
crimsungeser: no need, tepsipakki et al. have it under wraps12:12
geserah, ok12:12
crimsun(unless you want a newer git snapshot?)12:12
geserI'm happy if 1.7.2 from Debian experimental gets in12:13
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theCoreLaserJock: so, what happened with the Control Center?12:20
theCorewhat it removed because users complained about it?12:21
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theCoreor it was simply a decision of the dev. to not include it? 12:22
geserafaik it has some problems but I don't know exactly what problems12:22
tepsipakkiupstream reverted the change..12:23
tepsipakkiyou can still use the shell, just enable it from the menu editor12:23
LaserJocktheCore: gnome decided not to use it as default12:25
LaserJocktheCore: apparently it is supposed to be default again in 2.2012:25
theCoreLaserJock: ah, well. That makes sense12:25
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theCoreis it just me, or the Preference and Administrator menus switched of place?12:26
theCorenevermind it is just me12:27
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LaserJockaww crapp12:57
LaserJockI'm buying a computer for work and I just realized it'll have Vista on it12:58
zulno big deal get rid of it12:58
LaserJockwell, I think we're actually going to keep it12:58
zulLaserJock: herasy12:59
ryanakcawhen running debuild gpg: skipped "Ryan Kavanagh <ryanakca@kubuntu.org>": secret key not available ... what's wrong?12:59
geserto see how bad vista compares to a linux destkop with beryl?12:59
LaserJockmy boss wants to try out th $1000 proprietary data acquisition program that pretty much everybody uses these days12:59
zulgpg doesnt know about the email address12:59
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zulLaserJock: *cough* wine *cough*12:59
ryanakcaoops... oh well, gmail's spam filter is good enough12:59
LaserJockzul: hehe, they have a Linux version if I wanted it that bad01:00
zuloh you do ;)01:00
ryanakcazul: I have the secret key in my keyring. I can see it in kgpg, as well as sign/encrypt files to myself01:00
xaraXXLntfs-3g gives me a very weird message on dapper: "To work at his full capability, ntfs-3g recommend a new fuse module."01:00
zulnot a support channel dude01:00
xaraXXLmy question is: why doesn't it install it by default. it's not a support question.01:01
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ryanakcahey Burgundavia01:01
xaraXXLzul: i know what i need to do, i'm only asking about its packaging01:01
LaserJockxaraXXL: look for a bug report on Launchpad01:01
FujitsuIs ntfs-3g actually in Dapper?01:01
FujitsuAs far as I know it's not...01:02
Burgundaviahey ryanakca01:02
xaraXXLah, ok, so it's not universe01:02
BurgundaviaI thought I saw it01:02
FujitsuIt only appeared in Edgy. So any bug reports about Dapper will be immediately rejected.01:02
xaraXXLFujitsu: the issue appeared in edgy?01:03
FujitsuNo, ntfs-3g only appeared in Edgy.01:03
xaraXXLi see01:04
ScottKAny suggestions on how to deal with a Universe package that won't install due to two dependencies that conflict and the dependencies are in Main?  Bug 8934101:06
UbugtuMalone bug 89341 in griffith "Griffith uninstallable in Feisty due to dependency conflicts" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8934101:06
LaserJockit deps on both?01:06
plugwashwhat is the situation in debian?01:09
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ScottKYes it deps on both01:12
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plugwashdebian:~# chroot /bigdrive/sid/01:13
plugwashdebian:/# apt-get install Griffith01:13
plugwashReading package lists... Done01:13
plugwashBuilding dependency tree... Done01:13
plugwashE: Couldn't find package Griffith01:13
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plugwashseems it isn't even in debian...01:15
ScottKYes, it is - http://packages.debian.org/unstable/gnome/griffith01:15
plugwashahh i see why its a capitalisation usee (the thing i copypasted from had the first letter capitalised)01:17
=== plugwash checks if its installable on sid
ScottKThe griffith package is the same as debian and the changelogs for the two dependencies lead me to believe they'll be the same in Debian.  I'm curious what you find.01:19
LaserJockScottK: what are the deps?01:19
plugwashits installable on sid01:20
plugwashi was just doing a quick check in case he didn't have sid arround i don't want to get deeply involved01:20
ScottK python-pysqlite2 and python-sqlite01:20
ScottKplugwash: Thanks.  I don't have sid01:20
LaserJockseems odd to dep on both01:21
ScottKYep.  And they conflict with each other (try to install the same file in pysupport because they provide the same python module name).01:22
ScottKWife just called.  I gotta run.  Be back later...01:23
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ryanakcahow do I fix gpg: skipped "Ryan Kavanagh <ryanakca@kubuntu@org>": secret key not available       ? I can sign files with the Key, and I see it in KGPG... 01:29
Fujitsuryanakca, what is giving you that? pbuilder?01:29
ryanakcadebuild -S -sa01:29
FujitsuThat looks wrong.01:30
ryanakcaI know01:30
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ryanakcaI put it that way because I've already pasted my real email in here01:30
ryanakcait's .org in the real error message01:30
ryanakcaHey Hobbsee01:30
FujitsuMake sure your key has no comment, and that the name and email address are identical.01:30
ryanakcaAh, I have a comment, that's why01:30
LaserJockryanakca: and try it with -k<email/keyid>01:31
LaserJockScottK: python-sqlite and python-pysqlite2 don't have Conflicts: with each other01:31
LaserJockScottK: but I don't understand why griffith would need both01:31
Hobbseehey ryanakca 01:32
ryanakcaLaserJock: it works with -k, thanks01:32
LaserJockryanakca: that'll get around the problem01:33
LaserJockryanakca: do you use a gpg agent?01:33
ryanakcaIt didn't ask for a passphrase, so I know gpg agent works01:33
LaserJockah, that's usually the problem01:34
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geserHobbsee: as you deal with kubuntu: are there any plans to update klamav to work with clamav >= 0.90?02:01
Hobbseegeser: good questoin.  didnt know it existed02:01
=== Hobbsee looks further
geserlibclamav changed the soname from 1 to 202:02
Hobbseegeser: i'll deal with it02:02
Hobbseegeser: darn, i cant sync that from debian, that'll have to be a merge02:04
geserDebian bug #412856 has a patch for klamav 0.3802:05
UbugtuDebian bug 412856 in klamav "klamav: diff for NMU version 0.38-1.1" [Normal,Open]  http://bugs.debian.org/41285602:05
geserthere is also a new upstream version of klamav (0.41) for clamav >= 0.9002:05
Hobbseeso there is....02:06
=== Hobbsee emails the maintainer
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ryanakcaHobbsee: can you review my bzr-gtk?02:23
Hobbseeryanakca: we're in FF....02:28
Hobbseeis there a major need to?02:28
ryanakcano... is Universe frozen?02:28
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+102:28
ryanakcaHobbsee: It's missing a depends, aka, one of the apps in it doesn't run02:29
Hobbseeyep.  only new packages which are deemed Very Important will get in02:29
FujitsuNo new packages, except in exceptional circumstances.02:29
Hobbseeoh, it's a bug fix, or new release?02:29
ryanakcaHobbsee: bug fix in packaging02:29
=== Hobbsee notes that if it's bzr stuff, then it might be ack'd
FujitsuOh, that's OK.02:29
FujitsuHobbsee: True.02:29
Hobbseeryanakca: got a debdiff?02:29
ryanakcaHobbsee: can I stick it on revu?02:29
Hobbseeryanakca: do you know how to do a debdiff?02:30
Hobbseeis there already a bug for the packaging?02:30
ryanakcayes, debuild makes one02:30
=== ryanakca filed a bug this afternoon
Hobbseeer, that makes a .diff.gz, which is different02:30
ryanakcaok, how?02:30
Hobbseeyou can run debdiff foo*.dsc > debdiff, and attach that to the bug report02:30
Fujitsudebdiff old.dsc new.dsc > blah.debdiff02:30
zulalthough it would be better to give it a name other than blah ;)02:32
FujitsuGah, why do people feel the need to file bugs that they need to install other libraries to get the LightScribe utilities working?02:34
zuljust to annoy you02:35
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HobbseeFujitsu: the bugs about "there are too many bugs in Ubuntu" are even better again02:36
ryanakcaHobbsee: should the debdiff include changes in debian/control?02:36
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Hobbseeryanakca: yes02:38
ryanakcaHobbsee: basicly, the only change in the package is the addition of  python-glade2 to Depends02:38
ryanakcaHobbsee: ok... because... it doesn't seem to be showing up02:38
Hobbseedid you bump the changelog versoin?02:38
ryanakcaHobbsee: I added a changelog entry, yes. old: 0.13.0-0ubuntu1, new: 0.13.0-0ubuntu202:39
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bddebianHeya gang02:46
ryanakcahey bddebian02:46
pochuhey bddebian :)02:46
FujitsuHi bddebian.02:46
LaserJockhi bddebian 02:46
bddebianHi ryanakca, pochu, Fujitsu, LaserJock :)02:47
pochubddebian, anybody else: I have requested a sync: Bug #89226. It's confirmed by geser. What's the next?02:47
UbugtuMalone bug 89226 in tracker "Please sync tracker 0.5.4-4 from debian unstable main" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8922602:47
ryanakcaHobbsee: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8308/02:47
Hobbseepochu: you need a uvf exception for it, i would expect02:48
Hobbseeryanakca: what's olive-gtk?02:50
ryanakcaHobbsee: it's a graphical interface for bzr. Pull, Push, Log, Diff, etc02:50
Hobbseebug 8933202:50
UbugtuMalone bug 89332 in bzr-gtk "Missing depends for bzr-gtk" [Medium,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8933202:50
ryanakcaCommit, Uncommit iirc02:50
Hobbseeryanakca: it's not in bzr-gtk thoguh...02:50
ryanakcaIt is...02:50
pochuHobbsee: but that's not a new upstream version02:50
ryanakcaHobbsee: apt-get source bzr-gtk02:51
pochuHobbsee: it's the same version, but with some fixes in debian...02:51
Hobbseepochu: ah02:51
Hobbseeryanakca: which conflicts olive, yes.02:51
pochujust we have 0.5.4-1 and debian has 0.5.4-4 :)02:51
pochuHobbsee: should I do anything else, or you can already upload it?02:51
ryanakcaHobbsee: Well, there's the most recent version of it in the package bzr-gtk. 02:52
ryanakcaTo run it you need to install python-glade202:52
ryanakcaso, I added python-glade2 to the Depends02:52
Hobbseepochu: ahh.  it's a sync request, so no, i cant upload it, not being an archive admin.  subscribe ubuntu-archive if geser's ack'd it, and if they're not already subscribed, and wait02:52
Hobbseeryanakca: ahh, it's just not listed in debian/control02:52
=== ryanakca nods
pochuHobbsee: they are subscribed. ty!02:53
Hobbseeryanakca: done02:54
Hobbseepochu: no problem02:54
ryanakcaHobbsee: kk, thanks02:54
LaserJockLutin: if you keep our fearless leader running errands all day he's not going to have time for Feisty+1 genius ;-)02:55
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bddebianWe have a fearless leader? :-)02:58
LaserJockhe did email opensuse-devel02:58
Fujitsuzul: I hope not.02:59
FujitsuLaserJock: That does exhibit his fearlessness, certainly.02:59
LaserJockbut I thought that would count as "fearless"02:59
FujitsuSome people call it utter stupidity, unfortunately.03:00
ryanakcabug 8933203:00
UbugtuMalone bug 89332 in bzr-gtk "Missing depends for bzr-gtk" [Medium,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8933203:00
LutinLaserJock: hehe :)03:01
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LaserJockOT: anybody got a recommendation for a backup device like and external hard drive or something?03:22
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ryanakcaLaserJock: Tape drive?03:27
=== ryanakca wonders if those still exist
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jdongLaserJock: I personally vulture hard drves when they're on sale03:29
jdongLaserJock: and stick them in $10-$20 USB enclosures03:29
jdongDVD-R's and DVD+R DL's aren't bad for backups either03:29
jdongas long as it's not like a really regular backup routine03:30
jdongthen it gets inconvenient03:30
jdongmy last reel of 100 DVD-R's was $1003:30
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ryanakcajdong: ??? it's 20$ for 80 here...03:37
jdongryanakca: sales, buddy.03:38
jdongCompUSA cheap DVD-R's are actually pretty good03:38
jdongunlike their CD-R's03:38
jdongtheir CD-r's are utter crap03:38
ScottKLaserJock: Turns out someone provided a patch while I was gone: http://librarian.launchpad.net/6605274/remove_egg_support.patch03:38
ScottKNow the trick is to get someone to apply it to python-sqlite (since it's in main)03:39
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Adri2000see you everyone in one week! (holidays with no computer/internet) :)04:39
Nafallowhat kind of freezes are we in ATM? :-)04:43
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=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@c-71-224-172-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jdongNafallo: well, flashplugin freezes on me once in a while... gspcav webcam drivers do to....04:58
jdongNafallo: so I'd say miscellaneous multimedia freezes04:58
Nafallojdong: not that kind of freezes, rather if ubuntuX increments are okey still :-)05:00
jdongsame diff :D05:00
Nafalloso... are they? :-)05:01
=== Nafallo puts finger on the enter-key
Nafallonoone knows? ;-)05:03
=== Nafallo fires then :-P
Nafallocouldn't find dput ;-)05:06
=== Nafallo whips bddebian a bit to make him say something :-)
Nafallodamnit! now he's never going to say something... forgot he likes that kind of stuff :-P05:07
Nafalloanyway, fired. if that was wrong someone would probably have to come here and kill me or something :-)05:09
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LaserJockNafallo: we are just in UVF and NewPackagesFreeze06:33
LaserJockNafallo: new -ubuntuX versions are fine06:33
LaserJockinteresting post on Planet Debian: http://np237.livejournal.com/15073.html06:40
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bddebianGnight gang06:56
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AnAntajmitch: ping08:26
LaserJockI think he's gone for the weekend08:26
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imbrandonmoins peeps09:56
imbrandonNafallo, long time no see09:56
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LaserJockhi imbrandon 10:06
imbrandonheya LaserJock 10:07
imbrandonLaserJock, any luck with mod_python10:07
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LaserJockimbrandon: oh, it's going10:10
LaserJockit's just a bit weird10:11
imbrandoni'm just now getting arround to installing it10:11
LaserJockit's easy to make a .htaccess that load 1 .py10:11
imbrandonjust 1?10:11
LaserJockbut if you have more than 1 .py you want to be able to do it seems tricky10:11
StevenKGet the first to be a module that loads others.10:12
imbrandoncant you just 10:12
imbrandon                AddHandler mod_python .py10:12
imbrandon                PythonHandler mod_python.publisher10:12
LaserJockthat didn't work for me, I don't think10:12
LaserJockStevenK's suggestion was the best I could come up with for my simple usage10:12
StevenKmod_python is pretty crappy, anyway.10:13
LaserJockI just thought it was odd10:13
StevenKUse Rails. :-P10:13
StevenKimbrandon: Yup.10:13
imbrandonbah not another scripting lang to learn10:13
imbrandonphp or python is all for me10:13
StevenKPHP is not a scripting language.10:13
imbrandoni know php very well already10:13
imbrandoni script in php everyday ;)10:14
=== StevenK denies PHP the right to exist.
LaserJockimbrandon: I got a PHP5 book from the library today10:14
imbrandonLaserJock, rockin10:14
imbrandoni LOVE php10:14
imbrandoni even use it for cli stuff 10:15
StevenKimbrandon: Insane.10:15
StevenKLearn shell programming, for the love of God.10:15
imbrandonnah , php-cli was made and maintained for a reason ;)10:15
imbrandoni do bash stuff soemtimes, but sometimes php is just simpler10:15
imbrandonspecialy if i want info from say mysql10:16
LaserJockI use python instead of shell scripts a lot of the time10:16
imbrandonoh wow10:21
imbrandonthat was super simple10:21
imbrandoni just installed it and configured it and got it working without .htaccess in less than a minute10:21
imbrandonLaserJock, http://www.imbrandon.com/misc/python/test.py10:21
=== imbrandon loves ubuntu servers sometimes
=== MagnusR [n=magru@c83-252-237-96.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandongiven the .py was only ... 10:24
imbrandondef index(req): return "Test successful";10:24
imbrandonstill works hehe10:24
LaserJockimbrandon: http://www.laserjock.us/python/test.py10:26
imbrandonbut thats only for one file isnt it?10:28
imbrandonhere is what i followed and it worked flawless in less than a minute http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=792999&postcount=310:29
imbrandonon my edgy server that runs imbrandon.com10:29
LaserJockwhat version of mod_python?10:30
imbrandoni just "sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-python" so what ever version that is in edgy10:31
imbrandonumm lemme look10:31
imbrandonVersion: 3.2.8-1ubuntu210:31
imbrandonDepends: libapache2-mod-python2.4 (>= 3.2.8-1ubuntu2), python (>= 2.4), python (<< 2.5)10:31
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imbrandonis what it installed10:32
LaserJockI think I've got an old mod_python10:32
imbrandonyou might have made the mistake that the first guy made and use apache-mod_python anot apache2-mod_python10:32
imbrandone.g. not apache210:33
imbrandon[EDIT]  WelterPelter, I just saw that you said you used libapache-mod-python2.4 which means you are using apache not apache2. I wrote this for apache2, I dont know how different they are but i guess it wont work, i suggest installing apache2 and libapache2-mod-python[/EDIT] 10:33
imbrandonmost likely you are using apache2 not apache ( hopefully )10:33
LaserJockI'm not positive10:35
LaserJockimbrandon: 1.3.36 10:36
LaserJockimbrandon: also got PHP4 and a 2.4 kernel10:37
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imbrandonnot a server you have control over?10:39
LaserJocknot a ton, no10:39
LaserJockI think it's running CentOS10:39
imbrandonhum apache 1.3 you say? yea you should be using apache-mod-python10:39
imbrandoncentos os old old old10:40
imbrandonmove it to voyager ;) hehe or linode ;)10:40
imbrandon'just teasin10:40
LaserJockwell, I might ask about getting it updated10:42
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LaserJocknot sure how huge it'd be10:42
LaserJockbut it's kinda a drag10:43
LaserJockbut as they say "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth"10:43
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imbrandonwell if you ever want i'll be happy to put it on my server10:46
imbrandon( free or i wouldent be offering ) but thats upto you10:47
imbrandonno hurries, or anything, its a standing offer10:47
imbrandonif it dont work out for you etc etc etc10:47
imbrandonbrb smoke break10:48
LaserJocknasty habit imbrandon 10:48
LaserJockalmost as bad as your Mt. Dew addiction ;-)10:48
LaserJockthis bug really is maddening10:50
LaserJockan app can't find it's help10:50
LaserJockbut if I run it from /usr/share/Xaos/10:50
LaserJockit works10:50
LaserJockso it can find the help in ./10:51
LaserJockbut not otherwise10:51
imbrandonsounds liekt he working dir isnt getting updated10:51
LaserJockI have no idea how to tell10:53
LaserJockbut apparently it works if you build it from source10:54
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=== tbf wonders how to proceed after uploading to tauware: should I create a ticket for merging my package or will someone take care automatically?
tbfLaserJock: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=454410:57
tbfLaserJock: do I have to create a launchpad ticket for discussion?10:58
tbfLaserJock: cool. :-)10:58
tbfso I'll wait10:58
imbrandonits a merge or NEW package ?10:59
LaserJockNEW I think11:00
LaserJockclashing terminology11:00
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imbrandonyou know for ogg to work so well on linux its support sucks on windows/osx11:22
=== imbrandon gets back to work
tbfimbrandon: its suckage on non-free platforms is exactly the reason for ogg not to take off11:23
sacatertbf imbradon: ogg has taken off slightly, my mp3 player supports it, and its only 512mb, and 11211:24
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=== tbf checks if his sony-ericson supports ogg
tbfhmm. no. :-(11:33
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shawarmaI've been thinking.... I maintain these network-manager-vpn plugins.. They've never been released, so the packages are based on an svn checkout. If it waas based on a release and a bug was filed, which was fixed in current svn, I'd just add that patch (using dpatch or something) and upload it, since it's not a new upstream version.. But since this is based on a svn checkout (with upstream version set to e.g. 0.3.2svn2342) it's not that easy.. Basicall12:10
shawarmaI *could* of course just add the relevant patches and upload a new ubuntu version, but it wouldn't really feel right not updating the upstream version..12:11
shawarmaHm... tough crowd.12:15
Hobbseeshawarma: well, if it's a bug fix...12:18
Hobbseeshawarma: i mean, look at the point of the UVF - to only fix bugs, but not introduce things with more bugs12:18
stgraberif that fix the openvpn config window which take around 2x the screen height, it's a bugfix I think :)12:19
shawarmaIt's definitely a bugfix, but fixing it involves doing a new svn checkout which is part of the upstream versioning scheme..12:20
shawarmastgraber: And yes, that's be bug it fixes.12:21
shawarmaI don't mind as such that I have to do a UVFe each time, but it seems like a waste of both my and the motu-uvf team's time. 12:21
shawarmaIt makes it even more interesting that if I just take the relevant patch from svn, add it as a dpatch, but leave out other potential bug fixes from svn, it's actually *easier* to get it into the archive since it doesn't involve updating the upstream version.12:24
Hobbseeit does12:25
=== Hobbsee would probably just pick the most sane solution
stgrabershawarma: Is this "pull" option also added in the new version ?12:26
shawarmastgraber: No, I'll be adding that myself and submitting it upstream.12:26
stgraberthank you12:26
shawarmaHobbsee: Well, the sane solution seems to be doing the UVFe dance, but.. gah..12:29
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Hobbseeshawarma: wouldnt bet on that.  i mean, the sane solution woudl be to take stuff from svn but i'm not convinced that would require a UVFe in normal circumstances (ie, with a rleease tarball)12:35
shawarmaHobbsee: No, it wouldn't. 12:36
shawarmaHobbsee: I mean: It wouldn't require a UVFe when the package is based on a release.12:37
Hobbseeso i think "use common sense" is in order, ie, just take the new bits of svn, preferably cherrypicking for any bad bits12:37
shawarmaHobbsee: Maybe it would make sense to have a special policy for packages based on some RCS checkout..12:37
HobbseeStevenK: what do you think?12:37
Lutinis there someone who could try to build a package on ppc for me ? :)12:47
stgraberLutin: is it big ?, I have access to and old G3 powerbook with Ubuntu on it but it's really slow :)12:49
=== Hobbsee keeps finding hoary cds here...
Lutinstgraber: took about ten minutes on the buildds, don't know how much it means for an old box :)12:52
stgraberLutin: what packages is that ?12:54
Lutinstgraber: mlt12:54
Lutinstgraber: I'd like to try a fix for the ppc ftbfs12:55
Lutinthe package I need to test in at http://dunnewind.net/~lutin/mlt12:55
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stgraberLutin: ok, I've got the Mac I'm installing pbuilder and will build that package12:56
Lutinstgraber: cool, thanks a lot12:57
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stgraberLutin: I didn't ask but you want a Feisty package I guess ?01:11
Lutinstgraber: yep :)01:12
stgraberCPU: 400Mhz, bogomips 49,79 (??) :) I'm pbuilder creating right now01:14
Lutinok, thanks :)01:17
Sp4rKydoes anyone know why casper only set $LANG and no $LANGUAGE ?01:23
stgraberLutin: Pbuilder can't install sox-dev01:31
Hobbseestgraber: you dont have universe enabled in your pbuilder?01:31
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stgraberHobbsee: checking01:32
stgraberarf, commented line in pbuilderrc :)01:32
stgraberthank you Hobbsee 01:32
elkbuntuhmm... anyone else having trouble talking to security.ubuntu.com?01:39
StevenKelkbuntu: Works for me.01:40
elkbuntuStevenK, yeah, i just re-updated and it didnt time out01:40
elkbuntusomeone must have farted on the pipe somewhere01:40
elkbuntummmmm... x.org goodness01:41
=== StevenK continues to resist upgrading to Feisty.
elkbuntuStevenK, im typing from edgy, but my laptop has a few fawn installs01:44
elkbuntufaun and kfaun ;)01:44
StevenKI have two Feisty chroots, do they count?01:44
StevenK(i386 and amd64)01:44
HobbseeStevenK: just do it01:45
elkbuntuStevenK, we can pretend01:45
StevenKHobbsee: Why?01:47
HobbseeStevenK: to see breakage :P01:47
StevenKI've seen enough breakage on the two Feisty installs my boss has.01:47
StevenKWhich reminds me, I need to neuter evms on his machine again.01:48
StevenKI *think* root on LVM is broken in Feisty, but I need to find the time to test.01:48
FujitsuStevenK: I'm using it, so I hope it isn't broken.01:50
StevenKFujitsu: It fails to work for my boss.01:51
FujitsuWorks for me.01:51
StevenKOn bootup, we get dumped into the initramfs, and I need to run lvm vgchange -a y manually and then mount the thing.01:51
FujitsuHave you got some snapshots or mirrors or similar, without the appropriate module in the initramfs? I had that problem once.01:52
StevenKIf he's snapshoting, he isn't telling me.01:52
StevenKActually, it's root on LVM on RAID01:52
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elkbuntuoh poo. im certainly not updating my desktop to feisty until the tomboy panel app doesnt die01:53
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stgraberLutin: around ?02:22
Lutinstgraber: yes02:23
stgraberI have 5 .deb after pbuilder is that normal02:23
stgraberor should I have more ?02:23
Lutinstgraber: 5 is perfect :)02:25
stgraberok, I also had quite a lot of warning and even an error during the compilation, but pbuilder continued his job so it should be that important02:25
Lutinstgraber: ok, thanks :). at least it no longer FTBFSs :)02:26
stgraberI'm uploading the result + the compilation messages if you want to have a look02:27
Lutinok, thanks02:27
Lutinstgraber: thanks :)02:35
stgraberhi \sh 02:36
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\shoh guys, whoever implemented this change to dpkg, this guy needs to be crucified02:37
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cbx33Hi all02:56
cbx33anyone got a hand to help out a newbie c++ coder?02:56
sacatercbx33: why are you asking in the MOTU channel02:59
sacaterask in a programming channel :P02:59
Hobbseecbx33: maybe, what it is it?03:01
Hobbseeer, -it03:01
cbx33can i pastebin something03:01
cbx33ok, you can semi-ignore the class texture loader ;)03:02
cbx33I'm just trying to understand how to use gtkpixbufloader03:02
cbx33I can use it in python no troubles03:02
cbx33but I just don't get c++03:02
Hobbseethen you're really asking a question about how to use gtkpixbufloader, which i cant answer, as i dont know, sorry03:03
cbx33well...or any gtk type class in c++03:04
cbx33or just gtk in general....03:04
=== Hobbsee doesnt deal in any gtk, sorry :P
=== Hobbsee is a kde person
cbx33ok np03:04
Hobbseehave cleared off bed - time to sleep.  night all!03:05
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sacaterhey guys, have they made the feisty gajim 0.11.1 release03:52
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Nafallosacater: yea, and I fixed it yesterday.04:11
sacaterNafallo: damn04:11
Nafallosacater: what?04:12
sacateri wanted to have a go at it04:12
Nafalloplease ask the maintainer first. I hate it when people throw away all patches :-)04:12
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sacaterhow do i find out about the status of the xjump package, and whether its the latest version04:15
Nafalloapt-cache madison xjump04:16
Nafalloalt. launchpad :-)04:16
Nafallono problem04:16
sacaterthe reason im asking all this is im Motu in training :P04:16
Nafallooki. well, generally hold of packages with a motu specfied as maintainer and you should be fine :-).04:17
Nafalloif there is, and he doesn't do his job, feel free to try to contact him before making changes :-)04:18
Lutindo anyone know who / what team cares for the @ubuntu.com mail adresses ?04:26
imbrandoncares for in what way?04:27
Lutincreates them / can change them04:27
stgraberI think that's canonical sysadmins who manage that04:27
imbrandonthey are granted upon membership via the CC, but if you have a problem with the alias then file a bug in LP 04:27
Lutinimbrandon: file a bug against what ?04:28
imbrandonLP its self afaik04:28
Lutinok, thanks04:31
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walrusppl, how can i know some program's dependencies ???? e.g. : "depends" on win32 ... 06:37
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walrusppl, how can i know some program's dependencies ???? e.g. : "depends" on win32 ... 06:39
walrusppl, how can i know some shared library dependencies ???? e.g. : "depends" on win32 ... 06:40
Lutinwalrus: you can run 'objdump -p /usr/bin/foo | grep NEEDED' on the binary you want to get informations on06:43
=== ScottK thinks apt-cache depends <packagename> will also do it.
=== caravena [n=caravena@115-29-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Lutinindeed, though it doesn't work for non-packages binaries :)06:45
=== ScottK tries to avoid installing outside the packaging system.
Lutinso does /me06:47
walrusall right thx, i'm not installing some package ... i just compiled my own shared library and i wanted to make sure it linked well to its dependencies06:47
Lutinthen the objdump thing should work fine06:49
walrusLutin, thx very much ... xD xD ... objdump gave me just what i needed ... 06:49
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dokobug 86552 8791707:25
UbugtuMalone bug 86552 in python-sqlite "[apport]  package python-sqlite failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8655207:25
dokobug 8791707:25
UbugtuMalone bug 87917 in griffith "Please sync griffith 0.9.2-1 (universe) from unstable (main)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8791707:25
ScottKdoko: This issue is conflicting egg info in two python packages, so I don't think a sync will affect things either way.07:29
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dokoScottK: I know, thanks for the info anyway ;)07:29
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ScottKAh, now I see you are the person that took the bugs.07:30
ScottKThanks for attending to it.  Diagnosing the conflict was as far as my knowledge would take me on that one.07:31
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LaserJockMorning MOTU Land!07:48
stgraberhi LaserJock 07:49
imbrandonmoins LaserJock 07:52
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LaserJockhi imbrandon stgraber 08:03
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LaserJockhmm, if two bugs are dups, do you mark the newer one as the dup?09:17
stgraberusually that's what I do except if the new one already has a priority set09:18
stgraberor has a lot more informations09:18
jdongbleh any mono buffs here?09:23
jdongneed to figure out how to get line-by-line output from a spawned process's stdout09:23
jdongI've gotten most of it done but it always ends by spewing \n in infinite loop :D09:23
stgraberI only have some simple notion of C#, but can't you use something like a streamreader and readline() ?09:25
stgraberthat's just an idea by the way09:26
jdongaha, figured it out09:26
jdongyeah, a streamreader (Process.StandardOutput) is used09:26
jdongjust figuring out how to determine end-of-file condition09:26
jdongand it's checking peek()09:26
jdongwhich Gtk# control would I use for a scrollable text area09:27
jdongi.e. to display output from an executing program09:27
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jdongfigured it out again :P09:31
stgrabertextview ?09:33
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jdongput textview in a ScrollableWindow thingie :P09:34
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asantonihey much-revered MOTU, Mixxx 1.5.0 was just released, and the only difference between the pre-release version in Feisty and the final release is a few MINOR bug fixes10:36
asantoniwould an updated Mixxx package make it through UVF?10:36
LaserJockmight depend on how minor the bugs are10:38
=== _MMA_ waves at Jordan.
LaserJockif they are easy fixes would could just apply them to the existing package10:38
LaserJockif they are a pain to backport and are very needed fixes then that's more grounds for a UVF exception10:39
=== LaserJock waves back to _MMA_
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rmjbHey guys11:23
ScottKHey rmjb11:28
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