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RiddellMithrandir: could you let libapt-front and adept through please, the current version of adept crashes lots12:33
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tencoi mentioned yesterday that i had a process running which generated high disk i/o for over 15min. i thought this was some process connected to klogd. it was trackerd01:00
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pooliei was just helping someone get gcc going01:11
poolieshould gcc perhaps depend on libc6-dev rather than just recommending it?01:11
poolieit's not very useful without it01:11
Lathiatits perfectly usefull if your not using the standard c library :)01:12
Lathiatgenerally installing 'build-essential' works well01:12
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poolietrue enough01:15
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Lathiatbut yeh i mean your right in the general case gcc is usefull01:17
Lathiatbut its not a hard dep01:17
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MichaelScottLathiat: that's what she said?01:19
LathiatMichaelScott: no i'm saying that "in the general case, your right", but in the more specific case, it's not a hard dependancy01:19
MichaelScottoh forget it01:20
MichaelScottyou non-Americans don't appreciate dumb american humor.01:20
MichaelScottI mean... humour01:20
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=== ajmitch tries to identify the humour in Lathiat's statement
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MichaelScott_hard_ dep01:22
MichaelScottcome on, it's michael scott humor01:23
MichaelScottfinding ridiculously stretched innuendos in every statement.01:23
ajmitchI'll just nod & smile & return to work01:23
MichaelScotttha'ts what she said.01:23
MichaelScottbtw, ajmitch , is that consolidate-the-changelog thing something I should do or will you guys handle it? :)01:23
ajmitchyou need to do everything once it gets UVF approval01:24
ajmitchlike subscribing ubuntu-universe-sponsors, etc01:24
MichaelScottand does your statement count as a +1? :)01:25
MichaelScottyay :)01:25
MichaelScottso now I find another target to annoy?01:25
ajmitchso you can stop bugging me01:25
MichaelScottajmitch: you are free01:25
MichaelScottajmitch: speaking of UVFe for l-r-m fglrx....01:25
ajmitchbug ubuntu-release01:25
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jcolelively web server01:35
jdongstreaming hardcore ubuntu artwork 24/701:35
ajmitchah, I remember those fun talks01:36
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manchickenAnybody know how to enable debug with pbuilder explicitly?01:39
Hobbseemanchicken: ie, with a compile time option?01:39
Hobbseeie, debug pbuilder, or debug the app you're building with pbuilder?01:39
manchickenYep ^_^01:39
manchickenas in pbuilder build --enable-debug foo.dsc01:40
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manchickenWhere --enable-debug is the flag that actually works ^_^01:40
manchickenI'm guessing there's a pass-through option?01:40
=== Hobbsee suspects you'd have to pass that in debian/rules as a configure flag of the package, else it would just debug pbuilder itself
manchickenWouldn't I have to screw with the tar, thus killing the sig?01:41
ajmitchplus setting DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS01:41
ajmitchdisabling stripping, but it still wouldn't add debugging if it wasn't there01:41
manchickenWill that actually pass those to configure?01:42
ajmitchthere are docs about using it with pbuilder01:43
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manchickenI've never seen a really good doc for pbuilder.01:43
Hobbseeyes, the man pages are kinda confusing01:45
Hobbseeso many options01:45
manchickenIt won't build.01:45
ajmitchof course you may find that there are separate debug symbols elsewhere if it's a package in the archive :)01:47
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lasindiHi all, I have been trying to use Xsane for scanning, and I find the user interface to quite confusing. Since Xsane is included by default in Ubuntu and one of the goals of Ubuntu is ease of use, I was wondering, are there any alternative GUIs for scanning being developed in the Ubuntu camp? As a developer, I've been thinking of starting work on one myself.02:06
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theCoreCould someone in the dev team look up at bug 57951. It been open since the early Edgy development days, and it still not fixed, even if the patch is available. 03:17
UbugtuMalone bug 57951 in xchat "xchat crashes frequently on quit" [Medium,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5795103:17
ajmitchwhat timing, we were just discussing it earlier03:18
theCoreThe fix works -- I used it for about 4 months -- so, it just a matter of applying the patch and releasing the package  03:20
theCoreAlso, fixing this bug would make my mailbox very happy :)03:22
theCoreShould I upload a fixed package to REVU, so someone with an access to the main archive uploads it?03:24
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ajmitchtheCore: attaching a debdiff to the bug & subscribing ubuntu-universe-sponsors (if they're not already) would be good03:31
ajmitchactually it may be motu-sru03:31
jdongoh look.03:31
=== jdong shuts up
theCoreubuntu-universe-sponsors is already subscribed03:32
ajmitchjdong: please03:33
theCoreI will do the debdiff03:33
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fabbionemdke_: i can include it in the seeds.. yes.. we can add it to the release notes.. i can't think of any easy way to notify users otherwise06:42
LaserJockfabbione: what's a good of reading it?06:43
fabbioneLaserJock: ?06:43
LaserJockfabbione: when I made the serverguide package I didn't provide for any way to look at it06:43
LaserJockjust installed the HTML06:43
fabbioneLaserJock: let me wake up a bit and think about it06:44
poningruadd what to the release notes?06:50
Fujitsuponingru: The Ubuntu Server Guide.06:50
poningruyeah that needs to talk about lack of root -p on mysql as well06:51
poningrufor whatever reason on feisty you cant set root password on mysql06:51
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highvoltagehey viviersf 06:53
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fnfWhat is the current development state of Ubuntu Feisty server ?. I noticed there's no Server installation CD on Herd 4 (Herd 3 is the last). Does that mean the Server version will no longer receive major changes until Feisty is finalized ?07:46
LaserJockI don't think that's what it means07:47
lifelessit more likely means that the server wasn't ready for herd4, or failed to built or some such07:48
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fnfLaserjock, lifeless: that sounds reasonable.07:48
LaserJockhi pitti07:48
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pittiGood morning!07:53
fabbionefnf: it was just an overlook when herd-4 was released but they are alpha image so it's not soooooo tragic07:55
fabbionefnf: anyway there are daily images you can always test07:55
fabbioneif images are missing is NOT a disaster07:55
fabbionethey might not build07:55
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fnffabbione: thanks for the link, this is Mat 1st already, may I assume all the versions are Herd 5 ?07:56
fabbioneno you cannot assume07:56
fabbionethey might get rebuilt later today07:56
fabbionethose are daily as the name say07:56
fabbionetomorrow they will change even if herd-5 is released in between07:57
fnffabbione: I know, but today Herd 5 gets released, so these are also Herd 5 version I think.07:58
fabbioneno.. as I just said.. we can rebuild images at any given time during the day07:58
fabbioneand you might notice that i386 server is missing07:59
fnffabbione: I see.07:59
fabbioneso that needs fixing before we can publish herd507:59
Fujitsupitti: Can you please find some time to take a look at that zope3 SRU which has been sitting dormant for some 2 weeks?08:02
pittiFujitsu: what's the state of it?08:03
pittiFujitsu: My role is to verify and approve debdiffs and do the archive processing, so if one of those is the current blocker, I apologize08:04
pittihowever, I run through the currently pending issues every Friday08:04
Fujitsupitti: You asked me to attach a new debdiff and set it back to `In Progress'. I have done both.08:06
Fujitsu(it's OK if you're doing other stuff, of course)08:06
pittiFujitsu: ah, great; will have a look08:07
poningruherd5 will be the last alpha right?08:10
mdke_fabbione: colin added it to the seeds already, thanks tho08:15
fabbionemdke_: ok08:16
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LaserJockfabbione: what if we installed a script like /usr/bin/serverguide that fired up a html viewer with the URL to the server guide?08:29
fabbioneLaserJock: no, i think we should just mention it in the Release Notes08:30
LaserJockok, so that should be sufficient?08:30
fabbioneotherwise you will get a gazillion bugs about the preferred html viewer and all that crap08:30
fabbionei think it will be enough08:30
mdke_how many html viewers are installed by default?08:31
LaserJockisn't there a /etc/alternatives for that?08:31
lifeless /win 1808:31
FujitsuLaserJock, indeed there is.08:32
Mithrandirx-www-browser, for instance.08:35
FujitsuHey Mithrandir.08:35
Mithrandirhi Fujitsu 08:36
fabbioneyou will need www-browser for text browsing08:36
fabbionex-www-browser is for well X GUI stuff08:36
fabbionethat we for sure don't ship on server08:36
mdke_so if www-browser is used, there wouldn't be a problem about preferring an html viewer08:37
Mithrandiruse sensible-browser, then.08:37
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=== Fujitsu watches the Accepted mails flood in.
mdke_fabbione: something like a /usr/bin/ubuntu-serverguide that executes 'www-browser /usr/share/ubuntu-serverguide/html/$LANG/index.html' might work, unless you think that adding scripts like that is a bad idea generally08:47
Lathiatpitti: you removed the nss-mdns cleanup code? :?08:47
Lathiatpitti: :/ rather08:47
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ograMithrandir, did you only do alternate last night ? i'm still missing i386 desktop09:17
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Mithrandirogra: it's building now.09:21
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Mithrandirthat it, it should just be done now09:24
poningru_oh blargh?09:25
poningru_herd 5?09:25
=== poningru_ hurries up with the notes
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tepsipakkiponingru_: is the draft available somewhere?09:28
poningru_working on gobby09:29
poningru_err well I have it written down09:29
poningru_and putting it up09:29
poningru_trying to find someone who can do screenshots09:29
Mithrandirogra: there are your desktop ISOs too.09:31
ograthanks :)09:31
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dholbachgood morning09:33
_ionGood time of day.09:35
dholbachhiya _ion09:35
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pittihey dholbach 09:43
dholbachheya pitti09:43
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dokopitti: bug 88843, why does apport insist on python?10:05
UbugtuMalone bug 88843 in python-defaults "[apport]  python crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_tree_view_remove_column()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8884310:05
pittidoko: hm, seems apport doesn't figure out that it is an interpreted script in this caes10:08
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pittidoko: I'll open an apport task and look at it, thanks10:08
dokopitti: already did that with another one yesterday10:09
dokoMithrandir, cjwatson: what was the status of the CD size discussion? edubuntu ships with another one, but all other ship with one? or don't we provide a powerpc cd anymore offcicially for feisty (which was the biggest one)?10:11
Mithrandirdoko: powerpc is a community port, so it's certainly there, but I am not going to spend much time on trying to size it down.10:11
Mithrandirdoko: ubuntu is not going to ship on more than one cd, at least not this cycle.10:12
pittidoko: saw it, thanks10:12
ogradoko, edubuntus live CD is still only one, i have the same problems there as ubuntu10:12
ogracjwatson, what do you think about http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1215 ? i have one edubuntu users authenticating against netware, he tried that patch and said its working fine (after a week of struggling) do you think it would be feasable ?10:15
Ubugtubugzilla.mindrot.org bug 1215 in PAM support "sshd requires entry from getpwnam for PAM accounts" [Enhancement,New]  10:15
Mithrandirogra: that looks like quite a hacky way of solving a problem.  Why not just make the user exist through some NSS module?10:17
ograapparently that didnt work 10:18
cjwatsonI'm not comfortable with that until it gets applied upstream10:22
cjwatsonDarren is an upstream developer, so if he thinks it's production-quality, he's entirely capable of checking it in10:22
cjwatsonif he hasn't, then there's probably a good reason10:23
ograwell, i was thinking about the one at the bottom, not about darrens proof of concept hack10:27
Mithrandirogra: tracker bugs filed for the current images.  Please update those when you have tested.10:29
Mithrandirsame for ubuntu desktop and alternate; please test everybody.10:29
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seb128Mithrandir: is the current amd64 desktop image good to test?10:31
Mithrandirseb128: yes, it should be.10:31
seb128ok, just finished rsyncing it, burning CD now10:31
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dokoMithrandir: if a md5sum of a package is wrong on the cd, is this a bad disk? burnt it twice, but it didn't get away10:32
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Mithrandirdoko: and you had the same package go bad on each check?10:32
fabbionedoko: check it manually with the md5um in archive?10:32
dokoMithrandir: yes, yesterday's daily (grub), so I just removed the line for the cd in sources.list and continued.10:33
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pittiFYI, I just did a 'check' on amd64 desktop and alternate, both succeeded10:36
pittihey mh2110:36
pittimoin Keybuk 10:36
mh21goedemorgen pitti10:36
pittieek, 'Report a problem' in Applications -> System Tools10:36
=== pitti fears seb128's wrath
seb128pitti: why?!? 10:37
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pittiseb128: aaah, *phew*, it's from apport-qt10:37
seb128ah ;)10:37
pittiseb128: Categories=KDE;Application;System;10:37
pittiseb128: there was a key that says 'do not show in Gnome', right?10:38
seb128it should have an OnlyShowIn=KDE10:38
pittiah, great10:38
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pittiyep, that does the trick; /me hugs seb128, thanks10:38
xerxasHi all10:38
=== seb128 hugs pitti back
seb128hi xerxas10:38
xerxashi seb128  10:38
pittiseb128: hmm, System->'Report a bug' doesn't seem to care about OnlyShowIn10:40
seb128pitti: no, that one is coded to gnome-panel code10:40
seb128that menu is not a xdg dynamic one10:40
seb128pitti: why do you want to mask it?10:40
pittiso I'll add OnlyShowIn=Gnome to apport-gtk.desktop to hide it for KDE users10:40
pittiseb128: oh, =KDE was just for testing10:41
pittiah, all caps then; thank you!10:41
pittiseb128: will '=GNOME;XFCE' work?10:42
seb128GNOME;XFCE; 10:42
seb128not sure if the ";" is mandatory, other .desktop use it10:43
ogragrmbl, rsyncing takes significantly longer with two more isos :/10:43
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funpopi know this is not a support channel, but i cant find any answer: if need a log of whats wrong if i shutdown my system (cause its not powering down)10:48
funpop*if = i10:48
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pittiamd64 desktop live system and ubiquity install works fine, good11:04
pittiheno, Mithrandir: do you already track install success on the current images?11:05
ograpitti, there should be bugs11:05
pittiright, so the current images are already candidates?11:06
henoonly 10 of them AFAICS11:07
henoIf they are listed there, then I assume so11:07
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henoI think tollef posts them when they become candidates11:07
henopitti: ^11:08
pittiheno: thanks11:08
cjwatsonogra: I'd rather trust a patch Darren's acked ;-)11:12
ogracjwatson, right ...11:13
=== ogra gives mvo and cjwatson a loong big hug
ograthanks so much for the add-on CD work, its working great !11:16
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ogramvo, how hard would it be to filter empty categories from the main list11:17
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LaserJockpitti: I've just added edubuntu-docs to the MIR queue but I just uploaded a new version (0.5-1) so it might take a while (manual shove) to get through11:22
pittiyup, no problem11:22
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LaserJockpitti: thanks a ton11:23
mvoogra: oh, yeah. I need to look into this11:26
ograapart from that its perfect 11:28
mvoogra: yeah, I tested it today too :)11:29
ograhmm, wait, gcompris has no entry 11:30
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ogramvo, where does the CD get the desktop entries from ? app-install-data ? 11:34
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mvoogra: yes11:35
ograhmm, on my disk there is a gcompris.desktop in /usr/share/app-install/desktop/11:35
ograbut not on the CD11:35
mvoogra: is gcompris on the addon cd?11:37
ograaaah, crap11:38
mvoogra: it seems like the CD has only sound+data?11:38
ogramvop, my fault ... 11:38
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ograseeds fixed ...11:40
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Riddellmvo: no luck with dist-upgrade tool in archive?11:57
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mvoRiddell: it should be there, no?11:58
mvooh, no11:59
Fujitsumvo: You seem to be the master of gnome-app-install... I'll be uploading a new SoundConverter package soon with an icon, revamped .desktop (without spelling mistakes), etc. How do I go about getting the versions in app-install-data updated?12:01
RiddellFujitsu: it happens magically12:02
FujitsuRiddell: Apparently not.12:03
mvoFujitsu: it happens magically (and gets merged ~1 week)12:03
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Fujitsumvo: OK, if you say so :)12:04
mvoFujitsu: did it not work for you for some reason?12:04
FujitsuWell, there's been a new soundconverter .desktop and icon in the archive for a couple of months now, while app-install-data still has the one from Edgy...12:05
mvoFujitsu: let me check ...12:06
mvoFujitsu: it seems like the pixmap does not get picked up because of the symlink that is used, I will check the script. the desktop file got picked up it seems12:10
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FujitsuThe symlink is gone in the new version (it's pending on a UVFe), because upstream now has a proper icon.12:11
Fujitsumvo: Ah, I see it has indeed picked up the .desktop... I must have been looking at old data when I last checked.12:12
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mvoFujitsu: that will probably make it work, also it is a bit strange as symlinks should be picked up12:13
mvoRiddell: thanks a lot for the adept fix btw!12:13
FujitsuThanks for clarifying all that, mvo.12:13
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mvoFujitsu: you can check it yourself at http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/gnome-app-install/menu-data-full-feisty.tar.gz that one is updated nightly12:14
FujitsuEven better! Good to be able check :)12:15
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pittiaah, now I found out how to trigger auto-resize in d-i: choose 'entire disk', say 'no', go back to 'guided partitioning', and voila, there it is12:17
pitticjwatson: ^ maybe it does not (fully) detect the current partition layout the first time?12:17
ograpitti, isnt that obvious ? :P12:18
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sabdfldholbach: thanks for fixing my themes :-)12:21
dholbachsabdfl: did you run an "apt-get autoremove" afterwards?12:21
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dballesterhi to all12:22
dballesterwhere is the best channel to discuss about what kernel modules could/should be part of the kernel package ? I need to talk about ocfs2. Thanks.12:23
fabbionedballester: ocfs2 is already part of the kernel12:24
fabbioneyou need the -server kernel12:24
sabdfldholbach: no12:24
dballesterfabbione, yes, but is not compiled by default12:24
sabdflwhen i do that now it wants to remove npt and ntp-simple12:24
fabbionedballester: uh?12:24
fabbionedballester: what kernel are you trying to use?12:25
dballesterfabbione, in desktop kernel i say12:25
fabbionedballester: yes, it has been removed from the desktop kernel and it is in the server kernel12:25
fabbione<fabbione> you need the -server kernel <-12:25
dholbachsabdfl: then I don't really understand what happened on your box, but am happy that it's fixed (apt-get autoremove would have removed ubuntulooks, which might have been the problem) - I added the dependency, when tollef and pitti prodded me about it, so it should all be good now12:25
dballesterfabbione, but in the other hand ocfstools / console are offered as package and this packages as no sense without the ocfs manager module12:26
fabbionedballester: we can't filter the packages based on the install.. the great power of being able to do whatever you want without your machine12:26
dballesterbut I now have clear why ocfs is not offered as desktop kernel12:26
fabbioneyou might switch kernel12:27
fabbioneyou can compile yourown.. etc. etc.etc.12:27
fabbionewe offer it in the server kernel where it makes more sense12:27
dballesterfabbione, agree, i only try to understand why my kernel had ocfs module set to off :)12:27
fabbionetho it is *theoretically* possible to have / on ocfs2 with local mounts, i see really little point in supporting these kind of operations12:28
sabdfldholbach: i use aptitude, and have it set to keeppackages pruned, and yes i think it removed ubuntulooks12:29
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dballesterfabbione, totally agree, i'm only trying to have all pieces to make a little conference about ocfs2 in one freenode irc channel, and was preparing the 'learning scenario'. My idea is that people can apply locally the commands that i run, and see how it works12:30
seb128testing the amd64 desktop CD atm, seems to work fine12:30
dholbachsabdfl: Ok, then it makes sense. Thanks for prodding about it.12:31
fabbionedballester: did you try to talk with the ocfs2 guys? they are really nice guys and very available12:31
dballesterfabbione, I know :) i'm member of the oracle ocfs2 mailing list and use ocfs2 a lot ( Oracle RAC environments )12:33
fabbioneah ok cool12:33
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dballesterfabbione, my target is to make a little 'hands on' irc conference, and i'm trying to see if it's possible that each user could make a 'test scenario' on is own computer without effort/danger. This is why i was asking about ocfs2 module in ubuntu desktop kernel12:35
fabbionedballester: i understand.. well in the worst case you can easily build one12:36
fabbionedballester: but using the server kernel is the right thing to do12:36
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dballesterfabbione, totally agree12:36
fabbionealso.. what release of ubuntu are you going to use?12:36
dballesterwell, i'm using 6.1012:36
cjwatsonpitti: I need /var/log/partman12:37
fabbionei am waiting oracle to release 1.2.3 ocfs2-tools for feisty that do support local mount12:37
dballesterand is what i hope assistants use12:37
fabbionewithout the need of a cluster12:37
fabbionethat for testing > *12:37
fabbioneso if timing fits, that would be much easier for all your audience 12:37
fabbionebeing able to test on loopback devices without special hw or setup will help a lot12:38
cjwatsonpitti: oh, it could just be offering to auto-resize the pending results of the first round of guided partitioning you did :-)12:38
cjwatsonpitti: i.e. erase entire disk creates big hda1 (ext3) and small hda5 (swap), auto-resize spots the big hda1 with lots of free space and offers to resize it ...12:38
pitticjwatson: urgh, that would in fact be dangerously wrong, since I told it to not use the scheme; I'll check whether the previous installation is still there12:38
dballesterfabbione, if i remember well, oracle released some days ago 1.2.4 ocfs2 module, hope 1.2.3 tools will come quickly12:39
cjwatsonpitti: not dangerous because it hasn't been committed yet12:39
fabbionedballester: we have the 1.3 series for the kernel module. i have 1.2.3 ready from svn, but i am waiting for the to release officially after QA is completed12:39
cjwatsonpitti: most of partman works quite happily with pending uncommitted changes - client scripts only notice that a partition isn't actually physically on disk yet if they really try12:39
pitticjwatson: OTOH, if it's able to resize the scheme it just created, I wonder why it never offers me to resize the very same scheme from the previous 'entire disk' run12:40
cjwatsonthe normal "what partitions are on this disk" tools will show the desired state12:40
fabbionedballester: they usually tag in SVN and send to QA before releasing the official tarball12:40
cjwatsonpitti: because parted doesn't know how to resize current ext3 partitions yet12:40
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cjwatsonpitti: this is a really nasty annoying bug that I would very much like to fix before release12:40
cjwatsonpitti: it can't cope with the resize_inode flag12:40
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pitticjwatson: oh, ISTR having successfully resized older ext3 partitions, but that's indeed a while12:41
pitticjwatson: so maybe we should test this with VFAT instead?12:41
cjwatsonpitti: but if the partitioning hasn't been committed to disk yet, this doesn't apply - it's just a virtual resize which is easy12:41
dballesterfabbione, ok. Thnaks for your info and interest!12:41
cjwatsonpitti: if you actually want auto-resize to work, try something other than ext3, yes12:41
=== Keybuk wonders what the policy is for TB members changing their own ubuntu-core-dev expiry
cjwatsonpitti: I don't want to stop people reminding me of the problems with ext3 though12:42
fabbionedballester: no problem.12:42
cjwatsonpitti: the biggest use case for auto-resize has always been vfat/ntfs12:42
pitticjwatson: ah, that explains why resizing is so fast now; thanks for the heads-up12:42
FujitsuKeybuk: Don't they have implicit membership anyway?12:42
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KeybukFujitsu: yes, but I prefer not to risk it :p12:43
cjwatsonpitti: right, virtual resizing is just shuffling a directory in /var/lib/partman/devices ;-)12:44
cjwatson(virtual = not on disk)12:44
cjwatsonpitti: it is sort of a bug that auto-resize bothers with virtual partitions12:45
cjwatson'cos that's really pretty pointless12:45
cjwatsonubuntu/daily-live: feisty-desktop-amd64.iso oversized by 186368 bytes (736237568)12:47
cjwatsonso close12:47
cjwatsonwow, we managed to oversize the Kbuntu DVDs12:47
StevenKcjwatson: By how much?12:47
cjwatsonthat's really rather impressive12:48
cjwatson(on i386 anyway)12:48
StevenKOh yeah, that's quite impressive.12:48
cjwatsonI'd really rather not create a second DVD ...12:48
StevenKcjwatson: Just declare we require dual-layer media. :-P12:48
Chipzzhow do you manage to oversize the *dvd*? :)P12:48
cjwatsonditching linux-image-debug-* would be one approach there, I guess12:49
Keybuk"Your Derivative is SO PHAT that it oversized a DVD!"12:50
=== ogra thinks its all Hobbsees fault, she packages to much KDE stuff
=== Hobbsee so didnt do any of it.
Hobbseecjwatson: to oversize by 350MB - what hte heck is on it?12:50
Hobbseecjwatson: yes, quite likely12:50
cjwatsoneverything up to the supported seed12:50
ograthere were a lot MIRs this release12:51
cjwatsonlinux-image-debug-* is 478MB for i38612:51
cjwatsonhmm, oh, I know12:51
cjwatsonwe probably haven't processed removals there for a bit, so it'll be taking all versions12:52
cjwatsonwhich is apparently five times as much as it actually needs12:52
=== cjwatson goes to run the cruft-checker
=== ogra liked the Hobbsee theory better
StevenKYes, but you can't exactly purge Hobbsee from the archive.12:53
=== Hobbsee blames ogra
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torkel_ogra: are you sure it's not a conspiracy? - The Hobbsee conspiracy :-)12:54
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Hobbseethe conspiracy of DOOM!!!12:54
StevenKThe pointy conspiracy?12:55
=== Hobbsee is NOT POINTY!
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HobbseeStevenK: you could try.01:03
=== Hobbsee has a theory about ogra and sabotage...
TreenaksHobbsee: You mean ogra grew a moustache? (http://www.beastiemania.com/songspotlight/images/sabotage.jpg)01:04
ograheh, beautiful 01:09
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jk_workWhat's the right place to report new USB vendor/product IDs for a driver?01:33
jk_workI already submitted a patch upstream01:33
Keybukupstream is fine01:33
jk_workso it's OK for Ubuntu to wait until it percolates into a linus release?01:34
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Keybukif it's an important driver, they an be submitted as a patch to the kernel team01:34
jk_workwell, hardly :-)01:35
Keybukbut it's pretty likely that we'd pull from upstream git anyway01:35
jk_workbut it's been asked for on the forums01:35
mjg59There's no problem with submitting that as a patch01:36
jk_workmjg59: As a bug against the kernel in launchpad, or where?01:39
asachmmm ... since a few days my default emacs (edgy) fonts became really tiny/unreadable .... what might have happened ... what package might have caused this? I see nothing about fonts in aptitude log.01:41
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cjwatsonjk_work: yeah, linux-source-2.6.2001:41
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mjg59jk_work: Yeah01:47
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FujitsuWho do I poke about getting pkg-create-dbgsym build failures resolved?01:55
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slomoFujitsu: pitti probably02:00
FujitsuThanks slomo, I shall try to catch him tomorrow.02:00
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slomoFujitsu: if you do so please tell him from me that i put i present for him in the hal bzr branch ;)02:01
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seb128what is the account from the migration assistant tab for? does it work to import settings from several account when you can enter only one user?02:02
tbfwhat's the best way to contribute a new package?02:03
=== tbf quickly created a package for Vala (http://vala.paldo.org/) and wants it to show up in Ubuntu
seb128ah, the user infos apply to the selected account02:04
ogra_tbf, #ubuntu-motu is the right place to talk about that02:04
seb128tbf: try on #ubuntu-motu02:04
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Fujitsupitti: I hear that you may deal with build failures caused by pkg-create-dbgsym... If so, can you have a look at drscheme on i386/amd64?02:13
carlospitti: do you want to start playing with Feisty lang packs?02:14
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pitticarlos: of course!02:14
carlospitti: I'm planning to generate the first export today (although it's more or less the same as Edgy)02:15
Fujitsupitti: It builds fine without pkg-create-dbgsyms02:15
pitticarlos: oh, then don't worry02:15
pitticarlos: I'd be interested in a tarball once the entire import is done02:15
carlosI will ping you then once that's done02:15
pittigreat, thanks02:15
carlospitti: anyway, I'm going to enable again lang pack updates for the other distros02:15
carlospitti: so you can prepare March update02:15
pittiFujitsu: hm, it did build on sparc/ppc02:16
Fujitsupitti, yup. I found that somewhat irritating.02:16
pittiFujitsu: du: `./usr/share/plt/doc/doc-license.txt': Not a directory -> doesn't sound particularly pkg-create-dbgsym'ish to me...02:16
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FujitsuIt builds fine without it, and I had someone else confirm that installing pkg-create-dbgsym gave such an error.02:17
pittiFujitsu: hm, I'll try it on my local system then02:17
FujitsuI need to head off to bed now.02:19
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asacpitti: source rejected with: "firefox_1.5.dfsg+ Version older than that in the archive."02:23
asacbut .debs got accepted apparently02:23
pittiasac: ah, that's fine02:23
pittisource was already there, right02:23
asacgood :)02:24
pittiasac: yay, binaries are finally there!02:24
asacat last02:24
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cjwatsonseb128: best check with evand on #ubuntu-installer if you're puzzled02:29
seb128cjwatson: ok02:30
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seb128brb, trying new install02:32
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pittiFujitsu: works fine here02:34
ogra_BenC_, did you revert the broadcom drivers in -9 ?02:35
ogra_i just booted an upgraded system which hardlocks immediately if NM kicks in 02:35
ogra_hmm, also happens with -502:36
ogra_false alarm then, must be something different than the kernel02:38
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Mithrandirpitti: thanks a lot for all your testing, but the amd64 desktop one is oversized so a bit more testing of that (once it's built) would be great.02:40
pittiMithrandir: oh, sure02:41
pittiMithrandir: I'd like to avoid reinstalling my main desktop once again, though; vmware should do though, unless we get new kernels02:41
pittiMithrandir: what do you throw out? just langpacks, or something more intrusive?02:41
Mithrandirpitti: yup, it's just a removal of a couple of langpacks.02:41
Mithrandirwe're down to just en + de on amd64 desktop now. :-(02:42
pittithat pretty much solves the Chinese input support question for this case at least02:42
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dxdemetriouhi. can I optimize my whole system from i386 to k7? I have seen somethings about apt-build and prelink, but I don't now if it is a good idea02:45
seb128Mithrandir: desktop amd64 CD and installation works fine on my desktop02:45
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Mithrandirpitti: but the .fr langpack seems to be huge, since it's now almost 25 MB below the limit..02:46
MithrandirI need to sit down and just play with those bits when we get closer to release and everything settles down a bit.02:47
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Mithrandirseb128: I just completed a rebuild of amd64 desktop, so if you could test that.. :-/02:47
seb128Mithrandir: rsyncing and burning CD again then ;)02:47
Mithrandirseb128: thanks a lot.02:47
pittiMithrandir: French langpack should be 3.9 MB (including Gnome)02:47
Mithrandirpitti: then something else is jumping around.02:48
pittiMithrandir: Interested in an exact list of cumulative langpack sizes?02:48
Mithrandirpitti: if you have it, certainly.02:48
pittijust generating02:48
pittiMithrandir: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/langpacksizes.txt02:52
pittiMithrandir: 'G:' is the language's size for Gnome (i. e. base+gnome package), 'GSum:' is the cumulative size for this and all previous langs02:53
pittiMithrandir: and the order is according to priority02:53
Mithrandirpitti: great. :-)02:53
Mithrandirpitti: how did you generate it?  Just apt-cache filtering?02:53
pittiMithrandir: more or less, yes: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/scripts/langpacksize02:54
cjwatsondxdemetriou: the gain is tiny; it's not worth it02:54
pittiMithrandir: it's a quick hack, runs slow as hell, but has proven to work :)02:55
cjwatsondxdemetriou: chances are you'll spend more time rebuilding than you'll ever get back02:55
pittiMithrandir: it's in the langpack-o-matic bzr02:55
Mithrandirpitti: shiny, thanks.  I'll see if I can use that in my release status pages to tell me that "you do have room for those three other langpacks".02:55
pittithat would be shiny indeed02:55
j1mcwill Herd 5 be out today?02:57
Mithrandirj1mc: that is the goal, yes.  I should probably build new xubuntu isos too02:57
dxdemetrioucjwatson, I know that some times is small difference. I tried eryl with ubuntu and sabayon for example, and I saw is more optimized with i686. The better way is to optimize only the packages I want and not the whole system?02:57
j1mcMithrandir, thanks.  :)02:58
pittiMithrandir: oh, are you building another one, filling the remaining 25 MB? or is this 'the' image now?02:58
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Mithrandirpitti: the current i386 and amd64 ones are the final ones, barring anybody finding blockers.02:59
fabbioneMithrandir: are you also publishing -server ?02:59
Mithrandirfabbione: if somebody tests it, sure03:00
fabbioneMithrandir: i can test i386 and sparc when i am back. i need a break now03:00
Mithrandirfabbione: sure.  ISOs building.03:00
fabbioneMithrandir: thanks03:01
pittiMithrandir: alright, let's sort out translations for the beta, when we'll actually have some ;)03:01
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Mithrandirpitti: yup.03:01
pittiargh, fresh install -> no vmware any more03:03
asacfabbione: you are translation master?03:05
pittiasac: carlos: Rosetta, me: langpacks, actual translations: one team per language03:06
asacI need to update ffox and tbird locales (because of official branding) at some point; should I coordinate with someone (you) or just push up after freeze?03:06
tepsipakkiare the images publicly available somewhere? a friend of mine would like to install amd6403:06
pittiasac: updating mozilla-firefox-locale-all for is on my TODO list ATM, but I'm happy to hand that over to you03:07
carlospitti: what's the time limit to see whether we could start using Rosetta to prepare firefox language packs ?03:07
pitticarlos: hm, beta, I'd say03:08
carlospitti: we are finishing native support for it03:08
asacyes ... would like to use such simple packages to train people of mozilla team a bit on packaging ... maybe not for this round, but definitly in future.03:08
pittioh, great!03:08
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pittiasac: most complicated part is to rename the upstream files, like de.xpi -> de_DE.xpi03:08
asacyeah :)03:09
pittiasac: or, alternatively, go through the pain of renaming the packages again03:09
pittiand provide transitional packages with all the C/R/P goo03:09
carlospitti: are you renaming de.xpi to de_DE.xpi???03:09
pitticarlos: for hysterical raisins03:09
asacpitti: will not change such things for feisty i guess03:09
pitticarlos: so far I did that to avoid renaming the packages; it doesn't make much difference usually03:09
asacok .. i am out again ... cu  @meeting.03:10
carlospitti: well, that prevents that es_MX people start translating because there is an es_ES one, for instance (yeah, I know there is already es_ES and es_AR)03:10
carloswhich is madness03:10
carlospitti: I hope you do the package rename at some point ...03:10
pitticarlos: but es_ES/AR/MX are the very reason why we need the per-country ones in the first place?03:11
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carlospitti: the thing is that just es.xpi would work03:11
pitticarlos: yes, we probably have to; and I really hope that upstream does not change them *yet again*03:11
pitticarlos: if you have ex_MX installed and are in es_ES, it'll still be used03:11
pitti(if you don't have es_ES, that is)03:11
carlosas far as I know, es_AR started because the original one was es_ES and was not well maintained03:11
carloswow, so they had to 'hack' the way they get language packs to 'find something es_*' ?03:13
carlospitti: my point is in the lose efforts maintaining translations for es_ES, es_MX, es_AR, etc.. when a single 'es' would be enough03:13
pittiMithrandir: amd64/desktop tests running (two in parallel, should go pretty fast)03:13
carlosnot that the application is not able to cope with them03:13
pitticarlos: right03:13
Mithrandirpitti: cheers03:13
pitticarlos: but Rosetta needs to duplicate the common strings to es_AR/es_ES.xpi anyway, right?03:14
carlosno, if we just import 'es'03:14
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MithrandirRiddell: ISOs for you; tracker bugs filed.03:15
pittiMithrandir: will you create another bug for Ubuntu amd64/desktop?03:15
Mithrandirpitti: that's #88944 already03:16
pittiah, it appears now03:16
tepsipakkiMithrandir: where can I grab an amd64-image to test?03:16
RiddellMithrandir: ack03:16
Mithrandirtepsipakki: cdimage.ubuntu.com03:17
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Mithrandir(/daily or /daily-live)03:17
ogra_edubuntu server and add-on amd64 are fine here03:17
ogra_including X :)03:17
Mithrandirogra_: good.  Tracker bugs are updated too?03:18
tepsipakkiMithrandir: thanks, the daily-timestamps seemed "old" ;)03:18
ogra_not yet03:18
ogra_i'm doing them all together if i'm back on my normal work system03:18
Mithrandirtepsipakki: daily is from yesterday ; daily-live is from this morning and about an hour ago.03:18
Mithrandirogra_: ok03:18
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bddebiandoko: Sorry, I would have done the UVFe.  I wasn't clear on whether you wanted me to do that or not04:01
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pittiMithrandir: oh, btw, bug 88944 is all good04:04
UbugtuMalone bug 88944 in ubuntu-iso-tests "20070301.1: ubuntu amd64 desktop" [Undecided,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8894404:04
Mithrandirpitti: great, thanks.04:05
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ogra_since when does NM nopt recpect static interfaces anymore ? 04:36
ogra_it just killed the interface my dhcp, nfs and tftp server for ltsp are running when i loaded the broadcom driver for the wlan04:37
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ogra_thats extremly evil ...04:38
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pittiogra_: right, just noticed that two hours ago when reinstalling my desktop04:40
ogra_can we avoid such behavior again ? 04:41
seb128I find it really handy to be able to pick my static interface for nm when trying the desktop CD some hours ago04:42
ogra_seb128, i didnt pick anything04:42
ogra_i loaded a module04:42
ogra_while bein in a thin client session ...04:42
ogra_the session then locked up .... hard ...04:43
seb128ogra_: that's a bug, doesn't mean it should ignore the static interface04:43
ogra_well, it recognizes the interface i have up during boot #time ...04:43
ogra_it shouldnt just shut it down ... in no case04:44
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ogra_even if i click on it it shouldnt ... what the admin configured in /etc/network/interfaces shouldnt be overridden04:44
ogra_thats a security issue imho04:45
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ograah, thats better04:52
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dxdemetriouthe apt-build is safe to rebuild my whole system or it can broke it? I just want to try to see how can be optimized04:57
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psusiI don't know if I'm being dense or what, but I can not for the live of me, identify where the upstream source is for the udev package by inspecting the source package readmes and such05:03
psusiwhere's this thing come from?05:03
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kylemit should really be in debian/copyright. oh well.05:06
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psusithat's what I thought, but it isn't ;)05:14
psusithanks though05:14
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psusicause I was getting really confused becayse in the FAQ it refers you to a mailing list on sourceforge, only the project appears to have nothing to do with udev05:14
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seb128Mithrandir: new amd64 desktop CD and installation works fine for me05:15
psusior rather, was the old pre udev hotplug system...05:15
ogra_mvo_, somehow gai should learn to handle the moiunting and unmounting more properly ....05:15
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ogra_i end up with a bunch of windows after some action ... would probably be good if it set the gcopnf key for gnome-volumemanager to not mount the CD over and over05:16
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mvo_ogra_: yes, I noticed that too05:23
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fabbioneasac: no sorry05:46
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fabbioneMithrandir: are server iso published?05:54
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Trewasshould I file a bug for this (latest i386 alternate daily) and if so with what details, http://img453.imageshack.us/img453/91/partitionerqj1.png05:56
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TrewasI honestly don't know what to make of those partitioner choices, and if it is now generally broken or just for this computer...05:57
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cjwatsonTrewas: I'd like you to try to reproduce that for me with a bit more debugging, and then file a bug06:04
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cjwatsonTrewas: at the first boot screen, press F6 to edit the kernel boot parameters line, and add " DEBCONF_DEBUG=5" to the end of the boot parameters (without the quotes)06:05
cjwatsonTrewas: then reproduce the problem06:05
cjwatsonTrewas: when you get to the screen you posted, back up until you get to the installer's main menu (it'll have "Partition disks" on it)06:06
cjwatsonTrewas: select "Save debug logs" from there, and use one of the methods it'll offer you to extract the syslog and partman log files06:06
cjwatsonTrewas: then file a bug report on partman-auto and attach those logs to it, and tell me the bug number06:06
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Trewascjwatson: hmm, it doesn't want to let me go back from that screen, "No root file system. Please correct this from the partitioning menu. <go back> <continue>", and both choices go back to the same screen06:12
Trewascjwatson: well the logs seem to be in /var/log/, I guess they will do06:16
cjwatsonTrewas: right, those'll do great06:16
cjwatsonTrewas: if you have an ssh server on another system, you can 'anna-install openssh-client-udeb' from tty2 and then you'll have scp to copy them out06:17
tepsipakkicjwatson: a friend of mine is having some problems with ubiquity hanging in the "migrate settings" phase06:17
tepsipakkiwith amd64 current daily06:18
cjwatsonthe partitioning thing is also bug 87275, FWIW, but a DEBCONF_DEBUG=5 syslog would still help06:18
UbugtuMalone bug 87275 in partman-auto "feisty fawn herd 4 server loops when partitioning disks attempted" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8727506:18
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cjwatsontepsipakki: run with 'ubiquity --debug' and attach the resulting /var/log/syslog, /var/log/installer/debug, /var/log/partman to a bug06:19
cjwatsontepsipakki: it's certainly possible - the migration stuff is new and this is the sort of thing we need to solve early06:19
tepsipakkicjwatson: thanks, I'll tell him06:20
dokoinfinity: are the results from the rebuild tests somewhere available?06:24
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Trewascjwatson: bug filed, bug 8900406:30
UbugtuMalone bug 89004 in partman-auto "Wonky partitioner choices in alternate cd" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8900406:30
cjwatsonTrewas: thanks, that should be enough06:34
cjwatsondeeply, deeply weird though06:36
cjwatsonit's like the cdebconf confmodule just decided not to bother setting RET06:37
ogra_cjwatson, hmm, none of the additional apps i had in -live were installed by ubiquity, do i need to duplicate them in ship-live ?06:38
cjwatsonogra_: no, that won't work, you need to talk to me06:39
cjwatsonogra_: if you want them installed on the target system, why not just put them in desktop?06:39
cjwatsonthat's the purpose of desktop06:39
ogra_because then they are on the server cd again06:39
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ogra_i dont want them there, but on the liveCd and in the ubiquity installs06:40
cjwatsonwhy shouldn't they be on the server (i.e. what everyone else calls alternate install) CD?06:40
cjwatsonthe alternate install and desktop CDs should generally install the same things06:41
ogra_because they were moved to the add-on CD06:41
ogra_all big apps moved 06:41
cjwatsonsurely you'll run out of space on the desktop CD too if you try to put them there06:41
ogra_like the spec says, gcompris and kdeedu are on the add-on CD06:41
cjwatsonyes, server should be equivalent to desktop in terms of package selection though06:42
ogra_it cant 06:42
ogra_not if stuff moved to the add-on CD06:42
cjwatsonthe add-on CD should be usable with a desktop install in just the same way as with the server CD06:42
cjwatsonso stuff from the add-on CD doesn't need to be on the desktop CD06:42
cjwatsonjust use the add-on CD06:42
ogra_but the server install is completely different to a ubiquitiy workstation install06:42
ogra_thats not what i wqant06:43
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ogra_the user experience of the liveCD shouldnt change 06:43
cjwatsonwell, five packages different06:43
ogra_that was the plan06:43
cjwatsonand the LTSP client06:43
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cjwatsonogra_: OK, if you really want this (and I'm not at all sure it's a good idea) then you need to talk to infinity and get him to make the livefs build script install the contents of a further seed (in addition to desktop) before creating manifest-desktop06:44
ogra_currently its rather like 30 packages difference 06:44
cjwatsonthere is no way to do what you want in the current seed structure, so it'll need seed changes06:45
ogra_the apps are on the live desktop just fine just ubiquity doesnt install them06:45
cjwatsoncode changes I mean06:45
cjwatsonogra_: yes, I wrote the code which removes them; I'm familiar with what it does06:45
cjwatsonubiquity intentionally removes everything which is in live but not desktop06:45
cjwatsonsince otherwise you would end up with ubiquity installed on the target system06:46
ogra_ah, right i remember06:46
tepsipakkicjwatson: should I file the bug against ubiquity or m-a?06:46
Riddellcjwatson, Mithrandir: there's a crash in the new partitioner in KDE Ubiquity, I've committed the fix to trunk, can I upload?06:46
cjwatsonRiddell: have you bumped the version in configure.ac?06:46
cjwatsontepsipakki: probably ubiquity06:46
tepsipakkicjwatson: ok, will do06:46
Riddellcjwatson: nope, can do06:46
cjwatsonRiddell: bump that and run ./autogen.sh, assuming you have the autotools installed06:47
cjwatsonRiddell: check the diff - it should be small and just version changes06:47
cjwatsonRiddell: commit that, then upload06:47
cjwatsonRiddell: could you set yourself up with CIA too?06:47
Riddellcjwatson: I thought I had, let me check06:48
cjwatsonyour commit didn't appear on #ubuntu-installer06:49
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zoli2kHi, can anybody help me with squashfs? I want to build a small usb distro based on ubuntu.06:55
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sabdflzoli2k: BenC is likely the best starting point06:56
gilligan_I have a question regarding ubuntu kernel patches -- if the question is inappropriate to ask in this channel then just tell me ..     in  /include/linux/fs.h : void (*umount_begin) (struct vfsmount *, int);  <--- the vanilla kernel ( does not have the second, int argument. I am trying to build a kernel module (a fistgen filesystem) which fails because of this difference06:57
zoli2kWill under edgy work an /etc/fstab containing: "/dev/loop0  /  squashfs    ro,defaults       0 0"06:57
gilligan_so can anyone tell me what the change in umount_begin is about and why there is an extra argument ?06:57
BenCzoli2k: Probably best to use an initramfs to handle find the filesystem, like out livecd does06:57
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BenCgilligan_: check in fs/ for usages. I think for most cases it's just 006:59
cjwatsonTrewas: it's almost like two copies of partman are running simultaneously06:59
cjwatsonone of which has gone nuts06:59
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zoli2kBenC: initramfs will allow to use the default edgy kernel?07:00
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BenCzoli2k: Yep07:05
zoli2kBenc: thx07:05
BenCzoli2k: np, good luck07:06
gilligan_BenC, well you seem to be right.. seems like it is mostly being invoked with 0 as argument for the second argument (int flags)07:06
BenCgilligan_: I think it was done to facilitate one or two special cases07:07
gilligan_BenC, I am really anything but an expert in that regard, but I am surprised to see ubuntu kernel patches at that level. Then again I didn't really care about that before07:09
Riddellcjwatson, Mithrandir: new ubiquity uploaded, can you let it through?07:10
BenCgilligan_: It's caused by one of two things, either a security patch required us to backport that portion of code, or a driver/patch we need required us to do it07:10
BenCgilligan_: It was definitely from upstream, and probably from 2.6.18, so expect to see it in newer kernels anyway07:10
cjwatsonMithrandir: bug 89004 is a pretty nasty autopartititioning problem, and seems to involve an infinite loop somewhere - still tracking it down07:12
UbugtuMalone bug 89004 in partman-auto "Wonky partitioner choices in alternate cd" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8900407:12
pittiBenC: btw, I just tried readlink /proc/pid/exe when deleting the binary while the process is still running; I just get the normal path with ' (deleted)' appended; I wonder where those strange null bytes and gibberish in between came from07:12
Riddellcjwatson: kubuntu i386 desktop CD doesn't seem to have any winfoss on it07:12
gilligan_BenC, I see.. oh and I just realized that the it's not only the first argument really..  vanilla: (struct super_block_t*) / ubuntu: (struct vfsmount*,int)   --- guess I will have to install a vanilla kernel in a VM to work on the code. In any way: thanks for your information07:13
cjwatsonTrewas: would you mind following that procedure through again, but this time, when the installer is waiting for you to enter a hostname, switch to tty2, 'nano /bin/partman' and put 'set -x' on the second line07:13
cjwatsonTrewas: then return to tty1 and continue07:13
cjwatsonTrewas: from that, I need /var/log/syslog07:13
pittiBenC: it seems that I can reasonably assume that /proc/pid/exe will point to a nonexisting binary after the original binary got unlinked; do you have an idea whether there are any further assertions? (path before the first null byte or space is original binary, etc.)07:13
BenCgilligan_: np, ubuntu kernel team is in #ubuntu-kernel if you need anything further07:13
BenCpitti: No, I've been meaning to check on that code to see how it comes up with the exe name in that case07:14
pittiBenC: ah; no hurry07:14
BenC                memcpy(end, " (deleted)", 10);07:15
Trewascjwatson: sure, I'll try that07:15
BenCI see that much :)07:15
pittiBenC: well, that's something handy already :) 07:15
BenCpitti: Basically it truncates the exe buffer by 10 and inserts that string at the end07:16
BenCpitti: It doesn't seem to check the actual path len, just the buffer than the pathname is stored in07:16
BenCpitti: Hence why it gets garbage I guess07:16
pittiBenC: I see; thanks for checking!07:17
pittiBenC: so I could just try and check whether the part before the first space or NUL is an existing binary, and if so, then it's an upgrade; if it doesn't exist, I simply ignore it07:17
cjwatsonTrewas: thanks07:17
=== cjwatson -> dinner
BenCpitti: But it also means that the actual path can be truncated (e.g. "/usr/bin/share/d (deleted)")07:17
pittiBenC: right, then we are screwed; but at least we can hope to catch a good deal of cases where it's not truncated07:18
BenCpitti: And if the full path is < 10 (not likely, but...) then it wont prepend " (deleted)" at all07:18
BenCpitti: Ok, let me know if you need more info07:18
pitti/bin/bash :)07:18
pitti/bin/ls, etc07:19
BenCbut the buffer has to be less than 10, so I'm not sure if that's possible07:19
pittiBenC: oh, one more question; does the %e macro (respective the corresponding CORE_ env var) has the very same modification, or is it the original exe name?07:19
BenCpitti: hmm...no idea07:20
BenCThey don't appear to come from the same thing07:20
=== pitti just tries
henoRiddell: lacking winfoss > that could explain why Mithrandir is seeing so much extra space as well07:22
henohas it fallen off the ubuntu images too?07:22
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pittiBenC: ah, too bad, CORE_EXECUTABLE aka %e only has the basename, no dir07:25
pittiwell, but that should do07:25
Riddellheno: I don't konw07:27
Trewascjwatson: new syslog attached to the bug07:30
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heavensrevengei am just wondering, has fiesty entered a freeze yet??09:24
giftnudelhave a look at the topic09:24
Adri2000UpstreamVersionFreeze and FeatureFreeze, yes.09:25
giftnudelthere is a wiki page with the dates though09:25
mdkespecifically, FeistyReleaseSchedule09:25
Burgworkmdke: whiprush was looking for the Ubuntu moin theme09:26
heavensrevengeso as of herd 5 it will be frozen?09:26
mdkeBurgwork: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTemplates09:27
Burgworkmdke: ah09:27
heavensrevengesrry 4 askin such noobish q's, ive decided to jump ship to ubuntu from xp09:27
mdkewe should rename that page really09:27
mdkeI don't understand why it is supposed to be loco specific09:27
heavensrevengeand im wondering since i think it would be safe as long as ther main install base is frozen, then only patches are commited09:28
heavensrevengesince i wouldnt want to break my install right away:P09:28
Adri2000feisty is not for you09:28
mrevellheno: ping09:29
mdkeBurgwork: alright, moved to "Templates"09:30
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Burgworkmdke: whiprush says thanks09:32
LaserJockBurgwork: say hello to him for me09:33
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cjwatsonheavensrevenge: we're still upgrading the X system (i.e. the bottom graphics layer) so I'm not sure we could honestly say that our main install base is frozen yet :-)09:45
cjwatsonheavensrevenge: of our supported releases, 6.06 is solid while 6.10 is a bit more leading-edge/risky; feisty's intended for developers and experienced users who are happy digging themselves out of holes at this point09:46
henomrevell: hi09:46
mrevellheno: Hey - I'm planning a weekly Launchpad users meeting, as the user panel was going to be too exclusive, I think.09:46
mrevellheno: I'm thinking of each Wednesday09:46
mrevellheno: so we can discuss isues raised in the thurs LP meeting09:47
henothe day before they are raised!09:47
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henoor 6 days after09:47
mrevellheno: Sorry :) I meant so that issues raised by users could be discussed in the LP team meeting09:47
henoah, that makes even more sense :)09:48
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henomrevell: sounds good. what time?09:48
mrevellheno: Well, that's the problem. I was thinking of 17:00 for purely selfish reasons (we record LugRadio every other Wednesday evening)09:50
mrevellheno: But that's rubbish for .au and .nz09:50
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henomrevell: that's always going to be a problem09:50
henomany meetings have rotating times for that reason09:51
mrevellheno: Yeah, I was thinking that's what we'd have to do.09:51
mrevellheno: I'll announce the time when I've settled on one for the first meeting.09:52
henomrevell: cool. speaking of meetings, there is a distro one in 809:52
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henomrevell: did you catch the conclusion on the LP performance discussion?09:53
mrevellheno: I'd love to join in but I need to finish work soon :)09:53
mrevellheno: Erm, no I'm not sure that I did.09:53
mrevellheno: after the meeting?09:53
henomrevell: yeah, I think I got most of it. They may inline CSS and JS09:55
FujitsuDidn't the conversation sort of disintegrate completely into emptiness?09:55
mrevellheno: Cool.09:55
henoor at least do more testing09:55
mrevellFujitsu: If there's more than needs to be said, come and join us in the Launchpad users meeting :)09:55
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mrevellFujitsu: Time and date TBA09:55
mrevellI'll announce it on the Fridge09:55
ajmitchmrevell: a users meeting now?09:57
mrevellajmitch: sorry, no. I'm planning one for Wednesday09:57
mrevellajmitch: provisionally 17:0009:57
ajmitchnot now, obviously, but the fact that you're having one09:57
ajmitchah, an annoying time of day09:58
mrevellajmitch: It'll be at different times, to suit different timezones.09:59
mrevellajmitch: what's your time zone?09:59
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ajmitchNZDT (UTC+13)10:00
mrevellajmitch: ah, yes, not a good time for you.10:02
FujitsuA worse time for me :P10:02
mrevellajmitch: If we make the next one 21:00 UTC, that works out better.10:02
RiddellMithrandir: can you let ubuntu 1.3.24 through?10:02
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cjwatsonYM ubiquity?10:03
MithrandirRiddell: uh.  Do you mean ubiquity or something?  I don't think you have a package called ubuntu? :-)10:03
Riddellerr, yes10:04
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Riddellclearly I shouldn't have peach wine before a meeting10:04
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MithrandirRiddell: does that mean you want it for the kubuntu images?  I was planning on making the ones now final.10:05
RiddellMithrandir: yes it's needed, it crashes on almost all partitioning operations10:05
MithrandirRiddell: ugh.10:06
Mithrandircjwatson: only kubuntu or ubuntu too?10:06
cjwatsonit's only the KDE frontend10:06
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Mithrandircjwatson: about 89004, it looks weird, but do you think it's a blocker?10:07
cjwatsonMithrandir: I wish I knew, TBH10:07
cjwatsonMar  1 20:24:50 main-menu[3246] : (process:15502): /lib/partman/auto.d/10initial_auto: 117:  10:08
cjwatsonMar  1 20:24:50 main-menu[3246] : (process:15502): /lib/partman/automatically_partition/question: Permission denied 10:08
cjwatsonthat's super-weird10:08
cjwatsonI'll check right after the meeting10:08
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Mithrandircjwatson: the latest console-setup upload seems to contain a .svn directory.10:33
cjwatsonoh, yeah10:34
Mithrandiror rather, lots of .svn directories.10:34
cjwatsonMithrandir: it does that because the current Debian version did and I didn't want to create a vast diff.10:34
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MithrandirRiddell: anyway; new ubiquity accepted10:35
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MithrandirRiddell: your alternates are ok, right?10:35
Mithrandirso I'll just reject the desktop bugs.10:35
RiddellMithrandir: both good yes10:35
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cjwatsonogra: ok, would you be willing to take that up and either fix it or deliver it back to me with a clearer picture of what's going wrong?10:44
j1mcMithrandir: do you think there will be a xubuntu herd 5?10:48
Mithrandirj1mc: if you guys test and are happy with the current images, sure.10:48
ograis anyone testing them ?10:48
Mithrandirj1mc: if you need something updated or respins, tell me.10:48
Mithrandirj1mc: I meant to tell you earlier, but you weren't here.10:48
j1mcyes.  afaik, i think we're ok.  10:48
j1mcogra: check:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/Current10:49
j1mcour testing leader is in the hospital, so i've had to fill in.10:49
j1mci think i'll be maintaining it going forward.  we just need more AMD64 and PPC testers.  i'm working on it.10:50
j1mcMithrandir: thanks.10:50
Mithrandirj1mc: ppc is a port anyway, I'm not sure xubuntu has ports build?10:50
cjwatsonogra: if the problem is that the system clock resets to zero on every boot, then there's nothing we can do about it and the bug should be rejected10:51
ograj1mc, well, i checked the buglist https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-iso-tests/+bugs 10:51
cjwatsonogra: but it might be something else10:51
ogracjwatson, as i said, i saw it on all herd releases until today10:51
ograso for me something has changed apparently10:51
cjwatsonogra: right, but I'm wondering if your system suffers from this problem anyway10:52
j1mcogra: yes, we need to update where we report info to.  i'll get that changed for next herd.10:52
ograbut i will pull a herd 4 and compare10:52
cjwatsonogra: this is something you should be able to check by looking at the date before ntpdate runs10:52
ogracjwatson, usually i dont have probs with my clock on this machine10:52
cjwatsonor alternatively, ntpdate (or is it just ntp now?) could be doing something mad10:52
cjwatsonogra: yeah, but remember the installer doesn't use ntpdate10:52
cjwatsonogra: it could be that it's being fixed up for you on every boot10:53
ograwell, givenm that i dont do networked installs usually ....10:53
cjwatsonfsck runs before ntpdate10:53
cjwatsonhmm, ok10:53
cjwatsonanyway, seems like something to check10:53
elmocjwatson: eh, why can't we do anything about it?10:53
ograi'll first try to reproduce it with herd4 and then check the differences in clock handling10:53
elmocjwatson: the whole time I was a powerbook user, I wished we would set the date to something completely incorrect, but at least sane10:54
elmo(due to the 1904 crap)10:54
elmoI mean we know the date is at least 2007-03-01, right? ;-)10:54
Spadsrelease date10:54
ograi had the same probs with my ibook for a long time10:54
ograand i think gnome still has probs with 190410:55
cjwatsonelmo: I'm not sure that would obviously help with fsck10:55
cjwatsonelmo: suppose it might10:55
cjwatsonelmo: there's an adjtime thing in base-files which Santiago updates every so often10:55
cjwatsonI always wondered if that was meant to be for the sort of thing you mention10:55
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FujitsuAny buildd admins around that could look at drscheme? It build on multiple i386 machines I have, but fails on the i386 and amd64 buildds (powerpc and sparc built fine).10:57
cjwatsonbase-files updates it on fresh install, and something else updates it from time to time10:57
MithrandirFujitsu: looking.10:58
Riddellmvo: kubuntu upgrader tester had a bug https://launchpad.net/bugs/8904910:58
UbugtuMalone bug 89049 in update-manager "Kubuntu upgrade edgy -> feisty crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  10:58
FujitsuThanks Mithrandir.10:58
cjwatsonelmo: I think /etc/init.d/hwclock is *meant* to do this, but maybe doesn't10:58
mvoRiddell: oh?10:58
ogracjwatson, the last part of your sentence is worrying10:58
cjwatsoncould be it doesn't spot the 1904 case10:58
cjwatsonogra: ?10:58
ogra" and something else updates it from time to time"10:58
mvoRiddell: thanks, I seem to remember that I have fixed that, but I will have anohter look. thanks10:59
cjwatsonogra: it's hwclock. I just hadn't found out what it was yet at that point10:59
joumetalJust confirmed bug 88990 and just asking someone to assign it.10:59
UbugtuMalone bug 88990 in firefox "evolution breaks with libnss update" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8899010:59
ograah, ok10:59
cjwatsonjoumetal: for many teams it is not standard procedure to assign bugs. You shouldn't worry about whether a bug is assigned or not11:00
Mithrandirpitti: does the build failure for drscheme/i386 look like anything the binary package mangler could be responsible for?11:01
pittiMithrandir: I tested it locally on amd64, and it just worked11:01
pittiMithrandir: and it built on sparc/ppc as well11:01
pittithe buildd failure didn't really look specific to ddebs, no idea :/11:01
ograheno, is there any howto for the winfoss stuff ? great to have a tgz, but i have no idea what to do with it now :)11:02
cjwatsonpitti: could you look at bug 88990? bug in the dapper firefox security update11:02
UbugtuMalone bug 88990 in firefox "evolution breaks with libnss update" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8899011:02
cjwatsonogra: it gets dropped onto CDs by the cdimage tools and autoloads when you stick the CD into a Windows box11:02
joumetalcjwatson ok thanks. There is discussion about it in #ubuntu-bugs11:02
ogracjwatson, so i only copy it to the right place ? 11:03
Mithrandirdpkg-gencontrol seems to call du, but I really don't see why it complains about something not being a directory.11:03
cjwatsonogra: no, I do11:03
ograah, ok11:03
MithrandirFujitsu: I'll just try a give-back.  I doubt it'll help, but it can't harm.11:03
cjwatsonogra: you don't have to do anything except take its space usage on the desktop CD into account11:03
FujitsuMithrandir, we can hope :) Thanks.11:04
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ogracjwatson, add-on CD ;)11:04
cjwatsonogra: errr11:04
cjwatsonogra: normally it goes on the live-type CD because that's the best workflow to encourage Windows users in11:04
ograits supposed to go on the add-on CD ... i dont have any space on the desktop CD 11:05
cjwatsonok, more grotty cdimage code then11:05
henoogra: just unpack and browse with firefox, or burn to a CD and start it in Windows11:05
ograhenrik just wanted to fill the remaining space there11:05
dokoMithrandir: estimate for archive unfreeze?11:06
Mithrandirdoko: tomorrow sometime.11:07
ogracjwatson, sorry for that, i thought it was clear :/11:07
MithrandirRiddell: can you do your own desktop rebuilds once ubiquity is through the hoops?11:07
ograMithrandir, all images for edubuntu are good, bugs are updated, from my side we're release ready11:07
Mithrandirogra: excellent.11:08
cjwatsonRiddell: WinFOSS *is* on the Kubuntu desktop CD11:08
cjwatsonRiddell: for some reason the bits are in /kubuntu/ though, which may be confusing something?11:08
Riddellcjwatson: it was certainly confusing windows, it couldn't find anything11:09
cjwatsonheno: could you get rid of the /kubuntu prefix on the files in the Kubuntu WinFOSS tarball11:09
RiddellMithrandir: sure11:09
cjwatsonyeah, autorun.inf is in /kubuntu/ rather than at the CD root, which won't work11:09
henocjwatson: sure. That's what I've generally used before, but if it helps11:10
cjwatsonheno: I mean inside the tarball11:11
cjwatsonheno: like /kubuntu/bin/chrome/...11:11
henocjwatson: oh, you mean I've included the dir, sorry11:11
henogot it11:11
henosure 2 sec11:11
mdkeheno: while on winfoss, did you see my email?11:12
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henomdke: you mean from weeks ago about the win/ubuntu guide?11:13
mdkeheno: yes, I followed up this morning11:13
henomdke: I got the files, just need implementing11:13
henoah, ok, looking11:13
mdkejust a followup :)11:14
henomdke: I didn't get it actually. Mails with attachments tend to get caught in the spam filter these days :-/11:14
mdkeno attachment, but maybe someone went wrong my end then11:15
mdkeseems to have been sent, 8.31 am gmt11:15
henook, perhaps CC henrik.omma@gmail ?11:15
dokoMithrandir, seb128, pitti: I would like to upload some universe packages (rebuilds) now so that they can build overnight. could somebody of you process them?11:16
seb128doko: will do11:16
mdkeheno: no worries. It just said - "have you done it yet?" You've answered that :)11:16
mdkeheno: also I wondered if you are interested in translations or not11:16
seb128doko: universe is frozen?11:16
henomdke: not very. that content is still not translated unfortunately11:17
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dokoseb128: well, I don't think so, but it must be processed manually?11:17
mdkeheno: that's fine - I vaguely recollected that, just wanted to check11:17
mdkeheno: lemme know how you get on, I can send you a final version after string freeze maybe11:18
seb128doko: maybe better asking Mithrandir ;)11:18
seb128doko: if he's not around I'll have a look11:18
henomdke: yep. I'll do some winfoss polish this weekend11:18
mdkeheno: cool!11:18
=== mdke goes to bed
henocjwatson: done11:19
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Fujitsuseb128: universe isn't frozen, but needs to be manually let through. Soyuz can't freeze just one component.11:20
cjwatsonI just bumped through the current obvious things11:23
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Mithrandirseb128: q  -Q unapproved info and q  -Q unapproved accept blah11:23
Mithrandirseb128: feel free to accept anything with Component: universe/multiverse11:23
seb128Mithrandir: ok, thank you11:24
=== doko should update the autobuild script ...
sistpotyseb128: could you let supertux-stable through new? It's basically just the much older but rock-solid version of supertux from unstable, where our supertux is the all new blingy version from experimental (and upstream kindly requested to also ship the stable version)11:27
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seb128sistpoty: is that source NEW? It's getting late, I'll probably let that for pitti tomorrow11:28
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FujitsuIt's not new as such.11:28
FujitsuIt's more OLD.11:28
sistpotyseb128: yes, source-new11:28
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sistpotyseb128: though it's not new as in new, since it's already in unstable ;)11:29
FujitsuAnd it was in Dapper/Edgy.11:29
cjwatsonMithrandir: are you finished building CDs?11:29
cjwatsonMithrandir: (as in, can I deploy cdimage changes, or should I wait?)11:29
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DragonhorseDo anybody know when xorg 7.2 will be in edgy?11:53
cjwatsonTrewas: sorry, but would you be willing to go around one more (hopefully last) time?11:53
cjwatsonTrewas: this time, I need 'set -x' added on the second line of /lib/partman/auto.d/10initial_auto11:54
pochuDragonhorse: it's in feisty11:54
cjwatsonTrewas: that seems to be the actual script that's failing11:54
pochuDragonhorse: I think it won't be in edgy11:54
cjwatsonpochu is correct11:54
Dragonhorsepochu: i see11:54
pochuDragonhorse: np11:54
Dragonhorseit is so because fiesty release is near?11:55
pochuDragonhorse: no. It's because it would mean breaking a lot of things11:55
cjwatsonno, we don't make that sort of enormous change to stable releases11:55
cjwatsonthat's exactly the sort of thing that people use stable releases to avoid11:55
Dragonhorsereasonable :)11:56
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cjwatsonTrewas: (otherwise, same procedure as before)11:57
Dragonhorsemilli: thanks11:57
cjwatsonTrewas: I've tried tracing through the code, but I'm pulling my hair out trying to see why on earth it would (apparently) be trying to EXECUTE /lib/partman/automatically_partition/question (which isn't and shouldn't be executable), and believe me that's a lot of hair12:00
cjwatsonI haven't been able to reproduce the problem here12:01
cjwatsonit almost looks like something did alias cat='' or something equally mad12:02
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