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beuno | tonyyarusso: hey there | 12:17 |
tonyyarusso | beuno: hi | 12:18 |
beuno | how are you doing? | 12:19 |
tonyyarusso | okay, mostly | 12:19 |
beuno | I need help getting the UWN 30 out | 12:20 |
beuno | tonight! | 12:20 |
=== tonyy [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
beuno | tonyyarusso: did you get my msg? | 12:29 |
tonyyarusso | beuno: I got "I need help..." anything after? | 12:29 |
tonyyarusso | I can do some, but not a lot :( | 12:30 |
beuno | anything at all is welcome | 12:30 |
tonyyarusso | righto. | 12:30 |
tonyyarusso | I'll see if I can drop by for something - If my beats aren't done by someone else I'll start there, otherwise I'll grab something bitesize - spellcheck at least | 12:30 |
beuno | tonyyarusso: that would be great, thanks! | 12:31 |
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Mez | whoo :D | 03:53 |
Mez | hehe :D | 03:53 |
Mez | Guess what guys? | 03:53 |
Mez | I managed to get Personal Computer world interested in doing regular "whats new in ubuntu" slots | 03:54 |
crimsun | excellent! | 03:54 |
Admiral_Chicago | nice | 03:55 |
Mez | was at a press conference, was talking to a guy there who writes for them, we got into the stuff that I do and he was really interested in the linux stuff :D | 04:19 |
Mez | and gave me his business card | 04:19 |
Mez | I soooo f**king need ubuntu business cards | 04:19 |
Mez | anyone know where I can get some? | 04:20 |
Admiral_Chicago | Mez: there is a link to create your own | 04:20 |
Admiral_Chicago | let me see if I can pull it up | 04:20 |
Mez | As a Member you will get an email address @ubuntu.com and the right to carry Ubuntu business cards too, if you want them! (We'll supply the artwork, you print your own cards.) | 04:22 |
Admiral_Chicago | yup, there is a wiki page somewhere with the actual card, trying to pull that up | 04:24 |
Mez | found it | 04:24 |
Mez | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BusinessCards | 04:24 |
Admiral_Chicago | ty | 04:26 |
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beuno | Mez: congrats! | 04:28 |
Mez | beuno, :D | 04:28 |
Mez | It's kinda weird | 04:28 |
Mez | I went there for a conference for a new game company launch :D | 04:28 |
beuno | heh, well, it sure was productive | 04:29 |
Mez | indeed | 04:31 |
Mez | and I have shiny copies of games | 04:32 |
Mez | now to see if they work with cedega :D | 04:32 |
Mez | and to email the developers and bitch at them to port to linux (it's based on ogre anyways!) | 04:32 |
=== rjian wow FOSS Fiesta this Month in Manila, Philippines :D | ||
beuno | hahaha, sounds like fun | 04:34 |
rjian | together with the UBuntu-ph team | 04:34 |
beuno | rjian: I hope to see pictures | 04:35 |
rjian | beuno: hehe u can come.. hehe its free and open.. hehe | 04:36 |
beuno | rjian: yes, but philippines isn't too close to me | 04:36 |
=== rjian "Conference on FOSS and E-Governance, FOSS Fiesta and Parallel Workshops on Joomla and Ubuntu, Manila, March 7-8, 2007" | ||
rjian | beuno: hehe i forgot u place... Australia? | 04:37 |
rjian | i mean ur place.. | 04:37 |
beuno | Argentina | 04:37 |
rjian | spanish? | 04:37 |
beuno | si seor | 04:38 |
rjian | bueno tamen.. hehe | 04:38 |
rjian | beuno: ketal? | 04:38 |
beuno | ;D bien, usted? | 04:39 |
rjian | beuno: hehe same.. our dialect here in Mindanao is a broken spanish | 04:40 |
rjian | hehe | 04:40 |
rjian | beuno: like kosa 2 ta ase? hehe | 04:40 |
beuno | 8| | 04:40 |
beuno | you lost me :) | 04:40 |
rjian | hehe | 04:40 |
rjian | bueno: kosa tiene na argentina? | 04:41 |
rjian | :D | 04:41 |
beuno | I live here (not sure what the question is) | 04:44 |
rjian | hahah yup... | 04:44 |
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mrevell | hey! Is it too late to add something to today's UWN? | 11:11 |
elkbuntu | mrevell, afaik no | 11:15 |
mrevell | elkbuntu: woohoo :) | 11:15 |
elkbuntu | it's not as though we've been releasing on schedule lately anyway :( | 11:15 |
mrevell | elkbuntu: you well? Long time no speak etc | 11:15 |
=== elkbuntu hugs mrevell | ||
=== MenZa waves to elkbuntu | ||
mrevell | ah, thanks :) | 11:15 |
elkbuntu | yeah it is. mean launchpad stole you from us :( | 11:15 |
mrevell | haha :) | 11:15 |
=== elkbuntu hugs MenZa as well | ||
MenZa | elkbuntu: Your website's browser and OS detet system is evil | 11:15 |
=== MenZa huggles elkbuntu :D | ||
elkbuntu | MenZa, you're stupid enough to use inferior product whilst using my blog, you deserve the same! | 11:16 |
elkbuntu | s/same/shame/ | 11:16 |
MenZa | :( | 11:16 |
elkbuntu | mrevell, did you see my linux.com article? did you did you did you? | 11:16 |
mrevell | elkbuntu: I saw it, yeah, and have it flagged to read. Nice work :) | 11:16 |
MenZa | I like how it even has elinks icons though | 11:17 |
elkbuntu | MenZa, i added the gnewsense icon because kamping_kaiser wouldnt stop pouting | 11:17 |
MenZa | :D | 11:17 |
elkbuntu | mrevell, thankies :) | 11:18 |
MenZa | that reminds me I haven't looked at my feed reader lately | 11:18 |
MenZa | *twitches* | 11:18 |
mrevell | I'm going to edit the Launchpad section | 11:18 |
elkbuntu | mrevell, mind you half the work was getting stuff from ogra | 11:18 |
mrevell | that okay? | 11:18 |
mrevell | of UWN I mean | 11:18 |
elkbuntu | mrevell, i guess so. usually it's it's for Christian to edit, but i suppose if you have the facts and permission from somewhere you can | 11:19 |
mrevell | Christian? | 11:19 |
mrevell | Wow, I am out of touch | 11:19 |
elkbuntu | reis? | 11:19 |
mrevell | Oh right | 11:19 |
mrevell | :) | 11:19 |
elkbuntu | you naughty | 11:19 |
mrevell | Yeah, it's my job to do that now | 11:19 |
elkbuntu | ok cool | 11:19 |
mrevell | I think of him as Kiko | 11:19 |
elkbuntu | go for it then | 11:19 |
=== mrevell engages edit mode | ||
elkbuntu | mrevell, that's great. i didnt know his nick ;) | 11:19 |
mrevell | I've re-added this channel to my autoconnect list :) | 11:21 |
elkbuntu | woohoo! | 11:21 |
=== elkbuntu does the 'we got matt back, finally' dance | ||
mrevell | hahah :) | 11:31 |
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dotwaffle | mrevell: seems like a long tiem since the creation of the MRP, that was the last time I saw you in here... | 11:40 |
mrevell | MRP? | 11:40 |
mrevell | dotwaffle: I think I was probably last here around November time, on a regular basis | 11:41 |
dotwaffle | Media Relations Project. I invented the name, I can invent acronyms too ;) | 11:41 |
mrevell | oh right | 11:42 |
mrevell | Hey - are all you guys in the LP beta? | 11:46 |
MenZa | no | 11:47 |
MenZa | I don't get to test little people | 11:47 |
dotwaffle | I'm not, but I don't have the time atm. | 11:47 |
elkbuntu | mrevell, nope | 11:49 |
mrevell | It'd be good to get you guys on board. You don't have to do anything special, just use LP like normal. | 11:50 |
mrevell | MenZa: :) | 11:50 |
mrevell | Just having people use it helps us measure server load etc, even if you don't report any bugs | 11:50 |
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elkbuntu | poningru, how did you go on the herd5 page? | 12:13 |
poningru | pretty well... except for the screenshots | 12:20 |
poningru | cause I dont have access to the live cds | 12:20 |
MenZa | mrevell: :o | 12:21 |
adamant1988 | hello all | 12:26 |
elkbuntu | poningru, i did shots of the desktop for you, but i didnt know what else you wanted | 12:27 |
elkbuntu | <elkbuntu> poningru, argh, all i've managed to get done is the two screenshots in http://geekosophical.net/random | 12:28 |
elkbuntu | which is really just 1 screenshot :-/ | 12:28 |
poningru | yeah | 12:42 |
poningru | elkbuntu: used that | 12:42 |
poningru | but need more screenies | 12:42 |
elkbuntu | poningru, of? | 12:42 |
poningru | hold on | 12:42 |
poningru | the network manager, with a vpn plugin installed and a connecting to a vpn | 12:43 |
poningru | the menu turning on of desktop effects | 12:43 |
poningru | and apport .6 | 12:44 |
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elkbuntu | oh. you might have to ask someone else, since i havent a vpn to connect to | 12:44 |
poningru | I'll probably try to do that with edgy | 12:44 |
poningru | ps yeah right | 12:58 |
poningru | er not | 12:58 |
poningru | that's a 2x negative | 12:59 |
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