
elkbuntuheya mako :)12:58
popeyapokryphos: yes, i was at fosdem01:19
popeyjust got back01:19
nixternalhow were the KDE talks :)01:21
=== nixternal ducks the flame
makonixternal: hola01:22
nixternalwell hello there mr. Mako01:23
=== elkbuntu pouts at mako
elkbuntuignore me why don't you01:24
makoelkbuntu: hey, hows it going01:25
makoelkbuntu: give me a minute to respond01:25
elkbuntuyou've had 27! :01:25
=== elkbuntu hugs mako
elkbuntuim good :)01:25
makoelkbuntu: oh, i missed that, sorry01:26
makoa bit distracted, working on the the official book revision01:26
elkbuntuooh cool01:26
elkbuntuhmm... i wonder if the book shop still has the copy of the edgy revision i ordered. i sort of forgot to go get it last month01:27
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eagles0513875can anyone help me unban myslef from the #ubuntu channel01:29
raf256eagles0513875: what was that commend you gaved01:29
naliotheagles0513875: why are you banned?01:30
eagles0513875a person by the name of Faust_c gave me a command that apparently banned me from the channel and since i didnt know what the command was i used it thinking it would make the bots laugh but i banned myself01:30
eagles0513875i dont remember the command he gave me raf01:30
eagles0513875i was given a command which apparently banned myself from the channel by Faust_C01:31
gnomefreakhe was banned for spamming ubuntu rules01:31
naliotheagles0513875: yes, you've said that.01:31
gnomefreaki banned him earlier today01:31
eagles0513875i was not spammin01:31
eagles0513875i was askin for help01:31
UbugtuAn error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.01:31
naliothoh yes01:31
=== vorian_ [n=vorian@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops
naliotheagles0513875: come back tomorrow, you were spamming01:31
eagles0513875i was01:31
eagles0513875how was i i only asked a question 2 times in the chat01:32
gnomefreaksorry cant get into bt atm as you can see above to show logs01:32
eagles0513875unless someone hacked my comp01:32
naliotheagles0513875: i have logs of you disrupting the channel01:32
eagles0513875can u send to me01:32
gnomefreakeagles0513875: you repeated ubuntu rulez maybe 10+ times before i banned you01:32
=== raf256 wants the log as well
eagles0513875all i did was ask a question cuz i needed help 2 times01:33
eagles0513875then probably the command that Faust gave me caused me to spam the room01:33
PriceChildeagles0513875, You definately spammed the channel with that statement a dozen times or so01:33
naliotheagles0513875: bans are 24 hours as a rule, please come back tomorrow01:33
naliothuse this time to think about running strange commands01:33
eagles0513875lol ya01:33
raf256eagles0513875: what irc client?01:33
eagles0513875xchat which im on now01:34
eagles0513875was able to get in ther for a bit a lil bit earlier01:34
raf256it supports loops/scripts?01:34
eagles0513875talk in pm raf01:34
raf256hmm no I was just a bit curious eagles0513875 :)01:34
eagles0513875ok lol01:34
raf256eagles0513875: why are you using wine? there are dozen of decent LINUX irc clients01:35
eagles0513875lol im not using wine its cuz im trying to get windows based game to work on here01:35
eagles0513875its world of war craft lol01:35
raf256btw, here on freenode I reccomend to use less lol ;)01:36
raf256take care01:36
=== raf256 ->work();
gnomefreakhe did ask a question but started shortly after it01:36
eagles0513875well im sry01:36
eagles0513875anybody know much bout wine in here01:36
PriceChildeagles0513875, this is not a support channel01:36
raf256there is a #wine channel01:36
eagles0513875ok later all01:36
=== eagles0513875 [n=eagles05@rrcs-71-41-194-65.sw.biz.rr.com] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving"]
raf256erm I ment #winehq01:37
raf256I catched him again and redirected :P01:37
raf256funny fellow01:38
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plex0rhi can i be unbanned from #ubuntu now its been like 2 weeks01:58
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=== gnomefreak waits for troll
PriceChildgnomefreak, I remember that guy.... can't remember him being a troll but things change :(02:20
gnomefreakhe was clearly doing it02:20
gnomefreaki gave him benifit of doubt to start with02:21
PriceChildYeah I'm not debating him being a troll now :)02:21
gnomefreakoh i know02:21
PriceChildgnomefreak, he's in -effects :)02:21
gnomefreakthats the first time ive seen him02:21
gnomefreakbtw beryl never been ported for windows :)02:21
PriceChildYou're telling me? ;)02:22
gnomefreakwindows == javas lookglass02:22
gnomefreakthe hp guy said he had it on windows thats what clued me into troll02:22
PriceChildI'm trying to remember the name of this cross platform thing... Toyd?02:22
gnomefreaki dont remember i know ther eis one but it was garbage02:24
PriceChildIts never been released yet02:24
gnomefreakin comming nalioth if your still up02:27
naliothgnomefreak: ?02:27
=== HP_Vue [n=HP_Vue@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
gnomefreakHP_Vue: has complaint02:28
gnomefreakhes trolling #ubuntu with i have beryl on windows i warned him than removed him than banned him02:28
PriceChildHe's also claiming PM spam from a user in #ubuntu02:29
HP_Vuegnomefreak and PriceChild, I can talk for myself02:29
=== PriceChild steps away
HP_VueFirst of all, Ikonia is spamming me in PM, and I can provide a PM if needed02:29
gnomefreakHP_Vue: yes you can but since you didnt see nalioth ask what i was telling him02:29
naliothHP_Vue: can we help you with something?02:31
HP_VueFirst of all, Ikonia is spamming me in PM, and I can provide a screenshot if needed02:31
HP_VueSecond of all, I brought up be using a beryl-like program on windows02:32
HP_VueAnd I got kick banned02:32
nalioth HP_Vue ##windows is for windows discussion02:32
nalioth and /ignore NICK works wonders02:32
gnomefreaki warned you before removing you02:32
HP_VueOk, thats all they had to say, and I thought beryl was a linux related topic02:33
ikoniais someone pinging me02:33
ikoniamy names lit up02:34
ikoniadidn't realise I was still in this channel02:34
ikoniaI must have left this open since yesterday02:34
PriceChildHP_Vue, programs "like beryl" on _windows_ are very offtopic for #ubuntu02:34
HP_VueWho am I having this conversation with>02:34
HP_Vuenalioth, regardles, isn't spamming someones PM a server offence?02:37
naliothHP_Vue: you have /ignore02:37
naliothstops any communications from $NICK in its tracks02:37
plex0rcan i be unbanned?02:38
naliothplex0r: why were you banned?02:40
plex0ri cant remember it was a long time ago02:40
plex0rprobably copying and pasting my question02:40
plex0ror saying a cuss word02:40
plex0ri forgot02:40
plex0rprobably cussing knowing me02:40
naliothok, have a nice day02:41
naliothcussing doesn't help anything, you know02:41
plex0rthank you!02:41
plex0ryes well i was just frustrated with the 64bit installer02:41
plex0ri think there is an issues with dual cores and 64bit02:41
plex0rbut not sure02:41
naliothwell, whatever the issue is, cursing has no effect on it (except to excite other folks for no reason)02:42
plex0rk mate02:43
gnomefreaknalioth: he was banned for cussing a few times (i looked it up on bt when he asked the first time)02:44
plex0rwhats bt?02:45
gnomefreakSeveas: when you get time @btlogin is broken.02:47
PriceChildwhich bit?02:48
gnomefreakPriceChild: @btlogin is the command02:49
PriceChildI was just curious as to what's broken? :)02:49
gnomefreakit errors i dont know what is wrong with it02:49
UbugtuAn error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.02:49
PriceChildAhh ok... !worksforme :P02:49
ikoniaha ha ha ha02:52
ikonialove the use of a factoid02:52
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tonyyarussognomefreak: pong03:35
tonyyarussognomefreak: You wanted to know if I was around about four hours ago, not sure what about.03:56
naliothtonyyarusso: get back to work03:57
naliothno time for socializing. . .03:58
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tonyyarussonalioth: I would, if I knew what the work was.  ;)  If you can teach me about moving the location for images in a deb in /usr/lib to /usr/share without confusing the program, or have other PPC buddies that could try building and see if they get the same error, drop by -motu and we'll chat.03:59
naliothjust the voluntary box for you, my dear03:59
naliothyou must supply the brains03:59
tonyyarussoGot brains.  Brains seek knowledge to fill with.04:01
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Madpilottonyyarusso, how did MybEvil_ in #u earn the !ohmy? Merely saying "porn" doesn't rate, really.05:38
tonyyarussoMadpilot: well, chattering about it a bit does05:38
tonyyarusso!familyfriendly might be more like it05:39
naliothhow bout !offtopic ?05:39
tonyyarussothat too05:39
Madpilotmeh. "I'm wondering how to play a media file that happens to be porn" doesn't rate any of the tells, IMO.05:39
tonyyarussognomefreak: ping me tomorrow if it still applies06:05
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crimsunis +q working properly? I _am_ using the correct syntax, I hope ->     /mode #ubuntu +q *!*@hostmask06:48
Mezcrimsun, you getting messages when you've +q'd someone ?06:49
crimsunI don't get anything, but the modesetting doesn't appear to work in the channel at all06:50
naliothcrimsun: which channel?06:50
crimsun[/mode #ubuntu +q *!*@74-131-112-92.dhcp.insightbb.com] 06:50
naliothcrimsun: you quieted shrimpy1?06:51
naliothif so, it worked properly06:51
crimsunI tried, but backscroll verifies that it wasn't successful, as his paste continued06:51
=== nalioth looks at the big picture
crimsunI ended up using /kick06:52
naliothno, it stopped as soon as you entered it06:52
naliothperhaps you are / were lagged or something06:53
crimsunok, well, if it's working, I'll just chalk it up to lag06:53
crimsunthanks anyhow, sorry for the trouble06:53
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Dictionaryhi there, i just have had an issue in you chat07:05
Dictionaryiv been banned because a friend desided to try to see how long untill he got banned from your #ubuntu   line and its all because i left gaim open... you be please to know now im locking my computer when friends are over but i need u to unblock me im fairly new at ubuntu and theres alot i need help with....07:05
DictionaryPLEASE I BAGE YOU...07:05
Dictionaryif i dont have this imscrewed...and i know im just one less person to help but im a happyuser of ubuntu and trust me this wont happen again... iv warned himandtold him that he is never again alowed to use my computer without methere...07:05
DictionaryANYWHO please read and email me back on your desition... it would be a great help07:05
MyrttiIf you could just wait07:08
MyrttiI know nothing about the issue, but you have to have patience07:09
Dictionarythis was an email i was just pasteing it because i found out it was rejecting it07:09
naliothDictionary: most bans only last 24 hours.  however if you should let your computer be abused further, the bans will last longer if the abuse happens in #ubuntu07:30
Dictionaryyes i know as read it wont happen again07:36
Dictionarybut ut has been 24 hours at least i think07:37
elkbuntui've unbanned you. if it happens again, the ban will be for a week.07:51
Dictionaryok thank you07:53
Dictionaryand it wont07:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hosts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:06
naliothwho pulled this entry?08:06
ubotuIn #ubuntu, DaSkreech said: !LPI is The Linux Professional Institute which makes professional Level certifications. You can be Ubuntu !certified through them08:07
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mneptok /invite Seveas #mypants12:11
Seveashi darling12:11
mneptokSeveas: see the George "Sulu" Takei PSA?12:12
Seveaswhat's that?12:14
GazzaKhey Seveas12:16
mneptokSeveas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aA20dKc3kK8  <-- Flash12:17
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elkbuntugah... ubot3 is useless if he's not around!01:10
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elkbuntugnomefreak, want me to remove the full ban too?01:37
gnomefreakyou can if you think he didnt do it on purpose :)01:37
elkbuntuim willing to give a chance01:37
elkbuntumeanwhile, seems kenthomson is up to his tricks being a pita again01:41
Hobbseeyet again.01:42
elkbuntu<kenthomson> DJAdmiral, i am of the opinion that all software licenses except GPL need to be abused like hell, and its develpers shaken from their shoulders so hard that their teeth rattle!01:43
=== elkbuntu rolls her eyes
elkbuntuHobbsee, he's warming up now01:46
elkbuntuthank goodness, he went of his own volition01:47
Hobbseeelkbuntu: you know...while he's gone, we could just banforward him to #ubuntu-offtopic...01:47
Hobbseewould be the perfect place for him01:47
elkbuntuhaha... you can put that under your own name01:47
Hobbseehe doesnt appear to read topics, doesnt obey the rules, ie, is constantly offtopic.  at what point do we force him to do what he should have done already?01:48
elkbuntufeel free to do it01:49
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Hobbseeelkbuntu: where'd you hide the cluebat?02:07
=== Hobbsee wants to use it on some customers.
elkbuntuHobbsee, what is wrong with LPS?02:07
Hobbseeelkbuntu: because that pokes, not whacks them to the ground.02:07
elkbuntuHobbsee, mug ubugtu then02:08
=== Hobbsee notes that "winfieldgold" in a demanding tone is not a greeting, therefore is not a suitable response to "hello"
Hobbseestupid bloke02:08
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elkbuntuSeveas, see planet. we need to ubugtu that site :03:24
elkbuntuMatthew Garrett once defeated Chuck Norris just using CAPITAL LETTERS.03:24
Seveaselkbuntu, that site has some CoC issues :)03:25
elkbuntuSeveas, no kidding :03:26
Seveasvrms is scared of vmj5903:27
elkbuntuMatthew Garrett is upset that he's never appeared on Everybody Loves Eric Raymond.03:27
elkbuntuWhile you read this, Matthew Garrett is killing everybody who submits facts for this website.03:27
=== elkbuntu 's jaw is hurting from laughing now
UbugtuEric S. Raymond is a vessel of the horny god.03:30
Seveas@config list plugins.mess03:30
Ubugtu#delay, #enabled, #offensive, and public03:30
Seveas@config channel plugins.mess.delay 003:30
UbugtuEric S. Raymond is Master Foo.03:30
UbugtuEric Raymond is treated like visiting royalty by Linux user groups03:30
UbugtuThere is no such thing as proprietary software. There is only a list of programs that ESR hasn't written a Free replacement for yet.03:31
UbugtuEric Raymond actually wrote most of the Linux kernel. Linus just took all the credit.03:31
UbugtuOSI would be better off with Eric Raymond in-charge.03:31
UbugtuEric S. Raymond once killed a man using only his bare hands. And a gun, and three bullets.03:31
UbugtuEric Raymond always asks <a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html">smart questions.</a>03:31
UbugtuEric S. Raymond can fetch his mail without using fetchmail. He just wrote it so the rest of us wouldn't feel bad.03:31
UbugtuEric S. Raymond once killed a man using only his bare hands. And a gun, and three bullets.03:31
UbugtuEric Raymond swift-boated Fedora to push the Freespire agenda03:31
UbugtuEric Raymond wishes the interview with Microsoft had gone better, and that Google would return his calls.03:31
UbugtuEric Raymond is one of the senior technical cadre that makes the Internet work03:31
UbugtuEric S. Raymond is smarter, stronger, more handsome, and humbler than you.03:31
UbugtuEric S. Raymond keeps his guns loaded because pulling the trigger without a round chambered would violate Amazon's "one-click" patent.03:31
UbugtuEric S. Raymond would prefer the risks of private nukes to the disarmament of the civilian population. Actually, he'd prefer private nukes to just about anything.03:32
elkbuntuyou reject mjg but not esr? wtf?03:32
UbugtuEric Raymond studies Aikido, but Tove can kick his ass.03:32
SportChickw 2803:32
Seveaselkbuntu, the esr facts are not nearly as non-coc as the mjg59 ones03:32
elkbuntuare you looking at the facts or the virtual mjg?03:33
mneptokthe smart questions doc is actually useful.03:33
Seveaselkbuntu, both03:33
elkbuntuoh well. off to bed now. cyas03:35
elkbuntuwtf.. elesr skipped over the fedora thing and went to stallman and cuba :-/03:37
elkbuntuwe wanted that this week dammit03:38
apokryphospopey: ah ok, didn't see you on the stand. Though people on it changed anyhow03:41
apokryphosmany interesting talks to see ;-)03:41
popeywhat stand?03:41
popeyI wasnt on any stands03:41
apokryphosUbuntu one03:41
popeythere wasnt an ubuntu stand03:41
popeythere was an ubuntu-be one03:42
Seveashi apokryphos03:42
apokryphoshey Seveas03:42
apokryphospopey: ?03:42
popeythere wasnt an "ubuntu" "official" stand, more of an info point setup by the belgian loco team03:42
popeyIMO its a little different03:42
popeybut I am just being pedantic.. /ignore me03:42
apokryphoseveryone saw it as the Ubuntu stand :P03:43
apokryphosand there were non-Belgian people on it :P03:43
popeyI had a problem with most of the stands there03:43
mneptokd'oh! stupid Flanders.03:43
apokryphosother things learnt at FOSDEM were Miguel convincing me that all GNOME people really love proprietary software ;-)03:43
popeywalk up and there were 3-4 people sat behind them on laptops03:43
popeynot looking up, not talking to people03:43
popeyfor a LOT of the time03:43
popeythats not the way to run a stand03:43
apokryphoscrazy stuff. His talk was all about a proprietary game engine written in Mono... on OS X03:44
Seveaspopey, heh, gentoo stand being an excellent example :)03:44
popeyhappens every year03:44
apokryphosdidn't really see that03:44
popeycompare it with what we did at the linuxworld expo last year03:44
apokryphosmost stands had 3/4 people on laptops, and then one or two ready to talk03:44
popeypeople came up and we talked to people03:44
apokryphoslinuxworld expo is a business event, though03:44
popeyI found most stands unapproachable03:44
apokryphosso it sucks :P03:44
Seveaspopey, the belgians didn't properly organise anything. We (the 2 dutch people) improvised a bit03:44
popeyno, not the section we are in apokryphos03:44
popeywe are in the org village03:44
popeyit was execllent03:44
popeywe had a great stand - one of the busiest in the show03:45
apokryphoslast time I went to the Olympia expo I was really really bored03:45
popey:) Seveas03:45
popeymaybe apokryphos03:45
popeybut thats when attending - we were manning the stand03:45
popeyits completely different03:45
apokryphoswas also quite interested to see Debian taking my/our idea and launching debian-community.org :)03:45
popeywe were busy pretty much 100% talking to people, answering questions03:45
apokryphospopey: cool03:46
apokryphosSeveas: popey: favourite talk?03:46
Seveaskeith p03:46
Seveasdidn't see much else03:46
apokryphosargh, I missed that. He seems like a great speaker though03:46
popeyEither OLPC or the Debian on small devices03:46
apokryphosI'll watch the video sometime soon though, anyhow03:46
apokryphosyeah, OLPC is great03:47
popeythe Simon Phipps talk seemed like one big PR stunt for Sun IMO03:47
popeyYeah, Jim Gettys clearly knows his stuff about the OLPC and their target audience03:47
apokryphosI learnt a few things though, so it was ok03:47
popey1.5 Billion children in the target age group03:47
apokryphosyeah, crazy. So much freakin' stuff to think about when designing it03:48
apokryphosthough still... they ended up going for Gecko instead of KHTML :/03:48
popeygood :)03:48
popeykhtml blows goats03:48
apokryphosspoke to him about it with my brother, and his reasons were on the whole unimpressive :P03:48
popeyi have proof03:48
apokryphospopey: err... KHTML has 1/10 of the code of Gecko03:48
apokryphosand he seemed to really really prize slimming things down03:49
=== popey is joking :)
PriceChildWe haven't got some random mode in #ubuntu on have we? Why do people keep popping up in -unregged ?03:50
=== apokryphos investigates
apokryphosseems fine, and not sure why they're there, but I'll keep an eye on it now03:52
PriceChildok :)03:52
=== SportChick peeks & hides
=== PriceChild chases
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ
=== echosyp [n=echosyp@wsip-70-183-82-175.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
echosypwill someone unban me from #ubuntu please :)04:18
apokryphosechosyp: you were banned for being abusive and profane.04:21
=== GazzaK looks at bantracker, checks for kicks & gazzak, gets scared
=== effie_jayx [n=valles@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
effie_jayxhey guys what is the port we should log onto ... I am logging using 6667...04:39
PriceChild6667 is fine, but 8001 will prevent a lot of vulnerabilities you may or may not have04:40
=== plex0r [n=plex0r@adsl-066-156-083-089.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
SeveasPriceChild, only if one is a lot :p04:42
effie_jayxthanks :D04:43
PriceChildSeveas, maybe there's some we don't know about 8-)04:44
PriceChildand Seveas I can still reproduce that alt. nick bug!04:44
SeveasPriceChild, you can't04:45
Seveasthe bots' intrnal database just isn't updated yet04:45
PriceChi1dhmm ok....04:45
PriceChi1dwhen's it get updated? :P04:45
=== SD-Plissken [n=Snake@unaffiliated/sdplissken/x-000001] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== GazzaK [n=Dogbert@colchester-lug/GazzaK] has joined #ubuntu-ops
GazzaKdid we have some trouble recently with a user called gayguynumber4?  (the nick rings a bell)05:19
=== GazzaK [n=Dogbert@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChildGazzaK, can't find him in any of my logs05:21
GazzaKummm sure I saw his nick recently (as in he was in trouble)05:23
GazzaKum, nevermind then05:23
GazzaKi'll keep an eye out05:23
PriceChildNot in bantracker either :)05:23
GazzaKit might not have been ubuntu related05:24
ubotuIn #ubuntu, Anubi1 said: !qtparted is a program ?05:31
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=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ
=== nalioth [i=nalioth@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.nalioth] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v nalioth] by ChanServ
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ
=== maxamillion [n=adam@ngl-1-14.shsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v maxamillion] by ChanServ
=== idefix_ [n=Vincent@cc846502-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu-ops
idefix_I kindly ask you to remove the ban over me to #ubuntu-nl.. I promise I won't brag anymore and talk about non ubuntu matters... verontschuldig mij alstublieft07:36
idefix_does anyone here have the athority to do that?07:38
PriceChildidefix_, I'd advise you talk to the op who banned you first07:38
idefix_he is not here now, his name is defrysk07:38
idefix_ defrysk :No such nick/channel07:39
idefix_do you know him?07:39
PriceChildNot personally. How long ago was it set?07:39
naliothidefix_: i suspect you need to wait for Seveas07:39
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Bye]
=== effie_jayx [n=evalles@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== ikonia [n=mattd@alesi.projecthugo.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== phos-phoros [n=donovan@unaffiliated/phos-phoros] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Bye]
=== mc44 [n=mc44@unaffiliated/mc44] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Seveasnalioth, idefix_ can get a k-line before being allowed back in :)08:26
gnomefreakor not he wants to discuss it with me (where his isnt getting anywhere08:27
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@84-12-195-25.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== tonyyarusso [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v tonyyarusso] by ChanServ
gnomefreakidefix_: no its not good but i would say that you broke a rule maybe you shouldnt have.08:56
tonyyarussognomefreak: I'm here now, fyi, if you still have a question for me08:57
gnomefreaktonyyarusso: oh asac wanted to meet you ;) hes in #ubuntu-mozillateam08:58
tonyyarussoah, righto - it is Monday, isn't it?08:58
gnomefreakyep :)08:59
=== Vorian [n=vorian@cpe-76-181-146-41.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v ompaul] by ChanServ
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=== echosyp [n=echosyp@wsip-70-183-82-175.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
echosypwould someone unban me from #ubuntu09:27
ubotuIn #kubuntu, xBill said: ubotu: does is work the same with feisty ?09:28
=== xBill [n=dario@p5494CAF2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
tonyyarussotritium: This seems to be one of yours.09:29
tonyyarussoechosyp: Did you previously go by funStick?09:30
ompaulechosyp, is this typical of you: edit >> *** you, i hadnt cussed since the first time09:31
ompaulechosyp, and st* ,,,,,09:32
ompaulechosyp, you need to talk with apokryphos09:33
ompaulechosyp, actually are you also known as funstick?09:35
echosypi give out shells on my computer09:37
ompaulnot clever09:37
echosypwhich i learned isn't smart09:37
ompaulwell the user with your id is still registered as abusive - you will have to talk with  apokryphos09:38
=== xBill [n=dario@p5494CAF2.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Konversation]
echosypif im registered on freenode, someone else can't use my nick can they?09:40
ompaulnot from your ip at any rate09:41
ompaulif your identified09:41
echosypwould giving out a shell let someone know my password?09:41
ompauldepends on how you set up the box09:42
ompaulbut the fact is that you need to talk with apokryphos09:42
echosypi know, just trying to figure out what happened09:43
naliothSeveas: noted.10:07
ompaulnalioth, just reading mail back soon - know that one10:08
=== ryanakca [n=ryan@ubuntu/member/ryanakca] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ryanakcacan someone update the topic in #ubuntu+1 please?10:32
naliothupdate it to what?10:32
ryanakca( Remove   " | Compiz/Beryl will not work until X is fully merged." from the end of the topic )10:32
ryanakcathe new xserver-xorg-core hit the repos today10:32
naliothgo ahead10:32
naliothryanakca: you have the conn, proceed10:33
=== ryanakca isn't sure if the merge is finished though, but I do know beryl works
=== ryanakca checks
ryanakcayes, it has been...10:35
ryanakcanalioth: remove the X.Org is being merged part too, please : )10:35
naliothryanakca: you can deop yourself when done10:36
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== GazzaK hides from Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee boots GazzaK
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ubotuIn ubotu, poningru said: !bcm is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx10:50
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:59
ompaulsearch broadcom11:00
ompaul!search broadcom11:00
ubotuFound: 43xx, broadcom11:00
ompaul!tell poningru about 43xx11:00
=== poningru [n=poningru@adsl-074-245-140-197.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== LinuxFest182 [i=45cdc88b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-ad9fc7cab45cfb13] has joined #ubuntu-ops
LinuxFest182this the ubuntu IRC correct?11:04
PriceChild!tor | LinuxFest18211:04
ubotuLinuxFest182: The #ubuntu channel and related channels ban users joining from anonymous gateways like tor/silenceisdefeat/cgi:irc because the abuse:useful ratio is close to infinity:nothing -- project cloaks will let you join, otherwise you should simply not use an anonymizer.11:04
ubotuAttention tor users.  You may think you are anonymous, but you are not.  Please visit http://tor.unixgu.ru/ and see for yourself.   Please evaluate your need to use tor here on irc.  If you wish anonymity, Freenode offers cloaks of many different types. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks11:04
LinuxFest182this ubuntu IRC correct?11:05
PriceChildLinuxFest182, No.11:05
PriceChildLinuxFest182, You have been re-directed here.11:05
ubotuThe #ubuntu channel and related channels ban users joining from anonymous gateways like tor/silenceisdefeat/cgi:irc because the abuse:useful ratio is close to infinity:nothing -- project cloaks will let you join, otherwise you should simply not use an anonymizer.11:05
ubotuAttention tor users.  You may think you are anonymous, but you are not.  Please visit http://tor.unixgu.ru/ and see for yourself.   Please evaluate your need to use tor here on irc.  If you wish anonymity, Freenode offers cloaks of many different types. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks11:05
LinuxFest182lost... how do I get into ubuntu IRC?11:06
PriceChildLinuxFest182, Either use a "proper" irc connection or get cloaked.11:06
LinuxFest182I don't have an IRC client on my windows machine so I'm using IRCatWork.com11:06
tsmithethen the latter is the correct path11:07
LinuxFest182I need access to beryl help IRC11:07
LinuxFest182how? I'm a "n00b"11:07
PriceChildLinuxFest182, please /join #ubuntu-effects11:07
ikoniawhy is it "noobs" (I hate that term) always want beryl11:09
LinuxFest182This IRC doesn't seem to be working right either... when I send a message it takes minutes to appear11:09
=== ikonia shudders
PriceChildLinuxFest182, because you're using a cgi:irc client and haven't enabled javascript maybe? I don't know.11:10
ikoniaPriceChild: well you should know - thats your job11:10
PriceChildikonia, Hehe... its not my job :)11:11
ikoniaooooh how wrong you are11:11
ikoniayou make think so - the community disagrees11:11
PriceChildikonia, This is voluntary11:12
ikoniaI know, I'm teasing11:12
ikoniaeveryone expects operators to be all knowing and available 24x711:12
mc44PriceChild is my deity11:13
PriceChildHehe ok :)11:13
=== PriceChild huggles mc44
ompaulikonia, unless they are me - then they expect the unexpected11:13
ikoniaompaul: are you the spanish inquisition ?11:13
ompaulikonia, much worse than that11:13
ikoniais there worse ?11:13
ompaulikonia, I am something completely different11:14
PriceChildThere's always worse11:14
PriceChilduntil you get to ompaul of course....11:14
mc44ompaul is the satan to my PriceChild11:14
ikoniaompaul: I thought you where just a good wholesome irish guy11:14
=== beuno [n=martin@68-155-114-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ikoniafull of the joys of life - etc etc etc11:14
ompaulikonia, Muhahaha!11:15
ikoniaI guess I'm WELL off the mark11:15
ompaulmc44, I was punnless today -11:15
mc44ompaul: eek, losing your superpowahs?11:15
ikoniaompaul: I am of course teasing11:15
ompaulmc44, superpunz11:15
ompaulikonia, we know this and will forgive in 3.142 seconds11:16
ikoniaI like an exact response11:16
ompaulikonia, I have forgotten already :)11:19
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=== colbert [n=Bill@CPE000802b64568-CM014320000572.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChildcolbert, Here for a test?11:37
gnomefreakPriceChild: go ahead and test him ill remove ban if you let me know if he passes11:38
PriceChildI can't do the unbanning myself, but if no other #ubuntu ops say Hi in the next few minutes /join #pricechild and we'll check that you're fine.11:38
PriceChildcolbert, /join #pricechild11:38
PriceChildplease :)11:38
colbertI did11:39
=== gnomefreak goes to look for ban
gnomefreakummmm i dont think he was fowarded11:40
gnomefreaki see a mute on his hostmask11:40
colbertPriceChild you are actually who I am looking for !11:40
gnomefreak162 - #ubuntu: ban  %*!*@CPE00195b25196b-CM0017ee63c076.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com [by11:40
PriceChildgnomefreak, He's good :)11:40
gnomefreaklet me keep looking11:41
colbertPriceChild: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=268645 <-- I am trying this guide of yours !!11:41
gnomefreakdiffernet numbers11:41
colbertI do not understand the 2nd step11:41
PriceChildHe's definately forwarded gnomefreak according to ban tracker11:41
colbertPlease can you help me11:42
gnomefreakok keeps looking11:42
PriceChildcolbert, yes one second... lets just get you into the support channel first11:42
PriceChildgnomefreak, its not far from the top in the list... I just found it :)11:43
=== gnomefreak started at bottom :(
colbertSorry I don't understand I have done something wrong ??11:43
PriceChildhehe :)11:43
PriceChildcolbert, nothing at all don't worry :)11:43
PriceChild!dcc | colbert11:43
ubotucolbert: There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit11:43
colbertOhh ok thank you :] 11:44
gnomefreakcolbert: you should be ok to join #ubuntu11:44
gnomefreakplease try and let me know11:44
colbertOk I am there11:44
gnomefreaki saw11:44
=== Vorian [n=vorian@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has left #ubuntu-ops []
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=== linux4ever [i=linux4ev@gateway/tor/x-c01cce101f850852] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChild!tor | linux4ever12:26
ubotulinux4ever: The #ubuntu channel and related channels ban users joining from anonymous gateways like tor/silenceisdefeat/cgi:irc because the abuse:useful ratio is close to infinity:nothing -- project cloaks will let you join, otherwise you should simply not use an anonymizer.12:26
ubotuAttention tor users.  You may think you are anonymous, but you are not.  Please visit http://tor.unixgu.ru/ and see for yourself.   Please evaluate your need to use tor here on irc.  If you wish anonymity, Freenode offers cloaks of many different types. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks12:26

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