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=== Topic for #ubuntu-kernel: Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | 2.6.20-9.15 Uploaded - Things are getting solid now. Use it, but there are still a few missing modules. | BUG STATUS (2.6.20): 281 Open, 70 Unconfirmed, 165 Unassigned
=== Topic (#ubuntu-kernel): set by BenC at Mon Feb 26 16:28:31 2007
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poningruhey what do you guys think should go into herd5 'release notes' for kernel?12:30
NafalloBenC: ping12:38
NafalloBenC: ping rt61 :-)12:38
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fryfrogis it okay to ask for edgy kernel help in here?02:17
Nafallofryfrog: no. this is a development channel. #ubuntu is the place.02:21
fryfrogblah, such a busy channel :)02:27
fryfrogis there any place for kernel specific help?02:27
Nafallonot that I'm aware of.02:30
fryfrogokay, thanks :)02:30
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fabbioneBenC: are we still in contact with that dvb guy that used to show up here?02:55
BenCfabbione: haven't heard from him in awhile02:56
fabbioneBenC: ok thanks02:56
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zulmerky or soemthing like that?03:02
Mithrandirzul: what is xen-feisty blocked on?  It's listed as blocked in the spec overview.03:06
zulits not blocked, I havent update it in a while03:06
Mithrandircan you fix the spec status, then?03:07
zulyes will do03:07
mjg59BenC: 86457 sounds like a pretty valid request03:07
kylemugh. my eyes aren't working yet this morning.03:09
BenCkylem: Oooh, I think I found the problem with ASLR03:10
BenCCOMPAT_VDSO is disabled because PARAVIRT is on, but in reality, those should be ok together now03:10
kylemBenC, wow. ten minutes. that was quick.03:10
mjg59BenC: Ok. Fancy updating the bug? :)03:12
BenCjust did03:12
mjg59Did those patches I sent look ok?03:14
BenCyeah, merging everything now03:15
BenCif there's no ABI bump, maybe I can convince Mith to let another kernel upload squeeze in for Herd5 :)03:15
mjg59Should be ok, I think03:17
MithrandirBenC: I'd really like to avoid that unless it's "does not boot on any hardware" or a similar problem.03:17
=== lamont grumbles about irq crappage in 2.6.17-11-generic
lamont-11 fails to let me find any USB devices unless I boot with 'irqpoll'03:37
lamonthistorically, every now and then USB would go belly up - never tracked it down03:38
lamont-10 was happy, for the most part03:40
lamontHP pavillion a1130n, and yes, I apologize03:40
lamontati chipset, so feh03:41
BenClamont: I think the USB breakage was due to a late change in some USB host setting we had to enable03:49
BenCit was one of those things where the option was enabled as early as breezy, and some USB wouldn't work at all, or we enable the option, and some people had to use irqpoll03:49
lamontBenC: is it worth me working on tracking down the change that broke it?03:49
BenClamont: I believe it's a config option03:49
BenCfinding out why that broke working setups would be very worth it03:50
lamont-10 and -11 configs differ only in CONFIG_VERSION_SIGNATURE03:50
BenCmaybe it was something else then03:50
lamontso, yeah, it's an old option :-)03:50
lamontwould acpi=noirq help maybe?03:51
mjg59But if it does, it gives a pretty clear indication what hte problem is03:52
kylemit would be nice if people could reproduce such things with newer upstream kernels and file it in kernel.org bugzilla.03:52
mjg59kylem: Maybe we should package pristine kernels as well03:52
=== lamont will fetch kernel git tree at work today, and do a little bisecting tonight. sadly, 'tis the home workstation
kylemwhen a shared irq is raised, every registered handler gets called. because we have 3 usb on the same irq line, i was thinking maybe it got confused.03:53
lamontcan I drop a feisty kernel on an edgy system?03:53
kylemlamont, shall i just fedex you a kernel.org dvd? :P03:53
mjg59kylem: It's pretty normal to have multiple USB controllers on one IRQ03:53
lamontkylem: good bandwidth, high latency.  I'll just fetch it at work03:53
lamontbecause fedex same-day service is _EXPENSIVE_03:53
kylemlamont, if you use git over http, you should be able to pull just a few large packfiles instead.03:54
BenClamont: feisty kernel on edgy is ok so long as you also upgrade initramfs-tools, module-init-tools and udev03:54
kylem(instead of tonnes of small files, etc.)03:54
lamontBenC: the newer other stuff works with an edgy kernel?03:54
BenClamont: That part I don't know :)03:55
lamonthow stable is feisty these days?03:55
lamontwill herd 5 be safe enough for production?03:55
lamontproduction == my primary workstation03:55
BenCI've been using feisty (kernel AND userspace) on my laptop for about 4 weeks now03:56
lamontand no blood?03:56
thomi've been running feisty on my laptop since UDS, as it happens03:58
lamontthom: nice03:58
=== lamont decides that maybe he'll take the plunge. Or should I bisect edgy's kernel first?
thomit's been occasionally entertaining, but pretty sane on the whole03:59
=== lamont makes particular note of 'entertaining'
MithrandirI haven't had a single entertaining episode on my laptop, at least.03:59
kylempython got out of synch last friday so i had update-notifier crashing every 10 minutes all weekend.04:00
=== lamont heads to the office, sneakernet-bandwidth-enhancement device in hand
zuldie rpm die!!04:01
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zulBenC: ping...can we get some time to train the guy who is doing the breezy updates because after the 12th I wont be around much04:18
BenCzul: Sure04:18
zulwhen is breezy EOL anyways?04:19
kylemzul, june.04:20
kylemis my guess.04:20
kylemapril + migration period, i would imagine04:20
Mithrandirmore like april.  18 months from the release date.04:21
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zulso in theory this could be the last update?04:22
kylemzul, see, there's always a bright side to things.04:22
zulkylem: definently04:23
JaccoHgood .. afternoon04:23
kylemJaccoH, hallo04:23
JaccoHyou speak dutch? 04:23
kylemno sir.04:24
JaccoHbut you do know hallo :)04:24
JaccoHor was that a lucky typo?04:25
kylemi'm just being odd. i had no idea. :)04:25
JaccoHi see .. hallo is dutch for hello.. close enough04:25
JaccoHzul i ordered dual e1000 nic to uh .. fix my problem with the bnx204:26
JaccoHbut its not in yet04:27
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kylemlamont, oi.06:50
kylemlamont, how come ia64 doesn't have builds.06:51
kylemof edgy-security kernels.06:51
lamontoh.  dunno.  I should go look06:51
kylemFetching itanium...FAILED.06:51
kylemFetching mckinley...FAILED.06:51
kylemthe srcpackage is there.06:51
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Nafallonew security-upload on the way?06:53
Nafallodamnit. I never get the uptimes I had ;-)06:54
NafalloI should probably play with the server and XENify it or something... that might help :-)06:54
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thomyou still have to reboot for the xen kernel updates, so it doesn't buy much :-)07:00
thomcan we kexec from a running kernel to a new one yet?07:00
lamontthom: depends on the platform, I think...07:01
lamontkylem: as mentioned elsewhere, I'll drive fixing that...07:02
kylemlamont, thanks chief.07:02
kylemit's blocking me for now, ironically.07:02
poningruso... anyone want something about kernel to go into herd 5 'release notes'?07:03
poningrueverytime usually BenC puts something in this time nothing :(07:03
kylemponingru, sure, can you add that "rtl818x/rtl8187 drivers have been blacklisted due to being broken"07:03
kylemfeel free to dress up the language. :)07:04
poningruI dont think I can put that in a release note ;)07:04
BenCponingru: There's not really a whole lot new between herd4/herd507:04
poningrucool bugfixes it is07:05
BenCponingru: Oh, bcm43xx is working again :)07:05
BenCwas broken in herd407:05
poningrustill requires firmware right?07:05
poningruor does it do it automagically?07:05
poningruwith bcm-fwcutter07:06
poningrudude... please dont keep me in suspense I am gonna have a brain aneurysm here, this is one of my pet peeves07:07
Nafallomy feisty crashed a lot until I tried rmmod rt6107:11
Nafalloalmost 1d uptime now07:11
poningruBenC: it still requires firmware right?07:18
bdmurrayIs there a wiki page about debugging kernel crashes via serial connection?07:26
zulI dont think so07:30
zulthere probably should be07:39
BenCI think it's generally one of those things where the hardware has to support console on serial07:40
BenCif it's a crash where the system is still stable enough that the kernel serial console still works, then most likely you don't need serial console07:41
=== BenC is working on kdump right now, so that may become helpful
lamonttifm_7xx1: sd card detected in socket 108:19
lamontdoes that mean I can actually talk to it now?08:19
lamonthrm.. VESA virtual size - how do I change that in xorg.conf?08:23
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BenClamont: It works ofr some types of cards, not all08:30
lamontso if removable media are configured to automount and it doesn't, then no love yet, eh?08:30
BenCcheck /lib/modules/`uname -r/kernel/drivers/mmc/08:32
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BenCmight have to manually load one of the block drivers and card handlers08:32
lamontah, ok08:32
fryfrogwould questions about the linux-restricted-modules debian/rules build script be appropriate here?08:32
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pkl_lamont: check you've got mmc_core and mmc_block loaded08:38
pkl_lamont: some people are not getting mmc_block automatically loaded.08:40
=== lamont begins by burning an install CD
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zulBenC: er...when is the freeze?09:49
Mithrandirwhich of the freezes?09:50
zulkernel freeze09:50
Mithrandirapril 5th09:51
zulah still plenty of time09:51
BenCwe're in semi-freeze right now09:52
BenCI'm not taking much of anything other than bug fixes09:52
zulIll probably have a couple of bug fixes for you on monday09:52
BenCthe 04/05 freeze is "don't touch it unless it wont boot or eats endangered species"09:52
Nafalloah good. it can eat children then :-).09:53
Mithrandirthe April 5th freeze is "Ben will pay Tollef cases of beer for each upload". :-)09:55
zulright Im heading home..10:01
BenCMithrandir: that might get kind of expensive :)10:31
ajmitchBenC: just try & put all the fixes in 1 or 2 uploads10:32
BenCthere's always last minute fixes10:32
ajmitchas long as he doesn't specify expensive beer, it should be fine :)10:32
ajmitchyou couldn't claim it as misc work expenses?10:33
crimsunafter a few cases he'll be zonked anyhow, so you can just forego the remainder10:36
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psusiI'm having a little trouble understanding the relationship between struct request, and struct bio... could someone explain?11:28
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