
scythetleppois there a ubuntu support channel?12:25
Priceyscythetleppo, You have  been re-directed here.12:25
Priceyscythetleppo, We do not allow proxy users into the main channel without "cloaks".12:25
naliothscythetleppo: please connect directly to freenode if you are able12:25
naliothdue to abuse, gateway users are not allowed in #ubuntu12:25
scythetleppooh I see what you're saying12:26
scythetleppocuz im using irc@work12:26
scythetleppoI can't use any ports so I have to use the http irc =/12:26
scythetlepposince I'm at school12:26
naliothport 8001 doesn't work?12:26
scythetleppoi can't even ping12:26
scythetleppolemme check12:27
scythetlepponope... 'Error: I could not see your service on unknown on port (8001)'12:27
scythetleppoi cant download torrents or irc or do other various things12:27
ompaula good admin then doing what they should12:28
scythetleppowell it's our servers and then they are run through ipcop and then through another school, with their ipcop too, plus all kinds of blockage.. =] ] 12:28
scythetleppoalright well I'll go with another flavor cuz I might need support and I can't be going home everytime I want to irc =/12:29
scythetlepposee ya thanks12:29
Priceyscythetleppo, Your best bet is then to get cloaked12:29
=== scythetleppo [i=a89c5522@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-0d3ed49339abf758] has left #ubuntu-ops []
=== mc44 [n=mc44@unaffiliated/mc44] has joined #ubuntu-ops
naliothtoo much work being done here12:56
=== nalioth elkbuntu just /remove the paster
=== livingdaylight_ [n=conrad@82-45-205-43.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChildnalioth, Could you remove the dcc ban on livingdaylight_ ?12:57
livingdaylight_and livingdaylight12:57
naliothis he clean?12:57
PriceChildYup :)12:57
PriceChildfinally............ ;)12:57
naliothare YOU clean?12:57
livingdaylight_i had a bath this morning12:57
PriceChildhehe I showered earlier 8-)12:57
PriceChildnalioth, see... isn't "clean" so much shorter to type? :P12:58
livingdaylight_i normally use livingdaylight12:58
PriceChildlivingdaylight_, the ban did livingdaylight*12:58
PriceChildThanks nalioth :D12:58
livingdaylight_thanks PriceChild12:58
livingdaylight_i wonder how long this will hold12:59
livingdaylight_because i've been through this already once12:59
PriceChildlivingdaylight_, Well obviously you went back to 6667 :) Not our fault :P12:59
livingdaylight_no, i have ubuntu servers set to 8001 also, but it bans me01:00
livingdaylight_PriceChild, shall i come in under ubuntuservers?01:00
livingdaylight_you'll see01:00
PriceChildlivingdaylight_, I managed to disconnect you though :)01:00
=== effie_jayx [n=evalles@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChildlivingdaylight_, the ubuntu server just goes to irc.freenode.net However you connect to freenode, make sure its on port 800101:00
livingdaylight_yea, but that was freenode01:00
livingdaylight_well there was a guide that said to use ubuntuserver in xchat and put the line you gave me which i did01:01
PriceChildAh well you're definitely fixed now :)01:02
PriceChildfreenode and ubuntu irc are the same01:02
livingdaylight_oh, ok01:02
livingdaylight_oh,well whatever, i'm confused, but it works now so...01:02
livingdaylight_thanks again01:03
PriceChildwoo :)01:03
livingdaylight_gonna leave this chanel now....its a bit creepy here :d01:03
=== livingdaylight_ [n=conrad@82-45-205-43.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving"]
effie_jayxcreepy ???01:05
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ
=== effie_jayx hides from Hobbsee ...
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
=== effie_jayx [n=evalles@] has left #ubuntu-ops [requested]
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
=== Hobbsee looks around innocently...
=== effie_jayx [n=evalles@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Hobbsee continues to look around innocently...
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=== vorian_ is now known as Vorian
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Hobbseeeffie_jayx: i didnt do it.  whatever it was.01:17
=== hybrid [n=x@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
effie_jayxHobbsee,  don't worry bud ... it was the long pointy stick of doom and stuff :D01:18
Hobbseeeffie_jayx: no, otherwise then the removal message would have been DOOM!01:18
effie_jayxHobbsee,  ok... I'll file a bug on launchpad ;)01:19
=== maxamillion [n=adam@ngl-1-14.shsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== maxamillion [n=max@r74-192-178-37.htvlcmta01.hnvitx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== Vorian [n=vorian@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has left #ubuntu-ops []
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== AndrewB [n=andy@tuxhacker/pdpc.supporter.student.AndrewB] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== GazzaK [n=Dogbert@colchester-lug/GazzaK] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== LP747 [i=c2df514b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/linuxpreview.org/x-62afe17b5f90926f] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== cbx33 wants to disable frequency scaling on a machine
cbx33is this possible?10:12
Kamping_Kaiseri think so. look at powernowd, and perhaps /proc/ (i forget where exactly :S)10:13
=== nalioth_ [i=nalioth@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.nalioth] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== daviey [i=dave1111@gateway/tor/x-c1d14a6a41cb09e5] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== daviey [i=dave1111@gateway/tor/x-c1d14a6a41cb09e5] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving"]
=== daviey [i=dave1111@gateway/tor/x-c1d14a6a41cb09e5] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ubotuThe #ubuntu channel and related channels ban users joining from anonymous gateways like tor/silenceisdefeat/cgi:irc because the abuse:useful ratio is close to infinity:nothing -- project cloaks will let you join, otherwise you should simply not use an anonymizer.11:41
ubotuAttention tor users.  You may think you are anonymous, but you are not.  Please visit http://tor.unixgu.ru/ and see for yourself.   Please evaluate your need to use tor here on irc.  If you wish anonymity, Freenode offers cloaks of many different types. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks11:41
=== tactless [i=84443a69@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-25f23b762e4beabc] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@user-137-246-151-83.e7even.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== popey [n=alan@ubuntu/member/popey] has joined #ubuntu-ops
davieyHi, can i join the 'unaffiliated' project? ;)11:56
Kamping_Kaiser!cloaks | daviey12:00
ubotudaviey: Tor & other common anonymizing proxies get abused to attack & spam Ubuntu channels, so they're blocked. Get a cloak from Freenode instead, and stop wasting your time with Tor: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks12:00
davieyKamping_Kaiser, I understand that - but i really wanted to join the 'unaffiliated' project12:02
GazzaKdaviey, it's not a project12:02
Kamping_Kaiserdaviey, tehn you dont understand, or your a troll12:03
davieyKamping_Kaiser, i'm certainly not a troll; but i understand that it is a 'project cloak' so i was told to ask here12:03
daviey(by GazzaK )12:03
GazzaKno daviey, I never said @unaffiliated was a project, I said it was a cloak12:04
mneptokdaviey: in any event, this channel cannot help you12:04
davieythanks GazzaK - now i look the fool!12:05
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@user-137-246-151-83.e7even.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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GazzaKmneptok, oops, you try to help, and they throw it back at ya12:05
mneptokGazzaK: wait 'til they ask to borrow the car. or give the cat genital warts.12:08
Seveasnalioth / SportChick either of you around?12:19
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ
=== GazzaK tickles Hobbsee (morning)
Hobbseehey GazzaK!12:39
=== LP002 [i=c2df514b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/linuxpreview.org/x-0618cba10551efaf] has joined #ubuntu-ops
LP002hi guys....I've just put a second graphics card into my machine12:40
LP002wrong channel12:41
LP002sorry again guys12:41
=== LP002 is now known as cbx33
Hobbseecbx33: hehe,t ry again12:45
cbx33yeh got it fixed now12:45
cbx33trying to setup a dual head machine12:45
cbx33but not sure how to get he information for the second graphics card12:45
cbx33you don;t know doyou?12:45
cbx33like the BUSID etc12:46
cbx33rarg :p12:46
Kamping_Kaisercbx33, tried `X -configure`?12:46
cbx33Kamping_Kaiser: no12:46
cbx33I've backed up my xorg config12:46
Kamping_Kaisercbx33, try it :P12:46
apokryphosHobbsee: don't have my scripts :(12:49
popeycbx33: lspci?12:50
cbx33popey: YAY12:50
cbx33you're here12:50
popeyuhm, yes12:50
cbx33once i have that information12:50
cbx3300:0d.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE] 12:50
apokryphoswhy is there support going on in here?12:50
Kamping_Kaiserapokryphos, my smile :)12:51
apokryphosKamping_Kaiser: #ubuntu please12:51
Kamping_Kaiserno thanks, i'm not after support12:51
apokryphosKamping_Kaiser: as in, help them in #ubuntu please instead.12:51
Kamping_Kaiserapokryphos, oh, no thanks anyway.12:52
=== Kamping_Kaiser returns to lurking
cbx33sorry apokryphos was my fault12:52
Tm_Tapokryphos: Mooh.12:53
apokryphosTm_T: quack12:53
apokryphoscbx33: no problem, just ask in #ubuntu :)12:53
Hobbsee!search xvid12:56
ubotuFound: fixvideo, screencast-#ubuntu-effects, fixvideoresolution, x, xvid, xgl-#ubuntu-effects12:56
Hobbsee!search xvidicap12:56
Hobbsee!search xvidcap12:56
ubotuFound: screencast-#ubuntu-effects12:56
apokryphosyou're searching factoids :P12:56
apokryphosyou need !find12:57
Hobbsee!find xvidcap12:57
ubotuPackage/file xvidcap does not exist in edgy12:57
Hobbsee!find xvidicap12:57
ubotuPackage/file xvidicap does not exist in edgy12:57
popeyHobbsee: get it from xvidcap.sf.net12:58
popeythere is a .deb there12:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xvidcap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:58
Hobbseepopey: nah, someone else was asking about it12:58
mneptokapokryphos: it's been $number days. hasn't this gone on long enough? i swear, i'm not a bad guy.12:58
cbx33it does exist12:58
popeywell tell them then12:58
mneptok /m apokryphos i'm really sorry. please let's forget it?12:58
apokryphosmneptok: since you asked so nicely, ok.12:58
mneptok /m apokryphos I KILL YOU!12:58
GazzaKkick im12:59
mneptoklather. rinse. repeat.12:59
apokryphosset it on a cron ;)12:59
mneptokjesus, now that you mention it ...12:59
=== Hobbsee gives mneptok a BOOT TO THE HEAD.
=== GazzaK gives mneptok he.....eeek, sorry
=== Hobbsee reboots mneptok
=== mneptok 's BIOS is corrupted
Kamping_Kaiseryay! mneptok has to go for repears01:00
Kamping_Kaiser... did i say that out loud? ;P01:00
mneptokKamping_Kaiser: duh. haven't you been paying attention?01:01
mneptokif it's not obvious i need repairs, you may need some, too.01:01
mneptokfortunately, my boss is a quack.01:02
mneptok19:03 -!- jbailey [jbailey@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca]  has quit [Orthodox medicine has not found an answer to your  complaint. However, luckily for you, I happen to be a quack.] 01:03
=== Kamping_Kaiser is perfectly disfunctional thanks
=== PFA [n=pfa@unaffiliated/purplefeltangel] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PFAhey guys, i'm going "straight to the top" on this one. how do you pronounce "ubuntu"?01:54
popey*I* pronounce it oo-bun-too, some other pronounce it oo-boon-to, others oo-boon-too01:55
=== popey doesn't really care
Kamping_KaiserPFA, its on the website... not sure we count as 'the top'01:55
PFAwell seeing as that it's an actual *word*...01:55
Kamping_Kaiseroo-boon-too is given on the website01:55
popeyyeah, "grass" is an actual word, some pronounce it "graaaas", some "gras"01:55
popeyit makes no difference to me how people pronounce it01:56
Kamping_Kaiseryay for dialects01:56
popeywords are all about conveying meaning, i would know what you mean if you said oo-boon-too, oo-bun-too or yoo-bonn-too..01:57
popeyso long as you spell it "Ubuntu" :)01:57
PFAOK, but don't shoot yourselves when there's a TV ad and they mispronounce it! :D01:58
=== PFA [n=pfa@unaffiliated/purplefeltangel] has left #ubuntu-ops ["let]
=== popey notes that by mentioning "mispronounce" he totally didn't get it
GazzaKyo bunt you02:00
popeyI'll bunt you in a minute! :)02:01
=== popey takes it to prv
mneptoki pronounce it "boobs"02:14
mneptokjust to be ... *mysterious*02:15
GazzaKmneptok, you boob too?02:17
mneptokwhen i can.02:19
popeyboobs \o/02:19
apokryphosodd petty squibbles in #ubuntu, curiously enough. Might be worth keeping an eye out. I'm going to meet the Mez ;-)02:21
popeyapokryphos: tonight?02:22
apokryphosright now 8)02:22
apokryphosif you're around, you should come by too =)02:23
=== popey is not around
=== popey is round
popeythank you for offering02:23
apokryphossome people are keysigning02:23
apokryphosok, no worries :)02:23
=== Vorian [n=vorian@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== apokryphos out
elkbuntuapokryphos, kenthomson is a persistant troll02:24
mneptokaha! popey!02:25
mneptoki *knew* i remembered that nick.02:25
=== elkbuntu pounces on popey
popeymneptok: from where?02:25
=== popey runs
mneptok<sabdfl> who's up next?02:25
mneptok<popey> o/ please02:25
mneptok<popey> in office alone02:25
mneptok<popey> getting scared02:25
popeythat was a scary day02:25
popeyubuntu membership and alone in the office02:25
mneptokyou have ones that aren't?02:26
popeya few02:26
elkbuntupopey, the ones that dont involve thinking about mneptok?02:26
mneptokwhat god(s) do you worship, and what do they require of me?02:26
popeyis that a serious question mneptok ?02:26
mneptokif you have non-scary days, yes. ;)02:27
elkbuntupopey, unless he's talking in #ubuntu, dont take anything he says seriously02:27
mneptokexcept when i talk about hurting people.02:27
mneptokand ponies.02:28
popeyoh ok then02:28
popey\o/ ponies02:28
elkbuntuuh oh02:28
=== popey is going to have a scary day today
=== popey is going to install whitebox linux
popeysshhhh, don't tell sabdfl02:28
popeynote we all start talking when apokryphos (the boss) leaves02:29
mneptokyou said rump in front of a girl!02:30
=== effie_jayx [n=valles@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Seveasmneptok, DON'T HURT PONIES!02:32
GazzaKponies, I want one02:32
GazzaKwell one would do02:33
GazzaKAll I want is to make it into glue02:34
GazzaKahha, that rhymes02:34
mneptoko/~ all i wanna do is make some glue. i'll find a pony, grind up his little hooves. o/~ (sorry Sheryl Crow)02:39
=== Seveas hands mneptok a real
mneptokyou kids and yer Unicode02:42
popey\o/ utf-802:43
=== Pricey [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Pricey] by ChanServ
=== tespppp [i=52b6801a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-ddb36891ef05531a] has joined #ubuntu-ops
tespppphow to listup all files in a directory?03:23
=== LjL [n=ljl@unaffiliated/ljl] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v LjL] by ChanServ
PriceChildWhoa its a LjL! :)03:32
LjLyou think? hmm well yeah, you're probably right. though it might just that his computer managed to kill him and took over his irc personality. but of course, not.03:33
=== GazzaK hides
Seveasit looks like an ljl03:35
Seveasit smells like an ljl03:35
Seveasit tastes like an ljl03:35
Seveasso it must be an ljl :)03:35
=== GazzaK licks LjL
GazzaKtastes like chicken03:37
LjL@lart 28 Seves and GazzaK03:38
=== Ubugtu thwacks Seves and GazzaK with a BIG POINTY HOBBS OF DOOM
LjLso, did i miss anything funny?03:38
GazzaKjust before you joined03:38
=== LjL ponders reading the logs from the past week... and decides against it. in about 3.5 milliseconds
PriceChildLjL, There's now an ubot303:43
LjLyup i know, i dialled in once or twice03:43
=== PriceChild can't think of anything else very interesting
GazzaKI stalked PriceChild - thats interesting03:44
PriceChildyeah but that's not new03:44
effie_jayxLjL,  i'm so telling Hobbsee you took his stick...03:48
Seveaslet's hope hobbsee doesn't read that....03:49
effie_jayxSeveas, :S03:49
effie_jayxI will get DOOM :O03:49
=== Seveas thinks so
effie_jayxSeveas,  mean you... :(03:50
SeveasI'm not mean03:50
Seveasjust realistic03:51
effie_jayxwell actually yesterday i got booted from this channel... and Hobbsee stated that it was some malfuction with the stick03:51
elkbuntueffie_jayx, hobbsee is a cool geeky aussie chica like me03:51
Seveasyou're not cool03:51
effie_jayxso I went and filled a bug on Launchpad :D03:51
=== elkbuntu pouts at Seveas
elkbuntuSeveas, did you read my article yet?03:52
SeveasI'v been insanely ill03:52
=== elkbuntu cuddles Seveas better
effie_jayxSeveas,  hope you feel better03:52
Seveaswhy do you think I missed the CC meeting?03:52
elkbuntuit's linked from my blog when you're well enough03:52
Seveasat 21:00 I simply collapsed03:53
elkbuntuSeveas, i figured for the same reason you missed the irc meeting03:53
=== GazzaK pets Seveas awww
GazzaKSeveas, collapsed???  seen a doctor?03:53
SeveasGazzaK, not litterally collapsed but just too ill to not go to bed and sleep03:54
Seveasand that doesn't happen too often03:54
GazzaKdoesn't sound that good though, have you seen a doctor?03:54
Seveashalf the country is ill03:55
GazzaKis it just the damn flu bug?03:55
elkbuntuit sounds like something a doctor would prescribe panadol for03:55
elkbuntudoctors here prescribe fricking paracetemol for every freaking thing03:55
Seveasjust flu, and a flu variant that was not in the vaccin03:55
Seveaselkbuntu, you need a prescription for paracetamol?103:56
elkbuntuSeveas, no03:56
elkbuntuSeveas, but they tell you to take it03:56
elkbuntuwhich is by definition prescribing03:57
elkbuntuprescribed texts for courses do not need a teacher to write out a prescription either ;)03:57
GazzaKmy boyfriend has been off work for most of the week with this flu too, he was looking like death warmed up the other day, so if you have what he has had, I'd recommend bed03:57
SeveasI've been in bed for most of this week03:59
=== GazzaK hides
Seveasnot all the time03:59
Seveasbut when you're ill, sex is not too much on your mind03:59
GazzaKwell there we go, bed rest :p04:00
GazzaKTom was like a radiator the other night, totally burning up, I'm glad I did not get it from him04:00
Seveasyou're lucky04:01
GazzaKyeah, I know that.  he is only just now looking more Tom like04:08
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Seveas] by ChanServ
=== Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/bot/ubugtu] has joined #ubuntu-ops
GazzaKnalioth, I wassn't having a dig04:37
SportChickSeveas: sorry - it was 3AM here..I was happily asleep04:40
Seveassleep is for wussies04:40
PriceChildSeveas, Haven't you been in bed for a week? 8-)04:41
SeveasI was feeling pretty wuss :p04:41
PriceChildhehe :)04:41
Myrttiflu or noro virus?04:41
Myrttia-virus and noro are going rampart here in Finland04:41
Seveasdon't know what noro or a-virus are04:42
Myrttione of the most famous Finnish singer died due to complications of noro virus last month04:42
naliothSeveas: did you get your problem sorted from earlier?04:42
Seveasnalioth, yes04:42
MyrttiA-virus influenza, noro virus diarrhea04:42
SeveasMyrtti, barrel of fun...04:42
=== Seveas is glad it was just a flu
SportChickseveas: sleep may be for wussies, but that's a pretty good description of what I've been lately04:45
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Tm_TMyrtti: Still trying to keep unarian people out from finnish pureland by scaring them?04:55
Myrttiby what I've heard I guess these viruses move quite fast around the globe04:56
MyrttiIsn't there one flight from 'dam to Helsinki every day?04:56
Myrtticould be more04:56
Myrttiso the connection between Seveas' flu and mine isn't that far fetched04:57
Myrttihm, a thought of woolly mittens with ubuntu logos on them...05:00
Myrttihm, nevermind :-P05:01
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ikonia_please please please please please - can we have an #ubuntu-nonefaq channel where you can ask a question thats not related to nvidia/ati/beryl/wifi without 400 "nvidia" messages coming on and bouncing your message of screen05:19
popeyikonia_: you could always ask your question using the support ticket system http://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu05:20
popeyor using the ubuntuusers mailing list at http://lists.ubuntu.com/05:20
ikonia_not really real time conversation is it though05:20
popeydoes it need to be?05:21
popeyyou open a support ticket and we will see how quick I can answer it okay?05:21
ikonia_well thats the point of IRC to have a disscussion about configuration/ideas etc etc05:21
popeyits one way of getting support, yes, not the only way05:21
ikonia_popey not so much a time to answer - more a case of discuss an issue and get opinions etc05:22
popeyyou think you wont get any using a support ticket?05:22
popeyor mailing list?05:22
ikonia_popey I have no problem logging bugs/assistance - I was just looking for discussion about the issue and opinons and options05:22
ikonia_popey as I said, not real time05:22
popeywell, just suggesting alternative options to help you solve your problem05:23
ikonia_popey not at all, I appricaite that. I personalyl won't sign up to the mail lists as its alaways been border line on spam, I have no problems with launchpad though05:23
ikonia_I just fancied discussing an issue, getting opinions etc etc05:23
ikonia_irc is a nice way to discuss05:23
popeyborder line spam?!05:24
popeywhat are you talking about?05:24
popeyI note you are in the UK05:24
popeyfeel free to join #ubuntu-uk05:24
ikonia_popey a lot of posts go through them and a lot are "I can't get my nvidia card working" etc etc. Although when you do find a good thread, it is good05:24
popeythe UK loco team are good at chatting05:24
ikonia_popey yeah, I visit ubuntu-uk05:24
popeyask your question there?05:24
ikonia_I can do, but again there is just a lot of "how can i get wifi working" totally not as much as the main channel which is good. Its probably the best option05:25
ikonia_just thought it maybe nice to have #ubuntu-level2 or something05:25
ikonia_only an idea05:25
ikonia_ill thought through on my part05:25
popeythere is very little " how can i get wifi working" in #ubuntu-uk05:25
popeyvery very little05:25
popeywe mostly chat05:25
popeyshoot the breeze05:26
ikonia_really, we must have crossed times. I'll give it another go. I normally visit a few nights a week05:26
mneptokikonia_: seeing your complaint, i have some quesitons, too.05:26
ikonia_mneptok it wasn't a complaint05:26
ikonia_mneptok not at all05:26
ikonia_please don't take it as a complaint05:26
ikonia_I was just thinking out loud05:26
mneptoklike ... can i run Compiz on an nVidia GeForce5200?05:26
ikonia_mneptok if only I had a gun.....05:27
mneptokwill you install Beryl for me?05:27
ikonia_mneptok are you going to go through the whole lot ?05:27
ikonia_ha ha ha ha05:27
ikonia_are you reading my conversations logs05:27
mneptokdown, not across.05:27
mneptokit's Big Blue Room time for you.05:28
ikonia_big blue room ?05:28
mneptokfor me, as well.05:28
ikonia_that went over my head05:28
mneptokthat place out the window.05:28
ikonia_the real world05:28
mneptokthe idiots are somewhat attenuated05:29
mneptoklet's do *somewhat*05:29
mneptokyes, with emphasis05:29
ikonia_nah, ignore my ramblings, I was just getting bored of !nvidia !ati !ndiswrapper !beryl , when I wanted to discuss an unusual (to me) issue with the apache build on ubuntu05:29
ikonia_I'll hit ubuntu-uk see whats going on05:30
mneptokis it broke?05:30
ikonia_no no, not broke, just a configuration issue which is partly down to me and partly down to how ubuntu lays out its modular apache config05:31
mneptokif you have better ideas, you want to learn about writing specs05:31
ikonia_mneptok not all, I qutie like the more modular approach, its a bit unusual for me, but I think its a good change05:31
mneptok#ubuntu-motu would be helpful. many have written specs.05:31
ikonia_time will tell if it has longevity for me05:32
mneptoka lot of this is apache 1.3 vs 2.0 for you, prolly.05:32
ikonia_mneptok nah, I dropped apache 1 ages ago, I run a mix of apache 2 and 2.2 - but ubuntu really takes the modular aproach to the N'th level05:32
UbugtuApache bug 2 in Layout "Just testing the Boogzeela setup for log4j" [Normal,Closed: fixed]  http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=205:33
ikonia_more than any other distro05:33
ikonia_as I said I think its potentially a good thing05:33
ikonia_actualyl strike that I don't mean to chat in here sorry05:33
mneptokapache 105:33
=== mneptok kicks Ubugtu
mneptokapache 136205:34
UbugtuApache bug 1362 in Core tasks "class initialisation for task java is not well done" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate]  http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=136205:34
mneptokthanks for joining us, pythonpile05:34
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ubotuIn #ubuntu, jussi01 said: !hi is Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! How can we help you?08:52
AndrewBubotu: so?08:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about so? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:53
apokryphosAndrewB: ?08:56
AndrewBNothing I am going insane.08:57
AndrewBJust spent 30 pound more on flights than I needed to.08:59
apokryphosAndrewB: I think you're looking for #ubuntu-offtopic -- that channel is for general chat :)08:59
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cablesSeveas, sorry about the !ops thing. There were several trolls in there, and no one was doing anything about it.11:10
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