
LaserJockh4writer: well, I honestly wouldn't count on it all being done for Feisty12:17
LaserJockdepending on how things go12:17
h4writerAnd the first two?12:18
tonyyarussothe help center stuff?12:18
h4writerthe other I don't care it is done after fiesty12:18
h4writertonyyarusso: yes12:18
LaserJockwe've carefully gone over the yelp frontpage and have a yelp developer that is helping us12:20
LaserJockit'll probably take some discussion12:20
h4writerdo you mean mkde? Or somebody else?12:21
LaserJockno, somebody else12:21
dsash4writer: Don Scorgie I think.12:21
LaserJockmdke and Don do the yelp front page mostly12:21
h4writeryesterday mdke was online at about this hour. That's why I'm waiting a bit to go to sleep. Hoping to catch him.12:24
tonyyarusso /whois mdke12:25
tonyyarussonvm me - was trying to check12:25
h4writeryes, I tried it a time ago to12:26
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3876 edubuntu/Makefile: fixed Edubuntu makefile03:11
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3877 edubuntu/Makefile: fixed type on makefile03:18
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nixternalhiya jjesse03:40
jjessei'm so far behind03:40
jjessewas !internet in training class03:40
nixternalLaserJock: the package so build this time, forgot the silly common/03:40
nixternaleww, no intarweb stinks03:40
jjessein training class all day03:40
LaserJocknixternal: what?03:41
nixternalsilly typos by me in rules03:42
nixternallike this one03:43
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3878 edubuntu/debian/rules: silly typo03:43
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nixternalLaserJock: http://nixternal.com/docs/edubuntu/feisty-package/03:55
Admiral_Chicagonixternal: i owe you some work, i have been busy all day. I'll get it to you soon03:57
Admiral_Chicagobtw, i fixed my "orphaned module" error, so I'll get the User Management stuff to you as well03:58
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Admiral_Chicagonixternal: check mail04:06
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LaserJocknixternal: we need to have eubuntu-docs depends on ubuntu-docs right?04:12
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LaserJock_nixternal: did you get my message04:20
LaserJock_nixternal: alive?04:53
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nixternalI am alive now05:23
nixternalwatched the Bob Woodward special and made sure my mayor won re-election05:23
Admiral_Chicagonixternal: he won?05:23
nixternalof course05:23
nixternallandslide like always05:24
Admiral_Chicagohaha, well not with my vote05:24
Admiral_Chicagothe other 30% was dead people in DuPage country05:24
nixternalLaserJock: are we going to make edubuntu-docs depend on ubuntu-docs then? if so I can fix that really quick05:24
LaserJocknixternal: I assume so05:25
LaserJocknixternal: I think the desription might also need to be updated to reflect that we aren't shipping HTML05:25
nixternalanything else b4 I rebuild?05:26
nixternalshould I put this on revu or keep doing it the way I have and put it on my server05:27
LaserJockon the server is just fine05:27
LaserJockI don't like using REVU for non-NEW stuf05:27
nixternallet me rebuild really quick05:27
nixternalhehe, k05:27
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3879 edubuntu/debian/control: fixing control to depend on ubuntu-docs and remove the html info from the description05:28
nixternaltest building it now05:30
nixternalLaserJock: http://nixternal.com/docs/edubuntu/feisty-package/05:35
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LaserJocknixternal: I'me getting lots of errors05:42
nixternalwhat kind of errors?05:43
LaserJockhandbook/C/contribute.xml:9: warning: failed to load external entity "../ubuntu/libs/gnome-menus-C.ent"05:43
nixternalone sec05:43
LaserJockhas putting them in edubuntu/ messed up the Ubuntu ents ?05:43
Admiral_Chicagonixternal: i haven't got feedback to you yet. is the doc work good so far?05:46
nixternalno it hasn't LaserJock, I just didn't have ubuntu/libs in the package05:46
Admiral_Chicagos/yet/since the first time05:46
LaserJockwell, you shouldn't have them in there05:47
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nixternalLaserJock: I somehow blew away the libs/ dir earlier for some reason05:55
nixternalwell ubuntu/libs/gnome-menus-C.ent needs to be in there as a minimum05:55
nixternaland that is what I did this time around05:55
nixternalLaserJock: check my directory now05:55
LaserJocknixternal: ok, hang on though05:56
LaserJockthose are installed by ubuntu-docs05:56
LaserJockwe can't install files that are going to be install by ubuntu-docs05:57
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nixternalLaserJock: that ent is just used to build the package05:58
nixternalit isn't installed locally to the machine05:58
nixternaloh wait, it is05:58
LaserJockit shouldn' t if you made the install file changes05:58
nixternalI did make the changes05:58
nixternalthey go to edubuntu/libs/ now05:59
nixternalbut for gnome-menu-C that is in ubuntu/libs and not trunk/libs05:59
nixternalbut you know what, I don't have it copying over the ubuntu/libs or the libs/ though05:59
=== nixternal checks something
nixternalthe us.archives are garbage06:00
nixternalLaserJock: this is goofy06:01
nixternalKDE FTW! :)06:01
nixternalLaserJock: the ubuntu-docs package slings the ent files everywhere as well06:02
nixternalLaserJock: it will work!!!!06:03
nixternalactually, the ubuntu-docs package is retarded06:03
LaserJocknixternal: yes, I'm just saying we can't be slinging the same files06:03
LaserJockwhat I had should work06:04
nixternalLaserJock: in the package I just created, the only /libs slung were the edubuntu ones and they went into gnome/help/edubuntu/libs06:04
nixternalwhy on earth am I using the Makefile then in Edubuntu docs if I am not building the HTML?06:05
LaserJockwhy are you?06:05
LaserJockI don't think you are06:05
nixternalall that needs to be done is cp edubuntu/$$doc/C/*.xml to the proper06:05
nixternalthe Makefile builds HTML06:05
nixternalso this stupid package I did, builds HTML into the build/ and does nothing with it06:05
nixternalthis is e.tarded06:06
nixternalI am glad you are laughing :)06:06
nixternalman, take a look at the ubuntu-docs.install in the ubuntu-docs package06:07
nixternalthere is no way that is correct06:07
nixternal*ent is put everywhere but /etc I think06:07
LaserJockI know06:08
nixternalLaserJock: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/7894/06:08
nixternalthat is horsepoop06:08
LaserJockI said that's leftovers form when we were building HTML06:08
LaserJockthat's why I gave you 1 line06:09
nixternalheh, and that is great06:09
nixternalbut guess what, once you install the package, the docs aren't going to work06:09
nixternalbecause the headers in each .xml file points to ../../../libs/blah and ../../../ubuntu/libs/gnome-menus-C.ent06:09
LaserJockI believe they are there though06:09
LaserJockin ubuntu-docs06:10
LaserJockhence all the flinging06:10
nixternaldude, I don't want to hear it :)06:10
LaserJockwe might be off by one becuase of the edubuntu/ thing06:10
nixternalafter I stepped back and did the ../ and then ../ and then ../ I realized it will :)06:10
LaserJockbut if you count the ../'s I think it might come out ok06:10
nixternalwe won't be off because the the third ../ takes us out of edubuntu06:11
nixternalthat is where I was getting confused06:11
nixternalthe only problem though is still with the ../../../ubuntu/libs/gnome-menus-C.ent06:11
nixternalthere is no ../../../ubuntu06:11
LaserJockyou sure?06:11
nixternalit is ../../../ubuntu-docs06:11
nixternalLaserJock: is it plausable to change the gnome-menus in the each xml just for the package to ubuntu-docs instead?06:15
nixternalbut that is going to cause build issue06:15
LaserJockthere's nothing to build!06:15
nixternalthe package will have the entity error though06:16
nixternalbuilding the package that is06:16
LaserJockmaybe that's ok06:16
nixternalshould we give that a try?06:16
LaserJockseems like it's going to have issues regardless06:16
LaserJockbecause we are relying on ubuntu-docs06:17
nixternalthat is rather hackish, and I would definitely put a README in debian/ explaining that06:17
nixternalwe have already created the depends on ubuntu-docs06:17
LaserJockwhat in the build is complaining? scrollkeeper?06:17
nixternalI didn't see any scrollkeeper complaints. remember you just seen the entity errors during pbuilder06:18
LaserJockbut nothing should be built06:18
nixternalyou are right, I need to kill that Makefile06:18
nixternalthat Makefile is giving us our errors06:18
nixternalman, I am used to building Kubuntu docs man06:18
nixternaland that is fixing as well next release06:18
nixternalI am changing all Kubuntu docs from .xml to .docbook and creating the cache.tar.gz and doing it like KDE06:19
mptHas the simplified Help menu access been implemented yet in Feisty?06:21
LaserJockhow simplified?06:21
LaserJockI can't remember what it's supposed to be06:21
mptAs in, not a submenu any more06:23
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3880 kubuntu/network/C/network.xml: clarification06:25
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3881 edubuntu/Makefile: no building html for edubuntu-docs package06:27
poningruTo activate DVD decryption, type the following line into a terminal prompt:06:50
poningru-- sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh06:50
poningru++ sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh06:50
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LaserJockmpt: yes, it has been implemented07:13
mptLaserJock, awesome07:17
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=== mdke stretches
LaserJockhi mdke09:06
mdkehow is everything going?09:06
LaserJockoh, decently well09:10
LaserJockand you?09:10
LaserJockmdke: you see the email from the forums guy wanting to redo the front page look?09:11
mdkeyes, he mailed me privately first and I told him to mail the list09:11
LaserJockhe was in here again today waiting for you09:13
mdkeseems enthusiastic, any thoughts on his email?09:15
LaserJockwell, I sort of think he needs to look at what we've got in Feisty already09:22
LaserJockI kinda like the little search bar in the sidbar09:23
LaserJockbut it's kinda redundant with the search bar at the top09:23
mdkewell, he removes the one at the top: http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=26035&d=117232779309:24
mdkebut yeah, he needs to work with the feisty code09:24
LaserJockit's more control-centerish09:26
LaserJockbut like I told him today, we are quite far in the Feisty schedule to be starting this now09:27
mptControl Center is not a good example to be starting from :-(09:29
mdkempt: will you have a look at his mockups and give him some feedback? I wouldn't like him to get discouraged, even if he is working at the wrong time in the release cylce09:30
LaserJockI think we could use his enthusiasm for sure09:30
mptmdke, sure09:30
LaserJockhe's gotten in there and tweaked stuff09:30
mdkeLaserJock: quite - the layout is not great atm09:30
mdkempt: thanks09:31
mdkenot long before string freeze now, we need to go over the docs and try and make sure there are no hideous gaps09:33
LaserJockwell, I just loaded up yelp09:34
LaserJockand I can't access the man and info pages09:34
LaserJockwhen I click on them in the Advanced Topics it's a blank page09:34
mptok, docs-hacking time09:37
mdkeLaserJock: confirmed.09:42
LaserJockk, it's always nice to know it's not just me09:43
mdkeI think I know the reason09:45
mdkeok, off to work09:47
mptmdke, why would he have said "I'm now using feisty, but the .xslt file isn't change"09:51
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-doc: Ubuntu Documentation Team http://doc.ubuntu.com or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam | Get involved! http://www.mdke.org/?p=67 | backlog at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs | SVN - https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos | Please observe the Ubuntu CoC @ http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct | Next meeting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/MeetingAgenda
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mptah, it was because I'd not only svn rm-ed something, I'd also rm-ed it11:16
mptso svn silently sulked11:16
=== mpt wonders why "svn revert" doesn't
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UbugtuNew bug: #88615 in xubuntu-meta (main) "Default Firefox homepage in Xubuntu 6.10 says 'Xubuntu 6.06' (dup-of: 67966)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8861512:55
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3882 kubuntu/network/C/network.xml: modem info (adsl, usb, and dialup) information added - ready for review07:53
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3883 kubuntu/ (hardware/C/hardware.xml libs/kde-menus-C.ent): added keycombo for ctrl-alt-backspace and added hardware content - ati and nvidia driver installation info still needed08:15
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h4writerhi everybody, I'm getting some problems when I try to build yelp. When I run fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage, it stops with the error:11:14
h4writerdpkg-source -b yelp-2.16.211:14
h4writerdpkg-source: error: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but Maintainer: does not have Ubuntu address11:14
tonyyarussoh4writer: You need an @ubuntu.com address in the Maintainer field of debian/control11:14
h4writerbut I've got no @ubuntu.com address11:15
tonyyarussoYou'll need a team one or something then - I'm not quite sure how those work11:16
h4writerI don't know it either:p11:24
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tonyyarusso^^ he might11:25
h4writerI'm now trying with autogen.sh11:26
h4writerthat will probably work;-)11:26
h4writertonyyarusso: I went to the #ubuntuforums channel a time ago and they said something of11:29
h4writer(11:20:42 PM) tsmithe: h4writer, you need "Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com" as Maintainer11:29
h4writer(11:20:50 PM) tsmithe: and yourself as XSBC-Original-Maintainer11:29
h4writerand I didn't know what it means so I stopped searching. If I need to know I will know in the future:p11:29
tonyyarussoh4writer: That's along the write lines at least.  However, yelp is in main, so ubuntu-motu would seem a bit out of place.11:30
h4writerautogen.sh definitly worked, but I don't got the newest yelp. So I think you need to put in a certain way the .diff file in the source. Am I correct?11:32
tonyyarussoI'm not sure about applying changes yet - I'm still working on making the initial package myself.11:33
h4writerI think I've applied the .diff correctly11:37
h4writerit's now building again11:37
LaserJockh4writer: you could just make up an @ubuntu.com address if you're just testing11:38
h4writerand where do I need to specify?11:40
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LaserJockh4writer: the Maintainer: field11:53
LaserJockin debian/control11:53
LaserJockmdke: around?11:53
LaserJockmdke: the server guide and packaging guide are built as html. but there's currently no provision in the packages to make it easy to read them11:54
LaserJockmdke: i.e. you have to open up /usr/share/ubuntu-serverguide/html/C/index.html in a browser11:55
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h4writermpt_, I can make your request. I know python and gtk, so here it is c and gtk. So I can read a half;-)12:06

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