
dindaright now it's separate and I'm afraid we are duplicating effort in some areas12:16
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elmodinda: there's no way that I'm aware of to have searches span two distinct moin wikis12:17
dindaElkbuntu mentioned that perhaps it can be linked like the kubuntu or edubuntu ones12:17
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elmodinda: the kubuntu and edubuntu wikis are in fact the ubuntu wiki with a different theme12:17
fernandohey all12:17
pochufernando: hi! :)12:17
fernandohi pochu =)12:18
dindahmmm, then we may pursue merging the UW one back into the main wiki. . .12:18
sabdflwould be perfectly possible to do the same for the U-W wiki12:18
sabdflbut dinda the downside is a really really noisy RecentChanges page, iirc12:18
sabdflbeing in the main wiki is best, imo, if language isn't an issue12:18
dindapleia2 - any thoughts?12:19
pleia2I think we should work on moving back to the main wiki12:19
sabdflin terms of additional admins, you will need to cultivate that interest internally12:20
sabdflis there anything specific the CC can help with?12:20
pleia2I don't think so, we're coming along with that, just not quite there yet12:20
gnomefreakdinda: if you join #ubuntu-ops or talk to seveas or nalioth im sure the /ops/ part of it can be worked out12:20
sabdflok. well done on negotiating the latest bump in the road, i think you are on your way now12:20
dindayip -we came b/c of the note in the agenda - thought we were done last time ;)12:20
sabdflah. way I readit, i thought you'd PUT the note in the agenda!12:21
sabdflshould we move on?12:21
sabdflis stephen stalcuphere?12:21
Voriansabdfl, hello12:22
Vorianyou ready for the ohio team?12:22
VorianHello from the ohio team!  Here is our application page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/ApprovalApplication. You can find all our links on our wiki home page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam.12:22
sabdflhey Vorian12:22
sabdflstarting an underground movement over there?12:22
Voriandoing our best.12:22
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sabdflwhat are buckeyes?12:23
skippynuts from a Buckeye tree12:23
Vorianohio state university12:23
skippyor, chocolate covered peanut butter balls.  yummy!12:23
meatballhatthe chocolate + PB versions are better ;-)12:24
sabdflthat's funny, skippy is a kind of peanut butter where i come from12:24
sabdfltagline: yippy for skippy!12:25
gnomefreakhere too12:25
skippysame here, sabdfl.  I'm _extra_ smooth.  ;)12:25
sabdfli think skippy is a bot12:25
sabdfllurks in various channels12:25
sabdfllistening for nut references12:25
sabdflvery cunning12:25
skippyI've been discovered!12:25
=== Brady_M_at_work [n=chatzill@rrcs-70-60-133-11.central.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
sabdflok, ohio, seriously12:25
SD-Plisskenwait a sec sabdfl is a peanut butter and jelly fan.. no way..12:26
VorianI'll repost the links :)12:26
MikeB-its Peanut Butter Jelly Time12:26
Vorianour application page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/ApprovalApplication. You can find all our links on our wiki home page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam.12:26
Moniker42MikeB-, noooo12:26
=== beuno cheers for the ohio team, Vorian and meatballhat have put a lot of work into it
Vorianwe would also like sabdfl to consider visiting the Ohio Linuxfest this September :)12:27
skippyformal invitation is forthcoming from the appropriate channels.12:27
sabdflit's become quite a legendary event12:27
elkbuntui have to go now, but *cheer* for dinda for when you get to her :)12:27
=== ausimage was waiting for him to invite sabdfl
sabdflseptember's not good for me though! but separate issue12:27
Brady_M_at_workVorian: sorry for getting here late.12:27
sabdflvorian, how spread out is the ohio team?12:27
PWillskippy and I are both on the Ohio Linux Fest team, and others on the team have also thought that would be a good idea, sabdfl12:28
sabdflis it mostly columbus, or is it quite spread across the state?12:28
fernandogood night all (college time)12:28
Vorian4 metro areas, no more than an hour and a half apart each12:28
sabdflnight fernando12:28
sabdflis it a very big state?12:28
Voriansabdfl, I live in a rural area of Ohio12:28
VorianNot that big12:28
MikeB-PWill: is it still connected to the Ham Radio Fest?12:28
jacobmp92sabdfl: not too big12:28
ausimagethe top is too wide, though ;)12:28
VorianVery populace however.12:29
=== AlexLatchford [n=alex@82-44-193-109.cable.ubr07.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
sabdflwe'll i' +1 on the application, i can see the team is very well organised12:29
skippyMikeB-, Ohio Linux Fest is not connected to the HamFest.12:29
elmoyeah, +1 from me too - impressive growth too, to be nearly 90 members in what 3-4 months?12:30
Vorianthanks sabdfl :)12:30
Vorianthanks elmo :)12:30
MikeB- the Loco app looks great, and the Ohio team has been very active on the forums12:30
ZelutOhio is setting a big example for the other US Teams, even us established teams!12:30
Vorianelmo, yes, ubuntuforums have been a great engine for our growth12:30
=== Zelut gives Vorian a playful glare for making the other teams look so small :)
theidiotthatismeUbuntuforums allowed me to discover the Ohio Team, and so far I've been loving it :-)12:30
MikeB-theidiotthatisme: great to hear, Woot!12:31
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sabdflyes, it's interesting how the ohio team seems to make very good use of the forums12:32
sabdflvorian, did you start out in the community in the forums?12:32
Voriansabdfl, launchpad was first12:32
Vorianthe forums shortly after our formation12:33
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meatballhatI'm hesitant to cheer too much, having just been member-ized, but the Ohio LoCo Team is easily the most positive volunteer organization I've ever been a part of :D12:33
PWillsabdfl: Within about a month, we got http://ohio.ubuntu-us.org/12:33
sabdflVorian: what's your top LP gripe?12:33
jacobmp92the forums were the biggest source of mebers, including me :)12:33
Voriansabdfl, its a bit slow sometimes12:33
sabdflhmm... we're trying to figure out how to avoid having to use ssl all the time12:33
Vorianother than that, i wish it were open source :)12:34
sabdflare you in the beta group?12:34
Voriansabdfl, not now... :)12:34
PriceChildI could help you apply for the launchpad beta later Vorian.12:34
Vorianty PriceChild :)12:34
sabdflok, well done ohio!12:35
VorianI would love to help12:35
=== pochu congratulates the Ohio Team :)
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sabdfl5 member candidates12:35
Vorianthanks sabdfl!12:35
=== ausimage congrats to Vorian and Ohio
nixternalOhio! </drew carey voice>12:35
sabdflshould we take it from the top?12:35
sabdflstgraber: ping, you're up!12:35
stgraberyep, thank you12:35
stgraberGood evening everyone. I'm Stphane Graber, I use Linux for 6-7 years (I can't remember precisely) and Ubuntu since Warty Warthog. I'm a student in the CPLN in Neuchtel. I'm currently testing Feisty's betas and reporting bugs when I can, I'm also testing a bit the Launchpad beta. I recently started learning python (I'm more a perl or PHP developer) and did a small Pastebin client that's now in Feisty's universe (pastebinit).12:35
=== Zelut laughs at nixternal
SD-PlisskenCongrats Vorian and the Ohio team.12:35
stgraberI'm also involved in local activities which includes helping new linux users in general (as we are some Debian/Ubuntu users we usually propose Ubuntu as a first distribution) and the Phoenix project (more information on my wiki page).12:36
stgraberMy wiki page is : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/stgraber12:36
stgraberAs I think I'm now quite involved in pushing Ubuntu to a top distribution I'd really like to become a Ubuntu Member.12:36
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sabdflstgraber: i think i'm just around the corner from you now12:37
sabdflnice wiki page12:38
stgraberthank you12:38
MikeB-stgraber: very nice wiki12:38
stgraberI copied a little bit nixternal's one :)12:38
sabdflstgraber: have you proposed the swiss-french patch to cjwatson so it will be in feisty?12:38
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makosorry i'm late everyone12:38
nixternaloi mako12:38
sabdflhey mako12:39
stgrabersabdfl: this keyboard issue is fixed in feisty12:39
stgraberhi mako12:39
sabdflmako: we're on the first of 5 membership applications12:39
stgrabersabdfl: In fact I proposed the patch but it was too late for Edgy and then it's fixed in Feisty12:39
gnomefreakhi mako12:39
sabdfli'm+1 on stgraber - he's been interested since early days and is quite an active participate: https://bugs.beta.launchpad.net/~stgraber/+subscribedbugs12:40
sabdfl(drop the beta for those folks not in the beta program)12:40
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stgraberthank you sabdfl12:42
=== mako is catching up still a bit
=== doko__ [n=doko@dslb-088-073-107-150.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
stgrabermako: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/stgraber if you want to have a look12:43
sabdflstgraber: snowing over there too?12:43
stgraberno, that's quite a problem in fact12:43
stgrabernot enough snow this winter12:43
makostgraber: that's what i'm looking at12:43
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sabdflstgraber: https://bugs.beta.launchpad.net/banshee/+bug/6284212:43
makoalright, +1 from me too12:43
UbugtuMalone bug 62842 in rhythmbox "daap with itunes 7 doesn't work correctly" [Low,Confirmed] 12:43
sabdfli see you're interested in quite a few bugs that are linked to upstreams12:44
sabdfldo you have any ideas about how we can improve the way we work with upstreams?12:44
stgraberHaving a responsable for each package or group of package who will do the communication part with upstream12:44
stgraberbut maybe someone else than the packager or maintainer12:45
sabdflright - someone primarily to "build a bridge" between the communities12:45
sabdfli agree very strongly12:45
stgraberyes, that's the idea12:45
sabdflwelcome aboard!12:45
=== pochu hugs stgraber :)
MikeB-stgraber: an Dev-Upstream Team, good idea12:45
stgraberthank you very much everyone12:45
sabdflpochu: spotlight on you!12:46
pochuwell :)12:46
MikeB-stgraber: grats12:46
pochuHello everybody :) I'm Emilio Pozuelo, aka pochu. This is my wiki page ---> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EmilioPozuelo . As you can see there, I'm a bugfighter :) I like to triage bugs, and am learning packaging, so I fix some (not very difficult) bugs. Also, I'm an ISO testing team member, and I'm helping heno with the team.12:46
stgraberMikeB-: thx12:46
pochuI'm also a SpanishTeam admin (but just since one week or so). We are having a little problems in the team, but jono is helping us, so I hope we can solve them the best way for the team :) And a Spanish Translators member (which was one of my first contributions to the Ubuntu community, because I didn't know too much about bug triaging and packaging).12:46
sabdflpochu: do the spanish ubuntu + kubuntu translation teams work well together?12:47
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pochusabdfl: yeah, the team was owned by carlos till today, when he has step down to the oldest member of the team12:47
MikeB-atoponce: afternoon Aaron12:48
atoponceMikeB-: hello. :)12:48
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pochusabdfl: there is just one spanish translators team -> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-es12:48
seb128I can confirm that pochu is doing some good job on bug triage12:48
sabdflpochu: 58 bugs in compiz! just as well we ducked on compiz-by-default, you think?12:48
gnomefreakhe shows up often in my email from bugs :)12:49
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=== Adri2000 agrees with seb128 :)
sabdflhorribl url!12:49
sabdflunnecessarily so12:49
sabdflnonetheless, looks like very good work12:49
sabdflpochu, are you en-route to becoming motu too?12:49
Brady_M_at_workNight sabdfl12:49
seb128sabdfl: look at the subscribed list rather12:50
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sabdflis development and bug triage your primary focus?12:50
sabdflnight Brady_M_at_work12:50
pochusabdfl: yeah, I would like, but first I want to learn more packaging, since I'm still a little newbie :)12:50
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pochusabdfl: yes, they are :)12:50
sabdflok, cool for +1 for membership from me, and look forward to seeing you in launchpad.net/~motu12:51
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makoyes, absoultely, it looks great.. +1 from me too12:51
pochusabdfl: that link is about bugs I've fixed with an upload :)12:51
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gnomefreakpochu: congrats12:52
makopochu: welcome12:52
makodinda: you're next12:52
MikeB-pochu: congrats12:52
pochuthanks everybody :)12:52
sabdflwelcome aboard, pochu!12:52
dindaIm Belinda/Dinda Lopez from Galveston, Texas.  Ive been following the project for over a year become increasingly active over the past six months. I went to the UDS Paris event to see if the project to investigate if the project had some real legs under it and try to find out what this whole open source thing is about. My wiki is: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelindaLopez12:52
makopochu: thanks for your work on ubuntu so far :)12:53
=== pochu hugs the channel :)
DktrKranzwe were late :(12:53
seb128pochu: congrat12:53
DktrKranzanyway, congrats pochu :)12:53
beunocongrats pochu!12:53
dindaMy main interests were in the areas of training and education but that soon led to other events, more research and falling into the Ubuntu Womens project.  Ive also helped organize the Houston Loco Team and am trying to help with the Texas Team bringing together the Dallas, Houston and Austin folks under one umbrella.12:53
=== oem [n=oem@87-194-119-253.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
sabdfli'll vouch for dinda, who has made a great contribution in a number of areas, most recently U-W12:53
dindaThanks sabdfl!12:53
=== oem is now known as moniker42_lap
gnomefreak<off topic> but i like the look of ubun2 ;)12:54
dindaothers left cheers on my wiki page12:54
pleia2yes, dinda has done extensive work with U-W these past few months, we have really appreciated her efforts12:54
makodinda: so we saw you recently on opening up the ubuntu women team12:54
makodinda: how ha that been going?12:54
dindaIt's going really well, lots of new folks interested in helping12:55
dindaand several leading new projects12:55
pleia2dinda: many of which you're spearheading12:55
dindawe're working on a membership drive around International Women's Day on March 812:55
pleia2which is excellent :)12:55
makogreat, i love the testimonials on your wiki page :)12:56
dindathe pilot event was great - but cold!12:56
makowonderful :)12:56
sabdfldinda: what's Sakai?12:56
dindaso I hope Spain will have much better weather :)12:57
=== Moniker42 [n=Sean@87-194-119-253.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
dindaSakai is like Moodle12:57
elmodinda: it will12:57
alex_muntadapochu: enhorabuena!12:57
dindaseveral Universities are developing it open source12:57
sabdflelmo's been down there to "network" ;-)12:57
sabdfl(i.e. soak up the sun, i think ;-))12:57
pochualex_muntada: gracias ^_^12:57
=== Seeker`_ [n=cjo20@84-12-178-51.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
dindathere is never enuff sun. . .or sangria  ;)12:57
Moniker42bah >.< tip people - don't install vista. not even out of curiosity...12:58
sabdflvery positive +1 for me for dinda12:58
elmoyeah, likewise12:58
theidiotthatismeMoniker: I've already persuaded many off of getting Vista12:58
Moniker42whoops, wrong channel....12:58
sabdflMoniker42: not really ;-)12:58
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Moniker42theidiotthatisme, i think the complete incompatability with all my peripherals and sound card is enough to put me off12:58
makoyes, +1 from for dinda12:59
dindathanks all!12:59
pleia2congrats dinda!12:59
makoit's been nice to see you so many times in so many places aro8und the world :)12:59
MikeB-dinda: congrats12:59
atoponcedinda: congrats12:59
gnomefreakdinda: congrats12:59
dindayip - I see you folks more than my family :)12:59
pochudinda: congrats :)12:59
makoand i'm excited about the progress on u-w and looking forward to your day in march12:59
stgraberdinda: grats01:00
Voriancongrats dinda :)01:00
dindawe'll be getting the word out now01:00
makoi'll try to drop by any of the irc events01:00
sabdflwelcome, dinda!01:00
dindaThanks Mark01:00
dindaI'm really looking forward to the next few months - I've already learned so much01:01
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sabdfli suspect you have much to teach too01:01
sabdflausimage: you're up!01:01
ausimageI am Jeremy Austin-Bardo and an advocate of Ubuntu and Linux. I am the admin for ubuntu-scribes and a supportive member of the NewYorkTeam loco. I also give feedback on bugs and features in Ubuntu and Ubuntu distro+1.01:01
ausimageRead my wiki page, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ausimage  for details.01:01
sabdfltell us about ubuntu-scribes?01:01
atoponcei'm here to cheer for ausimage. the scribes team is a great idea, and his involvement helps centralize irc meeting minutes through MootBot, which is already in this channel.  cool stuff!  cool guy!01:02
=== PriceChild would love a small demo of mootboot
ausimageAhh the Scribes.. We are here to help enhance and augment the meeting process mostly in IRC01:02
gnomefreakwe (ubuntu-mozillateam) are using the bot for meetins :)01:02
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makoausimage: did we meet last week at ubucon?01:02
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makoah, too bad01:03
ausimagecould not get there unfortunately01:03
=== Moniker42 would just like to see ausimage's wiki but can't because internet explorer crashes and firefox has a mysterious _bouncing_ bug. my own fault for using vista...
gnomefreakPriceChild: join here on monday march 6th at 18:00UTC and it will be in use01:03
ausimageYou will have to come Upstate mako01:03
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makoausimage: i live in boston, it might even be closer :)01:03
sabdflwhat's MootBot?01:03
Seeker`_sabdfl: The bot that I have written to try to make recording of meetings easier01:04
ausimageAh Mootbot is Seeker`_ contribution to ScribesTeam01:04
makoi have to say, the scribes project is coolest projects in ubuntu i've run across in a while :)01:04
gnomefreaksabdfl: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScribesTeam/MootBot01:04
gnomefreakoops late01:04
ausimagehe AndrewWilliams have really made it great01:04
makoas someone who had scribe duties as part of my job for a while, i can appreciate the time and energy that goes into it :)01:04
dindascribes is awesome01:04
ausimageI know ...01:04
=== Vorian cheers for ausimage. He has done a ton of work that no one will ever know about, but all will appreciate. He is an unsung hero.
Seeker`_ausimage is very hard working, and he has put a lot of time and effort into starting this team01:04
Seeker`_and he is always coming up with new ideas01:05
ausimageYeah I am now involving myself in NewYorkTeam as well01:05
dindasince Seveas isn't here - Is anyone doing the LP account updates?01:05
elmoI can do that01:05
makoelmo: thanks :)01:05
sabdfloh, that bot rocks!01:06
gnomefreakit is pretty cool01:06
atoponceyeah. the features are really really cool01:06
Moniker42voting :)01:06
sabdfl1 from me for ausimage. this sort of work is phenomenal "glue" to help communities stay together even as they grow01:06
ausimagesay sabdfl how is blog post for the ScribesTeam coming01:07
sabdflsorry, that was a +1 not just a plain 1 :-)01:07
ausimagesure not more than that ??? ;)01:07
sabdflah, i promised to blog about your work, didn't i? can you mail me some url's to examples of the work?01:07
ausimageah sure your addie??01:08
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Moniker42you can get +2s? ;)01:08
=== ausimage thought is was worth a shot ;)
=== ausimage thinks there should be a 'pimp my profile' contest :)
=== Moniker42 looks for sabdfl's blog, wonders why the first link for "sabdfl" on google is to the wikipedia page on Guido van Rossum...
sabdflmark@ubuntu.com will reach me01:10
ausimageI will put on the to do list :)01:10
Monk-eMoniker42: because Guido is my first name! ^^ ;)01:10
=== Seeker`_ wonders if he should apply for membership next time round
=== ausimage thinks so
=== Vorian cheers for Seeker`_
ausimagethanks elmo01:11
makoyes, this all looks fantastic01:12
makoi learned a lot about a couple teams i'd only heard about too01:12
makoausimage: thanks for all your work01:12
mako+1 from me01:12
Voriancongrats ausimage! :)01:12
ausimageYEAH YEAH YEAH :D01:12
sabdflwelcome aboard!01:12
Seeker`_well done ausimage01:12
makoyes welcome!01:12
ausimagethank you all01:12
sabdfls|g: you're on01:13
MikeB-ausimage: congrats01:13
=== pochu hugs ausimage :-)
s|gI'm a sysadmin and web developer from Hungary. I've been using OSS for a long time now (first distro was Debian Boo). I've tried many linux distros (Slackware, Gentoo, SuSE etc.), and BSDs, and since Warty do I use Ubuntu, and I'm very satisfied with it so far.01:13
s|gI'm translator of many OSS projects (gimp, openoffice.org, icewm, drupal etc), and now I'm the leader of the Hungarian Ubuntu Translation Team.01:13
=== beuno cheers for ausimage! congrats!
ausimageAnyone interested in Scribes drop by01:13
s|gI'm founder and contributor of many Hungarian OSS communities (gimp.hu, drupal.hu, Hungarian BSD Association). I spoke at Open Source conferences in Hungary about various topics (Hungarian Ubuntu Conference, Linux Conference, Fsf Roadshow).01:13
s|gIn the future I'd like to contribute more: helping in community building and developing and translating and writing Ubuntu documentation and HOWTOs01:13
s|gThe person here to support me is Szilveszter Farkas (phanatic).01:13
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elmos|g: are the hungarian ubuntu translation team using launchpad/rosetta?01:15
phanatics|g has been a valuable member of the hungarian community for more than a year now... and his contributions to foss in hungary is pretty significant01:15
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s|gelmo: yes.01:15
makothat's kind of funny that you brought a phanatic to support you01:15
phanaticmako: :))01:15
sabdflphanatical support!01:16
sabdflsounds like rackspace01:16
makosabdfl: in fact :)01:16
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sabdfls|g: is your primary focus advocacy?01:16
phanatiche's really one of our best men :)01:16
elmos|g: ok - just noticing that you haven't been using rosetta yourself much lately/yet... (not that it's in any way a requirement of course, just interesting to me that someone so  involved in translations hasn't used it much so far)01:16
elmomako: phanboy was busy01:16
s|gsabdfl: yes01:17
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s|gelmo: yes. im love better locale translating, but all is committed into ubuntu01:17
makothe website forums, etc is is impressive01:17
makos|g: which parts can you take credit for?01:18
sabdflthere seems to be a really strong community in Hungary - any particular driver for that?01:18
s|gmako: first i/we want to build the ubuntu.hu01:18
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phanaticsabdfl: you mean a person by 'driver'?01:19
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makos|g: what came second?01:21
makoi've seen a lot of great stuff on the webiste, i'm just tryin to figure out what your role was01:22
s|ghelp within forum01:22
phanaticnow he's responsible for our drupal-based site (which is under heavy development)01:22
makos|g: do you have a user page within the forum?01:22
s|gmako: we reorganize .hu website, clean all howto, wiki etc.01:22
makoah, ok01:23
makowhere is that site?01:23
phanatichttp://barack.fsf.hu:11080/ -- only the theme is in its place01:23
s|gmako: can i give you access.01:23
makophanatic: it looks nice01:24
makos|g: i don't know, can you?01:24
phanaticmako: actually it needs some tricks01:24
s|gmako: this is the tableless ubuntu skin01:24
s|gmako: with this url you cant login into drupal. you need put line into host file ;)01:25
makoah, ok01:25
makothat's a bit much01:25
makoyou can tell me01:25
phanaticbecause the dns entry still doesn't point to this site, and cookies screw up :)01:25
phanaticso it's a bit complicated as of now01:25
makoi'm just trying to figure out which parts you've contributed to the website so far01:25
s|gwe finished with virtual machine in this weekend01:26
makoyou say that a bunch of your work has been on ubuntu.hu01:26
makoand just looking to see examples of things you've done on ubuntu .hu to date01:26
s|gdrupal part, skining01:26
makoit doesn't have to be the new stuff01:26
makohave you written content for hte existing site? there is lots of stuff up there01:26
s|gwe would integrate the i18n part into new site01:27
makohave you participated in the forums?01:27
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makocan you post a link to a page about your account activity in the forums?01:27
s|gin forums in hungarian yes01:27
makoit's ok if it's in hungarian01:27
makoi'd just like to see01:27
sabdfls|g: it's normal for us to want to be able to judge the extent of someone's contribution, and the time over which they have been a participant01:28
makos|g: usually people put links not only to their teams, but to example of their work on the team01:28
sabdflit's clear to me that you've made a huge FLOSS contribution in .hu and elsewhere01:29
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sabdfli'm also trying trying to see the specific ubuntu work you've contributed01:29
s|gorganize ubuntu conferece01:29
s|gmaking ubuntu flyer to this conference01:29
sabdfli did hear good things about that conf01:30
s|gspeak from graphics application on this conference01:30
makosure, so did i01:30
s|gand speak it in a local tv01:30
s|git is the flyer01:32
s|ghttp://www.flickr.com/photos/gsuveg/279014120/ page 201:32
sabdflnice logo!01:32
=== Moniker42 headbutts vista and IE
makoyes, that's the type of documentation that i'm looking for01:33
makos|g: i think i would be most comfortable if you took some time between now and the next meeting ot make a complete list of those types of contributions and to support them with links like this01:33
makos|g: i have every reason to believe that you've made significant and sustained contributions to ubuntu, but your wiki page isn't linking to documentation to support that yet (imho)01:34
s|gmako: ok01:34
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makos|g: you should email with jono and have him let you konw what he thinks before the next meeting01:35
makophanatic: you don't need to come back, your support and testimonial should be enough01:35
sabdflmako: you are such a bad cop! but i concur :-)01:35
s|gmako: ok01:35
makos|g: i'm sure that once you get the site online and everything, it will be really easy01:35
phanaticmako: okay, thanks01:35
sabdfls|g: please come back once that wiki page is clearer01:35
makos|g: sorry we didn't get to do it today :(01:35
makos|g: next time thought! :)01:35
sabdfli've no doubt too that you are making a great contribution01:35
mako did we just fall off the end of the agenda?01:36
pochuI think yes :)01:38
makoalright then01:38
makoi'm late for another meeting so i'll jet if that's alright01:38
makosorry again that i was late..01:38
sabdflthanks mako!01:38
pochumako: np :)01:38
makowas there a decision you need a vote from me on at te beginning?01:38
sabdfland thanks to everyone here01:38
makoif so, someone needs to send me a log so i can look over it01:38
sabdflohio team got +1'd01:38
=== mako nods
makoi doubt i'll find that controversial :)01:38
ausimagemako MeetingLoges01:38
Moniker42what's the best language to learn to make a contribution to the ubuntu project? python?01:38
makoausimage: yes yes :)01:38
sabdflMoniker42: or C, yes01:38
makoVorian: was here from ohio?01:38
sabdflvery much so :-)01:38
Monk-esabdfl: does C++ count?01:39
Vorianhi mako01:39
sabdflMonk-e: of course!01:39
makoVorian: what does buckeye mean?01:39
makoi've always wondered that01:39
sabdflMoniker42: also, any friendly language, for advocacy and support ;-)01:39
Vorianits a nut from the buckeye tree01:39
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sabdflmako: read the logs :-)01:39
Vorianbut the mascot for ohio state university :)01:39
sabdflyou'll enjoy that part01:39
Moniker42sabdfl, i have a rather large summer with nothing to do between the end of my high school exams and the start of my CS course at uni =)01:39
sabdflok, thanks all and good night01:39
Moniker42might learn a language...01:39
Voriansabdfl, I applied for the launchpad beta01:40
makosabdfl: great :)01:40
makothe page looks really great01:40
dindathanks to the CC for all your help!01:40
sabdflVorian: do you solemnly swear not to post screenshots of beta stuff?01:40
ausimagePricey: how do you in this beta launchpad?01:40
makoi'll read the logs and get to you but i don't see how i'll disagree01:40
Voriansabdfl, so say we all01:40
Voriani swear.01:40
Moniker42he crossed his fingers!01:40
Moniker42i saw it!01:40
Priceyausimage, You want to apply?01:40
pochuMoniker42: hehe :)01:40
makoalright, later all!01:40
makoi'm out01:40
pochumako: bye!01:41
ausimageYeah.. would love some meeting features in it ;)01:41
=== Pricey is now "the launchpad beta guy" lol
sabdflVorian: approved01:41
Vorianthanks sabdfl :)01:41
VorianI'll do my best.01:41
sabdflnight all01:41
Moniker42Pricey, guess what... the laptop crashed..... again. ;)01:41
Priceyausimage, --> pm :)01:41
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ausimagethe log wil be up any minute01:42
ausimageK pricey01:42
MikeB-night all01:42
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phanatic@schedule Budapest02:26
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Budapest: 27 Feb 21:00: Technical Board | 28 Feb 19:00: Accessibility Team | 28 Feb 21:00: Edubuntu | 28 Feb 23:00: Xubuntu | 01 Mar 16:00: Community Question Time in #ubuntu-meeting | 01 Mar 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team02:26
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Lure@schedule Ljubljana06:17
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Ljubljana: 27 Feb 21:00: Technical Board | 28 Feb 19:00: Accessibility Team | 28 Feb 21:00: Edubuntu | 28 Feb 23:00: Xubuntu | 01 Mar 16:00: Community Question Time in #ubuntu-meeting | 01 Mar 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team06:17
sid@schedule New_York06:18
UbugtuSchedule for America/New_York: 27 Feb 15:00: Technical Board | 28 Feb 13:00: Accessibility Team | 28 Feb 15:00: Edubuntu | 28 Feb 17:00: Xubuntu | 01 Mar 10:00: Community Question Time in #ubuntu-meeting | 01 Mar 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team06:18
tonyyarussogotta give some credit to anyone who can pronounce Ljubljana, I figure.06:25
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evand@schedule New_York08:05
UbugtuSchedule for America/New_York: 27 Feb 15:00: Technical Board | 28 Feb 13:00: Accessibility Team | 28 Feb 15:00: Edubuntu | 28 Feb 17:00: Xubuntu | 01 Mar 10:00: Community Question Time in #ubuntu-meeting | 01 Mar 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team08:05
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Technical Board | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 28 Feb 18:00 UTC: Accessibility Team | 28 Feb 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 28 Feb 22:00 UTC: Xubuntu | 01 Mar 15:00 UTC: Community Question Time in #ubuntu-meeting | 01 Mar 21:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
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mdzKeybuk: ping08:55
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mdzhi mjg5908:59
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mdzlet's begin09:00
mdzI updated the agenda to reflect the reorganization of Launchpad teams which was carried out by the new MOTU council09:00
mdz(thanks sistpoty)09:00
mdzI believe we have one applicant for -core-dev09:01
mdzasac: are you here?09:01
mdzasac's application was deferred from the last meeting because his sponsor wasn't present, and he hadn't had much experience in Ubuntu yet09:02
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mdzok, he doesn't seem to be present09:03
mdzis there a MOTU council representative here?09:03
=== ajmitch is here
Keybukbut he has such a wonderful level of contribution to Fooix the Wonder Toaster!09:03
=== sabdfl [n=sabdfl@ubuntu/member/pdpc.silver.sabdfl] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
ograFooix the Wonder Toaster ?09:03
mdzajmitch: are there any MOTU applications to be considered by the tech board?09:04
Keybukogra: LP beta joke09:04
ajmitchmdz: we haven't had any applications come to us yet, though we're still waiting on a mailing list to handle them09:04
ograKeybuk, ah ...09:04
mdzajmitch: IIRC we referred some applicants to the Council a couple of meetings ago09:04
mdzbut the council wasn't quite operational yet09:05
mdzso please check back with them now that you're ready to process them09:05
mdzajmitch: feel free to forward them by email to technical-board@ so that they don't block until the next TB meeting09:05
mdzthe first and only discussion item is one I added09:06
mdzTechnical Board nominations09:06
sabdflactually, it would be great to make that std operating procedure09:07
sabdflso those applications don't block onmeetings09:07
sabdflunless an application raises a question the TB feels should be discussed here09:07
ajmitchI think that was what was originally proposed09:07
sabdflit should be possible to just +1 it and be done09:07
mdzyes, we agreed that09:08
mdzjust reconfirming09:08
mdzso, tech board nominations.  sabdfl, I think this ball is in your court.  how can we help to move it forward?09:09
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sabdflmy apologies09:10
sabdflif we want to just nominate and have confirmation votes, we are good to go09:11
mdzI'm happy to assist with the legwork if that helps09:11
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sabdflif we want more of a runoff, then we need some testing of an appropriate voting stuff in lp09:11
sabdfllet's just do the easy thing09:11
mdzI think that nominate+confirm is appropriate09:11
sabdflok, it makes for less exciting voting though :-)09:11
sabdflbut it's fine for this round09:11
sabdflwe've delayed enough09:11
mdzit's also what's written in the governance documents ;-)09:12
mdzif you would like to send me your nominees, I can set up the polls and announce the vote09:12
mdzsabdfl: sound ok?09:13
sabdflthanks mdz09:13
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mjg59Sounds good to me09:14
mjg59asac: Still not around?09:14
sabdflmdz: i think we have enough wiggle room in the governance docs to have a runoff09:14
sabdflit's still nominate+confirm09:14
sabdfljust a "not everyone gets confirmed" twist09:14
sabdflif you think we should make that possibility explicit, we should do it sooner rather than later09:15
sabdfldiscuss at CC09:15
mdzI'll ping asac and remind him to follow up on his application09:15
mdzI expect pitti and cjwatson will have feedback on his work so far09:16
mdzin fact, if they're here, I'd be happy to consider him in absentia09:16
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ajmitchcould ubuntu-dev please be set to a restricted team now?09:16
mdzajmitch: oh, good idea09:17
mjg59Pitti doesn't seem to be around09:17
mjg59cjwatson: Ping?09:17
mdzajmitch: I'll also update the documentation on UbuntuDevelopment09:17
ajmitch& we'll chase up those proposed members on ubuntu-dev09:18
mdzcjwatson was around a minute ago, but seems to be no longer09:18
mdzthat's all for developer applications.  is there any other business?09:19
sabdflajmitch: really happy to see you guys kicking into action!09:19
mjg59None from me09:19
Keybukjust a confirmation; do existing TB members need to re-apply for nomination?09:19
ajmitchit's good to be organised & kicking universe into shape :)09:19
sabdflKeybuk: i don't think so09:21
mdzKeybuk: I wouldn't expect so09:21
mdzthis is meant to be a fairly stable group09:21
sabdflmdz: mostly09:22
sabdflmjg59: incidentally, DO you disappear when turned 90 degrees?09:22
mjg59sabdfl: Depends on how good your eyes are09:22
sabdflpassed the latest test, but i could see the nurse was being nice about it09:22
mdzsabdfl: stable in composition, not necessarily in individual psychology09:22
sabdflthat's what teams are for - makes for a more interesting whiskey collection09:23
sabdflok, thanks all09:23
mdzyep, sounds like we're done09:23
sabdflcheers all!09:23
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mdzactions: mdz to summarize meeting for UWN, mdz to remind asac et al about his core-dev application09:23
mdzactions: sabdfl to email nominations to mdz09:24
mdzmdz to create polls, announce confirmation vote09:24
ograhe left in time :)09:24
mdzanything else?09:24
mdzok, adjourned. thanks all09:24
mdz(hmm, UWN seems to be dead)09:25
mdzI'll just mail ubuntu-devel instead09:25
=== ds500ss [n=marcel@vrs-c-16f6f.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
tonyyarussomdz: Ya - that's being looked into.09:32
tonyyarussoMost of the big-time UWN helpers are busy or on vacation, so it stalled.09:32
=== zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
asaci am on topic?09:38
Mithrandiryou're slightly late. :-)09:38
asacdidn't know :) ... next time i guess.09:39
asacmdz: mjg59 sorry .... didn't know i was on topic already09:40
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=== cjwatson [n=cjwatson@82-69-40-219.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== kwah [n=kwah@d100246.upc-d.chello.nl] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Leaving"]
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 28 Feb 18:00 UTC: Accessibility Team | 28 Feb 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 28 Feb 22:00 UTC: Xubuntu | 01 Mar 15:00 UTC: Community Question Time in #ubuntu-meeting | 01 Mar 21:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 05 Mar 16:00 UTC: Kernel Team
=== finalbeta_ [n=finalbet@d54C68D0D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== j_ack [n=rudi@p508DBBAD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-meeting

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