merc | nice little ncurses app to enable/disable stuff for runlevels. | 12:01 |
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nico8481 | merc: what about "native" tools? | 12:01 |
hellcattrav | i can't seem to get it, i prefer GNOME but was wondering the difference..... | 12:01 |
merc | dunno of any offhand, then again, i've never really looked... | 12:01 |
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hellcattrav | my firefox keeps crashing....i go to yahoo or google and it just crashes | 12:02 |
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Dextorion | hellcattrav: ya. I prefere gnome aswell. It seams a bit lighter to me. | 12:02 |
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hellcattrav | the other day i got all the way to my mail mail page before crash | 12:02 |
hellcattrav | yeah | 12:02 |
hellcattrav | so i have to use konqueror to view webpages | 12:03 |
andre | does superkaramba work in gnome? | 12:03 |
koth | Can anyone help me to add 1280x720 into the screen resolution in ubuntu? | 12:03 |
merc | hellcattrav: did it start happening after upgrading/installing flash? | 12:03 |
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hairulfr | hellcattrav: Gnome for me as well, | 12:03 |
merc | (not that i know the solution, i just remember someone talking about it last night.) | 12:04 |
hellcattrav | i'm not sure | 12:04 |
hellcattrav | maybe | 12:04 |
hellcattrav | brb | 12:04 |
hellcattrav | got to go get the dog back inside | 12:04 |
hellcattrav | ") | 12:04 |
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hairulfr | andre: You could try gDesklets instead, does the same, only more stable, IMO | 12:04 |
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hellcattrav | ok back | 12:04 |
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needtoknow | It tells me I am not allowed to move "el" from my desktop to usr/local/games/ What do I do you guru wiz's | 12:05 |
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needtoknow | It tells me I am not allowed to move "el" from my desktop to usr/local/games/ What do I do you guru wiz's | 12:06 |
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quark | I need some help installing the xfce flavor of ubuntu. I cant get it to install via the desktop CD | 12:06 |
andre | anyone having problems getting weather from gdesklets? | 12:06 |
Horadranin | help me, i need reinstall linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-generic | 12:06 |
needtoknow | It tells me I am not allowed to move "el" from my desktop to usr/local/games/ What do I do you guru wiz's | 12:07 |
needtoknow | I needtomove it | 12:07 |
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needtoknow | I needtoknow | 12:07 |
Nergar | can someone help me with mplayer? | 12:07 |
Horadranin | help me, i need reinstall linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-generic | 12:07 |
needtoknow | Yah ^^^ | 12:07 |
quark | I have experence with debian so I know that all of my stuff is Linux compadible | 12:07 |
cafuego_ | sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-generic | 12:08 |
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needtoknow | To play movies in totem use easyubuntu. | 12:08 |
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needtoknow | It tells me I am not allowed to move "el" from my desktop to usr/local/games/ What do I do you guru wiz's | 12:08 |
macd | !patience | Horadranin | 12:08 |
ubotu | Horadranin: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also | 12:08 |
Horadranin | cafuego: i already heve tried this, but i get segmentation fault | 12:08 |
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Sanne | quark: maybe the cd is bad, you can check it with a self test that's on the cd menu. Or you could try the alternate cd with a text based installer. | 12:08 |
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PwcrLinux | easyubuntu? lightweight ubuntu? | 12:09 |
hellcattrav | so does anyone know why firefox isn't working? | 12:09 |
cafuego_ | Horadranin: well, that's not good | 12:09 |
macd | Horadranin, why do you need to reinstall 2.6.17-10 when your running the 2.6.17-11 kernel? | 12:09 |
needtoknow | easyubuntu is a great program to be able to play dvds and movies | 12:09 |
Horadranin | cafuego: hehe no good | 12:09 |
PwcrLinux | Oh | 12:09 |
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quark | Sanne: I have done both, the CD is good and the text install has problems as well. I is somewhere in X but I cant figure out where. | 12:09 |
Nergar | anybody that can help me with laptop lid problems??? please??? caused by beryl! | 12:09 |
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trins | Nergar, remove beryl =) | 12:10 |
doseryder | I recently installed w32codecs and had totem playing all my videos (asf, mpg, real) BUT my mplayer doesn't seem to work AT ALL | 12:10 |
Nergar | lol | 12:10 |
needtoknow | To get easyubuntu wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add - | 12:10 |
Airos | sind denn auch deutsche hier ? | 12:10 |
Sanne | quark: hmmm, are you sure your ram is ok? memtest is also on the cd. | 12:10 |
quark | Sanne: useally I have to swich from nv to vesa and install the nvidia propiraty drivers | 12:10 |
hellcattrav | !de | 12:10 |
Horadranin | macd: i don't know... it was in my update list so i updated, but now i can't install nothig because the package was not carrectly installed | 12:10 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 12:10 |
blackie | jo | 12:10 |
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needtoknow | It tells me I am not allowed to move "el" from my desktop to usr/local/games/ What do I do you guru wiz's | 12:11 |
needtoknow | It tells me I am not allowed to move "el" from my desktop to usr/local/games/ What do I do you guru wiz's | 12:11 |
needtoknow | It tells me I am not allowed to move "el" from my desktop to usr/local/games/ What do I do you guru wiz's | 12:11 |
quark | Sanne: it should be works fine with windows ( Not dual booting physicaly swaping a HD) | 12:11 |
doseryder | it keeps sayin: "fatal error: Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-v0) device " | 12:11 |
macd | Horadranin, use "sudo apt-get remove linux-restricted....." | 12:11 |
blackie | you have to be root | 12:11 |
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doseryder | i tried to google on this, but no successful resolution | 12:11 |
needtoknow | I am root Why wont it let me move it | 12:11 |
needtoknow | It tells me I am not allowed to move "el" from my desktop to usr/local/games/ What do I do you guru wiz's | 12:11 |
PwcrLinux | Memtest the best testing on your memory stick, it's takes 24 hour to burn in.. | 12:11 |
hellcattrav | so anyway im not sure if its firefox, with flash or not, idk why? | 12:11 |
unop | !repeat | 12:11 |
ubotu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 12:11 |
Horadranin | macd: i tried, but i get a segmetation fault | 12:12 |
blackie | needtoknow: sure that you are root? what did you type? | 12:12 |
GMWeezel | kitche: I have aoss installed; can you help me out because I still can't get two applications working with sound at once. | 12:12 |
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doseryder | also, i tried unreinstalling and reinstalling but same thing | 12:12 |
doseryder | can someone please help me | 12:12 |
macd | Horadranin, well you have a problem with apt, as in its broken, you should prolly reinstall apt. | 12:12 |
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Sanne | quark: windows is more forgiving with bad ram, I would check it just to be sure let it run some hours best). On my husbands pc we could install windows, but nor kubuntu, weird errors, at the end it was one bad ram stick. | 12:12 |
Horadranin | macd: how? | 12:12 |
awilcox | My fglrx driver isn't working. I just installed it and ran the aticonfig stuff per the Ubuntu Wiki, but now Xorg says "(EE) No devices detected.". This is on Ubuntu Dapper 6.06.1 LTS with a ATI Radeon. | 12:13 |
quark | Sanne: it also works with my debian on a seprate HD so I know every thing works. Im migrateing to umbunt because faster repo updates | 12:13 |
kitche | GMWeezel: yea hang on let me grab a page that might help you | 12:13 |
blackie | Sanne: hmm, normally the linux kernel can handle broken RAM segments better then windows ... weired :-) | 12:13 |
macd | Horadranin, not really sure, try googling for "apt segmentation fault" | 12:13 |
Sanne | quark: hmmm... how far do you get with the install? | 12:13 |
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Ernz_C | Hello, I have just done a completely clean install of Edgy. I would like to be running beryl/compiz/emerald but I haven't a clue. Can someone please point me in the right direction and suggest which ones I SHOULD be installing for an NVidia Ti 4200 card? | 12:14 |
Sanne | blackie: really? All I heard (and experienced) is that you will know you have bad ram faster under Linux. | 12:14 |
quark | Sanne: it completes but on reboot to new system I end up with a black screen that cycles monitor between On with a weird line pattern and standby on 1.5 min cycle | 12:14 |
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blackie | Sanne: ok .. well i dont know for sure, but I experienced it once the other way around. I thought the kernel has some functionality to find and ignore broken RAM bits | 12:15 |
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macd | Ernz_C, | 12:15 |
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kitche | GMWeezel: should help you | 12:15 |
Horadranin | macd: there is no other way then reinstall apt... can i delete the folder where the package was (not) installed? | 12:16 |
GMWeezel | kitche: Thanks; have you heard of "jackd?" | 12:16 |
radioaktivstorm | having an issue with xfce (im trying out xubuntu); the font is incredibly small and i cannot seem to change it. can someone offer any suggestions? | 12:16 |
quark | Sanne: sorry if I wasnt as clear as I thought I was being it installs but something is wrong with display side of it. | 12:16 |
doseryder | I recently installed w32codecs and had totem playing all my videos (asf, mpg, real) BUT my mplayer doesn't seem to work AT ALL | 12:16 |
shooters | Hibernate is not working on 6.10, any idea how to fix? | 12:16 |
kitche | GMWeezel: yes | 12:16 |
needtoknow | It wont let me move el on my desktop to usr/local/games what command do I use? ( i am root) | 12:16 |
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doseryder | it keeps sayin: "fatal error: Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-v0) device " | 12:16 |
needtoknow | It wont let me move el on my desktop to usr/local/games what command do I use? ( i am root) | 12:16 |
GMWeezel | kitche: Have you heard of using it instead? | 12:16 |
needtoknow | It wont let me move el on my desktop to usr/local/games what command do I use? ( i am root) | 12:16 |
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distant_voice | when I rightclick the menus and choose edit menus nothing happens, no error. What's wrong? | 12:16 |
kitche | GMWeezel`: yea but never used it myself | 12:17 |
awilcox | needtoknow: you are ROOT as in your prompt is root@computer# ? | 12:17 |
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needtoknow | Nope | 12:17 |
blackie | needtoknow: or did you type something like: sudo mv el .... | 12:17 |
needtoknow | I am needtoknow | 12:17 |
blackie | ? | 12:17 |
Sanne | quark: ok, then I have one further suggestion. Another error we had (after replacing the bad ram) was that X didn't start, but the usplash screen didn't give the focus to kdm. We solved it by removing "splash" from the boot kernel options in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 12:18 |
needtoknow | I just tryed to move folder to folder | 12:18 |
needtoknow | sudo mv ? | 12:18 |
Ernz_C | Thanks macd: I did the "glxinfo | grep direct" and it doesn't look like my drivers are installed correctly. Where can I DL these? | 12:18 |
Sanne | quark: this doesn't sound exactly like your problem, though | 12:18 |
needtoknow | What is the santax for sudo mv? | 12:18 |
awilcox | Okay I think I screwed up. | 12:18 |
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macd | Ernz_C, just do "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx" | 12:18 |
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awilcox | I didn't use fakeroot when I installed the file | 12:18 |
awilcox | Can I recover from this human error? | 12:19 |
Prestwick | Hey guys, trying to install Edgy on a system with an Athlon64 X2, DFI Lan Party UT RDX200-CF mobo and an ATI Radeon x850 on board. Set it up to use the ATI fglrx drivers but when I restart xorg or if I reboot the screen is garbled and I can no longer get to console via ctrl XD | 12:19 |
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dregin | hey is it possible to confgure gstm from the command line? I tried to re-direct port 80 and now it wont start giving the error that only root can do that... | 12:19 |
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LiteHedd1d | i'm doing the upgrade and have a question | 12:19 |
LiteHedd1d | encoding on the console? | 12:19 |
LiteHedd1d | what do I select here? | 12:19 |
Ernz_C | macd: Are you sure I won't have to do the legacy driver? My card is a Geforce Ti 4200 128MB? | 12:19 |
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macd | Ernz_C, I use it on a ti4200. | 12:20 |
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quark | Sanne: its got to be an odd thing. I have a debian box with fluxbox + rox and its all nice an neat. I did it with tutorials and messing around with it. Im only going to ubuntu because I want faster repo updates. maybe I should just learn to compile from source and scratch the whole *bunut thing. what do you think? | 12:20 |
Ernz_C | macd: Sweet! :) | 12:20 |
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JamesG | Does anyone have a list of CC number prefixes by card type? Spefically looking for JCB and Discover. Wikpedia has an article on it, but it's not convincing (JCB is listed with 'citation needed', for example) | 12:20 |
doctordoog | I just installed, and I never set my root password. what is the defualt? | 12:20 |
awilcox | JamesG, what does this have to do with Ubuntu? | 12:20 |
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awilcox | take it to #freenode-social | 12:21 |
Sanne | quark: I'd say don't give up yet ;) What about my suggestion about removing splash in the boot options? | 12:21 |
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quark | doctordog: your login password | 12:21 |
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knoppix_ | hola | 12:21 |
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JamesG | awilcox: Uh, nothing. I entered that on the wrong channel. | 12:21 |
JamesG | awilcox: Sorry. | 12:21 |
awilcox | JamesG np :) | 12:21 |
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doctordoog | quark: I tried the password I set for my normal user. it doesn't work | 12:21 |
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awilcox | !root | doctordog | 12:21 |
ubotu | doctordog: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for all information. | 12:21 |
awilcox | go to that link, doctordog | 12:21 |
quark | Sanne: ill give it a shot and come back if it dosent work | 12:21 |
LiteHedd1d | is UTF-8 what I want? | 12:21 |
awilcox | if you are trying to log in as root, root doesn't have a password | 12:21 |
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doctordoog | aha | 12:21 |
quark | Sanne: thanks | 12:21 |
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needtoknow | If I was to move "el" from my desktop to usr/local/games/ what would the sudo command be? | 12:22 |
needtoknow | If I was to move "el" from my desktop to usr/local/games/ what would the sudo command be? | 12:22 |
hellcattrav | alright, so can anyone help with firefox, it crashes when i go to yahoo or google, and the longest been is getting to my inbox with yahoo\ | 12:22 |
awilcox | doctordog, any password you would use is invalid | 12:22 |
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Sanne | quark: good luck | 12:22 |
needtoknow | If I was to move "el" from my desktop to usr/local/games/ what would the sudo command be? | 12:22 |
awilcox | needtoknow sudo mv /home/needtoknow/Desktop/el /usr/local/games/ | 12:22 |
distant_voice | how can I uninstall things if I don't want to use the package manager? | 12:22 |
needtoknow | YAY | 12:22 |
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Prestwick | Hey guys, trying to install Edgy on a system with an Athlon64 X2, DFI Lan Party UT RDX200-CF mobo and an ATI Radeon x850 on board. Set it up to use the ATI fglrx drivers but when I restart xorg or if I reboot the screen is garbled and I can no longer get to console via ctrl alt. It works when I use the VESA driver but I want to get the ATI drivers working. | 12:22 |
awilcox | !patience | needtoknow | 12:22 |
ubotu | needtoknow: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also | 12:22 |
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Nergar | !kubuntu | 12:23 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE | 12:23 |
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needtoknow | Awilcox As soon as I am not a n00b Ill come back and help | 12:23 |
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awilcox | needtoknow :D you're not necessarily a noob, just learning :) | 12:23 |
nico8481 | needtoknow: what's a n00b? | 12:23 |
nico8481 | needtoknow: what's a n00b? | 12:23 |
nico8481 | needtoknow: what's a n00b? | 12:23 |
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nico8481 | needtoknow: what's a n00b? | 12:23 |
nico8481 | ;-) | 12:23 |
doctordoog | awesome, thanks | 12:23 |
Sanne | distant_voice: you can't "uninstall" things you installed with the package manager, without the package manager. You can just delete the packages. But that will break all sort of things, I guess. | 12:23 |
nico8481 | (sorry) | 12:24 |
trins | LOL | 12:24 |
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Prestwick | Hey guys, trying to install Edgy on a system with an Athlon64 X2, DFI Lan Party UT RDX200-CF mobo and an ATI Radeon x850 on board. Set it up to use the ATI fglrx drivers but when I restart xorg or if I reboot the screen is garbled and I can no longer get to console via ctrl alt. It works when I use the VESA driver but I want to get the ATI drivers working, how do I do that? | 12:27 |
needtoknow | Ohh crap.... anybodey know the sudo remove comand? | 12:28 |
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blackie | well its not sudo remove | 12:28 |
nico8481 | any idea why portmap is started although its link has been renamed to Ksomething in /etc/rc2.d ? | 12:28 |
blackie | its just that sudo makes you root for one command | 12:28 |
needtoknow | I know | 12:29 |
blackie | ok | 12:29 |
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needtoknow | I am not root but I know the password ;-) | 12:29 |
nico8481 | where can it be started from ? | 12:29 |
blackie | so what does not work? | 12:29 |
Horadranin | macd: no luck trying to reinstall apt, i think i'll start over again reinstalling ubuntu :( | 12:29 |
trins | Horadranin, sometimes it's the fastest method | 12:30 |
needtoknow | Anybodey know the sudo remove command? | 12:30 |
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needtoknow | I tryed sudo remove | 12:30 |
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Horadranin | trins: sad, but true | 12:30 |
shark-1 | how can i get a round panel in KDE | 12:30 |
GMWeezel | kitche: On the page it says "NOTE: For ALSA 1.0.9rc2 and higher you don't need to setup dmix. Dmix is enabled as default for soundcards which don't support hw mixing." My ALSA version is 1.10. | 12:31 |
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needtoknow | What is the sudo remove command? | 12:32 |
Dextorion | what do you want to remove? | 12:32 |
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needtoknow | sudo remove /usr/local/games/el | 12:32 |
needtoknow | I made a big booboo | 12:32 |
Dextorion | needtoknow: sudo rm -r /usr/local/games/el | 12:33 |
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needtoknow | Ahhh | 12:33 |
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needtoknow | You guys are smart | 12:33 |
rbs-tito | Is it possible to tell Ubuntu to shut down on its own in a few hours? | 12:33 |
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Sanne | needtoknow: but then it's gone! | 12:33 |
Dextorion | rbs-tito: man shutdown | 12:33 |
knife|p-m | shutdown command has timing | 12:33 |
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m_billybob | or, you could use cron | 12:33 |
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rbs-tito | Isn't the time just in seconds though? | 12:34 |
rbs-tito | Or can I give an actual time? | 12:34 |
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Dextorion | needtoknow: poor you | 12:34 |
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m_billybob | rbs-tito: you want ity to shut down every day, at the same time ? | 12:34 |
Dextorion | needtoknow: :D | 12:34 |
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rbs-tito | Just tonight | 12:35 |
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m_billybob | id use shutdown then, but im not sure what the range is on the seconds parameter | 12:35 |
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trins | needtoknow, change your computer :D | 12:35 |
m_billybob | man shutdown should tell you | 12:35 |
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andre_ | hey folks | 12:36 |
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shwag | Where do I file a bug for the installer ? | 12:36 |
andre_ | gdesklets weather applets arent' retrieving weather information.... anyone know why? or having the same problem? | 12:36 |
andre_ | !gdesklets | 12:36 |
ubotu | gDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Homepage is | 12:36 |
Cdeszaq | Is there any way of telling how many open pci clots I have without opening up my computer case? | 12:36 |
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Cdeszaq | slots* | 12:37 |
cafuego_ | Cdeszaq: Yes. | 12:37 |
needtoknow | You have 3^^ cdeszaq | 12:37 |
Cdeszaq | cafuego_: how? | 12:37 |
cafuego_ | Cdeszaq: Find how many cards are installed using `lspci' and check versus a picture of your mobo. | 12:37 |
tonyyarusso | 54454433 | 12:37 |
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needtoknow | sudo apt-get pci cards | 12:37 |
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cafuego_ | tonyyarusso: you got that all wrong | 12:38 |
sontek | Hey, On it says to setup FTP server just to aptitude install proftpd | 12:38 |
sontek | but I do that and it shows started | 12:38 |
sontek | but I can't even ftp to myself | 12:38 |
cafuego_ | Cdeszaq: Oh, just how many all-up? Find manufacturer/manual and check. | 12:38 |
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tonyyarusso | cafuego_: I don't even know where that came system just went kinda funky (I'm trying to work and compile...) | 12:38 |
sontek | ftp localhost says "Connection refused" | 12:38 |
Cdeszaq | dang...ok, so no "software" method of doing it | 12:38 |
Prestwick | Hey guys, trying to install Edgy on a system with an Athlon64 X2, DFI Lan Party UT RDX200-CF mobo and an ATI Radeon x850 on board. Set it up to use the ATI fglrx drivers but when I restart xorg or if I reboot the screen is garbled and I can no longer get to console via ctrl alt. It works when I use the VESA driver but I want to get the ATI drivers working, how do I do that? | 12:38 |
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andre_ | gdesklets weather applets arent' retrieving weather information.... anyone know why? or having the same problem? | 12:39 |
shwag | In the installer, does New Partition Size refer to the new size of the partition being resized, or to the size of the new partition being created? | 12:39 |
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unity | how can i remove libgnomeui-common along with everything that depends on it? | 12:41 |
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unity | i get errors when trying to do it through aptitude | 12:41 |
nico8481 | anyone knows about ports 47863 and/or 37656 ? for the 1st one i found something calling it a "client port" via google but what does that mean? how come a client port is listening ?! | 12:41 |
Prestwick | Right brb, switching to my Linux laptop. | 12:41 |
ax_ | i need to install a preemptable smp kernel.. is there one in the main distro? | 12:42 |
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blenna_unix | anybody have firestarter (gui firewall)? | 12:42 |
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nico8481 | blenna_unix: just installed it and disabled it :) | 12:42 |
needtoknow | <--- Shows how anoying installng games is on ubuntu | 12:42 |
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needtoknow | I DID IT | 12:43 |
needtoknow | I DID IT | 12:43 |
needtoknow | I FIXED THERE BUG | 12:43 |
needtoknow | *does a dance of joy\ | 12:43 |
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unity | their* | 12:43 |
needtoknow | Crap I pissed my self --- | 12:44 |
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unity | <-- can someone tell me why i run into this error while tryning to remove gnomeui-common? | 12:44 |
needtoknow | Nobodey knows who I am so its ok | 12:44 |
m_billybob | unity: i assume you've tried aptitude remove <package> ? | 12:44 |
andre_ | gdesklets weather applets arent' retrieving weather information.... anyone know why? or having the same problem? | 12:44 |
ax | is there simply an option that i need to pass during boot to give me a preemptable kernel? | 12:45 |
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trins | ax, i think in ubuntu-desktop the kernel is "preemptable" patched | 12:45 |
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m_billybob | unity: sounds like someone has manually removed the schema file already ? | 12:45 |
unity | m_billybob: yes, i got approximately the same error with aptitude | 12:45 |
unity | m_billybob: possibly. not sure what the schema file is | 12:46 |
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Dextorion | ax: if your current kernel isnt preemtable, you have to compile a new one. Though i think the desktop stock kernel should be already. | 12:46 |
m_billybob | unity: have you tried installing it again, then removing it ? | 12:46 |
Dextorion | ax: What trins said. | 12:46 |
ax | Dextorion: well, i'm on a laptop... does it really matter? | 12:46 |
beltz | I am currently logged in on Ubuntu. I would normally want to format this drive and install Xubuntu on it instead. Is there a way to do this easier, with no drawbacks (like just removing gnome and adding xfce) or will there be an actual difference from a clean installation if I do that? | 12:46 |
unity | m_billybob: i installed ubuntu desktop but i want to change it into ubuntu server, so i'm getting rid of a lot of things. i will try what you just suggested | 12:46 |
Dave_nj | Hello, I need a little bit of help with somthing... Anyone up for it? | 12:46 |
unity | m_billybob: it says it's already the newest version and then exits | 12:46 |
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m_billybob | unity: well, perhps im odd, but Id get the Edgy alternate CD, and just do a CLI install, if reinstalling isnt an issue. | 12:47 |
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Dextorion | ax: well.. some. But not much. | 12:47 |
Prestwick | Right I am back! :D | 12:47 |
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ax | Dextorion: like what would matter? | 12:47 |
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Prestwick | Any idea about my Display problem? | 12:47 |
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Dextorion | ax: And as trins thought aswell. The stock kernel should be preemtable. | 12:47 |
m_billybob | unity: what specifically are you using Edgy *for* ? | 12:47 |
Dextorion | ax: Applications would be a bit more responsive. | 12:48 |
ax | i already have ubuntu installed, is there simply something in apt to change? | 12:48 |
ax | so that i can migrate over? | 12:48 |
needtoknow | I goto all the trouble of fixing there linux distro than they laugh at me.... | 12:48 |
trins | Deaglebear, thanks for the credits ;) | 12:48 |
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megarossh | we | 12:48 |
riddlebox | edgy is 6.10 right? | 12:48 |
m_billybob | unity: becasue I've used it, as a Samba NFS type of thing, and it hasnt been very stable streaming video . . . | 12:48 |
beltz | What's the easiest to move to Xubuntu and get rid of Ubuntu? I'm logged in as Ubuntu right now... | 12:48 |
trins | sorry, Dextorion =) | 12:48 |
unity | m_billybob: a fileserver running sshd, nfsd, lighttpd, and smbd. | 12:48 |
megarossh | chi italiano????? | 12:48 |
kevCast | Why is it that when I try to uninstall Amarok, it says that one or more applications depend on it, and says I should try Synaptic, when I'm in Synaptic? | 12:48 |
Dextorion | trins: sorry for what mate? :) | 12:48 |
m_billybob | unity: and you're opposed to using dapper why ? | 12:49 |
Dextorion | ax: Migrate to what? | 12:49 |
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andre_ | gdesklets weather applets arent' retrieving weather information.... anyone know why? or having the same problem? The web yields no solution... | 12:49 |
Dextorion | ... i think im getting kind of tired. heh | 12:49 |
trins | Dextorion, a mistake, thanks for the credit i wanted to say hehe | 12:49 |
unity | m_billybob: not sure about the names. i just chose to use 6.10 because it was the newest... =/ | 12:49 |
unity | m_billybob: didn't think i'd run into any problems like this | 12:49 |
Dextorion | trins: Ah :D yw! | 12:49 |
m_billybob | unity: well, if you could experiment, id try dapper (6.06 LTS) | 12:50 |
ax | Dextorion: is ubuntu-desktop different than the stock ubuntu edgy install? if so, how do i migrate to desktop? | 12:50 |
riddlebox | wierd, my laptop can watch dvds but it will not show a data dvd | 12:50 |
unop | beltz, | 12:50 |
unity | m_billybob: if i must reinstall, i'd choose gentoo | 12:50 |
Dave_nj | Is there an item I can enter into the start parameters on the Live CD of 6.1 in order to force the defaultDepth property to 16? | 12:50 |
unity | m_billybob: not too fond of ubuntu's pm system | 12:50 |
m_billybob | unity: dapper has been far mroe stable in my experience, this doesnt mean what I've experienced isnt the end all be all of Ubuntu . . . | 12:50 |
Dextorion | ax: nope. Stock kernel = the ubuntu distributed kernel = the one you already have :) | 12:50 |
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m_billybob | pm system ? | 12:50 |
m_billybob | package management ? | 12:50 |
Dextorion | ax: uhm.. If.. you installed a desktop system that is. | 12:51 |
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ax | Dextorion: oh i installed a laptop system | 12:51 |
unity | m_billybob: yes | 12:51 |
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m_billybob | unity: honestly, once you get used to apt, and aptitude, its hard to beat. | 12:51 |
Dextorion | ax: :) Should be a desktop system aswell. | 12:51 |
bahadunn | anyone having problems playing certain flash video in firefox? | 12:51 |
shwag | In the graphical installer, does "New partition size" refer to the new size of the partition being resized, or to the size of the new partition being created? | 12:52 |
ax | Dextorion: well, uname doesn't say anything about preempting and ndiswrapper says that i don't have preemption | 12:52 |
m_billybob | unity: i would however strongly suggest using dapper, unless youhave reasons to use Edgy instead. | 12:52 |
Dextorion | ax: Did you go thru a grphical installation, or a text driven? | 12:52 |
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ax | Dextorion: graphical | 12:53 |
Dextorion | ax: Then you've installed the desktop system. | 12:53 |
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ax | huh... weird | 12:54 |
blenna_unix | anybody have firestarter (gui firewall)? | 12:54 |
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shawn | Hello I have a question are any of you free to answer? | 12:54 |
daviey | !ask | shawn | 12:55 |
ubotu | shawn: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 12:55 |
m_billybob | unity: anyhow, a shcema file is basically a file, for like used with XML, telling the XML what elements to expect, ect. So, basically, one of the config files got delted somehow, for some reason | 12:55 |
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Dextorion | ax: If you have 2.6 kernel or higher, you wont get much improvment at all from compiling a new kernel anyways so... | 12:55 |
unity | m_billybob: i guess aptitude messed up | 12:55 |
shawn | OK well I have an old ubuntu distro (Haory Hedgehog) and when I started updates it said I have a non-supported version | 12:55 |
Dextorion | ax: preemtible or not. | 12:55 |
jcole | | 12:55 |
shawn | is there any way to update my version without completely reinstalling | 12:55 |
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ax | Dextorion: it is not actually because of performance, it is because of a wireless driver, it needs preemption i guess | 12:56 |
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m_billybob | unity: or the user did ;) | 12:56 |
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Dextorion | ax: oh. Never heard of a driver that needs a preemptible kernel before Oo | 12:56 |
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Dextorion | But then again, im not using much wifi ax | 12:57 |
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ax | yeah, it is kind of stupid | 12:57 |
trins | shawn, i think it will be painfull to do an update, and probably don't work anyway, so.. if i were you i'd install a fresh one | 12:57 |
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Dave_nj | is there a command i can enter in the boot options of the live cd to force the defaultDepth property to 16? | 12:57 |
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shawn | hmm OK and aside from the security updates it mentions are there any BIG fixes in the new version that would be essential or is it a minor upgrade? | 12:58 |
unity | m_billybob: which would be my fellow sysadmins? | 12:58 |
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m_billybob | unity: anyhow, only real reason to use Edgy IMO, is if you need a desktop, or perhaps Dapper doesnt support some of your hardware, like WiFi and such, but, personaly I've never had that, I have however had issues setting up Edgy as a CLI server only. | 12:58 |
oslo | where could i find the Xubuntu usplash with Xubuntu write in silver ??? | 12:58 |
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nickf | Hi guys, got a quick dpkg question - I've just installed nspluginwrapper, the post install script doesnt work, but i've got it working with flash. Is there a way to stop dpkg from trying to configure whenever I do apt-get install etc? | 12:59 |
unity | m_billybob: i only had the edgy cd available, and i thought maybe i could ask it to do only a server install, but when i found out i couldn't, then =( | 12:59 |
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unity | m_billybob: i liked the good old ubuntu days when there was a non-graphical installer that let you choose desktop or server at install-time | 12:59 |
xadloki | what is it with these real slow connection while browsing the net ? I've been looking through the forums and tried everything and still no solution... also tried asking here a few times without any response ? | 12:59 |
m_billybob | unity: well, if the ethernet cable got yanked, somewhere in the process, that could have caused problems too i suppose, but who knows ? Its been my experience, that apt / aptitude do a pretty good job, aptitude more so than apt-get * | 12:59 |
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m_billybob | unity: use 6.06 Dapper LTS | 01:00 |
trins | shawn, i don't know, but for the 6.06 LTS they (Ubuntu Canonica people) say that will be supported for 3 years or so, i don't remember it exactly, but it a stable version | 01:00 |
bimberi | !alternate | unity | 01:00 |
ubotu | unity: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. | 01:00 |
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Dextorion | ax: i.. cant really belive that your wifi driver requirest the kernel to be premptible. sorry. heh.. I mean, thats.. more or less a hack that changes from kernel to kernel.. major verisons anywayas. | 01:00 |
unity | m_billybob: ubuntu used to boast that it had a fast non-graphical installer and i loved ubuntu for that. dunno whatever happened to that because now there is a bulky live cd loading graphical installer thing | 01:00 |
m_billybob | unity: i find it hard totell the difference between daper 6.06 LTS, and Debian Sarge, although im sure ubuntu is probably more up to date, but perhaps not | 01:00 |
Frogzoo | !ipv6 | xadloki | 01:00 |
barktpolar | What does this mean? | 01:00 |
ubotu | xadloki: To disable ipv6 read | 01:00 |
rsampaio | I am in favor of a choice to have the normal instaler | 01:00 |
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bahadunn | no one having problems with firefox and flash ? | 01:00 |
xadloki | i disabled IPv6 already :( no effect | 01:00 |
rsampaio | it takes too long to load the live cd then install | 01:00 |
m_billybob | unity: dapper 6.06 takes 5 minutes to install, or if you take your time, aroudn 15 minutes | 01:01 |
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m_billybob | thats with a broadband connection of course. | 01:01 |
unity | m_billybob: lol and gentoo takes a coulpe of hours | 01:01 |
Dextorion | ax: Anyways.. in 2.4 kernels there was not much preemptibility, but there was a patch to enable high preemptibility. Which later on was included in 2.6 kernel. so.. | 01:01 |
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Dextorion | ax: What you are running is pretty much as preemptible as it gets. uhm.. | 01:01 |
m_billybob | unity: yeah, well Ubuntu isnt exatly LFS either . . . | 01:01 |
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m_billybob | exactly* | 01:01 |
ax | Dextorion: yeah, well, the ndiswrapper page says that this only works with preemption, and dmesg gives some failure from ndiswrapper saying preempt=no | 01:02 |
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xadloki | I also ordered a new router if that would solve some issues... a WRT54GL | 01:02 |
Zarephath | Hi I need to learn how to redirect output going to /dev/dsp to file then encode to flac, ogg, mp3 etc. Anyone know how this can be accomplished? | 01:02 |
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bimberi | !away | macsim | 01:02 |
ubotu | macsim: Please don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'. We know you're away when you don't respond to messages. Also see !guidelines | 01:02 |
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xadloki | since i'm unable to get into my router configuration through ubuntu | 01:03 |
m_billybob | unity: i personally, dont know of any 'perfect' distros, some do some thigns better than others, hell for some situations, I even prefer 'the dark side' ;) | 01:03 |
kondor21 | question on filesytems n stuff.. I mounted my 2nd hdd in mnt as /mnt/hdb1 now disks manager says it isn't accessable .; any ideas? | 01:03 |
daviey | !permissions | kondor21 | 01:03 |
ubotu | kondor21: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see - file permissions are explained at - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 01:03 |
ajkochanowicz | I'm new to Ubuntu, so this should be easy: I need to install an "apt" and the code starts with deb http://ubuntu...... do i enter this into terminal? because it says "deb" command not found. | 01:04 |
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SoulPropagation | ajkochanowicz: use dpkg -i | 01:04 |
Chamuco | which is the best/safest way to install software to test making two separate installations or a chroot? or is there another way | 01:04 |
SoulPropagation | instead of deb | 01:04 |
unity | m_billybob: i'm not sure how happy you'll be to hear that i'm probably going to uninstall ubuntu and throw gentoo onto this hard disk regardless of downtime | 01:04 |
Zarephath | ajkochanowicz: Try sudo apt-get install <package> | 01:04 |
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daviey | ajkochanowicz, you need to edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and add the line. Use "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" and add it | 01:05 |
m_billybob | unity: give daper a try, and as fr as the 'zealot' *thing* use whatever makes you happy, personally though, I think you'd be making a mistake not trying dapper first. | 01:05 |
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Proghead | Hey, when I launch Azureus it automatically escape in the few minutes after being opened, does anyone know what I should do, I was think to reinstall but it probably isn't the problem | 01:05 |
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trins | Proghead, it runs better with the sun java | 01:06 |
Dimensions | Hiya which one of *buntu is lighter version but stable ? | 01:06 |
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m_billybob | Dimensions: 6.06 dapper | 01:06 |
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Chamuco | lighter xubuntu no? | 01:06 |
rsampaio | xubuntu | 01:06 |
Dextorion | ax: is that an error, or just that dmesg says "ndiswrapper version **** (preempt=no, ..) anyways? | 01:06 |
Dimensions | m_billybob: thats heavy ... i guess | 01:06 |
HymnToLife | Proghead, here's what you should do : don't use Azureus :p | 01:06 |
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rsampaio | is the fastest one | 01:07 |
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SoulPropagation | How do I install a pack of cat/sys/inf files to ndiswrapper? | 01:07 |
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m_billybob | Dimensions: elaborate, base install is ~400MB | 01:07 |
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HymnToLife | rsampaio, whrong, cubuntu is | 01:07 |
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m_billybob | Dimensions: as far as stability, its pretty dahmed stable | 01:07 |
kondor21 | daviey should i set it to 777 ? | 01:07 |
rsampaio | cubuntu? | 01:07 |
rsampaio | never heard about it | 01:07 |
HymnToLife | !cubuntu | 01:07 |
ubotu | cubuntu is an unofficial command-line based Ubuntu derivative. It includes a browser, an email client, a media player and many other useful applications. For installation instructions, see | 01:07 |
rsampaio | do you have a link? I need a light version for a server anyways | 01:07 |
ledbettj | Soul: sudo ndiswrapper -i theinffile.inf | 01:07 |
Dimensions | well i am infact trying to install xubuntu on flash drive 2Gb but it wont install grub and crashes ... so i need a lighter one | 01:08 |
SoulPropagation | ledbettj: thanks | 01:08 |
daviey | kondor21, depends what you want; do you want any users on the system to add/delete/modify files? | 01:08 |
HymnToLife | it's basically an Ubuntu Server + some command line apps to do daily stuff | 01:08 |
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ledbettj | after that you can check that it's installed with sudo ndiswrapper -l | 01:08 |
kondor21 | daviey, yes | 01:08 |
m_billybob | Dimensions: from what I recal, of what I read, you neeed a LiveCD version, thats abotu al i know about that | 01:08 |
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Dextorion | Ah.. ohwell. Off to bed! nighty | 01:08 |
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Chamuco | which is the best/safest way to install software to test making two separate installations or a chroot? or is there another wa | 01:09 |
n30n | ?ftp | 01:09 |
Dimensions | m_billybob: i need persistent one ... | 01:09 |
n30n | !ftp | 01:09 |
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ubotu | FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd | 01:09 |
Dimensions | as complete OS ... | 01:09 |
Frogzoo | Chamuco: vmware probably - cept won't test hardware of course | 01:09 |
ajkochanowicz | thanks everyone, I think I'm getting it to work | 01:09 |
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Chamuco | ty | 01:10 |
Proghead | HymnToLife What do you suggest me instead? | 01:10 |
m_billybob | Dimensions: i would suggest googling to find a howto perhaps, I know its possible (i think for what you'redoing) but i couldnt tell you how exactly | 01:10 |
nexousNET | How do I get my laptop to show the same output onto another monitor. | 01:10 |
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nexousNET | Not so much dual screen but more like duplicate screen. | 01:10 |
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HymnToLife | Proghead, KTorrent, but it's a bit biased ;) | 01:10 |
HymnToLife | there are others but I don't know them | 01:11 |
Dimensions | m_billybob: i have installed slax and puppy linux ... but they are not of what i want ... i need all libraries of C++ and mobile etc ... but they are far smaller ... | 01:11 |
HymnToLife | anything will be better than Azureus anyway | 01:11 |
m_billybob | Dimensions: also, now that I do remember more, from what i remember, a lto of people use knoppix, even for a persistant install | 01:11 |
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Dimensions | normally i use RH and *buntu | 01:11 |
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m_billybob | Dimensions: knoppix is debian based, so . . . | 01:12 |
chacum | hola | 01:12 |
trins | !es | chacum | 01:12 |
ubotu | chacum: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 01:12 |
Dimensions | ummm thanks m_billybob would love to try it ... donno whats wrong with xubuntu though ... wont install grub ... it asks for location which by default gives as hd0 i have tried sda1 sda sdb aswell none works ... | 01:12 |
kondor21 | daviey just saved my first file to hdb1, kudos to you | 01:12 |
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chacum | hola | 01:13 |
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verbose | Dimensions: grub remaps your drives to its own names | 01:13 |
daviey | kondor21, you did it; i just showed you the guide! | 01:13 |
chacum | hay alguieen aqui??? | 01:13 |
SoulPropagation | !es | chacum | 01:13 |
ubotu | chacum: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 01:13 |
m_billybob | Dimensions: that would be hdxx or sdxx | 01:13 |
turbolover | hi, has anyone had a significant slowdown in performance in dapper drake after getting some updates? | 01:14 |
verbose | Dimensions: you can look at /boot/grub/ (or something like that) to see what your drive is called in grub | 01:14 |
chacum | como cambiar de canal? | 01:14 |
kondor21 | daviey so many guides, finding the right one is the hard bit :) | 01:14 |
nexousNET | How do I get my laptop to show the same output onto another monitor. Both screens being the same. | 01:14 |
verbose | chacum: /part #ubuntu | 01:14 |
ledbettj | chacum: /join #ubuntu-es | 01:14 |
Dimensions | verbose: if its not installed how can it tell me which one is mine ? ... | 01:14 |
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Frogzoo | nexousNET: is this an ATI card? | 01:14 |
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geemy | hiyas | 01:15 |
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m_billybob | whatever, im a constant tinkerer, so i just go dow nthe list, until i find a workign solution, usualy the first go works, btu not always | 01:15 |
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Dimensions | m_billybob: yeah ... my usb by default has sda 2.1 GB and sdb 1mb (sdb has MBR ?) | 01:15 |
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MybEvil_ | Is there anyway to have winows and Ubuntu on the same machine | 01:15 |
MybEvil_ | because i'm not sure if i'll like ubuntu. | 01:15 |
verbose | Dimensions: what are you trying to boot? are you running off the cd currently? | 01:15 |
m_billybob | Dimensions: hmm perhaps grub has issues instal the botloader on the USB device ? | 01:16 |
SoulPropagation | !dualboot | MybEvil_ | 01:16 |
ubotu | MybEvil_: Dual boot instructions: (x86/AMD64) - (Macintosh) | 01:16 |
JOAO_JR | hi alguem fala portugues | 01:16 |
chacum | hay algun chat en spanish?? | 01:16 |
trins | !pt | JOAO_JR | 01:16 |
ubotu | JOAO_JR: pt is Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 01:16 |
Frogzoo | MybEvil_: create a separate partition(s) to install ubuntu | 01:16 |
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JOAO_JR | no | 01:16 |
SoulPropagation | chacum: #ubuntu-es | 01:16 |
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turbolover | MyBEvil: install vmware for windows on your machine and then isntall ubuntu on it, that or run a livecd | 01:16 |
Dimensions | verbose: yeah ... im on live cd ... and trying to install on sda flash drive ... | 01:17 |
daviey | turbolover, there is a pre-built ubuntu image on vmware's webpage | 01:17 |
chacum | y como lo hago?? | 01:17 |
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Dimensions | a question verbose and m_billybob ... | 01:17 |
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Dimensions | If my Flash Drive mounts as SDA 2 GB and SDB 1Mb and start location 1 is on SDB does that mean MBR is on SDB and Boot loader should be installed there ? | 01:17 |
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verbose | sda and sdb are two separate drives | 01:17 |
trins | chacum, pon /join #ubuntu-es donde escribes (sorry for spanish) | 01:17 |
m_billybob | ruh row | 01:17 |
verbose | that's not just your flash dirve | 01:17 |
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Dimensions | verbose: if i remove my flash drive both goes away ... if i do fdisk for them sda starts from sector 63 while sdb is 1 till 62 ... | 01:19 |
SoulPropagation | I just installed drivers with ndiswrapper, now what do I do? | 01:19 |
HymnToLife | SoulPropagation, ndiswrapper -l | 01:19 |
imamation | how do I check the memory usage of a program in Linux? For execution time there is 'time', and for memory? | 01:19 |
verbose | Dimensions: that's not right, it should be sda1 and sda2 for 2 partitions, not sda and sdb | 01:19 |
HymnToLife | does it say "Driver installed, hardware present" ? | 01:19 |
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=== m_billybob nods | ||
SoulPropagation | HymnToLife: yes | 01:19 |
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HymnToLife | SoulPropagation, then sudo depmod -a && sudo modprobe ndiswrapper | 01:20 |
SoulPropagation | thank you | 01:20 |
HymnToLife | your if should appear in iwconfig then | 01:20 |
m_billybob | verbose: although you know BIOSes, can be wierd, and booting from USB, isnt exactly an exact 'art' | 01:20 |
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verbose | m_billybob: he's booting off the cd though | 01:20 |
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Dimensions | verbose: normally there are no partitions on flash drive ... sda is whole disk and sdb is always with it having start of disk ... | 01:20 |
m_billybob | i can not figure out, for the life of me, though, why xbuntu would see the device are two seperate devices | 01:21 |
imamation | does anyone know how to check the memory footprint of a program? (the memory equivalent of 'time') | 01:21 |
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verbose | Dimensions: umm, no | 01:21 |
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m_billybob | verbose: hes trying to install a persistant install on a USB drive. | 01:21 |
verbose | m_billybob: i know, but the cd should still only see sda | 01:21 |
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verbose | Dimensions: how about, unplug the drive then plug it back in and do `dmesg|tail` | 01:22 |
Dimensions | verbose: sdb doesn't mount to any where but its in /dev only comes when i plug flash drive ... | 01:22 |
verbose | that should show the newly attached drive(s) | 01:22 |
SoulPropagation | HymnToLife: "No wireless extensions" on them all. | 01:22 |
m_billybob | Dimensions: what file system is on the USB drive ? some BIOSes wil have issue booting a USB device (thrumb) if its anything other than FAT | 01:22 |
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verbose | Dimensions: did you repartition the drive and put a linux fs on it? | 01:22 |
Dimensions | m_billybob: for trying out *buntu i tried ext3 but for puppy linux and Slax i had FAT ... | 01:23 |
m_billybob | Dimensions: either way, I would reccomend you research it further using google -> USB <distro> install ,-- or somethign similar | 01:23 |
verbose | Dimensions: try to fdisk it again and remove all partitions | 01:23 |
verbose | then start over | 01:23 |
verbose | something is very wrong | 01:24 |
verbose | if it's seeing sda and sdb | 01:24 |
m_billybob | Dimensions: its not exactly an easy thing to do, this coming fro ma person, such as myself, that has been mucking aroudn with computers since 81-82 . . . | 01:24 |
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m_billybob | ive yet to get a working USB boot device yet, granted i havent tried very hard either | 01:24 |
turbolover | !update | 01:24 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at | 01:24 |
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m_billybob | i have done a bit of reading on the subject however | 01:25 |
verbose | on new machines it's pretty bioses automagically figure it out | 01:25 |
verbose | i've booted a few without doing anything special | 01:25 |
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verbose | just changing the boot order | 01:25 |
hairulfr | WOOT! Automagically! That's the coolest word I've heard forever! | 01:26 |
hairulfr | Seriousley | 01:26 |
verbose | Dimensions: did you unplug and replug it and see what dmesg said? | 01:26 |
m_billybob | well, try doing it with XP. its a whole new balgame ;) | 01:26 |
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verbose | m_billybob: yeah, haven't tried that | 01:26 |
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m_billybob | verbose: i have specific use for that, thats why i tried it (similar to remote booting / virus scanning) | 01:26 |
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m_billybob | i dont think id trust Linux to handle NTFS partitions, atleast not quite yet | 01:27 |
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verbose | m_billybob: yeah, that's pretty handy | 01:27 |
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verbose | i've got to go to class, good luck Dimensions | 01:27 |
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bluefox83 | does anyone here know how to create a password for an infobot? | 01:28 |
ajkochanowicz | I must have tried downloading at least ten or so various files, and I always get 404 errors on one of the downloads in the package but not the others, am I doing something wrong here, or is this really the way it is? | 01:28 |
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turbolover | !ati | 01:28 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 01:28 |
Frogzoo | ajkochanowicz: you on dialup? | 01:28 |
bluefox83 | !infobot | 01:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about infobot - try searching on | 01:28 |
ajkochanowicz | no | 01:28 |
y0hm | I have a fresh Edgy command line (alt) install. I backed up my previous apt-cache folder on a shared drive. How can I install my deb packages from that shared drive instead of the repositories ? | 01:28 |
bluefox83 | dangit..why the hell can't i get this damn thing to set a password? | 01:28 |
Frogzoo | ajkochanowicz: try a different repo | 01:29 |
SoulPropagation | how come I can't get my wireless running? ndiswrapper -l says it's plugged in and has the driver and I did the depmod/modprobe | 01:29 |
Dimensions | yeah verbose im pasting in pastebin ... | 01:29 |
y0hm | Do I edit my sources.list ? | 01:29 |
soundray | y0hm: just copy the packages to your new /var/cache/apt/archives folder | 01:29 |
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cyberix | [17180457.460000] ndiswrapper (wrapper_init:129): loadndiswrapper failed (32512); check system log for messages from 'loadndisdriver' | 01:29 |
cyberix | Where can I find this log? | 01:29 |
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soundray | cyberix: /var/log/syslog | 01:30 |
y0hm | soundray thx | 01:30 |
wimpies | after upgrade to feisty perl complains about en_us.UTF-8 not properly defined as locale. if I run locale-gen I see UTF-9. where can I modify that ? | 01:30 |
cyberix | soundray: That file seems to contact exactly the same message | 01:30 |
Flannel | wimpies: #ubuntu+1 for feisty support | 01:30 |
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foormea | ahey | 01:30 |
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foormea | i tried gnomebaker and it won't import my dvd+rw session ; i've just tried graveman and unless i'm mistaken it can't import preivous sessions... do you have an idea what burning program i could use? | 01:31 |
Frogzoo | foormea: k3b | 01:31 |
mindstate | whats the best cd burning software CLI version? | 01:31 |
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foormea | Frogzoo, thx i'll give it a try | 01:32 |
Flannel | !burn | mindstate | 01:32 |
ubotu | mindstate: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see | 01:32 |
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mindstate | gracias | 01:32 |
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soundray | cyberix: /var/log/messages perhaps, but I'd be surprised if it contained anything else | 01:32 |
trins | foormea, growisofs its a great program to do this (terminal-based) | 01:32 |
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royel | wimpies: try /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local | 01:33 |
y0hm | Soundray : I get "unable to execute /bin/cp: Argument list too long" when trying to cp the archives . | 01:33 |
y0hm | Soundray : I used : sudo cp /share/archivebackup/* /var/cache/apt/archives | 01:34 |
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foormea | hum i'll try serpentine then | 01:34 |
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soundray | y0hm: try "find /backup/location -name *.deb | xargs -i cp '{}' /var/cache/apt/archives/" | 01:34 |
foormea | thx | 01:34 |
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foormea | ah | 01:35 |
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foormea | i'll try k3b | 01:35 |
foormea | :D | 01:35 |
soundray | y0hm: oops, missed your second line | 01:35 |
soundray | y0hm: try "find /share/archivebackup -name *.deb | xargs -i cp '{}' /var/cache/apt/archives/" | 01:35 |
Dimensions | m_billybob: and verbose: .... i have pasted sda and sdb ... | 01:35 |
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Proghead | hey is it normal to ain't see the content of the cd that I insert if I open them on the desktop? Do I have to use the terminal to access the content or it is a problem? | 01:35 |
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wimpies | royel :if I do man cmd I get a warning : "can't set the locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct" Running locale shows it cannot set LC_CTYPE LC_MESSAGES AND LC_ALL because of 'no such file or directory' ????????? | 01:36 |
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foormea | just now my desktop's cdrom link was pointing to /media/cdrom and my dvd was actually mounted in /media/cdrom0 | 01:36 |
Spartacus | If I'm going to install Ubuntu on a computer without an OS, how would I get the Boot Disk for it? | 01:36 |
foormea | try that. | 01:36 |
soundray | y0hm: another slight change: you probably have to do 'sudo cp' rather than just 'cp' | 01:36 |
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Cryoniq | !bluetooth | 01:37 |
ubotu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see | 01:37 |
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royel | wimpies: I'm not sure with it being Feisty, try the support channel for it, #ubuntu+1 .. I only suggested where you might look since that was what you originally asked | 01:37 |
foormea | Spartacus, ubuntu install cd is bootable.. | 01:37 |
asdf25 | anyone know how i can get embedded wav files working in firefox (specifically | 01:38 |
Spartacus | Do I not need one? | 01:38 |
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Ernz | Hi again macd: I have my drivers and stuff installed. Installed beryl but now whenever I run "beryl-manager" everything goes completely white!??? Any ideas? | 01:38 |
IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH | How do I delete and change filenames? | 01:38 |
Spartacus | LAZOR | 01:38 |
soundray | !cli | IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH | 01:38 |
ubotu | IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: | 01:38 |
IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH | What command? | 01:38 |
trins | rm for remove, mv for move and rename | 01:38 |
misnix | man man to rtfm | 01:39 |
IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH | Thanks. | 01:39 |
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y0hm | soundray : I did sudo , and your command gives me this : find : paths must precede expression . | 01:39 |
royel | soundray: you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink :) | 01:39 |
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trins | royel: that is the most tipical phrase i heard in english.. LOL | 01:40 |
soundray | y0hm: escape the *: | 01:40 |
FabioBr | Hi, i'm having a problem with my tv tuner card...!!! | 01:40 |
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soundray | y0hm: "find /share/archivebackup -name \*.deb | xargs -i cp '{}' /var/cache/apt/archives/" | 01:40 |
mindstate | whats the name of that software that lets u handle applications in your menu | 01:40 |
FabioBr | When i run lspci it doesn't appears on it! | 01:40 |
royel | trins: next time I will try to be more original | 01:40 |
kondor21 | asdf25 it works on mine. So it is do able but not sure how i did it. I did install a lot of codec stuff the other day | 01:40 |
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kbrosnan | asdf25: you need a plugin to play application/wav (I think that is the correct mime type) | 01:41 |
dahveed | hey guys, I have a question about automating driver creation on the installation of a new kernel if anyone might be able to offer some advice | 01:41 |
royel | mindstate: Alacarte? | 01:41 |
mindstate | royel, thank you :) | 01:41 |
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psykidellic | hi, I am new to Ubuntu and just installed Ubuntu 6.1. I am trying to install gpdf package by using: apt-get install gpdf (I got the package name from, its giving me error that no package with name gpdf? Any ideas? | 01:41 |
royel | mindstate: lucky me, what did I win? | 01:42 |
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foormea | psykidellic, sudo aptitude search gpdf | 01:42 |
mindstate | royel, um a favor :p | 01:42 |
lufis | I installed KDE on a ubuntu box to try it out. Used it for a while, configured the theme to my liking, but decided to stick with gnome. Now all my gtk apps have a hideous KDE color scheme which I have been unable to reverse. Any ideas? | 01:42 |
dahveed | psyki, you could also use synaptic | 01:42 |
foormea | psykidellic, maybe it's not in the default reps | 01:42 |
mcphail | psykidellic: make sure you have enabled the universe repo | 01:43 |
royel | mindstate: sure? | 01:43 |
psykidellic | foormea: OKIE, hold on. | 01:43 |
y0hm | soundray : thx , just before your second command i did another cp , slighly different and it worked :) | 01:43 |
soundray | psykidellic: you have to enable repositories to install software. | 01:43 |
foormea | sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment the universe multiverse and everything | 01:43 |
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soundray | y0hm: how? | 01:43 |
mindstate | royel, well depends on wut the favor is lol | 01:43 |
foormea | oh if you're beginning sudo gedit instead of sudo vim :D | 01:43 |
kondor21 | !repositories | 01:43 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See also !EasySource | 01:43 |
royel | mindstate: oh, thought you were asking for one, I got ya now though :) | 01:43 |
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lufis | remember to use gksudo with gui apps, though | 01:43 |
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mindstate | royel, lol ok | 01:44 |
soundray | psykidellic: also, try evince instead of gpdf | 01:44 |
kondor21 | !repositories psykidellic | 01:44 |
foormea | lufis, i'm not a linux guru but i never understand why should use gksudo for gui apps? | 01:44 |
mcphail | psykidellic: also, if you download a .deb file, you would usually install it with dpkg rather than apt-get | 01:44 |
royel | mindstate: I think were even, you had a brainfart first, an now I just did :) | 01:44 |
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IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH | How do I use mv? | 01:44 |
kondor21 | !repositories > psykidellic | 01:44 |
cables | IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH, man mv | 01:44 |
mindstate | royel, ha yea your right lol | 01:44 |
royel | IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH: man mv | 01:44 |
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lufis | foormea: I don't know the exact details, but it can potentially mess permissions up or something along those lines | 01:44 |
psykidellic | foormea: I have used vim before. Dont worry :) | 01:44 |
kondor21 | im still figuring out how to use this bot :) | 01:44 |
foormea | oh ok | 01:45 |
trins | royel, no problem it's only an appoiment, it's only about i heard it in a lot of series and books, it's a corius think for me (I'm a ESL one) | 01:45 |
royel | IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH: also try: mv --help | 01:45 |
soundray | foormea: in most cases, it doesn't matter, but in certain circumstances you can end up with a locked sudo | 01:45 |
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foormea | lufis, to me a sudo <gui app> & is equivalent to a gksudo <gui app> | 01:45 |
royel | trins: ESL? | 01:45 |
psykidellic | foormea: Everything is indeed commented out | 01:45 |
lufis | foormea: yes | 01:45 |
psykidellic | I will now read the repository info as given by other people | 01:45 |
dahveed | is there any way to automatically compile drivers on a kernel update, or does it have to be done manually each time? | 01:45 |
lufis | so sudo vim, not sudo gedit | 01:45 |
foormea | ah, ok | 01:45 |
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trins | royel, English as Second Lenguage, yes | 01:46 |
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LiteHedd1d | I can't write to my thumb drive can someone help? | 01:46 |
royel | trins: I see | 01:46 |
SoulPropagation | Anyone know how to get an Inprocomm IPN-2220 based wireless card up and running? | 01:46 |
SoulPropagation | 32-bit | 01:46 |
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soundray | dahveed: it's not quite clear what you mean. When you compile a kernel, most of the stuff you compile is driver modules. | 01:46 |
lufis | LiteHedd1d: more details, please? | 01:46 |
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LiteHedd1d | what would you like to know lufis? | 01:46 |
LiteHedd1d | i can't write to it | 01:46 |
royel | LiteHedd1d: how is it formatted? | 01:46 |
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LiteHedd1d | vfat | 01:46 |
lufis | LiteHedd1d: well, what happens when you try? | 01:46 |
psykidellic | foormea: sudo aptitude search gpdf returns nothing | 01:47 |
Cryoniq | Hmm.. If I have a bluetooth USB dongle, and connect it to a mopile phone, how do I get access to that mobile phones storage, like photos, files etc? | 01:47 |
royel | !vfat | LiteHedd1d | 01:47 |
ubotu | LiteHedd1d: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see - See also !fuse | 01:47 |
soundray | psykidellic: run 'sudo apt-get update' after changing sources.list | 01:47 |
mdgriffin | anyone using lowlatency on feisty? | 01:47 |
LiteHedd1d | cannot write. mounted read only | 01:47 |
hairulfr | Cryoniq: What kind of phone is it? | 01:47 |
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soundray | psykidellic: and remember to try evince | 01:47 |
LiteHedd1d | er read only file system | 01:47 |
royel | LiteHedd1d: read the links above, you'll find usefull info | 01:47 |
Cryoniq | This one is a SonyEricsson T610 | 01:47 |
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soundray | mdgriffin: wrong channel | 01:47 |
mdgriffin | really? | 01:48 |
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psykidellic | soundray: Thanks. will give Evince a shot. I dont know thoughj what it is, seems a pdf viewer. Anyway, thanks for the recommendation. | 01:48 |
timfrost | !info gpdf | 01:48 |
y0hm | mdgriffin : i have last week with varying results | 01:48 |
ubotu | gpdf: Portable Document Format (PDF) viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.10.0-4 (edgy), package size 768 kB, installed size 3088 kB | 01:48 |
soundray | mdgriffin: #ubuntu+1 | 01:48 |
mdgriffin | ty | 01:48 |
betatux | !xpdf | 01:48 |
ubotu | xpdf: Portable Document Format (PDF) suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.01-9ubuntu1.1 (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 36 kB | 01:48 |
SoulPropagation | psykidellic: Evince is real good. | 01:48 |
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foormea | but isn't evince in default install anwyay? | 01:48 |
LiteHedd1d | doesn't seem to help me | 01:48 |
soundray | foormea: exactly | 01:48 |
LiteHedd1d | vfat should be writable in linux no? | 01:48 |
LiteHedd1d | it's mounted rw | 01:48 |
trins | I like xpdf, it's faster than evince | 01:48 |
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Cryoniq | Got bluetooth to get serial from it and connect to it so it seem fine from there. Just feeling I should be able to mount to it somehow :) Maybe should google some about it.. *cough* | 01:49 |
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mcphail | evince is sloooow on large files | 01:49 |
OuttaLuck | does ubuntu have a "default" root passwd when you install it? | 01:49 |
rsampaio | is there a package on universe for cinelerra? | 01:49 |
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hairulfr | Cryoniq: Yeah, it can be troublesome, the usbcable will mount it as a drive though | 01:49 |
psykidellic | SoulPropagation: Aha, nice. I didnt knew evince existed | 01:49 |
LiteHedd1d | anyone? | 01:49 |
royel | !root | OuttaLuck | 01:49 |
ubotu | OuttaLuck: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for all information. | 01:49 |
royel | OuttaLuck: no | 01:50 |
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Cryoniq | hairulfr, aye.. Wireless is a bit more complicated as usual ^^ | 01:50 |
foormea | !xft > foormea | 01:50 |
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dahveed | soundray: well, I have several drivers I have to compile each time I upgrade the kernel: nvidia soundfoce, ivtv; and I am getting tired of compiling the drivers each time I update the kernel | 01:50 |
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dahveed | soundray: sorry, this is the first time I have used xchat, and I dont know how to send pm's yet | 01:51 |
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trins | LiteHedd1d, you must be able to write to the partition as root, can you do it? | 01:51 |
soundray | !pm | dahveed | 01:51 |
ubotu | dahveed: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first. | 01:51 |
Zoffix | Hi, my cdrom doesn't want to open :| it has a DVD inside and I can view the files on it, but neither clicking "Unmount" nor pushing the button on CD-ROM itself opens it :/ Any ideas on how I can open it without rebooting? | 01:51 |
psykidellic | Also, I have a question - for installing lot of software I have to do sudo and command. It asks for my root password and when I enter, it works. But now I wanted to work under "root" as one of the software I am trying to install requires me to get into root. I did "su" and entered the same password as "sudo" but it fails. I am 100% sure I am entering the right password | 01:51 |
dahveed | !pm | soundray like this? | 01:51 |
ubotu | soundray like this?: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first. | 01:51 |
sbson | So sorry, I'm begginer. When i start xchat program, i connect this channel.. | 01:51 |
SoulPropagation | psykidellic: sudo su | 01:51 |
hairulfr | Zoffix: Type eject in a term | 01:52 |
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soundray | psykidellic: sudo requires your user password. There should be no root password. Use sudo -i for a root shell | 01:52 |
asdf25 | anyone know how i can set firefox to use mozplugger rather than mozilla-mplayer for embedded wav files? mozplugger handles them correctly, but if i have mozilla-mplayer plugin installed that gets used instead and doesn't work | 01:52 |
soundray | SoulPropagation: please don't recommend sudo su. sudo -i is sane. | 01:52 |
daviey | psykidellic, remember that it's not recommended to use the s=root account, but you can sudo -i | 01:52 |
Zoffix | hairulfr, it says "Device or resource is busy" | 01:52 |
ajkochanowicz | I cannot for the life of me get nvidia drivers installed, I followed the ubuntu wiki instructions very strictly! | 01:52 |
SoulPropagation | soundray: Oh, cool thanks | 01:52 |
soundray | dahveed: no, read what ubotu said | 01:52 |
psykidellic | SoulPropagation: soundray: Thanks. Whats the difference between "sudo su" and "su" | 01:52 |
SoulPropagation | soundray: Didn't know that one ;) | 01:52 |
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psykidellic | soundray: I gave gpdf a skip and installing evince now. It found the package also! | 01:53 |
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soundray | psykidellic: evince should be part of the default installation | 01:53 |
foormea | yeah | 01:53 |
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LiteHedd1d | cp: cannot create regular file `/media/LITEHEDDED/wlan_xp.exe': Read-only file system | 01:53 |
psykidellic | soundray: yup it was. I just updated to the latest version! | 01:53 |
Cryoniq | *hugs ubuntu forums* Turned out someone posted a really nice follow on how to deal with bluetooth and mobile phones etc with rfcomm :P | 01:53 |
daviey | SoulPropagation, there is also the worst of all "sudo bash" - that really should not be used | 01:53 |
soundray | !sudo | psykidellic | 01:53 |
ubotu | psykidellic: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for all information. | 01:53 |
ajkochanowicz | has anyone else had problems installing nvidia drivers? | 01:53 |
SoulPropagation | daviey: Thanks | 01:54 |
foormea | LiteHedd1d, ntfs without rw support? | 01:54 |
taser | I've just finished the Feisty install, but I'd like to return to the previous version of Evolution (2.8.1). Is there any way I can do it with Synaptic? All it shows id the latest experimental version. | 01:54 |
OuttaLuck | ahhh, ok, thanks | 01:54 |
LiteHedd1d | it's fat | 01:54 |
LiteHedd1d | thumb drive | 01:54 |
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dahveed | I have several drivers I have to compile each time I upgrade the kernel: nvidia soundfoce, ivtv; and I am getting tired of compiling the drivers each time I update the kernel, is there a way to automate it? | 01:54 |
foormea | did you sudo cp or cp? | 01:54 |
soundray | psykidellic: su allows you to execute a program as another user. It is less safe than sudo to use for root. | 01:54 |
LiteHedd1d | /dev/sda1 on /media/LITEHEDDED type vfat (rw) | 01:54 |
LiteHedd1d | i was root | 01:54 |
daviey | taser, why would you want to | 01:54 |
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daviey | taser, you would need to add the edgy repo's - but it is HIGHLY unrecommended! | 01:55 |
crimeboy | hello, anyone knows how to enable bitmap fonts on the edgy, i try dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig but dont works | 01:55 |
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royel | LiteHedd1d: did Ubuntu automount it, or did you use a command to mount it? | 01:55 |
LiteHedd1d | i mounted it | 01:55 |
taser | daviey: The latest version of Evolution has a lot of functionality turned off. | 01:55 |
LiteHedd1d | same thing when buntu automounted it | 01:55 |
macd | taser, mixing repos is frowned upon, bigtime. | 01:55 |
soundray | SoulPropagation: 'sudo -i' gives you a proper set of environment variables. If you use any of 'sudo su', 'sudo bash', 'sudo su -', you can end up with mixed environments. Dangerous if you use ~ for example. | 01:55 |
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daviey | taser, join #ubuntu+1 | 01:56 |
taser | There's a pop-up when you start Evolution that says that people who have anger problems should avoid it. I'm thinking of my wife, and how frustrated she gets. | 01:56 |
enrold | hi | 01:56 |
L0cKd0wN | can someone here help me with applying an "emerald" theme? | 01:56 |
royel | LiteHedd1d: try passing these options:fmask=0111,dmask=0000 | 01:56 |
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y0hm | Soundray : apt-get is still downloading from the repos after copying the archives :/ | 01:56 |
LiteHedd1d | will do royel | 01:56 |
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CVirus | !squid | 01:56 |
ubotu | squid: Internet Object Cache (WWW proxy cache). In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.1-3ubuntu1.2 (edgy), package size 594 kB, installed size 1544 kB | 01:56 |
L0cKd0wN | I have the emerald settings menu, but I haven't figured out how to turn the theme ON | 01:56 |
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cables | L0cKd0wN, go to #ubuntu-effects for beryl help | 01:56 |
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soundray | y0hm: if there's a newer version in the repo, it will still download. Make sure that permissions on debs are -rw-r--r--, owned by root:root | 01:57 |
Omni- | so, I want to dual boot with windows, I have a raid 0 setup. Is there anyway to have them dual boot in a raid array? I downloaded the alternate edgy disc, and it didnt pick them up either | 01:57 |
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psykidellic | soundray: Thanks. Understood by reading the docs. | 01:58 |
y0hm | Soundray : ok I'll check that . | 01:59 |
pb | does evolution 2.8.1 work with exchange server? | 01:59 |
dahveed | !help | 01:59 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at - Usage info: | 01:59 |
soundray | psykidellic: it took me a while to understand sudo, but now I don't want to go back to logging in as root | 01:59 |
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hairulfr | L0cKd0wN: Did you set up xorg.conf properly? | 01:59 |
soundray | dahveed: write a script? | 01:59 |
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y0hm | !gnome | 02:00 |
ubotu | gnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop. | 02:00 |
L0cKd0wN | hairulfr, i added the repos in the wiki and followed their setup accordingly, don't recall messing directly with xorg.conf | 02:00 |
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hairulfr | L0cKd0wN: Then that's your problem, | 02:00 |
L0cKd0wN | hm | 02:00 |
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L0cKd0wN | this problem is about a week old for me, so i just don't remember messing with the xorg.conf | 02:01 |
hairulfr | L0cKd0wN: paste your xorg.conf in pastebin | 02:01 |
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L0cKd0wN | k | 02:01 |
y0hm | Soundray : It's working now ! thx | 02:01 |
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dahveed | soundray: I was hoping there was some sort of automation out there; it seems like something a lot of people would have to deal with | 02:01 |
soundray | y0hm: permissions? | 02:02 |
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soundray | dahveed: few ubuntu users even compile their own kernel. | 02:02 |
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y0hm | Soundray : no , the permissions were ok , the first packages I installed were indeed newer versions ! | 02:02 |
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psykidellic | Okie, one more question before I get back to playing with Ubuntu. I installed XChat-gnome and Evince using apt-get. Now xchat-gnome is there in my applications/internet menu but Evince is not there in any menu. Do I have to do something special to get an application in the application menu? | 02:03 |
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Omni- | so, I want to dual boot with windows, I have a raid 0 setup. Is there anyway to have them dual boot in a raid array? I downloaded the alternate edgy disc, and it didnt pick them up either | 02:03 |
L0cKd0wN | | 02:03 |
soundray | y0hm: what was the cp trick you used? | 02:03 |
dahveed | soundray: when the help came about pm's, all it told me was that I should not pm someone without asking; not sure if that was what you intended | 02:03 |
SoulPropagation | can you scan for access points using ndiswrapper | 02:03 |
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Flannel | dahveed: on freenode, you need to be registered with nickserv before you can query | 02:03 |
White_Lightning | is there any way to make ubuntu automatically log in to an account and totally bypass the logon screen? I've got a box that I'm setting up as a pvr and I want to vnc in to it, which I can do, but right now I have to hook up to it, log in, and THEN I can vnc. | 02:04 |
soundray | dahveed: yes. You sounded like you wanted to pm me for some reason. I do support in the channel, not on pm. | 02:04 |
foormea | oh yeah something i wanted to ask. i use conky, and in my .conkyrc i've got "use_xft yes" and "xftfont Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=10". my problem is: 1. whatever size i put, size will always be the same on screen. 2. how do i know what fonts i've got on my system? :D (sorry i'm still a newb) | 02:04 |
hairulfr | L0cKd0wN: What gfx-card do you have? | 02:04 |
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Zoffix | Hi, my cdrom doesn't want to open :| it has a DVD inside and I can view the files on it, but neither clicking "Unmount" nor pushing the button on CD-ROM itself, nor executing `eject` opens it :/ It gives me `umount: /media/cdrom0: device is busy` and I don't think anything is using the DVD inside :/ Any ideas on how I can open it without rebooting? | 02:04 |
cables | White_Lightning, yep. Go to System>Administration>Login Window, then the Security tab. | 02:04 |
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y0hm | Soundray , well it wasn't really a trick . instead of : cp /bla/archivebackup/* , I did cp /bla/archivebackup/*.deb | 02:04 |
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L0cKd0wN | nvidia 6600 | 02:05 |
dahveed | soundray: also, I am only compiling the drivers, not the kernel (as far as I know), it just requires the kernel src to compile | 02:05 |
SoulPropagation | Zoffix: stick a paper clip into that little hole by the button | 02:05 |
White_Lightning | so automatic login | 02:05 |
White_Lightning | thanks I should have seen that before | 02:05 |
Flannel | White_Lightning: | 02:05 |
hairulfr | L0cKd0wN: Ok, first off, you need to get the drivers installed | 02:05 |
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Zoffix | SoulPropagation, heeh, I got no holes :{ | 02:05 |
mcphail | Zoffix: you can try sudo umount -l /media/cdrom0 | 02:05 |
dahveed | soundray:sorry, I thought you were pming me since it is always red when you put my name in front. :) Sorry, I'm new to irc | 02:05 |
soundray | White_Lightning: System-Administration-Login Window. You can set autologin on one of the tabs. | 02:05 |
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jvai | hey ppl | 02:05 |
soundray | dahveed: no worries :) | 02:05 |
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Zoffix | mcphail, ah \o/ awesome. Thanks ;) | 02:06 |
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mcphail | Zoffix: np | 02:06 |
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L0cKd0wN | pretty sure they are already, since the resolution is ok, and i think device manager detects that i have the card | 02:06 |
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soundray | y0hm: you can delete outdated packages from your cache with 'sudo apt-get autoclean'. Frees up disk space. | 02:07 |
IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH | How can I navigate to a parent directory in the terminal? | 02:07 |
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daviey | IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH, cd .. | 02:07 |
tompouce | Hi! | 02:07 |
IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH | Thanks. | 02:07 |
soundray | IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH: everything you are asking are FAQs. Please read the page that ubotu will send you: | 02:07 |
dahveed | soundray: so, is there a way to set a script to run on a kernel update, or something of that sort that doesn't require me to do it? | 02:07 |
soundray | !cli > IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH | 02:07 |
daviey | IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH, or to go to root directory cd / or your home directory cd ~/ | 02:08 |
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royel | trins: should I tell the horse an water joke again :) | 02:08 |
IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH | Yes! | 02:08 |
IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH | I love jokes! | 02:09 |
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IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH | Just kidding. | 02:09 |
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preaction | you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him think? | 02:09 |
SoulPropagation | royel: what is it? | 02:09 |
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soundray | dahveed: whenever you run a sequence of commands repeatedly, you can let a script do the job instead. | 02:09 |
royel | SoulPropagation: preaction: lol, nice ending.. Soul, I was being a lil bit mean :) | 02:09 |
dahveed | soundray: yeah, I know :) I am curious if I can set that script to simply run when a certain event occurs (in this case a kernel update) | 02:10 |
SoulPropagation | gotcha! | 02:10 |
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foormea_ | grrrrrrrrr stupid isp | 02:10 |
foormea_ | sorry, did anyone answer my questions about xft and conky? | 02:10 |
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dahveed | soundray: I can do the driver upgrades, but I setup my brother on ubuntu, and he does not know how to do these things; so instead he just doesn't update his machine unless I visit him because it breaks mythtv | 02:11 |
royel | !repeat | foormea_ | 02:11 |
ubotu | foormea_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 02:11 |
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preaction | dahveed: you could write a script that keeps track of what kernel is installed, and if a new kernel gets installed it will run something and then update the kernel version it keeps track of. since no matter what a reboot has to happen for a new kernel to get installed, make it a shutdown script perhaps? | 02:11 |
foormea_ | haha ok royel | 02:11 |
suguru | How can Ubuntu Edgy Elf print to Canon pixma ip1500? System Printing just installs ip4000 which just blinks the light and empties the job wo anything printed. | 02:11 |
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trins | royel, LOL | 02:12 |
FryLAPPY | anyone have any ideas why my network connection would be horribly slow for lan traffic? | 02:12 |
IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH | My GUI is screwed. :( | 02:12 |
IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH | How can I reinstall X? | 02:12 |
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dahveed | preaction: hum...I suppose I could do that; it seems like a startup would be better though, as it would reference the current running kernel | 02:12 |
daviey | FryLAPPY, are you using a hub or switch? | 02:12 |
Wuilliam | hi to all: im installing drivers Ati radeon x550, flollowing this: during the process it happened who can help me???????? | 02:12 |
FryLAPPY | gateway from ISP, and then a swich in my room in addition to that | 02:12 |
dahveed | preaction: do you know where I would set something to run on startup (not login) | 02:12 |
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y0hm | Wuilliam : lol | 02:13 |
preaction | dahveed: an init script is what you want, i think ubuntu edgy uses a new kind of init | 02:13 |
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soundray | suguru: Pixma printers are poorly supported in edgy. I had to buy a Turboprint driver for mine. Feisty will come with opensource Pixma drivers. | 02:13 |
y0hm | Wuilliam : no comprende :) | 02:14 |
dahveed | preaction: do I just have to put it in init.d? | 02:14 |
Omni- | so no one in here knows about ubuntu and raid? | 02:14 |
Wuilliam | y0hm: q paso sabes que paso | 02:14 |
FryLAPPY | Omni-: i just set up raid on ubuntu the other day | 02:14 |
preaction | dahveed: no, you have to do something else, and in fact it might not be an init script you need | 02:14 |
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y0hm | Wuilliam : I don't speak Spanish ... :) | 02:14 |
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royel | Wuilliam: no hablo espanol amigo | 02:15 |
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Omni- | FryLAPPY - I want to dual boot with windows. But ubuntu wont pick up my array. I downloaded the alternate disc, and got the same | 02:15 |
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grte | Does anyone know which file urxvt draws it's settings from? | 02:15 |
FryLAPPY | oh, i didn't install to an array | 02:15 |
FryLAPPY | nm | 02:15 |
Wuilliam | y0hm: i need to install acceletarion 3d, but i'm following that guide and i haveing problem | 02:15 |
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ctothej | I was instructed to use this command: "sudo mount -t usbfs none /proc/bus/usb" so I can mount a usb device to vmware. Now, even after a restart, my computer wont recognize any hotplug usb device (ie. flash drive). How can I fix this? | 02:15 |
soundray | Omni-: is it a hardware RAID? | 02:15 |
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Omni- | soundray - yes, and apparently linux hates raid? | 02:16 |
y0hm | Wuilliam : I know but your paste is in Spanish :) | 02:16 |
preaction | dahveed: i found a blog post about it: | 02:16 |
Wuilliam | royel: tengo problemas con esos vinculos que te di | 02:16 |
royel | !es | Wuilliam | 02:16 |
ubotu | Wuilliam: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 02:16 |
soundray | Omni-: not at all. Linux's software raid support is better than many hardware raids. | 02:16 |
soundray | !raid | Omni- | 02:16 |
ubotu | Omni-: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on and | 02:16 |
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Wuilliam | y0hm: ejeje yeahhh, mmmm yeah. im not good whit english | 02:17 |
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dahveed | preaction: thanks, that looks like it would work. Now to write my first ubuntu script :) | 02:17 |
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Wuilliam | royel: can u read that plz, can u help me??? | 02:17 |
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soundray | Omni-: it's just that when you have a hardware raid and you want a root fs on it, you have to add the raid support to the initramfs. | 02:17 |
royel | Wuilliam: sorry, my spanish is not very good, try the spanish channels | 02:18 |
IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH | How do I change my nick? | 02:18 |
royel | IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH: /nick <newnick> | 02:18 |
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posingaspopular | there you go | 02:18 |
IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH | I did that. | 02:18 |
preaction | IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH: i suggest reading an IRC tutorial, in fact, i suggest asking google first before asking the question anything | 02:18 |
posingaspopular | IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH: you can pm me if you want | 02:18 |
royel | IMMA-CHARGIN-MAH: I suggest changing it to /nick Google :) | 02:18 |
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Omni- | soundray - is thisgoing to be as much of a pain as beryl, or should I just run the 2 OS's on the 2HD's seperately? | 02:18 |
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rfschmid | !whitescreen | 02:19 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about whitescreen - try searching on | 02:19 |
L0cKd0wN | so beryl left my system pretty much unusable | 02:19 |
L0cKd0wN | was forced to reboot | 02:19 |
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L0cKd0wN | must be something im doing wrong... *scratches head* | 02:19 |
royel | Can someone tell me how to turn on my computer? | 02:19 |
soundray | Omni-: I can't answer that. I don't know what hardware you have, and I know nothing about your troubleshooting patience and experience. | 02:20 |
hairulfr | L0cKd0wN: You need to install the nvidia drivers first, | 02:20 |
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L0cKd0wN | kmod-nvidia im sure is installed | 02:20 |
L0cKd0wN | anyway to make sure? | 02:20 |
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royel | I'm sorry, I was just being ugly ugly ugly :) | 02:20 |
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y0hm | royel : u need to kickstart it with a high voltage power source :) | 02:21 |
soundray | royel: to turn on your computer, you need Windows. They are like holes in the wall with movable glass screens. Open one of them and push your computer out through it. | 02:21 |
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trins | royel, what's a computer? | 02:21 |
trins | LOL | 02:21 |
bluefox83 | ok, how do you get an infobot to stop responding to all questions in pm? | 02:21 |
bluefox83 | i want it to respond where it is asked.. | 02:22 |
L0cKd0wN | interesting how his response illicits a greater response, than a REAL problem : \ | 02:22 |
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dick-richardson | how do you enter ascii characters? | 02:22 |
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pb | how do you install ubuntu in webtv console? | 02:22 |
soundray | L0cKd0wN: sorry, I (and probably others) get fed up with real problems sometimes. | 02:23 |
dahveed | LockdOwN: | 02:23 |
Orfeous | what apt-sources to use for latest packages for ubuntu 6.10 (edgy) ? | 02:23 |
jrib | !repos | Orfeous | 02:23 |
ubotu | Orfeous: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See also !EasySource | 02:23 |
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dick-richardson | holding down the alt key and typing in the number doesn't work :( | 02:23 |
soundray | L0cKd0wN: especially if there are more appropriate channels for asking those questions | 02:24 |
L0cKd0wN | this one is way more active :) | 02:24 |
L0cKd0wN | dahveed, not sure what i experienced was that 'whitescreen' | 02:24 |
royel | soundray: I found it I think, it says Microsoft Windows.. is that right? | 02:24 |
unop | dick-richardson, what do you need these characters for? | 02:24 |
timfrost | bluefox83: how are you asking the questions? | 02:24 |
soundray | L0cKd0wN: that's like looking for your key under the streetlight instead of where you lost it. | 02:25 |
bluefox83 | timfrost, in channel | 02:25 |
L0cKd0wN | i think it's safe to assume many people here have beryl/emerald themes working, since it's an ubuntu channel.... | 02:25 |
dahveed | L0cKd0wN: sorry, that was rfschmid | 02:25 |
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dick-richardson | unop: general application I'm working w/now is trying to put the cent symbol in one of my shell scripts | 02:25 |
bluefox83 | timfrost, no matter where iask questions, the reply is always in pm.. | 02:25 |
rfschmid | dahveed: Did I do something wrong? | 02:25 |
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Flannel | L0cKd0wN: no. #ubuntu-effects is the place to assume that ;) most people here probably don't. | 02:26 |
dahveed | rfscmid: are you having white-screen issues with beryl? | 02:26 |
L0cKd0wN | :( | 02:26 |
L0cKd0wN | | 02:26 |
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jrib | Orfeous: those pages aren't very clear, but just use !easysource and make sure you have edgy-updates and edgy-security | 02:26 |
rfschmid | dahveed: Yes, but I asked in #ubuntu-effects, not here. | 02:26 |
mindstate | !mp3 | 02:26 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 02:26 |
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soundray | royel: no, pull the plug immediately. Your system has dangerous malware on it. | 02:27 |
dahveed | rfschmid: yeah, I saw you do a help to the bot about it; found this if you didnt get an answer: | 02:27 |
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Bill_Gates | someone call me ????? | 02:27 |
trins | bitch | 02:27 |
soundray | L0cKd0wN: if you don't get an answer here, it's because people who read the channel don't know it. Not because they dislike you. | 02:27 |
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unop | dick-richardson, would the gnome-character-map help? if you want something from the command-line you can create a function "function chr () { perl -e 'print chr pop' "$@"; };" and use it like "chr 97" or "chr 132", etc | 02:27 |
IdleOne | !ops | 02:27 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 02:27 |
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rfschmid | dahveed: Yeah, I'm not having much luck here. Thanks for the link. | 02:28 |
Hobbsee | IdleOne: ? | 02:28 |
IdleOne | trins, | 02:28 |
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poningru | ... | 02:28 |
Wolfe | anyone wanna help a noob :8 | 02:28 |
Hobbsee | !language trins | 02:28 |
royel | !ohmy | trins | 02:28 |
Hobbsee | !language | trins | 02:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about language trins - try searching on | 02:28 |
L0cKd0wN | soundray, i know, just had this problem for a while (6 or 7 days), want it solved heh | 02:28 |
cwoodall | Ill help | 02:28 |
ubotu | trins: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 02:28 |
poningru | IdleOne: use !ohmy | 02:28 |
cwoodall | Wolfe: I'll help | 02:28 |
HymnToLife | Wolfe, just ask your question, we'll help if we can. | 02:28 |
=== trins sorry | ||
Wolfe | ok | 02:28 |
cwoodall | shoot | 02:28 |
Wolfe | this is a bad error... | 02:28 |
Wolfe | which im getting | 02:28 |
IdleOne | poningru, I jumped the gun yeah i thought it was going to be a long spam of curses :/ | 02:28 |
dick-richardson | unop: thank you :D | 02:29 |
Wolfe | i tried the alt cd, but it still doesn't work... | 02:29 |
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unop | dick-richardson, which one did you pick? | 02:29 |
Wolfe | the k ubuntu people said it was the server... and said to go here | 02:29 |
Wolfe | (meaning they had no idea) | 02:29 |
dick-richardson | unop: channel map panel applet...copies it to the clipboard | 02:29 |
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Flannel | Wolfe: the alternate CD has the same problem? that's abnormal. | 02:30 |
dick-richardson | probably not the 'hard-core' way to do it, but it got it done | 02:30 |
rfschmid | Hey, how do I force apt to install a specific version of a package? | 02:30 |
dahveed | rfschmid: check out: | 02:30 |
cwoodall | WOlfe: I have no idea | 02:30 |
unop | dick-richardson, yea, thing is it needs gnome .. anyway, you got what you wanted :) | 02:30 |
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bluefox83 | Wolfe, check your bios, make sure you are using the correct video card setting.. | 02:30 |
cwoodall | Wolfe: ya try alternate | 02:30 |
Wolfe | i did cwoo, and still nothing | 02:30 |
dimeotane | Yay! I'm now running xubuntu on a p2 -233mhz inspiron 7000... 160ram and 6g HD.... xubuntu rox... new life for 'old junk' :-D | 02:30 |
cwoodall | Wolfe: Then try Kubuntu install or Xubuntu install just incase | 02:30 |
timfrost | bluefox83: more info needed. Notice that a request that has '| nick' will address the response to that nick. Similarly, using '> nick' requests that the reply be a PM. | 02:30 |
Wolfe | i did | 02:30 |
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Wolfe | same error | 02:30 |
shwag | how do I format my usb keychain? If it automounts, I cant format because its mounted. If its not automounted, /dev/sdd no longer exists. | 02:30 |
cwoodall | Wolfe: wow | 02:30 |
Wolfe | it works on one comp, but not the other | 02:30 |
Wolfe | for instance, i burned it twice | 02:30 |
royel | dimeotane: haha, well done | 02:31 |
Wolfe | one cd for each comp | 02:31 |
cwoodall | Wolfe: ok lets see I am not sure here I think I grt a simular error with DSL on a comp at school (dont ask) | 02:31 |
Wolfe | and they work for this comp (a dell P.O.S.) but not the other (a nice HP) | 02:31 |
rfschmid | dahveed: I'll check that one too. Again, thanks. | 02:31 |
macd | Wolfe, are you using the alternate install CD? the kernel team suggests that fixes your issue. | 02:31 |
bluefox83 | Wolfe, using on onboard video card or an addon? | 02:31 |
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bluefox83 | *an | 02:31 |
Wolfe | integrated | 02:31 |
bluefox83 | ok | 02:31 |
Wolfe | and yea, alt cd | 02:31 |
needtoknow | sudo apt-get supervirus | 02:31 |
needtoknow | run that ^^^ | 02:32 |
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rmd_ | throw an "install" in there and you might download/install a package | 02:32 |
cwoodall | Wolfe: hmm, thinking. are u sure u have the right proccessor type? Did you maybe get 64 instead of 32 | 02:32 |
Wolfe | lol | 02:32 |
soundray | shwag: 'sudo umount /media/usbdisk', then you should be able to partition and format. | 02:32 |
Wolfe | one sec, ill check | 02:32 |
bluefox83 | Wolfe, make sure that it has your video ram set correctly, if it's too high you get that error..which is pretty much a useless error unless you've had the problem before and figured it out | 02:32 |
needtoknow | ;-) | 02:32 |
Wolfe | it has a 64 | 02:32 |
Wolfe | this one im not sure though | 02:32 |
cwoodall | sudo rm -r /* | 02:32 |
Wolfe | could a 64 proccesor hinder it? | 02:32 |
dimeotane | It was like christmas today, I got a nice package of shipit CD's all fancy with nice logos. Much prettier than my CDR burns with sharpie writing on em | 02:33 |
cwoodall | (WARNING DONT DO IT) | 02:33 |
bluefox83 | doubt it | 02:33 |
cwoodall | no | 02:33 |
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rfschmid | Anyone know how to force apt to install a specific version of a package, rather than the latest? | 02:33 |
Wolfe | apt-get moo | 02:33 |
cwoodall | WOlfe: 32 will install on 64 fine | 02:33 |
needtoknow | I fix a linux game so people can play it on ubuntu then they go and ban me for being a nussance | 02:33 |
jrib | cwoodall: why would you type that? | 02:33 |
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soundray | shwag: if the filesystem has a label, substitute the label for 'usbdisk' | 02:33 |
dimeotane | Wish there was shipit CDs for Xubuntu though | 02:33 |
Flannel | cwoodall: thats liable to get you banned | 02:33 |
macd | Wolfe, your problem cant be solved atm without upstream (debian) fixing the kernel source. | 02:33 |
cwoodall | I know | 02:33 |
cwoodall | Flannel: I know I am mean | 02:33 |
Wolfe | NOOOOOO | 02:33 |
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needtoknow | me: Farts | 02:33 |
shwag | soundray: weird...that worked. Doesnt work if you unmount graphically though. | 02:33 |
Wolfe | so theres nothing i can do!? | 02:33 |
needtoknow | : farts | 02:34 |
cwoodall | Wolfe: try a different distro or use Dapper | 02:34 |
Wolfe | distro? | 02:34 |
needtoknow | me/ farts | 02:34 |
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cwoodall | I'd say go with Dapper | 02:34 |
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macd | Wolfe, not really atm, or use dapper as it uses the 2.6.10 kernel. | 02:34 |
__mikem | needtoknow perhaps THATS why you got banned | 02:34 |
needtoknow | Most likly | 02:34 |
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keitaro1985 | Can anyone help me? I just installed kde-desktop package with ubuntu 6.06, and now my USB mouse doesn't work. During boot the optical light goes off. I've been googling for answers but can't find any. | 02:34 |
Wolfe | whats the diff between dapper and 6.10 or whatever | 02:34 |
cwoodall | Wolfe: Ya either use Dapper or another distro (Debian is the closest) | 02:34 |
soundray | shwag: you can only 'eject' graphically | 02:34 |
macd | needtoknow, keep on topic (support) or move to #ubuntu-offtopic please. | 02:34 |
cwoodall | Wolfe: 7.04 is less stable actually | 02:35 |
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macd | cwoodall, the problem exists with kernel > = 2.6.16 | 02:35 |
grte | Alright, got urxvt looking the way I like. | 02:35 |
grte | Now, last thing... | 02:35 |
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cwoodall | macd: I didn't know | 02:35 |
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grte | Does anybody know if it's possible to make urxvt go fullscreen like gnome-terminal? | 02:35 |
shwag | soundray: that allowed me to fdisk, still cant format though. mkfs.vfat: /dev/sdd1 contains a mounted file system. | 02:35 |
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josh_ | hello all | 02:35 |
josh_ | I keep getting the error message "There are differences between boot sector and its backup. Not Autofixing" in relation to my external usb hard drive. I have read that you can change the settings in /etc/fstab from 0 1 to 0 0 as a work around but thats not what im looking for. | 02:35 |
Wolfe | what does sudo rm -r /* | 02:35 |
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grte | Wolfe: Bad things | 02:35 |
cwoodall | Wplfe: That will wipe everythign | 02:35 |
grte | Wolfe: That will attempt to delete your entire root directory. | 02:35 |
y0hm | grte : u can define geometry with urxvt | 02:36 |
shwag | soundray: err...automount kicked in after the partitioning finished. | 02:36 |
cwoodall | Wolfe: DONT do it | 02:36 |
shwag | soundray: just had to umount again | 02:36 |
macd | cwoodall, the newer kernels are compiled with HIGHMEM64G support (PAE) and PAE is not supported in Via/Epia. | 02:36 |
trins | Wolfe, lol the apocalipshis in your filesystem | 02:36 |
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grte | y0hm: Yeah, but I don't want it to start fullscreen. | 02:36 |
P235 | can someone tell me how to find out more info on the ram of my laptop? | 02:36 |
y0hm | I see ... | 02:36 |
royel | Wolfe: Dapper is Ubuntu's golden child.. it is designed to be a Long Lasting edition using only STABLE packages, where-as Edgy an Feisty might be fairly stable they are also more cutting edge an often will have bugs.. | 02:36 |
P235 | as in brand/make? | 02:36 |
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grte | It just want it to be a button I can toggle into and out of with. | 02:36 |
rmd_ | Wolfe, best not to do that, but it probably wont do much, since it wont force read-only files to be erased. | 02:36 |
cwoodall | Wolfe: U should edit ur .basrc (or zshrc) so it checks whenever u rm | 02:36 |
soundray | shwag: disable automounting for now (Sys-Prefs-Removable Drives...) | 02:36 |
NkZ | Greetings Guys, Good nite. | 02:36 |
rmd_ | Wolfe, but you'll looze lots of cool stuff that you want to have around | 02:36 |
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cwoodall | WOlfe: Many people use Dapper | 02:37 |
Wolfe | ok, so try dapper? | 02:37 |
Wolfe | ok | 02:37 |
cwoodall | Wolfe: Ya | 02:37 |
kevCast | How do I install gnome themes? | 02:37 |
y0hm | grte : setup a hotkey maybe ? | 02:37 |
josh_ | where is a good place to get help? | 02:37 |
Wolfe | is it noticably different? | 02:37 |
soundray | !themes | kevCast | 02:37 |
cwoodall | Wolfe: you wont be missign out on much | 02:37 |
ubotu | kevCast: Find your themes at: - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 02:37 |
grte | Yeah, but how would I go about doing that? | 02:37 |
cwoodall | Wolfe: U gonna run Beryl | 02:37 |
needtoknow | mitur binesderty | 02:37 |
Wolfe | is that a question or a statement? | 02:37 |
Wolfe | lol | 02:37 |
y0hm | !xbindkeys !grte | 02:37 |
ubotu | xbindkeys: Associate a combination of keys or mouse buttons with a shell command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.1-1.1 (edgy), package size 26 kB, installed size 148 kB | 02:37 |
NkZ | Guys, I have a Question regarding gDesklets. Everytime I run it all the Desklets I have active show up (Taking space) on the windows list, How can I solve this? | 02:37 |
royel | Wolfe: I only use Dapper an will not change that till teh replacement for Dapper comes around, which will be quite some time from now | 02:37 |
cwoodall | Wolfe: Question | 02:37 |
jvai | p235, type "top" in the terminal | 02:37 |
dimeotane | royel: how many megs are all the security updates for dapper now? I'm giving my shipit CD's out like candy... but wasn't sure about how bad the updates are by now... | 02:37 |
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cwoodall | Wofle: sry | 02:37 |
trins | josh_, any place without layers ^_^ | 02:37 |
needtoknow | mitur binesderty <--say that | 02:37 |
kevCast | System-->Preferences-->Theme, I know. But when I highlight the folder with the theme, it says it's an invalid format. | 02:38 |
cwoodall | Wolfe: Cause if I remember Dapper isnt as easy to set up | 02:38 |
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y0hm | grte : check that | 02:38 |
josh_ | ?:| | 02:38 |
Wolfe | ._. | 02:38 |
mindstate | anyone know why when i click write in serepentine nothing happens? | 02:38 |
Wolfe | im gunna hate it arn't i? | 02:38 |
trins | oops, lawyer | 02:38 |
royel | dimeotane: I think it was around 190 ?? | 02:38 |
macd | its been said over and over again that dapper should be used anywhere productivity is necc. edgy and feisty are not widely supported atm. | 02:38 |
trins | :) | 02:38 |
cwoodall | Wolfe: Only for BEryl | 02:38 |
grte | That's an option, I suppose. | 02:38 |
cwoodall | Wolfe: Everythign else is good | 02:38 |
grte | I was hoping for something a little more elegant. | 02:38 |
P235 | jvai, I was hoping more along the lines of model number and manufacturer | 02:38 |
whileimhere | Is there a stripped down version of Ubuntu that doesnt have all the extra apps like openoffice and gnomegames? | 02:38 |
cwoodall | Wolfe: you will be more than fine with Dapper. | 02:38 |
macd | whileimhere, ubuntu-server | 02:38 |
rmd_ | mindstate, that's a pretty broad question. | 02:39 |
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Wolfe | ok | 02:39 |
Wolfe | i know a friend that knows Beryl, so its ok =P | 02:39 |
cwoodall | Wolfe: you could try and change teh respiratories oncew u get it working and upgrade to Edgy but AI dont think that will avoid the problem | 02:39 |
josh_ | trins: lol... thats a start...... now I know where not to get help | 02:39 |
jvai | ooops. my bad @ p235... crucial's site wont work in linux.. | 02:39 |
NkZ | Guys, I have a Question regarding gDesklets. Everytime I run it all the Desklets I have active show up (Taking space) on the windows list, How can I solve this? | 02:39 |
dimeotane | what's the major change between dapper and edgy? | 02:39 |
=== rmd_ ponders switching from Abiword to Open Office | ||
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macd | cwoodall, it would not solve the problem, since the kernel is the problem. | 02:39 |
Lurner | Hey guys.. Tomorrow I have to go and use this ubuntu laptop to control a cisco router.. In order to do that I have to telnet out the serial port.. How do I start to do that on this ubuntu box ? | 02:39 |
grte | Newer kernel and newer Gnome. | 02:39 |
Flannel | dimeotane: newer versions of software, and upstart | 02:39 |
cwoodall | Wolfe: good. I dont knwo how much different it is | 02:39 |
whileimhere | With Ubuntu Server can Gnome be installed via apt ? | 02:39 |
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shwag | soundray: i fdisked the entire hdd but for some reason my usb key still loads with a drive and a CD-ROM icon. as if it thinks it has an internal cdrom too. | 02:39 |
Flannel | whileimhere: yes. You'll also want to swap the kernel for the desktop one though | 02:40 |
rmd_ | whileimhere, absolutely. | 02:40 |
unop | whileimhere, there's a version of ubuntu (the netinstall) that has no graphical stuff at all .. you can install the base first and then add on what you need later | 02:40 |
kevCast | Does anyone know why when I highlight the folder with all of the theme information, it says the format is invalid? Do I have to install it bit by bit? | 02:40 |
cwoodall | macd: ok I just said that i didnt know how effective it would be. Thanks for that though. Knowing me that would eb the first thing I did | 02:40 |
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Lurner | . | 02:40 |
cwoodall | kevCast: easy | 02:40 |
P235 | jvai, ah, okay, thanks. | 02:40 |
cwoodall | kevCast: U have to put in the tar.gz | 02:40 |
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Lurner | Hey guys.. Tomorrow I have to go and use this ubuntu laptop to control a cisco router.. In order to do that I have to telnet out the serial port.. How do I start to do that on this ubuntu box ? | 02:40 |
cwoodall | kevCast: not the folder I had the same problem | 02:40 |
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jvai | np | 02:41 |
kevCast | Put what in the tar.gz? | 02:41 |
soundray | shwag: Sys-Prefs-Removable Drives ? | 02:41 |
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whileimhere | Okay. I was wondering because when I have been doing installs I have to remove openoffice since no one uses it and the games and ekiga and such | 02:41 |
P235 | jvai, if you haven't installed it already you should try htop intead of top | 02:41 |
jvai | htop? | 02:41 |
Lurner | is there a terminal program of some sort built in ? | 02:41 |
cwoodall | kevCast: when u dl the themes they coem packaged right | 02:41 |
unop | Lurner, you dont telnet out a serial port :) you telnet to an IP address .. anyway you are probably after !minicom | 02:41 |
unop | !minicom | 02:41 |
ubotu | minicom: friendly menu driven serial communication program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1-10 (edgy), package size 150 kB, installed size 892 kB | 02:41 |
Lurner | how do I direct it to send it's output to the serial port | 02:41 |
cwoodall | kevCast: keepem like that and then use that | 02:41 |
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Lurner | ( yes there is the serial port on this laptop) | 02:41 |
cwoodall | kevCast: font change a thing from the dl | 02:41 |
P235 | jvai, it's top, but with a few more bells and whistles. | 02:41 |
kevCast | cwoodall: Yes, but I believe that didn't work either. Hold on, let me try it. | 02:41 |
=== josh_ boot sector is unfixable | ||
Flannel | whileimhere: you might be interested in some other window manager, there are plenty of them. | 02:42 |
jvai | p235 not installed by default like top? | 02:42 |
unop | ubotu, tell Lurner about minicom | 02:42 |
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Lurner | I no speak english so good | 02:42 |
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NkZ | Anyone can help me with the Gdesklets Issue? | 02:42 |
geeksauce | are SMB and samba shares compatible with each other? | 02:42 |
_stewie | how come my wireless internet doesn't work on ubuntu? | 02:42 |
jvai | <--- googling htop | 02:42 |
unop | geeksauce, samba uses the SMB/CIFS protocol .. so yes and no | 02:42 |
kevCast | cwoodall: Nope, says it's invalid. | 02:42 |
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jvai | or.. | 02:42 |
P235 | jvai, I use 6.10 and it didn't come installed for me. Search it with aptitude though. | 02:42 |
shwag | soundray: nah...this is something on the disk. on macs or windows the usbkey pulls up a cdrom too. But strangely formating the entire drive doesnt get rid of its more then just a partition. | 02:42 |
jvai | !htop | 02:42 |
ubotu | htop: interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.2-1 (edgy), package size 42 kB, installed size 172 kB | 02:42 |
cwoodall | kevCast: odd | 02:42 |
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shwag | soundray: ive never seen something like this though | 02:43 |
kevCast | cwoodall: And frustating. | 02:43 |
cwoodall | kevCast give me the link to the one ur using | 02:43 |
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NkZ | _stewie: You need to config Wireless on Ubuntu, It's a pain in the rear. | 02:43 |
cwoodall | kevCast: maybe I can find the problem ( the exact theme ) | 02:43 |
kevCast | cwoodall: | 02:43 |
NkZ | _stewie: Use Ndiswrapper. | 02:43 |
geeksauce | unop: if i share via SMB protocol then both windows and *NIX systems will be able to read, correct? | 02:43 |
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wilmar | ol | 02:44 |
_stewie | Nkz thanks | 02:44 |
rmd_ | _stewie, it depends on what brand card you're using. and what you mean by "not working" | 02:44 |
NkZ | _stewie: You're using Ubuntu 6.10 right? | 02:44 |
rmd_ | he may not need ndiswrapper... | 02:44 |
unop | geeksauce, only those *nix computers with a smbclient can access samba/smb shares | 02:44 |
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cwoodall | kevCast: nice theme | 02:44 |
soundray | shwag: they put the strangest things into those sticks now. I saw one the other day that was labelled as 2GB, but it had two 1.6GB partitions on it, and I found no way to change them. | 02:44 |
_stewie | let me check. | 02:44 |
jvai | got it @ p235, "sudo apt-gtet install htop" | 02:44 |
_stewie | i tried on live actually | 02:44 |
_stewie | its does works with the wirred tho | 02:45 |
NkZ | rmd_ That's true. | 02:45 |
cwoodall | kevCast: I prefer more Giloche Like themes but wtvr | 02:45 |
P235 | jvai, I like it, maybe you will too | 02:45 |
kevCast | cwoodall: lol, thanks. Did it work for you? | 02:45 |
cwoodall | kevCast: 1 sec | 02:45 |
cwoodall | kevCast: odd its a zip | 02:45 |
rmd_ | _stewie, your first step might be to "iwconfig" and see if your card is even being recognized | 02:45 |
geeksauce | unop: what protocol do *NIX systems use to share files "out of the box"? | 02:45 |
jvai | ooooo! ty so much @ p235, it kinda has the wavemon thingy goin on w/ it!! colorful! | 02:45 |
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NkZ | Depends on the card. There's a site, if I am not wrong, that tells you about the cards supported directly by Ubuntu without ndiswrapper. | 02:45 |
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h4lfl1ng | sup guys! | 02:46 |
shwag | soundray: through ubuntu forum I found this, | 02:46 |
P235 | jvai, welcome | 02:46 |
jvai | ty soo much @ p235 | 02:46 |
kevCast | cwoodall: That's probably what threw me off. Deviantart doesn't recognize tar.gz I believe. | 02:46 |
geeksauce | unop: just curious, as everything in this house runs on linux or OSX besides my office pc | 02:46 |
unop | geeksauce, errm, depends -- NFS usually, but FTP, WebDAV, etc can be used too | 02:46 |
cwoodall | kevCast: try right clicking on it click Create Archive and make a tar.gz | 02:46 |
soundray | geeksauce: none. But NFS would be the traditional unix way of sharing directories across networks. | 02:46 |
cwoodall | kevCast: install that | 02:46 |
dimeotane | what's the better choice easyubuntu or automatix? (yes, I know it's not officially recommended, but I need a quick install for all the *other* stuff | 02:46 |
macd | geeksauce, you can also have windows clients access NFS via Services for Unix. | 02:47 |
rmd_ | _stewie, NkZ, | 02:47 |
cwoodall | kevCast: Ya that works | 02:47 |
h4lfl1ng | i was wondering how i can get my sound on my laptop working | 02:47 |
cwoodall | kevCast: If you want I'll upload it for u somewhere | 02:47 |
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NkZ | rmd_: Don't mind about me, My Wireless is working. :-) I used ndiswrapper | 02:47 |
jvai | p235 can this htop be used in the 2.4 kernel? i have dsl installed on an older thinkpad | 02:47 |
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geeksauce | macd: interesting... i'll have to check that out | 02:47 |
kevCast | cwoodall: I don't get the Create Archive option when I right click. | 02:47 |
CVirus | Is the squid .deb built with delay-pool support ? | 02:47 |
unop | geeksauce, samba isnt as fast as the others -- and if you have non-M$ computers, ftp is probably the best | 02:47 |
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cwoodall | kevCast: Orly | 02:48 |
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cwoodall | ok ill upload it for u | 02:48 |
rmd_ | NkZ, mine worked without any fuss. just needed to set the SSID, as my router does not broadcast | 02:48 |
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kevCast | cwoodall: Yarly. :'( | 02:48 |
cwoodall | kevcast: ur in gnome right | 02:48 |
P235 | jvai, I believe it can be used for 2.4...from what I can remember of the website | 02:48 |
kevCast | cwoodall: Yes, with all the updates. | 02:48 |
unop | geeksauce, although ftp can't be mounted on local directories -- so if you want that, NFS :) | 02:48 |
NkZ | rmd_:There is, Through, some special procedure if you have a Marvell Libertas Card. He should do a lspci | 02:48 |
jvai | ok | 02:48 |
suguru | deb ./ claims to be Pixma ip1500 & other drivers for 6.10. Synaptic now shows 4 black lines when I search for ip1500. Can anyone verify if it is ok to install these? | 02:48 |
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cwoodall | | 02:48 |
soundray | unop: perhaps you should add that samba tends to be faster than Windows' own implementation of smb... | 02:48 |
cwoodall | oops wrong link | 02:49 |
Lurner | I just found a program called serial port terminal in the add/remove applications .. I didnot find minicom.. I will try this | 02:49 |
shwag | soundray: wadayaknow, the uninstaller only comes for windows. | 02:49 |
rmd_ | NkZ, well, it would help to just iwconfig first, to see if the card is being used. it might just be that he hasn't configured it correctly with his router, and that would be a much faster/easier process | 02:49 |
soundray | s/smb/smb\/cifs/ | 02:49 |
Lurner | thank you for trying to help | 02:49 |
cwoodall | kevCast: | 02:49 |
Strom_C | What is the exact procedure that ubuntu uses to auto-determine video settings when starting the livecd, and is it possible to invoke that procedure post-install? I'm trying to create a partition image which is fairly portable across machines. | 02:49 |
h4lfl1ng | alsaconf doesnt work, is there nother ay to setup my audio? | 02:49 |
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unop | soundray, well, thats not something i am convinced about -- thats why i've avoided saying it :) | 02:49 |
cwoodall | kevCast: that should work | 02:49 |
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Strom_C | soundray: that 'solution' i found wound up not working on one of my test machines | 02:49 |
NkZ | rmd_: You're right. :-) I just jumped to ndiswrapper directly. | 02:49 |
geeksauce | unop, i'll see how SMB performs. i do want to be able to mount, so if SMB sucks too much i'll switch to NFS. i need windows support only because my friends like to come over, plug in to my LAN, and leech all my media :-P | 02:50 |
dimeotane | anyone have any recommendations for good packages to install and use on really slow machines like this P2-233? | 02:50 |
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ryanakca | Umm... I just got a AMD Athlon64 comp... can I just transfer my current hard drive (P3), or do I need to do a fresh install? What about installing a 64bit kernel and then transfering HD? | 02:50 |
soundray | Strom_C: oh, too bad. I hope you find an answer now. | 02:50 |
_stewie | uh the ubuntu i got is 5.04 | 02:50 |
markstos_ | dimeotane: xubuntu | 02:50 |
rmd_ | NkZ, thank gods for the Wiki. | 02:50 |
ryanakca | (current comp is pentium 3 (coppermine)) | 02:50 |
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Strom_C | soundray: too LD | 02:50 |
Strom_C | er :D | 02:50 |
jvai | p235, the best i can tell u of make/model oM is simply using the wiki maybe... there's a thinkpad wiki, so it may be for your box also... or just looking up the specs RA | 02:50 |
unop | geeksauce, your friends can always leech of FTP -- from within your house or over the internet :) | 02:50 |
dimeotane | markstos_: not the WM but packages to use on xubuntu! | 02:50 |
rmd_ | dimeotane, you could either start with an Ubuntu Server install, or try Xubuntu. | 02:50 |
NkZ | rmd_: Truer words had never been spoken | 02:50 |
kevCast | cwoodall: I <3 U | 02:50 |
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shatrat | ryanakca, I think it would be best to copy your /home and then reinstall, then restore it | 02:50 |
unop | geeksauce, or webdav even if you have a webserver already | 02:50 |
linux_user400354 | how can i improve the picture quality of vnc in ubuntu? im getting a poor quality picture that looks like the colors are distorted. i tried pushing f8 but that gave me no options to change it. i also used the -truecolour option with vncviewer when connecting and that didnt help either. | 02:51 |
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ryanakca | shatrat: what about /etc ? | 02:51 |
cwoodall | kevCast: heh thanks I guess. NP, just trying to help | 02:51 |
markstos_ | dimeotane: but xubuntu comes with several packages... looking for something in particular? | 02:51 |
wilmar | ol bienvenido | 02:51 |
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rmd_ | linux_user400354, i know that on lots of videos i need to select 'extended gui' under settings and adjust the brightness/contrast to get the colors right | 02:51 |
ryanakca | shatrat: (with all my settings)... and... 64 or 32 bit install? | 02:51 |
markstos_ | dimeotane: often memory is a bigger issue than processor speed. | 02:51 |
dimeotane | gaim is almost too much for this | 02:51 |
cwoodall | kevCast: truth is I didnty know if that would work | 02:51 |
shatrat | ryanakca, if you have any data there that would be lost, yeah back that up. Just dont bother backing up stuff like /usr/bin or other things that will be installed | 02:51 |
ryanakca | nah | 02:52 |
efrancolaporte | hey i downloaded firefox2 installation file as .tar.gz but how do I install it? | 02:52 |
t4dyce | my dlink dwlg650 runs at 108 in windows and 54k in ubuntu 6.10, any ideas | 02:52 |
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kevCast | cwoodall: The saying is it's the thought that counts, and you not only got the though, you got the success too. | 02:52 |
dimeotane | is there a LITE IRC program I can put on xubuntu? | 02:52 |
unop | linux_user400354, consult your VNC viewer/client and look into changing the depth (to 24 for truecolor) | 02:52 |
geeksauce | unop, partially true. my ISP is really stupid when it comes to running servers. i used to be able to run an FTP server on an obscure port, but they've taken preventative measures against that now | 02:52 |
efrancolaporte | do i remplace the firefox 1 folder? | 02:52 |
ryanakca | and... hmm... that's it I think | 02:52 |
kevCast | cwoodall: High fives. | 02:52 |
ryanakca | dimeotane: irssi | 02:52 |
shatrat | ryanakca, well, 64 bit is still a lot of trouble for a relatively small performance increase in everything but heavy integer crunching. | 02:52 |
markstos_ | dimeotane: do you have a system monitor applet to see whether your processor is being maxed out, or if your memory is? | 02:52 |
rmd_ | efrancolaporte, why did you do that? did you want a version that was unavailable in synaptic/aptitude? | 02:52 |
P235 | jvai, I'll give that a shot | 02:52 |
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cwoodall | kevCast: Lol Im not using it, but wtvr. Hihg five | 02:52 |
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shatrat | ryanakca, but I guarantee you'll learn a lot if you install 64 bit :D | 02:52 |
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ryanakca | shatrat: lot of trouble... | 02:52 |
dimeotane | processor is maxed.. memory is 87mb of 159mb used | 02:52 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: oh ya I did that | 02:52 |
linux_user400354 | unop: thats what the -truecolour option with xvncviewer is supposed to do when i used it. | 02:52 |
slv | can anyone tell me how functional Ubuntu is on a g4 laptop? will it detect everything alright? | 02:52 |
ryanakca | shatrat: what happened to the 64bit install CD? | 02:52 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: my firefox died | 02:53 |
efrancolaporte | rmd_ i like firefox2 in windows, i figured id like it in linux | 02:53 |
Lurner | <Lurner> I recently learned how to do that.. hold on a sec | 02:53 |
Lurner | <Lurner> here is is | 02:53 |
Lurner | <Lurner> once the os is loaded | 02:53 |
Lurner | <Lurner> then start in text mode | 02:53 |
Lurner | <Lurner> ( selection #2 from the grub loader | 02:53 |
Lurner | <Lurner> then when you are at the command line interface | 02:53 |
Lurner | <Lurner> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 02:53 |
Lurner | <Lurner> and a little program will start and it will guide you through configuring all sorts of things | 02:53 |
Lurner | <Lurner> are you there ? | 02:53 |
CharlieSu | Does ubuntu have a Looking Glass package?? | 02:53 |
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ryanakca | !pastebin | Lurner | 02:53 |
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ubotu | Lurner: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:53 |
P235 | jvai, enjoy htop, makes killing and terminating processes a breeze for me. Bye bye. | 02:53 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: firefox 2 is already isntalled | 02:53 |
rmd_ | efrancolaporte, so why didn't you use apt-get or the Synaptic program to install firefox? | 02:53 |
unop | geeksauce, well, i have an ISP thats the same so i tend to get my friends to connect in via ssh and then tunnel their traffic through it .. the ISP cant do much then :) | 02:53 |
dimeotane | I'm doing IRC and an apt-get upgrade. too much for this old thing to do at once | 02:53 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: that is the firefox that comes with Ubuntu | 02:53 |
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unop | !paste | Lurner | 02:53 |
macd | CharlieSu, its documented on the Sun website howto install on debian/unbuntu. | 02:53 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: are u in Dapper? | 02:53 |
tao | Beeeeeryyylll ppppooooowwwweeeeerrrrr | 02:53 |
markstos_ | dimeotane: maybe "xchat"? | 02:53 |
efrancolaporte | cwoodall yes im in dapper | 02:53 |
shatrat | ryanakca, as far as I know its still available under "other installation options" | 02:53 |
CharlieSu | macd: could you give me URL that would be great.. i don't have browser on this comp | 02:53 |
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geeksauce | unop: true, but isn't ssh command line only? | 02:54 |
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macd | CharlieSu, then how do you expect to browse the site? lynx? | 02:54 |
shatrat | ryanakca, here for example, | 02:54 |
megafauna | hi which program to I use to open A text editor, I also need sudo to edit the file | 02:54 |
CharlieSu | macd: yes.. links2 | 02:54 |
ryanakca | shatrat: yeah... I'm asking, why wouldn't that work? why would it be a whole lot more work? | 02:54 |
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cwoodall | megafauna: u trying to start a war | 02:54 |
markstos_ | megafauna: usually ".so" files are editted. | 02:54 |
shatrat | ryanakca, well, things like the flash plugin are 32 bit only | 02:54 |
markstos_ | are -> are NOT | 02:54 |
ryanakca | ah | 02:55 |
macd | CharlieSu, | 02:55 |
=== ryanakca will stick with 32 then | ||
CharlieSu | macd: thanks so much | 02:55 |
cwoodall | megafauna: for cli editors (I am not sure about .so) nano, vim and emacs are standard | 02:55 |
shwag | soundray: uninstaller worked on windows. I have no idea how firmware would make a device be so invisible though. | 02:55 |
shatrat | ryanakca, and other binary only stuff. pretty much every open source program is 64 bit compatible, but if its closed source you gotta hope somebody compiled it for you | 02:55 |
mindstate | what plugins do i need for k3b to burn mp3 audio? | 02:55 |
efrancolaporte | hey i downloaded firefox2 installation file as .tar.gz but how do I install it? | 02:55 |
unop | geeksauce, SSH is a protocol -- the utilities might or might not be command line -- like for e.g. there's winscp , a GUI, that supports SCP/SFTP connections | 02:55 |
cwoodall | megafauna: u can also use gedit as follows ( sudo gedit name_of_file ) | 02:55 |
efrancolaporte | yes im in dapper and yes i have firefox 1.5 | 02:55 |
unop | geeksauce, it's just down to the individual client really | 02:55 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: answer this do u have ff isntalled | 02:56 |
soundray | shwag: well, the electronics either implement a standard drive interface -- or they don't :) | 02:56 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: already on your system | 02:56 |
CharlieSu | macd: have you tried it out of curiosity? | 02:56 |
efrancolaporte | cwoodall yes I have ff 1.509 installed | 02:56 |
macd | CharlieSu, sure have, I dont think its very mature yet | 02:56 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: ok cool well lets see | 02:56 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: their is probably a deb somewhere | 02:56 |
shwag | soundray: i guess the cdrom was /dev/sr0 but both partitions were mirrors of eachother...two 2gig partitions....2 gigs total. | 02:56 |
dimeotane | whats the *best* cli package --- that's a must have ... nethack or something? | 02:57 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: but you can do it this way to | 02:57 |
geeksauce | unop, i meant the client software is command line, isn't it? i realize it can launch apps that have a GUI frontend or whatever | 02:57 |
megafauna | cwoodall: It says on the wiki to edit the file to install the ALSA OSS driver here: | 02:57 |
shatrat | dimeotane, cowsay | 02:57 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: how are u gonna launch it | 02:57 |
dimeotane | heh~ | 02:57 |
efrancolaporte | cwodall, gets me a .tar.gz, not a .deb | 02:57 |
ryanakca | shatrat: how long would it take to copy about 12GB of /home from HDA to HDB | 02:57 |
efrancolaporte | i dont know what to do with it | 02:57 |
megafauna | cwoodall: No war, the mission was accomplished, we all saw the banner | 02:57 |
jvai | ty all.. | 02:57 |
shatrat | efrancolaporte, dont install from there, use a repository | 02:57 |
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cwoodall | efrancolaporte: pl | 02:57 |
Proghead | hey when I put a cd or a dvd in my computer I can't see the stuff on it when I click on the icon of the desktop, and since Im new to linux I don't really know why, so if anyone can help on this | 02:57 |
macd | efrancolaporte, just use synaptic to install firefox. | 02:57 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: I installed it from their | 02:58 |
efrancolaporte | shatrat: how? im ber n00b linux | 02:58 |
CharlieSu | macd: anything else you know of that is impressive like it? | 02:58 |
Megaqwerty | how do I make an Ubuntu package from source? | 02:58 |
cwoodall | macd: he is on dapper | 02:58 |
dimeotane | shatrat: I was thinking more productivity or gaming... less cli novelty | 02:58 |
shatrat | ryanakca, depends on what kind of drives they are, but even if theyre just USB it shouldnt take that long | 02:58 |
macd | cwoodall, dapper has firefox | 02:58 |
Strom_C | I wonder how many times I have to repeat my question before I can get someone to answer it | 02:58 |
efrancolaporte | how do i tell synaptic to install a .tar.gz? | 02:58 |
macd | efrancolaporte, you cant. | 02:58 |
cwoodall | macd: he wants 2 | 02:58 |
markstos_ | Proghead: Data CDs? | 02:58 |
dimeotane | is cowsay... cli "eyecandy"? | 02:58 |
shatrat | dimeotane, you can pipe all your commands output to cowsay. Nothing is more convincing than a talking cow if there is a problem | 02:58 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: Their may be a backport | 02:58 |
gnomefreak | efrancolaporte: sudo apt-get install firefox | 02:58 |
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shatrat | efrancolaporte, what are you trying to install, firefox 2? | 02:58 |
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macd | CharlieSu, personally its just eye candy, but somethings that are close are Beryl, Compiz. | 02:58 |
rmd_ | efrancolaporte, open synaptic and search for "firefox" | 02:58 |
Proghead | markstos_ yes | 02:59 |
efrancolaporte | gnomefreak i already have ff installed, just the 1.5 version i want 2 | 02:59 |
gnomefreak | !compile | Megaqwerty | 02:59 |
rmd_ | efrancolaporte, it will automagically download and install the new version | 02:59 |
ubotu | Megaqwerty: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 02:59 |
gnomefreak | efrancolaporte: upgrade to edgy | 02:59 |
geeksauce | !ssh | 02:59 |
ubotu | SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at | 02:59 |
ryanakca | shatrat: ok... and what command do I use to make sure EVERY file gets copied over? last time I copied over as a backup, and it didn't copy anything past ./A/B/C/D/ ... *lost a pile of important stuff* | 02:59 |
megafauna | cwoodall: I opened the file: it is blank! | 02:59 |
mindstate | what plugins do i need for k3b to burn mp3 audio? | 02:59 |
macd | efrancolaporte, then untar the tar.gz and follow the instructions in the README file. | 02:59 |
shatrat | efrancolaporte, I believe its in the backports. If you enable that repository then it will be available in synaptic | 02:59 |
markstos_ | Proghead: I'm not sure. I would have expected that to work. | 02:59 |
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cwoodall | megafauna: sry man idk | 02:59 |
efrancolaporte | gnomefreak: edgy is buggy and i dont feel the need for it | 02:59 |
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megafauna | cwoodall: hmm. maybe wrong file | 02:59 |
richw | Hi | 02:59 |
macd | efrancolaporte, and you want buggy firefox 2.0 ;P | 02:59 |
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gnomefreak | cwoodall: we dont backport firefox | 03:00 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: ok well let me find a .deb I thinK I found one b4 | 03:00 |
doojin | Does anybody know how to specify the screen resolution of usplash? | 03:00 |
shwag | soundray: haha, but now that the extra drive is removed...its no longer partitionable. You can never win! Bad primary partition 0: Partition ends in the final partial cylind | 03:00 |
Proghead | markstos_ well data dvds, music cds, and the two aren't read | 03:00 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: oh well then | 03:00 |
gnomefreak | !firefox | 03:00 |
ubotu | firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see Installing plugins: | 03:00 |
efrancolaporte | macd if firefox 2 isn't buggy on windows, it shouldn't be buggy on linux should it | 03:00 |
doojin | !usplash | 03:00 |
ubotu | To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See for adding your custom artwork | 03:00 |
macd | efrancolaporte, thats not a logical line of thinking, at all. | 03:00 |
gnomefreak | Megaqwerty: read ubotus post | 03:00 |
spookyx | i installed ff2 and i don't think i had to download the tar file, i am sure i did it from one of the built in update/add programs app | 03:00 |
Megaqwerty | gnomefreak: I am | 03:00 |
richw | I have a Rt2500 based card and my wireless is running on channel 12. How do i configure the wirless reigion in the drivers so it can find my wireless network? | 03:00 |
Megaqwerty | gnomefreak: thanks | 03:01 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: | 03:01 |
shatrat | ryanakca, I believe cp -r /path/to/originals /path/to/copies should recursively copy everything. Ill check real quick | 03:01 |
gnomefreak | ABR vcPINK | 03:01 |
markstos_ | Proghead: I'm sure what's going wrong.. I'm new to Ubuntu myself. I know Linux can often Do the Right Thing, though. | 03:01 |
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geeksauce | unop: nvm i got it | 03:01 |
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efrancolaporte | macd i though you linux zealots think Linux is just as good or better than Windows in every immaginable way :-) | 03:01 |
soundray | shwag: at this point I'd go back to the shop and demand my money back | 03:01 |
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spookyx | vcPINK i use freebsd and ubuntu both. i don't see your point | 03:01 |
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macd | efrancolaporte, every OS has its place. | 03:01 |
ryanakca | shatrat: thanks | 03:01 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: u trying to start a war foo (I am trying to say this to asm many people as possible) | 03:01 |
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soundray | Can I withdraw a bug I reported on launchpad? | 03:01 |
doojin | !usplash | 03:01 |
ubotu | To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See for adding your custom artwork | 03:02 |
Proghead | markstos_ hehe ok, I'll search a bit more | 03:02 |
richw | I have a Rt2500 based card and my wireless is running on channel 12. How do i configure the wirless reigion in the drivers so it can find my wireless network? | 03:02 |
=== spookyx also uses xp 64 for the windows apps i need. no problem there ether | ||
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: Ya, Linux is good, but sometimes WIndows shines (RARELY) and other tiems OS X shines (less rarely than windows) | 03:02 |
efrancolaporte | lol | 03:02 |
gnomefreak | soundray: reject it and give reason | 03:02 |
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shwag | soundray: I blame the legions of middle aged windows programmers. | 03:03 |
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macd | this channel is for support, anything else should be taken to #ubuntu-offtopic. thanks. | 03:03 |
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richw | shwag: they aint all middle aged ;) | 03:03 |
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Megaqwerty | gnomefreak: where would I go for problems with checkinstall? | 03:03 |
evolocus | I am working on a friend's laptop with windows xp to partition the drive using Gparted off of Ubuntu live cd. When I try to apply the changes, the program gives an error message that it cannot access the hard drive. Any ideas? | 03:03 |
soundray | gnomefreak: how do I reject? Don't I need advanced privileges for that? | 03:04 |
Strom_C | *sigh* I'll spam my question again | 03:04 |
Strom_C | What is the exact procedure that ubuntu uses to auto-determine video settings when starting the livecd, and is it possible to invoke that procedure post-install? I'm trying to create a partition image which is fairly portable across machines. | 03:04 |
cwoodall | soundray: sudo will make u admin | 03:04 |
cwoodall | soundray: sudo will make u root (sry) | 03:04 |
hellcattrav | hey how do i make opera my default browser? | 03:04 |
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macd | Strom_C, browse the livecd until you get the X init scripts. | 03:04 |
gnomefreak | soundray: no click on the package name and where it says needsinfo or unconfirmed change to rejected | 03:04 |
cwoodall | hellcattray: I think it is simple it should ask u in the settings | 03:04 |
spookyx | shwag, microsoft has the hard task of programming for the idiots of the world, | 03:04 |
gnomefreak | Megaqwerty: launchpad | 03:04 |
eck | how can you tell what repository a package has been installed from? | 03:04 |
cwoodall | hellcattray: If u tried that get back to me | 03:05 |
hellcattrav | um | 03:05 |
hellcattrav | oh | 03:05 |
Megaqwerty | gnomefreak: I don't think it's a bug | 03:05 |
soundray | gnomefreak: thanks! | 03:05 |
gnomefreak | soundray: np | 03:05 |
richw | ANYONE have a RT2500 WIRELESS CARD in here???????? | 03:05 |
psykidellic | Hello, I want to compile Sedna XML database from source and it requires GCC 3.3. It dosnt work with GCC 4.1. So I installed GCC 3.3. Do I need to install g++ 3.3 also? what is the most easiest way to change the compiler flags so that the makefile uses the correct version i.e. 3.3 for GCC and all related tools? | 03:05 |
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Megaqwerty | gnomefreak: "Cleaning up.../usr/bin/checkinstall: line 299: [: too many arguments" | 03:05 |
macd | psykidellic, use the EXPORT=gcc operative. | 03:05 |
jrib | eck: apt-cache policy package_name may help but it is not the answer to your question | 03:05 |
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eck | psykidellic: you only need g++ if the app is written in C++ | 03:05 |
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timfrost | eck: apt-cache policy package | 03:05 |
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Megaqwerty | gnomefreak: or is it? | 03:05 |
cwoodall | hellcattrav: u can go to System->Preferences-Preferred Applications | 03:05 |
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gnomefreak | Megaqwerty: what are you trying to use it on? | 03:06 |
psykidellic | eck, Yes. It has C++ code | 03:06 |
dimeotane | evolocus: it may have something to do with needing to do a chkdsk in windows first before you are allowed to partition a NTFS... for the reason of keeping your data safe... that happened to me once | 03:06 |
eck | and you _should_ be able to just set $CC to your gcc version, and if the make file isn't retarded it will work | 03:06 |
gnomefreak | Megaqwerty: not all packages can use checkinstall | 03:06 |
Megaqwerty | gnomefreak: the new version of gaim 2.0.0 Beta6 | 03:06 |
Comrade-Sergei | how can you format a ide hdd from a terminal? | 03:06 |
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psykidellic | eck, its a mix of C++ and C | 03:06 |
doojin | Does anybody know how to specify the screen resolution of usplash? | 03:06 |
eck | timfrost, jrib: thanks | 03:06 |
cwoodall | hellcattrav: u can go to System->Preferences-Preferred Applications | 03:06 |
macd | eck, when is the last time you saw a non-retarded makefile ;) | 03:06 |
eck | macd: good question :-) | 03:06 |
richw | I have a Rt2500 based wireless card and my wireless is running on channel 12. How do i configure the wirless reigion in the drivers so it can find my wireless network? | 03:06 |
gnomefreak | Megaqwerty: gaim almost always errors with checkinstall | 03:06 |
cwoodall | hellcattrav: sry (accident) | 03:06 |
gnomefreak | Megaqwerty: if you are just installing it use make install | 03:06 |
cwoodall | hellcattrav: ya do that and then change it their | 03:07 |
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eck | well, if it is written in C++ and uses stdlib or whatever they call it, you need G++ | 03:07 |
Strom_C | macd: maybe I'm just an idiot, but I can't find any init scripts that seem to autoconfigure X | 03:07 |
Megaqwerty | gnomefreak: won't that conflict if I try to install it later from the repository? | 03:07 |
efrancolaporte | alright it's updating firefox with whoever gave me that url witrh the script :-) | 03:07 |
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macd | Strom_C, one second, I'll locate it for you. | 03:07 |
gnomefreak | Megaqwerty: if you need a deb that learn how to package :) or wait a few weeks and i might have a deb for it but im extremly busy with firefox and thunderbird | 03:07 |
psykidellic | eck, thanks. I will install g++ 3.3 also and try | 03:07 |
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Strom_C | macd: thanks :) | 03:08 |
gireesh | I have a problem with a new install of Feisty Fawn Herd 4 | 03:08 |
gnomefreak | Megaqwerty: yes depends on the version number | 03:08 |
gireesh | is it ok to talk about it here? | 03:08 |
geeksauce | how can i set a key bind that will lock my screen? | 03:08 |
efrancolaporte | WOHOO IT WORKED :-) | 03:08 |
Megaqwerty | gnomefreak: that's what I was asking. I wanted to know how to package. | 03:08 |
Proghead | Ok searched a bit and I can't mount cd an dvd that I put in each of my drive and I seem to get the message : the drive is appear confused when I search in the terminal. I had get this error when booting too but it worked with irqpoll, I had read that once you booted with irqpoll you had to modify a file or something so maybe it's because of that it isn't working. Anybody have a clue? | 03:08 |
efrancolaporte | thanks guys | 03:08 |
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evolocus | dimeotane, how did you solve your problem? | 03:08 |
A1Mega | Windows forced me to use Ubuntu. Windooze locked and would not start. I loaded Ubuntu and presto. It's like I have a whole new computer. | 03:08 |
soundray | gireesh: no. #ubuntu+1 | 03:08 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: gl on the rest of ur linux trip | 03:08 |
gnomefreak | Megaqwerty: ubuntu doesnt use checkinstall to package our products | 03:08 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: havea nice try | 03:08 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: havea nice trip | 03:08 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: havea nice stay | 03:08 |
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gnomefreak | Megaqwerty: please see #ubuntu-motu for packaging help in ubuntu | 03:09 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: (WOW I AM SO BAD WITH WORDS) | 03:09 |
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Comrade-Sergei | how can you format a ide hdd from a terminal? | 03:09 |
Megaqwerty | gnomefreak: I figured they wouldn't, thanks | 03:09 |
chrissgee | looking for a hand with wireless | 03:09 |
gireesh | thnx soundray | 03:09 |
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knoppi1 | hey | 03:09 |
knoppi1 | someone here | 03:09 |
efrancolaporte | cwoodall: i still have to figure out how to install berryl 3d world. last time i tried it just crashes my session and logs me out when i run it | 03:09 |
knoppi1 | sudo dpkg --configure -a | 03:09 |
knoppi1 | dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0000' near line 1: | 03:09 |
knoppi1 | field name `nzip,' must be followed by colon | 03:09 |
gnomefreak | efrancolaporte: btw we dont support versions of programs not in the repos | 03:09 |
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A1Mega | Windooze would try to load but would lock up. Apparently when trying to reinstall windooze, it would not recognize or fix the bad sectors which had developed on my hard drive. But Ubuntu identified and loaded with no problemo. | 03:10 |
Comrade-Sergei | !ask | chrissgee | 03:10 |
ubotu | chrissgee: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 03:10 |
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soundray | Comrade-Sergei: partition with fdisk or cfdisk if needed, then mkfs.ext2 or mkfs.reiser etc. | 03:10 |
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A1Mega | Thank you Ububtu! You'r the best! | 03:10 |
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dimeotane | !cowsay | 03:10 |
ubotu | cowsay: A configurable talking cow. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.03-8 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 268 kB | 03:10 |
Comrade-Sergei | soundray its not in /media though... | 03:10 |
psykidellic | eck, so I install g++ 3.x. Will it correctly use libstdc++5.3.3 or it will use libstdc++6-4.x which came with gcc 4.1? In that case what do I need to change? | 03:10 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: owch in Dapper | 03:10 |
=== gnomefreak never gonna get done tonight :( | ||
Adydas | a talking cow.. Bad ass | 03:10 |
wilmar | ol | 03:10 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: for me it was install berly install dpendencies done | 03:10 |
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geeksauce | anyone know how to set a key combo that will lock screen? | 03:10 |
efrancolaporte | lol | 03:11 |
cwoodall | no | 03:11 |
efrancolaporte | well for me it didn't work :P | 03:11 |
A1Mega | I sure wish I could get VW Smalltlak 7.4.1 NC to install. That's my only problem. :( | 03:11 |
efrancolaporte | oh well | 03:11 |
knoppi1 | someone know for the error | 03:11 |
soundray | Comrade-Sergei: it mustn't be when you are modifying filesystems. | 03:11 |
Comrade-Sergei | soundray what would that command be though if its not in there like fdisk /? | 03:11 |
efrancolaporte | i dont need it that bad yet | 03:11 |
dimeotane | geeksauce: why not just add the icon to your gnome meny | 03:11 |
knoppi1 | !dpkg error | 03:11 |
ubotu | dpkg: package maintenance system for Debian. In component main, is required. Version 1.13.22ubuntu7 (edgy), package size 1587 kB, installed size 4892 kB | 03:11 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: google for it ( Beryl on Dapper | 03:11 |
cwoodall | ) | 03:11 |
A1Mega | Oops! That was supposed to read VW Smalltalk 7.4.1 NC | 03:11 |
Comrade-Sergei | soundray im not its a second hdd | 03:11 |
dimeotane | point n click to lock your screen | 03:11 |
gnomefreak | efrancolaporte: beryl help join #ubuntu-effects | 03:11 |
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wilmar | help | 03:12 |
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efrancolaporte | cwoodall i found instructions on berryl's world website but they didnt work ;) | 03:12 |
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soundray | Comrade-Sergei: is it internal or external? SATA, IDE, SCSI, USB? | 03:12 |
knoppi1 | soundray sudo dpkg --configure -a | 03:12 |
knoppi1 | dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0000' near line 1: | 03:12 |
knoppi1 | field name `nzip,' must be followed by colon | 03:12 |
geeksauce | dimeotane, because it's faster to just press 2 or 3 keys at once. i know it's possible in ubuntu... i just don't remember how | 03:12 |
mindstate | is there a way to change the color of the panel in Xfce? | 03:12 |
cwoodall | efrancolaporte: sorry cant help takes a diff kind of genious (go to #ubuntu-effects ) | 03:12 |
chrissgee | internal broadcom 4311 in a new dell inspiron | 03:12 |
Wuilliam | all: i have a problem, but in spanish chanel are SMSing no one knows how to helpme | 03:12 |
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Comrade-Sergei | soundray internal laptop hdd in a desktop with a converter, IDE | 03:13 |
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Boris_ | Hi, I need to install apps to get a cool gui with graphs and transparent windows. I just installed Ubuntu. How do I do this? | 03:13 |
Wuilliam | im following this guide: buy i'm taking this problem (paste is in spanish) | 03:13 |
soundray | Comrade-Sergei: find out the device name with 'sudo fdisk -l' | 03:13 |
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macd | Strom_C, I cant find it, mainly b/c its within the squshfs file (cant remember howto mount that :( ) ask in #ubuntu-devel | 03:13 |
Thuggernaut | yo guys | 03:13 |
Adydas | Boris_: gdesklets | 03:13 |
Thuggernaut | i need advice | 03:13 |
Strom_C | macd: thanks :) | 03:13 |
Thuggernaut | are ATI's drivers really that bad? | 03:13 |
Wuilliam | Boris_: HI, try beryl, use google | 03:13 |
Thuggernaut | cause i want to get an ATI card for my rig | 03:14 |
dominik | boris: beryl... | 03:14 |
Boris_ | ok | 03:14 |
dominik | might be .org | 03:14 |
knoppi1 | AlexLatchford: hey are you here | 03:14 |
macd | Thuggernaut, they are not bad, but I dont think they are to par driverwise with Nvidia atm. | 03:14 |
Adydas | Boris_: id better reccomend gdesklets | 03:14 |
knoppi1 | AlexLatchford: sudo dpkg --configure -a | 03:14 |
knoppi1 | dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0000' near line 1: | 03:14 |
knoppi1 | field name `nzip,' must be followed by colon | 03:14 |
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Comrade-Sergei | soundray /dev/hdc: | 03:14 |
Wuilliam | i have an ati card, but i cat to aplpy 3d acceleration | 03:14 |
macd | personally I dont like either nvidia/ati b/c they taint ye kernel! | 03:14 |
Thuggernaut | macd: how much do you think they will improve in the near future? | 03:14 |
dml | Boris_: beryl ;). | 03:14 |
megafauna | Hi, what is the ubuntu equivilent of kwrite? | 03:14 |
Comrade-Sergei | chrissgee? | 03:14 |
Frogzoo | Thuggernaut: ATI's attitude to FOSS is less than desirable. that said, for me, 3d, suspend, low power setting, glx screensavers all work fine | 03:14 |
marten_71 | hello everyone i have been trying to install vlc to see dvd but it dont work i have done wht they said in the faq | 03:15 |
dominik | megafauna, gedit? | 03:15 |
macd | Thuggernaut, since neither nvidia or ati have opened thier spec to linux developers, I cant say for sure. | 03:15 |
Thuggernaut | what about beryl/compiz? | 03:15 |
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soundray | Comrade-Sergei: then partition with 'sudo cfdisk /dev/hdc' | 03:15 |
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Frogzoo | Thuggernaut: however the performance of the fglrx driver is like 50% of what you get under windows | 03:15 |
Thuggernaut | is ATI good for the compositing managers? | 03:15 |
macd | Thuggernaut, beryl and compiz thrill wear off after a few days ;) | 03:15 |
Thuggernaut | ah ok | 03:15 |
Wuilliam | :( i dont what happened. (inj spanish) | 03:15 |
Thuggernaut | so i should stick with nvidia? | 03:15 |
megafauna | dominik Thanks! | 03:15 |
chrissgee | I have a broadcom 4311 wireless card that I can't get kubuntu to recognize. Are there any commands I can run to detect it? | 03:15 |
dimeotane | chrissgee: you must be on a dell laptop? | 03:16 |
chrissgee | yessir! | 03:16 |
Comrade-Sergei | lol | 03:16 |
dimeotane | see my post on ubuntu forums | 03:16 |
Frogzoo | Thuggernaut: beryl seems problematic under ati, atm - beryl's beta though, so who knows.. | 03:16 |
macd | chrissgee, | 03:16 |
cwoodall | exit | 03:16 |
Thuggernaut | ah ok, thanks | 03:16 |
dimeotane | you'll need ndiswrapepr | 03:16 |
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Comrade-Sergei | i got an intel one in my hp! | 03:16 |
knoppi1 | sudo dpkg --configure -a | 03:16 |
knoppi1 | dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0000' near line 1: | 03:16 |
knoppi1 | field name `nzip,' must be followed by colon | 03:16 |
cwoodall | oops | 03:16 |
soundray | Wuilliam: 'sudo apt-get --purge remove fglrx64-6-8-0', then try again | 03:16 |
megafauna | dominik: gedit cannot recognize the character coding? Any suggestions? | 03:16 |
dimeotane | sorry: ndiswrapper | 03:16 |
Frogzoo | Thuggernaut: yep, stick with nvidia if you can | 03:16 |
macd | dimeotane, you really dont, with the broadcom firmware now. | 03:16 |
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mic50k | noobie, why do i need to deactivate and then activate eth0 everytime i boot? | 03:16 |
Comrade-Sergei | ok soundray partitioned now how do we get iit into ext3 format? | 03:16 |
chrissgee | thank you | 03:16 |
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Frogzoo | mic50k: certainly not - what would you? | 03:17 |
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Thuggernaut | ok thanks frogzoo, macd | 03:17 |
soundray | Comrade-Sergei: 'mke2fs -j /dev/hdc1' | 03:17 |
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Thuggernaut | one more question | 03:17 |
dimeotane | macd: for the 4311 dell mini wireless card? | 03:17 |
dominik | megafauna, i dont use it very often, bit it recognizes php, html and this things, doesnt it? | 03:17 |
marten_71 | anyone that can help me so i can see dvd on my ubuntu | 03:17 |
soundray | Comrade-Sergei: sudo of course | 03:17 |
Thuggernaut | would a 6200 be good enough for most basic functions on a low-end rig? | 03:17 |
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macd | dimeotane, any broadcom 43xx card. | 03:17 |
linuxnewbie756 | where is the folder that stores the .desktop things? i have an item in my menu alacarte won't stop from appearing | 03:17 |
dimeotane | I had to blacklist the bcm 43xx | 03:17 |
Varanger | Does anyone here have a ATI card?? | 03:17 |
Comrade-Sergei | oh | 03:17 |
Frogzoo | soundray: you can just do mkfs.ext3 -T largefiles just btw | 03:17 |
macd | dimeotane, did you use fwclutter? | 03:18 |
dominik | Varanger: i have one | 03:18 |
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josh_ | CFSWorks: can you point me in the right direction to fix my problem? | 03:18 |
DoctorDoog | I can't find the page on that has the less-common iso files, like the minimal CD | 03:18 |
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DoctorDoog | tried using the search | 03:18 |
dimeotane | macd: nope.. ndiswrapper is less work IMHO | 03:18 |
Comrade-Sergei | soundray i actually forgot the sudo and it wasnt working, as i usually do a sudo su | 03:18 |
chrissgee | My card isn't even showing up in NETWORKING after my KDE upgrade. How can I get it to show up? Won't I need to do that first? | 03:18 |
dimeotane | although if it would make my card have monitor mode.. that could be worth it... fun ufn | 03:19 |
kevCast | Someone, anyone, tell me why Tux hates me? | 03:19 |
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soundray | Comrade-Sergei: please don't. Use sudo -i instead | 03:19 |
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Frogzoo | Thuggernaut: sure, for basic desktop you don't need 3d - wine will work fine for older games too | 03:19 |
soundray | Comrade-Sergei: and see what Frogzoo said | 03:19 |
DoctorDoog | you're contributing to global warming, kevCast | 03:19 |
ttyfscker | anyone here know of a good app for CPU benchmarking on newer model hardware? | 03:19 |
soundray | Thanks Frogzoo | 03:19 |
macd | dimeotane, well since the kernel has the bcm43xx driver now ndiswrapper is a level of abstraction that just complicates things | 03:19 |
Comrade-Sergei | soundray whats the difference? | 03:19 |
|thunder | !paste | 03:19 |
ys76 | get yourself? | 03:19 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:19 |
Thuggernaut | ok thanks frogzoo | 03:19 |
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Comrade-Sergei | soundray irs already doing yours | 03:19 |
soundray | Comrade-Sergei: 'sudo su' gives you a mixed set of environment variables. | 03:19 |
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macd | dimeotane, of course thats just MY opinion. | 03:20 |
Adydas | chrissgee: do you have kubuntu? | 03:20 |
slv | can anyone tell me how functional Ubuntu is on a g4 laptop? will it detect everything alright? | 03:20 |
chrissgee | yeah, they sent me here | 03:20 |
dimeotane | macd:now that I have my new laptop working for a month.. maybe I'll play around with the bcm 43xx driver again | 03:20 |
kevCast | DoctorDoog: Don't make me feel more guilty. The problem I'm having is so simple it makes me want to bash my face into a penguin. I downloaded the tar.gz of a theme, and the Ubuntu theme installer refuses to indentify it. | 03:20 |
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Adydas | who? go to #kubuntu | 03:20 |
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soundray | Comrade-Sergei: e.g. in 'sudo su', you might think that $HOME is /root, but it could still be /home/user | 03:20 |
chrissgee | again, they sent me here | 03:20 |
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dimeotane | you know that impulsive technolust.. .that just wants it all working *now*..... =) | 03:20 |
Comrade-Sergei | soundray now to mount it | 03:20 |
chrissgee | I'm lost, hate to be the newb, sorry | 03:21 |
macd | kevCast, that happens when the theme packager tars it improperly, or includes multiple subdirectories within it, you have to manually copy the theme or repackage it yourself. | 03:21 |
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fryfrog | can anyone explain "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXvMCNVIDIA" when the file /usr/lib/ exists? | 03:21 |
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DoctorDoog | now, where can I download the isos like the minimal CD? | 03:21 |
dimeotane | chrissgee: noobs are good for ubuntu's growth! | 03:21 |
soundray | Comrade-Sergei: 'sudo mount /dev/hdc1 /mnt' | 03:21 |
Adydas | chrissgee: sudo apt-get install kwifimanager | 03:21 |
Comrade-Sergei | oh yea der | 03:21 |
kevCast | macd: Alright. How would I go about doing that? | 03:21 |
dimeotane | we were all noobs once | 03:21 |
chrissgee | thanks | 03:21 |
soundray | !fstab | Comrade-Sergei, to mount permanently -- | 03:21 |
ubotu | Comrade-Sergei, to mount permanently --: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and !Partitions | 03:21 |
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don_jr | Hello, in ubuntu is there a way to switch between a full terminal session and the gnome session? | 03:22 |
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Frogzoo | fryfrog: if you just put that file there, run 'sudo ldconfig' | 03:22 |
Frogzoo | don_jr: ctrl alt f1-f6 | 03:22 |
dimeotane | don_jr: what do you mean? like a runlevel ? ctrl alt f1 | 03:22 |
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don_jr | Thank you very uch. | 03:22 |
dominik | don_jr, try ctrl+alt+f1 | 03:22 |
don_jr | say I want to use tt++ on a black screen terminal instad of the gnome terminal, and I forgot how to swap between them. | 03:23 |
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Comrade-Sergei | soundray did you get my PM? | 03:23 |
h4lfl1ng | hello! can anyone help me out with my sound? | 03:23 |
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soundray | !pm | Comrade-Sergei | 03:23 |
ubotu | Comrade-Sergei: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first. | 03:23 |
zpertee | how do I add programs to ubunutu server edition? | 03:23 |
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efrancolaporte | how do i install a source to the repisatory | 03:24 |
dimeotane | ahhh.. my first sudo apt-get upgrade of xubuntu is done... it only took what ? an hour? | 03:24 |
zpertee | ls | 03:24 |
soundray | !software | zpertee | 03:24 |
ubotu | zpertee: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at - See also !Packages, !Equivalents and !Offline | 03:24 |
Comrade-Sergei | ok can i pm you cause i dont like sifting though everyone elses stuff soundray? | 03:24 |
macd | kevCast, I suggest you untar the file, then copy the theme into ~/.themes/ | 03:24 |
efrancolaporte | ok got it | 03:24 |
macd | !untar | kevCast | 03:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about untar - try searching on | 03:24 |
macd | bahh | 03:24 |
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ant_ | anyone know if there is there a list of unofficial repos out there? | 03:25 |
DoctorDoog | !tar | kevCast ? | 03:25 |
ubotu | kevCast ?: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see | 03:25 |
kevCast | macd: How do you untar a file? | 03:25 |
macd | kevCast, you should be able to rightclick on the package and hit extract here, then move the theme into .themes. | 03:25 |
soundray | Comrade-Sergei: sorry, I'm leaving. Consider the docs that ubotu pointed you to. | 03:25 |
fryfrog | Frogzoo: tried that a few times :( | 03:25 |
DoctorDoog | kevCast: tar -xf file.tar | 03:25 |
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macd | DoctorDoog, its .tar.gz , and were trying to keep him in the GUI ;) | 03:25 |
rsampaio | ubotu: any help on opening rar files? | 03:25 |
suguru | deb ./ claims to be a Canon Pixma ip1500 driver for Edgy. It did not work for me. Any ideas? | 03:26 |
Comrade-Sergei | can someone help me partition, format and perminatly mount a IDE HDD? | 03:26 |
jrib | !rar | rsampaio | 03:26 |
ubotu | rsampaio: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 03:26 |
macd | rsampaio, 'unrar' is the command. | 03:26 |
jrib | rsampaio: ubotu is a bot (he's not smart) | 03:26 |
kevCast | How do I add it to ~/.themes/? | 03:26 |
evolocus | can anyone help me with gparted? | 03:26 |
soundray | Comrade-Sergei: you have already partitioned it. | 03:26 |
rsampaio | !info unrar-free | 03:26 |
ubotu | unrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20060609-1 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB | 03:26 |
kevCast | Through the terminal or through a file browser? | 03:26 |
jrib | rsampaio: don't use free if you want to open recent rar files | 03:26 |
Comrade-Sergei | i want to start over and get it exactly right soundray | 03:27 |
macd | kevCast, in your nautilus window click view, show hidden files then navigate to .themes and drop it in there. | 03:27 |
soundray | Comrade-Sergei: what did the mount command return? | 03:27 |
DoctorDoog | I need help finding the installation ISOs beside the desktop, server, and alternate installations | 03:27 |
dominik | kevCast, ~ = /home/username/ | 03:27 |
Comrade-Sergei | soundray: i dont know ive closed the terminal now what was it again? | 03:28 |
macd | DoctorDoog, all images at @ | 03:28 |
soundray | Comrade-Sergei: 'sudo mount /dev/hdc1 /mnt' | 03:28 |
Frogzoo | fryfrog: check perms | 03:28 |
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fryfrog | they seem to be fine as well, r for group and other | 03:28 |
Comrade-Sergei | soundray: mount: /dev/hdc already mounted or /mnt busy | 03:29 |
Comrade-Sergei | mount: according to mtab, /dev/hdc is already mounted on /mnt | 03:29 |
marten_71 | how do i do to see dvd | 03:29 |
Frogzoo | fryfrog: needs exec | 03:29 |
timfrost | DoctorDoog: those 3 ISO images are it. Everything not on those images has to be downloaded from the repositories. | 03:29 |
jrib | !dvd | marten_71 | 03:29 |
ubotu | marten_71: For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at | 03:29 |
dominik | !dvd | 03:29 |
kevCast | Where is the Nautilis window? | 03:29 |
fryfrog | none of the other libs seem to have +x | 03:29 |
DoctorDoog | that's not true, I downloaded the minimal CD yesterday. I can't find the page that had it | 03:29 |
kevCast | <:( | 03:29 |
macd | kevCast, thats your file broswer. | 03:29 |
marten_71 | !dvd | 03:29 |
soundray | Comrade-Sergei: so, the mounting did work. Do a 'df /mnt' to confirm | 03:29 |
Frogzoo | fryfrog: kk, my bad | 03:29 |
kevCast | macd: Sorry, I'm a newbie. | 03:30 |
macd | kevCast, no need to apologize. | 03:30 |
Comrade-Sergei | soundray: Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on | 03:30 |
Comrade-Sergei | /dev/hdc 28842780 176288 27201364 1% /mnt | 03:30 |
PORDO | this is NUTS: | 03:30 |
Comrade-Sergei | wtf right soundray | 03:30 |
zen | what's a good GUI'd program to see drive space usage? | 03:30 |
soundray | no | 03:30 |
soundray | Comrade-Sergei: first of all, don't paste here. | 03:30 |
kitche | zen: the one that comes with ubuntu | 03:30 |
Comrade-Sergei | w/e | 03:30 |
dominik | zen baobab | 03:30 |
DoctorDoog | I only have 256mb ram, not 4gb! | 03:30 |
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DoctorDoog | :P | 03:30 |
kitche | zen: should be in System | 03:30 |
zen | thanks | 03:31 |
Comrade-Sergei | how do i get it to come up in nautilus soundray | 03:31 |
soundray | Comrade-Sergei: second, you've created a filesystem in /dev/hdc instead of /dev/hdc1 | 03:31 |
Frogzoo | fryfrog: ldconfig -p | grep /usr/lib/ | 03:31 |
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soundray | Comrade-Sergei: you didn't read my instructions carefully. | 03:31 |
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fryfrog | Frogzoo: see, now that is the odd part. I only have _dynamic in that | 03:31 |
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soundray | Comrade-Sergei: I | 03:32 |
Comrade-Sergei | ok how fo i fix it soundray + thats where it said it was in /dev i just translated | 03:32 |
kevCast | I don't understand. How do I access the hidden files? What should I click to get into the files? | 03:32 |
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fryfrog | Frogzoo: Frogzoo (libc6) => /usr/lib/ | 03:32 |
fryfrog | oops | 03:32 |
Comrade-Sergei | soundray? | 03:32 |
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Frogzoo | fryfrog: ldconfig -p | grep libXvMCNVIDIA | 03:32 |
soundray | Comrade-Sergei: I need to sleep. | 03:32 |
Comrade-Sergei | hey! | 03:32 |
=== Comrade-Sergei sighs | ||
macd | kevCast, click the view menu then checkbox next to show hidden files. | 03:33 |
fryfrog | Frogzoo: (libc6) => /usr/lib/ | 03:33 |
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Comrade-Sergei | can someone help me partition, format and perminatly mount a IDE HDD? | 03:33 |
nonewmsgs | quick question: i have an ati radeon 9550 in my computer right now, but a nvidia geforce 5200 sitting around. is the nvidia better with linux because it's not ati? | 03:33 |
timfrost | Comrade-Sergei: you did 'mkfs.ext2 /dev/hdc' instead of | 03:33 |
dominik | kevCast, or click ctrl+h in nautilus | 03:33 |
timfrost | mkfs.ext2 /dev/hdc1. | 03:33 |
Frogzoo | Comrade-Sergei: how far did you get? | 03:33 |
macd | nonewmsgs, its be said that the nvidia drivers are easier to deal with., | 03:33 |
Frogzoo | timfrost: mkfs.ext3 -T largefiles ... | 03:34 |
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Comrade-Sergei | timfrost, Frogzoo id like to start over soundray kinda left me hannging | 03:34 |
Frogzoo | Comrade-Sergei: soundray makes a substantial effort in here, just btw | 03:34 |
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chrissgee | anybody know how to get my OS to re-detect my onboard wireless? Won't show up in NETWORKING | 03:35 |
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macd | along with 800 other people ;P | 03:35 |
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macd | chrissgee, did you goto the link I posted for you earlier? | 03:35 |
Frogzoo | Comrade-Sergei: have you created the partition? | 03:35 |
Comrade-Sergei | Frogzoo and i appriciate it im just irritated when people just leave me hanging thats not the first time hes done that to me | 03:35 |
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Comrade-Sergei | yes Frogzoo | 03:35 |
macd | Comrade-Sergei, everyone is a volunteer. | 03:35 |
chrissgee | yeah, but it looks like that assumes the card is being detected | 03:35 |
Frogzoo | Comrade-Sergei: so where is it? | 03:36 |
verbose | chrissgee: is the interface listed in the output of ifconfig ? | 03:36 |
timfrost | Comrade-Sergei: understood. The mistake you made was to format the *disk* (/dev/hdc) rather than the partition (/dev/hdc1). | 03:36 |
chrissgee | nope | 03:36 |
verbose | how about iwconfig | 03:36 |
chrissgee | nope | 03:36 |
hellcattrav | does open office have adobe acrobat support, and how do i upgrade to the latest version of OO.o | 03:36 |
macd | chrissgee, it is being detected, trust me, just follow those instructions. | 03:36 |
Comrade-Sergei | yes | 03:36 |
chrissgee | Ok | 03:36 |
y0hm | Could someone please post a simple ,working ".xinitrc" for me to look at ? pls not the default example ! | 03:36 |
kevCast | Does Ubuntu use GTK2 or Metacity? | 03:36 |
bruenig | hellcattrav, you have the latest version that has been packaged for ubuntu | 03:36 |
Comrade-Sergei | Frogzoo i am a n00b at linux i am a veteran windows user | 03:36 |
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macd | chrissgee, open a terminal and type "lspci" do you see it in there? | 03:36 |
Frogzoo | Comrade-Sergei: you formatted the disk device... oh dear | 03:36 |
hellcattrav | oh | 03:36 |
macd | kevCast, Both. | 03:36 |
y0hm | paste* | 03:36 |
royel | Comrade-Sergei: he's not paid to do this, an I seen a few of your replies, to me they looked like you were being a bit unappreciative, IMO. | 03:37 |
chrissgee | yes | 03:37 |
Comrade-Sergei | Frogzoo i believe so, can we do it all again? | 03:37 |
Frogzoo | Comrade-Sergei: hope there was nothing on the disk you need | 03:37 |
lnxmomo | verbose, i can help with wireless, what is it that u want? | 03:37 |
hellcattrav | cos on wikipedia it says version 2.1.0 is the latest release, is that not the same for ubuntu> | 03:37 |
hellcattrav | ?* | 03:37 |
kevCast | macd: It's not displaying any gloss on the bottom bars nor highlights on lists. | 03:37 |
Comrade-Sergei | Frogzoo nope i sent it back to toshiba and got a new one free | 03:37 |
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h4lfl1ng | i have an intel ac'97 audio card and my sound doesn't want to work, any suggestions? | 03:37 |
macd | kevCast, well you need to ask the theme maintainer, were not themers. | 03:37 |
bruenig | hellcattrav, it hasn't been packaged. oo releases in rpms, ubuntu uses debs. It takes time to repackage rpms, is there anything from the new version that you need | 03:37 |
ozzloy | what do i need to apt-get for cross compiling to sparc? | 03:38 |
Frogzoo | Comrade-Sergei: so what's the purpose of this disk? | 03:38 |
bruenig | hellcattrav, you can compile the tar.gz | 03:38 |
Thuggernaut | yo guys, does anyone have a ralink rt-61 based wireless card? | 03:38 |
macd | ozzloy, the standard gcc compiler souite then use crosscompiling flags. | 03:38 |
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Comrade-Sergei | Frogzoo it was my laptops hdd till i got a new one, so i put it in as a hdd for more space | 03:38 |
zpertee | how can I install asterisk from the comand line? | 03:38 |
verbose | hellcattrav: also you can get the rpm and install it that way | 03:38 |
kevCast | macd: Alright. I'll figure it out. mac, do you know anything about why the MTP support won't work with Amarok for me? | 03:38 |
bruenig | zpertee, sudo apt-get install asterisk | 03:39 |
ozzloy | macd: i tried gcc -march=sparc, and it says "sparc"'s a bad value | 03:39 |
Frogzoo | Comrade-Sergei: first thing, 'sudo gparted' - create partition(s) and select ext3 | 03:39 |
verbose | hellcattrav: you just have to install rpm, or convert the rpm to a deb with alien if you want a middle man | 03:39 |
bruenig | gksudo gparted | 03:39 |
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bruenig | aliening oo is probably not a good idea | 03:39 |
Comrade-Sergei | Frogzpp thank god a gparted guy | 03:39 |
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verbose | bruenig: it's probably not a good idea to tell him to install from source | 03:40 |
Comrade-Sergei | Frogzoo it says command not found | 03:40 |
bruenig | verbose, better than alien | 03:40 |
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bruenig | oo is really big, a lot of room for problems there | 03:40 |
verbose | bruenig: i think alien has a better chance of working | 03:40 |
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hellcattrav | my friend and i were trying to compare functionality OO.o writer with mircosoft word | 03:40 |
ecdcentre | anyone using irssi? | 03:40 |
macd | ozzloy, then gcc for ubuntu isnt built with cross compiling support for sparc, youll need to build gcc from source. | 03:40 |
Frogzoo | Comrade-Sergei: sudo gparted | 03:40 |
bruenig | tar.gz has a 100% chance of working if you do it | 03:40 |
Frogzoo | Comrade-Sergei: gksudo gparted | 03:40 |
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macd | alien really should not ever be used, its asking for a mess. | 03:40 |
verbose | bruenig: hah! there's tons of error waiting to happen to a noob compiling from source | 03:41 |
Comrade-Sergei | Frogzoo still a bad command | 03:41 |
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zpertee | what is window manager? | 03:41 |
Omni | Ok guys, I disabled my raid array, and installed windows on one hard drive, and ubuntu on the other, but when I select ubuntu from the boot menu, it says it cant use the selected partition, any clues as to what I messed up? | 03:41 |
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Frogzoo | Comrade-Sergei: sudo apt-get install gparted | 03:41 |
verbose | missing dependencies, different locations for libs and headers | 03:41 |
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bruenig | verbose, but those are user errors, thinks which can be remedied appropriately. With alien, the entire thing is out of your hands | 03:41 |
PiNE | has anyone heard of the game Magnant it looks cool but i can find a deb anywhere. it is based on the stratagus engine. | 03:41 |
verbose | it's a pain in the ass, especially with big programs | 03:41 |
bruenig | you alien it and pray | 03:41 |
ozzloy | macd: could you lead me to doing that? | 03:41 |
Comrade-Sergei | Frogzoo lol | 03:41 |
verbose | my first suggestion was rpm | 03:41 |
macd | ozzloy, I dont have that kind of time. | 03:41 |
verbose | bruenig: and if alien works, great, why spend a couple of hours compiling | 03:41 |
bruenig | verbose, not really, especially considering the fact that oo is already installed, so dependencies are likely to be met already | 03:41 |
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whileimhere | !DVD | 03:41 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at | 03:41 |
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ed_ | hi, anyone successfully installed nVu on Unbuntu 64, if this is wrong channel please freel fee to point me in right direction | 03:42 |
macd | if you dont know howto compile gcc, you prolly shouldnt be cross compiling software. | 03:42 |
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bruenig | if alien doesn | 03:42 |
Chicory | How can I check an NTFS partition? | 03:42 |
verbose | bruenig: who knows what versions of libs the new one is going to look for | 03:42 |
jarrod | what does everyone uses tocreate webpages | 03:42 |
Comrade-Sergei | Frogzoo gimme a min using synapticc for another project | 03:42 |
h4lfl1ng | vim | 03:42 |
jrib | jarrod: vim | 03:42 |
bruenig | well whatever, I will just say I think source is the best way to go, it is a good experience anyways | 03:42 |
Chicory | mount seems convinced that it must be checked -- but should I fsck it? | 03:42 |
macd | jarrod, bluefish is decent. | 03:42 |
jarrod | bluefish | 03:42 |
jarrod | vim | 03:42 |
dimeotane | this irssi is a nice CLI program... | 03:42 |
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ed_ | jarrod - nVu is good - wysiwyg, there's also Mozilla composer | 03:42 |
zpertee | ubuntu server gui? | 03:42 |
jarrod | ok are they both in the repositories | 03:42 |
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ozzloy | macd: thanks for your help so far! | 03:43 |
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macd | zpertee, ubuntu-server does not ship with a GUI, IMO server dont need X. | 03:43 |
jarrod | ok i have nvu but cant seem to get frames created | 03:43 |
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Omni | Ok guys, I disabled my raid array, and installed windows on one hard drive, and ubuntu on the other, but when I select ubuntu from the boot menu, it says it cant use the selected partition, any clues as to what I messed up? | 03:43 |
h4lfl1ng | i have an intel ac'97 audio card and my sound doesn't want to work, any suggestions? | 03:43 |
ryanakca | I just bought a new comp. It has windows XP. I have linux installed on this comp. I want to somehow get linux onto the new comp, and get the XP onto this one, so that I can sell it. How would I do that? IDE vs SATA HD... | 03:43 |
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ozzloy | macd: you've already started me off | 03:43 |
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ed_ | jarrod: for Ubuntu64 feisty i've had no luck with either nvu/composer, 32bit versions might exist | 03:43 |
PORDO | this is SICK. | 03:43 |
zpertee | macd: but if I want a gui can I have one? | 03:43 |
jarrod | what doyou guys useto create flash | 03:43 |
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macd | ozzloy, I can only say one thing, good luck ;) and checkout for instructions. | 03:43 |
Chicory | What's the "force" option for $mount again? | 03:43 |
=== Chicory forgets. | ||
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verbose | Chicory: install ntfsprogs, there's a program to check ntfs there | 03:43 |
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whileimhere | What is a deb-src file for? | 03:44 |
macd | zpertee, yes you can, by installing KDE or Gnome, or any other window manager. | 03:44 |
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Frogzoo | Omni: check the options kopt & groot in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 03:44 |
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Chicory | XD | 03:44 |
Chicory | Thanks, verbose. | 03:44 |
verbose | Chicory: ntfsfix | 03:44 |
jarrod | what creates swf files | 03:44 |
xe1zvo | hola morritos | 03:44 |
jrib | whileimhere: for source packages. the binary packages you install are crated from the source packages | 03:44 |
jrib | created even | 03:44 |
macd | jarrod, macromedia flash. | 03:44 |
st3v3dnd | hey all, when I plug in my ipod with a usb cable, it starts charging, but I don't see any sd* listings in /dev, any ideas what I need to check? | 03:44 |
Frogzoo | whileimhere: it's part of the GPL that all linux distros distribute source as well as binaries | 03:44 |
jarrod | does that run natively in linux | 03:44 |
macd | jarrod, no. | 03:45 |
DatoKKK | Hi ... can some one help me, what is the best solution to implement active directory server using open source solutions TQ | 03:45 |
Frogzoo | st3v3dnd: anything under /media ? | 03:45 |
Chicory | That's ... bizzare. | 03:45 |
jarrod | ok so i have to run wine or vmware | 03:45 |
Chicory | verbose, what repository is that in? | 03:45 |
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macd | DatoKKK, ldap+kerberos can play nice with AD, but you will NOT have inter-domain trusts. | 03:45 |
Chicory | Aptitude can't seem to find the package. | 03:45 |
IamUnique | HELp ubuntu 6.10 virtaul pc 2007. graphics mode. error: there was an error starting the GNOME demain. some thinks such as background, sounds, themes may not work correctly | 03:45 |
Frogzoo | jarrod: swf = flash video | 03:45 |
ed_ | jarrod: re: swf check out gnash | 03:45 |
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Miles | Hi there - I have a question about Beryl, is that the right channel? | 03:45 |
jrib | Miles: #beryl or #ubuntu-effects | 03:46 |
macd | Miles, not really, #ubuntu-effects | 03:46 |
jarrod | ok looking up the suggested stuff now | 03:46 |
Miles | Thanks | 03:46 |
st3v3dnd | Frogzoo: no, nothing mounts | 03:46 |
jarrod | thanks | 03:46 |
dimeotane | oooh I should put beryl on this p2-233... LOL.. | 03:46 |
Frogzoo | st3v3dnd: tail -f /var/log/messages & plug it in | 03:46 |
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macd | dimeotane, yeah you should ;) | 03:46 |
ed_ | anyone got tips on how to install nvu on Ubuntu 64bit, i've had a go with alien and a redhat package but no joy thus far :-( | 03:46 |
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Frogzoo | jarrod: vlc is good for swf | 03:47 |
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macd | ed_, you can install the 32bit libs and use nvu for 32bit, its not for the faint of heart. | 03:47 |
Comrade-Sergei | Frogzoo ok i think id be better to do a fat32 then i can use it on a windows pc too huh? | 03:47 |
aflack | Frogzoo; I think I found the error in firefox.dump. | 03:47 |
macd | Frogzoo, I think hes trying to edit flash. | 03:47 |
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joshritger | how do i install gnome themes? | 03:47 |
Frogzoo | Comrade-Sergei: sure, whatever | 03:47 |
st3v3dnd | Frogzoo: "new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 20" | 03:47 |
dimeotane | just when I was starting to get familiar with ubuntu... going retro... I have new packages to discover... this irssi just flies! | 03:47 |
jarrod | cant find gnash | 03:47 |
zpertee | can I have dependencies installed at the same as the main piece of software? | 03:47 |
Frogzoo | st3v3dnd: and that's all? :( | 03:47 |
ed_ | i am faint of heart macd, and was hoping to keep things 64bit, is compiling the source the way to go - any tips on approaching that? | 03:48 |
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jrib | joshritger: drag and drop them into the system > preferences > themes window | 03:48 |
dominik | joshritger, get art-manager | 03:48 |
jarrod | what elsescouldit be | 03:48 |
Comrade-Sergei | Frogzoo ok now to mount (lol) | 03:48 |
macd | ed_, faint of heart shouldnt run 64bit linux ;) | 03:48 |
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st3v3dnd | Frogzoo: "not running at top speed; connect to a high speed hub" "no configuration chosen from 1 choice" | 03:48 |
joshritger | i try to drag them in but they dont come up as valid files | 03:48 |
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timfrost | ed_: enable the universe repository. nvu is available for i386 and amd64 | 03:48 |
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awilcox | I'm having a problem with the fglrx driver. I have completed the instructions that are on the Ubuntu Wiki about how to install it but I just cannot get it to work. Whenever I type "startx" (because my computer is set up to start up in text mode), it prints "(EE) No devices detected." on the console. | 03:48 |
Frogzoo | !ipod | st3v3dnd | 03:48 |
ubotu | st3v3dnd: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod | 03:48 |
whileimhere | Is there a site that gives tips or hacks to help speedup gnome. | 03:48 |
Frogzoo | Comrade-Sergei: echo "UUID=9c06dd21-20fb-4e9a-812e-c3dcbe63ecb5 /work ext3 defaults,noatime 0 2 | 03:49 |
ed_ | sorry timfrost, will check now but thought i'd already looked there, am running Feisty | 03:49 |
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zpertee | macd: Is it possible to have dependencies automatically installed? | 03:49 |
Comrade-Sergei | Frogzoo ? what that supposed to be? | 03:49 |
awilcox | Can anybody help me with this problem, please? | 03:49 |
macd | zpertee, thats what apt does. | 03:49 |
ubrian | how do I change directories in terminal? | 03:49 |
bruenig | zpertee, they are | 03:49 |
verbose | Comrade-Sergei: " >> /etc/fstab | 03:49 |
verbose | that's the end | 03:49 |
bruenig | ubrian, cd | 03:50 |
verbose | from the " onward | 03:50 |
Chicory | sudo umount /dev/sda1 | 03:50 |
=== Comrade-Sergei is very confused | ||
Chicory | Er, wrong window. | 03:50 |
Chicory | Sorry. | 03:50 |
verbose | combine that and Frogzoo's (his first) to make it work | 03:50 |
Ardnite | wow... there are actually peole in here helping one another...... i thought that was just a myth | 03:50 |
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Frogzoo | Comrade-Sergei: it's not - half a mo | 03:50 |
Comrade-Sergei | verbose at the end? | 03:50 |
verbose | Comrade-Sergei: yes | 03:50 |
tofoo | excuse me, can someone please help me? | 03:50 |
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bruenig | !anyone | tofoo | 03:51 |
ubotu | tofoo: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 03:51 |
verbose | what he said, then just add " >> /etc/fstab to the end | 03:51 |
IamUnique | it is a myth cause no one is willing to help me :( | 03:51 |
verbose | Comrade-Sergei: also, put sudo at the front | 03:51 |
Chicory | How should I run chkdsk? | 03:51 |
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bruenig | !patience | IamUnique | 03:51 |
ubotu | IamUnique: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also | 03:51 |
verbose | Chicory: did you run ntfsfix? | 03:51 |
Chicory | Yes. | 03:51 |
thedcm | bruenig: ! hows life | 03:51 |
verbose | i thought it marked the drive as clean, but i'm not sure | 03:51 |
Frogzoo | !ntfs | Comrade-Sergei | 03:51 |
ubotu | Comrade-Sergei: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 03:51 |
tofoo | im trying to write a program in xemacs, but for some reason, it says that 'If' was not declared in this scope =( | 03:51 |
timfrost | ed_: just checked and it isn't there yet. You may get better help on channel #ubuntu+1 for feisty | 03:51 |
slv | iamUnique: the way i do it in here is ask then idle | 03:51 |
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tofoo | can anyone please help me | 03:51 |
slv | eventually someone will answer my question | 03:51 |
Comrade-Sergei | Frogzoo, verbose can i just have the whole thing | 03:51 |
Chicory | No, no -- | 03:51 |
slv | if not, just repost it | 03:51 |
slv | like this | 03:51 |
slv | can anyone tell me how functional Ubuntu is on a g4 laptop? will it detect everything alright? | 03:51 |
awilcox | Chicory: on what kind of partition? normally fsck can do it | 03:51 |
Chicory | It seems to think that the volume is corrupted. | 03:51 |
Comrade-Sergei | Frogzoo this is fat32 | 03:51 |
Chicory | ntfs. | 03:51 |
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IamUnique | ive asked the same question for 3 days ina row and still no help or answer | 03:52 |
=== Chicory is using ntfs-3g at the moment, which is why fsck didn't do it. | ||
Anon80118 | How do i make a folder in terminal | 03:52 |
Comrade-Sergei | Frogzoo, verbose can i just have the whole thing, to make it f00l proof? | 03:52 |
bruenig | Anon80118, mkdir | 03:52 |
verbose | Comrade-Sergei: sudo echo "UUID=9c06dd21-20fb-4e9a-812e-c3dcbe63ecb5 /work ext3 defaults,noatime 0 2" >> /etc/fstab | 03:52 |
Anon80118 | thnx | 03:52 |
Comrade-Sergei | thank you | 03:52 |
verbose | Comrade-Sergei: that should be it | 03:52 |
verbose | np | 03:52 |
Chicory | Can I just uninstall ntfs-3g to get fsck to do it? | 03:52 |
macd | IamUnique, b/c ubuntu doesnt support virtual pc 2007. | 03:52 |
verbose | Chicory: did you fsck that drive? | 03:52 |
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Frogzoo | IamUnique: noone answers cos noone knows - how did you bork your machine? | 03:53 |
Comrade-Sergei | verbose it says permission denied should i sudo -i it? | 03:53 |
thedcm | bruenig: ! hows life | 03:53 |
bruenig | ubotu, tell thedcm about bot | 03:53 |
Anon80118 | What do i do with wine when it gives me an error that says it cant open /dev/snd/seq | 03:53 |
Chicory | Not to spam, verbose, but "fsck 1.39 (29-May-2006) | 03:53 |
Chicory | fsck: fsck.ntfs-3g: not found | 03:53 |
Chicory | fsck: Error 2 while executing fsck.ntfs-3g for /dev/sda1" | 03:53 |
macd | Frogzoo, hes running ubuntu is MS Virtual PC 2007, I say he should contact support from MS. ;) | 03:53 |
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tofoo | im trying to write a program in xemacs, but for some reason, it says that 'If' was not declared in this scope when i try to make a conditional statement, why is that? | 03:53 |
Frogzoo | Comrade-Sergei: you'd do best to read that wiki url | 03:53 |
verbose | Chicory: unmount it | 03:53 |
ryanakca | I just bought a new comp. It has windows XP. I have linux installed on this comp. I want to somehow get linux onto the new comp, and get the XP onto this one, so that I can sell it. How would I do that? IDE vs SATA HD... | 03:53 |
Comrade-Sergei | omg | 03:53 |
verbose | you shouldn't fsck mounted partitions anyway | 03:53 |
Comrade-Sergei | why cant it just MOUNT!!! | 03:54 |
macd | ryanakca, use ghost to image the drives. | 03:54 |
Chicory | verbose: I tried that. | 03:54 |
royel | IamUnique: it's not even that ubuntu supports or not, your asking for help with a product that is well beyond the scope of help that is provided in this channel. | 03:54 |
zpertee | ubuntu is horrid everything that I need to install is marked as installable | 03:54 |
Thuggernaut | why should you not fsck mounted partitions? | 03:54 |
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ryanakca | macd: hmm... thanks :D | 03:54 |
Chicory | verbose: In fact it IS still umounted. | 03:54 |
verbose | Comrade-Sergei: it shouldn't matter | 03:54 |
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IamUnique | im just asking cause other people might of experinced the same problem and they might know the answer, u know... | 03:54 |
Frogzoo | Comrade-Sergei: read the wiki page from ubotu ^^ | 03:54 |
aflack | !pastebin | 03:54 |
awilcox | ryanakca: do they have the same basic drivers? otherwise ghosting will be problematic | 03:54 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:54 |
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bruenig | zpertee, explain your problem a bit better | 03:54 |
Comrade-Sergei | verbose what wiki? | 03:54 |
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Anon80118 | What do i do with wine when it gives me an error that says it cant open /dev/snd/seq? i tried making seq but it's not supposed to be a directory | 03:54 |
macd | IamUnique, did you try the google yet ;P | 03:54 |
Omni | I'm working on dual booting ubuntu and vista, I wish I could make it just ubuntu, but cedega sucks harder than paris hilton | 03:54 |
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darranx | what's up everyone!!!! | 03:55 |
royel | IamUnique: try searching the ubuntu forums or googling, you might have more luck that way.. sorry :) | 03:55 |
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dimeotane | macd: why ghost and not dd or partimage? | 03:55 |
darranx | UBUNTU OWNS!!!! | 03:55 |
macd | !patience > Anon80118 | 03:55 |
ryanakca | awilcox: well... NVidia vs ATI... IDE vs SATA... but Windows XP should have both drivers in it by default | 03:55 |
st3v3dnd | Frogzoo: I read through the forums, but the people's problems there are stemming from firewire issues. Everyone with USB says that it automounts, or is at least detected. My ipod doesn't even seem to be known anywhere in /dev when I plug it in | 03:55 |
verbose | Comrade-Sergei: what wiki? what does that mean | 03:55 |
macd | dimeotane, might be a bit hard to dd on a windows box. | 03:55 |
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Anon80118 | sorry, i just wanted to rephrase my question a bit | 03:55 |
aflack | Okay | 03:55 |
aflack | I put the bottom of the .dump in pastebin | 03:55 |
macd | dimeotane, not to mention ghost is alot more friendly. | 03:55 |
aflack | It's the sigkill crap. | 03:55 |
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ryanakca | macd: have a link to a free ghost app? | 03:56 |
Comrade-Sergei | omg sorry to be rude verbose but isnt there just a simple "mount /dev/hdc command for this? | 03:56 |
Ardnit1 | would someone PLEASE help me install this shell script? | 03:56 |
macd | ryanakca, ghost4linux is free. | 03:56 |
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macd | err ghost4unix | 03:56 |
bruenig | Ardnit1, you don't install shell scripts, you just run them | 03:56 |
aflack | Frogzoo; You and someone else told me yesterday to pastebin the firefox.dump, it's a rather large file.. | 03:56 |
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Omni | just a random question guys. Does Ubuntu optimize dual core, or is it single core optimized? | 03:56 |
Ardnit1 | double click or type a command somewhere? | 03:56 |
zpertee | bruenig: when I type sudo apt-get install kdesktop it lists the dependencies for the application and next to each one it says "but it is not installable" never seen anything like it | 03:56 |
aflack | So I pasted the part where it has the error. | 03:56 |
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ryanakca | macd: and... I.. just burn it to the CD... and then I can ghost the Windows install... and then... what do I do? boot from the CD to copy the windows image to the new HD? | 03:56 |
dockane_ | hi all.. just installed from an ubuntu 6.06 alternate (former breezy installation, formated the partition with /) but grub keeps hanging with error 21 - no such partition. the boot hd is sda1, SCSI hd attached to an adaptec2940 UW. did i miss somthin for the scsi hd? | 03:56 |
bruenig | zpertee, you didn't by chance use automatix did you | 03:56 |
macd | ryanakca, ideally you would stick your windows disk in your linux machine, ghost it, redeploy it and then deploy your linux ghost image back to your empty windows drive. | 03:56 |
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verbose | Comrade-Sergei: you can just mount it but it won't hold up across reboots | 03:57 |
ryanakca | macd: kk... thanks | 03:57 |
verbose | adding that line to fstab makes it mount at boot | 03:57 |
kitche | Omni: both depends what you install and such | 03:57 |
Comrade-Sergei | verbose ok can i pm you? | 03:57 |
aflack | | 03:57 |
IamUnique | which wmware program is for virtual destops? | 03:57 |
aflack | Can anyone tell me how to fix that? | 03:57 |
ryanakca | macd: is there a way I can do it from a bootable CD? | 03:57 |
verbose | Comrade-Sergei: sure | 03:57 |
zpertee | bruenig: pretty sure not. All I've done so far is stick the installation cd in and follow the instructions. now i just need an easy way to add packages | 03:57 |
timfrost | zpertee: what happens with 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' ? | 03:57 |
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macd | ryanakca, you could google for a rescue cd with ghost on it. | 03:58 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b coffee-mug!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by tonyyarusso | ||
tofoo | im trying to write a program in xemacs, but for some reason, it says that 'If' was not declared in this scope when i try to make a conditional statement, why is that? | 03:58 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ | ||
awilcox | timfrost: it installs KDE. | 03:58 |
awilcox | !kubuntu | timfrost | 03:58 |
ubotu | timfrost: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE | 03:58 |
bruenig | !repeat | tofoo, that is really not an ubuntu question anyways | 03:58 |
ubotu | tofoo, that is really not an ubuntu question anyways: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 03:58 |
lllol | im having an issue with grub | 03:58 |
royel | !vmware | IamUnique | 03:58 |
ubotu | IamUnique: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at | 03:58 |
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zpertee | bruenig: it couldn't find that package | 03:59 |
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ryanakca | macd: ghost4unix is a boot cd, thanks :D | 03:59 |
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macd | ryanakca, sweet deal. | 03:59 |
timfrost | awilcox: I know. isn't that what zpertee wants? | 03:59 |
lllol | windows aparently MBR' the hardrive in which ubuntu is on unfortunately i only have the 6.06 lts and i had upgraded to 610 i booted live with 6.06 and reinstalled the grub and the system locks on boot up | 03:59 |
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lllol | any ideas? | 03:59 |
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ubrian | i cant figure out how to get to a directory to do make and make config or whatever im suppose to do | 04:00 |
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zpertee | bruenig: sorry didnt' mean to post to you | 04:00 |
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bruenig | k | 04:00 |
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lllol | is the grub version diff for 6.10? | 04:00 |
ElephantHunter | I'm running XUbuntu in Microsoft Virtual PC for work and I'm having trouble with the graphic display. For some reason the display is really long and choppy when I start up, but barely readable. When I try pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1 there are random colours and I can not access the terminal. I end up having to use Gnome Terminal for interfacing with the shell. Does anybody know what my display problem could be? | 04:01 |
Ardnit1 | how do i run a shell script... double clicking dont work and i dont know any of the commands yet | 04:01 |
IamUnique | 10x | 04:01 |
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Frogzoo | !grub | 04:01 |
zpertee | what is the difference between ubuntu desktop and ubuntu server? | 04:01 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 04:01 |
jrib | Ardnit1: sh /path/to/shell/script | 04:01 |
Thuggernaut | !fsck | 04:01 |
ubotu | fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot | 04:01 |
Frogzoo | zpertee: no gui on server install | 04:01 |
bruenig | Ardnit1, make sure you chmod +x it | 04:01 |
macd | ElephantHunter, that is because Virutal PC uses the vesa video device, your problem can not be solved. | 04:01 |
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zpertee | Frogzoo: do I still have access to all the same packages? | 04:02 |
Ardnit1 | chmod? | 04:02 |
ElephantHunter | macd: Ah. Is there an alternative virtual machine that I can use? | 04:02 |
Ardnit1 | im sorry. i just installed last night and know NOTHING | 04:02 |
bruenig | Ardnit1, where is this shell script located | 04:02 |
jrib | Ardnit1: what shell script are you trying to run? | 04:02 |
Ardnit1 | on my desktop | 04:02 |
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Frogzoo | zpertee: you still have access to the same repos | 04:02 |
bruenig | Ardnit1, and what is it called | 04:02 |
Ardnit1 | crossover office demo | 04:02 |
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timfrost | zpertee: ubuntu-server is a base that is intended for web/FTP/mail servers, and doesn't have a graphical interface. | 04:02 |
Ardnit1 | crossover STANDARD demo | 04:03 |
macd | ElephantHunter, no virtual machines support direct video card access all is EMU. | 04:03 |
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zpertee | Frogzoo: so if i'm going to need to install a gui anyhow I might as well use the desktop version? | 04:03 |
ed_ | timfrost - nvu is not in feisty 64 universe repo | 04:03 |
Paddy_EIRE | anyone know what plugins are responsible for streaming radio? specifically listening to BBC Radio One using the windows media player option | 04:03 |
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bruenig | Ardnit1, that is the name of it "crossover STANDARD demo" capitalization and everything? | 04:03 |
bruenig | and spacing | 04:03 |
macd | ElephantHunter, unless you have something like Xen enterprise with a spare video card to dedicate to your VM, also your CPU would have to support hardware virtualization | 04:03 |
cor1 | Ubuntu loads fine then when it hits the login screen the sound keeps playing and when i login i get a black screen | 04:03 |
Ardnit1 | no. the caps was me highlighting my correction. hold a sec and i will give you he full name | 04:04 |
ed_ | thanks tim, just found your note, ttfn | 04:04 |
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Ardnit1 | | 04:04 |
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cor1 | HELP!!!! Ubuntu loads fine then when it hits the login screen the sound keeps playing and when i login i get a black screen HELP!!!! | 04:04 |
Ardnit1 | exactly as it appears on the file | 04:04 |
zpertee | are networkless ubuntu installs possible? | 04:04 |
royel | !restricted | Paddy_EIRE | 04:05 |
ubotu | Paddy_EIRE: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 04:05 |
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bruenig | Ardnit1, open a terminal (applications>accessories>terminal) and do "cd Desktop && chmod +x && sudo ./" | 04:05 |
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timfrost | zpertee: you have a choice of desktop (Kubuntu=KDE, Ubuntu=GNOME, Xubuntu=XFCE). | 04:05 |
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Briman4031 | I'm sure you guys get this all the time but can someone help me with my wireless card? I'm a super newb, I've been using an ubuntu book and it's not helping much | 04:05 |
Farnaby | I have an odd problem with evolution and the clock applet | 04:05 |
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Byan | zpertee: why wouldn't they be? | 04:05 |
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earthen | Briman4031, what wireless card do you have | 04:05 |
Farnaby | briman4031 what wifi card, what version etc | 04:05 |
ElephantHunter | macd: I've seen threads in the Ubuntu forum where people claim to be running Ubuntu in a virtual machine with no display problems. | 04:05 |
zpertee | timfrost: what is the difference between the different ubuntu family flavors? | 04:06 |
macd | ElephantHunter, they just dont complain about slow video. | 04:06 |
cor1 | HELP!!!! Ubuntu loads fine then when it hits the login screen the sound keeps playing and when i login i get a black screen HELP!!!! | 04:06 |
bruenig | zpertee, the desktop environment | 04:06 |
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Briman4031 | It's a Dynex 802.11g from Best Buy, the lights are blinking and I'm assuming it's using an atheros chipset because it's recognized, but I can't connect using it | 04:06 |
Ardnit1 | ???? | 04:06 |
Ardnit1 | The '/home/tim' directory does not belong to you. | 04:06 |
Ardnit1 | Point $HOME to your home directory and try again. | 04:06 |
ElephantHunter | macd: Oh. I'm not complaining about slow video. The display is not working correctly. | 04:06 |
earthen | corl do you have a ati card? | 04:06 |
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cor1 | how i tell | 04:06 |
timfrost | zpertee: the difference is the desktop - Gnome/KDE/XFCE | 04:06 |
hkn | can someone help me install 6.06LTS LAMP server on a poweredge 6400, its hanging on partman | 04:06 |
Farnaby | briman, edgy, dapper, what version? | 04:07 |
seamus7 | Hi all ... I'm trying to create a NTFS partition using Gparted on an external storage USB hard drive but the NTFS option is grayed out... what am I missing? | 04:07 |
macd | ElephantHunter, I thought you said it was choppy? | 04:07 |
bruenig | Ardnit1, do you really need this, I mean I hate to ask but... | 04:07 |
cor1 | the only card i have is for the monitor and the network which works fine on the other computer i have | 04:07 |
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bruenig | Ardnit1, was that the error? | 04:07 |
Briman4031 | 6.06 | 04:07 |
kelsin | zerdith: you can also into the others from one by installing the ubuntu-desktop kubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop | 04:07 |
zpertee | timfrost: thanks for all your help. I really appreciate it. | 04:07 |
earthen | cor1, check you hard ware listing or at boot time you mite see a ati logo | 04:07 |
zpertee | bruenig: thanks for all your help. I really appreciate it. | 04:07 |
cor1 | ok hold on let me chack | 04:07 |
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earthen | cor1, what system are you installing it on | 04:07 |
zerdith | thanks for the tip | 04:07 |
Ardnit1 | well. i have no idea if i absolutely need it or not... i am trying to burn a few dvds and i cant get linux to do it so i was just going to use the programs i have been using | 04:08 |
bruenig | Ardnit1, are the dvd's isos? | 04:08 |
Briman4031 | 6.06 is that dapper or edgy? | 04:08 |
timfrost | Ardnit1: have you changed the UID number for your account? (What does 'ls -ld /home/tim' report? | 04:08 |
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ElephantHunter | macd: I suppose choppy was not the correct word. More accurately, my display has vertical lines running through all the graphics clear across the screen and the screen size is oblong. | 04:09 |
bruenig | timfrost, my guess is that since I told him to do sudo, it realized that the user trying to install (root) doesn't own home | 04:09 |
Ardnit1 | drwxr-xr-x 25 tim tim 4096 2007-02-20 16:41 /home/tim | 04:09 |
Farnaby | Here is abriman, dapper | 04:09 |
Farnaby | wait a second | 04:09 |
earthen | cor1, is it a laptop or desktop | 04:09 |
Farnaby | Briman: 6.06 is dapper | 04:09 |
con-man | ,mm,,mawow | 04:09 |
Ardnit1 | bruenig, i am trying to rip dvds i just bought and copy them | 04:09 |
cor1 | desktop | 04:09 |
Farnaby | there we go | 04:09 |
macd | ElephantHunter, Id try to use 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' to reconfigure the xserver, choose the vesa video device and set your resolution accordingly | 04:09 |
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bruenig | Ardnit1, just copy or rip them into avi files, something like dvdshrink? | 04:09 |
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dimeotane | Ardnit1: of course purely for backups | 04:10 |
ElephantHunter | macd: Okay. I'll give it a shot. Thanks for the advice :) | 04:10 |
dimeotane | k9 copy is good | 04:10 |
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Ardnit1 | of course <whistles softly> | 04:10 |
Mixx | ok i have to ask what seems to be a really stupid question. I'm trying to execute a file but I'm getting "No such file or directory". I have ownership, it's executable and readable. Any ideas what noob mistake i'm making? | 04:10 |
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cor1 | no ati logo | 04:10 |
Farnaby | So I have my odd evolution question: I switched palm pilots recently and it worked fine. Now the tasks in the clock applet won't hide once completed. They get marked as done but stay there | 04:10 |
Omni | When trying to boot ubuntu after installing, I get this "Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition" any suggestions guys? | 04:10 |
dimeotane | make sure your turn on the 'keep menu' option though | 04:10 |
bruenig | Ardnit1, if you are just looking to copy, there is k9copy which would probably be easiest to install, I kind of like xdvdshrink but isn't in the repos | 04:10 |
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Briman4031 | thanks... okay I'm using dapper, with a dynex wgnbc 802.11g card. Both lights are blinking on it, and it's recognized by ubuntu, but it doesn't connect. i think it might be an issue with the WP | 04:10 |
Farnaby | Mixx, typo? | 04:10 |
Pelo | Omni, did you make a mount point first ? | 04:11 |
Briman4031 | WPA | 04:11 |
earthen | cor1, there are some bug with some ati cars where it it will start with the tv out port as the main port | 04:11 |
royel | Mixx: explain a bit more, what command are you issuing? | 04:11 |
Ardnit1 | i got k9copy from the add/remove | 04:11 |
n0name | hi, is there any command that outputs the version of ubuntu that im currently running? | 04:11 |
Ardnit1 | it says i dont have a burner | 04:11 |
Mixx | Omni - your order of hard drives may have changed (just happened to me) create a GRUB boot disk and follow the instructions on GRUB wiki | 04:11 |
seamus7 | Edgy is recognizing my external USB hard drives but Gparted isn't allowing me to create a new partition in NTFS format ... why? | 04:11 |
cor1 | ok how i fix | 04:11 |
bruenig | n0name, lsb_release -a | 04:11 |
Farnaby | Briman, possibly, I think people have gotten dynex cards to work in edgy for sure | 04:11 |
timfrost | Mixx: try './script' if it is in the current directory (which isn't automatically in your path) | 04:11 |
rp3 | is there a quickpar for X? | 04:11 |
n0name | bruenig: thnx | 04:11 |
Omni | Pelo, it did it automated, so should I manually partition it, and not be lazy? | 04:11 |
bruenig | Ardnit1, you probably need to go into the preferences and change the dvd burner | 04:11 |
earthen | cor1, we have to know what video card you have | 04:11 |
Mixx | royel - I am in ~/folding trying to execute ./FAH504-Linux.exe which autocompletes | 04:11 |
Pelo | Omni, mount it manualy to make sure it can be mounted first | 04:11 |
cor1 | ok let me take the case off ill be back in like 10 secs | 04:12 |
Omni | Pelo - how? I'm a noob | 04:12 |
Briman4031 | thanks, I might have to try edgy | 04:12 |
Mixx | royel & Farnaby so I know it's not a typo.. | 04:12 |
Anon80118 | how do I fix the error "open /dev/snd/seq failed: no such file or directory" ? | 04:12 |
Pelo | Omni, sudo mount /hda/watherver mountpoint | 04:12 |
Farnaby | MIxx, I typoed a few times on my new server so I always ask that first ;) | 04:12 |
earthen | cor1, if it's not a ati card then i'm not sure i can help :( | 04:12 |
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royel | Mixx: are you in console or a file manager? | 04:13 |
Omni | Pelo - should I do this with the live disc? because nothing involving ubuntu works | 04:13 |
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hkn | anyone here familiar with hardware raid and ubuntu 6.06 server? | 04:13 |
Mixx | royel - i am in console | 04:13 |
Pelo | Omni, are you on the live cd now ? | 04:13 |
Omni | I will be if I need to be | 04:13 |
Mixx | omni - check this out: I had to do this to fix my grub menu.lst | 04:13 |
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mic50k | Frogzoo: otherwise it won't work | 04:14 |
Pelo | Omni, I am just trying to figure out where / what you are at | 04:14 |
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Farnaby | Corl, sounds like you have the wrong driver, but if you don't know what you have we are kinda up a creek | 04:14 |
Spartacus | Hey | 04:14 |
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Pelo | Omni, what is the ... adress or the partition you are trying to mount ? | 04:14 |
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royel | Mixx: are you sure it's an .exe file? | 04:14 |
Thuggernaut | ok i'm out peace guys | 04:14 |
Spartacus | How do I get a computer without an OS to run the set-up? | 04:14 |
Farnaby | and to reask my question: | 04:14 |
Farnaby | So I have my odd evolution question: I switched palm pilots recently and it worked fine. Now the tasks in the clock applet won't hide once completed. They get marked as done but stay there | 04:14 |
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Farnaby | and yes, they are marked to hide in evolution and do | 04:15 |
Mixx | royel - yeah - well, it's executable anyway, straight from the folding web site | 04:15 |
leafw | how can I find out which kernel modules are loaded? | 04:15 |
Omni | thanks Mixx - Pelo - I dont know right now | 04:15 |
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mic50k | lsmod | 04:15 |
phate | I'm have this problem where when Close the lid on my portable and then later reopen it, X is killed. | 04:15 |
verbose | leafw: lsmod | 04:15 |
Pelo | Spartacus, if you mean the bios you don'T need to have an OS on it, just keep hitting "del" while booting | 04:15 |
leafw | thanks | 04:15 |
Mixx | Omni - the trick is to figure out what your root is | 04:15 |
Pelo | Omni, what are you trying to mount ? | 04:15 |
Mixx | omni use the find command detailed in that manual | 04:15 |
Spartacus | Well, I mean to set-up Ubuntu | 04:15 |
Farnaby | phate do you have to restart the comp or can you just restart x? | 04:15 |
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cor1 | AGP-VGA S/n eeh138636 | 04:15 |
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Spartacus | If I don't use a boot disk, like I was when trying to instal Windows, it gets stuck on Verifying DMI pool data | 04:16 |
Hasrat_USA | which one is better? ext3 or reiserFS? | 04:16 |
lazrpark93 | Hey, when is the new version of ubuntu coming out? | 04:16 |
royel | Mixx: ls -l ~/folding an pastebin me the output | 04:16 |
mackinac | april | 04:16 |
seamus7 | I dual boot Edgy and WXP ... I just attached 2 USB hard drives and want to repartition one to use NTFS but GParted isn't allowing me to access that option .... any idea why? | 04:16 |
mic50k | ok bye, peace and oh, LOVE YOU man | 04:16 |
lazrpark93 | Such a long wait | 04:16 |
leafw | Hasrat_USA : ext3 is easy to recover from, and very write-safe. | 04:16 |
rp3 | is there a quickpar for X? | 04:16 |
Farnaby | I prefer ext3 | 04:17 |
hexidigital | lazrpark93: only 2 months | 04:17 |
cor1 | AGP-VGA S/n eeh138636 | 04:17 |
hexidigital | lazrpark93: could be longer :) | 04:17 |
Pelo | seamus7, ubu doesn'T support ntfs, just make room for the partition and then format it using xp | 04:17 |
Hasrat_USA | but you can't run degragment on ext3, whereas in reiserFS you can | 04:17 |
dimeotane | Farnaby: ctrl alt backspace | 04:17 |
leafw | Hasrat_USA : as far as I can tell, I never needed to defrag a drive | 04:17 |
dimeotane | that will restart x | 04:17 |
leafw | Hasrat_USA : that belongs to Windows users | 04:17 |
Farnaby | dimeotane, I was asking phate, I know how to do it ;) | 04:18 |
earthen | cor1, ok i don't know hat that is | 04:18 |
Mixx | royel | 04:18 |
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seamus7 | Pelo: the mystery is that Gparted allowed me to partition my laptop HD into two partition with one in NTFS ... Gparted does NTFS ... but now that option is grayed out ... hmmmmm. | 04:18 |
cor1 | Pine building brighter ideas | 04:18 |
lazrpark93 | hexidigital: yeah true, 6.10 is really sweet though anyway I'm never going to use anything else | 04:18 |
royel | Mixx: try this: bash ./FAH504-Linux.exe | 04:18 |
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Pelo | Hasrat_USA, there was an article on digg an hour ago detailing differences between linux file sistem | 04:18 |
hexidigital | lazrpark93: heh, that's what i said about dapper | 04:18 |
earthen | cor1, anyway I'll give you a link to a page that showed me how to get mine working | 04:18 |
dimeotane | k ... thought u were stuck | 04:18 |
Hasrat_USA | welll someone named 'waz' was telling me to partition my drives with reiserFS and i was like 'wtf?' but i didn't tell him anything though. the author of the FS is a murderer i heard! | 04:18 |
lovloss | how come i suddenly dont have mp3 support? | 04:18 |
earthen | cor1, | 04:19 |
Hasrat_USA | oh thank god you have the link? | 04:19 |
lazrpark93 | hexidigital: dapper is like synaptic right? | 04:19 |
Omni | Pelo - /dev/sda: SCSI3 | 04:19 |
Pelo | seamus7, it can "identify" nfts but it will not format it | 04:19 |
Farnaby | dimeotane, nah, I am here with a minor irritation regarding evolution and the clock applet | 04:19 |
hexidigital | lazrpark93: no, dapper was the release before edgy | 04:19 |
Mixx | royel says cannot execute binary file.... waaaiitt, I am on a 64 bit machine and this is a 32 bit binary.. | 04:19 |
cor1 | PV-SO4A-br V4.1 wo5/03 XP-3800- 32mb sdram AGP-VGA\ | 04:19 |
Pelo | Omni, and what mount point have you made for it ? | 04:19 |
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earthen | cor1, look at the second tip | 04:19 |
Mixx | royel any way to run 32 bit binary on 64? | 04:19 |
phate | Farnaby, it just X. rest of the machine is fine. Close lid, reopen I see my desktop for 2 seconds and then black screen then I'm dropped back to the GDM, | 04:19 |
leafw | Hasrat_USA : being on trial doesn't make you a murder, at least not outside the USA. | 04:19 |
lovloss | Just yesterday i was playing mp3s. then today it acts like there is no support for that | 04:19 |
lazrpark93 | hexidigital: oh I totally confused what those names were then lol | 04:19 |
Farnaby | phate, does restarting x work? | 04:19 |
royel | Mixx: ah.. sec | 04:20 |
lazrpark93 | hexidigital: good to know | 04:20 |
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lovloss | ansd then amarok locks up | 04:20 |
cor1 | im not on a ferrari 4000 laptop | 04:20 |
seamus7 | Pelo: oh I bet you're right ... I thought I had used Gparted to actually format in NTFS but perhaps I just set it aside and let the WXP isntallation actually do it. ok thx | 04:20 |
phate | Farnaby: yes but everything I was working on is now gone | 04:20 |
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royel | Mixx: read this: | 04:20 |
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Hasrat_USA | ballmer repeats threats against linux!! | 04:20 |
lazrpark93 | who's ballmer? | 04:20 |
earthen | cor1, no thats mine, but the solution is for a ati car but it may work for you | 04:20 |
Slaj_R | Question... When trying to download an episode of a podcast, Firefox says "Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete." | 04:20 |
seamus7 | Pelo: I wonder if an Ubuntu Live Cd with Gparted would format the partition in NTFS ... maybe that's how I did it. | 04:21 |
Slaj_R | This only just started happening since my last login. | 04:21 |
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Pelo | seamus7, I doubt it | 04:21 |
Hasrat_USA | hmm alright i'm going for ext3 then. thanks :) | 04:21 |
Farnaby | phate, whats the laptop? | 04:21 |
cor1 | i dont have a ATI card | 04:21 |
cor1 | its AGP | 04:21 |
Farnaby | seamus: I would think that it would... | 04:21 |
cor1 | VGA | 04:21 |
Hasrat_USA | i believe you were talking abuot this link leafw | 04:22 |
Pelo | seamus7, I think that if ubuntu was able to format ntfs we would have read/write access to ntfs out of the box, and we don't | 04:22 |
phate | Farnaby: Dell Latitude C600 | 04:22 |
hexidigital | cor1: ATI is a brand, not a `type` | 04:22 |
earthen | cor1, AGP is the port that it is plug into | 04:22 |
Pelo | Omni, are you still there ? | 04:22 |
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Farnaby | Phate: this seems pertinent: | 04:22 |
earthen | cor1, did you build your desktop | 04:22 |
Mixx | royel - brief glimps looks like exactly what i'm running into - i've tried both the 64 bit and 32 bit versions. I'll read more to find out how to fix it. thanks vm for your help | 04:22 |
royel | Mixx: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs this appears to be your answer | 04:23 |
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Farnaby | earthen: I would guess that he didn't | 04:23 |
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Mixx | royel - ok i'll check that out! | 04:23 |
lazrpark93 | What do you guys think of using 3D desktops in ubuntu? | 04:23 |
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earthen | Faithful, yeah i would guess that also :-/ | 04:23 |
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xai | Can I specify a UUID on in /boot/grub/menu.lst for a root=xyz line ? | 04:23 |
hexidigital | lazrpark93: they are fun to show people, but effectively useless for any real work | 04:23 |
CokeNCode | guys, how do i set up sendmail to allow connections from remote computers | 04:23 |
Pelo | lazrpark93, candy will rot your teeth | 04:23 |
lazrpark93 | HAHAHA | 04:23 |
CokeNCode | i've set firestarter to allow smtp traffic from port 25 | 04:23 |
lazrpark93 | Well put Pelo | 04:23 |
Farnaby | lol, good thing I actaully read these since I am not faithful earthen ;) | 04:23 |
CokeNCode | and still nothing | 04:23 |
earthen | Faithful, if he can give me his make and model i can find out my self what card he has | 04:23 |
CokeNCode | getting an error on the machine when i try to connect | 04:24 |
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hexidigital | lazrpark93: non-support chatter should be taken to #ubuntu-offtopic, by the way | 04:24 |
dimeotane | any other recommendations for good packages for CLI ... | 04:24 |
lazrpark93 | hexidigitial you're right | 04:24 |
earthen | Farnaby, oups! | 04:24 |
leafw | any ideas why edgy boots with the swap off ? | 04:24 |
earthen | Farnaby, LOL | 04:24 |
dimeotane | stuff that works good on old p2 computers | 04:24 |
royel | Pelo: lol, nicely put :) | 04:24 |
Farnaby | Its ok earthen, I might be drinking but I can still read fast ;) | 04:24 |
CokeNCode | i notice in the advanced settings for sendmail, something about Runlevel, Status, Priority ... these three fields | 04:24 |
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aflack | <-- Is the error, anyone know how to fix this? | 04:24 |
CokeNCode | how can they help me to allow remote connections ? | 04:24 |
hexidigital | dimeotane: what type of applications? there are a ton to choose from | 04:24 |
hexidigital | dimeotane: ie, what are you looking to do? | 04:24 |
hkn | do you guys know if ubuntu 6.06 has perc 2/dc support? | 04:24 |
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lazrpark93 | hexidigital, I was unaware that there was another channel for off topic things, thanks for the tip | 04:24 |
earthen | Farnaby, the darn tab key sometimes gets me lol | 04:24 |
hexidigital | lazrpark93: np | 04:25 |
verbose | hkn: yes it does, i have a couple of machines running those cards | 04:25 |
Farnaby | Thats why I made my autocomplete tab a pain in the but | 04:25 |
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tsai | hello anyone | 04:25 |
timfrost | CokeNCode: which mail package - sendmail or postfix? (both MTA packages exist, and both have /usr/sbin/sendmail) | 04:25 |
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CokeNCode | timfrost, sendmail | 04:25 |
earthen | Farnaby, that mite not be a bad idea | 04:25 |
hkn | verbose, i am having some issues when the install cd gets to partman it is sitting there for a long time, did you have similar issues? | 04:25 |
dimeotane | hexidigital: some packages that will be fun and productive.. this IRC package irssi is a great one... | 04:25 |
Farnaby | I get bit in the but too many time earthen | 04:26 |
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royel | !hello | tsai | 04:26 |
ubotu | tsai: hello: The classic greeting, and a good example. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1.1-4 (edgy), package size 47 kB, installed size 472 kB | 04:26 |
hexidigital | dimeotane: join #ubuntu-offtopic... i'll give you my list o' stuff i use in there | 04:26 |
dimeotane | I'm not looking for a CLI database or compiling package | 04:26 |
dimeotane | k | 04:26 |
earthen | Farnaby, lol | 04:26 |
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cor1 | it must be the video card i pulled it out and then put it backin and it let me in | 04:26 |
Farnaby | I have ops on another server and just might have accidently kicked somebody that I didn't mean to.... | 04:26 |
tsai | thanks royel and ubotu got a Question | 04:26 |
verbose | hkn: no, the only problem i had was when i wanted to use one of the old servers as a workstation and tried to get X didn't work | 04:26 |
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royel | !anyone | tsai | 04:27 |
ubotu | tsai: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 04:27 |
ElephantHunter | Hey, does anybody know why the "Sytem -> Install" menu item in the Xubuntu install CD gives me the error "Missing command to run"? | 04:27 |
earthen | cor1, when it starts up like that can you press ctrl+Alt+f1 to get to a command line | 04:27 |
Anon80118 | how do I fix the error "open /dev/snd/seq failed: no such file or directory" ? | 04:27 |
hkn | verbose, would it be possible for me to ask you a few questions then about setting up the hardware raid? | 04:27 |
Farnaby | elep: no | 04:27 |
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eleventyseven | hey gang - after using synaptic to update my kernel and godonlyknowswhatelse i am running out of space on / do i have remove old packages manually? is it because I have three kernels available? ty | 04:27 |
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timfrost | CokeNCode: what does 'netstat -nta | grep LIST | grep ':25 ' show? | 04:28 |
HymnToLife | hkn, yes but I highly doubt you have a real hardware RAID | 04:28 |
Pelo | eleventyseven, you can remove the other kernels manualy, but be carefull | 04:28 |
verbose | hkn: it's been a while since i installed it but sure, ask away | 04:28 |
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Farnaby | ElephantHunter| no | 04:28 |
Farnaby | I need another beer | 04:28 |
ElephantHunter | Farnby: oh... uh, thanks xD | 04:28 |
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tsai | Thanks, trying to convert avi to dvd using the steps found at: | 04:28 |
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eleventyseven | pelo: do they take up a bunch of space? | 04:28 |
hkn | HymnToLife, its a dell poweredge 6400 with the scsi raid controller hardware | 04:28 |
royel | ElephantHunter: apt-get autoclean | 04:28 |
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earthen | Farnaby, get one for me too will ya! | 04:29 |
royel | eleventyseven: kernels are tiny, kernel source is a bit bigger | 04:29 |
eleventyseven | hmmm... i wonder what i done did (hehe) with my space... | 04:29 |
cmp1988 | How's Feisty anyone who's trying it? | 04:29 |
Mixx | royel - that did it. i'm up and folding. thanks again | 04:29 |
royel | Mixx: great! :) | 04:29 |
digitaljhelms | anyone know the essential dependency packages required to run php5-gd? i am running an ubuntu dapper server with apache2 and don't need any additional, unneccessary packages or x11/x-windows packages as aptitude is suggesting... lists the packages i'm being pushed when trying to install only the php5-gd package | 04:30 |
Farnaby | ElephantHunter| you are the only one I am using nick completion with since there are about 950 users and you have the longest name ;) But sometimes I miss the key ;) | 04:30 |
verbose | hkn: are you sure that's not a perc3 instead of perc2? | 04:30 |
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hkn | verbose, when i setup the drives i did 4 in an array and 2 as hsp then ran initialize so it shows up as a 54gb raid 5 logical drive 0 is that right so far? | 04:30 |
tsai | when I get to the step: growisofs -Z /dev/dvd -dvd-video dvd/ i get: | 04:30 |
Farnaby | earthen, are you of age? If so I got about 15 in the fridge. | 04:30 |
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tsai | Executing 'mkisofs -dvd-video dvd/ | builtin_dd of=/dev/dvd obs=32k seek=0' | 04:30 |
tsai | INFO: UTF-8 character encoding detected by locale settings. | 04:30 |
tsai | Assuming UTF-8 encoded filenames on source filesystem, | 04:30 |
tsai | use -input-charset to override. | 04:30 |
tsai | :-[ READ TRACK INFORMATION failed with SK=3h/ASC=11h/ACQ=05h] : Input/output error | 04:30 |
tsai | mkisofs: No such file or directory. Faild to open dvd//VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO | 04:30 |
tsai | mkisofs: Can't open VMG info for 'dvd/'. | 04:30 |
hkn | verbose, the bios version says perc 2 version 2.5 | 04:30 |
tsai | mkisofs: Unable to parse DVD-Video structures. | 04:30 |
tsai | mkisofs: Unable to make a DVD-Video image. | 04:30 |
tsai | :-( write failed: Input/output error | 04:30 |
Pelo | eleventyseven, not that much I think , you can check to remove orphan libs tho, click on the "state" button in the lower left corner of synaptic, you can remove a lot of useless stuff there, and there is also something else you can do, let me know when you've done that bit first | 04:30 |
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mackinac | !paste | tsai | 04:30 |
tsai | what do i do from here? | 04:30 |
ubotu | tsai: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:30 |
earthen | Farnaby, i could be consider old age LOL | 04:30 |
royel | !flood | tsai | 04:30 |
verbose | hkn: yeah, that sounds good | 04:30 |
hkn | verbose, its a poweredge 6400 with 4 xeon p3s | 04:31 |
tsai | oops! sorry | 04:31 |
eleventyseven | pelo: k thanks lemme compose | 04:31 |
Farnaby | cmp1988, I am waiting until I know for sure that palm pilots won't have too many issues | 04:31 |
Farnaby | Earthen: I hear that | 04:31 |
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Farnaby | I think that most people here are what, 12 ;) | 04:31 |
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cmp1988 | Farnaby: lol I see | 04:31 |
merc | 12 and 1/2! | 04:31 |
ElephantHunter | royel: I ran that, but it the shortcut is still not working. Is there a shell command I can run to install ubuntu? | 04:31 |
earthen | Farnaby, you could be right | 04:31 |
verbose | hkn: ok, i just thought a 6400 would have a newer card, the ones i installed on were old PE 2450's | 04:31 |
Farnaby | cmp1988| I need it for work and I need to be able to synch it here so its actually neccesary for me. I will probably upgrade sooner rather then later though | 04:32 |
T0B1A5Funky | Okay, not to distract anyone, but if you are good with Ndiswrapper, can you help me | 04:32 |
cmp1988 | Farnaby: cool | 04:32 |
Farnaby | earthen, IRC is for the very old and the very young it seems. | 04:32 |
hkn | verbose, heh, it was free :) | 04:32 |
=== Farnaby shrugs | ||
verbose | hkn: awesome | 04:32 |
earthen | Farnaby, mentally sometimes i think i'm close to that LOL | 04:32 |
cmp1988 | Farnaby: I'll probably upgrade when it's stable | 04:32 |
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cwoodall | hey I need hellp | 04:32 |
Farnaby | cmp1988| There is that part too.... | 04:32 |
T0B1A5Funky | congrats | 04:32 |
earthen | Farnaby, yeah so it seems | 04:32 |
merc | dont we all.. | 04:32 |
Farnaby | earthen, there are worse things | 04:33 |
royel | ElephantHunter: lost me, but I think I realized, I used autocomplete to tell Elevent* something an I got you instead, my mistake.. but no harm done to you by using that command | 04:33 |
cwoodall | well I am trying to install alpine but It wont compile | 04:33 |
T0B1A5Funky | cwoodall, what do you need? | 04:33 |
earthen | Farnaby, you got that right | 04:33 |
cwoodall | nothing compiles it all end in errors for some reason at make | 04:33 |
cmp1988 | Farnaby: I sure hope Feisty can top Edgy, and Edgy is great | 04:33 |
hkn | verbose, so i run the lamp server install off the ubuntu cd and it gets gives an iop error then starts the install and i get past configuring the ethernet and it starts partman and doesn't progress | 04:33 |
linuxuser2907 | can someone send me that link for the ati problem again | 04:33 |
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Pelo | !ati | linuxuser2907 < | 04:34 |
ubotu | linuxuser2907 <: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 04:34 |
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hkn | verbose, since you said the raid was ok i don't know what would be the hangup | 04:34 |
Anon80118 | is there a way to fix the wine error "open /dev/snd/seq/ failed: No such file or directory" ? | 04:34 |
Farnaby | cmp1988| I love edgy but I like to move forward as well. I will wait till its stable, wait to hear about palms, and then probably go for it. I don't mind beta testing too much since my work computer is a winXP machine and I can synch there if needed | 04:34 |
Pelo | Anon80118, try asking in #winehq | 04:34 |
cwoodall | nvm I found packages | 04:34 |
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tsai | having problems converting avi to dvd the input/output is at | 04:34 |
eleventyseven | pelo: well, i haven't been booting into ubuntu recently, but when i did last time i allowed synaptic to do its thing. now, when i logged in i was getting all kinds of complaints. i ran an apt-get command which removed some 'aborted' d/ls. then i looked in spm for what you mentioned. then i came on here ;) not lazy, just not really used to ubuntu yet. ty again | 04:34 |
verbose | hkn: my drives were already partitioned when i installed. we just migrated some slackware servers to ubuntu | 04:35 |
merc | is there an "all in one" dvd ripping / burning program for linux? | 04:35 |
Pelo | eleventyseven, is it working now ? | 04:35 |
eleventyseven | pelo: and when i say let it do its thing, that includes it adding two new kernel options to my menu.lst (grub) | 04:35 |
verbose | hkn: but it shouldn't matter because partman still ran, i just didn't change anything | 04:35 |
T0B1A5Funky | I don't think there is an AIO program | 04:35 |
Farnaby | eleventyseven| its worth getting used to. Ubuntu is the first distro I have seen that is truly userfriendly | 04:35 |
linuxuser2907 | VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 315PRO PCI/AGP VGA Display Adapter | 04:35 |
linuxuser2907 | thats my card acording to lspci | 04:35 |
eleventyseven | no doubt, i love ubuntu | 04:35 |
royel | eleventyseven: apt-get autoclean | 04:35 |
verbose | hkn: i would try to fdisk it from a shell | 04:36 |
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verbose | and then try the install again | 04:36 |
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Pelo | eleventyseven, the updates don'T remove old kernels just incase you have problems with the new ones so you can still boot the old one | 04:36 |
cmp1988 | One of my favourite parts of Ubuntu is installing Deb packages manually | 04:36 |
verbose | it's getting past the point where it wouldn't work if the card and drives weren't detected. so you know that's working at least | 04:36 |
T0B1A5Funky | See, I would really like to be able to use Ubuntu, but the main thing I worry about is connecting to the internet, which I am unable to do | 04:36 |
hkn | verbose, ok, will try that | 04:36 |
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eleventyseven | royel: that is the thing - autoclean. let me try it again to make sure... ubuntu is the shit though. i love apt-get | 04:36 |
paguilera | Hi. I am wondering if someone can help me resolve an error message regarding ntlm_auth? | 04:36 |
Farnaby | so are there any evolution gurus in here? | 04:37 |
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royel | eleventyseven: me too, apt-get makes me randy! :) | 04:37 |
chris | Is there a directory where all programs that were installed are listed? like regedit for windows? i have a program that is corrupted and does now allow me to run the package manager and i can't uninstall it any way at all | 04:37 |
Pelo | Farnaby, what are you trying to do ? | 04:37 |
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eleventyseven | royel: that and one cd for the distro and i;m spent | 04:37 |
royel | chris: what package? | 04:37 |
linuxuser2907 | i have a VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 315PRO PCI/AGP VGA Display Adapter video card and every time i load ubuntu i get stuck at the login screen and it keeps playing the login sound over and over again and when i login i get a black screen | 04:37 |
merc | fish -> retarded monkey -> humans | 04:37 |
merc | there's evolution :P | 04:37 |
T0B1A5Funky | Amen | 04:38 |
Farnaby | Pelo: The tasks are showing as completed in evolution and hiding as I have marked. In the clock applet they are showing as completed but not hiding. This happaned after i upgraded my palm pilot to a new model | 04:38 |
T0B1A5Funky | actually, "Ramen" | 04:38 |
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cmp1988 | merc: Last time I checked, George Bush isn't related to me, probably not you either | 04:38 |
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hossasaur | hello, i am running ubuntu 6.10 on an hp dv2035us. i have a built-in sound card with working drivers (snd-hda-intel) and all new versions of alsa components loaded. i have a problem where i can't hear audio through my headphones. when i plug in headphones, audio still plays through the laptop's internal speakers. i've researched the problem and continue hitting dead ends. any help would be greatly appreciated. | 04:38 |
Farnaby | linuxuser2907| what version, edgy, dapper, fiesty? | 04:38 |
Pelo | Farnaby, I can't help but maybe someone else can , now that you have stated the problem | 04:38 |
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chris | royel: armagetronad, its that open source tron game, i installed the .package form of it and it somehow is corrupt | 04:38 |
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pontus91 | I'm running edgy, how do I format my external from ntfs to fat32? | 04:39 |
Pelo | #evolution | 04:39 |
riasdxth | Hi, I have a drive and the type of FS is raid_member. It's not a raid member anymore, but it's the EXT3 filesystem. How can I change the type flag? | 04:39 |
Farnaby | pelo: stated it a few times already ;) | 04:39 |
TheDebugger | riasdxth: fdisk? | 04:39 |
Pelo | Farnaby, sorry | 04:39 |
tsai | anyone ever converted video files avi to dvd from the command line? | 04:39 |
Killeroid | chris: try "sudo apt-get remove armagetronad" | 04:39 |
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Farnaby | And #evolution is rather empty ;)( | 04:39 |
cmp1988 | Apt-Get: The command line cure all! | 04:39 |
T0B1A5Funky | tsai: no, i have not but i know some program that might help you... i forget what it's called | 04:40 |
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Pelo | Farnaby, yeah, I was chekcing it a few moments ago | 04:40 |
tretle | i just installed edgy on my machine and tried to install my wireless driver through ndiswrapper except i had a error while trying to do so. | 04:40 |
Farnaby | pelo: no worries. I just prefer to keep completed tasks around for a month or two but with the clock applet not hiding them... rather cluttered | 04:40 |
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pontus91 | can some one please tell me how to format my external to fat32? | 04:40 |
eleventyseven | hmm, re: apt-get autoclean i am getting unsweet messages about could not get lock. well, i'll f with it more in the am i gues | 04:40 |
hossasaur | this is not a hardware problem, as the sound/headphone switch works in vista 64 | 04:40 |
royel | chris: did you use Synaptic to install this? | 04:40 |
hossasaur | and worked in xp | 04:40 |
chris | royel: I've tried everything i can in the terminal, and it just says: E: The package armagetronad needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. | 04:40 |
tretle | i got as far as seeing my driver in the ndiswrappers list as functional and hardware present | 04:40 |
Farnaby | pelo: unusable cluttered actually. Since I tend to set tasks for most things since I am forgetfult | 04:40 |
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eleventyseven | oh wait, i'm an idiot | 04:41 |
tretle | but when i go onto the next steps i get the error | 04:41 |
tretle | user@user-desktop:~$ sudo depmod -a | 04:41 |
tretle | user@user-desktop:~$ sudo modprobe ndiswrapper | 04:41 |
tretle | FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid argument | 04:41 |
tretle | user@user-desktop:~$ sudo ndiswrapper -m | 04:41 |
tretle | Adding alias wlan0 ndiswrapper to /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper | 04:41 |
T0B1A5Funky | tsai: nevermind, i was thinknig DVD to AVI | 04:41 |
chris | royel: no i didn't, i downloaded the .package from the official game site, and i used autopackage to install it | 04:41 |
royel | eleventyseven: you said it.. not us | 04:41 |
Pelo | Farnaby, I am trying to locate help for you , bare with me | 04:41 |
tretle | can anyone help? | 04:41 |
Farnaby | LOL Royel | 04:41 |
eleventyseven | royel: hehe | 04:41 |
Farnaby | pelo, no worries, I dug through the forums and google but couldn' find crap | 04:41 |
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eleventyseven | took me down to 96%. i need to go rtfm (another admittance all by myself) | 04:42 |
paguilera | What does this message mean: err:secur32:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. | 04:42 |
Farnaby | eleventyseven| at this rate you will fit right in the *nix community wherever you go | 04:42 |
hkn | how do you run fdisk off the ubuntu live cd, its not there | 04:42 |
royel | chris: I'll try locating something for you, in the meantime, did/have you searched there site for uninstall procedures? | 04:42 |
tretle | can anyone at all help? | 04:43 |
timfrost | pontus91: 'sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/hdd1' (replace hdd1 with the correct partition - may be /dev/sda1 ) | 04:43 |
linuxuser2907 | my soud isnt working | 04:43 |
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earthen | hkn if it is not there then you can install it even fron a live cd | 04:43 |
eleventyseven | farnaby: well, i dabble well enough and i work w/ an unamed system based on freebsd. but i'll take that as a compliment ;) | 04:43 |
linuxuser2907 | my sound card is preventing me from booting proper how can i fix this | 04:43 |
chris | royel: I haven't, i'll go and check it out real quick | 04:44 |
royel | eleventyseven: you should change your /nick to Id10T :) | 04:44 |
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crimsun | linuxuser2907: describe your problem more precisely and/or follow | 04:44 |
hkn | verbose, do you know if i have to format the scsi drives before i use the live cd? | 04:44 |
T0B1A5Funky | Network problem here...I have edgy, compiled ndiswrapper successfully, loaded my windows driver to match the wireless card I have, set up all the settings in "Networking" to match what i had for windows (IP, Subnet, Gateway), everything is set the way it should, but any time i try to connect to the internet, or even ping something, it won't work... help!!! | 04:44 |
hkn | earthen, its ok, i'm going to use a different live cd to format the drive | 04:44 |
eleventyseven | royel: 10-4 | 04:44 |
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linuxuser2907 | ok when i have my speakers plugged in and i boot linux the sound on login keeps playing and it locks me up | 04:45 |
verbose | hkn: you shouldn't have to, you should be able to at least fdisk and mke2fs them from the livecd | 04:45 |
poningru | T0B1A5Funky: hmm | 04:45 |
Farnaby | eleventyseven| anybody who can admit that they are being an idiot is a good start ;) | 04:45 |
linuxuser2907 | but when my speakers are unplugged it boots fine | 04:45 |
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poningru | T0B1A5Funky: what wifi card do you have? | 04:45 |
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poningru | as in what chipset? | 04:45 |
hkn | verbose, the ubuntu live cd doesn't know what the command fdisk -l means:) | 04:45 |
PORDO | what package do i need in order to run "make"? | 04:45 |
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T0B1A5Funky | Linksys wireless G card with Speed Booster | 04:45 |
hkn | verbose, im going to use a different live cd to format the drive | 04:45 |
T0B1A5Funky | the Driver i used was on the list for Ndiswrapper ... WMP54GS | 04:46 |
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rp3 | i have a printer on a SUSE box that works localy and with XP boxes, but when I try to print from Ubuntu it doesn't work, but it does discover it (the printer) on the network? Ideas? | 04:46 |
poningru | T0B1A5Funky: hmm whats the chipset on that? | 04:46 |
T0B1A5Funky | what do you mean as in chipset? | 04:46 |
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poningru | T0B1A5Funky: do an lspci -v | 04:46 |
poningru | and search for your wifi card | 04:46 |
poningru | and pastebin that section | 04:46 |
phate | Farnaby: Thanks, that forum post fixed my issue. Apperently My system does not like X's Power Management :P | 04:47 |
T0B1A5Funky | i'm not in ubuntu... otherwise i wouldn't be online | 04:47 |
poningru | oh | 04:47 |
poningru | sigh hold on | 04:47 |
poningru | I have to google it | 04:47 |
poningru | hold on | 04:47 |
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T0B1A5Funky | but whenever i ran lspci i got a pciid of 14e4:4320 | 04:47 |
T0B1A5Funky | is that what you want? | 04:47 |
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timfrost | PORDO: build-essential gives the tools. What are you trying to compile? | 04:47 |
Farnaby | Phate: glad to have helped | 04:47 |
grte | Does anyone know why, in elinks, linux frames would not work in a linux console? | 04:47 |
poningru | T0B1A5Funky: the chipset is the actual hardware that the card is using | 04:47 |
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T0B1A5Funky | h/o, let me device manager | 04:48 |
poningru | T0B1A5Funky: for example my asus card is actually running an broadcom 4318 | 04:48 |
poningru | T0B1A5Funky: in windows they hide it | 04:48 |
T0B1A5Funky | oh damn | 04:48 |
PORDO | timfrost brands' digital cash software. | 04:48 |
T0B1A5Funky | yea, nothing in device manager | 04:48 |
PORDO | timfrost | 04:49 |
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PORDO | installing now. :) | 04:49 |
xai | I suppose that to boot with root=UUID=xxxxx in a menu.lst required some form if initrd so that UUID support can find the UUID ?? | 04:49 |
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pontus91 | can someone tell me how to format my drive to fat32 instead of ntfs? | 04:49 |
poningru | T0B1A5Funky: lol | 04:49 |
Pelo | pontus91, use gparted | 04:49 |
timfrost | PORDO: do you know what libraries it needs? Because you will need to install the development packages associated with those libraries | 04:49 |
elpargo | pontus91, gparted | 04:49 |
pontus91 | thx | 04:50 |
cmp1988 | gparted FTW | 04:50 |
poningru | T0B1A5Funky: you use the broadcom chipset | 04:50 |
poningru | T0B1A5Funky: you didnt have to do ndiswrapper | 04:50 |
T0B1A5Funky | okay, what does that for me? | 04:50 |
pontus91 | then what? LOL | 04:50 |
T0B1A5Funky | really? | 04:50 |
poningru | T0B1A5Funky: just the firmware install was enough | 04:50 |
T0B1A5Funky | :P | 04:50 |
PORDO | timfrost i'll find out. | 04:50 |
pontus91 | I have it open | 04:50 |
T0B1A5Funky | how would i do that though? | 04:50 |
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PORDO | this makes my mouth water: | 04:50 |
Ryan45 | hello | 04:50 |
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poningru | T0B1A5Funky: hold on let me get you the link | 04:50 |
T0B1A5Funky | alright, thank you | 04:50 |
Pelo | pontus91, it will take 30 minutes to explain but only 5 minutes for you to figure out | 04:51 |
stanford | I booted with a Ubuntu LiveCD and it detects my Ethernet card properly and I see it in lspci. How do I figure out which module it loaded? I see too many things in lsmod | 04:51 |
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Farnaby | pntus91, pelo is right. | 04:51 |
poningru | T0B1A5Funky: just uninstall ndiswrapper completley and install | 04:51 |
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pontus91 | k | 04:51 |
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poningru | WTF | 04:51 |
poningru | hope he got it | 04:52 |
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PhibreOptix | Hi guys, I need a little help with my Sansa m240 | 04:52 |
poningru | T0B1A5Funky: just uninstall ndiswrapper completley and install | 04:52 |
T0B1A5Funky | whoa, i'm back | 04:52 |
poningru | if you missed that last one | 04:52 |
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T0B1A5Funky | and this will for sure work? | 04:52 |
PhibreOptix | It was working fine until I put a directory on it to store my school stuff in, and now when I turn it on it just turns itself off | 04:52 |
chris_ | royel: Let me know if you've found something :) | 04:52 |
cafuego_ | Yes, my firmware rules. Obey! | 04:52 |
timfrost | PORDO: I suggest that you make a package using checkinstall rather than ending with 'sudo makeinstall' | 04:52 |
PhibreOptix | And when I plug it in it keeps turning itself off before it can be mounted | 04:52 |
PhibreOptix | Any help? | 04:53 |
timfrost | !checkinstall | PORDO | 04:53 |
ubotu | PORDO: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running! | 04:53 |
poningru | T0B1A5Funky: if the model number you gave is correct then yes | 04:53 |
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Ryan45 | Can anyone recommend a guide to dual booting ubuntu and vista if I have a preloaded version of vista on a new laptop? | 04:53 |
T0B1A5Funky | alright | 04:53 |
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poningru | T0B1A5Funky: you should bow to cafuego too | 04:53 |
toulouse | PhibreOptix: can you boot with a live cd or rescue cd? | 04:53 |
varsendaggr | hey i want have some scripts that i want to run but i want to create a GUI to run these... how should i do this? | 04:53 |
poningru | Gus: omg are you from tampa? | 04:53 |
royel | chris_: did you delete the file you downloaded to install this program? | 04:53 |
T0B1A5Funky | who's cafuego? | 04:53 |
tim167 | i moved something to trash accidently, where can i recover it ? | 04:53 |
poningru | T0B1A5Funky: the guy that puts those packages together | 04:53 |
T0B1A5Funky | o0o | 04:53 |
T0B1A5Funky | alright | 04:53 |
poningru | so all you have to do is double click on them | 04:53 |
ctford | i notice that ubuntu doesn't package rubygems because it could mess with the apt-get packaging system. how likely am i to mess things up if i install and start using rubygems? | 04:53 |
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PhibreOptix | toulouse: It's an mp3 player, do I need a live cd to repair it or something? | 04:54 |
hossasaur | well, coincidentally, after 12 hours of looking i think i just found the fix: | 04:54 |
ElephantHunter | This may be a bug I need to file, but I'm not sure. When I was using Xubuntu the shortcut to Install no longer worked. I had to find the file for the shortcut and manually run the command in the shell. | 04:54 |
Meheren | My friend wanted to buy a firewire webcam... I immediately said iSight, but it turns out windows doesn't reconize it, can anyone reccomend a good cam? | 04:54 |
poningru | tim167: its in .Trash in your home directory | 04:54 |
T0B1A5Funky | thank you so much poningru, i hope this works! | 04:54 |
toulouse | PhibreOptix: oh, i thought it was a computer nvm, i dunno man | 04:54 |
poningru | or there is a trash icon in the bottom right of your screen | 04:54 |
toulouse | new batteries | 04:54 |
poningru | just click on it | 04:54 |
poningru | T0B1A5Funky: gl | 04:54 |
toulouse | take that folder off maybe | 04:54 |
PORDO | tim167 i've used checkinstall many times. thanks. | 04:54 |
PhibreOptix | I can't take it off, because it wont mount >.< | 04:54 |
Gus | Can someone PM me and help me with my Unbuntu problem? | 04:54 |
toulouse | these guys know more than me | 04:55 |
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chris_ | royel : yea, but i re-downloaded it just to try and reinstall, but after its reinstalled its still in its corrupt state :/ | 04:55 |
toulouse | ey guys, help phibre mount his mp3 playa | 04:55 |
pontus91 | it won't let me format, I get an error. | 04:55 |
tim167 | poningru PORDA: thanks! (i'm in fluxbox, so no trash icon...), what's checkinstall ? | 04:55 |
Meheren | phibre, what's your problem? | 04:55 |
tim167 | PORDO^ | 04:55 |
Gus | "kernel panic : not syncing; VFS; Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0) " | 04:55 |
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Meheren | phibre, what kinda mp3 you got? | 04:55 |
PhibreOptix | sansa m240 | 04:56 |
timfrost | PORDO: I think you need to add it (and fakeroot) as build-essential doesn't depend on either of them | 04:56 |
PhibreOptix | I put a new folder on it to store my school stuff in, and now it won't mount, or boot up if I try to listen to music | 04:56 |
PhibreOptix | It just goes to the logo screen, and then powers down | 04:56 |
PORDO | sudo? | 04:56 |
PORDO | is sudo not sufficient? | 04:56 |
Meheren | PhibreOptix, so when you plug it into computer what happens? | 04:57 |
Pelo | g'night folks | 04:57 |
PORDO | <-- mouth waters | 04:57 |
poningru | PORDO: sudo is more than sufficient | 04:57 |
PORDO | oh..maybe _too_ sufficient? | 04:57 |
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PhibreOptix | It goes to the logo screen, then powers down, then starts up again and goes to the logo screen and powers's an infinite loop | 04:57 |
PORDO | first it looks like i need libssl-dev | 04:57 |
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PhibreOptix | And it doesn't stay on long enough to be mounted | 04:57 |
royel | chris_: which installer did you use?, the universal? | 04:57 |
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Meheren | PhibreOptix sounds like it's a problem with your player, not ubuntu | 04:58 |
PhibreOptix | there any way I can force it to stay on?\ | 04:58 |
chris_ | i used a program called autopackage: , for .package files | 04:58 |
chris_ | royel: i used a program called autopackage: , for .package files | 04:58 |
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Meheren | PhibroOptix, just sec ill reaserach it, who makes it again? | 04:59 |
samuel | are there any osx like docks that work in gnome? specifically something that also lists running apps and gives them a place to minimize to? | 04:59 |
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samuel | that DOESNT need beryl? | 04:59 |
chris_ | royel: on the game site its listed as .bin | 04:59 |
pontus91 | mkdosfs: /dev/sdb1 contains a mounted file system | 04:59 |
pontus91 | what do I do? I need to format it to fat32 | 04:59 |
Wuilliam | hi ALL, i have a problem that is when i install the oficcial drivers of ati | 04:59 |
Wuilliam | who can helpme | 04:59 |
PhibreOptix | Sansa | 04:59 |
Dr_willis | pontus91, unmount it.. fdisk it to change the filesystem type. format it. | 04:59 |
pontus91 | thx | 04:59 |
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chris_ | royel: listed as bin package on the game site** | 05:00 |
Ryan45 | Can anyone recommend a guide to dual booting ubuntu and vista if I have a preloaded version of vista on a new laptop? | 05:00 |
mitch00 | hey all | 05:00 |
Dr_willis | Ryan45, be sure you got disks where you can restore vista later if needed.. | 05:00 |
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tim167 | what's the terminal command to take a screenshot ? | 05:00 |
mitch00 | scrot | 05:00 |
arromeo | Ew. Scrote! | 05:00 |
arromeo | Sorry. | 05:01 |
boredandblogging | has anyone here gotten dual head working with an ati 9250 card? | 05:01 |
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stepanstas | how can i set vlc media player default for all media files? | 05:01 |
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macd | stepanstas, system --> preferences --> preferred applications | 05:02 |
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flamesrock | I asked about this last night without solving it.. maybe there's someone online that knows the answer? | 05:02 |
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flamesrock | I mount an nfs share alright, but when I try to copy a file, it just hangs | 05:02 |
flamesrock | and ^c won't interrupt, it just hangs | 05:02 |
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macd | flamesrock, can you browse the files in the dir ok? | 05:03 |
flamesrock | yup | 05:03 |
macd | and is the error, copying to the nfs share or from? | 05:03 |
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flamesrock | copying from | 05:03 |
stepanstas | macd, i see two tabs, internet and system, neither have media in the, | 05:03 |
macd | can you copy to? | 05:03 |
tim167 | how can i make a screen-shot using a terminal command ? | 05:03 |
flamesrock | nope | 05:03 |
Meheren | PhibroOptix, no idea :p can't find anything | 05:03 |
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PhibreOptix | Ok, well thanks for the help anyway | 05:03 |
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royel | chris_: I'm sorry man, I just dont know enough about this to help, an I'm not finding anything that looks like it would be any help.. keep asking an looking maybe someone else will know what to tell you | 05:04 |
flamesrock | actually, nevermind that | 05:04 |
PhibreOptix | I think I'll just return it | 05:04 |
macd | stepanstas, yeah Im wrong, one sec. | 05:04 |
flamesrock | I can copy to the share | 05:04 |
Meheren | PhibroOptix, heh good luck man | 05:04 |
Farnaby | stepanstas| | 05:04 |
mitch00 | tim167, just type scrot | 05:04 |
stepanstas | macd, k | 05:04 |
flamesrock | and ideas macd ? | 05:04 |
Meheren | PhibroOptix, get an ipod | 05:04 |
PhibreOptix | Well I only got it today | 05:04 |
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macd | flamesrock, are you sure the place your trying to copy to, you have permissions? | 05:04 |
PhibreOptix | And it is my plan | 05:04 |
chris_ | royel: okie dokie, thanks for the help :) | 05:04 |
Meheren | PhibroOptix, 100% linux compatibl | 05:04 |
PhibreOptix | To say that I took it out of the packet and it was like that | 05:04 |
PhibreOptix | Yea well....not all of us can afford them xD | 05:04 |
Farnaby | royel what was chris_ problem? | 05:04 |
PORDO | usage: brands -v|-t|-k <bits>|-a <attribs> <-- hmmm | 05:04 |
PORDO | i dunno how this works. | 05:04 |
flamesrock | well its my home directory, so I should I have permissions, no? | 05:04 |
Meheren | $150 for 2 gigs is acually a god deal | 05:05 |
PhibreOptix | They are like $300 here | 05:05 |
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meisam | #eclipse | 05:06 |
Meheren | PhibreOptix, huh? i don't get it | 05:06 |
lin_ | i need to connect to what do i type in | 05:06 |
Meheren | PhibreOptix, buy it from the apple site then | 05:06 |
royel | Farnaby: something with armagetronad corrupting things, says he can't use package manager now | 05:06 |
PhibreOptix | I'm in australia | 05:06 |
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macd | stepanstas, try right clicking on the media file and hit open with, then select vlc and check the box that says make this the default for this filetype | 05:06 |
Farnaby | ok royel, thats abit past anything i have mucked with so I can't really help either | 05:06 |
stepanstas | farnaby, i checked the link, thanks, but is there a way to make it default for all media files? | 05:06 |
steel | lin_ /server ADDRESS PORT | 05:07 |
z0rz | I have a linux router setup up using IPTables. eth0 has a public ip eth1 has a private 10.20.30.x. Inside my network I have roomates, so I have another firewall between my computers and theres. It's WAN port is 10.20.30.y and it's local ip (including DHCP assinged IPs) are 10.20.10.x - I have port forwarding on my 10.20.30.y router so that I can connect to the "remote web login" from my room mates computer. The problem is I want to conne | 05:07 |
Meheren | PhibreOptix, yeah but why would that matter. After all tehy ship from china | 05:07 |
Farnaby | stephan| macd summed it up. I rarely use vlc so I am not positive | 05:07 |
macd | flamesrock, yes you should, do you have something like: (rw,no_root_squash,async) in your /etc/exports file? | 05:07 |
PhibreOptix | Cos our currency isn't worth the same | 05:07 |
Farnaby | stepanstas| macd summed it up. I rarely use vlc so I am not positive | 05:07 |
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Farnaby | Time for another beer! | 05:07 |
Meheren | PhibreOptix, oh!, right duh... (hehe i feel dumb now) | 05:07 |
flamesrock | macd: /mnt/hdb3,async,rw) | 05:07 |
stepanstas | macd, thanks, farnaby gave me a link, but do you know if i can set if for all media files? | 05:08 |
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stepanstas | farnaby, k thanks for the help | 05:08 |
macd | stepanstas, Im fairly sure there is a flatfile with mime types and the associated applications to open them, but honestly I dont know where it is | 05:08 |
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stepanstas | macd, okay, thanks for your help | 05:08 |
macd | flamesrock, try adding no_root_squash then /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart | 05:08 |
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flamesrock | k, tx I'll try that | 05:09 |
meisam | sorry guys, anybody here know anything about eclipse?(sorry if offtopic) | 05:09 |
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Meheren | can anyone roccomend a good firewire camera? | 05:09 |
Briman4031 | can someone help me troubleshoot my wireless connection? Dynex wgnbc 802.11g, here is the iwconfig | 05:09 |
Meheren | (that can be used as a wobcam? | 05:09 |
Anon80118 | wobcam | 05:10 |
macd | wobcams rocks ;P | 05:10 |
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Briman4031 | ath0 IEEE 802.11 ESSID:"homenetwork" | 05:10 |
Briman4031 | Mode:Managed Frequency:2.462 GHz Access Point: Not-Associated | 05:10 |
Briman4031 | Bit Rate:1 Mb/s Tx-Power:18 dBm Sensitivity=0/3 | 05:10 |
Briman4031 | Retry:off RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off | 05:10 |
Briman4031 | Power Management:off | 05:10 |
Briman4031 | Link Quality=0/94 Signal level=-95 dBm Noise level=-95 dBm | 05:10 |
Cryoniq | !quicktime | 05:10 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 05:10 |
Briman4031 | Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0 | 05:10 |
Briman4031 | Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0 | 05:10 |
Farnaby | meheren, are you looking for just a webcam or a true digital? | 05:10 |
Meheren | Faraby, just a webcam | 05:10 |
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Meheren | Farnaby, cheapest i can get | 05:10 |
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macd | Briman4031, in the future please use pastie. | 05:11 |
Farnaby | Oh, I was going to suggest the iSight | 05:11 |
macd | !pastie | Briman4031 | 05:11 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pastie - try searching on | 05:11 |
macd | !pastibin | Briman4031 | 05:11 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pastibin - try searching on | 05:11 |
macd | !pastebin | Briman4031 | 05:11 |
ubotu | Briman4031: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:11 |
macd | jeeezus. | 05:11 |
unop | macd, you're worse than he is :p | 05:11 |
macd | I know right ;) | 05:11 |
Farnaby | kinda funny though | 05:11 |
Briman4031 | sorry | 05:11 |
flamesrock | macd: so I did that, but now I can't list the directory? | 05:11 |
Meheren | Farnaby, yeah but it's for my friend, and he runs windows and windows doesn't support the iSight | 05:11 |
Briman4031 | I'm a newb | 05:11 |
macd | flamesrock, on your machine your mounting to "sudo mount -a" | 05:12 |
Meheren | Farnaby, that's exactly what i said... immediatly | 05:12 |
Farnaby | meheren why not use USB? | 05:12 |
z0rz | ANyone? | 05:12 |
Meheren | Farnaby, he has no spare usb ports... | 05:12 |
flamesrock | I'll try the -a option | 05:12 |
Meheren | Farnaby, only has two... one for the keyboard and one for his speakers | 05:12 |
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Farnaby | meheren the only firewire webcam i know of is the iSight. I am google can point you towards another though. But a decent USB webcam and hub is not that pricey | 05:13 |
hossasaur | macd: you helped me before, and i thank you. i'm having troubles with sound today. i have ubuntu 6.10 installed on an hp dv2035us laptop. if i install alsa components, i get sound through my speakers, but not my headphones. i followed someone else's idea hel/showthread.php?t=265027 and attempted to patch alsa. now the headphones work, and i can control the volume of them, but the internal speakers still play | 05:13 |
hossasaur | audio, and i cannot control the volume of them. any ideas? | 05:13 |
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hossasaur | i suppose this could go out to anyone in the channel. i'm having troubles with sound today. i have ubuntu 6.10 installed on an hp dv2035us laptop. if i install alsa components, i get sound through my speakers, but not my headphones. i followed someone else's idea hel/showthread.php?t=265027 and attempted to patch alsa. now the headphones work, and i can control the volume of them, but the internal speakers s | 05:13 |
hossasaur | till play audio, and i cannot control the volume of them. any ideas? | 05:13 |
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Farnaby | meheren the only firewire webcam i know of is the iSight. I am sure* google can point you towards another though. But a decent USB webcam and hub is not that pricey | 05:14 |
macd | hossasaur, so both play audio now? | 05:14 |
hossasaur | macd: yes | 05:14 |
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hossasaur | macd: the speaker volume cannot be controlled though | 05:14 |
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hossasaur | macd: short of turning down the source volume | 05:14 |
Jerub | does anyone know about this bug with dash? | 05:14 |
Meheren | Farnaby, heh ok... thanks | 05:14 |
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macd | hossasaur, try this | 05:14 |
pavs | I have windowsxp and ubuntu intalled in two partitioned is it possibleto my windows partition as a "virtual" desktop from ubuntu? i dontlike restarting and logging in windows user | 05:15 |
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Jerub | it looks closed, but it's obviously still causing issues. | 05:15 |
macd | pavs, not easily at all. | 05:15 |
flamesrock | macd: so with the -a option, it won't mount the drive, without it, it mounts but doesn't ls | 05:15 |
Farnaby | meheren, I think my USB hub and my webcam ran ... $35? And I use the crap out of my hub. I have 5 out of 8 ports used | 05:15 |
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macd | flamesrock, will not mount or just takes it time? | 05:15 |
pavs | I am good at following instructions/manual any out there? i googled it didnt find any | 05:15 |
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Cryoniq | !realplayer | 05:16 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 05:16 |
Farnaby | hossasaur| the master volume doesn't work on the speakers? | 05:16 |
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flamesrock | won't mount at all | 05:16 |
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flamesrock | it doesn't hang, but it doesn't mount either | 05:16 |
macd | gotcha | 05:16 |
hossasaur | macd: i don't have an option for external amp. under the switches tab i have IEC958, EXTMIC, INTMIC | 05:16 |
hossasaur | Farnaby: nosir | 05:16 |
liquiddoom | Has anybody gotten lprof or an other ICC profile creator to work correctly? | 05:16 |
Flannel | pavs: you might look at stuff like Xen or other things like that | 05:17 |
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pavs | ok flannel lemme see if i find anything | 05:17 |
hossasaur | macd: no matter how i set those, i still have audio going through the speakers, and i still have audio going out the headphone jack. i've tried combinations of plugging in the headphones/unplugging/changing switches, nothing works. | 05:17 |
z0rz | I have a linux router setup up using IPTables. eth0 has a public ip eth1 has a private 10.20.30.x. Inside my network I have roomates, so I have another firewall between my computers and theres. It's WAN port is 10.20.30.y and it's local ip (including DHCP assinged IPs) are 10.20.10.x - I have port forwarding on my 10.20.30.y router so that I can connect to the "remote web login" from my room mates computer. | 05:17 |
Jerub | so no one knows about this bug with dash breaking shell scripts? | 05:17 |
z0rz | err | 05:17 |
z0rz | That ends with "Linksys Wifi Router - > Comp B" Did you get all of it? | 05:17 |
macd | hossasaur, well you got me then ;) | 05:17 |
z0rz | The problem is I want to connect to it from the outside eth0 .. from the internet. But when I set up iptables to allow the traffic through it doesn't seem to get to 10.20.30.y .. but if I forward traffic to my room mates computer with iptables it works fine (such as VNC or something) My question is: How do I need to configure iptables for my scenario? Comp A -> Internet -> IPTables Linux Box -> Linksys Wifi Router - > Comp B | 05:17 |
Farnaby | hossasaur| have you mucked in the alsa config? This isn't something i have experienced before | 05:18 |
hossasaur | Farnaby: where is alsa config? | 05:18 |
Flannel | !xen | pavs | 05:18 |
ubotu | pavs: XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at | 05:18 |
macd | to bad Xen on edgy has a serious bug with no fix. | 05:18 |
Farnaby | hossasaur| alsamixer in a terminal | 05:19 |
macd | well no fix commited. | 05:19 |
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pavs | thanks flannel | 05:19 |
Farnaby | Hooray beer | 05:19 |
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macd | flamesrock, what if you remove the no_subtree_check and restart nfs-kernel-server then remount it. | 05:20 |
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Toran | OK, so the update-manager crashed while i was in the middle of an upgrade from edgy to feisty beta. It was mostly done installing packeges, though not quite. What should I do? | 05:20 |
Toran | update-manager won't start, it complains about pygtk not being available. | 05:20 |
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pavs | another question. Is there any software like "Alexandria Book Collection Manager" for movies? The book collection manager is just awesome I have quite a big list. | 05:21 |
Farnaby | Well that just convinced me not to upgrade to fiesty for a while longer toran | 05:21 |
Toran | lol | 05:21 |
Toran | I wouldn't be, but I am having major bug problems in xubuntu edgy | 05:21 |
Toran | no kde apps start, it's fucking hell | 05:22 |
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macd | Toran, in a console run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -f" | 05:22 |
Farnaby | toran, you realse taht fiesty is still buggy to no end and not stable yet? | 05:22 |
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Farnaby | *note, I consider all non-stable releases to be buggy to no end | 05:23 |
Toran | Yeah, but I would like, more than anything, to start amarok. Without it segfaulting. Or k3b. Or openoffice. (even though it's not kde, it crashes too.) | 05:23 |
hossasaur | Farnaby: ok, odd, i can control the speaker and headphone volume through pcm | 05:23 |
Toran | I have a feeling that it would be better than that. | 05:23 |
chris_ | Anyone know where currently installed package information is kept? not Synaptic :P | 05:23 |
Farnaby | hossasaur| all solved then? | 05:23 |
flamesrock | macd: same thing, it won't list, and same as before with '-a' | 05:23 |
hossasaur | macd, farnaby: i can control only the headphone volume through main | 05:23 |
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Toran | macd: the wiki warned me that using apt-get was dangerous and difficult. Will I have the apt-get problems I was warned of? | 05:24 |
gavintlgold | hey guys... you know in some screenshots of linux there's that neat little sidebar that shows cpu, memory, network, the clock, etc? What is that, and can I get it for GNOME? | 05:24 |
Farnaby | toran, wht are you running? | 05:24 |
hossasaur | macd, Farnaby: well, i can't change it to only play through headphones | 05:24 |
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hossasaur | macd, Farnaby: and master mute only mutes headphones...i think i'm close | 05:24 |
Farnaby | openoffice has never given me problems | 05:24 |
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macd | Toran, you have no choice now but to use apt. | 05:24 |
Farnaby | hossasaur| I am struggling to remember, I skipped dinner and have been drinking for a while.... But I had to muck with alsa a lot to even get my MIc to start working at all (never did finish that though) | 05:25 |
Smartm0nkey | can anyone help me? I add my user to a group.. now when ever I try to use sudo, it tells me im not in the sudoers file??????????/ | 05:25 |
Toran | I should probably mention that a dpkg --configure -a is running right now | 05:25 |
Farnaby | toran: macd is right | 05:25 |
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macd | Toran, did you run dpkg --configure? | 05:25 |
hossasaur | Farnaby: my mic works here and there | 05:25 |
Farnaby | lol | 05:25 |
tomcatt | !bcm43xx-fwcutter | 05:25 |
ubotu | bcm43xx-fwcutter: Utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmware. In component universe, is optional. Version 20060501-5 (edgy), package size 20 kB, installed size 108 kB | 05:25 |
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Toran | I was trying to use aptitude to instal pygtk so I could start the update-manager again, and it told me to run dpkg --configure -a, so I did. | 05:26 |
Farnaby | hossasaur| I was going to get skype up and runniong but then I lost interest | 05:26 |
Smartm0nkey | can anyone help me? I add my user to a group.. now when ever I try to use sudo, it tells me im not in the sudoers file??????????/ | 05:26 |
Toran | I haven't run dpkg --configure. | 05:26 |
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tomcatt | !wifi | 05:26 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 05:26 |
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d00by | can someone help me setting up twinview? for some reason when I have the resolution at 2048x768 it works fine, but when i try and do 2048x1024 only one screen stays on? | 05:26 |
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Farnaby | d00by, whats the vidcard to begin with | 05:26 |
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d00by | nvidia 6600 | 05:26 |
macd | Toran, then you need to kill that, and how you do that is: 'ps ax | grep dpkg" then you get a PID (a number) then issue "sudo kill -9 pid" | 05:26 |
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Farnaby | kill dash nine! | 05:27 |
macd | Toran, or, 'sudo killall dpkg' | 05:27 |
Farnaby | sorry just remembered a nerdcore song | 05:27 |
Meshezabeel | Heya! I just installed ubuntu, I umounted one of the ntfs volumes on my desktop, it disappeared, I remounted it on the command line, but how can I get it to show on desktop again? | 05:27 |
d00by | farnaby, its a nvidia 6600 | 05:27 |
Farnaby | d00by, I am impressed, you actually know | 05:27 |
Farnaby | gimmie a few | 05:27 |
d00by | farnaby, haha thanks | 05:27 |
Toran | macd: Ok,I killed it, so now I run 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -f'? | 05:27 |
macd | yes. | 05:27 |
d00by | farnaby, i built the comp myself, and i got sick of winblows so i took ym gaming rig and made it windows | 05:28 |
Toran | heh | 05:28 |
Toran | E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 05:28 |
d00by | farnaby, i mean ubuntu | 05:28 |
Toran | that is what it says when I run it. | 05:28 |
hossasaur | Farnaby: is it something i can change in system-admin-sound? i'm kind of unfamiliar with this | 05:28 |
Meshezabeel | anyone know how I can get that ntfs mount to show on desktop again? | 05:29 |
macd | Toran, run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' what does that say... | 05:29 |
Farnaby | Hoss: not sure. my laptop is running windows (one has a dead screen and the other is works so i can't do what I want with THAT). | 05:29 |
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lestat | Hi all. | 05:30 |
hossasaur | Farnaby: this runs vista. i actually had the same exact problem in vista until i played around with drivers. i actually had to go back to xp drivers to get it to work | 05:30 |
lestat | I want to play embedded quicktime videos, like those on the apple site, with totem. | 05:30 |
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lestat | How do I achieve this? | 05:30 |
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Toran | macd: It start installing lots of packages that were downloaded early, I would assume by the manager | 05:31 |
macd | Toran, let it run. | 05:31 |
vegasmcpc | what's the command in konsole to find out the uuid of a device? | 05:31 |
gavintlgold | ...does no one know of a sidebar for linux? example here: on the right side in gold. What is that? | 05:31 |
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Toran | macd: when it finishes, will i have an upgraded system? or will I need to do more things to finalize it? | 05:31 |
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quackquack | can anyone help me? I add my user to a group.. now when ever I try to use sudo, it tells me im not in the sudoers file??????????/ | 05:31 |
lestat | gavintlgold: I don't but I really want to use one. | 05:32 |
macd | Toran, when it finishes run this command 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' | 05:32 |
d00by | can someone help me setting up twinview? for some reason when I have the resolution at 2048x768 it works fine, but when i try and do 2048x1024 only one screen stays on? card is nvidia 6600 | 05:32 |
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lestat | quackquack: google "adding to sudoers" | 05:32 |
Farnaby | hossasaur| whats the model? | 05:32 |
hossasaur | Farnaby: is there a way to say....swap the output of speakers and headphones? | 05:32 |
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merc | gavintlgold: you talking the thing with all the graphs in it? | 05:32 |
Farnaby | d00by: I am still looking, but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of info so to speak | 05:32 |
gavintlgold | lestat: yeah, one of the things that made me like linux was the way the sidebars looked... no sidebars in ubuntu though... | 05:32 |
gavintlgold | merc: yes | 05:33 |
Farnaby | And why do I feel like I am doing community service? | 05:33 |
hossasaur | macd: is there a way to swap output of speakers and headphones? i never even use the damn speakers | 05:33 |
merc | gavintlgold: it's called gkrellm | 05:33 |
Toran | macd: is my sources.list in a way such that it will upgrade to feisty? aside from upgrading via the graphical tool, I haven't edited the file. | 05:33 |
hossasaur | Farnaby: hp dv2035us | 05:33 |
d00by | farnaby, yeah thats why i resorted to xchat, lol google failed me | 05:33 |
hossasaur | Farnaby: internal speakers | 05:33 |
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lestat | gavintlgold: don't you mean the thing on the left? I think he's talking about the thing on the right... which does look cool. | 05:33 |
macd | Toran, the sources.list should have already been changed. | 05:33 |
macd | Toran, if not let the dpkg finish and we'll move to that. | 05:33 |
Toran | Calculating upgrade... Done | 05:33 |
Toran | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 05:33 |
Toran | it just finished and I just ran it. | 05:33 |
gavintlgold | lestat: not the dock on the left | 05:34 |
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lestat | Oh? I want that thing. : ) | 05:34 |
Toran | The first two of the last three lines were its output. | 05:34 |
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gavintlgold | i tried kiba-dock with beryl, but it was too buggy for me | 05:34 |
Mevunky | so | 05:34 |
Mevunky | my damn macbook | 05:34 |
foormea | !network-manager > foormea | 05:34 |
Mevunky | 6.10 booted and installed fine as always | 05:34 |
Mevunky | but 7.04 | 05:34 |
chris_ | is there a regedit type thing on linux? to remove traces of a program? | 05:34 |
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merc | gkrellm is more of a system monitor | 05:34 |
Farnaby | hossasaur| edgey ubuntu? | 05:34 |
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Mevunky | something with the bootloader isnt happening | 05:34 |
merc | not really a dock bar. | 05:34 |
hossasaur | Farnaby: yessir. i wouldn't even mind disabling the internal speakers. i never use them | 05:35 |
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SEJeff | chris_: gconf-editor\ | 05:35 |
SEJeff | chris_: gconf_editor. the \ was a typo | 05:35 |
vegasmcpc | what's the command in konsole that shows the information about a device? | 05:35 |
Meshezabeel | got it figured out, thanks all! | 05:35 |
vegasmcpc | stuff like the uuid? | 05:35 |
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gavintlgold | merc: thanks, gkrellm is awesome (at least it looks like it is) I'll try it out for a bit | 05:35 |
Mevunky | whats the best way to reload the boot sector from the live cd | 05:35 |
merc | gavintlgold: there's themes and stuff, plugins, all kinds of junk, it is fun. | 05:36 |
genii | !grub reinstall | 05:36 |
ubotu | grub: GRand Unified Bootloader. In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-11ubuntu14 (edgy), package size 359 kB, installed size 764 kB | 05:36 |
chris_ | SEJeff: thanks!! | 05:36 |
gavintlgold | btw, gkrellm installed fine with sudo apt-get install gkrellm for future reference | 05:36 |
Mevunky | genii thanks, ill give it a go | 05:36 |
SEJeff | chris_: no problem | 05:36 |
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gavintlgold | wait, genii, are you on zaadz? | 05:36 |
Mevunky | i didnt realise it was a known problem on feisty 4 with macbook and grub | 05:36 |
genii | bleh there is some bot reference to reinstalling grub, but I forget the reference | 05:36 |
Kaso | Where is the data for the "applications" menu stored? | 05:37 |
genii | gavintlgold: Since I dunno what it is, no LOL | 05:37 |
SEJeff | Kaso: /usr/share/applications/*.desktop | 05:37 |
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Kaso | thanks | 05:37 |
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gavintlgold | ok, there's another genii on zaadz that is my friend. lol | 05:37 |
genii | Mevunky: You should look up the grub man page. you will need to tell it where your old /boot is | 05:38 |
gavintlgold | allllllll riiiight then, bye guys, gotta go try out gkrellm for a bit. once again, thanks merc! | 05:38 |
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Mevunky | !grub reinstall | 05:38 |
ubotu | grub: GRand Unified Bootloader. In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-11ubuntu14 (edgy), package size 359 kB, installed size 764 kB | 05:38 |
Mevunky | well | 05:38 |
Mevunky | never had problems in edgy | 05:38 |
Mevunky | just install and it would boot fine | 05:38 |
gavintlgold | actually guys, what's the best way to exit freenode with xchat? | 05:38 |
gavintlgold | just quit or what? | 05:38 |
genii | gavintlgold: yeah /quit | 05:39 |
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Farnaby | hossasaur| towards the end there it offers a solution. Sort of | 05:39 |
macd | Toran, what does 'cat /etc/lsb-release' say? | 05:39 |
gavintlgold | ok | 05:39 |
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hossasaur | Farnaby: macd sent me there as well, but i don't have that option | 05:40 |
Toran | macd: I'm on feisty | 05:40 |
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macd | Toran, your in good shape then buddy. | 05:40 |
Toran | Thanks for the help =) | 05:40 |
Farnaby | hossasaur| edit_> preferences | 05:40 |
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lestat | how do I make the gkrellm thing longer? | 05:40 |
Farnaby | you can add and remove things from the panel | 05:40 |
Farnaby | I remember that from my stint trying to get my my mic to work hoss| | 05:40 |
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Farnaby | time for one more beer and a smoke | 05:41 |
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Kaso | im getting this error when trying to run beryl-settings its connected to GTK somehow, but im not sure what i should do to fix it | 05:41 |
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Beverage | hey folks anyone know why my web server is still asking me if want to downloaded my scripts instead of running them? | 05:42 |
hossasaur | Farnaby: yeah, i don't have anything of that sort | 05:42 |
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gop | !vmserver | 05:43 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about vmserver - try searching on | 05:43 |
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Mad-One | Hello Ubuntu users | 05:45 |
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Hosm | Hi, My sound card works in superuser but does not function in user mode. What can I do? Can anyone help? | 05:45 |
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Farnaby | hossasaur| its in alsaconfig I believe as well | 05:45 |
slipstream3d | hello, dunno if the same people are still here, but i've fixed my throuroughput problem over my network. SAMBA was really slow going Linux->Windows (6-7% of a gigabit connection) | 05:45 |
Mad-One | I want to do some functional relationship there a program in ubuntu capable of doing this quickly? | 05:45 |
Brismetal | Hey, how do I get a USB memory key running in Ubuntu? | 05:45 |
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Brismetal | I've been googleing but anything with USB memory and Ubuntu returns how to install from a usb memory stick | 05:46 |
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cnmsales | I think i fugged up my etc/modules file. any way to fix this? | 05:46 |
gop | Brismetal, I have ubuntu | 05:46 |
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slipstream3d | While I was trying to set up NFS I stumbled across some SAMBA settings and it's fast like crazy now (45% of my gigabit, which is more or less the maximum of the hard drive in the linux box) | 05:46 |
gop | on my usb thumb disk | 05:46 |
knoppi1 | hey | 05:46 |
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hossasaur | Farnaby: it isn't | 05:46 |
gop | Brismetal, and it wasy easy | 05:46 |
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knoppi1 | W: There is no public key available for the following key IDs: | 05:46 |
knoppi1 | B5D0C804ADB11277 | 05:46 |
gop | Brismetal, check it out | 05:46 |
Farnaby | hossasaur| you sure? going through all the screesn? | 05:46 |
Brismetal | gop I don't want to run it from there, I just want to have it active to copy stuff onto it to take to work | 05:46 |
knoppi1 | i can't udpate Ubuntu | 05:46 |
knoppi1 | W: There is no public key available for the following key IDs: | 05:47 |
knoppi1 | B5D0C804ADB11277 | 05:47 |
gop | just plugin it in your ubuntu distro | 05:47 |
gop | it should work then | 05:47 |
Brismetal | ok, but where do I go to open the drive? | 05:47 |
Brismetal | do I need to mount it or something? | 05:47 |
knoppi1 | !gpg | 05:47 |
hossasaur | Farnaby: yeah, no where | 05:47 |
ubotu | gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard. See | 05:47 |
slipstream3d | brismetal: typically an icon will appear on your gnome desktop | 05:47 |
knoppi1 | bad gpg i can't update | 05:47 |
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knoppi1 | can someone tell me this W: There is no public key available for the following key IDs: | 05:48 |
knoppi1 | B5D0C804ADB11277 | 05:48 |
Brismetal | damn, musn't be working | 05:48 |
slipstream3d | and it will also be in places-> computer, afaik | 05:48 |
doojin | wow | 05:48 |
Mevunky | sudo grub-install /dev/sda gives me a 'not found or not a block device' | 05:48 |
doojin | freenode | 05:48 |
ubrian | I am trying to install a software i downloaded, but I dont know how to get to the directory to type in make | 05:48 |
Farnaby | cnmsales| | 05:48 |
doojin | Usplash doesn't display 1024x768 resolution of themes on ubuntu 6.10 amd64, how can I make it do? | 05:48 |
knoppi1 | Farnaby W: There is no public key available for the following key IDs: | 05:48 |
knoppi1 | B5D0C804ADB11277 | 05:48 |
Farnaby | hossasaur| thats bizarre | 05:48 |
cnmsales | Farnaby: ty | 05:48 |
slipstream3d | brismetal: try to run 'lsusb' to list your usb devices and see if there's anything remotely resembling your usb key in there | 05:48 |
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gop | no | 05:49 |
Brismetal | yep, it appears there | 05:49 |
gop | not in ubuntu Brismetal it will be called | 05:49 |
gop | usb | 05:49 |
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Brismetal | Bus 005 Device 003: ID 0c76:0005 JMTek, LLC. USBdisk | 05:49 |
Brismetal | \ | 05:49 |
Farnaby | knoppil| you wanted somebody else | 05:49 |
gop | and it /dev/sda* blash | 05:49 |
gop | blah | 05:49 |
tritium | !enter | 05:49 |
ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 05:49 |
gop | usbdisk | 05:49 |
gop | click on that and download | 05:49 |
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Hosmz | Hi, My sound card works in superuser but does not function in user mode. What can I do? Can anyone help? | 05:49 |
doojin | Am I on the channel's ignore list? | 05:49 |
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cj_ | Dynamic loader support | 05:49 |
Hosmz | Hi, My sound card works in superuser but does not function in user mode. What can I do? Can anyone help? | 05:49 |
doojin | It seems like nobody can't see my words | 05:50 |
knoppi1 | W: There is no public key available for the following key IDs: | 05:50 |
knoppi1 | B5D0C804ADB11277 | 05:50 |
Mevunky | sudo grub-install /dev/sda gives me a 'not found or not a block device' why on earth is 7.04 not installing grub properly, 6.10 did fine. | 05:50 |
slipstream3d | brismetal: what file system is on the device? if you've formatted it in windows as an ntfs disk, you'll have to add ntfs support to ubuntu | 05:50 |
cj_ | any know about Dynamic loader support | 05:50 |
Brismetal | no, it's fat32 | 05:50 |
tritium | knoppi1: please quit pasting that nonsense | 05:50 |
cnmsales | Farnaby: what does LP do? | 05:50 |
ubrian | i see you doojin | 05:50 |
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knoppi1 | tritium ??? nonsense | 05:50 |
chipbuddy | this seems a little chaotic... but i'm going to trow in my question | 05:50 |
doojin | ubrian : Usplash doesn't display 1024x768 resolution of themes on ubuntu 6.10 amd64, how can I make it do? | 05:50 |
Farnaby | mevun| its not stable yet remember that | 05:50 |
cj_ | pls help | 05:50 |
cj_ | thanks | 05:50 |
knoppi1 | tritium i can't update???? | 05:50 |
Mad-One | Is there in Ubuntu a software to make easily functional relationships charts like this? | 05:51 |
Farnaby | mevunky its not stable yet remember that | 05:51 |
hossasaur | Farnaby: is there a way to just disable the internal speakers? | 05:51 |
doojin | ubrian : It always displays the lowest resolution of themes | 05:51 |
Brismetal | also, I have NTFS support anyway, I have a ntfs drive mounted | 05:51 |
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gop | ntfs won't write | 05:51 |
gop | in linux | 05:51 |
gop | !ntfs | 05:51 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 05:51 |
ircleuser | i need help idetifying my usb drive using fdisk -l | 05:51 |
Brismetal | yes I realise, but the drive is FAT32 | 05:51 |
Farnaby | hossasaur| gimmie a few | 05:51 |
ircleuser | i am trying to install it on my ps3 | 05:51 |
tritium | knoppi1: Well, at least that's more informative than pasting nonsense without an explanation | 05:51 |
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Mad-One | Is there in Ubuntu a software to make easily functional relationships charts like this? | 05:51 |
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Brismetal | I'm just saying, in response to slipstream3d's tip that I do have NTFS supported | 05:51 |
tritium | ubotu: tell gop about enter | 05:51 |
gop | Brismetal, ubuntu shows my usb drive all the day | 05:51 |
chipbuddy | i'm trying to install and run swiftfox, but when i try to run it i get this error: "Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library." and i don't know what to do | 05:51 |
knoppi1 | tritium ??? | 05:52 |
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knoppi1 | tritium now can you say something for that W: There is no public key available for the following key IDs: | 05:52 |
knoppi1 | B5D0C804ADB11277 | 05:52 |
ircleuser | somebody willing to help me? | 05:52 |
slipstream3d | brismetal: damn, haha. i'm kinda out of ideas for now, doh | 05:52 |
Farnaby | hossasaur| whats your soundcard? | 05:52 |
Mad-One | Can someone help me plz? | 05:52 |
tritium | knoppi1: what command generates that? What release are you running? More info, please... | 05:52 |
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Mevunky | true but my grub reinstalling fails | 05:52 |
Mevunky | or im doing it wrong | 05:52 |
knoppi1 | tritium apt-get uptade | 05:53 |
Mad-One | Is there in Ubuntu a software to make easily functional relationships charts like this? | 05:53 |
knoppi1 | tritium and when and in the final and give that error | 05:53 |
tritium | Mad-One: please quit repeating | 05:53 |
Hosmz | Thanks everybody, It's Solved :-) | 05:53 |
tritium | knoppi1: which release? | 05:53 |
knoppi1 | tritium 6.10 | 05:53 |
ircleuser | i am trying to install ubuntu on my ps3 but im stuck in fdisk -l i dont know what i should be looking for to mount my usb drive | 05:53 |
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hossasaur | Farnaby: oh, i think i found something. | 05:53 |
ircleuser | i need to copy the fstab file | 05:53 |
hossasaur | Farnaby: how do i apply that? | 05:53 |
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Mad-One | sorry... nobody is listening me | 05:54 |
cnmsales | when adding ndiswrapper to my modules file in /etc do i need to have an empty line between LP and ndiswrapper? | 05:54 |
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tritium | Mad-One: patience, please | 05:54 |
Mad-One | ok... thank you tritium | 05:54 |
arigold | wow 936 ppl in the room.. amazing | 05:54 |
arigold | Just installed 6.10 | 05:54 |
Hoso001 | I could use some help with open office... i am having a few issues | 05:54 |
knoppi1 | arigold and now one help | 05:54 |
Hoso001 | I posted in the ubuntu forms under general help | 05:54 |
Mad-One | sorry for that | 05:54 |
Mad-One | :) | 05:54 |
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yell0w | !ask Hoso001 | 05:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ask hoso001 - try searching on | 05:55 |
Farnaby | hossasaur| I am a little to drunk to scroll through all of that | 05:55 |
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tritium | Mad-One: have you tried searching with apt-cache search <term> or in synaptic for charting packages? | 05:55 |
hossasaur | Farnaby: it's just a patch for my Conexant HDA driver | 05:55 |
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arigold | how do I call up a root session within a Terminal ? something -a -H ?? | 05:55 |
yell0w | arigold, su | 05:55 |
knoppi1 | arigold sudo | 05:56 |
arigold | ah .. complex :-) | 05:56 |
Hoso001 | Has anyone else had a problem with open office not drawing menus and buttons correctly? i am using 6.06 kubuntu the the ubuntu desktop installed..anyone have this problem or no a solution? | 05:56 |
knoppi1 | Pfuuu i have KNoppix | 05:56 |
Mad-One | I searched, but I don't know any app capable of doing that. Did u look the image? | 05:56 |
knoppi1 | kde | 05:56 |
slipstream3d | su then the root password or sudo -i then your password will give you a root terminal session | 05:56 |
knoppi1 | and no one help | 05:56 |
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Farnaby | hossasaur| this might hel[ ;) | 05:56 |
Meshezabeel | I just installed ubuntu and ran the updates, after the updates ran it seemed to create a new kernel as now there are two kernels listed in the grub menu, is it normal for the updates to recompile a kernel? | 05:56 |
Farnaby | hossasaur| | 05:56 |
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arigold | knoppi1 I think it is something different. it is to run as root.. | 05:57 |
TooR4u | how to open *.cab application? | 05:57 |
tritium | Meshezabeel: it didn't recompile one. It installed an updated one. | 05:57 |
mackinac | Meshezabeel: kernel updates are indeed normal | 05:57 |
Icehawk78 | Is it possible to change the "sent time" header in an email at all? | 05:57 |
arigold | knoppi1 - not just for one command.. I want to install jave | 05:57 |
arigold | java | 05:57 |
chipbuddy | are questions answered in order? if i just hang out for a while will my question be addressed? | 05:57 |
slipstream3d | meshezabeel: the old ones stay in case something goes horribly wrong with your new one ;) | 05:57 |
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TooR4u | how to open *.cab application? | 05:58 |
eontasticness | does anyone know of a linux app that will get information from a jpeg image, like what type of camera created it, etc | 05:58 |
Meshezabeel | tritium, mackinac, slipstream3d thanks! Still learning :) | 05:58 |
slipstream3d | chipbuddy: questions are answered in the order people get around to it, if anyone knows the answer :D | 05:58 |
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ircleuser | i need help lpease i just slipstream can you help in idetifying my usb drive using fdisk? | 05:58 |
yell0w | arigold, sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jdk or sun-java6-jre depending on your need | 05:58 |
ircleuser | im trying to install ubuntu on ps3 | 05:59 |
danieleboyo | hi, i have ubuntu installed, but the graphics are all funky (the gui start up page is just a bunch of yellow and black bars) | 05:59 |
arigold | yell0w - thanks.. will try now | 05:59 |
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yell0w | arigold, sudo aptitude install sun-java6-plugin for java plugins for firefox, epiphany, etc.. | 05:59 |
itguru | hey guy | 05:59 |
itguru | hey guys | 06:00 |
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chipbuddy | hi itguru | 06:00 |
danieleboyo | hello itguru | 06:00 |
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slipstream3d | TooR4u: 7zip (available as a command line app for linux) can open some .cab files (they are an archive format) | 06:00 |
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danieleboyo | would you like to help me, itguru :D | 06:00 |
ircleuser | can somebody please help me please | 06:00 |
tritium | TooR4u: install and use cabextract | 06:00 |
itguru | hey danieleboyo - how you doing? | 06:00 |
richiefrich | how would i go about reinstalling yaboot from the ubuntu liveCD | 06:00 |
yell0w | ircleuser, danieleboyo , just ask your questions | 06:00 |
Farnaby | hossasaur| let me know if that helps | 06:00 |
danieleboyo | ircleuser: whats your problem? (im not great...but i can try and help) | 06:00 |
Mad-One | there a 100% functional ATI FireGL X2-256T driver? | 06:00 |
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danieleboyo | itguru: hi, i have ubuntu installed, but the graphics are all funky (the gui start up page is just a bunch of yellow and black bars) | 06:00 |
tritium | hint: apt-cache search and searching in synaptic can help you find such thing | 06:00 |
tritium | things, even | 06:00 |
hellmet | @ all, is it possible to install ubuntu on one system, and then move the hard-disk to another system?? | 06:00 |
hossasaur | Farnaby: thanks, i'll give that a try | 06:00 |
betatux | hellmet, yes that's possible | 06:01 |
danieleboyo | yell0w: i already asked...its about my graphics, they dont display correctly | 06:01 |
tieTYT2 | i'm trying to set my java environment variable, JAVA_HOME for the whole system. I read that I should modify this in /etc/environment but I'm having problems with this | 06:01 |
Farnaby | hossasaur| sounds like its not great but its functional, which is what most of *nix is | 06:01 |
ircleuser | daniel i am using fdisk -l to see what to use to mount my usb but i dont know what i should be looking for | 06:01 |
itguru | where can i go to find info to get my usb wifi to work? | 06:01 |
tieTYT2 | for some reason the variable is not being expanded in the file. Let me paste an example | 06:01 |
ircleuser | basically identifying my usb drive | 06:01 |
slipstream3d | hellmet: i did that once, it resulted in a big mess - if you can do it, it's either on systems with similar hardware, or there is some advanced preparation i do not know about | 06:01 |
chipbuddy | has anyone encountered this message: Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library. Using the fallback 'C' locale. | 06:01 |
arigold | Good flash test page : | 06:01 |
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hellmet | I'm trying to install ubuntu and codecs and stuff, for one of my friends | 06:01 |
arigold | looking for a good java test page | 06:02 |
hellmet | he doesn't have Internet.. | 06:02 |
hellmet | ohh ..k | 06:02 |
yell0w | danieleboyo, did you successfuly install it ? | 06:02 |
itguru | danieleboyo: what system you just installed on? | 06:02 |
danieleboyo | ircleuser: umm...sorry, i have no idea...ubuntu doesnt mount automatically? (and i am assuming you have tried the fdisk man) | 06:02 |
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tom47 | !wifi | 06:02 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 06:02 |
tieTYT2 | | 06:02 |
slipstream3d | hellmet: the best way to do that would be to bring the whole computer over, haha | 06:02 |
cnmsales | Farnaby: tyvm for your help. | 06:02 |
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danieleboyo | yell0w and itguru : it is successfully installed, and on an amd 64 based computer (but knoppix has worked before with fine graphics, so i know its a detection problem of sorts...) | 06:02 |
tieTYT2 | when i restart, my path is literally that line | 06:02 |
roho | after upgrading to edgy from dapper, suddenly i can't get ssh to work | 06:02 |
Farnaby | cnmsales| get it all working (I don't even recall what your issue was, sorry) | 06:02 |
gop | how come before I upgraded to eddgy | 06:03 |
hellmet | ohh he lives quite far.. I guess I'd have to forget it.. thanks anyway | 06:03 |
tieTYT2 | why isn't the JAVA_HOME expanding? | 06:03 |
slipstream3d | also, no internet? for me that's like living without electricity - just not possible | 06:03 |
gop | my video card support tv out | 06:03 |
Mad-One | Does someone know how to install correctly a ATI FireGL x2-256T? | 06:03 |
gop | displaying my compute ron a tv | 06:03 |
gop | not it won't | 06:03 |
cnmsales | lol i needed a backup of modules from /etc | 06:03 |
Mad-One | I have Ubuntu Edgy | 06:03 |
tom47 | roho have you checked tha ssh is properly installed? | 06:03 |
hellmet | slipstream3d: yea.. this is India.. Internet is rare!! | 06:03 |
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roho | tom47: it works, it just refuses everything | 06:03 |
hossasaur | Farnaby: that file is a .bin do i patch -p1 xxxxxx.bin? | 06:03 |
tom47 | ok | 06:03 |
itguru | tom47: thanks :) | 06:03 |
arigold | how are ppl installing jre? | 06:03 |
hellmet | slipstream3d: Internet is one of my lifelines though!! :D | 06:03 |
Farnaby | cnmsales| oh, I recall now, that was easy ;) | 06:03 |
roho | i wonder if there is a switch for sshd_config to let people in | 06:03 |
slipstream3d | well one thing you might be able to do is mail this person an ubuntu live cd, another cd with all the codecs and stuff, and some instructions :D | 06:04 |
cnmsales | yeah still not working, but one step closer then | 06:04 |
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Farnaby | hossasaur| I would think so off the top of my head but I am not 100% | 06:04 |
ircleuser | if i take a picture of the fdisk screen can somebody please help me identify the usb drive so that i can mount it? | 06:04 |
arigold | I tried sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre , but it did not like it | 06:04 |
Mad-One | Oh man, I'm driving trying to read everything | 06:04 |
chipbuddy | do not want | 06:04 |
hellmet | hmm.. I guess that would be the solution | 06:04 |
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arigold | Mad-one - what's up? driving from where to where? | 06:04 |
danieleboyo | ircleuser: think thats a better place to show your code | 06:04 |
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slipstream3d | java is a bit funny due to its non-free license. to install under gentoo (i haven't done so under ubuntu recently) you have to manually download the installer from Sun. | 06:04 |
chipbuddy | how many people have gotten swiftfox up and running? | 06:05 |
slipstream3d | in order to agree to their license agreement. | 06:05 |
Mad-One | sorry.... driving me crazy | 06:05 |
hellmet | btw, could you direct me to some sort of an edgy codec or automatix cd please? | 06:05 |
hossasaur | Farnaby: what do you do with .bin's? | 06:05 |
danieleboyo | yell0w and itguru: any thoughts? | 06:05 |
yell0w | arigold, search with "aptitude search java" then "sudo aptitude install sun-java... " , pick the latest version that's reported in the repository | 06:05 |
Mad-One | I'm getting mad reading all this | 06:05 |
Mad-One | wow | 06:05 |
yell0w | danieleboyo, what does it says when you reboot it ? | 06:05 |
slipstream3d | hellmet: seems to have some sort of CD version of automatix (i have not tried it) | 06:05 |
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koth | Can anyone help me with the res of the screen? | 06:06 |
danieleboyo | yell0w: nothing, i cannot read anything (but i do have a dual boot set up just fine) | 06:06 |
tieTYT2 | why isn't my ${JAVA_HOME} variable being expanded in this /etc/environment file? | 06:06 |
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richiefrich | is there a #ubuntu-ppc | 06:06 |
richiefrich | ? | 06:06 |
yell0w | danieleboyo, did grub start ? | 06:06 |
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Mad-One | koth: edit the xorg.config and edit the available res | 06:06 |
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danieleboyo | yell0w: grub started beautifully | 06:06 |
danieleboyo | and allowed me to boot ubuntu | 06:06 |
hellmet | slipstream3d: thank you.. will look at it.. | 06:06 |
koth | Mad-One: where is the xorg.config? is that the /etc/X11? | 06:07 |
Dr_willis | echo ${JAVA_HOME} --> blank here... | 06:07 |
danieleboyo | yell0w: and i can see the ubuntu splash screen showing the loading, but it just doesnt have the correct colours | 06:07 |
Mad-One | koth: let me see.... | 06:07 |
slipstream3d | yes koth, it's /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 06:07 |
Mad-One | i'm a noob | 06:07 |
mackinac | arigold: jre v6 ?? | 06:07 |
danieleboyo | yell0w: its like grey scale and not all there... | 06:07 |
Mad-One | yeah, it is | 06:07 |
tieTYT2 | Dr_willis: not when I do it after i've started up my shell | 06:07 |
koth | thanks | 06:07 |
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arigold | jre v6??? | 06:07 |
tom47 | itguru have yu looked in the ssh log? | 06:08 |
tieTYT2 | Dr_willis: how did you test it? | 06:08 |
Mad-One | you must edit with super user rights | 06:08 |
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Farnaby | hossasaur| not positive never had to patch a .bin | 06:08 |
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Dr_willis | tieTYT2, dont you need to export those variables? | 06:08 |
roho | i keep getting this: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host | 06:08 |
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arigold | mackinac - I am trying to install whatever is current.. and would like to follow the instructions for the manual install. but do not want to say sudo blah blah to everything | 06:08 |
hossasaur | yell0w: you seem to know what's up, and i have a small question. i need to apply a patch to a driver before i make it. the patch was downloaded as a .bin. do i patch -a1 xxx.bin, or do i have to do something to the .bin first? thanks for any ideas | 06:08 |
tieTYT2 | Dr_willis: the forum post I read said you don't need to for that file | 06:08 |
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hossasaur | Farnaby: thanks for the help, i hope this works | 06:08 |
arigold | I will just run as root and the back out when finished | 06:08 |
tieTYT2 | it already had those 2 bottom lines in it without exports | 06:08 |
mackinac | !java | arigold | 06:08 |
ubotu | arigold: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 06:08 |
Farnaby | hossasaur| so do I | 06:08 |
Dr_willis | tieTYT2, guess it depends on how the file is getting ran.. odd.. could be somthing else is resetting the variable in another script. | 06:09 |
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PORDO | somehow, twinkle starts up when i log in, even though i've deleted it from my session. how can i find out what is causing it to start? | 06:09 |
mackinac | arigold: i think you want version 5 | 06:09 |
tieTYT2 | Dr_willis: and then setting it back on? | 06:09 |
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tieTYT2 | mackinac: why would he want 5 when 6 is out? | 06:09 |
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murph2481 | is there any easy application to securely delete something for ubuntu, and anything to wipe the unused space? | 06:09 |
tieTYT2 | Dr_willis: i'll just hardcode it into the path | 06:09 |
yell0w | hossasaur, don't quote me on this since each patch is different for each program, but .bin stuff should just run by ./filename.bin | 06:10 |
arigold | mackinac - fine.. v5 update 11 | 06:10 |
mackinac | tieTYT2: you tell me | 06:10 |
Dr_willis | ${JAVA_HOME} is proper? i though it was $JAVA_HOME | 06:10 |
arigold | earlier discussions mentioned v6.. so I was keeping with the theme | 06:10 |
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Dr_willis | oh wait thats a bash construction isent it.. I rarely do it that way | 06:10 |
hossasaur | yell0w: thanks | 06:10 |
tieTYT2 | mackinac: because it's older | 06:10 |
tieTYT2 | that's why he wouldn't want it | 06:10 |
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Dr_willis | some programs may not work with 6 however.. (not heard of any tho) :) | 06:11 |
murph2481 | is there any easy application to securely delete something for ubuntu, and anything to wipe the unused space? | 06:11 |
Dr_willis | but i recall someone in here asking once about 5 vs 6 he has some issue i guess | 06:11 |
yell0w | danieleboyo, try to boot into a command line | 06:11 |
danieleboyo | yell0w: do i do that, and once i get there, what shoudl i do? | 06:11 |
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tieTYT2 | anyway restarting | 06:11 |
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hossasaur | yell0w: no permission? and sudo ./xxxxx didn't work either | 06:11 |
Farnaby | danialsbo| do you boot straight to ubuntu or do you have a grub screen> | 06:12 |
tritium | murph2481: murph2481 "apt-cache search wipe" will reveal a few | 06:12 |
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jtmoney | can someone please tell me what is going on with the white cube bug in beryl? i've read too many forums to come away with anything | 06:12 |
meheren | Is there a way to list all my usb devices (im using the PPC live cd 6.06) | 06:12 |
Farnaby | danielsbo| do you boot straight to ubuntu or do you have a grub screen> | 06:12 |
yell0w | hossasaur, chmod +x filename.bin | 06:12 |
Farnaby | whatever | 06:12 |
danieleboyo | farnaby: i have grub screen, and i select ubuntu...i know im booting into, it seems fine...just the graphics are a piece of bumb | 06:12 |
tritium | meheren: lsusb | 06:13 |
Farnaby | danieleboyo| the last time I had to boot into grub there was a command line option | 06:13 |
genii | meheren Yes, in konsole type: sudo lsusb | 06:13 |
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meheren | tritium, wow so easy heh :p thanks | 06:13 |
genii | tritium heh :) | 06:13 |
tritium | meheren: :) | 06:13 |
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hossasaur | yell0w: it didn't really do anything | 06:14 |
danieleboyo | farnaby: oh right! recovery mode, thats what you are talking about? | 06:14 |
Farnaby | yeah something like that | 06:14 |
yell0w | hossasaur, did it execute ? | 06:14 |
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Farnaby | I am not positive its been a few months | 06:14 |
danieleboyo | farnaby: seems like taht would work | 06:14 |
yell0w | Farnaby, tha'ts the right place | 06:14 |
hossasaur | yell0w: i don't know, nothing read out | 06:15 |
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danieleboyo | farnaby: but that only partially helps | 06:15 |
tritium | recovery mode from the grub menu boots into single-user mode | 06:15 |
tahsin | can anyone tell me whats the price of ubuntu commercial support? | 06:15 |
Farnaby | yellow: thats what I was thinking but I didn't want to commit | 06:15 |
yell0w | hossasaur, what are you trying to patch ? what does README say ? | 06:15 |
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roho | how do you configure tcpwrappers and/or remove them? | 06:15 |
jadams | where does ubuntu put apache log files? | 06:15 |
thedcm | /god/ | 06:16 |
tahsin | can anyone tell me whats the price of ubuntu paid support? | 06:16 |
Farnaby | yellow he is trying to get his speakers/headphones to work correctly | 06:16 |
yell0w | jadams, /var/log/apache2 | 06:16 |
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PORDO | cannot load driver module alsa <-- ? | 06:16 |
jadams | yell0w: thanks | 06:16 |
PORDO | qjackctl problem | 06:16 |
hossasaur | yell0w: there was no readme. i think the file was misnamed for some reason | 06:16 |
tritium | jadams: look for all log files under /var/log, including subdirs | 06:16 |
jadams | hrm...not there | 06:16 |
danieleboyo | farnaby: im trying to get my graphics | 06:16 |
jadams | tritium: I looked for /var/log/httpd and apache*, nothing there | 06:16 |
Meshezabeel | what is the best 3d desktop to use in linux? | 06:17 |
bulmer | jadams: go see how your httpd.conf is confgiured | 06:17 |
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meheren | can anyone point me in the right direction to reading this? Bus 002 Device 004: ID 15ca:00 | 06:17 |
SoulPropagation | My X refuses to do anything better than 1024x768x16 even though the screen is built for 1600x1200x24. I've dpkg-reconfigured it ... twice? 3 times? and ^altBksped itand everything; what can I do? | 06:17 |
Farnaby | danieleboyo| thats when you run xorg.coff | 06:17 |
roho | so how do i remove tcpwrappers? just removing python-tcpwrap? | 06:17 |
cnmsales | well i guess i will have to format my hd and reinstall ubuntu | 06:17 |
danieleboyo | farnaby: right...with which editor and what do i change? | 06:17 |
tahsin | can anyone tell me whats the price of ubuntu paid support? | 06:17 |
tahsin | can anyone tell me whats the price of ubuntu paid support? | 06:18 |
fr500 | SoulPropagation: it's most lickely matter of screen refresh | 06:18 |
yell0w | hossasaur, separate or special patches usually comes with instruction on how to apply the patch / build | 06:18 |
Mevunky | i think i might have found the problem in feisty 4 | 06:18 |
Mevunky | it says boot loader, device for install | 06:18 |
Mevunky | hd0 | 06:18 |
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SoulPropagation | fr500: it's an LCD | 06:18 |
Mevunky | but i use sata | 06:18 |
Mevunky | so it should be sda? | 06:18 |
Farnaby | danieleboyo| gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 06:18 |
tritium | !enter > Mevunky | 06:18 |
arigold | tahsin $50 for a year - personal edition | 06:18 |
meheren | can anyone point me in the right direction to reading this? Bus 002 Device 004: ID 15ca:00 | 06:18 |
tahsin | what are splash screens? | 06:18 |
fr500 | SoulPropagation: it still has got refresh rate like 80hz or somethin | 06:18 |
hossasaur | yell0w: it was misnamed | 06:19 |
danieleboyo | farnaby: and what should i change? | 06:19 |
tahsin | what are splash screens?? | 06:19 |
cnmsales | man this pisses me off | 06:19 |
kitche | !ohmy | 06:19 |
tritium | calm down, cnmsales | 06:19 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 06:19 |
Farnaby | danieleboyo| should be fairly self explanatory if you know what your hardware is | 06:19 |
arigold | tahsin - screens that appear on startup of ubuntu or any program | 06:19 |
cnmsales | tritium: sorry friend | 06:19 |
jay_ | any one here runs "emesene"? Whhere can i get python2.4-gtk2? | 06:19 |
Farnaby | cmn| whats the issue | 06:19 |
tritium | no worries, cnmsales. What's the issue? | 06:19 |
genii | Mevunky: No, hd0 can be whatever the first bootable hd is, whatever the interface is. | 06:19 |
Farnaby | cnmsales rather | 06:19 |
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cnmsales | Farnaby: I installed ndis | 06:19 |
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cnmsales | had it working | 06:20 |
Farnaby | k | 06:20 |
yell0w | hossasaur, maybe try to find the original patch and redownload it ? | 06:20 |
tahsin | arigold: can i have a picturesque boot loader ? | 06:20 |
SoulPropagation | fr500: It's way higher than 80-odd hz, but I think it likes 60Hz for some reason | 06:20 |
hossasaur | yell0w: i don't know about you, but the file conexant-test14a.patch at came up as 4480something.bin | 06:20 |
danieleboyo | farnaby: alright! well thanks alot...if i have no idea, i will be back here in a few minutes! will you still be around to help then? | 06:20 |
tahsin | arigold: i have windows and ubuntu ? | 06:20 |
cnmsales | but needed to add it to sudo ndiswrapper -m | 06:20 |
Farnaby | not sure I am getting tired daniel san | 06:20 |
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Mevunky | (genii): so changing it to sda isnt going to make grub work for me? garrgh, somewhere something grub related is borked in Feisty 4. | 06:20 |
meheren | I have a webcam that im tried to find info on.. how courld i do this? lsusb gives me this : Bus 002 Device 004: ID 15ca:00 | 06:20 |
tahsin | arigold: i how do i make the OS selection option graphical | 06:20 |
arigold | tahsin - r u asking me or telling me? | 06:20 |
danieleboyo | farnaby: alright...fair enough, i will just pester yell0w then...thanks again! | 06:20 |
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fr500 | SoulPropagation: adjust in xorg.conf to be 60hz and try | 06:20 |
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tahsin | arigold: asking you | 06:21 |
Farnaby | good luck | 06:21 |
cnmsales | tried the menual command but didnt work, still had to do sudo depmod -a sudo modprobe ndiswrapper after restart to make it work | 06:21 |
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cnmsales | so i tried to add it to etc manually | 06:21 |
Farnaby | k | 06:21 |
cnmsales | but fluffed that up, I have made etc/modules back to the original form | 06:21 |
Farnaby | k | 06:21 |
cnmsales | and just reinstalled all the ndis packasges | 06:21 |
arigold | tahsin - graphical boot loaders are spomething unique.... look at sourceforge and consider porting | 06:21 |
cnmsales | and still isnt working | 06:21 |
bluefox83 | ok, i need help from someone who is knowledgable about infobots... | 06:21 |
yell0w | hossasaur, you meant this ? | 06:21 |
SoulPropagation | fr500: HorizSync is 30-75 and VertRefresh is 50-85 | 06:22 |
tahsin | arigold: im a newbie so what is sourceforge and what is porting? | 06:22 |
hossasaur | yell0w: yes | 06:22 |
bluefox83 | i have an infobot that only outputs in pm, it will not output into the channel reguardless of where commands are issued | 06:22 |
fr500 | SoulPropagation: i'd lower vert | 06:22 |
Farnaby | cnmsales| what exactly are you trying to add again? | 06:22 |
genii | Mevunky You could ask in #ubuntu+1 | 06:22 |
cnmsales | Farnaby: a linksys wireless b adapter | 06:22 |
SoulPropagation | fr500: does it need to be in the format ##-## or can I just put 60 | 06:22 |
fr500 | SoulPropagation: not sure | 06:23 |
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Mevunky | genii thanks :) | 06:23 |
Farnaby | cnmsales| got a hardware id or anything? | 06:23 |
Meshezabeel | thanks all, I'm going to try out beryl | 06:23 |
genii | Mevunky np | 06:23 |
arigold | tahsin - forget about the pretty bootloaders. You should only b concerned with operational loaders.. they are only in use for 10 seconds anyway | 06:23 |
Mevunky | Meshezabeel its super good :) | 06:23 |
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mackinac | arigold: you run 6.10 edgy? | 06:24 |
cnmsales | one sec I just realized i didnt sudo depmod -a sudo modprobe ndiswrapper after reinstall of ndis | 06:24 |
tahsin | arigold: ok thanks anyway | 06:24 |
arigold | mackinac | 06:24 |
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Farnaby | cnmsales| fyi, in 7 minutes I am gone ;) | 06:24 |
Meshezabeel | Mevunky, cool thanks :) | 06:24 |
Farnaby | lo | 06:24 |
aflack | Crap. | 06:24 |
Farnaby | l | 06:24 |
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arigold | mackinac - yes :-) | 06:24 |
timom886 | i had install Ubuntu succesfull with the alternatecd but now, he give me again the XServer error... | 06:24 |
aflack | I've tried installing, uninstalling, reinstalling, etc.. | 06:24 |
tahsin | arigold: what is GPL error | 06:24 |
gpd | how do i change the label of a fat32 disk? | 06:24 |
ardnite | hey all | 06:24 |
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aflack | Still not working. | 06:24 |
SoulPropagation | fr500: is there a way to reset the xorg.conf? | 06:24 |
merc | man, this laptop sat up in my room for around a im doing a dist upgrade, been 2 hours :) | 06:24 |
Hit3k | Can anyone help me get DVD playback working I install libdvdread3 and libdvdread-dev but nothing will play the DVD :s | 06:24 |
merc | almost done :D | 06:24 |
fr500 | SoulPropagation: backit up | 06:24 |
ardnite | how do i log in as root... i keep getting permission errors | 06:24 |
merc | su | 06:25 |
arigold | tahsin - you need to be more specific - like When I do THIS, I get this error: blah blah GPL error | 06:25 |
cnmsales | Farnaby: ok i got an error this time on mod probe | 06:25 |
tahsin | arigold: when i type sudo aptitude update i get gpl error | 06:25 |
arigold | mackinac - you are in MI? | 06:25 |
yell0w | hossasaur, i couldn't find it on that website, so you might need to send them an email asking how to use the patches | 06:25 |
mackinac | arigold: jre 6 is in the backports repository | 06:26 |
mackinac | arigold: yes | 06:26 |
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timom886 | I installed Ubuntu successful with the alternatecd, but now, when i want to start Ubuntu it gives me XServer error | 06:26 |
SoulPropagation | fr500: or you can rm it and it'll re-defaultinate itself | 06:26 |
cnmsales | Fatal: error inserting ndiswrapper /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko: Invalid argument. | 06:26 |
arigold | tahsin - try the icon in the upper right of the os that is the software update.. that should take care of things for you.. also check out the info for newbies on the ubuntu web site | 06:26 |
fr500 | SoulPropagation: im not sure | 06:26 |
genii | ardnite Root login is disabled by default for a reason. Whenever possible use the sudo command to execute things as root instead of logging in with that privelege. | 06:26 |
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SoulPropagation | fr500: no, you can. | 06:27 |
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fr500 | ahhh | 06:27 |
tahsin | arigold: can you give me the link please? | 06:27 |
ardnite | so to do hdparm -Tt /dev/hda, i would type sudu hdparm -Tt /dev/hda? | 06:27 |
arigold | mackinac - me too.. I will check out the backports repositories..did you see it there? | 06:27 |
sgtmattbaker | what is the main pytno programming channel and the main C++ channel? | 06:27 |
roho | !sshd_config | 06:27 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sshd_config - try searching on | 06:27 |
sgtmattbaker | pytho* | 06:27 |
roho | !sshd | 06:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sshd - try searching on | 06:27 |
roho | hm | 06:27 |
cnmsales | Farnaby: you still there? | 06:27 |
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gpd | gpd: use mlabel from mtools | 06:27 |
detectiveinspekt | ubuntu 6.10 install it talking so long for my 1.8ghz | 06:27 |
yell0w | !ssh | 06:27 |
ubotu | SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at | 06:27 |
genii | roho The man page for sshd is fairly informative | 06:28 |
arigold | tahsin - start by brining up firefox and use that home page as a starting point | 06:28 |
mackinac | arigold: yes, i just checked on my other box (sorry about the earlier confusion btw) | 06:28 |
detectiveinspekt | it seems to be reading constantly from cdrom | 06:28 |
roshman | I have a folder with rtf files, and I would like to host a software application which will allow me to access those files and edit them from a remote computer via the browser, any ideas? | 06:28 |
sgtmattbaker | what is the main IRC channel for python programming? | 06:28 |
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krinns | ihi all | 06:28 |
Farnaby | cnmsales| sorry wasb rushing my teeth, | 06:28 |
tahsin | arigold: i have changed my homepage a few days back so what do i do now? | 06:28 |
cypher1 | sgtmattbaker, #python | 06:28 |
cnmsales | sok, did you see my post? | 06:28 |
arigold | mackinac - no worries :-) | 06:28 |
krinns | i wana undate my konqueror on ubuntu | 06:28 |
ircleuser | how can i mount a usb drive in fdisk? | 06:28 |
Farnaby | whats the error? | 06:28 |
roho | genii: well, i don't understand how sshd can complain about tcpwrappers when they're not installed | 06:28 |
arigold | tahsin - file:///usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html | 06:29 |
roshman | krinns: sudo apt-get install konqueror | 06:29 |
sgtmattbaker | what is the main c++ channel.. ##c++? | 06:29 |
tahsin | arigold: thanks | 06:29 |
cypher1 | sgtmattbaker, yes | 06:29 |
Farnaby | cnmsales| I also need to crash real soon, dead tired and have a long 48 hours ahead of me | 06:29 |
krinns | i have old version instaled | 06:29 |
cnmsales | Farnaby: Fatal: error inserting ndiswrapper /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko: Invalid argument. | 06:29 |
roshman | krinns: before that sudo apt-get update | 06:29 |
arigold | tahsin - | 06:29 |
sgtmattbaker | ok thanks you | 06:29 |
krinns | i need to have latest version | 06:29 |
timom886 | I get Xserver-error when i want to start Ubuntu,,,, | 06:29 |
yell0w | sgtmattbaker, /msg chanserv list *searchitem* | 06:29 |
roshman | krinns: what is your current version | 06:29 |
SoulPropagation | How do I automatically reconfigure my X server? | 06:29 |
hossasaur | Farnaby: what is he referring to when he says edited the options line | 06:30 |
arigold | tahsin - no problem. You | 06:30 |
arigold | 'are welcome | 06:30 |
krinns | i have 3.5.2-0ubuntu27 this version installed | 06:30 |
koth | anyone have try to use ubuntu at TV? | 06:30 |
krinns | i need an update version | 06:30 |
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arigold | be back in a few! | 06:30 |
hossasaur | Farnaby: and how did he remove the audio stuff from lspci? | 06:30 |
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Farnaby | cnmsales, not positive with that... | 06:30 |
krinns | some how that old version is carshing my java application website | 06:30 |
genii | roho It may instead be the authentication order instead of something specific to sshd | 06:30 |
koth | Anyone try to set the res at 1280x720? | 06:30 |
cnmsales | ok then i give up for the night, time for the ned | 06:30 |
Farnaby | hoss|gimmie a minte | 06:30 |
yell0w | !enter | krinns | 06:30 |
ubotu | krinns: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 06:30 |
cnmsales | thanks anyway, ill probably just format and reinstall in the morning. | 06:30 |
roho | genii: what's the basic authentication? | 06:31 |
bluefox83 | infobot help anyone? | 06:31 |
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genii | roho The basic auth method is plain-text or "plain"... very insecure tho. | 06:31 |
roshman | krinns: did you run the commands I told you to? (sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install konqueror) | 06:31 |
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koth | Anyone try to set the res at 1280x720(or any 16:9) in ubuntu? | 06:31 |
timom886 | I get XServer-error when i want to start ubuntu, which i had installed with the AlternateCD because it gives me a XServer error too... | 06:31 |
Farnaby | hossasaur| I would imagine sudo * nano or whatever text editor he liked | 06:32 |
Farnaby | and I am out to bed | 06:32 |
krinns | i have already done that | 06:32 |
sgtmattbaker | how do I search channels | 06:32 |
Farnaby | I need some sleep | 06:32 |
cypher1 | krinns, do "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get install konqueror".. it will install if there are any new versions avaiable | 06:32 |
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yell0w | sgtmattbaker, /msg chanserv list *searchitem* | 06:32 |
roho | sgtmattbaker: /list. but be careful. | 06:32 |
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roho | er, what yell0w said. | 06:32 |
cypher1 | krinns, or you can check in update-manager whether updates are available | 06:32 |
Farnaby | hossasaur| I would recommend yellow, he seems to have a fairly decent idea | 06:32 |
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PwcrLinux | yep the /list would threw ya out of network | 06:32 |
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hossasaur | i'm going to reboot | 06:33 |
hossasaur | thanks for the hel | 06:33 |
hossasaur | help* | 06:33 |
roshman | krinns: send me a private message with the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:33 |
koth | Anyone try to set the res at 1280x720(or any 16:9) in ubuntu? | 06:33 |
PwcrLinux | freenode very huge network | 06:33 |
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krinns | am i have own apt-proxy | 06:33 |
fr500 | SoulPropagation: let me know if you get it to work plz | 06:34 |
dodonga | a | 06:34 |
doojin | uhu | 06:34 |
krinns | it give xlibs: Depends: libx11-6 but it is not going to be installed | 06:34 |
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albacker | hello everyone, is there a html-to-pdf converter (cmd line) ?! | 06:34 |
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koth | Anyone try to set the res at 1280x720(or any 16:9) in ubuntu? | 06:35 |
dodonga | wait how do you play around with the resolution? | 06:35 |
roshman | krinns: what gives that message? | 06:36 |
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fr500 | koth: wait for an answer at least 5 minutes | 06:36 |
krinns | when i do apt-get install konqueror | 06:36 |
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samuel | sup all | 06:37 |
sgtmattbaker | are there any dedicated Linux (specifically Ubuntu) multimedia question channels or should I ask for help here? | 06:37 |
roho | what is host based authentication in sshd? | 06:37 |
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roho | heh | 06:37 |
samuel | anyone know of something like kiba-dock for ubuntu that shows you what programs are running? very similar to osx? something that does NOT need compiz/beryl? | 06:37 |
fr500 | roho key based authentication i think | 06:38 |
sgtmattbaker | maybe adesklets? | 06:38 |
roho | no, that's rsa | 06:38 |
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SoulPropagation | I can't get Ubuntu to let me do any resolutions besides 1024x768, 800x600, and 640x480. It was letting me use 1600x1200 before, but now I can't get that unless I disable xorg.conf | 06:39 |
Mevunky | the installer says grub-install (sda) failed, does this normally happen when you set it to sda? | 06:39 |
krinns | roshman | 06:39 |
krinns | ? | 06:39 |
roshman | krinns: try sudo apt-get install | 06:39 |
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roho | why is sshd talking about tcpwrappers when they're not installed | 06:40 |
roho | erg | 06:40 |
krinns | You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these. | 06:40 |
krinns | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 06:40 |
krinns | xlibs: Depends: libx11-6 but it is not installed | 06:40 |
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sgtmattbaker | what is the simpliest way to convert vob files to another format without getting the audio out of whack? | 06:40 |
roho | i've had this problem before... why did edgy mess with it? | 06:40 |
rojo^ | Mevunky: type "grub" to enter interactive mode, then type "find /boot/grub/stage1" | 06:40 |
krinns | n when i do apt-get -f install | 06:41 |
rojo^ | Mevunky: whatever the output of that command is, type "root (hd0,0)" or whatever for hd0,0 | 06:41 |
betatux | Is anyone using the Mac-Style Menu Bar for Gnome ( | 06:41 |
krinns | some thing happens but gives errors | 06:41 |
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rojo^ | Mevunky: then type "setup (hd0)" assuming you want grub installed on your MBR | 06:41 |
krinns | Errors were encountered while processing: | 06:41 |
dewey | good day mates | 06:41 |
krinns | /var/cache/apt/archives/libx11-6_4.3.0.dfsg.1-14sarge3_i386.deb | 06:41 |
krinns | /var/cache/apt/archives/libxt6_4.3.0.dfsg.1-14sarge3_i386.deb | 06:41 |
krinns | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 06:41 |
rojo^ | afk. g'nite | 06:41 |
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Mevunky | (rojo^): yer see it complains when i do that | 06:41 |
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hossasaur | Farnaby Jones: all fixed | 06:41 |
hossasaur | i don't know if he's still here | 06:41 |
hossasaur | yell0w: fixed | 06:42 |
rojo^ | Mevunky: does grub complain when you try typing find /boot/grub/stage1 | 06:42 |
hossasaur | Farnaby, yell0w: though, there's a LOT of distortion at anything over 50% volume | 06:42 |
Mevunky | rojo^ yes | 06:42 |
roshman | krinns: I would try clearing the package cache, redoing an apt-get update and apt-get -f install | 06:42 |
Mevunky | invalid devide request on setup hd0 | 06:42 |
roho | is there anything besides the sshd_config that would make sshd refuse connections? | 06:42 |
yell0w | hossasaur, cool | maybe there's a later patch ? :P | 06:43 |
krinns | how i clean cache | 06:43 |
rojo^ | Mevunky: make sure your contains your hard drive correctly labeled | 06:43 |
edmondt | anyone good with synce? | 06:43 |
hossasaur | yell0w: i think that's brand new | 06:43 |
sgtmattbaker | does anyone know a good way to convert vob files to mpeg or avi? | 06:43 |
Mevunky | well it installs etc, all right in the partition maanger. device map is where? | 06:43 |
rojo^ | Mevunky: /boot/grub/ | 06:43 |
roshman | krinns: apt-get clean | 06:43 |
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rojo^ | Mevunky: it should read (hd0) /dev/sda | 06:44 |
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roshman | krinns: it might be useful to peruse man apt | 06:44 |
roshman | be back in a little while | 06:44 |
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Mevunky | fd0 /dev/fd0 and dh0 /dev/sda which im sure is correct as its sata one, ebing sda | 06:44 |
kthakore_ | #jokosher | 06:44 |
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krinns | yup works good | 06:44 |
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rojo^ | I hope dh0 was a typo :) | 06:45 |
tom47 | !jokosher | 06:45 |
ubotu | jokosher: simple and easy to use audio multi-tracker. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1-0ubuntu5 (edgy), package size 605 kB, installed size 1676 kB | 06:45 |
krinns | well when i first install it was konqueror 3.5.2-0ubuntu27 | 06:45 |
BBHoss | hi all | 06:45 |
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beg1689 | why isnt my .bashrc or .bash_profile applied | 06:45 |
Mevunky | rojo^ now you got me worried, i doubt it was let me recheck for the sake of it | 06:45 |
krinns | also some kde dependecy packages install as well | 06:45 |
beg1689 | i remember it was in kubuntu but in ubuntu it doesnt seem to have any effect | 06:45 |
krinns | i also intall kmail | 06:45 |
BBHoss | anyone know a good server control panel that works for ubuntu server? | 06:45 |
rojo^ | Mevunky: I'm sorry bud, I'm about to pass out. it's nearly 1 am here. | 06:45 |
krinns | now this konqueror version is not working | 06:46 |
Mevunky | fair enough, thanks for the help, its was correct | 06:46 |
rojo^ | you'll be ok ;) | 06:46 |
krinns | i wana update konqeror | 06:46 |
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krinns | its better to update with kde/c full update | 06:47 |
sgtmattbaker | where should I got for ubuntu multimedia help? | 06:47 |
krinns | if i wana do KDE/c full update how i do that | 06:47 |
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lilly | anyone installed ipodlinux on 5,5g 80gb ipod? | 06:48 |
tahsin | why cant i install this theme it said invalid format and its format is application/x-compressed-tar | 06:48 |
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tahsin | help why cant i install this theme it said invalid format and its format is application/x-compressed-tar | 06:49 |
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krinns | roshman ? | 06:49 |
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tahsin | help why cant i install this theme it said invalid format and its format is application/x-compressed-tar | 06:51 |
kitche | tahsin: umm untar it | 06:51 |
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javiolo | hi | 06:52 |
BBHoss | hello | 06:52 |
tahsin | kitche: then what? | 06:52 |
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kitche | tahsin: then install it like you usually do | 06:52 |
kitche | I m going to bed | 06:52 |
BBHoss | anyone know a good server control panel that works for ubuntu server? | 06:52 |
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BBHoss | like cpanel or plesk? | 06:52 |
tahsin | kitche: well i install it with theme manager so i usually install it without untaring it | 06:53 |
chris | I got this in the terminal while trying to remove this package, is there a way to specify which archive for it to use? : -> E: The package armagetronad needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. | 06:53 |
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tahsin | can anyone help me changing the ubuntu start button icon? | 06:54 |
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chipbuddy | i installed ubuntu on an 80 gig hd, but i have an 320 one in the computer also. is there an easy way to take a look at those hard drives (Some nice gui?) and maybe partition them with ubuntu? | 06:54 |
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tahsin | can anyone help me changing the ubuntu start button icon? | 06:55 |
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goban | i keep getting cannot talk to klauncher errors help? | 06:56 |
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mackinac | #kubuntu | 06:56 |
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goban | im on regular ubuntu | 06:57 |
goban | i just have a few kde apps installed | 06:57 |
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tahsin | can anyone help me changing the ubuntu start button icon? | 06:57 |
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javiolo | hi | 06:57 |
mackinac | ok. :) - maybe they know more about kde apps tho | 06:57 |
hasjique | hi.. i'm trying to get 3d accel on a ubuntu dapper with a ati radeon 9200 card.. but i got no success at all.. anybody knows where i can start over? Oo or something? | 06:58 |
gordonsowner | hi | 06:58 |
gansinho | hello, please does anybody here could help me with a feature regarding avant-window-manager? | 06:58 |
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javiolo | I have a problem sending emails through mutt +exim4 my sent messages appears as SPAM, any idea ? | 06:58 |
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genii | javiolo The servers you are sending to are likely doing reverse lookup on the domain or IP you send from and deciding that either the reverse dns does not match or something similar. | 07:00 |
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javiolo | genii what should I do? | 07:00 |
danieleboyo | hello again...yell0w, if you are there, that would be of great help | 07:01 |
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danieleboyo | or even better farnaby? | 07:01 |
chipbuddy | how can i partition my hard drives in ubuntu? is there an easy way? | 07:01 |
genii | javiolo Do you have some domain name that belongs to you? | 07:01 |
bryan986 | Is there a way to get nano to clear the terminal when it quits? Currently when I quit nano, it just leaves a terminal of mixed up text... | 07:01 |
danieleboyo | chipbuddy: gparted? | 07:01 |
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danieleboyo | chipbuddy: that seems to be pretty easy. . .. | 07:01 |
javiolo | genii yes | 07:01 |
shatrat | javiolo, well, an email sent from somebodies personal computer on a consumer ISP address looks a lot like a botnet sending out spam. filters expect emails to come from,, places like that | 07:02 |
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genii | javiolo Good :) If you have a static IP at the place where you are trying to email from then, you can add a MX entry for that IP in your domain DNS entries then | 07:02 |
chris | I got this in the terminal while trying to remove this package, is there a way to specify which archive for it to use? : -> E: The package armagetronad needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. | 07:03 |
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javiolo | genii the problem is that the hosting mail is too slow, so Im testing to send the mass mails via my own local exim4 server... | 07:03 |
goban | when i try to open any KDE apps i get something like this: please help | 07:03 |
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genii | javiolo If you are doing some mass-mailing, then another problem could be that you got tagged as a spammer | 07:04 |
javiolo | genii well its a legal mass mailing | 07:04 |
javiolo | genii the people who recieve the mails have subscribed | 07:05 |
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mneptok | javiolo: the problem is that your return address, the MX record for the domain, and the actual IP do not align. | 07:05 |
dougb | is there a way to tell if my wireless is connecting through ndiswrapper or if it is going through bcm43xx? | 07:05 |
javiolo | mneptok yes | 07:06 |
mneptok | javiolo: so fix that | 07:06 |
genii | javiolo Your local exim4 box needs to have a fixed IP for what I told you to work. then you give it a subdomain name like abcd.mydomain.tld where abcd is it's name in the domain. then you add that entire name to your dns entries with it's IP and then it will reverse resolve | 07:06 |
javiolo | you mean that I should be sending the emails from the same ip as right ? | 07:06 |
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genii | javiolo No, you can use any machine to email from so long as the recipient machine can see it is a valid member of the domain it says the email is from. for this though the dns and so on must be made proper, as I described | 07:08 |
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naknomik | Is there a Voice Chat/Video Conference application available for Ubuntu? | 07:09 |
sgtmattbaker | yes ekiga | 07:09 |
javiolo | naknomik amsn | 07:10 |
sgtmattbaker | it is compatible with Windows netmeeting also | 07:10 |
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javiolo | naknomik also skype | 07:10 |
naknomik | sgtmattbaker: I see, so we have to exchange IP address to get the conference going? | 07:10 |
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sgtmattbaker | I don't think so from what I read | 07:10 |
naknomik | javiolo: is skype available for Mac? | 07:11 |
burepe | maybe not the best place to ask but what is the advantage of having virtual private hosting over other web hosting such as go daddy or something? I mean I know you can ssh in but say you were running a business what advantages would you have? | 07:11 |
vik | I've just had to (unfortunately) install windows on a partition in my computer; how can I get the hardware clock to be set to local time rather than UTC in ubuntu? | 07:11 |
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javiolo | naknomik yes, latest version its 2.5 | 07:11 |
oreth | hey guys | 07:11 |
naknomik | javiolo: Does skype also support Video Conf? | 07:11 |
sgtmattbaker | what is an easy way to convert DVD vob files (DVD that has TV shows I recorded using a DVD player) to another format like avi or mpeg | 07:11 |
oreth | macd: you around? | 07:11 |
oreth | does anyone know how to apply a patch to wine's dlls? | 07:11 |
javiolo | naknomik in win and mac yes | 07:12 |
cryosphere | hello, I was here a few days ago with a confusing problem: my laptop recognizes my USB devices and connects to the internet only 10 percent of the time I boot it | 07:12 |
oreth | i'm trying to get my keypad working in wow | 07:12 |
mateo | reboot my pc with ubuntu disc in it and nothing happend... can anybody halp me? | 07:12 |
oreth | according to a few sites, I have to patch the keyboard file | 07:12 |
vik | sgtmattbaker: easy. heh. you could try mencoder or gmencoder | 07:12 |
naknomik | I see. | 07:12 |
sgtmattbaker | cryosphere: do you have wirelesss and wired internet because I did and they were conflicting | 07:12 |
cryosphere | i diffed the syslog file for a successfull but seq and a bad one, if you want to help go to | 07:12 |
cryosphere | *boot sequence | 07:12 |
sgtmattbaker | vik: I tried acidrip the frontend to mencoder and when the video was done encoding the sound was off from the video.. can I fix that | 07:13 |
sgtmattbaker | it was either behind or ahead of the video | 07:14 |
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mateo | can anybody help me with instalation?:) | 07:14 |
vik | sgtmattbaker: I've had similar problems with mencoder. I haven't found any solutions :( | 07:14 |
sgtmattbaker | hmm | 07:14 |
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sgtmattbaker | thats sad | 07:14 |
oreth | mateo: what's wrong? | 07:15 |
sgtmattbaker | hmm so I can either have a bunch of commercials or have the sound be off? | 07:15 |
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naknomik | javiolo, sgtmattbaker: my thing is, I have several people who I want to do video conf. and voice chat with, most of them have XP, some have Mac and I have XP/Ubuntu dual boot, and I was trying to see if I could chat/video conf with all these folks from my Ubuntu instead of booting into XP, then I can nuke my XP partition altogether. | 07:15 |
sgtmattbaker | Ekiga is compatible with almost everything except Skype | 07:15 |
sgtmattbaker | go to and read about it | 07:16 |
sgtmattbaker | it comes default with Ubuntu | 07:16 |
javiolo | genii no static ip on the sender comp | 07:16 |
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genii | javiolo Well, you could use some service such as easydns for instance to simulate one | 07:17 |
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vik | sgtmattbaker: Or you could try another encoder. The only thing is I don't think there are any others in linux. Wine or vmware may be useful (dvdshrink works great under wine) | 07:18 |
genii | javiolo sorry, dyndns rather | 07:18 |
lestat | Anyone know how to import MSN contacts in Linux? | 07:18 |
lestat | I have two accounts and I want the old contacts in the new accounts. | 07:19 |
betatux | lestat, MSN keeps its contact online | 07:19 |
betatux | ah ... | 07:19 |
PwcrLinux | the MSN stored on the MSN servers | 07:19 |
shatrat | lestat, well, you can log into your msn messenger account in GAIM and it will have your contacts...I dont think there is any way to export contacts to another account, for good reason | 07:19 |
javiolo | genii secondary dns service ? | 07:20 |
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lestat | shatrat: that's only if I use my old account. I want to use my new account. | 07:20 |
PwcrLinux | yes, all IM server have contact list storages.. | 07:20 |
R-Request | hey all, anyone know if cpanel wil work on this version of linux | 07:20 |
shatrat | lestat, youll have to get all those people to authorize your contact from the new account | 07:20 |
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lestat | shatrat: Duh. I was refering to actually getting them into my contact list to begin with. | 07:21 |
shatrat | figure it out then | 07:21 |
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saon02 | you have to sign into the first old account and there should be an export option | 07:21 |
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genii | javiolo The dyndns service lets you use a dynamic ip and then a client notifies their servers what your current ip is and then that machine becomes a member of some domain they have like but you can add the entry then to your own dns entries as part of your own domain and it will then work | 07:23 |
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saon02 | hello everyone | 07:23 |
rylan | i accedentally deleted my top bar, how can i get it back? | 07:23 |
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PwcrLinux | rylan: which program on the top bar? | 07:24 |
saon02 | i wold say right click on bottom bar and click on new bar | 07:24 |
shatrat | rylan, right click the bottom bar and choose "New Panel" and then re-add all the things you had on it | 07:24 |
shatrat | rylan, its a pain, but it only takes a couple minutes, ive had to do it before | 07:24 |
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saon02 | should i just state my question and wait for a reply or ask about a subject? | 07:25 |
genii | javiolo The page for that site is: You will also need the linux dyndns client but i believe it is part of the standard distribution | 07:25 |
shatrat | saon02, just ask | 07:25 |
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saon02 | ty | 07:25 |
yell0w | !ask | 07:25 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 07:25 |
cryosphere | i diffed the syslog file for a successfull but seq and a bad one, if you want to help go to | 07:26 |
saon02 | trying to get xine working for my dvd's .. got all the css things(i think) but i am getting a mpeg-block error now .. done a few searches and haven't found to mujch | 07:26 |
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saon02 | thanks i got it from the first 3 ppl that told me | 07:26 |
madhenry | Hey, I have a simple question :) How can I minimize applications in ubuntu? | 07:26 |
saon02 | lol | 07:26 |
madhenry | is it possible? | 07:26 |
shatrat | madhenry, click the little _ button in the titlebar? | 07:27 |
saon02 | as in a min all? | 07:27 |
mindstate | madhenry, click the underscore _ | 07:27 |
madhenry | for example Blender3D:D | 07:27 |
genii | !info dyndns-client | 07:27 |
ubotu | Package dyndns-client does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas | 07:27 |
shatrat | madhenry, or alt F9 | 07:27 |
rylan | just offhand. anyone know how to type in chinese on linux? | 07:27 |
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madhenry | thanks :) | 07:27 |
genii | You lie ubotu LOL | 07:27 |
genii | !ez-ipupdate | 07:28 |
ubotu | ez-ipupdate: client for most dynamic DNS services. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.11b8-10ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 46 kB, installed size 260 kB | 07:28 |
rylan | !info chinese | 07:28 |
ubotu | Package chinese does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas | 07:28 |
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genii | !ez-ipupdate | javiolo | 07:29 |
rylan | is there any way to make ubotu buy my a beer? | 07:29 |
ubotu | javiolo: ez-ipupdate: client for most dynamic DNS services. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.11b8-10ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 46 kB, installed size 260 kB | 07:29 |
javiolo | genii thanks! | 07:29 |
rylan | !beer | 07:29 |
shatrat | saon02, that error doesnt sound familiar to me. Have you tried a different player to try and play the DVDs? Totem, mplayer? | 07:29 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about beer - try searching on | 07:29 |
foormea | rylan yeah install chinese support with system/adminstration/language support | 07:29 |
genii | javiolo np | 07:29 |
foormea | then you gotta do some stuff with scim | 07:29 |
saon02 | haven't yet | 07:29 |
genii | javiolo If you need assistance with dns entry methods after let me know | 07:30 |
rylan | foormea, but that doesnt let me USE chinese | 07:30 |
foormea | yeah i know but do that first | 07:30 |
cryosphere | I was here a few days trying to solve a bizzare problem; my laptop will recognize my USB devices and connects to the internet 10% of the boots, its totally random | 07:30 |
foormea | then google "ubuntu scim chinese" | 07:30 |
rylan | foormea, atleast as far as i know | 07:30 |
cryosphere | nnects to the internet 10% of the boots, its totally random | 07:30 |
cryosphere | [00:29] cryosphere: I diffed the syslog for a successfull boot seq and failure, if you want to help please see | 07:30 |
foormea | rylan | 07:31 |
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shatrat | saon02, I assume you've followed the instructions here? | 07:31 |
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Kaes | Hi | 07:31 |
unop | rylan, have you tried changing keyboard properties/locales? | 07:32 |
foormea | no nothing to do with that | 07:32 |
foormea | that's with scim yadayada | 07:32 |
foormea | just gave him the link | 07:32 |
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foormea | well at least i think there's nothing to do with that cause it requires the scim stuff | 07:32 |
burepe | I usually use ubuntu in Japanse but I am in the english side now and I don' t know how to start the japanese input thingy from the english side. Can someone tell me how to do that? all the components should be installed already. | 07:32 |
foormea | | 07:33 |
Mevunky | hd0,0 is still viable on a sata disk? eg for reinstall of grub, root (hd0,0) should work? | 07:33 |
rylan | unop, no i havent. but chinese is kinda weird. y'know with the 5000 charactors and all. my keyboard only has like 100, you need a little program to type in chinese on windows. | 07:33 |
Kaes | If anyone is availible to help, my friend is installing ubuntu on his amd64 machine. he got the error that said "said IO-APIC + timer doesnt work!", so he is using noapic. When he tries to start the partitioner, it freezes at 50%. Is this a known issue? | 07:33 |
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mneptok | Kaes: -desktop or -alternate? | 07:34 |
Kaes | desktop | 07:34 |
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unop | !info gok | 07:34 |
ubotu | gok: GNOME Onscreen Keyboard. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 705 kB, installed size 11436 kB | 07:34 |
seamus7 | How do I make an external usb hard drive mount under a specific name/mount point? It mounts automatically so it's not specified in /etc/fstab. | 07:34 |
mneptok | Kaes: i386 or amd64? | 07:34 |
Kaes | mneptok - AMD64 | 07:35 |
saon02 | looking through the packs in the manager - is there anyway to pickout the more main stream ones, alot seem kinda random to me.. | 07:35 |
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mneptok | Kaes: if he plans on using this as a desktop, i would recommend the i386 build, and the -alternate CD. | 07:35 |
unop | seamus7, that's because devices mounted by the user or at the command line are not listed in /etc/fstab | 07:35 |
Kaes | mneptok - Could you describe the difference between desktop and alternate mneptok? | 07:36 |
gibo_ | how can I use ubuntu as a bandwidth manager? | 07:36 |
cryosphere | it seems like people only want to help with easy problems | 07:36 |
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unop | seamus7, is it an external disk? removable perhaps? | 07:36 |
mneptok | Kaes: -desktop has a live system and a GUI installer. -alternate does not. | 07:36 |
unop | !alternate | 07:37 |
seamus7 | unop: Yes it's an external usb hard drive (250GB) ... when it mounts I want it to mount as /media/ExtHD instead of /media/usbdisk | 07:37 |
ubotu | The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. | 07:37 |
Kaes | mneptok - Is installation with alternate more difficult for an unexpirienced user? Also, why is it that the desktop verson would not work | 07:37 |
cryosphere | I was here a few days trying to solve a bizzare problem; my laptop will recognize my USB devices and connects to the internet 10% of the boots, its totally random | 07:37 |
cryosphere | I diffed the syslog for a successfull boot seq and failure, if you want to help please see | 07:37 |
Kaes | Thanks unop | 07:37 |
unop | seamus7, i wonder if it's listedn when you type out the "mount" command | 07:37 |
seamus7 | unop: yes | 07:38 |
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Kaso | My clock is showing completely the wrong time, and yet when i goto Adjust date and time, it shows the correct time and the correct time zone | 07:38 |
Kaes | mneptok - Are you positive that the desktop version will not work for him | 07:38 |
seamus7 | unop: it autmatically mounts when plugged in and is listed under Places | 07:38 |
javiolo | genii thanks Ill do more in a few hours, I need to sleep :) | 07:38 |
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saon02 | been trying to, but page still isn't loading - shocked i can connect to most things | 07:38 |
mneptok | Kaes: you have not provided enough info to tell why it does not work. and if you find the text mode installer too difficult to understand, Linux is probably not for you. ;) | 07:38 |
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shatrat | Kaes, the liveCD version loads a whole linux operating system into RAM, its pretty but its a lot more complicated so more can go wrong. the alternate CD is text based so less resources are used and it doesnt have to load all the hardware drivers and stuff. my rule of thumb is if the liveCD doesnt work on the first try or two, just go with the alternate installer and save the headache | 07:39 |
unop | seamus7, then using the device name listed (as per mount) you add an entry into /etc/fstab .. specifying the mount point you want it to be mounted under | 07:39 |
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Kaes | It's not my issue ;). I was able to run it fine :p | 07:39 |
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foormea | hey i'm really sorry to ask this here but i'm getting really lost with kiba-dock. finally managed to install it, via cvs. now when i launch it what i get is open programs... how can i get launchers instead? what's the gconf thinggy they keep talking about in forums and wikis? | 07:39 |
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mneptok | Kaes: sorry, you asked ... ;) | 07:39 |
Kaes | :p | 07:39 |
shatrat | foormea, drag and drop | 07:39 |
Kaes | I'll have him try the desktop installer for i386 then if that doesnt work ill walk him through the alt. | 07:39 |
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seamus7 | saon02: mainstream packages would be ones you might find listed in the unofficial guides to dapper and edgy ... just google 'edgy guide' or 'dapper guide' | 07:40 |
SEJeff | foormea: gconf-editor it is somewhere under there | 07:40 |
mneptok | i386 is a *much* saner choice on a desktop. | 07:40 |
madhenry | Hey, is it somehow possible to install flash player into AMD64 ? | 07:40 |
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saon02 | k thanks a ton seamus7 | 07:40 |
shatrat | madhenry, yeah, you need to run a 32 bit browser though | 07:40 |
foormea | oh yeah. getting tired of all this. thanks!! | 07:40 |
mneptok | (not to mention that not many people have the hardware to really see a benefit to x86-64) | 07:40 |
goban | i keep getting cannot talk to klauncher errors please help, heres error: | 07:41 |
seamus7 | unop: since it's a external usb hard drive that linux recognizes and mounts automatically, would listing it in /etc/fstab conflict perhaps? | 07:41 |
Kaes | haha yeah true mneptok | 07:41 |
madhenry | you mean for example I have to download a 32bit version firefox ? | 07:41 |
mneptok | Kaes: look at our friend madhenry ;) | 07:41 |
Kaes | haha | 07:41 |
MTecknology | Does anybody have any idea how to fix this problem with installing vmware server? | 07:41 |
Kaes | yes yes true | 07:41 |
shatrat | madhenry, among other things. Im sure there is a how-to somewhere | 07:41 |
madhenry | thanks | 07:42 |
unop | seamus7, errm, i'm not really sure how that works -- but to be safe, you had better unmount this before mounting it via the fstab | 07:42 |
mneptok | madhenry: you either have to chroot a 32 bit instance of Fx, or use the 32bit plugin wrapper | 07:42 |
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unop | seamus7, this ought to do it - umount /dev/sdX | 07:42 |
mneptok | madhenry: both have been documented extesively. | 07:42 |
mneptok | +n | 07:42 |
madhenry | okay, thanks :) | 07:42 |
mneptok | madhenry: the wrapper is easier. check the wiki. | 07:43 |
mneptok | oh, and those of you that complain about Linux and games should play Savage. i made the mistake of checking it out an hour before bedtime. i'm f-ing tired today. ;) | 07:44 |
Meshezabeel | got ubuntu all set up except for one thing, I can't get my dual monitor video card to display properly. It has monitor out and video out, video out is hooked up to tv and works fine in windows, but in ubuntu all I see is wavy lines (but those wavy lines are coming from the card because the wavy lines show an orange background from the ubuntu background). Actually, when the computer boots up I can see the POST and ubuntu loading l | 07:44 |
mneptok | orange background from the ubuntu background). Actually, when the computer boots up I can see the POST | 07:44 |
mneptok | and ubuntu loading l | 07:45 |
mneptok | and that was all | 07:45 |
seamus7 | unop: I can unmount it using nautilus and the file menu ... also the funny thing is that i have 2 external usb hard drives ... the other i have formatted in ntfs so that I can use it as extra storage for the windows xp partition on my laptop ... when it automatically mounts in ubuntu ... it mounts under the volume label i created for it in windows xp.. /media/External Hd .... so the volume label must reside on the disk ... I wonder if I can do that with | 07:45 |
seamus7 | Gparted on my ext3 disk that we're discussing? | 07:45 |
naknomik | If I use Ekiga on Ubuntu, what options are available for folks using Mac and windows on other side? | 07:45 |
Meshezabeel | mneptok, my message didn't show up? | 07:45 |
mneptok | Meshezabeel: got trimmed | 07:46 |
Akhorahil | mneptok: must be you being tired ;) showed up here ok | 07:46 |
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ForgeAus | um when I used zenwalk xnest created a window that was an nested x-server that let me log in as a different user and use it like an "embedded" Xwindows on the desktop... | 07:46 |
PwcrLinux | it's normal when you see the ubuntu loading it's drivers, you'll see the white line flashed on the display... same mines on my lappy does, it's normal | 07:46 |
javiolo | naknomik for mac gizmo | 07:46 |
seamus7 | saon2: | 07:46 |
ForgeAus | how can I do that with Kubuntu? (I got Xephyr and Xnest but the most I can get is a grey plain X-server with no desktop manager/wallpaper and just a black X mouse cursor... ie no login screen) | 07:46 |
unop | seamus7, the way it work in linux is, you need a mount point (any empty directory, you can make one yourself anywhere) and a device that is to be mounted at the mount point .. thats pretty much all you need | 07:46 |
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Meshezabeel | mneptok, Basically my second monitor (tv) goes wavy when the ubuntu logon screen shows up. It is an ATI All-in-Wonder VE with monitor out and video out. Any ideas. | 07:47 |
mneptok | Meshezabeel: what driver are you using? | 07:47 |
unska | unop, how do i burn a .iso file into a dvd so it becomes a playable movie? | 07:47 |
verbergen | hi guys | 07:47 |
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verbergen | i'm testing my web development skills can someone help me? | 07:48 |
ForgeAus | I love ATI all in one wonders :) I got one... but unfortunately ATI doesn't play well with linux | 07:48 |
Meshezabeel | mneptok, default one that came with Ubuntu, tv shows fine when loading ubuntu and everything, but goes wavy once I get to login screen. | 07:48 |
verbergen | it will be real quick | 07:48 |
ForgeAus | Mesh have you got radeontool? | 07:48 |
mneptok | Meshezabeel: because X is not correctly configured for the modelines of the TV | 07:48 |
verbergen | anyone? | 07:48 |
Meshezabeel | ForgeAus, no is that what I need? | 07:48 |
seamus7 | unop: yeah i get that ... i guess i'll just have to see what happens if i add an entry to fstab ... | 07:49 |
unop | unska, | 07:49 |
genii | verbergen: You need some html editor recommendation or so? | 07:49 |
unska | thanks unop | 07:49 |
diemos | I'm having trouble with my wifi network. My module is bc43xx, it's active but I can't connect to my WPA enabled network. I have both the passphrase and the hex key available. | 07:49 |
naknomik | javiolo: it seems if I use Ekiga on Ubuntu, I can't do video conf with mac users. Is there a ekiga compatible video and voice chat client on mac? | 07:49 |
ForgeAus | it has SOME dual monitor things but it sounds more like mneptok knows more about it | 07:49 |
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unop | seamus7, well, to add an entry to fstab you need a mount point .. so you might as well make one now before doing that :) | 07:49 |
mneptok | verbergen: "help me test my web development skills" just sets off *so* many warning bells | 07:49 |
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Kaes | thanks for your help mneptok | 07:49 |
verbergen | genii ... no ... i'm testing out a lamp server ... with ubuntu and i need someone to test the web page out | 07:49 |
mneptok | Kaes: np | 07:50 |
unop | seamus7, something like /media/new_disk to use in fstab :) | 07:50 |
Kaes | see you later | 07:50 |
bogdan | Hello! I have one problem with Ubuntu 6.10: I can't make the TV tuner work. I've installed tvtime, but all I see is a blue screen with a "No Signal" message on it, no matter what settings I change in the menu. Is there something I can do to make it work properly? | 07:50 |
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verbergen | just need to check whether the web page is visible from an external computer ... outside of my LAN | 07:50 |
ForgeAus | bogdan is it plugged in to the aerial/cable/etc connection | 07:50 |
genii | verbergen: I'll visit it and give a critique if you like LOL just post the link | 07:50 |
ForgeAus | (thats just one thing that would explain why no signal ...) | 07:51 |
shatrat | naknomik, I dont knokw much about VOIP, but i believe Ekiga can use SIP which is an open standard, and Im sure there are SIP clients available for OS X | 07:51 |
bogdan | ForgeAus, yes, and I know for shure it works in "Windows" | 07:51 |
javiolo | dont remember if it has video... | 07:51 |
seamus7 | unop: but since it automatically gets mounted by ubuntu without and fstab entry i would think there must be a way to label the volume so that ubuntu just uses that label instead of falling back to the default 'usbdisk' ... ubuntu uses the volume label on my other external hard drive which doesn't have an entry in fstab, yah know what i mean? | 07:51 |
PwcrLinux | bogdan: does your video cable tighten each ends? | 07:51 |
verbergen | hi genii ... how do we private message? | 07:51 |
unska | unop, i can't find the "brite to disk" option? doesnt this work with .img too? | 07:52 |
Meshezabeel | mneptok, how can I set modelines for tv? I assume it's under xorg.conf, but not sure what to change. There is one monitor section and a Screen section. I assume I might need to add another one but don't know how to specify which is which. | 07:52 |
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verbergen | i don't want to make the website public for security reasons | 07:52 |
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ardchoille | verbergen: If you are going to pm, you should really register your nick first. | 07:52 |
mneptok | Meshezabeel: have you checked the wiki? i don't touch anything ATI if i can help it. | 07:52 |
Comrade-Sergei | i need help installing abyss webserver ( a tgz file) please help me! | 07:52 |
kristjans | does anyone have any nice howtos on how to make ubuntu + gnome extremely easy to use for a 55 year old? | 07:52 |
unop | unska, errm, no idea about .img really (always associated them with m$ somehow) -- this could help too - | 07:52 |
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unska | unop, i meant to say write to disk :p | 07:52 |
Comrade-Sergei | Ieasyubuntu | kristjans | 07:53 |
mneptok | kristjans: sure. "just install it." ;) | 07:53 |
Comrade-Sergei | !easyubuntu | kristjans | 07:53 |
ubotu | kristjans: easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu | 07:53 |
unop | unska, yea, i deciphered that world alright, thankfully :) | 07:53 |
Meshezabeel | mneptok I did check the wiki a bit, will check again for modelines | 07:53 |
ardchoille | kristjans: My 8 years old niece uses Ubuntu out of the box.. kinda says how easy it is. | 07:53 |
bogdan | PwcrLinux, yes, it's enough to restart the computer with "Windows" to see it working fine | 07:53 |
genii | verbergen: I just opened a private msg box to you, but it may not work unless your nick is registered to the servers here | 07:53 |
ForgeAus | Mesh there might be some help: | 07:53 |
mneptok | kristjans: please do not use EasyUbuntu or Automatix. | 07:53 |
ForgeAus | its worth a try... but I can't promise anything | 07:53 |
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Comrade-Sergei | mneptok why not? | 07:54 |
naknomik | I'm trying to become Windows free at home and currently I don't find a good replacement for Pinnacle Studio 10 on Linux (Free or non-free), so it seems I'll have to turn to a Mac for Video editing, any suggestions? | 07:54 |
Comrade-Sergei | i need help installing abyss webserver ( a tgz file) please help me! | 07:54 |
ForgeAus | be VERY careful with Automatix it has been known to corrupt/break linux | 07:54 |
ardchoille | !automatix | 07:54 |
ubotu | automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 07:54 |
Meshezabeel | thanks ForgeAus, checking it out | 07:54 |
nothlit | Meshezabeel: you set modeline under Monitor | 07:54 |
mneptok | Comrade-Sergei: they can render systems unstable or unbootable. | 07:54 |
verbergen | how do i register my nickname? | 07:54 |
ardchoille | !register > verbergen | 07:54 |
roshman | does anyone have a good idea on how to edit rtf files in a directory on a web server from a remote computer via a web browser | 07:54 |
Comrade-Sergei | mneptok automatix yes, ive never seen easyubuntu do it | 07:55 |
verbergen | !register > verbergen | 07:55 |
ubernub | ifconfig doesnt show my wireless card, why wont it recognize it? | 07:55 |
PwcrLinux | bogdan: ah, probably you can post on the forums, they will reply on your message for any help with TV tuner cards.. | 07:55 |
Comrade-Sergei | can someone help me install a .tgz file? | 07:55 |
kristjans | i mean i can do all the application set ups and etc... | 07:55 |
mneptok | Comrade-Sergei: well, i have. many times. and my chair has a better view of the playing field. ;) | 07:55 |
mindstate | Comrade-Sergei, just extract it | 07:55 |
ardchoille | Comrade-Sergei: If you learn how to do things yourself, you'll be better off knowing how to solve problems should they occur later. | 07:55 |
kristjans | but i would like some tips customizing the applications | 07:55 |
ForgeAus | anyone know how to use Xnest or Xephyr? | 07:55 |
verbergen | !register verbergen | 07:55 |
Seveas | Comrade-Sergei, why not use apache or lighttpd? at least they are easy to install | 07:55 |
Comrade-Sergei | ardchoille im learnig | 07:56 |
saon02 | trying to get my laptop wireless card to work - not having much luck - anyway to load some generic drivers to fix this? tried finding the item under hardware but didnt have much luck- | 07:56 |
verbergen | !register | 07:56 |
ubotu | Information about registering your Freenode nick is at | 07:56 |
Seveas | !botabuse | verbergen | 07:56 |
ubotu | verbergen: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 07:56 |
Comrade-Sergei | Seveas b/c im used to abyss from windows | 07:56 |
genii | verbergen: There you go, finally LOL | 07:56 |
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Comrade-Sergei | mindstate ok i did now what | 07:56 |
ubernub | saon, im also having trouble configuring my wireless card, its a royal pain | 07:56 |
saon02 | lol | 07:56 |
mindstate | Comrade-Sergei, open a terminal cd to the dir and type ./configure | 07:56 |
saon02 | laptop or desktop | 07:57 |
PwcrLinux | Hello seveas long time :) | 07:57 |
mindstate | Comrade-Sergei, once thats done type make..then sudo make install | 07:57 |
ubernub | desktop | 07:57 |
mneptok | Seveas: thttpd may be a better repo-ready alternate to Abyss ;) | 07:57 |
ardchoille | Comrade-Sergei: I would suggest reading the README and INSTALL files first. | 07:57 |
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bogdan | PwcrLinux, tried that, I've installed tvtime because someone there suggested that... I'm a beginner in Linux. Installing tvtime is the only answer I got; I thought I'll get more detailed information here... Thanks anyway! | 07:57 |
mneptok | Comrade-Sergei: what do you want to do with this webserver? | 07:57 |
saon02 | was hoping it was just a laptop issue .. hmm | 07:57 |
Comrade-Sergei | ardchoille i tried theyre corrupt on the aperelum site | 07:57 |
ForgeAus | all I can get is a base seemingly unsuable X-server ... (grey - dithered - background with black X mouse cursor and no desktop/login/nothing) | 07:58 |
Comrade-Sergei | mneptok stream music to my psp | 07:58 |
mneptok | Comrade-Sergei: so all it really needs to do is serve static files? | 07:58 |
ForgeAus | whoa... damn connection | 07:58 |
PwcrLinux | bogdan: sure, your welcome | 07:58 |
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Comrade-Sergei | mneptok i host a website with it some times or a internet file server | 07:59 |
unska | unop, is there a apt-get for nerolinux? | 07:59 |
saon02 | anyone else have any ideas? | 07:59 |
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mneptok | Comrade-Sergei: static files? no PHP, Python, Ruby, MySQL, CMS, etc etc use? | 07:59 |
ForgeAus | interesting question unska, google nero repository perhaps? | 07:59 |
Comrade-Sergei | mneptok yes postgrepsql and php | 07:59 |
unop | unska, I think there is, I cant be sure it exists on ubuntu's repos or not | 08:00 |
mindstate | Comrade-Sergei, check that site out | 08:00 |
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unop | !find nero | unska | 08:00 |
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mindstate | nerolinux | 08:00 |
mneptok | Comrade-Sergei: then your best bet is to learn apache or lighty | 08:00 |
ubotu | unska: File nero found in dvb-utils | 08:00 |
surprise | unska, nerolinux is not free so i think no | 08:00 |
unska | okay. well i use the .deb from | 08:00 |
mindstate | ive apt-getting nerolinux | 08:00 |
ForgeAus | I have to say it doesn't look too promising | 08:00 |
mindstate | getted* | 08:00 |
saon02 | no one? | 08:01 |
burepe | anyone set up torrent flux? | 08:01 |
Comrade-Sergei | i am very accustomed to abyss though and would like to stay with it | 08:01 |
mneptok | burepe: eesh. you want that on a desktop? | 08:01 |
burepe | is it bad? | 08:02 |
burepe | yeah why not? | 08:02 |
Comrade-Sergei | mindstate i got a help page that says to do "tar xzfm <Abyss Web Server installation package>" but that doesnt work... | 08:02 |
mneptok | burepe: no, but why install a web server, PHP, and MySQL just to use torrents? | 08:02 |
burepe | I have a web server | 08:02 |
clust | burepe: I set up torrent flux on my gentoo server. | 08:02 |
clust | It works nice | 08:03 |
burepe | I installed it with synaptic but I don't know what to do next | 08:03 |
unska | dpkg: error while cleaning up: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2 | 08:03 |
unska | what does that mean? | 08:03 |
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clust | Unfortunatelly the login password is not sent byt HTTPS but HTTP, so I don't think it is secure to use over the internet. | 08:04 |
saon02 | does anyone have any help towards wifi issues? | 08:04 |
ForgeAus | wget | 08:04 |
tds5016 | hello. can someone tell me how to add gcc-3.4 to the $Path? | 08:04 |
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incorrect | is it WiFi or WiFI ? | 08:04 |
ForgeAus | thats just one I found online dunno if its the latest | 08:04 |
clust | goban: PATH=$PATH:<PATH_TO_GCC-3.4> | 08:04 |
Comrade-Sergei | mindstate? | 08:05 |
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tds5016 | clust: thanks! | 08:05 |
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PFA | does anyone know if, on X-Chat, you can permanently set it to show join/part messages for only one channel/ server? | 08:05 |
goban | clust: ? | 08:05 |
clust | goban: ?? | 08:05 |
bogdan | Can anyone help me setting up the TV tuner? I mean beside telling me to post on the forum, because I've already tried that... | 08:06 |
PwcrLinux | PFA: you can ask in #xchat | 08:06 |
Comrade-Sergei | ardchoille he he i guess i have learned enough i just got it myself lol | 08:06 |
tds5016 | is there an easier way to install gcc-3.4 to be the default compiler? | 08:06 |
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tds5016 | clust ^^ | 08:06 |
goban | <clust> goban: PATH=$PATH:<PATH_TO_GCC-3.4> | 08:06 |
PFA | PwcrLinux: ok... thx. | 08:06 |
tds5016 | goban: he was answering me :-). | 08:06 |
mindstate | Comrade-Sergei, tar zxvf myfile.tgz | 08:06 |
Comrade-Sergei | i got it now but thatks mindstate | 08:06 |
mindstate | Comrade-Sergei, np | 08:06 |
Comrade-Sergei | and its xzfm | 08:07 |
saon02 | lol sorry bogdan .. not having much look eather | 08:07 |
tds5016 | like, I want to use gcc-3.4 instead of 4.1 | 08:07 |
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clust | tds5016: Sorry, I mistaped the name :) | 08:07 |
tds5016 | how would be the easiest way to do so? | 08:07 |
tds5016 | clust: that's fine :-). no worries. | 08:07 |
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tds5016 | anyone? | 08:09 |
saon02 | will have to try back later - guess everyone helping went to sleep hehe | 08:09 |
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ubernub | im trying to use ndiswrapper to install my wireless card drivers | 08:10 |
ubernub | it tells me the drivers are invalid | 08:10 |
tds5016 | looks like it :-). | 08:10 |
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tds5016 | I just need to install sebek for this class, and I need to figure out how to make it use 3.4 as the compiler. | 08:10 |
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clust | tds5016: you are able to change the active gcc version by "update-alternatives " | 08:11 |
tds5016 | clust: how would I do so? | 08:11 |
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edawg26 | wassup! | 08:12 |
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NetVenture | 'sup dawg | 08:13 |
clust | tds5016: update-alternatives --config cc | 08:13 |
needtoknow | nuisance | 08:13 |
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bogdan | Nobody? :-/ | 08:14 |
tds5016 | clust: it's telling me that gcc-4.1 is the only one providing c. | 08:15 |
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tds5016 | I used sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4, g++-3.4, etc. | 08:15 |
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clust | tds5016: I make a pastebin, one sec ;) | 08:15 |
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tds5016 | clust: thanks. | 08:16 |
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icehammer | how do i allow write access to ntfs drives? | 08:17 |
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clust | tds5016: | 08:17 |
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tds5016 | looking now. | 08:17 |
Flannel | !ntfs | icehammer | 08:17 |
ubotu | icehammer: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 08:17 |
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diabolix | is there a way to install ubuntu with all of the dev packages? i like to be able to compile stuff, and its rather annoying to have to install a dev package every time i turn around... | 08:18 |
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needtoknow | lol omfg | 08:18 |
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goban | i cant download two torrents at the same time, it says they are using same port. how do i do this | 08:18 |
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needtoknow | Are you using azureus? | 08:19 |
clust | tds5016: So you can switch any time between compilers by "update-alternatives --config cc" | 08:19 |
needtoknow | For the torrents are you using azureus? | 08:19 |
Flannel | diabolix: apt-get build-deps downloads dev packages needed for given source packages | 08:19 |
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goban | needtoknow: no the client that comes with ubuntu | 08:20 |
Flannel | diabolix: "all of the dev packages" is a huge amount | 08:20 |
tds5016 | clust: many thanks. | 08:20 |
ardchoille | diabolix: Given the size of the Ubuntu repos, you shouldn't have to compile too much. I have never had to compile anyting since Warty. Perhaps you need to enable multivers and universe? | 08:20 |
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amaan | hey im having some trouble i cant seem to find a driver for my ati radeon 7000...any suggestions | 08:20 |
TeePOG | morning all | 08:20 |
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clust | tds5016: I am glad that I was able to help you ;) | 08:20 |
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Kaso | does anyone happen to know whats going on with gtk in this example: | 08:21 |
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needtoknow | Ok goban I recomend you use azureus here it works WAY better than the one that comes with ubuntu. Ill get you a link..... | 08:21 |
tds5016 | how do I check which one this is using? | 08:21 |
diabolix | i dunno.. i'm used to slackware. i really don't understand the point of not including the header files.. they should be small. | 08:21 |
seamus7 | Help .. when logging into Ubuntu I'm getting an odd message about $HOME/.dmrc being ignore and that the directory permissions are misconfigure?? | 08:21 |
ENERON | !seen dumpler | 08:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about seen dumpler - try searching on | 08:21 |
tds5016 | clust: how would I check which gcc ./configure is using? | 08:21 |
ENERON | !seen potti | 08:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about seen potti - try searching on | 08:21 |
diabolix | so does debian default to not including the headers like ubuntu does? | 08:22 |
Flannel | incorrect: the reasoning is because people don't need to install stuff really, ever, so there's no need to include headers, or even a compiler, by default, it's just wasted stuff. And if one needs it, it's still super easy to install | 08:22 |
goban | needtoknow: thanks :) already apt-got it and am using tho :)) | 08:22 |
tds5016 | argh! this is still reading that /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/build/net/packet/af_packet.c can't be found. | 08:22 |
goban | like it alot | 08:22 |
Flannel | er, incorrect? sorry, not you. diabolix | 08:22 |
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needtoknow | <--- latest azurues | 08:22 |
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tds5016 | anyone have any idea where to get it/how to install it? | 08:22 |
tds5016 | like it shoulnd't ever need a source c file, should it? | 08:23 |
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anthony_ | i'm having probs with X | 08:23 |
goban | needtoknow: that apt-get version is ok? | 08:23 |
incorrect | Flannel: :D | 08:23 |
anthony_ | loaded fine the other day | 08:23 |
incorrect | man i was sleeping | 08:23 |
ubernub | in network settings it no longer lists "wireless connections", how can i get that back? | 08:23 |
anthony_ | now just turns black | 08:23 |
clust | tds5016: did you select 3.4 as default? | 08:24 |
Flannel | sorry incorrect, I have no idea how diabolix became incorrect. Although, I can't imagine you're unused to plenty of other false pings | 08:24 |
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tds5016 | clust: yep. | 08:24 |
needtoknow | apt-get usually is better | 08:24 |
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clust | tds5016: gcc -v confirmes the version 3.4> | 08:24 |
clust | ?? | 08:24 |
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incorrect | Flannel: its cool :) i was just joking, strangely enough i don't get that many :D | 08:25 |
clust | Kaso: you miss python-gtk2 or python-gtk-1.2 | 08:25 |
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tds5016 | 3.4.6 | 08:25 |
tds5016 | clust ^^ | 08:25 |
Ethan | Does anyone know how to get the Ubuntu graphical installer to come up with my ATi card (X700) | 08:25 |
clust | tds5016: so itt will be fine | 08:25 |
tds5016 | argh to tarballs! | 08:25 |
clust | tds5016: after ./configure | 08:25 |
clust | you can check the Makefile | 08:26 |
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diabolix | so.. short answere is there is no way to install all header files for all libs? | 08:26 |
tds5016 | ./configure it prints out that there is a problem finding af_packet.c | 08:26 |
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Flannel | diabolix: there is. It'd be searching for all the -dev files (all development packages end in -dev) and installing them | 08:26 |
clust | tds5016: af_packet.c is in the source tree or it is a part of kernel? | 08:27 |
goban | is there a ps2 emulator? | 08:27 |
tds5016 | which supposedly is caused by a problem in the coding. | 08:27 |
Flannel | diabolix: but, I don't think you understand how many "all" means | 08:27 |
Kaso | clust i already had gtk2 and i just installed gtk 1.2 off apt and im still getting the same error | 08:27 |
tds5016 | clust: I haven't a clue. | 08:27 |
tds5016 | is there a way to install an rpm with linux? | 08:27 |
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tds5016 | er I mean with ubuntu* | 08:28 |
Flannel | tds5016: er, redhat is linux ;) you mean ubuntu? use alien : | 08:28 |
diabolix | Flannel, the header files should be much smaller than the associated libraries.. slackware includes all of the header files by default. i really don't understand the logic of seperating them. even if you don't use them, its like a coupld of kilobytes at the most. | 08:28 |
tds5016 | or am I going to have to go to an rpm centric distro? | 08:28 |
krinns | helo | 08:28 |
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clust | tds5016: I don't think so ;) | 08:28 |
diabolix | Flannel, maybe i should refrase that, all of the installed libraries. not ALL of the libraries in the repositories. | 08:29 |
unop | diabolix, header files for what exactly? | 08:29 |
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clust | tds5016: did you set correctly the path to the kernel source durring ./configure? | 08:29 |
Flannel | diabolix: because whenever you're trying to build anything from source, apt-get provides an automated way to download all headers you do need | 08:29 |
tds5016 | clust: no make was installed. | 08:29 |
diabolix | thats assuming the source you want has a deb package. | 08:29 |
tds5016 | er no makefile was created. | 08:29 |
diabolix | right? | 08:29 |
tds5016 | ^^ | 08:29 |
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unop | diabolix, right | 08:30 |
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incorrect | ah man, i wanted to register :D | 08:30 |
anthony_ | why would X just turn black on me. | 08:30 |
clust | tds5016: sorry I missed, what are you trying to compile. | 08:30 |
incorrect | how dare they register my jolly little pirate nick name | 08:31 |
unop | diabolix, the logic for segregating libraries is that you can pick and choose just the ones you require (which almost is always the case) and the whole system becomes much more manageable (say with changing revisions) | 08:31 |
clust | !alein | 08:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about alein - try searching on | 08:31 |
clust | !alien | 08:32 |
ubotu | RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 08:32 |
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clust | !alien > tds5016 | 08:32 |
Ademan | anyone know if glibmm provides all of the functionality of glib? | 08:32 |
d0uglas | Hi. My wifi only fires up when I fire up a gnome session, but not kde... unless i start a simultaneous additional gnome session and control alt f7 back to kde.. help pls? | 08:32 |
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unop | Ademan, IIRC, the mm suffix is the version that applies to C++, so i am inclined to say yes | 08:33 |
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unop | Ademan, for C++ i.e. | 08:33 |
diabolix | unop, i understand the point of segregating libraries, i don't understand the logic behind segregating libraries from their headers. | 08:33 |
Ademan | unop: yeah it's for c++, but i'm looking at the documentation and certain things you can do using libglib don't seem to be available in libglibmm, for whatever reasons | 08:33 |
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Ademan | (this is more of a programming question, but i figured it was worth asking in here) | 08:34 |
unop | diabolix, libraries are headers or a bunch of header files and associated files, basically | 08:34 |
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Flannel | diabolix: because for 90% of ubuntu users, they never need the headers | 08:34 |
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hellmet | For some reason, on my computer, I can see my Ethernet controller in LSPCI but, it doesn't get enables during boot!! can someone help? | 08:35 |
boubbin | so ubuntus wiki site is also for kubuntu ? | 08:35 |
hellmet | ednabled* | 08:35 |
Flannel | boubbin: ubuntu and kubuntu are both the same operating system | 08:35 |
unop | Ademan, well, for that i'd refer to the documentation that comes with glibmm .. for the functionality that glibmm doesnt provide, you should be able to write C++ code (as C) that uses glib | 08:35 |
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goban | hi i changed cache to 32 MB in azureus and now azureus crashes on boot, how do i reset this | 08:36 |
Ademan | unop: yeah, i just don't want to write my own wrapper for glib if it's already in glibmm just because i can't find it in the docs | 08:37 |
unop | goban, probably delete your azureus folder, which is ~/.azureus probably | 08:37 |
Antti | is there a way to do clean install of ubuntu from command line? Updates crashed my x, and I want to start from scratch | 08:37 |
diabolix | it just seems like it puts a huge barrier between being a user and a developer/power user. i wish i could recomend ubuntu to others, but i've done LFS, yet i have a hard time adjusting ubuntu to how i would like it. | 08:37 |
goban | unop: wont that kill my azureus install>? | 08:37 |
goban | ive configured it and would like to save the other optoins | 08:37 |
boubbin | i have 'intel core 2 duo' cpu so what is my cpu arch, and what kubuntu package should i download ? | 08:37 |
ubernub | does anyone know the command to check a disc? | 08:37 |
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Flannel | diabolix: What are you trying to install, anyway? | 08:37 |
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Flannel | boubbin: 386 if you want to run 32bit, or 64bit if you want to run 64bit, both are possible with that, although you probably want 32bit | 08:38 |
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shatrat | goban, there is an .azureus/azureus.config and an azureus.config.bak , I think the setting you are looking for can be changed there | 08:38 |
unop | Ademan, errm, you shouldnt need to write wrappers for high-level class and objects but just include the glib headers into your code and code around that providing just the abstraction you need for your specific goals -- although i should say, ask in #C++ .. they'll know better | 08:39 |
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hellmet | For some reason, on my computer, I can see my Ethernet controller in LSPCI but, it doesn't get enabled during boot!! can someone help? | 08:39 |
boubbin | Flannel do you think that ubuntu would run better with 64bit ? | 08:39 |
diabolix | Flannel, nothing. I'm just debating weather i should switch to ubuntu, and remembering how annoying compiling my own software was, and trying to install the official NVIDIA drivers. I thought maybe someone could tell me something i didn't know. | 08:39 |
goban | unop: thanks | 08:39 |
posingaspopular | whats the command for installing wine? sudo aptitude-install wine? | 08:39 |
icehammer | i tried installing ntfs-3g.. and when i do sudo apt-get install ntfs-config.. | 08:40 |
icehammer | it says: | 08:40 |
Flannel | diabolix: nvidia drivers needn't be compiled | 08:40 |
unop | goban, azureus doesnt reside in your home folder -- ~/.azureus would contain config files, your data, etc etc as a per-user setting i.e. other users do not share the same ~/.azureus | 08:40 |
icehammer | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 08:40 |
icehammer | ntfs-config: Depends: libdbus-1-2 (>= 0.60) but it is not installable | 08:40 |
icehammer | E: Broken packages | 08:40 |
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diabolix | Flannel, they do when you need to use you're own kernel. | 08:40 |
Ademan | unop: no i don't NEED to write a wrapper, but i'd rather write a wrapper i could in theory commit to libglibmm so that it could be more complete | 08:40 |
Flannel | diabolix: why do you want to use your own kernel? | 08:40 |
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posingaspopular | !wine | 08:40 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See for more information. | 08:40 |
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tds5016 | welp, I'm apparently going in the wrong direction. | 08:40 |
Flannel | boubbin: 32bit if you want to run flash, and other closed source stuff | 08:41 |
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dymaxium | hi, having problems with installing ATI drivers | 08:41 |
boubbin | !divx | 08:41 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 08:41 |
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tds5016 | how would I manage to install af_packet.c | 08:41 |
unop | Ademan, ok, you nees specific help there for which i should redirect you to #C++ or the official glibmm source (webpage, email etc) to ask for more concrete info | 08:41 |
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diabolix | Flannel, obscure notebook hardware. | 08:41 |
Flannel | boubbin: you probably won't see many benefits from running 64bit either, unless youre doingheavy graphics/video/audio work, or have more than 4GB of RAM | 08:41 |
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ubernub | how do you check a disc for errors? | 08:42 |
Flannel | diabolix: eh? which hardware is that? | 08:42 |
diabolix | Flannel, rtl8185. its very flaky with certain kernel releases. | 08:42 |
krinns | i have ubuntu installed with konqueror n kmail | 08:42 |
diabolix | wireless card. | 08:42 |
krinns | now i wana update that konqueror | 08:42 |
krinns | what i do | 08:42 |
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krinns | i have my local apt-proxy running | 08:42 |
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dymaxium | I can't install the ATI drivers, can anyone help? | 08:43 |
boubbin | Flannel ok. | 08:43 |
tds5016 | anyone able to help me out with installing af_packet.c? | 08:43 |
Flannel | diabolix: shrug, compiling your own kernel is no big deal either. | 08:43 |
Flannel | !kernel | diabolix | 08:43 |
ubotu | diabolix: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see | 08:43 |
Antti | is there a way to reinstall ubuntu from command line.. | 08:44 |
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wortel | Quick noob question - how do i tell the amount of files in a directory? | 08:44 |
boubbin | hmm ,there arent any info about *.avi in the RestrictedFormats site ? | 08:44 |
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unop | tds5016, does the source package have a README/INSTALL that describes the prerequisites? af_packet.c does not seem to exist in any package | 08:45 |
diabolix | Flannel, right. i compiled a kernel fine, but then installing nvidias drivers was a pain. | 08:45 |
tds5016 | unop: it's the standard tarball INSTALL file. | 08:45 |
tds5016 | has anyone ever manged to get sebek installed? this thing is being a freaking bastard! | 08:45 |
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goban | how do i call azureus with an increased JVM max heap size | 08:46 |
unop | !language | tds5016 | 08:46 |
ubotu | tds5016: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 08:46 |
tds5016 | unop: sorry, 4 or 5 hours of fighting with this thing is starting to get to me. | 08:46 |
unop | tds5016, read the INSTALL/README and make sure you have installed the prerequisite packages | 08:46 |
unop | tds5016, well, bad language is not going to get you anywhere faster. in this room, it'll definitely get you banned -- patience, thats what you need most when stressed | 08:47 |
tds5016 | unop: I'm aware, it's just frustrating. | 08:47 |
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tds5016 | but yeah, the readme has no information except that one needs a 2.6 kernel. | 08:48 |
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diabolix | i'm leaving the realm of constructive conversation at this point.. i guess i should just accept that ubuntu isn't right for me.. | 08:48 |
jlucpal | hola | 08:48 |
jlucpal | soy nuevo en esto del ubuntu | 08:49 |
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unop | !es | 08:49 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 08:49 |
wortel | !za | 08:49 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about za - try searching on | 08:49 |
dymaxium | how many people are able available to answer questions right now? | 08:49 |
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Makinaworld | Hey all, will CPanel work on ubuntu? | 08:49 |
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hellmet | For some reason, on my computer, I can see my Ethernet controller in LSPCI but, it doesn't get enabled during boot!! can someone help? | 08:50 |
MeisterZopf | what is cpanel? | 08:50 |
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MeisterZopf | Makinaworld, isn't that a web application? | 08:50 |
tds5016 | Makinaworld: you mean as a client or as a server? | 08:50 |
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Makinaworld | server I would imagin | 08:51 |
wortel | comeon... what's the terminal command to see the amount of files in a directory? | 08:51 |
tds5016 | you want to host it? | 08:51 |
Makinaworld | If possible just to try it out | 08:51 |
tds5016 | you mean you want to go to a website that has it? or you want to use a website that has it? | 08:51 |
dymaxium | wortel, run "man ls" to get the option you need | 08:51 |
misnix | hellmet, did you activate it in the menu: system, management, network? | 08:52 |
Makinaworld | I wanna run it on localhost =] | 08:52 |
tds5016 | it's a web app, so it'll work in terms of using it. I see no reason you couldn't install it as a server. | 08:52 |
hellmet | misnix: I can't see it there.. the option ain't there!! | 08:52 |
tds5016 | okay, you'd need to install mysql, etc. | 08:52 |
hellmet | misnix: modprobe eth0 gives a Fatal Error | 08:52 |
Makinaworld | how can I do this? first time ive used Linux lol | 08:52 |
tds5016 | argh! sebek is the devil! | 08:52 |
kraut | moin | 08:52 |
wortel | dymaxium: I've checked, don't see anything there | 08:53 |
misnix | hellmet, you're over my head with that one :-/ | 08:53 |
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hellmet | misnix: ok..:-) | 08:53 |
dymaxium | wortel, you want the total amount of data, correct? | 08:54 |
danny | hi im having a problem playing video files, can any1 be help me out? | 08:54 |
Makinaworld | tds5016: gonna help me install it? | 08:54 |
mneptok | hellmet: you can't modprobe an interface | 08:54 |
wortel | dymaxium, just the amuont of files | 08:54 |
tds5016 | Makinaworld: I would, but I'm fighting with installing sebek at the moment. | 08:54 |
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misnix | wortel, ls|wc -l | 08:54 |
Makinaworld | ok | 08:54 |
Makinaworld | np | 08:55 |
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entropy | wortel, i was just about to say that :P | 08:55 |
Makinaworld | whats LinuxXP? | 08:55 |
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mneptok | misnix: + -l | 08:55 |
danny | I am trying to play a .wmv video with XINE and it opens and i get audio but the window is just black, no video... | 08:55 |
wortel | mc -w? | 08:55 |
diabolix | mplayer > xine | 08:55 |
wortel | *wc -w | 08:55 |
fozze | how can i tell my the package system to accept a "broken dependency" as a valid dependency? | 08:55 |
mneptok | wortel: ls -l /path/to/files | wc -l | 08:56 |
needtoknow | Danny try downloading and runing easyubuntu with the video codecs | 08:56 |
hellmet | how do I modprobe an Intel NIC named 82801DB ?? I mean what is the module to be probed?? | 08:56 |
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mneptok | hellmet: why do you need to probe the kernel module? | 08:56 |
hellmet | I don't really know.. I can see the Card in lspci, but just can't see it in Networking!! | 08:57 |
danny | needtoknow: i did an apt-get install for w32codecs and a few other packages | 08:57 |
fozze | anyone? | 08:57 |
danny | is there more?? | 08:57 |
misnix | mneptok, that will include the line: total nnnnnn | 08:57 |
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hellmet | I added the lines in interfaces and did ifup eth0 .. It just returned to prompt, but no network!! | 08:57 |
gioele | hello, | 08:57 |
wortel | thanks | 08:57 |
d0uglas | in order to get wifi going i have to log in in a gnome session after a boot before i switch to kde.. any way around that? kwifimanager stuff sees networks but can't latch on... | 08:57 |
gioele | how do I activate zeroconf and nss_mdns .local resolution? | 08:57 |
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gioele | is the zeroconf package all I need? | 08:58 |
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mneptok | hellmet: OK, first thing, slow down. don't go running off probing kernel modules needlessly. | 08:58 |
hellmet | mneptok: Ok.. | 08:58 |
mneptok | hellmet: cat /etc/network/interfaces | 08:58 |
mneptok | hellmet: lo ... and? | 08:58 |
hellmet | there was only lo first | 08:59 |
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hellmet | I then added eth0 to it.. with static IP and netmask and gateway | 08:59 |
mneptok | lo is the only entry? | 08:59 |
hellmet | yes | 08:59 |
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mneptok | heh. you should not manually add interfaces. please remove that eth0 entry. | 09:00 |
hellmet | ok.. | 09:00 |
hellmet | done. | 09:00 |
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Emmett | Hey, folks. | 09:00 |
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Emmett | Is there a command-line based ubuntu system configurator? | 09:00 |
mneptok | hellmet: what kind of card/chipset is it? | 09:00 |
hellmet | mine is an Intel 82801DB | 09:00 |
hellmet | onboard! | 09:01 |
mneptok | wired, right? | 09:01 |
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hellmet | yea | 09:01 |
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mneptok | hellmet: what is the chipset of the NIC? | 09:01 |
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erpo | Ok, I've installed beryl and it works great. Now how do I get a desktop switcher that shows me live previews of all my desktops? | 09:02 |
mneptok | hellmet: or the mobo model | 09:02 |
hellmet | I think its 845G | 09:02 |
mneptok | hellmet: got your CD? | 09:03 |
hellmet | nope... hey one sec. | 09:03 |
danny | I seem to have downloaded every codec possibly needed and all the movie players i have can open .wmv just fine | 09:03 |
danny | They play the audio but i get no video | 09:03 |
danny | could this be an issue with my graphics card? | 09:04 |
mneptok | danny: welcome to the world of proprietary, closed codecs | 09:04 |
hellmet | mneptok: I can actually PING other devices from that computer with that eth0 thing in /interfaces !!! | 09:04 |
Frogzoo | danny: tried vlc? it pretty much works for everything | 09:04 |
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hellmet | but, I can't see it in Networking, and also cannot browse the internet! | 09:04 |
erpo | danny: I seriously doubt it. Try running mplayer from the command line and seeing what you get. | 09:05 |
mneptok | hellmet: ignore GUI tools | 09:05 |
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hellmet | sure.. GUI is never compulsory for me.. | 09:05 |
mneptok | hellmet: sudo dhclient eth0 | 09:05 |
hellmet | one sec. | 09:05 |
danny | Yeah ive tried XINE, Mplayer, VLC, etc... i just get this blueish screen while the audio goes... | 09:06 |
danny | i did apt-get win32codecs | 09:06 |
danny | and i got libdvdcss etc | 09:06 |
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hellmet | mneptok: I had to use sudo for it.. it says something like Sending DHCP or something via eth0.. sorry the problematic system is in another room!! | 09:07 |
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Frogzoo | danny: you did install w32codecs, yes? | 09:07 |
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danny | yeah i did apt-get install w32codecs | 09:07 |
tds5016 | can someone help me find af_packet.c download | 09:08 |
Frogzoo | danny: dpkg -l w32codecs | 09:08 |
mneptok | hellmet: ifconfig | 09:08 |
mneptok | hellmet: does eth0 now have an IP assigned? | 09:08 |
Frogzoo | tds5016: if it's not in the tarball... | 09:08 |
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tds5016 | Frogzoo: if it's not, then what? | 09:09 |
tds5016 | it's requiring it, and it's not used. | 09:09 |
tds5016 | not there* | 09:09 |
Frogzoo | tds5016: then you've got the wrong end of the stick | 09:09 |
danny | Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold | 09:09 |
danny | | Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed | 09:09 |
danny | |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad) | 09:09 |
tds5016 | af_packet.ko is there, but no c. | 09:09 |
chris | i keep getting 'can't install i386' error in Add/Remove even though i | 09:09 |
chris | i keep getting 'can't install i386' error in Add/Remove even though i'm running i686 with the lastest kernel, any help? | 09:10 |
tds5016 | Frogzoo: there's a problem with it finding the package. | 09:10 |
Frogzoo | tds5016: I'd say you're trying to install either a broken package or one not matched to your linux release | 09:10 |
hellmet | dhclient gave :: no DHCPOFFERS received or something | 09:10 |
hellmet | ifconfig doesn't have an IP.. | 09:10 |
Emmett | I've got ubuntu running and it seems to recognize eth0 just fine. It can see the router, I can get to it from other machines on the local network, but it doesn't appear to have internet access. | 09:10 |
tds5016 | Frogzoo: it' sebek, and the configure can't find the freakin' af_config. | 09:10 |
Frogzoo | hellmet: your dhcp server isn't talking to you | 09:10 |
tds5016 | er af_packet* | 09:11 |
mneptok | hellmet: you have a machine handing out DHCP leases, yes? | 09:11 |
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mneptok | Emmett: smells like DNS | 09:11 |
Emmett | Pulls DHCP just fine. | 09:11 |
Frogzoo | tds5016: well, gl | 09:11 |
Emmett | mneptok: That's what I thought too, but it grabs an appropriate IP. | 09:11 |
tds5016 | Frogzoo: | 09:11 |
Frogzoo | Emmett: is autoneg working? sudo mii-tool eth0 | 09:11 |
tds5016 | Frogzoo: thanks, I'll need it. haha. | 09:11 |
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Emmett | root@davros:/etc# ping | 09:12 |
Emmett | PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. | 09:12 |
danny | Frogzoo: So i have w32codecs installed.. what could be wrong? | 09:12 |
Emmett | (and then nothing) | 09:12 |
mneptok | Emmett: DHCP != DNS | 09:12 |
Frogzoo | danny: which distro? | 09:12 |
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danny | dapper | 09:12 |
Emmett | root@davros:/etc# mii-tool eth0 | 09:12 |
Emmett | eth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD, link ok | 09:12 |
hellmet | mneptok: no no.. we se static for all computers | 09:12 |
danny | 6.06 | 09:12 |
hellmet | use* | 09:12 |
Frogzoo | Emmett: so who says DHCP is working? | 09:13 |
hellmet | its a very simple configuration.. IP Netmask, Gateway.. | 09:13 |
Emmett | It's pulling a lease from the router. | 09:13 |
Frogzoo | !restricted | danny | 09:13 |
ubotu | danny: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 09:13 |
Emmett | The router recognizes it, too. | 09:13 |
mneptok | Emmett: | 09:13 |
mneptok | Emmett: see the pretty picture | 09:13 |
mneptok | ? | 09:13 |
Frogzoo | Emmett: what is pulling a lease from the router? clealy ubuntu's not | 09:13 |
hellmet | mneptok: I can ping other computers from the problem computer, but I can't pint the problem computer from other systems!! | 09:14 |
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TeePOG | can anyone here help me with suPHP? it seems my permissions on my files I put on my webserver are not correct, and it refuses to run the PHP scripts | 09:14 |
Emmett | Ubuntu's managed to put the right entry into resolv.conf, as well. | 09:14 |
y0hm | good morning fellow ubuntus | 09:14 |
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mneptok | Emmett: | 09:14 |
mneptok | Emmett: see the pretty picture? | 09:14 |
Emmett | Yes. I see the pretty pony. | 09:15 |
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meisam | is there anybody here that cam help me to set my classpath for jdbc to connect to mysql from java? | 09:15 |
mneptok | Emmett: then your problem is, as i originally told you, DNS. ;) | 09:15 |
ardnit1 | hey all... | 09:15 |
Frogzoo | meisam: /etc/environment should do it | 09:15 |
Emmett | Okay. How best to look it up? | 09:15 |
ardnit1 | how do i change the permissions for a dvd drive | 09:15 |
meisam | Frogzoo can i put it in .bashrc? | 09:15 |
mneptok | Emmett: ensure the DHCP server is passing valid addresses | 09:16 |
chris | anyone here running ubuntu on a Thinkpad T60? | 09:16 |
Frogzoo | ardnit1: shouldn't need to - just make sure you belong to the 'cdrom' group | 09:16 |
mneptok | chris: i am | 09:16 |
Emmett | mneptok: It is. | 09:16 |
ardnit1 | group is "unknown | 09:16 |
hellmet | mneptok: The NIC can see local computers.. but not the internet.. this is to summarise the current situation!! | 09:16 |
chris | mneptok, how is the battery life? do you have to set anything up? | 09:16 |
meisam | Frogzoo my connector java is in /home/... | 09:16 |
hellmet | this is with the eth0 values in /interfaces now | 09:16 |
Antti | can I reinstall Ubuntu from command line...? | 09:17 |
Antti | updates crashed my laptop | 09:17 |
Antti | I want to have clean sweep | 09:17 |
mneptok | hellmet: you need to remove anything you did to /etc/network/interfaces. you then need to install the restricted modules for your kernel. | 09:17 |
Frogzoo | meisam: ~/.gnomerc for per user env vars | 09:17 |
hellmet | what kind of modules? | 09:17 |
Emmett | mneptok: It's using the same nameserver as other machines on the network that can ping out just fine. | 09:17 |
mneptok | chris: 90% of the time i have it plugged to the wall | 09:17 |
ardnit1 | i tried searching the help files but i couldnt find anything on it | 09:17 |
ardnit1 | it lists it as a "desktop configuration file" | 09:18 |
chris | thanks | 09:18 |
mneptok | Emmett: nslookup ip.of.known.nameserver | 09:18 |
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meisam | Frogzoo i did not get it anyways thx, dun bother ur time :) | 09:19 |
Emmett | mneptok: Works in both places. | 09:19 |
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tds5016 | what is the linux devel package? | 09:19 |
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Emmett | i.e. I get the same response from the machine that can get out and the machine that cannot. | 09:20 |
mneptok | Emmett: then the DNS servers your Linux machine is using do not match what you think they are. reboot. | 09:20 |
davin | Every time I try to mount my SD card to /media/KINGSTON/, it mount to some /tmp/disk-conf-sdb1, why? | 09:20 |
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foormea | i've got a problem with checkgmail: when launch at startup, won't work (launches before wifi starts, doesn't like it :/ work fine if launched manually though). strange thing is, i made a script with a "sleep", and it won't launch at all? (but conky launches fine with that script) | 09:20 |
y0hm | !webcam | 09:21 |
ubotu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at - Supported cams: | 09:21 |
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tds5016 | anyone able to tell me how to install the linux development package/ | 09:21 |
Emmett | mneptok: Alrighty. | 09:21 |
tds5016 | ?* | 09:21 |
y0hm | someone did a nice job on creating Ubotu :) | 09:21 |
Frogzoo | davin: this on edgy? | 09:21 |
y0hm | !botsnack | 09:21 |
ubotu | Yum! | 09:21 |
davin | Frogzoo: nope, dapper | 09:21 |
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Frogzoo | tds5016: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 09:22 |
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whiteee | :] | 09:22 |
Meshezabeel | exit | 09:23 |
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tds5016 | Frogzoo: That only does the headers. | 09:23 |
whiteee | Jest tu Kto kto po Polsku gada ?? | 09:23 |
tds5016 | I need the actual development package. | 09:23 |
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Emmett | mneptok: Alright, rebooted. What now? | 09:23 |
goban | azureus keeps crashing, cant figure out why heres error log: | 09:23 |
davin | Frogzoo: I sorta fixed fstab but now it mounts to /media/usbdisk, can I change this to /media/KINGSTON (both folders exist) | 09:23 |
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whiteee | hmmm pity | 09:24 |
hellmet | mneptok: what kind of modules? | 09:24 |
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tds5016 | clust: do you know what the linux kernel development package is called? | 09:24 |
mneptok | hellmet: sudo aptitude install linux-restricted-modules | 09:25 |
Frogzoo | davin: you shouldn't mention the SD card in fstab - just label the SD card with e2label (for ext3) & let HAL do its thing | 09:25 |
whiteee | exit | 09:25 |
Emmett | mneptok: I'm still getting the same response from the nslookup in both places. | 09:25 |
Emmett | Should I manually reconfigure resolv.conf with different nameservers? | 09:25 |
davin | Frogzoo thats why I deleted it out of fstab | 09:25 |
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Frogzoo | davin: setting the label on a fat drive is a bit more invovlved but straightforward | 09:25 |
tds5016 | Frogzoo: any other ideas? | 09:26 |
davin | Frogzoo: cant I change the mount point for /dev/sdb? | 09:26 |
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tds5016 | linux-kernel-devel is what I was looking for. | 09:27 |
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Vuen | hey guys, what bash command will give me the release name the user is running (edgy, feisty, etc)? | 09:28 |
Emmett | Vuen: cat /etc/issue | 09:28 |
Vuen | Emmett: cool. know offhand how to get sed to give me the second word on that line? | 09:29 |
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Vuen | Emmett: nevermind, i'll just grep it for each release i'm supporting | 09:29 |
SilentDis | hello :) | 09:29 |
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Emmett | Vuen: I've forgotten a lot of my sed-fu, sorry. :( | 09:30 |
MichaelKthx | Ubuntu is the best operating system. My mom and dad love it and so do i | 09:30 |
Emmett | mneptok: ping? | 09:30 |
SilentDis | odd question... is it possible to place a copy of xubuntu-alternate onto a keyfob drive, make it bootable and thus installable? if so, where would I look for such a beast? (got an old POS unit I'd like to try it out on) | 09:30 |
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Hallage | Hey guys. Does anyone know of a graphical application for Linux which allows me to mount my disc? If so, what is it and where can I get it? | 09:31 |
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genii | SilentDis How much room on the thing? | 09:31 |
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cmh0101 | hello, just wondering what is a really good BitTorrent client for linux that many of you use? | 09:32 |
SilentDis | genii, keyfob: 1gb. target system: 60gb drive (i don't know why they put such a huge drive in there either) | 09:32 |
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Emmett | So, this looks and feels like a DNS issue, but isn't a DNS issue. | 09:32 |
defrysk | Hallage, applet diskmounter in gnome | 09:33 |
SilentDis | Hallage, ubuntu or Kubuntu? | 09:33 |
Emmett | As far as I can tell, pretty ponies aside. | 09:33 |
genii | SilentDis: There is a way to put the livecd boot image on removable media but it's capabilities are fairly limited. You really need a 2Gb capacity to do a real install | 09:33 |
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SilentDis | genii, 2gb keyfob? well... I have a 4gb one I carry with me all the time... I can archive the data for this :) | 09:34 |
y0hm | Can I experiment with USB Webcam installation ( last time it broke my USB ) under a Ubuntu Vmware Guest ? Will it recognize the webcam running under Vmware ? | 09:34 |
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SilentDis | genii, or, I can use my usb enclosure and drop a spare 40gb drive in there too :) | 09:34 |
genii | SilentDis: Gimme a minute I'll find the link | 09:34 |
SilentDis | genii, thanks! | 09:34 |
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Hallage | SilentDis:Ubuntu | 09:35 |
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SilentDis | Hallage, right-click your taskbar > add to panel. choose "Disk Mounter" under System & Hardware | 09:36 |
Hallage | SilentDis: Its not there | 09:37 |
Hallage | SIlentDis: Thanks, though, I think Ive found a method via google | 09:37 |
betatux | !nautilus | 09:37 |
ubotu | nautilus: file manager and graphical shell for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.1-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 586 kB, installed size 1424 kB | 09:37 |
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tsai | anyone install mythtv on ubuntu 6.10? | 09:38 |
SilentDis | Hallage, it's part of the base set, but, ok :) | 09:38 |
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Emmett | Okay, here's the issue again, since mneptok is idle -- I've got my ubuntu box online and connected to the router. I can get to it from the router, I can get to it from other machines on the network. Yet I have no internet access on this machine, and it doesn't appear to be a problem with DNS. | 09:38 |
SilentDis | !mythtv | tsai | 09:39 |
ubotu | tsai: MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at | 09:39 |
eike | hi, is it possible to force a program to start on a specific workspace? | 09:39 |
slippyr4 | hi - i'd like to be able to connect using vnc to new sessions on my dapper install. but it doesn't seem to work - i have setup the "remote" options on the login window preferences dialog - what am i missing? | 09:39 |
genii | SilentDis This should get you started: | 09:39 |
eike | i want eclipse to always start and stay on workspace 2 | 09:39 |
tsai | ubotu i went to: | 09:39 |
Frogzoo_ | Emmett: pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces pls | 09:39 |
hellmet | mneptok: what do those modules do? | 09:39 |
SilentDis | genii, awesome, thanks :D | 09:39 |
genii | SilentDis: np :) | 09:40 |
tsai | i keep getting dpkg errors | 09:40 |
SilentDis | tsai, you asked if anyone had used MythTV. since there's no real direct question there, I asked ubotu to give you the base info. nothing more. Could you tell us what problem you are having, we might be better able to help :) | 09:41 |
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Emmett | # The loopback network interface | 09:41 |
Emmett | auto lo | 09:41 |
Emmett | iface lo inet loopback | 09:41 |
Emmett | # This is a list of hotpluggable network interfaces. | 09:41 |
Emmett | # They will be activated automatically by the hotplug subsystem. | 09:41 |
Emmett | mapping hotplug | 09:41 |
Emmett | script grep | 09:41 |
Emmett | map eth0 | 09:41 |
Emmett | # The primary network interface | 09:41 |
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Emmett | iface eth0 inet dhcp | 09:41 |
Frogzoo_ | !pastebin | Emmett | 09:41 |
ubotu | Emmett: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:41 |
SilentDis | !pastebin | emmett | 09:41 |
ubotu | emmett: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:41 |
Emmett | (sorry for long paste) | 09:41 |
Emmett | whoa, okay. :) | 09:41 |
SilentDis | Emmett, it'll get lost fast. what problem are you having? | 09:41 |
slippyr4 | !vnc | 09:42 |
ubotu | VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 09:42 |
Emmett | SilentDis: I can get to the machine from the internal network and router, but I can't get out to the internets from the machine itself. | 09:42 |
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SilentDis | Emmett, can that machine see the other machines on the local network? | 09:42 |
Emmett | Yup. | 09:42 |
genii | SilentDis: Also there is another link that may be useful: | 09:43 |
SilentDis | Emmett, router problem most likely. it's probably configured to allow/deny service based on a host name or some such. do you have control of that router? | 09:43 |
SilentDis | genii, awesome, thanks :) | 09:43 |
Emmett | I do, but I don't have anything like that set up on the router. | 09:43 |
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eike | i want to stick programs to workspaces, eclipse to workspace 2, gaim to workspace 4, firefox to workspace 1 and so on. is it possible? | 09:43 |
tsai | SilentDis my problem is pasted at: dpkg: error processing mysql-server-5.0 (--configure): | 09:44 |
tsai | subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 09:44 |
tsai | dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of mysql-server: | 09:44 |
tsai | mysql-server depends on mysql-server-5.0; however: | 09:44 |
tsai | Package mysql-server-5.0 is not configured yet. | 09:44 |
tsai | dpkg: error processing mysql-server (--configure): | 09:44 |
tsai | dependency problems - leaving unconfigured | 09:44 |
tsai | Setting up mythtv-database (0.20-0.2ubuntu2) ... | 09:44 |
SilentDis | Emmett, what kind of router? | 09:44 |
tsai | Failed to connect to database: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) at -e line 5, <> line 1. | 09:44 |
tsai | Failed to create database (incorrect admin username/password?) | 09:44 |
tsai | If you supplied incorrect information, try: | 09:44 |
tsai | dpkg-reconfigure --force mythtv-database | 09:44 |
SilentDis | !pastebin | tsai | 09:44 |
ubotu | tsai: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:44 |
tsai | dpkg: error processing mythtv-database (--configure): | 09:44 |
marten_71 | how do you install a tar.gz in ubuntu | 09:44 |
tsai | subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 09:44 |
tsai | dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of mythtv: | 09:44 |
tsai | mythtv depends on mythtv-database (= 0.20-0.2ubuntu2); however: | 09:44 |
tsai | Package mythtv-database is not configured yet. | 09:44 |
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tsai | dpkg: error processing mythtv (--configure): | 09:44 |
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tsai | dependency problems - leaving unconfigured | 09:44 |
tsai | Setting up gcc-3.4-base (3.4.6-3ubuntu1) ... | 09:44 |
tsai | Setting up libg2c0 (3.4.6-3ubuntu1) ... | 09:44 |
tsai | Setting up libmpich1.0c2 (1.2.7-1) ... | 09:44 |
y0hm | tsai : pls cool it | 09:44 |
SilentDis | tsai, please stop | 09:44 |
tsai | Setting up fftw2 (2.1.3-19) ... | 09:44 |
tsai | Setting up libcdaudio1 (0.99.12p2-2) ... | 09:44 |
tsai | Setting up mytharchive-data (0.20-0.6ubuntu4) ... | 09:44 |
tsai | Setting up python-imaging (1.1.5-10build1) ... | 09:44 |
marten_71 | !tar.gz | 09:44 |
ubotu | Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see | 09:44 |
tsai | Setting up python-mysqldb (1.2.1-p2-4ubuntu2) ... | 09:44 |
tsai | Setting up mythbrowser (0.20-0.6ubuntu4) ... | 09:44 |
y0hm | bye tsai :) | 09:44 |
tsai | Setting up mythcontrols (0.20-0.6ubuntu4) ... | 09:44 |
tsai | Setting up mythdvd (0.20-0.6ubuntu4) ... | 09:44 |
SilentDis | !ops | 09:44 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 09:44 |
tsai | Setting up mythflix (0.20-0.6ubuntu4) ... | 09:44 |
tsai | Setting up mythgallery (0.20-0.6ubuntu4) ... | 09:45 |
tsai | Setting up mythgame (0.20-0.6ubuntu4) ... | 09:45 |
tsai | Setting up mythnews (0.20-0.6ubuntu4) ... | 09:45 |
tsai | Setting up mythphone (0.20-0.6ubuntu4) ... | 09:45 |
tsai | Setting up mythmusic (0.20-0.6ubuntu4) ... | 09:45 |
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tsai | Setting up mythvideo (0.20-0.6ubuntu4) ... | 09:45 |
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SilentDis | thanks elkbuntu | 09:45 |
elkbuntu | tsai, let me know when your spamming has finished | 09:45 |
slippyr4 | anyone have any idea why vncing to my ubuntu box at port 5901 doesn't work? it's supposed to start a new gdm session | 09:45 |
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RichAndCreamy | hey all! | 09:46 |
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RichAndCreamy | anyone feel like helping a noob? T_T | 09:46 |
SilentDis | marten_71, most .tar.gz packages are source code you build yourself on your machine. First, you pull them out of the archive, then run a make file inside it usually. | 09:46 |
The_8472 | hi, where can i find ubuntu package maintainers? | 09:46 |
SilentDis | !motu | The_8472 | 09:46 |
ubotu | The_8472: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See | 09:46 |
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mneptok | The_8472: what is the problem? | 09:47 |
slippyr4 | !question | richandcreamy | 09:47 |
ubotu | richandcreamy: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 09:47 |
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RichAndCreamy | oh sorry hehe | 09:47 |
elkbuntu | genii, that was not necessary | 09:47 |
The_8472 | mneptok, it seems somebody screwed up the azureus package or dependencies... again... | 09:47 |
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RichAndCreamy | ok umm gimme a sec to frame the question | 09:47 |
genii | elkbuntu Well, for my sanity it was LOL | 09:47 |
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The_8472 | SilentDis, i was asking for an irc channel ;) | 09:47 |
mneptok | The_8472: installing Azureus from repos is not something i would recommend | 09:48 |
The_8472 | i know | 09:48 |
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The_8472 | but due to the fact that ubuntu has a somewhat broken azureus package we have to deal with support requests that are caused by that.... | 09:48 |
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SilentDis | The_8472, i don't think they normally hang out in a specific IRC channel that's unmoderated. sometimes, they let people in to watch their discussions, otherwise it's a members-only club :) | 09:49 |
RichAndCreamy | lets start with i installed 6.06 on my hp9600 and when i hit f10 before ubuntu loads up i don't see windows there as an option >_< | 09:49 |
y0hm | mneptok : why not from repositories ? | 09:49 |
mneptok | The_8472: until Sun's Java gets into Main so we can depend on that JRE, it's going to be a pain. | 09:49 |
SilentDis | !grub | RichAndCreamy | 09:49 |
ubotu | RichAndCreamy: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 09:49 |
The_8472 | SilentDis, oh... i know there's a channel... i just can't remember its name ;) | 09:49 |
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The_8472 | mneptok, no... it's some swt/gtk compatibility issue atm | 09:49 |
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RichAndCreamy | ok checking link =) | 09:50 |
slippyr4 | richandcreamy : surely F10 is to get into your bios? nothing to do with windows (or linux for that matter) | 09:50 |
mneptok | The_8472: i also suggest you make "Check for updates automagically" disabled by default. | 09:50 |
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SilentDis | RichAndCreamy, that second faq will be what you'll need, so you can re-add windows to the grub list :) | 09:50 |
ardnite | i have a dvd burner that is not in a group. cant change permissions.... cant use it. can only read. anybody know how to fix? | 09:50 |
Vuen | argh. i'm lost. what's a bash command to print the second word on a line from a file or stdin? | 09:50 |
mneptok | The_8472: the problem is with the underlying JRE. | 09:50 |
The_8472 | <- this one isn't... ubuntu-azureus ships with an outdated SWT build | 09:50 |
The_8472 | which seems to be incompatible with a used gtk version or whatever | 09:51 |
RichAndCreamy | ohhhh gotta re-add got it | 09:51 |
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mneptok | The_8472: it depends on that deprecated version because we could not depend on Sun's JRE | 09:51 |
The_8472 | <mneptok> The_8472: i also suggest you make "Check for updates automagically" disabled by default. <- we suggest that package maintainers do that if they insist on tearing the official azureus packages apart ;) | 09:51 |
SilentDis | RichAndCreamy, yep. not sure what caused it to go missing in the first place, obviously... but at least you can get it back :) | 09:51 |
elkbuntu | tsai, you're unbanned now | 09:51 |
RichAndCreamy | *whew* | 09:51 |
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The_8472 | azureus expects to run on a handpicked SWT version which is maintained through the built-in autoupdater, package maintainers often use seperate swt packages... which leads to compatibility problems | 09:52 |
tsai | ok i'm am trying to get mythtv working on ubuntu 6.10 and am getting errors: | 09:52 |
mneptok | The_8472: also, you should explicitly call /bin/bash in the launcher shell script ;) | 09:52 |
The_8472 | those things cause lots of pain for us... | 09:52 |
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genii | The_8472 That pastebin link is timing out on me | 09:53 |
tsai | why would i get dpkg errors? | 09:53 |
The_8472 | genii, yeah... it's slow... but it loads after a while | 09:54 |
mneptok | The_8472: well, if you insist on using non-standard toolkits (like a modified SWT class) you have to accept you're only pushing your issues downstream | 09:54 |
The_8472 | <- crossposted it to .ca | 09:54 |
mneptok | The_8472: i'm not saying you should not heavily modify classes, only that you must accept the fallout | 09:54 |
The_8472 | mneptok, not modified, just a specific version. | 09:55 |
genii | I forget what signal 11 is now ...bleh, long night | 09:55 |
mneptok | The_8472: still the same idea | 09:55 |
SilentDis | tsai, it looks like, from the logs, there's a problem with the MySQL server package on the machine. try this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0 | 09:55 |
elkbuntu | tsai, do you have mysql installed already? | 09:55 |
The_8472 | and azureus ships with the required swt version by default if you download it from our official site. package maintainers cause the trouble by using external swt packages | 09:55 |
tsai | yes elkbuntu | 09:55 |
mneptok | The_8472: hopefully we can get Java apps depending on sun-java5 for Feisty | 09:56 |
marten_71 | i have downloaded a tar.gz file and i have unpacked it how do i do to install the program | 09:56 |
SilentDis | tsai, ahh, what elkbuntu said. do you have an older version of mysql as well, like 4 or so? | 09:56 |
marten_71 | is there anyone that know that and can help me | 09:56 |
elkbuntu | tsai, well the dpkg errors are apt failing because it's already there | 09:56 |
The_8472 | oh, found the channel i was looking for :D #ubuntu-motu | 09:56 |
mneptok | heh | 09:56 |
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SilentDis | marten_71, it depends on the program itself. in the files you unpacked, there should be a README file in there somewhere that'll describe the process. | 09:56 |
tsai | oh that makes sense because i installed lampp last week | 09:56 |
RichAndCreamy | after a restart /dev/sda3 contains a file system with errors, check forced >then it says> duplicate or bad block in use | 09:57 |
Strom_C | surprisingly, I'm the only one in #ubuntu-ubuntu | 09:57 |
elkbuntu | tsai, via repos or via another method? | 09:57 |
HeathenDan | whoa, netsplit | 10:03 |
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Strom_C | holy catsex | 10:04 |
SilentDis | yay netsplit! | 10:04 |
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RichAndCreamy | >_<! | 10:04 |
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RichAndCreamy | ok following your instructions silent =D | 10:04 |
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macd | weeeee | 10:04 |
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nanothief | that was almost 100 users dropped at once :s | 10:04 |
SilentDis | RichAndCreamy, okes. that line will run fsck (the file system checker) -f (force check) (-C pretty progress bar) on /dev/sda3 | 10:04 |
RichAndCreamy | yummy =) | 10:05 |
SilentDis | !netsplit | nanothief | 10:05 |
ubotu | nanothief: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 10:05 |
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ardchoille | nanothief: If yo learn how to get that script working (wrt ~/bin) please let me know. | 10:05 |
RichAndCreamy | i feel 6 years all over again on a c64 | 10:06 |
RichAndCreamy | haha | 10:06 |
nanothief | ardchoille: kk | 10:06 |
y0hm | Rich and Creamy : i am in front of 2 c64's and a c128 :) | 10:06 |
SilentDis | RichAndCreamy, lol. I never had a c64 actually... went from a CoCo to a 486sx25 hehe | 10:06 |
RichAndCreamy | omg wow | 10:06 |
RichAndCreamy | that rock | 10:06 |
RichAndCreamy | s | 10:06 |
SilentDis | the CoCo still works... the 486 became lightning food :P | 10:07 |
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RichAndCreamy | should i go for the reinstall? or try to get windows back through grub setting changes first >_< | 10:07 |
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SilentDis | RichAndCreamy, I'd say get the drive problem fixed, then the grub changes. grub is actually pretty intuitive, once you know it's syntax (and that's what we're here to help with anyway :)) | 10:08 |
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RichAndCreamy | ok, what to do next with the drive? | 10:09 |
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SilentDis | RichAndCreamy, you ran the fsck command, and it fixed the errors, right? | 10:09 |
Vuen | hi, how do i get a "Press any key to continue" prompt in bash? | 10:09 |
RichAndCreamy | oh if only i was the little kid from Heroes ^_^ | 10:09 |
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RichAndCreamy | i saw some other errors pop up but it still took me to the desktop | 10:10 |
SilentDis | RichAndCreamy, eh? | 10:10 |
SilentDis | RichAndCreamy, so, you're booted from your HD now, right? | 10:10 |
RichAndCreamy | no, from CD | 10:10 |
ardchoille | export PATH=$PATH:~/bin <-- is that syntax correct? | 10:11 |
RichAndCreamy | oops... was i not supposed to do that | 10:11 |
timephoenix_ | hi all, trying to get hardware MIDI playback to work with Audigy card's chipset. anyone know where to start? | 10:11 |
SilentDis | RichAndCreamy, well, you said you had errors cropping up on /dev/sda3, right? | 10:11 |
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RichAndCreamy | OH | 10:11 |
RichAndCreamy | ok so i was supposed to type it in from where it freezes huh | 10:11 |
SilentDis | timephoenix_, I haven't messed with that yet... best I could recommend would be !midi | 10:11 |
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SilentDis | RichAndCreamy, nope. you're on the liveCD desktop, right? | 10:12 |
Arcad3 | !register | 10:12 |
ubotu | Information about registering your Freenode nick is at | 10:12 |
timephoenix_ | !midi | 10:12 |
ubotu | Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at | 10:12 |
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RichAndCreamy | k restarting my bad | 10:12 |
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nanothief | ardchoille: I found the answer: go to | 10:13 |
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marten_71 | how do i copy a file to urs/lib | 10:14 |
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Arcad3 | sudo cp file /usr/lib | 10:14 |
SilentDis | marten_71, i assume you mean /usr/lib... sudo cp /path/to/file/filename /usr/lib | 10:14 |
Zaggynl | Shouldn't Linux use all memory for caching? | 10:15 |
marten_71 | i tried to copy but i dont have the right permisson but i do have it | 10:15 |
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nanothief | marten_71: thats what sudo is for it gives you permission | 10:15 |
SilentDis | Zaggynl, god I hope not, couldn't run ANYTHING then lol | 10:15 |
Zaggynl | hmm | 10:15 |
marten_71 | ok thanks | 10:15 |
SilentDis | Zaggynl, what problems are you having? | 10:15 |
ardchoille | nanothief: Thank you very much, this makes a lot of sense :) | 10:16 |
Zaggynl | No problems | 10:16 |
Zaggynl | Just curious | 10:16 |
Arcad3 | ALT+SHIFT+F1 login as root in console then use the command "startx" then u can manipulate files without console | 10:16 |
SilentDis | Zaggynl, ahh :) | 10:16 |
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ardchoille | nanothief: So, I should just add that script snippet to ~/.bashrc and it should work for all of bash. | 10:16 |
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Xif | Hi. How do I change the keybindings of Edgy's Gnome Terminal? | 10:16 |
RichAndCreamy | uh oh it hanged while checking hardware...i'll power off/on again see what hapens | 10:16 |
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SilentDis | Arcad3, please don't tell people to do that. there's sudo, gksudo for a reason. also, such protections are in place specifically to protect one from onesself too ;) | 10:17 |
Arcad3 | oke. | 10:17 |
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koth | Hi there, | 10:19 |
SilentDis | !hi | koth | 10:19 |
ubotu | koth: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 10:19 |
RichAndCreamy | ok it stopped on loading manual drivers =/ | 10:19 |
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koth | anyone use 16:9 with their ubuntu? i need some help with 720p res | 10:19 |
SilentDis | !res | koth | 10:19 |
ubotu | koth: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 10:19 |
SilentDis | koth, that 2nd faq should have some info on setting a res for 720p :) | 10:20 |
koth | thanks, i will take a look | 10:20 |
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koth | thanks! =) | 10:20 |
Vuen | how do i get a "Press any key to continue" prompt in bash? | 10:20 |
Chameleon22 | hi all | 10:20 |
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SilentDis | Chameleon22, greetings and salutations :) | 10:21 |
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RichAndCreamy | should i try using the live cd and then changing some things around? | 10:21 |
SilentDis | RichAndCreamy, you've jumpped in and out, mentioned parts of multiple problems. I am unsure what, exactly is going on anymore. could you state your current problem for the room, so we could help you better? | 10:22 |
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Chameleon22 | My USB stopped working. Mouse and kb are fine (both usb) however when I attempt to connect an external usb disk or a thumbdrive it doesnt do anything. This started happening after my machine rebooted (overheated and did a reboot - not very clean). i had this problem before and eventually reinstalled to fix it. Getting a little sick of it. Any ideas how to fix this? | 10:22 |
RichAndCreamy | i'm sorry | 10:22 |
RichAndCreamy | ok from powering the system on and off | 10:22 |
RichAndCreamy | i get the ubuntu graphic and it hangs where it says loading manual drivers... ok | 10:23 |
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RichAndCreamy | which is something new | 10:23 |
SilentDis | Chameleon22, just curious: you had a heat issue... have you tried turning the machine off for ~10 min, and trying again? if that fixes it, something on the USB bus or the PSU is getting WAY too hot to function properly | 10:23 |
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RichAndCreamy | but as of right now happened twice after a power up/down cycle | 10:24 |
SilentDis | !enter | RichAndCreamy | 10:24 |
ubotu | RichAndCreamy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 10:24 |
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Chameleon22 | SilentDis, ye tried that | 10:24 |
Chameleon22 | SilentDis, no luck | 10:24 |
Chameleon22 | SilentDis, in fact machine off for 5 hours :p | 10:24 |
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RichAndCreamy | sorry about that... i'm also new to irc as well | 10:25 |
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SilentDis | Chameleon22, lol then it's not that then, is it? hehe :) check system logs, see if something locked up somewhere... ubuntu Gnome, right? | 10:25 |
Chameleon22 | SilentDis, KDE | 10:25 |
cmh0101 | Synaptic will not let me install certian programs. I have a i686 processor with an updated kernel, but it is telling me that it cannot support my cpu type (i386). | 10:25 |
^BeLLo^ | alguem me pode ajudar com zorg? | 10:25 |
^BeLLo^ | xorg | 10:26 |
cmh0101 | any suggestions? | 10:26 |
SilentDis | RichAndCreamy, no troubles :) basic 'rules' for a busy room like this: keep it to 1 line, and when talking to someone specifically, preface it with their name (see !tab) | 10:26 |
SilentDis | ^BeLLo^, language? | 10:26 |
^BeLLo^ | ups | 10:26 |
^BeLLo^ | sorry | 10:26 |
^BeLLo^ | xorg for unbuntu and kubuntu on top | 10:26 |
SilentDis | Chameleon22, I am a gnome user myself.... i assume there's a system log viewer in KDE, I'm just not familiar with it | 10:26 |
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SilentDis | ^BeLLo^, it's not a problem, there's just specific chat rooms that can help you in your native language is all :) | 10:27 |
RichAndCreamy | SilentDis thanks so much =D | 10:27 |
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SilentDis | RichAndCreamy, nt :) | 10:27 |
yaman | need a program to record the desktop ???? any help ? | 10:27 |
slippyr4 | how can i work out what files a package installed? | 10:27 |
hellmet | How can I view the diagnostic messages during boot, instead of the splash?? | 10:27 |
SilentDis | slippyr4, can't remember the command line... in synaptic, right click the package, choose properties. check the tabs at the top :) | 10:28 |
^BeLLo^ | SilentDis: but u can help in the same can u? | 10:28 |
SilentDis | ^BeLLo^, we can certainly try :) | 10:28 |
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SilentDis | ^BeLLo^, what problems are you having? | 10:28 |
^BeLLo^ | ok i will sow u wts the problem | 10:29 |
^BeLLo^ | You must use XOrg 6.8 for translucency and shadows to work. | 10:29 |
^BeLLo^ | Additionally, you need to add a new section to your X config file: | 10:29 |
^BeLLo^ | Section "Extensions" | 10:29 |
^BeLLo^ | Option "Composite" "Enable" | 10:29 |
^BeLLo^ | EndSection | 10:29 |
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SilentDis | !pastebin | ^BeLLo^ | 10:29 |
ubotu | ^BeLLo^: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 10:29 |
yaman | need a program to record the desktop ???? any help ? | 10:29 |
^BeLLo^ | ups | 10:29 |
^BeLLo^ | sorry | 10:29 |
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SilentDis | ^BeLLo^, you're trying to install a composite windows manager. Compiz or Beryl? | 10:29 |
RichAndCreamy | SilentDis any suggestions, or do I need to find out some more information for you? =) | 10:29 |
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SilentDis | RichAndCreamy, you're getting an error at boot, right? what's the error message? | 10:30 |
^BeLLo^ | none | 10:30 |
RichAndCreamy | SIlentDis I used to get an error but the last two resets booting from HD makes it hang at "loading manual drivers... ok" | 10:30 |
^BeLLo^ | its allready with the sistem kubuntu | 10:31 |
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hellmet | How can I view the diagnostic messages during boot, instead of the splash?? | 10:31 |
Arcad3 | is there a Desktop recording package? | 10:31 |
SilentDis | hellmet, ctrl-alt-f8, I think... one of the Fkeys... | 10:31 |
hellmet | oh.. thank you :-) | 10:31 |
SilentDis | RichAndCreamy, same as what I just said to hellmet... we need the error messages :) I *think* you can ctrl-alt-f8 to see the system messages behind usplash, so we can see what it's hanging on :) | 10:32 |
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Xif | Isn't there a way to perform a text search in Gnome Terminal? | 10:33 |
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cisn | i just wanted to know cuz i want to use linux or whatever, but my frend said it was mean cuz it harmed animals when they made it? every cd or whatever killed a fawn? | 10:33 |
cisn | wat does it mean? | 10:33 |
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Ruffles | Xif, find /directory -name *file* | 10:33 |
Xif | Ruffles: I meant the Gnome Terminal text buffer | 10:33 |
cisn | i really like baby animals or wateva | 10:33 |
slippyr4 | !samba | 10:33 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 10:33 |
RichAndCreamy | SilentDis no effect =/ | 10:33 |
SilentDis | cisn, O.o what is going on? who is killing animals? are they eating them? O.o *gets really confused* | 10:34 |
holyduck | cisn, i guess its a joke based on the next ubuntu is called feisty fawn | 10:34 |
Xif | Ruffles: (the way I can perform a text search for on-screen text in FF) | 10:34 |
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cisn | holyduck does any baby animals get hurt??? | 10:34 |
Ruffles | Xif, no clue.. sorry | 10:34 |
holyduck | no not at all | 10:34 |
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holyduck | the process is all electronic | 10:34 |
cisn | ok | 10:34 |
RichAndCreamy | if a fawn is fiesty is it in heat?... then there would be more animals! =D | 10:34 |
cisn | i will use the linux or wateva .. my frend has a lot of scripts or wateva | 10:35 |
holyduck | :P | 10:35 |
SilentDis | RichAndCreamy, try the other f-keys. I am simply too tired to remember which one it is, sorry. :P | 10:35 |
cisn | can hack so easy on linux | 10:35 |
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RichAndCreamy | SilentDis will do! | 10:35 |
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Arcad3 | lol ciscn brute force is old style | 10:35 |
cisn | he showed me a metasploit and we hacked 100 websites in a hour | 10:35 |
Arcad3 | lol | 10:35 |
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cisn | he did it on a linux called edgy hedgehog | 10:35 |
cisn | was so good | 10:36 |
holyduck | edgy eft | 10:36 |
holyduck | :P | 10:36 |
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Xif | nobody has any idea what's the key-binding for a text-search in Gnome Terminal? | 10:42 |
clever | how do i get a dvd writer working in ubuntu? | 10:42 |
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daviey | clever, should 'just work' | 10:42 |
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cisn | clever use cdrecord, get a front-end | 10:42 |
cisn | next! | 10:42 |
clever | xcdroast tells me to enable scsi emulation | 10:42 |
_rd_ | cisn if you figure out how to restart usb services with out rebooting, that would be excellent | 10:42 |
SilentDis | clever, mine 'just worked' (tm) on first install... were you having problems just burning any data to a disk, or were you specifically looking to burn a movie dvd or the like? | 10:42 |
clever | which is only explained for 2.2 and 2.4 kernels | 10:43 |
Chameleon22 | my machine rebooted all of a sudden few days ago (got overheated). Didn't use it much since then and just noticed that the USB stoped responding to usb disks... Any idea how to fix this? it happened once before and i reinstalled to solve the issue since i couldnt find a solution. Any help? | 10:43 |
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clever | and some irc channels say it isnt needed on 2.6 kernels | 10:43 |
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Arcad3 | Xif:System>Preferences>keyboard Shourtcut | 10:43 |
Amaranth | clever: xcdroast is outdated junk | 10:43 |
Arcad3 | at Search tab put a new key as u wish | 10:43 |
nintendoduffin | good morning | 10:43 |
clever | how would i do it directly with cdrecord then? | 10:43 |
clever | i can make the iso manualy | 10:43 |
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mwe | I'm wondering if the font-ugliness in is fixed in fiesty ... | 10:44 |
cisn | clever read the manpage ... check out mkisofs to make the iso | 10:44 |
cisn | clever there are a lot of how tos that give precise directions | 10:44 |
clever | cisn: making the iso i think will be the easy part | 10:44 |
SilentDis | Chameleon22, were there any hints in the log files? specifically, I'd check /var/log/kern.log | 10:44 |
cisn | clever don't harder to burn with cdrecord | 10:44 |
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cisn | clever oops, not harder | 10:44 |
Chameleon22 | SilentDis, not really, nothing that i can see | 10:44 |
Xif | Arcad3: I can't find it there... (the Search tab) | 10:45 |
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clever | cdrecord --scanbus doesnt see my dvd burner | 10:45 |
clever | so even if i make the iso i cant burn it | 10:45 |
SilentDis | Chameleon22, how about in /var/log/messages? | 10:45 |
Slart | mwe: font-ugliness? how? | 10:45 |
cisn | clever you'd better use windows ahahahhahahah | 10:45 |
clever | lol | 10:45 |
clever | i just took the damn drive out of a winblows box:P | 10:45 |
Chameleon22 | SilentDis, it happened ages ago, i just noticed hence i dont see anything usefull and there is just a shit load of crap to search through for a comprehensive analysis | 10:46 |
fotoflo_ | hey everyone - i want to install jedit but apt-get wont install it, so i downloaded the .deb file but "package installer" says error: dependency not satisfiable: sun-java5-jre | 10:46 |
SilentDis | Chameleon22, ahhh... I was under the impression that it just happened. my bad. | 10:46 |
fotoflo_ | i have java-common installed. | 10:46 |
fotoflo_ | should i just install it anyway? | 10:46 |
Chameleon22 | SilentDis, nah, :( | 10:46 |
Xif | Arcad3: are you sure it's supposed to be there? I have reasons to believe this feature may not actually exist in Gnome Terminal. | 10:46 |
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SilentDis | Chameleon22, try a quick sudo lsusb, see what's listed out there | 10:46 |
Arcad3 | it is | 10:46 |
Slart | fotoflo_: it specifically wants sun-java5-jre.. so install that first | 10:47 |
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Chameleon22 | SilentDis, just sists there... | 10:47 |
Arcad3 | System>Preferences>Keyboard ShortCuts | 10:47 |
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mwe | Slart: like the numerous threads on mentions, no hinting or antialiasing. only partial fixes that will break other things | 10:47 |
CheshireViking | clever, mine have all worked straight off under linux, what make & model is the dvd writer? | 10:47 |
fotoflo_ | slart: apt-get install said no such package | 10:47 |
Arcad3 | find search in the list click on it press a button as u like | 10:47 |
_rd_ | clever q: does the DVD lights come on, draw opn/close? | 10:47 |
RichAndCreamy | SilentDis from the forums I know that for the live CD to work I have to add things to boot options noapic pci=nommconf acpi=off, actually I don't remember the exact combinations of commands I used to get it to run the first time. The forum post says to try lots of things but i'm sure I did three or less commands noapic for sure. Which should I use for n | 10:47 |
Chameleon22 | SilentDis, as in i need to ctrl+c out of it | 10:47 |
clever | CheshireViking: ide drive | 10:47 |
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Slart | fotoflo_: oh.. it might be in one of the universe, multiverse repos | 10:47 |
fotoflo_ | Slart, and its not in synaptic | 10:47 |
clever | _rd_: it works perfectly fine for reading dvd's | 10:47 |
Slart | !java | 10:48 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 10:48 |
Chameleon22 | SilentDis, nop, ctrl+c does nothing either.... killing the process. bah! how f*ed is that | 10:48 |
clever | _rd_: i was playing a dvd on it right after i installed the drive | 10:48 |
fotoflo_ | Slart, how do i do that? | 10:48 |
Slart | !Multiverse | fotoflo | 10:48 |
ubotu | fotoflo: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See also !EasySource | 10:48 |
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Slart | fotoflo_: I think it's in the system, administration menu.. "software sources" | 10:48 |
SilentDis | Chameleon22, aha, looks like it's mucked at the interface level. do a ls /sys/bus/usb/devices, what's listed there? | 10:48 |
CheshireViking | clever, right ok, who is the manufacturer though? panasonic, liteon etc, and do you know the model number? maybe there's a compatibility problem which is why it doesn't work | 10:48 |
aidehua | #If I use /dev/evms/* nodes for an LVM VG, does that mean I might have problems using | 10:49 |
Slart | fotoflo_: just click in the box named multiverse, update sources and look again | 10:49 |
clever | where would i check that without having to rip it out of the case? | 10:49 |
_rd_ | clever: try: sudo cdrecord --scanbus | 10:49 |
aidehua | If I use /dev/evms/* nodes for an LVM VG, does that mean I might have problems using my VG with future Ubuntus? | 10:49 |
Chameleon22 | SilentDis, "1-0:1.0 2-0:1.0 2-1 2-1:1.0 3-0:1.0 3-1 3-1:1.0 4-0:1.0 usb1 usb2 usb3 usb4" | 10:49 |
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clever | _rd_: that never shows the cd drive | 10:49 |
SilentDis | RichAndCreamy, we can add noapic pretty easily, I use that myself | 10:49 |
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clever | _rd_: its an ide drive and that checks scsi ones | 10:49 |
Slart | mwe: hmm... never noticed any nastyness in my ooo on edgy.. but I have clearview or whatever it's called enabled... perhaps that disguises it | 10:49 |
SilentDis | Chameleon22, try going into usb1-4, see if stuff is actually listed in there. | 10:49 |
clever | _rd_: all it lists is my usb drive | 10:49 |
fotoflo_ | Slart, cool i think its going to work | 10:50 |
Slart | fotoflo_: nice | 10:50 |
_rd_ | clever might be permissions, so run as root user might make it work | 10:50 |
SilentDis | Chameleon22, oh wait... in your bios, is there an IRQ assigned to USB, and is it conflicting with anything? I've seen this kinda thing before with that... | 10:50 |
clever | _rd_: i did run as root | 10:50 |
yaman | need a program to record the desktop ???? any help ? | 10:50 |
clever | only think it lists is this 0,0,0 0) 'USB 2.0 ' 'Storage Device ' '0100' Disk | 10:50 |
SilentDis | RichAndCreamy, your ubuntu machine is seperate from the one we're chatting on, I assume, right? | 10:51 |
RichAndCreamy | yup! | 10:51 |
Chameleon22 | SilentDis, re: try going into usb1-4, see if stuff is actually listed in there: yes, there seems to be some stuff in there, just PM'd you one of the outputs. RE: BIOS - i have no idea | 10:51 |
koth | SilentDis: Hi | 10:51 |
fotoflo_ | Slart, Exxxxxcellent. | 10:51 |
SilentDis | koth, greetings :) | 10:51 |
hellmet | I just installed Edgy on one system , but, during boot, it takes me to grub> prompt.. What do I do? boot -gives me- Need to load kernel!! | 10:51 |
RichAndCreamy | SilentDis I am SO lucky to have a second laptop sitting around | 10:51 |
fotoflo_ | Slart, :-) | 10:51 |
_rd_ | clever: ahh, k3B can check permissions | 10:51 |
SilentDis | RichAndCreamy, hehe :) | 10:51 |
Slart | yaman: tried googling for "fraps linux", I don't know if there is even such an app... but since noone else is answering ... | 10:51 |
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clever | crw-rw---- 1 root root 21, 0 2007-02-18 18:05 /dev/sg0 | 10:52 |
koth | SilentDis: I go though the link u gave me, still cannot find a way to set ubuntu to use 720p | 10:52 |
clever | no other files matching sg* | 10:52 |
yaman | Slart: thanx | 10:52 |
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Slart | yaman: you're welcome.. hope you find something | 10:52 |
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SilentDis | koth, check your display's info: you'll need to know what res is native for it, and also check to make sure your vid card is capable of doing that res | 10:53 |
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SilentDis | koth, from that info, you can manually set it up in xorg.conf. it's a pain, but possible | 10:53 |
CheshireViking | clever, i'm not certain, but maybe the lshw command could give some information, I'm not sure of the syntax though, maybe somebody could give the command line syntax for it | 10:53 |
clever | loading... | 10:53 |
hellmet | I just installed Edgy on one system , but, during boot, it takes me to grub> prompt.. What do I do? boot -gives me- Need to load kernel!! | 10:53 |
koth | SilentDis: yes i do know about, i have windows box before and displayed in 720p before. i just need to do that in ubuntu | 10:53 |
clever | product: LITE-ON DVDRW SOHW-1693S | 10:54 |
Chameleon22 | SilentDis, any ideas? | 10:54 |
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SilentDis | koth, RichAndCreamy, Chameleon22 I really am trying to help you all... but I am dog tired right now... so if my answers seem to drop off in quality, I apologize. I might be head-on-keyboard very soon :( | 10:54 |
clever | capabilities: packet atapi cdrom removable nonmagnetic dma lba iordy audio cd-r cd-rw dvd dvd-r | 10:54 |
clever | configuration: mode=udma2 | 10:54 |
Chameleon22 | SilentDis, thats cool... i know the feeling | 10:54 |
RichAndCreamy | SilentDis oh no =( i know that feeling too | 10:54 |
SilentDis | koth, ok, cool. what is the res (the pixel WxH you need?) | 10:54 |
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koth | SilentDis: 1280x720 | 10:55 |
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taurus | Hi Guys :-) | 10:55 |
RichAndCreamy | SilentDis if you do knock out when should I try coming back? =/ | 10:55 |
t0taln00b | hey | 10:55 |
t0taln00b | :) | 10:55 |
CheshireViking | clever, have you got k3b installed? i installed that before I tried writing to cd/dvd and that modified the permissions to make sure i could write to the drive? | 10:55 |
_rd_ | clever I had to run "chown root:cdrom /dev/sg0" upto /dev/sg3 at boot in rc.local to get mine running | 10:55 |
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SilentDis | koth, that shouldn't be too tough... I hate to do this, but I'm gonna say hit google and look for info on 'manually configuring xorg.conf' you've got the info you need, just need to drop it in there at least :) | 10:56 |
yettenet | Guys at kubuntu don't answer to my questions... if anyone uses Konqueror for file browsing, please listen: where can I set the default view profile? | 10:56 |
koth | SilentDis: Ok, i will talk to Mr. google =) | 10:56 |
clever | _rd_: i only have a single sg file and its for the usb hard drive | 10:56 |
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clever | CheshireViking: dont see k3b installed but im searching for it | 10:56 |
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maXlo | hi everyone | 10:56 |
SilentDis | koth, again, i'm sorry... ask in the room general if you'd like help going through that, it's a pretty simple step, I'm just all blurry, and I'd miss stuff and leave you mucked :( | 10:57 |
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maXlo | I have ubuntu 6.10, just upgraded from 6.06 | 10:57 |
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CheshireViking | clever, ok, i installed mine through synaptic (not sure which repo it was in tho) | 10:57 |
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ikonia_ | SilentDis go sleep | 10:57 |
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maXlo | but know whenever i plug my usb camera or turn on my usb printer, the system hangs up | 10:57 |
clever | i saw it in apt-cache search so the repo is allready enabled | 10:57 |
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maXlo | the box does no even respond to pings | 10:57 |
taurus | every1 of you, tested the new Cedega with 6.10 ? | 10:57 |
maXlo | is this known problem? is there any workaround for it? | 10:57 |
ikonia_ | maXlo check if anything is logged from the syslog | 10:58 |
maXlo | nop, it seems that nothing gets there :( | 10:58 |
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SilentDis | RichAndCreamy, adding noapic to grub is pretty simple. sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst. scroll to the bottom area, you'll see the entry for ubuntu there. add noapic to the end of the kernel line. also, ask the general room, i'm sure someone can help you :) | 10:58 |
huXfluX | Hello! Is it possible to apply PINNING to ffmepg through the /etc/apt/preferences file? NOTE that i'm running Kubuntu Edgy and that file currently doesn't exit. If i create a new one, will the preferences apply and the packages I want to PIN won't get updated ? THANK YOU! | 10:58 |
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SilentDis | ikonia_, I know i know lol | 10:58 |
SilentDis | ikonia_, I just don't like to leave people hanging without SOMETHING lol | 10:59 |
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_rd_ | clever what is the dev the dvd is seen as? maybe change the permissionsl for that dev | 10:59 |
anto | Heya guys i got a problem when trying to start limewire | 10:59 |
koth | SilentDis: hey, no biggy, thank for pointing me to a direction | 10:59 |
clever | _rd_: its /dev/hdc | 10:59 |
anto | it says it cannot find the java exec :/ | 10:59 |
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clever | _rd_: and i beleive its under the group cdrom which im a member of | 10:59 |
ikonia_ | anto is limewire in the ubuntu repo's ? | 10:59 |
SilentDis | Chameleon22, I'd say check the bios right quick, make sure there's nothing conflicting on the IRQ being used by USB (usually IRQ 11, iirc). again, bug the room too, i'm sure someone less tired than me can help :) | 11:00 |
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clever | ikonia_: gtk-gnutella uses the same network as limewire and is in ubuntu repo's | 11:00 |
anto | ikonia: no its not but frostwire is, witch is the deb version | 11:00 |
RichAndCreamy | SilentDis so don't use f6? and just use noapic ? | 11:00 |
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y0hm | !beryl | 11:00 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 11:00 |
Chameleon22 | SilentDis, alrighty, about to check - reboot time. Thank you | 11:00 |
SilentDis | RichAndCreamy, I'd say do that for a start... you mentioned it helped before. and it can't hurt (very easy to change back anyway) :) | 11:01 |
anto | Starting FrostWire... | 11:01 |
anto | Java exec found in PATH. Verifying... | 11:01 |
anto | OOPS, you don't seem to have a valid JRE. FrostWire works best with Sun JRE available at | 11:01 |
anto | OOPS, unable to locate java exec in /usr/lib/ hierarchy | 11:01 |
anto | You need to upgrade to JRE 1.5.x or newer from | 11:01 |
anto | ls: /usr/java/j*: No such file or directory | 11:01 |
anto | OOPS, unable to locate java exec in /usr/java/ hierarchy | 11:01 |
anto | You need to upgrade to JRE 1.5.x or newer from | 11:01 |
anto | ls: /opt/j*: No such file or directory | 11:01 |
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anto | OOPS, unable to locate java exec in /opt/ hierarchy | 11:01 |
anto | You need to upgrade to JRE 1.5.x or newer from | 11:01 |
anto | sorry for spamm >.< | 11:01 |
maXlo | may it be an ehci_hcd related problen? i.e., USB 2.0? | 11:01 |
SilentDis | and now, I must sleep. I apologize if I left anyone hanging :( g'night all | 11:01 |
SilentDis | !pastebin | anto | 11:01 |
ubotu | anto: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:01 |
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ikonia_ | maXlo can't believe that to be honest | 11:02 |
maXlo | damn! i'll have to downgrade if cant find the problem :S | 11:02 |
huXfluX | Hello! Is it possible to apply PINNING to ffmepg through the /etc/apt/preferences file? NOTE that i'm running Kubuntu Edgy and that file currently doesn't exit. If i create a new one, will the preferences apply and the packages I want to PIN won't get updated ? THANK YOU! | 11:03 |
mwe | !java | anto | 11:03 |
ubotu | anto: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 11:03 |
anto | | 11:03 |
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mwe | anto: then sudo update-alternativs --config java | 11:04 |
clever | _rd_: cdrecord --scanbus dev=/dev/hdc | 11:04 |
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mwe | anto: and choose the sun-java | 11:04 |
clever | _rd_: that found the drive instantly | 11:04 |
anto | mwe: okidoki | 11:04 |
_rd_ | clever yo! k3b might sort it out... | 11:04 |
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_rd_ | clever what did u do? | 11:05 |
clever | _rd_: k3b is installed and it didnt fix it | 11:05 |
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clever | giving dev=/dev/hdc tells it what device and that its ide | 11:05 |
clever | which fixes the problem of it looking for scsi devices | 11:05 |
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clever | and it works without root because i have write access to that device | 11:05 |
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_rd_ | clever nice, now can use that arg when burning | 11:06 |
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clever | yep | 11:06 |
clever | just need to colect the data and make an iso now:P | 11:06 |
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clever | 4.1gig collected | 11:07 |
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clever | allmost enough:P | 11:07 |
CheshireViking | clever, nice one, glad you got it sorted | 11:07 |
_rd_ | clever so now doc your fndings in a note for yourself..! | 11:07 |
clever | :P | 11:07 |
clever | i could make a wraper script for cdrecord to force dev=/dev/hdc | 11:08 |
RichAndCreamy | SilentDis ok live CD is booted | 11:08 |
_rd_ | notes to myself make all the diff | 11:08 |
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CheshireViking | clever, could you add that lne to a startup file so that it gets run at boot time? is it rc.local? | 11:09 |
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clever | the dev= has to be an arg to cdrecord not part of its env | 11:09 |
clever | and .bash_profile would work better then rc.local for setting env on startup | 11:09 |
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clever | less reboots for it to take effect too | 11:10 |
d0uglas | on a pretty fresh computer here, dual core and yada yada, this gonna take over an hour you think? | 11:10 |
d0uglas | woops wrong chan | 11:10 |
CheshireViking | clever, that shows how little i know about linux so far, basics i can do for myself, give me another couple of years to get some decent experience :) | 11:11 |
_rd_ | clever true, you could wrapper in your ~/bin/ directory so its there if you move hardrives | 11:11 |
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clever | _rd_: yeah i made a ~/bin but my home is on the root partition | 11:11 |
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RichAndCreamy | SilentDis uh oh did you pass out? | 11:11 |
clever | would it be posible to resize an xfs partion any? | 11:12 |
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RichAndCreamy | hey anyone feel like helping me figure out how to add windows to grub? =D | 11:14 |
huXfluX | Hello! Is it possible to apply PINNING to ffmepg through the /etc/apt/preferences file? NOTE that i'm running Kubuntu Edgy and that file currently doesn't exit. If i create a new one, will the preferences apply and the packages I want to PIN won't get updated ? THANK YOU! | 11:14 |
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Clouder | Hello! 1 small question: does ubuntu suports anything similar to fedora core`s yum upgrade? | 11:15 |
mindstate | clever, no | 11:15 |
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clever | mindstate: i'll convert it to ext3 then | 11:15 |
_james | i have a question.. is it possible to put 2 memory at once? i bought a new memory and i see that there's 2 socket on my motherboard for memory.. :) | 11:15 |
mindstate | clever, not sure if u can convert either | 11:15 |
clever | mindstate: but i can move it out to another pc | 11:16 |
clever | delete and recreate | 11:16 |
clever | then move back | 11:16 |
mindstate | _james, are you sure u bought the righr memory | 11:16 |
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mindstate | clever, u could do that | 11:16 |
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clever | mindstate: 26gig left to move out... | 11:16 |
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mindstate | clever, thats alot :p | 11:16 |
clever | yeah | 11:17 |
clever | 80gig drive | 11:17 |
Chameleon22 | my machine rebooted all of a sudden few days ago (got overheated). Didn't use it much since then and just noticed that the USB stoped responding to usb disks... Any idea how to fix this? it happened once before and i reinstalled to solve the issue since i couldnt find a solution. Any help? | 11:17 |
clever | i moved 20 off the ntfs | 11:17 |
clever | resized it to have no free | 11:17 |
clever | then put xfs in the free space | 11:17 |
RichAndCreamy | is there a way to modify grub from within the desktop? | 11:17 |
_james | mindstate, im using the new one right now and i removed the old one.. just asking if it's possible to have 2 memory at once? | 11:17 |
mindstate | clever, why did u use xfs | 11:17 |
clever | but i cant repeat because xfs wont resize | 11:17 |
clever | and ntfs wont resize because the table appears to be damaged now | 11:17 |
mindstate | _james, yes it is..thats why theres 2 slots | 11:17 |
clever | was going to be dealing with multigig files | 11:17 |
mindstate | _james, keep both..youll have more ram | 11:17 |
clever | and i heard ext3 has io blocking problems when deleting stuff like 10gig files | 11:18 |
ikonia_ | clever xfs is resizable | 11:18 |
clever | ikonia_: gparted claims it cant be resized | 11:18 |
_james | mindstate, really? whoaa this is just kool.. :) thnx anyway | 11:18 |
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mindstate | clever, thats wut i thought | 11:18 |
clever | and partition magic claims the entire partition table is bad and refuses to let me do anything | 11:18 |
clever | partition magic also says 2 of the partitions are overlaping so if i remove the xfs i may fix that | 11:19 |
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ikonia_ | clever don't know if gparted supports it | 11:19 |
Chameleon22 | Also noticed that lsusb freezes and can not be killed (ctrl c or kill -9). | 11:19 |
Chameleon22 | anyone? | 11:19 |
ikonia_ | Chameleon22 anyone what ? | 11:19 |
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ikonia_ | bjornolai where is soton ? | 11:20 |
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yaman | what is better to do (apt-get install kde or apt-get install kubuntu-dektop | 11:20 |
bjornolai | ikonia, ?? it's england | 11:20 |
Chameleon22 | ikonia, i asked a question... (above0 about usb... My USB devices stoped being recognised | 11:20 |
ikonia_ | bjornolai where I meant | 11:20 |
bjornolai | ikonia, southampton | 11:20 |
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ikonia_ | yaman kde is just the kde packages - kubuntu includes things like wallapepers etc etc | 11:21 |
ikonia_ | bjornolai ah | 11:21 |
Clouder | Does ubuntu suports anything similar to fedora core`s yum upgrade or upgrade betwin major versions? | 11:21 |
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ikonia_ | !upgrade >Clouder | 11:22 |
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yaman | ikonia_: so you are saying the kubuntu is better ??? .... y the kde package is bigger than the kubuntu one ?? | 11:22 |
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ikonia_ | yaman I'm not saying its better, I'm just letting you know what you get | 11:22 |
higiraven | hi, how do I disable GDM login screen so I don't have to type the password everytime I turn on my computer? | 11:22 |
ikonia_ | yaman you may get more in "kde" like all the apps | 11:22 |
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Clouder | thank you very much ikonia_ | 11:23 |
ikonia_ | higiraven in gdmsetup you can configure auto login | 11:23 |
clever | higiraven: you need to turn on automatic login | 11:23 |
ikonia_ | Clouder no problem | 11:23 |
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higiraven | ok thanks | 11:23 |
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ctford | does anyone know what it means when also says it's "unable to open slave" whenever i try to (unsuccessfully) play sound? | 11:23 |
Clouder | brb ... instaling ubuntu :D | 11:23 |
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CheshireViking | clever, re your xfs resizing - gparted website says it can grow a partition if kernel support is added , but not shrink | 11:24 |
clever | ahhh | 11:24 |
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ikonia_ | CheshireViking its easy to grow any partition than shrink it | 11:24 |
yaman | ikonia_: what should i install ?? on my ubuntu can you help ?? | 11:24 |
clever | need to shrink it some:P | 11:24 |
clever | empty+delete will also do | 11:24 |
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ikonia_ | shrinking any partition is dangerous due to corruption, better to delete the partition and re-create | 11:24 |
ikonia_ | yaman install what you want | 11:25 |
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xerophyte | does anybody know why do i get this error when i compile 2.6.20 kernel ? | 11:25 |
yaman | ikonia_: :( i don't know linux that much | 11:25 |
yaman | new user | 11:26 |
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xerophyte | sorry | 11:27 |
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ikonia_ | yaman read the docs on about whats in the packages | 11:27 |
CheshireViking | ikonia_, i know that well enough, normally i copy off & start from scratch - only time i didn't was installing ubuntu on my works laptop - spent a week defragging, compressing, consolidating free space & backing up b4 i was brave/crazy enough to shrink the ntfs partition | 11:27 |
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yaman | ikonia_: thanx 4 the help | 11:29 |
clever | CheshireViking: i mainly use partition magic to resize ntfs | 11:29 |
clever | but now because of gparted that claims my partition tables are damaged | 11:29 |
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higiraven | is there any way I can make keyring not ask me the password? | 11:30 |
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CheshireViking | clever, thats what i used - still nerve wracking though - AND, only 2 things got corrupted & needed reinstalling | 11:31 |
clever | also one time | 11:31 |
clever | i tryed doing ntfs resize of the boot drive | 11:31 |
clever | without the floppys | 11:31 |
clever | it crashed:P | 11:31 |
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clever | and refused to boot till i stuck a 2nd drive and installed xp there to checkdisk it | 11:32 |
CheshireViking | ouch | 11:32 |
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clever | the 60gig xp was allready a mess of spyware though so changing to a new install helped | 11:32 |
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predaeus | xerophyte: maybe this helps its for an older kernel but still valid i guess. or did u do it like this already? | 11:33 |
clever | also that 60gig now appears to have bad sectors so im working on getting 60gig free space on something else so i can copy it all off at once | 11:33 |
clever | drive gives off an odd ammunt of heat and a loud whiring noise | 11:33 |
burepe | I am looking for a command to unzip a bunch of tar.gz files in one directory in one shot. Lill' help? | 11:33 |
Ferret | cd dir; for i in *.tar.gz; do tar zxf "$i"; done | 11:34 |
Ferret | Change the *.tar.gz to ../dir/somewhere/*.tar.gz as necessaet | 11:35 |
burepe | sorry. Can'T follow last 2 parts | 11:35 |
Ferret | o.O | 11:35 |
CheshireViking | clever, i had that, ended up losing about 10gb of mp3's b4 i realised a server drive was failing | 11:35 |
clever | CheshireViking: lol | 11:35 |
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clever | CheshireViking: i stuck new ram in my pc and it stoped booting | 11:35 |
clever | i took the ram out and it ran slowly | 11:35 |
Ferret | burepe: What do you mean? | 11:35 |
clever | i tell it to reboot and it refused to boot since | 11:35 |
xerophyte | predaeus, thats how i build the kernel | 11:35 |
clever | new 80gig hdd and ubuntu and the pc was 'fixed' | 11:36 |
burepe | what is this? for i in *.tar.gz; do tar zxf "$i"; done | 11:36 |
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CheshireViking | the more i use it, the more i find that linux fixes broken windows machines | 11:37 |
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Ferret | burepe: 'for i in *.tar.gz; do .... ; done' is a look that takes every file that matches *.tar.gz and puts it in the variable "$i" one by one to 'do' something with it. the command in the middle is the unzip command for .tar.gz files | 11:37 |
clever | also the 'new' 80gig drive for my linux | 11:37 |
clever | had ntfs and 60gig of free space | 11:37 |
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clever | 20gig of somebody else's data along with 8gig of free mp3's:P | 11:37 |
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huXfluX | Hello! Is it possible to apply PINNING to ffmepg through the /etc/apt/preferences file? NOTE that i'm running Kubuntu Edgy and that file currently doesn't exit. If i create a new one, will the preferences apply and the packages I want to PIN won't get updated ? THANK YOU! | 11:39 |
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burepe | Ferret: I am sorry but I do not follow how to execute any of those commands. I am cd to the directory already. | 11:39 |
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monsoon_king | hi all | 11:40 |
monsoon_king | can i ask a ques | 11:40 |
AMD-ubuntuPOWER | yes | 11:40 |
AMD-ubuntuPOWER | | 11:40 |
Ferret | burepe: Oh I see, you want to do it using the graphical thingy; have to find someone else to help you with that then | 11:40 |
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burepe | no | 11:40 |
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Chameleon22 | my machine rebooted all of a sudden few days ago (got overheated). Didn't use it much since then and just noticed that the USB stoped responding to usb disks... Any idea how to fix this? it happened once before and i reinstalled to solve the issue since i couldnt find a solution. Also noticed that lsusb freezes and can not be killed. Any help? | 11:41 |
monsoon_king | i see that most linux distro come wit so many CD's..but why ubuntu wit 1 cd | 11:41 |
burepe | I want to do it in the command line but I enterd the commands and get nothing | 11:41 |
burepe | I am missing something | 11:41 |
tahsin | can anyone tell me how to change the start or main menu icon ? | 11:41 |
Ferret | burepe: Do you mean they printed nothing, or that no files have appeared? | 11:41 |
burepe | no return , no output | 11:42 |
tahsin | can anyone tell me how to change the start ,menu or main menu icon ? | 11:42 |
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monsoon_king | ???????????? | 11:42 |
Ferret | burepe: Well, no output means it was successful. o.o | 11:42 |
predaeus | xerophyte: if you tried all variants (bzImage, vmlinux, only make) then I've no idea what else to try. sry. | 11:42 |
burepe | Ferret: where did it unzip to? | 11:43 |
AMD-ubuntuPOWER | ubuntu 6.06 | 11:43 |
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AMD-ubuntuPOWER | ubuntu 6.10 | 11:43 |
tahsin | can anyone tell me how to change the start ,menu or main menu icon ? | 11:43 |
Ferret | burepe: The directory, like you said... | 11:43 |
AMD-ubuntuPOWER | so 2 cds :) | 11:43 |
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xerophyte | preaction, i will try other make target and see what happens | 11:43 |
arami | hi guys! does anybody know a keyboard macro recorder for gnome or kde? | 11:43 |
Ferret | burepe: unzip commands on linux generally extract to the current directory (so you cd to it first) | 11:43 |
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tahsin | can anyone tell me how to change the start ,menu or main menu icon ? | 11:43 |
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tahsin | can anyone tell me how to change the start ,menu or main menu icon ? | 11:44 |
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burepe | Ferret: I am in the directory. There are no files from an unzip | 11:44 |
AMD-ubuntuPOWER | tahsin google is best for this | 11:44 |
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burepe | Ferret: so I should copy that line and execute it as is? | 11:45 |
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Ferret | burepe: Are the .tar.gz files in the same directory? | 11:47 |
burepe | yes | 11:47 |
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burepe | I am in the directory | 11:47 |
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Ferret | burepe: then the 'for ..... done' command should work | 11:50 |
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burepe | It did. thank you. Can you explain that command to me? I always look at man pages but I never be able to decrypt them and figure out what commands to do. | 11:52 |
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ikonia_ | burepe for every file in that dir - do tar xvf on that file | 11:52 |
angela | i have had a 5.04 ubuntu install then i upgraded to 5.10 then upgraded to 6.06 now i also installed kubuntu-dekstop how do i remove comepletely the gnome environment from ubuntu so that i can be left with the kubuntu? | 11:52 |
ikonia_ | angela remove the gnome packages | 11:52 |
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angela | i tried doing sudo apt-get remove gnome-dekstop but it doesnt remove anything | 11:53 |
ikonia_ | angela it should do, also remove the other gnome packages | 11:54 |
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ikonia_ | angela remember some apps depend on gnome libs | 11:54 |
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angela | so when i install kubuntu it also installs some gnome libs? | 11:54 |
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ikonia_ | no - you had a gnome desktop so you've got gnome libs | 11:55 |
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angela | wha t is the command to remove everything gnome on my system? | 11:56 |
angela | apt-get remove gnome* ? | 11:56 |
Strom_C | apt-get gnome the hell off my hard drive plzkthx | 11:56 |
ikonia_ | angela search for the gnome packages - and remove them | 11:57 |
angela | how do i search | 11:57 |
predaeus | either apt-cache search gnome or use synaptic | 11:57 |
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ikonia_ | angelaangelaangela come on !!!!!! | 11:58 |
ikonia_ | angela do a little work your self | 11:58 |
WaZ | lol | 11:58 |
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predaeus | if gdm is removed and kdm doesnt replace it, you might be stuck without a deskop environment at first though. maybe somebody can give insight on how to do the transition right. | 11:59 |
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dominik | angela, | 11:59 |
babo | guys, does anyone have the gittery touchpad issue on the HP Pavillion laptop + edgy ? | 11:59 |
babo | Also, how come I can find qemu with apt-cache search, yet when I try to apt-get install it tells me that it's not there ? | 11:59 |
Phocean | what is this issue ? I have one with my sony vaio | 11:59 |
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babo | Phocean: you have one what ? | 12:00 |
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babo | Phocean: the touchpad right and left-clicks of it's own accord ... | 12:00 |
koth | can anyone give me a hand to set ubuntu to use HDTV? | 12:00 |
Phocean | every time I boot or come back from hibernate, it ignores the configuration of xorg.conf | 12:00 |
babo | hmm | 12:01 |
WaZ | hibernate doesn't even work on my machine | 12:01 |
Phocean | it means that the scroll does not work and the speed is very fast | 12:01 |
angela | ok i already choose kdm as display manager when i installed kubuntu-desktop metapackage | 12:01 |
babo | Phocean: I dunno dude. Have you tried the forums ? | 12:01 |
angela | so now i do apt-get search gnome right? | 12:01 |
angela | and remove all gnomes | 12:01 |
Phocean | I have to swith to ALT-Fx and ALT-F7 to get it back to work normally, according to the xorg.conf | 12:02 |
ikonia_ | angela search for gnone apps and libs and remvoe them | 12:02 |
babo | angela: sudo apt-get remove gnome should do it ... | 12:02 |
Phocean | sure I tried the forums, I even submitted a bug a long long time ago (november I believe) | 12:02 |
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WaZ | isn't there a meta package like gnome-desktop ? | 12:02 |
Phocean | but as far as I know, nothing has been done | 12:02 |
Phocean | though it worked well with dapper | 12:02 |
ikonia_ | WaZ he claims it removes nothing- but its probably failing due to dependencies | 12:03 |
predaeus | angela: you can also go to System/Administration/Synaptic Package Manager there you can easily see which gnome packages are installed. | 12:03 |
WaZ | yeah most probably | 12:03 |
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babo | Phocean: I had an issue with dapper where I had to recompile the nvidia drivers everytime I booted up .. | 12:03 |
ikonia_ | babo I doubt that - more so as you don't compile the nvidia drivers | 12:03 |
WaZ | im not sure removing gnome is such a good idea anyways | 12:03 |
predaeus | I think gnome-deskop only forces installs but doesnt remove anything | 12:03 |
Mattias | koth: i don't have any video card on my comp, isnt it just to install MythTV and the video card you have captures anything even if its hdtv? | 12:04 |
WaZ | maybe just removing gdm? | 12:04 |
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WaZ | then installing kdm | 12:04 |
babo | ikonia_: ahh ... OK. What was it then that I was doing to them ? | 12:04 |
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babo | recompile the kernel with the nvidia drivers then ... | 12:04 |
ikonia_ | babo don't know | 12:04 |
angela | ok i changed my mind i will remove kubuntu desktop | 12:04 |
angela | and be left with gnomes | 12:04 |
ikonia_ | babo why woyuld you have to recompile the kernel | 12:04 |
Phocean | actually I don't have nvidia | 12:05 |
ikonia_ | the drivers are a binary module | 12:05 |
ikonia_ | thats it | 12:05 |
ikonia_ | dead easy | 12:05 |
WaZ | why not have both angela? | 12:05 |
Phocean | just a i915GM chipset | 12:05 |
WaZ | you short on HD space? | 12:05 |
babo | ikonia_: because modprobe wouldn't work | 12:05 |
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ikonia_ | babo so - you still don't need to compile the kernel | 12:05 |
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WaZ | you cant recompile the kernel with binary drivers anyways | 12:06 |
babo | ikonia_: right, I can't remember what I had to do. It was too long ago. I just remember that it was a pain in the ass ... | 12:06 |
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WaZ | babo try depmod -a | 12:06 |
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ikonia_ | right - so your just talking nonsense then. Try to stick to problems that are current rather than fantasy stuff | 12:06 |
WaZ | to unload past drivers | 12:06 |
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ikonia_ | recompiling kernels and nviaid drivers. bah | 12:06 |
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babo | ikonia_: well if you know so much, maybe you should try answering some questions. Rather than just hanging on trying to be cool .. | 12:08 |
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ikonia_ | babo I answer plenty of questions thanks | 12:08 |
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babo | ikonia_: get a life dude .. | 12:08 |
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WaZ | lol | 12:08 |
ikonia_ | babo errr you've just told me to answer questions, I said I do - and you've told me thats wrong | 12:08 |
ikonia_ | babo just don't talk rubbish - stick to facts on problems | 12:08 |
babo | ikonia_: yeah ? ... come back to me when you've learnt how to read ... | 12:09 |
ikonia_ | babo I can read fine, what have I missed | 12:09 |
WaZ | babo: you advised to recompile a kernel to make nvidia drivers work... | 12:09 |
WaZ | anyways, lets not argue here | 12:09 |
ikonia_ | I read you whwre recompiling closed source drivers and binary kernels - that == rubbish | 12:09 |
babo | WaZ: wrong. I never advised anyone to do that ... | 12:09 |
ikonia_ | babo no you said thats what you where doing | 12:10 |
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archangelpetro | babo dont be hostile. | 12:10 |
ikonia_ | hence why I'm requesting you stick to facts and current problems | 12:10 |
ikonia_ | then we can get them sorted | 12:10 |
WaZ | anyways, babo, no need to recompile, lets keep it to this | 12:10 |
babo | WaZ: I was trying to remember an issue I had with the nvidia drivers a long time back ... | 12:10 |
Mattias | sup? | 12:10 |
dominik | whois dominik | 12:10 |
WaZ | yeah babo, i remember having to recompile to make binary drivers work, lets not fight over this | 12:11 |
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WaZ | (but it was the open source part that had to be intergrated to the kernel) | 12:11 |
Mattias | i got nvidia drivers using geforce 7800 gt and working fine, anything i can help with? ^_^ | 12:11 |
babo | I though I had to recompile them. Apparently I didn't. Either way, I don't know enough about it to advise anyone one way or the other. | 12:11 |
Ferret | WaZ: Yes, that's likely. | 12:11 |
babo | WaZ: that's not advise dude. | 12:11 |
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babo | I didn't advise anyone to recompile anything ... | 12:12 |
WaZ | im not giving advice, im just going your direction and say that it could happen | 12:12 |
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davin | On radom occasions my monitor wont get any signal all of a sudden? | 12:12 |
ikonia_ | davin probably a hardware fault if its intermittent or random | 12:13 |
Ferret | davin: How do you get it to come back? | 12:13 |
davin | Ferret: hard reboot | 12:13 |
Mattias | babo: whats the problem with nvidia? | 12:13 |
Slart | does Ubuntu use mysql for something important? (as in system stuff) | 12:13 |
babo | WaZ: right, np. I don't have any issues with you :-). | 12:13 |
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WaZ | could be conflicting drivers | 12:13 |
ikonia_ | Slart depends how you've set it up | 12:13 |
babo | Mattias: nothing, it's fine now ... | 12:13 |
WaZ | Slart: no | 12:13 |
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ikonia_ | Slart its not installed by default | 12:13 |
babo | Mattias thanks anyway though | 12:14 |
Slart | ikonia_: default install, nothing special.. | 12:14 |
WaZ | Slart: well ubuntu desktop anyways | 12:14 |
ikonia_ | Slart doesn't install it at default, so it won't use it at all | 12:14 |
Ferret | davin: Did you try manhandling the monitor? ;P | 12:14 |
Slart | ikonia_: ok.. then I blame torrentflux.. thanks | 12:14 |
davin | Ferret: manhandling? | 12:14 |
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Tmob | i know this is a long shot, but anyone else using a intel d865gbf motherboard? | 12:14 |
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ikonia_ | Tmob do you have a question, if so its better to ask than try to find someone with the exact hardware | 12:15 |
Ferret | davin: Yeah, whacking the front sides if it's a CRT, or gently twisting the top (or slightly more the sides) if it's a TFT or LCD ;) | 12:15 |
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Tmob | i have a screenless machine and it wont boot after adding a disk.. so trying to find someone who can guide me thru the bios | 12:15 |
davin | Ferret: aha | 12:15 |
Ferret | davin: Usually I'd suggest opening a console and typing xrandr commands blindly, but you'd need to know how to open a terminal without the mouse, and find out how to use xrandr | 12:15 |
ikonia_ | Tmob you'll struggle with that in here | 12:15 |
WaZ | Bios's are etty standard | 12:15 |
Tmob | its most likely a disk boot order setting | 12:15 |
WaZ | pretty | 12:15 |
Tmob | haha | 12:16 |
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Tmob | i wish | 12:16 |
WaZ | maybe a master slave problem Rmob | 12:16 |
davin | Ferret: well I just get no signal all of a sudden, cant boot up everything, though my PC is still running. | 12:16 |
WaZ | Tmob | 12:16 |
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ikonia_ | davin probably hardware if its intermittant | 12:16 |
Tmob | WaZ, hmm.. well i am adding a 2nd SATA drive | 12:16 |
davin | ikonia_: yeah, I hate those compaqs. | 12:16 |
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Ferret | davin: OK, another thing to try if that happens is ctrl-alt-backspace, which kills X (and any programs in it) and (perhaps) restarts it. Since that usually changes the resolution etc. that might get you a signal back | 12:17 |
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WaZ | know nothing about SATA, but i guess they still have master/slave settings, no? | 12:17 |
Tmob | nop | 12:17 |
WaZ | lol | 12:17 |
Ferret | davin: Also worth trying is a slightly lower resolution/refresh rate for a few days to see if the monitor can't sustain the resolution you currently use | 12:17 |
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davin | Ferret good advice, ill try that next time it happens | 12:17 |
WaZ | i need to get a decent desktop :D | 12:17 |
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davin | Ferret if it cant sustain, wouldnt I get an error on my monitor (like those red blocks saying 'out of range') | 12:17 |
Lattyware | Hey, I'm trying to get an RT61-based wireless PCI card to work, and it won't do so. | 12:17 |
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Ferret | davin: OK. In case you don't know already, if you're returned to a console you'll need to type 'startx' to get GUI running again. | 12:18 |
ikonia_ | davin a monitor either can or can't run at a rate - not can run for a bit then can't | 12:18 |
Ferret | davin: Ahh, OK, that's good. :) | 12:18 |
Lattyware | I've installed the drivers, and I don't get anything with iwconfig | 12:18 |
davin | Ferret yep knew that | 12:18 |
davin | ikonia_ ok | 12:18 |
davin | Well my only refresh rate available is 75Hz | 12:18 |
Ferret | ikonia_: I beg to differ, two of the eighteen monitors in my house are exactly like that. ;p | 12:18 |
predaeus | davin: does it go blank immediately or is there some disk activity before? | 12:18 |
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davin | predaeus: Dont know, my PC still goes on functioning (like playing music goes on) but the screen just stops | 12:19 |
Tmob | grr.. all i need is a monitor here.. and i dont have it :( | 12:19 |
predaeus | ic | 12:19 |
Tmob | can't get my server to boot now | 12:19 |
ikonia_ | Tmob we can't help with that | 12:19 |
Tmob | oh really ? ;) | 12:19 |
Ferret | Tmob: Are you able to hook up a serial console to it from another computer, or temporarily use a monitor from another computer? | 12:20 |
barktpolar | How do you install fonts with Ubuntu? | 12:20 |
davin | Ferret maybe youre right, it can be X that screws up, ill try to ctrl alt backspage next time it happens | 12:20 |
davin | Ferret: also im running on 1024x768 now instead of 1152x864 | 12:20 |
Lattyware | On a side note, if I have my PCI wireless card and it doesn't appear to show up when I do an lspci, what does that mean? | 12:20 |
Tmob | Ferret, serial output only starts after grub comes up.. i dont have a single monitor at home.. other comps are laptops | 12:20 |
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Ferret | davin: It's either that or the monitor, probably | 12:20 |
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predaeus | also try CTRL-ALT-F1 to get to a terminal | 12:20 |
Tmob | Lattyware, you dont have it hooked in properly? | 12:20 |
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Tmob | Lattyware, it should show up in lspci | 12:20 |
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Lattyware | OK. | 12:20 |
davin | Ferret: or this really stupid compaq pc (you just touch the back and it freezes, seriously) | 12:21 |
=== Lattyware sighs | ||
barktpolar | How do you install fonts? | 12:21 |
Ferret | :D | 12:21 |
sales | SALES | 12:21 |
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Lattyware | I was hoping not to have to reboot. | 12:21 |
Lattyware | again | 12:21 |
Lattyware | : | 12:21 |
Lattyware | *:P | 12:21 |
Ferret | barktpolar: What kind of fonts are they? TTFs? | 12:21 |
barktpolar | I Believe so | 12:21 |
WaZ | barktpolar: you could use easy-ubuntu | 12:21 |
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barktpolar | easy-ubuntu? | 12:22 |
Ferret | barktpolar: Copy them to ~/.fonts/ | 12:22 |
barktpolar | What's That | 12:22 |
haary | I look for a Ubuntu clone for Windows User - meaning it should be easy to install and it should be able to play commmon multimedia formats from the beginning (divx, WMV, MP3, etc.). It should also have AIGLX and beryl enabled as default. | 12:22 |
Ferret | barktpolar: /home/yourusername/.fonts/ | 12:22 |
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WaZ | barktpolar: | 12:22 |
Ferret | barktpolar: If you have nautilus you can open 'fonts:///' and drag the files into there too | 12:23 |
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WaZ | installs fonts and proprietary codecs and stuff | 12:23 |
WaZ | but listen to Ferret | 12:23 |
WaZ | :D | 12:23 |
Ferret | !easyubuntu | 12:23 |
ubotu | easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu | 12:23 |
y0hm | I messed up my permissions of /var/cache/apt/archives .. What are the original settings ? | 12:24 |
ikonia_ | easy ubuntu should never be used | 12:24 |
barktpolar | Does that include USB Hard Drives? | 12:24 |
predaeus | y0hm: drwxr-xr-x 3 root root | 12:24 |
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WaZ | usb hard drives should be hot-pluggable barktpolar | 12:25 |
Ferret | barktpolar: What desktop environment do you use? | 12:25 |
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y0hm | predaeus : thx | 12:25 |
davin | hmm no sound | 12:25 |
davin | reboot | 12:25 |
barktpolar | GNOME | 12:25 |
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WaZ | whats so bad wih easyubuntu ikonia_ ? | 12:26 |
barktpolar | l would get help from the Edubuntu. but nobody is on I think | 12:26 |
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y0hm | predaeus : And how would I translate that into a command ? sudo chmod ?? /var/bla/bla | 12:27 |
barktpolar | Well mine's ain't hot-pluggable | 12:27 |
Ferret | y0hm: 755 | 12:28 |
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Ferret | y0hm: and don't forget to chown root:root /var/... if necessary | 12:28 |
Ferret | barktpolar: With gnome, you should just have to plug th8e USB hard disk in and it'll appear on the desktop | 12:29 |
y0hm | ferret : thx ! | 12:29 |
barktpolar | Well, I Don't Know Why, IF it helps, I' | 12:30 |
Ferret | WaZ: Things like that tend to break when the main OS gets updated. Also, if they're such useful things to have configured, surely the ordinary default ubuntu should be that way? Then if there are common programs that shouldn't be put in base or desktop (beccause of bloat) there can just be a list of neat pcakages instead of a whole website of instructions ;) | 12:30 |
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detectiveinspekt | what app do i use to edit grub so that windows starts by default | 12:30 |
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Ferret | a text editor | 12:30 |
barktpolar | I'm using a BUSLINK Yello-Cap End Series Hard Drive | 12:31 |
detectiveinspekt | the config looks a bit tricky is there a gui alternative | 12:31 |
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detectiveinspekt | i recall seeing tickboxes etc, might of been from kde | 12:31 |
WaZ | Ferret: okay, ill stop installing easyubuntu when installing computers for friends then :D | 12:31 |
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Ferret | detectiveinspekt: open /boot/grub/menu.lst in a text editor, count the number of 'title' lines starting from 0. Whichever one windows is, change (or add) a 'default 4' line to the top, where 4 was the number | 12:32 |
Lattyware | ok, I reseated the card, and it shows up on lspci, and it shows up under iwconfig as 'ra0' - but it says 'no wireless extensions' | 12:32 |
barktpolar | And is Edubuntu the same as Ubuntu? | 12:32 |
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Ferret | WaZ: If it works, it probably saves time, but eh. Wouldn't rely on it completely. ;p | 12:32 |
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detectiveinspekt | ok thanks | 12:32 |
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WaZ | worked till now ;-) | 12:32 |
Lattyware | barktpolar: Education version, so yes, but with education-based software. | 12:32 |
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davin | Great, no sound. | 12:33 |
Ferret | detectiveinspekt: If you have any trouble, upload that file to or similar and ask again :) | 12:33 |
barktpolar | Thanks, so I can get EasyUbuntu | 12:33 |
Zaggynl | Great, slow DVD burning speed | 12:33 |
Zaggynl | ;-) | 12:33 |
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Ferret | davin: Not having much luck today, mm? :/ | 12:33 |
WaZ | davin: try unmuting PCM in sound control | 12:33 |
davin | WaZ: alsamixer? | 12:34 |
davin | Ferret aye o_O | 12:34 |
koth | i am going to give up ubuntu soon, i cannot make it work under my hdtv. 3 days of trying already. Anyway have experence in this? | 12:34 |
Zaggynl | !dvd | 12:34 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at | 12:34 |
WaZ | davin: just double click the speaker on the top right of your desktop | 12:34 |
Zaggynl | !burning | 12:34 |
ubotu | CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see | 12:34 |
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davin | WaZ oh hey it was muted | 12:34 |
barktpolar | davin: Welcome to my World, My sound does not either and the Ubuntu packages does not offer a alsaconf package | 12:34 |
WaZ | davin: works now? | 12:35 |
davin | WaZ lets see | 12:35 |
WaZ | davin: lets hear :D | 12:35 |
Ferret | alsaconf is unnecessary o.o | 12:35 |
davin | WaZ nope | 12:35 |
davin | WaZ oh it does | 12:35 |
WaZ | davin: :D | 12:35 |
davin | WaZ thanks a bunch | 12:35 |
WaZ | np | 12:36 |
davin | my beer goes to you and Ferret | 12:36 |
davin | ;) | 12:36 |
WaZ | davin: hehe | 12:36 |
Lattyware | My wireless card shows up under iwconfig as 'ra0' - but it says 'no wireless extensions' - what should I do? | 12:36 |
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davin | but I have a rather small problem | 12:36 |
davin | for some reason the sound is randomly playing at a higher dB so I hear like a loud bass (sometimes, randomly) | 12:36 |
WaZ | davin: did you spill coke in your computer? | 12:37 |
WaZ | :D | 12:37 |
Lattyware | Noone? | 12:37 |
davin | WaZ hehe | 12:37 |
WaZ | Lattyware: sorry, maybe you should try finding a tutorial for installing your wireless card on google | 12:37 |
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y0hm | Ferret : when I do sudo cmod 755 -Rf /var/bla & sudo chown -Rf root:root /var/bla the archives still appear as -rwxr-xr-x instead of drwxr-xr-x | 12:38 |
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Lattyware | WaZ: I have done, and the result is what I have. | 12:38 |
davin | WaZ so whats PCM? | 12:38 |
Ferret | Lattyware: Are you using hostap or something? It creates a weird 'helper' network interface sometimes as well as the wireless one | 12:38 |
Lattyware | hostap? I don't even know what that is. | 12:38 |
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WaZ | davin: not sure, but I've had the problem | 12:39 |
Ferret | y0hm: !! | 12:39 |
davin | WaZ well my speakers are still bassing because its probably too high dB | 12:39 |
Ferret | y0hm: what's the result of this: ls -ld /var/cache/apt/archives | 12:39 |
WaZ | davin: try turning the sound down of PCM | 12:39 |
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Ferret | Lattyware: Well, run 'ifconfig -a' and see if there are any other new interfaces there | 12:40 |
aimtrainer_ | hi! Can anyone please tell me if there's a way to send all people in my gaim buddy list the same message without doing it manually for each one? | 12:40 |
davin | aimtrainer_: auto message? | 12:40 |
y0hm | Ferret : drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 65535 2007-02... so I assume it has worked :) | 12:41 |
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aimtrainer_ | davin, I dont know I wanna tell everybody in my list my new cell number | 12:41 |
y0hm | Ferret : thx ! | 12:41 |
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Ferret | y0hm: Yes, looks like it, however I don't think inside will be right, because you used -R | 12:41 |
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WaZ | aimtrainer_: send a mail? | 12:41 |
Lattyware | Ferret: This is new: | 12:41 |
Lattyware | the ra0 | 12:41 |
davin | aimtrainer_ ah dunno then | 12:41 |
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aimtrainer_ | Dont have all the emailadresses | 12:42 |
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aimtrainer_ | thanks anyway Dave123 | 12:42 |
Ferret | y0hm: I suggest you do sudo chmod -R -x+X /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 12:42 |
aimtrainer_ | *davin | 12:42 |
Ferret | y0hm: So that all the files in there aren't executable, but the directories are | 12:42 |
davin | aimtrainer_ hold on | 12:42 |
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aimtrainer_ | hm k | 12:43 |
WaZ | aimtrainer_: I actually hope there isn't such a feature | 12:43 |
Ferret | Lattyware: Can I recommend or or the one in the topic next time? is hooorribly slow :) | 12:43 |
Lattyware | sure | 12:44 |
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Ferret | WaZ: That's what I was going to say, and then I realised that in my client I can do things like that really easily. c.c | 12:44 |
alfa | hallo | 12:44 |
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davin | aimtrainer_: on AIM? | 12:44 |
WaZ | Ferret: you have an evil client :D | 12:44 |
aimtrainer_ | gaim (protocol icq/aim) | 12:45 |
alfa | jes | 12:45 |
Ferret | Lattyware: So that's the only interface that gets added to ifconfig -a when you plug in your wireless card or load its drivers or whatever? | 12:45 |
davin | aimtrainer_: doesnt [g] aim has a feature that allows you to invite all your friends in 1 chat? | 12:45 |
Ferret | WaZ: Yeah, irssi. :( | 12:45 |
Lattyware | yes. The only one. | 12:45 |
davin | aimtrainer_: I know msn does | 12:45 |
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Lattyware | I have others, my LAN, my loopback, and to vmnet ones. | 12:45 |
WaZ | Ferret: nxurses are so 1998! | 12:45 |
WaZ | ncurses* | 12:45 |
WaZ | :D | 12:45 |
alfa | no sik englisch | 12:45 |
dextorion | Waah. Irssi aint evil?! :p | 12:45 |
aimtrainer_ | yea but that would just reach online friends | 12:45 |
Lattyware | But they are all definatly nothing to do with the wireless card. | 12:45 |
Ferret | Lattyware: Can you tell me what driver you're using? | 12:45 |
Lattyware | the RT61 one provided by Ratlink | 12:46 |
aimtrainer_ | maybe icq2go can do it | 12:46 |
Lattyware | *ralink | 12:46 |
Lattyware | | 12:46 |
NoEvidenZ | The only thing I don't like about irssi is the lack of copy paste for web links | 12:46 |
Ferret | Lattyware: Is that one you have to download? I'm not familiar with it. | 12:46 |
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Lattyware | Yeah. | 12:46 |
dextorion | NoEvidenZ: Are you running from Linux, or Putty thru windows? | 12:46 |
Ferret | NoEvidenZ: Huh? You double-click with the left mouse button to copy. | 12:46 |
Lattyware | Well, it's included in Edgy, apparently. | 12:46 |
alfa | hallo, deutscher??? | 12:46 |
NoEvidenZ | Ferret: Not through a tty. | 12:47 |
Lattyware | But I had to copy firmware and stuff to get it to work | 12:47 |
fong | so what's a nice program to install? | 12:47 |
Ferret | NoEvidenZ: Yes, it's the same. | 12:47 |
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alfa | hallo, rappy | 12:47 |
Lattyware | Ferret: I followed this guy: | 12:47 |
NoEvidenZ | Ferret: You have a mouse to double click with in a tty? | 12:47 |
Ferret | NoEvidenZ: There's also an openurl command that I use all the time called /openurl, it assigns all the urls in a channel numbers so you can open them easily. | 12:47 |
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Ferret | NoEvidenZ: So Lattyware's link is /openurl 96 | 12:48 |
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NoEvidenZ | Ferret: That'd be handy. I only use IRC when google can't solve my problems though./ | 12:48 |
Tay | hi all | 12:48 |
_Rappy_ | hello alfa | 12:48 |
Ferret | NoEvidenZ: Sure, install gpm | 12:48 |
alfa | hallo, costel | 12:48 |
Tay | first time here! | 12:48 |
Costel | hi | 12:48 |
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WaZ | welcome Tay | 12:48 |
Tay | pleased to meet you!! | 12:48 |
Costel | just registered a new nick | 12:48 |
alfa | hallo, rappy von wo bist du denn | 12:48 |
Lattyware | interesting. | 12:48 |
Costel | mee too | 12:48 |
Tay | i've just installed ubuntu and it's really cool! | 12:49 |
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NoEvidenZ | So um.. I'm having a problem building glibc-2.4 on edgy. Spits out something about "undefined reference to `__stack_chk_fail_local'" | 12:49 |
Tay | i just need to find a way to manage my 2 graphics card and im ok! | 12:49 |
Costel | i use Ubuntu for 1 year now | 12:49 |
henry1 | I look for a Ubuntu clone for Windows User - meaning it should be easy to install and it should be able to play commmon multimedia formats from the beginning (divx, WMV, MP3, etc.). It should also have AIGLX and beryl enabled as default. | 12:49 |
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=== Tay try | ||
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Tay | lol | 12:50 |
Tay | ok xchat works great | 12:50 |
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vhellmet | is chat-zilla bad? I use it.. and I feel its quite good | 12:50 |
NoEvidenZ | Anyone know anything about building glibc, or why i'm having this error? | 12:50 |
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Costel | :( my graphics card is broken | 12:51 |
genii | vhellmet I'm using it right now and have no issues with it | 12:51 |
WaZ | Costel: what do you mean? | 12:52 |
ndlovu | quick question: why do some characters (such as this one:) appear as blocks with a number in each of the four corners? | 12:52 |
vhellmet | ohh.. k.. | 12:52 |
Costel | my pc freezes | 12:52 |
Ferret | Lattyware: Ahh, according to my searches the ra0 is the right device, and should have wireless extensions... having another look | 12:52 |
Costel | mouse keyboard processes | 12:52 |
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vhellmet | IMO, its better tan Xchat, (I've still maybe got to discover something in XChat) | 12:52 |
Lattyware | ok | 12:53 |
NoEvidenZ | ndlovu: isn't the numbers in the corners the numbers you press on the numpad while holding ALT to get that character? | 12:53 |
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ndlovu | NoEvidenZ, could be... any idea how to get them to display as characters instead? | 12:54 |
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NoEvidenZ | ndlovu: NOt a clue. | 12:54 |
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Ferret | Lattyware: Hrmm, can't find anyone having the same issue. can you look through the command 'dmesg | tail' to see if there were any errors while the drivers were loading, and check the /etc/Wireless/ stuff to make sure it looks sensible. Also, found a configuration utility for that driver, but it's beta software and I don't know if it'll be able to work out the problem: | 12:55 |
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mike1o | anybody here use ubuntu, java6 & eclipse, i'm expieriencing this problem | 12:55 |
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ndlovu | NoEvidenZ, :) too bad. does it display as a block on your screen or is there actually a character there? | 12:55 |
Costel | is there a channel for hardware problems support? | 12:55 |
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Lattyware | ok, thanks | 12:56 |
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NoEvidenZ | ndlovu: block, i think. | 12:56 |
Ferret | ndlovu: I don't think you managed to paste it... what were the numbers or what was the character supposed to be? | 12:56 |
NoEvidenZ | ndlovu: Oh, I'm in windows at the moment, so it's just a black square. | 12:57 |
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ndlovu | Ferret, This was the character --> <-- | 12:57 |
slippyr4 | i'm struggling a bit here. I've installed samba and (tried to) set it up as a PDC. but i am having issues with pdbedit (tdb backend). when i do pdbedit -Lv jon , the NT username field is blank. can i change this? | 12:57 |
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Lattyware | Ferret: Thanks, I'll check it all out. | 12:58 |
ndlovu | Ferret, on my screen it appears as a block with the characters 0025 in the corners | 12:58 |
ndlovu | Ferret, I have no idea what it's supposed to display as | 12:58 |
Ferret | ndlovu: hrrm | 12:58 |
joerack | hey guys I need advice | 12:58 |
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NoEvidenZ | Can anyone tell me anything about my problem with `__stack_chk_fail_local' when i try to make glibc-2.4? | 12:58 |
joerack | ubuntu or kubuntu? | 12:58 |
NoEvidenZ | Ubuntu. | 12:59 |
joerack | is it normal kubuntu has serious bugs /I can't even get nvidia drivers on? | 12:59 |
hdxx | ubuntu :) | 12:59 |
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hdxx | kubuntu has a lot bugs | 12:59 |
WaZ | heya hdxx | 12:59 |
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joerack | it's nice because it looks a bit like windows | 01:00 |
joerack | but if it's broken... | 01:00 |
NoEvidenZ | The only reason I said Ubuntu is because I thought Kubuntu was ugly. | 01:00 |
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NoEvidenZ | Didn't like the KDE environment. | 01:00 |
Costel | joerack:download Ubuntu 6.10 iso and better | 01:00 |
genii | NoEvidenZ: Did you do sudo make or just make ? | 01:00 |
hdxx | hey WaZ :) | 01:00 |
idefix | why doesn't the filsystemtype auto work for my cdrom? | 01:00 |
NoEvidenZ | genii: just make | 01:00 |
joerack | costel: i've got ubuntu cd iso | 01:00 |
genii | try with sudo then | 01:00 |
joerack | I might get the dvd version tho | 01:00 |
Costel | ubuntu looks more like windows then kubuntu | 01:00 |
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NoEvidenZ | My opinion is that KDE was very messy as compared to gnome. | 01:01 |
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hdxx | and it's slower | 01:01 |
NoEvidenZ | Yeah. O.o | 01:01 |
linxeh | xfce4 ftw | 01:02 |
joerack | I'm just migrating from windows | 01:02 |
NoEvidenZ | Definitely go Ubuntu then. | 01:02 |
joerack | or at least I'm trying lol | 01:02 |
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joerack | suse was a bad experience | 01:02 |
NoEvidenZ | Heh.. | 01:02 |
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hdxx | i tried a lot of distros, but ubuntu is the best :) | 01:03 |
linxeh | you can use KDE, Gnome, XFCE4 on stock Ubuntu easily enough | 01:03 |
OoberMick | NoEvidenZ: have a look here:, says you should do CC = gcc-4.1 -fno-stack-protector for building glibc | 01:03 |
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joerack | linxeh: really? | 01:03 |
NoEvidenZ | OoberMick: I have no idea what that means, but I hope the article will explain. Thanks. | 01:03 |
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Ferret | ndlovu: Looks to me like some random unimportant character that no normal font does. ;p | 01:04 |
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hdxx | joerack: if you want kde on gnome, just type in console sudo apt-get install kde | 01:04 |
genii | OoberMick Nice find | 01:04 |
linxeh | joerack: yep - just install the kubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop packages, and you'll get all the software for both - then you can select session at login to choose KDE etc | 01:04 |
hdxx | on ubuntu* | 01:04 |
joerack | thanks a lot | 01:04 |
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joerack | cool so I don't need kubuntu for Kde (i'm that n00b) | 01:04 |
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linxeh | I would install kubuntu-desktop to get the full suite of programs, but I don't know whether it breaks anything (it shouldnt do imo). I've been using all 3 on this laptop for a few months | 01:04 |
davin | grr | 01:04 |
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ndlovu | Ferret, thanks :) | 01:05 |
hu2 | hello | 01:05 |
NoEvidenZ | OoberMick: Aargh.. I'm using gcc-4.0.3, not 4.1. I'm trying to make an LFS system. | 01:05 |
linxeh | joemauch: xubuntu edubuntu kubntu and ubuntu all use the same core packages, and the install cd's just use a different default set | 01:05 |
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joerack | do you guys advise me to get ubuntu dvd version as I only have cdiso of edgy | 01:05 |
hu2 | exit | 01:05 |
crummygummy_ | Hi all | 01:06 |
davin | joerack not really if you dont use the extra packages | 01:06 |
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NoEvidenZ | I use the edgy i386 cd ISO from the site. | 01:06 |
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hdxx | joerack: on cd you have enought packages, so cd. | 01:06 |
crummygummy_ | I've got some wierdness here. When I change menu.lst the kernel args don't seem to change. | 01:06 |
joerack | anyhow everything is installable after isn't it | 01:06 |
crummygummy_ | Bootdata ok (command line is root=/dev/md1 ro quiet splash) | 01:06 |
Latty | Ferret: It worked, I installed that program you linked me to, and now it shows in network settings. | 01:06 |
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crummygummy_ | != /vmlinuz-2.6.17-11-server root=/dev/md1 ro quiet console=ttyS1,19200 | 01:07 |
joerack | I wish I could install linux on my desktop... unfortunately as soon as I access terminal all the screen screws up | 01:07 |
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joerack | so windows is mandatory | 01:07 |
leleobhz | files list file for package `libfreetype6' contains empty filename <<< this is during a dpkg -r. Someone know why? | 01:07 |
Supre_Me | Hello, is there any kind of program/utility or something like that which lets me choose whatever I want in my program menu? Thanks | 01:07 |
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NoEvidenZ | Man.. It's so tempting to give up on LFS, but I want to build one so bad.. | 01:07 |
Ferret | Latty: Yay. :) | 01:07 |
joerack | must be some ati messup | 01:07 |
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NoEvidenZ | joerack: What happens exactly when you try to start up the bootcd? | 01:08 |
IdleOne | Supre_Me, goto Applications> Add/Remove | 01:08 |
Ferret | leleobhz: That just means someone's stuck a carriage return at the end of the list, or something | 01:08 |
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leleobhz | Ferret: in what file? | 01:08 |
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bauer77 | how do I mount a partition so it shows up on my desktop ? | 01:09 |
IdleOne | !mount | 01:09 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 01:09 |
joerack | Noev: normal text scrolls, what happens is when I type ctrl,alt,F1 to install the vga drivers all the screen screws up | 01:09 |
Ferret | leleobhz: the list of files which that package installed when you first installed it... dunno quite where that is actually, I'll check | 01:09 |
bauer77 | IdleOne: I know how to mount the partition, just dont know how to mount it so is shows up on the desktop | 01:09 |
NoEvidenZ | joerack: Has it booted into the GUI? | 01:10 |
joerack | that's the only thing stopping me to go *nix on my main pc | 01:10 |
IdleOne | bauer77, create a custom launcher for it | 01:10 |
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joerack | yes it does | 01:10 |
NoEvidenZ | So you have to install it still, otherwise there's no use in installing drivers. | 01:10 |
bauer77 | IdleOne: Thanks thats all I needed to know , but I was kinda looking for the command line to do it | 01:10 |
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Supre_Me | IdleOne: yes, but that won't let me change what I want to be shown under Program, right? It only lets me remove and install programs from the repositaries | 01:11 |
leleobhz | Ferret: check plz and thanks! | 01:11 |
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joerack | Noev: oh yes, I have installed it , what I'm trying to say, is that as soon as I access non-gui, screen messes up | 01:11 |
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NoEvidenZ | joerack: Heh, weird. =/ | 01:12 |
nomad111 | im trying to install a program and im getting this :configure: error: *** Cannot compile without zlib. | 01:12 |
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Supre_Me | IdleOne: nvm, I found what I was looking for, (alacarte) | 01:12 |
IdleOne | !alacarte | Supre_Me | 01:13 |
ubotu | supre_me: alacarte: easy menu editing. In component main, is optional. Version 0.10.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 73 kB, installed size 1136 kB | 01:13 |
IdleOne | Supre_Me, cool | 01:13 |
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nomad111 | !zlib | 01:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about zlib - try searching on | 01:13 |
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bauer77 | IdleOne: Thanks I got it, it was a ID10T error | 01:13 |
Ferret | leleobhz: This stuff is so badly documented. :D | 01:13 |
leleobhz | Ferret: im trying to install it again forced | 01:14 |
joerack | Noev: blame it on Ati | 01:14 |
Ferret | leleobhz: Please try 'dpkg-query -L packagename' to see if you get the same error | 01:14 |
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leleobhz | Ferret: same error | 01:15 |
leleobhz | dpkg-query: files list file for package `libfreetype6' contains empty filename | 01:15 |
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NoEvidenZ | joerack: I've found that you really don't want to install it on your main computer until you've tried it out and like.. learnt how to use it. Otherwise you always have to boot back into windows for things, and it gets really bloody annoying. | 01:15 |
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NoEvidenZ | aw shit.. | 01:16 |
darkstar | Hi, someone posted an url used to automatically build the repositoty list. Can anyone re-post it? | 01:16 |
NoEvidenZ | I just found out why my thing wasn't compiling. | 01:16 |
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NoEvidenZ | I was logged in as root instead of lfs. | 01:16 |
NoEvidenZ | I made this mistake twice last night too. >.< | 01:16 |
Flannel | !easysruce | darkstar | 01:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about easysruce - try searching on | 01:16 |
Flannel | !easysource | 01:16 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - | 01:16 |
nothlit | !sourceomatic | 01:16 |
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darkstar | uboutu, Thanks | 01:17 |
vlt | Hello. How can I print from evince to kprinter? | 01:17 |
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OoberMick | NoEvidenZ: maybe you should make the bash prompt clearer | 01:17 |
NoEvidenZ | !thanks | 01:17 |
ubotu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 01:17 |
NoEvidenZ | OoberMick: What do you mean? | 01:17 |
vlt | (Or how can I let evince print the whole page?) | 01:17 |
Ferret | leleobhz: I straced it, the file you're looking for is /var/lib/dpkg/info/libfreetype6.list | 01:18 |
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seravitae | Hey, libjack1.0 is out, but i *need* libjack0.8 for another application. though i can't see it in synaptic (only shows latest version.) how can i force-get the old package? | 01:18 |
leleobhz | Ferret: well. but how can i extract it from the package? | 01:18 |
NoEvidenZ | man, that's like 3 hours or so wasted tonight.. >.< | 01:18 |
Ferret | leleobhz: you want the list of files from the .deb? o.o | 01:19 |
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leleobhz | seravitae: jack sound server? | 01:19 |
seravitae | no | 01:19 |
seravitae | libjack. | 01:19 |
leleobhz | hmmm | 01:19 |
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leleobhz | Ferret: i have the .deb file here | 01:19 |
leleobhz | but what i need to do? | 01:19 |
leleobhz | just uncompress? | 01:19 |
Ferret | leleobhz: The error you're having is probably caused by a blank line or similar in that file. Mine looks like this: | 01:20 |
Ferret | leleobhz: dpkg-deb --contents file.deb | 01:20 |
Ferret | leleobhz: I really have no idea what you're doing now. n.n | 01:20 |
leleobhz | hmm | 01:20 |
leleobhz | lets see | 01:20 |
nothlit | sudo dpkg -i ? | 01:20 |
Ferret | leleobhz: Why are you doing a force install anyhow? | 01:21 |
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leleobhz | !!! | 01:21 |
malik | can any on help with webcam installayion?......i will pay seriously exhausted............nothing is seems to be working | 01:21 |
leleobhz | Ferret: see what is into my .list: | 01:21 |
WaZ | malik, what webcam? | 01:21 |
OoberMick | NoEvidenZ: do this export PS1="\e[46;31m\u@\w> \e" as lfs user and you see what I mean | 01:21 |
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leleobhz | Ferret: | 01:22 |
malik | creative pd0040 | 01:22 |
Ferret | seravitae: You sorta don't :) | 01:22 |
seravitae | Ferret: well, i sorta *need* to. | 01:22 |
Ferret | I'll look for a deb c.c | 01:22 |
malik | WaZ: creative pd0040 | 01:22 |
seravitae | if i have to find the libjack0.8 deb package and install it manually i will. | 01:23 |
WaZ | malik: just a sec | 01:23 |
leleobhz | Ferret: anyway, changing the file content, it give-me the error | 01:23 |
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Ferret | seravitae: I don't know any other way, someone else might though so keep asking for a while I guess. ;P | 01:23 |
seravitae | im not sure how repositories store deb packages, http or ftp, etc. | 01:23 |
skar | hi, i'm running feisty on my asus p5b jmicron board and the h/w detection problems with dapper and edgy are solved, however feisty being alpha, even localhost isn't available in hosts file and other such basic stuff are borken ;) | 01:23 |
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seravitae | Ferret: do you know if its possibl to access repositories by ftp/http? | 01:24 |
skar | anyone know of a way to use feisty's kernel with edgy/dapper base? | 01:24 |
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seravitae | skar just compile a new kernel | 01:24 |
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seravitae | im using edgy with latest 20 kernel | 01:24 |
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seravitae | i think | 01:24 |
mindstate | i made a mistake a killed my xfce panel bar..what command could i use to bring it back up? | 01:24 |
Ferret | seravitae: I don't know much about the repository side of things, the stuff I know about debian-type distros is all from the deb files onwards | 01:25 |
skar | seravitae: hmm how do i compile a new kernel with feisty's config(only feisty's kernel supports my h/w) | 01:25 |
nothlit | xfce4-panel | 01:25 |
nothlit | !kernel | skar | 01:25 |
ubotu | skar: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see | 01:25 |
seravitae | skar - fiesty's kernel supports your hw probably because of flags | 01:25 |
mindstate | nothlit, thank you | 01:25 |
seravitae | i would try installing feisty, copying the /boot/config file out | 01:25 |
seravitae | take the edgy box/kernel, and recompile it with the same .config | 01:25 |
seravitae | if it works awesome, if it doesnt, then it means there was patches installed into the kernel and you're fresh outta luck. | 01:26 |
seravitae | unless you dig up those patches. | 01:26 |
nothlit | the config should be on the livecd | 01:26 |
skar | nothlit: thanks will look at that page | 01:26 |
nothlit | seravitae: fresh out of luck? you're allowed to run past 2.6.17 on edgy... | 01:27 |
seravitae | nothlit: fresh out of luck unless he discovers what patches they applied to the vanilla kernel | 01:27 |
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seravitae | ubuntu has custom patches. | 01:27 |
bauer77 | If I mount hda3 to my desktop how do I remove the permissions to unlock it, I have tried chown and setting permissions but still not able to write to the disk | 01:27 |
skar | seravitae: hmm using feisty's kernel isn't a nice idea, as it could have similar bugs and be patched in the next daily build, and i can't keep up with that, that's why the config could be better idea, think i'll go the config->compile my own route | 01:27 |
seravitae | that said i am running a vanilla kernel with no patches and it kicks ass over ubuntu's. | 01:27 |
seravitae | skar he said fiesty's kernel was the only one that worked for him | 01:28 |
seravitae | is anyone listening or are people just responding.. | 01:28 |
WaZ | malik, what have you done till now? | 01:28 |
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y0hm | what is the Ubuntu eye cancy irc channel named ? | 01:28 |
Flannel | y0hm: #ubuntu-effects | 01:28 |
nothlit | #ubuntu-effects | 01:28 |
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y0hm | grt thx ! | 01:29 |
skar | seravitae: ok using feisty's kernel config and source could help me i guess, and that way i can use any base distro, except that kernel is custom build, also need raid1 inside the kernel+initrd and the feisty livecd build doesn't have that, so i need to tweak those things | 01:29 |
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seravitae | no dont use it's source | 01:29 |
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seravitae | use the vanilla kernel of the same version and fiesty's config | 01:29 |
malik | i have been tryin for days and nothin seems to get it workin..........i have installed esaycam2 also ov511 source driver from reops n alotta tweaking which im sure have stuffed everything to worst | 01:29 |
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seravitae | if that doesnt work you will have tt use fiesty's patched kernel. | 01:30 |
malik | WaZ: i have been tryin for days and nothin seems to get it workin..........i have installed esaycam2 also ov511 source driver from reops n alotta tweaking which im sure have stuffed everything to worst | 01:30 |
WaZ | have you seen the link i sent you? | 01:30 |
skar | seravitae: where do i get feisty's patched kernel? the one i have on the feisty partition? | 01:30 |
seravitae | you will need the fiesty source | 01:31 |
davin | Ferret no screen failure yet =D | 01:31 |
seravitae | and the .config | 01:31 |
seravitae | actually even easier | 01:31 |
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malik | WaZ: i didnt get any link | 01:31 |
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y0hm | Ladies & Gentlemen , I would like to express my gratitude to al the friendly helpful people on this channel ! Thank you Ops , Thank you Community ! | 01:31 |
WaZ | | 01:31 |
seravitae | use make-dpkg to make the debian packages of the fiesty kernel | 01:31 |
seravitae | and the headers | 01:31 |
Ferret | davin: Don't jinx it ;P | 01:31 |
seravitae | then import it onto the other box and unpack it | 01:31 |
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WaZ | malik, try modprobe ov511 | 01:32 |
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malik | WaZ: in the terminal? | 01:32 |
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WaZ | yeah | 01:33 |
leleobhz | Ferret: the good news - solved | 01:33 |
WaZ | sudo modprobe ov511 | 01:33 |
leleobhz | the bad news: every time a different package broke | 01:33 |
malik | nothin happened it came back to prompt | 01:33 |
WaZ | good | 01:33 |
genii | damned ovislinks are a pita | 01:33 |
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WaZ | now try cat /dev/video0 | 01:34 |
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WaZ | ctrl-c to end | 01:34 |
Confuscious | can you start gnome from the command line? | 01:34 |
elkbuntu | y0hm, thanks :) | 01:34 |
WaZ | Confuscious: try gdm | 01:34 |
WaZ | or startx | 01:34 |
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Confuscious | thanks | 01:35 |
fire-sly | how can i restore .bin associations? | 01:35 |
malik | WaZ: alotta thingies are runnin down the terminal | 01:35 |
WaZ | good | 01:35 |
WaZ | ctrl-c | 01:36 |
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davin | I need midi playing support :/ | 01:36 |
WaZ | malik: that means it can read your webcams output | 01:36 |
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malik | WaZ: oki with that command they are stopped | 01:36 |
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Faithful | where's the memory whole again? It seems to me that my mobo doesn't have one. I just put 4GB in and I have 4GB useable | 01:36 |
WaZ | malik: now you need to add yourself to the video group | 01:36 |
tuskernini | HOW do i connect to another computer via wireless ... i cant connect like i do to a normal router... | 01:36 |
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Ferret | leleobhz: Good! | 01:36 |
malik | WaZ: oki but how can i use the cam:0 that is million dollar doesnt show in any GUI of any utilities | 01:37 |
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cubetest | | 01:37 |
malik | WaZ: im al;ready in video group | 01:37 |
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fire-sly | i do some mistake configuring .bin file association.. how can i repair or restore it? | 01:37 |
WaZ | malik: try | 01:37 |
davin | nevermind found a timidity tutorial | 01:38 |
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angela | please guys change the ugly/default kde menu icons for the app categories in the K menu with something more nice | 01:38 |
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HymnToLife | angela, why don't you submit better ones then ? | 01:38 |
NoEvidenZ | OoberMick: Thanks. :P | 01:38 |
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NoEvidenZ | OoberMick: Just highlighting the username should be plenty | 01:39 |
angela | im sure the designer can find something better easily | 01:39 |
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angela | like use some from another icon theme | 01:39 |
WaZ | malik: I have to go, hope it works | 01:39 |
angela | i mean those icons date back to kde 3.0-3.1 days | 01:39 |
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angela | and they are kinda ugly | 01:40 |
skar | seravitae: ok rebuilding the kernel isn't necessary at all, i just found that i need raid1 inside the initrd, as my root is on s/w raid | 01:40 |
malik | ki doki thanx for tryin | 01:40 |
HymnToLife | angela, change them to something else then and quit ranting | 01:40 |
fire-sly | anyone can help me? | 01:40 |
HymnToLife | did it occur to you that if it's that, it's maybe because people like it that way ? | 01:40 |
WaZ | malik: it should work, just install gnome-meeting, or xawtv, both should be able to read your webcam | 01:40 |
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Nameeater | I am trying to install a speedtouch 330 modem following this guide: on an ubuntu server box, I have managed to get the connection up, but now I cant connect to anything? I can only ping my own IP, not sure what do do now | 01:40 |
angela | ok i will change icon theme for my own | 01:41 |
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slippyr4 | what is the ubuntu shell way of adding users? useradd, or adduser ? | 01:42 |
angela | anyone know how can i calibrate the distorted geometry of a DELL P793 ? worked fine a time and now the edges are diformed and i cannot get them to normal using the OSD menu | 01:42 |
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NoEvidenZ | useradd | 01:42 |
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slippyr4 | NoEvidenZ : ty | 01:43 |
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jiminy | hey . . . I'm a lapsed Mac user. ;o) What's the easiest way to get the close box onto the left of the title bar? | 01:44 |
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NoEvidenZ | jiminy: turn your screen upside down. ;) | 01:45 |
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jiminy | NoEvidenZ: Can't, I'm on a laptop. ;o) | 01:46 |
NoEvidenZ | jiminy: You're not trying hard enough. | 01:46 |
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davin | Ferret: locked up but no screen loss | 01:46 |
NightCircle | I'm looking for a screen-video-recorder, similiar to Fraps. Does anyone know one? | 01:47 |
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jiminy | NoEvidenZ: Yeah, but the straps I used to use to hang it from the ceiling broke . . . ;o) | 01:47 |
NoEvidenZ | I went to extremelan last november. I saw a guy with an LCD screen built into the side of his case where you'd normally have a window. I thought it was genious. | 01:47 |
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noela | hi | 01:47 |
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Slart | NightCircle: there was one.. yukon project or something similar | 01:47 |
NightCircle | Slart: Is it cancelled? | 01:47 |
Slart | NightCircle: if you google on "fraps linux" it was one of the first 20 hits | 01:47 |
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Slart | NightCircle: I have no idea.. haven't tried it | 01:48 |
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Cnl_Delta | side LCD screen that can shows resource usage on a computer would be extremely useful | 01:48 |
NightCircle | Slart: Well, it's a good start. Thank you. | 01:48 |
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Slart | Cnl_Delta: I'd like one of those small 7" displays for cars as a secondary display.. checking mail etc etc | 01:48 |
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Slart | NightCircle: you're welcome.. hope you find something that works for you | 01:49 |
jiminy | Hell, rip the screen out of an old B/W laptop . . . | 01:49 |
Cnl_Delta | E-Mail and RSS fields on the road uh | 01:49 |
skar | seravitae: found that the initrd is a gzipped cpio archive, unpacked it using gunzip, then cpio, copied raid1 and its dependency md_mod | 01:49 |
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NoEvidenZ | jiminy: Yeah, I have no idea. You might be able to get a theme that does it, but I have no idea. | 01:50 |
Slart | Cnl_Delta: no.. I wouldn't use it in a car.. it's just that it's made for a car.. I'd use it next to my desktop | 01:50 |
skar | now new initrd should be working, but it isn't :( | 01:50 |
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Cnl_Delta | ahh kk | 01:50 |
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jiminy | NoEvidenZ: Okay, cool. I hope you're right. ;o) I'll go digging---Ubuntu uses Metacity by default, right? | 01:50 |
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NoEvidenZ | Um.. Sounds familiar. I'm just a regular new user. :P | 01:51 |
Pici | jiminy: Yes, it does if you use Gnome | 01:51 |
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jiminy | NoEvidenZ: Ah, another victim. ;P | 01:51 |
jiminy | Pici: That's me. Thanks. | 01:51 |
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NoEvidenZ | jiminy: Victim? I don't even know what's hit me yet. | 01:52 |
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jiminy | NoEvidenZ: Ah. I'm just bitter after having to get a Broadcom wireless card working. (If you don't know what I mean, *don't ask*. ;o) | 01:52 |
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Costel | is there a channel for hardware support? | 01:53 |
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pihus | wtf. why is my CPU usage 100% even when screensaver is set to "blank screen" | 01:55 |
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pihus | after resuming from "blank screen" screensaver, cpu usage reduces to somewhat 10-20% | 01:55 |
pihus | does it take so much cpu to display a blank screen? :D | 01:56 |
Toma- | pihus: how are you finding this out? | 01:56 |
pihus | with system monitor | 01:56 |
pihus | + cpu fan | 01:56 |
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Toma- | and you're seeing the system monitor thru a blank screen? | 01:57 |
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pihus | no, but I can see the graph history | 01:57 |
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Shironeko | Good afternoon | 01:58 |
Toma- | try running 'top -d 5' and see whats using the CPU? | 01:58 |
Toma- | or extend the time with higher numbers | 01:58 |
pihus | while in blank screen? | 01:58 |
Toma- | with the delay, it wont update till after your screen has popped back up ;) | 01:59 |
Shironeko | I got a problem with nautilus. It index the wrong amount of free disk space | 01:59 |
Shironeko | *indexes | 01:59 |
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Shironeko | Yesterday I was short on HD space, and didn't notice. There was only 1.5 GB left of HD | 02:00 |
Shironeko | Without having notices I decided to create a new tar.bz2 file with some movies in it | 02:00 |
Shironeko | *noticed | 02:00 |
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Shironeko | Obiously after a few seconds I got an error from the manager and the process was aborted and the new tar.bz2 file automatically deleted | 02:01 |
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Shironeko | No HD space was left | 02:01 |
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Toma- | Shironeko: movies generally dont zip very well | 02:02 |
genii | Toma I suspect he has some cron housekeeping thing that kicks in when the box hits screensaver | 02:02 |
Shironeko | It didn't zip because there was no HD space left | 02:02 |
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Shironeko | I got and error 100% usage | 02:02 |
Pici | Shironeko: Does nautilus's space left equal the results of `df -h` ? | 02:02 |
Toma- | genii: so do i. hope its not an Xorg bug tho | 02:02 |
cafuego_ | Shironeko: zip compresses to a second file, THEN deletes the original. | 02:02 |
cafuego_ | Shironeko: So you compress a large file, you need a lot of (temporary) space | 02:02 |
pihus | lol, silly me. | 02:03 |
Shironeko | and then, the process was automatically aborted and the tar.bz2 was deleted, but the hard disk space didn't come back | 02:03 |
anandanbu | any alternative to flashget in ubuntu | 02:03 |
pihus | beagel is indexin while computer is in idle mode | 02:03 |
Shironeko | un sec I'll check with df | 02:03 |
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Toma- | pihus: :) | 02:03 |
Toma- | anandanbu: whats flashget? | 02:03 |
anandanbu | a download manager in windows | 02:04 |
anandanbu | like IDM | 02:04 |
Toma- | d4x is my favorite | 02:04 |
Shironeko | Yes, It does match | 02:04 |
b0c1 | I no idea... | 02:04 |
Shironeko | But that can't be | 02:04 |
b0c1 | I try to do dist-upgrade | 02:04 |
y0hm | In what config file would xfce4 store it's "autostarted applications" ? | 02:04 |
onats | kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk | 02:04 |
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b0c1 | but | 02:04 |
onats | sorry | 02:04 |
Toma- | y0hm: ~/.config/autostart | 02:05 |
Shironeko | I'll think I'll make a video to show you about the problem | 02:05 |
Shironeko | wait a few minutes | 02:05 |
Costel | how can i make .iso image from Cd? | 02:05 |
b0c1 | dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/volumeid_093-0ubuntu18.0edgy2_i386.deb (--unpack): | 02:05 |
b0c1 | trying to overwrite `/sbin/vol_id', which is also in package udev | 02:05 |
Costel | i a command i forgot | 02:05 |
b0c1 | I get this error | 02:05 |
b0c1 | any idea? | 02:05 |
y0hm | Toma : thx | 02:05 |
Toma- | Costel: mkisofs | 02:05 |
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Costel | mkisofs cdro0 /tmp | 02:07 |
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CraZy675 | I'm playing around with reconstructor, and I want to try out the iso I created. Does anyone know of free virtualization software that will work for me? | 02:07 |
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Toma- | CraZy675: mount -o loop | 02:08 |
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CraZy675 | Toma-: thanks I'll try that | 02:08 |
Toma- | CraZy675: specifially, 'sudo mount -o loop your.iso /media/cdrom' | 02:08 |
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CraZy675 | Toma-: that that will work for live cds? | 02:09 |
Shironeko | I mean, If the compression process is interrupted and the file is delted, the space should be freed again, right? | 02:09 |
Toma- | CraZy675: no... live cds need to boot | 02:09 |
Toma- | you might wanna try qemu for testing live cds | 02:09 |
CraZy675 | Toma- yea thats why i need virtualization | 02:09 |
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Toma- | ahh ok | 02:09 |
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Toma- | yeh, qemu ftw. | 02:09 |
Pici | Shironeko: I would think so, I'm guessing that there are files still in /tmp that didnt get deleted when the process failed | 02:10 |
CraZy675 | ok | 02:10 |
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mojo | !botsnack | 02:11 |
ubotu | Yum! | 02:11 |
Shironeko | Yeah, I thought that that too and checked but, temp is only 33KB, and I'm missing 1.5 GB of space | 02:11 |
Toma- | Shironeko: check /var | 02:11 |
Toma- | and try apt-get clean | 02:11 |
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Shironeko | ok | 02:12 |
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ahon | Witam | 02:12 |
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Shironeko | Aptitude clean, indeed cleaned something about 300MB but I don't know if that was it. I'll make a quick video and show you... Maybe It's some bug I found | 02:16 |
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Carnage\ | It removes the downloaded .deb-files in the cache | 02:16 |
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Carnage\ | Shironeko: | 02:16 |
blackest | is it possible to install beryl on ati 9550 radeon | 02:16 |
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anandanbu | what are the downloading software in ubuntu like the flashget or Internet Download Manager | 02:17 |
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mr_daniel | do anyone know a american proxy-server? | 02:18 |
wootcakes | get banned? | 02:18 |
mr_daniel | I need it to see a website which is only permitted for american | 02:18 |
mr_daniel | wootcakes: no ban | 02:18 |
Pici | anandanbu: I dont know of any off the top of my head, perhaps check the repositories | 02:18 |
IdleOne | mr_daniel, what site? | 02:18 |
Shironeko | anandanbu | 02:19 |
mr_daniel | I just want to see the content of this site | 02:19 |
Pici | . | 02:19 |
CraZy675 | qemu seems to be working great | 02:19 |
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CraZy675 | thanks | 02:19 |
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wootcakes | mr_daniel, the site? | 02:19 |
mr_daniel | seems to be a funny series | 02:19 |
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mr_daniel | wootcakes: I can see the site, but not the content of the pop-up's | 02:19 |
Shironeko | anandanbu | 02:20 |
Shironeko | try with downloader 4 X | 02:20 |
Shironeko | wget | 02:20 |
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Shironeko | Gktwget | 02:20 |
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mr_daniel | click on 'sneak peak' or 'rules for fools' than you will see what I mean | 02:20 |
mr_daniel | but back to my question: | 02:20 |
k7br | #ubuntu-br | 02:20 |
mr_daniel | do anyone know a free public proxy-server in america ? | 02:20 |
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pedroVox | hi! newbie here! astonesh by ubuntu in G4.. | 02:21 |
pedroVox | :) | 02:21 |
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IdleOne | !flash | mr_daniel | 02:23 |
ubotu | mr_daniel: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 02:23 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 02:23 |
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mr_daniel | ok, thank you | 02:23 |
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IdleOne | mr_daniel, I doubt that t.v blocks any ip | 02:23 |
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IdleOne | t.v land | 02:24 |
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NoEvidenZ | I have to build GCC for the third time in 2 days. | 02:24 |
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mr_daniel | IdleOne: no ip blocking ? | 02:24 |
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titus | anyone know how to make gnu emacs 21 look good/normal on edgy with beryl & xgl? | 02:24 |
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IdleOne | mr_daniel, I dont think would limit to only america . it is a network for kids so they would want the largest possible audience | 02:25 |
titus | I asked this on ubuntu-effects but it seems quiet there. | 02:25 |
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mr_daniel | IdleOne: and why I am not allowed to see the site-content? | 02:26 |
mr_daniel | there must be a reason | 02:26 |
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andel | pwd | 02:26 |
IdleOne | mr_daniel, you probably dont have codecs installed or the right player | 02:26 |
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daveyates | for whoever was asking about making fonts look good in Emacs, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig, and enable bitmapped font support | 02:28 |
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IdleOne | titus, ^^^ | 02:28 |
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genii | mr_daniel There is some strangeness with some flash games and things of this sort which prevents them from displaying properly on occasion with some older flash plugins that come for linux/ubuntu | 02:29 |
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titus | daveyates: thanks, trying that now | 02:29 |
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NoEvidenZ | mr_daniel: Ever heard the song Coming@Choo? | 02:30 |
mindmedic | I deletet /etc/init.d/mysql which belongs to mysql-server-5.0.. After I do a "apt-get install mysql-server-5.0" the file is still missing, although apt says it got installed via the package. | 02:30 |
mr_daniel | NoEvidenZ: no, never | 02:30 |
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mindmedic | I could extract the file manually from the .deb, however I am curious why apt doesn't reinstall the file. | 02:31 |
daveyates | titus: I haven't used emacs in years, so I am not up on fonts and emacs, but another thing to try is installing the terminus font package, or maybe the artwiz fonts as well, you may have to do a | 02:31 |
daveyates | titus: I haven't used emacs in years, so I am not up on fonts and emacs, but another thing to try is installing the terminus font package, or maybe the artwiz fonts as well, you may have to do a EditDelete | 02:31 |
daveyates | sudo ln -s /usr/share/X11/fonts /usr/lib/X11/fonts first though | 02:31 |
genii | mr_daniel If you truly feel it is because your ip resolves to someplace outside of the states, try a proxy server from here: but I already can tell you it likely is not the reason, more probable it is the flash player issue | 02:31 |
NoEvidenZ | mr_daniel: Never mind then. | 02:31 |
mr_daniel | genii: ok, thank you | 02:31 |
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CheshireViking | mr_daniel, i've just tried that website from the uk and the files play ok on my machine under windows - haven't got an ubuntu box handy to try that | 02:32 |
daveyates | scratch the EditDelets think there titus, dang putty session in windows | 02:32 |
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NoEvidenZ | gahhhhhh! | 02:33 |
NoEvidenZ | Hot curry! >.< | 02:33 |
titus | daveyates: I ran that command and fonts still look rubbish... | 02:33 |
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titus | daveyates: sorry missed your later posts - I'll check those fonts first | 02:34 |
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daveyates | cool | 02:34 |
nioos | hey my ubuntu edgy boot very slow, how can i make it faster any ideas? | 02:34 |
NoEvidenZ | I'd totally leave my ubuntu box on so I could use it from school, but I don't trust the power supply in it. | 02:35 |
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genii | nioos How much ram in your computer? | 02:35 |
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IdleOne | nioos, get a faster machine. or remove GUI | 02:35 |
battlesquid | i'm experiencing long waits when connecting to and running commands on my ubuntu 6.10 server, via ssh. i've asked around and have changed the sshd_config setting "UseDNS" to "no" as this is related, then restarted sshd using the init.d script but the problem remains. any help to further diagnose the problem is appreciated. | 02:35 |
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nioos | new machine? | 02:36 |
nioos | centrino duo 1.8ghz with 1gb ram | 02:36 |
IdleOne | nioos, you can also try using a WM like xfce4 or icewm | 02:36 |
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IdleOne | hmmm well then you should need more ram | 02:37 |
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y0hm | battlesquid: I experienced that once , but only with logging in .. reinstalling ssh & (x)inetd fixed it for me | 02:37 |
y0hm | battlesquid : make sure you backup your configs if needed | 02:37 |
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titus | daveyates: I checked & installed terminus and artwiz xfonts were installed...any other ideas? | 02:38 |
battlesquid | y0hm, how would i do that, remotely? i have no local access (the box is far away) | 02:38 |
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genii | battlesquid It may be you have some slow boxes inbetween. tracepath might show you if its is the case | 02:38 |
battlesquid | genii, thanks i'll look at that first | 02:38 |
daveyates | titus, have you restarted x? | 02:38 |
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y0hm | battlesquid : my problem was local though , check out genii's advice first ! | 02:39 |
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Shironeko | I FOUND WHAT HAPPENED! | 02:41 |
Shironeko | after the error, the files weren't deleted | 02:41 |
battlesquid | genii, y0hm, it appears tracepath hangs like any other command, i'll paste here when it's done. | 02:41 |
titus | daveyates: hi, I restarted x, no change to emacs fonts | 02:41 |
Shironeko | They were hidden with a strange name in the same folder I created them | 02:41 |
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Shironeko | I'm happy now. Thanks everybody | 02:41 |
Shironeko | What do we learn from this? That when we get and error while zipping a file, the file is not deleted only hidden | 02:41 |
Pici | Shironeko: Glad you got it sorted out | 02:41 |
Shironeko | I Know what happened! | 02:41 |
genii | battlesquid Better to pastebin it if there are many lines | 02:41 |
Shironeko | Afer getting the error while zipping the file, the file wasn't deleted only hidden, | 02:41 |
Shironeko | and therefor there was no space freed | 02:41 |
Shironeko | Thanks | 02:41 |
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IdleOne | 02:42 | |
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IdleOne | 02:42 | |
IdleOne | sorry | 02:43 |
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genii | battlesquid When you put the command you used something like: sudo tracepath ? (or ip) | 02:43 |
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Shironeko | Btw, Is there anyway to resize the Windows Partition? I don't use windows anymore and would like to resize the partition and add some more space to my ubuntu partition | 02:44 |
battlesquid | genii, yes apart from sudo | 02:44 |
battlesquid | genii, using an ip address | 02:44 |
IdleOne | !gparted | Shironeko | 02:44 |
ubotu | Shironeko: gparted is gparted is a GUI partitioning program, "sudo apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd | 02:44 |
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genii | battlesquid OK. Very odd. Does ping manage to reach it?? | 02:45 |
Shironeko | Yes I have gparted installed, but I can't resize the windows partition | 02:45 |
IdleOne | why not? | 02:45 |
Shironeko | there's a lock, | 02:45 |
IdleOne | unlock it | 02:45 |
Shironeko | well first I unmount the partition | 02:45 |
Shironeko | let's see | 02:45 |
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rogier | i have an external hard drive, when i connect it i can open the files, but i can't put new files on there. I get an warning: "you don't have writing rights for this folder" (translated from dutch so exact massage could't be a little different). How can i get writing rights? | 02:45 |
Shironeko | unmounted | 02:46 |
battlesquid | genii, that was from the remote host to my desktop here. pinging from here to remote no pong.. | 02:46 |
mindmedic | rogier: do you have an ntfs filesystem on there | 02:46 |
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lawine | rogier: what type of FS is on the drive? | 02:46 |
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CheshireViking | Shironeko, i resized my windows partition using Partition Magic through windows to shrink it to create space to install ubuntu, - that was after defragging, consolidating free space etc - it still corrupted a couple of file which i was able to reinstall because i needed windows to carry on running | 02:46 |
rogier | i think it's fat32. (isn't an external harddrive always fat32?) | 02:47 |
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talv | hi all does anyone know how to get daap sharing with amarok? | 02:47 |
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talv | i got it in rhythmbox but id rather use amarok | 02:47 |
Shironeko | I tried with Partition Magic, but can't use it. It doesn't recognize my partition letter anymore or something... that's what it tells me | 02:47 |
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genii | battlesquid Looks to me at first glance then to be some kind of routing or dns issue | 02:47 |
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battlesquid | genii, i should probably mention the server is behind a router that forwards the ports 22 and 80 to the server which has static ip address... this could be a bad approach but it used to work. | 02:48 |
lawine | rogier: no, doesn't have to be.. What does 'mount' say when you have the drive connected? | 02:48 |
IdleOne | battlesquid, remote host may be setup to drop ping requst | 02:48 |
Shironeko | Ok, after umounting the windows partition and opening gdit | 02:48 |
Shironeko | I get a warn sign | 02:48 |
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Shironeko | a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark | 02:48 |
rogier | oke it is ntfs | 02:48 |
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Shironeko | reformat it to fat32 | 02:48 |
IdleOne | !ntfs | rogier | 02:48 |
ubotu | rogier: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 02:48 |
battlesquid | genii, IdleOne i tried to ping the router (the server has only local ip) | 02:49 |
Shironeko | rogier, | 02:49 |
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rogier | yes | 02:49 |
lawine | rogier: there you go. Ubuntu doesn't do writing to ntfs by default. | 02:49 |
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Shironeko | you can enable it, but it's risky | 02:49 |
phatrabbi1 | Hi, i recently formatted my ubuntu disk and now it is saying it's a BAD DISK and i can not format it in anyway, does any know how i can format it in ubuntu without installing it | 02:49 |
IdleOne | battlesquid, thats what I meant sorry .. router might be droping ping requests | 02:49 |
genii | battlesquid I use the same setup here and it works fine | 02:49 |
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rogier | is it hard to add ntfs to ubuntu? | 02:50 |
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battlesquid | IdleOne, IdleOne i'm not very experienced with routers and such, is there something i can do? | 02:50 |
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battlesquid | genii, -^ | 02:50 |
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IdleOne | battlesquid, if you can get to the admin page of the router you can stop dropping requests for ping/pong but then again it depends who's it is and why they have it setup that way | 02:51 |
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genii | battlesquid Yes, it would help if the router had icmp enabled (ping reply) | 02:52 |
rogier | found a guide, going to try | 02:52 |
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battlesquid | IdleOne, i can access that locally but it's far away so i need to travel. | 02:52 |
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Eko_Hermiyanto | hello | 02:52 |
CheshireViking | Shironeko, i don't know what to suggest with partition magic, i was lucky & it worked without problems | 02:52 |
Eko_Hermiyanto | good evening | 02:52 |
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Eko_Hermiyanto | I have an ubuntu system on my laptop | 02:52 |
Eko_Hermiyanto | Ubuntu 5.10 | 02:52 |
Eko_Hermiyanto | I want to upgrade it into edgy... | 02:52 |
IdleOne | !enter | Eko_Hermiyanto | 02:52 |
ubotu | Eko_Hermiyanto: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 02:52 |
Eko_Hermiyanto | how I can do that? | 02:52 |
IdleOne | !upgrade | Eko_Hermiyanto | 02:53 |
ubotu | Eko_Hermiyanto: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 02:53 |
Eko_Hermiyanto | ubotu, thanks so much | 02:53 |
Eko_Hermiyanto | i will se it | 02:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about thanks so much - try searching on | 02:53 |
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IdleOne | !botsnack | 02:53 |
ubotu | Yum! | 02:53 |
titus | anyone know how I can sort out fonts in gnu emacs on edgy with beryl & xgl? They are fine unless beryl is running. | 02:53 |
genii | battlesquid Another thing which is sometimes a problem is that some "hackers" try to brute-force attack on known ports, so the box could just be overloaded with this at times. You should change the port that sshd runs on to something oddball and then forward that port instead | 02:54 |
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battlesquid | genii, thanks for the advice. so in any case it's the router settings that need to be altered? | 02:54 |
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IdleOne | genii, from what I understand a reason to have icmp disabled is so that it looks like there is no router at that ip..( invisible ) | 02:55 |
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IdleOne | maybe Im wrong | 02:55 |
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bauer77 | Yes the reason to disable ICMP is to make it so that your Ip address can not be pinged | 02:56 |
genii | Well, if you change the sshd port on the server, of course reflect that in the router settings. But yes, either way the router should be set to ping anyhow. Otherwise often it goes into a black hole of sorts | 02:56 |
talv | hi does anyone know how to get music sharing done properly in amarok, i can see other computers only if i know their ip address and my share is not being braodcast although it works fine in rhythmbox | 02:56 |
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bauer77 | Pinging your IP makes you "seen" on the internet and makes your more susceptable to attack. | 02:56 |
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genii | IdleOne no, it is correct that they are set this way to discourage attacks. But there is no real way to hack in by icmp | 02:57 |
genii | bauer77 Just so | 02:57 |
IdleOne | genii, icmp lets them know the box is there after that it's a matter of time | 02:57 |
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IdleOne | later guys | 02:58 |
genii | IdleOne That is why it is important to put known services on non-standard port numbers | 02:58 |
battlesquid | IdleOne, bauer77 will shutting off icmp affect others using the router? other people should be able to get internet through the router as well as the server being fully useable remotely. it's a bit messy setup but it's all i get to work with. | 02:58 |
bauer77 | Yes , if you cant ping and IP address, you dont know it exists | 02:58 |
bauer77 | battlesquid , all it does is allow users to not be able to use the ping command | 02:58 |
bauer77 | it wont affect the router functionality | 02:58 |
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battlesquid | bauer77, oh so it wont help me then | 02:59 |
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tuskernini | DO I connect to a pc to pc WIRELESS lan the same way as wit my wireless router? | 02:59 |
bauer77 | I believe I missed your initial problem battlesquid | 02:59 |
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battlesquid | i don't need ping unless something i need needs it... | 02:59 |
AMD | i think you have to have a router | 02:59 |
battlesquid | bauer77, i'm experiencing long waits when connecting to and running commands on my ubuntu 6.10 server, via ssh. i've asked around and have changed the sshd_config setting "UseDNS" to "no" as this is related, then restarted sshd using the init.d script but the problem remains. any help to further diagnose the problem is appreciated. | 03:00 |
AMD | ie you cant connect pc to pc with out it IMHO | 03:00 |
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bauer77 | is the issue just related to ssh? | 03:00 |
battlesquid | bauer77, i wish i could tell for sure | 03:01 |
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genii | battlesquid Well, it is good to be able to turn it on and off for diagnostic purposes for instance. you may want to consider turning on the remote admin features of the router so you can access it over the internet. But I recommend again to put it on some oddball port number | 03:01 |
bauer77 | yes I agree with genii | 03:01 |
battlesquid | genii, bauer77 noted, thank you | 03:01 |
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eNons3nse | can someone give me some help with democracy player? i should be able to put a torrent RSS feed in there and it should download the files right? because it's only downloading the .torrent files and not executing the torrent downloads. | 03:02 |
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jmazaredo | how do u install XFree86-devel on ubuntu | 03:03 |
AMD | fisrts this would be to google :) | 03:04 |
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nicolah | I need to do some videoediting, what should I use ? | 03:04 |
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AMD | nicolah i have never seen any stuff on ubuntu for video editing ..........but mabe there is ,you maybe lucky :-) | 03:07 |
nicolah | thanks AMD | 03:08 |
AMD | :_) | 03:08 |
AMD | or is it :-) | 03:08 |
AMD | google can be good with this stuff ! | 03:09 |
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cbx33 | nicolah, what about kino? | 03:09 |
nicolah | thanks cbx33 I'll check | 03:10 |
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rogier | i just installed ntfs support for an external hard drive, now i can't disconnect it... | 03:11 |
rogier | what's the terminal command to dismount a drive? | 03:12 |
bauer77 | umount rogier | 03:12 |
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boky | i am wondering which is range indore of linksys wrt54gl? | 03:12 |
rogier | would it be safe to just shut down my computer? | 03:12 |
bauer77 | I dont recommend it | 03:13 |
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rogier | ow | 03:13 |
bauer77 | where did you mount the drive at? | 03:13 |
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rogier | umount sda5? | 03:13 |
Pici | rogier: Yes, you can shutdown with the shutdown command, that will unmount your drives. | 03:13 |
rogier | shure? | 03:13 |
Pici | rogier: umount /dev/devicename | 03:13 |
bauer77 | pici is that failsafe though? | 03:13 |
ikonia_ | no - its umount $filesystem | 03:13 |
ikonia_ | you don't unmount a device - you unmount a file ssytem | 03:14 |
ndlovu | isn't there some command to check what process / user has a "hold" on some mounted resource? | 03:14 |
ikonia_ | fuser | 03:14 |
Pici | ikonia_: I thought it could take either as arguments, although I could be wrong | 03:14 |
ikonia_ | Pici should be file systems only | 03:14 |
rogier | seems that sudo umount /dev/sda5 did the trick | 03:14 |
bauer77 | yes I knew it would | 03:14 |
dyrne | boky: depends alot on the walls. regular frame house will be good. aparment in arizona with block walls very. | 03:14 |
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dyrne | boky: bad | 03:14 |
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Pici | ndlovu: lsof lists open things and whats using them | 03:15 |
bauer77 | ikonia he was trying to umount his hard drive, not his file system | 03:15 |
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rogier | no not realy | 03:15 |
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rogier | i'll just shut down and check with livecd... | 03:15 |
rogier | bye | 03:15 |
ndlovu | Pici, thanks - I was thinking of fuser, which ikonia_ suggested. lsof is a new command for me to play with! | 03:16 |
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nicolah | cbx33, kino works with .dv files only. The file I need to edit is a .mov | 03:17 |
dkohen | boky: I'm using a linksys here in Israel - ie thick concrete walls - and I get about 8 metres before it starts to degrade. I don't know why but I get less than that when I first hook up and it improves over time. Once it has "learned" a device I get full power immediately. | 03:17 |
ndlovu | lsof doesn't hold back on its output! | 03:17 |
cbx33 | nicolah, ahh | 03:17 |
cbx33 | well that's easy | 03:17 |
cbx33 | convert it to an avi | 03:17 |
cbx33 | kino reads avis | 03:17 |
ikonia_ | lsof onlylists open files, not processes | 03:17 |
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cbx33 | if yuou need more info then | 03:17 |
nicolah | I'm trying to convert it to avi using avidemux, but it doesn't seem to work | 03:18 |
mike1o | !pastebin | 03:18 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:18 |
nicolah | ok | 03:18 |
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MtJB | how do i suid a program in ubuntu? | 03:19 |
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ikonia_ | MtJB bchmod | 03:19 |
ikonia_ | chmod | 03:19 |
MtJB | ok, thanks | 03:20 |
secureboot_ | if i want to build the .udebs from the kernel, what command do i need to run in the linux-source tree for fiesty? is clearly wrong (binary-debs isn't even a target) | 03:20 |
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ikonia_ | secureboot_ one you don't build debs from the kernel, two fesity support is in #ubuntu+1 | 03:21 |
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secureboot_ | ikonia_: you don't build debs from the kernel? I do it all the time... | 03:21 |
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ikonia_ | secureboot_ you can package up a source or binary package - yes | 03:21 |
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secureboot_ | ikonia_: so what did you mean buy "you don't build debs from the kernel"? | 03:23 |
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greenskin | wondering, is anyone using raid-1 (mirroring) with ubuntu server? | 03:23 |
nicolah | cbx33, do I need to install some strange codec to import files in kino ? | 03:24 |
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ykanello | greenskin: I do | 03:24 |
cbx33 | nicolah, shuldn't need to | 03:24 |
ykanello | on x64 and on Sparc64 | 03:24 |
greenskin | ykanello: cool. i'm setting up a simple lamp server on x64. | 03:24 |
cbx33 | ws along time since I did it | 03:25 |
Enselic` | nicolah: kino only supports DV | 03:25 |
cbx33 | you only need to convert them to AVI | 03:25 |
cbx33 | Enselic`, wrong | 03:25 |
cbx33 | it supports AVI too | 03:25 |
Enselic` | nicolah: and .avi perhaps | 03:25 |
gop | !cifs | 03:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cifs - try searching on | 03:25 |
cbx33 | :p | 03:25 |
greenskin | in docs i found online i see that people install it by creating the partitions on both drives first, and then raid'ing them? | 03:25 |
nicolah | cbx33, avi is just a cointainer, what codec should I use ? | 03:25 |
cbx33 | look at the blog post I gave you | 03:25 |
nicolah | xvid, mpg4 ? | 03:25 |
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cbx33 | it has a mencoder line to do it for you | 03:25 |
greenskin | doesn't it make more sense to use a big partition per drive, and set up the partitions in the mirrored space instead? | 03:25 |
cbx33 | mencoder -oac mp3lame -ovc xvid -of avi -xvidencopts bitrate=1350 -o output.avi input.flv | 03:25 |
Enselic` | nicolah: you can use ffmpeg to make it into dv: ffmpeg -i infile.mpeg -target pal-dv | 03:25 |
y0hm | !smbfs !gop | 03:26 |
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ubotu | smbfs: mount and umount commands for the smbfs (for kernels >= than 2.2.x). In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.22-1ubuntu4.1 (edgy), package size 389 kB, installed size 920 kB | 03:26 |
Enselic` | nicolah: add -o outfile.dv to that | 03:26 |
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gop | y0hm, what the difference from smbfs anders_home cifs | 03:26 |
y0hm | gop : i'f i'm correct that package includes cifs support | 03:26 |
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sharkp_ | !hi |sharkp | 03:26 |
ubotu | sharkp: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 03:26 |
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gop | y0hm, oh, hmm is cifs a more secure version | 03:27 |
y0hm | gop : I heard so | 03:27 |
petrovichby | Hi all! | 03:27 |
gop | samba is the unix version of lanmanger right | 03:27 |
nicolah | btw I found out that kino can't help me creating a circle to evidence a particular in the video, does it ? | 03:27 |
y0hm | gop : that it is more secure | 03:27 |
gop | oh | 03:27 |
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y0hm | gop : ( cifs = more secure ) | 03:28 |
y0hm | not smbfs :) | 03:28 |
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CapaH | This is kind of a strange request, but whenever I start terminal if I want to become root I have to sudo bash... but suppose I want to start terminal and have me already root, without the need to put in my password more than once | 03:28 |
gop | smbfs is unix version of lan manger right y0hm | 03:28 |
phatrabbi1 | does anyone know a linux tool that i can put on disk to format my hard drive | 03:28 |
y0hm | gop : I don' t know ! | 03:28 |
greenskin | ykanello: did you make partitions on both drives, or did you use one big partition per drive and then set up partitions in the raid array? | 03:28 |
gop | thanks | 03:29 |
petrovichby | Can anyone tell me how to authenticate in windows domain from ubuntu? | 03:29 |
ikonia_ | petrovichby samba | 03:29 |
mdl178 | CapaH - gksu gnome-terminal | 03:30 |
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petrovichby | i can see other hosts and share my folders using samba, but i cannot join the windows domain | 03:30 |
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gop | ldap | 03:31 |
mdl178 | (kdesu konsole if you use KDE) | 03:31 |
dkohen | CapaH: If you edit the menus it's already there under Applications->System Tools - just make it visible and use away. | 03:31 |
gop | !ldap | 03:31 |
ubotu | LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information and installation instructions, see | 03:31 |
ikonia_ | petrovichby search the wiki - samba can participate in an AD domain but not be a master | 03:31 |
HymnToLife | kdesu konsole is....... uncommon | 03:31 |
HymnToLife | to say the least :p | 03:32 |
petrovichby | thanks | 03:32 |
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mdl178 | I don't recommend it! but it gets done what he wants :) | 03:32 |
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HymnToLife | sudo -i is a better way to have the same job done :p | 03:32 |
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dc2447 | Can someone point me in the direction of setting up Ubuntu so the display from one pc goes to another using DISPLAY=someip:1 type thing? | 03:37 |
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knoppix | g | 03:38 |
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Coffeeburrito | dc2447, look up a program: Synergy | 03:39 |
Coffeeburrito | it sortof does it | 03:39 |
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dc2447 | no not like synergy | 03:41 |
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dc2447 | export DISPLAY= && somecommand | 03:41 |
bulmer | any Novell client for linux (suse) converted to Ubuntu? compiling from tar ball ? | 03:42 |
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ndlovu | dc2447, vnc I think does what you are looking for | 03:42 |
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bulmer | dc2447 are you ssh'd in? | 03:43 |
zero__ | I have a compaq presario. the wireless is not working it has a "0000:02:06.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)" | 03:43 |
zero__ | i think it need a pach | 03:43 |
dc2447 | No - on the console | 03:43 |
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bulmer | dc2447: can you prefix a nick to your response so it would not be missed? | 03:44 |
gop | is thier a repos that has vmserver | 03:45 |
gop | vmware server | 03:45 |
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Nemes | How can I add a symbolic link to a folder into the "Places" menu? | 03:46 |
gop | vmware-server-distrib$ sudo ./ | 03:46 |
gop | A previous installation of VMware software has been detected. | 03:46 |
gop | Failure | 03:46 |
gop | I get this error | 03:46 |
gop | and NO other version is installed | 03:46 |
davin | gop: ./ | 03:47 |
predaeus | Nemes: go to the required folder with nautilus and then select Bookmarks/Add from Nautilus | 03:47 |
davin | gop I had the same problem | 03:47 |
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bulmer | Nemes you also can go to Alacarte menu and add new entry | 03:47 |
Nemes | Thanks, predaeus. Thanks, bulmer. | 03:48 |
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davin | gop I just browsed every folder of vmware and deleted all, then did the install again | 03:48 |
Coffeeburrito | I'm running ubuntu server, I didn't change anything, but now when I go to do apt-get update, it ends with W: GPG error: dapper Release: Unknown error executing gpgv | 03:48 |
Coffeeburrito | W: GPG error: dapper-updates Release: Unknown error executing gpgv | 03:48 |
Coffeeburrito | W: GPG error: dapper-security Release: Unknown error executing gpgv | 03:48 |
Coffeeburrito | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 03:48 |
davin | !paste | 03:48 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:48 |
Coffeeburrito | sorry | 03:48 |
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davin | np | 03:48 |
mdl178 | gahh, surely I'm not the only one who has to type "killall firefox-bin" once every day or so | 03:48 |
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mdl178 | right? :P | 03:48 |
predaeus | what version of firefox are u on? | 03:49 |
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mdl178 | | 03:49 |
cwoodall | mdl178: wow, that is funny. U should have to do that. | 03:49 |
cwoodall | mdl178: are u using repo or site | 03:49 |
calvarez | I am trying to get xdmcp working in my home ubuntu edgy box so I can connect from my laptop | 03:49 |
cwoodall | mdl178: site(meaning the ff website) | 03:50 |
predaeus | I am on Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061208 Firefox/ hardly any problems. | 03:50 |
bulmer | md178 am curious if you can create a ramdisk, put firefox in it and run it from there, i wonder if you get same crashing | 03:50 |
mdl178 | Just using whatever's in the edgy repositories | 03:50 |
davin | I was thinking, if /dev/sda1 is mounted on / , where is /dev/... locatewd? | 03:50 |
davin | located* | 03:50 |
davin | I mean | 03:50 |
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calvarez | I am trying to get xdmcp working in my home ubuntu edgy box so I can connect from my laptop (same LAN). For some reason, whenever I try to connect the connection seems to go through but the screen is blank. If I am in the same box, I can connect to it through xdmcp just fine. Any ideas? | 03:50 |
davin | how can you mount /dev/xxx if / does not already exist? | 03:50 |
bulmer | davin you cant get a system running without / | 03:51 |
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davin | bulmer but /dev/sda1 exists without /? | 03:51 |
bulmer | davin via the magic of other file system, linux have more than one file system... go see mount command | 03:51 |
davin | bulmer nevermind I think I get it | 03:52 |
bulmer | davin during boot it maybe running on ramdisk and such | 03:52 |
HymnToLife | davin, that's what initrd's are for :) | 03:52 |
calvarez | !xdmcp | 03:52 |
ubotu | xdmcp is the X Display Manger Control Protocol -- look at to find out how to configure it | 03:52 |
HymnToLife | !initrd | 03:52 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about initrd - try searching on | 03:52 |
Chousuke | The kernel handles everything | 03:52 |
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davin | can I use xdmcp on live cd? (I have a pc running ubuntu which is on and I want to connect to it using the live cd xdmcp)? | 03:52 |
bulmer | any Novell client for linux (suse) converted to Ubuntu? compiling from tar ball ? | 03:52 |
tahsin | How do I install KDM themes ? I have gnome and kde but set gdm as default | 03:52 |
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tahsin | How do I install KDM themes ? I have gnome and kde but set gdm as default | 03:53 |
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tahsin | ? | 03:53 |
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HymnToLife | I don't see the use of installing KDM themes if you're using GDM... | 03:54 |
bulmer | tahsin i believe you have to log-off and then select the session type at logon prompt ..below left corner | 03:54 |
Meekus | I inherited a linux server that was set up by someone else. I can SSH fine into the machine, but another can not. I checked the ssh_config file, and that checks out ok. any thoughts? | 03:54 |
tahsin | bulmer: i know that i am talking about installing kdm themes | 03:54 |
HymnToLife | bulmer, KDM/GDM _is_ the "login screen" | 03:55 |
bronze | whatsthe reject message? | 03:55 |
bulmer | Meekus several, /etc/host.deny or /etc/host.allow | 03:55 |
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bulmer | HymnToLife: for him to choose between the two, its in the session selection during login noh? | 03:55 |
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Meekus | ty bulmer :) will check those. bronze: No reject message... just prompts for password, and after three times, it kicks out | 03:55 |
idefix | what exactly is a controller in a PC? | 03:55 |
tahsin | bulmer: session is kde or gnome but im talking about kdm and gdm | 03:56 |
Zaggynl | Anyone knows how to speed up DVD burning? | 03:56 |
Zaggynl | 16x DVD burner, 4x or less burning speed | 03:56 |
Zaggynl | k3b | 03:56 |
bronze | meekus - its the wrong password. reset the password for that user on that system. | 03:56 |
tahsin | so How do I install KDM themes ? I have gnome and kde but set gdm as default | 03:56 |
bronze | the system trying to ssh into | 03:56 |
bulmer | tashin: you're getting into black magic.. :) Xserver and stuff...cant recall all those | 03:56 |
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Pici | tahsin: Do you want to switch to using KDM instead of GDM? | 03:56 |
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A_I_ | hello | 03:57 |
Meekus | bronze: ty - will check that. :) | 03:57 |
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tahsin | pici: yes but previously i did that and had problems in gnome | 03:57 |
HymnToLife | bulmer, I think you're confusing KDM and KDE | 03:57 |
HymnToLife | KDM is KDE's login manager, GDM is Gnome's | 03:57 |
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tahsin | pici: should i have any problems if i make kdm as default? | 03:57 |
HymnToLife | you obviously can use ony one per display | 03:58 |
Pici | tahsin: I shouldnt think so, but I dont use KDE or KDM | 03:58 |
mdl178 | Zaggynl: check your media? sometimes the quoted speed is a tad optimistic, especially on cheaper discs | 03:58 |
tahsin | ok | 03:58 |
bulmer | HymnToLife: at first yeah..after re-reading what he asked for..reconfiguring those X-window related configs are not for the faint of heart.. :) | 03:58 |
Zaggynl | mdl178, I can burn 16x in windows just fine :( | 03:58 |
tahsin | please tell me how do i install kdm themes? | 03:58 |
HymnToLife | bulmer, changing the default login manager is Ubuntu is very easy | 03:59 |
Zaggynl | tahsin, | 03:59 |
HymnToLife | tahsin, you should have an item in KControl for that | 03:59 |
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tahsin | hymntolife: im new to kde so dont know much | 04:00 |
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HymnToLife | tahsin, kcontrol, is the KDE COntrol Center used to tweak most of KDE's settings | 04:00 |
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HymnToLife | you'l find in in your K menu, if not you can always run it from Konsole | 04:01 |
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Pici | oK :) | 04:01 |
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dreamerdude | to uninstall something from ubuntu can you just delete all associated files and folders? | 04:01 |
tahsin | hymntolife: but there is no option for installing kdm themes | 04:01 |
plankton | dreamerdude, no | 04:02 |
dreamerdude | then how? | 04:02 |
plankton | run synaptic | 04:02 |
Pici | dreamerdude: use apt-get remove <package> or use synaptic to do it in a GUI | 04:02 |
HymnToLife | tahsin, there's one here, hold on a sec, I'l look into that | 04:02 |
plankton | and search the program you want to uninstall | 04:02 |
finalbeta | How do I extract files from a bin/cue image? | 04:02 |
dreamerdude | its not on synaptic but ill try apt | 04:02 |
dreamerdude | thanks | 04:02 |
plankton | np | 04:02 |
plankton | apt is very good ;) | 04:02 |
HymnToLife | tahsin, did you apt(get install kdmtheme ? | 04:02 |
Pici | dreamerdude: They're the same thing... | 04:03 |
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davidw | hi - what do you guys recommend for server-side anti-spam? | 04:03 |
dreamerdude | so it wont work? | 04:03 |
bulmer | dreamerdude: the reason you use those tools because they have database entries for package management, so removing them willy nilly can make the entries point to blank, and screws up the database | 04:03 |
andel | how can i remove software " apt-get remove apache2" doesn't do the job.... | 04:03 |
geeksauce | i'm trying to compile C code from source. someone told me which packages i needed last week in here and it worked fine, however i had to reformat and i need those packages again. what all do i need? | 04:03 |
tahsin | hymntolife: no | 04:03 |
HymnToLife | tahsin, do it then | 04:03 |
agliv5 | Greetings all :) Here's my question, does anyone know if: qemu under ubuntu emulating, WinXP / 2000 it is possible to delete files from an aditionaly mounted NTFS-Partition? | 04:03 |
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phatrabbi1 | Can you have a linux partion that is linuxext and a NTFS partion on the same drive ? | 04:04 |
tahsin | hymntolife: ok thanks | 04:04 |
HymnToLife | geeksauce, build-essential has everything you need | 04:04 |
Pici | dreamerdude: syntaaptic i essentialy a frontend to apt, so if its not in synaptic you arent going to see it using apt | 04:04 |
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IdleOne | dreamerdude, you have enabled universe and multiverse correct? | 04:04 |
dreamerdude | i intalled nero linux but it didnt install properly so now my update manager and everything tells me it needs to be reinstalled before i can install anything else...but i want to remove it | 04:04 |
dreamerdude | i installed it from a .deb file | 04:05 |
phatrabbi1 | Can you have a linux partion that is linuxext and a NTFS partion on the same drive ? | 04:05 |
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Pici | phatrabbi1: Sure | 04:05 |
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IdleOne | !away | ant30 | 04:05 |
ubotu | ant30: Please don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'. We know you're away when you don't respond to messages. Also see !guidelines | 04:05 |
phatrabbi1 | Pici could you help me set up my partions | 04:06 |
bulmer | am curious if I have a tarball source, compiled it with gcc and Make install..would it have entries in dpkg or it must be converted to .deb packaging so it can be easily removed? | 04:06 |
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dreamerdude | i get these errors: E: The package nerolinux needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. | 04:06 |
geeksauce | HymnToLife, thanks i'll snag that and try MAKE again | 04:06 |
fiyawerx | hey guys, how can you tell what device a usb adapter you plug in is set to? | 04:06 |
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Pici | bulmer: You'd just make uninstall (or remove or whatever the make targets are setup to uninstall it). | 04:06 |
ant30 | ups, sorry, I think stay at another server | 04:06 |
genii | bulmer compiling directly from source bypasses the packaging system altogether | 04:06 |
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witless | does /sbin/syslogd get restarted periodically? | 04:07 |
fiyawerx | like 'eth0' sorta thing | 04:07 |
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bulmer | okay thanks for the replies..i guess I have to make sure the Makefile has a de-install target | 04:07 |
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dreamerdude | anyone know what i can do? | 04:07 |
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Pici | dreamerdude: try dpkg -r <package> | 04:08 |
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geeksauce | HymnToLife, it still throws a few errors. last time i was told to get build-essential and a few others as well. i'll pastebin the errors | 04:08 |
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geeksauce | !pastebin | 04:08 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:08 |
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NoEvidenZ | !paste | 04:08 |
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bulmer | fiyawerx: umm you can try dmesg or lshw or lsusb and see what the results are for your specific adapter | 04:09 |
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fiyawerx | hmm, get Bus 003 Device 002: ID 1131:1001 Integrated System Solution Corp. KY-BT100 Bluetooth Adapter | 04:09 |
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dreamerdude | dpkg: error processing nerolinux (--remove): | 04:09 |
dreamerdude | Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should | 04:09 |
dreamerdude | reinstall it before attempting a removal. | 04:09 |
dreamerdude | Errors were encountered while processing: | 04:09 |
dreamerdude | nerolinux | 04:09 |
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dreamerdude | but i cant reinstall it | 04:09 |
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geeksauce | HymnToLife, | 04:10 |
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NoEvidenZ | Is someone spamming with /joins and /parts, or am I lagging? | 04:10 |
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Brismetal | Hey guys, should Ubuntu auto-mount USB pen drives? | 04:10 |
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NoEvidenZ | I actually like it.. It's making the messages easier to define between. | 04:10 |
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bulmer | fiyawerx: is it for wifi? | 04:10 |
davidw | Brismetal, yeah | 04:10 |
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Brismetal | my ubuntu is detecting it and it lets me manually mount it and use it it just doesn't auto-mount it like I've read it should | 04:10 |
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davidw | so.... no one does server-side anti spam? | 04:10 |
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fiyawerx | bulmer: want to get it to work with my phone | 04:11 |
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erUSUL | |paste | dreamerdude | 04:11 |
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fiyawerx | found this too, usb 3-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 2 | 04:11 |
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erUSUL | !paste | dreamerdude | 04:11 |
ubotu | dreamerdude: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:11 |
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bulmer | fiyawerx: type cat /proc/net/wireless and see if its there ? | 04:11 |
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fiyawerx | just eth0 | 04:11 |
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loca|host | anyone know how to install informix ? | 04:12 |
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dreamerdude | thanks erUSUL | 04:12 |
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Xif | what's a good RSS reader for Gnome, preferably one that works well for Ubuntu? | 04:12 |
loca|host | Xif, leferea | 04:12 |
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Xif | loca|host: does it come on vanilla Edgy? is there any RSS reader that does? | 04:13 |
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davin | Xif: liferea | 04:13 |
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witless | does /sbin/syslogd get restarted periodically? | 04:13 |
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bulmer | fiyawerx: and your other nic card is called what? do ifconfig -a | 04:13 |
NoEvidenZ | "differ in signedness" | 04:14 |
NoEvidenZ | love the english. | 04:14 |
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fiyawerx | ifconfig -a shows eth0, eth1, sit0, and lo | 04:14 |
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fiyawerx | laptop.. have onboard ethernet and wireless | 04:14 |
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fiyawerx | eth0 is the wireless, hmm, maybe sit1 | 04:15 |
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fiyawerx | er0 | 04:15 |
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NoEvidenZ | That's kinda getting annoying. | 04:15 |
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IdleOne | NoEvidenZ, the nick change/parting you mean? | 04:16 |
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bau- | nick bau | 04:16 |
NoEvidenZ | IdleOne: Yeah. Not to the point that I'm gonna do anything about it, but it's distracting. | 04:16 |
keith | anyone know of a good program to reduce the size of some AVI files I have... in windows I use to use pocketpc encoder. | 04:16 |
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genii | witless Yes, the logs occasionally get rotated and that is when it restarts the syslog daemon | 04:16 |
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NoEvidenZ | IdleOne: I see the screen move out of the corner of my eye and have to look. | 04:16 |
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IdleOne | NoEvidenZ, you can set xchat to not show joins/parts | 04:16 |
HymnToLife | keith, avidemux | 04:16 |
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HymnToLife | very similar to virtualdub in Win | 04:17 |
NoEvidenZ | IdleOne: Like i said, not so annoying that i'm gonna do anything about it. =P | 04:17 |
keith | HymnToLife: thanks | 04:17 |
IdleOne | NoEvidenZ, | 04:17 |
NoEvidenZ | Can't be stuffed changing it back later. | 04:17 |
keith | HymnToLife: Ill look into it now ;) | 04:17 |
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Fred_Sambo | hello ubotu | 04:18 |
pedroVox | Its snowing outside! bibi all! | 04:18 |
tahsin_ | how do i change gdm default to kdm? | 04:18 |
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NoEvidenZ | Oh man, so jealous. I've never seen it snow. | 04:18 |
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pavs | any CHM file viewer? | 04:18 |
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Fred_Sambo | how do i use ubotu... i forgot | 04:18 |
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HymnToLife | avidemux only lacks decent ASS support, and I won't need Win at all anymore :p | 04:18 |
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NoEvidenZ | Fred_Sambo: !whatever | 04:18 |
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IdleOne | Fred_Sambo, /msg ubotu !search | 04:18 |
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NoEvidenZ | !help | Fred_Sambo | 04:19 |
ubotu | Fred_Sambo: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at - Usage info: | 04:19 |
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Fred_Sambo | !Lilo | 04:19 |
ubotu | lilo is an alternative [Li] nux Boot[Lo] ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead. | 04:19 |
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pedroVox | LOL...(well...Im Portuguese leaving in Norway it was here my first time too! LOL) | 04:19 |
einPaule | anyone here know how to convert a mysql 5 dump into mysql 4 compliant? | 04:19 |
Fred_Sambo | yay! thanks | 04:19 |
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geeksauce | nevermind... i figured it out. i needed not only build-essential but also readline5-dev | 04:19 |
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tahsin_ | hymntolife: it worked but i cant install any kdm themes mayb because i have set gdm as default right? | 04:19 |
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Fred_Sambo | !grep | 04:19 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: | 04:19 |
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tahsin_ | hymntolife: how do i set kdm as default | 04:19 |
HymnToLife | tahsin_, possibly, though I doubt it | 04:19 |
HymnToLife | tahsin_, sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm | 04:19 |
pavs | any CHM file viewer? | 04:20 |
Fred_Sambo | that doesn't help me with grep, ubotu | 04:20 |
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tahsin_ | hymntolife: thanks let me try | 04:20 |
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NoEvidenZ | Fred_Sambo: try man grep | 04:20 |
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Fred_Sambo | thanks | 04:20 |
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IdleOne | Fred_Sambo, man grep | 04:20 |
Fred_Sambo | thanks! | 04:20 |
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IdleOne | NoEvidenZ, 1 point | 04:20 |
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NoEvidenZ | IdleOne: Hoorah! | 04:20 |
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hellmet | For some reason, I'm unable to see the messages during boot. Even tried disabling splash!! Also, it takes hell of a time to load!! Once it loads everything is topclass.. Anyone has any idea?? | 04:20 |
Fred_Sambo | grep is weird, i am trying to wrap my brain around using it better | 04:20 |
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NoEvidenZ | Fred_Sambo: I find that it's fun to hit a random key and try to figure out how to use that flag. | 04:21 |
sorry | Infected Mushroom | 04:21 |
sorry | Skazi | 04:21 |
sorry | Paranormal Attack | 04:21 |
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sorry | X-Noise | 04:21 |
sorry | Astrix | 04:21 |
IdleOne | sorry, ?????? | 04:21 |
sorry | what ? | 04:21 |
IdleOne | what are you doing? | 04:21 |
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Fred_Sambo | NoEvidenZ: Thanks, I'll try that! I guess it cant hurt! | 04:22 |
sorry | i want albuns for download | 04:22 |
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NoEvidenZ | Fred_Sambo: Just don't try it with rm | 04:22 |
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IdleOne | sorry try | 04:22 |
NoEvidenZ | Fred_Sambo: You'll lose things. | 04:22 |
mribas | HOLA | 04:22 |
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erUSUL | !es | mribas | 04:22 |
ubotu | mribas: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 04:22 |
sorry | has brazillians here ? | 04:22 |
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Fred_Sambo | NoEvidenZ: True, true! Thanks for the warning though! | 04:22 |
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hellmet | For some reason, I'm unable to see the messages during boot. Even tried disabling splash!! Also, it takes hell of a time to load!! Once it loads everything is topclass.. Anyone has any idea?? | 04:23 |
IdleOne | !br | sorry | 04:23 |
ubotu | sorry: pt is Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 04:23 |
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Pici | hellmet: Did you remove both quiet and splash? | 04:23 |
emet | is there a BASH command to grab all the PDF files in a directory and send them to the printer? | 04:23 |
sorry | ok | 04:23 |
hellmet | I guess.. | 04:23 |
NoEvidenZ | emet: No doubt there is. | 04:23 |
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Fred_Sambo | !ubotu | Fred_Sambo | 04:24 |
hellmet | Pici: all I get is a blinking cursor.. and it takes hell of a time loading | 04:24 |
sorry | but i don't want help for ubuntu | 04:24 |
emet | NoEvidenZ, what is it? | 04:24 |
erUSUL | emet: ls *.pdf | xargs lpr | 04:24 |
NoEvidenZ | emet: I have no idea, I'm just saying I'm sure there is one. | 04:24 |
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IdleOne | sorry, you want to d/l mp3's right type /server then when you join the network type /list mp3 | 04:24 |
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IdleOne | sorry, you want to d/l mp3's right type /server then when you join the network type /list mp3 | 04:24 |
emet | erUSUL, thankyou | 04:24 |
Fred_Sambo | I think I love ubotu | 04:25 |
erUSUL | emet: no problem | 04:25 |
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sorry | I use Windows Vista Cracked Edition | 04:25 |
Pici | hellmet: Try using the nosplash option, that 'should' show you whats going on | 04:25 |
sorry | and linux too | 04:25 |
Fred_Sambo | lol @ sorry | 04:25 |
IdleOne | sorry, then what you need is it /join ##windows | 04:25 |
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old_cymuHep | ! | 04:25 |
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sorry | no | 04:25 |
NoEvidenZ | How would I go about listing all the files WITHOUT .tar in the name? | 04:25 |
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hellmet | Pici: I don't get a splash.. you still think that'd work? If yes, I'll try.. | 04:25 |
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sorry | where i get ati drivers for linux ? | 04:26 |
IdleOne | sorry, why do you need drivers for linux if you run windows | 04:26 |
Fred_Sambo | that is a good question | 04:26 |
sorry | i run linux | 04:26 |
erUSUL | sorry: which linux? | 04:26 |
IdleOne | troll | 04:26 |
sorry | and windows | 04:26 |
erUSUL | |br | sorry | 04:26 |
erUSUL | !br | sorry | 04:27 |
ubotu | sorry: pt is Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 04:27 |
sorry | but i need drivers for linux | 04:27 |
Pici | hellmet: I believe that should work, if it doesnt look like its doing anything try looking at the other ttys when booting | 04:27 |
Fred_Sambo | sorry: try the wiki, it has everything you need and more! | 04:27 |
erUSUL | sorry: go to the ati webpage | 04:27 |
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Pici | !ati | 04:27 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 04:27 |
Fred_Sambo | ubotu to the rsecue! | 04:27 |
NoEvidenZ | How would I go about listing all the files in a folder that DON'T have .tar in their name? | 04:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about to the rsecue! - try searching on | 04:27 |
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sorry | i have a Cyber Cafe | 04:27 |
hellmet | Pici: Sorry for being noobish, but, what ttys should I be looking at? | 04:27 |
sorry | i need ATI Drivers for LINUX | 04:28 |
ikonia_ | !ati >sorry | 04:28 |
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Fred_Sambo | !ati | sorry | 04:28 |
ubotu | sorry: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 04:28 |
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shiva2 | join#maulwurf | 04:28 |
Brismetal | OK, I finally have my USB key driving but it wont let me write to it as my normal user, only as root/sudo .. do I need to change permissions or something? which should I change? | 04:28 |
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sorry | ok | 04:29 |
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Pici | hellmet: Everything should be in tty1, but sometimes I've found that it doesnt start up to that, but that could just be my weird laptop. Also, you can check in /var/log/syslog once you've booted for boottime messages | 04:29 |
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saftsack | hi | 04:29 |
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sorry | i'm | 04:29 |
saftsack | ich habe /var/cache gelscht *duck* | 04:29 |
DukeDino | HI | 04:29 |
saftsack | i removed /var/cache | 04:29 |
HymnToLife | !de | saftsack | 04:29 |
ubotu | saftsack: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 04:29 |
hellmet | Pici: Thanks Pici.. I'll try that. | 04:29 |
HymnToLife | well | 04:29 |
HymnToLife | removing /var/cache shouldn't do much harm | 04:30 |
saftsack | apt-get is broken now. what to do? :> is there a repair function? | 04:30 |
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HymnToLife | broken ? what does it tell you ? | 04:30 |
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saftsack | E: Archivverzeichnis /var/cache/apt/archives/partial fehlt. | 04:30 |
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saftsack | it is a german message | 04:30 |
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saftsack | but it means that this file is missing | 04:30 |
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erUSUL | saftsack: sudo mkdir -p /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 04:31 |
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HymnToLife | yep | 04:31 |
HymnToLife | or reinstall apt-get | 04:31 |
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erUSUL | saftsack: sudo mkdir -p /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/ | 04:31 |
speck | I'm having problems after ubuntu login: only appears a mouse cursor and a dark screen. help me please | 04:31 |
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emet | !printer | 04:31 |
ubotu | Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See - - - Printer sharing: | 04:31 |
rogier | i'm trying to install VMware-server. The ( guide tells me to "tar zxvf Vmware-server-<xxx>.tar.gz" (i did change the <xxx>). When i do i get the following error: | 04:31 |
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emet | how do I use a windows printer with ubuntu via samba ? | 04:31 |
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rogier | i'm trying to install VMware-server. The ( guide tells me to "tar zxvf Vmware-server-<xxx>.tar.gz" (i did change the <xxx>). When i do i get the following error: | 04:32 |
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saftsack | erUSUL, thanks worked :) | 04:32 |
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rogier | sorry for second post | 04:32 |
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NoEvidenZ | a, grep -v | 04:32 |
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NVidia | where i get serials and cracks | 04:32 |
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NVidia | [link] | 04:33 |
NVidia | has here ? | 04:33 |
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Pici | !ops | nvidia is trolling under two different nicks | 04:33 |
ubotu | nvidia is trolling under two different nicks: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 04:33 |
speck | I'm having problems after ubuntu login: only appears a mouse cursor and a dark screen. help me please | 04:33 |
NVidia | ok | 04:33 |
NVidia | ok | 04:33 |
numist | it's true | 04:33 |
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HymnToLife | rogier, are you sure your archive is not corrupted ? | 04:33 |
numist | NVidia: watch it, ya? | 04:33 |
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Surb | i keep getting an error when i run apt-get update, can anyone help? | 04:34 |
apokryphos | Pici: which are? | 04:34 |
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Pici | apokryphos: sorry & nvidia | 04:34 |
rogier | not sure, but i don't see why i would be... | 04:34 |
NoEvidenZ | So "ls -a | grep -v .tar > file-list", "rm -r | xargs -a file-list", "rm file-list" should delete everything not named .tar, right? | 04:34 |
SiebaZ | hi | 04:34 |
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xenoborg | speck: look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /var/log/gdm/0.log | 04:35 |
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HymnToLife | rogier, what's the md5sum of it ? | 04:35 |
SiebaZ | how can i enable the "su" cmd in my ubuntu? | 04:35 |
SiebaZ | or shall i use sudo -s ??? | 04:35 |
bluefox83 | SiebaZ, just use sudo -s | 04:35 |
NoEvidenZ | passwd | 04:35 |
apokryphos | SiebaZ: take a look at the FAQ <> as linked to in the channel /topic | 04:35 |
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SiebaZ | ok ^^ | 04:35 |
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peterbe | root@trillian:~ # mount -t autofs /dev/sda /media/usbdisk | 04:35 |
peterbe | mount: mount point /media/usbdisk does not exist | 04:35 |
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HymnToLife | SiebaZ, or even better, sudo -i | 04:35 |
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peterbe | How do I mount this usb external drive? | 04:36 |
elad | are there any math tools similar to maple/derive/matlab for linux? | 04:36 |
rogier | i'm not sure how to check the md5sum. i can open the tar.gz in nautulus. (as in right click) | 04:36 |
HymnToLife | peterbe, sudo mkdir /mount/usbdisk | 04:36 |
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NoEvidenZ | peterbe: "mkdir -v /media/usbstick" then try again | 04:36 |
HymnToLife | rogier, from a terminal, md5sum filename | 04:36 |
xenoborg | elad: try axiom for cas | 04:36 |
peterbe | Thanks. But new error: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda, | 04:36 |
peterbe | missing codepage or other error | 04:36 |
peterbe | In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try | 04:36 |
peterbe | dmesg | tail or so | 04:36 |
apokryphos | !paste | peterbe | 04:37 |
ubotu | peterbe: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:37 |
speck | xenoborg: I'm begginer in linux... how I can do this in line command? | 04:37 |
Enselic`` | !paste | peterbe | 04:37 |
peterbe | Sorry. | 04:37 |
Mez | !pastebin | peterbe | 04:37 |
NoEvidenZ | peterbe: what type of filesystem does it use? | 04:37 |
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peterbe | I meant to only paste one line. | 04:37 |
NoEvidenZ | peterbe: do you know? | 04:37 |
bobd | rogier: you made a mistake when you typed the file name | 04:37 |
HymnToLife | peterbe, you cannot mount /dev/sda, it has to be a partition on it, for example /dev/sda1 | 04:37 |
peterbe | NoEvidenZ: how can I find out? | 04:37 |
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peterbe | It's a lacie external drive that my friend uses for his Mac. | 04:37 |
NoEvidenZ | Listen to HymnToLife, he knows what he's talking about. | 04:37 |
elad | thanks ill check it | 04:37 |
Enselic`` | speck: Program -> Accessories -> Terminal might be what you ask for | 04:37 |
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riotk | !grub | 04:38 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 04:38 |
HymnToLife | rogier, yep indeed, you made a mistake, use Tab ;) | 04:38 |
NoEvidenZ | peterbe: <HymnToLife> peterbe, you cannot mount /dev/sda, it has to be a partition on it, for example /dev/sda1 | 04:38 |
rogier | yes i see now | 04:38 |
peterbe | HymnToLife: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1, | 04:38 |
xenoborg | speck: type strg+alt+2 to get the tty term, then log in, type cat /var/log/ and so on and examine | 04:38 |
rogier | (when i was checking the sd5sum) | 04:38 |
rogier | stupid mistake | 04:38 |
xenoborg | but if you're beginner, you'll probably not find anything interesting | 04:38 |
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HymnToLife | peterbe, sudo fdisk -l, pastebin what you get | 04:38 |
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rogier | i've done the md5sum, it gives a number how can i check this (i know i made a typo mistake but would like to learn about 5sum while i'm at it) | 04:39 |
speck | xenoborg: thanks | 04:39 |
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peterbe | HymnToLife: | 04:39 |
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Enselic`` | !md5 | rogier | 04:39 |
ubotu | rogier: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see or | 04:39 |
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HymnToLife | rogier, mine works fine and the md5sum says 9846bff6c3c8af97d4e3ae2700f8dd3a so if you get the same thing, yours should work too | 04:40 |
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rogier | yes same number | 04:40 |
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HymnToLife | peterbe, hmm, your usb disk doesn't appear... | 04:40 |
peterbe | | 04:40 |
peterbe | Sorry. I unplugged it to see what happened. | 04:41 |
rogier | :) i'm gonne get back to installing VMware, thanx for pointing out the error:) | 04:41 |
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idefix | will changing the slave-master-configuration of my DVD- and CD-rom help get my DVDrom working again? | 04:41 |
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speck | read this topic please: | 04:41 |
HymnToLife | peterbe, that's better, try with -t vfat | 04:41 |
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HymnToLife | instead of autofs | 04:41 |
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peterbe | HymnToLife: That worked!! You're a star!! | 04:42 |
idefix | what is that speck? | 04:42 |
jengc0il | need help | 04:42 |
bluefox83 | i need help fixing an infobot that only wants to reply to all commands in pm, reguardless of where the commands are issued..anyone good with infobots? | 04:42 |
Enselic`` | !ask | jengc0il | 04:42 |
ubotu | jengc0il: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 04:42 |
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jengc0il | how to edit partition manually | 04:42 |
jaycie-away | is there a wireless adapter that will work well with ubuntu i think i have 4.10 but its still greek to me | 04:43 |
HymnToLife | idefix, what's your problem with your drives ? | 04:43 |
de_dustyciti | Hi all~ Anyone have experience with Ubuntu Edgy with VPC 2007? I have problem boot up. | 04:43 |
rhican | can anybody point me to a doc explaining me how i can get quictime movies to play on dapper? | 04:43 |
idefix | I cannot open my DVDrom | 04:43 |
HymnToLife | ubotu, tell jengc0il about partition | jengc0il, see the private message from ubotu. | 04:43 |
idefix | and play anything from it | 04:43 |
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HymnToLife | idefix, define "open" | 04:43 |
Enselic`` | !restrictedformats | rhican | 04:43 |
ubotu | rhican: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 04:43 |
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idefix | HymntToLife the eject button doesn't work | 04:43 |
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HymnToLife | hmm | 04:44 |
HymnToLife | is it poperly detected in your BIOS ? | 04:44 |
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ubialect | join #ubuntu-fr | 04:44 |
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ubialect | oops | 04:44 |
NoEvidenZ | idefix: get a paperclip and stick it in the little hole. | 04:44 |
mike1o | !pastebin | 04:44 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:44 |
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samuel | anyone know of a dock like kooldock that works on gnome? | 04:45 |
joerack | hi guys, can you help me here? I can't change resolution once installed nvidia drivers | 04:45 |
idefix | NoEvidenZ well the DVD I want to watch is in it anyway, but I can't get it mounted | 04:45 |
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samuel | not avant? | 04:45 |
emet | how can I set up PEAP in Ubuntu? | 04:45 |
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Enselic`` | joerack: make sure the resolutions are mentioned in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file | 04:45 |
NoEvidenZ | idefix: Does it tell you that the device is busy? | 04:45 |
Enselic`` | joerack: back it up first though | 04:45 |
pavs | how to make a text file password protected > I want to save my important information in text file with very goodencryption , even if root wants toview it has toput password, is it possible? | 04:46 |
joerack | enselic: they are | 04:46 |
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idefix | NoEvidenZ when typing what command? | 04:46 |
NoEvidenZ | when trying to unmount it | 04:46 |
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jengc0il | !partition | 04:46 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 04:46 |
Enselic`` | joerack: (you can use tab-completion in your IRC client, try Ens<TAB> | 04:46 |
HymnToLife | pavs, no, root can view anthing | 04:47 |
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joerack | okok | 04:47 |
idefix | umount: cdrom is not mounted (according to mtab) | 04:47 |
jengc0il | HymnToLife: but it cant edit | 04:47 |
HymnToLife | that's the whole point of | 04:47 |
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HymnToLife | jengc0il, put it on a read-only filesystem :p | 04:47 |
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jengc0il | HymnToLife: how to set | 04:47 |
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jrib | pavs: encrypt it with gpg | 04:48 |
NoEvidenZ | idefix: You've got a freak computer. D= | 04:48 |
de_dustyciti | Ubuntu 6.10 x86 desktop CD hangs while booting up in VPC 2007 after selecting "Start or Install..." or "Check Defects...". Any comments? | 04:48 |
jrib | !gpg | pavs | 04:48 |
ubotu | pavs: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard. See | 04:48 |
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idefix | what is a normal filesystem type for DVD? | 04:48 |
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pavs | tnx checkin it out | 04:48 |
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core123 | Hi, my clock under gnome is disappeared, what to do ?? | 04:49 |
Hasrat_Usa | de_dustyciti is there any USB devices, such as keyboard, USB drives or mouse connected to your PC? | 04:49 |
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Hasrat_Usa | oh are you talking about microsoft virtual PC 2007? | 04:50 |
de_dustyciti | Hasrat_Usa: A USB mice. Do I disconnect first? | 04:50 |
idefix | NoEvidenZwhat is a normal filesystem type for DVD? | 04:50 |
pavs | core123 right click with mouse and select "add to panel" should do it | 04:50 |
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de_dustyciti | Hasrat_Usa: Yes, MS Virtual PC 20007 | 04:50 |
idefix | NoEvidenZ what is a normal filesystem type for DVD? | 04:50 |
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idefix | anyone else? | 04:52 |
Hasrat_Usa | de_dustyciti disconnect the USB mouse, connect a ps/2 mouse if you can, or if there is any ps/2 port, use a usb to ps/2 converter for your mouse, and try booting with the live cd again. still if that doesn't work, boot the PC normally without using vpc 2007 | 04:52 |
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joerack | so.. there's no way I can sort out that resolution problem? | 04:52 |
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joerack | 1600x1200 isn't nice on a 19" crt | 04:52 |
Hasrat_Usa | um....joe | 04:53 |
Hasrat_Usa | it's not nice that's true | 04:53 |
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Hasrat_Usa | but what's your problem? | 04:53 |
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root_____ | hello | 04:53 |
sousa | ich bin da | 04:54 |
root_____ | hello all... can anybody tell me what is hw_random? | 04:54 |
Surb | i keep getting an error when i try to run apt-get update. can anyone help? | 04:54 |
root_____ | i've run into critical problems and running text mode IRC... | 04:54 |
root_____ | Surb: what error? | 04:54 |
chorse | root____: nothing you need unless you have got a hardware random number generator. | 04:54 |
Hasrat_Usa | it's a module | 04:54 |
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Surb | W: GPG error: edgy-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <> | 04:55 |
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Surb | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 04:55 |
root_____ | chorse: it says while boot "hw_random: cannot enable RNG, aborting" | 04:55 |
joerack | Hasrat_Usa: my crt max res is 1600... i keep trying to set it to 1280x1024 and at every reboot it restores 1600x1200 | 04:55 |
Juhaz | joerack, 1600x1200 is _great_ on 19" crt | 04:55 |
de_dustyciti | Hasrat_Usa: I'm without that USB mice but it does no good. Hangs after the progress bar turns for 5 times. | 04:55 |
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joerack | well I don't like it... especially with 60hz | 04:56 |
Juhaz | and 1280x1024 is absolutely crappy, it's not even 4:3 so everything is distorted. | 04:56 |
rpedro | Juhaz: you a tft that does 1600x1200 ?? | 04:56 |
idefix | can a /dev/cdrom 'file' somehow change to dev/hda? | 04:56 |
rpedro | have a* | 04:56 |
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chorse | root____: it tries to load the module (whyever) but you haven't got the devince, don't worry about that | 04:56 |
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root_____ | chorse: let me tell u my problem.. my GNOME takes too much time to load... it shows the desktop background and then i have to wait for 4-5 minutes to get all icons & menus | 04:57 |
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Hasrat_Usa | de_dustyciti well in that case my opinion is that you should refrain from using ms vpc at all. simply boot the PC in usual manner. insert the cd, restart, access bios, make it to load from the cd and see what happens | 04:57 |
Juhaz | rpedro, nope, haven't seen one, and not going to get one until they give me a decent resolution :) | 04:57 |
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Hasrat_Usa | 4-5 minutes? omg!! | 04:57 |
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root_____ | Hasrat_Usa: once my system hardlocked, i rebooted, and since then having my problem | 04:57 |
Hasrat_Usa | joemauch what kinda video card do you got and what's your linux distro? | 04:57 |
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pavs | idefix | 04:58 |
joerack | Hasrat_Usa: nvidia 6100 onboard,Ubuntu 6.10 | 04:58 |
joerack | but last installation I didn't have this problem.. | 04:58 |
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gordonjcp | hello | 04:59 |
root_____ | chorse: do u want me to give some error log ? | 04:59 |
pavs | bythe way the filesystem is called UDF universal filesystem | 04:59 |
de_dustyciti | Hasrat_Usa: I don't have burner on hand, nor anyone nearby here. MD5 sum seems right. Any other possibilities? | 04:59 |
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gordonjcp | is there a reason why /usr/share/locale/de/LC_TIME/ points to a missing file, in Edgy? | 04:59 |
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jaycie- | is there a usb wireless adapter for ubuntu that will work i mean | 05:00 |
richw | How do i add a FTP server to the Network tab in Konqueror? | 05:00 |
rpedro | Juhaz: what frequency does your 19" crt get at 1600x1200 / | 05:00 |
rpedro | ? | 05:00 |
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quaal | does anyone know of a linux program similar to ableton live? | 05:00 |
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Juhaz | 75 or 85, IIRC, not there to check ATM | 05:00 |
root_____ | what does the dbus system does? | 05:01 |
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dellorino | join/ #ubuntu-it | 05:01 |
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root_____ | the surprising thing is that the system does start after 4-5 minutes... doesn't hardlock | 05:01 |
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quaal | root____, its usually a bad idea to irc from that | 05:02 |
IcemanV9 | root_____: dbus is a simple interprocess messaging system | 05:02 |
root_____ | IcemanV9: if dbus fails to start... is that critical? | 05:03 |
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Hasrat_Usa | joemauch? | 05:03 |
Hasrat_Usa | you ever heard of envy? | 05:03 |
jaycie- | is there a usb wireless adapter for ubuntu that will work i mean | 05:03 |
Hasrat_Usa | :P | 05:03 |
root_____ | quaal: forgive my error, but i m not using gaim irc, the one i m familiar with (using text based.. dont know how to do) | 05:03 |
Hasrat_Usa | jaycie you are on an amd 64 bit right? | 05:03 |
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jaycie- | its on an older dell so im not sure.. pentium itell i think. intell | 05:04 |
IcemanV9 | root_____: not really, but few app won't function well without dbus (e.g. bmp) | 05:04 |
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root_____ | IcemanV9: when i boot with Failsafe GNOME, it says "Power manager can't work without dbus started" | 05:04 |
lnxwh0re | hy guys | 05:05 |
root_____ | IcemanV9: and when i boot normal GNOME, it takes 4-5 minutes to show icons after it has shown desktop | 05:05 |
Hasrat_Usa | uh lol i knew it had to be a dell. they got serious problems with USB related issues when you run linux | 05:05 |
lnxwh0re | i am new here | 05:05 |
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IcemanV9 | root_____: yes, another example. it just needs dbus to relay message, that's all. | 05:05 |
lnxwh0re | i want to ask sth about ubuntu installation | 05:05 |
root_____ | lnxwh0re: don't ask to ask, just ask | 05:05 |
Hasrat_Usa | jaycie if the USB device of yours doesn't work, or seem to work for a little while but hangs, all you can do, if it's really a dell, is to update your bios | 05:05 |
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cantinstalllinux | Hi from turkey i cant install ubuntu soft lockup cpu#0 :( how can i solve this problem ? | 05:05 |
root_____ | IcemanV9: do you have any idea of what log might be useful? | 05:06 |
lnxwh0re | i red the documention and it doesnt refer anywhere about the boot loader software does it install it automatically? or i have to install it manually | 05:06 |
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IcemanV9 | root_____: you'll need to take a look at syslog, dmesg and Xorg(?) logs to find out what has gone wrong. | 05:06 |
jaycie- | i dotn know how to do any of that stuff.. guess thats y i used xp lol | 05:06 |
jaycie- | but thanks | 05:06 |
Hasrat_Usa | jaycie you just don't wanna know how many kinds of freaky problems i was experiencing when i was running ubuntu on this amd 64 bit dual core. called dell, they told me to upgrade bios and everything is running fine now. all my usb devices are working at their peak performance | 05:06 |
cantinstalllinux | Hi from turkey i cant install ubuntu soft lockup cpu#0 :( how can i solve this problem ? | 05:07 |
jengc0il | hello | 05:07 |
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jengc0il | how to resize partiton in ubuntu | 05:07 |
root_____ | IcemanV9: hmm... what in particular should i look there? errors? | 05:07 |
IcemanV9 | root_____: which version? dapper or edgy? | 05:07 |
jengc0il | failed to used gparted | 05:07 |
root_____ | dapper | 05:07 |
Hasrat_Usa | upgrading bios is easy. dell, in their website, has kept the necessary files (that can be run from XP) required for one to update bios files. what's your current bios version number by the way? | 05:07 |
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jaycie- | Hasrat_Usa ok but i don't think i can update bios.. im just new at this stuff.. ah ok i can go there and look Hasrat_Usa thanks | 05:08 |
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Hasrat_Usa | ok :P | 05:08 |
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root_____ | IcemanV9: my dapper is working perfectly fine for last 6 months | 05:08 |
IcemanV9 | same as mine; what version of dbus? in terminal, type apt-cache policy dbus | 05:08 |
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a5benwillis | Anyone here familier with the module?????? | 05:08 |
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jaycie- | Hasrat_Usa i haeve no clue how to look as i think i hae 4.10 on it but its a mess | 05:08 |
jaycie- | have | 05:09 |
jaycie- | and i am tryin to get 6.10 on it | 05:09 |
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Hasrat_Usa | oh i was asking for your bios version number, not your ubuntu distro :P | 05:09 |
jaycie- | i want to get away from ms but its not for simple peopel | 05:09 |
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IcemanV9 | root_____: mine is 0.60-6ubuntu8.1; did u install or update recently that causes the problem with dbus? | 05:09 |
jaycie- | i know.. and i don't knwo now to tell with ubuntu on the system | 05:09 |
a5benwillis | Anyone here familier with the module?????? Specifically to authenticate SSH sessoins in Edubuntu. | 05:09 |
Hasrat_Usa | getting away from MS is seriously easy these days lmao | 05:10 |
jaycie- | i don't even know how to find out what version really is on for the ubuntu | 05:10 |
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a5benwillis | Hasrat_Usa: Maybe for a single user PC but not in a full network environment. | 05:10 |
Hasrat_Usa | when you restart your PC, it should tell you the bios version number. the next time you restart, keep an eye :) | 05:10 |
pavs | is mcrypt installed by default? | 05:10 |
a5benwillis | Hasrat_Usa: Trust me, Im trying. | 05:10 |
Hasrat_Usa | true dat, a5benwillis | 05:10 |
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jaycie- | not easy for the common windows user.. an ok i am tryin to reinstall 6.10 so i will need to wait for that | 05:11 |
Orfeous | what to prefer NFS or SAMBA? | 05:11 |
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payam | Hello | 05:11 |
Orfeous | i hve both on my server | 05:11 |
payam | helli | 05:11 |
payam | Im dieing with Linux | 05:11 |
payam | soon | 05:11 |
a5benwillis | Orfeous: Me? | 05:11 |
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payam | Who can help me with Java? | 05:11 |
Orfeous | a5benwillis, "Me" ? | 05:11 |
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jaycie- | Hasrat_Usa did u ever upgrade versions of linus and if so how?\ | 05:12 |
Hasrat_Usa | sometimes it seems like most of the people who needs help assume that we are all mind readers | 05:12 |
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a5benwillis | Im trying to authenticate SSH with | 05:12 |
Orfeous | i want to mount my NFS exports and want them to show up as devices on my desktop | 05:12 |
mdl178 | clearly you need to sudo apt-get install mindreader | 05:12 |
mdl178 | ;) | 05:12 |
a5benwillis | Hasrat_Usa: Itgetsconfusingfast! | 05:12 |
payam | How can i insttal a program in linux? | 05:12 |
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IcemanV9 | jaycie-: sudo lshw > hardware_spec.txt (look for firmware; it'll show BIOS version :) | 05:13 |
a5benwillis | payam: linux or Ubuntu? Two different things | 05:13 |
Hasrat_Usa | jaycie nope. i never had the chance to do. but for two times i have installed ubuntu and redhat in two particular PCs. if you are running 4.10 now and want to upgrade to 6.10, then there are procedures available | 05:13 |
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jaycie- | ok IcemanV9 thanks | 05:13 |
Hasrat_Usa | jaycie first of all do you have the CD burnt and ready to run? | 05:13 |
a5benwillis | payam: with Ubuntu use apt-get | 05:13 |
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mike1o | !u | 05:14 |
ubotu | Unless you're Dutch, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.. | 05:14 |
jaycie- | Hasrat_Usa yes its an iso and it trys to install and i have it installed on an older pc as well | 05:14 |
Hasrat_Usa | good morning WaZ_ | 05:14 |
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WaZ_ | hey Hasrat_Usa | 05:14 |
WaZ_ | How did it go? | 05:14 |
payam | Kubuntu | 05:14 |
payam | I cant install a Bin file | 05:14 |
payam | I makes me crazy | 05:14 |
payam | I click on install icon but nothing happens | 05:14 |
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jaycie- | it appears to be installed but when i take the cd out and reboot it comes up the older version.. but i will continue to try | 05:15 |
pavs | whats the command in ls to show extensions in file, ie, ls -l doesnt show text.txt just shows text | 05:15 |
Hasrat_Usa | WaZ_ it went fine. :) although later on i decided that i would rather give linux 129 GB and allocated XP only 15 GB. because i don't have a valid reason to use XP and deal with their propaganda :P. so, i had to reinstall everything and gave XP only 15 GB | 05:15 |
WaZ_ | payam: might need to be root to install the bin, try sudo in terminal | 05:15 |
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Hasrat_Usa | *allocate | 05:15 |
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WaZ_ | Hasrat_Usa: you could have repartitionned after install ;-) | 05:16 |
payam | I cant. I dont know how you can install in terminal | 05:16 |
kazim59x | IcemanV9: hello, m back, i was root____ | 05:16 |
payam | Im new | 05:16 |
jaycie- | in term how can i tell the version? | 05:16 |
WaZ_ | payam: what are you trying to install? | 05:16 |
payam | Java | 05:16 |
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Hasrat_Usa | in near future i'm planning on even wiping out the whole XP thingy from my life. i don't want my OS to send its manufacture my personal information | 05:16 |
IcemanV9 | kazim59x: gotcha :) | 05:16 |
kazim59x | IcemanV9: that command hardlocked my system apt-cache policy dbus... couldnt Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Z, could not login from another tty | 05:16 |
Hasrat_Usa | yes i could :P | 05:16 |
jaycie- | Hasrat_Usa yeah windows is for the birds | 05:17 |
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jaycie- | as long as the cd lite is on do i leave the cd in as its NOT done installing? | 05:17 |
WaZ_ | anyone know where the terminal app is in kubuntu? | 05:17 |
kazim59x | IcemanV9: one more error did i notice while booting.. "File system seems to be mounted readonly, skipping journal replay" & Filesystem not clean | 05:17 |
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Hatty | WaZ_: Konsole | 05:17 |
IcemanV9 | kazim59x: odd. that command has nothing to do with dbus :( | 05:17 |
Mathman | would mondo be the thing to go with if I want to make rescue cds? | 05:17 |
WaZ_ | Hatty: ty | 05:17 |
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k3tchup | hello | 05:18 |
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kazim59x | IcemanV9: i know... this all i happening since i installed csh... even strange | 05:18 |
pavs | whats the command in ls to show extensions in file, ie, ls -l doesnt show text.txt just shows text | 05:18 |
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Hasrat_Usa | well jaycie there is nothing wrong with windows actually. if you wanna pay for it and use, noone should prevent you. but you dont have complete control over a closed-source software or OS. | 05:18 |
WaZ_ | payam: try finding Konsole in your applications | 05:18 |
IcemanV9 | kazim59x: did you update something OR install something that messed up your "perfect" system? | 05:18 |
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kazim59x | IcemanV9: i installed csh... gave some echo command... and it hardlocked | 05:18 |
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WaZ_ | well anyone familiar with kubuntu here that can explain payam how to install java? | 05:18 |
IcemanV9 | kazim59x: ah. maybe that's why. csh could be the problem. | 05:18 |
kazim59x | IcemanV9: i just installed csh.. thats when my system hardlocked first time... | 05:19 |
Hasrat_Usa | lol WaZ_ you switched from ubuntu t kubuntu? | 05:19 |
a5benwillis | Anyone here familier with the module?????? Specifically to authenticate SSH sessoins in Edubuntu. | 05:19 |
ikonia_ | !java >payam | 05:19 |
kazim59x | IcemanV9: but its just the shell... and not the default shell too | 05:19 |
bmk789 | my system keeps locking up, what should i look for in the logs to diagnose this? | 05:19 |
jaycie- | thanks yall bye | 05:19 |
Hasrat_Usa | oh i aint dealing with payem this morning :P j/k | 05:19 |
payam | Konsole? | 05:19 |
k3tchup | i`m interested in the difference beetwen Ubuntu on ONE CD and on DVD whats the difference, besides the weight ? | 05:19 |
payam | where? | 05:19 |
Hasrat_Usa | bye jaycie | 05:19 |
kazim59x | IcemanV9: should i apt-get remove csh? | 05:19 |
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WaZ_ | Hasrat_Usa: no, but payam installed kubuntu, and I have no idea where the sources app and konsole etc are | 05:19 |
IcemanV9 | kazim59x: i understand that, but something ain't right with csh | 05:19 |
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ikonia_ | k3tchup more packages available | 05:19 |
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k3tchup | but what more will i get ? :D | 05:20 |
kazim59x | IcemanV9: i m going to remove csh... hope i dont have to reboot again (hang?) | 05:20 |
Hasrat_Usa | payem it's called konsole, for one, and it's located iin the applications menu | 05:20 |
Mattias | k3tchup: DVD = might not need to download all packages you want as you'd have to with CD | 05:20 |
ikonia_ | more packages without having to connect to the interner | 05:20 |
k3tchup | im noob :) | 05:20 |
ikonia_ | internet | 05:20 |
IcemanV9 | kazim59x: yea. needs to find out the problem is. :) | 05:20 |
payam | I find it | 05:20 |
payam | Konsole | 05:20 |
payam | what should i do? | 05:20 |
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bauer77 | you get a free Nintendo Wii on the DVD k3tchup | 05:20 |
k3tchup | :D | 05:20 |
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IcemanV9 | s/find out the/find out what the | 05:20 |
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Mattias | k3tchup: basically for people who have no internet ^_^ | 05:20 |
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WaZ_ | well you should allow Universe and multiverse as software sources, then use apt to install sun-java6-bin | 05:21 |
k3tchup | but those other packages are optional ? not vital ? | 05:21 |
payam | Hasrat_usa--- id ont have a english version that way it s hord to me to find it | 05:21 |
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Hasrat_Usa | downloading the DVD is a waste of time. in my case it's a waste of a dollar because i can download a ubuntu dvd in less than 2 hours but a dvd costs a dollar lol. downloading and installing apps from the certified and verified repositories is always recommended | 05:21 |
bauer77 | how do you view available packages using apt-get? | 05:21 |
WaZ_ | payam: what language do you speak? | 05:21 |
Mattias | k3tchup: optional yeah, if you got internet connection, don't bother with dvd | 05:21 |
payam | Swedish | 05:21 |
ikonia_ | Hasrat_Usa the dvd is the same repos - so its the same thing | 05:21 |
a5benwillis | bauer77: Use synaptics | 05:21 |
k3tchup | ok, thanks | 05:21 |
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WaZ_ | !sw | payam | 05:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sw - try searching on | 05:21 |
bauer77 | Hasrat_Usa: If you have t1 connection and Bittorrent, its not that much of a waste of time.. | 05:22 |
Mattias | Hasrat_Usa: dvd rw ftw ;) | 05:22 |
payam | yes | 05:22 |
IcemanV9 | !se | 05:22 |
ubotu | Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se | 05:22 |
bauer77 | a5benwillis: is that the whole list already in synaptic? | 05:22 |
Hasrat_Usa | i have 9 MBPS time warner cable connection :P | 05:22 |
WaZ_ | ah se :D | 05:22 |
k3tchup | see ya later :D after the instal :D | 05:22 |
NoEvidenZ | oh so glad i didn't give up on LFS | 05:22 |
NoEvidenZ | just got it working | 05:22 |
kazim59x | IcemanV9: apt-get has stopped after "Reading package lists... 0%" | 05:22 |
payam | i opened th Kosole | 05:22 |
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k3tchup | bye | 05:22 |
NoEvidenZ | 'course it would only start working at 3:22am when i've got uni at 10am | 05:22 |
payam | what should i do now? | 05:22 |
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WaZ_ | payam try sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin | 05:22 |
kazim59x | IcemanV9: apt-get may equally be the problm... do u know where is apt-get's log? | 05:23 |
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payam | what shoudl i do With Konsole then? | 05:23 |
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Hasrat_Usa | i love gnome :) | 05:23 |
IcemanV9 | kazim59x: in /var/log | 05:23 |
WaZ_ | well in the Konsole copy paste the line i just told you | 05:23 |
kazim59x | IcemanV9: by what name? didnt find it | 05:23 |
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WaZ_ | payam: in the chat type /join #kubuntu-se | 05:25 |
IcemanV9 | kazim59x: hmm. i don't know. ha. i use aptitude all the time. i don't use apt-get since breezy. aptitude has log (aptitude) in /var/log | 05:25 |
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payam | join #kubuntu-se | 05:26 |
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WaZ_ | with the / | 05:26 |
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a5benwillis | Anyone here familier with the module?????? Specifically to authenticate SSH sessoins in Edubuntu. | 05:27 |
Hasrat_Usa | IcemanV9 i'm a newbie. if i'm running edgy eft right now, what's breezy? | 05:27 |
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WaZ_ | breezy is the previous version Hasrat_Usa | 05:28 |
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xenoborg | the previous version was dapper | 05:28 |
Hasrat_Usa | but i thought the previous version was dapper waz | 05:28 |
xenoborg | breezy was before dapper | 05:28 |
NoEvidenZ | how do I use a .patch file? Is it likely to patch a .tar.bz2, or would i need to extract everything and then patch them after? | 05:28 |
WaZ_ | or the one before | 05:28 |
Hasrat_Usa | oh | 05:28 |
WaZ_ | :D | 05:28 |
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xenoborg | extract, then patch | 05:28 |
xenoborg | patch -p0 < patchfile | 05:28 |
Fred_Sambo | warty hoary breezy dapper edgy feisty | 05:28 |
Hasrat_Usa | then what's beryl? | 05:28 |
Fred_Sambo | oh my | 05:28 |
IcemanV9 | Hasrat_Usa: warty, hoary, breezy, dapper, edgy | 05:28 |
Fred_Sambo | oh my | 05:28 |
NoEvidenZ | Never mind, got it. | 05:29 |
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hyakuhei | Hasrat_Usa: beryl is pretty 3D magic for X, distribution independent | 05:29 |
IcemanV9 | fwiw, i am ubuntu user since hoary :) woot! | 05:29 |
IcemanV9 | !beryl | Hasrat_Usa | 05:29 |
ubotu | Hasrat_Usa: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 05:29 |
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NoEvidenZ | I've heard Beryl is better than Vista's Aero. | 05:30 |
WaZ_ | hey royel | 05:30 |
WaZ_ | any luck? | 05:30 |
theholyduck | im trying to get XDMCP to work in ubuntu edgy. i try enabling it like how its done on but i cant find it on scans | 05:30 |
hyakuhei | NoEvidenZ: Pretty much :-D | 05:30 |
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NoEvidenZ | I haven't seen Vista yet. Been avoiding it like the plague. | 05:30 |
Hasrat_Usa | beryl kicks arse as far as i have seen in | 05:30 |
theholyduck | NoEvidenZ: it is | 05:30 |
NoEvidenZ | But I've used Beryl, and I used it on Feisty. | 05:30 |
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WaZ_ | im using beryl on edgy | 05:30 |
NoEvidenZ | Both of which are beta versions. And it never crashed as much as windows does. | 05:30 |
Hasrat_Usa | i don't have to avoid vista. i don't even use any ms closed-source app at all. you can't pay me to use vista :P | 05:30 |
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NoEvidenZ | No, wait. Feisty's Alpha | 05:30 |
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a5benwillis | Anyone here familier with the module?????? Specifically to authenticate SSH sessoins in Edubuntu. | 05:31 |
Hasrat_Usa | yeah the stable feisty is coming in april | 05:31 |
theholyduck | anyone have any idea on my XDMCP problem? | 05:31 |
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soundray | !anyone | a5benwillis | 05:31 |
ubotu | a5benwillis: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 05:31 |
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pavs | how to empty trash from command line? | 05:31 |
WaZ_ | Hasrat_Usa: for help on installing Beryl join #beryl | 05:31 |
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soundray | pavs: rm -rf $HOME/.Trash/* | 05:32 |
Pici | pavs: rm -fr ~/.Trash/* | 05:32 |
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pavs | thanks | 05:32 |
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a5benwillis | whats with that bot | 05:32 |
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a5benwillis | I asked a normal question | 05:32 |
NoEvidenZ | Hasrat: That soon? I wasn't expecting it for a long time. | 05:33 |
soundray | a5benwillis: no, your question was critically missing a description of the problem you want to solve. | 05:33 |
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Hasrat_Usa | lol | 05:33 |
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a5benwillis | Is anyone here familier with the module?????? Specifically to authenticate SSH sessoins in Edubuntu. I Can't get SSH to work with this module and wonder if someone elsehas been successful. | 05:33 |
a5benwillis | there | 05:34 |
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pavs | you said if anyone is familiar with you didnt ask the question | 05:34 |
pavs | now you got it | 05:34 |
pavs | ) | 05:34 |
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genii | nitpickers | 05:34 |
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pavs | lol | 05:34 |
a5benwillis | great! now the answers should pour in!! woohoo | 05:34 |
pavs | haha | 05:34 |
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pavs | I get this all the time for not asking the question so I am used to it | 05:35 |
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soundray | a5benwillis: I doubt it. | 05:35 |
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feniks | hello how can i make ubuntu boot from a floppy (i cant boot from external cdrom) | 05:35 |
feniks | please:) | 05:35 |
a5benwillis | I've asked this question all over the web. | 05:35 |
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yell0w | a5benwillis, just edit sshd_config to use PAM | 05:35 |
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dyrne | !install| feniks | 05:36 |
ubotu | feniks: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See and | 05:36 |
soundray | feniks: | 05:36 |
dyrne | feniks: see the first link | 05:36 |
dyrne | or that | 05:36 |
feniks | thx | 05:36 |
=== theholyduck shouts curses at XDMCP | ||
theholyduck | :P | 05:36 |
OmegaHack | While trying to install Ubuntu I am getting a garbled screen. I am running an intel 32bit processor and a nvidia 7800GT. If anyone has any information that might help me with this problem please let me know! Thanks. | 05:36 |
yell0w | heh | 05:36 |
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genii | feniks You can use a boot disk from here: and then tell it to go to the cdrom after | 05:36 |
nikosapi | Does anyone have any recommendations for a vpn server that is easy to setup under ubuntu? | 05:36 |
yell0w | duck in the house, quick, somebody get a rifle | 05:36 |
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a5benwillis | yell0w: I wish it were that simple. | 05:37 |
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soundray | theholyduck: I think there is some howto information about xdmcp on one of the LTSP doc sites... | 05:37 |
yell0w | nikosapi, vino ? | 05:37 |
soundray | !ltsp | theholyduck | 05:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ltsp - try searching on | 05:37 |
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theholyduck | well i did find a tut on | 05:37 |
paule | hat jem eine idee was da los ist ? | 05:37 |
theholyduck | wich is all nice. cept it doesnt work | 05:37 |
yell0w | a5benwillis, what's the problem then ? | 05:37 |
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dominik_ | nikosapi, vpnc? | 05:37 |
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genii | ubotu apparently knows naught about the thin server project ...odd | 05:37 |
IcemanV9 | !xdmcp | theholyduck | 05:37 |
jmazaredo | xorg-driver-fglrx is for ATI right? whats for nvdia | 05:37 |
ubotu | theholyduck: xdmcp is the X Display Manger Control Protocol -- look at to find out how to configure it | 05:38 |
theholyduck | <3 | 05:38 |
a5benwillis | I have edited the /etc/pam.d/ssh file to incluse the ncp module. In the /var/log/auth.log file I se the authentication attempt but it says that the password is wrong and fails. | 05:38 |
soundray | !nvidia | jmazaredo | 05:39 |
ubotu | jmazaredo: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 05:39 |
yell0w | ncp ? | 05:39 |
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a5benwillis | this same ncp module line works perfectly in the /etc/pam.d/gdm file and allows authenticated logins to the local x session | 05:39 |
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IcemanV9 | jmazaredo: xserver-xorg-driver-nv | 05:39 |
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a5benwillis | yell0w: Yes, | 05:39 |
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jmazaredo | ty | 05:39 |
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a5benwillis | yell0w: Its a module for Netware authentication | 05:39 |
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OmegaHack | anyone have a clue why I would be getting that garbled screen during installation. I would assume it is a driver issue. If anyone has a fix please let me know. | 05:40 |
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_`XeOn_ | hi guys | 05:40 |
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jmazaredo | iceman is it installed when i installed the nvidia driver using synaptic? | 05:40 |
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_`XeOn_ | is any way to install ubuntu server over ubuntu edgy using command line? | 05:40 |
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soundray | OmegaHack: at what point? Using which installation method? On what hardware? Have you tried Safe Graphics mode? | 05:40 |
genii | a5benwillis: If you pastebin that pam.d/ssh file I may be of some help | 05:41 |
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RxDx | does iPod nano plays OGG? | 05:41 |
a5benwillis | genii: wait one | 05:41 |
Hasrat_Usa | rx no | 05:41 |
RxDx | tnx | 05:41 |
Kennie | hi, some program asking for C header files for my kernel.. I install linux-kernel-devel and -headers, but still I can't find them... do I need some other package? | 05:41 |
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_`XeOn_ | anyone? | 05:42 |
soundray | _`XeOn_: server is mostly a subset of the full edgy desktop installation. | 05:42 |
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_`XeOn_ | soundray, then? how do i do it? | 05:42 |
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soundray | _`XeOn_: I think the only extra it has is LAMP | 05:42 |
IcemanV9 | jmazaredo: apt-get policy xserver-xorg-driver-nv (see if it is installed or not; please follow the howto from ubotu :) | 05:42 |
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_`XeOn_ | thats it? | 05:42 |
_`XeOn_ | uff | 05:43 |
jmazaredo | i tried to look for it using synaptic there is no file | 05:43 |
NoEvidenZ | when i type "expect -c "spawn ls", assuming everything is set up right, what should it return? | 05:43 |
_`XeOn_ | ok thanks anyways | 05:43 |
soundray | _`XeOn_: I'm not sure, maybe someone else can confirm/correct? | 05:43 |
Kennie | NM, got them :) | 05:43 |
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a5benwillis | genii: pastebin is so sloooow | 05:43 |
NoEvidenZ | All mine does is write "spawn ls" on the next line down. Is that what it's meant to do? | 05:43 |
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IcemanV9 | jmazaredo: it should be in main repo which you do have it | 05:44 |
=== IcemanV9 gotta look for food; brb | ||
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a5benwillis | genii: | 05:44 |
soundray | !software | jmazaredo | 05:44 |
ubotu | jmazaredo: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at - See also !Packages, !Equivalents and !Offline | 05:44 |
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soundray | !repos | jmazaredo | 05:45 |
ubotu | jmazaredo: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See also !EasySource | 05:45 |
genii | a5benwillis: I understand. OK, reading. back in a minute or so | 05:45 |
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[H] 3b0R | hello, wheres the network browsing thing to nautilus? | 05:48 |
genii | a5benwillis: I think you may need a line such as: session required in addition to the "auth sufficient" entry. Some methods are peculiar in needing this | 05:48 |
soundray | [H] 3b0R: in the Places menu | 05:48 |
a5benwillis | genii: in the same file? | 05:48 |
darkch1ld | what's a good program to get a map of my disk usage? | 05:48 |
genii | yes | 05:48 |
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colbert | What is a good IRC program I can use in Ubuntu please ?? | 05:48 |
[H] 3b0R | soundray: no other place? | 05:49 |
royel | colbert: irssi | 05:49 |
Pici | colbert: xchat, irssi, gaim, | 05:49 |
Enselic`` | colbert: xchat2 | 05:49 |
=== ich votes for irssi | ||
Enselic`` | colbert: I've tried a few, that's the best | 05:49 |
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soundray | colbert: apt-cache search internet relay chat | 05:49 |
Pici | !best | 05:49 |
ubotu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. | 05:49 |
Enselic`` | colbert: though I havn't tried irssi ;P | 05:49 |
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royel | irssi is the best, the internets say so !! :) | 05:49 |
old_cymuHep | pzl help me to start | 05:49 |
old_cymuHep | use | 05:50 |
old_cymuHep | ubuntu-server | 05:50 |
colbert | how I can I download xchat2 ? | 05:50 |
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yell0w | colbert, xchat2, kvirc ? | 05:50 |
old_cymuHep | i installed LAMP SERVER | 05:50 |
yell0w | !enter | old_cymuHep | 05:50 |
royel | !enter | old_cymuHep first learn to use the enter key, | 05:50 |
ubotu | old_cymuHep: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 05:50 |
ubotu | old_cymuHep first learn to use the enter key,: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 05:50 |
soundray | [H] 3b0R: what's the problem? | 05:50 |
old_cymuHep | it installed LINUX whit MYSQL apache.... | 05:50 |
soundray | !software | colbert | 05:51 |
ubotu | colbert: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at - See also !Packages, !Equivalents and !Offline | 05:51 |
yell0w | colbert, sudo aptitude install xchat2 | 05:51 |
old_cymuHep | now it loads kernel | 05:51 |
[H] 3b0R | soundray: you know what command i can use in the terminal to get there? | 05:51 |
NoEvidenZ | old_cymuHep: What are you trying to do? | 05:51 |
old_cymuHep | and i must type my login and password | 05:51 |
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soundray | [H] 3b0R: 'nautilus', then navigate | 05:51 |
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old_cymuHep | i need to set up internet and set up my web page | 05:51 |
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[H] 3b0R | soundray: well, i cant navigate to network there | 05:51 |
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genii | old_cymuHep: You were expecting a graphical login instead of the text one? | 05:51 |
NoEvidenZ | !lamp | old_cymuHep | 05:51 |
ubotu | old_cymuHep: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 05:52 |
[H] 3b0R | its patchet away | 05:52 |
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old_cymuHep | i hawe no graphical... | 05:52 |
soundray | [H] 3b0R: Go-Network | 05:52 |
old_cymuHep | its just white on black | 05:52 |
royel | old_cymuHep: thats correct for a server install. | 05:53 |
BlackMad | MarkAstur | 05:53 |
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old_cymuHep | jes but how i can set up internet now? | 05:53 |
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old_cymuHep | i used before desktop version that i know good bu now white on black dont know... ;( | 05:53 |
genii | old_cymuHep: Yes, the server install does not put a windows-type interface by default. To do things after login this way you need to be familiar with command-line. | 05:54 |
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a5benwillis | genii: No luck with adding that line | 05:54 |
royel | old_cymuHep: looks at the links recommended above.. you need to do some research before you ask anymore questions here, all of you answers await where you've been directed. | 05:54 |
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soundray | old_cymuHep: "server" is for advanced users. Install ubuntu-desktop and configure things the way you are used to. | 05:54 |
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old_cymuHep | what is the password of root? | 05:55 |
brakkvatn | Hey there. Have anybody managed to enable DRI on ATI Radeon 9000 IGP Mobility? | 05:55 |
soundray | !root | old_cymuHep | 05:55 |
ubotu | old_cymuHep: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for all information. | 05:55 |
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genii | old_cymuHep: You can install a window manager like before that you were used to by something like: sudo apt-get update && apt-get install ubuntu-desktop (or kubuntu-desktop or xubuntu-desktop) | 05:55 |
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woo | hi guys, i have an intel-mac, so i download the pc version or powerpc? | 05:56 |
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soundray | woo: i386 | 05:56 |
genii | a5benwillis: Did you restart the pam and sshd processes before trying login? | 05:56 |
woo | ok thanks soundray | 05:56 |
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a5benwillis | genii: No, Im not sure I know how to restart pam | 05:56 |
old_cymuHep | genii thanx but how i can login as root in version whit on black? | 05:57 |
tcpip | i want to make some permanent changes to eth0 so i do not have to change it everytime i boot ubuntu.. need help | 05:57 |
royel | !root | old_cymuHep | 05:57 |
ubotu | old_cymuHep: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for all information. | 05:57 |
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old_cymuHep | !root | 05:58 |
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OuZo | is there a chm to pdf converter for Ubuntu? thanks | 05:58 |
soundray | old_cymuHep: you can't. Go and read the page that ubotu pointed you to | 05:58 |
brakkvatn | !radeon | 05:58 |
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soundray | OuZo: what's chm? | 05:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about radeon - try searching on | 05:58 |
foormea | ahey | 05:58 |
genii | a5benwillis: Since it is normally called from inetd or xinetd restart that one (whichever you use) | 05:58 |
AMD-ubuntuPOWER | lol check this out guys | 05:58 |
soundray | !ati | brakkvatn | 05:58 |
ubotu | brakkvatn: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 05:58 |
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brakkvatn | soundray: thanks mate | 05:59 |
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foormea | after i've set my wifi card (ipw3945) to monitor mode with iwconfig, even if i put it back in managed mode, i can't connect to wifi networks... how does it work? | 05:59 |
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genii | old_cymuHep: You were asked to make a user during install. Login as that user and do things that root would do by putting the command sudo before the thing you want to run | 06:00 |
old_cymuHep | why my password dont matches for root? | 06:00 |
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old_cymuHep | ahhh | 06:00 |
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payam | Way all you gus are from CANada? | 06:01 |
payam | why | 06:01 |
OuZo | soundray: its a MS help file format. i have a eBook in that format & i want to convert it to pdf. what i actually want is a chm reader for my sony ericson p910i. | 06:01 |
old_cymuHep | hmmm | 06:01 |
genii | <- A proud canuck | 06:01 |
soundray | payam: go to #ubuntu-offtopic please | 06:01 |
feniks | hmm anyone tried to network boot.. PXE stuff? | 06:01 |
old_cymuHep | i tryed that with my LOGIN | 06:01 |
old_cymuHep | sudo apt-get update && apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 06:01 |
old_cymuHep | and here is the error | 06:01 |
soundray | !kchmviewer | OuZo | 06:01 |
ubotu | ouzo: kchmviewer: CHM viewer for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 200 kB, installed size 624 kB | 06:02 |
feniks | im looking at some tutorial | 06:02 |
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payam | Why? | 06:02 |
ich | old_cymuHep: you must prefix the apt-get install ... command with sudo as well | 06:02 |
lee___ | having problems with GParted. it wont resize my existing XP partition. the wheel just spins for hours... no error messages. also tried to install PartitionMagic7 (yes, old) to try to resize the partition. but it says that the disk is locked and it fails. i think maybe GParted is seeing the same problem? anyone have any ideas? | 06:02 |
a5benwillis | genii: No changeafterrestarts | 06:02 |
soundray | !offtopic | payam | 06:02 |
ubotu | payam: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 06:02 |
Wrongway | I've finally got audio working for my .mov files, but it only works on mplayer. can anyone tell me how to make vlc work now? | 06:02 |
old_cymuHep | E: Could not opem lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 permission denied) | 06:02 |
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payam | I dont undrstant | 06:03 |
genii | old_cymuHep: Ah, I forgot to put the "sudo" command again the second time. So do: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 06:03 |
chamuco | can a swap partitions be used for different installations say same swap for suse, edgy, dapper | 06:03 |
hellmet | chamuco: Yes | 06:03 |
OuZo | soundray: ubotu: thanks, i have a gnome chm reader for ubintu. i just need to read when im not @ my pc using my phone. will kchmviewer convert to pdf? (i can boot into kde as well) | 06:03 |
old_cymuHep | ok will try | 06:03 |
payam | What can i do in Offtopic#Ubuntu? | 06:03 |
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soundray | payam: you can ask questions like yours without annoying people. This channel is only for support questions. | 06:04 |
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genii | a5benwillis: :( Then I would say there would be something in the command switches which is giving grief, but I am unfamiliar with all the switches for that auth method so not much help there | 06:04 |
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payam | ok ok ok. Where can i chatt with other people | 06:04 |
payam | ? | 06:04 |
brakkvatn | How do I "blacklist" a kernel module? | 06:04 |
soundray | payam: if you keep asking unrelated questions here, you will eventually get banned, kicked, or both. | 06:04 |
dury | does anyone know the url to get the lastest ubuntu dvd iso to download? | 06:04 |
old_cymuHep | ok | 06:04 |
soundray | payam: /joine #ubuntu-offtopic | 06:04 |
dury | for 32 bits and 64 bits | 06:04 |
old_cymuHep | but now he is asking for CD? | 06:04 |
soundray | payam: /join #ubuntu-offtopic | 06:05 |
a5benwillis | genii: Thanks for trying | 06:05 |
old_cymuHep | why? | 06:05 |
dury | first of all hi there channel :) | 06:05 |
soundray | !hi | dury | 06:05 |
ubotu | dury: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 06:05 |
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dannielle | support question: How can I get my Intel i810 to display 1440x900 resolution? It can do it in windows, and I"ve done dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg so my xorg.conf now shows 1440x900 but I only get up to 1280x1024 in gnome & xfce's resolution changing apps | 06:06 |
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genii | a5benwillis: np. You may find some help thru google with such keywords as " auth" switches | 06:06 |
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danny | Hi, I'm trying to resize my linux partition to install Windows as well but GParted says my partitiions are locked | 06:06 |
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dury | ubotu: does anyone know the url to get the lastest ubuntu dvd iso to download? | 06:07 |
dury | for 32 bits and 64 bits | 06:07 |
dannielle | !feisty | 06:07 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: - Specifications (goals): - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 06:07 |
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soundray | dury: ; scroll down | 06:07 |
danny | and I basically cant do anything.. how do i unlock the partition to resize? | 06:07 |
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dannielle | danny, use the livecd... you can'/t move around partitions that are mounted | 06:07 |
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OmegaHack | are there installation issues with nvidia cards? | 06:07 |
dannielle | OmegaHack, not here | 06:07 |
danny | oh damn | 06:08 |
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genii | dannielle: If you copy your xorg.conf to the pastebin site I may be able to see something | 06:08 |
Hasrat_Usa | OmegaHack yes and no | 06:08 |
maxxism | hey all. | 06:08 |
ardchoille | OmegaHack: I followed the wiki and had my nvidia card working in minutes. | 06:08 |
dury | soundray: really appreciate that | 06:08 |
WaZ_ | for the 8800 there are I heard | 06:08 |
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WaZ_ | at least with edgy | 06:08 |
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OmegaHack | ok because i am getting a garbled screen after selecting start install ubuntu and it gets past the boot. its only after i get into the gui. I am running a nvidia 7800GT | 06:09 |
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soundray | OmegaHack: some recent cards require Safe Graphics mode, some require the text-mode installer. Once you've installed ubuntu, you can add the proprietary nvidia driver, then it should all be fine. | 06:09 |
OmegaHack | i have tried safe graphics mode as well | 06:09 |
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soundray | !alternate | OmegaHack | 06:09 |
ubotu | OmegaHack: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. | 06:09 |
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Orfeous | got problems getting DRI to work with my installation and graphic card. | 06:10 |
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Orfeous | got a ATI Radeon 9800 pro | 06:10 |
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Orfeous | and using KDE | 06:10 |
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Hasrat_Usa | what's dri? | 06:10 |
OmegaHack | soundray: ok thanks i am going to grab the alternate install iso | 06:10 |
dury | soundray: that's not free download? | 06:10 |
maxxism | I have been having a problem with my nVidia drivers for since warty. I dont know if its a problem with my install... anyways. when GDM starts it sometimes starts up in 800x600. When the default is set to 1600x1200. this actually is a problem for two of my machines. The easy way to correct the problem is to CTRL-ALT-Backspace, after I hit those GDM starts back up in 1600x1200. is this an existing problem???? | 06:10 |
WaZ_ | Orfeous: | 06:10 |
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royel | dury: yes it is free | 06:11 |
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soundray | dury: what, the nvidia driver? It's free as in free beer, but not free as in free speech. | 06:11 |
dannielle | genii, <--my xorg.conf with i810 trying to go widescreen but limited at 1280x1024 | 06:11 |
mwe | maxxism: I think you need to sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart to reload xorg.conf | 06:11 |
genii | dannielle: OK, reading. Back shortly | 06:11 |
Hasrat_Usa | i know these are all driver-related issues and got nothing to do with ubuntu or the card in question | 06:11 |
dury | soundray: that's not free download, this one | 06:11 |
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soundray | dury: no, the ubuntu downloads are all free. | 06:12 |
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soundray | dury: if you want a CD sent to you buy snail mail, you may have to pay. | 06:12 |
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maxxism | mwe : this will correct the problem from occuring again? | 06:12 |
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dannielle | shipit sends cds for free... ??i think | 06:13 |
WaZ_ | yes shipit is free | 06:13 |
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WaZ_ | but takes a couple of weeks | 06:13 |
chx | hi. I have a Core Duo T2300 and I get the same error as described in , I run Linux bean 2.6.17-11-generic #2 SMP according to uname -a but modprobe speedstep-centrino says FATAL: Error inserting speedstep_centrino | 06:13 |
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soundray | dury: you can have a free CD sent to you, but it will be the previous version, dapper, which has long-term support | 06:13 |
ardchoille | ShipIt is free, however, they won't ship Edgy.. only Dapper at this time. | 06:13 |
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WaZ_ | they only ship LTS releases? | 06:14 |
old_cymuHep | if i will update ubuntu-server to desktop, can i later run server without desktop? | 06:14 |
goundy | huh | 06:14 |
soundray | WaZ_: at present, yes | 06:14 |
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goundy | problme wifi :/ | 06:14 |
goundy | sudo iwlist eth1 scanning ---> interface doesn't support scanning | 06:14 |
soundray | WaZ_: | 06:15 |
old_cymuHep | if i will update ubuntu-server to desktop, can i later run server without desktop? | 06:15 |
goundy | que merde ? | 06:15 |
dury | soundray: I want to download free dvd iso. last release for free. to make the dvd myself | 06:15 |
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old_cymuHep | if i will update ubuntu-server to ubuntu-desktop, can i later run server without desktop? | 06:15 |
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old_cymuHep | just white on black? | 06:15 |
soundray | dury: go ahead. | 06:15 |
asti | dannielle: try changing "DefaultDepth" in the "screen" section from 24 to a lower value, say 16 | 06:15 |
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goundy | ow sorry | 06:15 |
goundy | wrong channel ^^ | 06:15 |
dannielle | asti, aww... that could be it, brb | 06:16 |
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dury | soundray: but the url you give it's wrong | 06:16 |
soundray | old_cymuHep: yes. You can disable gdm, so you won't get X starting automatically. | 06:16 |
maxxism | mwe: well that buggard it up. I lost gnome and hard to to a hard reboot | 06:16 |
soundray | dury: which one? | 06:16 |
dury | | 06:16 |
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maxxism | mwe and the same issue on bootup. | 06:16 |
dury | can't get any free | 06:16 |
Pici | dury: What are you clicking on from that page? | 06:16 |
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WaZ_ | dury: where are you from? | 06:18 |
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soundray | dury: -- scroll down | 06:18 |
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dury | WaZ: is it relevant? | 06:18 |
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WaZ_ | dury: yes, so i can give you the best link | 06:18 |
WaZ_ | dury: ill just assume USA ;-) | 06:19 |
dannielle | asti, no such luck :( | 06:19 |
dury | WaZ: no way dude! | 06:19 |
dury | WaZ: basque country | 06:19 |
soundray | dury: follow the link that I gave you last | 06:19 |
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=== dannielle just takes the plunge to feisty and hopes xorg 7.2 works better with this i810 in widescreen... thanks asti and genii | ||
WaZ_ | 32bit or 64bit? | 06:20 |
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dury | soundray: great! | 06:20 |
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dury | WaZ: both | 06:20 |
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Zelda | hello everyone | 06:20 |
WaZ_ | ok you found it? | 06:20 |
royel | is feisty a live cd? | 06:20 |
masura | anyone from uk? | 06:20 |
WaZ_ | spanish side or french side of basque country? :D | 06:20 |
genii | dannielle: I am actually making some mods to that xorg file. Perhaps wait a few minutes longer if possible LOL | 06:20 |
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Zelda | What is the easiest Virtual Machine software to use? | 06:21 |
genii | dannielle: Do you know the exact amount of ram your video has? | 06:21 |
dury | soundray: not so clear that | 06:21 |
dury | soundray: can't find the link for dvd iso | 06:21 |
ghort | any iproute expert in here please ? | 06:21 |
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Zelda | Anyone> | 06:22 |
Zelda | ? | 06:22 |
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WaZ_ | dury: check private messages | 06:22 |
dury | go | 06:23 |
WaZ_ | 32bit | 06:23 |
Zelda | can someone name some vm software? | 06:23 |
WaZ_ | 64bit | 06:23 |
royel | !vmware | Zelda | 06:23 |
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ubotu | Zelda: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at | 06:23 |
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Zelda | thanks! Whats the difference for the Server and the client or is there? | 06:24 |
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lee___ | dannielle / danny... i have the same problem as danny but i am using the LiveCD. thoughts? | 06:24 |
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lee___ | having problems with GParted. it wont resize my existing XP partition. the wheel just spins for hours... no error messages. also tried to install PartitionMagic7 (yes, old) to try to resize the partition. but it says that the disk is locked and it fails. i think maybe GParted is seeing the same problem? anyone have any ideas? | 06:25 |
genii | dannielle: Do you know the exact amount of ram your video has? | 06:25 |
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Highsight | hello | 06:25 |
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Highsight | Is anyone willing to help a Ubuntu newbie? | 06:26 |
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royel | lee___: try using the livecd to resize? | 06:26 |
WaZ_ | Highsight: of course | 06:26 |
royel | !anyone | Highsight | 06:26 |
ubotu | Highsight: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 06:26 |
beggi9 | | 06:26 |
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dury | WaZ: well done, success | 06:26 |
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dury | :) | 06:26 |
Highsight | Does anyone know how to set it up so my WiFi connection works on Ubuntu? | 06:26 |
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Highsight | I have a Gigabyte GN-WI01GS mini PCI WLAN Card(Turbo) | 06:26 |
genii | dannielle: The driver may need to know the right amount to combine the resolutions and colour depth, I would like to put an entry for it in a modified xorg.conf file for you to try | 06:26 |
WaZ_ | Highsight: what wifi card? | 06:27 |
lee___ | royel, yes, i'm using the livecd | 06:27 |
beggi9 | | 06:27 |
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GreyGhost | !wifi | Highsight | 06:27 |
ubotu | Highsight: Wireless documentation can be found at | 06:27 |
WaZ_ | or that | 06:27 |
old_cymuHep | i installed ubuntu-server - there is i know MySQL and Apache but what else is there?? | 06:27 |
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royel | lee___: did you mount the drive, I can't imagine why it's telling you it's locked unless you've mounted it. | 06:27 |
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dury | soundray: he is a really supporter -> WaZ | 06:27 |
Highsight | I tried using the Network-Manager, then I put all the info in, but nothing happened | 06:27 |
Highsight | is there an actual connect button or somthing? | 06:28 |
gavintlgold | Ok, today i messed up my sound on ubuntu... I was trying to use audacity, and it didn't work, so i followed instructions on how to fix the sound, but now no other recording apps (like sound recorder) work anymore | 06:28 |
genii | old_cymuHep: There is also PHP (a language for programming on web pages) | 06:28 |
old_cymuHep | PHP apache and MYSQL???? | 06:28 |
old_cymuHep | thats all? | 06:28 |
WaZ_ | dury: he gave you the link i use to give you the final link. | 06:28 |
lee___ | royel, GParted isnt telling me anything actually. i just get the spinning wheel for hours on end. | 06:28 |
asti | genii: are you using a web service to make the modlines? if so, which one? | 06:28 |
Pici | old_cymuHep: What are you expecting? | 06:28 |
lee___ | royel, its when i tried partition magic that it said it was locked | 06:28 |
pavs | possible to mcrypt a folder? how? | 06:28 |
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gavintlgold | but output works, just no recording... error message with sound recorder is : Your audio capture settings are invalid. Please correct them in the Multimedia settings. | 06:29 |
GreyGhost | Highsight ,did u see if u had to do any card specific stuuff in the link that i pointed u to ? | 06:29 |
old_cymuHep | is there compiler for C++? | 06:29 |
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old_cymuHep | in defoult and other stuff? | 06:29 |
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old_cymuHep | for web server? | 06:29 |
tritium | old_cymuHep: of course | 06:29 |
Highsight | I looked GreyGhost, I didn't see any documents for Gigabyte Software | 06:29 |
WaZ_ | old_cymuHep: gcc | 06:29 |
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Agrajag | g++ | 06:29 |
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old_cymuHep | and perl? | 06:30 |
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genii | old_cymuHep: The kernel is also optimised for muli-processing tasks to reduce cpu load and also optimised for other things having to do with things like webserving and database serving and so on. Also the usual instal puts Perl and some servers by default like sshd | 06:30 |
payam | What is Mirc? | 06:30 |
tritium | old_cymuHep: you obviously need to do some searches through the packages. There's everything you're looking for. | 06:30 |
payam | mIRC? | 06:30 |
tritium | !b-e > old_cymuHep | 06:30 |
tritium | (For starters) | 06:30 |
royel | lee___: you tried rebooting an resizing with the LiveCD again, perhaps it had an "accident" I've noticed some quirks with the partitioning tools on livecd's | 06:30 |
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sharperguy | how do i set UK spellchecking in OOo, its only doing US at the mo :/ | 06:31 |
genii | asti No, I am looking up the specs for the monitor they have and then manually computing the modes actually | 06:31 |
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asti | genii, thx | 06:31 |
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genii | asti np | 06:31 |
unop | old_cymuHep, perl is generally not compiled | 06:31 |
wriwnas | good evening... | 06:31 |
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GreyGhost | Highsight ,whats the model ..i've never used a wifi connection myself ..but could try to help.. | 06:31 |
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Highsight | thanks, I apprecate it GreyGhost | 06:31 |
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Highsight | the model is GN-WI01GS | 06:32 |
Wrongway | can anyone help me? I've finally gotten audio to work for .mov files but it only works in mplayer. can anyone help me make it work for all players, or at least vlc? | 06:32 |
Highsight | full name is Gigabyte GN-WI01GS mini PCI WLAN Card(Turbo) | 06:32 |
lee___ | yep. 3 times (thinking that the 3rd time might be the charm) no dice. the option to resize the existing partition simply isnt there. i checked availability in XP and i should be fine on space. i'm not asking it to do anything thats not avail. even tried chkdsk and defrag (some threads online said this might be the problem) nada. | 06:32 |
Kennie | Hi, If I wanna try setup a SSH connection to my ubuntu box from 192.168.1.x, then it takes ages before I get the password screen, what could cause this? | 06:32 |
wriwnas | does anybody know if Netgear WG511 works with ubuntu?? ? | 06:32 |
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kitchen | Kennie: ssh -vvv | 06:32 |
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old_cymuHep | unop | 06:32 |
dury | PHP, apache and MySQL great tools to administrate, develop website that's what I use | 06:32 |
old_cymuHep | how to compile it? | 06:33 |
Kennie | kitchen : using putty, not ssh client | 06:33 |
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unop | Kennie, it's likely that it takes quite a few seconds for sshd to resolve the name for 192.168.1.x | 06:33 |
Kennie | (openssh client i ment) | 06:33 |
tritium | old_cymuHep: compile what? | 06:33 |
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zkline | Howdy. I don't suppose anybody here is familiar with the accessibility stuff coded into the install CD? | 06:33 |
Zelda | brb | 06:33 |
Sephiroth | dury: ImageMagick for some graphical functions of php. :p | 06:33 |
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old_cymuHep | perl | 06:33 |
unop | old_cymuHep, compile perl?? | 06:33 |
GreyGhost | Highsight ,maybe thtat will help ... but thats all i know.. | 06:33 |
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Kennie | yeah true unop, thinking that too, but not sure how to fix it | 06:33 |
Alam_Ubuntu | is the partition NTFS and had it been scan by Windows's chdsk/scandisk and clean? | 06:33 |
tritium | old_cymuHep: just install it instead | 06:33 |
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old_cymuHep | ;( | 06:34 |
kitchen | Kennie: | 06:34 |
WaZ_ | old_cymuHep: perl is parsed | 06:34 |
unop | old_cymuHep, I think there's autility that comes with the perl package itself -- perlcc | 06:34 |
royel | sharperguy: these 2 links might be of help: , | 06:34 |
gitche | there much better now kitchen won't make my irc client beep :) | 06:34 |
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old_cymuHep | thats way i am reinstaling my ubuuntu-desktop | 06:34 |
old_cymuHep | because of perl | 06:34 |
unop | Kennie, you can add an entry into your /etc/hosts for those IP addresses | 06:34 |
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lee___ | it is FAT32, formatted FAT32 thinking ubuntu would be able to see data there once setup. | 06:34 |
genii | old_cymuHep: Do you mean more how do you write programs in Perl? | 06:34 |
kitchen | gitche: :-P | 06:34 |
Kennie | unop : that works yes, but then I'll need to add each PC in the network | 06:34 |
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sharperguy | royel, cheers, going now | 06:34 |
WaZ_ | lee___: it should read Fat32 | 06:34 |
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lee___ | GParted can see the drive, it just wont let me change the size | 06:34 |
dury | Sephiroth: what's that ImageMagic? | 06:34 |
kazim59 | IcemanV9: hey !! | 06:35 |
kitchen | Kennie: I meant... I don't know then | 06:35 |
old_cymuHep | genii | 06:35 |
old_cymuHep | i mean | 06:35 |
old_cymuHep | to PERL works | 06:35 |
kazim59 | IcemanV9: i got the problem fixed.... it was far bigger problem! | 06:35 |
Sephiroth | dury: PM | 06:35 |
unop | Kennie, if you have a fairly large network then you need to run a DNS server in collusion with DHCP (i.e. dynamic DNS) to keep this resolution correct and upto-date | 06:35 |
lee___ | thanks WaZ. know how to fix my problem or just correct my capitalization? :) | 06:35 |
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WaZ_ | dury: imagemagick is an image manipulation library for php and others | 06:36 |
IcemanV9 | kazim59: yea? what's the solution? | 06:36 |
unop | old_cymuHep, you arent making sense -- please explain (in a few more words) what exactly you intend to do with perl | 06:36 |
WaZ_ | lee___: well I see no reason why it shouldn't work | 06:36 |
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kazim59 | IcemanV9: actually... when i ran something in csh... it ran a harddisk operation | 06:36 |
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Highsight | does anyone know how I can verify weither my WiFi Card is supported? | 06:36 |
Highsight | is there a list or anything? | 06:36 |
kazim59 | my pc hardlocked.... and so i had to turn it off directly.. | 06:36 |
unop | Kennie, without DNS, the only alternative is /etc/hosts (afaik) | 06:37 |
old_cymuHep | i am getting to run CS 1.6 server and i must runing PERL for setting UP PsyhoSTats | 06:37 |
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kazim59 | that made a particular block of my hda3 corrupt.... | 06:37 |
dury | what's happen I mostly use cms like joomla | 06:37 |
Kennie | unop : ok, thanks for your help | 06:37 |
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sebrock | How do I create a starter/launcher for tomboy? It doesnt seem to work form me with just "tomboy" | 06:37 |
lee___ | WaZ - me either, that's why i'm here, asking questions on this channel. | 06:37 |
kazim59 | IcemanV9: i checked the kern.log .. it said "Drive SeekComplete UncorrectableError" and showed a sector number tooo | 06:37 |
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old_cymuHep | unop, i am getting to run CS 1.6 server and i must runing PERL for setting UP PsyhoSTats | 06:37 |
unop | old_cymuHep, yes, ok, but perl is already installed on most systems, most of the time | 06:37 |
sharperguy | royel, Ah ha, its all windows fault for not making it easy to set that :P got it now | 06:37 |
dury | great cms | 06:38 |
kazim59 | IcemanV9: I tried to dd from that sector .... but got the same reading error | 06:38 |
royel | sharperguy: yeah, I read taht part! :) | 06:38 |
defrysk | sebrock, rightclick panel > add > select tomboy | 06:38 |
dury | WaZ: what you think about it? | 06:38 |
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kazim59 | IcemanV9: i wrote on that sector from /dev/zero | 06:38 |
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WaZ_ | dury: about what? | 06:38 |
gavintlgold | fixed my sound problem... bye guys | 06:38 |
kazim59 | IcemanV9: reboot.. and all's fine now | 06:38 |
dury | WaZ: Joomla -> | 06:39 |
sebrock | hmm.. delfrysk. Ok... I want it to be in my gDeslket laucherbar | 06:39 |
sebrock | just drag? | 06:39 |
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genii | old_cymuHep: For it to work with the apache webserver do: sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-perl2 then when you write your perl programs put them in /usr/lib/cgi-bin | 06:39 |
unop | old_cymuHep, you can check perl's version, at your command line/terminal type perl -e 'print $] ' | 06:39 |
IcemanV9 | kazim59: wow. glad you got it fixed. hope you fix the script that you ran in csh. :) | 06:39 |
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Nanobot | If you remove a repository from apt, what's the most effective way to remove any trace of that repository. Apt keeps wanting to upgrade to a (broken) version from the repository that I removed instead of the (working) version in my other repositories. | 06:39 |
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kazim59 | IcemanV9: some apt-get files got corrupted... i overwrote 512bytes | 06:39 |
WaZ_ | dury: im not a big fan of premade websites | 06:39 |
eXistenZ | Why when I extract files with unicode filenames that are compressed in zip/rar files, I see vague "boxes" instead? | 06:39 |
pavs | what if my system gets compromised (someone gets/cracks the root password) is it possible to setup a second password for deleting a specific file by root? in simple terms Even as a root I want to be prompted for a password before deleting a file. Maybe there is no built in function for this linux, but how about other softwares? | 06:39 |
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AlexC_ | Nanobot: if Apt is still looking for the repository, then you didn't remove it. | 06:39 |
kazim59 | IcemanV9: now can you tell me if there's a way to get apt-get working? it doesn't do anything now coz i overwrote its file! | 06:40 |
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dury | WaZ: so you do your own sites using apache, php, perl, mysql | 06:40 |
IcemanV9 | kazim59: apt-get autoclean would clean it up a bit, too. | 06:40 |
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royel | Nanobot: did you do: apt-get update ? | 06:40 |
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unop | pavs, create another user that is member of the admin group -- if your primary user gets compromised you can log on with this one | 06:40 |
y0hm | pavs : you can setup "rm" to prompt before removal .. | 06:40 |
WaZ_ | dury: well I don't have a fixed IP so just php/mysql/css, yes | 06:40 |
genii | I think you can still use dpkg to reinstall apt-get | 06:40 |
gitche | pavs: just use sudo instead of root and you will have a log of everything that happens with sudo also | 06:40 |
kazim59 | IcemanV9: it was not the script... it was some file operation going on by apt-get when pc hanged and i turned off directly... that corrupted a sector | 06:41 |
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dury | WaZ: locally? | 06:41 |
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unop | gitche, except when you invoke a root shell using sudo -i/-s | 06:41 |
WaZ_ | dury: lets move to offtopic ;-) | 06:41 |
dury | WaZ: I mean in your box? | 06:41 |
dury | WaZ: ok | 06:41 |
royel | WaZ_: or could be your friend for a static IP ;) | 06:41 |
zx64 | Is there a way to configure grub to boot iso images directly? (I'm fed up of burning images to a cdrw) The results I've seen on the web involve extracting the kernel, but I want to chainload Ubuntu's isolinux | 06:41 |
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dury | WaZ: you absolutely right | 06:41 |
kazim59 | IcemanV9: it says Segmentation faulty tree... 50% | 06:42 |
gitche | unop: but you have a log of someone doing that command though | 06:42 |
atrus | pavs: if someone has root, they have absolute power on your machine. that's the definition of root, and nothing's likely to stop that. if you have mission-critical data, make sure you're doing frequent backups | 06:42 |
sebrock | How do I create a starter/launcher in gDesklets for tomboy? It doesnt seem to work form me with just "tomboy" as command? | 06:42 |
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IcemanV9 | kazim59: apt-get doesn't work anymore? try sudo aptitude install apt (it should repair apt-get, i believe) | 06:42 |
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finalbeta | reinstall | 06:42 |
AlexC_ | IcemanV9: aptitude reinstall | 06:42 |
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pavs | can I make rm to prompt for password before removal? or prompt for confirmation | 06:43 |
Nanobot | Maybe my problem is something else. I was playing around with my X11 configuration trying to get Beryl to work an alternate way. In the process I set up some repository that had linux-restricted-modules updates. My X11 configuration broken and I tried to revert, changed back the setting in xorg.conf, removed the repository, aptitude update/upgrade and such, but it's still broken. | 06:43 |
WaZ_ | dury: join #ubuntu-offtopic | 06:43 |
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zx64 | pavs: rm -i will prompt | 06:43 |
IcemanV9 | kazim59: sudo aptitude reinstall apt (thank you, guys) | 06:43 |
dury | WaZ: never mind I'm comfortable here | 06:43 |
unop | gitche, yes, but just that tho -- after that he can do anything within the shell and you wont know -- so for that case, even su can be logged .. the logging shouldnt be the primary detterent for an outsider, the right security should be | 06:43 |
kazim59 | same thing... Segmentation faulty tree.... 50% | 06:43 |
WaZ_ | dury: okay | 06:43 |
AlexC_ | pavs: I'm not sure how to setup Alias, but you can alias "rm" to "rm -i "so that even when you do "rm" it will act like "rm -i" | 06:43 |
kazim59 | IcemanV9: same 50% thing | 06:44 |
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dury | WaZ: do you usually use ubuntu? | 06:44 |
Nanobot | I got it to work by manually downgrading the linux-restricted-modules and related packages to, but it still wants me to upgrade to .11 | 06:44 |
royel | zx64: there was a page on "" that showed how to do that, boot .iso's, might try looking that up | 06:44 |
pavs | alexc interesting, i know how to setup alias i think i will do that | 06:44 |
unop | alias rm='rm -iv' | 06:44 |
IcemanV9 | kazim59: recovery mode might be the way to do it? | 06:44 |
zx64 | royel: Ok, thanks. | 06:44 |
pavs | zx64 tnx | 06:44 |
sebrock | Please someone...How do I create a starter/launcher in gDesklets for tomboy? It doesnt seem to work form me with just "tomboy" as command? | 06:44 |
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AlexC_ | !repeat | sebrock | 06:44 |
ubotu | sebrock: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 06:44 |
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marimn | hola alberto | 06:45 |
Nanobot | I assumed that is the latest version in the official Edgy repositories. Am I wrong? | 06:45 |
WaZ_ | dury: we're off topic, this channel is for help | 06:45 |
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pavs | unop tnx | 06:45 |
JeremyB | WHere Can i get testing release - I dont see it on the site - post 6.10 | 06:45 |
WaZ_ | Nanobot: is latest | 06:45 |
sebrock | AlexC_, I know this question is an easy one, creating a launcher... | 06:45 |
royel | !feisty | JeremyB | 06:45 |
ubotu | JeremyB: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: - Specifications (goals): - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 06:45 |
marimn | me puede hablar alguien en espaol | 06:45 |
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dury | yo | 06:45 |
IcemanV9 | !es | marimn | 06:45 |
ubotu | marimn: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 06:45 |
Nanobot | Hm.. seems to break X, and that just started happening when I temporarily screwed with my repositories | 06:46 |
AlexC_ | sebrock: if you know it's easy that implies you know the anwser so why are you asking a question when you already know the anwser :P | 06:46 |
dury | marimn: ke sucede? | 06:46 |
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marimn | como entro en esos canales | 06:46 |
kazim59 | IcemanV9: that didnt work... googling tells me that files in /var/cache/apt are corrupt | 06:46 |
WaZ_ | Nanobot: have you installed restricted kernel modules for 17.11 ? | 06:46 |
marimn | de donde esres dury | 06:46 |
dury | marimn: en ke canales te refieres? | 06:46 |
AlexC_ | !es | marimn | 06:46 |
ubotu | marimn: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 06:46 |
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bissen | hi, i have an ftp site and am getting a lot of Administrator login attempts from the same ip. do you know a way to block an ip after so many failed attempts? | 06:46 |
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alessandro | buonasera a tutti | 06:47 |
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Nanobot | WaZ_: I did | 06:47 |
marimn | no se donde estoy | 06:47 |
IcemanV9 | kazim59: sudo aptitude autoclean OR apt-get autoclean (or clean) | 06:47 |
AlexC_ | !es | marimn | 06:47 |
Nanobot | Maybe it's nvidia-glx that's screwy | 06:47 |
ubotu | marimn: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 06:47 |
AlexC_ | marimn: /join #ubuntu-es | 06:47 |
Nanobot | I have nvidia-glx 1.0.9746+2 | 06:47 |
kazim59 | IcemanV9: now i've got it working... i moved files in /var/cache/apt as something else and apt-get update | 06:47 |
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kazim59 | IcemanV9: that autoclean or reinstall are giving "segmentation faulty tree" error | 06:47 |
betatux | bissen, which ftp server are you using ? i'm sure some ftp server offer the option to lock accounts for a certain periode after entering wrong credentials | 06:47 |
Nanobot | Er, nvidia-glx 1.0.9746+ | 06:48 |
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WaZ_ | Nanobot: hmmm | 06:48 |
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JeremyB | is compsite extension working out of the box for ATI in fiesty? | 06:48 |
marimn | sos | 06:48 |
IcemanV9 | kazim59: arrrg! ;) | 06:48 |
kazim59 | IcemanV9: but thanks anyway... the problem is fixed... the package listing files were corrupt | 06:48 |
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marimn | y esto que es | 06:48 |
alessandro | n | 06:48 |
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AlexC_ | marimn: !!!!! /join #ubuntu-es ... third time now | 06:48 |
AlexC_ | JeremyB: #ubuntu+1 | 06:49 |
Nastasia | Hi | 06:49 |
Nanobot | nvidia-glx was the only other thing I got from that now-removed repository | 06:49 |
IcemanV9 | JeremyB: it would be better to ask in #ubuntu+1 :) | 06:49 |
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WaZ_ | Nanobot: have you tried reinstalling it? | 06:49 |
marimn | Alexc ayudame | 06:49 |
sebrock | AlexC_, no it doesnt, I have tried but it does not work... therefor I ask, would be stupid to do otherwise | 06:49 |
kazim59 | what is #ubuntu+1? | 06:49 |
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unop | bissen, is this a public FTP site? does it need to be visible to the world? you can set it up so that only the people who know a FTP server exists at your site can access it via port knocking or ssh | 06:49 |
Amon-san | what is the difference from #ubuntu to #ubuntu+1 ? | 06:49 |
Nanobot | WaZ_: I'll try | 06:49 |
AlexC_ | kazim59: Fesity channel | 06:49 |
genii | kazim59: It's the channel for Feisty | 06:49 |
IcemanV9 | !fiesty | kazim59 | 06:49 |
ubotu | kazim59: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: - Specifications (goals): - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 06:49 |
zx64 | royel: Lovely, howtoforge seems to have died just as I searched... | 06:50 |
Nastasia | I installed Ubuntu on my 2nd harddrive to test it, but I need to get rid of it completely so that I will only have 2 NTFS partitions with windows on the first. Is there any way to uninstall it? I tried just whipping it out but the computer didn't boot anymore because the boot-screen was deleted I think. | 06:50 |
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AlexC_ | Amon-san: #ubuntu is current realse support, #ubuntu+1 is fesity disccusion | 06:50 |
marimn | no me alluda nadie | 06:50 |
Amon-san | i c | 06:50 |
kazim59 | wow! nice name... fiesty fawn | 06:50 |
AlexC_ | !es | marimn | 06:50 |
ubotu | marimn: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 06:50 |
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kazim59 | wonder who gives these names... dapper edgy fiesty | 06:50 |
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WaZ_ | Nastasia: you need to repair your windows partition from the windows CD, reinstall the MBR | 06:50 |
genii | Some animal nut obviously | 06:50 |
betatux | Nastasia, Boot from a windows cd into msdos and type : fdisk /MBR | 06:50 |
Nanobot | Will the next version be a gopher? | 06:50 |
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zx64 | Btw, "Feisty" not "fiesty" | 06:51 |
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AlexC_ | Nanobot: the letter G has already been taken by Grumpy Groundhog, a developer release that is ... well, never released really. | 06:51 |
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dury | marimn: estas en el canal de ubuntu | 06:51 |
AlexC_ | genii: all release have the same letter for each word .. so that will never appear :P | 06:51 |
dury | marimn: estas ahi? :) | 06:51 |
Nastasia | What will I need to do after fdisk /MBR? | 06:51 |
marimn | si | 06:52 |
WaZ_ | Nastasia: just reboot | 06:52 |
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AlexC_ | dury: do you speak the language marimn speaks? | 06:52 |
marimn | pero esto donde hantes | 06:52 |
genii | AlexC_ Heh too bad it's a great name | 06:52 |
betatux | Nastasia, after clearing the master boot record you have put the partition you wish to boot from into bootable mode , in other words , enable the boot flag | 06:52 |
feross | Nastasia: well, ms-sys will also fix the mbr .. just a suggestion instead of having to boot windows | 06:52 |
Nastasia | But will it do anything bad to my windows installation and other data? | 06:52 |
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j0e_x | edgy xubuntu on satellite w/256 ram. lxdoom laggy as heck. everything else is ok. lxdoom probs? | 06:52 |
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AlexC_ | dury: if so - tell him/her to go into #ubuntu-es or what ever langauge they speak. This is an English only support channel. | 06:52 |
dury | AlexC: yeah | 06:52 |
dury | AlexC: ok I will | 06:53 |
AlexC_ | AlexC_ not AlexC! :P | 06:53 |
WaZ_ | Nastasia: no | 06:53 |
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betatux | Nastasia, no , fdisk /MBR will clear the master boot record , i believe windows installs it's bootloader onto the superblocks of the windows partition | 06:53 |
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dury | AlexC_: sorry mate! | 06:53 |
Nastasia | Okay | 06:53 |
Nastasia | Thank you guys | 06:53 |
AlexC_ | dury: hehe, | 06:53 |
j0e_x | fdisk /MBR will work | 06:54 |
Amon-san | I HAVE A WIN/ ubuntu dual boot. works like a charm | 06:54 |
dury | marimn: vete a /j #ubuntu-es | 06:54 |
WaZ_ | betatux: I think she has no idea what a superblock is ;-) | 06:54 |
Amon-san | oop sorry for caps | 06:54 |
unop | betatux, it installs ntldr on the mbr itself | 06:54 |
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Amon-san | setup made an entry in GRUB for XP automatically | 06:54 |
kazim59 | IcemanV9: thanks for your help.... | 06:54 |
Nanobot | I have a feeling that may have worked. I was in fact using a version of nvidia-glx above what my current repositories offer. | 06:54 |
genii | betatux That command was obsoleted after dos7 (95/98) now you have to do the recovery console and do fixmbr and so on | 06:55 |
=== Nanobot restarts | ||
CapaH | Hey, what is a quick mouse-trick to maximize a window in Ubuntu? In windows you could for instance double click the title bar -- how do you do it in Ubuntu? | 06:55 |
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IcemanV9 | kazim59: sure. | 06:55 |
dury | teclea -> /j #ubuntu-es | 06:55 |
betatux | i see | 06:55 |
AlexC_ | CapaH: double click the window border | 06:55 |
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dury | marimn: kedo klaro chee o no? | 06:55 |
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WaZ_ | genii: it should still work tho shouldn't it? | 06:55 |
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CapaH | Alam_Ubuntu: doesn't seem to work -- I am using KDE/Beryl if that makes a difference | 06:56 |
betatux | it's been a long time since i've used fdisk /mbr :D , been running windows free since 2006 | 06:56 |
livium | hello | 06:56 |
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genii | WaZ Not if you try something like that on a NTFS made mbr | 06:56 |
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dyrne | betatux: wow 2 month ;p | 06:56 |
livium | cineva din romania | 06:56 |
betatux | a year and 2 months | 06:56 |
betatux | dumbass :P | 06:56 |
AlexC_ | CapaH: I take it you meant me :P Erm .. havn't got Beryl enabled atm (it's broke) but, it should be in the options somewhere, by default it's set to Shade | 06:56 |
WaZ_ | genii: then Nastasia will be back :D | 06:56 |
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genii | heh | 06:57 |
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betatux | if you're getting segmentation faults when starting beryl try to remove ~/.beryl | 06:57 |
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zx64 | royel: Ok, about to try this: | 06:59 |
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dury | marimn: are u there? | 07:00 |
Zelda | can someone help me with getting a VM running? | 07:00 |
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Zelda | I just installed VMware-player, I then created a vm from | 07:00 |
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Zelda | but, it will not boot off of cd. WTF? | 07:01 |
AlexC_ | !enter | Zelda | 07:01 |
ubotu | Zelda: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 07:01 |
Zelda | sorry. | 07:01 |
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Zelda | someone can PM me and help me. Thanks | 07:02 |
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rosare | habla alguien en espaol | 07:02 |
AlexC_ | !es | rosare | 07:02 |
Agrajag | !es | 07:02 |
ubotu | rosare: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 07:02 |
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dannielle | anyone else have trouble using picasa in windows when viewing an ext3 partition? | 07:02 |
AlexC_ | !anyone | dannielle | 07:02 |
ubotu | dannielle: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 07:02 |
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j0e_x | edgy xubuntu on satellite w/256 ram. lxdoom laggy as heck. everything else is ok. | 07:03 |
dannielle | the real question: Picasa hard locks in windows when viewing ext3 partitions... but works fine in wine when in ubuntu... just curious if this is just me or what | 07:03 |
Zelda | will someone help me with VM-player | 07:03 |
dannielle | Zelda, in feisty? if so, it's b0rked | 07:03 |
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lee___ | ubotu, i think you're on the wrong channel. you are on #ubuntu, but you meant to join #meanbastard | 07:04 |
Zelda | Dannielle :Negative, in Edgy | 07:04 |
AlexC_ | #ubuntu+1 for Feisty :P | 07:04 |
tritium | lee___: take it easy | 07:04 |
AlexC_ | !bot | lee___ | 07:04 |
ubotu | lee___: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at - Usage info: | 07:04 |
Agrajag | haha | 07:04 |
dannielle | Zelda, what's the problem? sudo apt-get install vmware-player ... then run 'vmplayer' :) | 07:04 |
lee___ | lolz | 07:04 |
AlexC_ | lee___: it's a bot :P also, watch you're language | 07:04 |
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genii | Are you using the ext3 driver for windows from when accessing the ext partition from native windoze? | 07:04 |
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genii | ^dannielle | 07:05 |
linuxuser2907 | im tyrying abuse | 07:05 |
Zelda | yeah. Done that. I try to run win98, with the cd in there, and nothing happens. It tells me no bootable cd found. | 07:05 |
dannielle | genii, yep :) | 07:05 |
tritium | dannielle: what makes you think there are only seven? | 07:05 |
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=== dannielle is not offended by any of them | ||
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Xanatus | hello | 07:05 |
AlexC_ | dannielle: that's you. Others may be and this channel needs to be kept clean from language like that, | 07:05 |
tritium | Too bad, dannielle. Foul language is against the Code of Conduct for this channel. | 07:05 |
Xanatus | can someone help me ? | 07:05 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tritium] by ChanServ | ||
Dr_willis | !ask | 07:06 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 07:06 |
AlexC_ | !anyone | Xanatus | 07:06 |
ubotu | Xanatus: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 07:06 |
dannielle | well shit! ;) | 07:06 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*] by tritium | ||
bjornolai | is there a way of finding which updates were performed on my system yesterday? | 07:06 |
AlexC_ | haha | 07:06 |
genii | dannielle btw If you tell me how much ram the video card has I can still work on that 1440x900 puzzle for you | 07:06 |
The_Rebel | hey guys i finally got fglrxinfo to display the correct info, i've installed beryl and everything else but when i enable beryl everything goes white | 07:06 |
royel | !ohmy | dannielle | 07:06 |
ubotu | dannielle: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 07:06 |
lee___ | lol. awesome | 07:06 |
Xanatus | heh | 07:06 |
Xanatus | ok | 07:06 |
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a5benwillis | Is anyone here familier with the module?????? Specifically to authenticate SSH sessoins in Edubuntu. I Can't get SSH to work with this module and wonder if someone elsehas been successful. | 07:06 |
Xanatus | i'm trying to make my sound work | 07:06 |
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Xanatus | i can get sound from build in laptop speakers | 07:06 |
AlexC_ | The_Rebel: I just updated my Beryl to latest version and everything is White aswell. I'm not sure how to fix it, though. | 07:06 |
Xanatus | but i can't make my connected speakers work | 07:07 |
genii | a5benwillis: Geez still no joy eh? | 07:07 |
Xanatus | i went as far as modprobe | 07:07 |
chrisnias | quit | 07:07 |
Xanatus | in the alsa drivers | 07:07 |
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Xanatus | but then i get errors | 07:07 |
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Slart | AlexC_: ask in ubuntu-effects.. it's a known problem with solutions | 07:07 |
a5benwillis | genii: None, I've been searching google for two weeks | 07:07 |
royel | !enter | Xanatus | 07:07 |
ubotu | Xanatus: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 07:07 |
kazim59 | is there any command that can tell me what block/sector a particular file in my harddisk is occupying? | 07:07 |
Zelda | dannielle: Did you get that or what? | 07:07 |
a5benwillis | genii: I've even emailed the ncpfs maintainer | 07:07 |
The_Rebel | i deleted a few libglmesa or w/e they were called from my fglrx folder in X11.. could that be the problem? | 07:07 |
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nowherema1 | hello, I have a problem with gparted, I'm trying to resize a NTSF partition, and gparted runs into problems, where can I get help? | 07:08 |
AlexC_ | The_Rebel: I doubt it, since when I updated mine it went all White ... lets go in #ubuntu-effects and see :P | 07:08 |
Xanatus | my bad... | 07:08 |
The_Rebel | maybe theres a problem with DRI | 07:08 |
genii | a5benwillis: Is there some man page or doc with switch descriptions? I may give it another go | 07:08 |
Slart | AlexC_: I even think there's a nice bot command for it.. !whitescreen or something like that | 07:08 |
AlexC_ | Slart: cool, I'll go check | 07:08 |
The_Rebel | kk AlexC_ | 07:08 |
AlexC_ | Slart: need my daily dose of Wobbly windows | 07:08 |
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a5benwillis | genii: let me get you the url | 07:08 |
tevfikt | Hi everybody. | 07:08 |
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AlexC_ | hi, | 07:08 |
genii | a5benwillis: OK | 07:08 |
Jochus | damn, what's the fucking difference between edgy and dapper? | 07:08 |
royel | !hi | tevfikt | 07:08 |
Jochus | i can't find it on google :s | 07:08 |
ubotu | tevfikt: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 07:08 |
AlexC_ | !ohmy | Jochus | 07:08 |
a5benwillis | genii: | 07:08 |
Ratrophy | what's up with the ubuntu-server install on sparc making my video display bleed to white? | 07:08 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*] by tritium | ||
ubotu | Jochus: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 07:08 |
Zelda | Do i need to create an .iso of my win98 cd, or can I use it like a live cd in VMware-Player? | 07:08 |
Slart | AlexC_: hehe.. can't live without'em | 07:08 |
genii | a5benwillis: Reading, back shortly | 07:08 |
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nowherema1 | It's currently trying again, it's been running for some time, anyone want to help me, please? | 07:09 |
AlexC_ | nowherema1: Sorry, we are not physic. Please ask a question :P | 07:09 |
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Xanatus | ok... so... i got my sound working from built in speakers, but they don't work on my speakers that are connected to my laptop... i downloaded the alsa-driver alsa-utils alsa-lib from the alsa website, and did the compiling up to the modprobe section... but then i get errors... and being a linux noob i have no idea how to solve them | 07:09 |
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Zelda | Do I need to create a seperate partition to install 98 on? | 07:09 |
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Agrajag | Zelda: You cannot creeate new virtual machines in vmware player. | 07:10 |
tevfikt | I have performance trouble with my ubuntu.. | 07:10 |
Agrajag | Zelda: However, you can do that with VMWare Server, which is also free. | 07:10 |
Zelda | I created a vm in easyvmx | 07:10 |
nowherema1 | Sorry, it worked itself out it seems! | 07:10 |
Agrajag | oh | 07:10 |
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Hasrat_Usa | how to identify an operator of a particular room in freenode? | 07:10 |
dyrne | Jochus: dapper is the long term support version. it wont have all the latest and greatest packages but will be kept up to date. edgy support is 6 mo until next ver which is april | 07:10 |
Pici | nowherema1: Maybe we are psychic then ;) | 07:10 |
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Agrajag | then, did that create a virtual disk for you? | 07:10 |
Zelda | and it tells me that I dont have a bootable cd rom | 07:11 |
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Zelda | yes. | 07:11 |
Xanatus | can anyone help me out with the sound problem ? | 07:11 |
nowherema1 | Pici: Most certainly! | 07:11 |
Zelda | not an iso though. it created a vmx | 07:11 |
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royel | AlexC_: I am, cause I knew you meant psychic | 07:11 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o tritium] by tritium | ||
Agrajag | do you have multiple CD drives, and is vmware pointing at te right one? | 07:11 |
genii | a5benwillis: Ok, and do you remember the pastebin that pam.d/ssh was at? | 07:11 |
nowherema1 | Ill probably come back if I get more problems. | 07:11 |
Agrajag | Well it wouldn't be an iso, that's for CD images. | 07:11 |
Zelda | here, pm me will ya | 07:11 |
Lightenix | hi, can anyone tell me why i my x server wont work? i am using GF3 Ti200 log: current config file: | 07:11 |
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warlock | how to see all ports that are currently being used? | 07:12 |
AlexC_ | royel: what's physic then ? :P Ohhh. doh ... Physics, chemistry ... durr how can I mix that up! >< | 07:12 |
Hasrat_Usa | okay. so tritium is an operator. and an operator in freenode would have the '@' attached to his/her nick. | 07:12 |
zx64 | warlock: netstat | 07:12 |
Xanatus | also | 07:12 |
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tritium | Hasrat_Usa: and? | 07:12 |
royel | AlexC_: let me refer to my psychic powers for that answer! :) | 07:12 |
fbarc | Anyone know how to fix this problem? "permission denied: /dev/modem" | 07:13 |
Xanatus | what i have is a intel 945gm chipset | 07:13 |
AlexC_ | fbarc: use Sudo | 07:13 |
ardchoille | Hasrat_Usa: That's *if* he is opped. Most ops don't stay opped unless they need to. | 07:13 |
AlexC_ | !sudo | fbarc | 07:13 |
nowherema1 | How big should the linux-swap be nowadays? Ive got 1024+256 mb ram right now | 07:13 |
ubotu | fbarc: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for all information. | 07:13 |
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yell0w | nowherema1, it's good enough | 07:13 |
fbarc | AlexC_: So I gotta run gnomeppp with SUDO to get my modem to dial? | 07:13 |
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AlexC_ | fbarc: oh no no, don't do that | 07:13 |
nowherema1 | That was "real" ram | 07:13 |
sparrw | i want to "join" my ubuntu box to an opendirectory for the purpose of login and password. it would be nice if any OD user could log into my box and get a fresh account, or a copy of their domain account, or use their domain account directly. tips? | 07:14 |
Xanatus | and this is my audio device | 07:14 |
Xanatus | 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02) | 07:14 |
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nowherema1 | yell0w: that wasnt the swap, | 07:14 |
Xanatus | does anyone know how to make that work ? | 07:14 |
yell0w | nowherema1, then you don't even need swap | 07:14 |
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yell0w | lol | 07:14 |
nowherema1 | yell0w: really? | 07:14 |
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fbarc | AlexC_: Isn't there a chmod command I can run so that my user account use the /dev/modem to dial the internet? | 07:14 |
GreyGhost | Xanatus ,make what work ? | 07:14 |
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nowherema1 | yell0w: gparted tells me to get atleast 1024 | 07:14 |
zx64 | It's worth having some swap | 07:14 |
yell0w | nowherema1, just run it for a couples of days and see how much swap in used, then you'll see what i mean | 07:14 |
sapo | hi, how can i search for the installed package with its name using apt-get? i want to know which firebird server version i have installed | 07:14 |
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AlexC_ | sapo: you use apt-cache search | 07:15 |
nowherema1 | yell0w: ok, | 07:15 |
yell0w | nowherema1, it's just a crying baby | 07:15 |
tuxcrafter | question i am testing a separate usb numeric keypad and have a normal ps2 keyboard, now i have this behavior. There is a numlock light and button on the keypad and the keyboard. If I enable the keypad numlock on the keypad the light go's on. On the keyboard the light is off because the numlock keys are disabled on the keyboard. Now if I press a button on the keypad. The numlock light on the keyboard turns on if a button is pressed!! It is v | 07:15 |
yell0w | =) | 07:15 |
zx64 | | 07:15 |
AlexC_ | sapo: sorry, misread you're question. | 07:15 |
disasm | when I have my firewire drive plugged in on startup, it's recognized as sda, instead of sdc, I assume this has to do with sbp2 loading before my scsi controller in initramfs, any solutions? I'm heading to class now, so msg me, or include my name in message to kick in the highlight | 07:15 |
royel | fbarc: usermod | 07:15 |
Pici | sapo: dpkg-query -s packagename | 07:15 |
nowherema1 | is there any current downsides with Fat32 right now? | 07:15 |
yell0w | nowherema1, i'm running with 256mb ram and 800 mb swap, and most of the time it's around 10% swap is used | 07:15 |
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sapo | AlexC_: but apt-cache search shows everything, i want to know which one is installed | 07:15 |
nowherema1 | I like it bcause both windows and linux can access it. | 07:15 |
AlexC_ | sapo: yeah, I mis-read you're question, sorry | 07:15 |
sapo | Pici: thanx | 07:15 |
fbarc | royel: usermod? | 07:15 |
nowherema1 | yell0w: okay :) | 07:15 |
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old_cymuHep | so now | 07:16 |
ardchoille | sapo: To show the state of an app, use: apt-cache policy appname | 07:16 |
Pici | sapo: Sorry, that should be -S not -s | 07:16 |
ucordes | How do I disable automatic enumeration in Open Office? (please don't refer to the documentation; wasn't able to find anything there) | 07:16 |
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royel | fbarc: to change/alter a users groups, you can use: usermod | 07:16 |
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sparrw | tuxcrafter: numlock state exists in the computer, not the individual keyboards. your keypad is turning it on, but your pc isnt telling your keyboard about it until it gets an actual key event. likely cause is broken or incommunicado keyboard drivers | 07:16 |
royel | fbarc: or use >system >administration >users an groups from within your gui | 07:17 |
old_cymuHep | i instaled ubuntu-server than updatet to ubuntu-desktop, so it automaticly runs to desktop but how i can run my ubuntu in white on black mod? | 07:17 |
fbarc | royel: How would I use it in this situation? | 07:17 |
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genii | a5benwillis: Still here? | 07:17 |
sparrw | old_cymuHep: ctrl-alt-F1 gets you a terminal without killing X. you want to boot completely without X? | 07:17 |
niq | any ACPI experts around? My desktop box won't restart after "Suspend". That is to say, it won't even give me a BIOS screen! | 07:17 |
old_cymuHep | sparrw yes | 07:18 |
Dr_willis | niq, thats a good one.. had a laptop dd that once.. i had to rempve the battery for a few sec... | 07:18 |
Dr_willis | niq, unplug it from the wall for a bit. | 07:18 |
Xanatus | is it ok if i paste the error i'm getting for modprobe here so that if anyone knows what's wrong they can tell me what to do ? | 07:18 |
niq | this is the desktop, and it's unplugged right now ... | 07:18 |
royel | fbarc: I would guess add the group you need your user to have access to to that particular user. | 07:18 |
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=== niq on IRC from the laptop | ||
old_cymuHep | and when i used ctrl-alt-F1 how i can get back to desktop???? | 07:19 |
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old_cymuHep | and i need to run ubuntu without X... | 07:19 |
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ardchoille | old CTRL+ALT+F7 | 07:19 |
Dr_willis | old_cymuHep, alt ctrl-f7 normally | 07:19 |
old_cymuHep | thnx | 07:19 |
Dr_willis | old_cymuHep, kill the kdm/gdm service is one way to disable X | 07:19 |
fbarc | royel: Martian_modem created the /dev/modem file running as su. Now I need to access it as the user. | 07:19 |
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old_cymuHep | other? | 07:20 |
old_cymuHep | how to kill him??? | 07:20 |
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old_cymuHep | to work property | 07:20 |
HymnToLife | old_cymuHep, sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop | 07:20 |
Lightenix | can anyone help me with installing nvidia gf3 ti 200 ? i am getting this: when i try to run it with this xorg.conf file: | 07:20 |
old_cymuHep | its the way to kill? | 07:20 |
Dr_willis | old_cymuHep, clarify what you are trying to do exactly.. and use complete sentenses/questions.. | 07:20 |
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niq | Aha. That may have fixed it. Plug it in again, and it asks for a boot device ... which means I have a startingpoint:-) | 07:21 |
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Xanatus | nobody wants to help me ... *cries* | 07:21 |
Dr_willis | sudo /etc/inid.d/SERVICENAME stop (is often used) | 07:21 |
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Dr_willis | Xanatus, give a summary perhaps.. | 07:21 |
Xanatus | i did | 07:21 |
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Xanatus | twice | 07:21 |
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dyrne | !paste | Xanatus :) | 07:21 |
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ubotu | Xanatus :): pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:21 |
old_cymuHep | i need to run my ubuntu only in white on black mod without X, but there is times i will need X... | 07:21 |
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Dr_willis | old_cymuHep, you mean in the 'console' mode? | 07:22 |
old_cymuHep | yap | 07:22 |
old_cymuHep | ;) | 07:22 |
Dr_willis | old_cymuHep, disable the gdm/kdm/xdm service | 07:22 |
old_cymuHep | its the right word ;) | 07:22 |
royel | fbarc: I cant be sure, but try the users an groups tool, select the user in question, click properties, an under the user priviledges tab, try placing a tick in the box for "use serial devices such as modems,etc" an also the box for "use tools that establish dial up connections" | 07:22 |
Dr_willis | whatever one you are using. | 07:22 |
old_cymuHep | how? | 07:22 |
old_cymuHep | i can disable it? | 07:22 |
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Dr_willis | of course you can disable it.. :) i just delete the rc.d script - but i think theres some helper tool also for it.. just not sure what ones are installed by default | 07:22 |
comforteagle | how do I install fuse on ubuntu6.10? | 07:23 |
zx64 | royel: Darn, the config options given there are specifically for grub4dos. On the plus side, grub2 has "loopback". | 07:23 |
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Dr_willis | may want to read up on the 'sysv' init system - someone in here may rember the rc update command. | 07:23 |
old_cymuHep | Dr_willis how to disable? | 07:23 |
GreyGhost | night all ... | 07:23 |
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ardchoille | Dr_willis , old_cymuHep One of the helper tools is sysv-rc-conf | 07:23 |
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royel | zx64: the one on howtoforge was specifically for ubuntu.. might try that site again an see if you can access it | 07:23 |
meff | hi all .. whats the command to generate a UUID for fstab? | 07:23 |
a5benwillis | genii: Im here | 07:23 |
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old_cymuHep | SOMEONE CAN TELL HOW TO DISABLE gdm???? | 07:24 |
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sparrw | old_cymuHep: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 07:24 |
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Dr_willis | old_cymuHep, yelling like that tends to get you ignreored | 07:24 |
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sparrw | old_cymuHep: that disables it for this boot only. if you dont want it to start when you reboot... ask again :) | 07:24 |
ardchoille | sparrw: He wants to disable it perm | 07:24 |
genii | a5benwillis: Quote from site on T switch (enable telnet and ssh) " With openssh , automagic account creation does not work, since ssh dameon first peeks into the local database to fetch credentials before calling PAM. If account does not exist, it refuses connection." | 07:24 |
Dr_willis | meff, check out /dev/drives/by-uuid | 07:24 |
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dick | hello all | 07:24 |
Dr_willis | old_cymuHep, i normally just delete the /etc/rc2.d/S99xdm file | 07:24 |
demio | hey guys | 07:25 |
jharr | comforteagle: apt-get install fusesmb, or whatever thing you want to use with fuse. | 07:25 |
demio | do you know how to make ubuntu write to a hfs+ partition? | 07:25 |
jharr | comforteagle: apt-get search fuse for a list of fuse modules | 07:25 |
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old_cymuHep | Dr_willis yes but i will need it later | 07:25 |
Dr_willis | meff, ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ | 07:25 |
ardchoille | old_cymuHep: You can install sysv-rc-conf and use it to enable/disable services. It's a nice cli tool for that. | 07:25 |
old_cymuHep | Dr_willis ??? | 07:25 |
ardchoille | !sysv-rc-conf | 07:25 |
dick | I have a digital camra... any ideas how to get the photos from it to my computer? Linux does not recognize it | 07:25 |
Dr_willis | old_cymuHep, you can always do 'startx' from the shell. | 07:25 |
ubotu | sysv-rc-conf: SysV init runlevel configuration tool for the terminal. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99-5 (edgy), package size 23 kB, installed size 104 kB | 07:25 |
meff | thanks, Dr_willis | 07:25 |
Dr_willis | meff, i discovered that nifty area by accident the other day. :) | 07:26 |
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old_cymuHep | Dr_willis even if i delet that file? | 07:26 |
a5benwillis | genii: I saw that, and, I'vetried to get clerification from the maintainer since that doc is based on a older version circa 2002 | 07:26 |
Dr_willis | old_cymuHep, or just move the file then move it back | 07:26 |
nowherema1 | Will ubuntu gui install auto-enable a bootloader that can start both windows xp and ubuntu? | 07:26 |
Dr_willis | old_cymuHep, yes... try it and see. | 07:26 |
capone | hi all | 07:26 |
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Dr_willis | nowherema1, the live cd installer should do that.. | 07:26 |
nowherema1 | I really hope that :O | 07:26 |
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Dr_willis | nowherema1, i cant think of a disrto/installer that dosetn to it.. | 07:27 |
genii | a5benwillis: As well it looks like some syntax for uid switch and some others are improper in your file. In the doc requires : after the letter for instance | 07:27 |
Dr_willis | some are smarter then others.. :) but they all at least do the basics.. | 07:27 |
capone | who knows something on mysql? | 07:27 |
nowherema1 | where should the boot flag be placed btw? I have both ubuntu and windows on the same hdd | 07:27 |
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jannu1 | can some1 help me, where i can get rblibtorrent so i can install qbittorrent? | 07:27 |
Dr_willis | nowherema1, im not sure it matters with linux.. leave the windows partition bootable. | 07:27 |
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noiano | hello | 07:27 |
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Dr_willis | !find libtorrent | 07:28 |
ubotu | Found: libtorrent7, libtorrent7-dev | 07:28 |
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nowherema1 | I flagged the windows partiton "boot" | 07:28 |
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Dr_willis | jannu1, not in the repos.. i would guess use the source. | 07:28 |
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noiano | I am running a ssh server: how can I view the server keys' fingerprint? | 07:28 |
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ubu | buntu-se | 07:28 |
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dick | I have a digital camera ... any ideas how to get the photos from it to my computer? Linux does not recognize it | 07:28 |
Xanatus | | 07:28 |
Xanatus | ok there's my problem | 07:28 |
Xanatus | and the info i have in it | 07:29 |
YangYin | hey guys how would I go about getting XGL with compiz to work with ubuntu... a tutorial page please? | 07:29 |
noiano | dick: you only have to mount the medium | 07:29 |
kitche | !xgl | YangYin | 07:29 |
ubotu | YangYin: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - See for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 07:29 |
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Meshezabeel | woohoo finally got my all-in-wonder ve working | 07:29 |
YangYin | kitche: thanks | 07:29 |
ardchoille | YangYin: That's probably in the topic of #ubuntu-effects | 07:29 |
Slart | YangYin: ask in #ubuntu-effects instead. | 07:29 |
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dyrne | dick: apt-cache search digital camera there are some custom apps for cameras you cant just mount | 07:29 |
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genii | a5benwillis: If you like I will make an altered file of what you had in your pam.d/ssh file with what seems to me the proper switch syntax but no other changes and re-pastebin itfor you to try. you could make a backup of it first of course to revert if necessary | 07:30 |
killux_ | how do you force an install, apt-get skipps mplayer | 07:30 |
dick | ok | 07:30 |
Xanatus | | 07:30 |
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dick | i am a real newb | 07:30 |
Xanatus | that one has a bit more info | 07:30 |
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old_cymuHep | HOW I CAN MANAGE MY DATABASES IN MYSQL i installed ubuntu-server | 07:30 |
dick | so where do i fine apt-cache | 07:30 |
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dick | ? | 07:30 |
killux_ | how do you force an install, apt-get skipps mplayer | 07:30 |
Xanatus | will someone PLZ help me? been trying to solve this for almost 4 days now | 07:30 |
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tonyyarusso | dick: /var/cache/apt or some such | 07:31 |
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Dr_willis | old_cymuHep, i would have to say go get a Mysql book and start reading.. perhaps find a front end or 2. | 07:31 |
dick | ok | 07:31 |
Dr_willis | old_cymuHep, and pry that caps lock key off your keyboard. | 07:31 |
Mez | !caps | old_cymuHep | 07:31 |
ubotu | old_cymuHep: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 07:31 |
ardchoille | Dr_willis: hehe | 07:31 |
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AlexC_ | old_cymuHep: #mysql | 07:31 |
a5benwillis | genii: Please do | 07:31 |
Meshezabeel | dick you know how to use command line? | 07:31 |
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dick | yeah | 07:31 |
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Meshezabeel | dick, just type apt-cache there it should be in path | 07:32 |
genii | a5benwillis: OK, back shortly | 07:32 |
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Dr_willis | Xanatus, you just have some normal speakers plugged into your headphone jack on the laptop? | 07:32 |
old_cymuHep | AlexC_ that is mirc channeL? | 07:32 |
Xanatus | yeah | 07:32 |
Xanatus | er... they're subwofer if that matters.. | 07:32 |
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dick | thx | 07:32 |
a5benwillis | genii: thx | 07:32 |
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genii | a5benwillis: Also you may want to examine the file /var/log/secure if it exists. The verbose logging switch you have on may have put something useful there | 07:32 |
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AlexC_ | old_cymuHep: an IRC channel, yes. mIRC is an IRC Client. #mysql is a IRC channel on the freenode network | 07:32 |
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a5benwillis | genii: It puts the logs in /var/log/auth.log | 07:33 |
old_cymuHep | how i can manage my databases in MYSQL i have installed ubuntu-server?! | 07:33 |
Dr_willis | Xanatus, possible the mixercontroll are minimized? | 07:33 |
AlexC_ | old_cymuHep: install phpmyadmin | 07:33 |
old_cymuHep | AlexC_ ;) | 07:33 |
Xanatus | what ? | 07:34 |
comforteagle | I apt-get'd fuse-utils... where are the fuse headers/library? | 07:34 |
Xanatus | i'm a linux noob | 07:34 |
Dr_willis | !fuse | 07:34 |
ubotu | Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: | 07:34 |
jmazaredo | if the nvidia logo is showing at my screen, the nvidia driver is loaded right? | 07:34 |
Dr_willis | Hmm.. not a good factoid. | 07:34 |
killux_ | i have mplayer and mozzila plugin installed but i still cant watch videos!!! | 07:34 |
genii | a5benwillis: The doc says "-d turn on debugging output (this will really fill /var/log/secure)" | 07:34 |
killux_ | it worked on dapper | 07:34 |
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killux_ | but now i upgraded to edgy it doesnt work! | 07:34 |
old_cymuHep | how i can install phpmyadmin??? with command? | 07:34 |
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a5benwillis | genii: in a debian install maybe but not in ubuntu. | 07:34 |
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genii | a5benwillis: Ah,OK :) | 07:35 |
royel | Xanatus: run: alsamixer from a console an check levels an Mutes "denoted by a M" on your outputs | 07:35 |
AlexC_ | old_cymuHep: once you've read that, install "phpmyadmin" | 07:35 |
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killux_ | i have mplayer and mozzila plugin installed but i still cant watch videos!!! | 07:35 |
killux_ | i need help | 07:35 |
Dr_willis | old_cymuHep, i think you need to go read some ubuntu beginner guides. to learn the fundamentals of the system | 07:35 |
Xanatus | nothing is muted | 07:35 |
Xanatus | and in alsa mixer i only see master and PCM and capture | 07:35 |
Xanatus | and that's it | 07:35 |
a5benwillis | genii: About the switches. I dont see anywhere that it mentions using a colon other than in the UNIX NDS8 Zenux attributes | 07:35 |
AlexC_ | !enter | Xanatus | 07:35 |
ubotu | Xanatus: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 07:35 |
Xanatus | >.< | 07:36 |
a5benwillis | genii: Since I pass the attributes with the -z switch no colon is reqd | 07:36 |
killux_ | how can i check if i have everything i need for streaming videos? | 07:36 |
AlexC_ | killux_ try to stream a video... | 07:36 |
killux_ | i did | 07:36 |
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killux_ | but it doesnt work | 07:36 |
Dr_willis | AlexC_, you beat me to that.. | 07:36 |
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Dr_willis | :) | 07:36 |
AlexC_ | hehe | 07:36 |
royel | Xanatus: using the "Tab" key may reveal more options | 07:36 |
killux_ | i have mplayer and mozilla plugin installed | 07:36 |
killux_ | but it still doesnt work | 07:36 |
Xanatus | yeah tried that | 07:37 |
old_cymuHep | AlexC_ yes but link? | 07:37 |
dyrne | killux_: w32codecs installed? | 07:37 |
Xanatus | but under [ALL] | 07:37 |
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a5benwillis | genii: "switches: | 07:37 |
a5benwillis | As usual, switches are a single letter with a '-'. With switches that accept arguments, do not put any space between the letter and the arguments. " | 07:37 |
killux_ | shudnt they come installed with mplayer in apt-get | 07:37 |
Xanatus | there's only MASTER , PCM and CAPTURE | 07:37 |
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AlexC_ | old_cymuHep: link to what? <--- READ | 07:37 |
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killux_ | dyrne:^^^ | 07:37 |
dyrne | killux_: theyre nonfree you have to download the dev file and do sudo dpkg -i file.deb | 07:37 |
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demio | guys | 07:38 |
ubu | How do I do to uninstall Thunderbird compltey??? | 07:38 |
old_cymuHep | AlexC_ link to install phpmyadmin | 07:38 |
killux_ | where can i get the dep | 07:38 |
demio | HFS+ & ubuntu anyone? | 07:38 |
dyrne | killux_: s/dev/deb | 07:38 |
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killux_ | *.deb | 07:38 |
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Dr_willis | Xanatus, try the alsamixer program in a terminal, and either use the tab, or right arror key to be sure other sliders are not to the right side. | 07:38 |
dyrne | !w32codecs | 07:38 |
ubotu | Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see - See also !Codecs | 07:38 |
killux_ | i dont feel like building from source mplayer that is | 07:38 |
apolo | hi guys how can i set my CLASSPATH for jdbc to connect to mysql ? | 07:38 |
genii | a5benwillis: Yes I'm scrutinizing the CFLAGS and so on sections right now. Very dry reading I must say | 07:38 |
Xanatus | i used alsamixer in the terminal... | 07:38 |
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ardchoille | ubu: How did you install it? | 07:38 |
dyrne | killux_: its a simple download see ubotu's message | 07:38 |
AlexC_ | old_cymuHep: you need to read up on the basics of Linux. That lin _tells you_ how to install software, so please read the link I gave you and also all of this: | 07:38 |
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ucordes | Are there no open office professionals in here? I would be very happy about an answer to my problem described above (deactivating automatic enumeration), Thanks a lot | 07:38 |
a5benwillis | genii: Its a bit of a pain, i appreciate your help | 07:38 |
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esr | Can anyone recommend which mailing list I should join first to get involved with Ubuntu development? | 07:39 |
ubu | With programs but it does not uninstall | 07:39 |
Xanatus | the problem is not inside the mixer | 07:39 |
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Xanatus | and the problem is such that alsaconf doesn't even work | 07:39 |
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ardchoille | ubu: What do you mean it doesn't uninstall? | 07:39 |
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cables | ucordes, what's the problem again? I may be able to help you, and if not, I can refer you to the OpenOffice support mailing list. | 07:39 |
apolo | does anybody know anything about JDBC DRIVER, CONNECTOR J ? | 07:39 |
finalbeta | esr #ubuntu-devel , ask there. Although the might not like it :p | 07:39 |
candyban | Which package contains the nvidia.ko driver? | 07:39 |
AlexC_ | !anyone | apolo | 07:39 |
ubotu | apolo: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 07:39 |
ubu | Alla my adresse comes back again | 07:39 |
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Dr_willis | Xanatus, from what im googling the problem MAY be with the driver itself --> | 07:40 |
esr | finalbeta, thanks. | 07:40 |
feniks | hmm i install ubuntu by mistake, can i make it kubuntu?:) | 07:40 |
ucordes | cables: All i would like to do is disabling automatic enumeration- any clue? | 07:40 |
ardchoille | ubu: Those settings are in your home dir. When you uninstall an app, the configs (in your home directory) aren't removed. You have to do that manually. | 07:40 |
nowherema1 | What to do when the installer freezes at timezone selection? | 07:40 |
Lost | Looking for some help installing the ALSA driver on a fresh ubuntu install for an Acer 5050 laptop. Anyone avail? | 07:40 |
AlexC_ | feniks: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop | 07:40 |
genii | a5benwillis: Just curious if it allows a login of a user which has a unix account but not allows login of a user which it tries to auto-create and so on...any idea on that? | 07:40 |
apolo | ubotu sorry jdbc ? | 07:40 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sorry jdbc ? - try searching on | 07:40 |
cables | ucordes, there's actually a channel here: | 07:40 |
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old_cymuHep | AlexC_ cant you just give the code to get phpmyadmin installed? | 07:40 |
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dyrne | feniks: you can switch back a forth at login screen by clicking 'sessions' button after you sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 07:41 |
ardchoille | ubu: I think they are in ~/.thunderbird | 07:41 |
killux_ | when i download the video WMV and play it in mplayer it works | 07:41 |
killux_ | so i have the w32 codecs | 07:41 |
cables | ubu, if you're looking for the thunderbird profiles, they're in ~/.mozilla-thunderbird | 07:41 |
AlexC_ | old_cymuHep: if I tell you, you wont learn. I have given you everything you need to read to learn how to install software - yet it's obvious you did not read it. I am not going to spoon-feed you, | 07:41 |
ubu | Aha And how do i do that. I have tried back and forth but... | 07:41 |
a5benwillis | genii: It allows loginof an existing account or one that was created by ncp_auth at the server login but not a login that it must create itself via the SSH session. | 07:41 |
killux_ | do i need flash player too to stream a video | 07:41 |
a5benwillis | genii: make sense? | 07:41 |
killux_ | ? | 07:41 |
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Ernz | HI ALL!!! Can anyone please tell me if there is an app that will allow me to have a real windows installation (on another partition on the same drive) to run at the same time at Ubuntu, on Ubuntu. I know VMWare will load ISO's but will anything load the real thing? | 07:41 |
genii | a5benwillis: Yes | 07:41 |
atomiku | Here is a random question: Could you have GNOME and KDE? Like... in the login screen you can choose to create a GNOME session or a KDE session. seems quite possible to me | 07:41 |
genii | Thats what I wanted to know | 07:42 |
AlexC_ | atomiku: yes, thats what you do | 07:42 |
Dr_willis | atomiku, thats trivial... | 07:42 |
atomiku | Nice | 07:42 |
ucordes | cables: I hope they can help me there. | 07:42 |
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ucordes | thanks | 07:42 |
Dr_willis | atomiku, and thats how it works i have about 20 window managers to chose from | 07:42 |
atomiku | anyway | 07:42 |
killux_ | do i need flash player too to stream a video? | 07:42 |
cables | atomiku, yep. Installing kubuntu-desktop or ubuntu-desktop does that automatically | 07:42 |
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AlexC_ | !repeat | killux_ | 07:42 |
ubotu | killux_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 07:42 |
atomiku | nice. | 07:42 |
cables | killux_, from where? | 07:42 |
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atomiku | thanks for the responce guys, perhaps i'll give it a try | 07:42 |
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ubu | Thanks a lot. I try. Over and out :-) | 07:42 |
old_cymuHep | AlexC_ i know that sudo apt-get install | 07:42 |
cables | ubu, how isn't Thunderbird removing itself completely? Do you mean that it's remembering settings? | 07:42 |
demio | HFS+ & ubuntu anyone? | 07:42 |
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old_cymuHep | AlexC_ but link??? to phpmyadmin | 07:43 |
Xanatus | i already compiled the alsa-driver-1.0.13 | 07:43 |
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DO|Toxin | I installed ubuntu on my vista-equpped laptop and now vista won't load. When I look at what partitions I have, my main vista partition appears messed up. Does Linux have any tools to fix botched partitions? | 07:43 |
Dr_willis | !find phpmyadmin | 07:43 |
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ubotu | Found: phpmyadmin | 07:43 |
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ubu | Yes I even get the old e-mail back again | 07:43 |
AlexC_ | old_cymuHep: You don't need a link to phpmyadmin. to install software (Like it says in the links I GAVE YOU!) you sudo apt-get install <PACKAGE> | 07:43 |
Xanatus | but i can't make modprobe work | 07:43 |
killux_ | ha AlexC_ you just dont know so you flame me its all good though | 07:43 |
kosnick | hi all . how can i configure my webcam besides the kopete option? is there any other way? | 07:43 |
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AlexC_ | killux_ I do not know the anwser to you're question, no. But you are still repeating questions which is against the rules. I am not flaming you _at all_. | 07:44 |
atomiku | I guess there is some sort of config file for the login screen that defines the sessions or somiething? | 07:44 |
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Dr_willis | i finially got my webcam working today under linux and Kopete.. i was amazed | 07:44 |
Dr_willis | :) | 07:44 |
Dr_willis | atomiku, thers a series of .desktop files that gets scanned. | 07:44 |
atomiku | Ah. | 07:44 |
old_cymuHep | AlexC_ ERROR | 07:44 |
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a5benwillis | genii: Does private chat work? | 07:45 |
Gartral | how do i upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10? | 07:45 |
kosnick | Dr_willis : is there any way to configure it ? i mean brightness and so on | 07:45 |
Xanatus | can anyone help me with plz ? | 07:45 |
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old_cymuHep | AlexC_ E: Couldn`t find package phpmyadmin | 07:45 |
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atomiku | oh and another question: When the next version of ubuntu comes out, how exactly does it upgrade? | 07:45 |
kosnick | Dr_willis : the webcam | 07:45 |
Dr_willis | kosnick, i could only get it to work IN kopete.. so never noticed | 07:45 |
atomiku | is it easy? | 07:45 |
genii | a5benwillis: Should :) | 07:45 |
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a5benwillis | genii: May be easier to see our conversation. Also I wanted to paste my auth.log so you could see what it said | 07:45 |
AlexC_ | old_cymuHep: enable the extra repositores. | 07:45 |
Narqulie | Ok.. Tv(-s) output from radeon 7500 as the primary (and only) monitor +ubuntu.. A no-go? | 07:45 |
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royel | Killux: what is it your trying to do exactly? | 07:45 |
old_cymuHep | AlexC_ i need to download it first??? thats why i am asking for link | 07:45 |
kosnick | Dr_willis : ok | 07:45 |
cables | atomiku, something will be posted to the ubuntu site. If you've used Automatix, you will probably have to install it from scratch. | 07:45 |
killux_ | royel: stream WMV files | 07:46 |
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dyrne | !upgrade | Gartral | 07:46 |
ubotu | Gartral: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 07:46 |
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Dr_willis | old_cymuHep, downloading things 'firts' wont get all the other dependencies.. which may be needed as well | 07:46 |
AlexC_ | old_cymuHep: you do not need to download it first, apt-get downloads it for you from the official repositories! PLEASE READ what I give you!! | 07:46 |
atomiku | cables: Oh... hmm...Automatix eh? | 07:46 |
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Dr_willis | DONT use automatix. :) | 07:46 |
cables | atomiku, Automatix is BAD. | 07:46 |
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Dr_willis | just dont.. | 07:46 |
atomiku | what is it? | 07:46 |
AlexC_ | !automatrix | 07:46 |
cables | !automatix | 07:46 |
ubotu | automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 07:46 |
Dr_willis | its an annoying script :) | 07:46 |
Lost | Getting errors attempting to install ALSA sound drivers on my Acer 5050 laptop, can someone lend a hand? | 07:46 |
atomiku | Right | 07:46 |
atomiku | I didnt use automatix to install ubuntu | 07:46 |
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royel | killux_: try VLC, I know for sure it will stream audio, you will need to have restricted formats support probably too | 07:47 |
royel | killux_: why.. are you streaming them, may I ask? | 07:47 |
Dr_willis | automatix installs extra packages | 07:47 |
Xanatus | same here Lost | 07:47 |
atomiku | Used the CD to install ubuntu. | 07:47 |
royel | killux_: do you mean instead, your trying to simply play them from a remote location? | 07:47 |
Xanatus | only mine is a hp dv6103 | 07:47 |
cables | atomiku, it's not to install ubuntu | 07:47 |
atomiku | for the update? | 07:47 |
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a5benwillis | genii: Can you see my msgs in pvt chat? | 07:47 |
cables | atomiku, Automatix is software to install extra software. If you use it, it can kill the possibility of upgrading. | 07:47 |
genii | no. Let me try something else | 07:47 |
atomiku | Ahh | 07:48 |
atomiku | Never have used automatix thankfuly. | 07:48 |
cables | Xanatus, have you checked your volume control? It may have an additional setting for Headphones | 07:48 |
Xanatus | no that option is not there | 07:48 |
killux_ | royel: yes | 07:48 |
zoOmBiOZ | CHK the new version of C99 SHELL with SAFE MODE bypass WORK test there +++>>> !!!PRIVATE!!! !!!PRIVATE!!! <<<+++ WE STOLED IT FROM PRIVATE CREW AND MAKE IT NOW PUBLIC FUCK PRIVATE ===> MOROCCO RULEZ | 07:48 |
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killux_ | as in watch it without downloading | 07:48 |
ardchoille | a5benwillis: You aren't identified to nickserv, so he can't see your posts in pm. | 07:48 |
atomiku | !ops | 07:48 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 07:48 |
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Xanatus | i should add the fact that i already checked everything in alsamixer to that pastebin | 07:48 |
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foo | hmm, if I have an nfs server and another system that has the nfs share mounted.. and say, on the client I tail -f /nfsmount/somefile.txt .. and then on the server, I append data to that file.. the tail -f doesn't spit out the data right away. Sometimes this could take several seconds. Any ideas? I've had this take about 15 seconds for tail -f to show something... hmm, whack. | 07:48 |
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demio | grrr | 07:48 |
killux_ | mplayer has always been good to me | 07:48 |
killux_ | i want to stick with it | 07:48 |
genii | ardchoille: Ah thx, I forgot | 07:48 |
demio | Ubuntu and HFS+ anyone!? | 07:49 |
atomiku | VLC = best media player ive used for linux | 07:49 |
martian | bonjour :quand je demarre sans ecran je suis en basse rsolution 640X480 comment viter ca ? dans le Xorg.conf ?? merci | 07:49 |
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Agrajag | !fr|martian | 07:49 |
ubotu | martian: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 07:49 |
atomiku | Saved me having to manually install all the codecs. It can play avi/divx, mkv, everything | 07:49 |
laban_- | !wine | 07:49 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See for more information. | 07:49 |
atomiku | So... is it possible to do... apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to upgrade? or something along the lines of that? | 07:49 |
killux_ | atomiku: even to stream WMV files? | 07:49 |
cables | atomiku, no. | 07:49 |
mattigras | !bittorrent | 07:49 |
ubotu | bittorrent: Scatter-gather network file transfer. In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.2-6ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 90 kB, installed size 556 kB | 07:49 |
royel | killux_: your sharing from a local network share then? | 07:49 |
Dr_willis | friends dont let friends use wmv's :) | 07:49 |
atomiku | oh | 07:49 |
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mattigras | !bitorrent | 07:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bitorrent - try searching on | 07:50 |
old_cymuHep | AlexC_ ok but now when i have installed phpmyadmin?! how i can see it? ???? | 07:50 |
atomiku | so theres no way to upgrade ubuntu easily like that? | 07:50 |
cables | atomiku, there will be something posted on the ubuntu wiki that will explain how to upgrade easily. | 07:50 |
killux_ | royel: your making it confusing, i am trying to watch WMV files offline | 07:50 |
atomiku | Ahh | 07:50 |
AlexC_ | old_cymuHep: try it and see, | 07:50 |
atomiku | Okay | 07:50 |
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killux_ | streaming them | 07:50 |
atomiku | Thanks cables :) i'll worry about upgrading when the time comes. thanks :) | 07:50 |
cables | atomiku, I recommend backing up first though, there were problems for a lot of people going to Edgy. | 07:50 |
old_cymuHep | AlexC_ ok | 07:50 |
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mattigras | !FrostWire | 07:50 |
dyrne | atomiku: sudo sed -i 's/dapper/edgy/g' /etc/apt/sources.list;sudo apt-get upgrade;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 07:50 |
atomiku | okay :) | 07:50 |
ubotu | frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see | 07:50 |
cables | atomiku, just come here for questions then. | 07:50 |
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cables | dyrne, I thought that was considered unsafe? | 07:50 |
nikin | hy | 07:50 |
AlexC_ | hi, | 07:51 |
nikin | is here anyone using windowmaker? | 07:51 |
atomiku | nikin: hy | 07:51 |
Xanatus | | 07:51 |
AlexC_ | !anyone | nikin | 07:51 |
ubotu | nikin: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 07:51 |
atomiku | cables: I was just being curious | 07:51 |
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dyrne | cables: i dont know. it how ive upgraded since warty. | 07:51 |
atomiku | :) | 07:51 |
old_cymuHep | AlexC_ it is good that phpmyadmin installs in www??? | 07:51 |
nikin | AlexC: okok | 07:51 |
a5benwillis | genii: what do I need to do? | 07:51 |
atomiku | old_cymuHep: Just get XAMPP | 07:51 |
bigcx2 | hey all | 07:51 |
AlexC_ | old_cymuHep: /var/www ? yeah that's fine | 07:51 |
atomiku | it installs apache with phpmyadmin and mysql etc all for you | 07:51 |
bigcx2 | is anyone in here an xmodmap badass | 07:51 |
bigcx2 | ? | 07:51 |
nikin | so i want to set the dock bar horizontal on the bottom on the screen in windowmaker... how to do that? | 07:52 |
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AlexC_ | atomiku: and also installs them to random locations and scatters config files around the place - so other guides will not work | 07:52 |
old_cymuHep | AlexC_ is there any default password for phpmyadmin? | 07:52 |
atomiku | Yeah | 07:52 |
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genii | a5benwillis: Well hangon a minute I think I may soon have some alterations you can try. Be patient, I am getting blurry eyes from the doc page LOL | 07:52 |
AlexC_ | old_cymuHep: erm ... I'm not to sure on that. Hold on | 07:52 |
atomiku | My files are all a mess. | 07:52 |
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atomiku | Id rather everything important to me was in my home directorty | 07:52 |
sparrw | atomiku: so would we | 07:52 |
old_cymuHep | AlexC_ because dont know how to set up password for it... ;( | 07:52 |
atomiku | yeah | 07:52 |
AlexC_ | atomiku: you can do that anyway, with a normal apache install | 07:53 |
atomiku | yeah | 07:53 |
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old_cymuHep | AlexC_ ;) there isnt any password ;) | 07:53 |
sparrw | the only reason all "my" files arent in my home directory is because i dont like mounting stuff under /home | 07:53 |
AlexC_ | old_cymuHep: hold on hold on | 07:53 |
atomiku | mind you, I guess you could use that -prefix thing on make install | 07:53 |
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AlexC_ | old_cymuHep: | atomiku | 07:53 |
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a5benwillis | genii: Ok and sorry. I'm fixing to step into what I hope to be a short meeting. Do you have MSN or Yahoo IM? | 07:53 |
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atomiku | Well, I'm not too fussed | 07:54 |
Krunk | After doing install from live, what is the root password that I can use to access su or sudo? I've borked my xorg.conf and need to get in and edit it - is there a commandline option I can use on vboot? | 07:54 |
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sparrw | i gave up on IM when i started having to connect to 6 networks to talk to all of my friends. even with trillian/gaim its still a pain in the ass | 07:54 |
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YangYin | how can I get the latest Kernel on my machine | 07:54 |
YangYin | ? | 07:54 |
AlexC_ | Krunk: you don't have a root password. To use Sudo you enter youre user password | 07:54 |
genii | a5benwillis: Yes, I will start up gaim then in a moment | 07:54 |
AlexC_ | !sudo | Krunk | 07:54 |
sparrw | Krunk: root has no password. no su. sudo uses YOUR password, not root | 07:54 |
ubotu | Krunk: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for all information. | 07:54 |
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sparrw | if you "need" su, use "sudo sh" | 07:55 |
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Agrajag | sparrw: what, no | 07:55 |
Agrajag | sparrw: sudo -i | 07:55 |
cables | sparrw, Krunk, don't use sudo sh, use sudo -i | 07:55 |
cables | Agrajag, you beat me ;) | 07:55 |
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old_cymuHep | AlexC_ ;) there isnt any password ;) | 07:55 |
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ser2 | how can i update gxine to the latest version | 07:56 |
genii | a5benwillis: OK, it's on | 07:56 |
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Krunk | Thanks folks. I've tried sudo with my user password and it rejected it.. ?? | 07:56 |
old_cymuHep | AlexC_ i loget only with login root without password now i setup pswrd | 07:56 |
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feniks | :) | 07:56 |
ikonia | ser2:apt-get update $package | 07:56 |
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ikonia | ser2: apt-get upgrade $package | 07:56 |
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feniks | btw today i installed ubuntu first time through pxe network boot | 07:56 |
feniks | !!!:) | 07:56 |
ikonia | feniks: so ? | 07:56 |
cbx33 | feniks, cool | 07:56 |
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AlexC_ | I need Tea ... lots of tea, | 07:56 |
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feniks | ikonia: nothing, new to me:) | 07:56 |
cbx33 | ubuntu on tap? | 07:56 |
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old_cymuHep | !webmin | 07:56 |
ubotu | webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it. | 07:56 |
ikonia | fantastic message from ubot | 07:57 |
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old_cymuHep | yap | 07:57 |
old_cymuHep | ;( | 07:57 |
Lightenix | can anyone help me with installing nvidia gf3 ti 200 ? i am getting this: when i try to run it with this xorg.conf file: any help would be appreciated | 07:57 |
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feniks | cbx33: | 07:57 |
feniks | following this | 07:57 |
Krunk | Btw, is there a similar gnome command like 'kcontrol' that gives access to hardware like the monitor and video caqard? Rather clumsy having to do stuff in kde to get gnome to work. | 07:57 |
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ikonia | Lightenix: are you using nvidia or nvidia-legacy package | 07:57 |
sparrw | ubotu: no, webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu, and no viable alternatives replace it. :( | 07:58 |
samalex | I just read that ESR is switching from RH to Ubuntu... NICE! | 07:58 |
Lightenix | nvidia | 07:58 |
ardchoille | Krunk: gnome-control-center ? | 07:58 |
sparrw | aww | 07:58 |
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ikonia | Lightenix: try nvidia-legacy | 07:58 |
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sparrw | curse you properly configured infobot! | 07:58 |
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Krunk | ardchoille: it never showed up in any menu list -- thanks, I'll use it. | 07:58 |
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IronCitadel | Lightenix - - download "envy" and it will install everything for you. Easiest way I think. | 07:59 |
ardchoille | Krunk: gnome-control-center won't be in the menus | 07:59 |
iSeriesTech | Nvidia - | 07:59 |
iSeriesTech | Try that | 07:59 |
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Lightenix | hmm, it says that GF3 Ti200 isnt in that package | 07:59 |
iSeriesTech | I have installed them on my machine and they work great | 07:59 |
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iSeriesTech | it's a pythin script that installs them for you. | 07:59 |
cbx33 | feniks | 07:59 |
iSeriesTech | | 07:59 |
IronCitadel | "Envy" scans your vid card, downloads the correct version of the 'nvidia' driver and configures your xorg.conf file automagically. | 07:59 |
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ikonia | don't use 3rd party scripts | 08:00 |
ikonia | use the guide in ubuntu | 08:00 |
cables | !nvidia | 08:00 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 08:00 |
iSeriesTech | it works | 08:00 |
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ikonia | iSeriesTech: not all the time | 08:00 |
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Lightenix | yea i was following that tutorial :/ | 08:00 |
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ikonia | Lightenix: try nvidia-legacy rather than nvidia as thats an old card | 08:00 |
Lightenix | oki | 08:00 |
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loiic | I am sorry i cant find the information i am looking for, how long are the server distribution supported? i know LTS extend this support but can't find by which extend | 08:01 |
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Thug-N-Me | hi all | 08:02 |
arrenlex | !hi | Thug-N-Me | 08:02 |
ubotu | Thug-N-Me: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 08:02 |
a5benwillis | genii: I just added you. | 08:02 |
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Thug-N-Me | need some one to help me getting subtitles font bigger in mplayer , please | 08:02 |
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genii | a5benwillis: Got it | 08:02 |
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kessyler | hello all | 08:03 |
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The_Rebel | anyone know how to use apt to find out what provides ""? | 08:03 |
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arrenlex | Thug-N-Me: -subfont-text-scale <0-100> (FreeType only) Sets the subtitle text autoscale coefficient as percentage of the screen size (default: 5). | 08:03 |
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laban_- | ! | 08:04 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about - try searching on | 08:04 |
atomiku | hmm | 08:04 |
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laban_- | !vb | 08:04 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about vb - try searching on | 08:04 |
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laban_- | !visual basic | 08:04 |
sylpheedClaws | ...finally... back | 08:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about visual basic - try searching on | 08:04 |
Thug-N-Me | arrenlex so basic i need to put -subfont-text-scale:5 right ? | 08:04 |
laban_- | !c++ | 08:04 |
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atomiku | clones? | 08:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about c++ - try searching on | 08:04 |
sylpheedClaws | !mono | 08:04 |
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ubotu | mono: Mono CLI (.NET) runtime. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB | 08:04 |
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laban_- | !c | 08:04 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about c - try searching on | 08:04 |
sylpheedClaws | !mono | laban | 08:04 |
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ubotu | laban: please see above | 08:05 |
SoulPropagation | How do I reset my xorg.conf so it autodetects everything | 08:05 |
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arrenlex | Thug-N-Me: Dunno, that's just what I saw in "man mplayer". Try -subfont-text-scale 5 | 08:05 |
sylpheedClaws | Soul: | 08:05 |
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sylpheedClaws | here's the code | 08:05 |
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arrenlex | Or whatever number | 08:05 |
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arrenlex | Thug-N-Me: Since it's 1-100 I think 5's a little small... | 08:05 |
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sylpheedClaws | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 08:05 |
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SoulPropagation | sylpheedClaws: What's the default driver, vesa? | 08:06 |
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SoulPropagation | because that isn't working for me | 08:06 |
[H] 3b0R | hello, im having an problem, here all my fonts are very large! ive tried to tell X, which dpi it should use set the right hsyrc vertrefresh rates | 08:06 |
sylpheedClaws | yeah, its vesa | 08:06 |
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mattigras | quit | 08:06 |
dmb062082 | hey im using edgy 64 bit what repos should I use to grab beryl? | 08:06 |
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SoulPropagation | here goes nothing | 08:06 |
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sylpheedClaws | wait... how can you be IRCing from the broken X server? | 08:07 |
kessyler | hi dmb0602082, try source-o-matic... there you can make your source.list | 08:07 |
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Thug-N-Me | arrenlex subfont-text-scale=20 or even 50 doesnt do anything | 08:07 |
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[H] 3b0R | sylpheedClaws: heard about text base irc clients? | 08:07 |
sylpheedClaws | CLI IRC client? | 08:07 |
ardchoille | sylpheedClaws: I routinely IRC without X even running | 08:07 |
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sylpheedClaws | thats what I thought | 08:07 |
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arrenlex | Thug-N-Me: Google for tips, I guess. I've never used mplayer with subtitles. | 08:07 |
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SoulPropagation | sylpheedClaws: it works, it just is really slow (e.g. scroll lag) and it only goes up to 1024x768 -- it's supposed to do 1600x1200 | 08:08 |
joerack | hello | 08:08 |
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sylpheedClaws | reconfigure it. | 08:08 |
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sylpheedClaws | it will ask you for screen res! | 08:08 |
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SoulPropagation | brb, ^AltBksping | 08:08 |
joerack | guys, I have a problem- I can't change resolution after successful nvidia driver install, any help ? | 08:08 |
sylpheedClaws | k | 08:08 |
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yeniklasor | hi | 08:09 |
atomiku | hi | 08:09 |
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yeniklasor | how can I get work my MMC card reader | 08:09 |
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Shaezsche | is it possible to downgrade to xorg 6.9? since 7.0 i get about half the performance with my intel 915gm | 08:10 |
Shaezsche | ive noticed this in other distros as well | 08:10 |
sylpheedClaws | 7.0 and 6.9 are the same | 08:10 |
sylpheedClaws | just packaged differently | 08:10 |
PriceChild | Shaezsche, not easily | 08:10 |
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Shaezsche | well then its 7.1 that slows it down | 08:11 |
Shaezsche | its a known bug, i have been reading about it | 08:11 |
sylpheedClaws | 7.1 has AIGLX | 08:11 |
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Shaezsche | i get an unsupported 05xb error often | 08:11 |
sylpheedClaws | never mind | 08:11 |
Shaezsche | is there a command to disable aiglx? | 08:11 |
sylpheedClaws | no | 08:11 |
sylpheedClaws | edit xorg.conf, though.... | 08:11 |
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sylpheedClaws | and it will turn off | 08:11 |
sylpheedClaws | it's not on by default... | 08:11 |
Shaezsche | oh, well thats not the problem then | 08:12 |
sylpheedClaws | type "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf" | 08:12 |
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sylpheedClaws | and send us the results.. | 08:12 |
PriceChild | Shaezsche, I doubt that's actually a problem | 08:12 |
sylpheedClaws | !paste | 08:12 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 08:12 |
Shaezsche | seriously though, im getting 50% less performance in every distro with the latest xorg, wtf | 08:12 |
yeniklasor | 07:05.1 Class 0805: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C822 SD/SDIO/MMC/MS/MSPro Host Adapter (rev 19) How can I get work it with MMC cards | 08:12 |
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sylpheedClaws | type "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and send us the results | 08:12 |
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sylpheedClaws | and remember... | 08:12 |
Shaezsche | i cannot cat my xorg atm, i am in windows | 08:12 |
sylpheedClaws | !paste | 08:12 |
sylpheedClaws | oh... | 08:12 |
sylpheedClaws | that might be a problem | 08:12 |
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PriceChild | Shaezsche, You may like to try feisty on a test box and install the separate xorg7.2.... intel users are reporting speed increases over 7.1 | 08:12 |
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sylpheedClaws | 7.2 is less-bloated than 7.1 | 08:13 |
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Shaezsche | where can i install that? i have feisty | 08:13 |
sylpheedClaws | that's mostly the only change | 08:13 |
Shaezsche | where is the seperate 7.2 | 08:13 |
Shaezsche | is it in the repos? installe dby default? | 08:13 |
sylpheedClaws | it took them 9 months to clean it up, and not even add anything... | 08:13 |
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sylpheedClaws | they added AIGLX in 6 months... | 08:13 |
sylpheedClaws | okay, I'll be quiet | 08:13 |
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PriceChild | What is the apt command to find out what package a file comes from? | 08:14 |
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Trixsey | Guys, my java defaults to GCJ, how can I change to Suns Java 6? :( | 08:14 |
tonyyarusso | sylpheedClaws, Shaezsche: Xorg 7.2 will be in Feisty. It's being added gradually right now. | 08:14 |
Shaezsche | where can i dl 7.2? is it in the feisty repos | 08:14 |
tonyyarusso | PriceChild: apt-file :) | 08:15 |
Shaezsche | i want to try it right now | 08:15 |
hfish | I have a problem with Evolution Mail Client. Is this the right channel to ask? | 08:15 |
PriceChild | !java | Trixsey | 08:15 |
ubotu | Trixsey: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 08:15 |
sylpheedClaws | k | 08:15 |
PriceChild | tonyyarusso, thanks | 08:15 |
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tonyyarusso | Shaezsche: It isn't packaged right now - folks are working on it. | 08:15 |
dyrne | sylpheedClaws: thats why we offer free redbull and such to our developers at work. left to their own they wont do much :) | 08:15 |
SoulPropagation | Okay, when I start up from the LiveCD it figures everything out just fine | 08:16 |
SoulPropagation | But I don't have the LiveCD on me. Is there a way to -autodetect- all the right settings, as if it was starting up for the first time? | 08:16 |
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sylpheedClaws | so... THIS is what developers offer instead of free beer... | 08:16 |
sylpheedClaws | free beer isn't open-source | 08:16 |
loiic | i read here and there that update-manager has to be used to upgrade from dapper to edgy and not apt-get dist upgrade, but what about server versions of ubuntu? | 08:16 |
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Shaezsche | does dapper use 7.1? | 08:16 |
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glatzor | loiic: there will be text only frontend for feisty | 08:16 |
dmb062082 | beryl is not in Ubuntu community supported packages? | 08:17 |
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ardchoille | dmb062082: no | 08:17 |
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SoulPropagation | Is there a way to autodetect ALL the right settings, as if it was starting up for the first time? | 08:17 |
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dyrne | why would you need a front end if youre comfortable with text only server? | 08:17 |
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loiic | glatzor: so at the moment i should stay on dapper until feisty arrives? | 08:17 |
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sylpheedClaws | PART "Does this work?" | 08:17 |
sylpheedClaws | dern | 08:17 |
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sylpheedClaws | guess not | 08:17 |
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PriceChild | tonyyarusso, I can't get apt-file to work :s | 08:18 |
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tonyyarusso | PriceChild: sudo apt-file update | 08:18 |
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PriceChild | tonyyarusso, shh :) | 08:18 |
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loiic | dyrne: i am comfortable with text only, but i read everywhere that upgrading without update-manager is reported to cause problems | 08:19 |
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dyrne | loiic: i dont know. did text only distupgrade from dapper without issues | 08:20 |
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dyrne | loiic: really liking feisty so far. no big problems | 08:20 |
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loiic | dyrne: eheh ok, it's for a production server, so better be safe | 08:21 |
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redear | how do i shutdown? | 08:21 |
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redear | i tried su -, but i distinctively recall not being offered a prompt to enter the root password | 08:21 |
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redear | so the password i used for the regular user i created obviously didn't work | 08:21 |
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redear | what's the root password so i can do a shutdown -h now? | 08:22 |
ardchoille | !sudo | redear | 08:22 |
ubotu | redear: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for all information. | 08:22 |
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ardchoille | redear: sudo shutdown -h now | 08:22 |
hfish | In the Evolution Mail Client, when you get new mail, there is a closed envelope symbol near the subject. After I read it, the symbol changes to a opened envelope. This two Symbols I understand, but there is also a closed envelope symbol with an arrow on it and after I read the message the symbol doesn't change. What does this symbol mean? | 08:22 |
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Thug-N-Me | where are the TrueType fonts located ? | 08:22 |
redear | hey that worked | 08:22 |
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redear | why did that work? | 08:23 |
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ardchoille | hfish: You sent a reply to that email? | 08:23 |
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redear | ardchoille: ah my regular user is registered to allow the running of the shutdown command? | 08:23 |
erUSUL | hfish: it is msg you have replied or maybe forwarded | 08:23 |
hfish | ardchoille: no i didn't send a replay | 08:23 |
ardchoille | redear: Because Ubuntu uses the sudo model, the root account is disabled. | 08:23 |
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glatzor | loiic: the dist-upgrade tool was created because of this. | 08:23 |
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erUSUL | ubotu tell redear about sudo | redear see priv msg from ubotu | 08:24 |
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redear | ardchoille: really? is it still possible for me to install applications like web servers? | 08:24 |
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javaJake | Hello | 08:24 |
redear | ardchoille: i am in console mode it's so weird i can't log in as root | 08:24 |
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erUSUL | ubotu tell redear about install | redear see priv msg from ubotu | 08:24 |
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ardchoille | redear: You really need to rea that sudo page that I and erUSUL sent you, it explains it all. | 08:24 |
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javaJake | I'm trying to tell wget I don't want any directories called "%2E%2E" but it seems to run right over my rule. | 08:24 |
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ardchoille | redear: There is no need to ever log in as root on a Ubuntu box. | 08:24 |
loiic | glatzor: eheh ok, then too bad that it's not available for me yet | 08:25 |
redear | ardchoille: as long as my user is kinda in some sort of wheel group i am happy | 08:25 |
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redear | i just need to set up a LAMP-alike situation but with turbogears, and will need rights to add and remove apt packages | 08:25 |
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glatzor | loiic: normally apt-get -u dist-upgrade should do the job. | 08:25 |
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redear | thanks ardchoille i am actually going through the official manual as we speak | 08:25 |
ardchoille | redear: Cool, lots of good info there. | 08:26 |
redear | i guess i need to read more, will also read those references | 08:26 |
redear | thanks | 08:26 |
redear | bbl | 08:26 |
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hfish | ardchoille: Ah, yes I did send a reply to that mail. Thank you for the help. | 08:26 |
ardchoille | tonyyarusso: Thank you :) | 08:26 |
glatzor | loiic: but in a productive environment test the upgrade on a duplicated system before | 08:26 |
redear | ardchoille++ | 08:26 |
ardchoille | hfish: You're welcome :) | 08:26 |
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noelferreira | i lost my gnome-chatt network server list. any help? | 08:26 |
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loiic | glatzor: i am not sure how to do that?, should i copy / somewhere and chroot in it ? | 08:27 |
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yeniklasor | 07:05.1 Class 0805: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C822 SD/SDIO/MMC/MS/MSPro Host Adapter (rev 19) How can I get work it with MMC cards | 08:28 |
cassiopea | Hey. I'm using an old ubuntu livecd, it uses kernel version 2.6.7, and I need to mount a sata harddisk volume, for which i require the sata_sil kernel module, which doesn't appear to be present on the cd. Can I perhaps download it somewhere? | 08:29 |
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glatzor | loiic: depends on your system setup. the chroot is a possibility. I use xen for my servers :) | 08:29 |
eXistenZ | How can I unzip files while preserving unicode filenames? | 08:30 |
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glatzor | loiic: it is important to check that all your services work after the upgrade. | 08:30 |
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hengha | how can I verify that I successfuly move grub from mbr to /dev/hda1 after running setup (hd0,0) in grub shell ? | 08:31 |
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=== Thug-N-Me hates getting mplayer to work with a bigger font subtitle | ||
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loiic | glatzor, xen got all the hype at the moment but havent investigated yet, would u have a tutorial or something that'd help me to setup a system similar to your? | 08:31 |
linuxuser2907 | can someone help me with a torrent problem | 08:31 |
dyrne | !ask| linuxuser2907 :) | 08:32 |
ubotu | linuxuser2907 :): Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 08:32 |
yettenet | Is there a way to install Windows fonts? | 08:32 |
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arrenlex | !msttocrefonts | yettenet | 08:32 |
linuxuser2907 | i have a probelm with a torrent | 08:32 |
arrenlex | !msttcorefonts | yettenet | 08:32 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about msttocrefonts - try searching on | 08:32 |
RichAndCreamy | hello all =D | 08:32 |
bruenig | !justask | linuxuser2907 | 08:32 |
yettenet | !msttcorefonts | arrenlex | 08:32 |
yettenet | :) | 08:32 |
yettenet | YOu mistyped it :) | 08:32 |
ubotu | yettenet: msttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 22 kB, installed size 164 kB | 08:32 |
PriceChild | RichAndCreamy, boo :) | 08:32 |
ubotu | linuxuser2907: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 08:32 |
ubotu | arrenlex: msttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 22 kB, installed size 164 kB | 08:32 |
linuxuser2907 | i ma | 08:32 |
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linuxuser2907 | i am downlaoding then it just stops and i have 17 seeders and 3 perrs connected and it just stops downloading | 08:33 |
yettenet | Thanks btw :) | 08:33 |
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bruenig | linuxuser2907, tracker problems maybe | 08:33 |
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linuxuser2907 | no the tracker status is ok | 08:34 |
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Dvorkin | join #ubuntu-de | 08:34 |
Dvorkin | srry | 08:34 |
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linuxuser2907 | my torrent Randomly Stps downloading HELP!! | 08:37 |
tld | What's the RightWay (tm) to go about handling something like a package being an old version, and I need the latest? | 08:37 |
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tld | Compile the new version and install it manually? | 08:37 |
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sylpheedClaws | no | 08:37 |
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tonyyarusso | tld: Is the new version packaged somewhere, like -backports? | 08:38 |
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sylpheedClaws | just upgrade to Feisty ;) | 08:38 |
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dmb062082 | ha ha ha! | 08:38 |
sylpheedClaws | backports | 08:38 |
sylpheedClaws | if it isn't... | 08:38 |
YangYin | wtf is feisty? | 08:38 |
sylpheedClaws | you might want to compile | 08:38 |
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YangYin | !Feisty | 08:38 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: - Specifications (goals): - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 08:38 |
dmb062082 | sweet i have beryl running with my ati radeon 200 xpress... and they said it couldnt be done | 08:38 |
glatzor | loiic: there are a lot of xen howtos on the internet. but I used debian :) | 08:38 |
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MM2 | please help me! I just did mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda1 and erased my windows-partition. Can it be unformatted? | 08:38 |
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sylpheedClaws | no... | 08:38 |
linuxuser2907 | is it because i have udp and TCP comming in the same port? | 08:38 |
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YangYin | dmb062082: I have it running on mine...? who said it couldn't be done | 08:38 |
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z_malloc | hello. im somewhat of a linux newb. i recently upgraded from an older version of debian unstable to edgy. i have a hylafax server running, and an 8 port fax board. i managed to get it working, however I noticed that hylafax stays in initialization mode after boot up. faxing does not work. after I restart hylafax, faxing begins to work. i have a strong suspicion that this is cause by the fact that hylafax starts up before the fax modem does in the i | 08:39 |
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sylpheedClaws | well, as far as I can tell | 08:39 |
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dyrne | MM2: if you dont do anything to it you should be able to recover. but im not sure of howto | 08:39 |
loiic | glatzor: you used debian ? not sure what you mean | 08:39 |
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tld | feisty might be interesting. | 08:39 |
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RichAndCreamy | ok so GRUB dosen't bring up the windows option in menu. On first install I used the auto parition option. I shrank windows down to 21gb. I'm running vista and I read in the forum that I shouldn't of messed with windows partition size. Sadly I don't have a vista disk. I was supposed to make my own recovery disk. Anyways, I tried restore grub through manually partition settings as per b | 08:39 |
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tld | the backports... a repo somewhere? | 08:39 |
RichAndCreamy | make it to step 5 | 08:39 |
benlake | is there not a ubuntu-server channel? | 08:39 |
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sylpheedClaws | try a professional HD repair | 08:39 |
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glatzor | loiic: for my servers. so I cannot say something about xen and ubuntu | 08:39 |
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glatzor | anything | 08:39 |
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loiic | ah ok, got it | 08:39 |
Pici | benlake: Try #ubuntu-server | 08:39 |
Yeti_69 | !fr | 08:40 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 08:40 |
sylpheedClaws | as much as I like it, your Knoppix disk won't do crud | 08:40 |
rmd_ | q | 08:40 |
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MM2 | sylpheedClaws: professional HD repair? | 08:40 |
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sylpheedClaws | ...somehing like Partition Commander | 08:40 |
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benlake | Pici: says it's for development | 08:40 |
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sylpheedClaws | idk | 08:40 |
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Desmaano | hi all | 08:40 |
sylpheedClaws | I don't think the GNU project can help you there :( | 08:40 |
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MM2 | sylpheedClaws: like partition magick? | 08:40 |
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sylpheedClaws | maybe | 08:40 |
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sylpheedClaws | probably | 08:40 |
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Desmaano | i have an problem installing Ubuntu on a imac G3 | 08:41 |
sylpheedClaws | try it | 08:41 |
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benlake | are there 'variants' in ubuntu packages? | 08:41 |
dyrne | MM2: this could be a blessing. no more MS :) | 08:41 |
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z_malloc | i believe to correct this i need to use update-rc.d and pass it some numbers to get it to start up before hylafax. after reading the man page, i'm still pretty confused. i suspect this has occurred because the method in which i need to install my fax driver is depending on inittab, which is no longer in edgy. the bottom of my inittab used to contain lines like this.. respawn:/sbin/mgetty ttyQ1a1 -s 115200 -D | 08:41 |
sylpheedClaws | Desmano: ...? | 08:41 |
rogier | anyone experience with the 2X application server? | 08:41 |
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MM2 | dyrne: I need my photoshop :) | 08:41 |
sylpheedClaws | or GIMP ;) | 08:41 |
sylpheedClaws | kidding | 08:41 |
MM2 | sylpheedClaws: I teach photoshop, so it would be rather difficult :) | 08:42 |
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sylpheedClaws | ...try GIMPShop. | 08:42 |
Desmaano | i get a blank screen booting Ubuntu from the LiveCD on a imac G3 | 08:42 |
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glatzor | loiic: but always keep on mind that an upgrade can fail. and will always fail if you really need the system :) | 08:42 |
tld | backports seems gone | 08:42 |
sylpheedClaws | but for now, try PartitionMagic, or whatever you have a copy of handy | 08:42 |
linxeh | rogier: no, but it sounds very similar to Citrix (or shitrix as we call it) | 08:42 |
z_malloc | anyone have a good understanding of how to use update-rc.d to get this issue corrected? | 08:42 |
sylpheedClaws | Desmaano: any more details? | 08:43 |
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Pici | MM2: You can try to reformat in linux as ntfs or fat32 (whatever it was) but most likely you are out of luck. | 08:43 |
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loiic | eheh finger crossed then :p | 08:43 |
rogier | gues it is | 08:43 |
linxeh | rogier: what was the question about it anyway ? | 08:43 |
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cappiz | how can i turn on bluetooth in edgy? | 08:43 |
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glatzor | loiic: but I upgraded a lot of system only using a remote ssh connection. so it also can work :) | 08:43 |
Desmaano | mayby, i booted from the LiveCD and the splashscreen worked and i heard the ubuntu theme sound | 08:43 |
sylpheedClaws | !grumpy | 08:44 |
rogier | i used this manual,289483,sid39_gci1238129,00.html | 08:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about grumpy - try searching on | 08:44 |
linxeh | Pici: sorry | 08:44 |
rogier | and i don't see what went wrong | 08:44 |
sylpheedClaws | !warty | 08:44 |
ubotu | warty was the first release of Ubuntu. Version 4.10, codename "Warty Warthog" | 08:44 |
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sylpheedClaws | !hoary | 08:44 |
loiic | well that's my setup so it'd better work! | 08:44 |
ubotu | hoary was the second release of Ubuntu. Version 5.04, codename "Hoary Hedgehog" | 08:44 |
sylpheedClaws | !LTS | 08:44 |
ubotu | LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. | 08:44 |
Desmaano | after that, there came the black screen | 08:44 |
sylpheedClaws | !dapper | 08:44 |
ubotu | dapper is the 4th release of Ubuntu. Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake". | 08:44 |
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Pici | !botabuse | sylpheedClaws | 08:44 |
ubotu | sylpheedClaws: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 08:44 |
ardchoille | 1botabuse | sylpheedClaws | 08:44 |
linxeh | heh, assuming canonical is around that long :) | 08:44 |
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sylpheedClaws | alright, something's probably wrong with X | 08:45 |
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Desmaano | i searched on google, and found suggestions on changing viewing settings, but i cant acces it or dont know how to | 08:46 |
numist | PriceChild: *waves* | 08:47 |
PriceChild | Hey :) | 08:47 |
cappiz | how can i turn on bluetooth in edgy? | 08:47 |
Desmaano | !edgy | 08:48 |
ubotu | Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: - Downloading: - Release Notes: | 08:48 |
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SilentDis | hello :) | 08:48 |
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dyrne | Desmaano: you could try alt-ctrl-f2 then login then sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and change video driver to vesa accept other settings as default. but im not sure of username on livecd | 08:48 |
Lenaud01-Coding | I have libdvdread3 and libdvdcss2 installed but I cant play a dvd? | 08:48 |
NaPsTeR_tHe_KiNg | i am fromatting my can i backup all the stuff i have downloaded from the repositories? | 08:49 |
Lenaud01-Coding | hi SilentDis :) | 08:49 |
Enselic`` | NaPsTeR_tHe_KiNg: check out /var/apt | 08:49 |
SilentDis | Lenaud01-Coding, you have to run a script to enable the support. see !dvd for info :) | 08:49 |
Desmaano | let me try that dyrne | 08:50 |
hengha | how can I verify where grub was installed ? MBR or /dev/hda1 ? | 08:50 |
ardchoille | This channel is so much better when you /ignore joins and parts | 08:50 |
bruenig | NaPsTeR_tHe_KiNg, it is all stored in /var/cache/apt/archives | 08:50 |
NaPsTeR_tHe_KiNg | then the archives? | 08:50 |
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Enselic`` | NaPsTeR_tHe_KiNg: what bruenig said | 08:50 |
jmazaredo | why i cant run sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals | 08:50 |
Pici | NaPsTeR_tHe_KiNg: You can backup /var/cache/apt/archives and /home, but you'll still have to reinstall them when you reinstall ubuntu | 08:50 |
NaPsTeR_tHe_KiNg | so i must just back up those debs and then run them again when i reinstall? | 08:50 |
PriceChild | jmazaredo, #ubuntu-effects please | 08:50 |
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huib | Talking about X: sometimes my screen start flickering when X starts after a boot..........after an crtl-alt-backspace X restarts and is then stable...critical timimg on cold hardware? | 08:50 |
NaPsTeR_tHe_KiNg | kewl | 08:50 |
NaPsTeR_tHe_KiNg | thnx | 08:50 |
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Blacken | Hey, I'm installing vmware-player and apparently the network configuration decided to kill itself. It returns an error code of 1 and I can't uninstall it via apt-get. How do I force removal of the package? | 08:50 |
Desmaano | when can i acces my video driver settings with a livecd? | 08:50 |
SilentDis | NaPsTeR_tHe_KiNg, the repos are in /var/cache/apt/archives, just copy out the .deb files, as well as your /etc/apt/sources.list file to restore once you've got ubuntu reinstalled :) | 08:51 |
Blacken | (apt-get -f remove does nothing.) | 08:51 |
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Lenaud01-Coding | !dvd | 08:51 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at | 08:51 |
sylpheedClaws | napster_the_king: you'll have to install all of them on your new system | 08:51 |
bruenig | hhe's gone | 08:51 |
sylpheedClaws | but not redownload them | 08:51 |
sylpheedClaws | oh... dern | 08:51 |
bruenig | s/hh/h | 08:51 |
z_malloc | Blacken: dpkg --purge packagename | 08:51 |
killux_ | !wmv | 08:51 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 08:51 |
SilentDis | Desmaano, what kind of vid card do you have? | 08:52 |
sylpheedClaws | s/install/sudo dpkg -i /var/.../* | 08:52 |
Blacken | z_malloc: Ah, crap. I forgot about that! Thank you. :) | 08:52 |
killux_ | is wmv the default windows file? | 08:52 |
z_malloc | np | 08:52 |
killux_ | as in video file | 08:52 |
sylpheedClaws | yes | 08:52 |
killux_ | ok | 08:52 |
sylpheedClaws | and codecs for Linux for it are hard to find | 08:52 |
Pici | sylpheedClaws: I'm not sure thats such a good idea, as the cache will include things hes uninstalled and old versions | 08:52 |
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sylpheedClaws | codec serice will be new in Feisty | 08:53 |
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killux_ | sylpheedClaws: how do you stream them | 08:53 |
sylpheedClaws | Pici: point | 08:53 |
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sylpheedClaws | killux_: use Totem | 08:53 |
whazilla | hey , i got a laptop with an old ubuntu on it ... it gets dns dhcp and an ip ... ping gives an ip but it never recieves one package | 08:53 |
sylpheedClaws | after installing the codecs | 08:53 |
killux_ | i have mplayer and the firefox plugin | 08:53 |
SilentDis | sylpheedClaws, the sevas repo has the w32codecs as a nice, easy-to-use .deb package :) | 08:53 |
Blacken | z_malloc: Hmm...Trying to remove it, but it refuses to remove--"pre-removal script returned error exit status 1". | 08:53 |
whazilla | what could be wrong ? | 08:53 |
sylpheedClaws | it does? kewl | 08:53 |
Desmaano | have no idea, standard Imac G3 video card? like 8mb ? let me search for it | 08:53 |
killux_ | sylpheedClaws: to stream, where did you get the codecs? | 08:53 |
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SilentDis | whazilla, what distro? | 08:53 |
whazilla | ubuntu | 08:53 |
sylpheedClaws | !w32codecs | 08:53 |
ubotu | Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see - See also !Codecs | 08:53 |
sylpheedClaws | there ya go | 08:54 |
whazilla | edgy or dapper | 08:54 |
sylpheedClaws | probably both | 08:54 |
whazilla | started as breezy | 08:54 |
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z_malloc | Blacken: it may have its own unstall script you might want to try first. don't remember for sure. | 08:54 |
sylpheedClaws | oh... never mind | 08:54 |
sylpheedClaws | !w32codecs | killux_ | 08:54 |
ubotu | killux_: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see - See also !Codecs | 08:54 |
whazilla | SilentDis: any clues ? | 08:54 |
bobby_ | !Codecs | 08:55 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 08:55 |
Blacken | z_malloc: Yeah, if you install the player independently there is one...not sure whether it's even THERE though. | 08:55 |
killux_ | yea im looking i dont see totem w32codecs | 08:55 |
z_malloc | Blacken: -> bin/ | 08:55 |
SilentDis | whazilla, what distro is this machine running? | 08:55 |
whazilla | edgy or dapper | 08:55 |
RichAndCreamy | how many different ways can you attempt to edit GRUB from the live CD? | 08:55 |
DO|Toxin | Does anybody know of any programs I can use to fix my NTFS partition that gparted seemed to messed up when I resized it? | 08:55 |
killux_ | ha your screwed there DO|Toxin | 08:56 |
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killux_ | nothing really you can do | 08:56 |
Orfeous | i really need some help to find out WHY my computer feels sooo slow with ubuntu. using KDE. | 08:56 |
z_malloc | Blacken: try locate | 08:56 |
sylpheedClaws | NTFS is barely supported on Linux | 08:56 |
killux_ | sylpheedClaws: did you get the codecs for totem to stream WMV? | 08:56 |
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Orfeous | it feels like i have a Pentium 200mhz | 08:56 |
sylpheedClaws | no, I haven't needed to yet | 08:56 |
Desmaano | I found out it uses a ATI rage pro turbo chipset | 08:56 |
bobby_ | ntfs-3g its a good option :P | 08:56 |
sylpheedClaws | and I'm on PCLOS now | 08:56 |
sylpheedClaws | my Ubuntu system won't boot... | 08:56 |
SilentDis | DO|Toxin, I'm sorry to say it, but killux_ is correct. I have yet to see gparted do an NTFS partition properly, and i have yet to find a util to fix what it does :( | 08:56 |
Blacken | z_malloc: Negatory. | 08:56 |
sylpheedClaws | actually, I get the splash, and X won't start | 08:56 |
Orfeous | i have a ATI Radeon 9800 Pro with DRI and using the fglx driver. | 08:57 |
sylpheedClaws | Ctrl+Alt_F2 doesn't display anything but a blinking cursor... any ideas? | 08:57 |
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whazilla | SilentDis: how i findout my system ? | 08:57 |
arrenlex | SilentDis: Actually, I used gparted to shrink the windows partition on my laptop to install Linux on it, and it went great. | 08:57 |
sylpheedClaws | type uname -r | 08:57 |
sylpheedClaws | whazilla: type "uname -r" | 08:57 |
SilentDis | sylpheedClaws, not even off the livecd? | 08:57 |
sylpheedClaws | that's the kernel version | 08:57 |
whazilla | and could it be firewalled ... howto disable firewall ? | 08:57 |
sylpheedClaws | yes, off the CD | 08:57 |
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sylpheedClaws | but the CD is Dapper and the system is Edgy | 08:58 |
SilentDis | whazilla, on that machine, run uname -r. that'll give the kernel version, and we can deduce what distro it is usually :) | 08:58 |
DO|Toxin | arrenlex, yeah, that's what I did, except now when I look at my partitions in gparted it has a "!" next to my NTFS partition | 08:58 |
Orfeous | 2.6.17-11-generic | 08:58 |
whazilla | 2.6.15-27-686 | 08:58 |
sylpheedClaws | you're on Dapper | 08:58 |
sylpheedClaws | with an optimized kernel... huh... | 08:58 |
arrenlex | DO|Toxin: Maybe it's just excited it resized it correctly? xD | 08:58 |
whazilla | thkx | 08:58 |
SilentDis | arrenlex, then you are a lucky one. I hosed 2 ntfs partitions with gparted before I learned it's just easier to set it all up how I want the first time, and then go windows install, ubuntu install. :P | 08:59 |
z_malloc | Blacken: hmm dunno. if you haven't tried a gui package manager, do that. otherwise you'll probably have to search for other people having similar trouble. ive used vmware numerous times without issue. wish i could help you more. | 08:59 |
tonyyarusso | I actually changed my ntfs stuff with ntfsresize, on cli - that was weird. | 08:59 |
whazilla | SilentDis: so what now ? | 08:59 |
RichAndCreamy | silentdis i'm in the same camp as toxin aren't I? | 08:59 |
Blacken | z_malloc: I've used it without trouble I'm confused. :( | 09:00 |
sylpheedClaws | this is why we have GMail... for backups! ;) | 09:00 |
whazilla | the machine is connected but cant connect and it does it so once so often | 09:00 |
DO|Toxin | "Unable to read the contents of this filesystem" | 09:00 |
z_malloc | Blacken: anything unusual in /etc/networking/interfaces ? | 09:00 |
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tovella | Blacken: i had similar problems un-installing vmware | 09:00 |
dyrne | Blacken: vmware-server is free download from their site | 09:00 |
Blacken | dyrne: Yes, and it's not what this user needs. | 09:01 |
Blacken | tovella: Oh? Any solution? | 09:01 |
DO|Toxin | So right now the best bet for me is to reformat my botched NTFS partition? | 09:01 |
SilentDis | whazilla, what kernel is it? I must be missing your messages. if you're directing it to me, please append my name to 'em. got a real slow 'net connection today for some reason (damn dialup) | 09:01 |
capone | I'm wondering on how could I restore root user for mysql server? | 09:01 |
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Desmaano | from which point am i able to acces my video driver settings when booting from th LiveCD? | 09:01 |
sylpheedClaws | assuming you can *not* fix it or read it | 09:01 |
Blacken | (vmware-server also has some pretty gnarly problems with unerrored failed starts in Edgy.) | 09:01 |
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whazilla | SilentDis: 2.6.15-27-686 | 09:01 |
sylpheedClaws | using Dapper | 09:01 |
SilentDis | RichAndCreamy, I don't know. I remember speaking with you last night, but I don't know what's going on now. what problems are you having? | 09:02 |
sylpheedClaws | with a 686 kernel, which is weird | 09:02 |
z_malloc | Blacken: i suspect as a way to "just get it working" you could delete /etc/init.d/vmware and any symlinks in the rc directory start up scripts, then reboot. that should get it out of your hair for sure.. although leave the half borked install still in place. | 09:02 |
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Blacken | z_malloc: It's the package that's the problem. | 09:02 |
tovella | Blacken: i used a script to search for and delete every file and directory that contained "vmware" as part of it's name. | 09:02 |
Blacken | z_malloc: I can't install anything else due to it. | 09:02 |
Blacken | tovella: That sounds mildly dangerous. | 09:02 |
SilentDis | whazilla, you're using Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake) latest kernel, customized for Intel chips. that means the distro isn't all that old at least. when you said old, I thought you might have an unsupported distro is all :) | 09:03 |
whazilla | yah okey | 09:03 |
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sylpheedClaws | Breezy is losing support in a few months | 09:03 |
DO|Toxin | sylpheedClaws, well how would you start to try and fix it? my problem is I don't even know where to begin | 09:03 |
whazilla | but still its old | 09:03 |
whazilla | cuz in repo i got sun java 5 | 09:03 |
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sylpheedClaws | use a professional partition editor | 09:03 |
z_malloc | Blacken: try this.. dpkg --force --purge packagename | 09:03 |
whazilla | and i need java 6 for a project im doing | 09:03 |
sylpheedClaws | like PartitionMagic | 09:03 |
whazilla | but i cant update | 09:03 |
killux_ | how can i make VLC my main media player | 09:03 |
SilentDis | whazilla, you are able to ping google you said, can you browse? get e-mail? other various things on the net? is it just apt that's giving issue? | 09:03 |
flaakmonkey | how do i find Wine folder to place Font in? | 09:03 |
Blacken | z_malloc: Already tried. "invalid force option" | 09:03 |
killux_ | for streaming and everyhting? | 09:03 |
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whazilla | i cant browse or connect to anything | 09:04 |
sylpheedClaws | I support free software and all, but really... GParted will not help something this bad | 09:04 |
whazilla | its system-wide | 09:04 |
ikonia | whazilla: most probably dns | 09:04 |
apecat | i just tried to install a font (package name xfonts-terminus. apt get gives me "warning: /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc does not exist or is not a directory" after the package is nstalled and the font doesn't appear in /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc or any font list in any program | 09:04 |
apecat | what to do | 09:04 |
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tovella | Blacken: i thought so to, but i've had to do the same thing with a couple of other packages a few years ago. it was the only solution i could find. i finished with an "apt-get update" and "apt-get -f install". everything came out fine. | 09:04 |
whazilla | i just filled in my routers dns naming servers | 09:04 |
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whazilla | should i reboot ? | 09:04 |
sylpheedClaws | no | 09:04 |
sylpheedClaws | ifdown eth0 | 09:04 |
sylpheedClaws | ifup eth0 | 09:04 |
ikonia | you just get dhcp info from your router so restart dhcp | 09:04 |
yettenet | Can you give me some info about pkgbuild files? | 09:05 |
sylpheedClaws | or maybe wlan0 | 09:05 |
Blacken | tovella: Alright, so what would it be? just "find / | grep vmware | rm"? | 09:05 |
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sylpheedClaws | ...or just use the network manager to restart the connection | 09:05 |
ikonia | sylpheedClaws: downing and interface won't restart a dhcp request | 09:05 |
yettenet | ubotu: pkgbuild | 09:05 |
tovella | Blacken: give me a second to find it. | 09:05 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pkgbuild - try searching on | 09:05 |
Blacken | tovella: Thanks. :) | 09:05 |
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DO|Toxin | Also, sometimes my system locks up when I ifup eth1 | 09:05 |
z_malloc | Blacken: did you try dpkg --force-depends --purge package | 09:06 |
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dyrne | Blacken: find / -name *vmware* | xargs -i rm -fr {} maybe. but that is a little scarry id do the find first to make sure no system dirs get hit | 09:06 |
whazilla | ikonia: how do i restart dhcp ? | 09:06 |
tovella | Blacken: this is what i did: "find . -name *vmware* -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf" | 09:06 |
rmd_ | hmm | 09:07 |
Blacken | z_malloc: Ooh, that's a new error... invoke-rc.d: initscript vmware-player, action "stop" failed. | 09:07 |
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z_malloc | deleting it will not fix the package manager horking though | 09:07 |
Lenaud01-Coding | when I try and play dvd with mplayer and I have libdvdread3 and libdvdcss2 installed and script ran Mplayer says Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device? | 09:07 |
Blacken | Indeed, and that's the main problem. | 09:07 |
tovella | Blacken: i did it as root (& from the root directory), so you might want to use sudo at the begining | 09:07 |
mwe | hmm | 09:07 |
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flaakmonkey | i have those installed i just use totem plaer to play my dvds | 09:08 |
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z_malloc | maybe your install is damaged, and it cant uninstall. maybe try force reinstalling, then uninstalling | 09:08 |
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sebsebseb | I want to disable the screensaver in Edgy, but the screensaver thing is not in the menu. What's the command? how would I ree add to menu so on? | 09:08 |
arrenlex | Lenaud01-Coding: What happens if you add the option -vo xv | 09:08 |
whazilla | Bezig met opzoeken | 09:08 |
whazilla | Bezig met verbinden met ( poort 6667.. | 09:08 |
mjrclark | does know of an emachines 370 or trigem imperial gl working with recent linux distros? (specifically kernel > 2.6.15-27) | 09:08 |
whazilla | it doesnt get further than that | 09:08 |
Lenaud01-Coding | how do I do that arrenlex? | 09:08 |
Blacken | z_malloc: A force install says that it's installed fine. | 09:09 |
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Blacken | z_malloc: The uninstall barfs. | 09:09 |
whazilla | with xhcat on the laptop | 09:09 |
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arrenlex | Lenaud01-Coding: Oh, you're running mplayer from the GUI? I've never done that... | 09:09 |
z_malloc | hmmm.. lame | 09:09 |
Blacken | The error -- invoke-rc.d: initscript vmware-player, action "stop" failed. | 09:09 |
sebsebseb | I want to disable the screensaver in Edgy, but the screensaver thing is not in the menu. What's the command? how would I ree add to menu so on? | 09:09 |
sylpheedClaws | I'm reinstalling Ubuntu, it seems like the best approach | 09:09 |
mjrclark | sebseb, do not repeatedly ask questions please. | 09:09 |
z_malloc | vmware isn't running is it? m | 09:10 |
Lenaud01-Coding | whats the terminal command to do that arrenlex? | 09:10 |
whazilla | anybody : ... on laptop i get this :: Bezig met verbinden met ( poort 6667... it doesnt get any further like forever | 09:10 |
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whazilla | any clues ? what todo ? | 09:10 |
Blacken | z_malloc: There isn't enough of it installed TO run, but let me look. | 09:10 |
z_malloc | ps aux | grep vmare | 09:10 |
z_malloc | oops vmware | 09:10 |
arrenlex | Lenaud01-Coding: mplayer -vo xv <movie> | 09:10 |
Blacken | z_malloc: Was doing that. | 09:10 |
Blacken | Hrm! There's a zombie process. | 09:11 |
z_malloc | ah ha! i thought so | 09:11 |
=== Blacken can't kill the bugger. Restart time... | ||
z_malloc | kill it and try again | 09:11 |
Lenaud01-Coding | got it :) | 09:11 |
Blacken | That'd explain why vmware-player's install failed--I'd just uninstalled the vmware site executable. | 09:11 |
Lenaud01-Coding | thanks arrenlex | 09:11 |
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z_malloc | yep | 09:12 |
Blacken | Once I restart that box, should be much better... | 09:12 |
Lenaud01-Coding | preferences in gui ;) | 09:12 |
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Lenaud01-Coding | !dvd | 09:12 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at | 09:12 |
tovella | Blacken: this is an update to the script (in case you haven't set up a root password). it will also start from "/" (the root of the file-system): | 09:12 |
tovella | "sudo find / -name *vmware* -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf" | 09:12 |
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CaptSaltyJack | WOW.. this place is about as busy as the ubuntu forums | 09:13 |
whazilla | >whazilla< anybody : ... on laptop i get this :: Bezig met verbinden met ( poort 6667... it doesnt get any further like forever | 09:13 |
whazilla | * henri156 (n=chatzill@ is binnengekomen bij #ubuntu | 09:13 |
whazilla | >whazilla< any clues ? what todo ? | 09:13 |
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CaptSaltyJack | 1019 users here and it's this quiet?? how? | 09:14 |
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arrenlex | CaptSaltyJack: Most of them are idling. | 09:14 |
Pici | Magic | 09:14 |
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CaptSaltyJack | that's a lot of idling going on ;) | 09:14 |
CaptSaltyJack | man. | 09:14 |
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bruenig | CaptSaltyJack, we need stuff to help with | 09:15 |
toM|vendettA_ | is there anything for linux that will like... take my mp3s and automatically find the tags for them?? kinda like on itunes for windows/macs? | 09:15 |
armyriad | I think someone hacked this channel before. | 09:15 |
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bruenig | not many are asking | 09:15 |
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CaptSaltyJack | i have to say, Ubuntu rocks. i tried other distros.. openSUSE, Fedora, Slackware, MEPIS.. Ubuntu really is the best in my opinion | 09:15 |
CaptSaltyJack | the best for my purposes | 09:15 |
whazilla | can i get any support ? | 09:15 |
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armyriad | How would I go about installing GRUB? | 09:16 |
CaptSaltyJack | whazilla: what's up man? | 09:16 |
bruenig | !offtopic | CaptSaltyJack no wonder you thought the channel was quiet, you don't seem to be in the right one | 09:16 |
ubotu | CaptSaltyJack no wonder you thought the channel was quiet, you don't seem to be in the right one: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 09:16 |
whazilla | readup my previous post | 09:16 |
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CaptSaltyJack | whazilla: can't connect to port 6667 outgoing? | 09:16 |
whazilla | just as u entered | 09:16 |
whazilla | with any program | 09:16 |
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whazilla | i trie to update my laptop and findout i cant connect ... but its connected | 09:17 |
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whazilla | i did ifup | 09:17 |
whazilla | and all | 09:17 |
CaptSaltyJack | can you telnet manually to the port ? | 09:17 |
whazilla | nope | 09:17 |
dyrne | !grub | armyriad | 09:17 |
ubotu | armyriad: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 09:17 |
ikonia | told you upping and downing and interface won't make a dhcp request | 09:17 |
whazilla | i did that ikonia | 09:17 |
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tovella | Blacken: btw, i had so many prolems with vmware (on feisty), i decided to play with VirtualBox, instead. So far so good. | 09:18 |
whazilla | ikonia: it said on ifup DHCP OFFERS RECIEVED | 09:18 |
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Blacken | tovella: Never heard of it. Any good? | 09:18 |
HymnToLife | tovella, so what ? - joke inside | 09:18 |
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whazilla | any clues somebody ? | 09:18 |
CaptSaltyJack | no clue man sorry :( | 09:18 |
tovella | Blacken: i like it very much. | 09:18 |
AJIEXA | Hi ALL! I have a problem: sometimes, when I logon my ubuntu open me 3-5 windows with my home directory, but I not save their in my last session, also i don't see my mounted logical disks on my desctop... - I have this situation sometimes, other worked good. May be I must do somthing for recovery that ????? | 09:18 |
CaptSaltyJack | i probably can't help as i'm fairly new to Ubuntu. | 09:19 |
Blacken | tovella: Can it open VMDKs? | 09:19 |
mwe | whazilla: see if dhclient <interface> gives better info | 09:19 |
ikonia | mwe: exactly | 09:19 |
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tovella | Blacken: it was recently released as open-source, but i'm not sure about VMDK's. | 09:19 |
delire | i have to put a bunch of Ubuntu machines on a Windows domain complete with per-account authentication. is Samba still the best way to go for this sort of thing? if so, does Ubuntu have a Samba setup tool for automating alot of the tedium? | 09:19 |
Blacken | Well, that worked. | 09:19 |
Blacken | I dropped into single-user and murdered the bastard. | 09:20 |
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z_malloc | gj | 09:20 |
=== Blacken 1, VMWare 637. | ||
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Blacken | Thanks for your help, folks. Later! | 09:22 |
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mahound | hello | 09:22 |
whazilla | how do i edit eth1 to use static in terminal instead of dhcp ? | 09:22 |
SoulPropagation | ifconfig | 09:22 |
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mahound | i'm trying to install a brother laserjet printer driver on edgy | 09:22 |
mahound | i install the *deb | 09:23 |
whazilla | how to edit with ifconfig ? | 09:23 |
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mahound | but... the printer won't appear on the listing | 09:23 |
erUSUL | whazilla: sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces | 09:23 |
whazilla | thkx erUSUL | 09:23 |
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mwe | whazilla: if you don't mind reading it's well explained in 'man interfaces' | 09:24 |
mahound | where does cups store the drivers? | 09:24 |
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CaptSaltyJack | hey i have a dumb question.. Dapper LTS.. what do they mean by Long Term Support exactly?? is there some sort of official tech support offered on Dapper but not for Edgy? | 09:24 |
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mwe | !release | CaptSaltyJack | 09:24 |
ubotu | CaptSaltyJack: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at & | 09:24 |
neli | does anybody know why Almindor is banned ? ( | 09:24 |
genii | CaptSaltyJack: Correct. 2 year support for Dapper | 09:25 |
drega | whats going on with freenode tonight? | 09:25 |
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ikonia | nothing | 09:25 |
mwe | drega: I didn't notice anything special | 09:25 |
CaptSaltyJack | ok.. paid support or for free? | 09:25 |
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CaptSaltyJack | i see the commercial support for $250 | 09:25 |
CaptSaltyJack | so that paid support is for Dapper users? | 09:26 |
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mjrclark | CaptSaltyJack- I beleive they mean security updates, and being able to buy that commercial support. | 09:27 |
tovella | CaptSaltyJack: i think the LTS means that updates will continue on for a longer time period than before. | 09:27 |
CaptSaltyJack | ahh ok | 09:27 |
Pici | !lts | 09:27 |
ubotu | LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. | 09:27 |
CaptSaltyJack | just curious | 09:27 |
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wheels3572 | Does Ubuntu support FULL OpenOffice? | 09:27 |
SoulPropagation | wheels3572: as opposed to? | 09:28 |
z_malloc | are they planning on fixing the fact that mysql doesn't work on the emt64 version, and has been busted since october? | 09:28 |
z_malloc | for edgy | 09:28 |
L0cKd0wN | hey guys, i have this really weird problem, but the GUI is OFFSET at the bottom of my screen, about the height of a taskbar, i just rebooted from windows xp, and windows display is normal, what's wrong!? | 09:28 |
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SoulPropagation | L0cKd0wN: CRT or flat panel | 09:28 |
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wheels3572 | SoulPropagation, As opposed to just Wordprocessor. I would like the ENTIRE Suite | 09:28 |
L0cKd0wN | and the icons are also slightly ghosting.... to the right... i tried resetting the LCD and it doesn't solve it | 09:28 |
z_malloc | forcing mysql to load from dapper is not really a good solution if you ask me. | 09:28 |
SoulPropagation | wheels3572: yeah | 09:28 |
L0cKd0wN | SoulPropagation, flat panel most def | 09:28 |
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wheels3572 | SoulPropagation, is it in the repos or do I have to get the tar file from OpenOffice itself? | 09:29 |
SoulPropagation | L0cKd0wN: heh, are they at the same screen res? | 09:29 |
payam | hi | 09:29 |
SoulPropagation | wheels3572: It's there when you install it | 09:29 |
payam | Whats happen? | 09:29 |
SoulPropagation | payam: Somebody set us up the bomb | 09:29 |
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L0cKd0wN | SoulPropagation, yes 1440 x 900, this only started happening yesterday when i was messing with beryl, but i turned it off, and it's still messed up | 09:29 |
payam | whats happen here | 09:29 |
SoulPropagation | payam: What is your native language | 09:30 |
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ryanakca | I recently bought a new computer. I will be installing triple-booting with Gentoo, Ubuntu and Windows. Ubuntu will remain my primary OS. What do I install first? Gentoo or Ubuntu? | 09:30 |
payam | i need help with something | 09:30 |
wheels3572 | SoulPropagation, im only see WordProcessor in my list here. | 09:30 |
payam | I cant install a theme | 09:30 |
SoulPropagation | L0cKd0wN: Reboot to the livecd, mount your install part | 09:30 |
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payam | I cant install my theme | 09:31 |
toM|vendettA_ | is there anything for linux that will like... take my mp3s and automatically find the tags for them?? kinda like on itunes for windows/macs? | 09:31 |
Lenaud01-Coding | dvdripper best dvd ripper to get dvds ripped to iso format | 09:31 |
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payam | i have a realy tereble headace | 09:31 |
payam | help me plz | 09:31 |
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SoulPropagation | L0cKd0wN: and then sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /mount/point/etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:31 |
disasm | ryanakca: windows | 09:31 |
tovella | toM|vendettA_: yes, but i don't recall which ones do it. | 09:31 |
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SoulPropagation | L0cKd0wN: and back it up in case it happens again | 09:32 |
toM|vendettA_ | ahh tovella your killin me :P | 09:32 |
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kharloss | hi. any photoshop chan user .. because ... #photoshop unable to join channel (invite only) | 09:32 |
z_malloc | ryanakca: windows. i believe if you don't, when you install windows it will clobber any existing MBR | 09:32 |
ryanakca | disasm: windows is preinstalled, as with every other comp in canada | 09:32 |
disasm | ryanakca: the other two doesn't matter the order, but install windows first | 09:32 |
royel | Killux: hey | 09:32 |
ryanakca | disasm: kk | 09:32 |
tovella | toM|vendettA_: i've played around with so many of them, is simply escapes me right now. | 09:32 |
ryanakca | thanks | 09:32 |
disasm | ryanakca: then i'd say ubuntu, it resizes ntfs a lot easier | 09:32 |
dyrne | payam: ignore this if youre not comfortable with cli. tar xfvz theme.tar.gz; mv theme/ /usr/share/theme/ | 09:32 |
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toM|vendettA_ | tovella is it something that is in the repository | 09:32 |
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payam | i m not so clever | 09:32 |
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tovella | toM|vendettA_: yes. | 09:33 |
disasm | dyrne: tar -zxvf theme.tar.gz -C /usr/share | 09:33 |
L0cKd0wN | SoulPropagation, roger doger | 09:33 |
payam | what shoul i do? | 09:33 |
sebsebseb | seems Edgy uses Xscreensaver and I cannot access the preferences for it from the menu. so how do I access it? I want to turn it off | 09:33 |
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tovella | toM|vendettA_: i belive it was amarok, but i'm not completely positive. | 09:33 |
disasm | sebsebseb: temporary solution, kill xscreensaver | 09:33 |
royel | sebsebseb: did you try >preferences > screensaver? | 09:34 |
sebsebseb | yes | 09:34 |
sebsebseb | it's not there | 09:34 |
PriceChild | payam, you can talk here now :) | 09:34 |
sebsebseb | bash: kill: xscreensaver: arguments must be process or job IDs | 09:34 |
sebsebseb | what's that? | 09:34 |
payam | yes i did | 09:35 |
toM|vendettA_ | k thanks tovella | 09:35 |
payam | what did you mean? | 09:35 |
Lenaud01-Coding | dvdripper best dvd ripper to get dvds ripped to iso format | 09:35 |
goldstein | hello. i've been using edgy eft + gnome+ beryl for some time but now i have this problem: gnome locks on startup, after the first icon on the splash screen appears. if i wait like 5 minutes it will continue to load, but will be very very unstable. i disableberyl now, and the same thing happens with metacity.. any clues? i searched foruns but nothing similar.. | 09:35 |
tovella | toM|vendettA_: wish i could be more sure. | 09:35 |
riotkittie | sebsebseb: kill `pidof xscreensaver` | 09:35 |
payam | i talked on both sides | 09:35 |
toM|vendettA_ | tovella i've got that installled so i'll start it up and see if it can | 09:35 |
payam | ok I need help | 09:35 |
royel | sebsebseb: try Gconf Editor, expand >apps >gnome-screensaver .. check the last line an see that "user_switch_enabled" is checked | 09:35 |
payam | i have downlod a RPM file | 09:36 |
payam | Theme file | 09:36 |
payam | And i wana install it | 09:36 |
payam | how can i do it? | 09:36 |
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hjmills | hi all | 09:36 |
HymnToLife | payam, are you sure there's no other way ? | 09:36 |
hjmills | where can i find out how to turn an image into a usplash thingymadowhock | 09:36 |
riotkittie | payam: you can use alien to convert .rpms to .debs ... but a .rpm'ed theme seems... odd. | 09:36 |
payam | i dont now | 09:36 |
payam | i dont know | 09:37 |
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payam | i m a biginner | 09:37 |
riotkittie | there's not a .gzip, .bz2 .anythingelse of this theme? | 09:37 |
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Rounin | Hi... I was wondering, is there an easy way of finding out where the tables used for encoding conversions used by a particular linux distro come from? | 09:38 |
payam | i click on a KDE.theme but nothing happens | 09:38 |
deafboy | WOuld there be any reason taht a game would get a HIGHER ping under windows then it linux | 09:38 |
Rounin | I think I found some in /usr/share but I don't know if those are what iconv uses | 09:38 |
toM|vendettA_ | ahh tovella yes it is amarok.. thanks :) | 09:38 |
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tovella | toM|vendettA_: great. | 09:38 |
erUSUL | deafboy: yes, linux is better ;) | 09:38 |
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whazilla | LOL ... in xterm save mode | 09:39 |
whazilla | network works | 09:39 |
Silencer | erm i have problem with ubuntu mysql client | 09:39 |
deafboy | erUSUL: i'm looking for a reason :P | 09:39 |
Silencer | he don't keep alive connection | 09:39 |
Silencer | when he idle :( | 09:39 |
whazilla | in normal session ... ther is no session :$ | 09:39 |
royel | deafboy: very possible, but too many factors could be involved to ultimately say why, suggest checking things like chat clients, torrents, anything that could use bandwidth/internet. | 09:39 |
tovella | toM|vendettA_: if you're using GNOME, "exaile" might also do it, though i personally liked "amarok" better, the last time i used ti. | 09:39 |
deafboy | royel: nothing but WoW running, and in linux i get MUCH better ping | 09:39 |
deafboy | royel: could it be that my university attempts to cap the internet? | 09:40 |
royel | deafboy: I couldnt say what it is without seeing things firsthand an digging deep into the problem, guessing at this point is extremely difficult. | 09:40 |
Shadowpillar | deafboy: linux has a better tcp/ip stack | 09:40 |
dyrne | Silencer: you might have better luck /j mysql | 09:41 |
Shadowpillar | deafboy: that killer nic uses a linux based stack for a reason | 09:41 |
hjmills | where can i find out how to turn an image into a usplash thingymadowhock | 09:41 |
Shadowpillar | that nic is also useless in linux :P | 09:41 |
deafboy | Shadowpillar: which nic is useless? | 09:41 |
Shadowpillar | the Killer NIC | 09:41 |
deafboy | Killer nic? | 09:42 |
Shadowpillar | the one that boosts ping for games | 09:42 |
Shadowpillar | only under windows | 09:42 |
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royel | Shadowpillar: thats vague even to me.. what are you talking about? | 09:42 |
deafboy | SHadowpillar: wouldn't that make my ping WORS?E | 09:42 |
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Shadowpillar | because it makes windows use a different TCP/IP stack that's on the card | 09:42 |
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dhorn | Hey guys, what's the command to configure X? | 09:42 |
deafboy | dhorn: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 09:43 |
dhorn | thx | 09:43 |
concept10 | anyone know what ubuntu does with the information stored at ? | 09:43 |
deafboy | np :) | 09:43 |
deafboy | Shadowpillar: now why the hell would it do that? | 09:43 |
deafboy | Shadowpillar: my ping in linux with wow is < 100 it's almost 800 in windows | 09:43 |
Shadowpillar | deafboy: exactly! | 09:44 |
Shadowpillar | deafboy: that's what the killer nic does too in windows, however, it's because it uses embedded linux on the card itself and the drivers force windows to use the linux tcp/ip stack | 09:44 |
royel | deafboy: the real solution is to give up windows an WoW (cause WoW sucks) :) | 09:44 |
deafboy | Shadowpillar: note my college caps our net during the day, i get like 3 kbs downloads | 09:44 |
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Shadowpillar | hence why it would be useless under linux ;P | 09:44 |
sebsebseb | where's gconf | 09:45 |
sebsebseb | editor located? | 09:45 |
Shadowpillar | just thought I'd mention that | 09:45 |
royel | sebsebseb: click >Apllications > system tools .. | 09:45 |
Shadowpillar | deafboy: linux+ wine = cheaper than a $200 Network card | 09:45 |
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deafboy | Shadowpillar: but im not understanding why my ping woudl be WORSE in windows if this "nic" was designed to make ping better in games? | 09:46 |
Shadowpillar | ... | 09:46 |
tovella | concept10: i think it's used to improve hardware support. | 09:46 |
Shadowpillar | I'm talking hypothetically | 09:47 |
Shadowpillar | you dont have that nic obviously :P | 09:47 |
Shadowpillar | MY POINT IS | 09:47 |
Shadowpillar | the reason you have better ping is because of the linux TCP/IP stack | 09:47 |
Shadowpillar | which is superior to windows | 09:47 |
dyrne | concept10: how do they compile those statistics you know? | 09:48 |
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deafboy | i see | 09:48 |
deafboy | w00t | 09:48 |
dyrne | concept10: gather them | 09:48 |
deafboy | now if ati didn't have SUCKASS drivers | 09:48 |
deafboy | i would be windows free | 09:48 |
deafboy | and yes im trying to give up WoW royel :) | 09:48 |
sebsebseb | it's not there | 09:48 |
sebsebseb | just KDE stuff | 09:48 |
Lenaud01-Coding | whats a good dvd back up app for linux to make them into iso? | 09:49 |
sebsebseb | and that's about it | 09:49 |
concept10 | dyrne, how do they collect the information? With HAL and store in XML and send to the website | 09:49 |
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deafboy | Lenaud01-Coding: k9copy, Dvd::rip | 09:49 |
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Lenaud01-Coding | dvd::rip does iso? | 09:49 |
Lazesharp | in edgy, how can I access the "Multimedia Systems Selector" to change the default video output? | 09:50 |
royel | sebsebseb: OH! | 09:50 |
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royel | sebsebseb: I assumed we were talking about gnome | 09:50 |
sebsebseb | yes | 09:50 |
sebsebseb | I am in Gnome | 09:50 |
sebsebseb | ,but I got | 09:50 |
Lenaud01-Coding | its not a dvd9 disc its a dvd5 that I want to make 1:1 copy of | 09:50 |
sebsebseb | Kubuntu installed as well | 09:50 |
betatux | Lazesharp, you want to have a default application for a certain file extension type ? | 09:50 |
Lazesharp | no | 09:50 |
Lazesharp | I want to change the video output to X11 | 09:50 |
betatux | Lazesharp, with mplayer it's easy , use -vo x11 | 09:51 |
Lazesharp | I don't have, nor want to have mplayer | 09:51 |
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Lazesharp | I'd rather just have gstreamer set up right | 09:51 |
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betatux | i see | 09:51 |
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schwachs | anyone know how to make Ubuntu w/in VMWare use a larger screen resolution than 1024x768? | 09:52 |
kiro | hi? | 09:52 |
betatux | Lazesharp, gstreamer-properties ? | 09:52 |
kiro | yo guys Im BRAND NEW to ubuntu ... and I dont know how its work .. | 09:53 |
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sajt | hello | 09:53 |
kiro | I want to play a .avi file | 09:53 |
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kiro | and its not working | 09:53 |
sebsebseb | yes | 09:53 |
Lazesharp | betatux: I'm looking at that, the manual doesn't seem to mention anything about i | 09:53 |
Lazesharp | *it | 09:53 |
schwachs | oh, ignore that last question till i read the faq | 09:53 |
Amaranth | !restricted | kiro | 09:53 |
ubotu | kiro: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 09:53 |
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sebsebseb | ubotu: avi | 09:53 |
Lazesharp | it's stupid, gnome used to have a control center applet that let you change the output devices for audio and video | 09:53 |
Amaranth | Lazesharp: it still does | 09:54 |
kiro | i want install my graphic card and sound card ... not working too.. | 09:54 |
Lazesharp | where is it then? | 09:54 |
Amaranth | Lazesharp: it's just not in the menus because autodetection should work | 09:54 |
sajt | how can I bulid a jail with ubuntu? | 09:54 |
Amaranth | Lazesharp: open a terminal and run gstreamer-properties | 09:54 |
Lazesharp | I feel stupid now, I should have checked | 09:54 |
hjmills | where can i find out how to turn an image into a usplash thingymadowhock | 09:54 |
Spartacus | If I'm trying to boot from the Ubuntu CD, made from the .ISO, and the computer just gets stuck on "Booting from CD:". What should I do? | 09:54 |
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royel | Spartacus: more than one cd rom drive? | 09:54 |
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Spartacus | Yea, tried both | 09:55 |
hjmills | Spartacus, check the md5sum of the iso you downloaded and check the cd by selecting the appropriate thing in the boot menu | 09:55 |
Ben_Sprinkl1 | Hey all. | 09:55 |
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hjmills | !Hi > Ben_Sprinkl1 | 09:55 |
royel | Spartacus: what he said, an also if you find you have touble with a disc, trying burning at slower speeds | 09:55 |
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betatux | hjmills, | 09:55 |
hjmills | thanks | 09:55 |
Spartacus | Can certain drives not read the burned discs, also? | 09:55 |
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h203user | is there a command to discover what devices (video) are installed in a working system? | 09:56 |
royel | Spartacus: that would be a case of your media, an that can happen but would not be a cause from the .iso or Linux | 09:56 |
tovella | sajt: jails are something that Solaris does. for Ubuntu, you might want to look at one of the "virtual servers" that are available. | 09:56 |
betatux | h203user, lspci , lsusb , etc | 09:56 |
deafboy | what does Dvd::rip use as a backend? is it different from k9copy | 09:56 |
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Krunk | I'd like to change the boot fs type from ext3 to reiserfs while re-installing. Also, the partioner doesn't seem to allow me to make '/' partition. Is there a waya round this? | 09:57 |
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romulo | im getting /usr/sbin/mkinitrd: 254:0: Cannot find LVM device on generating a new initrd for my new kernel, why that happens? | 09:57 |
betatux | h203user, my lspci shows e.g. : VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV20 [GeForce3] (rev a3) | 09:58 |
UbuntuN00B_HBG | Which ait-drivers should I install? or xfree86? | 09:58 |
UbuntuN00B_HBG | *ati-drivers | 09:58 |
h203user | betatux: onboard video ??? | 09:58 |
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betatux | h203user, hmm not sure , it might be listed as well | 09:58 |
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tovella | sajt: sorry, i think i should have said jails are a BSD thing. | 09:58 |
h203user | that's what I need to know for a laptop betatux | 09:58 |
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kiro | Can anyone give me lessons for ubuntu ? | 09:59 |
kiro | Im complete beginner | 09:59 |
betatux | h203user, i'm sure the onboard video card should be listed in lspci | 09:59 |
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kiro | I want to learn how to Install a .avi plugin | 09:59 |
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h203user | ok thanks betatux | 09:59 |
shwag | kiro: The mouse is what moves the cursor. The keyboard has the alphebet on it. | 09:59 |
Orfeous | are there any program to capture my screen into a movie? | 09:59 |
kiro | LOL | 09:59 |
sebsebseb | kiro I can help you | 09:59 |
sebsebseb | well most of us can | 09:59 |
Orfeous | like a gif-file or something? | 09:59 |
kiro | ok | 09:59 |
sebsebseb | where you from? | 10:00 |
sebsebseb | and age? | 10:00 |
dyrne | kiro: is your friend | 10:00 |
betatux | kiro, read | 10:00 |
sajt | Anybody knows about jails? | 10:00 |
kiro | well I just started using ubuntu | 10:00 |
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shwag | kiro: yah, you want | 10:00 |
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tovella | sajt: what do you want to know about jails? | 10:00 |
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royel | sebsebseb: what does age an loc have to do with anything, this is not a internet chat room for cyboring! | 10:00 |
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h203user | thanks later | 10:01 |
KeenEars | h`lo there | 10:01 |
sajt | tovella I like to build jails with ubuntu | 10:01 |
betatux | kiro , whenever in doubt , press ctrl-alt + backspace :) | 10:01 |
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royel | kiro: dont take that advice | 10:01 |
betatux | lol | 10:01 |
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sajt | But maybe this is a wrong name for it | 10:01 |
betatux | oO | 10:01 |
KeenEars | is xsane always so slow on saving tiffs ? or smth is wrong ? | 10:01 |
concept10 | Amaranth, gstreamer-properties is being removed? | 10:01 |
tovella | i think jails are a BSD thing. for linux, there are other virtualization options. | 10:02 |
Amaranth | concept10: no | 10:02 |
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sebsebseb | kiro: I get this impresson your from a non English speaking countrey, so I was wondering which one. and also what age you were | 10:02 |
betatux | kiro has quit (Remote closed the connection | 10:02 |
concept10 | Amaranth, What about from the menus? | 10:02 |
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royel | !funny | betatux | 10:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about funny - try searching on | 10:02 |
Amaranth | concept10: it's not in the menus, i don't think it ever has been | 10:02 |
betatux | hehe | 10:02 |
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Spartacus | :D | 10:02 |
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Spartacus | I think I got it working, thanks guys | 10:02 |
royel | !kidding | betatux | 10:02 |
ubotu | betatux: You may think your joke is funny, but you may confuse new users or irritate people who actually start answering your question :) | 10:02 |
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concept10 | Amaranth, it's always been there | 10:02 |
kiro | dude f*ck you | 10:03 |
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betatux | wb Kiro , sorry mate :D | 10:03 |
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kiro | dumb*ss | 10:03 |
betatux | royel , i'm good at apologies :D | 10:03 |
royel | kiro: I tried to warn you, but it was too late | 10:03 |
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blue-frog | there's no way to reconfigure locales (edgy - feisty) and choose which locale we want as it used to be with dapper or as it is in debian? | 10:03 |
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Amaranth | betatux: not funny | 10:03 |
kiro | betatux: dumbfuck | 10:03 |
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Spartacus | What does it do? | 10:03 |
Amaranth | !ohmy | kiro | 10:03 |
ubotu | kiro: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 10:03 |
tovella | did somebody ask why kiro was banned? | 10:04 |
Spartacus | kiro wasn't | 10:04 |
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Amaranth | blue-frog: should be the same as dapper, sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales | 10:04 |
kiro | Im trying to get some help | 10:04 |
Amaranth | betatux has been muted for a while | 10:04 |
Spartacus | What does the ctrl alt baskspace do? | 10:04 |
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Spartacus | backspace* | 10:04 |
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Agrajag | kills the X server | 10:04 |
kiro | and betatux told me to do a thing | 10:04 |
Amaranth | it restarts Xorg | 10:04 |
concept10 | Amaranth, what needs to be removed (or merged) is the other sound properties | 10:04 |
royel | Spartacus: it closes X down, an restarts it | 10:04 |
Spartacus | oh | 10:04 |
Amaranth | concept10: system->preferences->sound? | 10:04 |
tequiero | netview | 10:04 |
POVaddct | Spartacus: ctrl-alt-backspace terminates the x server | 10:04 |
Spartacus | good thinkg I don't know what X is >.> | 10:05 |
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concept10 | Amaranth, yes | 10:05 |
Amaranth | concept10: that needs to stay, gstreamer-properties has no use unless video autodetection fails | 10:05 |
blue-frog | Amaranth: it generates the locales automatically without showing the debconf window where we used to select the lcoales. | 10:05 |
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KeenEars | again : is xsane always so slow on saving tiffs ? or smth is wrong ? | 10:05 |
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royel | Spartacus: it's your Desktop, the graphical interface your probablyusing now | 10:05 |
Amaranth | concept10: which almost never happens | 10:05 |
Spartacus | oh, okay, thanks | 10:05 |
Amaranth | blue-frog: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow locales | 10:05 |
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royel | !ask | kiro | 10:05 |
ubotu | kiro: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:05 |
kiro | So where do i start learning ubuntu | 10:05 |
royel | wrong one :) | 10:06 |
kiro | !ask | royel | 10:06 |
ubotu | royel: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:06 |
ikonia | kiro | 10:06 |
Amaranth | kiro: just start using it | 10:06 |
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blue-frog | Amaranth: same genreates automatically, no questions asked | 10:06 |
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benomatic | anybody know if ubuntu (via alternatives or server cds) can be installed w/ a boot-from software-raid configuration (meaning 2 disks dedicated to raid only, no other non-raid disks/partitions)? | 10:06 |
royel | kiro: well, you learned one thing today already :) | 10:06 |
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kiro | royel: lawl | 10:06 |
z_malloc | hello. im somewhat of a linux newb. i recently upgraded from an older version of debian unstable to edgy. i have a hylafax server running, and an 8 port fax board. i managed to get it working, however I noticed that hylafax stays in initialization mode after boot up. faxing does not work. after I restart hylafax, faxing begins to work. i have a strong suspicion that this is cause by the fact that hylafax starts up before the fax modem does in the i | 10:06 |
Amaranth | blue-frog: i guess System->Administration->Language Support is the way to go now then | 10:06 |
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z_malloc | i believe to correct this i need to use update-rc.d and pass it some numbers to get it to start up before hylafax. after reading the man page, i'm still pretty confused. i suspect this has occurred because the method in which i need to install my fax driver is depending on inittab, which is no longer in edgy. the bottom of my inittab used to contain lines like this.. respawn:/sbin/mgetty ttyQ1a1 -s 115200 -D | 10:07 |
blue-frog | Amaranth: then I am stuck with UTF8, ok ty anyway | 10:07 |
concept10 | Amaranth, This is why it needs to be merged with gstreamer properties. You need some of the options in there, but the part about what Ubuntu uses for Audio conferencing and Movies needs to be removed. Why? Let the application pick the gstreamer sink from auto detect or gconfaudiosink | 10:07 |
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z_malloc | anyone have a good understanding of how to use update-rc.d to get this issue corrected? | 10:07 |
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Amaranth | blue-frog: oh yes, utf-8 is probably you're only choice | 10:07 |
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kane77 | hi | 10:07 |
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Amaranth | blue-frog: why would you want anything else? | 10:07 |
blue-frog | Amaranth: cause vdr program doesn't want UTF8 | 10:07 |
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Amaranth | vdr? | 10:08 |
kiro | royel: I want to know how to install thing , I just upgraded windows to ubuntu .. A big slap in the face.. but I better like ubuntu for X reason.. and umm Windows is kinda a auto exec. files and ubuntu is a code/script method and i want to learn how to .. could you help me out?! | 10:08 |
kane77 | anybody has experience with jdk+netbeans? is it only for x86 or for 64bit as well? | 10:08 |
blue-frog | Amaranth: video disc recorder | 10:08 |
Amaranth | concept10: i think it's great how it is | 10:08 |
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old_cymuHep | ! | 10:08 |
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mjrclark | kiro; for most programs, use the package manager- called aptitude, under the system menu. | 10:08 |
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JPMaximilian | telling someone who asks for help to go to is not helpful | 10:08 |
toulouse | y guys my digital camera doesnt want to mount, what do i type in terminal? | 10:08 |
old_cymuHep | !SSH | 10:08 |
ubotu | SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at | 10:08 |
Amaranth | concept10: the audio conferences stuff is so you can make VoIP go through a headset | 10:09 |
concept10 | Amaranth, yeah, but shouldnt the application choose this stuff? | 10:09 |
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royel | kiro: there are several ways to install software in linux, Ubuntu uses Synaptic, you'll find it under System > Adminstration > Synaptic Package Manager, it's a great place to start | 10:09 |
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Amaranth | kiro: actually Applications->Add/Remove Programs is probably better for you | 10:09 |
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Amaranth | concept10: No | 10:09 |
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toulouse | hey guys, yall know how i can mount my digi cam | 10:09 |
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Amaranth | concept10: Why make every app do it individually and make the user change it in all of his apps? | 10:10 |
kane77 | toulouse, usb or firewire? | 10:10 |
toulouse | usb | 10:10 |
kane77 | toulouse, try lsusb | 10:10 |
tovella | kiro: the top panel, there should be an item labeled "System", under which you should find something like "Help and Support" (I think - i'm playing with a test version). There you should find all kinds of help regarding "Getting | 10:10 |
toulouse | ok | 10:10 |
Amaranth | concept10: I can't think of a case where you'd want ekiga to use speakers and skype to use a headset, for example | 10:10 |
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mjrclark | !Synaptic > KIro | 10:10 |
tovella | ..getting started. | 10:10 |
concept10 | Amaranth, Thats not the right way to do it. It's called flexibility. | 10:10 |
kane77 | toulouse, it should give you all your usb devices, camera should be among them | 10:10 |
kiro | I found Synaptic , In it theres is thousand of file.. | 10:10 |
Amaranth | concept10: it's called consistency | 10:10 |
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toulouse | kane77: doesnt seem to see it | 10:11 |
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Amaranth | kiro: that's why I said to use Applications->Add/Remove | 10:11 |
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kiro | ? | 10:11 |
KeenEars | damn, kooka don`t save tiffs. so can i do something with xsane ? | 10:11 |
Amaranth | kiro: it's got them categorized and such better for a new user | 10:11 |
kiro | wut u mean | 10:11 |
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mjrclark | kiro, they are not files, they are programes you can install, search for what you want to install. | 10:11 |
Amaranth | kiro: Click on the Applications menu, then click on Add/Remove at the bottom | 10:11 |
payam | anyone who likes to help me? | 10:11 |
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makuseru | how do i change the defualt program for a type of file? | 10:11 |
sijmen | My Ubuntu 6.10 machine appears to have gone into sleep mode or something like that, but I can't figure out how to wake it. I've got a black screen, and neither mouse and keyboard buttons nor the power button wake it up | 10:11 |
kane77 | toulouse, try unplugging it and plugging it back again | 10:11 |
toulouse | eek i have | 10:11 |
erUSUL | !anyone | payam | 10:12 |
ubotu | payam: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 10:12 |
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concept10 | Amaranth, Why should the overall distro care about Audio conferencing? What if these apps get removed in the future? You will then have useless options. That's why the app should select gstreamer properties. It's easy to detect or get from gconf. | 10:12 |
KeenEars | toulouse - what cam ? | 10:12 |
kane77 | toulouse, and then write "dmesg | grep usb" | 10:12 |
toulouse | vivitar vivicam385 | 10:12 |
maynoth42 | Will I have to reformat ubuntu if I need to install a new DVD+-RW drive??? | 10:12 |
maynoth42 | thanks | 10:12 |
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payam | my english is not good, Mr teacher ;) | 10:12 |
Amaranth | concept10: the GNOME developers don't agree with you :) | 10:12 |
royel | maynoth42: no | 10:12 |
payam | how do i install a theme=? | 10:12 |
KeenEars | heh.never heard. i think there was a good hw database but i`ve lost the link | 10:13 |
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sajt | tovella: I like to make a server, where everybody have an own chroot-jail. I know it from the freeBSD. Is it possible? | 10:13 |
toulouse | kane77: i recently got a new mobo, cpu and gfx card,the old mobo saw the camera | 10:13 |
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toulouse | could it be bios? | 10:13 |
sajt | what mean virtual servers? | 10:13 |
maynoth42 | do I have to do anything special to get it to re-detect it or is it automatic? | 10:13 |
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sinnadyr | Someone got experience with the Si1520 from Fujitsu Siemens? | 10:13 |
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payam | i wana chatt with Mattias from Sweden | 10:13 |
Amaranth | payam: If it's for KDE you want #kubuntu | 10:13 |
payam | is he here? | 10:13 |
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payam | I have Kubuntu | 10:14 |
concept10 | Amaranth, I respect your opinion. But im going to advocate for this. The reason they don't agree is probably they want their individual apps to become part of the overall GNOME desktop (which they are). Im trying to advocate to remove useless dialogs and at the same time, keep the options | 10:14 |
toulouse | hey kane77: it now sees it | 10:14 |
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Amaranth | payam: and another IRC channel | 10:14 |
Amaranth | payam: /join #kubuntu | 10:14 |
toulouse | kane77: i dont know why it suddenly sees it | 10:14 |
tovella | yes, there are several ways, such as xen, & vmware, but you may be able to get by with vserver or openvm | 10:14 |
payam | how can i join Kubuntu? | 10:14 |
russ | when i check the "enable gl desktop" box, my desktop crashes....can anyone help....???.... | 10:14 |
davin | !offtopic | 10:14 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 10:14 |
payam | Can you connect me? | 10:14 |
maynoth42 | thank you royel | 10:14 |
kane77 | toulouse, hmm... ubuntu wasnt able to detect a usb disk when I pluged into front socket, while the backward works... so it could be it (although now I got message it works so this text is basicaly useles :D) | 10:14 |
Amaranth | payam: No, you need to type /join #kubuntu | 10:14 |
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kane77 | toulouse, good... does it mount? | 10:15 |
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toulouse | ya, now im trying the other ports | 10:15 |
toulouse | to see if its bad usb port | 10:15 |
Amaranth | betatux: you can speak now | 10:15 |
betatux | Thanks , again , my apologies ... | 10:15 |
payam | Thank you | 10:15 |
russ | when i check the "enable gl desktop" box, my desktop crashes....can anyone help....???.... | 10:15 |
dyrne | sajt: im not really familiar with dchroot but you might search | 10:15 |
hjmills | kane77, when you plug it in the front check dmesg (by running dmesg in the term) and see if it is even picked up | 10:15 |
writerz_ | SaLuT A tOuS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 10:15 |
Amaranth | russ: #ubuntu+1 | 10:16 |
toulouse | salut | 10:16 |
Amaranth | writerz_: ? | 10:16 |
KeenEars | also sometimes usb devices can`t be detected with b0rked cables | 10:16 |
KeenEars | =) | 10:16 |
toulouse | im from texas though,not france | 10:16 |
Spartacus | I've gotten Ubuntu to run off the CD | 10:16 |
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Spartacus | but when I go to the install, it doesn't do anythign after I set time | 10:16 |
royel | Spartacus: good job | 10:16 |
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writerz_ | bon personne d'interessant j'me casse | 10:16 |
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mindstate_ | is it possible to change the color of an xfce4 panel? | 10:16 |
Spartacus | I set the time and try to click forward but nothing happens, I can do other stuff though | 10:16 |
Amaranth | !fr | writerz_ | 10:16 |
ubotu | writerz_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 10:16 |
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payam | nobody is in Kubutu channel | 10:17 |
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payam | nobody answers | 10:17 |
sijmen | My desktop appears to have gone into sleep. The screen is black. I can't seem to wake it up though, nothing seems to help (keyboard, mouse, power button). Any ideas? | 10:17 |
kane77 | anybody has experience with jdk+netbeans? is it only for x86 or for 64bit as well? | 10:17 |
KeenEars | =) it``s normal | 10:17 |
Amaranth | payam: Make sure you spelled it right. | 10:17 |
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toulouse | to get the xfce gui-stuff can i just download the packages from synaptic like i did with kde | 10:17 |
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Amaranth | payam: Otherwise I'm sorry, you'll just have to wait. | 10:17 |
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payam | okok | 10:17 |
Mattias | payam: semi away from keyboard now ^_^ but i guess we are at the same spot as last time, | 10:17 |
dyrne | sijmen: can you ssh in? | 10:17 |
betatux | sijmen, try to login through ssh to that machine and kill xscreensaver | 10:17 |
payam | now its right | 10:17 |
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payam | i can chatt now | 10:17 |
sijmen | okay | 10:17 |
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mixandgo | any idea why X moves a bit slow ? windows flicker when I drag them... | 10:17 |
Amaranth | payam: This channel is for Ubuntu and GNOME, I don't think anyone even knows how to install a KDE theme because they don't use KDE. :) | 10:18 |
cypruser | Where am I supposed to install GRUB? | 10:18 |
payam | Hi mattias | 10:18 |
payam | Can you help me? | 10:18 |
royel | Spartacus: did you enable the NTP Option? | 10:18 |
Amaranth | mixandgo: This is a common problem, you need something like compiz to fix it. | 10:18 |
KeenEars | xwindows ain`t fast. especially old and with sis server | 10:18 |
Mattias | payam: yeah, still trying to get IE installed ? | 10:18 |
dyrne | payam: #kde is pretty active i think | 10:18 |
payam | its the same man | 10:18 |
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payam | i did that my that didnt work | 10:18 |
mixandgo | Amaranth, like enabling the option in xorg.conf ? | 10:18 |
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sijmen | openssh isn't installed on the machine.. | 10:19 |
Amaranth | mixandgo: No, it's a compositing window manager (metacity replacement) that uses OpenGL (your graphics hardware) to manage windows (move them, resize them, etc) | 10:19 |
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sijmen | or is it by default? Because I don't seem to be able to connect | 10:19 |
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Spartacus | NTP options? | 10:19 |
payam | yes. I going to be a famus Hacker with Linux | 10:19 |
Spartacus | option* | 10:19 |
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lisapc | whats the difference between kbuntu and ubuntu? | 10:20 |
mixandgo | Amaranth, like beryl ? or is there something better ? | 10:20 |
royel | Amaranth: I miss the intimidating @ symbol by your name :) | 10:20 |
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Mattias | payam: can you copy paste your whole /etc/apt/sources.list on to ? | 10:20 |
toulouse | lisapc: kde vs. gnome | 10:20 |
Amaranth | mixandgo: It's the project beryl forked from. | 10:20 |
sijmen | dyrne, why? | 10:20 |
soundray | lisapc: ubuntu is a linux distribution. kbuntu doesn't exist ;) | 10:20 |
payam | Mattias | 10:20 |
Amaranth | mixandgo: (where most of beryl's code is from) | 10:20 |
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mixandgo | Amaranth, which one ? | 10:20 |
payam | ag har installerat om Linux | 10:20 |
fotoflo_ | hi everyone | 10:20 |
payam | Sorry :( | 10:20 |
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toulouse | soundray: that dont help him much | 10:20 |
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fotoflo_ | whats the opposite of adduser? removeuser? | 10:20 |
dyrne | sijmen: sshd should always be installed. on principal. keyboard alt-ctrl-f2 or bkspace doesnt work? :) | 10:20 |
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Amaranth | mixandgo: beryl is a fork of compiz. this means they took the compiz code and made a new project with it | 10:21 |
lunaphyte_ | fotoflo_: userdel | 10:21 |
old_cymuHep | how i can open this? /etc/ssh/sshd_config | 10:21 |
mwe | fotoflo_: userdel | 10:21 |
sijmen | dyrne, no, that didn't work. | 10:21 |
toulouse | hey guys, looks like only two of my usb ports work, what can i do to correct that?? | 10:21 |
mixandgo | Amaranth, ok, so which one is better ? | 10:21 |
Amaranth | mixandgo: they're more or less the same thing | 10:21 |
fotoflo_ | mwe: thanks | 10:21 |
lunaphyte_ | old_cymuHep: be a user who is allowed to read the file. | 10:21 |
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Amaranth | mixandgo: I prefer compiz, others prefer beryl. | 10:21 |
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Mattias | payam: installerat om ? | 10:21 |
soundray | toulouse: thanks for the hint. At least he or she doesn't feel ignored | 10:21 |
Mattias | payam: why? :P | 10:21 |
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toulouse | soundray: lol | 10:21 |
kiro | How do I delete/hide files in SPM ? | 10:21 |
rmd_ | okay, is there a problem with the epic4 package for ubuntu? my /ignores aren't working | 10:21 |
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mixandgo | Amaranth, aha, I see ! why do you prefer Compiz ? | 10:21 |
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Amaranth | mixandgo: The reasons for those choices can easily turn into a flamewar. :) | 10:21 |
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soundray | kiro: statistical parametric imaging? | 10:22 |
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kiro | Synaptic package man.. | 10:22 |
Amaranth | mixandgo: Please join #ubuntu-effects | 10:22 |
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toulouse | ey guys, only two usb ports work, can i fix this | 10:22 |
payam | iyes. hela linux. fr attt jag inte vet vad jag gjorde. Alla fnstren stngde sig pltsligt | 10:22 |
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dyrne | old_cymuHep: you need to open it with a text editor so. gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 10:22 |
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sijmen | Anyhow, dyrne, I didn't install it because I shouldn't need it | 10:22 |
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mindstate_ | hey, ive created a seperate /home partition i left about 6 gigs for my / and it was about 4gigs left after installation is 4gigs enough for the root partition? | 10:22 |
sijmen | wait :| | 10:22 |
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royel | mindstate_: probably | 10:22 |
kiro | Soundray: Synaptic package man.. | 10:22 |
KeenEars | is there any linux analogue for Mathcad ? not scilab i mean not wxmaxima... | 10:22 |
fotoflo_ | ok i have a little problem: i used apt-get to install apache2 but i still have 1.3 installed... how do i get rid of 1.3? | 10:22 |
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soundray | kiro: do you want to uninstall a package? | 10:23 |
KeenEars | foto - force version ? | 10:23 |
killux_ | is edgy unstable because its screwed up | 10:23 |
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mindstate_ | royel, it all depends on how much software i install correct? | 10:23 |
soundray | !kubuntu | lisapc | 10:23 |
ubotu | lisapc: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE | 10:23 |
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kiro | I just want to delete it from my computer | 10:23 |
fotoflo_ | KeenEars: how do i do that? | 10:23 |
rmd_ | fotoflo_: aptitude search apache, and then apt-get remove the package name of 1.3 | 10:23 |
royel | mindstate_: correct | 10:23 |
kiro | to have less items | 10:23 |
killux_ | my system got screwed during upgrading | 10:23 |
fotoflo_ | rmd: whats aptitude? | 10:23 |
KeenEars | that`s synaptic func in menu i`m unsure on that =( | 10:23 |
soundray | kiro: that doesn't make sense | 10:23 |
killux_ | gaim cant connect to a host, meanwhile i have internet connection | 10:23 |
kiro | ? | 10:23 |
killux_ | does anyone know what that means? | 10:23 |
royel | killux_: hey, did you get your other problem resolved, I lost internet before we got done working on it | 10:23 |
cypruser | Where am I supposed to install GRUB? | 10:23 |
mixandgo | Amaranth, I've enabled beryl and everything turned white | 10:23 |
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killux_ | royel: no | 10:23 |
mixandgo | Amaranth, and barely moving | 10:23 |
rmd_ | fotoflo_: aptitude is one of the things that synaptic interacts with for searching packages/repositories, etc. | 10:23 |
mindstate_ | royel, i couldnt resize my partition if i ever did need more space could i? | 10:24 |
payam | killux: maybe your Pc has AIDS | 10:24 |
Mattias | payam: anyways, lets open Adept | 10:24 |
deafboy | mixandgo: what gpu do you have? | 10:24 |
payam | again? | 10:24 |
payam | ok | 10:24 |
rmd_ | fotoflo_: as an alternative, you could search for apache in synaptic and use that to remove the package | 10:24 |
KeenEars | aol`s login site is down sometimes these days | 10:24 |
killux_ | payam: maybe or maybe ubuntu has GAIDS | 10:24 |
soundray | cypruser: it depends on what you are trying to achieve. Give some detail. | 10:24 |
mixandgo | deafboy, GPU ? | 10:24 |
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fotoflo_ | rmd: synaptic thinks 1.3 is removed | 10:24 |
deafboy | mixandgo: graphics card? | 10:24 |
Mattias | payam: yes, and make sure universe and multiverse is docked | 10:24 |
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mixandgo | deafboy, NVIDIA Fx 5600 | 10:24 |
kane77 | anybody has experience with jdk+netbeans? is it only for x86 or for 64bit as well? | 10:24 |
old_cymuHep | dyrne and what is X11? | 10:24 |
royel | mindstate_: it's not impossible, but I would think 6g will be adequate | 10:24 |
rmd_ | fotoflo_: then i don't know what to tell you. ignore everything i wrote. | 10:24 |
cowmix3 | which 'stock' kernel supports PAE? | 10:24 |
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kiro | soundray: Got msn? | 10:24 |
killux_ | what does that mean that gaim couldnt connect to a host | 10:24 |
payam | yes | 10:24 |
deafboy | mixandgo: type "beryl" in terminal | 10:24 |
payam | then? | 10:25 |
killux_ | i have internet connectio | 10:25 |
deafboy | what's the output | 10:25 |
makuseru | how do i change the defualt program for a file? | 10:25 |
soundray | kiro: no | 10:25 |
killux_ | *connection | 10:25 |
mindstate_ | royel, ok thanks dude | 10:25 |
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kiro | damnit | 10:25 |
KeenEars | <killux_> - almost anything | 10:25 |
cypruser | Ok, I recently created a new partition as swap. Grub no longer works though. I want to reinstall it. | 10:25 |
Mattias | payam: go to third party and add "deb edgy main" | 10:25 |
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rmd_ | i just want to know why epic4 won't /ignore anything | 10:25 |
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soundray | makuseru: right click, Properties, Open With | 10:25 |
KeenEars | i had problems with miranda too | 10:25 |
soundray | !language | kiro | 10:25 |
ubotu | kiro: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 10:25 |
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fotoflo_ | rmd: locate apache | grep !apache2 | rm | 10:25 |
makuseru | soundray: that dosnt change the default thought | 10:25 |
makuseru | though* | 10:25 |
payam | bamn it | 10:25 |
payam | ia cant copy it | 10:26 |
killux_ | KeenEars: what? | 10:26 |
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soundray | makuseru: yes, it does | 10:26 |
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fotoflo_ | rmd: is that a really stupid idea? | 10:26 |
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makuseru | soundray: no it dosnt, it adds it to the list | 10:26 |
Mattias | payam: lets go to a more silent channel, join #kubuntu-se | 10:26 |
killux_ | it says <Screen Name> disconnected couldnt connect to host | 10:26 |
killux_ | what is wrong? | 10:26 |
soundray | makuseru: okay, then it doesn't. Go ask someone else. | 10:26 |
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rmd_ | fotoflo_: i wouldn't do it because i don't like automating my "rm" unless it's rm -rf <specific directory>. also, i dont know enough about apache to know what you might completely destroy | 10:27 |
gortba | Hi, I downloaded gxine recently to stream music. No mplayer worked fine for video in Firefox. But everytime I try to stream a video, gxine pops up. How do I change the default player for Firefox back to mplayer? | 10:27 |
royel | killux_: it's possible the msn service is down | 10:27 |
mixandgo | deafboy, white screen | 10:27 |
killux_ | no | 10:27 |
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gortba | err.."no" should say "now" | 10:27 |
ImpulsoBiomecani | #unixmexico | 10:27 |
fotoflo_ | rmd: what if i install 1.3 again with synaptic, and then uninstall it? | 10:27 |
sijmen | I even tried to send it a WOL package, but even that didn't work | 10:28 |
makuseru | soundray: i am, dont tell me that im wrong about somthing that i just did three seconds ago, i think i would have checked that first before asking for help | 10:28 |
ph03n1xs74r | LONG LIVE THE PENGUIN! | 10:28 |
deafboy | mixandgo: go to beryl manager and go to Advanced beryl options and then rendering path and pick "copy" | 10:28 |
ph03n1xs74r | how do i install beryl properly? | 10:28 |
rmd_ | fotoflo_: that's something i've never tried, and cannot therefore vouch for. but, hey, it's a pretty creative solution and we dont seem to have any others. | 10:28 |
soundray | makuseru: look, I'm not here to correct you about anything. Just put me on ignore, and I will do the same for you. | 10:28 |
ph03n1xs74r | ive installed wine just fine, but beryl im having trouble | 10:28 |
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gortba | Does anyone know how to change the default in firefox back to mplayer? | 10:29 |
manu_ | hi | 10:29 |
fotoflo_ | rmd: I think i found the solution: synaptic has a "mark for complete removal" option that its allowing me to select | 10:29 |
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KeenEars | <ph03n1xs74r> /join #ubuntu-xgl ? | 10:29 |
royel | killux_: are you behind a firewall? | 10:29 |
rmd_ | fotoflo_: ohh. yeah. that's a good one. you might need to reinstall apache2, though. | 10:29 |
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mixandgo | deafboy, where do I find that rendering ? | 10:29 |
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deafboy | under beryl manager | 10:30 |
fotoflo_ | rmd: I plan to - im going go re-compile with mod_perl | 10:30 |
soundray | gortba: try Firefox Edit-Preferences-Content-File Type | 10:30 |
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rmd_ | fotoflo_: oh, hell. should've said that in the beginning. :) do whatever the hell you want to erase <everything> :) | 10:30 |
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fotoflo_ | rmd: on it. | 10:31 |
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old_cymuHep | how to creat new text document in terminal? | 10:31 |
gortba | soundray: I don't have a File Type under Content | 10:32 |
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rmd_ | old_cymuHep: nano <file name> | 10:32 |
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soundray | gortba: which version of Firefox? | 10:32 |
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rmd_ | old_cymuHep: alternatively, you can touch <file name>, but that won't open it. | 10:32 |
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old_cymuHep | rmd_ but in directory? | 10:32 |
gortba | soundray: | 10:33 |
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kane77 | is there a special repository for java stuff (jdk ... etc) | 10:33 |
old_cymuHep | rmd_ but nano /etc/ <filename>??? | 10:33 |
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soundray | gortba: okay, mine applies to 2.0 | 10:33 |
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rmd_ | old_cymuHep: you can do that, yes. just remember that you'll need to "sudo nano" if you're working in a restricted directory. | 10:34 |
soundray | gortba: hold on, I've got a dapper machine to check | 10:34 |
sijmen | Any ideas what could actually cause my computer to get in a coma? | 10:34 |
gortba | soundray: ok, thanks | 10:34 |
old_cymuHep | rmd_ but can yo write full cmd? | 10:34 |
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sijmen | why can't my computer wake from sleep? | 10:34 |
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rbil | sijmen: desktop? | 10:35 |
a5benwillis | join #edubuntu | 10:35 |
rmd_ | old_cymuHep: you'll be able to write, yes. you just need to know about the editor you're using | 10:35 |
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sijmen | yes | 10:35 |
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kane77 | is there a special repository for java stuff?? (I need netbeans...) | 10:35 |
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soundray | gortba | 10:35 |
soundray | gortba, got it | 10:35 |
rbil | sijmen: and alt+ctrl+F1 won't bring up a terminal? | 10:35 |
old_cymuHep | rmd_ i know gedit | 10:35 |
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gortba | soundray: go ahead | 10:35 |
KeenEars | old_cymuHep: try e3 , it has some simple interfaces | 10:35 |
erUSUL | kane77: in multiverse you can get the jre and jdk | 10:35 |
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soundray | gortba, Preferences-Downloads-Download Actions | 10:35 |
sijmen | rbil, no, neither did any mouse, keyboard or power button | 10:35 |
rmd_ | old_cymuHep: but thats not a command line editor. | 10:36 |
Lenaud01-Coding | does dd show progress why it copies? | 10:36 |
finalbeta | eHow to check what Ubuntu version is running? | 10:36 |
Bsims | Hey stupid question I have a ext3 drive on usb and it wants to mount it root only, and locked... how do I change that? | 10:36 |
soundray | Lenaud01-Coding: no | 10:36 |
rbil | sijmen: can you ssh into that box? | 10:36 |
Lenaud01-Coding | soundray there a way to get it too? | 10:36 |
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lisapc | whats the difference between kbuntu and ubuntu? | 10:36 |
KeenEars | <Lenaud01-Coding> iirc no, just a summary | 10:36 |
kane77 | erUSUL, yes I just found, but I cant find netbeans anywhere (that's what we are supposed to use in school) | 10:36 |
sijmen | rbil, no ssh deamon installed. I've already rebooted anyhow | 10:36 |
rmd_ | !kubuntu | lisapc | 10:36 |
ubotu | lisapc: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE | 10:36 |
soundray | finalbeta: cat /etc/lsb-release | 10:36 |
sijmen | But I'd like to know what caused it, as I've got exactly the same problem in VIsta | 10:36 |
finalbeta | thnx | 10:37 |
lisapc | soundray pleas stop trolling | 10:37 |
soundray | Lenaud01-Coding: no | 10:37 |
rbil | sijmen: usually something like that points at a hardware prob. have you run memtest on it? | 10:37 |
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lisapc | rmd_ ty | 10:37 |
Lenaud01-Coding | thanks soundray | 10:37 |
royel | sijmen: are you overclocking? | 10:37 |
gortba | soundray: what do I do under actions? | 10:37 |
robdeman | hi folks... this nVidia SWCursor problem drives me nuts! | 10:37 |
soundray | lisapc: you must mistake me for someone else | 10:37 |
robdeman | I want a hardware cursor! | 10:37 |
sijmen | two times no | 10:37 |
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sijmen | I've also never had any other problems with it | 10:37 |
davin | can I change the bootup splash to just text? | 10:37 |
erUSUL | kane77: then you will have to install it with the *.bin package from | 10:37 |
lisapc | rmd_ whats diffrence between the 2 desktop enviroments? | 10:37 |
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soundray | !kubuntu | lisapc | 10:37 |
ubotu | lisapc: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE | 10:37 |
edistar | davin: just change the init scripts? | 10:38 |
TheDebugger | lisapc: Look for screenshots :) | 10:38 |
soundray | lisapc: was this trolling? | 10:38 |
rmd_ | lisapc: people's preferences, mostly. | 10:38 |
davin | edistar: how? | 10:38 |
lisapc | TheDebugger :) | 10:38 |
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kane77 | erUSUL, and I'm not sure if the one thats on official page is suitable for _64bit version linux... | 10:38 |
lisapc | rmd_ ok | 10:38 |
SmartMAn | hi guys | 10:38 |
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SmartMAn | i need help | 10:38 |
KeenEars | what differencies between ferrari and lamborghini ? | 10:38 |
SmartMAn | my ubuntu dosen't work | 10:38 |
edistar | both nice :P | 10:38 |
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lisapc | is there a way i can create a mirror image of my hard drive and then restore it if need be? | 10:38 |
posingaspopular | !ask | 10:38 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:38 |
rbil | sijmen: I'd try the easy stuff first, like run memtest and see how that goes, then if memory passes, I'd look at possible power supply prob. | 10:38 |
erUSUL | kane77: it is a java program 'compile once run everywhere' isn't it XD | 10:38 |
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edistar | I have a question... what is the exact difference between server kernel and normal kernel? | 10:38 |
schwachs | dang, 132 updates take a little time to download. :) | 10:38 |
soundray | gortba: find the filetype that opens in the wrong player and change it back to mplayer | 10:39 |
Bsims | lisapc: yeah use rsync | 10:39 |
SmartMAn | ok lisapc i'll try | 10:39 |
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lisapc | Bsims one file onlu | 10:39 |
SmartMAn | but when i open it it stop working when it load window desktop | 10:39 |
sijmen | rbil, power supply? I can still hear the machine roar | 10:39 |
kane77 | erUSUL, should be :D but my ISP just put some quotas so I cant download anything anymore :( so I am a bit precautious... | 10:39 |
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royel | lisapc: soundray gives alot of time in here helping people, an I must say from the times I've observed him, his help is usually spot on.. you could call him alot of things, but a "troll" would not be one of them.!! | 10:39 |
soundray | lisapc: you told me to stop trolling. The least you can do is say what you are referring to. | 10:39 |
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franhp2 | hi | 10:39 |
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gortba | soundray: there is only one thing there called SPL. I want to be able to stream movies using mplayer in firefox | 10:39 |
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rbil | simmen: but if it isn't sending proper voltages,you can experience probs | 10:39 |
edistar | can't anyone help me? | 10:40 |
sijmen | ah.. | 10:40 |
erUSUL | kane77: a shame | 10:40 |
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sijmen | can I disable the sleep functionality btw? | 10:40 |
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Bsims | lisapc: hrm dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/path/to/image | 10:40 |
soundray | gortba: for that, try installing the plugin: | 10:40 |
posingaspopular | edistar: whats the problem | 10:40 |
franhp2 | is there any way to get bots like ubotu and Ubugtu into other ubuntu channels? | 10:40 |
rbil | sijmen: check BIOS settings for power saving and also look in Ubuntu for power saving settings | 10:40 |
soundray | !mozilla-mplayer | gortba | 10:40 |
ubotu | gortba: mozilla-mplayer: MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.31-1 (edgy), package size 467 kB, installed size 1616 kB | 10:40 |
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rbil | sijmen: you want to turn off power saving in BIOS, btw. | 10:41 |
lisapc | is Norton Ghost the best way to create image files? | 10:41 |
erUSUL | edistar: too long to say here some config options at compile time like the preemption mode or the hz value among many other things i suppose | 10:41 |
rbil | sijmen: let the o/s handle that | 10:41 |
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sijmen | ahh | 10:41 |
Bsims | lisapc: man dd | 10:41 |
sijmen | It was set to 'turn of screen' in 40 minutes, but never sleep | 10:41 |
gortba | soundray: ok I'll give it a shot. Thanks, you guys are great | 10:41 |
soundray | !partimage | lisapc | 10:41 |
ubotu | lisapc: partimage: backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-15ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 268 kB, installed size 944 kB | 10:41 |
rbil | lisapc: I prefer Acronis True Image recovery disk | 10:41 |
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edistar | thanks :) any disadvantages? | 10:41 |
royel | lisapc: there is nothign Norton-Symantec makes that is any good.. most virus programs determine Norton software to be a virus.. | 10:41 |
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soundray | lisapc: and you still owe me an explanation | 10:41 |
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soundray | Thanks, royel, for standing in for me. | 10:42 |
lisapc | Bsims no thanks | 10:42 |
lisapc | Bsims i rather use a proper app | 10:42 |
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royel | soundray: my pleasure :) | 10:42 |
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=== Bsims sighs... suit yourself. I hear partimage is nice | ||
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lisapc | rbil is Acronis True Image the new Norton Ghost? | 10:43 |
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cypruser | I have a problem. | 10:43 |
kane77 | ask | 10:43 |
rbil | lisapc: no different product. TI has never failed me and I use it all the time. The "recovery cd" one can make from it from a Windoze install works beautifully to image Linux boxes, clone Linux drives, etc. | 10:43 |
lisapc | rbil using true image, does it backup even the boot sectors etc? | 10:44 |
rbil | lisapc: yes | 10:44 |
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cypruser | After tweaking my partitions, I restarted and got GRUB error 22. I found some info that said to use the Windows CD to fix the MBR. | 10:44 |
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cypruser | I want to reinstall GRUB. | 10:44 |
lisapc | srbil so u can create a boot CD with the created image on the same boot CD? and restore from there? | 10:44 |
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rbil | lisapc: it will even automatically create expanded partitions if you are restoring an image to a larger hard drive than it came from originally. | 10:45 |
soundray | cypruser: follow the instructions for recovering grub: | 10:45 |
soundray | !grub | cypruser | 10:45 |
ubotu | cypruser: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 10:45 |
lisapc | cypruser then u didnt "tweak" your partitions, you destroyed them :P | 10:45 |
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lisapc | srbil so u can create a boot CD with the created image on the same boot CD? and restore from there? | 10:45 |
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cypruser | soundray: I tried both methods but my computer still loads Windows when I start it. | 10:45 |
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capone | hi all | 10:46 |
davin | how do I change the GRUB boot graphics to just text? | 10:46 |
davin | (no bootsplash) | 10:46 |
LOLZebra | unsure | 10:46 |
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rbil | lisapc: no, not on the same CD. the image should be on another drive, like external USB, or another internal fixed drive or across a Windoze network. | 10:46 |
capone | I have a problem with the mysql users | 10:46 |
lisapc | rbil so u can create a boot CD with the created image on the same boot CD? and restore from there? | 10:46 |
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soundray | cypruser: in that case, you might have to boot the live CD and install and run gpart (not gparted) to rescue your partitions | 10:46 |
rbil | lisapc: no | 10:46 |
soundray | !gpart | cypruser | 10:46 |
ubotu | cypruser: gpart: Guess PC disk partition table, find lost partitions. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1h-4 (edgy), package size 34 kB, installed size 112 kB | 10:46 |
lisapc | rbil cant i create the image on a blank DVD? | 10:46 |
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capone | I accidentally removed root user, so I can't connect to the server | 10:47 |
lisapc | rbil i dont have any spare partitions | 10:47 |
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rbil | lisapc: do you have a local network? | 10:47 |
lisapc | rbil its 13gig. too large for a usb stick | 10:47 |
cypruser | Hmm... I think my partitions are fine. | 10:47 |
lisapc | rbil no | 10:48 |
Bsims | I am considering going feisty, but mainly Edgy, Just Works... I did have to pull libipod from feisty to get my ipod to accept videos... and recompile ffmpeg to get a non broken one. | 10:48 |
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lisapc | rbil any ideas? | 10:48 |
rbil | lisapc: you might consider getting an external USB hd ... pretty cheap these days and makes backing up a snap | 10:48 |
soundray | lisapc: feel free to send me a memo when you feel like apologizing for your slur. | 10:48 |
lisapc | rbil you are not helping | 10:48 |
L0cKd0wN | hey guys, tried reloading xorg.conf, my screen is STILL offset at the bottom.... help!? | 10:48 |
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Jimmey | L0cKd0wN, offset? | 10:48 |
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cypruser | Where am I supposed to install GRUB? Am I supposed to install it to the partition with the boot flag? | 10:48 |
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Jimmey | cypruser, depends what other partitions you have | 10:49 |
soundray | cypruser: no, install it to the master boot record. That's (hd0) in grub terms in most cases | 10:49 |
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robdeman | hi folks... this nVidia SWCursor problem drives me nuts! | 10:49 |
lisapc | rbil notice my questinon carefully! is there a way to create a image and restore it from a blank DVD? | 10:49 |
L0cKd0wN | Jimmey, indeed, i checked in windows xp, and the space is used find like it should be, in ubuntu now, there's like 30px at the bottom in which the screen is pushed up, it's black space | 10:49 |
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L0cKd0wN | i've tried different kernel | 10:49 |
rbil | lisapc: only if you have a DVD drive and another optical drive to run the recovery CD on | 10:50 |
L0cKd0wN | i've tried reloading xorg.conf from backup | 10:50 |
lisapc | rbil but its too big for DVD anyway | 10:50 |
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Jimmey | L0cKd0wN, this happened to me when I was either, using incorrect video drivers, or using an incorrect video resolution. What do you know about your graphics card/chipset? | 10:50 |
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L0cKd0wN | i know it's an nvidia 6600 | 10:50 |
L0cKd0wN | at 1440 x 900 | 10:50 |
Jimmey | And are the drivers installed? | 10:50 |
SoulPropagation | How do I make tab completion case-insensitive in terminals | 10:50 |
L0cKd0wN | and that i've had ubuntu display _fine_ last week | 10:50 |
lisapc | rbil im going to install ubuntu and then only have that. and use vista only for my tv tuner and video cam. | 10:50 |
L0cKd0wN | yes, when i restart X, i see the nvidia logo | 10:50 |
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Jimmey | L0cKd0wN, right - So what might have changed since last week? | 10:51 |
lisapc | rbil that way i dont need to restore it as it wont be using it much | 10:51 |
Slyck | is there an ubuntu version of peerguardian? | 10:51 |
L0cKd0wN | i was playing with Beryl yesterday | 10:51 |
lisapc | Slyck whats that? | 10:51 |
L0cKd0wN | that's the only thing that has changed | 10:51 |
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L0cKd0wN | but i turned it off, problem is still here | 10:51 |
Slyck | was wondering if there is a ip blocker for linux | 10:51 |
Bsims | lisapc: mondo archive... but odds are good it will take more than one DVD but it will do exactly what you want | 10:51 |
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Jimmey | L0cKd0wN, and XP works fine? | 10:52 |
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lisapc | Bsims i eat your kids :) | 10:52 |
L0cKd0wN | Jimmey, yup :) | 10:52 |
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lisapc | Slyck no such thing as an IP blocker | 10:52 |
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L0cKd0wN | should i just reformat? | 10:52 |
Jimmey | L0cKd0wN, have you got the right horiz/vert refresh rates specified in xorg.conf? Do you know them? | 10:52 |
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rbil | Bsims: will mondo archive backup a complete hard drive, including boot sectors and allow bare metal restore? | 10:52 |
SoulPropagation | Slyck: it's called a hosts file | 10:52 |
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Jimmey | L0cKd0wN, no no no :-P | 10:53 |
L0cKd0wN | kinda like killing a mouse with an elephant gun.... but i'll do it if i need to | 10:53 |
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Jimmey | L0cKd0wN, did you "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"? Or something else? | 10:53 |
lightseed | !w32codec | 10:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about w32codec - try searching on | 10:53 |
PuppiesOnAcid | What is the command to empty out a file? | 10:53 |
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L0cKd0wN | well i ran sudo dpkg... yes | 10:53 |
L0cKd0wN | :) | 10:53 |
PuppiesOnAcid | But not delete the file | 10:53 |
L0cKd0wN | and it detected for me | 10:53 |
lightseed | !mplayer | 10:53 |
ubotu | mplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs | 10:53 |
lightseed | !codecs | 10:53 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 10:53 |
Slyck | peerguardian for windows works at a kernel level so manages big lists of ips you wanna block without delaying the system | 10:54 |
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sijmen | Is the Polarium gameplay patented? | 10:54 |
mjrclark | PuppysOnAcid; you might be looking for cat. | 10:54 |
sijmen | Maybe there could be interrest in Gnomarium or somthing? | 10:54 |
Jimmey | Slyck, it works the other way round. You now'll have to specify IP's you _don't_ want to block | 10:54 |
L0cKd0wN | Jimmey, interestingly enough, if i knock down the resolution, the empty space at the bottom is USED | 10:54 |
L0cKd0wN | for example, at 1024 x 768 | 10:54 |
Jimmey | L0cKd0wN, ahh, see | 10:54 |
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SoulPropagation | PuppiesOnAcid: echo '' > file | 10:55 |
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L0cKd0wN | but i've had ubuntu working at 1440x900.... so my current dilemma heh | 10:55 |
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Jimmey | L0cKd0wN, does your monitor support the resolution you're trying to use? | 10:55 |
SoulPropagation | PuppiesOnAcid: those are two apostrophes btw | 10:55 |
Jimmey | Oic. | 10:55 |
Slyck | Jimmey, i see i ll look into it a bit more how it works in linux | 10:55 |
paul__ | Hi - Can someone please tell me how I can add an application to UBuntu's startup? | 10:55 |
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Jimmey | Slyck, "sudo apt-get install firestarter" | 10:55 |
PuppiesOnAcid | SoulPropagation: And that will replace the contents of the file with that? | 10:55 |
Jimmey | You can manager your firewall with that | 10:55 |
SoulPropagation | PuppiesOnAcid: ya | 10:55 |
L0cKd0wN | Jimmey, i'm almost certain for a 19" widescreen flat panel, 1440 x 900 is standard | 10:55 |
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L0cKd0wN | that's what windows xp uses | 10:55 |
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PuppiesOnAcid | th | 10:55 |
PuppiesOnAcid | x | 10:55 |
Slyck | got it | 10:55 |
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Jimmey | L0cKd0wN, Did you specify that your monitor is 19" when you rpkg xserver-xorg? | 10:56 |
L0cKd0wN | not sure there was a place to specify.... i can run it again | 10:56 |
paul__ | Adding programs to startup? Anyone? | 10:56 |
Bsims | rbil: it will | 10:56 |
Lunar_Lamp | I want to run a long process on my server. How do I use screen to do this so I can detach it and exit the ssh session? Is it "screen COMMAND" to set it up? | 10:56 |
Jimmey | L0cKd0wN, there comes a point where it asks if you want to auto detect the monitor | 10:56 |
Jimmey | L0cKd0wN, play with that | 10:56 |
L0cKd0wN | ok | 10:57 |
rbil | paul__: System, Preferences, Sessions and you'll find the place to add progs to startup | 10:57 |
Bsims | rbil: it will even let you repartition your drive from the start | 10:57 |
Jimmey | paul__, system>preferences>session is one way | 10:57 |
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rbil | Bsims: creates a recovery cd then? | 10:57 |
paul__ | rbil/Jimmey: I have done that several times, but it never saves the thing I add. | 10:57 |
ph03n1xs74r | once i dl tar file, how do i install the contents of it? | 10:57 |
Jimmey | ph03n1xs74r, what are you trying to install? | 10:57 |
paul__ | Jimmey, Another way, you say? | 10:57 |
schwachs | when i run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to fix my screen rez issues, is "nv" for the nvidia driver? | 10:57 |
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Jimmey | paul__, yes, there are a few ways | 10:58 |
Bsims | rbil: bootable DVD/CD/tape/ and yeah | 10:58 |
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Jimmey | swasch, if "nvidia" is an option, use that | 10:58 |
paul__ | Jimmey: How would you recommend I add "beryl-manager" to startup | 10:58 |
schwachs | i don't see that Jimmey | 10:58 |
rbil | Bsims: interesting to know | 10:58 |
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ph03n1xs74r | flash player, realplayer, adobereader | 10:58 |
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schwachs | either nv or vmmare (which i'm running it under) | 10:58 |
Jimmey | schwachs, do you have the drivers installed? | 10:58 |
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lasse_ | Hi! I was wondering about what the name of the by default system dictionary is on ubuntu? I want to add some languages, how do i do that? | 10:58 |
old_cymuHep | what is the command in terminal to delete files? | 10:58 |
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Jimmey | schwachs, "nv" is the free driver, for 3D support you should install nvidia's driver | 10:58 |
Jimmey | !nvidia | 10:58 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 10:59 |
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schwachs | thanks Jimmey | 10:59 |
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cwoodall | hi | 10:59 |
Bsims | rbil: for the website, I have used it to restore from a bare drive before... it was fat32, it let me format, repartition and restore everything | 10:59 |
Phopsy | Hey, despite continual work from forum HowTos and various stuff from the Wiki, I can't get Networking to display ra0 (Edgy). Any ideas? | 10:59 |
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L0cKd0wN | ok | 10:59 |
Jimmey | paul__, one moment | 10:59 |
hjmills | how can i get openoffice to look gnomeish in fluxbox? | 10:59 |
L0cKd0wN | restarting X | 10:59 |
rbil | Bsims: I used mondo many many years ago and couldn't remember the details of it | 10:59 |
L0cKd0wN | *crosses fingers* | 10:59 |
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mjrclark | old_cymu rm | 10:59 |
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dyrne | Phopsy: what is ra0 device? | 10:59 |
cwoodall | he he any one know how to work curses with python | 10:59 |
paul__ | Jimmey: Cheers. | 10:59 |
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hellcattrav | hello | 11:00 |
Phopsy | dyrne: That would be my Linksys WMP54G wireless card, using the RT2561 chipset | 11:00 |
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schwachs | Jimmey: if i don't care about 3d and just want a great resoluition that 1280x1024, can i just use the nv driver? | 11:01 |
old_cymuHep | what is the command in terminal to delete files? | 11:01 |
hellcattrav | hey Im using do i see hwos in the channel, like i did with konversation? | 11:01 |
[WaRRioR} | scusate un'informazione | 11:01 |
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Phopsy | old_cymuHep: rm | 11:01 |
up365 | ph03n1xs74r, here is a step by step just copy and paste in terminal for flashplayer | 11:01 |
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ph03n1xs74r | thx | 11:01 |
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seamus7 | My sound mysteriously stopped ... what log file/s would help me find the problem??? | 11:01 |
Jimmey | schwachs, I'm not sure. You can try. To quickly install the driver, though, just type "sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r); sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx; sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" | 11:01 |
Bsims | rbil: it makes DVD's now, just set aside a long while for it to do its thing | 11:01 |
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L0cKd0wN | grrr screen still messed up :( | 11:02 |
L0cKd0wN | damn it ubuntu!!!! *throws keyboard* | 11:02 |
rbil | Bsims: last time I used it, there were only CDs writing at something like 4x's :-) Now that took awhile but never needed to test a restore | 11:02 |
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paul__ | schwachs: The way I did it was to install the nvidia driver, go to terminal and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" This will allow you to select nvidia driver, and also the res. u want. I recommend backing up your xorg.conf file FIRST (Just incase! ;)) | 11:02 |
hellcattrav | how do i set up evolution as a calander, and skip past the email config? | 11:02 |
hellcattrav | how do i set up evolution as a calander, and skip past the email config? | 11:02 |
Jimmey | paul__, Ideally, you want to sort the problem you're having with system>preferences>sessions, as you want Beryl to start as soon as you log on, and not as soon as the computer boots.. | 11:03 |
rmd_ | anyone know why /ignore isn't working in epic4 installed under Ubuntu? | 11:03 |
=== Bsims nod uses a usb hd and rsync... I can't be bothered with rdiff-backup though it is darn good too. | ||
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schwachs | paul__: the only driver it gives me access to is the nv one | 11:03 |
paul__ | Jimmey: That's what I figured, so why isn't the command beryl-manager saving? | 11:03 |
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paul__ | schwachs: Have you installed the nvidia stuff? | 11:03 |
schwachs | no, not yet | 11:03 |
schwachs | sorry, i thought you were telling me i didn't need to yet | 11:04 |
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gavintlgold | is there a GNOME-based music player with visualizations available? (I.E. GOOM) | 11:04 |
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Cam0 | is there a way to trick apt into thinking a missing dependency is already installed? | 11:04 |
paul__ | schwachs: Most people here would shoot me for saying this, but the easiest way of doing this I found was to use automatix to install the nvidia driver. | 11:04 |
=== Jimmey shoots paul__ | ||
toulouse | ey guys, what's the best way for me to run mac OS X inside of linux (virtualization) | 11:04 |
schwachs | well i don't want you to get shot. | 11:04 |
rbil | paul__ you have that one right | 11:05 |
mjrclark | Cam0 possibley use the --force argument (not sure) | 11:05 |
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userundefined | paul's right | 11:05 |
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Phopsy | RT2561 chipset wireless, anyone? | 11:05 |
userundefined | ;) | 11:05 |
paul__ | schwachs: See.... :) | 11:05 |
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schwachs | i'm really just using this install to run the FaH SMP client. :-) | 11:05 |
mjrclark | !offtopic | 11:05 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 11:05 |
=== mwe burries Jimmey | ||
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toulouse | should i use QEMU to run macintosh? | 11:05 |
paul__ | lol | 11:05 |
schwachs | the resolution is not that big of a deal... and hoped it was an easy fix | 11:05 |
Cam0 | a program i want to install (monodevelop) wants to install firefox, which i just uninstalled after switching to swiftfox | 11:06 |
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dyrne | Phopsy: forums seem to indicate driver should be built in. what point are you having a problem? if you sudo ifconfig ra0 up; iwlist ra0 scan does it work? | 11:06 |
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paul__ | So - Anyone know why system>preferences>session>Startup progs isn't saving "beryl-manager" when I add it? | 11:06 |
kalve | What do you recommend me to use to connect to wireless networks? I need an application that shows me what networks are available | 11:06 |
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mwe | Cam0: so will it hurt? | 11:06 |
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flaakmonkey | anyone know how to make wine window bigger? | 11:06 |
Phopsy | dyrne: Thanks; I'm getting No such device | 11:06 |
paul__ | It's doing my nut in. Perhaps it is a bug | 11:06 |
kevcast | I tried to install Amarok with MTP support using this guide On the last step, it says to rename the file. Problem is, I don't know which one. Anybody know? | 11:06 |
seamus7 | My sound is not longer working ... I recently disabled my wireless card in the Bios and also added two external usb hard drives but I have done nothing to my sound configuration .. any help would be appreciated in sleuthing this?? | 11:07 |
mwe | Cam0: also I think uninstalling firefox might be a bad thing (TM) for some programs | 11:07 |
rbil | paul__ I know this won't make u feel better, but it worked here | 11:07 |
Jimmey | flaakmonkey, try "winecfg" - Under "graphics" change the virtual desktop size | 11:07 |
up365 | schwachs, there is an easy step by step way to install nvidia drivers right here | 11:07 |
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Phopsy | dyrne: So, never mind. I think I might need to go back to the drawing board. | 11:07 |
toulouse | seamus7: check your sound server, i only know how to do this in kubuntu, but it fixed my sound | 11:07 |
robdeman | how do I stop a service that was started by /etc/rc.d/rc.local ? | 11:08 |
paul__ | rbil....You're right....that doesn't make me feel better. | 11:08 |
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Cam0 | wme: how so? swiftfox is working great | 11:08 |
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X-Ray | Hi all, is there any trick to reinitialise mysql server? | 11:08 |
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robdeman | I know it started a servie running at port 1400 | 11:08 |
rbil | ouch | 11:08 |
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robdeman | I need to kill that programm running at por t1400 | 11:08 |
robdeman | but I cant find with ps aux the program | 11:08 |
HymnToLife | X-Ray, sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld restart | 11:08 |
betatux | robdeman, try netstat -pltn | 11:08 |
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toulouse | hey to run mac os x on my linux machine, do i need qemu? | 11:09 |
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X-Ray | HymnToLife: I need to reinitialise the root user, I accidentally removed it | 11:09 |
rmd_ | okay im done joining/quitting | 11:09 |
robdeman | betatux: it says 1400 is in use but not the program | 11:09 |
rmd_ | sigh | 11:09 |
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robdeman | betatux: theres no pid | 11:09 |
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betatux | robdeman, try with sudo netstat -pltn | 11:09 |
kalve | how can I see if my wireless network card is recognized by ubuntu? | 11:09 |
unska | what ever i try to install it says: E: I wasn't able to locate file for the nerolinux package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package. | 11:09 |
betatux | robdeman, then services should be visible | 11:09 |
dyrne | Phopsy: youve tried compiling driver? ? good luck | 11:09 |
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unska | why is this happening? | 11:09 |
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robdeman | gotcha | 11:09 |
seamus7 | How do I check my sound server in Ubuntu ... anyone? | 11:10 |
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old_cymuHep | !AVH | 11:10 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about avh - try searching on | 11:10 |
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Morten_Newbee | i am getting an error when trying to #sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-ati #Couldn't find package xserver-xorg-video-ati can some one help? :) | 11:10 |
Jimmey | seamus7, assuming you've got a default gnome panel, double click the volume control icon, and select "device" | 11:10 |
old_cymuHep | !Apache Virtual Host | 11:10 |
ubotu | apache: versatile, high-performance HTTP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.34-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 380 kB, installed size 812 kB | 11:10 |
kalve | In Network Settings I can see wlan0 and wmaster0 | 11:11 |
paul__ | Maaannn - I am so awesome. | 11:11 |
paul__ | Who wants to touch me? | 11:11 |
mwe | !msgthebot | old_cymuHep | 11:11 |
ubotu | old_cymuHep: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 11:11 |
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seamus7 | Jimmey: thank you .... embarassed to say my PCM volume was all the way down ... :) ... but that's exactly the type of solution I lilke. | 11:11 |
Jimmey | paul__, sorted? | 11:11 |
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rbil | paul__ works there? | 11:11 |
Jimmey | seamus7, I've done that before ;-) | 11:12 |
up365 | Morten_Newbee, have you been to Ubuntu Forums lots of help there | 11:12 |
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paul__ | Jimmey: Err - Not yet. I was just saying I am awesome. I'll figure it out in a second, I'm sure. | 11:12 |
Jimmey | Haha | 11:12 |
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Almindor | hi guys | 11:13 |
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Morten_Newbee | yes but cant seem to solve the problem :( | 11:13 |
rbil | paul__ well hurry up ... Ubuntu+Beryl+Dual Monitors = Wow! | 11:13 |
Almindor | I tried to install fiesty fawn on my new laptop today, and it didn't want to boot :( | 11:13 |
marcellus | My gnome-panel is frozen (well the bottom one responds, but very slowly and the top is just blank). The problem seems to stem from gnome-vfs-daemon. Is this a known bug that will be resolved soon? I am running feisty. | 11:13 |
Almindor | it always told me I had bad CD but md5 went ok | 11:13 |
Almindor | I tried 2 cds even | 11:13 |
Jimmey | !ubuntu+1 | 11:13 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: - Specifications (goals): - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 11:13 |
betatux | marcellus, killall gnome-panel will restart it | 11:13 |
Almindor | yes I know it's alpha | 11:13 |
paul__ | rbil: Not all of us can afford 2 monitors.... | 11:13 |
L0cKd0wN | hey guts my ubuntu desktop is still offset, pointers? | 11:13 |
Almindor | question is: is it known? | 11:13 |
Jimmey | paul__, amen to that :-( | 11:13 |
L0cKd0wN | guys* | 11:13 |
paul__ | rbil: Some of us can afford 3!!!!! LOL! | 11:13 |
X-Ray | I have no users on my mysql server even if I reinstall it, the problem still present! | 11:14 |
Jimmey | paul__, sellout :-( | 11:14 |
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rbil | paul__ Ubuntu+Beryl= Wow! then | 11:14 |
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Jimmey | X-Ray, you have to install an additional package to set users | 11:14 |
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Rhynri | hey all | 11:14 |
paul__ | Jimmey: Again, I don't actually have 3...I was just saying :D | 11:14 |
marcellus | betatux: doesn't change anything it just hangs again | 11:14 |
madd_matt | I'm a debian guy. A friend of mine recently got her ubuntu CDs and I was wondering if there is a screenshot walkthrough of the ubuntu installer, just so I understand what she's seeing. | 11:14 |
Jimmey | paul__, too late. My feelings are already hurt :-P | 11:15 |
paul__ | Jimmey: No help on the startup problem then? | 11:15 |
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hjmills | madd_matt, there are some links on the website i think to osdir | 11:15 |
X-Ray | Jimmey: the package is? | 11:15 |
betatux | marcellus, then maybe the panel will load something (an applet?) that causes it to hang ? | 11:15 |
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Jimmey | X-Ray, one moment | 11:15 |
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seamus7 | Anyone ... my external USB hard drive spins up whenever I boot up even though I'm not using it .. eventually I can hear it stop but only after 10 minutes or so ... ??? | 11:15 |
Jimmey | paul__, well there's got to me a text file you can edit somewheres. I'll find it in a mo | 11:16 |
Almindor | what's the simplest way to emulate "shared network" from windows? | 11:16 |
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Meshezabeel | When you add a program to System->Sessions->Startup Programs, what file do those get saved to? If I have any problems I want to be able to remove it from command line. | 11:16 |
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payam | Hi | 11:17 |
Almindor | I need linux to be able to act as windows with 2 nics and "net sharing" (including connection to internet) | 11:17 |
payam | Does anyone know Mattias here_ | 11:17 |
paul__ | Jimmey: You'd think so - Just a thought, perhaps I need to add the entire path of beryl-manager, not just "beryl-manager" - What would the path of that executable be in Linux, how can I find out? | 11:17 |
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Mattias | payam: im still here | 11:17 |
payam | ok | 11:17 |
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dyrne | !firestarter| Almindor might be easiest solution | 11:17 |
ubotu | Almindor might be easiest solution: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 11:17 |
payam | mattias. Det gr inte. | 11:17 |
dmb062082 | sweet, all i need now is a random wallpaper script for gnome and my life will be complete, any ideas? | 11:17 |
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sgtmattbaker | are there any good video editors I can edit mpeg files with | 11:17 |
idefix | do bans last forever? | 11:17 |
Jimmey | dmb062082, wallpaper tray | 11:17 |
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Mattias | payam: testa detta: | 11:17 |
Rhynri | question, i'm at college and everyone's windows pc's access folders on the college net, what's the best way for me to access those network shares? | 11:17 |
payam | fr nr jag stter in kabelen i modemet | 11:17 |
Mattias | payam: sudo su | 11:17 |
dmb062082 | wp_tray was brok i thought? | 11:17 |
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Jimmey | sgtmattbaker, cinelerra | 11:17 |
Almindor | dyrne, what has firewall to do with sharing net ? | 11:17 |
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X-Ray | Jimmey: mysql database client library? | 11:18 |
madd_matt | Almindor, you want to create a "bridge" probably. | 11:18 |
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dmb062082 | Jimmey but if not is it in any repos? | 11:18 |
Jimmey | dmb062082, you can just it | 11:18 |
Jimmey | X-Ray, hold on :-P | 11:18 |
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madd_matt | Almindor, the firewall is very powerful, it can do things like forward packets too. | 11:18 |
Sarukar | Night | 11:18 |
Almindor | madd_matt, well, in windows it's not a bridge (it can do a bridge too) | 11:18 |
sgtmattbaker | I heard cinelerra wasn;t for "consumer use" | 11:18 |
Mattias | payam: echo "deb edgy main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list | 11:18 |
Jimmey | dmb062082, wptray works, there's a work around | 11:18 |
rbil | paul__ /usr/bin/beryl-manager should be in your path | 11:18 |
dmb062082 | Jimmey: where can I find it? | 11:18 |
dyrne | Almindor: when you first launch firestarter the config utitlity asks you if you want to share the connection | 11:18 |
Mattias | payam: efter sudo su | 11:18 |
Jimmey | sgtmattbaker, it's free | 11:18 |
Almindor | ah | 11:18 |
Almindor | ok I'll give it a shot | 11:18 |
Almindor | thanks | 11:18 |
tompouce | beryl rocks | 11:18 |
dmb062082 | Jimmey I am killing to know | 11:18 |
sgtmattbaker | by that I mean that is was too complicated for a normal user | 11:18 |
payam | ja sen d? | 11:18 |
Meshezabeel | paul, to search for something you can use updatedb and then locate beryl | 11:18 |
dmb062082 | beryl is great | 11:18 |
Jimmey | dmb062082, sudo apt-get install wallpaper-tray | 11:18 |
Mattias | payam: efter echo "deb edgy main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list s brjar vi installera allt | 11:18 |
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Sarukar | 1st time at IRC of Ubuntu, could anyone help me? | 11:19 |
Falkman | hey | 11:19 |
payam | matias. kan vi skapa en anna channel | 11:19 |
finalbeta | Where that site where I can see what packages are in what ubuntu version? | 11:19 |
Mattias | payam: kom till #kubuntu-se igen | 11:19 |
cwoodall | hey any one know any good torrent programs for linux | 11:19 |
payam | Jag kan inte kopiera | 11:19 |
cwoodall | Deluge is to slow | 11:19 |
Jimmey | X-Ray: | 11:19 |
seamus7 | Anyone ... any way of preventing an external hard disk from spinning up every time I boot up ?? | 11:19 |
paul__ | Jimmey/jrib: Hmmmm nyope, same again. I shall try the old winblows tactic - A RESTART!!! Muahahah....brb. | 11:19 |
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sgtmattbaker | I got kino because I heard cinelerra was not for the average person but kino can't seem to do much of anything | 11:19 |
betatux | cwoodall, azureus if you like java apps | 11:19 |
dmb062082 | jimmey what is the work around and thanks! | 11:19 |
kane77 | I just installed the jdk, and am trying to install netbeans, but it says that I dont have jdk installed. Why? | 11:19 |
Sarukar | cwoodal: Azureus | 11:19 |
Jimmey | dmb062082, hold on | 11:19 |
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mindstate__ | cwoodall, i use qbittorrent and it works pretty damn good | 11:20 |
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Sarukar | Can anyone help with a 2.6.20 Kernel compilation issue? | 11:20 |
dmb062082 | ok thanks! | 11:20 |
mindstate__ | cwoodall, azureus is very bloated | 11:20 |
cwoodall | mindstate_: I know | 11:20 |
coolball | the geforce 7100gs can't use the nv driver | 11:20 |
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cwoodall | mindstate_: I am using rtorrenr currently | 11:20 |
Almindor | dyrne, it always tells me "eth0 is not ready" | 11:20 |
Jimmey | dmb062082, "gconf-editor", then in "apps", select "wp-tray" | 11:20 |
mindstate__ | cwoodall, | 11:21 |
Almindor | dyrne, (eth2 = local one) | 11:21 |
Sarukar | Anyone should please help with a Kernel compilation issue? | 11:21 |
dmb062082 | ok | 11:21 |
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Falkman | How do u install ubuntu and windows at the same time, whenever i get to the partion part it stops | 11:21 |
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cwoodall | mindstate_: rtorrent is good, but it has some flaws | 11:21 |
Lucifel | How would I go about launching a shell script on startup? | 11:21 |
Meshezabeel | what's this mean: "your computer will self destruct in 97 seconds?" and counting down | 11:21 |
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Sarukar | sigh | 11:21 |
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coolball | can anyone guess why 1600x1200 isnt an option after i enabled it with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? | 11:21 |
mindstate__ | cwoodall, i didnt like rtorrent too much.. qbittorent is the best linux client ive found overall | 11:21 |
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Sarukar | no kernel hacker available here? | 11:21 |
Jimmey | coolball, what graphics device do you have? | 11:22 |
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Squee | Hey | 11:22 |
Almindor | dyrne, if I remove the "sharing" it starts :( | 11:22 |
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coolball | jimmey: geforce 7100gs | 11:22 |
Squee | Can someone boot Spartacus? | 11:22 |
cwoodall | mindstate_: hmm IDK its qt | 11:22 |
Squee | I got dc-ed | 11:22 |
dmb062082 | jimmey it is not there though it is installed | 11:22 |
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betatux | Meshezabeel, you're computer has reached end of life :) | 11:22 |
sgtmattbaker | does anyone know for certain if it is legal to have the w32 codec in Ubuntu if you own XP as long as you don't redistribute it? | 11:22 |
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Sarukar | My wifi cards do not work after compilling and installing 2.6.20 module, doe sanyone know somethong about this? | 11:22 |
cwoodall | mindstate_: doesnt blend with my cli/beryl environment | 11:22 |
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kevcast_ | How can I get the top panel to handle my windows? | 11:22 |
Sarukar | It's legal | 11:22 |
Squee | Hey all, what IRC client should I use with Ubuntu? | 11:23 |
Jimmey | coolball, then sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg again, and make sure "nvidia" is the selected driver. Then manually configure the monitor and select the resolutions you want to use | 11:23 |
marcellus | betatux: gnome-panel trace which repeats itself | 11:23 |
Jimmey | dmb062082, are you sure? | 11:23 |
dmb062082 | yes positive | 11:23 |
rasu | hell oanybody that knows if i have to do something special to enable css on apache server in ubuntu i had my site on a nother server before and it woked now i have ubuntu and i cant get any css file to be used | 11:23 |
betatux | marcellus, i'll have a look | 11:23 |
mindstate__ | cwoodall, i understand, but its a very good client none the less | 11:23 |
coolball | jimmey: k ty | 11:23 |
X-Ray | Jimmey: thx | 11:23 |
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Almindor | hmm I guess it wanted to have static ip on it | 11:23 |
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sgtmattbaker | ok so win32 codecs=legal, I heard a bunch of people say the win32 codec was illegal even if you owned Windows and I have heard various viewpoints on it | 11:24 |
betatux | marcellus, sorry mate , I can't make anything of that log , it's gibberish to me :) | 11:24 |
cwoodall | mindstate_: ya I know. ANy way if I get bored I may try to make a simple bt client just to get to know the protocol. U know Wget for bt | 11:24 |
Sarukar | My lspci output: | 11:24 |
dmb062082 | jummey should I reboot? | 11:24 |
Sarukar | linux-restricted-modules | 11:24 |
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Sarukar | 0000:00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/PM/GMS/910GML Express Processor to DRAM Controller (rev 04) | 11:24 |
Sarukar | 0000:00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 04) | 11:24 |
Sarukar | 0000:00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 04) | 11:24 |
Sarukar | 0000:00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) PCI Express Port 1 (rev 04) | 11:24 |
dmb062082 | jimmey* | 11:24 |
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Squee | What do you all use for an IRC client? | 11:24 |
mindstate__ | !paste | sarukar | 11:24 |
sgtmattbaker | gaim | 11:24 |
dmb062082 | xchat | 11:24 |
ubotu | sarukar: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:24 |
marcellus | xchat | 11:24 |
Squee | MIRC doesn't work with ubuntu | 11:24 |
con-man | linux>windows | 11:24 |
Jimmey | dmb062082, no. Try "gconf-editor" again, click the "apps" arrow, wp-tray should be near the bottom | 11:24 |
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dmb062082 | jimmey: nopeupdate-manager then yelp | 11:25 |
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Jimmey | What did "sudo apt-get install wallpaper-tray" say | 11:25 |
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con-man | !ohmy | ubotu | 11:25 |
ubotu | ubotu: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 11:25 |
con-man | lolololol | 11:25 |
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dmb062082 | but when the time comes jimmey whey should i do next.... um, wallpaper-tray is already the newest version. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 129 not upgraded. | 11:26 |
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Sarukar | Hi, good night. Any kernel hacker here? | 11:26 |
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coolball | jimmey: it does not offer nvidia | 11:26 |
Jimmey | coolball, then select "nv". | 11:26 |
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coolball | jimmey: nv breaks it | 11:26 |
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toulouse | hey guys, has anyone used pearPC or Mac on Linux??? | 11:26 |
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toulouse | i want to use mac os x in ubuntu | 11:27 |
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Jimmey | coolball, then I can recommend installing the correct graphics drivers. For now, choose "vesa" | 11:27 |
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tompouce | Hi, why when I download new gnome themes, the buttons are always squared instead of rounded? | 11:27 |
Squee | If I'm getting Xchat, do I just download the Fedora Core files? | 11:27 |
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coolball | jimmey: k ty | 11:27 |
Jimmey | Squee, "sudo apt-get install xchat" | 11:28 |
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Squee | huh | 11:28 |
Jimmey | Squee, do you have Ubuntu? | 11:28 |
toulouse | anyone know how to use pearpc? | 11:28 |
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Squee | yea | 11:28 |
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Squee | on different computer | 11:28 |
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Jimmey | Squee: type "sudo apt-get install xchat" into a terminal on an Ubuntu machine for xchat | 11:29 |
ph03n1xs74r | what is wrong with ur ubuntu lockdown? | 11:29 |
sebrock | hey guys n gals, Im trying to create a startscript for firefox because I need to reinstall flash with nspluginwrapper every time I start it... But I'm having troubles, can anyone help me? | 11:29 |
ph03n1xs74r | woops, im outta the loop | 11:29 |
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Squee | ... a terminal? ;) | 11:30 |
delire | i have the task of putting a few vanilla install Ubuntu Edgy machines onto a big Windows network. how is the user/pw/domain login process done these days in Gnome on Ubuntu? | 11:30 |
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ph03n1xs74r | | 11:30 |
rasu | anybody that has have problem with css on apache ? | 11:30 |
ph03n1xs74r | try that | 11:30 |
betatux | !winbind | 11:30 |
ubotu | winbind: service to resolve user and group information from Windows NT servers. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.22-1ubuntu4.1 (edgy), package size 1675 kB, installed size 4272 kB | 11:30 |
brosioz | is up ? anyone could try to open that url ? | 11:30 |
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Squee | What's this terminal? | 11:31 |
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ph03n1xs74r | its up | 11:31 |
betatux | delire, not sure but maybe winbind can help you ? | 11:31 |
brosioz | doh | 11:31 |
Jimmey | Squee, are you using an Ubuntu machine now? | 11:31 |
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ph03n1xs74r | brosioz.. the server is up | 11:31 |
Squee | I have one next to me | 11:31 |
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coolball | will i keep my old xorg.conf if i reboot with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg running? | 11:31 |
Squee | What's the terminal? | 11:31 |
betatux | brosioz, it works | 11:32 |
Jimmey | !terminal | 11:32 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: | 11:32 |
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Squee | okay, thanks | 11:32 |
delire | betatux: cheers, let's hope it's on the CD ISO as these machines haven't yet touched the internet ;) | 11:32 |
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Dumnezeu | hey guys can anyone help me with a problem? | 11:32 |
betatux | delire, I've no idea if it's on the cd iso | 11:33 |
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kane77 | I just installed the jdk, and am trying to install netbeans, but it says that I dont have jdk installed. Why? Should I restart first? | 11:33 |
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betatux | Dumnezeu, what up ? | 11:33 |
tompouce | how could I have the new gnome panel without updating all the shit out of my ubuntu? | 11:33 |
delight | can i burn an image of a dvd that i read out with dd if=/dev/hdb of=route.iso | 11:33 |
rmd_ | !language | 11:33 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 11:33 |
kane77 | !ask | Dumnezu | 11:33 |
ubotu | Dumnezu: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 11:33 |
mindstate__ | is it possible to change the background color of an xfce4 panel? | 11:33 |
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betatux | tompouce, which new gnome panel ? | 11:33 |
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Frogzoo | delight: ys | 11:34 |
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Frogzoo | delight: yes | 11:34 |
paul__ | I'm back. | 11:34 |
tompouce | betatux, the one on feisty | 11:34 |
delight | Frogzoo: do you know how ? cause k3b says its no iso | 11:34 |
paul__ | Still no luck on sessions saving my startup programs. | 11:34 |
tompouce | instead of having all the items in 2 menus | 11:34 |
seamus7 | How can I prevent an external USB hard drive from mounting ... I tried this in fstab but Ubuntu seems to want to mount it anyway ... ?? | 11:34 |
paul__ | Has anyone figured another way I could add an application to startup even by hand-editing a file? | 11:34 |
loca|host | what's the best iptables gui configurator ? | 11:34 |
betatux | tompouce, i see , i haven't seen feisty yet , which gnome version will be released with feisty ? | 11:34 |
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Frogzoo | delight: really? what does 'file blah.iso' say ? | 11:35 |
tompouce | hummm | 11:35 |
betatux | loca|host, firestarter ? | 11:35 |
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name | wtf is that HTTP Cache Cleaner | 11:35 |
delight | route.iso: x86 boot sector; partition 1: ID=0x7, active, starthead 1, startsector 63, 20964762 sectors; partition 2: ID=0x5, starthead 254, startsector 20964825, 134512245 sectors, code offset 0x48 | 11:35 |
tompouce | the last one, dont remember the version | 11:35 |
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mindstate__ | loca|host, i wouldnt say firestarter is the definitely the eaiset to configure | 11:35 |
betatux | tompouce, gnome 17 or 18 then i guess | 11:35 |
schwachs | i am running a FaH SMP Client in ubuntu under vmware... it's taking so much processing power (or so it seems) that i can't get control of a window or anything... i know it's running but i'd like to still be able to do other stuff within ubuntu... any ideas? | 11:35 |
delight | Frogzoo: oh darn | 11:36 |
Frogzoo | delight: don't know - works for CDs | 11:36 |
delight | Frogzoo: i used hda accidently :-D lol | 11:36 |
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kexman | hi | 11:36 |
kexman | | 11:36 |
kexman | cant that KILL your USB STICK !? | 11:36 |
betatux | schwachs, have you installed vmware-tools ? that help increase performance ... | 11:36 |
kexman | to many writes | 11:36 |
loca|host | ok | 11:36 |
kexman | i mean those sticks have a cycle ! | 11:36 |
loca|host | gonna see that | 11:36 |
loca|host | thanks | 11:36 |
paul__ | seamus >> Open Removable Drives and Media in System menu - Automount options are in there I think | 11:36 |
schwachs | i hadn't betatux - i will try that now | 11:36 |
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kexman | like 10.000-100.000 cycles but after that ... kampecc kaputt over gone forever | 11:36 |
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kexman | isnt that that way ? | 11:37 |
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Almindor | ok, I set my local ip on this comp (serving as "gateway") to and the notebook is same.101 | 11:37 |
paul__ | schwachs - How you get on fixing your res.? | 11:37 |
Almindor | I can ping between them | 11:37 |
Almindor | but internet doesn't work on the notebook | 11:37 |
schwachs | paul__: i just left it alone for now | 11:37 |
Almindor | used firestarter with sharing option | 11:37 |
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Frogzoo | delight: kk | 11:37 |
betatux | Almindor, have you enabled ip-forwarding ? | 11:37 |
phixnay | does anybody know how to use cron? It keeps saying bad command when I do crontab | 11:37 |
sebrock | should it really be necessary to run nspluginwrapper everytime I start Firefox to get Flash working? | 11:37 |
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loca|host | betatux, that seems a 'local' iptables configurator, i need one that can configure interfaces not existing on my workstation, just to get a iptables config file to put on server | 11:38 |
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Almindor | betatux, if you mean the "enable internet connection sharing" then yes | 11:38 |
paul__ | Fair doos. Please can an UBUNTU GURU assist me. I appear to have a unique problem, and no one seems to know how to fix it. | 11:38 |
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betatux | Almindor, ah yes indeed | 11:38 |
Almindor | I also tried enabling DHCP to keep things simple but it gives me errors with that so I went static with the locals | 11:38 |
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dyrne | sebrock: eh? i just dropped flash9 in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ or somesuch and it worked | 11:38 |
schwachs | paul__: i'm basically a linux noob and didn't want to delve into that just yet. | 11:38 |
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betatux | loca|host, then you want fwbuilder | 11:38 |
cypruser | Is it possible to format a partition and not lose all the data? | 11:38 |
betatux | !fwbuilder | 11:39 |
ubotu | fwbuilder: Firewall administration tool GUI. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.9-1 (edgy), package size 1172 kB, installed size 3600 kB | 11:39 |
erUSUL | paul__: startup? when you log in or when machne boots? | 11:39 |
sebrock | dyrne, Im running a 64bit version | 11:39 |
coolball | can I apt-get a usable nvidia driver? | 11:39 |
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paul__ | schwachs - That's cool. Good luck w/ it. | 11:39 |
Lenaud01-Coding | whats a good torrent client for ubuntu ? | 11:39 |
Almindor | is there something like a firestarter channel? | 11:39 |
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betatux | Almindor, can you ping the dns-servers from both computers ? | 11:39 |
Frogzoo | !nvidia | coolball | 11:39 |
ubotu | coolball: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 11:39 |
userundefined | Lenaud01-Coding: azureus if you've got the resources, or ktorrent | 11:39 |
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paul__ | erUSUL: All I wan't to do is add "beryl-manager" to the session after I login. So it loads right after entering login info. | 11:39 |
Almindor | betatux, let me try from the notebook | 11:40 |
dyrne | sebrock: well that explains it :) | 11:40 |
seamus7 | Is there a way of preventing an external USB hard drive from mounting upon boot up? I tried in /etc/fstab but Ubuntu tried mounting it anyway... | 11:40 |
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paul__ | seamus7 >> My solution should have sorted this. | 11:40 |
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amaia_ | hi, after some upgrade, I cant access the printing dialog... cups is running because i can still access him by http://localhost:631 but I don't see the usb printer option | 11:40 |
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amaia_ | can anyone help me? | 11:41 |
sebrock | another question, how do I make Thunderbird the default mailapp?? | 11:41 |
erUSUL | paul__: System>Preferences>Sessions | 11:41 |
seamus7 | paul: sorry I missed your response .. i'll try that now ... thanks | 11:41 |
Almindor | betatux, anything but the desktop is either not responding or "network is unreachable | 11:41 |
Almindor | betatux, from the notebook | 11:41 |
betatux | sebrock, system->preferences->preferred applications | 11:41 |
sebrock | thnx | 11:41 |
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sebrock | could have look myself acutally | 11:41 |
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sebrock | is there nobody running a 64bit system with flash? | 11:42 |
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betatux | Almindor, hmm , then it's either firewalled or you're missing a gateway on the portable ... | 11:42 |
old_cymuHep | what is best SMPT server? Easyest to configure ? | 11:42 |
old_cymuHep | !SMPT | 11:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about smpt - try searching on | 11:42 |
phixnay | can anybody help me with cron? | 11:42 |
paul__ | erUSUL: This is the general answer on how to achieve what I want, and I have used it before to add other apps, but now when I add an app, it doesn't save in the list ( I will add it, reopen the session manager and it will be missing ) and therefore when I reload X the app fails to load. It's very frustrating. | 11:42 |
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old_cymuHep | what is best SMPT server? Easyest to configure ? | 11:43 |
paul__ | seamus7 >> Oh yea - I spelled your name wrongly, sorry. | 11:43 |
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Almindor | betatux, how do I go about that? | 11:43 |
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richw | Anyone know how the logging works in kopete.. sometimes my logs are not saving to ~/.kde/share/apps/kopete/logs | 11:43 |
joerack | hey does ubuntu have a firewall? | 11:43 |
meff | hi all.. im using smartd, and i have it all setup.. however, one of my disks is an external one, and i am wondering how it can get /dev/sdc all the time.. sometimes it is sdd when my PMP is plugged in.. how can i achieve this? | 11:43 |
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madd_matt | How clean is the ubuntu installer for dual boot? Does it provide an option to autopartition free space? | 11:43 |
old_cymuHep | what is best SMPT server? Easyest to configure ? | 11:43 |
Reeves_0ut | where is libdb4 directory? please... | 11:43 |
richw | joerack, yes, you can install one | 11:43 |
betatux | Almindor, on the portable , run a : route -n , and check if you have a default gateway | 11:43 |
old_cymuHep | !SMTP | 11:43 |
madd_matt | joemauch, iptables is probably the best firewall around. | 11:43 |
royel | !postfix | old_cymuHep | 11:43 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about smtp - try searching on | 11:44 |
ubotu | old_cymuHep: postfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: or here: | 11:44 |
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dyrne | joerack: yes but not setup do sudo iptables -L to see current settings | 11:44 |
phixnay | can anybody help me with cron? | 11:44 |
erUSUL | paul__: maybe you can try with .Xsession file in your home | 11:44 |
seamus7 | paul__: no problem ... your solution looks like it will work ... thanks | 11:44 |
betatux | Almindor, maybe you forgot to masquerade in the firewall ??? i bet that's the problem | 11:44 |
Frogzoo | !botabuse | old_cymuHep | 11:44 |
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ubotu | old_cymuHep: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 11:44 |
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betatux | phixnay, what's the problem with cron ? | 11:44 |
Almindor | betatux, I didn't do anything but start the thing with "sharing" on | 11:44 |
dyrne | joerack: there are many guis for iptables. firestarter is a good one | 11:44 |
sebrock | or better this way: Im having a bash script to do nspluginwrapper whenever I start Firefox, but it starts in a terminal which then stays open as long as I have firefox open... is it possible to do this "hidden"? | 11:44 |
madd_matt | old_cymuHep, Remember, setting up an SMTP server can result in nasties, make sure your server is properly configured. | 11:44 |
betatux | Almindor, sudo iptables -t nat -L -vn | 11:44 |
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betatux | Almindor, what's the output ? | 11:44 |
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paul__ | madd_matt: I have had bad experiences with dual boot and saving info. My recommendation is a clean install of both OS's. If it is XP/Ubuntu, create a partition for XP, install that FIRST and then install Ubuntu. Ubuntu automatically configs the GRUB for existing M$ OS's. | 11:45 |
phixnay | betatux: It says there's a problem with the command I want to run | 11:45 |
phixnay | # m h dom mon dow command | 11:45 |
phixnay | 0 2 * * * shutdown -h now | 11:45 |
joerack | thx all | 11:45 |
joerack | i'm only capable of using zonealarm heheh | 11:45 |
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dyrne | joerack: firestarter is very easy to use. simpler than zone alarm :) | 11:46 |
paul__ | erUSUL: That's funny. I only have a ".xsession-errors" file in HOME. | 11:46 |
Almindor | betatux, | 11:46 |
betatux | phixnay, have you tried putting in /sbin/shutdown instead of shutdown ? | 11:46 |
phixnay | betatux: I'll try now | 11:46 |
concept10 | dyrne, you never told me what you thought about those videos | 11:46 |
richw | sometimes my logs are not saving to ~/.kde/share/apps/kopete/logs with kopete.. i was talking eirlier on kopete and my logs arnt there. | 11:46 |
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Frogzoo | richw: full disk? | 11:46 |
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sebrock | how do I run bash scripts "hidden" from the user... no terminal popups ? | 11:47 |
betatux | Almindor, ok , you have masquerading enabled , that's ok then | 11:47 |
phixnay | betatux: also, since shutdown needs root, should I run "sudo crontab -e" instead of "crontab -e"? | 11:47 |
richw | Frogzoo: No. 120GB harddrive with nothing but ubuntu | 11:47 |
dyrne | concept10: liked them. i havent done much in glade yet though. im trying to do it from manually for now | 11:47 |
betatux | phixnay, ofcourse | 11:47 |
paul__ | erUSUL: Hmmm - Interesting. It means little to me. If I up it to a pastebin, would you mind taking a quick look to see if you can diagnose? | 11:47 |
erUSUL | paul__: take a look at it. you can create one afaik with programs you want started at x startup make sure they end with and '&' | 11:47 |
phixnay | betatux: k, thanks | 11:47 |
betatux | phixnay, can't run shutdown from the regular user cron | 11:47 |
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GionnyBoss | I'd like to see only window border when I move a window. I have Ubuntu Edgy and I watched in gconf-editor in the metacity (GNOME window manager) section, but I can't find an option to do that. Does anybody know how can I do this? | 11:48 |
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concept10 | dyrne, thats cool. good luck | 11:48 |
sebrock | is it even possible to run bash scripts in the background? | 11:48 |
js_ | ./ & | 11:49 |
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phixnay | betatux: how does this look? | 11:49 |
phixnay | # m h dom mon dow command | 11:49 |
phixnay | 1 0 2 * * * /sbin/shutdown -h now | 11:49 |
paul__ | erUSUL: Just a file containing one line "/usr/bin/beryl-manager &" ....? | 11:49 |
betatux | phixnay, should be ok | 11:49 |
phixnay | is that the right shutdown command? | 11:49 |
betatux | yes | 11:50 |
sebrock | hmm | 11:50 |
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erUSUL | paul__: yes | 11:50 |
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paul__ | Make it exe? | 11:50 |
phixnay | ok, thanks | 11:50 |
Almindor | betatux, looks to me (according to events) like if this machine blocks the outcomming stuff which is aimed at the notebook | 11:50 |
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Almindor | betatux, I just tried going to google 3 times on the notebook, I got 3 requests blocked from outside IP by the firewall | 11:50 |
Almindor | but the ports are odd so not sure | 11:51 |
phixnay | betatux: still says bad command. I'll try putting quotes around it | 11:51 |
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betatux | Almindor, hmmm .... strange | 11:51 |
Almindor | gateway is set right too on the notebook | 11:51 |
betatux | phixnay, yes try with quotes , good idea | 11:51 |
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royel | phixnay: why not just tell it "halt" | 11:51 |
phixnay | betatux: still won't work | 11:51 |
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phixnay | royel: you mean "halt" or "shutdown -halt?" | 11:52 |
betatux | Almindor, can you ping from your portable to the gateway address of the desktop computer performing the internet sharing ? | 11:52 |
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Almindor | betatux, exactly | 11:52 |
sebrock | is it even possible to run bash scripts in the background? | 11:52 |
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royel | phixnay: using shutdown just simply adds the option for a broadcast to users that the system is going down.. use "halt" only | 11:52 |
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Almindor | betatux, but pinging any other ip (true, I just went random foc C class) waits indefenetly | 11:53 |
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magic_ninja | is there a good command-line mp3 player that suppoorts lage m3u files and random | 11:53 |
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betatux | Almindor, cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward , should contain a 1 | 11:53 |
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phixnay | royel: ok, so would this line be right it crontab? 1 * 2 * * *1 halt | 11:54 |
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Almindor | betatux, checks | 11:54 |
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betatux | Almindor, k | 11:54 |
ockie | I've got a problem with internet on my desktop pc, I jsut installed ubuntu on it and internet doesn't seem to work on it, it has connection to my router thou, which is the same one that I'm using from my laptop (the one im using right no, also with ubuntu on it) | 11:54 |
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meff | hi all.. im using smartd, and i have it all setup.. however, one of my disks is an external one, and i am wondering how it can get /dev/sdc all the time.. sometimes it is sdd when my PMP is plugged in.. how can i achieve this? | 11:54 |
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royel | phixnay: well, I'm not expect in that area, but if the command line was giving you prior trouble, then using a simple command such as "halt" might be helpful, give it a try an see :) | 11:55 |
paul__ | ## >> Who was I just talking with about ~./.xsession? | 11:55 |
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asdf_ | c | 11:55 |
exs | i need a calender/schedular for my ubuntu. is there a good one? | 11:55 |
ockie | what settings can you people recommend me to double-check (again?) | 11:56 |
paul__ | exs - Evolution is the default - and looks aight. | 11:56 |
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exs | ok | 11:56 |
betatux | Almindor, you might possible be missing iptables FORWARD rules ?? | 11:56 |
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phixnay | kk. royel, betatux: when I use (sudo) crontab -e, the empty file has this already: "# m h dom mon dow command" but I thought the syntax was "m h dom mon dow command" What is the # for | 11:56 |
royel | ockie: did your nic get detected? | 11:57 |
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HymnToLife | phixnay, this is a comment, to explain the synatx to no familiar users | 11:57 |
x386 | hi all! | 11:57 |
phixnay | HymnToLife: aaaaaah | 11:57 |
betatux | Almindor, sec , i'll look those forward rules up | 11:57 |
Almindor | betatux, well, manually adding DNS to the notebook helped | 11:57 |
phixnay | that explains it : ) | 11:57 |
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ockie | royel: nope | 11:57 |
Almindor | I tought it would pick DNS by itself? | 11:58 |
betatux | almindor, i did ?? you're online ? | 11:58 |
Almindor | yup | 11:58 |
betatux | Almindor, strange | 11:58 |
x386 | I'm running Edgy with Gnome, and I found one irritating thing with gnome - OK/Cancel buttons swapped places in Gnome pop ups. Is there a way to change this behaviour? | 11:58 |
royel | ockie: how did you confirm that? lspci? | 11:58 |
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betatux | Almindor, without dns settings you should be able to ping or browse to the internet using ip addresses | 11:59 |
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betatux | Almindor, well .. anyway ... it works now :) gg | 11:59 |
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Almindor | betatux, heh well thank YOU :) | 12:00 |
Almindor | firestarter is pretty cool | 12:00 |
betatux | Almindor, you're welcome , np | 12:00 |
royel | x386: it's those lil things that kill us eh? :) | 12:00 |
Almindor | still needs to be fixed tho :D | 12:00 |
Almindor | DHCP always fails | 12:00 |
Almindor | (I got the package) | 12:00 |
phixnay | betamax, HymnToLife: Alright, crontab accepted my cron job, "00 2 * * * halt" Two questions: do I have to add "crond" to Prefs>Sessions>Startup Progs or where? And which is better to use, halt or shutdown -h? | 12:00 |
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x386 | royel: right... | 12:00 |
x386 | Annoying... | 12:00 |
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