[12:29] that looks more like a code issue rather than a packaging issue [12:29] ryanh: theresab do you have any questions atm? I would go away for the rest of the night :) === AlexLatchford [n=alex@82-44-193-109.cable.ubr07.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [12:29] theresab: ryanh asac is the lead developer for mozillateam [12:30] it is falling on his shoulders to figure out how to implement the schemes I am working on:) [12:31] asac, nice too meet you [12:31] theresa is an irc newb [12:31] gotta bear with her [12:31] LinspireBrian: Did that happen in both the most recent code and the 0.7.7 release from kompozer.net for you? [12:31] Uh, had a power cut today and totally screwed my primary filesystem [12:31] good job I updated to Feisty with a clean install yesterday then :) [12:31] tonyyarusso, I though 0.7.7 was the most recent? [12:32] LinspireBrian: I meant the one you just sent me, with branding. [12:32] Shouldn't be any code difference, but who knows. [12:32] ahh, yes, same thing when I tried to compile it vanilla [12:32] ryanh: if you want anything, just ping me. I am usually online, though based in europe so take care for timezone :) [12:32] np [12:32] thanks [12:32] =) [12:33] LinspireBrian: Using which makefile? [12:33] I just copied .mozconfig.linux over to .mozconfig and did a configure/make [12:34] Did you uncomment the appropriate sections for Debian/Linspire? [12:34] yes indeed === ryanh is now known as Majost [12:34] huh, all right then. [12:34] gonna register a new nick [12:34] heh [12:34] ok guys meeting on the 6th at 18:00 or 23:00 UTC better? [12:34] you can see if I fscked up in the tarball, its all ther ejust as I tried to build it [12:35] Will let you know. [12:35] 20:00 is taken already [12:35] gnomefreak: either is good with me [12:35] asac: 18:00 for you? [12:35] 18:00 is probably better for me, but it could go either way [12:36] what 1800 ? UTC? [12:36] maybe 18:00 for asac he is on utc +1 [12:36] that would be a charm :) [12:36] the meeting ont he 6th [12:36] k [12:36] setting it [12:36] great [12:36] its being put on fridge :) === gnomefreak runs off to change wiki [12:37] LinspireBrian: Oh, btw - it would be nice if I didn't have to do packaging tricks to make chrome, icons, and res go to /usr/share rather than /usr/lib so lintian doesn't complain at me about there being images in an architecture-dependent directory. [12:38] for the linspire folks meeting info is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Meetings === ..[topic/#ubuntu-mozillateam:gnomefreak] : Welcome to the home of the Ubuntu Mozilla Team | Web-Home is: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam | totem anti-crash preview is at: http://gnomefreak.youmortals.com/Totem/ | Next meeting will be on March 6th 2007 at 18:00UTC | Meeting agenda is at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Meetings [12:38] Just pass it on to me and I'll wrapup that part then. I usually just smack lintian for such absurdities [12:38] gnomefreak: you can remove totem packages [12:38] its set [12:38] its released to feisty [12:38] ok ill get there [12:38] join us or have your mozilla folks stop by === ..[topic/#ubuntu-mozillateam:gnomefreak] : Welcome to the home of the Ubuntu Mozilla Team | Web-Home is: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam | Next meeting will be on March 6th 2007 at 18:00UTC | Meeting agenda is at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Meetings [12:40] fixed [12:40] ack [12:41] gnomefreak: will you be around tomorrow for some time, so we can test if patch fixes filepicker crash? [12:41] yep ill be around [12:42] if all goes well ill be here at around 5:00 EST [12:42] whats EST in UTC units? [12:42] -5 ? [12:42] -0500 [12:42] yep [12:42] k [12:42] 10 am UTC [12:42] thats pretty early :) [12:43] i won't have bits by then i guess ;) [12:43] anytime :) [12:43] i will be checking email and slacking with coffee in hand at that time [12:54] cc meeting are not very interesting when you are not cheering on one of you teammates;) [12:54] dfarning: nope not really sometimes theres something there that is of interest but not oftem [12:54] often === dfarning was hoping for something more dramatic [12:56] lol [12:56] sorry [01:01] and this is a short meeting too === AlexLatchford [n=alex@82-44-193-109.cable.ubr07.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [02:08] can someone show me how to do traces [02:09] i sent instructions to ML david said he would make a wiki for basic retracing [02:09] i tried to follow them but I was on the road. maybe i'll take them up now [02:10] okay i call bug #88228 [02:10] Malone bug 88228 in firefox "firefox crashed " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88228 [02:10] :) [02:10] i can help tomorrow but its bed time here for most part [02:10] night then [02:14] since i am working on something. is it one with a crash report like _usr_lib_firefox? or is it pieces of them on bug report? [02:15] yep, its one of them [02:15] the _usr? [02:16] heres what i do. mkdir bug88228 cd bug88228 mkdir parts. than i download the report to the bug* dir. [02:17] in the bug directory run apport-retrace -o retrace.crash -v -d _usr_lib..... 2>&1 | tee retrace.log [02:18] replace .... with rest of file name [02:18] Admiral_Chicago: when its done running than run apport-unpack retrace.crash parts [02:18] than find the stacktrace and rest in parts :) [02:19] i'll try that. [02:19] i just realized i had to study [02:19] have to write some code for tomorrows meeting as well [02:19] oh first make sure you are running everything the user is and have dbg packages and martins repo enabled [02:20] okay. hmm, this may be a challenge... [02:20] mostly because i hate totem. [02:20] chroot is your freind [02:21] friend [02:24] that is also true [02:24] me and him go back. okay time to code === tonyyarusso [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [02:27] night === asac_ [n=asac@debian/developer/asac] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === poningru [n=poningru@adsl-074-245-140-197.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [06:42] the -dbg package is massive...i never realized how big it was [06:44] it also doesn't help that I have the worse network in the world [06:44] running at 23.4 Kb/s ATM [10:06] :( === poningru_ [n=poningru@adsl-074-245-140-197.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [11:43] netspillers welcome :) [11:43] netsplitters ;) [12:35] im here. i will be working on retraces unless you have anything for me [12:42] IU crashed!!! [12:42] yeah [12:42] :) [12:42] dragging some text on register.co.uk [12:42] probably gtk_style_realize with nsAppShell::Run as base ;) [12:44] i just crashed too ;) [12:44] on draggin? [12:44] nope totem [12:44] ah ok. [12:44] what totem? [12:44] i think its the same as yesterday [12:44] gtk_* still? [12:44] ok [12:44] should be [12:44] other totem bugs should be gone [12:44] fx crashed after closing totem [12:45] https://bugs.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/71315 [12:45] Malone bug 71315 in firefox "Crash with totem when opening an MPG link" [High,Needs info] [12:46] https://bugs.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/71315/comments/5 [12:46] is something new [12:46] using the first example (read stack please it looks like destroystream [12:46] #4 _destroystream (npp=0xa569764, pstream=0x0, reason=0) at ns4xPlugin.cpp:1297 [12:47] this might be the same as the one i did yesterday [12:47] yesterday was a filepicker crash when closing plugin tab before [12:47] the stack looked quite different [12:49] im checing mine [12:49] anyway, maybe this one is a followup bug of destructor problem? [12:49] i think it should be [12:49] give me a few to retrace. [12:49] or likely, because when report was send there where still those problems in totem [12:50] i will be attaching my stack to this bug report i think if it turns up the same. and im gonna file a new report for mike since his stack is way differnet [12:51] mikes report is worthless [12:51] no info in stack [12:51] please ensure that your stack is the same before attaching it [12:51] of course [12:51] what do i do with mikes than? [12:53] just forget about ... leave comment that it does not provide the "details we need to process" [12:53] WARNING: report file does not have Package attribute; adding it now, but cannot verify version [12:54] gnomefreak: yeah ... probably wrong version [12:55] its mine [12:55] it cant be :( [12:56] it continues so lets see what i get from it [12:57] if output is good then fine [12:57] thought you referred to "mikes" [12:58] no mikes i left comment for [12:58] :) [12:58] mine i think i know why it did that [12:58] ok ... can you still reproduce the crasher with totem tab close/reopen/save link as... ? [12:58] there was update to firefox lastnight (i guess ubuntus version [12:58] yeah [12:59] [12:59] arrived [12:59] asac: tell you in a minute becasue the steps are the same for this bug almost [12:59] asac: i got it from your repo than ubuntu released same versiona nd it updated it again :) [01:00] interesting ... thought I had choosen the same version ... but maybe official repo wins [01:01] it is exact same version [01:01] i found that strange [01:02] yeah ... probably official repo really has higher prio [01:02] good to know :) [01:02] already found guilty of not having choosen the proper version for preview rlease [01:02] but now things are fine :) [01:02] :) [01:03] brb going to smoke while this thing retraces. [01:03] is this bug also with save link as ... [01:03] k [01:03] will go lunch in 30 minutes [01:07] more i think of it this might be the filepicker bug since i closed totem than it crashed or atleast a gtk one [01:08] you will be happy to know its not the filepicker one but it is a gtk one [01:10] will put my stack somewhere you can read the better :) [01:12] asac: heres my stack. Have you seen this one before if so where :) http://gnomefreak.pastebin.ca/374231 [01:13] no mention of filepicker at all that i see [01:14] can you reproduce? [01:14] thats our second variant [01:14] (out of three) [01:14] yeah thats my crash [01:14] lol [01:14] but can you reproduce as you wish? [01:14] wait a sec [01:14] im fairly sure i can. will try again [01:15] https://beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/71182 [01:15] Malone bug 71182 in firefox "firefox crashed on dragging [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsAppShell::Run] " [High,Needs info] [01:15] can you update description with a testcase? [01:16] then this will be our master bug for all those whose restyles have have no real origin in mozilla code [01:16] hmmmmm now its not letting watch the video at all [01:19] https://beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/71182 [01:19] Malone bug 71182 in firefox "firefox crashed on dragging [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsAppShell::Run] " [High,Needs info] [01:19] updated [01:20] mother fu**er [01:20] ff crashed again :( [01:24] ok retracing this one as well and see if its the same. [01:33] should we name 71182? so we can find it easily? [01:34] like maybe "Master @nsAppShell::Run"? [01:50] its the same crash. so yes i can reproduce any time i feel like it even if totem doesnt play the file. [02:01] gnomefreak: add MASTER to bug title should be enough for now [02:01] gnomefreak: we don't know yet if that is same issues as filepicker and so on ... [02:01] :) [02:02] gnomefreak: good ... if you can reproduce both issues, i will bring up patches version ... lets see if it fixes both or none :) [02:02] s/patches/patched/ [02:02] lunch now [02:03] k [02:37] asac: bug 88097 looks like dupe of bug 71182 but i will let you decide. let me know if im right this way i dont have to ping you on these dupes. [02:37] Malone bug 88097 in firefox "Firefox Crash [@gtk_style_realize] " [High,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88097 [02:37] Malone bug 71182 in firefox "MASTER firefox crashed on dragging [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsAppShell::Run] " [High,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71182 [02:47] yeah its dupe [02:48] yay :) [02:48] you can see this by nsAppShell::Run being the top most origin [02:48] you mark? [02:48] yeh [02:49] k [03:02] im guessing we are leaving the firefox crashed on dragging [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsAppShell::Run] alone because of the dragging part? [03:08] no [03:08] we should add use-cases that make it appear to master report: [03:08] like, [03:08] this is known to happen: [03:08] + on dragging [03:08] + on closing tab with movie player in it [03:08] or somthing [03:09] we should extend that list in the master bug and remove the "on dragging" from master bug title [03:10] have you posted a testcase for that issue already to master bug?` [03:10] the dragging? === gnomefreak cant reproduce the dragging crash at all [03:11] no ... you coudl reproduce: [03:11] filepicker crash [03:11] + nsAppShell::Run crash [03:11] (somehow) [03:11] yes and yes both with totem [03:11] or can't you redo latter? [03:11] sure [03:11] but still with different traces? [03:12] please add testcase for the "without filepicker" to nsAppShell::Run master bug [03:12] i can repro both but only with video files [03:12] that does not matter as long as you get different traces [03:13] don't care for dragging or whatever [03:13] we need testcase for the "non filepicker" crash [03:14] https://bugs.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/71182 [03:14] Malone bug 71182 in firefox "MASTER firefox crashed on dragging [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsAppShell::Run] " [High,Needs info] [03:14] so your in beta now? [03:14] check that. i had added testcase earlier just added without filepicker [03:14] yep :) [03:15] we need master bug for with filepicker and testcase for that if we dont already have one. [03:16] we have [03:16] however bug 71182 [03:16] Malone bug 71182 in firefox "MASTER firefox crashed on dragging [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsAppShell::Run] " [High,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71182 [03:16] has too different traces [03:16] first has nsAppShell::Create [03:16] second has nsAppShell::Run [03:16] as base [03:17] hmmmmm [03:18] wait a sec [03:19] bug 45008 [03:19] Malone bug 45008 in firefox "MASTER firefox crash [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsFilePicker::Show] " [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45008 [03:19] is filepucker master [03:20] bug 74576 [03:20] we have good testcase there too [03:20] Malone bug 74576 in firefox "MASTER firefox crash [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsXULWindow::ShowModal] " [Medium,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74576 [03:20] is the third variant [03:20] ack [03:20] yes thats why i made it master [03:20] actually thats the testcase you tested yesterday [03:20] remember? [03:20] i copied it from upstream bug [03:20] ok so any [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsXULWindow::ShowModal] can be marked as dupe of that one [03:20] yeah i saw [03:20] yeah ... already did for some [03:21] anyway ... we need a testcase for that stack too [03:21] further there is now a new stack [03:21] @nsAppShell:Create [03:21] in our current Run master bug [03:21] can we move that to a new master bug? [03:22] yes i dont see why not as long as its :create not :run [03:22] .... we should do. ok [03:22] now the next policy :) [03:22] and use same testcase for :crreate as you did for :run [03:22] master bugs are moved to confirmed if they have testcase :) [03:22] and only master crashers are moved there [03:23] everything else will wait at mt-confirm ... till duplicate or becomes a master crash :) [03:23] k [03:24] will you move the Create trace to new bug and subscriber reporter? [03:24] what to use for testcase? same as run? [03:24] no ... it has no testcase yet [03:24] unless you can reproduce [03:25] where is the create one? [03:25] bug 71182 [03:25] Malone bug 71182 in firefox "MASTER firefox crashed on dragging [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsAppShell::Run] " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71182 [03:25] the first stack [03:25] k [03:25] ill looka nd file it [03:26] i still hope that all are the same ... and will be fixed by patch i will later today pull in [03:26] but we should keep them sorted in case its not fixed [03:26] agreed [03:26] ok i seee the part in stack so i will file bug for him. [03:26] https://beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/71182/comments/9 [03:26] Malone bug 71182 in firefox "MASTER firefox crashed on dragging [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsAppShell::Run] " [High,Confirmed] [03:26] thats the comment [03:26] where create stack is [03:33] https://bugs.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/88368 [03:33] Malone bug 88368 in firefox "MASTER firefox crashed on dragging [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsAppShell::Create] " [High,Needs info] [03:33] good [03:33] i added needtestcase tag [03:34] i can go through [@gtk_style_realize] bugs and mark as dupes if dupes of the other master bugs. (might leave the create one alone until we have testcase for it [03:35] you have patch to worry about :) [03:35] i cannot reproduce bug 71182 [03:35] Malone bug 71182 in firefox "MASTER firefox crashed on dragging [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsAppShell::Run] " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71182 [03:35] i did [03:35] but if you say that description lets you reproduce easily, then i move that to confirmed [03:35] i was able to reproduce run, filepicker [03:35] same for filepicker [03:35] the question is if you can repeat by instructions [03:35] they both do for me atleast [03:36] filepicker appears to be safe [03:36] if run is safe too its enough if for you :) [03:36] and i wrote up run right after i crashed it 2 times using that testcase [03:36] good [03:36] maybe try a third time :) [03:37] oh yeah lets keep crashing gnomefreak's fx ; [03:37] yeah i will [03:37] yeah :) [03:37] at least you have a good way to test apport hooks in future then :) [03:37] let me get finished with the bs retraces im running [03:37] true [03:40] ok replaced mt-confirm by eval confirmed tag :) [03:41] sadly, i only see 40+ bugs with gtk_style_realize [03:41] wehave 450 crash bugs [03:41] there should be another really big class of crashes in there [03:41] maybe we have 100 with gtk_style_realize [03:41] but what about the 300 others? === asac has to move current bug-fix branch to latest upstream [03:45] we need someone to start at oldest bug work way to newest triaging them :( [03:45] yesterday i made one lp page ... starting with newestest [03:45] oh this is new [03:46] nsRuleNode::GetStyleData [03:46] when i finish attaching stack ill give you link. i have a feeling ive seen something like this before a few times [03:48] good :) [03:48] if we only knew howto setup simple bughelper locally [03:48] to find all with that trace [03:48] https://bugs.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/87108 [03:48] Malone bug 87108 in firefox "firefox crashed while i had netbeans open" [Undecided,Needs info] [03:48] hehe [03:48] funny title [03:48] while i had netbeans open :) [03:48] what a coincident ;) [03:48] i didnt think people still used it [03:48] like ... while i pissed [03:48] hehe ... i wouldn't use it either [03:49] if java ... go eclipse [03:49] agreed [03:50] ok crashed again with RUN. need to restart for new kernel hopfully ill brb === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [04:00] oh what the fuck is wrong with people.; [04:14] asac: are you watching #ubuntu-bugs? [04:15] gnomefreak: hehe ... no :) [04:15] gnomefreak: thats major flood in there [04:22] asac: thank you im still reverting his bugs. [04:22] asac: what do you want to do with https://beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/76543 [04:22] Malone bug 76543 in firefox "Dapper Firefox crash on PPC "Grape" iMac" [Medium,Unconfirmed] [04:23] nvm i think i get that one. some passwordmanger crash? [04:24] ok ... i told him to look at bug states for future mozilla triage [04:24] let me know if there are problems with anyone else ;) [04:24] there must be 100 of them :( [04:25] havent even looked at the other problem persons yet [04:25] gnomefreak: there are a hundred of them? [04:25] i remember that line [04:25] there are a bunth of them. [04:25] i just touched it yesterday when preparing security update [04:26] 100 of chris' reverts [04:26] check your email :) [04:26] i don't read bugmail atm ... its just distracting [04:26] i use tag search et al :) [04:26] but should do in future :) [04:27] have to catch up [04:27] 1000 mails behind present [04:27] i guess [04:27] we have more passwordmanager crashes? [04:29] that mac one is what i saw recently [04:29] i have seen them before but its been a while [04:29] i have a whole lot more retraces that need to be done too after i finish reverting his emails [04:30] maybe just a coincident ... maybe its fixed in latest upload [04:30] i had to resolve some conflicts because moz code base changed ... i guess they fixed it [04:31] its quite a coincident to visit a line of code in 300 MB source code and then see that line in a backtrace the next day :) [04:31] thanks for this ... i guess I will not win the lottery anymore ... chance is now wasted :-D [04:32] lol [04:35] or maybe the other way around? Maybe I should buy ticket ... to ride this strain :) === gnomefreak never wins anymore :( [04:39] gnomefreak: maybe its not me who should buy, but you then :) ? [04:39] Michael Broadbent << hes all yours [04:40] hes another one that is rejecting bugs for no reason :( [04:41] nick? [04:41] give me one or two bugs please [04:41] he closed [04:41] hold on ill check [04:41] https://beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/81068 i just reverted [04:41] don't need nick ... just bugs should be enough to rant on :) [04:41] Malone bug 81068 in firefox "FireFox crashes" [High,Needs info] === tonyyarusso [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [04:42] https://beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/81046 [04:42] Malone bug 81046 in firefox "firefox crashed by clicking play on rythmbox" [Medium,Rejected] [04:42] https://beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/80533 [04:42] Malone bug 80533 in firefox "Firefox crashed while downloading flashplayer from adobe site" [Medium,Rejected] [04:43] while ranting can you mark them as retrace needed please [04:43] im going for moke this is getting to me today [04:43] j [04:47] if and when i get done cleaning up email i will try to get the retraces done that i assigned myself before tomorrow night [04:50] hmmm bug 81046 was already tagge for retrace ... but not displayed [04:50] Malone bug 81046 in firefox "firefox crashed by clicking play on rythmbox" [Medium,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81046 [04:50] updating info helped though [04:52] is that one i just changed? [04:52] not even reading titles at this point [04:52] y [04:52] previously rejected by michael [04:53] k that might be why its not showing as i am just getting to them again === AlexLatchford [n=alex@82-44-193-109.cable.ubr07.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [05:03] ok i think i got them all. I might have missed tagging a few (maybe just the ones i assigned myself (can be fixed) [05:03] I DONT WANT TO DO THIS AGAIN :( === gnomefreak goes for smoke === AlexLatchford is confused [05:07] people rejecting bugs when they shouldnt. i just spent damn near an hour cleaning them up but i think i forgot to tag a few === gnomefreak will look at some of my retraces, If you see ones that need report or need retrace please tag as needed [05:09] asac: in between retraces whne i take a break from them i will try to get as much of the gtk ones marked as i can [05:11] will do [05:13] ty [05:13] good [05:14] gnomefreak: if people mess up, use something i posted to discourage them ... we don't want to make them stop doing bug triage for firefox ... but encourage to do it right. [05:14] gnomefreak: read: give them a chance to learn [05:14] :) [05:15] i gave him links to read :) [05:15] yeah ... i think posting a nice test when resolve reject helps [05:15] if you do multiple times than it will burn into their brain :)+ [05:16] rule: "don't close bugs to gain karma" :) [05:17] :) [05:17] i do this everyother day and its sickening [05:18] https://bugs.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mozilla-thunderbird/+bug/79289 [05:18] Malone bug 79289 in mozilla-thunderbird "drag&drop moving of message does not work" [Medium,In progress] [05:18] is this in line to be merged for Feisty? [05:18] having to look after people. can you talk to head of bugs (maybe seb128 ir sfflaw and get something added to the wiki about our bugs? [05:18] Because I have seen the behaviour cropping up in Firefox also [05:18] AlexLatchford: looking [05:19] should be fixed in ... and wil be fixed in tbird [05:19] if its fixed in [05:19] hmm [05:19] look upstream report [05:19] Keywords: fixed1.8.1.2 [05:19] should be released in next week or 2 i would hope [05:19] aha okay, so its not in the repositories? [05:20] should be as of today/yesteraday [05:20] what version do you have? [05:20] maybe upgrade? [05:20] im still on .9 [05:20] yeah ill take a look in a sec [05:20] if you can reproduce and can verify that its gone, le me know [05:20] thunderbird is not yet in archive [05:20] just firefox [05:20] tbird has not been released [05:20] just thought I would take a look because I saw this behaviour in Firefox Bookmarks also [05:20] probably end of this week - if lucky [05:20] okay, will do [05:21] aha okay, im on now and its fixed [05:21] Good Job Guys! [05:21] keep up the good work :) [05:21] can begin rebuilding my bookmarks now :) [05:22] really ... good [05:22] gnomefreak: ... added on my todo list [05:22] ill reassign the bug to me and test it when the update comes in [05:23] info about mozilla bug policy in bugs wiki [05:23] asac: the bug guys thing? [05:23] yeah [05:23] k === Admiral_Chicago [n=Freddy@st074039212101.monm.edu] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [05:23] hi [05:23] AlexLatchford: it will be changed when he builds it or me or whoever is building it but good leave name attached to it for fast pull up :) [05:23] addhi [05:23] Admiral_Chicago: hi even [05:24] gnomefreak: is this Chris Burgan person working with us now? === Admiral_Chicago waves [05:24] why? [05:24] gnomefreak: you want to me assign the bug to myself? === asac waves back [05:24] no i just reverted everything he did [05:24] just got my network going again. [05:24] lol [05:24] okay i saw his name all over my inbox [05:24] AlexLatchford: yeah [05:24] will do [05:24] chris burgen ... the triager we talked to a minute ago , gnomefreak ? [05:25] asac: yes [05:25] Admiral_Chicago: he rejected bugs we have to reopen now :) [05:25] same one [05:25] or ... better gnomefreak had to reopen :/ [05:25] so does michael whatever his name is [05:25] hmm, oka [05:25] im sure there are more waiting for me in my email but it can wait im so sick of doing that [05:26] i'll do that if you need me to [05:26] / want me to [05:26] please do [05:26] is there a way we can get a list of bugs he rejected? [05:26] yeah [05:26] maybe search for rejected bugs [05:26] tag them if not assigned to me [05:26] ill jump in too for a bit [05:26] sorted by newest first? [05:26] AlexLatchford: email :) [05:26] will do [05:26] ill check the archives :) [05:27] maybe we should be able to sort by "last modified" === AlexLatchford is reminded he must subscribe to -bugs [05:27] i think i got most of them but some im sure i missed needreport and needretrace tags. the ones i assigned to me dont worry about ill tag and bag them [05:27] would be pretty important ... and to see when it was modified in result list for each bug ... together with tags :) [05:28] the tag is mt-needretrace correct? [05:29] depends on the case [05:29] but that tag exists :) [05:29] if that is what you asked [05:29] either mt-needreport or mt-needretrace [05:29] hold on. [05:29] the rest we can work out after the retrace is done :) [05:29] if we have both we search for master bug ... if no such thing exist, we make it master bug and need a mt-needtestcase [05:30] as long as crash report has a coredump with it, its retracible [05:30] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/Tags [05:30] thats whay i wanted === hjmf [n=hjmf@140.Red-217-125-227.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === ..[topic/#ubuntu-mozillateam:asac] : Home of the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam | Meeting agenda for March 6th 2007, 1800 UTC: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Meetings | Bug Triagers read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/States & https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/Tags [05:33] one more thing. can we work with crash reports with no debugging symobls? [05:33] yes ... if coredump exists, we can retrace [05:33] we need -dbgsym package ... apport will complain if not found (right?) [05:33] you need pittis archive [05:33] in apt [05:34] gnomefreak: can you add the lines to wiki? [05:34] gnomefreak: or isn't this needed? [05:34] okay, so if the coredumb exists in the crash file...how can we tell without running apport? [05:34] if its a feisty report [05:35] you will have a Coredump.gz file attached [05:35] for edgy or other old reports [05:35] you can take alook at report at last line [05:35] it should begin with Coredump: or something [05:35] and lots of base64 encoded data in one line :) [05:36] Admiral_Chicago: you get what i ment? [05:36] gotcha. yes I do. [05:36] good [05:37] hold on [05:38] when i get caught up i will look at wiki. [05:38] if someone has link [05:39] to which page? [05:39] didnt know david made one yet [05:39] Admiral_Chicago: the guide for retraces [05:39] afaik, i don't thing there is one yet...but I may be mistaken [05:41] Hi all! [05:42] i emailed david about it [05:42] just now [05:42] question for you. Are you using malone email for triage [05:42] hi hjmf [05:42] if so, which is the syntax for changing the tag? [05:42] hjmf: what do you mean? [05:42] and for attaching files? [05:42] oh no im not [05:42] you cant yet [05:42] gnomefreak: https://help.launchpad.net/UsingMaloneEmail [05:42] you cant attach files from email to bugs yet [05:43] it's for automate a bit more the retraces [05:43] atleast last i heard you couldnt [05:43] I see, for now I'm only able to change assignee people and bug status w/o using the web interface [05:44] hjmf: mail interface is still not good imo [05:45] long way to go to get something like debian ... however at least there is a thing like mail interface [05:45] I've just started to test a bit before for scripting my retrace stuff [05:45] hjmf: can you code javascript / dhtml ? [05:46] but little succeed as in bug #88347 [05:46] Malone bug 88347 in firefox "Firefox crashed when hitting "preferences", no tabs in use" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88347 [05:46] asac: no, why? [05:46] do we support realplayer? [05:46] there is greasemonkey for firefox ... we can extend launchpad features on client side [05:46] we as in ubuntu and or our team? [05:46] like adding bulk answers and stuff like that [05:47] gnomefreak: I think it was in the -commercial repo for Dapper, but I don't think anyone's tried to really address it much, tmk. [05:47] http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/bugtriage.user.js [05:47] that is a simple greasemonkey script [05:47] i work to get something up that is good for us :) [05:47] are we rejecting realplayer? [05:47] if crash is in realplayer, yes [05:47] if not ... not [05:48] maybe its due to general embed stuff ... you know :) ? [05:48] I can do bash scripting using procmail and maybe curl with cookies for submitting answers [05:48] I know sounds weird [05:48] its in realplayer but michael assigned it to firefox after taking realplayer off [05:48] hjmf: hmmm ... i think greasemonkey is better for us :) [05:48] :) [05:48] in this way we can provide scripts to triagers that add features to launchpad ... and help to be in line with workflow [05:49] etc ... but make time ... feel free to do any other innovate solution to automate things :) [05:49] assigned back to realplayer [05:49] s/make/may take/ [05:49] Oh yeah, can nobody edit the States page for abit [05:50] im editing it a little [05:50] sure ... unlessy ou want to mess it up :) [05:50] :P [05:51] A bugs status should only be modified according to this definition. Usually non-team members are discouraged to change states on their own without reading this document fully, it outlines the correct procedures that are in place to triage a bug successfully. [05:51] is that an okay suggestion? [05:51] what is the diff? [05:52] or should I keep it as only a Team member [05:52] took out only team members === gnomefreak cant load pages atm [05:52] I just want to emphasize that you don't bash triagers that don't obey, because they don't know :) [05:52] better educate and be nice :) ... as always [05:52] sorry [05:52] AlexLatchford: looks good for me though [05:52] yeah there is also the line.. [05:52] i was nice the first 3 months with him [05:53] feel free to rephrase :) [05:53] Please keep in mind that if a user does not know about this document, try to be nice. For instance, if a MozillaTeam member recognizes that a user did wrongly confirm a bug, point him to this document and fix the state again. [05:53] gnomefreak: sure... exceptional person need exceptional punishment :) [05:53] there are some that don't learn :) [05:54] chris has been doing it a long time now (got tired of explaining it in bug reports [05:54] gnomefreak: he now promissed to take care in future [05:54] and not stop helping on firefox completely [05:54] i hope so [05:55] well i see it as if i have to go back over a person on every bug than the help with them is debatible [05:55] them helping is devbatible [05:56] but in fact with bughelper we should be able to track such not well closed bugs [05:56] because they still have tag set [05:56] true [05:56] so ... just don't care and do a fix bug state round once in a while [05:58] i do every week [05:58] not normally as much as this morning [05:59] hehe ... lets work on better bughelper summaries [06:22] yau ... drag crash again ... still no way to reproduce [06:24] i found a filepicker in these retraces :) [06:25] and one i havent seen in a long time thought it was fixed already [06:25] bug71712 [06:25] bug 71712 [06:25] Malone bug 71712 in firefox "Random cash when trying to shuitdown FF because it was using too much cpu" [High,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71712 [06:26] gnomefreak: i think our msater bug for gnome filepicker si the wrong one [06:26] :( why [06:26] is there one out there with dupes marked already? [06:28] damn [06:28] everything is messed up [06:28] the current master is the THEME SWITCH BUG [06:29] 352096 [06:29] is upstream in there [06:29] which is definitly the theme bug [06:29] mozilla 352096 [06:29] so ... where did i get the testcase from [06:29] Mozilla bug 352096 in GFX: Gtk "[FIX] Switching GNOME theme effectively hangs app" [Critical,Verified: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=352096 [06:29] ?? [06:29] wait a second [06:29] the testcase is of course wrong too [06:29] i will rename [06:29] we should work through duplicates if we wrongly associated non-dupes [06:29] afterwards [06:29] wait a sec [06:30] the reporter of bug 45008 is the filepicker stacktrace [06:30] Malone bug 45008 in firefox "MASTER firefox crash [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsFilePicker::Show] " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45008 [06:30] that makes it good. no? [06:32] oh no its not hes is the xuml bug that i filed for him this morning.i think. cant check apport is running [06:36] i fix it [06:37] 45008 turned into? and what is new master for filepicker? [06:38] bug 72018 [06:38] Malone bug 72018 in firefox "MASTER Firefox Crash [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsFilePicker::Show] " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72018 [06:38] ok i see the changes to 45008. [06:39] i recoupled bug 81978 [06:39] Malone bug 81978 in firefox "[apport] crash [@nsFilePicker::Show] (dup-of: 72018)" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81978 [06:39] Malone bug 72018 in firefox "MASTER Firefox Crash [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsFilePicker::Show] " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72018 [06:39] which was the only wrongly associated bug from what i can see [06:39] k [06:40] damn still searching the mozilla bug [06:41] where the testcase comes from [06:42] bug 74576 [06:42] Malone bug 74576 in firefox "MASTER firefox crash [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsXULWindow::ShowModal] " [Medium,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74576 [06:42] ah good === hjmf [n=hjmf@140.Red-217-125-227.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === Admiral_Chicago [n=Freddy@ubuntu/member/admiral-chicago] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === AlexLatchford [n=alex@82-44-193-109.cable.ubr07.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === tonyyarusso [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === poningru [n=poningru@adsl-074-245-140-197.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === asac [n=asac@debian/developer/asac] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === Majost [n=ryanh@gateway.linspire.com] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === joejaxx [i=joejaxx@ubuntu/member/joejaxx] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === ajmitch [n=ajmitch@ubuntu/member/ajmitch] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/bot/ubugtu] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === rhelmer [n=rhelmer@people.mozilla.com] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === \sh_away [n=nnnnnnnn@server3.servereyes.de] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === crimsun [n=crimsun@pdpc/supporter/silver/crimsun] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [06:48] asac: this is the changing theme bug? http://librarian.launchpad.net/6559076/Stacktrace the stack looks familar to me for some reason [06:49] ok i have only a patch for theme bug ... the other which looked related to the mozilla 359870 [06:49] Mozilla bug 359870 in Plug-ins "crash on style reset after closing tab with xembed plugin" [Critical,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=359870 [06:49] is already applied [06:49] lets see if the theme patch makes a difference [06:49] at least it is somehow theme related === hjmf [n=hjmf@140.Red-217-125-227.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === Admiral_Chicago [n=Freddy@ubuntu/member/admiral-chicago] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === AlexLatchford [n=alex@82-44-193-109.cable.ubr07.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === tonyyarusso [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === poningru [n=poningru@adsl-074-245-140-197.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === asac [n=asac@debian/developer/asac] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === Majost [n=ryanh@gateway.linspire.com] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === joejaxx [i=joejaxx@ubuntu/member/joejaxx] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === ajmitch [n=ajmitch@ubuntu/member/ajmitch] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/bot/ubugtu] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === rhelmer [n=rhelmer@people.mozilla.com] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === \sh_away [n=nnnnnnnn@server3.servereyes.de] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === crimsun [n=crimsun@pdpc/supporter/silver/crimsun] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [07:00] splitting all around ... any idea whats up with freenode net? [07:00] not a clue [07:01] maybe we should move your channel somewhere else :) .... its not nice if suddenly 50% of active users get parted :) [07:02] ubuntulog is 50% of the active users? lol [07:04] asac: i assigned bug76302 to you [07:04] needs 64bit retrace [07:04] bug 76302 [07:04] Malone bug 76302 in firefox "Crash while loading page" [Medium,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76302 [07:07] feisty? [07:08] dont remember [07:08] looking [07:08] edgy i bnelieve [07:08] believe [07:08] (feisty2)asac@hector:/tmp$ sh ~/Desktop/multi-retrace.sh 76302 [07:08] sh -c apport-retrace -s -v -d 76302 2>&1 | tee retrace.76302.log ...report file does not contain a core dump [07:08] done [07:09] its not unpacked on bug [07:09] ok edgy [07:09] too bad [07:09] you can only use that when its got the sections on bug [07:09] i hate doing something like that manually :) [07:10] right one for apport-retrace -o retrace.crash -v -d _file_crash 2>&1 | tee retrace.log :) [07:10] s/right/write [07:11] i use arrow keys atm. but you still have to wget the file first [07:11] asac@hector:/tmp$ apport-retrace -s -o /dev/null -d _usr_lib_firefox_firefox-bin.1000.crash 2>&1 | tee retrace.76302.log [07:11] Traceback (most recent call last): [07:11] File "/usr/bin/apport-retrace", line 189, in ? [07:11] debug_dir = prepare_debugdir(report, options.cache_dir) [07:11] File "/usr/bin/apport-retrace", line 147, in prepare_debugdir [07:11] needed_deps.add((pkg, dependency_versions[pkg] )) [07:11] KeyError [07:11] old apport? [07:11] oh thats bad [07:11] or what is this? [07:11] yes [07:11] asac: get feistys apport [07:11] do i need to force something? [07:11] or backport? [07:12] wait i even have repository head here [07:12] will try to build [07:12] thats a known issue in edgys and martin closed my bug on it because fixed in edgy [07:12] asac: shoudnt have to force anything. [07:12] i enable feisty main update install apport disable feisty main [07:13] got tired of download 3-4 debs a week [07:16] what apport version in feisty? [07:17] 0.60 [07:17] interesting [07:17] giov eme a sec [07:18] did you add feisty to sources.list? [07:18] in edgy? [07:18] im using 0.58 in edgy [07:18] see [07:18] 0.6 can't be installed [07:18] its feistys version but you might not beable to get it [07:18] python-launchpad-bugs [07:18] is the problem [07:18] asac: install them too from feistys repo [07:19] that is bughelper iirc [07:20] hmm [07:22] i will push this then a bit :) [07:22] till edgy chroot is ready for destruction === gnomefreak heads to shower [07:27] ok ... test build should be available soon ... pleasea try once if your ffox crashes if you switch gnome theme ... at least it should freeze [07:33] k [07:34] i see a freeze here, but no crash ... though this might be different to x86 [07:35] i9ll test when i get home if its ready [07:39] ok [07:40] btw, i remember that official version has a higher upstream version [07:40] thats why you received upgrade [07:59] ok i unsubcribed from ubuntu-bugs ... bye bye :) [08:05] ok updates are availabel from my mt-feisty repo === ..[topic/#ubuntu-mozillateam:asac] : Home of Ubuntu Mozilla Team - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam | Meeting agenda for March 6th 2007, 1800 UTC: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Meetings | Bug Triagers read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/States & https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/Tags | preview archives are http://tinyurl.com/yp65md === ..[topic/#ubuntu-mozillateam:asac] : Home of Ubuntu Mozilla Team - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam | Meeting agenda for March 6th 2007, 1800 UTC: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Meetings | Bug Triagers read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/States & https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/Tags | preview archives are https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/PreviewArchives [08:16] better :) [08:16] gettig longer [08:32] much better [08:33] what? [08:33] the topic [08:33] :) [08:33] thought the package ;) [08:34] did you upload it? [08:37] yeah [08:37] in preview archives [08:37] -> topic :) [08:38] but just i386 feisty [08:38] ok ill upload and look at these stacks than ill test that [08:38] :) [08:39] ok ... away for a while === asac bbiw [08:41] hmmmm nsAppShell::Run === poningru [n=poningru@adsl-074-245-140-197.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [09:17] asac: your needed in #ubuntu-meeting to finish your application [09:42] gnomefreak: oh no :) ... why doesn't anybody tell me that I am on topic? [09:42] gnomefreak: never knew I should be there today [09:42] i tried [09:42] matt said he would chase you down (mailing list i think) [09:42] or just ping mdz :) [09:45] it was a very short meeting anyway [09:46] hehe [09:47] its just a minor annoyance to push uploads through someone else for now ... so I guess its not that bad. [09:52] be back got some house work to do [10:18] ok 2 more filepickers :) [10:46] ok time to test [10:50] freezing here i think [10:50] asac: doent crash here anylonger [10:53] which ones? [10:53] still freezing? [10:53] and before? crash? [10:54] theme crashed me [10:54] it was just the video that stopped [10:55] after i close control center it crashed but i changed the themes a few times with control center open [10:56] waiting for apport so i can see this stack [10:57] ill file it and mark it as dupe if it is same [10:58] theme still crashes? [10:58] yep [10:58] you upgraded? [10:58] with latest ... thats bad [10:58] you Have to close control center though [10:58] yes latest version [10:58] yeah ...show me stack [10:59] Installed: [10:59] as soon as i get apport to finish i will see if i need to retrace it === gnomefreak think apport is in a loop it has never taken this long [11:04] i will run it localy [11:09] good thing == it works fine with everything but the theme changing [11:16] are we gonna package swiftfox? [11:28] asac: http://gnomefreak.pastebin.ca/374987 stack from theme [11:29] #43 0xb672eb52 in nsAppShell::Run (this=0x814df78) at nsAppShell.cpp:139??? [11:30] make me wonder why that is in there [11:40] ok so this is theme crash? [11:40] thats what mine is [11:42] unless it waited 5 minutes to crash the pages i closed well 5minutes before [11:43] im seeing but 71605 is turning into a "screw it ill dump my report here" [11:43] bug 71605 even [11:43] Malone bug 71605 in firefox "Firefox Crashed while idling in background" [High,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71605 [11:43] i'm looking at that one now. iirc, the last crash needs to be retraced [11:44] plus, i haven't looked at them but I assume they have a pattern [11:44] i have it [11:44] i have apport running on the report [11:44] Admiral_Chicago: theya re different i already filed bugs for each person [11:45] cool. [11:45] this was one of my redheaded stepbugs [11:45] i'm going to email david to remind him about th wiki pages [11:45] lol [11:45] i already did on the apport one [11:45] he replied its on his to do list [11:45] still on his to do list [11:46] brb while this is running [11:47] Just to keep you folks posted: KompoZer looks like it will in fact be Nvu 1.1, and a version that the developer feels comfortable with will have a tarball in my inbox on Friday. I'll then spend the weekend packaging again, and hopefully ask whether a UVF exception is possible for it early next week, preferably with a few good reviews on REVU first. [11:48] good luck [11:49] :) === gnomefreak still trying to go smoke [11:55] BTW we need to change some of the comments on the response's page like them getting gdb output and running apport themselves. retraces take care of most of that and most of the time the users are too confused on how to do it even with the steps there [11:56] gnomefreak: i've looked at that already [11:56] i made a note yesterday...I'll try to do it tomorrow [11:57] gnomefreak: i think we should change title of idling bug [11:57] gnomefreak: can you please state what is fixed and what is not fixed by preview? [11:57] is nothing fixed? [11:58] everything but themes [11:58] how can that be? [11:58] i still cant reproduce bookmark crashes. the video bugs are gone [11:58] i mean i took the patch from the "Crash on theme switch" upstream bug [11:59] maybe those are the same (e.g. video and theme) [11:59] asac: i will try again but thats what happened [11:59] but not fixing the theme is really strange imo [11:59] hmm [11:59] i agree [11:59] please double check that you are using the right build [11:59] e.g. not some other window from edgy chroot or old feisty still open [11:59] i gave you the build up there [12:00] in help it only shows [12:00] yeah ... just retry :) .... be sure that no ffox is running anymore :) [12:00] its worth a try, because its so strange :) [12:02] i will i have to file bug for this person first :) [12:02] i think if we use things like bulk reponses, then maybe we should include all info in the comment. [12:03] e.g. not link to page that contains instructions on how to provide debug symbols, but just include steps to do so [12:08] ok all ff is closed lets try this again [12:09] ok opened CC adn change theme one time in a sec. and lets see [12:10] ok thteme window closed lets try CC window [12:10] hmmmm [12:10] did ffox freeze? [12:10] at all? [12:11] if no crash try multiple times :) [12:11] :) [12:11] no crash i did it 2 times [12:11] maybe look if ffox freezes ... e.g. does theme change as fast as theme of rest of desktop [12:11] maybe left over from the other try [12:12] does it freeze for some time after theme change [12:12] ?? [12:12] nope [12:12] cood [12:12] even if you use high contrast? [12:12] im gonna try the video (maybe it was left over from that [12:12] ok [12:12] didnt try high contrast [12:12] yeah maybe trty close video [12:12] then switch theme [12:12] i didnt know theme made a differnce [12:13] don't know either [12:13] its just well visible .... i changed themes pretty fast [12:13] then it froze [12:13] testing https://beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/71182 right now [12:13] Malone bug 71182 in firefox "MASTER firefox crashed on dragging [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsAppShell::Run] " [High,Confirmed] [12:13] k [12:14] if that does not crash anymore ... combine them with theme change ... which apparently causes restyle [12:14] k [12:14] at best play around for a while [12:14] ill buy cigarettes now ... 10 min [12:14] see you in a bit [12:15] closed movie waits a bit for crash [12:16] so it still crashed? [12:16] no :( [12:16] let me try combo [12:16] why :( [12:16] try fileshower bug [12:16] filepicker [12:17] testcase [12:19] closing the vidoe crashes [12:19] following steps in bug 72018 [12:19] Malone bug 72018 in firefox "MASTER Firefox Crash [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsFilePicker::Show] " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72018 [12:23] no theme crash. im thinking it was left over from video test. [12:23] i had 8 tabs open just to make sure