
=== maxamillion [n=adam@ngl-1-14.shsu.edu] has joined #xubuntu
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=== frojnd [n=wildchil@BSN-77-169-220.static.dsl.siol.net] has joined #xubuntu
frojndhow similar is xubuntu to kubuntu01:01
maxamillionfrojnd: not at all01:01
frojndfor example: kubuntu can get xvid codecs: sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs01:02
frojndhow can xubuntu get xvid codecs?01:02
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maxamillionfrojnd: oh ... yeah, its exactly the same like that ... kubuntu and xubuntu both come from the same ubuntu-base package and share the same repositories for package installation01:03
maxamillionfrojnd: but the user interface is rather different01:03
frojndfor interface I can imagine.. cose they advice me to use xubuntu for not so good comps...01:04
frojndI have one comp 700mhz and 256ram01:04
frojndwill it work with xubuntu FAST?01:05
maxamillionfrojnd: i run xubuntu on an athlon64 x2 4600+, 2gb ddr2 ram, and a nvidia 7900gtx just because i like it better01:05
Stu_2frojnd -- I have a machine that is 800mhz at 256MB ram and it works nicely.01:06
frojndStu_2 good01:06
frojndwhat about with setting dsl connection01:06
malnilionAnybody want to try an interesting bash command?01:07
malnilionYou would have to restart your computer if you used it.01:07
Stu_2frojnd -- assuming your ISP is handing you an IP automatically, xubuntu should get you online if it sees your NIC01:09
frojndNIC ?01:09
maxamillionmalnilion: please do not post malicious or otherwise system compromising code in the channels01:09
maxamillionfrojnd: network interface card01:09
frojndbut.. what if not?01:09
malnilionmaxamillion, yeah01:10
maxamillionfrojnd: most times it will ... otherwise it might just take a little bit of configuration01:10
maxamillionfrojnd: was kubuntu able to get an internet connection?01:10
malnilionmaxamillion, I just found it shocking that with one simple command I could fork bomb my computer...01:10
frojndmaxamillion: I connect via router01:11
frojndthis comp that will have xubuntu will have no router..01:11
frojndso I don't know how this works in kubuntu01:11
maxamillionmalnilion: oh .. you been hanging out on wikipedia as of late? ... we had a user come in and post the perl code for a fork bomb they found on wikipedia ... it was not good :(01:11
malnilionYeah, I saw that one01:12
maxamillionfrojnd: oh, yeah ... should still be essentially the same because dsl does dhcp ip leases01:12
frojndanyway I am going to install xubuntu on my comp01:13
malnilionmaxamillion, I wanted to know if there was an easy way to limit the number of processes in Ubuntu...01:13
maxamillionmalnilion: oooo ... limit the number of processes, not sure ... maybe the number of processes of a certain user .... but even that i wouldn't know how to do01:14
=== LordGamer [n=LordGame@] has joined #xubuntu
graziemaxamillion: do you know who did this? >> http://xubuntuguide.org/tiki-index.php01:17
maxamilliongrazie: yeah ... i admin it01:17
graziemaxamillion: good stuff01:17
maxamilliongrazie: i actually haven't written any of the docs because i also admin the irc chans, the main website, and work on other projects so i didn't have time but when it came through the -devel mailing lists i volunteered to admin :)01:18
graziemaxamillion: could put that transparency stuff on there01:18
maxamilliongrazie: oooo, good idea01:19
maxamilliongrazie: it should be open to edit, if not let me know01:19
graziemaxamillion: oh...ok01:19
maxamillionno wait ... that's right, the guy who owns the server asked that we don't open it up01:20
maxamillioni forget why though01:20
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graziemaxamillion: I do think there are too many official and unofficial guides though01:20
maxamilliongrazie: yeah .... efforts are a little on the scattered side01:21
graziemaxamillion: had to move the transparency stuff to >> http://www50.brinkster.com/craziegrazie/XubuntuTransparency.html01:23
maxamilliongrazie: why did you have to do that?01:24
maxamilliongrazie: at the bottom it says "Tested on 6.04 Dapper Drake" .... its 6.06 ;)01:25
graziemaxamillion: it was a free host and then they made it not free....01:25
morphirhow do I add a background image on my top panel?01:25
graziemaxamillion: ok. i'll change that01:25
maxamilliongrazie: oh .... that's no good :(01:25
maxamillionmorphir: you don't01:26
morphirmaxamillion, it cant be done?01:26
graziemaxamillion: i have another host service, but I wanted to keep xubuntu stuff off there if possible01:26
maxamillionmorphir: not to my knowledge01:26
maxamilliongrazie: fair enough01:26
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syamajalathe new compositor is nice01:31
maxamillionsyamajala: the one in feisty?01:32
maxamillionyeah ... i've heard good things01:32
=== Sharn [n=dino@dsl-216-128-233-200.teton.id.tetontel.com] has joined #xubuntu
SharnHello again..01:33
syamajalawas the emacs package built with the gtk frontend?01:33
maxamillionsyamajala: there might be one01:35
syamajalaguess i'll just install it and see01:35
SharnYou could maybe build it that way?01:35
SharnI don't know for sure... No experience there. :P01:36
maxamillionsyamajala: yeah .... i use vim-gtk myself ... its lighter and i am just used to vi01:36
syamajalai use emacs for slime01:37
SharnDoes that like actually look like a text editor?01:37
maxamillionSharn: what?01:37
SharnI can't use command line editors. :P01:37
syamajalado a bunch of lisp stuff...01:37
maxamillionSharn: http://www.swooh.com/~adam/berylGears.png <--- the monitor on the right has vim-gtk running (vim-gtk is just the install package, the binary executable is called gvim)01:38
maxamillionSharn: that's an old screenie of my work machine before i got bored with beryl .... i also upgraded to dual 21" HD monitors since then :) .... (my boss is the man)01:39
=== grazie_ [n=grazie@host86-139-197-68.range86-139.btcentralplus.com] has joined #xubuntu
SharnRofl... That's pretty sweet.01:39
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SharnI might actually be able to use that...01:40
maxamilliongvim to me is all the perks of vi keyboard shortcuts but with a nice integration into our century of desktop computing01:40
=== Jester45 [n=Jester45@72-161-142-75.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #xubuntu
SharnI wouldn't be able to use the shortcuts anyhow01:41
maxamillionsyamajala: why you do so much lisp stuffs?01:41
SharnToo much to remember.01:41
=== atarinox [n=atarinox@c-71-58-75-130.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu
maxamillionSharn: if you won't be using shortcuts, i recommend something like scite or geany01:41
Jester45Sharn: what are you doing01:41
atarinoxhey what're those desktop graphics called which show different performance stats?01:41
syamajalamaxamillion: i like it01:42
SharnMeh. I don't code much anyway. Just a little php that Bluefish will do. (Or Dreamweaver, in Windows)01:42
maxamillionsyamajala: fair enough ... i had to learn some basic stuff in high school in lisp but ever since then i have been coding in other stuff .... so far i really like java and python, but i will code C when i have to01:42
maxamillionSharn: cool cool01:42
maxamillionatarinox: huh?01:43
syamajalathey have java it my school01:43
syamajalabut thats it01:43
syamajalai'm doing an independent study of lisp01:43
syamajalafor .5 credit01:43
maxamillionsyamajala: we learned java for the class in high school but we learned lisp as part of some national testing thing01:43
Jester45maxamillion: maybe atarinox means somthing like the system load moniter?01:43
maxamillionJester45: oooo01:43
maxamillionJester45: or conky01:43
atarinoxmaxamillion: i've seen it in desktop screenshots...it shows maybe available ram, psu usage, cpu temp....all in some text which is permanently on your desktop01:44
SharnOr a desklets thing?01:44
=== DrX0DrX0 [n=DrX-xubu@adsl-68-120-71-127.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #xubuntu
atarinoxSharn: yeah maybe desklet01:44
SharnI think it's probably gDesklets or aDesklets he's talkign about.01:44
DrX0DrX0Hello, is there a way to see what apt-get packages are available?01:44
atarinoxis that in any repository?01:44
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Sharnatarinox: What are your specs? If you're computer is fast, gDesklets is a lot easier to use in my opinion.01:45
Jester45DrX0DrX0: do you mean the packages you downloaded?01:45
maxamillionatarinox: i think you mean conky ... its in the respoistories and http://conky.sourceforge.net will help you with configuration01:45
SharnAnd I think both are in the repos.01:45
syamajalamy system can't handle extreme transparency01:45
DrX0DrX0Jester45, I want to see which one's are available for download01:45
syamajalaits messy.01:45
SharnDrX0DrX0: Just open Synaptic?01:45
Jester45DrX0DrX0: all of the should be01:45
DrX0DrX0Jester45, I was told to apt-get a package that is no longer there01:45
maxamillionsyamajala: i honestly monitor my system with a terminal window open running htop01:46
DrX0DrX0Sharn, I tried Synaptic but it doesn't show the package01:46
maxamillion!caps | Jester4501:46
ubotuJester45: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:46
DrX0DrX0Jester, what do you mean?01:46
Jester45sorry i has caps on01:46
maxamillionDrX0DrX0: if you can see a package in synaptic then it can be installed01:46
syamajalamaxamillion: i used to use adesklets01:46
SharnDrX0DrX0: Just open synaptic and search for the same thing.01:46
DrX0DrX0Sharn, I don't think what I want is available in Synaptic.01:46
Jester45DrX0DrX0: what was the package you were told to tdownload01:47
SharnThen it's not in the repos.01:47
DrX0DrX0Jester45, xen-hypervisor-3.0-i38601:47
SharnSynaptic shows everything available to download in the repos you have in your repos list.01:47
maxamillionsyamajala: yeah, aDesklets are my favorite of the desklet world ... so light weight01:47
Jester45DrX0DrX0: synaptic uses apt-get...so if one has the other has...unless its a old version01:47
Jester45Sharn: it doesnt know about older packages01:48
syamajalathey also look nice01:48
syamajalabut they are a pain to get running sometimes01:48
DrX0DrX0I searched for Xen and it only seems to show management tools.01:49
maxamillionsyamajala: this is true01:49
syamajalaemacs comes with some gui but its ugly.01:49
SharnMine won't run now. :P I had a couple desklets running, but they won't now for whatever reason. Probably deleted them somehow.01:50
maxamillionsyamajala: :(01:50
atarinoxi'm not sure these g or a desklets are what i was looking for...they seem to be more like widgets01:50
atarinoxill see if i can find a screen of what im talking about01:50
Jester45DrX0DrX0: try running: sudo apt-get -t 3.0* install xen-hypervisor01:50
SharnOoooh. They are pretty much widgets.01:51
DrX0DrX0and, don't I need to be concerned that it says -i386 if I have a 64-bit processor, wouldn't that give me the wrong Xenified (32-bit) kernel?>01:51
maxamillionatarinox: did you try conky like i told you?01:51
Jester45thats should be somthing like what you want i never tried that option01:51
atarinoxmaxamillion: yeah i looked at that...seemed more like it, but not exactly01:51
syamajalai didn't install the right thing01:51
Jester45maxamillion: he might be looking for DSL's thing01:51
maxamillionatarinox: hhhmmmm ... maybe gkrellm201:51
maxamillionJester45: DSL runs the mother project to conky and conky is themeable the same ... kinda like fluxbox to blackbox01:52
DrX0DrX0Jester45, "couldn't find package xen-hypervisor"01:52
syamajalai'm disappointed that wireless doesn't work01:53
Jester45DrX0DrX0: try the same thing but the the 3.0whatever at the end01:53
atarinoxis that conky in the upper right?01:53
DrX0DrX0Jester45, including the -t?01:54
SharnThat's a default for the WM, I think. That's DSL, right?01:54
syamajalaatarinox: it is01:54
maxamillionatarinox: its technically not conky, but its the project that conky is based off of and you can make conky look like it01:55
maxamillioni gotta go ... i am getting off work01:55
Jester45DrX0DrX0: sudo apt-get -t 3.0* install xen-hypervisor-3.0-i38601:55
atarinoxoh ok...thanks01:55
maxamillionlaters all01:55
syamajalai thought it was conky...01:55
DrX0DrX0Jester45, same error01:56
DrX0DrX0that's why i was asking if there's a way too see what's available so i'll know the package name01:56
Jester45DrX0DrX0: i searched for it wihtmy apt and its there... do you have all the repos enabled?01:57
Jester45xen-hypervisor-3.0-i386 is the exact name01:57
DrX0DrX0Jester45, I was told to enable the universe in .etc/apt/sources.list (I uncommented them but took no further action)01:58
DrX0DrX0Jester45, it does show (universe) packages in Synaptic01:58
Jester45DrX0DrX0: you have to run sudo apt-get update01:58
Jester45thats redownloads the list of packages01:59
Jester45with new versions and the new repo01:59
DrX0DrX0Jester45, oh, yeah, I did that01:59
Jester45try sudo apt-get upgrade01:59
DrX0DrX0Jester45, and I also ran Synaptic Reload01:59
DrX0DrX0Did that too01:59
DrX0DrX0do i need to tell it to install the updates, etc?02:00
SharnAnyone think Xubuntu will run as fast as Zenwalk? Just wondering. :P02:00
Jester45DrX0DrX0: to get updates run sudo apt-get upgrade02:00
DrX0DrX0i did that and -update02:01
DrX0DrX0-upgrade says 002:01
Jester45DrX0DrX0: you must first do reload so that apt knows you got a new version to dl02:01
Jester45DrX0DrX0: what are you talking about... you have to run "sudo apt-get upgrade"02:02
Jester45without quotes02:03
DrX0DrX0Jester45, I did (1) reload in Synaptic (2) -upgrade shows 0 (3) -update (4B in 6s)02:03
DrX0DrX0Jester45, still don't see Xen in Synaptic02:04
Jester45DrX0DrX0: just forget the synaptic run "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get upgrade" without quotes and if nothing gets updaetd then your up-to-date02:04
DrX0DrX0Jester45, isn't -386 32-bit?02:04
DrX0DrX0Jester45, -upgrade shows all 0's, -update has the same list over & over02:05
Jester45DrX0DrX0: its the only one in the repos and yes it is02:05
Sharnx86_64 is 64 bit...02:05
Jester45DrX0DrX0: then you are up to date02:06
DrX0DrX0Jester45, I have 64-bit Ubuntu02:06
DrX0DrX0Jester45, perhaps it's not showing it because it won't work with 64-bit?02:06
Jester45DrX0DrX0: well i dont know if thats gonna work then it could be only for 32bit or just optimized for 32 bit02:06
Jester45DrX0DrX0: the update get a new list of packages that you *may* download and upgrade gets newer versions of the packages you have installed02:07
DrX0DrX0Jester45, I know it comes with a new kernel02:07
Jester45to get the package you told me you run02:07
Jester45sudo apt-get install xen-hypervisor-3.0-i38602:07
Jester45thats the only package that has xen,-hypervisor in the name osso there is ony 64bit version02:08
SharnYou might be able to just compile it too.02:08
Jester45the above packages may work for you im not sure i never mesed with that i stick to 32 bit02:08
DrX0DrX0Jester45, how would I go about finding out?02:08
Jester45DrX0DrX0: install it and try to run it02:08
Jester45if it runs then yea! if not then yu have to complie02:09
DrX0DrX0Jester45, it keeps telling me "Couldn't find package xen-hypervisor-3.0-i38602:09
SharnI would just compile it.02:09
SharnActually, that might get a little complicated...02:10
DrX0DrX0Sharn, yeah, I've never had much luck compiling things02:11
DrX0DrX0I do have Fedora 64-bit and I see they've integrated Xen, but I kind of wanted to stick with Ubuntu02:11
SharnI don't think linux is ready for 64 bit, personally...02:13
SharnI can run 64 bit - I just decided to go 32 bit because I heard of all the problems. =\02:14
DrX0DrX0Sharn, well, I can certainly run 32-bit Ubuntu, but I have a beefy 64-bit server02:14
DrX0DrX0Sharn, I don't think anything is ready for 64-bit02:15
SharnAhh. Does it go any faster or anything?02:15
DrX0DrX064-bit:  faster, +++++ more memory support (256GB)02:15
DrX0DrX032-bit maxes out at 4GB02:15
SharnJust less software support. =\02:15
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SharnAnd yeah, I know that. My computers all max at 2Gb or less anyhow =P02:16
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cellofellow:) Hello02:19
SharnGonna be hard to choose between Zenwalk and Xubuntu.02:22
cellofellowWhat's Zenwalks package management like?02:23
SharnIt's Slackware based... I'm not really sure.02:23
SharnI really like *buntu's package management, I have to admit...02:24
cellofellowDebian's apt package manager rocks. Slackware uses just binary tarballs I think.02:24
SharnMostly, I'll be getting a 433Mhz (Hopefully) laptop. Either one with 28Mb RAM or one with 32. I'll be getting 128 more, but I want to get the mst out f it I can.02:26
=== cellofellow has an experiment in his mind. Could he morph Debian Sarge net-install into Ubuntu, therebye not needing a CD?
cellofellowonly 28MB on a 400Mhz box?02:26
SharnI know, I don't get it either.02:26
cellofellowI have a Pentium 160Mhz with 32MB. That makes sense.02:27
cellofellow(not Xubuntu, Debian Net-install minimal.)02:27
Sharn6Gb disks too. Every other equivalent system I've seen comes with at least 64...02:27
SharnThen, I have a desktop here with a 600Mhx that only came with 64Mb too.02:28
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cellofellowI've a 450Mhz box that came with 13GB, and another that came with 9GB disk.02:28
cellofellow450Mhz with 96MB RAM is slow going. Luckily mine is 320MB.02:29
SharnRofl. Must a be really low end laptops... I don't know. One's an AMD, too.02:29
SharnThe 28Mb one is actually the AMD.02:29
cellofellowNot lappy's, desktop's circa 1999.02:29
cellofellowIntel PIII Katmai.02:29
SharnPIII's are 450Mhz?02:30
cellofellowthe both of em. One's a Compaq, the other a Micron. One is Windows 98 and is buggy and unstable. The Xubuntu.02:30
SharnI thought PII's got that high..02:30
cellofellowThey go as high 900Mhz, with the Coppermine-T core.02:30
cellofellowmine's a Katmai, so it's slow, old-school.02:30
SharnOh, ok, rofl. I don't have any idea what model eaither of these are. The AMD is a K5 or something.. The other one's manual is VERY vague.02:31
SharnBesides it's an "Ashton Digital" that cannot be found online no matter what you try. =\02:32
cellofellowoh, :(02:32
DrX0DrX0I installed Ubuntu on a Windows server now Windows is not offered as a boot option -- how do I get that back?02:32
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:33
SharnReally? It's always done greatconfiguring Grub for me.02:33
cellofellowtry the second link02:33
DrX0DrX0no, other way around02:33
=== tictacaddict [n=josh@4.110.dhcp.hope.edu] has joined #xubuntu
DrX0DrX0I lost Windows after installing GRUB02:33
cellofellowI said try the second link.02:33
SharnThe very first time I isntalled screwed up the whole computer, but that's because the partitions were too big for WinME.02:34
tictacaddicthas anybody here installed XFCE4.4 final on edgy eft?02:34
SharnPeople have tried. It always ends up in a huge mess.02:35
cellofellowupgrade to Feisty development stuff.02:36
cellofellowif you insist.02:36
cellofellowOr, use Debian Sid if you don't like how Ubuntu drifts out of date. (Not so much as Debian Sarge though.)02:36
SharnHeh. 6.06 is still using Firefox 1.5, isn't it?02:37
tictacaddictI have been thinking about trying one of those.  really my computer is running well right now though02:37
SharnUgh. -cringes-02:37
tictacaddictactually... it won't shut down.  forgot about that02:37
cellofellowsame here02:37
cellofellowLinux shuts down, but the box stays on.02:37
cellofellowat least reboot works02:37
DrX0DrX0I don't get how to get windows back from that article.02:37
tictacaddictwell it is a new problem.  it gets stuck somewhere in the shutdown scripts02:38
SharnI've never had problems with that. At least with Linux. (WinME did that...)02:38
cellofellowDrX0DrX0: you add an entry for Windows in the file /boot/grub/menu.lst02:38
cellofellowSharn: same thing on my Debian server box that I usually don't shutdown. It's got an old 2.4 kernel though.02:39
SharnI'd love to try debian on a laptop, but it's too... hands on for me.02:40
SharnToo much to just get it working. :P02:40
cellofellowyou want hands on use Gentoo.02:40
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cellofellowactually, debian is pretty friendly.02:40
SharnRofl.. I know. I'm definitely too newb to compile a kernel.02:40
DrX0DrX0cellofellow, um, how?02:40
cellofellowDrX0DrX0: it doesn't say in the wikipage?02:41
Sharn(For Gentoo ^) Debian looked alright, but I'm more into the simple install and go thing.02:41
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DrX0DrX0cellofellow, I don't know what the parameters are supposed to be02:41
cellofellowDrX0DrX0: there may be help in #ubuntu or #grub02:42
cellofellowI don't know, never dual-booted02:42
SharnNever? And you actually had it right the first time. :P02:43
cellofellowThis box came with FC3. blegh.02:43
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cellofellowBefore that I have no idea what was on it.02:43
cellofellowprobably Windows 98 in its first life.02:43
tictacaddictDrX0DrX0: are you trying to add a windows boot option in grub?02:46
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tictacaddictthere might be an example in the comments of /boot/grub/menu.lst02:46
tictacaddictif not I am trying to put my entry on pastebin02:46
tictacaddictthough it's really not very long02:47
tictacaddictthat is with windows as the first partition on the first drive02:47
SharnI found FC to be very big and slow.02:48
tictacaddictreally?  I heard FC is quite fast.  or did you mean 3?02:49
cellofellowI gave it about 12 hours.02:49
tictacaddict*that FC6 is fast02:49
SharnI have 5...02:50
=== Sharn is not a fan of KDE, either
tictacaddictI have never actually used it (except for FC3, but that was a while ago)02:51
SharnIs FC on KDE?02:51
SharnI only ran it in VMware...02:52
DrX0DrX0thanks, that worked, but how do I get the menu to show up instead of having to press ESC in a tiny 3-second window of time?>02:52
tictacaddictdelete or comment the line that says hidemenu02:52
tictacaddicter, hiddenmenu02:53
SharnHey, do I need to unmount a USB harddrive before unplugging it?02:53
tictacaddictand you can change "timeout 3" to something longer if you want as well02:53
SharnOr does it not really matter?02:54
tictacaddictSharn: I think it can cause problems if you don't.02:55
tictacaddictnot sure how big but I would say it's better to unmount it02:55
SharnXubuntu makes it pretty easy anyhow02:56
tictacaddictI installed a bunch of *-dev packages with apt-get build-dep.  is there an easy way to remove all of those now that I built the program?02:58
SharnCan't you just "apt-get remove build-dep"?02:58
tictacaddictI don't think so because it's not a pacakge02:59
tictacaddictnope, tried it02:59
SharnOh, hmm. Got me then.03:00
cellofellowummmmm, look at logs and find out what was installed and remove it?03:00
tictacaddictgood enough for me.  which logs though?03:00
tictacaddictI just wondered if there was something like autoremove for that03:01
cellofellowdunno what logs.03:02
Jester45what did you install03:02
Jester45there is autoremove03:02
Jester45but its for packagges that are not depended on03:02
Jester45like you install package A but package A needs B & C03:03
tictacaddictI wanted the newest xfce4-notes-plugin so I downloaded the source from the website03:03
cellofellow-dev packages won't be depended on once the build is complete.03:03
Jester45so apt installs those and if you remove A03:03
Jester45then sudo atp-get autoremove will remobe B & C03:03
tictacaddictthen I said "sudo apt-get build-dep xfce4-notes-plugin"03:03
cellofellowoooh. I can't seem to find the Debian net-install floppy images. No links on Debian.org, though it talks about them.03:05
tictacaddictit installed a bunch of packages.  then "./configure && make && sudo checkingstall"03:05
tictacaddictI didn't use apt-get for the actual package though03:05
Jester45i tried them but it didnt work03:05
cellofellowwhere are they?03:11
Jester45tictacaddict: well what did you install03:12
DrX0DrX0so, I'm trying to install a package and it says ""Dependency is not satisfyable:  libsysfs1" I have libsysfs203:12
SharnGet libsysfs1, if it's available.03:13
Jester45DrX0DrX0: you install the 1 version but apt cant get it03:13
Jester45you need to install*03:13
DrX0DrX0use install* instead of install?03:14
tictacaddictJester45: I said, xfce4-notes-plugin03:14
syamajalaanyone use gtkpbbuttons?03:16
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Jester45tictacaddict: is that what you apt-get ed? try apt-get remove build-essentials03:19
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tictacaddictapt-get build-dep xfce4-notes-plugin is what I used to install the necessary packages03:21
tictacaddictbuild-essential was already installed, I don't think it depends on those03:21
cellofellowand you didn't take not of what it installed?03:21
cellofellowunless your hard drive is just crying for space, I'd say let it lie.03:21
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tictacaddictno.  I would not be crushed if I couldn't uninstall them, I just figure I don't need them.  I uninstalled them just now though manually03:22
tictacaddictthe log is at /var/log/dpkg.log03:22
Jester45cant you just go back untill you reach the part htis installing the packages then copy/paste them?03:22
tictacaddictI closed that window, so I don't think so03:23
tictacaddictbut I found the packages in the log, so for now it's no longer an issue.  I'll probably c/p next time if I use build-dep03:24
Jester45i would just leave hem unless you dont want to or need the space03:26
SharnSame ^03:26
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cellofellowHe said he doesn't want to03:28
Jester45yea.. but i can give my option03:29
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=== Sharn needs something cool to compile
Sharn:O Which is?03:35
tictacaddictit is like slocate but it's always up to date03:36
cellofellowhow's it do that?03:36
tictacaddictit has a kernel module that watches for file creation/deletion etc03:37
tictacaddictwhich by the way conflicts with SELinux and Default Linux Capabilities03:37
tictacaddictit IS cool03:37
tictacaddictI do not use SELinux and don't know what Default Linux Capabilities does03:37
SharnStill not sure what it is. xD03:38
cellofellowcommand-line file search utility is slocate.03:38
Jester45Sharn: how about gtk-gnutella?03:38
cellofellowslocate == secure locate. rlocate must == real-time locate.03:38
SharnRofl... again.03:38
Stu_2what is up with the add/remove app in xubuntu in addition to synaptic?  I noticed synaptic could find more things when I enabled more repositories... is there an advantage to the other?03:39
tictacaddicthmm I have to go.03:39
tictacaddictso I will03:39
tictacaddictbye everyone03:39
cellofellowEasier for absolute newbs. I think it'll be replaced by Linspire's CNR in Feisty.03:40
Jester45Stu_2: the add/remove app is basic synatic is more advance03:40
cellofellowit will in Ubuntu, dunno about Xubuntu.03:40
Stu_2gotcha, thanks.03:40
cellofellowand aptitude rules them all.03:41
Stu_2what is different about it ?03:41
Sharngtk-gnutella looks kinda cramped...03:41
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Jester45o complie the gtk2 version please03:41
cellofellowStu_2: it's semi-graphical and handles the /removal/ of dependancies very well.03:42
SharnJester45:I'm not sure what you want rofl. You were talking about me compiling it for you, but I have no idea how that will work. :P03:42
Jester45hehe cellofellow you should know your own site03:42
cellofellowhehe, that's just a little blurb for a friend.03:43
Jester45Sharn: do you have 32 bit?03:43
syamajalai can't get pbbuttonsd to work03:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pbbuttons - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:43
cellofellowno idea what that is03:43
Jester45Sharn: then you should be able to compile it for me just dont do make install03:44
SharnSo just compile then make?03:45
Jester45yes the make install will mess it up i think03:45
Jester45make a .deb for me :)03:46
cellofellowwhy not do it yourself Jester45?03:49
SharnI agree. xD It has an insanely long configure script.03:53
=== Prisoner_ [n=redstick@ip24-254-33-54.br.br.cox.net] has joined #xubuntu
SharnHey, your back03:55
SharnRofl, Jester45, where are the files going to be? :P03:56
Prisoner_trying to work some bugs out of my printer03:59
SharnWhat's the problem?04:00
Prisoner_my HP Deskjet 712C is printing pages in their actual order on screen so I have to rearrange them when it's finished, but I found the fix04:00
Prisoner_had to add an extra line to the ppd file04:01
Prisoner_to tell it to print in reverse04:02
Prisoner_I'm also in search of a good DVD burning program04:02
Jester45video dvds?04:02
Prisoner_also added some cool stuff to the taskbar up top04:02
Prisoner_may just bite the bullet and use K3B, I know it's a KDE app, but I'm told it's great04:03
Jester45if its an iso you need to mount the iso then you can use the commandat the bottom04:04
Jester45i have gnome and kde :) the whole thing04:04
SharnJester45: make is done. I THINK it will run from just the "src" directory.04:04
Prisoner_I have Xubuntu with XFCE and it runs pretty good04:04
Jester45yea thats why you dont use make install04:05
Prisoner_I put the meters on my taskbar to show CPU, RAM, and Swap use, seems minimal most of the time04:05
SharnIt doesn't have a make or make install in the src directory, though.04:05
Jester45Prisoner_: the system load moniter??? its it nice04:06
Prisoner_it is, I also have the temperature next to it04:06
SharnThere's a temp monitor?04:06
Jester45Prisoner_: try the network moniter that is all so nice04:06
SharnIs all this default in Xubuntu?04:07
Jester45i dont need a temp moniter04:07
Jester45i have a AC tube running around the parts04:07
SharnI don't either. I just want to compare it to Windows. Which sits at like 45c most the time, I think.04:08
Prisoner_not the CPU temp, the weather04:08
SharnRofl... I see. xD04:08
Jester45Prisoner_: i know that one also i have about every one :)04:09
Prisoner_I tried the network monitor but took it off for now, couldn't figure out the name of my network connection04:09
Jester45Prisoner_: what type eternet? wifi? dailup?04:09
Prisoner_I just have a wired ethernet connection04:09
Prisoner_runs into a Linksys router which is run into a cable modem04:10
Jester45use eth004:10
Prisoner_thanks! This online help community is pretty cool04:10
Jester45then set the max transfer speeds your internet is unless you do lots of lan transfers04:10
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SharnPrisoner_: were you the one trying to figure out the GPS program?04:13
Prisoner_yes I was04:13
Prisoner_I do some Geocaching04:14
SharnYou ever figure it out?04:14
Prisoner_no I didn't, put it on hold for now04:16
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Prisoner_I'm now working on trying to get Xubuntu to work on my main machine04:18
Prisoner_got it dualbooted right now04:19
SharnOh, sorry, I was watching MythBusters. :P Congrats, though. Linux ftw. :)04:25
Prisoner_thanks, it's a learning experience to say the least04:30
Prisoner_I'm actually thinking about writing about it for my PC usergroup newsletter04:30
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Prisoner_or starting my own blog about my journey into linux04:31
Prisoner_anyone ever use Alien?04:33
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jfcgausshi, how do i browse the network?05:37
Stu_2jfcgauss -- can you restate the question?  what are you looking for exactly ?05:38
jfcgaussi have a pentium m laptop with xubuntu 6.10. say my friend has win xp, has some share in the lan that we both are connected to. how do i browse the network and go/see that share?05:41
Stu_2have you played with samba yet ?05:42
jfcgausswell im trying to type smb:// into hunar address bar but it doesnt work, it should be installed btw, i can apparently create shares with smb05:43
Stu_2I think you just need the client...  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently05:45
jfcgaussok thx but say i dont want automatically mounted shares, i just want to browse the network, how do i do it? with thunar? after installing smbfs?05:51
Stu_2just don't edit your fstab05:51
Stu_2just use the smbfs string at the shell05:51
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bigredradio"Network Settings" sees my wireless as a wired network. Anyone heard of this before?05:53
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IphigeniaHi! I have lost access to the 'Desktop Menu' both on right click on the desktop and also as an entry on the top left of the screen. Xubuntu Edgy 6.10. Is there a terminal command to reset?06:37
Iphigeniais there anybody ..... out there ....?      ?the Wall06:43
Iphigeniahere i sit naked by the phone ..... waiting for someone to call   ..... I am almost sure that is Pink Floyd 'The Wall'06:46
Iphigeniao well cyall later06:49
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fullmetalsomebody got a sec for an instal question07:23
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grazie!ask | fullmetal07:27
ubotufullmetal: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:27
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frojndhow can I install xvid codecs09:04
frojndand mpr support for qxine09:04
frojndhello anaone here09:06
frojndor where are how tos for xubuntu?09:07
ubotudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com09:07
frojndoh and how can I put some shortcuts next to application09:08
frojndif that's even option :)09:08
DarthLappyI'm not sure what you mean.09:08
frojndI just installed xubuntu09:09
frojndso on the top left Is: Applocation and shortcut for firefox09:09
frojndhow can I add there terminal shorctu09:09
frojndnext to firefox09:09
DarthLappyubotu: tell frojnd about enter09:09
DarthLappyAnd you just right click the panel and select "Add New Item"09:09
frojndwell there isn't any "Terminal"09:10
DarthLappyJust add a Launcher.09:11
DarthLappyYou'll probably want xfce4-terminal as the command, unless you use another09:11
frojndwell that's strange09:17
frojndmy sources list09:17
frojndI enabled muliverse and universe09:17
frojndbut still can't get libxine-extracodecs09:17
frojndapt can't be found :D09:18
frojndwhat is used in xubuntu instead of apt-kubuntu09:18
DarthLappyThere's Synaptic as a visual tool, and apt-get or aptitude as command-line tools.09:19
frojndI've installed all need packages for Multimedia support but gxine stilla can't play mp3s..09:26
frojndit jus tjump to try open another mp3 and when it checks for all playlist it stops..09:26
DarthLappyDid you restart gxine, etc? :P09:27
frojndstill dosn't work09:29
frojndand when I try to play avi it's just music09:29
frojndany ideas?09:34
kumamotothis is just my 2c09:35
kumamotogxine is crap09:35
kumamotono offense to those who use it09:35
kumamotorather mess with mplayer than with gxine09:35
frojndmplayer is also for music an dvideo09:36
DarthLappygxine works fine for videos, but I'd rather use something else for music.09:36
frojndI need one player for music and for video09:36
frojndso than: what's good for music, like amarok or smth less powerful?09:37
DarthLappyamarok is a bit KDE-y.09:37
DarthLappyI don't mind Quod-Libet as my music player.09:38
kumamotofor video mplayer for music oooooooo there is a bunch I loved audacious as a xmms replacement but xubuntu doesn't have good support on it09:38
kumamotobut there is a bunch you can choose from depending on the features you are looking for09:39
frojndcheck this out: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7004/09:39
frojndsmth about: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7004/09:39
frojndarh, smth a bout: E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:39
kumamotosynaptic is running09:40
frojndme dummy09:40
frojndthat's strange strange09:41
kumamotoif want music player with ipod support if you have one use one called 'Banshee'09:41
frojndas a matter of fact I don't have libxine-extracodecs09:41
DarthLappyThat's probably why then :P09:42
frojndeven when I enabled multiverse and universe and than update the system..09:42
DarthLappyI think it's in restricted, actually.09:42
frojndplease check my sources.list09:42
DarthLappyOr maybe not.09:43
kumamotowhat errors do you get when running 'sudo apt-get update' with that source-list09:43
DarthLappyErr, you don't seem to have multiverse...09:43
frojndmy mistake my bad09:43
frojndI didn't see tha last 2 lines09:44
frojndcouse I was to lazy to scroll the terminal down..09:44
frojndgee I need some rest09:44
frojndOk now I've enabled everything: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7005/  and still can't find extracodecs: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7006/09:49
kumamotowhat do you get when you run 'sudo aptitude search extracodecs'09:51
frojndjust another line09:52
kumamotoi guess you don't have it09:52
hyper_chfrojnd: you can't get mp3s to ruN?09:52
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:52
frojndhyper_ch: I can't get packages from multiverse universe09:52
hyper_chmp3 support is not in multiverse09:52
DarthLappyhyper_ch: I think it is...09:53
frojndit is..09:53
DarthLappyfrojnd: You still don't seem to have multiverse added.09:53
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hyper_chit's in seveas' repo... I think09:53
DarthLappyhttp://si.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy universe multiverse would be the line you're looking for.09:53
DarthLappyYou only have universe, main and restricted for "edgy".09:53
frojnddeb http://si.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse09:54
frojnddeb-src http://si.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse09:54
frojndand what is mulitverse at the end of the lines?09:54
hyper_chapt-get -y install libdvdcss2 gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-pitfdll gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gxine libxine-main1 libxine-extracodecs ogle ogle-gui w32codecs mplayer09:54
frojndhyper_ch ?09:55
hyper_chand add this repo to your list:  deb  http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl edgy-seveas all09:55
DarthLappyI don't think you really need the gstreamer stuff if you're only using gxine.09:55
DarthLappyAnd the seveas repo probably isn't necessary, either.09:55
hyper_chDarthLappy: the rectricted guide did tell so at one time09:56
hyper_chDarthLappy: I use it and it works09:56
frojndok we are missing the point here09:56
=== DarthLappy is tempted to !worksforme
DarthLappyYes, we probably are.09:56
frojndDo I have or do I have not multiverse??09:56
DarthLappyfrojnd: You do, but not for the main edgy repo. You have it added for backports only.09:57
hyper_chDarthLappy: in the updated restricted guide format you still have to get gstreamer09:57
esc_on_anakinmay the multiverse be with you09:57
frojndDarthLappy: couldt u paste the repos I need for multiverse?09:57
frojndcouse or where do I have to weite "miltiverse"09:57
hyper_chfrojnd: just add multiverse at the end of the lines09:57
hyper_chfrojnd: e.g.   deb http://ch.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main restricted universe multiverse09:58
hyper_chdeb http://ch.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-updates main restricted universe multiverse09:58
hyper_chah, seveas' repo is needed for dvds :) that was it :)09:59
frojndwell now we are talking :) tnx09:59
hyper_chand also the w32codecs may be in seveas' repo10:00
frojndhyper_ch what sexy audio program do u use10:00
frojndI wanna have the same10:00
frojndon xubuntu?10:01
frojndbut this is kde10:01
hyper_chwhy not10:01
hyper_chI run tons of kde appz10:01
frojndcouse I don't have memory in tons..10:01
DarthLappyYou *can* use amarok, but you need to get the KDE libs.10:01
frojndI need smthing small and nice10:01
hyper_chamarok, konversation, konqueror, kftpgrabber, krdc, krfb, kopete, kontact, ......10:02
frojndor just nice and no memory to eat10:02
hyper_chI tend to think amarok isn't so much a pure kde program anymore10:02
DarthLappyWell, I've recommended Quod Libet, but I don't know how that goes for memory. It works fine on this 256MB laptop.10:02
hyper_chSysinfo for 'xubi': Linux 2.6.17-10-generic running KDE 3.5.5, CPU: AMDSempron2400+ at 1683 MHz (3371 bogomips), , RAM: 992/1010MB, 144 proc's, 16.32h up10:02
hyper_chkonversation thinks I'm running kde :)10:03
DarthLappyProbably because you have the KDE 3.5.5 libs...10:03
hyper_choh well, tuesday I'll try on feisty again10:04
hyper_chif I can get vmware to run there it would be nice10:04
frojndDarthLappy: what's the terminal name of Quot Libet ?10:05
frojndand what program do u have for music10:05
DarthLappyThat's what I use.10:05
DarthLappyIt's just an audio player.10:05
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frojndand what do u have for vide10:05
DarthLappyI just use gxine for that.10:05
frojndwell smth ins wrog with sound10:07
hyper_chit's simply the best for vids10:07
DarthLappyYa, VLC is nice.10:07
frojndsound is all worng10:07
kumamotoi really love nomachines nixserver/client10:08
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frojndoh and what repo do I need for skype to be installed10:11
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tuxcrafterHow do I install SLiM  http://slim.berlios.de/index.php under xubuntu XFCE11:15
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about roulette - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:29
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tuxcrafterHow do I install SLiM  http://slim.berlios.de/index.php under xubuntu XFCE11:35
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tamino7hello guys11:59
tamino7i need to install my dsl11:59
tamino7i have dynamic IP11:59
tamino7and don't know how to install this12:00
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tamino7now I am on other comp12:00
tamino7somehow ethernet card isn't recognized... so12:00
tamino7any idea how to install dsl12:00
tamino7I have password, username and I know its dsl :)12:01
ubotudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com12:01
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joaospintohello guys03:30
joaospintoone doubt, to update from an older version of xubuntu is it necessary to reinstall?03:31
moe_evilno joaospinto03:34
moe_evilwhat are yo using? xubuntu 6.06?03:36
joaospintoi was just asking03:36
joaospintoi use arch03:36
joaospintowhy aha03:36
moe_evilummm, it's a common expresion in my language03:37
moe_evillike "ok" or so03:37
joaospintoi thought it was like laughing :p03:38
joaospintoi was planning to try xubuntu, but i was told that there is a speed difference between arch and xubuntu due to the cpu arch's used03:39
joaospintois there any xubuntu version or something for 686?03:39
grazie_joaospinto: there is not a specific 686 build03:40
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BounCBonjour !!03:47
grazieBuon giorno03:49
=== BounC is now known as causeur
causeurCome vai ?03:50
grazie!fr | causeur03:50
ubotucauseur: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:50
causeurSono un italiano vero03:51
graziegrazie: not really :)03:51
causeurSono un italiano !!!!03:52
causeurUn poco03:52
graziecauseur: no, I'm a briitish03:52
causeurVery good03:52
causeurWhat are you doing ?03:53
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aoupihi, how can I make applications open behind current window?05:00
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morphirwhere is the smb network located under thunar?05:56
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syamajalaanyone know where xfce themes are supposed to go?05:59
syamajalaisn't it ~/.themes?05:59
graziesyamajala: yes and icons > ~/,icons06:00
graziemorphir: don't think thunar supports smb browsing yet06:01
BFTDsyamajala, also try /usr/share/themes06:02
morphirgrazie, how would I get to my network files trough x then?06:02
morphirgrazie, is there any other solutions?06:03
graziemorphir: there's no restriction on access...just can't browse with thunat06:06
graziemoe_evil: you may want look at this >> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30413106:06
graziemorphir: ^^06:06
graziemoe_evil: sorry :)06:07
syamajalagrazie, did they change the format of themes between 4.2 and 4.4?06:09
syamajalabecause i got a theme from xfce-looks.org and its not showing up in the selector06:09
graziesyamajala: I think so...but not certain06:10
graziesyamajala: where did you put them?06:10
syamajalawell i only tried one so far06:11
syamajalabut i put it in ~/.themes06:11
graziesyamajala: try system area instead06:11
syamajalawow i am stupid.06:12
graziesyamajala: also xubuntu edgy->feisty shouldn't be a problem06:12
graziesyamajala: ?06:13
syamajalai was playing with the gui extractor thingy06:13
syamajalaand i guess it didn't really extract it or something06:13
graziesyamajala: Xarch...?06:13
syamajalai used tar and it worked06:13
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grazieXarchiver doesn't always maintain the structure06:14
syamajalaguess so06:15
syamajalabecause it was missing the xfwm4 dir06:15
syamajalaeverything was in the root dir of theme instead of it being name/xfwm4/06:15
graziesyamajala: I'd also be pretty cautious updating feisty on ppc...as ppc no longer supported and a lot of stuff isn't getting tested06:20
syamajalathis isn't going to be permanent06:21
syamajalai just missed using xfce06:21
syamajalaand didn't get to try out 4.4 either06:21
syamajalamy x86 system has fallen in to disrepair and its kinda hard to get linux running on it06:22
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dejandhow to change layout in xfce ?!08:06
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dejandhow to change layout in xfce ?!08:10
graziedejand: the panels?08:11
dejandall stuff08:11
dejandand in console same08:11
dejandi have slovenian, i want to have enlish08:11
graziedejand: language...Applcations > System > Language Support08:13
graziedejand: XFCE layout....Applications > Settings > Xfce Settings Manager > whatever your want to change08:14
dejandthere's no xfce settings08:16
graziedejand: there's lots...08:17
graziedejand: corrected....Applications > Settings > Settings Manager > whatever your want to change08:18
dejandbeen there08:19
dejandthere's no layout08:19
graziedejand: I don't understand...what layout do you wish to change?08:20
dejandas in windows alt shift, switches between layouts08:20
dejandor  ctrl shift in some distros...08:20
dejandif its set on that08:21
graziedejand: dunno08:21
dejandyou know on some layouts are y and z mixed up08:22
dejandand other keys..08:22
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graziedejand: do you mean keyboard mapping?08:25
gpocentekdejand: "setxkbmap en" in a terminal08:25
dejandgpocentek,  YES THIS08:25
dejand:*** (i got used to this mapping)08:26
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Moniker42where can i find power management settings in xubuntu?09:49
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icicledMoniker42, Monitor power management?10:08
icicledif so its in the screensaver settings10:08
icicledif you're talking about speedstep etc. then those are some other tools10:09
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redwyrmI'm interested in replacing xfwm with ion10:35
redwyrmis there a way to do this?10:35
redwyrmand keep other xfce behavior the same?10:35
redwyrmsergiu, hi10:38
sergiuwho know samba10:42
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sergiuredwyrm hello10:42
redwyrmnot me, sorry10:42
redwyrmI experimented with it a tiny bit years ago10:42
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frojndhello guys,.. I need some help11:02
frojndwhat repos do I have to add to install skype?11:02
redwyrmI'm guessing multivers11:02
frojnd...I have multiverse..11:03
grazie!skype | frojnd11:03
ubotufrojnd: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto11:03
sergiui have install samba-doc11:07
sergiuwere this document is placed to access it?11:07
sergiuwhere he was installed11:08
sergiui installed it via synaptic11:08
sergiui think that xubuntu linux play with me11:09
redwyrmtry /usr/share/doc11:09
=== Beltz [n=bah@bas11-montreal02-1128531668.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #xubuntu
BeltzIf I use the LiveCD on a USB drive, will I be able to install stuff and use it as any normal operating system?11:15
BeltzAnd be able to install new applications, etc. so that I can use it on various PCs?11:15
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redwyrmit all depends on whether you BIOS allows you to boot from USB drive11:17
grazieBeltz: I believe it can be done...installation to where? installation to the USB drive would be very limited unless you rework it11:18
BeltzI was wondering if it was possible to just put the liveCD files in a USB card, boot from it, and be able to save stuff on it in the future..11:19
BeltzBasically, I'm wondering if its possible to carry my operating system, files, applications, with me, and boot linux on various computers without having to install anything there, while retaining my data/apps11:19
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grazieBeltz: I'm sure what you want could be done, but like I said not with the live image as it. It's not designed to have extra apps or data added to it11:21
BeltzIs what I am looking for perhaps more something that I would find in "damn small linux" or those portable os?11:23
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grazieBeltz: pretty sure you'd need to make your own distro... quite a lot of people are doing it....not as hard as it once was11:24
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PuMpErNiCkLeBeltz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:25
Beltzthanks guys11:25
Jester45can someone please  report a broken package ? its gtk-gnutella11:26
Jester45its to outdated to work now it will not connect11:26
Jester45well it connects11:27
Jester45but it is lacking is many things11:27
SharnJust compile it yourself, rofl.11:27
SharnIt's not that bad. :P11:27
Jester45i cant figure it out11:27
Jester45i have complied before and i wouold like it to be placed in a good spot and be updateasble11:28
sergiuhow to enter to an local ip adress11:28
graziePuMpErNiCkLe: interesting11:28
PuMpErNiCkLeJester45: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Candidates11:28
PuMpErNiCkLeSecond paragraph has package request info.11:29
Jester45sergiu: enter it11:29
Jester45sergiu: if you want a localhost is and for most networks a computer on the11:29
sergiuwhy smbclient -I return me 0?11:29
Jester45lan is 192.168.*.*11:30
sergiuor return me usage11:30
sergiujester45 what?11:30
sergiui want to enter to
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sergiugive me please an syntax..11:31
sergiuis so hard to enter to an ip adress with xubuntu...11:32
Jester45hows that?11:32
sergiuin ubuntu is more easy...11:32
sergiujester45 do you have experience with samba?11:33
Stu_2Anyone know where the printers gui in xubuntu looks to populate the list of available drivers?11:35
Stu_2i.e. if one was to add a new driver that wasn't included... how would the gui know it's available?11:36
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LordGameranyone know SQL here?11:59
LordGamerthat a yes frojnd?12:00
frojndwe don't know even xubuntu :D12:00
frojndLordGamer... U knew at SQL ?12:01
frojndbrand new user?12:01
frojndthan u know more than I do..12:01
LordGamerok ;)12:01
=== frojnd not proud ..
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magic_ninjawhats ubuntu printer drivers12:08
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SharnYES. Finally got accelerated graphics!12:12
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=== Sharn is so happy he could actually donate to "Envy"
=== Sharn heads off to install Beryl, finally.
redwyrmSharn, best of luck12:16
ubotudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com12:17
SharnRofl.. I'm glad to be this far. I've had no luck getting accelerated graphics going for almost 2 months.12:17
=== grazie [n=grazie@host86-139-197-68.range86-139.btcentralplus.com] has joined #xubuntu
frojndi need torrent client GUI!12:19
SharnDeluge is a great torrent client12:19
ubotudeluge is a new Bittorrent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured client to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce - See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information12:20
SharnThere ya go. :)12:20

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