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ubotuIn ubotu, cables said: no, pt is <reply>  Por favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.12:46
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gnomefreakPriceChild: you like that factoid ;)12:49
PriceChildWell it saves them asking where they are and getting scared :)12:50
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yipehi everybody :)01:10
yipewasn't my ban supposed to be for a week? I think we're overdue01:10
naliothyipe, we are keeping up.01:12
naliothyes, really.01:13
yipeoh, then how long has it been? You know, so I know when I can come back.01:13
yipeI thought I was banned weekend before last01:14
naliothyou'll be back, when you can enter01:14
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SportChickeager beaver01:15
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LinuxFestno182hey I need some help creating a partition for installing ubuntu onto01:48
Kamping_Kaisertry #Ubuntu01:48
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LinuxFestno182thats what i tried01:48
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LinuxFestno182typing /join #ubuntu brought me here01:48
Kamping_Kaiserah, your behind an irc proxy01:49
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LinuxFestno182I'm on IRCatWork.com I don't have IRC on this desktop PC01:49
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LinuxFestno182what do I do? no one in any channel I'm able to join will help me01:50
Kamping_Kaiseryour hostmask has been blocked because ts been used for abusing the chanel01:51
Kamping_Kaiseri sugest (if you have time) you wait (here) and someone who knows will explain the situation to you01:51
Kamping_Kaiseras for your question, the installer should do it fine.01:52
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=== SportChick tackles tonyyarusso
=== tonyyarusso brushes off and looks about bewildered
mneptokMadpilot: i like the proxied IRC user that's proxied "because they're at work" asking for tips on installing Ubuntu.04:02
=== Mez dances
=== Madpilot dist-upgrades... 1145 packages, 803Mb, 40+min of download remaining...
Mezyou gotta love it when people send you to press conferences as a reporter04:08
mneptokmakes more sense than sending you to a press conference as a stripper.04:10
tonyyarusso. . . .04:12
Madpilotmneptok, trying to change the meaning of "press pass", are you?04:13
Mezmneptok, :P04:18
Mezapokryphos, ping04:22
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ubotuIn ubotu, jott said: !you. But that is intentionally!05:11
MadpilotI sometimes wonder when we'll get the first person intentionally spamming -ops via the bot...05:12
Myrttiwhen idiots realize that they are echoed here?05:16
Myrttinot that many people even know this channel exists05:16
Madpilotyay for us, the lurking ops of Ubuntu05:18
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tonyyarussomneptok: Do you happen to have access to a PPC machine?05:28
mneptoktonyyarusso: yup05:33
tonyyarussomneptok: Would you mind if I hit you up to test building a package a few times over the next few days?05:34
mneptoktonyyarusso: creating a .deb?05:39
mneptokor configure/make/etc?05:39
mneptok(or both)05:40
tonyyarussomneptok: Creating a .deb from an Ubuntu source package, preferably using pbuilder.05:40
mneptoktonyyarusso: my Debian packaging fu is not great, so it's not water off a duck's back. so i can't promise my availability.05:41
mneptokbut i can poke as time permits05:41
tonyyarussomneptok: The work is all on my end - all I need you to do is issue a command and either pastebin the errors, or say "Woot, it works!".05:43
mneptokif it's just pbuilder, np05:45
nalioth,mneptok dpm05:51
naliothmneptok: don't do it05:51
mneptoknalioth: then he owes me a favor.06:00
=== mneptok gestures to his pocket
mneptokcome here, tony. there's a good boy.06:01
=== nalioth throws a mouse in the pocket
tonyyarussowell, bedtime for me06:05
Madpilotthe ban I just set in #ubuntu should be permanent - someone has dumped a spambot into the channel repeatedly06:14
naliothannotate the bantracker?06:17
Madpilotsure. remind me what the URL is?06:18
Madpilothmm, Seveas has tweaked the UI of the bantracker again, I see... I can't add comments for some reason06:24
naliothMadpilot: @btlogin06:24
Madpilotthanks, forgot about that06:25
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dyrnelooking to be unbanned from ubuntu+1.  its inconvenient going through another shell account and i wasnt spamming.. well it was an accidental spam03:30
elkbuntubut then you evaded the ban?03:31
dyrnewell no i havent needed to get in channel since but i might03:32
elkbuntui advise against it03:33
dyrnei was copying my motd file to new system that has ascii art and when i rightclicked in cygwin it pasted it from clipboard:)03:33
elkbuntuban evading will only lead to more ban time and for both hostmasks, plus is a freenode policy breach iirc03:33
dyrnehow long is ban may i ask?03:34
elkbuntudyrne, how long ago was it?03:34
dyrnelast week. not sure what day03:34
elkbuntubans usually only last a day, but it seems the op forgot to unban. you're unbanned now.03:36
elkbuntunow behave yourself03:36
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dyrnethanks :)03:44
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tonyyarussoGawd, why so much scrolling...05:51
PriceChildtonyyarusso, and now no-one's joining -unregged... :P05:54
tonyyarussoYa, I don't get it.05:55
=== tonyyarusso blames mneptok
=== SportChick blames tonyyarusso
=== GazzaK blames PriceChild
tonyyarussoPriceChild: Wait for it - I want to see if my script works in unregged.06:04
PriceChildhehe ok06:04
tonyyarussoThat'll go every five minutes until I get back from eating breakfast.06:06
PriceChildlol :)06:08
effie_jayxall of you are to blame ;) :D06:12
GazzaKnice script06:16
tonyyarussoOn Freenode, is there a way to kick multiple people on the same line, and if so, with what syntax?06:26
apokryphostonyyarusso: there isn't, but you could probably easily make an alias for it06:30
tonyyarussoapokryphos: ok06:30
apokryphosin kvirc I can do something nice like foreach(%nick,$str.split(",",$0)) and then I can /k one,two,three06:30
apokryphosthough for kicking in -unregged I just use the very easy GUI ;-)06:30
apokryphosselect -> kick with reason06:31
tonyyarussoThat's what I'm trying to mimic, essentially.  I have a script, but it does it as /kick nick1 nick2 nick3, which doesn't work on freenode.06:32
apokryphosjust make your script take all the inputs and then output like: /kick one ThisReason ; kick two ThisReason ; kick three ThisReason06:33
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tonyyarussoRelay from -offtopic if anyone's interested:07:00
tonyyarusso12:58 -!- bubbtz [n=maltyz@dsl3-p226.intrstar.net]  has joined #ubuntu-offtopic07:00
tonyyarusso12:59 < bubbtz> Can i be unbanned now? It's been months now.07:00
tonyyarusso12:59 < nickspoon> And dell UK aren't even selling them :P07:00
tonyyarusso12:59 < bubbtz> It's me malt07:01
tonyyarusso12:59 -!- bubbtz is now known as malt07:01
tonyyarussoignore the nickspoon line...07:01
gnomefreaki think i remember his ban was gonna last a very long time (check with apokryphos i think on that one)07:07
tonyyarussoI believe you're right, but wasn't involved.07:09
gnomefreakme neither07:13
apokryphosyeah, we said we'd review his ban in a bit07:13
apokryphoss/a bit/a few months/07:14
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Myrttii really really really really really hate public aways07:58
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ubotuIn ubotu, ardchoille said: !sysresccd is SystemRescueCd is a Linux system on a bootable CD-ROM. It contains a number of admin tools including gparted and partimage. http://sysresccd.org/Main_Page09:15
ompaul!sysresccd is SystemRescueCd is a Linux system on a bootable CD-ROM. It contains a number of admin tools including gparted and partimage. http://sysresccd.org/Main_Page09:16
ubotuI'll remember that, ompaul09:16
ompaulbet it gets called once in 20 years09:16
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=== chris___ is now known as Seeker``
GazzaKSeeker`, Seeker`` ??? two connections?10:05
Seeker``GazzaK: Got disconnected10:06
=== Seeker`` is now known as Seeker`
GazzaKso are you stealing someone elses connection?10:07
Seeker`GazzaK: No10:08
Seeker`well, i was, but accidentally10:08
GazzaKyeah yeah10:08
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Seeker`GazzaK: Why would i steal someones connection when i have a perfectly good one of my own10:10
GazzaKumm, 'cos it's fun?10:10
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Seeker`woo, i am l33t so i can connect to unencrypted wireless?10:12
GazzaKSeeker`, calm down :p10:12
=== GazzaK feeds Seeker` some chill pills
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gnomefreakSeveas: nalioth ?10:29
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Dragon^mastaNeed help with an op banning when I was on topic10:30
ErunnoHi there. I just got banned from the #kubuntu channel and I can't imagine why. I don't remember any misbehaviour on my part.10:30
gnomefreakErunno: read the message i gave you10:30
ErunnoI didn't receive one, sorry.10:30
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ErunnoSo, is there any chance I'll learn the reason of my banning ?10:32
Dragon^mastayes gnomefreak banned us both10:32
UbugtuAn error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.10:32
gnomefreakyep i did im getting my logs atm10:32
=== PriceChild groans
Dragon^mastawe where talking about the adv & dis atv of microshaft betewwn linux systems10:32
Dragon^mastaand also was talking abut the issues of microshaft10:33
PriceChildDragon^masta, that's offtopic for a #*ubuntu channel10:33
ErunnoProbably because we talked about windows. Banning seems a bit harsh to me without prior warning, even it it was off-topic.10:33
Dragon^mastawe talking about linux10:33
PriceChildDragon^masta, #ubutnu and #kubuntu are support channels10:33
Dragon^mastaLINUX is not off topic10:33
ErunnoAt least without prior warning ;-)10:33
Dragon^mastayes someone asked10:33
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:33
Dragon^mastaWe had opinions on differnt oses & there functionality10:33
ErunnoAnyway, is this ban temporary or permanent ?10:33
Dragon^mastasomeone was trying to user kubuntu & wiondoze on same pc10:34
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Dragon^mastathere fore I was helping someone & we where explaiig diffrences10:34
serbya_boyhi everybody10:34
PriceChildHi serbya_boy, how can we help10:34
Dragon^mastaI see tons of others always off topic u dont do dit10:34
PriceChildErunno, Dragon^masta, The length of the ban is up to the op.10:34
gnomefreaklogs from !ops triggger10:34
serbya_boydont touch kosovo!10:34
Dragon^mastanobody else was akin help & when they dso I still help them10:34
gnomefreaknalioth: Seveas we could really use this cleared up10:35
Dragon^mastafunny your idea of off topic seems lil lie BS to me10:35
Dragon^mastaYou ban for awnseing a question dont sit right with me or others10:35
PriceChildserbya_boy, Please leave if you have no business here.10:35
serbya_boydont touch kosovo!10:36
Dragon^mastaMy buisness isnt done10:36
serbya_boydont touch kosovo!10:36
serbya_boydont touch kosovo!10:36
serbya_boydont touch kosovo!10:36
serbya_boydont touch kosovo!10:36
gnomefreaksorry here is the full10:36
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PriceChildDragon^masta, I was not talking to you10:36
Dragon^mastaoh sorry :P10:36
PriceChildNo problem :)10:36
Dragon^mastaif you read my topic I was on & off topic, trying to stay on topic10:37
gnomefreakErunno: if you are able to stay on topic i will unban you10:37
Dragon^mastabut an explanation of microsoft can be a long 110:37
PriceChildPlease be patient and take the the time to calm down. We have the logs and know what went on.10:37
gnomefreakDragon^masta: your gonna stay banned until Seveas or nalioth take care of this due to your pm to me10:37
ErunnoNo problem, it wasn't my intention to break irc rules. Up until know I wasn't even aware of an offtopic channel ;-=10:37
PriceChildDragon^masta, ontopic is "support". Nothing else.10:38
Dragon^mastayes I was aked abut windoze & linux10:38
gnomefreakErunno: your clear10:38
ErunnoMuch gracias.10:38
Dragon^mastaI was explaining the issues of linux & win=blows together10:38
gnomefreak16:24 <    Dragon^masta > from windows 3.1 to now all have alexia or some sort10:39
gnomefreak# of spyware without even ever being online10:39
Dragon^mastame & erro weher comparing the linux kernal to winblows & showing th benifits of a linux os10:39
gnomefreakthat has nothing at all do to with linux10:39
Dragon^mastayes gnome10:39
gnomefreakcomparing windows and linux === offtopic10:39
PriceChildDragon^masta, You were very clearly offtopic. You were not supporting anyone. Your inability to spell windows is not amusing.10:39
Dragon^mastathe descution was with kernals & spyware is a big issue, most ppl dont even know there infected10:39
Dragon^mastaI spell winblows not to be amusing its a fact win blows10:40
ErunnoErr, I'm still banned from #kubuntu :-D10:40
gnomefreakErunno: you shouldnt be10:40
Dragon^mastayasin was trying to install linux on a windows os10:40
Dragon^mastaIO suggested deleting it10:40
ErunnoMaybe it just takes a while until the server realizes my unbanning :-P10:41
Dragon^mastareadign parts of logs you choose to make it look like your abuse was right is not amusing10:41
Dragon^mastaI went on topic I was banned10:42
Dragon^mastathast my point10:42
=== PriceChild steps away
gnomefreaktry again Erunno10:42
ErunnoWorks now. Thanks gnomefreak.10:42
gnomefreaki left off the e i think10:42
Dragon^mastagnome why u ban me when I went on topic?10:42
Dragon^mastano response when I am right, figures!10:43
Dragon^mastasome support you are10:43
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gnomefreaki have logs that say you were offtopic after the warnings10:43
gnomefreakcant pee anymore :(10:43
gnomefreakoh well back to work10:44
PriceChild<gnomefreak> cant pee anymore :( ????????/10:44
GazzaKthat told you10:44
PriceChildGazzaK, we're sorry :(10:44
gnomefreaki got up to pee10:44
gnomefreakand he bitches and leaves10:44
PriceChildhaha I didn't want to ask that question now.10:44
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tsmithe"some support you are" hahaha. it's free damnit!10:45
GazzaKgnomefreak, you need a thingy like the astronauts have....10:45
gnomefreakban was only gonna be a couple of mitues10:45
gnomefreakminutes but the warning me in pm did it for him10:45
mc44GazzaK: a diaper?10:46
GazzaKmc44, a hoover thingy10:46
naliothdragon^masta was quite off topic and rude10:50
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gnomefreakthats how i saw it too :(10:50
maltHey can i be unbanned from #ubuntu? I took my ban, without evading10:51
maltbeen a month atleast10:51
gnomefreakapokryphos: you around?10:51
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ubotuIn #ubuntuforums, tsmithe said: !omgz is <alias> ohmy11:05
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Admiral_Chicagocan someone set Ubotu to look at the #kubuntu topic when I say !paste11:34
Admiral_Chicagoright now, in the kubuntu channel, it says "look at the #ubuntu topic"11:35
ubotupaste is <alias> pastebin - added by Seveas on 2006-06-17 22:52:1911:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about paste-#kubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:35
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:36
gnomefreaktonyyarusso: i think he went overboard on the f your mum comment11:37
tonyyarussolol @ my 25 second lag11:37
tonyyarussognomefreak: ya11:38
tonyyarussoIt was coming...eventually11:38
tonyyarusso!pastebin-#kubuntu is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)11:39
ubotuI'll remember that, tonyyarusso11:39
Admiral_Chicagothanks tonyyarusso11:39
apokryphosmalt: you did evade your ban, today, in -offtopic. You joined with a different nick while your nick, malt, was banned.11:50
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apokryphosgnomefreak: your subdomain's doing well -- nearly 3 gigs bandwidth in the last 10 days or so 8)12:07
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tonyyarussosubdomain where?12:07
apokryphostonyyarusso: http://gnomefreak.youmortals.com12:08
gnomefreakhot damn12:08
gnomefreakapokryphos: :) ty12:08
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=== tonyyarusso broke the 100 hilights barrier
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