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a5benwillis!seen ogra01:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen ogra - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:00
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ToddEDMhey guys, first time on Edubuntu....05:25
ToddEDMso far so good05:25
ToddEDMwhat are the differences between this and regular Ubuntu, just the software packages?05:26
ToddEDMand skin05:26
LaserJockwell, kinda05:30
edubuntugirlLaserJock: by the way, highvoltage told me to tell you 'http://www.engadget.com/2007/02/26/solid-state-laser-sustains-67-kilowatts-approaching-battlefield/' 13 hours, 39 minutes and 33 seconds ago (on Mon Feb 26 16:50:33 2007)05:30
LaserJockthere is some package difference that are pretty significant05:30
LaserJockEdubuntu includes an LTSP server and educational software05:31
LaserJockbut they are both Gnome based and come from the same software repositories05:31
ToddEDMim trying to install it on a separate partition on my HDD, no luck, it keeps freezing05:31
LaserJockhow much ram do you have?05:35
ToddEDMsorry, 1 gog05:37
ToddEDMamd turion 64 x205:37
ToddEDMi think i might download the latest version, and burn it again05:38
bimberiThere might be a "check the cd for defects" boot option05:39
ToddEDMlol i did that, but i was too impatient05:42
ToddEDMit is the AMD64 one i got, i might get the regular iso05:42
bimberihehe (impatient)05:44
ToddEDMit seemed to be taking too long05:44
ToddEDMi think i was laying in bed too, so i was tired05:44
bimberiyes, i don't think i've ever let it run fully either :)05:45
ToddEDMi dont need to have an active internet connection while installing do i ?05:48
bimberiif you do I think it will load updated packages during the install (not certain though)05:50
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ToddEDMi got it installed06:34
ToddEDMubuntu, not edubuntu, but its all good06:34
ToddEDMyeah, i just left the computer alone, didnt touch it, lol06:34
ToddEDMnot i need to load up on some free software06:35
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TeePOGhi everyone11:16
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willvdlNik0, please turn off your away notification11:46
bimberishenki: /win 1112:08
ubotuPlease don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'.  We know you're away when you don't respond to messages. Also see !guidelines12:08
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constant_mmm pete is not online...01:15
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constant_anyone know when pete usually comes on?01:18
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cliebowanyonr remember the awesome rpm site..senior moment..03:48
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rockprincesshello :)03:49
rockprincessthe edubuntu network at my school is almost up and running....yesterday juliux connected the server pc to one of the clients.....but today i tried to boot all clients over the network and only got the PXE-E51 Error "NO DHCP or proxyDHCP offers were received."03:52
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rockprincessheya bddebian :)03:55
bddebianHello Princess :)03:55
RichEdhi sbalneav , rockprincess03:55
rockprincesshello RichEd!03:56
RichEdsbalneav: would you have a quick moment to give rockprincess a pointer on her question / issue above ?03:56
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sbalneavrockprincess: OK, maybe you could tell us a bit about the network.03:59
sbalneavDo you have 1 network card in the server, or two?03:59
rockprincesssbalneav: two network cards in the server, one is connected to the dhcp server and the other ones has a static ip address04:00
ograrockprincess, put the output of ipconfig -a and your /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf file on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/04:02
sbalneavok, so one of the interfaces (I'm assuming the backbone) is obtaining an IP address via dhcp.  The other one has a static address.  I'm assuming that network card's connected to a switch, where the terminals hang off of, yes?04:02
ograthat would be the default setup ...04:02
rockprincessdo I have to type sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart everytime I boot the thinclients over my server?04:02
rockprincessogra: ok, I'll do that tomorrow, because I'm not at the school right now, and i can't connect to the irc servers in the school, i think the firewalls are blocking them....04:04
RichEdthanks sbalneav & ogra : rockprincess is doing a project on edubuntu at the uni and it may influence adoption and attitudes04:04
sbalneavrockprincess: Was I correct with the way you've got the network layed out?04:04
rockprincesssbalneav: yeah you were absolutely right!04:05
sbalneavok, what's the IP address of the static interface?
rockprincesssbalneav: yesterday juliux managed to boot one client over the network, so it all worked and i didn't change the setup at all....04:06
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rockprincesssbalneav: I'm not sure, but I will take notes properly tomorrow....04:07
rockprincessthe problem is just that I cannot log onto irc from school to ask for advice.....04:08
rockprincessI could only send my problems to the mailing list....04:08
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RichEdrockprincess: look somewhere for a web based IRC service ... that will help you get outside the firewall on the usual allowed http ports04:16
a5benwillis!seen ogra04:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen ogra - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:16
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rockprincessRichEd: i searched for them this morning, but these web based IRC clients only seem to offer other servers but not irc.ubuntu.com....04:19
RichEdrockprincess: you need freenode.net ... and then join #ubuntu04:21
RichEdor even #edubuntu ;)04:21
ograa5benwillis, pong04:32
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a5benwillisogra: Good morning sir. I just wanted to tell you that the NCP authentication with LTSP5(edubuntu) hasnt gone well at all.04:33
a5benwillisIm looking at the pam_ncp_auth.so source now to see if any changes might help.04:33
ograwhere did it fail ?04:33
a5benwillisSome of themodules functions dontplay well with SSH04:34
a5benwillisIfyou have time I can go throughthe whole process? If not I can another time?04:34
ograno, i'm preparing a milestone CD atm ... did you try to switch off privilege separation in ssh ?04:36
a5benwillisMaybe we can talk about it another day. It was quite an ordeal. Im tryig to switch itto xdmcp now.04:36
a5benwillisBut a learning experience for sure . :-)04:36
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cbx33ping ogra05:20
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a5benwillisAnone have an easy fixfor the grun error 18 problem?05:34
a5benwillisgrub error 1805:36
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Petarisogra: I have tried that how-to on LDAP auth that you pointed me to several times all on clean installs but every time the machine becomes un-bootable.  Even to recovery mode.05:47
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PetarisBut I don't think it is a authentication issue as it doesn't even get that far05:48
Petarisfor recovery mode it dies after finishing /scripts/init-bottom05:48
PetarisI can't see what it dies on in normal mode05:49
Petarisany thoughts?05:49
Petarisoh, and this is 6.10 LTSP install05:49
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PetarisI can only imagine that PAM has something to do with it as that is where the changes lie05:50
sbalneavPetaris: What is it you're trying to do with LDAP?05:56
sbalneavWe use OpenLDAP here for authentication.05:57
Petarissbalneav: I am trying to get the LTSP server to authenticate via OpenLDAP/OpenDirectory on an OS X server06:03
Petarisapparently recovery mode isn't dead06:07
Petarisjust being very slow all of the sudden06:07
Petarisnow its to starting networking...06:08
cliebowthat sparc install is exlcusively server..will ubuntu-desktop go on there ok?06:09
Petarisfinally a clue06:27
Petarisit looks like it has a incorect LDAP server ip address somewhere06:28
Petarisits looking at instead of the real server06:28
Petarisstill it should just move on to local authentication I would think06:28
ograyou nee a proper fallback to local accounts06:28
ograwhat were the changes to your nsswitch.conf ?06:29
ograif you get the order wrong, udev doesnt like that06:29
Petarispasswd: ldap compat06:29
Petarisgroup: ldap compat06:29
Petaristhose were the only changes, as per the how-to06:29
ograswitch the order, that will fix it06:29
ograpasswd:         compat ldap06:30
ogragroup:          compat ldap06:30
PetarisI will boot a live cd and do so06:30
Petarisalso strange that nss is looking for the ldap server at even though I configured it with the right address06:31
Petaristhough there was some weirdness during install06:31
PetarisI will try reconfiguring the package06:31
cbx33ping ogra06:32
ogracbx33, pong06:32
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ograjust try it :)06:56
cliebowok..going after it then..hope it has wheels..or even better 4 wheel drive06:56
ogrado you plan to make an ltsp server out of it ?06:56
cliebowi'd like to put it in service somehow..06:56
cliebowi was thinking that06:56
=== LaserJock_ [n=mantha@adsl-75-14-214-216.dsl.renocs.sbcglobal.net] has joined #edubuntu
ograjuliux recently did that ... seems it was fine ...06:56
ograyou can use the tarball for it ...06:57
cliebowCool! just build client on an 8606:57
ogracliebow, or download my tarball and just unpack it :) its edgy ...06:57
LaserJock_ogra: did you see my comments a long time ago on qcad?06:58
ograLaserJock, nope06:58
ograany probs with it ?06:58
LaserJock_ogra: qcad was approved for Main06:58
LaserJock_but pitti was a little hesitant becuase it doesn't have gettext support06:59
ograoh, damned i wish i had known that half n hour ago ...06:59
ograi just updated seeds and metapackages06:59
LaserJock_yeah, I guess I should have emailed you. I haven't seen you on IRC for some time06:59
ograhmm, so it has no translations at all ?07:00
LaserJock_I'm not sure07:00
ograi was travelling, came back monday night07:00
cliebowogra: that is newe and improved from my own of a few weeks ago?07:01
ogracliebow, its a default edgy chroot07:01
ograif you already have one it shouldnt differ07:01
cliebowvery good..07:01
ograLaserJock, i just tested qcad, it starts a language selector in the beginning and german seems to be fine at least after i selected it07:03
LaserJock_ah ok07:03
ogralooks like it had the transalations builtin07:03
LaserJock_pitti just said that it wouldn't be able to use Rosetta07:04
LaserJock_so it was up to you whether you wanted it on the CD or not07:04
ograthats a bit ugly07:04
LaserJock_but I had him approve it anyway so if we did want it it's there07:04
ograi'll add it with the next -meta change07:05
LaserJock_I think it's the best CAD program we have07:05
ograit's fine for the add-on CD#07:05
LaserJock_and CAD is very much in demand07:05
ograi saldy didnt manage in time to repackage scribus-ng as scribus :(07:05
ograelse i would have replaced the package in main, DTP is as important as CAD07:06
LaserJock_I see07:06
ogracmake is an evil beast i'm not familiar enough with yet07:06
LaserJock_I'm going to make a push and see if I can't get octave07:06
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a5benwillisAnyone have an easy fix for the grub error 18 problem after install in Vmware???07:26
a5benwillisBooting up live cd now to see if I marked the wrong partition bootable when I built the system.07:27
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cbx33Hey LaserJock_07:59
LaserJock_hi Pete07:59
cbx33howz it going08:02
cbx33mod_python is installed08:02
LaserJock_I can't figure out how to use it though08:03
LaserJock_I have an example .py but it treats it as plain text08:03
cbx33hang on I may be able to help you out there08:03
cbx33did you get my other mesasge08:03
cbx33guess not08:03
cbx33I'm gonna copy a folder to your root called python ok?08:04
cbx33LaserJock_, check it out08:07
cbx33LaserJock_, pm08:10
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sbalneavogra: still around?08:44
sbalneavJust got suckered^h^h^h^h^h^h^h volunteered into helping a friend of mine set up an Ubuntu installfest for April in Brandon08:45
sbalneavIs the shipit shipping printed edgy cds, or only dapper?08:45
ografor LUGS etc there is an option to buy edgy CDs for a small fee iirc08:46
LaserJock_1.5 euros /CD 100 minimum08:46
RichEdcbx333: you been upgraded ... with an extra 3 i see08:46
cbx333I'm around in my original form too08:46
LaserJock_100CD minimum08:46
=== Nik0 [n=lewmnik@dsl-hkigw8-feedf900-96.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #edubuntu
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cbx33See RichEd08:47
=== RichEd is off to the hotel
RichEdlater to all people with split personalities / identities08:48
cbx33RichEd, did you get any info?08:48
RichEdcbx33: still finalising :)08:48
RichEdwill let you know08:48
cbx33RichEd, awesome08:48
=== jbrefort [n=jean@mar44-2-82-227-215-241.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #edubuntu
highvoltageRichEd, are you there?08:50
cliebowogra: you know who installed ubuntu on sparc?08:51
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ogracliebow, juliux08:52
ogranot around atm08:52
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ogracliebow, fabbione used to maintain the port, you might find him in #ubuntu-devel08:53
cliebow ok..i got kernel and initrd loaded..and a prompt for filename..havnt a clue what to put there08:53
ograbut he's an early bird and usually on CEST08:53
ograso might not be around anymore08:54
=== jgedeon [n=joe@oh-67-77-123-4.sta.embarqhsd.net] has joined #edubuntu
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bdoinogra: I went to the fosdem, I got an edubuntu CD from the ubuntu booth ;)09:23
ogranice :)09:23
bdoinI went to the kde-edu meeting, there was childsplay author, skolelinux, tux4kids09:25
=== LaserJock [n=mantha@lambda.chem.unr.edu] has joined #edubuntu
=== LaserJock [n=mantha@lambda.chem.unr.edu] has joined #edubuntu
ograi would have loved to go and hold a talk, but italy was agreed before09:26
ograi hope we'll get some upstreams like kdeedu and moodle to the UES09:26
cbx333ogra, short meeting ;)09:27
LaserJockhmm, I wonder if Carsten (Kalzium dev) would want to go09:28
LaserJockogra: have you tried out the add-on CD functionality09:28
ograi just moved over the last bits and pieces, no i havent tried it beyond looking that all contents were there09:29
LaserJockdo we need any changes to tasks or anything?09:30
cbx333ogra, can i ask a quick question?09:30
ograg-a-i should care09:30
cbx333i have an app written in python..was going to try a C port to gain more knowledge.....know of a good primer on the net?09:31
ograLaserJock, all apps should have a .desktop file in the g-a-i data directory on the CD ...09:31
bdoinwhat is UES ?09:31
LaserJockogra: do we need to do that or is that automatic?09:32
ograthe edubuntu conference09:32
ograLaserJock, the packages need to have it09:32
ogramvo knows about automatisms09:32
=== RichEd [n=richard@george.kkhotels.co.uk] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockk, maybe I'll try to poke him about it09:33
ograi think there are some hacks in LP so that existing .desktop files are grabbed09:33
LaserJockjust so I know how it's done and make sure the 2nd CD apps have everything they need09:33
ograor in app-install-data09:33
ogracbx333, not really ... Cis the only thing i really learned from books ...09:34
cbx333ogra, heh, guess I'd better hit the books then09:34
cbx333Thinking then I can help out in even more ways09:34
LaserJockcbx33: I've been learning C++ with gchemutils09:35
cbx33i remember09:35
LaserJockit's a good excercise09:35
cbx33i know09:35
cbx33so I'm gonna port phimage to C09:35
cbx33which it will benefit from09:36
=== cliebow [n=cliebow@smoothwallkludge.ellsworth-hs.ellsworth.k12.me.us] has joined #edubuntu
ograC is not the problem ... automake and friends are :P09:36
cbx33ogra, don;t say that :p09:36
cbx33but a single C file shouldn't be a problem09:37
cbx33besides I need experience in packaging compilable packages09:37
cbx33or more exp should I say09:37
cbx33people just generally use gedit for C?09:37
cbx33c/C++ fro ma file creation POV09:38
cbx33what's the diff?09:38
bdoinsad, I was not aware of the UES meeting, sounds very interresting09:40
LaserJockcbx33: the diff between C and C++?09:41
cbx333ogra, mdz is quick on the old minutes isn't he09:42
LaserJockcbx33: I *think* it's mostly the object orientedness09:43
ogradunno, is he ?09:43
sbalneavI meant to type that over here09:44
sbalneavNow I've made an *ss of myself :)09:44
LaserJockoh, I've seen much worse09:45
LaserJocknot from you of course ;-)09:45
cbx333from MEEE09:45
sbalneavOh, I've made enough of an idiot of myself online to last two lifetimes.09:46
sbalneavI've just now filled up ubuntu-devel with drivel.09:46
sbalneavMy levity was meant for this channel :)09:46
ajmitchsbalneav: we understand :)09:47
ajmitchsbalneav: now, your name is on ubuntu-dev in the proposed members section - were you planning to apply for MOTU?09:48
sbalneavI am, but I need to get past probably another month of h*ll here at work09:48
ajmitchthe process has changed, etc09:48
ograand he needs some more uploads09:48
sbalneavWe went live with a new program at work, and I've not had anywhere near the time I'd like to put in since about mid november.09:49
ajmitchogra: we'll just have to follow up on all the proposed members, reminding them of the new process09:49
sbalneavThings are toning down now, but it's taken a bit.09:49
ograsbalneav, nobody had (apparently) feisty looks lie edgy with new ltsp sound and second CD09:49
sbalneavI'm now the boss here as well, so in addition to the new program, I've also had personel stuff to deal with.09:50
sbalneavogra: hey, the sound alone's a big step forward.09:50
LaserJockat least there was progress09:50
ograyes, but three of 8 specs is extremly lame ...09:51
=== LaserJock is a loser :(
sbalneavMost of them were the ldap stuff.  I assume that got deferred?09:52
ografeisty was the worst average wrt specs since edubuntu exists ...09:52
ajmitchLaserJock: I did worse09:52
ograLaserJock, me too ... i wasnt better this release09:52
ograsbalneav, yeps, everything depends on ldap ... and ldap has major bugs with ssh as well as i want a better pam plugin handling before even starting to think about the other stuff09:53
sbalneavogra: We're shooting for some good news though: jammcq and I are meeting this weekend.  We're going to get the ltsp5 tarballs out, based on the Ubuntu stuff, so that will be a big pr win.09:54
ograsabdfl will love you for that09:54
ograhe was nagging me recently09:54
ograafter herd5 is out i'll finally bump the ltsp version09:55
sbalneavWe finally just decided that unless we lock ourselves in a room, it will never get done.09:55
sbalneavSo that's what we're doing in Toronto this weekend.09:55
ograwell, its trivial09:55
ograan edgy tarbal exists, just take that one09:55
sbalneavIf you're going to be around, we might ask you some questions.09:55
ograall you need is some scripts for the server side09:55
sbalneavNah, I think we're going to use the feisty one.09:55
sbalneavWe want the sexy sexy sound.09:56
ograthat needs a lot on the server side ...09:56
ogragst   pulse plugin, libasound-plugins ...09:56
sbalneavJust gstreamer, right?09:56
ograasoundconf ...09:56
ograit emulates an alsa device on top of pulse09:56
ograhstreame just uses the alsasink from its autodetection :)09:57
ogra(gst-pulse is needed for the gnome volume control ... not needed if you use alsamixer)09:58
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clmpete here by any chance?10:02
=== cliebow [n=cliebow@smoothwallkludge.ellsworth-hs.ellsworth.k12.me.us] has joined #edubuntu
cbx333pete who?10:10
cliebowahh: there's Pete10:10
cbx333what did I do wrong?10:10
cliebowCouldnt figure out who Pete was 'til now 8~)10:11
cbx333is clm after me?10:11
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ograask him :)10:12
=== clm_ is now known as Constant_M
cbx333hey Constant_M are you after me?10:12
Constant_Mare yooooooou pete?10:13
cbx333I am a pete yes10:14
Constant_Mhighvoltage: hey j10:14
cbx333ogra, you do screensaver stuff right?10:14
ograsadly, yes10:14
cbx333what's the advantage of writing stuff with GLX instead of just GL10:14
cbx333awww don't say it like that :p10:15
Constant_Mcool cool. jc said id find u here...10:15
ograno idea, i only maintain the package10:15
cbx333awww...dang it ogra :p10:15
cbx333anyone who would know that you knwo of?10:15
cbx333Constant_M, what can I do for you10:16
Constant_Mi understand ur goin to go work for Canonical?10:16
cbx333not that I know of10:16
cbx333I'd like to work for Canonical10:16
Constant_Mu not the school sysadmin guy?10:17
cbx333I am indeed10:17
cbx333but I'm not going to work for Canonical, unless you know something I don't :p10:17
ogracbx333, https://launchpad.net/~macslow10:17
Constant_Mhehe oh then i prob misunderstood...10:17
Constant_Mbut you are leaving your job?10:17
cbx333I hoping to soon yes10:17
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Constant_Mcooooz, im working with jc (well used to,.. he finished 2day...)10:18
Constant_Mand he said ur leavin ur job10:19
Constant_Mand im planning to leave for the UK soon10:19
cbx333ahhh how soon?10:19
Constant_Mmy visa is valid from the 1st of april10:20
Constant_MI can be in the UK on the 3rd10:20
cbx333well i don't think I'll have left by then10:20
cbx333I'm planning to leave by september10:20
Constant_Mmmm crap10:20
Constant_Mwell I have a job already if I go10:21
Constant_Mbut i would love some kind of IT related job (pref. Linux related)10:21
cbx333well most of my job is windows10:22
cbx333but I have a linux desktop10:22
cliebowme too...oh forgot i already have one...but i watn the BIG bucks10:22
cbx333and I'm working on getting more linux in there10:22
Constant_Mwell the job I'm currently at is the first job I have that I actually work on Linux 24/710:22
Constant_Mthe rest was Windows...10:23
Constant_Mand here and there a mac10:24
Constant_Mcbx333, you dont by any chance know any people in the IT industry over there that can offer me a job?10:26
cbx333not at the moment10:27
Constant_Mwould it be possible for you keep an eye open for something like that? coz it's going to be kinda crappy to go to the UK and work on a farm... :)10:28
cbx333of course10:29
cbx333sorry i couldn't be of more help10:29
Constant_Mit's cool10:29
Constant_Mbut im sure we can talk again in september..10:30
cbx333thanks ogra10:32
Constant_Mim using GPRS to connect here... the lag is like 5 seconds..10:33
Constant_Mthx for the help, I'll show up again sometime10:36
=== Rondom [n=Rondom@p57A957FD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockogra: so do we have a tool to select "young children, highschool and university" tasks when you load the 2nd CD?10:39
=== cbx333 is now known as cbx33
ograLaserJock, nope10:40
ograwe have g-a-i popping up offering you the CD contents for now10:40
LaserJockso it's just an individual package basis?10:40
ograno tasks yet10:40
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LaserJockogra: do you want to add some sort of task handling for Feisty or leave it as is?10:46
LaserJockmvo: I think we could do it like this: a) define a new applications.menu in menu-data on the CD that has a "tasks" category (or something like this)10:46
LaserJockmvo: and then we need to get three desktop files into the dir on the CD that install a collection of packages10:47
LaserJock[1:41pm]  mvo: but I think it would be better to talk with ogra about this (maybe the three of us + colin)10:47
ograthat sounds like getting hardly a FF exception10:47
ograi.e. rather like a big change10:49
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #edubuntu
bimberiwow, very nice11:32
ajmitchhey bimberi11:33
ajmitchogra: good to see some press11:34
bimberiargh, the link to the NSW Department of Education article 404's :/11:34
ajmitcharticle by elkbuntu, too11:34
bimberihi ajmitch :)11:34
ajmitchtrailing ) on the url11:34
bimberiooh yes, i missed the author!11:34
bimberiaah yes, thanks ajmitch11:40
LaserJockI like the comment at the bottom ;-)11:41
ograsigh ... they still didnt get it ...11:42
bimberiI like 'No Hardware left behind'11:43
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RichEdogra: what did you mean by "sigh ... they still didnt get it "12:05
RichEdhi bimberi, LaserJock, ajmitch12:06
LaserJockRichEd: did you read the comment12:06
ograRichEd, they say that debian-edu is better because they ship KDE which in turn has Kdeedu12:06
ograwe ship Kdeedu without KDE ... thats what they still dont get ...12:07
ograand it just fires up more flames on the GNOME vs KDE war12:07
RichEdshould I mail melissa to comment as the author ... if we comment, it mght start some flaming12:07
ograno, let them advertise if they are happy12:07
=== LaserJock puts on his fire-proof suit
RichEdoverall it's a nice article though ... will make some people think and visit i reckon12:08
ograi like it12:08
RichEdthe NSW people may be worth inviting to the summit ... if we can get the right link from melissa12:09
RichEdi'll google the reference to see if I can find the correct page12:09
ograwe should also invite someone from the SA government after their announcement last week :)12:10
=== ogra hates his kbd some days ...
RichEdwhich announcement ?12:11
RichEdhilton theunissen (inkululeko ex tuxlabs) is trying to bring across some decision making people, and play host to them12:11
ogra"Cabinet approved a policy and strategy for the implementation of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in government. "12:12
ograit was even on german newssites12:12
RichEdloading it now ... but remember policy and strategy is "bush speak" ... i'll wait for action myself12:18

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