
kylemtepsipakki, looked over the xserver debdiff, looks good.12:07
tepsipakkiit's not that big either12:09
tepsipakkibut the xorg.debdiff is huge because of po/*12:09
tepsipakkimaybe I should filter that out to make reviewing easier..12:12
kylems'ok, i can filterdiff12:12
tepsipakkifilterdiff.. now there's a tool I've missed12:13
tepsipakkiand didn't know about :P12:13
kylemmakes life easy12:15
tepsipakkislightly, yes12:19
kylemwill take me a while to look over xorg debdiff.12:26
tepsipakkiof course12:27
tepsipakkiput a new diff without the po-stuff12:31
tepsipakkifor other potential reviewers12:31
tepsipakkibut now it's time to hit the sack12:33
tepsipakkinight and happy reviewing :)12:33
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kylemxorg packages looks fine as well.03:12
UbugtuNew bug: #87245 in libx11 (main) "upgrade in libX11 causes azureus crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8724505:21
UbugtuNew bug: #51991 in xorg (main) "Xorg process freezes, uses 100% of CPU. Can be killed by remote terminal." [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5199106:36
tepsipakkikylem: whoa, thanks!07:46
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tepsipakkihey seb128 10:13
tepsipakkikylem reviewed both xorg-server and xorg last night10:13
seb128and what did he say? ready to go? did he upload?10:14
tepsipakkididn't upload, said they looked fine10:14
seb128ok, good10:15
seb128did you ask him to upload?10:16
seb128kylem: ping? (he's probably sleep atm)10:16
tepsipakkino, since I went to bed :)10:16
seb128k, I'll have an another look on the server and upload then10:16
tepsipakkiI need to make a final version of xorg so it can be uploaded10:16
jcristauseb128: you can sync libxrandr from experimental again :)10:16
tepsipakkiah, indedd10:17
tepsipakkithogh pitti said that the new version wasn't on the mirror he syncs from10:17
tepsipakkiand, we already have a version with the patch :) (or part of it)10:17
jcristauah, ok10:17
jcristauI didn't know that10:18
tepsipakkiit was uploaded last night10:18
tepsipakkiby someone10:18
jcristauyeah, he sent a mail to debian-x too10:18
seb128jcristau: good10:18
tepsipakkiseb128: where do you pull your syncs from?10:19
seb128tepsipakki: Debian10:19
seb128we might want to have at look at that libxrender patch: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=952610:20
UbugtuFreedesktop bug 9526 in Lib/Xrender "Length field in create gradient requests is not set correctly" [Major,New]  10:20
seb128pointed by somebody working on compiz10:20
tepsipakkiseb128: from ftp.debian.org?10:21
tepsipakkithe new version is there, don't know where pitti looked10:21
seb128tepsipakki: 11:07
seb128../../randr/randr.c: In function 'ProcRRQueryVersion':11:07
seb128../../randr/randr.c:482: error: 'SERVER_RANDR_MAJOR' undeclared (first use in this function)11:07
seb128../../randr/randr.c:482: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once11:07
seb128../../randr/randr.c:482: error: for each function it appears in.)11:07
seb128../../randr/randr.c:483: error: 'SERVER_RANDR_MINOR' undeclared (first use in this function)11:07
seb128while trying to build the new xorg-server on my feisty desktop11:07
jcristaureplace them with 1 and 1 :)11:08
seb128should they be declared by libxrandr?11:08
jcristauthat's only in the server11:09
seb128tepsipakki: how come it built for you?11:09
seb128or you didn't try to build it? ;)11:09
tepsipakkiI'll check in a moment11:31
tepsipakkiI suck11:32
tepsipakkiI was being too clever with the patch11:33
tepsipakki..which was copypasted from the damage-patch11:34
tepsipakkiso SERVER_RANDR_{MAJOR,MINOR} were not declared, insted *DAMAGE* :)11:34
seb128you didn't even try to build the package then? ;)11:34
UbugtuNew bug: #44878 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15 (restricted) "firefox & epiphany restart gdm" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4487811:35
tepsipakkino, since that was the only change after my builds..11:35
tepsipakkiI'll roll up a new one11:35
seb128ok, thank you11:35
tepsipakkiit's there11:38
seb128tepsipakki: building11:40
tepsipakkiit took 17min on my laptop11:44
seb128tepsipakki: updating the server alone is fine, right?11:56
seb128no need to update xorg in the same time?11:56
tepsipakkiwell, there is the fontpath issue11:57
seb128what fontpath?11:58
tepsipakkiat least binary nvidia can't cope with the old config unless we provide a symlink to the new location11:58
tepsipakkiand xorg has that (xserver-xorg)11:58
seb128oh, that's not good11:58
tepsipakki  * debian/xserver-xorg.links:11:59
tepsipakki    - ship a symlink "usr/share/X11/fonts -> usr/share/fonts/X11".11:59
tepsipakkiI think the right place for it is in xorg11:59
tepsipakkiso, maybe xorg should go _before_11:59
seb128can we get a minor revision update doing just that first?11:59
seb128then update the server11:59
seb128and then look at the xorg merge11:59
tepsipakkiyes, that would be fine11:59
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seb128hi pitti12:00
seb128<tepsipakki>   * debian/xserver-xorg.links:12:00
seb128     - ship a symlink "usr/share/X11/fonts -> usr/share/fonts/X11".12:00
seb128 I think the right place for it is in xorg12:00
seb128 so, maybe xorg should go _before_12:00
seb128we are discussing that12:00
seb128that symlinks needs to go before the server update12:01
seb128- either we upload xorg first and then the server12:01
seb128- or we do a minor xorg revision just for that symlink, then update the server and deal with the xorg then12:01
seb128any opinion?12:02
pittiseb128: if it is beneficial to test the new xorg-server without the new xorg, then a separate upload would indeed make sense12:02
seb128the 1st option might be the efficient one, I'm not that comfortable doing the xorg update though, that looks like the tricky part12:02
pittiseb128: but do you really think it is hard to tell apart bugs in xorg from those in the new server?12:03
seb128let me have a look at the xorg changes12:03
pittiah, I see12:03
seb128I'm just scared by it12:03
pittiwell, option 2 can't hurt12:03
tepsipakkiactually xorg is tricky mostly for new installations or reconfigurations, shouldn't do much on updates AIUI12:03
seb128if somebody else is wanting to have an another look on xorg we can probably go forward and that one done12:04
pittiwe should just make sure then that the new server conflicts to the older xorgs12:04
tepsipakkiseb128: I'm just about to do -0ubuntu1 of it12:04
seb128tepsipakki: xorg?12:04
tepsipakkiwhich only has a reorganized changelog12:04
pittias I already said, I doubt that xorg can be verified just by eyeballing12:04
pittimaybe we should just do it ASAP and invest more time in testing the daily ISOs12:05
seb128should we just try it on a few boxes and go ahead then?12:05
pittithat might in fact make more sense12:05
pittiseb128: I'm happy to test an xorg upgrade right now; I just can't test a server upgrade, because I'm on ISDN12:05
seb128I would like to hear from cjwatson before going on with that one though12:05
pittiseb128: right, or Tollef as RM12:06
seb128pitti: ok, let's do that then12:06
seb128cjwatson: around?12:06
pittiseb128, tepsipakki: do we have a debdiff between current and new xorg somewhere?12:07
tepsipakkipitti: not yet, I'll generate one in a minute12:07
cjwatsonseb128: yes - but from the sound of things, I'd say go for it; I'm not hearing anything that suggests we should be *particularly* concerned, nor that we couldn't fix it up after the fact12:08
pittitepsipakki: I'm happy to eyeball that diff for any obvious things that jump on me; that's the one that will show us what changes12:08
seb128cjwatson: ok, so let's start with the xorg update, I'll test it and pitti is wanting to give it a try as well12:09
seb128kylem had a look as well12:09
seb128if there is no major problem let's upload it12:09
tepsipakkigive me 5min to finalize the changelog :)12:11
tepsipakkihm, now I get gettext errors from debconf-updatepo12:16
tepsipakkiwhile building the source12:16
tepsipakkithis is a dapper box where I'm building it12:17
cjwatsonyou probably want to build on something more current, as the line numbers generated by po-debconf have changed since then, and you'll end up with a huge diff12:24
cjwatson(ideally, avoid running debconf-updatepo at all, though ...)12:24
tepsipakkiyep, I'll copy it to a feisty box12:25
tepsipakkinow it expects to find an .orig.tar.gz12:31
tepsipakkion feisty12:31
tepsipakkiand gettext complains as on dapper12:32
tepsipakki/usr/bin/xgettext: warning: file `at' extension `' is unknown; will try C12:32
tepsipakki/usr/bin/xgettext: error while opening "at" for reading: No such file or directory12:32
tepsipakkithank god I had old version available..12:53
tepsipakkia rollback solved it12:53
tepsipakkichanging the maintainer-fields is what broke it12:56
tepsipakkiand if I put '@' instead of 'at' it stops complaining, how logical01:02
tepsipakkiso, which is it, do I ignore the error or change the email address to a valid one01:02
tepsipakkiI'll just ignore it for now01:04
cjwatsonas in Maintainer vs. XSBC-Original-Maintainer in debian/control?01:06
tepsipakkiyes, "ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com" doesn't work right01:07
tepsipakkixgettext doesn't like 'at'01:07
cjwatsonyou definitely mustn't spam-obfuscate Maintainer in debian/control.01:07
cjwatsonyes, use @01:08
tepsipakkiok, it's just used already :)01:08
tepsipakkioh wait01:08
tepsipakkimaybe I copied it from an email01:08
tepsipakkiok, new and hopefully final version of xorg now at the same place as usual01:11
tepsipakkiwith debdiffs01:11
tepsipakkiagainst debian and current ubuntu01:12
tepsipakkiI have a birthday party to attend to (on a ferry :), so I won't be around much longer..01:15
tepsipakkiso if xorg/xorg-server are going to be pushed today, I won't be online to work on the bugs until Saturday evening01:19
tepsipakkinot that there should be any, of course :)01:19
seb128tepsipakki: ok, thank you for your work, I'll have a look on xorg now and upload if it looks fine01:46
tepsipakkigreat, thanks!01:47
tepsipakkiI'm off now ->01:47
seb128have fun01:47
tepsipakkiI sure will ;)01:47
seb128I'll probably not do IRC during the WE but I read mails every now and then01:47
seb128feel free to drop a mail if anything should be fixed01:47
seb128tepsipakki: still around?02:01
seb128xserver-xorg Depends: xserver-xorg-core (>= 2:1.1.1-11)02:02
seb128+# versioned dependency on xserver-xorg-core needed because xserver-xorg02:02
seb128+# contains a symlink to the reportbug script shipped in that package starting02:02
seb128+# with 2:1.1.1-1102:02
seb128that can probably be relaxed02:02
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cjwatsonseb128: oh, there's one other bug fix I'd like to slot into xorg, if I have time03:32
cjwatsonjust a keyboard map thing03:32
seb128cjwatson: sure03:33
seb128I've just installed the xorg update on my desktop (without type-handling)03:33
seb128I'll do some testing with it now and then ask to pitti and other guys who wants to give it a try before upload03:33
seb128let me know if you have a patch, I'll update my build (which is on http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/xorg) with it03:34
cjwatsonseb128: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7210/03:35
cjwatsonI've a corresponding console-setup update on my disk, but it's not critical that they match up exactly03:36
kylemhow close are we to drivers? i can pretty easily review a few of those.03:36
seb128kylem: drivers for next week probably03:37
seb128we are very close for xorg03:37
seb128maybe server today03:37
kylem(i have a selfish interest, -i810 isn't working horribly well on my crestline, need newer drivers.)03:38
seb128you can probably start on driver after the server update if you want03:38
seb128kylem: how much did you review xorg and xorg-server yesterday?03:38
kylemi looked over the debdiff rather thoroughly (i thought) but i didn't get an opportunity to test them. can do that this morning if you'd like03:39
seb128testing is welcome03:40
seb128xorg upload candidate, source and i386 binaries03:41
seb128if you want to give it a try03:42
kylemok, i'll have to rebuild for amd64.03:42
kylemi'll kick that off in a few mins.03:42
seb128it's like 40 seconds to build03:42
cjwatsonthe hardest test will be whether the installer still works :)03:43
cjwatsonbut it's too painful to try to test that before upload with something this size03:43
seb128brb, trying the update03:44
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seb128ok, looks like the update doesn't break the world on update04:03
seb128somebody else wants to test the update?04:03
UbugtuNew bug: #21817 in xorg-server (main) "xnest: can't type control characters in Xnest clients" [Low,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/2181704:10
seb128xorg update works fine for me and dholbach and not real reason to break upgrades and we can sort new install when people send bugs about them04:29
seb128anybody has a reason to not upload it? otherwise I'll do that now ;)04:30
seb128ok, uploading04:37
seb128the xorg-server update is weird04:44
seb128there is a bunch of binaries like scanpci not installed to any deb04:45
UbugtuNew bug: #87244 in xorg (main) "ati driver crashes X on MacBook Pro" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8724404:47
UbugtuNew bug: #38939 in xorg (main) "MPlayer receives BadAlloc when playing very large movies using Xv" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/3893906:00
UbugtuNew bug: #49360 in xserver-xorg-video-i810 (main) "BadAlloc error when playing a video with xv" [Low,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4936006:00
UbugtuNew bug: #52490 in xorg (main) "Xorg can't handle large XV buffers  (badalloc) (dup-of: 49360)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5249006:00
UbugtuNew bug: #86340 in mplayer (multiverse) "Mplayer crash when opening a file (dup-of: 49360)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8634006:00
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dholbachhey guys06:28
dholbach<dholbach> seb128: no xorg, does not load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libint10.so06:29
dholbach "no screens"06:29
dholbachdholbach it also complained about wacom and dri, so I disabled those, but still no love06:29
seb128hi dholbach06:29
dholbachdoes the new xorg-server work for all of you?06:29
dholbachi can try on my amd64 too06:30
=== dholbach prepares for the worst ;)
seb128I'm going to try it now, brb06:31
dholbachthe amd64 (with nvidia) is happy06:32
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dholbachhey seb12806:42
dholbachhow did it go?06:42
seb128not really good06:44
seb128xorg starts06:44
seb128compiz says there is no composite extension though06:44
seb128and with standard GNOME switching windows take like 10 seconds06:44
seb128with xorg using 99% CPU06:44
dholbachurg, so you get that bug now too :-/06:45
seb128"too"? I thought it was not starting for you06:46
dholbachyeah, but pitti and mvo had the "takes like 10 seconds" problem06:47
seb128that's not an update bug then?06:47
seb128how did they fix it?06:47
dholbachI think they both used nvidia instead of nv06:47
dholbachbut there was also slomo having problems06:47
dholbachand I think glatzor too06:48
seb128I'm using ati06:48
dholbachbut I might be mistaken06:48
dholbachi remember somebody complained about other drivers too06:48
seb128nice to see that somebody tried to report or fix the problem :p06:48
dholbachdo you need any other info for that i810 does not start problem?06:49
dholbachanything I could try to make it work?06:49
seb128(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules//libint10.so06:49
seb128dlopen: /usr/lib/xorg/modules//libint10.so: undefined symbol: Int10Current06:49
seb128(EE) Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules//libint10.so06:49
seb128dholbach: not really, I just know now than the server is no-go today06:49
dholbachthat's the message I get too06:50
seb128the libint10 is not what breaks it though06:50
seb128yeah, but it starts for me06:50
seb128 you copy you /var/log/Xorg.0.log on p.u.c/~dholbach?06:50
seb128in case somebody wants to look at it06:50
seb12896.43% of the time spent to memcpy according to sysprof07:00
seb128called by exaCopyDirtyToSys called by exaMoveOutPixmap07:01
seb128looks like an EXA problem, I'll try without it07:01
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seb128iz EXA bog07:04
seb128works fine without it07:04
dholbachwhat is EXA?07:04
dholbachapart from buggy? :)07:04
seb128and option for the ati driver, I used it because without it compiz had that refreshing problem07:05
dholbachhopefully the driver updates will fix that07:06
UbugtuNew bug: #87351 in xorg (main) "Xorg uses 100% CPU" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8735107:10
dholbachinteresting did we ever ship a kernel named
seb128dholbach: no07:16
dholbachwhat I thought - suspicious ;)07:16
seb128where did you read about that?07:22
dholbachin the bug report that Ubugtu mentioned07:22
seb128I call it a week, see you on monday08:21
pochudholbach: aren't you going to reject that bug?08:28
pochuhello :)08:28
dholbachhi pochu08:28
dholbachno, it still might be valid08:28
dholbacheven if he compiled his own kernel08:28
pochuoh, ok08:28
pochuI say it because we reject bugs when the user is running beryl :)08:28
pochueven if the crash isn't in beryl...08:29
pochudholbach: just a little question if you know it: about the current policy, when rejecting a bug, should I also change its importance field, or, as I'm rejecting it, I shouldn't?08:29
dholbachit doesn't really matter08:30
dholbachyou can do as you like08:30
pochudholbach: ok, ty!08:30
UbugtuNew bug: #87385 in xorg (main) "xserver-xorg-7.2-0ubuntu1 upgrade causes apps to hang in fontconfig" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8738508:41
pochu Topic: Ubuntu X Development channel only | bug report to LP or ban | request for help in #ubuntu or ban | please drive trough if you are not dealing to help. No we are not nice people here08:42
pochunice topic :D08:43
UbugtuNew bug: #87390 in libx11 (main) "c->xlib.lock" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8739008:50
UbugtuNew bug: #87384 in xorg (main) "3d acceleration does not work on ATI Mobility 9000" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8738409:55
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