=== dwenegar [n=simone@softbank218130150052.bbtec.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yomm | jrib : thx | 12:01 |
atomik1 | poolie: Perhaps. | 12:01 |
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Renu23 | hello and help | 12:02 |
waffles_ | jrib: thanks | 12:02 |
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yomm | !lirc | 12:02 |
ubotu | lirc: Linux Infra-red Remote Control support. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.0-5ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 308 kB, installed size 1544 kB | 12:02 |
Renu23 | on my desktop apears bug buddy...and i can not stop it and can not acces anything from aplications | 12:02 |
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atomik1 | !quake | 12:02 |
ubotu | Quake runs natively under Ubuntu - See http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/quake4/ for details | 12:02 |
poolie | atomik1: if you have a NAT try specifying the external ip by hand when running the torrent | 12:02 |
atomik1 | !quake3 | 12:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about quake3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:03 |
=== ultralord [n=ultralor@229.Red-88-15-40.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
paradizelost | hey all, how do i disable a service from starting automatically and/or see what is starting when? | 12:03 |
atomik1 | poolie: this box IS the nat | 12:03 |
atomik1 | :) | 12:03 |
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ttmrichter | So how do I reset and restart the sound system without shutting down the machine? | 12:03 |
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Renu23 | can anybody help me....? | 12:03 |
poolie | paradizelost: i'd do it by removing the S?? files from /etc/rc2.d | 12:03 |
=== Nutubuntu [i=9e16cc9e@c-24-4-249-124.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["...] | ||
poolie | there may be a more official/friendly way | 12:03 |
=== psygrass [n=psygrass@bb-87-80-113-51.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Renu23 | on my desktop apears bug buddy...and i can not stop it and can not acces anything from aplications or anything of ubuntu | 12:04 |
pingpongboss | paradizelost, try menu System -> Administration -> Services | 12:04 |
paradizelost | pingpongboss, on server install, no gui | 12:04 |
pingpongboss | paradizelost, ah, nvm then | 12:04 |
profoX` | What the hell.. Has anyone experienced this before? "Read-only file system" when I try to write/change something... problem is... the read-only file system is the actual partition I am using right now (root file system) | 12:04 |
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profoX` | :/ looks like a very big bug | 12:04 |
poolie | Renu23: you can't click any other menu items? | 12:04 |
eilker | i wanna upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 , which command pls ? | 12:04 |
poolie | profoX`: can you get up a terminal? | 12:05 |
profoX` | poolie: yes | 12:05 |
=== Fredle [n=fredle@195-144-080-078.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Renu23 | no | 12:05 |
=== SenorBrizzio [n=brizz@67-40-100-151.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poolie | profoX`: try 'mount' | 12:05 |
pingpongboss | eilker, sudo update-manager -c is the "official' way | 12:05 |
profoX` | poolie: already tried mount -a | 12:05 |
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profoX` | poolie: but I don't think you can really remount your root partition when you are using it.. | 12:05 |
pingpongboss | eilker, it's how i did it. dont forget the -c flag | 12:05 |
eilker | thanx | 12:05 |
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eilker | but kubuntu here | 12:06 |
Renu23 | even if i try alt+f2 | 12:06 |
=== Falconix [n=anders@194-237-185-7.customer.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poolie | profoX`: are you in recovery mode or something? | 12:06 |
=== ChrisNiemy [n=c@p54BACB85.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poolie | profoX`: you can do 'remount -o rw,remount /' | 12:06 |
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pingpongboss | eilker, i'd think that it's the same command.. might wanna ask some others | 12:06 |
eilker | i see | 12:06 |
Renu23 | poolie any idee? | 12:06 |
profoX` | poolie: rebooting is only my last resort.... | 12:06 |
poolie | but if it just suddenly went ro this might indicate a drive error | 12:06 |
poolie | Renu23: System/Administration/Software sources | 12:07 |
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poolie | Renu23: or 'preferences' in software update | 12:07 |
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poolie | whichever is present in that version | 12:07 |
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Renu23 | i can not acces them | 12:07 |
profoX` | poolie: ah ye.. dmesg reports trouble, you might be right | 12:08 |
ttmrichter | Thanks guys. | 12:08 |
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poolie | profoX`: my disk died on Tuesday too... i just got back up .,.. good luck | 12:08 |
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Renu23 | poolie can u help me in mc to do anything? | 12:09 |
faLUCE | Hi. I'm trying to run this simple makefile: http://rafb.net/p/BykcSi60.html but it gives me this error: make: *** No targets. Stop. . I'm really getting crazy: what's wrong? thnks | 12:09 |
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waffles_ | Ok, so I need more help with mounting an ntfs drive | 12:10 |
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poolie | Renu23: so you keep getting the 'an application crashed' dialog? | 12:10 |
Renu23 | i hit ctrl+alt+f1 | 12:11 |
Renu23 | now i am in black window | 12:11 |
profoX` | poolie: yea I think I need luck.. damn | 12:11 |
Renu23 | yes | 12:11 |
supervillain | anyone here uses seahorse?, Is it possible for a user to sign/encrypt/decrypt a file in a different computer? because were implementing it in a campus, sorry, there were nobody around in #seahorse. | 12:11 |
Renu23 | i kkep getting the bug buddy dialog | 12:11 |
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=== cafuego_ used to sue it, but with a few hundred keys it became unusable. | ||
=== Lasse_ [n=lasse@194.Red-88-14-87.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mcmahon | hey dudes whats upp? | 12:13 |
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Renu23 | poolie...? | 12:13 |
mcmahon | ? | 12:13 |
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atomik1 | can I install beryl through apt-get? | 12:13 |
=== jlgaddis <3's the F5 VPN. | ||
mcmahon | yep | 12:13 |
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atomik1 | how? | 12:13 |
mcmahon | make sure you also get emerald themes | 12:13 |
acid_phyre | hello everyone i just installed ircd-hybrid and cannot find the ircd.conf file to edit the server | 12:14 |
Renu23 | how can i stop the bug buddy dialog from mc? | 12:14 |
jlgaddis | atomik1: Instructions for Ubuntu are on http://www.beryl-project.org/ | 12:14 |
V4mpire | hey guys i need help with beryl on ubuntu | 12:14 |
acid_phyre | or how can i tell if its running | 12:14 |
posingaspopular | !beryl | 12:14 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 12:14 |
jlgaddis | acid_phyre: find / -type f -name ircd.conf | 12:14 |
atomik1 | jlgaddis: last time I ran their install script it messed x up | 12:14 |
mcmahon | sudo apt-get install beryl-manager emerald-themes | 12:14 |
mcmahon | I think | 12:14 |
root__ | !offtopic | 12:14 |
mcmahon | thats how you do it | 12:14 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 12:14 |
atomik1 | thanks mcmahon | 12:14 |
acid_phyre | i did that witht eh file search and it found nothing | 12:14 |
atomik1 | E: Package beryl-manager has no installation candidate | 12:14 |
jlgaddis | acid_phyre: find / -type f -name '*ircd.conf*' | 12:14 |
mcmahon | hmm | 12:14 |
Lasse_ | hi guys, my Xorg service is using 99.9% cpu constantly - this is since the dist upgrade that was made available yesterday for hurd 4 ... any takes on it ? | 12:14 |
poolie | Renu23: is the system working in other respects? | 12:14 |
=== funpop [n=michael@p54B0B057.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mcmahon | did you ad the repo? | 12:14 |
Phluffy | I just installed Ubuntu to my computer which has 2 hard drives. When I select Ubuntu from Grub it tells me Error 22: Partition doesn't exist and when I select Windows it tells me it can't find NTLDR | 12:14 |
atomik1 | no. | 12:14 |
funpop | !runlevel | 12:15 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about runlevel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:15 |
Fred_Sambo | ubotu: i am in love with you | 12:15 |
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Renu23 | the system is blocked | 12:15 |
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atomik1 | mcmahon: what repo | 12:15 |
mcmahon | 1 sec | 12:15 |
atomik1 | thx <3 | 12:15 |
Renu23 | i can only reset it from button | 12:15 |
mcmahon | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=272104 | 12:15 |
mcmahon | read that | 12:15 |
atomik1 | thx | 12:15 |
mcmahon | np | 12:15 |
mcmahon | that's not the repo | 12:16 |
acid_phyre | how come i get permission denied when i try to access that dir? | 12:16 |
mcmahon | but it is one of the best guides out there | 12:16 |
acid_phyre | its in /usr/ect/ircd-hybrid | 12:16 |
Fred_Sambo | haha, now i've got ubotu all to my self in a private message! | 12:16 |
acid_phyre | etc* | 12:16 |
Phluffy | how come when i use fdisk on the live cd it says it can't find the hard drives? | 12:16 |
acid_phyre | but i get permission denied when trying to cd to it | 12:16 |
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mcmahon | brb | 12:16 |
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mcmahon | back | 12:17 |
=== Akuma_ [n=martin@modemcable213.191-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mcmahon | I have a question | 12:17 |
jlgaddis | acid_phyre: become root | 12:17 |
mcmahon | I am looking at a thinkpad T43 DMU | 12:18 |
acid_phyre | just sudo right? | 12:18 |
mcmahon | what is a reasonable price? | 12:18 |
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acid_phyre | other then sudo i dont know how to become root | 12:18 |
poolie | Renu23: and when you reboot it what happens? | 12:18 |
mcmahon | sudo su | 12:18 |
mEck0_ | is there any gui for swi-prolog? | 12:18 |
=== seravitae [n=seravita@60-240-192-119.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Renu23 | now i am doing | 12:19 |
mcmahon | try sudo su to become root | 12:19 |
Renu23 | i ll try the recovery mode | 12:19 |
Frogzoo | mEck0_: apt-cache search swi-prolog | 12:19 |
acid_phyre | ahh ic | 12:19 |
acid_phyre | thanks | 12:19 |
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mcmahon | did it work? | 12:19 |
=== Crusher [n=You@ppp71-176.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== jlgaddis uses "sudo -s" | ||
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foormea | !torrent | 12:20 |
ubotu | Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt) - Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html | 12:20 |
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mEck0_ | Frogzoo, I've tried it, and found swi-prolog-xpce, but when I try to run xpce or xpce-client, nothing starts | 12:20 |
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mEck0_ | I can start prolog in the terminal though, but it would been nice with a working gui. | 12:21 |
mcmahon | does system76 have a channel? | 12:21 |
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lufi1 | Why can't the network applet be removed from the panel in feisty? | 12:21 |
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funpop | !bootclean | 12:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bootclean - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:21 |
funpop | that bot doesnt know a lot,. eh | 12:22 |
poolie | lufi1: i think it's a bug | 12:22 |
lufi1 | poolie: obviously | 12:22 |
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rpc | is there such a thing as java for console? | 12:22 |
mcmahon | do you guys know if system76 has a channel? | 12:23 |
rpc | or does it require X? | 12:23 |
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poolie | well, it can't be removed because it's not a regular applet but rather a status widget of gnome-nm | 12:23 |
poolie | networkmanager | 12:23 |
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poolie | and feisty seems to always use networkmanager | 12:23 |
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waffles_ | Help: what does this mean? | 12:24 |
waffles_ | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 12:25 |
waffles_ | ntfs-config: Depends: libdbus-1-2 (>= 0.60) but it is not installable | 12:25 |
waffles_ | E: Broken packages | 12:25 |
=== Exposure [n=exposure@a80-126-234-67.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
synic | rpc: java doesn't require X, no | 12:25 |
waffles_ | I was trying to run the command: sudo apt-get install ntfs-config | 12:25 |
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Renu23 | poolie the same problem | 12:25 |
Smashcat | Hello, anyone aware of an issue with ubuntu 6.1 and the default apache 2.0.55 install that prevents vhosts from logging access? Bizarre, but access is only logged in the default host, not a vhost. | 12:25 |
dj_baggio | could somebody tell me which keys I can change my actually active desktop panel in kde? | 12:25 |
profoX` | poolie: so.. I remounted the drive rw but it remounts itself back to ro | 12:25 |
Renu23 | it apears the bug buddy | 12:25 |
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profoX` | poolie: i guess i'll go in recovery mode and try fsck..... and make a backup of some files.... | 12:26 |
chalcedony | how can i make a 'keyboard shortcut' or something that wil let me type ' O.C.G.A. ' whenever I hit a couple of keys? | 12:26 |
dj_baggio | nobody knows? | 12:26 |
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chalcedony | dj_baggio: might be a slow time for helpers? | 12:27 |
chalcedony | ((((((((((( synic ))))))))))))))))))))) | 12:27 |
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poolie | dj_baggio: in gnome it's ctrl-alt-arrow | 12:27 |
dj_baggio | chalcedony: I don't know what i should ask helpers :) | 12:27 |
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poolie | chalcedony: i don't think there's any systemwide way to do that | 12:28 |
chalcedony | poolie: darn.. i need it in vim and oo | 12:28 |
daft_ | anyone know what the message "compiz: GLX_SGIX_fbconfig is missing" means? | 12:28 |
poolie | oh you can do it in vim | 12:28 |
dj_baggio | poolie: but it's working only in gnome | 12:28 |
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dj_baggio | not in kde :/ | 12:28 |
chalcedony | poolie ok how? | 12:28 |
synic | hey chalcedony :) | 12:28 |
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chalcedony | synic great to see you :) | 12:28 |
poolie | chalcedony: :iabbrev hel Hello world | 12:29 |
poolie | etc | 12:29 |
synic | chalcedony: what have you been up to? | 12:29 |
chalcedony | we miss you on undernet #linuxnewbie | 12:29 |
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chalcedony | synic: still the court case | 12:29 |
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Renu23 | my bug reporting tool is not stopping anymore | 12:29 |
harry | Whenever I put my SD card into the reader, it pops up the "photo import" window, and I click "always perform this action" and "ignore", but it keeps popping up... | 12:30 |
Renu23 | and i can not acces anything from menu | 12:30 |
=== PryorDaniel [n=daniel@cpe-24-165-26-236.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chalcedony | Renu23: sounds frustrating | 12:30 |
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dj_baggio | any ideas? | 12:31 |
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poolie | Renu23: what does it say in the dialog? | 12:31 |
Smashcat | I see, with ubuntu's apache I must create a custom log for each vhost. great... | 12:31 |
owner | ; | 12:32 |
jlgaddis | Smashcat: You don't have to. | 12:32 |
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Renu23 | bactrace was generated from '/usr/bin/gnome-panel' that is says | 12:33 |
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cedriczg | hi there | 12:33 |
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cedriczg | can someone tell me how to pass by this install message error? /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by ./texmaker_linux_installer) | 12:34 |
=== Norf-ubu [n=dave@82-37-113-144.cable.ubr03.sand.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tck | quick question peeps, is herd5 up for download yet ? | 12:34 |
crimsun | no. | 12:34 |
=== lix [n=lix@217-162-177-254.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tck | grr.. | 12:34 |
Smashcat | jigaddis: Seems I do here. (Ubuntu 6.10). Unless I configure a log per vhost, all access logs to vhosts are lost. Not a big deal, all the sites use php with global includes, so I'll log using php instead (can't be bothered to reconfigure 30 odd sites ;-) ) | 12:34 |
=== tck hopes my dell inspiron will work better :P | ||
=== tck is now known as tck-afk | ||
=== Bhaal [i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal] has left #ubuntu ["Coming] | ||
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cedriczg | no clue? | 12:36 |
linxeh | Smashcat: why not just configure apache to have a global log then | 12:36 |
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cedriczg | the texmaker says it is compiled with gcc 4.1.3 | 12:37 |
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goear | Hey | 12:38 |
Smashcat | linxeh: It does have a global log. The vhosts don't log to it though. First time I've seen Apache behave that way - guess it's something the ubuntu packagers thought was a good idea. | 12:38 |
jlgaddis | Smashcat: Weird. Normally it'll just the default if you don't specify a vhost-specific logfile. | 12:38 |
=== JoaoSantana [n=joao@dial-up-200-184-104-60.intelignet.com.br] has left #ubuntu ["Saindo"] | ||
goear | Hey, I have a little problem, I dont get the whole package list or at least I think so, when Im on my other computer running kubuntu I get much more packages, maybe because there are more for that distrib.. Im not sure. | 12:38 |
=== Trevors [n=Tr4sKeuH@AAnnecy-152-1-69-98.w86-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild | ||
=== jlgaddis likes per-vhost logfiles. | ||
linxeh | Smashcat: well configure it to do what you want then | 12:38 |
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jlgaddis | Hmm, snort using 18% CPU. | 12:39 |
Smashcat | linxeh: Have, just using php to do the logging instead. Saves time as I only have to configure one central include file ;-) | 12:39 |
davidbr | OK, for ubuntu, what is the equivalent of ncftp ? I want to ftp a file and know I get it !! | 12:40 |
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=== Trevors ::: Joachim Garraud & Dj Sender - ZeMixx 100, Happy Birthday Zemixx !! : 239:22 : 129kbps : Stereo ::: | ||
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linxeh | Smashcat: k - I tend to log to separate vhost files only with apache if I bother using it - most of my stuff is in weblogic or jboss now anyway | 12:40 |
jlgaddis | davidbr: ncftp, ncftp3, curl, wget, ... | 12:40 |
linxeh | davidbr: sudo apt-get install ncftp etc | 12:40 |
=== savvas [i=sradevic@pdpc/supporter/base/savvas] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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savvas | grep: The -P option is not supported << why isn't it supported? | 12:41 |
linxeh | savvas: you probably need to have a library installed or something | 12:42 |
=== chairmeleon [n=jesper@81-236-240-88-no27.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chairmeleon | hello | 12:42 |
NevroPus | checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables <---- why won't my compiler do this? | 12:42 |
chairmeleon | does anyone here know of a good Linux software to draw coordinate systems in? | 12:42 |
JamesG | I know this is strictly not ubuntu related, but it's happening on ubuntu, and I haven't tried another distro, so it could be ubuntu specific.. Anyway.. Any ideas on why Azureus has this external error window which pops up and then won't go away when you hit the hide button? | 12:42 |
Smashcat | linxeh: Yeah, I work with Apache a lot, but this behaviour is abnormal. I'm guessing it's something in the spidersweb of includes ubuntu sets up that's screwing up the logging. I might just wipe it and install from source. | 12:42 |
=== gabz [n=gabriel@dsl-202-173-185-172.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jlgaddis | Smashcat: That's why I don't run Apache on Ubuntu. | 12:43 |
linxeh | savvas: maybe get pcregrep ? | 12:43 |
jlgaddis | It's a mess. | 12:43 |
dedlycow | hello Chairmeleon | 12:43 |
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linxeh | jlgaddis: I actually think it is quite nice tbh | 12:43 |
=== Luis07 [n=luis@virtua-cwb218-104.ctb.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poolie | Smashcat: at most just tell it to start from totally separate config files | 12:43 |
chairmeleon | dedlycow: hello | 12:43 |
poolie | there is noting about this setup in the binary afaik | 12:43 |
chairmeleon | did you want to tell me something ? :) | 12:43 |
savvas | linxeh: i'll check, hold on | 12:44 |
Luis07 | I'm currently using mplayer, but due to some errors, I'm planning to give VLC player a try. Is it worthy? | 12:44 |
jlgaddis | linxeh: *shrug* I have "my own system" that I've gotten used to over the years, so anything different is annoying. =) | 12:44 |
=== genii [n=chatzill@204-225-123-158.xdsl.convoke.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jlgaddis | linxeh: Red Hat using an /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory annoys the crap outta me. | 12:44 |
NevroPus | checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables <---- should I install a new compiler? which? | 12:44 |
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poolie | uh just use apache -c (or whatever) and you can use your own system | 12:44 |
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poolie | NevroPus: install gcc :) | 12:45 |
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jtmoney | does anyone know if feisty fawn, when it's released as final, will have support for intel x64 (ia64) machines? | 12:45 |
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dedlycow | my first time in here think im in over hhead might have to look else where for more simple help | 12:45 |
waffles_ | why am I getting this error?? | 12:45 |
waffles_ | waffles@waffles-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install ntfs-config | 12:45 |
waffles_ | Reading package lists... Done | 12:45 |
waffles_ | Building dependency tree | 12:45 |
waffles_ | Reading state information... Done | 12:45 |
waffles_ | E: Couldn't find package ntfs-config | 12:45 |
Smashcat | jlgaddis: Yeah, I think I'll just build from source. Hate it when packagers enforce their own wacky config setups. Redhat is just as bad though | 12:45 |
posingaspopular | jtmoney: it SHOULD | 12:45 |
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poolie | jtmoney: i think as a community supported port | 12:45 |
genii | !pastebin | waffles | 12:45 |
ubotu | waffles: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:45 |
posingaspopular | 6.10 has 64bit support | 12:45 |
=== eobanb [n=eoban@iub-vpn-203-190.noc.indiana.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
posingaspopular | !paste | 12:45 |
jlgaddis | Smashcat: True, but I'm used to it on RH. | 12:45 |
jtmoney | posingaspopular: that's amd 64 | 12:45 |
Frogzoo | !docs | dedlycow | 12:45 |
poolie | Smashcat: that is really unnecessary, but please yourself | 12:45 |
ubotu | dedlycow: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com | 12:45 |
savvas | dedlycow: what would you like to know? | 12:46 |
jlgaddis | Wow, another Bloomington person. | 12:46 |
posingaspopular | jtmoney: whats the difference? | 12:46 |
Smashcat | poolie: I think starting from a clean install is quicker than searching all the ubuntu cruft to find out how they're messing the config up. | 12:46 |
jtmoney | you would think there wouldn't be, but there is one | 12:46 |
=== kbrooks [n=kbrooks@d235-140-131.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | boo. | 12:47 |
NevroPus | poolie, already have gcc, but I still get that | 12:47 |
poolie | my point is you just need to give one parameter to ignore it... | 12:47 |
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poolie | NevroPus: look in config.log | 12:47 |
NevroPus | do you want the output? | 12:47 |
dedlycow | what do I need to download from my vedeo recorder to computer im using ubuntu 6.06lts | 12:47 |
poolie | NevroPus: only the bit relating to that error | 12:47 |
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NevroPus | kk | 12:47 |
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Smashcat | poolie: What do you mean by one option? Is there a "screwUpLogging = true" setting somewhere in the depths of the /etc/apache2/* tree? | 12:48 |
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savvas | linxeh: works like a charm, thanks for the tip :) | 12:48 |
poolie | Smashcat: sudo apache2 -f ~/my-nice-config | 12:48 |
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poolie | and all the stuff under /etc will be ignored | 12:48 |
Twinxor | make everything.work -t | 12:48 |
pooyak | Hi there | 12:49 |
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Smashcat | poolie: I think that's really just hiding the problem ;-) | 12:49 |
pooyak | I recently installed ubuntu edgy on my home headless server | 12:49 |
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pooyak | now I am wondering if it is autoupdating itself or not | 12:49 |
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=== genii sips a large black coffee | ||
pooyak | I can't seem to find a good clue about that | 12:49 |
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poolie | Smashcat: if you want to use your own config that's how you do it, recompiling is irrelevant | 12:50 |
jrib | pooyak: it shouldn't be | 12:50 |
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poolie | or delete /etc/apache2 and put your own stuff there is you prefer | 12:50 |
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=== braveheartlion [n=flasher@S010600c09f5f99a4.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pooyak | jrib, how can I turn it on then? | 12:50 |
=== BigMac [n=mike@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
braveheartlion | If I a program saves over a file, is it possible to recover the older version of the file? | 12:51 |
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=== mage [n=mage@d154-20-152-71.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pooyak | jrib, I more worrying about security updates | 12:51 |
mage | hmm | 12:51 |
Smashcat | poolie: That's what I'm doing - I agree it's not worth recompiling. I've just removed the /etc/apache2 mess and started with a single clean file. | 12:51 |
braveheartlion | because I'm quite dead if I can't recover | 12:51 |
braveheartlion | this would mean that I've lost of my pda data from jpilot. 8-( | 12:51 |
=== Selaiah [i=Selaiah@p57A1C8C5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mage | is there an easy way to make a bunch of links for a directory? | 12:52 |
jlgaddis | braveheartlion: Unless you have a backup, it's gone. | 12:52 |
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jrib | pooyak: I'm not sure | 12:52 |
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Selaiah | Anyone running a high quality PCI Soundcard, that worked for you out of the box? (Trying to decide which one to get) | 12:52 |
braveheartlion | jlgaddis: no!!! | 12:53 |
poolie | mage: what do you mean? | 12:53 |
Selaiah | Had to find out my X-Fi doesnt work at all, so pretty much open for anything now. | 12:53 |
braveheartlion | =-( | 12:53 |
poolie | cp -al maybe? | 12:53 |
jrib | pooyak: I guess you could run a cron job, but I seem to recall a pacakge you cajn just install | 12:53 |
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poolie | pooyak: there is cron-apt | 12:53 |
pooyak | jrib, yeah I mean that is very wierd if ubuntu itself don't have something to auto update! | 12:53 |
poolie | but maybe update-mananger takes care of it now? | 12:54 |
=== neruaL [n=nerual@adsl-158-182-204.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pyrotix | I was trying to configure the dyndns ip redirect mentioned in the wiki, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_assign_Hostname_to_local_machine_with_dynamic_IP_using_free_DynDNS_service , and when I run sudo sh /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/dyndns_update.sh it returns http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8014/ . Any idea of what I need to do to fix it? | 12:54 |
=== JaeSharp is now known as JaeSharpZZZ | ||
mage | poolie: hardlinking all of the real files in a directory and just duplicating any softlinks, so I can just use /lib for /nfsroot | 12:54 |
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NevroPus | poolie, sould I pm you with the output about gcc? | 12:54 |
gabz | Selaiah, i've had the creative ones work for me but i'm not sure if thats' high quality any more | 12:54 |
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poolie | mage: cp -al | 12:54 |
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=== StAfZe6 [n=StAfZe@adsl-158-182-204.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poolie | NevroPus: sure | 12:54 |
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pooyak | poolie, there's a script named apt already in /etc/cron.daily but seems to be only downloading packages but not installing them | 12:55 |
NevroPus | configure:1324: found /usr/bin/gcc | 12:55 |
NevroPus | configure:1334: result: gcc | 12:55 |
NevroPus | configure:1578: checking for C compiler version | 12:55 |
NevroPus | configure:1581: gcc --version </dev/null >&5 | 12:55 |
NevroPus | gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20060928 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.1-13ubuntu5) | 12:55 |
NevroPus | Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. | 12:55 |
NevroPus | This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO | 12:55 |
Selaiah | gabz: I'm using a Creative X-fi and sadly there's no support for linux what so ever at all. Which one are you using? | 12:55 |
NevroPus | warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. | 12:55 |
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NevroPus | configure:1584: $? = 0 | 12:55 |
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NevroPus | configure:1586: gcc -v </dev/null >&5 | 12:55 |
NevroPus | Using built-in specs. | 12:55 |
=== davascript_home [n=danny@pool-209-158-58-185.scr.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NevroPus | Target: i486-linux-gnu | 12:55 |
Frogzoo | NevroPus: no pasting in chan | 12:55 |
NevroPus | Configured with: ../src/configure -v --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,objc,obj-c++,treelang --prefix=/usr --enable-shared --with-system-zlib --libexecdir=/usr/lib --without-included-gettext --enable-threads=posix --enable-nls --program-suffix=-4.1 --enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-libstdcxx-debug --enable-mpfr --enable-checking=release i486-linux-gnu | 12:55 |
Frogzoo | !ops | 12:55 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 12:55 |
NevroPus | Thread model: posix | 12:55 |
NevroPus | gcc version 4.1.2 20060928 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.1-13ubuntu5) | 12:55 |
NevroPus | configure:1589: $? = 0 | 12:55 |
NevroPus | configure:1591: gcc -V </dev/null >&5 | 12:55 |
NevroPus | gcc: '-V' option must have argument | 12:55 |
NevroPus | configure:1594: $? = 1 | 12:55 |
pyrotix | Nevro | 12:55 |
NevroPus | configure:1617: checking for C compiler default output file name | 12:55 |
pyrotix | use pastebin | 12:55 |
pyrotix | !pastebin | 12:55 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:55 |
NevroPus | configure:1620: gcc conftest.c >&5 | 12:55 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o elkbuntu] by ChanServ | ||
NevroPus | /usr/bin/ld: crt1.o: No such file: No such file or directory | 12:55 |
Selaiah | MY gosh Nevro, cantu paste this elsewhere? :p | 12:55 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@cm-] by elkbuntu | ||
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tim167 | NervoPus: !enter | 12:55 |
tim167 | !enter | 12:56 |
ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 12:56 |
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gabz | Selaiah i haven't updated my sound card in years so it's a like a soundblaster platium :S | 12:56 |
elkbuntu | !paste | NevroPus, | 12:56 |
ubotu | NevroPus,: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:56 |
=== assasukasse [n=assasuka@host-84-222-247-20.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tim167 | hi all, i want to extract audio from an .mpeg file using an mplayer command in terminal, can someone help me ? thank you | 12:56 |
Selaiah | gabz: Oh :D Well I've been looking for something a bit more recent :P | 12:56 |
Selaiah | gabz: Thanks for helping though | 12:56 |
elkbuntu | NevroPus, let me know when your paste has finished and i'll unmute you | 12:56 |
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Moniker42 | hey, how can i use the numpad as a mouse/ | 12:57 |
Moniker42 | *mouse? | 12:57 |
pyrotix | Alright, peoples, I was trying to configure the dyndns ip redirect mentioned in the wiki, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_assign_Hostname_to_local_machine_with_dynamic_IP_using_free_DynDNS_service , and when I run sudo sh /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/dyndns_update.sh it returns http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8014/ . Any idea of what I need to do to fix it? | 12:57 |
kbrooks | Moniker42: easy, and i just know how | 12:57 |
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kbrooks | Moniker42: system -> prefs -> keyboard | 12:57 |
kbrooks | Moniker42: accessibility button | 12:57 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %*!*@cm-] by elkbuntu | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b livingdaylight*!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by nalioth | ||
Moniker42 | kbrooks, there isn't an accessibility tab, you on edgy? | 12:58 |
NevroPus | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8015/ <---- poolie there's the output | 12:58 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o elkbuntu] by ChanServ | ||
kbrooks | Moniker42: button | 12:58 |
kbrooks | Moniker42: not tab | 12:58 |
=== raul [n=raul@host204.190-30-64.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Moniker42 | kbrooks, oh yea the big one at the bottom labelled accessibility? ;) | 12:59 |
kbrooks | Moniker42: yes | 12:59 |
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kbrooks | Moniker42: go to last tab in new window, and checkmark enable mouse keys | 12:59 |
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kbrooks | Moniker42: close both windows | 12:59 |
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=== drumline [n=cobrien@ppp-69-237-1-15.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Moniker42 | thanks | 12:59 |
kbrooks | Moniker42: and heres how to use the mouse | 12:59 |
Trelard | I'm having issues with using v6.10 AMD64 live cd.. when I try to start the install it shows the splash screen, then after a minute I see a flashing "prompt" then the screen goes black.. any suggestions please? | 12:59 |
Moniker42 | just couldn't find it i was trawling through loads of menus there | 12:59 |
kbrooks | Moniker42: with numpad: | 12:59 |
Moniker42 | yea i know | 01:00 |
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Moniker42 | it's also marked on there in arrows :) | 01:00 |
NevroPus | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8015/ <---- can anyone tell me why it wont compile this? | 01:00 |
Moniker42 | thanks kbrooks | 01:00 |
kbrooks | Moniker42: / means left click. * means middle. and - means right click | 01:00 |
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kbrooks | Moniker42: pressing 0 means drag' | 01:00 |
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Moniker42 | cool | 01:00 |
pyrotix | can someone help with my question? or will I need to go to the forums instead? :P. You guys don't want to be beaten by the forums... | 01:01 |
Moniker42 | i just want to read a web comic archive without using the mouse | 01:01 |
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kbrooks | Moniker42: well, u dont need mouse keys | 01:01 |
Trelard | can anyone help me with the issue I am having? | 01:01 |
=== AngryElf_ [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | u can simply use the numpad by itself | 01:01 |
nexous | I need a good programming font. I have a few .pcf fonts for linux, but no one knows about installing pcf fonts lately. | 01:01 |
kbrooks | using the arrows | 01:01 |
atomik1 | decent FTP client for ubuntu? | 01:01 |
pyrotix | Trelard: Don't ask about asking a question | 01:01 |
kbrooks | atomik1: gftp | 01:01 |
atomik1 | kbrooks: thanks | 01:02 |
a5benwillis | Can someone help me out with a problem running "apt-get --build source"??? | 01:02 |
Trelard | i already asked it but no reply | 01:02 |
benn92649 | ok im back from gym | 01:02 |
Moniker42 | atomik1, try the firefox extension one | 01:02 |
=== Luuna_ [n=luuna@dyn-83-152-22-237.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Trelard | I'm having issues with using v6.10 AMD64 live cd.. when I try to start the install it shows the splash screen, then after a minute I see a flashing "prompt" then the screen goes black.. any suggestions please? <-- that is the issue | 01:02 |
poolie | NevroPus: install libc6-dev | 01:02 |
bimberi | a5benwillis: any error? | 01:02 |
benn92649 | sooo who whats to help a n00b install Wine the right way | 01:02 |
a5benwillis | yes, hold on | 01:02 |
=== con-man [n=con-man@d198-166-244-11.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | benn92649: sudo apt-get install wine | 01:02 |
bimberi | a5benwillis: use a pastebin if it's a long one | 01:02 |
NevroPus | thanks poolie | 01:03 |
pyrotix | Atomic1 / Moniker42: Konqueror works better, just like everything in KDE does =D | 01:03 |
Moniker42 | don't listen to him! | 01:03 |
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a5benwillis | bimberi: unmet build dependencies | 01:03 |
benn92649 | i have Ubuntu 64 can i do the apt install thing? | 01:03 |
Moniker42 | he's one of those kde fanmonkeys | 01:03 |
Moniker42 | get fire-ftp for firefox | 01:03 |
Moniker42 | and stick with lovely shiny gnome ;) | 01:03 |
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pyrotix | (or KDE) | 01:03 |
bimberi | a5benwillis: sudo apt-get build-dep <package> | 01:03 |
pyrotix | (and KDE is shinier) | 01:03 |
kbrooks | Moniker42: pyrotix is not a kde fanmoney | 01:03 |
benn92649 | i like GNOME | 01:03 |
kbrooks | Moniker42: and stop trolling | 01:04 |
benn92649 | very user friendly | 01:04 |
posingaspopular | benn92649: WHY!@> | 01:04 |
kbrooks | Moniker42: give everyonwe a choice | 01:04 |
nexous | Anyone know how to install PCF Fonts? | 01:04 |
Moniker42 | kbrooks, i wasn't trolling :) | 01:04 |
benn92649 | to me its really easy | 01:04 |
kbrooks | Moniker42: you were | 01:04 |
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kbrooks | Moniker42: you got me slightly mad | 01:04 |
benn92649 | ok so i will try the apt get wine thing | 01:04 |
pyrotix | kbrooks: I was the one trolling =) | 01:04 |
sspencer | hey yall, is there a specific channel for feisty? | 01:04 |
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kbrooks | sspencer: #ubuntu+1 | 01:05 |
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a5benwillis | bimberi: Does that JUST get the dependencies and not the package? Im needing to install from pached source. | 01:05 |
linxeh | jlgaddis: I'm not bothered by /etc/httpd/conf.d - I think its a neat solution, as is ubuntus. The core is still the same so you can configure it however you want anyway | 01:05 |
pyrotix | can someone help with my question? or will I need to go to the forums instead? :P. You guys don't want to be beaten by the forums... | 01:05 |
sspencer | kbrooks: thanks | 01:05 |
bimberi | a5benwillis: ys, just the deps | 01:05 |
bimberi | *yes | 01:05 |
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Moniker42 | atomik1, your choice - if you already have gnome and are used to it fire-ftp is an ftp extension for firefox but if you feel like switching desktop environments completely many people advocate kde and konquerer.... is that better kbrooks? ;) | 01:05 |
a5benwillis | bimberi: Thank you VERY much | 01:05 |
linxeh | jlgaddis: I used to think the Apple configuration of JBoss was mad, but its much better than the default JBoss install really | 01:05 |
=== sdrev [n=sdrev@cpe-65-25-138-199.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pyrotix | I was trying to configure the dyndns ip redirect mentioned in the wiki, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_assign_Hostname_to_local_machine_with_dynamic_IP_using_free_DynDNS_service , and when I run sudo sh /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/dyndns_update.sh it returns http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8014/ . Any idea of what I need to do to fix it? | 01:05 |
=== CodeBanshee [i=HydraIRC@81-86-226-1.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bimberi | a5benwillis: yw :) | 01:05 |
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=== Whitepanda [n=aaron@wsip-70-168-50-163.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Trelard | I'm having issues with using v6.10 AMD64 live cd.. when I try to start the install it shows the splash screen, then after a minute I see a flashing "prompt" then the screen goes black.. any suggestions please? | 01:06 |
kbrooks | Moniker42: yes ;-) | 01:06 |
aridese | i've accidently deleted a critical file in a package, how do i reinstall it with apt-get? | 01:06 |
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benn92649 | didnt work claims that the packet did have an installer or was obsolete? | 01:06 |
benn92649 | *didnt | 01:06 |
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sdrev | can i use compiz if i have a via graphics card? | 01:06 |
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Whitepanda | i think im retarded...i cant install firefox 2, Im running dapper | 01:06 |
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fryfrog | Has anyone tried to compile their own linux-restricted-modules? | 01:07 |
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kbrooks | Whitepanda: u have it, dont u? | 01:07 |
Whitepanda | can ne1 help, please? | 01:07 |
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pingpongboss | whitepanda, download firefox from www.getfirefox.com | 01:07 |
jlgaddis | w00t | 01:07 |
benn92649 | I have the newest version on my sektop can some tell me the command prompts in console to get it running | 01:07 |
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Whitepanda | no its 1. sumthin | 01:07 |
jlgaddis | Scored another 1GB flash drive | 01:07 |
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benn92649 | *desktop | 01:07 |
aridese | jlgaddis: how? | 01:07 |
eilker | i wanna record my desktop as a video file, how can i do it with vlc player ?or with any other tool ? | 01:07 |
pingpongboss | whitepanda, i just deleted the old firefox 1.5 by deletign the /opt/firefox folder i thikn | 01:07 |
kbrooks | Whitepanda: looking for wiki page | 01:07 |
bimberi | a5benwillis: btw, it's 'apt-get source' that gets the package source. Take care that it won't do that (even with --build) and overwrite your patches. | 01:07 |
kbrooks | pingpongboss: no... | 01:07 |
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jlgaddis | aridese: Someone left it in a lab, no one claimed it after 30 days. | 01:07 |
jonah1980_2 | hi guys i was considering buying a macbook but i only really want to run linux, is it worth the hassle or should i just stick with a thinkpad or other? | 01:07 |
=== foormea [n=foormea@194-247-230-30.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aridese | jlgaddis: oh lol | 01:08 |
foormea | !torrent | 01:08 |
ubotu | Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt) - Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html | 01:08 |
nexous | Anyone know how to install PCF Fonts? | 01:08 |
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benn92649 | i hate thinkpads | 01:08 |
jonah1980_2 | my current laptop with ubuntu is heavy and battery sucks | 01:08 |
Trelard | I'm having issues with using v6.10 AMD64 live cd.. when I try to start the install it shows the splash screen, then after a minute I see a flashing "prompt" then the screen goes black.. any suggestions please? | 01:08 |
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benn92649 | LOL | 01:08 |
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benn92649 | sorry it will take about 10 reboots for the live CD to work had the same problem | 01:08 |
kbrooks | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion?highlight=%28firefox%29 @ whitepanda | 01:09 |
Whitepanda | thx | 01:09 |
benn92649 | windows hates linux anything | 01:09 |
Whitepanda | first week w/ linux | 01:09 |
sdrev | can i use compiz if i have a via graphics card? | 01:09 |
Trelard | benn92649: was that advise for me? | 01:09 |
general | 7list | 01:09 |
mau | can anybody direct me to a beryl instillation guide for edgy running on parallels? if that's even possible? | 01:09 |
eilker | sdrev yes | 01:09 |
mau | oops... I mean Beryl | 01:09 |
kbrooks | Whitepanda: dont follow that guide | 01:09 |
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mau | Beryl on ubuntu on parallels | 01:09 |
kbrooks | Whitepanda: please | 01:09 |
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eilker | !beryl | 01:10 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 01:10 |
alex__ | anyone know if there's a configuration file for the workspace switcher? if so, where? | 01:10 |
kbrooks | Whitepanda: you're a n00b ... if it aint broke dont fix it | 01:10 |
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sdrev | eilker, do i need xgl, or will aiglx work? | 01:10 |
benn92649 | yeah Trelard I took a while for my to get working but afte rthat it seemed to work I think if you have kapersky or a firewall maybe it does something | 01:10 |
Whitepanda | fine only cuz it took me damn near a week to install video drivers | 01:10 |
eilker | it depends on your graph. card, but most probably xgl | 01:10 |
benn92649 | im a noob so dont take to much of what i say | 01:10 |
=== kewang [n=kewang@218-160-76-46.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sdrev | ok, thanks | 01:11 |
benn92649 | but, once you install it its a blast | 01:11 |
eilker | sdrev what is your card ,? | 01:11 |
aridese | Whitepanda: linux may not be the best choice for you -- windows works straight out of the box without any configuration/mucking about etc. | 01:11 |
sdrev | s3 unichrome | 01:11 |
aridese | Whitepanda: nothing wrong with using it, it's just another operating system | 01:11 |
Whitepanda | i want to learn | 01:11 |
aridese | Whitepanda: learn on windows | 01:11 |
Whitepanda | im microsoft certified | 01:11 |
eilker | i have no idea for it... | 01:11 |
aridese | Whitepanda: great! learn C/C++ | 01:11 |
Trelard | benn92649: thanks | 01:12 |
benn92649 | there is nothing left sacred you can tweak everything in it and it loads 50X times faster than windows uses about a 1/5 of the disk space and about a 1/10th of the CPU to run it under full load | 01:12 |
nexous | Anyone know how to install PCF Fonts? | 01:12 |
aridese | Whitepanda: linux isn't mature enough for most hardware configratuions, maybe in a couple of years | 01:12 |
CodeBanshee | benn92649: software like anti-virus and firewalls doesn't load if you're not booting from your hard disk | 01:12 |
Whitepanda | worst case scenario is a complete reinstall | 01:12 |
sdrev | heh, me either, i'm trying to use aiglx and compiz, as soon as i start up compiz i just get logged out | 01:12 |
=== IndyGunFreak [n=ken@user-0cdv00n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aridese | Whitepanda: worst case scenario is you're stuck with a broken linux install | 01:12 |
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Whitepanda | ok whats a new harddrive cost | 01:13 |
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aridese | Whitepanda: around 50-70 | 01:13 |
benn92649 | but I have yet to try and install any windows type stuff | 01:13 |
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Whitepanda | cheap enough | 01:13 |
IndyGunFreak | Whitepanda: check Newegg and Tigerdirect, if you don't need a humongous one, you can get ones that are around 100-120gigs for dirt cheap | 01:13 |
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benn92649 | a new SATA drive about $60 for 300G | 01:13 |
=== MatrixMon [n=mrkde@cpe-66-67-151-83.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linuxnewbie756 | I have over 700 .RST files in a folder i would like renamed to .txt files, how would i do that? | 01:13 |
Whitepanda | i was really expecting more emcouragement for noobs | 01:13 |
kevCast | How do I change icon sets in gnome? | 01:14 |
=== _pirinto_ [n=_pirinto@c213-89-94-148.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MatrixMon | Can anyone tell me how to change my login sounds? | 01:14 |
Archville | linuxnewbie756, mv *.RST{,.txt) | 01:14 |
kelsin | kevCast: you can download them from sites like gnome-look.org then drag them into the "Perferences->Themes" window to install them, then use that window to change them | 01:14 |
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Archville | but i'm not sure it will work, so try it before with a few files | 01:14 |
benn92649 | ok now Who wants to be my savior and help me to do a flawless victory on Wine install :-D | 01:14 |
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=== jlgaddis got a bunch of 160GB SATA HDDs for $30 each new from a co-worker recently. | ||
pingpongboss | anyone know if I can get Beryle or Compiz to work with an integrated Intel graphics card? =/ | 01:15 |
kevCast | kelsin: Thank you. | 01:15 |
linuxnewbie756 | Archville, I don't understand, the folder path is /home/matt/Desktop/Here, so what exactly would i type in in terminal? | 01:15 |
jlgaddis | Only box I have at $home that has SATA only has 2 ports, but only one drive bay. | 01:15 |
IndyGunFreak | benn92649: lol, it shouldn't be hard to install. | 01:15 |
_pirinto_ | MatrixMon: Have you Checked System/Preferences/Sound | 01:15 |
MatrixMon | benn sudo apt-get install wine | 01:15 |
poolie | NevroPus: you should install build-essential too | 01:15 |
benn92649 | sure you say that cemosabee | 01:15 |
=== profox_ is now known as profoX` | ||
_pirinto_ | MatrixMon: I assume you are using gnome as a DE | 01:15 |
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benn92649 | ok so what do i do indy | 01:16 |
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obake-san | hey | 01:16 |
eilker | anyone using kiba-dock ? | 01:16 |
MatrixMon | Pirin: I have and tried but it dosn't work right | 01:16 |
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MatrixMon | benn yeah I am sure | 01:16 |
toM|vendettA | hi i'm trying to mount this 2nd hard drive and i just formated it to be ext3 and now i try to mount it and it says this: tommyv@downstairsdesktop:~$ sudo mount -a | 01:17 |
toM|vendettA | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb, missing codepage or other error | 01:17 |
benn92649 | INDY you there? tell me what to do | 01:17 |
eilker | ubuntu show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYsxaMyFV2Y | 01:17 |
=== ubm [n=d1n@cpe-24-162-15-211.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MatrixMon | Benn: Wine is not that hard to install | 01:17 |
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IndyGunFreak | benn92649: someone posted it... sudo apt-get install wine | 01:17 |
jlgaddis | toM|vendettA: What's your entry in /etc/fstab for that drive look like? | 01:17 |
benn92649 | I am going to go where no noob should go, install a windows only online MMORPG on LINUX | 01:17 |
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obake-san | im having some problems installing ubuntu desktop (amd64 dual core), all i get when i install it from the cd and reboot is "Error loading operating system". if anybody can help me, pm me or something | 01:17 |
benn92649 | didnt work indy gave me an error code | 01:18 |
con-man | benn92649: are you talking about WoW? | 01:18 |
benn92649 | no Guild Wars | 01:18 |
IndyGunFreak | benn92649: then you n eed to enable the Wine repository | 01:18 |
con-man | oic | 01:18 |
=== zaydana [n=zaydana@203-59-184-121.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
toM|vendettA | jlgaddis: /dev/hdb /media/storage ext3 defaults 0 0 | 01:18 |
jonah1980_2 | anyone running ubuntu on a macbook? is it simple enough and do you have to always keep reconfiguring/setting stuff up or will it work well? | 01:18 |
MatrixMon | Benn: If your so sure of yourself maybe you should thinking about flying solo on this wine-flight | 01:18 |
nexous | Anyone know how to install PCF Fonts? | 01:18 |
jlgaddis | toM|vendettA: Change /dev/hdb to /dev/hdb1 | 01:18 |
benn92649 | how do i do the wine repository | 01:18 |
=== cerebro [n=cerebro@53.Red-88-7-216.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | benn92649: http://www.winehq.com and follow the instructions to install for Ubuntu under Downloads | 01:18 |
con-man | benn92649: keep at it, you'll get it. It took me 2 weeks to get WoW working | 01:18 |
jlgaddis | toM|vendettA: If that doesn't work, run "/sbin/fdisk -l /dev/sdb" to get the right number for the partition. | 01:18 |
=== jvai [n=jvai@m015f36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eilker | anyone using xgl+kiba-dock plssssss ? | 01:18 |
jvai | hey every1 | 01:19 |
_pirinto_ | MatrixMon: Which release are you using? 6.06 or 6.10 | 01:19 |
GenNMX | Any Xorg gurus in here? I just can't seem to get DRI enabled with my DualHead setup. http://www.pastey.net/7388 | 01:19 |
jonah1980_2 | benn92649, hey thanks for the reply, why do you dislike thinkpads and what's your view on macbook? | 01:19 |
MatrixMon | 66 | 01:19 |
jvai | just came to listen & learn | 01:19 |
toM|vendettA | thanks jlgaddis :)))))) | 01:19 |
benn92649 | LOL WoW has gotten way better | 01:19 |
jlgaddis | toM|vendettA: np | 01:19 |
IndyGunFreak | benn92649: just remember, wine support for Games is very hit/miss | 01:19 |
MatrixMon | More miss that hit | 01:19 |
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IndyGunFreak | MatrixMon: very true | 01:20 |
MatrixMon | Like fucking battleship! | 01:20 |
benn92649 | thinkpads are to limiting, they have got alot of options IMHO. Macbooks rock you have power looks and alot more configureable options | 01:20 |
IndyGunFreak | MatrixMon: lol | 01:20 |
benn92649 | *thinkpad= less options | 01:20 |
IndyGunFreak | MatrixMon: KDE game pack has a battle ship game, its actually ok. | 01:20 |
_pirinto_ | MatrixMon: have you checked in /usr/share/sounds/login.wav | 01:20 |
jvai | <-- thinkpad t40.. rocks | 01:20 |
toM|vendettA | jlgaddis, is there a way to make it all read/writeable by default? | 01:20 |
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MatrixMon | I saw that, I have kde on my desktop | 01:20 |
obake-san | anybody able to helpme install this correctly? | 01:21 |
benn92649 | ok now back to me, cause i want to install wine how do i enable the repositories for it? | 01:21 |
IndyGunFreak | obake-san: install what? | 01:21 |
obake-san | ubuntu | 01:21 |
obake-san | desktop | 01:21 |
obake-san | 64 | 01:21 |
posingaspopular | obake-san: whats the issue? | 01:21 |
_pirinto_ | MatrixMon: Sorry m8 I don't have KDE installed here | 01:21 |
IndyGunFreak | benn92649: go to http://www.winehq.com click downloads click Ubuntu and it is clearly explained there | 01:21 |
jlgaddis | toM|vendettA: Yeah, just set the right permissions on /media/storage like you would any other directory. | 01:21 |
benn92649 | GNOME RULES | 01:21 |
MatrixMon | Benn: Try Synaptic | 01:21 |
posingaspopular | benn92649: KDE ftw! | 01:21 |
obake-san | when i try and boot the installation,i get "error loading operating system" | 01:21 |
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obake-san | could it be cause its dual core? | 01:22 |
=== _pirinto_ [n=_pirinto@c213-89-94-148.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | MatrixMon: its not in his repositories, he needs to add the repo apparentl | 01:22 |
obake-san | could it be cause i have a bunch of other hdds? | 01:22 |
MatrixMon | Pirinto: No I'm on a laptop with 6.6 | 01:22 |
IndyGunFreak | It shoujld be in universal though | 01:22 |
MatrixMon | Oh | 01:22 |
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madman_ | hello | 01:22 |
madman_ | can someone help | 01:22 |
madman_ | i get this error opc failed probably the writer does not like the medium | 01:23 |
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MatrixMon | Pirinto: can I drag and drop? | 01:23 |
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nexous | Anyone know how to install PCF Fonts? | 01:23 |
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posingaspopular | !fonts | 01:24 |
ubotu | Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 01:24 |
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obake-san | anybody? help installing ubuntu? | 01:25 |
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benn92649 | i got that but in the 3rd party thing I have to type a apt thingy | 01:25 |
madman_ | opc failed probably the writer does not like the medium | 01:25 |
benn92649 | Unbuntu rules | 01:25 |
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benn92649 | it takes a while pop in the disk and it will wall you through the steps just know that the last part of it takes about 1/2 hours | 01:25 |
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IndyGunFreak | benn92649: did you add the wine repo? | 01:26 |
benn92649 | sorry no i still need the apt thing | 01:26 |
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ezra_ | hello | 01:26 |
IndyGunFreak | the apt thing?... did you follow the instructions, theya re clearly written | 01:26 |
=== paradizelost [n=paradize@host-69-129-220-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
paradizelost | howdy all, i'm trying to get vncserver to start gnome-session on startup, but it doesn't seem to do so, i've tried just gnome-session and exec gnome-session in ~/.vnc/xstartup, any ideas? | 01:26 |
ezra_ | hello i need help restoring my sessions | 01:26 |
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atlanta800 | hey, I booted up my laptop and my wireless card just stopped working | 01:27 |
ezra_ | i am on failsafe gnome because the otherones downt work | 01:27 |
_pirinto_ | I tried to install mplayer recedntly on dapper from the repos. But it reports the package as broken or missing. Does anyone know an alternative way besides building it from source? | 01:27 |
benn92649 | LINUX hates wireless | 01:27 |
IndyGunFreak | benn92649: how long have you had ubuntu?... | 01:27 |
_pirinto_ | paradizelost: You mean after you log in or at the loginscreen? | 01:27 |
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benn92649 | i didnt see the directions sorry indy | 01:27 |
benn92649 | 3 days | 01:27 |
madman_ | opc failed probably the writer does not like the medium | 01:27 |
gravemind | can linux read/write to other computers on the network without extra config-ing | 01:27 |
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IndyGunFreak | benn92649: sorry, i can't help with your eyesight | 01:27 |
ezra_ | log in screen | 01:27 |
benn92649 | lol | 01:27 |
paradizelost | no, vnc, as in i do a vncserver -geometry 1024x768 and vncserver is started, but it doesn't run gnome-session | 01:27 |
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benn92649 | please you Jedi Indy the force is truly stronger in you | 01:28 |
paradizelost | but i get the grey background | 01:28 |
atlanta800 | wireless has been working perfectly fine for me for a good month now. I even had it working on my WPA2 ASK PSK network perfectly. But today itjust decided not to work | 01:28 |
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IndyGunFreak | atlanta800: any upgrades? | 01:28 |
_pirinto_ | paradizelost: oh ok | 01:28 |
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atlanta800 | well I upped to the suspend2 kernel, then back down to the stock kernel | 01:28 |
gravemind | atlanta800: check everything else. does reboot fix it, does restarting the router fix it? | 01:28 |
madman_ | is there some better burning program than k3b | 01:29 |
atlanta800 | restarted several times | 01:29 |
benn92649 | i went to the cable it worked in live CD mode for me but on istall it gave me a hard time with the wireless | 01:29 |
gravemind | darn | 01:29 |
atlanta800 | none of my apps even see the card | 01:29 |
obake-san | anybody? help installing ubuntu? | 01:29 |
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IndyGunFreak | atlanta800: hmm. i admit my familiarity with Wireless is minimal, but there's a lot of tutorials out there, maybe completely remove your wireless connection, and follow the FAQ's to set it up like new again? | 01:29 |
juggernaut | obake-san, what do you need help with specifically? | 01:29 |
paradizelost | ideas anyone? | 01:29 |
atlanta800 | except device manager see's it fine | 01:29 |
_pirinto_ | paradizelost: have you tried this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122402 | 01:29 |
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madman_ | help | 01:29 |
SmileyLap | hi all, i upgraded to the 6.10 version of ubuntu, and now i only have "2" desktops to work with instead of the 4 i had before? Anyone tell me how to restore them ? | 01:30 |
gravemind | atlanta800 does ifconfig see it? | 01:30 |
atlanta800 | I never set it up in the first case, it's and integrated card, Ubuntu recognized it automatically | 01:30 |
=== Spinn4ker [n=joni@dsl-roigw2-fe82df00-134.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ezra_ | Hello Can anybody help me restore all my session to the default? I can only log on into fail safe gnome | 01:30 |
gravemind | SmileyLap: right click on them | 01:30 |
atlanta800 | gravemind: nope | 01:30 |
IndyGunFreak | atlanta800: wow, you are incredibly lucky | 01:30 |
ezra_ | other ones dont work | 01:30 |
_pirinto_ | I tried to install mplayer recedntly on dapper from the repos. But it reports the package as broken or missing. Does anyone know an alternative way besides building it from source? Does any of you have mplayer installed on dapper? | 01:30 |
gravemind | on the chooser | 01:30 |
paradizelost | don't want VNC access to the console | 01:30 |
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paradizelost | i want access to a VNC session initiated by my user | 01:30 |
obake-san | i need help installing ubuntu, i did the live cd and that worked fine. now im trying to install it to a hdd. it does it successfully, and then when i try and boot, it just says "error loading operating system" | 01:30 |
paradizelost | with a crontab -e @reboot vncserver | 01:30 |
atlanta800 | yeah I just installed the NetworkManager applet and all worked fine | 01:30 |
atlanta800 | but now it can't see my card anymore | 01:30 |
pingpongboss | holy crud, i just installed beryl | 01:31 |
paradizelost | don't want what i do to be displayed on console | 01:31 |
jlgaddis | http://art.gnome.org/themes/gdm_greeter/1322 =) | 01:31 |
pingpongboss | lol | 01:31 |
pingpongboss | bouncy windows ftw | 01:31 |
jlgaddis | put my bike on your login screen =) | 01:31 |
_pirinto_ | paradizelost: now you lost me | 01:31 |
pingpongboss | wow this thing is amazing o__o | 01:31 |
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juggernaut | obake-san, i've never encountered that before....except with xubuntu and the HD wasn't big enough to run the OS. | 01:31 |
gravemind | atlanta800: open /etc/network/interfaces and see if you see your interface | 01:31 |
obake-san | its a 80 gb harddrive | 01:31 |
paradizelost | _pirinto_, the instructions you sent me are about enabling vnc access to GDM | 01:31 |
juggernaut | hi all, i have a bit of an issue as well..... | 01:31 |
linxeh | obake-san: might be a problem with not installing grub properly I guess | 01:32 |
ubm | oh no thats how it starts | 01:32 |
paradizelost | i have a crontab that starts vncserver in a vnc session rather than real X session | 01:32 |
obake-san | ok | 01:32 |
juggernaut | obake-san, maybe you should just try reinstalling it? which version did you install? | 01:32 |
linxeh | obake-san: or that the partition wasn't made active | 01:32 |
ubm | juggernaut next thing you know X will not start ;) | 01:32 |
kelsin | paradizelost: lookinto the x11vnc package | 01:32 |
juggernaut | ha! yeah | 01:32 |
gravemind | can linux read/write to other computers on the network without extra config-ing | 01:32 |
atlanta800 | gravemind nothing at all in /etc/network/interfaces | 01:32 |
kelsin | paradizelost: it starts a vnc server using the current session you're in | 01:32 |
gravemind | atlanta800: that's not good | 01:33 |
paradizelost | i have it installed | 01:33 |
paradizelost | and working | 01:33 |
paradizelost | but it doesn't run gnome-session | 01:33 |
SmileyLap | roffle, that was toooo easdy :^_^ | 01:33 |
paradizelost | i've added gnome-session and exec gnome-session to ~/.vnc/xstartup | 01:33 |
paradizelost | but it doesn't run | 01:33 |
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gravemind | atlanta800: that file tells ifconfig what network interfaces to use, and if it's empty... at least now you know one of the problems | 01:33 |
paradizelost | i have to xterm -display :1 and then run gnome-session | 01:33 |
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jvai_ | back | 01:33 |
=== mikul [n=mikul@81-233-78-174-no73.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
atlanta800 | I might have found something, my card uses the ipw3945 module, and when I remove or add it, it gives me: /sbin/ipw3945d-2.6.17-11-generic | 01:34 |
_pirinto_ | paradizelost: so basically you want it to start an xsession whenever you request a VNC-session? | 01:34 |
atlanta800 | erm it gives me sh: /sbin/ipw3945d-2.6.17-11-generic: No such file or directory | 01:34 |
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paradizelost | no, the session is running there all the time, just not a console X session | 01:34 |
dwi1 | i try to access my new installed dvd drive and it says unable to mount | 01:34 |
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paradizelost | but i want it to auto-start gnome-session on the VNC session | 01:34 |
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paradizelost | i have gdm disabled | 01:34 |
paradizelost | ie.e | 01:34 |
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Selaiah | Anyone running a Terratec Aureon Space/Universe on Ubuntu? | 01:35 |
paradizelost | so there is no X running on a console | 01:35 |
paradizelost | and i don't want one running | 01:35 |
IndyGunFreak | not that i should be surprised, but the Vista Beryl theme is the ugliest thing iv'e ever seen | 01:35 |
xamox | How can I add a smbfs mount to my fstab file? I tried //server_name/share /home/user/mount_dir smbfs rw,user,auto 0 0 but no luck. | 01:35 |
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paradizelost | xamox, you need to have apt-get install smbfs first | 01:35 |
paradizelost | then use cifs instead of smbfs in the fstab | 01:35 |
_pirinto_ | paradizelost: I'm sorry I don't think I can help you, I just don't get what you're looking for. Good luck anyway | 01:35 |
ubm | IndyGunFreak uh yeah im going to have to agree with you on that its horrible looking | 01:35 |
IndyGunFreak | ubm: i'll have to send google admin an apology for searching it..lol | 01:36 |
xamox | paradizelost, I did that, I have mounted it, just want it to mount everytime I boot | 01:36 |
dwi1 | i try to access my new installed dvd drive and it says unable to mount | 01:36 |
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ubm | IndyGunFreak right!!! | 01:36 |
xamox | paradizelost, ahh, k, thx. | 01:36 |
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mikul | do someone knows how i could change my primary soundcard to be my primary, witout desable one or another? cant remember how i did... because now when i for example write out /proc/asound/cards they are in the wrong place... | 01:36 |
paradizelost | xamox, do you require a username/password to log on to the samba server? | 01:36 |
xamox | paradizelost, no | 01:36 |
paradizelost | kk | 01:37 |
kitche | mikul: you can do it though dmix | 01:37 |
IndyGunFreak | ok, brb, i'm gonna boot to KDE and try Beryl there. | 01:37 |
=== Hansin321 [n=Eric@c-67-174-180-163.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_pirinto_ | I tried to install mplayer recedntly on dapper from the repos. But it reports the package as broken or missing. I've found several howto on the forums but I don't know which one is the way to go. Could somebody help me? | 01:37 |
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xamox | paradizelost, it is saying host name not found when using the cifs option | 01:37 |
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mikul | kitche, dmix? | 01:37 |
ubm | xamox take a look here it will make your life less stressful when it comes to samba configuration http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Share_files_using_Samba | 01:38 |
paradizelost | xamox, use the ip address instead of the hostname | 01:38 |
mikul | kitche, cant find it | 01:38 |
xamox | paradizelost, alright. | 01:38 |
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ttyfscker | i have several gtk+2 themes installed in ~/.themes and /usr/share/themes. I am having a problem loading them though. It seems that the only themes i can load are the ones in /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines How do i get the themes that don't have a theme engine for them to work?? | 01:38 |
dwi1 | i try to access my new installed dvd drive and it says unable to mount | 01:39 |
kitche | mikul: check gnomes volume control there should be an option it has to change sound cards | 01:39 |
jrib | _pirinto_: pastebin the command you entered, the full error output, and the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:39 |
benn92649 | ok im back and the website http://www.winehq.com/site/docs/wineusr-guide/index doesnt mention the repository thing and how to get it working | 01:39 |
_pirinto_ | jrib: alright brb | 01:39 |
benn92649 | it says i can just use my installer | 01:39 |
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juggernaut | so i set edgy up today on my new laptop (clean install) and got my broadcom wifi working smoothly. after i didi the updates it found my wifi isn't working anymore and i'm stuck. anyone have any ideas for help? i had to boot into the windoze partition 'cause i don't have a way to connect to the net wired-like. i can only use wifi for internet. | 01:40 |
mikul | kitche, im running fluxbox, hate gnome :P so i would need to know witch file to edit | 01:40 |
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kitche | mikul: open up terminala nd type dmix should bring it up | 01:40 |
mage | why are restricted modules put into a tmpfs? | 01:40 |
benn92649 | for 3 days now I have been doing everything from source LOL so if someone can tell me how to get the wine repository thing done I would be grateful | 01:40 |
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ubm | juggernaut what is the address for your broadcom wireless card eth1 or ath0? | 01:41 |
benn92649 | i know how to use it I just need to know where to find the Wine apt thing | 01:41 |
dwi1 | i try to access my new installed dvd drive and it says unable to mount | 01:41 |
jrib | !wine | benn92649 | 01:41 |
ubotu | benn92649: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 01:41 |
juggernaut | eth1 | 01:41 |
IndyGunFreak | benn92649: if you can read, the wine page i sent you to shows you how to do it. | 01:41 |
juggernaut | ubm, eth1 | 01:41 |
IndyGunFreak | and it is extremely clear | 01:41 |
mikul | kitche, no, dosent have it, and cant find with apt | 01:41 |
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ubm | juggernaut why dont you try madwifi ;) | 01:41 |
juggernaut | ubm, what is that? | 01:41 |
mage | !restricted modules | 01:41 |
benn92649 | check out http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy everything you need to know to get up and running is there | 01:41 |
ubm | one sec ill send in pm | 01:41 |
kitche | mikul: try this alsaconf in a terminal might let you select it does on some distros | 01:41 |
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-101-187.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aridese | what was that web-based radio streaming application? popsicle? icicle? it had a pretty interface | 01:42 |
juggernaut | i'll have to download it on my windoze part and then copy it to my ext part.. | 01:42 |
=== VSpike [i=a149976b@carlyleclarke.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
juggernaut | ubm, what does madwifi do? | 01:42 |
obake-san | ok | 01:42 |
mikul | kitche, tried but i dosent have alsaconf either :D hehe | 01:42 |
ubm | juggernaut http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/GettingMadwifi | 01:42 |
xamox | paradizelost, IP worked, thx! | 01:42 |
benn92649 | ok I need to do the wine thing, and stop the whine thing who can tell me how to configure a repository for wine or how to locate it with the synpotic | 01:42 |
obake-san | im installing ubuntu, it says to install GRUB to (hd0), whats that mean? | 01:42 |
jrib | benn92649: have you read the page from ubotu? | 01:43 |
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obake-san | all of the hds seem to be labeled hda,hdb,etc | 01:43 |
IndyGunFreak | benn92649: so in other worsd ,since you've been told at least 3x, you want someone to hold your hand | 01:43 |
IndyGunFreak | jrib: no he didn't | 01:43 |
benn92649 | GRUB is the core \kernel in linux i think | 01:43 |
VSpike | I've got the situation where dragging a window round the screen causes CPU usage to spike to 100%, and video playback is choppy. I'm sure I've had this before but I can't remember how I fixed it last time. Any ideas? | 01:43 |
mage | benn92649: check off all the available repositorys if you're too lazy ;) | 01:43 |
jlgaddis | obake-san: hd0 just means the first one | 01:43 |
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jrib | benn92649: no, linux is the kernel in linux | 01:43 |
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mikul | kitche, is it in alsa-tools? | 01:43 |
obake-san | so hd0 = hda | 01:44 |
IndyGunFreak | mage: he's to lazy to even click a link, i don't think there's any hope for hi | 01:44 |
juggernaut | ubm, that's an atheros driver? mine's broadcom | 01:44 |
benn92649 | oh so GRUB is the boot thing what is it called | 01:44 |
kitche | mikul: it might be I m not use to the names that ubuntu uses for packages I m just use to seeing alsa | 01:44 |
_pirinto_ | jrib: Do I pm you with the sources.list contents? | 01:44 |
juggernaut | ubm, i had it working before it updated. now it's not working. | 01:44 |
jrib | !paste | _pirinto_ | 01:44 |
IndyGunFreak | how do I completely remove all KDE applications? | 01:44 |
ubotu | _pirinto_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:44 |
=== Hotbird [n=Hotbird@142-181-119-85.dyn4.digitaleitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
benn92649 | i did the sudo thing and didnt work | 01:44 |
mage | so nobody knows why restricted modules are in a tmpfs? | 01:45 |
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ubm | juggernaut http://madwifi.org/wiki/Compatibility | 01:45 |
_pirinto_ | jribb: alright | 01:45 |
grindar | has anyone configured aircrack for an intel card? | 01:45 |
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kitche | mage: they aren't on a tmpfs | 01:45 |
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=== Malfist [n=jerome@CPE-76-177-27-136.natcky.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubm | juggernaught it supports most cards is yours integrated into your notebook? | 01:46 |
jrib | IndyGunFreak: how did you install them? | 01:46 |
grindar | yes, its the intel 2915 | 01:46 |
mage | lrm 253M 18M 235M 8% /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-386/volatile | 01:46 |
IndyGunFreak | jrib: sudo apt-get install kde | 01:46 |
benn92649 | found winbind | 01:46 |
IndyGunFreak | but when i sudo apt-get remove kde... it only removed the KDE GUI left all the freakin programs. | 01:47 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 01:47 |
mage | kde-desktop maybe? | 01:47 |
jrib | IndyGunFreak: remove a qt library and all your qt apps will be gone, like 'libqt3-mt' | 01:47 |
=== flake [n=rmcdanie@6532142hfc81.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubm | juggernaut did you try bringing the interface back up? as in sudo ifconfig eth1 up | 01:47 |
IndyGunFreak | mage: i don't think that will work... but i'll try | 01:47 |
grindar | when I run airodump I get "unsupported hardware link type 803 - expected ARHRD_IEEE80211 or ARHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM instead..." | 01:47 |
mage | jrib: that could still leave kde *-common packages | 01:47 |
=== archville [n=archvill@59.Red-83-57-103.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | i'll just re-install Ubuntu if I can't get this fixed..lol | 01:48 |
dwi1 | i try to access my new installed dvd drive and it says unable to mount | 01:48 |
juggernaut | ubm, yes i did. i also tried to scan and it said no scan result | 01:48 |
benn92649 | ok foundthe repositories for wine they are already loaded in the repository list, but I am still getting an error | 01:48 |
jlgaddis | grindar: Trying to crack with Intel is a waste of time, they don't support reinjection. | 01:48 |
juggernaut | but the wireless network is up, as i'm on it in windozeright now | 01:48 |
jlgaddis | grindar: I went out and bought a WG511T for that, works perfect. | 01:48 |
flake | I did a make install of apache2 in a folder within my home directory, moved it to trash then discovered I couldn't empty the trash because modules.o in my trash system is in use, probably by my system. How can I get rid of it? | 01:48 |
grindar | I know. | 01:48 |
=== caranthir [n=swiceje@cpe-065-184-219-237.ec.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | flake: use sudo | 01:48 |
_pirinto_ | jrib: here you go, my apt sources.list | 01:48 |
_pirinto_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8021/ | 01:48 |
mage | flake: kill that apache process ;) | 01:49 |
=== defendguin [n=supertux@cpe-72-181-7-135.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | I've been tweaking my touchpad's acceleration and things like that through synclient. How can I adjust the acceleration values of my USB mouse in a similar way? | 01:49 |
flake | how do i list processes | 01:49 |
benn92649 | ok it says that the repository information cant be found because the link maybe bad or something | 01:49 |
grindar | Kind of low on cash til next payday, so I'm just playing with packet capture and learning how to configure everything. | 01:49 |
jrib | flake: ps | 01:49 |
IndyGunFreak | someone explain to me why the hell i did that | 01:49 |
=== humandoing [n=humandoi@cm174.omega226.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
juggernaut | ubm, it seems like the edgy update that i installed removed the firmware for the device. | 01:49 |
jlgaddis | grindar: Interface needs to be in monitor mode, BTW. | 01:49 |
jrib | IndyGunFreak: did what? | 01:49 |
mage | IndyGunFreak: because you can | 01:49 |
flake | a ps lists bash and ps | 01:49 |
D7x | is there an easy way to install all the server packages in regular ubuntu? | 01:50 |
jrib | flake: ps -ef will probably be more useful | 01:50 |
mage | IndyGunFreak: or "whoops" depending | 01:50 |
IndyGunFreak | jrib: lol, but now i want it gone, and unfortunately, removing it isn't near as easy as adding it. | 01:50 |
juggernaut | ubm, it shows the interface in networking but it just won'tdo anything with it, whereas it did before. i really don't want to reinstall the thing again. | 01:50 |
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jrib | IndyGunFreak: did you try what I suggested? | 01:50 |
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mage | D7x: there might be a ubuntu-server metapackage | 01:50 |
=== h1st0 [n=h1st0@adsl-75-33-33-208.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubm | juggernaut you never have to reinstall | 01:50 |
jrib | IndyGunFreak: btw, if you use aptitude to install it, it is easy to remove | 01:50 |
ubm | juggernaut one sec im looking what is the chipset for your card? | 01:50 |
xamox | why in my fstab when mounting a smbfs samba share, even though I'm specifying rw option for read/write it's only doing read only? | 01:50 |
IndyGunFreak | jrib: well, i used Synaptic | 01:50 |
KNY | does anyone know if mail-notification-evolution works when evolution is not open? | 01:50 |
juggernaut | broadcom bcm43xx | 01:50 |
caranthir | I tried making some changes to my gnome menus with alacarte but nothing has changed, what should I do? | 01:50 |
IndyGunFreak | jrib: it removed the KDE Gui, but it left all the other crap on there. | 01:51 |
juggernaut | ubm, broadcom bcm43xx | 01:51 |
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mage | D7x: whats missing btw? I have my current server machine running ubuntu and didn't install a special version of anything | 01:51 |
jrib | IndyGunFreak: you removed libqt3-mt? What other stuff exactly? | 01:51 |
=== Ktron [n=Ktron@c-24-61-108-108.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alex_mayorga | hi there | 01:51 |
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IndyGunFreak | jrib: no, didn't remove that package, as i don't think i installed it when I installed kde | 01:51 |
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TheAngel | ok | 01:51 |
alex_mayorga | any recommendation for a wifi manager with WPA support? | 01:51 |
TheAngel | its like 2 in 1 ? | 01:51 |
jrib | IndyGunFreak: remove it if you want all kde/qt stuff gone | 01:51 |
TheAngel | and slow like hell :D | 01:51 |
D7x | mage: I dunno, I just wanted to setup the a lamp server | 01:51 |
mage | oh | 01:52 |
grindar | I think it is, how do I check? I used iwconfig to kick it over to monitor | 01:52 |
_pirinto_ | jrib: and here's the output when I apt-get install mplayer http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8023/ | 01:52 |
grindar | how do I confirm? | 01:52 |
jonah1980_2 | benn92649, but aren't there issues with macbooks running really hot under linux and batter life is only about 4 hours, where the thinkpad is 8 or 9 and much lighterweight?? | 01:52 |
=== foormea [n=foormea@194-247-230-30.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | jrib: so just apt-get remove libqt3-mt? | 01:52 |
mage | D7x: libapache2-php or something similarly stupid, the rest is obvious to find in synaptic ;) | 01:52 |
jrib | IndyGunFreak: yes | 01:52 |
ubm | juggernaugt lspci | grep Broadcom\ Corporation | 01:52 |
Ktron | Looking for suggestions for getting/making a working xorg.conf... dexconf doesn't work, Xorg -configure doesn't either, Ubuntu doesn't autodetect correctly... | 01:52 |
gravemind | I'm having problems networking mac\linux | 01:52 |
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juggernaut | ubm, i'll have to reboot and then come back. | 01:53 |
benn92649 | ok back, so smarty pants i have the repositories for wine what is the next step? | 01:53 |
juggernaut | ubm, brb | 01:53 |
mage | Ktron: what hardware? | 01:53 |
=== riddlebox [n=james@75-132-205-166.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubm | ok | 01:53 |
foormea | hi. i've got a problem with torrent clients. ktorrent finds very few peers compared with utorrent... | 01:53 |
gravemind | My mac sees linux, but can't write to it, and linux doesn't see anything | 01:53 |
=== jacksonemg [n=adam@hobb-0124-12.lynchburg.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | jrib: if there were a way to kiss someone online, male or female, idon't care, id plant one on you right now. | 01:53 |
mage | (lspci -> pastebin/google) | 01:53 |
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benn92649 | well at least I have people to talk to | 01:54 |
IndyGunFreak | looks like its gonna uninstall kde-games, which is no big deal, i'll jsut reinstall that | 01:54 |
jlgaddis | IndyGunFreak: apt-get remove `dpkg -l|grep kde|grep ^ii|awk '{ print $2 }'` | 01:54 |
_pirinto_ | the forums say to enable multiverse and do an sudo apt-get install mplayer. but I get that the package is missing or broken | 01:54 |
jlgaddis | IndyGunFreak: That'd get rid of most of it. | 01:54 |
=== jvai [n=jvai@m015f36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jacksonemg | anyone know a good channel that helps with sound problems? | 01:54 |
jlgaddis | IndyGunFreak: Oh, nevermind. | 01:54 |
Ktron | mage, the minimum is Radeon x800 GT with a Samsung BF940 | 01:54 |
KNY | _pirinto_, apt-get install mplayer-nogui | 01:54 |
IndyGunFreak | jlgaddis: ok, but i think the command jrib gave me seems to be doin the trick.. but i'll keep that one in mind | 01:54 |
=== nichtweise [n=dummy@dynamic-unidsl-85-197-20-193.westend.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
benn92649 | sound is crap with LINUX | 01:54 |
Ktron | mage, it's a PCI card, and it does have a second of the same monitor plugged in, but 1 monitor before 2heh | 01:55 |
=== gardar [n=gardar@194-144-106-65.du.xdsl.is] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jacksonemg | yeah i agree | 01:55 |
benn92649 | its all generic drivers | 01:55 |
jlgaddis | IndyGunFreak: It just removes any installed packages that have "kde" in their name. | 01:55 |
jrib | _pirinto_: you are missing dapper multiverse | 01:55 |
IndyGunFreak | benn92649: why do you use linux? | 01:55 |
=== nexous [n=nexous@clsm-209-74-52-194-pppoe.dsl.clsm.epix.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jlgaddis | IndyGunFreak: may or may not be what you want. | 01:55 |
jacksonemg | i had sound working, then after a reboot it just stopped | 01:55 |
=== draky [n=draky@ws051165.housing-tp.siu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bobbers | can anyone tell me if they got a WG311 working with 6.10 and if thy have if there are any tricks on how to get it working? Even the drivers to modprobe or even how to determine what version of the WG311 I havewould be useful... | 01:55 |
IndyGunFreak | jlgaddis: ok.. appreciate the response. | 01:55 |
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nexous | How do I get Add/Remove programs icon back into my Main Menu? | 01:55 |
IndyGunFreak | but from te locks of terminal and what its removing, it looks like the command jrib gave is working | 01:55 |
jlgaddis | bobbers: I have a WG511T that's Atheros-based, if that helps. | 01:55 |
mage | heh, it was a pain in the ass to get Xorg to work with the DVI output of my radeon 9200se | 01:56 |
bobbers | what driver do you use jlgaddis ? | 01:56 |
jrib | nexous: is the gnome-app-install package installed? | 01:56 |
jlgaddis | bobbers: madwifi | 01:56 |
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gravemind | jacksonemg: try going back to a previous kernel at boot, and see if that fixes it | 01:56 |
bobbers | is there somewhere I can read how to get madwifi working? | 01:56 |
nexous | jrib: it was there before, I was messing with my skins and menus, I'm not sure how it is gone now. | 01:56 |
jacksonemg | i didnt change anything with the kernel | 01:56 |
IndyGunFreak | jrib: lol, that removed several programs i use regularly to...lol, but no big deal.. thanks alot.. | 01:56 |
=== Bagoor [n=bagoor@ner-as32767.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nexous | actually hold on. | 01:56 |
jacksonemg | X crashed | 01:56 |
ubm | bobbers did you grab the latest build via svn checkout? | 01:57 |
caranthir | anyone have any ideas why alacarte is having no effect on the menus in gnome? | 01:57 |
mage | Ktron: probably need to install ati drivers for dual monitor (fglrx) but Driver "ati" should work, steal someones xorg.conf maybe? :) | 01:57 |
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=== cables [n=cables@65-78-17-151.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jlgaddis | bobbers: Type "ubuntu madwifi" into Google. | 01:57 |
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JamesG | Does ubuntu have a built in pptp client? Or a package for this? | 01:57 |
Ktron | mage, Yeah, the _only_ _reason_ I don't run linux is because I can never get X to play along with my card and monitor(s) | 01:57 |
bobbers | ubm: nah I downloaded the 6.10 server release iso | 01:57 |
bobbers | and burnt it | 01:57 |
_pirinto_ | jrib: Yeah? Crap how could I miss it, I'll check into it, thank you | 01:57 |
flake | thanks, I removed some processes but sudo worked | 01:57 |
nexous | It must have been removed when I was messing around with Firefox. | 01:57 |
bobbers | ok jlgaddis will do that thanks | 01:57 |
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jrib | _pirinto_: yeah, notice you have dapper-backports multiverse but no dapper multiverse | 01:57 |
mage | Ktron: not even knoppix works? | 01:57 |
Ktron | mage, yeah, ignoring fglrx for now, I did try the driver "ati" I think and didn't get anywhere useful, and I've been looking for xorg.conf's to steal that seem like they should work with little to know success | 01:57 |
benn92649 | get 64, it will help you learn all about linux | 01:58 |
ubm | bobbers make sure you read the compatibility trac if you already know its supported grap svn as in sudo apt-get install subversion then once you have done that svn checkout http://svn.madwifi.org/trunk madwifi | 01:58 |
_pirinto_ | jrib: Yeah I saw it now... :( | 01:58 |
gravemind | how do I find out my local ip? | 01:58 |
mage | I used to boot knoppix to get a working xorg.conf ;) | 01:58 |
Ktron | mage, well, it didn't work reliably on my other monitors, I'm downloading Knoppix 4.0.2 right now so I can try that | 01:58 |
rbil | Krton: what ati card do u have? | 01:58 |
mage | gravemind: /sbin/ifconfig will work | 01:58 |
Ktron | mage, Yeah, that's about where I am | 01:58 |
gravemind | mage: cool. does that work on mac too? | 01:59 |
rbil | Ktron: what ati card do u have? | 01:59 |
=== Killeroid [n=Krush_U@pool-151-203-109-238.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mage | gravemind: i dunno, find the terminal, try it and tell me | 01:59 |
cables | gravemind, no need for /sbin, it should be in your path. | 01:59 |
benn92649 | ok so once again i got the repositorys for wine and the packets, now what do i type in Konsole to get it going? | 01:59 |
bobbers | ubm: thanks but at the moment I have no working network (tomorrow I can try and get the eth0 working so I can talk through that to the world) | 01:59 |
Ktron | rbil, Radeon x800 GT | 01:59 |
gravemind | mage, cables, ok | 01:59 |
ubm | bobbers when you have the latest build on your machine ./configure then sudo make make install reboot then iwconfig ath0 up iwconfig essid myap then iwconfig enc 'yourkey' after it comes up dhclient ath0 | 01:59 |
=== jlgaddis ponders kiba-dock | ||
=== linuxnewbie756 [n=matt@adsl-234-194-125.cha.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubm | if your using wpa you need wpa supplicant | 02:00 |
IndyGunFreak | brb | 02:00 |
benn92649 | the greatest guide to Ubuntu on the internet ever! http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy | 02:00 |
ubuntu_ | anyone familair with roundcubemail | 02:00 |
=== Shrimpy_ [n=chatzill@74-131-112-92.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jlgaddis | ubm: Why not use NetworkManager? | 02:00 |
ubuntu_ | ? | 02:00 |
ubm | jlgaddis you can i prefer using terminal incase you ever need it its best to learn that before you come dependent on NetworkManager :) | 02:01 |
ttyfscker | can someone here find out what package has the "swift" font in it? | 02:01 |
mage | ttyfscker: packages.ubuntu.org just wont do it? | 02:01 |
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benn92649 | i wish LINUX had 7.1 surround sound support | 02:02 |
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Selaiah | It does not? (Was gonna get a 7.1 card) | 02:02 |
eudy | hola necesito ayuda acabo de instalar ubunto | 02:02 |
jrib | !es | eudy | 02:02 |
ubotu | eudy: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 02:02 |
=== IndyGunFreak [n=ken@user-0cdv00n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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jacksonemg | anyone know why sound would just cut out after X crashes? | 02:02 |
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benn92649 | cool thing is if you dont find something in linux one of the guru devs can make you a patch | 02:02 |
Selaiah | Like M-audio revolution 7.1 or terratec aureon 7.1 | 02:02 |
mage | how common is 7.1 anything these days? | 02:02 |
L0cKd0wN | hey can i have a box im not using with two HDs in it, can i move another box's 2 x HDs into it (swap them out) and expect Ubuntu to boot up normally without complication? | 02:02 |
benn92649 | I love devs | 02:02 |
L0cKd0wN | hey i have* | 02:03 |
L0cKd0wN | -can | 02:03 |
=== Meshezabeel [n=kevin@142-165-211-116.prna.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bobbers | ubm: before I start down that road is there a way I can confirm that my WG311 uses the madwifi drivers (or is that true for all versions)? | 02:03 |
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ttyfscker | mage:: i haven't tried that | 02:03 |
benn92649 | Linux 64has a program called wifiradar have you installed that | 02:03 |
IndyGunFreak | L0cKd0wN: i doubt it... but you might get lucky | 02:03 |
mage | L0cKd0wN: same number of network cards? probably just trouble with xorg | 02:03 |
=== apt-get [n=gentoo@h189.68.28.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apt-get | fear not! I am here! | 02:04 |
ubm | jacksonemg what does your log say? /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 02:04 |
L0cKd0wN | why won't it just start up? | 02:04 |
bruenig | aptitude is better | 02:04 |
grindar | anyone recommend a fairly cheap card to use with aircrack? | 02:04 |
cables | apt-get, I prefer aptitude :) | 02:04 |
benn92649 | apt get tell me how to get wine installed | 02:04 |
=== bruenig always beats cables even on zingers | ||
cables | benn92649, sudo aptitude install wine | 02:04 |
IndyGunFreak | L0cKd0wN: if you were to do the same thing with Windows.. would it just "start up".. of course not | 02:04 |
mage | L0cKd0wN: it'll start, video card wouldn't work | 02:04 |
benn92649 | on gnome? | 02:04 |
ubm | bobbers yes check here http://madwifi.org/wiki/Compatibility | 02:04 |
L0cKd0wN | hmmm | 02:04 |
=== cables really wishes he could type faster than bruenig | ||
L0cKd0wN | so some are saying yes | 02:04 |
mage | heh windows is a 50% chance of mobo drivers being incompatible -> bsod | 02:04 |
L0cKd0wN | some no | 02:04 |
L0cKd0wN | lol | 02:04 |
apt-get | benn92649, you must frist add the repos... then call on me to install it! | 02:04 |
=== jlgaddis starts installing kiba-dock | ||
aridese | how do i view opened sockets on my system? | 02:05 |
gravemind | mage, ifconfig works on mac, but the ip is a little harder to find :) | 02:05 |
cables | benn92649, it should be in universe. | 02:05 |
mage | L0cKd0wN: dpkg-reconfigure xorg <-- something like that will need to be ran | 02:05 |
benn92649 | i did install the repos | 02:05 |
=== kandinski [i=kandinsk@rowrcolo.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | !info wine | 02:05 |
rhican | aridese, netstat -tan | 02:05 |
IndyGunFreak | L0cKd0wN: no, i agree with mage, it will work.. but its gonna require some work on your part, | 02:05 |
ubotu | wine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.22-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 9001 kB, installed size 42452 kB | 02:05 |
mage | gravemind: ah, coolbeans | 02:05 |
IndyGunFreak | it might be easier to just new install. | 02:05 |
mage | ewwww | 02:05 |
mage | noooo | 02:05 |
L0cKd0wN | yea well the server i have is 600mhz, i have a 2.7ghz given by a friend, i want to move the server HD's into that to be Faster | 02:05 |
aridese | rhican: ty | 02:05 |
=== TheAngel [n=theangel@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
noO1 | My Ubuntu 6.06 froze on me... I tried to restart gnome with ctrl-alt-backspace and got a screen of colors -- then I shut the power down because there were no other options. When I turned it back on I got an error "no operating system found". I'm in a live CD now and my home directory looks ok. Does anyone know what I can do to get the computer to find the OS again? | 02:05 |
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cables | benn92649, run "sudo aptitude install wine" | 02:05 |
=== Roeland [n=roeland@flits104-39.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rbil | L0cKd0wN: I've moved hard drives from one box to another that used a different chipset entirely and other than adjusting xorg.conf, all worked fine | 02:05 |
benn92649 | k | 02:05 |
mage | IndyGunFreak: bad windows user, BAD | 02:05 |
=== Roeland [n=roeland@flits104-39.flits.rug.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
bruenig | apt-get, I hope your client doesn't have notifiers when someone says your nick or you will get really annoyed | 02:05 |
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IndyGunFreak | lol | 02:05 |
gravemind | mage, the current problem is when I try to put files from mac into linux over the network, it says insufficient priveleges | 02:05 |
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=== Evil_` [n=nick@unaffiliated/evil/x-000666] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eudy | hello | 02:05 |
L0cKd0wN | rbil: thats encouraging :) | 02:05 |
ubm | benn92649 gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:05 |
jacksonemg | ubm: nothing really tells me about any errors, what should i look for? | 02:05 |
rhican | aridese, that command will show tcp connection (the ones you probably want to seed) udp is netstat -uan .. | 02:06 |
eudy | como entro a ubunto en espaol | 02:06 |
apt-get | brue if it was not in VMware | 02:06 |
Evil_` | hm, I can't upgrade to ubuntu 6.10, from 6.06, i get this error: Failed to fetch http://ubuntu.tower-net.de/ubuntu/dists/warty/java/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found | 02:06 |
L0cKd0wN | IndyGunFreak: ok well im prepared to work, i have data on the first drive though, so i can't do a fresh install, it'll delete them | 02:06 |
ubm | benn92649 add this # Repository for wine | 02:06 |
ubm | deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt edgy main deb-src http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt edgy main | 02:06 |
L0cKd0wN | IndyGunFreak: and it's like 75gb+ of user data | 02:06 |
benn92649 | I get this message: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 02:06 |
benn92649 | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 02:06 |
benn92649 | Reading package lists... Done | 02:06 |
benn92649 | Building dependency tree | 02:06 |
benn92649 | Reading state information... Done | 02:06 |
benn92649 | Reading extended state information | 02:06 |
IndyGunFreak | L0cKd0wN: i'd make sure you have all your important data backed up | 02:06 |
bobbers | ubm: thanks, it says that rev2 and rev3 are not compatable. On ubuntu cat /proc/pci is no longer my friend (Ihave been away for a long time from linux), do you know how I can determine which version I have? | 02:06 |
benn92649 | Initializing package states... Done | 02:06 |
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benn92649 | Building tag database... Done | 02:06 |
eudy | ayuda | 02:06 |
benn92649 | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 02:06 |
benn92649 | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 02:06 |
benn92649 | opps | 02:07 |
Evil_` | eudy - #ubuntu-es | 02:07 |
bruenig | benn92649, close synaptic and don't paste | 02:07 |
benn92649 | sorry thats what comes up | 02:07 |
L0cKd0wN | IndyGunFreak: :S | 02:07 |
benn92649 | K | 02:07 |
noO1 | Dead computer -- "no operating system found" -- does anyone know if this can be fixed? I don't think that it's the hard drive... something with the OS | 02:07 |
=== trymmi [n=trymmi@ti221110a081-3641.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubm | benn92649 gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 58403026387EE263 you need to run this in terminal to import the key gpg --export --armor 58403026387EE263 | sudo apt-key add - | 02:07 |
=== Mil0sh [n=agresor@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Evil_` | hm, I can't upgrade to ubuntu 6.10, from 6.06, i get this error: Failed to fetch http://ubuntu.tower-net.de/ubuntu/dists/warty/java/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found | 02:07 |
Evil_` | anyone know what's wrong? | 02:08 |
bruenig | !repeat | 02:08 |
ubotu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 02:08 |
benn92649 | hey ubm the whole thing | 02:08 |
cables | !grub | no01 | 02:08 |
ubotu | no01: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 02:08 |
noO1 | I'm not ever sure where to begin troubleshooting "no operating system found" | 02:08 |
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cables | !grub > no01 | 02:08 |
L0cKd0wN | rbil: so you think this is possible? i can't really afford to do a backup... i have no where for the data to go :S | 02:08 |
noO1 | cables: would a problem with grub cause that error? (no os found) | 02:08 |
eudy | no me aparece en mi lista de servidores (sorry I'm new) | 02:08 |
cables | no01, my guess is your bios isn't finding grub | 02:09 |
benn92649 | ubm it didnt like that | 02:09 |
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cables | no01, it's worth a shot | 02:09 |
=== Roeland [n=roeland@flits104-39.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
benn92649 | i got this ubm $ keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 58403026387EE263 you need to run this in terminal to import the key gpg --export --armor 58403026387EE263 | sudo apt-key add - | 02:09 |
benn92649 | bash: keyserver: command not found | 02:09 |
benn92649 | gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found. | 02:09 |
noO1 | cables: thanks... is there a way to copy a new grub into my computer and start from scracth or does it involve a lot of troubleshooting (conference call in 20 minutes) | 02:09 |
=== xipietotec [n=jackfros@cpe-67-49-247-144.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | noO1, I've been using a 0 not an O in your name, sorry... | 02:10 |
noO1 | cables: that's ok, I see the messages | 02:10 |
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cables | noO1, I'm not sure... I just got ubotu to tell you about grub... I don't have experience with this kind of problem. | 02:10 |
rbil | L0cKd0wN: I can only relate my experience. I had no probs. Just make sure that first drive is indeed first drive and second is second. Your mileage may vary, but like I said, I had no problem doing do. Mobo was completely different .. different sound system, etc. You'll need to adjust xorg.conf settings if the graphics card is different. | 02:10 |
noO1 | cables: ok, thanks | 02:10 |
=== BigMac [n=mike@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
benn92649 | do i need the repositorys first then add the key thing after | 02:10 |
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ubm | benn92649 first this gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 58403026387EE263 | 02:10 |
IndyGunFreak | benn92649: YES | 02:10 |
benn92649 | or vice versa | 02:10 |
=== Lurker79 [n=rygel@47.80-202-80.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
L0cKd0wN | rbil: ok thanks for the input, i guess i'll give it a go and see what happens :) | 02:11 |
ubm | ben92649 then this gpg --export --armor 58403026387EE263 | sudo apt-key add - | 02:11 |
ubm | ben92649 did you add the sources to repo? | 02:11 |
rbil | L0cKd0wN: assuming it isn't some kind of dual boot machine, as Windoze won't like it too much. | 02:11 |
=== laharrin [n=laharrin@S0106001346a79d9f.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
noO1 | Does anyone have experience with grub -- I'm getting an error "no operating system found" and I can't boot my computer (except with this live CD) | 02:11 |
mage | hmm rbil is saying what I di ;) | 02:11 |
benn92649 | ok so now we are getting some where/do mean to paste but i dont know what any of this means: gpg: directory `/home/benn92647/.gnupg' created | 02:12 |
benn92649 | gpg: new configuration file `/home/benn92647/.gnupg/gpg.conf' created | 02:12 |
benn92649 | gpg: WARNING: options in `/home/benn92647/.gnupg/gpg.conf' are not yet active during this run | 02:12 |
benn92649 | gpg: keyring `/home/benn92647/.gnupg/secring.gpg' created | 02:12 |
benn92649 | gpg: keyring `/home/benn92647/.gnupg/pubring.gpg' created | 02:12 |
benn92649 | gpg: requesting key 387EE263 from hkp server subkeys.pgp.net | 02:12 |
benn92649 | gpg: /home/benn92647/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created | 02:12 |
kitche | noO1: means you don't have grub installed | 02:12 |
cables | !flood | ben42 | 02:12 |
benn92649 | gpg: key 387EE263: public key "Scott Ritchie <scott@open-vote.org>" imported | 02:12 |
ubotu | ben42: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:12 |
=== jvai_ [n=jvai@m815f36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mage | noO1: is that a grub error or a bios error | 02:12 |
benn92649 | gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found | 02:12 |
benn92649 | gpg: Total number processed: 1 | 02:12 |
benn92649 | gpg: imported: 1 | 02:12 |
cables | !paste | benn92649 | 02:12 |
ubotu | benn92649: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:12 |
benn92649 | sorry i dont know what it means | 02:12 |
ubm | bobbers what card do you have | 02:12 |
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kitche | mage it's a bios error means it can't find a boot loader in MBR | 02:12 |
mage | !paste | mage (just being a dick) | 02:12 |
ubotu | mage (just being a dick): pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:12 |
=== timfrost [n=timfrost@125-238-35-136.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
benn92649 | i dont know what your saying about bin | 02:12 |
noO1 | kitche: I see files in my /boot/grub/ directory ... menu.lst looks ok... Do you know a way to troubleshoot this problem? | 02:12 |
cables | !paste | benn92649 | 02:13 |
ubotu | benn92649: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:13 |
benn92649 | i wont paste anymore | 02:13 |
jacksonemg | what log can i check to see what errors occur when trying to load sound? | 02:13 |
=== Dimz [n=david@host86-141-169-89.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | benn92649, just use the pastebin link. | 02:13 |
ubm | ben92649 go here and follow the instructions http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Windows_Applications_in_Linux_.28Wine.29 | 02:13 |
kitche | benn92649: use a pastebin to paste pastbin.com pastebin.ca one of those sites then paste the link from that site here | 02:13 |
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karsten | jacksonemg: /var/log/messages, /var/log/kern.log, dmesg | 02:13 |
kitche | noO1: umm install grub to mbr you probably installed it someplace else | 02:13 |
mage | noO1: I usually look at the gentoo install guide for installing grub, but you need to install grub to the mbr not just files on a partition | 02:13 |
jacksonemg | karsten: thanks | 02:13 |
bobbers | ubm: its a WG311. I prolly shouldn't say this on here, but I rebooted into an old gentoo install and a quick check of /proc/pci tells me that I do have a rev 1 WG311 so tomorrow I will get the wired ehternet interface up and try getting madwifi :) Thanks for all your help | 02:13 |
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Palmnet | Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew about some issues with ubuntu/xgl/beryl? | 02:13 |
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eudy | hola cual es el canal de ubunto en espaol | 02:14 |
benn92649 | LOL! thats the palce i started it didnt work those address are out of date or something | 02:14 |
cables | !beryl | Palmnet | 02:14 |
IndyGunFreak | Palmnet: if you hae an ATI card, tere could be a host of them | 02:14 |
ubotu | Palmnet: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 02:14 |
=== xamox [n=xamox@24-236-177-227.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mage | Palmnet: theres lots of them, its new ;) | 02:14 |
bobbers | seems strange that /proc/pci isn't there on ubuntu, would be lovely to know how to get that same info in ubuntu | 02:14 |
=== cappicard [n=cappicar@CPE-24-163-224-187.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | Palmnet, go to #ubuntu-effects or #beryl for help with that. | 02:14 |
ubm | bobbers madiwif will work with your card | 02:14 |
xamox | How do I remove a user from a group? I know how to add, but now I want to remove them | 02:14 |
Palmnet | I have xgl/beryl, and it was working fine on my intel card...til last week when I got an update, now its dead? | 02:14 |
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bobbers | ubm: yeah I saw that from the list I just wanted to confirm that I had a rev 1 as that page you linked said that if I had a rev 2 or 3 it wouldn't | 02:14 |
noO1 | mage, kitche: the system was working fine -- then it crashed. Then wouldn't reboot. something got corrupted :S | 02:14 |
mage | xamox: manually edit /etc/groups if nobody has a better idea | 02:14 |
bobbers | but gentoo has told me that I have a rev 1 so I know I am good to go now | 02:15 |
kitche | noO1: probably grub reinstall grub | 02:15 |
Palmnet | Saw a post on slashdot mentioning it might be from the update or something? I take it that its not a widespread issue then? | 02:15 |
bobbers | just would be nice to know how to get the same info from a ubuntu install :) | 02:15 |
mage | noO1: fsck the drives partitions as well | 02:15 |
=== cefx [i=renouf@slammer.cs.Dal.Ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
benn92649 | this is what i get now: No candidate version found for wine | 02:15 |
xamox | mage, alright, thx | 02:15 |
cefx | dumb question: what's the j2re for ubuntu package name? | 02:15 |
rbil | Palmnet: what did u update, beryl? | 02:16 |
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mage | xamox: group changes only apply when they log in next just sos ya know | 02:16 |
Palmnet | I dont know, the ubuntu auto-update thing just did its usual, and I trusted it to do whatever it needed | 02:16 |
cables | !java | cefx | 02:16 |
ubotu | cefx: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 02:16 |
=== Dimz [n=david@host86-141-169-89.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Palmnet | I just updated again today, same issue though | 02:16 |
ubm | bobbers can you cat /proc/modules | 02:16 |
jacksonemg | if logs don't say anything, and everything appears to be working, but no sound is coming out - what can i check? | 02:16 |
cefx | aha | 02:16 |
cefx | thanks | 02:16 |
bobbers | ubm: will try that one sec | 02:17 |
benn92649 | can i just start the process over and will linux fill in whatever is missing? | 02:17 |
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kitche | jacksonemg: the volume manager | 02:17 |
noO1 | mage: do I just do # fsck ? I'm in a live CD with my hard drive mounted on /media/sda1 | 02:17 |
japers | hello there. I am in approximately hour 4 of the great windows -> ubuntu shift. but i think i have managed to destroy synaptic package manager | 02:17 |
kitche | jacksonemg: you might have something low or muted that your sound card needs to play sound | 02:17 |
cefx | thanks cables, much love | 02:17 |
=== spikeb [n=spikeb@68-191-149-209.dhcp.dlth.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | japers, how did you do that? | 02:17 |
cables | cefx, no problem | 02:17 |
shatrat | jacksonemg, or look in alsamixer and make sure nothing is muted and the volumes are turned up | 02:17 |
cefx | cables: is there a bot page for updating the kernel? | 02:17 |
cables | !botsnack | 02:17 |
ubotu | Yum! | 02:17 |
cefx | just the kernel | 02:17 |
jacksonemg | all the volume is turned up and max | 02:17 |
benn92649 | BRB | 02:17 |
cables | !kernel | cefx | 02:17 |
ubotu | cefx: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 02:17 |
cefx | ahah | 02:17 |
Palmnet | Anybody know where to look for logs from that update manager, to see what it updated to break beryl? | 02:17 |
mage | noO1: unmount it and fskc /dev/whatever (scrolled off) | 02:17 |
jacksonemg | what happened was i was play quake3, it crashed, along with X, and now no sound plays | 02:17 |
cefx | great! | 02:17 |
mage | fsck /dev/sda1 | 02:18 |
cables | cefx, hmm... you should use the one built into Ubuntu though. | 02:18 |
japers | @cables, no idea, but it gives me erros everytime i try to use it,so io cant actualy use it to get software | 02:18 |
cables | japers, what errors? | 02:18 |
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noO1 | mage: ok... thanks.. as root? | 02:18 |
mage | aye aye | 02:18 |
japers | @cables "E: Malformed line 38 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist) | 02:18 |
japers | E: The list of sources could not be read. | 02:18 |
japers | Go to the repository dialog to correct the problem." | 02:18 |
cefx | cables: Do you see any problem with making a custom one for a LAMP server? I'm not convinced that ubuntu server is 100% secure, and would feel safer recompiling the kernel, etc on my own. | 02:18 |
noO1 | rhanks | 02:18 |
noO1 | thanks | 02:18 |
mage | np | 02:18 |
cables | cefx, if you're confident you can do it right. | 02:18 |
cefx | cables: and if the case is to better use a distro like gentoo or freebsd? | 02:18 |
cefx | alright, great | 02:18 |
cables | japers, did you change /etc/apt/sources.list at all? | 02:19 |
=== thedj [n=pjotr@sidekick.student.ipv6.utwente.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cefx | I've done gentoo before | 02:19 |
cefx | and freebsd | 02:19 |
mage | i'd say security problems wont be in the kernel | 02:19 |
cefx | should be no prob :0 | 02:19 |
cables | cefx, you're way more experienced than me, then. | 02:19 |
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cefx | mage: true. | 02:19 |
japers | cables. i have no idea what that means. so its possible | 02:19 |
cefx | cables: ahh heh. | 02:19 |
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-101-187.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thedj | hi. i have a problem with libqt4-dev in edgy | 02:19 |
=== Optix`Pro [i=rados@212-200-210-108.adsl.sezampro.yu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Optix`Pro | wow | 02:19 |
Optix`Pro | :D | 02:19 |
=== eternalswd [n=eternals@wcnat-41-112.wheaton.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | japers, what have you done so far to install things? | 02:19 |
cefx | japers: it's the list that apt-get uses to look for those packages you want to install. | 02:19 |
thedj | this should be version 4.2.0, but when i try to compile a qt-4.2.0 specific function, i doesn't work | 02:20 |
jacksonemg | anyone know why sound would stop working? what channel could i try to ask help in? | 02:20 |
cables | japers, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please. | 02:20 |
mage | cefx: ubuntu init might assume having to modprobe lots of things | 02:20 |
noO1 | mage: does fsck repair the drive without telling me what it's doing? It just says "clean" | 02:20 |
cables | !paste | japers | 02:20 |
ubotu | japers: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:20 |
japers | i tried to install beryl | 02:20 |
cables | japers, that might be it. Did you make a backup of your sources list? | 02:20 |
cefx | mage: yeah, I'm thinking I'm just going to go with a hardened version of gentoo | 02:20 |
mage | noO1: if its clean its clean, if it wasn't it woulda taken a few minutes and told you so | 02:20 |
=== jcol07 [n=jcol@user-10lffd2.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Optix`Pro | Mil0sh | 02:20 |
Optix`Pro | pitjko:) | 02:20 |
Optix`Pro | :PP | 02:20 |
mage | noO1: its possible that the livecd did it for you when booting | 02:21 |
=== Mil0sh is now known as paLindr0me | ||
xamox | I think I made a boo boo, I accidentally added my main user to group root, now when I try to do sudo it won't work and when I try to edit root files I can't because they dont' have group perms, how can I remove that user from the root group? | 02:21 |
japers | cabels: how do i find it to paste it? | 02:21 |
=== radar1976 [n=radar197@S01060010dca6cac2.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | japers, do alt-f2, then "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" | 02:21 |
cables | !paste > japers | 02:21 |
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noO1 | mage: possible that it fixed the drive for me? | 02:21 |
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mage | yea | 02:22 |
=== james [n=james@ip68-98-121-29.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mage | well if the drive is broken its broken, but it can fix whats on the drive | 02:22 |
noO1 | mage: thanks... I will try rebooting back into my hard drive ... brb | 02:22 |
MM24 | Ok, I need help. I have tried to install the drivers for the ATI X1600 atleast 10 times, its always broken. | 02:22 |
japers | cables : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8027/ | 02:22 |
noO1 | mage: I doubt hard drive is broken.... I think it's software | 02:22 |
japers | is this what you wanted me to do? | 02:22 |
noO1 | brb | 02:23 |
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cables | japers, yep. | 02:23 |
Optix`Pro | kurac! | 02:23 |
=== kitche2 [n=kitche@pool-141-149-143-249.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Optix`Pro | puste kurac!! | 02:23 |
Optix`Pro | swiii!! | 02:23 |
=== SenorBrizzio [n=brizz@67-40-100-151.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Optix`Pro | ocete malo da mi gadudlate? | 02:23 |
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cables | japers, how far did you get in the beryl installation? Did you install any packages yet? | 02:23 |
Optix`Pro | paLindr0me | 02:23 |
Optix`Pro | qcko | 02:24 |
cables | !spam | Optix`Pro | 02:24 |
ubotu | Optix`Pro: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !AskTheBot - and most importantly, use common sense :-) | 02:24 |
aleutian | I'm currently using Ubuntu 6.10 on my desktop and am planning to buy a Thinkpad T60 within the next month. My only concern is that the 1400x1050 resolution will make text/icons difficult to read and I have no way of knowing what to expect without purchasing the laptop and installing. Should I be concerned with running Ubuntu at this resolution on a laptop? If anyone has personal experiences running Ubuntu on a laptop at or close to this resolution I | 02:24 |
aleutian | would be very interested in your feedback. Thanks! | 02:24 |
xamox | does su have a default password in Ubuntu? | 02:24 |
paLindr0me | What`s ur problem Optix`Pro | 02:24 |
paLindr0me | ?! | 02:24 |
=== Episcopus [n=djbishop@adsl-70-227-180-195.dsl.sbndin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ktron | Alright, be back everyone, time for another shot in the dark with the livecd to see if I can't get Xorg un and chugging | 02:24 |
pavs2 | where is .bashrc located | 02:24 |
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Optix`Pro | kurac kurac kurac kurac | 02:24 |
cables | xamox, there's no root account in Ubuntu. | 02:24 |
cables | !ops | 02:24 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 02:24 |
Optix`Pro | kurac kurac kurac pustie mi kurac | 02:24 |
=== daveyates [n=daveyate@user-1120e6l.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche2 | pavs2: in your /home folder | 02:24 |
japers | cables: nope, it kept saying bash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied | 02:24 |
cables | !root | xamox | 02:24 |
ubotu | xamox: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 02:24 |
Optix`Pro | puste mi kurac | 02:24 |
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cefx | aleutian: no. | 02:24 |
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japers | cables when i tried "sudo echo -e "\n## Beryl repository\ndeb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/ edgy main" | 02:25 |
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Optix`Pro | pustie mi kurac | 02:25 |
Optix`Pro | pustie mi kurac | 02:25 |
Optix`Pro | pustie mi kurac | 02:25 |
Optix`Pro | pustie mi kurac | 02:25 |
xamox | cables, Yeah, when I run su it prompts for a pword, I added myself to the root group now I can't run sudo, so I can't even do sudo -s | 02:25 |
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Optix`Pro | pickeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | 02:25 |
=== Yasim [n=kirke@r190-64-43-88.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | !ops | 02:25 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 02:25 |
cefx | xamox: admin group...? | 02:25 |
Optix`Pro | puste mi kurac | 02:25 |
Optix`Pro | puste mi kurac | 02:25 |
Optix`Pro | puste mi kurac | 02:25 |
Optix`Pro | puste mi kurac | 02:25 |
rbil | Palmnet: is this your problem? ... | 02:25 |
Optix`Pro | puste mi kurac | 02:25 |
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IndyGunFreak | nalioth: you get op of the year for that one..lol | 02:26 |
xamox | cefx, huh? | 02:26 |
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cefx | on kubuntu, the group we have for sudo is 'admin' | 02:26 |
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jeeves__ | can anyone here give me a hand getting my DVD player to work? | 02:26 |
mage | xamox: you sure you didn't break something else as well? ;) | 02:26 |
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=== neo_ [n=neo@82-47-213-202.cable.ubr10.brad.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== jose__ [n=jose@200-158-170-24.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
japers | cables: i followed the installing beryl install guide as best i could. but becasue i have a geforce 4 i could use the autop script so had to try and understand what it was asking me to do. | 02:27 |
xamox | mage, don't think so | 02:27 |
mage | jeeves__: you probably just need a decss thing | 02:27 |
IndyGunFreak | !dvd | DVD | 02:27 |
ubotu | DVD: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 02:27 |
neo_ | hello | 02:27 |
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=== Optix`Pro [i=rados@212-200-210-108.adsl.sezampro.yu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xamox | mage, I added myself to root group | 02:27 |
gravemind | is libdvdcss2 illegal? | 02:27 |
cables | japers, remove the last bit from that file (the nVidia bit.) To edit the file, you need to do this: alt-f2, then gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:27 |
xamox | mage, now sudo doesn't work for my normal user | 02:27 |
jeeves__ | ubotu: thanks. | 02:27 |
Palmnet | rbil: It used to work fine, had done for about 3-4 weeks. Then I got an update and it loads like normal til the gnome menu bars at top and bottom show, then the wallpaper shows up as a light blue, and then the whole screen goes white with just a mouse. Cant move, rotate...anything | 02:27 |
japers | cables: this linux terminal thing is all new and slightly confusing | 02:27 |
cables | gravemind, in some countries | 02:27 |
=== magez [n=magez@cable-roi-ffffdd00-10.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about thanks. - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:27 |
xamox | don't have any other users on the system | 02:27 |
jose__ | OI pessoal | 02:27 |
mage | xamox: whats the exact error from sudo | 02:27 |
cables | japers, that's not the terminal I'm telling you to use. | 02:27 |
Optix`Pro | pusiteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | 02:27 |
gravemind | cables: including USA prolly | 02:27 |
Optix`Pro | miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | 02:27 |
cables | !ops | 02:27 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 02:27 |
xamox | mage, no error | 02:27 |
Optix`Pro | malooooooooooo | 02:27 |
Optix`Pro | kuraccccccccccccccc | 02:27 |
IndyGunFreak | gravemind: tecnically | 02:27 |
Optix`Pro | swiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | 02:27 |
xamox | mage, just doesn't work | 02:27 |
rbil | Palmnet, ok it's a bug. read that url | 02:27 |
Optix`Pro | osim | 02:27 |
cables | gravemind, yep, including the us | 02:27 |
Optix`Pro | mog druga milosa.. | 02:28 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@212-200-210-108.adsl.sezampro.yu] by nalioth | ||
mage | so sudo echo hi does nothing? | 02:28 |
xamox | mage, try sudo vim /etc/group, doesn't do anything | 02:28 |
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xamox | no | 02:28 |
cefx | sudo is installed? | 02:28 |
xamox | mage, doesn't prompt for pword, nothing | 02:28 |
xamox | yeah it was | 02:28 |
=== mikeal [n=mikeal@ppp-71-139-204-73.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xamox | everything was working fine till I added myself to that group | 02:28 |
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xamox | Was mounting samba shares | 02:28 |
cables | japers, I have to go now, sorry... | 02:28 |
mage | interesting | 02:28 |
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xamox | mounting are root, figured I'd just add myself to that group and messed it up | 02:29 |
IndyGunFreak | gravemind: where do you live? | 02:29 |
japers | cables: your a legend. it's people like you that make the shift easy | 02:29 |
cables | japers, after you remove the nvidia bit, do the command "sudo aptitude update" and try again. | 02:29 |
japers | cables it works now | 02:29 |
jose__ | brasil | 02:29 |
mage | xamox: did you remove yourself from /etc/group's root line and relogin? | 02:29 |
Palmnet | Ahh, cheers rbil | 02:29 |
cables | japers, cool | 02:29 |
japers | cables, thanks so much | 02:29 |
xamox | mage, can't, it doesn't have group write perms | 02:29 |
xamox | mage, haha | 02:29 |
=== r0bby [i=wakawaka@cpe-24-164-167-171.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | japers, no problem. I expect in a few months you'll be good enough at this to help out here. | 02:29 |
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ctkroeker | anyone have any luck with the "sound blaster live 24-bit" or "Crystal" or VIA HD-Audio VT82***? | 02:29 |
Palmnet | Does the software updater thing keep logs anywhere though? Cant find them in the system logs app? | 02:29 |
=== gaspipe1 [n=gaspipe1@cpe-68-173-168-145.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xamox | mage, I'll probably ahve to boot off live cd and fix it | 02:29 |
japers | cables and i certainly will if i can | 02:29 |
nalioth | cables: why wait? i suspect you can help now | 02:29 |
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gravemind | IndyGunFreak: USA | 02:30 |
IndyGunFreak | gravemind: then yes, libdvdcss2 is illegal. | 02:30 |
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gaspipe1 | hey people | 02:30 |
=== Dimz [n=Dimz@host86-141-169-89.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | gravemind: but you own the DVD, so you should be allowed to watch it, | 02:30 |
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mikeal | i need help with an odd screen resolution problem, I edited xorg.cong to get my resolution set to 1440x900, and it works, except that Ubuntu/Gnome still thinks the resolution is 1280x800, so I can see on the entire screen, but the window and font sizes are all still 1280x800, when i pull up System->Screen Resolution I can only setit ot 1280x800 | 02:30 |
we2by | hi | 02:30 |
gravemind | IndyGunFreak: is that lib necessary for watching the DVD??? | 02:30 |
dougsko | why are there two sets of fonts? the ones xfontsel shows and the ones that fc-list shows are different | 02:30 |
we2by | what's the net released of ubuntu called? and what's new in it? | 02:31 |
IndyGunFreak | gravemind: yes.. its what de-encrypts the disk, so it can be read and played | 02:31 |
mage | mikeal: what does xrandr say? | 02:31 |
gravemind | mikeal: you need a modeline | 02:31 |
gravemind | mikeal: google "modeline generator" | 02:31 |
=== mptech [n=marco@adsl-10-102-187.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
benn92649 | OK im done with that, it has a hack tha tsometimes works if you have the 64X build but the amount of knowledge you have to posses is beyond my n00b azz | 02:31 |
mage | mikeal: just the line with a star will do | 02:31 |
mikeal | xrandr still says 1280x800 | 02:31 |
IndyGunFreak | a modeline? | 02:31 |
mptech | would an experienced user here say that feisty fawn is either more or less stable than Debian Unstable? | 02:32 |
IndyGunFreak | hmm | 02:32 |
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gravemind | IndyGunFreak: I had this problem with the same resolution | 02:32 |
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timfrost | xamox, you can reboot into recovery mode, and edit /etc/group in that mode | 02:32 |
gravemind | mikeal: http://www.bohne-lang.de/spec/linux/modeline/ | 02:32 |
kitche | mptech: don't know but debian unstable is old feisty is actually paste debian unstable | 02:32 |
mikeal | i did that with gtf | 02:32 |
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we2by | !latest | 02:32 |
ubotu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 02:32 |
mage | mptech: depends whos doing more work in a particular week | 02:32 |
=== happytron [n=lenfestj@dhcp98-150.cs.cornell.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lycangodofwar | whats the best desktop kde,gnome,fluxbox,? or ... | 02:33 |
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lycangodofwar | i'm a newb :D | 02:33 |
mikeal | where do I put that line in xorg.confg? | 02:33 |
=== blindraven [n=kvirc@124-168-179-176.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mikeal | er xorg.conf? | 02:33 |
IndyGunFreak | gravemind: whats the fear of installing libdvdcss2? | 02:33 |
mikeal | I have it in the Monitor section already | 02:33 |
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lycangodofwar | can someone tell me whats easier kde gnome or fluxbox | 02:34 |
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mptech | lycangodofwar, I personally prefer gnome or xfce | 02:34 |
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IndyGunFreak | lycangodofwar: KDE/Gnome are pretty similar.. Flux is a little more difficult till you get the nang of it, i prefer Gnome | 02:34 |
benn92649 | i here KDE is alot easier but I like Gnome | 02:34 |
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=== d00by [n=chris@cpe-76-184-104-220.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | benn92649: i wouldn't say its easier.. its uglier, i'll tell you that | 02:34 |
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kitche | lycangodofwar: gnome, kde is the best if you want easy kde is more windows like while gnome is well gnome lol | 02:34 |
ardchoille | lycangodofwar: My 8 year old neice uses gnome | 02:35 |
d00by | can anybody help me set up my scanner if it is a networked scanner | 02:35 |
=== xipietotec [n=jackfros@cpe-67-49-247-144.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blindraven | Question, I just installed Ubuntu ultimate 2.6.17-11-generic) | 02:35 |
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benn92649 | i decided to wait for LINUX to come out with support in the X64 for wine. | 02:35 |
ctkroeker | anyone have any luck with the "sound blaster live 24-bit" or "Crystal" or VIA HD-Audio VT82***? | 02:35 |
jacksonemg | if i'm not getting any sound output, and everything says its working (not muted), and no error messages in the system log - what are some things i could try? | 02:35 |
=== juggernaut [n=sean@24-177-146-76.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blindraven | Question, I just installed Ubuntu ultimate 2.6.17-11-generic) and the nvidia drivers from automatix just crash me now, but rhwy worked before.. any ideas? | 02:35 |
juggernaut | ubm, you there? | 02:35 |
mage | try a different version for them drivers? | 02:36 |
we2by | what's the net released of ubuntu called? and what's new in it? | 02:36 |
ardchoille | !automatix | blindraven | 02:36 |
d00by | can anybody help me set up my scanner if it is a networked scanner | 02:36 |
ubotu | blindraven: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 02:36 |
=== Bhaal [i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal] has left #ubuntu ["Coming] | ||
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gravemind | IndyGunFreak: I haven't needed to use it yet | 02:36 |
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IndyGunFreak | we2by: Edgy Eft.. its got plenty of updates | 02:36 |
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IndyGunFreak | gravemind: use what? | 02:36 |
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benn92649 | sooo, i have no games cant watch videos and the sound quality from juicer sucks LOL | 02:36 |
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jacksonemg | mage: i just had sound output, then after a reboot, they were gone | 02:36 |
juggernaut | IndyGunFreak, i just put edgy on my new lappy today. it f'in rocks!! | 02:36 |
mage | heh 6.10 has 137 updates from the CD to current | 02:36 |
benn92649 | but I got you guys so I guess its ok | 02:36 |
mptech | !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu | 02:37 |
we2by | IndyGunFreak, I meant the latest beta release or the upcoming release | 02:37 |
cables | we2by, IndyGunFreak, Edgy is the current version. The next version is Feisty Fawn. It's got tons of new stuff | 02:37 |
gregday | where can i get Feisty testing snapshots? | 02:37 |
mptech | !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu | 02:37 |
cables | !feisty | gregday | 02:37 |
ubotu | gregday: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 02:37 |
=== craigbass1976 [n=craig@pool-72-73-91-138.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
d00by | can anybody help me set up my scanner if it is a networked scanner | 02:37 |
IndyGunFreak | we2by: that would be feisty | 02:37 |
we2by | cables, stuff like what? | 02:37 |
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mykk | hey i am installing ubuntu and i am checking cd integrity, it says it will take some time, i have been waiting here for 15 mins now and nothing has happened... is that right? | 02:37 |
craigbass1976 | what's the newest kernel for dapper, 2.15...? | 02:37 |
cables | we2by, I believe it installs codecs for you, and it's supposed to have some cool desktop effects. Not entirely sure though. | 02:37 |
gregday | cables: that doesn't really answer my question | 02:37 |
blindraven | !automatix | 02:37 |
ubotu | automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 02:37 |
benn92649 | will the new version have built in support for windows apps instead of having to install a seperate program? | 02:37 |
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bruenig | benn92649, no | 02:38 |
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ubm | mykk your cd is fine man you can skip that shit ;) | 02:38 |
benn92649 | damn | 02:38 |
cables | gregday, hold on, i'll try to find a link | 02:38 |
obake-san | thanks juggernaut, looks like it was a problem with GRUB | 02:38 |
gregday | cables: are the Herd CDs the snapshots? | 02:38 |
mykk | ubm i'll try installing :) | 02:38 |
=== matt1__ [n=ipod@ip24-255-125-193.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | benn92649, it is not good to encourage the use of windows apps, they perform poorly and are against the whole idea here | 02:38 |
pavs2 | is it gedit or geddit? | 02:38 |
=== Evil_` [n=nick@unaffiliated/evil/x-000666] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gravemind | IndyGunFreak: I haven't needed libdvdcss2 to watch dvds yet | 02:38 |
juggernaut | obake-san, great!! :) | 02:38 |
benn92649 | will the new version be X64 or only X32 | 02:38 |
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obake-san | its loading up after i reinstalled with GRUB on the same drive as ubuntu | 02:38 |
bruenig | perform poorly in linux that is | 02:38 |
cables | gregday, not sure what that is. | 02:38 |
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cables | pavs, gedit. | 02:38 |
IndyGunFreak | gravemind: are you using DVD playing software that you paid for? | 02:38 |
pavs2 | tnx cables | 02:39 |
benn92649 | X 64 is a screamming banshee, its faster than anything | 02:39 |
gravemind | IndyGunFreak: I don't watch dvds on the computer :P | 02:39 |
bruenig | !offtopic | benn92649 | 02:39 |
ubotu | benn92649: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:39 |
benn92649 | but nothing wants to work with it | 02:39 |
Evil_` | How can I upgrade to 6.10? | 02:39 |
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bruenig | !upgrading | Evil_` | 02:39 |
ubotu | Evil_`: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 02:39 |
timfrost | gregday: yes the herd CDs are snapshots | 02:39 |
gregday | ah thanks | 02:39 |
=== benjoldersma [n=ben@71-217-4-90.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
benn92649 | what is this channel | 02:39 |
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IndyGunFreak | gravemind: then why the question?.. if you pop in a movie, you'll likely need libdvdcss2, or you alread installed it | 02:39 |
rbil | blindraven: before wiping your system and starting again, I'd try automatix2 bleeder and install the latest Nvidia driver from there. | 02:39 |
bruenig | #ubuntu | 02:39 |
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kitche | benn92649: a support channel for ubuntu | 02:39 |
benn92649 | k | 02:39 |
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benn92649 | so good i am a 3 day old this is where i need to be | 02:40 |
IndyGunFreak | kitche: i guess its hard to miss the big freakin thing at the top that says why you're here. | 02:40 |
we2by | wow | 02:40 |
mykk | how long does a normal install take? | 02:40 |
we2by | now the menu is completely different!!?? | 02:40 |
IndyGunFreak | mykk: about 30min for me. | 02:40 |
benn92649 | be nice | 02:40 |
bruenig | benn92649, but not talking about x64's merits and feisty | 02:40 |
IndyGunFreak | could be longer, shorter for you, depending on options | 02:40 |
keyser_soze | i'm having problems with sound on feisty amd64... sound card detected, and seems to be loaded, but no sound at all, volume stuck at 100%. tried rebuilding alsa modules, no luck. tried pulseaudio gswrapper, no luck. for some reason the only device showing up in the gnome sound prefs is REALTEC ALC660, even though I have intel hardware and intel alsa modules loaded. heard there was command to reset sound card that might work? and | 02:40 |
keyser_soze | other ideas? | 02:40 |
benn92649 | ohh | 02:40 |
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kitche | IndyGunFreak: sometimes it is since I don't bother looking at the topic on many channels but then again Iknow what the channels are for :P | 02:41 |
mykk | well the bar is just stuck at the start :P | 02:41 |
gravemind | IndyGunFreak: lol ok. I tried popping in some dvds and I was wondering why I couldn't watch them. just curious why | 02:41 |
mykk | did this last time.. | 02:41 |
we2by | where do I get feisty? | 02:41 |
IndyGunFreak | kitche: lol | 02:41 |
kitche | keyser_soze: #ubuntu+1 is for feisty support | 02:41 |
IndyGunFreak | gravemind: thats why, you need libdvdcss2 | 02:41 |
IndyGunFreak | Linux by default, can't read encrypted dvd's. | 02:41 |
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gravemind | IndyGunFreak: how does windows watch them then? | 02:41 |
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ubm | mykk what hardware are you installing on? notebook or desktop? | 02:42 |
IndyGunFreak | gravemind: because M$ pays for the right | 02:42 |
mykk | desktop ubm | 02:42 |
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gravemind | ahh | 02:42 |
=== bettyboop1975 [n=bettyboo@85-18-136-73.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Yasim | Somebody knows how to translate OppenOffice? | 02:42 |
benn92649 | ok so heres a good one, what can i install in Ubuntu 6.10 X64 that will play all video codes? | 02:42 |
IndyGunFreak | gravemind: lot of the commercial distros will play DVD's out of the box to. | 02:42 |
IndyGunFreak | but the free ones rarely do. | 02:42 |
bruenig | benn92649, nothing unless you want to chroot | 02:42 |
=== kos-mos [n=kos-mos@mctnnbsa28w-142167119134.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | Yasim, there isn't an Ubuntu version for your language? | 02:42 |
benn92649 | what is chroot? | 02:42 |
ubm | ok are you even able to boot into gnome to install? | 02:42 |
bruenig | !chroot | 02:42 |
ubotu | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box | 02:42 |
SmileyLap | hi guys, i need to compile my driver (at least i think i do) for my laptop's wireless card. tho it appears in the device manager | 02:42 |
benn92649 | oh no way lol | 02:43 |
mykk | it boots the cd ubm | 02:43 |
kos-mos | I am on ubuntu dapper, trying to install edgy but having graphic problems. | 02:43 |
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mykk | and chose install from the list | 02:43 |
ubm | ok so when you goto install then you get stuck at what percent? | 02:43 |
mykk | there isn't a percentage :P | 02:43 |
=== Juri [n=Juri@pD95767FD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mage | bruenig: so I could get a 64bit proc, install ubuntu 64bit and then chroot for things like wine? | 02:43 |
ubm | mykk as in does the progress bar make it half way and then freeze? | 02:43 |
mykk | when the bar is scrolling constantly underneath the ubuntu logo it stops and reverts to the left hand side | 02:43 |
mykk | and stops | 02:44 |
bruenig | mage, you could yees | 02:44 |
mage | sweet | 02:44 |
Musicman | Alright, I have tried to install the drivers for the ATI X1600 video card atleast 10 times but fglrx keeps failing :( | 02:44 |
bruenig | I just use 32 bit | 02:44 |
ubm | ok so your not booting into gnome and then installing try running from live cd and check the partition | 02:44 |
IndyGunFreak | !alternate | ubm | 02:44 |
ubotu | ubm: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. | 02:44 |
ubm | mykk do you have anything else installed on the drive | 02:44 |
mage | I'd use 32bit as I like to diskless boot from my servers install of ubuntu | 02:44 |
benn92649 | so i am guessing your all massive big brained computer programers, there is no way a n00b twit like myself will beable to install and figure out chroot | 02:44 |
=== apv [n=apv@bb-87-82-8-251.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mykk | yes windows, ubm | 02:45 |
klein_ | i have a nvidia 6800 what is the comand to check if dri is enabled ? in terminal | 02:45 |
benn92649 | i wish wine worked with X64 without the hack | 02:45 |
=== mylesbraithwaite [n=mylesbra@bas10-toronto12-1096755304.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubm | mykk are you using the live cd for edgy eft? | 02:45 |
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Musicman | Anyone? D: | 02:45 |
mykk | i using an iso cd i just burnt after dling from the the webby :P | 02:45 |
ubm | haha | 02:45 |
=== Ekinoks [n=ekinoks@125.4.119-80.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mage | benn92649: im surprised you're running ubuntu, most people that shoehorn anyone smarter than them into "computer programmers" live with windows | 02:45 |
=== Spinn4ker [n=joni@dsl-roigw2-fe82df00-134.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mage | benn92649: laziest is you download the i386 livecd and install that | 02:46 |
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we2by | any one using feisty? | 02:46 |
rbil | klein: glxinfo | grep rendering | 02:46 |
blindraven | Ironic attitude from younger people with a graps of linux "Go back to windows joo n00b" yet the general consensus is "Come here from windows" Why would people bother if they were damned for trying. jesus. | 02:46 |
gravemind | benn92649: what are you trying to do again? | 02:46 |
mykk | ubm? | 02:46 |
ubm | mykk so just to make sure you have the latest build ubuntu 6.10 edgy eft? | 02:46 |
rbil | klein: needs to return: direct rendering: Ye | 02:47 |
rbil | *Yes | 02:47 |
IndyGunFreak | ubm: if you're having trouble with the install freezing, try re-burning the disk, at a slower rate, say 2-4x.. | 02:47 |
IndyGunFreak | thats worked for me in the past. | 02:47 |
mage | blindraven: :) | 02:47 |
mykk | yes ubm | 02:47 |
mage | blindraven: I didn't tell him to go back, I'm asking why hes over here :p | 02:47 |
kos-mos | how come safe graphic install on dapper worked and not so on edgy? | 02:47 |
klein_ | rbil: thank you | 02:47 |
blindraven | all good :P | 02:47 |
ubm | IndyGunFreak im trying to help mykk with the install ;) | 02:47 |
IndyGunFreak | ubm: oops..lol | 02:48 |
ubm | mykk try selecting the first option in boot | 02:48 |
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blindraven | nvm, im annoyed.. stupid broken xorg =/ | 02:48 |
ubm | IndyGunFreak its ok ive done it before :P | 02:48 |
IndyGunFreak | ubm: well, that would be my suggestion, you can put that on your list of things to try...lol | 02:48 |
ubm | haha | 02:48 |
klein_ | rbil: was going out of my mind trying to remember | 02:48 |
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mage | blindraven: anything beyond 1997 has seemed voodoo magic to me | 02:49 |
ubm | i love this channel things get so crazy sometimes but its a good feeling to help others | 02:49 |
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benn92649 | ok so my contribution to helping n00bphiles like me her it is: the greatest single guide in the known universe to get you rolling in linux absolutely hassle free is :http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy i know i spent 36 of the last 72 hours sitting here working with it | 02:49 |
=== [187ci] marc [n=jrzero1@d14-69-38-47.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blindraven | So I'm assuming Automatix is frowned upon? is this because it is a script which "does it itself" which goes against the generel linux "Everything must take hours and be advanced to handle" or...? | 02:49 |
mykk | the first option on boot is to Start or Install Ubuntu - ubm | 02:49 |
IndyGunFreak | benn92649: you finally posted something useful | 02:49 |
mage | blindraven: is automatix part of the ubuntu project? | 02:49 |
mage | (i know nothing) | 02:49 |
agent | !automatix | 02:50 |
bruenig | !automatix | 02:50 |
gravemind | lolol | 02:50 |
ubotu | automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 02:50 |
IndyGunFreak | mage: no.. and frankly, it should be avoided | 02:50 |
ubm | mykk you need to start ubuntu install but try using the F option for screen do you see it? i think its F3 or F2 not sure right now | 02:50 |
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bruenig | automatix is the devil | 02:50 |
blindraven | In my experience "elitests" consist of people that swear by "anything and everything "OLD" and arrogently dismiss anything and everything "new" | 02:50 |
gravemind | IndyGunFreak: I used it once | 02:50 |
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blindraven | ye, im coming to learn that :P | 02:50 |
ubm | set your screen resolution to something practical like 800x600 | 02:50 |
mage | blindraven: apparently the damn bot has a good reason | 02:50 |
IndyGunFreak | gravemind: used what once? | 02:50 |
gravemind | automatix | 02:50 |
mykk | F2 = language and F3 = keymap F4 = VGA | 02:50 |
gravemind | I think I was installing mp3 support | 02:50 |
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ubm | mykk i think it may be your screen resolution that is preventing you from booting into gnome | 02:50 |
IndyGunFreak | gravemind: i have it on my system, and its caused me no problems, but theres a lot of reports of it breaking systems, etc. | 02:50 |
ubm | ok F4 | 02:50 |
blindraven | oh trust me, im well aware.. thats why im here :) | 02:50 |
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IndyGunFreak | i proly wouldn't install it again if i had it to do over again | 02:51 |
agent | Using LANG=en_US.UTF-8, KDE/QT applications do not show ISO 8859-2 characters, yet all other non-KDE/QT applications, including rxvt and xterm do show them fine. Why is this? Are the default fonts associated in KDE UTF8 broken? | 02:51 |
gravemind | yeah | 02:51 |
agent | My KDE fonts are all "sans serif" with "monospace" as "fixed width" (in Control Center) | 02:51 |
gravemind | I didn't use it on this comp | 02:51 |
=== POLA_ARDIENTE [n=POLA_ARD@pc-52-80-47-190.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mykk | ubm it was set to 1920 x odd | 02:51 |
ubm | mykk did you get into F4 and pass the argument in boot? | 02:51 |
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mykk | i have set it to my usual | 02:51 |
ubm | i bet that is the problem bro | 02:51 |
mage | blindraven: its easier to make a fancy script target one distro than all distros | 02:51 |
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mykk | i hope so lol | 02:52 |
ubm | hehe | 02:52 |
IndyGunFreak | ubm: good troubleshooting there. | 02:52 |
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ubm | its little tedious shit like that... that will through you for a loop sometimes | 02:52 |
ubm | :D | 02:52 |
mykk | ubm - got an error - /bin/sh can't access | 02:52 |
bruenig | bro | 02:53 |
mage | i hope the next ubuntu installer supports lvm and raid5 | 02:53 |
ubm | mykk set the resolution to 800x600 for now | 02:53 |
bruenig | !alternate | 02:53 |
ubotu | The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. | 02:53 |
blindraven | So is that why gentoo is better. independant settings that are tailored to the users specific setup? like, I dont know much.. but I keep getting told to try it out | 02:53 |
mykk | (initramfs) | 02:53 |
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blindraven | Not goin to haoppen if i cant fix a simple display problem | 02:53 |
mykk | is the rest causing this problem too ubm? | 02:53 |
BUMBACLOT | what's gonna happen if you cum twice in a day? | 02:53 |
IndyGunFreak | mykk: i really think you should try the alternate install CD | 02:53 |
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=== tonedevf [n=dv@67-41-160-77.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | blindraven, gentoo is not "better" | 02:54 |
mykk | alternate? | 02:54 |
mage | blindraven: gentoo installs everything from source, so any "stupid distro" assumption problems go away, as long as theres an ebuild for what you want | 02:54 |
IndyGunFreak | mykk: its a text based installer(don't let that scare you, its not hard).... | 02:54 |
tonedevf | hi all | 02:54 |
ubm | mykk take IndyGunFreak's advice try the alternate install cd if the setting the screen resolution 800x600 dosnt work. but i think its the VGA settings that are hosing up the system | 02:54 |
mage | blindraven: gentoo was great when portage would sync in a reasonable amount of time | 02:54 |
blindraven | ah ok | 02:54 |
[187ci] marc | edit your xorg.conf | 02:54 |
IndyGunFreak | mykk: sometimes when pc's have probs with the regular installer, the alternate install gets them through it. | 02:54 |
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mage | also you need to keep it up to date, which means lots of CPU time compiling | 02:54 |
mykk | where can i dl the alternate cd? | 02:55 |
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bruenig | the !alternate was pointed to mage and his lvm raid stuff | 02:55 |
tonedevf | can someone help me with two (hopefully) quick questions? one a basic shell script question and one about cron | 02:55 |
blindraven | so the servers that let you collaborate slowly dissapeared? | 02:55 |
bruenig | !offtopic | blindraven | 02:55 |
knovak | To upgrade to Edgy or not to upgrade: this is the question | 02:55 |
ubotu | blindraven: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:55 |
knovak | shall I? | 02:55 |
mage | mykk: its in the directory with the other isos | 02:55 |
=== kriel [n=kriel@c-67-175-175-231.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | knovak, do you want to | 02:55 |
IndyGunFreak | mykk: http://www.ubuntu.com go to the download section, and then download something like Ubuntu 6.10 Alternate install.iso | 02:55 |
ubm | mykk you could do what the rest of us do and smash your hands into the keyboard, bang your head against the monitor a few times... its worked for me... | 02:55 |
kriel | hey. can somebody help me fight through a sound patch? I got a new laptop that isn't supported by ubuntu's built in sound system, and i found a patch that's supposed to alleviate the problem, but im not entirely sure how to implement said patch. | 02:55 |
knovak | Dapper works fine for me, but there are packages that I want to install that dont have dependencies under Dapper | 02:55 |
mage | bruenig: I actually installed ubuntu with the bootstrap script | 02:55 |
knovak | and they are in Edgy | 02:55 |
BUMBACLOT | can you run MacOSX on intel? | 02:55 |
mage | debootstrap | 02:55 |
knovak | so I figure, why not just go the whole way | 02:55 |
bruenig | !offtopic | BUMBACLOT | 02:55 |
ubotu | BUMBACLOT: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:55 |
[187ci] marc | lol | 02:55 |
james | anyone do this folding@home thing? | 02:56 |
bruenig | knovak, sounds like you want to then | 02:56 |
[187ci] marc | well yes you can | 02:56 |
IndyGunFreak | bruenig: lol, come on, its not that off topic..lol | 02:56 |
mage | bruenig: that doesn't quite fit ;) | 02:56 |
mykk | ya back to windows :P | 02:56 |
knovak | Well, is Edgy like... less reliable than Dapper? | 02:56 |
=== diablosjp [n=diablos@SDDfa-03p4-161.ppp11.odn.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | knovak, you only have 1.5 months till feisty | 02:56 |
blindraven | Well ontopic told me to Re-install my entire distro because i was using a "frowned upon" script.. sounds a little bias to not work around the issue "without the script" but to just tell me to re-install.. how would I learn otherwise? | 02:56 |
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[187ci] marc | since mac are using intel now | 02:56 |
knovak | yeah... | 02:56 |
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[187ci] marc | You can buy mac laptops with dual boot in them | 02:56 |
blindraven | I mean, i just want to fix my stupid display settings.. I dont want to use automatix to do that.. :P | 02:56 |
mage | blindraven: IRC support is usually geared towards making things work | 02:57 |
bruenig | blindraven, the problem with your "little script" is that the problems it creates are hard to track and since all you know, is "I ran this script" there is no way we can know what really happened | 02:57 |
knovak | What is more reliable, Edgy or Dapper | 02:57 |
IndyGunFreak | mykk: why back to windows? | 02:57 |
james | automatix: weather yppu love it or hate it depends on if it worked or not | 02:57 |
IndyGunFreak | knovak: they are both stable... | 02:57 |
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bruenig | blindraven, if you say, I accidentally did rm /etc/apt/sources.list, we can say ok do this, if you say I ran this script and now I have a problem, we don't know what that really means | 02:57 |
mykk | so i can dl the alternate version | 02:57 |
ubm | mykk dont give up 5 minutes before the miracle happens :) | 02:58 |
IndyGunFreak | mykk: ok... did you find it? | 02:58 |
IndyGunFreak | on the link | 02:58 |
blindraven | I like the way you condesceningly say "your little script" - with that attitude I assume you have no intetions of helping.. so I'll find a channel where the people are a little but more friendly.. thanks mage :) | 02:58 |
tonedevf | what is required to have a script run in a particular runtime directory? | 02:58 |
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mykk | just checking | 02:58 |
bruenig | one moron down | 02:58 |
IndyGunFreak | mykk: its a text based installer, but its not hard.. | 02:58 |
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benn92649 | be nice bruenig | 02:59 |
IndyGunFreak | mykk: my laptop for example, i can't use the live cd installer, but the alternate CD installs just fine... don't know why | 02:59 |
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Blazeix | clear | 02:59 |
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bruenig | that idiot comes in here having used automatix and proceeds to proselytize for 20 min then leaves in a huff | 02:59 |
mykk | no IndyGunFire, can't see it | 02:59 |
IndyGunFreak | mykk: hang on a sec. | 02:59 |
ubm | yeah i had to use the alternate as well for my hp pavilion dv6000 | 02:59 |
benn92649 | lol | 02:59 |
knovak | Whats the command to tell Update manager to explicitly look for system updates? | 02:59 |
bruenig | knovak, gksudo update-manager -c | 03:00 |
ubm | bruenig haha ah that was funny :) | 03:00 |
=== SmileyLap [n=smiley@88-105-113-142.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
knovak | thx | 03:00 |
gravemind | what's the best way to rip gapless albums? I've used CDRDAO in the past, but I want to be able to listen to my music as well as be able to copy it | 03:00 |
=== jm_ [n=jm@177.Red-88-23-42.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | mykk: do you have Yahoo? | 03:00 |
mykk | no mate | 03:01 |
ubm | knovak apt-cache search updates or apt-get update then apt-get upgrade | 03:01 |
IndyGunFreak | mykk: i'm talking about under Windows. | 03:01 |
mykk | just wondering here, i have a version of 5.04 which i know works alright on my system, i can upgrade it once installed right? | 03:01 |
benn92649 | im glad i went to http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy first before coming here | 03:01 |
mykk | yea i know, and i don't have yahoo mate | 03:02 |
IndyGunFreak | ok. | 03:02 |
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IndyGunFreak | mykk: that would be a bad idea(5.04 upgrade) | 03:02 |
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ubm | mykk did you find the alternate cd? | 03:02 |
mykk | nope | 03:02 |
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ubm | one sec leme see if there is a torrent somewhere | 03:02 |
IndyGunFreak | mykk, hold on, i'm gonna send you a link. | 03:02 |
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mykk | ok | 03:02 |
lifewithryan | hey everyone...anyone here running legacy nvidia binary drivers with the latest and greatest feisty... | 03:02 |
lifewithryan | (ie the updates that just came down tonight?) | 03:03 |
IndyGunFreak | mykk: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/GetUbuntu/download?action=show&redirect=download | 03:03 |
benn92649 | i still need a good gen purpose mutimedia program with some bells on it though for the Unbuntu 6.10 X64, if anyone is running this system and has one tell me where to get it please | 03:03 |
IndyGunFreak | choose a mirror | 03:03 |
zemus | i need help setting my video card | 03:03 |
`anthony | anyone have any ideas why sometime, using ipw2200, iwconfig <device> essid foo is just ignored? | 03:03 |
cefx | !java | 03:03 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 03:03 |
ubm | mykk http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu/edgy/ubuntu-6.10-alternate-i386.iso | 03:03 |
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ubm | ;) | 03:03 |
gravemind | what's the best way to rip gapless albums? I've used CDRDAO in the past, but I want to be able to listen to my music as well as be able to copy it | 03:03 |
IndyGunFreak | ubm: damn thats impressive..lol | 03:03 |
`anthony | benn92649: what sort of multimedia program? | 03:03 |
zemus | leadteck geforce 7600gt | 03:03 |
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mykk | okay :D | 03:04 |
IndyGunFreak | ubm: i generally don't link straight to iso's as a general practice, but in this case, it was probably best | 03:04 |
mykk | thanks guys, let me just dl this | 03:04 |
pukeko | how do i restart apache2 in edgy ? | 03:04 |
ubm | IndyGunFreak i just smash my fists into my head a few times and say there is no place like home.... | 03:04 |
cefx | wtf | 03:04 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 03:04 |
benn92649 | i want to beable to watch videos, listen to music on something other than crap basket soundjuicer | 03:04 |
cefx | I have jre installed but it's saying I still need it. | 03:04 |
IndyGunFreak | mykk: just remember | 03:04 |
lifewithryan | anyone?? | 03:04 |
cefx | Is there a mozilla/firefox jre plugin I need? | 03:04 |
IndyGunFreak | mykk: you won't be able to get online with the alternate install CD | 03:04 |
`anthony | pukeko: there should be an init script in /etc/init.d/ - run it with 'restart' as the args | 03:04 |
`anthony | benn92649: Totem doesn't work for you? | 03:04 |
kitche | pukeko: sudo apachectl restart try that one first | 03:05 |
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benn92649 | let me see | 03:05 |
ubm | benn92649 look here http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_add_extra_repositories | 03:05 |
pukeko | no init script . was wondering if event.d .. ? | 03:05 |
ubm | did you add those repos? | 03:05 |
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benn92649 | i have amarok | 03:05 |
IndyGunFreak | ubm: if you want to smash your head/fists into something, start helping that guy, he'll frustrate the hell out of you | 03:05 |
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benn92649 | dont have totem | 03:05 |
mykk | how come IndyGunFire? | 03:06 |
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lifewithryan | just wanted to give someone a heads up...you can't compile the NVIDIA drivers with the latest kernel updates in feisty | 03:06 |
benn92649 | you talking about me indy | 03:06 |
mykk | IndyGunFre* | 03:06 |
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IndyGunFreak | mykk: not you buddy, | 03:06 |
lifewithryan | missing include/linux/config.h | 03:06 |
ubm | mykk not you someone else | 03:06 |
mykk | IndyGunFre, i mean how come it won't let me online? | 03:06 |
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IndyGunFreak | mykk: i mean you won't be able to get online while its installing, like the live CD | 03:06 |
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gravemind | what's the best way to rip gapless albums? I've used CDRDAO in the past, but I want to be able to listen to my music as well as be able to copy it | 03:07 |
zemus | I need help setting up my geforce 7600 gt | 03:07 |
kos-mos | hrm, when I boot up ubuntu edgy I get a scrambled screen if I choose 800x600x32 vga, or any other vga. otherwise I get a "cant display this video mode". Safe graphics mode worked when I installed dapper but it didn't work this time. Possible solution? | 03:07 |
ubm | mykk sometimes people come in here and demand solutions to common issues when they dont get a reply in 2ms they go berserk. | 03:07 |
ubm | then they spend the next 4 hours re-install windows only to reformat and reinstall ubuntu a week later to come back asking the exact same question. | 03:07 |
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mykk | ah that's fine, i have been using a different comp for me to be online :) | 03:07 |
zemus | I need help setting up my geforce 7600 gt | 03:08 |
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gravemind | !nvidia | 03:08 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 03:08 |
ubm | mykk the reward with linux is when you help others that's how this whole thing started :) | 03:08 |
IndyGunFreak | ubm: well, his malfunction is different, he was told at least a dozen times how to add the wine repository, and he woud respond 2sec later, i'll try that, 2sec later, that didn't work. | 03:08 |
IndyGunFreak | so all the repos that work for everyone else, mysteriously didn't work for him | 03:08 |
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txbuntu | Has anyone had any problems with Edgy locking up? | 03:08 |
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ubm | yeah i remember | 03:08 |
IndyGunFreak | thats what i call a headbanger | 03:08 |
ubm | haha | 03:08 |
zemus | i did that but it still doesnt recongnise | 03:09 |
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zemus | i installed nvidia driver | 03:09 |
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IndyGunFreak | man i'm trying to play poker and chat in here, its not working out..lol | 03:09 |
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gravemind | zemus: how doesn't it work? | 03:09 |
mykk | losing money ? | 03:09 |
gravemind | no splash screen? glxinfo | grep rendering has errors? | 03:10 |
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ubm | IndyGunFreak man i remember back in 98 waiting days to download slackware cds on dialup and spending weeks trying to get my box up then hosing it and doing it all over again... | 03:10 |
IndyGunFreak | mykk: not bad, just not paying to much attention | 03:10 |
zemus | whent i look into my system periferals it not there | 03:10 |
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zithowa | hi, I had ubuntu running on my computer for a year. Now, I cannot get the liveCD or my installation to load | 03:10 |
IndyGunFreak | ubm: wow....lol | 03:10 |
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david__ | hello, anyone feeling helpful | 03:10 |
gravemind | zemus: that doesn't matter that much ( I think ) | 03:10 |
zithowa | the screen stops after "Booting the kernel." I haven an ASUS motherboard | 03:10 |
lifewithryan | anyone here on feisty? | 03:10 |
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ubm | IndyGunFreak yeah i was headbanger | 03:10 |
IndyGunFreak | !feisty | 03:10 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 03:10 |
zemus | this card is good and seem sluggish | 03:11 |
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gravemind | zemus: restart gnome (press ctrl alt backspace) and see if you get a NVIDIA splash screen | 03:11 |
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lifewithryan | ahh, the bot is bein helfpful | 03:11 |
lifewithryan | :) | 03:11 |
IndyGunFreak | lifewithryan: the bot is always helpful | 03:11 |
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atomiku_ | When im make installing something, how can I choose where it installs? | 03:11 |
IndyGunFreak | !ubotu | 03:11 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 03:11 |
gravemind | zemus: then try "glxinfo | grep rendering" to see if the drivers are working | 03:11 |
lifewithryan | heh... | 03:11 |
atomiku_ | isnt it something like make install prefix=/install-dir/ ? | 03:11 |
david__ | is there a way through ftp rather than downloading the files just open then directly off the server? | 03:11 |
lifewithryan | wish it could help me now... | 03:11 |
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sinisterguy | i'm getting the following error with gaim: Creating link /home/lukas/.kde/socket-lukas. | 03:11 |
ubm | IndyGunFreak it took me about 6 months to learn how to cp /etc/files to /etc/myreally_important_config_that_if_removed_will_prevent_machine_from_booting.backup | 03:11 |
sinisterguy | can't create mcop directory | 03:11 |
sinisterguy | any suggestions? | 03:12 |
we2by | does Feisty Fawn come with Beryl? | 03:12 |
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lifewithryan | the latest updates from feisty wiped my nvidia install | 03:12 |
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IndyGunFreak | ubm: lol | 03:12 |
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mykk | okay the alternate cd should be dled in about 1 hr | 03:12 |
david__ | is there a way through ftp rather than downloading the files just open then directly off the server? | 03:12 |
IndyGunFreak | mykk: now when you burn it to your disk | 03:12 |
IndyGunFreak | don't try to burn it at 24x or something | 03:12 |
jrib | sinisterguy: change the sound output in preferences | 03:12 |
sinisterguy | jrib: to what? | 03:13 |
IndyGunFreak | mykk: burn it at a slow pace, 2-4x.. takes longer, but for some reason, it does make a difference | 03:13 |
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jrib | sinisterguy: alsa or esd | 03:13 |
mykk | okay mate, will do | 03:13 |
gravemind | david__: I don't know much, but wouldn't it have to download the file to tmp anyway? | 03:13 |
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mykk | 4x np | 03:13 |
sinisterguy | jrib: alsa doesn't seem to be on the list | 03:13 |
jrib | sinisterguy: ok | 03:13 |
txbuntu | I am concidering going back to breezy because I have been having so much trouble with Edgy locking up. Does anyone have any experience or thoughts to add? | 03:13 |
mykk | considering the last was burnt at 64x :P | 03:13 |
benn92649 | ok totem doesnt want to play any of the video disks anthony | 03:13 |
ubm | its all fun and games until it happens at work when your a system admin and your up until 4am trying to get the solaris sparc servers to stop booting and you get a solid white screen with please fsck | 03:13 |
=== Ktron [n=ubuntu@c-24-61-108-108.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
david__ | gravemind: ya but i'm trying to get around that since i can't get networking to work at all | 03:13 |
jrib | sinisterguy: http://gaim.sourceforge.net/faq.php#q24 if you really want alsa | 03:14 |
IndyGunFreak | txbuntu: yeah, i had problems with windows XP, so I went back to Windows 3.1 to save me the headache | 03:14 |
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benn92649 | LMAO! | 03:14 |
Ktron | For those interested, to get X working for me (I've been asking for a few days), I finally found the right reference | 03:14 |
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sinisterguy | jrib: i've also been having some troubles with software mixing since i changes sound cards | 03:14 |
`anthony | aha. ignore question, fixed it. It was working, but *&$(*( networkmangler was resetting it back. | 03:14 |
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eternalswd | anyone have any idea where the amarok tray icon file is located? | 03:14 |
lifewithryan | X was working for me, until tonight :( | 03:14 |
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txbuntu | I don't see the big benefit to edgy over breezy. | 03:15 |
gravemind | who rips music here? | 03:15 |
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benn92649 | me | 03:15 |
jrib | txbuntu: more recent software | 03:15 |
IndyGunFreak | gravemind: i never have under Linux. | 03:15 |
ubm | gravemind what is your question | 03:15 |
ubm | i have | 03:15 |
benn92649 | go to http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy look under CD/DVD ripping | 03:15 |
`anthony | benn92649: You'll need extra packages - see the link someone just posted. | 03:15 |
IndyGunFreak | txbuntu: more recent software, up to date repos, securit updates, etc. | 03:15 |
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Ktron | I highly recommend http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Main_Page for information on getting ATI/Radeon cards to work with ubuntu, I followed the steps and it worked perfectly | 03:15 |
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gravemind | ubm: what's the best way to rip gapless music (like dark side of the moon) I've used cdrdao, but it gives you a cue/bin, not individual tracks | 03:16 |
mykk | just wondering here, if i burnt the original one slower, would that make any difference?\ | 03:16 |
lifewithryan | anyone know where the developers hang out? they may want to know this | 03:16 |
benn92649 | did you catch the link anthony i didnt see it go by | 03:16 |
atomiku_ | When im make installing something, how can I choose where it installs to? | 03:16 |
lifewithryan | what release you on Ktron? | 03:16 |
ubm | gravemind ah your getting one solid track as opposed to individuals one sec | 03:16 |
IndyGunFreak | whats a good linux program to Rip MP3's from CD's? | 03:16 |
Ktron | 6.6.10 I believe | 03:16 |
eternalswd | atomiku_, you don't unless you're installing from source | 03:16 |
jrib | atomiku_: usually you can ./configure --prefix=LOCATION but it's best to use /usr/local which is usually default | 03:16 |
atomiku_ | I am installing from source | 03:16 |
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`anthony | lifewithryan: log a bug in launchpad? | 03:17 |
LaGGed | I know this isn't Ubuntu related really, but I want to switch back to Ubuntu, however my biggest issue is not being able to find an app to broadcast to my shoutcast. I know there is a linux plugin, but does anyone know a player that supports it running on Ubuntu? | 03:17 |
atomiku_ | jrib: okay thanks | 03:17 |
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Ktron | lifewithryan: Yeah | 03:17 |
jrib | atomiku_: ./configure --help should help | 03:17 |
lifewithryan | ahh...guess i'll give that a shot | 03:17 |
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jeeves__ | can anyone help me with my usb bluetooth adaptor? or how to install xchat insted of this crappyone? | 03:17 |
ubm | gravemind have you tried Goobox? | 03:17 |
gravemind | ubm, IndyGunFreak: I'd like to use gapless FLAC too, if possible, with individual tracks for each song | 03:17 |
Ktron | lifewithryan: no wait, I lied | 03:17 |
Ktron | lifewithryan: 6.10, Edgy | 03:17 |
gravemind | ubm: no, I'll check it out | 03:17 |
The | does anyone know why 49/50 times i try to boot edgy from CD i get the can't find tty; job control turned off message? | 03:17 |
atomiku_ | Also what apt-get package do I get for TCL? | 03:17 |
benn92649 | hey! it took me 3 days just to get this crappy one working LOL | 03:17 |
Ktron | lifewithryan: and the AMD64 version at that | 03:18 |
lifewithryan | heh, was wondering what you were yeah'ing at | 03:18 |
lifewithryan | lol | 03:18 |
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IndyGunFreak | gravemind: well, i guess tere's always frostwire..lol | 03:18 |
kalorin | can someone explain to me just exactly why Xwindows fonts seem so darn difficult to get right | 03:18 |
lifewithryan | k...i'm on feisty and tonights updates killed X for me...well mostly | 03:18 |
kalorin | it seems amazing to me that they're just so terrible considering how good most of the other stuff is | 03:18 |
lifewithryan | my resolution was once 1440x900, now its at 800x600 | 03:18 |
gravemind | IndyGunFreak: I have the cds... I don't see how frostwire would give me better quality than ripping | 03:18 |
jrib | lifewithryan: #ubuntu+1 for feisty | 03:18 |
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lifewithryan | using nvidia's binary driver... | 03:18 |
Ktron | lifewithryan: Heh, after the trouble I've had getting it to work in the first place, I figured I should stick with the more tried heh | 03:18 |
IndyGunFreak | gravemind: i'm just being facetious.. | 03:18 |
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Ktron | lifewithryan: And I'm using a radeon :) | 03:19 |
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lifewithryan | ahhhh...thanks jrib | 03:19 |
gravemind | IndyGunFreak: kk, good to know | 03:19 |
benn92649 | i got my res fixed by going to: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy it shows you how to tweak linux so it allows you to use native rez on a LCD | 03:19 |
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IndyGunFreak | gravemind: sometimes my humor is so try, it is just completely missed..lol | 03:19 |
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august | hola | 03:19 |
ubm | gravemind Goobox should support FLAC | 03:19 |
interstellar_ove | i'm having a bit of a problem i'm hoping someone can help me with | 03:19 |
kalorin | ok opensymbol is an ok font for xchat | 03:19 |
erika | hola... como esta? | 03:19 |
kalorin | *sigh* | 03:19 |
IndyGunFreak | ubm is that in the repos? | 03:19 |
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august | hola erika | 03:20 |
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gravemind | ubm: ok. will they be gapless though? | 03:20 |
erika | hola august | 03:20 |
interstellar_ove | i have an integrated intel i810 video card and a pci nvidia video card - when i "lspci -x|grep vga" only one shows up | 03:20 |
august | de donde eres? | 03:20 |
erika | hi everyone :) | 03:20 |
kalorin | hrms... | 03:20 |
kalorin | condensed isn't too bad | 03:20 |
nacarrell | does anyone know why 49/50 times i try to boot edgy from CD i get the can't find tty; job control turned off message? | 03:20 |
interstellar_ove | i know they both work individually under linux and can work together under windows | 03:20 |
benn92649 | try new disk | 03:20 |
kalorin | nice is exactly that | 03:20 |
ubm | gravemind you can use GStreamer plugins to make FLAC gapless | 03:21 |
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Jordan_U | When I boot my computer I get the text "GRUB" but it never gets past that and here are no errors, I tried re-installing GRUB but it didn't help. | 03:21 |
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ubm | Goobox is based on GStreamer source so ill search for gapless plugin | 03:21 |
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corevette | so...its true feisty is coming with Compiz???? | 03:21 |
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kalorin | heh | 03:21 |
kalorin | transparent background in xchat == crash :) | 03:21 |
august | spanish? | 03:21 |
kalorin | salright, I don't dig that much anyway | 03:21 |
benn92649 | what is compiz? | 03:22 |
IndyGunFreak | corevette: one minute they say it is, then they say it isn't | 03:22 |
Taa5i | Hello, my system has two audio cards, how do I tell it which one to use as the main one? I had it working, then rebooted and now it wants to use the other one. | 03:22 |
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benn92649 | is that like the native command thing? | 03:22 |
erika | intersrellar_ove: I'm using an i810 mb with a PCI ATA Radeon 7000... works fine for me too. | 03:22 |
Jordan_U | corevette: It was a dependency for Ubuntu-desktop | 03:22 |
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mykk | IndyGunFre - i am dling the alternate cd and i am burning a copy of the original one i tried, but slower, to see if that works\ | 03:22 |
Jordan_U | benn92649: You have not lived untill you have seen beryl / Compiz :) | 03:22 |
LMelior | You guys want to see some crap? libhtml-tree-perl depends on libwww-perl; however: | 03:23 |
LMelior | Package libwww-perl is not configured yet. | 03:23 |
LMelior | ... OK, but then ... libwww-perl depends on libhtml-tree-perl (>= 3.11); however: | 03:23 |
LMelior | Package libhtml-tree-perl is not configured yet. | 03:23 |
benn92649 | the sound card problem is simple go here:http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy it tells you how to chose the card you want to use | 03:23 |
Jordan_U | benn92649: Do a search on Youtube for Beryl and you'll see what I mean :) | 03:23 |
IndyGunFreak | mykk: you'd be amazed how often that fixes probs.. | 03:23 |
Taa5i | Thank you. | 03:23 |
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erika | DreamLinux does some nice stuff with the desktop. | 03:23 |
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benn92649 | k | 03:23 |
gravemind | ubm: looking for gstreamer plugin to make FLAC gapless... | 03:23 |
mykk | has taken like 10 mins to burn it at 4x though lol | 03:23 |
Soccer5555 | #headon | 03:23 |
benn92649 | i cant see videos with Firefox/Ubuntu 64 | 03:23 |
Ktron | How long do you think it takes to install ubuntu off of the livecd? | 03:23 |
IndyGunFreak | benn92649: just another reason to stick with the 32bit distros | 03:24 |
benn92649 | unless they are quictime/real player | 03:24 |
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benn92649 | hey, i'm apioneer | 03:24 |
interstellar_ove | erika: hmm that's strange | 03:24 |
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Jordan_U | benn92649: 64 bit Ubuntu can be a pain when it comes to proprietary stuff ( flash, Windows media, etc ) | 03:24 |
interstellar_ove | my second card isn't even detected | 03:24 |
IndyGunFreak | benn92649: then expect to have to figure things out | 03:24 |
krash123123 | hi | 03:24 |
benn92649 | my father says taking the easy road teaches you nothing | 03:24 |
gravemind | ubm: what gstreamer plugin to I need? I'm looking in synaptic | 03:25 |
IndyGunFreak | benn92649: and sometimes takign the hardroad leads to headbanger syndrome | 03:25 |
benn92649 | so far i have, with alot of help from the edgy guide and you guys | 03:25 |
benn92649 | LMAO | 03:25 |
ubm | graveming looking atm | 03:25 |
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=== erika just bought a Graphite iMac at the local St. Vincent DePaul's today for a whopping $30 US. It will be interesting getting Nix working on it. | ||
gravemind | benn92649: tried this yet? worked for me https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava | 03:25 |
martalli | If I install a ubuntu base install (no gui), will the sound card still work with command line players? | 03:25 |
benn92649 | yeah theres that too, my girlfriend says computers are my Nemesis | 03:25 |
Jordan_U | martalli: I don't see why it wouldn't | 03:26 |
krash123123 | can someone help me installing aiglx +beryl on a ASUS Nvidia Gforce N6600 PCI-E?? (my distro is Xubuntu Edgy) | 03:26 |
benn92649 | no | 03:26 |
IndyGunFreak | krash123123: Beryl doesn't work with Xubuntu | 03:26 |
IndyGunFreak | You need either KDE/Gnome | 03:26 |
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gravemind | benn92649: try that link | 03:26 |
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jeeves__ | bluetooth anyone? | 03:26 |
Jordan_U | martalli: You can control volume with alsamixer and play music with mplayer ( apt-get install mplayer-nogui ) | 03:26 |
ComputerHermit | !kde | 03:27 |
ubotu | KDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE | 03:27 |
krash123123 | indyGunFreak: are you sure of that ?? | 03:27 |
benn92649 | Benn92647 LOVES gravemind LOL | 03:27 |
IndyGunFreak | krash123123: 100% | 03:27 |
Jordan_U | IndyGunFreak: That doesn't sound correct | 03:27 |
linux1 | I am trying to increase microphone gain, i have all appropriate swtiches enabled, and sliders to maximum, however the mic volume is very low, how would i fix this? | 03:27 |
benn92649 | man and its that simple | 03:27 |
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IndyGunFreak | Jordan_U: i read it on an FAQ somewhere.. | 03:27 |
gravemind | benn92649: lol | 03:27 |
IndyGunFreak | so I'm as sure as that FAQ is..lol | 03:27 |
ComputerHermit | that stinks he took off IE on the fourm :-( | 03:27 |
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martalli | Jordan_U Thanks, we were considering taking an old junker (w98) computer and using it for the music-on-hold on the phone server - it just takes a 3.5 mm plug. | 03:27 |
Jordan_U | IndyGunFreak: Other Distros use Beryl with XFCE though | 03:28 |
ubm | gravemind try http://packages.debian.org/stable/libs/gstreamer0.8-flac | 03:28 |
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Episcopus | i am trying to run edgy for the first time, but am having a problem when i try booting from the disk, does anyone want to talk to me about it? | 03:28 |
IndyGunFreak | Jordan_U: i also tried to install Beryl on my laptop(Xubuntu), and got an error as soon as it started tha tit was incompatible. | 03:28 |
martalli | Can log in with ssh and change the playlist off and on - and the music would restart every time the (*&(*& power goes out | 03:28 |
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IndyGunFreak | Jordan_U: hold on, i'll tell you the exact error i get | 03:28 |
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linux1 | I am trying to increase microphone gain, i have all appropriate swtiches enabled, and sliders to maximum, however the mic volume is very low, how would i fix this? | 03:28 |
martalli | jordan_u - I will try the mplayer-nogui, thanks for the tip! | 03:28 |
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konam | someone could tell me if have ubuntu installed on this motherboard: http://www.asrock.com/mb/overview.asp?Model=775VM800&s= | 03:28 |
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kalorin | does anyone know where grip stores it's config files? | 03:29 |
gavintlgold | linux1 : did you try alsamixer in terminal? | 03:29 |
ubm | gravemind im not positive that it will solve your issue with gapless flac as this is about the closest I can get to a plugin without having to modify source. | 03:29 |
gravemind | ubm: ok | 03:29 |
IndyGunFreak | Jordan_U: maybe its an issue with just Xubuntu, but I know i got an error that you needed KDE or Gnome for Beryl tow ork | 03:29 |
linux1 | gavintlgold: no | 03:29 |
nacarrell | does anyone know why 49/50 times i try to boot edgy from CD i get the can't find tty; job control turned off message? | 03:29 |
gavintlgold | linux1: generally more tweakable | 03:29 |
linux1 | alsaconf? | 03:29 |
Jordan_U | martalli: You probably know this but Asterisk is great for Voip and automated phone answering systems etc. | 03:29 |
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ubm | gravemind this is a good challange so ill wait around to help you with it. | 03:29 |
Evil_` | after I upgrade, will I have to install everything again? | 03:29 |
erika | Episcopus: does your PC boot with any other distros/earlier versions of Ubuntu? | 03:29 |
krash123123 | IndyGunFreak: why doesn't it work with Xubuntu ? | 03:29 |
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Episcopus | i don't know, i have never tried any others | 03:30 |
IndyGunFreak | krash123123: i have no idea why, i just know that it doesn't, hang on. | 03:30 |
gavintlgold | linux1: type alsamixer in terminal | 03:30 |
Episcopus | first time trying to move to linux | 03:30 |
mykk | nah IndyGunFre, the alternate install is needed. as this one certainly doesn't work, whether installed fast or slow | 03:30 |
mykk | burnt* | 03:30 |
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gravemind | ubm: just to clarify, will this "gapless" be gapless playback only, because I want to be able to burn gapless copies | 03:30 |
IndyGunFreak | krash123123: i imagine part of the issue is, that Xubuntu is designed for PC's that might be a little on the slow side... Beryl, obviously requires heavier resources than the standard desktops | 03:30 |
erika | Episcopus: have you set your bios to boot from CD first? | 03:30 |
gravemind | ubm: but I can always use cdrdao if I really need to do that | 03:30 |
Episcopus | error is: "unkown keyword in config file. Could not find kernel image: linux | 03:30 |
martalli | ah, we already went for a proprietary (3com v3000) system as my partenrs wanted to make sure we had full support (eg if i went on vacation ,etc)...only a few months later my partner was talkin about an article he read about asterisk =) | 03:30 |
Episcopus | yeah, it tries booting from cd | 03:31 |
krash123123 | ahm.. | 03:31 |
krash123123 | IndyGunFreak: so, i should download Ubuntu Edgy? | 03:31 |
erika | Episcopus: Might be a bad burn | 03:31 |
IndyGunFreak | krash123123: that would be my suggestion, but thats your call... | 03:31 |
Episcopus | is there a way i can tell? | 03:31 |
Jordan_U | IndyGunFreak: The guys at #beryl say it should work, you might try asking there | 03:31 |
gavintlgold | Episcopus: there's a check on the cd start menu i think | 03:32 |
erika | Episcopus: check the MD5 | 03:32 |
ubm | gravemind mabye you should work on a plugin for gapless music cd backups | 03:32 |
krash123123 | Jordan_U: where ? | 03:32 |
rbil | IndyGunFreak: the first beryl system I put together was done with xubuntu | 03:32 |
IndyGunFreak | Jordan_U: it might, but i got immediate errors when i tried installing, that said it was incompatible with Xfce | 03:32 |
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IndyGunFreak | rbil: i believe you, just sayuing my experience | 03:32 |
Episcopus | i need to download something to check the md5, don't i | 03:32 |
gravemind | ubm: :) once I learn programming I'll make sure to do that first | 03:32 |
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linux1 | gavintlgold: mic boost slider is non responsive | 03:32 |
krash123123 | rbil: can you help me to get it working in my Xbuntu? | 03:32 |
jackson3246 | how do I bind a terminal command to a program? | 03:32 |
ubm | gravemind its attitudes like that... that keep this scene alive | 03:32 |
ubm | :) | 03:33 |
Jordan_U | IndyGunFreak: there is a Beryl support channel, /join #beryl | 03:33 |
gravemind | lol | 03:33 |
gavintlgold | hmm... idk then. Don't know much about alsamixer, etc linux1 | 03:33 |
Episcopus | gavintlgold: i can't get to the cd start menu, i get that message on boot | 03:33 |
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IndyGunFreak | Jordan_U: its no big deal to me, hopefully i'm wrong, but i tried severalt imes on my PC and laptop, and couldn't get it to work | 03:33 |
gavintlgold | oh, i see episcopus | 03:33 |
IndyGunFreak | kept getting some fatal error if i recall correctly | 03:33 |
IndyGunFreak | but it works fine under Gnome | 03:33 |
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rbil | krash123123: sorry, that box is now running Ubuntu Edgy with Beryl, so I don't have access to all the configurations. What prob are you having? | 03:33 |
gavintlgold | episcopus: so I would suggest downloading it again.. or maybe just burning it again (although I know dling it again is annoying) | 03:34 |
krash123123 | rbil: prob ? | 03:34 |
erika | Episcopus: Yes, but it's a really fast DL. It's a string of letters and numbers. Compare the number genereated my the MD5 program to the number you download for the MD5. | 03:34 |
rbil | problem? | 03:34 |
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Episcopus | gavintlgold: i started a new dl a little while ago, that's no biggie | 03:34 |
kr0magnon | can anyone recommend a channel for linux music recording apps? | 03:34 |
Jordan_U | Episcopus: Are you having a problem with the Xubuntu Edgy CD saying there is an invalid or corrupt kernel image? | 03:34 |
IndyGunFreak | krash123123: do you have an Nvidia video card? | 03:34 |
krash123123 | rbil: i dont know, im not even sure about the guide i followed lol | 03:34 |
gravemind | ubm: what would be cool would be a program that reads a cue/bin and makes virtual tracks | 03:35 |
Evil_` | After this finishes my upgrade, will I need to reinstall Java and everything? | 03:35 |
rbil | krash123123: what guide are u looking at? | 03:35 |
Episcopus | erika: what program do i need to check md5 in XP, i've never tried to do that before | 03:35 |
krash123123 | indy : ASUS Nvidia Gforce 6600.. | 03:35 |
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ubm | gravemind could check sourceforge im sure they have some examples or portable code | 03:35 |
jackson3246 | how do I remove a symbolic link? | 03:35 |
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IndyGunFreak | krash123123: i don't know if this is right wrong, it just turned up via google.. http://digg.com/linux_unix/HowTo_Installing_Beryl_and_Xgl_on_Xubuntu_6_10_with_Nvidia_cards | 03:35 |
gavintlgold | hey guys, just so you know, avant window navigator is a really great dock program... just installed it | 03:35 |
Jordan_U | jackson3246: just rm it | 03:36 |
erika | KrOmagnon: are you looking for DAW apps? | 03:36 |
gravemind | ubm: yeah | 03:36 |
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krash123123 | i prefer aiglx if its posible... | 03:36 |
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gravemind | well I've got some work I've been neglecting | 03:36 |
IndyGunFreak | krash123123: well, can't help you there | 03:36 |
Episcopus | Jordan_U: the error says "could not find kernel image" and it i think it is ubuntu, not kubuntu | 03:36 |
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gravemind | RESISTANCE IS FUTILE | 03:36 |
jackson3246 | Jordan_U: well I'm not quite sure how. I have "ri" linked to several things and I only want to remove one of the links, which points to a file that no longer exists | 03:36 |
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kr0magnon | erika: im looking for multitrack recording | 03:36 |
kr0magnon | apps | 03:36 |
ubm | gravemind the bin file would need to be decompressed / extracted in order to use these virtual tracks | 03:37 |
pyrohotdog | So, I just compiled wine following the directions on their site. Everything went flawlessly, now do I have to do anything special to it to enable OpenGL so I can play games? | 03:37 |
jackson3246 | pyrohotdog: nope | 03:37 |
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gavintlgold | hey guys, how do you make those comments with irc... the ones that look like * gavintlgold has just eaten a sandwich ? | 03:37 |
krash123123 | rbil: Are you still there ? | 03:37 |
kr0magnon | erika: ive tried Audacity. it pretty cool | 03:37 |
Jordan_U | jackson3246: why not just: rm /path/to/the/link ? ( I am tired so I may be missing something obvious :) | 03:37 |
rbil | krash123123: yes just reading that link he sent u. looks much like I remember doing | 03:38 |
pyrohotdog | jackson3246: Thank you. :) | 03:38 |
jrib | gavintlgold: /me has just blah blah blah, don't spam it here though :) | 03:38 |
Jordan_U | gavintlgold: You type /me is telling you about /me :) | 03:38 |
krash123123 | rbil: i followed this | 03:38 |
krash123123 | rbil: http://jotaese.wordpress.com/2007/02/01/fredcpp-instalar-beryl-en-ubuntu-edgy-eft-con-nvidia-y-aiglx/ | 03:38 |
krash123123 | rbil: its spanish but.. | 03:38 |
gavintlgold | ok thx jordan_u | 03:38 |
jackson3246 | Jordan_U: actually, yeah.. that worked. but I still have a problem lol. "whereis ri" does not return "/usr/local/bin/ri", but when I $ri, it returns "/usr/local/bin/ri: No such file or directory" any ideas why? | 03:39 |
gavintlgold | no, i won't spam it, just saw some irc veterans using it... looked cool | 03:39 |
erika | Episcopus: I haven't booted into XP or any M$ OS for almost a year. Best bet is to got to the Puppy Linux site. Puppy is a small but amazing distro. They have a link to a free tiny app for M$ that does nothing but burn ISO's. They also have a tiny prog for checking MD5's. | 03:39 |
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Episcopus | erika: thanks, i'll check it out | 03:39 |
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rbil | krash123123: well I can't read Spanish. The other link looks more tuned to Xubuntu | 03:39 |
erika | krOmagnon: Audacity is an amazing little DAW. | 03:39 |
pdkl | im trying to play some unprotected AAC / m4a files | 03:39 |
Jordan_U | krash123123: Just a word of general advice, don't trust any guides on some guy's blog, if they truly knew what they were doing they would put it on wiki.ubuntu.com instead | 03:40 |
pdkl | keeps giving me a message saying unable to play mpeg-4 aac | 03:40 |
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kr0magnon | erika: yeah i like it. | 03:40 |
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IndyGunFreak | Jordan_U: thats definitely good advice | 03:40 |
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ubm | gravemind have you used streamripper before? | 03:41 |
erika | Episcopus: If you want to approach the abilities of Pro Tools or Cakewalk check out Ardour. Ot's powerful and free. | 03:41 |
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Jordan_U | When I boot my computer I get the text "GRUB" but it never gets past that and here are no errors, I tried re-installing GRUB but it didn't help. | 03:41 |
tarelerulz | For some reason I don't see my usb hard drive and I have read booted couple time and it has not fixed that what do I do | 03:42 |
ubm | Jordan_U bootloader is hosed are you running multiple operating systems? | 03:42 |
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rbil | krash123123: of course the easy way is to use automatix2 and automatix2 bleeder, although people around here don't recommend it. | 03:42 |
jackson3246 | Jordan_U: I assume you've tried super grub disk? | 03:42 |
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Jordan_U | tarelerulz: Have you tried the mount command? | 03:42 |
colbert | Hello, I'm wondering In Ubuntu 6.10, how do I change the colour of the text on the panels? Like my bottom panel with "Applications" etc. on it, how do I change that text's colour ? | 03:42 |
tarelerulz | It does not show up in fdisk -l | 03:43 |
gavintlgold | colbert: that's kinda hard, but not impossible | 03:43 |
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ubm | Jordan_U did you recently change the configuration? | 03:43 |
CyberCod | colbert, i think its to do with the theme color.... they're system wide | 03:43 |
jackson3246 | "whereis ri" does not return "/usr/local/bin/ri", but when I $ri, it returns "/usr/local/bin/ri: No such file or directory" any ideas why? | 03:43 |
Jordan_U | ubm: Yes, Dual boot OSx, which is nice because I can use OSx no matter how screwed up the MBR gets :) | 03:43 |
Jordan_U | ubm: No. | 03:43 |
gavintlgold | you need to do a little bit of code.... colbert .. unless you want to change the system theme | 03:43 |
pontus99 | anyone know where I can get the disk mounter applet? | 03:43 |
erika | krOmagnon: serious multitracking takes a low latency kernel. It looks like Ubuntu Studio will have that... and it includes Ardour and several promising digital drummers, synths, etc. | 03:43 |
CyberCod | colbert, change the theme, see if it impacts that | 03:43 |
colbert | It's just that I have a black wallpaper, want to make the panels transparent but keep the text white you know | 03:43 |
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CyberCod | colbert, you know how to change the theme? | 03:44 |
timfrost | tarelerulz: is the disk reported by lsusb? | 03:44 |
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ubm | Jordan_U when did you first start experiencing this issue before or after you installed OSx? | 03:44 |
gavintlgold | colbert: here's a howto if you want to follow it. If you know html color codes it helps : http://brentroos.com/2006/07/07/change-gnome-panel-text-color/ | 03:44 |
Jordan_U | tarelerulz: Does it show up in lsusb? | 03:44 |
colbert | Ok I will try it | 03:44 |
gavintlgold | colbert: but that's the geeky way | 03:44 |
colbert | hehe | 03:44 |
jackson3246 | alternatively, colbert: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2024839 | 03:44 |
CyberCod | gavintlgold, nothing wrong with geeky :) | 03:45 |
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Jordan_U | ubm: Long after, this is a real mac ( not hacked OSx ) and I have had Linux installed for months. | 03:45 |
pontus99 | does anyone know where I can get the disk-mount applet? | 03:45 |
ubm | Jordan_U if you can read the disk can you paste the grub configuration somewhere for us to read. | 03:45 |
=== Tidge [n=timgraha@ppp216-47.lns2.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gavintlgold | cybercod: i know, just means it's harder ;) | 03:45 |
tarelerulz | something shows up when I do lsusb ,but I don't know which one is the hard drive | 03:45 |
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erika | Jordan_U: you're using a PPC? | 03:46 |
ubm | Jordan_U you can reinstall the bootloader by booting into live | 03:46 |
benn92649 | ok gravemind you rule! | 03:46 |
kr0magnon | erika: ok i'm going to check out ubuntu studio. thanks. | 03:46 |
colbert | Also I am running avant-window-navigator from terminal, can I close the terminal and leave a program running somehow ? It always closes when I close terminal | 03:46 |
Jordan_U | erika: No, intel ( PPC uses Yaboot, not GRUB ) | 03:46 |
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benn92649 | now to try and install the plug in for flash LOL | 03:46 |
Jordan_U | ubm: Tried that already, didn't change anything | 03:46 |
erika | krOmagnon: y/w :) | 03:46 |
Tidge | hi all i was just wondering if i could install ubuntu on my parents machine.. its pretty ancient, i think its got an 8GB HDD, 1Ghz processor, 128mb ram... lol its pretty sucky, it was around the time on win 98 | 03:46 |
=== tainter [n=ned@adsl-9-137-149.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gavintlgold | colbert: do alt-f2 and type it in | 03:46 |
jmworx | tritium_: Any news about the Speex update on Dapper 64? | 03:46 |
jrib | colbert: either run it with nohup, or run it in a screen session, or disown it | 03:46 |
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jackson3246 | Tidge: yep. you may want to use Xubuntu, though | 03:47 |
ubm | Jordan_U what is the partition label hda1 or hda2 and can you show a copy of the config file for grub paste it somewhere. | 03:47 |
jackson3246 | "whereis ri" does not return "/usr/local/bin/ri", but when I $ri, it returns "/usr/local/bin/ri: No such file or directory" any ideas why? | 03:47 |
colbert | jrib: What do you mean nohup and disown it ? | 03:47 |
Tidge | how different is xubuntu? i have only seen the screenshots | 03:47 |
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Episcopus | ok, i checked the md5 sums, they are different | 03:48 |
tainter | Tidge: it uses xfce instead of gnome | 03:48 |
erika | Jordon_U: I just picked up a Graphite iMac today at the local thrift for $30 US. It boots up fine. My next project is to install Nix on it. | 03:48 |
Episcopus | time for a new download? | 03:48 |
Tidge | ok thanks | 03:48 |
tainter | np | 03:48 |
kr0magnon | erika: did you ever mess around with "JACK" apps? | 03:48 |
jackson3246 | Tidge: not too different. Ubuntu is probably easier to use for parents, though. it shouldn't be too slow on that computer | 03:48 |
Jordan_U | erika: I can help with that if you need it. | 03:48 |
jrib | colbert: see 'man nohup' and 'help disown'. If those don't help, just poke me again | 03:48 |
CyberCod | Tidge... is a little pared down | 03:48 |
colbert | Ok ty | 03:48 |
Tidge | thanks for all the help guys :) | 03:48 |
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tainter | sure | 03:49 |
=== andre [n=andre@fctnnbsc16w-156034218099.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jordan_U | ubm: I will boot the LiveCD and pastebin the menu.lst ( unless you know of a way to read ext2/3 from OS X :) | 03:49 |
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ubm | mykk hows it comming along with the install? | 03:49 |
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andre | what does ubuntu do that makes it better than other distros? | 03:49 |
tainter | andre: simplicity IMO | 03:50 |
erika | krOmgnon: only a bit. Mostly with dyne:bolic. I love the distro, but jack is always a pain for me in a live setting. | 03:50 |
=== h1voltage [n=h1voltag@myprecious.rh.rit.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tarelerulz | I like the fact you donwload one cd | 03:50 |
Jordan_U | andre: Support ( here ) :) | 03:50 |
phr0z3n | old logs end with .0 correct? | 03:50 |
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Jordan_U | andre: It is debian based so installing and managing applications is easy and powerfull. | 03:50 |
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erika | Jordan_U: I'll prolly need lots of help once I dive into it. ;) | 03:51 |
tainter | Tidge: i read a story about this guy who installed ubuntu on his dad's computer and told him it was vista. his dad was even bashing apple saying it was obsolete | 03:51 |
tute666 | xD | 03:51 |
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h1voltage | Can anyone help with a NVIDIA Geforce Go 6600 problem? | 03:51 |
ubm | Jordan_U just boot from live and pastebin the menul.lst in /boot/grub | 03:51 |
kr0magnon | erika: ok. just curious if it was difficult to get running correctly. | 03:51 |
=== rempresent [n=remprese@pell-04-0384.dsl.iowatelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tainter | h1voltage: what | 03:51 |
tainter | *what's up? | 03:51 |
rempresent | how do i check if my graphics driver is working, or if open gl is working properly? | 03:51 |
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h1voltage | tainter: i have tried envy and i get a black screen on startup | 03:52 |
jackson3246 | rempresent: glxgears | 03:52 |
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ubm | Jordan_U did this happen after updates by any chance? | 03:52 |
tainter | h1voltage: envy? | 03:52 |
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jackson3246 | rempresent: or glxinfo if you can understand it | 03:52 |
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Jordan_U | erika: You need to follow the wiki if you want to Dual boot with OSx also, among other things you need to turn off journaling to resize the hfsplus volume | 03:52 |
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erika | krOmagnon: my experience so far is it's a huge pain. But it does work, and works as well as anything else once you get it working. | 03:52 |
tute666 | envy script should be included in the default install | 03:52 |
h1voltage | tainter: yes, the auto installation script by alberto milone | 03:52 |
nanothief | whats the difference between man and info? both seem to give the same info with the only difference being info doesn't make some terms bold | 03:52 |
rpc | i need to keep a certain ssh tunnel open 24/7, how can i make it so it auto-reconnects when something breaks? | 03:52 |
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tute666 | nanothief: not much. there based on the same files | 03:53 |
Jordan_U | ubm: None that would change GRUB ( no kernel updates and my MBR had not been modified ) | 03:53 |
tute666 | nanothief: different format | 03:53 |
tainter | h1voltage, sorry never heard of it, sorry :( i'm sure other people could help though | 03:53 |
ubm | Jordan_U what about hadware has anything changed at all? | 03:53 |
h1voltage | tainter: thanks anyway | 03:53 |
nanothief | tute666: oh okay. I've always worried I'm missing something when I only read man or info | 03:53 |
h1voltage | Anyone else have experience with envy? | 03:53 |
tainter | h1voltage: no problem, i'm reading up on it now to see what i can find out | 03:54 |
ubm | Jordan_U dosnt make since grub just doesn't distroy itself. :) | 03:54 |
Jordan_U | ubm: Actually my firewire ports stopped working too, I am getting that repaired today hopefully. | 03:54 |
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kr0magnon | erika: ok cool. i'll have to mess around with it sometime. i tend to like the difficult! :) thanks again. | 03:55 |
Malfist | !mb-applet-system-monitor | 03:55 |
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Jordan_U | ubm: OK, rebooting, see you in a few. | 03:55 |
Episcopus | those that helped me, thanks. i am downloading a new .iso. hopefully it will work. i am tired of windows becoming infected over and over; time to change. | 03:55 |
erika | Jordon_U: Nix on a Mac... it's new to me. But I'm always open to new things. Look for me on the PPC chat. I'm sure I'll be there bunches. | 03:55 |
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colbert | gavintlgold: Thanks that link worked perfectly, my text is finally white on black ! :) :) | 03:55 |
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Jordan_U | erika: There is PPC linux chat?!? | 03:55 |
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Malfist | !atop | 03:55 |
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ubotu | atop: Monitor for system resources and process activity. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.16-2 (edgy), package size 47 kB, installed size 200 kB | 03:55 |
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Jordan_U | erika: Where was this info last year when I was having problems ! ;) | 03:56 |
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gavintlgold | colbert: ok, you're welcome... you may get sick of it though, like I did ;) | 03:56 |
h1voltage | tainter: if you want to see the script i used directly, it is on this page: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/nVIDIA | 03:56 |
tarelerulz | any one have any idea oh how to find my usb hard drive if it does not show up on fdisk -l ? | 03:56 |
tainter | h1voltage, ok | 03:56 |
h1voltage | tainter: but thats not envy, that was the other one i treid | 03:56 |
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bulmer | tarelerulz: unplug and re-insert it back in | 03:56 |
colbert | gavintlgold: lol I'm sure I will eventually, but at least I can change it to whatever I want now :D | 03:57 |
Jordan_U | tarelerulz: It should be /dev/sda | 03:57 |
tainter | h1voltage: i've used that beryl script many times | 03:57 |
Jordan_U | restarting for real now :) | 03:57 |
h1voltage | tainter: oh good | 03:57 |
Malfist | How can I find a usb mass storage device (flashdrive) if it doens't automount? | 03:57 |
Malfist | It used to in dapper | 03:57 |
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Malfist | no hoary | 03:57 |
Malfist | not dapper | 03:57 |
h1voltage | tainter: I think that is what originally broke my X. | 03:57 |
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=== Rewt` [n=rewtie@adsl-157-29-139.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Rewt` | hey there. | 03:58 |
tainter | h1voltage: yeah, x doesn't work sometimes after using it | 03:58 |
CyberCod | how does one remove aliases? | 03:58 |
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CyberCod | i made one with a mistake | 03:58 |
tute666 | Malfist: dmesg , the last lines should say the /dev/xxx | 03:58 |
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tainter | h1voltage: how long have you been running ubuntu | 03:58 |
Rewt` | trying to install something, I get an error, says it can't find boost.datetime | 03:58 |
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noO1 | serious problems with my computer... First it crashed. Then when I went to reboot it said "no operating system found. I think the drive is dying. Is there anyway to make an image or do anything to it without being able to mount it? | 03:58 |
Malfist | how do I mount it? just whatever dmesg says? | 03:58 |
tainter | h1voltage: you could reinstall if it's not trouble, i've done it in the past when X gets screwed up | 03:58 |
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Nwallins|home | hi, my cd-rw drive is not working. it used to, but I haven't tried to use it in about a year -- since Hoary, I believe. nothing has changed, hardware wise. I put in a disc, and it reads it for a bit, and then I get a mount error -- no media found. my dvd-rom drive reads the disc fine | 03:58 |
h1voltage | tainter: about 3 weeks. getting used to it, but my biggest frustration has been with installing accleration on both my machines (one ATI and one NVIDIA) | 03:59 |
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CyberCod | !alias | 03:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about alias - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:59 |
h1voltage | tainter: actually, i was in Kubuntu and just did a fresh install | 03:59 |
tainter | h1voltage: on a fresh install of ubuntu, the script works fine for me | 03:59 |
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noO1 | h1voltage: I had same problems with ATI -- couldn't get it installed, even several attempts over a year... just got it a few days ago. | 03:59 |
=== JohnK [n=Tecritis@72-160-240-2.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h1voltage | tainter: what changed for your ATI card? | 04:00 |
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rbil | CyberCod: typically aliases are defined in ~/.bashrc | 04:00 |
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tainter | h1voltage: i don't have an ati card | 04:00 |
tainter | h1voltage: sorry | 04:00 |
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llindy | I need to know how to get another depency for Boot.DateTime for qbittorrent 0.8.0 | 04:00 |
CyberCod | nvm | 04:00 |
rbil | CyberCod: isn't that where u entered it? If so, just edit the line for the alias or remove it | 04:00 |
tainter | h1voltage: i've got an nvidia geforce 6600 | 04:00 |
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jkpj13 | hi... i'm installing ubuntu 6.10 on one of my computers, and want to know ahead of time whether or not i'm going to have trouble getting my USB modem to work | 04:00 |
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h1voltage | tainter: so does my laptop (well, its a geforce go 6600) | 04:01 |
Nwallins|home | are there any troubleshooting routines for when an optical drive does not mount? error -- no media found | 04:01 |
CyberCod | aliases as in alias thiscommand="thatcommand" | 04:01 |
jkpj13 | it's a Westell WireSpeed Dual-connect | 04:01 |
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tainter | h1voltage: do you have ubuntu on the laptop | 04:01 |
h1voltage | tainter: may we private chat? | 04:01 |
CyberCod | I'm trying to set up a irssi in ubuntu for extreme help situations | 04:01 |
tainter | h1voltage: do i have to be registered? | 04:01 |
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erika | Nwallins: check for cobwebs in your cdrw... any machine let sit for a year will decay. ;) | 04:02 |
h1voltage | tainter: no.. tell me if you get the message i send you | 04:02 |
Nwallins|home | erika: well, it has been on most of the time ;) | 04:02 |
h1voltage | tainter: nvm, you do have to be | 04:02 |
tainter | how do i register? | 04:02 |
tarelerulz | I try pluging back in the usb hard drive and still see nothing on fdisk -l | 04:02 |
jhornick | mines on laptop, but I missed the first question | 04:02 |
h1voltage | tainter: yes, i have ubuntu on the laptop | 04:02 |
Nwallins|home | erika: hm, I suppose I should reseat the cables | 04:02 |
IndyGunFreak | !register | 04:03 |
ubotu | Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 04:03 |
rbil | tarelerulz: try sudo fdisk -l | 04:03 |
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tarelerulz | I did that sorry for not saying that | 04:03 |
benn92649 | ok gravemind i followed the instructions but for some reeason I still get an error that i dont have the latest version of macromedia flash player when i try to watch a video | 04:03 |
tainter | h1voltage: ok i'm registered | 04:03 |
jkpj13 | did anyone read my question or should i repeat it | 04:03 |
bruenig | people read it | 04:03 |
h1voltage | tainter: ill go do it i guess | 04:03 |
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Nwallins|home | jkpj13: no one will likely complain | 04:03 |
tainter | h1voltage: ok | 04:03 |
benn92649 | hes gone | 04:03 |
rbil | tarelerulz: is the drive partitioned and formatted? | 04:04 |
erika | Nwallins: well... if it worked, and nothing serious changed... and suddenly it doesn't work... it's usually decay. | 04:04 |
bruenig | benn92649, open firefox, and put about:plugins in the address bar see what it has to say about flash | 04:04 |
Nwallins|home | here goes ... brb | 04:04 |
benn92649 | cool should have thought of that thanks | 04:04 |
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jkpj13 | I'm installing Ubuntu 6.10 one of my computers and i want to know ahead of time if i'll have trouble getting my USB modem (a Westell WireSpeed Dual connect) to work | 04:04 |
bruenig | jkpj13, usb is certainly harder than ethernet | 04:04 |
IndyGunFreak | jkpj13: maybe, maybe not.. USB is difficult sometimes | 04:04 |
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caranthir | external modem? | 04:04 |
erika | USB modems can be a pain. | 04:04 |
jkpj13 | i don't have an ethernet card for that comp | 04:04 |
jcol07 | quick question from resident gurus .... what's the difference between nvidia-glx and proprietary nvidia drivers ? | 04:05 |
jkpj13 | i only have one for my laptop | 04:05 |
caranthir | modem, like phone line? | 04:05 |
jkpj13 | no | 04:05 |
jkpj13 | DSL | 04:05 |
benn92649 | ok its showing in the plug ins | 04:05 |
benn92649 | with a | 04:05 |
jkpj13 | it's a Westell WireSpeed Dual-connect | 04:05 |
benn92649 | yes and a yes | 04:05 |
bruenig | benn92649, what does it say for the version | 04:05 |
erika | You can buy a decent ethernet card for less than $10 US. They almost always work. | 04:05 |
IndyGunFreak | jkpj13: i saw a LONG thread on LQ.org, of someone trying to get a USB Cable modem to work, he never posted again after a few days, so i'm assuming it didn't work | 04:05 |
benn92649 | Flash Movie player Version 0.4.12 compatible with Shockwave Flash 4.0 | 04:06 |
benn92649 | lo | 04:06 |
benn92649 | crap, what did i do wrong | 04:06 |
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bruenig | benn92649, sudo apt-get remove libflash-mozplugin | 04:06 |
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blimpdude | IndyGunFreak: could be that it worked | 04:06 |
jkpj13 | well if it works it works i guess... if not i'll come back later | 04:06 |
IndyGunFreak | blimpdude: well, he never posted again period..lol, thus why i didn't think it worked. | 04:06 |
erika | I've never used a USB modem but I gather ther suck. | 04:06 |
benn92649 | on it | 04:07 |
jkpj13 | well i normally use ethernet | 04:07 |
bruenig | benn92649, restart firefox after that, go back to about:plugins | 04:07 |
jhornick | erike: that's what I've heard as well | 04:07 |
jkpj13 | but i don't have/can't buy an ethernet card for that computer right now | 04:07 |
=== krash123123 [n=krash@201-212-63-178.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jcol07 | USB modems are best avoided | 04:07 |
jkpj13 | we got it free from our ISP | 04:07 |
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IndyGunFreak | jkpj13: if you can get an ethernet card, i'd strongly recommend it, | 04:07 |
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ubm | IndyGunFreak sudo apt-get install 9_Grand_in_pocket.i386 dosnt work?! | 04:08 |
krash123123 | can someone help me installing beryl on Xubuntu with an ASUS Nvidia Gforce N6600 video card ? | 04:08 |
bruenig | what? | 04:08 |
bruenig | ubm, what are you doing? | 04:08 |
ubm | haha | 04:08 |
bruenig | krash123123, #ubuntu-effects | 04:08 |
IndyGunFreak | ubm: lmao.. you got me there for a second..lol | 04:08 |
jeeves__ | does anyone know what the graphical front end to GPSD is? | 04:08 |
ubm | bruenig it was a joke | 04:08 |
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bruenig | ah | 04:08 |
erika | 90% of the time when I run a new nix iso it finds my connection. The other 10% of the time a simple dhcp works. If it doesn't work it's a clue the distro isn't ready for my desktop. | 04:08 |
krash123123 | bruenig, thnx | 04:08 |
benn92649 | ok i am now down to only one version of flash showing instead of the 2 i had | 04:08 |
bruenig | benn92649, version? | 04:09 |
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benn92649 | application/x-shockwave-flash Shockwave Flash swf Yes this is what it says | 04:09 |
jkpj13 | where are the ops? | 04:09 |
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jkpj13 | lol | 04:09 |
bruenig | Shockwave Flash 9.0 r31 | 04:09 |
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jkpj13 | i hate this nick... but my usual one, JohnK, is registered | 04:09 |
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ubm | jkpj13 this channel went renegade a long time ago :P | 04:09 |
bruenig | benn92649, above the box | 04:09 |
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benn92649 | no | 04:09 |
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benn92649 | it says version 4 | 04:10 |
JohnKP | this works | 04:10 |
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bruenig | benn92649, do ls /usr/lib/firefox/plugins | grep flash | 04:10 |
benn92649 | i did the .so file transfer to the usr folder? | 04:10 |
hagabaka | if a program provides deb packages for only Debian Sid and Sarge, which one would be better to install on Ubuntu Edgy? (I know it would be the best to compile myself) | 04:10 |
NixChic | nah... | 04:10 |
ubm | benn92649 i know this sounds dumb but did you restart firefox ? | 04:11 |
bruenig | hagabaka, really doesn't matter between the two | 04:11 |
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IndyGunFreak | hagabaka: what program? | 04:11 |
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benn92649 | yes | 04:11 |
hagabaka | yzis - http://www.yzis.org/ | 04:11 |
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hagabaka | it looks pretty good | 04:11 |
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bruenig | ubm, he probably installed flashplugin-nonfree, libflash-mozplugin, and the flash from adobe all at once | 04:11 |
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bruenig | too many of those | 04:11 |
=== Plecebo [n=larry@D-128-208-60-135.dhcp4.washington.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kidbuntu | where could I find a new themes for Edgy? | 04:11 |
ubm | yeah | 04:11 |
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benn92649 | i did the thing bruenig | 04:11 |
=== Jordan_U [n=ubuntu@h-68-164-92-93.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | benn92649, output was? | 04:11 |
ubm | benn92649 remove all the plugins dont just start cp files | 04:12 |
benn92649 | i did what it said on the how to guide grave mind sent me too | 04:12 |
pppoe_dude | JohnK: please try to stick to a nickname while in the channel | 04:12 |
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Jordan_U | ubm: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8039/ | 04:12 |
benn92649 | no output | 04:12 |
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ubm | Jordan_U cool ill look now | 04:12 |
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JohnKP | okay | 04:12 |
JohnKP | my nick is registered | 04:12 |
bruenig | benn92649, ok, well do apt-cache show flashplugin-nonfree | grep Version | 04:12 |
JohnKP | now on one can take it XD | 04:12 |
jdims | anyone here using citrix ICA client in ubuntu? | 04:12 |
benn92649 | do you want me to go to local folder and remove | 04:12 |
bruenig | benn92649, you put it in ~/.mozilla? | 04:13 |
bruenig | benn92649, then yes remove that | 04:13 |
benn92649 | yes i put it the firefox/plugin folder | 04:13 |
bruenig | benn92649, the firefox plugin folder is /usr/lib/firefox/plugins | 04:13 |
benn92649 | usr/local/firefox32/plugins | 04:13 |
hagabaka | is it possible to make apt install a package with some name as soon as it's in a repository, although it doesn't exist yet? | 04:13 |
bruenig | ~/.mozilla is for people who don't have root access and want a plugin, like other users | 04:13 |
bruenig | at least that is how I view it | 04:14 |
bruenig | hagabaka, you could set up a cron job to try periodically | 04:14 |
Jordan_U | hagabaka: Other than with a cron job, no. | 04:14 |
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tarelerulz | I just got asked by konqueror and it to install Adobe Flash Player and I read it installs it to mozilla ,but I don't have mozill so will it install it to Konqueor ? | 04:14 |
hagabaka | oh | 04:14 |
benn92649 | usr/local/firefox32/plugins | 04:15 |
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hagabaka | what about virtual packages? | 04:15 |
bruenig | benn92649, you are on 64? | 04:15 |
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benn92649 | yes | 04:15 |
Aviatrixie | w/b Jordan_U | 04:15 |
bruenig | hmmm | 04:15 |
benn92649 | i love 64 except the few bugs | 04:15 |
Nwallins|home | hi, my dvd-rw drive stopped being able to read discs. it's a lite-on, < 2 y.o. it worked the last time I used it ... ~ 1 year ago | 04:15 |
Jordan_U | tarelerulz: konq looks in mozilla and firefox plugin folders for plugins | 04:15 |
bruenig | benn92649, you should chroot | 04:15 |
benn92649 | really this is the only issue i got java rolling | 04:15 |
h1voltage | Could anyone help with an NVIDIA / X problem. I get "NVIDIA(0): Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!" | 04:15 |
Nwallins|home | since the last time it worked, I have upgraded from hoary > dapper > edgy | 04:16 |
ComputerHermit | what happend to the hot to install wine on the fourm? | 04:16 |
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ComputerHermit | how* | 04:16 |
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bruenig | benn92649, but nevertheless make sure you have everything in order in there, with your libflashplugin.so | 04:16 |
benn92649 | im why to novice to pull that off unless you have the patience to do a thorough walk through with me | 04:16 |
Jordan_U | h1voltage: Did you install it from the repos? | 04:16 |
Nwallins|home | now, when I try to read, I get Unable to mount the selected volume -- mount: no medium found | 04:16 |
bruenig | or libflashplayer.so | 04:16 |
benn92649 | *way | 04:16 |
=== cheetah [n=cheetah@c-71-62-42-239.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ComputerHermit | what happend to How to install wine on the fourm | 04:16 |
Nwallins|home | if I put the disc into my DVD-ROM, it reads fine | 04:16 |
h1voltage | jordan_U: i used the beryl / nvidia script here: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/nVIDIA | 04:16 |
bruenig | I was too when I started, but I was just reading over the docs on it and I actually understand it all now, I should try to set it up | 04:16 |
benn92649 | what is the libnullplugin should i remove it | 04:17 |
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IndyGunFreak | ComputerHermit: wine install is very clearly explained on Wine's homepage | 04:17 |
h1voltage | Jordan_U: On a fresh install of ubuntu | 04:17 |
bruenig | benn92649, remove it if you want | 04:17 |
benn92649 | ok | 04:17 |
ComputerHermit | it is I agree but I wanted to save it off the fourm | 04:17 |
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IndyGunFreak | ComputerHermit: wanted to save it? | 04:17 |
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ComputerHermit | yea the commands | 04:18 |
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benn92649 | still not working | 04:18 |
Aviatrixie | IndyGunFreak: Are you in Indianoplace Indiana? ;) | 04:18 |
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Nwallins|home | how do I troubleshoot optical drive mount issues? the disc can be read by my DVD-ROM, but the DVD-RW cannot mount | 04:18 |
bruenig | benn92649, do you have libflashplayer.so in there? | 04:18 |
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IndyGunFreak | ComputerHermit: well, i guess the easiest way, is either copy paste the instructions into a word file, and save the word file with your backups, thats what i do when i find instructions i want to save | 04:19 |
Jordan_U | h1voltage: I hope that script installs from the repo, I would do it manually but you'll have to undo whatever the script did, is there an uninstall script? | 04:19 |
IndyGunFreak | Aviatrixie: yup.. love it here | 04:19 |
h1voltage | Jordan_U: i think so, let me see | 04:19 |
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benn92649 | yes | 04:19 |
IndyGunFreak | ComputerHermit: the other thing you can try, is if you install Opera, you have the ability to save a .mht file, which is more or less a complete snapshot of hte website. | 04:19 |
bruenig | benn92649, anything else in there say flash? | 04:19 |
IndyGunFreak | is that what you mean? | 04:19 |
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ComputerHermit | IndyGunFreak this is true | 04:19 |
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benn92649 | nope | 04:19 |
h1voltage | Jordan_U: nope, no specific uninstall script | 04:20 |
Jordan_U | Nwallins|home: Do you know that it isn't a hardware problem ( I belive that dual drives actually have seperate lazers for CD's and DVD's | 04:20 |
bruenig | benn92649, do file /usr/local/firefox32/plugins/libflashplayer.so | 04:20 |
ubm | Jordan_U is your ubuntu box up atm and booted in live cd? | 04:20 |
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IndyGunFreak | ComputerHermit: but Firefox will not read .mht files, to my knowlege, only Opera does under Linux | 04:20 |
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Nwallins|home | Jordan_U: I don't -- other than it worked the last time i used it | 04:20 |
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Jordan_U | ubm: Yup | 04:20 |
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Nwallins|home | Jordan_U: lite-on is good h/w, AFAIK | 04:20 |
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benn92649 | ok we got something | 04:21 |
ComputerHermit | well I just use open office to save commands | 04:21 |
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ismail_ | guys i have a serious problem | 04:21 |
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Jordan_U | Nwallins|home: I was going to suggest a laser cleaning CD | 04:21 |
Zeroflox | what is it mate | 04:21 |
Aviatrixie | IndyGunFreak: I lived there many years ago... dated a guy there a couple years ago. I love Indy too. I actually got to watch Rick Mears cross the finish line back in the early 80s... from a 727 on short final approach! | 04:21 |
ComputerHermit | or Abi | 04:21 |
=== bruenig hopes it is symbolic link | ||
ismail_ | my panel is stuck | 04:21 |
Nwallins|home | Jordan_U: hmm, that could help | 04:21 |
yell0w | !offtopic | 04:21 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 04:21 |
benn92649 | it says: /usr/local/firefox32/plugins/libflashplayer.so: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), stripped | 04:21 |
bruenig | it should work | 04:21 |
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bruenig | benn92649, you sure it doesn't work? | 04:21 |
ismail_ | i added xpingwens. and i cant click on anything anymore | 04:21 |
First|Bleh | ismail_: stuck to the wall? stuck to the ceiling? where and how is it stuck? | 04:21 |
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JohnKP | is there a version of KVIrc for ubuntu? | 04:22 |
Cognizant_ration | hey room, does anyone have some experience with running Ubuntu server in vmware? | 04:22 |
Nwallins|home | Jordan_U: so, an inability to mount could be, essentially, an inability to read the disc? | 04:22 |
yell0w | JohnKP, yes | 04:22 |
benn92649 | i went to youtube and it said i cant watch video as tthe most recent flash is not installed | 04:22 |
JohnKP | where might i download it? | 04:22 |
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h1voltage | Jordan_U: how would i go about doing it manually, and what is the difference | 04:22 |
Jordan_U | Nwallins|home: Seems reasonable | 04:22 |
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yell0w | kvirc website, debian binary, works with me on dapper | 04:23 |
ubm | Jordan_U open term and type sudo grub-install /dev/hda | 04:23 |
=== Spaghetti_Knife [n=emosamur@24-196-159-79.dhcp.fdul.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spaghetti_Knife | Hi. How do I delete a directory that isn't empty? | 04:23 |
bruenig | benn92649, what else do you have in there? | 04:23 |
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bruenig | Spaghetti_Knife, rm -rf /directory | 04:23 |
JohnKP | Where can i download KVIrc for ubuntu? | 04:23 |
Nwallins|home | Jordan_U: yeah, I need to read up on mount -- I did just reseat the cables for the drive and it didn't help | 04:23 |
ubm | then copy from live cd over to the partition with ubuntu installed | 04:23 |
yell0w | JohnKP, kvirc website, debian binary, works with me on dapper | 04:23 |
IdleOne | JohnKP, use synaptic or adept | 04:23 |
Cognizant_ration | guess the answering people are busy, I'll ask later | 04:23 |
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Spaghetti_Knife | Thankes, bruenig. | 04:23 |
harry | Whenever I put my SD card into the reader, it pops up the "photo import" window, and I click "always perform this action" and "ignore", but it keeps popping up... | 04:23 |
Spaghetti_Knife | *Thanks. | 04:24 |
benn92649 | is this macromedia flash? because i am still getting same error/i am going to do a complete shut down then come back | 04:24 |
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greenman | Hello. has anyone had any problems with wireless when they first go to install ubuntu? It won't find my network and when when I manually configure it says there is an error... | 04:24 |
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pdkl | im looking for something like itunes for ubuntu | 04:24 |
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bruenig | benn92649, this isn't windows, that won't do anything | 04:24 |
pdkl | any suggestions? | 04:24 |
JohnKP | i thanks | 04:24 |
ismail_ | First|Bleh the panel where the main menue is in... its unclickable. i added this app called xpingwen and after that i cant click on it | 04:24 |
benn92649 | ok | 04:24 |
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JohnKP | k thanks* | 04:24 |
ComputerHermit | greenman my wireless problem is after I update | 04:24 |
harry | try banshee | 04:24 |
bruenig | benn92649, you can remove that plugin and then install it from adobe again | 04:24 |
Jordan_U | h1voltage: There are two ways to install the Nvidia drivers one I like and is almost fool proof, that is getting it from the repos only downside is you don't get the latest drivers, to get the latest you actually have to compile stuff and match kernel versions, just a lot more to go wrong, I think the script tried the latter. | 04:24 |
Syco | Hi guys, I'm having extreamly slow copying from my fat32 drives to my linux drive or usb drive, what can I check out? DMA is enabled | 04:24 |
greenman | ComputerHermit: you have a wireless problem? | 04:24 |
benn92649 | is there a way to make sure i have the right firefox version? | 04:24 |
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Aviatrixie | Nwallins: I found mount to bea a pain when I first came to nix. Then I realized mount is part of what makes Linux great. Absolutely nobody gets to mess with my puter without my permission. | 04:25 |
greenman | i'm trying to install ubuntu and it won't work. I know the wireless works because he used it in windows. | 04:25 |
h1voltage | Jordan_U: If i get it from the repos, will i get 3d acceleration and/or the ability to run beryl? | 04:25 |
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ubm | benn92649 you need to remove all the plugins and firefox with apt-get remove then reinstall and follow the instructions http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Flash_Player_.28Macromedia_Flash.29_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox | 04:25 |
Nwallins|home | Aviatrixie: yeah, I was just having the same sort of realization. it's just been a while since I've had to deal with exactly what `mount` entails :) | 04:26 |
Jordan_U | h1voltage: Oh wait, if you want to use beryl you actually DO want the newest drivers in fact you want the BETA drivers. | 04:26 |
ubm | make sure to update firefox before installing flash plugins | 04:26 |
IndyGunFreak | ubm: i think the biggest issue, is he's using 64bit edgy | 04:26 |
h1voltage | Jordan_U: yes, thats why I was running that script from the beryl site ;) | 04:26 |
ComputerHermit | no only when I update to the new kernel | 04:26 |
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harry | Whenever I put my SD card into the reader, it pops up the "photo import" window, and I click "always perform this action" and "ignore", but it keeps popping up... | 04:26 |
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bruenig | benn92649, remove all the flash stuff from that directory | 04:26 |
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JohnKP | Yell0w: So once i download that do i just double-click it? | 04:27 |
JohnKP | i'm a windows user | 04:27 |
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JohnKP | forgive me if i sound dumb | 04:27 |
benn92649 | i did | 04:27 |
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bruenig | benn92649, ok copy and paste all of this at once: wget http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz && tar xf install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz && cd install_flash_player_9_linux/ && sudo mv libflashplayer.so flashplayer.xpt /usr/local/firefox32/plugins | 04:27 |
ubm | IndyGunFreak he can Install the 32 bit wrapper (linux32) and the package conversion tool alien | 04:27 |
sdrev | is ctrl-alt-escape supposed to work in ubuntu? | 04:27 |
bruenig | benn92649, make sure you are in home when you do that | 04:27 |
benn92649 | then you said put only the new .so file in there right | 04:27 |
ubm | sudo apt-get install linux32 | 04:27 |
ubm | sudo apt-get install alien | 04:27 |
bruenig | benn92649, remove all flash from there | 04:27 |
yell0w | JohnKP, yes, dpkg should take care of the rest | 04:28 |
benn92649 | with fire fox closed? | 04:28 |
ubm | this works http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=290785 | 04:28 |
=== HelpMe [n=user@51-068.dsl.duo-county.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ismail_ | so guys how can fix it | 04:28 |
IndyGunFreak | ubm: right, i know... i just didn't know if you were aware he was using the 64bit | 04:28 |
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ubm | IndyGunFreak nope not until you told me :) | 04:28 |
jdims | anyone here using citrix ICA client in ubuntu? | 04:28 |
bruenig | benn92649, ok close firefox and copy and paste all of this at once, should make sure you have the right plugin in there: sudo rm /usr/local/firefox32/plugins/*flash* cd && wget http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz && tar xf install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz && cd install_flash_player_9_linux/ && sudo mv libflashplayer.so flashplayer.xpt /usr/local/firefox32/plugins | 04:28 |
greenman | Has anyone else had this problem? Could it just be a driver issue? It recognises the wireless card. | 04:28 |
IndyGunFreak | ubm: lol.. thats how it appeared | 04:29 |
ubm | to many issues with 64bit | 04:29 |
bruenig | benn92649, don't do that | 04:29 |
IndyGunFreak | ubm: i totally agree.. i'll be with 32bit for the forseeable future, even though my hardware will support a 64bit distro | 04:29 |
bruenig | benn92649, forgot something: sudo rm /usr/local/firefox32/plugins/*flash* && cd && wget http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz && tar xf install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz && cd install_flash_player_9_linux/ && sudo mv libflashplayer.so flashplayer.xpt /usr/local/firefox32/plugins | 04:29 |
ubm | i have an acer AMD Turion64 and I still use i386 | 04:29 |
benn92649 | ok i cleared out folder with firefox closed then went to usr/local/firefox32/plugins and put the .so file back | 04:29 |
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bruenig | benn92649, copy and paste all of that | 04:29 |
IndyGunFreak | ubm: the disadvantages/problems with 64bit distros, far outweigh the benefits if you ask me | 04:29 |
benn92649 | do i cut and paste that someplace | 04:29 |
=== Lr5 [n=lr5@dsl-hkigw4-fe35de00-44.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | benn92649, put all of that into the terminal at once | 04:30 |
greenman | Hello. has anyone had any problems with wireless when they first go to install ubuntu? It won't find my network and when when I manually configure it says there is an error... | 04:30 |
Aviatrixie | A question for the room... does xdvdshrink work as well as dvdshrink? I've never used it, but I'm trying to get my kids away from Window$. | 04:30 |
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greenman | i'm trying to install ubuntu and it won't work. I know the wireless works because he used it in windows. | 04:30 |
h1voltage | Jordan_U: so any ideas as to what went wrong in the "latter version".. i have a laptop that is a centrino and a desktop that is AMD64 with an ATI video card. I have crawled all over the forums and found a ton of posts on it, but nothing as worked for me on either system | 04:30 |
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ubm | IndyGunFreak yeah no crap i had a hell of a time with FC6 x86_x64 | 04:30 |
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IndyGunFreak | ubm: yup.. me to | 04:30 |
IndyGunFreak | that exact distro, is actually what convinced me to stick with 32bit for a while...lol | 04:30 |
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benn92649 | opps sorry | 04:30 |
joshwhat | Question...Why is it that Sound Juicer is the only program that can read audio from my CDROM? | 04:31 |
apocalypse | !quicktime | 04:31 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:31 |
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bruenig | benn92649, error? | 04:31 |
ComputerHermit | installing from source? | 04:31 |
ubm | IndyGunFreak mainly too because I do a lot of testing for NSLU2-Debian for the linksys and openwrt's SDK kamikaze builds I couldnt compile it was pissing me off | 04:31 |
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ComputerHermit | lagg | 04:31 |
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IdleOne | !w32codecs > joshwhat | 04:31 |
greenman | Hello. has anyone had any problems with wireless when they first go to install ubuntu? It won't find my network and when when I manually configure it says there is an error... | 04:31 |
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greenman | i'm trying to install ubuntu and it won't work. I know the wireless works because he used it in windows. | 04:31 |
ubm | the NSLU2-Debian etch RC1 is currently broke atm which sucks so im waiting for RC2 | 04:31 |
bruenig | benn92649 must be typing with his toes | 04:32 |
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benn92649 | mv: target `/usr/local/firefox32/plugin' is not a directory | 04:32 |
joshwhat | So, w32codecs is conflicting with the other programs or I need to install it? | 04:32 |
IndyGunFreak | ubm: well, i can't compile cuz i'm an idiot, lol, so you one upped me there. | 04:32 |
benn92649 | it did alot of stuff but the end line is this | 04:32 |
IdleOne | joshwhat, you need to install it | 04:32 |
benn92649 | above | 04:32 |
bruenig | benn92649, you didn't copy the last s | 04:32 |
joshwhat | Copy that. | 04:32 |
=== Strang3r [n=eric@ip68-13-164-154.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubm | so far ubuntu has proven itself when it comes to ease of use and mips32 simulation support for building embedded firmware | 04:32 |
IdleOne | joshwhat, follow the link ubotu gave you in private msg | 04:32 |
yell0w | IdleOne, how to set other players, like xmms to play CD-rom by default ? | 04:32 |
Syco | Hi guys, I'm having extreamly slow copying from my fat32 drives to my linux drive or usb drive, what can I check out? DMA is enabled. It can take from 40 minutes to hours to copy a 700mb video file. Any ideas? | 04:33 |
Strang3r | Hello all, quick question...how do i run a .run file? | 04:33 |
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greenman | Hello. has anyone had any problems with wireless when they first go to install ubuntu? It won't find my network and when when I manually configure it says there is an error... | 04:33 |
greenman | i'm trying to install ubuntu and it won't work. I know the wireless works because he used it in windows. | 04:33 |
Aviatrixie | Automatix usually worx | 04:33 |
bruenig | Strang3r, chmod +x it, and then you should be able to double click it and run, what is it? | 04:33 |
bruenig | !automatix | 04:33 |
ubotu | automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 04:33 |
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IdleOne | yell0w, set that in prefered applications in the System menu | 04:33 |
joshwhat | w32codecs is already the newest version. | 04:33 |
Aviatrixie | LOL | 04:33 |
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Strang3r | thanks bruenig | 04:33 |
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benn92649 | rm: cannot remove `/usr/local/firefox32/plugins/*flash*': No such file or directory what did i do now | 04:34 |
Aviatrixie | was that a bot script, ubotu? | 04:34 |
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ComputerHermit | my problem because of my exper is unstalling programs from source | 04:34 |
ubm | IndyGunFreak do you like fluxbox? | 04:34 |
bruenig | benn92649, yeah you didn't help with that missed s | 04:34 |
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yell0w | IdleOne, i checked that, no option for default media player | 04:34 |
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we2by | hello | 04:34 |
=== tim1 [n=tim@125-238-35-136.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apocalypse | which plugin to play quicktime movies? i followed the link for palying restricted formats and 2 or 3 of the codecs they listed to install coudln't be found | 04:34 |
bruenig | benn92649, easy to fix, cd ~/install_flash_player_9_linux/ && sudo mv libflashplayer.so flashplayer.xpt /usr/local/firefox32/plugins | 04:34 |
we2by | I just burned the ubuntu iso and my comp can't boot from it | 04:34 |
greenman | Hello. has anyone had any problems with wireless when they first go to install ubuntu? It won't find my network and when when I manually configure it says there is an error... | 04:34 |
=== Aviatrixie likes fluxbox... likes JWM better. | ||
greenman | i'm trying to install ubuntu and it won't work. I know the wireless works because he used it in windows. | 04:34 |
IdleOne | Aviatrixie, automatix is not supported here and if you use it and break your system you might as well do a fresh install | 04:34 |
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IndyGunFreak | ubm: i've tried it, but i've not had much success | 04:35 |
IdleOne | yell0w, not sure it's in the System preferences somewhere | 04:35 |
ubm | IndyGunFreak its badass once you learn how to use themes and edit the menu :) | 04:35 |
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ComputerHermit | I was running a program in wine and it was asking me if I wanted to downloade AtctiveX plug in for mozzla | 04:35 |
benn92649 | benn92647@benn92647-desktop:~/install_flash_player_9_linux$ i got this | 04:35 |
ubm | did mykk every get ubuntu installed on his desktop? | 04:35 |
ComputerHermit | mo@ | 04:35 |
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bruenig | benn92649, right so it should have worked | 04:36 |
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benn92649 | k | 04:36 |
IndyGunFreak | ubm: thts my understanding... i just love Gnome though..lol | 04:36 |
benn92649 | now do i do that thing again | 04:36 |
bruenig | that means the command went through and it is giving you another prompt | 04:36 |
yell0w | IdleOne, where/how do i find out ? I looked at multimedia guide, wiki, forum, nothing found | 04:36 |
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Aviatrixie | IdleOne: I've used Automatix and Easy Ubuntu. They mostly work but have issues. I've also learned to install via cl. | 04:36 |
bruenig | benn92649, it should be installed | 04:36 |
=== Eroick [n=eevench@bas10-ottawa23-1088820033.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
greenman | Hello. has anyone had any problems with wireless when they first go to install ubuntu? It won't find my network and when when I manually configure it says there is an error... | 04:36 |
benn92649 | i am amazed at how you know all this lol | 04:36 |
greenman | i'm trying to install ubuntu and it won't work. I know the wireless works because he used it in windows. | 04:36 |
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bruenig | automatix luckily will be fazed out when feisty comes out with its multimedia support | 04:36 |
benn92649 | ok so should i open firefox | 04:36 |
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bruenig | benn92649, yeah | 04:36 |
greenman | Wierd, usually there is help sooner than this... | 04:36 |
=== arrenlex [n=em@S01060040052da362.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
greenman | I don't usually have to repeat. | 04:37 |
fraroco | how do I unace file .ace? | 04:37 |
Aviatrixie | It's intesting that Arnieboy is branching out to Mepis and other distros. | 04:37 |
bruenig | !wifi | greenman | 04:37 |
ubotu | greenman: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 04:37 |
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noobie0057 | hi, I can't get java runtime enviroment working in firefox. I'm uing dapper 6.06 I tried the wiki page tutorial | 04:37 |
arrenlex | !ace | fraroco | 04:37 |
Eroick | I want to run a ubuntu server at school, but the school network is Novell. Is there a way to access the novell network from Ubuntu? | 04:37 |
toM|vendettA | hi how can i quit out of Gnome/X/GDM so that i'm just at a linux console?? | 04:37 |
ubotu | fraroco: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression | 04:37 |
greenman | thanks, I'll check that out | 04:37 |
Lasse_ | my Xorg service takes up 99.9% cpu any idea of what can be wrong ? | 04:37 |
benn92649 | OMG! now what | 04:37 |
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benn92649 | still giving me the flash error | 04:37 |
ubm | IndyGunFreak have you every played around with Cygwin/X? | 04:37 |
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Brismetal | Eroick, of course there is | 04:37 |
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bruenig | that without doubt should work | 04:38 |
IndyGunFreak | ubm: no.. never heard of it. | 04:38 |
ubm | i use it at work to forward x over ssh | 04:38 |
toM|vendettA | hi how can i quit out of Gnome/X/GDM so that i'm just at a linux console?? | 04:38 |
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bruenig | unless firefox32 has some problem with flash outside of the chroot | 04:38 |
benn92649 | when i check plug ins still getting 4.0 | 04:38 |
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arrenlex | toM|vendettA: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 04:38 |
fraroco | eXistenZ, | 04:38 |
ubm | its a port of the x windows system for windows | 04:38 |
h1voltage | Anyone else have experience with NVIDIA graphics card issues? | 04:39 |
greenman | okay bruenig I checked those out. All those docs are for if You already have a working system. | 04:39 |
arrenlex | !anyone | h1 | 04:39 |
ubotu | h1: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 04:39 |
toM|vendettA | thanks arrenlex | 04:39 |
arrenlex | !anyone | h1voltage | 04:39 |
ubotu | h1voltage: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 04:39 |
greenman | I need to know what to do during install. | 04:39 |
Shadow_mil | my language settings are messed up | 04:39 |
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benn92649 | ahhh ok it instaled some thing else after that | 04:39 |
bruenig | greenman, what do you mean during install, you don't need them during install | 04:39 |
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h1voltage | sorry, ubotu, thanks for the tip | 04:39 |
arrenlex | !thanks | h1voltage | 04:39 |
bruenig | !thanks | h1voltage | 04:39 |
ubotu | h1voltage: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 04:39 |
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benn92649 | flashplayer.xpt | 04:39 |
bruenig | bam | 04:39 |
IdleOne | yell0w, I cant seem to find it right now but I know you can change default apps somewhere | 04:39 |
bruenig | benn92649, yes it should have | 04:39 |
zoexii | hello! sorry to repeat a question, but I was disconnected... When connecting external media, it no longer automounts.. for usb solutions I can use "mount /dev/sd??", but I do not know what to use to mount firewire devices. can anyone help? | 04:39 |
benn92649 | delete it | 04:39 |
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bruenig | benn92649, no | 04:40 |
greenman | bruenig: then why does it go through the process during install? That doesn't make any sense. | 04:40 |
greenman | It wants to set up the primary network interface. | 04:40 |
toM|vendettA | if i have an x session on display 3, how do i kill it? | 04:40 |
bruenig | greenman, you can still install without it | 04:40 |
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yell0w | IdleOne, if you stumble across it please let me know | 04:40 |
Braddeicide | how often are LTS releases, released? :) | 04:40 |
h1st0 | I'm trying to get my samba share mounted at boot with read/write for users of my system. I've got it mounting but i'm unable to write to /media/share here is my fstab http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8040/ Just wondering what i'm doing wrong?? | 04:40 |
IdleOne | yell0w, will do | 04:40 |
yell0w | !lts | 04:40 |
ubotu | LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. | 04:40 |
bruenig | benn92649, the last thought I have is to do rm ~/.mozilla/pluginreg.dat then restart firefox | 04:40 |
toM|vendettA | if i have an x session on display 3, how do i kill it? | 04:41 |
Aviatrixie | bruenig: I'm curious how completely Feisty will embrace non-free's. Maybe I should try the beta. | 04:41 |
greenman | bruenig: I guess what I need to know is, is this an issue that is going to persist past installation? Cause if so, I don't want to blow his computer away and find out it's handicapped... | 04:41 |
=== Crema10 [n=evans@pool-70-23-116-22.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | Aviatrixie, not included by default but easy to install is the thought I am getting | 04:41 |
zoexii | toM|vendettA find the process # usint top, then kill it | 04:41 |
Paddy_EIRE | is it possible to do (2xVGA Monitors + 1xAGP GFX card + 1x Onboard Gfx) | 04:41 |
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bruenig | greenman, yeah you are going to have to setup the wireless afterwards | 04:41 |
yell0w | IdleOne, Thanks! | 04:41 |
Braddeicide | yes its supported 5 years. but how often is a new version released? | 04:41 |
h1voltage | Getting X server error on startup after trying to install beta NVIDIA drivers. "Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!" | 04:41 |
Aviatrixie | bruenig, are you using feisty? | 04:41 |
bruenig | Braddeicide, every 6 months | 04:41 |
noobie0057 | hi I can't get java runtime enviroment to work in firefox | 04:41 |
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bruenig | Aviatrixie, no I have been following the development though | 04:42 |
Braddeicide | bruenig i'm talking about the LTS releases | 04:42 |
arrenlex | !java | noobie0057 | 04:42 |
ubotu | noobie0057: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 04:42 |
greenman | bruenig: do have any idea what might change between now and then? Just curious. I mean if it can't work now and it knows what it is... | 04:42 |
Darwin | I need help finding a laptop that supports Ubuntu | 04:42 |
bruenig | Braddeicide, they haven't set any timetable for how often they are going to do lts | 04:42 |
noobie0057 | I've tried the tutorial | 04:42 |
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arrenlex | noobie0057: Sorry, that was less useful than I thought. Install the sun-java5-plugin package. | 04:42 |
Braddeicide | bruenig: ok, thanks. | 04:42 |
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Paddy_EIRE | Darwin, Thinkpads are a good choice | 04:42 |
bruenig | greenman, sometimes it is an issue with drivers | 04:42 |
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noobie0057 | arrenlex: I've done that, | 04:43 |
toM|vendettA | zoexii what am i looking for? | 04:43 |
bruenig | I hear thinkpad a lot I guess I will get one of those | 04:43 |
Aviatrixie | jre is free now... hopefully it will be incorporated into the next release. And kudos to Sun for freeing it! | 04:43 |
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noobie0057 | arrenlex: it still doesn't work, I followed Ubuntu's wiki | 04:43 |
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arrenlex | noobie0057: go to about:plugins in firefox and pastebin the whole page, please. | 04:43 |
arrenlex | !pastebin | noobie0057 | 04:43 |
ubotu | noobie0057: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:43 |
rbil | Darwin: http://system76.com/ | 04:44 |
=== bruenig thinks I will use arrenlex's approach | ||
arrenlex | bruenig: ? | 04:44 |
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bruenig | pastebin | 04:44 |
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benn92649 | ok im downloading swfdec 0.3.6.tar.gz maybe that will help...where should i put those files? | 04:44 |
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Aviatrixie | whatever you do, don't punch the tarball. You'll end up like brair rabbit. | 04:45 |
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benn92649 | OMG! you know what what is the firefox command to get into config/i bet its just not set to true in bolean or somethimg | 04:46 |
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noobie0057 | arrenlex: I did a search for "java" it does not appear http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8041/ | 04:46 |
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=== Verkustat [n=kjetil@128.80-202-188.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NewbieUser00001 | hello everyone | 04:47 |
benn92649 | rm: cannot remove `then': No such file or directory LOL | 04:47 |
Aviatrixie | hi NewbieUser0001 | 04:47 |
arrenlex | noobie0057: What is the output of this command: dpkg -l sun-java5-plugin | grep "^ii " | wc -l | 04:47 |
benn92649 | opps | 04:47 |
benn92649 | damn im a n00bie,n00b,n00b | 04:48 |
apocalypse | what is the comand to install the mplayr firefox plugin? i can't find it... mplayer-firefox? | 04:48 |
noobie0057 | arrenlex: 0 | 04:48 |
Verkustat | hi, how do i find what wireless driver i need? Have an HP pavilion DV6060 | 04:48 |
KNY | apocalypse, sudo apt-cache search mplayer-firefox | 04:48 |
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KNY | Verkustat, lspci | 04:48 |
yell0w | apocalypse, i think it's mozilla-mplayer-plugin or something | 04:48 |
noobie0057 | arrenlex: this means it's not installed? | 04:49 |
arrenlex | noobie0057: Then you don't have that package installed. | 04:49 |
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apocalypse | KNY: thanks! didn't know hwo to search the repos | 04:49 |
noobie0057 | arrenlex: hmmm.. I downloaded it and even had to type yes to install it | 04:49 |
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=== starz starz | ||
sbevill | Hi folks, having an issue with firefox lockups on a new edgy install. tried running firefox through the terminal, but only message I got was ** Message: plugin_get_value 2 (2)... | 04:49 |
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KNY | apocalypse, add a " | grep somestring" to the end for refined searches | 04:49 |
sbevill | anywhere else i can check for error messages? | 04:50 |
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noobie0057 | arrenlex: Also under my Applications > Internet menu I have "Java 5.0 Web Start" | 04:50 |
arrenlex | noobie0057: apt-get install sun-java5-plugin | 04:50 |
benn92649 | if i delete firefox32 folder can i just reinstall the web broweser from sractch | 04:51 |
arrenlex | noobie0057: You shouldn't have to download things separately for the most part. Most packages are in the repositories. | 04:51 |
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benn92649 | or can i install over the one in there | 04:51 |
h1st0 | I'm trying to get my samba share mounted at boot with read/write for users of my system. I've got it mounting but i'm unable to write to /media/share here is my fstab http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8040/ Just wondering what i'm doing wrong?? | 04:52 |
=== tommyv [n=tommyv@ACA11917.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
noobie0057 | arrenlex: Thanks that did it,, | 04:52 |
tommyv | hi i'm in the console mode of ubuntu and i closed out of X and GDM and i was wondering how to get back to it from the console | 04:53 |
benn92649 | ok i still need to figure out what to do with this stupid firefox plugin problem | 04:53 |
arrenlex | tommyv: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start | 04:53 |
tommyv | thanks arrenlex. | 04:53 |
Verkustat | i got an geforcego7200, how do i install the drivers for it ? | 04:53 |
tommyv | sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start | 04:53 |
tommyv | err my bad. | 04:54 |
arrenlex | !nvidia | Verkustat | 04:54 |
ubotu | Verkustat: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:54 |
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sbevill | Ok, trying to duplicate the problem on my laptop, and here's the series of events... firefox slows down while loading a page, firefox can't establish a connection, system freezes completely and i have to do a full reboot | 04:54 |
ubm | h1st0 have you added users to samba yet? | 04:54 |
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IndyGunFreak | benn92649: you should really consider installing Ubuntu 32bit. | 04:54 |
=== NewbieUs1r00001 [n=NewbieUs@51-068.dsl.duo-county.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | it'll be a lot less stressful | 04:54 |
ubm | h1st0 sudo smbpasswd -a system_username gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smbusers | 04:54 |
sbevill | and all throughout, no error messages are appearing in the terminal | 04:54 |
Paddy_EIRE | could anyone tell me why in gnome "System>Preferences>Startup Programs is not remembering any entry of anything that I put in there | 04:55 |
arrenlex | benn92649: There are no performance benefits to 64-bit under normal desktop use. Only difference is in the compatibility. | 04:55 |
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h1st0 | ubm: what now? The share is mounting fine and it doesn't require user or pass to read/write normally. | 04:55 |
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benn92649 | yeah but i dont know how to switch from one to the other | 04:55 |
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ubm | h1st0 make sure to give the samba share write permissions and check who owns the directory | 04:56 |
benn92649 | i totally dont want 64 anymore | 04:56 |
h1st0 | ubm: the problem is the mount point isn't getting write for othe rusers. | 04:56 |
benn92649 | even though i thin its cool | 04:56 |
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arrenlex | benn92649: You could just reinstall. | 04:56 |
Frogzoo | benn92649: 64bit on the desktop trouble > benefit | 04:56 |
IndyGunFreak | benn92649: then you're likely gonna go nuts, just do a clean install of 32bit, you'll be much happier | 04:56 |
ubm | h1st0 chown -Rf user:user and chmod the correct write permissions to the folder | 04:56 |
IndyGunFreak | Frogzoo: exactly! | 04:56 |
h1st0 | ubm: Yeah I understand all that and its in place; however, when something is mounted to like /media/share by fstab only root has write not users of the system. | 04:56 |
benn92649 | ok so how do install it will it wipe out the 64 and just install the 32 bit | 04:56 |
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Frogzoo | benn92649: just backup your /home & reinstall | 04:57 |
benn92649 | including GRUB | 04:57 |
ubm | h1st0 then chown the correct user and chmod the permissions for the specified share | 04:57 |
NewbieUs1r00001 | how does one make an alias permanent in bash? | 04:57 |
Frogzoo | benn92649: also backup any other user data partitions/directories obviously | 04:57 |
h1st0 | ubm: You can't because anytime its remounted the permissions change back | 04:57 |
benn92649 | for desktop what version of linux do you recommend | 04:57 |
arrenlex | h1st0: Make sure to add ,users to the options in fstab | 04:57 |
ubm | h1st0 make it easy sudo chmod 777 * | 04:57 |
sbevill | hrmm... since this was a new install, i didn't realize that there was an update to firefox today... if i force a previous version through synaptic, could that end the lockup problem? | 04:57 |
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ubm | they shouldnt change back mine dont | 04:57 |
benn92649 | i have the original install disk and there is nothing on here i cant live with out | 04:58 |
h1st0 | arrenlex: ty i'll try that. | 04:58 |
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Zanwar000 | (can pci=nomsi cause problems to the hard drive)? | 04:58 |
arrenlex | h1st0: Please don't try to chmod a mounted partition. | 04:58 |
h1st0 | ubm: you can't just chmod 777 /media/share because when fstab remounts it changes the permissions back. | 04:58 |
ubm | if you create a new sub directory within the directory make sure it has write permissions as well. and ad rw to fstab in etc | 04:58 |
rbil | ubm: root mounts it on bootup so root owns it | 04:58 |
vect0rx | hey if I want to stay on the same version of a package how do I make synaptic stop telling me there are updates for it? | 04:58 |
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=== turbolover [n=sid@74-131-213-94.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
turbolover | ~themes | 04:59 |
turbolover | !themes | 04:59 |
ubotu | Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 04:59 |
IndyGunFreak | benn92649: Ubntu is the best desktop, you just chose a very difficult setup(64bit), if you go with 32bit, you'll be quite pleased | 04:59 |
h1st0 | arrenlex: yeah adding ,users didn't help | 04:59 |
eck | vect0rx: man apt_preferences | 04:59 |
arrenlex | h1st0: Even after unmounting and remounting? | 04:59 |
h1st0 | arrenlex: my user still dones't have write to the mount point. | 04:59 |
Frogzoo | vect0rx: there's a set version option | 04:59 |
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h1st0 | arrenlex: its rw,guest,users | 04:59 |
arrenlex | h1st0: Yes, but did you remount? | 04:59 |
h1st0 | arrenlex: yeah | 04:59 |
ubm | h1st0 are you restarting services after making changes? | 04:59 |
=== umop [n=umop@60-242-0-131.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rbil | h1st0: did u sudo mount -a to reload fstab after changing? | 04:59 |
h1st0 | yeah | 05:00 |
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h1st0 | I did umount /media/share then mount -a | 05:00 |
=== Wewt [n=lr5@dsl-hkigw4-fe35de00-44.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h1st0 | Still no write let me check permissions on the /media/share mount point | 05:00 |
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h1st0 | Yeah only root has write | 05:00 |
arrenlex | h1st0: It's a samba share? | 05:00 |
eck | h1st0: what filesystem? | 05:00 |
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@c-75-67-233-82.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
umop | Can anyone help me? when i try play a game it pushed my monitor 'out of range' | 05:01 |
h1st0 | arrenlex: yes samba share | 05:01 |
arrenlex | h1st0: Add ,umask=000 | 05:01 |
rbil | h1st0: post your fstab again | 05:01 |
arrenlex | h1st0: (this corresponds to chmod 777) | 05:01 |
h1st0 | okay let me post fstab again. | 05:01 |
arrenlex | h1st0: Try mine first. | 05:01 |
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ubm | its permissions error... | 05:01 |
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h1st0 | arrenlex: so just add it so it looks like rw,guest,umask=000 ? | 05:01 |
arrenlex | h1st0: Yes | 05:01 |
arrenlex | h1st0: Leave users in there. Can't hurt. | 05:01 |
rmd_ | how can i change my boot screen from graphical to text? | 05:02 |
Paddy_EIRE | please could anyone tell me why in gnome "System>Preferences>Startup Programs is not remembering any entry of anything that I put in there | 05:02 |
eck | rmd_: it's a grub option on the kernel line | 05:02 |
Zanwar000 | ...is disabling MSI harmful to a computer? | 05:02 |
h1st0 | arrenlex: nope still no go. | 05:02 |
h1st0 | arrenlex: let me put users in there as well. | 05:02 |
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benn92649 | how do i back up my system just the way it is now? | 05:02 |
IndyGunFreak | benn92649: you can back up your home folder | 05:03 |
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arrenlex | rmd_: Go into /boot/grub/menu.lst and change #kopt=root=<whatever> ro quiet splash to just #kopt=root=<whatever> ro | 05:03 |
eck | benn92649: tar | 05:03 |
arrenlex | rmd_: Then sudo update-grub | 05:03 |
rbil | h1st0 where is the smb share located? | 05:03 |
benn92649 | ok and if for some reason the 32 bit version fails i can just put in the disk and be right here | 05:03 |
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h1st0 | rbil: on my ubuntu server | 05:03 |
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kidbuntu | I cant get k3b running. requires libqt-mt.so.3. I googled it and shows as if it is for RPM | 05:03 |
rbil | h1st0 post your fstab | 05:03 |
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cables | benn92649, your home folder contains all your program settings. /etc contains most of your other global program settings. Back up those, then record a list of programs you have installed. | 05:04 |
IndyGunFreak | benn92649: i don't know abou tthat | 05:04 |
h1st0 | arrenlex: alright rw,guest,users,umask=000 0 0 still no go. | 05:04 |
h1st0 | rbil: k hold up | 05:04 |
eck | benn92649: uh, you would make a tarball and then restore from the tarball if things go awry | 05:04 |
IndyGunFreak | benn92649: but i think you'll find hte 32bit version far more manageable. | 05:04 |
Proghead | anyone can help me to burn an avi file to dvd, my dvd burner don't seem to be recognized or I don't know but I can't make it | 05:04 |
vect0rx | frogzoo i used the set version option to back down the one i had from the latest to the earliest | 05:04 |
benn92649 | i took me 36 hours str8 to get IRC running and to beable to use the internet and get all my lil widgets working | 05:04 |
arrenlex | kidbuntu: apt-get install libqt3-mt | 05:04 |
vect0rx | it just isnt letting me lock it there .. im tired of hearing about new updates..but only for that package :) | 05:04 |
h1st0 | rbil: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8043/ | 05:04 |
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IndyGunFreak | benn92649: 36hrs!? | 05:05 |
vect0rx | eck, thx looking now | 05:05 |
rmd_ | arrenlex, thanks loads man | 05:05 |
benn92649 | yeah 64 hates everything | 05:05 |
IndyGunFreak | benn92649: exactly why its probably useless to back i tup | 05:05 |
benn92649 | good point LOL | 05:05 |
benn92649 | ok hope to see you in a few | 05:05 |
IndyGunFreak | i personally would just start over, and say you're wiser for the experience, and just start over with 32bit | 05:05 |
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sbevill | forcing a previous version did not help... anyone know anything about firefox either causing or triggering system lockups? RAM, video card, software issue? | 05:05 |
kidbuntu | arrenlex: it said that my libqt3-mt is already the latest version | 05:06 |
=== Crema10 [n=evans@pool-70-23-116-22.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rbil | h1st0: try this ... //server/public /media/share smbfs username=guest 0 0 | 05:06 |
eck | sbevill: how does it lock up? | 05:06 |
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h1st0 | rbil: I can't do username=guest | 05:06 |
arrenlex | kidbuntu: Reinstall it. apt-get isntall --reinstall | 05:06 |
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rbil | h1st0 post your smb.conf | 05:06 |
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arrenlex | install * | 05:06 |
h1st0 | rbil: I have to have the guest option on mount or it gives permission denials. IT won't mount tha way. | 05:06 |
h1st0 | rbil: the share doesn't require username or pass its guest write and read. This was the first hurdle I had to overcome when mounting it was I need the guest option so it works. | 05:07 |
sdrev | how can i get ctrl-alt-esacpe to work in ubuntu? | 05:07 |
h1st0 | rbil: the only hurdle now is getting it to mount so that users of my system have write access. | 05:07 |
=== WannabeNewbie [n=WannabeN@68-170-173-5.atlaga.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eck | h1st0: i think it's time to read the man pages | 05:07 |
rbil | h1st0: do u want guest to access share or do u want a specific user to access the share? | 05:07 |
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h1st0 | rbil: I can browse to the share just fine in gnome and write/red. | 05:07 |
cables | h1st0, can't you just change the permissions of the mount point folder? | 05:08 |
h1st0 | rbil: I want every user of my system to be able to read/write. | 05:08 |
sbevill | screen freezes after either initiating a download or simply viewing a webpage... hard freezes the system and i have to power down and reboot | 05:08 |
h1st0 | cables: no | 05:08 |
=== Ber [n=ber@c-68-37-27-57.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
h1st0 | cables: because fstab changes it based on its settings. | 05:08 |
rbil | h1st0 post your smb.conf file | 05:08 |
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Darwin | Hi, I'm new to Linux and I'm having trouble picking a distro. I've been leaning toward Debian, but I've also been looking at Ubuntu. Can anyone unbiasedly explain to me the differences between the two and why I might pick one over the other? | 05:08 |
h1st0 | eck: I've been through just about every man page. | 05:08 |
umop | How can i change the poition on my gnome panel? It's 'stuck' in the middle of my screen | 05:08 |
h1st0 | rbil: that may be difficult i'll have to ssh in and paste it. | 05:08 |
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eck | sbevill: i would guess a problem with X | 05:08 |
=== norbert [n=norbert@adsl-68-74-159-133.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eck | sbevill: you can probably still ssh in | 05:09 |
norbert | Trying to do a clean Feisty install on a server: 2 raid 1s - /root (md0) and /home (md1). Due to previous issues, I just cleanly wiped and formatted the previous /root. In the installer, it recognized the partitions and made the new root raid (md2). When it tries to go back to the partition window, I get an error: Could not stat device /dev/md/1 - No such file or directory | 05:09 |
rbil | h1st0: if you define a share in smb.conf open to everyone, I don't know why you need to do that in fstab? | 05:09 |
kidbuntu | arrenlex: what command exactly.? | 05:09 |
norbert | Apparently, the installer sees my /home (md1) and tries to work with it; I don't need it to recognize it - I can do it after the install, but I can't continue the installation due to the error | 05:09 |
WannabeNewbie | I am new to Ubuntu in fact I am about 10 minutes new to Ubuntu, how do I get KDE and Fluxbox onto Ubuntu? I am an Ubuntu convert from another distro | 05:09 |
sbevill | eck: how would i do that? | 05:09 |
h1st0 | rbil: I don't know either but that was the only way. | 05:09 |
=== clare [n=clare@d141-79-56.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arrenlex | Darwin: Debian has support for more platforms than Ubuntu. This is good if you want to run it on platforms that aren't powerpc\i386\amd64, but bad because if a package won't compile on something like sparc or amiga which you don't care about, it'll hold up the package version for all architectures in Debian. | 05:10 |
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eck | sbevill: if you run sshd, you can usually stil ssh into the computer if it locks up, so it's sort of an X issue (on the other hand, firefox shouldn't be doing things that make X lock up, so it goes both ways | 05:10 |
h1st0 | rbil: Becuase if I try to mount it like smbmount //server/public /media/share It errors out with permissions unless I specify the guest option then it mounts. Gnome can browse and write to it just fine. | 05:10 |
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arrenlex | Darwin: debian includes stricter free-software guidelines. It'll be harder to get things like proprietary video cards, hardware, etc. working. On the plus side, you'll have a Free system. | 05:10 |
arrenlex | kidbuntu: apt-get install --reinstall libqt3-mt | 05:11 |
eck | sbevill: if you can, i would try looking at the logs in dmesg, /var/log/messages, and the X log | 05:11 |
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=== ivanneto [n=ivanneto@201-42-100-65.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h1st0 | rbil: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8044/ | 05:11 |
ivanneto | What program can I use to find out the character encoding of a file? | 05:11 |
eck | the bottom line is no application should be able to lock up X, no matter what it does | 05:11 |
=== Meshezabeel [n=kevin@142-165-211-116.prna.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WannabeNewbie | How do I download and install KDE onto Ubuntu? | 05:12 |
eck | ivanneto: file | 05:12 |
sbevill | eck: hmm. ok, will look. also here are the terminal messages i get when i open firefox through the terminal... not sure if they would help, "** Message: plugin_get_value 1 (1) ** Message: plugin_get_value 2 (2) - will check log now | 05:12 |
arrenlex | WannabeNewbie: install kubuntu-desktop | 05:12 |
Meshezabeel | heya! is there a text www browser that comes with ubuntu? i.e. something like lynx? | 05:12 |
=== aSt3raL [n=eric@71-35-121-20.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rbil | h1st0: the prob is you're forcing users to be "nobody" | 05:12 |
arrenlex | Meshezabeel: w3m | 05:12 |
eck | Meshezabeel: i thinks links2 is bundled | 05:12 |
WannabeNewbie | Dang ok, wish I would have known that prior to getting this disk!!! LOL! That's how my luck goes I guess | 05:13 |
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kidbuntu | arrenlex: thanks. it's now running | 05:13 |
Meshezabeel | eck, tried links2 | 05:13 |
=== linevty04 [n=ubuntu@CPE-76-177-101-248.natcky.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h1st0 | rbil: thats a samba optoin so that users aren't required is it not? | 05:13 |
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arrenlex | kidbuntu: yw | 05:13 |
eck | then maybe not :-P | 05:13 |
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rbil | h1st0, don't think so. nobody is typically the user that apache uses | 05:13 |
ivanneto | eck: For "pure" text files the "file" command id OK, but look the response for a PHP script: "index.php: PHP script text: . | 05:13 |
=== Ghost_Printer [n=Harold@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vect0rx | eck, hrm if I put the package name and a pin origin of "" and a priority of 100 that package should stop being listed as new updates when i logout and back in, no? | 05:13 |
linevty04 | evenin' yall | 05:13 |
kidbuntu | arrenlex: hey, do you know how to install tuxracer to edgy? | 05:13 |
CyberCod | are there any rules about building a PC and putting on ubuntu, configuring it and then selling it? | 05:13 |
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h1st0 | rbil: Well what I want is that share accesible without a user or pass required to write/read to it. | 05:14 |
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arrenlex | !tuxracer | kidbuntu | 05:14 |
ubotu | kidbuntu: Tuxracer is now renamed Planet Penguin Racer! The package is planetpenguin-racer in !universe. Enjoy. | 05:14 |
Meshezabeel | thanks arrenlex! Just have to figure out commands now, I'm used to lynx ;) | 05:14 |
h1st0 | rbil: but it moutns if I specify guest with no username. | 05:14 |
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rmd_ | arrenlex, after i update-grub menu.lst reverts to the unedit version | 05:14 |
arrenlex | Meshezabeel: Arrow keys to move around, enter to type into a textfield which you've arrowkeyed your cursor to, q to quit, iirc. | 05:14 |
kidbuntu | arrenlex: thanks again | 05:14 |
h1st0 | rbil: My only problem is the way fstab is giving permissions to /media/share | 05:14 |
vect0rx | heh i came here for synaptic help and now im unstalling the new tuxracer | 05:15 |
arrenlex | rmd_: Are you sure you edited the correct line? The #kopt= line. | 05:15 |
vect0rx | go ubuntu :) | 05:15 |
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rbil | h1st0: I dont think so | 05:15 |
h1voltage | I'm so frustrated!! I have tried for weeks to get my stupid video cards to do work with acceleration. I have tried envy, the script on the beryl site, numerous other techniques on the forums. | 05:15 |
NewbieUs1r00001 | anyone in here use irssi? | 05:15 |
eck | vect0rx: here is mine: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8046/ | 05:15 |
=== SurfnKid [n=sx270@cpe-68-201-99-251.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kidbuntu | !neverball | 05:15 |
ubotu | neverball: 3D arcade games: neverball & neverputt. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.0-2ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 158 kB, installed size 468 kB | 05:15 |
h1st0 | rbil: the share is functioning fine otherwise. | 05:15 |
=== cables [n=cables@65-78-17-151.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
h1st0 | rbil: when fstab gets comitted it changes the permissions to /media/share sot hat only root has write. | 05:16 |
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arrenlex | kidbuntu: apt-cache search neverball =P | 05:16 |
rbil | h1st0: you could name that block [everyone] instead of [public] but you lose security of course | 05:16 |
rmd_ | arrenlex, my kopt line is already devoid of "quiet splash", it just has "ro", but "quiet splash" appears in plenty of other places | 05:16 |
=== Dr_willis [n=willis@74-140-6-108.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kidbuntu | arrenlex: whats that command for? | 05:16 |
arrenlex | rmd_: Even after update-grub? | 05:16 |
arrenlex | kidbuntu: For searching for packages in the command line, without using ubotu. | 05:16 |
eck | rmd_: it's a kernel option, it can also show up on the kernel line | 05:16 |
=== sandyeggoboy [n=sandyegg@pdpc/supporter/basic/sandyeggoboy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kidbuntu | arrenlex: can't it just be installed using apt-get? | 05:17 |
rmd_ | arrenlex, i've changed it in all places, and then done a sudo update-grub and my changes always disappear | 05:17 |
eck | you don't have to run update-grub | 05:17 |
eck | you gust change the menu.lst and reboot | 05:17 |
h1st0 | rbil: I don't thnk you understand me. The share works fine i.e. if I go to places > network > server > public I can can read/write to it just fine with samba without specifying username or pass. Never prompts me. | 05:17 |
CyberCod | i bought a machine with a broken XP install on it (1.3Ghz Celeron, 256MB ram, 40GB harddrive) for $65 and took it home and put ubuntu on it... is there anything in the ubuntu rules that would prohibit me selling it for a profit? | 05:17 |
rmd_ | eck, k, thanks | 05:17 |
h1st0 | rbil: Now I just want to mount the share to /media/share on boot and let every user of my system write to /media/share. Fstab is changing the permissions on /media/share when the share is mounted. Thats all. | 05:18 |
eck | CyberCod: no, that would be fine | 05:18 |
linevty04 | if somebody feels the urge to wanna help me with my thrice (getting frustered) crashed ubuntu install i'd appriciate it alot, this third install was the best, 2 OS, custom grub n uspash screens, shared win/lin hd space, pimp gui, but anywho i removed my pcmcia card n it froze, crashed, i fsck'd all the partitions from the live cd (which i've been using for 2 weeks) and all my files have been restored to the lost+found folder. all | 05:18 |
linevty04 | i need is a "Your screwed" or help restoring my file structure if possible. :) | 05:18 |
CyberCod | just figured I would ask | 05:18 |
CyberCod | ;) | 05:18 |
kidbuntu | arrenlex: when i started planet penguin racer. why is it to slow? | 05:18 |
rbil | h1st0, but fstab obviously is having some problem recognizing that the share should be rw by all | 05:18 |
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h1st0 | rbil: Yes, thats all I want to know is how to have fstab mount something so that rw can be done by anyone on the system. | 05:19 |
turbobugger | hey, where do all the mouse icon pixmaps go? | 05:19 |
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h1st0 | rbil: which is not occuring. Everyone thinks its a problem with the share which I know is wroking just fine. | 05:19 |
CyberCod | linevty04.... that sounds really scary | 05:19 |
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h1st0 | rbil: because the share is rw by anyone. | 05:19 |
linevty04 | i know :( i've googl'd all i can google | 05:19 |
eck | linevty04: usually you are out of luck :-( | 05:19 |
h1st0 | rbil: but /media/share isnt' | 05:19 |
sbevill | eck: ok, looking at the log messages from just before the last crash... "__report_bad_irq+0x24/0x80" "note_interrupt+0x9d/0x270"" "nv_kern_isr+0x54/0x62 [nvidia] " :handle_IRQ_event+0x33/0x60" "unknown_bootoption+0x0/0x270" | 05:20 |
arrenlex | kidbuntu: Sure it can be installed, once you know the package name. | 05:20 |
arrenlex | kidbuntu: Is it a 3D game? | 05:20 |
rbil | h1st0: well don't use any switches after smbfs | 05:20 |
kidbuntu | arrenlex: the planet penguin racer, yes | 05:20 |
eck | sbevill: it looks like it is an issue with the nvidia driver | 05:20 |
linevty04 | i'm lovin linux (hate windows for the most part) but was wanting to be sure that once i start over again that there's a way to back everything up | 05:20 |
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rbil | maybe just umask=000 | 05:20 |
CyberCod | linevty04 are they still in any sort of order? are the folder paths intact within lost+found? | 05:20 |
arrenlex | kidbuntu: Then you probably don't have 3D drivers. | 05:20 |
h1st0 | rbil: I have to atleast use the guest switch. | 05:20 |
kidbuntu | arrenlex: can you help me with that? | 05:21 |
rbil | h1st0; why? | 05:21 |
h1st0 | rbil: or it won't mount because mount is screwed in the head. | 05:21 |
arrenlex | kidbuntu: Paste the output of glxinfo | grep render | 05:21 |
linevty04 | no all the folders within the lost+foud are sequencially named, if i spelled it right | 05:21 |
=== Trevors [n=Tr4sKeuH@AAnnecy-152-1-69-98.w86-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eck | if you have a core dump you can file a bug report, but i don't think there's much the developers can do | 05:21 |
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h1st0 | rbil: That was the last problem I explained before if I were to try mount -t smbfs //server/public /media/share it gives a permission error unless I do. | 05:21 |
CyberCod | so every folder is there? no nested stucture? | 05:21 |
h1st0 | rbil: mount -t smbfs //server/public /media/share -o guest | 05:21 |
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h1st0 | rbil: then it moutns fine. | 05:21 |
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eck | a lot of the time everything in lost+found is trashed anyway | 05:22 |
kidbuntu | arrenlex: is this the one "direct rendering: No | 05:22 |
kidbuntu | OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect | 05:22 |
kidbuntu | " | 05:22 |
h1st0 | rbil: I have no idea why samba and mount are this way but thats the way it is. | 05:22 |
arrenlex | kidbuntu: That's the problem. What card do you have. | 05:22 |
linevty04 | CyberCod: it's been a few days since i've checked everything out, lemme go mount it and see to make sure | 05:22 |
linevty04 | but no regular folder names were there | 05:22 |
CyberCod | I'm no guru or anything, but I think its pretty safe to say its screwed | 05:22 |
h1st0 | rbil: nautilus/gnome no problems just browse the network and write to it without specifying anything. | 05:22 |
rbil | hold on a sec | 05:22 |
linevty04 | yea i figured such | 05:22 |
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arrenlex | Hmm. My fingers are blue. | 05:22 |
arrenlex | Why? | 05:22 |
sbevill | eck: hrmm... ok, i'll try to reinstall those drivers...they're working fine with beryl, but just crap out with firefox it seems. /shrug | 05:23 |
vect0rx | shouldnt i be able to select "Lock Version" in synaptic? | 05:23 |
linevty04 | i love linux so much but it hates me sometimes. :) | 05:23 |
vect0rx | when I do it just clears the search | 05:23 |
kidbuntu | arrenlex: i'm not sure, i just mounted my harddrive to someone else computer, but i want to use the swiftly at home. I have there a Geforce MX 400, a 32mb video card | 05:23 |
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arrenlex | kidbuntu: No sense setting up drivers on a system you won't be running the program on. | 05:23 |
rbil | h1st0: you'll need to post your complete smb.conf file, I can't guess how u got that setup | 05:23 |
CyberCod | linevty04, i would say research the cause .... the pcmcia removal... and get that straight first before you re-install everything else | 05:24 |
kidbuntu | arrenlex: so i have to use my original Computer then? | 05:24 |
linevty04 | i found out how to properly remove the cards now | 05:24 |
h1st0 | rbil: alright give me a sec. | 05:24 |
eck | synaptic is for the weak :-) | 05:24 |
linevty04 | pccardctrl | 05:24 |
CyberCod | ah, then i guess you learned your lesson | 05:24 |
CyberCod | ;) | 05:24 |
arrenlex | kidbuntu: Set up your system on whatever computer you're actually going to be using. What you're doing right now is buying fancy wheels and getting a paintjob for a rented car. | 05:24 |
vect0rx | eck, hehe well im pretty hardcore just not w/ubuntu yet :) | 05:24 |
eck | vect0rx: well, to be honest apt is sort of a mess | 05:25 |
h1st0 | rbil: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8047/ | 05:25 |
vect0rx | beats the hell out of gentoo hehe | 05:25 |
linevty04 | yea, im just wondering what ill accidently do next :\ heh. even while it was running i'd been getting extremely frustered with my i915gm and opengl support, but thats a whooole nother story | 05:25 |
linevty04 | thx though CyberCod | 05:25 |
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linevty04 | there's nothin in the lost+found now :( | 05:25 |
CyberCod | linevty04, but its so much fun! | 05:25 |
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swanfl | what the hell prompted the ubuntu team to use SVGATextMode in Feisty? this program was last updated in 2000 and doesn't appear to support recent video card, has no man page, and breaks my default console font /size setting? | 05:26 |
kidbuntu | arrenlex: so you mean even i find out what card i'm currently using, after running my harddrive to my computer the performance would not be the same? | 05:26 |
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linevty04 | i know i spend days goin' through everything and conffigurin all my hardware to work right, it just feels so right :) | 05:26 |
rbil | h1st0 try uncommenting this line: ; guest account = nobody | 05:26 |
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h1st0 | rbil: it isn't commented? | 05:26 |
linevty04 | only thing i miss in windows is my Fruity Loops | 05:26 |
eck | linevty04: next time just back up /etc and maybe the dot folders in ~ | 05:27 |
rbil | h1st0 yes it is, starts with ; | 05:27 |
rmd_ | ok. my boot looks the way i want but the ubuntu text boot is so screwed up that it overflows into the actual login | 05:27 |
kidbuntu | !supertux | 05:27 |
ubotu | supertux: Classic 2D jump 'n run sidescroller with Tux. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.3-1.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 228 kB, installed size 548 kB | 05:27 |
arrenlex | kidbuntu: Yep. In fact, I would be pretty surprised if a lot of things didn't break. | 05:27 |
eck | altogether that will still only be a few tens of megs | 05:27 |
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linevty04 | thanks eck, ill try that | 05:27 |
h1st0 | rbil: ; isn't a comment thats to specify the setting. | 05:27 |
CyberCod | linevty04 perhaps you'll take the time to add your pcmcia solution to ubotu... or make a wiki page... help those who come behind | 05:27 |
h1st0 | rbil: but i'll try non the less | 05:27 |
arrenlex | kidbuntu: The hard drive will have a different device name on your system, which means it probably won't even boot, for starters. Secondly, all the conf files will be off. | 05:27 |
rbil | h1st0, in smb.conf, ; and # are comments | 05:27 |
Meshezabeel | thanks arrenlex, I also discovered TAB goes forward along links, anything to go to previous links? | 05:27 |
arrenlex | kidbuntu: Thirdly, all the modules for your system will be for hardware which you don't have. Not sure how automatic that refresh is. | 05:27 |
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linevty04 | once im up and runnin' again and try to rebuild my kernel (with main.o errors) i'll sneak back in here and beg for help lol | 05:27 |
rmd_ | is there a console app to check battery charge somewhere in universe or standard repositories? | 05:27 |
arrenlex | Meshezabeel: Does backspace work? If not, no idea. | 05:27 |
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eck | Meshezabeel: i think left and right arrows | 05:28 |
eck | or up and down | 05:28 |
arrenlex | kidbuntu: Why not just install ubuntu on your own computer? | 05:28 |
eck | wait, left and right are forward and back | 05:28 |
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kidbuntu | arrenlex: what do I when I'm currently using my own computer. pretending that I'm using mine | 05:28 |
h1st0 | rbil: uncommented restarting samba | 05:28 |
=== eck shakes his fist at these curses applications | ||
tute666 | xD | 05:28 |
arrenlex | kidbuntu: Depends on your card. | 05:28 |
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kidbuntu | arrenlex: I have one, this is the one. I just don't have internet access at my place | 05:29 |
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rbil | h1st0 and do sudo mount -a after samba reloads | 05:29 |
arrenlex | kidbuntu: So burn a liveCD at his place and install. | 05:29 |
linevty04 | i'd love to share what all i've learned with my D610 laptop and getting everything working. this next time around i'm going to log what i do so i can post it for other and for my own refernce | 05:29 |
arrenlex | kidbuntu: What does one do on a computer with no internet, anyway? | 05:29 |
=== L0cKd0WN [n=L0cKd0WN@n128-227-105-132.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h1st0 | rbil: okay still only writable by root. | 05:29 |
h1st0 | rbil: drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 2007-02-28 23:29 share | 05:30 |
Meshezabeel | arrenlex, eck, ok thanks those don't work, actually Esc+Tab, goes back one link, but then you have to let go of Esc each time to press Esc+Tab again, weird | 05:30 |
kidbuntu | arrenlex: This is my harddrive that i'm using at home. I just removed it there and mounted it here so I could update my 6.10 | 05:30 |
eck | linevty04: you can put up a thread on the forums, i think there is also space on the wiki | 05:30 |
kidbuntu | !supertux | 05:30 |
rbil | h1st0: that shouldn't matter | 05:30 |
ubotu | supertux: Classic 2D jump 'n run sidescroller with Tux. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.3-1.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 228 kB, installed size 548 kB | 05:30 |
L0cKd0WN | rbil: i did the drive swap from the two boxes, and as you expected, xorg is broken, i have a command line though on the box, how do I reconfigure so GDM loads? | 05:30 |
arrenlex | kidbuntu: Oh, if it works it works. | 05:30 |
CyberCod | linevty04 you should check out irssi... CLI based IRC... its already installed in ubuntu... good when you are in a jam and can not get X running | 05:30 |
h1st0 | rbil: ? thats the hole point I need my user to be able to write to /media/share | 05:30 |
rbil | L0cKd0WN: hold on a sec | 05:30 |
eck | Meshezabeel: well i hope you don't have to use a text browser for long, it will surely drive you crazy | 05:30 |
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L0cKd0WN | rbil: thank you, glad you're still around :) | 05:31 |
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rbil | h1st0: that's controlled by samba not by fstab | 05:31 |
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fmandapu | Greeting to ALL, I'm newbiees here | 05:31 |
h1st0 | rbil: okay well if I go to places > network > server I can write to the share. | 05:31 |
CyberCod | rbil... fstab can do some samba mounting.. but you gotta have static IP's | 05:31 |
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kidbuntu | arrenlex: I haven't set anything from home ever since I installed ubuntu. I just don't know if I set up my 3D on my friends computer, would it also run like that on mine | 05:31 |
chipbuddy | so i'm trying to get flash stuff working with firefox...but it's a pain in the arse. i have an amd64 processor, and it looks like there isn't support for me | 05:31 |
rbil | L0cKd0WN: do this ... sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 05:31 |
linevty04 | i'll write that down CyberCod, i've crashed my X many o' time trying to get open gl working, i usually just uninstall the xserve and reinstall lol, probably unetical. | 05:31 |
Meshezabeel | yeah, eck thanks :) maybe I will just install lynx, but like the way w3m shows tables etc. | 05:31 |
h1st0 | rbil: Is what i've been telling you. | 05:31 |
=== Pablo [n=Pablo@02.71.d1c4.cidr.airmail.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h1st0 | rbil: But soon as its mounted my user can no longer wite only root can. | 05:32 |
chipbuddy | what should i do? | 05:32 |
GMWeezel | When I try to install an app from Synaptic, I get this error even though my repositories are up to date: "Depends: libc6 (>=2.4-1) but 2.3.6-0ubuntu20.4 is to be installed" | 05:32 |
eck | linevty04: ouch, just switch to a vt and copy over a backup xorg.conf | 05:32 |
sdrev | how can i make vlc the default player for all video and music? | 05:32 |
h1st0 | CyberCod: you don't need ips you can use hostnames | 05:32 |
eck | actually X will start without any xorg.conf at all | 05:32 |
L0cKd0WN | rbil: ok one moment plz :) | 05:32 |
CyberCod | linevty04, one other thing... another good tool for when you are in a jam is the damnsmalllinux live disk. it can run entirely in ram if you got more than 256MB and you can do tons of stuff with it. Its nearly a complete OS | 05:33 |
arrenlex | Hey, could someone with a moderately default xorg.conf paste me the output of: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver | egrep -v "^#|kbd|mouse" | 05:33 |
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CyberCod | and its only 50MB | 05:33 |
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linevty04 | i've made copies of xorg, it works most of the time but sometimes i really screw it up | 05:33 |
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NewbieUser00001 | EXIT | 05:34 |
eck | just delete it and telinit down to 3/4 and then back up | 05:34 |
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arrenlex | Okay, could ANYONE please paste me the output of: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver | egrep -v "^#|kbd|mouse" | 05:34 |
CyberCod | does anyone know how to make terminal aliases permanent? | 05:34 |
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h1st0 | rbil: see what I mean its not a samba thing its an fstab giving permissions to /media/share issue. | 05:35 |
arrenlex | CyberCod: Put them in ~/.bashrc. There's even some sample ones in there. | 05:35 |
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h1st0 | rbil: like if I where to have fstab mount it then chmod 777 /media/share I could write to i.t | 05:35 |
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kidbuntu | !VegaStrike | 05:35 |
ubotu | vegastrike: A 3d space combat game. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.3-5 (edgy), package size 4544 kB, installed size 11968 kB (Only available for i386 powerpc sparc mips mipsel s390 alpha arm ia64 hppa amd64 ppc64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64) | 05:35 |
=== Hansin321 [n=eric@c-67-174-180-163.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CyberCod | arrenlex.... thanx a bunch | 05:36 |
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arrenlex | CyberCod: yw | 05:36 |
eck | arrenlex: not to be pedantic, but you can just do grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 05:36 |
eck | and it's just some wacom and synatpics stuff | 05:36 |
n3rrd | Can anyone think of a particular reason why Ubuntu is hanging after the loading screen, but before the login screen? Would ~/.xsession-errors hold the reason? | 05:36 |
n3rrd | It doesn't ALWAYS hang, but about 3/4 of the time. | 05:37 |
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L0cKd0WN | mine hangs AFTER i login | 05:37 |
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eck | n3rrd: did you check the x logs? | 05:37 |
L0cKd0WN | what's going on? :( | 05:37 |
kidbuntu | !tremulous | 05:37 |
ubotu | tremulous: Aliens vs Humans, team based FPS game with elements of an RTS. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.0-2 (edgy), package size 1153 kB, installed size 2740 kB | 05:37 |
cgs_bob | Hello all...can anyone tell me how to reset NetworkManager? After a suspend, it would not let me connect. | 05:37 |
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n3rrd | Sorry, eck. I'm a little new. Where would I find the logs? I'll check them out. | 05:37 |
arrenlex | Fine them. Could someone then please paste me the output of: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf | egrep -v "^#|kbd|mouse" | 05:37 |
h1st0 | n3rrd: /var/log | 05:37 |
eck | n3rrd: try /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 05:37 |
swanfl | did anyone see my comments? | 05:37 |
cables | !networkmanager | cgs_bob | 05:37 |
ubotu | cgs_bob: networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager | 05:37 |
eck | also dmesg and /var/log/messages are good candidates | 05:37 |
L0cKd0WN | should i do the same? | 05:37 |
linevty04 | well i have court in the morning, i'll reinstall everything tomorrow and come back here when i get all i can get working. pretty much alls i cant get on my own is extracting the firmware from my bcmwl card (hate ndiswrapper, cant crack wep with it) and opengl support for beryl, which i'm in love with but've never got workin' | 05:37 |
=== brylie [n=brylie@CPE-75-81-102-208.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kidbuntu | !glx | 05:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about glx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:38 |
n3rrd | ~/.xsession-errors says "apps file failure" but I don't know if that is related to this in anyway. | 05:38 |
kidbuntu | !3d | 05:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 3d - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:38 |
cables | cgs_bob, there are instructions a bit down that page on how to get networks to reconnect after suspend. | 05:38 |
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n3rrd | I'll check the other logs. Thanks h1st0 and eck. I'll respond once I have a look. | 05:38 |
linevty04 | thx for the help CyberCod & eck | 05:38 |
L0cKd0WN | i logged in fine, it displayed after i reloaded xorg.conf | 05:38 |
eck | n3rrd: is the timestamp the same as when it hangs? | 05:38 |
cgs_bob | thanks cable | 05:38 |
L0cKd0WN | but after, it just gives Black screen | 05:38 |
rbil | h1st0: seems to me it would be so much simpler to have that accessible by a defined user and anyone could then login using the username/password ... make one up and create a smb user/password | 05:38 |
cables | cgs_bob, no problem | 05:38 |
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nyef | Hello all. I was looking for information about Linux drivers for a BUSlink MP3-14XS a couple days ago, and saw a log from December 6th with a "zac1" asking about support for such a device. Is this person around here ever, or is anyone else here interested in a driver? | 05:39 |
rbil | h1st0 then u could actually define username, password in fstab for that mount | 05:39 |
kidbuntu | arrenlex: Geforce 4 MX440 8X. that's the card currently installed | 05:39 |
h1st0 | rbil: not when there are windows machines on the network. ITs a pita doing all th username/pass stuff with them thats why I want anyone to be able to read/write the way its set now. | 05:39 |
eck | n3rrd: you can try switching to a VT, running tail -f on the .xsession-errors file, and then logging in | 05:39 |
arrenlex | kidbuntu: On your computer or his? | 05:39 |
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kidbuntu | arrenlex: his | 05:39 |
eck | to see what pops up when you try to log in | 05:39 |
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arrenlex | kidbuntu: Then to make it work on his computer you need to install the nvidia driver. | 05:40 |
arrenlex | !nvidia | kidbuntu | 05:40 |
ubotu | kidbuntu: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:40 |
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rbil | h1st0: it isn't a prob if you have name/password defined, see http://www.samba.netfirms.com/addusers.htm#adduser | 05:40 |
arrenlex | kidbuntu: There's no telling what will work on your computer, though. | 05:40 |
rbil | h1st0, windows users will have to login using that pair | 05:40 |
h1st0 | rbil: I understand but it will still be an issue with fstab | 05:40 |
kidbuntu | arrenlex: I'll just find it out. My card is Geforce 2 MX400 | 05:40 |
h1st0 | rbil: no matter if I use a user/pass or not. | 05:40 |
n3rrd | Is there a particular log that I should be looking for in /var/log? Xorg.0.log? | 05:41 |
=== waffles_ [n=waffles@c-68-83-24-238.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eck | n3rrd: yes, that is the log for X | 05:41 |
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eck | is it after you log in at gdm or before? | 05:41 |
rbil | h1st0: well I've done it in the past with fstab and never had a prob | 05:41 |
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n3rrd | It's right after the loading screen with the progress bar (black with ubuntu logo) so before logging in. It seems to just be an issue with X starting up | 05:41 |
arrenlex | kidbuntu: Then the nvidia driver would probably work for you too. | 05:41 |
mykkk | hey, i have an error when installing my ubuntu, it says it cannot mount the CD-ROM. | 05:42 |
rbil | h1st0, sometimes fstab won't automagically remount with mount -a and an actual reboot is required | 05:42 |
n3rrd | I've tried going in through recovery mode and Ctrl + D instead of logging as root and it does the same. | 05:42 |
kidbuntu | arrenlex: even after just installing for Geforce 4? | 05:42 |
rbil | h1st0 when it comes to smbfs that is | 05:42 |
arrenlex | h1st0: lol, nothing is ever remounted with mount -a. You always have to umount -a or umount <whatever> first. | 05:42 |
eck | n3rrd: i would open up the X log file iwth less and then searching through the file for the strings EE and WW (which are errors and warnings) | 05:42 |
eck | you can search in less with / | 05:42 |
eck | or in a graphical editor if you can log in.... | 05:43 |
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n3rrd | eck: pardon my ignorance, but "with less"? | 05:43 |
h1st0 | rbil: hold on I think I figured it out. | 05:43 |
eck | n3rrd: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 05:43 |
arrenlex | *cries* could someone PLEASE paste me the output of grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf | egrep -v "^#|kbd|mouse" | 05:43 |
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=== NewbieUser00001 [n=NewbieUs@51-068.dsl.duo-county.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rbil | arrenlex: of course! only when adding a new line to fstab will mount -a by itself work | 05:43 |
NewbieUser00001 | arronlex yay it work | 05:43 |
NewbieUser00001 | *works | 05:43 |
arrenlex | NewbieUser00001: What works, sorry? | 05:43 |
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NewbieUser00001 | (this is Cybercod on 2nd PC) | 05:44 |
mykkk | I have an error which says: Your installation cd-rom couldn't be mounted. any ideas on how to get past this? | 05:44 |
arrenlex | NewbieUser00001: What did I help you with? xD | 05:44 |
L0cKd0WN | uummmm , i have neither an ATI or Nvidia vid card, but rather an integrated Intel card, when I 'dpkg-reconfigure' what do I select? | 05:44 |
NewbieUser00001 | aliases | 05:44 |
eck | arrenlex: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8048/ | 05:44 |
L0cKd0WN | vga lags really bad | 05:44 |
L0cKd0WN | :\ | 05:44 |
R3MiX | im having some issues with a network setup of a lexmark Z816... anybody got ideas? | 05:44 |
eck | nothing interesting | 05:44 |
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arrenlex | NewbieUser00001: Oh, right. yw | 05:45 |
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arrenlex | eck: Thank you!!! <3 | 05:45 |
rbil | L0cKd0WN: i8xxx? | 05:45 |
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NewbieUser00001 | arrenlex: i set a permanent alias (alias onlinehelp="irssi") and then set up a script on that so that it comes directly to this forum | 05:45 |
alex_mayorga | hi, is there an easy way to recover basic networking when things go terribly wrong? | 05:45 |
=== blindraven [n=lament@124-168-179-176.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eck | alex_mayorga: ifconfig, route and the /etc files | 05:46 |
Dr_willis | alex_mayorga, teriabbly? | 05:46 |
nyef | Does anyone know how to persuade the scroll wheel on a wacom tablet mouse not to work -backwards-? | 05:46 |
eck | maybe netstat | 05:46 |
Dr_willis | what happened? the pc explode? | 05:46 |
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eck | nyef: use your mouse upside down :-) | 05:46 |
mykkk | hi, sorry can anyone help me please? | 05:46 |
NewbieUser00001 | arrenlex: so basicaclly, if x fails, for whoever buys this machine I'm working on, they can just type in "onlinehelp" and be in here | 05:46 |
Dr_willis | nyef, heh - i seem to recall that ages and ages ago.. I think there was some xmodemap line that could rearange them, or a xorg.conf tweak. | 05:47 |
SCOTT____ | !ask | mykkk | 05:47 |
ubotu | mykkk: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 05:47 |
alex_mayorga | Dr_willis, not yet, actually is fine, but I'm pulling my hair | 05:47 |
mykkk | I have ubotu | 05:47 |
mykkk | twice | 05:47 |
n3rrd | eck: A bunch of WW lines regarding fonts not being found near the top, a bunch of WW lines about AIGLX: 3d Driver claims to not support visual 0x22.. etc. further down. Two EEs about synaptic touch pad not being found (it's a ThinkPad but with a trackpoint, not touchpad) | 05:47 |
Dr_willis | !bot | 05:47 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 05:47 |
eck | n3rrd: i don't think any of those are problematic | 05:47 |
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n3rrd | Me neither... | 05:47 |
mykkk | 04:44:22: mykkk: I have an error which says: Your installation cd-rom couldn't be mounted. any ideas on how to get past this? | 05:47 |
n3rrd | And some Wacom nonsense which makes sense as there is no tablet connected. | 05:47 |
mykkk | that's my question | 05:47 |
Dr_willis | mykkk, verify your cd is burnt right, check the .iso.. perhaps redownload/reburn it | 05:48 |
L0cKd0WN | rbil: ok i selected i810, there were also a few other i*** to choose from but i did the highest number, rebooting the box now | 05:48 |
kidbuntu | arrenlex: i have geforce 2 MX 400 4X | 05:48 |
=== gabz [n=gabriel@dsl-202-173-185-172.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gabz | !acpi | 05:48 |
ubotu | acpi: displays information on ACPI devices. In component main, is optional. Version 0.09-1 (edgy), package size 10 kB, installed size 72 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 amd64) | 05:48 |
eck | n3rrd: if you're feeling crazy, you can rename the xorg.conf file (e.g. mv it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup) and try starting X without one | 05:48 |
rbil | L0cKd0WN: don't need to reboot, just /etc/init.d/gdm start | 05:48 |
eck | that is actually what I did when X wasn't working | 05:48 |
nyef | n3rrd: FWIW, AFAICT, the wacom nonsense in the default xorg.conf is to make tablet pcs work, and only that. It doesn't work worth a damn for a Graphire2, for example. | 05:48 |
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eck | the X auto configure thing is better than whatever the ubuntu devs thought should be in there | 05:49 |
n3rrd | Good to know, nyef. | 05:49 |
mykkk | redownload? you gotta be kidding :( this is a redownload again. i burnt it at 4x aswell :P | 05:49 |
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rbil | L0cKd0WN: lspci should tell u the card u have | 05:49 |
helvette | When I install the latest ndivia drivers, they crash me when i restart X, but when i reboot - I see that they also create a 386 kernel image which actually runs itt - but then everything else wont work because they cant find the kernel source.. any suggestions how to get it all working? | 05:49 |
n3rrd | eck, what's the worst I can come across by renaming? I really have nothing to lose, lol. | 05:49 |
L0cKd0WN | rbil: worked! lag is gone!!!!! :) :) :) | 05:49 |
pontus99 | how do I mount a fat32 harddrive in edgy ubuntu? (it's a slave drive) | 05:49 |
=== L0cKd0WN cheers | ||
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nyef | (And the default configuration is actively hostile to having a working tablet. I ended up tearing out all of the input sections and redoing them based on my configuration for my last debian system.) | 05:50 |
eck | n3rrd: well in the unlikely event that X couldn't autoconfigure itself you'd have to rename it in a console (not a big deal, but potentially scary if you haven't done it before) | 05:50 |
Dr_willis | mykkk, verify the md5 sums to prove the download is good.. if good.. try burning at 1x speed.. (dont ask me why that helps) - | 05:50 |
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n3rrd | Meh, I'll go for it. | 05:50 |
cables | !fat | pontus99 | 05:50 |
ubotu | pontus99: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 05:50 |
kitche | pontus99: mount -t vfat /dev/xxx /mount/point it should automount also | 05:50 |
n3rrd | No reason not to. | 05:50 |
mykkk | the md5 sums? | 05:50 |
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pontus99 | thx guys | 05:51 |
IndyGunFreak | mykkk: more probs? | 05:51 |
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eck | n3rrd: if something goes wrong, you can switch to a VT with ctrl+alt+f1, back to X with ctrl+alt+f7, and you can restart X with ctrl+alt+backspace | 05:51 |
mykkk | yea the alternate download wouldn't mount the bloody cd-rom lol | 05:51 |
alex_mayorga | eck, can you elaborate a bit please, total n00b here | 05:51 |
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Dr_willis | !md5 | 05:51 |
ubotu | To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 05:51 |
L0cKd0WN | rbil: thanks for all the help with the setup | 05:51 |
IndyGunFreak | mykkk: thats odd. | 05:51 |
alex_mayorga | !network | 05:52 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 05:52 |
rbil | L0cKd0WN: sure, have fun | 05:52 |
alex_mayorga | !ethernet | 05:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ethernet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:52 |
cables | alex_mayorga, what were you doing when things went terribly wrong? | 05:52 |
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IndyGunFreak | mykkk: were you getting errors or anything? | 05:52 |
Marupa | Is there an ubuntu h264 howto anywhere? | 05:52 |
IndyGunFreak | h264? | 05:52 |
mykkk | nope just that it couldn't mount | 05:52 |
alex_mayorga | cables, I tried to use network-manager, supposed to work better I read | 05:53 |
eck | alex_mayorga: you can change all of the interface settings with ifconfig, and all the DNS stuff with route | 05:53 |
Marupa | IndyGunFreak, Yes. A video codec. | 05:53 |
=== noodles12 [n=ghost@CPE-69-76-217-28.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eck | the syntax is kind of weird, but its documented in the man page | 05:53 |
noodles12 | anyone have trouble installing ubuntu on a machine w/ vista on it? | 05:53 |
IndyGunFreak | Marupa: oh, never heard of it... | 05:53 |
cables | alex_mayorga, so what went terribly wrong? You installed network-manager and it's not working? | 05:53 |
cables | noodles12, that shouldn't have anything to do with it. | 05:53 |
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eck | if you have dhcp you can also use dhclient | 05:53 |
SCOTT____ | noodles12, one partition should not affect a different partition | 05:53 |
eck | so the manual way to start up an interface with dhcp would be something like: dhclient eth0 | 05:54 |
IndyGunFreak | mykkk: are you sure the disk was good, and that it was burned properly? Doesn't make sense that it just woudn't mount | 05:54 |
noodles12 | cables: oh i c. i was curious if vista's bootloader would "take over" or if grub would still have control when you booted up | 05:54 |
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alex_mayorga | cables, no it's not and now whenever I try to ping it says "connect: Network unavailable" or something like that | 05:54 |
cables | noodles12, load ubuntu after vista and you should be fine. Installing vista will wipe it out. | 05:54 |
n3rrd | eck: okay, renamed and restarted. the last few reboots have had X start without issues... but right now I've got the login screen and it's about 3x bigger than my monitor allows. | 05:54 |
SCOTT____ | if you install vista after Ubuntu, then yes, it will take over the MBR | 05:54 |
IndyGunFreak | mykkk: curiosity, are you burning to CDR/DVDR or CDRW/DVDRW | 05:55 |
cables | alex_mayorga, do alt-f2 and do "gedit /etc/network/interfaces" and pastebin the results. | 05:55 |
cables | !paste | alex_mayorga | 05:55 |
ubotu | alex_mayorga: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:55 |
mykkk | IndyGunFreak it says that the md5sum is good | 05:55 |
mykkk | i am burning to CDR | 05:55 |
IndyGunFreak | hmm | 05:55 |
eck | n3rrd: ok, I think what you want to do is run X -configure, copy the file that it makes for you to /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and then edit the resolutions it has | 05:55 |
alex_mayorga | cables, problem is I'm on my XP partition right now | 05:55 |
n3rrd | Alright, I'll give it a shot. | 05:55 |
eck | i haven't done this before, but in theory it should work | 05:55 |
h1st0 | rbil: figured it out I just had to set fmask=666,dmask=777 in fstab for a samba share smbmount won't use umask | 05:56 |
n3rrd | Yeah, haha. | 05:56 |
helvette | When I install the latest ndivia drivers, they crash me when i restart X, but when i reboot - I see that they also create a 386 kernel image which actually runs itt - but then everything else wont work because they cant find the kernel source.. any suggestions how to get it all working? | 05:56 |
alex_mayorga | is there a way to read my ubuntu partition from there? | 05:56 |
=== KaoticEvil [n=kaoticev@h56.83.16.72.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | alex_mayorga, go to fs-driver.org and download the Ext2 driver. That will work with your Ubuntu partition. | 05:56 |
mykkk | i'll burn again but i am certainly not staying up any longer, been at this since midnight, 5 hours ago :P | 05:56 |
alex_mayorga | cables, OK, thanks | 05:56 |
=== alex_mayorga downloading | ||
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=== Taime1 [n=chatzill@ip68-103-180-8.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alexie | If I have a sata source code driver sata_nv.c how do I commpile it into my kernel? Is there a guide somewhere? All I can find is how to compile a .bz2 or other package not a .c? | 05:56 |
Taime1 | how do you edit the panel settings? | 05:57 |
cables | alex_mayorga, the only problem is, if Windows crashes, there might be some corruption. But fsck at bootup should automatically fix it the next time you go to Ubuntu. BTW you'll have to reboot your computer after the driver install | 05:57 |
IndyGunFreak | mykkk: lol, i understand | 05:57 |
KaoticEvil | anyone running a GeForce FX5200? | 05:57 |
cables | Taime1, gnome panel? What settings? | 05:57 |
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mykkk | i have lectures in 4 hours :( | 05:57 |
IndyGunFreak | i just don't understand why its not woring. | 05:57 |
Taime1 | i want to tell my panel to group similartasks | 05:57 |
eck | alexie: are you wanting to patch the kernel? i don't understand your question | 05:57 |
james296 | hi, I found out the reason why my fonts look crappy right now, I did something from ubuntuguide.org | 05:57 |
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cables | KaoticEvil, I'm running a GeForce Go5200, don't know if they have anything to do with each other... | 05:57 |
alexie | yeah I believe I do want to patch the kernel | 05:57 |
shadowjack | ive got a weird problem. i have the nvidia drivers install. they were working perfectly yesterday and for a few minutes today. then suddenly, its like i have no 3d acceleration. i have an nvidia 7600gt. and it works fine in windows | 05:57 |
IndyGunFreak | mykkk: are you on Dial up? | 05:57 |
james296 | I want to know how to reset my font settings the way they were... | 05:57 |
mykkk | rofl nope mate | 05:57 |
james296 | this is what it says on the site... | 05:57 |
alex_mayorga | cables, can you give me a procedure I can try on the reboot and see if I get lucky? | 05:57 |
cables | Taime1, right click on the taskbar all the way to the left of it and click properties or whatever it is. | 05:57 |
IndyGunFreak | mykkk: lol, just checking | 05:58 |
james296 | Tip: if Microsoft core fonts are too small you can improve the look by importing configuration file: | 05:58 |
mykkk | i am capped due to excessive bandwidth usuage though :) | 05:58 |
Taime1 | thanx | 05:58 |
Taime1 | i feel dumb | 05:58 |
alexie | the readme only says to compile it into the kernel but not anything about how to do it | 05:58 |
james296 | wget http://www.osresources.com/files/centos-windows-fonts/fontconfig.tbz | 05:58 |
eck | alexie: you need to download the kernel source and compile the whole kernel. I believeyou can do apt-get source linux-image-generic | 05:58 |
n3rrd | Hah... tried getting it to run X with the X -configure .conf file and it hung again. Strange... | 05:58 |
james296 | sudo tar xvjpf fontconfig.tbz -C /etc/fonts/ | 05:58 |
IndyGunFreak | mykkk: wow, i dont' think thats ever happened to me | 05:58 |
Taime1 | im used to looking for things in the menus | 05:58 |
eck | alexie: although it isn't something that i would recommend if you don't know what you're doing... | 05:58 |
james296 | how do I reset the fonts how they looked before? | 05:58 |
cables | alex_mayorga, you need to make a backup of your interfaces file (sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.bak) then remove everything but the "lo" bits. Those are IMPORTANT! Then try rebooting again, and starting nm-applet to see if networkmanager works. | 05:58 |
eck | n3rrd: and nothing in the log file? | 05:58 |
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n3rrd | I have to restart to check that out, one second. | 05:59 |
cables | alex_mayorga, i mean remove everything but the "lo" bits from /etc/network/interfaces | 05:59 |
james296 | well?? | 05:59 |
eck | alexie: i am sure the nvidia sata drivers are already in the kernel | 05:59 |
shadowjack | maybe i should ask this in another chat room | 05:59 |
alex_mayorga | cables, do I need to have the n-m | 05:59 |
L0cKd0WN | is there a gui available to view current RAM and chip speed that ubuntu detects? | 05:59 |
IndyGunFreak | !well | 05:59 |
mykkk | anyways, thanks IndyGunFreak, udm and Dr_willis for your help :) i think i'll hit the sack now. I am burning off a new copy at 1x speed :P so i'll probably tackle it in the morning | 05:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about well - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:59 |
alexie | eck: would the raid drivers be there also? | 05:59 |
IndyGunFreak | mykkk: good luck. | 06:00 |
cables | alex_mayorga, if you don't want to use it, uninstall it. It should go back to normal. | 06:00 |
Marupa | Alternateively....is there a way to tell what ifo/vob file is the movie file? | 06:00 |
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mykkk | thanks | 06:00 |
alex_mayorga | cables, I've apt-get removed those thought it was the problem | 06:00 |
eck | alexie: everything should be compiled as a module, the initrd lets you load the modules without compiling them in to the kernel | 06:00 |
alexie | I set up the raid already in the bios and all but in ubuntu it shows up as 3 x 400 gig drives instead of 1x745 | 06:00 |
cables | alex_mayorga, hmm... have you gone to the regular networking setup after you removed that? | 06:00 |
rpc | does anyone know if RTL 8169 nic needs a special support enabled in kernel? | 06:00 |
KaoticEvil | cables, have you installed binry driver from nvidia? | 06:00 |
helvette | When I install the latest ndivia drivers, they crash me when i restart X, but when i reboot - I see that they also create a 386 kernel image which actually runs itt - but then everything else wont work because they cant find the kernel source.. any suggestions how to get it all working? | 06:01 |
cables | KaoticEvil, yep. Need help? | 06:01 |
alex_mayorga | cables, so in summary, I remove everything but the loopback and reboot? | 06:01 |
KaoticEvil | did you download it from the repos, or from nvidia? | 06:01 |
alexie | eck: ok so if I wanted to get it as a module how would I do that? can I create a module out of this .c file? | 06:01 |
cables | alex_mayorga, no. That would be if you were using NetworkManager | 06:01 |
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cables | KaoticEvil, repos. Always trust the repos. | 06:01 |
KaoticEvil | i tried the one in the repos, and i still have no direct rendering :( | 06:01 |
eck | alexie: if you are doing software raid you need to use mdadm, if you are doing hardware raid it should be totally transparent to the OS | 06:01 |
KaoticEvil | so yeah, any help you could offer in the subject would be MUCH appreciated | 06:01 |
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KaoticEvil | im sure i did it wrong | 06:01 |
cables | !who | KaoticEvil | 06:02 |
ubotu | KaoticEvil: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 06:02 |
n3rrd | eck: (WW) No core pointer registered. Is that worth paying attention too? Also got a bunch of jazz about not being able to detect a mouse. | 06:02 |
alex_mayorga | cables, I've tried tho reconfigure on system->network, no luck | 06:02 |
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KaoticEvil | cables, true enuf | 06:02 |
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pontus99 | does anyone know how to setup samba so I can share stuff on a MS network without authentication? (read only) | 06:02 |
n3rrd | (WW) No core pointer registered. Fatal server error: failed to initialize core devices. | 06:02 |
cables | KaoticEvil, run grep Driver.*"nv" /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 06:02 |
alexie | eck: hmm... so this whole bit with it showing up as multiple drives points to more of a bios problem than not having drivers for it in linux? | 06:02 |
eck | n3rrd: i think it is not finding your mouse and panicking | 06:02 |
Dr_willis | pontus99, may want to read some in that 'using samba book' its in the packages, free online also. | 06:03 |
arrenlex | ~xdriver | cables, KaoticEvil | 06:03 |
eck | err | 06:03 |
irida | cables, KaoticEvil: Check what video driver you are currently using: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf | egrep -v "^#|kbd|mouse|wacom|synaptics" | 06:03 |
eck | maybe not | 06:03 |
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eck | i don't think WW will stop the X server | 06:03 |
packetm1 | anyone have a problem with gaim not always playing sounds. I turned off the setting that makes it only play sounds when in focus but It still does not always play | 06:03 |
Dr_willis | ww=warnings | 06:03 |
pontus99 | Dr_willis: thx I will | 06:03 |
arrenlex | eck: Fatal server error sure will | 06:03 |
KaoticEvil | cables, im using driver 'nv' | 06:03 |
cables | irida, I wanted to see if it was nv or nvidia... | 06:03 |
irida | Sorry, I don't understand "irida, I wanted to see if it was nv or nvidia..." | 06:03 |
Dr_willis | pontus99, its a great book.. teaches ya a lot of whats going on. | 06:03 |
cables | KaoticEvil, there's your problem. | 06:03 |
arrenlex | ~irida | cables | 06:03 |
irida | cables: Hi there! I am arrenlex's bot; I am written in Java. Please tell me to "quit malfunctioning" if I go crazy. | 06:03 |
nyef | eck: No core pointer will definately cause the server to not start. | 06:03 |
alexie | eck: since it sees the drives I thought it must be a problem with the driver | 06:03 |
cables | arrenlex, new bot in town? | 06:04 |
arrenlex | ~arrenlex | 06:04 |
irida | arrenlex is my daddy. <3 | 06:04 |
arrenlex | ^__^ | 06:04 |
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pontus99 | Dr_willis: yeah I sure will ready it. thx. uhm is it hard? (i'm pretty new to this stuff) | 06:04 |
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eck | alexie: look at the documentation for mdadm | 06:04 |
KaoticEvil | cables, the last time i tried this from the repos, and changed the driver to "nvidia" i had to completely reconfigure X, because it wouldnt start | 06:04 |
nyef | irida: So, do you do anything useful like double as an eliza-bot? | 06:04 |
irida | Sorry, I don't understand "So, do you do anything useful like double as an eliza-bot?" | 06:04 |
alexie | eck : ok | 06:04 |
Dr_willis | pontus99, not really. its just a very large topic.. worth learning | 06:04 |
nyef | Guess not. | 06:04 |
h1st0 | rbil: like I said fstab problem. When mounting samba shares in fstab it doesn't understand umask so you have to specify fmask and dmask. | 06:04 |
eck | yes, a fatal error is bad | 06:04 |
arrenlex | irida: quiet | 06:04 |
irida | /me shuts up | 06:04 |
helvette | is 2.6.17-11-generic a bad kernel to be using? | 06:04 |
n3rrd | nyef: any suggestions? | 06:04 |
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pontus99 | Dr_willis: will do sir. thx | 06:04 |
cables | KaoticEvil, well you're not going to get anywhere with driver nv. nvidia is the accelerated graphics driver. | 06:04 |
KaoticEvil | cables, ok... thats what i figured... *sigh* | 06:05 |
kidbuntu | !what command do you use to know the image of linux that i'm using? | 06:05 |
Dr_willis | pontus99, i had my basic lan going by chapter 3 :) | 06:05 |
cables | KaoticEvil, i have no idea why that would happen, did you make sure it was installed right? | 06:05 |
cables | kidbuntu, uname -r | 06:05 |
alex_mayorga | cables, do you know any dummy friendly document that could help me trough | 06:05 |
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cables | alex_mayorga, sorry... | 06:05 |
KaoticEvil | cables, i followed the HOWTO on the wiki... altho im sure i did something wrong, i usually do | 06:05 |
nyef | n3rrd: Can you/have you dumped the output from starting the X server and the config file to the paste service, whatever one is normal for this channel? | 06:05 |
pontus99 | Dr_willis: cool cool. I'm used to having an intralan going in my household so I'm trying to get it back. | 06:05 |
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eck | nyef: i think this is with no xorg.conf | 06:06 |
helvette | When I install the latest ndivia drivers, they crash me when i restart X, but when i reboot - I see that they also create a 386 kernel image which actually runs itt - but then everything else wont work because they cant find the kernel source.. any suggestions how to get it all working? | 06:06 |
n3rrd | This was with the new .conf, eck. | 06:06 |
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pontus99 | Dr_willis: basically have a server running for the rest of the family. ever since I installed linux I've been struggling to get everything back the way it was | 06:06 |
eck | oh, sorry | 06:06 |
cables | KaoticEvil, I can't walk you through, I've got to go soon... but I can summarize it: Enable multiverse, sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx, sudo nvidia-xconfig, restart x to see if it works, if it hasn't enabled the drivers edit xorg.conf to change driver to nvidia, restart x, if it doesn't work, restore xorg.conf from a backup. | 06:07 |
n3rrd | After making the new .conf, I ran X -config Xorg.conf.new | 06:07 |
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KaoticEvil | cables, ok, thanks.. ill give it a shot | 06:07 |
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redwyrm | will it hurt anything if I delete all files in /var/cache/apt/archives? | 06:08 |
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arrenlex | redwyrm: "apt-get clean" will do that for you the right way | 06:08 |
KaoticEvil | cables, does that same process apply to Edgy? im on breezy right now | 06:08 |
alex_mayorga | cables, wish me luck | 06:09 |
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cables | KaoticEvil, that process doesn't work on breezy. Sorry... | 06:09 |
cables | KaoticEvil, read the wiki for breezy, I'm not familiar with how to do it there. | 06:09 |
cables | alex_mayorga, good luck :) | 06:09 |
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KaoticEvil | cables, ah, ok... well, i can re-install to Edgy... thats not a problem... but that procesure *does* work for Edgy then? | 06:09 |
redwyrm | arrenlex, thanks | 06:09 |
alex_mayorga | cables, thanks | 06:09 |
cables | arrenlex, I've always just done "sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb". Is that bad? | 06:10 |
n3rrd | eck: this time, instead of hanging, it jumped back to the terminal and said... | 06:10 |
cables | KaoticEvil, it should... but you shouldn't have to reinstall the whole OS. I mean, Edgy is a good upgrade, but if you don't really need it... | 06:10 |
arrenlex | cables: it won't hurt anything, but I don't know if apt-get clean does anything special or not. | 06:10 |
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mykkk | IndyGunFreak? are you around? | 06:10 |
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KaoticEvil | cables, and does it matter if im using ubuntu or kubuntu? (i presume not, since they are basically the same, with the exception of the window manager) | 06:11 |
n3rrd | error opening scurity policy file /usr/lib/xserver/SecurityPolicy; (EE) xf86OpenSerial: Canot open device /dev/mouse No Such File or Directory; (EE) Mouse0: cannot open input device; (EE) PreInit failed for input device "Mouse0"; No Core pointer, Fatal server error: failed to initilize core devices | 06:11 |
eck | replace /dev/mouse with /dev/input/mice | 06:11 |
eck | that is more likely to be correct | 06:12 |
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cables | KaoticEvil, not just the window manager... the whole desktop environment. But it should be the same, if you're doing it all from the terminal. | 06:12 |
KaoticEvil | cables, it would take me less time to install to edgy than to download all the upgrades | 06:12 |
nyef | Yeah, /dev/input/mice is the default (broken-for-tablet-users) device. | 06:12 |
eck | I don't know what this security policy nonsense is | 06:12 |
cables | KaoticEvil, ok, go ahead. | 06:12 |
shido | does anybody know where could i get the Murrine engine if this address http://malteo.homelinux.net/ is no longer working? | 06:12 |
shadowjack | i got my tablet working | 06:12 |
KaoticEvil | cables, ok, thanks for the help :D tis much appreciated | 06:12 |
n3rrd | okay | 06:13 |
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cables | KaoticEvil, no problem | 06:13 |
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nyef | shadowjack: With a /dev/input/mice device, pressure sensetivity, and a mouse that works in relative mode? | 06:13 |
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james296 | can somebody help me? | 06:13 |
shadowjack | yes | 06:13 |
arrenlex | !ask | james296 | 06:14 |
ubotu | james296: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 06:14 |
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james296 | reason I asked is because last time I asked no one responded | 06:14 |
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arrenlex | james296: That means no one knows the answer. If that happens, ask again later or try the forums. What was your question? | 06:14 |
james296 | I need to know how to fix the smoothness in the system fonts, I'll tell you what happened, its only 2 lines of script | 06:15 |
n3rrd | nyef, you say /dev/input/mice is broken for tablet users, would it work fine for a trackpoint or...? | 06:15 |
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shadowjack | nyef: i messaged you. if you're interested in knowing more, please chat with me there | 06:15 |
eck | n3rrd: if the security policy thing comes up again, see if you can symlink the one in /etc/X11/xserver | 06:15 |
nyef | n3rrd: Should, yeah. /dev/input/mice is input from -all- of the mice in the system, including hotplugged ones. | 06:16 |
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james296 | Tip: if Microsoft core fonts are too small you can improve the look by importing configuration file: | 06:16 |
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lemonsCC | where are FF plugins kept? what dir? | 06:16 |
james296 | wget http://www.osresources.com/files/centos-windows-fonts/fontconfig.tbz | 06:16 |
nyef | shadowjack: I don't see your message. Are you identified with nickserv? | 06:16 |
james296 | sudo tar xvjpf fontconfig.tbz -C /etc/fonts/ | 06:16 |
shadowjack | nyef: no actually :P | 06:16 |
james296 | thats all I did | 06:16 |
KaoticEvil | is it possible to make a shell script to install my ndiswrapper drivers? | 06:17 |
james296 | then it made the fonts, not so smooth lol | 06:17 |
shadowjack | nyef: i can never remember my passwords for irc | 06:17 |
eck | james296: you probably borked /etc/fonts/fonts.conf | 06:17 |
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james296 | probably, so, how do I fix it? | 06:17 |
nyef | shadowjack: Ah. I just tell my IRC client about them and let it remember. | 06:17 |
lemonsCC | where are FF plugins kept? what dir? | 06:17 |
n3rrd | eck: again, pardon the ignorance. what is symlink? | 06:17 |
oni-dracula | n3rrd, a shortcut | 06:18 |
eck | james296: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8055/ | 06:18 |
lemonsCC | i'll rephrase....how can i remove totem plugins for firefox | 06:18 |
n3rrd | because I got "error opening security policy file /usr/lib/xserver/SecurityPolicy" again. | 06:18 |
shadowjack | anyway, i did get both my usb mouse and wacom graphire2 working perfectly. it took a bit of fussing (it usually does) but it works now. the help in the WIKI is inaccurate | 06:18 |
james296 | what exactly do you want me to do with that? | 06:19 |
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nyef | shadowjack: Actually, the only problem I have with my graphire2 right now is that the scroll wheel is inverted. | 06:19 |
eck | n3rrd: i think you want to create that directory and then symlink it, like this | 06:19 |
james296 | copy and paste that? | 06:19 |
eck | mkdir /usr/lib/xserver | 06:19 |
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james296 | in fonts.conf? | 06:19 |
shadowjack | nyef: ooooh, i had that back in mandrake. that drove me nuts | 06:19 |
eck | ln -s /etc/X11/xserver/SecurityPolicy /usr/lib/xserver/SecurityPolicy | 06:19 |
eck | james296: that is the one that is on my computer (and i have not changed it) | 06:20 |
bimberi | shadowjack: please feel free to edit the wiki | 06:20 |
james296 | ok | 06:20 |
eck | so i would try that if it is different from yours | 06:20 |
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james296 | so you want me to copy and paste that I assume? | 06:20 |
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eck | james296: yes | 06:20 |
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james296 | ok | 06:20 |
eck | back up your old one just in case | 06:20 |
james296 | thnx man | 06:20 |
james296 | I appreciate it | 06:20 |
eck | n3rrd: that will create a symbolic link (shortcut) from the first file to the second one | 06:20 |
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shadowjack | bimberi: i never thought of that LOL | 06:21 |
shadowjack | bimberi: you're right, i should :) | 06:21 |
lemonsCC | how can i change the scrollwheel rate? | 06:21 |
n3rrd | Okay. | 06:21 |
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eck | it is probably a bug that the ubuntu Xorg uses that file path... | 06:21 |
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eck | if you are feeling ambitious you can file it in launchpad later | 06:22 |
kenthomson | HELP; i have put in a VCD, now i can't eject it, nor from the terminal or from the drive-button itself, i keep getting device is busy can't unmount, please let me know how do i remove this 'stuck' cd? | 06:22 |
bimberi | shadowjack: s/should/will/ ;) | 06:22 |
kenthomson | eck, what exactly is launchpad, and who hosts/runs/developed it? | 06:22 |
shadowjack | bimberi: i added it to my todo list :) | 06:23 |
eck | kenthomson: it is the bug tracking system (and more) that ubuntu uses | 06:23 |
n3rrd | There is no xserver folder in /etc/X11... :| | 06:23 |
eck | and it is developed and run by canonical (i.e. ubuntu) | 06:23 |
lemonsCC | Does anyone know how to change the gamma in the FF mplayer plugin? | 06:23 |
timfrost | !launchpad | 06:23 |
ubotu | launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/ | 06:23 |
lemonsCC | !Hi | 06:23 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 06:23 |
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nyef | kenthomson: If there's a CD icon for it on the desktop, have you tried a right-click to bring up the menu and select "Eject"? | 06:23 |
bimberi | shadowjack: cool | 06:23 |
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kenthomson | nyef, yes it doesn't work | 06:24 |
nyef | Hrm... bounties? | 06:24 |
kenthomson | ? | 06:24 |
nyef | kenthomson: And there are no applications open that are trying to read the disk? | 06:24 |
kenthomson | timfrost, thank you | 06:24 |
kenthomson | nyef, not graphically | 06:24 |
shadowjack | ive got a weird problem. i have the nvidia drivers installed in ubuntu edgy. they were working perfectly yesterday and for a few minutes today. then suddenly, its like i have no 3d acceleration. i have an nvidia 7600gt. and it works fine in windows | 06:25 |
kenthomson | nyef, i re-started it, now it looks ok | 06:25 |
eck | n3rrd: weird, I have it on mine | 06:25 |
eck | n3rrd: try: locate SecurityPolicy | 06:25 |
n3rrd | hohum... lol. | 06:25 |
n3rrd | Alright. | 06:25 |
shadowjack | nothing is changed in the xorg.conf file | 06:25 |
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eck | i am thinking that making a new xorg.conf was not the easiest way to tackle this issue :- | 06:25 |
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n3rrd | haha, eh. | 06:25 |
n3rrd | i'm learning stuff in the process. | 06:26 |
kenthomson | I am trying to play a working VCD in ubuntu this is what i get (errors); vlc (i/o error), mplayer (seek failed) | 06:26 |
n3rrd | ln, for example. | 06:26 |
krash123123 | can anybody help me to install beryl on Xubuntu with an ASUS Nvidia Gforce Xtreme N6600 PCI-E 256 mb ddr video card..?? | 06:26 |
shadowjack | the beryl wiki is really good | 06:26 |
kenthomson | HELP; I am trying to play a working VCD in ubuntu this is what i get (errors); vlc (i/o error), mplayer (seek failed), gxine (stream not recognised), totem (it sits like a fool doing nothing) | 06:27 |
nyef | Is launchpad really slow, or is it just my connection being overloaded? | 06:27 |
shadowjack | it has very details and easy to follow instructions for just about all the major distros | 06:27 |
n3rrd | eck, there are two /SecurityPolicys... | 06:27 |
eck | nyef: it is slow | 06:27 |
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eck | n3rrd: pick one at random and try using it to symlink :- | 06:27 |
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krash123123 | shadowjack, but in xubuntu is a little bit harder , everybody has problems -.- | 06:27 |
n3rrd | ./usr/share/doc/xserver-xorg-core/SecurityPolicy and /usr/lib/xserver/SecurityPolicy | 06:27 |
eck | damn, my ) key is sort of broken | 06:27 |
eck | uh | 06:28 |
n3rrd | lol, one of them I created. | 06:28 |
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eck | the second one is the fle that X couldn't read? | 06:28 |
eck | oh | 06:28 |
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shadowjack | krash123123: ah sorry, thats all ive got. i tried :) | 06:28 |
n3rrd | So link to the only other one and retry? | 06:28 |
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matju | i'm installing ubuntu from a dapper CD. when it comes to "Prepare mount points", i set /dev/hda1 to / and press "Forward" but it tells me "No root file system". How do i solve this problem? | 06:29 |
eck | n3rrd: if you do ls -l /usr/lib/xserver/SecurityPolicy it should show an arrow pointing to the thing you symlinked it to | 06:29 |
snowman3388 | hey I've got a problem, Ubuntu logs me out when I leave my computer for about 15 minutes.... I don't think it's the screensaver because I see that come on and if I move the mouse it comes back and it's fine | 06:29 |
eck | and it will be red or something if it is broken | 06:29 |
eck | if it looks ok, you should try restarting X | 06:29 |
kenthomson | <<<>>>No one wants to help me with a VCD that refuses to play? | 06:30 |
n3rrd | it was red originally. | 06:30 |
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n3rrd | it's now a greeny blue. | 06:30 |
snowman3388 | you're greeny blue | 06:30 |
n3rrd | cyan, I suppose. | 06:30 |
kalorin | heh | 06:30 |
kalorin | ok now I'm pushing it | 06:31 |
lemonsCC | where are FF plugins kept? what dir? | 06:31 |
n3rrd | push harder. | 06:31 |
lemonsCC | where are FF plugins kept? what dir? | 06:31 |
kalorin | gripping a cd and installing photoshop from the other cd drive onto an XP vmware slice | 06:31 |
kalorin | both cd's are on the same IDE chain | 06:31 |
kalorin | I love you linux | 06:31 |
nyef | n3rrd: Red indicates a "broken" link. The cyan indicates a link that points to a file that exists, for some sense of "file" and "exists". | 06:31 |
=== {NmE} [n=chatzill@adsl-75-7-245-62.dsl.applwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lemonsCC | omg totem keeps blocking the mplayer plugin from working | 06:31 |
{NmE} | Hello out there? | 06:31 |
shadowjack | lemonsCC: i believe it's usr/share/lib/firefox/plugins or something like that | 06:32 |
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n3rrd | eck: That got rid of the security problem | 06:32 |
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eck | n3rrd: so it works now? | 06:32 |
{NmE} | Has anyone had any luck with broadcom wifi cards? | 06:32 |
cafuego_ | yup | 06:32 |
n3rrd | i'll boot in a second and try it... running it from the diagnostic mode as root with x -config /root/xorg.conf.new is just causing it to stop once you see a mouse pointer and not letting you log into the wm. | 06:33 |
cafuego_ | someone somewhere has had luck with a broadcom card | 06:33 |
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shadowjack | lemonCC: oops i got it wrong, its /usr/lib/firefox/plugins | 06:33 |
lemonsCC | shadowjack: thanks | 06:33 |
{NmE} | Yeah.,.. to bad that someone is not me.. >.< | 06:33 |
=== kjm [n=kjmacken@CPE00134648f6ff-CM00159a6420e4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kenthomson | !botsnack | grep ubotu | 06:33 |
ubotu | grep ubotu: Yum! | 06:33 |
=== detectiveinspekt [n=jonathan@ip-58-28-150-64.ubs-dsl.xnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nyef | Yeah, I've had a broadcom working (the built-in one on a compaq r3460us, if memory serves). | 06:33 |
shadowjack | lemonsCC: glad to help :) | 06:33 |
kalorin | whooop! 300meg into swap | 06:33 |
cafuego_ | my 4306 cards both work fine | 06:33 |
kalorin | need more ram | 06:33 |
kenthomson | !botsnack | ubotu | 06:33 |
kalorin | still the system is pretty responsive | 06:33 |
lemonsCC | shadowjack: i have no libs in my /user folder | 06:34 |
{NmE} | Oh well... Ill check back here in a few days when I have some time to tinker.. | 06:34 |
lemonsCC | shadowjack: /usr* | 06:34 |
cafuego_ | kalorin: probably unused pages, is it using ram as cache still? | 06:34 |
nyef | Your best bet with a broadcom is actually to use ndiswrapper. Failing that, you'll need the fwcutter and a windows driver of a suitable vintage. | 06:34 |
kalorin | Cpu(s): 72.5%us, 22.5%sy, 0.0%ni, 0.0%id, 1.3%wa, 3.7%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st | 06:34 |
kalorin | Mem: 1035672k total, 1021532k used, 14140k free, 2124k buffers | 06:34 |
kalorin | Swap: 1044216k total, 347176k used, 697040k free, 691840k cached | 06:34 |
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detectiveinspekt | Hello when I run tcp dump with azureus running 400 packets are dropped by the kernel | 06:34 |
kalorin | says about 700meg is cached | 06:35 |
nyef | detectiveinspekt: "Don't do that then"? | 06:35 |
shadowjack | lemonCC: that's where it is on edgy for me. did you install it from the official repositories? | 06:35 |
kalorin | ah yes, bittorrent | 06:35 |
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kalorin | that's another good thing to set up | 06:35 |
detectiveinspekt | do what? | 06:35 |
=== kalorin ponders | ||
bimberi | matju: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1700787&postcount=29 | 06:35 |
kalorin | do they make ted for linux.... | 06:35 |
cafuego_ | kalorin: No, 14Mb free ram, 2Mb as buffer | 06:35 |
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lemonsCC | shadowjack: totem yes, mplayer no | 06:35 |
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kalorin | kalorin@zebra:/opt/ymessenger$ free -tm | 06:35 |
kalorin | total used free shared buffers cached | 06:35 |
kalorin | Mem: 1011 996 14 0 1 676 | 06:35 |
kalorin | -/+ buffers/cache: 318 692 | 06:35 |
kalorin | Swap: 1019 338 680 | 06:35 |
kalorin | Total: 2031 1335 695 | 06:35 |
warlocky | does anyone know how to raid 3harddrives into one? | 06:35 |
nyef | detectiveinspekt: Run tcp dump with azureus? | 06:35 |
inthepit | hello all | 06:35 |
kalorin | 676 cached | 06:35 |
=== poningru [n=poningru@adsl-074-245-140-197.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
detectiveinspekt | azureus running also | 06:36 |
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inthepit | quick question if i may regarding the panel | 06:36 |
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eck | n3rrd: kalorin so you are only using 318 | 06:36 |
eck | oops | 06:36 |
eck | you get the idea | 06:36 |
shadowjack | lemonCC: i meant firefox | 06:36 |
detectiveinspekt | my problem is that after a few minutes azureus slows down to less that 1kB/s | 06:36 |
kalorin | well I have 512M given tot he vmware slice that xp's using | 06:36 |
kalorin | I could likely back that down to 384 or so | 06:36 |
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kalorin | so that's going to be a large part of it I'm sure | 06:37 |
cafuego_ | kalorin: Yeh, mine runs fine in 384Mb | 06:37 |
lemonsCC | shadowjack: i did a dist upgrade from dapper so i assume it is all the default locations | 06:37 |
n3rrd | now how do I adjust it to allow the wm to run in 1024x768? It used to be an option (and the default setting) but now I'm only given 800x600 or 640x480 | 06:37 |
kalorin | if wine would just do photoshop | 06:37 |
kalorin | boy would I be happy | 06:37 |
zeroflox | anyone here know howto help with ati drivers please? | 06:37 |
zeroflox | im having a big fight | 06:37 |
kalorin | logged the bug tonight for them | 06:37 |
kalorin | zero? | 06:37 |
kalorin | what'cha need? | 06:37 |
zeroflox | kalorin, ive been trying since.. well yesterday morning.. and they are not working | 06:38 |
lemonsCC | shadowjack: found it.../usr/lib/firefox and /usr/lib/mozilla | 06:38 |
kalorin | more specific please? | 06:38 |
kalorin | can't install? | 06:38 |
kalorin | can't start x? | 06:38 |
shadowjack | lemonCC: ah, i never do upgrades. i only do clean installs. upgrades are too messy. it may have been moved. you're probably going to have to poke around | 06:38 |
nyef | kalorin: If wine doesn't do photoshop, crossover office should. | 06:38 |
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kalorin | nyef: I'm into "free" | 06:38 |
zeroflox | i can start x | 06:38 |
zeroflox | but no 3d stuff | 06:38 |
kalorin | hrms.. I haven't even gotten to games yet zero | 06:39 |
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kalorin | sorry | 06:39 |
lemonsCC | shadowjack: god bless the locate command =P | 06:39 |
zeroflox | well my xorg.conf is like this | 06:39 |
nyef | kalorin: So am I. Hence using the GIMP instead of Photoshop. | 06:39 |
zeroflox | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8057/ | 06:39 |
kalorin | I'm just setting up my desktop and stuff | 06:39 |
zeroflox | maybe anyone can see a mistake | 06:39 |
shadowjack | lemonCC: didnt i say /usr/lib/firefox/plugins? | 06:39 |
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kalorin | nyef, I just keep hoping against hope that they'll do a linux version | 06:39 |
shadowjack | lemonCC: im sorry if i didnt | 06:39 |
kalorin | though I thought photoshop cs2 runs under wine | 06:39 |
kalorin | maybe not though | 06:39 |
=== kalorin will go check | ||
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n3rrd | god damnit, haha. it's still doing it... guh. | 06:39 |
lemonsCC | shadowjack: maybe..i was looking in /usr/share/lib and not seeing anything | 06:39 |
MistaED | geez ubuntu is buggy today, anyone else getting this bug where programs magically disappear when using them for a bit? first i thought it was just firefox, then gaim did it, then firefox, then maya :( | 06:39 |
tunganet | what is "eyecandy"? | 06:40 |
=== detectiveinspekt [n=jonathan@ip-58-28-150-64.ubs-dsl.xnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shadowjack | lemonCC: oh yeah, i said that first then corrected myself. sorry about that | 06:40 |
nyef | kalorin: Failing that, maybe you could try hacking on wine to improve the support for photoshop? | 06:40 |
kidbuntu | !rushing bender | 06:40 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rushing bender - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:40 |
kidbuntu | !rushingbender | 06:40 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rushingbender - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:40 |
lemonsCC | shadowjack: no problem..thanks again | 06:40 |
kalorin | heh | 06:40 |
kalorin | I am _NOT_ a C coder | 06:40 |
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kidbuntu | !Rushing Bender | 06:40 |
eck | one day in like twenty years X will work perfectly, i swear to god | 06:40 |
kalorin | sorry | 06:40 |
eck | it will be like X11R9 or something | 06:41 |
kalorin | I still don't understand why all software doesn't install to a directory with an etc, lib, and so on directory in that | 06:41 |
n3rrd | lol eck. | 06:41 |
=== blaze [n=blaze@wimasta-49-143.fusionbroadband.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kalorin | shared libraries are the devils tool | 06:41 |
SCOTT____ | !gdc | 06:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gdc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:41 |
blaze | Hey allm | 06:41 |
blaze | s/allm/all | 06:41 |
shadowjack | kalorin: amen! | 06:41 |
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rpc | do i need to adjust tcp window size for a gigabit networking? | 06:41 |
MistaED | eck: yeah i blame xorg, i think the windows drawn are crashing | 06:41 |
nyef | eck: I'm actually looking forward to hotplug input in xorg, which I hear is coming "soon". | 06:42 |
kalorin | uninstall under windows should be preformed with the "delete" function on a right click | 06:42 |
matju | bimberi: wow, thanks! | 06:42 |
kalorin | actually anywhere | 06:42 |
matju | bimberi: so, it's a bug in the installer? | 06:42 |
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eck | apparently when randr 1.2 comes out everything will be automagical | 06:42 |
kalorin | package management would be unnecessary | 06:42 |
shadowjack | i wish my opengl 3d worked | 06:42 |
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kalorin | life would be simple and easy for everyone | 06:42 |
eudy | canal en espaol cual es? | 06:42 |
Flannel | !es | eudy | 06:42 |
ubotu | eudy: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 06:42 |
nyef | kalorin: Heh. That doesn't even work on MacOS these days. | 06:43 |
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ah | test | 06:43 |
kalorin | when 400gb drives are ~$100 | 06:43 |
nyef | ah: Nope, not working. | 06:43 |
tunganet | Hey, can someone show me link that explain what "eye candy" is and the pros/cons of compiz/beryl? | 06:43 |
lemonsCC | how can i use nautilis as root | 06:43 |
phr0z3n | hm..... my security server seems to be down. | 06:43 |
kalorin | there's just no reason to have shared libraries when it causes all the dependency issues it does | 06:43 |
matju | ouch, "we're sorry, the installer crashed", while trying to install on a non-reformatted partition (dapper over breezy) | 06:44 |
kalorin | just everyone bring your own and use your own | 06:44 |
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shadowjack | lemonCC: open a terminal and type sudo nautilus | 06:44 |
MistaED | eck: the very thing i've been waiting for ever since i met xorg.conf for the first time :) | 06:44 |
ah | someone from indonesia?? | 06:44 |
blaze | Hrmm, after about 10 minutes gdesklets crashes on me and I am unable to reload it without reloging in. How should I begin troubleshooting this? | 06:44 |
lemonsCC | shadowjack: ah ha i spelled it nautilIS | 06:44 |
Flannel | !id | ah | 06:44 |
ubotu | ah: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia | 06:44 |
tunganet | what is gdesklets for? | 06:44 |
MistaED | eck: actually, XF86config-4 as i started on slackware 9 | 06:44 |
shatrat | tunganet, eye candy is anything that has little purpose beyond looking good, and the pro is that beryl/compiz look great and have some nice window managing plugins, but the con is that it doesnt work well on some videocards and takes up a lot of resources | 06:44 |
shadowjack | lemonCC: :) | 06:44 |
Flannel | shadowjack, lemonsCC, gksudo nautilus | 06:44 |
bimberi | matju: yes, a very annoying one (personal experience) | 06:44 |
blaze | making my desktop look pretty | 06:44 |
Flannel | not sudo | 06:44 |
pavs | anyone installed ubuntu with OSx on a AMD64 platform from the osx86project? | 06:45 |
shadowjack | Flannel: why gksudo? | 06:45 |
tunganet | oh | 06:45 |
nyef | kalorin: Okay, leaving aside the issue of hard disk bandwidth, RAM limitations, and, FSB bandwidth, have you considered the effects of no shared libraries on L1 cache? | 06:45 |
tunganet | so i'd be better of not installing it if i am not experienced right? | 06:45 |
blaze | lol | 06:45 |
blaze | worth a shot | 06:45 |
Flannel | shadowjack: it sets up the environment for graphical programs (nautilus) more appropriately | 06:45 |
eck | tunganet: wait for feisty, compiz will be installed in feisty by default | 06:45 |
blaze | I am not experienced either and I got both of them running | 06:45 |
blaze | actually the guide on the forums is excelent | 06:45 |
tunganet | feisty is a...? | 06:45 |
shadowjack | Flannel: ah, i was wondering what the "gk" was for | 06:46 |
blaze | I followed it 100% | 06:46 |
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eck | feisty is the next ubuntu release | 06:46 |
pavs | !fiesty | 06:46 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 06:46 |
blaze | and things are working *well* for me. | 06:46 |
n3rrd | eck: the wierdest thing about my problem with X is that it doesn't happen eveyrtime. It'll go through a spree of refusing to start, then it'll start the next few times, then it won't, then it will... | 06:46 |
shadowjack | Flannel: thanks for the explaination :) | 06:46 |
tunganet | :o | 06:46 |
=== sue-amaroker [n=quentin@125-238-112-85.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tunganet | does it take a long of work to upgrade from ubunto 6.10 to 7.04? | 06:46 |
sue-amaroker | Question - Is ACPI built into the linux kernel or is it a module? | 06:46 |
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sue-amaroker | Also - Question - Is anyone here running a motherboard with the nforce 590 chipset? | 06:46 |
SCOTT____ | anyone know how to install the D programming language? | 06:46 |
blaze | SCOTT____, what is the D programing language for | 06:47 |
blaze | ? | 06:47 |
eck | n3rrd: so the one thing that you could still try would be to ssh in (or start up a couple virtual consoles) and tail -f both /var/log/Xorg.0.log and ~/.xsession-errors | 06:47 |
tunganet | does it take a long of work to upgrade from ubunto 6.10 to 7.04? | 06:47 |
Flannel | tunganet: #ubuntu+1 for feisty questions (they'd be more able to tell you the sizes of stuff) | 06:47 |
eck | and see which one gets activity when it is slow | 06:47 |
vect0rx | welp i figured how to lock packages without synaptic | 06:47 |
tunganet | oh | 06:47 |
vect0rx | thx to eck hehe | 06:47 |
tunganet | ok! | 06:47 |
SCOTT____ | http://www.digitalmars.com/d/ | 06:47 |
shadowjack | blaze: i dont know what it was originally for but its used in games | 06:47 |
vect0rx | no more false alerts | 06:47 |
pavs | what was command to take snapshot? | 06:47 |
pavs | of desktop | 06:47 |
shadowjack | blaze: TorusTroopers for example | 06:47 |
blaze | Ahh okay thanks. | 06:48 |
chorse | SCOTT____: http://dgcc.sourceforge.net/ fetch and build. | 06:48 |
shadowjack | Torus Trooper kicks serious butt by the way :) | 06:48 |
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phr0z3n | ah | 06:49 |
phr0z3n | unbuntu servers are down? | 06:49 |
n3rrd | I'll try that in a bit. I'm going to try getting rid of all the extra input options that i'm not using from the old config file... those are the only issues I see now that the security thing is fixed. | 06:49 |
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tunganet | can anyone suggest a way to make my ubuntu look better? (it currently looks like the default one) | 06:50 |
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highvoltage | tunganet: you can get some themes from http://www.gnome-look.org | 06:50 |
n3rrd | eck: one other question... say for fluxbox, if I want to run ifup eth0 at startup (or any other root required command) how do I do that? sudo requires my password... is there another way to do it? or another way to enable ethernet at boot? | 06:50 |
tunganet | thanks! | 06:50 |
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greenman | Hello. I'm following this guide: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190177 and when I restart the computer I'm not getting a wireless connection | 06:51 |
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eck | n3rrd: if you want it to start up at boot time, /etc/rc.local. I think fluxbox has a fluxbox-specific way of doing its own startup programs (but I haven't used fluxbox in a while) | 06:51 |
greenman | My theory is that ndiswrapper isn't being loaded | 06:52 |
snowman3388 | anyone know what program I can use to capture video from a webcam? | 06:52 |
greenman | I ran ndiswrapper -m | 06:52 |
The_Ranman | Fedora is better me thinks... | 06:52 |
greenman | but How do I tell if it's being loaded? | 06:52 |
n3rrd | you can toss things into the .startup file and it'll run | 06:52 |
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eck | well i guess the fluxbox thing wouldn't work if you needed to be root | 06:52 |
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eck | you could hack something together with ssh keys but it would be ugly | 06:52 |
n3rrd | meh, i'll try it. | 06:52 |
highvoltage | I'm having trouble rsyncing to the latest daily build, I think I might have the wrong rsync address | 06:52 |
eck | maybe better to make the program suid root | 06:52 |
highvoltage | the one I'm using at the moment is: | 06:52 |
highvoltage | /home/jonathan/Documents/notes/rsync | 06:53 |
highvoltage | whoops | 06:53 |
highvoltage | I mean, | 06:53 |
highvoltage | rsync -a --progress rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/daily-live/20070228.1/feisty-desktop-i386.iso feisty-desktop-i386.iso feisty-desktop-i386.iso | 06:53 |
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SCOTT____ | # Change to the <srcdir>/gcc directory. /// Where is that directory? | 06:53 |
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eck | n3rrd: http://www.faqs.org/docs/securing/chap5sec52.html | 06:54 |
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blkdimnd | I acidently deleted my inital user account in ubuntu. what permistions do I need to give a new user profile to have the same access as my initial user profie? | 06:54 |
greenman | Hello. I'm following this guide: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190177 and when I restart the computer I'm not getting a wireless connection | 06:54 |
greenman | My theory is that ndiswrapper isn't being loaded | 06:54 |
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nyef | greenman: A quick "lsmod | grep ndiswrapper -" should tell you if the module is loaded. | 06:54 |
greenman | I ran ndiswrapper -m | 06:54 |
greenman | but How do I tell if it's being loaded? | 06:54 |
mat__ | hello all | 06:54 |
james296 | does anyone here know where I can find the original fonts.conf file? | 06:54 |
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james296 | I need to get it | 06:54 |
Jordan_U | ubm: I'm back ( GRUB issues ) | 06:54 |
pavs | of desktop | 06:54 |
pavs | what was command to take snapshot? | 06:54 |
james296 | because I want the original fonts that came w/ Edgy | 06:54 |
eck | there also be a group you can add your user to to access that command | 06:54 |
nyef | greenman: And the same for bcm43xx instead of ndiswrapper should indicate that bcm43xx -isn't- being loaded. | 06:54 |
greenman | nyef: hmm... I get nothing for that command. | 06:54 |
elyon225 | Is it possible to tag MP3 files with multiple artists in Amarok? | 06:55 |
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IndyGunFreak | whats the best CD to MP3 ripper? preferrably just ready to go.., | 06:55 |
IndyGunFreak | Sound Juicer keeps crashing for some reason | 06:55 |
greenman | nyef: I get nothing for both. | 06:55 |
eck | you can add a bit with +, e.g. chmod +s foo | 06:55 |
nyef | greenman: Did you try the "echo ndiswrapper >> /etc/modules" bit? | 06:55 |
cafuego_ | Hmm, that's not good. | 06:56 |
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blkdimnd | I acidently deleted my inital user account in ubuntu. what permistions do I need to give a new user profile to have the same access as my initial user profie? | 06:56 |
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SilentDis | 'lo :) | 06:56 |
Jordan_U | Whenever I boot I get the text "GRUB" on the screen but it freezes at that point, re-installing GRUB has not fixed it. | 06:57 |
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greenman | nyef: I get permission denied. even using sudo | 06:58 |
nyef | That's... Oh. | 06:58 |
SilentDis | Jordan_U, I've never seen an issue like that. the only thing I could even recommend would be to take a look at the links from !grub. sorry :( | 06:58 |
nyef | How about a quick "sudo su -", then the echo, then "exit"? | 06:58 |
blkdimnd | I acidently deleted my inital user account in ubuntu. what permistions do I need to give a new user profile to have the same access as my initial user profie? | 06:59 |
greenman | also when I tried to do the line above it the modprobe ndiswrapper, i got an error message: Error inserting ndiswrapper (path): Operation not permitted. | 06:59 |
SilentDis | nyef, the proper way to hit a root prompt with sudo is sudo -i :) | 06:59 |
greenman | I also did that as su | 06:59 |
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greenman | er sudo | 06:59 |
nyef | SilentDis: Thank you. Learn something new every day. | 06:59 |
greenman | nyef, okay that worked. | 07:00 |
SilentDis | nyef, no troubles. took me a bit of sudo su-ing myself before I figured there had to be a better way and hit the man page :) | 07:00 |
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greenman | so I should restart then? | 07:00 |
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The_Ranman | whats a fun channel on freenet? | 07:01 |
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SilentDis | The_Ranman, #ubuntu-offtopic perhaps? :) | 07:01 |
nyef | greenman: You could give that a try if you want... | 07:01 |
entity411 | just got done with a fresh install of ubuntu 6.06LTS, now firefox won't start and I'm lost as to what to do. Anytime I try to start FF I get "Error launching browser window:no XBL binding for browser" any suggestions? | 07:01 |
elyon225 | blkdimnd: The easiest way I can think of is when you're adding a new user, go to "User Priviledges" and mark everything. | 07:01 |
greenman | nyef, you say that like you know it won't work.... :) | 07:01 |
anethema | hey is feisty fawn herd any kind of stable yet? feel like installing ubuntu again but wanna just install fawn and update as it gets done.. | 07:01 |
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The_Ranman | ty | 07:02 |
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nyef | greenman: Well... I know nothing of the sort. | 07:02 |
n3rrd | nyef: for the record, I chopped out all the extra input info from the xorg.conf (keeping a backup, of course) and it seems to be working... it'll take a few boots to figure out if it's going to spaz out but I believe all the warnings and errors are gone from the log (about to check) | 07:02 |
greenman | ah | 07:02 |
Jordan_U | blkdimnd: You may simply be able to add a new "Desktop user" or "Admin user" from the Gnome GUI, sorry I can't help but I have changed my users | 07:02 |
SilentDis | anethema, all the bloggers have been saying herd4 is decent. herd5 is due out real soon (or is already out), and the feature freeze just happened. | 07:02 |
blkdimnd | elyon225: is that what your inital user profile shows? | 07:02 |
nyef | n3rrd: Cool. I hope it works out for you. | 07:02 |
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n3rrd | nyef: I hope so. Thanks for the assistance, by the way. It's greatly appreciated. | 07:03 |
SilentDis | anethema, hit up #ubuntu+1, they'll have better info for you :) | 07:03 |
elyon225 | blkdimnd: Well, mine right now only shows two things that aren't checked (Send faxes, and use tape drives). I think the most important one is "Administer System". That allows you to use sudo | 07:03 |
Jordan_U | blkdimnd: ...My users permissions, the end got cut off somehow | 07:03 |
anethema | thanks | 07:03 |
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blkdimnd | Jordan_U: know the command line command to launcg the user admin GUI? | 07:03 |
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n-iCe | I need really help | 07:03 |
Beverage | hey guys i installed ubuntu on a new toshiba satelite A100 and it has a ATI Radeon 200M video card and i isntalled beryl following the guide on ubuntuguides.com and it doesnt work how do i enable properly (the little diamond is running in top right corner) | 07:03 |
pavs | anyone installed ubuntu with OSx on a AMD64 platform from the osx86project? | 07:03 |
nyef | n3rrd: No problem. I had to sort input stuff out a week and a half ago, so the details are still somewhat fresh in my mind. | 07:03 |
n-iCe | How can i install a lexmark 1100 in ubuntu | 07:03 |
n-iCe | Please !!! | 07:03 |
SilentDis | !print | n-iCe | 07:04 |
ubotu | n-iCe: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 07:04 |
Jordan_U | blkdimnd: No, I'm using XFCE :( it's in System-> Administration most likely though | 07:04 |
elyon225 | blkdimnd: gksu users-admin | 07:04 |
n-iCe | SilenceGold, can you give nme the exact link please ! | 07:04 |
n-iCe | i already search it | 07:04 |
n-iCe | nothing found | 07:04 |
n3rrd | nyef: i notice that as X starts up, it seems to cycle through a series of display modes before it settles on the one it uses. is there anyway to force it to one so it doesn't do that, or is it normal? | 07:04 |
blkdimnd | Thanks Jordan_U and elyon225 | 07:05 |
nyef | n3rrd: I... don't know. Using LCDs exclusively here, and not noticing it. | 07:05 |
n-iCe | Please as a favor | 07:05 |
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n-iCe | lexmark 1100 | 07:05 |
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n3rrd | it's a lappy, but it's still trying almost eveyr combination of resolution and color depth it can which I find strange... it's not throwing any warnings or errors... more of a random inquiry than anything else. | 07:06 |
burepe | How do I make a group, and a user (that I can use with samba also) and add it to the group from the command line? | 07:06 |
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Flannel | burepe: useradd | 07:06 |
n-iCe | please | 07:06 |
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burepe | Flannel: can I make a group with that? | 07:06 |
Flannel | burepe: er, groupadd first | 07:06 |
SilentDis | n-iCe, what troubles are you having? | 07:07 |
n-iCe | I can't install my printer! | 07:07 |
entity411 | any idea how to fix firefox when all that opens is an error window stating "Error launching browser window:no XBL binding for browser"? | 07:07 |
n-iCe | LEXMARK 110 | 07:07 |
n-iCe | 1100 | 07:07 |
Flannel | !repeat | n-iCe | 07:07 |
ubotu | n-iCe: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 07:07 |
SilentDis | n-iCe, I just had ubotu send a link to you about setting up your printer... did you read it? | 07:08 |
n-iCe | :/ | 07:08 |
n-iCe | I already reade like 10 pages | 07:08 |
n-iCe | nothing found | 07:08 |
pavs | useradd -m nameofuser | 07:08 |
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SilentDis | !enter | n-iCe | 07:08 |
ubotu | n-iCe: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 07:08 |
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Jordan_U | n3rrd: It may be that it is trying to use the correct drivers for your card, they are failing for some reason and it is defaulting back to VESA, setting VESA as default might solve things but using VESA is less than ideal and you should probably find out why it's failing ( if that is in fact what is happening ) | 07:08 |
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n-iCe | ... | 07:08 |
pavs | usermod -G group1,group2 nameofuser | 07:08 |
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kidbuntu | arrenlex: are still there? | 07:08 |
n-iCe | Are you going to help me ? | 07:08 |
n-iCe | Or I wasting my time | 07:09 |
pavs | n-iCe be patient. if anyone knows your answer will help you out. | 07:09 |
n-iCe | i tried to found , but nothing | 07:09 |
burepe | Flannel: what should I put as the GID ( The numerical value of the group$B!G(Bs ID.? | 07:09 |
SilentDis | n-iCe, the Lexmark 1100 is a default model listed as supported as of Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft). Read the information that ubotu gave you, it's step-by-step | 07:09 |
SilentDis | !print | n-iCe | 07:09 |
ubotu | n-iCe: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 07:09 |
n-iCe | SilentDis, doesn't work | 07:09 |
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SilentDis | n-iCe, what doesn't work? | 07:09 |
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n-iCe | the printer !! | 07:09 |
Jordan_U | n-iCe: What have you tried so far, exaclty? | 07:09 |
n-iCe | and your links | 07:10 |
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Flannel | burepe: you'll need to pick an unused one. See /etc/groups | 07:10 |
researcsci | Yes folks, I was wondering if anyone has ever successfully gotten the RT61 wifi driver to work and has a little time on there hands, please message me | 07:10 |
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n-iCe | exmark | 07:10 |
n-iCe | 07:10 | |
n-iCe | 1100 | 07:10 |
n-iCe | 07:10 | |
n-iCe | 07:10 | |
n-iCe | No | 07:10 |
n-iCe | 07:10 | |
n-iCe | No | 07:10 |
n-iCe | 07:10 | |
n-iCe | 07:10 | |
SilentDis | !ops | 07:10 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 07:10 |
n-iCe | Cups doesn't recognize the printer, and no print result after trying is getting successfully | 07:10 |
n-iCe | 07:10 | |
n-iCe | 2006-Oct-30 | 07:10 |
n-iCe | then can't i do somethin ? | 07:10 |
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Flannel | !paste | n-iCe | 07:11 |
ubotu | n-iCe: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:11 |
n-iCe | who cares that | 07:11 |
Jordan_U | n-iCe: Please don't flood the channel by hitting return so much | 07:11 |
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Hobbsee | nalioth: nice. | 07:11 |
elyon225 | thanks, nalioth | 07:11 |
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Flannel | burepe: you'll want to pick one higher than the highest group (110, means 111 is your 'next' one) | 07:11 |
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Jordan_U | When I boot I simply get the text "GRUB" with no error and it just hangs there | 07:12 |
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james296 | I have a question | 07:13 |
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Flannel | !ask | james296 | 07:13 |
SilentDis | james296, ask away :) | 07:13 |
ubotu | james296: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 07:13 |
entity411 | fixed my problem, installed opera and searched the forums, anybody else asks tell them to reinstall firefox and possibly delete .mozilla folder from home dir | 07:13 |
n3rrd | Jordan_U: would you happen to know an easy way to get ethernet going under fluxbox everytime you restart? :| | 07:13 |
entity411 | toodles! | 07:13 |
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james296 | how can I change the way the font looks for items from the gnome menu editor that dont have any items in them? | 07:13 |
james296 | does anyone know what I mean? | 07:14 |
Jordan_U | n3rrd: Every time you restart the system or every time you restart X / fluxbox? | 07:14 |
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n3rrd | I guess every time I restart the system makes more sense. | 07:14 |
burepe | Flannel: thanks. How do I add a directory to a group? | 07:15 |
Jordan_U | n3rrd: If you simply want to be connected whenever you are connected to ethernet I would just install network-manager | 07:15 |
james296 | like text that I uncheck in the menu editor, you know that the text changes | 07:15 |
james296 | into a different font | 07:15 |
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Flannel | burepe: a ... directory to a group? | 07:15 |
james296 | automatically | 07:15 |
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james296 | how can I make it use a different font because it looks NOTHING like the original | 07:15 |
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Jordan_U | n3rrd: ehternet should already start automatically at boot, it has nothing to do with the DE | 07:15 |
Jordan_U | *ethernet | 07:16 |
burepe | Flannel: here is a suggestion i was given "<fryfrog> burepe: or you could just add samba to the same group as the group of /var/www | 07:16 |
Flannel | burepe: you mean like making that group own the directory? chmod | 07:16 |
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james296 | ] well? | 07:16 |
n3rrd | would reconfiguring the network cause that to happen? it wasn't hooked up to a network, etc. when I first installed ubuntu. | 07:16 |
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burepe | Flannel: I am trying to make a user that can edit that dirctory from across a samba network | 07:16 |
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kalorin | why fluxbox over xfce? | 07:16 |
Flannel | burepe: Add that user to www-data group | 07:17 |
Flannel | burepe: simple as that | 07:17 |
Jordan_U | n3rrd: Ahh, then you just need to add eth0 to your /etc/network/interfaces | 07:17 |
n3rrd | oh, hehe. cool, i'll give that a shot. sorry. Still rather new to this. | 07:17 |
Flannel | burepe: er, unless samba does something funky with the user that's doing everything (but I don't believe so... but, I don't know, never used it) | 07:17 |
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burepe | Flannel: I am kinda treading water here but how do I make a user that has proper permissions to edit that area? as far as I know only root can do it as I have it now | 07:18 |
Jordan_U | n3rrd: Try adding the lines: | 07:18 |
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Jordan_U | auto eth1 | 07:18 |
Jordan_U | iface eth1 inet dhcp | 07:18 |
n3rrd | heh, the last line was already there, just not the auto. | 07:19 |
JamesBeen | Has anyone here have problems with beryl post installation and got them fixed? | 07:19 |
Jordan_U | n3rrd: Or eth0 if that is the name of the interface | 07:19 |
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Flannel | burepe: chown /var/www to www-data:www-data (which you'll need if the server were to ever write to root anyway (generating whatever files)) | 07:19 |
pavs | whats SElinux? | 07:19 |
Jordan_U | JamesBeen: Yes, but that is a very vague question :) | 07:19 |
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Flannel | pavs: believe it stands for "Security Enahnced", it's another layer of permission type things, there's a wiki page on it | 07:20 |
Flannel | JamesBeen: #ubuntu-effects for beryl support | 07:20 |
researcsci | If anyone has any extensive knowledge of the wireless internet setup on Ubuntu, I would love for some help. i've been killing myself over the RT61 driver to no avail | 07:20 |
pavs | flannel is SElinux part of ubuntu installation? | 07:21 |
burepe | Flannel I get "invalid user" with that command. | 07:21 |
burepe | chown: `/var/www': invalid user | 07:21 |
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JamesBeen | basically, it just won't start and gives me different errors based on if i use beryl, beryl-xgl or beryl manager to start. if i use beryl manager it gives me beryl-xgl: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/beryl/libjpeg.so: undefined symbol: jpeg_std_error | 07:21 |
JamesBeen | disabling jpeg support gives me the white screen of death | 07:21 |
bulmer | burepe you typed the command incorrectly | 07:22 |
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Flannel | pavs: Uh, it might be in feisty, I dont know. Actually, just checked. It's been deferred (again) | 07:22 |
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Flannel | burepe: er, you need to swap, it's "chown www-data:www-data /var/www" | 07:23 |
steelb | telnet client for ubuntu | 07:23 |
steelb | ? | 07:23 |
burepe | ok | 07:23 |
burepe | thanks | 07:23 |
Flannel | steelb: "telnet" already installed. | 07:23 |
pavs | Flannel thanks for the info i should have googled myself before asking you. | 07:23 |
n3rrd | Jordan_U: Thanks. Adding that line to interfaces worked perfectly. | 07:23 |
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steelb | thanks flannel | 07:23 |
Flannel | pavs: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/selinux is the spec (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SELinux the wiki page) | 07:23 |
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UberNoob | when I turn on Beryl Window manager nothing happens | 07:24 |
pavs | Flannel great | 07:24 |
Flannel | UberNoob: #ubuntu-effects for beryl support | 07:24 |
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grndslm | Where would I begin troubleshooting ethernet that wasn't working? I know ethernet has worked before...but after a reinstall, /etc/init.d/networking restart doesn't work this time! | 07:25 |
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JamesBeen | there's typing stuff in ubuntu-effects | 07:25 |
burepe | Flannel: that is done but my understanding of this is a little shaky. Do I now add another user that I can sign in with from another comp? | 07:25 |
JamesBeen | *no one* | 07:25 |
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Flannel | burepe: each samba user is separate. You... reuse usernames, if I remember (or you can have them have their own accounts), but the passwords are samba specific. | 07:26 |
Flannel | !samba | burepe, should give all relevant instructions | 07:26 |
ubotu | burepe, should give all relevant instructions: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 07:26 |
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ghetek | what is a good sync program/method that handles fish:/ directories as well as locl ones? | 07:27 |
ghetek | *local | 07:28 |
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burepe | Flannel I have been working with that for a while now. I don't understand the concepts. Can you explain what I need to do next in plain english? I have a samba user with a password. Samba works but I can't edit that directory what else do I have to do to edit that directory? Do I have to add the samba user to a group? | 07:28 |
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rellik | what's a good gui FTP client? | 07:29 |
arrenlex | rellik: gftp | 07:29 |
rellik | arrenlex, thanks | 07:29 |
pavs | wow SELinux is developed and maintained by NSA :) | 07:29 |
arrenlex | pavs: Finally, a Linux where I can be corrupt and stupid as root and the OS will only be happy! | 07:30 |
Flannel | burepe: whatever user you log in as with samba, needs to be able to edit whatever directories you want him to, as far as Im aware, they're just regular users | 07:31 |
pavs | arrenlex perhaps when selinux is implemented in ubuntu, we will have root by default :) we wont have to work arount our way to get a root account with password. :) | 07:31 |
Flannel | pavs: er... Why do you need/want a root account? | 07:32 |
arrenlex | pavs: It's there so newbies don't impale themselves on the root account sword. It will stop being there once newbies stop using ubuntu, which is not what you should want. | 07:33 |
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grndslm | pavs: if you ever need root, just type sudo -s at the shell | 07:33 |
Flannel | sudo -i is preferred over -s | 07:34 |
grndslm | hmm...ok, that too | 07:34 |
burepe | Flannel: Ok, I follow that. But how do I give a user permissions to edit a directory? Forgive me for my ignorance. I just tired this and it didn't work chown youruser:thatgroup -R /var/www/ | 07:34 |
pavs | Flannel && arrenlex it was meant as a joke. sudo does most of my jobs. | 07:34 |
pavs | grndslm thankU :) | 07:34 |
Flannel | burepe: you ... did that? ugh. Well, /var/www is owned by www-data:www-data, (the user and the group www-data) | 07:34 |
=== Tomcat_` is now known as Tomcat_ | ||
Flannel | so, then you set it so that group can write to it (g+w) and then anyone in the group that it's owned by, can edit it | 07:35 |
Flannel | !permissions | burepe, might be of interest | 07:35 |
ubotu | burepe, might be of interest: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 07:35 |
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grndslm | Where would I begin troubleshooting ethernet that wasn't working? I know ethernet has worked before...but after a reinstall, /etc/init.d/networking restart doesn't work this time! It keeps saying "No DHCPOFFERS received." why?! | 07:36 |
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kalorin | perhaps the DHCP server that hands out ip addresses isn't handing any out? | 07:37 |
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kalorin | perhaps you're asking on the wrong network or subnet mask? | 07:37 |
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pavs | being a newbee myself i think even root shouldnt be able to delete system file at will. Should either be prompted and/or go through an extra step or two to execute system file deletion of system wide change. IMO | 07:37 |
kalorin | though I guess DHCP is broadcast so it'll hit all networks that it's connected to | 07:37 |
grndslm | kalorin: the latter might be it...dhcp server is definitely working | 07:37 |
Flannel | pavs: er... being root ... is that extra ste | 07:37 |
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kalorin | is the interface set to do dhcp? | 07:38 |
kalorin | is dhcp client installed? | 07:38 |
arrenlex | pavs: You need to use windows. | 07:38 |
pavs | :) | 07:38 |
arrenlex | pavs: On Linux it is assumed that if you are root you know what you're doing, and if you delete your system files one time then you won't the next time. | 07:38 |
burepe | Flannel if the www-data group owns the /var/www directory then why do I " set it so that group can write to it"? Doesn't the www-data group already have the proper permissions? If that is the case then I need to add my user burepe (that I sign in with samba) to the www-data group, right? | 07:38 |
tute666 | pavs: there is a way of compiling rm with a confirmation dialog | 07:39 |
tute666 | pavs: i can assure you, its a bloody pain in the ass | 07:39 |
arrenlex | pavs: Regardless, you can get the behaviour you want by making an alias in /root/.bashrc from rm to rm -i | 07:39 |
Flannel | burepe: ls -al in /var/ and you'll see that www/ is (probably) drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 2007-02-18 12:25 www | 07:39 |
tute666 | or that | 07:39 |
pavs | isnt SElinux does the same thing? AFAIK it has an option where even root cant delete/edit files | 07:39 |
Flannel | burepe: except, since you chowned it, www-data www-data own it | 07:39 |
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grndslm | kalorin: interface is set to dhcp and it looks like dhclient3 is installed | 07:39 |
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Flannel | pavs: no. It's real security, not "security against yourself" | 07:40 |
kalorin | can you run it in debug mode? | 07:40 |
zcat[1] | arrenlex: that doesn't help much; "rm -f " overrides other options like -i | 07:40 |
burepe | Flannel The command said I couldn't do it. | 07:40 |
kalorin | like force the client to ask for an ip address manually and watch it? | 07:40 |
kalorin | maybe put a second console up doing a tcpdump or something | 07:40 |
Flannel | burepe: er... right. What ... have you been doing? | 07:40 |
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Flannel | burepe: but, the important part of that was this: drwxr-xr-x which is split into three parts: rwx r-x r-x first is owner, second is group, third is others. | 07:41 |
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Flannel | burepe: second needs +w to allow the group to write to it | 07:41 |
zcat[1] | If you really want, you can mount / readonly.. but it makes upgrades a bit dificult | 07:41 |
burepe | Flannel I used that command and it said "operation not permited" so I didn't manage to change the group | 07:41 |
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arrenlex | zcat[1] : All this is devising ways to protect the user from himself. That's microsoft's job. | 07:41 |
grndslm | kalorin: that'd all prolly be over my head | 07:42 |
grndslm | tcpdump doesn't appear to work | 07:42 |
zcat[1] | arrenlex: You are coming to a sad realisation. [allow/deny] ? | 07:42 |
arrenlex | zcat[1] : What? What sad realisation? | 07:42 |
zcat[1] | you haven't seen the latest mac ad. | 07:43 |
arrenlex | zcat[1] : What one's that? xD | 07:43 |
arrenlex | zcat[1] : I thought I'd seen them all... | 07:43 |
zcat[1] | PC has a bodyguard that asks him to approve everything he's about to do.. | 07:43 |
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arrenlex | zcat[1] : That's exactly it. Part of the reason I switched. | 07:44 |
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ljlolel | I completely bonked my installation, is there a way I could do a really refreshing reinstall without actually pulling up install cd's? | 07:44 |
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zcat[1] | Honestly, if I ran vista switching that crap off is the first thing I'd do.. I expect most windows PPL will. Which totally defeats the point, really. | 07:45 |
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grndslm | ljlolel: "pullling up install cd's?" what the heck does that mean?!? | 07:45 |
burepe | Flannel: You were right. It did change the owner but I changed it back to root. | 07:45 |
lizheng | hello | 07:45 |
ljlolel | downloading install CD's, burning them, and going through the installation | 07:45 |
=== Radica1Faith [n=matt@74-128-108-231.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zcat[1] | ljlolel: how's you break it? | 07:46 |
Radica1Faith | hello | 07:46 |
ljlolel | X doesn't work for a couple of reasons | 07:46 |
Radica1Faith | sorry i'm a bit of a newb | 07:46 |
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Radica1Faith | just installed ubuntu | 07:46 |
zcat[1] | "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" might be a start | 07:46 |
ljlolel | i'd rather not try to troubleshoot, I'd rather just resmash everything | 07:46 |
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ljlolel | i've done everything -- several times | 07:46 |
grndslm | ljlolel: easiest way is to keep a couple copies lying around and just reinstall to root directory when necessary, since your /home directory should be on a separate (and safe, i.e.- far away from the root directory) directory | 07:46 |
ljlolel | yea, my /home directory is somewhere else | 07:47 |
zcat[1] | ljlolel: did you put home on a separate partition? | 07:47 |
ljlolel | I probably should have had a nice /root directory hidden, but I don't :( | 07:47 |
grndslm | no...just / | 07:47 |
ljlolel | right / | 07:47 |
ljlolel | i didn't back up one | 07:47 |
grndslm | same difference :-/ | 07:47 |
ljlolel | that would have been nice | 07:47 |
zcat[1] | ljlolel: yes, if you're doing stuff that's very likely to break your install, it's a good idea to have a separate /home and keep a tar of / in /home to recover from. | 07:48 |
ljlolel | right now I'm on another partition -- which has problems with nvidia-glx drivers | 07:48 |
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ljlolel | zcat[1] , I'll keep that in mind | 07:48 |
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zcat[1] | ljlolel: well, the options are "try to fix it" and "reinstall" .. the choice is yours. | 07:48 |
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ljlolel | i'll go with reinstall | 07:49 |
zcat[1] | ljlolel: so how broke is it? Just X? | 07:49 |
ljlolel | actually just X | 07:49 |
brandon | Could someone possibly help me out | 07:49 |
ljlolel | but I figure there's a lot of crud I'd like to get rid of anyway | 07:49 |
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feld | i know edgy has SSP enabled, but does it also have execshield and pie? | 07:49 |
brandon | I just installed Linux, very first day using it | 07:50 |
zcat[1] | just doublecheck when you reinstall that it's not overwriting /home .. | 07:50 |
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ljlolel | i will | 07:50 |
ljlolel | is there any way to reinstall without pulling out CD's? | 07:50 |
zcat[1] | not that I know of. | 07:50 |
ljlolel | drats | 07:50 |
brandon | My problem is when i click enable administrator mode nothing happens | 07:50 |
ljlolel | haha, it's nearly easier on windows | 07:50 |
john | hello | 07:51 |
ljlolel | hmm... well I guess I could boot to an iso of a cd,... is that possible? | 07:51 |
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feld | ljlolel: yes | 07:51 |
brandon | hey jon | 07:51 |
Radica1Faith | it takes a long time for my wireless to start working, is that normal? | 07:51 |
zcat[1] | This install's kinda messed up since I tried to use the nvidia drivers. I think I might try out feisty herd5 when it comes out.. | 07:51 |
ljlolel | how do I do that? | 07:51 |
feld | boot from a livecd and then do a debootstrap and install ubuntu-desktop... but it might be missing some configuration stuff | 07:51 |
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feld | i'd highly recommend you just use the cds | 07:51 |
feld | but it in theory is possible lol | 07:51 |
ljlolel | hm | 07:51 |
brandon | Someone please help me out. | 07:51 |
ljlolel | what if I apt-get remove --purge everything | 07:52 |
brandon | Its most likely a simple problem | 07:52 |
ljlolel | and then apt-get install it back | 07:52 |
ljlolel | should that work? | 07:52 |
zcat[1] | apt-get install --reinstall --reconfigure or something... | 07:52 |
feld | ljlolel: if you're missing all your system utilities how can they be used to put it all back lol | 07:52 |
Radica1Faith | whats your problem brandon? I'm a newb but maybe i can help | 07:52 |
Madpilot | brandon, 'Enable admin mode'? What're you trying to do? | 07:52 |
brandon | yes | 07:52 |
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zcat[1] | I suspect you'll end up doing a clean install anyway.. | 07:52 |
john | gksudo ? | 07:52 |
john | brandon, what are you trying to do? | 07:52 |
john | maybe i can help out | 07:53 |
brandon | Enable admin mode | 07:53 |
feld | brandon: what do you need admin mode for | 07:53 |
grndslm | ljlolel: clean installs are the only real way, in my books | 07:53 |
pppoe_dude | brandon: what is your end goal? | 07:53 |
brandon | fix some settings, in kubuntu | 07:53 |
grndslm | which ones? learn to spell things out for us, we can't read your mind | 07:53 |
pppoe_dude | brandon: from kde control centre? | 07:53 |
feld | what kind of settings? | 07:53 |
brandon | I can't change much of anything | 07:53 |
nanothief | I'm trying to make a script that opens a program, but then continues on, and the program remain open when the script finishes. How do you do this? | 07:53 |
Madpilot | brandon, the GUI tools will show you a popup asking for a password when you need admin privs; in the command line, use "sudo" in front of the command | 07:53 |
feld | it should ask you for your password if the user you're using has the ability to do things as an administrator | 07:54 |
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ljlolel | how do I find a list of packages I have already installed on my system? | 07:54 |
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zcat[1] | ljlolel: dpkg -l | 07:54 |
brandon | When I click administrative mode Nothing pops up | 07:54 |
grndslm | it's not gonna tell you which ones you added yourself, tho | 07:54 |
Madpilot | brandon, if you're using KDE, try #kubuntu | 07:54 |
brandon | @kubuntu for what | 07:54 |
brandon | username? | 07:55 |
omegabeta | Question - I use envy to install my nvidia drivers, except it stops my lan from working and crashes X when they are installed, even though it recognises my card etc.. any ideas? | 07:55 |
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brandon | Sorry this is my very first say using linux | 07:55 |
Madpilot | brandon, no, the channel #kubuntu, for help with KDE/Kubuntu | 07:55 |
brandon | lol oh | 07:55 |
pppoe_dude | !nvidia > omegabeta | 07:55 |
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Madpilot | brandon, most of us here are Ubuntu/Gnome users, so KDE questions tend to be better off in #kubuntu | 07:55 |
Madpilot | brandon, type "/join #kubuntu" w/o the quotes to join that channel | 07:56 |
brandon | thank you all for the help.... | 07:56 |
Radica1Faith | I have a simple question about partitions | 07:56 |
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ljlolel | thanks | 07:56 |
zcat[1] | omegabeta: I had the same problem. latest drivers don't play nice with some recent kernels I think. | 07:56 |
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omegabeta | ok, so taking ndia out of the question, why would it stop my lan from working? | 07:56 |
brandon | by the way whats the main difference between gnome and kde | 07:56 |
omegabeta | nvidia* | 07:57 |
Madpilot | ubotu, ask | Radica1Faith | 07:57 |
ubotu | Radica1Faith: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 07:57 |
pppoe_dude | brandon: a matter of preference, really. | 07:57 |
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zcat[1] | omegabeta: no idea, but it messed with mine too... IRQ sharing? | 07:57 |
ljlolel | brandon, I wish there were a simple answer | 07:57 |
Madpilot | brandon, that's a question likely to ignite holy wars ;) | 07:57 |
brandon | , I guess ill just have to try things out around with the linux scene | 07:57 |
grndslm | 'ello guys, i've just reinstalled edgy but this time my ethernet isn't working...or at least the dhclient is timing out...what could be wrong? | 07:57 |
omegabeta | like, when i install the drivers.. it works, but only on the 386 image that it seems to mysteriously create.. but on the generic that im using it wont work | 07:57 |
pppoe_dude | omegabeta: it would help if you can pastebin your ifconfig output, /etc/network/interfaces and possible dmesg output | 07:57 |
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zcat[1] | also totally screwed up my reiserfs a few times. lots of lockups and reboots. Horrible. | 07:58 |
Radica1Faith | okay I root partition, is too big, and i'd like to use the extra free space to add on to another, i know i can use QT parted, but is it safe? I just installed ubuntu and some drivers and would prefer not to start all over again | 07:58 |
feld | brandon: KDE is built on QT and c++. Gnome is built on GTK and mostly C. KDE has loads of stuff. Gnome keeps it simplistic. KDE looks more like Windows... Gnome looks more like OSX by default (i guess..) | 07:58 |
pppoe_dude | omegabeta: also xorg.conf and your X server logs | 07:58 |
Radica1Faith | my* | 07:58 |
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omegabeta | ok will do | 07:58 |
zcat[1] | omegabeta: stick with the multiverse repo drivers, I would say. | 07:58 |
ljlolel | i wouldn't say Gnome looks like OS X | 07:58 |
arrenlex | feld: KDE looks nothing like windows by default. Especially not in ubuntu. And gnome looks nothing like osx. | 07:58 |
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ljlolel | "more" maybe, but that's not saying much | 07:58 |
brandon | I see | 07:58 |
feld | ljlolel: in a way it does | 07:59 |
arrenlex | brandon: Are you having problems with adminsistrator mode? | 07:59 |
brandon | yes | 07:59 |
arrenlex | brandon: Which are? | 07:59 |
ljlolel | a lot of people would say that KDE reminds them of Windows | 07:59 |
feld | arrenlex: my gf has kubuntu on her desktop. i'd say it looks like Windows because of the layout and the K in the lower left hand corner like the Start button | 07:59 |
=== Geoffrey2 [n=jeffrey@c-71-207-98-160.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zcat[1] | I can never figure out how to do stuff in kde. I usually end up just editing the config files by hand... | 07:59 |
brandon | I do not know how to enable it | 07:59 |
arrenlex | feld: http://arrenlex.ls.la/screenshots/23561.png <-- windows? | 08:00 |
arrenlex | zcat[1] : Are you kidding? KDE is great for giving you the option to configure things. It's gnome that sucks at that. | 08:00 |
feld | arrenlex: slow site | 08:00 |
Radica1Faith | so would it be safe to resize my root partition if i have plenty of space? | 08:00 |
Geoffrey2 | if I was looking to buy a PCI video card to use with Ubuntu, which chip sets seem to work best? | 08:00 |
zcat[1] | .. and that's only after I figure out how to get a terminal open :) | 08:00 |
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posingaspopular | go down what would be 'start' on window | 08:01 |
zcat[1] | arrenlex: for the gui config, yes. I can never find system config because I'm used to gnome. | 08:01 |
pppoe_dude | not to feed the flame, but gconfed is quite a convenient tool to congifure gnome, arrenlex | 08:01 |
arrenlex | zcat[1] : "k->start->kcontrol" =) | 08:01 |
pppoe_dude | also this discussion is probably offtopic | 08:01 |
omegabeta | ok, pasted it.. waiting for it to load.. vare in mind everything is back to default (i think) except the old nvidia tab is still on my application/system tools pane | 08:01 |
brandon | No one is talking in #Kubuntu | 08:01 |
feld | arrenlex: that doesnt look like a default KDE install... default KDE installs mimic Windows in many ways. lets not fight over this retardedness. KDE and Gnome are both quite configurable as far as the GUI goes, but KDE moreso. | 08:01 |
pppoe_dude | omegabeta: oh.. so everything is _working_ atm? | 08:02 |
ljlolel | haha, yea htat is not default kde install | 08:02 |
omegabeta | only because everything is default and theres no graphics driver installed :P | 08:02 |
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pppoe_dude | omegabeta: not installed or not selected in xorg.conf? | 08:02 |
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ljlolel | looks nice though | 08:03 |
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kidbuntu | Anyone I need help. my X won't start after installing nvidia-glx | 08:03 |
omegabeta | when the graphics "are" installed, it creaates a 386 kernel which works with it, but then the lan dies and when i try to re-install it says "can not find kernel sources" (thats only in the magic 386 that it creates) in the normal (generic) it remains broken alltogether, including x | 08:03 |
IndyGunFreak | I'm having a problem ripping CD's to MP3's with KAudioCreator, I think its a Lame issue, but i'm not sure... | 08:03 |
pppoe_dude | omegabeta: do things start to mess up when you enable the driver? does everything else still work if you change the xorg.conf file back to the original? | 08:03 |
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pppoe_dude | omegabeta: ok so it boots from a different kernel when using nvidia drivers? | 08:04 |
feld | IndyGunFreak: solution: rip to ogg. har-har.... | 08:04 |
illriginal | Can someone please recommend me a video player that's better than totem movie player? Totem utterly sucks. | 08:04 |
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kidbuntu | !nvidia | 08:04 |
posingaspopular | VLC | 08:04 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 08:04 |
feld | illriginal: vlc. mplayer. | 08:04 |
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IndyGunFreak | feld: if it were only so simple..lol | 08:04 |
illriginal | can that play wmv? | 08:04 |
feld | IndyGunFreak: heh i only rip my stuff to flac nowadays. | 08:04 |
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feld | illriginal: latest mplayer and vlc both do | 08:04 |
pppoe_dude | omegabeta: have you tried the link above/the one ubotu sent you? | 08:04 |
omegabeta | pppoe_dude: yes, it creates the kernel and boots from it.. which actually works (the nvidia does anyway) but then the lan is dead, and its a 386 kernel anyway so i wouldent want to use it | 08:04 |
IndyGunFreak | feld: yeah, i just can't figure out what the problem is here. | 08:04 |
illriginal | totem doesn't let me fast forward, i get bug reports. | 08:05 |
feld | illriginal: dont know if edgy has them. manually backport from Feisty if you really want them to work at playing wmv. | 08:05 |
pink-panther | Can I run multiple, similtaneous sessions of X on the same box and screen, with only one in the foreground? | 08:05 |
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IndyGunFreak | everything i find on Google, says Kaudio has a Lameencoder with it, but it doesn't seem to work | 08:05 |
feld | pink-panther: yes | 08:05 |
pppoe_dude | omegabeta: ok i see. this might be a common issue that you may find help for in the forums | 08:05 |
pink-panther | feld -- cool -- how? | 08:05 |
arrenlex | illriginal: mplayer | 08:05 |
coldyoga | Hi, anybody here install the NexentaOS? | 08:05 |
feld | pink-panther: usually when you use KDE or Gnome and do the "login as another user" while you're currently logged in, it takes you to GDM/KDM on another X session | 08:05 |
illriginal | mplayer? | 08:05 |
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illriginal | alright ill check it out | 08:05 |
omegabeta | pastebin is dead | 08:06 |
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arrenlex | omegabeta: Try pastebin.ca then | 08:06 |
pink-panther | feld - ok and how do I flip between them? | 08:06 |
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feld | http://sh.nu/p <--- PASTEBIN | 08:06 |
poi | Hi, I am looking for a programm where I can Print several photos (from 8 to 30) on one page. Can you help me? | 08:06 |
feld | pink-panther: CTRL+ALT+F7 for first X, F8 for second, etc | 08:06 |
pink-panther | feld - thanks :D | 08:06 |
omegabeta | pppoe_dude: http://www.pastebin.ca/376739 | 08:06 |
kidbuntu | Anyone I need help. my X won't start after installing nvidia-glx | 08:07 |
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Geoffrey2 | lesse, one more try....I'm looking to buy a PCI (not express, mind you, the original PCI) video card, and was wondering what would work well under Ubuntu, since I hear nothing but problems working ATI or nVidia under ubuntu | 08:07 |
pppoe_dude | omegabeta: does modprobe nv give any errors? | 08:07 |
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poi | kidbuntu: have you tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 08:07 |
pppoe_dude | omegabeta: sudo modprobe nv | 08:08 |
inthepit | anyone have an idea how to make the gnome panel look like the kde panel. | 08:08 |
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kidbuntu | poi: yes. and I type "startx" from the recovery mode. but then just a black screen appears | 08:08 |
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coldyoga | kidbuntu: sudo xorg -configure | 08:08 |
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inthepit | where the height is x2 and the window list is 2 rows | 08:09 |
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arrenlex | Geoffrey2: Actually nvidia works quite well under ubuntu. ATI doesn't. | 08:09 |
omegabeta | pppoe_dude: FATAL: Module nv not found. | 08:09 |
feld | kidbuntu: go read the end of Xorg.0.log in /var/log. it will tell you what the issue is. | 08:09 |
test | Hey guys, I want to create a new user via the console using useradd. How can I make that user an administrator? | 08:09 |
kidbuntu | coldyoga: after that what will appear and what will i do. i just used other ubuntu right now | 08:09 |
arrenlex | Geoffrey2: These "problems" that you see is because it's possible to actually GET 3D acceleration with ati\nvidia cards. For most other cards, you just can't. :) | 08:09 |
poi | kidbuntu: I had the same problem, but I was able to configure the x server with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg again. | 08:09 |
Zilliot | Alisa!! Melofon! | 08:09 |
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feld | kidbuntu: man useradd | 08:10 |
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IndyGunFreak | Geoffrey2: definitely go Ubuntu | 08:10 |
IndyGunFreak | and Nvidia | 08:10 |
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Zilliot | Alisa ! Melofon y menya! | 08:10 |
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pppoe_dude | omegabeta: please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 08:10 |
kidbuntu | poi: the instruction i followed said that If i have the generic image X won't start. so I installed the image-i386 and then uninstalled the generic | 08:10 |
Geoffrey2 | arrenlex, too bad, I always liked ATI cards under Windows...guess they just can't be bothered to support Linux...yet.... | 08:11 |
inthepit | anyone know how to make the window list 2 rows on the gnome panel? | 08:11 |
coldyoga | kidbuntu: sudo X -config xorg.conf.new | 08:11 |
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Zilliot | mne skazali chto ubuntu negru delayut | 08:11 |
pppoe_dude | omegabeta: you will evetually need to replace 'nv' with 'nvidia' | 08:11 |
arrenlex | Geoffrey2: ATI is the devil. | 08:11 |
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pppoe_dude | omegabeta: and no need to boot froma special kernel. | 08:11 |
poi | kidbuntu: sorry I cannot help here | 08:11 |
Meshezabeel | I had an older version of ubuntu that had more screensavers like fireworks etc. Now with 6.10 I only have space scenes and gnome footprints. What package do I need to install the other screensavers? Is there a reason they were taken out of 6.10? | 08:11 |
IndyGunFreak | Geoffrey2: you can get ATI to work under Linux, but it is WORK... Nvidia on the other hand, is quite simple. | 08:11 |
omegabeta | is it normal that it creates one? | 08:11 |
kidbuntu | coldyoga: what if that method fails. is there any method that i could do | 08:11 |
Zilliot | Alisa!Melofon y menya! | 08:12 |
coldyoga | kidbuntu: if that look ok, then sudo mv xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 08:12 |
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pppoe_dude | omegabeta: normal that it creates a kernel? | 08:12 |
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pppoe_dude | omegabeta: that would be the non-ubuntu way | 08:12 |
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omegabeta | pppoe_dude: the thing is, while it "does" install the bvidia drivers (which only seem to work in the 386 kernel it creates) the lan then dies, and when i try to reinstall that - it says "No kernel sources found" | 08:12 |
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omegabeta | but ill give it another shot | 08:12 |
pppoe_dude | omegabeta: did you try the thing on the link i gave you? | 08:13 |
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test | Im getting the following error: testUser is not in the sudoers file. | 08:13 |
pppoe_dude | omegabeta: that should not require any kernel sources/compiling etc | 08:13 |
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jhonim | . | 08:13 |
feld | test: put them in the sudoers file then | 08:13 |
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pppoe_dude | test: system>admin>users and groups>testUser>groups>"allow system acces" | 08:13 |
feld | or just add them to the admin group | 08:13 |
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omegabeta | pppoe_dude: ye, its only when i try to re-install the lan card, but i half a mind to just format this ubuntu ultimate thing and reimnstall the normal one which at least worked | 08:14 |
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timfrost | test: Add the new user to group admin with 'sudo adduser -G admin -a <username>' | 08:14 |
test | timfrost, thats what I was looking for...thx | 08:14 |
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ubm | IndyGunFreak damn your still at it :) | 08:15 |
pppoe_dude | omegabeta: lol | 08:15 |
IndyGunFreak | ubm: i told you, sleep is for losers..lol | 08:15 |
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kidbuntu | coldyoga: I did "dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" in the recovery mode. then i typed "startx" then black screen. there it ends and i have to reset the computer again | 08:15 |
coldyoga | kidbuntu: power off/on your monitor. | 08:16 |
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-101-187.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kidbuntu | coldyoga: Will that do the trick? | 08:16 |
grndslm | So nobody can explain why my ethernet's all of a sudden not working upon reinstallation of edgy? no matter whether i use static or dhcp, i cannot get an ip address for crap | 08:16 |
IndyGunFreak | this freakin CD ripping thing is irritating me | 08:16 |
kidbuntu | coldyoga: I don't see a reason why should I do that | 08:16 |
posingaspopular | grndslm: did you try sudo pppoeconf ? | 08:16 |
grndslm | hmm..no | 08:16 |
pppoe_dude | grndslm: what kind of connection do you have? | 08:17 |
Radica1Faith1231 | i'm having trouble running berly | 08:17 |
coldyoga | kidbuntu: just in case of a million. | 08:17 |
Ademan | is there any way to make the dictionary gnome-applet cache a dictionary locally so it will work offline? | 08:17 |
pppoe_dude | grndslm: wanna pastebin your relevant files? | 08:17 |
str4 | secret | 08:17 |
Radica1Faith1231 | i'm having trouble running beryl | 08:17 |
kidbuntu | coldyoga: what do they mean "Activate kernel framebuffer device interface" | 08:17 |
Ademan | Radica1Faith1231: there's a channel #beryl | 08:17 |
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Radica1Faith1231 | thankyou | 08:17 |
pppoe_dude | Radica1Faith1231: #ubuntu-effects | 08:17 |
Ademan | Radica1Faith1231: they should be able to help you better than anyone else | 08:17 |
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coldyoga | kidbuntu: that is a long story. now you just need to reconfigure your xserver namely xorg X. | 08:18 |
IndyGunFreak | wooohooooo success.. i just had to cry enough..lol | 08:18 |
coldyoga | kidbuntu: did you save your old xorg.conf file ? | 08:19 |
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grndslm | posingaspopular: i tried ppoeconf and it said there were no connections | 08:19 |
posingaspopular | pppoeconf? | 08:19 |
posingaspopular | or ppconf? | 08:19 |
grndslm | pppoe_dude: what relevant files might help you? | 08:19 |
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ubm | this weekend at the cyber cafe are they hackers or cyber demons?!? | 08:19 |
grndslm | pppoe | 08:19 |
posingaspopular | grndslm: i used to have that problem all the time | 08:20 |
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pppoe_dude | grndslm: oh you're on DSL? | 08:20 |
grndslm | i have cable plugged into a WRT54G | 08:20 |
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posingaspopular | dont remember how though | 08:20 |
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kidbuntu | coldyoga: when doing nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf I scrolled down and under the Device there is "Generic Video Card" and the driver "nvidia" is and lastly the "PCI:1:0:0" is there something wrong there | 08:20 |
pppoe_dude | grndslm: how is your connection layout, to start with... i.e. router/compiter/modem/etc | 08:20 |
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jahid_ | what is the command line to restart pc? | 08:21 |
pppoe_dude | jahid_: reboot or init 0 | 08:21 |
posingaspopular | jahid_: sudo restart now | 08:21 |
posingaspopular | er right | 08:21 |
arrenlex | jahid_: sudo reboot | 08:21 |
posingaspopular | reboot | 08:21 |
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pppoe_dude | hmm... init 6 maybe | 08:21 |
pppoe_dude | cant remember | 08:21 |
grndslm | ehh....dunno what you mean.... modem to router to 3 pcs....2 which work, and my laptop does not for some strange reason but i've installed edgy before, which is the crazy part | 08:21 |
Geoffrey2 | rseiub? | 08:21 |
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jahid_ | reboot is not working | 08:22 |
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pppoe_dude | grndslm: ah ok... is it on wireless? | 08:22 |
Radica1Faith1231 | is it safe to resize a root partion if there is plenty of space? a simple yes no or maybe will suffice | 08:22 |
pppoe_dude | grndslm: using wep/wpa/etc | 08:22 |
posingaspopular | jahid_: whats it returnning? | 08:22 |
ubm | jihad did you try sudo reboot | 08:22 |
posingaspopular | Radica1Faith1231: it should be yes | 08:22 |
posingaspopular | dont see why not | 08:22 |
Radica1Faith1231 | thankyou | 08:22 |
grndslm | pppoe_dude: i have to install network-manager first because it's not in edgy by default...but i can't use the ethernet for this purpose | 08:22 |
arrenlex | Geoffrey2: That would be a "holy crap it doesn't work" reboot =P | 08:22 |
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coldyoga | kidbuntu: you don't need to edit the file by hand now, just use use xorg -reconfigure to generate that file, and get X up again first. | 08:22 |
pppoe_dude | grndslm: why not? | 08:22 |
jahid_ | yes, i tried "sudo reboot" is staying "bash:sudo command not found" | 08:23 |
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grndslm | pppoe_dude: heh...that's why i'm here | 08:23 |
pppoe_dude | grndslm: hmmm | 08:23 |
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n3rrd_ | exit | 08:23 |
pppoe_dude | grndslm: ok so are you trying to install network-manager? | 08:23 |
caturOK | why my squirrelmail not read a user | 08:23 |
kidbuntu | coldyoga: to get up X. is it the "startx" i'm just making sure if there are other commands for that | 08:23 |
posingaspopular | jahid_: sudo not found? | 08:23 |
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posingaspopular | thats insane | 08:23 |
grndslm | pppoe_dude: i'm trying to get ethernet working before i can apt-get anything | 08:23 |
posingaspopular | would man roboot work? | 08:23 |
grndslm | it doesn't work | 08:23 |
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pppoe_dude | grndslm: using wireless/wpa/etc? | 08:23 |
arrenlex | jahid_: Is the ubuntu-desktop package installed? | 08:23 |
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ubm | jihad what terminal are you using? try this open the term and use this command sudo xterm then sudo reboot | 08:23 |
pppoe_dude | grndslm: there are command line tools to fix that | 08:24 |
coldyoga | kidbuntu: xorg -configure is the most simply way to get the working conf file, from there you can update it later. | 08:24 |
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grndslm | pppoe_dude: i don't know what you're talking about...what tools? | 08:24 |
kidbuntu | ok. | 08:24 |
kidbuntu | coldyoga: can Xchat still run on the black screen terminal? | 08:24 |
ubm | jihad you can also try ctrl + alt + backspace then reboot | 08:24 |
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pppoe_dude | grndslm: is there encryption on your router enabled? | 08:24 |
xerophyte_ | is there anyway you can view the volume lable for the partition? i know you can set with tune2fs , how can i view them ? | 08:24 |
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grndslm | pppoe_dude: wireless?? | 08:25 |
coldyoga | kidbuntu: did you ever use gdm or kdm or xdm? | 08:25 |
pppoe_dude | grndslm: sudo network-admin should be able to connect to any AP with WEP or no encryption | 08:25 |
kidbuntu | coldyoga: the command gdm? | 08:25 |
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pppoe_dude | grndslm: i think there was miscommunication ;) | 08:25 |
coldyoga | kidbuntu: like doing sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start? | 08:25 |
omegabeta | when i try to install from synaptic i get this error | 08:25 |
pppoe_dude | grndslm: so your _wired_ connection isn't working? | 08:26 |
kidbuntu | coldyoga: no | 08:26 |
TeePOG | morning | 08:26 |
kidbuntu | coldyoga: I just did "gdm" and its just like the "startx" still nothing | 08:26 |
grndslm | pppoe_dude: yup...not sure how to fix it as a wired connection has never not worked for me before | 08:26 |
omegabeta | linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-11-generic: | 08:26 |
omegabeta | Depends: nvidia-kernel-common but it is not installable | 08:26 |
omegabeta | 08:26 | |
pppoe_dude | grndslm: did you double check the physical connections? | 08:26 |
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coldyoga | kidbuntu: if you use gdm, you don't need startx | 08:26 |
omegabeta | so when i try to instal the common, the does not work either | 08:26 |
grndslm | most definitely!! | 08:26 |
pppoe_dude | omegabeta: did you enable restricted and did apt-get update? | 08:26 |
omegabeta | yep | 08:27 |
kidbuntu | coldyoga: ok i'll just try it | 08:27 |
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pppoe_dude | grndslm: ok, do you want to paste /etc/network/interfaces and output of 'ifconfig -a'? | 08:27 |
omegabeta | it will let me install nvidia-glx by itself though, which wants to install a 385 kernel aswell.. should i just do that>? | 08:27 |
omegabeta | 386* | 08:27 |
pppoe_dude | grndslm: in a pastebin plz | 08:27 |
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pppoe_dude | omegabeta: tbh, i | 08:28 |
posingaspopular | did he finally reboot? | 08:28 |
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grndslm | pppoe_dude: will be difficult...i'll have to type it out. gimme a sec | 08:28 |
posingaspopular | jahid i mean | 08:28 |
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pppoe_dude | 've never owned an nvidia, best advice i would give is to follow the howto | 08:28 |
pppoe_dude | grndslm: don't type it out | 08:28 |
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pppoe_dude | grndslm: however, go to terminal, type sudo network-admin | 08:29 |
ubm | posingapopular yeah jihad rebooted i believe | 08:29 |
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IndyGunFreak | how do you edit the applications menu? | 08:29 |
eck | IndyGunFreak: alacarte | 08:29 |
pppoe_dude | grndslm: then double check everything there, make sure the connections are enabled and that they are set to dhcp | 08:29 |
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IndyGunFreak | eck: ty | 08:29 |
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bullgard2 | I installed yesterday Ubuntu 7.04 Herd 4. At the very beginning, even before I have to input my user name, Ubuntu says in German: "The language de_DE does not exist.System default will be used." In Synaptic I looked for German language DEB program packages but none seemed to be suitable and missing to remove this message. How can I get rid of this message? | 08:30 |
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posingaspopular | bullgard2: it may be an unpatched Herd 4 error | 08:31 |
bullgard2 | OK. | 08:31 |
posingaspopular | but i havent touched herd 4 | 08:31 |
posingaspopular | so i cant say | 08:31 |
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posingaspopular | or any of feisty | 08:31 |
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ektobot | :) what is herd 4? | 08:32 |
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eck | bullgard2: try #ubuntu+1 | 08:32 |
posingaspopular | feisty fawn | 08:32 |
posingaspopular | herd 4 is the fourth release of it | 08:32 |
bullgard2 | All the older versions would not start on this new computer. | 08:32 |
posingaspopular | before they release the offical | 08:32 |
eck | there is probably a locales package you can install to get them post install | 08:32 |
posingaspopular | they just release herd 5 | 08:32 |
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ektobot | when is the new one out? | 08:32 |
eck | aril | 08:32 |
bullgard2 | eck: I donot understand your answer. Say it in other words. | 08:32 |
ektobot | sweet cant wait for that | 08:32 |
grndslm | pppoe_dude: i had connection for a second, but it froze....don't ask me how. | 08:33 |
ektobot | will it be free of the site still | 08:33 |
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posingaspopular | ektobot: OF COURSE | 08:33 |
ektobot | lol | 08:33 |
eck | bullgard2: try asking your question in the #ubuntu+1 channel. there might be a .deb that has the german locales that you can install afterwards (but isn't available in the feisty installer), so you might want to check that channel to see if that is the case | 08:33 |
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eck | #ubuntu+1 is for feisty related questions | 08:34 |
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pppoe_dude | grndslm: hmm | 08:34 |
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bullgard2 | eck. Understood. I did not know about the existence of a channel named "ubuntu+1. Thank you. | 08:34 |
eck | no problem | 08:35 |
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ektobot | Bye | 08:37 |
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grndslm | pppoe_dude: i've thought of everything to do....i've even pointed to dns servers, tried using a static ip to connect to the lan, and I'm still not able to connect. | 08:40 |
krash123123 | can anybody help me with my nvidia drivers ? | 08:40 |
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eck | grndslm: using what tool? | 08:41 |
eck | have you tried ifconfig? | 08:41 |
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JosefK | hey, I just fixed the frontpage of the Wiki (it had been defaced), but if an admin could lock the page for a while in case it gets defaced again? | 08:42 |
grndslm | eck: all of 'em... nano to edit /etc/network/interfaces....sudo network-admin.... | 08:42 |
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kraut | moin | 08:42 |
grndslm | i cannot for the life of me get a connection to anything....i got to google's frontpage, but it stopped working as soon as I clicked on News | 08:42 |
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eck | grndslm: you can set all the interface stuff with ifconfig and do name resolution with route, if you are really in a bind | 08:42 |
kenthomson | HELP; i installed "beagled", i have its daemon running in the background, but how do i access the program's main interface from the GUI? | 08:43 |
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nicholaspaul | Q: If i wanted to upgrade from Dapper to Edgy, is the recommnded fashion to replace Dapper with Edgy in sources.list ? | 08:43 |
JosefK | kenthomson: it should replace the standard gnome search | 08:43 |
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eck | kenthomson: consider using the deskbar applet as well | 08:43 |
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grndslm | kenthomson: deskbar applet's a quality choice | 08:43 |
kenthomson | JosefK, so how do i access its interface? | 08:43 |
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Madpilot | ubotu, upgrade | nicholaspaul | 08:44 |
ubotu | nicholaspaul: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 08:44 |
nicholaspaul | thx Madpilot | 08:44 |
JosefK | kenthomson: places->search iirc | 08:44 |
krash123123 | can someone help me with my nvidia drivers ? | 08:44 |
kenthomson | eck, grndslm, i like the deskbar applet, but i am more of a keyboard man, and deskbar-applet hasn't got any keyboard function to set focus on itself, so i have to manually click on the stupid icon and than enter query, if i could set the focus through KBD, on that applet and start typing right away in it's search-box, i would use it, otherwise NOT. | 08:45 |
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kenthomson | JosefK, got it from places>search | 08:45 |
grndslm | kenthomson: of course it does, i wouldn't use it if it didn't! | 08:45 |
grndslm | Alt+F3 | 08:45 |
JosefK | kenthomson: if you get into the beagle search box, there are preferences and you can set a keyboard shortcut iirc | 08:45 |
kenthomson | grndslm, does it? | 08:45 |
grndslm | maybe i had to add it...don't remember | 08:46 |
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kenthomson | got disconnected, due to some weird keyboard shortcus, anyways go on... | 08:47 |
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vickersn | Hi everyone, I have a problem with lmsensors, specifically pwmconfig says there is no devices in /sys/bus/i2c/devices, however modules are loaded correctly and 'sensors' returns valid info. /sys/bus/i2c/devices is empty | 08:49 |
kenthomson | do i have inotify in ubuntu6.10? | 08:49 |
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leo | czesc | 08:50 |
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leo | czesc | 08:50 |
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posingaspopular | czesc....? | 08:51 |
posingaspopular | krash123123: umm reinstall X you mean | 08:51 |
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leo | mam may problem z java pomoze ktos ? | 08:51 |
posingaspopular | whats the polish command? | 08:51 |
posingaspopular | !pl | 08:51 |
ubotu | Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 08:51 |
krash123123 | posingaspopular, i want to install the video acceleration so i can install beryl.. | 08:52 |
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posingaspopular | krash123123: I duno about beryl | 08:52 |
posingaspopular | did you try #beryl | 08:52 |
posingaspopular | or #ubuntu-effects | 08:52 |
leo | dzieki | 08:52 |
krash123123 | yes :S | 08:52 |
posingaspopular | :/ | 08:52 |
posingaspopular | I duno man | 08:52 |
timte | Yesterday I installed kubuntu-desktop, now I can only have 640x480. | 08:52 |
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krash123123 | but beryls not the problem | 08:52 |
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posingaspopular | i havent gotten around to installing it myself | 08:52 |
krash123123 | the problem is the drivers | 08:53 |
posingaspopular | which drivers...? the video card drivers? | 08:53 |
krash123123 | yes | 08:53 |
posingaspopular | ah what happens when you try to reinstall them? | 08:53 |
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kidbuntu | coldyoga: there's no luck trying those methods | 08:53 |
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krash123123 | when i try to install the new ones brings me that error i told you before | 08:54 |
kidbuntu | !nvidia | 08:54 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 08:54 |
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Radicalfaith1 | i'm having trouble getting direct rendering from my radeon 200 card | 08:54 |
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krash123123 | well thats what i want the direct rendering | 08:55 |
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krash123123 | cya | 08:55 |
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kidbuntu | How do I enable the resticted modules. I'm having a hard time installing nvidia, and I it got my X not working | 08:58 |
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tulga | I cannot install Kubuntu Edgy on wide screen laptop. X started. but my display black. howto fix it? | 09:00 |
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mad_goldfish | hello | 09:01 |
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posingaspopular | mad_goldfish: hi | 09:09 |
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Kawasaxi | hey everyone | 09:09 |
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mad_goldfish | hi posing, thought I should pop in and check out Ubuntu chat as I've been using it for a while now. | 09:09 |
Kawasaxi | i just tried the livecd and im hooked | 09:09 |
Kawasaxi | but i have a couple questiona about the installation | 09:10 |
posingaspopular | Kawasaxi: ask away | 09:10 |
Kawasaxi | do i have to partition my drive before i install ubuntu, or will ubuntu ask me how much space to take? | 09:10 |
Nemyn | hello | 09:10 |
posingaspopular | Kawasaxi: depends on your HD | 09:10 |
Kawasaxi | umm | 09:10 |
Kawasaxi | 120gb, ntfs. | 09:11 |
Kawasaxi | i cleared up 35gb | 09:11 |
eck | Kawasaxi: you can partition in the installer | 09:11 |
Kawasaxi | ok great | 09:11 |
posingaspopular | Kawasaxi: just click 'use largest continous space' | 09:11 |
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posingaspopular | mad_goldfish: ive been trying to do more ubuntu work/support/be on irc as much as possible lately | 09:11 |
sexcopter | Kawasaxi: yeah you can do it while installing, but i suggest you be *very* careful and be 100% sure what's being done | 09:12 |
Kawasaxi | also, i am getting an adapter for a 3.5 inch desktop hard drive so that i can make it an external for data storage | 09:12 |
vickersn | kawasaxi: might pay to defrag to maximise free space available? | 09:12 |
sexcopter | posingaspopular: does that method not look for unpartitioned free space? | 09:12 |
Gurpartap | is there any proper guide to run USB drives? | 09:12 |
Kawasaxi | ok great advice :) | 09:12 |
eck | sexcopter: that is correct | 09:12 |
posingaspopular | sexcopter: im not even sure, since i dont mess around with partitions too much. bas experiences | 09:12 |
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Kawasaxi | about the external: can i use ubuntu to partition it? | 09:13 |
sexcopter | in which case, you'll have to edit the partition table manually, but it isn't all that bad | 09:13 |
Kawasaxi | or does that have to be done | 09:13 |
sexcopter | just as i say, proceed with caution | 09:13 |
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sexcopter | Kawasaxi: I'm pretty sure you can do all that in ubuntu post-install | 09:13 |
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Kawasaxi | sweet | 09:14 |
fortitUs | hey dudes.. | 09:14 |
fortitUs | just wanted to check if ubuntu came with gcc? | 09:14 |
vickersn | kawasaxi: take a backup if you are going to play with partitioning a disk with stuff you want to keep on it. It may work correctly but you never know | 09:14 |
sexcopter | Kawasaxi: occasionally they say you have to put a formatted drive into a USB enclosure, not sure if it's true or not | 09:14 |
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yuesefa | any good dictionary for ubuntu? | 09:14 |
Flannel | fortitUs: not installed by default, but it's on the CD, and in the repositories. "build-essential" is the package you want (for full toolchain) | 09:14 |
Gurpartap | again, is there any proper guide to run USB drives? | 09:14 |
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fortitUs | Thanks :) | 09:14 |
fortitUs | bye :) installing ubuntu | 09:15 |
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Kawasaxi | ok so ill defrag my hd, install ubuntu from the cd (during process i can pick the part. size) and then when the enclosure for the 3.5 hd(does this have to have specific compatibility for ubuntu(linux)) i will partition it with ubuntu | 09:15 |
Nemyn | hurrah... I guess I answered the question I was just gonna ask myself:) | 09:15 |
Kawasaxi | im in good shape? | 09:16 |
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Nemyn | I screwed up bash (accidentally deleted it, actually) but I just found and reinstalled the package. | 09:16 |
Nemyn | Yeah, I know, I'm a dork. | 09:16 |
Radica1Faith | how do i enable direct rendering? | 09:16 |
Gurpartap | anyone? | 09:16 |
Kawasaxi | good shape, right? | 09:17 |
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Madpilot | Gurpartap, basic USB keys? they should just automount when you plug them in. | 09:17 |
Flannel | Gurpartap: run usb drives? you mean install to them? or what? | 09:17 |
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sexcopter | Kawasaxi: when you get to the partition stage, you'll have to use gparted to shorten your ntfs partition, thus creating free space, and then you can use that free space. it's quite simple to do, but i cannot stress enough, if you're not sure what's happening, then come back to us | 09:17 |
Kawasaxi | absolutely | 09:17 |
Kawasaxi | gparted? | 09:17 |
posingaspopular | Kawasaxi: ubuntu partitioner | 09:18 |
Kawasaxi | ah ic | 09:18 |
Gurpartap | it isn't actually working | 09:18 |
Gurpartap | unable to mount | 09:18 |
sexcopter | Kawasaxi: yeah, just choose the option "manually edit partition table" | 09:18 |
Kawasaxi | so you are talking about when i partiton the... external | 09:18 |
Gurpartap | drive is shown in "Computer" but unable to mount | 09:18 |
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Kawasaxi | ok so i can pretty much hit up the intall icon on the ubuntu desktop, and everything is straight forward | 09:19 |
sexcopter | Kawasaxi: i'm referring to when you partition whatever will have ubuntu installed on it, be it external or internal | 09:20 |
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Kawasaxi | ok the internal | 09:20 |
posingaspopular | Kawasaxi: yes straight | 09:20 |
sexcopter | Kawasaxi: is the external drive a new one? | 09:20 |
Kawasaxi | nope | 09:20 |
Gurpartap | dmesg returns "[17195328.480000] hub 1-1:1.0: connect-debounce failed, port 2 disabled" | 09:20 |
Kawasaxi | defrag takes extremely long, so ill work with what i have | 09:21 |
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Gurpartap | problem is similar to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=243835 | 09:21 |
Gurpartap | anyone could lend a min pleasE :0 | 09:21 |
Gurpartap | :) | 09:21 |
Kawasaxi | is there an irc app built into ubuntu? | 09:21 |
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Middy | Yay! Ubuntu is working :D | 09:21 |
sexcopter | Kawasaxi: yes, gaim will do it | 09:21 |
Middy | Kawasaxi: Try XChat | 09:21 |
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Kawasaxi | gaim, gotcha | 09:22 |
Kawasaxi | ill figue that out | 09:22 |
Middy | Nooooo! XChat is cooler! | 09:22 |
sexcopter | Middy: Kawasaxi: xchat is good, but doesn't come installed on the livecd | 09:22 |
Kawasaxi | ok im gone to install ubuntu!!! | 09:22 |
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TeePOG | i prefer konversation in Kubuntu | 09:22 |
Gurpartap | Flannel: no, just normal data storage in usb drive | 09:22 |
posingaspopular | TeePOG: konversation in kde and gnome | 09:22 |
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eck | irssi is installed by default | 09:23 |
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Gurpartap | Madpilot: when it's plugged-in, it shows a drive in "Computer" folder, but opening it returns only root can mount etc | 09:23 |
fmardini | hi all, is there a command to show me what is executed exactly at startup | 09:23 |
Madpilot | Gurpartap, odd - what is it formatted as? | 09:23 |
mneptok | Middy? | 09:23 |
Gurpartap | root can mount it, but then can't erite to it | 09:23 |
Middy | What's the name of that really cool looking environment that ripples n stuff.. | 09:23 |
computrius | why is it such a pain the find an internship? :) | 09:23 |
TeePOG | sure posingaspopular ... but if you load konversation in gnome, you're loading half the KDE libs as well ... if you run it out of KDE instead of on top of Gnome, you notice a definite speed difference in loading times | 09:23 |
Gurpartap | Madpilot: brand new, no idea | 09:23 |
Middy | mneptok: yeah, Middy.. I'm her Bro | 09:23 |
AndrewB | Middy: beryl | 09:23 |
Gurpartap | s/erite/write | 09:23 |
Middy | andrewb thanks :) | 09:23 |
mneptok | Middy: Duck? | 09:23 |
=== Nuscly [n=nuscly@29-231.206-83.static-ip.oleane.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Middy | mneptok: correct | 09:24 |
Flannel | Middy: Beryl/XGL is what you're thinking of. Instructions/help in #ubuntu-effects | 09:24 |
Madpilot | Gurpartap, is this a thumbdrive, or a full-blown harddrive in an enclosure? | 09:24 |
posingaspopular | TeePOG: well i dont use GNOME anymore anyway | 09:24 |
posingaspopular | that helps | 09:24 |
Gurpartap | Madpilot: thumbdrive | 09:24 |
mneptok | Middy: stop wearing her clothes, dude. it's creepy. | 09:24 |
TeePOG | aiglx is better than XGL really, stabler definitely | 09:24 |
Middy | Middy grabbed a PC from school, which I put linux on it for her... | 09:24 |
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Middy | As well as windows though :| | 09:25 |
mneptok | Middy: she should be asking me these questions over there ----> ;) | 09:25 |
Madpilot | Gurpartap, like I said, odd. Those should just work. | 09:25 |
eck | fmardini: try update-rc.d | 09:25 |
Middy | Middy is asleep atm actually.. | 09:25 |
=== Nemyn [n=snowe@c-67-160-167-242.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eck | that will show you how the init scripts are run | 09:25 |
Gurpartap | Madpilot: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=243835 this is similar to the problem | 09:25 |
Gurpartap | or same | 09:25 |
Madpilot | Gurpartap, they're almost always fat32, which Linux doesn't have any trouble with (vs NTFS, which is still problematic) | 09:25 |
Renu23 | doaes anybody knows how i stop the bug buddy reporting tool to stop? | 09:26 |
Madpilot | Gurpartap, did you try the fix in the 2nd post to that thread? | 09:26 |
drivera90 | Is there a way to save an OpenOffice presentation as a ppt and not have it get screwed up? | 09:26 |
drivera90 | :/ | 09:26 |
=== grovermuse_ [n=grover@ppp-69-219-151-116.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AndrewB | Renu23: try and remove it with synaptec | 09:26 |
mneptok | Middy: she'll want jIRCii for IRC. "sudo aptitude install sun-java-plugin" will get you a JRE. | 09:26 |
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Gurpartap | Madpilot: going to try now | 09:26 |
Middy | mneptok: phht, she should use XChat, it's cooler | 09:27 |
fmardini | eck: its not working | 09:27 |
mneptok | Middy: not really. | 09:27 |
AndrewB | Middy: irssi -> xchat ;) | 09:27 |
fmardini | its just asking for more options | 09:27 |
Middy | Blah! | 09:27 |
mneptok | hehehhe | 09:27 |
Middy | But, ok, I'll get her jerk2 | 09:27 |
Gurpartap | Madpilot: yay! :D | 09:27 |
Gurpartap | it just worked :D | 09:27 |
=== detectiveinspekt [n=jonathan@ip-58-28-133-189.ubs-dsl.xnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | Gurpartap, nice when it's an easy fix. ;) | 09:27 |
mneptok | Middy: you can copy ~/.jIRCii to the Ubuntu machine for "ooo! it Just Works!" fun | 09:28 |
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Gurpartap | was curious if that would mess up somehow :P :-) | 09:28 |
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Gurpartap | that's why asked before here | 09:28 |
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Middy | lol alright | 09:28 |
eck | fmardini: try installing sysv-rc-conf | 09:28 |
eck | it is a little less awkward | 09:28 |
IamUnique | will ubuntu 7 have live taskbar thumbnails by default? | 09:28 |
Middy | She'll prob still stick with her mac though for IRC.. this is her machine for doing visual basic + playing with Linux | 09:28 |
mneptok | *noddle* | 09:29 |
=== jeanjean [n=jeanjean@86-39-0-250.customer.fulladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mneptok | the fact school is forcing VB is horrifying | 09:29 |
AndrewB | IamUnique: I don't quite understand your question.. | 09:29 |
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Middy | Oh, if you think that's bad | 09:29 |
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Middy | I just started a bachelor of IT here, and I'm doing VB in that too | 09:29 |
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IamUnique | will ubuntu 7 have live taskbar preview thumbnails like vista has? | 09:30 |
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Madpilot | IamUnique, still not sure what you mean - link us to a screenshot of that in Virusta? | 09:30 |
Middy | Oh gay, I have to install video card drivers... and I have no idea what video card this thing has :( | 09:30 |
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posingaspopular | Middy: listpci | 09:31 |
posingaspopular | erm | 09:31 |
AndrewB | IamUnique: ubuntu 7 is not a version for a start.... | 09:31 |
Middy | yeah | 09:31 |
posingaspopular | thats not it | 09:31 |
Middy | lspci | 09:31 |
posingaspopular | lspci | 09:31 |
=== defrysk [n=defrysk@g173059.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
posingaspopular | that the command | 09:31 |
Middy | I pulled that out of my head... and it worked :D | 09:31 |
Middy | I think I'm getting smarter! | 09:31 |
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posingaspopular | Middy: ha i wish i could do that | 09:31 |
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Middy | Lol, yeah, I know enough Linux to keep my server from exploding... :p | 09:32 |
IamUnique | u know that vista has a taskbar live preview if you hove the mouse over the program | 09:32 |
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IamUnique | hover* | 09:32 |
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factorx | How can I find out, if I can use my serial interface (COM)? Can I see, if the driver is loaded correctly? | 09:32 |
defrysk | IamUnique, so does beryl | 09:33 |
IamUnique | you get a live preview of that program without maximizing that program | 09:33 |
IamUnique | exactly | 09:33 |
=== Kawasaxi [n=ubuntu@dhcp42-151.iqltvu.northwestel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
defrysk | IamUnique, so whats your point ? | 09:33 |
IamUnique | which is why im asking if ubuntu 7 comes with it without installing beryl | 09:33 |
Kawasaxi | ok im here | 09:33 |
defrysk | IamUnique, it does if you install beryl | 09:33 |
eck | IamUnique: probably not, it will come with compiz, but not a plugin like that | 09:34 |
IamUnique | i see.. | 09:34 |
IamUnique | thanks | 09:34 |
Kawasaxi | so i'll just double click the install icon.. | 09:34 |
defrysk | eck, also does not come with compiz afaIk | 09:34 |
defrysk | edgy that is | 09:34 |
defrysk | feisty I mean | 09:34 |
eck | defrysk: feisty will | 09:34 |
AndrewB | defrysk: to do so would be stupid I think. | 09:34 |
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defrysk | eck, no | 09:34 |
eck | it got pulled in a few days ago | 09:34 |
AndrewB | eck: really? wow just lost faith in ubuntu. | 09:34 |
AndrewB | Another one I will be leaving then. | 09:35 |
mneptok | we shall see. | 09:35 |
eck | AndrewB: why? compiz is comparable to metacity and much better than beryl | 09:35 |
Middy | Once I get another SATA cable, I'll install Ubuntu on my main PC :) | 09:35 |
Kawasaxi | hello i was here like 2 seconds ago | 09:35 |
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AndrewB | eck: to have compiz you will need a non opensource driver for a video card. | 09:35 |
=== OctOpus [n=Anakin@maraskan.ssdc.novaxess.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pavs | whats a good brute-force ftp password cracker? | 09:35 |
mneptok | Feisty is still alpha. we'll see what remains on drop date. | 09:35 |
eck | AndrewB: no, I am using intel video card | 09:35 |
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posingaspopular | Kawasaxi: we remember | 09:35 |
eck | open source drivers, everything works perfectly | 09:35 |
defrysk | compiz and beryl did not reacht the stability needed to include into ubuntu by default unfortunately | 09:35 |
Kawasaxi | ok good | 09:35 |
AndrewB | eck: Not all of us are on intel drives.. | 09:35 |
Kawasaxi | double clicking install icon... | 09:36 |
eck | well it is not enabled by default | 09:36 |
mneptok | pavs: this is not the channel to ask such things. | 09:36 |
Middy | pavs, easy way, ask the owner of the FTP for a password. | 09:36 |
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Madpilot | Kawasaxi, kind of cool to be installing an entire OS while using IRC to ask for advice, isn't it? | 09:36 |
AndrewB | pavs: you are breaking the rules set down by PDPC/Freenode discussing such things. | 09:36 |
pavs | middy testing my own, i used john to test my own shadow pass now I am working on my ftp pass | 09:36 |
eck | well compiz is a dependency of ubuntu-desktop right now, i guess that could change before the release | 09:36 |
posingaspopular | plus the CoC probably | 09:36 |
posingaspopular | Kawasaxi: keep me updated | 09:36 |
Kawasaxi | i know | 09:36 |
Kawasaxi | its awesome | 09:37 |
Kawasaxi | ok 3/6 | 09:37 |
Kawasaxi | select language, time... | 09:37 |
pavs | andrewb didnt know that sorry, i guess i can discuss this on ubuntu-offtopic | 09:37 |
posingaspopular | okay thats still like.. the easy stuff | 09:37 |
AndrewB | pavs: that is the network. | 09:37 |
eck | it is already in the default fedora install, as well | 09:37 |
AndrewB | eck: hence why I left. | 09:37 |
Kawasaxi | lol my name... | 09:37 |
pavs | ok nowhere in frenode :( | 09:37 |
AndrewB | pavs: try in #security | 09:37 |
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pavs | thanks andrew | 09:38 |
eck | i don't understand? fedora does not even provide binary drivers | 09:38 |
AndrewB | pavs: you might get away with saying if it is for your safety.. | 09:38 |
Kawasaxi | ok "Starting up the partitioner | 09:38 |
AndrewB | eck: how can they have Compiz with no proprietry drivers? | 09:38 |
posingaspopular | not if the logs show otherwsie... | 09:38 |
defrysk | !topic | 09:39 |
ubotu | Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 09:39 |
defrysk | hmmm | 09:39 |
=== joy` [n=joy@213-238-90-140.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kawasaxi | so i should pick manually edit partition table... | 09:39 |
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eck | AndrewB: the X server will not load aiglx if the driver doesn't support dri | 09:39 |
posingaspopular | is that was you want? | 09:39 |
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Kawasaxi | well i dont want to erase the disk | 09:39 |
eck | if you have an open driver you will get it with no work, if you need proprietary drivers tough luck | 09:40 |
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Kawasaxi | and i want to keep it at one size | 09:40 |
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Kawasaxi | so i dont think resize is right | 09:40 |
posingaspopular | then yes | 09:40 |
posingaspopular | wait wait | 09:40 |
posingaspopular | hold on | 09:40 |
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posingaspopular | what is on the HD already | 09:40 |
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sexcopter | Kawasaxi: you want to resize the ntfs partition to make space for ubuntu, yeah? | 09:40 |
Kawasaxi | windows, my info etc... | 09:40 |
sexcopter | Kawasaxi: how many partitions are there already? | 09:41 |
Kawasaxi | 5 | 09:41 |
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sexcopter | Kawasaxi: !! ok that can change things... | 09:41 |
sexcopter | Kawasaxi: what are they? | 09:41 |
posingaspopular | wow.... | 09:42 |
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Kawasaxi | im pretty sure one is for a mediadirect, one is a recovery, one is the main one, and the big one is the main one with windows | 09:42 |
Kawasaxi | o i put the main one twice | 09:42 |
eck | lol | 09:42 |
Kawasaxi | so i know what 3 of them are | 09:42 |
posingaspopular | sexcopter: you take over on this one, i need coffe/5 partitions scare the life out of me | 09:42 |
Kawasaxi | haha why | 09:43 |
eck | posingaspopular: at work the default install is 7 partitions + LVM | 09:43 |
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eck | it is a site to behold | 09:43 |
eck | sight even | 09:43 |
posingaspopular | ha i go crazy with just the linux/windows boot | 09:43 |
sexcopter | Kawasaxi: ok let's put it this way, check me if i'm right here. did you free up 35gig on your c drive for ubuntu? if so, can you identify *for sure* which partition that is? | 09:44 |
Kawasaxi | ok sothers 33 gb free | 09:44 |
AndrewB | eck: is that not slightly a headache? | 09:44 |
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Kawasaxi | yeah | 09:44 |
eck | AndrewB: it is definitely a headache, not my decision though | 09:44 |
Kawasaxi | i know for sure which one it is | 09:44 |
Kawasaxi | np | 09:44 |
posingaspopular | ps. can i transfer files from a windows ntfs partition to an edubuntu ext3 parition? i really want to keep my files and get rid of windoz | 09:44 |
detectiveinspekt | I want to uninstall java 1.4.2 | 09:44 |
detectiveinspekt | who installed it | 09:44 |
Kawasaxi | they're 105gb, 54mb, 3gb, 2gb, 4gb | 09:44 |
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AndrewB | posingaspopular: there are drivers for windows, or you can mount ntfs on ubuntu | 09:44 |
sexcopter | Kawasaxi: ok, and if there's nowhere on the disk labelled as "free space", then you want to resize that partition to whatever you want (but shrink it by at least... i'd say 5gig) | 09:45 |
AndrewB | !ntfs | posingaspopular | 09:45 |
ubotu | posingaspopular: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 09:45 |
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sexcopter | Kawasaxi: how much RAM do you have? | 09:45 |
AndrewB | posingaspopular: or http://www.fs-driver.org/ | 09:45 |
mneptok | posingaspopular: you want to format things as ext3 and use the Windows ext3 driver. ntfs+Linux=EEEEEEEK! | 09:45 |
posingaspopular | well no, i know how to mount it | 09:45 |
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Kawasaxi | is shows unused space as 33.7gb | 09:46 |
posingaspopular | i want to move the files permanently | 09:46 |
=== Albert [n=albert@fac34-3-82-231-26-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kawasaxi | and under flags is shows boot | 09:46 |
Lynoure | mneptok: the reading of ntfs is not eek. | 09:46 |
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posingaspopular | i guess i could just burn all the music on cds, but that would take forever/be a giant pain | 09:46 |
Kawasaxi | i have 2gb of ram | 09:46 |
sexcopter | Kawasaxi: yep, now right-click it and go to resize and chop off as much as you want, up to 33gig | 09:46 |
eck | if you want flawless read and write, just use fat, seriously | 09:46 |
eck | at least it is manageable | 09:46 |
mneptok | eck: not a good idea in the age of video editing | 09:46 |
Lynoure | mneptok: and linux can mount a fat32 just fine. I guess I'm too paranoid to trust windows to poke around on my Linux partitions... | 09:47 |
sexcopter | Kawasaxi: ok, then when you get the free space, right click it and create a new partition. choose ext3 and make it all the free space minus 512meg. then in the remaining free space make a partition and choose linuxswap | 09:47 |
=== mborohov [n=mborohov@BORSKI.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mborohov | hey guys, quick question | 09:47 |
eck | mneptok: well file sizes could be a limitation, but fat is simple, works everywhere (and you can even sort of undelete files) | 09:47 |
Kawasaxi | oh ic | 09:47 |
mborohov | so i have a hylafax server up | 09:47 |
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Lynoure | mborohov: why? | 09:47 |
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Lynoure | mborohov: oops, sorry, I got confused. | 09:47 |
mborohov | Lynoure: sadly, faxing through asterisk | 09:47 |
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eck | it's what i had on my external drive when i was dual booting | 09:48 |
Kawasaxi | ive got a "free space preceding", a "new size" and a "free space following" | 09:48 |
=== Albert [n=albert@fac34-3-82-231-26-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mborohov | but whenever anybody uses it, it logs the password in plaintext to /var/log/syslog | 09:48 |
Kawasaxi | free space preceding is going to be 0 | 09:48 |
mborohov | i cant figure out how to stop this | 09:48 |
mborohov | ideas? | 09:48 |
=== Nexium [n=nexium@232.244.99-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nexium | Bsr | 09:48 |
Nexium | Bjr -_-' | 09:48 |
eck | mborohov: you can configure syslog to not log those messages, if it is not possible from within asterisk | 09:49 |
Kawasaxi | alrighty, i have an unallocated partition | 09:49 |
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Kawasaxi | 29gb | 09:50 |
Kawasaxi | or maybe thats too much | 09:50 |
Kawasaxi | ok 25 | 09:50 |
mborohov | eck: how? | 09:50 |
sexcopter | Kawasaxi: sorry, i have to go now for a lecture, but i'm sure the rest here can keep an eye out for you ;) | 09:50 |
Kawasaxi | so now i..... | 09:50 |
Kawasaxi | sure np | 09:50 |
=== Yvonne [n=01101110@pdpc/supporter/active/Yvonne] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kawasaxi | thanks for ur help | 09:50 |
mborohov | http://pastebin.ca/376804 | 09:51 |
posingaspopular | so now it should just install | 09:51 |
mborohov | thats what it looks like | 09:51 |
=== schunjo [n=schunjo@r4b232.net.upc.cz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eck | mborohov: it is not something that i have done before, but my understanding is that you can configure syslog (via syslog.conf) to do almost anything. having it not include certain messages should be pretty simple | 09:51 |
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qiyong | how to set the default gnome input method? | 09:51 |
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eck | mborohov: or you can have it log to a file that is only readable by root | 09:51 |
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eck | e.g. for all asterisk syslog messages | 09:52 |
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Kawasaxi | oops | 09:52 |
Kawasaxi | it going to resize it to 77 | 09:52 |
Kawasaxi | and then to 80 | 09:52 |
eck | qiyong: i think system > preferences > scim | 09:52 |
Kawasaxi | oh ok i got an error | 09:52 |
Radica1Faith | I cna't enable diret rendering despite trying every driver i possibly can for the ati radeon 1150, (xpress 200, or x300) | 09:53 |
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Kawasaxi | it wouldn't resize the partiotion | 09:53 |
eck | qiyong: you might also look at administration > language support | 09:53 |
Kawasaxi | ill try again | 09:53 |
Renu23 | does anybody knows how i fix if the bug buddy apears itself and is not sopping the dialog | 09:53 |
Renu23 | ? | 09:53 |
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qiyong | eck, i mean to choose b/w scim and xim, etc. as the default | 09:54 |
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eck | qiyong: i think scim is the default, i think you are on your own if you want to use another system | 09:54 |
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shawarma | How long does an installation from the LiveCD take on an average machine? Half an hour? | 09:54 |
=== fortitUs [n=lordogam@bb121-6-54-60.singnet.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kawasaxi | ok i think i know the problem | 09:55 |
posingaspopular | shawarma: more like 15, 20 | 09:55 |
shawarma | posingaspopular: Ok, thanks | 09:55 |
mborohov | eck: any other way around it? | 09:55 |
qiyong | eck, how to set the default? where is the conf ? | 09:55 |
fortitUs | dudes.. | 09:55 |
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fortitUs | is there anyway to install straight | 09:56 |
fortitUs | instead of having to start the OS? | 09:56 |
Kawasaxi | when i tried to use partiotion magic, it said one or more of the partitions was unmovable and it wouldnt resize the 105gb partition | 09:56 |
eck | mborohov: i would just have asterisk log to another file, that seems easiest. there is probably an option to not have it log passwords if you dig around the docs | 09:56 |
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mborohov | its not asterisk thats doing the logging | 09:56 |
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mborohov | its hylafax | 09:56 |
Kawasaxi | ? | 09:56 |
mborohov | and i cant find where to change the log file | 09:57 |
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MaxTPayne | morgne | 09:57 |
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Kawasaxi | posing | 09:58 |
eck | qiyong: i am not sure, you can probably find someone familiar with this on the forums or mailing lists | 09:58 |
MaxTPayne | morgen | 09:58 |
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posingaspopular | ? | 09:59 |
tuxtop | morgen | 09:59 |
posingaspopular | sorry | 09:59 |
tuxtop | good morning | 09:59 |
posingaspopular | im in likt 7 chans and doing hw | 09:59 |
Kawasaxi | ya np | 09:59 |
posingaspopular | so wahts the error? | 09:59 |
Kawasaxi | it wont let me resize the partition | 10:00 |
eck | mborohov: if hylafax doesn't have that option then you just have to do things the hard way :-( | 10:00 |
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posingaspopular | why not.... | 10:00 |
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posingaspopular | well see | 10:01 |
posingaspopular | this is why i dont mess around with partitions | 10:01 |
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Kawasaxi | hmm ok i found the error | 10:01 |
Kawasaxi | ntfsresize | 10:01 |
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Kawasaxi | oook | 10:02 |
posingaspopular | ah | 10:02 |
posingaspopular | okay | 10:02 |
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Kawasaxi | please try to free less space | 10:02 |
posingaspopular | once you get the partition down, everything else should work | 10:02 |
posingaspopular | what version are you installing? | 10:02 |
mborohov | eck: which is how? | 10:02 |
Kawasaxi | holy crap windows would never ever give you a solution on the spot | 10:03 |
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Kawasaxi | 6.10 | 10:03 |
Kawasaxi | desktop | 10:03 |
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eck | mborohov: oh, i was just referring to configuring it in syslog rather than through hylafax or what have you | 10:03 |
posingaspopular | ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu? | 10:03 |
Radica1Faith | it says that module assistant is not found, anyway to install this? | 10:03 |
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Kawasaxi | ubuntu | 10:04 |
Kawasaxi | im going to try 20gb instead of 25 | 10:04 |
Nemyn | hey, if anybody's got a sec I could use some help on something... | 10:04 |
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arn_ | hi, i have installed pgsql in my ubuntu. can anyone tell me where should i get the installed directory? | 10:05 |
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peacer | does anyone know how to set ssh to two ports instead of one? | 10:05 |
Kawasaxi | oooh i think its working | 10:05 |
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Kawasaxi | does ubuntu support ipods? | 10:05 |
eck | peacer: you want sshd to run on two ports? | 10:05 |
zcat[1] | !ipod | 10:05 |
ubotu | For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod | 10:05 |
peacer | eck: yes | 10:06 |
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Kawasaxi | SWEEET | 10:06 |
posingaspopular | Kawasaxi: yes | 10:06 |
Nemyn | when I do sudo gedit ~/.bashrc in terminal, it brings up an empty file? I am worried I may have accidentally overwritten .bashrc, and was wondering also if anybody knew where I could copy/paste an unedited .bashrc for ubuntu dapper. I tried reinstalling the bash package using synaptic, but no bones. | 10:06 |
zcat[1] | !botsnack | 10:06 |
posingaspopular | get gtkpod | 10:06 |
ubotu | Yum! | 10:06 |
Kawasaxi | now i understands everybody's affection for linux | 10:06 |
eck | peacer: run two servers, and run one with the -p option to specify a nonstandard port | 10:06 |
Kawasaxi | i think | 10:06 |
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peacer | isn't it possible with one servr :|? | 10:06 |
posingaspopular | Kawasaxi: yea i used ubuntu and kubuntu 6.10 | 10:06 |
posingaspopular | for somereason | 10:06 |
posingaspopular | and maybe its just me | 10:06 |
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eck | peacer: not if the program is written to listen on one port | 10:06 |
posingaspopular | and i may be an idiot | 10:06 |
posingaspopular | but everytime i try to log it | 10:07 |
posingaspopular | in | 10:07 |
peacer | damn | 10:07 |
posingaspopular | it wont let me | 10:07 |
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posingaspopular | it tells me im crazy | 10:07 |
eck | you can try adding more than one port like in the sshd config | 10:07 |
posingaspopular | so i couldn't use 6.10 ubuntu of kubuntu | 10:07 |
eck | but that seems like an odd feature to add | 10:07 |
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eck | peacer: another option is to use iptables and port forwarding | 10:07 |
posingaspopular | it si 100% fixed in feisty fawn though | 10:07 |
cbx33 | how can i disable frequency scaling on a machine? | 10:07 |
eck | perhaps that is more along the lines of what you were thinking | 10:07 |
posingaspopular | i know this | 10:07 |
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posingaspopular | because my brother was the one who fixed it | 10:08 |
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Kawasaxi | posingpopular: don you use them now | 10:08 |
posingaspopular | so Kawasaxi gl to you | 10:08 |
countdanulo | hi everyone. How do i make my line in work? | 10:08 |
=== aftertaf [n=aftertaf@lns-bzn-51f-62-147-204-193.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
posingaspopular | alsa! | 10:08 |
countdanulo | its not working by default | 10:08 |
Linux_Junkie | line ?? | 10:08 |
countdanulo | alsa? | 10:08 |
posingaspopular | Kawasaxi: i use edubuntu | 10:08 |
posingaspopular | and a live cd for the internet | 10:08 |
peacer | hmm yes, but the problem is that I am connecting to a friends pc, and because i'm at school I have to connect to my own first and then from there connect to it because port 22 is blocked on our school | 10:08 |
countdanulo | im in the sound preferences system/sound | 10:08 |
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Kawasaxi | nice | 10:08 |
countdanulo | posingaspopular, how do i use alsa to make line in work? please, i have to fix this | 10:09 |
eck | peacer: so you ssh into your box, and from that session ssh into your friends box | 10:09 |
eck | only one port is open on each machine | 10:09 |
peacer | eck: yep :| | 10:09 |
Kawasaxi | woah, the resize is going to take a very long tim | 10:09 |
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posingaspopular | countdanulo: open up a konsole or terminal | 10:09 |
posingaspopular | i duno if you kde or gnome | 10:09 |
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countdanulo | ok | 10:09 |
countdanulo | gnome | 10:09 |
posingaspopular | on the lower right hand side | 10:10 |
peacer | I'll have to be sure of what I do, that's why I go in here, if I screw up and can't connect when the sshd is restarted we're screwed as the box is in serbia, he's in czez rep and I'm in Denmark | 10:10 |
eck | Kawasaxi: i think it is very paranoid about how it modifies the contents of ntfs partitions so it goes slowly and does useless checks all the time | 10:10 |
posingaspopular | accesories>terminal | 10:10 |
posingaspopular | and type in 'alsa' | 10:10 |
posingaspopular | or 'alsa mixer' | 10:10 |
posingaspopular | and it'll run alsa out the terminal | 10:10 |
eck | peacer: do you know how to use at? | 10:10 |
merc | anyone care to recommend an ftpd? | 10:10 |
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posingaspopular | then you edit using the arrow keys | 10:10 |
peacer | I could wait testing till I got home, but tried here first | 10:10 |
morten_ | merc, proftpd | 10:10 |
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fortitUs | hey .. | 10:10 |
peacer | eck: no | 10:10 |
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merc | morten_: coo, shall check it out :) | 10:10 |
fortitUs | anyone knows how to make ubuntu install directly | 10:10 |
Kawasaxi | eck: well, thats defenitely a good thing | 10:10 |
fortitUs | without booting the os.. | 10:10 |
eck | peacer: i read a very good tip about this once. you set up an at job to copy over the old config at some time in the future, say ten minutes later | 10:10 |
fortitUs | whenever it boots it tells me some GNOME error | 10:11 |
fortitUs | and fails :( | 10:11 |
eck | if everything goes well you remove the at job from the queue | 10:11 |
morten_ | fortitUs, tried the failsafe boot? | 10:11 |
eck | if not you wait ten minutes and htings are working again | 10:11 |
fortitUs | morten how?.. | 10:11 |
aftertaf | is the new feisty kernel fixed yet? keeps freezing on boot... :/ | 10:11 |
posingaspopular | countdanulo: you there...? | 10:11 |
Kawasaxi | its like 4am here, so is it safe to leave it on and go to bed? | 10:11 |
morten_ | fortitUs, when you boot it up you get grub menu right? select failsafe there | 10:11 |
countdanulo | yes posingaspopular | 10:11 |
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eck | at is like cron, but it runs something once and can do a relative time from the present | 10:11 |
countdanulo | how do i make line in playback? | 10:12 |
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fortitUs | uh morten.. i am installing.. | 10:12 |
Kawasaxi | does ubuntu go to sleep or hibernate or something if its form a livecd? | 10:12 |
Hudson | On a dual monitor setup, how do i control which monitor programs are opened in? Everything opens in the right side monitor (off side) | 10:12 |
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morten_ | yes fortitUs | 10:12 |
fortitUs | the option says Start and Install ubuntu | 10:12 |
eck | Kawasaxi: i don't think so | 10:12 |
morten_ | the bootcd has a menu :) | 10:12 |
posingaspopular | countdanulo: so what happened | 10:12 |
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fortitUs | i tried everyone of the options :( | 10:12 |
morten_ | fortitUs, and the other options ? :) | 10:12 |
morten_ | ah ok | 10:12 |
morten_ | what kind of error do you get? | 10:12 |
Kawasaxi | hey fortitus | 10:12 |
peacer | eck: nice, thanks :D | 10:12 |
Kawasaxi | welcome to my boat | 10:12 |
fortitUs | uh.. it takes very long to boot.. and gave a gnone cannot find something error :( | 10:13 |
mborohov | it logs it in /var/log/messages | 10:13 |
countdanulo | ok i figured it out i think. i turned the volume up posingaspopular | 10:13 |
mborohov | too | 10:13 |
peacer | not at irc for a sec | 10:13 |
mborohov | wtf | 10:13 |
posingaspopular | is it working now? | 10:13 |
morten_ | thats weird fortitUs, maybe you should try a different iso | 10:13 |
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posingaspopular | alsa controls the sound input and output | 10:13 |
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burepe | I have a folder in a group called "house" and a user called "burepe". How do associate "burepe" with the group "house" and then give "burepe" rwx permissions for everything in that group? | 10:13 |
posingaspopular | change the group permissions | 10:14 |
posingaspopular | i duno how though | 10:14 |
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eck | peacer: the syntax is pretty awful, just read the man page and test it out beforehand and you'll be fine | 10:14 |
fortitUs | gah i will try reburning :) | 10:14 |
morten_ | fortitUs, try a different image | 10:14 |
Kawasaxi | should i be using crossover office in the future or just learn to wprk with new linux programs | 10:15 |
fortitUs | uh ..? :( | 10:15 |
countdanulo | posingaspopular, how do i save alsa settings? | 10:15 |
eck | Kawasaxi: just use the linux programs | 10:15 |
posingaspopular | it should auto ave | 10:15 |
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eternalswd | burepe, do you want to add the user "burepe" with the group "house"? or am I misunderstanding? | 10:15 |
Kawasaxi | alrighty | 10:15 |
Kawasaxi | im goin to bed now | 10:15 |
morten_ | fortitUs, http://no.releases.ubuntu.com/edgy/ | 10:15 |
Kawasaxi | be back in the morn with coffee | 10:16 |
morten_ | "Alternate Install CD" | 10:16 |
morten_ | try that one | 10:16 |
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posingaspopular | countdanulo: setting>save as default | 10:16 |
fortitUs | thx | 10:16 |
=== Johnnyjr [n=johnny@catv-56656d0b.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
posingaspopular | im using kubuntu, kde so this is in a konsole not a terminal | 10:16 |
posingaspopular | duno if its different for you | 10:16 |
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posingaspopular | but its near the top | 10:16 |
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burepe | eternalswd: yeah. I know I can change "burepe"'s group in the settings, but burepe's group is "burepe" so I am afraid if I change that to "house" burepe can not access his own files | 10:17 |
eck | burepe: if any permission bit on a file applies to you, you get that permission | 10:17 |
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eck | so if the owner bits are good, then you don't have to worry about the group stuff (at least not for that user) | 10:18 |
fortitUs | in any case morten which option is for failsafe boot? :( | 10:18 |
burepe | ok | 10:18 |
posingaspopular | oh countdanulo before i forget | 10:18 |
krel | Is there a known fix to azureus segfaulting in ubuntu? Seems like a common problem, but google is suggesting a bunch of different things, and i don't like messing with the jvm more than I absolutely have to. | 10:18 |
posingaspopular | welcome and good luck | 10:18 |
countdanulo | posingaspopular, i turned up the line in but sound preferences audio conferencing sound input test doesnt make any noise...and i still cant hear anything from line in | 10:18 |
burepe | Ok so how do I add a user to a group? | 10:18 |
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eck | burepe: gpasswd -a username groupname | 10:18 |
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degreseven | i just installed slab through automatix, but it doesnt show up in the "add to panel list", the "main menu" entry is still the regular gnome menu, can anyone tell me how to run it? | 10:19 |
krel | And considering this is on a fresh jvm install, and a fresh azureus install, and it immediately segfaults, I figure this is a common enough problem to ask about here. | 10:19 |
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eck | if it is your current user, you need to completely log out and log back in to join the group | 10:19 |
posingaspopular | !alsa | 10:19 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 10:19 |
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root_ | hi | 10:19 |
eternalswd | burepe, try "usermod -G house burepe" in the terminal (without quotes) | 10:19 |
eck | krel: IIRC, the azureus packaged with ubuntu uses gcj, not the sun jvm, so it could be that gcj just sucks | 10:19 |
pitagoricus | hello! i cannot find a decent ftp client for ubuntu, they are either slow, unreliable and likely to crash (gFTP) if used in PASV mode... in windows i use CuteFTP, it's fast and reliable... any suggestions? | 10:19 |
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posingaspopular | try that message from the bot | 10:20 |
eck | krel: solutions are to see if that is the case, and if so figure out how to make it use a real jvm | 10:20 |
eternalswd | pitagoricus, do you use firefox? | 10:20 |
eck | pitagoricus: nautilus | 10:20 |
krel | eck: that sounds horrendously painful. | 10:20 |
eck | places > connect to serer | 10:20 |
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pitagoricus | eternalswd, yes but FIREftp is very slow.... | 10:20 |
pitagoricus | eck, nautilus is slow.... | 10:20 |
eternalswd | maybe your connection is slow? | 10:21 |
eck | pitagoricus: what is wrong with the cli tool then? | 10:21 |
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TraceGreen | Hello, Can linux connect to windows VPN server which run windows 2003's vpn? | 10:21 |
eck | they all use the same thing underneath | 10:21 |
=== krel tries bittornado then | ||
fortitUs | does having a FedCore6 partition affect the Ubuntu installation? | 10:21 |
aftertaf | TraceGreen: yes, standard protocols | 10:21 |
eck | krel: yeah, i think java just sucks in general on linux | 10:21 |
pitagoricus | eck, multiconnection does not work... | 10:21 |
eck | rtorrent is good, if you are into curses apps | 10:21 |
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eck | multiconnection? | 10:21 |
TraceGreen | aftertaf, so, which tool should i use? openvpn? | 10:22 |
eck | actually rtorrent + screen is my favorite | 10:22 |
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krel | eck: thanks :) | 10:22 |
eternalswd | pitagoricus, maybe try mounting the ftp drive using fuse? | 10:23 |
zithowa | i would like to install feisty because there is a bug that prevents me from installing edgy | 10:23 |
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burepe | eternalswd: thanks | 10:23 |
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eck | pitagoricus: if you mean copying from one ftp site to another, you just open up two nautilus windows and drag and drop (i think) | 10:23 |
burepe | eternalswd: can you add a user to another group? | 10:23 |
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countdanulo | ok posingaspopular i fixed it thanks to you. i hope your happy! | 10:24 |
funpop | will i be able to reboot my system if i remove "bootclean " and "stop-bootlogd-single" with update-rc.d ? | 10:24 |
posingaspopular | countdanulo: np, i help when i can | 10:24 |
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eck | funpop: the fact that you ask this question indicates that they are probably not good things to remove | 10:24 |
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eck | but if i were a betting man i would say that it would work | 10:25 |
funpop | well i wasnt able to boot when they were active | 10:25 |
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funpop | i manually removed them in root terminal, and could log into X | 10:25 |
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pitagoricus | eck i mean if you have to trasnfer 1000 files it should open more than one connection to do the work in less time :-) | 10:25 |
funpop | there i reactivated them | 10:25 |
pitagoricus | eternalswd does fuse work well with ftp? | 10:25 |
funpop | but i think they should stay unlinked | 10:25 |
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eck | pitagoricus: i don't think it can do that | 10:26 |
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zithowa | can somebody point me to a feisty cd image download link? | 10:26 |
eck | lftp can do that, though | 10:26 |
eternalswd | burepe, that's what the command did, it added the user burepe to the group house. just replace the user and group as appropriate. if you want to create a new user for a group, you would do the same thing except use useradd instead of usermod. if you create a new user, you need to make sure to set the user's password using "passwd user" where user is the new username. | 10:26 |
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eternalswd | pitagoricus, I haven't tried, works well enough with ssh for me though. | 10:27 |
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pitagoricus | eternalswd thanks... | 10:27 |
pitagoricus | any other suggestion for a stable and fast ftp client? | 10:27 |
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eck | pitagoricus: if you do not require a gui, lftp | 10:28 |
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Nemyn | if anybody gets free, I could still use help with bashrc | 10:29 |
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arn_ | i have installed apache2 in my ubuntu. where should i get my htdocs folder to keep my projects? | 10:30 |
burepe | eternalswd: I am accessing /var/www from across a samba network. I made the group "house" and I added "burepe" to that group. Here are the permissions for /var/www drwxrwxr-x 5 root house 4096 2007-02-03 00:26 www | 10:30 |
burepe | shouldn't I beable to edit now | 10:30 |
burepe | ? | 10:30 |
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Kawasaxi | hey posok now i have prepare mount points. | 10:31 |
Kawasaxi | do i need more than one? | 10:31 |
posingaspopular | !mount | 10:31 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 10:31 |
roxxy | hi guys i need help setting up a matrox dual head vga card on my machine | 10:31 |
nisq_57 | !DiskMounter | 10:31 |
roxxy | anyone willing to help | 10:31 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 10:31 |
Kawasaxi | !fuse | 10:32 |
ubotu | Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse | 10:32 |
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pihus | what was the command to get a partition's uuid? | 10:32 |
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Kawasaxi | so how many mount point will i have to make? | 10:33 |
Kawasaxi | points | 10:33 |
gabz | !nslu2 | 10:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nslu2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:33 |
posingaspopular | depends on how mcuh you want | 10:33 |
posingaspopular | Kawasaxi: im the wrong person to talk to about partitions though | 10:33 |
Kawasaxi | okay | 10:33 |
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tck | any word on the herd5 iso's ? | 10:33 |
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posingaspopular | tck: yea | 10:33 |
posingaspopular | they come out today | 10:34 |
posingaspopular | or tommorow | 10:34 |
tck | was hoping today :D | 10:34 |
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posingaspopular | umm | 10:34 |
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posingaspopular | well i heard 'today' already | 10:34 |
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posingaspopular | i meant it as in timezones | 10:34 |
Kawasaxi | can someone give me a hand with partions for installing ubuntu? | 10:34 |
eternalswd | burepe, run "id burepe" and make sure house is listed under the groups | 10:34 |
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pitagoricus | eck, lftp does not have recursive... :-( | 10:35 |
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burepe | yeah it is | 10:35 |
Kawasaxi | ok ill just have to take care of this tomorrow | 10:35 |
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eternalswd | burepe, I take it burepe is the username you use to login to the samba share? | 10:36 |
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burepe | eternalswd: yeah | 10:36 |
IcEpiCk | when u burn ubuntu to CD does it need to be CD-R? cause i get I/O ERROR LOGICAL DISK when i try to burn with RW | 10:36 |
eternalswd | burepe, are you mounting the sama share? | 10:37 |
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eternalswd | samba* | 10:37 |
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posingaspopular | IcEpiCk: what program are you burning with | 10:37 |
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IcEpiCk | posingaspopular nreo | 10:37 |
IcEpiCk | posingaspopular nero | 10:37 |
BiZs0 | d | 10:37 |
burepe | eternalswd: When I look for it in my network on my mac it is there and then it mounts | 10:38 |
burepe | eternalswd: is that what you mean? | 10:38 |
eternalswd | oh, you're accessing your ubuntu machine from a mac? | 10:38 |
posingaspopular | umm i duno if nero is the best one to use... | 10:38 |
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burepe | eternalswd: I remounted and now it is working | 10:39 |
burepe | thanks for your help | 10:39 |
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IcEpiCk | posingaspopular NERO | 10:39 |
eternalswd | burepe, okay, np | 10:39 |
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posingaspopular | yea i know, nero | 10:39 |
posingaspopular | maybe a diff. app | 10:40 |
posingaspopular | or cd-r | 10:40 |
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roxxy | how do i install matrox vga drivers | 10:42 |
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gabz | is it worth me trying to get opengl working with a sis graphics card ? | 10:43 |
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[Nige] | !ati | 10:43 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:43 |
gabz | !sis | 10:43 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sis - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:43 |
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degreseven | i just installed the slab menu through automatix, but it doesnt show up in the "add to panel list", the "main menu" entry is still the regular gnome menu, can anyone tell me how to run it? | 10:44 |
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roxxy | how about matrox video cards ubotu? | 10:44 |
gary | Using apt-get how do you make just one programme update to the latest version? | 10:44 |
pszemek | do you know what's that mean: "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open resource for writing. | 10:44 |
pszemek | " | 10:44 |
funpop | is there a log showing me the errors if im not able to shut down my system (i mean shut-down doesnt power off) | 10:44 |
posingaspopular | apt-get program update, no? | 10:44 |
posingaspopular | funpop: if you do sudo shutdown now | 10:44 |
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posingaspopular | it should run the script of it running down | 10:44 |
eternalswd | pszemek, do you have your default sound set as OSS? | 10:45 |
posingaspopular | and any errors | 10:45 |
funpop | yes but sometimes | 10:45 |
funpop | i dont get any text output on my lcd, cause it got a frequenzy problem | 10:45 |
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Nemyn | I opened bashrc and it was empty. Does anyone know where I can get one for dapper? | 10:45 |
funpop | i need it to create a log file | 10:45 |
countdanulo | love is in the air | 10:45 |
posingaspopular | ahhh | 10:46 |
posingaspopular | funpop: i dont know how to do that | 10:46 |
countdanulo | linux is the best | 10:46 |
funpop | i dont see the ubuntu starting progress bar for example | 10:46 |
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pszemek | no, default is autodetect | 10:46 |
funpop | cause my lcd cant display that :) | 10:46 |
posingaspopular | countdanulo: i duno M$ is pretty good.... | 10:46 |
funpop | its black and i get errors from the OSD of the screen | 10:46 |
yaman | hi every one what is wrong in this command (http_proxy= ;export http_proxy) i doing this because i want to set the proxy for all connection in my system | 10:46 |
posingaspopular | funpop: thats really really weird | 10:46 |
funpop | but thats not a problem | 10:46 |
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funpop | i only need a log of shutting down procedure | 10:47 |
eternalswd | pszemek, did you have multiple programs using audio running at the time? | 10:47 |
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funpop | /ubuntu-dev | 10:47 |
countdanulo | yeah some day ms will prolly buy out the linux admin | 10:47 |
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countdanulo | and b4 u know it linux developers will be developing for windows platforms | 10:47 |
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countdanulo | ill let the help take place now | 10:48 |
yaman | hello .... need help here ============> hi every one what is wrong in this command (http_proxy= ;export http_proxy) i doing this because i want to set the proxy for all connection in my system | 10:48 |
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pszemek | eternalswd, i can't play anyting I have integrated musick card in motherboard and I don't know how to install it | 10:49 |
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countdanulo | does anyone here use audacity? | 10:50 |
nine_ | Is it possible to configure OpenOffice presentation like PowerPoint, to only show the presentation on monitor2 and not the program itself. How to set up the X-server? | 10:50 |
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nzjrs | Hey feisty users, hows it going. Whats the package churn like? | 10:50 |
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nzjrs | I am considering upgrading | 10:50 |
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eternalswd | yaman, I believe what you want to do is "export http_proxy=" (without the quotes) | 10:51 |
rlj | how do i tell gnome to look for icons in /usr/local/share/pixmaps as well since i compiled and installed a program in /usr/local. it already found the .desktop file properly in /usr/local/share/applications | 10:51 |
yaman | eternalswd: thanx | 10:51 |
yaman | i ll try this one | 10:51 |
rlj | (if i copy the icons to /usr/share/pixmaps, it works, but i want it installed in /usr/local...) | 10:51 |
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eternalswd | pszemek, well, that would be why you're getting that audio error, since the sound card isn't working. what chipset? | 10:52 |
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eric | rlj: just use system > preferences > menu layout | 10:52 |
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pszemek | eternalswd, chipset moteherboard? it's NVIDIA | 10:53 |
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rlj | eric: the problem isn't that the icon for the program doesn't show up, but rather that the app itself can't find its additional icons. but that might then be the apps fault? | 10:54 |
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Nemyn | Can anyone help me with a problem concerning my bashrc file? I've been asking for more than an hour and a half... nobody's even spoken to me directly. | 10:54 |
eric | rlj: is it a standard gtk app? | 10:54 |
eric | rlj: what is it? | 10:55 |
rlj | eric: cause gnome indeed fetches the app's icon from /usr/local/share/pixmaps. | 10:55 |
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posingaspopular | Nemyn: sorry i duno what bashrc is | 10:55 |
nine_ | Is it possible to configure OpenOffice presentation like PowerPoint, to only show the presentation on monitor2 and not the program itself. How to set up the X-server? | 10:55 |
rlj | eric: yes, standard gtk as far as i can tell. it's the apc ups monitor tool at gapcmon.sf.net | 10:55 |
fortitUs | hey guys.. i ned help :( | 10:55 |
Nemyn | oh. Alright.... | 10:55 |
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TeePOG | Nemyn: what's the problem? don't ask if you can ask, just state the problem | 10:55 |
fortitUs | so i was trying to install Ubuntu.. it booted up and everything | 10:55 |
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rlj | eric: compiled from source since the latest apcupsd with bundled gapcmon isn't in ubuntu's repos | 10:55 |
Nemyn | as far as I can tell my bashrc file dissappeared | 10:55 |
fortitUs | then i clicked install | 10:55 |
fortitUs | and it hung | 10:55 |
Nemyn | I think I accidentally overwrote it with a blank file | 10:56 |
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Nemyn | I wanted to get one that looks like the default one for ubuntu dapper | 10:56 |
rlj | eric: and i really don't want to clutter normal installation paths with non-apt:ed programs (since they never provide a "make uninstall"...) | 10:56 |
eric | rlj: how about making a symlink | 10:56 |
roxxy | can;t get my vga card to work in ubuntu | 10:56 |
rlj | rlj: i could do, but that would be 6 symlinks | 10:56 |
TeePOG | Nemyn: i'd paste mine but i'm using edgy | 10:56 |
rlj | eric: i could do, but that would be 6 symlinks | 10:56 |
Nemyn | thank you teepog | 10:56 |
eric | yeah | 10:56 |
rlj | eric: might just be that the program is poorly written though, but since it uses gtk i assume to fetch the icons, the location shouldn't be hardcoded into the app | 10:57 |
Nemyn | sorry to sound frustrated. | 10:57 |
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rlj | eric: i'll have a brief look at the source | 10:57 |
TeePOG | np nem | 10:57 |
TeePOG | np Nemyn | 10:57 |
eternalswd | pszemek, not sure what to tell you other than to figure out what driver you need. I'm not too familiar with sound driver setups, but that's definitely what the problem is from your error, since there is no audio device, there's no audio device file to pipe sound through. | 10:57 |
roxxy | hey teepog can u assist me set up my vga card | 10:57 |
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eric | rlj: yes, i am not too familiar with how gtk manages icon resources. for a small app it might just be hardcoded | 10:58 |
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Nemyn | bye | 10:59 |
TeePOG | Nemyn: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8069/ | 10:59 |
Nemyn | ooh | 10:59 |
TeePOG | roxxy: not sure | 10:59 |
Nemyn | caught me just in time | 10:59 |
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TeePOG | HTH Nemyn | 10:59 |
TeePOG | indeed | 10:59 |
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pszemek | eternalswd, I have drivers in CD (cd where's drivers to motherboard) but I cand install it | 11:00 |
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pszemek | can't | 11:00 |
blkdimnd | I got a question: What's the make of the program that looks like the OS X Dock at the bottem of some screen shots I see of Ubuntu? | 11:00 |
roxxy | it is a matrox dual head pci card | 11:00 |
poningru_ | !dock | 11:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:01 |
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poningru_ | blkdimnd: can you give some examples? | 11:01 |
poningru_ | there are a few | 11:01 |
Nemyn | thanks again teepog, thanks for the help, goodnight folks:) | 11:01 |
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poningru_ | !docker | 11:01 |
ubotu | docker: System tray for KDE3/GNOME2 docklet applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4-3 (edgy), package size 10 kB, installed size 84 kB | 11:01 |
eternalswd | pszemek, are you sure those drivers aren't for windows? | 11:01 |
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eilker | can someone correct it pls ?? sudo dpkg reconfigure-- xserver-xorg | 11:02 |
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pszemek | eternalswd, yes I'm sure, because in cd is folder linux/sounds/alsa-driver-1.0.12rc1.tar.bz2 | 11:02 |
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poningru_ | blkdimnd: http://swik.net/dock+Ubuntu | 11:02 |
blkdimnd | poningru: let me find a screen shot of one | 11:02 |
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fortitUs | is there anyway to boot straight into the installer for Ubuntu 6.10? | 11:03 |
eternalswd | pszemek, okay, what trouble are you having with the drivers? | 11:03 |
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pszemek | i don't know how to install it | 11:03 |
jussi01 | fortitUs, from windows? | 11:03 |
jussi01 | or without the live cd? | 11:03 |
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eternalswd | pszemek, okay, try from the terminal: cp linux/sounds/alsa-driver-1.0.12rc1.tar.bz2 ~/alsa-driver-1.0.12rc1.tar.bz2 | 11:04 |
OliverKrueger | Has anybody managed to get subclipse under eclipse3.2 under edgy eft running? | 11:04 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | Hi all: I remember in dapper that popups appeared in gnome desktop when running out of disk space, is there somebody here who knows if in feisty it should be the same way (and I have to report a bug) or it has been just removed for some reason? | 11:04 |
jussi01 | fortitUs, If you dont want to load the ubuntu desktop live then you need the alternate cd | 11:04 |
fortitUs | jussi: i have a cd... but it boots live | 11:04 |
eternalswd | pszemek, okay, then run: tar -xjf ~/alsa-driver-1.0.12rc1.tar.bz2 | 11:04 |
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jussi01 | Le-Chuck_ITA, ask in #ubuntu+1 | 11:05 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | thanks :) | 11:05 |
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jussi01 | fortitUs, then you need the alternate cd... | 11:05 |
fortitUs | jussi.. uh | 11:05 |
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jussi01 | !alternate | 11:05 |
ubotu | The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. | 11:05 |
fortitUs | can i like tweak the boot options >_> | 11:05 |
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eternalswd | pszemek, then cd to ~ and run: ls -t | head | 11:05 |
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fortitUs | ok .. how bout installing from Windows? :( | 11:06 |
eternalswd | pszemek, the first entry there should be the directory extracted from the tar.bz2 file. cd into it and see if there's a README file | 11:06 |
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jussi01 | fortitUs, there is a windows installer, but its only in testing now... what exactly do you want to tweak? | 11:07 |
_rui | could someone point me an openldap client setup howto on ubuntu? can't find anyone on google :] | 11:07 |
fortitUs | i have the live cd.. it cant lags alot when i boot it.. | 11:07 |
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fortitUs | so i want to install straight from the boot screen.. possible? | 11:07 |
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jussi01 | fortitUs, you have to get the alternate cd then | 11:08 |
pszemek | eternalswd, I was copy alsa-driver-1.0.12rc1.tar.bz2 to desktop | 11:08 |
posingaspopular | yes | 11:08 |
posingaspopular | in safe mode | 11:08 |
fortitUs | thanks :) | 11:08 |
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jussi01 | fortitUs, no probs | 11:08 |
eternalswd | pszemek, okay, have you extracted it yet? | 11:08 |
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pszemek | eternalswd, and now I must go into folder desktop in konsole and then I must paste"~/alsa-driver-1.0.12rc1.tar.bz2"?? | 11:10 |
jussi01 | quiet in here today... | 11:10 |
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pszemek | eternalswd, i'm just beginnign with linux | 11:10 |
Incarnadine | Me too. | 11:11 |
Incarnadine | How are you guys doing? | 11:11 |
Incarnadine | I feel like such a noob. | 11:11 |
jussi01 | !offtopic | Incarnadine | 11:11 |
ubotu | Incarnadine: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 11:11 |
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jussi01 | Incarnadine, do you need some help with something? | 11:12 |
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Incarnadine | Yes I do. | 11:12 |
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jussi01 | Incarnadine, what can we help with? | 11:12 |
poius | Incarnadine: Dont be afraid, people are very helpfull | 11:12 |
jussi01 | !ask | 11:13 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 11:13 |
poius | exactly | 11:13 |
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detectiveinspekt | I changed the output to be /home/me/Project/Snarf/Snarf but monodevelop can't find Snarf.exe | 11:13 |
Incarnadine | I just recently installed Wine through the add/remove program in Ubuntu and I cant find it installed on my computer | 11:13 |
eternalswd | I'm still a n00b, just not as n00bish as six months ago :p | 11:13 |
gordonjcp | Incarnadine: it will be there | 11:14 |
Incarnadine | Where would the location be? | 11:14 |
jussi01 | Incarnadine, you need to go to terminal and run winecfg | 11:14 |
jussi01 | do you know how to use terminal? | 11:14 |
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poius | Incarnadine: It probably wont have an icon if that what youre looking for. | 11:14 |
Incarnadine | Really? How come it not under my applications? | 11:14 |
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Incarnadine | Yes that is what I was looking for. | 11:15 |
jussi01 | !terminal | 11:15 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 11:15 |
jussi01 | Incarnadine, winecfg will config wine for you | 11:15 |
Incarnadine | There was nothing that told me to run wineconfig. How do you know that? | 11:16 |
pszemek | eternalswd, when I was write "tar -xjf ~/alsa-driver-1.0.12rc1.tar.bz2" then "edwardo@edwardo-desktop:~/b$ tar -xjf ~/alsa-driver-1.0.12rc1.tar.bz2 | 11:16 |
pszemek | tar: /home/edwardo/alsa-driver-1.0.12rc1.tar.bz2: Cannot open: No such file or directory | 11:16 |
pszemek | tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now | 11:16 |
pszemek | tar: Child returned status 2 | 11:16 |
pszemek | tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors | 11:16 |
jussi01 | Incarnadine, then to run a program under wine go to terminal and run: wine nameof program.exe | 11:16 |
pszemek | " | 11:16 |
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poius | Incarnadine: It uses the commandline... To run something with wine, you type "wine program.exe" and cross your fingers :o) | 11:16 |
eternalswd | Incarnadine, wine is used to run certain windows applications in the linux environment, it's not really useful by itself | 11:16 |
jussi01 | !wine | 11:16 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 11:16 |
Incarnadine | Hahahaha......ok thanks. I will check it out. | 11:16 |
Incarnadine | Wish me luck. | 11:16 |
jussi01 | good luck Incarnadine | 11:17 |
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poius | Good luck... You will get there, dont worry... | 11:17 |
=== jussi01 crosses hid fingers for Incarnadine | ||
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eternalswd | pszemek, if it's on your desktop, you should be able to right click on it to extract it. from the terminal, since it's on your desktop, you would do: tar -xjf ~/Desktop/alsa-driver-1.0.12rc1.tar.bz2 | 11:18 |
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jmazaredo_ | hda is primary master what is hd1,hd2,hd5 | 11:19 |
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pszemek | eternalswd, ok, I was do it. whats next? | 11:20 |
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poningru | jmazaredo: those are the different partitions within that single hard drive | 11:21 |
eternalswd | pszemek, there should be a new folder on your desktop, go ahead and open it | 11:21 |
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Middy | D= | 11:21 |
Middy | I'm back! | 11:21 |
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Middy | and, quickly checking if there's a program that allows you to use itunes Music sharing with Ubuntu? | 11:22 |
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pszemek | eternalswd, ok. I was open it... | 11:22 |
eternalswd | pszemek, there should be a README file there that you should read | 11:23 |
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Tainek | wow, lotta people here | 11:23 |
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pty | Middy: Banshee ? | 11:23 |
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dogsthat | 976! I can hear an echo ;) | 11:23 |
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Middy | pty: alright, I'll check it :) | 11:23 |
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eternalswd | Middy, rhythmbox should as well, and I believe amaroK, though don't quote me on it. | 11:24 |
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systemd0wn | quick question concerning wifi on my fresh install of ubuntu. | 11:24 |
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systemd0wn | it just jumped on an open AP and bam im on, its mine but thats not the point. | 11:25 |
systemd0wn | What app dictates this? | 11:25 |
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Middy | eternalswd: Yeah, tried Rhythmbox, doesn't look like it does it... or it's hidden well... | 11:25 |
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systemd0wn | go to "system--administration--network settings" and it says my cards not configured. | 11:26 |
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eternalswd | Middy, I believe you may need to download some additional libraries to get it to work regardless of the program. daap if I recall correctly | 11:26 |
Middy | Ah | 11:26 |
Middy | Lets see what Banshee does | 11:27 |
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rlj | exit | 11:27 |
=== superbear [n=matthias@p50912B38.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tainek | could i drag a veterain tech head aside for a moment?, i'd like to setup my wireless laptop, but the only driver i have is a .exe :S ty | 11:28 |
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gary | Using apt-get how do you make just one programme update to the latest version? | 11:28 |
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jussi01 | gary, which program? | 11:29 |
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Middy | Man, Ubuntu just LOVES downloading | 11:29 |
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Middy | Everything I do, it'll be like "sure, I can do that,let me download something" | 11:30 |
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gary | jussi01: vim | 11:30 |
pavs | other than azerues and bittorrent whats a good terrent downloader? | 11:30 |
eternalswd | Tainek, first off, have you tried the kernel drivers for your model? in otherwords, is the wireless card detected out of the box? | 11:30 |
Middy | pavs, Azureus is quite good, you shouldn't need anything else. | 11:30 |
jussi01 | !deluge | pavs | 11:30 |
ubotu | pavs: deluge is a new Bittorrent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured client to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce - See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information | 11:30 |
Middy | oOo | 11:31 |
systemd0wn | how is my fresh Ubuntu install handling wifi connections? | 11:31 |
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mneptok | pavs: sudo aptitude install bittornado-gui | 11:31 |
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lizardmenke_ | ! ubotu | 11:31 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 11:31 |
Tainek | lol | 11:32 |
pavs | tnx jussi01 i will check it out, mneptok bittornado too | 11:32 |
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jussi01 | np pavs | 11:32 |
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mneptok | pavs: BitTornado is in the repos and dead easy to use | 11:32 |
Tainek | could i drag a veterain tech head aside for a moment?, i'd like to setup my wireless laptop, but the only driver i have is a .exe :S ty | 11:33 |
eternalswd | pszemek, how are you coming along, I really need to catch some sleep. do you think you can handle it on your own? | 11:33 |
mneptok | Tainek: chipset? | 11:33 |
eternalswd | Tainek, first off, have you tried the kernel drivers for your model? in otherwords, is the wireless card detected out of the box? | 11:33 |
Tainek | yeah | 11:34 |
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Tainek | my chipset is a ralink one | 11:34 |
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Tainek | the kernel drivers dont work | 11:34 |
Tainek | it gets split into wlan0 and wmaster0 | 11:34 |
pavs | mneptok i am moreinterested in speed, i know that seeders matter. but i have observed since the early days of azureus, as they add more features to it the speed seems to take a hit. Or it could be just my wrong observation. | 11:34 |
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Tainek | i have the cd that came with it, but that is a .exe and installs a ralink wireless manager (in windows) | 11:35 |
eternalswd | Tainek, which ralink? | 11:35 |
Middy | anyone familar with Mono, like, is it the same as the Visual Basic .net studio or it more like for a project you've made in VB.net studio and for porting it | 11:35 |
Tainek | erm, i can check | 11:35 |
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eternalswd | !mono | 11:36 |
ubotu | mono: Mono CLI (.NET) runtime. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB | 11:36 |
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Tainek | i remember somthing about it using the ralink r73 driver | 11:36 |
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Middy | eternalswd: er, does that mean it's just for getting stuff you've made on a windows machinne to work on a linux box? | 11:36 |
Tainek | *rt73 | 11:36 |
systemd0wn | sooo... anyone? | 11:36 |
ys76 | Hi there! Is there somebody who is able to explain me the purpose of "dapper-updates"? Obviously updates, but of which kind? | 11:37 |
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Tainek | just opening the pdf, it'll tell me the exact one | 11:37 |
funpop | shut-down doesnt power down | 11:37 |
funpop | what can i do ? | 11:37 |
lizardmenke_ | ys76, mostly security updates | 11:37 |
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`Kiliko | I have a laptop and i want to disable so it wont logout me when i close my screen | 11:38 |
Tainek | it is : an MSI (Ralink) MS-6877 card | 11:38 |
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eternalswd | Tainek, maybe check out this for starters https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT73 | 11:39 |
ys76 | lizardmenke_: I would think security-updates are in *-security ??? | 11:39 |
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Polysics | hi all | 11:39 |
Middy | Hello :) | 11:39 |
Polysics | ive tried installing the flashplayer-nonfree | 11:39 |
lizardmenke_ | ys76: you got a point there :) | 11:40 |
mneptok | funpop: pass the noacpi option to the kernel at boot itme | 11:40 |
Polysics | but, after accepting the license, download fails | 11:40 |
Tainek | @ erternal, it tells me i need psm installed | 11:40 |
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ys76 | lizardmenke_: That's why I am asking... | 11:40 |
Tainek | i'll try and find "Psm" , ty :) | 11:40 |
funpop | mneptok, what ? | 11:40 |
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Polysics | and now i perpetually have to accept the license whenever i use apt, only the package still doesn't install | 11:40 |
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Polysics | how do i remove the package from the apt queue so it leaves me alone? | 11:40 |
Polysics | i wll install the flash plugin by hand after | 11:41 |
mneptok | funpop: pass the noacpi option to the kernel at boot itme | 11:41 |
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Tainek | hmm, its not in the add remove repository | 11:41 |
funpop | mneptok, i need a bit more information on how to do that | 11:41 |
lizardmenke_ | ys76: could it just be newer versions of apps maybe? | 11:41 |
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Tainek | *feels so green* | 11:41 |
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Sebboh | I can't configure my wireless network card in feisty. I was able to do it in Edgy. | 11:42 |
zeroflox | anyone here who has an ATi card and would like to help me setup my 3d please? i searched alot, 2 people allready tried to help.. im really lost | 11:42 |
ryanZ | i've installed ubuntu with this tool https://wiki.ubuntu.com/install.exe/Prototype on my windows xp system. The install goes fine but when it boots to the ubuntu login screen my username and password never work, i can't log in. Thx in advance. | 11:42 |
mneptok | funpop: press <esc> at the GRUB prompt | 11:42 |
Polysics | or, anyone could please give me an url for a working .deb package? | 11:42 |
funpop | yes and there ? | 11:42 |
pszemek | eternalswd, i try install but show some errors and i don't know whot do with it | 11:43 |
h1st0 | anyone have experience with ffmpeg? I'm trying to encode a video and add an audio track to it. However the resulting video is as long as the audio track. i.e. it doens't stop when the audio does. | 11:43 |
Sebboh | ryanz, start in single usermode and then change the password of your user... | 11:43 |
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mneptok | funpop: edit the current boot config to include noacpi | 11:43 |
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funpop | is noacpi a service ? | 11:43 |
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Sebboh | noacpi is an instruction you give the kernel.. =) it tells it to not use acpi... | 11:44 |
mneptok | funpop: the kernel does not start services. noacpi is a kernel parameter that turns off ACPI | 11:44 |
eternalswd | pszemek, go to http://pastebin.ca and paste those errors there, then provide the link to your post here. | 11:44 |
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ys76 | lizardmenke_: I was pointed to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates, so there are updates, which solves potentially dangerous problems | 11:44 |
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gyaresu | funpop: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Configuration_and_Power_Interface noacpi is a boot option telling the linux kernel not to use it. | 11:44 |
arn_ | hi, when i tried "make", i got this error "make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop", i have Makefile.am in that directory. can anyone help me? | 11:44 |
funpop | ah ok, thanks for that information, ill search for further information | 11:44 |
Tainek | ok ty eternal, i'll go open the webpage on my windows box, as i havent a clue what psm is , cheers :) | 11:44 |
ryanZ | Sebboh yo how do i do that? I can get xp to boot fine as always, but i can't get past the ubuntu login screen, even though i know my username and pw are correct. How do i do single user mode? | 11:44 |
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Sebboh | ryan, while in grub, use the menu to select "single user mode". .. I think. | 11:45 |
funpop | hmm isnt it possible just to unable it in a gui somewhere ? | 11:45 |
pszemek | eternalswd, ok, I ll try it | 11:45 |
ryanZ | THX SEBBOH I DID IT | 11:45 |
ryanZ | <3 | 11:45 |
Sebboh | you need to change your password for the user though.. know how to do that? | 11:46 |
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eternalswd | arn_, you may need to run a configure script or bootstrap or autogen or something, what are you trying to compile? | 11:46 |
mneptok | funpop: only MCSEs need GUIs | 11:46 |
mneptok | :P | 11:46 |
Polysics | please, anyone knows how to remove an uninstallable package from the apt-get queue? | 11:46 |
Sebboh | (passwd myusername) | 11:46 |
funpop | i think im a mcse | 11:46 |
funpop | whatever that means ;) | 11:46 |
Sebboh | Polysics, apt-get remove packagename ? | 11:46 |
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arn_ | i am trying to compile a module for apache | 11:46 |
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Polysics | Sebboh, that removes an installed package | 11:47 |
administrator | administrator | 11:47 |
funpop | i messed up my system twice in the last two days, and i needed about 7 hours to solve all the problems with the terminal | 11:47 |
Sebboh | Polysics, *shrug* thus the question mark on my statement. ;) | 11:47 |
funpop | and the windows-pc from my flatmate | 11:47 |
eternalswd | arn_, there's probably a README or INSTALL file that will help you | 11:47 |
lizardmenke_ | ys76: or improvements on the system to make it even more stable? ...now you got me chewing on a problem I didn't have.. :) | 11:47 |
arn_ | yeah, i am following that | 11:47 |
gabz | !MCSE | 11:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mcse - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:47 |
Polysics | problem is, flashplayer-nonfree is a special package, the pack itself only actually asks you for a license the tries to download | 11:47 |
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Polysics | *then | 11:48 |
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Sebboh | was that administrator client a bot master, or what? | 11:48 |
Tainek | im back, i tried it on my windows box, it said the page didnt exist yet | 11:48 |
eternalswd | Polysics, you could always download flash from adobe and manually install it, it's not that hard. | 11:48 |
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Sebboh | Polysics, I wasn't able to use the flashplayer-nonfree package until I added the backports repository to my apt sources. The version of that package that isn't in backports tries to download flash 7... which isn't available anymore. | 11:50 |
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eternalswd | arn_, did you have any configure errors or anything? | 11:50 |
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arn_ | no,i didnt have | 11:50 |
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lizardmenke_ | ! ubuntu -updates | 11:51 |
Sebboh | installing the package correctly might be the easiest way to get rid of the broken package.. | 11:51 |
bondi | jestes?? | 11:51 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu -updates - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:51 |
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funpop | !acpi | 11:52 |
ubotu | acpi: displays information on ACPI devices. In component main, is optional. Version 0.09-1 (edgy), package size 10 kB, installed size 72 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 amd64) | 11:52 |
eternalswd | arn_, whatever method, you should come up with a Makefile without file extension for make to work correctly. | 11:52 |
funpop | !noacpi | 11:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about noacpi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:52 |
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Geronimo_ | How use a printer who is on a pc with winXP ? | 11:53 |
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systemd0wn | why after a fresh install of Ubuntu did it auto-connect to a WiFi network. what app is doing this? | 11:53 |
pseudoroot | lol | 11:53 |
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student | hi | 11:53 |
bondi | hghgf | 11:53 |
funpop | /ubuntu-de | 11:53 |
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student | oi | 11:53 |
bondi | hej Wojas | 11:53 |
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bondi | ty | 11:53 |
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bondi | wylacze deer huntera :D | 11:54 |
pseudoroot | !pl | 11:54 |
ubotu | Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 11:54 |
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Sebboh | systemd0wn, network-manager. It's set to "roaming mode" by default, which means auto-connect to any wifi. | 11:54 |
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eternalswd | pszemek, any luck, I really need to get some sleep | 11:55 |
Sebboh | systemd0wn, you can control it by clicking the little two-monitors icon by the clock. | 11:55 |
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student | po co | 11:55 |
funpop | is it safe to disable the "acpid" and "apmd" services ? | 11:55 |
Polysics | Sebboh, , yay, fixed, many thanks | 11:55 |
arn_ | eternalswd, i have "Makefile.am" and "Makefile.in" in that folder, and so far i know "make" uses the "am" file. but its not getting the file | 11:55 |
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bondi | kurcze ile tu ludzi | 11:55 |
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Sebboh | great poly. | 11:55 |
bondi | 978 | 11:55 |
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systemd0wn | Sebboh, it threw me off when i went to configure it and the "enable this connection" box was not checked. | 11:56 |
student | za duzo | 11:56 |
eternalswd | arn_, can you paste the README to a pastebin so I can see it? | 11:56 |
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pszemek | eternalswd, ok | 11:56 |
Sebboh | systemd0wn, yeah I don't like that application. | 11:56 |
systemd0wn | Sebboh, thought it was fishy. thanks. | 11:56 |
systemd0wn | Sebboh, you use something else? | 11:56 |
pszemek | eternalswd, thenks for help! yo | 11:56 |
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Sebboh | Speaking of wireless, mine doesn't work since I switched to Feisty Fawn. How do I make it work? ..I don't know what's missing.. I got the broadcom firmware.. | 11:57 |
Tainek | ok, so i know i have an MSI Ralink-6877 card, and i have a driver which is contained in an exe, which in windows installs the ralink wireless manager, where do i go from here? :S ty | 11:57 |
arn_ | eternalswd, http://rafb.net/p/54J7X453.html | 11:57 |
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Sebboh | systemd0wn, no, I use the same thing. =) I just don't like it much. | 11:57 |
eternalswd | pszemek, I'm sure there are others around who can help you install it, just tell them what errors you're coming across. | 11:57 |
systemd0wn | Sebboh, thanks. :) | 11:58 |
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Sebboh | Tainek, uh, is that a broadcom based wireless card? (Does lspci mention a broadcom 802.11 card?) | 11:58 |
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Tainek | sebboh, i could check, i assume i go condole then do lspci | 11:59 |
ikonia_ | Sebboh for fesity support join #ubuntu+1 | 11:59 |
Tainek | *console | 11:59 |
Sebboh | yes. | 11:59 |
pszemek | eternalswd, probably that's not wery difficult, but for begginer user it's not wery simple | 11:59 |
Sebboh | ikonia, hmm, thanks. | 11:59 |
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Tainek | ok, what would it be listed under? | 12:00 |
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Tainek | actually, i'll save a screeny and image shack it | 12:00 |
lasg | hi, is there a tutorial for booting ubuntu from usb devices ? | 12:00 |
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ikonia_ | lasg you may require modifying the cd image | 12:00 |
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student | co robisz | 12:01 |
student | bozea | 12:01 |
lasg | ikonia, is there a howto ? | 12:01 |
student | ppatrz na fruga | 12:01 |
student | na franka | 12:01 |
ikonia_ | lasg not that I'm aware of | 12:01 |
lizardmenke_ | Tainek: if you give : lspci | grep broadcom and come up empty ther's no broadcom aboard | 12:01 |
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ikonia_ | lasg try searchign the forums/wiki ? | 12:02 |
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ikonia_ | searching even | 12:02 |
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pseudoroot | lasg: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromUSB | 12:02 |
Tainek | lizardmenke , ok will do | 12:02 |
ikonia_ | there you go | 12:02 |
lasg | ah thanks | 12:02 |
Tainek | nope, comes back clean, no breadcom | 12:03 |
Tainek | *broad com | 12:03 |
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Incarnadine | I wanted to say thank you for the help with wine. Using the terminal is complex, but easy after you get things down. | 12:03 |
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zeroflox | ok is there a apt-get install mp3/divx/xvid codecs command? | 12:03 |
eternalswd | pszemek, I'm guessing you're running commands from the terminal for this installation. you can output the commandline info into files like so: command 2>&1 > outputfile.txt replace command with whatever terminal command you happen to be running. the 2>&1 tells stderr to be piped into stdout. and > outputfile.txt tells it to pipe stdout to the file outputfile.txt | 12:03 |
ikonia_ | zeroflox search the wiki for restricted formats | 12:03 |
lasg | i do not want to install to USB, just boot from USB to install on hdd | 12:03 |
pseudoroot | !restricted | zeroflox | 12:04 |
ubotu | zeroflox: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:04 |
ikonia_ | lasg that guide tells you how to boot | 12:04 |
ikonia_ | !goodbotuse >pseudoroot | 12:04 |
ikonia_ | pseudoroot just fyi: | 12:04 |
lizardmenke_ | bbl | 12:04 |
pseudoroot | kk | 12:04 |
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Tainek | ok, so i know i have an MSI Ralink-6877 card, its not a broadcom chipset, and in ubuntu its split in wlan0 and wmaster0. i have a driver which is contained in an exe, which in windows installs the ralink wireless manager, where do i go from here? :S ty | 12:05 |
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ikonia_ | Tainek search the wiki for ndsiwrapper | 12:05 |
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ikonia_ | Tainek ndiswrapper - sorry typo | 12:05 |
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Tainek | ikonia , ah, isnt that using windows drivers in linux? | 12:06 |
ikonia_ | Tainek yes, thats what you're doing with the "exe" file | 12:06 |
Tainek | oh ok cool | 12:06 |
Tainek | ty | 12:06 |
eternalswd | arn_, so you ran ./configure and no errors or anything. did you make sure you replaced /serverroot with the path for your setup? | 12:06 |
arn_ | yes, i think so | 12:06 |
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Tainek | i'll have to donate a few quid to ubuntu to say ty when i get it working :) | 12:06 |
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eternalswd | Tainek, that exe is probably just a zip or cab in disguise, see if you can open it in file-roller | 12:07 |
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Tainek | eternalswd , i did try opening it with winrar in windows, which found nothing, i'll find file-roller | 12:08 |
yakumo | hello, im using firefox is there's a way to limit the site that the user can access, example i don't want any user accessing yahoo. | 12:08 |
ikonia_ | yakumo iptables or a proxy | 12:08 |
eternalswd | Tainek, or it could even be 7zip, though I somehow doubt that. | 12:08 |
yakumo | <ikonia_> how to?? :) | 12:09 |
Tainek | ok, well the file is 12 megs big, and when run it installs the ralink wireless manager | 12:09 |
Tainek | just trying with file-roller | 12:09 |
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strapon_lover | strapon | 12:10 |
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eternalswd | arn_, not sure why you're getting that error then. I suppose you could try in #apache | 12:10 |
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arn_ | ok | 12:11 |
eternalswd | what's with the bots tonight? | 12:11 |
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Tainek | ok file-roller says: | 12:12 |
Tainek | lots of wrappers found | 12:12 |
Tainek | and theyre supported file extensions: | 12:13 |
Tainek | its got lots of , needed program not found, ignored | 12:13 |
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Tainek | a screenie will prolly be easyer, i'll image shack it in 2 sec, gotta deal with kids | 12:13 |
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crdlb | Tainek, have you run file on it | 12:14 |
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Tainek | bk | 12:15 |
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Tainek | i opened xarchive | 12:15 |
Tainek | use the open, and pointed at the exe | 12:15 |
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osfameron | !java | 12:16 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 12:16 |
Tainek | http://img354.imageshack.us/img354/5111/screenshot1qr7.png | 12:16 |
Tainek | theres my result | 12:16 |
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osfameron | I'm not finding https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java | 12:16 |
osfameron | oops | 12:16 |
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osfameron | I mean, I'm not finding java.util.concurrent.locks when I try to use openQA's selenium server using the gij java runtime | 12:17 |
osfameron | should I try installing the SUN one, or any other suggestions? | 12:17 |
crdlb | Tainek, it looks like xarchive only looks at the file extension | 12:17 |
phoenix87ta | is it possible to recover a deleted directory of mp3s under Edgy? and if so, how? | 12:17 |
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crdlb | so it won't be any help | 12:17 |
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Tainek | oh ok | 12:17 |
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Tainek | so what should i use? | 12:17 |
crdlb | Tainek, open a terminal and run | 12:17 |
Tainek | ok | 12:17 |
teeL | Hi! I have installed LAMP and phpsysinfo. But i ran into some problems. When i try to access the page i get: You don't have permission to access / on this server. Anyone know how to fix it? | 12:18 |
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Tainek | (sorry for being such a nub) | 12:18 |
crdlb | file thing.exe | 12:18 |
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b0b | hello | 12:18 |
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Tainek | ok, the files on my desktop, what path does linux use? | 12:19 |
crdlb | ~/Desktop/ | 12:19 |
Tainek | ok ty | 12:19 |
Tainek | so i type /desktop/setup.exe? | 12:19 |
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pseudoroot | no | 12:19 |
crdlb | file ~/Desktop/setup.exe | 12:19 |
Tainek | ok ty | 12:20 |
ikonia_ | unbelieveable | 12:20 |
b0b | I am new to the ubuntu community I just upgraded to this from deian 3.1 and it rocks | 12:20 |
eternalswd | Tainek, you may need to install p7zip or arj | 12:20 |
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Tainek | ok | 12:20 |
phoenix87ta | b0b, damn skippy | 12:20 |
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naamios | hello | 12:20 |
naamios | tell me how i change runlevel | 12:21 |
Tainek | i'll do it now in the add/remove | 12:21 |
ikonia_ | naamios change the init tab in 6.06 or use the "init" command for real time changes | 12:21 |
b0b | I am confused on something tho I installed from a live cd and during the installation I was never asked to input a root password which I found a little odd | 12:21 |
crdlb | Tainek, what did the file command say? | 12:21 |
b0b | ?sbin?init | 12:21 |
ikonia_ | b0b rad the docs - there is no root password | 12:21 |
ikonia_ | b0b no | 12:21 |
ikonia_ | !root >b0b | 12:21 |
ikonia_ | !sudo >b0b | 12:22 |
phoenix87ta | ...thanks ikonia, you got it out before I could :) | 12:22 |
naamios | tell me how i change runlevel! | 12:22 |
posingaspopular | !runlevel | 12:22 |
ikonia_ | naamios are you deaf ? | 12:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about runlevel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:22 |
Tainek | crdlb , said no such file or folder, just re-typing | 12:22 |
naamios | yep | 12:22 |
ikonia_ | naamios init command or /etc/inittab | 12:22 |
naamios | :_) | 12:22 |
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crdlb | Tainek, use Tab completion | 12:22 |
crdlb | makes it easy | 12:22 |
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phoenix87ta | is it possible to recover a deleted directory of mp3s under Edgy? and if so, how? | 12:23 |
b0b | you change the runlevel by typing /sbin/init <runlevel> | 12:23 |
Tainek | sorry, i havent a clue what tab completion is :S | 12:23 |
ikonia_ | phoenix87ta gonna be tough | 12:23 |
Tainek | (sorry guys, i must be a real pita lol) | 12:23 |
crdlb | Tainek, just press tab | 12:23 |
nine_ | Why can't I mount a cifs-share as user, when I can do it as root? My entry in fstab says: // /media/samuel/brygga cifs users,noauto,username=nine,iocharset=utf8 0 0 | 12:23 |
ikonia_ | phoenix87ta ext3 journeling is great - but not that good | 12:23 |
crdlb | file ~/Desktop/se<tab> | 12:23 |
nine_ | It gives me a "operation not permitted" | 12:23 |
crdlb | for example | 12:23 |
kbrooks | (06:23:03 AM) phoenix87ta: is it possible to recover a deleted directory of mp3s under Edgy? and if so, how? no | 12:23 |
kbrooks | (06:23:28 AM) ikonia_: phoenix87ta ext3 journeling is great - but not that good let me clear him up... | 12:24 |
phoenix87ta | ikonia, yeah, just dumped em out of my trash a few minutes ago, then realized I needed them | 12:24 |
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pseudoroot | Tainek: Desktop is case sensitive | 12:24 |
ikonia_ | phoenix87ta they are gone | 12:24 |
eternalswd | Tainek, I'm off to sleep, you seem to have the help you need right now anyways. | 12:24 |
phoenix87ta | blech...dammitall | 12:24 |
b0b | ok thanks for clearing that up for me about the root user I am so used to having to use a root password | 12:24 |
kbrooks | phoenix87ta: journaling isn't listing all files and data on the hard drive that have been changed deleted etc | 12:24 |
Tainek | ok ty eternal :) | 12:25 |
Tainek | ah thats why , case lol | 12:25 |
ikonia_ | b0b read the basic introduction docs on http://www.ubuntu.com before continuing | 12:25 |
b0b | ok | 12:25 |
Tainek | it says | 12:25 |
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kbrooks | phoenix87ta: the ext3 filesystem keeps a log of what has happened to the filesystem... | 12:25 |
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phoenix87ta | ext3 = a partition type, right? | 12:25 |
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Tainek | ms-dos exectuable PE for ms windows (GUI) intel 80386 32-bit | 12:25 |
ikonia_ | phoenix87ta no a file system | 12:25 |
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pseudoroot | phoenix87ta: a filesystem | 12:25 |
posingaspopular | phoenix87ta: yes | 12:26 |
crdlb | Tainek, then it is not compressed | 12:26 |
ikonia_ | posingaspopular no its not | 12:26 |
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naamios | i can't find /etc/inittab | 12:26 |
Tainek | ok | 12:26 |
ikonia_ | naamios what version of ubuntu are you using | 12:26 |
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naamios | ubundu | 12:26 |
ikonia_ | naamios what VERSION of ubuntu are you using | 12:26 |
kbrooks | posingaspopular: a "partition type" is like msdos or sunos etc | 12:26 |
naamios | :) | 12:26 |
osfameron | aha. ubuntu by default has java 1.4.2 | 12:26 |
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naamios | 6.10 i think | 12:26 |
Lukas | hi | 12:26 |
ikonia_ | naamios I'm not laughing - thats 2 times your not listening | 12:26 |
=== osfameron downloads from Sun, which is probably the wrong thing to do | ||
kbrooks | posingaspopular: i'll defer to man fdisk on this one | 12:26 |
=== Marsmensch_ [n=daniel@dslb-084-056-114-146.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ikonia_ | !upstart >naamios | 12:26 |
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Tainek | crdlb , so should i use the ndiswrapper method with it? | 12:27 |
phoenix87ta | kbrooks, sorry, wrong words, right idea. it was actually a vfat file system, which probably just makes me more screwed | 12:27 |
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ikonia_ | phoenix87t %150 gone | 12:27 |
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goear | Hey everyone | 12:27 |
Lukas | How convert ogg to mp3? I tried sox file.ogg file.mp3 and message: sox: Failed writing file.mp3: Sorry, no MP3 encoding support | 12:28 |
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kbrooks | phoenix87ta: maybe u can recover from there | 12:28 |
goear | I just started using linux one week ago and I got a question, how do I open .bin files to install the content, the tjhing is that Im trying to install JDK and JRE and I downloaded it from sun but It's inside a .bin file | 12:28 |
Lukas | Lame I have installed. | 12:28 |
kbrooks | ikonia_: false | 12:28 |
ikonia_ | kbrooks really, I have no idea you can recover from vfat | 12:29 |
ikonia_ | more so after they are out of ubuntu's trash bin | 12:29 |
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phoenix87ta | kbrooks, how so? | 12:29 |
kbrooks | ikonia_: when you delete a file, whether or not its "gone" depends on how tthe filesystem implements undeletion | 12:29 |
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kbrooks | phoenix87ta: he's right. if you deleted from within windows... | 12:30 |
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kbrooks | phoenix87ta: it wouldnt be gone without a defrag | 12:30 |
phoenix87ta | kbrooks, deleted out of a vfat partition from within Edgy | 12:30 |
ikonia_ | kbrooks but vfat has no journeling so how can additional inodes be used to reference that data thats marked as gone (but actually still there) | 12:30 |
ikonia_ | kbrooks very interested now | 12:30 |
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kbrooks | ikonia_: if the mp3 was open, then he could recover from under the apps layers using lsof ... | 12:31 |
ikonia_ | kbrooks yes if it was open | 12:31 |
ikonia_ | but none of them where open | 12:31 |
phoenix87ta | kbrooks, nope, it wasn't | 12:31 |
Lukas | How to convert ogg to mp3? | 12:31 |
kbrooks | ok, so there. | 12:31 |
kbrooks | no, you cant undelete | 12:31 |
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kbrooks | end of story | 12:32 |
kbrooks | permanently gone | 12:32 |
ikonia_ | agreed | 12:32 |
phoenix87ta | okie dokie. thanks for the help. wish I'd known that before it got light out. g'night, all | 12:32 |
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kronoman | hello | 12:32 |
kbrooks | say goodbye to the files | 12:32 |
kbrooks | phoenix87ta: hint::: | 12:32 |
phoenix87ta | Goodbye to the files | 12:32 |
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kbrooks | phoenix87ta: http://www.taobackup.com/ | 12:33 |
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phoenix87ta | *snicker* It WAS my backup | 12:33 |
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goear | I just started using linux one week ago and I got a question, how do I open .bin files to install the content, the tjhing is that Im trying to install JDK and JRE and I downloaded it from sun but It's inside a .bin file | 12:34 |
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kbrooks | phoenix87ta: there are a few lessons there that you _should_ be aware of | 12:34 |
phoenix87ta | kbrooks, yeah, I tell my customers that all the time...silly me for not following my own advice | 12:34 |
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ikonia_ | goear use java from ubuntu's repo's | 12:35 |
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kbrooks | goear: well uhh, the .bin file in question is a file that you can execute. but fortunately, you cant execute it automatically | 12:35 |
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kbrooks | but i would sugges t that you use java from ubuntu's rpos as that is the easiest solution | 12:35 |
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goear | ok, Im doing it right now | 12:36 |
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Gizmo791 | guten Tag | 12:36 |
ikonia_ | kbrooks but he's a user who's been using it for 1 week.......you are assuming he's read any documetnation | 12:36 |
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Fedman | hallo | 12:36 |
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goear | but anyway anyone could tell me how to open a .bin file from the terminal? which command should I use? | 12:36 |
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ikonia_ | goear forget the bin file | 12:36 |
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ikonia_ | goear install from the repo | 12:36 |
goear | I told you Im already doing that | 12:36 |
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ikonia_ | goear if I tell you - you'll just install the bin file | 12:36 |
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Fedman | ^^ | 12:37 |
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goear | But its good to know how to open a bin file is someday I need to do it | 12:37 |
goear | No I wont ahaha, Im already downloading the package | 12:37 |
Fedman | sh ./filname | 12:37 |
Sebboh | ikonia, you shouldn't withhold information... | 12:37 |
ikonia_ | Sebboh thts my decision | 12:37 |
klimraamkosie | I'm trying to "sudo chmod 644 /etc/resolv.conf" but I get a response like this "chmod: changing permissions of `resolv.conf': Operation not permitted" | 12:37 |
ikonia_ | Fedman its just ./$file once its executable | 12:37 |
goear | Thank you so much you guys | 12:37 |
ikonia_ | not sh - as its not a shell script | 12:38 |
Sebboh | fedman, I'd suggest chmod +x file; ./file .... | 12:38 |
Fedman | oh sorry I'm still sleeping :S | 12:38 |
teeL | When we are talking about chmod. I have installed LAMP and phpsysinfo. But i ran into some problems. When i try to access the page i get: You don't have permission to access / on this server. Anyone know how to fix it? | 12:38 |
kronoman | I need help with Flash 9 plugin, some websites work, but the harley davidson webpage don't | 12:38 |
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cberlo | Hi folks! | 12:38 |
Tainek | ok i'll try ndiswrapper later, i wrote down everything you said in case i need to do it again, gotta cook the kids lunch, ty for the help :) | 12:38 |
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Sebboh | ikonia, actually, the java .bin is a shell script, iirc. A very, very large one. =) | 12:38 |
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ikonia_ | Sebboh no its not | 12:38 |
ikonia_ | its a binary extraction | 12:38 |
Sebboh | ..Try doing a head on it. *shrug*. | 12:39 |
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cberlo | Got a longshot I'd like to investigate, and thought this would be as good a place as any. Does anyone know if it is "remotely" possible to forward a Windows application through SSH, to display on a remote X11 screen? | 12:39 |
ikonia_ | Sebboh possibly part of the extraction process | 12:39 |
ikonia_ | I've not got it to hand, so can't check | 12:39 |
ardchoille | klimraamkosie: sudo chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf && sudo chmod 644 /etc/resolv.conf | 12:39 |
ikonia_ | cberlo not really | 12:39 |
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klimraamkosie | :) | 12:40 |
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kbrooks | ikonia_: ok, fine so you dismiss this on the basis of u disliking windows? | 12:40 |
ardchoille | klimraamkosie: You or someone has done a "sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf" | 12:40 |
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klimraamkosie | was probably me :) | 12:40 |
ikonia_ | kbrooks not at all, its just not really possible to display windows applications on a remote X11 server | 12:40 |
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ramvi | I used the Nvidia beta driver in edgy and did a dist-upgrade to feisty. Now only vesa and nv works, not nvidia. What's wrong? | 12:41 |
ikonia_ | so tunnel a windows app through ssh to a remote X11 server ? | 12:41 |
cberlo | ikonia: Okay, any thoughts what kind of structure would be needed to accomplish this little miracle? | 12:41 |
ikonia_ | I'd love to hear how thats done | 12:41 |
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ardchoille | ikonia_: Did you use the nvidia driver from the repos? | 12:41 |
Sebboh | iirc, it's a shell script that contains a bunch of hex.. which is dumped to a few other files.. A self extractor. That was the only way Sun could figure out how to make a single-file self extracting installer that works on multiple platforms. Well, it might have changed, I haven't looked at it in like three years.. | 12:41 |
ikonia_ | cberlo windows doesn't use x11 so there is nothing to really tunnel down ssh | 12:41 |
ikonia_ | ardchoille I did | 12:41 |
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cbx33 | hey guys, I just put a new graphics card into my machine.... | 12:41 |
ikonia_ | Sebboh I will check it out when I get home | 12:41 |
ardchoille | ikonia_: Sorry, wrong nick | 12:41 |
cbx33 | how do I tell xorg to use it | 12:41 |
kbrooks | ikonia_: false | 12:41 |
cbx33 | a la dual head? | 12:41 |
ikonia_ | cbx33 xorg isn't aware of windows | 12:41 |
cbx33 | i need to identify it | 12:42 |
cberlo | ikonia_: Sure, but with cygwin X, it can put up an X11 layer. Any way to "wrap" that around applications? | 12:42 |
ikonia_ | kbrooks enlighten me | 12:42 |
kbrooks | ikonia_: it doesnt use x11, but there is a x11 server for windows | 12:42 |
ikonia_ | cberlo ahhh cygwin | 12:42 |
ikonia_ | kbrooks yes, but now thats being picky | 12:42 |
kbrooks | cygwin/x or a native x11 server | 12:42 |
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b1f10 | ola | 12:42 |
cbx33 | ikonia: I have an nvidia machine | 12:42 |
goear | One more thing, ikonia_ I did download the package from apt-get and I get an error in the installation, more than an error it tells me to go to sun's webpage and download the doc and then place it in /tmp I did it and now it says PRESS return no try again, no + RETURN to abort | 12:42 |
b1f10 | ola | 12:42 |
cbx33 | sorry an nvidia card...and that's working fine | 12:42 |
cberlo | kbrooks: My ultimate goal is this: have one install of XP on a machine; use it to run a specific app to port over to an Edubuntu LTSP box. | 12:42 |
cbx33 | I've just added an ati card | 12:42 |
ikonia_ | cbx33 so have I | 12:42 |
b0b | how do i install the drivers for My nividia geforce 5500fx card | 12:42 |
goear | the thind is that i press the RETURN key on my keyboard and nothing happens | 12:43 |
_Jaak_ | i have a raid configuratio in my pc, 2 disk serving as one, devided into 2 partitions, on the first partition i have windows on the second i want to install ubu. The ubu sees the 2 partitions but doesn;t recognize the windows system. It wants me to define a disklabel? I dont wanna mess up anything and would like to have grup be auto configured... Helo? | 12:43 |
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cbx33 | can i run them togehter as dual head? | 12:43 |
goear | the thing is* | 12:43 |
_Jaak_ | help i mean... | 12:43 |
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ikonia_ | b0b search the wiki for nvidia | 12:43 |
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ikonia_ | b0b as I told you - rad the basic docs first | 12:43 |
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Sebboh | ikonia, kbrooks, you might want to have a look at the software offered by Hummingbird. Hummingbird Exceed is a windows X server... And I think that they have other software that will forward your windows apps to x11.. | 12:43 |
cbx33 | ikonia: my problem is how to find out the information to give to the xorg config | 12:43 |
cbx33 | any ideaS | 12:43 |
pseudoroot | is ogg-vorbis stream buffering a common problem with edgy and/or gstreamer ? | 12:43 |
b0b | how do i install the drivers tho i know plenty about my video card | 12:43 |
cberlo | Sebboh: Any OSS options you know of? | 12:43 |
ikonia_ | Sebboh thats an X server - that doesn't export Windows apps to a remote X server, that runs an X server on a windows box to allow X11 to exported to it | 12:43 |
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ardchoille | !nvidia | b0b | 12:43 |
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ubotu | b0b: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 12:43 |
ikonia_ | b0b I've told you - search the wiki for nvidia | 12:44 |
b0b | thankyou | 12:44 |
kbrooks | Sebboh, ikonia_: i remember i heard of sommethinh | 12:44 |
kbrooks | something | 12:44 |
ikonia_ | kbrooks share | 12:44 |
cbx33 | ikonia: like the BUSID | 12:44 |
Sebboh | Ikonia, hummingbird offers other software, not just exceed. Some of their stuff is quite exotic. (And expensive, and silly, if you ask me..)( | 12:44 |
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b0b | I am not a complete noob to linux | 12:44 |
cbx33 | where do i get that information | 12:44 |
cberlo | Yesterday, I read about how you can set up OpenSSH server using cygwin on XP. It even gets it's userlist from Winblows. | 12:44 |
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ikonia_ | Sebboh yes, I'm sure there are more advanced options | 12:44 |
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kronoman | what I should check to make Flash 9 work in Firefox ? | 12:44 |
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ikonia_ | b0b then don't act like it and rad some docs | 12:45 |
b1f12 | hi | 12:45 |
cbx33 | cberlo, try running KDE on windows ;) | 12:45 |
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b1f10 | ola alvaro | 12:45 |
b1f12 | yes | 12:45 |
kbrooks | assume u have 2 computeres, linux and windows. u want to run notepad on windows from linux... there are a few solutions... | 12:45 |
b1f12 | hi srah | 12:45 |
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cberlo | cbx33: That would be nice and all, but pointless for this exercise. :) | 12:45 |
IdleOne | !flash | kronoman | 12:45 |
ubotu | kronoman: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:45 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 12:45 |
b1f12 | hi people | 12:45 |
b1f10 | ai algun espaol? | 12:45 |
goear | ikonia_ ? | 12:45 |
cbx33 | cberlo hehe | 12:45 |
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pschulz01 | How do I enable a serial console on edgy? | 12:45 |
kbrooks | well, two, not a few | 12:45 |
b1f12 | hi sexys | 12:45 |
goear | b1f10 s pero deberias preguntar en ingls | 12:45 |
Bl | olaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 12:45 |
cberlo | kbrooks: I want to run notepad from windows and display that on Linux, just to clarify. | 12:45 |
kronoman | ubotu: I just need to open the harley davidson website to see the new 1200 N | 12:45 |
kbrooks | one is freeware, and one is free software | 12:45 |
ardchoille | !es | b1f12 | 12:45 |
b1f10 | hello | 12:46 |
ubotu | b1f12: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 12:46 |
=== b1f14 [n=b1f14@11.Red-80-59-29.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bl | hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo | 12:46 |
Sebboh | kronoman, you gotta enable backports and then get the flash nonfree package.. Yeah, follow the directions that ubotu gave. | 12:46 |
=== AleXxX [n=AleXxX@11.Red-80-59-29.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cberlo | kbrooks: So far, I like the sound of that... | 12:46 |
=== b1f03_ [n=b1f03@11.Red-80-59-29.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
b1f14 | 0laaAaA | 12:46 |
b1f12 | that's hot!!!!!!! | 12:46 |
=== Middy [n=middy@dsl-58-6-35-139.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AleXxX | olaolaola | 12:46 |
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kronoman | Sebboh: I do have flash 9 working, but the harley davidson website refuses to load | 12:46 |
b1f03_ | ola | 12:46 |
kronoman | that is all my problem , that website | 12:46 |
Middy | holy fucking shit. | 12:46 |
IdleOne | !ops | 12:46 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 12:46 |
kbrooks | the free software solution is running rdesktop, with free remote assistance on windows | 12:46 |
Middy | Spamage to the max. | 12:46 |
Middy | kbai | 12:46 |
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=== Bl [n=b1f13@11.Red-80-59-29.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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b1f12 | you are a dirty boy | 12:47 |
Sebboh | Bots... | 12:47 |
IdleOne | b1f03_, b1f12 b1f14 are spam bots | 12:47 |
=== sarah [n=b1f10@11.Red-80-59-29.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
b1f12 | fuck you | 12:47 |
cberlo | kbrooks: Tried that -- only allows one user at a time to connect, and I can't specify only one app. They get the whole desktop or nothing on a default XP. | 12:47 |
IdleOne | !ops | 12:47 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 12:47 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ | ||
Bl | nmvjdxhfg | 12:47 |
kbrooks | cberlo: i will find the coherencxe post for u | 12:47 |
=== maria1 [n=b1f03@11.Red-80-59-29.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sarah | ola | 12:47 |
maria1 | ola | 12:47 |
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Bl | ola | 12:47 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
sarah | q pasa??? | 12:47 |
maria1 | ola sara | 12:47 |
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b1f12 | fuck you middy | 12:47 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@11.Red-80-59-29.staticIP.rima-tde.net] by apokryphos | ||
cberlo | kbrooks: Thanks! | 12:47 |
kbrooks | cberlo: u can adapt it... | 12:47 |
=== jager_ [n=jager@xdsl-7102.lubin.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+r] by apokryphos | ||
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@203-59-211-120.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eilker | i wanna make a video file of my desktop, by using vlc media player, could some help me pls ? | 12:48 |
apokryphos | sarah: maria1: English only. | 12:48 |
berent | is there any software which can read a powerpoint presentation | 12:48 |
berent | in ubuntu | 12:48 |
=== Bl was kicked off #ubuntu by Hobbsee (You should know better. Bye!) | ||
crdlb | berent, openoffice | 12:48 |
IdleOne | sarah, maria1 Bl also trolls | 12:48 |
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apokryphos | maria1: yes. Only English. | 12:48 |
Hobbsee | IdleOne: yes, seems so | 12:48 |
berent | crdlb , i want the software to read out mean to speak out | 12:49 |
apokryphos | !irc | maria1 | 12:49 |
ubotu | maria1: irc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto), gaim (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Konversation (http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/), irssi (console) (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi) - Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat and !guidelines | 12:49 |
kraut | !evolution | 12:49 |
ubotu | evolution: The groupware suite. In component main, is optional. Version 2.8.1-0ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 5022 kB, installed size 38204 kB | 12:49 |
crdlb | berent, Oh you mean a screen reader | 12:49 |
apokryphos | !es | maria1 | 12:49 |
ubotu | maria1: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 12:49 |
kraut | is there any evolution with nntp package available? | 12:49 |
berent | crdlb : yes | 12:49 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-r] by apokryphos | ||
berent | crdlb : is it there | 12:49 |
crdlb | kraut, there is no news reader for evolution | 12:50 |
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kbrooks | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SeamlessVirtualization ... some subsitutions though | 12:50 |
kbrooks | er, | 12:50 |
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kraut | crdlb: but there is a support in the source for it? | 12:50 |
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kbrooks | cberlo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SeamlessVirtualization some substitutions though | 12:50 |
kraut | crdlb: --enable-nntp | 12:50 |
yaman | any one knows how to use the proxy command in the wget ??? | 12:50 |
cberlo | kbrooks: Thanks! Your lead may help me proliferate Linux to up to 3000 clients in my school board. | 12:50 |
crdlb | kraut, I don't believe so | 12:51 |
kbrooks | cberlo: np, i do this for free :-) | 12:51 |
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kbrooks | cberlo: replace 3389 with 80 | 12:51 |
cberlo | kbrooks: Yeah, don't we all? ;) | 12:51 |
billy | peace and love to all humanity | 12:51 |
berent | crdlb : is there any such talking software to read presentations | 12:51 |
kbrooks | cberlo: and install rdesktop | 12:51 |
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=== Svenstaro [n=Idendt@c157167.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | cberlo: and allow users to login as admin | 12:52 |
tim__ | Is there any way to make the deskbar applet steal the focus... some autofocus would be nice, sometimes i'll have to click it with the mouse after i use the hotkey | 12:52 |
crdlb | berent, there is a screen reader called festival, I don't know if it can be integrated w/ OO | 12:52 |
cberlo | kbrooks: I'll look into it and see if I can make it work for my scenario. Hopefully this will do the trick! There's another promising project called MetaVNC I'm looking into as well. | 12:52 |
kbrooks | cberlo: link? | 12:52 |
=== DrDeo [n=drdeo@cpc3-leic4-0-0-cust720.lei3.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yaman | hello >>>> how can i set the proxy to the wget command ? any examble ? | 12:52 |
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apokryphos | !repeat | yaman | 12:53 |
ubotu | yaman: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 12:53 |
=== Hobbsee wonders if eilker is friend or foe.. | ||
ikonia_ | I'd be interested in opinions as to why a php file is being offered as a download rather than served up. I have apache 2.0 from ubuntu and the php5 apackage from ubuntu installed. The loadmodule command looks good and the library is present, the AddType option is also present | 12:53 |
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eilker | hobbsee ? | 12:53 |
shinobi2 | does vino use ssh2 protocal or it has it's own? | 12:53 |
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kbrooks | cberlo: i haven't tried this out on myself. just a warning hehe | 12:53 |
billy | what would be a reason that I'm not able to turn down my master volume? | 12:53 |
Sebboh | kbrooks, interesting. But this seamless desktop thing entirely neglects to make filesystems available or anything... | 12:53 |
berent | crdlb: festival is speech synthesis ! will it speak out presentations | 12:53 |
cberlo | http://metavnc.sourceforge.net/ | 12:53 |
Hobbsee | eilker: ah good, you're not a spam bot. | 12:53 |
eilker | :P | 12:53 |
madhu | hi everyone here | 12:54 |
billy | hi madhu | 12:54 |
eilker | hobbsee, i am a good coded spam :P | 12:54 |
Hobbsee | eilker: a lot of 88. people that come in here tend to be spam bots | 12:54 |
cberlo | kbrooks: I've tried seamlessrdp on a terminal server, but it wouldn't work right because I couldn't follow all the directions (didin't have auth to do so) | 12:54 |
billy | madhu: if you have ? feel free to ask. | 12:54 |
Sebboh | billy, your volume control is set to turn down the wrong mixer thingy.. Happened to me, too. | 12:54 |
techie | goog morning all. is there a better program than gaim to access this chatroom? I have heard of something called "xchat" if so how do I get it? | 12:54 |
eilker | hobbsee, i see , np :) | 12:54 |
=== FallenHitokiri [n=blitz@p54ACD8D4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
madhu | billy: Can you give me the link for GRUB FAQ for Ubuntu | 12:54 |
ikonia_ | techie xchat, irris BitchX | 12:54 |
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ikonia_ | etc | 12:54 |
Sebboh | techie, sudo apt-get install xchat. | 12:54 |
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Sebboh | minus . | 12:54 |
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techie | I just installed Ubuntu in my computer about 2 minutes ago, so I am fairly new at this. | 12:54 |
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posingaspopular | yay! | 12:55 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
eilker | !Xvidcap | 12:55 |
billy | madhu: Have you tried www.google.com/linux ?? | 12:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xvidcap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:55 |
ikonia_ | techie read the basic docs on http://www.ubuntu.com and you'll get a lot of basic info | 12:55 |
eilker | anyone using xvidcap ?? | 12:55 |
IdleOne | techie, you are going to need to enable universe and mutliverse | 12:55 |
apokryphos | !anyone | 12:55 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 12:55 |
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techie | ikonia how do i find or download xchat in ubuntu? | 12:55 |
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IdleOne | !universe > techie read the privg msg from ubotu | 12:55 |
cberlo | Well, gotta run. I better get ready for work (ironically). Thanks again! | 12:55 |
=== Hotsob [n=Hotsob@modemcable122.190-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
posingaspopular | techie: open up a terminal | 12:55 |
eilker | i wanna make a video file of my desktop, by using vlc media player, could some help me pls ? or xvidcap too | 12:55 |
=== whaley [n=whaley@cpe-071-068-048-109.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
billy | Sebboh: You were right. I had it set to the OSS mixer, or whatever. | 12:55 |
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posingaspopular | or konsole whiever | 12:55 |
Sebboh | billy, ok. =) | 12:55 |
tim__ | Is there any way to make the deskbar applet steal the focus... some autofocus would be nice, sometimes i'll have to click it with the mouse after i use the hotkey | 12:55 |
ikonia_ | techie read the basic docs on http://www.ubuntu.com - and you'll soon know | 12:55 |
yaman | ikonia: do me a fav and tell me how can i use the wget with proxy ... is it like this "wget --proxy=on http_proxy= http://link or some thing | 12:56 |
posingaspopular | type in 'sudo apt-get install xchat' | 12:56 |
eilker | i cant find xvidcap in repo' | 12:56 |
techie | iconia thnks. | 12:56 |
posingaspopular | enter and youre good to go | 12:56 |
ikonia_ | yaman hang on | 12:56 |
kbrooks | posingaspopular: that wonty work without him adding universe | 12:56 |
posingaspopular | hmmm true | 12:56 |
IdleOne | posingaspopular, he just installed ubuntu he will not be good to go | 12:56 |
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=== daffy [n=daffy@AMarseille-152-1-10-135.w81-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
madhu | yesterday the bot gave me an exact link, but I lost it Can You Please help me | 12:56 |
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IdleOne | madhu, link for? | 12:57 |
kbrooks | posingaspopular: and u shouldve taught him how to open a terminal | 12:57 |
=== JiBEsH [n=blhacker@88-139-56-215.adslgp.cegetel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ikonia_ | yaman do you have http_proxy defined | 12:57 |
Sebboh | xchat is only in the multiverse? =P I suppress my comment... ;P I knew that things were getting silly when Debian didn't include pine. | 12:57 |
=== meister [n=meister@pD9E5A59C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
madhu | IdleOne: Link for GRUB help | 12:57 |
shinobi2 | how to tell if vino is running on the server? | 12:57 |
IdleOne | !grub > madhu | 12:57 |
posingaspopular | also true | 12:57 |
Sebboh | wtf is vino? | 12:57 |
madhu | IdleOne: I did not get you | 12:57 |
IdleOne | !grub | madhu | 12:58 |
ubotu | madhu: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 12:58 |
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yaman | ikonia: yes i did add it to the env using the export command and i am using it now with apt automatically but the wget is ignoring it even when i use the --proxy=on | 12:58 |
kbrooks | Sebboh: why is it silly to not include software that consenus doesnt want includded?/ | 12:59 |
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=== bobbers [n=rob@cpc3-cmbg9-0-0-cust862.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ikonia_ | yaman don't you have to specify http: in the url so it knows to use the http_proxy variable | 12:59 |
Sebboh | Why don't I get an error message if I enter incorrect information for the SID+key for my wireless network card? | 12:59 |
=== lisette [n=lisette@h146n1fls34o850.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bobbers | hi all can someone tell me where I would read up how to get kernel sources so I can compile kernel modules? | 12:59 |
ikonia_ | yaman if you don't specify http:// in the url it doesn't know what proxy variable to use | 12:59 |
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kbrooks | Sebboh: which DE? | 12:59 |
ikonia_ | bobbers they are in the repo | 12:59 |
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jrib | Sebboh: xchat isn't in multiverse, it's in universe | 12:59 |
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Sebboh | kbrooks, consensus? Explain the pine-installer package, which is GPL, then. ;) | 12:59 |
yaman | ikonia: i did mmmmm should i reboot the pc?? | 01:00 |
bobbers | whats the pckage name? A google search seemed to suggest linux-tree but that didnt work | 01:00 |
ikonia_ | yaman no - rebooting won't do anything | 01:00 |
eilker | i wanna make a video file of my desktop, by using vlc media player, could some help me pls ? or xvidcap too | 01:00 |
IdleOne | !offtopic | Sebboh | 01:00 |
ubotu | Sebboh: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 01:00 |
ikonia_ | yaman set the http_proxy varible | 01:00 |
ikonia_ | and do | 01:00 |
Sebboh | jrib, ok. I'm sorry.. I never learned the difference really. =) | 01:00 |
billy | Anyone going to upgrade to Feisty? Already run Feisty? | 01:00 |
kbrooks | Sebboh: i can't explain that. sorry | 01:00 |
jrib | Sebboh: multiverse is non-free stuff | 01:00 |
Sebboh | ah | 01:00 |
ikonia_ | yaman wget -p http://yourserver.com/file | 01:00 |
yaman | ikonia: aha thanx i ll try this one | 01:00 |
Sebboh | kbrooks, you asked "which DE?" .. I don't know what a DE is. | 01:00 |
IdleOne | billy, #ubuntu+1 for feisty help | 01:01 |
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ikonia_ | billy no - its development. Development version is discussed in #ubuntu+1 | 01:01 |
=== yoo [n=alexandr@AOrleans-258-1-91-194.w90-24.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | Sebboh: desktop environment... | 01:01 |
madhu | Thanks everyone here, Thank You Very Much | 01:01 |
madhu | Special Thanks to the bot "Ubotu", a beautiful tracking system | 01:01 |
Sebboh | Gnome. Actually, I'm running on feisty right now. But the same question applies to edgy. | 01:02 |
Toma- | madhu: give it a !botsnack :) | 01:02 |
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kbrooks | Sebboh: well, it did the same for me in dapper... | 01:02 |
IdleOne | !botsnack | Toma- | 01:02 |
ubotu | Toma-: Yum! | 01:02 |
IdleOne | lol | 01:02 |
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Toma- | :P | 01:03 |
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billy | bye y'all. Thanks for the help!! | 01:03 |
=== jak__ is now known as jak | ||
Sebboh | kbrooks, well.. I've accidentally got my wireless working before, but I'd like to know how to do it on purpose.. | 01:03 |
bobbers | ok I did apt-get build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r` and that seems to be working :) | 01:03 |
=== DrDeo [n=drdeo@cpc3-leic4-0-0-cust720.lei3.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
IdleOne | when a !botsnack is given to a user the bot should respond something like " Yum, that's good! can I get a 6 pack? | 01:04 |
kbrooks | Sebboh: i dunno, im not a wirelesser | 01:04 |
IdleOne | or directed towards i.e | or > | 01:04 |
Sebboh | Me either. Friend's laptop. | 01:04 |
kbrooks | !botsnack | 01:06 |
ubotu | Yum! | 01:06 |
=== nowhere [n=nowhere@88-139-26-233.adslgp.cegetel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eilker | !istambul | 01:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about istambul - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:06 |
cypher1 | !istanbul | 01:08 |
ubotu | istanbul: Desktop session recorder. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.1-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 47 kB, installed size 380 kB | 01:08 |
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cypher1 | Sebboh: System -> Administration -> Networking | 01:10 |
cypher1 | Sebboh: for wireless configuration | 01:10 |
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=== Crusher [n=You@ppp136-105.lns6.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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IdleOne | rome: Distro Builder. In component extraverse, is optional. Version 0.0.1-.5Ubuntu.0.1 (feisty), package size 5000kb, installed siza 320GB | 01:12 |
IdleOne | took time for me to do that lol | 01:12 |
IdleOne | errr size not siza | 01:12 |
Sebboh | cypher1, I did that. And then I typed an incorrect key in. ..And the system didn't notice or care. Well, that's a problem... I need it to notify me if there is a problem with my SSID or key.. I mean, right? | 01:12 |
=== jeanjean [n=jeanjean@86-39-0-250.customer.fulladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
root_ | ikonia: now i got the problem when i am adding the proxy to the env it ll be there for one time i don't know y >> do you know how to fix it?? | 01:13 |
Sebboh | idleOne, wtf is that, an archive of zeros? | 01:13 |
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IdleOne | Sebboh, wtf do you need to wtf all the time in 30 minutes I have seen you use wtf 4 times | 01:14 |
berent | is there any such talking software to read presentations | 01:14 |
berent | is there any such talking software to read presentations | 01:14 |
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IdleOne | Sebboh, it was meant to be funny is all | 01:14 |
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Sebboh | Sorry, I use it whenever I am supposed to use "what" | 01:14 |
Sebboh | Bad habit. | 01:14 |
Sebboh | =) | 01:14 |
IdleOne | Sebboh, try not to. kids inn this channel | 01:14 |
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yaman | ikonia: now i got the problem when i am adding the proxy to the env it ll be there for one time i don't know y >> do you know how to fix it?? | 01:15 |
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kbrooks | whattt is extraverse? | 01:17 |
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TeePOG | good question | 01:18 |
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ziegler | hi | 01:19 |
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ziegler | I'm new to Ubuntu and I think I have found a bug in the installer | 01:19 |
ziegler | What should I do now? | 01:19 |
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yaman | ikonia_: look i know what is the problem (when i am doing export http_proxy= ) this ll work only for the current terminal window and it's not working on all like wget and package manager what should i do to fix it ? | 01:20 |
kbrooks | "07:11:50 AM) IdleOne: rome: Distro Builder. In component extraverse, is optional. Version 0.0.1-.5Ubuntu.0.1 (feisty), package size 5000kb, installed siza 320GB | 01:20 |
kbrooks | (07:12:03 AM) IdleOne: took time for me to do that lol | 01:20 |
kbrooks | (07:12:20 AM) IdleOne: errr size not siza" | 01:20 |
eilker | i wanna make a video file of my desktop, by using vlc media player, could some help me pls ? or xvidcap too | 01:20 |
dellolinux | ciao a tutti | 01:20 |
IdleOne | kbrooks, yes? | 01:20 |
kbrooks | yaman: put the line in your ~/.bash_profile. open gedit to that file. go to the end of the file. press enter, add line. save, exit | 01:21 |
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kbrooks | yaman: log out and login | 01:21 |
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lordblc | do any of you have a link to a page that explains how apt_get works? | 01:21 |
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edmetal | ciao | 01:22 |
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kbrooks | lordblc: it downloads the packages and installs them for you | 01:22 |
edmetal | solo io? | 01:22 |
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Euphoria_ | hi all | 01:23 |
lordblc | kbrooks: i know that.. i'm looking for command structures.. i have to help a friend over the phone since her nvidia kernel module failed to install so she's now without X, and i don | 01:23 |
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lordblc | t have have any debian based os's around | 01:23 |
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lordblc | to put it simple, i need a place to look on what commands to give her.. | 01:23 |
cypher1 | Sebboh: no | 01:23 |
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tj239 | lordblc, open a terminal and type man apt-get | 01:24 |
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lordblc | tj239: *sigh* | 01:24 |
lordblc | i can't.. i don | 01:24 |
lordblc | t have apt_get | 01:24 |
cypher1 | Sebboh: it will never be able to find out whether a key is correct or not ? (by that will it not easy to hack into wifi networks ?) ;) | 01:24 |
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eilker | i wanna make a video file of my desktop, could anyone help pls ? | 01:24 |
kbrooks | lordblc: you do have ** apt - get ** | 01:25 |
tj239 | can you install it with synaptic? | 01:25 |
yaman | is there any place to set the proxy for all of the linux connections ?? | 01:25 |
lordblc | kbrooks: no... neither do i want it.. but she does.. and she needs help.. | 01:25 |
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cypher1 | yaman: System -> Preferences -> Network Proxy | 01:26 |
eilker | istanbul is not working....some pyton errors | 01:26 |
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TeePOG | yaman: have you tried using global variables? | 01:26 |
Sebboh | cypher1, well, on windows it will say "can't connect" at least. =P | 01:26 |
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yaman | :) cypher1: thenx | 01:26 |
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lordblc | tj239: did you read what i wrote? i said her X isn't working. without x, no synaptics.. | 01:26 |
cypher1 | Sebboh: are you using WEP or WPA ? | 01:26 |
yaman | TeePOG: yeah but this one work only for the current window i am using | 01:26 |
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cypher1 | yaman: wc | 01:26 |
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tj239 | sorry, I didn't read that | 01:27 |
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TeePOG | yaman: try putting in your ~/.bashrc: export HTTP_PROXY='http://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>' | 01:27 |
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TeePOG | as well as: export FTP_PROXY='http://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>' | 01:27 |
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yaman | TeePOG: thanx done | 01:28 |
ardchoille | lordblc: Just curious.. are you on Dapper or Edgy? | 01:28 |
Sebboh | cypher1, I don't know. That's why I'd like to get an error message. My roomate told me the "network name" and "password". I guess that he means SSID and key.. He's asleep right now so I can't ask him. =) | 01:28 |
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lordblc | ardchoille: i'm on neither... she's on edgy i believe.. | 01:28 |
TeePOG | should happen next time you login, then it's global i think | 01:28 |
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TeePOG | back to pam-ldap for me, bbl | 01:29 |
ardchoille | lordblc: I was just wondering why you don't have APT is all. | 01:29 |
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cypher1 | Sebboh: i guess its not possible to know whether key is correct or not, atleast in WEP | 01:29 |
lordblc | ardchoille: totally different flavour of linux.. ;) | 01:29 |
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arn_ | hi,i have installed apache2 in my ubuntu, then where should i get the server root? | 01:30 |
Sebboh | lordblc from efnet #help? | 01:30 |
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lordblc | Sebboh: mhm | 01:30 |
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Sebboh | Hi. =) | 01:30 |
lordblc | Sebboh: 'ellu | 01:30 |
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blk^ | hello,i installed telnetd but it is not running.how can i start it ? | 01:31 |
cypher1 | arn_: not sure.. you can check /var/www/.. paths | 01:31 |
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cypher1 | blk^: did you start xinetd ? | 01:31 |
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blk^ | i dont know | 01:31 |
james296 | how can I return the fonts.conf file back to the original to get back the default way fonts look? | 01:32 |
cypher1 | blk^: do "ps ax | grep inetd" | 01:32 |
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ardchoille | james296: Did yo make a backup of that file before editing it? | 01:32 |
Sebboh | do a /etc/init.d/xinetd reload ... =P | 01:32 |
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james296 | probably not | 01:32 |
james296 | :-( | 01:32 |
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ardchoille | james296: That'll teach you. | 01:33 |
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ardchoille | james296: You on Dapper? | 01:33 |
cypher1 | Sebboh: does telnet package puts a dependency on inetd package ? | 01:33 |
omegabeta | Weird question, is there a way to make an Ubuntu install CD that installs everything the way it is now, drivers and all? just like a normal install.. but not? | 01:33 |
james296 | cuz the thing is I didnt know I was screwing up the way fonts look, I used a script I thought would make it better | 01:33 |
james296 | Edgy | 01:33 |
blk^ | 14816 pts/3 S+ 0:00 grep inetd | 01:33 |
posingaspopular | omegabeta: yes, you can make a custom install cd | 01:33 |
Sebboh | cypher1, dunno. | 01:33 |
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ardchoille | james296: Did you write that script? | 01:34 |
cypher1 | blk^: dpkg -l xinetd | 01:34 |
berent | is there any such talking software to read presentations | 01:34 |
james296 | no lol | 01:34 |
Sebboh | cypher1, probably not because telnetd can probably run standalone? | 01:34 |
omegabeta | posingaspopular: Niiice, any info on that? just.. spent 9 hours getting the net/graphics/ other stuff to work and i dont ever EVER want to have to do that again.. so would like to make my own custom install that imnstalls everything how it is | 01:34 |
james296 | I used it from ubuntuguide.org | 01:34 |
tj239 | lordblc, do you know what was done prior to X's failure on your friends computer? | 01:34 |
blk^ | omg | 01:35 |
blk^ | aman@ubuntu:~$ dpkg -l xinetd | 01:35 |
blk^ | Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold | 01:35 |
blk^ | | Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed | 01:35 |
blk^ | |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad) | 01:35 |
blk^ | ||/ Name Version Description | 01:35 |
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blk^ | +++-==============-==============-============================================ | 01:35 |
blk^ | un xinetd <none> (no description available) | 01:35 |
posingaspopular | omegabeta: umm not really, my brother and i have been toying with the idea of figuring out it but thats a 'summer' project | 01:35 |
posingaspopular | i do know its possible though | 01:35 |
omegabeta | haha no worries | 01:35 |
omegabeta | opps wait a minute | 01:35 |
Sebboh | hey, watch your paste, blk^. | 01:35 |
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Euphoria_ | im have instaled nvidia driver fine, in nvidia setting put 1680x1050 apply setting and save xorg conf but when im restart the computer he come again a 1280x1024 and the xorg has no changed? | 01:35 |
omegabeta | aha | 01:35 |
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james296 | so what can I do? | 01:35 |
Euphoria_ | any idea | 01:36 |
Euphoria_ | :) | 01:36 |
omegabeta | posingaspopular: donwload "Reconstructer" images everything and makes an install, just found it :) | 01:36 |
posingaspopular | oh awesome | 01:36 |
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posingaspopular | Reconstrutcter | 01:36 |
posingaspopular | thats great | 01:36 |
ardchoille | james296: Did you use automatix or easyubuntu? | 01:36 |
james296 | no | 01:36 |
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lordblc | tj239: unfortunately no.. i made her read up the log from X to me over the phone, in which she told me that the vndiai kernel module had failed.. i suspected she needed to reinstall that, but.. since i don't know how to handle apt, i can't just give her the answer.. | 01:36 |
omegabeta | posingaspopular: Hell yes, and by the looks of it.. its fool proof.. the first options i can see here aree "Create Live cd" and "Create install" | 01:36 |
james296 | it was a short 2 line scropt I used, no software involved at all | 01:37 |
omegabeta | *happy dance* | 01:37 |
james296 | script* | 01:37 |
posingaspopular | thats awesome | 01:37 |
_Jaak_ | banshee has imported all my music, now it lists them, but i doesnt show any text, like artis and title? | 01:37 |
omegabeta | http://reconstructor.aperantis.com | 01:37 |
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james296 | so yeah I just need the ORIGINAL fonts.conf file plz | 01:39 |
james296 | from Edgy | 01:39 |
tj239 | lordblc, mine did also ....... I solved it by doing the tty and nano /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common and there's a single line that says DISABLED_MODULES="" and I put nv between the parenthesis | 01:40 |
cypher1 | blk^: can you try installing xinetd ? | 01:40 |
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james296 | well? | 01:40 |
lordblc | but that means you have no 3d support.. | 01:40 |
tj239 | maybe it's a clue? | 01:40 |
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lordblc | tj239: yes. it does tell me something.. | 01:41 |
lordblc | tj239: just not sure she will agree to it.. as she | 01:41 |
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tj239 | not if the "nvidia" driver is loaded ... beryl has the | 01:41 |
lordblc | hmm | 01:41 |
dave | hi, i'm using ubuntu 6.10, in nautilus i can create folders, but not delete them, but i can delete them from the console, can anyone please help? | 01:41 |
tj239 | restricted modules update ready .... I got my download today | 01:42 |
omegabeta | dave: open a shell, type in sudo nautilus, then try | 01:42 |
lordblc | i will phone her up and do it.. | 01:42 |
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james296 | so can someone tell me what to do or not? | 01:42 |
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dave | omegabeta, yes that works | 01:43 |
omegabeta | james296: whats up? | 01:43 |
james296 | I REALLY want the original fonts.conf file | 01:43 |
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james296 | what do you mean whats up? | 01:43 |
omegabeta | james296: as in, what was your original question | 01:43 |
blk^ | i already have sshd installed and working,but i need to install telnetd,i installed xinetd,i restart it but nothing is working | 01:43 |
tj239 | lordblc, do it or don't, I don't care. but it's how I got an image back on my screen | 01:43 |
ikonia_ | james296 just re-install if you want it THAT bad | 01:43 |
james296 | I have been waitin for a solution to the problem I asked you guys | 01:43 |
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james296 | I need the default fonts.conf file | 01:44 |
lordblc | tj239: :) thanks.. it helps me to have something to work on.. | 01:44 |
ikonia_ | james296 just re-install if you want it THAT bad | 01:44 |
cypher1 | blk^: you need to configure xinetd to start telnetd | 01:44 |
dave | omegabeta, why doesnt it work normally? | 01:44 |
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james296 | I do not want to go through the hassles of gettin this OS so far perfect with Beryl | 01:44 |
agliv5 | Greetings all :) can anybody help me with compiling x264? getting some funky error.... | 01:44 |
posingaspopular | the full documentation is available online | 01:44 |
meiyaaiwo_ | How do I install the game -Heroes3 | 01:44 |
posingaspopular | you should be able to do copy and paste | 01:44 |
ikonia_ | james296 just reinstall it | 01:44 |
james296 | NO | 01:44 |
omegabeta | dave: Because it's fool proof, it makes ure that you "really" know what you are doing before you delete stuff.. well thats the idea anyway | 01:44 |
blk^ | how do i configure xinetd to start telnetd ? | 01:44 |
posingaspopular | GFDL | 01:45 |
ikonia_ | james296 not the whle box, just the package | 01:45 |
omegabeta | you can also get scripts that let you right click/geditas root | 01:45 |
omegabeta | gedit as root* | 01:45 |
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james296 | I have no reason to reinstall it, just because of a font problem, there HAS to be a solution | 01:45 |
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james296 | what package? | 01:45 |
ikonia_ | james296 there is, re-install the package over the top - it won't break anything just re-apply the file | 01:45 |
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dave | omegabeta, ? i want it to work normally | 01:45 |
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omegabeta | james296: post here http://www.ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=131 | 01:45 |
ikonia_ | james296 the xorg fonts package | 01:45 |
james296 | whats the package for the fonts? | 01:45 |
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frankzeka | hi there! | 01:46 |
james296 | is that what its called? xorg fonts? | 01:46 |
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cypher1 | blk^: i have not done xinetd configuration.. but i think there is a directory "/etc/xinetd", under which there will be conf files which you need to modify/add | 01:46 |
james296 | so I can type sudo apt-get remove xorg fonts? | 01:46 |
ikonia_ | james296 don't remove the fonts package | 01:46 |
ikonia_ | james296 that will break X | 01:46 |
dave | hi, i'm using ubuntu 6.10, in nautilus i can create folders, but not delete them, but i can delete them from the console, can anyone please help? | 01:47 |
ikonia_ | james296use synaptic to see what you have installed - work out the fonts package and refresh it by re-installing it over the top | 01:47 |
yakumo | anyone know how to lock some website... im using firefox as my web browser | 01:47 |
ikonia_ | dave what does it say when you try to remove them (permissions denied ?) | 01:47 |
dave | ikonia, it doesnt say anything | 01:47 |
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ikonia_ | yakumo use iptables - or setup a proxy server | 01:47 |
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ikonia_ | dave what happens when you try to delete them | 01:47 |
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digitalspaghetti | weird, i've just opened up my laptop and typed in my password from the screensaver, and now my top and bottom bar have frozen, there are no buttons for me to click, exept my system tray and recycle bin | 01:48 |
omegabeta | this is a wild gues, but can you do a local chmod as root and reset file permission to r//w/e ? | 01:48 |
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digitalspaghetti | so i can't even click to restart | 01:48 |
agliv5 | and here it is : /usr/bin/ld: common/mc.o: relocation R_X86_64_32S against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC | 01:48 |
agliv5 | common/mc.o: could not read symbols: Bad value | 01:48 |
agliv5 | Anyone have any ideas? | 01:48 |
JohnRobert | yakumo: you an ex-quake2 player? | 01:48 |
cypher1 | :D ! this channel people count is over 1000 | 01:48 |
dave | ikonia, nothing happens | 01:48 |
digitalspaghetti | is there a command i can type in to restart from terminal | 01:48 |
ikonia_ | dave it can't be notheing | 01:48 |
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yakumo | nope | 01:48 |
ikonia_ | does the folder highlight before you press delete | 01:48 |
ikonia_ | yakumo nope what ? | 01:48 |
dave | ikonia, i right click, then click on move to trash, and nothing happens | 01:48 |
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ikonia_ | agliv5 incompatible | 01:49 |
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yakumo | sori, | 01:49 |
ikonia_ | dave don't move it to the trash, press delete see what happens | 01:49 |
agliv5 | ikonia, what's incompatible? | 01:49 |
finalbeta | digitalspaghetti: try cntr-amt-backspace to restart X. I think that bug is know and will be fixed before final | 01:49 |
ikonia_ | agliv5 the .o file you're using | 01:49 |
finalbeta | cntr-alt-hbackspace | 01:49 |
ikonia_ | agliv5 it has symbols in ther are unexpected | 01:49 |
dave | ikonia, delete nothing happens, shift-delete works | 01:49 |
techie1 | hello. Can anybody help. I downloaded from ubutnu the "xhat"program and asked to install the program. Instead I got a folder with tar.gz files. | 01:49 |
james296 | what is the xorg fonts package called? | 01:50 |
ikonia_ | dave what happens then | 01:50 |
techie1 | any better way of doing this directly | 01:50 |
ikonia_ | james296 use synaptic to search for it | 01:50 |
ikonia_ | techie1 doing what | 01:50 |
ikonia_ | techie1 ooh I see | 01:50 |
james296 | I did | 01:50 |
yakumo | ehre can i find iptables | 01:50 |
james296 | didnt find it... | 01:50 |
cypher1 | techie1: did you try "apt-get install xchat" | 01:50 |
james296 | just xorg | 01:50 |
berent | is there any such talking software to read presentations | 01:50 |
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ikonia_ | techie1 james296 impossible - search for "fonts" | 01:50 |
dave | ikonia, when i press delete nothing happens, but if i press shift+delete, then it deletes it | 01:50 |
ikonia_ | dave ok | 01:50 |
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ikonia_ | dave that wasn'tmean for you - sorry | 01:50 |
ikonia_ | ughh | 01:51 |
ikonia_ | dave - yes it was | 01:51 |
ikonia_ | techie1 that wasn't mean for you - sorry | 01:51 |
techie1 | ikonia there were two to download one was gnome common (the one downloaded) and a new xchat version which I did not download. Does that help? | 01:51 |
berent | is there any such talking software to read presentations | 01:51 |
james296 | fontconfig? | 01:51 |
cypher1 | !repeat > berent | 01:51 |
dave | ikonia, its an external usb hard disk btw | 01:51 |
techie1 | I thought ubuntu does the installation directly after downloading programs. | 01:51 |
james296 | gsfonts? | 01:51 |
berent | yes cypher1 | 01:51 |
ikonia_ | techie1 download xchat or gome-xchat from the repo's using synaptic - don't try to install a tar.gz | 01:51 |
agliv5 | ikonia, ok... what's an .o file, and how do I fix this? | 01:51 |
yakumo | where can i find iptables | 01:51 |
ikonia_ | techie1 it does - but you didn't use apt or synaptic to download by the looks of it | 01:51 |
techie1 | ikonia I will try again. | 01:52 |
ikonia_ | yakumo in the ubuntu repo | 01:52 |
yakumo | copy | 01:52 |
frankzeka | anyone install squid (and can run it without problem?) | 01:52 |
techie1 | I thought I did use synaptic.... i'ii be back and retry | 01:52 |
techie1 | thanks. | 01:52 |
ikonia_ | agliv5 o is an object file - what are you trying to do and I'll see if I can figure a soltuoin | 01:52 |
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berent | i am feeling left out | 01:52 |
ikonia_ | frankzeka I have done in the paste | 01:52 |
ikonia_ | past | 01:52 |
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agliv5 | ikonia, let me postbin... hang on.... | 01:52 |
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cypher1 | berent: it may be the people who know what you want may be here at present | 01:52 |
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cypher1 | berent: it may be the people who know what you want may be *not* here at present | 01:53 |
berent | cypher1 : is it? how do u know that | 01:53 |
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dave | hi, i have a usb hard drive, and i cant move files to trash, i can only shift+delete them, can anyone help please? | 01:53 |
ikonia_ | berent there maybe something under the "accesability" options in ubuntu | 01:53 |
ikonia_ | dave right click on them and show me the permissions | 01:54 |
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yakumo | iptables is already install on my system, where can i find it? :) | 01:54 |
ikonia_ | yakumo probably /usr/bin | 01:54 |
berent | ikonia_ where is accessibility option | 01:54 |
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agliv5 | ikonia, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8080/ | 01:54 |
ikonia_ | berent no idea - I don't use them | 01:54 |
cypher1 | yakumo: try dpkg -L iptables | 01:54 |
cypher1 | yakumo: you will find where the files had been delivered by iptables | 01:55 |
frankzeka | or locate iptables | 01:55 |
yakumo | ok | 01:55 |
dave | ikonia, owner is create and delete folders, but file acess is ---- | 01:55 |
berent | ikonia_ do u know any talking software to read presentations | 01:55 |
ikonia_ | agliv5 is that a kernel driver ? | 01:55 |
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yakumo | i try command find iptables | 01:55 |
yakumo | but no such file | 01:55 |
ikonia_ | dave there is no such owner as "create" | 01:55 |
berent | ikonia_ like talkit | 01:55 |
ikonia_ | yakumo use windows | 01:55 |
agliv5 | ikonia, is what a kernel driver? | 01:55 |
ikonia_ | agliv5 wht you are trying to build | 01:55 |
cypher1 | yakumo: try dpkg -L iptables | 01:55 |
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billy | how would one monitor two processors with the "system monitors" that can be added to the panel? | 01:55 |
tkp | Could someone please confirm for me that dapper uses linuxthreads rather than the Native POSIX Threads Library? | 01:55 |
yakumo | copy | 01:55 |
frankzeka | try this: "updatedb" and then " locate iptables" | 01:55 |
ikonia_ | billy there is a processor id | 01:55 |
ikonia_ | tkp it doesn't use linuxthreads - it uses NPTL | 01:56 |
dave | ikonia, owners permissions are "create and delete" for folders, but permissions are "---" for file access | 01:56 |
agliv5 | ikonia, I'm trying to build x264... for mplayer / mencoder.... I don't know if it is a kernel driver... | 01:56 |
ikonia_ | dave you can't follow simple instructions. I'm sorry I don't want to assist any further | 01:56 |
frankzeka | but if you run command in the shell and shell reply "command not found", so, they no exist..rs | 01:56 |
agliv5 | ikonia, it's a video codec like xvid... | 01:56 |
yakumo | what happen when is use dpkg -L iptables | 01:56 |
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ikonia_ | agliv5 ok | 01:56 |
tkp | ikonia_: are you sure? ( see http://rafb.net/p/YG1dBp38.html) | 01:57 |
billy | ikonia_, I cannot find where. | 01:57 |
ikonia_ | tkp 6.06 ? | 01:57 |
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tkp | ikonia_: how do I check? | 01:57 |
xfab | hi there | 01:57 |
ikonia_ | tkp what version of ubuntu are you talking about | 01:57 |
tkp | dapper | 01:57 |
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ikonia_ | is that 6.06 (I can't remember the names) | 01:57 |
xfab | i've got a little question | 01:57 |
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tkp | how do I find out the exact version I'm running? | 01:57 |
xfab | I messed up my su-terminal | 01:58 |
ikonia_ | tkp lsb_release | 01:58 |
tkp | Ubuntu 3.4.6-1ubuntu2) | 01:58 |
Matic`Makovec | How do I turn off the screensaver appearance and that "security" logout which comes with it after some time? | 01:58 |
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agliv5 | xfab, how? | 01:58 |
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tkp | ikonia_: No LSB modules are available. | 01:58 |
ikonia_ | tkpubuntu 3 is linux threads | 01:58 |
ikonia_ | tkp ubuntu 3 is linux threads | 01:58 |
dave | ikonia, u asked me to right click on them, and show u the permissions, thats what i did, did u perhaps want the results of "ls -l" ? which is "drwxr-xr-x 2 dave dave 4096 2007-03-01 12:50 untitled folder 2" | 01:58 |
Matic`Makovec | !screensaver | 01:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about screensaver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:58 |
Matic`Makovec | Naah | 01:58 |
ikonia_ | tkp just to be clear - please show me uname -a | 01:58 |
xfab | when I do a su, there's just a # and I can't autocomplete anymore | 01:58 |
xfab | anybody knows this problem? | 01:58 |
tkp | Linux saltnvinegar.kirk.home 2.6.15-27-386 #1 PREEMPT Sat Sep 16 01:51:59 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux | 01:58 |
ikonia_ | dave sorry - I'm not prepared to use any more time with you | 01:58 |
ikonia_ | xfab you don't use su - you use sudo | 01:59 |
=== daedra [n=simon@host86-135-155-25.range86-135.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
daedra | UBUNTU ROCKS | 01:59 |
billy | ikonia_, the generic "system monitor" in the "add to applet" or another one? | 01:59 |
omegabeta | Anyone have any suggestion for some decent games repos? or a site that has the repos link plus a list of its contents? | 01:59 |
daedra | it really does | 01:59 |
ikonia_ | tkp that doesn't look like ubuntu 3 - that should be nptl as its a 2.6 kernel | 01:59 |
cypher1 | yakumo: you will know what and where files were delivered from iptables package | 01:59 |
dave | ikonia, ok thats fine, but dont say its because i cant follow instructions, because i did! | 01:59 |
xfab | ikonia_: ok, but I also would like to restore it to default | 01:59 |
berent | any talkit software in linux | 01:59 |
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ikonia_ | daedra be quiet - this is a support channel, general chit chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:59 |
tkp | I'm prety sure it's linuxthreads (see my previous paste) | 01:59 |
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daedra | ikonia_: thanks! | 01:59 |
xfab | ikonia_:because I'd like to know what I've done wrong :) | 01:59 |
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lukas | hello | 02:00 |
ikonia_ | dave dave you right clicked and told me the permissions where create - the owners are Dave and the group is dave | 02:00 |
fiveiron | ugh... did something get broken with the nvidia-glx drivers? | 02:00 |
ikonia_ | fiveiron depends which version | 02:00 |
idefix | what is this error? Adding client to server's list failed, CORBA error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0 | 02:00 |
tkp | a NPTL one looks like http://rafb.net/p/kpOs6n78.html | 02:00 |
fiveiron | ikonia, i've got the driver version 1.0-8776 | 02:00 |
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dave | ikonia, i told you the file access permissions and the folder access permissions, not the owners | 02:00 |
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ikonia_ | fiveiron whats the package version number | 02:01 |
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yakumo | i try the command locate iptables and there is bunch of file display om my console which one | 02:01 |
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miranda82 | hello | 02:01 |
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ikonia_ | tkp yup thats an ntpl one | 02:01 |
ikonia_ | yakumo use windows | 02:01 |
frankzeka | so, I install squid, and they run for a few hours, diskd down and not run again, the error is "msget: no space left in device", but the HD is 160 GB free | 02:01 |
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Sp4rKy | hi there | 02:01 |
lukas | hi | 02:01 |
yakumo | windows? OS | 02:01 |
lukas | :) | 02:01 |
tkp | ikonia_: how can I upgrade this ubuntu to use pthreads then? | 02:01 |
kenthomson | HELP; can someone guide me on how to capture video from a dv camera, that connects to my computer via usb2.0? I have libraw1394 installed, but i can't get it to work | 02:02 |
ikonia_ | frankzeka look at where the log files and cache are stored | 02:02 |
=== techie [n=ralph@tesquefl-bw3500-1-69-167-111-117.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ikonia_ | frankzeka make sure the disk has not switched to read only | 02:02 |
tkp | (that last paste was from another system I know to be using NPTL) | 02:02 |
fiveiron | ikonia, you talking "nvidia-kernel-1.0.8776"? | 02:02 |
ikonia_ | tkp you can't upgrade glib versions as it will break the system | 02:02 |
ikonia_ | fiveiron yup | 02:02 |
techie | hello ikonia | 02:02 |
ahanda | www.bafirss.com | 02:02 |
ikonia_ | fiveiron I'm not aware of an problem with that package | 02:02 |
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tkp | ikonia_: no way?? | 02:02 |
techie | apparently it did work this time. | 02:02 |
billy | what's a good applet for dual cpu display? | 02:02 |
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ikonia_ | tkp no as all the packages are built using glibc method $X if yo swap to $Y it will break the whole box | 02:03 |
kenthomson | hoa? | 02:03 |
dave | ikonia, well whatever, its not my fault u cant read, and u dont know about ubuntu 6.10 and nautilus, u shouldnt pretend u do when u dont | 02:03 |
techie | apparently there were two programs needed to be installed and then it took care of the rest. | 02:03 |
dave | loser | 02:03 |
xfab | ikonia_: would you know how to switch the su-terminal session back to normal, so that I can use the autocomplete feature again? | 02:03 |
Sp4rKy | i'm trying find the good driver for my sound card. Because now it uses OSS driver. Anyway, i don't know exactly what card is it (an intergrated chipset on acer Inspiron 5100 laptop). Does anyone can take a look at http://paste.sos-sts.com/?60 and help me ? | 02:03 |
tkp | ikonia_: si|te!!! | 02:03 |
fiveiron | ikonia, does xorg.conf not use "TV-0" as an identifier for a device anymore? | 02:03 |
ikonia_ | dave I seem to be doing fine helping everyone else | 02:03 |
miranda82 | i get no partition table on my external hdd, and last blocks are corrupt, is there any way to make a new partition avoiding those blocks??? | 02:03 |
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ikonia_ | fiveiron I don't think so, hang on let me see if I have any notes | 02:03 |
techie | is there a way to change fonts in here? | 02:03 |
tkp | ikonia_: if I'm gonna upgrade then... what version should I go to? | 02:03 |
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ikonia_ | tkp well to be honest I'm a little surprised at something. Can you hang on for 2 minutes ? | 02:03 |
xfab | techie: which irc-client do you use? | 02:03 |
frankzeka | is set to rw in fstab | 02:03 |
techie | xchat | 02:04 |
ikonia_ | frankzeka that doesn't mean its not had a problem and re-mouted its self read only | 02:04 |
fiveiron | wait a minute | 02:04 |
yakumo | <cypher1> i use locate iptables and theres a bunch of file display, which one? | 02:04 |
ikonia_ | frankzeka just offering you options | 02:04 |
techie | xfab I have also used gaim, which one do you prefer? | 02:04 |
xfab | techie: sorry, I'm using gaim at the moment :-/ | 02:04 |
fiveiron | oh... hmm. | 02:04 |
ikonia_ | yakumo the one called iptables | 02:04 |
xfab | techie: well ^ | 02:04 |
kenthomson | //////\\\\\\\\\\\ | 02:04 |
fiveiron | ok... i'm getting my error on this config line: Option "UseDisplayDevice" "TV-0" | 02:04 |
techie | <xfab then tell me about gaim since I also use that! | 02:04 |
ikonia_ | kenthomson don'tmake pointless posts this channel is big enough | 02:04 |
fiveiron | brb | 02:05 |
ikonia_ | fiveiron isn't it just TV as there is only one TV socket so it won't get numbered | 02:05 |
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tkp | ikonia_: sure | 02:05 |
kenthomson | ikonia_, so you are going to dictate terms to me? Be off with you. | 02:05 |
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billy | thanks gang. you rule!! | 02:05 |
ikonia_ | kenthomson I'm asking you not to mess up the channel flow with pointless posts | 02:05 |
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ikonia_ | kenthomson its busy enough | 02:05 |
techie | xfab u still there? If so how do you change fonts using "gaim"? | 02:05 |
cypher1 | yakumo: most probably something that ends with the name iptables ? | 02:05 |
kenthomson | ikonia_, how about you helping it by not breaking other people like "dave" with your baseless whimsical troubleshooting advice? | 02:06 |
xfab | techie: hang on a sec :) | 02:06 |
cypher1 | yakumo: you need to read how to configure iptables | 02:06 |
yakumo | /sbin/iptables or /lib/iptables? | 02:06 |
yakumo | copy | 02:06 |
ikonia_ | kenthomson I'm not berating him - I said I didn't want to help | 02:06 |
techie | it seems that gaim or xchat are both very good and stable programs for coming in here. | 02:06 |
cypher1 | yakumo: /sbin/iptables | 02:06 |
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kenthomson | ikonia_, troll | 02:06 |
ikonia_ | kenthomson I think you'll find I'm quite compentant | 02:06 |
ikonia_ | !ops | 02:06 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 02:06 |
posingaspopular | Sp4rKy: this paste bin didnt show any code... | 02:06 |
yakumo | ok | 02:06 |
omegabeta | This channel should work like a torrent, if you get what you like - stick around and re-seed it, only re-seed the information | 02:06 |
apokryphos | ikonia: yes? | 02:06 |
kenthomson | ikonia_, call them and let them see for themselves | 02:06 |
yakumo | then how??? :) | 02:06 |
ikonia_ | techie the gnome intergreation seems quite good | 02:06 |
cypher1 | yakumo: but i thought ipchains was integrated into linux kernel | 02:06 |
techie | <xfab which wordprocessor do you use? | 02:06 |
Matic`Makovec | How do I turn off the screensaver appearance and that "security" logout which comes with it after some time? | 02:07 |
kenthomson | apokryphos, he's trying to rule us all, and dictates terms to me | 02:07 |
ikonia_ | apokryphos can you take a look at kenthomson please - he's disrupting the channels flow with lines like |||||||||<<<<<<>>>>>>> | 02:07 |
agliv5 | ikonia, any ideas? | 02:07 |
xfab | techie: hmm.. my way to change it doesn't seem to work anymore, perhaps they changed it | 02:07 |
techie | <xfab just curious because in windows xp I used to use "polyedit" which I like lots! | 02:07 |
kenthomson | ikonia_, and what did you do just now? | 02:07 |
ikonia_ | kenthomson ~I'm not - I'm asking you to not put in pointless posts - its a busy channel | 02:07 |
kenthomson | ikonia_, whinner | 02:07 |
xfab | techie: I'm using openoffice at the moment | 02:07 |
techie | anybody can comment: I used to use "polyedit" in xp is there an equivalent in Ubuntu good for writers? | 02:07 |
xfab | techie: I'm quite happy with it | 02:07 |
ikonia_ | agliv5 be with you in a sec - just doing two other problems first | 02:07 |
omegabeta | Guys, bith of you.. get over it.. how trivial is it.. think about it.. who cares eh :) | 02:08 |
apokryphos | kenthomson: stop. | 02:08 |
xfab | techie: but abiword should be faster, at least that's what I heard | 02:08 |
ikonia_ | tkp you still listening ? | 02:08 |
agliv5 | ikonia, take your time :) | 02:08 |
apokryphos | kenthomson: please don't be annoying | 02:08 |
omegabeta | have a smoke and grab a glass of coke or something :) arguiing on the inter-webz is SO not worth it | 02:08 |
techie | <xfab I will certainly give it a try | 02:08 |
tkp | ikonia_: I'm here | 02:08 |
xfab | techie: ok :) | 02:08 |
ikonia_ | tkp sorry just had to confirm something - ubuntu 6.06 is using linuxthreads - it looks like edgy is the first one with nptl | 02:08 |
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kenthomson | apokryphos, he's behaving like he is the boss, giving hopeless solutions to another user "dave" who got pissed-off and left, just like i am going to do, if this nuisance is not stopped | 02:08 |
techie | thanks you all. I must run but so far I like Ubuntu pretty much. It seems effective, and reliable. | 02:08 |
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xfab | techie: sorry, that I couldn't help you with your IRC-Problem | 02:08 |
eilker | i have a .deb file, how to install it ? dpkg foo.deb ?? | 02:08 |
cypher1 | yakumo: check what ubotu told you | 02:09 |
kenthomson | eilker, sudo dpkg -i filename.deb | 02:09 |
techie | <xfab that's fine. I will snoop around that program next time. | 02:09 |
tkp | ikonia_: so I was right - much to my disliking :( | 02:09 |
xfab | techie: there's a way a bit more complicated | 02:09 |
apokryphos | !ohmy | kenthomson | 02:09 |
ubotu | kenthomson: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 02:09 |
ikonia_ | tkp but I can't be certain ubuntu 6.10 is the first - but it looks like it | 02:09 |
xfab | techie: you could use a terminal-IRC-Client | 02:09 |
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tkp | so... I need to go to the latest edgy? | 02:09 |
xfab | techie: and change the font of the terminal | 02:09 |
kenthomson | apokryphos, so you too are on the same side of the fence? | 02:09 |
apokryphos | kenthomson: if you have a complaint about a user, then please *just* tell a channel operator. | 02:09 |
techie | <xfab not worth it for me. I think gaim or xchat are good enough for me. | 02:09 |
techie | <xfab but thanks nonetheless. have a great day. must run. | 02:09 |
ikonia_ | tkp I can see a fesity test build with it, so I can assume edgy has it too | 02:10 |
eilker | kenthomson>: thanx | 02:10 |
omegabeta | kenthomson: dude, your stating to sound possesive, just get over it and chillax :) | 02:10 |
xfab | techie: I thought you would say that ^^ | 02:10 |
tkp | ikonia_: I'm a little confused, as I'm sure I have some apps running on here using pthreads | 02:10 |
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tkp | I guess not tho | 02:10 |
kenthomson | apokryphos, i told you about ikonia_, scroll a little above and record the last few lines of user-dave, for proof enough | 02:10 |
ikonia_ | tkp thats why I had to check too as I didn't thikn 6.06was linuxthreads | 02:10 |
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omegabeta | =/ | 02:10 |
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Sp4rKy | posingaspopular: http://paste.sos-sts.com/?60 shows | 02:10 |
kenthomson | apokryphos, omegabeta, when i drop-by to get help in a friendly channel, to find people like ikonia_ pretending to juggle around with all the troubleshooting and dictate terms to me, its purely annoying | 02:10 |
ikonia_ | tkp I'm not sure how that would work to be honest | 02:10 |
omegabeta | *sighs* people need to lighten up, this is a linux help channel ffs not livejournal | 02:10 |
yakumo | ok | 02:11 |
tkp | ikonia_: is there an easy upgrade path from dapper to edgy? | 02:11 |
posingaspopular | Sp4rKy: i opened it in konqeror let me try fx | 02:11 |
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ikonia_ | tkp ther is an upgrade path - but I prefere a fresh install as your moving from an LTS build to an none LTS build | 02:11 |
berent | any talkit software in linux | 02:11 |
ikonia_ | !upgrade >tkp | 02:11 |
omegabeta | kenthomson: dude, you get that. we all do.. the worst thing to do is bite back.. be better than it and ignore it man.. why waste your time on it.. seriously | 02:11 |
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tkp | ikonia_: :( | 02:12 |
tkp | thanks for your help | 02:12 |
ikonia_ | tkp sorry - thats just the way it looks | 02:12 |
ikonia_ | tkp no problem | 02:12 |
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apokryphos | Ok, no more now please. If anyone has issues, please PM me as the discussion is interrupting support. | 02:12 |
tkp | ikonia_: you think Edgy, or Feisty? | 02:12 |
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ikonia_ | tkp edgy would be better as fesity is not yet released | 02:12 |
tkp | :) k | 02:12 |
kenthomson | omegabeta, as it is i am fed up today, with all the linux troubleshooting and annoyed, so thought would let someone trying to be bossy a piece of himself back to deter any other ambitious actions of him from scarying users like me and "dave" away | 02:12 |
posingaspopular | Sp4rKy: well theres the problem: ATI | 02:12 |
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posingaspopular | type 'alsamixer' in the konsole/terminal | 02:13 |
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ikonia_ | agliv5 you stil there | 02:13 |
apokryphos | kenthomson: stop. | 02:13 |
agliv5 | ikonia, yep | 02:13 |
omegabeta | kenthomson: I understand dude, I really do, I've spent the better half of 9 hours re-config'in the kernel :) | 02:13 |
angusrf | is there a fritzcard-driver *.deb-package for ubuntu? | 02:13 |
ikonia_ | agliv5 it "looks" like you are trying to build the package on x86_^4 but one of the codecs it wants to link against is i386 - therefore the module is unusale | 02:13 |
ikonia_ | unusable | 02:14 |
apokryphos | omegabeta: please stop this discussion in here. | 02:14 |
Sp4rKy | posingaspopular: i wirte the output of alsamixer command at the end of the paste | 02:14 |
omegabeta | apokryphos: just trying to help =/ | 02:14 |
agliv5 | ikonia, is there anything I can do? | 02:14 |
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ikonia_ | agliv5 well - inveistage your codecs or what it wants to linkx against, am I right that your using x86_^4 | 02:14 |
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xfab | someone knows how I could fix my mediakeys (Logitech diNovo) on Gnome? | 02:14 |
ikonia_ | x86_64 | 02:14 |
kenthomson | posingaspopular, can you give your nick to ikonia_ ? He's the one implying it, not you. | 02:14 |
agliv5 | ikonia, starting to believe I should install gentoo instead of Ubuntu x64... | 02:15 |
ikonia_ | !ops | 02:15 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 02:15 |
ikonia_ | agliv5 bare with me lets see if we can work this through | 02:15 |
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posingaspopular | heh i cant i use it in like 30 diff. locations | 02:15 |
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ikonia_ | agliv5 I doubt it but lets see | 02:15 |
ikonia_ | apokryphos thank you | 02:15 |
apokryphos | and ikonia: you know I'm around, so please don't use that call when not necessary. | 02:15 |
agliv5 | ikonia, I am patient... | 02:15 |
ikonia_ | apokryphos thoguht you'd left - sorry | 02:15 |
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posingaspopular | ah the internet | 02:16 |
frankzeka | we can't use the private mode in this channel? | 02:16 |
posingaspopular | Sp4rKy: i have no clue... | 02:16 |
ikonia_ | agliv5 ok just so I'm clear your using edgy 6.10 onx 86_64 | 02:16 |
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ahron | yo. i got with fglrx and madwifi up and running on edgy. :) im so happy | 02:17 |
Sp4rKy | posingaspopular: :( | 02:17 |
posingaspopular | yea sorry | 02:17 |
agliv5 | ikonia, embarasingly... I'm not too sure... just grabed the package that looked right... | 02:17 |
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ikonia_ | agliv5 show me uname -a please | 02:17 |
Sp4rKy | nobody else can help me ? http://paste.sos-sts.com/?60 | 02:17 |
posingaspopular | plus i have school in 10 min | 02:17 |
xfab | someone knows how I could fix my mediakeys (Logitech diNovo) on Gnome? (I already tried keytouch, but isn't there an other way?) | 02:17 |
Sp4rKy | posingaspopular: ok :) good class so :) | 02:17 |
ikonia_ | tkp while looking at someone elses problem I can confirm that 6.10 has nptl in | 02:18 |
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tkp | ikonia_: really? | 02:18 |
tkp | hmm | 02:18 |
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ikonia_ | tkp yup agliv5looks like he's using 6.10 and he's trying to compile something and look.....agliv5 | 02:19 |
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ikonia_ | oops | 02:19 |
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ikonia_ | tkp pthread: yes | 02:19 |
agliv5 | ikonia, Linux Qui-Gon-Jinn 2.6.17-11-generic #2 SMP Thu Feb 1 18:03:05 UTC 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 02:19 |
tkp | oh, hang on... 6.10 - thats Edgy right? | 02:19 |
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ikonia_ | tkp yup | 02:19 |
ikonia_ | agliv5 ok thanks | 02:19 |
ikonia_ | agliv5 2 minutes | 02:19 |
tkp | ah, damn... thought for a minute that I didn't have to upgrade :/ | 02:19 |
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agliv5 | ikonia, k | 02:19 |
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akrepis | selam | 02:21 |
eilker | !make | 02:21 |
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 02:21 |
akrepis | da | 02:21 |
akrepis | nabesiniz | 02:21 |
akrepis | islam0131 | 02:21 |
eilker | ingilizce :D | 02:21 |
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NET||abuse | hey all, i have a wee problem with my flash in mozilla.... whenever there's a banner flash at the top of a page, and perhaps just above the flash rectancle area there's say a drop down menu, i find that the drop down menu doesn't apear over the flash block.. is there a way to fix that? | 02:21 |
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NET||abuse | and by mozilla i mean firefox.. :P | 02:21 |
Mumbles | whats a decent backup tool ? | 02:22 |
akrepis | ya v0131c0131n0131m | 02:22 |
akrepis | :) | 02:22 |
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NET||abuse | does anyone else see that and have some kind of idea if you can rectify that,, here's an example of a site i am having the problem with.. www.sisk.ie | 02:22 |
ikonia_ | agliv5 the problem looks like this - you're uxing x86_64 but its trying to use a c++ objects (example common/i386/mc-c.o common/i386/predict-c.o ) which as you can see are i386 | 02:22 |
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ikonia_ | agliv5 so the symbols from the i386 modules will be incompatible with x86_^4 | 02:23 |
ikonia_ | x86_64 | 02:23 |
agliv5 | ikonia, sounds logical... what can we do to fix this ? | 02:23 |
ikonia_ | agliv5 well it looks like this package is not ready for 64 bit use (at a glance) so you can either contact the developers and find out if there are any 64bit patches/source - or try building ina 32bit chroot but that in my opinion is more hassle than its worth | 02:24 |
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ikonia_ | NET||abuse I can se that site fine | 02:24 |
omegabeta | Anyone have any suggestion for some decent games repos? or a site that has the repos link plus a list of its contents? | 02:24 |
wille | oi pessoal estou com um problema na configurao do alsamixer sera que alguem pode me ajudar? | 02:25 |
Sp4rKy | does anyone use Poseidon UML software ? | 02:25 |
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ikonia_ | omegabeta the dissaponting thing is there are not many games out, and even then few are in an ubuntu package. There are some int he games repo's for ubuntu | 02:25 |
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agliv5 | ikonia, you mean the x264 package isn't compatible with x86_64? | 02:25 |
Sp4rKy | because on my computer poseidon is ver very very slow | 02:25 |
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ikonia_ | agliv5 well it may be, however the package you're using looks for i386 modules - | 02:25 |
teeL | Is there a way to auto transfer all images on a digital camera when i connect it to a usb port? | 02:25 |
NET||abuse | ikonia, if you try to mouse over the menu option to the far right, you'll see the background of a drop down menu? | 02:25 |
ikonia_ | teeL drag and drop - or use Karmera or something like that | 02:25 |
omegabeta | ikonia_: Ye, I've taken a look, nothing to exciting.. Not willing to fork out for cedge either | 02:25 |
NET||abuse | ikonia, and it's being obscured by the flash block below it | 02:26 |
lonran | hallo | 02:26 |
ikonia_ | omegabeta I agree, its dissapointing | 02:26 |
lonran | i have beryl and emerald running but the original theme icon i had has changed, are the gtk control theme and the icon theme independent from emerald? | 02:26 |
teeL | ikonia_: its a server without a monitor. | 02:26 |
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ikonia_ | NET||abuse thats normally bad flash coding | 02:26 |
ikonia_ | teeL not really then, you'd have to script it | 02:26 |
ahron | linux has come so far since i started using it in the 90s and windows has gotten so slow. i installed vista, but ubuntu was back within 4 days | 02:26 |
ikonia_ | lonran you'll get better support in #ubuntu-effects | 02:26 |
teeL | ikonia_: aw ok | 02:26 |
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ikonia_ | ahron offtopic chatter is best in #ubuntu-offtopic | 02:27 |
lonran | ikonia, thks | 02:27 |
NET||abuse | ikonia, just that IE on windows, and even Firefox on windows doesn't have that issue. as far as i know... one sec i'll go test it on my windows machine.. br | 02:27 |
agliv5 | ikonia, took out the --enable-libx264 and it compiled; however now make mplayer is erroring... | 02:27 |
NET||abuse | brb | 02:27 |
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ikonia_ | agliv5 to you want to share the make output ? | 02:27 |
ikonia_ | seeif we can progress it | 02:27 |
TeePOG | can anyone please help me with the correct /etc/fstab syntax to mount a NIS user's home directory with NFS? i just don't seem to find a reference for it anywhere | 02:28 |
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ikonia_ | TeePOG you need automounter and nis running, automounted will handle that rather than fstab | 02:28 |
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ikonia_ | TeePOG google for auto.home and auto.master | 02:29 |
NET||abuse | ikonia, yeh, just tested it on windows with IE and firefox, both display the drop down menus above the flash banner, and this isn't the only site i've seen this issue, i've seen it a few times | 02:29 |
rpereira | Hi, Is there someone using Feisty with desktop-effects? | 02:29 |
TeePOG | ok ikonia_, any pitfalls i should watch out for? | 02:29 |
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ikonia_ | rpereira fesity support is in #ubuntu+1 | 02:29 |
NET||abuse | ikonia, would you double check there in your firefox, mouse over the menu's at the top and see if you get the dropdowns? | 02:29 |
agliv5 | ikonia, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8081/ | 02:29 |
rpereira | ikonia_: Thanks | 02:29 |
ikonia_ | TeePOG nis is insecure - thats a big problem, but take your time is tbest tip as nis is tricky | 02:29 |
ikonia_ | NET||abuse I'm a bit busy at the moment | 02:30 |
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NET||abuse | ikonia, :) that's fine then, | 02:30 |
TeePOG | it's the incumbent system ikonia_, and time is not something I have a lot of | 02:30 |
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NET||abuse | ikonia, if you had time of course, wouuld never expect you to help if you're busy :) | 02:30 |
ikonia_ | NET||abuse sorry got 10 things going on at the moment | 02:30 |
agliv5 | ikonia, I though I would let you guess... ;) | 02:30 |
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NET||abuse | ikonia, hehe, tell me bout it ;) | 02:30 |
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darkcommon | !es | 02:31 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 02:31 |
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ikonia_ | agliv5 this is VERY interesting -O4 NET | 02:31 |
ikonia_ | oops | 02:31 |
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ikonia_ | agliv5 -04 -march=nocona -mtune=nocona | 02:31 |
darkcommon | hi | 02:32 |
agliv5 | ikonia, I have no idea what you are talking about... | 02:32 |
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ikonia_ | agliv5 it also looks like it still wants X264 (look -D__X264__ ) | 02:32 |
darkcommon | emm... what irc client you recommend (EDGY 64) | 02:32 |
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ikonia_ | darkcommon xchat, irris bitchX - its your choice | 02:33 |
ikonia_ | darkcommon its just personal taste | 02:33 |
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Matic`Makovec | Hmm...my mic volume on vent is pretty low friends say. How could I make it higher? I did quite a lot of experiments in alsamixer but didn't help | 02:33 |
darkcommon | a good client, who can tell me who people are in the channel | 02:33 |
billy | can the system monitor be configured to monitor only one CPU ? | 02:33 |
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ikonia_ | agliv5 common/amd64/mc-a2.o thats looking better though | 02:33 |
ikonia_ | darkcommon I've just given you 3 options | 02:33 |
darkcommon | ikonia, what use u? | 02:33 |
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agliv5 | ikonia, mabye to you ;) | 02:34 |
ikonia_ | darkcommon depends where I am and what I'm doing - try them and see which one YOU like | 02:34 |
Matic`Makovec | darkcommon, use xchat | 02:34 |
Fracture | hi, I have a linux installation, and wish to replace the hdd with a new one. what is the best way to copy the data to the new drive ? dd / rsync ? the new drive is bigger. | 02:34 |
darkcommon | OK | 02:34 |
ikonia_ | agliv5 I have a request - thats not going to be popular with you | 02:34 |
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darkcommon | Fracture, do a backup with rsync | 02:34 |
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Fracture | darkcommon: rsync -a / /media/newhdd ? | 02:35 |
ikonia_ | agliv5 can you remove the maplayer source dir - and re-untar it and check again as I think you have some caching from your previous attempts to make | 02:35 |
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darkcommon | yes | 02:35 |
darkcommon | I use it | 02:35 |
agliv5 | ikonia, what's the point in having such a spiffy dual core system if the best codecs aren't supported... | 02:35 |
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ikonia_ | agliv5 I didn't say they wheren't suport | 02:35 |
tabman | I've to fill out adobe acrobat forms, how can I do that on Ubuntu ? | 02:35 |
ikonia_ | support | 02:35 |
jvik | damn :\ i cant install my soundcard drivers | 02:35 |
ikonia_ | agliv5 try removing the source and trying again as it loks like there is some caching | 02:35 |
agliv5 | ikonia, eaisy enough ;) | 02:35 |
ikonia_ | then we can see IF we can take it foreward | 02:36 |
ikonia_ | forward | 02:36 |
techie | Question. I tried to look at some video on youtube.com via Ubuntu but it tells me I need to donwload flash. I tried to do it directly through the browser but it did not work. Is this something I must also search through and let Ubuntu install itself? | 02:36 |
ikonia_ | (no promises though) | 02:36 |
ikonia_ | !flash >agliv5 | 02:36 |
ikonia_ | oops | 02:36 |
darkcommon | matic'makovec in XChat what i can view the userlist | 02:36 |
ikonia_ | !flash techie | 02:36 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about flash techie - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:36 |
Chippi | modprobe | 02:36 |
ikonia_ | !flash >techie | 02:36 |
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darkcommon | jvik what is you audiocard? | 02:36 |
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ikonia_ | darkcommon hover over the user list | 02:36 |
Chippi | modprobe <soundmodule> | 02:36 |
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techie | <ikonia_ thanks. so I do a search for flash and install? | 02:36 |
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darkcommon | emmm... its an hotkey, i dont have very good english | 02:37 |
Slike | hi, is there a fairly easy way to create a custom live-cd, with some ubuntu packages on it that are not included on the cd by default? | 02:37 |
ikonia_ | techie pretty much - check the instructions int he link I sent you | 02:37 |
ikonia_ | Slike its not easy to create livecd's | 02:37 |
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techie | <ikonia_ can you send the link again. | 02:37 |
Fracture | darkcommon: should I exclude /proc, /sys and /dev ? | 02:37 |
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jvik | darkcommon: Realtek ALC880/ALC861 | 02:37 |
ikonia_ | !flash >techie | 02:37 |
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jvik | Built in on motherboard | 02:38 |
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darkcommon | Fracture... "/" its the file system, include all | 02:38 |
techie | <ikonia_ sorry but where is the link. or how do I access it. | 02:38 |
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darkcommon | !flash | 02:38 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:38 |
ikonia_ | techie check you pm window | 02:38 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 02:38 |
clust | Hi, I want to make a fresh ubuntu installation in a directory to set up a chroot environment, How can I do this? | 02:38 |
Fracture | darkcommon: /proc and /sys aren't real filesystems.. are they ? | 02:38 |
frankzeka | ikonia_: thank you, I try and reply after to you | 02:38 |
ikonia_ | !flash >techie | 02:38 |
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darkcommon | !backports | 02:39 |
ubotu | If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports | 02:39 |
ikonia_ | frankzeka pardon ? | 02:39 |
ikonia_ | !goodbotuse >darkcommon | 02:39 |
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frankzeka | about squid | 02:39 |
frankzeka | hehe | 02:39 |
jvik | Anyone other here that have had issues with installing Realtek ALC880/ALC861 soundcard drivers ? | 02:39 |
darkcommon | ikonia_ I only want to say WHO install fp9 | 02:39 |
darkcommon | and Im saying it for me! | 02:39 |
ikonia_ | frankzeka ooh right | 02:39 |
ikonia_ | darkcommon ok - so redirect it to yourself !flash >darkcommon for example | 02:40 |
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frankzeka | ikonia_: bye | 02:40 |
darkcommon | amm... ok1 | 02:40 |
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ikonia_ | agliv5 be back in 3 minutes | 02:40 |
tabman | I've to fill out adobe acrobat forms, how can I do that on linux (Ubuntu) ? | 02:40 |
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enry | hi, i have a question: | 02:41 |
darkcommon | tabman are you saying... install adobe | 02:41 |
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enry | creative sb live ----> no 4 channels recognized | 02:41 |
tuskon | He hello people | 02:41 |
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darkcommon | ikonia_ can you say me a simply but useful IRC client? | 02:42 |
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darkcommon | ikonia_ based on mirc, if possible | 02:42 |
tabman | darkcommon: install adobe from where ? | 02:42 |
enry | i have read it's a alsa driver problem if it's included in the kernel, how can i solve? | 02:42 |
dxdemetriou | can I optimize my whole system from i386 to k7? I have seen somethings about apt-build and prelink, but I don't now if it is a good idea | 02:42 |
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darkcommon | tabman what is your distro? | 02:42 |
agliv5 | ikonia, It's definately taking longer to compile now... which I assume is a good sign ;) | 02:42 |
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jvik | When i choose ALSA for music i get "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq= 512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Can't open resource for typing (wrinting) or whatever. I have norwegian version of linux, so i translated myself. | 02:42 |
jvik | help please =) | 02:43 |
tuskon | I have a question. I use openoffice 2.0. us. I need to instal a dutch spelling. | 02:43 |
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tabman | darkcommon: ubuntu LTS | 02:43 |
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darkcommon | tabman Dapper? | 02:43 |
tuskon | I use Kubuntu KDE 3.5.5. Can someone help me on my way? | 02:43 |
darkcommon | tuskon say me | 02:43 |
darkcommon | emm... for register nicks? | 02:43 |
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Chippi | ivik which soundcard do you have? | 02:43 |
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tuskon | say me? | 02:43 |
jvik | chippi Realtek ALC880/ALC861 | 02:44 |
topato | hello. I have just installed ubuntu on a server .. and have a question about how to work remotely with it in an unobtrusive fashion.. we use os x on our workstations and want to, somehow, mount a directory on the server on our workstations.. | 02:44 |
jvik | built in asus motherboard | 02:44 |
austinian | What is the advantage to using Kubuntu over Ubuntu? | 02:44 |
Chippi | is that an onboard sound? | 02:44 |
jvik | onboard. yeah | 02:44 |
enry | nobody can help for sb live 4 channel problem? | 02:44 |
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tabman | darcommon: 6.06 | 02:44 |
topato | what is most efficient (a combo of decent security, performance and transparancy)? sftp, ssh and samba comes to mind | 02:44 |
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darkcommon | austinian Kubuntu is KDE, ubuntu GNOME | 02:44 |
Chippi | you have to use the AC97 kernel modul | 02:44 |
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tabman | darkcommon: 6.06 or 6.10 I don't remember | 02:44 |
jvik | Chippi. Can you explain PM? Too much talk in here | 02:44 |
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jvik | :) | 02:45 |
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austinian | darkcommon: Thanky you. | 02:45 |
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Chippi | for onboard sound the AC97 is the right module | 02:45 |
darkcommon | austinian No problem. | 02:45 |
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darkcommon | tabman wait... | 02:45 |
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Chippi | jvik im quite busy | 02:45 |
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tritio | ok | 02:45 |
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techie | I know ivonia told me but what do I type in my synaptic Package manager search to find the flash program I need to play youtube files? | 02:46 |
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rausb0 | Chippi: not true. ac97 is widely used by onboard sound, but not by all. | 02:46 |
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Chippi | but you can use google the get an installation guide for the AC 97 sound module | 02:46 |
tuskon | darkcommon. What did you meen..say me? | 02:46 |
jvik | Where do i choose sound module ? | 02:46 |
jvik | im newb in linux | 02:46 |
rausb0 | Chippi: recent onboard sound often uses the snd-hda-intel module | 02:46 |
darkcommon | tuskon say me your problem!! | 02:46 |
Chippi | jvik how old is your board? | 02:47 |
jvik | it use ac97 module | 02:47 |
jvik | i know that | 02:47 |
jvik | 1-2 years old | 02:47 |
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Chippi | ok that's good | 02:47 |
tuskon | Ok ik need to install a dictionary dutch (holland) | 02:47 |
jvik | But where do i choose module ? | 02:47 |
darkcommon | tabman ON EDGY: Do this first (is safe) http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_add_extra_repositories Next, do this: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_PDF_Reader_.28Adobe_Reader.29_with_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox | 02:47 |
Chippi | can you handle google search? | 02:47 |
tabman | darkcommon: I download the .pdf forms and I need to fill those forms | 02:47 |
darkcommon | a... | 02:47 |
techie | Can anybody tell me the link again I need to download the flash player from synaptic? | 02:47 |
darkcommon | you need CrossOver (I can share you it) for install adobe pro | 02:48 |
techie | My browser will not play youtube files because I need the flahser for linux | 02:48 |
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darkcommon | AWAY | 02:48 |
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tabman | darkcommon: what would adding these extra repositories serve ? | 02:49 |
Chippi | jvik if possible try to get an PCI soundcard, for example a soundblaster because the work much better in linux systems than onboard sound | 02:49 |
rausb0 | Chippi: btw, snd-ac97-codec is only a helper module. the actual sound module would be snd-intel8x0 or snd-ens1371 or ... (there are many modules depending on snd-ac97-codec) | 02:49 |
techie | what's the link for flash? | 02:50 |
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techie | can anybody help? | 02:50 |
ikonia_ | !flash >techie | 02:50 |
Chippi | ok | 02:50 |
jvik | Chippi :\ i am not able to get a pci soundcard | 02:50 |
ikonia_ | agliv5 back | 02:50 |
tabman | darkcommon: I'm not just looking for an adobe reader but also a writer you see | 02:50 |
Chippi | jvik try "modprobe snd-intel8x0" | 02:50 |
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Chippi | that will load the sound module if availeble | 02:51 |
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jvik | FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-generic/kernel/sound/pci/snd-intel8x0.ko': No such file or directory | 02:51 |
jvik | e few errors that looks like this | 02:51 |
jvik | was the only thing i got | 02:51 |
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jvik | a* | 02:51 |
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ikonia_ | jvik modules not there | 02:51 |
martalli | Can someone point me in the right direction? I want to create a "music toaster" with an old computer. Basically - if it boots, I want it to start paying music off a defined playlist (much as some have setup fah to run as a background process. Planning to use dapper 6.06.1 (6.10 would be OK if necessary) | 02:51 |
amaan | can someone help me with kiba-dock? | 02:52 |
Chippi | you have to compile the module into the kernel | 02:52 |
techie | <ikonia_ when i use that link it tells me that unable to find that for my platform | 02:52 |
Chippi | but that's really a f* job | 02:52 |
ikonia_ | techie what is your platform | 02:52 |
martalli | This is for our music-on-hold system - I want it to work even if the power goes out and back on without anyone botherin it (exc ept to turn it on if necesary | 02:52 |
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techie | ubuntu (linux) | 02:52 |
jvik | Chippi; i have the modules, but i have problems with installing them | 02:52 |
Chippi | if I were you I would just go and buy a cheap PCI sound card :) | 02:52 |
ikonia_ | techie x86 or x86_64 | 02:52 |
jvik | i have the uncompiled things | 02:52 |
techie | x86 | 02:52 |
Chippi | because the onboard sound always causes trouble in linux | 02:53 |
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techie | !flashx 86 | 02:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about flashx 86 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:53 |
ernstan | hey anyone know a good burning tool i want to burn a .iso file | 02:53 |
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martalli | ernstan: k3b or gnomebaker | 02:53 |
ikonia_ | techie show me uname -a please | 02:53 |
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galen198 | Hi! | 02:53 |
galen198 | I need help! | 02:54 |
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ikonia_ | galen198 you have to ask a question to get it answered | 02:54 |
Chippi | I had the same problems with my onboard sound until I bought me a soundblaster which works just from start up :) | 02:54 |
ernstan | martalli: thanks will test | 02:54 |
galen198 | My Xubuntu refuses to start | 02:54 |
agliv5 | ikonia, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8083/ & http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8084/ | 02:54 |
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jvik | What does a good soundblaster card cost now-days? | 02:54 |
Chippi | that's the very best advise I can give you | 02:54 |
Chippi | :) | 02:54 |
dyrne | jvik: like 29 dollars | 02:54 |
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galen198 | I just updated to 6.10 and now when I reboot, everything is just lack | 02:55 |
ikonia_ | agliv5 arn't the win32 codecs not available on x86_64 | 02:55 |
Chippi | yea | 02:55 |
galen198 | black* | 02:55 |
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tabman | darkcommon: ? | 02:55 |
agliv5 | Can anybody help me out? When installing ubuntu, I accidently formated my boot sector and now windows won't start... what can I do? | 02:55 |
wbvmwareimage | hallo | 02:55 |
ikonia_ | agliv5 looks like they are not abailable agliv5 | 02:55 |
dyrne | martalli: could you just put a script in inittab with the respawn option and use mplayer with a playlist? | 02:55 |
ikonia_ | Checking for Win32 codecs ... no | 02:56 |
ikonia_ | agliv5 re-install grub | 02:56 |
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agliv5 | ikonia, I don't know... I followed the guide for installing them and it wasn't too complicated.... should I try w/o ? | 02:56 |
martalli | Well, actually, I was planning somehting like that, but looking for a pointer on what to look up first - I will check out inittab | 02:56 |
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agliv5 | ikonia, how? | 02:56 |
Chippi | someone here tried feisty fawn already? | 02:57 |
martalli | What would it be for edgy? | 02:57 |
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dyrne | martalli: im not sure about new init. i think edgy still has /etc/inittab | 02:57 |
ikonia_ | agliv5 well defoo remove them as you've not got them installed according to the configure | 02:57 |
ikonia_ | !grub >agliv5 | 02:57 |
Chippi | eeewww win32codecs :p | 02:57 |
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agliv5 | ikonia, ubuntu /boot is on a diffrent partition then the windows boot... that's the problem... | 02:57 |
edward_ | Hi | 02:57 |
Chippi | use "lame" ^^ | 02:58 |
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ikonia_ | agliv5 shojldn't be a problem | 02:58 |
martalli | Regarding sound cards, I found this one:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16829130001 | 02:58 |
edward_ | When I disconnect from my router and connect directly to the net I cant ping google.com | 02:58 |
edward_ | I think I need to reset something on my compy but what | 02:58 |
martalli | on newegg for 7.50 (abnout 13 after shipping) | 02:58 |
nn-main | man if you avertize ubuntu on Tv it would spred like wild fire No more Windows Junk. If they set up a cheep tec suport;; that would be cool | 02:58 |
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martalli | dyrne: Thanks for the tip. I can probably take it from there | 02:58 |
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agliv5 | ikonia, the guide I was following instructed just to unpack the tar.bz and then copy the files to the /usr... dir no compiling involved... | 02:59 |
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webben | nn-main, It would make a lot more sense to advertise System 76. | 03:00 |
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ikonia_ | agliv5 well you're configure can't see it | 03:00 |
webben | Most people buy computers; they don't install operating systems. | 03:00 |
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NET||abuse | hmm, wondering if anyone would have a look at a flash/firefox display issue i'm having, i'll just outline the problem again for you. | 03:00 |
NET||abuse | the trouble is with flash in firefox, but only on linux.. basically, some sites i've gone to, all sorts of different ones, have a header graphic, then a horizontal menu with drop down sub menus, but below the horizontal menu there's a flash banner, some kind of animated graphic or advertisement, the issue is that on firefox and ie on windows, the drop down menu's appear above the flash banner, but on linux, the drop downs are below a | 03:00 |
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NET||abuse | nd so obscured by the flash banner | 03:00 |
agliv5 | ikonia, I don't need them (i think) so I'll just configure w/o | 03:01 |
martalli | webben: Now, if retailers such as walmart and dell focused more on the linux market, that may make a difference | 03:01 |
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tabman | i'm looking for a pdf file writer on ubuntu ? | 03:01 |
amaan | can anyone help me with kiba-dock? | 03:01 |
NET||abuse | does anyone else have such an issue? if you want to view and example go to www.sisk.ie so i need to figure out a fix for this, any suggestions on how to fix the browser configuration rather than the site, as these are not sites i'm coding, they just one's i've visited. | 03:01 |
webben | martalli, Sure. | 03:01 |
elkbuntu | !pdf tabman | 03:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pdf tabman - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:01 |
webben | tabman, Scribus, OpenOffice.org | 03:01 |
tkp | advice wanted... I'm going to upgrade from Dapper to Edgy... What should I back up first? | 03:01 |
daedra | arrrr every distro of ubuntu up to and including 6.06.1 work on my pc, but the ones thereafter don't | 03:01 |
webben | tabman, various postscript output tools | 03:02 |
jvik | Anyone have exprience with installing onboard soundcard (ASUS) realtek? | 03:02 |
webben | tabman, There are loads of them. | 03:02 |
elkbuntu | webben, scribus-ng too ;) | 03:02 |
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Wuffi600 | hi all. | 03:02 |
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NET||abuse | tabman, best thing is to use OOo | 03:02 |
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edward_ | When I disconnect from my router and connect directly to the net I cant ping google.com | 03:02 |
webben | tabman, Scribus is probably your choice if you want to send something to the printers. | 03:02 |
ikonia_ | agliv5 looking at the output from the make - it looks like the codecs installed on ubuntu are too old to be used to build against the newer version of mplayer | 03:02 |
edward_ | I think I need to reset something on my compy but what | 03:02 |
NET||abuse | tabman, so write up a document, then export to pdf, works great for me | 03:02 |
webben | tabman, For anything else, consider a format like HTML. | 03:02 |
dyrne | daedra: feisty a no go? | 03:02 |
ikonia_ | agliv5 thats what it looks like without me trying it myself | 03:02 |
webben | tabman, since AFAIK no opensource free tools support generating PDF with accessibility features. | 03:03 |
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tabman | webben: I've downloaded some pdf files and they are basically electronic forms I need to fill them & save them as it is as pdf files | 03:03 |
webben | tabman, Easiest thing is pull down adobe acrobat for linux | 03:03 |
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webben | tabman, It's either in the commercial or multiverse repositories, i forget which | 03:03 |
NET||abuse | tabman, yeh, hate that lark, there is official acrobat reader for linux isn't there? | 03:03 |
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jvik | Any norweigans that can help priv here ? | 03:04 |
edward_ | When I disconnect from my router and connect directly to the net I cant ping google.com | 03:04 |
edward_ | I think I need to reset something on my compy but what | 03:04 |
NET||abuse | the adobe acrobat for ubuntu (dapper) is only v7 | 03:04 |
clust | how can I clean up an ubuntu system for minimal size. I wan to remove man pages an simillar things. | 03:04 |
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berent | i have installed oracle xe on edgy | 03:04 |
NET||abuse | acrobat is currently on v9 afaik | 03:04 |
berent | now i want to connect it by JDBC | 03:04 |
berent | i dont have any java platform | 03:05 |
berent | which is the best software which will help me | 03:05 |
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bullgard2 | What variable is 'LC_ALL=(unset)'? It may have a meaning with locales or computer language C. | 03:05 |
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tabman | webben: though repositories or adobe website ? | 03:05 |
techie | Ivona.. when I try to download the flash program my browser tellsm "totem could not play fd" something" unkn ow stream | 03:05 |
pi_ | anyone know pureftp? | 03:05 |
webben | tabman, Hmm... i've been using version 7 from multiverse | 03:05 |
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techie | ivona, still trying to download the flashplayer or addon for my browser. Message again is Totem could not play fd://0" could not determine the stream | 03:06 |
webben | tabman, 7.0.8 in the repos is almost the latest version offered for Linux anyhow | 03:06 |
webben | (the Adobe site offers 7.0.9) | 03:06 |
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berent | how to run sqlj and java programs on ubuntu | 03:06 |
dyrne | clust: well offhand rm -fr /usr/share/doc/* and rm /var/cache/apt/archives/* | 03:07 |
eagles0513875 | how do i remove an ati proprietary driver reason i ask is because it is causing wine to act up and not work | 03:07 |
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finalbeta | berent: install java :/ | 03:07 |
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tkp | I'm about to upgrade from Dapper to Edgy... | 03:07 |
omegabeta | anyone here know if xine is still maintained? and if not, a decent alternative with as many features/options | 03:07 |
tkp | update manager requires you to work in X | 03:07 |
webben | NET||abuse, tabman The newest version of the Reader for Windows is only 8 not 9. | 03:07 |
tkp | the only way I can do that on this machine is via nxclient | 03:07 |
finalbeta | tkp: the server version doesn't have an upgrader I believe. | 03:08 |
edward_ | When I disconnect from my router and connect directly to the net I cant ping google.com | 03:08 |
edward_ | I think I need to reset something on my compy but what | 03:08 |
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NET||abuse | webben, ahh; ) wasn't sure | 03:08 |
Mumbles | woah | 03:08 |
tkp | finalbeta: this is not the server version | 03:08 |
finalbeta | tkp: ask edgy/upgrade questions in #ubuntu+1 | 03:08 |
Mumbles | my ubuntu cd keeps on messing up | 03:08 |
tkp | finalbeta: k | 03:08 |
Mumbles | i used it thismorning as well | 03:08 |
clust | dyrne: thank you, You are swiss knife ;) | 03:08 |
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NET||abuse | anyway... soooo annoying this flash display depth issue i've got | 03:09 |
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ikonia_ | NET||abuse I suggest you feedback to adobe ? | 03:09 |
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NET||abuse | anyone have a clue about why drop down menus on a site would be obscured by a flash block. | 03:09 |
NET||abuse | ikonia, well it's odd as it's only on linux, not on windows | 03:09 |
edward_ | http://www.local.net/~jgo/linuxhelp.html | 03:09 |
edward_ | oops | 03:09 |
eagles0513875 | !ati remove | 03:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ati remove - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:09 |
tabman | webben: and it'll let me write inside the form fields whichever acrobat I get from the repositories ? | 03:09 |
ikonia_ | NET||abuse the flash player for linux is different | 03:09 |
tabman | webben: what is the package name ? | 03:10 |
NET||abuse | ikonia, yeh, i know.. it's an odd one, but I would have thought there was some kind of difference in firefox either that could cause the issue | 03:10 |
webben | tabman, acroread | 03:10 |
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tobi1canobe | hello! | 03:10 |
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webben | NET||abuse, I'd report it to Adobe as a bug in flash (assuming you're using version 9 not version 7) | 03:11 |
tkp | back again with questions re upgrading Dapper->Edgy | 03:11 |
tabman | webben: but I think acroread will only let me read files not write into them ? | 03:11 |
tobi1canobe | what's the min ram requirement for ubuntu. I only got 64MB | 03:11 |
finalbeta | tkp: what's the exact problem? The upgrade manager will download all packages, and will start installing, if all goes well, you will be asked to reboot and you will be in edgy. But many dapper > edgy upgrades are troublesome, fail for several users. | 03:11 |
ikonia_ | tobi1canobe 128 mb | 03:11 |
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NET||abuse | webben, oh yeh yeh, the nonfree flash direct from adobe | 03:11 |
tobi1canobe | crap. | 03:11 |
webben | tabman, I think it will let you fill in PDF forms. | 03:11 |
edward_ | When I disconnect from my router and connect directly to the net I cant ping google.com | 03:11 |
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tkp | finalbeta: this worries me | 03:11 |
edward_ | I think I need to reset something on my compy but what | 03:11 |
tobi1canobe | ikonia_: thanks anyhow | 03:11 |
tkp | I can not affor it to fail | 03:11 |
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webben | tabman, I don't know much about that process however, never having done it. | 03:11 |
tkp | afford | 03:11 |
ketil__ | tkp : then make sure you backup as mush as possible | 03:11 |
miilunpolttaja | tkp: then why upgrade? : ) | 03:11 |
finalbeta | tkp: I've done 2 upgrades, and they gave me nightmares. I recommend a fresh install | 03:11 |
tkp | miilunpolttaja: because I need NPTL | 03:12 |
finalbeta | Edgy -> Feisty upgrades will go much smoother. | 03:12 |
tabman | webben can you try & let me know, I can give you the link to a fillable pdf form, it'll only add to your knowledge ? | 03:12 |
NET||abuse | webben, would you confirm the bug? www.sisk.ie go to the contact us in the header menu, you'll see the edge of the drop down pearing around the edge of the flash block | 03:12 |
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techie | can anybody help I can't download the flashplayer via my firefox browser, it tells me "Totem could not play" can anybody explain what that means? | 03:12 |
NET||abuse | webben, if you have FF and flash nonfree v9 installed :) | 03:12 |
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ikonia_ | techie you don't download it via flash - you download it from the repo - as thel ink I sent you explains | 03:12 |
tkp | ok. well in that case I guess I need to find a wy to do a fresh install | 03:12 |
dyrne | edward_: sounds more like a router problem | 03:12 |
techie | sorry ikonia but what is repo? | 03:13 |
webben | tabman, What makes you think I'd be a better tester than you? | 03:13 |
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techie | I know you sent me the link but I am very new at this and this does not compute. | 03:13 |
ketil__ | tkp : if you decide to upgrade, make sure package ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop is installed. Also, remove most files beginning with "." in your home dir | 03:13 |
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webben | NET||abuse, I'll have a look | 03:13 |
techie | can you explain fruther | 03:13 |
NET||abuse | techie, oh dear,, you really should know what package repository is.. :) | 03:13 |
tabman | webben: not that just as I'm not on linux right now & don't have the package installed either | 03:13 |
edward_ | When I am connected directly to the net? | 03:13 |
ikonia_ | techie the repo is where ubuntu software is kept | 03:13 |
NET||abuse | webben, cheers, your a star! :) | 03:13 |
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ikonia_ | techie follow the instructiosn in the link I sent you | 03:13 |
edward_ | How could that be a router prob? | 03:13 |
omegabeta | anyone here know if xine is still maintained? and if not, a decent alternative with as many features/options | 03:13 |
teeL | How do i print on both sides of a paper? =P My printer can do it but i dont know how | 03:13 |
pi_ | nobody know pureftp? | 03:13 |
webben | tabman, use vmplayer? | 03:13 |
tabman | webben: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5257B.PDF | 03:13 |
tkp | ketil__: by the sounds of it an upgrade is a bad idea. This is a critical system | 03:13 |
dyrne | teeL: the term to look for is duplex printing | 03:14 |
techie | i hear you. | 03:14 |
NET||abuse | omegabeta, good question,, | 03:14 |
ikonia_ | tkp I'm not a fan of upgrades at the moment | 03:14 |
ikonia_ | omegabeta I believe it is | 03:14 |
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NET||abuse | teeL, duplex module, your printer has to have it (it's a hardware feature) | 03:14 |
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ketil__ | tkp : then make a clean install instead. But why not wait for the next long term support (LTS) release? | 03:14 |
teeL | dyrne: ok thanks :) | 03:14 |
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techie | first half hour with Ubuntu guys.... I will learn. thanks again. | 03:14 |
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tkp | because I need NPTL yesterday | 03:14 |
ikonia_ | ketil__ thats a long time away | 03:14 |
techie | I will go back and try. | 03:14 |
tkp | it's stopping me run certain software | 03:15 |
NET||abuse | techie, there's a link covering how to manage the packages for ubuntu | 03:15 |
NET||abuse | !packages | 03:15 |
ys76 | get yourself? | 03:15 |
ubotu | You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways! | 03:15 |
edward_ | When I disconnect from my router and connect directly to the net I cant ping google.com | 03:15 |
edward_ | I think I need to reset something on my compy but what | 03:15 |
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ikonia_ | edward_ probably no dns | 03:15 |
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ketil__ | ikonia : I'm aware, but it's still an option for many ppl | 03:15 |
ikonia_ | edward_ as your router didn'tgive you a dns server | 03:15 |
ikonia_ | ketil__ yes it is | 03:15 |
gvainfo_ | hi | 03:15 |
edward_ | Im talking about when im NOT connected to my router | 03:15 |
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edward_ | I cant connect | 03:15 |
tkp | my main drive is actually a raid of two smaller drives, giving me one large drive to work with | 03:16 |
techie | <NET||abuse> thanks. | 03:16 |
ikonia_ | edward_ yes, I know - so your router won't give you a dhcp address - so you won't be able to ping anything | 03:16 |
edward_ | Im connected DIRECTLY to the net | 03:16 |
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tkp | I have 130gb left on it | 03:16 |
eagles0513875 | reset ur network card edward | 03:16 |
edward_ | Yes I know that | 03:16 |
edward_ | I need to reset something on m y compy to get that | 03:16 |
tkp | cn I do a fresh install in this remaining space, without touching the existiing install? | 03:16 |
ikonia_ | edward_ so how do you expect to ping anything when you have no DNS servers being offered via dhcp | 03:16 |
eagles0513875 | yya u can tkp | 03:16 |
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tkp | eagles0513875: know where there is a how to about this by anychance? | 03:17 |
edward_ | Same way I can when I plug my windows compy into the net | 03:17 |
eagles0513875 | not that i know of | 03:17 |
edward_ | ANd it works | 03:17 |
ikonia_ | tkp just create the file system on the space space | 03:17 |
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edward_ | as it resets automatically | 03:17 |
ikonia_ | edward_ ubuntu isn't windows | 03:17 |
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edward_ | I KMNOW | 03:17 |
edward_ | I have to do the reset manually | 03:17 |
edward_ | How do I do that | 03:17 |
ikonia_ | edward_ so don't expect it to work like windows | 03:17 |
eagles0513875 | how do i remove proprietary ati video drivers | 03:17 |
ikonia_ | edward_ what reset are you talking about ? | 03:18 |
ikonia_ | edward_ you just need dns servers by the sounds of it | 03:18 |
edward_ | IM not expecting iot to work like windows | 03:18 |
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edward_ | My isp provides that does it not? | 03:18 |
finalbeta | tkp: the installer can resize that left over space, and create a new partition for you. | 03:18 |
ikonia_ | edward_ then don't say "like my windows box" when I ask you how you expect it to work | 03:18 |
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eagles0513875 | how much space do u have left tkp | 03:18 |
ikonia_ | edward_ your isp provides it through your router | 03:18 |
ikonia_ | edward_ in my opinion | 03:18 |
finalbeta | eagles0513875: read up, 130gb | 03:18 |
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tkp | 130gb (it's actually two drives raided together) | 03:18 |
tabman | webben: i'm looking for a download manager accelerator on ubuntu ? | 03:18 |
eagles0513875 | ok how much space do u want to allocate to edgy | 03:19 |
NET||abuse | webben: any joy? did you check out htat bug? :) | 03:19 |
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tkp | eventually I can trash the old installation... I just have no way of backing it up which is why I want to do it like this | 03:19 |
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NET||abuse | eagles0513875, for ati it's dead easy. just remove the ati-video pacakge and re-install mesa-dri and glx | 03:19 |
tkp | I can use all the remaining space, -5gb perhaps | 03:20 |
edward_ | Well thaen why can I connect through wiondows | 03:20 |
NET||abuse | finally reset your driver to 'radeon' on your xorg.conf | 03:20 |
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ikonia_ | edward_ because windows works differently - as I said stop comaparing it | 03:20 |
ikonia_ | edward_ windows may have cached your dns | 03:20 |
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eagles0513875 | i have the ati-video already install but for some reason the mesa glx is still saying in direct so u saying i have to install mesa dri | 03:20 |
ikonia_ | edward_ or I could be wrong about your setup | 03:20 |
edward_ | I think you may be | 03:20 |
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ikonia_ | edward_ do you have access to the ubuntu box now ? | 03:20 |
edward_ | Yes | 03:21 |
ikonia_ | edward_ show me the output of ifconfig in a pastebin please | 03:21 |
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edward_ | paastebin? | 03:21 |
ikonia_ | !pastebin >edward_ | 03:21 |
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edward_ | pastebin: error fetching interface information: Device not found | 03:22 |
eagles0513875 | how do i do that net | 03:22 |
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ikonia_ | edward_ sorry try "sudo ifconfig -a" | 03:22 |
NET||abuse | eagles0513875, one sec,, what's the packages your working with? ati-video-driver or something.. | 03:22 |
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NET||abuse | eagles0513875, or the fglrx drivers? | 03:22 |
edward_ | Password: | 03:22 |
edward_ | eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:13:D4:02:5A:90 | 03:22 |
edward_ | inet addr: Bcast: Mask: | 03:22 |
edward_ | inet6 addr: fe80::213:d4ff:fe02:5a90/64 Scope:Link | 03:22 |
edward_ | UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1492 Metric:1 | 03:22 |
edward_ | RX packets:2510 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 | 03:22 |
edward_ | TX packets:2593 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 | 03:22 |
edward_ | collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 | 03:22 |
eagles0513875 | its a propriatry one from ati which installed the fglrx drivers | 03:23 |
ikonia_ | edward_ I said in a pastebin | 03:23 |
edward_ | RX bytes:1698110 (1.6 MiB) TX bytes:361058 (352.5 KiB) | 03:23 |
edward_ | Interrupt:201 | 03:23 |
NET||abuse | edward_, don't paste in channel | 03:23 |
edward_ | lo Link encap:Local Loopback | 03:23 |
edward_ | inet addr: Mask: | 03:23 |
edward_ | inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host | 03:23 |
eagles0513875 | paste bin STOP SPAMMING CHANNEL | 03:23 |
NET||abuse | STOPPPP | 03:23 |
edward_ | UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1 | 03:23 |
edward_ | RX packets:3233 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 | 03:23 |
edward_ | TX packets:3233 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 | 03:23 |
edward_ | collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 | 03:23 |
TeePOG | how do I set my default session to KDE for all users? I'd rather not do it manually, there are a lot of users | 03:23 |
Toma- | !ops | 03:23 |
NET||abuse | kick im someone? | 03:23 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 03:23 |
dyrne | edward_: edward leave and renter channel | 03:23 |
edward_ | RX bytes:209691 (204.7 KiB) TX bytes:209691 (204.7 KiB) | 03:23 |
edward_ | sit0 Link encap:IPv6-in-IPv4 | 03:23 |
JosefK | she canna take it captain :/ | 03:23 |
edward_ | NOARP MTU:1480 Metric:1 | 03:23 |
eagles0513875 | UR GOIGN TO GET BANNED FOR 24 HRS | 03:23 |
tabman | i'm looking for a download manager accelerator on ubuntu ? | 03:23 |
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ikonia_ | edward_ I told you to do that in a pastebin | 03:23 |
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eagles0513875 | net can we talk in private | 03:23 |
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TeePOG | good grief | 03:23 |
Toma- | guys, if someone is being retarded, call the ops with !ops | 03:23 |
dyrne | i dont think hes registered or knows what pastebin is :) | 03:23 |
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TeePOG | how do I set my default session to KDE for all users? I'd rather not do it manually, there are a lot of users | 03:24 |
ikonia_ | Toma- someoen did | 03:24 |
edward_ | Sorry about that | 03:24 |
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Toma- | !pastebin | edward_ | 03:24 |
ubotu | edward_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:24 |
ikonia_ | edward_ put it in a pastebin so I can see it please | 03:24 |
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dyrne | edward_: it happens pretty regularly here :) | 03:24 |
NET||abuse | edward_, flood to somewhere like pastebin http://rafb.net/paste | 03:24 |
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Kawasaxi | g'morning | 03:25 |
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edward_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8088 | 03:25 |
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ikonia_ | edward_ thanks | 03:25 |
NET||abuse | eagles0513875, brb 5 mins.. just gotta sort something here | 03:25 |
Talaman | hey, does anyone know if we have to download a patch for the time change? | 03:25 |
eagles0513875 | ok | 03:25 |
edward_ | I can't belive how fast I figired that out | 03:25 |
Kawasaxi | coupl help me with mounting drives fro ubuntu install? | 03:26 |
ikonia_ | edward_ can you show me the output of "cat /etc/resolv.con" | 03:26 |
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Seveas | Talaman, that patch has been included in Ubuntu for a few months :) | 03:26 |
ikonia_ | edward_ figured what out ? | 03:26 |
dyrne | Kawasaxi: windows? ntfs? | 03:26 |
Talaman | ok, cool, just checking | 03:26 |
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edward_ | No such file or dir | 03:26 |
ikonia_ | edward_ there you go | 03:26 |
tabman | download accelerator/manager accelerator on ubuntu ? | 03:26 |
ikonia_ | you're not getting any dns options | 03:26 |
edward_ | ? | 03:26 |
Seveas | ikonia_, you forgot the f ;) | 03:26 |
ikonia_ | Seveas typo | 03:26 |
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ikonia_ | edward_ /etc/resolv.conf | 03:26 |
ikonia_ | Seveas well spotted | 03:27 |
Kawasaxi | well, theres 6 partitions, 1 is unallocated | 03:27 |
TeePOG | ikonia_: you told him to output "resolv.con" | 03:27 |
TeePOG | [16:22] <ikonia_> edward_ can you show me the output of "cat /etc/resolv.con" | 03:27 |
ikonia_ | TeePOG yup saw it after a nudge | 03:27 |
TeePOG | heh | 03:27 |
TeePOG | np | 03:27 |
edward_ | Command not found | 03:27 |
ikonia_ | edward_ no no no "cat /etc/resolv.conf" | 03:27 |
JosefK | edward_: he meant "cat /etc/resolv.conf" :P | 03:27 |
eagles0513875 | how do i run the 3ddesktop pkg | 03:27 |
eagles0513875 | !3ddesktop | 03:27 |
ubotu | 3ddesktop: "Three-dimensional" desktop switcher. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.9-5.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 74 kB, installed size 448 kB | 03:27 |
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edward_ | ok got it | 03:28 |
ikonia_ | edward_ pastebin please | 03:28 |
darkside | Hi @all | 03:28 |
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edward_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8089/ | 03:28 |
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Kawasaxi | ok what are root partitions and swap partitions | 03:28 |
edward_ | Thats so cool | 03:28 |
darkside | Someone avail who can provide some help with ubuntu server? | 03:29 |
eagles0513875 | how do i run the 3ddesktop pkg | 03:29 |
ikonia_ | edward_ whats cool ? | 03:29 |
dyrne | Kawasaxi: think of root as c:\ and swap as your page file | 03:29 |
edward_ | Pastebin | 03:29 |
ikonia_ | edward_ ok - so there is 3 name servers on there - and you have a 192.168 none routable interenet address | 03:29 |
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finalbeta | !ask | darkside | 03:29 |
ubotu | darkside: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 03:29 |
ikonia_ | edward_ so you need something to do nat translation - which I assume is your router or modem | 03:29 |
dyrne | Kawasaxi: swap is virtual memory | 03:29 |
Kawasaxi | so then typically, my root should be the largest one? all my files would be going there? | 03:29 |
edward_ | Well right now its working fine | 03:30 |
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tabman | i'm looking for a download manager accelerator on ubuntu ? | 03:30 |
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ikonia_ | edward_ so something is doing your nat translation for you | 03:30 |
edward_ | BUt Im talking about when imn not connected to the router connected directly to the net | 03:30 |
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darkside | fine then :) I like to have the following: Run vnc server to provide a GUI remotely - though only have a console login locally, cause the on | 03:30 |
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erik_ | Wierd error, is it just for me that firefox crashes when going to one.com ? | 03:30 |
dyrne | Kawasaxi: well it depends. but if you are just going to have / and swap which is the simplest setup then yes. swap should just be equal to ram generally | 03:30 |
ikonia_ | edward_ yes, thats the point I'm trying to make | 03:30 |
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darkside | ly thing i will have connected will be s small b/w monitor :) | 03:30 |
ikonia_ | edward_ your router is doing you're nat / offering your IP and dns info via dhcp | 03:30 |
edward_ | ok | 03:31 |
eagles0513875 | its just u erik | 03:31 |
Talaman | ok, just got that patch | 03:31 |
ikonia_ | edward_ take away the router and you won't get that information | 03:31 |
jimcooncat | I want to send a bunch of pdf's to a printer. Is there a command to do that in one shot? | 03:31 |
edward_ | ah ok | 03:31 |
darkside | What do I need to install after initial installation will be finished? | 03:31 |
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ikonia_ | edward_ do you see what I was saying now ? | 03:31 |
erik_ | eagles0513875: Ok, thanks, will try to figure out what I'm doing wrong then... | 03:31 |
edward_ | YEs I think so | 03:31 |
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ikonia_ | edward_ super | 03:31 |
eagles0513875 | try this erik | 03:31 |
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edward_ | BUt therees a way to do it without the router right? | 03:31 |
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eagles0513875 | type one and then hit ctrl enter and it fills in the rest of the things and c if that help | 03:31 |
eagles0513875 | s | 03:31 |
Kawasaxi | alright, so ill make two more partitions. the swap one will be 2gb, and the other (i guess where ubuntu will go) has to have a minimum of... | 03:31 |
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ikonia_ | edward_ you'd need to a.) know if there is anything to nat you or get your public IP address, setup your IP and dns servers and gateway manually - but yes it is "possible" depending on your ISP | 03:32 |
erik_ | Nope. It starts loading the page, and them BAM. Disappears | 03:32 |
edward_ | BTW thanks for putting up with me | 03:32 |
edward_ | ok | 03:32 |
JosefK | is anyone running J2EE on their Ubuntu server? (and can point me to a setup guide? the wiki's empty) | 03:32 |
edward_ | Well perhaps we can circumvent that | 03:32 |
ikonia_ | edward_ its very doubtful though that you have something like a NAT translation on your line - or that your ISP would offer out a public ip address - but it may do | 03:32 |
ikonia_ | edward_ circumvent what ? | 03:33 |
strav | hi there, I'm having a little problem getting logs from a chrooted dir (on which I installed a minimal ubuntu system, where syslogd is started and proc mounted) any suggestions? | 03:33 |
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edward_ | Doing all that | 03:33 |
dyrne | Kawasaxi: id recommend at 5 gigs at least maybe 8 or so since everything is going under / but base install at least 4 gigs id say | 03:33 |
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edward_ | WHt you just described | 03:33 |
ikonia_ | edward_ not really - you need a public IP to be on the interent | 03:33 |
edward_ | THe reason I wanted to connect to the net directly | 03:33 |
edward_ | HEar me out b4 u say nething plz | 03:33 |
edward_ | THx | 03:33 |
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dyrne | Kawasaxi: desktop or laptop? | 03:33 |
ikonia_ | ok - then please type in english so its clear | 03:33 |
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eagles0513875 | r u running mozilla or firefox erik | 03:34 |
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edward_ | Is because I havnt been able to get anyone to be able to accessss my http seerver or even ping my ip while im behind my router | 03:34 |
erik_ | eagles0513875: Firefox, all the latest updates | 03:34 |
dyrne | Kawasaxi: the only real reason for swap == ram is for hibernate. i dont really have more than 256mb for swap on my desktop | 03:34 |
eagles0513875 | interesting | 03:34 |
ikonia_ | edward_ because they can't ping your private IP Address | 03:34 |
edward_ | so I wanted to see if it was the router that was causing that problem | 03:34 |
ikonia_ | edward_ no -0 its the fact that you are on a pricate IP range | 03:34 |
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Kawasaxi | im on a laptop | 03:35 |
edward_ | ok but wait | 03:35 |
Kawasaxi | 120gb hd | 03:35 |
edward_ | theres more to this story | 03:35 |
ikonia_ | edward_ private IP range that should read | 03:35 |
eagles0513875 | i would try uninstall firefox and then reinstall it erik | 03:35 |
Kawasaxi | and ill def. use hibernate | 03:35 |
ikonia_ | edward_ go on | 03:35 |
erik_ | eagles0513875: If I turn of javascript it loads fine | 03:35 |
Kawasaxi | and i have 3gb ram so... | 03:35 |
Kawasaxi | 2gb..... | 03:35 |
edward_ | I have an ftp server on my win machine and people can connect to that fine | 03:35 |
eagles0513875 | what version u runnin | 03:35 |
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edward_ | when I give them my ip addy | 03:35 |
ikonia_ | edward_ what ip are you giving them | 03:35 |
erik_ | Ubuntu-edgy | 03:35 |
edward_ | BUt when I turn that off and the http server on my BU box the cant connect | 03:35 |
eagles0513875 | i meant java erik | 03:36 |
erik_ | eagles0513875: Not java, javascript | 03:36 |
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eagles0513875 | give me a min erik | 03:36 |
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edward_ | from ipchicken | 03:36 |
ikonia_ | edward_ what's a BU box | 03:36 |
edward_ | UBUNTU | 03:36 |
ikonia_ | edward_ ahh right | 03:36 |
edward_ | *UBU | 03:36 |
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ikonia_ | edward_ ok the problem is - your router needs to be setup to do port forwarding | 03:36 |
eagles0513875 | do u have javascript installed | 03:36 |
edward_ | It is | 03:36 |
edward_ | Been through that | 03:36 |
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ikonia_ | edward_ doesn't look like it for you ubuntu box | 03:36 |
edward_ | Suivant | 03:37 |
edward_ | It has been | 03:37 |
ikonia_ | edward_ but its not now | 03:37 |
edward_ | Im 100% sure | 03:37 |
erik_ | eagles0513875: Javascript is "installed" by default in most modern browsers. | 03:37 |
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edward_ | Its forwarded | 03:37 |
eagles0513875 | im at a lost erik | 03:37 |
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ikonia_ | edward_ well - ~I'm scanning your IP address now - and it doesn't look like it is | 03:38 |
erik_ | eagles0513875: Yeah, me to. Never mind though, thanks for your help! | 03:38 |
edward_ | Just like FTW was forwarded for my WIN pc | 03:38 |
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eagles0513875 | btw erik ty for the website | 03:38 |
Kawasaxi | okay, i have my main partition and an unallocated one | 03:38 |
edward_ | I know | 03:38 |
eagles0513875 | can we talk in private erik | 03:38 |
ikonia_ | edward_ no - it may not be as your network credentials maybe different between the two | 03:38 |
quiet | is there any app that can check the cddb database and automatically update mp3(or ogg) tags? | 03:38 |
Kawasaxi | i want the unallocated one for my root | 03:38 |
erik_ | eagles0513875: Sorry, I need to split. Cyas! | 03:38 |
Kawasaxi | so how do i chop more of of my main | 03:38 |
Munksgaard | Hi! Can anyone tell me how to fix this error: ERROR: DDX driver fingerprint mismatch: got 0xC20D27F9, but expected 0x84220BA7. | 03:38 |
Munksgaard | I get it when i run fglrxinfo. | 03:38 |
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edward_ | Network credentials? | 03:38 |
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techie | ikonia. I went to the repository, also Ihave used synapatic package manager and there is no iflash there. I can't find the link to download the program!! Can you help? | 03:38 |
eagles0513875 | munks is ur fglrx direct or indirect | 03:38 |
techie | I am talking about the flash x86 | 03:39 |
Munksgaard | eagles0513875: How do i tell? | 03:39 |
techie | even when I put the link there I get nothing | 03:39 |
eagles0513875 | do u have ati control panel installed | 03:39 |
tkp | hmm... installing dapper in my remaining disk space seems like it's gonna be a mission | 03:39 |
eagles0513875 | or fglrxinfo | 03:39 |
Munksgaard | eagles0513875: Yes, and it (finally) works. | 03:39 |
=== tkp is half tempted to just go ahead and do an upgrade instead | ||
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eagles0513875 | how did u get it to work | 03:39 |
eagles0513875 | can we talk in private munk | 03:39 |
Munksgaard | sure | 03:40 |
dyrne | Kawasaxi: resize your windows you mean? | 03:40 |
tkp | what are some of the problems I'm likely to encounter in doing an upgrade? | 03:40 |
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n00b85 | hi need help to set up a TCP/IP connection with bluetooth | 03:40 |
techie | ivonia I even installed something called Konqueror (another browser) but it does not have that flash player either. | 03:40 |
ikonia_ | edward_ yes - you ubuntu box may have a different private IP address than your private one | 03:40 |
Kawasaxi | yea | 03:40 |
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edward_ | Yes it does | 03:40 |
Kawasaxi | i resized it once already | 03:40 |
edward_ | I have accounted for that | 03:41 |
ikonia_ | techie the full instructions are in the link I sent you and I can see the flash plugin | 03:41 |
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Kawasaxi | how do i resize it againx2 | 03:41 |
grzegorz | siemka | 03:41 |
ikonia_ | edward_ whats the private IP Address | 03:41 |
valehru | Hey guys, Is there a flash x64 version? | 03:41 |
tck | any news on herd5 peeps? | 03:41 |
edward_ | | 03:41 |
grzegorz | jest tu polak | 03:41 |
tkp | oh, and back to my original question...: update-manager requires you to use Xwindows, which I can only get via nxclient | 03:41 |
ikonia_ | valehru no - sorry | 03:41 |
grzegorz | ?? | 03:41 |
dyrne | Kawasaxi: ive never done that so im not sure. i havent used the livecd really yet | 03:41 |
techie | <ikonia_please one last time send me the link... it must be me! | 03:41 |
ikonia_ | edward_ what about something like a different mac address | 03:41 |
techie | and where do I type the link? | 03:41 |
Kawasaxi | hmm ok | 03:41 |
tkp | am I going to be able to run update manager all the way through via nxclient? | 03:41 |
valehru | ikonia_, gah | 03:41 |
ikonia_ | techie sorry - no I'm not prepared to go through it with yout a 10th time | 03:41 |
dyrne | Kawasaxi: server installs | 03:41 |
eagles0513875 | munk u there | 03:41 |
ikonia_ | techie I'm sure you can find the info by querying ubot as I did | 03:42 |
edward_ | router has no setting for putting in mac addy when port forwarding | 03:42 |
techie | <ikonia_understood. | 03:42 |
tkp | I mean, what if the X libraries need to be reinstalled along the way... | 03:42 |
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techie | <ikonia_ok | 03:42 |
tkp | won't that kill my nxclent session? | 03:42 |
ikonia_ | edward_ you're not using iptables are you | 03:42 |
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edward_ | dunno what that is googling now | 03:42 |
eagles0513875 | can anybody help me get my fglrx to go from indirect to direct | 03:43 |
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dyrne | Kawasaxi: from livecd you might just run gparted if its installed if not just install it from package manager. but you might not need to to that | 03:43 |
n00b85 | any with bluetooth skills OBEX and TCP/IP connection | 03:43 |
edward_ | I dont think I am using it | 03:43 |
edward_ | unless its part of ubuntu and used autonmatically | 03:43 |
dyrne | anyone used livecd to resize can hel Kawasaxi out? | 03:43 |
eagles0513875 | i have | 03:43 |
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eagles0513875 | kawasaxi u dont have ubuntu installed yet do u | 03:44 |
ikonia_ | edward_ no - if you've not configured it - you're not using it | 03:44 |
ikonia_ | edward_ don't worry about it | 03:44 |
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edward_ | ok | 03:44 |
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ikonia_ | edward_ there is something going on with your router that is not doing port forwarding | 03:44 |
edward_ | ok | 03:44 |
edward_ | but why would that stop you from being able to ping me | 03:45 |
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ikonia_ | edward_ because you can't ping a private ip address | 03:45 |
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edward_ | oh ok | 03:45 |
ikonia_ | edward_ have you input the networking info on your ubuntu machine manually or did you let dhcp do it for you | 03:45 |
eagles0513875 | cant he go into his router and enable port forwarding | 03:45 |
ikonia_ | eagles0513875 he said he has | 03:45 |
edward_ | done fior me | 03:45 |
ikonia_ | edward_ you let dhcp do it for you | 03:45 |
edward_ | iv done that | 03:45 |
ikonia_ | edward_ yes/no | 03:45 |
eagles0513875 | interesting | 03:45 |
edward_ | yes | 03:46 |
ikonia_ | ok - good | 03:46 |
ikonia_ | just checking | 03:46 |
ikonia_ | I find it strange that dhcp would give out the same IP address to two different machines | 03:46 |
eagles0513875 | thats screwey | 03:46 |
ikonia_ | when it has a range of 200 addresses - why would it pick the same one for 2 different machines | 03:46 |
xerophyte_ | Could somebody please help me with kernel issue, i am getting VFS:Unable to mount root fs trying to compile vanila kernel from source you can find more info at http://www.pastebin.ca/377154 | 03:46 |
Kawasaxi | oh hey i have an idea | 03:46 |
ikonia_ | edward_ thats why I was asking if you had configured it | 03:46 |
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Kawasaxi | can i use the same partition for the swap and the root and the install | 03:46 |
ikonia_ | Kawasaxi no | 03:47 |
eagles0513875 | is there a way that he could reset the network card on one machine so that it would get a different ip address | 03:47 |
Kawasaxi | damn why | 03:47 |
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ikonia_ | Kawasaxi because you can't | 03:47 |
edward_ | they are different ip addys | 03:47 |
dyrne | ikonia_: walk him through swap file :) | 03:47 |
ikonia_ | edward_ then why did you just say there where the same ? | 03:47 |
Kawasaxi | ok | 03:47 |
ikonia_ | dyrneno chance | 03:47 |
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eric | Does anyone here play vega strike? | 03:47 |
edward_ | Because I was mistaken | 03:47 |
edward_ | diont remember saying that | 03:47 |
ikonia_ | edward_ there you go then | 03:47 |
Kawasaxi | how do i make more unallocated space? | 03:47 |
ikonia_ | thats why its not forwarding | 03:47 |
ikonia_ | (I assume) | 03:47 |
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eagles0513875 | kawasaxi may i pm | 03:48 |
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edward_ | let me try something | 03:48 |
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eagles0513875 | kawasaxi would u like me to help ya | 03:49 |
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Kawasaxi | ya | 03:50 |
xadloki | hello, I'm having trouble getting into my routers web configuration, I've tried Firefox, Mozilla, Opera, Konqueror, Galeon and Epiphany but not one is able to get past the login prompt. my connetion works fine and to get to the router through windows and mac works great, also i have 3 routers and none of them work so the problem is in ubuntu, what could solve this ? | 03:50 |
Kawasaxi | im pming u | 03:50 |
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edward_ | | 03:51 |
ikonia_ | edward_ dead | 03:51 |
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eagles0513875 | ok how much space do u have kawasaxi | 03:52 |
zenlinuxNH | Do I see that Herd 5 is due out today? | 03:52 |
Kawasaxi | on my HD i have 111 gb | 03:52 |
zenlinuxNH | I think I'm going to try Feisty on my laptop. | 03:52 |
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Kawasaxi | thats the capacity | 03:52 |
eagles0513875 | ok how much do u want to allocate to ubuntu | 03:52 |
ikonia_ | zenlinuxNH ok - enjoy | 03:52 |
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IdleOne | xadloki, ubuntu is probably not doing anything to block you perhaps there is a plugin you need for firefox, is the router login in java or something? | 03:52 |
Kawasaxi | i think 7gb is fair | 03:52 |
alosajr | hi all, I want to make a meta package to ubuntu. How do you make these kind of package? equivs? | 03:53 |
eagles0513875 | ok load the live cd if its not already | 03:53 |
Kawasaxi | it is | 03:53 |
Kawasaxi | im in ubutu right now | 03:53 |
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eagles0513875 | ok on the live cd or the os itself | 03:53 |
Kawasaxi | livecd | 03:53 |
eagles0513875 | is it already installed | 03:53 |
edward_ | ok | 03:53 |
eagles0513875 | ok | 03:53 |
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xadloki | no the routers login has nothing special, doesn't have java | 03:53 |
edward_ | Well I can get to that page when I type in | 03:54 |
eagles0513875 | under system under preferences or administration there is something called gparted | 03:54 |
IdleOne | xadloki, the login window does appear right? | 03:54 |
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eagles0513875 | that is the partition editor | 03:54 |
edward_ | but not when I type in the other ip | 03:54 |
xadloki | IdleOne: yes | 03:54 |
Kawasaxi | yea | 03:54 |
ikonia_ | edward_ of course you can - thats a private IP address | 03:54 |
eagles0513875 | open that | 03:54 |
Kawasaxi | im in the installation process | 03:54 |
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ikonia_ | edward_ check your public IP address has not changed | 03:54 |
IdleOne | xadloki, does it let you enter the user and password? | 03:54 |
eagles0513875 | what part of it | 03:54 |
Kawasaxi | thep 5 of six | 03:54 |
eagles0513875 | and that is | 03:54 |
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Kawasaxi | creating the partitions | 03:55 |
xadloki | IdleOne: yes that part goes fine but right after it just stays loading forever | 03:55 |
edward_ | nope still the same | 03:55 |
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tabman | i'm looking for a download manager accelerator on ubuntu ? | 03:55 |
eagles0513875 | ok what options do u have | 03:55 |
ikonia_ | edward_ your router is not port forwarding to you | 03:55 |
edward_ | ok | 03:55 |
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Kawasaxi | well, i have 7 partitions altogether | 03:55 |
Arkanjul | what is the command to have nicjserv e-mail you your passowrd? | 03:55 |
Arkanjul | nickserv | 03:55 |
berent | how to run sqlj and java programs on ubuntu | 03:55 |
edward_ | Im gonna try something else | 03:55 |
Kawasaxi | and it says i need to make a swap, and a root | 03:55 |
edward_ | BB in 10 min | 03:55 |
edward_ | thanks allot | 03:55 |
Kawasaxi | and i assume a partition for the ubunto install | 03:55 |
eagles0513875 | ok does it open up gparted | 03:55 |
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berent | i want a jdbc connection to database run here | 03:55 |
berent | what are the java classes required | 03:56 |
berent | for this | 03:56 |
Kawasaxi | yes | 03:56 |
NET||abuse | eagles0513875, hey, sorry bout this, i have to fly out to a meeting,, you still havin the fglrx uninstall issue? | 03:56 |
eagles0513875 | ok now do u have free space | 03:56 |
eagles0513875 | its ok net | 03:56 |
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IdleOne | xadloki, you can also try resetting the router. probly a little pin whole on the bottom need to unplug it and then push the button in the pin hole for about 30 seconds and try it again. user after reset to default is usualy administrator and pass is usualy left blank but you can check your model specs online for that info | 03:56 |
NET||abuse | eagles0513875, :) cheers.. | 03:56 |
eagles0513875 | no its not that i need to figure out how to enable the fglrx | 03:56 |
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eagles0513875 | kawasaxi do u have free space | 03:56 |
Slike | do you know a live cd that contains partimage _with_ ssl? (system rescue cd contains a ssl-less version) | 03:57 |
Kawasaxi | by free space do you mean unallocated space? | 03:57 |
eagles0513875 | ya | 03:57 |
Kawasaxi | yes | 03:57 |
Kawasaxi | one allocated partition at 16gb | 03:57 |
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NET||abuse | eagles0513875, what you need fglrx for? | 03:57 |
Kawasaxi | unallocated | 03:57 |
eagles0513875 | wine and games | 03:57 |
eagles0513875 | 16gb unallocated | 03:57 |
Kawasaxi | yep | 03:57 |
xadloki | IdleOne: that's not the problem, I've tried that several times as I have 3 routers connected for testing and on my previous ubuntu and other distro installs I have never managed to get into the router settings | 03:57 |
eagles0513875 | is that the only os u have on ur machine | 03:57 |
NET||abuse | eagles0513875, don't use fglrx with beryl if that's what your thinking,, ohhh, ok, ,just enable the propper direct rendering options "Load dri" in the xorg.conf | 03:57 |
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NET||abuse | anyway,, i gotta run.. later | 03:58 |
Kawasaxi | windows, thats it | 03:58 |
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eagles0513875 | ok leave windows partition alone | 03:58 |
eagles0513875 | first create 256mb swap partition | 03:58 |
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eagles0513875 | let me know when that is done kawsaxi | 03:58 |
Kawasaxi | but thats where i made the unallocated space from | 03:58 |
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IdleOne | xadloki, it would surprise if ubuntu had anything to do with it but it is possible. try posting on the ubuntu forums with router model and relevant info perhaps someone can help you | 03:58 |
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eagles0513875 | what u mean kawasaxi | 03:59 |
funkja | Is there a way to ignore a package update until the next update comes? | 03:59 |
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xadloki | IdleOne: thanks, i'll try looking for more info on the net about this. | 03:59 |
Kawasaxi | i shrunck the windows partition and i got the unallocated oen | 03:59 |
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eagles0513875 | hit apply so it can shrink it | 03:59 |
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Kawasaxi | the windows one? | 04:00 |
eagles0513875 | ya | 04:00 |
Kawasaxi | by how much | 04:00 |
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eagles0513875 | how ever much u want | 04:00 |
IdleOne | xadloki, I have a d-link router and just logged in without any problem or wait. the page loaded in a second or so | 04:00 |
Kawasaxi | ok | 04:00 |
eagles0513875 | how much do u want to leave on the windows partition i left 2gb on my windows partition | 04:00 |
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Kawasaxi | im going to leave 10gb | 04:01 |
guiden | is there a way for amd64 people to use flash? | 04:01 |
eagles0513875 | ok | 04:01 |
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ryan_ | is there a need to upgrade from dapper to edgy?..do we need to do this upgrade everytime a new version comes out? | 04:01 |
eagles0513875 | ya there is a pkg to install guiden | 04:01 |
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chopchop_ | f/bye | 04:01 |
dabaR | !flash | guiden | 04:01 |
ubotu | guiden: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:01 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 04:01 |
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edward_ | BOOM | 04:01 |
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tkp | ok, well I have been reading about all the problem vaarious people had when upgrading Dapper to Edgy... | 04:01 |
dabaR | ryan_: no, you do not. | 04:01 |
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eagles0513875 | make sure u hit apply so that it shrinks it kawasaxi | 04:01 |
tkp | none of them seem too serious, so I think I'm gonna give it a go | 04:01 |
eagles0513875 | before u can do anything else | 04:01 |
tkp | but, I still hve the saame question | 04:02 |
Kawasaxi | ok | 04:02 |
valehru | Hey guys, are there any 64 bit drivers out there for broadcom cards? | 04:02 |
edward_ | can some 1 piing | 04:02 |
tkp | can I run upgrade-manager sucessfully over nxclient? | 04:02 |
dabaR | tkp: what was it? | 04:02 |
valehru | 64 bit drivers that work on ubuntu | 04:02 |
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ryan_ | we can upgrade the system manually i mean by getting all the stuff tats on edgy like the dependencies and stuff and make it like edgy | 04:02 |
eagles0513875 | good luck on finding 64 bit drivers | 04:02 |
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eagles0513875 | i have so much trouble finding them | 04:02 |
eagles0513875 | let me know when ur ready to proceed kawsaxi | 04:03 |
Kawasaxi | okay | 04:03 |
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Kawasaxi | not ready yet | 04:03 |
IdleOne | edward_, ping reply is good | 04:03 |
tkp | ? | 04:03 |
dabaR | valehru: wireless broadcom? | 04:03 |
edward_ | sweet | 04:03 |
IdleOne | average 45ms | 04:03 |
dabaR | tkp: maybe nooone tried yet. | 04:03 |
edward_ | | 04:03 |
valehru | dabaR, yeah. I think I have it installed but not sure. | 04:03 |
tkp | I'm thinking that it's likely nxclent will get rebuilt in the process | 04:03 |
edward_ | try going there see what happens | 04:03 |
zzz__ | Riddell: Are you there? | 04:03 |
tkp | in which case, my x session will get disconnected | 04:03 |
tkp | and all hell will break loose | 04:03 |
eagles0513875 | i have a log if u need steps to install internal broadcom wifi | 04:03 |
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valehru | dabaR, when I go ndiswrapper -l it gives me: bcmwl5 driver installed | 04:04 |
valehru | eagles0513875, where abouts? | 04:04 |
computerNERDie | edward_: 404 error | 04:04 |
eagles0513875 | i have the log ill send it to ya | 04:04 |
valehru | eagles0513875, thx | 04:04 |
edward_ | damm | 04:04 |
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IdleOne | edward_, connecting but taking forever | 04:04 |
eagles0513875 | val plz accept it | 04:05 |
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eagles0513875 | is ur account registered | 04:05 |
edward_ | is anything showing in the browser? | 04:05 |
eagles0513875 | valehru | 04:05 |
computerNERDie | edward_: Did you do port forwarding on your router? | 04:05 |
edward_ | try just | 04:05 |
dabaR | tkp: I doubt nxclient has an update, since it is not in any official repos, right? it is from seveas' repo? just comment out that repo in the sources, and upgrade | 04:06 |
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edward_ | Im connected directly to the net | 04:06 |
edward_ | no router | 04:06 |
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eagles0513875 | valehru | 04:06 |
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tkp | dabaR: ok, maybe not nxclient... but what about x itself | 04:06 |
computerNERDie | that makes it a lot easier :) | 04:06 |
valehru | eagles0513875, try again...i registered just a sec ago | 04:06 |
tkp | although I guss X will continue to run since the update-manager needs it! | 04:06 |
erdinc | is there anyone who speaks malay? I need a little bit help.. | 04:06 |
edward_ | yes | 04:06 |
eagles0513875 | ok val | 04:06 |
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computerNERDie | edward_: still take forever to load. | 04:07 |
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ryan_ | is dapper good or edgy? | 04:07 |
=== edward_ roars | ||
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eagles0513875 | it says connect | 04:07 |
jnotaro | hi, after a lot of blood, I could get dual 1280x1024 with ati rv370 and LG.... but now it takes just 60Hz refresh and the characters are weird... can not read very well! I edited the xorg.conf putting the refresh into there.... if I remove it, I am back to 1024.... what should I do!? | 04:07 |
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eagles0513875 | val it says connect | 04:08 |
The_Machine | is there a way to check what kind of RAM i'm using (like, what the clock speed is, whether it's DDR or DDR2, etc?) in linux? | 04:08 |
The_Machine | kind of like sisoft would do | 04:08 |
The_Machine | or something? | 04:08 |
edward_ | Get into fetal position and say "I want dual monitors" | 04:08 |
dyrne | ryan_: i skipped edgy and went to feisty. if you need hardware support id say dapper is more dependable. if you dont have hardware issues and need latest packages edgy | 04:08 |
funkja | Is there a way to ignore a package update in Synapic until the next update? | 04:08 |
eagles0513875 | when does fiesty come out | 04:08 |
dabaR | erdinc: what is the country code for that language? | 04:08 |
dyrne | april | 04:08 |
edward_ | ANd consider yourself lucky your not trying to setup surround gaming | 04:08 |
valehru | eagles0513875, could you just post the log in the channel window that you messaged me in? | 04:08 |
eagles0513875 | sure | 04:09 |
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dabaR | The_Machine: maybe lshw. | 04:09 |
valehru | eagles0513875, thx | 04:09 |
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IdleOne | !pastebin | eagles0513875 | 04:09 |
ubotu | eagles0513875: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:09 |
dyrne | suprisingly stable though i havent had any issues other than nvidia which i had to do manually and mplayer | 04:09 |
IdleOne | edward_, final timed out | 04:09 |
jnotaro | anybody could help me? | 04:09 |
erdinc | I have no idea dabaR :) there is word in turkish mean difference but this word in malay means vagina I guess, so dansguardian block novell.com.tr and so on.. :) | 04:10 |
edward_ | Greeat | 04:10 |
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ryan_ | s | 04:11 |
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IdleOne | wb techie | 04:11 |
Kawasaxi | ok eale | 04:11 |
Kawasaxi | eagle | 04:11 |
ryan_ | sd | 04:11 |
Kawasaxi | i now have one unallocated 22gb | 04:11 |
techie | Ok problem is solved with the flashplayer. Of course it was my newness at this program. My own technical difficulty. | 04:11 |
dabaR | erdinc: what is your country? | 04:11 |
dabaR | malaysia? | 04:11 |
ryan_ | <dyrne> shud i wait for the stable version of feisty till april? | 04:12 |
dabaR | ryan_: yes. | 04:12 |
IdleOne | ryan_, yes | 04:12 |
erdinc | Turkey dabaR | 04:12 |
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techie | Another question. My sound is good but I must really turn the speaker up lots! unlike in windows xp which seems much louder. Where are the setting to turn volume up in Ubuntu? Thannks. | 04:12 |
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erdinc | thats why I dont know malay :) | 04:12 |
Kawasaxi | can somebody help me slit up unallocated space? | 04:13 |
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IdleOne | !sound > techie | 04:13 |
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eagles0513875 | i took it to a private channel idle | 04:13 |
Kawasaxi | split | 04:13 |
eagles0513875 | ya ok kawasaxi | 04:13 |
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eagles0513875 | u only want 7 gb for ubuntu right | 04:13 |
dabaR | erdinc: but the language is malay? | 04:13 |
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eagles0513875 | create a swap partition that is 256mb kawasaxi and then create a 7gb reiserf partition and then format the rest as ntfs | 04:13 |
Kawasaxi | o ok | 04:13 |
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eagles0513875 | i didnt abandon u | 04:13 |
Kawasaxi | how? | 04:13 |
eagles0513875 | gparted | 04:13 |
techie | <ikonia_ thanks. | 04:13 |
tabman | I've noticed that every 2-3 months a new version of ubuntu is released, does that means I've to keep downloading & installing the new OS ? | 04:13 |
eagles0513875 | u still in it kawasaxi | 04:14 |
Kawasaxi | but how do i do that in gparetd | 04:14 |
Kawasaxi | yea | 04:14 |
Jvik | When i installed ubuntu i didn't select other partitions than the installation partition. How can i find the other partitions _ | 04:14 |
Jvik | ? | 04:14 |
eagles0513875 | right click on the unallocated and hit new | 04:14 |
Jvik | damn | 04:14 |
finalbeta | tabman: every 6 month. | 04:14 |
erdinc | dabaR I solved the problem but I wish to know the correct meaning of this word, thats why I asked is there anyone who speaks malay :) | 04:14 |
Jvik | And how the heck do i turn off that / comes instead of - ? | 04:14 |
Kawasaxi | ok i get an error | 04:14 |
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eagles0513875 | what it say | 04:14 |
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eagles0513875 | lets talk in private kawasaxi | 04:14 |
Kawasaxi | "it is not possible to create more than 4 promary partitions | 04:14 |
Kawasaxi | ok | 04:14 |
erdinc | well anyway thanx for all := | 04:14 |
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IdleOne | tabman, it's every 6 months or so and no you dont have to do a fresh install you can do a dist-upgrade to get to newest release | 04:14 |
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Jvik | help me please | 04:15 |
eagles0513875 | did u create a swap and a reiserf partition | 04:15 |
tabman | finalbeta: ok every 6 months | 04:15 |
Jvik | :/ | 04:15 |
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IdleOne | !upgrade > tabman | 04:15 |
mumblesmob | the new install dose not like me | 04:15 |
Paddy_EIRE | !fiesty | 04:15 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 04:15 |
ryan_ | when i upgrade to fiesty will all my programs dissapear?..will my saved files disappear? | 04:15 |
IdleOne | ryan_, nope they wont | 04:15 |
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Kawasaxi | eagles pm | 04:15 |
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eagles0513875 | ok | 04:16 |
dabaR | erUSUL: #ubuntu-my | 04:16 |
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Jvik | When i installed ubuntu i didn't select other partitions than the installation partition. How can i find the other partitions ? | 04:16 |
IdleOne | ryan_, least in theory they shouldnt but stuff does happen sometimes ... usualy it wont lose anything | 04:16 |
Jvik | And how the heck do i turn off that / comes instead of - ? | 04:16 |
tabman | idleOne: but I've heard there are problems encountered related to upgraded to new versions ? | 04:16 |
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eagles0513875 | kawasaxi make sure u register ur username on here cuz i cant get ur pms if u rnt logged in and registered | 04:16 |
erUSUL | dabaR: ? | 04:16 |
Jvik | HELP PLEASE! | 04:17 |
Kawasaxi | o ok | 04:17 |
IdleOne | tabman, yeah stuff happens. if you want you can backup /home and do a fresh install then replace your /home with the backup | 04:17 |
dabaR | erUSUL: sorry, the guy with the same two first letters of the nickname left. | 04:17 |
erUSUL | dabaR: ;) np | 04:17 |
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Kawasaxi | well where do i go for that | 04:17 |
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ryan_ | <IdleOne> what can be achieved by upgrading definetly can be achieved by manually downloading the files or libraries we need?..true or false! | 04:17 |
eagles0513875 | !register | kawsaxi | 04:17 |
ubotu | kawsaxi: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 04:17 |
tabman | IdleOne: but not everything is stored in backup ? | 04:18 |
eagles0513875 | there u go kawasaxi | 04:18 |
Kawasaxi | ok ill be back in a sec | 04:18 |
eagles0513875 | ok | 04:18 |
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IdleOne | tabman, backup whatever you feel you need | 04:18 |
dabaR | Jvik: / comes instead of -? Well, that's a clear question... | 04:18 |
IdleOne | ryan_, yeah I guess that is true | 04:18 |
Jvik | i cant get ae oe and aa.. norwegian letters | 04:18 |
dyrne | Jvik: sudo fdisk -l also it they are mounted alread df -h | 04:18 |
Jvik | shift 2 gives me @ instead of " | 04:18 |
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IdleOne | !locales > Jvik | 04:19 |
Paddy_EIRE | anyone written a driver for a Sony MiniDisc yet | 04:19 |
tabman | Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily un available), whats this ? | 04:19 |
IdleOne | tabman, means it is temporarily un available | 04:19 |
Jvik | It wasnt like this when i installed ubuntu | 04:20 |
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tabman | IdleOne: why ? | 04:20 |
Jvik | i fucked up something, and now it doesnt work | 04:20 |
morten_ | tabman, cause your updatesoftware is running | 04:20 |
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ardchoille | tabman: Do you have Synaptic or apt-get or some such running elsewhere? | 04:20 |
dabaR | Jvik: well, it is likely a setting in System>Preferences>keyboard | 04:20 |
tabman | btw whats wrong if I don't upgrade ? | 04:20 |
schteff | hi | 04:20 |
dyrne | Paddy_EIRE: appears it can be done in freebsd | 04:20 |
IdleOne | !ohmy | Jvik | 04:20 |
ubotu | Jvik: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 04:20 |
tabman | ardchoille: no | 04:20 |
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dyrne | Paddy_EIRE: so id say workable in linux | 04:20 |
schteff | i've here an error: "device has no tuner, exiting" because of the tv card. but i've no idea what i've to do now :-/ | 04:20 |
dabaR | tabman: is there another installation program open? | 04:20 |
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dabaR | sory | 04:21 |
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ikonia_ | edward_ I think your IP address has changed, as I can see some ports being port frwarded | 04:21 |
Paddy_EIRE | dyrne, i dont have any exp with coding | 04:21 |
Jvik | ok.. Sorry >= | 04:21 |
funkja | Is there any way to ignore a current update for a package in Synaptic until the next update? | 04:21 |
Jvik | :/ " | 04:21 |
ikonia_ | funkja why would yo do that | 04:21 |
Jvik | and dyrne, how do i get the other harddrives to show up in "Computer" _ | 04:21 |
Jvik | ? | 04:21 |
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eagles0513875 | try this jvik | 04:22 |
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eagles0513875 | mount /dev/hda (what ever the number of the hda is) | 04:22 |
eagles0513875 | sudo mount /dev/hda (what ever the number of the hda is) | 04:22 |
eagles0513875 | jvik | 04:22 |
Jvik | will i have to do that everytime i start the computer _ | 04:22 |
Jvik | ? | 04:22 |
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funkja | ikonia: becuase the current version in the repository is buggy and the old version works for me - so I just want to ignore this version and update to the next when it comes out. It's an beta package SVN repository. | 04:22 |
tabman | dabaR: no I just started my system & configured sources.list | 04:23 |
eagles0513875 | u shouldnt | 04:23 |
schteff | anyone an idea? | 04:23 |
=== Jerry| [n=Srevo@adsl-68-73-11-9.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eagles0513875 | r they ntfs partitions jvik | 04:23 |
morten_ | Jvik, edit /etc/fstab | 04:23 |
ikonia_ | funkja just don't update that package | 04:23 |
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ikonia_ | change the policy on it | 04:23 |
ryan_ | <IdleOne> thanx for the link..i think upgrading does make sense than manually doing the stuff...but my previous libraries wont be affected right? | 04:23 |
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funkja | ikonia: But i don't want Synaptic telling me to update it all the time | 04:23 |
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eagles0513875 | if they r ntfs partitions jvik make sure u run chkdsk in windows cuz that happened to me the other day here i couldnt access it because it had to check the drive for errors before it would automatically remount in ubuntu | 04:23 |
IdleOne | ryan_, they will be if they have een updated | 04:24 |
ikonia_ | funkja change the policy on it | 04:24 |
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Jvik | eagles0513875: i dont have windows | 04:24 |
eagles0513875 | ok | 04:24 |
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funkja | ikonia, what does that mean? | 04:24 |
wheels3572 | how do I install from a .tar.gz file? | 04:24 |
K3nto | okay, i think i registered it | 04:24 |
IdleOne | later folks have a good day | 04:24 |
eagles0513875 | u have to convert it to a deb pkg using alien | 04:24 |
eagles0513875 | whells | 04:24 |
ikonia_ | funkja change the synaptic policy apt-policy or something like that | 04:24 |
Paddy_EIRE | wheels3572, what u installing | 04:24 |
ikonia_ | eagles0513875you don't | 04:24 |
Jerry| | Could someone help me out with my wireless? When trying to use DHCP, I get the error "Error for wireless request "Set ESSID" (8B1A) : SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument." | 04:25 |
erUSUL | wheels3572: you shoudn't, | 04:25 |
ikonia_ | eagles0513875 its probably a source package | 04:25 |
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gili | hello i need help rewriting grub to my boot process? | 04:25 |
gili | anyone? | 04:25 |
erUSUL | wheels3572: what are you trying to install, is it not in the repos? | 04:25 |
eagles0513875 | oh ok so it wouldnt matter if he converted it to a deb | 04:25 |
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erUSUL | ubotu tell gili about grub | gili see priv msg from ubotu | 04:25 |
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wheels3572 | Paddy_EIRE, firefox | 04:25 |
eagles0513875 | !grub | gili | 04:25 |
ubotu | gili: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 04:25 |
wheels3572 | erUSUL, No it's not in Repos | 04:25 |
ryan_ | <gili> go to /boot/grub | 04:25 |
ryan_ | in that there is a file called menu.lst | 04:26 |
K3nto | ok eagles i registered, does the pm work? | 04:26 |
zyth | Can anyone tell me perhaps why my mounted cds arent showing as icons on my desktop? | 04:26 |
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on1random7name | Jerryl: what did you type in as your ESSID | 04:26 |
K3nto | oh, this is actually kawasaxi | 04:26 |
Paddy_EIRE | wheels3572, if u right click and extract the file, then you can run it from within the folder | 04:26 |
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ryan_ | open the file using the command gksu gedit menu.lst and make ur changes | 04:26 |
tristanmike | My Ubuntu Dapper still doesn't "startx" since the last Kernel update, is there an ETA on a fix, or is it broken indefinately ? | 04:26 |
eagles0513875 | i thought so | 04:26 |
Jerry| | on1random7name: "Fischkopfe" (without quotes) | 04:26 |
eagles0513875 | u getting my pm's k3nto | 04:27 |
Paddy_EIRE | wheels3572, although bad idea, u would need to do sym links and install java and flash manually | 04:27 |
K3nto | yes | 04:27 |
wheels3572 | Paddy_EIRE, see that's what I dont get. I can extract it to it's own folder under my acct name but never know what to do from there | 04:27 |
eagles0513875 | ok for some reason im not getting urs | 04:27 |
dabaR | tabman: did you use sudo? | 04:27 |
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K3nto | hmm | 04:27 |
eagles0513875 | try send me a pm | 04:27 |
wheels3572 | Paddy_EIRE, Ahhhhhhhh I see. Well the reason I went to get FF2.0.0.2 is because of security vulnerability. and it's not in the repos yet. | 04:27 |
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K3nto | ok i did | 04:28 |
=== schteff_ need help with the error "no tuner, exiting" | ||
eagles0513875 | didnt get it | 04:28 |
Paddy_EIRE | wheels3572, maybe you should really wait | 04:28 |
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K3nto | damn | 04:28 |
eagles0513875 | i hate my school sometimes i think they might be blocking certain irc port | 04:28 |
K3nto | ya | 04:28 |
Paddy_EIRE | wheels3572, can be an annoying process | 04:28 |
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wheels3572 | Paddy_EIRE, think I will thanks | 04:29 |
Paddy_EIRE | no probs :) | 04:29 |
K3nto | okay, so where were we | 04:29 |
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eagles0513875 | ur error message | 04:29 |
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tristanmike | My Ubuntu Dapper still doesn't "startx" since the last Kernel update, is there an ETA on a fix, or is it broken indefinately ? This means I only get a Prompt. | 04:29 |
K3nto | yeah | 04:29 |
eagles0513875 | did u already create a swap and a reiserf partition | 04:29 |
K3nto | no | 04:29 |
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K3nto | how do i do that | 04:29 |
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eagles0513875 | ok right click on unallocated | 04:30 |
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eagles0513875 | hit new | 04:30 |
K3nto | ok | 04:30 |
K3nto | and then i get the error | 04:30 |
K3nto | cannot create more than four main partitions | 04:30 |
berent | which is the latest jdk package for ubuntu | 04:30 |
berent | edgy | 04:30 |
=== spheard [n=andrew@81-86-100-110.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tschenk | I'm new to Ubuntu, but not to Linux and have a networking issue that is driving me insane | 04:31 |
eagles0513875 | let me think her k3nto | 04:31 |
eagles0513875 | !gparted | 04:31 |
ubotu | gparted is gparted is a GUI partitioning program, "sudo apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php | 04:31 |
spheard | anyone know where I can get some help with an ssh problem? | 04:31 |
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K3nto | sure np | 04:31 |
tschenk | I setup my wireless connection at home on device eth2 | 04:31 |
eagles0513875 | !ssh | spheard | 04:31 |
K3nto | you been a great help | 04:31 |
berent | !jdk | 04:31 |
ubotu | spheard: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ | 04:31 |
spheard | thanks | 04:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about jdk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:31 |
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eagles0513875 | i didnt get that problem though with mine | 04:31 |
tschenk | /etc/network/interfaces only contains information for eth2 and lo | 04:31 |
berent | !java | 04:31 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 04:31 |
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eagles0513875 | what do the buttons at the top say k3nto | 04:32 |
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K3nto | just new | 04:32 |
eagles0513875 | try click on that button | 04:32 |
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K3nto | ok i found an article of a guy installing ubuntu on m121o (my laptop0 | 04:32 |
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berent | !j2sdk | 04:32 |
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gili | just one more question about grub. I have XP on one of the partitions and will be wiping that and installing vista; I want to know if vista will write a boot.ini that includes my linux partitions | 04:32 |
K3nto | give me a second to read it | 04:32 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about j2sdk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:32 |
eagles0513875 | ok | 04:32 |
Paddy_EIRE | gili, no | 04:32 |
tschenk | but whenever I login using my user account, something is trying to configure eth1 to use DHCP and is assigning a bogus IP address | 04:32 |
eagles0513875 | k3nto the files system u should use for ur main partition should be reiserf | 04:33 |
gili | alright | 04:33 |
gili | Paddy_EIRE: thanks | 04:33 |
Paddy_EIRE | gili, no probs | 04:33 |
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tschenk | if anyone can suggest where the system is getting the idea that eth1 needs to be configured | 04:33 |
K3nto | http://smurfmatic.net/blog/archives/2006/11/dell_xps_m1210_dualb.html | 04:33 |
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gili | Paddy_EIRE: So if i do this now...i will have to reinstall grub after vista is installed is that correct? | 04:33 |
tschenk | I would be grateful | 04:33 |
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Paddy_EIRE | gili, u got it | 04:33 |
eagles0513875 | k3nto did that article help at all | 04:33 |
Paddy_EIRE | gili, any trouble come back here | 04:34 |
Lr5 | Is it possible to get laptop screen and another screen connected to the laptop to display different stuff? | 04:34 |
K3nto | im still reaing | 04:34 |
tschenk | anyone.....anyone at all | 04:34 |
Lr5 | I have never even used dual monitors but started to wonder | 04:34 |
eagles0513875 | ok | 04:34 |
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ALMimoni | hi all | 04:34 |
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eagles0513875 | i agree with what he did bout putting xp on first | 04:34 |
spheard | I have a vista kubuntu ualboot | 04:35 |
Slart | Lr5: not on the laptops I've seen so far... but it might differ from model to model | 04:35 |
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K3nto | yeah | 04:35 |
spheard | vista first! | 04:35 |
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jussi01 | !hi | ALMimoni | 04:35 |
ubotu | ALMimoni: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 04:35 |
K3nto | he says what partitions are what | 04:35 |
tristanmike | My Ubuntu Dapper still doesn't "startx" since the last Kernel update, is there an ETA on a fix, or is it broken indefinately ? This means I only get a Prompt. | 04:35 |
ALMimoni | how can i add colors to nano text editor? | 04:35 |
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albacker | guys i got the camera driver, compiled and isntalled it, not how do i load the driver, and i can't see the /dev/video0 or anything /dev/vid* ... any help ?! | 04:35 |
eagles0513875 | btw spheard dont mean to scare ya but i read an article that vista had to be installed 2nd if u wanted dule boot | 04:35 |
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eagles0513875 | i dont know y u would keep getting an error though k3nto | 04:36 |
K3nto | i wish i knew the swap one that is used for windows, then i could use it for ubuntu | 04:36 |
Slart | Linux for Christians? .. what is unchristian about the regular ubuntu?? (no flame.. just wondering...) | 04:36 |
eagles0513875 | quit out of gparted and hit back | 04:36 |
eagles0513875 | and start it again | 04:36 |
eagles0513875 | i dont think windows uses a swap | 04:36 |
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gordonjcp | Slart: it's got things like web content filtering stuff, and bible study programs | 04:36 |
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K3nto | ok | 04:37 |
gordonjcp | Slart: not the first thing I'd associate with Christianity, but there you go | 04:37 |
eagles0513875 | let me know when u have gparted started up | 04:37 |
jussi01 | eagles0513875, windows uses a swap file, rather than a partition | 04:37 |
gordonjcp | eagles0513875: it does, but it uses a swap file | 04:37 |
archville | K3nto, windows uses a file (pagefile.sys) while ubuntu uses a partition | 04:37 |
gordonjcp | jussi01: heh | 04:37 |
gordonjcp | you win | 04:37 |
K3nto | o ok | 04:37 |
albacker | can someone help me with my quickcam issue please? i already unpacked, compiled and installed the files but no /dev/video there :| | 04:37 |
eagles0513875 | interesting | 04:37 |
Slart | gordonjcp: ahh... should have guessed.. thanks | 04:37 |
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eagles0513875 | then im wrong k3nto it does use a swap | 04:37 |
eagles0513875 | is gparted back up | 04:37 |
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bullgard2 | What variable is 'LC_ALL=(unset)'? It may have a meaning with locales or computer language C. | 04:38 |
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K3nto | yep | 04:38 |
eagles0513875 | ok | 04:38 |
eagles0513875 | how much unallocated space u have again | 04:38 |
cberlo | Hi folks. Got a query here I can't seem to find the "right" answer to: would it be possible to write a cygwin/x application that "wraps" a windows program in the X11 protocol so that it can be displayed on any X11 display? (For example, execute "wrapx notepad.exe -display remotemachine:0" to get notepad.exe to display on remotemachine) | 04:38 |
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eagles0513875 | cberlo u mean like an emulator | 04:38 |
K3nto | 22gb | 04:38 |
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eagles0513875 | ok | 04:38 |
eagles0513875 | now | 04:38 |
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K3nto | ok it tells me what to do | 04:39 |
eagles0513875 | try hit new | 04:39 |
Paddy_EIRE | cberlo, im sure thats possible | 04:39 |
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K3nto | i get the error | 04:39 |
eagles0513875 | do u still get the same error | 04:39 |
K3nto | but i also get "If you want more partitions you should first create an extended partition. Such a partition can contain other partitions. Because an extended partition is also a primary partition it might be necessary to remove a primary partition first." | 04:39 |
cberlo | eagles0513875: No, not really. I mean, I want the program to actually run on Windoze, but display on a real OS. | 04:39 |
Slart | cberlo: I haven't tried but if I was forced to I'd try with wine first.. | 04:39 |
cberlo | :) | 04:39 |
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eagles0513875 | try give the machine a reboot into windows and run chkdsk | 04:39 |
cberlo | Slart: Wine doesn't work for what I want to do. | 04:39 |
eagles0513875 | cberlo like a virtual machine | 04:39 |
K3nto | you want me to run chkdsk? | 04:39 |
cberlo | eagles0513875: No. Like exporting the display from one machine to another. | 04:39 |
Slart | cberlo: ok.. than I'm out of ideas.. sorry | 04:40 |
Paddy_EIRE | cberlo, for what purpose, if u dont mind | 04:40 |
eagles0513875 | humm i cant help ya there im still a noob | 04:40 |
eagles0513875 | when it comes to linux | 04:40 |
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eagles0513875 | a virtual machine is the closest thing i can think of and have played round with | 04:40 |
Verkustat | what do i do to get ubunt start in text mode insted of graphic when i turn on my computer? | 04:40 |
eagles0513875 | ya k3nto | 04:40 |
ALMimoni | how can i add colors to nano text editor? for php & CSS files. | 04:40 |
cberlo | Paddy_EIRE: I have an Edubuntu terminal server. They want a Windows app to run on it. WINE won't do it, and VMWare is too expensive to explore (not to mention cumbersome). I'd like to run the app from Windows XP and "export" it to the LTSP server. | 04:41 |
K3nto | ok then brb | 04:41 |
tschenk | can anyone help me with a networking issue? | 04:41 |
K3nto | wait, what will that do? | 04:41 |
eagles0513875 | ok log in with the same username k3nto | 04:41 |
K3nto | okay | 04:41 |
jussi01 | ALMimoni, have you thought about using another editor? like gedit? | 04:41 |
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cberlo | tschenk: Only if you ask! :) | 04:41 |
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tschenk | I already did | 04:41 |
tschenk | and was being ignored | 04:41 |
eagles0513875 | dunno its just something worth trying | 04:41 |
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Paddy_EIRE | cberlo, I know this is possible but maybe you should not give up on Wine for saving a lot of hassle | 04:41 |
Linuturk | http://www.ubuntu.com/products/GetUbuntu/download#currentrelease << why are there no download locations in the US ?! | 04:41 |
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eagles0513875 | i some how broke my wine | 04:42 |
cberlo | Paddy_EIRE: .Net is not currently possible on WINE -- this program requires WINE. | 04:42 |
Paddy_EIRE | oh | 04:42 |
eagles0513875 | anybody have any ideas as how to get my fglrx to work so i can play windows games using wine | 04:42 |
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ALMimoni | jussi01: i know but i want to use nano. | 04:42 |
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tschenk | I'm trying to determine where besides /etc/network/interfaces the system could be getting the idea that it should configure eth1 | 04:42 |
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Linuturk | http://www.ubuntu.com/products/GetUbuntu/download#currentrelease << why are there no download locations in the US ?! | 04:42 |
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cberlo | Paddy_EIRE: So I thought it may be easier to work the other way around -- figure out a way to wrap Windows apps in "X11" and forward the display. | 04:42 |
Slart | tschenk: if noone answered before perhaps noone knew the answer.. but try again every once in while (not to often though) and perhaps someone new will answer | 04:42 |
Paddy_EIRE | k, 1 sec | 04:43 |
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JosefK | Paddy_EIRE: presumably you've tried Mono? | 04:43 |
Paddy_EIRE | yea | 04:43 |
tschenk | I'm trying to determine where besides /etc/network/interfaces the system could be getting the idea that it should configure eth1 | 04:43 |
eagles0513875 | cberlo there is a .net runtime pkg | 04:43 |
eagles0513875 | called mono | 04:43 |
tschenk | anyone? | 04:43 |
Slart | tschenk: no idea.... sorry | 04:44 |
Lunar_Lamp | <tschenk> I'm trying to determine where besides /etc/network/interfaces the system could be getting the idea that it should configure eth1 <== udev perhaps? | 04:44 |
Lunar_Lamp | tschenk, I think it's something like /etc/sysconfig/udev/ | 04:44 |
Slart | tschenk: but you might want to ask in a more general linux channel.. network interfaces are the same across many distros.. | 04:44 |
cberlo | eagles0513875: Yes, and it won't load on WINE -- not the 1.1 version, not the 2.0 version, and certainly not the 3.0 version... :) | 04:44 |
eagles0513875 | ok | 04:44 |
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eagles0513875 | r there other windows emulators out there that u could try | 04:45 |
eagles0513875 | !windows emulators | 04:45 |
Domingo | join #ubuntu-meeting | 04:45 |
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Slart | eagles0513875: qemu perhaps? | 04:45 |
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eagles0513875 | have u tried qemu cberlo | 04:45 |
jussi01 | eagles0513875, what have you tried? | 04:45 |
JosefK | Paddy_EIRE: there's always VMWare Player | 04:45 |
Verkustat | what do i do to get ubuntu boot in text mode ? | 04:45 |
nmanasse | s | 04:46 |
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nmanasse | alors | 04:46 |
jussi01 | Verkustat, choose recovery at grub | 04:46 |
Verkustat | ?? | 04:46 |
cberlo | eagles0513875: Not free. Win4Lin would be the closest option for what I want, but these things require a Windows license, and generally only support one user at a time (aside from the Win4Lin and VMWare Server options, which are definitely not free). | 04:46 |
eagles0513875 | ive tried wine but for some reason not having mesa gl in directo mode wine doesnt load for me so i cannot install the windows game that i would like to play | 04:46 |
tschenk | well, ubuntu is the only one that seems to ignore the fact that I have disables eth1 | 04:46 |
jussi01 | !fr | nmanasse | 04:46 |
ubotu | nmanasse: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 04:46 |
eagles0513875 | vmware server is free btw | 04:46 |
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nmanasse | ok | 04:46 |
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cberlo | eagles0513875: qemu is in the same boat -- need a windows license. Same w/vmware | 04:46 |
cairo_ | hi hi to everybody, can i ask a ubuntu question here ? | 04:46 |
eagles0513875 | vmware server is a free license now | 04:47 |
Paddy_EIRE | !ask | 04:47 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 04:47 |
nmanasse | but why | 04:47 |
jussi01 | cberlo, have you thought about something like virtualbox? | 04:47 |
cairo_ | i lol | 04:47 |
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cberlo | eagles0513875: part of the point of using this server is to avoid the licensing issues. | 04:47 |
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eagles0513875 | ok | 04:47 |
cberlo | jussi01: Lay it on me: what's virtualbox? | 04:47 |
cairo_ | is about the language support | 04:47 |
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jussi01 | !virtualbox | 04:47 |
ubotu | VirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox | 04:47 |
nmanasse | Please what did you speak | 04:47 |
cairo_ | after i choose one language to install, during download, the error message come out | 04:47 |
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nmanasse | Who is jussi01? | 04:48 |
jussi01 | me... | 04:48 |
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jussi01 | cberlo, does that help you any? | 04:49 |
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nmanasse | yes | 04:49 |
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nmanasse | ok what are you say? | 04:49 |
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cairo_ | anyone know ? | 04:49 |
cberlo | jussi01: Looking into it. May still need a windows license, which is again an issue. | 04:49 |
nmanasse | hello | 04:49 |
tabman | I need to copy paste a folder into a location inside my filesystem ? through nautilus, I don't have the permission | 04:49 |
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tschenk | the udev idea doesn't pan out | 04:49 |
eagles0513875 | anybody have any idea as to y my fglrx and mesa gl is still indirect even after i installed the proprietary driver from ati | 04:50 |
nmanasse | but me | 04:50 |
tschenk | and the issue isn't that eth1 is recognized, but that it is trying to get an ip address via DHCP | 04:50 |
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jussi01 | tabman, goto terminal and type "sudo nautilus" this will open a window that will let you | 04:50 |
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nmanasse | ok | 04:50 |
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tschenk | the system in question has 3 network interfaces (it is a laptop that is attached to a docking station | 04:51 |
cberlo | jussi01: Looks like just another emulator. On a server that potentially serves about 100 users, that may be an issue with the performance hit it would take. | 04:51 |
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jussi01 | hehe | 04:51 |
jenny__ | olaaaaa | 04:51 |
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eagles0513875 | tschenk u want to give it a static ip address | 04:51 |
jussi01 | cberlo, sorry, didnt read what you were asking properly | 04:51 |
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tschenk | no, I don't want eth1 configured at all | 04:51 |
frafra | hi all | 04:51 |
frafra | how to set xorg.conf to use a joystic like a mouse? | 04:51 |
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tschenk | eth0 is the network port on the laptop | 04:51 |
eagles0513875 | isnt there a command to disable network adaptors | 04:51 |
tschenk | it is disables in network-admin | 04:52 |
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eagles0513875 | u sure eth1 isnt ur wifi card | 04:52 |
tschenk | and doesn't appear in /etc/network/interfaces | 04:52 |
tschenk | eth2 is my wifi card | 04:52 |
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tschenk | and it is correct configured | 04:52 |
eagles0513875 | what bout eth1 is it ur internal wired nic | 04:52 |
eagles0513875 | which is probably what it is | 04:52 |
K3nto | okay, i ran chkdsk | 04:52 |
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tschenk | eth1 is the nic port on the dock | 04:52 |
eagles0513875 | ok open gparted again | 04:52 |
K3nto | it alctually ran on the restart | 04:52 |
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eagles0513875 | ok good mine did that too | 04:53 |
eagles0513875 | now try gparted again k3nto | 04:53 |
Tibmol | !usb modem | 04:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about usb modem - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:53 |
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K3nto | alrighty, in gparted | 04:53 |
tschenk | I want eth0 and eth1 to be ignored and only eth2 configured | 04:53 |
Tibmol | how to search usb modem * | 04:53 |
Tibmol | ? | 04:53 |
Tibmol | !usb modem | 04:53 |
jussi01 | !ubotu | 04:53 |
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ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 04:53 |
Tibmol | !zoom | 04:53 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about zoom - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:53 |
K3nto | hmm still get the error | 04:53 |
eagles0513875 | do a google search for disabling eth0 and eth1 in ubuntu | 04:53 |
eagles0513875 | google search the error k3nto and see what u come up with | 04:54 |
tschenk | did that already | 04:54 |
Tibmol | does ubuntu automaticly uses usb modems ? | 04:54 |
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Tibmol | does ubuntu automaticly use usb modems ? | 04:54 |
eagles0513875 | were u able to find anything tschenk | 04:54 |
tschenk | nope | 04:54 |
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Jvik | Can someone give me proper link to a guide that shows how to install beryl on ubuntu? I have nVidia graphic card | 04:54 |
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ikonia_ | !beryl >jvik | 04:55 |
abhi | is there any software like roboform in ubuntu? | 04:55 |
tschenk | Jvik: the beryl website includes that information | 04:55 |
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Jvik | I know, but there is MANY guides | 04:55 |
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ikonia_ | !beryl >jvik | 04:55 |
Jvik | and im not sure wich one is the right | 04:55 |
tschenk | there is one specifically for nvidia and ubuntu | 04:55 |
eagles0513875 | should i download beryl to try fix my fglrx problem | 04:55 |
teeL | !beryl | jvik | 04:55 |
ubotu | jvik: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 04:55 |
ikonia_ | !goodbotuse >teel | 04:56 |
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teeL | oh :D didnt know that | 04:56 |
tschenk | and you don't have to run Xgl to use beryl if you don't want to | 04:56 |
ikonia_ | teeL not a problem | 04:56 |
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teeL | :) | 04:56 |
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K3nto | well, i guess i could post on their forums | 04:56 |
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eagles0513875 | post it here | 04:56 |
eagles0513875 | using pastbin.ca and c if anyone else has any ideas | 04:56 |
edward_ | To all that were helping me | 04:56 |
edward_ | THankyou very nmuch | 04:56 |
No1Viking | I created a poartition with gparted and formatted it, what do I have to do now? | 04:56 |
edward_ | My isp likes to block port 80 | 04:57 |
Jvik | Install Beryl on Ubuntu Dapper with XGL | 04:57 |
Jvik | Install Beryl on Ubuntu Dapper with AIGLX (recommended) | 04:57 |
Jvik | Install Beryl on Ubuntu Edgy with nVidia (1.9xxx or higher) | 04:57 |
Jvik | wich one of them ? | 04:57 |
Jvik | i think i have dapper :S | 04:57 |
eagles0513875 | no1 what part of installation u at | 04:57 |
K3nto | where? | 04:57 |
No1Viking | eagles0513875: edgy | 04:57 |
K3nto | pastbin.ca | 04:57 |
eagles0513875 | pastbin.ca | 04:57 |
eagles0513875 | ya | 04:57 |
jussi01 | !enter Jvik | 04:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about enter jvik - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:57 |
eagles0513875 | i know that but what step of the installation process r u at | 04:57 |
eagles0513875 | or did u run gparted before u started the installation process | 04:58 |
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jussi01 | !enter | Jvik | 04:58 |
ubotu | Jvik: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 04:58 |
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No1Viking | eagles0513875: I already installed everything and now I just created a new partition and I want it to wokr for me. | 04:58 |
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eagles0513875 | u tryign to install anything on it | 04:59 |
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TravellingSalesM | hello guys , i am having a problem connection my dsl modem to the internet , can someone please help me? | 04:59 |
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No1Viking | eagles0513875: I aint visible for me | 04:59 |
eagles0513875 | ? | 04:59 |
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No1Viking | eagles0513875: the partition | 04:59 |
eagles0513875 | u just want to have it as extra storage | 04:59 |
K3nto | did you mean pastebin? | 04:59 |
eagles0513875 | ya | 04:59 |
No1Viking | eagles0513875: yes | 05:00 |
eagles0513875 | pastebin.ca is faster | 05:00 |
eagles0513875 | what did u format it as no1 | 05:00 |
jonah1980_2 | hi i've lost my battery icon since trying to put a gdesklets one on, but the gdesklets one isnt coming up either now so don't know what to do, can anyone help? | 05:00 |
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eagles0513875 | pastebin.com takes ages to load | 05:00 |
No1Viking | ext3 | 05:00 |
eagles0513875 | reformat it as reiserf | 05:00 |
eagles0513875 | is ur main linux partition formatted in reiserf | 05:00 |
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No1Viking | eagles0513875: why? | 05:00 |
TravellingSalesM | help help please ! i use pppoeconf and net seems to be connected , plog generates no error but i can not surf the net ! | 05:00 |
jonah1980_2 | also is there a way to switch the click of my touchpad off and just use the buttons as i keep knocking it by accident | 05:00 |
No1Viking | eagles0513875: Nope, its ext3 | 05:00 |
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eagles0513875 | interesting try mount /dev/hda(#) | 05:01 |
eagles0513875 | try that | 05:01 |
CB4chile | i'm about to use and old pc to make a firewall with linux, does anyone have a tutorial for it? any link | 05:01 |
No1Viking | ok | 05:01 |
No1Viking | will try | 05:01 |
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eagles0513875 | ok hopefully that helps u out no1 | 05:01 |
korg | Hi all! | 05:01 |
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TravellingSalesM | No1Viking hi , do you have any experience with DSL ? i am having a problem connecting to the net | 05:02 |
Tibmol | does ubuntu support zoom usb modem ? | 05:02 |
No1Viking | TravellingSalesM: Nope, cos I have a perm link | 05:02 |
Slart | CB4chile: if you're only going to use it for a firewall there are special distros... IPCop is one.. there are others | 05:02 |
No1Viking | TravellingSalesM: I dont use DSL | 05:02 |
eagles0513875 | ipcop is really good if configured correctly | 05:02 |
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CB4chile | ok thanks | 05:03 |
tabman | jussi01: cool Thanks | 05:03 |
eagles0513875 | did my idea help at all no1 | 05:03 |
=== Tmi [n=tommi@kr-lun-9-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
korg | Tell please when it will be possible to download Ubuntu Herd5? | 05:03 |
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ikonia_ | korg it is possible | 05:04 |
ikonia_ | visit the ubuntu website to find out when | 05:04 |
korg | Me using herd4... | 05:04 |
ikonia_ | ok - but still visit the ubuntu website to find out | 05:04 |
cberlo | Okay, where's a good place to find some programmers who might be able to assist me in getting this "little" application done? (X11-forwarding of Win32 apps) | 05:04 |
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ikonia_ | cberlo depends what language you want | 05:04 |
cberlo | ikonia_: English. :) Beyond that, I don't care WHAT they use. As long as it works! | 05:05 |
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ikonia_ | cberlo you'll be better of chatting about this in ubutu-offtopic then going to a specialised applcation channge | 05:05 |
CB4chile | logo | 05:05 |
ikonia_ | cberlo contact some software development houses | 05:05 |
korg | http://www.ubuntu.com/testing | 05:05 |
=== zyth [n=zyth@S010600110902d6eb.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
ikonia_ | korg we know the link | 05:05 |
korg | No Herd5 here | 05:05 |
TravellingSalesM | can any one help me with DSL plz? | 05:05 |
ikonia_ | korg it supposed to be today - so keep checking | 05:05 |
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zyth | Do bad things happen if I don't have the Linux-Generic package installed? | 05:06 |
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cberlo | Okay. Not going to contact any software houses. I don't think the app is that big. I'd do it, but I have no Win32 experience. | 05:06 |
abhi | is there any software like roboform in ubuntu? | 05:06 |
ikonia_ | zyth depends if you have another kernel | 05:06 |
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ikonia_ | cberlo join #windows | 05:06 |
zyth | ikonia, I have | 05:06 |
zyth | Linux grumpybear 2.6.17-11-generic #2 SMP Thu Feb 1 19:52:28 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux | 05:06 |
eagles0513875 | k3nto u still there | 05:07 |
zyth | 2.5.17-11 apparently | 05:07 |
ke | testing | 05:07 |
ikonia_ | zyth so you have the generic package installed | 05:07 |
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cberlo | ikonia_: that's kinda funny! I'll give it a go! | 05:07 |
SurR3AL | hey i've just ordered a free copy of ubuntu 6.06.....i'm from india....how long will it take to get here? :) | 05:07 |
tabman | I did the following to install the theme: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=47487 , what else I need to do, I still don't see it in my themes dialog ? | 05:07 |
zyth | ikonia, but it breaks my nvidia drivers, since it insists on installing nvidia-kernel-common | 05:07 |
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ikonia_ | cberlo why is that funny. You want a win 32 app - join #windows | 05:07 |
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cairo_ | what u all will if u all see the error message after updated something or installing something | 05:07 |
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CB4chile | 4 weeks app | 05:07 |
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CyberCod | whats the command line command to change permissions for an entire folder (i am copying a user folder in /home to make a new user with the same setup)? | 05:07 |
ikonia_ | zyth you need to install nvidia-glx which will install the correct kernel for you | 05:07 |
SurR3AL | okay thanks CB4 | 05:08 |
ikonia_ | CyberCod chown -R | 05:08 |
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zyth | ikonia, no, I have the newest drivers installed. They work better | 05:08 |
zzz__ | !java | 05:08 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 05:08 |
shriphani | how to update to edgy from a dvd i have please ? | 05:08 |
ikonia_ | zyth then you can't change your kernel | 05:08 |
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eagles0513875 | boot into desktop and it will ask u what u want to do shriphani | 05:08 |
zyth | ikonia, well not w/o reinstalling the nvidia drivers, I know that. Hm ok | 05:08 |
=== kitche [n=kitche@pool-141-149-143-249.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CyberCod | so that would be ##chown -r /home/whatever newusername ?? | 05:09 |
harisund | What do I do if some users' process takes up 100% CPU, because of which SSH times out .. .and even the physical console remains unresponsive? | 05:09 |
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ikonia_ | harisund kill the process | 05:09 |
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ikonia_ | CyberCod man chown | 05:09 |
ikonia_ | CyberCod and its -R | 05:09 |
yomm | Hi ! | 05:09 |
CyberCod | ok, thanx | 05:09 |
K3nto | okay i posted in a couple places | 05:09 |
cairo_ | does gaim accept scim input method ? | 05:09 |
dyrne | CyberCod: chown -R username directory | 05:09 |
CB4chile | shriphani, the update requires you to download about 500 mb and the full release is 650mb | 05:10 |
=== sacater [n=sacater@host86-150-150-58.range86-150.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jvik | I asked earlier, but i managed to close the window. How do i get the harddrives in to "Computer"? I forgot to choose them when i was installing ubuntu. | 05:10 |
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K3nto | http://pastebin.ca/377225 | 05:10 |
K3nto | and http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/87155-installing-ubuntu-gparted-problems.html#post439742 | 05:10 |
dyrne | !fstab | 05:10 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 05:10 |
shriphani | CB4chile: i have a dvd here | 05:10 |
ikonia_ | !goodbotuse >dyrne | 05:10 |
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shriphani | i need to know how to update from cd | 05:10 |
shriphani | sorry from dvd | 05:11 |
K3nto | i did a screenscho to make it easier | 05:11 |
harisund | ikonia_: how do I do that? | 05:11 |
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ikonia_ | harisund do what ? | 05:11 |
harisund | ikonia_: I am unable to login at all... | 05:11 |
harisund | ikonia_: kill the process? | 05:11 |
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=== topato [n=mohbo@1-2-2-6a.lio.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ikonia_ | harisund kill it from the console | 05:11 |
cairo_ | can somebody answer me ? does gaim accept scim input method ? :( | 05:11 |
No1Viking | !Partitions | 05:11 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 05:11 |
harisund | ikonia_: the console is not responding ... | 05:11 |
ikonia_ | harisund then how to you know a process is taking up %100 | 05:11 |
topato | hello .. what's the simplest way to install mail-sending functionality to ubuntu? I want my python scripts to be able to send email :) | 05:11 |
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harisund | ikonia_: after I enter my user name (root) it doesn't ask for password.. just stays there. | 05:12 |
No1Viking | !fstab | 05:12 |
yomm | Is it good procedure shutting down my ubuntu box using "sudo shutdown -h now" , even when multiple applications are running ? | 05:12 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 05:12 |
harisund | ikonia_: well, the user said he spawned multiple processes.. so I am guessing something like a fork bomb sort of .. | 05:12 |
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eagles0513875 | any luck k3nto | 05:12 |
No1Viking | !DiskMounter | 05:12 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 05:12 |
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ikonia_ | !goodbotuse>No1Viking | 05:12 |
shriphani | !update | 05:12 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 05:12 |
TravellingSalesM | can any one help me with DSL ? every thing seems to be correct while connected , but i can not surf the net | 05:12 |
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ikonia_ | !goodbotuse >No1Viking | 05:12 |
Lr5 | Problem: backspace key not working under X, os: Ubuntu 6.06, computer: IBM Thinkpad T22 | 05:12 |
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dsl3644 | topatp: good question, helps me also. | 05:12 |
dyrne | been my exp most people asking these questions arent registered to receive msgs :) | 05:13 |
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eagles0513875 | im registered | 05:13 |
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chorse | TravellingSalesM: are you using a router or are you directly connected? | 05:13 |
eagles0513875 | !register | 05:13 |
ubotu | Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 05:13 |
nmanasse | hi | 05:13 |
Lr5 | dyrne: or identified? | 05:13 |
TravellingSalesM | chorse i am directly connected | 05:13 |
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ikonia_ | !goodbotuse >eagles0513875 | 05:13 |
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TravellingSalesM | chorse: i am having to NIC which i wanna do the routing with my pc but i am stuck in the first level which is connection my own pc to the net ! | 05:14 |
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CyberCod | chown didn't change permissions | 05:14 |
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ikonia_ | CyberCod what command did you use | 05:14 |
Jocke | Is there someone here having problem installing tzdata?: http://packages.debian.org/unstable/libs/tzdata | 05:14 |
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ikonia_ | Jocke nope no problem | 05:15 |
Verkustat | what do i do to get ubuntu boot in text mode ? | 05:15 |
chorse | TravellingSalesM: you said it seems to be correct - you get an IP then? | 05:15 |
ikonia_ | Jocke also thats a debian package | 05:15 |
No1Viking | In fstab I have this kind of data - UUID=1200c5fe-5d94-42da-8954-de91dcceda22. If I created a new partition and formatted it, how can I find that kind of identifier data? | 05:15 |
ikonia_ | Jocke not an ubuntu package | 05:15 |
Verkustat | what do i do to get ubuntu boot in text mode every time i turn the computer on ? | 05:15 |
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nmanasse | I will want to know why you doing it | 05:15 |
CyberCod | sudo chown -R owner /home/owner | 05:15 |
Jocke | ikonia, both Ubuntu and Debian uses dpkg. | 05:15 |
ikonia_ | Verkustat sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver xorg | 05:15 |
Lr5 | Changing keyboard preferences does not help with the backspace key problem, is there other configures somewhere? | 05:15 |
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ikonia_ | Jocke yes, but they are different OS's | 05:15 |
agonzal | ALVAREZ ANTONIO | 05:15 |
TravellingSalesM | chorse : yes and nothing goes wrong when i type plog but i can not surf the net or ping a site .. | 05:15 |
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agonzal | ANTONIO | 05:15 |
CyberCod | wait... it worked, just didn't refresh the folder... now i gotta change group | 05:15 |
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ikonia_ | agonzal quiet please - | 05:15 |
valehru | eagles0513875, just to let you know that I got it working. The problem was the ndiswrapper installation and my new kernel. It wasnt linking to the ndiswrapper.ko file. Thanks for the log again. | 05:15 |
Jocke | ikonia_, actually I am using gNewSense but it works alot. | 05:16 |
Jvik | What is the command to see all hard-drives connected to computer ? | 05:16 |
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ikonia_ | Jocke no idea what gNewSense is | 05:16 |
chorse | TravellingSalesM: perhaps it's just a dns problem, try to ping an ip address, lets say (me) | 05:16 |
eagles0513875 | no prob keep it handy u never know when ull need it | 05:16 |
Jocke | ikonia_, it is a free distribution. | 05:16 |
agliv_ | Greetings all :) does anyone know of an easy way to rename multiple files all via the same format? i.e. all flies named x should be renamed to aex... | 05:16 |
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dyrne | Jvik: sudo fdisk -l is prob what you want. mount will tell you currently mounted | 05:16 |
ikonia_ | Jocke ahh ok. You do know this channel is for ubuntu | 05:16 |
eagles0513875 | if anyone else has trouble getting internal broadcom wifi card i have a log that i can send | 05:16 |
Jocke | ikonia_, yes. | 05:16 |
ikonia_ | Jocke fine | 05:16 |
TravellingSalesM | chorse are you online? because i have to dc my laptop and connect the pc ! takes 5-10 mins | 05:17 |
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No1Viking | In fstab I have this kind of data - UUID=1200c5fe-5d94-42da-8954-de91dcceda22. If I created a new partition and formatted it, how can I find that kind of identifier data? | 05:17 |
kitche | !vol | No1Viking | 05:17 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about vol - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:17 |
kitche | !uuid | No1Viking | 05:17 |
ubotu | No1Viking: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: blkid (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 05:17 |
chorse | TravellingSalesM: that's a server of mine and it's allways on (at least it should :)) | 05:17 |
dyrne | No1Viking: ignore that. id just remove it and put /dev/hda1 or whatever in its place | 05:17 |
dyrne | No1Viking: but if you want you can get the uuid | 05:17 |
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TravellingSalesM | chorse: so thanks and brb :) | 05:18 |
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tabman | I have a computer connected to my system, I want that computer to share internet connection & file/folders with the system ? | 05:18 |
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sacater | does anyone here know anything that supports RAR archives | 05:19 |
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Arkaitz | Hey everyone | 05:19 |
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jrib | !rar | sacater | 05:19 |
ubotu | sacater: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 05:19 |
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eagles0513875 | !mesaGL | 05:20 |
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sacater | !info unrar-free | 05:20 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mesagl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:20 |
Arkaitz | anyone has tried to install ubuntu on a Fujitsu Siemens laptop?, Im trying to do it and it doesnt load the live cd so I cant install it, when the loading bar is going to be almost complete in the last moment a green line appears under the progress bar and it stucks | 05:20 |
ConstyXIV | what would you guys use to clean mountain dew that exploded onto your tocuhpad? | 05:20 |
ubotu | unrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20060609-1 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB | 05:20 |
imac | is it just this crappy mac I'm on, or are the edgy repositories not working today? | 05:20 |
tarzeau | do astronomers use ubuntu? are there packages of pyraf or stsdas? | 05:20 |
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eagles0513875 | can anyone help me with my mesa GL issue im having | 05:20 |
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jrib | sacater: not that unrar-free doesn't support rar 3.0 ... | 05:20 |
TravellingSalesM | chorse : it gives me this error : sedmsg : operation not permitted | 05:20 |
sacater | jrib: ty | 05:20 |
dyrne | ConstyXIV: alcohol usually | 05:21 |
jrib | s/not/note | 05:21 |
dyrne | ConstyXIV: wild turkey 101 | 05:21 |
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dsl3644 | FS Amilo Pro v3205 & Edgy works just fine. | 05:21 |
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cairo_ | anyone can answer my question ? does gaim accept scim input method ? it seem crash | 05:21 |
imac | it keeps saying waiting for headers... when I try to update | 05:21 |
TravellingSalesM | chorse : are you there :( | 05:21 |
chorse | TravellingSalesM: have you got an grsecurity kernel? | 05:21 |
tabman | ? | 05:21 |
ConstyXIV | eagles0513875: if it's slow, that's becasue it's mesagl | 05:21 |
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eagles0513875 | no its indirect | 05:22 |
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TravellingSalesM | chorse : what does that mean ?? | 05:22 |
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ConstyXIV | dyrne: what if all ive got is jim beam? | 05:22 |
eagles0513875 | i need it direct so i can play games using wine | 05:22 |
chorse | TravellingSalesM: that you ask shows me that you haven't :) mhh | 05:22 |
dyrne | ConstyXIV: too sticky :) | 05:22 |
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imac | anyone know if the repositories aren't working? | 05:23 |
TravellingSalesM | chorse : so what should i do now? any suggestion? | 05:23 |
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chorse | not really now, please nopaste the output of `ifconfig` and `route -n` | 05:24 |
Arkaitz | dsl3644 i got a FS Amilo M1437G and It dosnt work | 05:24 |
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AlinuxSOS | danilos, hello | 05:26 |
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AlinuxSOS | danilos, here? | 05:26 |
CB4chile | hi, he is here | 05:26 |
tabman | guys I want to share my internet connection & files/folder between 2 system, ubuntu & windows, my ubuntu system received direct internet | 05:26 |
CB4chile | he says hi, he's in the bathroom | 05:26 |
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din | wow, my log for this channel is almost 300mb | 05:27 |
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Jvik | Shouldnt i use ntfs for a harddrive with mp3s in linux ? | 05:28 |
Jvik | hope i dont have to format | 05:28 |
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din | why would you use ntfs? | 05:28 |
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brotherJohn1234 | tabman: share folders -> samba, share Internet: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward ) | 05:28 |
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zzz__ | brotherJohn1234: tabman will have to set up Masquerading via iptables too. | 05:29 |
dromer | hi al, I was wondering if this program is/could come to ubuntu repo's http://www.nvu.com/download.php | 05:29 |
Syco- | Hi guys, I'm having an issue with my / key, whenever I press it half the time it does nothing, the other half it acts like I pressed it 5 times, any ideas on what could be causing it? it works fine in windows (it also does it when I do a question mark ) | 05:29 |
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killown | I like dreamweaver | 05:30 |
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alienbrain | No swap on edgy? | 05:30 |
dromer | killown: that's not in linux is it? | 05:30 |
K3nto | eagles, i have a sneaking suspicion i will have to delete partitions | 05:30 |
jrib | dromer: it is already | 05:30 |
killown | dromer yes | 05:30 |
jrib | !nvu | dromer | 05:30 |
ubotu | dromer: nvu: Complete Web Authoring System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0final-2ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 8373 kB, installed size 26448 kB | 05:30 |
dromer | jrib: ok thnx | 05:30 |
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K3nto | this is what im looking at: http://img400.imageshack.us/img400/8553/screenshotbs9.png | 05:31 |
dromer | I don't think it's the same jrib | 05:31 |
Joomla | is there a way or a how to make a custom shell like bash sh with the commands i specify? | 05:31 |
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mr_grump5 | could any one help installing custom theme for ubuntu? | 05:31 |
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agliv_ | I've tried a few different programms, but none do what I want... namely search a batch of files and those names that have a fitting substring rename the substring and leave the rest of the name the same... anybody know how to do that? | 05:32 |
kitche | Joomla: not really unless you know how to program | 05:32 |
alienbrain | After I upgraded to Edgy, swap partition doesn't get mounted by default, is this intentional? | 05:32 |
ardchoille | mr_grump5: I can try | 05:32 |
jrib | dromer: why do you think that? | 05:32 |
Jvik | din; because i where running windows. And dont i have to format to change filesystem ? | 05:32 |
Juhaz | K3nto, does sda3 have move/resize option in context menu? | 05:32 |
din | agliv_: man sed | 05:32 |
Ferret | agliv_: rename, or mmv | 05:32 |
dromer | Joomla: I have it too, it sucks :P repartitioning your drive is the only real solution .. | 05:33 |
din | Jvik: can't you just mount the partition, and copy the mp3's over? | 05:33 |
din | not sure what you are wanting to do | 05:33 |
aladin | Did someone get a broadcom 4311 rev 01 wlan card running? | 05:33 |
dromer | Joomla: your extended should've been bigger I think | 05:33 |
zzz__ | agliv_: There is a program called "rename" which allows you to use regular expressions to modify filenames. | 05:33 |
Jvik | din: I want my 2 harddrives in to "Computer" without formatting. And both of them is NTFS. | 05:33 |
Jvik | They're ntfs because i where running windows before | 05:33 |
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mr_grump5 | ardchoille:i have downloaded some themes from the net..how to added it? | 05:33 |
din | so do like i said | 05:34 |
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Jvik | din: i dont have a harddrive to backup my stuff | 05:34 |
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Pulea | is there a way or a how to build a custom shell like bash with the commands i give? | 05:34 |
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eagles0513875 | brb need to restart program crashed and screwed up system | 05:34 |
Jvik | *store. while i format | 05:34 |
ardchoille | mr_grump5: It depends on the type of theme. GTK2 and Metacity themes can be unpack into ~/.themes. Icon themes can be unpacked into ~/.icons. What kind of theme is it? | 05:35 |
Ferret | Pulea: alias mymagicalcommand='this; tahat; theother' maybe? | 05:35 |
din | Jvik: so you are wanting to backup your mp3s from your windows install? | 05:35 |
mr_grump5 | ardchoille | 05:35 |
din | before you format | 05:35 |
mr_grump5 | ardchoille:icons | 05:35 |
zzz__ | Jvik: How about resizing the NTFS partition and creating a FAT or ext2 partition? | 05:35 |
ardchoille | mr_grump5: You can either unpack them into ~/.icons or /usr/share/icons | 05:36 |
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mr_grump5 | ardchoille:then | 05:36 |
Jvik | zzz__: how the heck do i do that? i am new? Won't i loose my datas then ? | 05:36 |
ardchoille | mr_grump5: To have them available system-wide, best to put them into /usr/share/icons | 05:36 |
Jvik | i am newb*! | 05:36 |
ardchoille | Juhaz: You around? | 05:37 |
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berent | !j2sdk | 05:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about j2sdk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:37 |
Ferret | !ntfs-3g | Jvik: If you must keep ntfs, you could try: | 05:37 |
ubotu | Jvik: If you must keep ntfs, you could try:: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 05:37 |
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zzz__ | Jvik: You can use QTParted (or its equivalent Gnome counterpart whose name I don't remember) to resize the NTFS partition. You won't lose any data if you do not interrupt the resizing process. | 05:37 |
^Ocean^ | is there a way to get the Ctrl+alt +/- to change my video resolution like it used too ? | 05:37 |
Juhaz | ardchoille, every now and then | 05:38 |
ikonia_ | !goodbotuse >ferret | 05:38 |
ardchoille | zzz__: gparted ? | 05:38 |
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Jvik | Damn. I almost regret that i went from windows to linux :\ windows is much easier | 05:38 |
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ikonia_ | Jvik go back to it then | 05:38 |
ardchoille | Juhaz: Do you know if the latest gnome-theme-manager has been improved to handle multi-theme tarballs any batter than it did in gnome 2.14? | 05:38 |
Jvik | I said "ALMOST". | 05:38 |
K3nto | thats why im trying to dualboot | 05:38 |
ConstyXIV | zzz__: gparted, and it's much cleaner than qtparted | 05:38 |
mr_grump5 | ardchoille:i have added the file to /usr/share/icons | 05:39 |
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ardchoille | Juhaz: Or is that a distro-specific thing? | 05:39 |
zzz__ | ConstyXIV: Thanks for reminding. | 05:39 |
ardchoille | mr_grump5: the file? You need to unpack them into /usr/share/icons. Simply moving the tarball won't work. | 05:39 |
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finalbeta | Jvik: I've been using ubuntu solely for over half a year, and I still almost regret it ;). | 05:39 |
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billy | greetings friends. | 05:39 |
Jvik | It's hard to learn | 05:39 |
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ConstyXIV | honestly, qtparted looks like it came from a dog's rear | 05:40 |
ardchoille | ConstyXIV: lol | 05:40 |
mr_grump5 | ardchoille:i moved the extracted folder | 05:40 |
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zzz__ | Jvik: I can help if you'd like. | 05:40 |
ardchoille | mr_grump5: Ok, that should be good. Now, open gnome-theme-manager and go to the icons tab and they should be available to choose. | 05:40 |
kitche | Jvik: it's as hard as windows really | 05:40 |
finalbeta | Jvik: not so hard really, it gives you a whole new set of freedoms and limitations. It can be fun though. | 05:40 |
ConstyXIV | seriously, it's nowhere near the greatest partition manager on earth | 05:40 |
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Jvik | zzz__: wanna take it in pm? Many people talking here | 05:41 |
mr_grump5 | ardchoille:system->pref->theme>?? | 05:41 |
Jvik | kitche: No that's not true. Windows dont have all those damn commands | 05:41 |
zzz__ | Jvik: I am not a registered user so I cannot use pm. Sorry. | 05:41 |
c41R0 | Jvick, i also same status with u now, two days i used ubuntu, my u buntu crashed twot times | 05:41 |
ardchoille | mr_grump5: yes | 05:41 |
Jvik | zzz__ do you have msn? | 05:41 |
kitche | Jvik: umm it does guess you never used dos lol | 05:41 |
c41R0 | formatted my computer twice alredy | 05:41 |
ConstyXIV | Jvik: it's easy enough, just takes a while to find where everything is depending on how hardwired you are/were to windows | 05:41 |
zzz__ | Jvik: No, sorry. I can help via IRC. | 05:42 |
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^Ocean^ | is there a way to get the Ctrl+alt +/- to change my video resolution like it used too ? | 05:42 |
c41R0 | zzz_can u elp me too ? | 05:42 |
ConstyXIV | Jvik: a lot of graphical programs are actually frontends to the CLI in linux | 05:42 |
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ardchoille | mr_grump5: You got a URL to that icon theme? I want to see what it looks lke. | 05:42 |
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zzz__ | c41R0: Depends on what kind of help you need... | 05:43 |
mr_grump5 | http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=31618 | 05:43 |
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deluxe | sers leute | 05:43 |
deluxe | un was geht? | 05:43 |
mr_grump5 | ardchoille:which one r u using> | 05:43 |
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deluxe | was hat euch in diese channel verschlagen? | 05:44 |
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c41R0 | zzz_: k... now first question, can i use scim input method in gaim ? | 05:44 |
deluxe | jo | 05:44 |
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deluxe | mste gehen | 05:44 |
ardchoille | mr_grump5: Flat-blue | 05:44 |
ikonia_ | !de >deluxe | 05:44 |
c41R0 | i mean Gaim internet messenger | 05:44 |
Jvik | Well.. Ill take it from scratch. I installed linux first once. I chose all harddrives as mountpoints or wtf its called, and i could find the harddrives. I had a lot of issues and had to format again, and i forgot to choose mount points for the other harddrives than the main harddrive. Now i cant find the harddrives where i have all my homework, movies, music, games and EVERYTHING | 05:44 |
zzz__ | c41R0: Sorry; I don't even know what SCIM means. | 05:44 |
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ardchoille | mr_grump5: ZOMG! I like.. I like :) | 05:44 |
ikonia_ | Jvik well they are either still there or you removed them when partitioning | 05:45 |
Jvik | I have 2 harddrive. 1 at 120 and 1 at 320. The one at 120 has 2 partitions and one of them is the "main disk" with linux. | 05:45 |
deluxe | me too | 05:45 |
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ConstyXIV | c41R0: could you explain SCIM for me? | 05:45 |
deluxe | no | 05:45 |
Jvik | I dont know where the heck they are :\ | 05:45 |
deluxe | hmm | 05:45 |
deluxe | me too | 05:45 |
ikonia_ | Jvik what disk was your old data on | 05:45 |
ardchoille | mr_grump5: lol, I'm using that OSX set now :) | 05:45 |
deluxe | ntfs | 05:45 |
deluxe | me too | 05:45 |
Jvik | the one on 320 and the other partition on main harddrive. | 05:46 |
deluxe | yes | 05:46 |
zzz__ | Jvik: Try the following to see the partitions on your hard drives: cat /proc/partitions | 05:46 |
mr_grump5 | ardchoille:it looks cool | 05:46 |
Jvik | Both of those are NTFS | 05:46 |
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ikonia_ | Jvik are they ide or sata ? | 05:46 |
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ikonia_ | the two disks | 05:46 |
Jvik | sata | 05:46 |
deluxe | yes | 05:46 |
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deluxe | mhm | 05:46 |
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bigjohntoday | anyone here used synergy ? | 05:46 |
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deluxe | yes mee | 05:46 |
ikonia_ | ok show me the out put of fdisk -l /dev/sda and fdisk -l /dev/sdb in a pastebin | 05:46 |
ikonia_ | Jvik | 05:46 |
deluxe | whats your problem? | 05:46 |
Jvik | partitions file is empty | 05:46 |
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deluxe | aha | 05:47 |
ikonia_ | oops | 05:47 |
deluxe | und jetzt? | 05:47 |
bigjohntoday | deluxe: I have a synergy server running on windows and want to connect my ubuntu client to the windows synergy server..... FAQ on synergy site says its possible but i can't figure it out | 05:47 |
deluxe | isch des mein problem? | 05:47 |
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ikonia_ | Jvik stick sudo in front of it | 05:47 |
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c41R0 | is a software that allow u input other language | 05:47 |
ikonia_ | !de >deluxe | 05:47 |
^Ocean^ | is there a way to get the Ctrl+alt +/- to change my video resolution like it used too ? | 05:47 |
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ConstyXIV | c41R0: do you have it running right now? and are you using gaim right now? | 05:48 |
ikonia_ | ^Ocean^ not that I'm aware of | 05:48 |
deluxe | aso | 05:48 |
deluxe | ujd jetzt? | 05:48 |
c41R0 | yup | 05:48 |
ikonia_ | !de | deluxe | 05:48 |
ubotu | deluxe: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 05:48 |
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ConstyXIV | c41R0: just try using it in gaim | 05:48 |
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ikonia_ | Jvik any update ? | 05:49 |
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bigjohntoday | ok so anyone else here used synergy ? | 05:49 |
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ikonia_ | bigjohntoday just ask the question | 05:49 |
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Jvik | ikonia_: working on it | 05:50 |
bigjohntoday | i did | 05:50 |
bigjohntoday | i will again | 05:50 |
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bigjohntoday | I have a synergy server running on windows and want to connect my ubuntu client to the windows synergy server..... FAQ on synergy site says its possible but i can't figure it out | 05:50 |
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billy | i'm unsure whether or not to get automatix. | 05:50 |
ikonia_ | billy don't | 05:50 |
SurR3AL | hey can anyone tel me what the diff's are b/w edgy & dapper? i'm REALLY new here :) | 05:51 |
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billy | ikonia: i'm honestly curious why you think I shouldn't. I don't know one way or the other honestly. ?? | 05:51 |
ikonia_ | SurR3AL different product versions | 05:51 |
Jvik | zzz__: http://hashbin.com/2b7.html | 05:51 |
ikonia_ | billy its rubbish | 05:51 |
SurR3AL | oh okay, so is edgy more current? | 05:51 |
ikonia_ | Jvik what command did you do to get that | 05:51 |
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kitche | SurR3AL: yes | 05:52 |
FunnyLookinHat | SurR3AL, basically yes. Edgy has some newer programs and applications/configurations. In about a month an d ahalf there will be another new version released: Feisty Fawn | 05:52 |
billy | ikonia: well, if you could maybe be just a little more specific, maybe I could know why someone wouldn't want to install it. ?? | 05:52 |
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Jvik | ikonia_ that was some other stuff. What was the command that you wanted me tu run ? | 05:52 |
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zzz__ | ikonia_: He or she used cat /proc/partitions | 05:52 |
ikonia_ | billy because its made up of rubbish commands/scripts that fail a lot | 05:52 |
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ikonia_ | Jvik I asked for "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda" and "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb" | 05:52 |
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SurR3AL | okay coool :) sorry for askin dumb newbie questions, but can i update dapper to edgy without downloading the whole 700MB iso? | 05:52 |
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ikonia_ | SurR3AL yes | 05:52 |
Dr_willis | !update | 05:53 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 05:53 |
mr_grump5 | ardchoille:in icon details i have osx how to install them...when i give install it opens file browse | 05:53 |
SurR3AL | k...thanks 4 replyin :D | 05:53 |
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ConstyXIV | SurR3AL: yeah, but you probably will download a good chunk anyways | 05:53 |
mr_grump5 | ardchoille: it says select theme | 05:53 |
billy | OK. thanks iconia_. | 05:53 |
Jvik | ikonia_ http://hashbin.com/2b8.html | 05:53 |
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ikonia_ | Jvik and sdb ? | 05:54 |
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Jvik | ikonia_ http://hashbin.com/2b9.html | 05:54 |
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ikonia_ | Jvik ok - do you want to check your disks data with me ? | 05:55 |
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Jvik | ikonia_ what do you mean? | 05:55 |
ikonia_ | Jvik do you want to see if we can find the missing data | 05:55 |
Jvik | yes :P i do want to find my movies | 05:55 |
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ikonia_ | Jvik ok type the following commands | 05:56 |
ikonia_ | "sudo mkdir /var/tmp/diska | 05:56 |
ikonia_ | sudo mkdir /var/tmp/diskb" | 05:56 |
ikonia_ | (messed up the quotes) | 05:56 |
Jvik | with " ? | 05:56 |
ikonia_ | dropt he qutoes | 05:56 |
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Jvik | ok.. | 05:56 |
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Jvik | *done* | 05:56 |
ikonia_ | Jvik now do "mount /dev/sda5 /var/tmp/diska" | 05:56 |
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mr_grump5 | ardchoille: i got it | 05:57 |
ikonia_ | Jvik now do "mount /dev/sdb1 /var/tmp/diskb" | 05:57 |
ikonia_ | sorry sudo mount /dev/sda5 /var/tmp/diska | 05:57 |
raul | hi, anyone can helpme with NetworkManager applet?, can not see wifi networks... | 05:57 |
juancg | maricom | 05:57 |
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ikonia_ | and sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /var/tmp/diskb | 05:57 |
Jvik | (17:57:08) ikonia_: Jvik now do "mount /dev/sdb1 /var/tmp/diskb" <- | 05:57 |
ikonia_ | ughh | 05:57 |
dyrne | raul: wifi is working just a problem with applet? | 05:57 |
Jvik | i entered that | 05:57 |
ikonia_ | and sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /var/tmp/diskb | 05:57 |
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juancg | tu padre | 05:58 |
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bippi | nvidia driver doesn't work anymore, modprove load it fine but then I got a black screen and a X segfault, could u help me | 05:58 |
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Jvik | ikonia_ I did what you first told me | 05:58 |
juancg | mnierda | 05:58 |
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juancg | opu 9yth | 05:58 |
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CyberCod | bippi.... try the envy nvidia script... it installs it automatically and does a good job (for proprietary drivers) | 05:59 |
raul | 4dyrne: yes, if configure manually work fine... have to do it with every wifi network and its not funny | 05:59 |
ikonia_ | Jvik now do "cd /var/tmp/diska" | 05:59 |
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juwain | hello | 06:00 |
Jvik | ikonia: You said something wrong, but i already did what you told me. | 06:00 |
juwain | can anybody help me? | 06:00 |
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_jason | juwain: sure, we can try. But you need to ask a question first | 06:00 |
ikonia_ | Jvik "sudo umount /var/tmp/diska" and "sudo umount /tmp/diskb" | 06:00 |
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juwain | i've just installed ubuntu, configured the network, pings are ok, but i can't visit any page.. | 06:00 |
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juwain | in the internet | 06:00 |
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zzz__ | ikonia_: Shouldn't that be /var/tmp/diskb | 06:01 |
zzz__ | ? | 06:01 |
jrib | !ipv6 | juwain | 06:01 |
ubotu | juwain: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 06:01 |
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lightenup | raul: you may want to rem out any refrences to your wifi card in /etc/network/interfaces | 06:01 |
juwain | firefox says "connection timeout"... | 06:01 |
tabman | brotherJohn1234: share Internet: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward ) what is this ? | 06:01 |
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CyberCod | juwain... you closed firefox since you got network up? | 06:01 |
juwain | yes, i did... | 06:01 |
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whyarewehere | juwain - dns? | 06:01 |
CyberCod | juwain, ok, sometimes it is the simple things | 06:01 |
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juwain | | 06:01 |
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LucianSolaris | crap, what was the ubuntu general chat (not this chan)? | 06:02 |
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^Ocean^ | is there a way to get the Ctrl+alt +/- to change my video resolution like it used too ? | 06:02 |
jrib | !offtopic | LucianSolaris | 06:02 |
ubotu | LucianSolaris: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 06:02 |
Jvik | bash: cd: /var/tmp/diska: Permission denied ikonia_ | 06:02 |
LucianSolaris | kthxbye | 06:02 |
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juwain | should i disable ipv6? | 06:03 |
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zzz__ | Jvik: Try the following: "sudo su -" and then try to cd into the directory again. | 06:03 |
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zzz__ | Jvik: (Without the quotes that is.) | 06:03 |
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ikonia_ | sorry someone was talking to me | 06:03 |
ikonia_ | jvik sudo -i | 06:03 |
fbarc | Is the alternate install CD bootable??? | 06:04 |
ikonia_ | fbarc yup | 06:04 |
zzz__ | fbarc: Yes. | 06:04 |
Jvik | root@jvik:/var/tmp# sudo cd diska | sudo: cd: command not found | 06:04 |
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ikonia_ | Jvik no - sudo -i | 06:05 |
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jrib | he's already root | 06:05 |
ikonia_ | jrib is he ? | 06:05 |
ikonia_ | so he is | 06:05 |
fbarc | ikonia_ zzz__ thanks | 06:05 |
ikonia_ | well spotted | 06:05 |
raul | lightenup: oh yes, I can edit this file and configure manually the wifi but, I remember in last installation the applet showme all wifi networks detectec and just a click to connect to them. | 06:05 |
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zzz__ | Jvik: Don't use sudo to cd. | 06:05 |
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ikonia_ | Jvik now that your root cd /var/tmp/diska | 06:05 |
ikonia_ | jrib nice spot | 06:05 |
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FunnyLookinHat | raul, you have to install network-manager-gnome for that : ) | 06:05 |
FunnyLookinHat | raul, sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome | 06:06 |
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bippi | nvidia driver doesn't work anymore, modprove load it fine but then I got a black screen and a X segfault, could u help me? | 06:06 |
Jvik | nice. Works fine. :) Is it possible to get those "directories" in "computer"? | 06:06 |
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lightenup | raul: yes but for network-manager-gnome to work properly you need to rem out all instances refrencing your wifi card (ie. eth1) | 06:06 |
ikonia_ | Jvik yes, just mount them using the gui | 06:06 |
raul | FunnyLookinHat: Yes, installed it is... but, doesnt show me wifi, just wired net. | 06:06 |
Jvik | I know, i am noob. Where in the gui ? :) | 06:07 |
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FunnyLookinHat | raul, hmm... maybe it's not detecting your wireless card for some reason... | 06:07 |
ikonia_ | Jvik I don't have X running at th emoment so can't check - under system --> $somewhere | 06:07 |
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FunnyLookinHat | lightenup, not anymore I thought... | 06:07 |
raul | lightenup: ohh go it | 06:07 |
abisen | what is the recommended firewall for Ubuntu | 06:08 |
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lightenup | raul: what fixed it? | 06:08 |
jrib | !firewall | abisen | 06:08 |
ubotu | abisen: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 06:08 |
abisen | i mean how do i enable / block ports in ubuntu | 06:08 |
zzz__ | Jvik: I can try to help you do that. | 06:08 |
ikonia_ | abisen iptables | 06:08 |
ikonia_ | zzz__ over to you - i have no gui | 06:08 |
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dromer | how can I (in a terminal) move the contents of a folder to the folder above it? | 06:08 |
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zzz__ | ikonia_: Okay. | 06:09 |
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FunnyLookinHat | raul, yea what fixed it??? | 06:09 |
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FunnyLookinHat | cause that was weird. | 06:09 |
Jvik | zzz__ :) Where ? | 06:09 |
ikonia_ | zzz__ thank you | 06:09 |
abisen | that is fine ... i mean in fedora i could just go to /etc/sysconfig/iptables and set my iptables line there | 06:09 |
tremaljack | ci sono italiani? | 06:09 |
ConstyXIV | dromer: cp -R * .. | 06:09 |
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abisen | and then start or stop the /etc/init.d/iptables | 06:09 |
zzz__ | Jvik: run the following commands: "sudo umount /var/tmp/diska" and "sudo umount /var/tmp/diskb" | 06:10 |
abisen | but in ubuntu i cant find all that stuff .. what location are those files | 06:10 |
tremaljack | ci sono italiani? | 06:10 |
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ikonia_ | abisen ubuntu doesn't work in the same way | 06:10 |
ikonia_ | abisen you have to script your own firewal | 06:10 |
ikonia_ | !it >tremaljack | 06:10 |
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billy | Some installation instructions (SeaMonkey) are telling me *NOT* to install using `sudo`. Should I choose a directory besides /usr/local/ to install to? | 06:10 |
ikonia_ | billy why do you not get seamonkey out of the ubuntu repo | 06:11 |
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abisen | ikonia_, ouch so you mean i should have my own script file that enables / disables ports and execute it everytime i boot my machone | 06:11 |
ikonia_ | abisen yes | 06:11 |
ikonia_ | abisen you need to write it | 06:11 |
billy | ikonia_, I don't see it in synaptic. ?? | 06:11 |
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ikonia_ | billy hang on | 06:11 |
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zzz__ | Jvik: Are you there? | 06:11 |
Jvik | yeah. working on it | 06:11 |
texas_john | i have problems with my isl3890 wlan card in edgy, which didn't occur in dapper. any experience? | 06:11 |
Jvik | umount: /var/tmp/diska: device is busy | 06:12 |
deafboy | I'm having issues with themes in firefox in ubuntu, even if i change my theme because i have a black default theme some text doesn't show up when i try to post on forums etc | 06:12 |
ikonia_ | billy your right - its not in there | 06:12 |
ikonia_ | Jvik cd / | 06:12 |
billy | ikonia_, I saw some of the library files or some such. but not seamonkey. | 06:12 |
cosmin | i'm trying to find an irc adres wich is used in spain | 06:13 |
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cosmin | can you help me | 06:13 |
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Jvik | im done.. Now what ? | 06:13 |
ikonia_ | billy yeah, no seamonkey package | 06:13 |
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zzz__ | Jvik: If you have other open terminals, cd out of the mount points. | 06:13 |
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ConstyXIV | cosmin: if youre talking about a spanish ubuntu channel, #ubuntu-es | 06:13 |
Jvik | im done-- | 06:13 |
Jvik | lala | 06:13 |
dinochopins | hi all | 06:13 |
dinochopins | wanna ask simple question | 06:13 |
dinochopins | i was a Fedora user | 06:13 |
cosmin | thanks | 06:13 |
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ConstyXIV | dinochopins: and... | 06:14 |
dinochopins | today just install Ubuntu 6.0.6 | 06:14 |
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zzz__ | Jvik: Now run the following as your regular user: gksu gedit /etc/fstab | 06:14 |
dinochopins | just wondering what is the replacement for "service" command ? | 06:14 |
ikonia_ | dinochopins there isn't one | 06:14 |
ikonia_ | dinochopins use the init scripts | 06:14 |
billy | ikonia_ i got the .tar.gz file. Had a install README. Says to *NOT* use sudo to install to /usr/local/. But where can I put so that my menu's will see it so my wife can use it? | 06:14 |
luk3 | hi can anyone give me an idea of what the desktop system application is i keep seeing? im running ubuntu 6.10 | 06:14 |
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zzz__ | Jvik: Then enter the following lines at the end of the file: | 06:14 |
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raul | lightenup: now can not start nm-applet, gonna rem all packages and reinstall.... | 06:14 |
Jvik | .. | 06:14 |
ConstyXIV | dinochopins: not a fedoraite, what's service? | 06:15 |
dinochopins | ikonia_ : so, if I want to "service network restart" => "init network restart" ? | 06:15 |
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ikonia_ | billy I don't use sea monkey so I don't know. I'd strongly advise you against dropping packages in outside of the ubuntu repo. Ask a packager to package sea monkey for you | 06:15 |
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deafboy | I'm having issues with themes in firefox in ubuntu, even if i change my theme because i have a black default theme some text doesn't show up when i try to post on forums etc | 06:15 |
ikonia_ | dinochopins no - you need to use the init script with a start/stop option | 06:15 |
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Jvik | What lines ? | 06:15 |
ConstyXIV | dinochopins: i think it's /etc/init.d/(service) restart | 06:15 |
dinochopins | ConstyXIV : something like restarting network, restarting samba services, etc | 06:15 |
berent | !jdk | 06:15 |
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teeL | Im gonna buy some cat5 cable now. Do i need FTP or UTP? Its gonna be used with a switch =P | 06:15 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about jdk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:15 |
zzz__ | This one: /dev/sda5 /media/sda5 ntfs defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 1 | 06:15 |
luk3 | http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c1/Screenshot-6.png | 06:15 |
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billy | ikonia_. oh wow. OK. I'll take that bit of advice. I'll do a search for a packager. Thank you ... AGAIN. | 06:15 |
luk3 | right and side info bar? | 06:15 |
zyth | deafboy, are you using the human theme for ubuntu? | 06:15 |
luk3 | anyone know the name? | 06:15 |
zzz__ | And this one: /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 ntfs defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 1 | 06:16 |
deafboy | zyth: no | 06:16 |
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dinochopins | ikonia_ & ConstyXIV : i see.... let me try then :) | 06:16 |
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zyth | deafboy, it could be your theme. Change it to the ubuntu default and see if you get the same issues in firefox. | 06:16 |
deafboy | zyth: neutronium-high | 06:16 |
zzz__ | Jvik: Then create the mount points using the following: sudo mkdir /media/sda5 /media/sdb1 | 06:16 |
zyth | deafboy, oh that. There's a css fix for it. Read the readme | 06:16 |
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zzz__ | Jvik: I have to go right now. I am sorry about this. I will be back within one hour. | 06:16 |
dinochopins | Is there any Ubuntu e-book or something that can make a smooth migration from Fedora to Ubuntu ? | 06:16 |
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grndslm | anybody know why my network autoconfiguration worked the last time i installed edgy...but this time it stalls at DHCP request (on both live AND alternate CDs)...but the network is still up, the computer's ethernet still works with Windows, and the cable's plugged in??? | 06:17 |
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Jvik | damn | 06:17 |
zzz__ | Jvik: Sorry again. I will be back within one hour. | 06:17 |
ikonia_ | dinochopins http://www.ubuntu.com - docs on there | 06:17 |
Jvik | pah :\ bye bye | 06:17 |
ramvi | What package do I install to use the svn command? | 06:17 |
zyth | luk3, probably gdesklets? Im unsure | 06:18 |
ikonia_ | ramvi svn ? | 06:18 |
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ikonia_ | search for svn client | 06:18 |
zzz__ | Jvik: ikonia_ should be able to help you if you have any problems regarding the instructions I just wrote. | 06:18 |
zzz__ | Jvik: Bye for now. | 06:18 |
Jvik | bye :) | 06:18 |
ramvi | ikonia, there is no package called that | 06:18 |
dinochopins | ikonia_ : will check on them, thank you very much ikonia_ | 06:19 |
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jrib | ramvi: subversion | 06:19 |
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K3nto | woot getting my problem sorted out | 06:20 |
Jvik | ikonia_: is there anything more i have to do after this: "(18:16:34) zzz__: Jvik: Then create the mount points using the following: sudo mkdir /media/sda5 /media/sdb1" | 06:20 |
Jvik | Restart computer or anything ? | 06:20 |
ikonia_ | Jvik I don't have access to the gui so I can'tsee | 06:20 |
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Jvik | didnt use the gui neither | 06:21 |
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Fre1 | Hi everyone. Is it possible to update OpenOffice in Ubuntu 6.10 ? | 06:21 |
ikonia_ | Fre1 if there is a later version int he repo - yes | 06:21 |
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Fre1 | ikonia - how can check if there's a later version in the repo ? (I'm very new to Ubuntu) | 06:22 |
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ikonia_ | Fre1 look in synaptic - the version it displays is the latest available | 06:22 |
Fre1 | Ikonia - thanks | 06:23 |
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Scunizi | How do I file a bug for Evolution? Launchpad.net says to use "its official bug tracker", yet On GIMPNet #evolution they referred me to Launchpad for Ubuntu.? | 06:23 |
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Jvik | Everything works great now :D | 06:26 |
Jvik | Thanks | 06:26 |
Scunizi | Anyone else having problems just loading Evolution? Using Dapper 6.06 | 06:26 |
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CyberCod | anyone good at using irssi? | 06:27 |
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rausb0 | CyberCod: i use it. but i am not an irssi pro. | 06:27 |
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unfo | CyberCod: the experts are in channel #irssi but we can help you with most questions here. Just ask your question. :) | 06:28 |
CyberCod | i'm tryong to get it to automatically switch to the ubuntu channel... i get it to connect and login automatically, and join the channel, but to show the #ubuntu channel, you have to type in /window 2 | 06:28 |
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CyberCod | I need it to be automatic | 06:28 |
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^Ocean^ | Is there any way to get my Ctrl alt +/- to work again it no longer scrolls through my resolutions. I have checked my x.org config file, and it dont apear to be disabled any were in the file... | 06:29 |
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Alam_Ubuntu | nvidia? | 06:29 |
unfo | ^Ocean^: it doesn't say DontZoom anywhere? | 06:29 |
^Ocean^ | unfo: nope | 06:29 |
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unfo | ^Ocean^: see Alam_Ubuntu's message :) | 06:30 |
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erUSUL | CyberCod: Alt + 2 to switch to window 2 | 06:30 |
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Jvik | Whats the best mp3 player ? | 06:30 |
Alam_Ubuntu | ^Ocean^, if you using nvidia, some versions of the driver break stuff, lot of stuff | 06:30 |
erUSUL | Jvik: mine ;) | 06:30 |
Jvik | Have to be organized and clean. i have pretty much music | 06:30 |
^Ocean^ | Alam_Ubuntu: This computer is an Nvidia card, the other computer which is a fresh install is an s3 Trident card. | 06:31 |
erUSUL | |best | 06:31 |
Jvik | MINE = a name ? | 06:31 |
erUSUL | !best | 06:31 |
ubotu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. | 06:31 |
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^Ocean^ | i set up the other computer as a fresh install too see if it was having the same problem... | 06:31 |
^Ocean^ | and it does | 06:31 |
erUSUL | Jvik: no just a joke see what ubotu just said | 06:31 |
Jvik | erUSUL: maby not, but some are better thano thers. | 06:31 |
^Ocean^ | so i assume its something odd that ubuntu set some were... | 06:31 |
Alam_Ubuntu | "deb http://nvidia.limitless.lupine.me.uk/ubuntu edgy stable #nvidia" | 06:31 |
CyberCod | erUSUL, any way to automate that? i am building a system to sell.... i want the buyer to enter the terminal and type in "onlinehelp" and come up all the way to #ubuntu channel | 06:31 |
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Jvik | than* others | 06:31 |
Jvik | Whats suggested then ? | 06:32 |
Trelard | i installed ubuntu 6.1 last night via the Alterative CD, it loads the splash screen but then the screen turns black. It is the AMD64 version. Anyone know of a fix? | 06:32 |
^Ocean^ | it was working fine, till i did a Dist-upgrade and then i lost the ability | 06:32 |
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raul | lightenup: thks, I remove the wifi ref in the /etc/network/interface and restart, now works fine | 06:32 |
erUSUL | CyberCod: i dunno... sorry maybe some comand in ~/.irssi/config | 06:32 |
unfo | CyberCod: um if you run a computer store or something, maybe it's not good to send too many clueless newbies to IRC without teaching them about IRC first :) | 06:32 |
dromer | how can I (in a terminal) move the contents of a folder to the folder above it? | 06:33 |
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unfo | dromer: "the above folder" is .. | 06:33 |
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unfo | dromer: you can figure out the rest i bet :) | 06:33 |
^Ocean^ | dromer, cp -r Dir ../ | 06:33 |
theforge | are there any known issues concerning the ubuntu 6.10 desktop cdrom? | 06:33 |
chorse | dromer: mv fileyouwanttomove .. | 06:33 |
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chorse | the two points represend the parent folder | 06:33 |
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Trelard | i installed ubuntu 6.1 last night via the Alterative CD, it loads the splash screen but then the screen turns black. It is the AMD64 version. Can anyone help? | 06:33 |
dromer | chorse: I want an entire dir | 06:34 |
unfo | theforge: dunno. known issues are usually listed in the Release Notes webpage | 06:34 |
theforge | Trelard: the same thing here. | 06:34 |
Jvik | Can anyone suggest a good mp3 player ? | 06:34 |
erUSUL | CyberCod: maybe a /layout save would do the trick? http://www.irssi.org/documentation/startup#c4 | 06:34 |
unfo | Jvik: did you try rhythmbox? does it suit your needs? | 06:34 |
erUSUL | Jvik: i use rhythmbox | 06:34 |
Trelard | theforge: you using an ATI card? | 06:34 |
chorse | dromer: you mean "mv * .." ? | 06:34 |
theforge | Trelard: loads splash screen then the screen goes blank and never comes back. | 06:34 |
jrib | !player | Jvik | 06:34 |
ubotu | Jvik: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 06:34 |
erUSUL | Jvik: banshee is very similar | 06:34 |
Trelard | theforge: same for me | 06:35 |
Trelard | I think it | 06:35 |
unfo | all : i use edgy, and recently stuff went weird with my computer. For example, first the SlowKeys accessibility feature turned on for no reason. Now I have no icons in the Applications, Places, or System menus. Also, keyboard shortcuts like Alt+F10 stopped working. There are a bunch of gconf-related messages in /var/log/messages like (translated from French) "gconfd (root-5546): Address 'xml:readonly:/etc/gconf/gconf | 06:35 |
unfo | resolves to a readonly configuration source at position 0" | 06:35 |
unfo | any clue why? | 06:35 |
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jrib | chorse, dromer: that won't move files that start with a . | 06:35 |
Trelard | the forge: I think it has something to do with it not working with some AT cards | 06:35 |
grndslm | anybody know why my network autoconfiguration worked the last time i installed edgy...but this time it stalls at DHCP request (on both live AND alternate CDs)...but the network is still up, the computer's ethernet still works with Windows, and the cable's plugged in??? | 06:35 |
Jvik | looks like rythmbox works fine | 06:35 |
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Trelard | ATI even | 06:36 |
theforge | Trelard: really. well that sucks. | 06:36 |
dromer | jrib: got it | 06:36 |
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Trelard | theforge: i haven't found a fix after searchng the web | 06:36 |
theforge | Trelard: knoppix v5.1.1 boots fine. | 06:36 |
unfo | grndslm: try typing this inside Terminal: sudo ifup eth0 | 06:36 |
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unfo | Jvik: yes, rhythmbox is nice, especially when you enable song ratings in Preferences. Banshee is similar but has more features, IIRC album cover art and such. | 06:37 |
theforge | Trelard: hang on let me boot knoppix and see exactly what video card is in the mahcine. | 06:37 |
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unfo | theforge: wait | 06:37 |
grndslm | unfo: i've tried /etc/init.d/networking restart and it just complains about no dhcp lease or something...i'm booting my laptop now, had alternate install cd n | 06:37 |
biz | hello, i'm using ubuntu on a system that has no way to connect to the internet. is there a way to update this system with a new ubuntu cd or something? any ideas how i can keep it relatively up-to-date using cds/dvds? | 06:37 |
Trelard | theforge: I read that earlier versions work and this is somethin with the edgy release | 06:37 |
unfo | theforge: lspci -v usually will tell you your video card. | 06:37 |
erUSUL | unfo: rhythmbox has album cover art too | 06:37 |
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unfo | erUSUL: cool! how do i see it? | 06:38 |
nothlit | rythmbox's cover art is very nicely done | 06:38 |
uFo-Z | hi all. oehm, i need an ftp client wich can handle ssl . does gftp cant do this ? | 06:38 |
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^Ocean^ | Is there any way to get my Ctrl alt +/- to work again it no longer scrolls through my resolutions. I have checked my x.org config file, and it dont apear to be disabled any were in the file... | 06:38 |
nothlit | it automatically appears on the left bottom side | 06:38 |
unfo | biz: in ye olde days, with Debian Linux, they used to use apt-zip, though I suspect there are better ways nowadays. | 06:38 |
Jvik | checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables. Why do i get this when i try to compile files | 06:39 |
Jvik | i want to install irssi | 06:39 |
Babub1 | uFo-Z: gFTP can be compiled with SSL support, not sure if the version on the official repos does. | 06:39 |
ikonia_ | Jvik irssi is in the repo | 06:39 |
unfo | Jvik: you should never compile anything that's available through Add/Remove Programs. | 06:39 |
ikonia_ | Jvik you don't have to compile it | 06:39 |
unfo | it's too much work :) | 06:39 |
ikonia_ | Jvik I've told you this before - check the repo | 06:39 |
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Jvik | i didnt find it there | 06:39 |
erUSUL | unfo: edit>plugins (or complements i'm spanish and it says complementos) just above preferences. | 06:39 |
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erUSUL | !repos > Jvik | 06:40 |
ikonia_ | Jvik root@obiwan:~# apt-cache search irssi | 06:40 |
ikonia_ | irssi - terminal based IRC client | 06:40 |
ikonia_ | its there | 06:40 |
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unfo | i think Jvik gets the point already :) | 06:40 |
erUSUL | !info irssi | 06:40 |
ubotu | irssi: terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.10-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1010 kB, installed size 2788 kB | 06:40 |
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gb__ | hi | 06:41 |
teeL | How do i list samba users? I screwed it up when trying a gui =\ | 06:41 |
unfo | teeL: what are samba "users"? | 06:41 |
unfo | :) | 06:41 |
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Jvik | found it in apt-get but not Add/remove programs | 06:41 |
unfo | all : i use edgy, and recently stuff went weird with my computer. For example, first the SlowKeys accessibility feature turned on for no reason. Now I have no icons in the Applications, Places, or System menus. Also, keyboard shortcuts like Alt+F10 stopped working. There are a bunch of gconf-related messages in /var/log/messages like (translated from French) "gconfd (root-5546): Address 'xml:readonly:/etc/gconf/gconf | 06:41 |
unfo | resolves to a readonly configuration source at position 0". Does anyone have even the slightest clue how I can troubleshoot this? I suspect, but am not sure, that this is due to a recent software update. | 06:41 |
grndslm | unfo: ifup eth0 gave "interface eth0 already configured" after restarting network "DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port......" is repeated until it stops... | 06:41 |
unfo | Jvik: then it'll be in System > Administration > Synaptic too. | 06:41 |
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grndslm | unfo: i thought most local networks were | 06:42 |
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grndslm | i don't know too much about networking, tho... | 06:42 |
`nicola | My audio volume is too low. I raised rhythmbox and system volume but it's still low. what can I do ? thanks | 06:42 |
gb__ | anyone tried updating ubuntu edgy? | 06:42 |
jrib | unfo: those gconf messages are normal | 06:42 |
unfo | grndslm: do you know your router's IP address? | 06:42 |
adioe3 | Hello. Is there a difference in filesizes on a SATA and an IDE disk? I've just copied 600K from a SATA to an IDE disk and the IDE shows the file is 5.6M!!! | 06:42 |
grndslm | yup | 06:42 |
gb__ | to latest new Ver. | 06:42 |
Jvik | notice: i am new to linux | 06:43 |
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unfo | adioe3: what was the filename? | 06:43 |
adioe3 | regular | 06:43 |
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grndslm | unfo: yes, i can ping it | 06:43 |
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adioe3 | movie.avi | 06:43 |
unfo | grndslm: what is the address? | 06:43 |
grndslm | | 06:43 |
unfo | jrib: thank you for that info, so i'll ignore the messages. But what could be causing the problem? | 06:43 |
Jvik | uh.. Well now. Where can i find irssi when its installed? :P heh | 06:43 |
zoli2k | Hi! Is squash file system patched to edgy kernel? | 06:43 |
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zoli2k | as default? | 06:43 |
unfo | grndslm: try giving your computer a static IP address of maybe or then. | 06:44 |
gb__ | Jvik: hi there | 06:44 |
grndslm | unfo: tried that | 06:44 |
gb__ | apt-get install irssi | 06:44 |
jrib | unfo: did all the keyboard shortcuts stop working? Do they work now? | 06:44 |
Megaqwerty | Hello all, I'm having a problem when trying to backup my system to a windows share, (I'm doing this all in the CLI.) I mounted the share fine, and ran tar to bzip my filesystem (some directories excluded) to this mounted windows share. It works well for a while, but then something weird happens: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8103/ this happens every time I attempt it, and I get a very similar message when attempting to do it with gzip as | 06:44 |
zoli2k | !squashfs > zoli2k | 06:44 |
Jvik | it IS already installed, but i cant find it :p | 06:44 |
gb__ | Jvik: it is konsole based tool | 06:44 |
unfo | Megaqwerty: your message was chopped off after "gzip as" :) | 06:44 |
gb__ | p[en tterminal | 06:44 |
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gb__ | type irssi | 06:44 |
gb__ | open* | 06:44 |
Megaqwerty | unfo: well. The mounted share is now (after I get the error) inaccessible, and locks up whatever program I try to open it with (even 'cd'.) It then is accessible only after a reboot. Can anyone help? | 06:45 |
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bigjohntoday | Please has anyone used synergy here? | 06:45 |
Megaqwerty | unfo: thanks | 06:45 |
grndslm | unfo: what...static ip did work....it didn't work last time, but last time i couldn't connect to the router | 06:45 |
grndslm | unfo: but why is dhcp still not receiving a lease? | 06:45 |
unfo | grndslm: dunno. Try rebooting the router and PC. If you still can't get a lease, ask in ##networking | 06:45 |
bigjohntoday | anyone? | 06:45 |
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grndslm | unfo: thanks for the help! | 06:46 |
gb__ | cya all | 06:46 |
gb__ | bye bye | 06:46 |
unfo | grndslm: no prob :) | 06:46 |
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unfo | bigjohntoday: maybe. Just ask your question. If nobody answers, try channel #synergy or ##linux :) | 06:46 |
hjmills | hi - is anybody from the philippines online? | 06:46 |
Jvik | is irssi only to be run from terminal ? :P | 06:46 |
Jvik | heh | 06:46 |
teeL | unfo: hehe. I just tried adding some users with a samba gui. But now i cant view shared folders or use the shared printer anymore =P | 06:46 |
unfo | hjmills: there are philippines chat rooms on irc.EFnet.org | 06:47 |
erUSUL | Jvik: yes xchat is for X | 06:47 |
K3nto | 7GB should give me plenty of space to use with ubuntu right? 7gb bening the partition ubunut will go on | 06:47 |
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bigjohntoday | Windows synergy server, Linux synergy client, Linux synergy client won't start because it is trying to find display :0.0 how the heck do i get it to work? | 06:47 |
hjmills | unfo, thanks | 06:47 |
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Jvik | :) Thanks for the info | 06:47 |
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unfo | bigjohntoday: that isn't a synergy question, that's an X question. :) is Gnome running? | 06:47 |
unfo | K3nto: yes, if you won't store MP3s or movies on that partition. | 06:47 |
jvik_ | Is there any reason for running irssi instead of xchat ? | 06:48 |
K3nto | nope | 06:48 |
unfo | hjmills: np :) | 06:48 |
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K3nto | they would be goin on the root | 06:48 |
K3nto | which will be 15gb | 06:48 |
bigjohntoday | yes | 06:48 |
erUSUL | Jvik: is more "geeky" XD | 06:48 |
unfo | K3nto: note also that you can resize partitions later if you really need to. | 06:48 |
hjmills | Jvik, if you only have access to a console or just prefer the interface | 06:48 |
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kitche | jvik_ just depends on preference | 06:48 |
K3nto | ok sweet | 06:48 |
Megaqwerty | can anyone help me with my aforementioned problem? ^^ | 06:48 |
hjmills | Jvik, is there any reason to get a cat instead of a dog? | 06:48 |
unfo | I prefer ERC as my irc client because of its amazing word completion features. | 06:48 |
bigjohntoday | I followed a detailed how-to, but it won't work for some weird reason | 06:48 |
thianpa | HI, I have a Pinnacle Tv Tuner and I'm using Dapper and the tuner is found in bttv0: detected: Pinnacle PCTV [card=39] , PCI subsystem ID is 11bd:0012 . How do i use it ? Can you please helpme out ? A link also would be helpful | 06:48 |
Jvik | hjmills Yeah. Cats are cuter | 06:48 |
yell0w | hey guys, how can i reset my keyboard shortcuts to the defaults ? | 06:48 |
Jvik | Dogs need to be taken trip with | 06:49 |
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hjmills | Jvik, well of course - but some mad crazy people prefer dogs | 06:49 |
Jvik | or they get fat | 06:49 |
unfo | Megaqwerty: I can't. Long questions like that have a better chance in #samba or at www.ubuntuforums.org :) | 06:49 |
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Megaqwerty | unfo: thanks :) | 06:49 |
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unfo | Megaqwerty: np :) | 06:49 |
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bigjohntoday | unfo: oh my, i figured it out.... how stupid of me | 06:50 |
zoli2k | Hi, can somebody help me with squashfs? | 06:51 |
unfo | zoli2k: yes, someone can :) | 06:51 |
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unfo | yell0w: delete the appropriate gconf files. I dunno which though. Poke around in the hidden directories in your home directory. NOTE: if you delete the wrong things that's very bad :) | 06:52 |
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Jvik_ | Well then. We are running xchat. :) I don | 06:52 |
yell0w | unfo, I know, thus my question | 06:52 |
yell0w | lol | 06:52 |
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Jvik_ | i don't regret that i changed from windows anymore | 06:52 |
unfo | yell0w: better to rename the files instead of deleting them. :) In #gnome they can tell you which files. | 06:52 |
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unfo | probably | 06:52 |
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Babubu | How do you change the duration before a monitor goes into standby manually? | 06:52 |
yell0w | unfo, ok thanks | 06:52 |
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zoli2k | unfo: I want to build a small usb distro, but I am not sure the default edgy kernel is able to recognize the squash file including the whole / directory. | 06:53 |
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pillb0x | it's cool to have like ~1k people here | 06:53 |
unfo | yell0w: they're text files, you may be able to figure it out yourself by looking through them. I think they're the gconf2 desktop keys #defaults files or something. | 06:53 |
pillb0x | say hi! | 06:53 |
unfo | pillb0x: that would just spam the channel :) | 06:53 |
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pillb0x | hehe | 06:53 |
CB4chile | all at once? | 06:53 |
yell0w | unfo, ok | 06:54 |
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pillb0x | everyone who's reading this write Hi! | 06:54 |
unfo | zoli2k: dunno. You could try www.ubuntuforums.org or channel #ubuntu-devel. | 06:54 |
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K3nto | ok so swap=2gb, "/"=15gb "/boot"=7gb | 06:55 |
K3nto | right? | 06:55 |
K3nto | unfo | 06:55 |
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unfo | K3nto: no | 06:56 |
bhsx | hi all, just installed ubuntu 6.10 and had the ati drivers (x300) installed per the help page, then i tried installing beryl and everything is hosed, i cant seem to get 3d accel back working and beryl just crashes... i used the automated install for 6.10 from the beryl wiki... can anyone help me out? | 06:56 |
unfo | K3nto: /boot doesn't need 7gb | 06:56 |
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K3nto | what does it need | 06:56 |
unfo | K3nto: dunno. i personally never make a separate /boot partition :) | 06:56 |
bhsx | i have no idea | 06:56 |
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eilker | i wanna add an mp3 to my *.avi file, could someone help me pls ? | 06:56 |
K3nto | so /boot and "/" can be the sam partition?!?! | 06:57 |
K3nto | same | 06:57 |
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erUSUL | K3nto: yes | 06:57 |
unfo | K3nto: just don't make a /boot partition. Then the /boot files will end up in /. | 06:57 |
UbuntuN00B_HBG | Hi all! Anyone here who can either help me with configuring my wlan (for which ive built drivers from ralinktech's source) ot point me in the right direction of where to go for help? | 06:57 |
bhsx | you only need / and swap... it's not like the old RH5.2 days when you needed all the different partitions :) | 06:57 |
UbuntuN00B_HBG | Or just tell me what USB WLAN interface is should get... :P | 06:57 |
K3nto | arg somebody told me earlie everything had to be seperate | 06:57 |
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unfo | K3nto: they can be but it's optional. | 06:57 |
kitche | K3ntoL it's just a good thing to do really but they don't have to be | 06:58 |
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K3nto | but things stay simpler if they're the same | 06:58 |
bhsx | can anyone help me with my 3d/beryl problem? | 06:58 |
K3nto | plus i save on space | 06:58 |
K3nto | right? | 06:58 |
unfo | K3nto: right | 06:58 |
eagles0513875 | k3nto any luck getting it to work | 06:58 |
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K3nto | yes | 06:59 |
K3nto | i deleted mediadirect | 06:59 |
mcphail | K3nto: if you have plenty of RAM, you don't even need a swap partition | 06:59 |
K3nto | a partition | 06:59 |
K3nto | i have 2gb ram | 06:59 |
K3nto | but im going to use hibernation | 06:59 |
mcphail | K3nto: ok | 06:59 |
K3nto | and that requires swap right? | 06:59 |
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kitche | K3nto: yep | 06:59 |
mcphail | K3nto: that sound vaguely familiar | 06:59 |
mceGEEK | hi anyone using cyradm? | 07:00 |
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bhsx | if you have 2gb ram and want to hybernate, you'll need 2gb swap i think | 07:00 |
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eilker | i click to record button and xvidcap closes itself, any idea ? | 07:00 |
K3nto | yep thats what i made | 07:00 |
K3nto | 2gb swap | 07:00 |
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unfo | K3nto: though if you want to hibernate, better to have extra swap: 0.5GB-1GB more than the amount of ram you have. | 07:00 |
thianpa | ok Does Ubuntu have a builtin tv viewing program ? | 07:00 |
unfo | thianpa: no. Try xawtv | 07:00 |
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K3nto | okay | 07:00 |
LinuxGuy2006 | how do i fix this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8106/ | 07:00 |
unfo | thianpa: do you know how to install universe software? | 07:00 |
finalbeta | thianpa: or tvtime (I liked that one best) | 07:01 |
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dyrne | thianpa: we call this bittorrent :) | 07:01 |
thianpa | okhat. I'm downloading xawtv rightnow. Is it good ? | 07:01 |
thianpa | oh unfo sorry didnt see your msg | 07:02 |
unfo | thianpa: dunno, if its good, but my brother uses it. | 07:02 |
bhsx | any beryl users with ati cards that can help me out? I've got a fresh install of 6.10, then installed ati drivers (they were working), then installed beryl from the automated script and hosed my 3d and beryl just crashes | 07:02 |
finalbeta | Linux_Junkie: and those files are in fact in that place? Try starting the exe with the full path wine "c:\\program.... | 07:02 |
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bhsx | glxgears stutters | 07:02 |
UbuntuN00B_HBG | whats fromdos / unix2dos? | 07:02 |
kitche | bhsx: with XGL? | 07:02 |
bhsx | yeah, that's what i was trying | 07:02 |
kitche | bhsx: xgl takes away direct rendering | 07:03 |
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unfo | thianpa: where are you downloading it from? | 07:03 |
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bhsx | ah, so what do I do to fix it? | 07:03 |
eagles0513875 | mine doesnt stutter mine loads then dumps everything | 07:03 |
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Jvik | Is there any way i can boost the music volume on the computer ? | 07:03 |
eagles0513875 | what would cause wine do dump the program | 07:03 |
Jvik | The sound is very low. | 07:03 |
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thianpa | unfo: From the synaptic Package manager | 07:03 |
Jvik | Sound is at max everywhere | 07:03 |
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bhsx | jvik... do you dual boot? | 07:03 |
unfo | thianpa: good :) | 07:03 |
K3nto | how long has the workspace function been in linux? | 07:03 |
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Jvik | bhsx dual boot? like two OS at once ? | 07:04 |
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bhsx | not at once.. | 07:04 |
unfo | Jvik: also check the rhythmbox volume control. Its in the top right corner. | 07:04 |
bhsx | do you have a windows partition? | 07:04 |
eagles0513875 | when i try to install something on my linux partition it takes extremely long to load the installer and i sometimes get get a message saying it cannot load the installer | 07:04 |
Jvik | no.. I see.. No only linux | 07:04 |
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Jvik | unfo: max in rhythmbox too | 07:04 |
bennel | Hi @ all | 07:04 |
K3nto | i cant believe microsoft made the rolodex thing instead of stealing linux's workspace switcher | 07:04 |
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eagles0513875 | can anyone tell me where i can find the libjack.so pkg | 07:05 |
Jvik | Forget it.. The volume bar stood at max, but when i clicked the bar it got much higher | 07:05 |
Jvik | thanks | 07:05 |
eagles0513875 | wine wont stop complaining bout that | 07:05 |
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bennel | I am a total newcomer to Ubuntu and I cannot connect to the internet | 07:05 |
K3nto | http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/8071/screenshotrf7.png | 07:05 |
K3nto | thats what i have eagle | 07:05 |
unfo | bennel: what brand of computer? laptop? | 07:05 |
bhsx | kitche, any ideas on how to fix what i've done? | 07:05 |
bennel | dell inspiron b130 | 07:05 |
eagles0513875 | u trying to config ur wifi | 07:05 |
bennel | well I tried that first and tried following instructions on the forums | 07:06 |
bennel | but I think i messed it up | 07:06 |
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bennel | since now when I go to networking it comes up with crash reporting tool | 07:06 |
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K3nto | hey i should be ok with this: http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/8071/screenshotrf7.png | 07:06 |
K3nto | right? | 07:06 |
Babubu | Whoa nelly, why so much swp? | 07:06 |
K3nto | somebody said to have extra | 07:07 |
K3nto | and i have 2gb ram | 07:07 |
Jvik | How do you set a program in autostart in linux ubuntu ? | 07:07 |
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docta_v | i'm using rcs to edit my named.conf but it keeps changing the owner of the file to root whenever i check it out. anyone know how to fix this? sticky bit? | 07:07 |
finalbeta | Jvik: for GNOME : gnome-session-properties | 07:07 |
Babubu | The general rule is 1.5x your physical memory but anything beyond 512M-1G these days seems like overkill. | 07:07 |
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Jvik | finalbeta, is that a command in terminal ? | 07:08 |
kitche | bhsx: don't use xgl maybe | 07:08 |
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ffxr | hi i have a major problem using mysql on AMD64 ubuntu.. the the server service will only start once, i have spent hours trying various configurations & even complied mysql from source.. i am considering filing a bug report , can anyone tell me this is advisable? | 07:08 |
bhsx | i'm noob, do you have a link maybe? | 07:08 |
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finalbeta | Jvik: you can try typing it inside a text editor, but I doubt much will happen, so yes ;) | 07:08 |
IcEpiCk | why does it say that i need to be using ROOT when i try to intall nvidia drivers with live cd? | 07:08 |
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Jvik | well. It worked. Thanks finalbeta :) | 07:08 |
jrib | !nvidia | IcEpiCk | 07:08 |
ubotu | IcEpiCk: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:08 |
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finalbeta | Jvik: there might be a way to get those dialogs through the gui, but most of the time people will just give you a direct command. | 07:09 |
IcEpiCk | jrib ty | 07:09 |
eagles0513875 | !libjack | 07:09 |
eagles0513875 | !libjack.so | 07:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about libjack - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:09 |
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bennel | hey eagles, do you know how I can fix the problem that the networking thing will come up again? | 07:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about libjack.so - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:09 |
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unop | IcEpiCk, because only root can do things like that | 07:09 |
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Jvik | doubt i remember that command tomorrow. But thanks :D Im newcomer to linux | 07:09 |
jmazaredo | http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb is the source here wrong? | 07:09 |
eagles0513875 | im still fairly a noob myself bennel | 07:09 |
eagles0513875 | sry | 07:09 |
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jrib | eagles0513875: search at packages.ubuntu.com | 07:09 |
clearzen | How do I sumbit a bug report? | 07:09 |
jrib | !bugs | clearzen | 07:09 |
ubotu | clearzen: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 07:09 |
eagles0513875 | ok | 07:10 |
unfo | clearzen: what is the problem? | 07:10 |
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K3nto | woot installing!! | 07:10 |
IcEpiCk | unop cause it autologins? isnt it root then | 07:10 |
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craigbass1976 | I want to be able to fire up a program from a command line when someone else is logged into the GUI. I could do it in fedora and cent, but not in Ubuntu. Something about exporting the display maybe? How do I do that? | 07:11 |
bhsx | should i try commenting out 'Load "glx"' in xorg.conf? | 07:11 |
teckfatt | hello anyone know how to disable the gnome on startup on 6.10 desktop version, i want it startup in terminal login instead of gnome,tz | 07:11 |
unop | IcEpiCk, no, its just another normal user even then .. you still need !sudo to do anything anything you dont have permissons for | 07:11 |
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Zoohouse | quick question: Can I use http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/ with my Kubuntu installation? | 07:11 |
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IcEpiCk | unop but no password needed? | 07:11 |
unop | teckfatt, disable the GDM service | 07:11 |
jrib | Zoohouse: yes | 07:11 |
rpc | folks what can be wrong with my vsftpd? i can do everything but uploading files, it stalls on file create and times out | 07:11 |
Zoohouse | jrib: thenks | 07:12 |
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bhsx | brb, gonna try that | 07:12 |
rpc | i can see first 512b sent only | 07:12 |
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teckfatt | unop: where to disable it? | 07:12 |
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unop | IcEpiCk, thats right -- open up a terminal, and issue this command. sudo -s .. you should have a root terminal then | 07:12 |
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jrib | teckfatt: system > administration > services | 07:12 |
IcEpiCk | k | 07:12 |
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unop | IcEpiCk, but did you say you were installing drivers? | 07:13 |
unfo | ffxr: it's hard to tell if you should file a bug or not. The main options are filing a bug or asking at www.ubuntuforums.org to see if the issue is really a bug or not. Either option is really ok. | 07:13 |
teckfatt | jrib: thank you | 07:13 |
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K3nto | okay so now onto the important things. mp3 playability in ubuntu | 07:15 |
craigbass1976 | K3nto, xmms | 07:15 |
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K3nto | that the best one? | 07:15 |
finalbeta | !mp3 | 07:15 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:15 |
craigbass1976 | K3nto, Not sure, but it's what works for me | 07:15 |
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CB4chile | xmms | 07:15 |
XYTTY | hi | 07:15 |
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alex___ | hi I wonder is xara a freesoftware ? on the xara website there is a price for it ? | 07:15 |
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finalbeta | K3nto: the next ubuntu version will install codecs for yo, so that's a ray of light on the end of a very long tunnel. | 07:16 |
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CB4chile | K3nto , try xmms for mp3s | 07:16 |
finalbeta | alex___: if I'm correct there is a free version, it uses the cairo engine and not the one the company sells. | 07:16 |
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Peter_Lustig | hi | 07:17 |
craigbass1976 | hi | 07:17 |
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kitche | alex___: xaraxl is the open source one | 07:17 |
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craigbass1976 | XYTTY, hi to you too. You waiting to ask a question, or just popping in to say hi? | 07:17 |
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bennel | I am trying to connect to the internet with ubuntu, that I installed yesterday, then i tried following instruction on the forums and now the "Networking" tool won't come up but crash on me. I don't care if I get wired or wireless to work. can anyone help? using a dell inspiron laptop | 07:17 |
K3nto | o ya, fiesta or fiesty or whatever its called is coming in april, right? | 07:17 |
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TheJF | Hi, I'm having problems building gtk-sharp, it crashes on pango-sharp. Did anybody ever have a similar problem before? | 07:18 |
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craigbass1976 | bennel, there's a text file somewhere you can edit to set up your nic. Anyone know where that is? I only know on RH systems. | 07:19 |
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Malmen | can help me please ? | 07:19 |
Malmen | look here http://pastebin.ca/377371 | 07:19 |
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clearzen | craigbass1976: /etc/network/interfaces | 07:19 |
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jrib | TheJF: why are you building it? It's in the repositories | 07:20 |
Malmen | i was install the NVIDEA grafic card follow that tuturial | 07:20 |
Malmen | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BerylOnEdgy | 07:20 |
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bennel | clearzen it says permission denied | 07:20 |
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TheJF | jrib: I'm using the svn one because I intend to do some development | 07:20 |
clearzen | sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces | 07:20 |
Jvik_ | I know its a stupid question. But how do i set static ip address? | 07:21 |
unfo | Malmen: please tell us what the problem is :) | 07:21 |
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Jvik_ | and how do i check my own ip address ? | 07:21 |
craigbass1976 | bennel, so in /etc/network/interfaces, there should be a line like auto eth0 and another like iface eth0 inet dhcp right after it | 07:21 |
marcel__ | Jvik, /sbin/ifconfig | 07:21 |
Jvik_ | is there any way to do this in gui ? | 07:22 |
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clearzen | Jvik_: you should be able to set a static ip by using admin>>networking | 07:22 |
jrib | TheJF: you're probably better off asking the mailing list for gtk-sharp development, svn might not even build. Did you try building the source you get from 'apt-get source gtk-sharp' first? | 07:22 |
teeLie | After i tried adding some users with a gui for samba i now cant connect to my server with vnc, i can ping the IP but not vhost. And from the server i can ping the router, but not this IP. Can someone help? =) | 07:22 |
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craigbass1976 | marcel__, is that going to stay put after a reboot, or do you edit the interfaces file? | 07:22 |
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clearzen | Jvik_: to check your own ip ifconfig will work | 07:22 |
craigbass1976 | I want to be able to fire up a program from a command line when someone else is logged into the GUI. I could do it in fedora and cent, but not in Ubuntu. Something about exporting the display maybe? How do I do that? | 07:22 |
bennel | craigbass1976 yes i see iface eth0 inet dhcp | 07:22 |
marcel__ | craigbass1976, what do you mean? what are you referring to? | 07:22 |
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K3nto | when the next ubuntu comes out, how do i update? | 07:22 |
=== dig [n=silver@CPE-76-177-17-160.natcky.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
craigbass1976 | marcel__, you ansered Jvik | 07:23 |
dyrne | Jvik_: of cource for your outside ip.. just ask one of us :) | 07:23 |
buches | Hi, I'm having a problem since my upgrade to Edgy--suspend mode doesn't work anymore. When I close my laptop lid, or when I press the "sleep" button, it almost suspends, but not quite; it goes to a black screen with a blinking cursor at the top, and I have to force a shutdown and restart | 07:23 |
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TheJF | jrib: No, but I'd rather use the svn gtk-sharp, but thanks, I'll check with them, and if that doesn't work, I'll default to the repo gtk-sharp | 07:23 |
marcel__ | craigbass1976, on how to get your ip | 07:23 |
craigbass1976 | marcel__, right. Using ifconfig, can you set an address permanently? | 07:23 |
jrib | TheJF: trying to build the repo version would help you troubleshoot | 07:23 |
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eagles0513875 | !cedaga | 07:23 |
clearzen | craigbass1976: you can set it until you restart | 07:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cedaga - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:23 |
eagles0513875 | !cadaga | 07:24 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cadaga - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:24 |
TheJF | jrib: How so? | 07:24 |
clearzen | craigbass1976: you can do the same thing with iwconfig | 07:24 |
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Agrajag | eagles0513875: you mean cedega? | 07:24 |
idn | hey, i was wondering if someone knows how to resize a hfs+ partition from ubuntu? I need to resize it to make more room for linux install in my macbook pro | 07:24 |
eagles0513875 | ya which is better cedega or wine | 07:24 |
Cdeszaq | Is there any reason that installing a new harddrive would entirely distroy my ubuntu instalation? | 07:24 |
marcel__ | craigbass1976, no, you can see your ip address, if you want to set it you need to edit /etc/network/interfaces. or better use the gui's available | 07:24 |
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Agrajag | depends on if you want to pay for it, and what you want to do with it | 07:24 |
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jrib | TheJF: well if the repo version doesn't build for you, you know it is an issue on your end | 07:24 |
craigbass1976 | clearzen, right, so my initial quesiton to marcel__ was "is that going to stay put after a reboot, or do you edit the interfaces file?" meaning the nic settings changed wth ifconfig | 07:25 |
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eudy | alguien puede decirme como entro al canal ubunto en espaol | 07:25 |
idn | Cdeszaq: no should be fine, what are you going to use it for tho, to insall another OS or just for files? | 07:25 |
Agrajag | !es | 07:25 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 07:25 |
bennel | craigsbass1976: so I also see iface eth1 inet dhcp wireless-essid ******** and wireless-key ***** | 07:25 |
tute666_ | eudy: ubuntu-es | 07:25 |
Babubu | eagles0513875: Cedega is better compatibility-wise but is commercial and strangles kittens. | 07:25 |
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erUSUL | !es | eudy | 07:25 |
ubotu | eudy: please see above | 07:25 |
eagles0513875 | damn cuz im having killer probs with wine babubu | 07:25 |
TheJF | jrib: Ahh, fair enough. Will do. | 07:25 |
craigbass1976 | marcel__, ahh | 07:25 |
erUSUL | eudy: /join #ubuntu-es | 07:25 |
eagles0513875 | babubu have u used wine much | 07:25 |
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craigbass1976 | bennel, and you can't get online at all? | 07:26 |
bennel | nope | 07:26 |
Babubu | eagles0513875: Yeah, a little. What are you trying to run? | 07:26 |
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eagles0513875 | world of warcraft babubu | 07:26 |
uFo-Z | why ssl is not working here. i dont understand how its possible that ssl is not worki9ng out of the box | 07:26 |
Unify | I have mounted the drives. But i dont have write access to any of the harddrives | 07:26 |
=== Dr_willis runs and hides at the Mention of Warcraft | ||
craigbass1976 | bennel, what if you cat /etc/resolv.conf Is there anything there? | 07:26 |
marcel__ | it's better to use gnome network tools, thats easier than editing some files | 07:26 |
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Cdeszaq | idn: I just wanted more storage space, so I installed another harddrive. But when I tried to boot the computer, it doesn't boot to ubuntu at all, just a blank black screen with a cursor that only responds to the "enter" key and nothing else | 07:26 |
jrib | Unify: what filesystem? | 07:26 |
Unify | ntfs | 07:26 |
clearzen | so, I ran into a strange bug in gnome-panel....how would I completely remove and re-install the gnome desktop? The problem seems to be for a particular user as well, so can I delete user session information? | 07:26 |
Babubu | Ah, I've actually had experience getting that running. Baby sister bought me a retail copy for Christmas. lol | 07:26 |
jrib | !ntfs | Unify | 07:26 |
ubotu | Unify: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 07:26 |
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jrib | Unify: read the part about permissions | 07:26 |
K3nto | ok im restarting my pc and am going to head into ubuntu | 07:26 |
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Agrajag | eagles0513875: that works perfectly well in wine, if you set it to use opengl. | 07:26 |
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Dr_willis | clearzen, each user has their own .gnome* dirs and settings.. so yes - you coudl remove that users gnome settings | 07:27 |
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=== Scanztz [n=dogpigeo@dsl-241-6-222.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
idn | cdeszaq: at what point do you see the cursor, when you boot into linux or right when you boot during the bios? | 07:27 |
craigbass1976 | I want to be able to fire up a program from a command line when someone else is logged into the GUI. I could do it in fedora and cent, but not in Ubuntu. Something about exporting the display maybe? How do I do that? I echo $DISPLAY and nothing shows up. | 07:27 |
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Babubu | That and you'll need to manually download the latest patch and apply it. Afterwards the auto-update feature should work on its own. | 07:27 |
Cdeszaq | idn: When I boot to a live CD, none of the drives on the computer get mounted, even though they are recognized in the bios | 07:27 |
eagles0513875 | ok thing is i installed the binary driver from ati agrajag and for soem reason when i go into ati control pannel it says mesa gl is indirect how do i change that | 07:27 |
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Cdeszaq | idn: Right after post | 07:27 |
jrib | craigbass1976: export DISPLAY=FOOBAR | 07:27 |
DemisM | how can I get rid of the ubuntu loading screen so that I may see my modules and what not loading? | 07:27 |
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eagles0513875 | how do i change the mesagl from indirect to direct | 07:27 |
clearzen | Dr_willis: Will it auto generate new information when I log back into gnome If I delete those folders? | 07:27 |
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Agrajag | eagles0513875: I don't know, I use nvidia because their drivers are better in my opinion/ | 07:28 |
idn | cdeszaq: you probably have to mount them manually, is it a sata or ata drive? | 07:28 |
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mcphail | Cdeszaq: tell your BIOS to boot from the correct drive | 07:28 |
Dr_willis | clearzen, yes it should | 07:28 |
Cdeszaq | sata | 07:28 |
Babubu | Likewise, never messed with ATi. | 07:28 |
clearzen | Dr_willis: thanks | 07:28 |
Scanztz | i need help. I installed EasyUbuntu and it cant install the pakages coz there is an error on my system | 07:28 |
Dr_willis | !easyubuntu | 07:28 |
ubotu | easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu | 07:28 |
idn | cdeszaq: are you in your linux install now? | 07:28 |
Cdeszaq | idn: how do I do that? | 07:28 |
tabman | I did all as mentioned on this HowTo http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370 but my internet is still not shared, the other PC is windows | 07:28 |
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Unify | jrib i read it. But i didnt understand copletely. What can i do to get permission ? | 07:29 |
Cdeszaq | idn: I am on my 2nd comp...the live CD is booted right now...but for some reason it also failed to detect my internet conection | 07:29 |
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Scanztz | i need help. I installed EasyUbuntu and it cant install the pakages coz there is an error on my system | 07:29 |
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Babubu | DemisM: I'm not entirely sure how you would disable but you'll probably want to disable usplash. | 07:29 |
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Dr_willis | !easyubuntu | Scanztz | 07:29 |
ubotu | Scanztz: easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu | 07:29 |
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idn | cdeszq: not much luck then lol, ok if you go to system->administration->gnome partition editor can you view the disks in there? | 07:29 |
Scanztz | ok | 07:29 |
Scanztz | :D | 07:30 |
=== Return2Zero [n=ReturnTo@ABordeaux-256-1-15-112.w90-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_willis | Scanztz, its best to not use easyubuntu or those kind of scripts | 07:30 |
bennel | clearbass1976 what u just said, is like chinese to me...yesterday was my first day of linux and I was frustrated ;-) | 07:30 |
buches | Hi, I'm having a problem since my upgrade to Edgy--suspend mode doesn't work anymore. When I close my laptop lid, or when I press the "sleep" button, it almost suspends, but not quite; it goes to a black screen with a blinking cursor at the top, and I have to force a shutdown and restart | 07:30 |
Cdeszaq | idn: ill check | 07:30 |
=== poju [n=poju@a88-112-112-30.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Scanztz | why not?? | 07:30 |
jrib | Unify: you need the ro,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 option in fstab | 07:30 |
Unify | ok. Thanks | 07:30 |
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rpc | dudes, why can't my proftpd or vsftpd write any file to disk when uploading? | 07:30 |
rpc | STOR diskio2.dll | 07:30 |
rpc | 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for diskio2.dll | 07:30 |
rpc | Upload | 07:30 |
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rpc | that's what i get and it freezes after that | 07:30 |
Scanztz | DR willis: why not? | 07:31 |
Cdeszaq | idn: Yess, it sees all of the installed drives, and the partitions all look to be correct still | 07:31 |
eudy | ok. | 07:31 |
tute666_ | rpc: permissions ? | 07:31 |
eudy | chao | 07:31 |
rpc | tute666_ i tried 777 and 755 for whole home dir | 07:31 |
idn | are they ext3 partitions? | 07:31 |
Dr_willis | Scanztz, they often cause much more problems then they fix. | 07:31 |
rpc | tute666_ do i need a specific permissions for ftpd to work? | 07:31 |
Cdeszaq | idn: yes | 07:31 |
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tute666_ | rpc: users need to coincide | 07:32 |
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nox-Hand | Hey | 07:32 |
Scanztz | so how else do i get codecs for all those things | 07:32 |
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rpc | tute666_ hm what does that mean? | 07:32 |
tute666_ | weird | 07:32 |
Cdeszaq | idn: with the exception of the swap partition | 07:32 |
nox-Hand | Is there a gui app to remap keyboard layout? I got these media keys that dont work :| | 07:32 |
Scanztz | dr wili | 07:32 |
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qatsi | hello everybody! | 07:32 |
Unify | jrib, do i need reboot after adding it in fstab ? | 07:32 |
Scanztz | dr willis: how else do i get codecs and stuff for java?? | 07:32 |
tute666_ | rpc: weird, it should work | 07:32 |
idn | cdeszaq: ok cool, so the trouble is you cant see them in your ubuntu install | 07:32 |
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lunux | #china- | 07:32 |
jrib | Unify: no, you need to unmount the drive and mount it again | 07:32 |
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poju | finnish users? | 07:32 |
tute666_ | rpc: might not be permissions then. there is a good howto in ubuntuforums | 07:33 |
Cdeszaq | idn: I cannot see them from a Live CD boot, and the machine refuses to boot "normaly" | 07:33 |
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lunux | #join ubuntu-cn | 07:33 |
qatsi | My ubuntu takes like 2 minutes to start up. How can i fix it? | 07:33 |
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Unify | good damn question how the heck i did that. A guy helped me. zzz__ isnt back yet ? doh | 07:33 |
idn | cdeszaq: open up a terminal and get into root (sudo su) | 07:33 |
Belboz99 | hey all, my Audigy sound card stopped working recently, I can play audio files but there's no sound coming out the speakers. I've checked alsamixer, and all the volumes are up as they should be, any ideas? | 07:33 |
Cdeszaq | k | 07:33 |
lunux | I want to go into china ubuntu.please help me | 07:33 |
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jrib | lunux: /join #ubuntu-zh | 07:34 |
Cdeszaq | sudo su | 07:34 |
Scanztz | !easyubuntu | 07:34 |
ubotu | easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu | 07:34 |
Scanztz | #easyubuntu | 07:34 |
=== shwag [n=steven@cpe-76-80-88-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | lunux: sorry, taht was wrong. | 07:34 |
Cdeszaq | done | 07:34 |
jrib | !zh | lunux | 07:34 |
ubotu | lunux: For Ubuntu help in Chinese #ubuntu-cn #ubuntu-tw #ubuntu-hk | 07:34 |
idn | cdeszaq: then fdisk -l | 07:34 |
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qatsi | #ubuntu-es | 07:34 |
idn | it should print out a list of the partitions, which ones do you want to mount (should be something like sda1 or sdb1) | 07:35 |
Cdeszaq | idn: k | 07:35 |
lunux | I had joined china already .thank you | 07:35 |
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Dr_willis | you dont need to do 'sudo su' when 'sudo -s' exists :) | 07:35 |
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Scanztz | Dr_willis: are there any better scripts that i can use to do all the stuff that easyubuntu does?? | 07:36 |
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idn | cdeszaq: you then want to type "mount /mnt/disk1 /dev/[partition name] " | 07:37 |
Dr_willis | Scanztz, its BEST by a factor of 1000000000 to learn to do it manually. | 07:37 |
Cdeszaq | idn: sda1, sdb1, sdc1, sdc3 | 07:37 |
Cdeszaq | idn: ok | 07:37 |
Dr_willis | Scanztz, that way you learn stuff. | 07:37 |
Dr_willis | bbl | 07:37 |
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idn | cdeszaq: got that thee wrong way round sorry, should be "mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/disk1" | 07:37 |
Cdeszaq | ok | 07:37 |
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jmazaredo | how do u stop istanbul? | 07:38 |
idn | cdeszaq: if you then browse to /mnt/disk1 you should be able ot look at the files on the disk | 07:38 |
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idn | cdeszaq: you can repeat that process for the other partitions "mkdir /mnt/disk2" then "mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/disk2" etc | 07:39 |
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Cdeszaq | idn: Ok, so once they are mounted, how can I access my network so that I can copy off the needed files? (I want to do a fresh install anyways) | 07:39 |
idn | cdeszaq: wireless or wired conection? | 07:39 |
Cdeszaq | idn: wired | 07:39 |
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linxeh | is there a subversion 1.4 package for Ubuntu ? | 07:40 |
idn | cdeszaq: you might want to install ubuntu first, then once you boot into it copy the files over then | 07:40 |
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jrib | linxeh: in feisty | 07:40 |
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majkball | I am trying to install Ubuntu... but when I get to the partitioning my harddrive partittions are all locked, and i cannot delete modify or do anything with them... what should I do? | 07:40 |
linxeh | jrib: but no backports etc for edgy ? | 07:40 |
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idn | cdeszaq" might be quicker then doing on it the live CD. With regards to ubuntu not booting, are you sure everything is set ok in the BIOS with regards to boot order etc? | 07:41 |
JuJuBee | Hello. | 07:41 |
jrib | linxeh: not that I see | 07:41 |
a5benwillis | How can I search for a file inall subdirectories? | 07:41 |
jrib | !backports | linxeh | 07:41 |
ubotu | linxeh: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports | 07:41 |
linxeh | damn :( | 07:41 |
Cdeszaq | idn: Ok, thanks | 07:41 |
JuJuBee | Is there a way to lock the desktop backround image for all login accounts? | 07:41 |
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jrib | a5benwillis: find | 07:41 |
Cdeszaq | idn: yes, the bios is all ok | 07:41 |
jrib | JuJuBee: that's a gconf setting right? | 07:42 |
JuJuBee | I think, but not sure. | 07:42 |
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Cdeszaq | Ok, thanks for the help! | 07:42 |
idn | cdeszaq: hmmmm, you might want to do a fresh install, either something might have gone wrong with grub (not being able to find the boot partition) or with your fstab file in your install not being able to find a mount point becuse you have moved stuff around | 07:42 |
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jrib | JuJuBee: well I think it is too... set a mandatory value in gconf: http://www.gnome.org/learn/admin-guide/2.14/gconf-24.html | 07:43 |
Cdeszaq | idn: Yeah, I am going to just reinstall....I had everything well partitioned, so my data will all still be ok | 07:43 |
majkball | How do I unlock my partittions? They are now locked and I cannot modify them to install ubuntu on them... | 07:43 |
jrib | JuJuBee: maybe you can use sabayon too... check it out | 07:43 |
idn | cdeszaq: yeah always good to keep data and OS seperate :) | 07:43 |
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JuJuBee | Thanks for the link. I'll check it out. | 07:43 |
poningru | majkball: what do you mean locked? | 07:44 |
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poningru | how are you trying to change it? | 07:44 |
poningru | as in using what tool? | 07:44 |
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henriw156 | Will someone awenser this question => Ok in windows there is a startup folder there i can put what i want to start up automatically but on ubuntu i dont see any will someone tell me how to acomplish this | 07:45 |
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jrib | !startup | henriw156 | 07:45 |
ubotu | henriw156: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup | 07:45 |
con-man | henriw156: you have to add it to sessions | 07:45 |
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henriw156 | ok | 07:45 |
con-man | henriw156: under system->preference | 07:45 |
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poningru | zomg its crick | 07:45 |
Lacasito | Lacasito is here again | 07:45 |
clearze1 | henriw156: Preferences >> sessions >> start-up items | 07:46 |
poningru | quick someone get watson | 07:46 |
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majkball | poningru: I am at the installation progress after booting with the live cd... so when i get to choosing partitions and so on... my partitions shows up locked in gparted | 07:46 |
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thianpa | unfo: I was unable to view the Tv with xawtv but i was able to view it with Tvtime. It seems Tvtime is much simpler and easier to configure | 07:46 |
henriw156 | *checks what is in the wiki* | 07:46 |
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bennel | hi everyone | 07:46 |
poningru | majkball: you have to unmount it | 07:46 |
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poningru | right click on it | 07:46 |
poningru | and select umount | 07:46 |
bennel | I am having problems with my broadcom wirelress card | 07:46 |
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poningru | bennel: did you ever have it working? | 07:46 |
bennel | when I put the installation cd in it says error loading .....bcm43xx | 07:47 |
Mena_ | where can i control the sound | 07:47 |
bennel | no | 07:47 |
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bennel | it didn't | 07:47 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ | ||
jrib | Mena_: system > preferences > sound | 07:47 |
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poningru | bennel: install the firmware | 07:47 |
Mena_ | jrib, ok | 07:47 |
poningru | !bcm | bennel | 07:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bcm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:47 |
bennel | where do I get that? | 07:47 |
poningru | !bcm43xx | bennel | 07:47 |
ubotu | bennel: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 07:47 |
poningru | WTF | 07:47 |
qatsi | can anyone help me ?, my ubuntu takes like 3 minutes to start, heres the dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8109/ please help me, thank you! | 07:47 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o apokryphos] by apokryphos | ||
poningru | hold on | 07:47 |
bennel | thanks guys | 07:47 |
offense | here's a thought that hopefully doesn't resound ideas of spammage in your ears: what's a good place in the US to get financed for a notebook with reasonable terms and are easy on credit? | 07:48 |
poningru | !bcm43xx-firmware | 07:48 |
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eagles0513875 | i have a log poningru | 07:48 |
echosyp | thank you | 07:48 |
majkball | poningru: That seemed to make the trick, now I managed to delete all my partitions! Thank you! | 07:48 |
poningru | GAAAAh | 07:48 |
eagles0513875 | to help ya set that up | 07:48 |
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Mena_ | freinds i need help but not for me | 07:49 |
clearze1 | qatsi: it looks like it is having problems with hdc which is usually a cdrom....how many drives do you have on your pc? | 07:49 |
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qatsi | clearze1: 3 hard drives, and 2 cd's | 07:49 |
henriw156 | Thanks everyone you guys rock :) | 07:49 |
clearze1 | Then it is the third hdd that is hanging it up | 07:49 |
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qatsi | clearze1: let me see whats hdc... | 07:50 |
poningru | bennel: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx | 07:50 |
Mena_ | thanks frineds not needed :) | 07:50 |
clearze1 | qatsi: how is the third hdd formatted? | 07:50 |
Luezair | is there any linux program for making cool text like in 3D perpective, with shadow and so on? like font twister or wordart on windows? | 07:50 |
poningru | Luezair: openoffice? | 07:50 |
Mena_ | jrib, thanks :) | 07:50 |
echosyp | would someone know why my sound doesn't work, or how to begin troubleshooting it | 07:50 |
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poningru | Luezair: iirc scribus also has that | 07:50 |
Luezair | the fontworks thing? it doesn't seem to do much | 07:50 |
bennel | thanks so much | 07:50 |
poningru | !sound | echosyp | 07:51 |
ubotu | echosyp: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 07:51 |
qatsi | hdc is a 40GB NTFS with windows vista loaded there...i think ill just remove the drive and forget about windows... | 07:51 |
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echosyp | oh | 07:51 |
echosyp | thanks | 07:51 |
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clearze1 | qatsi: that is your problem. Do you have it set to auto mount? | 07:52 |
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scheuri | hi ll | 07:52 |
scheuri | all | 07:52 |
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clearze1 | qatsi: if you do you should install ntfs-3g | 07:52 |
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qatsi | clearze1: yes, with the ntfs-3g... | 07:52 |
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poningru | qatsi: what are you trying to do? | 07:52 |
m_ | how do i disable rhythmbox auto-detection of my ipod 5.5g ? I want to use amarok only. thx | 07:52 |
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jrib | m_: system > preferences > removable drives and media | 07:53 |
qatsi | poningru: hdc is slowing my ubuntu boot up, so i think ill just remove the hard drive | 07:53 |
clearze1 | qatsi: Maybe it isn't liking something about vista's format. In any case that is where the problem is occuring | 07:53 |
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poningru | ah cool | 07:53 |
qatsi | clearze1: is there a way for not auto mounting it ? | 07:53 |
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tm4- | does anyone know if beryl is compatibile with the intel915gm/910gml chipset display adapters? | 07:53 |
clearze1 | qatsi: yeah | 07:53 |
m_ | awesomely simple, thx jrib! | 07:53 |
poningru | m_: see what jrib said is that enough? | 07:53 |
clearze1 | qatsi: remove it form /etc/fstab | 07:53 |
poningru | cool | 07:54 |
clearze1 | qatsi: from * | 07:54 |
poningru | tm4: yes | 07:54 |
tm4- | poningru: thanks | 07:54 |
poningru | and for more questions please take it to #ubuntu-xgl | 07:54 |
qatsi | clearze1: ok, i already did that :) so i guess ill reboot to see whats up :) | 07:54 |
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tm4- | pningru: even if i'm not going to be using xgl? | 07:55 |
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qatsi | clearze1: thank you very much, ill be back if something goes wrong :) thank you again for the help :) | 07:55 |
poningru | tm4-: oh hehe thats just a placeholder | 07:55 |
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poningru | it forwards to the right channel | 07:55 |
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clearze1 | qatsi: no problem | 07:55 |
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tm4- | oh gotcha - i didn't know that | 07:56 |
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Luezair | open office fontwork, has 16 styles, after picking one of them you can change the shape of the text, make all letters the same height, align the text and change letter spacing... you can do almost nothing in it | 07:56 |
poningru | tm4-: it forwards to #ubuntu-effects | 07:56 |
tm4- | yeah, i just noticed ;) | 07:56 |
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poningru | Luezair: try scribus | 07:56 |
Luezair | ok | 07:57 |
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buches | Hi, I'm having a problem since my upgrade to Edgy--suspend mode doesn't work anymore. When I close my laptop lid, or when I press the "sleep" button, it almost suspends, but not quite; it goes to a black screen with a blinking cursor at the top, and I have to force a shutdown and restart | 07:57 |
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shwag | is upstart the default in edgy ? or is the old init still installed ? | 07:58 |
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jrib | shwag: upstart is default, but it just calls the old sysv init scripts | 07:59 |
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K3nto | ubuntu's the shit | 07:59 |
eagles0513875 | :) | 07:59 |
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geemy | ya | 07:59 |
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eagles0513875 | k3nto what u have to do to get gparted to work | 07:59 |
shwag | jrib: is it gonna do more in feisty ? | 07:59 |
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K3nto | thanks eagles | 08:00 |
eagles0513875 | downloaded a fglx pkg from a link from ati website how do i compile it | 08:00 |
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poningru | buches: what does dmesg say? | 08:00 |
eagles0513875 | no prob k3nto what u end up doin | 08:00 |
K3nto | o i just had to delete a partition | 08:00 |
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zzz_ | ikonia: what was the nick of the person seeking help on mounting ntfs partitions? | 08:00 |
K3nto | and then make an extension | 08:00 |
poningru | eagles0513875: why not just use the fglx package from ubuntu? | 08:00 |
poningru | !fglx | eagles0513875 | 08:00 |
eagles0513875 | it doesnt work | 08:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fglx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:00 |
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eagles0513875 | i have it installed right now but the mesa glx says that its indirect | 08:00 |
jrib | shwag: eventually I assume all the scripts will be transferred over. I don't know the official plan but I remember hearing it was supposed to be for edgy+1 back when edgy was in development | 08:01 |
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tm4- | !fglrx | eagles0513875 | 08:01 |
ubotu | eagles0513875: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 08:01 |
poningru | ah yeah thats it | 08:01 |
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tm4- | ;) | 08:01 |
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eagles0513875 | i already installed the binary from ati webpg but it still doesnt work | 08:01 |
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K3nto | okay, how couldi maybe get ubuntu on my network? i have a desktop here | 08:02 |
cyber_ | hi everyone | 08:02 |
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scheuri | someone know of a desktop applet to show temperaturs (board and CPU) and speed of fan? | 08:02 |
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eagles0513875 | what kinda connection u got k3nto | 08:02 |
cyber_ | I have a rather mind boggling problem with pcmcia: | 08:02 |
jim88 | hi all ... I need help with the kaffeine player ... I am getting an echoing ... is there a setting that the help pages are not tell me about? | 08:02 |
K3nto | wirelss to a router | 08:02 |
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poningru | scheuri: no but gdesklet does | 08:02 |
poningru | !gdesklet | scheuri | 08:02 |
ubotu | scheuri: gDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/ | 08:02 |
eagles0513875 | it said no direct rindering | 08:02 |
scheuri | poningru: thanks | 08:02 |
eagles0513875 | says mesa glx is indirect | 08:03 |
cyber_ | the pcmcia driver will crash the ubuntu installation at the point, where it issues "cs: IO port probe 0x100-0x3af:" | 08:03 |
cyber_ | is there a way to get around this? | 08:03 |
eagles0513875 | im out of ideas on this what can i do guys | 08:03 |
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clearze1 | cyber_: What kind of driver is it? | 08:03 |
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scheuri | poningru: do those work in KDE as well by chance? | 08:04 |
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jim88 | hi all ... I need help with the kaffeine player ... I am getting an echoing ... is there a setting that the help pages are not tell me about? | 08:04 |
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cyber_ | clearzel: kernel messages indicate, that the yenta driver is loaded (if that is what you mean) | 08:04 |
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Kuba | hello everyone | 08:04 |
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davidbr | Hey I am not trying to be a pain however I a few quick questions about linux. I took a test and it is over. As any good sysadmin, you want to know the answers | 08:04 |
cyber_ | clearzel: I'm having problems getting further information, as the system will not boot | 08:04 |
davidbr | How do you undelete a file in linux | 08:04 |
davidbr | ? | 08:04 |
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Agrajag | davidbr: you don't. | 08:04 |
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davidbr | I thought so. | 08:05 |
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Kuba | hey does anybody know a good link to proxy servers? | 08:05 |
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davidbr | How do you set up quotas ? /etc/password ? | 08:05 |
Agrajag | once it's rm'ed, you're SOL unless you want to immeditely disconnect the drive and start combing through the raw disk for the file | 08:05 |
clearze1 | cyber_: The system won't boot at all? How long have you had this problem? | 08:05 |
davidbr | /etc/quoatas ? | 08:05 |
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poningru | !quota | davidbr | 08:05 |
teeL | Im trying to share a folder with samba. I can connect and watch the printers, but when i try to view MyFiles it asks me for password for the user "Guest" How can i fix this? I want the folder to be shared so i can read and write.. | 08:05 |
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ubotu | davidbr: quota: implementation of the disk quota system. In component main, is optional. Version 3.13-8 (edgy), package size 393 kB, installed size 1196 kB | 08:05 |
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davidbr | OK, | 08:05 |
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cyber_ | clearzel: I'm trying to do a fresh install on a laptop - I can't get Ubuntu on the computer | 08:05 |
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cyber_ | clearzel: I can't get into the installer | 08:06 |
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clearze1 | cyber_: what kind of laptop is it? | 08:06 |
cyber_ | clearzel: A gericom blockbuster | 08:06 |
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davidbr | "no debugging symbols found". How do you fix it ? Was it compiled without debugging symbols ? | 08:06 |
Kuba | can anyone help me??? | 08:06 |
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Verkustat | how do i find the name of my wireless network card, i only get this message: Network controller: Broadcom Corporation: Unknown device 4311 | 08:07 |
cyber_ | clearzel: I'm positive, that I could get around the problem, if there was a way to disable pcmcia entirely | 08:07 |
K3nto | are most of the screensavers supposed to be kinda slow | 08:07 |
davidbr | This is brainbench basic linux exam if anybody is intrested. | 08:07 |
K3nto | or should i change some video settings | 08:07 |
clearze1 | cyber: at the first prompt that you boot to hit f1 and enter this | 08:07 |
clearze1 | hw-detect/start_pcmcia=false boot | 08:07 |
clearze1 | that should allow it to boot | 08:08 |
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jim88 | hi all ... I need help with the kaffeine player ... I am getting an echoing ... is there a setting that the help pages are not tell me about? | 08:08 |
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clearze1 | do that before it starts to load | 08:08 |
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cyber_ | clearzel: Just so I am clear about this - It should say "hw-detect/start_pcmcia=false boot" without anything else? | 08:08 |
sacater | if anyone here is willing to BETA test my tea package please join #sacater, i changed it as part as my MOTU mentoration, the changes are that it is the latest latest latest version, and now comes with a .desktop file (menu entry) :P | 08:08 |
davidbr | auto.etc just as an "x" in it, nothing else, what does it mean ? | 08:08 |
clearze1 | cyber_: that is correct | 08:09 |
Kuba | link for list of proxy servers anyone know?? | 08:09 |
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clearze1 | cyber_: it will turn off pcmcia support though | 08:09 |
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cyber_ | clearzel: that gives me "Could not find kernel image: hw-detect..." | 08:09 |
clearze1 | cyber_: you will have to fix that after the install | 08:09 |
kors | Kuba: samair.ru/proxy | 08:09 |
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clearze1 | cyber_:hmmm, one sec | 08:10 |
zukero | hi | 08:10 |
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cyber_ | clearzel: should that not rather read "live hw-detect..." | 08:10 |
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ffxr | hi i have to build a package with "mysql package by explicitely building for generic x86_64." can anyone tell me what i put in the configure options to acheive this ? | 08:11 |
zukero | i have a huge problem with my system, wichever OS I boot, it totaly freezes after some random time. how can i check what happend ? | 08:11 |
clearze1 | cyber_: try just typing start_pcmcia=false | 08:11 |
K3nto | why cant i rename my hard drive? right now its called filesystem | 08:11 |
cyber_ | clearzel: I have already tried to enter "live hw-detect/start_pcmcia=false" and it didn't work - PCMCIA was still started | 08:11 |
K3nto | also, it wont tell me the size | 08:11 |
Kuba | do you use proxy | 08:11 |
Kuba | ?? | 08:11 |
clearze1 | cyber_: one second | 08:11 |
clearze1 | cyber_: have you tried acpi = off ? | 08:12 |
cyber_ | clearzel: yes | 08:12 |
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jart | i'm trying to install a kernel driver and it says a couple headers are missing: linux/irqreturn.h and linux/irqflags.h. I have build-essential and the kernel headers installed | 08:13 |
zukero | like, are there any system logs of previous session ? or is there a way to set any ? | 08:13 |
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kski | what do i need to do to get gui wireless programs working? i'm using wifi radar and prismstumbler and neither see any wireless networks | 08:15 |
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jim88 | hi all ... I need help with the kaffeine player ... I am getting an echoing ... is there a setting that the help pages are not tell me about? | 08:15 |
eagles0513875 | that fglrx forum didnt help me at all | 08:15 |
eagles0513875 | ive tried everything possible yet i still cant chage the mesa glx from indirect to direct | 08:16 |
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cyber_ | clearzel: if I enter the option at the prompt that opens up when I press F6 at the boot menu, do I have to enter the options before or after the "--"? | 08:16 |
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eagles0513875 | is there an ati channel | 08:17 |
jim88 | hi all ... I need help with the kaffeine player ... I am getting an echoing ... is there a setting that the help pages are not tell me about? | 08:18 |
slippyr4 | hi all, i've switched over to network manager in order to get WPA support for my wifi. However, every time I log on, i have to enter a password to unlock the keyring so network manager can get my WPA key. is there a way of setting it up so I don't need to enter this password? | 08:18 |
slippyr4 | !wpa | 08:18 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 08:18 |
eagles0513875 | how do i uninstall the proprietary ati driver | 08:18 |
clearze1 | cyber_: I always used F1 to issue boot commands | 08:18 |
eagles0513875 | !proprietary | 08:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about proprietary - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:18 |
cyber_ | clearze1: F1 just opens up a help menu for me, no boot prompt | 08:18 |
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clearze1 | cyber_: if it still starts pcmcia after you issue the live command I don't know what you should do | 08:18 |
clearze1 | cyber_: The server install doesn't have pcmcia support lol | 08:19 |
eagles0513875 | !ati uninstalling! | 08:19 |
cyber_ | clearze1: does that mean that I can start the server installation? | 08:19 |
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jart | is there any reason why linux-headers would be missing some headers? | 08:20 |
clearze1 | cyber_: more than likely | 08:20 |
cyber_ | clearze1: I would be able to install ubuntu-desktop then | 08:20 |
clearze1 | cyber_: yeah, after the install | 08:20 |
cyber_ | clearze1: I'll try that | 08:20 |
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LiENUS | how do i add a user to a group? | 08:20 |
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poningru | !adduser | 08:20 |
ubotu | To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo | 08:20 |
cyber_ | clearze1: which version did you refer to? | 08:21 |
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sha0lin | hi all | 08:21 |
LiENUS | poningru, wow thanks you didnt answer my question at all | 08:21 |
tchize | Hello, i read quite a lot of HOWTO and FAQs about RT2500 network card, but i can't get it running, it finds properly my network during scan but trying to connect, all i get is a Destination Host unreachable :s | 08:21 |
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K3nto | !graphics | 08:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about graphics - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:22 |
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K3nto | !display | 08:22 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 08:22 |
eagles0513875 | ati help someone how do i remove the proprietary ati driver | 08:22 |
jussi01 | K3nto, what are youlooking for? | 08:22 |
sha0lin | would anyone be able to help me, i need to know if certain modules are loaded in my kernel and have no idea how to do this | 08:22 |
tchize | sha0lin: type lsmod | 08:23 |
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K3nto | i want to check out my graphics settings | 08:23 |
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eagles0513875 | time for a reinstall | 08:23 |
sha0lin | ahhh | 08:23 |
eagles0513875 | which has pissed me off | 08:23 |
sha0lin | thank you | 08:23 |
K3nto | like the driver and performance | 08:23 |
eagles0513875 | k3nto u know how to remove a proprietary driver | 08:24 |
K3nto | umm in windows maybe | 08:24 |
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jussi01 | !ati | 08:24 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 08:24 |
slippyr4 | how do i install a .deb file? | 08:24 |
K3nto | sweet | 08:24 |
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tchize | slippyr4: dpkg-install <name of .deb file> | 08:24 |
eagles0513875 | jussi i want to uninstall that proprietary ati driver | 08:25 |
slippyr4 | tchize thanks | 08:25 |
Khem | I am using edgy and I updated the system and suddenly my fonts looks different after reboot | 08:25 |
tchize | slippyr4: sorry it's dpkg --install :) | 08:25 |
jussi01 | slippyr4, just doubleclick it | 08:25 |
sha0lin | ok, i am trying to get a usb tv tuner to work, and according to a website i need a bunch of modules loaded, which according to lsmod arent. how do i go about loading them? | 08:25 |
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tchize | sha0lin: modprobe | 08:25 |
sha0lin | ok, what does that do? | 08:25 |
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tchize | loads the module given in parameter | 08:26 |
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tchize | eg: modprobe usblp | 08:26 |
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sha0lin | or modprobe dvb-usb-dib0700.ko ? | 08:26 |
eudy | #ubunto-es | 08:26 |
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eagles0513875 | is there an ati channel | 08:26 |
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eagles0513875 | ill brb im goign to reinstall everything | 08:27 |
jussi01 | good luck eagles0513875 | 08:27 |
tchize | sha0lin: depends, normaly you don't put the .ko | 08:27 |
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sha0lin | now says not found | 08:27 |
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eagles0513875 | brb after i install | 08:27 |
sha0lin | sorry, i am beyond newbie... | 08:27 |
tchize | sha0lin: goes to /lib/modules/<kernel version>/ to find about available modules | 08:27 |
eagles0513875 | im never goign to install a proprietary driver again | 08:28 |
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jussi01 | eagles0513875, dont reinstall yet | 08:28 |
K3nto | eagles ur going to reinstall ubuntu? | 08:28 |
jussi01 | wait one | 08:28 |
sha0lin | the web site i'm following is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=321567&highlight=nova+t+stick | 08:28 |
eagles0513875 | how do i uninstall the proprietary one then jussi | 08:28 |
Jampiter | Hello? | 08:28 |
Jampiter | I'm new | 08:28 |
tchize | eagles051375: well nvidia prop driver are working pretty well :p | 08:28 |
eagles0513875 | my laptop has ati though | 08:28 |
K3nto | as am i | 08:29 |
K3nto | jamp are you looking at installing ubuntu | 08:29 |
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Jampiter | Maybe when I reformat my laptop | 08:29 |
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jussi01 | eagles0513875, is it not just under fglrx in synaptic? | 08:29 |
sha0lin | and i put the firmware in, reconnected the stick, and nothing.... | 08:29 |
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eagles0513875 | ya but i also downloaded a script from ati webpg and ran the script | 08:29 |
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jussi01 | but synaptic should still uninstall it... | 08:30 |
sha0lin | kaffeine said it could find no dvb device so would hide the dvb options | 08:30 |
eagles0513875 | ok ill try | 08:30 |
Jampiter | You know the logos (http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/TrademarkPolicy?highlight=%28Logo%29), It says email them if not using them for fair use, do you think i'll have to email them if I put them on a CD label and box for my burnt ubuntu ISO? | 08:30 |
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jussi01 | Jampiter, you should be fine with that | 08:30 |
eagles0513875 | jussie should i leave the restricted modules | 08:31 |
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sha0lin | i doubt it Jampiter they sent me a bunch of stickers with the cds | 08:31 |
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jussi01 | eagles0513875, hmmm...I think so | 08:31 |
eagles0513875 | ok | 08:31 |
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Jampiter | Ah ok thanks jussi01, sha0lin | 08:31 |
eagles0513875 | i hope this works | 08:32 |
tchize | sha0lin: sorry, i don't see dvb-usb-dib0700.ko in list of ubuntu provided modules | 08:32 |
jussi01 | so do i... | 08:32 |
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yaman | hello i used this page to make my wireless card work on my ubuntu and it didn't work http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190177 the network manager doesn't detect my wireless card any more what should i do | 08:32 |
tabman | I need to update to latest firefox, I have dapper | 08:32 |
sha0lin | me either but its on that site... so how would i get those modules? | 08:32 |
eagles0513875 | and i also hope removing these drivers fixes my wine problems too | 08:32 |
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Jampiter | Will a Belkin USB adapter work with ubuntu? What drivers will I need? | 08:32 |
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Jampiter | (And will it work in LiveCD mode?) | 08:33 |
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quiet | you'll need ndiswrapper | 08:33 |
quiet | i believe | 08:33 |
quiet | depends on the chipset... but i'm pretty sure none of the usb ones are natively supported | 08:34 |
jussi01 | eagles0513875, out of curiosity, maybe you have the script fglrx-uninstall.sh ? | 08:34 |
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tchize | sha0lin: maybe it was renamed? | 08:34 |
Jampiter | Ralink RT2500 chips | 08:34 |
Jampiter | I've heard of ndiswrapper for SLAX.. what is it? | 08:34 |
tchize | Jampiter: Ho, you too have an Ralinnk problem? :D | 08:34 |
quiet | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/RalinkRT2500?action=show&redirect=Rt2500WirelessCardsHowTo | 08:34 |
kski | i'm using rt2500 and it's not working for me | 08:34 |
tchize | kski: me too can't get rt2500 to work | 08:35 |
kski | works for kismet and aircrack but won't connect to anything | 08:35 |
quiet | or rather... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT2500 | 08:35 |
sha0lin | tchize, how do you mean? | 08:35 |
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Jampiter | Hey thanks quiet :D | 08:35 |
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dyrne | kski: works in promisc mode but not normal? | 08:36 |
kski | yes | 08:36 |
tchize | sha0lin: dunno, either it's not compiled anymore by ubuntu team, either it has now a different name, either it's not in the base kernel and need you to download it somewher and compile it | 08:36 |
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kski | i changed my mode back to managed, still nothing | 08:36 |
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tchize | quiet: when those docs you point out don't work, do you have any other suggestion to make RaLink 2500 working ? | 08:36 |
sha0lin | beh, compile it... that was why i stopped using redhat 4, compiling used to mess up stuff. is there an easier way to get round this | 08:37 |
quiet | tchize, never used the rt2500 so no... I just know how to google... | 08:37 |
Softly8 | hi | 08:37 |
eagles0513875 | it seems to be working fine let me restart the xserver | 08:37 |
tchize | quiet: me too but tohse docs don't work (or don't work anymore?) | 08:37 |
jussi01 | !hi | Softly8 | 08:37 |
ubotu | Softly8: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 08:37 |
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quiet | I have experience with rt8180, atheros, bcm4318 | 08:37 |
chx | is there a list of Canonical certified hardware? Yes I googled, searched forums and can't find this list :( | 08:38 |
quiet | rt8180 and bcm4318 both using ndiswrapper... the bcm43xx dirver is garbage on the 4318 chipset | 08:38 |
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clearze1 | tchize: The only way I've ever got the rt2500 chipset working properly was with NDISwrapper. using the driver for windows 2000 | 08:39 |
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tchize | clearze1: ndiswrapper worked with wpa? | 08:40 |
utaho | hi | 08:40 |
kski | my rt2500 comes up as ra0 in iwconfig | 08:40 |
K3nto | !filesystem | 08:40 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about filesystem - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:40 |
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jussi01 | !hi | utaho | 08:40 |
ubotu | utaho: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 08:40 |
K3nto | !rename | 08:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rename - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:41 |
clearze1 | tchize: I dunno I never used a rt2500 card with wpa. It is supposed to work though. | 08:41 |
brezo | I need Help with xwinwrap | 08:41 |
K3nto | !hd | 08:41 |
=== chx [n=chx@pdpc/supporter/professional/chx] has left #ubuntu ["Viva] | ||
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:41 |
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asvilar | hola pillo | 08:41 |
K3nto | !harddrive | 08:41 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 08:41 |
=== tesuki_ [n=tesuki@c-db87e455.20-0145-74657210.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jussi01 | !botabuse > K3nto | 08:41 |
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clearze1 | jussi01: lol | 08:41 |
brezo | anyone can help me whit xwinwrap? | 08:42 |
K3nto | well if he knew a thing or two, i wouldnt have to | 08:42 |
jussi01 | what is xwinwrap? | 08:42 |
brezo | serch in google | 08:42 |
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asvilar | hola manu | 08:43 |
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=== killer [n=mark@c-67-188-46-1.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jussi01 | !es | asvilar | 08:43 |
ubotu | asvilar: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 08:43 |
=== szok [n=szok@evb127.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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brezo | hey guys, can you help me whit xwinwrap | 08:43 |
tchize | clearze1: ok, i'll try ndiswrapper later :s | 08:44 |
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jussi01 | brezo, seems no-one knows, try again in a while | 08:44 |
brezo | ok, thanks | 08:44 |
jussi01 | brezo, btw, whats the issue? | 08:44 |
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brezo | I can not start viewing a cool desktop | 08:45 |
=== edison_ [n=chatzill@22.11-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crdlb | brezo, exactly what command are you running | 08:46 |
brezo | I wrote xwinwrap -ni -argb -fs -s -st -sp -b -nf -- /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix -window-id WID -delay 50000 & | 08:46 |
K3nto | woah | 08:46 |
brezo | but it said | 08:46 |
K3nto | ubuntu just told me i dint own my filesystem | 08:46 |
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K3nto | when i most certainly do | 08:47 |
K3nto | lol | 08:47 |
crdlb | brezo, can you post the exact error? | 08:47 |
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tchize | K3nto :) you are not root :p | 08:47 |
jussi01 | K3nto, you probably dont own bits of it | 08:47 |
=== Marupa [n=Marupa@216-160-233-37.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sayo | me podeis habla un poquito en espaol | 08:47 |
asvilar | hola | 08:47 |
utaho | I found a found a reporstry owned by some Asher256. Do someone know about it ? | 08:47 |
brezo | error: couldn?t find argb visual | 08:47 |
jussi01 | !es | sayo | 08:47 |
ubotu | sayo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 08:47 |
sayo | no quiero en ingles | 08:47 |
Jampiter | !hi | 08:47 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 08:47 |
Marupa | Is there a good frontend for mencoder that allows x264 encoding options? | 08:47 |
=== tuxcrafter [n=tuxcraft@84-245-7-46.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crdlb | brezo, you are running XGL right? | 08:48 |
sayo | hola eres guapa | 08:48 |
brezo | sure! | 08:48 |
tuxcrafter | hello, is there a way to disable dma in the kernel or kernel boot options i am debugging some serious instability issues? | 08:48 |
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swilliamson | i just installed 6.06 lts server, it auto detected one of my ethernet ports, however I have 5 more I need to configure, how do I get it to identify the additional eth's? | 08:48 |
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edison_ | Hello everyone I am very new to Linux and I was wondering if using the ubuntu I will have wireless from the box using a belkin 56g or I wil have to install it using wrapper? | 08:49 |
crdlb | swilliamson, run lscpi to see if the kernel recognizes them | 08:49 |
K3nto | arg | 08:49 |
sayo | tiene novio si o no | 08:49 |
khoa | this is less of an ubuntu question than a routing question, but on an ubuntu box, how can I force it to always use the same local IP on my router? | 08:49 |
K3nto | all i want to do is rename the hd | 08:49 |
tuxcrafter | edison_: you have to check the type of chip it is using: you have to do this with the sudo lspci -v command | 08:49 |
sayo | cuanto ao tiene guapa | 08:50 |
asvilar | hola sayo yo si ablo en espaol | 08:50 |
mindstate | how do i check wut distro im using | 08:50 |
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Marupa | khoa, Go into Network under system->administration, and set the IP. | 08:50 |
mindstate | lsb_ something? | 08:50 |
tuxcrafter | edison_: than you have to look at the forum for a how to | 08:50 |
jussi01 | !es | asvilar | 08:50 |
ubotu | asvilar: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 08:50 |
khoa | Marupa: thanks =D | 08:50 |
=== Stapol [i=Stapol@CPE0020fe1bf715-CM001225418aa4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sayo | tu conoce el pedroso chocho | 08:50 |
tuxcrafter | tuxcrafter: if you are lucky it may work at ones, you can test this by using the ubuntu live cd | 08:50 |
mindstate | wtf | 08:50 |
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Marupa | any ideas for an Ubuntu mencoder frontend? | 08:50 |
tuxcrafter | hello, is there a way to disable dma in the kernel or kernel boot options i am debugging some serious instability issues? | 08:50 |
mindstate | !es | sayo | 08:50 |
ubotu | sayo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 08:50 |
edison_ | broacom I think o something like that, I will have to install before I know it? | 08:50 |
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Marupa | acidrip doesn't allow x264 options. | 08:51 |
unop | khoa, "to always use the same local IP on my router"?? a computer and router should have different address, what do you mean? | 08:51 |
asvilar | sayo tu donde vives | 08:51 |
swilliamson | lspci says nope | 08:51 |
=== obstfliege [n=obstflie@static-87-79-236-180.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Scanztz [n=dogpigeo@dsl-241-6-222.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Jampiter | !en | sayo | 08:51 |
ubotu | sayo: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 08:51 |
JPMaximilian | mindstate: System->About Ubuntu | 08:51 |
=== adam_ [n=adam@cpc2-pete4-0-0-cust864.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tabman | how to update to latest firefox ? | 08:51 |
sayo | yo soy de constantina | 08:51 |
khoa | no like my router will assign local IP's... for instance the router is always, but then say my desktop will then be | 08:51 |
=== derFlo [n=florian@dslb-088-064-137-124.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mindstate | JPMaximilian, i want to know the command line to find wut version im using Edgy or Dapper | 08:51 |
Scanztz | hey, with VMware, which should i use. Server or player??? | 08:51 |
Marupa | tabman: Use Synaptic, 'mark all upgrades; | 08:51 |
=== ReturnToZero [n=ReturnTo@ABordeaux-256-1-39-26.w90-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mindstate | JPMaximilian, i know im on Dapper i just want to know the code | 08:51 |
khoa | then when i open my wireless laptop that one gets ....102 and so on | 08:52 |
Marupa | Scanztz, Either or. | 08:52 |
Scanztz | what does each 1 do | 08:52 |
sayo | eres marupa | 08:52 |
Scanztz | wats the differance | 08:52 |
=== becki [n=becki@nrbg-4db41e01.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khoa | but i just want to make sure my desktop always stays on .101 | 08:52 |
mindstate | wtf is wrong with this sayo guy | 08:52 |
asvilar | tienes novia | 08:52 |
Cdeszaq | Does anyone know why neither my on-board ethernet device, nor my pci ethernet interface are detected by the installer? | 08:52 |
mindstate | idiots | 08:52 |
Marupa | Scanztz, server is easier, IMHO. | 08:52 |
crdlb | swilliamson, are they on different cards, and if so are the cards identical ? | 08:52 |
Scanztz | IMHO?? | 08:52 |
=== JohnKP [n=Tecritis@72-160-240-2.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sayo | te quiero | 08:52 |
Marupa | in my humble opinion | 08:52 |
=== harveyd [n=daleharv@host-84-9-234-195.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jussi01 | !hi is Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! How can we help you? | 08:52 |
JohnKP | I need help setting up my USB modem in Ubuntu 6.10... if anyone can help PM me | 08:53 |
asvilar | pero tu me conoces | 08:53 |
JPMaximilian | mindstate: sorry idk | 08:53 |
sayo | cuando vas a venir a conocerme | 08:53 |
=== gu014 [n=gu014@c-68-37-180-106.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
harveyd | theres minor little things i cant figure out how to do in ubuntu | 08:53 |
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tuxcrafter | Marupa: check this website http://www.videohelp.com/tools?s=23#23 | 08:53 |
=== mevets [n=steve@ip68-230-180-230.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mevets | hey | 08:53 |
harveyd | whats the keyboard shortcut to move tabs in a terminal | 08:53 |
=== robertj [n=robertj@66-168-215-105.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JohnKP | It's a Westell WireSpeed Dual-connect ADSL modem | 08:53 |
^Ocean^ | Is there any way to get my Ctrl alt +/- to work again it no longer scrolls through my resolutions. I have checked my x.org config file, and it dont apear to be disabled any were in the file... | 08:54 |
=== assasukasse [n=assasuka@host-84-222-247-242.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Marupa | harveyd, Probably ctrl+left/right | 08:54 |
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sayo | no puedo ir a verte no me deja mis padre | 08:54 |
harveyd | in suse its shift + left / right | 08:54 |
tchize | K3nto: "rename the haddrive" ? | 08:54 |
K3nto | firefox is freezing quite a bit | 08:54 |
=== AmaroK_ [n=Shorah@pD9E06A6B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
K3nto | yeah | 08:54 |
JohnKP | Can anyone help me? | 08:54 |
Marupa | K3nto, It does. | 08:54 |
K3nto | you know how its called filesystem | 08:54 |
Panadero_novicio | we are not proud of him, mindstate | 08:54 |
Marupa | JohnKP, What was the question? | 08:54 |
K3nto | i want to change that | 08:54 |
harveyd | nah that doesnt do anything | 08:54 |
tuxcrafter | ^Ocean^: have you removed resulutions from you xorg display propertys | 08:54 |
jrib | harveyd: by move, do you mean physically move the location of the tabs or just change focus? | 08:54 |
K3nto | but it says i dont own it | 08:54 |
crdlb | harveyd, shift+ctrl+pgup/pgdown | 08:54 |
JohnKP | I need help setting up my USB ADSL modem in Ubuntu 6.10 | 08:54 |
tchize | K3nto: you want to change it's mount point? | 08:54 |
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^Ocean^ | tuxcrafter, nope, they are all there... | 08:55 |
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K3nto | huh | 08:55 |
asvilar | mi cuao vive ahi puedo ir cuando kieras | 08:55 |
K3nto | ? | 08:55 |
harveyd | aha, thanks | 08:55 |
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^Ocean^ | all started when i did a dist-upgrade too 6.10 | 08:55 |
crdlb | harveyd, and you can change that if you want | 08:55 |
mindstate | Panadero_novicio, i wouldnt be either | 08:55 |
=== jedom [n=henri@che33-1-82-66-18-201.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | asvilar: enlish only here please. Please join #ubuntu-es for spanish | 08:55 |
JohnKP | if you think you can help me get my modem to work PM me | 08:55 |
mindstate | jrib, he's iritating me too | 08:55 |
=== rauble [n=andrew@pool-71-254-248-229.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mindstate | its like h doesnt get it | 08:55 |
tchize | K3nto: want to change from /mnt/windows to /mnt/winXp for example? | 08:55 |
asvilar | cuantos aos tienes | 08:55 |
harveyd | crdlb, where abouts, ctr + < > would be nice | 08:55 |
sayo | yo tengo 24 | 08:55 |
mindstate | !es | asvilar | 08:55 |
ubotu | asvilar: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 08:55 |
^Ocean^ | then i did a fresh install on another computer just to make sure i didint totaly fsk something, and the Fresh install on another ocmputer wont do it anymore either | 08:55 |
mindstate | !es | sayo | 08:55 |
ubotu | sayo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 08:55 |
crdlb | harveyd, Edit -> Keyboard shortcuts | 08:56 |
JPMaximilian | JohnKP: what kind of modem, model, etc | 08:56 |
mevets | is there a way to redetect audio in the terminal? Doesnt always load on startup | 08:56 |
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JohnKP | Westell WireSpeed Dual-connect ADSL modem | 08:56 |
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K3nto | uhh | 08:56 |
K3nto | sure | 08:56 |
marx2k | Wow.... kubuntu is crawling | 08:56 |
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marx2k | I think its because I installed Beryl | 08:56 |
K3nto | i really dont follow. dont know what a mount point it | 08:56 |
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asvilar | yo 22 | 08:56 |
edison_ | What about this partnership between linspire and ubuntu, i tried the linspire works fine but no support for bluetooth, does ubuntu have it? | 08:56 |
marx2k | on a Kubuntu Feisty install | 08:56 |
=== alexbranca [n=alex@ip-65-35.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sayo | es mentira yo tengo 15 aos | 08:57 |
alexbranca | ciao | 08:57 |
harveyd | yeh was looking through that | 08:57 |
alexbranca | hello | 08:57 |
tchize | K3nto: it's where in the global directory structure your filesystem is made available | 08:57 |
=== Hotkey [n=noway@12-217-73-249.client.mchsi.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
alexbranca | italian???? | 08:57 |
harveyd | couldnt find the particular entry | 08:57 |
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K3nto | oo ok | 08:57 |
Cdeszaq | dir | 08:57 |
sayo | es mentira yo tengo 15 aos | 08:57 |
tchize | K3nto: eg: cdrom on /cdrom, windows partitions on /mnt/windows and so on | 08:57 |
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=== Xemnas [n=xemnas@bl5-133-13.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apokryphos | !es | sayo | 08:57 |
ubotu | sayo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 08:57 |
mindstate | someone needs to boot this spanish people | 08:57 |
marx2k | !atheros | 08:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about atheros - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:57 |
fegaru | hi,,, I need some help with a LAN | 08:57 |
mindstate | its iritating | 08:57 |
marx2k | !wifi | 08:58 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 08:58 |
tchize | K3nto: type "mount" and you will see your currently mounted partition, so you'll get an idea what it is :) | 08:58 |
K3nto | ok | 08:58 |
Hotkey | Newb help pls - trying to run 6.10 from CD and get an error message cannot load XServer - fix and restart GDM - but I have no idea what to do!? | 08:58 |
fegaru | please see this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2232158#post2232158 | 08:58 |
sayo | soy lesbiano | 08:58 |
JohnKP | Can anyone help me? | 08:58 |
K3nto | ok | 08:58 |
jrib | !ops | 08:58 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 08:58 |
harveyd | bah i was being dumb | 08:58 |
harveyd | cheers | 08:58 |
Unify | zzz_, what was the commands for unmounting and mounting? I had to edit the fstab file to give write permission on the disks. | 08:58 |
=== chr_ [n=chr@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fegaru | please help me http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2232158#post2232158 | 08:58 |
sayo | soy lesbiano | 08:58 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ | ||
asvilar | yo tengo 14 te e mentido | 08:58 |
Torrey | Is Herd5 coming out today? | 08:58 |
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marx2k | unify: mount, umount | 08:58 |
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posingaspopular | Torrey: yes | 08:58 |
kbrosnan | !help | JohnKP | 08:58 |
ubotu | JohnKP: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 08:58 |
JPMaximilian | JohnKP: yeah I'm not sure, i looked through the forums and didn't see anyting of a similar nature | 08:59 |
marx2k | !herd | 08:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about herd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:59 |
K3nto | that didnt help | 08:59 |
Unify | marx2k, yeah. But i dont remember where he stored the stuff | 08:59 |
JohnKP | it's USB | 08:59 |
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marx2k | Unify, check fstab | 08:59 |
JohnKP | i can get it to recognize it, but the USB light doesn't come on on the modem | 08:59 |
AmaroK_ | Anyone knows how to use Amarok with ftp stored music files? | 08:59 |
tchize | K3nto :) | 08:59 |
JohnKP | it shows up in Device Manager | 08:59 |
merc | fegaru: looks like your router doesnt have the dhcp server enabled. | 08:59 |
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JohnKP | and in lsusb as "westell" | 08:59 |
jussi01 | !fstab | 09:00 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 09:00 |
JohnKP | but it doesn't work | 09:00 |
jvik | good idea marx2k | 09:00 |
tchize | Anyway, could it be what you try to achieve is change the way your 'disks' are shown in some visual tool? | 09:00 |
fegaru | merc, but the others 2 machines got inet | 09:00 |
crdlb | JohnKP, isn't it ethernet too? | 09:00 |
merc | fegaru: they might have just kept their old ips, and had luck | 09:00 |
fegaru | How could the router not work for only one machine? | 09:00 |
JohnKP | crdlb: yes, but i don't have an ethernet card for that computer, nor can i get one atm | 09:00 |
AmaroK_ | Anyone knows how to use Amarok with ftp stored music files? | 09:00 |
harveyd | another small thing, can i make the window items on the taskbar be a fixed size? | 09:00 |
merc | your computer is looking for an ip, and nothing is giving it one, you could try to set it up static, but, dhcp would be more efficient. | 09:00 |
fegaru | merc, I reboot the router some times, and the pcs too.... luck isnt a good answer | 09:00 |
crdlb | harveyd, you can't; I bothers me too | 09:00 |
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marx2k | how can I find out whats update in Herd5? | 09:01 |
crdlb | harveyd, it makes no sense the way it acts | 09:01 |
marx2k | updated | 09:01 |
=== Ademan_ [n=dan@h-67-101-101-187.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
merc | fegaru: can you at least log into your routers configuration, and enable dhcp? | 09:01 |
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apokryphos | !feisty | marx2k | 09:01 |
ubotu | marx2k: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 09:01 |
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jvik | Marx2k; what is the full command if this "/dev/sda5 /media/sda5" is what it says in the fstab ? | 09:01 |
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K3nto | ya 1sec | 09:01 |
harveyd | yeh, its bit wierd that it acts differently than pretty much any windows manager | 09:01 |
JohnKP | any ideas? | 09:01 |
fegaru | merc... since another pc yep | 09:01 |
K3nto | i made a drawing | 09:01 |
fegaru | merc, is enable | 09:01 |
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marx2k | jvik: try 'sudo mount -a' | 09:02 |
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crdlb | JohnKP, I are usb dsl modems even supported by linux? | 09:02 |
AmaroK_ | Need help with AmaroK, it doesnt play music stored on ftp servers | 09:02 |
Hotkey | Help for newb pls - trying to run 6.10 from CD and get an error message cannot load XServer - fix and restart GDM - but I have no idea what to do!? | 09:02 |
merc | hrm.. | 09:02 |
jussi01 | crdlb, some are | 09:02 |
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jvik | marx2k, sudo unmount /media/sda5 -> sudo mount /dev/sda5 /media/sda5 | 09:03 |
jvik | ? | 09:03 |
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merc | fegaru: you're sure everything is plugged in the proper ports etc? | 09:03 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o apokryphos] by apokryphos | ||
marx2k | just try sudo mount -a | 09:03 |
marx2k | it mounts everything in fstab | 09:03 |
jim88 | hi all ... I need help with the kaffeine player ... I am getting an echoing ... is there a setting that the help pages are not tell me about? | 09:03 |
fegaru | merc... yes, I'm sure | 09:03 |
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crdlb | JohnKP, I set up a similar modem for a relative with dapper but I didn't even bother trying the USB | 09:04 |
marx2k | I think its time for me to downgrade to edgy | 09:04 |
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marx2k | feisty is a bit... eh... | 09:04 |
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jvik | marx2k, nothing happend. | 09:04 |
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marx2k | jvik, see if its mounter where its supposed to be now | 09:05 |
apokryphos | marx2k: support in #ubuntu+1 | 09:05 |
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marx2k | err mounted | 09:05 |
JohnKP | so is there anything i can possibly do, or is it hopeless? | 09:05 |
jvik | it was mounted already, but i had to unmount and mount it to get the change to work | 09:05 |
jvik | and i still dont have write permission | 09:05 |
merc | fegaru: this isn't making any sense, if eth0 can see your router at all, it should be getting an ip address assigned from the dhcp server. | 09:05 |
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merc | fegaru: you have more than one ethernet card? | 09:05 |
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marx2k | jvik: chown the directory in media | 09:06 |
dude__ | hello all does any one know the adress for the debian repository? | 09:06 |
fegaru | merc, no | 09:06 |
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K3nto | http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/4673/screenshotsg4.png thats what i want plain and simple :P | 09:06 |
fegaru | merc, its soo rare... exist some way to reconfigure completally the eth0?? | 09:06 |
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jvik | marx2k, sorry. I am very new to linux. Chown is what ? | 09:06 |
marx2k | What is a good partitioning scheme if you want to work with multiple distros | 09:07 |
psusi | jvik: are you mounting a windows partition? did you set uid=yourname on the fstab line? | 09:07 |
marx2k | !chown | 09:07 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 09:07 |
marx2k | grr | 09:07 |
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jvik | im mounting ntfs psusi | 09:07 |
merc | fegaru: dhcp pretty much does that... | 09:07 |
marx2k | !ntfs | 09:07 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 09:07 |
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tchize | k3nto: you probably need to switch to admin mode before renaming it :) | 09:07 |
merc | fegaru: are your other pcs linux? or can you try and make them get a response from dhcp anyway? | 09:08 |
K3nto | you mean im not in admin mode? | 09:08 |
Slart | marx2k: I would guess.. put everything you want to reuse on one partition.. I guess what would be only /home.. the rest on another | 09:08 |
mindstate | windows drives should be mounted automatically | 09:08 |
psusi | jvik: then you need to add the uid=myname to the fstab line so the file son it are owned by you | 09:08 |
khoa | hmm changing over to a static IP makes this computer stop responding to internet requests | 09:08 |
K3nto | !admin | 09:08 |
Slart | marx2k: if you're just going to try different distros out | 09:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about admin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:08 |
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khoa | i dunno how else I can force this desktop to always use the same IP then >< | 09:08 |
mindstate | khoa, then use dynamic | 09:08 |
K3nto | !adminmode | 09:08 |
fegaru | merc, I'm now in the other pc with linux | 09:08 |
yubi | hola | 09:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about adminmode - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:08 |
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tchize | K3nto: unless you explicitly used to switch to admin mode, you are just a user that has the priviliedge to be able to switch to admin mode (aka root) | 09:08 |
merc | fegaru: try the dhclient on that pc, see what happens.. | 09:08 |
tchize | !root | 09:08 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 09:08 |
jvik | psusi; uid=myname myname = replaced with user name or what ? | 09:09 |
tchize | !gksu | 09:09 |
ubotu | If you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using sudo <GUI-application> | 09:09 |
khoa | mindstate: this is the thing though, im behind a router, and everytime i reset this computer it gives it the next available local IP | 09:09 |
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jussi01 | !es | yupi | 09:09 |
ubotu | yupi: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 09:09 |
psusi | jvik: yes | 09:09 |
yubi | necesito una persona que escriba espanol | 09:09 |
jussi01 | !es | yubi | 09:09 |
ubotu | yubi: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 09:09 |
khoa | i would this desktop to always use the same local IP | 09:09 |
marx2k | Slart: but how do the distros keep their directories seperate? (as in, how would they differentiate between /etc, /var, etc?) | 09:09 |
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khoa | ie. | 09:09 |
K3nto | so how do i switch | 09:09 |
crdlb | JohnKP, I can't find anyone on the google who's had success | 09:09 |
khoa | is that possible even? | 09:09 |
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mindstate | khoa, use dynamicdns | 09:09 |
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merc | khoa: there might be a setting on your router, to assign a specific IP based on MAC address. | 09:09 |
psusi | jvik: add that to the comma seperated options list | 09:09 |
tchize | K3nto: you run your filebrowser using gksu | 09:09 |
marx2k | khoa: set it as a static IP | 09:09 |
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kski | how do i change wifi-radar to use ra0 instead of eth1? | 09:09 |
mindstate | khoa, when i change my router to static ip it works fine | 09:09 |
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K3nto | !gksu | 09:10 |
ubotu | If you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using sudo <GUI-application> | 09:10 |
khoa | ok, i mean its a standard linksys router, running newer firmware | 09:10 |
tchize | i think this is evolution, so typing gksu evolution in a console will run file borwser in super user mode | 09:10 |
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yubi | hello you only writen english | 09:10 |
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Slart | marx2k: you set that up in each distroes fstab file.. there you mount, for example, /dev/hda as /home and /dev/hdb as / (root).. you set that differently for each distro.. so distro 2 would use /dev/hda for /home and /dev/hdc for / | 09:10 |
marx2k | khoa" you will have a setting in your router to assign a static IP to a MAC address for your computer | 09:10 |
=== Kilroo [n=Jarentha@cpe-071-076-173-175.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
_Scott__ | !es | yubi | 09:10 |
ubotu | yubi: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 09:10 |
jussi01 | yubi, whats your question? | 09:10 |
khoa | marx2k: ok i'm looking for it now | 09:10 |
jvik | psusi: well, now. How do get the changes to affect ? | 09:10 |
jvik | mount and unmount | 09:10 |
jvik | ? | 09:10 |
marx2k | Slart: is that auto-done by each distro or do I have to set it manually? | 09:11 |
jussi01 | !en > yubi | 09:11 |
mindstate | why are al these spanish people in here | 09:11 |
crdlb | khoa, It may be called static DHCP | 09:11 |
marx2k | khoa: look for network translation section or something along those lines | 09:11 |
JohnKP | crdlb: hmmmm | 09:11 |
marx2k | or what crdlb said | 09:11 |
psusi | jvik: other way around | 09:11 |
NDN | good evening, may i ask you, what does ubuntu-6.10-alternate-amd64.iso stand for and what's the difference between alternate and desktop? | 09:11 |
jussi01 | jvik, sudo mount -a | 09:11 |
Slart | marx2k: I think you can set it at install time.. depending on the distro | 09:11 |
khoa | ok, thank you =D | 09:11 |
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marx2k | Slart: Oh, I was hoping it'd be auto :D | 09:11 |
yubi | hello jussi01 tu escribes espanol | 09:11 |
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K3nto | so how do i go int gksu | 09:11 |
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mindstate | yall need to goto the es channel with that | 09:11 |
Slart | marx2k: it might be automatic for some distros.. you'll have to try it out.. count on doing a lot of reinstalling if you're going to play around with this =) | 09:12 |
jussi01 | yubi, no, I dont speak spanish | 09:12 |
marx2k | hey Slart, you seem to be somewhat knowledgeable on the subject... besides /home, what partitions do you make and how much space do you give each? | 09:12 |
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jussi01 | !es > yubi | 09:12 |
marx2k | like I wuold give a 2 gig swap, 200M /boot, 1G /tmp... | 09:12 |
jvik | psusi can i just paste the fstab file in pastebin and you can take a look at it ? | 09:12 |
marx2k | 2G /, and then the rest to /home | 09:12 |
marx2k | (120G drive) | 09:12 |
khoa | ah doesn't look like linksys supports this, gonna have to use an open-firware | 09:12 |
mindstate | marx2k, put more in / | 09:12 |
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marx2k | do you think that sounds reasonable | 09:12 |
tchize | K3nto: go in a terminal (should be somewhere in your applications) and ther type gksu evolution | 09:12 |
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yubi | hello felipe tu escribes espanol | 09:13 |
marx2k | khoa: Id be very surprised if linksys didnt support it | 09:13 |
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moonlite1 | nick moonlite | 09:13 |
mindstate | marx2k, i would put at least 10 in there with a 120 gig drive | 09:13 |
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marx2k | 10G for /? | 09:13 |
psusi | jvik: sure, or you can just paste that one line here | 09:13 |
jussi01 | marx2k, i agree with mindstate | 09:13 |
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jussi01 | marx2k, sounds bout right | 09:13 |
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marx2k | ok, but the other stuff you guys would leave as-is, right? (as per my specs that I mentioned?) | 09:13 |
mindstate | marx2k, 2 gigs is way too small for a / | 09:13 |
jvik | psusi, http://hashbin.com/2bb.html | 09:13 |
Slart | marx2k: depends very much on what your installation should do.. I'd recommend you put everything in one partition to start with.. install everything and after that you can move the different dirs to other partitions... do a google search on partition hints.. there's lots of info out there | 09:13 |
khoa | marx2k: this is from a forum post in the linksys forums, YOu're correct. The stock Linksys firmware does not support "static DHCP", "reserved DHCP", "reserved leases", "Pre-assigned DHCP", or whatever it's called this week. | 09:13 |
tchize | K3nto: arglll sorry, it's not evolution, it's nautilus :s | 09:13 |
=== Tmi- [n=tommi@kr-lun-9-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tchize | evolution is mail program :s | 09:14 |
=== Gwaihir [n=Gwaihir@ubuntu/member/gwaihir] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LiENUS | wheres /etc/ld.so.conf in ubuntu? | 09:14 |
crdlb | khoa, you could simply assign a static IP | 09:14 |
K3nto | gksu nautilus | 09:14 |
marx2k | khoa: interesting... if youre adventurous, google DD-WRT for 3rd party linksys firmware | 09:14 |
psusi | jvik: looks good | 09:14 |
tchize | yes | 09:14 |
jrib | LiENUS: at /etc/ld.so.conf of course | 09:14 |
khoa | yeah, thats what i'm looking at now | 09:14 |
Slart | marx2k: asking strangers how to partition is like asking what kind of car you should buy.. it depends on what you'll do with it =) | 09:14 |
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crdlb | khoa, as in configure the computer to connect at | 09:14 |
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LiENUS | Jrib i dont have a /etc/ld.so.conf | 09:14 |
jvik | well, psusi.. i still dont have write permission after sudo mount -a | 09:14 |
LiENUS | only a /etc/ld.so.cache | 09:14 |
marx2k | khoa: I should warn you, DD-WRT bricked my router after 2 months of use :D | 09:14 |
jrib | LiENUS: have you installed build-essential? | 09:15 |
LiENUS | jrib, its a server | 09:15 |
marx2k | Slart: just a typical laptop install... nothing intensive or server-like | 09:15 |
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khoa | crdlb: i tried forcing this computer to do that, but when i do, i can connect to the router, but no internet pages will load | 09:15 |
jrib | LiENUS: ok? | 09:15 |
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Scanztz | hi guys. im about to install VMware but i have no clue which 1. VMware Server for Linux, VMware Server Windows client package, or VMware Server Linux client package | 09:15 |
khoa | marx2k: ahh, were u forcing it to run faster or anything? | 09:15 |
LiENUS | so no | 09:15 |
crdlb | khoa, It worked on a linksys wifi-b router I set up | 09:15 |
marx2k | Scanztz, Ive had the best of luck with VMWare Server | 09:15 |
crdlb | w/ ubuntu | 09:15 |
jrib | LiENUS: what I am getting at is, ld isn't installed by default | 09:15 |
fegaru | merc.. see this paste | 09:15 |
fegaru | merc http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8117/ | 09:15 |
Slart | marx2k: then I'd use one partition for /home and one partition for everything else.. that way you can reinstall without loosing your documents and such | 09:15 |
fegaru | merc? | 09:15 |
Lukee | Hey, I have a silly issue with installing Ubuntu in that installation hangs at the step 3/6 and won't go on any further - can anyone help me? | 09:15 |
khoa | crdlb: do i have to change anything in the router settings? | 09:15 |
merc | checking it. | 09:16 |
marx2k | khoa: Not really... I was upping the transmit power for wireless though from 24mW to 89 | 09:16 |
psusi | jvik: of course not... it's ntfs... write is not supported | 09:16 |
fegaru | merc?? are you there? | 09:16 |
merc | fegaru: yes yes | 09:16 |
khoa | marx2k: ah maybe that did it in heh | 09:16 |
marx2k | Slart: Ok... and I also want to make a /boot partition as well, for safety | 09:16 |
marx2k | khoa: possibly... | 09:16 |
crdlb | khoa, I don't think so, but make sure the IP you assign to it is outside the DHCP range | 09:16 |
K3nto | ok im in the root file browser | 09:16 |
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jvik | psusi, is it impossible to have write access with ntfs in linux ? DAMN | 09:16 |
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merc | fegaru: that leads me to believe that you have some cord plugged in somewhere wrong for the other pc..if the pc you just showed me can get a dhcp request.. | 09:16 |
khoa | ah..., the one i assigned was inside the DHCP range | 09:16 |
jim88 | hi all ... I need help with the kaffeine player ... I am getting an echoing ... is there a setting that the help pages are not tell me about? | 09:16 |
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crdlb | khoa, such as | 09:16 |
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khoa | ok trying that now | 09:17 |
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Cdeszaq | Could someone help me activate my network card when booted into Ubuntu from a Live CD? | 09:17 |
jhornick | jvik: im not sure which way they went, but ntfs write support might be enabled by default in feisty | 09:17 |
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psusi | !ntfs | jvik | 09:17 |
ubotu | jvik: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 09:17 |
fegaru | merc, sorry I dont understand | 09:17 |
crdlb | Cdeszaq, wireless or wired? | 09:17 |
Scanztz | marx2k: Im getting server, but which 1 -http://register.vmware.com/content/download.html | 09:17 |
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merc | fegaru: are all these computers on the same router? | 09:17 |
Slart | marx2k: yes.. that might be wise.. you have to balance ease of setup/maintining vs security/stability | 09:17 |
fegaru | merc, you say is a fisical problem? | 09:17 |
Cdeszaq | crdlb: wired | 09:17 |
psusi | !ntfs-3g | jvik | 09:17 |
ubotu | jvik: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 09:17 |
fegaru | merc yes | 09:17 |
jvik | chill | 09:17 |
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Cdeszaq | crdlb: PCI card | 09:17 |
merc | fegaru: yeah, i think it is a physical problem. | 09:17 |
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crdlb | Cdeszaq, open a terminal and run lspci, then pastebin the output | 09:17 |
heavensrevenge | hello | 09:17 |
merc | fegaru: either you have some cat5 cable plugged into some funky port on the router, or maybe you grabbed a crossover cable on accident or something? | 09:18 |
heavensrevenge | is it ok to update in a rolling way herd to herd?? | 09:18 |
jvik | well then. Lets try it out | 09:18 |
heavensrevenge | without too much risk? | 09:18 |
Slart | marx2k: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Partition/ | 09:18 |
fegaru | not... | 09:18 |
heavensrevenge | since im tired of windoze and im ready to convert, lol | 09:18 |
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fegaru | its the same cable we used always | 09:18 |
crdlb | heavensrevenge, It's always risky to upgrade to the alpha version | 09:18 |
Lukee | Can anyone help me with my installation issue? (installation hangs at the step 3/6 and won't go on any further) pls? :) | 09:18 |
=== Aladin_ [n=lars@dslb-084-058-062-062.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fegaru | merc, I think I going to probe with a live cd | 09:19 |
crdlb | Lukee, what is step 3? | 09:19 |
Cdeszaq | crdlb: pastebin is impossible...no internet connection...I am on a different pc right now | 09:19 |
=== SeanTater_2 [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
K3nto | tchize: now what | 09:19 |
heavensrevenge | any is it amazingly risky to keep dist-upgrading? | 09:19 |
eck | heavensrevenge: i'm using it right now, and it's still pretty buggy | 09:19 |
merc | fegaru: good idea! if it doesnt work with a live cd, then it has to be physical :) | 09:19 |
crdlb | Cdeszaq, lol sorry | 09:19 |
heavensrevenge | from herd to her | 09:19 |
Cdeszaq | crdlb: But there is an ethernet device detected...realtek | 09:19 |
fegaru | merc, to be sure the cable is fine | 09:19 |
eck | i dist-upgraded two weeks ago or so, but in the past i've done it and broken things | 09:19 |
crdlb | Cdeszaq, realtek should be supported | 09:19 |
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fegaru | merc... ok cya later | 09:19 |
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khoa | crdlb: nope, again didn't work | 09:19 |
merc | fegaru: good luck | 09:20 |
heavensrevenge | lol, its cant be as bad as my xp install right now | 09:20 |
heavensrevenge | lmao | 09:20 |
Scanztz | hey, can any1 ever tell me which install file i must download for VMware server??? http://register.vmware.com/content/download.html | 09:20 |
fegaru | merc, thanks | 09:20 |
khoa | crdlb: IRC just started lagging out, no web pages would load | 09:20 |
merc | fegaru: no problem. | 09:20 |
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heavensrevenge | broken programs galore, from uninstalling a damn spyware removal tool | 09:20 |
khoa | not sure if maybe have to restart the router after i do that maybe? | 09:20 |
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K3nto | need help switching to admin mode so i can tell ubuntu whos boss | 09:20 |
jhornick | scant: http://download3.vmware.com/software/vmserver/VMware-server-1.0.2-39867.tar.gz | 09:20 |
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heavensrevenge | i dont need wireless and im not using a laptop | 09:21 |
ljlolel | okay, question about this borked apt-situation .... I am trying to uninstall two programs (firestarter and hplip)... but I can't because " subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2" and now I can't do *anything* with apt! | 09:21 |
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Cdeszaq | crdlb: I know, but it doesn't work | 09:21 |
heloo | is ubuntu considiered a debian? | 09:21 |
=== aSt3raL [n=eric@71-35-121-20.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slart | K3nto: admin mode? sudo su doesn't do it for you? | 09:21 |
heavensrevenge | ubuntu is a child of debian | 09:21 |
merc | heloo: yep | 09:21 |
ljlolel | heloo, ubuntu is based on debian | 09:21 |
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K3nto | sudo su? | 09:21 |
crdlb | khoa, I have ssh access to the computer I set up like you did, hopely the linksys setup works with links | 09:21 |
ljlolel | sudo -s | 09:21 |
K3nto | !sudo su | 09:21 |
Slart | K3nto: you know about sudo? | 09:21 |
ljlolel | i believe is the prefered way | 09:21 |
ubotu | sudo: Provide limited super user privileges to specific users. In component main, is important. Version 1.6.8p12-4ubuntu5 (edgy), package size 161 kB, installed size 396 kB | 09:21 |
K3nto | nope | 09:21 |
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ljlolel | sudo -s will log commands | 09:21 |
eck | heavensrevenge: i thinks its contingent on the apt repositories being in a sort of stable state when you dist-upgrade, that is probably the case because they just went into feature freeze | 09:21 |
crdlb | khoa, as in I'll check | 09:21 |
Lukee | Can anyone pls help me with my installation issue? (installation hangs at the step 3/6 and won't go on any further) | 09:21 |
avayl | is anyone familiar with this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/install.exe/Prototype | 09:21 |
K3nto | yeah i dont want limits | 09:21 |
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K3nto | im the administrato | 09:22 |
khoa | crdlb: oh ok thanks | 09:22 |
ljlolel | avayl, yes, it kind of works some times | 09:22 |
ljlolel | ymmv | 09:22 |
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ljlolel | it can't hurt your system | 09:22 |
Scanztz | VMware is HUGE!! | 09:22 |
khoa | crdlb: i mean the router is pretty much just setup with standard settings, using DHCP, and has a DHCP limit of 50 users | 09:22 |
heavensrevenge | lovely, so fiesty just entered a freeze?? | 09:22 |
Slart | K3nto: then use another distro.. slackware? or debian will let you do as you want.. ubuntu is a little more "nice" to new users.. | 09:22 |
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fegaru | merc | 09:22 |
khoa | but 192.168.200 should still be fine for a static | 09:22 |
heavensrevenge | and all that will enter the install base will be patches??:D | 09:22 |
merc | fegaru: sup? | 09:22 |
fegaru | merc... was a physicall problem :P | 09:23 |
K3nto | no i want to stick with ubuntu | 09:23 |
rryan | After rearranging some drives, I appear to have 0% swap usage all the time. My /proc/swaps lists the correct partition on for the swap file, and I updated my fstab to have the right partition listed as the swap, yet it still doesn't seem to get any use now. | 09:23 |
Slart | K3nto: but if you don't even know about sudo perhaps you should play with being root to much.. you run with scissors bad things are going to happen ;) | 09:23 |
jvik | psusi, im acually sitting here and thinking about formatting 500gb of vidz, mp3s and games to make it linux partition. | 09:23 |
rryan | Any idea why this happened? | 09:23 |
merc | fegaru: hehe, you figure it out? | 09:23 |
avayl | ljlolel, do you know if it creates a true dual boot or is it kind of like vmware? the issue is when i tried installing ubuntu before it did not work correctly. grub detected it fine, but it would not load afterwards | 09:23 |
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fegaru | merc, bad cable... | 09:23 |
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Slart | oops.. K3nto: shouldn't... shouldn't !!! | 09:23 |
fegaru | merc. sorry all mistakes | 09:23 |
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crdlb | khoa, | 09:23 |
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ljlolel | it's dual boot | 09:23 |
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fegaru | merc thanks for your patient | 09:23 |
eck | something like that | 09:23 |
merc | fegaru: damn, that sucks, nah, no problem, that's what i do, networks are fun like that :) | 09:23 |
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avayl | ljlolel, so then theoretically i will have the same problem | 09:24 |
ljlolel | it will use the windows boot loader, which will boot into grub4dos | 09:24 |
eck | but i think all the packages are still built with debugging symbols and whatnot turned on | 09:24 |
khoa | err yeah | 09:24 |
khoa | sorry, that is what i had | 09:24 |
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Slart | K3nto: but try using sudo for now.. when you run into the limitations you can come back and try to sort that out | 09:24 |
ljlolel | so it could work | 09:24 |
=== slippyr4 [n=slippyr4@i-83-67-214-25.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aScolO | Can anyone help with an installation issue? It keeps hanging at step 3/6 and won't go on any further - can anyone help me pls? | 09:24 |
avayl | but if it doesn't can it hurt my system? how easy is it to remove the dual boot? | 09:24 |
Slart | K3nto: personally.. I don't even know what the limitations are.. never run into any so far | 09:24 |
fegaru | merc... thanks you | 09:24 |
sha0lin | anyone know why i cant find the incoming folder for amule? | 09:24 |
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merc | fegaru: no problemo :) | 09:24 |
sharperguy | is there a way to do somhing like alias that sticks around after a reboot? | 09:25 |
ljlolel | avayl, it takes a little knowledge to remove the dual boot (editing a config file) | 09:25 |
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ljlolel | but it can't hurt your system | 09:25 |
avayl | sha0lin, should be ./incoming or something similiar | 09:25 |
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ljlolel | worse comes to worse, every boot you have to choose windows | 09:25 |
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merc | sharperguy: i think you can stick aliases in .bashrc or something similar iirc | 09:25 |
sha0lin | should be in home/shaolin/.amule/incoming | 09:25 |
utaho | how can the windows boot loader be configured to launch linux ? | 09:25 |
avayl | ljlolel, thanks. i guess ill stick with M$ for now | 09:25 |
crdlb | khoa, try disabling the dhcp server in the router temporarily | 09:25 |
sha0lin | but there is no .amule folder there | 09:25 |
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl352.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ljlolel | avayl, hmm, I recommend trying it out | 09:26 |
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rick48j | Hi, can anyone help this newbie? What is reiser? A file system like FAT or NFTS? | 09:26 |
avayl | weird | 09:26 |
sharperguy | utaho, not sure, but it would have to point to a linux bootloader on a different parition | 09:26 |
merc | sharperguy: yeah, just stick something like: alias c="clear" in .bashrc :) | 09:26 |
slippyr4 | rick48j yes | 09:26 |
ljlolel | avayl, it's completely safe | 09:26 |
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ljlolel | and if it doesn't work now, once it is realeased, it will | 09:26 |
sharperguy | merc, ok cheers | 09:26 |
psusi | rick48j: yes, reiserfs is a filesystem | 09:26 |
K3nto | Slart: what im looking for : http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/4673/screenshotsg4.png | 09:26 |
=== SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
heloo | what does ubuntu have that centos does not have? | 09:26 |
jhornick | rick: yes they are filesystems | 09:26 |
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Lukz | Hi, I can't seem to install Ubuntu properly - I've tried a number of different Live CD's but each time it keeps getting stuck on step 3/6 of installation. Can anyone pls help me?? | 09:26 |
ljlolel | avayl, and you can install over it | 09:26 |
psusi | rick48j: Reiser proper is the name of the guy who made it | 09:26 |
slippyr4 | heloo: brown. | 09:26 |
eck | heloo: newer packages | 09:26 |
eck | that is it | 09:26 |
avayl | ljlolel, what happened when i did the dual boot before was that linux would not boot at all | 09:26 |
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rick48j | slippyr4: What is it's advantage? | 09:26 |
khoa | crdlb: yeah but thats not a valid option, b/c i do need DHCP for other computers | 09:27 |
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ljlolel | Lukz, be more specific . nobody here memorizes what step 3 of 6 is | 09:27 |
avayl | ljlolel, it got stuck at a command linw | 09:27 |
Slart | K3nto: eh.. you want a cross over your local disk? or you don't want it to show up there? | 09:27 |
slippyr4 | its a journalling filesystem, and a reasonably efficient one at that | 09:27 |
eck | centos is a snapshot of what was stable like 18 months ago | 09:27 |
ljlolel | avayl, any reason? | 09:27 |
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utaho | I've read somewhere that the windows bootloader can be used to lauch linux | 09:27 |
crdlb | khoa, just to try if it works | 09:27 |
_Scott__ | Lukz, what is step 3? | 09:27 |
K3nto | i want to rename it | 09:27 |
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heloo | how often does debian need update? | 09:27 |
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crdlb | khoa, it would be diagnostically useful | 09:27 |
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Lukz | Step 3 is where it's asking you to choose the keyboard layout | 09:27 |
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slippyr4 | rick48j http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReiserFS | 09:27 |
merc | khoa: can you set the dhcp range anyway? like say from, then just use those above and below that range for static ips/ | 09:27 |
eck | heloo: whenever there is a security problem that affects you | 09:27 |
avayl | ljlolel, i don't know but my coworkers are hard-core linux guys and they couldnt figure it out... i will pm you link in a second, maybe you can make heads over tails | 09:27 |
Lukz | I select British and click Forward and then it hangs and doesn't do anything | 09:27 |
ljlolel | avayl, because of grub or what? -- you should just try, it would make sense if wireless didn't work as in my case -- but linux can boot on anything | 09:27 |
eck | same as any other distro | 09:27 |
Slart | K3nto: hmm.. I'll have a look... hold on | 09:28 |
K3nto | ok ty | 09:28 |
rick48j | I want to start doing back ups of my systems and the references from gparted point reiser files. | 09:28 |
=== archville [n=archvill@59.Red-83-57-103.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jhornick | this channel moves to fast | 09:28 |
ljlolel | avayl, in that case nevermind, I'm sure your coworkers know more than I | 09:28 |
heloo | is ubuntu like fedora? where you update faster than a monkey? | 09:28 |
poningru | !clit | 09:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about clit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:28 |
avayl | ljlolel, it wasn't a grub issue. grub worked fine. it was a linux issue. i googled the problem and they were all different and didn't have a real solution | 09:28 |
poningru | gaah | 09:28 |
eck | heloo: not as fast as fedora, but pretty close | 09:28 |
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poningru | I added that like a wile ago | 09:28 |
merc | heloo: exactly how fast do monkeys update anyway? | 09:28 |
javiolo | where do I config the menus of a non root account ? | 09:28 |
jhornick | heloo: ubuntu does releases about every 6 months backporting all security updates as needed. | 09:28 |
slippyr4 | rick48j: what do you mean "point reiser files" | 09:28 |
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ljlolel | is there a way to change my keyboard to dvorak from the command line? on the fly | 09:29 |
eck | the major difference between fedora and ubuntu is that ubuntu will only do security and bug fixes after a release, fedora will continue to do version upgrades throughout a stable release | 09:29 |
khoa | well there's an option that allows you to set the number of allowed dhcp users | 09:29 |
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rick48j | slippry4: Wrong terminology, sorry! It has references to reiser in the forum I checked out and the screenshots for reiser had rereferences to reiser in them. | 09:30 |
sha0lin | where do i find applications in the filesystem? | 09:30 |
eck | rick48j: i would just use ext3 (the default filesystem | 09:30 |
crdlb | khoa, my (actually the one I sshd to) is set to 50 | 09:30 |
khoa | yeah same here | 09:30 |
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khoa | so thats .1-.150 right | 09:30 |
eck | unless you have extenuating circumstances, the filesystem speed won't be an issue for you, and ext3 is better maintained and has better filesystem recovery tools | 09:30 |
Slart | K3nto: I'm not sure about this.. those names don't really exist anywhere else but in nautilus.. you might get better answers asking in #gnome or #nautilus | 09:31 |
slippyr4 | rick48j: you can most probably use whatever filesystem you like. reiser is a good choice for linux though. i prefer it to ext2 or ext3 | 09:31 |
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jhornick | shaolin: they are usually found automatically via the PATH varible | 09:31 |
rick48j | Thanks, eck, that was going to be my next question: advantage of using reiser. | 09:31 |
K3nto | okty | 09:31 |
Slart | K3nto: I don't think it's a permission problem.. probably they just didn't think anyone would want to rename them =) | 09:31 |
crdlb | khoa, I believe so | 09:31 |
Lukz | ljlolel: Step 3 is where it's asking you to choose the keyboard layout | 09:31 |
sha0lin | path variable is that terminal? i'm trying to get firefox to use a program automatically for a file type | 09:31 |
eck | reiserfs is not properly maintained in the kernel right now, so it doesn't get a whole lot in the way of bug fixes | 09:31 |
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jhornick | shaolin: if you want to quickly find things I could recommend installing the slocate package when creates a small db so that you can $ locate filename | 09:31 |
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ljlolel | so i have to restart X | 09:31 |
khoa | crdlb: and just checking with my other settings, for gateway, u use whatever is listed in the "Default Gateway" section under status right? | 09:31 |
Slart | K3nto: I think those shortcuts are created when nautilus is started.. there might be some setting somewhere.. but I don't know where | 09:32 |
crdlb | khoa, yes | 09:32 |
Lukz | _Scott__: Step 3 is where it's asking you to choose the keyboard layout | 09:32 |
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crdlb | but everything under it is disabled | 09:32 |
khoa | hmm i dunno then | 09:32 |
ljlolel | Luk0r, that's weird, I don't know what could cause a freeze there | 09:32 |
avayl | ljlolel, check pm | 09:32 |
rick48j | slippry4: I tried to read through the website for reiser and gparted, but they are technically challenging to me! lol I'll check out the wicki, tho, thanks. | 09:32 |
khoa | ah i have stuff in DNS1 and DNS2 and MTU | 09:32 |
colbert | I have a MS Wireless Intellimouse Explorer 2.0, I am trying to get the 2 thumb buttons to work, can someone please help me?? | 09:32 |
slippyr4 | eck: saying that you imply that reiser isn't well supported, which really isn't the case. | 09:33 |
Lukz | ljlolel: It just won't move on past that screen - I can cancel it and start again, but the same thing happens. | 09:33 |
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merc | colbert: i dont recall exactly how to do it, but its a simple edit of the xorg.conf file, there's some examples on the forums that im sure would be easy to find. | 09:33 |
eck | slippyr4: none of the mainstream kernel developers support it, and namesys has one rotating junior staff member working on it. it's sort of up to namesys to support it, and they spend all their time on reiser4, afaict | 09:33 |
K3nto | hmm | 09:34 |
crdlb | khoa, what is the subnet mask? | 09:34 |
_Scott__ | Lukz: I can't think of a reason why it would freeze there | 09:34 |
khoa | | 09:34 |
rick48j | I'm just a home user, so I don't do a lot of "heavy" computing stuff. I just want to protecty my system from the occasional crashes and my stupidity when I experiment with Linux commands and such. LOL | 09:34 |
ghatak | Hi, i cant get my monitor to 70hz, i want resolution of 1600x1200@70hz, i know it works as i have used it before, but my xorg.conf wont work. please advise. http://pastebin.ca/377508 | 09:34 |
=== Hiram [n=hiram@535333C6.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
K3nto | funny how linux gives you a buttload of new freedomes | 09:34 |
crdlb | khoa, same here | 09:34 |
K3nto | except the ability to rename | 09:34 |
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javiolo | how can I set the menus apparence for a specific user ? also the apps that he can run ? | 09:34 |
eck | slippyr4: this is why suse has decided to stop shipping it by default | 09:34 |
khoa | yeah... i dunno why this static IP isn't working | 09:34 |
Cdeszaq | How do I add an ethernet device if it isn't automaticaly detected? | 09:34 |
jhornick | k3nto: rename what? | 09:34 |
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K3nto | http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/4673/screenshotsg4.png | 09:34 |
K3nto | hd | 09:34 |
crdlb | khoa, and the device ip is | 09:34 |
Lukz | _Scott__: What should I do about it then? Do you think if I tried installing a different version of Ubuntu it would work? I've managed to install Xubuntu successfully. | 09:34 |
khoa | yep | 09:35 |
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jhornick | lol | 09:35 |
slippyr4 | eck: no, suse stopped cos reiser murdered his wife | 09:35 |
jhornick | I've never tried to do that | 09:35 |
jhornick | I like it being just / | 09:35 |
slippyr4 | eck: linspire and slackware use it by default last time i checked | 09:35 |
picosam | hello everyone... I'm currently running the Ubuntu Edge live CD and I was about to install it on my PowerBook G4 | 09:35 |
crdlb | khoa, check for a firmware update from linksys | 09:35 |
eck | slippyr4: http://linux.wordpress.com/2006/09/27/suse-102-ditching-reiserfs-as-it-default-fs/ | 09:35 |
ljlolel | allegedly | 09:35 |
eck | slippyr4: this decision was made before hans was arrested | 09:35 |
colbert | merc: I have tried a few guides, none have worked.. a few got my scroll wheel to switch between pages in Firefox, and now my scroll wheel button pulls back to rotate cube in Beryl, but that's it | 09:35 |
K3nto | mine comes up as "filesystem" | 09:35 |
Slart | K3nto: I don't think they sat down and said "well.. should the filthy mob be allowed to rename this? nooooo.. that's to good for them".. they probably just didn't implement it.. and did something else useful instead.. but as always.. you're free to patch the source ;) | 09:35 |
picosam | but I noticed that the display drivers aren't exactly functioning correctly... it was the same with 6.06 but I thought it might have been fixed | 09:35 |
khoa | i think i'm just going to use DD-WRT | 09:35 |
khoa | then it supports all this stuff anyways | 09:35 |
khoa | on the router side | 09:35 |
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sha0lin | anyone know why i can't see my other Hard drives? they are NTFS | 09:36 |
K3nto | i know nothing about that stuff | 09:36 |
K3nto | but you make a good point | 09:36 |
Slart | freedom doesn't mean someone else has done all the work so you can do everything you ever dreamt of | 09:36 |
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picosam | it's very difficult to explain what's wrong... it's like the refresh rate is not set correctly... but my PowerBook has an LCD, so there isn't really a refresh rate | 09:36 |
Slart | unfortunately.. =) | 09:36 |
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picosam | is there anybody that can guide me to somewhere/thing that might have information about installing Ubuntu on PowerBooks, all the stuff that I've found online seems to be outdated | 09:37 |
merc | colbert: i assume you've tried the top result on google? http://dorward.me.uk/linux/mouse/ | 09:37 |
khoa | crdlb: i dunno whats causing it... oh well, been meaning to try DD-WRT anyways, thanks for your time though =D | 09:37 |
crdlb | khoa check /etc/network/interfaces | 09:37 |
K3nto | o well i guess it can stay as filesystem | 09:37 |
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K3nto | at least it tells me the size now | 09:37 |
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khoa | crdlb: what am i looking for? | 09:37 |
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crdlb | khoa, check that the gateway is set to the router's ip | 09:37 |
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Slart | K3nto: there are other file system browsers out there.. perhaps one of them might be more to your liking | 09:38 |
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khoa | yep | 09:38 |
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Kosssu | Hello, I got a small problem with my wireless connection, I don't seem to be able to connect to my AP while having wired connection (got 2 ISPs). Seems it wont assign a local ip for the connection, is there anyway to fix this? | 09:38 |
crdlb | khoa, and it says iface eth0 inet static | 09:38 |
K3nto | no i like this one | 09:38 |
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sha0lin | anyone know why i can't see my other Hard drives? they are NTFS | 09:38 |
Trelard | are there major changes in 6.1 from 6.06? | 09:38 |
K3nto | all i really wanted was a tiny cosmetic change | 09:38 |
colbert | merc: I used the ones linked to from the forums, not that one, I will try it now thanks | 09:38 |
khoa | says auto right now | 09:38 |
K3nto | not a big deal | 09:38 |
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khoa | but maybe thats b/c i have it set to automatic in my netowrk | 09:38 |
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slippyr4 | sha0lin: define "can't see my other hard drives" | 09:38 |
merc | colbert: here's another, seems maybe more simple: http://silentbits.com/2005/01/30/microsoft-intellimouse-explorer-in-linux/ | 09:38 |
khoa | 1 sec let me change it and see what happens | 09:38 |
khoa | :q | 09:39 |
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Lukz | _Scott__: Do u have any thoughts on what may help? | 09:39 |
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Trelard | gonna see if 6.06 works on my system bbecause 6.1 won't load and after the splash screen i get the Black Screen Of Death | 09:39 |
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K3nto | can i move files from one partition to another? | 09:39 |
cyris | hey everyone. i wanna start using this guide to build an ldap server to store some address information (later passwords as well) but does anyone know how much adapting im going to have to do if i wanna use windows address book rather then mozilla thunderbirds address book ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=271629 | 09:39 |
sha0lin | i go to places.. computer and see floppy 1, floppy drive, cdrw/dvd+r drive and filesystem | 09:39 |
khoa | crdlb: nope no luck | 09:40 |
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crdlb | khoa, it should look like this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8119/ | 09:40 |
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jhornick | sha0lin: that is normal, the filesystem is based like a tree starting at / (root) your other drives might have been mounted under /media | 09:40 |
K3nto | !movepartition | 09:40 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about movepartition - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:41 |
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sha0lin | i see the same in there too | 09:41 |
khoa | same except my gateway looks a lot different than yours | 09:41 |
eck | cyris: if the applications you want to use it with can access ldap, you are fine | 09:41 |
argonel | i want to move from amd64 to i386.. is it just as simple as a dist-upgrade? | 09:41 |
eck | if it needs AD, it will be a lot of work for you | 09:41 |
sha0lin | cdrom, cdrom0, floppy, floppy0 | 09:41 |
crdlb | khoa what does it say? | 09:41 |
Scanztz | Hey, how can i use Wine to open files not in windows, if say i dont have windows | 09:41 |
cyris | eck: alright was just checking. | 09:41 |
Scanztz | but i have a exe file in my desktp | 09:41 |
khoa | crdlb: | 09:41 |
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crdlb | khoa, change that to | 09:42 |
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khoa | where at? | 09:42 |
r4nge | is it possible to set up a cron job that logs into a website as if a user was browsing it | 09:42 |
crdlb | khoa change the gateway line to "gateway" | 09:42 |
khoa | u can't change it from there | 09:42 |
r4nge | a site that requires a login/pass through a cgi form | 09:42 |
Slart | r4nge: perhaps with wget? | 09:42 |
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eck | r4nge: of course, but you will have to know some web programming | 09:43 |
crdlb | khoa, why not? | 09:43 |
Slart | r4nge: Im just guessing.. never tried it.. but sounds like a job for wget | 09:43 |
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khoa | crdlb: thats just in the status screen, its like printing it out | 09:43 |
khoa | crdlb: not an editable field | 09:43 |
sha0lin | jhornick, any ideas? | 09:43 |
Scanztz | Hey, how can i use Wine to open windows files that reside in my linux directory??????? | 09:43 |
khoa | crdlb: is there actually place to edit it at? | 09:43 |
K3nto | ok i understand. im not the administrator. | 09:43 |
K3nto | thats why i have to type in my passowrd all the time | 09:44 |
r4nge | i'm new to this but i was thinking if i could capture what is sent when i input the l/p and click login that would get me started | 09:44 |
dkbg | I've got a line in my startup programs which runs a shell script, "sh /path/to/script.sh", and now a terminal window opens when I log in | 09:44 |
crdlb | khoa 'sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces' | 09:44 |
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eck | r4nge: i'm not sure how complicated what you want to do is, but it is probably a job for perl or python | 09:44 |
K3nto | right? | 09:44 |
Scanztz | !wine | 09:44 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 09:44 |
K3nto | !administrator | 09:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about administrator - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:44 |
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dkbg | I assume the terminal opening is a side effect of running the script, because it didn't happen before, so how can I suppress it? | 09:44 |
r4nge | it doesnt seem that complicated it's just i ahve never done it before :) | 09:45 |
colbert | "then you have to create file /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/mouse" <-- What is the command to create it ? | 09:45 |
r4nge | i'll look into perl | 09:45 |
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Scanztz | Hey. If i install something intended for Kubuntu, will it work with my Ubuntu?????? (Amarok) | 09:45 |
K3nto | does everyone else have to type their passowrd when getting updates? | 09:45 |
eck | Scanztz: it will be fine | 09:45 |
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javiolo | Scanztz amarok will work | 09:45 |
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flake | after I install apache2, should I set up a separate group and user for that application? | 09:46 |
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Scanztz | yay | 09:46 |
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eck | flake: if you installed from apt, it will already do that | 09:46 |
HymnToLife | K3nto, yes, that's the whole point | 09:46 |
crdlb | K3nto, yes | 09:46 |
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eck | if you start up apache it will run as www-data, i think | 09:46 |
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JPMaximilian | will FLAC 1.1.4 be included in Feisty? | 09:46 |
K3nto | i see | 09:46 |
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K3nto | ok as long as its not just me | 09:47 |
r4nge | like if i wanted to setup a cronjob to automatically send a search request to google | 09:47 |
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crdlb | r4nge, use wget or curl | 09:47 |
klimraamkosie | K3b is to Kubuntu as ???? is to Ubuntu? | 09:47 |
eck | JPMaximilian: feisty is using 1.1.2 right now, but i'm sure you can compile a later version without much difficulty | 09:47 |
crdlb | klimraamkosie, brassero maybe | 09:47 |
sha0lin | jhornick, any ideas? | 09:47 |
flake | I don't see that user in the list or before my home directory, is it an assumed user? | 09:47 |
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JPMaximilian | eck: um, i don' t know how to do that | 09:48 |
crdlb | klimraamkosie, also serpentine and the built-in nautilius burner | 09:48 |
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eck | flake: grep www-data /etc/passwd | 09:48 |
JPMaximilian | eck: and why wouldn't one go with the latest version? | 09:48 |
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klimraamkosie | thanks crdlb i'll look into those :) | 09:48 |
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colbert | merc: "then you have to create file /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/mouse" <-- What is the command to create it ? | 09:49 |
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jhornick | sha0lin: sorry I missed the replu last time, so your floppy and cdrom are showing up, but other (partitions or physical drives) are not? | 09:49 |
flake | eck: www-data:x:33:33:www-data:/var/www:/bin/sh | 09:49 |
kaoru | crdlb: it works =D , other name just lagged out hehe | 09:49 |
eck | JPMaximilian: all of the packages need to be frozen for a while, and the maintainer probably has other packages to take care of | 09:49 |
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eck | flake: so then it is a user on your system | 09:49 |
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sha0lin | jhornick, exactly that | 09:50 |
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zukero | hi, i'm having recurrent freezes on my computer under edgy eft. I found this in syslog : "kernel BUG at mm/rmap.c:560!" | 09:50 |
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flake | k thanks | 09:50 |
JPMaximilian | eck: what do you mean they need to be frozen for a while? i understand there is a freeze between distros, but why not update flac with Feisty? | 09:50 |
zukero | each times beafore a freeze | 09:50 |
NewbieUser00001 | Yay it works | 09:50 |
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Ademan_ | are there any open source programs to edit mod music files?(*.xm *.s3m *.umx *.it etc) | 09:50 |
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eck | JPMaximilian: it could be the case that 1.1.2 -> 1.1.4 is just minor bug fixes that have been folded into the version in feisty already without upgrading the version number, i'm not sure | 09:50 |
jhornick | shaolin: do you have other partitions or other physicial drives, or both? | 09:51 |
deb_user | whoops, i tried installing gaim .deb packages for edgy on dapper, and now gaim is broken | 09:51 |
deb_user | any suggestions as what to do? | 09:51 |
colbert | Please someone help, what is the command in terminal to create this file: "etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/mouse | 09:51 |
JPMaximilian | eck: ok, thanks | 09:51 |
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Trelard | looks like the cause of the Black Screen issue has been found and is beinbg worked on for the Fiesty release | 09:51 |
Ademan_ | deb_user: uninstall them? | 09:51 |
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jhornick | deb_user: apt-get remove gaim && apt-get install gaim | 09:51 |
deb_user | ademan: then it wants to uninstall gnome-desktop too | 09:51 |
Trelard | the problem is the ATI driver can cause the machine to lock up on AGP-based systems | 09:51 |
eck | JPMaximilian: if you need that particular version, and whatever is in feisty doesn't have what you need, you will probably have to compile it though | 09:51 |
Ademan_ | deb_user: ouch, gnome-desktop is a meta-package though. removing it shouldn't do anything | 09:52 |
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eck | normally though a change in the last digit does not represent a feature change | 09:52 |
Slart | colbert: what's supposed to be in that file? if it's a text file then ""editor /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/mouse" will work.. you might have to put a sudo in front of it | 09:52 |
sha0lin | i have 3 other hard drives. all one partition. formatted as NTFS. one of them is a sata drive on a pci card, and i had problems with that the last time i installed 6.06. but i could see the others. at the moment i cant see anything | 09:52 |
deb_user | jhornick: doesn't matter if gnome-desktop gets removed in the process? | 09:52 |
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jhornick | deb_user: I can't remember if that is a dummy package or not | 09:53 |
Slart | deb_user: gnome-desktop is just a meta-package.. | 09:53 |
deb_user | ok | 09:53 |
jhornick | sha0lin: 1 minute | 09:53 |
merc | colbert: just open that file with your text editor of choice, then save it, it will be created. | 09:53 |
klimraamkosie | crdlb: I can't find brassero and serpentine seems like only audio, and nautilus isn't listed (serpentine comes up when i search for it) | 09:53 |
colbert | Slart: http://silentbits.com/2005/01/30/microsoft-intellimouse-explorer-in-linux/ at the top is what I am trying to do | 09:53 |
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Ademan_ | deb_user: also as soon as you re-install the correct version of gaim you should be able to re-install gnome-desktop | 09:53 |
deb_user | anybody know how to get gaim guifications working on dapper? | 09:53 |
Ademan_ | (if you actually care) | 09:53 |
Slart | colbert: looking at the website.. be back | 09:54 |
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Ademan_ | i wouldn't care though, it just depends on a bunch of crap so you can install all of GNOME with a single package | 09:54 |
deb_user | that was the reason why I got into this mess in the first place | 09:54 |
colbert | But it says "Unexpected error: File not found" when I click Save in gedit | 09:54 |
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artir | news about herd 5? | 09:54 |
crdlb | klimraamkosie, brasero sorry | 09:54 |
Slart | colbert: how do you start gedit? you might want to try "gksudo gedit" using the console instead | 09:55 |
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maple1 | Colbert said that? | 09:55 |
maple1 | on the colbert report? | 09:55 |
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walkover | hey everybody! Im trying to add a user on my system and i only want him to be able to do anything in his own home dir and NOTHING else. I found out how to add the user and add him to a group, but if l log in as him i can still make directory listings of other users home dirs. Does anyone know how to restrict the user completely to his own home dir ? | 09:55 |
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jhornick | shaolin: could you pastebin a "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda" for me? | 09:55 |
eck | walkover: there are a couple of ways, the easiest is to change the permissions on all the files in the other user's home directories | 09:56 |
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Ademan_ | deb_user: i know it doesn't help you, but what's a gaim guification? i'm curious :-) | 09:56 |
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colbert | Slart: I tried that, same error | 09:56 |
eck | walkover: e.g. chmod -R o-r /home/some_other_user | 09:56 |
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b0b | edit their permission value | 09:56 |
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troppix | hello............. | 09:56 |
colbert | Slart: I am getting this when I do sudo gedit: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8121/ | 09:56 |
deb_user | ademan_: toaster pop-up plugins for gaim | 09:57 |
walkover | hm | 09:57 |
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walkover | i dont think that will prevent him from listing the directory | 09:57 |
deb_user | ademan_: pretty cool, but more eye-candy/added features than anything super useful | 09:57 |
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Ademan_ | deb_user: ah, i hated those with aol aim :-p but to each his own | 09:57 |
sha0lin | jhornick, Disk /dev/sda: 200.0 GB, 200048565760 bytes | 09:57 |
sha0lin | 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 24321 cylinders | 09:57 |
sha0lin | Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes | 09:57 |
sha0lin | Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System | 09:57 |
sha0lin | /dev/sda1 1 24321 195358401 c W95 FAT32 (LBA) | 09:57 |
erUSUL | walkover: the other users should lock their dirs with chmod afaics | 09:57 |
Slart | colbert: are all the directories there? that walk through is almost 2 years old.. things might have changed.... have you tried just editing the stuff in xorg.conf? that worked for my logitech mouse | 09:57 |
erUSUL | !paste > sha0lin | 09:57 |
eck | walkover: what are the permissions on the other directory? | 09:57 |
jhornick | that's not pastebin | 09:57 |
bjohnson | what cli command allows me to find out which packages are installed? | 09:57 |
nalioth | !tell sha0lin about paste | 09:57 |
walkover | but ill try to see what i can do with it | 09:57 |
walkover | sec | 09:57 |
sha0lin | i know now... sorry | 09:58 |
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_Scott__ | !pastebin | sha0lin | 09:58 |
ubotu | sha0lin: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:58 |
Slart | colbert: oh.. you remember that linux is case sensitive.. x11 isn't the same as X11 | 09:58 |
_Scott__ | use a | instead of a > | 09:58 |
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walkover | drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 8192 2007-02-05 15:29 sbin | 09:58 |
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walkover | example | 09:58 |
nalioth | bjohnson: this may help>> http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2003/09/msg00152.html | 09:58 |
Jvik | What the heck was the command for setting start-up programs? gnome- something | 09:59 |
eck | sha0lin: so the last r-x pair indicates that anyone at all can read the directory | 09:59 |
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eck | err, that is to walkover | 09:59 |
crdlb | walkover, I think you need to chmod the whole filesystem | 09:59 |
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eck | crdlb: no, then the user cannot read /usr and others | 09:59 |
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walkover | chmod it all to root exept my home dir | 09:59 |
crdlb | walkover, you cannot restrict access to the entire computer | 09:59 |
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walkover | would that be safe? | 09:59 |
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jhornick | chmodding the whole thing can be bad, usually they need things like /bin to do stuff at all | 09:59 |
crdlb | eck, I just realized that | 09:59 |
MrRio_ | walkover, don't chmod all your files | 09:59 |
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Slart | colbert: check this post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=184644 it's for an older version of ubuntu but I think it will work | 09:59 |
MrRio_ | walkover, nasties will happen | 09:59 |
eck | walkover: if you need to do something really restrictive, you can put the user in a chroot jail | 10:00 |
klimraamkosie | crdlb: thanks :) | 10:00 |
Jvik | What the heck was the command for setting start-up programs? gnome- something | 10:00 |
eck | walkover: but that will be more complicated | 10:00 |
Torrey | A few questions on the next release: Is there an ETA on when Herd5 will be released today? Should I just go ahead and install Herd4 and then upgrade? Is the upgrade from an installed Herd4 to Herd5 easy to do without needing a new CD to be burned? | 10:00 |
crdlb | walkover, you can only restrict access to the home dirs | 10:00 |
marek | hello | 10:00 |
walkover | ok | 10:00 |
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crdlb | Jvik, gnome-session-properties | 10:00 |
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walkover | i guess ill have to live with that | 10:00 |
swilliamson | i just installed 6.06 lts server, it auto detected one of my ethernet ports, however I have 5 more I need to configure, how do I get it to identify the additional eth's? I ran lspci and see the ports listed | 10:00 |
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colbert | Slart: I just browsed and I have up to /etc/X11 but xinitrc.d isn't there, just a file called xinitrc | 10:00 |
bjohnson | nalioth: thanks | 10:00 |
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colbert | I will check that link now u posted | 10:00 |
Jvik | thank you :) i'll have to write that down.. Always forget those commands i seldom use | 10:00 |
walkover | thanks guys | 10:00 |
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maple1 | colbert, are you stephen colbert? | 10:01 |
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Scanztz | If i run a program in Wine, should all other windows be closed? | 10:01 |
Aladin_ | how can i check if ubuntu use the nx-bit (aka XD-bit)? | 10:01 |
bronze | maple1: :-) | 10:01 |
flake | if I put something in apache2.conf file, does that override my 000-default file, like AllowOveride None | 10:01 |
ompaul | Scanztz, no | 10:01 |
jhornick | scant: its irrelevant | 10:01 |
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dorbeck | Scantz, any luck recovering your XP partition? | 10:02 |
Slart | colbert: read the webpage again.. it's /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/mouse and I said use "gksudo gedit" not "sudo gedit" | 10:02 |
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psusi | swilliamson: what do you mean "get it to identify"? | 10:02 |
jhornick | flake: the overrides are for things like .htaccess files, the apache2.conf is for global settings, and the 000-default etc are per host settings | 10:02 |
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Scanztz | coz when i try open something, the screen goes blank and then everything comes back and no program :( | 10:03 |
colbert | maple1: lol, of couse not | 10:03 |
colbert | *course | 10:03 |
Scanztz | dorbek: im over ttha | 10:03 |
jhornick | scanztz: what are you trying to open? | 10:03 |
Scanztz | iTunes :) | 10:03 |
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colbert | Slart: I just edited xorg.conf, must I reboot now to take effect ?? | 10:03 |
jhornick | havnt tried it, but why? | 10:03 |
psusi | itunes is the devil ;) | 10:03 |
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Scanztz | plz tell me there is a reason it isnt working? | 10:04 |
crdlb | Scanztz, try something simple like utorrent | 10:04 |
Slart | colbert: nope.. just restart X but pressing ctrl+alt+backspace.. it will kill any x programs running (irc for example) and restart X | 10:04 |
colbert | ok | 10:04 |
swilliamson | psusi i need to know that ubuntu see's the cards, during install it setup eth0 and lo but is it as simple as creating a entry for it in the networking file for eth1 eth2 etc | 10:04 |
crdlb | Scanztz, notepad would be even better | 10:04 |
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Scanztz | where can i download it? | 10:05 |
jhornick | what version of wine are you using? wine --version | 10:05 |
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Trelard | ANYONE GETTING BLACK SCREEN WITH 6.X:try turning off AGP fastwrite and setting AGP too 4X instead of 8X.. it just fixed my issue | 10:05 |
psusi | swilliamson: well said it sees them in lspci | 10:05 |
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crdlb | Scanztz, utorrent.com | 10:05 |
Scanztz | 0.9.31 | 10:05 |
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jhornick | well here's the wine page on itunes: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=5774 | 10:07 |
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Scanztz | jhornick: wow, thanx for the effort of finding that | 10:10 |
Scanztz | utorrent works | 10:10 |
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jhornick | I know, first google hit | 10:10 |
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jhornick | to bad its nothing good | 10:10 |
crdlb | Scanztz, why do you want to run itunes? | 10:11 |
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dorbeck | he's just kidding | 10:11 |
Scanztz | lol | 10:11 |
Scanztz | no | 10:11 |
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Scanztz | i just want anything to play MP3s | 10:12 |
cyris | anyone know of an application for windows thats like luma ? | 10:12 |
Scanztz | help? | 10:12 |
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psusi | he's actually an escaped mental patient? ;) | 10:12 |
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jhornick | I've been fond of amarok since I've tried it | 10:12 |
h3h_timo | hey guys, i was just wondering if anyone has ever experimented with speeding up the bootup process for dual core machines??? | 10:12 |
mike__ | okay when ubuntu boots up, just before i get a login: prompt it Switchs the console font something else, hardly readable... How do i disable this "Feature" | 10:12 |
Scanztz | i cant install it | 10:12 |
Scanztz | hold on | 10:12 |
=== psusi has allways used xmms... it's like winamp... it really whips the lamma's ass | ||
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crdlb | psusi, have you tried audacious | 10:13 |
jhornick | yeah, xmms didn't have all the features of winamp well though. missed the library support | 10:13 |
psusi | crdlb: nope | 10:13 |
h3h_timo | jhornick, have you ever tried exaile? | 10:13 |
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psusi | library support? | 10:13 |
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jhornick | no I havnt, I heard about it after I tried amarok so I didn't get around to trying it, I guess ill install now though | 10:13 |
psusi | you mean like the way itunes, windows media, and all those evil eveil programs work? they must have added that retardedness after aol bought it | 10:14 |
h3h_timo | jhornick, its pretty nice, basically a clone of amarok, except gtk based | 10:14 |
h3h_timo | it loads pretty quick | 10:14 |
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Scanztz | guys, what is 'adept' | 10:14 |
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K3nto | how do i find out which kernel i have | 10:15 |
K3nto | im trying to update my video drivers | 10:15 |
jhornick | uname -a works well enough | 10:15 |
bjarne | :K3nto uname -r | 10:15 |
AoD | hello to all. i have some university knowledge on software development and i would like to participate in an open source project... could u give me some sites(like developer.gnome.com) just to start over? | 10:15 |
mike__ | okay when ubuntu boots up, just before i get a login: prompt it Switchs the console font to something else, hardly readable... How do i disable this "Feature" | 10:15 |
Stuartmax | any one know how to use the live cd on a pentium D ?..hangs on the boot screen | 10:15 |
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psusi | AoD: how about sourceforge? | 10:15 |
K3nto | | 10:15 |
h3h_timo | K3nto, type "uname -r" into a terminal | 10:15 |
K3nto | sound about right? | 10:16 |
psusi | AoD: or gnu.org | 10:16 |
gravemind | Question: if I'm using 2.6.17-10-generic, will the linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-11-generic package mess up my computer? I want to download the new restricted modules package to see if it fixes the sound issues my computer has with -11, but I won't get it if it messes up the computer | 10:16 |
bjarne | K2nto: yep that sounds right | 10:16 |
ikonia | gravemind: they are the same base version, but its nice to keep them in sync | 10:16 |
psusi | gravemind: it wont be used unless you install the matching kernel | 10:17 |
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psusi | err.... nevermind... yea... doesnt look at the part after the - | 10:17 |
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h3h_timo | !tell | 10:17 |
erUSUL | gravemind: what makes you think that this modules will fix your sound issues? | 10:17 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tell - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:17 |
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Casey__ | does anyone know how to make there own theme in ubuntu? | 10:17 |
AoD | psusi: ty ill give it a look | 10:18 |
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gravemind | psusi: thanks. Just wanted to make sure that it wouldn't overwrite the -10 modules package | 10:18 |
crdlb | Casey__, application theme or window border theme? | 10:18 |
MFen | has anyone had problems compiling the vmware tools on ubuntu feisty? | 10:18 |
psusi | ohh, nevermin | 10:18 |
psusi | it DOES look at the full version | 10:18 |
mike__ | okay when ubuntu boots up, just before i get a login: prompt it Switchs the console font to something else, hardly readable... How do i disable this "Feature" | 10:18 |
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gravemind | erUSUL: might as well try. I installed custom sound drivers, but when the kernel upgraded, they didn't carry over, and I don't know how to get it working so I'm stuck with the old kernel | 10:19 |
psusi | gravemind: no... they go in their own versioned directory in /lib/modules, but only the ones that match your kernel are used | 10:19 |
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gravemind | psusi: cool, thanks. | 10:19 |
h3h_timo | Casey__, http://developer.gnome.org/doc/tutorials/metacity/metacity-themes.html check out that link | 10:19 |
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gravemind | erUSUL: is there an easy way to find out what's going wrong and/or fix it? | 10:21 |
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walkover | found out what to do "chmod o-rwx <directory>" | 10:21 |
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h3h_timo | !feisty | 10:21 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 10:21 |
colbert | Slart: I ran into a problem, Ubuntu X server failed and said something about the Device "configured mouse" being wrong in the xorg.conf, and it boots into terminal but it can't open display to gedit.. I'm in Vista now, I think the only way is to mount Ubuntu drive in here and edit the xorg.conf, how can I do it ?? | 10:21 |
poi | Hi, I need to print serveral photos (31) on one page with filenames. With Gnome-photo I can prrint the pictures but not the filename. do you know another similar program? | 10:21 |
K3nto | so sudo su is like im a regular joe with all the priveleges and the password for the admin? | 10:21 |
erUSUL | gravemind: when you upgrade kernels you have to reinstall/recompile all 3th party drivers you may have instaled | 10:22 |
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MFen | specifically i'm having this problem: /tmp/vmware-config0/vmxnet-only/vmxnet.c: In function vmxnet_netpoll: | 10:22 |
MFen | /tmp/vmware-config0/vmxnet-only/vmxnet.c:1058: error: too many arguments to function vmxnet_interrupt | 10:22 |
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ompaul | K3nto, bad way to do it >>sudo -i << if you really need to be root | 10:22 |
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Slart | colbert: ouch.. I have no idea if Vista can mount ext3 or reiserFS partitions.. last version of windos I used was win2k | 10:22 |
erUSUL | gravemind: it is a pain in the a** but is how it works. so you have to reinstall those "custom sound drivers" again | 10:22 |
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K3nto | as long as i have all the permissions od admin, im fine | 10:23 |
gravemind | erUSUL: too bad they don't carry over. If I reinstall them on -11, that doesn't affect the -10 setup at all, right? | 10:23 |
K3nto | of | 10:23 |
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colbert | Slart: I have XP set up too, would it work better from there ?? | 10:23 |
erUSUL | gravemind: afaik there are no sound drivers in the restricted modules | 10:23 |
colbert | crazy how one stupid line in the file messes it all up lol | 10:23 |
erUSUL | gravemind: it should not | 10:23 |
grimsan | I cant get UBUNTU to get an ip. Im using xp as os and then running vmware | 10:23 |
Slart | colbert: I would guess you'd have to get some third party drivers.. I'm would be very surprised if microsoft included drivers for other file systems than their own | 10:23 |
Jvik | Someone got a guide to how you install ssh? :) | 10:23 |
yubi | hello i need people that spekear spanish | 10:23 |
Scanztz | !adept | 10:23 |
ubotu | adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto | 10:23 |
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colbert | Slart: Can I mount my Ubuntu drive in XP ? | 10:24 |
ompaul | K3nto, ehh no - you do something to the wrong program and you can break stuff - if you need to run an admin gui program the easy way is "gksu programname" | 10:24 |
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Slart | colbert: xp isn't much better..I _know_ xp can't mount ext3/reiserfs.. with Vista I'm just not sure | 10:24 |
gravemind | gravemind: I was trying to install the sound drivers in 32 bit linux, but it wouldn't install the same way it did on 64, probably because I missed a step somewhere. | 10:24 |
erUSUL | gravemind: drivers (modules in linux) get instaled in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ so they are isolated | 10:24 |
dellolinux | d | 10:24 |
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dorbeck | Ubotu: ttha | 10:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ttha - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:24 |
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ST47 | can I use synaptic to upgrade to ubuntu from a different ddistro | 10:24 |
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psusi | Slart: there is an ext3 driver for xp availible | 10:24 |
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legz | !amarok | 10:24 |
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ubotu | Amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.5 for Edgy and packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok | 10:24 |
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Jvik | Anyone got a howto on installing SSH server? | 10:25 |
Slart | psusi: yes.. I know.. although I can't remember what it's called or where I got it from.. | 10:25 |
jhornick | !exiale | 10:25 |
colbert | Slart: Dang, then how can go about editing the xorg.conf since I can't get into Gnome? Is there some other option in GRUB or something ?? There must be a way ? | 10:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about exiale - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:25 |
gravemind | erUSUL: do modules install differently on different kernels, or should they work the same? | 10:25 |
Scanztz | is all that is required to install amarok is to type 'sudo apt-get install amarok'?? | 10:25 |
psusi | Jvik: sudo apt-get install sshd ;) | 10:25 |
jo3_ | apt-get install sshd | 10:25 |
russ | Jvik: apt-get install sshd | 10:25 |
jo3_ | heheh | 10:25 |
Jvik | yeah | 10:25 |
Jvik | got the point | 10:25 |
Slart | colbert: you can always just type "sudo editor /etc/X11/xorg.conf" that will give you a text mode editor | 10:25 |
Jvik | :p | 10:25 |
^Ocean^ | How can i change the default console font. | 10:25 |
erUSUL | gravemind: they shoul work the same | 10:25 |
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Cdeszaq | When I attempt to install Ubuntu, why can the installer not see any of my two Ethernet devices? | 10:25 |
Scanztz | is all that is required to install amarok is to type 'sudo apt-get install amarok'?? | 10:25 |
Jvik | heh | 10:25 |
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jo3_ | just make sure to edit the sshd.conf to you liking. | 10:25 |
colbert | Slart: Will give 'er a go, brb | 10:25 |
gravemind | erUSUL: ok I'll give it another shot | 10:25 |
ompaul | Jvik, actuall =--- sudo apt-get install openssh-server | 10:26 |
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Jvik | thank you. the others were wrong | 10:26 |
Scanztz | is all that is required to install amarok is to type 'sudo apt-get install amarok'?? | 10:26 |
ompaul | Jvik, I install it on boxes at least once a week :) | 10:26 |
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psusi | Cdeszaq: because they aren't supported in linux? what makes you think it doesn't see them though? | 10:26 |
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K3nto | wow | 10:26 |
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Jvik | ompaul, now its installed. How the heck do i run it ? | 10:26 |
Slart | Scanztz: yes.. isn't the debian family great ? =) | 10:26 |
Jvik | and configure ? | 10:27 |
K3nto | in thzt short length of time where i left and came back, i restarted ubuntu | 10:27 |
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=== IndyGunFreak [n=ken@user-0cdv00n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
K3nto | windows just got pwned | 10:27 |
MFen | does anyone *successfully* run vmware as a guest in ubuntu feisty? | 10:27 |
PriceChild | Is there anyone in this channel experiencing a broken evolution after upgrades today? | 10:27 |
Scanztz | i like my family more | 10:27 |
ompaul | Jvik, it is running - debian concept - if you installed it you must want it to run | 10:27 |
MFen | err, feisty as a guest in vmware, sorry | 10:27 |
Scanztz | then wat | 10:27 |
jo3_ | Jvik to start it.. sudo /etc/init.d/sshd start | 10:27 |
Slart | Scanztz: then you haven't tried beryl yet. .;) | 10:27 |
Scanztz | do i update/upgrade??? | 10:27 |
Jvik | and how to configure ? | 10:27 |
psusi | Jvik: it's already running with a default config.. you might want to edit that though | 10:27 |
Cdeszaq | psusi: In the installer, it says no network devices found...and I know that one of them is supported because it was working in dapper-server eddition | 10:27 |
Scanztz | i plan to | 10:27 |
Jvik | where is the config ? | 10:27 |
Scanztz | but dont i need Nvidia? | 10:27 |
jo3_ | edit /etc/sshd.conf (i think thats the dir) | 10:27 |
MFen | i'm not interested in ubuntu as a host, i want to keep it as a guest, but since the upgrade i can't get it to work and i just want to know whether anyone else has it working (ubuntu feisty as a guest in vmware) | 10:28 |
ompaul | Jvik, what do you want to make it do? | 10:28 |
Jvik | change password | 10:28 |
Jvik | =p | 10:28 |
mikexstudios | How do I find all files within a folder and subdirectories that were modified on a certain date (ie. Jan 20th)? | 10:28 |
Jvik | ls -la | 10:28 |
Slart | Scanztz: yes.. it's easier with nvidia at the moment.. ATI's drivers are... upsetting the mental health of many linux users at the moment | 10:28 |
Jvik | ops! | 10:28 |
=== harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-152-1-15-89.w82-122.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Scanztz | how do i install the Nvida | 10:28 |
Scanztz | ? | 10:28 |
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flake | Scanztz - have you looked at envy ? | 10:29 |
K3nto | ok so i updated my nvidia drives | 10:29 |
Slart | Scanztz: first you get a nvidia card.. then you get drivers from the nvidia site.. | 10:29 |
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K3nto | where do i go to get my nvidia option | 10:29 |
K3nto | s | 10:29 |
jo3_ | the main change (and this is my opinon) is to set allow root access to no.. and change the port number if you want. | 10:29 |
psusi | Jvik: change your password? why? | 10:29 |
Scanztz | flake: wat is envy? | 10:29 |
gravemind | question: I tripleboot XP, edgy 32, and edgy 64, but when I did grub-install or some such command, edgy 32 got removed from menu.lst. How can I get it back? | 10:29 |
erUSUL | Slart: ATI's drivers are... upsetting the mental health of many linux users at the moment <<<<< XXXXDDDD | 10:29 |
Jvik | what is default password, psusi ? | 10:29 |
flake | if you have an nvidia card, is an easy way to load the driver | 10:29 |
jo3_ | envy is a script to install nvidia drivers | 10:29 |
^Ocean^ | How can i change the default console font, it seems to automaticaly change just after boot up, too a font that is hardly readable on my monitor | 10:29 |
grimsan | I cant get UBUNTU to get an ip. Im using xp as os and then running vmware. Anyone dare to help me with this ? | 10:29 |
jo3_ | ati also (i think) | 10:29 |
Cdeszaq | Scanztz: I have gotten beryl working very will with ATI and the open source drivers. It is more dependant on what card you have | 10:29 |
psusi | Jvik: whatever you set your password to when you installed ubuntu | 10:29 |
IndyGunFreak | !nvidia | 10:30 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:30 |
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Jvik | aha! i see :) | 10:30 |
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rem_ | mikex -> try ls -lR | grep 2007-01-20 ... | 10:30 |
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robbie_crash | grimsan: does ubuntu recognize your network adapters? | 10:30 |
jhornick | grimsan: pastebin ifconfig -a | 10:30 |
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riaal | evening all | 10:31 |
dyrne | grimsan: nat'd or what is setup for the network card in vmware? you might paste the output of "sudo ifconfig eth0 up; sudo ifconfig dhclient eth0" | 10:31 |
=== cables [n=cables@65-78-17-151.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jvik | worked VERY well.. thank you, psusi :) | 10:31 |
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dyrne | !paste | grimsan | 10:31 |
ubotu | grimsan: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 10:31 |
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Audacity\lvthn | Any one here tryed Steam ( counter-strike ) onto ubuntu? | 10:31 |
MFen | never mind, i'm pretty sure this is the solution: http://www.vmware.com/community/thread.jspa?messageID=556834 | 10:31 |
cables | Have there been any problems with today's restricted-modules update? | 10:32 |
grimsan | i dont now how to copy text in vmware :| | 10:32 |
gravemind | I want to put ubuntu 32 back on my menu.lst for grub. can I just copy everything and change the kernel name and partition name and it will work, or is it more complicated | 10:32 |
robbie_crash | Is there a program, or a rhythmbox plugin, that will allow me to update my ipod with smart playlists? | 10:32 |
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riaal | I just installed vista and to be honest i hate it. I have a ubuntu laptop and im seriously considering installing in on my main to. how do you ppl do whit things like ipod/itunes and wow? please | 10:32 |
yomm | Any reason why unrarring on Edgy using unrar 3.60 seems kinda slow compared to my windows computer ? | 10:32 |
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john64 | Audacity\lvthn: it is reported as working in WineHQ www.winehq.com | 10:32 |
jo3_ | Audacity\lvthn: nope, but i read where it works with cedega | 10:32 |
Innatech | can anyone offer advice on whether to install WINE from Ubuntu's Universe repository, or go with the newer .deb from the wine.budgetdedicated.com repository (as the WINE project itself suggests)? | 10:32 |
Scanztz | I have a intell onboard card | 10:32 |
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john64 | i always use the budgetdedicated ones | 10:32 |
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mikimaxia | join #carbonia | 10:33 |
Jvik | Is automatrix a recommended program ? | 10:33 |
Innatech | Heh. WINE's homepage is announcing WOW support. I was just there. | 10:33 |
john64 | they are the official builds | 10:33 |
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robbie_crash | riaal: apparently wow installs and runs decently through wine and the ipod thing is something I'm trying to figure out too | 10:33 |
riaal | please ppl, what to do whit my ipod if I go ubuntu on my main computer? | 10:33 |
erUSUL | Innatech: the newer versions work great for me | 10:33 |
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Innatech | Thanks, John. | 10:33 |
cables | Jvik, no. Very unrecommended. | 10:33 |
jhornick | wow would run before | 10:33 |
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Jvik | Ok. Thanks :) | 10:33 |
cables | !ipod | riaal | 10:33 |
ubotu | riaal: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod | 10:33 |
gravemind | !automaticx | 10:33 |
cables | Jvik, it can break things. | 10:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about automaticx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:33 |
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Scanztz | will beryl work with an onboard card??? | 10:33 |
cables | !automatix | Jvik | 10:33 |
ubotu | Jvik: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 10:33 |
robbie_crash | !rockbox | 10:33 |
ubotu | rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for MP3 players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started! | 10:33 |
mikexstudios | rem_: thanks. That works...mostly. Is there a way to get 'ls' to print out the full path of the file? | 10:33 |
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jhornick | scant: yes it does | 10:33 |
gravemind | lol can't spell things today | 10:33 |
riaal | cables: so its possible? | 10:33 |
john64 | automatix and easyubuntu are evil | 10:33 |
Innatech | Thanks, erUSUL. | 10:33 |
john64 | don't use them | 10:33 |
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Jvik | :) Heh. Good to know | 10:34 |
BENN92647 | WOOO! | 10:34 |
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colbert | Slart: Well that worked, I'm back in Ubuntu fine, but no change in the mouse buttons :( :( | 10:34 |
grimsan | how do i copy text in consol mode? | 10:34 |
eliran | confidential | 10:34 |
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K3nto | !nvidia | 10:34 |
jo3_ | just right click, its copied | 10:34 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:34 |
K3nto | did that | 10:34 |
lvthn | Any one here tryed Steam ( counter-strike ) onto ubuntu? | 10:34 |
K3nto | !nvidia options | 10:34 |
BENN92647 | im baaack but in the less speedy but best for the needy 32 bit version | 10:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nvidia options - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:34 |
grimsan | its not copied | 10:34 |
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Jvik | !steam | 10:34 |
ubotu | Steam can be found at: http://www.steampowered.com/ | 10:34 |
K3nto | !anything | 10:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about anything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:35 |
Scanztz | GUYS! amarok wont read my mp3s!!!!! | 10:35 |
Jvik | !Steam on ubuntu | 10:35 |
cables | !ipod | riaal | 10:35 |
ubotu | steam: Environment for cooperative knowledge management. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.12-1 (edgy), package size 539 kB, installed size 3040 kB | 10:35 |
ubotu | riaal: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod | 10:35 |
Scanztz | how do i get mp3 support? | 10:35 |
K3nto | no you dont... | 10:35 |
jo3_ | highlight and right click did not copy? hmm works for me | 10:35 |
cables | !mp3 | Scanztz | 10:35 |
ubotu | Scanztz: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 10:35 |
riaal | before I get rid of vista. Is it possible to play wow whit ubuntu? is it possible to use something like itunes? | 10:35 |
erUSUL | !mp3 > Scanztz | 10:35 |
jhornick | scanztz: 1 second ill check | 10:35 |
K3nto | xmms is ok | 10:35 |
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K3nto | !xmms | 10:35 |
Jvik | does steam work on ubuntu ? experience in here ? | 10:35 |
ubotu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 10:35 |
crdlb | riaal, amarok is very similar to itunes | 10:35 |
robbie_crash | riaal: wow will run under wine | 10:35 |
lvthn | thats what I want to know too kvik :O | 10:35 |
cables | riaal, there's similar stuff to iTunes. You can play with Ubuntu on the LiveCD. | 10:35 |
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riaal | great =) | 10:35 |
gravemind | when will flac in amarok be fixed? is it being fixed | 10:35 |
Cdeszaq | !network | 10:36 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 10:36 |
riaal | whats "wine"? | 10:36 |
BENN92647 | go here and look under the first half of the guide it shows how to install easy ubuntu which loads the current set of generic Nvidia drivers:http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy | 10:36 |
robbie_crash | riaal: there were just a few links given to the channel about itunes | 10:36 |
comradec | where does ubuntu store the xinitrc | 10:36 |
cables | riaal, and you can also dual-boot if you want to keep Windows around. | 10:36 |
Cdeszaq | !ethernet | 10:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ethernet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:36 |
K3nto | anybody know where i can find nvidia settings? | 10:36 |
cables | !wine | riaal | 10:36 |
ubotu | riaal: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 10:36 |
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K3nto | !anything | 10:36 |
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Cdeszaq | !Ethernet | 10:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about anything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:36 |
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Scanztz | !jesus | 10:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about jesus - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:36 |
K3nto | hahaha | 10:36 |
Scanztz | damn | 10:36 |
robbie_crash | !how_to_please_my_partner | 10:36 |
BENN92647 | guess ubotu is in a bad mood | 10:36 |
Cdeszaq | !Ethernet | 10:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ethernet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:36 |
jo3_ | anyone tried sabayon linux?? | 10:37 |
Scanztz | !who_is_my_real_father | 10:37 |
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robbie_crash | !how-to-please-my-partner | 10:37 |
crdlb | Cdeszaq, I don't think he knows | 10:37 |
lvthn | !steam | 10:37 |
ubotu | Steam can be found at: http://www.steampowered.com/ | 10:37 |
Cdeszaq | dang | 10:37 |
BENN92647 | the best pace to start is really on your own go to http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy and spend a few hours in it, by the time your done you'll be set | 10:37 |
Jvik | How do i run steam on ubuntu ? | 10:37 |
lvthn | i | 10:37 |
robbie_crash | !being-helpful | 10:37 |
Jvik | forget it http://cslinux.hacka.net/<- | 10:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about being-helpful - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:37 |
riaal | where do I download the latest version of ubuntu? | 10:37 |
lvthn | I guess with cedega | 10:37 |
Scanztz | put ur laptop in the shower | 10:37 |
lvthn | but io dont know if its stable | 10:37 |
BENN92647 | LMAO! | 10:37 |
crdlb | riaal, ubuntu.com | 10:37 |
Scanztz | damn bot | 10:37 |
gravemind | !lmao | 10:37 |
jhornick | scant: the packages might be libxine-extracodecs and libxine1 | 10:37 |
riaal | crdlb, cheers | 10:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lmao - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:37 |
BENN92647 | YAY! hi gravemind | 10:38 |
jo3_ | !cedega | 10:38 |
ubotu | cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega | 10:38 |
gravemind | BENN92647: hey | 10:38 |
Scanztz | djhornick: o i tick them in the synaptic thing??? | 10:38 |
riaal | thanks everyone, see you all when im running ubuntu on both computers =) | 10:38 |
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cables | !msgthebot | jo3_ | 10:38 |
Jvik | lets install wine! | 10:38 |
ubotu | jo3_: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 10:38 |
BENN92647 | i did it, I switched to the 32 bit version but its still hanging on the flash 9 install | 10:38 |
K3nto | anybody know where i can find | 10:38 |
K3nto | nvidia settings | 10:38 |
jo3_ | whos abusing? | 10:38 |
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gravemind | BENN92647: hmm, what procedure are you using to install? | 10:38 |
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BENN92647 | the one from wiki_edgy guide | 10:39 |
=== Frjan [n=aleksand@BSN-165-124-150.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
grimsan | i could send someone a snapshot of my vmware screen, but i cant use pastebin | 10:39 |
grimsan | if someone wanna help me | 10:39 |
Jvik | !cedega | 10:39 |
ubotu | cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega | 10:39 |
jhornick | scantztz: if you want to, or you can sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs libxine1 | 10:39 |
cables | jo3_, you're not abusing it per se, but getting Ubotu to answer your questions in a busy channel like this is sorta annoying... just /join #ubuntu-bots or /msg ubotu factoid | 10:39 |
BENN92647 | i did the easy unbuntu and it seemed to go alright but then firefox shows no flashplayer | 10:39 |
=== phretor [n=user@host86-168-dynamic.2-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jo3_ | i was just doing it for Jvik... | 10:39 |
BENN92647 | and i show no firefox folder in USR | 10:39 |
jo3_ | sooo000ry | 10:39 |
crdlb | BENN92647, /usr/lib/firefox/ | 10:40 |
Scanztz | jhornick | 10:40 |
jhornick | benn: last I checked the flash9 plugin can install itself from within firefox when you visit a flash page | 10:40 |
Scanztz | none worked | 10:40 |
BENN92647 | whats the repository for the flashplayer | 10:40 |
jhornick | did it say they couldn't be found? | 10:40 |
BENN92647 | it did that part | 10:40 |
Scanztz | basically | 10:40 |
BENN92647 | no thats the wierd part it installed it just fine | 10:40 |
gravemind | BENN92647: I'm not sure. Could you give me the link to the wiki? | 10:40 |
Marsmensch | welches paket muss man fr kde installieren | 10:40 |
gravemind | lets ask ubotu | 10:41 |
BENN92647 | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy | 10:41 |
Marsmensch | desktop-kubuntu? | 10:41 |
gravemind | !flash | 10:41 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 10:41 |
jhornick | stupid multiverse | 10:41 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 10:41 |
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crdlb | Marsmensch, kubuntu-desktop | 10:41 |
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BENN92647 | oh cool | 10:41 |
=== nn-rtop [n=nn-rtop@pool-70-110-174-237.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BENN92647 | cant i type!flash in terminal? | 10:41 |
gravemind | BENN92647: open snaptic, go to repositories, and add backports | 10:41 |
kumelk | someone know why colors doesnt work on xchat using ubuntu ? | 10:41 |
BENN92647 | ok | 10:42 |
crdlb | kumelk, are they enabled in the prefs | 10:42 |
grimsan | I cant get UBUNTU to get an ip. Im using xp as os and then running vmware. Anyone dare to help me with this ? | 10:42 |
kumelk | belive so crdlb | 10:42 |
=== GrimWald [n=Telepath@acces1042.res.insa-lyon.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Scanztz | jhornik: now what, i relly want mp3 now | 10:42 |
BENN92647 | wher edo i look for backports | 10:42 |
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cables | grimsan, that sounds like a VMware problem, not an Ubuntu problem. You can check here, but also ask in #vmware | 10:42 |
K3nto | !temperature | 10:42 |
BENN92647 | *where are backports | 10:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about temperature - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:42 |
kumelk | but there is no on / off option for it crdlb | 10:42 |
K3nto | damn | 10:42 |
jhornick | do you have the universe repositories enabled? | 10:42 |
jo3_ | grimsan: are your interfaces up and set to get ip via dhcp? | 10:42 |
Marsmensch | crdlb: i tryed to find it on a fresh istalled comando line ubuntu system, doesn't work | 10:42 |
gravemind | BENN92647: settings>repositories>internet updates | 10:43 |
cables | K3nto, you want to monitor cpu temp? | 10:43 |
crdlb | kumelk, settings -> preferences | 10:43 |
gravemind | !backports | 10:43 |
ubotu | If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports | 10:43 |
Scanztz | jhornik: where and who | 10:43 |
grimsan | i dont know jo3_ | 10:43 |
Scanztz | how* | 10:43 |
grimsan | im n00b :> | 10:43 |
dyrne | grimsan: do you know if youre nat'd or have doing a direct connection in vmware? | 10:43 |
BENN92647 | cool enabvled the back ports then did reload | 10:43 |
crdlb | kumelk, then interface -> text box -> colored nick names | 10:43 |
jhornick | /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:43 |
grimsan | im not nat'd | 10:43 |
grimsan | that i know | 10:43 |
Jvik | cant find any deb file for cedega | 10:43 |
kumelk | thats crossed out crlb | 10:44 |
gravemind | BENN92647: ok, search for flash | 10:44 |
kumelk | but color on the nicknames works | 10:44 |
kumelk | just normal text | 10:44 |
kumelk | that doesnt work | 10:44 |
BENN92647 | ok its not in firefox plugin list yet | 10:44 |
cables | K3nto, are you trying to get something to monitor your cpu temperature? I just got back here, so if you've said something before, i haven't seen it. | 10:44 |
Scanztz | jhornik: bash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied | 10:44 |
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dyrne | grimsan: maybe you should try setting it to nat :) | 10:44 |
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crdlb | kumelk, I don't think the text can be colored | 10:44 |
BENN92647 | how do i do that its sudo something right | 10:44 |
grimsan | why ? | 10:44 |
gravemind | BENN92647: the package you want is right in synaptic I think | 10:45 |
kumelk | ofc it can crdlb | 10:45 |
cables | BENN92647, did you actually install flash after enabling backports? If it's already installed, go to update manager. | 10:45 |
jhornick | sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list uncomment the other repositories | 10:45 |
gravemind | BENN92647: look for libflash-mozplugin | 10:45 |
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BENN92647 | ok | 10:45 |
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kumelk | had it before | 10:45 |
allan__ | hey, i was wondering how do you install php and mysql? i installed a myriad of related packages, but php scripts still wont run. do i need to install apache too? | 10:45 |
crdlb | Marsmensch, apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 10:45 |
kumelk | on ubuntu too crdlb | 10:45 |
cables | BENN92647, it's flashplugin-nonfree actually | 10:45 |
mr_hus | Hi. In what file exactly is the configuration saying that the apache root should be /var/www??? | 10:45 |
jo3_ | grimsan: try /sbin/ifup | 10:45 |
BENN92647 | once again you show that you are the master gravemind | 10:45 |
Marsmensch | crdlb abt-cache search kubuntu-desktop doens't find anything | 10:46 |
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IndyGunFreak | BENN92647: did you finally give up and end up with 32bit? | 10:46 |
grimsan | doesnt work jo3_ | 10:46 |
Scanztz | jhornik: how do i finalise it? | 10:46 |
BENN92647 | and it took you just two days to get me to do it right :LOL | 10:46 |
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BENN92647 | yeah | 10:46 |
gravemind | BENN92647: lol, soon enough you'll get the hang of it | 10:46 |
jhornick | ctrl+o to save, ctrl+x to exit | 10:46 |
lvthn | Any of you guys tryed to use windows live messenger on ubuntu? | 10:46 |
=== X-Ception [n=IRC@pdpc/supporter/active/x-ception] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | BENN92647: i told you it would be 1000x easier | 10:46 |
BENN92647 | i miss 64 bit though | 10:46 |
robbie_crash | !super | 10:46 |
ubotu | super: Execute commands setuid root. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.26.1-1 (edgy), package size 122 kB, installed size 852 kB | 10:46 |
X-Ception | What does screen detached mean? | 10:46 |
Scanztz | jhornik: now?? | 10:46 |
cables | BENN92647, are you trying to install Adobe flash, or this gpl flash thing? | 10:46 |
robbie_crash | !superkey | 10:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about superkey - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:47 |
IndyGunFreak | BENN92647: why, you couldn't get anything to work on it? | 10:47 |
BENN92647 | in the guides it says its only marginally faster but thats not true it really is fast | 10:47 |
jo3_ | how about /sbin/ifup -a | 10:47 |
barker | im having problems setting up ntfs-3g and dont know where or how to begin. it is installed i just cant mount the external hard drive, where should i begin? | 10:47 |
Scanztz | jhornik: now?? | 10:47 |
rem_ | mikex -> try ls -lRf | grep 2007-01-20 ... | 10:47 |
robbie_crash | !shockwave | 10:47 |
ubotu | Shockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave | 10:47 |
crdlb | Marsmensch, works for me, did you modify /etc/apt/sources.list? | 10:47 |
X-Ception | !detach | 10:47 |
cables | !msgthebot | robbie_crash | 10:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about detach - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:47 |
ubotu | robbie_crash: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 10:47 |
gravemind | IndyGunFreak: I'm not sure if I'm running 32 or 64 any more. how do I tell? | 10:47 |
jhornick | scant: sudo apt-get update | 10:47 |
K3nto | how do you make a shortcut for a command | 10:47 |
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jhornick | then you can run the commands | 10:47 |
X-Ception | !detachscreen | 10:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about detachscreen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:47 |
Marsmensch | crdlb: no i didn't yet | 10:47 |
cables | !msgthebot | X-Ception | 10:47 |
robbie_crash | Sorry cables | 10:47 |
ubotu | X-Ception: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 10:47 |
BENN92647 | well i havent checked flash in plugins yet lets see | 10:47 |
cables | K3nto, in the menu, or on the desktop? | 10:47 |
erUSUL | X-Ception: screen -r will reatach to the detached session | 10:48 |
Scanztz | Jhornik: it says Error - you will now be shot | 10:48 |
crdlb | Marsmensch, try an apt-get update | 10:48 |
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IndyGunFreak | gravemind: try typing in a terminal... uname -4 | 10:48 |
jhornick | oh crap I better run then | 10:48 |
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IndyGunFreak | gravemind: i mean uname -r | 10:48 |
jhornick | you did only uncomment the lines starting with deb right? | 10:48 |
Kosssu | I got 2 active connection (wireless and wired) is there a way to edit which ubuntu use as default? | 10:48 |
cables | K3nto, are you seeing what I'm saying? | 10:48 |
BENN92647 | WOOO! | 10:48 |
gravemind | IndyGunFreak: yeah I thought so. I just says generic | 10:48 |
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Scanztz | yes | 10:48 |
BENN92647 | now to take it for a test run | 10:48 |
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IndyGunFreak | gravemind: but does it say 386? | 10:48 |
Scanztz | aaaaaaaaah | 10:49 |
Scanztz | W: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com dapper Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE263 | 10:49 |
Scanztz | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 10:49 |
Scanztz | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 10:49 |
gravemind | IndyGunFreak: no it doesn't | 10:49 |
Cdeszaq | Does anyone know how to add a connection so that it appears in the list in the "Network Settings" window? I currently only have a "modem" listed, and there are two other ethernet connections on that computer and no actual modem connection. | 10:49 |
gravemind | IndyGunFreak: just generic | 10:49 |
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erUSUL | !paste > Scanztz | 10:49 |
IndyGunFreak | gravemind: try system about Ubuntu | 10:49 |
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jo3_ | damn its the most busy in here I have seen.. | 10:49 |
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K3nto | ok i fugured it out | 10:49 |
jhornick | Scanztz: close out the synaptic thing | 10:49 |
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jhornick | Scanztz: that has a lock on the files | 10:49 |
BENN92647 | ok well i get a black screen now | 10:49 |
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cables | K3nto, please tell me if you got my message about the temperature thing? | 10:49 |
K3nto | right clickm and then create launcher | 10:49 |
BENN92647 | video is still not coming thru | 10:49 |
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K3nto | i found the temp too | 10:50 |
IndyGunFreak | uname -o | 10:50 |
BENN92647 | there we go | 10:50 |
K3nto | nvidia-settings in terminal | 10:50 |
BENN92647 | gravemind i totally owe you big time | 10:50 |
Scanztz | W: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com dapper Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE263 | 10:50 |
gravemind | IndyGunFreak: uname -o? about ubuntu doesn't say much | 10:50 |
francois | hey, how do you search for packages that are installed on your system when you don't know the full name ? | 10:50 |
phretor | hi there all | 10:50 |
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IndyGunFreak | gravemind: i know, i was just testing it, accdientally pu tit here instead of terminal..lol | 10:50 |
crdlb | francois, apt-cache search <partialname> | 10:50 |
gravemind | BENN92647: glad to help. are you sure flash works? test it on youtube or something? | 10:50 |
IndyGunFreak | gravemind: try a terminal, and type uname --help it shows a list of commands, | 10:50 |
jo3_ | grimsan, have you had any luck? | 10:51 |
francois | crdlb: oh thank you, | 10:51 |
houmala | good evening to all.. | 10:51 |
grimsan | nope sorry jo3_ | 10:51 |
grimsan | i just tried NAT | 10:51 |
grimsan | didnt work either | 10:51 |
jo3_ | did /sbin/ifup -a not work? | 10:51 |
grimsan | hold on | 10:51 |
jhornick | Scanztz: wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - | 10:51 |
gravemind | IndyGunFreak: man uname works too | 10:51 |
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IndyGunFreak | oh ok. | 10:51 |
BENN92647 | flash is up and running | 10:51 |
runlevel-work | hi | 10:51 |
EReckase | good afternoon everyone - i have a really strange issue that i hope someone can help me with...when I take screenshots with gnome-screenshot, i get segmentation faults intermittently | 10:51 |
rem_ | mikex -> try ls -flR | grep 2007-01-20 ... | 10:51 |
BENN92647 | flash 9! | 10:51 |
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Scanztz | now do i do it again? | 10:51 |
EReckase | in fact any PNG write might segfault | 10:51 |
rem_ | thats the correct one .. :P | 10:51 |
gravemind | IndyGunFreak: it says "x86_64" | 10:51 |
jhornick | yes | 10:51 |
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IndyGunFreak | gravemind: then you must be using 64bit. | 10:51 |
Scanztz | done | 10:52 |
IndyGunFreak | at least it appears that way | 10:52 |
Scanztz | now? | 10:52 |
grimsan | jo3_ eth0:ERROR while getting interface flags: no such device | 10:52 |
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jhornick | can you sudo apt-get update now? | 10:52 |
EReckase | it doesn't happen on a live boot, but it does on the installed system | 10:52 |
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IndyGunFreak | lol, something tells me we have an upset member here...lol | 10:52 |
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Scanztz | i dd | 10:52 |
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gravemind | IndyGunFreak: cool | 10:52 |
D7x | how do I make nautilus open folders in a new window? | 10:52 |
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Scanztz | sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs libxine1 ?? | 10:52 |
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jhornick | yup | 10:52 |
BENN92647 | i found a program when going thru synoptic packages I had it said it was an ascii emulator or something, is that the linux version of wine and how would I use it | 10:52 |
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jhornick | then relauch amarok | 10:53 |
jo3_ | grimsan, do you see any Ethernet controllers if you run lspci | 10:53 |
Scanztz | nope | 10:53 |
Scanztz | no workies | 10:53 |
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crdlb | EReckase, is the only command-line output the segfault? | 10:53 |
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IndyGunFreak | benn,t he linux version of Wine, is Wine | 10:53 |
jhornick | what's the message? | 10:53 |
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Scanztz | pakage missing | 10:53 |
cables | BENN92647, not at all... wine is wine. | 10:53 |
allan__ | how do you install php? | 10:53 |
EReckase | crdlb: I get a 'bug buddy' popup | 10:53 |
avalon_ | Can someone help me get sound in firefox flash? I tried the forum suggestion of using alsa and aoss and still have nothing. | 10:53 |
BENN92647 | ok so what is the ascii device synoptic has? | 10:53 |
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cables | BENN92647, if you want wine, do "sudo aptitude install wine" | 10:53 |
cables | BENN92647, not wine. | 10:53 |
Jvik | is cedega free ? | 10:53 |
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BENN92647 | ok | 10:53 |
EReckase | LONG stack dump with the segfault | 10:53 |
runlevel-work | what am i supposed to do with source ? arnt there like.. exe type programs? | 10:53 |
baikonur | hi | 10:53 |
Jvik | !cedega price | 10:54 |
jo3_ | Jvik, no | 10:54 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cedega price - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:54 |
rem_ | still not that one .. | 10:54 |
=== ener_dk [n=ener_dk@0x55532c0a.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ener_dk | Hi.. | 10:54 |
Jvik | damn | 10:54 |
jo3_ | Jvik, it cost monthly.. | 10:54 |
barker | im having problems setting up ntfs-3g and dont know where or how to begin. it is installed i just cant mount the external hard drive, where should i begin? | 10:54 |
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Jvik | is there any alternative to cedega ? | 10:54 |
jo3_ | wine | 10:54 |
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hawke_ | Jvik: wine, and crossover office | 10:54 |
Jvik | i cant run steam with wine | 10:54 |
crdlb | EReckase, try running gnome-panel-screenshot a few times | 10:54 |
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Jvik | crossover office ? | 10:54 |
Fatsobob | ok I was doing some extreme haxzoring and I ran into this like tar.gz format. Is that the source file? | 10:54 |
IndyGunFreak | Jvik: cedega is probably the most reliable, after that is proably vmware, then crossover, then wine | 10:54 |
Scanztz | jhornik: it says pakage missin | 10:54 |
gravemind | runlevel-work: source is platform independent but you have to compile it yourself | 10:54 |
Jvik | what is that ? | 10:54 |
francois | Jvik: yes you can | 10:54 |
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runlevel-work | gravemind, compile? | 10:54 |
eternal_p | afternoon all....question for you when I boot ubuntu it seems to 'hang' in the middle of bootup for about 30 seconds, I think it has to do with my wire(less) cards, any idea where I can track this down? | 10:54 |
IndyGunFreak | Jvik: what is what? | 10:54 |
cables | Fatsobob, tar.gz is like a .zip | 10:55 |
ener_dk | I have a problem with my new ubuntu installation.. did a fine installation, but after that it keeps reboot... why?? | 10:55 |
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grimsan | yes jo3_ i see ethernet device | 10:55 |
Jvik | isnt vmware a windows fake computer? | 10:55 |
Fatsobob | cables, what is a zip file? | 10:55 |
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Jvik | in a way like thin client ? | 10:55 |
gravemind | runlevel-work: yeah, it | 10:55 |
crdlb | Jvik, yes | 10:55 |
cables | Jvik, not just windows | 10:55 |
IndyGunFreak | Jvik: basically, yes | 10:55 |
D7x | how do I make nautilus open folders in a new window? | 10:55 |
gravemind | runlevel-work: It's not that hard. Go to synaptic and search for build essentials | 10:55 |
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comradec | where can I change the way gdm launches shells, like if i dont want it to use "fluxbox" and I want to change it to "startfluxbox" | 10:55 |
cables | Fatsobob, it's a compressed archive. | 10:55 |
runlevel-work | gravemind, im lost | 10:55 |
K3nto | what does an image have to be formatted to in order to be an icon | 10:55 |
Fatsobob | cables, I see | 10:55 |
quiet | how do i make ubuntu NOT turn off my monitor after a certain amount of time... i set the gnome power management setting to never turn off on AC power.. but it still does after about an hour | 10:55 |
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cables | K3nto, png, svg works for me | 10:55 |
Jvik | cant get wine to work what so ever | 10:55 |
quiet | DPMS is on in xorg.conf... but there's nothing specified for time or anything. | 10:55 |
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Fatsobob | cables, ok I moved the files out of the tar.whatever file | 10:55 |
EReckase | crdlb: I just ran it three times, and the third time was a segfault | 10:55 |
`nicola | does anyone own a x2 64 3800 amd processor ? | 10:55 |
IndyGunFreak | Jvik: what are you trying to make work under wine/ | 10:55 |
Jvik | is crossover good ? | 10:55 |
gravemind | runlevel-work: no problem. Its at System>Administration>Synaptic | 10:55 |
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ener_dk | anyone?? | 10:56 |
Fatsobob | cables, what do I do now. it is a bunch of stuff I have never seen before | 10:56 |
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Jvik | IndyGunFreak, steam (counter-strike | 10:56 |
runlevel-work | gravemind, is this a source code? | 10:56 |
K3nto | i made a png, but it wont detect it | 10:56 |
bobbers | could someone be so good as to point out my stupid mistake: I can see many references in a google search to people doing apt-get install keychain and I can find the package on ubuntu.com but when I try it apt-get can't find the package? | 10:56 |
bigjohntoday | quesiton when i print i get black markings all over the damn paper from my laserjet printer... drivers are correct what can i do to repair HP lasjert 1300 | 10:56 |
BENN92647 | ok so you were all right 32 bit is just way more n00by friendly | 10:56 |
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crdlb | EReckase, did it give any output other than "segmentation fault" | 10:56 |
IndyGunFreak | Jvik: i don't know how good it is for games, etc, but crossover works for me for the 1 program i want that is windows only(Pokerstars) | 10:56 |
cables | Fatsobob, then you are clearly not an extreme haxor. I don't know what you're seeing, so I clearly can't help you. | 10:56 |
K3nto | maybe its too big? | 10:56 |
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eternal_p | any thoughts? | 10:56 |
crdlb | K3nto, what's the icon for? | 10:56 |
gravemind | runlevel-work: this will allow you to install things from source | 10:56 |
Fatsobob | cables, the read me is telling me to compile it or whatever | 10:56 |
K3nto | nvidia | 10:56 |
avalon_ | !firefox flash | 10:56 |
BENN92647 | if your a n00b out there dont mess with AMD64 its faster but you will spend most your time in here | 10:56 |
ubotu | firefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 8992 kB, installed size 28580 kB | 10:56 |
Fatsobob | cables, how do I compile it | 10:56 |
K3nto | settings | 10:56 |
avalon_ | !sound flash | 10:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sound flash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:57 |
cables | Fatsobob, what are you trying to install | 10:57 |
EReckase | crdlib: Indeed! There's a backtrace an arm's length, going back through png_write, as well as libz calls | 10:57 |
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cables | !flash | avalon_ | 10:57 |
ubotu | avalon_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 10:57 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 10:57 |
Fatsobob | cables, mplayer | 10:57 |
cables | Fatsobob, you don't need to compile that | 10:57 |
runlevel-work | gravemind, ok so i need to upload synaptic? | 10:57 |
gravemind | runlevel-work: what are you trying to install, by the way? | 10:57 |
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zybrid | I want to install a linuxdisto preferblry Ubuntu, but my laptop are 400mhz 256mb ram, what would be the best alternative for me? xubuntu? is there a great config for low-tech computers like mine? | 10:57 |
cables | Fatsobob, can you open a terminal? | 10:57 |
jhornick | wait what? this can't be right: 03:57:00 PM) ubotu: firefox: lightweight web browser | 10:57 |
kaluna | if "/boot" is not a seperate partition, but under "/" can raid1 still work with grub? | 10:57 |
Scanztz | jhornik: it doesnt work | 10:57 |
Fatsobob | cables, I was told that the version in the repository(whatever that is) is bad. it wont play anime | 10:57 |
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Fatsobob | cables, yeah its the little pretty window with text in it right? | 10:57 |
IndyGunFreak | Jvik: Crossover's homepage is http://www.codeweavers.com you can try the free trial andsee if counterstrike works, if it does, then you can decide if its worh purchasing. | 10:58 |
crdlb | EReckase, I have no idea (that's the kind of thing I expect w/ gentoo but not ubuntu) | 10:58 |
IndyGunFreak | !crossover | 10:58 |
gravemind | runlevel-work: open synaptic, and search for "build-essential" | 10:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about crossover - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:58 |
jhornick | scant lets go priv this channel is moving fast and stuff gets lost easily | 10:58 |
BENN92647 | ok now when installing (say a windows based game) in wine is it just pop in the disks and install easy or do I need and NTSF partion? | 10:58 |
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IndyGunFreak | !codeweavers | 10:58 |
runlevel-work | gravemind, do i have to compile synaptic first? | 10:58 |
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Jvik | pah :\ IndyGunFreak :) No computer programs is worth purchasing :D | 10:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about codeweavers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:58 |
kumelk | anyone know how to get the mirc colors to show in xchat, does work on the raw log dialog box, but now in the main output | 10:58 |
EReckase | crdlb: yeah, it's unexpected. I have a segfault list here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=373437 | 10:58 |
jo3_ | grimsan, do you run dhcp on you network? if so check /etc/network/interfaces for the line that says.. iface eth0 inet dhcp | 10:58 |
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gravemind | runlevel-work: no, synaptic is already installed. | 10:58 |
IndyGunFreak | Jvik: well, if you say so..., then the only other free option there is, is Vmware.. | 10:58 |
K3nto | ok i got it | 10:58 |
K3nto | looks great | 10:58 |
Fatsobob | cables, ok termianl open, what now | 10:58 |
EReckase | crdlb: since it doesn't happen on the Live CD, I expect that my installation got corrupted somehow | 10:58 |
grimsan | i dont run dhcp on my network | 10:59 |
Fred_Sambo | BENN92647: No NTFS Necessary | 10:59 |
Jvik | Well.. Thanks for the help :) | 10:59 |
rphillips | would anyone know why apt wouldn't see my new proxy settings? I changed /etc/apt/apt.conf and it isn't working | 10:59 |
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cables | Fatsobob, open the terminal and run "sudo aptitude install mplayer" and you'll have mplayer installed. If that doesn't work for you, compile with the following instructions: | 10:59 |
BENN92647 | thanks fred | 10:59 |
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cables | !compile | Fatsobob | 10:59 |
ubotu | Fatsobob: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 10:59 |
houmala | install falsh info at http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy | 10:59 |
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Krunk | How can I get a non-X Terminal running so I can install the prop Nvidia driver. The terminal available from login screen options still uses X (according to the nvidia driver installation script. Help?? | 10:59 |
grimsan | look, i have just installed vmware, it created some connection bridges in netowrk settings | 10:59 |
gravemind | runlevel-work: at the top of the screen there's a menu called system. click on it and go to administration, then go to synaptic | 10:59 |
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runlevel-work | gravemind, click? | 10:59 |
BENN92647 | is it windows simple though do i just pop in the disks? | 10:59 |
gravemind | runlevel-work: lol... | 10:59 |
Fatsobob | cables, alright I will read that | 10:59 |
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Jvik | How do i delete a catalog from "Programs" button ? | 10:59 |
jo3_ | grimsan, thats about as far as i can help... sry | 10:59 |
hrist | how can i install software?! | 10:59 |
Scanztz | Jhornick - my priv isnt working. go to #Glenn | 10:59 |
grimsan | yeah, thx anyway | 10:59 |
cables | Fatsobob, try the command first. THEN read it. | 11:00 |
Jvik | I installed steam with wine, and it created a directory in programs. How do i remove it ? | 11:00 |
erUSUL | !synaptic > hrist | 11:00 |
cables | hrist, what software? Try going to Applications>Add/Remove to begin, then as you get better at linux, you can use Synaptic. | 11:00 |
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BENN92647 | oh and where do i find wine? or is it a background type interfaace thing | 11:00 |
IndyGunFreak | Jvik: navigate to the directory and delete it? | 11:00 |
hrist | cables: thnx | 11:00 |
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Fred_Sambo | BENN92647: Do you have Wine installed? | 11:00 |
ener_dk | why do ubuntu continuously reboot after installation?? | 11:00 |
BENN92647 | terminal says it is installed | 11:00 |
Jvik | IndyGunFreak, but where IS that directory ? | 11:00 |
cables | BENN92647, run command "wine windowsprogram.exe" | 11:00 |
Fatsobob | cables, it says "sudo: aptitude: command not found | 11:00 |
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jo3_ | ener_dk it shouldnt.. thats for sure | 11:01 |
BENN92647 | with the qoutes | 11:01 |
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cables | Fatsobob, are you using ubuntu? | 11:01 |
IndyGunFreak | open nautilus, click View, then show hidden files. | 11:01 |
gravemind | BENN92647: first make sure you "cd" to the directory said "windowsprogram.exe" lives | 11:01 |
zybrid | I want to install a linuxdisto preferblry Ubuntu, but my laptop are 400mhz 256mb ram, what would be the best alternative for me? xubuntu? is there a great config for low-tech computers like mine? | 11:01 |
IndyGunFreak | it should be in /home/.wine | 11:01 |
eternal_p | question for all...I have a m1210 dell laptop, everything works perfectly...except when I try and boot, it always hangs for about 30 seconds (when I go to alt-f1) it seems to hang before the notice that ipv6 is disabled...any thoughts onto why? | 11:01 |
cables | Fatsobob, try replacing aptitude with apt-get | 11:01 |
Fatsobob | cables, I think I am using kubuntus or whatever | 11:01 |
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ener_dk | jo3_ : that what i think as well!!! | 11:01 |
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gravemind | zybrid" you could try xubuntu, but you might have better luck with a more lightweight distro like DSL linux | 11:01 |
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Jvik | IndyGunFreak, nope. | 11:01 |
IndyGunFreak | zybrid: Xubuntu would probably be fine on that laptop. | 11:01 |
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cables | zybrid, xubuntu will probably work for you. | 11:01 |
crdlb | cables, is aptitude installed by default? | 11:02 |
K3nto | learning linux makes me want to learn more | 11:02 |
cables | IndyGunFreak, you beat me :) | 11:02 |
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BENN92647 | sorry i got lost what is step one for using wine? | 11:02 |
K3nto | feel like i own it | 11:02 |
lamer72 | kubuntu is kewl | 11:02 |
zybrid | i ran ubuntu with gnome but that was sooo slow | 11:02 |
cables | crdlb, yep, at least on Dapper and Edgy. | 11:02 |
IndyGunFreak | cables: lol i'm a typin maniac | 11:02 |
Fatsobob | cables, one second I will try it | 11:02 |
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cables | BENN92647, run command "wine windowsprog.exe" | 11:02 |
zybrid | berhaps xubuntu would run fine perhaps | 11:02 |
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BENN92647 | with the quotes | 11:02 |
zybrid | the dsl linux disto are so weird. | 11:02 |
hrist | !paste > runlevel-work | 11:02 |
runlevel-work | ok so what is kubuntu .. | 11:02 |
cables | BENN92647, replace windowsprog.exe with whatever exe you're using | 11:02 |
crdlb | cables, thanks I couldn't remember | 11:02 |
IndyGunFreak | zybrid: well, you don't know till you try... | 11:02 |
lamer72 | i heards if i get kubuntu i can become a super l33t hax00r | 11:02 |
Fred_Sambo | !wine|BENN92647 | 11:02 |
ubotu | BENN92647: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 11:02 |
Fatsobob | cables, ITS WORKING! | 11:02 |
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Fatsobob | cables, THANK YOU | 11:02 |
zybrid | runlevel-work,: ubuntu with kde | 11:02 |
cables | Fatsobob, no problem | 11:02 |
ener_dk | any one???? | 11:02 |
gravemind | cables: he has to be in the directory of the program though | 11:02 |
runlevel-work | zybrid, what is kde | 11:02 |
quiet | wow... Turner's freetype/cairo/xft patches are amazing!!! I hope they'll be available for Feisty, too. | 11:02 |
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quiet | http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/aquafont/aquafont/aquafont.install | 11:03 |
IndyGunFreak | lamer72: no, you wont | 11:03 |
ljlolel | my apt is broken. one package keeps failing whether I install or remove. so I can install nothing | 11:03 |
quiet | whoops | 11:03 |
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lamer72 | someone tell me how to hack | 11:03 |
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Kosssu | is there a way to edit default connection on ubuntu? | 11:03 |
runlevel-work | LMFAO! | 11:03 |
K3nto | !wine | 11:03 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 11:03 |
cables | gravemind, BENN92647, "wine /path/to/windows/prog.exe" then. | 11:03 |
Fred_Sambo | lamer72: you must be leet | 11:03 |
IndyGunFreak | !hack | 11:03 |
Jvik | I installed steam with wine, and it created a directory in programs menu. How do i remove it ? | 11:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hack - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:03 |
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lamer72 | i wanna write l33t viruses for teh wind0ze | 11:03 |
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=== quiet jumps on runlevel-work | ||
runlevel-work | quiet, WHY are you in here you traitor | 11:03 |
lamer72 | can i do this with knubuntu | 11:03 |
crdlb | IndyGunFreak, I was about to try that | 11:03 |
IndyGunFreak | Fred_Sambo: lol, that killed me | 11:03 |
quiet | i'm no traitor, fag | 11:03 |
IndyGunFreak | crdlb: lol | 11:03 |
gravemind | cables: nooo. I once thought this way, but windows and wine don't like it unless you're in the directory | 11:04 |
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francois | is there a way for me to log on as another user and view the last commands they ran ? | 11:04 |
runlevel-work | what is this newbuntu everyone keeps telling me abotu? | 11:04 |
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cables | gravemind, okay. | 11:04 |
lamer72 | knubutno | 11:04 |
quiet | runlevel-work, http://quiet.unixcorps.org/files/current.png <-- workstation at work. | 11:04 |
crdlb | francois, cat ~/.bash_history | 11:04 |
lamer72 | its super leet runlevel | 11:04 |
jhornick | knewbuntu | 11:04 |
IndyGunFreak | !knubunto | 11:04 |
cables | runlevel-work, I've never heard of newbuntu... | 11:04 |
mr_hus | Hi. I created a symlink in /var/www/ to point to a directory in my home. If i want to put an .htaccess file in there, what must I change the default config to? | 11:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about knubunto - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:04 |
IndyGunFreak | !knewbuntu | 11:04 |
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lamer72 | i am using it to be a haxx0r now | 11:04 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about knewbuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:04 |
Jvik | I installed steam with wine, and it created a directory in programs menu. How do i remove it ? | 11:04 |
cables | IndyGunFreak, you mean kubuntu? | 11:04 |
runlevel-work | quiet, your gay | 11:05 |
runlevel-work | officially | 11:05 |
cables | !botabuse | IndyGunFreak | 11:05 |
ubotu | IndyGunFreak: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 11:05 |
ener_dk | why do ubuntu continuously reboot after installation?? | 11:05 |
lamer72 | !31337 | 11:05 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 31337 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:05 |
IndyGunFreak | cables: no. i saw someone else say knewbuntu, and i'd never heard of it, so i tried it...lol | 11:05 |
runlevel-work | ok but seriously guys.. how do i hack? | 11:05 |
IndyGunFreak | !ok | cables | 11:05 |
=== BENN92647 [n=benn9264@cpe-66-74-189-101.socal.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ok - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:05 |
cables | !offtopic | runlevel-work | 11:05 |
ubotu | runlevel-work: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 11:05 |
=== stephane_ [n=stephane@modemcable252.203-56-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
runlevel-work | cables, why is my text red when you talk to me? | 11:05 |
Fred_Sambo | I am in LOVE with Ubotu | 11:05 |
dwi | how to hack: swing a sword/axe at something.. keep repeating | 11:05 |
lamer72 | someone tell me how to hack windowz programs and make warez | 11:05 |
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francois | crdlb: ok thanks, but now that didn't help me, do you know if i can log on as them and start x to view their desktop ? | 11:05 |
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cables | runlevel-work, because i mention your nick. | 11:05 |
marx2k | edgy's wireless capabilities are crapy :( | 11:06 |
runlevel-work | why? | 11:06 |
runlevel-work | cables, do you know how to hack | 11:06 |
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lamer72 | i heard runlevel likes men | 11:06 |
Fred_Sambo | runlevel-work: i can do it too, OMG HAX | 11:06 |
jussi01 | !botsnack | 11:06 |
ener_dk | why do ubuntu continuously reboot after installation?? PLEASE HELP!!!!! | 11:06 |
cables | runlevel-work, so it shows up in red and you notice it. | 11:06 |
ubotu | Yum! | 11:06 |
Jvik | I installed steam with wine, and it created a directory in programs menu. How do i remove it ? | 11:06 |
jmtrik | quiet: what is that font in your terminal? | 11:06 |
cables | !repeat | ener_dk | 11:06 |
ubotu | ener_dk: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 11:06 |
runlevel-work | Fred_Sambo, dont hack me | 11:06 |
Fatsobob | cables, ok now my anime wont play in mplayer | 11:06 |
IndyGunFreak | lamer72: did they let school out early? | 11:06 |
runlevel-work | just tell me how | 11:06 |
gravemind | BENN92647: make sure you're in the right directory first, then run wine "program.exe" | 11:06 |
lamer72 | HOW SHOOT RED ROPE!!!111 | 11:06 |
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Fatsobob | cables, I really wanna watch my episodes of avatar: the airbender | 11:06 |
quiet | jmtrik, terminus 10pt at 72 dpi | 11:06 |
cables | Fatsobob, players don't have preference to what you watch. what format is it in? | 11:06 |
francois | Jvik: just edit the menu manually, right click on the icon and choose edit | 11:06 |
Fred_Sambo | runlevel-work: i am not leet | 11:06 |
cables | !ops | 11:06 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 11:06 |
gravemind | cables: runlvl = troll | 11:07 |
apokryphos | cableroy: yes? | 11:07 |
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crdlb | francois, if it's another computer you could use vnc | 11:07 |
NevroPus | can anyone help me. I try to use ./configure, but I get this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8129/ | 11:07 |
Fatsobob | cables, it is in mp4 | 11:07 |
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cables | Fatsobob, no idea then. try vlc. | 11:07 |
K3nto | !ms | 11:07 |
lamer72 | what is terminus is that a leet virus writing tool? wherre can i got it???!!!!!!eleven | 11:07 |
IndyGunFreak | Fred_Sambo: i think your3 l33t | 11:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ms - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:07 |
Fred_Sambo | today anyway | 11:07 |
francois | crdlb: is on this computer,i think another user with admin privs messed something up, now i gotta fix it | 11:07 |
cables | gravemind, I picked up on that :) | 11:07 |
Fatsobob | cables, whats vlc? | 11:07 |
hrist | lamer72: terminus is a font... | 11:07 |
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IndyGunFreak | !vlc | 11:07 |
ubotu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 11:07 |
pabloso | hi, I'm using ubuntu edgy and would like to have mozilla firefox displaying the charset set by the HTML page for all pages rendered from localhost. The page say it is ISO-8859-1 but my apache tells the browser to render it with UTF-8, and I get squares with ? for special characters. Can you help? | 11:07 |
AoD | aod | 11:07 |
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Jvik | Haha. Im stupid. Thanks francois | 11:07 |
gravemind | cables: asked me how to click | 11:07 |
K3nto | can somebody help me with a memory card reader compatability issue? | 11:07 |
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cables | !vlc | Fatsobob | 11:07 |
ubotu | Fatsobob: please see above | 11:07 |
avalon_ | Still no sound in firefox.. Tried editing it to alsa, oss, and auto. Nothing. | 11:07 |
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crdlb | francois, the .bash_history file in their home dir should record everything | 11:08 |
Fred_Sambo | IndyGunFreak: Nice to meet you! | 11:08 |
cables | avalon_, are you using flash? | 11:08 |
IndyGunFreak | Fred_Sambo: lol... | 11:08 |
soundray | I'm looking in perl for something like getc, but it should read 2 bytes instead of one. Can you help? Or recommend a perl channel? | 11:08 |
IndyGunFreak | likewise | 11:08 |
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bobovski | Hi. When I try to start evolution, I get a dialogue box which states that Evolution-2.6 has quit unexpectedly, etc. What's up? | 11:08 |
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Seveas | soundray, #perl? | 11:08 |
avalon_ | Sure am cables. It's the part I can't get to work. | 11:08 |
cables | avalon_, i can explain how. But it's a zoo in here, so can I pm you or go into another channel? | 11:08 |
NevroPus | can anyone help me. I try to use ./configure, but I get this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8129/ | 11:08 |
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runlevel-work | some one told me to ask about newbuntu? | 11:08 |
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Fred_Sambo | !jewbuntu | 11:08 |
avalon_ | How's xubuntu cables? I'm not registered s I can't pm | 11:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about jewbuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:08 |
lvthn | Jvik : Did it work your steam installation? | 11:08 |
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K3nto | theres a mc reader built into my laptop, and it will only recognize sd cards and not memory sicks? | 11:09 |
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cables | avalon_, /join #cables | 11:09 |
Jvik | lvthn, no. Not with wine | 11:09 |
ljlolel | how do i "reset" apt? | 11:09 |
runlevel-work | im real newb.. is ubuntu only for newbs? | 11:09 |
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pramz | NevroPus: apt-get install build-essential glibc-devel | 11:09 |
Jvik | another question. In xChat a annoying red line is coming in the chat. when what is the hotkey to remove that ? | 11:09 |
cables | !ops | 11:09 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 11:09 |
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lvthn | Jvik did u try winex? | 11:09 |
Seveas | ljlolel, what do you mean with reset? | 11:09 |
eck | NevroPus: also, do not run configure as root | 11:09 |
Fatsobob | cables, thanks | 11:09 |
lvthn | or even cedega | 11:09 |
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whileimhere | how do I upgrade to 7.04? | 11:09 |
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Fred_Sambo | My menus dissappearde in xchat | 11:09 |
Jvik | "marker line" | 11:09 |
soundray | Guess what, Seveas, I couldn't find that in the channels list because it is capitalized! Thank you. | 11:09 |
eck | that is only necessary for the make install step | 11:09 |
Fred_Sambo | love that spelling | 11:09 |
Seveas | !upgrade | whileimhere | 11:09 |
ubotu | whileimhere: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 11:09 |
Jvik | lvthn, no. Thought about cedega, but that wasnt free. | 11:09 |
lvthn | ya | 11:09 |
NevroPus | kk, thanks;) | 11:09 |
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lvthn | wait a sec | 11:09 |
lvthn | i got something for ya | 11:09 |
francois | crdlb: do you know how i can look at the aptitude logs and see what was updated last ? | 11:10 |
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runlevel-work | why is my computer showing me PIVOT_ROOT failed? | 11:10 |
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InCoGnIgRiTo | hi, I am trying to find out more about jewbuntu | 11:10 |
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lvthn | if i can find it :O | 11:10 |
thehumanerror | I beg your pardon? | 11:10 |
gravemind | Seveas: take care of runlvl, he's being troll | 11:10 |
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russ | How do I make the Windows key map to the super key? | 11:10 |
jussi01 | !jewbuntu | 11:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about jewbuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:10 |
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lvthn | http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfdownloads/singlefile.php?cid=38&lid=160 | 11:11 |
lvthn | there | 11:11 |
InCoGnIgRiTo | well there is a jewbuntu site | 11:11 |
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lvthn | try this | 11:11 |
InCoGnIgRiTo | http://www.jewbuntu.com/ | 11:11 |
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eck | russ: isn't that the default behavior? | 11:11 |
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Jvik | How the heck do you show users in a channel in xChat ? | 11:11 |
cedriczg | hello everyone. I have a clock problem I am fed up with. I have constantly to update the clock because it is updated automatically in a wrong way | 11:11 |
russ | eck: I seem to remember some setting I had to check to "enable" it. | 11:11 |
ljlolel | Seveas, a borked app won't let me do anything with apt... | 11:11 |
bobovski | Why is evolution refusing to start up, instead asking me to inform the developers that it has unexpectedly quit? | 11:11 |
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Seveas | ljlolel, pastebin the errors please | 11:11 |
cedriczg | I am in -03:00 zone in summer time | 11:11 |
IndyGunFreak | Jvik: depends on the version of chat you're using | 11:11 |
lvthn | Jvik: http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Steam&back=HOWTO+INDEX+Wine+Games Steam installation | 11:11 |
crdlb | francois, I don't know where apt keeps its logs, prolly somewhere in /var/log | 11:11 |
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azrael__ | Hey, does anyone know how to get smacpack to work under edgy? | 11:12 |
cedriczg | but it changes my clock to a wrong hour | 11:12 |
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cables | Seveas, sorry about the !ops thing... There were several trolls, and nothing was being done about them. Is there something else I should have done? | 11:12 |
Jvik | lvthn, i dont care so much about it. I dont play on this pc anyways. | 11:12 |
SnrWhippy | AR | 11:12 |
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quiet | i love smack packs! | 11:12 |
=== apex` ubuntu rulez | ||
eck | russ: iirc super is just the name for the windows key on linux/unix systems | 11:12 |
lvthn | ok lol | 11:12 |
Seveas | cables, I was paying attention and kicked one of them already | 11:12 |
quiet | erm.. snack packs | 11:12 |
cedriczg | can someone help me please? | 11:12 |
quiet | pudding | 11:12 |
eck | russ: at least that is what gconf calls it | 11:12 |
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Seveas | !helpme | cedriczg | 11:12 |
ubotu | cedriczg: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 11:12 |
pepo | o | 11:12 |
cables | Seveas, sorry 'bout that | 11:12 |
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Ausylo | someone with live boot cd knowledge please PM me.. i have a weird problem | 11:13 |
thehumanerror | anyone know what to do when Java is installed (Sun Java) but not available? I once tried to use GNU Java, but it didn't work all that well, but I can't even use the Sun JRE now!? | 11:13 |
russ | eck: I found what I was looking for: system-preferences-keyboard - layout options - alt/win key behavior Super is mapped to win keys | 11:13 |
azrael__ | Specifically, when running it, I get this:azrael@mobileDemon:~$ smacrnX Error: BadMatchrn Request Major code 66 ()rn Error Serial #743rn Current Serial #746rnazrael@mobileDemon:~$ rn | 11:13 |
Ausylo | with ubuntu 6.06 LTS | 11:13 |
cables | !ask | Ausylo | 11:13 |
ubotu | Ausylo: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 11:13 |
Ausylo | okay | 11:13 |
Ausylo | well | 11:13 |
IndyGunFreak | Ausylo: just post it. | 11:13 |
crdlb | cedriczg, try rt-clicking on the clock, selecting preferences, and checking use UTC | 11:13 |
Jvik | In windows it's smart to take a reg clean with ccleaner and such things. Is there any things in that is smart to do in linux to keep system clean ? | 11:13 |
Ausylo | i put the cd in, and it goes to run live cd mode | 11:13 |
crdlb | Jvik, no | 11:13 |
thehumanerror | basically, sun-java-* is installed but bash: java: command not found | 11:13 |
cables | Jvik, there's no registry on Linux, and not much gets dirty. | 11:13 |
Ausylo | and freezes | 11:13 |
thehumanerror | yeah, don't do what I've done | 11:13 |
Seveas | Jvik, yeah, don't spill drinks on your machine and it'll stay clean | 11:13 |
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dyrne | bobovski: its likely a profile issue. i dont know where evolutionis under ~ but try: find /home/$USER/ -name *evolution* | xargs -i rm -fr {} or something | 11:13 |
SnrWhippy | arggg beryl anyone got it to work with an ATI radeon xpress 1100 or commonly known in linux as a 200M | 11:13 |
cedriczg | ubotu, ok. How to set right my clocl that updates automatically but in a wrong way? I am in -03:00 sumertime zone... | 11:14 |
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Ausylo | when starting and setting up begins in dos | 11:14 |
crdlb | Jvik, no degragging either | 11:14 |
ljlolel | Seveas, http://pastebin.ca/377648 | 11:14 |
grimsan | how do i save in VIM and then quit ? | 11:14 |
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Seveas | Jvik, an occasional 'apt-get autoremove' also helps | 11:14 |
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Ausylo | i tried it with x86 and x64 | 11:14 |
eck | and apt-get clean | 11:14 |
pramz | grimsan: esc to go to command mode then :wq | 11:14 |
IndyGunFreak | Ausylo: try 2 things.... 1. Reburn the CD, at a slow rate... like say 2-4x | 11:14 |
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riaal | hi again, im having problems starting xserv whit my main computer. probably my old breezy release that don't suport my "new" graphic card. what do I need 2 do to ubdate from the terminal? sudo apt-get update? do I need to activate som "world stuff"? | 11:14 |
Ausylo | happens with both | 11:14 |
Jvik | have both autoremove and autoclean | 11:14 |
thehumanerror | grimsan: Type scape then :wq! | 11:14 |
thehumanerror | escape* | 11:14 |
cables | cedriczg, right click on clock, go to adjust time and date, and then set your timezone. | 11:14 |
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IndyGunFreak | Ausylo: if that doesn't work, try using the Alternate Install CD | 11:14 |
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baikonur | gaim segfaults after a security update of mozilla-firefox and libnss3 in Ubuntu 6.06. strace shows that gaim cannot load some libs (libfreebl3.so, libnssckbi.so - No such file or directory). What should I do now? | 11:14 |
Ausylo | i got these from ubuntu | 11:15 |
CokeNCode- | hey, guys, how do you set the time/date in linux | 11:15 |
unop | Jvik, there's no registry on linux.. but theres the equivalent of application preferences stored in your home directory .. e.g. ~/.mozilla or ~/.xmms .. and overtime, they get "polluted" too .. the only way i see so far is to manually clean them out | 11:15 |
Ausylo | they are the officials made by them | 11:15 |
cedriczg | crdlb, use UTC is unchecked is that ok? | 11:15 |
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crdlb | cedriczg, try rt-clicking on the clock, selecting preferences, and checking use UTC | 11:15 |
Ausylo | im downloading 6.10 right now | 11:15 |
Jvik | okay :) | 11:15 |
crdlb | whoops | 11:15 |
riaal | how to update from breezy to drapper using terminal? | 11:15 |
eck | baikonur: if you have other versions of the .so's, you might be able to symlink them (but this is definitely a hack) | 11:15 |
cables | CokeNCode-, right click on the clock, go to adjust date and time. | 11:15 |
bobovski | dyrne: I'll give it a shot, thanks | 11:15 |
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Intangir | does anyone know of any good disassemblers for linux? to disassemble linux binaries? | 11:15 |
crdlb | cedriczg, try checking it | 11:15 |
dyrne | CokeNCode-: date commad assuming its not a timezone issue | 11:15 |
CokeNCode- | cables i meant at the command line | 11:15 |
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IndyGunFreak | Ausylo: well, like i said, 1. Try burning at a slow rate(2-4x), or try downloading and using the Alternate Insall CD | 11:15 |
cedriczg | cables, I did it but it doesn't know that here we are in sumertime | 11:15 |
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CokeNCode- | dyrne what's the format like for the date command ? | 11:15 |
Ausylo | okay | 11:15 |
eck | or else wait until gaim is updated | 11:15 |
taylor | Ok, I need a little help with Berly on ubuntu dapper. I have it installe and its working great. But i dont know how to change windows workspaces. | 11:15 |
thehumanerror | anyone know how to completely reinstall Java? | 11:15 |
Ausylo | another question i have | 11:15 |
dyrne | CokeNCode-: varied :) | 11:16 |
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cedriczg | crdlb, but what doest it do? | 11:16 |
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Ausylo | where can i choose to install to the hard drive, i explored the entire cd and it didnt work | 11:16 |
CokeNCode- | dyrne care to expand on that ... :/ | 11:16 |
unop | CokeNCode-, date (on it's own) ? | 11:16 |
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IndyGunFreak | Ausylo: are you planning to dual boot w/ windows | 11:16 |
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CokeNCode- | unop huh? | 11:16 |
taylor | Ok, I need a little help with Berly on ubuntu dapper. I have it installe and its working great. But i dont know how to change windows workspaces. | 11:16 |
crdlb | cedriczg, it tells gnome that the system time is UTC | 11:16 |
Seveas | !java | thehumanerror | 11:16 |
ubotu | thehumanerror: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 11:16 |
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cables | Ausylo, if it's a dapper or edgy cd, double click Install on the desktop | 11:16 |
unop | CokeNCode-, you can create your own date string? e.g. date +"%y%m%d.%H%M%S" | 11:16 |
Ausylo | either dual boot or eventually just switch over to ubuntu | 11:16 |
CokeNCode- | unop i'm just trying to set the date/time on a system, that's all, from the command line | 11:16 |
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riaal | btw. is there any downside whit the 64 bit version? like problem whit dirivers in windows 64. | 11:17 |
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crdlb | riaal, flash | 11:17 |
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IndyGunFreak | Ausylo: ok, are you gong to put Ubuntu and Windows on the same hard drive, or will each OS have its own hard drive? | 11:17 |
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infidel | !wxperl | 11:17 |
baikonur | eck: it is obviously because of the update of libnss3. Should I report a bug for libnss3 or for gaim or should I do something else? | 11:17 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wxperl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:17 |
riaal | crdlb: ? | 11:17 |
Ausylo | i dont have that option cables | 11:17 |
CokeNCode- | unop could you do that command using an actual date please, for example, today's date and time | 11:17 |
dyrne | CokeNCode-: well i usually do date by itself to remind myself of the way it looks then date -s 'new stuff' ths -s is for string you can do it many ways | 11:17 |
ljlolel | http://pastebin.ca/377648 | 11:17 |
cedriczg | crdlb, for instance I make sync time now and it substracts an hour to my actual time. It is still wrong | 11:17 |
crdlb | riaal, there is no 64bit flash | 11:17 |
cables | Ausylo, is it Dapper, Edgy, or something else? | 11:17 |
Ausylo | same HDD, but i wanna just try it out in live mode right now, get a feel for it | 11:17 |
taylor | Can anyone help me...? | 11:17 |
h1st0 | crdlb: gnash maybe? | 11:17 |
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unop | CokeNCode-, that is an actual date with todays date and time | 11:17 |
SnrWhippy | anyone had problems with beryl when running sgl the screen goes white with just a cursor???? | 11:17 |
IndyGunFreak | Ausylo: well, if the live CD doesn't work on the one you do9wnload | 11:17 |
eck | baikonur: it should be reported as a bug, so if it has not been reported you should do so, but probably someone else has come across this already | 11:17 |
unop | CokeNCode-, it's just formatted in a different way | 11:17 |
SnrWhippy | xg even | 11:17 |
erUSUL | !anyone > taylor | 11:17 |
Ausylo | cables i dont know what you mean | 11:17 |
SnrWhippy | xgl even | 11:18 |
h1st0 | !beryl | SnrWhippy | 11:18 |
crdlb | h1st0, gnash isn't very mature | 11:18 |
ubotu | SnrWhippy: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 11:18 |
cables | Ausylo, 6.06 or 6.10? | 11:18 |
Intangir | does anyone know of any good disassemblers for linux? to disassemble linux binaries? | 11:18 |
IndyGunFreak | Ausylo: if you're downloading 6.10, its Edgy Eft | 11:18 |
eck | Intangir: gdb | 11:18 |
cedriczg | crdlb, I don't know when but it updated my time althought I set to not to do it... why is that? | 11:18 |
dyrne | CokeNCode-: http://www.comptechdoc.org/os/linux/usersguide/linux_ugtime.html they do a better job than me explaining | 11:18 |
ljlolel | Seveas, http://pastebin.ca/377648 | 11:18 |
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Ausylo | 6.06 is what ive been trying, im downloading 6.10 now | 11:18 |
eck | Intangir: i think that is what most people use | 11:18 |
Intangir | eck: thats a debugger, can it disassemble? | 11:18 |
crdlb | cedriczg, I understand now, try the date command and see if it is right | 11:18 |
riaal | ok, sorry if im lacy but can somone link to a image file of "the latest" ubuntu? Im getting confused by all this releases | 11:18 |
erUSUL | Intangir: what's the point? you have the source code ;) | 11:18 |
baikonur | eck: okay, I check with #ubuntu-bugs | 11:18 |
SnrWhippy | wow its too fast in here | 11:18 |
eck | i am not a gdb expert, but i know you can use it as a disassembler | 11:18 |
Ausylo | ive got like 10 copies of 6.06 that ubuntu sent me | 11:18 |
Intangir | erUSUL: no i dont have source code for what im wanting to disassemble | 11:18 |
cables | Ausylo, that's weird | 11:18 |
Ausylo | haha | 11:18 |
Ausylo | yeah | 11:19 |
h1st0 | riaal: the latest release is 6.10 however, 6.06 has long term support. | 11:19 |
K3nto | if the public key for when i put wine into spm is missing, thats OK right? | 11:19 |
IndyGunFreak | Ausylo: ok... well, i'd try burning 6.10 at a slow rate, and go from there, if that doesn't work, the Alternate Install CD, is not a live CD, so it woul dhave to be installed, so that would likely be a waste of time for you | 11:19 |
h1st0 | !releases | riaal | 11:19 |
Seveas | ljlolel, try this: dpkg -P hplip | 11:19 |
ubotu | riaal: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases | 11:19 |
Jvik | how do you listen to shoutcast stream on linux? doesnt work in rhythmbox or totem | 11:19 |
cables | Ausylo, see if dapper's cd works. | 11:19 |
Seveas | ljlolel, and PM me the result | 11:19 |
cables | Ausylo, i mean edg. | 11:19 |
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koonat | Intangir> eck: thats a debugger, can it disassemble? | 11:19 |
unop | CokeNCode-, date 03012221 (sets the date to march the first, at 21 past 10 in the evening) | 11:19 |
Ausylo | hehe yeah | 11:19 |
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cedriczg | crdlb, no, it is wrong the command date. | 11:19 |
dyrne | Jvik: im pretty sure xmms works. check out streamtuner and xmms btw | 11:19 |
h1st0 | riaal: It depends on what type of hardware you have? | 11:19 |
dyrne | Jvik: also streamripper | 11:19 |
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SnrWhippy | also is there any good games that use openGL that are free? | 11:20 |
Jvik | ok :) | 11:20 |
crdlb | cedriczg, there should be a timezone setting that respects DST | 11:20 |
h1st0 | SnrWhippy: Yesh nexuiz | 11:20 |
h1st0 | SnrWhippy: sauerbraten | 11:20 |
cedriczg | crdlb, and now with the UTC I have 19 in date command and 22 in the time displayed :-( | 11:20 |
SnrWhippy | ooh ill check that out thanls | 11:20 |
CokeNCode- | thanks for the help guys | 11:20 |
dyrne | SnrWhippy: tremulous is pretty cool. online strategy fps alien vs marine type ting | 11:20 |
IndyGunFreak | !tremulous | SnrWhippy | 11:20 |
ubotu | snrwhippy: tremulous: Aliens vs Humans, team based FPS game with elements of an RTS. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.0-2 (edgy), package size 1153 kB, installed size 2740 kB | 11:20 |
h1st0 | SnrWhippy: Also unreal and quake/doom are released with linux clients | 11:20 |
crdlb | cedriczg, what time is it really? | 11:20 |
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h1st0 | SnrWhippy: check out nexuiz great fps | 11:20 |
SnrWhippy | sounds ace | 11:20 |
SnrWhippy | good to show off ubuntu with it | 11:20 |
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h1st0 | SnrWhippy: Oh and I forogot about americas army has linux client | 11:21 |
Ausylo | 6.10 is almost done downloading, so i'll slow burn that and see from there | 11:21 |
K3nto | !publickey | 11:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about publickey - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:21 |
Ausylo | im throwing this on a new laptop | 11:21 |
SnrWhippy | oh excellent | 11:21 |
IndyGunFreak | Ausylo: ok | 11:21 |
cedriczg | crdlb, time ago I tried on the web but for Uruguay (where I live) there wasn't a server that has our DTS | 11:21 |
IndyGunFreak | brb. | 11:21 |
h1st0 | SnrWhippy: and there is one of the wolfensteins that got released with a linux client. Google for linux-gamers.net I believe is the site. | 11:21 |
SnrWhippy | got to get americas army on does it have a deb file anywhere for it | 11:21 |
dyrne | SnrWhippy: and enemy territory | 11:21 |
Ausylo | maybe ubuntu doesnt like my turion | 11:21 |
Ausylo | lol | 11:21 |
K3nto | !dualmonitor | 11:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dualmonitor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:21 |
h1st0 | SnrWhippy: You can download the client from their site. That way you have the newest vesion. | 11:21 |
K3nto | does ubuntu support dual monitors? | 11:21 |
crdlb | cedriczg, the ntp server should give utc, then the time zone changes that | 11:22 |
h1st0 | SnrWhippy: most the games like that are extract and ./nameofgame | 11:22 |
h1st0 | SnrWhippy: nexuiz is availible in the repos. | 11:22 |
SnrWhippy | thanks h1st0 i'll go threre now | 11:22 |
h1st0 | K3nto: yes | 11:22 |
riaal | h1st0: I have a athlon 64 3700+, think I shall go for the 64bit one? | 11:22 |
K3nto | just plug and play? | 11:22 |
cedriczg | crdlb, so what should I do to correct it? | 11:22 |
crdlb | riaal, you won't gain much | 11:22 |
SnrWhippy | yeah i like to use the repos first | 11:22 |
h1st0 | riaal: well there will be some stuff missing from 64bit version. Like there is no flash or java for 64bit version. | 11:22 |
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D7x | can I remove this ekiga thing? | 11:23 |
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SnrWhippy | i've already spent about 2 days getting my graphics card drivers installed | 11:23 |
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h1st0 | riaal: I would recomend the normal installation cd if you are new to linux. | 11:23 |
cedriczg | crdlb, the problem is I use dual boot and I can't have the clock set to UTC neither | 11:23 |
SnrWhippy | then i found envy! | 11:23 |
h1st0 | riaal: Atleast untill more support becomes availible from 3rd parties for 64bit software. | 11:23 |
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h1st0 | SnrWhippy: envy? | 11:24 |
h1st0 | SnrWhippy: What nvidia's driver? | 11:24 |
riaal | h1st0: I have used linux for a long time, but never on a daly basis. Untill today, when I installed vista =P | 11:24 |
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SnrWhippy | yeah auto install for ati and nvidia cards | 11:24 |
cedriczg | crdlb, the only way is to set a different time zone from mine? | 11:24 |
riaal | h1st0: ok, I will go for the regular one then, cheers | 11:24 |
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Jvik | xmms was a direct damn ripoff from winamp :D | 11:24 |
NegativeSpace | Hi, I would like to add a script to my menu which launches an application, but whenever I try I just get a terminal window for a brief instant which then disappears. Can anyone help? | 11:24 |
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crdlb | cedriczg, look in /usr/share/zoneinfo for your timezone | 11:24 |
Scanztz | NegativeSpace: impossible | 11:24 |
h1st0 | riaal: yeah I would just for ease in knowing that the packages are going to be availible. It wouldn't be that hard to migrate in the future as more and more software becomes availible. | 11:25 |
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cedriczg | crdlb, thank you very much | 11:25 |
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Scanztz | jj - im not a operator ^^ | 11:25 |
NegativeSpace | Scanztz: Why is that? | 11:25 |
SnrWhippy | nexuiz installing as we speak | 11:25 |
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Scanztz | im not a volunteer, i have just always wanted to do that | 11:25 |
h1st0 | SnrWhippy: Ahh yeah you could have just sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx | 11:25 |
riaal | h1st0: cool, thanks for the help | 11:25 |
h1st0 | SnrWhippy: No real need for 3rd party scripts etc... | 11:25 |
D7x | apt-get remove ekiga says it will remove ubuntu-desktop as well, is this cool? | 11:25 |
h1st0 | riaal: np | 11:25 |
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h1st0 | D7x: ubuntu-desktop is just a meta package. | 11:26 |
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SnrWhippy | yeah i think i used beryl script first on their wiki site | 11:26 |
jhornick | anyone know how to use the gnome demote desktop to add a vnc listening viewer to have control over it? | 11:26 |
h1st0 | D7x: The only thing it would effect is future upgrades. to a new release of ubuntu you would just have to make sure you had ubuntu-desktop installed. | 11:26 |
crdlb | jhornick, vino-preferences | 11:26 |
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jhornick | k | 11:26 |
D7x | h1st0: ok, well, I will probably doa fresh install when new version comes out anyway | 11:27 |
h1st0 | NegativeSpace: You mean the terminal is just instantly closing? and are you using gnome? | 11:27 |
h1st0 | D7x: Yeah then won't be an issue. | 11:27 |
cedriczg | crdlb, sorrry to ask you again. what to do there at /usr/share/zoneinfo now? | 11:27 |
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swilliamson | any syslog facilities | 11:27 |
crdlb | cedriczg, iirc you need to make a symlink (ln -s ) from the timezone file to /etc/localtime | 11:27 |
swilliamson | any syslog facilities experts? | 11:27 |
NegativeSpace | hlst0: Yes I'm using Gnome. I tried creating a desktop file, I tried using Alacarte. Each time I tried run in terminal ticked on and then off. So far, no luck. | 11:27 |
mytruehero | I'm having a major problem with bittorrent on Ubuntu. Whenever I start a torrent, it begins to work, but then my network connection dies and I have to restart my router. I've ran bittorrent on this same machine under Windows, and had it work fine. Any idea what the problem may be? Has anyone heard of this before? | 11:28 |
NegativeSpace | hlst0: And yes, a terminal window appears and then disappears. | 11:28 |
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Scanztz | !vino | 11:28 |
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ubotu | vino: VNC server for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.0-0ubuntu2.4 (edgy), package size 173 kB, installed size 1956 kB | 11:28 |
h1st0 | NegativeSpace: ahh well the desktop file you created executes in terminal then it is closing after it is done. | 11:28 |
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h1st0 | NegativeSpace: what is it that you are trying to accomplish. | 11:28 |
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NegativeSpace | hlst0: The script launches an application. Well, it should. | 11:29 |
crdlb | mytruehero, I've heard of that happening with certain routers b/c they overheat or something | 11:29 |
crdlb | mytruehero, you could try a different client | 11:29 |
K3nto | !iso | 11:29 |
ubotu | To mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn | 11:29 |
nf4 | any one have mercury messenger? | 11:29 |
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h1st0 | NegativeSpace: and how did you make the script? Just using the command line when you created a launcher? | 11:29 |
K3nto | !burn | 11:29 |
ubotu | CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto | 11:29 |
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K3nto | which burning app is best? | 11:30 |
h1st0 | NegativeSpace: keep in mind you could just hit alt + f2 and type in a program name to launch it. But if you need to make your own script to add options etc... thats a different story. | 11:30 |
adam_ | Hi all. I'm trying to get HPLIP working correctly on a dapper server. I've installed the driver, but I'm having troubles using the HTTP://localhost:631 CUPS to add the printer. The printer is recognized, but I can't add it. I'm using Lynx. Any ideas? | 11:30 |
NegativeSpace | Well the script came with the application I downloaded, I just pointed the Alacarte/desktop item to that script. | 11:30 |
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crdlb | K3nto, for gnome brasero | 11:30 |
eck | K3nto: cdrecord | 11:30 |
eck | they all use it anyway | 11:30 |
detectiveinspekt | my nvidia resolution isn't saving | 11:30 |
SnrWhippy | hey heres a question any good software for creating cd/dvd covers for printing on the cd/dvd itself | 11:30 |
crdlb | SnrWhippy, try glabels | 11:30 |
NegativeSpace | hlst0: alt+f2 method doesn't work. | 11:30 |
h1st0 | NegativeSpace: well try opening a terminal and running the command that the launcher is doing. You will see whats going on. | 11:30 |
K3nto | gnome? whats gnome | 11:30 |
h1st0 | K3nto: Window manager default in ubuntu | 11:31 |
crdlb | !gnome | 11:31 |
ubotu | gnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop. | 11:31 |
NegativeSpace | hlst0: I tried creating an executable which calls the script, but that doesn't work either. | 11:31 |
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crdlb | I love you ubotu | 11:31 |
merc | !love | 11:31 |
eck | !love | 11:31 |
ubotu | Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come. | 11:31 |
merc | hehe | 11:31 |
SnrWhippy | will do crdlb i promise to give something back in here when i get my fet with ubuntu | 11:31 |
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nf4 | i like brasero for burning cd's | 11:31 |
h1st0 | NegativeSpace: so you basically can't launch the script no matter which way you try? Is it executable? | 11:32 |
crdlb | SnrWhippy, that's the spirit | 11:32 |
NegativeSpace | hlst0: Yes, the script is executable. It's very frustrating. | 11:32 |
SnrWhippy | well i've already converted my workmates | 11:32 |
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SnrWhippy | and i'm working on converting the school so i've got to get up to speed fast | 11:32 |
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eck | NegativeSpace: what error? | 11:32 |
NegativeSpace | hlst0: The curious thing is that if I open up a terminal window and run the script from there, the program runs okay. But I would rather be able to launch the application from the menu. | 11:33 |
h1st0 | NegativeSpace: well can you navigate to the location of the script and launch it? also my name is h #1st0 not h L | 11:33 |
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NegativeSpace | h1st0: sorry. | 11:33 |
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K3nto | ok how about creating an iso | 11:33 |
K3nto | !iso | 11:33 |
eck | SnrWhippy: sounds ambitious | 11:33 |
ubotu | To mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn | 11:33 |
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K3nto | !createiso | 11:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about createiso - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:33 |
cedriczg | crdlb, wouldn't making a symlink (ln -s ) from the timezone file to /etc/localtime be to just select my time zone from the adjust time panel? | 11:33 |
HymnToLife | !mkisofs | 11:33 |
Henning_ | hay guys | 11:33 |
ubotu | mkisofs: Creates ISO-9660 CD-ROM filesystem images. In component main, is optional. Version 4:2.01+01a03-5ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 533 kB, installed size 1316 kB | 11:33 |
h1st0 | NegativeSpace: If the file you are trying to launch is executable and you have it in your $PATH it should work from anywhere. | 11:33 |
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eck | K3nto: from the command line, you would use mkisofs | 11:34 |
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Henning_ | does anyone here have experience with ubuntu on mactel machines? | 11:34 |
eck | i think all the graphical tools come with a frontend, though | 11:34 |
HymnToLife | K3nto, here's what you need - unless you just want to dump an ISO image from a disc | 11:34 |
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D7x | can I turn the emblems in nautilus off? | 11:34 |
NegativeSpace | h1st0: Yeah I added the script's directory to my $PATH, but I don't like having to open a terminal just to run the app. | 11:34 |
Slart | I have 2 soundcards and at the moment I use one for headphones (audigy) and one for speakers (Nvidia in board card), when playing flash movies I get the sound into the head phones but every now and then I'd like the sound from my browser and flash movies to go to my speakers.. where can I set this? | 11:34 |
eck | D7x: i think it is a gconf setting | 11:35 |
h1st0 | NegativeSpace: You shouldn't have to open a terminal unless its a terminal based application. | 11:35 |
Henning_ | Does anyone here have experience with running Ubuntu on Mactel machines? | 11:35 |
rogue780 | could someone direct me to a how-to to setup a mail server? I'm not sure what I need exactly | 11:35 |
goear | hey | 11:35 |
Henning_ | hi | 11:35 |
=== mernisse [n=mernisse@nat1.rochester.ub3rgeek.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
K3nto | its missing pathspec | 11:35 |
h1st0 | rogue780: howtoforge has some greate setups | 11:35 |
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Henning_ | Does anyone here have experience with running Ubuntu on Mactel machines? | 11:35 |
rogue780 | h1st0, thanks | 11:36 |
eck | Slart: you might be best off trying to upgrade to pulseaudio, it is the only sound daemon that i know of that would make this easy | 11:36 |
=== HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@LNeuilly-152-23-88-99.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NegativeSpace | h1st0: I have to open the terminal to successfully run the script which launches the application -- for some reason Ubuntu won't let me just add a launcher to Alacarte and run it from there. | 11:36 |
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K3nto | creating an iso usinf mkisofs | 11:36 |
pierce | Henning_: I know a bit (gentoo on my macbook, but ive set up ubuntu on macbooks before) | 11:36 |
h1st0 | NegativeSpace: Is the application you are trying to launch terminal based or gtk? | 11:36 |
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Slart | eck: nnggh.. linux and sound just don't go together.. sigh.. well.. what do I have to install? | 11:37 |
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K3nto | !mkisofs | 11:37 |
ubotu | mkisofs: Creates ISO-9660 CD-ROM filesystem images. In component main, is optional. Version 4:2.01+01a03-5ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 533 kB, installed size 1316 kB | 11:37 |
dyrne | Slart: buy an sblive :) | 11:37 |
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K3nto | ok, its installed | 11:37 |
AndrewWilliams | i have an existing ubuntu 6.06 install on my laptop, which is unable to boot from cd, anyway i can run the install sequence off the disk? | 11:37 |
progenic | may i ask a question ? | 11:37 |
goear | Im having an issue installing Ubuntu 6.10 on my laptop. Its a Fujitsu Siemens Amilo M1437G. (ATI Card, SATA Hard drive) I've heard that both elements cause problems on Ubuntu installation. Anyone could tell me how I can get to install it? (I get a green line when the live CD is about to load, when the orange progress bar is about to become complete, in the last seconds) | 11:37 |
Slart | dyrne: don't tempt me.. I have one of those lying around here somewhere.. I just thought it was forgotten by everyone =) | 11:37 |
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K3nto | uh-oh | 11:38 |
h1st0 | NegativeSpace: like is it a X windows application or somethign that runs in terminal? Also what is the application would make it a lot easier to sort this out. | 11:38 |
eck | Slart: install all the pulseaudio packages, and set up the sound in the gnome sound tool to use pulseaudio. there is a graphical tool in pulseaudio to switch sound streams between devices (and do a whole lot more) | 11:38 |
K3nto | i typed "mkisofs /" | 11:38 |
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K3nto | terminal is goin crazy! | 11:38 |
NegativeSpace | h1st0: I'm not 100% sure what you mean (I'm stupid), but it's a Java IDE -- like Eclipse. | 11:38 |
SnrWhippy | jesus that nexuiz has some serious graphics demands | 11:38 |
eck | K3nto: use a graphical tool or read the man page! | 11:38 |
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=== Slart now has oss, alsa, esd and jack installed for audio... you'd think one would be enough =) | ||
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SnrWhippy | it looks good at least i know my graphics card drivers work now | 11:38 |
K3nto | graphical tool eh | 11:38 |
SnrWhippy | just not in XGL | 11:38 |
h1st0 | NegativeSpace: Okay I mean if you open a terminal and launch it it works? Does it spawn a new window or the application runs in terminal? | 11:39 |
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mytrueher1 | Looks like I got booted from IRC... any other ideas on why my torrents are dieing and bringing down my network after a few minutes? | 11:39 |
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eck | Slart: well, soon pulseaudio will replace esd... | 11:39 |
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hagabaka | why does aptitude manual page say the "search" command lists packages matching ANY patterns given, while user guide says only packages matching all patterns? | 11:39 |
NegativeSpace | h1st0: It opens a new window. | 11:39 |
graabein | howdy i wonder how i can send a program to another x screen? | 11:39 |
K3nto | what kind of graphical tool? | 11:39 |
eck | K3nto: for example, gnomebaker | 11:40 |
toas1 | Can anybody help me repair my desktop? | 11:40 |
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d54C68D0D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
K3nto | gnomebaker | 11:40 |
h1st0 | NegativeSpace: Alright why do you use a script to launch it then? Rather then just launching it by its program name? | 11:40 |
K3nto | is that the best one? | 11:40 |
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eck | K3nto: i like it a lot, but they are all pretty similar | 11:40 |
NegativeSpace | h1st0: As I understand it, the program can only survive while the terminal is still alive, and the terminal dies as soon as it opens when I create a launcher. | 11:40 |
eck | just install one and use it! | 11:40 |
Slart | hagabaka: any patternS given.. not any pattern given =) | 11:40 |
graabein | i want to start freevo on my tv which is set up as screen2 i think | 11:40 |
h1st0 | K3nto: its a matter of preference all them pretty much accomplisht he same thing. | 11:40 |
jo3_ | toasl, whats up w/ ur desktop | 11:40 |
unop | graabein, provided you know the display's name it's as simple as. DISPLAY=0.1 gui_application_launcher (1 being the display name here) | 11:40 |
K3nto | can i cancel the terminal? | 11:40 |
goear | Im having an issue installing Ubuntu 6.10 on my laptop. Its a Fujitsu Siemens Amilo M1437G. (ATI Card, SATA Hard drive) I've heard that both elements cause problems on Ubuntu installation. Anyone could tell me how I can get to install it? (I get a green line when the live CD is about to load, when the orange progress bar is about to become complete, in the last seconds) | 11:41 |
eck | K3nto: ctrl-c | 11:41 |
K3nto | its just going berserk | 11:41 |
toas1 | jo3 I was trying to install print drivers | 11:41 |
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hagabaka | Slart: ? | 11:41 |
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toas1 | accidentally blew out something integral to the desktop | 11:41 |
K3nto | omg | 11:41 |
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NegativeSpace | h1st0: bash doesn't recognise it. | 11:41 |
K3nto | you right click the cd..... "copy disc" | 11:41 |
h1st0 | NegativeSpace: then hwo is the script launching it? | 11:41 |
unop | NegativeSpace, if you launch a child process using nohup, then it continues to exist past it's parent's termination | 11:41 |
jo3_ | do you get any error messages? or gdm just dosnt start? | 11:41 |
Slart | hagabaka: any patterns given might just mean it has to match all the patterns given.. any pattern given would mean any one pattern | 11:42 |
Ausylo | wow, it didn't like 6.10 either | 11:42 |
eck | K3nto: oh, if all you want to do is make an .iso from a CD then it is trivial :-) | 11:42 |
graabein | unop, how do i check to make sure which are telly and which are monitor? | 11:42 |
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K3nto | :@ lol | 11:42 |
hagabaka | it actually says "packages matching one of the patterns supplied" in the manual page | 11:42 |
h1st0 | K3nto: you could just use dd to make an iso from cd | 11:42 |
=== Scanztz [n=dogpigeo@dsl-241-6-222.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
toas1 | Boots to the point where I have a nice screen full of orange sherbet but nothing to click on | 11:42 |
=== bayle [n=bayle@host11-137-dynamic.57-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hagabaka | and "apitude search" does do that | 11:42 |
unop | NegativeSpace, e.g. nohup nautilus --browser (would launch nautilus so that even if you closed the terminal, nautilus would keep running) | 11:42 |
=== svg_ [n=svg@d5152BD71.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h1st0 | K3nto: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=nameof.iso | 11:42 |
goear | Im having an issue installing Ubuntu 6.10 on my laptop. Its a Fujitsu Siemens Amilo M1437G. (ATI Card, SATA Hard drive) I've heard that both elements cause problems on Ubuntu installation. Anyone could tell me how I can get to install it? (I get a green line when the live CD is about to load, when the orange progress bar is about to become complete, in the last seconds) | 11:42 |
hagabaka | i.e. it connects the patterns with "or" | 11:42 |
eck | gross, dd | 11:42 |
NegativeSpace | h1st0: Well if I look at the script, there's no bash command that just launches it -- it runs a bunch of JAR files. | 11:42 |
unop | graabein, open up terminals in each of the display and run this command. echo $DISPLAY | 11:42 |
Slart | hagabaka: ah.. then you're right | 11:42 |
toas1 | I'm runing off of the cd now, but no idea how to repair the install on the regular boot drive | 11:43 |
NegativeSpace | unop: That's pretty sweet, maybe that will work. | 11:43 |
hagabaka | but in the user guide, it's supposed to use "and". and there's a || operator, but not && | 11:43 |
h1st0 | NegativeSpace: well what if when you create teh launch you checkbox run in terminal | 11:43 |
Ausylo | grabbing the alternate now, this is gonna suck | 11:43 |
degreseven | i am unable to add startup programs to the list in the sessions dialog. If I add something, it appears in the list only until i close the dialog. If i reopen it, the new item is gone | 11:43 |
hagabaka | so it's really confusing how i'm supposed to search for a few patterns in conjunction | 11:43 |
NegativeSpace | h1st0: Yeah I've tried that. No luck. | 11:43 |
=== whaley [n=whaley@cpe-071-068-048-109.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
graabein | unop, thanks | 11:43 |
dyrne | K3nto: or cat /dev/cdrom > file.iso | 11:43 |
h1st0 | NegativeSpace: can you paste the contents of the script file to paste bin | 11:44 |
h1st0 | !paste | NegativeSpace | 11:44 |
ubotu | NegativeSpace: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:44 |
D7x | can I put a trash can on my desktop? | 11:44 |
h1st0 | D7x: yes | 11:44 |
eck | D7x: that is also configured in gconf | 11:44 |
NegativeSpace | h1st0: sure. | 11:44 |
HymnToLife | dyrne, dd is better do to sucj things | 11:44 |
Ausylo | so whats the main difference other than having to only install with alternate? | 11:44 |
NegativeSpace | h1st0: Also I appreciate your help. | 11:44 |
Slart | eck: I have to restart X? | 11:44 |
h1st0 | dyrne: yeah should definately use dd over cat | 11:44 |
eck | Slart: i think you need to restart esd | 11:44 |
crdlb | D7x, gconf-editor > /apps/nautilus/desktop/show_trash | 11:44 |
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h1st0 | NegativeSpace: np I'm still trying to understand what exactly is goign on very difficult when you can't see it. | 11:45 |
eck | err, if you installed the pulseaudio esd compat module, or whatever it is called, you need to start that | 11:45 |
Slart | !esd | 11:45 |
ubotu | esd is the enlightened sound deamon. It's deprecated, use !alsa instead | 11:45 |
eck | maybe X too, not sure | 11:45 |
nf4 | any one use conky? | 11:45 |
h1st0 | nf4: yes | 11:45 |
eck | that is not correct, esd provides features not in alsa | 11:45 |
eck | alsa has no sound mixing | 11:45 |
tc75 | how can i find out which package a file belongs too? | 11:45 |
h1st0 | D7x: Apps > nautilus I think is the option for trash icon visible on the desktop | 11:45 |
crdlb | esd has been deprecated in favor of pulseaudio | 11:46 |
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h1st0 | brb | 11:46 |
toas1 | Is there any way to repair desktop install from the cd w/o blowing out the entire system | 11:46 |
goear | Im having an issue installing Ubuntu 6.10 on my laptop. Its a Fujitsu Siemens Amilo M1437G. (ATI Card, SATA Hard drive) I've heard that both elements cause problems on Ubuntu installation. Anyone could tell me how I can get to install it? (I get a green line when the live CD is about to load, when the orange progress bar is about to become complete, in the last seconds) | 11:46 |
hagabaka | tc75, for installed packages, dpkg -S; for packages in the repo, apt-file | 11:46 |
NegativeSpace | h1st0: Okay, it's up. | 11:46 |
dyrne | cat illustrates the inherant coolness of linux better though. its very intuitive :) | 11:46 |
Ausylo | ? | 11:46 |
Slart | eck: I think I'll try a restart | 11:46 |
NegativeSpace | h1st0: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8139/ | 11:46 |
=== Dasnipa` [n=Dasnipa@alphatwo.doug199.eiu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
degreseven | can anyone tell me why newly added startup programs disappear from the list as soon as i close the gnome session manager? | 11:47 |
eck | dd is one of the most awful unix utilities | 11:47 |
=== kitche [n=kitche@pool-141-149-143-249.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
toodles | goear: You're in the ubuntu 7.04 channel. Try asking in #ubuntu | 11:47 |
eck | its usage is incomprehensible | 11:47 |
zithowa | i took out my ATI video card and am now using onboard video, but now X will not start up | 11:47 |
crdlb | eck, it always scares me | 11:47 |
bobbers | hi all I think I am going out of my mind :). I see sooooo many references on the web to doing "apt-get install keychain" but my apt-get knows nothing of this package. Do I need to add extra repositories to my list for apt-get? Any thoughts? I assume there must be someone on here who is using keychain | 11:48 |
kitche | zithowa: you have to reconfigure X for the new card | 11:48 |
D7x | cool, I am starting to get this thing the way I want it | 11:48 |
=== irunwithscissors [n=chaoscau@adsl-65-65-209-218.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lunar_Lamp | !keychain | 11:48 |
ubotu | keychain: key manager for OpenSSH. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.2-1 (edgy), package size 31 kB, installed size 148 kB | 11:48 |
=== studmuffin [n=chatzill@adsl-3-236-144.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hagabaka | toodles: isn't this #ubuntu ? | 11:48 |
studmuffin | any girls into cyber? | 11:48 |
goear | Im in #ubuntu | 11:48 |
irunwithscissors | hi, can anyone here help me get my sound running on ubuntu 6.1 | 11:48 |
toodles | hagabaka: Sorry, my bad! | 11:48 |
goear | this says that this channel is #ubuntu | 11:48 |
hagabaka | :) | 11:48 |
toodles | goear: Sorry, my bad. You are indeed. | 11:48 |
bobbers | what does !keychain mean lunar_lamp? | 11:49 |
toas1 | irunwithscissors, if you get that figured out will you look me up later? lol | 11:49 |
Lunar_Lamp | <Lunar_Lamp> !keychain | 11:49 |
Lunar_Lamp | <ubotu> keychain: key manager for OpenSSH. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.2-1 (edgy), package size 31 kB, installed size 148 kB | 11:49 |
toodles | goear: To help you with your question, it is possible. | 11:49 |
irunwithscissors | toas1: sure lol | 11:49 |
Lunar_Lamp | bobbers, it was a command to get ubotu to give information about keychain. | 11:49 |
studmuffin | any girls want to cyber? | 11:49 |
bobbers | heh thanks | 11:49 |
Lunar_Lamp | !ops | 11:49 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 11:49 |
bobbers | I am a noob :) | 11:49 |
tc75 | agabaka: dpkg -S doesn't find it :S | 11:49 |
toas1 | Anybody know how to repair a fubard 6.1 from cd w/o blowing out all of my data? | 11:49 |
bobbers | so how come I can't see it on my version? Am I doing something dumb? | 11:50 |
h1st0 | NegativeSpace: that should be working as long as the script is executable and where it needs to be. Perhaps someone with more scripting experience might know why. | 11:50 |
h1st0 | lol | 11:50 |
bobbers | I am on 2.6.17 | 11:50 |
crdlb | bobbers you need to enable the universe repository | 11:50 |
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bobbers | aha | 11:50 |
tc75 | agabaka: it's java's doc which is taking 272MB! but cant figure out which package it's coming from... | 11:50 |
goear | the thing is that I cant install Ubuntu, it freezes when the live CD is about to appear, the CD is fine, I installed Ubuntu into another computer today and It worked just fine | 11:50 |
NegativeSpace | h1st0: It's very strange -- I've seen a couple of people on UbuntuForums with the same problem and no-one seems to be able to find a solution. | 11:50 |
toodles | goear: I just don't know exactly how. From what I've heard, you can set up a partition on your harddrive and make grub boot from it and start the installation. I'm not the right guy to ask for details though. I've never done it. | 11:50 |
h1st0 | Or if they have a irc channel for that specific application. | 11:50 |
goear | I guess its problem of the ATI card | 11:50 |
bobbers | how would I be so clever as to do that? Or more importantly where can I read how to do that and stop bothering you fine poeple? | 11:50 |
studmuffin | no girls want to cyber??!!!??? | 11:51 |
up365 | irunwithscissors,go to this link http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449 | 11:51 |
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toodles | goear: Did you try the alternate install disk? | 11:51 |
NegativeSpace | h1st0: Yeah maybe I should have a look. Thanks for your time, though, I appreciate it. | 11:51 |
goear | toodles: what is that? | 11:51 |
h1st0 | NegativeSpace: I'm assuming it might be something with the variables in the script when its launched by X | 11:51 |
goear | I didnt | 11:51 |
irunwithscissors | goear:i had a similar problem which i found out was a graphics card problem | 11:51 |
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=== Nukez [n=chris@72-161-216-243.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h1st0 | NegativeSpace: But I wouldn't know where to begin to correct it. | 11:51 |
NegativeSpace | h1st0: It's far beyond me whatever the problem. | 11:51 |
toodles | goear: It's a text based installer for ubuntu. | 11:51 |
Nukez | Hey... | 11:51 |
goear | irunwithscissors: how did you solve the problem. | 11:51 |
goear | Ai ama... | 11:51 |
Ausylo | the alternate cd wont boot, right? | 11:51 |
crdlb | bobbers, I belive there is an option in software properties (System->preferences) | 11:51 |
irunwithscissors | goear: i bought a new card :D | 11:51 |
goear | toodles: I'll download it | 11:51 |
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zithowa | kitche: I think i figured it out. Do you know if future releases will take care of that sort of thing automatically? | 11:52 |
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kitche | zithowa: don't know but probably not | 11:52 |
irunwithscissors | anyone here know how to get ca0106 sound device running on 6.1? | 11:52 |
toodles | goear: Do. You should have more luck with that. Friends have had problems with ATI cards too, and can only install with the alternative install disk. | 11:52 |
K3nto | when i installed ubuntu to my pc, i put it on a dvd | 11:52 |
K3nto | i put the cd image on a dvd | 11:52 |
toodles | goear: You should have more luck with it. | 11:52 |
Nukez | does anyone know a good way to make ubuntu get along with my x800? | 11:52 |
K3nto | how can i take the cd image from the dvd? | 11:52 |
bobbers | crdlb: to make matters worse, I am on a server with no X :) | 11:52 |
irunwithscissors | nukex: that is an ati graphics card? | 11:53 |
bobbers | I'll look in /etc/apt | 11:53 |
irunwithscissors | nukez** | 11:53 |
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eck | K3nto: i think it is kind of complicated, because the tools you would normally use will make a dvd sized image | 11:53 |
=== del-boy [n=del-boy@cable-87-116-151-137.dynamic.sbb.co.yu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eck | K3nto: it is probably easiest for you to redownload the cd | 11:53 |
eck | but if you want to do it, you would mount the dvd on a loopback filesystem and then create an image from that | 11:54 |
bobbers | crdlb: got it, just was commented out in my sources list | 11:54 |
goear | toodles: one thing before, to add the boot option acpi = off and noacpi how do I have to do it. size=1048576 root=/dev/ram rw quiet -- acpi=off noacpi | 11:54 |
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toodles | goear: 1 sec, I'll have to look it up | 11:55 |
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eck | goear: you might have to add them before the -- | 11:55 |
eck | usually -- signifies the end of arguments | 11:55 |
bobbers | crdlb: and as you so rightly said, adding the universe repository made it available, thanks for your help | 11:55 |
Paddy_EIRE | hey guys in edgy when I type glxinfo | grep "direct rendering", I get libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b direct rendering: Yes | 11:55 |
K3nto | ya | 11:55 |
Slart | eck: ok, pulse audio installed and running.. but I don't see any new gadgets.. nothing new in the menues etc.. I missed something? | 11:55 |
K3nto | or just go back to windows :S | 11:55 |
goear | eck: thank you | 11:56 |
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K3nto | see ya | 11:56 |
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Taime1 | how do you tell ubuntu to use a program like xmms or amarok to handle streams like shoutcast? | 11:56 |
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francois_ | hi my /sbin/lrm-video disapeared, now X won't work, anyone know how I can fix this ? | 11:56 |
h1st0 | Taime1: do you mean make it the preffered app or just be able to play them? | 11:56 |
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eck | Slart: tbh, i just compiled the tools myself | 11:56 |
Taime1 | preferred | 11:56 |
irunwithscissors | taime1: systerm > preferences > preferred applications? | 11:57 |
grndslm | Taime1: maybe you could try apt-get install streamtuner | 11:57 |
eck | Slart: i think there is a repo somewhere that has them for apt | 11:57 |
irunwithscissors | system* | 11:57 |
h1st0 | grndslm: he doesn't need more apps | 11:57 |
Taime1 | streamtuner | 11:57 |
Eko_Hermiyanto | hello | 11:57 |
TheAngel | how do i see my processes running | 11:57 |
Eko_Hermiyanto | I have a laptop with Ubuntu System | 11:57 |
Slart | eck: it claims to be a "drop in" replacement for esd.. so perhaps it should just work... I'll do some testing | 11:57 |
Ausylo | alternate can not run in boot live cd mode, correct? | 11:57 |
=== epegzz [n=epegzz@104.Red-83-46-179.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
francois_ | TheAngel: ps aux | 11:57 |
Eko_Hermiyanto | compaq presario c300 | 11:57 |
h1st0 | I hate when people suggest just using a different app rather than geting the problem resolve.d | 11:57 |
Eko_Hermiyanto | in the laptop.. | 11:57 |
Eko_Hermiyanto | the wireless interface is 802.11 b/g WLAN | 11:57 |
Taime1 | okay, welkl, the perferred apps only has like two settings, one for browser and one for email i believe | 11:57 |
Taime1 | so i cant change it that way | 11:57 |
Eko_Hermiyanto | but the system can not be connected into that device | 11:58 |
irunwithscissors | TheAngel: Systerm > Administration > System Monitor | 11:58 |
eck | Slart: it will work, but there is a gui tool for moving audio streams between devices | 11:58 |
irunwithscissors | omfg i cant spell system | 11:58 |
Eko_Hermiyanto | how I can connected the device? | 11:58 |
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Eko_Hermiyanto | or is there information on the web? | 11:58 |
TheAngel | thanks francois_ and irunwithscissors | 11:58 |
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Taime1 | is there a way to Manually tell ubuntu to use xmms or the like? | 11:58 |
eck | i'm sure the pulseaudio-utils has a command line tool to do it, but i don't know what it is | 11:58 |
timfrost | francois_: try 'sudo install --reinstall linux-restricted-modules-common' (that is the package in edgy that has /sbin/lrm-video) | 11:58 |
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Eko_Hermiyanto | hello? | 11:58 |
Slart | eck: hehe.. I tried removing the esound-common.. but then it just wanted to remove _All_ my audio apps.. amarok, audacity.. everything | 11:58 |
Eko_Hermiyanto | anyone can help me? | 11:59 |
grndslm | Taime1: it lists all available shoutcast stations for your selection....and you can even record stations easily with one click of the mouse...but if you want to change the default app a certain type of file opens with, right click on that file type -> properties -> open with | 11:59 |
=== voodoorox [n=paul@host86-129-109-189.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h1st0 | Taime1: if you where to right click on a filetype | 11:59 |
Eko_Hermiyanto | with my problem above please? | 11:59 |
h1st0 | there ya go. | 11:59 |
eck | Slart: did you install pulseaudio-esound-compat? | 11:59 |
toas1 | timfrost: what will this do? 'sudo install --reinstall linux-restricted-modules-common' | 11:59 |
Slart | eck: I installed all of them.. so.. probably =) | 11:59 |
irunwithscissors | eko: go to system > administration > networking | 11:59 |
adam_ | I can't add a printer using the web interface. It says the option to do so is disabled, and recommends I use Gnome CUPS manager. I don't have Gnome installed, as this is a server install. Can anyone help me? | 11:59 |
Hasrat_USA | when i type uptime, i see the following message: 17:59:57 up 3 days, 18:32, 2 users, load average: 0.73, 0.98, 0.98 my question is why do i see 2 users when only one user, which is me, is using the computer? how can i kill the extra user? | 11:59 |
tainter | when watching videos on youtube, firefox often crashes. when i ran it out of the terminal, the crash message is "Segmentation fault (core dumped)(2)" | 11:59 |
Eko_Hermiyanto | the device is not known by the system | 12:00 |
toodles | goear: I think you put it in like so: size=1048576 root=/dev/ram rw quiet pci=noacpi -- | 12:00 |
irunwithscissors | hasrat: is it root? | 12:00 |
erUSUL | Hasrat_USA: both are you | 12:00 |
Eko_Hermiyanto | so it just like the device is not there | 12:00 |
Eko_Hermiyanto | is unknown | 12:00 |
Eko_Hermiyanto | 802.11 b/g WLAN | 12:00 |
Taime1 | how do i get a stream on my desktop so that i can actually try "opening" it? | 12:00 |
erUSUL | Hasrat_USA: type who in a terminal | 12:00 |
cpk1 | Hasrat_USA: the other user is root =) | 12:00 |
=== orian [n=paul@206-248-130-97.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
grndslm | Taime1: download it, of course | 12:00 |
irunwithscissors | eko: you need to find drivers then | 12:00 |
grndslm | right click a link | 12:00 |
Taime1 | i tried right clicking the link.... | 12:00 |
Eko_Hermiyanto | irunwithscissors, do you know the right repositories? | 12:00 |
Eko_Hermiyanto | please | 12:00 |
adam_ | Hasrat_USA: How many terminals do you have open? There should be a name for each... | 12:00 |
Eko_Hermiyanto | for 802.11 b/g WLAN | 12:00 |
Taime1 | lemme try again, ill get back with ya | 12:00 |
Hasrat_USA | erUSUL: after typing who, i got this hasrat :0 2007-03-01 01:56 | 12:00 |
timfrost | toas1: francois_ is missing a file from that package. the '--reinstall' option to apt-get says to re-install an existing package. | 12:00 |
irunwithscissors | eko: find your model number of your wireless card | 12:00 |
toas1 | Does anybody know how to repair a messed up desktop w/o blowing out the whole system? | 12:01 |
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