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vprintsso no special letter problems?12:39
Riddellvprints: I've not heard of the problem no12:40
Riddellthat doesn't mean it doesn't happen12:40
vprintsstill would like to clarify before filing a report12:52
vprintsgood night12:52
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manchickenKopete seems to be going stupid.02:16
manchickenThere we go.02:16
manchickenKilling and restarting works fine now.02:16
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Majostwhat does automounting on kubuntu?02:38
yuriyMajost: what's the problem?02:41
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nixternalanyone have a wired mouse I can use to end it all right now? :)03:51
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Majostyuriy, no problem03:55
Majostjust curious03:55
nixternaldude, KHelpCenter in KDE4 is going to be solid!04:01
Jucatonixternal: glad to hear that :)04:03
Jucatonow if only KControl would be rocking too :)04:03
nixternalme too, that means all of my work here at Kubuntu, will have to be redone once again04:03
Jucatowell, you have time :D04:04
JucatoI mean... KDE4 is still so so :D04:04
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nixternalOK, after this week I am going full time KDE4 dev stuff for at least 2 or 3 months04:06
nixternalhelping out with the KDE 4 help stuff04:06
nixternalheh, helping out with help to help show others how to help themselves to help others04:06
Jucatogood luck! I wish you the best :D04:07
nixternalI just need to stear clear, as everyone I am working with is using BSD04:07
nixternalthey try daily to make me switch04:07
Jucatoheh yeah PhilRod :D04:07
nixternaland others04:07
nixternalannma uses Edubuntu now I think04:08
Jucatophilrod hasn't tried to make me switch yet. but Sho_ is marketing Gentoo to me at every oppurtunity04:08
Jucatoshe still uses a customized/compiled KDE on Mandriva04:08
nixternalhaha, Sho tried the same with me as well04:08
nixternalheck, everyone in #kde gets the use Gentoo or goto #your_distro04:08
Jucatoso you've noticed :D04:08
nixternalshe being annma correct?04:09
nixternalbecause you almost just confused the hell out of me I think04:09
Jucatoyep. Anne-Marie04:09
nixternalya, she has put me to KOffice2 work already04:09
Jucatohah! glad I'm not a dev yet :P04:10
Jucatono one can put me to work except in #kubuntu lol04:10
nixternalthat is nuts, I get it to where I can start going through it, and then boom, it crashes into a downward spiral04:10
nixternalman, I just figured out/found out that you can make firefox respect the help:/ links like Konqi and KHelpCenter does04:10
Jucatothe Welcome to the wondeful world of Linux Firefox bug?04:11
nixternalthat is gone04:12
Jucatoah kool04:12
nixternalwe will be using a startpage similar to the other 3 distros04:12
Jucatohm.. I haven't seen the starting page of those...04:12
nixternalthe issue was with using about-kubuntu for the ff front page04:12
nixternalone sec, let me see if I built it on the server04:12
=== Jucato suddenly remembers to ask Tonio about new Konqeuror Web Shortcuts for help.ubuntu.com/community...
Jucatobtw, how about the indexing bugs in khelpcenter? fixed too?04:13
nixternalthere it is04:13
Jucatoah kool04:13
Jucatohm.. ok that was a bit funny...04:13
nixternalthose bugs will always be there until 1) we use something other than htdig04:13
nixternal2) we get htdig from Novell since they can index and search w/o issues04:14
nixternal3) we end up merging KHelpCenter w/ strigi04:14
nixternalwhich is what we are working on now04:14
nixternalbut not for Kubuntu04:14
nixternalI don't think Riddell really likes the whole mono thing04:14
Jucatoah.. so basically unless those happen, search in khelpcenter for applications is a bit useles...04:14
Jucatoi mean the Applications index04:14
nixternalJucato: yes04:15
nixternalwe are the only distro with a broken KHelpCenter04:15
nixternalWe can grab it from Mepis04:15
nixternalbrb, I am going to make a phone call really quick04:15
Jucatoand help:/ isn't really that easy to use unless you know the pages04:15
Jucatonixternal: btw, it seems that there's an Ubuntu brown background behind the header on that firefox-startpage. it shows up before the header image can load, and there's a 1px gap between the header and the main content, which shows the color brown04:17
yuriyyay new start page04:22
yuriynixternal: not gonna wait for feisty to move on to kde4 stuff? oh, are you moving on after string freeze?04:22
nixternalJucato: I see that04:29
nixternalyuriy: yes04:29
nixternalnot moving on leaving Kubuntu of course, but going to spend some time behind the scenes of the KDE camp for a bit04:30
Jucatowe'll miss you :D04:30
Jucatoer...  :(04:30
yuriythe more kde4 development the better04:31
nixternalyup, although my part isn't going to be all that hardcore just yet04:31
Jucatough!! another wake up call to get my act together and start learnign!04:31
Jucatoafter lunch :P04:31
yuriywe're doing the "canonical cover algorithm"04:32
yuriyi keep thinking hmm Canonical?04:33
nixternalwe are covering canonical, unilineal, and some other type of culturalism in Anthropology, and I do the same thing04:33
nixternal21:35:56 [     CIA-4]  Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3871 kubuntu/firefox-startpage/kubuntu.css: good eye Jucato, changed the header background color04:37
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Jucatonixternal: heh thanks :)05:13
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freeflyingLure: ping08:48
=== Hobbsee waves
freeflyingHobbsee: hi08:48
Hobbseeheya freeflying :)08:49
=== Jucato drowns
Hobbseeoh dear08:51
=== Hobbsee resucitates Jucato
JucatoI am brought back to life by Hobbsee, goddess of the long pointy stick of doom :D08:51
=== Hobbsee is goddess over everything, not over the Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , right?
=== Hobbsee just rules with the Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Jucatobrb... I shall return!!08:52
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HobbseeJucato: wow, i just learnt soemthing else off the ML :P09:14
JucatoHobbsee: what did you learn? :D09:15
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HobbseeJucato: ctrl+f{1,2,3,4}09:15
Jucatoto switch virtual desktops?09:15
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Jucatooh I see :D09:16
=== Jucato just read the mail
JucatoCtrl+Alt+cursor keys works too (I think that's one of the defaults)09:16
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_StefanS_mornings  !09:33
_StefanS_Riddell: ping ?09:33
_StefanS_Riddell: Has the kde4 packages been built for feisty yet ? :D09:33
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Lurefreeflying: pong09:47
freeflyingLure: do you have time for kpowersave-0.7.2?09:48
Lurefreeflying: I tried it just briefly, the issue is that 0.7.x is supposed to be unstable branch09:49
Lurefreeflying: question is do we want it to have it in still09:49
freeflyingLure: :)09:50
Lurefreeflying: otherwise I am more than happy if you do ;-)09:50
Lurefreeflying: personally, I think it makes sense to include it as it works with HAL directly, so using Ubuntu ACPI support09:50
Lurefreeflying: but on the other hand some users may use it because of powersaved which may work for their system (while ubuntu support does not)09:51
freeflyingLure: in this release dbus was intergrated09:52
Lurefreeflying: yes, it uses dbus/hal directly (no powersaved dependacy)09:52
freeflyingLure: I see09:53
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freeflyingI can't use s2disk with powersaved09:54
Lurefreeflying: I think HAL has full support for uswsusp (s2ram/s2disk) in Feisty, so you should be fine09:57
freeflyingLure: I'm on feisty already, never can s2disk :)09:58
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Lurefreeflying: you have uswsusp installed?10:05
freeflyingLure: yes10:06
_StefanS_hi Lure10:06
freeflyingLure: now it's was removed due to dependancy10:06
Lurehi _StefanS_10:09
Lurefreeflying: what kind of dependancy?10:09
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freeflyingLure: libvolumeid0 (>= 093-0ubuntu9)10:10
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Tonio_hi ;)10:36
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Jucatohi Tonio_10:38
Hobbseehey Tonio_!10:38
=== Tonio_ out, going to take my macbook :)
JucatoTonio_: sorry to poke you again. since I don't have feisty atm, I don't really know this. but have the Ubuntu-related Konqueror Web Shorcuts been updated in Feisty?10:44
Tonio_Jucato: not by me10:45
Jucatoah ok...10:45
HobbseeJucato: konq shortcuts got updated, yes10:45
JucatoHobbsee: cool. will there be separate shortcuts for help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com? (the feisty ones only had w.u.c.)10:46
Hobbseedunno what was updated10:46
Jucatooh ok... guess I'll find out soon...10:46
Riddell_StefanS_: launchpad and apt will tell you11:02
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_StefanS_hey Tonio_11:33
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Hobbseedoes someone know that the feisty keyboard layout is apparently broken?12:00
=== Hobbsee tries to remember if anyone mentioned it before
Riddellworks for me12:00
HobbseeRiddell: in english, or what?12:00
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ubotuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org12:24
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Tonio_Hobbsee: works for me too (french layout)01:41
HobbseeTonio_: right01:43
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goldenearTonio_: I wonder : will feisty include the default folders I show you on my laptop (Music, Documents, Movies, ...) ?02:20
goldenearI use this little trick every day on my KDE (and many OS X users too) and I find it very useful and user friendly.02:21
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kwwiiRiddell: I guess I should add my stuff to the bzr kubuntu-default-settings ?02:45
Riddellkwwii: yes please, what do you have?02:46
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goldenearTonio_: are you around ?02:49
freeflyingLure: uswsusp in ubuntu is quite out-of-date, and also FTBFS02:55
kwwiiRiddell: I'll have an usplash, kdm and ksplash02:55
kwwiiRiddell: basically the same as edgy but I've touched up the logo a bit02:55
Riddellkwwii: let me know when you've committed and I'll upload02:55
kwwiiRiddell: will do, expect it sometime in the next couple of days02:56
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Jucatomoin nixternal!03:11
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dinosaur-rusis there arts plugin for beep-media-player?03:32
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mhbLongPointyStick: I did mention that my layout has broken recently04:25
DaSkreechmanchicken: I find that works a lot of Kopete04:26
Jucatodinosaur-rus: that feature you are requesting is already implemented in Feisty04:26
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dinosaur-rusJucato: where can I enable that?04:27
JucatoI think it's automatic. debconf stuff, iirc04:27
dinosaur-rusJucato: but I still don't know what dpkg asked when removing the old kernel... :/04:31
dinosaur-rusJucato: so I'm not absolutely sure that my system will load after rebooting..04:32
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manchickenDaSkreech: What?04:41
DaSkreechJucato: Lunch done?04:43
JucatoDaSkreech: hm.. 12 hours early, 12 hours late04:43
DaSkreechmanchicken: rebooting kopete04:46
DaSkreechJucato: Well go learn!!04:46
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JucatoDaSkreech: is that a backlog of replies?04:47
Jucatoyou are one weird dude...04:47
larsivimotu ppl : kvpnc don't work out of the box - something with kdesu04:47
larsivi(Jucato sent me here :P )04:48
JucatoI initially sent you to #ubuntu-motu though04:48
=== DaSkreech is all caught up now :)
Jucatoit would probably also be nice if you could give more details about the error04:48
larsiviI will in a second :)04:48
DaSkreechall the chans have a slew of things to catch up on except #nepomuk-kde :)04:49
DaSkreechIdle buggers04:49
larsiviAfter entering my su password, I get "Fann ikkje kommandoen su-to-root -X -c /usr/bin/kvpnc ."04:49
larsiviwhich translated is "Couldn't find command ..."04:49
DaSkreechnixternal: no jjesse?04:50
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dinosaur-ruslarsivi: su-to-root ???04:57
larsividinosaur-rus: I found that somewhat curious too05:01
dinosaur-ruslarsivi: as a temporary workaround, you may create a symlink to sudo05:02
DaSkreechhunger: Hello05:09
larsivihmm, but -X is not an option for sudo ...05:10
hungerDaSkreech: Hi there!05:12
=== DaSkreech waves
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Riddellfabo: what happened to ksniffer 2.0?07:05
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mhbI'd certainly go for a "stable" source for libdvdcss packages07:23
mhbI mean a server you can count on will last and contain the packages you need07:23
DaSkreechMan I wish that the K-Menu could have profils07:24
=== mhb pokes nixternal
DaSkreechWould so help with having ubuntu installed07:26
Riddellmhb: that's not really possible07:31
mhbRiddell: how come? I thought only getting it into the M/R/U/M repositories is not possible07:31
mhbRiddell: the problem is that the solution described on that page tells you to enable a third-party repository with a whole lot of third-party packages, which is rather dangerous when the only thing you need is one package07:33
mhbRiddell: I'd vote for a simple third-party repository (something like http://mhb.ath.cx/libdvdcss/ ) that would contain only this package07:34
Riddellwell we can't rely on third party repositories being there indefinately, especially for packages which are illegal in the US and EU07:36
RiddellI mean, we don't have any choice but to point in those directions, it's just life that eventually they'll go away07:36
mhbyeah, but we can't do much about the fact that people need these packages07:38
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mhbRiddell: can't we make the third-party repository outside these countries?07:39
mhbRiddell: I know sooner or later it will be illegal in other ones07:39
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Riddellwe can't make third party repositories do anything, that's what makes them third party :)07:40
mhbRiddell: hmm07:40
Riddelland servers outside the EU/US get bandwidth problems if we point large numbers of people at them07:41
mhbRiddell: I don't have many ideas left :o)07:41
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mhbRiddell: I meant "we" as in "some normal folks who incidentally are Kubuntu devs"07:43
larsiviHey, would someone mind looking at this and tell me if I need to check anything else before I get any feedback? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/73620  :)07:43
UbugtuMalone bug 73620 in kdebase "Sudden crash via QPixmap" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 07:43
Riddellmhb: the only thing I care about is that it includes correct information for Kubuntu07:43
Riddellit didn't seem to mention kaffeine when I looked at it07:44
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mhbRiddell: I think the person has complained about the fact that it's hard to find that repository07:45
mhbRiddell: which is what I'm trying to solve :o)07:46
mhbRiddell: yeah, I'll Kubuntuify it in the meantime07:46
mhbRiddell: sorry for bothering you that much :o)07:46
Riddellno problem, thanks for taking it up07:46
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larsiviand adept tells me installing kdebase-dbg for kde 3.5.6 will break, seems like it depends on the wrong version of libkonq4 (4:3.5.6-0ubuntu1~edgy1 whereas there is no ~edgy1 behind the one installed)07:50
DaSkreechRiddell: Question07:52
Riddelllarsivi: what version of kubuntu?07:52
larsiviRiddell: Edgy with kde 3.5.607:52
Riddelllarsivi: what does apt-cache policy kdelibs4c2a   say?07:53
ErunnoHi Mr. Riddel, small question: Are the new "Software Properties" ported over to qt ?07:54
larsiviRiddell: http://paste.dprogramming.com/dpf516qg.php07:56
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RiddellErunno: we now have software-properties-kde yes07:58
Riddelllarsivi: same for libkonq4 ?07:59
DaSkreechRiddell: How does k3b-mp3 get to be housed in universe? Isn't that a multiverse package?08:00
ErunnoRiddell: Another question in case you can spare some time: Shouldn't SSLv2 be disablabled by default ?08:00
larsiviRiddell: http://paste.dprogramming.com/dpcqqvad.php08:00
nixternalmhb: poke back08:01
RiddellDaSkreech: there's no copying restrictions on it08:01
RiddellErunno: why?08:01
DaSkreechAh it doesn't make mp3s08:01
Riddelllarsivi: it seems to have a rouge 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu1 installed, not sure where that would be from but you probably want to not have it there08:01
RiddellDaSkreech: it decodes mp3s sure08:02
ErunnoRiddell: I read that it was deemed unsecure. It's not present in Firefox config and turned off in Opera by default.08:02
mhbnixternal: thanks :o) I actually kind of solved what I needed myself :o) Thanks anyway :o)08:02
RiddellErunno: I generally follow the KDE default for stuff like that, they know more than I do08:02
nixternalmhb: no prob :)08:02
larsiviRiddell: hmm, how would I go about that?08:03
larsiviand wouldn't it be rogue instead of rouge ? :P08:03
Riddelllarsivi: wget'ing the real packages and dpkg --install it/them08:05
larsivihmm, ok, thanks :)08:06
Riddelllarsivi: it may well affect all the kdebase packages you have08:08
larsiviRiddell: I'm not aware that I have installed any KDE packages not from either of the repositories in those pastes08:09
ErunnoRiddell: Here's a link from a MSDN blog explaining that SSLv2 transaction can be decrypted.08:11
larsiviRiddell: which address would I use to wget the 3.5.6 packages?08:13
Riddelllarsivi: dunno, look on the web server08:15
DaSkreechnixternal: Hows Your inquier work?08:19
DaSkreechnixternal: going well I take it?08:20
nixternalsure deal08:20
nixternalyou are talking about the recent blog post I take it?08:21
ErunnoRiddell: Oh, just remembered something: From the screenshots I've seen on the wiki the new software properties have no ok/apply buttons.08:28
ErunnoRiddell: This seems inconsistent to me, most apps in KDE have ok/apply/cancel buttons.08:29
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mhbErunnoAway: true, it's more gnome-ish in that manner08:34
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mhbRiddell: I'd go for ok/apply, too (it's not hard to code them AFAIK)... but it's not essential08:34
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=== DaSkreech suddenly gets suspicious of google
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kwwiiRiddell: ping?09:10
kwwiiRiddell: if you are interested, we are having a meeting on oxygen in a bit, one topic is putting them in libs09:10
DaSkreechOxygen libs?09:14
Riddellkwwii: ok, will be back in 1509:15
kwwiiRiddell: great :-)09:18
DaSkreechAs long as it doesn't bounce :)09:34
gnomefreak2 progress bars?09:38
sebasThat's for dualboot machines or dual processors.09:38
sebasOr dualscreen, maybe.09:38
kwwiino, the bottom, black one is the background of the actual progress bar09:39
sebasI think nobody understood that.09:39
kwwiithe blue on will be shown on top of the black one09:39
=== sebas wants green.
kwwiibut you have to make all the parts work with the same 256 color palette ;-)09:40
sebaskwwii: where's the meeting, by the way?09:40
sebasAnd will Wade attend?09:40
sebasAnd when exactly?09:40
kwwiisebas: it is in #oxygen in about 5 min09:40
gnomefreakkwwii: ah. i did see it like that with ubuntus the other day but i think it was lag causing it so wasnt sure if yours was lagging or not09:40
=== sebas might have time to read the log in realtime
ErunnoWould it be possible to get the option to show the boot output with F2 ?09:40
sebasErunno: And hide it by pressing it again09:41
kwwiiErunno: it would be cool, but I think that the problem is that they reaccess the text after they turn it on-off-on or such09:41
DaSkreechCan We nothave the blue hardcoded in usplash?09:42
kwwiiDaSkreech: ?09:42
sebasIt is a theme, not hardcoded, right?09:42
DaSkreechi took off quiet in grub and it came up blue09:43
DaSkreech I asked where the blue was coming from and was told it's hard coded09:43
kwwiinever heard of that09:43
kwwiiahh, you mean grub itself was blue09:43
ErunnoI'm not sure if it is worth the trouble to switch back to the progress bar. I think someone should be able to endure the kernel output until the next reboot ;-)09:43
ErunnoEven he the user hit F2 by accident.09:44
kwwiiyeah, that is what the bootsplash does per default :-)09:44
kwwiiI'll talk to some people and see what the deal is09:44
ErunnoMuch appreciated :D09:45
DaSkreechErunno: You mean full screen instead of like removing quiet ?09:50
DaSkreechkwwii: if by the grub you mean the dmesg messages yes09:50
kwwiiyeah, that is from the palette09:51
ErunnoDaSkreech: Sorry, I didn't fully understand the question.09:55
DaSkreechkwwii: so it can be themed?09:55
DaSkreechyou said press F209:56
DaSkreechsomething you said after that made me think that you wanted either the Redhat style messages or the Term2 messages09:56
kwwiiDaSkreech: I would guess that that can be changed somehow09:56
DaSkreechNot the ones that you get from taking out quiet from grub09:56
kwwiiDaSkreech: the biggest problem is that there is nobody to ask about this stuff09:56
DaSkreechkwwii: Yup :_) in code09:56
ErunnoDaSkreech: I haven't used Redhat in a while (FC 2 was my last try) so I'm struggling to see the difference.09:57
ErunnoDaSkreech: Just ignore my, I'll find it out eventually ;-)09:57
DaSkreechErunno: different between? I gave you three options awhile ago09:57
mhbkwwii: nice09:58
mhbkwwii: looking forward to the splash screen & background :o)09:59
ErunnoDaSkreech: I don't understand the difference between "Redhat style messages" and "Term 2 messages". I'll try to learn about the difference to answer your question eventually.10:00
ErunnoDaSkreech: And I don't want to clutter this channel with newbie questions when the answers can be found with Google.10:01
DaSkreechErunno: In redhat it shows a window into Term2 but it's much less scary than dropping to a console (Term2) and having messages stream by10:01
DaSkreechPlus in Redhat in switch back to progress bar :)10:02
DaSkreechPersonally I like having both :)10:02
kwwiimhb: I hope to have more done soon10:03
mhbRiddell: sorry about that mail, I didn't know about the issues10:03
ErunnoDaSkreech: Sounds nice (in case I understand it correctly). I just wanted to be able to see the kernel output occasionaly10:03
ErunnoDaSkreech: And yes, I know about dmesg will probably do the same for me :P10:04
DaSkreechErunno: yeah I just take out the word quiet in /boot/grub/menu.lst and I get both :)10:04
mhbkwwii: okay, good to hear10:05
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seeleis there something wrong with DCOP?  i just got a series of errors (consecutive popups) on activating a context menu10:32
seelealong with the regular message they said "Lame." "Blame." "Rename." ... what does that mean? (and why is it in an error message?)10:33
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mhbkwwii: somehow I like the ubuntu splash more10:35
mhbkwwii: especially the logo10:36
kwwiimhb: yeah, I am still working :-)10:36
mhbkwwii: okay, just feedbacking you :o)10:38
kwwiimhb: thanks...I was looking at the first stuff and thinking the same thing10:39
DaSkreechmhb: strange huh?10:40
mhbDaSkreech: what is strange?10:41
DaSkreechThat the gnome philosophy is having the system get out of your way for you to do work yet they have this bold stand in your face splash10:42
DaSkreechWhereas KDE is much more about equal beauty of the system along with functionality and the splash is much more subtle10:42
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tomaRiddell: how do i go from a confirmed uvf exception to a sync request?10:47
Riddelltoma: main or universe?10:47
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Riddelltoma: add the details to the bug and subscribe ubuntu-archive I think10:47
tomaoki thnxs10:48
jdongsubscribe or assign? :)10:48
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jdongI just got ratted out for subscribing uvf instead of assigning10:49
RiddellI've not heard of that10:49
Riddellwho by?10:50
jdongmy UVFe was ignored for a week because I subscribed uvf instead of assigning :)10:51
jdongI think it's just everyone's duty here to give me a hard time :)10:51
Riddellah, well, he's antipodean10:51
Riddellubuntu-archive are wanting subscription last I knew10:51
jdongyeah, -archive wants subscription10:52
jdong(at least for backports)10:52
jdongspeaking of which10:52
=== jdong looks at calendar then at ubuntu-archive
tomai assigned it to them, i'm ready to be screamed at ;-)10:52
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Luretoma: you should subscribe ubuntu-archive, otherwise they will not process it11:10
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mhbgood night11:29
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