cpk1 | if you can get to tty1 then you can look at xorg.conf and see if it is using "nv" or "vesa" otherwise the help when the cd first boots should tell you the grub option to use | 12:13 |
bulletxt | enigma, in the boot options of grub, add the line acpi=off | 12:13 |
en1gma | i get into tty1 and i was going to look at xorg.conf but there is no mc | 12:13 |
cpk1 | mc? | 12:13 |
en1gma | midnight commander | 12:14 |
Frost^ | cpk1: That actually did install something, unfortunately, it did not solve my problem. | 12:14 |
Frost^ | Thanks anyway, though. | 12:14 |
cpk1 | Frost^: those 2 are all that kdelibs depends on | 12:14 |
Frost^ | I guess my problem is with something other than kdelibs then. | 12:14 |
=== KaiHanari [n=Kai@stjhnf0122w-142162043055.pppoe-dynamic.nl.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Frost^ | I've no idea what the KJAS thingy belongs to. | 12:14 |
cpk1 | !find kjas | 12:15 |
archangel_ | shalom | 12:15 |
ubotu | Package/file kjas does not exist in edgy | 12:15 |
archangel_ | Hey does anyone here have the new gateway ta1 laptop? | 12:15 |
archangel_ | tablet | 12:15 |
Frost^ | KJAS is something KDE uses to run java applets. | 12:16 |
Frost^ | I've no idea why it isn't working for me. | 12:16 |
Frost^ | But I'm also clueless as to where it exists. It's a java package. | 12:16 |
=== jordo23 [n=jordo23@CPE-70-94-7-10.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
archangel_ | I cant get any version of linux to run on it and I cant find any threads that mention anything about it yet | 12:16 |
Frost^ | Using locate had no results either. | 12:17 |
DonMCN | What are you system requirements for Kubuntu? | 12:17 |
cpk1 | i cant seem to find it either | 12:17 |
cpk1 | you need to update your db to use locate dont forget | 12:17 |
Frost^ | cpk1: Can you try locating KJASSecurityManager on your machine? | 12:17 |
Frost^ | Yeah, I did that. | 12:17 |
DonMCN | What are the system requirements for Kubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake? | 12:17 |
archangel_ | not much | 12:17 |
cpk1 | nothing | 12:18 |
cpk1 | find -iname gives nothing as well | 12:18 |
archangel_ | I cant get a 133 to run it | 12:18 |
Frost^ | Drat. Java sure is evil.. | 12:18 |
cpk1 | you installed using the java package? | 12:18 |
DonMCN | I have 733 Mhz AMD Athlon with 348 MB of RAM and an old nVidia 4mb card | 12:18 |
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Frost^ | Yeah, I have java working just fine in firefox. | 12:18 |
DonMCN | Its an old computer | 12:18 |
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Frost^ | It's a KDE issue, I'm pretty certain. | 12:19 |
archangel_ | you should be able to run it no prob | 12:19 |
Ace2016 | Hi all | 12:19 |
sistemas | hi all | 12:19 |
Frost^ | Do you happen to know where java is looking for packages when it uses the import statement? | 12:19 |
DonMCN | Its very slow lol I'm trying to make it faster. On Windows XP my machine was much more faster. | 12:19 |
cpk1 | DonMCN: you could try XFCE instead | 12:19 |
DonMCN | And that is? | 12:19 |
cpk1 | a DE that is supposed to lighter | 12:20 |
DonMCN | Will I have to get rid of Kubuntu | 12:20 |
cpk1 | no, just pick XFCE from the login screen instead of KDE | 12:20 |
cpk1 | after you install it that is | 12:20 |
atool | DonMCN: http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=Performance%20Tips | 12:21 |
DonMCN | Okay I'll go look | 12:21 |
=== purpleposeidon [n=neptune@adsl-67-122-208-38.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
atool | DonMCN: turning off all the "eye-candy"should help quite a bit | 12:22 |
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purpleposeidon | how do you change failsafe to use xterm? | 12:22 |
archangel_ | xp is by far the best OS M$ ahs come upI cant even get DSL to run effectively on my 133 that i just got | 12:22 |
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archangel_ | wow I didnt mean to have both statements on one line | 12:23 |
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DonMCN | atool how do I turn off all the eye-candy | 12:24 |
atool | DonMCN: KDE tends to be a little resouce intensive, maybe give Gnome a try...can i say that here :)) | 12:24 |
hybridstorm | Hello all | 12:24 |
=== Adydas [n=ro0t@60-234-129-10.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu | ||
atool | DonMCN: http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=Performance%20Tips#_Disabling_various_eye_candy_features | 12:24 |
sistemas | hi i need some help | 12:24 |
hybridstorm | when setting up my wireless card I get the following error: | 12:25 |
hybridstorm | matt@matt-laptop:~/Desktop$ sudo modprobe ndiswrapper | 12:25 |
hybridstorm | FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid argument | 12:25 |
hybridstorm | anyone know how to fix this? | 12:25 |
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khaije1 | whats the video editor of choice for kde? | 12:26 |
hybridstorm | try kino | 12:27 |
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DonMCN | How do I install XFCE | 12:28 |
Admiral_Chicago | DonMCN: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 12:28 |
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khaije1 | hybridstorm: i actually did, it seems to be geared heavily toward digital video recorders, it wouldn't work with the xvid files i had... :-( | 12:28 |
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DonMCN | It wont completely override Kubuntu will it and ill be able to use XFCE just like I would Kubuntu with all the programs and things I have installed? | 12:29 |
sistemas | WHAT'S MEAN KDE? | 12:29 |
BluesKaj | khaije1, if you want to transcode xvid to mpg try 'tovid' | 12:30 |
johann | K Desktop Environment | 12:30 |
BluesKaj | !tovid | 12:30 |
sistemas | sorry i'm new thanx | 12:30 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tovid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:30 |
DonMCN | It wont completely override Kubuntu will it and ill be able to use XFCE just like I would Kubuntu with all the programs and things I have installed? | 12:30 |
hybridstorm | khaije1: that is the only one I know about, look at http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=514976 for some ideas | 12:30 |
BluesKaj | khaije1, http://tovid.wikia.com/wiki/Meta_GUI | 12:30 |
khaije1 | it seems like cinerella and kdenlive aren't int the repo's . i was kinda surprised to see that | 12:31 |
purpleposeidon | DonMCN: You'll be able to choose whether to use kde or xfce when you log in | 12:31 |
matsavhalev | khaije1: i think cinerella is in feisty | 12:31 |
DonMCN | oh okay. thank you. | 12:31 |
DonMCN | its downloading right now. i appreciate all of your help. | 12:32 |
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khaije1 | matsavhalev: oh cool, guess i'll get along w/ kino for the time being, it looks good, but it's designed fior gnome afaik | 12:32 |
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hybridstorm | anyone have a moment to help me get my wireless card running? | 12:34 |
en1gma | cpk1 i just got back sorry | 12:34 |
en1gma | i gonna try that acpi=off | 12:34 |
en1gma | brb | 12:34 |
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johann | hybridstorm: whats your problem? | 12:35 |
Admiral_Chicago | DonMCN: it won't overwrite kubuntu, you can log in to KDE at the log in screen | 12:35 |
Admiral_Chicago | or Xfce | 12:35 |
str | Hi there! | 12:35 |
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Admiral_Chicago | heloo | 12:35 |
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hybridstorm | johann: I am getting this error: | 12:36 |
hybridstorm | matt@matt-laptop:~/Desktop$ sudo modprobe ndiswrapper | 12:36 |
hybridstorm | FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid argument | 12:36 |
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Rob-West | where is nixternal | 12:36 |
johann | hybridstorm: whick card is it | 12:36 |
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Rob-West | or does anyone have like a 128MB video card they dont need | 12:36 |
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poison | hi ^^ | 12:36 |
johann | k -> h | 12:36 |
poison | how do I kill X in kubuntu? | 12:37 |
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hybridstorm | johann: 0b:03.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) | 12:37 |
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purpleposeidon | poison: control-alt-backspace should do it | 12:38 |
bxnp | poison: how do you normaly kill x in linux | 12:38 |
poison | bxnp: until now I usually logged out of kde or hit ctrl+alt+backspace =P | 12:39 |
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johann | hybridstorm: ok, what says "iwconfig" | 12:39 |
bxnp | well why dont you do the same then | 12:39 |
bxnp | it works | 12:39 |
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hybridstorm | johann: | 12:40 |
hybridstorm | eth1 IEEE 802.11b/g ESSID:off/any Nickname:"Broadcom 4318" | 12:41 |
hybridstorm | Mode:Managed Access Point: Invalid | 12:41 |
hybridstorm | RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off | 12:41 |
hybridstorm | Link Quality:0 Signal level:0 Noise level:0 | 12:41 |
hybridstorm | Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0 | 12:41 |
hybridstorm | Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0 | 12:41 |
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Rob-West | can anyone help | 12:41 |
BluesKaj | ! pastebin | hybridstorm | 12:41 |
ubotu | hybridstorm: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:41 |
johann | hybridstorm: sounds good. and "iwlist scan" | 12:41 |
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johann | hybridstorm: does it find any APs | 12:42 |
Admiral_Chicago | Rob-West: Richard (nixtern ) is probably in clas | 12:42 |
Rob-West | ok then | 12:42 |
hybridstorm | johann: eth1 No scan results | 12:42 |
Rob-West | does anyone have a video card they dont need | 12:42 |
hybridstorm | johann: the light on my laptop for the wifi card is also off | 12:42 |
johann | hybridstorm: is there an AP to reach | 12:43 |
bxnp | hybridstorm: you have to install the driver for your card | 12:43 |
hybridstorm | johann: yes, I can connect to it in windows | 12:43 |
bxnp | its not recognized at the moment if your light on the card is not on | 12:43 |
hybridstorm | bxnp: I installed a driver, says the hardware is present | 12:43 |
archangel_ | does anyone have a gateway tablet laptop | 12:44 |
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bxnp | well if youre ligts are not on its not going to work for scanning for wifi networks | 12:44 |
bxnp | you need these lights on | 12:44 |
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hybridstorm | bxnp: I know that but I am trying to get the card to come on | 12:45 |
bxnp | what driver did you load | 12:45 |
archangel_ | I'm hoping I'm not stuck with windoze | 12:45 |
hybridstorm | bxnp: | 12:45 |
hybridstorm | Installed ndis drivers: | 12:45 |
hybridstorm | bcmwl5 driver present, hardware present | 12:45 |
hybridstorm | bcmwl5a driver present, hardware present | 12:45 |
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piro_ | anyone here use nxserver from nomachine? | 12:46 |
bxnp | did you do a modprobe ndiswrapper afther that | 12:46 |
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hybridstorm | bxnp: yes, and that is when I got the error | 12:46 |
bxnp | oke and those driver where that drivers from the cd wich came with the card | 12:47 |
bxnp | or did you download the latest for you card | 12:47 |
hybridstorm | bxnp: I downloaded the drivers I used when I had the card working in fedora | 12:47 |
chiaroscuro | piro: i've used it in the past,plan on reinstalling it when i reload kubuntu tonight | 12:47 |
bxnp | what was the error you got hybridstorm | 12:48 |
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bxnp | could you use pastebin for that | 12:48 |
bxnp | at http://www.pastebin.ca | 12:48 |
hybridstorm | bxnp: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7120/ | 12:49 |
hybridstorm | sorry already used the ubuntu one | 12:50 |
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bxnp | hybridstorm: do this | 12:53 |
bxnp | sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils look what the correct name for that | 12:53 |
bxnp | you dont have ndiswrapper utils installed hybridstorm | 12:53 |
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hybridstorm | bxnp: yes, I have it installed | 12:54 |
bxnp | the utils | 12:54 |
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bxnp | cause the error sugest you dont have it installed | 12:54 |
bxnp | thats why you cant do modprobe cause it cant find ndiswrapper | 12:55 |
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hybridstorm | let me double check | 12:55 |
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bxnp | sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils | 12:55 |
hybridstorm | bxnp: shows installed in adept manager | 12:56 |
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purpleposeidon | how do you change failsafe to use xterm instead of konsole? | 12:57 |
bxnp | adept i never use adept | 12:57 |
bxnp | what happends when you do that command on the prompt | 12:57 |
=== leigh [n=leigh@host86-141-63-238.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
leigh | hello? | 12:58 |
Omnifrog | ribbit | 12:58 |
leigh | how do i find out what channel to chat on? | 12:58 |
Adydas | try /list | 12:58 |
leigh | thanks! | 12:58 |
Adydas | your welcome | 12:58 |
leigh | perfect | 12:59 |
Adydas | bxnp: the command for adept is apt-get | 12:59 |
bxnp | lol you get a lot of out put leigh | 12:59 |
bxnp | oke Adydas | 12:59 |
hybridstorm | bxnp: ndiswrapper-utils is already the newest version. | 12:59 |
Adydas | as it said this will create alot of network traffic | 12:59 |
Adydas | bxnp: sudo apt-get install pacakagename | 12:59 |
bxnp | oke | 12:59 |
Adydas | bxnp: sudo apt-cache search packagename | 01:00 |
Adydas | to find stuff | 01:00 |
bxnp | yes Adydas i know | 01:00 |
bxnp | thanks Adydas | 01:00 |
Adydas | forgive my blurry eyes i could have swore you asked.. | 01:00 |
bxnp | nope | 01:00 |
Adydas | tierd, smashed up from a concert last night | 01:00 |
Adydas | my bad | 01:00 |
bxnp | np | 01:00 |
hybridstorm | adydas, he was saying he never uses adept the manager :) | 01:01 |
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Adydas | oh ok, neither do i | 01:01 |
bxnp | but Adydas hybridstorm has a little problem with his wifi card | 01:01 |
hybridstorm | just a tiny one | 01:01 |
Adydas | i aint got or tryed installing wifi but try me | 01:01 |
hybridstorm | and I will be most greatful if anyone can help me with it | 01:02 |
Adydas | whats the issue? | 01:02 |
hybridstorm | Adydas: I get this error when I try to modprobe the ndiswrapper | 01:03 |
hybridstorm | ndiswrapper-utils is already the newest version. | 01:03 |
hybridstorm | err wait | 01:03 |
bxnp | oke remove the drivers | 01:03 |
bxnp | and reinstall them with ndiswrapper | 01:03 |
hybridstorm | Adydas: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7120/ | 01:03 |
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hybridstorm | bxnp: do you recall the command to remove them with? | 01:03 |
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hybridstorm | bxnp: nevermind, it is -e | 01:04 |
bxnp | first do ndiswrapper -l | 01:04 |
bxnp | do you see an error | 01:04 |
hybridstorm | bxnp: no error with -l | 01:05 |
Adydas | have you done a kernel upgrade receently hybridstorm | 01:05 |
Adydas | via dist-upgrade or source | 01:05 |
hybridstorm | Adydas: I just installed last night and I did an update then | 01:05 |
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Adydas | that update may have caused the issue | 01:06 |
Adydas | have you installed ndiswrapper-utils-1.8 & ndiswrapper-common | 01:07 |
bxnp | wich kubuntu are you on | 01:07 |
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hybridstorm | Adydas: Yes, I have both installed | 01:08 |
hybridstorm | bxnp: I think I downloaded 6.10 edgy, but I am not 100% on that | 01:08 |
Adydas | it seems the latest kernel causes issues, check out this forum link | 01:08 |
Adydas | it has another link to list hardware and issues | 01:09 |
Adydas | seems pritty common tho | 01:09 |
Adydas | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=357531 | 01:09 |
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bxnp | ah he has not ndiswrapper-common installed | 01:09 |
bxnp | i know he was missing something | 01:09 |
ibb | how do attack an usb mp3 player, i can see it in kinfo but wont come up in storage devices | 01:10 |
Adydas | hybridstorm: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common | 01:10 |
Adydas | :P | 01:10 |
ibb | *attach | 01:10 |
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Adydas | to be super sure, sudo aptitude install ndiswrapper-utils-1.8 ndiswrapper-common | 01:11 |
ibb | how do attach an usb mp3 player, i can see it in kinfo but wont come up in storage devices | 01:12 |
ccherrett | any idea why kubuntu reboots sometimes from the shutdown menu but sometimes just goes to a black screen. I am running on a laptop | 01:12 |
ccherrett | if I run sudo reboot it works fine | 01:12 |
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bulwynkl | help!!! I seem to have killed systemsettings! | 01:13 |
hybridstorm | Adydas: I removed util and reinsalled it and did the same for common and the modprobe does not fail | 01:13 |
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bxnp | good hybridstorm and are your leds on | 01:14 |
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bulwynkl | python is giving me an error message - Index out of range | 01:14 |
Adydas | bulwynkl: kde-systemsettings - easy to use control centre for KDE | 01:14 |
hybridstorm | bxnp: nope | 01:14 |
Adydas | sudo apt-get install kde-systemsettings | 01:14 |
bxnp | oke remove your card and put it back in | 01:14 |
bxnp | maybe twice | 01:14 |
hybridstorm | bxnp: it is an onboard card | 01:14 |
bulwynkl | and when I change stuff in the monitor settings I get no option to apply the settings changes... | 01:14 |
bxnp | and it should go on | 01:14 |
bxnp | oh | 01:14 |
bxnp | lol | 01:14 |
bxnp | then you have to reboot | 01:14 |
hybridstorm | should I get some pliers? lol | 01:14 |
Adydas | and then stand on your head | 01:14 |
hybridstorm | ok, I will be back | 01:15 |
bxnp | yes thats what arnold said | 01:15 |
bulwynkl | already newest version | 01:15 |
Adydas | try reinstalling perhaps bulwynkl | 01:15 |
bulwynkl | Adydas - already newest version | 01:15 |
Adydas | apt-get err | 01:15 |
Adydas | yes i saw, forceing a reinstall may help | 01:15 |
bulwynkl | so, apt-get -reinstall? | 01:16 |
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Adydas | insure you havent lost or del a file it needs | 01:16 |
Adydas | i think its --reinstall packagename | 01:16 |
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bulwynkl | --reinstall - that is double dash... | 01:17 |
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bulwynkl | stand by. | 01:17 |
Adydas | probly wont hurt but if its bust i cant see any harm in trying and checking | 01:17 |
bxnp | my god upgrading is taking a long time from dapper to edgy | 01:17 |
Adydas | hurt = help | 01:17 |
Adydas | upgrading from edgy cd to edgy latest via net took 600mb for me | 01:17 |
bulwynkl | *sigh* it wanted the command install as well as the flag -- reinstall. | 01:18 |
bxnp | oke | 01:18 |
bxnp | well its setting up blab blah | 01:18 |
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bxnp | i dont understand why does it not do font configuration only ones but every time | 01:18 |
bxnp | update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.17-11-386 | 01:18 |
Adydas | yeah apt-get install --reinstall packagename | 01:18 |
bxnp | :) | 01:18 |
bxnp | i am getting there | 01:19 |
hybridstorm | bxnp & Adydas: still no dice | 01:19 |
Adydas | whats the word hybridstorm | 01:19 |
bxnp | damm | 01:19 |
bxnp | oke | 01:19 |
bxnp | modprobe ndiswrapper already done | 01:19 |
bxnp | i guess | 01:19 |
hybridstorm | should I do it in the konsole? | 01:20 |
brokenhearted | okay so seems that my internet pages are lagging.... When I scroll up or down its slow... Also when i move boxes around on my desktop | 01:20 |
bulwynkl | *sigh* not giving me the admin login (kdesu??) - this has been occuring randomly before. | 01:20 |
brokenhearted | Could anyone please help me | 01:20 |
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bxnp | yes in te console hybridstorm | 01:21 |
bxnp | as root | 01:21 |
poison | stupid question -> what is the easiest way to upgrade to 'current' packages? Is it possible to upgrade from edgy to Feisty ? | 01:21 |
bxnp | or use sudo i meant | 01:21 |
hybridstorm | the modprobe shows no errors | 01:21 |
hybridstorm | but still no lights on the card | 01:21 |
brokenhearted | ? | 01:21 |
bulwynkl | running from konsole seems to work every time... | 01:22 |
hybridstorm | brokenhearted: you just have to ask and see if anyone knows | 01:22 |
cpk1 | poison: yes, its possible, you would need to change all instances of edgy to fiesty in your sources list and also remember fiesty is alpha | 01:22 |
bxnp | what is the output off ifconcfig | 01:22 |
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Adydas | hybridstorm: what about via the kmenu system settings network | 01:22 |
Adydas | can you see the NIC? | 01:22 |
brokenhearted | Im sorry im just new to this | 01:22 |
hybridstorm | bxnp: just eth0 and lo | 01:22 |
cpk1 | hybridstorm: what does ndiswrapper -l say? | 01:22 |
bulwynkl | OK, reinstalled kde-systemsettings and still getting same behaviour. python giving error message list index out of range, and no option to apply changed settings | 01:23 |
Adydas | ok perhaps reinstalling python is needed | 01:23 |
hybridstorm | Adydas: I can use the normal nic but the wireless card is listed as disabled, does nothing when I try to disable it | 01:23 |
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hybridstorm | er enable it rather | 01:23 |
poison | cpk1: or is it possible to upgrade to current packages on edgy? OOo2.1, koffice 1.6.2, current gimp ... ? I don't see them in the package list =( | 01:23 |
Adydas | haah i was going to say,, Yeah disabling it wont help | 01:23 |
bulwynkl | hint: this started when I made 2 changes and applied but then stupidly killed (ctrl-alt-back) the xserver rather than restart. | 01:24 |
hybridstorm | cpk1: bcmwl5a driver installed, hardware present | 01:24 |
bulwynkl | OK, trying apt-get --reinstall intall python then | 01:24 |
poison | cpk1: sry ... I would read the manual if I currently wasn't suck on 800x600 =( | 01:24 |
poison | *stuck | 01:24 |
cpk1 | poison: i have a koffice 1.6.2 install pending | 01:24 |
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poison | are packages on kubuntu always this outdated? =/ | 01:26 |
cpk1 | hybridstorm: when you do lshw does your wireless card have a logical name? | 01:26 |
cpk1 | poison: ubuntu isnt a bleeding edge distro | 01:27 |
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hybridstorm | cpk1: logical name: eth1 | 01:27 |
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Adydas | isnt eth wired? and wlan wireless? | 01:28 |
bxnp | overhere its wlan0 | 01:28 |
hybridstorm | that is what I thought but that is eth1 | 01:28 |
cpk1 | its whatever you feel like making it | 01:28 |
bxnp | but somethimes it could allso be eth0 or 1 or whatever | 01:28 |
Adydas | oh ok | 01:28 |
poison | cpk1: OOo2.1 isn't bleeding edge, it's the recommended stable version =( | 01:28 |
jpiccolo | would anyone know why i can get to my routers interface with a live cd but not booted into my os regularly | 01:29 |
cpk1 | hybridstorm: so do 'sudo ifup eth1' | 01:29 |
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hybridstorm | cpk1: ifup: interface eth1 already configured | 01:30 |
cpk1 | hybridstorm: ok 'iwlist eth1 scan' | 01:30 |
hybridstorm | cpk1: eth1 No scan results | 01:31 |
cpk1 | i take it a network is in range? | 01:31 |
hybridstorm | yes, ten feet at the most...works fine in windows | 01:31 |
cpk1 | what card is this? | 01:31 |
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hybridstorm | cpk1: 0b:03.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) | 01:32 |
malik__ | any utility to turn off comp after the scheduled task are done? | 01:32 |
cpk1 | of course, broadcom43xx | 01:32 |
poison | bye ^^ | 01:32 |
hybridstorm | yeah, on board in my hp zd8000 laptop | 01:33 |
cpk1 | you might be better off trying to use native drivers, one second | 01:33 |
bulwynkl | Nup, systemsettings still not happy - kdesu seems to be a little happier though :-) does that count as a part fix? ;-) | 01:33 |
bulwynkl | what I'm actually trying to do is set up dual monitors. Actually got it partly working before I was stupid. | 01:34 |
bulwynkl | frustrated that system settings now not a happy thing. | 01:34 |
cpk1 | hybridstorm: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Edgy?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDriver%29 scroll down to section 1.3 | 01:34 |
bulwynkl | have run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg without any luck. | 01:35 |
cpk1 | hybridstorm: just remember to unload ndiswrapper if you try that | 01:36 |
hybridstorm | cpk1: I found this in my dmesg | 01:36 |
hybridstorm | [17179586.948000] bcm43xx: Error: Microcode "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" not availabl | 01:36 |
hybridstorm | e or load failed. | 01:36 |
bulwynkl | have swapped old xorg.conf back in - which was successful showing cloned monitors but systemsettings still won't let me apply settings changes. | 01:36 |
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cpk1 | hybridstorm: what gave you that error? | 01:39 |
hybridstorm | cpk1: it was in my "dmesg" | 01:39 |
bxnp | hybridstorm: rmmod ndiswrapper | 01:40 |
bxnp | with sudo offcourse | 01:40 |
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hybridstorm | cpk1: I get "interface doesn't support scanning: no such device" after I followed that page | 01:48 |
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tominglis | hi, what is the best way to install nvidia-glx on kubuntu feisty? | 01:49 |
BluesKaj | !fiesty | 01:49 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 01:49 |
tominglis | thanks i will go there | 01:49 |
hybridstorm | cpk1: when I opened network settings it just came on | 01:49 |
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bxnp | so it works hybridstorm | 01:53 |
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hybridstorm | bxnp: the light is on but I still cannot scan networks, or at least it does not find them | 01:54 |
bxnp | what does iwconfig eth1 says | 01:54 |
hybridstorm | eth1 IEEE 802.11b/g ESSID:off/any Nickname:"Broadcom 4318" | 01:55 |
hybridstorm | Mode:Managed Frequency=2.484 GHz Access Point: Invalid | 01:55 |
hybridstorm | Bit Rate=1 Mb/s Tx-Power=18 dBm | 01:55 |
hybridstorm | RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off | 01:55 |
hybridstorm | Link Quality:0 Signal level:0 Noise level:0 | 01:55 |
hybridstorm | Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0 | 01:55 |
hybridstorm | Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0 | 01:55 |
bxnp | lol use pastebin | 01:56 |
bxnp | if you output that much | 01:56 |
hybridstorm | meh lol | 01:56 |
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bulwynkl | still no luck with system settings etc. | 01:58 |
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moparisthebest | http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/UnNews:Linux:_Every_time_you_use_EXT3%2C_Hans_Reiser_kills_again | 02:09 |
moparisthebest | haha, sorry about that | 02:10 |
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hybridstormone | hello all, I just wanted to drop back in and say I got my wireless card working | 02:13 |
hybridstormone | thanks to all that helped | 02:13 |
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joanri | hola | 02:16 |
Adydas | howd u do it hybridstormone | 02:16 |
Shadowtester | anyone using kmldonkey with kubuntu I am a kubuntu and linux newbie and only seen the mldonkey package in the add and remove programs but heard about the kmldonkey for the kde desktop | 02:16 |
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hybridstormone | not really sure, I installed the native driver and opened network settings and it just came one | 02:17 |
hybridstormone | on* | 02:17 |
Adydas | hopefully it stays going | 02:17 |
Adydas | :p | 02:17 |
hybridstormone | it still will not scan for ap's but I put the essid in and it work | 02:17 |
hybridstormone | worked* | 02:17 |
hybridstormone | now my wireless card is working I can't type | 02:17 |
hybridstormone | thanks for the help Adydas | 02:18 |
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surb | I'm getting an error whenever I try to use sudo. I recently adjusted the time on my system, and sudo tells me that the "timestamp is too far in the future," and displays the time linux had before I changed it. | 02:20 |
ryanakca | since qtparted is broken on my copy of today's amd64 daily build, can I install using fdisk as the partitioner? skip the partitioning step? | 02:20 |
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hybridstormone | ryanakca: I don't know but you can give it a shot I guess :) | 02:24 |
shane_ | Question, I recently installed Kubuntu on my IBM laptop and now my sound card doesn't work and my dvd player won't play the dvds. Any ideas? | 02:24 |
ryanakca | hybridstormone: I can't skip the partitioning step, that's the thing | 02:24 |
Adydas | dvd wont work due to codecs id be willing to bet | 02:24 |
shane_ | How do you change that? | 02:25 |
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Adydas | install it | 02:25 |
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shane_ | it's just called codecs? | 02:25 |
Adydas | ill get the packagename | 02:26 |
shane_ | sorry, I'm new to Linux systems | 02:26 |
ryanakca | !restricted | 02:26 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:26 |
ryanakca | Adydas: ^^ | 02:26 |
callisto | sup room? | 02:26 |
Adydas | shane_: try using this, it will isntall 2 programs vlc and mplayer i can play dvds using VLC if these dont help use the above.. | 02:27 |
Adydas | sudo apt-get install vlc mplayer xmms-xmmplayer | 02:27 |
hybridstormone | hello callisto | 02:27 |
shane_ | Thanks I'll check it out | 02:27 |
callisto | hows my fellow kubuntu ppl doing? | 02:27 |
hybridstormone | callisto, a little hungry but other then that doing well | 02:29 |
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callisto | haha, i hear that hybrid | 02:29 |
hellcattrav | hey all, if i installed kubuntu, but i use GNOME, can i get rid of the KDE features? | 02:29 |
om3ga | that would defeat the point wouldnt it ?? | 02:30 |
hybridstormone | kellcattrav: you are looking for just plain ubuntu then | 02:30 |
hellcattrav | would it make Kubuntu not function> | 02:30 |
hellcattrav | Hybridstormone: yes | 02:31 |
hybridstormone | it would make kubuntu just plain ubuntu :) | 02:31 |
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hellcattrav | Hybridstormone: but im bad at installing things(mircale installed kubuntu properly) and don't really want to reinstall ubuntu over it(not like i have any data saved- just been using it a couple of days) | 02:31 |
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hybridstormone | hellcatrav: you can just install gnome and select it when you login | 02:32 |
shane_ | sorry I'm an idot, I can't find where to type that command in? Do you just open a terminal window? | 02:32 |
Adydas | yes | 02:32 |
Adydas | terminal window | 02:32 |
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om3ga | i like kubuntu better than ubuntu | 02:33 |
om3ga | unless you just really like gnome | 02:33 |
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hybridstormone | gnome is too much like windows for me :) | 02:34 |
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shane_ | hmm, it says it couldn't find the package? | 02:35 |
jrattner | Question: Does anyone use mail-notification here? | 02:35 |
Adydas | shane you need to open your repos by the sounds of it | 02:36 |
shane_ | couldn't find package vlc | 02:36 |
shane_ | I'm clueless | 02:36 |
shane_ | repos? | 02:36 |
Adydas | here this should help and i stress help you | 02:36 |
Adydas | http://adydas.net/linux/repos.html | 02:36 |
shane_ | lol, thanks | 02:36 |
Adydas | dont skip parts, follow it step by step it should work | 02:37 |
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shane_ | I need the help, this is brand new to me | 02:37 |
shane_ | thanks | 02:37 |
Adydas | in your case because thats what i did, and then installed vlc it should work 100%, Just dont hold me to do | 02:37 |
Adydas | it | 02:37 |
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hellcattrav | Hybridestormone: why do you think ubuntu is too much like windows | 02:41 |
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hellcattrav | what is the command to uninstall xchat? | 02:42 |
hellcattrav | if i got it with aptitude | 02:42 |
Adydas | sudo apt-get remove xchat | 02:42 |
Adydas | ? | 02:42 |
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hellcattrav | k | 02:43 |
om3ga | i think he said gnome was too much like windows | 02:45 |
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Rob-West | does anyone have a video card they dont need | 02:52 |
Rob-West | PM me | 02:52 |
hellcattrav | ok | 02:52 |
hellcattrav | you know how in GNOME THE Clock has the date and if i click on it, it expands to show the month? can i get that in Kubuntu/KDE? | 02:52 |
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cpk1 | yeah, click on the clock | 02:53 |
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hellcattrav | oh | 02:54 |
hellcattrav | ok..but does it work for Evolution? | 02:54 |
om3ga | mine has time and date like said click on the time | 02:54 |
hellcattrav | or is it kontact specific? | 02:54 |
cpk1 | what? | 02:54 |
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om3ga | use kmail | 02:54 |
hellcattrav | which is better? konact, kmail(?) or evolution? I want a calander, appt function, no need to get emails | 02:55 |
cpk1 | kontact is kmail | 02:55 |
cpk1 | kontact is the everything suite | 02:55 |
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jose | alguien me puede ayudar con el navegador de konkeror | 02:57 |
hellcattrav | but which is better | 02:57 |
jose | konqueror | 02:57 |
hellcattrav | !es | 02:57 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 02:57 |
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om3ga | i havent goten to play with kmail to much yet mainly b/c it wont open for some reason | 02:58 |
om3ga | but evolution seemed good to me | 02:58 |
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hellcattrav | ok | 02:59 |
hellcattrav | because im currently debating if i should keep kde, or GNOME, bout 50/50 atm | 02:59 |
om3ga | you can run gnome apps in kde | 03:00 |
hellcattrav | yeah | 03:00 |
hellcattrav | but im in kde atm | 03:00 |
hellcattrav | and i click on the clock, and it shows the 26 as empty, but in evolution i had added an event | 03:00 |
om3ga | i know but you dont have to change to gnome you can run evolution in kde | 03:01 |
hellcattrav | and in GNOME that event caused the 26 to become bold | 03:01 |
hellcattrav | oh | 03:01 |
hellcattrav | ok | 03:01 |
hellcattrav | but would that change the calander wheni click on teh clock? | 03:01 |
=== HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@LNeuilly-152-23-88-99.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
om3ga | not sure | 03:01 |
om3ga | havent tried it | 03:01 |
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joshua__ | hola | 03:05 |
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Avalon_ | Can someone tell me whats wrong with my live DVD? everytime i've tried to boot edgy, I get an error that says can't access TTY job control is off and I get dumped at a busybox console. I've rebunrnt the DVD 3 times already. | 03:06 |
shane_ | Adyads, it says I have all the latest versions already. I'll try another dvd and see if it helped. | 03:06 |
shane_ | thanks | 03:06 |
om3ga | hey how do i end a program in terminal srry new to the terminal | 03:06 |
Avalon_ | Control om3ga | 03:06 |
Avalon_ | control c that is | 03:07 |
hellcattrav | ok im in evolution, but can't seem to find out where the account info is kept, cos i need to delete it, cos i just hit random keys to get past that portion | 03:07 |
joshua__ | alguin sabe como poner un video de protector de pantalla con mplayer y xwinwrap? | 03:07 |
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hellcattrav | how do i get knotes | 03:09 |
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hellcattrav | i can't find them | 03:11 |
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hellcattrav | how do i make the clock a 12 hour clock, and not a 24 hour one? | 03:11 |
matsavhalev | hellcattrav: right click clock choose time and date format | 03:12 |
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matsavhalev | then adjust time and dates tab and remove the AMPM | 03:12 |
hellcattrav | matsavhalev: ok | 03:13 |
hellcattrav | matsavhalev: then what? i can't find any 12/24 hour option | 03:13 |
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matsavhalev | hellcattrav: change the time format, remove the AMPM from the end of it | 03:15 |
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hellcattrav | matsavhalev: thanks | 03:17 |
hellcattrav | matsavhalev: do you know how i can get the calander dates to be bold, if i have an event that ive added in evolution, even though IM in KDE? | 03:17 |
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matsavhalev | hellcattrav: no idea sorry, might not be possible if you mean integration of evolution with kde | 03:20 |
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hellcattrav | yeah i guess i do... | 03:21 |
hellcattrav | oh well | 03:21 |
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matsavhalev | hellcattrav: does that happen in gnome? | 03:24 |
slyfox | Does anyone know hot can I give my ip to someone if I am connected via router? I mean My ip is but that is local area ip address, how can someone coonecte to me via internet? What is my full address ? | 03:25 |
matsavhalev | slyfox: check in your router for a DMZ setting | 03:25 |
matsavhalev | slyfox: then you can forward the ports to that computer | 03:26 |
slyfox | matsavhalev: Thanks ! | 03:26 |
matsavhalev | slyfox: to get your actual ip address (for the router) try www.whatismyipaddress.com | 03:26 |
hellcattrav | matsavhalev: it appeared to, if i typed something in (say my parent coming back from a trip) then when i clicked on teh clock and the calander popped up, it would be bold, but in KDE it appears to do nothing which is a bummer | 03:26 |
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matsavhalev | hellcattrav: yeah its a bummer didnt realise that feature existed. Maybe put in a feature request for Kontact? | 03:27 |
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matsavhalev | slyfox: np | 03:28 |
Rob-West | does anyone have a video card of atleast 64MB and nvidia | 03:28 |
Rob-West | PM me | 03:28 |
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Rob-West | that they dont need | 03:29 |
ryanakca | since qtparted is broken on my copy of today's amd64 daily build, can I install using fdisk as the partitioner? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v425/Gryda/screenshot1.png | 03:32 |
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Rob-West | if u have a video card of atleast 128MB AGP or PCI that is Nvidia and not needed PM me | 03:35 |
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hellcattrav | matsavhalev: how can i do that? | 03:38 |
akao | hey guys | 03:38 |
akao | anyone around who is knowledgable about ati cards and kubuntu? | 03:39 |
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Bearcat | hey folka | 03:40 |
Bearcat | folks | 03:40 |
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matsavhalev | hi | 03:40 |
matsavhalev | hellcattrav: not sure really try checking the kde site | 03:40 |
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hellcattrav | matsavhalev: ok | 03:44 |
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om3ga | ok kmail is kicking my tail how do i get my yahoo mail going to it | 03:45 |
cpk1 | does yahoo let you use pop? | 03:45 |
om3ga | i think it does | 03:46 |
om3ga | i belive to set up in thunderbird had to use pop | 03:46 |
cpk1 | first you would need to look at yahoo's site to figure out the pop server and smtp server | 03:46 |
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om3ga | i set up under pop3 | 03:47 |
om3ga | ok | 03:47 |
Bearcat | hm | 03:47 |
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cpk1 | om3ga: looks like you might need to use freepop but I am not sure | 03:49 |
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om3ga | i was getting ready to ask if i needed to use somthing like ypop | 03:49 |
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endo602 | hello | 03:49 |
cpk1 | freepop is in the repos though | 03:49 |
Bearcat | i'm trying to get dvds, mp3 etc playing on a kubuntu installation. So, im looking for xine-extracodecs and libdvdcs2. What repository do i need to add to get those? | 03:50 |
endo602 | can someone help me configure my nvidia card for my new kernel | 03:50 |
endo602 | when i updated the kernel i cant login to xwindows | 03:50 |
endo602 | the kde desktop | 03:50 |
cpk1 | !libxine-extracodecs | 03:50 |
ubotu | libxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.2-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1118 kB, installed size 2676 kB | 03:50 |
cpk1 | !dvdcss2 | 03:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dvdcss2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:50 |
cpk1 | !libdvdcss2 | 03:50 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 03:50 |
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Bearcat | ahh, a cool bot. thanks | 03:51 |
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endo602 | can someone help me update my nvidia driver for the new kernel? | 03:51 |
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cpk1 | endo602: did you install the driver using apt? | 03:52 |
om3ga | in adept i found this fetchyahoo (retrive mail from yahoo mailmail service) | 03:52 |
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skoop | does anyone know what the block size is in kubuntu? | 03:53 |
cpk1 | om3ga: i suppose that would probably work =) | 03:53 |
skoop | or simply willing to run a command on their system that will figure that out ;) | 03:54 |
om3ga | ok | 03:54 |
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calloc` | Hallo folks | 03:55 |
calloc` | I'm trying to install kubuntu edgy 64 bit onto my pentium D, but seems to be freezing at a light blue X server screen | 03:55 |
intelikey | i finally got cups working. now if i can install the printer..... | 03:55 |
calloc` | anyone ever come across that? | 03:55 |
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skoop | anyone? | 03:56 |
skoop | can someone maybe run the following command and let me know of the result: tune2fs -l /dev/hda1 | grep "Block size" | 03:56 |
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calloc` | ok | 03:57 |
cpk1 | its 4096 | 03:57 |
calloc` | 'tune2fs' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file. | 03:57 |
calloc` | hehe, jk | 03:58 |
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skoop | cpk1: thanks | 03:58 |
cruiseoveride | cpk1, is hda1 and ext3 filesystem? | 03:58 |
cruiseoveride | s/and/an | 03:58 |
okokoko | it's possible install kiba-dock on kubuntu? | 03:58 |
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cpk1 | hda1 is a partition | 03:58 |
om3ga | im good to go as long as i can figure out how to work this now | 03:58 |
cpk1 | ext3 is a filesystem | 03:58 |
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skoop | cpk1: is the filesystem on your hda1 partition ext3? | 03:58 |
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cpk1 | yeah | 03:59 |
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okokoko | it's possible install kiba-dock on kubuntu? | 04:01 |
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nkayhan | Hi, I have some errors on boot | 04:02 |
om3ga | well got fetchyahoo up in terminal.... didnt really do anything | 04:02 |
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roby | hi all, i have the latest kubuntu herd 4 installed, and I can't figure out how to add the mac style menu bar at the top of the screen | 04:03 |
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roby | also searching on google i can't find a solution, all the guides are for old kde versions... :( | 04:04 |
om3ga | Logging in securely via SSL as om3ga83 on Thu Feb 22 22:03:20 2007 | 04:04 |
roby | any advice? | 04:04 |
om3ga | You are using 6% of your 1.0GB limit. | 04:04 |
om3ga | Successfully logged in as om3ga83. | 04:04 |
om3ga | Country code : us Folder: Inbox Version: 2.10.2 | 04:04 |
om3ga | Getting Message ID(s) for message(s) 1 - 25. | 04:04 |
om3ga | Getting Message ID(s) for message(s) 26 - 50. | 04:04 |
om3ga | Getting Message ID(s) for message(s) 51 - 69. | 04:04 |
om3ga | Got 69 Message IDs | 04:04 |
om3ga | Failed: Couldn't open output: >>/var/mail/om3ga at /usr/bin/fetchyahoo line 1361, <STDIN> line 2. | 04:04 |
nkayhan | When I clean installed kubuntu edgy, I got these errors (and never saw the pretty boot spash screen) but never thought much of it. Now, there's a noticable slow start up time, and a ton errors. Nothing seems wrong once I boot, but there's I need to fix it | 04:04 |
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nkayhan | *I need | 04:05 |
nixternal | roby: right click the kicker and in there you have the options to add another bar | 04:05 |
nkayhan | please, help, my startup is very slow, and on a clean intall too, I don't know whats up | 04:05 |
nixternal | now configuring it to look like a Mac, well there I can't help you, I am a KDE default lovin' freak :) | 04:06 |
roby | i saw i can add new panels, but none of them seems to be the correct one | 04:06 |
roby | i see the following: | 04:06 |
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nkayhan | When I try to see my boot logs, the file doesn't exist, what gives? | 04:07 |
roby | dock applciation bar, external taskbar, kasbar, panel, universal sidebar | 04:07 |
roby | ??? | 04:07 |
roby | i don't like modding kde like mac, but that bar is very useful for me | 04:07 |
roby | anyway, it is just an extra, it doesn't matter, thanks anyway :) | 04:08 |
nkayhan | roby, you mean, you want the tool bar of aps to be outside the window? | 04:08 |
roby | yes! | 04:09 |
roby | in common to all the apps | 04:09 |
nkayhan | Ok, clarification is key (I don't know how to do it though) | 04:09 |
roby | :( | 04:10 |
Bearcat | cool | 04:10 |
Bearcat | dvds are working now | 04:10 |
roby | nobody can helps me? | 04:10 |
nkayhan | I don't know how to help you, I just googled a little, and nothing | 04:12 |
Bearcat | roby: do you mean the menu bar? | 04:12 |
roby | yes | 04:12 |
Bearcat | as in file...edit...help etc? | 04:13 |
roby | yes | 04:13 |
Bearcat | that's easy if you know where to look | 04:13 |
roby | :) | 04:13 |
Bearcat | open up the control center and go to desktop | 04:13 |
roby | i knew in the previous kde release but not now :( | 04:13 |
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Agent_bob | Unable to load the requested driver: | 04:14 |
Agent_bob | Unable to create the Foomatic driver [Lexmark-1020,lm1100] . Either that driver does not exist, or you don't have the required permissions to perform that operation. | 04:14 |
Bearcat | roby: goto "behavior" and choose "Current applications menu bar (liek Mac OS)" | 04:14 |
roby | found! | 04:14 |
roby | found now thnaks a lot! | 04:14 |
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roby | i searched everywhere but not in the desktop settings :ops: :( | 04:15 |
Agent_bob | could anyone confirm that that driver is in the database please ? | 04:15 |
Bearcat | roby: no prob. I use that too. It's one of the things that keeps me out of gnome | 04:15 |
roby | ;) | 04:15 |
roby | uao that's cool at last! | 04:16 |
Agent_bob | >>> Lexmark-1020 <<< driver confirmation please ? (dapper drake.) | 04:16 |
=== Hail_Spacecake [n=greg@adsl-68-121-150-232.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nkayhan | roby, I like ubuntu 'cause of the sheer number of people, someone's bound to know the answer to your question! | 04:16 |
Hail_Spacecake | I have a small lan with just a crossover cable between two comps | 04:16 |
Hail_Spacecake | if I'm one one comp | 04:16 |
nkayhan | When I try to see my boot logs, the file doesn't exist, what gives? | 04:16 |
Hail_Spacecake | how do I find out the ip address of the other computer on the network? | 04:16 |
Bearcat | roby: if you like the way Macs look, get the baghira theme (it's in the repositorites) and choose the itunes theme :) | 04:17 |
roby | nkayhan: yes that's the first time I join the channel and I can see there are so many people..cool! :) | 04:17 |
Bearcat | roby: i have a mac-like look with charcoal grey blushed metal and pulsating purple buttons :) | 04:18 |
Agent_bob | Hail_Spacecake you could run ifconfig on both... | 04:18 |
roby | i have baghira, but i don't use it as i have a mac and i know it is not possible to get a linux distro looks like mac, and actually i don't think it is good to do that, anyway i have never heard about the itunes theme, i'll look for it now | 04:18 |
Bearcat | nkayhan: yeah! And i'm not even a kubuntu user! | 04:18 |
Hail_Spacecake | Agent_bob: I know | 04:19 |
Hail_Spacecake | but I'd really like to know how to do it from just one computer | 04:19 |
Hail_Spacecake | for when they're not in close proximity | 04:19 |
nkayhan | Hail_Spacecake: ksysguard works well | 04:20 |
roby | Bearcat: where i can find and set the itunes theme? | 04:21 |
roby | i have to apt-get it? | 04:21 |
Bearcat | one moment | 04:21 |
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nkayhan | roby, KDE look is great place for themes | 04:21 |
Bearcat | roby: get baghira-win from aptget | 04:21 |
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Bearcat | you can just get it via adept (or what ever it is) | 04:22 |
nkayhan | http://www.kde-look.org/ | 04:22 |
Bearcat | naah | 04:22 |
Bearcat | just get it with synaptic | 04:22 |
Bearcat | then you don't have to compile it | 04:22 |
roby | i try | 04:23 |
roby | i nthe meantime i found | 04:23 |
roby | ops rebooting | 04:23 |
Bearcat | lol | 04:23 |
nkayhan | So can anyone help me with my boot errors? | 04:24 |
nkayhan | When I try to see my boot logs, the file doesn't exist, what gives? | 04:24 |
Agent_bob | nkayhan which file ? | 04:25 |
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roby | i again, the laptop battery was disharged | 04:25 |
roby | :doh: | 04:25 |
brokenhearted | Hey could anyone help me with this lagging problem? | 04:25 |
roby | Bearcat: do i need this? | 04:26 |
roby | kwin-baghira | 04:26 |
roby | ? | 04:26 |
roby | i have already installed it | 04:27 |
Bearcat | roby: thats the one | 04:27 |
roby | ok i have it, now in appearance i should see the itunes theme? i look for it | 04:27 |
brokenhearted | Anyone? | 04:27 |
roby | anyway in the meantime i found something bad about the mac-style menubar :( it doesn't "work" with the gtk apps, is that right? | 04:28 |
Bearcat | roby: one moment phone. go to the settings for it | 04:28 |
Bearcat | roby: right | 04:28 |
Agent_bob | ok no one on the net can/will check. i'll try something else. | 04:28 |
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brokenhearted | then were can I get help?? | 04:30 |
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roby | can't find it, | 04:32 |
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[R] eaper | somebody help my with my ati radeon x1600, i have the latest ati drivers installed, but ... http://img463.imageshack.us/img463/4847/atix1600qt6.jpg | 04:33 |
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roby | good night to all, see you | 04:36 |
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evanlemmon | k | 04:40 |
[R] eaper | please somebody help me with my ati radeon x1600, i have the latest ati drivers installed, but ... http://img463.imageshack.us/img463/4847/atix1600qt6.jpg | 04:42 |
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angasule | [R] eaper: nice wallpaper :) I don't know anything about ATI, though, sorry | 04:45 |
NightBird | [R] eaper, disable the composite extension | 04:47 |
[R] eaper | its disabled | 04:47 |
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NightBird | it sure doesn't look like it... those were the glitches I was seeing when I have composite enabled... | 04:48 |
NightBird | but then again... we've talked about this before... | 04:48 |
[R] eaper | yeah | 04:48 |
[R] eaper | but it just doesn't work | 04:48 |
tbodine | Does anyone here use Baghira that could help me get it set up? | 04:48 |
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[R] eaper | NightBird: take a look to the log file: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/885944 | 04:50 |
NightBird | will do | 04:50 |
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NightBird | [R] eaper: why is NoAccel set to no? | 04:55 |
[R] eaper | i don't know | 04:56 |
NightBird | AIGLX is failing to load in __driCreateNewScreen_20050727 | 04:57 |
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[R] eaper | and? sorry but im really new on *ubuntu | 04:58 |
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intelikey | ok i went another route and determined that the driver is indeed there. so it's a permissions problem. the thing i don't understand is that i'm running the printer setup as root so why am i getting a can not create... permissions error ? | 04:58 |
[R] eaper | NightBird: what should i do? | 05:02 |
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intelikey | [R] eaper i just got here. what's the issue ? | 05:02 |
[R] eaper | this http://img463.imageshack.us/img463/4847/atix1600qt6.jpg | 05:02 |
intelikey | or just got back actually. | 05:03 |
intelikey | [R] eaper ok that's a picture can you not discribe the problem ? | 05:03 |
[R] eaper | i have the latest ati drivers, but my screen looks like that | 05:03 |
intelikey | for a guy that doesn't like the gui a word is worth a thousand pictures. | 05:04 |
[R] eaper | lol | 05:04 |
intelikey | ok ati. did you follow the wiki ? | 05:04 |
[R] eaper | yes | 05:04 |
intelikey | !ati | [R] eaper | 05:04 |
ubotu | [R] eaper: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:04 |
intelikey | that one ^ ? | 05:04 |
[R] eaper | yes :( | 05:04 |
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[R] eaper | all of them :( | 05:04 |
intelikey | ok let me look around a bit. | 05:04 |
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intelikey | [R] eaper did you ask in #ati ? | 05:05 |
[R] eaper | there is a #ati room?? damn | 05:06 |
intelikey | :) | 05:06 |
intelikey | not sure it will help you but yes there is. | 05:06 |
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intelikey | and we call them "channels" not "rooms" | 05:06 |
intelikey | a room is where yahoo kids play the asl game. | 05:07 |
[R] eaper | here is my log http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/885944 and my xorg.conf http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/886358 | 05:07 |
[R] eaper | 05:08 | |
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intelikey | looks like both are going to 404 on me. | 05:09 |
[R] eaper | damn | 05:09 |
intelikey | no wait i'm getting something now. man it's slow. | 05:09 |
[R] eaper | yeah :( | 05:09 |
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intelikey | ok the first looks alright. | 05:12 |
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intelikey | looking at the second. | 05:12 |
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intelikey | !fglrx | 05:14 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:14 |
intelikey | ignore that. | 05:15 |
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Dr_willis | :) | 05:15 |
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shane_ | anyone else have problems with their DVD telling them they don't have the rights after installing Kubuntu? | 05:16 |
=== Hrontore blinks | ||
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Dr_willis | shane_, cant say that i do... | 05:17 |
intelikey | [R] eaper i'm no expert in that. not by a long shot. but line 98 of the second pastebin (your xorg.conf) could be a problem generally speaking frame buffering and high definition graphice don't play nice togather. | 05:17 |
Dr_willis | havent heard of others with problems either. | 05:17 |
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intelikey | one or the other but both has a bad habbit. | 05:18 |
shane_ | It worked fine and then I installed kubuntu and it won't play anything, and my sound card won't work either | 05:18 |
[R] eaper | i try without UseFBDev, but its the same screen :( | 05:19 |
intelikey | [R] eaper ok. | 05:19 |
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[R] eaper | i am about to kill myself :( | 05:20 |
Hrontore | >..> | 05:21 |
Hrontore | dont do that | 05:21 |
[R] eaper | or kill my card | 05:21 |
Hrontore | do that | 05:21 |
anees | hi I m installing mercury messenger on kubuntu | 05:21 |
intelikey | [R] eaper idk fellow. i don't see anything that jumps out at me. | 05:21 |
anees | can anyone help me plz | 05:21 |
intelikey | yeah maybe your card needs pitched ? | 05:21 |
[R] eaper | ? | 05:21 |
intelikey | you mean you've never pitched a vidio card ? | 05:22 |
anees | can anybody help me installing mercury messenge on kubuntu | 05:22 |
Dr_willis | anees, never heard of it.. read its install docs yet? | 05:22 |
[R] eaper | what is that? | 05:22 |
anees | it is a messenger that supports multiple ids | 05:22 |
DrDogwelder | anees: I tried installing mercury on ubuntu a couple times and it locked up my computer every time, but that's been a while ago. | 05:23 |
Dr_willis | anees, hmm..I thought gaim and kopete did that allready | 05:23 |
anees | yes...but I need mercury | 05:24 |
anees | try to discover new things | 05:24 |
intelikey | [R] eaper a bad joke actually. goes something like this. young carpenter came on the job with a brand new belt of tools, encluding 32oz corigated head streight claw eswing hammer. | 05:24 |
intelikey | this older carpenter asked "has that hammer been pitched ?" | 05:24 |
DrDogwelder | I hear mercury does the grinnies and animated icons and other annoying things like MSN messenger does. | 05:24 |
intelikey | young man had no idea what that meant but too proud to say so said "no not yet" | 05:25 |
anees | how can I check Sun JVM installed on my system | 05:25 |
intelikey | old man said "you want me to pitch it for you ?" | 05:25 |
anees | coz mercury requires Sun JVM installed on the system | 05:25 |
intelikey | "sure would you?" | 05:25 |
[R] eaper | i don't know what "pitched" means, because i don't speak english | 05:25 |
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intelikey | so the old man takes the hammer looks it over very carefully and then throws it as far out into the weeds as he could. | 05:26 |
anees | anybody help me installing sun JVM plz | 05:26 |
intelikey | "there, now it's been pitched." | 05:26 |
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anees | it is the requirement for mercury messenger | 05:26 |
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ForgeAus | hehe more jokes? | 05:27 |
[R] eaper | ok, now i get it | 05:27 |
intelikey | only one. ForgeAus | 05:27 |
devin_ | anyone in here installed ut2003 on edgy .. i can't get the installer going = | 05:27 |
ForgeAus | how about the prisoner and his father... | 05:27 |
[R] eaper | how about my damn ati card?? | 05:27 |
Hrontore | lol | 05:27 |
Hrontore | yo9u should have gone with nvidia | 05:27 |
intelikey | [R] eaper maybe it needs "pitched" ??? | 05:27 |
[R] eaper | maybe | 05:27 |
[R] eaper | xD | 05:27 |
Hrontore | since ati was baught out by amd it will be a while till ati comes out with a linux support again | 05:28 |
intelikey | [R] eaper someone can help you. but not i. sorry. | 05:28 |
DrDogwelder | anees: try 'java --version' That might tell you what version of java you have if you have it. | 05:28 |
[R] eaper | np | 05:28 |
ForgeAus | father sends a letter :- How are you doing son, its time to plough the veggy patch,,, but I'm getting too old.... this year I'm going to have to hire someone to do it... | 05:28 |
anees | ok DrDogwelder | 05:28 |
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devin_ | keeping getting mount : /dev/ is not a block device when trying to install ut2003 | 05:28 |
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ForgeAus | Son sends back :- Hey dad, no, don't do that, the spud patch is where I hid the murder weapon... | 05:29 |
[R] eaper | i will have to try mandriva one xD | 05:29 |
intelikey | ForgeAus you win. that one's lamer than mine. :) | 05:29 |
anees | DrDogwleder it said java version 1.4.2 | 05:30 |
anees | how can I update my java version | 05:30 |
intelikey | !java | 05:30 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 05:30 |
[R] eaper | how can i make this f*cking card to work!!!! | 05:30 |
ForgeAus | what type of card? | 05:31 |
[R] eaper | a damn ati x1600 | 05:31 |
ForgeAus | Mandriva one isn't likely to work any better or worse than Kubuntu with it | 05:31 |
intelikey | i know you are frustrated. but no call for extra adjtives. | 05:31 |
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ForgeAus | they're both linux, and both subject to the same driver issues | 05:31 |
ForgeAus | (just probably differently packed - ie rpm vs deb) | 05:32 |
[R] eaper | it seems like Sabayon has better ati support | 05:32 |
ForgeAus | then you may wish to look into that, I wouldn't know | 05:32 |
[R] eaper | or maybe just get back on.....window$ :( | 05:33 |
intelikey | well my security is too tight for root to install a printer. ;/ | 05:33 |
ForgeAus | whatever the case its not Kubuntu's "fault" that ATI cards have problems with Linux | 05:33 |
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ForgeAus | Reaper in your case it might make more sense to do so :( unfortunately | 05:33 |
ForgeAus | just a system configuration issue... | 05:33 |
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ForgeAus | or you could try writing to ATI and seeing if they have some kind of solution for you? | 05:34 |
[R] eaper | nah | 05:34 |
[R] eaper | they don't support linux | 05:34 |
Dr_willis | ATI is now AMD.. :) so lets see what happens in a year | 05:35 |
intelikey | where's jucato ? he needs a good laugh... | 05:35 |
ForgeAus | hmmm thats interesting, they REQUIRE you to pay for your operating system simply in order to use your video card? | 05:35 |
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intelikey | ForgeAus many peaces of hardware have played that game. | 05:36 |
ForgeAus | intelikey, question is do they win or lose? | 05:36 |
intelikey | probably | 05:36 |
intelikey | (: | 05:36 |
[R] eaper | OMG!!! | 05:37 |
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[R] eaper | i think i got the answer to my problem1!! | 05:37 |
ForgeAus | you do? | 05:37 |
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[R] eaper | the bad thing is that i don't understand :S | 05:38 |
intelikey | it kinda depends on what constitutes winning in that arena. | 05:38 |
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ForgeAus | lol nice nickname posing! | 05:38 |
ForgeAus | what exactly don't you understand? | 05:38 |
[R] eaper | http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Troubleshooting , the last part | 05:38 |
Hrontore | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 05:39 |
Hrontore | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 05:39 |
Hrontore | what does taht mean? | 05:39 |
Hrontore | i was trying to install java | 05:39 |
ForgeAus | lowering apeture in the bios is not in linux its when you reset your computer | 05:39 |
[R] eaper | ok | 05:40 |
Hrontore | could be that adept manager was updating? | 05:40 |
[R] eaper | but i think mine is 64 | 05:40 |
intelikey | some companies work on the democrat platform. idiots out number everyone else and don't remember from one election to the next while some work on the republican platform, this is what we do if you don't like it just look at what our compeditor does... | 05:40 |
ForgeAus | and press (with some its Delete, with others F2, whatever the case it should tell you on screen unless it has a splash picture, in which case you can probably press Escape to see the text behind it)) | 05:40 |
ForgeAus | but be careful in the BIOS/CMOS you can do things in there that will render your system unable to start | 05:41 |
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[R] eaper | i will try it anyway | 05:41 |
[R] eaper | see ya (i hope xD ) | 05:41 |
intelikey | !adeptcrashfix | Hrontore | 05:41 |
ubotu | Hrontore: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 05:41 |
Hrontore | no no | 05:42 |
Hrontore | adept is still running | 05:42 |
intelikey | os where are you getting that error ? | 05:42 |
Hrontore | in the command line | 05:42 |
ForgeAus | I don't get why exactly but often a low agp appeture is better than a high one in many cases | 05:42 |
Hrontore | when i try to install java | 05:42 |
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=== intelikey waits to hear Hrontore slap his forehead. | ||
SolidSource | anyone else getting "404" warning "server not found" for this repo: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repository.php? | 05:43 |
Hrontore | i thought as much | 05:43 |
=== Hrontore slaps forhead | ||
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Hrontore | okay now that thats out of the way | 05:44 |
intelikey | just on the outside change you might be blond. only one package manager can run at a time. | 05:44 |
Hrontore | im going to wait for adept to finish | 05:44 |
intelikey | that's the reason for the "lock" file. | 05:44 |
Hrontore | :P | 05:44 |
Hrontore | this is the first linux system i've run | 05:44 |
intelikey | don't worry then your hair will darken quickly :) | 05:45 |
Hrontore | remeber kids, black hair dye is not, is not AI | 05:45 |
Hrontore | !!! | 05:45 |
intelikey | !ai | 05:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ai - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:46 |
nkayhan | Where are my boot logs held? | 05:46 |
intelikey | dmesg | 05:46 |
intelikey | /var/log/dmesg keeps a copy too. | 05:46 |
nkayhan | oh dang, I need to sort through all that? | 05:47 |
intelikey | looking for ? | 05:47 |
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nkayhan | Oh, when I boot, I get a bunch of errors, (on a clean install) and I want to know what they are | 05:48 |
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[R] eaper | im back | 05:48 |
ForgeAus | wb Reaper, any difference? | 05:48 |
[R] eaper | direct rendering: Yes | 05:48 |
[R] eaper | XD | 05:48 |
[R] eaper | damn, im so happy | 05:48 |
ForgeAus | awesome! | 05:49 |
intelikey | mmm then yeah pretty much nkayhan, and also see /var/log/message that's got good startup error messages sometimes. | 05:49 |
[R] eaper | it was set on 64mb, so i changed to 128 | 05:49 |
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[R] eaper | brb, i have to post this | 05:49 |
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intelikey | [R] eaper YOU PITCHED IT !!! | 05:49 |
intelikey | :) | 05:49 |
[R] eaper | hell yeah!! | 05:49 |
ForgeAus | widening? interesting! | 05:51 |
intelikey | i would kinda like to turn a little more vidio ram over to the kernel console scroll up buffering is limited by the amount of vidio ram that the kernel controls. | 05:51 |
ForgeAus | usually narrowing is what helps! lol... its kewl tho | 05:51 |
nkayhan | intelikey: Man the file doesn't exist aparently | 05:51 |
ForgeAus | as for the medibuntu repository I aren't sure its accessible | 05:51 |
intelikey | nkayhan plural. messages | 05:52 |
intelikey | sorry. | 05:52 |
[R] eaper | ok, i have to go, see ya | 05:53 |
nkayhan | Oh, ok, I just went to the log directory and found the boot log, but there doesn't seem to be any errors in that log, wierd | 05:54 |
Adydas | is everything running? | 05:54 |
Adydas | any issues? | 05:54 |
intelikey | Adydas he said lots of error messages at boot time. looking into what they might be. | 05:54 |
nkayhan | I don't suppose anyone want's to read through my dmesg for me? :) | 05:55 |
Adydas | my guess would be things like soundcard failed, hence my asking do things work ie has he got sound | 05:55 |
=== intelikey whistles an wonders off... | ||
nkayhan | yea, thanks for helping though, I'll just read for errors | 05:55 |
ForgeAus | how do I find the list of packages in the medibuntu repository? | 05:56 |
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Dr_willis | Hmm.. Thats one ive never heard of... | 05:56 |
Dr_willis | ftp to their fileserver? | 05:56 |
nkayhan | It's weid though, on a *fresh* basic kubuntu edgy install, I never saw the boot splash | 05:57 |
Hrontore | okay heads up new error (and yes adept is finished and close out) | 05:57 |
Hrontore | Couldn't find package sun-java5-bin | 05:57 |
Hrontore | E: Couldn't find package sun-java5-bin | 05:57 |
Adydas | Hrontore: sounds like you need to open more repos | 05:57 |
=== Hrontore blinks | ||
Hrontore | how | 05:57 |
Adydas | have you at any stage been told to deleate some #s from a sources.list file? | 05:57 |
Hrontore | no | 05:58 |
intelikey | !Multiverse | 05:58 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 05:58 |
nkayhan | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_add_extra_repositories | 05:58 |
ForgeAus | hehe intelikey I know how to add it | 05:58 |
ForgeAus | I just wondered what packages are under there | 05:58 |
Hrontore | okay why would i want to? | 05:58 |
intelikey | ForgeAus that was for Hrontore | 05:59 |
Adydas | Hrontore: this is a log and record of how i did it, try and follow this as it should explain and help you out http://adydas.net/linux/repos.html | 05:59 |
Hrontore | i thought that java5 was included in the os? | 05:59 |
Dr_willis | Nope - its included in the repos | 05:59 |
Adydas | Also follow the above multiverse info | 05:59 |
=== Ertain [n=jason@cpe-76-187-63-236.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Ertain | !splashy | 05:59 |
ubotu | To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork | 05:59 |
Ertain | Can anyone help me with configuring Splashy? | 06:00 |
Dr_willis | only confifuring i do with the splash stuff.. is to disable it. :) | 06:00 |
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intelikey | dito doc | 06:00 |
=== gansinho [n=gansinho@c9063425.virtua.com.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
gansinho | hello, could anyone help me on how to edit which apt are started with KDE and which are not... I would like to configurate this freature a bit... | 06:01 |
Dr_willis | Kde has an Autostart dir. | 06:02 |
intelikey | gansinho kcontrol | 06:02 |
Dr_willis | you can add more things there if ya want.. but normally you can just start whatever programs ya want. and save the session, it may be set to autosave by default. | 06:02 |
Dr_willis | and the apps 'should' start up automaticially next login | 06:02 |
intelikey | i assume that "and which are not" would mean disabling some thing... | 06:03 |
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intelikey | if so kcontrol | 06:03 |
nkayhan | I like configurating things too :) | 06:03 |
Dr_willis | !startup | 06:03 |
ubotu | To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup | 06:03 |
Dr_willis | Gnome-bias! | 06:04 |
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Adydas | Gnome session? | 06:04 |
=== Dr_willis protests | ||
nkayhan | Dr.willis: this is the kubunutu channel | 06:04 |
gansinho | intelikey: I'm not familiar wih KDE, where do I configure it on kcontrol? | 06:04 |
Dr_willis | nkayhan, tell it to the bot. | 06:04 |
intelikey | but it's the ubuntu bot | 06:04 |
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Dr_willis | it will be interesting to see what happens to gnome when kde4 gets out. | 06:05 |
Dr_willis | THei will fight fire with!!!... removeing more features! | 06:05 |
Dr_willis | :) | 06:05 |
intelikey | gansinho idk look around. that's what i would have to do if i started a gui and ran kcontrol just to answer your question. | 06:05 |
aseigo | gansinho: http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdebase/faq/configure.html#id2559866 | 06:05 |
Dr_willis | therss a kde startup tool for twiddling with the Autostart dir.. | 06:05 |
Dr_willis | !find autostart | 06:05 |
ubotu | Found: kcontrol-autostart | 06:05 |
aseigo | there is a control panel for this on apps.kde.org but it's so-so.. someone is currently writing one that will ship with 4.0 | 06:06 |
nkayhan | Dr: ok I will | 06:06 |
Dr_willis | !info kcontrol-autostart | 06:06 |
ubotu | kcontrol-autostart: autostart module for KDE control center. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 45 kB, installed size 268 kB | 06:06 |
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nkayhan | You sir, are a dumb ass !ubotu | 06:06 |
intelikey | !thanks | nkayhan | 06:06 |
ubotu | nkayhan: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 06:06 |
gansinho | there is a folder, but I do not know how to use it... aseigo thanks for the url, that will help me for sure =) | 06:06 |
jbr | OPSS... | 06:07 |
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nkayhan | !ubotu the ass | 06:07 |
ubotu | the: Full-screen character mode text editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1-4 (edgy), package size 277 kB, installed size 796 kB | 06:07 |
draik | What is a good P2P app to replace Frostwire | 06:07 |
draik | ? | 06:07 |
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nkayhan | draik gtkutella | 06:07 |
draik | !gtkutella | 06:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gtkutella - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:07 |
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=== NightBird returns from suden away | ||
draik | nkayhan: Is it for KDE? | 06:08 |
Dr_willis | does it matter. :) | 06:08 |
nkayhan | GTK= platform independant | 06:08 |
draik | nkayhan: OIC. Sorry. I will get it | 06:08 |
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nkayhan | gtkgnutella | 06:09 |
intelikey | !gtk | 06:09 |
ubotu | GTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI | 06:09 |
nkayhan | is what it's called though | 06:09 |
draik | I'm not finding gtkutella | 06:09 |
draik | oic | 06:09 |
nkayhan | sory it's gtkgnutella | 06:09 |
nkayhan | no it's not, I forget how to spell it | 06:10 |
nkayhan | here gtk-gnutella | 06:10 |
nkayhan | that's the package | 06:11 |
nkayhan | draik, you got it? | 06:11 |
draik | I found it | 06:11 |
draik | but what platform? | 06:11 |
draik | i386? | 06:11 |
draik | or Any? | 06:11 |
intelikey | nkayhan ncurses would be more platform non-depending than gtk or qt but things that are x based that is will run in X without any qt/gtk libs are not all ncurses based either. | 06:11 |
Dr_willis | xlib | 06:12 |
Dr_willis | :) | 06:12 |
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Dr_willis | !info gtk-gnutella | 06:12 |
ubotu | gtk-gnutella: shares files in a peer to peer network. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.96.1-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1982 kB, installed size 7016 kB | 06:12 |
draik | How do I install a tar.gz file? | 06:12 |
Adydas | what are you installing? | 06:12 |
draik | Hmmm | 06:12 |
nkayhan | draik, you got it? | 06:12 |
Dr_willis | draik, you normally dont.. you compile and install the source IN the file. | 06:12 |
Dr_willis | gtk-gnutella - is in the repositories.. no need to compile it. | 06:13 |
Dr_willis | unless you need the latest version I guess. | 06:13 |
Dr_willis | !p2p | 06:13 |
ubotu | Conventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network). - BitTorrent: see !torrent - Direct connect: try valknut. - Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information. | 06:13 |
intelikey | in some instances your even mv file.tar.gz /dev/null ... | 06:13 |
nkayhan | sudo apt-get install gtk-gnutella | 06:13 |
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nkayhan | run that in the terminal, then run with gtk-gnutella | 06:14 |
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Bearcat | ok folks. what reoisitory wil give me libxine-extracodecs? | 06:15 |
nkayhan | got it? This was very confusing coming from the windows world of the .exe coming from a website, but now, I rarely need to compile stuff my self | 06:15 |
intelikey | !libxine-extracodecs | 06:15 |
ubotu | libxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.2-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1118 kB, installed size 2676 kB | 06:15 |
nkayhan | intelikey: you smrt | 06:16 |
intelikey | dctc - Direct Connect Text Client | 06:16 |
intelikey | did he cuss me ? | 06:16 |
Bearcat | intelikey: i have enabled all of the repositores in 6.06 and it is not there. | 06:16 |
intelikey | !libxine-extracodecs dapper | 06:16 |
ubotu | libxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB | 06:17 |
nkayhan | bearcat: you refeshed right? | 06:17 |
intelikey | oh jes it are. | 06:17 |
Bearcat | nkayhan: yes | 06:17 |
nkayhan | just checking | 06:17 |
intelikey | Bearcat pastebin your sources.list | 06:17 |
intelikey | !paste | 06:18 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 06:18 |
Hrontore | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 06:18 |
Hrontore | sun-java5-bin: Depends: sun-java5-jre (= 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1) but it is not goin g to be installed | 06:18 |
Hrontore | Depends: unixodbc but it is not installable | 06:18 |
Hrontore | E: Broken packages | 06:18 |
Bearcat | one momment (part of my problem is that i am not usually a k/ubuntu user) I appreciate the help | 06:18 |
SolidSource | ok, asking same question I asked earlier today: is there an alternative to MediaMonkey or Advanced MP3 Catalog for linux? juk, banshee, amarok, various other purely ID3 taggers don't do what I need | 06:18 |
Shak1 | can someone please test if he gets the same error message? | 06:19 |
Shak1 | :~$ khotkeys | 06:19 |
Shak1 | ERROR: Communication problem with khotkeys, it probably crashed. | 06:19 |
nkayhan | bearcat: this site helps a lot http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/ | 06:19 |
nkayhan | shak1: yes, I do | 06:20 |
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intelikey | Shak1 no. i get a different problem. ERROR: KUniqueApplication: Can't determine DISPLAY. Aborting. | 06:20 |
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draik | gtk-gnutella doesnt seem to work for me | 06:21 |
draik | frostwire won't load | 06:21 |
infocrash | SolidSource see if easyTAG does what you want it to do | 06:21 |
Shak1 | khotkeys seams borked - damn | 06:21 |
SolidSource | draik: install frostwire from deb file off www.frostwire.com...the repository doesn't work | 06:21 |
draik | I did | 06:22 |
draik | I installed the Beta | 06:22 |
draik | I'll do it again | 06:22 |
SolidSource | infocrash: tried and no it doesn't do what I need | 06:22 |
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SolidSource | draik: weird. mine works fine | 06:22 |
intelikey | dcgui - Direct Connect Graphical client (GTK+) (peer-based file-sharing) | 06:22 |
intelikey | dctc - Direct Connect Text Client | 06:22 |
draik | what could I be missing? | 06:22 |
infocrash | SolidSource what do you need to do? | 06:22 |
draik | I have the current Java | 06:22 |
SolidSource | draik: do you have a possible firewall on you comp or router to block it? | 06:22 |
draik | Nope | 06:23 |
draik | I shouldn't anyway | 06:23 |
calcmandan | amarok version 1.4.3 on default kubuntu 6.06.1 LTS. Cannot play flac. using xine engine. anyone know how i can get it to work? | 06:23 |
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intelikey | !amarok | 06:23 |
ubotu | Amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.5 for Edgy and packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok | 06:23 |
nkayhan | draik: does it launch or not work one it's launched? | 06:24 |
SolidSource | infocrash: need to be able access freedb for tags, and be able to rename entire albums at once, as well as rename the files from their tags (album at once) as I am able to do in Advance MP3 Catalog | 06:24 |
draik | SolidSource: The thing is that it loads the splash, but then it just opens a white window with the titlebar stating that its frostwire | 06:24 |
Hrontore | what is unixodbc? | 06:24 |
draik | WHOA! | 06:25 |
Hrontore | seem that java needs it to install for some reason | 06:25 |
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draik | Ok | 06:25 |
draik | so it runs | 06:25 |
draik | it's all there | 06:25 |
SolidSource | lol | 06:25 |
draik | but the text and background are all the same color | 06:25 |
intelikey | unixodbc-bin - Graphical tools for ODBC management and browsing | 06:25 |
draik | I don't get it | 06:25 |
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Hrontore | someting about broken pagage? | 06:25 |
nkayhan | Gtk-gnutella, or frostwire? | 06:25 |
Bearcat | intelikey: paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7165 <--- my sources list | 06:25 |
draik | frostwire | 06:25 |
SolidSource | infocrash: basically I want a program directly identical to AMC for linux...at least feature wise | 06:25 |
nkayhan | you can change the theme, maybe that will help | 06:25 |
intelikey | Hrontore this command can help with such questions and in general package searching. apt-cache search <what ever> | 06:26 |
nkayhan | draik: change the theme | 06:27 |
draik | I am | 06:27 |
draik | Nothing | 06:27 |
draik | still stays the same | 06:27 |
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nkayhan | that's weird, I think a part of java isn't installed | 06:27 |
SolidSource | draik: are you running beryl or compiz or similar? | 06:27 |
SolidSource | yeah could be something in java as well | 06:28 |
Hrontore | yeah i get E: broken pagages | 06:28 |
draik | beryl | 06:28 |
nkayhan | draik: kill beryl, switch to kwin | 06:28 |
SolidSource | beryl might be causing it.... | 06:28 |
intelikey | Bearcat you have no mention of multiverse that i can see. add the word multiverse to the end of each line that has universe in it. | 06:29 |
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draik | Yeah | 06:29 |
draik | Beryl is killing it | 06:29 |
SolidSource | Beryl = desktop suicide right now | 06:29 |
nkayhan | Isn't there a way to have beryl recognize certain programs and apply kwin to those processes | 06:30 |
intelikey | Bearcat then save and sudo apt-get update or if you use adept close it then reopen and update it. | 06:30 |
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Hrontore | so is it suppost to look like this multiverse universe? | 06:30 |
intelikey | !beryl | nkayhan | 06:30 |
ubotu | nkayhan: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 06:30 |
Bearcat | intelikey: thank you | 06:31 |
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intelikey | Hrontore yes or in perverse order. | 06:31 |
SolidSource | infocrash: take it you know of nothing just like everyone else | 06:31 |
intelikey | order is not important. | 06:32 |
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Hrontore | humm, cuase mine is just "multiverse" | 06:32 |
infocrash | SolidSource: are you trying to rename the songs as you are ripping them of the files on the harddrive? | 06:32 |
nkayhan | itntelikey: yes I am running beryl right now | 06:32 |
intelikey | nkayhan there is a channel for that. see the ubotu post ^ | 06:33 |
SolidSource | infocrash: no, when I rip a CD or need to correct the tags of music I download | 06:33 |
draik | So I can't run beryl and frostwire at the same time? | 06:33 |
SolidSource | infocrash: but I also need a database cause I have a super large collection | 06:33 |
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Hrontore | more dl | 06:34 |
infocrash | SolidSource i'm checking some programs out, i see that on easy tag you can configure the database but i dont see an option to change file names to match the tag | 06:35 |
SolidSource | infocrash: also easytag doesn't allow of entire albums to be adjusted at once | 06:35 |
intelikey | Hrontore each repository has sections whether it is the standard repo or the update or the security repo all have sections main restricted universe multiverse (or if one section is missing in security apt don't care) you can have a sources list with as few as 4 lines and have all the "ubuntu" repositories enabled or have a huge convoluted config with a thousand lines and still be missing something like multivers | 06:35 |
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intelikey | heres my sources.list file note that i don't have restricted anywhere in it. you would probably want that. | 06:37 |
intelikey | deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main universe multiverse | 06:37 |
intelikey | deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates main universe multiverse | 06:37 |
intelikey | deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main universe multiverse | 06:37 |
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intelikey | that's the whole file all three lines. | 06:37 |
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Bearcat | so, i installed 6.06. i assume that upgrading things with apt won't update it to other versions (like 6.10)? | 06:38 |
intelikey | Bearcat not as long as the key word in the sources.list is dapper | 06:39 |
Bearcat | intelikey: so all i have to do is change the keyword in the sources list? | 06:39 |
intelikey | note my sources.list above. all dapper. if you wanted to upgrade you simply change the key word to edgy update and dist-upgrade. | 06:40 |
Bearcat | cool | 06:40 |
intelikey | actually the upgrade from dapper to edgy is not quite that smoth for most folks but yeah. | 06:40 |
intelikey | smooth | 06:40 |
Bearcat | i'm giving this system to a new linux user. is there a way for her to do this via the gui? | 06:41 |
intelikey | yeah it can be done the hard way. | 06:41 |
intelikey | :) | 06:41 |
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SolidSource | Bearcat: also remember if any 3rd party programs are installed when you upgrade, you may (will) have problems | 06:41 |
Bearcat | intelikey: oh...wait. | 06:42 |
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intelikey | Bearcat for a new user though. imo the lts might be a good place to stay until they get familear with it. | 06:42 |
intelikey | !LTS | 06:42 |
ubotu | LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. | 06:42 |
Bearcat | intelikey: is "dapper" a version name or is it more like "stable"? | 06:42 |
naught101 | anyone know how to create flash movies in linux? | 06:43 |
intelikey | version name. ubuntu dapper drake 6.06-LTS | 06:43 |
intelikey | !flash | 06:43 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 06:43 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 06:43 |
infocrash | SolidSource http://jampal.sourceforge.net/summary.html | 06:44 |
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Bearcat | intelikey: so "dapper" is the lts version of the system? When a new version comes out that is stable (say 8.09) she will have to edit the sources.list file to keep her system updated? | 06:45 |
SolidSource | infocrash: hmm, lets test | 06:45 |
bumzo | good pple ... i need help | 06:45 |
Bearcat | sorry i'm being dense, but i don't understand how these versions work. | 06:46 |
intelikey | Bearcat yes to the first part. no to the second. | 06:46 |
infocrash | SolidSource i just dont see any mentioned of online song db | 06:46 |
Hrontore | stupid java | 06:46 |
bumzo | i have just plugged in a 80 gb usb hard disk and it tels me i cannot write to it | 06:46 |
bumzo | how do i get it to be ''accessable'' ? | 06:46 |
Bearcat | intelikey: so she should be able to update via apt indefinately without having to download a cd? | 06:46 |
intelikey | Hrontore you know that you need to use the cli to install java. adept has an issue with the eula question. | 06:47 |
Gretl | bumzo do you own it? or root? | 06:47 |
SolidSource | infocrash: thats one of the more vital things too | 06:47 |
bumzo | gretl...what do u mean? | 06:47 |
intelikey | Bearcat she would be able to update until 2009 july without any change. | 06:48 |
bumzo | am the only iuser on kubuntu bumzo@bumzo | 06:48 |
Gretl | you have it on desktop - click right to edit to your needs | 06:48 |
intelikey | Bearcat and by then would probably be so tired of it that a new cd would be welcome | 06:48 |
intelikey | Bearcat also see shipit | 06:49 |
intelikey | !shipit | 06:49 |
ubotu | shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will not send Edgy (6.10) CDs, but only Dapper (6.06) CDs, as Dapper is a !LTS release. | 06:49 |
intelikey | !support | 06:50 |
ubotu | For your support options, see http://www.ubuntu.com/support For IRC support, join #ubuntu / #kubuntu / #xubuntu etc | 06:50 |
intelikey | !offtopic | ubotu | 06:51 |
ubotu | ubotu: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 06:51 |
Bearcat | intelikey: nice! Thank you | 06:51 |
intelikey | Bearcat np. welcome. | 06:51 |
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infocrash | SolidSource or try http://kid3.sourceforge.net/ or http://entagged.sourceforge.net/ | 06:51 |
bumzo | Could not change permissions for /media/sdb1/System Volume Information/_restore{EA10BEA4-2D2C-494D-9EF3-5EC8A5B65143}/RP52/change.log.2. | 06:51 |
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bumzo | thats wht i get when i try to change the properties | 06:51 |
Gretl | bumzo: then go to k-menu system settings advanced harddisk | 06:52 |
intelikey | bumzo it's probably not a real filesystem | 06:52 |
bumzo | its ntfs | 06:52 |
intelikey | like i said, | 06:52 |
Gretl | intelikey: its just owned by root now | 06:52 |
infocrash | SolidSource kid3 claims it can get the name from freedb rename the file and rename directories acording to the tag | 06:53 |
Gretl | oh | 06:53 |
intelikey | you can't change permissions that aren't there. | 06:53 |
Gretl | yap sorry | 06:53 |
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intelikey | !umask | 06:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about umask - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:53 |
intelikey | !dumb bot | 06:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dumb bot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:53 |
Gretl | rofl | 06:53 |
Gretl | ther is a driver to acess ntfd | 06:54 |
Gretl | ntfd | 06:54 |
bumzo | i can t see ''advanced hard disk'' on system settings | 06:54 |
intelikey | well anyway. set the umask or the uid for the fs | 06:54 |
Gretl | !ntfs | 06:54 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 06:54 |
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SolidSource | infocrash: kid3 is missing database/cataloging and can't seem to download entagger | 06:55 |
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Gretl | bumzo: from a ntfs file you can only read or you install the ntfs-3g driver | 06:56 |
intelikey | !being smart | 06:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about being smart - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:57 |
intelikey | classic ^ | 06:57 |
bumzo | ok ... how do i install that driver? and where do i get it from? | 06:57 |
intelikey | !ntfs-3g | 06:57 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 06:57 |
Gretl | !ntfs | bumzo | 06:57 |
ubotu | bumzo: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 06:57 |
Adydas | does beryl mess with the xorg.conf? | 06:58 |
intelikey | idk i don't mess with beryl | 06:58 |
intelikey | !beryl | 06:58 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 06:58 |
intelikey | ask in there ^ | 06:58 |
Adydas | allready to much effort | 06:58 |
Hrontore | okay i have another one, can i overwrite the broken sun-java5-bin | 06:59 |
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Hrontore | with a dl update? | 06:59 |
intelikey | broken sun-java5-bin ? | 06:59 |
intelikey | sudo dpkg --configure -a | 07:00 |
Hrontore | ? | 07:00 |
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Hrontore | is that all i need to type into the konsole> | 07:01 |
Hrontore | ? | 07:01 |
intelikey | close any package manager and run that. | 07:01 |
Hrontore | okey | 07:01 |
intelikey | sudo dpkg --configure -a | 07:01 |
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Hrontore | now what | 07:01 |
Hrontore | ? | 07:01 |
intelikey | did it error ? | 07:01 |
Hrontore | no | 07:01 |
intelikey | sudo apt-get install -f | 07:02 |
SolidSource | infocrash: got entagger running....still not there...though this is the closest | 07:02 |
j_ | I'm running Kubuntu Edgy and am trying to install the nVidia drivers for my old GeForce3.. What does IA32 mean? | 07:02 |
intelikey | if you have any broke packages those two commands are the normal cure. | 07:02 |
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Hrontore | kool | 07:03 |
Hrontore | let met try again then | 07:03 |
Hrontore | one sec | 07:03 |
infocrash | SolidSource how about http://sourceforge.net/projects/scene-tagger/ | 07:03 |
Hrontore | nope didnt wok | 07:04 |
Hrontore | same error | 07:04 |
intelikey | j_ i dont know. and i don't very often use google or wikipedia for other people. maybe you could try there. | 07:05 |
intelikey | Hrontore ok show me the error ? | 07:05 |
bumzo | gretl ... how do i get the file? | 07:05 |
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Hrontore | he following packages have unmet dependencies: | 07:06 |
Hrontore | sun-java5-bin: Depends: sun-java5-jre (= 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed | 07:06 |
Hrontore | Depends: unixodbc but it is not installable | 07:06 |
j_ | I've tried, and still am, but I keep crashing kubuntu and I'm getting tired of reinstalling the entire OS | 07:06 |
SolidSource | infocrash: thats a windows...at least the way they say to install it is | 07:06 |
j_ | I'll just keep on trying, whatever works... | 07:06 |
SolidSource | infocrash: windows program* | 07:06 |
intelikey | Hrontore sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre | 07:06 |
intelikey | oh wait. | 07:07 |
Hrontore | E: broken packages | 07:07 |
Hrontore | ... | 07:07 |
Adydas | repos time | 07:07 |
Hrontore | i thought i did that already | 07:08 |
Gretl | bumzo: !ntfs-3g | 07:08 |
Adydas | did you remove the #s and apt-get update? | 07:08 |
intelikey | Hrontore sudo apt-get install unixodbc-bin sun-java5-jre sun-java5-bin | 07:08 |
infocrash | SolidSource last suggestion of the night http://pinkytagger.sourceforge.net/ | 07:08 |
intelikey | try that one. | 07:08 |
Hrontore | more broken packages | 07:08 |
SolidSource | infocrash: tried it | 07:09 |
infocrash | wow | 07:09 |
Hrontore | Adydas #s? | 07:09 |
Gretl | !ntfs-3g | 07:09 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 07:09 |
Adydas | remove the #s from the start of the deb lines | 07:09 |
intelikey | Hrontore did i look at your sources.list ? | 07:09 |
Adydas | using kdesu kate | 07:09 |
Hrontore | no | 07:09 |
Hrontore | i used adept manager | 07:09 |
Adydas | ah thats why | 07:09 |
intelikey | !pastebin | Hrontore | 07:10 |
ubotu | Hrontore: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:10 |
Adydas | have a browsey around here Hrontore http://adydas.net/linux/repos.html | 07:10 |
Adydas | its a guide that will help you enable your repos and enable a wider range of packages to be installed | 07:10 |
intelikey | Hrontore go to that url ^ and paste the output of cat /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:10 |
intelikey | then bring me the url it gives you. | 07:11 |
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SolidSource | infocrash: if only MediaMonkey or AMC would just work in WINE...I wouldn | 07:12 |
SolidSource | infocrash: wouldn't have a problem | 07:13 |
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Hrontore | omg | 07:13 |
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Hrontore | there is nothing in the file | 07:13 |
Adydas | thats very bad news | 07:13 |
intelikey | Hrontore typo. | 07:13 |
intelikey | Hrontore /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:14 |
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intelikey | cat /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:14 |
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Adydas | intelikey: he *may* be refering to kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list from the website i gave him | 07:15 |
Adydas | just FYI | 07:15 |
intelikey | it's still be a typo if the file is blank | 07:15 |
jay | is there any auto script for changing proxy settings for many apps with one go? | 07:15 |
pointfivezero | can anyone help with the autoconf issue I am having (http://rafb.net/p/nnrE6294.html)? | 07:15 |
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Hrontore | no such file or directory | 07:16 |
pointfivezero | can anyone help with the autoconf issue I am having ( http://rafb.net/p/nnrE6294.html )? | 07:16 |
pointfivezero | ^fixed link^ | 07:17 |
bulwynkl | OK, so I'm back with my system settings problem now - much improved systemsettings problem than before, but still a problem... | 07:17 |
intelikey | pointfivezero if you keep repeting we might be less enclined to help. | 07:17 |
Adydas | did you re add python in the end? | 07:17 |
intelikey | pointfivezero try installing build-essential | 07:17 |
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bulwynkl | I have an actual error message now - "The module Monitor and Display could not be loaded" blah blah | 07:18 |
bulwynkl | an error occured during your last kde upgrade leaving an or-phaned control module | 07:18 |
bulwynkl | or you have old third party modules lying around. | 07:19 |
bulwynkl | anyone know how I find this stuff out? | 07:19 |
bulwynkl | or should I jsut force KDE to reinstall? | 07:19 |
bulwynkl | if it is a third party module it'll be an ATI module... how would I 1 find it and 2 remove it? | 07:20 |
pointfivezero | intelikey: build-essential is already the newest version. | 07:20 |
intelikey | cvs installed ? | 07:21 |
pointfivezero | yes | 07:21 |
intelikey | autoconf ? | 07:21 |
SolidSource | infocrash: oh well, guess I'll just keep doing it over the network on my laptop....thanks for trying | 07:21 |
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pointfivezero | intelikey: autoconf (GNU Autoconf) 2.60 | 07:22 |
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intelikey | pointfivezero any TEXT files in there that might shed some light | 07:24 |
Hrontore | okay, here is the paste http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7166/ | 07:24 |
Bearcat | cool | 07:24 |
Bearcat | everything is working! | 07:24 |
intelikey | is that before or after you fixed it :) | 07:25 |
Bearcat | and so i'm off | 07:25 |
pointfivezero | intelikey: it does not appear to xyz (in this case, kmobiletools)-specific | 07:25 |
Hrontore | adios | 07:25 |
Bearcat | um..after | 07:25 |
Hrontore | .... | 07:25 |
Bearcat | and i owe it all to you intelikey | 07:25 |
=== Bearcat swoons at intelikey | ||
intelikey | Hrontore add main restricted to line five | 07:26 |
Hrontore | main restricted | 07:26 |
Hrontore | line five got it | 07:26 |
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intelikey | ah get outa here Bearcat | 07:26 |
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intelikey | :) | 07:26 |
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intelikey | Hrontore i'm refering to the line number in the pastebin not in the file itself. | 07:27 |
intelikey | Hrontore add universe multiverse to line 10 | 07:28 |
pointfivezero | intelikey: it seems like the variable $AUTOCONF was undefined so I did an export $AUTOCONF=autoconf and it got past that step | 07:28 |
pointfivezero | intelikey: cheers for looking into it anyway | 07:28 |
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SolidSource | anyone know of a site similar to this one: http://rpm.pbone.net/ ...but of course DEB | 07:29 |
intelikey | Hrontore and you don't have a security repo listed if you want one, add this line at the end. deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy-security main universe multiverse | 07:30 |
Hrontore | now it doesnt matter where i add teh text front or back right? | 07:30 |
bumzo | !sourcelist | 07:30 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sourcelist - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:30 |
intelikey | Hrontore ? | 07:30 |
Adydas | add it to the end | 07:30 |
intelikey | append to the end of the lines. | 07:30 |
bumzo | hey what command do i key in to view my source list?? | 07:30 |
Adydas | bumzo: | 07:30 |
Hrontore | okay one sec | 07:30 |
intelikey | just so you don't mess something up. | 07:30 |
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Adydas | bumzo: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:31 |
intelikey | cat /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:31 |
Adydas | just dont edit it | 07:31 |
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pointfivezero | intelikey: turns out I needed the autotools-dev package | 07:31 |
intelikey | Adydas if you are not going to edit why the sudo | 07:31 |
intelikey | pointfivezero ok did it go all the way through this time ? | 07:32 |
Adydas | well IF he opens it, and realises he wants to change it he can then save | 07:32 |
Adydas | if he dont sudo it he would be forced to close it and then reopen it wouldnt he? | 07:32 |
pointfivezero | intelikey: yeap :) | 07:32 |
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intelikey | pointfivezero good on ya... | 07:32 |
intelikey | Adydas not forced to no. could save in his home and sudo mv it | 07:33 |
Hrontore | okay so the text has been added what now? | 07:33 |
Adydas | main thing here is he gets to view his apt sources right? | 07:33 |
intelikey | save exit | 07:33 |
Hrontore | good | 07:33 |
intelikey | Hrontore sudo apt-get update | 07:34 |
intelikey | Adydas :) cat /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:34 |
intelikey | Adydas less if you prefer | 07:34 |
Adydas | i use less | 07:34 |
Adydas | i hear dogs better than cat anyway. | 07:35 |
Adydas | :p | 07:35 |
intelikey | generally on bigger text i sujest less | 07:35 |
Adydas | im more than happy to admit i dont use the best or safest way to do things | 07:35 |
Hrontore | good | 07:35 |
Hrontore | its to easy to do it right the first time | 07:35 |
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intelikey | Hrontore sudo apt-get install -f sun-java5-bin | 07:36 |
intelikey | Hrontore that should take care of you. | 07:36 |
Hrontore | humm | 07:37 |
Hrontore | its trying to conect to canonical.com | 07:38 |
bulwynkl | Hi Adydas... python got reinstalled as did kde-systemsettings - neither helped. | 07:38 |
Hrontore | its stuck on 99% | 07:38 |
intelikey | give it a little time. | 07:38 |
bulwynkl | also did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg with mixed results... | 07:39 |
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Adydas | bulwynkl: Sorry dude, id be as stumpted as you im mearly checking and suggesting things i would if i were you | 07:40 |
intelikey | Hrontore is it timming out ? | 07:40 |
bulwynkl | finally looked up the ati proprietry driver - which fixed the problem somewhat but then 1) failed to load the ati controller well and 2) failed to reboot into kdm | 07:40 |
Hrontore | java is installing this time, but apt failed to connect to canonical.com | 07:40 |
bulwynkl | anyway, seems to be stable atm with out dual screen (just cloning) and generic ati driver... | 07:41 |
intelikey | Hrontore the server might have been in a reset at the time. it's like 5am there | 07:41 |
Hrontore | oh | 07:41 |
Hrontore | so its not a problem then | 07:41 |
intelikey | Hrontore not unless it repetes later on. and if it does comment out this line in that sources.list deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu dapper-commercial main | 07:42 |
bulwynkl | I'm concerned that system settings gives me a posible orphaned module - any idea how to sort that? also, can't find the proprietry ati driver in the adept - where whoule it have ended up??? any hints? :-) | 07:42 |
intelikey | Hrontore you know how to comment it out.... prepend # | 07:42 |
Hrontore | nope | 07:43 |
intelikey | #this is a comment. | 07:43 |
intelikey | this is a command | 07:43 |
Hrontore | oh | 07:43 |
intelikey | #comment | 07:43 |
intelikey | command | 07:43 |
intelikey | example: echo some text #skip all comments | 07:44 |
bulwynkl | I guess there are really 2 issues here - or maybe 3 - what's got into systems settings - seems to have got somewhat better now - suspect it was the display module causing havock | 07:44 |
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Hrontore | okay | 07:45 |
Forge | hmmm... | 07:45 |
bulwynkl | 2) what optioons do I have with an ati raedon 9550 dual headed display and 3) setting up said display for 2 screen use :-) | 07:45 |
Forge | why isn't my keyboard working properly/ | 07:45 |
Hrontore | i have run into a conf. sun-java5-bin | 07:45 |
Forge | shift control alt keys, etc.. aren't working | 07:45 |
Hrontore | how do i okay the installation? | 07:45 |
Adydas | bulwynkl: ill see if i can find what i used to dual output | 07:45 |
Adydas | mine was to a TV tho but it was about 8 lines of options | 07:45 |
Adydas | worked perfect first time | 07:46 |
intelikey | Hrontore type yes | 07:46 |
intelikey | ? | 07:46 |
Forge | ahhh fixed it | 07:46 |
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Forge | something to do with vmware I think | 07:46 |
bulwynkl | I have TV out port on that card too - a challenge for another day, me thinks... | 07:46 |
Hrontore | there is no text entre | 07:46 |
bumzo | hye whats the difference between ''dapper'' and ''edgy'' and which one am i running ( i use kubuntu) | 07:47 |
Hrontore | entry* | 07:47 |
Adydas | ah u can use this if u want | 07:47 |
Adydas | i found it SO easy | 07:47 |
bumzo | !dapper | 07:47 |
ubotu | dapper is the 4th release of Ubuntu. Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake". | 07:47 |
Adydas | # Option "TwinViewOrientation" "Clone" | 07:47 |
bulwynkl | I thought it'd all be easy - the monitor and display module in systemsettings had all the right buttons, just broke at some point | 07:47 |
bumzo | !edgy | 07:48 |
ubotu | Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes | 07:48 |
bulwynkl | I think clone is what I already have working... | 07:48 |
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Hrontore | it has <ok> and i want to click it | 07:48 |
Hrontore | but it does nothing | 07:49 |
intelikey | Hrontore i'm sorry i can't spare the time or bandwidth to install a 30m dl over dialup just to look at what you are seeing. | 07:49 |
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intelikey | Hrontore try the arrow keys | 07:49 |
intelikey | tab key | 07:49 |
Hrontore | arrow worked | 07:49 |
Hrontore | :P | 07:49 |
intelikey | if it highlights it enter | 07:49 |
Hrontore | whew, now that im past that | 07:49 |
intelikey | Hrontore you can go back to pure gui Krap now lol | 07:50 |
Hrontore | lol | 07:50 |
Hrontore | im getting my feet wet | 07:50 |
bulwynkl | I'm going to have a fiddle with the various ati drivers - there seem to be a few to choose from - and see where that gets me | 07:50 |
bumzo | hey is kubuntu dapper or edgy?? | 07:50 |
Hrontore | there i think it successfully worked | 07:50 |
bulwynkl | thanks for the assist so far... | 07:50 |
nixternal | bulwynkl: Dapper, Edgy and now Feisty :) | 07:51 |
intelikey | !java | Hrontore | 07:51 |
ubotu | Hrontore: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 07:51 |
nixternal | bumzo: ^^ depends on the version you dl | 07:51 |
nixternal | sorry bulwynkl for that highlight and this one too ;p | 07:51 |
intelikey | you should have a read there ^ just to make sure that there is not a config step you have yet to do | 07:51 |
intelikey | Hrontore ^ | 07:51 |
bumzo | dl? ... i have a blue kubuntu cd :S | 07:52 |
Hrontore | ? | 07:52 |
nixternal | bumzo: what does it say on it? | 07:52 |
nixternal | 6.06 or 6.10? | 07:52 |
intelikey | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java <<< Hrontore | 07:52 |
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Hrontore | okay, | 07:52 |
intelikey | just to make sure there is not some 'update-alternatives' command that it says you need to do. | 07:52 |
intelikey | or anything like that. | 07:53 |
bumzo | kubuntu version / 6.06 LTS | 07:53 |
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nixternal | bumzo: that is Dapper | 07:53 |
Hrontore | thnx | 07:53 |
intelikey | when you play with propritary stuff you sometimes have to do odd things. | 07:53 |
intelikey | Hrontore np. welcome. | 07:53 |
nixternal | the latest stable release is 6.10 known as Edgy | 07:54 |
=== Hrontore follows text trail on the url | ||
nixternal | and right now we are about 2 months away from the 7.04 release called Feisty | 07:54 |
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bumzo | nixternal ... do u know how to mount ntfs drives ??? | 07:54 |
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nixternal | bumzo: can't say that I do, I haven't had access to an NTFS drive in many years | 07:54 |
nixternal | !ntfs | 07:54 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 07:54 |
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nixternal | ^^ bumzo | 07:54 |
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intelikey | !ntfs > bumzo | 07:54 |
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intelikey | !ntfs-3g > bumzo | 07:55 |
intelikey | !fuse > bumzo | 07:55 |
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flaccid | how to disable usplash entirely? | 07:59 |
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bowenit | hello does anyone have a sugjestion to | 08:01 |
bowenit | for kubuntu 6.10 and a netgear wireless setup? | 08:02 |
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jbr | ask dr willis | 08:02 |
flaccid | bowenit: suggestion for what? | 08:03 |
intelikey | flaccid kernel line nosplash | 08:03 |
bowenit | I can't get my netgear wireless to work under Kubuntu 6.10 X64 | 08:03 |
flaccid | intelikey: i thought it was menu.lst | 08:04 |
bowenit | I have a WG111 V2 connecting to a (hold on while i get the router info) | 08:04 |
bowenit | wgt 624 V3 | 08:04 |
flaccid | is there a problem, bowenit | 08:05 |
intelikey | flaccid you can build an initrd that doesn't contain an image.... but simple switch off, yes in the menu.lst on the kernel line add nosplash or actually change splash to nosplash | 08:05 |
bowenit | right now I'm working under Windows XP and it connects fine. | 08:05 |
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Adydas | Can you connect via that other OS] | 08:05 |
Adydas | as its going to be dam hard to get help without it | 08:05 |
bowenit | I cnx with windows xp, but can't with Kubuntu | 08:05 |
flaccid | intelikey: yep ok sweet. by memory can you remember what to press to get to edit that via grub on boot. my mate can't even get a tty | 08:05 |
bowenit | It "Sees" my wg111 v2 and that is all | 08:06 |
flaccid | !wireless | 08:06 |
Adydas | i think the first thing you need to do is get connected and online with kubuntu | 08:06 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 08:06 |
bowenit | going there. | 08:06 |
Adydas | or its going to be a dam hard process to get info in windows, reboot into ubunutu try it fail come back for more info | 08:06 |
flaccid | ok | 08:06 |
flaccid | easy to find out why its not working | 08:06 |
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intelikey | flaccid [esc] select the boot option line [E] select the kerenl line [E] edit it hit [enter] boot [enter] | 08:07 |
bowenit | I mean I know all my routers info and printed it. I know my card's stuff and printed it. | 08:07 |
flaccid | your a legend intelikey thanks! | 08:08 |
bowenit | The only thing left for me to think of is that perhaps MTU matters (Currently set at 1500) | 08:08 |
intelikey | denada | 08:08 |
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bowenit | does the MTU matter? | 08:09 |
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j_ | Hi guys, another quick question, I've searched everywhere and don't know how to stop the X server | 08:12 |
j_ | I need to install an nvidia driver | 08:12 |
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j_ | I can try to crash it I suppose.. =) | 08:13 |
Phoenix1701 | j_: If you don't mind killing it rather forcefully, you can type Ctrl+Alt+Backspace | 08:13 |
intelikey | j_ sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop | 08:13 |
Phoenix1701 | But intelikey's solution seems kinder :) | 08:13 |
j_ | That just restarts it, doesn't it? | 08:13 |
intelikey | Ctrl+Alt+Backspace it will just reload | 08:13 |
Phoenix1701 | Ah, okay. | 08:13 |
j_ | Thanks guys! | 08:13 |
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Phoenix1701 | I have a somewhat more annoying question, | 08:13 |
deathnote | how do u convert audio cd into mp3 in kubuntu? | 08:14 |
Phoenix1701 | Does anyone know if it's possible to get dbus 0.70 or higher in dapper? | 08:14 |
Phoenix1701 | And if so, from where? | 08:14 |
intelikey | deathnote mp3.... no .ogg | 08:14 |
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deathnote | .ogg? | 08:14 |
intelikey | !mp3 | 08:14 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 08:14 |
intelikey | - But please use free formats if you can: | 08:14 |
intelikey | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 08:14 |
deathnote | huh? | 08:15 |
Phoenix1701 | deathnote: Ogg is one of those free formats. | 08:15 |
deathnote | .mp3 is not free? | 08:15 |
Phoenix1701 | Not in the sense we mean when we say free here. | 08:15 |
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Phoenix1701 | The technology for encoding and decoding it is not freely available with source code; it's proprietary and has to be licensed. | 08:16 |
Phoenix1701 | So while it might not cost you any money to play MP3s, the person who wrote your MP3 player almost certainly had to pay a large sum of money to someone for the privilege of being able to do so -- correct me if I'm wrong about that. | 08:16 |
deathnote | so if i use ogg, my audio files will become .ogg? how do i put in my mp3 player then? | 08:16 |
intelikey | Phoenix1701 without compiling Version: 0.60-6ubuntu8 | 08:16 |
Phoenix1701 | Which MP3 player do you use? | 08:16 |
deathnote | some flash type brand.. | 08:17 |
intelikey | Phoenix1701 you could compile but with a debian based distro that's kinda... | 08:17 |
Phoenix1701 | intelikey: Yeah, that's what I've been finding... apparently Edgy uses 0.7, but not Dapper. Can I compile it from source from dpkg without having to hunt its source down on the Internet? | 08:17 |
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Phoenix1701 | Yeah... always a gamble. This is actually because I'm trying to compile Scribes from source, and it depends upon dbus-python 0.70 or higher. | 08:18 |
Phoenix1701 | deathnote: So, you're not going to be playing these on a Linux computer then, but rather a portable MP3 player? | 08:18 |
intelikey | Phoenix1701 no you'll need to run the source down. but you can get it from the edgy or feisty repo. | 08:18 |
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intelikey | Phoenix1701 let me get you a link. | 08:18 |
deathnote | yeah.. if so i am going to share with my friends so they can play in their windows system... the point is.. can i convert my audio cd into mp3? | 08:19 |
Phoenix1701 | intelikey: Oh? I figured if I installed it from an edgy repository it would either break things or upgrade my system to edgy for me. lol. | 08:19 |
deathnote | instead of ogg | 08:19 |
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Phoenix1701 | deathnote: I'm fairly certain the answer is yes. Did you already install MP3 support for Kubuntu? | 08:19 |
deathnote | libxine-extracodec to play mp3.... | 08:19 |
Phoenix1701 | deathnote: then check this out: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/music.html#audio-cds | 08:20 |
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Phoenix1701 | Specifically, "You can also extract CD audio files to the proprietary non-free MP3 format. Instructions on how to rip to the MP3 format are in the help for Sound Juicer. Choose Help->Contents and navigate to the Preferences section." | 08:20 |
intelikey | Phoenix1701 i mean get the source from there. the source.deb | 08:21 |
Phoenix1701 | Ah, okay. And then install it using dpkg...? Sorry, my knowledge of installing source packages is restricted to fink on OS X. | 08:22 |
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anees | hi Adydas | 08:23 |
anees | need some help from you | 08:23 |
anees | i've downloaded a java-1.5.0-sun-compat- on my system | 08:23 |
anees | how can I install it on kubuntu | 08:24 |
Adydas | you dont use RPM :p | 08:24 |
dmbkiwi | why not install the deb provided by ubuntu? | 08:24 |
Adydas | rpm is for redhat based linux, deb is for debian based aka ubuntu | 08:24 |
anees | ok | 08:24 |
anees | so what should I download | 08:25 |
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anees | actually I want to install apache tomcat | 08:25 |
anees | and it needs jdk | 08:25 |
Adydas | have you tryed apt-get? | 08:25 |
anees | no | 08:25 |
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anees | what is the command | 08:25 |
dmbkiwi | anees: don't download anything. open adept_manager and install tomcat. it'll handle the dependencies | 08:25 |
anees | dmbkiwi dear I need to install the latest version of tomcat | 08:26 |
Adydas | apt-cache search apache tomcat | 08:26 |
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Adydas | i personally am not sure what package you need but i think tomcat5 would be it | 08:26 |
Adydas | so sudo apt-get install tomcat5 | 08:26 |
anees | our application needs jdk 1.5 | 08:26 |
anees | and apache latest version | 08:26 |
Phoenix1701 | intelikey: Any luck finding that .deb, by the way, or should I go hunting more? | 08:26 |
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anees | ok...i m installing tomcat5 | 08:28 |
Adydas | as i said im guessing thats the package but im pritty confident it should work | 08:28 |
anees | but how to install jdk1.5 | 08:28 |
intelikey | phoenix1701 all i seem to find is the regular .deb... http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/dbus/dbus-1_0.23.4-0ubuntu4_i386.deb | 08:29 |
deathnote | and so i downloaded sound juicer | 08:29 |
deathnote | ou can also extract CD audio files to the proprietary non-free MP3 format. Instructions on how to rip to the MP3 format are in the help for Sound Juicer. Choose Help->Contents and navigate to the Preferences section. | 08:29 |
intelikey | i know the source .deb is there some place. | 08:29 |
Adydas | anees: jdk as in either of these? | 08:29 |
Adydas | libcommons-lang-java - Extension of the java.lang package | 08:29 |
Adydas | libcommons-launcher-java - cross platform java application launcher | 08:29 |
dmbkiwi | anees: do you have the universe and multivers repositories enabled? | 08:29 |
anees | not know | 08:29 |
Adydas | wicked a fellow nz person :P | 08:29 |
anees | how to check it | 08:29 |
deathnote | and i click Help -->content it says cannot display help for sound jucier | 08:29 |
Phoenix1701 | I see... so if I were to try to install that deb, my computer would likely explode, right? ;) | 08:29 |
anees | actually i m a newby | 08:29 |
Adydas | oh, add multiverse to the end of your repos | 08:29 |
deathnote | error launching the default action command associated to this location? | 08:30 |
dmbkiwi | anees: open /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:30 |
Adydas | deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy universe multiverse <--- like this | 08:30 |
dmbkiwi | anees: you will find some lines with a single '#'. Delete those | 08:30 |
Phoenix1701 | deathnote: hm. Not sure what to tell you about that one... is the documentation perhaps a different package...? | 08:30 |
Adydas | that is found in your apt sources | 08:30 |
dmbkiwi | anees: then run: sudo aptitude update | 08:30 |
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Adydas | anees: id reccomend checking out http://adydas.net/linux/repos.html its what worked for me, it should help shed some light | 08:31 |
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dmbkiwi | anees: then run: aptitude install sun-java5-jdk | 08:31 |
dmbkiwi | anees: gotta go | 08:31 |
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intelikey | phoenix1701 have a look at that and see if thats it. http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/dbus/dbus_1.0.2.orig.tar.gz | 08:31 |
explosives | hi , i m a newbie on linux- why all the music players dont play mp3 files ? | 08:31 |
Adydas | codecs | 08:31 |
Adydas | you need to install the mp3 codecs | 08:31 |
explosives | how can i find them ? | 08:31 |
explosives | for ubuntu 6.06 | 08:32 |
Adydas | here is a link of some docs i made that i used to get mp3s playing on edgy kubuntu http://adydas.net/linux/mp3.html | 08:32 |
explosives | thnx i will check it | 08:32 |
Adydas | i hope it gets you what you want | 08:32 |
Phoenix1701 | intelikey: Okay. Worth a shot anyway... one thing I'm curious about though; if I go ahead and install this from source, I'm going to have two versions of dbus installed in two different places... or worse, the new version will overwrite the old version and Adept will have hysterics next time I open it. | 08:33 |
Phoenix1701 | Is this going to pose a big problem, do you think? | 08:33 |
anees | ok dear I m installing it | 08:34 |
Phoenix1701 | intelikey: Yep, that's the source all right. | 08:34 |
intelikey | Phoenix1701 i'm not sure if it can/will install along side or not. probably safer to make a deb package out of it and install through dpkg. step one. install build-essential step two read up at... | 08:34 |
intelikey | !source | 08:34 |
ubotu | You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html | 08:34 |
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intelikey | that page ^ | 08:34 |
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Phoenix1701 | Okay. build-essential is installed already | 08:35 |
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explosives | libxine-extracodecs this file is missing Adydas!!!! | 08:35 |
intelikey | err | 08:35 |
intelikey | !compile | 08:35 |
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 08:35 |
explosives | E: Package libxine-extracodecs has no installation candidate | 08:35 |
intelikey | that link Phoenix1701 ^ | 08:36 |
anees | dmbkiwi r u there | 08:36 |
explosives | i m a new linux user will u help me ? | 08:36 |
Adydas | explosives: you need to enable all your repos | 08:36 |
explosives | k | 08:36 |
intelikey | !repositories > explosives | 08:36 |
Adydas | try here http://adydas.net/linux/repos.html | 08:36 |
Adydas | its how i did it | 08:37 |
anees | i've open sources.list | 08:37 |
anees | which line should un comment | 08:37 |
Adydas | you see my egs | 08:37 |
Adydas | some lines with deb have a # infront of it? | 08:37 |
Adydas | some done? | 08:37 |
crube_ | What the heck is "Super"-button? It says in Beryl that I need to press <Alt><Super>Button1 :D Is there a SUPER letter on my keyboard and does it have any super powers? | 08:37 |
Adydas | the lines with a # in the front are commented out ie ignored | 08:38 |
Adydas | you need to uncomment them so there read by apt and used | 08:38 |
Adydas | crube_: my guess is the windows key | 08:38 |
pirothezero | super enough to make your desktop suicide ;P] | 08:38 |
Adydas | naturally been linux it cant call it a windows key :p | 08:38 |
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Adydas | thats totally a guess tho | 08:38 |
anees | ok | 08:38 |
Adydas | anees: id also poiunt you to check out http://adydas.net/linux/repos.html | 08:39 |
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anees | i've un comment all deb lines | 08:39 |
Adydas | it has an eg of mine before and after, play spot the difference between the 2 grey boxes | 08:39 |
Adydas | ok then follow the rest of the howto | 08:39 |
Adydas | start here. | 08:39 |
Adydas | Once you have saved this file, you will need to run the next command.sudo apt-get update | 08:39 |
intelikey | anees on the first deb line it has main restricted add to it universe multiverse | 08:40 |
anees | ok | 08:40 |
DjDarkman_ | hy ,can someone tell me how to diagnose why doesn`t a network interface want to comunicate? | 08:40 |
Adydas | i need to update and include that info | 08:40 |
Adydas | intelikey: how would you explain multiverse | 08:40 |
crube_ | Adydas: That was my guess aswell, but it didn't work | 08:40 |
Adydas | what about it allows it to work, without it it wont? | 08:40 |
anees | intelikey there are two lines main restricted | 08:41 |
Phoenix1701 | intelikey: Could you remind me why I'm not just downloading one of the pre-build .deb packages from that directory, say, dbus_1.0.2-1ubuntu2_i386.deb? | 08:41 |
anees | which shuld be changed | 08:41 |
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intelikey | Adydas ? multiverse is one of the four major catagories of reposed software. the other three are man restricted and universe read all about that on the wiki | 08:42 |
intelikey | !repos | 08:42 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 08:42 |
explosives | i did it :) thnx a lot | 08:42 |
gugu^ | When I`m starting kubuntu in GUI my keyboard is not working | 08:42 |
Adydas | explosives: it work? | 08:42 |
gugu^ | When I`m starting kubuntu in GUI my keyboard is not working please HELP | 08:42 |
explosives | yes | 08:42 |
intelikey | anees one say deb the other deb-src | 08:42 |
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Phoenix1701 | If I were to just download dbus_1.0.2-1ubuntu2_i386.deb and run dpkg -i on it, would that be bad for some reason? | 08:43 |
intelikey | anees the deb one. | 08:43 |
anees | here are some lines with deb | 08:43 |
anees | i uncomment all the deb lines | 08:43 |
intelikey | Phoenix1701 yes. (but it might actually work) | 08:43 |
Phoenix1701 | hehe. So if it works, great, and if not, it presumably won't screw anything up too badly as it tries? | 08:44 |
intelikey | Phoenix1701 you can try it. be advised that if it breaks things you will probably be fixing it from a liveCD or in a console. | 08:44 |
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intelikey | but hey if you aint scared. i aint scared. | 08:45 |
Kite_DH | is there somebody that could help me? | 08:45 |
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intelikey | Kite_DH no. | 08:45 |
Kite_DH | .. | 08:45 |
Adydas | Kite_DH: just ask :p | 08:45 |
intelikey | we don't know what you need. | 08:45 |
Phoenix1701 | intelikey: Well, is it really any more likely that a .deb that I cobble together from the .orig.tar.gz and the .dsc files will work? | 08:45 |
gugu^ | When I`m starting kubuntu in GUI my keyboard is not working please HELP | 08:45 |
Kite_DH | what would happen if i would install GNOME on my kubuntu 6.10? | 08:45 |
Lynoure | gugu^: not working at all or not working right? | 08:45 |
gugu^ | Lynoure: not working at all | 08:46 |
Adydas | anees: can i ask how you found that website? so i can tweak it? | 08:46 |
intelikey | Phoenix1701 probably not but be advised that i cant advise you to try that. it "might" leave you in the dark. (but i would probably try it.) | 08:46 |
gugu^ | Lynoure: it just block`s | 08:46 |
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Lynoure | gugu^: block's? Do you mean you get blocks on your screen? | 08:47 |
=== Phoenix1701 nods. Well, I think given that I'm going to try to assemble my own source deb using the instructions you gave me, now that I've downloaded the three files I need... because if I DO hose my system, I'm not at all confident I'd be able to get it back up and running again. | ||
kraut | moin | 08:47 |
anees | i found site on google | 08:47 |
anees | how to find the jdk version | 08:48 |
intelikey | Phoenix1701 if you do use sudo dpkg -i filename.deb and it breaks things, you'll probably need to sudo dpkg -P dbus ;sudo apt-get install dbus to fix it. | 08:48 |
Phoenix1701 | Ahh, to reinstall the one that's in the Breezy repository, I see. | 08:48 |
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Phoenix1701 | Well, my dpkg-buildpackage command is failing for mysterious reasons... dpkg-parsechangelog: error: cannot open debian/changelog to find format: No such file or directory | 08:49 |
intelikey | hey i didn't tell you to do that. just theorized on how one might if they were brave... | 08:49 |
gugu^ | Lynoure: I mean my keyboard is blocking | 08:49 |
Phoenix1701 | intelikey: So noted. :) | 08:49 |
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explosives | and how can i configure my 5+1 surround system ? | 08:51 |
intelikey | !sound | 08:51 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 08:51 |
explosives | thnx | 08:52 |
anees | adydas dear I've installed tomcat5 | 08:52 |
anees | now how to configure it out | 08:52 |
anees | i've installed it via sudo apt-get install tomcat5 | 08:52 |
intelikey | not sure there is actually any pertanant information there explosives | 08:52 |
Phoenix1701 | Aha! Okay, so the source package is trying to build itself, but it has unmet dependencies... hmm. | 08:52 |
intelikey | eeeeek was afraid of that. | 08:53 |
Phoenix1701 | Yeah, and they're all higher versions than the versions in the dapper repository. :/ | 08:53 |
Phoenix1701 | It wants cdbs 0.4.43, and all I can give it is 0.4.34. | 08:53 |
intelikey | Phoenix1701 going to sourceforge.net or where ever the code is stored and building from that might well be the ideal way. | 08:53 |
Lynoure | gugu^: I think I'll leave this for someone else, as I'll have to go to work soon. | 08:53 |
Phoenix1701 | You mean the code for dbus? | 08:54 |
intelikey | yeah | 08:54 |
intelikey | source code | 08:54 |
intelikey | tar.gz | 08:54 |
gugu^ | Lynoure: ok, np, if I can`t do it , i`ll reinstall kubuntu :)) | 08:54 |
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Phoenix1701 | Mm. True... unfortunately in my experience they make you go on a wild goose chase for their dependencies most of the time too... and then I'd just be back where I started, except with five things to go get instead of just one. | 08:54 |
Adydas | anees: awsum it worked | 08:54 |
intelikey | you know the old ./configure && make && sudo make install | 08:54 |
Adydas | how did you find the website | 08:54 |
Lynoure | gugu^: there might be someone here able to help you so do not give up hope yet | 08:55 |
intelikey | Phoenix1701 don't count on that being "just one" | 08:55 |
gugu^ | Lynoure: ok, thx | 08:55 |
intelikey | what all is cdbs 0.4.43 going to have to have.... | 08:55 |
anees | yes it worked | 08:55 |
Adydas | kool | 08:56 |
anees | so how to configure tomcat | 08:56 |
intelikey | and the things they need will need what ? | 08:56 |
Adydas | !tomcat | 08:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tomcat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:56 |
Kite_DH | what would happen if i would install GNOME on my kubuntu 6.10? | 08:56 |
Adydas | that i dont know annen | 08:56 |
Phoenix1701 | Well, the "just one" was dbus. The five would be cdbs, debhelper, doxygen (which I should install anyway because it's awesome *installs*), xmlto, and libselinux1-dev. | 08:56 |
intelikey | Kite_DH you'd have gnome installed. | 08:56 |
Kite_DH | intelikey: i mean..can i use KDE and GNOME at the same time? | 08:57 |
Phoenix1701 | Kite_DH: You'd have Kubuntu 6.10 with GNOME. Nothing more sinister than that. | 08:57 |
Phoenix1701 | Yup. You choose which session type you want at the login screen. | 08:57 |
Kite_DH | wow thats cool | 08:57 |
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Kite_DH | but i stay with KDE | 08:57 |
Kite_DH | hehe | 08:57 |
Kite_DH | thx | 08:57 |
Phoenix1701 | np :) | 08:57 |
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Phoenix1701 | intelikey: You know, it's funny how I can be longing for package managers and curse their name at the same time. :P | 08:58 |
intelikey | i have had kde gnome xfce4 fluxbox blackbox twm icewm icewm95 all installed at one time.... | 08:58 |
intelikey | Phoenix1701 yep | 08:58 |
Admiral_Chicago | !offtopic | 08:58 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 08:59 |
Admiral_Chicago | hello everyone :) | 08:59 |
Phoenix1701 | I think it would be less work to just go and install Edgy at this rate. There's an Edgy package for Scribes (which is the thing I wanted to install at the beginning of all this). Is it now stable enough for day to day use? | 08:59 |
intelikey | i hear how great apt it. and it is. but i've had more trubble out of apt than i ever did urpmi | 08:59 |
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intelikey | Phoenix1701 now you are thinking in *buntu terms. | 09:00 |
Phoenix1701 | hehe. Well, I don't remember Edgy ever really having been "released", per se, it just kind of started existing and people began talking about the next one. | 09:00 |
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intelikey | actually are you sure you don't want to go for the developing (very buggy) feisty ? | 09:00 |
Phoenix1701 | So I'm not sure where on the scale of 1 to horrible it falls right now. | 09:00 |
InuDuelist | 'Sup, guys. Been a while. | 09:01 |
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Phoenix1701 | lol. No, no, probably not... I don't actually attempt to use this machine for anything useful very often, but I find I get depressed if I can't get X to launch. ;) | 09:01 |
intelikey | Phoenix1701 hmmmm depresses me to have to start a gui..... | 09:01 |
InuDuelist | I got a problem that just started recently. | 09:02 |
pirothezero | anyone here using blockhosts for sshd attacks? | 09:02 |
Phoenix1701 | hehe. I confess, I like my GUIs. I'm a Mac guy by nature. | 09:02 |
InuDuelist | For some reason, after a while, my sound stops working and I have to end my session (or reboot.) to get it to work again. | 09:02 |
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intelikey | !sound | InuDuelist | 09:02 |
ubotu | InuDuelist: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 09:02 |
intelikey | pirothezero no i just don't run sshd unless i'm going to need it. if it's not running they can't attack it. | 09:04 |
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Phoenix1701 | I wish I knew in advance every time I wanted to SSH into my machine... | 09:05 |
intelikey | pirothezero i could run it full time this is a nosuid system and root ssh is forbiden so there is very little anyone could do if i gave them my password. | 09:05 |
Phoenix1701 | But yeah, is Edgy Ready For Prime Time(tm) yet, or should I stick with Dapper despite not being able to install all sorts of shiny things? | 09:05 |
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intelikey | Phoenix1701 no. | 09:06 |
intelikey | Phoenix1701 but it's as ready as it will ever be | 09:06 |
Adydas | i think edgys fine | 09:06 |
pirothezero | hmmm ic | 09:06 |
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intelikey | Phoenix1701 most (the majority) get along with it just fine. some can't install it at all some are not at all satisfied with it.... you get the idea | 09:07 |
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=== Phoenix1701 contemplates his nifty glx windows and drop shadows and superfluous visual effects, some of which will probably cease to work randomly in Edgy... | ||
Phoenix1701 | intelikey: I think you just described most software in existence. ;) | 09:07 |
intelikey | yeah | 09:08 |
intelikey | :) | 09:08 |
intelikey | what can i say.... i'm a debian kind of guy, who just happens to use *buntu | 09:09 |
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intelikey | i liked mandrake ok. then they changed the name and messed it up.... | 09:10 |
intelikey | :) | 09:10 |
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intelikey | slackware is good, | 09:10 |
intelikey | sort of. | 09:10 |
Adydas | debains the best IMO, i tryed fedora etc but just wasnt it | 09:10 |
Phoenix1701 | hehe. I'm coming from almost the opposite direction. I installed Kubuntu because I thought it was neat, and I liked that I could actually get it to install without a hitch. | 09:10 |
Phoenix1701 | I tried to install Gentoo once... it set up my fstab, then asked me what slices I wanted to be able to boot from a command-line interface from which I couldn't get into a subshell to look at the fstab it'd created to figure out which slices corresponded to what partitions. | 09:11 |
Adydas | what a mess | 09:12 |
Phoenix1701 | Predictably enough, my computer wouldn't boot at all after that, because my guesses were apparently wrong. So I nuked Gentoo in retaliation. :) | 09:12 |
Adydas | i allways considerd the isntallation process of linux to be a test | 09:12 |
InuDuelist | Hmm. | 09:12 |
Adydas | if u cant follow readmes to get it isntalled you dont want to be trying to use it | 09:12 |
Phoenix1701 | So Kubuntu was something of a vindication of Linux for me... but I still like my GUI. | 09:12 |
InuDuelist | I have to reboot now. :/ | 09:12 |
InuDuelist | Damn sound system problems. | 09:12 |
InuDuelist | Every five hours, I swear it stops working. | 09:12 |
fignew | InuDuelist: I feel ja! | 09:12 |
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fignew | ya* (head in german mode) | 09:13 |
InuDuelist | The sad part is is that it happens on Windows now, too. O_O | 09:13 |
Phoenix1701 | Adydas: Fair enough, but I think you'll agree that being able to figure out what partitions on a given disk ought to be bootable given an arbitrary naming convention you know nothing about is a bit more than following the readme :) | 09:13 |
Adydas | oh no | 09:13 |
intelikey | InuDuelist sounds like a memory leak or runaway process | 09:13 |
Adydas | what your sayings far to hardout | 09:13 |
Adydas | thats to much test | 09:13 |
InuDuelist | intelikey: What do you recommend? | 09:13 |
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fignew | InuDuelist: a non-broken sound card? | 09:14 |
Phoenix1701 | Hm... it's Pi o-clock. Bedtime for me. | 09:14 |
=== intelikey recommends that intelikey read the rest of what you said. | ||
Phoenix1701 | Thanks for the considerable help, all, especially intelikey... I've learned a great deal from my failure. :) | 09:14 |
InuDuelist | Besides reboot? | 09:14 |
intelikey | <InuDuelist> The sad part is is that it happens on Windows now, <<<< ah... check the ram. | 09:14 |
deathnote | so what do i need to convert audio into mp3 format for sound juicer??? | 09:14 |
fignew | or, plugging the speaker into the right port :) | 09:14 |
InuDuelist | But I personally don't enjoy rebooting every five hours. | 09:14 |
intelikey | memtest86 | 09:14 |
InuDuelist | intelikey: I've got 1GB of RAM. | 09:14 |
Adydas | is that all | 09:15 |
fignew | ram, I doubt that's the problem | 09:15 |
Phoenix1701 | deathnote: There's almost certainly an option under Settings > Configure Sound Juicer | 09:15 |
Admiral_Chicago | if you want. reboot and run a memtest...that will let you know if it's a RAM problem | 09:15 |
InuDuelist | Well, I'm going to reboot. | 09:15 |
Phoenix1701 | I don't have that installed myself, so I can't tell you for sure, but that'd be my guess if it's a KDE app. If not, there's probably a Preferences or Options or Configure somewhere, and it's definitely in there. | 09:15 |
Phoenix1701 | Anyway, night all! | 09:15 |
intelikey | fignew sound works for a predictable amount of time on two unrelated os's it's hardware. | 09:15 |
intelikey | ram is always suspect. | 09:16 |
InuDuelist | Should I do anything before I reboot? | 09:16 |
InuDuelist | To see if it fixes the problem? | 09:16 |
fignew | so it works, then stops working? | 09:16 |
InuDuelist | I can't even open Amarok right now. | 09:16 |
InuDuelist | Pretty much. | 09:16 |
Adydas | can u change it to test> | 09:16 |
InuDuelist | But this hasn't been going on for a long time. Just about a month. | 09:16 |
Adydas | ? | 09:16 |
=== emonkey [n=emonkey@adsl-84-227-180-76.adslplus.ch] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | sounds to me like a heat build up on a loose connection. | 09:17 |
fignew | strange, I have a network card that'll crash if I saturate the link, will only start working again if I turn off & unplug computer | 09:17 |
InuDuelist | And whazzat mean, intelikey? | 09:17 |
fignew | intelikey: now that's what it could be | 09:17 |
fignew | InuDuelist: does your computer run hot? | 09:18 |
deathnote | i can't select output as a mp3 | 09:18 |
deathnote | can only ogg , flac and wav | 09:18 |
InuDuelist | Nah, it's pretty average heat. | 09:18 |
fignew | deathnote: have you installed lame? | 09:18 |
deathnote | and the damn Help isn't working | 09:18 |
deathnote | no | 09:18 |
fignew | you'll need that :) | 09:18 |
fignew | !lame | 09:19 |
ubotu | lame: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.96.1-2 (edgy), package size 260 kB, installed size 696 kB | 09:19 |
intelikey | ram is suspect. card interfaces. also possable capacitor burning out. but less likely because caps go with load. then heaver you load them the faster they heat up | 09:19 |
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InuDuelist | So intelikey, what do I do before I reboot? | 09:19 |
fignew | mp3 is patented, so it can't be included w/ ubuntu | 09:20 |
fignew | by default | 09:20 |
fignew | sound juicer is a gnome app, right? | 09:20 |
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intelikey | nothing. power down. pull the cover off the box and check all connections. remove ram sticks and reinsert them. making sure they are fully seeted. power on. see if anything changed. | 09:21 |
deathnote | i don't care? i just want my audio to be mp3..what's so difficult..why must i understand patented etc??! | 09:21 |
deathnote | argh | 09:21 |
deathnote | damnit | 09:21 |
Adydas | u want to play mp3s or somthign more? | 09:22 |
InuDuelist | Alright. | 09:22 |
InuDuelist | I'll be back in about 15 minutes. | 09:22 |
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intelikey | here is a believe it or not for you. i saw one box giving random errors, sometimes wouldn't even post. started trubble shooting and finnally found it on a modem card connection in the expansion slot. one dirty contact that would sometimes arc that arc would send current spikes on the pci buss causing trubble to show up in the oddest places. | 09:25 |
=== Smooph [n=Smooph@p54A77F05.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
InuDuelist | ... | 09:25 |
InuDuelist | That's awkward. | 09:25 |
InuDuelist | And yet, strangly believable. | 09:25 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o fdoving] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu [-bb *!*=zoOmBiOZ@ %jajuanka!*@*] by fdoving | ||
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InuDuelist | I'll wipe stuff. | 09:26 |
InuDuelist | See you guys in about 15-20 minutes. | 09:26 |
intelikey | ok | 09:26 |
BrettV | Does anyone know anything about process scheduling? | 09:26 |
=== linuxwizard [n=masterse@74-134-50-204.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | cron ? | 09:26 |
intelikey | at ? | 09:26 |
intelikey | nice ? | 09:26 |
BrettV | intelikey: you asking me those questions? | 09:27 |
intelikey | yeah what are you asking about specifically ? | 09:27 |
BrettV | intelikey: i need to calculate the bonus and penalty | 09:27 |
BrettV | intelikey: and i do not understand what the variables are exactly. | 09:27 |
BrettV | intelikey: i | 09:28 |
BrettV | Bonus = (int) floor (min (IO / 500.0, 1.0) * 5.0) | 09:28 |
BrettV | note : Here, IO means total IO burst spend by the process since the last time slice calculation. | 09:28 |
intelikey | ah nice values. i don't really know much about that. | 09:28 |
BrettV | i really need to know what the IO variable is | 09:28 |
pirothezero | first ive heard of it lol | 09:29 |
intelikey | i can tell you a guy that can help you there though. if he will. go in ##linux and see if quiznos is there. | 09:29 |
BrettV | anyone know anything about this? I need to figure it out before 7pm tommorow | 09:29 |
=== yettenet_ [n=yettenet@gw.aszf-szhely.sulinet.hu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Admiral_Chicago | as a general question, why are you turning that into an int? will that be rounded or truncated. however I fail to see how this is #kubuntu tomorrow | 09:29 |
yettenet_ | Is there a way to disable progress dialog? | 09:29 |
Admiral_Chicago | err. #kubuntu | 09:29 |
BrettV | thanks intelikey | 09:29 |
intelikey | np | 09:30 |
Admiral_Chicago | yettenet_: progress dialogue? | 09:30 |
yettenet_ | Yup :) | 09:30 |
yettenet_ | Sort of :) | 09:30 |
intelikey | dont' use my name, he may not like me. | 09:30 |
Admiral_Chicago | in what program... | 09:30 |
BrettV | Admiral_Chicago: i have no idea and also do not care... this is the formula they gave me and it is what i will use | 09:30 |
intelikey | that wouldn't help you any. | 09:30 |
BrettV | intelikey: hehe | 09:30 |
yettenet_ | The name of the window is Progress Dialog - KDE | 09:30 |
yettenet_ | :) | 09:30 |
yettenet_ | Dunno which program it is | 09:30 |
Admiral_Chicago | yettenet_: what is the program doing. | 09:30 |
yettenet_ | Showing all the internet transfer progresses | 09:31 |
Admiral_Chicago | in Konqueror? | 09:31 |
yettenet_ | Well, when I click on a link which opens in Konqueror, yes, but it shows Kopete's as well | 09:31 |
Admiral_Chicago | both applications which I do not use. sorry | 09:32 |
intelikey | tried just killing it ? | 09:32 |
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yettenet_ | intelikey: Nope :) I want to disable it permanently, not at every startup | 09:33 |
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=== Jazon [n=arkygeek@host86-144-142-92.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jazon | hello everyone | 09:33 |
intelikey | yettenet_ search in kcontrol | 09:33 |
Admiral_Chicago | hello | 09:33 |
intelikey | that's where all theings K are set. | 09:33 |
Jazon | i am downloading everything for the move to feisty on my laptop. any reccomendations? | 09:33 |
Jazon | i am moving from edgy | 09:34 |
intelikey | heh dont' | 09:34 |
intelikey | don't that is. | 09:34 |
Jazon | intelikey: reasons? | 09:34 |
Jazon | i can still stop it.... | 09:34 |
intelikey | it's not released yet ? | 09:34 |
=== crazyrobot [n=crazyrob@Wheeler-pbdsl5.Stanford.EDU] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jazon | i have about 20minutes left of downloads... | 09:34 |
Jazon | well, i know that :P | 09:34 |
intelikey | alpha/beta but if you like bugs help them kill all you can. | 09:35 |
Admiral_Chicago | Jazon: #ubuntu+1 ... I have had no issues on my install | 09:35 |
fdoving | Jazon: if you have a bcm43xx based card, i recommend to get an older 2.6.20-5-generic kernel instead of the current one. | 09:35 |
=== intelikey offers Jazon a fly swatter. | ||
Jazon | hehe | 09:35 |
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Jazon | my wifi card should be well supported. | 09:35 |
Admiral_Chicago | Jazon: Feisty is pretty stable | 09:36 |
crazyrobot | anybody ever get only half a screen in a shell using F1-F6? | 09:36 |
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Jazon | intel i915 vid card | 09:36 |
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Adydas | is edgy not stable? | 09:36 |
Jazon | edgy is not too bad. i dont like how the acpi works on it | 09:36 |
intelikey | crazyrobot yep. frame buffering in the console and frame buffering in the gui conflicting on the size of the screen | 09:36 |
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Jazon | my laptop fan is going to wear out | 09:37 |
yettenet_ | No success, intelikey | 09:37 |
crazyrobot | ok, thanks. | 09:37 |
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intelikey | yettenet_ i don't recognize the nick ? | 09:37 |
yettenet_ | The progress dialog thingy ) | 09:38 |
crazyrobot | i upgraded to feisty for a second, but AmoroK has problems with mtp in that version. | 09:38 |
intelikey | oh. | 09:38 |
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flaccid | joy | 09:38 |
Jazon | is it possible to downgrade back to edgy btw? | 09:38 |
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flaccid | its possible, but manual | 09:38 |
=== intelikey <grumbles> have to start a gui for the first time all day.... | ||
Jazon | flaccid: manual, like how? | 09:38 |
Jazon | like editing sources.list and apt-get ? | 09:39 |
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Admiral_Chicago | there is a downgrade option for apt-get | 09:39 |
flaccid | as in removing/force removing packages and instaling the old ones | 09:39 |
flaccid | yeah i don't think that works very well | 09:39 |
Jazon | yeah, ok | 09:39 |
Jazon | aptitude might do a better job with that (???) | 09:39 |
flaccid | i've never down a successful downgrade with ubuntu | 09:39 |
Jazon | heh | 09:39 |
flaccid | but thats just me | 09:39 |
=== Jazon has never tried | ||
flaccid | mind you i am a cli guy, but yeah | 09:39 |
Jazon | same | 09:40 |
Jazon | i dont trust the gui for big stuff | 09:40 |
flaccid | upgrading by cli was hard enough | 09:40 |
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Jazon | eh? | 09:40 |
flaccid | its hard to trust things like dept | 09:40 |
Jazon | why is that hard? | 09:40 |
explosives | mmmh how can i ask i dont know ... i m a delphi programmer and i downloaded kylix but i couldnt install it do u know how can i install it ? | 09:40 |
flaccid | its hard because you run into probems | 09:40 |
flaccid | !find kylix | 09:40 |
ubotu | Package/file kylix does not exist in edgy | 09:40 |
flaccid | explosives: did you read the documentation on kylix | 09:41 |
explosives | so ? | 09:41 |
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explosives | i did but i didnt understand :S | 09:41 |
flaccid | what don' you understand | 09:41 |
yuriy | hi i just decided to try the menu bar at the top. how do i make it thinner? | 09:41 |
Jazon | when is feisty release date btw? | 09:42 |
Admiral_Chicago | Jazon: April 19. /me points Jazon to #ubuntu+1 for Feisty talk | 09:42 |
Jazon | thx Admiral_Chicago | 09:42 |
crazyrobot | i put feisty on my sisters laptop, and i'm constantly fixing things for her. i think this weekend i'm going to downgrade her. | 09:43 |
yettenet_ | Well, I think I have another name for that PRogress Dialog thingy - Network Operation Window | 09:43 |
Admiral_Chicago | explosives: what is the package format? | 09:43 |
yettenet_ | (The head of Settings) | 09:43 |
yettenet_ | :P | 09:43 |
explosives | it is zip | 09:44 |
explosives | i decompressed it | 09:44 |
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Admiral_Chicago | what files do you see | 09:44 |
explosives | now there is a "install" file | 09:44 |
explosives | but i couldnt run it | 09:44 |
flaccid | explosives: so you didn't actually read the documentation | 09:44 |
flaccid | INSTALL is usually a text file with install instructions. its not a binary. | 09:45 |
explosives | i read it ........ but i m new on linux just for 2 days passed | 09:45 |
=== PeS [n=PeS@ip-85-160-96-254.eurotel.cz] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Admiral_Chicago | explosives: in a konsole type sudo apt-get install fp-ide | 09:45 |
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flaccid | well if you point me to the doco i could help you understand.. | 09:45 |
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flaccid | !ftp-ide | 09:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ftp-ide - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:45 |
flaccid | !ftp-ide | 09:45 |
Admiral_Chicago | explosives: that should be an IDE for Free Pascal / Delphi | 09:45 |
flaccid | !fp-ide | 09:45 |
ubotu | fp-ide: Free Pascal -- IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.0-4 (edgy), package size 904 kB, installed size 2416 kB | 09:45 |
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flaccid | hmmm cool | 09:46 |
flaccid | cept he wants to install kylix | 09:46 |
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Admiral_Chicago | The Free Pascal Compiler is a Turbo Pascal 7.0 and Delphi compatible 32/64-bit | 09:46 |
Admiral_Chicago | Pascal Compiler | 09:46 |
Admiral_Chicago | right, flaccid, I have to return to work, perhaps you can take over. | 09:46 |
Jazon | pascal... hehe i remember them days! | 09:46 |
explosives | E: Couldn't find package fp-ide | 09:46 |
yettenet_ | ubotu: network operation window | 09:46 |
Jazon | why pascal in 2007????? | 09:47 |
explosives | couse i m a delphi programmer... | 09:47 |
explosives | ok ? | 09:47 |
=== Jazon looks around for any refernces to COBOL | ||
Admiral_Chicago | its got a delphi compiler | 09:47 |
yuriy | this menubar has some potential if i can get it smaller... | 09:47 |
flaccid | Admiral_Chicago: have fun there | 09:47 |
Admiral_Chicago | hey I code in FORTRAN 77. | 09:47 |
Admiral_Chicago | will do. | 09:47 |
Jazon | :D | 09:47 |
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flaccid | explosives: link me to the doco if you want help | 09:47 |
Admiral_Chicago | Jazon: so there, languages are neccesary for various cases. | 09:47 |
Jazon | hangovers from the old days kind of thing? | 09:48 |
Jazon | cheaper to maintain rather than rewrite? | 09:48 |
flaccid | um | 09:48 |
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flaccid | delphi object pascal != pasca | 09:48 |
intelikey | Jazon like C ? | 09:48 |
flaccid | pascal | 09:48 |
flaccid | delphi rules if you ask me | 09:49 |
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Admiral_Chicago | what language would you use to write a parallel machine job? | 09:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | !offtopic | 09:49 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 09:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | that goes for the whole room, myself included :) | 09:49 |
flaccid | haha | 09:49 |
intelikey | room ? | 09:50 |
flaccid | like !offtopic is the scapegoat of this channe | 09:50 |
posingaspopular | chan. he means chan. | 09:50 |
posingaspopular | he's just too ugly to know better ;) | 09:50 |
=== Admiral_Chicago pounces on posingaspopular....-chicago? | ||
flaccid | hehe | 09:50 |
=== intelikey kicks Admiral_Chicago out of the room. | ||
intelikey | go to work. | 09:51 |
flaccid | i second that | 09:51 |
posingaspopular | blah you guys, all he does is work | 09:51 |
flaccid | you got inteli and flaccid0 here heh | 09:51 |
Admiral_Chicago | its soo hard with the existance of facebook. gone... | 09:51 |
=== yuriy just read planet ubuntu. Admiral_Chicago: you the one considering working on ubuntu instead of going out :O | ||
flaccid | hehe | 09:51 |
flaccid | i come to work after work | 09:52 |
flaccid | its a great life | 09:52 |
flaccid | at least i get to drink beer | 09:52 |
Admiral_Chicago | same here...but it is a weekeend...plus i would do ^^ | 09:52 |
flaccid | dang | 09:52 |
yettenet_ | Well... any ideas on disabling netowrk operation window? | 09:52 |
explosives | nah it is not good enough i think windows is better than linux... i will install my windows again... | 09:53 |
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flaccid | explosives: so you successfuly installed it? | 09:53 |
explosives | no i didnt.............. | 09:53 |
flaccid | then how do you know? | 09:53 |
Adydas | hah | 09:53 |
flaccid | i've asked 3 times for the docos | 09:53 |
flaccid | but you don't link me | 09:53 |
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explosives | i dont know how to link it to you... | 09:53 |
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explosives | i m a NEWBIE ON LINUX | 09:54 |
flaccid | what is the URL of the install documentation | 09:54 |
explosives | did u understand ? | 09:54 |
flaccid | website where you got it | 09:54 |
explosives | k wait for a min plz | 09:54 |
flaccid | np | 09:54 |
intelikey | yettenet_ i have one for you. when its open click the upper left corner and in the menu it produces special application settings. set the window to a size of -0 and it's location to 10000 then if it does try to open you wont see it. | 09:54 |
flaccid | explosives: i'm not trying to spoonfed you because you are a developer :) | 09:55 |
intelikey | well that hack was a second to late. | 09:55 |
explosives | http://rapidshare.com/files/17842416/INSTALL.html | 09:55 |
flaccid | ok /me goes to look | 09:56 |
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flaccid | that asks me about webhost crap | 09:57 |
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flaccid | yay i finally get to it | 09:58 |
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flaccid | explosives: which part do you not get? | 09:58 |
flaccid | under 'INSTALLATION PROCEDURE' | 09:58 |
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explosives | how to run install :S | 09:58 |
flaccid | thats step 5. | 09:59 |
crazyrobot | in my years, i have installed and tested thousands of linux dists, and even the worst outdid windows. | 09:59 |
crazyrobot | you can't beat free. | 09:59 |
flaccid | yes you can crazyrobot. webcam. | 09:59 |
flaccid | or should i say webcam support. | 09:59 |
flaccid | windows beats us easy, as well as all the other hardware not supported properly | 09:59 |
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crazyrobot | my webcam works fine on kubuntu. | 10:00 |
explosives | sould i type sh setup.sh ???? | 10:00 |
InuDuelist | Well, that was interesting. | 10:00 |
Adydas | explosives: ./setup.sh | 10:00 |
InuDuelist | And filled with too many problems to be healthy. | 10:00 |
flaccid | crazyrobot: so everyone has the same webcam as you on the same install as you. ok... | 10:00 |
crazyrobot | linux is a programers system, if it doesn't work, fix it. | 10:00 |
InuDuelist | intelikey: Yo. | 10:00 |
flaccid | explosives: first you need to cd to the mount directory of your cdrom which is prolly /media/cdrom | 10:01 |
crazyrobot | thats why open source is so great. | 10:01 |
flaccid | crazyrobot: ok so windows users are not programmers. you realise that killed your argument... also please program each webcam out there for me. there is no standard protoco. | 10:01 |
explosives | i started to install it... | 10:01 |
seven11 | anyone download manager for kubun* | 10:01 |
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crazyrobot | if you hate linux so much, why are you in this forum? | 10:02 |
flaccid | maybe you should of said can't beat free, if you are a programmer | 10:02 |
crazyrobot | or rather irc chat. | 10:02 |
flaccid | but then again i'm a programmer and i don't have the skills to reverse engineer a hardware device... | 10:02 |
flaccid | i love linux | 10:02 |
Admiral_Chicago | !offtopic | 10:02 |
Admiral_Chicago | :) | 10:02 |
flaccid | im just sating reality | 10:02 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 10:02 |
flaccid | Admiral_Chicago: scaptegoat again hey | 10:02 |
flaccid | i'm just answering questions | 10:02 |
flaccid | which is what i do here :) | 10:02 |
crazyrobot | forget proprietary software, if its broke you can't fix it. | 10:03 |
seven11 | anyone download manager for kubuntu | 10:03 |
Admiral_Chicago | flaccid: hey, the scapegoat carries away the sins of a village. | 10:03 |
Admiral_Chicago | seven11: define download | 10:03 |
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flaccid | i never mentioned proprietary software :) | 10:03 |
flaccid | lol | 10:03 |
crazyrobot | what open source windows software do you have for webcams? | 10:03 |
mc__ | Hello! My xserver refuses to start, i always have to chmod /dev/null to 666 first,how can i do this permanently? At the moment i have to do it at every reboot | 10:03 |
explosives | flaccid: it is installing now :) | 10:04 |
seven11 | a download mangager like the firefox plug in (down them all) with resume | 10:04 |
crazyrobot | mc__: which one are you using? | 10:04 |
flaccid | crazyrobot: there is quite a few. the problem is not the client software, its the drivers and lack of ever being a standard protocol | 10:04 |
mc__ | crazyrobot: 6.10 | 10:04 |
flaccid | explosives: coo | 10:04 |
crazyrobot | mc__: no, which xserver? | 10:05 |
crazyrobot | #kubuntu, 6.10, kdm? | 10:05 |
mc__ | crazyrobot: the default kubuntu one, Xorg | 10:05 |
crazyrobot | so write a driver for linux? | 10:05 |
flaccid | i mean cool explosives | 10:05 |
seven11 | Admiral_Chicago: a download mangager like the firefox plug in (down them all) with resume | 10:05 |
flaccid | even though explosives are usually hot | 10:05 |
seven11 | blue arrow pointing down i forgot the name | 10:06 |
chavo | seven11, kget | 10:06 |
seven11 | thanks | 10:06 |
eXistenZ | How does KDE manages its shortcuts? | 10:06 |
intelikey | InuDuelist hey | 10:06 |
InuDuelist | intelikey: It was a dustcloud in there. | 10:07 |
eXistenZ | I want to some key in my keyboard. | 10:07 |
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eXistenZ | s/to/to remap | 10:07 |
intelikey | over heating because of DIRT ! InuDuelist ? | 10:07 |
yuriy | eXistenZ: shortcut for what program? | 10:07 |
eXistenZ | yuriy, I want to remap my Caps Lock key for Esc. | 10:07 |
InuDuelist | I don't think it was overheating. | 10:08 |
InuDuelist | BUt... | 10:08 |
InuDuelist | I did clean out my fan. | 10:08 |
eXistenZ | xmodmap interferes with the program KDE uses to map keys =x | 10:08 |
yuriy | oh that sort of thing.. | 10:08 |
InuDuelist | I pulled off my RAM and dusted it. | 10:08 |
flaccid | kcontrol -> keyboard | 10:08 |
flaccid | hmmm i've done xmodmap with kde successfully before | 10:08 |
intelikey | InuDuelist i'm betting you notice the differance... | 10:08 |
intelikey | we'll see. | 10:08 |
InuDuelist | Quite. | 10:08 |
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InuDuelist | I left the case open. | 10:09 |
eXistenZ | flaccid, let me try again | 10:09 |
InuDuelist | I"ll leave it like that for a couple days | 10:09 |
InuDuelist | And the best part is that it's not even as hot as it was before. | 10:09 |
mc__ | how i can permanently set permissions in /dev? im on edgy | 10:10 |
InuDuelist | So that's a good sign | 10:10 |
intelikey | yup | 10:10 |
flaccid | mc__: don't think you need to, why do you need to? | 10:10 |
InuDuelist | Let's see what'll happen tomorrow morning. | 10:10 |
mc__ | flaccid: xserver doesnt not start until i chmod /dev/null to 666 | 10:10 |
intelikey | mc__ you can have /etv/rc.local reset it each boot. | 10:10 |
mc__ | flaccid: and i have to do that every reboot | 10:10 |
flaccid | thats weird | 10:11 |
explosives | flaccid: /usr/local/kylix3/bin/delphi: relocation error: /usr/local/kylix3/bin/libwine.borland.so: symbol errno, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference didnt work... | 10:11 |
flaccid | very weird | 10:11 |
mc__ | indeed | 10:11 |
intelikey | mc__ the files in there are not on the disk. they are in ram. can't do anything permanant to them. | 10:11 |
InuDuelist | Hrm. | 10:11 |
InuDuelist | intelikey: Another problem | 10:11 |
flaccid | mc__: um its going to reset perms on /dev/* all the time. what is the perm on /dev/null before you chmod it? | 10:11 |
InuDuelist | Kaffeine won't open | 10:11 |
intelikey | InuDuelist hmmm. | 10:12 |
mc__ | flaccid: 600 | 10:12 |
Admiral_Chicago | mc__: you could chmod 700 /dev but that would be a bad idea... | 10:12 |
InuDuelist | This's been around for a couple weeks | 10:12 |
explosives | !! | 10:12 |
flaccid | intelikey: can you confirm that its 600 on your /dev/null i assume it should be at least 666 | 10:12 |
intelikey | Admiral_Chicago wouldn't be permanant either. | 10:12 |
Admiral_Chicago | right. | 10:12 |
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intelikey | 666 is correct. | 10:13 |
flaccid | Admiral_Chicago: 700 aint going to help | 10:13 |
flaccid | hmm so what is making it 600 | 10:13 |
Admiral_Chicago | :) ^^^ | 10:13 |
flaccid | whatever loads /devfs | 10:13 |
explosives | --/usr/local/kylix3/bin/delphi: relocation error: /usr/local/kylix3/bin/libwine.borland.so: symbol errno, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference | 10:13 |
flaccid | i dunno | 10:13 |
flaccid | something is making it 600 | 10:13 |
flaccid | explosives: google it, we cannot help. kylix does not support debian/ubuntu | 10:13 |
InuDuelist | What do you think's the problem, intelikey? | 10:13 |
intelikey | mc__ i noticed the same issue with the permission on /dev/null i added a command in one of the init scripts for a permenant fix. | 10:13 |
explosives | i see | 10:14 |
flaccid | intelikey: w0a that sounds like a bad bug... | 10:14 |
mc__ | intelikey: sorry im a noob,in which file should i add the command? | 10:14 |
intelikey | flaccid idk. easy cure. | 10:14 |
InuDuelist | Interesting. | 10:15 |
InuDuelist | It appears I can't open .mpg files or .avi files (I'm assuming other types won't open either) via Kaffeine, Noatun, or Democracy. | 10:16 |
flaccid | idk ? | 10:16 |
InuDuelist | BUt I can open them via the embedded player. | 10:16 |
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intelikey | mc__ kdesu kate /etc/rcS.d/*mountall.sh on the second line add this without the quotes. "chmod 666 /dev/null" save and exit. nothing to it. and no more worries. | 10:17 |
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mc__ | intelikey: thank you | 10:17 |
intelikey | or actually make that the second line of the file. | 10:18 |
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intelikey | as in down arrow and hit enter so you have a blank line then paste that in. you know that sort of thing. | 10:18 |
InuDuelist | Anyone have any ideas? :( | 10:18 |
flaccid | !multimedia | 10:19 |
ubotu | For multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications | 10:19 |
flaccid | thats my only suggestion | 10:19 |
InuDuelist | Heh. | 10:19 |
InuDuelist | Maybe I'll just reinstall the codecs. | 10:19 |
InuDuelist | Even though they seem to work almost fine. :/ | 10:19 |
flaccid | which version of ubuntu is it | 10:19 |
intelikey | InuDuelist i have an idea that i like vlc for all that stuff and i use it in the console for watching vidios. never did like or mess with other players much. | 10:19 |
flaccid | i tend to use xine for movies myself | 10:20 |
InuDuelist | 6.10. | 10:20 |
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InuDuelist | intelikey: I'll install it. Never really likes VLC, personally. At least, not when I used it on Windows. It'd always leak the sound after I closed it. | 10:20 |
intelikey | yuch that's be ugly. | 10:21 |
intelikey | that'd | 10:21 |
intelikey | me can't even type slang correctly | 10:21 |
intelikey | / | 10:21 |
=== intelikey | ||
=== intelikey | ||
InuDuelist | What's the package called? | 10:22 |
flaccid | application level software is like always broken somewhere for someone | 10:22 |
InuDuelist | "vlc"? | 10:22 |
intelikey | yeah | 10:22 |
InuDuelist | OK. | 10:22 |
flaccid | and distros just make it worse | 10:22 |
intelikey | you wont like it. you never did. | 10:22 |
flaccid | and of course lack of hardware support | 10:22 |
InuDuelist | It still leaks?! | 10:22 |
flaccid | kaffeine is alright imo | 10:22 |
intelikey | not for me. | 10:22 |
intelikey | !info vlc | 10:23 |
ubotu | vlc: multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-svn20061012.debian-1ubuntu1.1 (edgy), package size 1120 kB, installed size 3240 kB | 10:23 |
flaccid | when it comes to video, anything that works quaifies for me | 10:23 |
InuDuelist | I didn't get that much a shot at it. I used it a couple times, that's all. | 10:23 |
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cpk1 | kaffiene seems to have problem with my nice surround sound videos | 10:23 |
InuDuelist | Kaffeine seems to have a problem opening. | 10:24 |
InuDuelist | I even reinstalled it. | 10:24 |
intelikey | InuDuelist i won't have time to see if the sound still pukes on it's self, i have to go in about 6 minutes. you can tell flaccid if he's around and i'll catch it tomarrow maybe. | 10:25 |
InuDuelist | Ack | 10:26 |
flaccid | see you around then | 10:26 |
InuDuelist | One sec then | 10:26 |
Admiral_Chicago | did someone say they watch movies in a terminal? if so, what package do you use...I've been looking for one to do that | 10:26 |
flaccid | how can you watch a movie in shel | 10:26 |
InuDuelist | K, it works. | 10:26 |
intelikey | Admiral_Chicago vlc with svgalib | 10:26 |
intelikey | have used it with frame buffering but svgalibs seems safer on the display. | 10:27 |
intelikey | flaccid ^ that. | 10:27 |
InuDuelist | intelikey: It works | 10:27 |
flaccid | i heard about that | 10:27 |
intelikey | InuDuelist k. | 10:27 |
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flaccid | havnt heard many good reports on it | 10:28 |
flaccid | never tried it | 10:28 |
intelikey | ok guys i need to roll up the sidewalk. | 10:28 |
Admiral_Chicago | ty intelikey | 10:28 |
intelikey | Admiral_Chicago np | 10:28 |
intelikey | later. | 10:28 |
InuDuelist | Later, intelikey. :) | 10:28 |
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smoze | umount does not work properly | 10:38 |
smoze | any tricks? | 10:38 |
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Admiral_Chicago | smoze: sudo? | 10:41 |
Admiral_Chicago | how are you unmounting? | 10:41 |
=== Admiral_Chicago 's brain is fried. | ||
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wilman | i use kguitar but i does not give any sound | 10:44 |
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Vincent_k | arg!! need help with netboot | 10:46 |
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Vincent_k | got dhcp server running and working but my client box times out while connecting to tftp server? | 10:46 |
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Vincent_k | I have this in syslog: http://suzan.burning-oil.com/pub/linux/log | 10:49 |
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Vincent_k | this msg startes to generate while my client try to connect to tftp | 10:50 |
fdoving | check your firewall setttings. | 10:50 |
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Vincent_k | I have | 10:51 |
Vincent_k | I've even turned it of | 10:51 |
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Mena | HEY | 10:52 |
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Vincent_k | I'm connecting through a router that I use as a switch. I'm doing to buy a crossovercable later today and try to connect box to box and se | 10:52 |
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Mena | When i compiile a thing the installed files where did they go in the folder i compile from or to the folder where to install it | 10:53 |
Vincent_k | I've set up the router to pass through everything lan to lan | 10:53 |
Mena | answer plz !!? | 10:54 |
velle | All that dpkg, apt-get and aptitude is amazing and simple... when it works. But now and then there are dependency problems or some config problems or something, and then it is a nightmare for a user like me. | 10:54 |
fdoving | Mena: depends. did you run 'make install' ? | 10:55 |
Mena | fdoving, yes | 10:55 |
fdoving | velle: what's the problem? | 10:55 |
fdoving | Mena: then i syspect the files to go to /usr/local/ | 10:55 |
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Mena | fdoving, can i unistall it | 10:55 |
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velle | Is there a complete intro to the entire package system? Still I have not even been able to find a tutorial or manual for dpkg. E.g. this is the closest to an official dpkg page http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?searchon=names&version=all&exact=1&keywords=dpkg | 10:56 |
fdoving | Mena: maybe. you can try to run 'make uninstall' from the source folder where you ran 'make install' in the first place. | 10:56 |
Mena | fdoving, ok i will try :) | 10:56 |
velle | fdoving: Right now the problems are many. I need to install gtk2, and it says that package kubuntu-desktop is not available. If I try to install kubuntu-desktop I get pages of errors. | 10:57 |
Mena | fdoving, What if i can | 10:57 |
Mena | cant* | 10:57 |
fdoving | velle: http://www.debian.org/doc/FAQ/ch-pkg_basics.en.html http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ | 10:57 |
fdoving | velle: can you post the errors to for example http://rafb.net/paste/ - i can walk you through fixing them and try to explain why they appear. | 10:58 |
fdoving | Mena: then you need to find the files manually and remove them. can you find anything in /usr/local/bin for example? | 10:59 |
velle | fdoving: I will start out reading that now, and see if it helps, thanks. | 10:59 |
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fdoving | velle: i suggest reading them in reversed order. the latter url first. | 10:59 |
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Mena | fdoving, be the way its kbfx last ver and its beta but i didnt know its for devel and also when i try to add i had crash | 11:00 |
Jin | is there a way to change the root GTK theme to match my user themes? | 11:00 |
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Mena | by* | 11:00 |
velle | fdoving: That would be nice :) Walking through the probs, but firrst I try reading the guides, and then maybe I will come back. Thanks | 11:00 |
Mena | panal crash | 11:00 |
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InuDuelist | Hey guys, .mov support, gogogog | 11:01 |
fdoving | velle: ok. i'll go prepare some food then. | 11:01 |
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Mena | fdoving, So do you have an idea or manauly | 11:02 |
Mena | for it | 11:02 |
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flaccid_ | there is an insect in here | 11:02 |
flaccid_ | that i need to kill | 11:03 |
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InuDuelist | Hey guys, how do I get .mov support in Opera? | 11:09 |
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flaccid_ | !quicktime | 11:13 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 11:13 |
flaccid_ | should be in there InuDuelist | 11:13 |
InuDuelist | Thanks | 11:13 |
flaccid_ | np | 11:14 |
=== flaccid_ wishes his insect would fly away | ||
InuDuelist | Isn't Gstreamer a Gnome program? | 11:14 |
clau | hi! i want to install fam instead of gamin (file monitoring systems), but if I want to make any changes to any of the package, it wants me to remove 300 packages! | 11:15 |
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InuDuelist | clau: Have you installed a second desktop? | 11:15 |
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InuDuelist | Such as kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu-desktop and/or vice-versa? | 11:15 |
anees | anybody help me installing tomcat on kubuntu | 11:16 |
clau | no, I use kubuntu 6.06 | 11:16 |
algiz | Hi, all! | 11:16 |
InuDuelist | clau: So you installed, freshly, kubuntu 6.06? | 11:16 |
clau | I did install stuff from the universe rep though :) | 11:16 |
InuDuelist | Or you installed ubuntu and then installed kubuntu-desktop? | 11:16 |
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clau | no, not freshly | 11:16 |
chavo | clau, kubuntu-desktop depends on gamin | 11:16 |
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e1mer | hi all, anyone experience keyboard not accepting inputs? | 11:16 |
algiz | - ? | 11:17 |
clau | oh... that's interesting. because I want to compile latest amarok, and I need the libfam.la file | 11:17 |
anees | hi anybody help me plz | 11:17 |
anees | i want to install and configure apache tomcat on kubunt | 11:17 |
anees | kubuntu | 11:17 |
chavo | clau, you on edgy? | 11:18 |
clau | no, I initially installed 6.06, but added quite all the reps (installed then KDE 3.5.5. etc)... | 11:19 |
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chavo | ok there are amarok 1.4.5 packages for edgy | 11:20 |
clau | but I don't quite have edgy :) | 11:20 |
chavo | try doing apt-get build-dep amarok and rerun configure | 11:21 |
Vincent_k | is there a way to check witch port are in use? | 11:21 |
Vincent_k | ports | 11:21 |
InuDuelist | flaccid_: Wanna help me out some more with that .mov support? | 11:21 |
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flaccid_ | um | 11:22 |
flaccid_ | i'll try i just don't have kubuntu in front of me atm | 11:22 |
InuDuelist | Hmm... | 11:23 |
clau | chavo: thanks, I'll try that | 11:23 |
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InuDuelist | Hmm. | 11:24 |
clau | apt-get build-dep amarok didn't solve it... | 11:26 |
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storage | moin wer da? | 11:27 |
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InuDuelist | Hehe. | 11:28 |
InuDuelist | http://themot.org/gallery/d/62125-1/Outside.jpg | 11:28 |
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cpk1 | clau: dapper probably doesnt have the right xine libs for amarok 1.4.5 so build-dep wont help you out there | 11:32 |
flaccid_ | thats right | 11:32 |
flaccid_ | i hate that | 11:32 |
flaccid_ | hehe | 11:32 |
clau | maybe I just have to forget it and install edgy :) | 11:32 |
flaccid_ | probably a good idea | 11:32 |
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cpk1 | if you are a normal desktop user it probably wont hurt to get edgy | 11:33 |
clau | safer anyways | 11:33 |
cpk1 | notice *probably* | 11:33 |
clau | thanks! | 11:33 |
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clau | and can I do an upgrade from dapper to edgy? | 11:35 |
clau | without a fresh installation I mean | 11:35 |
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ForgeAus | I think you just use sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 11:36 |
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ForgeAus | if you get synaptic (gtk) it will probably do ask you if you want to dist upgrade | 11:37 |
ForgeAus | dunno if Adept has that feature | 11:37 |
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blas | hello | 11:37 |
ForgeAus | you'd have to ask Jucato | 11:37 |
ForgeAus | hey blas :) | 11:37 |
InuDuelist | Bah, forget it. | 11:37 |
chavo | I did the dist-upgrade on a couple of machines here | 11:38 |
ForgeAus | forget what? | 11:38 |
chavo | now running feisty though | 11:38 |
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InuDuelist | I guess there's no way to get video (other than flash video) support on Opera | 11:38 |
ForgeAus | chavo nice :) did it work via adept or apt-get or synaptic? | 11:38 |
chavo | I did it with apt-get | 11:38 |
ForgeAus | Opera? um Inu, theres A) non-free win32codecs repositories like saveas and/or medibuntu that you can try | 11:39 |
blas | ehm i've installed kubuntu couple of days ago, but i still cant fix many things, iam a newbie to linux btw. my main problem is i need to set the rite place of my pictures with the monitor's buttons | 11:39 |
Admiral_Chicago | !upgrade | 11:39 |
ubotu | See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) | 11:39 |
Admiral_Chicago | that is the way to de it | 11:39 |
blas | but if i set it to correct, i need to set it again in windows if i login to win | 11:39 |
clau | Admiral_Chicago: thanks! | 11:39 |
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Admiral_Chicago | np | 11:40 |
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e1mer | hi all, anyone experience keyboard not accepting inputs? | 11:41 |
InuDuelist | ForgeAus: I've got support for the videos on Konquerer and maybe Firefox. | 11:41 |
InuDuelist | Just not Opera | 11:41 |
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blas | any idea how to fix the display into the monitor ? by some settings not with monitor buttons | 11:42 |
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gabr1el | hello | 11:42 |
blas | hi | 11:42 |
rellu | hi | 11:42 |
gabr1el | can sombady help me whit xgl and berly | 11:42 |
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Admiral_Chicago | blas: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg *might* help | 11:42 |
gabr1el | i dont know how to install them | 11:43 |
rellu | can someone help my to install drivers for ati radeon 7200? | 11:43 |
fdoving | !beryl | gabr1el | 11:43 |
ubotu | gabr1el: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 11:43 |
Admiral_Chicago | !ati | rellu | 11:43 |
ubotu | rellu: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 11:43 |
dromer | how can I see what network-settings my pc uses from the commandline? | 11:43 |
fdoving | dromer: anything specific you're looking for? | 11:44 |
dromer | actually, I'm trying AnonymOS on another pc, and I have to specify a netmask | 11:44 |
gabr1el | how do i install xgl | 11:45 |
gabr1el | ? | 11:45 |
flaccid_ | dromer: /etc/network/interfaces | 11:45 |
dromer | !xgl | gabr1el | 11:45 |
ubotu | gabr1el: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 11:45 |
julle | what do i write to see hidden folders and files in a map ? | 11:45 |
dromer | julle: ls -a | 11:46 |
julle | dromer: thx | 11:46 |
dromer | flaccid_: hmm, don't see it there | 11:46 |
fdoving | dromer: you need to specify a netmask temporarily? | 11:46 |
dromer | yes | 11:47 |
julle | anyone knows how to change the path for the transgaming_drive? | 11:47 |
fdoving | dromer: use ifconfig, 'sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask' for example | 11:47 |
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fdoving | dromer: that is if is the ip you want on your box,and eth0 is your network device, and is the netmask you want. | 11:48 |
flaccid_ | and you can always man /etc/network/interfaces | 11:48 |
fdoving | that is 'man interfaces' | 11:49 |
fdoving | :) | 11:49 |
flaccid_ | oh right | 11:49 |
dromer | fdoving: I want to know what netmask, gateway etc this computer uses os I can use it on the other pc (I already did an ip) | 11:49 |
flaccid_ | sorry | 11:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | ifconfig --all | 11:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | err -a | 11:50 |
fdoving | dromer: ah 'ip route' gives you the routingtable, 'ip addr' lists the addresses. | 11:50 |
flaccid_ | does netstat -r work? | 11:50 |
dromer | thnx Admiral_Chicago | 11:50 |
InuDuelist | I give up. | 11:50 |
InuDuelist | Good night, guys.' | 11:50 |
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dromer | hmmm, don't see the gateway in that though Admiral_Chicago | 11:50 |
fdoving | dromer: route -n, or 'ip route' | 11:51 |
flaccid_ | gateway is set interface | 11:51 |
dromer | hmm, ip/route command not found .. | 11:51 |
dromer | brb, get tea | 11:51 |
fdoving | dromer: '/sbin/route -n' | 11:52 |
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dromer | ok, thnx! :) | 11:53 |
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julle | How i create a symbolic link to another path? | 11:58 |
flaccid_ | via konsole ok julle? | 11:58 |
flaccid_ | or you want graphical? | 11:59 |
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julle | flaccid_: yeah i know, but i am having trouble to install a game via cedega, it uses a virtual drive. But that drive is located on my linux partition. "/home/user" and there is Not enough disk space on that partitition so i need to make a link to another harddisk, but i dont know what i shall write!? | 12:00 |
flaccid_ | ln -s /dir/file /dest/file | 12:00 |
flaccid_ | dest being the target of the link | 12:00 |
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Admiral_Chicago | hmm, soft linking to a partition...doh! i should of though of that a long time ago. | 12:02 |
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flaccid_ | you can also mount --bind | 12:03 |
Isoss | Hey guys, how can I set commads to run when kubuntu starts? | 12:03 |
waylandbill | !autostart | 12:03 |
ubotu | To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. | 12:03 |
clau | flaccid_: what does mount --bind do? | 12:03 |
flaccid_ | cool | 12:03 |
flaccid_ | umm | 12:04 |
flaccid_ | mounts it like it would a filesystem | 12:04 |
flaccid_ | eg. it comes up in mount and can be set with say tmpfs in /etc/fstab | 12:04 |
flaccid_ | but you don't need to do that normally | 12:05 |
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clau | ok... :) | 12:05 |
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Jack111 | hi guys, i cannot login any more, if i do startx from the console it tells me | 12:08 |
Jack111 | the complete error message is here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7179/ | 12:08 |
Jack111 | the main thing is this message: | 12:08 |
Jack111 | waiting for xserver to shut down.synaptics device off called. FreefontPath: FPE"/usr/shar/x11/fonts/misc" refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing | 12:08 |
ubuntu | hi | 12:08 |
Jack111 | would be cool if somebody knew | 12:08 |
Jack111 | hi | 12:08 |
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waylandbill | Jack111: that's not the error. The error is /dev/wacom not found. | 12:10 |
ubuntu_ | i can't create parttition swap why?? | 12:10 |
flaccid_ | Jack111: two things. 1. is try doing sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg which will overwrite your current xorg.conf so back it up. you also probably need to do the following | 12:10 |
waylandbill | Jack111: comment out that device in the xorg.conf and you should be ok. | 12:10 |
flaccid_ | !baddevice | 12:10 |
ubotu | If you are receiving an error similar to this: X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 then please visit this page: http://seerofsouls.com/wiki/How-Tos/BadDeviceErrors | 12:10 |
flaccid_ | yeah sorry do baddevice removal thing first | 12:11 |
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Jack111 | waylandhill flaccid thank you | 12:12 |
Jack111 | waylandhill can i comment that from windows out? do i just add to hashmarks in the beginning of the line? | 12:13 |
Jack111 | two | 12:13 |
waylandbill | wayland-hill ... hmm. :-) | 12:13 |
Jack111 | oops | 12:13 |
waylandbill | yes. # the lines you don't want. | 12:13 |
Jack111 | waylandbill i already tried what flaccid said earlier the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ..so should i rather only comment out and then try it? HOW would the line look like? | 12:15 |
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waylandbill | Jack111: pastebin your xorg.conf and I'll tell ya what to comment out. | 12:20 |
Jack111 | waylandbill was just about to do that | 12:21 |
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Jack111 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7183/ | 12:21 |
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Jack111 | waylandbill i have a xorg file and a xorg.conf file, i pasted the xorg file sorry, you need the other one? wait | 12:23 |
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waylandbill | Jack111: 149, 150 & 151 can be commented out and you should be good to go. | 12:24 |
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Jack111 | ok | 12:25 |
Jack111 | should i rename the xorg file to xorg.conf then? | 12:25 |
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Jack111 | ande delete all other xorg files like xorg.conf.custom | 12:25 |
waylandbill | it should be looking for xorg.conf. | 12:26 |
Jack111 | or xorg.conf.20060628164708 | 12:26 |
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waylandbill | done a little bit of toying with your xorg.conf? :-) | 12:26 |
tdn | How long does it usually take before a bug gets confirmed? I submitted a bug (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/86519) on 2007, 02, 20, and it is still not confirmed. | 12:26 |
cntb | Jack111: in /etc/X11 ls -laF to see dates and choose a good xorg.conf to replace | 12:27 |
e1mer | hi all, anyone experience keyboard not accepting inputs? | 12:27 |
cntb | jack can you use irssi ? i.e. communicate with us with no X or you are at different PC for chat ? | 12:28 |
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Jack111 | waylandbill yes, i tried to solve it since a couple of weeks.thats the xorg.conf but it shouldn't make a difference to what you said regarding the commenting out | 12:28 |
Jack111 | right? | 12:28 |
waylandbill | right comment out those devices. | 12:28 |
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Admiral_Chicago | cntb: depends on many factors, mostly if anyone can reproduce it. | 12:29 |
Jack111 | cntb i dualboot, so its the same | 12:29 |
Jack111 | but icant use x and kubuntu, just chatzilla in win | 12:29 |
tdn | How long does it usually take before a bug gets confirmed? I submitted a bug (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/86519) on 2007, 02, 20, and it is still not confirmed. | 12:29 |
waylandbill | Jack111: I went a bit further on mine and commented out the sections were those devices were defined as well. | 12:29 |
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cntb | what is BTW the (initramfs) prompt in BUSYBOX debian? | 12:30 |
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Admiral_Chicago | cntb: look at it now | 12:31 |
cntb | Jack111: dual boot is quite alright , still you would like to try things realtime i.e. while chatting with us and it is possible | 12:31 |
cntb | install irssi highly recommended | 12:32 |
Admiral_Chicago | or bitchk | 12:32 |
Admiral_Chicago | err bitchx | 12:32 |
e1mer | hi all, anyone experience keyboard not accepting inputs? | 12:32 |
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e1mer | hi all, anyone experience keyboard not accepting inputs but works on fail safe mode (kdm)? | 12:32 |
Jack111 | waylandbill how can i edit the xorg.conf in windows, as in the editor the xorg text appears without format, and line numbers? | 12:32 |
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cntb | yes I had it on other lab PC Admiral_Chicago just 2 min ago when attached other disk which confused obviously the boot | 12:33 |
waylandbill | just boot into linux, make the changes using nano or vi | 12:33 |
frojnd | hello | 12:33 |
frojnd | where is all saved for firefox (bookmarks) | 12:33 |
cntb | o/ frojnd | 12:33 |
Jack111 | cntb as soon i can login i install it, i cannot do it from console right now, as my wireless drivers arent detected | 12:33 |
frojnd | \o cntb | 12:33 |
cntb | look in your user dir frojnd | 12:33 |
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ashant | I have some questions on PHP - anybody able to direct me to the right server? | 12:34 |
waylandbill | frojnd: ~/.mozilla | 12:34 |
cntb | yea wireless are a trouble in linux | 12:34 |
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ac2k5 | I have some questions on PHP - anybody able to direct me to the right server? | 12:35 |
cntb | use an ordinary NIC while fixing problems Jack111 | 12:35 |
waylandbill | ac2k5: ##php ? | 12:36 |
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Jack111 | cntb i have no internet in linux at all cos it broke down before i cme here , whats an NIC? sorry i am not too into that | 12:41 |
frojnd | I found: bookmarks-2007-02-21.html in directory: /media/sda2/home/q/.mozilla/firefox/2gleetap.default/bookmarkbackups should I copy this into home backaup bookmarks?? | 12:41 |
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Jack111 | but trying out if it works and be right back, thanks waylandbill flaccid cntb | 12:42 |
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Dekans | does kopete only supports video and not audio ? | 12:43 |
frojnd | or what's the command to search for specific file "bookmarks*" in directory /media/sda2/home/q/.mozilla/firefox$ | 12:43 |
Dekans | frojnd: you can export your bookmark from firefox | 12:44 |
Dekans | if it's what you want | 12:44 |
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chavo | frojnd, find /media/sda2/home/q/.mozilla/firefox -name "*bookmarks*" | 12:45 |
frojnd | I found bookmarks.html in: /media/sda2/home/q/.mozilla/firefox/2gleetap.default | 12:46 |
Dekans | does kopete only supports video and not audio ?? | 12:46 |
frojnd | also: bookmarks.bak in that folder | 12:46 |
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waylandbill | frojnd: all the bookmarks are stored in bookmarks.html. | 12:48 |
frojnd | chavo any ideas how to replace those files with current will cp file /path/ help? | 12:48 |
matsavhalev | Dekans: yeah i think only video | 12:48 |
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frojnd | wayladbill: so I have to open this file? | 12:48 |
frojnd | or just copy it? | 12:48 |
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chavo | frojnd, just copy it | 12:48 |
chavo | ~/.mozilla/firefox/somerandom.name | 12:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | ~/.mozilla/firefox/chars.default in your default profile | 12:52 |
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frojnd | no bookmars aaaaa | 12:52 |
frojnd | sudo cp bookmarks.html /home/q/.mozilla/firefox/9djxuhz2.default/ I did this here: /media/sda2/home/q/.mozilla/firefox/2gleetap.default$ | 12:53 |
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Dekans | frojnd: what do you want to do ? | 12:53 |
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frojnd | Dekans: import bookmars from oher linux to current.. | 12:54 |
frojnd | for firefox.. | 12:54 |
chavo | frojnd, no need for sudo if youre putting it in your home folder | 12:54 |
frojnd | I did whitout but still no bookmarks.. | 12:54 |
Dekans | frojnd: you have firefow on other linux ? | 12:54 |
frojnd | Dekans: ofcourse | 12:55 |
Dekans | firefox* | 12:55 |
chavo | you shouldnt use sudo for that | 12:55 |
chavo | now it's owned by root | 12:55 |
Dekans | frojnd: in firefox : bookmarks -> manage bookmarks -> export | 12:55 |
frojnd | chavo: first time I did it without sudo.. and was the same | 12:55 |
Dekans | you will have a bookmark.html | 12:55 |
Dekans | then just import it | 12:55 |
anees | hi anybody help me plz | 12:55 |
Dekans | no need to command line | 12:55 |
anees | i m installing sudo apt-get install sun-j2re1.5 on ubuntu | 12:55 |
anees | but failed | 12:56 |
anees | anybody help me plz | 12:56 |
Dekans | anees: you have to agree the license | 12:56 |
Dekans | maybe | 12:56 |
frojnd | Dekans: there isn't any manage bookmarks | 12:56 |
frojnd | or export | 12:57 |
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blas | how can i "fit" the consol to the monitor screen? in x its nice | 12:57 |
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Dekans | frojnd: in the bookmark menu | 12:57 |
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jay | I wanna join the #java channel but it says i need to be identified first.. how do I do that? | 12:57 |
anees | anybody help me plz | 12:58 |
anees | i want to install sudo apt-get install sun-j2re1.5 | 12:58 |
anees | but failed | 12:58 |
anees | plz anybody help me | 12:58 |
Dekans | jay: /ns register password | 12:58 |
Dekans | then /ns identify password | 12:58 |
blas | jay: Type: /msg NickServ HELP IDENTIFY for more information | 12:58 |
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Dekans | anees: what's the problem | 12:59 |
Dekans | ? | 12:59 |
anees | dear i m installing tomcat | 12:59 |
anees | for tomcat i need jre and jdk | 12:59 |
anees | i got a manual to install tomcat | 12:59 |
blas | any idea on the console question? | 12:59 |
anees | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=226828 | 12:59 |
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anees | here i m installing sudo apt-get install sun-j2re1.5 | 01:00 |
anees | but unable to install it | 01:00 |
jay__ | thanks | 01:00 |
anees | can u plz help me | 01:00 |
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frojnd | Dekans: tnx | 01:01 |
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anees | Dekans r u there | 01:04 |
anees | can u help me plz | 01:04 |
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gorgonizer | E: Package sun-j2re1.5 has no installation candidate - looks like the file is not there to me anees... | 01:05 |
anees | ok | 01:05 |
anees | so what to do for this | 01:05 |
anees | i need jdk installed | 01:05 |
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gorgonizer | have you checked Suns website to see if you can download the .deb file from there?? | 01:05 |
gorgonizer | sun are like that.. | 01:06 |
tobias_ | its cause you have to agree to the lisence file u are not able to install the package | 01:06 |
Dekans | anees: what's the error message ? | 01:06 |
tobias_ | its a common problem | 01:06 |
tobias_ | easily solved too I remember | 01:07 |
Jack111 | hi flaccid waylandbill, it doesnt work in recovery mode i still cannot login in and in the normal mode it freezes during booting up before the login screen appears. is the mistake that i worked on the file named xorg and not on xorg.conf? the latter is here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7184/ | 01:07 |
anees | may be the sudo apt-get install sun-j2re1.5 file is not there | 01:07 |
Dekans | anees: what's the error message ? | 01:07 |
anees | what should i do | 01:07 |
tobias_ | !sun | 01:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sun - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:07 |
tobias_ | !java | 01:07 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 01:07 |
waylandbill | Jack111: of course. xorg.conf is the file you need to edit. | 01:07 |
anees | E: Couldn't find package sun-j2re1.5 | 01:07 |
anees | i got this message | 01:07 |
tobias_ | oh | 01:08 |
Dekans | apt-cache search j2re | 01:08 |
tobias_ | then u are installing the wrong pacage I guess | 01:08 |
anees | ok let me try | 01:08 |
tobias_ | try one of the ones the bot listed | 01:08 |
Dekans | or search j2re in adept and install the good package | 01:08 |
waylandbill | Jack111: but that one you just posted doesnt list the device that showed up in your error. | 01:08 |
anees | when i apt-cache search j2re | 01:09 |
anees | i got this message | 01:09 |
anees | openoffice.org - OpenOffice.org Office suite version 2.0 | 01:09 |
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Jack111 | waylandbill the other one was a conf file too, exactly thts what bothers me too, so what should i cross out there? | 01:09 |
waylandbill | Jack111: pasting your /var/log/Xorg.0.log can help. | 01:09 |
Jack111 | ok | 01:09 |
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Jack111 | here it goes waylandbill http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7189/ | 01:11 |
anees | so what can be the problem Dekans | 01:11 |
Dekans | anees: search j2re in adept | 01:14 |
anees | Dekans r u there | 01:14 |
Dekans | and install the good package | 01:14 |
anees | ok | 01:14 |
anees | what will be the command | 01:14 |
anees | can u plz guide me how to search j2re in adept | 01:14 |
Dekans | adept will be nicer than apt-cache search | 01:14 |
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anees | ok | 01:14 |
Dekans | anees: kubuntu edgy ? | 01:14 |
waylandbill | Jack: Fatal server error: Cannot run in framebuffer mode. Please specify busIDs for all framebuffer devices | 01:14 |
anees | yes | 01:15 |
Dekans | j2re1.4 - Blackdown Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition | 01:15 |
Dekans | i have this package in my repos | 01:15 |
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anees | oh | 01:15 |
Dekans | not the 1.5 | 01:15 |
anees | same with me | 01:15 |
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waylandbill | Jack111: for some reason it's using a 'built-in' configuration. | 01:16 |
Dekans | and this : | 01:16 |
Dekans | sun-java6-bin - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 | 01:16 |
Dekans | sun-java6-jre - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 | 01:16 |
Jack111 | waylandbill what should i do then | 01:16 |
Dekans | maybe it helps | 01:16 |
waylandbill | Jack111: (EE) Unable to locate/open config file | 01:17 |
anees | hmm | 01:17 |
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waylandbill | Jack111: you do in fact have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file? | 01:17 |
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anees | dekans how to set environment variables for java | 01:18 |
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Dekans | no idea | 01:18 |
anees | ok | 01:18 |
Dekans | i just installed java to use eclipse | 01:18 |
waylandbill | Jack111: what does "ls -l /etc/X11/xorg.conf" show? | 01:18 |
anees | ok | 01:18 |
anees | how u install java | 01:18 |
Jack111 | waylandbill i got three including the custom one | 01:18 |
anees | tell me the command | 01:18 |
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Dekans | sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre | 01:19 |
Dekans | it's on the backports repo | 01:19 |
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anees | but I m getting error with this command | 01:19 |
waylandbill | Jack111: what does "ls -l /etc/X11/xorg.conf" show? | 01:20 |
anees | E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution). | 01:20 |
anees | sun-java6-jre: Depends: sun-java6-bin (= 6-00-0ubuntu1~dapper1) but it is not going to be installed or | 01:20 |
Dekans | anees: sudo apt-get install -f | 01:20 |
anees | ia32-sun-java6-bin (= 6-00-0ubuntu1~dapper1) but it is not installable | 01:20 |
Dekans | and then retry to install java | 01:20 |
anees | yes it is working | 01:21 |
Jack111 | waylandbill i cannot use internet from console so i would need to reboot, as i am on windows, but another xorg.conf from june is here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7191/. shall i use that one? | 01:21 |
SolidSource | anees: you don't use the ia32-sun-java | 01:21 |
Jack111 | or shall i do ls and come back`?waylandbill | 01:21 |
anees | no idea | 01:21 |
anees | how to check it | 01:21 |
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Dekans | I have to go, good luck | 01:22 |
SolidSource | anees: the 2 packages you need for java are sun-java5-bin and sun-java5-plugin | 01:22 |
anees | ok | 01:22 |
anees | after sudo apt-get install -f | 01:22 |
anees | i got Setting up sun-java5-jre (1.5.0-06-1) ... | 01:22 |
anees | Setting up sun-java5-bin (1.5.0-06-1) ... | 01:22 |
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waylandbill | Jack111: you need to have /etc/X11/xorg.conf in existance. Doesn't matter which one as long as X can find it. Then go from there. | 01:23 |
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SolidSource | anees: well also don't use adept to install those | 01:23 |
SolidSource | anees: konsole only unless you are using feisty | 01:23 |
waylandbill | Jack111: copy one of the files there if you have to, but you have to end up with xorg.conf in that directory. | 01:24 |
anees | ok | 01:24 |
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MarkC | hi! how do i chat on yahoo chat! using kopete? | 01:24 |
anees | SolidSource now what should i do | 01:25 |
SolidSource | MarkC: you mean chat not IM? | 01:25 |
MarkC | yes. | 01:25 |
n4cht | SolidSource: I was about to ask that same question. | 01:25 |
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MarkC | n4cht: i see you've been to ubuntu-offtopic | 01:26 |
n4cht | MarkC: for entering the actual chat rooms, i'm not sure if that's possible. if ever I need to do that, i just use GAIM. | 01:26 |
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SolidSource | anees: well I don't know exactly where you are in your install, but just need to make sure all the plugin folders for have at least the link to the libjava*.so file | 01:26 |
MarkC | hmm... i didnt know that was possible, but ill try it now. | 01:26 |
n4cht | MarkC: I sure am, though currently switching between konversation and a konsole session, where I'm trying out each version of GCC and checking to see which best works with the project I'm working on. | 01:27 |
anees | i have installed tomcat | 01:27 |
MarkC | sudo aptitude install gaim | 01:27 |
anees | but only i need jdk and jre | 01:27 |
MarkC | oops sorry | 01:27 |
SolidSource | anees: the jre itself, you download from java.com | 01:27 |
anees | plz tell me the command | 01:27 |
Jack111 | ok so i rename this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7191/ from xorg.conf~ to xorg.conf and leave the xorg file untouched.what should i hashmark out in this xorg.conf file?waylandbill | 01:28 |
SolidSource | anees: one second will provide a paste link | 01:29 |
anees | ok | 01:29 |
SolidSource | anees: here you go: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7193/ | 01:30 |
anees | ok | 01:30 |
SolidSource | gave both flash and java | 01:31 |
waylandbill | Jack111: lines 149, 150, 151 comment out and make sure it's name xorg.conf. Should be good to go. | 01:31 |
MarkC | what is the command used to start the kde panel? | 01:32 |
MarkC | gnome panel can be started by the gnome-panel command right? how about kde? | 01:32 |
MarkC | my kde panel just disappeared. | 01:32 |
anees | SolidSource thanx again | 01:32 |
SolidSource | anees: for the jre file...you download from java.com its the self-extracting one....NOT the RPM | 01:32 |
anees | I am reading it | 01:32 |
Hobbsee | MarkC: kicker | 01:32 |
Jack111 | waylandbill thats exactly what i did to the xorg file.changed and renamed to xorg.conf | 01:32 |
anees | ok | 01:32 |
anees | I love you SolidSource | 01:33 |
MarkC | thanks Hobbsee. | 01:33 |
waylandbill | Jack111: what permissions are on the file? That's why I asked what ls -l looked like for the file. | 01:34 |
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Jack111 | ok wait i cannot check that from win can i ? | 01:35 |
Jack111 | i reboot and tell you then | 01:35 |
SolidSource | anees: also note depending on what web browser and how it was installed will change the (example "/usr/lib32/firefox/plugins") folder name might be different | 01:35 |
waylandbill | Jack111: ok | 01:35 |
anees | ok dear | 01:36 |
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micha_ | Hi - anyone got the Xen running without starting from scratch? | 01:39 |
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gorgonizer | has anyone managed to install the third KDE 4 snapshot? I am having issues with the repository given on http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-3.80.3.php | 01:41 |
SolidSource | gorganizer: you followed all the directions given? | 01:42 |
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gorgonizer | I did, added the repository given (deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde4-3.80.3/ ./, by both CLI and Adept), get the error Failed to fetch http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde4-3.80.3/./Packages.gz 404 Not Found when performing sudo apt-get update.. | 01:43 |
Jack111 | waylandbill it is -rw-r--r-- 1 root root | 01:43 |
waylandbill | Jack111: that looks good. | 01:44 |
waylandbill | Jack111: how are you starting X? via kdm? | 01:44 |
Jack111 | waylandbill: yes | 01:44 |
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SolidSource | gorganizer: server might be down | 01:46 |
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gorgonizer | The server is up, able to browse to that repository, though if I compare it to the previous repository http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde4-3.80.2/ it is arranged completely differently | 01:48 |
SolidSource | hmm | 01:49 |
waylandbill | Jack111: if you run X -config /etc/X11/xorg.conf as root, what happens? | 01:49 |
gorgonizer | SolidSource: that is what I thought... thought I would ask on here before giving up... ;) | 01:49 |
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SolidSource | gorgonizer: wonder if you need a key | 01:50 |
Jack111 | mom waylandbill | 01:50 |
SolidSource | gorgonizer: though they don't say anything about such | 01:51 |
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gorgonizer | I re-added Jonathan's key using sudo apt-key add kubuntu-packages-jriddell-key.gpg just incase, got the OK, but still failed on the same thing above.. | 01:51 |
SolidSource | gorgonizer: key would most likely be different...trying to think of where to get it | 01:52 |
SolidSource | gorgonizer: course usually a 404 error means it can't connect to server at all | 01:53 |
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gorgonizer | I thought error 404 was that the requested page could not be found, not that hte server was down... as http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde4-3.80.3/./Packages.gz (which apt-get update seems to point itself at) doesn't exist... | 01:56 |
gorgonizer | have found that http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde4-3.80.3/pool-edgy/ contains the packages, whereas http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde4-3.80.3/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/ contains the packages.gz file | 01:57 |
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SolidSource | 404 is no server response (which is just usually a server down) | 01:57 |
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giangy | SolidSource: wtf? | 01:57 |
giangy | 404 is file not found. | 01:58 |
Jack111 | waylandbill if i do that, a grey screen appears, nthing on it just the cursor | 01:58 |
SolidSource | not really | 01:58 |
giangy | SolidSource: 503 is service unavailable | 01:58 |
waylandbill | Jack111: that's good. | 01:58 |
SolidSource | giangy: 503 still means you got a response | 01:58 |
Jack111 | waylandbill???? | 01:58 |
waylandbill | Jack111: now why in the heck won't it use that config file when starting by kdm. | 01:58 |
giangy | SolidSource: 404 too :) | 01:59 |
SolidSource | giangy: yes 404 can...but usually not...in this case yes got response, but there is no key file to tell anything about the repo | 02:00 |
Jack111 | waylandbill you would sve me the money i would spend for bying an external harddrive then if you found out, hehe | 02:00 |
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waylandbill | Jack111: I'm looking to find out where that can be overridden | 02:00 |
dettoaltrimenti_ | when I run beryl-manager, the tops of my windows flash on and off- which log can I check to see any errors I'm getting? | 02:01 |
Jack111 | waylandbill: cool, thankyou | 02:01 |
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parkerw207 | can anyone tell me who to get my dvd playback working ? | 02:03 |
fdoving | !dvd | 02:03 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 02:03 |
parkerw207 | i got that | 02:03 |
SolidSource | gorgonizer: have you tried this "wget http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde4-3.80.2/packages.gz" "sudo apt-key add packages.gz"?? | 02:03 |
fdoving | SolidSource: that won't work.. Packages.gz isn't a key. | 02:04 |
SolidSource | fdoving: yeah, I know...was just a thought that adept might be able to read it and such | 02:04 |
cntb | annoying bus keeps me from conveniently switching languages with alt-shift or whatever else only right click flag works | 02:05 |
cntb | bus > bug | 02:06 |
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SolidSource | gorgonizer: you may have to wait till later, they may have just forgotten the key file at current time | 02:07 |
Jucato | what key file? | 02:08 |
SolidSource | KDE 3.8 repo key file | 02:08 |
Jucato | it's Riddell's key, afaik. | 02:08 |
cntb | I remember Iwas pointed to LINUXimaging SOFTWARE , did not bookmark it then | 02:08 |
cntb | pls point to some linux disk imaging | 02:09 |
Jucato | doesn't Riddell's key work? (you can get it from the other announcement pages, the one for KDE 3.5.6 for example) | 02:09 |
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MarkC | hello! how do i get a screenshot in kde? | 02:09 |
SolidSource | he said he tried the trivenos key file | 02:09 |
MarkC | print screen doesnt seem to do anything. | 02:09 |
gorgonizer | gorgonizer@sweetleaf:~$ sudo apt-key add Packages.gz gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found. | 02:09 |
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Jucato | gorgonizer: it's Riddell's key. trivenos has nothing to do with it | 02:10 |
Jucato | gorgonizer: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-356.php <--- follow the instructions to get Riddell's key from here | 02:10 |
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gorgonizer | I have tried Riddell's key, still gives me the 404 error.. | 02:10 |
Jucato | hm... | 02:11 |
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Jucato | MarkC: in System Settings -> Accessibility -> Input Actions -> Preset Actions -> Print Screen, check that it's not Disabled | 02:11 |
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Jucato | MarkC: the screenshot program is called ksnapshot, in case you want to launch it manually | 02:12 |
gorgonizer | If I substitute http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde4-3.80.3/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/ for http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde4-3.80.3/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/ is finds the packages.gz file, but then can't find the packages... | 02:12 |
MarkC | Jucato: thanks. i dont have ksnapshot installed, thats why. | 02:12 |
Jucato | gorgonizer: I'd recommend asking in #kubuntu-devel | 02:13 |
Jucato | MarkC: er.. ok... :P | 02:13 |
fdoving | gorgonizer: what are you trying to do? | 02:13 |
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gorgonizer | I am trying to install the latest KDE4 snapshot... | 02:14 |
Jucato | gorgonizer: for what purpose? | 02:14 |
gorgonizer | the third version, should be a repository at deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde4-3.80.3/ ./ | 02:15 |
MarkC | Jucato: well ive just installed kde-core. the packages in kubuntu is too much of a download, and btw. im the same Mark C in ubuntuforums, you _are_ everywhere. ;-) | 02:15 |
fdoving | gorgonizer: there is an error on the page. 'deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde4-3.80.3/ edgy main' is the correct. | 02:15 |
waylandbill | Jack111: still here? | 02:15 |
Jucato | MarkC: I know. I figure that out minutes ago :) | 02:15 |
Jack111 | waylandbill: | 02:15 |
Jack111 | yep | 02:15 |
Jucato | MarkC: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde-core and http://jucato.org/kde/kde-core.html in case you're interested | 02:16 |
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gorgonizer | Purpose?? shits and giggles mainly, though I like to look at things.. fdoving: the previous snapshot had the entry deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde4-3.80.2/ ./ which worked without a problem.. | 02:16 |
gorgonizer | will try your suggestion though :) | 02:16 |
Jucato | gorgonizer: that's not the proper repository. please check the announcement page | 02:17 |
fdoving | Jucato: looks like the announcement page is wrong too. :| | 02:18 |
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waylandbill | Jack111: try adding a line to the /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc file. In section [X-:0-Core] add a line ServerArgs=-config /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 02:18 |
Jucato | please do take note that the snapshots are intended for developers. end users will barely have any use for them | 02:18 |
Jucato | fdoving: and without Riddell around... | 02:18 |
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SolidSource | jucato he is trying to use the repo link from the announcement page | 02:18 |
Jucato | SolidSource: ok. fdoving said it might be wrong to | 02:19 |
SolidSource | Jucato: so either the kubuntu team screwed up on there posting or something else is all | 02:19 |
SolidSource | well them screwing up seems unlikely | 02:20 |
SolidSource | but who knows | 02:20 |
julle | what do i type to see all my partitions and harddisk, looking for more to mount | 02:20 |
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aortrh33 | does anyone know how to reconfigure the Xserver (Xorg) from the command line. I seem to have screwed up my system while trying to change the screen resolution and the identified video card | 02:21 |
Jucato | !xconfig | aortrh33 | 02:21 |
ubotu | aortrh33: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - To configure only the driver and resolution, type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh - See also !FixRes | 02:21 |
Jack111 | waylandbill where should i insert the line in that section? and does the line start with the hashmarK? ofcourse not, right? | 02:22 |
waylandbill | Jack111: just in that section and no hash mark | 02:22 |
aortrh33 | ubotu - I've tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg with no success - rec'd error stating that Xserver was broken...I'll try the other options next time I boot it - thanks | 02:23 |
Jucato | !ubotu | aortrh33 | 02:23 |
ubotu | aortrh33: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 02:23 |
SolidSource | lol I love how so many ppl do that | 02:23 |
Jucato | :D | 02:24 |
aortrh33 | yesh, don't I feel like a goob now.... | 02:24 |
Jucato | aortrh33: don't worry. you're in good company :D | 02:25 |
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SolidSource | yeah no biggy..just funny | 02:25 |
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Jack111 | waylandbill tryin it out thank you | 02:25 |
SolidSource | anyone know of a good sound card with hardware mixing? that would be very useful | 02:29 |
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MarkC | Solid Source: hardware mixing? doesnt all sound cards mix things inside the card? | 02:34 |
crystufer2000 | Kubuntu. | 02:35 |
crystufer2000 | Yay. | 02:35 |
PhinnFort | MarkC: no, most cards dont | 02:35 |
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SolidSource | MarkC: most cards are AC97...which means only software mixing | 02:35 |
SolidSource | and arts and alsa suck at it | 02:36 |
MarkC | oh, ok. new technology acquired. :) | 02:36 |
MarkC | thanks. | 02:36 |
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PhinnFort | SolidSource: ALSA has gotten DMix included by default now, doesnt it? | 02:37 |
PhinnFort | it should help things | 02:37 |
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SolidSource | PhinnFort: helps yes...but when trying to run things in wine and then trying to use amarok....things don't go well | 02:37 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 02:37 |
PhinnFort | is kubuntu using external alsa, or the alsa included with stock kernel? | 02:38 |
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SolidSource | don't think alsa is included directly into the kernel...but idk | 02:39 |
PhinnFort | i meant the alsa drivers | 02:40 |
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SolidSource | hmm maybe I'm not understanding what you meant completely | 02:42 |
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arinomi | Can anyone help me with installing Mozilla Firefox on Kubuntu Dapper Drake? | 02:45 |
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SolidSource | its in repo...so either adept or "sudo aptitude install firefox" | 02:45 |
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Jack111 | waylandbill hi i had a new login screen, and it allowed me to start gnome, but every second an error came that nautilus couldnt be started, when i tried to start kde, it stopped booting the desktop when it said loading the window manager | 02:47 |
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ruben | does someone know if ndiswrapper work on Kubuntu? | 02:49 |
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Jack111_ | waylandbill hi i had a new login screen, and it allowed me to start gnome, but every second an error came that nautilus couldnt be started, when i tried to start kde, it stopped booting the desktop when it said loading the window manager | 02:51 |
SolidSource | ruben: don't see why not | 02:51 |
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arinomi | SolidSource : Thanks, it worked, but it needed me to run 'dpkg --configure -a'. I did run it, but it said I need superuser admission. That's strange, as I am root user. Or are those different? | 02:52 |
=== Jack111_ is now known as Jack111 | ||
SolidSource | arinomi: you are not a root user, nor do you want to be | 02:52 |
waylandbill | Jack111_: you got further. That's good. pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 02:52 |
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waylandbill | Jack111: you got further. That's good. pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 02:53 |
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arinomi | SolidSource: Oh well, how to I get the Superuser privelige the Terminal asks for? | 02:53 |
waylandbill | !sudo | arinomi | 02:53 |
ubotu | arinomi: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 02:53 |
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SolidSource | arinomi there you go | 02:54 |
arinomi | Ah, I see. ^^ | 02:54 |
arinomi | Still very fresh, but wanting to learn | 02:54 |
Jack111 | is is here thank you so much waylandbill http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7204/ | 02:54 |
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linuksamiko | saluton everyone | 02:55 |
linuksamiko | I just installed kde4 and I have a few questions | 02:56 |
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linuksamiko | first of all it is too bad that konqueror crashs during start (even if I don't expect so much differentses) but what about okular? | 02:57 |
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linuksamiko | It says on the kubuntu page that okular will be included in the latest releas but I can't find it | 02:58 |
Jucato | linuksamiko: KDE 4 is unusable at this point. the development snapshots are for developers | 02:58 |
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arinomi | How can I upgrade from Dapper to Edgy? | 02:59 |
arinomi | I only found guides for Ubuntu, not Kubuntu | 02:59 |
fdoving | !upgrade | 02:59 |
ubotu | See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) | 02:59 |
linuksamiko | Jucato: I'm aware of that but I realy want to take a look at okular | 02:59 |
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SolidSource | arinomi: ubuntu and kubuntu are the same is essence, so a guide in ubuntu works for kubuntu with minor modefications | 02:59 |
SolidSource | Does anyone have a Toshiba MP3 player? | 03:00 |
waylandbill | Jack111: sorry. don't know what's causing you to lock up loading the window manager. | 03:00 |
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arinomi | SolidSource: No, I stick to my iPod Nano. About the only thing I like about Apple.. | 03:00 |
ScarFreewill | what is the stuff at the start of a batch file that makes it runable? some thing like #bash | 03:01 |
SolidSource | screw ipod...might as well get a zune | 03:01 |
Jack111 | waylandbill is there a way to reinstall kubuntu from cd, without risking to loos my old data on kubuntu and windows? | 03:01 |
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_eMaX_ | hi all | 03:01 |
_eMaX_ | ne1 here uses 2.6.20? | 03:01 |
linuksamiko | ScarFreewill: You talk about #!/bin/sh | 03:02 |
linuksamiko | ScarFreewill: but it should work without it too | 03:02 |
chavo | _eMaX_, yes it's default in feisty | 03:03 |
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linuksamiko | scraffreewill: if you want to make a file executable type "chmod +x <FILENAME>" | 03:04 |
econthrust | hi there guys, anyone could save my linux lovin butt? i desperately need to have wireless enabled on my laptop! PLS HELP! ^^ | 03:04 |
ruben | your not the only one | 03:04 |
econthrust | :( | 03:04 |
econthrust | i just don't believe there is no way I can avoid installing windows :( | 03:05 |
SolidSource | wireless cards: internal has better luck...external cards are a pain | 03:05 |
Roey | econthrust: are you using Feisty Fawn? | 03:05 |
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Roey | SolidSource: aye. I haven't been able to get my d-link dwl-ag650 to be able to connect to networks.. thought it can see them | 03:06 |
_eMaX_ | chavo does it rather make sense to upgrade to feisty or to compile a vanilla or mm2 patched kernel on ubuntu? | 03:06 |
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SolidSource | Roey: yeah several ppl have had same problems...we never did get it figured out exactly how to solve it...though maybe someone new knows | 03:07 |
_eMaX_ | I want to go to 2.6.20 for the thinkpad drivebay support | 03:07 |
chavo | _eMaX_, is there something in 2.6.20 you need? | 03:07 |
econthrust | i have internal card, and using edgy eft | 03:07 |
chavo | ok | 03:07 |
_eMaX_ | see that's answer before the question :D | 03:07 |
chavo | lol | 03:07 |
SolidSource | econthrust: and your problem with yours is? | 03:08 |
Roey | SolidSource: oh? I know another guy (notmax on here or #ubuntu+1 or somewhere) had the same problem | 03:08 |
waylandbill | Jack111: you could install but choose not to format the parition. | 03:08 |
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chavo | well I had no problems with the feisty upgrade, but you never know | 03:08 |
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econthrust | SolidSource: i ve just bought a dlink wifi router and im new to the linux side of wifi, cannot make it communicate on the wireless network, i need a helping hand | 03:08 |
waylandbill | Jack111: I tend to put my /home on a different parition than my / so in case I need to reinstall cause I broke something, I don't lose my data. | 03:08 |
Jack111 | i think thats too dangerous, i tried it in past and didnt wqork for me waylandbill | 03:08 |
_eMaX_ | hmm. currently I am compiling 2.6.20-mm2 yet why not just upgrade to feisty... | 03:09 |
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_eMaX_ | otoh I don't want to somehow screw up my automatic updates | 03:09 |
SolidSource | econthrust: which program are you using for network management? | 03:09 |
waylandbill | Jack111: back up your important data before attempting any re-install is my only other advice. | 03:10 |
econthrust | SolidSource: tried network manager, but no luck, i just can't see what it's trying to do...actually i want to start from the beggining | 03:10 |
_eMaX_ | chavo do you have somewhere a pointer on how to upgrade to feisty - is that just something like apt-get dist-upgrade? | 03:10 |
Jack111 | yep i do hell new drive anyway thank you very much waylandbill | 03:10 |
econthrust | SolidSource: i'm pretty good at using the console, so don't go easy on me :) | 03:11 |
ruben | i think i am missing something with ndiswrapper: i download- i untar with tar zxvf - i change to ndiswrapper directory, and then i dont know what to do .... | 03:11 |
chavo | !upgrade | 03:11 |
ubotu | See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) | 03:11 |
waylandbill | Jack111: we gave it a valiant effort anyway. good luck. Getting new hardware is always a good day. :-) | 03:12 |
SolidSource | econthrust: can you atleast see networks? | 03:12 |
chavo | _eMaX_, same thing as that link but change the dapper to edgy and the edgy to feisty in the sed line | 03:12 |
Jack111 | waylandbill you are right we did all we could, good excuse for bying nw stuff hehe | 03:12 |
econthrust | SolidSource: nope, not a thing, i don1t even know which hardware to monitor :( | 03:12 |
econthrust | SolidSource: i have a eth1 for the wired net, and a eth0 for the firewire (disabled now) | 03:13 |
SolidSource | econthrust: found that when you run ifconfig? | 03:13 |
ScarFreewill1 | thanks linuksamiko | 03:14 |
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econthrust | yes and also left this two in the etc/network/interfaces | 03:14 |
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SolidSource | !wireless | 03:14 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 03:14 |
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econthrust | WOOO! GReat! :) | 03:15 |
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econthrust | i look it up right away! | 03:15 |
econthrust | thanks! | 03:15 |
SolidSource | econthrust: when ifconfig and don't see anything starting with a "W"...then the card wasn't recognized | 03:16 |
econthrust | gosh no! :( | 03:16 |
econthrust | i don't have wlan0 or anything like that | 03:16 |
SolidSource | you'll have to add it manually | 03:17 |
econthrust | are there any packages, or do i have to serch my head off? | 03:17 |
_eMaX_ | wow chavo. he wants to download 1.2 gb. | 03:18 |
chavo | wow you have a lot of stuff installed | 03:18 |
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SolidSource | econthrust: at most the only thing to install (if at all needed) would be ndiswrapper and kwifimanager | 03:18 |
_eMaX_ | well u know vi is already a huge install with all the multimedia stuff | 03:19 |
econthrust | SolidSource: doing that right now | 03:19 |
econthrust | what does ndisw... do? | 03:19 |
ruben | ndis installs windows drivers | 03:20 |
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econthrust | cool :) | 03:20 |
ruben | somethimes nedded for hardware | 03:20 |
ruben | and i need first install ndis... | 03:20 |
econthrust | and then i need to restart networking to see if it finds anything? | 03:20 |
ruben | can someone here help me with installing ndiswrapper? | 03:21 |
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econthrust | ndiswrapper-common | 03:21 |
SolidSource | !wireless > ruben | 03:21 |
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SolidSource | that explains pretty much as I would know about linux and wireless...cause I gave up on wireless back when ubuntu was version 4 | 03:22 |
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_eMaX_ | chavo just in case dist-upgrade fucks up things - is there a way back? | 03:23 |
chavo | _eMaX_, no | 03:23 |
SolidSource | _emax_ yeah...fresh install from disc | 03:24 |
_eMaX_ | yep that's exactly the answer I wanted to hear | 03:24 |
chavo | yeah there's always a way | 03:24 |
econthrust | thank yu guys! again you have saved the day, now it's my turn to fight this wifiwar :) | 03:24 |
econthrust | byez! | 03:24 |
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ruben | i read the tekst about ndiswrapper and i am searching for the missing link... | 03:26 |
ruben | i have untart cd to ndis | 03:26 |
ruben | and then... | 03:26 |
ruben | i dont know how to install | 03:27 |
ruben | what command i have to give for installing ndiswrapper? | 03:28 |
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lu-bao | mew :) | 03:29 |
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Jucato | mewtwo | 03:30 |
lu-bao | Jucato, xD | 03:30 |
lu-bao | *laugh* | 03:30 |
Jucato | :D | 03:31 |
weatherman | hi, i have a very old pc (64mb of ram I think) and a kubuntu live cd, is there any way to just boot the linux kernel without the graphics and stuff? | 03:31 |
=== ruben needs help! | ||
lu-bao | weatherman, what do you have without programs and only kernel ? :> then your computer is very um yeah ^^" useless | 03:32 |
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Jucato | !ndiswrapper | 03:32 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 03:32 |
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ruben | i cant find about the last commandline in these docs... | 03:33 |
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lu-bao | weatherman, but you can try to boot in init 3 mode so that your comp stays at shell after booting :) | 03:33 |
weatherman | lu-bao: well ok I need a shell | 03:33 |
ruben | does know someone the last command here? | 03:34 |
weatherman | lu-bao: how do I boot in init 3? | 03:34 |
lu-bao | weatherman, yep but i dont know the command you need to boot in init3 mode :) only know that this helps ask others who know about boot parameters ^^ | 03:34 |
lu-bao | or search google :) | 03:34 |
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RickSeymour | If i install herd4 can i move onto herd 5 (if one appears) by using apt-get? or is it more complicated than that | 03:35 |
Jucato | RickSeymour: simply dist-upgrade | 03:36 |
=== Jucato doesn't know if there will be a Herd 5 though... | ||
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RickSeymour | hmm... so in april when its released as .. err 7.04 can i do a dist-upgrade then? | 03:37 |
Jucato | yep | 03:38 |
RickSeymour | fantastic... might as well move to fiesty now then :) (on edgy at the moment).. rather happy with it (came from gentoo).. but am finding that quite a few of the packages are substantially older than in gentoo on the stable route | 03:39 |
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waylandbill | RickSeymour: gentoo is rather bleeding edge. it can and will have newer packages. | 03:41 |
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RickSeymour | True true, although there is always SVN :) | 03:42 |
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dilucidate | Hi, I'm dual booting a macBook with mac OS X and kubuntu. I want to get my mac partition readable/writable on kubuntu.(atleast readable) I can mount it easily enough but I don't have correct permissions to open most of the files I want to open. How do I mount it with correct permissions. | 03:44 |
dilucidate | Here is my fstab entry.. /dev/sda2 /media/mac hfsplus rw,exec,auto,users 0 0 | 03:44 |
FringeJacket | I just got beryl last night and now I have 8 desktops. my kde shows that I only have one and so does my beryl | 03:45 |
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pauljw | FringeJacket: go into configure desktop and set your system to just 1 multiple desktop. that's now 1 cube of 4 sides | 03:47 |
pauljw | sorry just reread and that is what you have... FringeJacket | 03:48 |
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FringeJacket | pauljw yeah, I checked that first cause I made that mistake last night, ended up with 24 desktops | 03:49 |
[StingRay] | Hi, all can somebody tell me a console command to minimize all running applications (CTRL+ALT+D represented by a command)? | 03:50 |
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jay | is there a way that i can download kde debs from the net? | 03:50 |
pauljw | FringeJacket: I had done that same thing which is why I jumped at the solution :) | 03:52 |
pauljw | I have no clue what could be going on | 03:52 |
FringeJacket | pauljw yeah, my friend laughed as soon as I did that last night | 03:52 |
FringeJacket | thansk for trying, I'll make RJ fix it | 03:53 |
pauljw | :) | 03:53 |
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Jucato | [StingRay] : dcop kicker kicker toggleShowDesktop | 03:54 |
_eMaX_ | is there anything substantial to say against moving from edgy to feisty now? | 03:54 |
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[StingRay] | thanks Jucato. I just found out I was missing the --all-users --all-sessions, too | 03:55 |
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Maxime | hi guys, i have a probleme with my audio cards, how can i install drivers ? | 03:55 |
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Jucato | _eMaX_: yes. "alpha" | 03:55 |
_eMaX_ | anyone using feisty so far? | 03:56 |
matsavhalev | _eMaX_: been using it a month or so | 03:57 |
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_eMaX_ | cool tnx | 03:57 |
jay | how do i change my chatname | 03:57 |
jay | ? | 03:57 |
matsavhalev | jay: /nick newname | 03:57 |
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Maxime | someone know how to install audio driver pls? | 03:58 |
muuhBDXi | when will kunbuntu have a usb version ? | 03:58 |
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BluesKaj | Howdy all :) | 03:58 |
matsavhalev | Maxime: which audio driver? is it not being loaded automatically? | 03:58 |
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matsavhalev | muuhBDXi : you can run it on usb already, i use it on an external usb harddrive | 03:59 |
Jucato | !usb | 03:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:59 |
Jucato | bah... hm.. | 03:59 |
abattoir | muuhBDXi: no plans afaik, you can make one if you want ;) | 03:59 |
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abattoir | i think he's asking for a version which runs of a flash drive | 03:59 |
abattoir | *off | 04:00 |
Maxime | Mat : no | 04:00 |
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Hrontore | im wondering is there any way to get ipod to work with linux? | 04:00 |
Maxime | how to registred? | 04:00 |
muuhBDXi | version which runs of a flash drive | 04:01 |
matsavhalev | Hrontore: shouldnt be a problem at all | 04:01 |
muuhBDXi | yes | 04:01 |
Hrontore | but i cant use itunes | 04:01 |
Hrontore | its mac and windows only? | 04:01 |
FringeJacket | have you tried wine? | 04:01 |
Hrontore | no | 04:01 |
matsavhalev | Hrontore: use some other software otherwise, why use drm'd stuff? | 04:01 |
_eMaX_ | muuhBDXI rather get one of those distros made for that - you don't want to constantly write to your memory stick | 04:01 |
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FringeJacket | I got itunes to work with wine Hrontore | 04:01 |
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Hrontore | huh ill have to dl that then | 04:02 |
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Maxime | itunes work on kubu ? | 04:02 |
muuhBDXi | im looking for a usb version that runs from ram | 04:02 |
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abattoir | muuhBDXi: i think dsl does that... slax too | 04:03 |
abattoir | muuhBDXi: check out their entries at distrowatch | 04:03 |
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abattoir | !itunes | Maxime | 04:03 |
ubotu | Maxime: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee | 04:03 |
muuhBDXi | but how do i make run from ram by default ? | 04:03 |
abattoir | muuhBDXi: you generally pass the toram option during boot | 04:03 |
CuBone | I think there might be something wrong with my downloaded kubuntudvd. How can I check the md5 checksum under winxp? | 04:04 |
abattoir | muuhBDXi: you can remaster it to do it by default if you wish so | 04:04 |
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FringeJacket | Ok, 8 desktops is getting annoying. someone needs to fix this! | 04:04 |
muuhBDXi | isnt that an option you set on the boot parameter ? | 04:04 |
waylandbill | I would think any usb one would run at least partly from ram (at least the same as a LiveCD does) | 04:04 |
abattoir | CuBone: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM | 04:05 |
muuhBDXi | not partly | 04:05 |
waylandbill | muuhBDXi: oh. you want it to copy all to ram at boot. | 04:05 |
CuBone | Sweet thanks | 04:05 |
abattoir | muuhBDXi: i don't get what you mean | 04:05 |
abattoir | muuhBDXi: yeah, that's what i meant, that's what the toram option does, so you can remove your flash drive, for eg. after it's been loaded | 04:06 |
muuhBDXi | it should do it by default | 04:06 |
waylandbill | FringeJacket: beryl? If you have the desktop cube turned on, then it will add desktops. | 04:06 |
muuhBDXi | not having to do stuff manualy every time | 04:06 |
abattoir | muuhBDXi: i guess you'll have to remaster it then | 04:06 |
FringeJacket | waylandbill yeah, I have 1 kde manager and 1 on my beryl | 04:07 |
muuhBDXi | the os sahould work for the user not the user work fot the os | 04:07 |
abattoir | muuhBDXi: i guess it's a bit offtopic for this channel though, remastering... | 04:07 |
muuhBDXi | remaster ? | 04:07 |
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waylandbill | FringeJacket: but I'm suspecting you have something set that requires more than 1 like the cube. | 04:07 |
muuhBDXi | theres no remastering needed | 04:07 |
waylandbill | FringeJacket: The KDE manager only affects it if KWin is the WM. | 04:07 |
abattoir | muuhBDXi: it's the process by which you 'modify' a live cd, or in your case a flash drive image to suit your needs | 04:08 |
waylandbill | muuhBDXi: there is if you don't want a cheat code to enable it. | 04:08 |
muuhBDXi | only add the cheat code by default to isolinux | 04:08 |
FringeJacket | waylandbill I beg to differ, I played around with it and it gave me 16 right now | 04:08 |
waylandbill | FringeJacket: yes. you are right. It acts as a multiplier. | 04:09 |
Hrontore | okay i have the wine package, how do i install it? | 04:09 |
muuhBDXi | and only fi it didnt find engh ram would it run has ususal | 04:09 |
matsavhalev | Hrontore: why not just sudo apt-get install wine? | 04:09 |
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waylandbill | Hrontore: dpkg -i, but it's in apt | 04:09 |
FringeJacket | waylandbill yeah, unfortunately its not a divider too | 04:09 |
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Hrontore | lol, close adept, open apt... | 04:10 |
waylandbill | FringeJacket: the answer still is to look in beryl options to remove options that require multiple desktops | 04:10 |
Hrontore | okay its installed how do i get to it? | 04:11 |
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FringeJacket | waylandbill I have it at 1 on there, what options are requiring multiple desktops besides that? | 04:11 |
Hrontore | how do i run wine, add it to the gui? | 04:13 |
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abattoir | Hrontore: wine <file.exe> in a command line | 04:13 |
Jucato | !wine | 04:14 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 04:14 |
abattoir | Hrontore: windows applications installed through wine generally appear in the menu | 04:14 |
waylandbill | FringeJacket: I don't know off hand. I did notice that having 1 there didn't make it 1. You'd think that if that was 1, then all the options that required multiple desktops just would be disabled. But remember it's early in development | 04:14 |
SJB | hi, how can i shutdown the xserver? Ctrl-Alt-Backspace restarts it every time | 04:14 |
waylandbill | SJB: /etc/init.d/kdm stop | 04:14 |
muuhBDXi | can i run WoW in wine ? | 04:15 |
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CuBone | If you use cedega wow plays fine. | 04:15 |
muuhBDXi | cedega is non-free | 04:15 |
CuBone | unfortuantly yes | 04:16 |
FringeJacket | waylandbill right, I forgot about that... I guess I'll play wround with it til I figure it out | 04:16 |
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Jucato | !cedega | 04:16 |
ubotu | cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega | 04:16 |
muuhBDXi | is there a torrent with cedega ? | 04:16 |
Jucato | cedega cvs is free | 04:17 |
=== FringeJacket will brb switching buildings and probably going to loose my wireless connection | ||
muuhBDXi | cedega breaks the gpl | 04:17 |
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waylandbill | SJB: Technically speaking, Ctrl-Alt-BS is stopping the Xserver. KDM is just starting it back up. But I know you mean shut it down for good. :-) | 04:18 |
muuhBDXi | gpl says you have to submit the code changes you make under gpl | 04:18 |
muuhBDXi | so cedega is breaking the gpl | 04:18 |
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muuhBDXi | is wine gpled ? | 04:18 |
SJB | [16:17:53] <waylandbill> SJB: /etc/init.d/kdm stop <- frozen, i see the Kubuntu Logo and a frozen bar | 04:18 |
waylandbill | SJB: switch to VT1 Ctrl-Alt-F1 | 04:19 |
MarkC | muuhBDXi: i guess so. | 04:19 |
Lynoure | muuhBDXi: they do not give the source to their users if they ask? (anyway, more #ubuntu-offtopic matter than a support issue) | 04:19 |
MarkC | cedega is the proprietary gaming version of wine | 04:19 |
Jucato | muuhBDXi: please visit their webpages for more information | 04:19 |
Jucato | !offtopic | 04:19 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 04:19 |
SJB | while its frozen or before i kill it? ;-) | 04:19 |
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waylandbill | SJB: actually, you should've used a VT to stop kdm and not a konsole window | 04:20 |
muuhBDXi | cedega used to be free | 04:20 |
muuhBDXi | before it changed name | 04:20 |
MarkC | muuhBDXi: it still is last time i heard, but you have to compile it :) | 04:21 |
SJB | ah k | 04:21 |
chavo | muuhBDXi, cedega doesn't break the gpl the source code is available | 04:21 |
waylandbill | doesn't cedega cvs have the source? | 04:21 |
muuhBDXi | any one has cedega compiled ? | 04:21 |
chavo | yes but it doesn't include a couple of feautures | 04:22 |
muuhBDXi | cedega cvs is from older version and dosent compile i bet | 04:22 |
chavo | go to the transgaming site | 04:22 |
MarkC | i dont have to, i can play wc3 in wine already :) | 04:22 |
MarkC | they did good work on that one | 04:22 |
chavo | wine's directx layer has come a long way recently | 04:22 |
Hrontore | how do i list dir? | 04:24 |
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waylandbill | chavo: is it DX9 compatible yet? | 04:24 |
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hatta | is there still a big difference between wine and winex | 04:24 |
slyfox | Where do I submit a bug report for Kubuntu ? | 04:25 |
chavo | waylandbill, it supports some d9 stuff sure, but not 100% | 04:25 |
chavo | !bug | 04:25 |
ubotu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 04:25 |
|lostbyte| | hatta, yes there, is.. | 04:25 |
hatta | winex is still more capable? | 04:25 |
chavo | winex is cedega before they changed the name | 04:25 |
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|lostbyte| | Hrontore, ls ? | 04:26 |
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Hrontore | thnx | 04:27 |
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SJB | ehhh nothing happens at Ctrl-Alt-F1, sorry im very new to linux :D | 04:33 |
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cadkins | he. just got here. kindda new to IRC but what's going on? | 04:35 |
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Vincent_k | what does this mean?!?? in.tftpd[6008] tftpd: oack: Operation not permitted | 04:36 |
BluesKaj | cadkins, we're waiting :) | 04:36 |
Vincent_k | I have googled and googled but find nothing | 04:36 |
BluesKaj | what were you trying to do , Vincent_k | 04:36 |
Vincent_k | I'm trying to netboot a box | 04:36 |
Vincent_k | I have dhcp3 server running and working fine and tftpd-hpa running | 04:37 |
Vincent_k | the client gets an ip just fine but when trying to cennect to tftp that msg pops up in syslog | 04:37 |
jernej | this works | 04:38 |
jernej | is this on freenode? | 04:38 |
BluesKaj | that's beyond my experience and scope ...i can barely keep samba running on my home network :0 | 04:38 |
BluesKaj | jernej, yes it is | 04:38 |
Vincent_k | I have given up on samba ;) | 04:38 |
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jernej | then why i can't see myself with a windows machine? | 04:38 |
BluesKaj | I've received a lot of help with it here | 04:39 |
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BluesKaj | what irc client are you using , jernej ? | 04:39 |
jernej | xchat on windows and i'm trying ubuntu, so i'm suing konversation | 04:40 |
alexicon | irssi ftw!! | 04:40 |
alexicon | oh gui irc? | 04:40 |
alexicon | kopete is fine.. keeps everything in one place anyway | 04:40 |
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BluesKaj | konversation is good , so what's the problem jernej? | 04:40 |
jernej | nothing.. | 04:40 |
jernej | i'm with windows machine in this channel on freenode network | 04:40 |
jernej | but it isn't same thing | 04:40 |
BluesKaj | you said Quote "why i can't see myself with a windows machine?" | 04:41 |
jernej | oh that's #ubuntu, silly me | 04:41 |
jernej | :x | 04:42 |
BluesKaj | this is a #Kubuntu chat | 04:42 |
rockprincess | hello! i have a problem, after rebooting i get the following error "failed to start X Server (your graphical interface)" ... i already tried to reconfigure the X server by sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 04:42 |
SJB | how i can switch to VT1? nothing happens at Ctrl+Alt+F1 | 04:42 |
BluesKaj | rockprincess, F7 ? | 04:43 |
fdoving | SJB: 'chvt 1' | 04:43 |
BluesKaj | same SJB | 04:43 |
rockprincess | BluesKaj: you mean i should press F7? | 04:43 |
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BluesKaj | yes | 04:43 |
fdoving | Vincent_k: http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies-archive.cfm/416872.html | 04:44 |
BluesKaj | what happens? | 04:44 |
BluesKaj | ctrl+alt+F7 | 04:44 |
SJB | nothing | 04:45 |
weatherman | by chance does anybody remember howto print the partition table in msdos? | 04:45 |
SJB | and chvt 1 says there is no description for the consolo | 04:46 |
rockprincess | BluesKaj: i just loaded GRUB and found out there are 2 different kernels: ubuntu kernel 2.6.17-10-386 and ubuntu kernel 2.6.17-11-186 | 04:46 |
rockprincess | BluesKaj: i just loaded GRUB and found out there are 2 different kernels: ubuntu kernel 2.6.17-10-386 and ubuntu kernel 2.6.17-11-386 | 04:46 |
rockprincess | upps typo | 04:46 |
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jernej | hi | 04:47 |
BluesKaj | whichever one works is the one to choose . i guess :) | 04:47 |
jernej | i got this program in a .tar file | 04:47 |
jernej | how do i install it? | 04:47 |
jernej | oh wait nvm | 04:48 |
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rockprincess | BluesKaj: i think it's mainly a NVIDIA issue....i installed Easyubuntu and it installed an NVIDIA driver...and after rebooting i cant seem to start the xserver anymore :( | 04:49 |
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cadkins | @rockprincess : i have the same thing. I've tried both and both boot to my desktop just fine. | 04:50 |
BluesKaj | fdoving, .. rockprincess needs you ! :) | 04:50 |
eeos | hi there. anybody who has installed ecplise on kubuntu 6.10, making it work using all ope source java packages? | 04:50 |
rockprincess | cadkins: how did you fix it then? | 04:50 |
SJB | :( shut just want to shutdown the xserver | 04:51 |
SJB | -shut | 04:51 |
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cadkins | rockprincess : i didn't just left it. I have a big episond with the install. | 04:51 |
cadkins | http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=13937.0 | 04:51 |
alexicon | yeah eeos i have eclipse in kubuntu | 04:51 |
alexicon | its on apt | 04:51 |
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alexicon | what java packages are you trying to use anyway | 04:52 |
eeos | alexicon php eclipse | 04:52 |
eeos | alexicon but I would like to use all open source packages | 04:52 |
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waylandbill | SJB: what about other VTs? can you get to VT2 for instance? | 04:53 |
alexicon | think its initial install is open source.. its only stuff you addon after wards tht might not be | 04:53 |
alexicon | i dont quite understand what your issue is | 04:53 |
SJB | when you say me how, im a newb ;-) | 04:53 |
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waylandbill | Ctrl-Alt-F2 | 04:53 |
cobros02 | HELLO | 04:53 |
eeos | alexicon when you install eclipse, you tend to install java as well, which is not open source | 04:53 |
cecko_ | Hi boys and girls, where is the /etc/hotplug/usb folder in Edgy, please? | 04:54 |
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rockprincess | BluesKaj: ctrl + alt F7 didn't do anything really.. | 04:54 |
eeos | alexicon unless you use one of the open source implementations | 04:54 |
eeos | alexicon which do not have the same funcionalities of full closed source java | 04:54 |
waylandbill | SJB: just so you know, X is usually running on VT7 in case you need to get back. | 04:54 |
BluesKaj | it would be nice to get FF to play the wm (mozilla mplayerplugin) videos in this URL but for some reason it won't ...konqueror plays the video with no prob ... | 04:54 |
eeos | alexicon so I wanted to know it worked with the open source implementations of java | 04:55 |
alexicon | oh i see | 04:55 |
alexicon | never tried sorry | 04:55 |
alexicon | time for me to go home | 04:55 |
BluesKaj | sorry rockprincess , that's kinda out of my knowledgebase :( | 04:55 |
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SJB | nothing happens at Ctrl+Alt+F1 - F7 does nothing | 04:55 |
waylandbill | rockprincess: can't get X to come up? look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log or pastebin it | 04:55 |
BluesKaj | yeah , sorry SJB | 04:55 |
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waylandbill | SJB: that's odd for sure. | 04:56 |
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rockprincess | waylandbill: i can't start the Xserver, and i don't know how to pastebin the Xorg.0.log withouth the GUI to navigate the firefox | 04:57 |
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MarkC | hey, can anybody tell me what package i need to install to integrate firefox with kde? | 04:57 |
gdiebel | MarkC: in what way? | 04:57 |
MarkC | i mean to use the qt file management functions, desktop wallpaper support etc.? | 04:57 |
SJB | i still see the desktop and nothing happens | 04:58 |
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waylandbill | MarkC: re-write firefox in qt. ;-) | 04:58 |
Jucato | MarkC: afaik, there's currently no single like that | 04:58 |
gdiebel | MarkC: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=327828 | 04:59 |
Jucato | MarkC: you might be interested in what these pages say: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntegrateFirefoxWithKDE and http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Integrate_Firefox_with_KDE | 04:59 |
rockprincess | waylandbill: is there a way i could backup /home without loosing my configurations when i re-install the system? | 05:00 |
MarkC | waylandbill: firefox isnt even written in gtk... | 05:00 |
MarkC | or is it? | 05:00 |
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MarkC | thanks gdiebel, Jucato! :-D | 05:00 |
Jucato | MarkC: on Linux it uses GTK | 05:00 |
KiPSeRoN | !live cd | 05:01 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Dapper 'Desktop' CD contains a Live CD (Ubuntu that runs straight off the CD and RAM) with an install option. Breezy's Live CD contained no install. | 05:01 |
SJB | i just want to install the dumb graphic card driver | 05:01 |
KiPSeRoN | !my live cd | 05:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about my live cd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:01 |
KiPSeRoN | !livecd | 05:01 |
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waylandbill | rockprincess: if /home is on the same partition as /, then you'll have to back it up or copy it somewhere else (if you plan to reformat / on re-install) | 05:02 |
Tuumba | do u know anyone how to install a tv card to my ubuntu 6.06 ? | 05:02 |
waylandbill | rockprincess: that's why I make / on one partition and /home on another. | 05:02 |
frojnd | !docs | 05:02 |
ubotu | documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com | 05:02 |
Jucato | !tvcard | 05:02 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tvcard - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:02 |
rockprincess | waylandbill: i think i've separated them on two partitions / being on one, and /home being on the other one | 05:03 |
Tuumba | its analog - not digital.. | 05:03 |
Tuumba | i need a program and a driver for it :( | 05:03 |
rockprincess | waylandbill: i've used gparted to formate my harddisk and then installed kubuntu | 05:03 |
waylandbill | rockprincess: ok. when you re-install, set the /home mount point as necessary and double check and triple check that you tell it NOT to format /home. | 05:04 |
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rockprincess | waylandbill: good idea, thanks ;) | 05:04 |
Vincent_k | !netboot | 05:04 |
ubotu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues | 05:04 |
SJB | thx for helping... | 05:04 |
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waylandbill | rockprincess: but formatting the / partition should be okay. | 05:04 |
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andy__ | can anyone tell me if the repo's are the same for 64bit as 32 bit kubuntu? | 05:05 |
fdoving | they are. | 05:06 |
andy__ | am having some nightmares.. :( | 05:06 |
BluesKaj | nope | 05:06 |
BluesKaj | some aren't | 05:06 |
fdoving | the official ones are. | 05:06 |
Tuumba | anybody dont know ?? | 05:07 |
andy__ | and the univers/multivers? | 05:07 |
Lynoure | Tuumba: it would help if you would tell them which tv card it is | 05:07 |
Jucato | !mythtv | 05:08 |
ubotu | MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV | 05:08 |
Tuumba | just a min plz... | 05:08 |
BluesKaj | what is the function of : autom4te.cache ? | 05:08 |
Jucato | Tuumba: ^^^ | 05:08 |
Tuumba | got it | 05:08 |
fdoving | BluesKaj: http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/manual/autoconf-2.57/html_node/autoconf_180.html | 05:08 |
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Tuumba | la conte deluxe ( it has philips chipset ) | 05:09 |
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BluesKaj | thx fdoving | 05:10 |
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Tuumba | is mythTV a ubuntu relase ? | 05:11 |
BluesKaj | no | 05:12 |
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bonbonthejon | Tuumba: its not specifically for ubuntu, but it works great with kubuntu, I use it at home | 05:14 |
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cadkins | can anyone give me some info on getting Kubuntu seeing the front USB connections? | 05:15 |
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bonbonthejon | cadkins: what do you mean? | 05:16 |
BluesKaj | can ppl using Firefox check this site for me pls ...video won't play with the plugins I have in FF ( including the mplayerplugin - the site claims that it uses windows media ) ...konqueror does the video just fine : http://www.cbc.ca/video/ | 05:16 |
bonbonthejon | cadkins: kubuntu should be able to see then, unless the bios can't see them | 05:17 |
bonbonthejon | cadkins: try lsusb to see the ports and things plugged in | 05:17 |
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gorgonizer | eeos: would you have ADSL from The Phone Co-op?? | 05:17 |
gorgonizer | Are the front USB prots attached to the motherboard??? | 05:17 |
gorgonizer | *ports... | 05:17 |
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cadkins | i have 4 USB connections on my Dell. When I plug into those, nothig happens. When I plug in to the back, Kubuntu sees the USB stick fine | 05:19 |
BluesKaj | cadkins , did you check storage media in the suystem menu | 05:20 |
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Jucato | cadkins: looks like the USB at the front are not connected to the motherboard | 05:20 |
cadkins | @Blues Kaj : yeah nothing there | 05:20 |
cadkins | Jucato, I don't think they are. | 05:20 |
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BluesKaj | cadkins, do they work in windows ? | 05:21 |
Jucato | If they're not connected, no OS in the world will be able to make anything happen :D | 05:21 |
Jucato | (unless that OS can magically connect disconnected wires... | 05:21 |
Jucato | ) | 05:21 |
BluesKaj | hehe | 05:21 |
cadkins | oh...LOL Well I guess they are then. They work under windows | 05:21 |
Jucato | hm... they should work the same as the ones at the back... | 05:22 |
Jucato | (afaik... mine are disconnected... stupid case...) | 05:22 |
BluesKaj | yeah the front usbs work fine on my Compaq | 05:23 |
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BluesKaj | as do the card readers | 05:24 |
cadkins | hmmm..well, I'll give it a go again when I get home this evening. Maybe I just wasn't patient enough which is usally the case | 05:25 |
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cadkins | it's a crazy computer anyway. Windows had to have a driver to load the SATA drive!! | 05:25 |
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BluesKaj | Jucato, check this site for me pls ...video won't play with the plugins I have in FF ( including the mplayerplugin - the site claims that it uses windows media ) ...konqueror does the video just fine : http://www.cbc.ca/video/ | 05:25 |
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Jucato | BluesKaj: I don't have firefox plugins. sorry | 05:26 |
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BluesKaj | ok, np | 05:26 |
Jucato | BluesKaj: you have mozilla-mplayer right? | 05:26 |
Jucato | have you tried the other mozilla plugins? | 05:26 |
BluesKaj | works ok in konq ...would you beleive that ? | 05:26 |
Jucato | BluesKaj: what is konq using to play the video? | 05:27 |
BluesKaj | yes mozilla mplayerplugin | 05:27 |
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BluesKaj | dunno , how can i tell ? | 05:27 |
=== Jucato checks | ||
Jucato | embedded kmplayer | 05:27 |
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BluesKaj | kmplayer/xine_config | 05:29 |
BluesKaj | opened it with konq in the terminal | 05:29 |
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=== skirk A F K | ||
Hrontore | libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b | 05:30 |
Hrontore | ? | 05:30 |
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spawn57 | how would I check if a card reader that's built into the notebook works with linux? | 05:34 |
enno_ | download a copy of knoppix | 05:34 |
julle_ | How do i empty the trash in kubuntu? | 05:34 |
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KaoticEvil | anyone free to lend a hand? | 05:35 |
enno_ | julle, klick on the icon in the kde bar and choose the button | 05:35 |
enno_ | sth like clear trash | 05:35 |
julle_ | enno_: but i dont see my trashcan | 05:36 |
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Tuumba | doesnt anyone know how to setup my tv card ??? | 05:36 |
meta-morph-OS | a guy in #SUSE keeps asking us ubuntu questions..will someone plz comeover and help him | 05:36 |
enno_ | than make a right klick on the kde bar and choose add mini-program | 05:36 |
=== VonKrolok [n=chatzill@i-195-137-61-29.freedom2surf.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
enno_ | then search for the trash bin | 05:37 |
julle_ | ok | 05:37 |
julle_ | thx | 05:37 |
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enno_ | ;-) | 05:37 |
VonKrolok | Hello guys, I'm sorry to interrupt, I'm a Windows user about to be Converted to the real OS | 05:37 |
VonKrolok | I was looking for some info if you can help | 05:37 |
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Ash-Fox | VonKrolok, go ahead. | 05:37 |
KaoticEvil | im having some problems with a wireless connection | 05:38 |
VonKrolok | first off: I'm a photoshop user, can I use photoshop on Linux expressively Kubuntu? | 05:38 |
Ash-Fox | KaoticEvil, such as? | 05:38 |
hyper_ch | VonKrolok: depends :) | 05:38 |
cadkins | VonKrolok : you can use Wine to install PS7. I run it just fine | 05:38 |
VonKrolok | what do you mean Hyper? | 05:38 |
KaoticEvil | Ash-Fox: well, XP and Vista will both connect to my wireless router | 05:38 |
Tuumba | i think ubuntu doesnt support tv cards :S | 05:38 |
KaoticEvil | Kubuntu Dapper, however, will not | 05:39 |
cadkins | CS and CS2 do not install | 05:39 |
hatta | sure it does, depending on the card | 05:39 |
Ash-Fox | VonKrolok, depends on the version. http://appdb.winehq.org/ contains more information on which photoshop versions are supported and how well they're supported under wine | 05:39 |
waylandbill | VonKrolok: another option is gimp | 05:39 |
hatta | my geforce4mx440 tvout works just fine | 05:39 |
Tuumba | tv cardss | 05:39 |
hatta | and my hauppage wintv capture card works just fine too | 05:39 |
hyper_ch | VonKrolok: either run it through wine (or crossover office)... however that did not work for me all too well... alternatively you could use some vm software to run a virtual windows | 05:39 |
Ash-Fox | VonKrolok, another option is Krita, which has a similar interface to photoshop | 05:39 |
frojnd | how can I instal USB Bluetooth adapter | 05:39 |
Tuumba | how u did it | 05:39 |
KaoticEvil | my Radeon VE used to work just fine too, btw :) | 05:39 |
VonKrolok | I know of Gimp, but being used to photoshop workflow it's quite hard to change on the go | 05:39 |
Tuumba | i m new on ubuntu | 05:39 |
Tuumba | just trying set up it | 05:40 |
hyper_ch | or there is a photoshop layout addon for gimp.. that makes the interface just look like photoshop | 05:40 |
hatta | Tuumba, I googled for howtows | 05:40 |
VonKrolok | Krita...will take a note of that | 05:40 |
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waylandbill | VonKrolok: pratice makes perfect. :-) | 05:40 |
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VonKrolok | tell me about it wayland... | 05:40 |
cadkins | VonKrolok : I could never get used to Gimp. Just couldn't do it. | 05:40 |
Ash-Fox | KaoticEvil, close the wireless manager, do sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop, then open up the wireless manager and see if it works | 05:40 |
Tuumba | hatta what is ur nation ? | 05:40 |
hatta | US | 05:40 |
Tuumba | i see ok... | 05:40 |
johnf_ | Is there a difference between running Kubuntu and installing KDE on Ubuntu? Not really sure what Kubuntu | 05:41 |
VonKrolok | next off: can I install Kubuntu on an NTFS partition? I mean Edgy Eft | 05:41 |
hyper_ch | johnf_: yes there is | 05:41 |
VonKrolok | I know the drivers just came out | 05:41 |
Ash-Fox | johnf_, yes, kubuntu is presetup with kubuntu-desktop, not the kde meta package | 05:41 |
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hatta | hyper_ch, there is? | 05:41 |
hyper_ch | VonKrolok: you can't install it on a ntfs partition | 05:41 |
hatta | what is it? | 05:41 |
KaoticEvil | Ash-Fox: it detects the wireless network, and i can have it attempt to connect | 05:42 |
Ash-Fox | VonKrolok, nope. | 05:42 |
cadkins | VonKrolok : NTFS does not exist in Linux. It will rewrite teh partition to extf3 I think | 05:42 |
cadkins | It can see the partition though | 05:42 |
KaoticEvil | but it always says "Connection Failed: | 05:42 |
Ash-Fox | KaoticEvil, did you do what I said? | 05:42 |
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hyper_ch | hatta: kubuntu has kde nicely integrated and it looks nice when yu boot up... also default installed programs are different in kubuntu than when you have an ubuntu and add kubuntu-desktop or kde itself | 05:42 |
VonKrolok | ok, so the file system is unique, nothing to do with FAT32 | 05:42 |
hatta | as I understood it, kubuntu was just ubuntu without ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop instead | 05:42 |
KaoticEvil | doing it now | 05:42 |
Ash-Fox | VonKrolok, generally more reliable/faster than NTFS/FAT32 | 05:43 |
cadkins | VonKrolok : yes | 05:43 |
hyper_ch | VonKrolok: you can't install it on fat32 either I think... as fat32 won't allow file permissions as does ext2/3 | 05:43 |
VonKrolok | ok, I was not comparing, knowing just them two I know nothing of the around situation | 05:43 |
Ash-Fox | Unlike windows, you won't the previous version of a file that's been locked for writing too on NTFS, and you won't randomly lose files if you reset/crash/poweroff like in fat32 | 05:43 |
johnf_ | thanks here is the issue- I have a client that wants to run some software I developed on Ubuntu but I need KDE. What do you guys suggest I tell him? | 05:44 |
hyper_ch | VonKrolok: however you can use fat32 as a common exchange partiton between your windows and linux install | 05:44 |
Ash-Fox | *won't lose | 05:44 |
VonKrolok | I would rather go for NTFS with the new NNTFS drivers | 05:44 |
VonKrolok | FAT32 is a waste of time | 05:44 |
VonKrolok | and of files | 05:44 |
Ash-Fox | johnf_, do you need just the kdelibs? | 05:44 |
hyper_ch | johnf_: this client has an ubuntu installed? | 05:44 |
waylandbill | hatta: the question was difference between ubuntu with KDE and kubuntu. which there is. if they would've asked about kubuntu-desktop it would be different | 05:44 |
johnf_ | I developed the software for KDE not developed on Ubuntu | 05:44 |
Ash-Fox | johnf_, what exactly do you need from KDE? | 05:45 |
hyper_ch | VonKrolok: I tend to think the ntfs-3g drivers still as experimental.... you might loos all the data when using those | 05:45 |
hatta | waylandbill, I don't see your point | 05:45 |
KaoticEvil | Ash-Fox: it still fails | 05:45 |
VonKrolok | I see your point Hyper | 05:45 |
johnf_ | Well Yes ON kdelibs (used pykde) but would like KOffice etc too. | 05:45 |
hyper_ch | johnf_: the easiest thing probably is to have him install the kubuntu-desktop --> in the shell: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop | 05:45 |
Ash-Fox | KaoticEvil, okay, well it's not the network managers conflicting -- what channel is your rotuer on? | 05:45 |
KaoticEvil | 6 | 05:46 |
Ash-Fox | KaoticEvil, wep or wpa? | 05:46 |
hyper_ch | johnf_: that should take care of all necessary kde libs and he should then be able to run the program from the gnome session | 05:46 |
KaoticEvil | neither | 05:46 |
KaoticEvil | im running unencrypted | 05:46 |
VonKrolok | so, if I have a hard drive that has been formatted in one way or another Kubuntu, upon installation will reformat the drive according to its filesystem needs | 05:46 |
waylandbill | hatta: if I install ubuntu and then apt-get kde, i don't get the same thing as installing ubuntu and apt-get kubuntu-desktop | 05:46 |
Ash-Fox | ... Okay | 05:46 |
VonKrolok | am I right? | 05:46 |
johnf_ | Great that will work - thanks for the everyone! | 05:46 |
hatta | oh I see | 05:46 |
hyper_ch | VonKrolok: chances are very, very slim that something will happen... but in case it does then you might loose all data on that ntfs partition :) | 05:46 |
Ash-Fox | KaoticEvil, tell the wireless manager to forget all the settings, then try connecting again | 05:46 |
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KaoticEvil | i live in the middle of nowhere, this is the only wireless network around here lol | 05:46 |
Ash-Fox | johnf_, no don't tell him that | 05:47 |
Ash-Fox | johnf_, that will break his system | 05:47 |
hyper_ch | VonKrolok: when installing ubuntu it will ask what diskdrive/partition to use | 05:47 |
waylandbill | KaoticEvil: with the right equipment, someone can snif wireless up to miles away. | 05:47 |
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KaoticEvil | it got to "Testing Connection" then failed | 05:47 |
Ash-Fox | johnf_, if you just want standard kde, you can install the 'kde' package, but that's a lot of packages | 05:47 |
VonKrolok | using some sort of fdisk as far as I can gather | 05:47 |
johnf_ | Really ? So what do I tell him? | 05:47 |
hyper_ch | VonKrolok: you could resize your ntfs partitions beforehand and then you can let the largest non-partitioned space to be used | 05:47 |
hyper_ch | VonKrolok: or you could manually resize the ntfs partitions during the ubuntu install and set up all on your own | 05:48 |
johnf_ | Sounds like he is better off with Kubuntu RIGHT? | 05:48 |
Ash-Fox | johnf_, as I said, if you just want the standard KDE installation, you can tell him to install the 'kde' package. but its' really a lot of packages, what exactly does your program rely on? we can install less packages that way. | 05:48 |
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KaoticEvil | i dont get it... Vista and XP connect just fine | 05:49 |
hyper_ch | VonKrolok: what I did when I first installed linux I used partitionmagic to resize my ntfs partition :) but before resizing you need to defragment it 1-2 times | 05:49 |
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Ash-Fox | Anyone happen to know of a way in a bash script to determine if a port is open or not? | 05:50 |
VonKrolok | ok, assume I have a laptop with 1 partition NTFS and a winXP pro installed on it | 05:50 |
Hrontore | okay quicktime has been running for to long | 05:50 |
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VonKrolok | I don't care of what's on it | 05:50 |
johnf_ | the prg is an inventory program written in Python using the pyKDE module for several of the interfaces. Also interfaces to KOffice via DCop | 05:50 |
Hrontore | i think its just installing over and over | 05:50 |
VonKrolok | I put in the cd | 05:50 |
Alumin | Ash-Fox: you could use netstat or fuser | 05:50 |
VonKrolok | and hit the install icon | 05:50 |
VonKrolok | what happens? | 05:50 |
Ash-Fox | VonKrolok, you get a language prompt, then it asks you what you want todo with your harddrive, if you want to use the entire harddrive, resize your existing partition and install kubuntu etc. | 05:51 |
Alumin | VonKrolok: you'll be prompted to repartition I'd asume | 05:51 |
hyper_ch | VonKrolok: you should care... do you want to dual-boot... meaning having the option of booting into windows or booting into linux at the start? | 05:51 |
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VonKrolok | I would like to have dual bott yes, so I can have my photoshop on win XP without probs | 05:52 |
VonKrolok | boot* | 05:52 |
Hrontore | okay how do i stop the quicktime installer, its just running over and over | 05:52 |
pablo_ | hi | 05:52 |
Hrontore | hey | 05:52 |
Hrontore | what up? | 05:52 |
hyper_ch | VonKrolok: ok, then before you install ubuntu or kubuntu or xubuntu or edubuntu I recommend to (1) make backups (2) defragment your harddisk | 05:53 |
pablo_ | ubuntu is the best OS | 05:53 |
=== VonKrolok nods | ||
Dr_willis | defrag/scandisk - befor resizing is suggested | 05:53 |
Dr_willis | using a 2nd dedicated hard drive.. is even better. :) | 05:53 |
pablo_ | yeah | 05:53 |
waylandbill | hyper_ch: words to live by | 05:53 |
Alumin | do you guys trust non-native partition tools to resize NTFS? | 05:54 |
waylandbill | especially step 1 | 05:54 |
Alumin | y'all are braver than I | 05:54 |
pablo_ | gparted | 05:54 |
VonKrolok | I don't care of what's inside the harddrive | 05:54 |
pablo_ | yeah | 05:54 |
Dr_willis | Alumin, i cant say that ive ever seen them trash a system... I have seen partition magic trash stuff... :) | 05:54 |
VonKrolok | I will mirror it anyway | 05:54 |
waylandbill | Alumin: I've resized ntfs with Linux partitioning tools many times. | 05:54 |
hyper_ch | Alumin: I have done a couple of times resizing with PartitionMagic and it always worked fine for me... however one of my buddies tried it on his computer and everything got corrupted.... resizing a partition is ALWAYS a risk | 05:54 |
Dr_willis | but this is why it 'pays to backup' | 05:55 |
johnf_ | Thanks all I just finished reading the website and it has all the information I need. | 05:55 |
waylandbill | no matter what tool you use there is risk. | 05:55 |
pablo_ | do you know haw can I do for speed up internet? | 05:55 |
Dr_willis | power failure during resize = bad | 05:55 |
Hrontore | when installing windows apps where do i put them? | 05:55 |
hyper_ch | pablo_: is your router IPv6 compatible? | 05:55 |
Alumin | partitionmatic I would trust (well, as much as I trust _anything_ to resize NTFS)...those guys actually have support from MS with the filesystem format | 05:55 |
Dr_willis | Hrontore, you use wine.. and it makes a .wine dir to keep things in. | 05:55 |
hyper_ch | pablo_: if not, then you can deactivate IPv6... that will speed up things | 05:55 |
pablo_ | mmm... i dont know | 05:55 |
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hyper_ch | pablo_: then you could try to disable it | 05:56 |
Hrontore | so when it goes to other installations like quick time just okay okay okay | 05:56 |
Alumin | which is interesting considering Dr_willis' experiences :p | 05:56 |
pablo_ | yeah... how can i do it? | 05:56 |
Dr_willis | >hic< wine | 05:56 |
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hyper_ch | pablo_: google for it... ubuntu disable ipv6 --> that should return something... or then search the ubuntu forum | 05:57 |
VonKrolok | ok, I back up then as far as I'm concerned I can have even a blank disk freshly formatted | 05:57 |
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VonKrolok | prob still stays | 05:57 |
Dr_willis | Ive had so many problems with Partition magic.. that i dont even use it any more.. (cant afford to anyway) | 05:57 |
pablo_ | thanks. | 05:57 |
VonKrolok | can I format with Kubuntu CD? | 05:57 |
waylandbill | Dr_willis: oh yeah. I've had a power failure during a resize before. :-/ | 05:57 |
Dr_willis | the gparted live cd's seem to work well for me. | 05:57 |
pablo_ | hyper_ch: thanks | 05:57 |
hyper_ch | VonKrolok: yes, you can format with the kubuntu cd... but lets try first dual-booting :) | 05:57 |
Hrontore | okay Dr_willis how do i stop the quicktime installer, its just running | 05:58 |
VonKrolok | ok, go on | 05:58 |
hyper_ch | VonKrolok: ok, now that you have backuped your data... do disk defragmentation on the ntfs drive | 05:58 |
hyper_ch | that will take some time | 05:58 |
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=== VonKrolok nods | ||
waylandbill | I've had problems with partition tragic too. GPartEd livecd does just fine. | 05:58 |
Dr_willis | Hrontore, if ya can see the window use 'xkill' perhaps.. or pkill wine, i rarely mess with wine much any more | 05:58 |
BluesKaj | Hrontore, exit the terminal | 05:58 |
Hrontore | done | 05:59 |
Hrontore | ... | 05:59 |
hyper_ch | VonKrolok: best to run defragmentation 2-3 times | 05:59 |
hyper_ch | it will be much quicker the 2nd and 3rd time | 05:59 |
VonKrolok | of course | 05:59 |
VonKrolok | please carry on | 05:59 |
Dr_willis | i found it odd one day when i formated a new drive under windows.. and it had 1 file on it that was fraggmented.. (3k file) :) | 05:59 |
waylandbill | :) | 06:00 |
Hrontore | ahh, the bars fills goes to zero, then fills again | 06:00 |
Hrontore | make the bad man stop!! | 06:00 |
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hyper_ch | VonKrolok: you have the live cd or do you use the alternate one? | 06:01 |
VonKrolok | LiveCD | 06:01 |
VonKrolok | but it takes nothing to get the other | 06:01 |
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hyper_ch | VonKrolok: I tend to think the install is smoother with the alternate cd... do you have two pcs? | 06:02 |
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VonKrolok | as a matter of fact I have 3 | 06:02 |
hyper_ch | good :) well then get the alternate one... it's better for install... the live cd sometimes has a few problems | 06:03 |
Dr_willis | i agree there.. alt-cd install seems to work better | 06:03 |
VonKrolok | no prob | 06:03 |
hyper_ch | (although I have to add, the first time I installed from the live-cd I had no problems either....) | 06:04 |
VonKrolok | if it's prooven smoother I have no prob in getting the other CD with a 2Mbit connection ;) | 06:04 |
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hyper_ch | VonKrolok: also upload 2mbit? | 06:04 |
VonKrolok | unfortunately not | 06:05 |
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hyper_ch | VonKrolok: same here... 1 mbit download... 250kbit upload | 06:05 |
VonKrolok | anyway, lets get back to business | 06:05 |
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VonKrolok | as I start the installation in the free partition everything should go smoothly | 06:06 |
VonKrolok | asking if I want to install a boot menu | 06:06 |
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VonKrolok | am I missing something? | 06:06 |
hyper_ch | VonKrolok: well, just go ahead until you are at the partition thingy.... there you then select manual partitioning or setup... I don't remember what exactely it was called | 06:07 |
hyper_ch | VonKrolok: from there we can help again | 06:07 |
VonKrolok | that was a drill man, I'm not installing it now | 06:07 |
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VonKrolok | I'm moving out of my appartment, as soon as I settle in the new I'll sort it out | 06:07 |
VonKrolok | but I appreciate your dedication ;) | 06:08 |
hyper_ch | well, upon the partition menu select "manually2 or something similar | 06:08 |
VonKrolok | I wanted to make up my mind on how it works | 06:08 |
hyper_ch | then you first have to resize your current one | 06:08 |
hyper_ch | once that is done you can then create new ones | 06:08 |
hyper_ch | recommended is a swap partition (type: swap) with about the double size of your ram | 06:09 |
VonKrolok | use of which? | 06:09 |
hyper_ch | then a "root" partition (type "ext3" and mounting point "/") which should be at least 5gb... I prefer 10GB myself | 06:09 |
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hyper_ch | and thrid I would create a "home" partition (type "ext3" and mountin point "/home") --> make this as big as you want... this is where your "Documents and Settings" are being stored | 06:10 |
hyper_ch | to say it in windows terms :) | 06:10 |
hyper_ch | it's very good to have that as an own partition :) | 06:10 |
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hyper_ch | VonKrolok: what do you mean "use of which"? | 06:10 |
VonKrolok | the use of the swap partition and which filesystem it should have? | 06:11 |
=== Heavenquake [n=Heavenqu@0x3e42be57.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
VonKrolok | what is the use of a swap partition and which file system shall I use? | 06:12 |
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hyper_ch | VonKrolok: use filesystem "swap" for the swap... this is the virtual ram... | 06:13 |
hyper_ch | VonKrolok: in windows it's that big huge file in c:\ | 06:14 |
VonKrolok | page file... | 06:14 |
hyper_ch | pagesys or something | 06:14 |
VonKrolok | i got it now | 06:14 |
hyper_ch | in linux you have it on an own partition | 06:14 |
VonKrolok | keep it safe uh ;) | 06:14 |
Alzi2 | Hi everyone. I was wondering how i could split my harddisk so that my home directory is on a seperate partition, to make things run faster. It's not the case now. The thing i need help with is.... read the text i just gave you! | 06:14 |
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jhutchins | VonKrolok: The swap partition increases your effective memory; you usually don't need to format it, just mark it as swap. | 06:14 |
jhutchins | VonKrolok: If you need to format it, the program is "mkswap". | 06:15 |
VonKrolok | I know, virtual memory on fisical | 06:15 |
VonKrolok | smashing ;) | 06:15 |
jhutchins | VonKrolok: Make it approximately 2x your physical RAM up to 2G. | 06:15 |
VonKrolok | yeah, I got that | 06:15 |
jhutchins | VonKrolok: It's also possible to use a swap file instead. | 06:15 |
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VonKrolok | but I guess a dedicated partition is better | 06:16 |
jhutchins | Alzi2: It won't run any faster that way. | 06:16 |
waylandbill | Alzi2: create a parition for home and mount it as such. | 06:16 |
jhutchins | Alzi2: The main thing about a seperate home is that you can change the rest of the linux system without changing your own data. | 06:16 |
jhutchins | Alzi2: Unfortunately, the hidden config files can cause serious problems if you do that. | 06:16 |
jhutchins | Alzi2: I recommend using a single partition unless you have seperate drives. | 06:17 |
jhutchins | Alzi2: That way all of your space is available to whatever you need it for. | 06:17 |
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waylandbill | Changing the distro can cause problems with a seperate home, but clean installing the same distro does great with seperate home. | 06:18 |
linracoon | its imposible to install kubuntu-ppc 6.02 | 06:18 |
linracoon | any help? | 06:18 |
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linracoon | when i enter startx gives error | 06:18 |
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Alzi2 | jhutchins: Hmm... how to get things to run faster, then? i'm trying to optimise my pc because it has gotten fairly slow | 06:19 |
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hyper_ch | linracoon: what error? | 06:19 |
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jhutchins | Alzi2: Simplify your window manager. Turn off effects and toys, remove applets from the system tray. Run a simpler window manager like xfce. | 06:20 |
jhutchins | Alzi2: Add more RAM. | 06:20 |
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Alzi2 | jhutchins: So i have to say goodbye to KDE? why? | 06:20 |
waylandbill | faster CPU. :-) | 06:20 |
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jhutchins | Alzi2: You don't have to, but if you want speed you have to trade something. | 06:21 |
Alzi2 | hmm........ but that means i have to switch my desktop environment YET AGAIN and i'm tired of that... | 06:21 |
waylandbill | Alzi2: turn off all the services you don't need running all the time. | 06:21 |
hyper_ch | Alzi2: what computer specs do you have? | 06:21 |
jhutchins | Then don't, just turn off services, effects. | 06:21 |
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Alzi2 | because, i was once bored of XFCE and decided to try KDE, then GNOME, then KDE, then XFCE, and so on. | 06:21 |
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jhutchins | Alzi2: KDE does use more resources, especially if you have things like transparency and animations enabled. | 06:22 |
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waylandbill | features always come at a cost. | 06:22 |
jhutchins | Alzi2: On the other hand, KDE uses more shared code than any other system, so if you use all KDE apps, it's more efficient over all. | 06:22 |
Alzi2 | hyper_ch: Motherboard: PCchips M811LU with 8xAGP 5xPCI 6xUSB2.0 and CNR. CPU: AMD Athlon XP 2800+. Memory: 512MB RAM. Harddisk: Maxtor 80GB 7200RPM. Videocard: ATI Radeon 9250SE. | 06:22 |
jhutchins | To quote the original Mad Max, "Speed costs money. How fast do you want to go?". | 06:22 |
waylandbill | Alzi2: sounds like my home system. It moves along pretty nicely. | 06:23 |
hyper_ch | Alzi2: you have 3d running for your ati card? | 06:23 |
jhutchins | Mine's about the same, runs as fast as I need. | 06:23 |
Alzi2 | hyper_ch: open-source radeon driver, aiglx disabled | 06:23 |
jhutchins | Alzi2: Where are you trying to get more speed? | 06:23 |
Dr_willis | more ram would help. | 06:24 |
Alzi2 | jhutchins: Overall computer performance (happens in Windows too), harddisk and application startup. Menu's and desktop switching | 06:24 |
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Dr_willis | more ram always helps. :) | 06:24 |
=== hyper_ch needs more ram | ||
jhutchins | Alzi2: Wow. I don't see any significant lag in any of that here, and I've got a slower processor. | 06:24 |
Alzi2 | I am not willing to spend any money because i don't have that. | 06:24 |
jhutchins | Alzi2: About the only thing you can do is to get a faster disk then. | 06:25 |
Dr_willis | ive ran kde on similer systems.. but with more ram.. no issues. | 06:25 |
Alzi2 | jhutchins: This computer has the strange habit to become slower and slower after more and more use. Rebooting doesn't help. It just gets slower and slower every time you use it | 06:25 |
jhutchins | Alzi2: Get a 10k, or go with _physical_, not software, RAID. | 06:25 |
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jhutchins | Alzi2: How much free disk space? | 06:25 |
Alzi2 | jhutchins: Filesystem is EXT3. | 06:25 |
Alzi2 | jhutchins: 42% in use of /dev/hda2:mountpoint / | 06:25 |
jhutchins | Alzi2: Could be you have a thermal problem. Install the lmsensors package. | 06:25 |
Dr_willis | he may not have DMA enabled for some reason also. | 06:26 |
Alzi2 | jhutchins: Package lmsensors not found | 06:26 |
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Alzi2 | /dev/hda: | 06:27 |
Alzi2 | Timing buffered disk reads: 120 MB in 3.12 seconds = 38.52 MB/sec | 06:27 |
Alzi2 | /dev/hda: | 06:28 |
Alzi2 | using_dma = 1 (on) | 06:28 |
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MarkC | what app do i get if i want to edit pdf files? | 06:30 |
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Dr_willis | hmm Timing buffered disk reads: 46 MB in 0.84 seconds = 54.89 MB/sec | 06:30 |
=== Hrontore [n=rod@adsl-21-160-107.bix.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Dr_willis | thats on my sata drive | 06:30 |
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Dr_willis | cheap upgrade = more ram. | 06:30 |
Heavenquake | I want to rip an audio CD. It complains about no encoder. How do I get one? I would like to rip as FLAC | 06:31 |
Dr_willis | Heavenquake, fire up the package manager and install some. | 06:31 |
Dr_willis | !find flac | 06:31 |
ubotu | Found: flac, libflac++-dev, libflac++5c2, libflac-dev, libflac-doc (and 12 others) | 06:31 |
hyper_ch | Dr_willis: how do you get that disk drive data? | 06:31 |
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Dr_willis | hybrid, sudo hdparm -tT /dev/sda1 | 06:31 |
Dr_willis | i think the sudo is needed.. not sure | 06:31 |
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Alzi2 | !lmsensors | 06:32 |
ubotu | You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto | 06:32 |
hyper_ch | Dr_willis: thx :) | 06:33 |
bxnp | good somebody check this picture out, and point me a solutrion for my redrawing problem for my windows decoration http://www.postproductie.nl/burningman/garba.png | 06:33 |
Hrontore | just so im clear, i dont need to change any of the file settings when installing with wine? | 06:33 |
Dr_willis | Hrontore, installing what with wine? | 06:33 |
Dr_willis | and what filesettings? | 06:33 |
Hrontore | itunesetup.exe | 06:33 |
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Alzi2 | jhutchins: Does it help choosing another filesystem? | 06:34 |
Dr_willis | wine itunesetup.exe and keep hitting 'next' i guess. | 06:34 |
bxnp | what about itumessetup.exe Hrontore | 06:34 |
Hrontore | its installes the ipod drivers, quicktime and itunes | 06:34 |
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Dr_willis | good luck :) you may need it. | 06:34 |
bxnp | did you read the story from surgy | 06:34 |
Hrontore | ill take it | 06:34 |
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waylandbill | or run amarok or gtkpod | 06:34 |
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bxnp | Hrontore: http://www.postproductie.nl/?p=9 | 06:35 |
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Alzi2 | jhutchins: CPU temperature is 40 degrees | 06:36 |
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hyper_ch | Alzi2: celsius? fahrenheit? | 06:37 |
Alzi2 | hyper_ch: celsius | 06:37 |
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bxnp | anybody know a solution for my decoration drawing problem | 06:41 |
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Lynx- | Is there any panel applet in KDE that would show network traffic status? | 06:42 |
Zapt | tons! | 06:43 |
jhutchins | Alzi2: Check the temps when you first star up, then when you notice the slow-down. Might be other than CPU. | 06:43 |
Zapt | l | 06:43 |
Zapt | Lynx-: Use Superkaramba with Aero | 06:43 |
bxnp | yes | 06:43 |
bxnp | Lynx-: | 06:43 |
bxnp | install knemo | 06:43 |
bxnp | it looks nice | 06:43 |
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bxnp | and works good | 06:43 |
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Lynx- | ok, I shall try both of them, thanks | 06:43 |
bxnp | and you can configure it for different interfaces | 06:43 |
bxnp | http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=12956 | 06:44 |
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Alzi2 | Is it worth switching to Xfce? | 06:44 |
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Zapt | Alzi2: Depends on the things you want to do | 06:45 |
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Zapt | If you have an old machine, maybe yes | 06:45 |
=== NotFaint [n=Faint@ip72-200-117-128.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
NotFaint | Hi... busy in here? | 06:45 |
bxnp | Lynx-: http://www.postproductie.nl/burningman/garba.png take a look at the icon next to the clock on top that is knemo Lynx- | 06:45 |
Lynx- | mm | 06:45 |
Lynx- | It's not actually the thing I'm looking for | 06:46 |
NotFaint | I wondered if anyone might be able to answer some questions I have about QTPartEd I'm running off the Kubuntu live-CD. | 06:46 |
Lynx- | I want to see some kind of graph built-in in the panel | 06:46 |
bxnp | oh ke | 06:46 |
Alzi2 | Zapt: It's kind of old, but not too old. Specs are: | 06:46 |
Alzi2 | Motherboard: PCchips M811LU with 8xAGP 5xPCI 6xUSB2.0 and CNR. CPU: AMD Athlon XP 2800+. Memory: 512MB RAM. Harddisk: Maxtor 80GB 7200RPM. Videocard: ATI Radeon 9250SE. | 06:46 |
Heavenquake | NotFaint: ask and you'll get an answer if anyone knows the answer | 06:46 |
Zapt | KDE is fine | 06:47 |
Zapt | no need to switch | 06:47 |
NotFaint | HQ: Just making sure you aren't a bunch of idling bastards first. :P | 06:47 |
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NotFaint | OK, I've got two partitions, and I want to merge them. I've got data on the latter partition, though. They're both in the extended partition. I got it to let me shrink the latter partition so that I could increase the size of the first, but it won't let me move the latter partition to the end of the drive so that I CAN expand the first partition. | 06:48 |
NotFaint | I right click the partition in the list, and the "move" option is grayed-out. | 06:48 |
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NotFaint | I would try moving the contents of the second partition into the first, but the first is full (hence why I want to merge them). | 06:49 |
Alzi2 | Zapt: But everything is kind of slow. | 06:50 |
Zapt | kind of slow? | 06:50 |
Alzi2 | Zapt: Yeah. | 06:50 |
Zapt | describe it | 06:50 |
tjz | can anyone help me install flash | 06:50 |
Alzi2 | Applications start up slowly, the menu's show up slowly, everything feels less responsive, files load slowly.. | 06:50 |
tjz | it keeps breaking | 06:50 |
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NotFaint | I was thinking maybe it might let me do it if I were logged in as root or whatever (I'm completely new to anything Linux here), but Kubuntu wants a password for that. Blank, "password," and "kubuntu" didn't work. Heh. | 06:51 |
NotFaint | (This is off of a live-CD, again.) | 06:51 |
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Zapt | Alzi2: was it slow from the beginning? | 06:52 |
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Alzi2 | Zapt: No. | 06:52 |
Zapt | so something changed... ;) | 06:53 |
Alzi2 | Yes. | 06:53 |
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Alzi2 | I remember it happened after i installed beryl and enabled aiglx, and then disabled it again. | 06:53 |
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Zapt | hmm so that's the problem | 06:54 |
Zapt | yup beryl | 06:54 |
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Zapt | is still very alpha | 06:54 |
Zapt | there's probably still some things that shouldn't be there | 06:55 |
Zapt | gotta go | 06:55 |
Alzi2 | yeah, i think that's the problem. So THAT's why it slowed down after a few months after install.. i installed Beryl! | 06:55 |
Alzi2 | how to fix that? | 06:55 |
Alzi2 | wait, please fix my problem :P | 06:55 |
Zapt | hmm difficult question | 06:55 |
Zapt | reinstall? | 06:55 |
Alzi2 | NOT AGAIN!!!! | 06:55 |
Zapt | you probably made a second partition with your home directory? | 06:55 |
Alzi2 | no | 06:55 |
Zapt | ok, do that | 06:56 |
Zapt | because then you can use it after every install and everything works as usual | 06:56 |
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Alzi2 | how? | 06:56 |
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NotFaint | Has anybody here messed with QTPartEd? | 06:56 |
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KaoticEvil | Ash-Fox: i got it to connect :) | 06:56 |
Dr_willis | qtparted is very handy. | 06:56 |
Zapt | NotFaint: Yes | 06:56 |
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NotFaint | Dr_willis: I'm sure it would be -- could I pick your brain? | 06:57 |
Zapt | Alzi2: When installing you are asked to create partitions | 06:57 |
Zapt | that's the time when to add it | 06:57 |
Alzi2 | but.. | 06:57 |
Dr_willis | !ask | 06:57 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 06:57 |
Dr_willis | :) | 06:57 |
Alzi2 | i don't want to lose my files. | 06:57 |
Zapt | yes | 06:57 |
Dr_willis | backup backup and backup some more. | 06:57 |
Alzi2 | so, is there a way to seperate em right now? | 06:57 |
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Zapt | you can back them up | 06:57 |
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Alzi2 | Dr_willis: No place to backup to, no thing to backup with. | 06:57 |
Zapt | right now, yes but not easy for a beginner | 06:57 |
Alzi2 | Zapt: I kinda know my way around the Linux command line. | 06:58 |
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NotFaint | Dr_willis: Could you send me a /msg here? I can't handle all the text here rolling by. | 06:58 |
Alzi2 | and Linux overall | 06:58 |
NotFaint | (and I'm not registered so I can't send to you) | 06:58 |
KaoticEvil | there, thats so much better :) | 06:58 |
Heavenquake | which packages is required to compile most programs from source? | 06:58 |
Zapt | http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/installation/70239-mounting-home-after-installing.html | 06:58 |
Alzi2 | thanks Zapt :) | 06:59 |
Alzi2 | one more question | 06:59 |
Alzi2 | how to make the install not overwrite the home partition? | 06:59 |
Zapt | you need to create a new partition | 06:59 |
Zapt | ext3 or whatever | 06:59 |
Zapt | then copy everything from home over there | 06:59 |
Dr_willis | NotFaint, why not register then? I have to leave for work soon.. have you even asked an actual question? | 06:59 |
Zapt | and mount it as the home partition | 06:59 |
Alzi2 | ok | 07:00 |
Zapt | Alzi2: got icq or jabber? | 07:00 |
Alzi2 | yes | 07:00 |
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Zapt | number? | 07:00 |
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Alzi2 | i have a Jabber and MSN | 07:00 |
Zapt | ok jabber then | 07:00 |
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anton | hello everyone | 07:00 |
NotFaint | Dr: Yes, I have, but it was paragraphs long, and it went by everyone. | 07:00 |
anton | i login to kdm using winbind and then execute 'who' (without the quotation marks of course) and don't notice myself in the output | 07:00 |
anton | how can i get kdm and winbind to work so that they add me to whatever 'who' uses to display who is logged in? | 07:00 |
anton | worse still, even local users aren't printed in the output of 'who' | 07:00 |
anton | ditto for s/who/w/g | 07:00 |
Dr_willis | NotFaint, the 'sudo' password is the first users password | 07:01 |
Alzi2 | Zapt: robinl1 | 07:01 |
NotFaint | Dr: I'm on a live-cd, I haven't set a password. Is there a default? | 07:01 |
Zapt | @ what? | 07:01 |
Dr_willis | or did i mussread... scrollingup | 07:01 |
Dr_willis | NotFaint, i go to the consoles and set the root users password.. i rarely use the kubuntu livecd. | 07:02 |
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Zapt | Alzi2: need the part after the @ | 07:02 |
Dr_willis | NotFaint, i would advise BACKING up your data... if you are doing such complex things as 'merging' 2 partitions | 07:02 |
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Alzi2 | Zapt: robinl1@jabber.xs4all.nl | 07:02 |
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NotFaint | Dr: Backup schmackup... :P It's not mine, and if it fucks up, I'll tell the person that I had to do it that way and make up some excuse! | 07:02 |
Zapt | ok | 07:02 |
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Dr_willis | NotFaint, but the way you are descibing it - you got partition #1 - thats empty? and #2 thats got stuff on it.. | 07:03 |
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Dr_willis | NotFaint, is that correct? | 07:03 |
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NotFaint | Dr: Primary partition [5GB NTFS, then 13ish GB NTFS set active, both are full] ; extended partition [whatever the leftover space is, mostly empty but not completely] | 07:04 |
anton | anyones? | 07:04 |
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Dr_willis | [(5gb) (13gb) ] [some space left] Hmm... | 07:05 |
Dr_willis | You could paste the 'fdisk -l' output to pastebin :) | 07:06 |
NotFaint | Eh? | 07:06 |
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Hrontore | okay is there any way to clean out the wine bin? | 07:06 |
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NotFaint | Hrontore: water | 07:06 |
Dr_willis | NotFaint, so what exactly are you tryign todo with this almost-full drive? | 07:06 |
Hrontore | ? | 07:06 |
Dr_willis | Hrontore, wine bin? ya mean the .wine dir? just remove stuff.. | 07:06 |
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Hrontore | i am a noob | 07:07 |
Hrontore | where is the wine.dir? | 07:07 |
Dr_willis | .wine is in the users home dir | 07:07 |
NotFaint | Willis: The user filled up their Windows partition and saved almost nothing to their extended partition. Now they're getting a low disk space notification and a lot of slowdown. I need to add some space from the extended partition onto the primary partition. | 07:07 |
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Dr_willis | NotFaint, eww..... | 07:08 |
NightBird | Hrontore: ~/.wine/ | 07:08 |
NotFaint | There isn't even enough space on the Windows partition for me to move their files from the extended partition (they have about a gig of stuff on there) over. | 07:08 |
NotFaint | I'm tempted to just tell them they downloaded an insidious virus that did some uh, "time flux capacitor" breaker breaker nine alpha over etc. | 07:08 |
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NotFaint | But I'm a spiteful person. | 07:09 |
Dr_willis | start uninstalling the useless stuff.. backup to disk.. is about the best bet. Im not sure how well gparted (or evenpartition magic) handles mergind ntfs drives | 07:09 |
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NotFaint | I'd low-level format their drive in a heartbeat... | 07:09 |
NotFaint | Dr: There's nothing "useless" as far as these folks are concerned. | 07:09 |
NotFaint | They like their Limewire and iTunes. | 07:09 |
Dr_willis | tell them to give you $60 and go buy a 250gb hd then... | 07:09 |
Dr_willis | or just start moving over what you can. | 07:10 |
NotFaint | And when I explain to people why they shouldn't, I tend to accidentally belittle them. | 07:10 |
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suporte_ | g | 07:10 |
NotFaint | But I have a lot of free space here I can manipulate with QTPartEd -- if I could figure out what's going wrong. | 07:10 |
Dr_willis | i dont see where the freespace is at.. thats why i asked for the 'fdisk -l' output on pastebin | 07:10 |
NotFaint | Oh, I'm sorry. The free space is on the extended partition. They have a gig of stuff saved there, but about 50 gigs free. | 07:11 |
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Dr_willis | You do realize that with windows you CAN set the 'program files' and other dirs. to be on other partitions? :) | 07:11 |
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fiyawerx | hey guys, doing a fresh install of kubuntu on top of a fresh windows install for a dual boot.. does this sound about right for a 250g hd? 60 for windows (for gaming mostly), 30 for the install for kubunut, and then the rest as a shared ext2 ? | 07:12 |
Dr_willis | or ya could just use some shortcuts to the other partition - let them keep their porn on it. | 07:12 |
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fiyawerx | or should i give the kubuntu install more space? | 07:13 |
raavi | A question regarding media codecs, where can I find w32codecs for kubuntu | 07:13 |
MarkC | fiyawerx: how about 1gb for windows, 200 gb as a shared fat32 and 50gb for kubuntu? | 07:13 |
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feindbild | hi ^^ | 07:13 |
fiyawerx | heh | 07:13 |
fiyawerx | MarkC: why fat32 over ext2? | 07:13 |
Dr_willis | MarkC, there are tools that lets windows read/write to ext2/3 filesystems.. | 07:13 |
MarkC | you can install the games on the fat32 btw. and it will be fast because you dont need to defrag the 1gb partition | 07:13 |
Dr_willis | MarkC, so i dont use fat32 'shared' stuff any more | 07:13 |
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fiyawerx | hmm | 07:14 |
MarkC | Dr_willis: oh ok. 249gb for kubuntu then :) | 07:14 |
Dr_willis | 1gb for windows would be like real real real tiny | 07:14 |
fiyawerx | would that work the same with ext2 then? once i set up the write | 07:14 |
fiyawerx | would it be better to install software on the win side to the ext2 drive? | 07:14 |
feindbild | is it somehow possible to install a vanilla kde on kubuntu without any patches/modifications to the original KDE without compiling it from source myself? | 07:14 |
MarkC | if you can install the games on the ext3... | 07:14 |
Dr_willis | i keep a ext3' data' drive for my mp3/videos/shared files | 07:14 |
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fiyawerx | you can r/w from windows to ext3 also? | 07:14 |
Dr_willis | what is this game fetish? :) | 07:14 |
Dr_willis | fiyawerx, yes. | 07:15 |
fiyawerx | i knew you could with ext2 | 07:15 |
Dr_willis | ext3 is backwards compatable.. | 07:15 |
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Dr_willis | it uses that feature to read the ext3 stuff | 07:15 |
Dr_willis | of course if windows crashes while doing stuff to the ext3 partition... well... | 07:15 |
MarkC | if you can write and run games in ext/2/3/4 then the better, no more defragging for you evar. :) | 07:15 |
Dr_willis | thats why i just let windows access the 'data' partition. | 07:15 |
Shadowtester | greetings | 07:15 |
fiyawerx | hmm | 07:16 |
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fiyawerx | ok so say.. 10g for windows just to be safe, 50 for K. and the rest as a shared ext? | 07:16 |
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Dr_willis | dont forget a swap partition. | 07:16 |
fiyawerx | right | 07:16 |
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Dr_willis | http://www.fs-driver.org/ | 07:17 |
Dr_willis | is the tool i use. | 07:17 |
fiyawerx | now i know i _should_ seperate my /home, too.. but eh | 07:17 |
Dr_willis | i got /home on its own hd. | 07:17 |
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RiQ | could someone help me with my wlan? | 07:17 |
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fiyawerx | Dr_willis: what would you do in my situation? | 07:18 |
fiyawerx | besides get another hd | 07:18 |
fiyawerx | :) | 07:18 |
pixelation | I feel dumb, I'll admit it, I'm still a bit of a noob... how do I install flash in konqurer, I tried to search and couldn't find anything, and I'm always busy lately. | 07:18 |
Dr_willis | fiyawerx, what you suggested sounds about right. | 07:18 |
fiyawerx | ok, am i losing anything major by not using a seperate /home part? | 07:19 |
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MarkC | no | 07:19 |
Dr_willis | fiyawerx, make them all primary partitions.. [windows] [shared space] [linux] [swap[ | 07:19 |
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NotFaint | Willis: Sorry, had to step away and handle a customer... Yes, I realize you can install program files to other partitions. The customer did not do this, though, and won't in the future. They don't know how. | 07:19 |
MarkC | you can always use a folder in the big ext2/3 partition to put your other files and set the user permission to allow only you to access them. | 07:19 |
Hrontore | okay, what do i do start wine fresh? reinstall wine? | 07:20 |
fiyawerx | im the only one on the pc too, no real big deal there | 07:20 |
Dr_willis | Hrontore, that makes no sence | 07:20 |
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NotFaint | So I'm still just looking to use QTPartEd to fix this situation so that their C: is getting all that free space. | 07:20 |
Hrontore | okay | 07:20 |
Dr_willis | Hrontore, wine is just a program.. theres no 'fresh' to it. | 07:20 |
fiyawerx | wow, a 'fresh' windows media center install - 8 gigs used | 07:20 |
fiyawerx | haha | 07:20 |
Dr_willis | Hrontore, when you install windows apps with wine. they get installed to the .wine dir. | 07:20 |
fiyawerx | and thats after add-removing all the extra junk | 07:20 |
Hrontore | hmm | 07:20 |
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Hrontore | err:rpc:I_RpcReceive we got fault packet with status 0x6be | 07:21 |
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holzmodem | how can i make dolphin as the default filemanager | 07:21 |
Hrontore | i get that trying to install ipodsetup.exe | 07:21 |
fiyawerx | ok, thanks guys, doing the partitioning now, running off the live cd, love the fact that it works with my wireless now out of the box, 6.06 didn't | 07:21 |
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Dr_willis | holzmodem, not sure thats doable - ive seen it asked befor.. butno answers.. perhaps the dolphin web site has that in their faq | 07:21 |
NotFaint | fiyawerx: Damn you, getting it to work for you and I can't :P | 07:21 |
fiyawerx | NotFaint: :) what kinda card? I'm using a netgear wg311v2 | 07:22 |
pixelation | installing 32 bit flash in 32 bit konquer? anyone? | 07:22 |
Hrontore | for some reason i didnt get the setup all the way through the first time | 07:22 |
NotFaint | fiyawerx: I meant your partitioning | 07:22 |
fiyawerx | oh.. well, im just setting it up now, it hasn't *done* it yet | 07:22 |
fiyawerx | what problem do you have/should i watch for? | 07:22 |
Hrontore | i think that there might be a regestry problem | 07:22 |
NotFaint | fiyawerx: won't let me scoot the partitions over, move option is grayed out when I right click | 07:23 |
holzmodem | there isn't a faq section... | 07:23 |
fiyawerx | i can't move either, i just did a reszie on the windows one, then I just work my way down creating new ones | 07:23 |
Dr_willis | from the doplhin homepage --> Dolphin is not intended to be a competitor to Konqueror, the default KDE file manager: | 07:23 |
fiyawerx | have to create an extended with all the free space first, after resizing windows tho | 07:23 |
NotFaint | I thought I read that this is supposed to be a Partition Magic clone... it seems to still be missing functionalityl. | 07:23 |
NotFaint | I wonder if the problem is that there are two primary partitions. | 07:24 |
Dr_willis | NotFaint, last i used partition magic - it couldent even READ ext2 | 07:24 |
Dr_willis | of course PM then trashed a system or 2 on me.. so *#*@*@ pm | 07:24 |
NotFaint | Strange, I could have sworn PM supported that. It would even format them for me. | 07:24 |
Dr_willis | NotFaint, last i used pm was some time ago. | 07:24 |
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NotFaint | I think I was using version 7 or so. | 07:25 |
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Dr_willis | i use gparted/live cd mainly. think about this' ntfs file systems are only nowbecoming 'decently' supported under linux. | 07:25 |
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Dr_willis | dont expect linux tools to be able to do every song and dance with ntfs. when ms wont release the specs for ntfs | 07:25 |
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MarkC | hey, does anyone know what makes ext3 better than ext2? im planning on an upgrade. | 07:26 |
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Dr_willis | MarkC, journel to ease recovery of crashes mainly i belive | 07:26 |
fiyawerx | heh | 07:26 |
fiyawerx | when you 'commit' changes in the livedvd partition manager | 07:26 |
NotFaint | Okay, next question then: Why can't I view the contents of hda1, 2, etc? | 07:26 |
fiyawerx | it warns you that "You can lost data!" | 07:26 |
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Dr_willis | NotFaint, from the why you described the hd layout.. you could move all the data from partition #2 to the 50gb free partition.. then delete #2.. THEN resize #1 to take up the space. | 07:27 |
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Dr_willis | that way theres no 'merging' of data on 2 partitions. | 07:27 |
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NotFaint | Dr: I can't move Windows itself over without it freaking out, though, can I? :P | 07:27 |
Dr_willis | under the live cd's you may need to mount the drives. | 07:27 |
Dr_willis | NotFaint, not partion #1 --- move the #2 partition. | 07:28 |
Dr_willis | then resize #1 | 07:28 |
NotFaint | There isn't ANY space at all on #1 left. | 07:28 |
NotFaint | So I can't move the contents of #2 onto it. | 07:28 |
Dr_willis | NotFaint, ..... youjust said there was 50gb Free . | 07:28 |
NotFaint | On 2. | 07:28 |
Dr_willis | on SOME partition... | 07:28 |
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fiyawerx | where does a drive go by default, /media/* ? | 07:28 |
NotFaint | Windows is on #1. I can't just move that over... | 07:29 |
NotFaint | fiyawerx: I got the impression that's for removable media or something. My USB drive goes there... | 07:29 |
=== fiyawerx nods | ||
Dr_willis | move the 'Program files" dir over.. then use tweakui to edit the regisetery to look in the right place. | 07:29 |
fiyawerx | im pretty sure windows always wants #1, don't think there's a big problem with that | 07:29 |
Dr_willis | is how ive done it befor. | 07:29 |
fiyawerx | kubuntu will put the boot loader on top of that | 07:29 |
fiyawerx | and let you choose | 07:29 |
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Dr_willis | fiyawerx, im not even sure hes trying to install linux. :) ive frogotten what hes trying todo ... | 07:30 |
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fiyawerx | oh | 07:30 |
NotFaint | No, I'm not trying to install Linux. I'm working on this for people who probably mean that white text on black screen means an error message. | 07:30 |
Dr_willis | i think in 'short' hes trying to use gparted to 'merge' 2 ntfs partitions. | 07:30 |
fiyawerx | oh, good luck with that one :) | 07:30 |
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fiyawerx | i'd tell them get used to using a different drive letter | 07:31 |
fiyawerx | hehe | 07:31 |
fiyawerx | tell them its for their own safety! | 07:31 |
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traut | hi all | 07:31 |
=== ArtMoonik [n=panther@mar92-3-82-66-233-126.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Dr_willis | now how ya could do it.. would be... scandisk/defrag from windows. (both parts) then use gparted to rezise/shrink partion #2 - leaving a large 40gb or so partition at the end of the drve. that gives you 3 partitions | 07:32 |
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traut | did anyone compile 2.6.20 already? | 07:32 |
Dr_willis | then format it..and using windows move the data from #2 to #3 -- THEn using parted - delete #2 and expand #1 to fill in the new space. | 07:32 |
traut | if someone make it work on nx7400 it would be great | 07:32 |
NotFaint | fiyawerx: Right, because um... viruses... uh...they look for drive C, but if they can't find it them we have thwarted teh evil! :P | 07:32 |
=== Hirvinen [i=patrik@hoas-fe3ddd00-123.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== Dr_willis is reminded of the towers of Hanoi | ||
fiyawerx | well, tell them it makes it easire to just reformat windows when they keep their data on d :) | 07:33 |
NotFaint | Willis: That was so twisty I couldn't even read it. | 07:33 |
Dr_willis | NotFaint, is rather straight forward | 07:33 |
NotFaint | fiyawerx: But I'll just get a blank stare. | 07:33 |
Dr_willis | shrink #2.. to make #3... move #2 to #3 | 07:33 |
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NotFaint | Willis: Yeah, but I haven't slept much lately. :P | 07:33 |
Dr_willis | delete #2.. expane #1 | 07:33 |
=== fiyawerx nods | ||
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NotFaint | Dr: Oh, haha, as in because it isn't letting me expand unless there is ADJACENT space -- I follow you now. | 07:34 |
Dr_willis | then move data from #3 to 1 | 07:34 |
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Dr_willis | NotFaint, BINGO! | 07:34 |
Dr_willis | we have a winner.. :) | 07:34 |
NotFaint | I will do this and commit seppuku for not understanding the first time. | 07:34 |
m0nkeynutz | hi, i am recieving a crub error code 17 when trying to boot a newly installed copy of dapper | 07:34 |
=== Dr_willis hands NotFaint a butter knife | ||
m0nkeynutz | grub* | 07:34 |
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Dr_willis | heh... | 07:34 |
NotFaint | Willis: FRISBEE, you dolt! | 07:34 |
Dr_willis | itw work time for me.. ieeeee... | 07:34 |
Skrot | god damn. I've got two CD-drives, ubuntu installation CD does not detect any of them. Any great ideas? | 07:35 |
NotFaint | I'm AT work, but I'd love to keep chatting... if I could. Thanks for the input, folks. Will buy again. :P | 07:35 |
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bigleon | Question, how do I check RAM amount in Kubuntu UI? | 07:36 |
fiyawerx | ugh, work.. another 4 letter word that should be banned | 07:36 |
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=== marc__ [n=marc@AToulouse-157-1-137-62.w86-221.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bigleon | I can't find any where to see system specs :( | 07:37 |
swanfl | bigleon, run the top command from Konsole | 07:37 |
jon_ | bigleon: or run free | 07:37 |
fdoving | bigleon: what info is it you're looking for? | 07:37 |
bigleon | How much ram i have just installed some new ram. | 07:38 |
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fdoving | bigleon: kinfocenter is good. | 07:38 |
bigleon | Just making sure it works Okay. Just found infocenter looking though it | 07:38 |
bigleon | Ohh found it. Thats really inresting] | 07:39 |
bigleon | I'm kinda new to Kubuntu | 07:39 |
fiyawerx | welcome to the club | 07:39 |
bigleon | Ty. | 07:39 |
m0nkeynutz | hi, i am recieving a grub error code 17 when trying to boot a newly installed copy of dapper, could anyone help? via pm would be more suited | 07:40 |
bigleon | I should use adept to get things like Wine right? | 07:40 |
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fdoving | bigleon: yes. | 07:40 |
bigleon | nothing coming up through search. Am I doing something wrong? | 07:41 |
fiyawerx | hmm, hopefully i can get nomachine up and running before time for work | 07:41 |
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ScarFreewill1 | whats a nice app for local voip? | 07:44 |
MarkC | ekiga? | 07:45 |
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fiyawerx | welp, here goes a post-install reboot, wish me luck | 07:45 |
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ScarFreewill1 | some thing like team speak | 07:46 |
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ScarFreewill1 | can ekiga be use locally like p2p? | 07:48 |
bigleon | http://www.winehq.com/site/download-deb, do i want dapper or Edgy? | 07:48 |
ScarFreewill1 | edgy | 07:49 |
ScarFreewill1 | o nwm | 07:49 |
bigleon | I don't understand what i means by add repository, do i just right the command below in the Terminal or do i have to do something else? | 07:50 |
=== fiyawerx [n=fiyawerx@cpe-72-230-32-61.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ScarFreewill1 | bigleon: in adept | 07:50 |
bigleon | loading Adept one sec | 07:51 |
ScarFreewill1 | startmenu->system->Adept | 07:51 |
fiyawerx | is there a 'do this to your sources.list' page for 6.10? | 07:51 |
bigleon | I asume i got to Adept/ mange repositorys | 07:51 |
ScarFreewill1 | bigleon: click on view button.. | 07:51 |
ScarFreewill1 | bigleon: click on manage repositories | 07:52 |
bigleon | Already there | 07:52 |
bigleon | do i copy code into the bar at bottem? then click add? | 07:52 |
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ScarFreewill1 | bigleon: are you runing kubntu 6.06 or 6.10 or what? | 07:53 |
fiyawerx | !easysource | 07:53 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 07:53 |
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ScarFreewill1 | bigleon: (dapper drake or edgy or feisty) | 07:54 |
bigleon | I'm not sure how to check that | 07:54 |
fiyawerx | wow, they improved that site a bunch | 07:54 |
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bigleon | more than likely it's 6.06 cause i had gotten cd from mail. | 07:55 |
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ScarFreewill1 | bigleon: ok | 07:55 |
ScarFreewill1 | bigleon: 6.06 is called dapper drake | 07:55 |
=== ScarFreewill1 going to http://www.winehq.com/site/download-deb | ||
=== visik7 [n=visi@host226-44-dynamic.1-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bigleon | Got it | 07:56 |
bigleon | it's working | 07:56 |
ScarFreewill1 | ok, they have updated the site since i've been there | 07:57 |
=== Vincent__k [n=vincent@c83-251-31-41.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ScarFreewill1 | bigleon: did you do it with the console? | 07:57 |
bigleon | I think i messed it up | 07:57 |
bigleon | MY Adept loader is giving me errors | 07:57 |
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ScarFreewill1 | you can just disable the line if its not working | 07:58 |
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slyfox | So they tell me in #beryl that KDE does not support view ports, so there is no point in Beryl on KDE then because what is the point of virtual desktops with Beryl if all of them share the same Taskbar? | 07:59 |
bigleon | Error Reads " COuld not open cache - adept manager" | 07:59 |
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ScarFreewill1 | bigleon: go to where new is (the bar) past this in there 'deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main' | 07:59 |
ScarFreewill1 | bigleon: **go to where new repositorys is (the bar).... | 08:00 |
bigleon | Adept won't load any more it keeps giving me errors | 08:00 |
=== emonkey [n=emonkey@static-pro-212-101-27-121.adsl.solnet.ch] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ScarFreewill1 | press Ctrl+Esc | 08:01 |
ScarFreewill1 | how many adepts are runing? | 08:01 |
bigleon | checking | 08:01 |
bigleon | 1 | 08:01 |
ScarFreewill1 | ok | 08:01 |
bigleon | kill it? | 08:01 |
ScarFreewill1 | if adept does not load yes | 08:02 |
ScarFreewill1 | you can kill it by... | 08:02 |
bigleon | clicking the kill button i woudl asume | 08:02 |
ScarFreewill1 | typing "kill (and the id name)" | 08:03 |
ScarFreewill1 | or no, "sudo kill" | 08:03 |
ScarFreewill1 | eg. "sudo kill 26345" | 08:03 |
ScarFreewill1 | (in the console) | 08:03 |
fdoving | !adept crash fix | 08:04 |
ubotu | If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 08:04 |
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bigleon | adept is still refusing to open | 08:05 |
bigleon | Same Error "COuld not open cache - Adept Manager" | 08:05 |
bigleon | I tried what ubotu said too | 08:05 |
ScarFreewill | did you make sure you killed all the adepts that was runing? | 08:06 |
bigleon | Yeah | 08:06 |
bigleon | they coume up on proccess table as "Adept" right? | 08:06 |
ScarFreewill | no, adept_manager | 08:07 |
ScarFreewill | for me... | 08:07 |
=== fer [n=fer@host73.201-253-157.telecom.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bigleon | well mine called it just "adept" and only thing in a's of my process table is aio/o and apmd | 08:07 |
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ScarFreewill | um, maybe a restart is in order if you want to try that | 08:07 |
pyrooo | hello! can anyone please help me in installing Beryl on Kubuntu using an ATI X800 Pro card? | 08:08 |
bigleon | Alright I'll be back | 08:08 |
pyrooo | i can't get the install to work :| | 08:08 |
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_eMaX_ | !beryl | 08:09 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 08:09 |
=== fiyawerx [n=fiyawerx@cpe-72-230-32-61.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fiyawerx | !vnc | 08:09 |
ubotu | VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 08:09 |
fiyawerx | !freenx | 08:09 |
ubotu | FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX | 08:09 |
pyrooo | thanks ubotu! | 08:09 |
ScarFreewill | !FreeNX | 08:10 |
tobias_ | ubotu rox | 08:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rox - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:10 |
tobias_ | wow | 08:10 |
tobias_ | ubotu ubotu | 08:10 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 08:10 |
tobias_ | :D | 08:10 |
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ScarFreewill | bigleon: how goes? | 08:13 |
bigleon | Checking | 08:13 |
=== zorglu_ [n=zorglub@107.43.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bigleon | Error continues | 08:13 |
zorglu_ | !find certtool | 08:13 |
bigleon | Guess i'm looking at a full reinstall... | 08:13 |
ScarFreewill | (i'm holding tumbs ) :D | 08:14 |
_eMaX_ | ubotu what is the purpose of your existence? | 08:14 |
ubotu | File certtool found in gnutls-bin | 08:14 |
ScarFreewill | lol, there is still some stuff we can try | 08:14 |
zorglu_ | the bot is slow but working :) | 08:14 |
ScarFreewill | !ping | 08:14 |
ubotu | pong | 08:14 |
_eMaX_ | !har | 08:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about har - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:14 |
ScarFreewill | :P | 08:14 |
ScarFreewill | bigleon: your new to linux right? | 08:15 |
=== sc0tt_ [n=sc0tt@cpc1-stok5-0-0-cust513.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bigleon | Rather new | 08:15 |
bigleon | i have little experince | 08:15 |
bigleon | i've used only Gnome INterface in past though | 08:15 |
Heavenquake | what is the GNOME alternative to kdesu? | 08:15 |
=== bruno321 [n=bruno321@r190-64-31-135.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_eMaX_ | !eliza | 08:15 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about eliza - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:15 |
ScarFreewill | bigleon: we can try to edit your /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:15 |
bigleon | alright | 08:16 |
_eMaX_ | unbelievable how long the dist-upgrade to feisty takes... | 08:16 |
jhutchins | Heavenquake: Not really the best place to ask, but I think it's gsudo | 08:16 |
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ScarFreewill | bigleon: you'll need super user rights to write to the file though | 08:16 |
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ScarFreewill | bigleon: 'kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list' | 08:17 |
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zorglu_ | jhutchins: Heavenquake: it is 'gksudo' | 08:17 |
=== dmbkiwi [n=dmbkiwi@125-238-33-43.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bigleon | Super rights i find the list in Konqueror | 08:17 |
zorglu_ | !gksudo | 08:17 |
ubotu | If you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using sudo <GUI-application> | 08:17 |
=== archangel_ [n=archange@ip70-160-50-12.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_eMaX_ | what's the difference | 08:17 |
bigleon | Sources. list is up | 08:17 |
ScarFreewill | ones for kde other for gnome :$ | 08:17 |
_eMaX_ | k, but why's sudo discouraged for x apps | 08:18 |
bigleon | Okay it won't let me save the file | 08:18 |
zorglu_ | !tab | _eMaX_ | 08:18 |
=== raimund [n=raimund@p54A2EC8C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
archangel_ | hey I just downloaded and extracted Sauerbraten | 08:18 |
ubotu | _eMaX_: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 08:18 |
bigleon | I have no idea how to get "super rights" | 08:18 |
ScarFreewill | bigleon: can you maybe pastebin it for me? | 08:18 |
archangel_ | how do I run it? | 08:18 |
ScarFreewill | !pastebin | 08:18 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 08:18 |
bigleon | well what hapened | 08:18 |
shane_ | Hey, doesn't anyone know where to find libdvdcss to make my Kaffeine player play my dvds? | 08:18 |
=== Smooph [n=Smooph@p54A7588E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_eMaX_ | zorglu_: wow | 08:18 |
bigleon | is i added the command twice | 08:18 |
_eMaX_ | zorglu_: I learned something today | 08:18 |
bigleon | so i think they clashed | 08:18 |
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bigleon | I took secound line out so there isn't a double | 08:19 |
bigleon | I put it back like it was | 08:19 |
zorglu_ | _eMaX_: cool | 08:19 |
ScarFreewill | bigleon: so you know whats the problem you just want rights | 08:19 |
bigleon | Yeah | 08:19 |
bruno321 | could anyone tell me what they have applications x-deb (that is, .deb packages) associated to? I carelessly removed the association and now I can't run them | 08:19 |
ScarFreewill | bigleon: type in console 'kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list' | 08:19 |
_eMaX_ | zorglu_: My first IRC session was in 1991 yet you really made me learn something (or rather get over old habits) | 08:19 |
=== czyx [n=czyx@pc-6-43.rcp.net.pe] has joined #kubuntu | ||
MarkC | whenever i compile a kde app i get: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lqt-mt | 08:19 |
MarkC | whats up with that? | 08:20 |
_eMaX_ | MarkC: qt-dev or something misssing? | 08:20 |
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archangel_ | anyone play game on linux? | 08:20 |
bigleon | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7256/ | 08:20 |
archangel_ | Not much of a selection | 08:20 |
jhutchins | !games | 08:20 |
ubotu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org | 08:20 |
zorglu_ | MarkC: install the dev package for kde dev | 08:20 |
archangel_ | I cant run them | 08:20 |
zorglu_ | MarkC: dont remember the name | 08:20 |
archangel_ | well, I dont know how | 08:21 |
jhutchins | archangel_: Big selection, you just gotta know where to look. | 08:21 |
archangel_ | and theres no help that I could find | 08:21 |
_eMaX_ | *: I've a problem. perhaps, but not necessarily at the end of apt-get -u dist-upgrade I get an error while working on /var/cache/apt/archives/libsane-extras_1.0.18.5_i386.deb | 08:21 |
=== brian_ [n=brian@adsl-64-109-213-121.dsl.lgnnmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bigleon | that code gave me error about 2 bad devices | 08:21 |
_eMaX_ | that was after unpacking the replacement for whereami | 08:21 |
archangel_ | good ones? FPS? | 08:21 |
=== Hirvinen_ [n=patrik@hoas-fe3ddd00-123.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bruno321 | could anyone tell me what they have applications x-deb (that is, .deb packages) associated to? I carelessly removed the association and now I can't run them | 08:21 |
shane_ | I installed kubuntu and my dvd player won't play dvds | 08:21 |
ScarFreewill | archangel_: linux-gamers.net they got good howtos | 08:21 |
shane_ | any ideas? | 08:21 |
archangel_ | sweet, thanx | 08:21 |
ScarFreewill | bigleon: my internet is very slow i'm still loading the page | 08:22 |
MarkC | thanks _zorglu, trying kde-devel now. | 08:22 |
zorglu_ | !info kde-devel kde-devel-extra | MarkC | 08:22 |
bigleon | Alright | 08:22 |
ScarFreewill | loading at 600b/s | 08:22 |
zorglu_ | MarkC: those seems the ones | 08:22 |
ubotu | markc: kde-devel: the K Desktop Environment development files and modules. In component universe, is extra. Version 5:47 (edgy), package size 7 kB, installed size 40 kB | 08:22 |
ScarFreewill | bigleon: ok | 08:22 |
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ScarFreewill | bigleon: so you took that part out | 08:23 |
ScarFreewill | bigleon: and its still not loading? | 08:23 |
bigleon | Yeah but it won't let me save my edit | 08:23 |
ScarFreewill | ok | 08:23 |
ScarFreewill | bigleon: type in console 'kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list' | 08:23 |
ScarFreewill | bigleon: does that help? | 08:24 |
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bigleon | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 | 08:24 |
bigleon | Major opcode: 145 | 08:24 |
bigleon | Minor opcode: 3 | 08:24 |
ScarFreewill | yeah | 08:24 |
bigleon | Resource id: 0x0 | 08:24 |
ScarFreewill | so it doesn't load... | 08:24 |
bigleon | Failed to open device | 08:24 |
_eMaX_ | re | 08:24 |
bigleon | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 | 08:25 |
bigleon | Major opcode: 145 | 08:25 |
bigleon | Minor opcode: 3 | 08:25 |
bigleon | Resource id: 0x0 | 08:25 |
bigleon | Failed to open device | 08:25 |
bigleon | Crap XD didn't mean to spam that bad | 08:25 |
zorglu_ | !device | bigleon | 08:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about device - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:25 |
zorglu_ | !devices | bigleon | 08:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about devices - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:25 |
zorglu_ | evil bot | 08:25 |
zorglu_ | this shouldnt have been removed | 08:25 |
ScarFreewill | hehe | 08:25 |
bigleon | <amused XD | 08:25 |
ScarFreewill | ok lets try nano | 08:25 |
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bigleon | I remeber back in day IRC bots on MSN Lol | 08:25 |
ScarFreewill | bigleon: type in console 'sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list' | 08:26 |
_eMaX_ | anyone: how can I find out what's going wrong with an apt-get install libsane-extras. He keeps telling me he's trying to overwrite /usr/share/man/man5/sane-epkowa.5.gz which is also part of the package iscan. Then I get dpkg-deb: subprocess paste with signal (broken pipe) killed. | 08:26 |
=== pascalFR [i=3hDjUydm@cha92-7-82-230-174-61.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bruno321 | could anyone tell me what they have applications x-deb (that is, .deb packages) associated to? I carelessly removed the association and now I can't run them. please! it's just to look out something on the konqueror config! | 08:26 |
bigleon | okay a menu loaded | 08:26 |
ScarFreewill | bigleon: nano my be a little confusing at first but ultimetly very easy to use.. | 08:26 |
MarkC | bruno321: gdebi? | 08:26 |
ScarFreewill | bigleon: ctrl+o is to save/write changes | 08:27 |
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bigleon | well when i found it on the kate viewer thing is said i didn't have rights to edit file | 08:27 |
bruno321 | MarkC: gdebi doesn't exist o_O | 08:27 |
ScarFreewill | bigleon: did you delete the line with that console app | 08:28 |
_eMaX_ | !pastebin | 08:28 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 08:28 |
bigleon | trying to figure it out one sec | 08:28 |
ScarFreewill | bigleon: no prob take your time | 08:29 |
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_eMaX_ | see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7257/ for the dpkg-deb error. | 08:29 |
bigleon | I see the two lines at top do i just use delete | 08:30 |
ScarFreewill | yes | 08:30 |
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bigleon | Think i did it | 08:30 |
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bigleon | *loads adept* | 08:30 |
marcreichelt | hi | 08:31 |
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ScarFreewill | (i'm holding tumbs again) :D | 08:31 |
marcreichelt | I'm using KNetworkManager 0.1, but my WEP network (128 bit key) does not work :-/ | 08:31 |
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sparr | whats the "right" way to get my PTP camera usable by non-root? | 08:32 |
marcreichelt | nevertheless, I can configure it manually (but I need KNetworkManager so that my mother can easily switch between networks) | 08:32 |
marcreichelt | it always hangs at 28% | 08:32 |
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bigleon | I've never heard that phrase holding thumbs, from curiosity where is that phrase from? | 08:33 |
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ScarFreewill | bigleon: its for luck (i don't know where it comes from) | 08:33 |
bigleon | I figured it was luck, just ranodmly curious of it's orgin | 08:33 |
marcreichelt | what can I do to see what KNetworkManager is doing if I try to activate a WLAN network with WEP? | 08:34 |
ScarFreewill | bigleon: did you save the file after you edited it? | 08:34 |
bigleon | yeah | 08:34 |
bigleon | 41one lines were edited or some cracp | 08:34 |
bigleon | Same error no less though -.- | 08:34 |
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ScarFreewill | bigleon: so if you 'kate /etc/apt/sources.list' then you get the edited one? | 08:35 |
bigleon | I'll try that but htat didn't work frist time | 08:35 |
bigleon | Same Device error | 08:36 |
marcreichelt | anyone here who has a small tutorial to get KNetworkManager running? | 08:36 |
bigleon | kate still loaded | 08:36 |
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bigleon | Once the line was edited and i tried to save it says i don't have "Rights to save" more or less | 08:36 |
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ScarFreewill | bigleon: this is really odd 'could not load cache' | 08:38 |
soulrider | hi | 08:38 |
bigleon | yeah thats error | 08:38 |
bigleon | Reboot didn't help | 08:38 |
ScarFreewill | soulrider: hi | 08:38 |
ScarFreewill | bigleon: i don't think creating a new user will help because adept is ran by root.... there for affects every user | 08:39 |
bigleon | I figure i should go grab my disk and do a reinstall | 08:40 |
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bigleon | I feel much better about fact i only installed it yesterday lol | 08:41 |
ScarFreewill | bigleon: i guess thats the best idea, i'm all out of ideas | 08:41 |
bigleon | Meh Idea for future a restore fuction for Adept lol | 08:41 |
ScarFreewill | bigleon: lol | 08:41 |
bigleon | Thanks for the help big time man | 08:41 |
ScarFreewill | bigleon: no prob | 08:42 |
=== ingo [n=ingo@host109-80-dynamic.2-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_eMaX_ | all: what does dpkg --configure -a do? | 08:42 |
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aortrh33 | what is the defalt Xserver? is it Xorg, or Xfree86? | 08:44 |
ScarFreewill | !xserver | 08:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:44 |
ScarFreewill | oms | 08:44 |
ScarFreewill | !xorg | 08:44 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 08:44 |
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ScarFreewill | aortrh33: i'm not 100% sure think xorg | 08:45 |
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aortrh33 | thx | 08:45 |
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animimotus | hi | 08:46 |
MarkC | /stats p | 08:47 |
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animimotus | please, how to remove cached covers for amaroK ? rm -r ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/albumcovers is not enough. I can't attribute them manually, the old appear always in OSD | 08:49 |
eMaX | re | 08:49 |
eMaX | !dpkg | 08:49 |
ubotu | dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. | 08:49 |
eMaX | hmm. | 08:49 |
eMaX | what does dpkg --configure -a do? | 08:49 |
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pirothezero | iono outside of -i never used everything else | 08:53 |
pirothezero | maybe it cuts in and runs a ./configure on the package? | 08:53 |
Jonty | eMaX: Have you been asked to do it by apt-get? | 08:53 |
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Jonty | also, does anyone know how I can stop OpenOffice doing text icons instead of graphical ones? | 08:54 |
eMaX | ok here is a more detailed question. in the midst of a dist-upgrade, I got an error configuring libsane-dev. the dist-upgrade stopped. now I read somewhere that using dpkg --configure -a and then dpkg --r libsane-dev I'd be able to remove libsane-dev. I'm running dpkg --configure -a now and it seems to configure about every package that was downloaded so far. I wonder whether afterwards I'll just be able to start over with the dist-upgrade or | 08:54 |
eMaX | whether the system is fucked up already at that point. | 08:54 |
Jonty | you can usually salvage this sort of thing | 08:54 |
Jonty | it may take some hackery, but you can generally do it | 08:55 |
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tony__ | hi all | 08:55 |
Jonty | so do that and it'll probably fail at whatever's failing | 08:55 |
eMaX | Jonty: you understand the problem that it's not just during a normal apt-get install, but a dist-upgrade | 08:55 |
Jonty | yes | 08:55 |
Jonty | then try and remove the offending package and see what happens | 08:55 |
eMaX | is my idea right of removing the libsane-dev package and then start over with the dist-upgrade? | 08:55 |
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Jonty | well | 08:56 |
Jonty | if it's at the config stage, --configure -a will do what it was going to do | 08:56 |
Jonty | so as long as that works, you should be ok | 08:56 |
Jonty | also, make sure removing libsane-dev doesn't remove too much else | 08:57 |
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eMaX | Jonty: what I had got was http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7257/ | 08:57 |
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Jonty | just about to ask you for this :) | 08:57 |
Jonty | *that | 08:57 |
eMaX | I mean it is true I had installed iscan as I am using it | 08:58 |
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eMaX | I don't care having to install it again at a later stage | 08:58 |
Jonty | ooh | 08:58 |
eMaX | I like this particularly reassuring exclamation | 08:58 |
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Jonty | hmm, that's a manpage | 08:59 |
eMaX | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7257/ is a manpage? | 08:59 |
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Jonty | try moving /usr/share/man/man5/sane-epkowa.5.gz so somewhere else | 08:59 |
eMaX | ah ok | 08:59 |
eMaX | did that | 08:59 |
eMaX | didn't help | 08:59 |
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Jonty | no, the thing it's trying to overwrite | 08:59 |
Jonty | why, what happened? | 08:59 |
eMaX | ok now it is running depmod | 09:00 |
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eMaX | no it just didn't care me moving it away | 09:00 |
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Jonty | ok | 09:00 |
Jonty | move it back | 09:00 |
eMaX | apparently he installs the new kernel I'm really interested whether I'm be able to finalize the upgrade | 09:00 |
cpk1 | try just apt-get -f install | 09:01 |
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eMaX | ok it broke somewhere in apt-get -u dist-upgrade | 09:01 |
eMaX | my plan was to | 09:01 |
cpk1 | i hope you did back up important data just incase something does go terribly wrong | 09:02 |
=== killak [n=sim@CPE0018f8347995-CM0012253de026.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
eMaX | dpkg --configure -a and then dpkg -r libsane-dev | 09:02 |
eMaX | to then start over with apt-get -u dist-upgrade | 09:02 |
eMaX | hoping that he'll not download the whole lot again, but only what's missing | 09:02 |
killak | hey how do i share files with my kubuntu and xp setup on network | 09:02 |
eMaX | killak samba | 09:02 |
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killak | ok | 09:03 |
killak | eMaX: one more noob question, how come when i install something it doesnt show icon in the menus? | 09:03 |
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eMaX | killak you can force the menus to rebuild. | 09:03 |
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killak | how | 09:03 |
premier_ | is there anyway to force a program like firefox to start maximized? | 09:04 |
Cam0 | yes | 09:04 |
eMaX | kbuildsycoca. | 09:04 |
killak | what do u guys use to dl mp3s | 09:05 |
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eMaX | killak: wget | 09:05 |
killak | lol | 09:05 |
killak | im talking about fliesharing | 09:05 |
eMaX | \o/ | 09:05 |
aseigo | premier_: right click on the title bar -> advanced -> special window settings | 09:05 |
Jonty | frostwire | 09:05 |
Jonty | limewire also technically works on linux | 09:05 |
aseigo | killak: ktorrent mostly. apollon for the p2p stuff works well | 09:05 |
Jonty | yeah, that for torrents | 09:06 |
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killak | it cant find the apollen pkg | 09:07 |
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killak | hey | 09:09 |
aseigo | killak: apollon, not apollen. and it's probably in universe | 09:09 |
eMaX | what | 09:09 |
killak | ok | 09:09 |
aseigo | killak: i can see it with apt-get search | 09:09 |
killak | i got it sorry i spelled it wrong | 09:09 |
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killak | lol | 09:09 |
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killak | how do i force the menus to be rebuild including all things ive recently added | 09:10 |
Cam0 | does the kubuntu splash upon boot (after the grub splash) use usplash or something else? | 09:10 |
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eMaX | _/o\_ | 09:10 |
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killak | eMaX: whats giFT | 09:11 |
nogo | )) <> (( | 09:11 |
eMaX | .o7 | 09:11 |
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tobias_ | !gIFT | 09:12 |
ubotu | gift: metapackage for the giFT filesharing system. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 0 kB, installed size 20 kB | 09:12 |
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killak | i need that for apollon | 09:12 |
dhq | excuse me i just need to know how to change my root password | 09:12 |
dhq | !root | 09:12 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 09:12 |
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killak | dhq: i think you can do sudo passwd | 09:13 |
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dhq | killak: i tried that it asks me for new password i enter it 2 times but then it doenst change its remains the same old password | 09:13 |
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killak | r u on hd install | 09:14 |
dhq | killak: yes | 09:14 |
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killak | i dont know man im new myself | 09:14 |
killak | hopefully eMaX can help u | 09:15 |
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LycanNyc-work | !kicker | 09:15 |
ubotu | kicker: desktop panel for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 1953 kB, installed size 5808 kB | 09:15 |
LycanNyc-work | !kickoff | 09:15 |
ubotu | Kickoff is a new KDE menu replacement developed by openSUSE. See http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/2331 | 09:15 |
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LycanNyc-work | anyone here has the kickoff? | 09:15 |
nogo | how to get rid of a line left over from the login box ? dissapears if i change the res or refresh rate but then i get a box in the topp left of the screen - any ideas ? | 09:15 |
eMaX | nogo change graphics card? | 09:16 |
nogo | laptop | 09:16 |
eMaX | ati? | 09:16 |
nogo | yup | 09:16 |
eMaX | sux. had that long time. actually disappeared with the latest ati drivers | 09:16 |
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nogo | ok there is hope - you know the next question | 09:17 |
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eMaX | and you know the anser (google) :-D | 09:17 |
ayeka | does any one know what happend to automatix? | 09:17 |
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eMaX | ayeka: can't connect? I just thought I had messed something up | 09:18 |
nogo | google - where do i find that ; | | 09:18 |
ayeka | yeah the site is down | 09:18 |
eMaX | try mountain view. can't miss it. | 09:18 |
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killak | eMaX: how come apollon doesnt connect to gnutella | 09:21 |
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Gtwy | whats an encrypted way of sending a file from a webserver to a user without using SSL on apache | 09:22 |
Sekaab | good eventing | 09:22 |
Sekaab | good evening* | 09:22 |
killak | hi | 09:22 |
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awake | hola | 09:23 |
killak | any of u guys use apollon | 09:23 |
awake | alguien sabe para instalar AmIRC kubuntu? | 09:23 |
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Kyral | !es | 09:24 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 09:24 |
=== eMaX is apparently suspected to know everything | ||
Elli | hello | 09:24 |
awake | thanks Kyral | 09:24 |
awake | ^ | 09:24 |
eMaX | !klingon | 09:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about klingon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:25 |
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Tm_T | eMaX: Oh, if you like to play with it, go private. | 09:25 |
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Elli | Can anyone help me with installing libxine-extracodecs? | 09:26 |
eMaX | apparently private messages are blocked | 09:26 |
eMaX | anyway | 09:26 |
Tm_T | eMaX: The're not, just register your nick. | 09:26 |
Gtwy | anyone suggest a more sophisticated sound card that runs very well in linux? | 09:27 |
NSCAD_Nathan | anyone know of a vector drawing program with drawing tools similar to the ones in Flash? | 09:27 |
killak | i try to start gift manually (giftd) but nothing happens doesnt show errors or anything | 09:28 |
NSCAD_Nathan | I really miss the power and simplicity of drawing in flash | 09:28 |
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killak | NSCAD_Nathan: didu use inkscape | 09:28 |
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NSCAD_Nathan | killak - inkscape seems to be more akin to illustrator | 09:29 |
Tm_T | Gtwy: Don't know about sophisticated, but Audigy series should work just fine. | 09:29 |
NSCAD_Nathan | Flash has a different style, which I'm sure you could replicate in inkscape, but not quickly | 09:29 |
_eMaX_ | tnx | 09:29 |
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NSCAD_Nathan | you can't bend and join lines in the same way | 09:30 |
jhutchins | NSCAD_Nathan: Some people create images with ImageMagick - it's very powerful, command line directives. | 09:30 |
killak | haha | 09:30 |
NSCAD_Nathan | command line? For drawing? | 09:30 |
NSCAD_Nathan | uhhhh | 09:30 |
jhutchins | NSCAD_Nathan: The Gimp can be extended with plugins. | 09:31 |
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NSCAD_Nathan | oo... plugins for the Gimp sounds like a maybe | 09:31 |
jhutchins | NSCAD_Nathan: It's pretty amazing. You can use it in scripts to create graphs, pictures, etc. | 09:31 |
NSCAD_Nathan | I just want to be able to draw vector lines which are easy to manipulate | 09:31 |
Elli | Can anyone help me with installing libxine-extracodecs? | 09:31 |
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jhutchins | NSCAD_Nathan: http://registry.gimp.org/list?category=9 | 09:31 |
NSCAD_Nathan | bezier curves are ok, but still not as easy as in Flash | 09:31 |
NSCAD_Nathan | jhutchins - thanks! | 09:32 |
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khaije1 | i'm looking for a way to get a full remote desktop including sound w/ kde, any suggestions / experience w/ this? | 09:32 |
jhutchins | Elli: Not unless you tell us what problem you're having (and what howto you're working from). | 09:32 |
_eMaX_ | skype for windows :D | 09:32 |
jhutchins | NSCAD_Nathan: Bug Adobe to release flash for linux. | 09:32 |
yuriy | how do you add sensors to ksysguard? | 09:32 |
yuriy | i've done it before but i can't find it | 09:33 |
NSCAD_Nathan | I was hoping for freeware :) | 09:33 |
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_eMaX_ | Jonty: now dpkg --configure -a died at libsane-extra-dev. | 09:33 |
_eMaX_ | now I'm trying to remove | 09:33 |
NSCAD_Nathan | fight the power n all that | 09:33 |
JohnFlux | yuriy: alt+f2 type in ksysguard then File->new worksheet | 09:33 |
yuriy | JohnFlux: i get an empty worksheet and it says drag sensors here | 09:34 |
_eMaX_ | Jonty: did that I retried dpkg --configure -a no errors | 09:34 |
JohnFlux | yuriy: there should be a sensors list on the left - you may have to drag it out if it's hidden :/ | 09:34 |
_eMaX_ | Jonty: now retry dist-upgrade | 09:34 |
yuriy | ohh. thanks JohnFlux! | 09:34 |
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yuriy | it was hidden | 09:34 |
JohnFlux | yuriy: I don't know why that happens | 09:34 |
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JohnFlux | yuriy: stupid bug with the splitter when you hide one side first :( | 09:34 |
_eMaX_ | Jonty: and again he dies | 09:34 |
snikker | how to run an animate desktop background? | 09:35 |
_eMaX_ | Jonty: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7267/ | 09:35 |
Elli | howto from: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/kubuntu/desktopguide/de/codecs.html | 09:35 |
galathalion | 67k | 09:35 |
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_eMaX_ | Jonty: at the end of the day I removed (dpkg -r) iscan. | 09:37 |
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_eMaX_ | Jonty: now I wonder how to go on | 09:37 |
Elli | Problem: adept does not find libxine-extracodecs | 09:37 |
voicu | is there some way to recover data on an ext3 partition? the thing is i would prefer a solution that uses basic commands because the guy that has the problem has no internet connection | 09:37 |
_eMaX_ | Jonty: apt-get -u dist-upgrade doesn't do anything more; it just tells me about one package (nfs-common) being held back. can I assume the dist-upgrade was complete? | 09:38 |
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Jonty | _eMaX_: yes | 09:42 |
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Jonty | now do apt-get update && apt-get upgrade | 09:43 |
killak | NSCAD_Nathan: hey use this http://drawswf.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html | 09:43 |
Jonty | obviously with sudo | 09:43 |
killak | NSCAD_Nathan: hahah | 09:43 |
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killak | Jonty: how come no p2p app connects? ive tried apollon with gift and mldonkey gui | 09:44 |
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eMaX | re | 09:44 |
shadowhywind | hay all I am trying to startx, on a nother computer, and when i do something goes wrong.. and i just get a grey background with horizontal lines.. I can see the mouse move between the lines.. any ideas? | 09:45 |
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killak | shadowhywind: restart | 09:45 |
eMaX | ok guys keep fingers crossed | 09:46 |
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eMaX | brb (hopefully) | 09:46 |
killak | ok | 09:46 |
killak | sorry to say, but he wont be back guys jk | 09:46 |
shadowhywind | kilak restart didn't work | 09:47 |
shadowhywind | I think it might be a horiz/vert mhz issue.. but i have no idea how i could check what that monitor shoul be set for | 09:47 |
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killak | shadowhywind: your xconf is messed up then | 09:47 |
shadowhywind | *this is the first time ever trying to run x on it | 09:47 |
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killak | shadowhywind: it did that to me too, but i restarted it and then it worked | 09:48 |
shadowhywind | oh | 09:48 |
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killak | try restarting it few times | 09:48 |
killak | lol | 09:48 |
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NSCAD_Nathan | killak - :p | 09:48 |
killak | lol | 09:48 |
killak | NSCAD_Nathan: let me give you a site | 09:49 |
killak | http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html | 09:49 |
killak | it has a graphics section at the bottom | 09:49 |
killak | check it out | 09:49 |
NSCAD_Nathan | sure, thanks | 09:49 |
shadowhywind | I am going to try to reboot again and see if it might help | 09:49 |
NSCAD_Nathan | that's a really useful site | 09:50 |
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eMaX | re | 09:51 |
eMaX | Jonty: T.H.A.N.K.S | 09:51 |
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jager | if i'm sshed into a box, can i use xmessage to throw a message onto the display of a user logged into X? | 09:53 |
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killak | im out | 09:56 |
killak | later guys | 09:56 |
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fregolent | hello | 09:59 |
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_eMaX_ | anyone here has problems with feisty and suspend to ram? | 10:00 |
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delmous | bsoir a tous | 10:00 |
delmous | ya kkn?? | 10:00 |
_eMaX_ | !fr | 10:01 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 10:01 |
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pirothezero | question, is there defrag on *nix?? | 10:06 |
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BluesKaj | pirothezero, no, not necessary | 10:08 |
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coreymon77 | is anyone here a sound person | 10:12 |
coreymon77 | as in, knows how ot fix sound problems | 10:12 |
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piquadrat | any experts on luks, cryptsetup and automount around? | 10:13 |
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posingaspopular | !ask | 10:13 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:13 |
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lu-bao | good evening :) | 10:14 |
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piquadrat | well then: I set up luks on an external disk and would like it to automount when I plug it in. I hear gnome supports automounting luks devices, is there something similar for kde/kubuntu? | 10:15 |
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echosyp_ | heh | 10:15 |
echosyp_ | where is the xorg library directory | 10:15 |
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lu-bao | echosyp_, xorg library? :) | 10:15 |
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echosyp_ | yeah | 10:16 |
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echosyp_ | im installing dri modules for mach64 chip | 10:17 |
echosyp_ | and its asking for the Xorg Library Dir | 10:17 |
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lu-bao | ah i see | 10:17 |
lu-bao | mach64 never heard about okay ^^" | 10:17 |
lu-bao | i cant help :) *is quiet now* | 10:18 |
coreymon77 | i have woprked a bit with jhutchins and have found out that even though i am part of the audio group, the /dev/dsp directory gave me access denied when jhutchins told me to run a command with that folder | 10:18 |
coreymon77 | it even gave me access denied when i tried it with sudo | 10:18 |
coreymon77 | jhutchins thinks that means my sound is really messed up | 10:18 |
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coreymon77 | anyone else know what to do? cause i cant get a hold of him | 10:19 |
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cadkins | hello all. How can I designate what the "Super key" is on my keyboard? | 10:20 |
lu-bao | super key o.o" | 10:21 |
lu-bao | whats that XD | 10:21 |
cadkins | haha. Not sure. It's required on some Beryl functions | 10:22 |
lu-bao | i cant run beryl :( | 10:22 |
lu-bao | mh does ubuntu have graphic drivers for ati included? :D | 10:22 |
cadkins | don't know | 10:23 |
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lu-bao | mh kay :( | 10:24 |
lu-bao | mh then i cant get rid of win ._. | 10:24 |
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cadkins | what is mh | 10:24 |
lu-bao | not a word only a sound | 10:24 |
cadkins | ah. gotcha | 10:25 |
lu-bao | when youre concentrated or sad and think about something then you make that sometimes | 10:25 |
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lu-bao | like daydreaming and going inside ^^" | 10:25 |
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cadkins | OK. Found it. Just FWIW. The super key is the "Windows" key. If it doesn't work by default, have to edit the xorg.conf file | 10:27 |
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moparisthebest | does anyone know where kubuntu stores the wallpaper at? | 10:29 |
jpiccolo | anyone know why i have 20 desktops while running beryl | 10:29 |
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x04ty29er | wait | 10:29 |
x04ty29er | while running beryl? | 10:29 |
x04ty29er | as in beryl is still your window manager? | 10:29 |
jpiccolo | yeah | 10:29 |
x04ty29er | go into the beryl settings | 10:30 |
x04ty29er | and | 10:30 |
jpiccolo | there are 20 panes by my clock | 10:30 |
x04ty29er | one sec | 10:30 |
cadkins | moparisthebest: I think it is in /usr/apps/share | 10:30 |
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lu-bao | someone knows if ati drivers are included in kubuntu too? :) | 10:30 |
x04ty29er | and under general settings | 10:30 |
cadkins | er....something like that | 10:30 |
x04ty29er | make sure that horizontal desktop size is four and vertical size is one | 10:30 |
ricmik | hello! any idea for a DTS player for Kubuntu? | 10:30 |
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x04ty29er | jpiccolo: and number of desktops is set to one | 10:31 |
moparisthebest | do you mean usr/share/ cadkins ? there are a lot of folders in there but I havent found the wallpaper yet | 10:31 |
ricmik | I have a DTS amplifier, just need a player to play it | 10:31 |
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moparisthebest | lu-bao, drivers that work for ATI cards are included, but not the proprietary ones made by ATI | 10:32 |
phazeman | Hi all. i have a dualcore pentium 4 2.6 (64bit) processor. should i download the 64 bit image for the live cd ? | 10:32 |
moparisthebest | although you can install them if you wish | 10:32 |
moparisthebest | yes phazeman , amd-64 | 10:32 |
moparisthebest | its not a pentium 4 is it though phazeman ? :S | 10:32 |
lu-bao | moparisthebest, ah nice so it will work but without proprietary :D mh okay i am fine with that ^.^ nice :D | 10:32 |
lu-bao | thank you :) | 10:32 |
moparisthebest | no problem | 10:32 |
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jpiccolo | ok there we go | 10:33 |
jpiccolo | thanks x04ty29er | 10:33 |
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cadkins | anyone have a good place to get images for skydome in Beryl? | 10:33 |
x04ty29er | jpiccolo: sure anytime | 10:34 |
moparisthebest | the internet cadkins ;P | 10:35 |
cadkins | wished i would have thought of that :p | 10:35 |
moparisthebest | just search for a wallpaper site on google | 10:35 |
cadkins | yeah. it's just the size requirements are bit much. even some of the suggested sites you have to modify the image. no worries. i'll find some | 10:36 |
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phazeman | thanks moparisthebest | 10:36 |
Hrontore | okay how do i open synaptic | 10:37 |
lu-bao | Hrontore, why not use adept? :) | 10:37 |
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brokenhearted | I need some help | 10:37 |
brokenhearted | I have laging problems | 10:37 |
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brokenhearted | would anyone be able to help me or tell me were i can get help? | 10:38 |
Hrontore | im looking for software to play dvds | 10:38 |
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Hrontore | i dont like kaffeine | 10:38 |
cadkins | Hrontore : try vlc | 10:38 |
SpAwN | Hrontore, mplayer xine vlc | 10:39 |
lu-bao | moparisthebest, mh are conexant (dvb-t nova-t pci tv card) drivers are included too? :) | 10:39 |
brokenhearted | ??????????? | 10:39 |
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Hrontore | and use adept to get them | 10:39 |
SpAwN | Hrontore, i use xine as it can do dvd menus... | 10:39 |
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x04ty29er | Hrontore: what do you not like about kaffiene | 10:39 |
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SpAwN | others can do the dvd menus too..but i find xine works good. there is also ogle. | 10:40 |
Tm_T | brokenhearted: You haven't really said your problem yet. | 10:40 |
brokenhearted | When im on a web browser | 10:40 |
brokenhearted | it lags | 10:40 |
brokenhearted | when I move boxes around the screen | 10:40 |
x04ty29er | brokenhearted: the browser lags | 10:40 |
brokenhearted | it lags | 10:40 |
x04ty29er | or the loading lags | 10:40 |
brokenhearted | well both | 10:40 |
brokenhearted | it lags when i scroll | 10:41 |
yaccin | omg | 10:41 |
yaccin | openarena rocks | 10:41 |
yaccin | :D | 10:41 |
x04ty29er | is it jerky? | 10:41 |
SpAwN | brokenhearted, if it lasgs real bad when moving windows...im guessing you will need to install drivers for your vid card | 10:41 |
brokenhearted | how would I do this? | 10:41 |
lu-bao | yaccin, youre right XD | 10:41 |
Tm_T | !3d | 10:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 3d - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:41 |
lu-bao | yaccin, huh? what is openarena? :) | 10:41 |
Tm_T | Hmh | 10:41 |
SpAwN | brokenhearted, well lets hope u have a nvidia card. | 10:41 |
x04ty29er | brokenhearted: what is your video card? | 10:41 |
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yaccin | lu-bao: an opensource clone of quake 3 arena | 10:41 |
yaccin | ^^ | 10:41 |
lu-bao | SpAwN, why? :) | 10:41 |
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Tm_T | !nvidia | brokenhearted | 10:42 |
yaccin | just found it in the repo | 10:42 |
ubotu | brokenhearted: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:42 |
yaccin | :D | 10:42 |
lu-bao | yaccin, ah i see :> xD never played before :D | 10:42 |
angasule | brokenhearted: do you have an nvidia video card? | 10:42 |
lu-bao | sounds nice ^.^ | 10:42 |
SpAwN | lu-bao, becasue atis suck realy realy bad | 10:42 |
yaccin | !openarena | 10:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about openarena - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:42 |
yaccin | :/ | 10:42 |
lu-bao | SpAwN, youre so wrooong -.-""" it doesnt | 10:42 |
yaccin | lu-bao: sudo apt-get install openarena | 10:42 |
yaccin | ^^ | 10:42 |
lu-bao | yaccin, wait first i need a ready install of kubuntu :x | 10:42 |
angasule | lu-bao: ATI drivers for linux are awful (and on windows they have a bad rep, too) | 10:43 |
SpAwN | lu-bao, lol well atis caused kernel panics for me...and EVERYONE ive talked to that have ati'shate them | 10:43 |
yaccin | lu-bao: :D | 10:43 |
yaccin | ati sucks :D | 10:43 |
=== tiago [n=tiago@200-158-56-52.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
SpAwN | yea REAL bad | 10:43 |
lu-bao | i love ati theyr cards are so fast and cheap same time :x so good price for power :D | 10:43 |
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yaccin | nvidia \o/ | 10:43 |
lu-bao | drivers are but thats not ati cards fault >.< | 10:43 |
SpAwN | im sure theres a handfull of ppl who dont have probs with them...but i will never ever(even if i use windows) buy a ati | 10:43 |
x04ty29er | lol | 10:44 |
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x04ty29er | if there are no good drivers | 10:44 |
x04ty29er | a good card is useless | 10:44 |
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lu-bao | i will since nvidias geforce8800 eats power like hell X.x | 10:44 |
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lu-bao | x04ty29er, yeah but thats true for nvidia too o.o | 10:44 |
SpAwN | my 7800 GT OC is great. | 10:44 |
x04ty29er | lu-bao: i agree | 10:44 |
echosyp_ | where is the xorg library directory | 10:44 |
x04ty29er | however | 10:44 |
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lu-bao | they have good drivers now (nvidia) but you dont have any guarantee that this stay like it is :) | 10:44 |
lu-bao | so doesnt matter ... | 10:44 |
SpAwN | lu-bao, nvidia makes decent drivers...tha WORK! | 10:44 |
echosyp_ | true | 10:44 |
lu-bao | SpAwN, yeah "now" | 10:45 |
x04ty29er | yes | 10:45 |
lu-bao | future is another maybe | 10:45 |
x04ty29er | that is what i was trying to say | 10:45 |
echosyp_ | ati still doesn't so that beats the hell out of them | 10:45 |
x04ty29er | why dont you learn to write your own drivers? | 10:45 |
lu-bao | yeah thats a coding problem but theyr cards are fine and same good as nvidias are <.< | 10:45 |
x04ty29er | I have a friend that did that for his network card | 10:45 |
echosyp_ | easier said then done | 10:45 |
SpAwN | well so far nvidia has more points then ati for me ;-) | 10:45 |
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x04ty29er | lo | 10:45 |
x04ty29er | l | 10:45 |
x04ty29er | i know | 10:45 |
echosyp_ | ati is not as good as nvidia | 10:45 |
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echosyp_ | period | 10:45 |
lu-bao | its just a lack of drivers programming but ati or nvidia both cards are good and useful its only driver issue what gives the horror :) | 10:45 |
echosyp_ | no | 10:46 |
angasule | lu-bao: what good is hardware without software? | 10:46 |
lu-bao | angasule, mhhh hard question *g* | 10:46 |
SpAwN | lol | 10:46 |
echosyp_ | nvidia has its own binding platform | 10:46 |
echosyp_ | ati doesn't | 10:46 |
Tm_T | angasule & others, go #kubuntu-offtopic to argue that please | 10:46 |
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lu-bao | but you cant get any guarantee for good drivers for both cards they could build trashed drivers one day too | 10:46 |
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kalagio | hi do you know how can i install aver tv go 007 in kubuntu? | 10:46 |
johgli | hi I'm trying to get my logitech mx610 to work with evdev but if I'm changing the xorg.conf and recognize the mouse by name or bits X doesn't start anymore | 10:47 |
johgli | I'm using edgy | 10:47 |
x04ty29er | johgli: are oyu sure you didn't accidentally change something else | 10:47 |
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x04ty29er | or forget to change the name in the server thing | 10:47 |
lu-bao | *brb kubuntu dvd searching* | 10:47 |
johgli | x04ty29er: yes I'm sure | 10:47 |
x04ty29er | hm | 10:47 |
Tm_T | lu-bao: KMplayer? | 10:47 |
lu-bao | Tm_T, what? ^^" | 10:48 |
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Tm_T | lu-bao: To play dvd:s and whatever. | 10:48 |
echosyp_ | where is the xorg library directory | 10:48 |
echosyp_ | where is the xorg library directory | 10:48 |
lu-bao | Tm_T, dont know i used xine-ui for it paired with libdvdcss :) | 10:48 |
royel | quick question, I installed Ubuntu (Gnome), but I would rather have KDE, is it the same to just add it to this install by using apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or is there some big difference in Ubunut vs. Kubuntu releases that would make re-installing from a Kubuntu CD worth doing? | 10:48 |
Tm_T | echosyp_: No need to repeat. | 10:48 |
johgli | x04ty29er: the configuration with evdev worked for the mouse on my other PC under gentoo | 10:49 |
Tm_T | lu-bao: KMplayer uses xine or mplayer or gstreamer as engine, your choose, that's main thing I like in KMplayer. | 10:49 |
lu-bao | but i really hate these copy protections they make lagging at dvd playback with playstation2 sometimes and are just annoying as hell <.< when i buy a dvd they should be in good quality means not that issues | 10:49 |
echosyp_ | there is a need because nobody answered me | 10:49 |
echosyp_ | but in any case, it was an accident | 10:49 |
echosyp_ | so stfu and don't get smart with me | 10:49 |
lu-bao | Tm_T, ah i see :) | 10:49 |
Tm_T | echosyp_: Have you done any searching? | 10:49 |
royel | !ohmy | echosyp_ | 10:49 |
ubotu | echosyp_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 10:49 |
echosyp_ | omg | 10:50 |
lu-bao | yeah echosyp_ dont get that angry o.o | 10:50 |
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echosyp_ | who said i was angry | 10:50 |
lu-bao | agressions are evil | 10:50 |
echosyp_ | heh | 10:50 |
Tm_T | echosyp_: Your st*u. | 10:50 |
lu-bao | "so stfu and dont get smart with me" <--- sounds angry | 10:50 |
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echosyp_ | that is just how you perceived it | 10:50 |
lu-bao | calm down :) | 10:50 |
Tm_T | echosyp_: What exactly you're looking for? | 10:50 |
echosyp_ | im calm as a clam | 10:50 |
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echosyp_ | im install dri modules and its asking for Xorg library directory | 10:51 |
echosyp_ | i don't know where that is | 10:51 |
echosyp_ | i have a real bad connection and it takes forever to load web pages | 10:51 |
kalagio | how can i install aver tv go 007 at kubuntu edgy? | 10:51 |
Tm_T | echosyp_: /usr/lib I think as about any lib, I think. | 10:51 |
echosyp_ | k | 10:52 |
kalagio | can anybody help me? | 10:52 |
echosyp_ | i'll try that | 10:52 |
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Tm_T | echosyp_: And for future, don't "st*u" and calle me smart, I try to help. | 10:52 |
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mnbvcvc | hvjvjhvhv | 10:53 |
SpAwN | echosyp_, check your /etc/resolv.conf.....make sure u have a few nameservers for your isp in there....i found adding a bunch made my browsing load faster....also might want to try a few firefox hacks(or installer fasterfox) | 10:53 |
Tm_T | mnbvcvc: English please. | 10:53 |
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cadkins | kalagio : what's going on? | 10:53 |
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kalagio | i would to install a tv capture driver but i do not know how | 10:53 |
cadkins | hmmm...and it's avertv | 10:54 |
kalagio | yes | 10:54 |
Tm_T | Maybe there's howto or similar somewhere. | 10:54 |
SpAwN | echosyp_, http://pastebin.ulteo.us/452 those are a few tweaks i do to firefox to speed it up...it realy seemed to help load pages faster | 10:54 |
kalagio | i am a rookie and i am not so good | 10:54 |
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piquadrat | no idea how to automount encrypted luks devices? | 10:56 |
kalagio | cadkins can i depend on you? | 10:56 |
cadkins | kalagio : sorry. I don't know anything about capture cards | 10:57 |
Hrontore | okay i get "error reading nav packet" why? | 10:57 |
cadkins | i'm looking though | 10:57 |
cadkins | kalagio : try over at the mythTV site. | 10:57 |
kalagio | do you know links tha i can visit to learn how? | 10:58 |
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kalagio | o | 10:58 |
kalagio | thanks | 10:58 |
MyGhetek | I have a dell laptop, its a d610 with 1gb ram and 120gb hard drive. this has a 1.8 centrino cpu. i have a dock at home with a million peripherals (all usb) should i go for xubuntu or kubuntu? | 10:58 |
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cadkins | kalagio : http://mythtv.org/ | 10:58 |
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moparisthebest | cadkins, I found a good site for beryl backgrounds http://www.space.com/php/multimedia/downloads/wallpapers/ | 10:59 |
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kalagio | cadkins thank you a lot | 10:59 |
cadkins | thanks moparisthebest. did you find that on the internet? LOL | 10:59 |
echosyp_ | can i paste an error and see if you guys can tell me how to fix it | 10:59 |
echosyp_ | ./home/echosyp/Desktop/mach64-20060330-linux.i386/drm/linux-core/ati_ | 10:59 |
echosyp_ | pcigart.c:87: error: struct page has no member named | 10:59 |
echosyp_ | count | 10:59 |
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moparisthebest | nope cadkins :P | 10:59 |
ubuntu | Idk what my video card is... it came with the Mobo | 10:59 |
ubuntu | this is brokenhearted | 10:59 |
echosyp_ | that was supposed to be one line | 10:59 |
ubuntu | So how would i be able to install my video card | 11:00 |
moparisthebest | it isn't working now ubuntu ? | 11:01 |
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Vyro | MyGhetek: xubuntu if you want fast system, kubuntu for useful OS | 11:02 |
MyGhetek | Vyro: can xubuntu use amarok, k3b and all that stuff? | 11:03 |
SpAwN | MyGhetek, yes | 11:03 |
SpAwN | MyGhetek, u can always install the other once u install the system | 11:03 |
Tm_T | !away | Czessi_away | 11:03 |
ubotu | Czessi_away: Please don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'. We know you're away when you don't respond to messages. Also see !guidelines | 11:03 |
Vyro | I think it can | 11:03 |
MyGhetek | SpAwN: thanks! | 11:04 |
SpAwN | MyGhetek, np :-) | 11:04 |
Hrontore | im trying to play dvds, but i keep getting errors any pointers? | 11:04 |
Hrontore | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7278/ | 11:04 |
MyGhetek | Vyro: i think im going to just install both, i have enough space | 11:04 |
MyGhetek | thanks guys! | 11:04 |
Hrontore | hrontore: hi | 11:04 |
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SpAwN | !restricted | Hrontore | 11:04 |
ubotu | Hrontore: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 11:04 |
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jager | anyone know how to convert an mp3 to a swf streaming object? | 11:05 |
jager | i see tantalizing hints that suggest one can use ffmpeg for this task, but no specifics | 11:05 |
Tm_T | jager: Maybe man ffmpeg helps? | 11:05 |
Tm_T | jager: In konqueror: man:ffmpeg | 11:06 |
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jager | i get encoder errors when using the syntax i grokked from the man pages | 11:06 |
jager | still looking though | 11:06 |
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jager | was hoping someone with experience could shortcut me | 11:06 |
Tm_T | I have used ffmpeg but without errors you get I can't help. | 11:06 |
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jager | otoh i didn't know you could use konqy for man pages, that's prety spiffy, thnx | 11:07 |
Tm_T | Use pastebin or something to show all you get. | 11:07 |
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EmbraceUnity | i tried to upgrade from edgy 64 to fiesty 64... it dies on boot now after upgrading, no matter what kernel i use | 11:07 |
jager | sure lemme poke at it a bit to ensure all that i need is installed | 11:07 |
Tm_T | jager: You can use konqueror to almost everything | 11:07 |
jager | konqueror rules me | 11:07 |
Tm_T | jager: I'm atm ripping cd's with it. | 11:07 |
jager | fish:// is the best hing that ever happened | 11:07 |
EmbraceUnity | i tried to upgrade from edgy 64 to fiesty 64... it dies on boot now after upgrading, no matter what kernel i use | 11:07 |
jager | yar that's a cool feature too | 11:08 |
Tm_T | EmbraceUnity: You already said that. | 11:08 |
Tm_T | jager: apt:/ ;) | 11:08 |
jager | no way | 11:08 |
Tm_T | No way what? | 11:08 |
jager | holy shit that's neat as hell | 11:08 |
jager | thanks | 11:08 |
jager | (again) | 11:08 |
EmbraceUnity | hell is pretty neat | 11:08 |
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=== cob [n=fabien@AReims-157-1-29-2.w86-208.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
cob | have you a link for a french conversation ? | 11:10 |
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kalagio | does anybody now how to install aver tv go 007 fm? | 11:12 |
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Tm_T | !fr | cob | 11:12 |
ubotu | cob: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 11:12 |
jim__ | what is fish:// ? | 11:14 |
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Tm_T | jim__: General kio for, well, many things. | 11:15 |
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Hrontore | would libdvdcss2-dev 1.2.5 be a stable release? | 11:15 |
Tm_T | Hrontore: No idea, any need for -dev? | 11:15 |
Hrontore | no | 11:15 |
gdiebel | jim__: fish is kio for ssh | 11:16 |
Tm_T | Hrontore: Soo, why you ask it? Wondering. | 11:16 |
Tm_T | gdiebel: Hm, it does handle ftp too? | 11:16 |
Tm_T | Or do I remember wrong. | 11:16 |
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gdiebel | nah there is a ftp kio as well | 11:17 |
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kalagio | how can i speak in greek forum? | 11:18 |
Tm_T | gdiebel: Ok, wondered, I don't use them anyway, I have sshfs mount. :) | 11:18 |
yaccin | lu-bao: now im trying warsow and sauerbraten ^^ | 11:20 |
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lontra | what's kbfx? | 11:22 |
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lontra | ah an alternative to kmenu :) | 11:23 |
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yaccin | how can i make a working link to a shellscript... so that it runs the script from directory the original script is in and not from /usr/local/bin? | 11:24 |
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yaccin | or do i have to make a new script in /usr/local/bin which dirs to the directory and runs the original script from there? | 11:25 |
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lu-bao | yaccin, lol sauerbraten <-- german word XD | 11:29 |
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eric_ | hallo all | 11:31 |
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Heavenquake | After being forced to do a dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg, my screen resolutions are back, but my graphics card is screwed. Windows look fuzzy when I move 'em, and both glxgears and glxinfo complains about no GLX extension.. What can I do about that? | 11:31 |
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yaccin | lu-bao: i know ^^ | 11:32 |
yaccin | funny name for a game :D | 11:33 |
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lu-bao | yep xD | 11:33 |
lu-bao | its a meal type of meat :> | 11:33 |
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lu-bao | meat what you place in sour touched water some time before you cook it :) | 11:33 |
yaccin | << german | 11:34 |
yaccin | ^^ | 11:34 |
yaccin | i know what sauerbraten is :D | 11:34 |
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lu-bao | ah ok *gg* | 11:34 |
lu-bao | <-- *german too* xD | 11:34 |
lu-bao | okay i made an oem install at my main comp :) | 11:35 |
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yaccin | \o/ | 11:35 |
lu-bao | now i am logged in as oem user do i have anything to do or how to make my own user account? :) | 11:35 |
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yaccin | oem user? | 11:36 |
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Heavenquake | I would like some help... Are there other channels for asking this? :/ | 11:36 |
echosyp_ | what driver works with a mach64 card? | 11:36 |
echosyp_ | video card that is | 11:36 |
pirothezero | Heavenquake: what is your question? can determine a better room maybe | 11:36 |
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Heavenquake | [23:32] <Heavenquake> After being forced to do a dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg, my screen resolutions are back, but my graphics card is screwed. Windows look fuzzy when I move 'em, and both glxgears and glxinfo complains about no GLX extension.. What can I do about that? | 11:37 |
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Heavenquake | pirothezero | 11:38 |
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echosyp_ | what good is a support channel if nobody is here to support you | 11:38 |
echosyp_ | im so impatient | 11:38 |
lu-bao | echosyp_, maybe cause nobody other has this card? | 11:39 |
Adydas | what a rude dude | 11:40 |
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lu-bao | Adydas, me? ^^" | 11:41 |
Adydas | nah man | 11:41 |
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lu-bao | ah k :) | 11:41 |
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echosyp_ | im the rude due | 11:42 |
echosyp_ | dude* | 11:42 |
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lu-bao | ^^ | 11:43 |
echosyp_ | im impatient cause iv been trying to get to the bottom of this for awhile | 11:43 |
lu-bao | i am friendly :) | 11:43 |
diegofrt | hi | 11:43 |
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bonbonthejon | i'm trying to compile kweather, but my changes aren't showing up when i add the applet | 11:43 |
diegofrt | what is that?? | 11:44 |
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bonbonthejon | diegofrt: kweather? | 11:44 |
diegofrt | anybody | 11:44 |
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yaccin | !kweather | 11:45 |
ubotu | kweather: weather display applet for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1213 kB, installed size 2268 kB | 11:45 |
yaccin | bonbonthejon: its in the repos... why compile it? | 11:45 |
diegofrt | where are you | 11:45 |
bonbonthejon | yaccin: I'm trying to make improvements, | 11:45 |
yaccin | ah ok | 11:45 |
yaccin | hmm | 11:45 |
bonbonthejon | yaccin: any idea why the changes aren't showing up | 11:46 |
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diegofrt | what is this about?? | 11:46 |
Adydas | bonbonthejon: superkaramba? | 11:46 |
diegofrt | anybody here speak spanish | 11:47 |
diegofrt | ??? | 11:47 |
Adydas | no | 11:47 |
bonbonthejon | Adydas: what about superkamba | 11:47 |
Adydas | #ubuntu-es i belive | 11:47 |
jott_ | bonbonthejon: i guess #kde/#kde-devel are better places to ask.. but you may double check that no old instance is running plus you installed it with the right prefix.. | 11:47 |
Adydas | bonbonthejon: is that whay your tring to do? | 11:47 |
Adydas | insall widget for sk?> | 11:47 |
bianconeri | Hello, I have a simple problem, been trying to install Kopete's plugin "desklist" from source...however when I run ./configure I get this error message "X Screensaver extension header"....what package would i need? | 11:47 |
pirothezero | Heavenquake: hmmm | 11:47 |
bonbonthejon | Adydas: no, i'm trying to update the viewer | 11:47 |
Adydas | oh ok | 11:47 |
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diegofrt | de que se trata esto eh? | 11:48 |
Adydas | #ubuntu-es try here | 11:49 |
diegofrt | carecesar | 11:49 |
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bonbonthejon | what is the command to list running processes | 11:50 |
premier_ | hi, my I have a laptop, and the temperature meter is reading 71C, but I think thats inaccurate | 11:50 |
premier_ | Im running without any load, and no part of my laptop feels hot | 11:50 |
bianconeri | anybody got an idea what "X screensaver extention header" is?? | 11:51 |
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premier_ | usually, it runs between 45C and 62C. Today I got a laptop cooling pad, but the temperature meter shot up to 71 when I put it on | 11:52 |
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premier_ | now its moving around wildly. It went down to 54 in just these last few seconds | 11:52 |
lu-bao | X.x dc | 11:52 |
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dettoaltrimenti_ | when I try to empty the trash, it says 'access denied'- what can I do? | 11:54 |
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bhrich902kubuntu | hello all, need some help on keyboad layout options that appear in the system settings under regional & language -> keyboard layout, while i have all sorts of options a friend of mine installed kubuntu-desktop from ubuntu but does not have those options, any thoughts? | 11:57 |
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Skuller | !beryl | 11:59 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 11:59 |
Skuller | !X | 12:00 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 12:00 |
Skuller | !adeptfix | 12:00 |
ubotu | If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 12:00 |
jim__ | does Beryl work well with an Intel915 chipset? | 12:00 |
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TMM | so, I just switched from ubuntu to kubuntu | 12:05 |
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makuseru | what is a good video editing program in kubuntu | 12:08 |
dec_ | I looked in synaptic and the game secret maryo chronicles was installed but it says converted by alien, but i cannot access it to play it any ideas | 12:09 |
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TMM | so far, it has been a rather painful experience | 12:09 |
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TMM | I mean, I know I'll probably be dumping some rethoric here, but, it really is like very damn pixel is clickable and customizeable :) | 12:10 |
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TMM | I am not sure I can handle the power :P | 12:10 |
khaije | hi guys & ladies | 12:11 |
dec_ | I looked in synaptic and the game secret maryo chronicles was installed but it says converted by alien, but i cannot access it to play it any ideas | 12:11 |
aseigo | TMM: you are allowed to ignore the customization =) | 12:11 |
makuseru | !repeat | dec_ | 12:11 |
ubotu | dec_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 12:11 |
TMM | aseigo: yes, BUT, there's still the matter of the gazillion of buttons in konqueror | 12:12 |
TMM | aseigo: I mean, why on earth would I want my fonts folder thingy 2 clicks away? :) | 12:12 |
aseigo | TMM: you might not. then again, those who need to find where to install there fonts sure like it. | 12:12 |
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