
asacwhy can't i reproduce any of these crashes12:30
asaci want to fix the other tow12:30
asacso we still get nsFilePicker::Show ?12:30
asacand how about the other ::Run ?12:30
asacdo we still get that crash?12:30
gnomefreakdidnt retrace that last crash but give me a few and i will try ::run12:31
asaci will try chroot12:32
asacto crash12:32
asacok can reproduce12:35
asaceven in 64bit chroot12:35
asaclets see what trunk says12:35
gnomefreakdo i have to try it since you did it?12:38
gnomefreaktrunk says "its ubuntus fault" as they always do :(12:38
=== gnomefreak really loves this color scheme
asaci can't get totem to play on trunk build12:40
asacit loads but fails to write12:40
asacwait a sec12:40
gnomefreakthats because we dont have a version for it maybe?12:40
asachoped that plugin abi has not changed on trunk12:45
asacbut don't know what the problem is atm12:45
asac** Message: totem_embedded_set_error: 'An error occurred', 'Internal data flow error.'12:45
asac** Message: StopStream signal received12:45
asacthats the error I get12:45
asac** Message: DestroyStream reason 112:45
asactotem window shows up12:45
asacbut state STOPPED only12:45
asacno crash of course12:45
gnomefreakwhat one were you testing?12:45
asacthe filepicker master12:53
asacit would be so good to see if its gone on trunk12:53
gnomefreakah yeah already crashed that here12:53
asacif so, we could start the hunt12:53
asacon trunk?12:53
gnomefreaki havent figured out a way to have both on here and able to use either without changing symlinks12:53
gnomefreaktrying bug 7118212:54
UbugtuMalone bug 71182 in firefox "MASTER firefox crashed on dragging [@gtk_style_realize]  [@nsAppShell::Run] " [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7118212:54
asacoh damn ... its all in reflow :)12:55
asaci hate reflow things12:55
asacits soo broken12:55
asacanything might happen12:55
asacyeah ... relayout / repaint of all elements in firefox12:59
asacstarting from main window12:59
gnomefreakok bbl dinner12:59
Admiral_Chicagognomefreak: working on the apport guide now01:06
gnomefreakok ty give me link ill look at it after dinner01:07
Admiral_Chicagosounds good01:11
=== AlexLatchford [n=alex@82-44-193-109.cable.ubr07.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
Admiral_Chicagognomefreak: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/Apport/Guide01:39
gnomefreakdamn your good01:39
Admiral_Chicagomostly a paste of you email, i'll look at more later01:39
=== gnomefreak just got back
Admiral_Chicagoby later, I mean after I shower01:40
asacgood shower for you :)01:40
Admiral_Chicagomore edits are done.01:47
Admiral_Chicagostill doing more.01:47
Admiral_Chicagoerr not now, in a bit01:47
gnomefreakwhats martins last name pitt?01:51
Admiral_Chicagoerr https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/Apport/Guide02:02
Admiral_Chicagoso far02:02
=== gnomefreak been working on it
asachmmm ... what is codec package for totem?02:26
asaci guess my chroot lacks codecs :)02:26
asacdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty main universe restricted02:26
asacdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty main universe restricted02:26
asacare those enough?02:26
gnomefreakfor me it is02:26
asactotem-xine contains all codecs?02:26
gnomefreakeverything for most part. some w32codecs arnt included02:27
asacmaybe i lack some other packages ... installing meta package "gnome" now02:28
asacdon't want all xserver stuff that ships with ubuntu-desktop02:29
gnomefreaki installed ubuntu-desktop for retraces02:30
asacgnomefreak: is this bug also reproducible with mplayer embedded plugin for you?02:30
asacor with gstreamer?02:30
gnomefreaki dont know i dont really know how to use mplayer plugin02:31
asacand totem-gstreamer?02:31
gnomefreakand im using totem-xine to reproduce it02:31
gnomefreakalso totem-mozilla of course02:32
asaccan you try totem-gstreamer instead of xine?02:32
asacanyway ... would be better if someone with mplayer could confirm02:32
asactotem-X probably have the same plugin integration02:33
asacso no way to isolate if its plugin specific or not02:33
gnomefreakAdmiral_Chicago: do you use mplayer? i know you dont like totem02:34
=== asac trying to install mozilla-mplayer
asaclets see02:34
gnomefreakthere i added code blocks and took personal info out of it :)02:34
gnomefreaknow i go smoke02:35
gnomefreakok i officially hate writing wikis now02:39
gnomefreakasac: what are you still doing up?02:43
gnomefreakthis patch can wait its been like this since 2.002:43
asacsure :)02:56
asacwill stop in 3 minutes02:57
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=Freddy@st074039212101.monm.edu] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
asack n803:03
Admiral_Chicagodoing more work on this wiki page03:10
Admiral_Chicagognomefreak: did another edit, i'll save it soon.03:22
Admiral_Chicagognomefreak: saving now, there is a small spelling error "seperating" as well.03:27
gnomefreaki cant spell that work03:27
Admiral_Chicagoi left one comment too..03:27
Admiral_Chicagothere is a spell checker in the wiki, maybe it can correct it.03:27
Admiral_Chicagoi couldn't either... :)03:27
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=== asac_ [n=asac@debian/developer/asac] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=Freddy@st074039212101.monm.edu] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
asacanyone awake :)09:33
asaci gues not ;)09:34
Admiral_Chicagoi am asac09:48
asacHey ... early man you are09:48
asacearly classes?09:48
Admiral_Chicagoasac: late night. trouble sleeping09:48
asacsorry for that ;)09:48
asacgood sleep is worth gold09:49
Admiral_Chicagoi figured i might as look at retraces instead of dual actual infomercials09:49
Admiral_Chicagohave you ever seen those?09:49
asacdual actual infomercials?09:49
Admiral_Chicagoand I just realized Launchpad is down09:49
asacah ;)09:49
Admiral_Chicagoerr...dual action09:49
asacyeah ... scheduled downtime09:49
asachmmm can't parse infomercials ... not native speaker though09:50
Admiral_Chicagoits these weird informercials about bowel movements by some guy Klee Irwin...they are ridiculously funny.09:50
asacah ... maybe a US phenomenon ;)09:50
Admiral_Chicagoasac: commercials that sell things...like vaccums, diet pills, etc09:51
asacah now i get it ... a bit ;)09:51
asacin tv ;)09:51
Admiral_Chicagowhere are you from anyways, I just came in here and found you working away09:51
asachehe ... germany ... City: Hamburg ... if you know09:52
Admiral_Chicagonow I've heard of it09:53
asacsomewhere there :)09:53
Admiral_Chicagofor some reason, I want to say my buddy went there for a trip.09:53
Admiral_Chicagoi'll have to ask him, I know he went to the other towns like Frankfurt.09:54
asacyeah ... but frankfurt is not such a nice town to visit09:55
Admiral_Chicagois that an apartment building or a large patch of dirt.09:55
asacits a big finance place with some sky scrapers09:55
asacbut city overall is not beautiful ... and not that big09:55
Admiral_Chicagoi've only been there once and I stayed in the airpart09:56
asacfrankfurt has big airport too ... yes ;)09:56
Admiral_Chicagowell I live almost exactly here...http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&z=17&ll=40.916472,-90.636917&spn=0.003567,0.007296&om=109:58
Admiral_Chicagomy college is small. the town i live in is small, the general area is very rural09:59
Admiral_Chicagoquite different from my address in chicago09:59
asacyeah ... i guess thats right09:59
gnomefreakonce LP comes back up i need to change the wget <link> in apport guide to be a generic one10:01
Admiral_Chicagohehe, other location. is here: http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&z=17&ll=40.916472,-90.636917&spn=0.003567,0.007296&om=110:01
Admiral_Chicagoright between the park and the airport on the right side.10:01
Admiral_Chicagolike I said, a *big* difference between locations10:01
Admiral_Chicagognomefreak: wiki pages wouldn't let me log in a second ago10:02
asacsame map for me :)10:02
gnomefreakyep wiki down too :( this couls make for a long day10:04
gnomefreakasac: how did the patch come?10:04
asacwhich one?10:05
asacthe "fix all realize crashes" one?10:05
asacwait a second10:05
asaci have bits for you :)10:05
Admiral_Chicagospeaking of patches, Fx release didn't fix bookmarks dragging on my computer...maybe I can reproduce it on another Feisty system10:06
asacdamn is rookery slow ... updating Packages.gz takes ages10:06
gnomefreakAdmiral_Chicago: crashing?10:06
asacupdate :)10:06
asacplease try if you can reproduce any patch10:07
asacany crash10:07
asacof course10:07
asacsorry ... my brain is completely patched up10:07
Admiral_Chicagoto, it doesn't crash10:07
gnomefreakAdmiral_Chicago: what does it do?10:07
asacversion is:
gnomefreakasac: its not on your repo10:08
gnomefreak"yet" atleast10:08
asachttp://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/mt-feisty/ ?10:08
Admiral_Chicagognomefreak: makes a little image of a page, and when I release, the image zooms back10:09
=== hjmf [n=hjmf@140.Red-217-125-227.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
asacshould be10:09
Admiral_Chicagohmm, maybe I can grab a video.10:09
gnomefreakk i see it here10:09
asacfrom what i know all realize crashes base on the same problem ... we have a plugin ... plugin gets removed (e.g. tab close, window close), etc.10:09
gnomefreakthats strange. it didnt show any new when i did apt-get update10:09
asacthen ANY new gtk widget shown can generate the crash10:10
Admiral_Chicagookay wait *now* it is working10:10
asacwhat is working?10:10
Admiral_Chicagobookmark dragging.10:10
asacgnomefreak: you still have it in your sources?10:10
asacAdmiral_Chicago: crashed?10:10
asacor just worked (TM)10:11
asacgnomefreak: still not there?10:11
gnomefreakhmmmmmm seems to be ignoring it10:11
gnomefreakdeb http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/mt-feisty/ ./10:11
gnomefreakGet:6 http://people.ubuntu.com ./ Packages [2468B] 10:12
asacthats right10:12
gnomefreakhmmm its not ignoring it now but not updating it10:13
asacthat might be true ... because of apt policy or something10:13
gnomefreakah now its got it10:13
Admiral_Chicagoasac: not a crash, but it wouldn't let me drag and drop. now it works fine.10:13
gnomefreakhad to run it 3 times10:13
asacyes ... that was fixed in
asacwe need a crash on drag10:14
asacif someone can reproduce we can better verify :)10:14
Admiral_Chicagoi know, but i had and it wouldn't work still. now it does for some reason. I have yet to crash on dragging a bookmark afaik10:14
asacAdmiral_Chicago: read above ... its most likely due to some embedded plugin stuff10:15
asacso loading totem in tab, then closing is always a good start10:15
asacmaybe same with flash10:15
Admiral_Chicagoyup i remember the crash.10:15
Admiral_Chicagoi'll try to reproduce it in a second10:16
gnomefreakah i like when there is only 30 emails in my inbox :)10:16
asacgnomefreak: update downloading?10:16
asacgnomefreak: lp down :)10:16
gnomefreakdavid filed a bug for giving tags "changing and stuff" karma but LP is down so i cant read it10:18
asacyeah ... time to verify crash :)10:18
gnomefreakim gonna need an hour give or take befire i can test it (its got 58 minnutes left on download10:19
asacoh god10:19
asacmaybe remove -dbg package first?10:20
gnomefreakfirefox-dbg is huge on this shitty connection10:20
gnomefreakremoving it now10:21
asacmaybe i should provide -dbgsym packages instead10:21
asacyou don't need that bit -dbg, right?10:21
asacits just convenience to have symbols of right version?10:21
gnomefreakfor most part.10:22
gnomefreakalways good ot have IMHO10:22
asacbut dbgsym are 1/10000th of dbg size ... and stacktraces look the same if both are from same version10:23
asacfinally i managed to unsubscribe from ubuntu-bugs10:30
gnomefreaknever tried without -dbg installed10:31
gnomefreakmaybe i will today10:31
asacprobably you now don't have proper dbgsym packages for your version :)10:31
asacgnomefreak: I couldn't reproduce filepicker bug anymore ... so i am eager to get results ... will now do something else for a big10:32
asacactually I think I understood why there are also realize traces filed in theme bug ... switching theme could crash in two ways:10:33
gnomefreakok ill let you know what i get10:33
asac1. the issue already solved10:33
asac2. it triggers a restyle ... same as open filepicker, dragging (sometimes), etc.10:34
asacfirst one is already fixed in last preview10:34
asac2nd one hopefully now10:34
gnomefreakcan i have the link from the test case on the filepicker bug?10:35
asaci guess if you open video, close it, open it again, close it again and then switch theme instead of save link as ... you will crash too10:35
asacluckily i bookmarked it10:36
asachere are videos10:36
gnomefreakah ty10:36
gnomefreakfixxed here10:38
gnomefreaki tired it 2 times10:38
gnomefreakshould i go back to ubuntu version of firefox? or will it upgrade smoothly?10:39
gnomefreakjust wondering did you checkt he tb-locales build that i did? i was wondering it i did it right10:41
asaci forgot about that sorry10:42
gnomefreakthats ok10:42
asacplease keep using current preview10:42
gnomefreakwill do10:42
asacand try to reproduce both variants10:42
asacthat worked before10:42
asacand of course, for normal use10:42
asaclets see if other problems appear because of the new patch10:43
gnomefreakas sson as Lp gets back up i can test against testcase10:43
asacimo all bugs should be gone10:43
asacif you don't see crashes and we find noone who can confirm drag crash reliably10:43
asacwe will mark all as dupe of master bug (filepicker) and you get the honour to close this mamouth bug when upload done :)10:44
asac-> if it really fixes filepicker we should just close all realize bugs10:44
asacand see if new reports pop up after release10:44
asacmaybe all is gone10:44
asacat least on this front10:44
gnomefreakwhy do people who dont know what they are doing use feisty with a unifficial sources list :(10:47
asactry to use embed plugins as much as you can (e.g. flash too)10:47
asacgnomefreak: because they don't know what they do?10:47
gnomefreakgood point10:48
gnomefreakhow long before you want this uploaded?10:48
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-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- You do not have channel operator access to [#ubuntu-boot] 11:15
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-server] Ubuntu Server Discussions (development and support)11:15
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-ops] Welcome to #ubuntu-ops - Home of the operators for official K/X/Ed/Ubuntu channels. Questions, requests and complaints about Ubuntu related channels and their people can be filed here"11:15
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-mozillateam: Home of Ubuntu Mozilla Team - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam | Meeting agenda for March 6th 2007, 1800 UTC: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Meetings | Bug Triagers read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/States & https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/Tags | preview archives are https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/PreviewArchives
=== Topic (#ubuntu-mozillateam): set by asac at Tue Feb 27 20:16:21 2007
=== #ubuntu-boot is desynced from anthony.freenode.net at 11:15am
=== hjmf [n=hjmf@140.Red-217-125-227.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
gnomefreakok ill find it11:27
gnomefreakand to your karma question. no11:28
gnomefreakasac: http://gnomefreak.youmortals.com/Thunderbird-Feisty/Thunderbird-Locales_1.5.0.2/11:28
gnomefreakLp is back up11:29
gnomefreakand going down again soon11:29
ajmitchor the notice has just been left there mistakenly11:30
asacwhat? has there been a split or did you communicate private before?11:31
asacgnomefreak: added to todo11:32
gnomefreakits on the top of the LP pages that it will go back down. ajmitch might be correct (as normal)11:33
hjmfgnomefreak: are you retracing today?11:52
hjmfI'm getting this on the Stacktraces:11:52
hjmfBacktrace stopped: frame did not save the PC11:52
hjmfIs an LP issue or just the result of upgrading to apport 0.6111:53
hjmfI'm doing a batch of feisty backtraces11:53
gnomefreakhjmf: yes i am but havent hit my feisty ones yet.11:54
gnomefreaki have seen that before when was last time you got that?11:55
gnomefreakwithin last 30 minutes?11:55
hjmf5 minutes ago11:58
gnomefreakhjmf: i cant remember why i got that error but i do remember it and i remember getting around it :(11:58
gnomefreakhjmf: is the coredump.gz and the other 5 files there?11:59
hjmfgnomefreak:  I think so. I'll try to downgrade to 0.60 to see if it works11:59
asachjmf: unless there are issues processing the trace you can discard such reports12:00
asacreject with: crash report has not enough details to process properly.12:00
hjmfthe CoreDumps are OK12:01
asacmaybe encourage reporter to report crashes anyway12:01
gnomefreakhjmf: give me link to bug i will attempt it.12:01
asachjmf: sometimes process end in complete corruption12:01
asacthen you won't get a meaningfull trace12:01
asacbut anyway ... maybe we should keep them open and try if we can improve trace somehow12:01
asace.g. by running gdb with coredump manually instead of apport-retrace12:02
gnomefreaki ask for full report normally12:02
asacgnomefreak: so what is missing in that specific report?12:02
asaccore dump is there?12:02
asacwhat else?12:02
gnomefreakwhat bug?12:02
asacusually coredump should be enough?12:02
asacask hjmf12:02
hjmfI'm getting such errors in bug #87369, bug #87367, bug #87268, bug #8721512:02
UbugtuMalone bug 87369 in firefox "[apport]  firefox-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8736912:02
UbugtuMalone bug 87367 in firefox "[apport]  firefox-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8736712:03
UbugtuMalone bug 87268 in firefox "[apport]  firefox-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8726812:03
UbugtuMalone bug 87215 in firefox "[apport]  firefox-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8721512:03
gnomefreakonly for apport. gdb doesnt work on coredumps iirc12:03
asacgnomefreak: sure it does12:03
asacit should at least :)12:03
gnomefreakhjmf: im taking one of them see what i get in a bit12:03
hjmfgnomefreak: k12:03
asacsee man gdb (1)12:04
gnomefreakasac: it can be used but you dont get a usful stack12:04
gnomefreakso to me its pretty much useless12:04
asaci think you lack a proper LD_LIBRARY_PATH12:05
asacwhich is set in /usr/bin/firefox12:05
asacmaybe add an echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH before programm is executed in that script12:06
asacand set it by hand12:06
asacbefore running gdb with12:06
asacbut i can try that12:06
gnomefreakhjmf: ok running script ill let you know :)12:06
asacok ... doing somehow extended lunch now12:07
hjmfgnomefreak: I'm getting the same output with apport old version 0.6012:13
gnomefreakwhat version of ff are you using?12:16
hjmfgnomefreak: I'm going to try an older bug to see if this has been caused by the LP down time12:21
hjmfprobably not, but lets check12:22
poningruguys should release be included in herd5 release notes?12:32
asacherd5 release notes author can decide if that is important news12:34
asacgone again12:35
asacponingru: guess is noteworthy ... if its in12:36
asacbecause its so hot12:37
=== poningru is the author...
poningruof release notes12:38
poningruasac: so yeah but the big thing is its just a security release so...12:39
gnomefreakhjmf: i didnt get an error on bug 87369 i will try mine as soon as i get to them. i cant upload stack for 87369 because i used wrong version of firefox.12:43
UbugtuMalone bug 87369 in firefox "[apport]  firefox-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8736912:43
=== darkk [n=darkk@darkk.net.ru] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
darkkhello, is it a right place to ask about thunderbird under ubuntu?12:45
gnomefreakdarkk: whats up?12:45
darkkhere is situation. I want to have something like "everything in local folders but single inbox for every mailbox", I setup filter rules and create child directories under "Inbox". Junk control works BUT there is issue: ...12:46
darkkthe issue is that mails that go into inbox/in_foobar are marked as junk, but are not moved to junk12:47
hjmfgnomefreak: no way, Ive tried with both firefox *-dbg  *-dbgsym and; and apport's 0.60 and 0.61. Always same output. I'll look later again. Now I'm out. Bye.12:47
poningrudarkk: are these imap or pop accounts?12:47
poningruand what version of thunderbird?12:47
gnomefreakbye ill try with right firefox as soon as i can12:47
gnomefreaki believe its a known issue.12:48
gnomefreakiirc bug filed on it already. but check i may be mistaken12:48
poningrudarkk: ok so junk mail filter you can mess with under tool-> junk mail filter options12:48
darkkponingru, but if message is not filtered to inbox subfolder but goes to inbox it's moved to junk12:49
poningrudarkk: for the individual folders go and turn off global inbox12:50
darkkponingru, and sometimes it's moved to junk as soon as I open the inbox/foobar subfolder (but I still have to listen to the bell - "new spam arrived") :)12:50
poningrufrom each account12:50
darkkponingru, everything but "local folders" is turned off. should I turn it on?12:51
poningrudarkk: under account settings?12:51
poningrudarkk: the prob is I am running 2.0b so I cant check12:52
poningruI have to sleep12:52
poningrube back in like 2 hours12:52
darkkponingru, I speak about tools/junk mail control12:52
darkkok, goodnight12:52
gnomefreakAdmiral_Chicago: thank you for the apport wiki.01:28
asack somehhow back01:30
gnomefreakasac: do you know anything about darkk's tb issue by chance?01:35
=== gnomefreak might try to run spamassassin in tb today see if it works better than tb default. unless it is default
=== darkk jumps
darkkhere is info from #thunderbird02:00
darkk18:59 <@firebot> sp3000: Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=329569 nor, --, ---, bienvenu@nventure.com, RESO FIXED, Automatic02:00
darkk                 junk (spam) detection on messages moved by a filter.02:00
darkk18:59 <@firebot> sp3000: Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=233930 nor, --, ---, sspitzer@mozilla.org, NEW, Still get02:00
darkk                 notification for junk that's been filtered to a different folder02:00
UbugtuMozilla bug 329569 in MailNews: Filters "Automatic junk (spam) detection on messages moved by a filter." [Normal,Resolved: fixed] 02:01
UbugtuMozilla bug 233930 in MailNews: Filters "Still get notification for junk that's been filtered to a different folder" [Normal,New] 02:01
gnomefreakhjmf: im getting same error using stck firefox :(02:26
gnomefreakasac: bad news02:26
gnomefreakhjmf asac bug 87369 is x86 that might be ther reason for the failure. hjmf please check the bugs to see if all are x86. im gonna run a few i686 and see if i get same output.02:28
UbugtuMalone bug 87369 in firefox "[apport]  firefox-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8736902:28
gnomefreakuname is sending wrong info i think see bug 87369 user states its x86 and uname states its i68602:31
UbugtuMalone bug 87369 in firefox "[apport]  firefox-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8736902:31
gnomefreakunless hes running ia32libs or chroot maybe the cause of confusion02:32
gnomefreakasac: maybe try the above bug and see if x86 gets the error also (unless hjmf has x86)02:35
AlexLatchfordAdmiral_Chicago: Great job on the Apport Guide, just read over it, its very easy to read and actually does it's job very well02:37
gnomefreakty aal :)02:38
gnomefreakty AlexLatchford even02:38
AlexLatchfordyeah, I will re-read it later and actually follow it to get my setup functioning :)02:39
AlexLatchfordsee whether or not the commands are correct :)02:39
gnomefreaki might add a script to it also02:39
gnomefreakthey better be they work here02:39
asacgnomefreak: its x86_6402:40
asacnot x8602:40
gnomefreakthat too ;)02:40
asacx86 alone is == i38602:40
gnomefreakwell it doesnt work outside of x86_64 is all i know02:41
asacanyway will try bug 87369 in 64bit02:41
UbugtuMalone bug 87369 in firefox "[apport]  firefox-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8736902:41
asacbut doubt that it will be better02:41
gnomefreakim trying a few assigned to me for feisty i686 to see if i get error02:42
=== gnomefreak only been up for about 5 hours and im already tired :(
asachey ... i just fell asleep right next to the keyboard :) ... so don't tell me about tired ;)02:44
gnomefreak:) you were up late lastnight working on patch02:44
asacfortunately ... or not ... hope it was worth the efford :)02:45
asacif not ... no problem either ... did useless nights before ;)02:45
gnomefreakwell up until i had to go back to stock ff it worked good on everything but i had to come back down to do retraces02:45
gnomefreakonce i figure this issue out and get the 4 or so done i will go back to it02:46
gnomefreakit doesnt frigging matter :(02:46
asacresult of bug 87369 in feisty chroot02:47
UbugtuMalone bug 87369 in firefox "[apport]  firefox-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8736902:47
asac--- stack trace ---02:47
asac#0  0x0000000000000000 in _start () from /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.202:47
asac--- thread stack trace ---02:47
asacThread 12 (process 10224):02:47
asac#0  0x0000000000000000 in _start () from /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.202:47
gnomefreakasac: i think we are gonna have to put feisty retraces on hold02:47
asacThread 11 (process 10225):02:47
asac#0  0x0000000000000000 in _start () from /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.202:47
asac... so no x86_64 I would say02:47
gnomefreakdoes it end with Backtrace stopped: frame did not save the PC02:47
asacthat would be a shame02:48
=== darkk [n=darkk@darkk.net.ru] has left #ubuntu-mozillateam ["thanks]
asacno it does not02:48
gnomefreakall mine are ending that way02:48
asacit ends like i pasted02:48
asaci will try in 32bit chroot02:48
gnomefreakDone downloading02:48
gnomefreakDone download--- stack trace ---02:48
gnomefreak#0  0xb7f00410 in _start () from /lib/ld-linux.so.202:48
gnomefreak#1  0xb7d504f1 in ?? ()02:48
gnomefreak#2  0x0805b30c in SIGTERM_oldact ()02:48
gnomefreak#3  0x0000000b in ?? ()02:48
gnomefreak#4  0xbfe63dc8 in ?? ()02:48
gnomefreak#5  0x08057596 in nsProfileLock::operator= (this=0xb, rhs=@0xbfe63d3c) at nsProfileLock.cpp:9602:48
gnomefreakNo locals.02:48
gnomefreakBacktrace stopped: frame did not save the PC02:48
gnomefreak--- thread stack trace ---02:48
gnomefreakthread stack ends same way02:48
gnomefreakpretty much useless retraces on these02:49
hjmfasac gnomefreak I've retraced bugs that yesterday were  retraced OK and I'm getting today this odd error02:49
gnomefreakmaybe ping pitti about it?02:49
asachave you found no other report from today?02:49
gnomefreakhjmf: me too02:49
gnomefreaktoday i started having issues with them. hjmf ar eyou using normal LP or beta?02:50
hjmfwell the default from apport-retrace02:50
asacanyone is list admin02:52
asaci apparently sent 80k message to list ... now awaiting moderator approvalk02:53
Admiral_ChicagoAlexLatchford: thanks02:55
=== Admiral_Chicago goes to class
asachjmf: how many so far? I saw those PC problem before ... maybe just a coincident that 2 or 3 bad reports have been posted in a row?02:55
hjmfasac: no, I've retraced crashes today with that error that were retraced OK yesterday02:57
asachmm ... only ffox upgrade in between?02:57
hjmfI'm reinstalling firefox back to v2.0.0.1 to see if I get02:57
gnomefreakill get it02:57
asacyeah please try02:58
hjmfbetter results though I've tried before02:58
hjmfthat is. Maybe an issue with firefox-dbg ??02:58
gnomefreakasac: that should do it :)02:59
hjmfI'm uploading good stacktrace with gdb to bug 87268; give me a second02:59
UbugtuMalone bug 87268 in firefox "[apport]  firefox-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8726802:59
asacyes let me see02:59
gnomefreakhjmf: i only have
asacif i changed code-base of code related to that then maybe traces with new version rust return garbage03:00
gnomefreakhjmf: what is the full version number03:00
asac88304 is colorzilla issue03:01
hjmfgnomefreak:  with this one the retraces are OK firefox-dbg
gnomefreakill try to install it03:02
gnomefreakE: Version '' for 'firefox' was not found03:02
gnomefreakim not gonna beable to use it03:02
hjmfthe error is with firefox-dbg_2.0.0.2+1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb03:02
hjmfdownoad it from mirrors03:02
gnomefreakassuming a mirror still has it03:03
asacanyone gets repetitive notice that he upgraded to ?03:05
asace.g. on each startup?03:05
hjmfI don't; or I haven't noticed03:05
gnomefreaki keep getting binary when clicking on the package :( using wget atm03:05
asacbug 88304 is colorzilla bug ... it crashes on loading  (incompatible) colorzilla ... is duplicate of other colorzilla bug so03:06
UbugtuMalone bug 88304 in firefox "[apport]  firefox-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall()" [High,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8830403:06
asachjmf: feisty?03:06
asacyou get upgrade notice on first startup ... then not anymore? can you please try on feisty?03:06
gnomefreakasac: i only got it once for each upgrade/downgrade03:07
asacyeah ... me too03:08
asacbut pitti gets it on every startup03:08
gnomefreaktell him to check his home page setting see if ther eis 2 entriesmaybe?03:10
hjmfasac: wait a moment, I'll see03:10
hjmfasac: only happened the first time.03:11
hjmfasac: forget, I've realized that I downgrade to for the retraces :P03:12
hjmfgive me a second to upgrade again03:12
hjmfno, I dont get a upgrade notice now, but I've seen it before on first upgrade this moring03:15
asacits all fine ... unless you never quit firefox ... e.g. only stop by X logout03:19
gnomefreakbecause its essentially crashing03:20
gnomefreakif you shut down ff by logging out or rebooting... than you get crash dialog on next startup03:22
asacyeah ... but is "firefox does not safe prefs on SIGTERM" or something03:22
gnomefreakim still confused on this apport issue03:23
asaci can't tell much about it03:23
asacother than that 88304 worked with latest ffox installed03:23
gnomefreakive had fpor a while why suddenly today it stops working03:23
asacin feisty i*86 chroot03:23
AlexLatchfordHas someone posted the meeting up on the fridge yet?03:24
asaci think those issues that are now fixed might stopped working ... because the code base the stack runs through was modified by my fix03:24
gnomefreaktues. the 6th at 1900 i think03:24
asacof course only if it works with current offical ... but not with current mt2 release03:24
gnomefreaki got same result on official03:25
AlexLatchfordyou sure?03:25
asacdo we have a calendar I might integrate in my google calendar?03:25
gnomefreakdoubt it03:25
AlexLatchfordgnomefreak: did you email it in03:25
gnomefreakAlexLatchford: nixternal said he did it03:25
AlexLatchfordhmm okay03:25
gnomefreakno i personally talk to nixternal who does it in pm with me03:26
gnomefreakits there03:26
gnomefreakAlexLatchford: its tuesday march 6th03:26
AlexLatchfordaha okay03:27
gnomefreakand thats my fault i thought the 6th was a monday03:27
AlexLatchfordlol fair enough03:27
AlexLatchfordyeah I can attend the 6th, probably the 5th also if it is at that time03:27
AlexLatchfordwant me to announce on the mailing list?03:27
gnomefreakhjmf: do i need to downgrade firefox also or just -dbg03:28
gnomefreakAlexLatchford: yeah please do03:28
gnomefreaki forgot to after i asked03:29
=== gnomefreak might be there but please dont count on it
hjmfgnomefreak: this is what i've done:03:29
hjmfapt-get remove firefox03:29
hjmfdpkg -i firefox_2.0.0.1+1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb firefox-dbg_2.0.0.1+1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb firefox-gnome-support_2.0.0.1+1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb firefox-themes-ubuntu_0.5.4.1_all.deb mozilla-firefox-gnome-support_2.0.0.1+1-0ubuntu1_all.deb mozilla-mplayer_3.31+main-1ubuntu1_i386.deb sun-java5-plugin_1.5.0-11-1ubuntu1_i386.deb03:30
hjmfto cope with all the deps03:30
gnomefreakyou got them all from the mirror you gave me?03:30
hjmfno, most of them where already in the apt cache03:30
hjmfI just downloaded the -db03:30
gnomefreakah ok03:31
hjmfgnomefreak: if you want to test, try to retrace bug 87367 I'm not happy with that Stacktrace03:32
UbugtuMalone bug 87367 in firefox "[apport]  firefox-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8736703:32
=== asac rejected bug 88304 because of colorzilla extension
UbugtuMalone bug 88304 in firefox "[apport]  firefox-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall()" [High,Rejected]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8830403:37
=== asac tries to retrace 87367
asacas well03:38
=== asac is happy about multi-retrace script :)
asachjmf: 87367 probably this one needs an old firefox install as well03:39
hjmfmulti-retrace script ?03:39
asacjust run it03:39
gnomefreakyeah i was gonna add that to the wiki03:39
asacand add as much bug numbers as parameter as you want03:39
asacit will generate retrace.bugid.log in directory you run this in03:39
gnomefreakasac: does it do them same time?03:39
asacyou mean in parallel?03:40
hjmfwell I do: for bug in # # # # ... do (my only one crash retrace script) ; done :)03:40
hjmfI'lll take a look to yours03:40
asacyeah ... its the same :)03:40
asacjust that i setup retrace.bugid.log03:40
hjmfThis is mine, sorry for the mess03:42
hjmf#! /bin/bash -x03:42
hjmf[ -d "${WORK_D}" ]  || mkdir -p "${WORK_D}"03:42
hjmfcd "${WORK_D}"03:42
hjmfapport-retrace -s -v -d -C /tmp/ddebs $BUGNUMBER 2> retrace.err > retrace.out03:42
hjmfsed -n '/^--- stack/,/--- thread/ {p}' retrace.out > retraced_Stacktrace.txt03:42
hjmfsed -n '/^--- thread/,$ {p}' retrace.out > retraced_Thread_Stacktrace.txt03:42
asacyeah ... we don't need directories ... thats why i just generate retrace.bugid.log :)03:42
hjmfthen the stacktrace is at f_bugnum/retraced_Stacktrace.txt03:42
asacyep ... works as well of course03:43
asacmaybe we can combine both03:43
asace.g. filter out stacktrace ... but don't use dirs for each bug03:43
hjmfIt's for having in different files the stderr stdout and finally the stacktrace03:44
asacyeah ... but that could be in one directory too (me likes flat files) :)03:44
hjmfthe stderr is mainly for dep issues03:44
asace.g. retrace.bugid.log + retrace.bugid.out + retrace.bugid.err :)03:44
gnomefreakupdating apt's cache maybe it will than give me more than one choice03:45
hjmfI see your point03:45
asacsure :)03:45
asacapport-retrace -s -v -d -C /tmp/ddebs $BUGNUMBER 2> retrace.$BUGNUMBER.err > retrace.$BUGNUMBER.out03:46
hjmffor edgys apport the script is a little bit different, it checks (buggy atm) for crashreport on LP downloads it and then does its job03:46
asacyeah ... you have that one too?03:47
asacI would really like to have a sophisticated one bug script03:47
asacthat can try both ... first feisty, then edgy03:47
asacat best runs each retrace in a chroot or something03:47
asacif you can bring both "one bugid retrace" scripts up, i see what i can do03:48
hjmfwell I've both chroots sharing script dir :)03:48
asacsure ... but you still have to chroot feisty + try ... then maybe chroot edgy + try03:49
asacor take a look at bug first :)03:49
asaci want something that i can let run through all bugs without looking at them first :)03:49
asacat least to process most ;)03:49
hjmfyes, atm it's more manual than automatic :)03:49
asac:) ... yeah lets push that back ... anyway your edgy script would be nice to see03:50
asacif i have time i build something really automated out of both :)03:50
hjmfgive me a moment to see if I can hang it some where03:50
hjmfwhich was the place to put those things03:51
hjmf? clipboard web or something ? I just dont remember03:51
asacsome webspace?03:52
asacor pastebin if nothing else works03:52
hjmfpastebin that is03:52
hjmfjust I didnt remember03:52
hjmfgive me a minute03:52
asactake your time ... will probably not work on this the next 24 hours :)03:53
hjmfasac: seems that pastebin is not working for me03:59
hjmfasac: http://pastebin.co.uk/1116504:02
hjmfand the function library called in that script is at http://pastebin.co.uk/1116604:04
hjmfit is just bad code (prototyped) that for some reason works :)04:06
asachmmm uploading files would be easier04:06
asacnot good to cut and paste from there04:06
gnomefreakto set up a second chroot would i use a place other than /var/chroot maybe like /var/chroot204:07
asaci have all chroots in /srv/chroots/04:07
asace.g. /srv/chroots/edgy1 feisty2 feisty32 :)04:07
=== hjmf TODO: get some free web space for situations like this :P
asacbut thats because I have a separate hd partition for them04:08
asachjmf: yeah :)04:08
asacthere should be some free providers out there04:08
asacyou could also setup dyndns for such small files04:09
asacand webserver on your local system04:09
hjmfThat scares me a lot 8O!!!04:09
hjmfI've got that web server for my intranet ; but really really well closed to the outside worl04:10
hjmftime to do some real world work; see you later04:13
asacok ... ill be off for some ours ... will try to reach mconnor from mozilla to do initial patch screening for approval later. so ill be back sometime04:22
gnomefreakasac: ok with dchroot i can run dchroot -d and it defaults to edgys. how do i choose feistys? i have /var/chroot/edgy /var/chroot/feisty04:22
asaci use schroot04:22
asaci edit /etc/schroot/schroot.conf04:22
asacand add an entry for each chroot i have04:22
asacthen i say04:22
gnomefreaki did too well /etc/dchroot04:23
asacschroot -c feisty204:23
asacor something04:23
asacyeah ... man dchroot04:23
asacthere should be an option to give name for chroot you want to switch in04:23
asacmaybe just dchroot feisty ?04:23
gnomefreakno i got it its -c not -d04:27
=== gnomefreak is away for a bit.
asacbtw, http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/embed_restyle_fix.patch is the tiny patch that might help so many not to crash :)05:17
asacand which took me the night to figure out :)05:17
gnomefreakthi sis taking way too long :(06:53
gnomefreakthis is*06:54
hjmfasac gnomefreak take a look my new retrace script. It handles (prototype, not error check, and dirty coded) edgys and feistys bugs from LP bug numbers07:02
hjmfits at http://www.telefonica.net/web2/hjmf/retrace_bug.sh07:02
hjmfyou need an edgy's chroot named edgy and an feisty's chroot named feisty using dchroot07:03
asacok ... last action for today ;)07:03
hjmfand a directory (you can change it in the script) named /home/bugsquad/retrace_tmp/ whithin each chroot07:04
asac#CHROOT_CMD="schroot -c "07:09
asacCHROOT_CMD="dchroot --chroot "07:09
asacmaybe add this to the top07:09
asacas i use schroot07:09
asac(e.g. dchroot is deprecated and just wrapper around schroot now)07:09
asacand then:07:09
asac        *crash) WORK_D="$BASE_DIR/e_$BUGNUMBER"; ${CHROOT_CMD}edgy "07:10
asacyou get what i mean?07:10
asacand parameterize chroot names as well (like this)07:11
asacas I have lots of chroots :)07:11
hjmf<asac>  you get what i mean?07:12
asacmaybe we can put defaults in there and allow users to maintain $HOME/.mttracerc :)07:12
hjmfyes, it was quick and dirty07:12
hjmfdidn't know about dchroot07:12
asachjmf: ok ... if you want me to improve it ... i might do as I use it07:12
asacno problem07:12
hjmfasac: sure07:12
asacif you find things to improve go ahead ... i will try to find some bzr repository we can use to maintain code like this07:13
hjmfjust let me know a link to see the upgrades :)07:13
asacany idea how that works here for ubuntu? how can you get write access for it?07:13
hjmfno idea07:13
hjmfmaybe gnomefreak would know07:13
asacgnomefreak: read above :)07:14
gnomefreakthe repo?07:14
asachjmf: you use my preview mt2 release of for regular browsing too?07:14
asacgnomefreak: how can we get a bzr repo07:15
asacyeah latest version in my feisty preview archive07:15
gnomefreakasac: daniel i think would be the one to ask about that07:15
asacit contains fix for all those realize crashers07:15
asaci need feedback if there are some regressions due to this07:15
=== gnomefreak still wants the kind you have :(
asacespecially when using embedded plugins07:15
hjmfasac: no, but I can do it07:15
hjmfbut not now :(07:16
asacgnomefreak: what kind?07:16
gnomefreakdoes that come with devel team?07:17
asacwhen do you get that ... if motu member?07:17
asacdevel team yes.07:17
asacdon't know if motu as well ... but i think so07:17
gnomefreakok setting up feisty chroot with packages i need adn im setting mt2 back up outside of chroot07:17
asacgnomefreak: thanks for the great service ... i use it too here on edgy ... so far no regressions ... other than no crashes anymore :)07:18
gnomefreakfx mt2?07:21
=== gnomefreak has all kinds of regressions with everything but fx :)
asacyes mt207:22
asacok ... my batteries are up for today ... maybe cu tomorrow ... gnomefreak you leave?07:23
gnomefreaki might be here early morning other than that maybe not07:23
gnomefreakleaving at 5am EST 9-10 hour drive07:23
asacok ... take care when travelling07:24
gnomefreakhave funn07:24
asaccu soon :)07:24
asacbye all07:24
=== Admiral_Chicago returns
hjmffor today is enough. cu all07:36
gnomefreakasac: bug 88760 for you.11:42
UbugtuMalone bug 88760 in firefox "Firefox still missing in repos for Dapper/amd64" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8876011:42
gnomefreakeven with firefox-dbg and  firefox I still get that damn error Backtrace stopped: frame did not save the PC. I will see if i get time while im in PA to screw with this12:02

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