
Josh1337MP3 playback plugin help12:13
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Josh1337I need help with the mp3 plugin12:13
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gregoplugin for?12:13
Josh1337mp3 playback12:13
gregowhich player?12:13
Josh1337any player12:13
Aluminis there a way to lie to APT and tell it you have a package installed when you don't?12:14
Josh1337Ummm Kaffeine12:14
gregowhat for? -->alumin?12:14
Aluminlike, say I don't have the PHP package installed12:14
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Aluminbecause I'm using a custom compile in /usr/local/src12:15
gregokaffeinre for mp3?12:15
gregoyoure weird12:15
gregojust instal xine extras12:15
compilerwriterI need to do something for about DST here soon and am not sure what.12:15
Aluminbut then APT doesn't want to upgrade certain packages because of dependencies that don't resolve because "I don't have PHP installed"12:15
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gregoand play them with amarok12:15
Josh1337k ill google it12:15
gregosudo apt-get libxine-extras12:15
gregoi think so..12:15
gregogive me a sec12:16
cccJosh1337: amarok is the best music player ever imo. try it if you haven't already12:16
Josh1337its installed but it cant play mp3's12:16
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Josh1337im new to the whole Linux thing so if i affend anybody with my stupid questions im sry12:17
ccci thought kubuntu-amarok asks if you want mp3 codecs installed at first startup and does the job for you?12:17
gregoit asks12:17
Aluminyeah amaroK FTW12:17
gregobut it dont work12:17
gregojust hangs12:17
gregoand only newest version12:17
cccworked for me iirc12:17
SolidSourceccc: it doesn't ask until you add an MP3 to the playlist12:17
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gregojust install libxine-extracodecs12:18
compilerwriterI went into the system settings to try to figure things out, but am not certain of what I should do.  There are two Eastern Time Zones in it.  There is one for Detroit, MI.  There is also one for Indiana, EST.  Michicgan has followed DST for years whilst Indiana just joined the band wagon last year.  So it begs the question;  Should I set myself to Detroit or Indiana?12:18
Josh1337how do i do that12:18
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gregofrom terminal12:18
Josh1337yeh im in the terminal12:18
gregosudo apt-get libxine-extracodecs12:18
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gregoand type your password12:19
gregoi forgot12:19
compilerwriterjosh1337 We were all new to computers of any sort at one time.  You should find us mostly polite and helpful here.12:19
SolidSourcecompilerwriter: set it to which is ever closer to where you live12:19
gregosudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs12:19
Josh1337thx that one works12:20
gregounix commands makes me horny..12:20
gregotouch touch12:20
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compilerwriterSolidSource I live smack dab in Indiana.  The question is basically that I am guessing that EST is set to compensate for DST and the other EST is not, or would the Ubuntu Immortals have noticed and fixed this already?12:21
intelikeycompilerwriter heh yeah.  and the better question "why daylightsavings time exists anyway"12:21
Josh1337k ill brb im going to log on with my linux box12:21
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linux_k im back12:22
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linux_josh1337 is now linux12:23
Aluminhave to admit, I didn't think I'd ever see the word "horny" in this channel12:23
linux_ok its not working12:23
linux_it gave me an error12:23
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SolidSourcecompilerwriter: time zones don't follow straight lines....so the hills/bluffs/mountains/whatever cause them to be seperated12:23
linux_linux@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs12:23
linux_Reading package lists... Done12:23
linux_Building dependency tree... Done12:24
linux_libxine-extracodecs is already the newest version.12:24
linux_You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:12:24
linux_The following packages have unmet dependencies:12:24
linux_  libxine-extracodecs: Depends: libmad0 (>= 0.15.1b) but it is not going to be installed12:24
linux_E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).12:24
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intelikeyAlumin and what is it that compels you to admit that ?12:24
Aluminlinux_: FYI, you'll want to use a pastebin if you're sending >3 lines12:24
Aluminintelikey: I dunno, surprise?12:24
BluesKajlinux , use pastebin pls , don't flood the channel12:24
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:25
gregooh god...12:25
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gregowhat a flood..12:25
compilerwriterTo make matters worse there is another EST for Indiana that is labeled for the quaint little burg of Marengo, in Crawford County.  That se section of IN used to follow Ohio into DST but since the whole state, save a very few of the western counties that follow CDT, does so now its existence is really moot.12:25
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intelikeygrego you can get kicked out of here for two lines....12:25
gregogotta remember that12:25
SolidSourcecompilerwriter: does it really matter?12:25
Alumintwo lines is a bit harsh12:25
intelikeydepends on whom is watching12:26
ccclinux_: try: sudo apt-get -f install12:26
cccas it suggests12:26
Aluminunless they're like 8000-character lines :)12:26
intelikeyAlumin server will cut a line at -420 chars12:26
Aluminlinux_: before you proceed, you may want to "sudo apt-get update"12:27
gregoi have hard freeezes >__> during high cpu loads12:27
Aluminmake sure you're working with the most up-to-date package lists12:27
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SolidSource!source-o-matic > linux_12:27
gregoon any Ubuntu i tried12:27
linux_k ill try12:28
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intelikeygrego what do you do to get high cpu loads ?12:29
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intelikeygrego what do you do to get high cpu loads ?12:30
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linux_this is what i did12:30
intelikeygrego you do a lot of compiling on a deb based ditro do you ?12:30
linux_sudo apt-get update12:31
linux_that worked12:31
compilerwriterSolidSource:  I am well aware of that.  I am a denizen of Indiana who happens to have relatives in Marengo.  I live near Indianapolis, which, up until last year, did not change its clocks.  Meanwhile my aunt and uncle and cousins did change their clocks.  All of this occured in the Southeastern part of the state in the megaopolis formed by Cincinnati, Louisville, and the nearby Indiana counties.  Then on the western12:31
compilerwriterparts of the state there were the counties that tried to stay in sync with whatever Chicago was doing.  I am well aware of the hills and valleys.  I am just now baffled as to what to set things to so that come 11 March at 01:59 my computer resets itself to 11 March 03:00 in the next minute.12:31
gregobut its matter of choice12:31
linux_then i typed sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs12:31
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linux_i got an error so then i typed sudo apt-get -f install libxine-extracodecs12:32
linux_same error :o12:32
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gregowhich error?12:32
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intelikeygrego maybe renice x to a little less nice and renice your make to a little more nice ?12:33
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gregoi dont think that its xs fault12:34
SolidSourcecompilerwriter: your state follows DLS, so any city in that state will follow DLS, and if it automatic updates it will do it...if it doesn't, its not that big of a deal to change it manually12:34
linux_libxine-extracodecs: Depends: libmad0 (>= 0.15.1b) but it is not going to be installed12:34
intelikeygrego unless you mean that it hard locks  and stays.12:34
gregoyeah.. total freeeze no cursor i can't even reset xorgs12:34
gregojust Pc reset12:34
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intelikeyhmm oh  that sounds more like a libc problem12:35
Alumingrego: does a SysRq kill work?12:35
gregowhat is that?12:35
gregoi dont think so12:35
SolidSourcelinux_: then "sudo aptitude install libmad0"12:35
Alumingo to a virtual terminal12:35
Aluminand hit Alt-SysRq-M12:35
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rolnyzxdoes anybody have problems with Open Office when you install and set up MS TTF fonts? Everything looks fine but Open Office. Here is a photo of my desktop  http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=408217464&size=o12:36
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Aluminsee if it prints some memory statistics12:36
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premier_does anyone know the ubuntu pakages for lineak?12:36
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ubotuminicom: friendly menu driven serial communication program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1-10 (edgy), package size 150 kB, installed size 892 kB12:36
ubotugtkterm: A simple GTK+ serial port terminal. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.5-1build1 (edgy), package size 45 kB, installed size 228 kB12:36
linux_solidsource: its doing all kinds of things12:36
Alumingrego: your kernel might not have it I guess12:37
SolidSourcelinux_: thats fine...it knows what its doing12:37
prakdoes anyone know if gtkterm allows me to flash/upload hex files to an external device connected to a port?12:37
linux_k it stoped12:37
Aluminthe Alt-SysRq-* commands go straight to the kernel12:37
gregowhich kernel option is responsible for that? i can recompile kernel later12:37
intelikeythe low level system inturpretor. the system calls to the kernel.   everything is built on libc.   if doing a build and the box locks up tight  it sounds like something at the lower levels of kernel communications.12:37
Aluminas a test, you could do your make in a virtual terminal, and if everything tanks you could hit Alt-SysRq-k12:38
Aluminthat will wipe out anything running on that VT unconditionally, unless the kernel is COMPLETELY gone12:38
gregotanks <--? my english is poor , sorry <__<12:38
Aluminif the system locks12:38
Aluminyou can see if it's the make process12:38
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Aluminyou may need to recompile your kernel with sysrq support12:39
intelikeymake sure you have the latest libc6   and that your kernel is built on that libc12:39
AluminI thought they call came with it these days but if you don't see anything then maybe not12:39
linux_now what?12:39
gregotime for googling..12:39
rolnyzxdoes anybody have problems with Open Office when you install and set up MS TTF fonts? Everything looks fine but Open Office. Here is a photo of my desktop  http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=408217464&size=o12:40
SolidSourcelinux_: then "sudo aptitude install libxine-extracodecs" to make sure its installed and good to go12:40
gregois that normal that firefox uses gtk widgets in kde?12:40
Alumingrego: KERNEL.SYSRQ = 112:40
linux_k and ...........done12:41
SolidSourcelinux_: should be good to go for music, may have to restart amarok12:42
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SolidSource!codecs > linux_12:42
linux_do i have to restart my comp?12:42
gregoAlumin in which section this option is stored?12:42
linux_its working12:42
gregodo you know?12:42
Alumindon't remember12:43
linux_!!!! thanks sooo much12:43
Aluminyou can grep for it in .config tho12:43
SolidSourcelinux_ nope don't ever really have to restart comp for most things12:43
linux_all day and i get somewhere12:43
gregoMagic SysRq key?12:43
gregoi have it enabled..12:43
linux_i so sux at linux im a windows person but im changing because i dont wanna deal with the new win pos12:43
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Aluminlinux_: funny, that's what I said about Win95 :p12:44
intelikeyMagic SysRq doesn't help on kernel panic and/or hard lockup.12:44
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gregothis is very hard lockup12:44
Aluminintelikey: yeah...but I thought it might help to see if it's just an issue of make pwning the machine12:44
SolidSourcelinux_: you will need to install the other codecs for videos and such, and you will need w32codecs12:44
gregojust freezed desktop12:44
SolidSource!w32codecs > linux_12:45
linux_how do i do that ROFL12:45
Aluminhow do you search for factoids in the bot12:45
SolidSourcejust follow what ubotu said12:45
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:46
Aluminooh I'm good12:46
[Goce] Anyone else having this problem with Kubuntu 6.10 (edgy)? My CPU is spiking every 4-5 seconds from 0% to 100% over and over again. I then sudo kill 4115 (apt-index-watch) and the problem stops. Anyone? I had this prob once before and an update seemed to fix it, but the problem is back again and no updates are available.12:46
intelikeyAlumin !help12:46
linux_kkk thx again12:46
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Alumin!help > Alumin12:46
Admiral_hehe[Goce] : what is the PID for 4115..that is, what service is the ID for12:46
Alumin"what is the PID for 4115"12:47
Admiral_hehesorry, a bit tired...12:48
rolnyzxAlumin, ps aux | grep 411512:48
Admiral_hehewhat process is running that 4115 corresponds to12:48
intelikeyps aux | grep -m1 411512:48
Aluminps 411512:48
[Goce] Admiral_hehe: It's for apt-watch-index12:48
adydasIf you want a nice wee program to watch what pids are doing what i found whowatch quite handy12:49
[Goce] had to sudo it cause I had insufficiant access ya know?12:49
Admiral_heheby any change are you running adept_*12:50
[Goce] apt-watch-index or apt-index-watch.. I ferget now12:50
[Goce] yes I am12:50
Fri13[Goce] : yes, i have same problem...12:50
[Goce] I love it cause you can control the distributories better12:50
Admiral_hehehmm, that's probably it12:51
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Admiral_hehe[Goce] : what release are you on?12:51
Fri13[Goce] : just run "/etc/init.d/apt-index-watcher stop"12:51
[Goce] Fri13: did you have to kill apt-index-watch?12:51
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:51
[Goce] Admiral_hehe: Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy)12:51
geniistdin You alive?12:52
Admiral_hehehmm, i'm running that on a lappy atm, its not doing that12:52
Admiral_hehewhat Adept are you running, adept notifier?12:52
Fri13[Goce] : and if you want make it easier, just make link as "kdesu /etc/init.d/apt-index-watcher stop". I use that when i start game because without it, all games/videos and so on are buggy...12:52
[Goce] Fri: I agree that game don't work at all with the spiking..12:53
[Goce] Adm: I am running adept notifier12:53
[Goce] but I thought this apt-index-watch was a part of it12:53
Admiral_hehe[Goce] : pstree12:54
Admiral_hehethat should show you how things are connected12:54
intelikeyAlumin i had to revisit my wraper for ps    it seems that /bin/ps "proccess id number"  will work...  i had accidentally disabled that function.12:54
geniiAnyone know of a way to get shockwave working without running firefox under wine for instance? There anyone working on a native linux shockwave plugin or viewer?12:55
Aluminyeah, it's the "standard use" hehe12:55
[Goce] PSTREE does not show it cause the apt-index-watch has been killed12:55
[Goce] I will try that again when I reboot12:55
[Goce] I have to get back to work now12:55
intelikeyAlumin heh   i'm kinda non-standard.12:55
Alumingenii: not that I know of12:55
[Goce] lunch is over12:55
[Goce] I'll touch bases when I get back home tonight12:55
Alumingenii: there's a native Flash plugin, but I don't think there's a Shockwave one12:55
=== [Goce] clear *
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SolidSourcegenii: shockwave and flash are generally the same thing12:57
geniiAlumin Yeah I found the flash9 for linux doesn't do shockwave for some reason. Main issue for me is there is a bunch of kids using one of the public LANs I set up with linux... but many of the sites they go to play educational games is shockwave-based for whatever reason12:57
vlt|homeHello. Sometimes when trying to download a file with Konqueror it opens in kate. Any idea how to store it on disk?12:57
Admiral_hehevlt|home: right click, save link as12:58
geniiThe window saying "click here to download plugin" that comes up is useless LOO12:58
geniiLOL even12:58
waylandbill_vlt|home: right mouse button is your friend12:58
intelikey"educational games is shockwave-based for whatever reason"  reason.  the writers need educated ?12:58
SolidSourcegenii: what browser?12:58
geniiintelikey Well, these are PBS websites12:58
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geniiSolidSource: Firefox 1.5.x12:59
gregosave as doesnt work with this isue..  waylandbill12:59
vlt|homeAdmiral_hehe, waylandbill_: Did try that before, it doesn't work. I only get a few bytes of "defere file". It's a crappy javascript download page, so wget and even curl failed.12:59
Admiral_hehevlt|home: got a link?12:59
waylandbillintelikey: how's it going. havent seen you for a few days12:59
gregofor  me it happens with all debs12:59
vlt|homeAdmiral_hehe: No, it's in a password protected area :(01:00
SolidSourcegenii: besides you need to update firefox to 2.02 flash plugin should take care of shockwave....easiest test is www.shockwave.com and about:plugins in firefox address bar01:00
intelikeywaylandbill been here every day.    doing fine as frog hair split four ways.01:00
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Admiral_hehevlt|home: :( . I'll blame the web page. could save the file and move it from /tmp01:00
Admiral_hehegotta run01:00
waylandbillintelikey: I must've ignored you. ;)01:00
geniiSolidSource: So linux firefox 2.x flash plugin works with shockwave from in linux then?01:01
tuproxCan the terminal (the one that has tabbed windows) be installed in Ubuntu 6.10?01:01
intelikeywaylandbill i'm used to that...01:01
vlt|homeAdmiral_hehe: It's 700M binary01:01
intelikeytuprox not can be.  IS.01:01
tuproxnice.  how do I get it to open?01:02
SolidSourcegenii: yes, there were some changes in the base code of firefox between 1.5 and 2.001:02
ryanakcacan someone please test bug 89332? (On an install without gnome/pygtk apps)01:02
intelikeytuprox both kde and 'nome supply tab's terminals.01:02
geniiSolidSource: OK thx I'll try it01:02
tuproxI have 8 terminals open and could really consolidate01:02
vlt|homeWhere can I tell Konqueror or KDE not to01:02
vlt|homeopen those files in kat01:02
SolidSourcegenii: firefox should have been updated through the repos though...so don't see how you have 1.5 anyway01:03
intelikey!cli | tuprox01:03
ubotutuprox: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands01:03
tuproxthank you!01:03
tuproxI see what I need to do01:03
geniiSolidSource: Version reports I think01:03
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intelikeytuprox both of those ^ support tabs by default.01:04
waylandbillgrego: sorry, could you repeat the problem?01:04
SolidSourcegenii: but the newest version in repos is 2.0.2...01:04
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tuproxI never really looked at the top for the TABS menu.  God I feel DUMB!!!01:04
gregosame as <vlt|home>01:05
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geniiSolidSource: Do dev libs need to be installed? Perhaps I haven't opened up the sources.list enough or so01:05
hawk__need help with beryl01:05
gregodownloaded deb files are always opened with kate..01:05
hawk__where do i need to go01:05
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SolidSource!source-o-matic > genii01:05
vlt|homegrego: sa_v_e as? Didn't work. I got just a few bytes of download.hml01:06
waylandbillgenii: dev libs need to be installed when need to compile. those packages are all headers.01:06
hawk__where do i go to get help with beryl01:06
gregosame here..01:06
SolidSourcegenii: dev packages are for manual compiling...01:06
vlt|homegrego: But when clicking it left the real target file is downloaded -- and opened in kate :(01:07
SolidSourcegenii: and the repos store mostly DEB packages01:07
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geniiYeah OK. I'm just wondering now why then sudo apt-get upgrade doesn't up the firefox vers. Weird. Maybe because on 6.06?01:07
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intelikeyas far as terminal emulation, lets see; you could run 127 x session  with <unknown number> terminal windows in each with 256 tabs in each window and screen can support 256 psyudo terminals in each tab....    be hard to run out of terminals in default linux01:08
SolidSourcegenii: might need to update sources01:08
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SolidSourcegenii: just follow that source-o-matic page, and you will have most the repos you will ever need01:09
=== genii sips a large black coffee and ponders his existence
geniiIt's back up then? Down yesterday or day before01:09
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intelikey!info mozilla-firefox dapper01:10
ubotumozilla-firefox: Transition package for firefox rename. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.dfsg+ (dapper), package size 49 kB, installed size 104 kB01:10
intelikeycause it's version  1.5  ?01:10
troxordoes anyone know how to run the kcontrol modules individually?01:10
SolidSourcedapper only has the 1.5? that doesn't make sense01:11
geniiSo "main" repo is for sure enabled on those boxes.01:11
geniiDamn, may need to up to Edgy or so then01:11
geniiPITA for 48 systems01:12
intelikeygenii i think you can up to 2.0 via backports in dapper ?    but upgrade wont install from backports will it ?01:12
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ff2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:12
SolidSourceintelikey: upgrade uses all the repos in the sources.list01:12
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geniiintelikey PErhaps I'll force the version in the dkpg command01:13
hendauscan anyone tell me how to burn a vcd/dvd on kubuntu?01:13
ryanakcacan someone please test bug 89332? (On an feisty system without python-glade2 installed)01:13
intelikeySolidSource i don't think it will uninstall something to install a new relese of it01:14
ryanakcabug 8933201:14
intelikeySolidSource if it was just a subversion  yes.  but that's not just an update.01:14
adydasanyone got any comments or advice on NAS devices with networks and linux? can i mount a USB based unit? or does it need to be LAN?01:14
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SolidSourceintelikey: don't have to uninstall firefox to upgrade it01:14
big_bang_babyhey how does kubuntu to work with the gtk based apps ( for example drag and drop features ) to comunicate with the outside ( kde ) is a library ? i ve hear about qtk-qt but that doesnt satisfies the drag an drop featured gtk apps01:15
hendauscan anyone help me thanx01:15
adydashendaus: Use K3B01:15
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VanessaEHow do I force Konqueror to regenerate the thumbnails shown when I point it to a directory full of images?  (such as on my camera, which acts as a normal USB mass-storage device)01:16
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VanessaE(e.g. the image preview/thumbnail icons shown in "Icon" view mode)01:16
hendausadydas, i have a movie film .avi and my vcd player cannot read it, maybe it needs to burn it as vcd01:17
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intelikeycould clear the cache dir01:17
hendauscan u help me01:17
adydashendaus: Do you have the correct or any codecs installed to view01:17
adydasas id guess you cant copy what you cant read / see01:17
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:17
geniiheh apt-get --target-release switch worked to get firefox 2 onto dapper01:18
VanessaEah..  that might work, though that's a bit ungraceful :-)01:18
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hendausadydas,  when i used windows before the nero has the option a make vcd and it convert the movie and burn it into vcd01:19
hendausi am newbie on kubuntu01:19
intelikeyagreed.   is there no refresh in the menus ?01:19
VanessaEthe only refresh offered is the one that refreshes the whole "page"01:20
VanessaEwhich really just reloads the directory contents01:20
adydashendaus: what about using nero with kubuntu?01:20
adydasvia wine01:20
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SolidSourcehendaus: you talking about extracting DVD to VCD?01:20
adydasburning an AVI file to VCD i think..01:21
gregok3b doesnt have such option?01:21
hendausadydas, yes01:21
VanessaEK3B can burn VCd's01:21
intelikeyidk.   peradventure one might use the camera app ?     what's it called ?01:21
hendauson windows nero has everything01:21
SolidSourcejust do ISO...you can mount those and use them the same01:21
adydasthen help the poor man out, ive never done it.. if i tryed and found it hard but used to do it in windows with nero id just install nero to kubuntu useing wine01:21
secleinteerdoes anyone know which package has to be installed to add flac ripping support to kaudiocreator?01:22
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adydasSolidSource:  So you burn it to ISO but you can mount it kinda like a cdrom to use it?01:22
VanessaEI think the camera app is DigiKam but I've never used that01:22
adydasyeah DigiKams allright01:22
SolidSourceadydas: yes01:22
adydasSolidSource: Oh sweet, if only my NAS drive didnt die and take 300g of stuff i could test that out with..01:22
hendausadydas,  i have the nerolinux,but it doesnot has the option of burning to vcd01:23
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SolidSourcehendaus: why VCD? theres other options01:23
VanessaEone thing I did run into just now - this is weird -  I told Konq to browse the dir using Gwenview, which shows the same wrong thumb, but then I clicked on one and hit refresh..  lo and behold, the thumbnail updated to the proper image.  Did the same for the other image in the folder, closed Gwenview.  tried the same sequence of actions in the Konq window and it followed suit, showing the 'proper' thumbnails.01:23
SolidSourcelike DivX01:23
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hendausSolidSource,  nerolinux is just for burn compilation01:24
SolidSourcehendaus: I know...didn't say anything about that01:25
hendausok i give u an example01:25
hendauson windows nero when burn a vcd movie, after finishing burning the cd, i open it and it shows like 6 folders, and one of them is .MPEG01:26
hendaussorry the folder name is VCD01:27
intelikeyVanessaE yeah linux is not the worlds best at staying up with changes on a disk that it didn't make...   that's why automount cdroms cause so much trubble   and why "plug and get mad" devices like cameras give odd behaviour sometimes.     that's also why i do every thing manually even when i do use a gui.01:27
VanessaElol...  "plug and get mad"01:27
hattaif you need to make vcds you an try this01:27
SolidSourcehendaus: ok, why is that abolutely essential for you?01:27
VanessaEstill, I get your point01:28
hendausSolidSource,  coz i have a vcd player and dvd player at my home and we have to watch the movie01:28
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adydashendaus: some windowys software VSO is good for that, might work with WINE01:29
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adydasi know im going to try one day01:29
adydasBLOODY good01:29
SolidSourcehendaus: ok, could just burn it directly as a MPEG then01:29
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snikkerhow play copy-protected audio cd?01:30
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hendausSolidSource,  no it burns like 5 folders and one of them is VCDMPEG01:30
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SolidSourcehendaus: ok I know what your doing, but there has to be a different way01:31
=== intelikey wonders what a "copy-protected audio cd" is ???
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adydasBest Mail client for KDE?01:31
SolidSourceall CDs are technically copy protected...but that is on paper not necessarily in the coding of the CD01:32
adydasKmail didnt REALLLY do it for me, anything i havent yet seen?01:32
VanessaEintelikey, deliberate errors in the CD media layer01:32
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SolidSourceadydas: thunderbird and kmail (now kontact)01:32
hendausSolidSource,  ok01:32
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VanessaEusually laser-cut holes or deliberate CRC errors01:32
intelikeyadydas default is kmail    best is subjective and controversial01:32
adydasthunderbird thats it..01:32
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neutrik /whois neutrik01:32
hendausadydas,  say that i can install nero with wine but is it works fine or not?01:32
VanessaEand of course the usual crap of adding a data track with DRM software that auto-runs in windows01:33
SolidSourcehendaus: the older version nero should work01:33
adydashendaus: trail and error my freind01:33
adydasi imagine it has a pritty good chance to working tho01:33
intelikeyVanessaE so do you get io errors reading these disks ?    dd if=/dev/cdrom of=file.iso  ?01:34
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hendausSolidSource,  i have nero 6 of windows01:34
VanessaEI've never tried ripping a "protected" CD, but I'll bet you dimes to donuts that cdparanioa will have no trouble01:34
adydasthat should do01:34
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VanessaEhowever, you can't just read the audio into an ISO file anyway01:35
VanessaEat least, I don't think you can... I've always relied on cdparanioa01:35
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SolidSourceKaudiocreater will rip CDs with no problem01:36
intelikeyi'll have to test dd...       and of course the evil "DRM"   and   "TCG"   will be there.01:36
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=== intelikey looks for an audio cd .....
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=== intelikey looks some more ...
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VanessaEintelikey: over there------>01:37
VanessaEnonono there, top of the shelf01:37
=== intelikey keeps looking for an audio cd ...
SolidSourcehendaus: not sure about versiion 6...check the WINE app database01:38
snikkeri don't must rip a copy-protected audio cd, but only listen it, but i can't01:38
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VanessaEsnikker: if the CD is "protected" using errors, ytou can't play it on a computer, usually because the computer uses digital audio extraction to play it01:39
VanessaEwhereas CD players I guess directly decode the audio01:39
SolidSourcesnikker: don't get what problem you are having, cause I have an extensive CD collection and have never had a problem playing or ripping01:40
intelikeyha  found one.01:40
SolidSourcehendaus: this might interest you: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Create_a_VCD_or_SVCD01:40
hattasnikker, take your cd back to where you got it01:40
snikkeri can't listen a particular audio cd with computer...01:40
hattait is defective01:40
VanessaEdefective by design - aka "copy protected"01:41
SolidSourceif you have all your codecs installed, you should have no problem, no matter the CD01:41
hattacan I ask what album it is?01:41
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hendaushatta, yes i open the site,but i want it ntsc not pal01:41
snikkerit's not defectiv...01:41
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intelikeyVanessaE you is correct.  dd gets  io errors01:41
VanessaEsnikker, if it won't play on a computer, and the disc isn't scratched or whatever, then it IS defective by red (orange?) book standards.01:42
snikkerit's not defective it play well in external audio cd player...01:42
VanessaEI repeat...01:42
VanessaEif it won't play on a computer, and the disc isn't scratched or whatever, then it IS defective by red (orange?) book standards.01:42
snikkerso, it' impossible to listen it in a computer, right?01:43
SolidSourcesnikker: if Kcdplayer won't play it or amarok...then the CD has a problem01:43
VanessaEnope, not impossible01:43
VanessaEyou need to rip it with a good error-correcting program like cdparanioa01:43
snikkeroh, i understand...01:43
VanessaEthe CD manufacturers do this crap to keep you from copying the CD01:43
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SolidSourcethey try, but they can't make a CD not play on a computer...cause people use their computers as stereos01:44
VanessaEit's a cat-and-mouse game that they'll never win, thank G*d01:45
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intelikeyyou get this kinda krap out of them.01:47
intelikey[17189073.356000]  Buffer I/O error on device hdd, logical block 001:47
intelikey[17189073.356000]  Buffer I/O error on device hdd, logical block 101:47
intelikey[17189073.356000]  Buffer I/O error on device hdd, logical block 201:47
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troxordoes anyone know how to run the kcontrol modules individually?01:49
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VanessaEuse cdparanioa :)01:49
VanessaEit pulls no punches01:49
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hacked_kernelAny applications using OpenGL crashes when starting up, any ideas?01:50
octo777I have a prob i hope i can get some help for01:51
octo777I tryed sabayon a bit ago for the heck of it, and the boot loader it put on my MBR apears corrupt to ubuntu and Win XP01:51
octo777I cant use the partition util in either win, or ubuntu on that Disk anymore, but saybayon(gentoo also im guessing)seems to have no prob with it01:51
octo777is anyone familiar with this situation? , does sabayon do something weird to the disks MBR, that i can fix so i can install feisty on it again?01:51
Minatakuhacked_kernel: What's the error? Start one in a terminal01:51
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octo777I really like Kubuntu and wish i can put it on that drive, so if anyone can help me with my MBR prob, i would be greatful01:53
VanessaEocto: if you don't mind losing what's on the disk, you can just boot the kubuntu CD, dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/yourdisk  (probably hda or sda), wait for a while, cancel it, then repartition and install01:53
Minatakuocto777: I'd zero it01:53
hacked_kernelX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16801:53
MinatakuOr just zero the first 512 bytes01:53
hacked_kernel  Major opcode:  14501:53
hacked_kernel  Minor opcode:  301:53
hacked_kernel  Resource id:  0x001:54
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hacked_kernelFailed to open device01:54
hacked_kernelX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16801:54
hacked_kernel  Major opcode:  14501:54
hacked_kernel  Minor opcode:  301:54
hacked_kernel  Resource id:  0x001:54
hacked_kernelFailed to open device01:54
hacked_kernelSegmentation fault01:54
Minatakuhacked_kernel: There's an ubotu thing for this, and don't paste large amounts of text again01:54
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intelikeyQ=0 ;until [ $Q -gt 20 ]  ;do cdparanoia $Q file.$Q ;Q=$(($Q + 1))01:55
ubotuIf you are receiving an error similar to this: X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 then please visit this page: http://seerofsouls.com/wiki/How-Tos/BadDeviceErrors01:55
MinatakuThere we go01:55
Minatakuhacked_kernel: Read that01:55
intelikeyhacked_kernel that's not an error.01:56
intelikeythat's ubuntu01:56
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snikkerVanessaE: cdparanoia works! but is possible to do it on the fly with kscd?01:57
hacked_kernelMinataku: Actually I don't get any error messages about OpenGL01:57
VanessaEsnikker: not sure, I've never had much success with kscd01:57
Minatakuhacked_kernel: Doh01:57
MinatakuYeah, I just forgot, Kubuntu's default xorg.conf is stupid01:57
hacked_kernelMinataku: The program just crashes, even in the OpenGL screensavers.01:57
Minatakuhacked_kernel: Yeah, I just saw that last part, "Segmentation fault"01:57
MinatakuWhich is the real bad one01:58
Minatakuhacked_kernel: Type "catchsegv <nameofprogram>"01:58
snikkerVanessaE: ok, thanks for support :)01:58
MinatakuI don't know if Kubuntu has that but it's worth a shot01:58
octo777sorry for the stupid question, but is that similar to telling XP's mbrfix util to write a new MBR?01:58
VanessaEI tried :)01:58
Minatakuocto777: No, Windows can choke on a drive with crap on it01:58
VanessaEocto: not really, this just renders the disk "black" from the OS's point of view01:58
intelikeywo willy did well01:58
VanessaEer, "blank"01:58
MinatakuZeroing a drive will always bring it back providing there's no mechanical or electrical problems01:59
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hacked_kernelMinataku: catchsegv outputs too many lines, which part you want?02:00
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Minatakuhacked_kernel: The part before that crap at the bottom02:01
MinatakuAnd pastebin it02:01
Minataku!pastebin | hacked_kernel02:01
ubotuhacked_kernel: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:01
hawk__how do i run a .run file02:01
octo777i will try that and i hope it works, now that feisty has xorg7.2 in it should be nice to get kubuntu back on that drive02:01
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VanessaEwoohoo!  Ctrl-Alt-kpplus is fixed finally! :-)02:02
intelikeyhawk__ sh file.run02:02
VanessaE(speaking of feisty)02:02
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Minatakuintelikey: ./file.run is better02:02
MinatakuOr rather, the correct way02:03
Minatakuhawk__: Hit your CAPS LOCK key02:03
octo777Minataku   when I boot to the kubuntu cd, when do I type in the "dd if......." stuff ?02:03
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hawk__it said i have no promission to do that02:03
intelikeyMinataku no not in the sense of seeing error messages and preserving the env. it's not.02:03
Minatakuocto777: After the system boots02:03
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hawk__then i tryed to run it with sudo and it said command not found02:03
Minatakuintelikey: ./ is how you run an executable in the current directory02:04
hacked_kernelMinataku: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8299/plain/02:04
MinatakuNo use starting another shell just to run a program02:04
intelikeyMinataku have to chmod it that way.02:04
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intelikeybut if you want to set the permission and then execute the shell script go ahead.02:05
hawk__how do i give my self promission over a file so i can run it02:05
Minatakuhawk__: chmod u+x file.run02:05
MinatakuThen ./file.run02:05
intelikeyhawk__ before you play break the system  what are you trying to install ?02:06
hawk__thank you02:06
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hawk__America's Army02:06
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intelikeyurl to the dl ?02:07
octo777Minataku: after the sys boots from the live cd you mean?02:07
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Mena!beryl |Mena02:07
Minatakuocto777: Yes02:07
hawk__where can i go for help with berly02:08
hacked_kernelMinataku: Have you checked the URL?02:08
Minatakuhacked_kernel: Oh, yeah, sorry02:08
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:08
Menainteikey, ok :)02:08
octo777k cool ,thanks, im off the the better side of the world where they have penguins02:08
octo777and beryl02:08
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MinatakuWhat's all this "./mysql-workbench-bin" crap?02:08
mzanfardinohow do I modify kicker to display last few applications run in the menu?  (I've seen this behaviour but can not locate where it might be set)02:09
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ubotukicker: desktop panel for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 1953 kB, installed size 5808 kB02:09
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hacked_kernelMinataku: which part in the output is usefull?02:09
Minatakuhacked_kernel: The backtrace02:10
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Minatakuhacked_kernel: Let's run this through GDB instead02:10
mzanfardinonm, I found it02:10
MinatakuType "gdb executable"02:10
MinatakuIt should run a bit then complain02:10
intelikeyMinataku admitedly i need glasses but i saw your post <Minataku> intelikey: ./file.run is better    <<<   as  . ./file.run is better       . not :   heh think   source file.run        "think about that"   ;/02:10
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MinatakuI want you to type "bt full" at the prompt, then give me the output of that02:11
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intelikeyhawk__ url that you dl'd that from ?02:11
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intelikeyreason i'm asking.     i want to look and make sure that it is just a shell script wraped around an archive.  as most .run files seem to be.02:13
bxnpanybody played with kde zeroconf02:14
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Menaintleikey, are you using beryl bec i dont get response form the channle02:17
Menaintelikey, *02:17
intelikeyMena no.02:17
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Menaok no pro02:18
pipz0ranyone know if Drive Image 5 will work on kubuntu for imaging ??02:18
hacked_kernelMinataku: I can't run it by gdb because its exec file must run by sh file which is n't a recognizable exec formate for gdb02:19
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Minatakuhacked_kernel: Try some other OpenGL app then02:19
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MinatakuIf they all crash then they're all gonna give me something useful02:20
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MenaHow to set up a kernel02:20
Menapatch or something like that02:20
hacked_kernelMinataku: I have wrote some OpenGL applications in C++ they working greatly!!02:20
hacked_kernelMinataku: only this applications the the screensavers02:21
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elyonWhere are the menu item entries stored?  I still have entries in my K menu from an entirely different distro...02:21
Minatakuhacked_kernel: Hm02:21
Minatakuhacked_kernel: I can't help you here02:22
hacked_kernelMinataku: No problem, thanks for trying, thank you02:23
Menaelyon, What do you mena02:23
Menaelyon, edit the menu02:24
Minatakuhacked_kernel: Hm02:24
Menaelyon, right clcik edit ?? or this is not the solution02:24
Minatakuhacked_kernel: Do "locate xscreensaver"02:24
MinatakuI believe you can run the savers manually02:24
elyonMena: I'm curious why I still have entries to begin with.  I know it has something to do with .desktop files, but I have no clue where those are stored.  I know how to use the editor, just would like to know how to prevent this in the future.02:24
MinatakuIf you can run one through GDB then I should get a usable backtrace02:24
Menaelyon, find them on02:25
Menaelyon, sec plz02:25
Menaelyon, did you try here /home/$usr$/.kde/share  maybe its here02:27
elyonMena: I'll look around in there, but I had competely deleted my ~/.kde/ folder and restarted X... they still show up.02:27
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Menaelyon, hmmm02:28
Menaelyon, did try here also /home/$suer$/.local/share/02:29
elyonMena: Nope... haven't looked there yet.02:29
elyonThanks for your help, though... I just ended up using the Menu Editor :)02:29
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elyonbesides.... I doubt I'll try any other distros now... just keep coming back to Ubuntu :)02:30
Menaelyon, ok02:30
Menaelyon, Welcomr :)02:30
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elyonXandros, MEPIS, SuSe, Mandriva, PCLinuxOS, Debian, hmm... a myriad of others I've tried... not so good.02:31
Minatakuhacked_kernel: If you're there, open one terminal, type "gdb xscreensaver"02:31
elyonDefinitely looking forward to Feisty, though... seems they've finally relaxed a little on the "non-free" codecs and such...02:31
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Minatakunvm then02:31
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elyon...that was a serious barrier to a system that "Just Works"02:32
CShadowRunhmm, small question.02:32
CShadowRunkubuntu says i have 2 processors when i go to sys info (but i only have one) i assume that means i have a dual core ( i'm not much on hardware )02:32
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CShadowRunshould i download the x64 version? or stick with the i386 since it seems to be managing my dual core nicely :P02:32
intelikeythe only things missing are slackware redhat/fedora and gentoo02:33
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intelikeythat would cover the major distros02:33
elyonintelikey: Oh yeah, I tried FC too ;)02:33
elyonintelikey: I missed my apt, though :)02:33
intelikeyi see.    still don't like the nick you choose02:34
naught101anyone know why the "save view profile" menu item would be greyed out in my konqueror?02:34
elyonintelikey: What's wrong with my nick?02:34
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intelikeyi like better.  thanks.02:35
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pingvenoDid anyone else just have a bunch of leave/joins?02:44
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pingvenopremier_, you still there?02:46
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:47
MinatakuThere we go02:47
pingvenoI hope not02:47
MinatakuKind of a dumb explanation, though, needs more clarity02:47
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MinatakuAnd that's what it was, pingveno02:47
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MinatakuA rather big netsplit02:47
soulriderit has happened a few times here02:48
soulrideri can remember seeing it at least 3 times02:49
soulriderits fun :)02:49
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MinatakuIt's guaranteed to happen whenever you have more than one server02:49
MinatakuEvery time you see "Read error" or "Connection reset by peer" it's basically the same deal02:49
soulriderits quite cool, everyone tends to go like "wtf?!"02:50
MinatakuDown to the fact that if you're an IRC Operator, you'll see "irc.whatever.com disconnected: Connection reset by peer"02:50
MinatakuWell, more or less02:50
MinatakuI haven't been behind that badge for a year or two02:50
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soulrideri got ym internet upgraded today :D02:51
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:51
soulriderits 1mbit down now02:51
MinatakuThat's not a whole lot of downstream02:52
Minataku128KB/s, I believe02:52
soulrideri used to have 640k02:52
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soulriderbefore that ihad 512, 256 and 64 :P02:52
MinatakuYeah, 128KB/s02:52
soulriderso far my top speed has been 105kb02:52
soulriderfrom kernel.org02:52
adydas1mb down? dam02:52
Minatakuadydas: Remember, one bit is 1/8 of a byte02:53
MinatakuLike I said, 1mbit is actually pretty dismal02:53
soulriderhow much you got ?02:53
MinatakuHighest I've seen is 700KB/s02:54
MinatakuAverage is 450KB/s02:54
MinatakuMultiply by 8 to get the kilobits per second02:54
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premier_pingveno, what did you want?02:59
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K3ntois anybody here in #ubuntu03:03
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geniiIs there a channel specific to server/LAMP install?03:05
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geniiIf anyone familiar with hosting control panels such as: http://www.gplhost.com/software-dtc.html  http://www.gnupanel.org/ or http://www.ispconfig.org/ please give a suggestion as to what may work well or has been tested under 6.06 Server. I found a good howto for the gplhost dtc install here: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu6.06_dtc_isp_server03:08
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crackheadhow do you save your current kde session?03:09
K3ntocould somebody here do me a big favor? i was helping a fellow in #ubuntu install Edgy Eft but i got booted03:11
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curtiscan you install a GTK2 theme on Kubuntu?03:14
tuproxdoes ubuntu support dual monitors, 1680x1050?03:15
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thomax_curtis: sudo apt-get install libgtk2+03:16
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curtisthomax_  thanks.  to actually install the themes, do they just go in /usr/share/themes ?  Not sure how to "apply" either03:17
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geniiDoes anyone have a good hosting control panel suggestion? eg: what app may be good for this and fairly painless under *buntu03:20
curtisthomax_  I get "E: Couldn't find package libgtk2"  It's not in adept either.  Another name perhaps?03:20
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ProphetAnyone familiar with xhydra? I keep getting an error and could use some assistance.03:22
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ari_hello !!!03:26
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[Goce] I'm back.. so where can I write Kubuntu to make them aware of this problem I've been having?03:28
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wifiohhow do i install a window decoration in kde?03:31
wifiohi downloaded the one on this page: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=3209903:32
wifiohdownload link: http://www.kde-look.org/content/download.php?content=32099&id=103:32
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curtisfor some reason when I start up Beryl, I get like 18 desktops!  What's up with that?03:37
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adydasCan i format a harddrive thats blank as NTFS and mount it via CIFS within linux to read and write to it, This would also allow it to be visable in windows should i ever use that ( but more importantly shared over a network )03:40
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pingvenowifioh: are you having any particular problems?03:40
pingvenoOr have you not done compiles before?03:40
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pingvenocan anyone hear me?03:41
=== Jucato can hear you
pingvenoJust checking03:42
wifiohpingveno: sorry, i was afk03:42
pingvenowith the netsplit and all03:42
Jucatopingveno: in a netsplit, there will always be a certain number of people who'll still be able to hear you03:43
sunnyhours4130is /var/log/messages the only place that'll have any useful output from a failed attempt at "startx"?03:43
sunnyhours4130(having trouble installing the nvidia driver)03:43
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wifiohpingveno: i've compiled from source before. but i just wanted to know if there were any existing packages for that theme03:43
pingvenoah, I see03:43
adydassunnyhours4130: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx03:43
wifiohpingveno: in gnome, i don't have to compile anything to use a theme, so i'm wondering, why kde requires it03:43
curtisdoes anyone know why starting Beryl would give me 18 desktops?03:43
adydasthen edit the conf from nv to nvidia03:43
sunnyhours4130adydas: done that. i think i installed too much stuff03:43
adydasworks a treat for me03:43
adydasyou can purge it clean and start fresh, i just forget how03:44
sunnyhours4130yeah, doesn't seem that complicated03:44
sunnyhours4130heh heh03:44
pingvenoKDE does themes through C++03:44
sunnyhours4130lspci definitely lists the geforce4 mx440. i did that, and edited the xorg.conf file. no dice03:44
adydasive done it on 2 installs, on with and one without beryl and it was good.. i might still have the wiki website if u wanted it03:44
adydashave you ensured you have nvidia-glx installed? () pritty sure thats the package )03:45
Jucatowifioh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu#head-f6713b84b1a09ea8abdc944bde61090b62470986 <--- here's why03:45
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adydaswhats the logfile say03:46
adydascan you paste it03:46
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:46
sunnyhours41301 sec03:46
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sunnyhours4130i used pastebin before. the errors are on a different computer right now. got two right next to each other03:48
sunnyhours4130other computer isn't connected to the network03:48
pingvenowifioh: so you're just looking for a package for Alphacube?03:48
adydasthat is a pisser03:48
adydasdoes it have internet access tho?03:48
Jucatowifioh: in summary, what you are "installing" in GNOME are not widget styles. You're actually just adding color schemes to an already installed widget style. in KDE, you are really installing a new style.03:48
sunnyhours4130so i'll look at purging all the nvidia stuff03:48
Jucatowifioh: same with window decorations03:49
sunnyhours4130it can. i have one usb wireless NIC that I can swap between them   =)03:49
adydassunnyhours4130:  if it has net access use lynx to use pastebin03:49
sunnyhours4130or i can do a xover cable between them. i think i have ip masq set up on this one03:49
adydasthen back on here and give the URL03:49
sunnyhours4130heh heh03:49
Jucato!info kwin-style-alphacube | wifioh03:49
ubotuwifioh: kwin-style-alphacube: Alphacube window decoration for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 46 kB, installed size 248 kB03:49
jamaurhey all, a quick question: anyone know if I can capture VHS to DVD with an old voodoo 3 video card with a video capture device + USB?03:49
adydasjamaur: might be alot easyer and faster finding someone with a VHS to DVDrw(r) unit03:50
sunnyhours4130i'll look into purging the stuff first, and try again03:50
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ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)03:52
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto03:52
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about poo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:54
sunnyhours4130tee hee03:54
soulridersunnyhours4130: you know how to purge ?03:54
sunnyhours4130trying to figure it out03:55
soulridersudo patitude purge <package name>03:55
wifiohJucato: thank you very much :D03:55
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Jucatowifioh: wouldn't hurt if you search the packages first. :D03:56
sunnyhours4130not working. i don't have aptitude or patitude03:56
=== Jucato wonders why he wouldn't have aptitude....
=== Jucato gives soulrider a pair of eyeglasses
soulridersorry, im making typ0s all the time03:57
soulriderJucato: already have some :P03:57
soulridersunnyhours4130: aptitude > apt-get03:57
Jucatosoulrider: clearly you need another pair :)03:57
sunnyhours4130d'oh..... i typoed it too!!! aptitute03:57
=== User2501 [n=user@CPE0013464605fb-CM0013718a4dbc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
soulriderJucato.... youre getting in trouble....03:58
User2501hey anyone know an extremely light weight database app that will run in win32?03:58
sunnyhours4130so i purged nvidia. what else should I purge before trying to reinstall?03:58
User2501i need it for work03:58
User2501and is searchable03:59
sunnyhours4130should i just keep doing "apt-cache search nvidia" and keep purging all of them?03:59
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=== Jucato wonders what sunnyhours4130 is doing...
xossUser2501: i suggest you use mysql..04:00
sunnyhours4130Jucato: trying to get nvidia installed. i borked it somehow on another box that i'm working on04:00
soulridersunnyhours4130: aptitude search <packagename> :P04:00
adydashe wants to remove all traces that hes tryed first04:00
Jucatosunnyhours4130: how did it b0rk?04:00
User2501mysql....  but the thing i dont understand abt that, is it just as simple as installing from an installer and it good to go?04:00
adydaspritty much yes04:00
User2501xoss: im thinking these more to it then just that04:01
sunnyhours4130soulrider: what do the p, v, or i mean in the first column in aptitude search?04:01
xossUser2501: yes..04:01
=== ghetek [n=ghetek@c-76-21-13-110.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
sunnyhours4130i'm removing a lot of stuff. i have a feeling my system is not even going to boot after this04:02
User2501honestly alli need is to be able to put information into a text box, and be able to search for that info, and be able to change that information04:02
ghetekhow do i add items to the right click "create new" menu?04:02
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User2501seriously a very simple, straightforward DB04:02
Jucatosunnyhours4130: p = package; v = virtual package/metapackage (one that installs other packages)04:02
xossUser2501: setting up mysql is easy, but setting it up with apache is a bit hard..04:02
sunnyhours4130Jucato: i'm not having much luck with this aptitude purge thing. i've tried removing nvidia-glx a few times and its still there04:03
User2501xoss: hmmm... well im not planning to have it setup on a server or anything, i just need it at my pc at work for my own personal use04:03
Jucatosunnyhours4130: huh? what do you mean? of course when you do "aptitude search" or "apt-cache search" it will always be listed04:03
ghetekxoss: i just got in so im not 100% sure what you guys are talking about but there is a LAMP install on ubuntu04:03
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sunnyhours4130but i do a sudo aptitude purge nvidia-glx and then after that i do an aptitude search and it's still there04:04
sunnyhours4130am i searching what's installed on my computer? or what's available to be installed?04:04
User2501xoss: thanks though, ill keep searching for a simple db with installer and straight foward gui.  like the vtiger would have been good, but that like 98% more then i need.. lol04:05
Jucatosunnyhours4130: aptitude search will list *all* available packages04:05
xossUser2501: then just use openoffice.org Database or if you're using XP use MS Access04:05
surgyhello everyone04:05
sunnyhours4130so how do i find out what's installed currently?04:05
Jucatosunnyhours4130: the letters beside the name tells you that04:05
sunnyhours4130i'm used to fedora/mandriva. i use rpm, not apt    =P04:05
Jucatop = uninstalled package; v = virtual/metapackage; i = installed; c = removed, but not purged04:05
sunnyhours4130wow, nice04:05
sunnyhours4130so nothing with the word nvidia comes up as installed. think i'm ready to try to start over?04:06
=== justonw09 [n=justonw0@12-219-78-100.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu
Jucatosunnyhours4130: what went wrong in the first place?04:06
sunnyhours4130not sure exactly. i think i remember seeing an error in /var/log/messages about...... well, let me look again. "no nvidia device found" or something04:06
surgywill someone please explain the advantages of making shell scripts? other than to make installing programs easier?04:06
sunnyhours4130surgy: it'll help automate tasks that you do a lot if you're into administrative things04:07
sunnyhours4130health checks, user accounts, log files..... helps to have scripts search/sort them out04:08
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surgysunnyhours4130: but i only admin 3 computers...... and i have never really needed anything longer than a few phrases in a bash commands so i guess i shouldnt worry my little head over it?04:08
sunnyhours4130Jucato: I'm having trouble with /var/log/messages now. it's cutting off my output when I cat it, and pipe it to more04:08
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sunnyhours4130nah. they can be fun to learn tho   =)04:09
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=== dimensionx [n=dimensio@81-236-232-82-no30.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu
sunnyhours4130Jucato: I'm getting like "nvidia: modeul license "NVIDIA' taints kernel.04:09
crackheadhow do you unpack an .iso file?04:09
adydasyou dont, mount the iso04:09
sunnyhours4130NVRM : NVIDIA geforce 4 mx 440 gpu installed in this system is"04:09
Jucato!iso | crackhead04:09
ubotucrackhead: To mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn04:09
Jucatosunnyhours4130: hm... are you using a compiled kernel?04:10
_Daisuke_Ido_no, an interpreted kernel :D04:10
sunnyhours4130stock kernel.... i don't fool with it04:10
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_Daisuke_Ido_i wonder how slow that would run, anyway...04:10
=== Jucato thwacks _Daisuke_Ido_
craig i need help, i installed the alternate install...I can't boot after installation...i just get the kubuntu screen and it freezes...its a graphic driver problem...my card doesn't like the generic one...what command line options can i give so that it i can get into kubuntu04:10
sunnyhours4130oh, wait..... check this out04:10
Jucato!nvidia | sunnyhours413004:10
ubotusunnyhours4130: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:10
sunnyhours4130the nvidia geforce 4 mx 440 gpu installed in this system is supported through the nvidia 1.0-96xx legacy drivers. please visist the web site for more info. the 1.0-9746 nvidia driver will ignore this gpu04:11
sunnyhours4130so i need to use legacy drivers for my older card? is that it?04:11
nixternalsunnyhours4130: no04:12
=== Cyco [n=dillzz@c-67-172-49-18.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
nixternalI just found that out as a matter of fact because I just wrote documentation for it not even an hour ago04:12
=== nixternal finds it really quick
Jucatosunnyhours4130: edgy right? you need nvidia-glx and linux-restricted-modules-generic installed04:12
sunnyhours4130so does that tell me what my deal is?04:12
=== dawn [n=dawn@c-68-33-164-177.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
dawnwhats the cmd to change su password?04:13
sunnyhours4130pretty sure its edgy. 2.6.17-10-386 #2 kernel. that's edgy, right?04:13
craigwhat command line options can I give when I start x, to get my kubuntu box to boot into x...my video card doesn't like the default drivers and I can't boot into kubuntu04:13
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Jucatosunnyhours4130: if you didn't install linux-restricted-modules-generic (presuming you are using the -generic kernel in Edgy), that's the problem04:13
Jucatosunnyhours4130: oh... in this case, linux-restricted-modules-38604:13
=== Jucato wonders why sunnyhours4130 is using the -386 kernel...
sunnyhours4130lets give that a whirl. sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx linux-restricted-modules-386 ?04:13
Jucatosunnyhours4130: depends on which kernel you boot into, but yes04:14
sunnyhours4130dunno, just what i downloaded. is the athlon 1900+ the 586 arch?04:14
ubotuBackground to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)04:14
=== KonquerHer [n=lovloss@c-68-53-85-130.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bacon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:14
nixternalsunnyhours4130: let me upload what I wrote to my server really quick for you04:15
=== Jucato blocks nixternal's server...
crackheadhow do i mount a .iso file as recommended with mount -t if i get the error "mount point /mnt/cdrom does not exist"?04:15
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ghetekhow do i add items to the right click "create new" menu?04:15
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Jucatocrackhead: you have to creat the mount point first04:16
Jucato!iso | crackhead04:16
ubotucrackhead: To mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn04:16
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sunnyhours4130nixternal: thanks04:16
crackheadhow do i create a mount point?04:16
ghetekcrackhead: you should also chown it04:16
nixternalsunnyhours4130: http://www.nixternal.com/docs/video.html#nvidia04:16
jarn_I think I'm using more RAM than is usual.04:16
=== ahlalo_elyon [n=elyon@c-71-205-65-72.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
nixternalpay close attention tot he GF4 MX 420/440 notes04:16
Jucatojarn_: what do you mean?04:16
cpk1jarn_: why is that?04:16
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter04:16
jarn_With Konqueror, Kopete, Konversation, Kmail, Kcontrol, Ksysguard, and Amarok running I'm using about 800 megabytes of ram.04:16
jarn_Isn't that a lot?04:16
ahlalo_elyonSo what am I supposed to do when User Management doesn't ask for my password when clicking on "Administrator Mode"?04:16
Jucato!ram | jarn_04:16
ubotujarn_: A quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html04:16
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse04:16
cpk1jarn_: do 'free -m' in a terminal04:17
cpk1jarn_: the -/+ buffers/cache line in the free column is basically unused ram (although it technically is always used)04:18
ahlalo_elyonman, this is pissing me off04:18
jarn_cpk1: Is this in megabytes?04:18
Jucatonixternal: are there no more linux-restricted-modules in feisty? or does nvidia-glx have it as Depends now?04:18
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter04:18
cpk1jarn_: yes04:18
=== dewey_ [n=dewey@c-67-168-51-149.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
sunnyhours4130nixternal: not sure i quite follow that. if i have the mx440 do i skip steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 because I don't need legacy drivers?04:19
dewey_good day mates04:19
cpk1the -m is to print in mB04:19
dewey_is koffice 1.6.2 in kubuntu?04:19
Jucatodewey_: for Edgy, yes04:20
jarn_cpk1: So if it says 678 in the +/- buffers/cache row under the free column, that's about my actual free RAM?04:20
cpk1jarn_: yes04:20
jarn_cpk1: Ah. Well, that's better. :P04:20
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Jucatodewey_: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/koffice-162.php04:20
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:20
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cpk1jarn_: if you read those links from ubotu you will learn why you always are using all your ram =)04:21
jarn_cpk1: I'm reading them right now.04:21
ubotukwlan: wpasupplicant frontend for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.8-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 143 kB, installed size 580 kB04:21
jarn_cpk1: Does Linux do something similar with processing power? Because with those same programs running I'm using about 70% of my processing speed.04:21
=== Pupeno5 [n=Pupeno@154-169-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu
nixternalsunnyhours4130: skip the rebooting step04:21
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ahlalo_elyonSo what am I supposed to do when User Management doesn't ask for my password when clicking on "Administrator Mode"?04:22
sunnyhours4130ohhhhhh..... gotcha. thanks04:22
nixternalsunnyhours4130: and goto Procedure 1. ...04:22
sunnyhours4130clearer now04:22
nixternalya, I just fixed that after looking at it, it was confusing04:22
=== waspius [n=waspius@82-44-150-147.cable.ubr01.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
cpk1not that I know of, thats windows that always needs to use the cpu at 100%04:22
crackheadnixternal: why were you using all your ram?04:22
=== SolidSource [n=SolidSou@] has joined #kubuntu
waspiushello can someone help me access my home network?04:23
Jucatonixternal: saw my question earlier?04:23
Rustinhello. there's a package to nvidia fx 5200 in kubuntu default repositories? now, i can't use the opengl screensavers...04:23
nixternalcrackhead: ey?04:23
nixternalJucato: what question?04:23
Jucatonixternal: are there no more linux-restricted-modules in feisty? or does nvidia-glx have it as Depends now?04:24
SolidSource!nvidia > rustin04:24
=== BluesKaj [n=Wiliecoy@bas1-sudbury98-1128712970.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
nixternalJucato: nvidia-glx depends on restricted04:24
nixternalalways has04:24
ahlalo_elyonCould someone PLEASE tell me why on Earth KDE is no longer letting me make administrative changes in "System Settings???"  It doesn't even ask me for a password when I click on "Administrator Mode"04:24
=== Eruantalon [n=hans@5634185c.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #kubuntu
nixternalahlalo_elyon: when I have that issue, a reboot or a alt+ctrl+backspace sometimes fixes it04:25
nixternalthat is an annoying issue I run across everyone once in a great while04:25
Jucatonixternal: only on linux-restricted-common it seems. and yet unless you install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r), the nvidia driver won't work04:25
nixternalwell that is silly04:25
Rustinthanks, SolidSource04:26
ahlalo_elyonnixternal: Alright, I'll restart X... what a pain, though :)  Thank you.04:26
SolidSourceRustin: thats what we here for04:26
nixternalJucato: no, it does install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)04:26
ubotucsh: Shell with C-like syntax, standard login shell on BSD systems. In component universe, is optional. Version 20060413-1 (edgy), package size 235 kB, installed size 384 kB04:26
Jucatonixternal: based on lots of user questions/problems? it doesn't... unless that changed in feisty04:26
nixternalI just did 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx' and it lists the restriced-modules for the kernel version and common04:26
nixternalJucato: it has always installed it for me, I never installed restricted-modules before04:27
=== ahlalo_elyon [n=elyon@c-71-205-65-72.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
nixternalahlalo_elyon: where at in MI are you?04:27
ahlalo_elyonnixternal: Well, restarting X didn't help... still can't make changes.04:27
sunnyhours4130d'oh....... i just plugged in my wired NIC and its not pulling IP/DNS and stuff off my router. what's the command to restart the network service in ubuntu?04:27
ahlalo_elyonnixternal: Grand Rapids area04:27
jarn_Is there any reason my CPU load would be routinely between 60 and 100% with only Konversation, Konqueror, Kopete, Amarok, KMail, Kcontrol, and Ksysguard open?04:27
sunnyhours4130(equivalent of service network restart in mandriva)04:27
BluesKajahlalo_elyon, it's refused me a few times as well ,but I've never been able figure out why ...same as failure to luanch files from the runbox , adept ,and synaptic the first time...beyond my understanding04:27
jarn_That seems a bit excessive to me.04:27
nixternalnice, I am in Chicago, but I am from Benton Harlem :)04:28
Jucatonixternal: looky here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia04:28
=== claydoh_ [n=claydoh@66-252-58-230.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu
adydassunnyhours4130: ifdown eth004:28
nixternalJucato: don't ever use that howto, it is god awful04:28
adydassunnyhours4130: ifup eth004:28
ahlalo_elyonnixternal: I've heard that reputation04:28
nixternalahlalo_elyon: a reboot is my last idea on that issue04:28
=== nixternal gets back to work, knee deep in Kubuntu System Docs
Jucatonixternal: ok.. but I'm just telling you what I and a lot of other people have experienced...04:28
ahlalo_elyonnixternal: That just seems so extreme04:28
nixternal6 days until freeze04:28
Jucatonixternal: I'll take it to the other room :)04:29
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cpk1if I use aptitude to remove wine will it also remove ~/.wine?04:29
Jucatocpk1: no04:29
=== JeremiahGriffin [n=jeremiah@cpe-75-80-245-54.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #Kubuntu
nixternalJucato: I have a GF MX440 and have never followed those instructions04:29
JeremiahGriffinRemote admin.?04:29
wifiohwhat is a decent firefox theme that looks good on kde and looks equally good on gnome?04:29
Jucatonixternal: GF4 MX400004:29
cpk1good, so I dont need to waste all this time backing up ~/.wine so I dont have to reinstall all my stuff?04:29
BluesKajbut Jucato is there any reason why adept etc won't launch the first time on tries to bring them up ?04:29
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JucatoBluesKaj: um.. dunno....04:30
Jucatocpk1: yep.04:30
adydaswifioh: kde-look.org Highly reccomend it04:30
ahlalo_elyonOkay, rebooting to see if THAT will fix this stupid bug...04:30
calcmandanJust got a movie as a gift. Decided to make a backup copy of it so it can go into storage. I created an .iso of the flick but k3b won't let me burn it becasue it's 5.9gb. Is this because the movie was encrypted?04:30
wifiohadydas: they have firefox themes?04:30
SolidSourceBluesKaj: sometimes sudo or kdesu gets stuck and doesn't quite exit completely, you have to logout and sometimes restart to fix it right away...other wise, just have to wait and try again04:31
adydasnot sure, worth a shot. it has superkaraba stuff, beryl stuff, normal themese all sorts04:31
dx11101when i try to install vmware-player i get errors04:31
wifiohadydas: also, both gnome and kde have grayish themes if it helps others see what kind of a look i'm going for04:31
dx11101it says module vmnet is not loaded04:31
surgydx11101: what errors?04:32
BluesKajSolidSource, makes no sense to me04:32
dx11101Virtual Machine Minotor            Failed04:32
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surgydx11101: can you pastebin that? http://www.pastebin.com04:32
dx11101Virtual ethernet             Failed04:32
SolidSourceBluesKaj: yeah its just one of those bugs its hard to place, making it almost impossible to fix04:33
=== jordo23 [n=jordo23@CPE-70-94-35-83.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Aikenin feisty I am looking for a way of dealing with ntp being started before the network is up04:34
dx11101pastebin is taking forever04:34
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calcmandanyeah it's been slow all day.04:34
=== nikkiana [n=nikkiana@c-24-34-69-166.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Omnifroglunar eclipse tomorrow night04:34
calcmandantook 10 minutes to paste 15 lines for me earlier.04:34
SolidSourcedx11101: try paste.ubuntu-nl.org its usually pretty good04:35
BluesKajSolidSource, has anyone tried to raise this issue with the dev guys for the next offering ...it becomes frustrating.04:35
SolidSourceBluesKaj: I have no idea, haven't checked04:35
JucatoBluesKaj: are you on Dapper?04:35
=== yamal_ [n=yamal@wlan-145-94-244-73.wlan.tudelft.nl] has joined #kubuntu
JucatoBluesKaj: I must say that I've only experienced that in Dapper mostly...04:36
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@adsl-69-209-51-247.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
dx11101here i have another way04:36
BluesKajI have a couple of older kernels in my grubmenu tho :)04:36
SolidSourceJucato: it happens kind of often in edgy if you are trying to work faster than the machine04:36
=== ubuntu is now known as posingaspopular
Jucatomust be a kdesu thing...04:36
calcmandanJust got a movie as a gift. Decided to make a backup copy of it so it can go into storage. I created an .iso of the flick but k3b won't let me burn it becasue it's 5.9gb. Is this because the movie was encrypted?04:37
surgydx11101: i have no idea :( sorry jucato might have one though04:37
SolidSourceJucato: I've also hit a similar issue with using kdesu in konsole....it just doesn't always work, but when I do sudo, it works fine04:38
sunnyhours4130okay nixternal done with those preliminary steps. i'm rebooting. i'll let you know how it goes   =)04:39
dx11101vmware is not a priority right now but i will need to get it to work eventually04:39
surgycalcmandan: has the copy write protection crap i bet04:39
jarn_Is there any reason my CPU load would be routinely between 60 and 100% with only Konversation, Konqueror, Kopete, Amarok, KMail, Kcontrol, and Ksysguard open? That seems a bit excessive to me.04:39
sunnyhours4130what cpu do you have?04:39
cpk1once sudo stopped working04:39
adydasp 133mhz04:39
cpk1and I had to actually do an unice power off04:39
calcmandansurgy: i was thinking the same thing. do you know a way around it?04:39
dx11101it is worth noting that i tried to install vmware through adept and adept froze when i got to the ULA and i hate to kill it04:39
surgyjarn_: not to me, what processor and how much ram what type of harddrive?04:39
jarn_2.0 GHz AMD Athlon 64 3200+04:39
crackheadhow do you install a .tar.bz2 file?04:40
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surgycalcmandan: i dont but peqbot might04:40
jarn_1 gb ram04:40
sunnyhours4130nixternal: no dice on that. x didn't start when i rebooted04:40
SolidSourcecpk1: yeah,,,had that same thing happen to me too04:40
adydas!bz2 | crackhead04:40
ubotucrackhead: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with ark - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression04:40
jarn_7200 rpm harddrive, the partition that linux is using is 40gb04:40
SolidSource!compile > crackhead04:40
jarn_surgy: So it's not a weak processor.04:40
calcmandanpeqbot: hey there. i was told you may have an answer to my question.04:40
=== root_ [n=root@static-204-8-204-147.richmondair.net] has joined #kubuntu
nixternalsunnyhours4130: let me give it a shot with my card04:41
surgyjarn_: im running almost the same rig with half the ram, and im running almost the same programs cpu bounces to 35% on activity so i dont know04:41
[Relic] was looking on kde-look.org and found QtCurve, but it is a deb package. how could I install it if I wanted to since I can't find that package in the repositories04:41
Jucatosunnyhours4130: did you install linux-restricted-modules-386?04:41
calcmandanpeqbot: I was attempting to make a backup copy of a dvd i received as a gift and the ISO came out at 5.9gb. Is this becasue it is encrypted?04:41
Jucatosunnyhours4130: presuming you are booting into the 386 kernel?04:41
Minatakucalcmandan: Probably dual layer04:42
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@ip68-100-55-196.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
surgy!dvd | calcmandan04:42
ubotucalcmandan: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages04:42
Jucato[Relic] : "sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb" or right-click in Konqueror -> Kubuntu Package Menu -> Install Package04:42
MinatakuSingle layer is some 4.something GB04:42
surgycalcmandan: thats how you use peqbot :)04:42
BluesKajK9Copy to the rescue !04:42
MinatakuDual layer is double that04:42
jarn_surgy: Okay. It surprises me, because I'm at about 10% CPU usage in Windows with windows equivalents of those programs open.04:42
=== JeremiahGriffin [n=jeremiah@cpe-75-80-245-54.dc.res.rr.com] has left #Kubuntu ["http://www.griffinsoft.net/"]
adydasHow do you know if your computer / sata drives can handle 3.2gb/s as apposed to the 1.5gb/s04:43
surgyjarn_: you have problems that go over my head a ways, maybe ask one of these gurus to look through your error log?04:43
[Relic] Jucato, thanks04:44
sunnyhours4130i only have one kernel that i boot into, i don't think in installed that package. i'll try that   =) Jucato04:44
Jucatosunnyhours4130: please do try. and if it works, please tell nixternal :)04:44
=== me2win [n=me2win@adsl-69-153-28-74.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
Minatakujarn_: Use something like top to check the processes, it's possible that something isn't running correctly and is just chewing up processor time instead of working04:44
calcmandani used k9copy to make the iso file04:45
sunnyhours4130or ps aux04:45
nixternalthose are feisty directions as well, so I don't know about <= Edgy04:45
calcmandanthe other day, i did the same thing with star wars and it worked just fine.04:45
Minatakucalcmandan: Like I said, perhaps it's a dual layer DVD04:45
MinatakuThey hold twice as much as a single layer DVD04:45
calcmandanheck, i didn't know movies came in dual layer discs.04:46
jarn_Minataku: Which column in top is CPU usage?04:46
sunnyhours4130nixternal: i found a typo. i am typing these things in manually and i typoed the direction for the modprobe options file. i fixed and restarted. hang on.....04:46
Minatakujarn_: ... %CPU04:46
jarn_Minataku: Oh yeah. :P04:46
sunnyhours4130typo that i made, not you04:46
dx11101linux pwns04:46
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armadill0I've got this strange issue when I try to ALT+TAB between windows in KDE.  I'm using nvidia twinview for dual LCD, and I've noticed that my alt+tab "list" only shows the windows for that LCD, not the other (and visa versa)  How can I get my alt+tab to list all windows on the desktop?  thanks... its drivin me nuts04:47
SolidSourcecalcmandan: they have been Dual Layer for as long as I care to remember, though you can compress to single layer at loss of quality04:47
MinatakuUgh... the redneck neighbors are out on their deck being really loud and annoying04:47
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calcmandanSolidSource: i had no idea that was the case.04:47
sunnyhours4130Jucato: okay, all out of options on that howto. time to try that package   =)04:47
jarn_Minataku: Woah, top is showing way less total cpu usage than the other program I was using.04:47
jarn_Minataku: Sometimes it's the same but sometimes it's 20% off.04:47
Jucatosunnyhours4130: the typo fix didn't work?04:48
Minatakujarn_: TBH... top sucks04:48
calcmandanSolidSource: well, then, i must go out and buy a dual layer burner then.04:48
MinatakuIt gives a very rough picture of what's going on04:48
jarn_Minataku: Well, the other one could be wrong too.04:48
Minatakujarn_: No, top is pretty lousy04:48
sunnyhours4130Jucato: damn, 89 megs. we'll be here for a while before we find out if it works     =\04:48
surgycan someone tell me a good place to start for cutomizeing my windows manager?04:48
dx11101i have a question about linux and dual core, does SMP work out of the box in Kubuntu?04:48
MinatakuIt's a "shotgun diagnostic"04:48
SolidSourcecalcmandan: good luck trying to find discs cheaper than $3-10 per04:48
jarn_Minataku: Okay. :P04:48
Minatakudx11101: Yeah04:48
dx11101when i do a top04:49
dx11101i dont see two cpu's04:49
Minatakudx11101: Try "cat /proc/cpuinfo"04:49
sunnyhours4130yeah you won't04:49
SolidSourcecalcmandan: dual layer is extremely expensive right now compared to 3-15 cents for single layer04:49
calcmandanthanks for the help04:49
sunnyhours4130Jucato: nope, typo fix didn't work   =(04:49
sunnyhours4130okay, package installed. restarting   =)04:50
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Jucatosunnyhours4130: keeping my fingers crossed...04:50
dx11101can 32 bit linux handle 4GB of RAM?04:50
sunnyhours4130mine too04:50
Minatakudx11101: HIGHMEM, yeah04:50
Jucatosunnyhours4130: toes as well...04:50
calcmandanhey guys, thanks again for your help04:50
surgyjucato: can you point me in the right direction to learn how to seriously customize my windows manager?04:50
calcmandannow i have a reason to get a dual layer burner.04:50
calcmandanciao folks04:50
Jucatosurgy: customize in what way?04:50
surgycalcmandan:  not a prob man04:50
Minatakucalcmandan: Starting up a trunk-based DVD shop?04:51
SolidSourcedx11101: RAM isn't OS dependent...necessarily04:51
me2winwhats the command to see general system info? RAM, Processor, etc04:51
sunnyhours4130Jucato: didn't work   =*(04:51
calcmandanMinataku: no bro, just backing up my colelction. they get scratched.04:51
Jucatosunnyhours4130: aw... :(04:51
SolidSourceMinataku: ssshh don't give him ideas04:51
Minatakucalcmandan: Take better care of them04:51
calcmandani would but would get caught knowing my luck ;)04:51
Jucatosunnyhours4130: what does "uname -r" tell you?04:51
MinatakuI've never had a game or DVD get a scratch04:51
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surgyJucato: like change the behavior the look basicly everything,  for example if i wanted to customize the windows manager to have three large buttons only, one for game one for office one for internet browser04:51
MinatakuSo far, anyway04:51
Jucatosunnyhours4130: try this: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)04:52
dx11101dvd::rip is pretty nice04:52
Jucato!changethemes | surgy04:52
ubotusurgy: [Ubuntu]  Install gnome-themes or go to menu, system settings, appearance. [KDE]  For a good KDE guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu04:52
SolidSourcenote to all: its always better to backup your discs and use the copies versus the original04:52
sunnyhours4130bahhhh     just unplugged it from the router. time for me to give up for the night. gotta wake up early for work04:52
=== BluesKaj decides to leave vcd well enuff alone
Jucatosurgy: although I can't understand your example04:52
Jucatosurgy: where would these buttons be?04:52
MinatakuSolidSource: Not when such is not possible due to various voodoo techniques04:52
surgyjucato: have you seen the linux for car computers?04:52
sunnyhours4130uname -r showed 2.6.17-11-38604:52
dx11101yeah it always better to make backups of netfilx dvd's then scratch netfilx's DVD's04:53
SolidSourceminataky: anything is bypassable04:53
Jucatosurgy: nope04:53
Minatakudx11101: rofl04:53
AlexKChenIs there anyone know...In Amarok, how can i configure the font used in the sidebar?04:53
surgyjucato: the buttons whould comprise the entire gui large and in the middle04:53
Jucatosurgy: might want to take a look into Superkaramba. chances are you might have to make your own superkaramba theme. but not really sure since I don't know linux for car computers04:53
MinatakuSolidSource: Yeah, but I don't feel like cracking open my 360, stripping it down, desoldering a surface mount chip, reflashing the firmware, and so on04:53
sunnyhours4130Jucato: nixternal: thanks for your help. i'll be back tomorrow (maybe) to try again04:54
=== Jucato goes for lunch...
MinatakuI gotta take a leak then take my pills04:55
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SolidSourceminataky: oh come on...I saw a program (though for windows only that I saw) that could read and copy console game discs, though never tried it04:55
MinatakuSolidSource: Mind spelling my name right?04:55
SolidSourceminataky: so I don't know how well it works04:55
surgyJucato: http://indashpc.org/new/images/car2linux_music_small.jpg   something like that, thats the windows manager for the linux2car system04:55
MinatakuOnce is a typo, twice is not paying attention, three times is disrespect04:55
SolidSourceMinataku: lol sorry04:55
Minatakus'ok, just started getting annoying04:56
surgyJucato: or this http://www.r-kraft.com/dsc03847.jpg04:56
SolidSourcenot my fault the buttons are right next to each other...plus I'm watching a movie04:56
dx11101when will microsoft port DirectX to linux?04:56
Minatakudx11101: We have OpenGL04:56
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MinatakuAnyway, bbiab04:56
SolidSourcedx11101: that will never happen04:57
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dx11101i know i was just messing04:57
SolidSourcedx11101: someone will just make an alternative04:57
dx11101i have been tinkering with Cedega and im pretty impressed04:57
djk11sorry bat the italian channel ?04:58
surgydx11101: question is: "when will microsoft forget about DX and go to pure OGL?"*04:58
BluesKajgamerz ....bah04:58
me2winWoW ftw04:58
dx11101Well, cross platform engines are almost mainstream in the console gaming world but hasnt really made it past Microsoft04:58
SolidSourcedx11101: Cedega is ok, it has some issues, but I prefer Crossover linux...much more capabilities04:58
djk11sorry but the italian channel ?04:58
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!04:58
ForgeAuscxOffice has a nice interface04:59
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dx11101Actually i read somewhere that OpenGL support in Vista is pretty Gimped04:59
SolidSourcehaha blueskaj ...I win and ubotu don't like you04:59
BluesKajerr...getting late , authoring dvd s04:59
dx11101OpenGL as to pass through the DirectX API or something like that in Vista04:59
BluesKajubotu , why don't you like geezers05:00
SolidSourceBluesKaj: what DVDs?05:00
dx11101there is no Pure OpenGL05:00
ForgeAusand when is there going to be a wine-like program to execute macintosh binaries in Linux and/or Windows?05:00
ForgeAus(instead of virtualizers)05:00
BluesKajfor my grandkids , Casper the friendly ghost05:00
dx11101I dont see why it would be too hard, OSX is BSD Based05:00
crackheadhow do you create a mount point?05:01
ForgeAusdx, mac are extremely protective (to the point of paranoia?) about their Aqua interface05:01
SolidSourceCasper is evil...he steals my socks05:01
surgyAWSOME, i just figured out what my 6th mouse button does :) it pastes :) i love linux05:01
dx11101Mac is just as propriatary is Micro$soft05:01
dx11101look at the IPOD05:01
SolidSourcestupid crappy Ipod05:02
dx11101no FLAC support05:02
BluesKajtechie freak eh surgy...mouse button mania05:02
ForgeAusthey ordered a company stardock to remove their Mac looking theme (which come out before the actual MacOSX of the same visual design) ....05:02
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surgyBluesKaj: herm? i didnt understand?05:02
ForgeAusyet tehy allow their underlying OS (darwin) to be got for free05:02
SolidSourceMPIO and Archos are straight up UMS thus linux supported05:02
BluesKaj6 mouse buttons ?05:02
surgyhey can we get osx for free?05:02
ForgeAussurgy illegally yes05:03
surgyBluesKaj: yes, makes blending way easier :)05:03
ForgeAusfor an intel x86 based computer theres something called OSX8605:03
crackheadpeople, how do you create a mount point?05:03
ForgeAusmostly for VMware pirated05:03
surgyForgeAus: linksies? and dont they have different hardware? is my pc compatible?05:03
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter05:03
ForgeAussurgy, I think you need SSE3 ... but otherwise yes05:03
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ForgeAusas for link... there is none05:04
ForgeAusits P2P05:04
surgyforgeaus: sse3 ? its required?05:04
crackheadi.e. a mount point for a mount -t ..iso.. command?05:04
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ForgeAusor some software that does the sse3 thing for you??05:04
surgyforgeaus: oh you said illegaly..... my weak mind interpretted that as legally lol forget it then :)05:04
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SolidSourcewhats a good firewall -- NOT firestarter, guarddog, or iptables?05:05
ForgeAusI tried it once... but my download was corrupted05:05
surgysolidsource: for what? your on linux :) j/k05:05
SolidSourceno my turtle...  (H)05:05
surgyForgeAus: im gonna have to look into it, i have never played with osx, i hear they are superior in multimedia05:05
BluesKajSolidSource, a router05:06
dx11101OSX still costs money05:06
SolidSourcecrackhead: here is the example for mounting ISO = mount -o loop -t iso9660 file.iso /mnt/test05:06
BluesKajalactel dsl modem , SolidSource ?05:06
crackheadi do that, and it says error, must create mount point05:06
SolidSourceBluesKaj: got router, want another line of defense05:06
BluesKajyou're ok then05:07
BluesKajjust don't open any ports below 102405:07
dx11101you would think hackers would just move on if they encountered a linux system05:07
dx11101i mean theres 9999999 more windows boxes to chose from05:07
SolidSourcecrackhead: you need to create a folder and then replace "/mnt/test" with that directory05:07
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SolidSourceBluesKaj: yeah, but I do too much messing around...need more defense05:09
dx11101if you want to be 100% secure05:09
ForgeAussurgy, in general I know they did have great multimedia, especially in the earlier quicktime days, I don't know about now...05:09
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dx11101use Guarddog to ban all WAN traffic :D05:09
ForgeAusDesktop Publishing has always been Mac's strong point hasn't it?05:10
surgyForgeAus: meh sounds retarded, no ofense just not for me, my next leap will be pure unix, any suggestion? and the bennifits of such a leap?05:10
SolidSourcedx11101: yeah right :-( and I already said no guard dog05:10
ForgeAussurgy, you mean a flavour of BSD?05:10
ForgeAusI toyed a bit with PC-BSD in VMware, I liked it for the most part...05:11
surgyforgeaus: once again your talking a language i dont know, i have heard of bsd but nothing else05:11
dx11101on your firewall, set a fake ip on DMZ and most imcoming packets fly into oblivion05:11
ForgeAusBSD is a flavour of linux05:11
ForgeAuserm UNIX sorry05:11
SolidSourceBSD uses a weird packaging system05:11
ForgeAusyeah pbi05:11
surgyForgeAus: i have heard bsd is for the leet hacksuar only05:11
ForgeAusits called portage I think... somehow related to Gentoo???05:12
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ForgeAussurgy, then you heard wrong05:12
dx11101BSD is if your bored of linux05:12
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surgydx11101: i have tweaked.... and tweaked and broken, and fixed, and ready to let her spread her wings :)05:12
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SolidSourceme and my friend put FreeBSD on his server....we felt like we never used linux before05:13
ForgeAuseither that or it was some warez-spreding kids bragging about how they had a *nix OS and could use it when everyone else at those days had a win3.11-win98 box!05:13
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ForgeAusmade them FEEL like a l33+ h4X0r!05:14
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surgyforgeaus: whould you suggest bsd for me?05:14
surgyis it graphicle at all or completely bash?05:14
ForgeAusI like PC-BSD but I think NetBSD perhaps would be the go... theres several options05:15
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ForgeAusPC-BSD has a nice KDE theme05:15
dx11101dont go BSD unless you are planning to hack the planet05:15
ForgeAusits very much like Kubuntu in some ways... I found the icons were even spiffier05:15
dx11101linux can do everything else05:15
surgyim looking at freebsd05:15
BluesKajtheres a live BSD cd - 2.0 Feesbie05:15
ForgeAussure FreeBSD seems ok I don't know much about that particular one05:15
SolidSourceHACK THE PLANET!!! - hackers...one awesome movie05:15
ForgeAusbut its related to PCBSD and NetBSD so go for it if you want05:15
BluesKajbut the xfce desktop sucks05:15
MinatakuLinux is a Unix clone, BSD is a Unix derivative, Solaris is a Unix05:16
SolidSourceSolaris is fun05:16
MinatakuAs for BSD, the biggest one I know of is FreeBSD05:16
BluesKajyup , i'm aware05:16
ForgeAusSolaris has problems with KDE at the moment05:16
MinatakuWorks on pretty much every PC05:16
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BluesKajSolaris ?05:16
ForgeAus(theres at least one LiveCD around with a debug build of KDE and apparently its slow)05:16
MinatakuNetBSD is for anything and everything that isn't a PC05:16
dx11101i think one problem with BSD is that their is very little 3rd party development and not as much happening as their is in linux05:16
MinatakuWhen you're using Solaris, you use CDE unless it's OpenSolaris05:17
surgywhat about DX support though?05:17
dx11101Direct X is microsoft only05:17
ForgeAusMinataku does open solaris have CDE too?05:17
MinatakuUnfortunately not05:17
dx11101becuase BillGates is a poopy head05:17
surgydx11101: i know but linux has cedega.... whats bsd have?05:17
ForgeAusCDE is basically a Motif desktop environment right?05:17
MinatakuForgeAus: Bingo05:17
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dx11101BSD is has HackDega05:17
ForgeAusBSD has wine/cedega too05:17
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dx11101i really dont know much about BSD05:18
MinatakuMy absolute favorite GUI toolkit where looks are concerned05:18
MinatakuGood old Motif <305:18
surgybut i whould have to buy a new cedega for that os too?05:18
dx11101except that is for the E-lite05:18
MinatakuFreeBSD is actually rather easy05:18
ForgeAusin gerneral *most* liunx binaries should run in BSD too05:18
ForgeAusunless theres a distro specific dependancy missing or something05:18
MinatakuForgeAus: FreeBSD has Linux support via a 2.4 kernel05:18
surgyForgeAus: my cedega package is .deb format05:18
dx11101my personal opinion for you is that considering using BSD is a mistake05:19
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dx11101because youl have to start from scratch all over again05:19
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MinatakuLike I said, FreeBSD actually rivals *buntu in ease of use05:19
ForgeAusDX its a choice05:19
BluesKajBSD is ok , but it has hardware recognition probs05:19
MinatakuThere's a bump or two but they're easily flattened05:19
ForgeAusMinataki I agree05:19
ForgeAusonce its been installed05:19
MinatakuWhat the hell is it with people getting my name wrong tonight?05:20
ForgeAus(I don't know the installation process I just used it in VMware -preinstalled virtual disk05:20
MinatakuForgeAus: Installation is a bit tricky, I forgot about that part05:20
dx11101Yeah but BSD doesnt have 200000 packages like Elite Linux does05:20
ForgeAushehe I can't type... well I can but badly sometimes05:20
MinatakuThough I always used the complex install05:20
BluesKajMinataku, they can't find the tabkey05:20
MinatakuI don't know what the easy install is like05:20
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ForgeAuswhat filesystem does it use ext3?05:20
MinatakuOr is it FFS05:21
ForgeAusof course! I should have guessed05:21
ForgeAusmost likely ufs05:21
MinatakuI think it's FFS which is a type of UFS05:21
MinatakuUnix Fast File System05:21
surgywell im gonna go get icy hot rubed all over me and hit the hay, my shoulders feal like cinder blocks and my legs feal like they are made of iron god night all05:21
ForgeAusok havn't heard of that one until now05:21
BluesKajnite surgy05:21
SolidSourcecrackhead: about mounting ISOs....probably should have just gave you this link: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_mount.2Funmount_Image_.28ISO.29_files_without_burning05:22
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ForgeAustheres SFF and SFS or something for AmigaOX file systems! I wonder if they're related somehow to FFS05:22
ForgeAusgrr OS05:22
MinatakuYeah, it's UFS with Berkeley extensions05:22
MinatakuReferred to as "Fast Filesystem" because it's fast05:22
MinatakuNo, that FFS is different05:22
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ForgeAusAros uses it anyway05:23
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Bearcathello folks.  I'm having trouble getting a dial up connection working.   I've always used DSL on linux but a client needs this. Right now if i try to connect with the regular user it tells me that the remote system is required to authenticate itself. Logging in with root works but i can't go anywhere. I'd love some assistance05:23
SolidSourcewhat FS do people here use? been debating whether to switch to Reiser4 though might wait for ext405:23
ForgeAuspersonally I think the Aros Developers should move towards making it a DE for Linux05:23
MinatakuAROS isn't AmigaOS whatsoever05:23
BluesKaji friend sent me a textfile with instructiond for the fee bsd insatll and that was 2yrs ago before I had much experince with anything other than windows ...rather a daunting expreience05:23
ForgeAusthats true05:23
dx11101EXT3 For teh win05:24
ForgeAusbut it is an Amiga-Like Operating system05:24
ForgeAus(or can be used as one)05:24
MinatakuIt just looks like it and uses emulation to run AmigaOS binaries05:24
ForgeAusit can also be ran as an app (hosted mode)05:24
dx11101XFS cant be used as a boot partition i think05:24
MinatakuI'd rather use an entire Amiga emulator05:24
MinatakuMuch cleaner and better, really05:24
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:25
SolidSourcewhat FS do people here use? been debating whether to switch to Reiser4 though might wait for ext405:25
ForgeAusits AmigaOS API compatible05:25
dx11101wait for EXT405:25
dx11101better safe then fast05:25
MinatakuOnce again, I'd much rather use an Amiga VM instead05:25
BearcatSolidSource: Rieser3. R4 isn't near ready for a production system05:25
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ForgeAusMina, theres UAE for that05:26
MinatakuUse ext2 for /boot, ext3 for / and reiser3 or ext3 for other storage drives05:26
MinatakuForgeAus: Duh05:26
ForgeAusunlike Aros UAE actually runs Amiga binaries too05:27
ForgeAus(but if I were you I'd get Amikit... much better)05:27
dx11101ext4 just reduces file fragmentation05:27
dx11101but is fully ext3 backwards compatible05:27
dx11101i htink,...05:27
ForgeAuswhich means its fully EXT2 backwards compatible05:27
MinatakuForgeAus: Again, duh. That's why I'd much rather use a VM instead of a rather lame OS replacement05:27
Bearcati have disabled the "auth" line in /etc/ppp/options which allows me to connect as root, but the regular user account doesnt' like that05:28
osirischown: `nobody:nobody': invalid group05:28
osiris  how would i fix this ?05:28
MinatakuBearcat: Reenable it now05:28
MinatakuYou're an idiot for disabling it05:28
BluesKajwill some one tell me what the advantages are to having a differnt partition for the file system than the OS ?05:28
dx11101which means i can use my tandy1000 to play counterstrike source05:28
osirisBluesKaj, so when the os needs to be reinstalled, the data aint lost05:29
BearcatMinataku: alright (what a kind phrasing by the way005:29
MinatakuBearcat: I firmly believe that when people do something incredibly stupid, they need that point driven home05:29
BluesKajosiris, is it too late to make the change , can i make the partitons ?05:30
MinatakuThis way they listen to you a lot more readily than they would have if you were nice about it05:30
osirisBluesKaj, it is easiest to do it at instal05:30
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SolidSourceBluesKaj: you can resize your current partition, though thats not really recommended05:30
osirisit may be possible, but you may loose data05:30
osirisdangerous stuff05:31
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BluesKaji have 100G partion for Kubuntu and theres 70 or so Gigs open05:31
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dx11101isnt it pretty safe to use a knoppix live cd and gparted?05:32
dx11101to resize?05:32
SolidSourceresizing can also risk destroying the current partition...thus forcing you to reinstall anyway05:32
MinatakuBearcat: My apologies for the blunt response, but what you did was similar to opening a hatch on a submarine... while it's underwater05:32
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BearcatMinataku: i firmly disagree.  This system has nothing of value onit. it is an empty installation and turning of auth does not pose a significant threat.05:32
BearcatMinataku: thank you.05:32
osirisdx11101, i have done it with ntfs partitions and a kubuntu disk, but its a risky move05:32
SolidSourceanyone use Yoper?05:32
MinatakuBearcat: Systems don't have to be of any value to be excellent zombies05:32
osirisyes its possible.  yes you may render the data garbage05:33
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MinatakuIt's not all about what's on it, it's also about what can be done with it05:33
dx11101beacuse i have resized ext3 partitions without problems05:33
dx11101that i know about05:33
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dx11101and i use bootit all the time to resize anything else05:33
nixternalBearcat: auth or noauth, removing auth doesn't harm you05:33
Dr_willisIuse the gparted live cd. :)05:34
nixternalMinataku: thanks for appologizing for being rather blunt05:34
BluesKaji have a live cd copy of GParted ...I used it to setup a partition formy Kubuntu install05:34
nixternalit isn't like "auth" against your ssytem it is a silly outdated dial-up/ppp protocol that has been used since the 60's :)05:34
ForgeAuswhy don't you just use qtparted on the Kubuntu live CD?05:34
BearcatMinataku: true05:34
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Minatakunixternal: People who use dialup have their systems connected to a modem05:35
Bearcatnixternal: hmm05:35
dx11101first of all, any live cd function in kubuntu is cheers to the knoppix project05:35
MinatakuSome people have it connected anyway05:35
BluesKajI'm more familiar with GParted and qparted isn't as stable05:35
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MinatakuRemoving that auth means that there's a hole wide open05:35
nixternalMinataku: yes, I know that. But auth and noauth are pretty much handshaking between modem a and modem b05:35
ForgeAusfair enough05:35
xenophile7x7im about to do some hardware upgrades and reload my computer. is there a quick and simple way to backup my files and configs on kubuntu before i wipe my drives?05:36
MinatakuYou know what, you want to do something stupid? Fine. It's your computer, just don't come crying to me later05:36
nixternalremoving the auth doesn't do squat, it just won't auth with modem b05:36
ForgeAusI also found Gparted was quicker05:36
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nixternalMinataku: pleast take your atitude elsewhere05:36
ForgeAus(Qtparted kept me waiting scanning disks for information)05:36
dx11101FDISK > ALL05:36
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dx11101someone needs to invent a way to convert NTFS into EXT3 before my head explodes05:37
BluesKajso what's the procedure for making the OS partiton and the file sytem partition ?05:38
Dr_willisIve heard that partitionmagic can do that.. but im not paying for PM.05:38
Minatakunixternal: Please take your Windows-style security habits elsewhere05:38
ForgeAusI thought fsutils would do that05:38
MinatakuNext thing you know you'll be telling people not to set a password05:38
BluesKajPM sucks and is dangerous05:39
JucatoMinataku: calm down.05:39
dx11101screw partition magic05:39
Jucatoanger issues coming up again05:39
dx11101BOOTIT FOR EVAR05:39
dx11101and gparted too LD05:39
ForgeAusconvertfs device from_fs_type to_fs_type ???05:39
ForgeAusdoesn't work for NTFS?05:39
MinatakuNTFS is both closed source AND boobytrapped05:40
MinatakuMS tosses a bunch of bombs in it every tuesday05:40
MinatakuThat's why NTFS write support is so dangerous05:40
ForgeAusI know its closed source05:40
ForgeAusbut boobytrapped?05:40
dx11101Windows is boobytrapped to cause random BSOD05:40
ForgeAusit has authentication in certain places05:40
ForgeAusbut I doubt its boobytrapped05:41
Bearcatok, i now see "by default the remote system is required to authenticate itself (because this system has a default route to the internet) but i couldn't find any suituble secret (password)  for it to use to do so."  Also, i see that "couldn't find interface ppp0: no such device" ....05:41
dx11101on the other hand WINFS went supernova before boobytrapping to be deployed05:41
Bearcatmost web searches tell me to add "noauth" as an argument (hence why i did it), but kubuntu complains that requires root privilages05:41
MinatakuBearcat: Contact the owner of the remote system and ask for the authentication information if possible05:41
ForgeAuslol yeah05:41
ForgeAusWinFS didn't make it to Vista05:42
ForgeAusit was planned05:42
ForgeAusits been in the works since like win95 or before05:42
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ForgeAussounded to me basically like an SQLized Filesystem!05:42
MinatakuVista is just a $400 XP service pack, except this one is completely useless05:42
dx11101Thats why theres service packs05:42
ForgeAusfor quicker searching, etc..05:42
dx11101so you can get the money before you add the features05:42
BearcatMinataku: well, i know that the user name and password is correct, becaue when i do it as root with "noauth" htey tell me that i am logged in (and i am) but i can't go anywhere. pinging anything just gives me a haninging cursor05:43
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ForgeAusie select all files where filename = "kde*.*" :)05:43
nixternalMinataku: sorry, haven't used Windows in years. auth with ppp isn't what you think it is05:43
ForgeAusif Vista has a service pack its pretty lame if WinFS doesn't make it to that...05:44
ForgeAusin fact I wouldn't be suprised if when WinFS works they'll make a service pack just because of it05:45
dx11101ACtually the vista service pack will just be a bunch of hotfixes in a valuepack05:45
ForgeAusbut for now they have a Longhorn/Vista Server to worry about....05:45
Minatakunixternal: It seems to me to be similar to SSH fingerprinting05:45
ForgeAuswhat your going to need to pay for service packs too now?05:46
dx11101but service packs are just hotfixes05:46
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SolidSourceone problem if WinFS comes in service pack....to change FS, you have to reinstall OS05:46
nixternalMinataku: it isn't. some modems don't like the auth command sent to them, so in fact in some instances you can set it to noauth in order to connect05:46
Jucatobtw, guys, you are getting a bit offtopic (re: Vista)05:46
BluesKajSolidSource, what's the fsutils prog i'm looking for ?05:46
nixternalback in the day that is how one would "illegally" connect to AOL dial-up modems/servers05:46
Minatakunixternal: In that case, I apologize to both of you... sorry05:47
ForgeAusSolid? maybe it can be added as an NTFS layer of some sort?05:47
SolidSourceBluesKaj: umm I stopped paying attention a while ago, so don't know05:47
nixternalMinataku: thanks!05:47
Minatakunixternal: It just seemed like an egregious breach of security05:47
ForgeAusor have a converter like fat32 did05:47
dx11101I dont think anyone that uses Windows Vista will be smart enough to care what file system they are using05:47
Jucatogood Minataku. I see you're at least getting control of your anger. that's good. :)05:47
MinatakuI was wrong, and what was right was interesting05:47
nixternalMinataku: it does, but auth or noauth doesn't control security against your machine05:47
=== Dr_willis feels the love
SolidSourceForgeAus: WinFS is supposed to be completely redigned.. so generally no05:47
Bearcatyeah every page that references this problem, says to disable ath wiht "noauth" however kubuntu complains that i don't have the right to.05:47
ForgeAusbut I'm sure there will be at least SOME metadata overhead05:48
MinatakuIf the explanation is interesting then it helps me calm down XD05:48
BluesKajjfsutils is prolly journal file system, right ?05:48
ForgeAusSolid, thats possible too...05:48
Bearcati think i'm gonna diable all security just to watch Minataku squirm :P05:48
MinatakuMmmmm... Tristar Tetris Amiga Cracktro05:48
ForgeAusbut microsoft will make a method to convert it and maintain your OS too...05:48
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MinatakuOne of my all-time favorites05:48
=== BluesKaj consults google
ForgeAusit just won't be as nice as a native WinFS installation05:48
ForgeAus(due to likely missing metadata)05:49
dx11101WinFS is supposed to automatically backup appended changes to files and index searches like Google Desktop05:49
JucatoMinataku: cut down on the coffee :P05:49
MinatakuWinFS is gonna be a disaster05:49
MinatakuJucato: Don't drink coffee05:49
MinatakuWouldn't affect me anyway05:49
ForgeAusdx yeah thats due to its SQL/Database-like features05:49
MinatakuI'm immune to caffiene05:49
JucatoMinataku: ok, on the caffeine then :)05:49
Jucatoha! :)05:49
the-ermI'm seeing a really odd command running in the background.  I'm using htop to see what's running.  I notice a command -:0 That's it, no path or anything.  I googled "-:0" with no results that were even related.  Any one know what this is?05:50
ForgeAusthe searching will probably be done via some kinda SQL Select-like syntax somewhere along the line05:50
nixternalBearcat: what are you using to connect with the modem? KPPP? WvDial? ppp w/ pon/poff?05:50
Minatakuthe-erm: It's a switch05:50
the-ermMinataku: for what?05:50
MinatakuProbably telling some program to run on the X display :005:50
dx11101I bet WinFS will work in linux before it works in windows05:50
ForgeAussince essentially a filesystem is a base for all your Data... I guess it qualifies as a Data-Base05:50
dx11101at the rate this is going05:50
ForgeAusrofl dx :)05:50
MinatakuJucato: I could down a pot of coffee and fall asleep right after05:51
the-ermMinataku: no ... that's it that's the command, but it would make sense to be x display 0.05:51
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MinatakuThough in that case I'd probably piss myself in my sleep05:51
Minatakuthe-erm: Hm05:51
daft_hey all, how can i check what version of a display driver im currently running from the console?05:51
nixternalcat "Windows/Vista/anything not Kubuntu" >> #kubuntu-offtopic05:51
ForgeAusyour prolly right05:51
Minatakuthe-erm: "ps -af"05:51
ForgeAusthey probably got the idea from unix's FFS anyway... from what Mina mentioned earlier05:51
ForgeAusnix good point05:51
Jucato#kubuntu is a channel for Kubuntu-related support questions. While offtopic discussions happen once in a while, it's highly advised to take them to #kubuntu-offtopic . Let's keep this channel clean, and try to liven up that other channel :D Hooray for offtopics and #kubuntu-offtopic !!!05:52
jarn_How do you make apt-get install packages thati t downloaded previously but didn't install?05:52
MinatakuThe other channel sucks... it's a black hole05:52
the-ermMinataku: that's a pretty sure list sure you didn't mean ps -Af ?05:52
dx11101nobody says anything in off-topic05:52
MinatakuJust redirect to /dev/null instead05:52
the-ermroot      5822  5812  0 Feb16 ?        00:00:00 -:0 // Here's the line.05:52
MinatakuYou'll get more of a response there than in #kubuntu-offtopic05:52
JucatoMinataku: that's the problem. because people don't take their offtopic discussions there... it's a vicious cycle05:52
Minatakuthe-erm: Bizarro05:52
ForgeAustheres probably some psychology to that05:53
hendausfiles .DAT , how can i convert them to mpeg?05:53
the-ermYa odd.05:53
Minatakuthe-erm: Try "whereis -:0"05:53
MinatakuOr rather "whereis -- -:0"05:53
MinatakuYou'll probably need the "--" for "End of options"05:53
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MinatakuFilenames starting with a dash are a bi... female dog05:53
the-ermMinataku: I did whereis -:0 whereis -- -:0 and also whereis "-:0"05:54
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Linux_Galorehendaus: .dat can be anything05:54
the-ermAll seem to make whereis think I'm trying to send a flag.05:54
Jucato-:0 is owned by root, usually the X server process05:54
Minatakuthe-erm: Crap05:54
daft_anyone? I need to know whether im running the proprietary ATI drivers or the stock ones - how can I check it?05:54
ForgeAushehe interesting that every directory of ZipLinux put them in05:54
ForgeAuserm sorry ZipSlack05:54
MinatakuJucato: It should say "X" or something05:54
MinatakuLet me check mine05:54
Jucatoin KSysGuard it does...05:54
MinatakuIt is here too05:54
MinatakuWell, slap my ass and call me Sally05:55
hendausLinux_Galore,  i want to burn a cd for vcd player and the film is .DAT05:55
MinatakuYeah, the X server process is "-:0"05:55
Minatakuroot      3838  3663  0  1047  2240   0 Feb13 ?        Ss     0:00  \_ -:005:55
JucatoMinataku: hi Sally :D05:55
MinatakuChild to /usr/bin/xdm05:55
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MinatakuJucato: lol, you forgot the first part05:55
the-ermWell that's good ... no root kit here.05:56
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Linux_Galorehendaus: .dat can be anything, ,dat tells me nothing, anything can be a .dat there are over a few hundred apps that can slap a .dat tag on the name of a file05:56
JucatoMinataku: thought you wouldn't notice :P05:56
Minatakuhendaus: Type this "file -zrk <filename>.dat"05:56
=== Jucato mv Linux_Galore Linux_Galore.dat
Red_Tearhmm also der Insall macht schon probleme^^05:57
hendausMinataku, i download a movie film .DAT,how can i burn it to vcd?05:57
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Linux_Galorehendaus: .dat is not a media type, you have to tell us what type of file it is first05:57
Minatakuhendaus: I want to see what it is first05:57
Minatakuhendaus: Type this "file -zrk <filename>.dat"05:58
larrydavidanyone? I need to know whether im running the proprietary ATI drivers or the stock ones - how can I check it?05:58
MinatakuThen paste it here if it's one or two lines, pastebin it if it's three or more05:58
Minatakularrydavid: If your computer runs like crap, it's the binary ATI drivers05:58
BluesKajlarrydavid, in the terminal type'fglrxinfo'05:59
Minatakuthe-erm: Actually, I meant "ps -AF f"05:59
larrydavidi need to recompile the binary drivers after installing a new kernel yeah?05:59
Minatakularrydavid: That's the problem with binaries06:00
MinatakuYou can't compile them06:00
MinatakuOr change them06:00
MinatakuOr anything06:00
larrydavidoh right, i meant proprietary sorry06:00
Linux_Galorehendaus: I will give you a similar problem to answer so you know what Im getting at, Go find a friend called Mr Smith, you know his name is smith so you must know out of the millions of other called Smith who he is, same goes with your .dat file, its a generic term not a type of file06:00
Minatakuthe-erm: That's "All processes", "Full info" and "Pretty tree structure"06:00
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hendausah ok06:01
hendausAVSEQ01.DAT: ERROR: cannot open `AVSEQ01.DAT' (No such file or directory)06:01
BluesKajlarrydavid, you can download the open source ones from ATI , but look at this page : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#head-d8c6fd05bce340dfc3ad483abf0e18997868540b06:02
Jucatolooks like downloaded/ripped straight from a VCD :)06:02
Linux_Galorehendaus: you need to be in the same directory as the file06:02
Minatakuhendaus: Yeah06:02
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MinatakuOr specify the absolute path06:02
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Linux_GaloreJucato: could be an image06:03
JucatoLinux_Galore: true...06:04
Linux_GaloreIve seen iso images put on the web as .dat06:04
MinatakuAh, VCD... the pirate's favorite06:05
ForgeAusMina btw I don't think Kubuntu has an xdm06:05
BluesKajit might work if he just changes the dat to iso ...works for nrg files06:05
MinatakuForgeAus: It doesn't06:05
ForgeAusit has Kdm instead06:05
Linux_GaloreMinataku: most of the stuff I see is xvid these days06:05
MinatakuLinux_Galore: VCD is not a codec06:05
MinatakuStands for Video CD06:06
MinatakuKinda like DVD except an older MPEG flavor and on CDs instead06:06
Linux_GaloreMinataku: yeah but I rarely see vcd images on the web06:06
larrydavidok, so when im rebuilding the ATI drivers for my new kernel (its just a generic 2.6.17-11 but with PHC Voltage control patched), its saying: E: Couldn't find package linux-headers-2.6.17-11-fdd-generic when I do "sudo module-assistant prepare" - how can I specify that it should just use the generic linux headers?06:06
larrydavidsorry for the long sentence06:06
Linux_GaloreMinataku: mainly xvid.avi  files06:06
SolidSourcescrew VCD...just get a DVD burner and just put things on DVDs06:06
Dr_willisbetter then 100 short ones. :)06:06
Dr_willisSolidSource,  i agree there.06:07
MinatakuIt's not your place to tell people what to do06:07
MinatakuPerhaps that's not an option for him06:07
MinatakuIf he wants to use VCD then that's his right06:07
MinatakuThis is Linux, not Windows06:07
the-ermI own a dvd writer ... never used it.06:07
Dr_williswindows would just force you to reboot.. :)06:07
MinatakuWindows would demand you use some retarded format and refuse to allow any other options06:08
hendausMinataku,  AVSEQ01.DAT: RIFF (little-endian) data, wrapped MPEG-1 (CDXA)06:08
the-ermMinataku: you must be referring to wma, and fat3206:09
MinatakuIt'd probably burn each frame to the CD as a picture then require 50000 of them and you use them like a flipbook06:09
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the-ermActually I think it would make you purchase the codec for mpeg before it would let you burn a dvd.06:10
the-ermThe key word being purchase.06:10
Minatakuhendaus: I think that might be VCD friendly already06:10
Minatakuhendaus: TBH, I've only authored a VCD, like, three times06:11
MinatakuAnd that was several years ago06:11
hendausok i open K3b and cant open the .DAT06:11
MinatakuIt's not an image, it's I think a video file06:11
MinatakuTry opening it in mplayer or something06:11
hendausit works06:12
Linux_Galorehendaus: k3 doesnt open file06:12
Linux_Galorehendaus: its a burner not a media player06:13
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the-ermmplayer should give you an idea of what kind of video file it is.  It usually spits out some information when you use it from the shell.06:13
hendausnow i open k3b , i click on new video cd project and cannot open it but when i click on creat a new data cd it opens the file06:13
BluesKajif mplayer can play it maybe it can be transcoded authored to dvd with tovid06:13
Minatakuhendaus: Hm... perhaps then it ISN'T already in a VCD-friendly format06:14
MinatakuI forget what VCD uses06:14
MinatakuBluesKaj: He wants to make a VCD, not a DVD06:14
Minatakuthe-erm: Yes, but what flavor06:15
MinatakuDVDs use MPEG as well06:15
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the-ermvcd IIRC is mostly about fps and WxH.06:15
hendausok how can i convert it to mpeg format,which program?06:16
the-ermIn other words, it uses the same mpeg as a DVD, but it's smaller.06:16
the-ermOr worse quality should I say.06:16
BluesKajtovid will make vcds as well06:16
Minataku!tovid | hendaus06:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tovid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:16
BluesKajbut the bitrate is fixed so it may not fit on one vcd if the transcode makes a file larger tham 700M06:17
MinatakuSolidSource: Sorry again, BTW, I just felt your attack on VCD was unfounded06:17
MinatakuBluesKaj: Surely there's a better program then06:18
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Linux_Galorehendaus: in k3b  right click while mouse over on any of the button in k3b ie  Copy Cd  then Add -> New Video CD Project06:18
MinatakuAnything that should be a user-defined option should NEVER be hardwired06:18
MinatakuThat's poor programming practice06:19
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Minatakuwb, Jucato06:19
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MinatakuI got the rest of the samples I ordered from Microchip today, a dsPIC, a PIC10 and two types of Serial EEPROMs06:22
Linux_Galorehendaus: change the file name to  .mpg06:22
hendausLinux_Galore,  i open the k3b, then i right click on the file06:22
MinatakuUgh... the redneck neighbors are outside making a load of noise... it's 12:21AM... I should call the police06:22
Linux_Galorehendaus: this is why you always download none vague file formats06:23
hendausLinux_Galore,  ok but please explain me what should i do on k3b?06:23
MinatakuLinux_Galore: That's not always an option06:24
Linux_Galorehendaus: I cant tell you much at all because the file format you have downloaded is pretty vague, basically its some type of mpeg1 encoded file with some weird wrapper made by some undefined program06:24
MinatakuLinux_Galore: Pirate all the way06:25
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Linux_Galoreif you going to download a file ffs make sure its in a comon sense format06:26
MinatakuAgain, that's not always an option06:26
Linux_Galoreif your not sure get a avi06:26
hendausLinux_Galore,  ok but why it doesnot with k3b?06:26
Minatakuhendaus: k3b doesn't know what the file is06:26
Linux_Galorehendaus: because k3b cant figure out the wrapper around the mpeg1 data06:27
MinatakuIt's in a rather weird format06:27
hendausok how could i convert it to .mpeg/06:27
Linux_Galorehendaus: first what is the wrapper06:27
Linux_GaloreI have a feeling its some camera quicktime wrapper crap06:28
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Linux_Galorehendaus: mpeg1 is the encoder format but not the container the data has been put in, but like you can put text inside a pdf06:29
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Linux_Galorehendaus: I have a feeling its a quicktime file of some sort06:29
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Linux_Galorehendaus: the pdf if the container and the text is the data,  in your case the data is mpeg1  but the container is god knows what06:31
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ubuntuare any HUMANS in this ROOM06:31
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ubuntuplease i need help?06:32
MinatakuYes, but they don't respond to TYPING like THIS06:32
Linux_Galoreubuntu: <Bzzzt> ((((((((DING)))) please state you question06:32
ubuntuwhat do u mean06:32
MinatakuNor do they appreciate your waste of precious punctuation marks06:32
ubuntui am new here i am sorry06:32
MinatakuThose question marks are expensive06:32
Dr_willisask a actual question. :)06:32
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MinatakuI'm just messing with you, ubuntu06:32
MinatakuGo ahead and ask your question06:32
hendausLinux_Galore,  ok i have other problem,i switch a cable usb from my cell phone 6230 nokia,i want to transfer all the imgaes from it06:33
ubuntuok i made my 40 GB HDD to 3 partitions 1.is theXP which is 32GB 2.Kubuntu 10GB, and 3.swap 500MB06:33
ubuntuafter installing kubuntu i when i reboot06:34
Linux_Galorehendaus: just plug it in and move the files06:34
ubuntuin the OS choices  i can not go to my XP06:34
Linux_Galorehendaus: about 5 seconds after you plug it in the file manager should open06:35
ubuntui can but when i press enter it will come up with a blue screen with like a disk scan and it would reboot on its on and go back to the OS chices06:35
me2winwhere can i add a startup item in kde?06:35
ubuntui am sorry but i don't understand what you mean06:35
me2winberyl more specifically06:36
hendausLinux_Galore,  is it need a program to show me the files manager?06:36
BluesKajLinux_Galore, not necessarily ...he may have to lookin storage media06:36
hendausLinux_Galore,  on windows i used the program nokiasuite06:37
ubuntui had to reformate my XP and lose all of my data and put the HDD back to one peice06:37
ubuntuso please i need help06:37
BluesKajI had to to do so, when i used my usb drive the first time06:37
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Dr_willisubuntu,  so basicially you are saying that XP is crashing on booting up ?06:38
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BluesKajlooking for the MBR maybe ?06:38
ubuntuthat happened when i made the partitions and installed kubuntu on the new one06:38
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Dr_willisubuntu,  you may want to change nicks.. then.. how did you 'make the partitions' ?06:38
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ubuntupartition magic or somethin like that06:39
Dr_willisor somthing? you dont know?06:39
ubuntui made a 10GB partition for kubuntu and 500MB swap06:39
ubuntuand the rest which is about 30GB is for XP06:39
Dr_willisdid  XP boot after you 'resized' the partitions?06:39
ubuntuwhich i did not mess with06:39
Dr_willisand befor you installed linux?06:39
adydas_i bet youll regret that descion ubuntu06:39
adydas_i did :p06:39
ubuntuya but not after instsalling kubuntu06:40
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ubuntuand i feel really bad because i really liked kubuntu and i want it so bad so if you guys can't help me or i can't find an answer i will have to buy a new HDD just for kubuntu06:41
adydas_haha sounds like me, i have 3 HHDs now06:41
ubuntui wish i had only one more for linux06:41
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MinatakuHoly crap, LTNS06:42
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geniiMinataku Yeah hi :)06:42
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Dr_willisi got 7 hdd's -- one died last night however. :(06:43
Dr_willisI find linxu works BEST when you have it on its own hdd.06:43
ubuntuwell ya i know but right now i can't effort to buy a HDD06:44
Dr_willisubuntu,  you could try booting the xp cd and using the recover console and the 'fixmbr' command..  that will whipe out the grub loader.06:44
Dr_willisthat may get you back to xp.06:44
Dr_willisIts also possible theres somthing odd with xp.. or your grub configs...  the 'it hangs at a blue screen' dosent give us much to go on.06:44
ubuntui tryed it but since i don't kknow how to use the command line i didn't know how to use it06:44
Minatakugenii: So what's up?06:45
Dr_willisubuntu,  this is where google comes in handy. :)06:45
Dr_willissilly MS changing commands around..  fixmbr and some other fix* command they got now.06:45
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ubuntutrust me man i went crazy for a whole weel with this google and every single site no use06:45
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casahola a todos06:46
ubuntumy world just crashed on me when i couldn't boot xp06:46
Minatakuubuntu: I think I know the problem06:46
MinatakuGRUB doesn't have an entry for XP06:46
MinatakuDoes it?06:46
=== Dr_willis finds that he rarely boots to xp any more
MinatakuWatch the caps06:46
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geniiMinataku We moved 300 or so of those computers today...bleh. I found the cardboard box with most of the Sun stuff as well. Looks like he put some of it somewhere else when the office got renovated06:47
Minatakugenii: Think you can find it?06:47
MinatakuIf you can't, beat him with something06:47
geniiMinataku Yeah I'm going in over this wknd so Ill poke around06:47
Minatakugenii: Awesome06:47
MinatakuAny other cool stuff you can find that would go to the trash send that too06:48
ubuntuwhat is the GRUB?06:48
MinatakuI just got a load of cool old stuff from the Uni06:48
MinatakuOne of my professors was cleaning out a closet06:48
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:48
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Dr_willisGRUB is wht gives you the boot menu to load the different os's06:48
geniiMinataku: Very cool :) So more Sun or possibly SGI things?06:49
MinatakuI got a whole box with boards and old projects from the mid 70s06:49
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JucatoGRand Unified Bootloader06:49
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Minatakugenii: YES :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D06:49
MinatakuDefinitely yes! :D06:49
Minatakugenii: For example, I finally have side-brazed ceramic DIP ICs with gold caps for my collection06:50
Bearcatok, i'm confused and could use a few pointers when one of you has a moment. I am logged in via dialup. but i can't get anywhere. I know i have the right dns server IPs into kppp. It almost as if it can't find a gateway.  Any ideas?06:50
Bearcati'm very familair with networks but not dialup06:50
MinatakuBoth purple and white and also at least one that's an EPROM06:50
x_Who delete beryl 0.206:51
geniiMinataku: heh I can tell what gets you enthused LOL06:51
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Minatakugenii: Indeed06:51
MinatakuI don't have much of a poker face06:51
geniiMinataku: <-- Sorta afk on and off... watching Bram Stoker's Dracula and am on the laptop06:51
Minatakugenii: Cool06:52
geniiFinally got Feisty on it but even with xfce runs sloooow06:52
MinatakuOld laptop?06:52
geniiYeah IBM thinkpad a2006:52
MinatakuI just installed Debian 4.0 on Mahoro, a Toshiba Satellite 305CDS06:52
geniiso C300 with 128ram and 4Gb hd06:53
Minataku166MHz Pentium 1 MMX06:53
Minataku80MB RAM06:53
Minataku40GB HDD06:53
MinatakuA hand-me-down from Piyoko when it started making a griding noise06:53
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MinatakuI replaced it but the old drive turned out to be just fine06:53
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SolidSourcefor those that care about the future of hard drives, here is an interesting article: http://www.physorg.com/news66555256.html06:54
MinatakuMahoro got it because her original went dead06:54
geniiMinataku: I had an old Satellite that was about the best laptop I ever had. I miss it actually06:54
Minatakugenii: Toshiba makes the best laptops, period.06:54
BearcatSolidSource: bah! I just save to floppies06:54
=== MrWGW [n=opera@cpe-75-85-97-183.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
MrWGWgood evening06:54
MrWGWI have kubuntu and xubuntu06:54
Jucatoevening MrWGW06:55
MinatakuMorning here, actually06:55
MrWGWand xubuntu has the kubuntu icon theme06:55
MrWGWand kubuntu doesn't seem to have it in its list of availible icon themes06:55
geniiSolidSource: I think they are all gonna go solid-state flash ram06:55
Minatakugenii: Piyoko is a Toshiba Satellite A25-S20706:55
MrWGWso I'm wondering if you know where the kubuntu human icon theme would be stored for Xubuntu, so I can load it...06:55
SolidSourceBearcat: whats a floppy? those things still exist06:55
Minatakugenii: Not Flash06:55
MrWGWhey Jucato06:55
MinatakuMagnetoresistive RAM06:55
geniiMinataku: Well, similar idea.Solid-state06:55
MinatakuThink old core memory from the PDP series06:55
JucatoMrWGW: Kubuntu doesn't have a human icon theme. it uses Crystal06:55
BearcatSolidSource: actually i have an 8" floppy somewhere  (and no, not my penis)06:56
MinatakuExcept super micro tiny06:56
SolidSourcegenii: read the article, it talks about that06:56
MrWGWheh interesting06:56
=== MrWGW wonders why a Kubuntu Human icon theme exists in Xubuntu
MinatakuI have two MRAM chips right here06:56
MrWGWthose imaginative Xubuntu devs....06:56
geniiBearcat: Hah me too...and an old drive for them too06:56
JucatoMrWGW: those are Xubuntu's own icon theme06:56
MinatakuFree samples from Freescale06:56
Minatakugenii: I also got an old computer from that closet06:56
Minataku5.25" only, though06:56
MrWGWIMO Kubuntu looks great with Human icons06:56
JucatoMrWGW: I'm not sure what they're called. if they're Azul (Blue Human) or Tango06:56
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MinatakuWell, 5.25", 3.5" and 4x CDROM06:56
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Jucatowell, not *that* bad.. but...06:57
MinatakuPlus two fake 3.5" drives06:57
MrWGWwell what the human icons have is an architectonic06:57
JucatoMrWGW: fwiw, I don't like crystal svg that much either06:57
MrWGWwell yeah06:57
MinatakuThey look like they're 3.5" drives but they're really just molded plastic panels06:57
MrWGWwhat would be nice would be a Kubuntu icon theme tailored to Kubuntus' color combination06:57
MrWGWit annoys me that the Powers That Be have decreed that Kubuntu, by default, be as generic KDE as possible06:57
JucatoMrWGW: yes. it's called "Oxygen" :D06:57
geniiMinataku I keep an old combo 5 1/4-3 1/2 around for obscure old stuff on real floppies etc etc06:57
Bearcatso, do i have to enter the dns servers somewhere else besides kppp?  This is so bizarre06:57
MinatakuThis is way back, when PCs still had reset buttons, turbo buttons, keylocks and LED displays06:58
MrWGWwhich is annoying, since many other distros ship with an unmodified iKDe06:58
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JucatoMrWGW: ha! you think Kubuntu's KDE is generic/vanilla KDE?06:58
MrWGWbw Jucato do you think Kwwii would mind if I stole his panel art and used it in PC-BSD?06:58
MrWGWwell Kwwii said that was a policy06:58
Jucatoyou don't even know the half of it :D06:58
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geniiMrWGW God forbid Apple gets their fingers on KDE06:58
MrWGWI knonw it looks a little better than default KDE on say, Slackware06:58
MinatakuMrWGW: I'd ask him first06:58
MrWGWwell I've commited to contributing to this project also06:58
Minatakugenii: Nah, they have their closely guarded piece of crap Aqua or whatever that bull is called06:59
MrWGWROFL yes06:59
JucatoMrWGW: yep, in this case, #kubuntu-devel :)06:59
MrWGWalthough IIRC someone got KDE running on a Mac06:59
MrWGWwhich is a giant flying waste of time IMO06:59
MinatakuMrWGW: Macs are a waste period06:59
geniiYeah why bother with that?06:59
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!06:59
geniiMinataku: Well, I have some old PPC which run ubuntu well :)06:59
MinatakuMacs are where the chips that were bad in previous lives get reincarnated to06:59
MinatakuJucato: Nobody's asking for help right now07:00
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Bearcati am! *bounce bounce*07:00
MinatakuJoin the discussion and we'll shoot 'em down as they show up07:00
MinatakuThe problems, that is07:00
MinatakuNot the people with the problems07:00
geniiBearcat: What was the nature of your emergency again?07:00
Bearcati'm bleeding from the..no that wasn't it07:01
Bearcata dial up problem07:01
Bearcati can connect, but i can't go anywhere.07:01
Minataku"I, like, fell on this bullet, and it drove itself into my gut"07:01
aesiamunhi there.07:01
BearcatI knowi have the DNS numbers correctly entered into the kppp options07:01
geniiBearcat: You may want to find the ppp.conf or wvdial.conf file and put/uncomment a line saying "noauth"07:02
aesiamundid libxine-extracodecs get obsoleted by something else?07:02
Jucatoaesiamun: in Edgy?07:02
Bearcatgenii: got that. I am able to connect.07:03
aesiamunis that 6.10?07:03
Jucatoaesiamun: Edgy = 6.10. and libxine-extracodecs is still here07:03
Bearcatgenii: but pinging www.yahoo.com gives me no such host.07:03
aesiamunJucato: I get this.07:03
BluesKajnite all07:03
Jucatoaesiamun: please make sure you have "multiverse" enabled07:03
geniiBearcat Ah...I seem to remember something about LAN/NIC usurping default gateway... there is some line to put for that in the pp.conf or so, but I forget the exact command07:03
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aesiamunJucato: ah that would be it, thanks.07:04
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geniiBearcat In fact kppp may have some setting for it even...something like "make default gateway upon connect" or similar07:05
aesiamunJucato: ok not it wasn't.  I get the "Package libxine-extracodecs is not available, but is referred to by another package."07:05
Bearcatgenii: yeah. i can't ping an actual ip so it's not a dns issue. I'll look for that and do a "route" while i'm at it.07:05
Jucatoaesiamun: that would mean that multiverse isn't added/enabled in your sources.list07:05
aesiamunoh i enabled backports07:06
aesiamuni apologize07:06
ForgeAusJucato does ConvertFS work for NTFS?07:06
JucatoForgeAus: dunno. sorry07:06
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frealityAnyone using fuse or gmailfs?07:07
frealityI believe I have it set-up correctly, but don't know how to view my filesystem in konqueror.07:09
frealityI'm on Edgy, if that matters07:09
ForgeAusis there a fuse kioslave?07:09
frealityis that in the repo?07:09
ForgeAuswait don't oyu have to mount it?07:10
Bearcatgenii: ok, so when doing "route" and i see * for the gateway that means it's useing the defaut (which is wrong) yes?07:10
ForgeAusif you mount a gmailfs partition all you need to do is go visit that directory in konqueror07:10
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frealityForgeAus: do you mean a second time? I added an item for it in /etc/fstab07:11
frealityit shows up in the output of mount07:11
ForgeAuswhere did you mount it too in your fstab?07:11
geniibearcat Yeah it's still trying to use whatever the NIC was using as a gateway. I'm pretty sure kppp has a radio button in the "gateway" tab for making it the default route07:11
ForgeAusyeah then its mounted07:11
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ForgeAusso all you need to do is go to where its mounted too07:12
ForgeAusie /media/gmail or whatever the place you mounted it too07:12
frealityit's mounted in mnt07:12
ForgeAusin konqueror just type that string in the address bar /mnt/<whatever> then07:12
frealityshould I chang it to media?07:12
ForgeAusand that should be your gmailfs07:12
ForgeAusyou don't have to07:12
ForgeAuseither way07:12
frealityI get an error message saying the file does not exist07:13
ForgeAuspersonally I'd get it working first before considering changing it07:13
ForgeAushmm that might be something to do with the internet/gmail side of things07:13
frealitycould this be a permissions error?07:13
ForgeAusthere might be some extra steps?07:13
ForgeAusnot likely if it were permissions it'd say you don't have authority or something07:14
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ForgeAus(its still possible... I wouldn't rule it out completely)07:14
Bearcatgenii: well, you can choose "default gateway" or enter in one by hand. I called the isp and they don't know what it would be. There is also a "assign the default route to this gateway" check box, but the default root was apparently 192,186.1.107:14
geniiBearcat: Yeah that sounds like a router gateway07:15
geniieg:nic not modem07:15
frealityForgeAus: is that fuse kio slave in the repo?07:15
ForgeAusfreality I don't even know if there is a kioslave for it I was asking...07:16
Bearcatgenii: right. I have used that when hooking my own dns to this clients machine. So that is correct for my network, but the modem should ignore it, right?07:16
ForgeAusbut it sounds unlikely if its mounted that a kioslave is necessary07:16
frealityokay, thanks07:16
ForgeAusnormally all you need to do is browse to a mount07:16
geniiBearcat: Yeah for the ppp connection it should07:17
ForgeAusfreality don't you need to login to it somewhere along the line?07:17
ForgeAusor is that already in the fuse bit somewhere?07:17
Bearcatgenii: taking this back to basics, shouldn't the gateway be an ip address that the ISP knows?07:19
geniiBearcat: If you leave it blank then (ideally) it should get one automagically from the isp07:20
Bearcatgenii: i tried choosing to manually assign a static one and leave it blank, no go07:22
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geniiBearcat There is some setting in a conf file to make for this... let me look it up07:23
MinatakuI think I'ma head to "sleep", sorry if I upset and/or offended anyone07:23
BearcatMinataku: i shall never forgive you!07:23
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=== Bearcat clutches his chest in mortal pain
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MinatakuBearcat: :P07:24
=== Bearcat looks innoncent
=== Minataku gets a defibrillator and saves Bearcat's life
MinatakuNow you MUST!07:25
MinatakuBut seriously, sorry to anyone I may have upset or offended, lol07:25
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MinatakuNight all and good luck getting that fixed, Bearcat07:25
BearcatMinataku: thanks07:25
MinatakuSay... before I go... are you named after the old scanner line from Uniden?07:26
BearcatMinataku: nope.07:26
MinatakuOr did you just combine two animals?07:26
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MinatakuSorry X307:26
BearcatMinataku: Bearcat is a name for the panther family07:26
Bearcatbearcat also means "An unstoppable force"07:26
Bearcatit is also my first name :)07:26
MinatakuIt was also a line of police scanners from Uniden which may or may not still exist07:26
Bearcati have learned it's also a WW II plane07:27
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snowrichardI have two sound cards.  If I make the modules load in a certain order will it make the first one loaded be the default device for say xmms?07:28
snowrichardright now its essentially random07:29
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reldruhI'm having some problems with tunneling X over ssh. I don't have an xserver on my server but I need to run a command that requires an x server. I ran the command 'ssh myusername@myserver -X' and it worked but when I try to run the command in konsole on my laptop (mythtv-setup) it tells me it can't connect t X server. Does anybody know why?07:30
geniiBearcat still here?07:33
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Jucatoooh didn't realize genii was back07:35
geniiBearcat try to put in your wvdial.conf file 2 lines:  Check Def Route = on     and  Auto DNS = on07:35
geniiJucato Heya :)07:35
me2winhow do i add an item to startup?07:35
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ubotuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.07:36
Jucatome2win: ^^07:36
Bearcatgenii: do i have to reload anything?07:37
geniiBearcat: Maybe disconnect kppp then reconnect07:37
Bearcatgenii: still Destination Host Unreachable07:37
me2winJucato: thanks, will beryl start up that way also?07:37
geniiBearcat: Bleh.I had this stupid issue before too but forget where I found the solution07:38
Jucatome2win: um better follow the guides in the Beryl wiki. head over to #ubuntu-effects and look at the channel topic07:38
Jucatothere are links there07:38
reldruhcan anybody here help me with X forwarding over ssh?07:39
me2wink thanks07:39
me2winJucato: so uhh one more dumb question, how do i make a link07:39
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Jucatome2win: right-click -> Create New -> Link to Application or drag the file to the Autostart folder, drop it, then select "Link Here"07:40
me2winJucato: thanks07:40
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crystufer2000Yo. I'm having alot of trouble with fluxbox, blackbox and Enlightenment.07:43
crystufer2000They freeze alot.07:43
crystufer2000It's really annoying.07:44
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ErtainHello everyone.  I can't seem to get my wacom tablet to work in Kubuntu.  Actually, it keeps seeing it as a mouse.  I do have the latest kernel drivers, along with wacom-tools and xorg drivers.  I don't know exactly where the problem lies.  I think it has to do with my udev (I've changed the udev for wacom a few times).  Any ideas?07:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wacom - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:48
crystufer2000Ertain, could it be that you need to specify the wacom driver in xorg.conf?07:48
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crystufer2000Just a shot in the dark...07:49
geniiBearcat: Anyhow, seems to be something about this here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdenetwork/+bug/5387707:49
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=== Ertain checks his xorg.conf file.
ErtainNope, it's listed.07:50
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Bearcatgenii: ohh! that looks orimising!07:51
crystufer2000That is really a gentoo howto, but should be similarish, right?07:51
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crystufer2000Ertain: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Wacom_Tablet has an example setup for your xorg.conf so that you can rule that out once and for all. After that, I'm out of ideas.07:53
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jack_deltrinohi everyone07:53
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jack_deltrinoi have a linksys wmp11v4 properly recognized under ubuntu07:53
jack_deltrinoi can't dhclient wlan0 for some reason07:53
jack_deltrino/etc/resolv.conf is the same as the machine i'm on right now07:53
jack_deltrinoif i sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning i see the essid07:54
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jack_deltrinoi'm using wep, and i enter the key in after sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid MYNETWORK by sudo iwconfig wlan0 key 123456789007:54
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ErtainThere's a part about evdev interferring.  I shall look at that.07:56
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=== Ertain looks at that.
Bearcatgenii: WHOOO!07:57
jack_deltrinocan someone please help me?07:57
ErtainNope, that's not the problem.  I think the problem lies in udev.07:57
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jack_deltrinoErtain: are you referring to my problem?07:58
geniiBearcat So you got it working then?07:59
ErtainOops, sorry jack.  No I'm not.07:59
Bearcatgenii: yeah!  I'm sure i would have tried that eventully <.<  >.> Thank you!07:59
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geniiBearcat np, tho it took a while to find the right approach :)08:00
crystufer2000Yo all, is it a bad idea to attempt to re-build my kernel from source?08:00
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about networksecurity - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:02
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jack_deltrinoi love how people randomly spam this channel with bot messages08:04
jack_deltrinoi read the documentation *before* coming in here08:04
jack_deltrinoso please don't spam me or the channel with that08:04
jack_deltrinoalso, i know wep is insecure, but i have to put up with it because i do not own the router08:04
jack_deltrinoi'd run wpa2, but that's besides the point08:05
Bearcatjack_deltrino: well i'm insecure but people put up with me08:05
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jack_deltrinoBearcat: huh...?08:05
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crystufer2000Is it a bad idea to attempt to rebuild my kernel from source?08:05
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me2winpeople dont randomly spam anything, we come looking for assistance and the bot is a good resource08:06
jack_deltrinocrystufer2000: not at all. if you want to, go right ahead, it's not hard08:06
jack_deltrinome2win: it's a good resource after you assess the situation08:06
crystufer2000jack_deltrino: Is it a bad idea to use another distros kernel sources?08:06
jack_deltrinothe situation is that i've read the documentation08:06
me2wini know what my situation is, so i look to ubotu to find information08:06
jack_deltrinocrystufer2000: which one did you have in mind?08:06
me2winif you dont like it, kick me, and if you cant kick me, please leave me be08:06
me2winpretend like i dont exist08:07
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jack_deltrinome2win: that's a very immature attitude, but my response would be that if you don't know the answer, just don't answer08:07
me2winanybody else would have asked "anything specific you are looking for?" and pointed me in the right direction, not otherwise08:07
=== genii sips a coffee and contempletes his bellybutton lint
jack_deltrinome2win: no one asked you anything08:08
genii*contemplates* , even08:08
crystufer2000jack_deltrino: Gentoo kernel08:08
jack_deltrinocrystufer2000: hehe, i have personally built a few for ubuntu that way08:08
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jack_deltrinocrystufer2000: it's not hard at all. and i like gentoo's patches so it all works out :)08:08
me2winone immature attitude deserves another08:09
jack_deltrinocrystufer2000: if you want, create a checkinstall package (.deb) out of the kernel and install it through dpkg -i package08:09
jack_deltrinome2win: are you just trolling to troll?08:09
me2wini came here to look for something, not hear about how you dont like it how people come in here searching for help08:09
crystufer2000jack_deltrino: Oh? How would I do that?08:09
jack_deltrinocrystufer2000: apt-get install checkinstall08:09
me2winif anybody is trolling its you for saying things about me when i was looking for something on ubotu08:10
jack_deltrinosure, conveniently after i mentioned wep and dhcp problems, but whatever, you can troll all you want08:10
jack_deltrinocrystufer2000: run make in the directory, and then checkinstall in that directory thereafter08:10
me2winits just a coincidence, dont get all bunched up08:11
jack_deltrinocrystufer2000: should have been more specific, sorry: run checkinstall in the directory that you make'd your sources08:11
jarn_Is there a way to set dvd::rip to not split it up into 1gb files? Right now it splits the vobs into 1gb files, which means that sometimes it will end in the middle of a word.08:11
jack_deltrinoi wasn't you reacted to my observation08:11
me2winim looking for tools on how to test my network security, it had nothing to do with your conversation08:11
crystufer2000jack_deltrino: So it will make a debian package out of the kernel I make?08:11
jack_deltrinome2win: then private chat the bot08:11
genii!nmap > me2win08:12
jack_deltrinocrystufer2000: yep. gotta love checkinstall :)08:12
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crystufer2000jack_deltrino: I use the bot for the same purpose. I'm sure he didn't mean to troll.08:12
jack_deltrinocrystufer2000: back in the old days, we had to create those by making those debian directories :S08:12
jack_deltrinocrystufer2000: his response made him out to be one to me08:12
Bearcatjack_deltrino: sorry. You said " i know wep is insecure, but i have to put up with it" and i just  though tiw was funny08:12
crystufer2000me2win: Really though. private messages. Great for chatting with the bot.08:12
me2wini did 2 queries then i took it to private, quit assuming stuff and be more like genii, just suggest instead of complaining08:12
me2win i thought 1 of the 2 would hit, neither did, i private msgd it08:13
jack_deltrinome2win: suggest *what* you didn't ask me a damn question08:13
crystufer2000me2win: kool kool.08:13
me2winyour right, so why call me a spammer then08:13
crystufer2000guys, if you're gonna keep arguing, can you take it to off topic?08:13
jack_deltrinobecause you aren't private messaging the bot when you can08:13
me2winyou didn't "asses08:13
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Jucatook stop it you two. now08:13
jack_deltrinoi'm clearly not getting help in here so i won't keep wasting my time08:13
crystufer2000jack_deltrino: sorry i couldn't help you back, man. Thanks again.08:14
jack_deltrinoi rarely do get help in here, so it's cool crystufer200008:14
me2wingenii: thanks for the suggestion08:14
Jucatojack_deltrino: I would help if I knew. but I don't... so I keep quiet08:14
jack_deltrinoit's just this just happened to be specific to kubuntu, so i happened to surf this channel08:14
crystufer2000jack_deltrino: That's what you get for knowing more than me about linux.08:14
jack_deltrinoJucato: thank you, i appreciate that :)08:14
jack_deltrinoi hate being a developer08:15
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@c-66-41-103-83.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
chavoI would help if you werent such a pompous ass08:15
jack_deltrinochavo: thanks for helping the FOSS then08:15
Jucatook stop it NOW08:15
crystufer2000okay, off to try and make me some source kernels.08:15
geniime2win You may also be interested in this site: http://www.nubuntu.org/08:15
ubuntucan someone help? i got bad probs with an nvidia card, bad as in not letting me into my dektop08:15
=== ubuntu is now known as Jphenow
Jphenowcan someone help? i got bad probs with an nvidia card, bad as in not letting me into my dektop08:16
jack_deltrinocrystufer2000: oh, and make sure you rm *.deb before you checkinstall multiple times ;)08:16
jack_deltrinoyeah, it's annoying when you dpkg -i an old build08:16
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me2wingenii: yeah thats what i had used before, and i was trying to think of a tool that it had on it, but couldnt remember the name so i was hoping i would find some sort of security page from ubotu but i think nmap will work fine for my purposes08:16
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jack_deltrinocheckinstall keeps creating newer .debs08:17
crystufer2000I'm not sure at all what that means.08:17
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crystufer2000Oh. you mean delete the old one before I create a new one?08:17
jack_deltrinocrystufer2000: yeah08:17
adydasJphenow: have you installed nvidia-glx?08:17
crystufer2000Okay. I'm logging.08:17
crystufer2000Night all.08:17
jack_deltrinocrystufer2000: unless you want multiple configurations08:17
adydasJphenow: If so have you edited your x11.conf chaning it from nv to nvidia?08:17
Jphenowi have it on vesa at the moment because all i want is in my desktop08:18
Jphenowthen i'll worry about drivers08:18
adydasok try chaning it to nvidia08:18
adydasif it fails put it back to vesa08:18
Jphenowi have before08:18
adydasok good08:18
adydaspaste the logfile here08:18
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)08:18
Jphenowthis'll take a moment08:18
adydassomone can have a gander and point your in the right direction08:19
jack_deltrinoubuntu-nl.org? that's not very internationally correct ;)08:19
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Jphenowit's way long it'll flood this place08:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about past - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:21
adydasuse pastebin08:21
Jphenowim new to IRC08:21
Jphenowhow you do pastebin??08:21
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)08:21
adydasgo to that website08:21
adydasuse it08:21
adydasput the website link it gives you in here.08:21
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jarn_What's the difference between ripping a DVD to a vob file and ripping it to an ISO?08:22
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Jphenowi'll go get my xconf too08:23
milardovichi there a html visual editor for linux?08:23
milardovichlike dreamweaver08:23
milardovichbut not screem or quanta08:23
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Bearcattry kwebdev08:23
MarkChnow go apt-get it08:23
geniiyes nvu is good08:24
skwillzi have an odd question08:24
milardovichok 'cos im making mi own cms08:24
MarkChamaya is good too and doubles as a browser08:24
MarkChits also made by w3c08:24
skwillzhow do i check free disk space in KDE?08:24
milardovichand the styles must be maked with a VISUAL HTML EDITOR08:24
MarkChskwillz: df08:24
milardovichlook milardovich.com.ar, thats my code (im not a spamer xD)08:24
Bearcatthat's what i was thinking of08:25
milardovichsry for my bad english :P08:25
adydasJphenow: you need to check you have x installed by the looks of it..08:25
skwillzthanks mark, but is there an easier view?08:25
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skwillzi'd like to see MB/GB values08:25
milardovichnvu RULZ!!!08:25
milardovichi've downloaded the .DEB package08:26
Jphenowthere's my xconf.org08:26
Jphenowlong day apparently08:26
Jphenowbeen on the forums for 12 hours tryin to get this thing goin08:27
Jucato!info nvu | milardovich08:27
ubotumilardovich: nvu: Complete Web Authoring System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0final-2ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 8373 kB, installed size 26448 kB08:27
MarkChskwillz: df -h ?08:27
Jphenowso you're sayin check if x is even installed? so check out aptitude or you know the command?08:27
MarkChhuman readable values...08:27
ubotuamaya: Web Browser, HTML Editor and Testbed for Draft W3C standards. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.51-2.1 (edgy), package size 5331 kB, installed size 18364 kB08:27
milardovichubotu ?08:27
adydasJphenow: try sudo apt-get install nvidia-kernel-source nvidia-glx nvidia-settings08:27
adydasmake sure its all installed and gravey08:27
milardovichobuto but nvu rulez08:28
Jphenowokay i'll try that and be back in 5-10 to let ya know08:28
adydasthat got me going08:28
adydaswith a Nvidia 7900GT08:28
Jphenowoh wait a minute08:28
Jphenowi know what trouble i had with nvidia-glx08:29
adydasa what and why08:29
Jphenowi tried that several times and it kept sayin something about dpkg process and would not install08:29
adydastry now08:29
adydascould be your sources for apt....08:29
adydasbut thats just a guess without seeing whats up08:30
adydasunless its that lock thing....08:30
adydastry it anyway..08:30
Jphenowi'm not sure of exact words but if that happens i'll write it downand let ya know08:30
adydassweet as08:30
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Jphenowonly reason this whole process is hard is because i'm on a live cd right now being that i can't enter my real desktop, it's insanity08:31
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adydastry and reboot into the OS when u get into console edit the x11.conf to run vesa and then do it..08:31
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tucoGood morning guys. I would like to know how I can have my wireless connection enabled automatically in Kubuntu without going through the Wireless Manager each time?08:32
Jphenowwell i have the hda1 mounted right now so i could type-edit it now08:32
Jphenowthat's how i got the log and xorg.conf08:32
adydastuco: put it into your autostart?08:32
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tucohow come?08:33
adydascd /home/adydas/.kde/Autostart/08:33
adydasadydas@adydas:~/.kde/Autostart$ ls -l08:33
adydasopps my bad08:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swear - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:34
adydas* bad adydas.. *08:34
Jucato!language | adydas08:34
ubotuadydas: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:34
adydasJucato: HAHAH cheers man..08:34
genii!pastebin | adydas08:34
ubotuadydas: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)08:34
adydasgenii: i wasnt trying to paste that at all08:34
adydasit was a 1 liner08:34
adydashence my words :p08:34
adydastuco: go to home/username./kde/Autostart08:34
geniiadydas Ah, OK... it looked like the contents of Autostart folder were going to follow08:35
adydasand ln -s the program you want to run on boot08:35
adydasgenii: no i was trying to cut the eg of where Autostart was ie "/home/adydas/.kde/Autostart/"08:35
Bearcatwell, thanks for the help folks. I'll bring in my other two problems on Monday :)\08:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about austostart - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:36
ubotuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.08:36
Jucatolooks like I can't spell....08:36
=== deleter i'll be back: .
=== Bearcat [n=bearcat@12-32-44-12.static.blackfoot.net] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete]
tucodo you type home/username./kde/Autostart as a command Adydas?08:38
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adydascd /home/Adydas(useyourname)/.kde/Autostart08:39
adydasthen ln -s file to link it into there so it starts08:39
Jucatocd ~/.kde/Autostart would be better :)08:39
adydasyou assume hes in his home dir :p08:39
adydasim off, NOFX concerttime..08:39
Jucatoadydas: ~ will take you to the home dir08:39
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Jucatoso wherever you are, cd ~ will always take you $HOME :D08:40
chavoso will cd08:40
MarkChbut cd /.something ,  brings you root08:41
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tucoI have installed kcontrol autostart...how can I use it now?08:41
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ForgeAuscd <dir> is the same as cd ./<dir> :)08:42
ForgeAusunless you use a / or ~ as first char of <dir>08:42
chavotuco, you have to run kcontrol from the m commandline or run box08:42
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tucowhat is the line Chavo?08:43
tucothe one I need to type?08:43
chavotuco, kcontrol08:43
chavothen go to the KDE Components section08:43
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fdovingyou can also use 'kmenu -> run command' and 'kcmshell autostart'08:44
milardovichhow can i restart my apache?08:44
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fdovingmilardovich: from konsole, 'sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart'08:44
milardovichthxs, its work!08:45
milardovichi'm using linux only 1 week08:45
LastMallrikkus is causing problems in other channels. Is he a common problem here ?08:45
Chameleon22hi all, I just noticed a file in lost+found dir. (dr-sr---wx  2 779382894 1818452310  24K 1970-01-30 06:00 #22594723). User nor the group with those numbers exists. When I try to delete the file (as root) I get: rm: cannot remove directory `#22594723/': Operation not permitted. Directory it self is empty. Any ideas on how I can delete this bugger?08:45
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fiyawerxhey guys, when i installed, i separated an ext3 partition to make shared between win/kubuntu.. but when it mounts its not r/w, how can i change that?08:46
jarnHow do I set to dvd::rip to rip it all to one file instead of splitting it into five files of 1GB each?08:46
boobnever had pussy08:46
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tucoI am in there now Chavo. Question is what do I type?08:47
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geniifdoving Thank you08:52
=== dawn [n=dawn@c-68-33-164-177.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
dawnis vmware player an integrel pat of kubuntu-desktop?08:53
NightBirddawn, no...08:54
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dawnthats odd08:54
fdovingit's available but not installed by default.08:55
dawnI was removing vmware player in adept and I caught it saying removing kubuntu-deskto08:55
dawnI stopped it at 2%08:55
dawnbut it wrecked x now08:55
ubotuTo reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes08:55
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tucoGuys I am in autostart applications now. How can I make my wireless connection start automatically each time I log into Kubuntu?08:57
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fdovingChameleon22: http://www.openaddict.com/documents/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/lostfound.html - make sure you know what file you're trying to delete it could be some special file..  'file <file>' will probably help you determine the filetype.09:00
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dawnlol...x loaded gnome09:01
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fdovingtuco: then the question is, what commands do you run to connect your wireless, manually?09:02
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tucoYes Doving. Sorry It is staurday early morning, and my head is still in my bum!09:03
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jean-bmy kernel was updated09:03
jean-band now i have 2 kernels in my grub09:04
jean-bi just need one09:04
Kite_DHjean-b: #kubuntu-fr09:04
Chameleon22fdoving, nm solved - chattr -i ... did the trick09:04
jean-bhow to remove the older?09:04
dawnfdoving: thank you09:04
tucoyou need to edit the grub menu file Jean-B09:04
jean-bbut in that case the kernel whould still be on my hdd09:05
dawnfor whatever reason when I tried to remove vmware player it wants to take kdm with it09:05
dawnthe good thing now is that I am at a better resolution then before09:05
tucoDoving can you help sir?09:05
jean-bshoud i just remove the package linux-generic-'olderdate'?09:05
chavojean-b, yes you can just remove the older kernel09:06
=== NightBird tries to figure out why his screen saver keeps on coming up...
NightBirdit's not set to display after any period of time...09:06
jean-bthx chavo09:07
dawnNightBird: its saying its time for bed :P09:08
jean-bshoud i remove linux-headers, linux-image and linux-restricted-modules ?09:10
jean-bto remove the old one?09:10
NightBirddawn, quite possibly...09:11
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jean-bguys there is also something strange about my pc09:15
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jean-bwhen i turn it on and boot with linux => no sound09:15
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jean-bwhen i turn it on, first boot with windows, and then reboot to linux => sound09:16
jean-bany idea?09:16
tucoyou maybe make sure to enable the right card.09:16
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@c-66-41-103-83.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
tucoto view the card listed sudo asoundconf list09:17
jean-bi think that booting in windows 'wake up' my card09:17
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Jphenow
tucowell I have a laptop Jean-B..onboard sound and audigy 2zs notebook and I wanted to have the audigy running by default09:17
jean-bi've a laptop too09:18
Jphenowadydas I tried it all, same prob with dpkg process09:18
jean-bdo you think it's a driver pb?09:18
jean-bwindows loads it at booting09:18
jean-band when rebooting to linux09:18
jean-bthe driver is still somewhere in the ram09:19
Jphenowis there a way i can re-install JUST X09:19
tucook if you know the card name you need to make it the preferred one: sudo asoundconf set-default-card example09:19
tucoI am new to this and I try to help with what I know so far09:19
jean-bbut i think i only have 1 sound card ...09:19
jarnWhat can play ISOs of DVDs?09:20
tucoJean-B go to Kubuntu-fr I will joj you there09:20
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Jphenowwould anyone know how to uninstall and reinstall JUST the Xserver, hopefully that could allow me back into the desktop09:20
jean-bi am there09:21
fdovingJphenow: sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg09:21
Jphenowthanks man hopefull i can get this all fixed, if not i'll be back09:22
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jean-bhi do you know how to install and use apollon?09:30
cpk1sudo aptitude install apollon?09:32
jean-byes cpk1 but it needs special config09:32
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jean-bwhich is not very easy09:32
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stuart__can someone help me kill and uninstall (the undead) a rogue program?09:38
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stuart__anyone, someone?09:41
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waylandbillstaurt: alt-f2, xkill09:41
jarnHow do I navigate a DVD's menu in Kaffeine?09:41
stuart__walandbill thanks - didn't know i could use that (in ubuntu). But now I've just killed my task bar09:43
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waylandbilljarn: you should be able to use the mouse cursor09:43
jarnwaylandbill: It wasn't doing anything for me.09:43
waylandbillstuart__: yeah. xkill is not particular in what it kills. :-P09:44
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stuart__waylandbill: my problem is Panda security suite (demo) in Ubuntu09:44
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stuart__waylandbill - iinstalled it via add/remove and it didnt work09:45
stuart__waylandbill so then i downloaded and sh's a .sh file09:45
stuart__waylandbill now when i try and update it (eg. virus defns) it prompts for admin password09:45
waylandbillstuart: if it is running, you can run "ps ax" and then kill -9 its pid in a konsole09:46
stuart__waylandbill however the root password does not work!!!09:46
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:46
stuart__waylandbill i tried kill #### (where #### - process ID from system monitor). Would that be equivalent to what u suggest?09:47
jarnIs there a way to retrieve the audio off a VOB file?09:47
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waylandbillstuart__: only if you own that process. if it's a root process that wont work.09:47
stuart__waylandbill ok ill try yours09:48
arrenlexjarn: mplayer -ao pcm file.vob :)09:48
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JphenowSo recently when i tried installing some drivers i tried too many methods, is there a way to fix the core parts to kubuntu without removing programs, because i have ALOT on mine and it'll take a total of about 24hours to do a complete redo09:48
waylandbillstuart__: you probably killed it okay with sys monitor. I think it'd warn you if you didn't.09:48
waylandbillstuart__: is your problem that you need to uninstall?09:49
Jphenowi totally screwed some stuff, and now can't login mainly in part to xserver but seemingly no way of fixing09:49
waylandbillJphenow: you messed with xorg.conf and now X doesn't start?09:49
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stuart__waylandbill yes and no the kill temporarily gets rid of it, but the icon remains in the taskbar and i think its still running (asks for the root password to exit but of course then doesnt recongnise it). But yes I want to nuke this thing because it's obviously not working09:50
Jphenowtrue, and when i try to nvidia stuff dpkg returns an error, also when i do startx after trying all i can to fix it, all i get is black, i can't even see the output to attempt diagnosis09:50
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Jphenowso my diagnosis comes from going to ive cd and mounting the drive which is hard and only output from there is aspi and font trouble09:51
waylandbillJphenow: did the nvidia package make a backup of xorg.conf? you can look in /etc/X1109:51
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lemonhi to all09:51
jarnarrenlex: Thanks!09:51
Jphenowthere are a million backups, i've done so many reconfigures today you don't even know09:52
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:52
lemonhi to all can somene help me?09:52
lemonwhere can i find all channels of irc?09:52
Jphenowi spent 12 hours today trying to get this fx 5200 workin and i've concluded that's internal probs because i put my older nvidia in and no go AND i tried my old ATI card still no go09:53
Jphenowall on vesa09:53
stuart__waylandbill the little panda face - i want to eliminate it with extreme prejudice09:53
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rob-westhow do i install opengl09:53
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waylandbillJphenow: wow. mobo issues you think?09:53
rob-westhow do i install opengl09:54
waylandbillstuart__: little panda face?09:54
jarnarrenlex: Will this disable sound while it's playing? Because I don't have sound.09:54
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:54
stuart__waylandbill the icon for panda security09:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about atiglx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:54
ubotuglx: please see above09:54
rob-west!ati | glx09:55
ubotuglx: please see above09:55
stuart__waylandbill it's got an uninstaller - let me try it09:55
Jphenowwhat's mobo?09:55
stuart__waylandbill: lol09:55
Jphenowoh haha noooo09:56
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Jphenowim on the live cd at the moment09:56
stuart__waylandbill: the uninstaller worked (without a password) - so much for high security09:56
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waylandbillJphenow: then the vid card works just fine09:56
stuart__waylandbill: lol09:56
Jphenowi been on terminal and live cd allll day it's horrible, this is why i want to try reinstalling the basic components to kubuntu without touching the stuff i put in there09:57
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waylandbillstuart__: if you didn't use super user to install, you wouldn't need super user to remove09:57
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Jphenowyes i know it works, but i think some internals of the OS are too messed to diagnose, unless you have any idears?09:57
Jphenowim always open to quick or mildly short fix09:57
stuart__waylandbill: ok, thanks. Have you used Suse 10.2 (KDE version)?09:57
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:58
rob-westi need help enabling restricted packages09:58
waylandbillstuart__: nope. I last used opensuse at 10.0. didn't like rpm. yast didn't have packages I wanted09:58
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jarnIs there a program that can play wav files from the command line?09:59
stuart__waylandbill: OK. I tried Kubuntu and 10.2 on same machine (old PIV 3Ghz, 1 Gb ram) and 10.2 was very nice09:59
chavojarn, aplay09:59
jarnchavo: Thanks.09:59
stuart__waylandbill: particularly responsive and well integrated beagle and a few other things. How best to go about recommending such (usability) changes to Ubuntu without bagging it?10:00
stuart__waylandbill: via forums or do you know of a list?10:00
waylandbillstuart__: kerry integrates beagle. I bet you want the suse kde menu replacement.10:01
ubotuTo renew the configuration of a package when installing, sudo apt-get remove --purge <package> && sudo apt-get install <package>. Note that you will lose ALL config files for that package. WARNING: This is dangerous, don't do this with core packages10:01
stuart__waylandbill: kerry in kubuntu doesnt work like suse does. There interface is better and the search terms return results a bit more like they would be in Google10:02
Jphenowhow can one reinstall core parts to kubuntu without losing everything?10:02
stuart__waylandbill: No I switched to traditional KDE menu- didn't like that menu they'd spent time and money on10:03
stuart__waylandbill: Main thing is the level of polish and responsiveness which is way beyopnd what standard Kubuntu offers10:03
waylandbillstuart__: oh. most persons I've talked to like kickoff after seeing in suse10:03
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stuart__waylandbill: If you mean the default "start" menu -- no I thought it was a step backwards after being used to the Windows paradigm10:04
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waylandbillJphenow: I'd burn important data to a cd-r and do a clean install.10:04
waylandbillJphenow: and put /home on a seperate partition next time.10:05
waylandbillstuart__: kickoff is supposed to mimick vista, so perhaps vista is a step back. ;)10:05
Jphenowno i don't have important files there...it's just some of the installs were like jumping through flaming hoops10:06
stuart__waylandbill: haven't REALLY tried Vista and won't be in the near future. Office 2007 depresses me. It must be GUI interface design 101 -- "don't radically change the UI" surely. Now I can't find stuff lol10:07
waylandbillstuart__: I wouldn't put vista on my worst enemies machine. :)10:08
stuart__waylandbill: there's still not a critical mass behind that OS in terms of drivers and stuff. Linux is the better option I'm sure. You got to wonder how they took so long and still didn't make a big improvement....10:09
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waylandbillJphenow: should install pretty easy. if you have issues during install, I'd imagine those would carry on to the install10:09
Jphenowno no no the things aside from the OS itself i jumped through hoops for10:10
waylandbillstuart__: my brother in law installed vista... that's why I don't like in-laws. ;)10:10
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waylandbillJphenow: oh.. extra programs.10:10
jarnIs there any way to get audio off a vob file quicker than realtime?10:10
Xeracyif anyone could answer a quick question: when installing kubuntu, im using 40gb of a harddisk. of that 40gb, how much should i set aside for a swap partition?10:10
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stuart__waylandbill: lol The repositories that "come" with Ubuntu (tho not enabled by default), eg. universe. How "safe" are they? If someone wanted to contribute malicious code would it be noticed?10:11
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waylandbillstuart__: it's possible, but there is many people who use it and we'd hear about it10:14
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stuart__waylandbill: so you think it's improbably that any trojans have been slipped into a package?10:15
waylandbillstuart__: you can enable the universe source repo and examine the code if you are concerned. :)10:15
stuart__waylandbill: woops improbable10:15
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Xeracynevermind on previous question10:16
stuart__waylandbill:: i'm not technical and certainly not a programmer. It just seems like way to compromise a system without to much effort...10:16
stuart__waylandbill: so it bothers me a bit10:16
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waylandbillstuart__: that's why open source depends on people looking at those things10:18
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stuart__waylandbill: so do you reckon anyone does look or are they all like me and just install stuff?10:19
waylandbilllol. yeah I think they do.10:19
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stuart__waylandbill:: so would there be pple that install universe stuff or equivalent in other distros (without code auditing) in "production" environments?10:21
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waylandbillstuart__: sure.10:23
waylandbillstuart__: check out "masters of the universe" for more info.10:24
stuart__waylandbill: k will do thanks for the chat -- I'd better go10:24
ubotumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU10:24
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stuart__waylandbill: motu -- thanks10:26
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waylandbillstuart__: n/p. take care.10:26
ddd  ?10:26
ddd  ?10:26
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apokryphosddd: utf-8 only please10:27
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ddd  ?10:27
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ddd         10:29
ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke10:30
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asaupdoes anyone know how can i get a tv app11:00
asaupfor kubuntu11:01
Lynoureasaup: what kind of tv app?11:01
Lynoureasaup: mythtv is one choice11:02
asaupa tv app that i can see free tv live in internet11:02
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Lynoureasaup: I do not even know a service offering that online. Sorry.11:03
asaupLynoure: can i see tv channels live in internet with mythtv11:03
asaupthanx anyways11:04
Lynoureasaup: If you tell me a service that offers regular tv over internet, I can try to find client software for that service11:05
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asaupis LinuxTV.org a service ??11:08
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fdovingasaup: no. it's the dvb-project.11:09
asaupwhat is that11:09
asaupdoes it needs to see live tv??11:09
fdovingthe project maintaining the dvb-part of the linux kernel.11:09
asaupok sorry and thank you11:10
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Archondoes kubuntu livecd come with SSHD (SSH daemon)?11:17
fdovingyes, i belive it does.11:18
fdovingi think you have to install it though.11:18
fdovingit is on the cd.11:18
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ScarFreewillhow can i mount a .mdf (i don't want to convert it just mount)11:28
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ScarFreewilleg. sudo mount -o loop ./image.mdf /media/cdrom11:29
fdovingScarFreewill: did you try exactly that?11:29
ScarFreewillfdoving: yes but linux doesn't support mdf only stuff like iso...11:30
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fdovingScarFreewill: i'm not sure that's true.11:30
fdovingi don't have any mdfs around to test.11:30
fdovingbut http://gentoo-wiki.com/TIP_Mounting_Iso_Files says something about it.11:31
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ScarFreewillfdoving: well what i mean is mdf is not  "free"11:31
fdovingdoesn't need to be.11:31
fdovingopenoffice can read .doc files, openoffice is still free, even if .doc is not.11:31
ScarFreewillyeah, so its not supported by default...11:31
zorglu_q. i would like to get the desktop to run dolphin instead of konqueror when i click on the desktop icon for my usbdisk (the one with file:///media/usbdisk). where should i look ?11:32
cpk1mount image.mdf /wheretomount -o loop=/dev/loop0 ScarFreewill he linked you that for a reason =)11:32
asaupcan anyone give a look at this page and say to me what do i have to download to play the stream there11:32
ScarFreewillcpk1: then i need cdemu11:32
ScarFreewill!info cdemu feisty11:33
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ubotuPackage cdemu does not exist in feisty11:33
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ScarFreewilland then i need to compile it....11:33
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michaelgot a problem with kubuntu edgy. just standard installed, git now the kernel 2.6.17-10-386, but im running with a amd turion tl-56 (dual core). what is the correct kernel ?11:33
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fdovingzorglu_: only for your usb stick, not all directories?11:34
zorglu_fdoving: in fact all filebrowsing would be fine. but im mainly interested in the usbdisk because they are the one i browse11:35
asaupcan anyone give a look at this page and say to me what do i have to download to play the stream there11:35
asaupcan anyone give a look at this page and say to me what do i have to download to play the stream there11:35
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MarcoPaudoes kubuntu have an iptables by default?11:37
heinkel_111hi - my screensaver starts ok, but my system locks up after some time (maybe related to power saving settings)? Is this a known kubuntu bug? I am using Kubuntu edgy eft 6.10.11:37
ChousukeMarcoPau: yes.11:37
fdovingzorglu_: ok, all directories is easier i think. not sure it will behave as you expect though.. haven't tested it much. but anyway. kmenu -> run command -> 'kcmshell filetypes' -> inode -> directory - move dolphin to the top.11:37
heinkel_111when the system locks up, it does not respond to remote logins11:37
ChousukeMarcoPau: or iptables, not "an iptables"11:37
zorglu_fdoving: thanks trying11:38
heinkel_111i think X.org just escalates to 100%11:38
MarcoPauChousuke: yea well :) which one would be the file?11:38
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ChousukeMarcoPau: er, iptables is part of the kernel.11:38
ChousukeMarcoPau: did you mean an iptables script that sets up a firewall?11:38
MarcoPauChousuke: that's what I meant11:39
ChousukeMarcoPau: in that case, there is none. install firestarter or something if you want it.11:39
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ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).11:39
zorglu_fdoving: it worked, thanks again :)11:39
fdovingheinkel_111: what about memory consumption?11:39
fdovingzorglu_: great. :)11:39
heinkel_111fdoving: it would be nice to know, but the system is completely locked and I cannot extract any information11:40
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heinkel_111fdoving: I need to use my power button to reboot11:41
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fdovingheinkel_111: ouch, did you search launchpad for similar reports? - you could setup a timer script that dumped some memory/cpu info to a file every second or something.. to figure out what happens.11:43
asaupcan anyone give a look at this page and say to me what do i have to download to play the stream there11:43
heinkel_111fdoving..i must do that search launchpad thing, I am not too familiar with it :S I have been googleing araound a little but...11:44
heinkel_111fdoving: --> #kubuntu-no11:44
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Naithin'ello all. :)11:54
Shepard[Russia] hi hi hi11:54
NaithinHow goes ya, Shepard?11:54
Shepard[Russia] Normal, i think! :) What about u?11:55
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NaithinHah, about the same here.. I think.. :) Just enabled Full Duplex sound via the sound system config, and it's cycled through the percentage bar several times, now is doing it again albeit more slowly.11:56
NaithinIs that normal? Is it recompiling the sound systems in the background or somesuch?11:56
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Steven_Mis there an easy way to do sudo dpkg-reconfigure on all packages?11:57
fdovingSteven_M: -a11:58
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Steven_Mfdoving: thanks :)11:58
fdovingSteven_M: if you want more questions you can use '-plow -a'11:59
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Naithin'ello jf.12:00
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jfhi first time here i am looking for some help12:01
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njahi! my friend had kubuntu edgy. after we've installed vlc, whenever he clicked on any folder it would open in vlc instead of konqueror. looking up what proggies where associated with opening folders in konqueror, there were none. any1 knows about that?12:03
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jfsomeone willing to help a newbie12:03
NaithinWhatcha need jf? Fairly new myself, but might be able to help. :)12:03
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jfsince long ago i can not go into apt, i have tried the terminal but getting an arror mesage always12:04
NaithinWhat does it say?12:04
jfsomething about joomla12:05
jfits very extrange12:05
fdovingnja: kmenu -> run command  -> 'kcmshell filetypes' -> inode -> directory -> add -> type 'konqueror' in the text field. hit 'OK'.12:05
njafdoving: merci ;)12:05
H264I just wanted to say I printed my first lable, for Kubuntu :)12:06
jfin terminal?12:06
njajoomla? the content management software?12:06
njawhat exactly does it say?12:07
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jfwait i will do it again to tell you12:07
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jfcommand not found this what i get right now12:08
jfget- apt update12:08
NaithinIs there any way to enable composite render methods with an ATI card using the proprietary ATI drivers? And still be able to use WINE or Cedega?12:08
jfno idea how to do this12:09
njajf: well, it's actually apt-get update12:09
Naithinapt-get, nae get-apt12:09
Naithinsudo apt-get update12:09
jfi do that as root but it does not work12:09
jfwhat else can i do?12:10
NaithinWhat does it say when you do it that way?12:10
njapaste the exact message12:10
jfcommand not found12:10
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Naithincopy and paste this:12:10
Naithinsudo apt-get update12:10
Naithininto a terminal window12:10
Naithinand tell me the output12:10
njayou probably deleted the apt tools if it says command not found12:11
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jfthis is what i get now12:11
jfjoomla is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.lis12:11
jfwhy joomla12:11
Naithinsudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list12:11
fdovingkate :)12:12
fdovinggedit is gnomish :)12:12
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NaithinMeh! Hehe. I had ubuntu first and then migrated, still gettin used to it.12:12
jf command not found12:12
NaithinAlso.. Does anyone know if 'restarting sound system' is supposed to take an exceedingly long time when enabling full duplex?12:13
NaithinSorry jf, that was my bad.12:13
NaithinIf you installed with Kubuntu directly you likely don't have gedit12:13
Naithinsudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list12:13
jfconnect to X server12:14
jfen now my pass12:14
chavoyou should use kdesu for graphical apps12:14
njaOK, jf, type kdesu "kate /etc/apt/sources.list"12:15
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jfkate /etc/apt/sources.list: not found12:16
jfnot found12:16
stuart_waylandbill: r u still here?12:16
njasources.list missing?12:17
jfi am in root shell12:17
njaok yeah, no need for sudo then... :)12:17
Shepard[Russia] /,e will back soon12:17
njatype: ls /etc/apt/sources.list12:18
njadoes it say file not found?12:18
jfmust i type my pass12:19
njathis is a command to list the file sources.list, password not required12:19
jfi got this also  /etc/apt/sources.list12:20
njaif u got it, i don't know why kate wouldn't open it...12:21
jfi have a question12:21
NaithinTry to open kate on it's own, and then browse to it manually12:21
jfwhere do i find kate?12:21
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heinkel_111I just passed a sudo mount command and it did not ask for password??12:22
heinkel_111it jsut mounted the damn thing :S12:22
jfi found it12:22
njaheinkel_111: it keeps the password for a certain amount of time12:22
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njajf: if kate is installed, it should be runnable by just typing kate into the console12:22
heinkel_111yeah i know that, but is should not keep it this long...12:22
heinkel_111yeah i know that, but it should not keep it this long...12:23
jfThe file file:///home/jf/repositoiries.odt is a binary, saving it will result in a corrupt file.12:23
jfi got this when trying to open the repositories12:23
njaheinkel_111: then edit /etc/sudoers just a sec, ill find u a guide12:23
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Naithinjf: You need sources.list not that one12:23
jfit seems to me that some files are corrupt12:24
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njajf: u tried to open a document kate cannot open. that's normal. odt is an OpenOffice document. Please open /etc/apt/sources.list in kate! Kate has to be opened with root privileges!12:25
jfwher do i find sources list?12:25
njahere: /etc/apt/sources.list12:26
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njaheinkel_111: http://www.wlug.org.nz/SudoHowto G'luck!12:26
heinkel_111nja - thank you12:27
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jfen now12:27
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jfi opened12:27
Ace2016Hi all12:27
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Ace2016anyone know a good how to compile xgl from git/cvs guide?12:27
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jf./etc/apt but nothing happen12:28
njawithout the . Naithin wrote it cuz IRC figures it's a command if it starts with /12:28
Ace2016maybe a space should have been left at the start so its " /etc/apt"12:29
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Tm_TWhat space? ;)12:30
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jfis there a way to open my computer to somebody else?12:31
njajf: OK, once again: 1.) Open the run dialogue and type kdesu kate 2.) Browse to /etc/apt/sources.list 3.) Listen to what Naithin has to say ;)12:32
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Ace2016jf: run windows with no firewall?12:32
H264I would like to know if I could keep a fat 32 partitiono on my hardrive for windows and put Kubuntu on the other partition, and maybe a couple others12:33
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njaH264: no problem with that one12:33
H264currently the whole drive is formated in fat32 on one partition that has windows12:33
NaithinH264: Yeah, you can do that. You can have a NTFS windows partition, a EXT3 linux partition, and then a shared FAT32 working together very nicely.12:33
jfin root shell or in kate??12:34
NaithinH264: Look for a lil app called 'parted' it's a decent non distructive partition manager. But YMMV, use at own risk, insert additional disclaimer comments here.12:34
H264heh, well, if I was the Linux partition on the same drive I would corrupt the other windows partitions on the drive12:34
Ace2016H264: how big is the hard disk?12:35
NaithinYou can have multiple partitions on one physical drive without issue (typically). If you have any important data, back it up.12:35
jfi have pasted what you said in root terminal en kate was open again en now?12:35
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Ace2016H264: how can that all be fat32? are there more than one partition?12:35
njajf: open /etc/apt/sources.list12:36
NaithinFAT32 allows big partitions with LBS or whatever that hdd extension mode is, I forget now.12:36
H264I think only windows XP and Vista? limits that12:36
jfi have paste what you said in root terminla en kate was open agagin en Now?12:36
NaithinSo it's possible.. just not terribly great..12:36
NaithinConsidering how large each cluster will be.12:36
Ace2016jf: try kdesu kate12:36
Ace2016jf: then you can to file > open and find the file and open it and edit it12:36
Ace2016jf: kdesu kate in Alt+f212:37
NaithinIn any case, the short answer is yes H. What you want is possible.12:37
njajf: open /etc/apt/sources.list , for Big Bang's sake!12:37
njaAce2016: ?12:37
NaithinAnd it is possible to change partition setup without destroying data. Usually.12:37
Ace2016nja: what?12:37
H264so after I install it, how would I boot from it?12:37
NaithinIf you have any important documents or files, back 'em up before trying.12:37
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H264not on that HD, just games12:38
jfkate: WARNING: Can't open /root/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml12:38
njajf: ignore that crap in the console!12:38
NaithinIt would likely install GRUB, which will allow you to chose OS on boot by hitting ESC while it loads.12:38
Ace2016its because you haven't used konqueror in root12:38
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njago to file - open and browse to /etc/apt/ . open the file sources.list12:39
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H264very good... one last question...12:39
oemi cannot get firefox to install can enyone help me?12:40
njaoem: package or source?12:40
adydas_use opera....12:40
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Naithinoem: It should have been installed by default.. Unless only the ubuntu package does that and not ku.. hmm.. What does it say when you try in any case?12:40
H264will the min file size decrease if I shrink the fat32 partition?12:40
oemit is using conquerer12:41
NaithinYes H. The cluster size will be reduce, meaning wasted space will also reduce if you have a lot of small files (game inis, small saves, etc)12:41
H264ok, nice.12:41
H264thankyou :)12:41
jfi did it en now12:41
jfi got something about joomla12:41
njaoem: sudo apt-get install firefox should do it!12:41
oemwhen i go to the firefox website Conquerer wants to savfe it as an archive12:41
nja<jf> i got something about joomla <--- the exact text please!12:42
H264I need to install kubuntu and use it myself if I plan of giving CDs away12:42
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Ace2016Anyone know from where i can download the latest xorg in one large file instead of the little ones12:42
njaoem: the latest firefox is already in the repositories, no need to download them from the firefox site12:42
H264Oregon (USA) does not really have a loco team yet...12:43
jfdeb http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted12:43
jfdeb-src http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted12:43
oemcan you tell me where to find it? i am very new to KDE12:43
NaithinJust remove (or comment (with # I believe) the joomla line, jf12:43
njaoem: sudo apt-get install firefox should do it!12:43
jf## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu12:43
jf## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to12:43
NaithinEnter nja's line from the console, oem.12:43
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njaoem: yeah sorry, should have added that.12:44
=== H264 goes to install Kubuntu 6.10
NaithinGL H! :)12:44
njaoem: also, consider installing synaptic ( sudo apt-get install synaptic in the console ) it's a great prog that lets you browse all the software on the repositories12:45
NaithinAnyone here have much experience (or any successful experience) in getting compix/beryl to work with ATI proprietary drivers?12:45
jf## N.B. software from this repository may not have been tested as12:45
jf## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes12:45
jf## newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features.12:45
jf## Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any review12:45
jf## or updates from the Ubuntu security team.12:45
jf# deb http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse12:45
jf# deb-src http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse12:45
Jucato!pastebin | jf12:45
ubotujf: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:45
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NaithinSynaptic is probably the most <3 application in all time.12:45
Ace2016less than 3?12:46
njaNaithin: It's not! sure, it's a bit slow, but better and less crashing than this Add/remove programs crap12:46
njaAce2016: 3 is IRC for bottocks12:47
NaithinHrm, new emote to you guys I see! Flip the <3 around so the < becomes a v and you have a heart! :)12:47
NaithinSynaptic is great, is essentially what I meant.12:47
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njaNaithin: LOL! As far as I remember you always rotate your head counter clockwise, like with the smileys12:48
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Ace2016it looks like ice cream12:48
njaso, like :) 3 becomes arse12:48
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NaithinActually now that you mention that12:49
oemok where is the consol? man i feel like an idiot12:49
jfplease what is right way to open my system to somebody else?12:49
NaithinI had heard that in the past the <3 emote meant arse-hat in UO.12:49
jfi do know how to do this is Kubuntu12:49
Naithinjf: There is a remote desktop package included if that is what you meant?12:49
njajf: In what way? So that the person might browse your computer? A network?12:50
Ace2016oem: press alt+ft, then type konsole and press enter12:50
jfyes that way12:50
Ace2016i mean ALT+F212:50
jfwhere is the remoet desktop package?12:50
Naithinjf: Menu -> Internet -> Krfb12:50
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njacan some1 tell oem how to fire up the console? I'm not a KDE user12:51
jfEnter the address of the computer to connect to, or browse the network and select one. VNC and RDP compatible servers will be supported.12:51
jfwhat is the remote address12:51
oemok i got the konsol open now hat do i do12:51
Brutha-of-Omkmenu > system > konsole12:51
oemtrying to install firefox12:52
njajf: The IP address of the computer you wanna go to12:52
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jfi sthat the Ip12:52
sbp_hi room12:52
jfoo ok12:52
Naithinoem: As nja said before, sudo apt-get install firefox12:52
jfthanks NJ i will try again other time thanks a lot12:53
njasbp_: Hi client! LOL12:53
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Brutha-of-Omoem: the other way is to download the firefox tar.gz file from firefox, extract it.. and rin it from the console12:53
jfthanks naithin12:53
oemit is asking for A psw12:53
Brutha-of-Omits a longer process though12:53
jfthanks naithin12:54
njajf: np and try: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/12:54
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oemNM psw it wanted mine lol12:54
njaoem: installing software needs your password12:55
njajust type it in12:55
oemo lol ok12:55
zebarI am sorry, what is the way for installing nvidia drivers?12:56
Brutha-of-Omoem: its abit like the cancel or allow thing..only more secure12:56
adydas_apt-get install nvidia-glx12:56
Brutha-of-Omlol... vista12:56
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Ace2016but with a single line you will never have to type in your password ever again, you can have fun sudoing all day12:57
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oemo ok12:57
oemnext question12:57
Brutha-of-OmAce2016: if i did that id be screwing up my system every 15 minutes.. i play too much12:58
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oemWhen i was using windows...Poor me.....I played world of warcraft. is there an emulator or proggy i can use so i can play the game without have to load windows on second partion?12:58
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.12:59
Ace2016oem: try this: in konsole type "sudo apt-get install synaptic", let it install, then in ALT+F2 type "kdesu synaptic" then type your password, synaptic will start, click on reload to get the latest list of files and then you can use search to install whatever you want12:59
jagerattenion DERS01:00
Ace2016try again01:00
njaoem: also see http://www.winehq.com01:00
jagershit i forgot what i needed yer attention  for01:00
njaAce2016: LOL, now i know what you mean with ALT+F201:01
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njagotta go, gbye every1!01:01
oeminstalling nw01:01
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ScarFreewillsudo umount /media/cdrom --- umount: /media/cdrom0: device is busy --- how can i forcefully unmount it?01:02
fdovingadd -l01:03
fdovingsudo umount -l ...01:03
ScarFreewillfdoving: ty01:03
Brutha-of-OmScarFreewill: make sure u arent in the directory ur unmounting01:03
oemalso how do i view my second drives folders?> I cannot find the drive :(01:03
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fw1987ciao a tutti01:03
ScarFreewillBrutha-of-Om: it not that but thanks anyways01:03
fw1987qualcuno puo darmi una mano?01:04
abattoir!it | fw198701:04
ubotufw1987: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:04
Brutha-of-Omnp... just trying from the basics first... the amount of times that has stuffed me up ;)01:04
Ace2016oem: Alt+F2 and type system:/  then click on storage media, then click on the drive you want to look at01:04
=== Jucato notes that media:/ is also a direct way to do that
Ace2016oem: or Alt+F2  then type in ~ to run konqueror get you to your home folder, then type in /media in the address bar to get there01:05
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oemok all that media shows me is my 2 CD rom drives not the slave disk01:10
Brutha-of-Omis it a slave harddrive?.. on sata?01:10
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Brutha-of-Omsorry... \01:10
Brutha-of-Omjust realised what i typed01:10
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oemand yes it is a slave HD01:11
Brutha-of-Omi mean.. is is a slave drive on one of those grey ribbon cables01:11
Brutha-of-Omok.. and it already has an existing partition01:11
Brutha-of-Omin console type pmount /dev/hdb101:11
oemand FAT3201:11
Brutha-of-Omin console type pmount /dev/hdb1 for the first partition01:12
Brutha-of-Omand pmount /dev/hdb1 for the second partition01:12
Brutha-of-Omand pmount /dev/hdb2 for the second partition01:12
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varussonecesito una pqa manita01:13
oemcpmount /dev/hdb101:13
varussoestoy intentando instalar kubuntu01:13
oemCould not run the specified command.01:13
varussoya lo instale en el portatil01:13
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varussopero en el pc me es imposible01:13
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Lynoure!es | varusso01:14
ubotuvarusso: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:14
oemit said the same for pmount as well01:14
Brutha-of-Ompmount /dev/hdb101:14
oemthat is why i took off the p01:14
varussollevo dias buscando en google y no he conseguido nada01:14
Brutha-of-Omok... sudo mkdir /media/hdb101:14
Brutha-of-Omand then.... sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb101:14
oemwhen i do this should it not open another window or folder or somthing?01:17
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Steven_M_hi all01:17
Brutha-of-Omwhat happened?01:17
Brutha-of-Omu should be able to open konqueror and type in the address bar /media01:18
oemI typed it like i read it and it the search just disappears01:18
Brutha-of-Omand see the hdb directory listed01:18
oemjust tried and it said.....no items no files no folders01:18
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Brutha-of-Omin konqueror?01:19
Brutha-of-Omin the address bar?01:19
Brutha-of-Omjust /media?01:19
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oemnot even media01:20
Brutha-of-Omi havent had that one before.. hmmmm01:20
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Brutha-of-Omur on edgy?01:20
oemthat is what it translated to in the addy bar after the search01:21
Brutha-of-Omin console type cd /media01:21
Brutha-of-Omand then ls01:21
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lucahi everyone01:22
lucais there anyone here experiencing constant msn connection problems with kopete?01:23
Steven_M_I accidentily recked my edgy intallation after running dpkg-reconfigure -a. Is there any way to get intall cd to restore the default installation without reinstalling my whole system?01:23
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vlt|lHello. On a multi user machine running ubuntu Dapper one user gets "[Java framework]  Error in function createUserSettingsDocument (elements.cxx).javaldx failed!" when trying to run OpenOffice. What could be setup wrong here?01:23
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oem> the result of the search in consol was ....01:24
oem> oem@ubuntu:~$ cd /media01:24
oem> oem@ubuntu:/media$01:24
lucaSteven_M_ if you still have internet connection, I think that simply using synaptic to install the package kubuntu-desktop could be enough01:24
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lucaI personally unistalled and reinstalled the system without problems, when I was still new and experiencing ;)01:24
Brutha-of-Omok back01:25
luca(and without the cd)01:25
Brutha-of-Omok... oem... what does ls say?01:25
Steven_M_luca: would that fix the xorg settings and everthing01:26
oemwhen i entered .....cd /media that is what it gave me01:27
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lucaSteven_M_ worth a shot01:27
lucabut DO NOT reboot your system01:27
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Brutha-of-Omoem: ok.. so from there type sudo mkdir hdb101:28
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Steven_M_luca: any other ideas incase that doesn't work?01:28
Steven_M_luca: why not reboot?01:29
oemthis is the result01:29
Brutha-of-Omtype ls01:29
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lucaSteven_M_ because if you reboot the system will not be able to reload wrecked packages01:30
lucatry it for now, I have not other ideas...01:30
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lucaI fear that in case you should recompile xorg by hand, and I am not the right guy to ask in that case :)01:30
Steven_M_it may already be too late01:31
oemoem@ubuntu:/media$ ls...........the result.......cdrom  cdrom0  cdrom1  hdb101:31
Brutha-of-Omok.. now type sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb101:31
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oemok i guess it is mounted01:32
Brutha-of-Omcd hdb101:32
Brutha-of-Omand then ls01:32
oemshows 3 cdroms in color and then HD101:33
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Brutha-of-Omcd hdb101:33
oempermission denied01:34
Brutha-of-Omsudo chmod 777 -Rv hdb101:36
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windwalkerHi stdin :)01:37
oemok so right now it is goingthrough all of my music in the drive however it is flooding very quickly in the Konsol01:37
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oem> hmod: changing permissions of `hdb1/ymjsetup_22.exe': Read-only file system01:38
oem> failed to change mode of `hdb1/ymjsetup_22.exe' to 0777 (rwxrwxrwx)01:38
oem> chmod: changing permissions of `hdb1/Addon': Read-only file system01:38
oem> failed to change mode of `hdb1/Addon' to 0777 (rwxrwxrwx)01:38
oem> oem@ubuntu:/media$01:38
oemthats what was at the end01:38
fdovingyou can't set permissions on files on a fat32/ntfs filesystem01:38
Brutha-of-Omwhen u make a dir and mount it as sudo it makes sudo the only one who can acceess it01:38
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Brutha-of-Omso what the last command did was change owner to all01:39
oemok but now can i mount the drive and use what is in it like my MP3's?01:39
Brutha-of-Omso now u should be able to cd hdb101:39
Brutha-of-Omand then ls01:39
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Brutha-of-Omand it will show u all the files01:39
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oem> oem@ubuntu:/media$ cd hdb101:40
oem> bash: cd: hdb1: Permission denied01:40
NaithinQuestion: Do you require SAMBA to network a WinXP machine with a Linux machine? And what is the visibility like of the files between them? I have a feeling I've picked the worst possible format types. Heh. I can get a NTFS addition for Linux np, I know.. But can I get an Ext3 reader for WinXP?01:40
NaithinThis is one area I have practically zilcho experience, but would like to get setup.01:41
fdovingBrutha-of-Om, oem: you can't change permissions on a fat32 filesystem, it doesn't support it.01:41
oemok what about the NTFS?01:41
fdovingNaithin: yes, you can get an ext3-reader for windows. check out http://fs-driver.org01:41
Brutha-of-Omfdoving: yes.. the permissions arent changing.. but when u mount something as root it has the dir owner as root01:41
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Brutha-of-Omand wont let anyone else access them01:42
NaithinHurrah, thanks fdoving.01:42
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NaithinAnd re Samba, is that how it's done?01:42
NaithinIn terms of networking the two?01:42
fdovingBrutha-of-Om: changing the permission of the dir you mount to won't help, you'll have to either mount it as the user who should access the data, or add some options to mount.01:42
Brutha-of-Omfdoving: works for me.. atleast.. thats how ive always done it01:43
Brutha-of-Ommaybe i should stop using voodoo linux lol01:43
=== Mythbusters [n=sa@host142-62-dynamic.6-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu
oemso my slave drive i might as well format in what format and start all my files over? or is there a proggy i need to get to view and use them?01:44
fdovingoem: how did you mount the drive, in the first place?01:44
Brutha-of-Omok.. try another way.... in consloe type kdesu konqueror /media01:44
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tulgamy NTFS partition not working. then I use 6.10, then mounted ntfs. then I can see datas in /dev/hda1 partition. howto restore ntfs partition from 6.10?01:45
fdovingoem: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions01:45
fdoving!ntfs > tulga01:45
fdovingtulga: see message from ubotu.01:45
oemOk now how do i create a short to this hd01:46
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oemshortcut to the desktop i mean01:46
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Brutha-of-Omis the sweet in reference to the command kdesu konqueror /media ?01:47
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Brutha-of-Omok.. and u can go into hdb101:47
oemIt work and now the entire folder is open and usable01:47
oemHD i mean01:48
oemyou are very good01:48
Brutha-of-Omright click on hdb1 and click properties01:48
Brutha-of-Omok.. go to permissions01:49
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Brutha-of-Omand make everyone have access01:49
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Brutha-of-Omchange owner group and others to can view and modify content01:49
oemcould not change access01:50
oemCould not change permissions for /media/hdb101:50
Brutha-of-Omrats... running out of ideas01:51
Brutha-of-Omumm.. ok.. close konqueror01:51
Brutha-of-Omtype cd ..01:51
Brutha-of-Omand then sudo umount /dev/hdb101:51
Brutha-of-Omthen type sudo apt-get install pmount01:51
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oem> Reading package lists... Done01:54
oem> Building dependency tree01:54
oem> Reading state information... Done01:54
oem> pmount is already the newest version.01:54
oem> 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.01:54
oem> oem@ubuntu:~$01:54
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Jucatooem: please use the pastebin next time01:54
Jucato!pastebin | oem01:54
ubotuoem: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:54
Brutha-of-Omok.. so what happens when u type pmount01:54
oemWhat is that?01:54
caleroalguien me puede ayudar en espaol??01:54
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oemis it possible to do PM? so i do not flood i dont want to be kicked01:55
Jucatooem: not necessary. just pastebin the output, and paste the URL of the pastebin01:56
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Brutha-of-Omoem: what happens when u type pmount in the console01:56
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:57
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oemgives me a list and says a host of things....where is paste bin?01:57
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Brutha-of-Omok... type pmount /dev/hdb101:58
oemok i will do so now01:58
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oemError: device /dev/hdb1 is not removable01:58
Brutha-of-Omoem: ok.. ill be back soon... going to look a few things up01:59
oemis that the url?02:00
oemok i need a 5 min break02:00
oembrb in a few02:00
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_Daisuke_Ido_hmm... Small Gods :)02:00
Brutha-of-Omlol yeah :)02:01
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Brutha-of-OmPratchett fan (disc world)02:01
_Daisuke_Ido_what's the difference between beryl and compiz?02:01
oemhey i am trying. just sick of windows and everything i want to learn how to use this02:01
_Daisuke_Ido_i hear them mentioned in the same breath a lot of times02:01
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_Daisuke_Ido_oh, definitely a pratchett fan.02:02
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_Daisuke_Ido_oem: you can make the switch :)  you're willing to learn something new, which is more than i can say for a lot of people02:02
_Daisuke_Ido_so you're already one up on the rest.  rest assured, things only get easier02:03
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Brutha-of-Om_Daisuke_Ido_: u might be interested in this.. bit off the topic.. but interesting posts none the less http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34732702:04
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sc0tchAnyone know if there are any KDE themes that mimic enlightenment?02:05
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Brutha-of-Omoem: sorry.. still looking02:06
compilerwritersc0tch pardon my ignorance, but what in blazes is enlightenment?02:06
_Daisuke_Ido_my thing with beryl though, is that text was virtually unreadable - even setting the dpi for fonts.02:07
_Daisuke_Ido_!enlightenment | compilerwriter02:07
ubotucompilerwriter: Enlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.02:07
sc0tchIt actually started as a window manager, but saw it used as a theme in a livecd (running gnome).02:07
oemok im back now02:07
oemwill i always have to search for that drive02:08
ForgeAuskde mimicing enlightenment?02:08
ForgeAusthats different02:08
Brutha-of-Omoem: no.. there is a way to mae it mount on boot02:08
oemo ok02:08
compilerwriterspeaking of gui's does kde automatically update to the latest stable version when my computer does the automatic update thing, or will I have to go get the latest and greatest manually?02:09
_Daisuke_Ido_err, that depends on your distro02:09
compilerwritersc0tch you could compile E couldn't you?02:10
ForgeAustheres a command something like sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:10
_Daisuke_Ido_fiesty includes 3.5.6, edgy can be upgraded to 3.5.6, and dapper can't (i don't think)02:10
ForgeAusthat will upgrade to the latest Kubuntu distro02:10
ForgeAusI'm on edgy with 3.5.602:10
ForgeAusand QT402:10
oemi remeber reading that after setting up the way you wanted with sudo that you needed to reboot does that mean i should reboot now or later?02:10
sc0tchcompilerwriter: looks like that is where I'm headed.02:10
Brutha-of-Omoem: type this sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1/ -t vfat -o iocharset=utf8,umask=00002:11
ForgeAusoem... sounds like a good idea if your able to02:11
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compilerwritersc0tch want to help me do it.  I am all sort of new to this and could use the experience of compiling a program by hand.02:11
ForgeAusif not try to make as few configuration alterations until you can reboot02:11
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compilerwriterI'll try E whilst I am at it too.02:11
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ForgeAusI didn't get very far with enlightenment and I wouldnt really recommend the ubuntu vers so much right now.. not with a new version coming.... (not that I know when to expect it)02:13
_Daisuke_Ido_ForgeAus: i think i've got qt3 and qt4 installed :\02:13
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compilerwriterqt3 qt4?02:13
ForgeAusDai probably I had some qt4 bits I had to add to my edgy02:13
ForgeAusyes they're not mutually exclusive02:14
Brutha-of-OmForgeAus: using E17 now.. from the repos... a few quirks.. but overall.. i like it.. more stable than explorer.exe :)02:14
ForgeAuslol good point Brutha02:14
sc0tchcompilerwriter: replacing your window manager is not an "easy" intro to compiling a program by hand. Lots of stuff can/will break.02:15
_Daisuke_Ido_compile xscreensaver02:15
Brutha-of-OmForgeAus: ive found that some kde stuff doesnt like it.... amarok would sometimes crash during a song.. but i think thats cause im using kde stuff in the non kde environment.. so i expect that instability02:15
ForgeAussounds fair02:16
ForgeAuspersonally my Enlightenment works I just don't really know enough about it to actually USE it for any particular02:16
ForgeAusand I like the KDE I'm getting used to02:16
oemdid you get my pastebin url?02:16
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Brutha-of-OmForgeAus: fair enough... i wish it had the flashy opengl support lol... i like the shiny02:17
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ForgeAusI got no errors from it yet...02:17
Brutha-of-Omoem: umm.. no02:17
compilerwritersc0tch I wasn't planning on replaceing it. I was thinking more of trying it out.  Booting into console and then firing it up.02:17
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compilerwritersc0tch that was more my thinking in the matter.  But if you don't think it is still adviseable then I will learn on something else.02:18
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Brutha-of-Omoem: ok.. is ur first partition on that drive fat32?02:18
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oemno NFTS02:18
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gekk1does anybody know the console command to lock the screen?02:18
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Brutha-of-Omoem: ok.. thats where i went wrong02:19
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Brutha-of-Omoem: try sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1/ -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=022202:20
oemgives me another command line02:20
Brutha-of-Omok... but no error?02:21
compilerwriterbtw how would I go about doing just that if I felt the need?  I know there is a way but don't quite remember how02:21
oemno error02:21
Brutha-of-Omoem: yep, now cd hdb102:22
Brutha-of-Omand then ls02:22
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Brutha-of-Omoem: type cd hdb102:23
Brutha-of-Omthen type ls02:24
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sjkwii need a download accelerator for kubuntu...anyone can suggest one??02:28
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ForgeAuswell its more like a manager than an accelerator tho02:28
sjkwikget is a download manager02:29
sjkwii need an accelerator02:29
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sjkwii try aget02:29
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sjkwibut i can't integrate it with the browser02:29
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|Brutha-|sorry oem.. connection issues02:30
oemthats ok02:31
|Brutha-|ok... cd /media/hdb102:31
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|Brutha-|type ls02:33
ForgeAussjkwi check out doKa it sounds interesting...02:34
sjkwianother things02:34
ForgeAusI'm not sure if its stable tho02:34
sjkwii can set "adept" for download with a download accelerator??02:34
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|Brutha-|oem: ok.. thats your drive02:35
ForgeAusadept almost does acceleration itself already well it does multi-downloads together rather than a single one from multiple sources02:35
|Brutha-|is ur music in Music02:35
ForgeAusits a nice suggestion for later versions tho02:35
|Brutha-|if it is just type cd Music02:35
oemin konsole?02:36
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|Brutha-|ok.. your now in ur music folder02:38
|Brutha-|what did u want to do?02:38
oemum ok? beable to get to it from the desktop02:38
|Brutha-|ok... type konqueror /media02:38
ForgeAusapparently in adept it doesn't work02:38
|Brutha-|click on hdb102:38
ForgeAusdownload acceleration apparently doesn't speed it up because the archives are supposedly not speed limited02:39
|Brutha-|actually... dont click on hdb102:39
oemwow ok02:39
oemcrap i did02:39
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|Brutha-|click and drag hdb1 to the desktop02:39
|Brutha-|lol.. thats ok.. just hit the back buttom02:39
|Brutha-|lol.. thats ok.. just hit the back button02:39
|Brutha-|fingers... ill chop them off oneday02:40
oemLMAO thats a good one02:40
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oemas a link right02:40
|Brutha-|ok.. when u click and drag the folder to the desktop it should make a shortcut02:40
|Brutha-|yeah.. a link02:40
oemyep did it02:41
ForgeAussjk you still there?02:41
oemyeah very cool02:41
|Brutha-|ok.. so i can now think of 2 problems02:41
ForgeAusaxel-kapt might be something to look at too02:41
|Brutha-|ok... atm u have to type that command every time u want to mount it02:41
ForgeAusdoesn't sound like that integrates into browsers tho but it seems to be a light kde download accelerator02:41
|Brutha-|u can make it mount on boot if u like02:41
oemyes on boot02:42
sjkwinow i try it02:42
ForgeAusactually its a kde frontend called kaptain for axel02:42
|Brutha-|ok... but before i mention that i should explain the other problem02:42
ForgeAuswritten in python02:42
ForgeAus(axel is the console version)02:42
|Brutha-|microsoft.. because theyre protective of theyre stuff... wont let people know the workings of ntfs02:42
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ForgeAusactually that should be illegal02:43
|Brutha-|which means... without some mesing around that i havent done.. u cant write to ntfs02:43
|Brutha-|only read from it02:43
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provolikProblem with bluefish: I want it highlight curly bracket when I put the cursor on them02:43
ForgeAusthat they're protective of their stuff.. and not let others know... what should also be illegal is others copying what they decide they don't want others to copy...02:44
oemso i can still download the music to my MP3 player just not write to the drive02:44
ForgeAus(at least not without permission)02:44
ForgeAusbesides if NTFS is so buggy/unstable as linux users seem to suggest why would it they want to protect it anyway?02:44
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oemactualy i paid for the 30 gigs of music i have02:44
|Brutha-|ForgeAus: i agree.... i wish for a perfect world02:44
oemthat is why i am working so hard to retrieve it lol02:45
|Brutha-|oem: u can download to ur mp3 player.. but if u wish to dump on the ntfs partition u cant02:45
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oemok np prob i just bought a new hd i will just make it in the KDE format so i can write to it02:45
|Brutha-|for the ntfs partition i recommend getting the data off and re-partitioning it into fat32 (if u need windows to read it still.. or ext3 or jfs)02:46
|Brutha-|ext3 or jfs if ur only using it in linux02:46
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oemok now one last thing i need02:47
oemi wish to play WoW02:47
|Brutha-|wait... waht about mounting the partition on boot?02:47
oemthey support mac      :( but not KDE02:47
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oemoh yeah brain is ahead of things lol02:47
oemi need to slow down haha02:47
compilerwriterWho can walk me through getting a torrent server up and running?02:48
xossis Kommander installed by default in edgy??02:48
Hobbseexoss: no02:48
xossoh.. ok..02:49
compilerwriterWhat is kommander?02:49
Jucato!kommander | compilerwriter02:49
ubotucompilerwriter: kommander: visual dialog builder and executor tool. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1474 kB, installed size 3772 kB02:49
=== compilerwriter bows to the greatness that is Jucato
|Brutha-|lol... ok... now cp /etc/fstab /home/your-user-name/02:50
oemwhere do i put that?02:50
|Brutha-|in console02:50
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|Brutha-|its making a backup of the file were about to edit02:51
ForgeAusback... I got booted02:51
xossJucato: AcetoneISO is available in repos?02:51
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Jucatoxoss: not sure. you can search in adept02:51
compilerwriterJucato I want to run a torrent server can you help me get started?02:51
xossfound it in kde-apps.org02:51
Jucatocompilerwriter: sorry, dunno about those02:51
provoliksomeone can help me on bluefish?02:51
xossim not using kubuntu ryt now.. :)02:52
|Brutha-|oem: where ive put your-user-name... change that to your actual user name on the system02:52
oemoh lol Dugh02:52
|Brutha-|oem: lol.. u get that.. ive done things like that before :)02:53
compilerwriterNo worries Jucato; come to think of it, it would really be academic as I only want to connect maybe three computers to it for private transfers.  Would sort of be overkill wouldn't it.02:53
Jucatoxoss: http://packages.ubuntu.com02:53
Jucatoxoss: seems like it's not in the repos02:53
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xossthanks a lot Jucato! really a big help...02:54
Brutha-of-Omoem: ok cool... thats copied now... in the console type kdesu kwrite /etc/fstab02:55
oemwow it opened a window02:56
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Brutha-of-Omand in the window there should be the stuff in the file02:56
compilerwriterI have tried gnome; It was ok.  I have tried KDE;  I like it much better.  I have now heard of E.  What other decent gui systems are out there and how do I best simply try them out without breaking my box?02:56
Brutha-of-Omshould have a range of devices like cdrom hda102:56
Brutha-of-Omand otehrs02:56
octo_hey guys, i cant seem to get help in ubuntu+1, hoping you can help me02:56
octo_i cant get nvidia-glx to work in fiesty herd 4 or 502:57
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octo_simply wont load the module02:57
compilerwriterThe people here will certainly try octo_02:57
octo_i workd great in edgy02:57
Brutha-of-Omoem: ok at the bottom of that file paste the following... /dev/hdb1    /media/hdb1 ntfs  nls=utf8,umask=0222 0    002:57
octo_i have a geforece 660002:57
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Brutha-of-Omand paste the result02:58
octo_it seems no one esle has this prob but me lol02:58
octo_it doesnt work in the 32 or the 64 bit ver of feisty02:59
octo_i get Fatal: Error running install command for nvidia02:59
octo_Failed to load NVIDIA kernel module02:59
xossocto_: i think someone had the same problem a while ago.. just dont know if he was able to get it fixed..02:59
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Brutha-of-Omoem: ok click on save and then close the window03:00
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oemok done03:00
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Brutha-of-Omoem: ok cool.. so on a reboot it should automatically mount that partition into the directory u created.. and the shortcut on the desktop will work03:01
octo_does anyone have any ideas lol03:01
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oemmay i ask are going to be here in about an hour or so? i have to go and pay my cable billlol03:02
Brutha-of-Omu should be able to test it by typing in the console.... sudo mount -a03:02
Brutha-of-Omlol... dont know.. its 1 am here lol03:03
oem[mntent] : warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab03:03
oemo ok it is 9 am here lol03:03
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ForgeAusyeah it needs one03:03
ForgeAus(not sure why but it doesn't like being without it03:03
parseknice its just 16 pm here03:03
Brutha-of-Omok... in the console type kdesu kwrite /etc/fstab03:04
oemok Brutha i so appreciate your assistance03:04
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Brutha-of-Omgo down to the last line.. hit end on the keyboard and press enter.. then save and close03:04
Brutha-of-Omnp :)03:04
bonaldo2000I have a weird problem. My net is working flawlessly, but if I try to browse it with Konqueror it gets disconnected and I have to restart networking to make it work again. Firefox works fine and so does all other applications it seems. But konqueror kills my net! Any ideas whats wrong?03:05
Brutha-of-Omoem: after closing type sudo mount -a03:05
ForgeAusnote: you need to use sudo to edit the fstab and be very careful with it03:05
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arriespquamix:  ola03:09
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quamixmmm ahora vuelvo :D03:09
oembe back in a little while i am sure ....lol03:10
Brutha-of-Omoem: ok.. so what did sudo mount -a come up with03:11
Brutha-of-Omjust got back lol ;p03:11
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flo_ isit posible to connect 2 ubuntu pc in a network only with a usb cable?03:12
mcscrufflo all, everytime i have used kubuntu (not since dapper) it had issues with apps not opening the 1st time, has this all been fixed?03:13
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oemneed to get going brb in a little bit lol03:13
Brutha-of-Omoem: type in the console kdesu kwrite /etc/fstab and paste the contents03:13
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oemok i will brb trust me lol i will03:15
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xosscan i edit GRUB so that the first choice to boot will be XP instead of edgy?03:16
oembe back in a little bit03:16
Brutha-of-Omoem: type in the console kdesu kwrite /etc/fstab03:16
Brutha-of-Omand then paste the contents03:16
oemok sec03:17
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bonaldo2000xoss: yes edit the file /boot/grub/menu.list and change the value of the default to point to the windows XP entry in grub. In the bottom of the file you can see the entries in the list. Ubuntu uis entry 0 so just count from there...03:18
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BluesKajHowdy All ;)03:18
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Brutha-of-Omoem: ok, see how it has line 42 as the last one?03:20
oemactualy no03:21
Brutha-of-Omok.. in the window of the open file... at the very end of the last line... click and press enter03:21
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oemok did that03:21
Brutha-of-Omok.. save and close the window03:21
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PhinnFortdoes kubuntu have it's own grub splash screen?03:22
ubotusp: James Clark's SGML parsing tools. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.4-1.2.1-47 (edgy), package size 158 kB, installed size 564 kB03:22
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:22
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ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+103:23
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Brutha-of-Omin the console type sudo mount -a03:23
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yurimxpxmanhey, I'm running Ubuntu 6.10, and before I installed KDE, KDE apps worked fine with the system tray, but after I installed the rest of the core KDE files, KDE apps open their system tray icon in a new window. Any ideas? 0_o03:25
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PhinnFortyurimxpxman: what window manager are you using?03:26
yurimxpxmanPhinnFort: Beryl03:26
PhinnFortyurimxpxman: i believe that's a problem with Beryl03:26
PhinnForttry restarting beryl03:27
yurimxpxmanPhinnFort: I'll try it, but I don't think that's it because it worked perfectly until I installed the rest of the KDE files03:27
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oemcrap i need to jet Please tell Brutha i will be back03:27
yurimxpxman*I'm talking about using KDE apps in /GNOME/, btw03:27
PhinnFortyurimxpxman: i have the same problem with beryl, sometimes it makes tray apps open in windows03:27
PhinnFortoh, in gnome...03:27
Brutha-of-Omcya oem03:27
PhinnFortask in #ubuntu, then03:27
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yurimxpxmanI did, and they couldn't help. I was hoping you guys could help since it's a KDE-related issue03:28
oemhey thanks for the help i will be back im sure lol03:28
PhinnFortwell, it's a GNOME issue, since it's the GNOME tray that's not working:P03:28
PhinnFortbut try restarting beryl03:28
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yurimxpxman*sigh* Didn't help. The message I'm getting is "Cannot talk to klauncher".03:29
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PhinnFortyurimxpxman: I really don't know enough about how Gnome handles Qt/KDELIBS based apps03:29
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yurimxpxmanalright. Thanks anyways :)03:30
PhinnFortbut you could try running the klauncher daemon03:30
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PhinnFortmaybe it helps03:30
yurimxpxmanwhat's the command for it?03:30
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jack__hi guys with guarddog i cannot connect to several sites including hotmail.co.uk and msn messenger it says sth like it cannot connect to port 403 or so, so i allowd these poers, still doesnt work, i got wireshark to anaylse that, but dont really know how to start..03:31
jack__these ports i mean03:31
yurimxpxmansame song, second verse, though I'm not sure klauncher actually is running. It says: "This program is not supposed to be started manually. It is started by kdeinit03:31
jack__i set up a dmz in the guarddog, just like in the handbook, allowing mail and chat protocols03:32
PhinnForttry launching kdeinit, though it may try to launch kdesktop, kwin, etc. too03:32
jack__Jucato:  are you there=03:32
PhinnFortbut try03:32
yurimxpxmanPhinnFort: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8394/03:33
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PhinnFortyurimxpxman: seems like it launched succesfully03:33
PhinnFortonly a lot of stuff missing, since you're on Gnome03:34
daypitoumive got a matter03:34
daypitoumi cant install my audio drivers03:34
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daypitoumi ve got a realtek ac9703:34
PhinnFortdaypitoum: what's wrong?03:34
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daypitoumi cant istall drivers03:34
yurimxpxmanhey, the system tray works now! Thanks :D03:34
daypitoumaudio drivers03:34
yurimxpxmandaypitoum: What card is it?03:35
PhinnFortyurimxpxman: np;)03:35
daypitoumrealtek ac9703:35
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yurimxpxmandaypitoum: That should already be supported. Have you tried adjusting the sound settings, the PCM in particular?03:35
daypitoumpcm = ?03:35
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PhinnFortpcm is a channel you can adjust in volume control03:36
yurimxpxmandaypitoum: pcm =  pulse-code modulation03:36
daypitoumoh ok03:36
daypitoumwell i must leave nox i will be back soon03:36
PhinnFortdaypitoum: do you have a tiny speaker in the system tray (down-right)?03:36
daypitoumno y dont03:37
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daypitoumoh yes sorry03:37
PhinnFortthen go to K-menu -> Multimedia  -> KMix03:37
PhinnFortah, double click03:37
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jack__hi guys with guarddog i cannot connect to several sites including hotmail.co.uk and msn messenger it says sth like it cannot connect to port 403 or so, so i allowed these ports, still doesnt work, i got wireshark to analyse that, but dont really know how to start..03:37
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PhinnFortor rather right-click -> show mixer window03:37
daypitoumbut the matter comes froms my drivers03:37
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KaoticEvilanyone know if its its possible to use ndiswrapper on 64-bit kubuntu?03:37
daypitoumi cant install them03:38
PhinnFortdaypitoum: they should already be installed03:38
daypitoumthey are not ^^03:38
PhinnFortin the mixing window, in the upper right corner, what does it say?03:38
PhinnForta pull down widget03:38
yurimxpxmandaypitoum: What makes you think it's the drivers if you haven't even checked the sound mixer? The fact that the icon is there should mean you have drivers03:38
PhinnFortmine says "VIA 8237"03:38
daypitoumive dl the drrivers from the website03:38
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PhinnFortdaypitoum: you shouldn't03:39
daypitoumand when i lauch the istallator03:39
PhinnFortthis isn't windows, you don't need to install drivers03:39
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daypitoumit apears than some files are missing03:39
yurimxpxmandaypitoum: The drivers came pre-bundled in the kernel in Kubuntu03:39
daypitoumwhen anyway i cant play music, that's sure xD03:39
PhinnFortwell, you might need to adjust your volume03:40
PhinnFortare your speakers on?;)03:40
daypitoumso what should i do  ????03:40
yurimxpxmandaypitoum: Does the music show it's playing, or does it give you an error message?03:40
daypitoumit shows its playing03:40
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PhinnFortdaypitoum: right click on the tiny speaker -> show mixer window03:40
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daypitoumthen ?03:40
yurimxpxmandaypitoum: In the mixer window, change the device to the Alsa mixer03:40
daypitoumoh i see03:41
yurimxpxmandaypitoum: You need to turn the PCM and volume up, and make sure nothing's muted03:41
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PhinnFortthere should be glowing green lights over all channels03:41
PhinnFortif it's not, it's muted03:41
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daypitoumany green light03:41
PhinnFortdaypitoum: what is the "current mixer"?03:41
daypitoumeven muted03:41
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daypitoumi dont know03:42
daypitoumim neww on linux03:42
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PhinnFortit says in the upper left part of the window "Current mixer:" and in the right part there's a drop-down menu03:42
PhinnFortwhat does it say on that drop-down menu03:42
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daypitoumare you french ?03:43
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:43
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PhinnFortdaypitoum: but just make sure the little green light over PCM is on (click on it if it's not) and turned up03:43
daypitoumwell my kubuntu is french so ....03:43
jack__can someone help me with gurarddoag and wireshark?03:43
daypitoumit is on03:43
PhinnFortis it turned up?03:43
yurimxpxmandaypitoum: both PCM and volume?03:44
PhinnFortand what does the drop-down menu says in the upper right part of the window?03:44
PhinnFortmine says "VIA 8237"03:44
yurimxpxmandaypitoum: Then change the sound mixer and turn up the volume on those mixers, too03:44
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daypitoumi retry03:44
daypitoumok now it works, thanks to you!03:45
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daypitoumhave a nice day guys03:45
PhinnFortgood luck in linux;)03:45
BluesKajanother satisfied customer :)03:46
BluesKajfor now anyway03:46
yurimxpxmanUntil he tries to run Windows apps without wine :))03:46
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PhinnFortwell, wine should launch automatically03:46
PhinnFortwhen you double click on an exe03:46
yurimxpxmanNot if you don't have it installed :P03:46
Jucatojack__: I'm here now.03:47
PhinnFortwell, that's another thing that should be fixed in feisty;)03:47
yurimxpxmanKubuntu doesn't come with Firefox, does it?03:47
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PhinnFortyurimxpxman: i hope not;)03:47
yurimxpxmanwhy not?03:47
PhinnFortKonqueror is twice the browser firefox is03:47
Jucatoyurimxpxman: not installed by default. but easily installable through Adept/apt-get03:47
PhinnFortOpera should be the default, as it's Qt-based03:47
mcscruffPhinnFort, dont lie, firefox ownz it03:47
yurimxpxmanThat's what I thought. I don't see why though.. Konqueror can't even do gmail03:47
yurimxpxmanOpera's not open-source03:48
Jucatoyurimxpxman: false. Konqueror can do gmail03:48
apokryphosit can03:48
PhinnFortmcscruff: i don't want to start a flamewar, but KHTML is years beyond Gecko03:48
yurimxpxmannot very well03:48
PhinnFortyurimxpxman: better than FF03:48
yurimxpxmanand it can't do Google spreadsheets or anything. Very poor JS support03:48
PhinnFortif you fake the Useragent03:48
Jucatoyurimxpxman: set your Browser Identification to Firefox or Safari for Google03:48
mcscruffGmail isn't officially compatibile03:48
PhinnFortyurimxpxman: you don't know what you're talking about03:48
yurimxpxmanI've tried that before.. it doesn't work right03:48
PhinnFortKJS reigns supreme03:48
Jucatoyurimxpxman: there are a lot of AJAX stuff that do not work in other browsers as well. AJAX isn't exactly a standard technology03:49
mcscruffi cant decided whether to install kubuntu or ubuntu hmmmmmmmmmmm03:49
PhinnFortmcscruff: Kubuntu is the way to go03:49
jack__hi jucato i installed guarddog with the dmz, chat, mail, http protocols enabled, cannot connect to ports like 403 hotmail, msn messenger; if i enable them in the guarddog settings it still doesnt work, how do i use wireshark or what should i do?03:49
PhinnFortmcscruff: do you want a dumbed down interface you can't change, or a dumbed down interface you can change?03:49
mcscruffPhinnFort, i have used both before but kubuntu had a few glitches before03:49
Jucatomcscruff: hm... asking in a Kubuntu channel.... I'd say go with Kubuntu :)03:49
PhinnFortmcscruff: try Kubuntu Feisty03:49
Jucatojack__: oh sorry... know nothing about firewalls03:50
PhinnForti'm on it now, it's very polished03:50
mcscruffhas i fixed that annoying crap where apps dont always open 1st go03:50
PhinnFortjack__: does it work if you disable guarddog03:50
Jucatomcscruff: actually, don't try Feisty yet. it's still in alpha at this stage03:50
PhinnFortmcscruff: never heard about that problem03:50
Jucatoit works, but not entirely, and there are always updates03:50
PhinnFortJucato: it's pretty stable here, more stable than Edgy was;)03:50
jack__PhinnFort: yes it works fine, first thing i tried out03:50
yurimxpxmanmcscruff: The distro might be an alpha, but the software it runs mostly is not03:50
Jucato!worksforme | PhinnFort03:50
ubotuPhinnFort: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.03:50
mcscruffPhinnFort, i had it on all upto dapper, didnt bother with edgy kde03:50
Jucatomcscruff: it's always wise to take a peek at new releases, as things (should) get better and better03:51
Jucatobugs/problems you might  have experienced before may have been fixed03:51
PhinnFortmcscruff: well, i would still suggest feisty, if you want easy networking support03:51
PhinnFortand the newest KDE packages always contains a lot of bug fixes03:52
mcscruffPhinnFort, im ubuntu atm, network was very easy03:52
PhinnFortwell, in Kubuntu Edgy apparently wasn't very easy to deal with networking03:52
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mcscruffhmmmmm, i'll burn both iso's and set em up on each pc03:52
BluesKajwhat's this I hear about no dual booting Vista and Linux ?03:52
Jucatodepend on what kind of network03:52
mcscruffwireless, command line connect :)03:52
PhinnFortyeah, laptops which switch networks often is probably much more easy now03:52
yurimxpxmanBluesKaj: I've used Vista quite a bit, and trust me, it's not ready for the public yet, regardless of what Bill says03:53
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xpointBluesKaj: do you need it ?03:53
jack__Jucato: but you recommended that i check it out with wireshark didnt you?03:53
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Jucatojack__: I think you have me confused w/ someone else...03:53
=== Jucato doesn't even know what wireshark is...
yurimxpxmanwireshark's a packet sniffer03:54
jack__Jucato: i am so terrily sorry mate03:54
xpointmaybe google does :-)03:54
yurimxpxmanPhinnFort: I'm using Konqueror right now and I can't get gmail to run correctly in AJAX mode. Have you?03:54
mcscruffooo, also has the sound issue been sorted on kubuntu, i always used to have an issue with the sound server being in use from another app (mainly flasg03:54
Jucatojack__: no problem. it's ok03:54
PhinnFortyurimxpxman: I use Opera, and KMail03:54
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PhinnFortbut wait a sece03:54
Jucatoyurimxpxman: set your Browser Identification to Firefox or Safari for Google/Gmail03:55
xpointPhinnFort: dont like opera mail ?03:55
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PhinnFortxpoint: never cared for using it, as KMail is very tightly integrated03:55
BluesKajxpoint, no Vista needed , still have an XP partition for some stuff that i can't do in kubuntu ...mainly curious is all.03:56
yurimxpxmanPhinnFort: Browsing mail.gmail.com with both Sufari and Firefox IDs results in viewing in HTML mode03:56
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PhinnFortyurimxpxman: click on "switch to standard view!"03:56
PhinnFortyou probably have some cookies set03:57
Jucatoyurimxpxman: use Firefox identification03:57
Jucatoclick on Reload03:57
yurimxpxmanahh, I see03:57
mcscruffjust use firefox03:57
PhinnFortstandard view works perfectly here03:57
jack__does anybody have the problem that kopete and kwallet keep nagging for the passwords even though you gave them already couple of times03:57
xpointBluesKaj: ntfs in linux is all you need, or knoppix dvd somewhere :-)03:57
PhinnFortusing safari 2.0 id03:57
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BluesKaji have knoppix ...all i need ? ...what do you mean ?03:58
PhinnFortkonqueror pretty much owns03:58
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yurimxpxmanit's a lot slower than Firefox, for gmail at least03:58
mcscruffdoes flash work with konqueror?03:58
Jucatomcscruff: yes03:58
yurimxpxmanand there's no chat03:58
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mcscruffim gonna give kde another go03:59
=== Jucato uses KMail for Gmail, and Kopete for chat
xpointmcscruff: no flash on 64bit so far03:59
Jucatoer... Google Talk I mean03:59
Jucatoyeah. no Flash for Konqueror on 64bit03:59
PhinnFortno flash for anyone on 64-bit03:59
mcscruffis kde still on an all you can eat buffet? coz it was very bloated before04:00
jack__is it more or less a question of personal taste or are there reasons which browser to use: the konqueror or opera04:00
BluesKajntfs in linux? , xpoint, pls explain...I do have access to my ntfs partition form kubuntu , if that's what you mean04:00
xpointno flash on 64bit windows either :-)04:00
PhinnFortmcscruff: it's always (as long as I've been using it) less bloated than gnome04:00
PhinnForteverything uses KDELIBS04:00
Jucato!flash64 | PhinnFort04:00
ubotuPhinnFort: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava04:00
PhinnFortwhich minimezies stuff04:00
PhinnFortJucato: or just Opera, no matter what platform04:00
xpointi know i can run firefix 32bit no problem there, but it sooks04:01
xpointwith and without flash04:01
yurimxpxmanI've gotten Flash to work in 64bit Fedora Core before, but it takes some doing and it's not worth the effort. You should stick with i68604:01
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PhinnFortyurimxpxman: hmm... I just installed Opera (took less than 5 minutes), and then put the flash library file in it's plugin dir, and it worked04:02
xpointyurimxpxman: an amd64 is olso a i686 compatibel cpu04:02
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yurimxpxmanPhinnFort: Are you referring to 32bit or 64bit?04:03
PhinnFortyurimxpxman: i'm on amd6404:03
xpointPhinnFort: you bastard have 32bit and no problems :-)04:03
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PhinnFortamd64 distro04:03
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hazardif I wanted to stop samba from starting on startup, would I just delete all the entries for it in /etc/rc#.d?04:04
yurimxpxmanI don't see any point in using x86_64 at this point. There aren't even really any benefits to running it04:04
PhinnFortyurimxpxman: then why buy a 64-bit cpu?04:05
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yurimxpxmanPhinnFort: For future compatibility, and the fact that all the good CPUs are x86_64 anyways, of course04:05
xpointPhinnFort: 64bit is nice for secureity in windows vista04:05
yurimxpxmanWindows security's a joke04:06
xpointon 32bit yes04:06
PhinnFortFuture compatibility, do you honestly believe that Ubuntu will stop support i386 anytime in the closest 50~ years04:06
angasulePhinnFort: yes, I do04:06
yurimxpxmanno, I'm not referring to that.. I mean maybe someday soon I may wish to run an x86_64 OS after I upgrade to 32GB Of RAM :)04:07
PhinnFortxpoint: Windows and security in the same sentence04:07
xpointPhinnFort: but linux runs fine in 80286 aswell04:07
angasulePhinnFort: plenty of distros don't care any more about the 386 and 486, soon all 32 bit chips will be gone04:07
xpointlimited yes, but it runs04:07
angasulexpoint: that's not 'fine' :) I *could* get my 286 working again and try it, though :)04:08
PhinnFortangasule: i don't believe that, 64-bit is getting a rather slow adoption04:08
yurimxpxmanThey still support G3s. I don't think i386 is going anywhere any time soon, seriously, though some software isn't supported, like Amarok won't run on i386 (works fine on i686 tho)04:08
xpointcan commodore 64 run irc ?04:08
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angasulePhinnFort: in a decade everything will be 64 bits04:08
PhinnFortangasule: can i quote you on that?04:09
angasulePhinnFort: sure04:09
yurimxpxmanactually, in a decade, we'll be switching to either 128 or 25604:09
angasulePhinnFort: even flash for 64 bits is being worked on, AFAIK04:09
xpoint640K ram is enough for any program04:09
PhinnFortworked on... it isn't even supported04:09
PhinnFortthe problem is that there isn't a big enough reason to switch04:10
angasuleyurimxpxman: I was including software, even windows will be running in 64 bits by then :)04:10
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yurimxpxmanWinblows on 64bit? You don't say.. is M$ capable of such a task? 0_o04:10
xpointPhinnFort: i got a asus sk8n opteron, with asus lame 32bit drivers to windows, what ?, is this nice doing from asus side to sell shuch shit ?04:11
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angasuleasus has some great turds04:12
bonaldo2000I have a weird problem. My net is working flawlessly, but if I try to browse it with Konqueror it gets disconnected and I have to restart networking to make it work again. Firefox works fine and so does all other applications it seems. But konqueror kills my net! Any ideas whats wrong?04:12
yurimxpxmandoes ndiswrapper run 32bit drivers in a 64bit distribution?04:12
angasuleI'm trying to buy a new box, and they keep offering me a microATX mobo from ASUS that's a complete PoS04:12
yurimxpxmanbonaldo2000: Use firefox :P04:12
bonaldo2000yurimxpxman: hehe yes, but I would like it fixed...04:13
yurimxpxmanbonaold2000: but seriously, you should check the firewall and proxy settings04:13
angasuleyurimxpxman: it blows04:13
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BluesKajangasule, more profit04:13
bonaldo2000yurimxpxman: a lot of programs use konqueror as their native browser04:13
angasuleBluesKaj: hmm, I don't think they offer it for profit, they could sell something more expensive04:13
yurimxpxmanbonaldo2000: What message # do you get when you try to connect to a site in konqueror?04:13
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bonaldo2000yurimxpxman: but could firewall settings cause it to KILL my net entirely?04:13
BluesKajclear the shelves and make some money at the same time04:14
bonaldo2000yurimxpxman: in konqueror I get that it just cant connect. when I see what it says in console it says something about !icon.isEmpty()04:14
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bonaldo2000yurimxpxman: but maybe thats just what it says when it doesnt have net04:15
PhinnFortplease ignore everything I said about switching to feisty, as Potato Guy just crashed my X-server...04:15
yurimxpxmanicon.isEmpty is probably referring to the domain icon, in which case that shouldn't be your problem04:15
bonaldo2000yurimxpxman: hm ok04:15
yurimxpxmando you have a firewall enabled?04:15
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bonaldo2000yurimxpxman: no not really...I have just installed edgy and have not installed any firewall...04:16
BluesKajangasule, before I bought this pc , i made sure that it was mostly linux compatible but the 64bit kubuntu dapper was disappointing due to it's lack of hardware recognition04:16
PhinnFortBluesKaj: how so?04:16
yurimxpxmanbonaldo2000: How about selinux.. also, I *believe* Kubuntu has a firewall enabled by default, though it shouldn't block konqueror by default04:16
bonaldo2000yurimxpxman: could it be my router that does something? That konqueror sends some "wrong" request and then it closes my net...? Because since I dont run konqueror as root I dont see how it is capable of killing my net04:16
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BluesKajsoundcard and video drivers04:17
PhinnFortit recognised all my hardware without any trouble, even my rather esoteric TV decoder04:17
PhinnFortBluesKaj: what kind of video card?04:17
smileplease .. help me .. i want see the chat historic in Kopete .. thx04:17
BluesKajPhinnFort, dapper?04:17
yurimxpxmanbonaldo2000: It kills your entire net? You mean just running konqueror blocks every app from accessing the internet?04:17
PhinnFortsmile: you need to enable the plugin04:17
PhinnFortHistory plugin04:17
PhinnFortBluesKaj: Edgy/Feisty04:17
Jucatosmile: Settings -> COnfigure Plugins -> History plugin04:17
bonaldo2000yurimxpxman: but konqueror is not blocked. I start it and it works for about 30 second. Then Yes it kills the entire net....I have to restart the networking to get it working again!!04:17
BluesKajAMD64 PhinnFort?04:18
Jucatosmile: then you can right-click on (meta)contacts in Kopete and select View History04:18
yurimxpxmanbonaldo2000: No idea.. that's really weird.04:18
BluesKajhmm, compaq-presario here04:18
bonaldo2000yurimxpxman: yes very! I have no idea how it is able to do that. The connection is just destroyed. Am I not right in assuming that an app not running as root should NEVER be able to do this?04:19
PhinnFortwell, this is a medion I bought at the major food store chain in Norway04:19
PhinnFortbundled with Windows XP Home edition04:19
yurimxpxmanbonaldo2000: I'd say you're definitely wrong about an app running as a normal user not being able to clog your network. Have you tried resetting your modem and router? Perhaps the modem's just clogged04:20
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smilesorry .. i can't find pluggin setting !!! i have kopete 0.12.204:21
bonaldo2000yurimxpxman: hm ok. I have not tried restarting the router and modem but seems strange that it should be clogged in a way that only konqueror causes problems...it does point to some software issue...04:21
BluesKajPhinnFort, is there a way to upgrade to the 64bit version of Fiesty when it's released.. I'll prolly do the internet upgrade04:21
smilesomthing worng ??04:21
PhinnFortBluesKaj: you on i386 dapper now?04:21
PhinnForti doubt you can switch from i386 to amd6404:21
BluesKajyes 32bit04:21
PhinnFortit wasn't possible in Gentoo, and I doubt it is in Ubuntu04:22
BluesKajno edgy04:22
PhinnFortwell, it shouldn't matter, but I'm no expert on Ubuntu arch's04:22
smiletnx every body for help04:23
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yurimxpxmanPhinnFort: What do you not like about Firefox?04:25
PhinnFortyurimxpxman: pretty much everything04:25
PhinnFortit's bad standards support, for one thing04:25
yurimxpxmanPhinnFort: such as...?04:25
PhinnFortit's interface04:25
PhinnFortit's renderer04:26
PhinnFortit's spaghetti, bloated and slow04:26
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yurimxpxmanits interface? Have you tried running gnome-settings-daemon?04:26
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PhinnFortyurimxpxman: why should I want to run gnome programs?04:26
PhinnForti'm on KDE04:26
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yurimxpxmanPhinnFort: Because Firefox is better, of course :P04:27
PhinnForthum... It looks like an ass on my Mac too04:27
PhinnFortshould I run gnome there too?04:27
PhinnFortand I don't have gnome-settings-daemon either, btw04:28
yurimxpxmanOpera doesn't have extensions ;)04:28
PhinnFortwell, it doesn't need them04:28
PhinnFortit has all the features built in04:28
PhinnFortand it's still smaller04:28
PhinnFortboth in runtime footprint and download04:28
PhinnFortand it has UserJS support and widget support for everything else04:29
yurimxpxmanso it doesn't need stuff like AdBlock Plus, Gmail Skins, PDF Download, Reveal, Web Developer, Greasemonkey, etc...?04:29
fdovingopera got its own fancy widgets :)04:29
PhinnFortit has built in ad blocking, custom CSS (like GMail Skins, i guess), the rest I don't know what does04:30
PhinnFortPDF Download?04:30
yurimxpxmanPDF Download lets you choose how to view a PDF file, download, view as HTML, open with, etc.04:30
PhinnForts silly04:30
PhinnForti guess it can be implemented in UserJS if you need it04:31
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yurimxpxmanDoes Opera have a database of ads to block before you ever see them? :)04:31
angasulehmm, I think Opera *does* have extensions04:31
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PhinnFortyurimxpxman: that's bad04:31
PhinnFortyou shouldn't block ads, since that's how most websites get an income04:31
yurimxpxmanwhy's it bad?04:31
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PhinnFortopera supports blocking of ads that bothers you04:31
yurimxpxmanSo you think blocking the XXX ads from your kids is bad? 0_o04:32
PhinnFortyurimxpxman: as i said, specific ads can be blocked04:32
PhinnFortand where would they get XXX ads from, anyways?04:32
yurimxpxmanbut only after you've already seen them04:32
MenaDid they fix the problem Of th languges  bettwen kubuntu and Xp in fiesty04:32
PhinnFortthis isn't windows;)04:32
BluesKajPhinnFort, what diff will I see in performance if I install edgy64 over edgy32 bit ?...keep in mind , i'm not a gamer04:32
yurimxpxmangame websites, torrent sites, etc04:32
PhinnFortBluesKaj: not much04:32
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+104:32
yurimxpxmanwhat does windows have to do with XXX ads?04:32
PhinnFortBluesKaj: only in video encoding, and the like04:33
PhinnFortyurimxpxman: if something's bad, I blame it on windows04:33
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=== yurimxpxman blames PhinnFort's stupidity on Windows :-P
PhinnFortand apparently, Greasemonkey is just a bad version of opera's UserJS04:34
yurimxpxmanhow about a video downloader extension?04:34
yurimxpxmanCan Opera block SWFs and iframes?04:34
PhinnFortit can block anything04:34
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PhinnFortjust right-click, block content, and choose what to block04:34
yurimxpxmanhow about reveal?04:34
yurimxpxmanreveal shows previews of pages in the navigation buttons04:35
PhinnFortsorry, i don't know any firefox extensions04:35
PhinnFortOpera has supported that for a very long time04:35
PhinnFortif it is what I believe it is04:35
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fdovingi installed cooliris preview for firefox today. it's cool.04:36
PhinnFortOpera has a built-in BitTorrent client04:36
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cooliris - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:36
PhinnFortfdoving: what does it do?04:36
fdovingfancy preview-links thing.04:36
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PhinnFortah... I've seen userjs' for that, I believe04:36
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yurimxpxman/quite "Just seeing if this works.."04:37
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MenaIf i give Opera much cahce say 200m is that right and wil be good04:38
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PhinnFortMena: is that a question?04:40
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PhinnFortif so, if you have enough harddrive space, it's okay04:40
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frode__hi, the fonts in the program aMSN became weird last evening. but the fonts are ok in other programs. i belive it happened when i deinstalled and installed some flash plugins... the fonts are the same in aMSN main program as well as all conversation windows. i wonder how i can make aMSN normal again?04:40
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PhinnFortfrode__: sorry, I haven't tried aMSN, but why don't you use kopete?04:41
ubotuxqf: X-based Quake Server Browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.4-2 (edgy), package size 411 kB, installed size 1728 kB04:41
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frode__i like aMSN because it can adapt emoticons from other users. I also use only the MSN network, and aMSN looks more like what i am used to, as a former Windows user04:42
MenaPhinnFort, yes and okay and thanks :)04:42
PhinnFortfrode__: okay04:43
angasuleyeah, aMSN is about as ugly as the original MSN Messenger :P04:43
PhinnFortif you want to reset all of aMSN's settings, there's probably a ".amsn" file or folder in your home directory that you can delete04:43
PhinnFortangasule: ;)04:43
PhinnFortKopete looks really beautiful in Feisty, with the GlossyK skin04:44
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angasulePhinnFort: got any screenies?04:44
angasule1.5 months till feisty04:44
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frode__i'll try that, PhinnFort04:44
compilerwriterIs feisty ready for us mear mortals who don't know much if things go wrong?04:44
PhinnFortcompilerwriter: nope04:45
compilerwriterThat is what I thought.04:45
olimpicoI have problems with the xine plugin in firefox, it doesn't really work, what do you use for embedded videos and music under firefox for ubuntu?04:45
PhinnFortscreenies: http://www.kde-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=40797&file1=40797-1.png&file2=&file3=&name=Glossyk04:45
PhinnFortolimpico: i think I use KMPlayer, in Konqueror04:45
PhinnFortor kaffeine04:46
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olimpicoWell I really prefer firefox04:46
PhinnFortit should work in Firefox too, I believe04:47
angasulePhinnFort: thanks :)04:47
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olimpicoBecause of the extensions and that at work I can use the same browser with the same extensions04:47
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PhinnFortolimpico: you are free to use whatever browser you choose;)04:47
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PhinnForti believe there might be a kaffeine plugin or something for FF04:48
angasulePhinnFort: yeap, looks great :)04:48
compilerwriterPhinnfort: I agree with angasule it does look good.04:48
PhinnFort!kaffeine-mozilla | olimpico04:48
ubotuolimpico: kaffeine-mozilla: mozilla plugin that lanches kaffeine for supported media types. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 25 kB, installed size 136 kB04:48
olimpicoPhinnFort: I know, but i want to know which pluggin works under firefox04:48
angasulePhinnFort: but why does your KDE look like Gnome?04:49
PhinnFortangasule: that's not mine04:49
angasuleoh, well, it still looks like gnome, it's odd04:49
compilerwriterHow does one see which version of kde they are using and then how does one update it.04:49
olimpicoPhinnFort: Well I just installed it, let's see how it works04:49
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PhinnFortcompilerwriter: click "Help, About KDE"04:50
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PhinnFortangasule: here's mine: http://phinnfort.phil0d0x.com/stuff/screenie.jpg04:50
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angasulePhinnFort: er du norsk? :)04:52
compilerwriterI only have 3.5.5 I guess I need to update to 3.5.604:52
angasuleI like the window decorations04:52
olimpicoHow can I see encrypted videos under Linux? http://zango.com/Destination/Catalog/Play/?pid=2923&dsg=9&ref=35365&PageSize=20&TabType=home04:53
Jucatocompilerwriter: if you're on Edgy: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-356.php04:53
PhinnFortolimpico: i don't believe you can04:53
compilerwriterYes I believe I am on edgy04:53
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compilerwriterJucato Yes I believe I am on edgy04:54
olimpicoPhinnFort: Why? Isn't there a codec for linux?04:54
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compilerwriterHow does one go about it.  I haven't found it in adept.  Perhaps I missed it.04:54
PhinnFortolimpico: probably not, if it's DRM'ed04:55
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ubotuKickoff is a new KDE menu replacement developed by openSUSE. See http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/233104:56
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about iwantkickoff - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:57
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fdovingPhinnFort: http://en.opensuse.org/Kickoff04:58
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+104:59
Mena!fiesty | Mena04:59
PhinnFortfdoving: thanks04:59
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compilerwriterJucato: How do I go about the update.05:00
Jucatocompilerwriter: if you're on Edgy: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-356.php05:00
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PhinnFortis the next version (after Feisty) going to be called Greedy Giraffe?05:00
angasulePhinnFort: it looks like an improvement over the standard KDE menu, but I bet much better things can be done05:00
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PhinnFortangasule: but I want it;)05:00
chavoho the next one is Phinicky PhinnFort05:01
PhinnFortnono, it's alphabetical05:01
PhinnFortafter Greedy Giraffe comes Horny Hamster05:02
PhinnFortthen Impaled Impala05:02
chavothere's nothing that says it needs to be alphabetical tho05:02
PhinnFortbut the latest releases has been05:02
fdovingwarty, hoary, breezy, edgy, feisty? whbef?05:03
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PhinnFortEdgy, Feisty05:03
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fdovinghardly a trend/rule :)05:03
compilerwriterMore important than all of that I think adept may have stalled on me.  How do I check on that?05:03
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rainerHello! I just installed Kubuntu Dapper on my Dad's PC to show him how great Linuc truly is... but I ran into a problem: I cannot acces the config for users and groups and seem to have no permissions at all... ergo: No sound, no access to USB-devices etc. Any help?05:05
compilerwriterrainer install edgy instead of dapper.05:05
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binks_can someone tell me how to connect a button from an imported Ui (PYQT4) to a slot / function05:06
rainercompilerwriter: But isn't Edgy more unstable? I wanted my dad to have a stable system...05:06
PhinnFortrainer: no, it's just supported for longer05:07
compilerwriteredgy has been better for me than dapper was and much more stable.05:07
Skrotbinks_: Have you subclassed the UI-file?05:07
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rainerPhinnFort: Do you believe those problems will sort themselves out when I dist-upgrade to Edgy?05:07
PhinnFortrainer: if you're lucky05:07
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PhinnForti would rather do a complete reinstall05:07
PhinnFortbut you could try05:07
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rainerPhinnFort: How high is the risk of wrecking the recent installation?05:08
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compilerwriterrainer my guess would be at least 50%05:09
Skrotbinks_: Syntax seems to be self.connect( sender-object, SIGNAL("yourSignal()"), slot )05:09
binks_Skrot: prob not im new to pyqt05:09
compilerwriterrainer I do however bow to PhinnForts superior knowledge.05:09
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PhinnFortheh, I bow to yours, so we might end up with a stand-still05:10
rainercompilerwriter: Bad news that is... Any shell-command to change rights for a user + to add him to some groups? "sudo userconfig" exits with a dbus error...05:10
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PhinnFortrainer: sudo gpasswd -a sound?05:10
Skrotbinks_: You might also want to join #qt05:10
fdovingrainer: if you have little or no documents and stuff you want to keep, i suggest to re-install with edgy instead of dist-upgrading from dapper.05:11
Skrotbinks_: I've never used Qt4 + Python, but in Qt3 I used to do  self.connect(self.translatedBox,SIGNAL("textChanged()"),self.wordFound)05:12
=== compilerwriter tells PhinnFort to quit messing around, because he knows darn well that he is a guru whilst compilerwriter is just knowledgeable enough to cause trouble.
=== PhinnFort has never written a compiler
=== PhinnFort is just a former Gentoo user, not a Guru
PhinnFortin gentoo, you had to walk four miles just to get Grub started05:13
rainerfdoving: I do not have sufficiant time for that. Sorry. Are those problems I ran into well-known for Dapper? Is there some way to fix them without reinstall?05:13
fdovingrainer: is his user the one you created during install?05:14
rainerfdoving: Yes.05:14
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PhinnFortrainer: have you tried "sudo gpasswd -a [username]  [group] "05:15
rainerPhinnFort: Yes, just did it. Returns with "Access denied"05:15
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rainerPhinnFort: Strange thing is - I can sudo...05:16
PhinnForttry sudo -s05:16
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fdovingrainer: YOU can sudo, but he can't?05:16
rainerfdoving: No - he ("rainer") is the only user until now05:17
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rainerPhinnFort: Launching sudo -s exits with "/usr/bin/gpasswd: /usr/bin/gpasswd: cannot execute binary file".05:17
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arriespola angela05:17
fdovingrainer: ok, then i have no clue what broke during install.05:18
PhinnFortsomething bad05:18
rainerfdoving: Maybe I should just try to put up a new user - But how when I cannot access the tools for creating one?05:18
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fdovingrainer: boot to rescue-mode or something.05:18
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PhinnFortrainer: sudo adduser05:19
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rainer I'll try my luck... Thanks, everyone!05:22
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epimethanybody home?05:26
epimethknow anything about wireless networking?05:27
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PhinnFortwell, i used to use wireless, but I've gone back to wired05:27
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epimethcan you help me set mine up?05:27
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PhinnFortwell, what's the problem?05:28
epimethI got it working on my desktop with ndiswrapper... this is my lappy now and I'm fairly certain I don't need to resort to tha05:28
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epimeththe card is being recognized and its recognized as a wireless card05:29
PhinnFortwhat happens when you launch Wireless Assistand?05:29
epimethhowever, it doesn't find any networks and iwconfig doesn't show that it connects to the ssid I set in the interfaces file05:29
epimeth"non networks found"05:30
PhinnForttry sudo iwlist s05:30
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epimethhmmm... I just ran an upgrade and now I seem to also have sit0 as a network interface... wtf is that?05:31
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ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:31
epimethmy wlan card "Doesn't support scanning: no such interface"05:31
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epimethI apologize if I did something wrong05:31
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PhinnFortfuel: wtf?05:32
PhinnFortepimeth: i don't think sit0 is your network card05:32
PhinnFortepimeth: try "dmesg | tail"05:32
colorsoundboyhoi I cannot install from source I get message that I must install libstdc++-dev or simular. I did several package but still not possible :|05:33
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)05:33
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PhinnFortcolorsoundboy: search for the file on packages.ubuntu.com05:34
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epimethfuel: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8415/05:34
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epimethalso, come to think of it, now that I ran the upgrade my sound isn't working :-(05:35
colorsoundboythere are no package on package.ubuntu.com :|05:36
PhinnFortepimeth: i think you need to download firmware for your wireless card05:36
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PhinnFortepimeth: "[17180013.156000]  bcm43xx: Error: Microcode "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" not available or load failed."05:36
Mena_Jucato, Hi05:36
Mena_Jucato, :)05:36
fuelepimeth : try  this05:36
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epimethPhinnFort: yea... noticed that... thought that might be the problem... thing is, I'm not sure what card I have05:36
fuelalt+f2 - > konsole -> cat /proc/net/dev05:37
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epimethMena_: what up?05:37
Mena_Any one know whivh character work with most of langihes05:37
fuelsee how many devices | names are present on the left side05:37
Mena_epimth, hi05:37
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PhinnFortepimeth: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx05:38
Mena_epimth, Do you know whcich chracter enable to read the arabic05:38
Mena_epimth, bec i use xp05:38
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epimethfuel: is sit0 a bluetooth device? I shouldn't have bluetooth, afaik... heh05:38
PhinnFortepimeth: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Edgy#head-05c64455c89f74ba241730b103efa82e93112a5605:38
Mena_epimth, andi have a problem bettween them in makeing files bec if i make a file/folder and its name in arabic on kubuntu when i log in xp i cant read it05:39
fuelsit0 is not bluetooth05:39
fuelits just dummy i suppose...05:39
oem_ok but i am using amarok that came with the platform05:39
colorsoundboystill  cannot install simple c++ programms libstdc++-dev or simular I installed from package manager05:39
Mena_epimeth, *05:39
epimethMena_: I'm checking05:39
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Mena_epimeth, ok05:40
epimethfuel: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8418/05:40
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PhinnFortepimeth: add "deb http://ubuntu.cafuego.net edgy-cafuego bcm43xx" to your sources.list05:40
PhinnFortthen "wget http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/969F3F57.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -"05:40
fuelit shows a network card is present05:40
epimethMena_: for you (egypt, right?) its ar_EG05:40
PhinnFortthen "sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-firmware"05:40
PhinnFortfuel: he is missing the firmware05:40
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fuelPhinnFort: ok05:41
Mena_epimeth, yes05:41
PhinnFortepimeth: you got that?;)05:41
PhinnFortyou can also just download it directly: http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/pool/edgy-cafuego/bcm43xx/bcm43xx-firmware_1.3-1ubuntu2_all.deb05:41
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Mena_epimeth, but i wont to use english and also be able to read arabic words which was created in xp05:41
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epimethPhinnFort: I'd rather not use a non- ubuntu.com source in my list... safe to do so in your opinion?05:42
PhinnFortcafuego is pretty safe05:42
PhinnFortepimeth: but you can just download the package yourserlf05:42
PhinnFortsince it's only one, it's probably easier05:43
PhinnFortepimeth: just download http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/pool/edgy-cafuego/bcm43xx/bcm43xx-firmware_1.3-1ubuntu2_all.deb and install it05:43
epimethcool... wget http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/pool/edgy-cafuego/bcm43xx/bcm43xx-firmware_1.3-1ubuntu2_all.deb right?05:43
PhinnFortor just click on it05:43
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colorsoundboywhich package must I use so i can install from source I think I missed something?05:44
epimethMena_: I'll help you in a few, kay?05:44
epimethI just want to get my wireless working first05:44
Mena_epimeth, okay05:44
Mena_epimeth, no prob05:44
epimeththat way I'm not bothering my cousins05:44
PhinnFortepimeth: right-click, kubuntu package menu, install05:44
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epimethPhinnFort: actually.. I think I need to use wget... opening it goes straight to Ark05:45
PhinnFortah, k05:45
=== PhinnFort is misusing emoticons today
epimethsay it ain't so!!!05:46
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oem_what media players are good for kubuntu05:47
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PhinnFortand Amarok05:48
epimethwhelp... hope I don't have bcm4318...05:48
ubotucodeine: Simple KDE video player. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-3.dfsg-1 (edgy), package size 163 kB, installed size 576 kB05:48
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bhz-I will pay $20 via paypal if you DoS someone for several hours. message me if interested05:48
ipnbut what about mplayer?05:49
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epimethxmms! xmms! :-p05:49
oem_anyone have an executable link for Codien and does it play MP3's?05:49
PhinnFortbhz-: Half price today05:50
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PhinnFortipn: not on KDE05:50
mhuntAnyone ever deal with "No module named gtkhtml2" when trying to run automatix?05:50
PhinnFortKaffeine is also ok05:50
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WarDoghi all05:50
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PhinnFortoem_: get Amarok05:50
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Dr_willismhunt,  i would guess you  need to install some gtkhtml2 package.. go ask in #automatix05:51
PhinnFortoem_: go to "Multimedia" -> "Amarok" on the K-Menu05:51
ipnwell i tried mplayer and it gives me a weird error... so i'm on kaffeine for now05:51
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=== Dr_willis advises avoiding automatix like it was the plague
oem_Amorak wont play my mp3's05:51
epimethPhinnFort: damn... I *DO* have 431805:51
epimeththe firware said it causes problems....05:51
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Dr_willisthe Kubuntu Faq - mentions what pakcages are needed to get amorak to play mp3's I belive05:51
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PhinnFortepimeth: #bcm-users05:52
oem_i dont remeber seeing that ...you have alink perhaps?05:52
ipnamarok 1.4.5 took his codecs alone...05:52
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PhinnFortDr_willis: amarok does it automagically05:52
ipnin my case, that is05:52
Dr_willisPhinnFort,  perhaps.. :) that may be a recently added feature05:53
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:53
PhinnFortDr_willis: since before christmas at least, when I switched to Kubuntu05:53
fdoving.. since edgy, i think.05:53
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PhinnFortwhat does .rtf stand for?05:57
PhinnFortRead The F*ck?05:57
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WarDogrich text format05:57
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rolnyzxwhat was the command to know the version of xyz program?05:58
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bhz-PhinnFort join #___ I can't PM05:58
echosyphow do i change fstab so it will mount my other paritions so i can write to them05:58
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fdovingrolnyzx: apt:/ in konqueror05:58
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fdoving!fat | echosyp05:58
ubotuechosyp: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse05:58
fuelkio-slaves rock!05:58
rolnyzxfdoving, and in command line?05:59
echosypi can view them fine05:59
echosypi want to write to them05:59
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fdovingrolnyzx: dpkg -l bash, dpkg -s bash05:59
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WarDogechosyp have you tried mount -t ntfs ?06:00
rolnyzxechosyp, rw in options06:00
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rolnyzxthanks fdoving06:01
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fuelhow to know the list of possible kio-slaves ? any ideas06:01
epimethPhinnFort: rtf = rich text format06:02
PhinnFortfuel: in KInfoCenter06:02
margisi need to paly lineage on linux06:02
margiscan anyone  help me?06:02
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PhinnFortthat DoS dude was from Croatia, btw06:02
fuelPhinnFort:  where are kio-slaves ?06:02
epimethPhinnFort: bcm-users is dead...any way you can help me some more?06:03
echosypi don't want to manually mount the partition every time06:03
fuelthere is only hard ware information....06:03
echosypi want to edit fstab so it will do it06:03
PhinnFortepimeth: i really don't know much about Wireless, and especially not your card;)06:03
epimethechosyp: check your /etc/fstab file06:03
echosypfor what?06:03
PhinnFortfuel: under protocols06:03
echosypi don't know what im looking for06:03
epimethechosyp: its your automounts06:04
echosypi know06:04
fuelPhinnFort:  :)06:04
PhinnForthow do you report abuse on freenode?06:04
epimethechosyp: how do you manually mount?  I'll translate that to a fstab line for you :-)06:04
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echosypi don't manually mount anything06:04
echosypthast the point06:04
epimethwhat are you trying to mount?06:04
echosypfstab is mounting my permisions as read only06:05
epimethare they ntfs partitions?06:05
epimeththen you need ntfs-3g06:05
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:05
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)06:05
epimethjust keep in mind that it's Beta, so it *might* corrupt your data06:06
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jackhello all06:06
echosypi never had a problem doing this in slackware06:06
epimethechosyp: I have been using it with no problems and as have many people I know.  so it's most likely safe to use06:06
echosypbut its fstab was different06:06
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epimethhello, jack!06:07
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jacki am new to kubuntu and i need a bit of help(also new to bash and the whole general linux thingy)06:07
jackhello epimeth!06:07
fuelwhat is this linux thingy*06:07
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jackwell linux in general06:07
Mena_echosyp, you can try this sudo chmod 777 /dev/hda(X)06:07
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jacki am usually a windows user and im sick of windows06:07
oem_yeah me to lol06:07
oem_today is my first day as linux user06:08
Mena_echosyp, i think this will make the partition had read and write06:08
jacknewho, im having a bit of a prob loading kubuntu06:08
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fuelMena_: that doesnt work always... first it does not recurse06:08
Dr_willisjthis is when it pays to find some beginner guides and start reading06:08
fuelso you have to give sudo chmod -r 777 <your location>06:08
Mena_Fuel, ok06:08
epimethPhinnFort: how do I manually set my AP, do you know that at least? the howto guy said he did that, but didn't explain how06:08
Dr_willis"Plese state the nature of the linux emergancy...." :)06:08
Mena_Fuel, hmmmmmm ok06:08
PhinnFortepimeth: iwconfig eth0 essid "thingy"06:08
epimethMena_: that doesn't work with the standard ntfs drivers06:08
jackit loads as usual, except after it does, it just gives me a command prompt, and i cant start anything graphical06:08
Mena_epimeth, ok06:09
fuelepimeth: you are right06:09
epimethPhinnFort: not the essid, the AP (its ip address)06:09
Mena_Fuel, and -r what make06:09
PhinnFortiwconfig eth0 ap "mac"06:09
fuel-r == recurse  ; man chmod;06:09
PhinnFortor eth106:09
oem_i just need a live link to the packages for Amarok packages so i can play my mp3's06:09
Mena_Fuel, ok06:09
epimethechosyp: you working out okay with the howtos?06:09
pauljwfor all you noobs here's a good start: http://www.linuxtopia.org/06:10
epimethPhinnFort: and in the /etc/network/interfaces file?06:10
echosypi have amd6406:10
echosypand im sure there is another way to do this06:11
oem_and realy i dont appreciate being called a noob06:11
epimethPhinnFort: is that "mac" with colons or without?06:11
PhinnFortwithout prolly06:11
PhinnFortbut i think both works06:11
echosypwithout installing some beta ntfs driver06:11
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epimethechosyp: check with the slackware channel/forum/site what ntfs driver they use06:12
Dr_willisjack,  it may be your video card is having some issues. what is your video card?06:12
epimethhay!  *that* was rude of him... whats the bets slackware uses ntfs-3g *without* any warnings?06:13
jacknvidia geforce 2go06:14
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jackDr_willis: not sure about much else about it though, if it was the vid card, why would it work fine before?(been running for about a week now)06:15
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Dr_willisjack,  this is on a laptop eh?06:15
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Dr_willisjack,  so you mean to say.. it has been working. but recently, X stopped working correctly?06:15
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jackDr_willis: correct, ive typed startX(as i do with my backtrack2 distro) and then it gives me an error message(something about something set to -1, not 0)06:17
Dr_willis'startx' ya mean.06:17
Dr_willisits possible you need to reinstall the nvidia-glx package if there was a recent kernel update06:18
Dr_willissudo apt-get install nvidia-glx06:18
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MarkChhow can i change the kde taskbar/panel text color?06:21
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MarkChthe taskbar looks invisible on my dark wallpaper.06:21
=== Dr_willis right clicks and looks under panel properties
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=== MarkCh right clicks and finds no such thing as panel properties in the kicker taskbar.
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chavoMark you can set it to transparent ten go in the advanced dialog and change the tint color and amount06:24
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jackDr_willis: do you think reinstalling that will solve the problem?06:25
chavoor you can use a background image06:25
astananyone know how i can get tv-out working on intel 950 graphics?06:25
astan(my laptop).06:25
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MarkChchavo: is there no way to change the text color in some external file, in gnome i can just add an entry in .gtkrc-2.0 to change the panel font color.06:25
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bonaldo2000Can anyone help me! The "extract to" option has suddenly disapeared from the right click menu on tar.gz files in my kubuntu 6.10!06:26
chavoMarkCh, no but I think that will be in 3.5.706:26
chavoit uses the button text color by default06:27
MarkChchavo: okthx.06:27
phichohi can someone tell me how to install kubuntu platform on ubuntu sistem or direct me to some page pls?06:27
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Dr_willisjack,  i think fixing the problem would fix the problem.. 'reinstalling' is a windows mentality thing.06:27
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MarkChanyway, i dont know if they will ever change it in 3.5.7, since 4.0 will replace the panel with a new one, ryt?06:27
Dr_willisjack,  try 'startx' and paste the error messages to pastebin for us to look at.06:27
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jackDr_willis: ill try06:28
phichoi have the kubuntu version 6.06 LTS disk06:28
Dr_willisjack,  ALSO you could try editing the xorg.conf to use 'nv' instead of 'nvidia' and see if it works06:28
chavoMarkCh, 4.0 is a long way away06:28
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phichoanyone pls06:30
fuelphicho : sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:30
Dr_willisphicho,  the kubuntu homepage tells ya what fuel  just said. :)06:30
Dr_willisit will try to cange the default  boot splash and other screens as well.06:31
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MarkChphicho: if you want, you can just install kde-core.06:31
Jinwhat is the quickest way to upgrade my just installed 6.06 install to 6.10?06:31
MarkChmuch faster, and you can pick what applications to install, plus the bootscreens wont change.06:31
Jinit's a fresh install06:31
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Dr_willisJin,  you may be better off doing a clean install of 6.1006:32
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fuelisnt full upgrade enough?06:32
JinDr_willis: hard to do due to the fact I'm on 56k and getting the new ISO will take well...a while06:32
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fuelxorg-conf adds unwanted devices in the list06:32
Jinall I had is the 6.06 ISO on hand06:32
Dr_willissince its a totally new install.. you  may save time/space by getting the 6.10 cd. and a clean  install..downloading ALL the packages may take just as long or longer for the upgrade06:33
epimethspeaking of kubuntu splash screens... how do i get my booting up and shutting down screens to show me the services and devices that are goind up/down06:33
epimethright now all I have is a blue kubuntu and a blue bar filling up or emptying out06:33
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Dr_willisepimeth,  i always disbl the splash screens with 'nosplash' and use 'nofb' to see the text messages06:33
oem_why can i not edit and apply changes made to my Adept manager?06:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sysvrcconf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:33
Dr_willisoem_,  dident run it as root with sudo?06:33
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oem_i went to this link   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu06:34
MarkChepimeth: uninstall usplash or disable it.06:34
oem_so i could get the ackages for Amarok06:34
phichothaanks fuel and Dr_willis it's working i'm new on this before i use to use winxp and ubundu is much different to xp in terms of installing06:34
epimethDr_willis: i still want the splashscreen... with dapper I had a splashcreen that showed the services as well06:34
fuelubundu ?06:34
abattoiroem_: did you enter your password when it asked for it?06:35
fuelepimeth : you have to edit out the last part in menu.lst06:35
=== Dr_willis hates splashscreens
=== fuel hates em too...... you dont know whats going on!
abattoiroem_: try 'kdesu adept_manager' in a konsole window06:36
epimethfuel: where is menu.lst located?06:36
fuelits in /boot/grub06:36
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Dr_willis'protect the newbies from the bad old.. startup messages! egads they dont need to know the system is 'scanning the disks' ...."06:36
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pauljwoh god, don't call em newbies06:37
ubotuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.06:37
fuelwhy is a kubuntu channel bot talking about gnome splash screen  ? :-?06:37
Dr_willispauljw,  would 'ms-lemming-zombies' be better?06:37
chavohes in all the buntu channels06:38
epimethwhy is emacs insistant on running in X... can't I run it in a konsole window???06:38
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Dr_willisepimeth,  dependong on the settings it either decides touse the X interface, or the console interface - i recall06:38
epimeth-i still tries -d :-(06:39
Dr_willisbut i use vi. :) so thats about all i can help ya waith06:39
oem_please look at my paste06:39
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Dr_willisthose messages mean nothing....06:39
Dr_willisX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166  -- are from the xorg's default setup for tablet pc's06:39
oem_o ok06:39
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epimethahhh ... emacs -nw06:40
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jackDr_willis: hello Dr Willis06:40
Dr_willisjack,  hello jack06:40
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jackDr_willis:i have another problem that i quickly learned06:40
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fuelDr_willis: yeah i had to edit out some devices before i got rid of those messages x(06:41
epimethfuel: can't find the setting I need to change06:41
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Dr_willisfuel,  yep. one of the first things i do also.06:41
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fuelepimeth : alt+f2 -> konsole06:42
jackDr_willis: when it gives me a command prompt after i log in, the screen doesnt scroll down as i enter code, it just stays in one spot, also when i try and clear it, it only clears a little06:42
fuelsudo vi /boot/grub/menu.lst06:42
fuellet me know after you have done this06:42
epimethhay Doc... can you help me out with an out of control bcm431806:42
jackDr_willis: regardless, i get the error when i typed startx06:42
epimethfuel: emacs... but yea06:42
fuelsorry first back up your menu.lst06:42
epimethfuel: I can't stand vi... *shudder*06:42
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Dr_willisepimeth,  wireless card? i try to not touch the things.. :)06:42
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fuelsudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst > /boot/grub/menu.lst.bk06:42
epimethDoc... then what good are you?!?06:43
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Dr_willisepimeth,  my mommy says im special!06:43
fuelepimeth:  what ever!06:43
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jackDr_willis: the first line of error reads: X: warning; process set to priority -1 instead of priorty 006:43
epimethfuel: tis open :-)06:43
epimeththe last lines are about loading the cp partition....06:44
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fuelepimeth:  go to the last06:44
epimethi'm at the configuration for the 2.5.17-11 kernel, yes?06:44
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fuelwhere you find something like this "kubuntu, kernel 2.6.17-10-generic ... "06:45
epimethyes yes06:45
epimeth"quiet" should be disabled?06:45
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fuelright :)06:45
jackDr_willis: it then seems to introduce itself(build version and such) after that it give me a whole new set of errors(though im not sure if there is more because my screen wont scroll)06:45
epimethcheers fuel06:45
fuelepimeth: :)06:45
jackDr_willis: the error reads: Fatal Server Error:06:46
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epimethfuel: maybe you know something about wireless cards?06:46
fuelepimeth: no :D06:46
jackDr_willis: no screens found. XIO: fatal IO error 104(connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0"06:46
epimethhmmm... found another howto... lets hope this one works06:46
epimethhamit: what's that?06:47
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epimetharggggggg.... "It seems that if you get the following string back: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g]  802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) that this guide is VERY unlikly to work for you although it does sometimes, dont ask me why, but basically every "no" vote and "this didnt work for me" post comes from a BCM4318 user...."06:47
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Hueywhat's the difference between using the 'ati' and the 'radeon' driver?06:50
Hueyare they the same thing, or does one support more cards, with the other being more optimized?06:50
epimethhamit: forgot the /join, eh?06:50
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sidnelsonanyone are using rrdtools for monitoring your network ??06:52
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Dr_willisjack,  sounds like the nvidia drivers are not loaded correctly.  try the  sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx  line,  and see if startx works then.06:53
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Dr_willisjack,  as to the other issues.. not suer whats going on there.06:54
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jackDr_willis: Thank you dr willis, i will try that.06:54
Dr_willisits getting sad when the first step in troubleshooting is to disable all the fancy eye candy. (in this case using 'nosplash' and 'nofb' as kernel arguments to disable the framebuffer and other splash stuff06:54
PF-Awayepimeth: what is the difference between your card and the guide?06:54
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oem_how do i uncomment in adept manager?06:55
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Dr_willisremove the # coment?06:55
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Dr_willisi always edit the sources.list by hand..06:56
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Dr_willisand i always make a backup first06:56
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oem_that is what i am attempting to do06:57
PF-AwayDr_willis: do you listen to Norma Jean while doing it?06:57
oem_yes remove the comment ##06:57
=== Dr_willis jams to Kenny G.
Dr_willisJamming to shoutcast with Audacious at the moment.06:58
=== PF-Away is listening to I Used To Hate Cell Phones But Now I Hate Car Crashes by Norma Jean on Bless the Martyr and Kiss the Child [Amarok]
PF-Awaythat's hardcore;)06:58
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malik_where can i get linux supported webcam?06:59
Dr_willismalik_,  the store? :)06:59
PF-Awayin a store06:59
PF-Awaydarn, you beat me to it;)06:59
Dr_willismalik_,  it pays to research which are best supported.06:59
Dr_willisI dont think the Sony Eyetoy cam is supported yet.. :(06:59
Dr_willisits the best looking webcam i got. (i got some old junk ones however)06:59
CugelMy Labtec webcam seems to work fine.06:59
PF-Awayi've got a Lego camera working fine07:00
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rolnyzxmalik_, http://www.linux.com/howtos/Webcam-HOWTO/devices.shtml07:00
malik_well i have creative pd0040 n it says in wiki pages that it supported but 2 wks of cont. tries im still none wiser ;).......so i was thinkin if some one know of a website where i can buy a webcam with supplies linux drivers then i ll buy that.............or i will gladly pay some1 to install this one i already have:).............any takers?07:01
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PF-Awaymalik_: you don't need to install anything, this is linux07:02
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PF-Awayjust plug it in have fun;)07:02
PF-Away(if it's supported)07:02
taurihey guys07:02
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[EG] Taurieh?07:02
[EG] Taurino just a name07:02
PF-AwayTauri meaning earth07:02
PF-Awayi think07:02
[EG] TauriTauri meaning human07:02
[EG] Tauri:P07:02
[EG] Tauriwell... Tau'ri means human07:03
[EG] TauriTauri isi just a name07:03
PF-Awayso you've watched it07:03
[EG] Tauriof course07:03
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PF-AwaySG-1 or Atlantis?07:04
malik_well if i dont need to install any thing then how come i cant access this cam...........the light on the cam is on which means that its probably installed n on but its not showin up in any of the applications which are used for webcam n plus all those IM clients show pic from my tv tuner card..........n webcam is not even in the list of cam sources07:04
PF-Awayif you have to choose;)07:04
PF-Awaymalik_: do you use Kopete?07:05
[EG] Taurihmm... is there a program that allows me to fully customize the linux gui?07:05
PF-Away[EG] Tauri: how?07:05
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[EG] Taurium07:05
PF-Away[EG] Tauri: KDE07:05
malik_yes i have kopete/gaim/amsn n all07:05
[EG] Taurikde...07:05
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[EG] Tauriwell i need to FULLY customize it07:05
[EG] Taurimake it look like Doom 307:05
PF-Awaymalik_: in Kopete, go to the "Settings" menu, "Configure", and then Devices07:05
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PF-Away[EG] Tauri: something like this: http://www.kde-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=27046&file1=27046-1.jpg&file2=27046-2.jpg&file3=27046-3.jpg&name=Mech-Tex+500+%28finished%2907:06
tesuki__is there any keystroke combination to go back in Firefox?07:06
[EG] Taurilol something likek that07:06
PF-Awayclick the second link07:07
[EG] Taurijust more like doom 307:07
[EG] Tauriand fullyl interactive07:07
[EG] Tauriwith animations and the like...07:07
malik_its again same thing .......only video device showing is "leadtek winfast 2000xp expert" which is my tv tuner card :)07:07
PF-Away[EG] Tauri: it's called GCC07:08
PF-Awayand OpenGL07:08
[EG] Tauriok07:08
PF-Awayas in roll it yourself;)07:08
[EG] Taurilol07:08
[EG] Tauriwell ill have a look at that site07:08
[EG] Tauriwhat kdeo version is kubuntu?07:09
[EG] Taurikde*07:09
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PF-Away3.5.6 I believe07:09
malik_PF-Away: its again same thing .......only video device showing is "leadtek winfast 2000xp expert" which is my tv tuner card :)07:10
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PF-Awayyou can't select any other?07:10
malik_PF-Away: noops07:10
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PF-Awaymalik_: can you paste the output of "dmesg | tail"07:11
PF-Away!paste | malik07:11
ubotumalik: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)07:11
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ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE veresion is 3.5.6 for Edgy and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.07:12
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malik_PF-Away: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8434/07:14
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PF-Awaymalik_: paste the whole output from dmesg07:14
uthturnOK so i was messing around with my new kubuntu set-up . I accidently deleted my systray from the bottom taskbAR now i can't see programs i opened. I cannot find the option to add it back. Somebody please help07:14
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fdovinguthturn: right-click on the bottom taskbar (it's name is kicker), add applet.. find it and bring it back.07:16
odlauthturn: you should be able to add it back via the applet07:16
malik_PF-Away: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8434/ ...............thats the whole output....after the last line is just prompt sign07:16
PF-Awaybut without the tail07:17
PF-Awayjust "dmesg"07:17
uthturnya'll rule07:17
ericis there an anydvd or dvdencrypter for linux?07:17
uthturnthanks so much07:17
uthturni've been tring to fiqure that out for an hour07:18
PF-Awayeric: what do you want to do?07:18
uthturndoesn't say much for me does it07:18
ericburn dvds, and have it automatically crack the encryption07:18
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PF-Awayeric: deCSS always crack the encryption07:19
ericthere are two programs i use on windows, anydvd and clonedvd, but im looking for something like that for kubuntu07:19
PF-Awayto copy DVD's?07:19
apokryphosubotu: burn07:20
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto07:20
ericyea anydvd cracks it, clonedvd copies and compresses it07:20
[EG] Tauri!yast07:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yast - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:20
ubotudvdrip: perl front end for transcode. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.98.1-0.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 718 kB, installed size 2084 kB07:20
PF-Awayeric: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#CD_.26_DVD_burning_.26_ripping07:20
apokryphos[EG] Tauri: you are in #kubuntu ;)07:21
malik_PF-Away: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8435/  ..............thats the output with just dmesg07:21
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ericget that package?07:22
raphaelFrage: update-manager -c   sagt bei mir nur "system ist up-to-date"  ?? will von dapper auf edgy ?!07:22
PF-Awaymalik_: you compiled module/driver yourself?07:22
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de07:22
PF-Away!de | raphael07:22
uboturaphael: please see above07:22
raphaelok, english: I want to upgrade from dapper to edgy but "update-manager -c" only says "system is up-to-date" ! -- why?07:22
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[EG] Taurihey is Yast compatable with kubuntu?07:23
apokryphos[EG] Tauri: not really07:23
PF-Away[EG] Tauri: probably not07:23
[EG] Tauri...07:23
PF-Awaywith some tweaking, you might get it working though07:23
[EG] Tauriso what do i use to get bootskins working?07:23
apokryphos[EG] Tauri: some modules of it could be in theory, but you'd probably need quite a bit (read: a LOT) of work to integrate07:23
[EG] Tauri!garlic07:23
ubotugarlic: A visualization program for biomolecules. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 235 kB, installed size 900 kB07:23
malik_PF-Away: what module/driver?07:23
erichmm i'll mess around with it07:24
malik_PF-Away: i just kept following whatever i founmd on wiki pages07:24
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PF-Awaymalik_: the kernel says you compiled the module in your homedir: "/home/malik/ov51x-jpeg-0.5.4/ov51x.c"07:24
ericshould i update my linux-restricted-modules?07:25
[EG] Tauriok well i want to get this working with kubuntu: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2788907:25
Dr_williseric,  always a good idea.07:25
[EG] Tauriwill this garlic work?07:25
ericlast time I did I had to wipe my machine from a linux kernel upgrade07:25
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ericcuz it killed my network card07:25
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Dr_williseric, thgats what the extra older entrys in the grub boot menus are for.07:25
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Dr_willisit pays to learn how the linux system works. also.. i would guess some module wasent getting loaded in that case07:26
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[EG] Tauri!bootskin07:26
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malik_PF-Away: oki that wud be correct..........but was it right thing to do or not i dont know07:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bootskin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:26
jackwhat repository do i need to apt-get nvidia-glx?07:26
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ericextra older entries...07:26
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Dr_willis!info nvidia-glx07:27
ubotunvidia-glx: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 1.0.8776+ (edgy), package size 3971 kB, installed size 12312 kB07:27
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras07:27
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Dr_willisjack,  its in restricted it seems.07:27
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PF-Awaymalik_: what kind of webcam do you have?07:27
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[EG] Taurihow do i get bootskins to work with Kubuntu?07:27
jackDr_willis: and what does that mean for me?07:27
Dr_willisdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy main restricted universe multiverse07:27
Dr_willisshould be the line in the apt.sources listing  (i think)07:28
Dr_willisif using edgy07:28
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rmd_i'm stalling kubuntu-desktop from xubuntu.  should i expect any problems upon logging in next time?07:28
Dr_willisjack,  my complete sources.list -------->  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8436/07:29
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Dr_willisrmd_,  nope07:29
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Dr_willisrmd_,  it may want to use kdm instead of gdm,  (it should ask what to use)07:29
Dr_willisif using kde mainly - you proberly want to use kdm anyway07:29
malik_PF-Away: its creative PD004007:30
rmd_one reason i'm trying out kubutnu is because i'm tired of loading all this gnome stuff and then booting xfce, which is anti-gnome...07:30
rmd_that is, using gdm to boot xfce seems silly07:30
Dr_willisxfce is using a lot of the gtk stuff i thought07:30
Dr_willisso xfce is closer related to gnome then kde is.07:30
rmd_xubuntu uses all gtk apps07:30
rmd_gdm for login07:31
Dr_willisfind a gtk  only loigin then. :)07:31
Dr_willisor just use the console.. heh07:31
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rmd_i used the console for a while07:31
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rmd_i'm a big fan of screen, in fact07:31
Dr_willisxdm, kdm, gdm, wdm, i think theres a few others07:31
hattaI like startx07:31
rmd_but i was reading about how kdm shares this that and the other, where as xfce has to load something new for each application07:31
Dr_willisgo hardkore and have your .bashrc startx if  its not allready loaded. :)07:32
rmd_err, kdm=kde07:32
illusiahi all!07:32
Dr_willisrmd_,  first ive ever heard of it...07:32
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malik_dmesg out put says that hyperthreading is disabled............how do i enable it?07:32
Dr_willisxfce is normally touted as being very lightweight.07:32
Dr_willissounds like more research is needed... or just get to work and quit worrying about it .:)07:32
rmd_yeah.  i'm just goofing around.  it's saturday :)07:33
Dr_williswindowmaker should be the lightest of the bunch. :)07:33
rmd_it is07:33
rmd_but then again, it is implemented for a different breed of user07:33
Dr_willisor go REAL light and use jwm, or matchbox, or some other odd-ball mini-windowmanager.07:33
illusiahow do i change trash icon or where i can find direct location which icon is used?I checked /usr/share/icons/mytheme and changed all trash icon to their size and nothing happend :(07:33
Dr_williswindowmaker is basicially just a windowmanager + a few apps. Not a full desktop also.07:33
rmd_does kde have one of these crazy built-in compositors?07:33
fdovingrmd_: yes, kompmgr07:34
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fdoving(if that's the kind of comp you want).07:35
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rmd_its the only thing i "love" about xfce.  i've found it actually increases my productivity07:36
Master_Kaledoes anyone still use BlackBox as a DE? :P07:36
Dr_willisim never productive... so it dosetn matter much07:36
rmd_or something07:36
malik_PF-Away: its creative PD0040...........any i dea abt it?07:36
Dr_willisMaster_Kale,   some of the ***box variants are popular in many cases and live cd's07:36
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Master_KaleI used it for a time with Windows07:36
Dr_willisMatchBox is not related to the blackbox faimly :)07:37
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Master_Kaleits very minimalist07:37
PF-Awaymalik_: i really don't have any idea...07:37
sidnelsonanyone teach how to solve the dependencie of cpan perl module ??07:37
hellcattravhey all, im planning on reinstalling fromt eh live cd but would like to back up my wireless settings in knetworkmanager,b/c it took me a devil of a time getting it to work07:37
hellcattravas well well as the sources list07:37
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fdovingsidnelson: in ubuntu and debian we don't use the cpan command line, uasually, we get the package included in our distribution. what is the cpan module you need?07:37
malik_PF-Away: thats oki thanx 4 tryin anyway07:38
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sidnelsonfdoving: i need the rrdtool simple interface07:38
reldruhis there a way to embed konsole into konqueror?07:38
PF-Awaymalik_: try apt-get install gspca07:38
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PF-Awayreldruh: yes07:38
[EG] Tauri!deb07:38
ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)07:38
PF-Away"Window" on the menu, and "Show Terminal Emulator"07:38
reldruhPF-Away: what is it?07:38
PF-Awaylook up07:39
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sidnelsonfdoving: the problem is that module depends the many other module and install one a one by hand is borry rsss07:39
fdovingsidnelson: something like apt:/show?librrdp-perl (put that in konqueror address)07:39
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sidnelsonfdoving: ok07:39
fdovingsidnelson: exactly, that's why we use the distribution packages, all dependencies are incldued.07:39
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reldruhPF-Away: where is window? I don't see it on my menu bar, or in any of the menus..07:40
_6StringKng_adept updater hangs att 99%...07:40
_6StringKng_what shoudl I do07:40
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_6StringKng_should I do?07:40
PF-Awayreldruh: just left of "Help"07:40
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PF-Away_6StringKng_: wait07:40
sidnelsonfdoving: thanks ... i think that is work for me07:41
_6StringKng_k, no wit says error for one of the sources07:41
bonbonthejonreldruh: if you turned off the menu do ctrl-m07:41
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_6StringKng_ftp://boluftp.uni-bonn.de edgy Release.gpg07:41
reldruhPF-Away: I have 'Settings' just left of help, and there's nothing about a terminal or window in there. My menu is on..07:41
hellcattravdoesanyone know how i would go about backing up my knetworkmanager settings?07:41
PF-Awayreldruh: something is wrong... Try opening a clean konqi (alt+f2, konqueror)07:42
fdovinghellcattrav: backup ~/.kde/share/config/knetworkmanagerrc07:42
[EG] Tauri!moodin07:42
ubotumoodin is a ksplash theme engine, enabled by default in Kubuntu Dapper, and you can grab it for Breezy here: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2570507:42
sidnelsonfdoving: nice tip, i dont know that a i can see info about packages in the konqueror ... that's great07:42
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PF-AwayI have Location, Edit, View, Go, Bookmarks, Tools, Settings, Window, Help07:42
hellcattravfdoving:what is ~?07:42
_6StringKng_k, no wit says error for one of the sources07:42
_6StringKng_k, no wit says error for one of the sources07:42
_6StringKng_ftp://boluftp.uni-bonn.de edgy Release.gpg07:42
reldruhPF-Away: that doesn't change my menubar. I haven't fiddled with the menubar settings in konq07:42
fdovingsidnelson: yes, if you just go to apt:/ in konqueror you can search and all. it's nice :)07:42
fdovinghellcattrav: ~ is your homedir. /home/username usually.07:43
fdoving_6StringKng_: what is the error?07:43
hellcattravthank you07:43
illusiahow do i change trash icon or where i can find direct location which icon is used?I checked /usr/share/icons/mytheme and changed all trash icon to their size and nothing happend :(07:43
_6StringKng_just said error where the loading bar was07:43
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fdovinghellcattrav: you're welcome, it won't backup passwords stored in the wallet. those are in ~/.kde/share/apps/kwallet/07:44
fdovingillusia: what do you want to do with the trash icon, replace it?07:44
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illusiafdoving yes07:46
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fdovingillusia: the files used are /usr/share/icons/default.kde/*/filesystems/trash*07:47
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malik_PF-Away: apt-get install gspca .......apt cant find package in repos07:48
PF-Awaysorry, just found an old forum post telling it contained a driver07:48
sstchurWonder why KDE won't seem to honor thunderbird as my default mail client.  I've done what I believe is necessary to set that up07:48
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ubotua FOSS email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox, both by the Mozilla Foundation.  To make your thunderbird links open in firefox see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6042707:48
illusiafdoving thx07:48
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sstchurubotu: What I'm trying to do is get KDE to auto launch thunderbird when I right click on a file and choose Actions -> Email File07:51
reldruhsstchur: if you go to System Settings > Default Applications, you can pick your email application07:52
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sstchurreldruh: Ok thanks... I did in fact try to do this.  I chose thunderbird, but it still keeps trying to launch kmail.  Why would that be?07:53
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joshjoshquick noob question: Trying to install new icons in KDE...tells me that the file isn't a proper icon archive. There a quick fix for this, or am I SOL?07:54
reldruhsstchur: I'm really not sure... I use kmail, I've never had to change that. That's the only place I know of to change that. Sorry :-(07:54
joshjoshthe file is a tar.gz archive, if that helps07:55
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rmd_why did the kubuntu-desktop want me to configure postfix?07:56
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=== deleter i'll be back: .
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sstchur_reldruh: sorry connections problems.... not sure if you replied, but if so... I missed it07:59
reldruhsstchur: I just said that I use kmail and have never had to change that so I don't know why it might not be working07:59
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reldruhcan somebody help me get an embedded konsole windows in konqueror?08:03
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=== Dr_willis wonders why one would want one..
Dr_willisbut lets see08:04
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=== Dr_willis edits the toolbars to add a 'show konsole' button
Dr_willisthere ya go.. browser up top.. konsole at bottom08:05
fearfulhey does any one know how i can add different dictionary packages for openoffice, like lets say spanish?08:06
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mayerAny1 know if there is a way to get microsoft wireless gaming receiver working in kunbuntu?08:06
chavoreldruh, F808:06
ubotuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI08:06
Dr_willisgaming reciever = a joystick?08:06
reldruhchavo, Dr_willis: thank you both!08:06
Dr_willisheh... never notiuced that F8 did that08:07
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=== Dr_willis removes the button now
fearfulcan any one help me?08:07
mayerDr_willis: its a usb device that lets u use xbox 360 wireless hardware on the pc08:07
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Dr_willismayer,  interesting08:07
Hueyi think beryl and kcontrol are fighting over control over the keybindings in some way that they never get registered...is there a way to instruct beryl to allow kcontrol to handle all the keyboard shortcuts?08:08
Dr_willismayer,  i would say do some googling. that may be so new theres no support for it yet.08:08
rob-westwill F8 work in gnome08:08
Hueyfor instance, katapult no longer launches with Alt+Space08:08
rob-westfor USB devices08:08
Dr_willisHuey,  yep. thats an issue with beryl it takes over a lot of keybindings08:08
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mayerDr_willis: been googleing for awhile so guess its too new to c there yet08:08
taurihow do i make themes for KDE?08:09
Dr_willismayer,  yep. that would be my guess08:09
Dr_willistauri,  kde-look.org and check out the tutorials08:09
BluesKajnever understood what is katapult about, anyway?08:09
Dr_willistauri, its NOT trivial. :)08:09
HueyDr_willis: but beryl doesn't have anything assigned to Alt+Space08:09
mayerDr_willis: to bad wanted my wireless headset working, oh well guess it wont take to long08:09
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fearfulwhen i try to install beryl from my adept it says that the beryl has an error and can't install it.. how could this be fixed?08:10
[EG] Tauriwhat do u mean its NOT trivial?08:10
reldruhBluesKaj: katapult is wonderful. You launch it with Alt+Space, start typing the name of a program or file or even math problem and it returns matches. If you press enter, it executes the current... thing08:10
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fearfuldamn i didn't know that08:11
BluesKajwhynot just click on the file ...why type ?08:11
_6StringKng_I need help getting my windows vista partition mounted...my xp one auto mounts but not the vista one, which contains all my media files, lol08:11
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BluesKajguess i don't "get it", reldruh08:11
reldruhBluesKaj: what if the file isn't on your desktop? Or if it's buried layers deep in your folders?08:11
reldruhBluesKaj: it's incredibly convienent. Even more so than Alt+F2 for me because I don't have to type the whole file name08:12
reldruhBluesKaj: no matter what I'm doing, katapult lets me open something new without really interrupting what I'm doing08:12
fearfulmy adept doesn't find any programs... i need to download aMsn and it can't find it08:12
reldruhBluesKaj: try it out and if it's not your thing, that's cool. But it's a pretty popular application. At least give it a chance08:13
[EG] Tauri!theme08:13
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy08:13
_6StringKng_I need help getting my windows vista partition mounted...my xp one auto mounts but not the vista one, which contains all my media files, lol08:13
BluesKajtrying to open sources list , but it dies08:14
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phichohi guys can somebody tell me how can i install kubuntu platfom on ubuntu sistem but not to download form net because i already have it on cd version 6.06 LTS08:15
[EG] Tauri!KDM08:15
ubotukdm: X display manager for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 611 kB, installed size 1480 kB08:15
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fearfulcan anyone help me, my adept won't finde neither aMsn or Wine08:16
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[EG] Taurihow do i run KDM?08:17
fdoving!universe | fearful08:17
ubotufearful: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu08:17
_6StringKng_I need help getting my windows vista partition mounted...my xp one auto mounts but not the vista one, which contains all my media files, lol08:17
fdoving!ntfs | _6stringkng_08:17
ubotu_6stringkng_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse08:17
fearfulthank you!08:17
phichoanyone ?08:18
fdoving_6StringKng_: not sure what magic vista does to the partitions, the instructions at that site might not work for you then..08:18
[EG] Taurihow do i use KDM?08:19
fdovingphicho: do you have the alternate install cd, or just the desktop/livecd?08:19
fdoving[EG] Tauri: it should be autostarted at boot.08:19
[EG] Tauriok how do i change the themes?08:19
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fdoving[EG] Tauri: hack /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc08:20
[EG] Taurikk08:20
fearfulwhat do i need to download to get dictionary in spanish for open office?08:20
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phichofdoving i think it is the live cd the one with a blue mask08:21
fdovingfearful: myspell-es08:21
fdovingphicho: ouch, then it won't work. you can't simply install the packages from it.08:21
fearfulandy one more thing, whats the best msn client?08:22
gareth_i preffer gaim08:23
swanflbear in miond, kpoete has issues08:23
geert_Mister Fearful just go to your instal program and download the dictionary sp.08:23
swanflgaim is good08:23
swanflthey both have their bugs and advantages08:23
BluesKajamsn works well too08:23
phichook thx so i must delete ubuntu and install kubuntu but on kubuntu how can i install linux header and gcc and g++ so the "make" word to work ?08:24
geert_Or loke in the open office page it is esay08:24
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fearfulim having a pretty bad problem with my wireless card too, i can't connect on wireless. it recognizes it but it won't let me enable it08:25
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fdovingphicho: install the 'build-essential' package.08:26
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fearfulcan any one help me with the wireless problem?08:27
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fdovingwhat wlan-card?08:29
[EG] Tauriwhat are some cool themes for Kubuntu?08:29
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fdoving[EG] Tauri: checkout http://kde-look.org08:30
[EG] Tauriyeah i am08:30
[EG] Taurilol08:30
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phichofdoving thx alot so in Packer Manager i check 'build-essential' and i can use 'make' on kubuntu08:30
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fdovingphicho: yep.08:30
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fearfuldoes any one know how to get mp3's to work i forgot the name of the program..08:31
darksider415fearful: sudo aptitude install libxine-extracodecs08:32
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darksider415fearful: Or install libxine-extracodecs from within Adept.08:33
fearfulthank you08:33
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darksider415fearful: Just make sure you've got the multiverse repository enabled.08:33
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fearfulhey listen maybe you can help me with the wireless problem08:34
fearfuli go to network connections, and it recognizes it, but it doesn't let me enable it08:34
darksider415What chipset?08:34
fearfulit's a Dell WLan Card 135008:34
darksider415Are you in "adminstrator mode"?08:35
fearfulit turns it green then goes to red again08:35
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darksider415fearful: Is it set to automatically enable when you boot?08:35
fearfulhave any idea what could be going wrong?08:36
Admiral_Chicagoyou're driver isn't installed08:37
Admiral_Chicagoi don't know how to help you install it, i'm terrible with wireless08:37
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Admiral_Chicagobut yes, your driver is probably not installed08:37
fearfuli see08:38
Admiral_Chicagofearful: laptop?08:38
Admiral_Chicagolspci, look for the wireless controller08:38
Admiral_Chicagolspci ... run that in konsole08:38
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fearfulok a lot of things came up08:39
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fyrmedicfearful: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Installation08:40
Admiral_Chicagofearful: page up...or shift + page up, you'll see it near the bottom08:40
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fearfulyea it says soemthing about the wireles08:40
fearfuli'll try the site08:41
fyrmedicfearful: that link is to the installation instructions for ndiswrapper. I am in the process of the same thing, at least you can get yours up in system settings.08:41
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fyrmedicit is a good tutorial that should work for you.08:41
Admiral_Chicagofearful: what does the line read08:41
darksider415fearful: It's a Broadcom-based card, which is a major part of why it's not working. Here's the documentation to make it work. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Broadcom_BCM4311_rev_01_(ndiswrapper)?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDevice%2908:41
Hueyif hitting Alt+Space makes the cursor jump back one word in nano run through konsole, does that mean there's a problem with xmodmap or something? i think this may be related to why Alt+Space does not launch amarok08:42
oem_is there a proggy that i can use to install proggies in ark?08:42
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Hueyer, katapult*08:42
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fearfulit just says Network ontroller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)08:42
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oem_is there a proggy that i can use to install proggies in ark?08:43
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fearfuldamn it my adept doesn't find libxine-extracodecs..08:45
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fdoving!multiverse | fearful08:45
ubotufearful: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu08:45
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)08:46
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hellcattra1fdoving: I was wanting to save my knetworkmanager settings, b/c i plan on reinstalling from the live cd to make the XP partition smaller...what else shoudl i save?08:46
darksider415fearful: And the wireless should be found in that wiki entry.08:46
darksider415!broadcom wireless08:47
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fearfulok but my universe repositories are enabled..08:47
darksider415You need the multiverse repository as well.08:47
fdovingfearful: you need multiverse too.08:47
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fearfulthey are all enabled08:47
Admiral_Chicagobut it is in multiverse :)08:47
Admiral_Chicagofearful: sudo apt-get update08:48
Admiral_Chicagoor hit update08:48
compilerwriterSOS adept hung up on me.  What do I do?08:48
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fdovinghellcattra1: documents and things you've created?08:48
darksider415Multiverse isn't automatically shown in the standard Kubuntu install, so you'll need to add multiverse to the line with the Universe repository.08:48
fdoving!adept crash fix | compilerwriter08:48
ubotucompilerwriter: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 08:48
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Wulfecan somebody help me install superkarumba ? i did the ./configure in KDE and then went to make ... and i get nothing ... where am i going wrong ?08:49
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Admiral_ChicagoWulfe: it's in the repositories08:49
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Dr_willisWulfe,  yave you ever compiled anything befor?08:49
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Admiral_ChicagoWulfe: open adept and search for SuperKaramba08:49
Wulfenot really08:49
Dr_willis!info superkaramba08:49
ubotusuperkaramba: a program based on karamba improving the eyecandy of KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 515 kB, installed size 1408 kB08:49
fearfulwhen i do08:50
fearfulsudo apt-get update it says command not found08:50
Dr_willisWulfe,  thgeres several pacaktges you need tyo intall to get the compiling  system going.08:50
Admiral_Chicagoor, try sudo apt-get install superkaramba in a konslo08:50
MenaGo to here kde-look.org to find themes for superkaramba08:50
Admiral_Chicagofearful: in a terminal?08:50
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Wulfetried the apt-get install superkarumba and it didnt find it08:50
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands08:50
Admiral_Chicagofreddy@omg-gnus:~$ sudo apt-get update08:50
Admiral_ChicagoGet:1 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty Release.gpg [191B] 08:50
Dr_willisthen your repositories are not set up right.08:50
Dr_willis. In component universe,08:51
Admiral_ChicagoWulfe: because it's spelled superkaramba. you may need universe08:51
Wulfedo i need to add to my sources list ?08:51
Admiral_Chicago!universe | Wulfe08:51
ubotuWulfe: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu08:51
fearfulhow do i set them up correctly?08:51
Admiral_Chicagocheck that link08:51
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Dr_willisdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy main restricted universe multiverse08:51
=== Admiral_Chicago has to study. good luck everyone
Dr_willisi think is the proper line to enable them all.08:51
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MenaDr_Willis, its sure that i cant use source lit of edgy on fiesty right ?08:52
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Admiral_ChicagoMena: no08:52
Dr_willisI dont do fiesty.. :)08:52
Admiral_Chicagothat is a sure way to break things08:52
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Dr_willisproberly wont try fiesty till a month or so after its released.08:53
MenaAdmiral_Chicago, even if i renames edgy to feisty on the source08:53
Wulfewhere is the source list located ?08:53
Admiral_Chicagoall your sources should be of the same release *unless* you are using special repos like Koffice or Amarok08:53
darksider415Mena: Just change where it says "edgy" to Feisty and the Ubuntu repositories work.08:53
Admiral_ChicagoMena: that would update you to Feisty08:53
Admiral_ChicagoWulfe: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/08:53
Admiral_ChicagoWulfe: /etc/apt/sources.list08:53
Admiral_Chicagothe second one08:53
Menadarksider415, ok08:53
darksider415I've been running Feisty since Herd 2 on my notebook, and it's pretty nice.08:54
Admiral_ChicagoDr_willis: Testers! :).08:54
Admiral_ChicagoHerd 1 over here, no problems. :)08:54
MenaAdmiral_Chicago, so if o use fiesty and thsi source with the name fiesty will work for packages right08:54
Admiral_Chicagookay time to be productive / a good student08:54
Admiral_ChicagoMena: rephrase please08:54
Wulfeso what do i add into there ?08:54
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MenaAdmiral_Chicago, you say it will update me to fiesty08:54
Admiral_ChicagoMena: yes, it will grab the latest packages in Feisty08:55
MenaAdmiral_Chicago, but for pacages also right i mean if there was a n update after upadteing to feist08:55
Menaupdating *08:55
Admiral_ChicagoMena: you will update a lot of packages08:55
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MenaThanks fiends08:56
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fearfuli am using an externla hd for my music, can any one tell me how to change the privledges so i can read/write i tried right click08:56
Hueywhen xrestop says it is monitoring 33 clients, what exactly does this mean?08:58
Hueyare there 33 different programs drawing?08:58
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compilerwriterAdept closed complaining about uncommitted changes.  Should I reboot and try again, what next.08:59
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j_OH man Beryl is awesome.. =)09:02
j_It's even more awesome that I finally got it working on my machine09:02
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fearfulcan any one tell me how to fully reboot kubuntu, kill all processes i can't open adept09:02
Hueyis anyone else having problems with beryl/kde interactions?09:02
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects09:02
fearfulThe APT database could not be opened problem.09:03
j_I'm slowly working it out, I use KDE09:03
Hueyfearful: sudo reboot09:03
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darksider415fearful: Open up your konsole and type "sudo killall adept" then "sudo killall dpkg"09:03
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slyfoxIs there some kind of program on Linux which will allow me to set specific time allowed for someone to sit on the computer? I mean like say 3 hours per day on weekends and 1.5 on weekdays ?  Soemthing Like Child Control on Windows ?09:03
darksider415fearful: That should work.09:03
fearfulok, cuz after i installed the repositorie you told me it said there was an error updating or soemthing09:04
fearfuldarksider415 still the same problem..09:04
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fearfulThe APT database could not be opened.09:05
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KaoticEvilanyone know its its possible to run ndiswrapper on 64-bit *buntu? (with 32-bit drivers)09:06
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fdovingKaoticEvil: not possible, iirc.09:06
fdoving!adept crash fix | fearful09:06
ubotufearful: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 09:06
KaoticEvilfdoving: that sucks :(09:07
hellcattra1fdoving: ive not yet created any documents in kubunty yet09:07
KaoticEvilive got this shiny new 64-bit chip lol09:07
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arrenlexKaoticEvil: You won't notice any performance difference from 64-bit for desktop use. Only difference is in the compatibility problems. Highly advise you to use a 32-bit distro.09:07
KaoticEvilarrenlex: i already am... im running 32-bit kubuntu edgy09:08
KaoticEvilarrenlex: i was just wanting to get full use of my 64 bit system09:08
KaoticEvilat least better use than my 64-bit vista will give me09:09
fearfulnope that didn't help either:(09:09
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fearfuli still can't open the adept The APT database could not be opened!09:10
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fearfulcan any one help09:11
fearfulI can't open adept, something about the APT Database any one help?09:12
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malik_what is the best media player?..........VLC/Mplayer/Kmplayer/Kaffeine?09:14
radius*cough* vlc09:14
Vincent_khrrmz mplayer hrmz eh09:15
radiusguess everyone has their preference09:15
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malik_never hear abt codeine........radius: that means vlc no good?.... im using kubuntu edgy 3.5.509:17
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lerneaen_hydrarandom enduser question: I can't seem to find a config for getting the screen to power down automatically after X minutes, and idea of where that type of setting is?09:18
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Mena_can i make kubuntu to use the iso character whicn xp is using make xp09:19
Mena_or make xp to use09:19
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malik_lerneaen_hydra system settinsg then monitor n display settings then power tab n set ur time limit there09:20
malik_lerneaen_hydra: system settinsg then monitor n display settings then power tab n set ur time limit there09:20
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lerneaen_hydramalik_; err, my screen control module seems to be dead for some reason, is there some file somewhere I could modify instead?09:22
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malik_lerneaen_hydra: wudnt know abt that but u have to enable administraor mode to bring alive those screen controls09:23
lerneaen_hydrayeah, I have root cabability09:24
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X704I am trying to install Kubuntu right now, I'm on the live CD...09:24
X704I want to know why this one partition is hidden (22gigs worth)09:25
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malik_lerneaen_hydra: did u click on admin. mode tab in the bottom of the power tab page?09:25
malik_if u have then i wudnt have clue whats goin on sorry09:25
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lerneaen_hydrait's not that the module is greyed out, it's that the module can't be loaded at all (complains about a broken installation of bad 3rd party apps), and I haven't touched my install for quite some time now09:26
X704this may or me not be revelent, but it has the same lable (hda1) as the windows partition09:26
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malik_sorry cudnt be any help.09:27
malik_im a newbie myslef09:27
lerneaen_hydraah, I see09:27
lerneaen_hydrathanks anyway :)09:27
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X704anybody have any ideas?09:30
X704I would like to know why the last 22 gig partition is hidden09:31
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X704the HD has 5 partitions...09:32
rolnyzxdoes anybody know how to improve the looking of fonts in GTK1 apps like audacity? They just look ugly and big09:32
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TFS_Mac(X704 - i hope you don't ask me - I'm no Kubuntu Expert at all. I have a problem myself. Sorry.)09:32
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Master_Kaleits possible to upgrade from Kubuntu 6.06 to 6.10, right?09:33
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fibts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:33
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X704does anybody know much about partitions?09:33
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer09:33
malik_thanx guys vlc fixed my audio/video problem........mplayer wudnt play that file n Kaffeine was playing with jerky audio but vlc is playin it jusssssssssssssssssst fine09:33
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ubotumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs09:34
TFS_MacOK. Hope I don't disturb anyone, but I have a Problem booting Kubuntu 6.10 with a Dual-Monitor Setup09:34
oem_how do i open a .tgz file?09:34
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j_Is it gunzip?09:35
rolnyzxoem_, tar xvf <filename of the file>09:35
rolnyzxyou want to unzip09:35
TFS_MacWhen the GUI starts, some absurd settings for Refresh-Rate get set - My display shows: "Out of range -> 180 Hz / 81 kHz"09:36
TFS_Macthat seems a bit off ;)09:36
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TFS_MacIt's a Standard-LCD that supports Max. 1024x768 75 Hz09:36
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TFS_MacMy Graphics-Card listens to the Name "Geforce 6600 GT"09:37
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ubotugsfonts: Fonts for the Ghostscript interpreter(s). In component main, is optional. Version 8.14+v8.11+urw-0.2 (edgy), package size 3632 kB, installed size 5108 kB09:38
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ubotugsfonts-x11: Make Ghostscript fonts available to X11. In component main, is optional. Version 0.20build1 (edgy), package size 10 kB, installed size 116 kB09:38
X704anybody have experience with partitions?09:38
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compilerwriterI have limeted experience with them x70409:39
coreymon77major problems09:39
coreymon77i try to boot my computer09:39
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compilerwriterx704 just ask your question and we will all do our best to help.09:39
coreymon77and it ives me something about it being in busyshell09:39
coreymon77and an error message thats something like09:40
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coreymon77 /bin/sh filed: cannot run tty09:40
compilerwriterI need to know how to find out which packages adept downloaded for me before it pooped out and then how to get it to install them.09:40
coreymon77whats that about09:40
_6StringKng_could someone help me, I'm a little confused as how to mount a windows partition in linux, lmao09:40
X704I have one partition for windows (fat32) and 3 (22gigs) for different Linux installs and one swap partition, why can't I format the last 22gig partition? it says that is is hidden.09:41
rolnyzx!mount > _6StringKng_09:41
dsmithhow is it that one version of nvidia drivers will show smaller then the other version, even when they are supposed to be of the same screen resolution09:41
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter09:41
coreymon77help m,e09:42
coreymon77i try to boot my computer09:42
compilerwriterJucato Lynoure are you two demi-gods present?09:42
coreymon77and it gives me a black screen and something about it being in busyshell09:42
coreymon77and then i get an error message thats something like09:42
coreymon77 /bin/sh failed: cannot run tty09:42
compilerwriterI honestly have no clue coreymon77 but if there is someone lurking who can you will get an answer.09:42
rolnyzx_6StringKng_, is readonly ok, or you want it rw09:42
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SkrotAre you trying to boot the install cd, coreymon77?09:43
coreymon77Skrot: im on a livecd right now09:43
SkrotI got the samme message when I tried to install Kubuntu Edgy09:43
coreymon77Skrot: but that was when i was booting normally09:43
SkrotDunno about that09:43
coreymon77i think i may have to reinstall09:44
coreymon77so next question09:44
coreymon77there is something particular that i want to save that on my linux drive09:44
rolnyzxdoes anybody here have weird looking fonts in GNOME applications like audacity?09:44
pingvenomine just looks weird09:44
compilerwriterAnyone know how to find out which stuf adept had gotten downloaded before it crapped out on me?  Then how do I get them to install.09:44
coreymon77ill try not to format my home direcotry09:44
pingvenogtk1.2, yuk09:44
coreymon77but just to be safe09:44
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pingvenoI'm having some trouble getting electric sheep as a screen saver to work in full screen.09:45
coreymon77how can i access my linux files from a livecd so that i can copy some of it to a cdr09:45
compilerwritercoreymon77 I HIGHLY cautuion you to back that directory up before you do a reinstall.09:45
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pingvenoIt just is a small window09:45
coreymon77compilerwriter: how do i do that from a livecd09:45
compilerwriterCan you mount the hard disk?09:45
coreymon77compilerwriter: and im not sure which partition my home directory is09:45
pingvenoIt's installed through adept and I found a .desktop file that turns it into a kde screen saver09:45
coreymon77i have 3 partitions on my disk09:46
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X704bah, ubuntu might be a better place to ask09:46
pingvenoThe same thing happens with [pingveno@pingveno-laptop] $ electricsheep09:46
coreymon77compilerwriter: hdb1, which is the /boot partition09:46
coreymon77compilerwriter: and then there is hdb2 and hdb509:46
coreymon77compilerwriter: i dont knoow which one is my home09:46
compilerwriterhdb5 is probably a swap09:46
compilerwriterjust mount them all if you can and look.09:47
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coreymon77compilerwriter: so mount hdb2 and hdb5 right?09:47
coreymon77compilerwriter: hdb1 is the /boot partition09:48
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compilerwriterIf you can get them mounted and see what is on them once they are mounted.09:48
coreymon77compilerwriter: but wait, isnt your home directory on a seperate partition than the rest of my hd09:49
coreymon77compilerwriter: how do i mount again?09:49
compilerwritercoreymon77 I am not really sure about all of that.  I am just trying to sort of feel our way through this thing.  I freely admit that I am no exper.09:50
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compilerwriter!mount | coreymon7709:50
ubotucoreymon77: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter09:50
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse09:50
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coreymon77compilerwriter: this is from a livecd09:50
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coreymon77compilerwriter: how can i do it from a live cd09:51
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ericthats a nice little script ubotu09:53
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ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions09:54
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_6StringKng_well thanks for all the help, would of had it done sooner but didnt bother reading a tutorial all the way through, blame the adhd I guess, got my Vista partition mounted, listening to music right now09:54
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter09:54
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse09:55
coreymon77anyone know how to mount my linux partitions while running off of a livecd09:56
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rolnyzxHas anybody here successfully installed and set-up msttcorefonts?09:57
rolnyzxSkrot, are you answering to me?09:57
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rolnyzxwhat about GNOME applications? you don't have anyproblem with those?09:58
SkrotI don't use any GNOME-apps09:58
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SkrotWell, I've got firefox, but it's onlye GTK-dependent afaik09:58
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rolnyzxI dont have problems with Firefox, but with some other Gnome stuff I do09:59
rolnyzxfor example, OpenOffice09:59
rolnyzxor Audacity09:59
rolnyzxeverything looks weird09:59
SkrotDidn't think OpenOffice was dependant on gnome09:59
SkrotAnd it works fine here :>09:59
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weswh-worki am a bit confused, the website says that Fiesty Herd 4 is the latest milestone release image, but there is a Feisty 5 image avail as well. It's just not at the "milestone" point yet?09:59
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SkrotMaybe the list isn't updated10:00
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ericwhats supposed to be different in feisty?10:00
SkrotNewer kernel, newer Xorg (7.2), easier codec installation, etc10:00
rolnyzxI meant GTK, yes10:01
rolnyzxlook at that screen shot, you will see the difference10:01
coreymon77anyone know how to mount my linux partitions while on an edgy livecd10:01
SkrotDoes not look like that here10:01
Skrotcoreymon77: mkdir /mnt/temp;mount /dev/<your partition> /mnt/temp ?10:01
X704is this where I submit a grammer/spelling error for qtparted?10:01
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weswh-workso, would one probably have better luck with Feisty 4 or 5 cd at the moment?10:02
SkrotProably not, X70410:02
coreymon77Skrot: what if i want to moutn a few of them10:02
rolnyzxSkrot, can you tell me what script, tutorial or whatever you used to make fonts look fine?10:02
Skrotcoreymon77: mkdir /mnt/temp2 and mount /dev/<your other partition> /mnt/temp210:02
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Skrotrolnyzx: I just did sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts and set kcontrol -> appearance & themes -> GTK Styles and Fonts -> (*) Use my KDE fonts in GTK applications10:03
rolnyzxAnd ooo looked fine?10:03
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SkrotAtleast oowriter10:04
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rolnyzxThat's basically what I did10:04
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X704ok :)10:04
Skrotrolnyzx: http://folk.ntnu.no/romnes/oowriter.png seems okay?10:05
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rolnyzxIt looks much better than mine, but I still see a problem with antialiases there...10:06
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Skrothum, I haden't noticed. Where? In the writer it self, or in the menu's/titlebar?10:07
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rolnyzxor not.. I dont know10:07
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rolnyzxIn the menu bar10:07
rolnyzxThe writer itself looks good10:08
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oem_is there an easier program to use to open executable files other than ark10:13
rolnyzxoem_, you must mean compressed files10:14
rolnyzxinstead of executable10:14
oem_i am getting very frustrated10:14
rolnyzxwell, IMO command line is better10:14
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with ark - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression10:14
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fdovingoem_: you might like them to open directly in konqueror instead?10:14
oem_instead of having to always use the command line10:15
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fdovingoem_: open a konsole (kmenu -> system -> konsole 'sudo rm -r /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/mimelnk/application/'10:15
ericare there skins for Konversation?10:16
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oem_that is what it gave me10:18
compilerwriterAdept crashed on me.  How do i figure out what it had already downloaded and what it hadn't?10:19
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fdovingcompilerwriter: you don't need to, it'll pickup where it stopped.10:20
j_How do I direct comments to people?10:20
carutsucan anybody remember me where do i have to download the codecs for mp3... mpg, and so10:20
fdovingcompilerwriter: but the files are saved in the cache at /var/cache/apt/archives/10:20
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compilerwriterthanks fdoving10:20
fdoving!codecs | carutsu10:20
fdovingouch.. ubotu is out.10:20
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fdovingcarutsu: have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats10:20
carutsuthank you10:21
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michimanonhello everybody, i would like to know please how i can install a software (gaim or any kind of software please)10:23
rolnyzxSkrot, I got it to look better, specially the writer part, the menu is antialiased but looks kind of odd http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=409123528&size=o10:23
pingvenoI'm trying to get electric sheep set up, but all I get is a half sized window.10:24
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pingvenoI found http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=213725610:24
rolnyzxmy screenshot is the one on top, yours is the one on the bottom10:24
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fdovingmichimanon: hi, you can read all about it at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware - there is a kubuntu section.10:25
michimanonthanks fdoving10:25
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pingvenoI also tried compiling from source, but I'm getting an error about x11_frame_t not having the member xvimage10:28
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lontrawhat's a plasma metabar?10:30
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sgentry6does the kubuntu dvd install come with a compiler?10:36
fabioboa noite10:36
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Dr_willissgentry6,  its on the dvd.. but not installed by default10:37
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Dr_willisthe dvd has a lot of packages onit not installed by default10:37
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fabiogood night10:37
sgentry6hopefully 6.10 will allow me to run the console install, 6.06 didn't like my graphics card :(10:38
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Dr_willisthe alternative isntall cd - shouldent care.10:39
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andydfi lanparty bios10:42
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andyHi, I'm running the live cd on a hard drive without an OS on it. How can I check out the contents of the hard drive?10:42
Master_Kalequick question, how can I tell what version of Kubuntu I have installed. I want to see if I have 32-bit or 64-bit edition installed10:42
rolnyzxstill, there are GTK applications that don't work well with my font setup. Like Audacity, does anybody have audacity with normal size msttcorefonts? Mine looks really bad look this screenshot http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=409140582&size=o10:44
rolnyzxon the back, there is a GTK application with fonts working perfectly, and on the front a GTK1 application, it is audacity, and it looks so bad that it is annoying10:45
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rolnyzxdoes anybody have this problem. or experienced this problem before?10:46
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pingvenoI think it's quite possible that Audacity with GTK1 just really looks bad :-P10:47
rolnyzxhahaha, yep, but there must be some way to solve this mess...10:47
pingvenoyeah, true10:47
pingvenoI wonder why it hasn't been switched to GTK2.10:48
sgentry66.10 doesn't like the card either Dr_willis10:48
rolnyzxme neither10:48
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bonbonthejonMaster_Kale: lsb_release -a10:50
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bonbonthejonandy:  mount the hard drive10:50
bonbonthejonMaster_Kale: lsb_release -a10:50
Master_Kalebonbonthejon, I can't see if I'm using 64-bit with that :(10:51
bonbonthejonsorry if i'm repeating, i got disconnected10:51
pingvenoCould there be a problem involving wxWidgets?10:51
pingvenoI think that's what Audacity is built on top of10:51
bonbonthejonMaster_Kale: if you havent changed sources.list, it should say10:51
Master_KaleI JUST installed Kubuntu right now, and I'm kind of new to the whole experience10:52
Cugelmasterkale: welcome!10:52
Master_Kalethanks :P10:52
bonbonthejonMaster_Kale: its ok, you found the right place10:52
Master_KaleI'm going to Virtualize Windows because of the nature of some of my work10:52
CugelI got my printer to work today -- a Canon printer. I'm actually proud.10:52
Master_Kalebut my laptop really isn't a gaming machine, so speed isn't an issue10:52
CugelNo need for excuses, most of us have to run Windows somewhere -- at work for example.10:53
bonbonthejonMaster_Kale: open konsole, run "sudo less /etc/apt/sources.list", it should say x86 or 6410:53
PF-AwayMaster_Kale: unama -a10:53
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bonbonthejonPF-Away: didnt think of that10:53
PF-Awayor rather uname -m10:54
bonbonthejonandy: you still around10:54
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Master_Kalelol, it says x86_6410:54
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Master_Kaleuname -m gives me that :P10:54
bonbonthejonMaster_Kale: so its 64 bit10:54
Master_KaleI'm going to assume that means its 64-bit10:54
CugelI get i68610:55
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Master_Kalehas anyone been successful at running Windows apps in "Coherence" mode?10:56
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Master_KaleI read an article about it on Digg.com, and it sounded pretty cool10:56
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PF-Awayas in Coherent, the OS10:57
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Cugeldigg.com?  (okay, trolling)10:58
coreymon77how do i mount my drives10:58
Cugelcoreymon: man mount10:58
PF-Awaycoreymon77: sacrifice goats10:58
coreymon77what does it mean by mount: can't get address for /dev/hdb210:58
PF-Awayalt+f2, type in "man:/mount"10:58
coreymon77what is the "remote_host" for my drive10:58
pingvenoPersonally, I prefer satanic rituals for getting hardware/software to work10:58
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PF-Awaycoreymon77: "more /etc/fstab"10:59
PF-Away!paste | coreymon7710:59
ubotucoreymon77: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:59
Cugelmasterkale: you mean parallels?10:59
compilerwriterpoor coreymon is having a hell of a time.10:59
PF-Awaypingveno: usually, i just drive out the daemons with garlic, when nothing seems to work10:59
pingvenoOh, yeah, I tried that too10:59
coreymon77PF-Away: im running a livecd10:59
compilerwriterI tried to help but wasn't much use.  You guys help him please.10:59
coreymon77PF-Away: my system is messed10:59
Cugelcoreymon: you're not in the right channel, I think. Maybe try #ubuntu or #linuxd10:59
pingvenoBut I couldn't find enough garlic10:59
PF-Awaycoreymon77: Ubuntu livecd?11:00
coreymon77PF-Away: no, ku11:00
coreymon77PF-Away: im running a kubuntu livecd and i want to back up my home directory before i reinstall11:00
PF-Awaycoreymon77: ok, please paste the output of "dmesg" to a pastebin11:00
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)11:01
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coreymon77PF-Away: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8461/11:03
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coreymon77Cugel: how am i in the wrong channel11:04
PF-Awaycoreymon77: your disk is b0rked11:04
coreymon77Cugel: cant you see im running conv11:04
coreymon77PF-Away: you mean the home direcotyr?/11:04
PF-Awaycoreymon77: the whole partition, it seems11:04
coreymon77PF-Away: no way to get it back?11:05
PF-AwayI doubt the KUbuntu livecd has everything you need for fixing it11:05
PF-Awaythere's hope, as long as it isn't physically damaged11:05
coreymon77PF-Away: how can i fix it11:05
coreymon77i can mount the /boot partition, which in on the same drive11:05
PF-Awaythere's some tools that can help you11:05
coreymon77PF-Away: so i doubt its physically damaged11:05
PF-Awaythen it's probably only that partition11:05
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PF-Awayseems like a superblock is damaged11:06
coreymon77PF-Away: how do i fix it11:06
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coreymon77PF-Away: a what?11:06
PF-Awaya superblock, which contains important info on the partition11:06
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habilida Hi.. I have a problem with a sweex usb wireless adaptor.. the chipset is syntek chip.. the kwifimanager detect all the wireless I have close home and mine, but I cant connect to mine, I put the pass and everything correctly as I'm connected on another laptop on the same way...anybody knows why is not connecting? Thx11:07
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coreymon77all i want to do is to be able to get a few files off on it onto a cd11:07
coreymon77then i will whipe it and reinstall11:07
coreymon77PF-Away: so how do i do this11:07
PF-Awayi'm googling, please hold on;)11:08
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coreymon77PF-Away: if it helps, i also have windows on this computer (on a sepreate drive)11:09
PF-Awaythere's backup superblocks11:09
coreymon77i can boot into that11:09
PF-Awayi doubt windows can do any good;)11:09
coreymon77or use some space on that drive11:09
coreymon77PF-Away: i have plenty of space on the second driv11:09
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coreymon77PF-Away: if that helps11:09
beohi, i just installed kubuntu and have a nvdia card, is there a link for a quick install?11:09
carutsuwubdows might help11:09
carutsuwindows i mean11:09
carutsuinstall ext3 for windows11:10
coreymon77ill do anything11:10
carutsuthen back up11:10
apallo!nvidia | beo11:10
ubotubeo: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:10
PF-Awaycoreymon77: please run "dumpe2fs /dev/hdb2 | grep Backup"11:10
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carutsuthat might help too...11:10
coreymon77PF-Away: make sure we dont delete anything yet11:10
PF-Awaycoreymon77: that command just finds a backup superblock11:10
coreymon77PF-Away: did you also see the hdb5 partition11:11
PF-Awaycoreymon77: since the main superblock seems to be damaged11:11
coreymon77PF-Away: is that anything?11:11
arifhello..can anyone help me regarding kubuntu pls ?11:11
carutsu!power manager11:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about power manager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:11
Cugelarif: ask, dude.11:11
beo!nvidia | beo11:11
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arifi downloaded kubuntu 6.10 burned the image, but when I press start or install kubuntu11:11
arifa dialog box appears saying "Error cant boot from CD"11:12
arifi run my pc on an Inter Celeron processor11:12
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arifis it just a bad burn or something else11:15
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pauljwdid you verify the md5sum of the iso arif ?11:15
Admiral_Chicagomd5 name.iso in the command line11:16
pauljwthen I would try a new burn, no faster than 4x and verify that too.11:18
Cugelpauljw: yes, I recommend that as well -- I had to do that once, too.11:18
sstchur_How would I tell KNetworkManager to use ndiswrapper instead of madwifi?11:19
arifi was recomended a new burn too, seems that's the only problem..11:19
pauljwit's common11:19
arifalso another question if it's possible11:19
arifexcuse my ignorance but this is the first time i want to use kubuntu as I have always used windows11:20
geert_Hoe kom ik uit dit programma en log uit en ga helemaal uit dit programma het fock me op daar het helemaal at random werkt!11:20
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FoggeThe scary thing is that i understood half of that, and not because i speek dutch11:21
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arifi have an ati radeon 7500 video card..will kubuntu find the drivers automatically, or I have to download manually (if so, where do I find them)11:22
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sidnelsoni try to install a module perl but i have this erro : "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lrrd". i dont know what package is missing11:24
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Flosoftwhat repos do I need to use for feisty?11:29
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FlosoftI want to upgrade my edgy11:29
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Dasnipa`Flosoft, well unless you plan on testing/debugging i wouldnt recommend feisty as its still a month from release11:30
geert_So i have to speak englisch yes mister foggy11:31
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Flosoftwell ... I usually upgrade to the new distro one month before the release11:31
Flosoftto help debug it :)11:31
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Dasnipa`well that is excellent11:31
Flosoftand to check out new stuff :D11:31
Flosoftso ... with what do I need to replace edgy? with herd or feisty?11:32
Dasnipa`im not sure... i would imagine feisty though dont quote me on that11:32
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Dasnipa`Flosoft, it is likely you could ping the server and see11:32
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intelikeywhat is automatically setting the hwclock ?11:33
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snake_hi all11:33
FlosoftDasnipa`: thanks about the tip ... didn't think of that :D11:33
snake_what can i use to edit .fla files in kubuntu11:33
Flosoftit's feisty11:34
intelikeyanyone know what might be adjusting the hwclock  and writing to /etc/adjtime  ?11:34
sstchur_What would the error "modprobe config already contains alias directive" mean when running ndiswrapper -m ?11:35
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coreymon77PF-Away: im back11:38
PF-Awayi see that;)11:38
Adek05Is there someone from poland? :D11:38
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl11:38
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toulousehey guys, im trying to blank a cd with k3b, but it doesnt want to do it11:39
Adek05Ale Adam dzisiaj da popis :D11:39
toulouseit says it fails11:39
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Adek05what fails?11:39
toulouseblanking the cd11:40
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intelikeyso no one has a clue what might be fiddling with my clock ?      i rm's /etc/init.d/hwclock* so i know it's not those...     thoughts ?11:40
crackheadwhen i am on firefox, and i use the scroll wheel on the mouse to scroll down a page, each scroll movement creates a very visible, slow refresh down of the page. does anyone know why?11:40
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rolnyzxintelikey, what do you want to do exactly?11:40
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intelikeyrolnyzx stop the system from monkeying with the hwclock11:41
toulouseanyone know how to force a cd to blank? i cant get it to work with k3b11:41
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rolnyzxintelikey, I cant help you11:42
Admiral_Chicagointelikey: dell?11:42
intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago no.11:42
Admiral_Chicagohmm, there is a bug that ubuntu messed Dell HW clocks11:43
jhutchinscoreymon77: Sometimes blowing the dust out and re-seating the cards and memory modules will do a lot for a computer.11:43
crackheadadmiral_chicago: know anything about my question?11:43
Admiral_Chicagowhat is it?11:43
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crackheadwhen i am on firefox, and i use the scroll wheel on the mouse to scroll down a page, each scroll movement creates a very visible, slow refresh down of the page. does anyone know why?11:43
jhutchinssstchur_: Still around?  Probably means you have something defined twice in your configuration.11:44
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Admiral_Chicagohmm, does this happen with a new profile?11:44
jhutchinscrackhead: What card and what drivers?11:44
intelikeyyeah i don't think it's the same thing though, here it's just adjusting the hwclock and writing to /etc/adjtime to compensate for the adjustment... which is like setting your wrist watch by your wall clock and setting your wall clock by your wrist watch...11:44
Admiral_Chicagotry it in firefox --safe-mode11:44
sstchur_jhutchins: ok... well, i have madwifi installed, but having problems with it, so now trying ndiswrapper.  Are they fighting or something?11:44
arifi have an ati radeon 7500 video card..will kubuntu find the drivers automatically, or I have to download manually (if so, where do I find them)11:45
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jhutchinssstchur_: Probably both trying to define the card and load a module for it.  You should probably remove madwifi before you try ndiswrapper.11:45
crackheadi have nvida geforce 6150. i dont have the nvidia drivers right now installed, i dont think.11:45
crackheadhow can i check which drivers are being used at the moment?11:45
Adek05arif in terminal write: xorg-driver-flgrx11:46
xBillcrackhead: look in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:46
Adek05sudo apt-get install xord-driver-flgrx11:46
Admiral_Chicagocrackhead: run firefok -safe-mode in a konsole11:46
sstchur_jhutchins: ok... lemme ask this:  Is there any chance ndiswrapper would work better for me than madwifi? (I assumed madwifi would be preferred)11:46
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Admiral_Chicagorun with no addons, what happens11:46
crackheadrun safemode firefox everytime??11:47
Admiral_Chicagono, i want to know if its an extension / theme issue11:47
jhutchinssstchur_: Depends on the chipset.11:47
xBillAdmiral_chicago: i hab the same problem, it was because of the vesa-driver instead of the correct one11:47
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sstchur_jhutchins: Madwifi seems to work... except that it kicks out a lot on me, and I can't reconnect without resetting my router... would that be a driver issue?11:48
jhutchinssstchur_: Could be an issue with your router.  Mine appears to be failing, and I thought it was the card at first.11:48
Admiral_Chicagoi run an Nvidia card with the nv driver, I have not had a problem with it ever.11:48
Admiral_Chicagohowever, on Feisty, X was trying to chose the vesa driver and didn't recognize the card, that may be the issue11:49
sstchur_jhutchins: yeah,... I was considering trying to see if there was an update for my router firmware.  The thing is, under Windows this card/router combo seemed to work fine11:49
Cugeladmiral: maybe get the 'real' nvidia drivers?11:49
Admiral_Chicagoi don't see how X could have launched with the wrong driver though11:49
sstchur_jhutchins: It's an atheros chipset by the way11:49
crackheadwhat's the nv driver?11:50
crackheadis that nvidia or the generic ones included with kubuntu?11:50
Admiral_Chicagoimho, 'real' is the open source one, as someone that does Mozilla dev in Ubuntu, i'll tell this is probably not a driver issu11:50
xBillcrackhead: generic11:50
Admiral_Chicagoneutraloss: nv == open source driver11:50
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Admiral_Chicagonvidia == proprietary blob11:50
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jhutchinssstchur_: When we had a Mac laptop here, it would work fine with the other laptop running Windows, but if I connected with Linux it would kick the Mac off.11:51
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jhutchinsYes, for true atheros madwifi is preferred. but there appear to be some "almost atheros" devices out there; among them the Netgear WG111T.11:51
intelikeyadmiral_chicago  " ntpdate pool.ntp.org > /dev/null 2>&1 && hwclock --systohc > /dev/null 2>&1 "   that runs when i dial-up   so in theory the clock should always be in sync.  problem is that just a few minutes ago it was 6 hours off.  and the /etc/adjtime was set for a six hour three second adjustment   that seems to be cumulative, because; i blanked /etc/adjtime and sync'd the clock and it is now correct.   got pointers ?11:52
sstchur_jhutchins: Ah.  I have a Netgear WGsomethingOrOther router..... could that be it?11:52
crackheadadmiral_chicago: firefox safe-mode had the same appearance.11:52
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sstchur_jhutchins: My PCI wireless card is a DLink11:52
crackheadeven this konversation window does the same thing when scrolling up or down.11:52
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jhutchinssstchur_: I know far less than the wireless web pages about cards I do not own.11:53
jhutchinscrackhead: Try turning "smooth scrolling" on (or off if it is on).11:53
crackheadwhere is that located?11:53
Admiral_Chicagocrackhead: hmm, join me in #ubuntu-mozillateam please11:53
Admiral_Chicagointelikey: hmm, what does your clock adjustment in kicker do?11:54
intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago idk i don't even run kde11:54
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Admiral_Chicagointelikey: hahah, okay.11:54
intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago this is at the console level11:55
Admiral_Chicagointelikey: i know there is a command that does a sync...11:55
intelikeyntpdate pool.ntp.org &&  hwclock --systohc11:55
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Admiral_Chicagothe error is probably with hwclock, give me a sec11:57
intelikeyand as i said that command runs when ever i dial up.  so it should always be in sync.    being synced every day some times two/three times a day...   so there should never be even one seconds drift. let alone 2160311:58
jhutchinsintelikey: WHat timezone are you in?11:58
intelikeyand i know that could explain 21600 seconds.  but after clearing /etc/adjtime  it's back to normal.11:59
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intelikeyand nothing about timezones should call for a three second change12:00
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intelikeybtw, hwclock is set to utc  so timezone should not affect it at all.12:03
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X704hey everybody :)12:04
eagles0513875hey all12:04
shegdeNeed help on kubuntu wireless setup12:04
X704I had the wireless internet work with the live 6.10 Kubuntu CD...12:05
X704how did you guess?12:05
X704anyway now, after the install it does not work12:05
shegdei could get the wireless working using ndiswrapper12:05
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eagles0513875i have to do that too12:05
xBillx704: encryption ?12:05
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shegdenow, each time i reboot, i have to do the modprobe ndiswraper and then open the wireless assistant and connect12:06
shegdeis there a way i can get this in some /etc/init.d or some..12:06
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eagles0513875u want my long shegde12:06
eagles0513875log i have that i used to set mine up12:06
eagles0513875and i will have to use again to set it up12:06
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xBillx704: what do ifconfig and iwconfig say ?12:07
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xBilldoes iwconfig know the correct SSID ?12:07
shegdeI dint use iwconfig12:08
stifflernewbhe's talking to the other guy :P12:08
xBillshedge: knetworkmanager ?12:08
shegdethis is a fresh install, i dont have knetworkmanger either12:09
X704xBill: atho and 3 others12:09
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:09
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:09
xBillx704: which one is your wireless card ?12:10
stifflernewbwhich company made your computer? and what brand is the router your connecting again?12:10
X704when you have a problem, and you ask a professionl about the problem, it fixex it's self12:11
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X704almost always12:11
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stifflernewbI know, I work in a tech support :P12:11
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HymnToLife[] X704, yes, but you rarely get a refund for the help you asked :p12:11
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stifflernewbcustomers calling saying "oh... wait, its fixed", they're the ones I like the best12:12
BluesKajstifflernewb, dunno if I'd brag about that :)12:12
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eagles0513875how can i force eject my cdrom drive12:12
Admiral_Chicagolol @ BluesKaj. I was tpying that12:12
stifflernewbBluesKaj, diffrence is that I actually knows what I'm doing :P12:12
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X704heh, my cousin keeps a network up for a living, and they pay him simply for his problem-fixing aurora12:12
eagles0513875i tried sudo umount -f /media/cdrom012:12
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X704some sort of story12:12
stifflernewbhahaha, one chick where I work once said "ok, you need a longer tp-cable since the one your currently using is creating a magnetic field that disrupts the router"12:13
intelikeyoh my.  this system is really confused.   hwclock -u12:13
intelikeySat Mar  3 11:12:38 2007  -0.971105 seconds12:13
intelikeybut local time is correct.12:13
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X704anyway, thanks for your aurora help :)12:14
intelikeythat means that hwclock thinks the hwclock is set to local time.12:14
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gareth_does anyone know if you can get rid of the icon text on the desktop so you just see the icons???12:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuto - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:14
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globecan anyone tell me how to check if my swap is working?12:15
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:15
snake_what can i use to edit .fla files in kubuntu12:15
cpk1globe: huh? you usually dont need to go into swap12:15

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