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lotusleafMadpilot: hi :) did you finish that xubuntu poster by any chance? :)04:04
Madpilotlotusleaf, nyet, did not. I'm in the middle of a Dapper->Edgy dist-upgrade right now too, so it ain't happening tonight.04:05
lotusleafMadpilot: k, thx :) wow, still on Dapper?04:05
Madpilotyeah, I'm Jurrasic.04:05
Madpilotheck, the ubuntu.ca server is still running Breezy...04:06
=== lotusleaf flips to #ubuntuforums for offtopic ;)
lotusleafoh, wait, you're not there ^^04:06
Madpilotno, I don't hang out in -forums. Some folks I don't get along with do, so I don't.04:08
lotusleafthat's what /ignore is for :)04:08
lotusleafhmm.. an obey feisty poster :P04:08
lotusleafobey the fawn! :P04:08
lotusleafdo you have a business for your art aside from your roughcut designs?04:09
Admiral_Chicago oh goodness..04:09
Madpilotlotusleaf, not really. I'm going to set up a 'company' website sometime this year, as Wire Lizard Designs, though. Eventually.04:09
lotusleafgood luck w/ that and e-mail me when you get it done so I can link you ;)04:10
Madpilotneed to find good hosting. On a Canadian server, so I'm only dealing with one set of stupid laws.04:10
tonyyarussoMadpilot: What do you do that brushes the law?04:16
Madpilottonyyarusso, nothing, and I want to keep it that way. Plus, keeping everything in Canada keeps stupid cr*p like the PATRIOT Act away from my serverspace.04:16
tonyyarussoMadpilot: Fair enough.  Hosting in some parts of Europe could be okay too though.04:17
Madpilotprobably, yeah. 04:18
beunotonyyarusso: hey, you know anything about the UWN?04:19
tonyyarussobeuno: ya, why?  (I've worked on it before)04:19
beunotonyyarusso: UWN 30 has been stalled for weeks (a month?)04:20
lotusleafya, everytime I ask about UWN a tumbleweed blows by04:21
tonyyarussobeuno: Oh really?04:21
tonyyarussoLooks like Cody has been a bit scarce on IRC.  Perhaps he's no longer willing to head it up?  (And we all know how much free time Corey has)04:21
beunotonyyarusso: yeap, AFAIK, it's still on gabby!04:22
beuno| Corey is doing UWN again, as Cody is on leave. Edit party at 03:00 UTC Friday morning |04:22
beuno Topic for #ubuntu-marketing set by Burgwork at Tue Feb 13 15:16:19 200704:22
beunoI'm not sure how to get it moving04:23
=== tonyyarusso pencils that in, just in case.
beunojenda is gone, sommerville32 is on leave, and Corey is scarce04:23
tonyyarussobeuno: write a script that greets everyone who joins with FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY, and start trolling the *-offtopics for help.04:23
beunothat was friday 16 feb he meant04:24
tonyyarussoSeriously on the offtopic part.04:24
lotusleafI'd like to see a monthly cycle where a different person heads the UWN so there's some kind of rotation schema04:24
tonyyarussothat might be good04:25
lotusleafthat can remove the stress that can set in04:25
beunolotusleaf: sounds like a great idea04:26
beunoyou should send the proposal to the mailing list04:26
lotusleafgood idea04:26
Madpilotlotusleaf, so did I just here you volunteer to do UWN for March? :)04:28
tonyyarussoThat's what I heard04:28
lotusleafMadpilot: that sounds good, but I'd have to shadow someone for a while before I could feel confident to take such a role :)04:28
Madpilotharass Corey04:29
lotusleafbut I already harass you enough as it is :)04:29
lotusleafobey xubuntu!04:29
Madpilotso spread your efforts ;)04:31
lotusleafI've never used Gobby either04:31
lotusleafdid whiprush ever return to marketing?04:31
beunoI can help out with UWN, I have been for the las 5 or 6  :D04:38
beunomaybe I should move the UWN from gobby to the wiki?04:38
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tuppawould this be the place to discuss about the Ubuntu Business Council?11:09
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elkbuntutuppa, Ubuntu Business Council?12:47
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dnearyjono: Hi there05:08
jonohey dave05:08
jonothanks for the very supportive blog post :)05:09
dnearyjono: It's not fair - you have a boss that can pony up 100 :)05:09
dnearyAt least he knocked Travis off the top ;)05:09
dnearyOver half way already! You're going to break 1000 tomorrow, I bet05:09
dnearyYou'll have to revise your target and keep a progress-meter somewhere05:10
tonyyarussowhat on earth are you talking about?05:10
dnearyjono: Let him in on the secret05:11
dnearytonyyarusso: He's shaving the beard again05:11
tonyyarussodneary: aaah05:11
tonyyarussoSo no more  :)> fun?05:11
jonotonyyarusso: http://www.jonobacon.org/?p=90705:14
dnearytonyyarusso: I lied05:17
dnearyI would not give 20 to see Jono shave his beard05:17
tonyyarussoso I see :P05:18
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elkbuntuhttp://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=07/02/20/197251 bwahahahahahahahhaah!11:10
tuppaelkbuntu ftw? ;)11:12
elkbuntudid you see who wrote it? :11:12
tonyyarussoStill loading here - hold on11:12
=== elkbuntu pokes tuppa
tonyyarussoPublished and famous now eh?  What ARE we going to do with you?11:14
Admiral_Chicagonice work elkbuntu 11:14
Admiral_Chicagotonyyarusso: she's going to be too famous to talk to us11:15
tuppaelkbuntu: yes I do :)11:15
elkbuntuAdmiral_Chicago, and you are /who/?11:15
=== Admiral_Chicago steps aside as the media rushes past
=== elkbuntu huggles Admiral_Chicago
tonyyarussoelkbuntu: Say, do you know if it's possible for a teacher to have an array of miniature VNC windows to half-monitor the desktop in the room, and if one looks fishy, click that thumbnail and it enlarges to full-size?11:15
tonyyarussoAdmiral_Chicago: :(11:16
elkbuntutonyyarusso, im not aware of something for linux along those lines11:16
elkbuntutonyyarusso, ask the edubuntu fellows, they might11:16
Admiral_Chicagoi've seen tools like that for Windows, it was a good tool11:18
tonyyarussoI just got an e-mail address from my dad of a retired guy who refurbishes old computers and gives them to poor people.  Apparently he's had trouble finding enough legal Windows licenses.  ;)11:18
elkbuntufunny that11:19
elkbuntutonyyarusso, your comment just became the title of the blog post http://www.geekosophical.net/?p=7311:19
tonyyarussoelkbuntu: O RLY?  Cool.11:20
poningruwait a sec11:21
poningrudoes nixternal work for linux.com?11:21
elkbuntuponingru, i wouldnt have a clue11:21
poningruyou thanked rich11:22
poningruin your blog11:22
poningruI assumed...11:22
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elkbuntuponingru, richard weideman11:23
poningruah gotcha11:23
elkbuntuponingru, read the article dammit and you'd see why11:24
=== poningru reads
=== poningru tells everyone he knows to read the damn article
elkbuntuanyway, im now late so i better go get dressed and such11:24
poningruawesome where you headed?11:25
elkbuntusomething called 'work for the dole' :(11:26
elkbuntuwelfare :(11:29
elkbuntui.. am on.. welfare :(11:29
tuppaelkbuntu: you can talk Canonical in hiring you :)11:30
=== tonyyarusso got to the part about Adelaide in his Australian travel writer's book
poningruoh :(11:32
poningruelkbuntu: bah atleast you have a good social safety network11:32
=== poningru is a student and is currently unemployed :(
poningruhopefully scholarship will come in the next month or I dont know where my next months rent is coming from11:33
tonyyarussoelkbuntu: on your blog post, the URL to the story isn't a hyperlink11:40

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