureboot_when i try to build_monolithic, i get errors about elilo-installer not being installable since firmware-modules can't be installed - why is this happening, and what can I do to fix it?  Is it just the case that no one else is building CDs?  It doesn't seem to be related to anything I'm doing...02:20
=== cjwatson [n=cjwatson@82-69-40-219.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-installer
secureboot_actually, i added elilo-installer - to the exclude file of monolithic, with good results02:33
secureboot_so far02:33
secureboot_the README should reflect that the minus sign must go in the exclude file, not places like pkg-list/standard-udebs02:33
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secureboot_well, it worked, but the install kernel has no modules - i think that i removed -generic from the build targets in the kernel, and 386 is what was used in the installer - the mismatch resulted in nothing usable02:54
secureboot_consequently, i'm starting again from scratch, doing nothing different02:54
secureboot_different than normal, that is02:54
secureboot_the one piece of advice I'd really like, however, is how to avoid building so many targets in the dpkg-buildpackage when building an ubuntu kernel from source02:55
cjwatsonmonolithic could easily be broken; it's not used for normal CD builds02:55
cjwatsonkernel targets> #ubuntu-kernel not here02:55
secureboot_ah, thanks02:58
secureboot_just FYI - putting elilo-installer in exclude built02:58
secureboot_is there some other way, other than monolithic, of easily building a CD?  I tried netboot, but got openoffice dependancy problems instead02:59
cjwatsoneasiest way's to customise an existing CD and use the cdrom target if you need to rebuild the initrd - but otherwise start with http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/bzr/cdimage/mainline/ (and check out the subsidiary bits in configs/devel) for the full scary CD-building kit which is really hard to set up04:19
saispocjwatson: your exact Name is Colin Watson ?05:00
cjwatsonyes (use /whois)05:01
saispook, thanks05:01
saispobecause i write a doc about the work i made, and i need your Name for it :)05:01
secureboot_cjwatson: i've already done the customization - i just need to replace the kernel and initrd on the iso, as well as the kernel-module udebs05:42
secureboot_cjwatson: does that require the debian-cd approach?05:42
cjwatsonsecureboot_: no, see the customization howto somewhere on help.ubuntu.com/community which I believe describes this05:48
secureboot_cjwatson: hmmm - i've seen, used, digested, and understood the InstallCDCustomization page - it mentions nothing about replacing the kernel debs, udebs05:49
secureboot_cjwatson: did you mean something else?05:49
cjwatsonit's just the same as replacing any other package ...05:50
secureboot_that's the one I think i fully understand...05:50
cjwatsonit tells you how to regenerate the Packages and Release files, which is the hard bit05:50
secureboot_cjwatson: okay - you at least have to replace vmlinuz and initrd on the cd05:50
cjwatsonyeah, that's trivial though, just shove the new files in place05:50
secureboot_cjwatson: in addition to what's on that page05:50
secureboot_cjwatson: okay - i'll see if i can figure out where to put the new udebs05:51
secureboot_cjwatson: or are they necessary?05:51
secureboot_cjwatson: what are they used for, exactly?  Just to let the installer load modules?05:51
secureboot_cjwatson: huh - they have to go in the appropriate places in pool/, huh?05:52
secureboot_cjwatson: i suppose that makes sense...05:52
secureboot_cjwatson: so - to sum up - build custom kernel (not covered here), take resulting udebs/debs, shove them in the right place in the pool, replace vmlinuz/initrd, make CD as normal?05:53
secureboot_this regenerates packages/releases via apt-ftparchive...05:53
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cjwatsonsecureboot_: the kernel udebs provide kernel modules in ways that the installer can use06:19
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secureboot_hmmm, 4 hours later i'm still compiling...08:00
secureboot_just the kernel though - wish I could find some docs about that08:00
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