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stgraber@schedule Zurich08:05
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Zurich: 24 Feb 22:00: Ubuntu US LoCo Team Mentor | 25 Feb 18:00: LoCo Team | 27 Feb 00:00: Community Council | 27 Feb 21:00: Technical Board | 28 Feb 19:00: Accessibility Team | 28 Feb 21:00: Edubuntu08:05
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UbugtuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 24 Feb 21:00: Ubuntu US LoCo Team Mentor | 25 Feb 17:00: LoCo Team | 26 Feb 23:00: Community Council | 27 Feb 20:00: Technical Board | 28 Feb 18:00: Accessibility Team | 28 Feb 20:00: Edubuntu09:02
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boredandbloggingis there an agenda for this meeting?09:48
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Ubuntu US LoCo Team Mentor | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 25 Feb 17:00 UTC: LoCo Team | 26 Feb 23:00 UTC: Community Council | 27 Feb 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 28 Feb 18:00 UTC: Accessibility Team | 28 Feb 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu
FunnyLookinHatsee wiki page09:50
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atoponcewho's here for the meeting?09:58
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=== Rinchen is present.
=== Zelut present
=== H264 raises his hand
atoponcenixternal: ?10:00
=== H264 unoffically
nixternalyo yo10:00
SVLUG-PresI've been asked to represent the California ubuntu team.10:00
=== chuckf is here
=== CgiSoft is here
nixternaloh meeting time10:00
ZelutRinchen: remind me to ask you a few questions about that darter before we all disappear.10:00
=== nixternal is physically and electronically here, mentally who knows
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atoponcehold on. my wife is coming10:01
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FunnyLookinHatI'm here10:01
atoponcewell, i guess we'll get started10:02
atoponcei'm going to be frank. i've just gotten out of 4 hours of meetings, thus far, so i'm getting a bit tired10:02
atoponceas such, if there are no objections, i'll keep this short. 10:02
chuckfif you insist10:03
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atoponcethere are a few things to cover, though10:03
Rinchenktoponce, welcome Mrs Bubbly. :-)10:03
FunnyLookinHatWeren't we going to discuss giving me the role of being head of all North America Loco teams?10:03
FunnyLookinHatI could have swore that was on the agenda....10:03
atoponceRinchen: be nice to my wife. :)10:03
Rinchenatoponce, I was. :-)  Good to see her again...in a manner of speaking.10:04
ktoponceRinchen, hey!  it's good to be here10:04
atoponcei'm teaching her ubuntu10:04
FunnyLookinHathowdy ktoponce    : )10:04
atoponceshe's a good student10:04
ktoponceit is quite fascinating10:04
atoponceok. anyway...10:04
boredandbloggingcan I suggest a topic that might be useful to LoCos starting up?10:04
atoponcefirst on the agenda: Current progress of the project10:04
atoponceboredandblogging: sure. :)10:04
boredandbloggingpeople are talking about buying tshirts and stuff10:05
boredandbloggingare LoCos supposed to come with money to buy stuff like that?10:05
boredandbloggingor get sponsors?10:05
atoponceas a loco, you can setup a finance account, if you want10:05
atoponceyou would need to come up with the resources to get the money to use for your team though10:06
Zelutboredandblogging: the Utah Team has never done that. Anything has been by donation or at-your-own-cost.10:06
atoponceafaik, there aren't any finacial resources from canonical or ubuntu officially10:06
atoponceZelut: exactly10:06
boredandbloggingok, makes sense, is that made clear on the wiki somewhere?10:06
atoponcenot sure10:06
FunnyLookinHatSort of: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAtConferences10:07
FunnyLookinHatThat provides information for Canonical providing resources to LoCos _only_ for conferences.10:07
CgiSoftI think another topic that deserves some attention is the use of open source software by the government10:07
Rinchenalthough Mark and I never finished it10:07
atoponceRinchen: perfect. thx10:07
RinchenSo please feel free to enhance it10:08
Zelutthere are many topics we could discuss and need discussing but I think the agenda needs to be hit first.10:08
atoponceZelut: yeah.10:08
boredandbloggingok, thanks, thats all I had10:08
CgiSoftpersonally, I don't think we should our security to a network of rouge computer programmers who work without the motivation of money (what motivates them?)10:08
atoponceif no one objects, i'm going to go through the agenda as outlined on our wiki page10:08
nixternalgo go go10:08
FunnyLookinHatatoponce, please do.10:08
CgiSoftwe do not know how many terrorists are part of the ubuntu project10:08
atoponceCgiSoft: wait until after i get through the agenda, if you don't mind10:09
atoponcecurrent progress: how is that coming along? does anyone have any questions about the mentoring process?10:09
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atoponcewe have the list where you can add your nme as a mentor, but there aren't any teams being mentored.... :)10:10
nixternalatoponce: I will be available to mentor more starting the middle of March. Right now I am currently strapped with Feisty work prior to freezes10:10
chuckfatoponce, I'm in the early stages of getting a MD loco team together. Who should I talk to first?10:10
nixternalchuckf: talk to me if you like. I used to live in SoMD10:10
SVLUG-Presatoponce: can you please share URL of agenda wiki page? for those of us who'd like to read ahead?10:11
atoponcechuckf: nixternal: perfect10:11
CgiSoftI read on the underground news outlets that the defence department is currently contracting with open source software companies to install 20,000 open source toilets in the pentagon. this may sound like a conspiracy theory, if you start seeing an outbreak of toilet seat spreaded diseases, remember you heard it first on #ubuntu-meeting10:11
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chuckfnixternal, thanks10:11
sn9marko: thanx for showing up10:11
Zelutchuckf: make sure you check out #ubuntu-us for regular help with teams.10:11
nixternalCgiSoft: please stay on-topic10:11
atoponceCgiSoft: please refrain until after the meet10:11
CgiSoftbut I have to go to work in 10 minutes10:12
=== CgiSoft works for microsoft
atoponcei would like to say that the Kentucky team is off to a great start10:12
CgiSoft4 werdz 4 u: I love this company yehaa!10:12
atoponceCgiSoft: PLEASE STOP10:12
Joe_CoTi'm here, sorry i'm late. i'm caught on what's been said thus far10:13
atoponceJoe_CoT: cool10:13
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Joe_CoTthe NJ loco team isn't quite off the ground yet. I emailed most of the NJ LUGs, no response except for people at njit10:13
atoponcewith kentucky, they have a good team built, mailing list, wiki, launchpad, forums, everything10:13
atoponcethey are having meetings in both irc and in person10:14
atoponceso, my point is, that this mentoring project works10:14
atoponceand works well10:14
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=== CgiSoft thinks you need to give them more time to respond. emacs is not the fastest communication device on the planet
atoponceother teams that need attention: california, new jersey, washington/oregon/pnw, maryland10:15
atoponceany i missed10:15
=== Rinchen reminds CgiSoft about the Ubuntu CoC.
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nixternalRinchen: it is to late for that,10:16
markohi, california here... is there a sort of template or program we can get ideas from?10:16
=== CgiSoft takes the code of conduct and flushes it down an open source toilet
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Joe_CoTokay then10:16
atoponceif we could get ops to moderate as needed...10:17
tsmithei think ops is borken...10:17
Zelutsounds like the mentoring is doing a very good job in these early stages.10:17
atoponcemarko: you will want to get in contact with SVLUG-Pres and sn910:17
markoyes, I am.10:17
atoponcei would like to see the california team up and running soon10:17
sn9he already has been10:17
atoponcemarko: sn9: cool10:17
atoponceany progress?10:17
SVLUG-Pres:-) we're all trying to figure out what needs to be done next.10:18
markook, we'll collaborate.10:18
sn9marko is mark weisler, not mark nielsen, btw10:18
atoponceok. cool. we can get you rolling in #ubuntu-us. basically, setting up the necessary online resources10:18
atoponceanyone willing to mentor california?10:18
sn9i sent an e-mail to mark nielsen regarding access to the mailing list archive on his server. no response yet10:19
ZelutI'm not assigned to mentor anyone yet.  I can help.10:19
atoponceZelut: cool10:19
SVLUG-Presafaik we have a mailinglist migration to complete. Beyond that, I'm unsure what else need to occur.  I know I can rally support from the SVLUG membership for various bay area projects.10:19
sn9a website or such needs to be set up10:19
atoponceSVLUG-Pres: marko: sn9: get with Zelut post meet, and he'll get you on the right track to get the team going10:20
markoare there good examples of such websites?10:20
FunnyLookinHatmarko, see wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCreatingWebsite10:20
sn9mark nielsen's todo page on the wiki has more ideas, but it's far from complete10:20
markook, thanks...10:20
FunnyLookinHatmarko, under the section: decide on content10:20
atoponcesweet. so it's looks like we have california and maryland mentored10:21
atoponceJoe_CoT: how is the progress of new jersey?10:21
=== nixternal has to head out before the huge winter storm hits. /me is logging and will respond if needed
atoponceJoe_CoT: do you need a mentor10:21
atoponcenixternal: thx for stopping by10:21
Joe_CoTatoponce: it's not great. I've got the resources set up, just not the people10:21
sn9however, getting the word out to SoCal might be somewhat cumbersome10:22
atoponceJoe_CoT: what resources do you have in place10:22
=== JPMaximilian [n=john@12-207-149-249.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
FunnyLookinHatsn9, you guys will probably want to consider finding a local leader/organizer for socal, norcal, and somewhere around SLO10:22
Joe_CoTatoponce: the irc channel's up, the mailing list, i've got a subforum on ubuntuforums, the wiki page is up10:23
atoponceJoe_CoT: cool. how about a domain page?10:23
sn9FunnyLookinHat: that's what i thought, but marko made an interesting alternate proposal10:23
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Joe_CoTI recently moved hosts in a hurry, so I'm waiting for someone with dns access to change the ip for nj.ubuntu-us.org. I had a site setup, but was basically just a mirror of what was on the wiki. once i get the dns again i'm probably going to make it a redirect to the wiki page for now10:24
atoponceRinchen: would you be available to mentor nj by chance? if not, i can10:24
atoponceJoe_CoT: ok. cool10:24
Joe_CoTif anyone can change the dns, btw, that'd be great :)10:25
markoFunnyLookinHat: we will definitely include and reach out to SoCal et al. I'm going down there next week.10:25
atoponceJoe_CoT: ok. hang out in #ubunu-us, and we'll get that set10:25
Rinchenatoponce, sure, glad to help.10:25
FunnyLookinHatmarko, very cool!10:25
atoponcei think we need to talk to smurf about the dns10:25
atoponcenot sure though10:25
atoponceRinchen: thx man!10:25
sn9marko: i was referring to what you said about svlug membership10:25
Joe_CoTatoponce: his away message says he's gone for the week.10:25
markosn9: yes, that also10:26
atoponceJoe_CoT: ok. we'll get it resolved10:26
Joe_CoTit's not a huge deal if it takes a bit. i'm sending out the wiki page, not the website url10:26
sn9marko: tell Zelut about your idea10:26
atoponcenext item on the agenda: reminder of project goals10:26
atoponceRinchen: are we still on the same page that this is to be a guidance-based project, and not a government-based team?10:27
atoponcethere were a couple confusing emails that surfaced, and i just want to make sure that nothing has changed10:27
Rinchenatoponce, for the benefit of everyone, let me add some text there...10:27
atoponcesounds good10:27
RinchenMy mailing list post was a reply to Jono's request for Governance. It was a suggestion, a suggestion only. :-)10:28
RinchenZelut and I have talked a bit about.10:28
RinchenZelut and you, atoponce, are in charge of us-teams so it's whatever you want.10:28
ZelutRinchen: I didn't ever get my reply out to you10:28
markosn9: do you mean the program, agenda, curriculum discussion?10:28
RinchenFor the record, I favour a loose affiliation and not a governance group.10:29
atoponceRinchen: does jono want to see the team goverened?10:29
sn9marko: and the svlug connection10:29
ZelutI think, if that is the general consensus, then we already have a guidance based 'council'10:29
ZelutI don't want any type of overlying leadership to the teams but a, or a few, core people as primary contacts and guides is helpful10:30
Rinchenatoponce, the last information I have from Jono indicates he wants a US Governance group.10:31
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chuckfI think that there needs to be some sort of structure to lead the group as a whole,10:31
RinchenZelut, +110:31
RinchenI understand both Jono's viewpoint and Zelut's.10:32
atoponceit's tough, because the guidance system, as we i think all agree, is superior to governance10:32
Zelutatoponce and myself have been trying to lead, but mainly by example.. not giving orders.  I think that meets both camps needs.10:32
chuckfbut when you guide without leadership of some sort it can quickly devolve to chaos10:32
RinchenSince Jono has not been available as of late nor made any recent comments, I'd like to suggest that we table the governance discussion and continue on with Guidance/Mentoring as planned.10:32
Zeluta few people to be seen as central contacts, and framework builders.10:32
atoponcei'm ok with a council, as long as we keep US Teams a project, and not a team10:33
atoponceRinchen: sounds good10:33
atoponcemy wife got bored. :)10:33
Zelutwonder why10:33
Joe_CoTmeetings will do that10:33
atoponceok. next agend item: ideas for exposure10:34
atoponcehow can we get the word out about US Teams?10:34
atoponcethis is probably the same problem that new teams face10:34
atoponcehow to get exposed10:34
marko...through existing LUGs is a start.10:34
atoponcewe want new state teams to know about the resources available10:34
H264maybe provide a nice little logo for all of our websites so ppl can click on it :)10:34
atoponcemarko: yeah. local lugs is a great place10:35
Zelutmarko: contacting and working with existing lugs will be the best start, yes.10:35
FunnyLookinHatI think H264 has a good idea, a little image that says something like "Member of the US LoCo Teams Project" that would link to the usteams wiki page10:35
atoponcei was also thinking of maybe putting a link to the wiki in our forums signature?10:35
chuckfhow about computer shows/fairs/whatever you call them locally10:35
boredandblogginga lot of colleges have lugs that aren't tied to city/state lugs and they should be contacted as well10:35
marko...also not to be felt as competing with local LUGs but rather reinforcing them, helping them.10:35
atoponcemarko: yeah10:36
chuckfatoponce, but if they're in the forums, likely they know about the loco teams10:36
markoyes on shows...SCALE was excellent.10:36
Rinchenatoponce, re: word out - what about Ubuntu Live?  We can try the UWN if it restarts.  We can also put out a notice on the Fridge.10:36
Zelutmarko: exactly.  we're not making any new lugs but supporting and working with *all* the lugs to an ubuntu specific level10:36
Joe_CoTchuckf: not necessarily. a lot of people are on the forums for support. it could help10:36
atoponceRinchen: perfect. didn't think about ubuntu live. my wife and i plan on being there10:36
ZelutRinchen: I would like to get as many loco members together at Ubuntu Live as we can.10:37
christinaeaterre: existing lugs: i may be naive, but i feel like a loco team should ideally be a component of the local lug10:37
atoponcenixternal has been my (and probably everyone else's) contact for the fridge10:37
markoI'm making a short _paper_ brochure on Linux and FOSS to put in places like libraries, our Computer History Museum...10:37
Rinchenatoponce, if you want, contact the normal Ubuntu Live email address (failing that give me a jingle) and ask about a booth10:37
atoponceRinchen: will do10:37
=== Rinchen is also a fridge editor.
=== atoponce writes that down
Zelutchristinaeater: a loco team--at least my loco team--has mainly worked to improve lugs10:37
markoand places where "normal" people might pick up clues about Linux, FOSS, and Ubunut.10:37
atoponcebut, how do you get US Teams exposure, by announcing them to local lugs?10:38
Zelutanother thing ubuntu-utah is doing (and this would be limited to any team with ubuntu members) is including business cards with printed CDs that offer links to the loco resources.10:38
markoI want to reach out to high school principals, vice-principals, churches, who don't otherwise go looking for us.10:39
atoponcefor example, how do i get massachussettes, per se, involved with US Teams by using a local lug?10:39
marko...might not know about Linux but are getting tired of proprietary upgrade$10:39
RinchenFunnyLookinHat, not sure this would help much but perhaps you might consider a direct link to the us-teams project from the new Ubuntu-Rocks.org site10:40
Zelutatoponce: ...?10:40
FunnyLookinHatRinchen, I was thinking of having mitch add that...  one of the reasons I pinged him  : )10:40
RinchenGood man. :-)10:40
FunnyLookinHatRinchen, I'll email him when this is done10:40
markoatoponce: write a short brochure and give it to the people above, the PTA, public library foyers, etc.10:40
Joe_CoTmarko: those might be people that would be interested in Ubuntu, but not necessarily active enough to work on a LoCo team. the LUG route is probably the best start, if i can get a hold of them.10:40
atoponcemarko: but there is already a utah team10:41
atoponcemarko: see what i'm saying?10:41
RinchenFor atoponce, Zelut, and everyone else, we're redesigning ubuntu-rocks.org presently so if there is a possibility we can help you, please contact FunnyLookinHat10:41
ZelutRinchen: what are you using for the redesign?10:41
atoponceRinchen: will do. i'll make sure my requests are a pain too. ;)10:41
Zelutatoponce: I'm not sure what you're asking10:42
RinchenZelut, we'll talk offline on that one. Whole series of mock-ups.  FunnyLookinHat would be a good one to ping on #ubuntu-us later.10:42
Rinchen(otherwise we won't get thru this meeting)10:42
atoponceZelut: i asked how to get exposure for the US Teams Project. how can announcing to my local lugs about it, get other states informed?10:42
chuckfone issue about going after lugs is that they tend to be distro neutral, or at least try to be10:42
Zelutatoponce: I have no idea. I wouldn't think it would.10:43
atoponceZelut: exactly10:43
atoponceso, how are they benificial?10:43
RinchenHas anyone thought about contacting Joe (Zonker) or others to do a write up on Linux.com/Distrowatch/etc.10:43
atoponcei would like to see exposure on a national level10:43
Zelutchuckf: they do tend to be neutral but I've found many of them do use Ubuntu, and those people are the makeup of the loco10:43
atoponceubuntuforums, ubuntu live, uwn, blogging, things like that would probably have a big outreach10:43
H264I would think if you maybe looked into the smaller computer shops, they might be willing to distrabute this kind of stuff, and ppl would trust them10:44
atoponceRinchen: i havent10:44
Rinchenatoponce, might be good. He's here in the Denver area.  http://www.dissociatedpress.net/about-me/10:44
Zelutif everyone on the planet posts about it it'll get more notice10:44
RinchenZelut, very true10:44
atoponceRinchen: rock on! perfect contact10:45
=== atoponce needs a rolodex
H264nobody does to postes, the normal ppl goto computer shops (I would think)10:45
atoponcei'm planning on posting about ubuntu-us fairly often10:45
Zelutits a little offtopic for my blog but it wont hurt.10:45
atoponceany other ideas? Rinchen seems to have the cat in the bag in this area10:45
atoponcethat might not be the best term10:46
=== atoponce sux at terms
ZelutI had the idea of transforming ubuntu-us.org into a teams specific planet & portal10:46
Joe_CoTZelut: +1 on that. Better than having it as a placeholder page10:46
chuckfZelut, that's a great idea10:46
Zelutone-stop shop for seeing what teams are up to and finding your local team.10:47
FunnyLookinHatI agree as well.10:47
atoponceZelut: +110:47
RinchenZelut, ubuntu-rocks can physically sponsor that. I owe the domain but FunnyLookinHat controls the content.10:47
Joe_CoTZelut: someone goes to ubuntu-us.org loco for LoCo teams near them, not a placeholder10:47
atoponceJoe_CoT: yeah.10:47
FunnyLookinHatI think that was the vision of ubuntu-rocks.org at one point...   but it would be better at ubuntu-us.org10:47
Zelutright. it'd feed, just like the planet, from each team site & also have prominent links to each team at state.ubuntu-us.org10:47
atoponcei like that idea10:48
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atoponcesmurf controls the domain, yes?10:48
SVLUG-Presatoponce: re exposure for US teams project - we could begin a "loco lug wildfire initiative" where LUGs that support a given loco team (as SVLUG supports the CA team) would contact a half-dozen other LUGs (...anywhere?) with a scripted introduction and URLs where they can follow up and get involved.10:48
boredandbloggingZelut, I'd like to help out with the ubuntu-us.org if you need help10:48
Joe_CoTIt'd help lugs not think I'm just some nut asking them to join a ubuntu team :D10:48
H264well, I don't think Linux, or lots of others will get very far if not provided some way (even flyers I think would work) to the local computer shops10:48
Zelutboredandblogging: great. we'll just need access to the domain and we'll get it going.10:48
H264but that's just my thoughs10:49
Rinchenubuntu-rocks is mine but is for the benefit of Colorado (and other Teams).10:49
ZelutI've setup a few planets so it should be juick10:49
atoponceSVLUG-Pres: good idea10:49
atoponcei think that'll be big10:49
Zelutwell if we can get access to it I'm all over it10:50
atoponceok. a couple more things, and we'll end10:50
boredandbloggingZelut, cool, let me know how I can help.10:50
atoponceare there any states being represented here that would like to start a loco that we haven't gone over?10:50
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RinchenZelut, with FunnyLookinHat's permission you can have a full shell10:50
FunnyLookinHatPermission granted.10:50
=== ryanakca [n=ryan@d226-26-139.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
ZelutRinchen: to ubuntu-us.org or ubuntu-rocks?10:51
Rinchenubuntu-rocks has 256 gig of space available and 2 terabytes of monthly bandwidth10:51
Zelutdo we want to build it there or at ubuntu-us?10:51
RinchenZelut, ubuntu-rocks.  For ubuntu-us.org that would be Smurf.10:51
H264how much does that cost?10:51
FunnyLookinHatI would strongly suggest trying to host whatever it is you decide to on official ubuntu provided server space...  We can link ubuntu-us to it then10:51
dthackergreetings from NebraskaTeam10:52
atoponceboredandblogging: what state are you in?10:52
RinchenMy official guidance is to contact smurf for ubuntu-us.org but failing any services, ubuntu-rocks.org is open for you to use (again deferring to FLH)10:52
FunnyLookinHatThat is what I am pushing for the revamped colorado team page as well.10:52
atoponcedthacker: welcome10:52
SVLUG-Presre: "wildfire initiative" - I often have SVLUG volunteers asking  "how can I help out?"  ...and that'd be a great project for many of them.10:52
boredandbloggingatoponce, Georgia10:52
atoponceboredandblogging: need any help getting the team up and running?10:52
ZelutRinchen: ok. we'll try smurf and pending that build it on ubuntu-rocks10:52
atoponcei want to make sure that everyone who came looking for help will get it10:52
boredandbloggingatoponce, we've got our online presence going, working on getting the word out10:53
atoponcedthacker: how's nebraska going?10:53
RinchenZelut, if you want to prototype, I can setup a full sub-dir for you to play with on rocks10:53
atoponceboredandblogging: cool.10:53
ryanakcaeeeks... 61s lag10:53
ZelutRinchen: ok. we can discuss in #ubuntu-us10:53
=== Rinchen would like to see Nix's map on the US-Teams site.
dthackerNebraska is building at about 2 people a month.10:53
atoponcedthacker: cool. need any help?10:53
atoponcedthacker: have all your resources in place, and just looking to get members?10:54
dthackerI can't remember how to give myself +o on #ubuntu-nebraska to fix the topic and such.10:54
atoponce/msg chanserv op #ubuntu-nebraska dthacker10:54
atoponcedon't forget '/msg chanserv help'10:55
atoponceit's a great resource10:55
dthackerWe have mailing list, wiki pages, and irc.  Forums seem un-needed for such a small group10:55
atoponceanyone else need help with their loco, before we close?10:55
atoponcedthacker: how many in the team currently?10:55
Zelutdthacker: forums can be put together on ubuntuforums.10:55
SVLUG-Presboredandblogging asked early on about money.  I have some feedback on that.10:56
atoponcedthacker: that's not too bad, actually10:56
atoponceSVLUG-Pres: one sec. i'll open it to the floor here in a sec10:56
dthackerI'm doing 2 presentations at local high schools next month.  We should pick up a few more10:56
atoponcedthacker: ok. meet us in #ubuntu-us, and we'll see what we can do to increase those numbers10:57
SVLUG-PresSVLUG is currently courting a "project sponsor" - a company to pay for our projects - and the Ubuntu CA loco team project would be one of those projects.  That way the money's all from their pockets to the pockets of the volunteers who spent their own cash to help.10:57
Rinchenatoponce, remaining agenda items?10:57
atoponceeveryone: if mentoring, don't forget to add your name to the wiki10:57
dthackercool, thanks.  I've just been asked to jump a dead battery, see you all soon.10:57
SVLUG-Presah, sorry I should read before hitting "enter"10:57
atoponceRinchen: that's it. peanut gallery time10:57
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atoponceSVLUG-Pres: np10:57
atoponceSVLUG-Pres: so there will be a sponsor for the ca team?10:58
SVLUG-Presnot directly.10:58
SVLUG-PresThe company would be an SVLUG sponsor - written up on our website prominently as a "Projects Sponsor".10:58
atoponcei see10:59
SVLUG-PresThey'd commit say 10K/year to whatever projects SVLUG wanted to do.10:59
atoponcenice. and svlug would be setting up the ca team?10:59
SVLUG-Pres...and the CA loco team would be one of those.10:59
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=== Zelut imagines what a loco could do with that kind of funding :)
atoponceZelut: no kidding10:59
boredandblogging10K? wow10:59
SVLUG-PresWell... "setting up" infers we'd be in charge.  We're just a bunch of helpers.10:59
SVLUG-Pres...and 10K goes FAST here in the SF bay area.11:00
Zelutwe've gone a year now with $0 funds and still running strong.11:00
chuckfare sponsor conflicts a big concern?11:00
atoponceZelut: we should look into funding. then we could buy shirts and stuff11:00
RinchenReminder there is a full LoCo meeting tomorrow. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamMeeting11:00
atoponceRinchen: thx for that11:00
atoponcei wanted to nemind, but forgot. :)11:00
FunnyLookinHatRinchen, crud....   at 10 AM MST right?11:01
SVLUG-PresSVLUG itself has no treasury - don't get me wrong - we run on fumes.  But there are SO many things we could do that we DONT do, because of lack of funds.  The "Projects Sponsor" initiative is trying to fix that.11:01
atoponceSVLUG-Pres: i like the idea. being a lug prez myself, i might talk to you later about that11:01
atoponceSVLUG-Pres: have a jabber account?11:01
atoponceor gmail?11:01
SVLUG-PresAlso - I got VERY lucky - the company I'm courting to be the projects sponsor is a placement firm, so there's no conflict of interest _anywhere_.11:02
Zelutatoponce: you can't use funds to pay for attendance :)11:02
RinchenFunnyLookinHat, 10am MST yes.11:02
Rinchen@schedule denver11:02
UbugtuSchedule for America/Denver: Current meeting: Ubuntu US LoCo Team Mentor | 25 Feb 10:00: LoCo Team | 26 Feb 16:00: Community Council | 27 Feb 13:00: Technical Board | 28 Feb 11:00: Accessibility Team | 28 Feb 13:00: Edubuntu11:02
SVLUG-Presgmail:  reiber@gmail.com11:02
Joe_CoTIs there anything else on the agenda? I'm going to need to head out pretty soon11:02
atoponceSVLUG-Pres: aaron@aarontoponce.org11:02
atoponceJoe_CoT: nope. we're done11:02
Rinchenatoponce, one request...11:02
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atoponceRinchen: yeah11:02
Rinchenatoponce, Are you posting abbreviated minutes and action items somewhere?11:02
Joe_CoTalright, I'll tty guys in #ubuntu-us later then. good meeting11:03
atoponceyeah. currently on ubuntu-utah.org site with a link to it on the wiki11:03
RinchenIt would be helpful to go over the action items during each US meeting11:03
=== Joe_CoT is now known as joe_cot
Zelutso are we on for next month or sooner?11:04
SVLUG-PresTHANK YOU guys... looks like the Ubuntu CA team now has a mentor! Woo Hoo!11:04
atoponceoh yeah. forgot about that too11:04
atoponceSVLUG-Pres: np. hope to see the team succeed11:04
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atoponcesaturday seems to work well, so we'll keep it there11:04
atoponceeither the 24 or 3111:04
markoRegarding money, I think one of the best things that has helped Ubuntu is the abundance of handsome and "official looking" CDs so when we give them away they look professional and people don't suspect we are giving them some homebrew distro.11:05
atoponceand how is this time for everyone: 21:00 utc11:05
atoponcemarko: yup11:05
=== vorian_ is now known as Vorian
Zelut31st is good I think. last sat monthly?11:05
chuckf24 would be better for me, and 21 is ok11:05
atoponcei'm good with either11:05
=== H264 does not care
Voriansorry I'm late11:05
atoponceVorian: np. you just missed it. :)11:06
FunnyLookinHatatoponce, Zelut , just pick one or the other and we'll adjust our schedules accordingly  : )11:06
atoponcesounds goot11:06
atoponce21:00 UTC works great for me11:06
Zelutits a plan11:06
=== atoponce updates the wiki
Zelutsee everyone here next month and those assigned mentors today please visit #ubuntu-us11:07
H264great :)11:08
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sn9is this an adjournment?11:09
chuckfthanks for the time during the meeting all11:09
atoponcesn9: yessir11:10
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atoponcelost the minutes11:11
atoponcenixternal: if you could get the minutes for me, that'd be great11:12
atoponceor Rinchen|afk or Vorian11:12
atoponceanyone that still has the meeting on screen11:12
atoponcewait. ubuntulog is in the channel11:12
chuckfsorry, I don't have logging on11:13
atoponcechuckf: can you copy paste into a text editor?11:14
chuckfI've only got the last bit11:14
chuckfin xchat11:14
atoponcei'll get on ubuntulog tomorrow11:14
atoponceshould have everything11:14
chuckfsn9 might have it11:15
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Rinchenatoponce, I have them plus they will be posted on line11:48

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