
=== flodine [n=flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
ompaulLiENUS, depends if you xforward the web browser12:01
zYekelsin: did i insult you or something?12:01
ziadozFlannel, would the ubuntu install allow me to put stage 1 and 2 on the ubuntu partition so i can use the nt loader?12:01
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LiENUSompaul, what the hell are you talking about?12:01
eckcinex: well, first of all, if you have a router you do not need to use iptables12:01
erUSULomglazers: just use the two comands i gave you and then try the compilation again12:01
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kelsinLiENUS: you have to look into the drivers for your wireless card to see if it supports host mode, or connect via an adhoc connection, once you get that connected you need to use firestarter or your own IP rules to set up the proper forwarding for sharing the internet12:01
LiENUSompaul, her computer is not on a network12:01
cinexevenif I flush the list it still wont work; eck12:02
LiENUShow am i going to use xforward?12:02
=== flodine [n=flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jin_how to make the up/back/forward buttons smaller??12:02
LiENUSkelsin, and im stuck at setting up ad hoc12:02
jin_on the main toolbar12:02
LiENUShow do i set up an ad hoc connection between a linux and windows xp machine12:02
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eckcinex: if you need to use iptables you need to use the logging options in iptables or maybe tcpdump to debug it12:02
omglazersok, give 'em to me12:02
kelsinzYe: no I'm trying to tell you that this is an ubuntu os channel, and you are asking router and modem configuration questions, Ubuntu can connect to your router (if it's setup correctly) via ethernet, just like any other OS12:02
eckbut you should just have your router doing all the work12:02
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:02
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash12:02
K3ntohey guys this is one of my beryl issues : /  http://img353.imageshack.us/img353/7104/screenshotgl8.png12:02
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K3ntothe only one i guess12:03
kelsinLiENUS: I don't know much of anything about ad-hoc networks. I know that My girlfriend and I get it to work, but setting my wireless card (with iwconfig) to be in adhoc mode with a unique essid, then it shows up in windows, normaly works, but past it "just working" I don't know much12:03
cinexeck: thanks ill check it out12:03
LiENUSkelsin,  how do i set it up with iwconfig?12:04
blankyhey guys my wireless internet isnt working after installing xubuntu, i did lshw and it says UNCLAIMED, what should I do?12:04
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grimboyAnyone know how to turn off the eight seconds of shift means slow keys? I've tried in Preferences > Keyboard and Preferences > Assistive Technology Preferences.12:04
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erUSULomglazers:  'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)' and 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic'12:04
godofredo07can someone please help me...I just need to learn how to edit my startup script... :)12:05
mr_big_down_lowhey im trying to update from 6.06 to 6.10 and im using this command : gksu "update-manager -c -d" but it isnt showing the update iv done it before and it did work12:05
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kelsinLiENUS: "iwconfig <interface> mode adhoc", then: "iwconfig <interface> essid <anyword>", I think, man iwconfig to double check that I have the spelling correct12:05
omglazersSide note, how do I enable sudo permissions to move/delete stuff in the file browser?12:05
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godofredo07i hope editing a startup script in ubuntu is easy :)12:06
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globecan anyone tell me how to check if my swap is working?12:06
zYekelsin: so do you know of any router/modem irc rooms around that could help me due to my superb ignorance on this subject?12:06
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mr_big_down_low hey im trying to update from 6.06 to 6.10 and im using this command : gksu "update-manager -c -d" but it isnt showing the update iv done it before and it did work12:06
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n-iCeHow can i make faster my firefox?12:07
mr_big_down_lowcan anyone help?12:07
LiENUSkelsin,  what about ips?12:07
n-iCeI'm using xubuntu12:07
kelsinzYe: your best bet is honestly the manuals for your equipement and help from your ISP, it will get done faster if you call them12:07
magnushcwhich media pplayer is good?12:07
godofredo07fasterfox extension?12:07
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:07
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kelsinLiENUS: I forget whether we had to set them ourselves or let the adhoc driver work, honestly I don't know more then what I've already said12:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swiftfox - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:07
mx-zoomn-iCe: you might wanna try swiftfox, choose your arch12:07
godofredo07zYe, do you know how i can add a little code to the startup script???????12:07
magnushcanyone knows a good media player12:07
n-iCemx-zoom,  is faster than firefox ?12:07
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware12:07
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LiENUSanyone else know anything about setting up ad-hoc networks between linux and windows?12:08
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grimboyAnyone know how to turn off the eight seconds of shift means slow keys? I've tried in Preferences > Keyboard and Preferences > Assistive Technology Preferences. It's annoying because sometimes I'll hold down shift whilst thinking about what I'm going to type.12:08
kelsinmagnushc: for what, movies? music?12:08
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mx-zoomn-iCe: it's a build of firefox optimized for different processors and ith many optimization flags on. it is faster12:08
=== SmileyLap [n=smiley@last.fm/resident-dj/Smiley] has joined #ubuntu
mr_big_down_lowcan anyone help me?12:08
dan7373Hello - can anyone help with switching video cards from ATI to nVidia with ubuntu already installed?12:08
erUSULomglazers: please adress me as i do or i will miss you in the noise... use 'gksu nautilus'12:08
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n-iCemx-zoom, how can i downlaod it ?12:08
SmileyLaphey guys, i want to control my laptops cpu etc, to lower the heat output, how would i manage this?12:08
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mx-zoomn-iCe: http://www.getswiftfox.com/ , what's your processor?12:08
DM|smileylap emifreq12:08
jairuncalothanyone have experiance with savage video cards?12:08
n-iCemx-zoom,  no idea12:08
=== Xenguy wonders which is prefered: gksu or gksudo ?
n-iCehow can i know ?12:09
grimboyn-iCe, Or you can use automatix.12:09
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godofredo07dan7373, can't you just change them and then install nvidia drivers via automatix????12:09
SmileyLapDM|: is that a gui app?12:09
grimboyn-iCe, Which does it automatically.12:09
grimboy!automatix | n-iCe12:09
ubotun-iCe: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe12:09
DM|smileylap a applet on the gnome bar12:09
omglazerserUSUL: I ran the two commands you asked, and neither had a problem but I still got the same error that I showed you in the pastebin12:09
SmileyLapDM|: perfect ^_^12:09
mx-zoomn-iCe: cat /proc/cpuinfo12:09
grimboy!WorksForMe | n-iCe12:09
ubotun-iCe: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.12:09
dan7373I don't know - would i have to go to some neutral drivers since I'm on ATI drivers now?12:09
DM|smileylap should be able to apt-get install it12:09
jin_why isn't there an update for firefox to upgrade from 1.5 to 2?12:09
godofredo07dan7373, i believe so but, once you install the nvidia drivers you should be back on track...am i right guys??12:10
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n-iCemx-zoom,  this?  Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.93GHz12:10
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SmileyLapDM|: yeah the tool is getting it now :)12:10
mbdlcan anyone help me with upgrading to edgy?12:10
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kelsinjin_: Firefox 2.0 wasn't ready in time for edgy, it will be in fiesty so I hear, major software version upgrades aren't carried out inbetween releases12:10
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ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer12:10
=== toulouse [n=evan@ppp-70-129-7-228.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
DM|smileylap cool, have fun.12:10
jin_kelsin, I'm on dapper12:10
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=== Xenguy notes ubotu says to use gksudo instead of gksu...
toulousecan overburning write an extra 50 mb?12:11
SmileyLapDM|: as you were so helpful, anyway to disable the mouseclick function on my mousepad?12:11
LiENUSkelsin, how do i install firestarter?12:11
kelsinjin_: well then that explains it ever more, the same thing applies, major version upgrades are only done between releases, dapper won't get firefox 212:11
=== julien__ [n=julien@4cb54-1-81-56-8-203.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
LiENUSthe apt-get install firestarter failed12:11
kelsinLiENUS: sudo aptitude install firestarter, or search for it in synaptic, look up the ubuntu manuals online about how to install software12:11
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LiENUSkelsin,  install failed12:11
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mbdlplease tell me if your all too busy and ill come back later12:11
jin_kelsin, what happen to security fixes then?12:12
LiENUSfirestarter wont run12:12
mx-zoomn-iCe: when downloading, choose pentium 4 :), or try automatix, it seems to do it automagically. get automatix here: www.getautomatix.com/12:12
rivereyedoes anyone in here know anything about ftape?12:12
toulousehow much farther can overburning get you?12:12
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jin_kelsin, I'm sure firefox 1.5 has bugs12:12
n-iCemx-zoom,  i already downlaod it i have the file in desktop now ?12:12
kelsinjin_: you'd have to ask a developer, if you want either upgrade your ubuntu install or look into installing firefox 212:12
kelsin!firefox | jin_12:12
ubotujin_: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins12:12
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LordLimecatis there any reason someone with nvidia drivers installed cant simply overwrite them with a new install?12:13
LordLimecatusing the nvidia installl script?12:13
mx-zoomn-iCe: downloaded from getswiftfox.com? untar it and extract it to some place like /opt/12:13
jin_kelsin, nah, I'm gonna stick with dapper. it's more stable than all others.12:13
up365mbdl, state your problem if someone can help they will12:13
julien__i try to install cedega with wineCVS.sh, but there's a error, is someone get an old version that work ?12:13
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n-iCeit's a .sh12:13
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kelsinjin_: then read that guide about installing 2.0, as far as bug questions about firefow 1.5 you'd have to ask one of the firefox maintainers or someone more knowledgable then me12:13
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kelsinjulien__: Are you using a game that needs cedage as opposed to just plain wine?12:14
mx-zoomn-iCe: what is a sh?12:14
n-iCe.sh the extension12:14
Xenguymx-zoom: shell script12:14
kelsinmbdl: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades12:14
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up365mbdl, state your problem so someone knows what it is12:14
mx-zoomXenguy: I know what a sh is lol12:14
magnushcwhich media player is good for movies and web TV12:14
toulousehow do i uninstall something in wine???12:14
mx-zoomn-iCe: you talking about swiftfox or automatix?12:15
julien__kelsin: i try to install aoe2 with wine, but i have an error12:15
Xenguymx-zoom: 18:15 < mx-zoom> n-iCe: what is a sh?12:15
kelsintoulouse: same as in windows, run the uninstall program, delete the folder and scan the registry, etc etc12:15
mx-zoomXenguy: I meant which of the files was a sh12:15
loppaDoes anybody know how .tgz files work?12:15
mbdlkelsin:dont that already and it doesnt show12:15
kelsinjulien__: ahhh, yeah not a directX game, just double checking, good luck12:15
lyami have downloaded .tar.gz archive from gnome-look site (an image and config file) and dont know how install it. any ideas?12:15
mx-zoomn-iCe: download this  http://www.getswiftfox.com/builds/releases/ and extract it to /opt/12:15
Xenguyloppa: they are compressed (.gz) tar (.tar) files12:16
mbdlkelsin: done that...and it doesnt show i dont know why maby they took it off...but ya12:16
SmileyLapanyway to disable the mouseclick function on my mousepad?12:16
godofredo07how do i move a file to /etc/init.d as root??? please help me :(12:16
grimboyOh, solved with gconf-editor12:16
godofredo07the file is called gamesound12:16
blankyguys please help it's urgent! I just ran lshw | grep network and it says network: unclaimed, what does that mean?12:17
kelsinmbdl: I don't have time to help you upgrade, just wanted to point you to the website that does12:17
erUSULgodofredo07: with sudo ??12:17
erUSUL!sudo > godofredo0712:17
godofredo07yes sudo12:17
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godofredo07i know how to use it12:17
godofredo07could you just give me an example to refresh my mem12:17
godofredo07i think i'm doing it right12:17
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SmileyLaperUSUL: ! :D Maybe you can help again, i want to stop my mousepad doing the mouseclick function.12:18
erUSULgodofredo07: sudo mv file /destination12:18
blankyanyone please?12:18
loppaXenguy, okay. Now that I've unpacked it, you know how to install drivers?12:18
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erUSULSmileyLap: i do not have experience with ubuntu in laptops...12:18
Xenguyloppa: what drivers?12:18
r3factoredgodofredo07: i removed wine and installed via automatrix2 and get the same errors on starting winecfg12:18
godofredo07r3factored, sorry12:18
loppaXenguy via drivers for my graphics card.12:18
toulousehow do i get to the wine uninstall programs? ( i want to uninstall firefox)12:19
godofredo07r3factored,what are the errors?12:19
r3factoredgodofredo07: np thanks for the tip though12:19
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SmileyLaperUSUL: ah nevermind :?12:19
LordLimecatquick question--very important12:19
Xenguyloppa: nope.  I'd recommend you find a good howto webpage for ubuntu via12:19
r3factoredgodofredo07: http://www.shortText.com/4zjl8c12:19
LordLimecathelpin someone reinstall nvidia drivers....want to make sure its ok to remove these12:19
n-iCesaid that i don't have permission to extract in /opt12:19
LordLimecatthis should NOT be uninstalled, should it?12:19
LordLimecatX.Org X server -- NV display driver12:19
mbdlcan anyone else help me whith my update issue... form 6.06 to 6.10 the install command now working?!?!?!12:19
loppaXenguy, running Suse actually. Never got the hang of ubuntu.12:19
mx-zoomn-iCe: use sudo12:20
HiDensityi can't get adesklets to load...I run the .py file and nothing happens12:20
n-iCemx-zoom,  ah ?12:20
godofredo07r3factored, what are you trying to run?12:20
cryptikor just su12:20
n-iCei did it not in the terminal, how can i do it in terminal ?12:20
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r3factoredgodofredo07: winecfg for the first time12:20
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godofredo07r3factored, you could always just run windows virtually with VMware12:20
mx-zoomn-iCe: sudo nautilus /opt/ copy the file there and extract it12:20
r3factoredgodofredo07: yeah i know buy vmware server is heavy maybe ill try crossover12:20
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lyamhow to convert .png image to .so?12:20
godofredo07r3factored, it should work unless you are trying to play games12:20
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r3factoredgodofredo07: no just windows apps - ive used it before12:21
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godofredo07with my experience with wine...its either hit or miss12:21
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toulousegodofredo07: true12:21
Minibnzhi all i need a little help... i am trying to compile an app that requires the mysql header files.. but i am only able to find them in RPM format is there a way to install them onmy ubuntu box12:21
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HiDensitycan you run os x apps with wine?12:21
godofredo07r3factored,i installed ubuntu 6.10 ran automatix and installed wine12:21
godofredo07r3factored, that is the only way i could get it to work smooth or at all12:22
toulousedo you know how to find the uninstall programs within wine12:22
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n-iCeI don't understand mx-zoom12:22
Lazergunzanyone know how to uninstall the ATI driver completley?12:22
r3factoredgodofredo07: ok thanks for the info - im bailing on wine and going with crossover or wmware12:22
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godofredo07r2factored, have you just tried running something directly?12:22
netsrotgaim seems to crash quite often, is there any other good multi protocol chat client that works with ubuntu?12:22
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r3factoredgodofredo07: ???12:22
ElbridgeGerryHow do I install build-essential without my installation cd?12:22
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godofredo07r3factored, sorry..have you just tried running it straight12:23
r3factoredgodofredo07: no12:23
BAZOOKAYou have to buy it12:23
whositKopete is another client12:23
godofredo07r3factored, just right click on it and say run with wine?12:23
crdlbElbridgeGerry, do you have an internet connection?12:23
n-iCethe name is : swiftfox-
Minibnzthe header files i need are from version 3.23... if anyone knows where i can get an ubuntu install for them that would be easier12:23
r3factoredill try12:23
ElbridgeGerrycrdlb: I'm here.12:23
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ElbridgeGerrycrdlb: =p12:23
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:23
BAZOOKA :D  '<12:23
BAZOOKAAnybody want to talk to me?12:24
ElbridgeGerrycrdlb: It says "Media Change: Please insert the disc labelled Ubuntu 6.10 _Edgy Eft_ - Release i386 (20061025) in the drive /cdrom/ and press enter"12:24
mx-zoomn-iCe: get in #abcdefgh12:24
crdlbElbridgeGerry, well you could be on a different computer :D12:24
BAZOOKAI know how to make viruses12:24
godofredo07r3factored, try it because i have to go real quick and want to see what happens :)12:24
netsrotwhosit: is Kopete stable?12:24
ElbridgeGerrycrdlb: Why does it ask me for that?12:24
godofredo07r3factored, it might just work... :)12:24
whositSeems to be for me12:24
godofredo07r3factored, or not!12:24
r3factoredgodofredo07: thanks will do12:24
netsrotwhosit: ok thanks.12:24
godofredo07k bye12:24
ElbridgeGerryIs there a flag that says just to get it from the server?12:25
n-iCewhat i need to do now ?12:25
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BAZOOKAI'm going to send every one of you viruses from tommorrow12:25
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crdlbElbridgeGerry, what are you using to install it? synaptic?12:25
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crdlbElbridgeGerry, I know you can temporarily add the cd to synaptic, but I've never seen it require the cd12:26
ElbridgeGerrycrdlb: apt-get12:26
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jin_when moving a window, it leaves traces behind for half of a second, any way to fix that?12:26
crdlbElbridgeGerry, look in /etc/apt/sources.list12:26
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ElbridgeGerrycrdlb: Should I remove the CD from my repo list?12:26
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ElbridgeGerryyou just said that12:27
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lufisIs there a way to boot from a livecd and resize an existing partition without installing anything?12:27
ElbridgeGerrylufis: Look for the gparted liveCD12:27
phaedralufis, Yes. Use gparted.12:27
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cryptikor qtparted12:27
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lufisElbridgeGerry: i'd really rather not use another cd for something i'm only going to use once. can it not be done from the ubuntu livecd?12:28
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ElbridgeGerrylufis: I think gparted is on the LiveCD12:28
lufisElbridgeGerry: ah, okay12:28
AaronMTI cant load herd5, I get a "cant access TTY job control (turned off)" error along with something about initramfs? Any suggesstions?12:28
ElbridgeGerryAaronMT: #ubuntu+112:29
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Mach3does anyone have experience with dual booting windows from a raid0 and ubuntu from a 3rd hdd?12:29
ElbridgeGerryThey're more likely to know about Fiesty12:29
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ElbridgeGerrycrdlb: It worked, thanks.12:30
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ShankAnyone know what to use to put music on a nokia phone?12:31
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BenPAhi all ... can any one help with missing java in Ubuntu 8.0712:32
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MadP3nGu1nwhy cant i connect to my wifi router,but have access to someone else network?12:32
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ClarKentanyone know how to save sessions in openbox? I can't get the wallpaper to change after reboot12:32
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lufisBenPA: you should be able to install java in synaptic12:32
sergoShank install your nokia Cd softWare and then connect the telephone to pc via Usb Port ...12:33
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lufisBenPA: https://jdk-distros.dev.java.net/ubuntu.html12:33
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BenPAI am missing something in one of my browsers12:33
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ElbridgeGerryUbuntu 8.07?12:34
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE veresion is 3.5.6 for Edgy and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.12:34
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ubotuxubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels12:34
lufisBenPA: follow that guide, it installs the firefox plugin as well12:34
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sergoomegabeta if i will install xubuntu-desktop what will hapen with gnome-desktop?12:34
BenPAok I will see if reloading helps12:34
Shanksergo, it didnt come with a cd :(12:34
lufisBenPA: well, reloading won't help if you don't install java first...12:35
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sergoShank i know, but maybe the mirror from our country have xubuntu-desktop on it...12:35
sergobecouse i want xubuntu but don't want to remove ubuntu and install xubuntu from 0 ...12:35
Shanki dont have xubuntu12:36
Shanki meant the nokia12:36
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BenPAbut some browsers work and some don't ... I installed Opera from automatix and it seems to be missing somethings that deal with java12:36
sergoi think what you try to help me12:36
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godofredo07can someone tell me how to make this command executable...AKA (Like a double click i can put on my desktop) : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8473/12:36
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ompaulBenPA, maybe you need to ask the #automatix people about that cos12:36
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe12:37
lufisBenPA: that may be the case. you may have to link the java plugin libraries to opera if they work for it as well12:37
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BenPAthen again firefox has something missing too12:37
Q_Continuumeck: I did what you suggested, with the dd... and wrote that image to the drive.  But then it wanted the ISO, but when I wrote it out it took the free space that had been available in that image and wrote that to the drive.  So the 16GB Flash drive only saw 250MB or so of free space.  Not enough for the .ISO.12:37
sergoShank what your problem then12:37
lufisBenPA: are you running a custom firefox?12:37
ubuntu_almost_wocan anyone help me?  When I shutdown edgy it locks up...12:37
lufisBenPA: that is, not from the repos?12:37
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ubotuxubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels12:37
BenPAhow do I link12:37
Q_Continuumeck: So what I need to figure out, is how I can modify that .img before I dd it, or if I can partition it manually into smaller chunks and dd it to a sole partition.12:37
godofredo07just put the url in12:37
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ompaulubuntu_almost_wo, what is the last message on the screen?12:37
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lufisBenPA: sudo ln -s source destination12:37
BenPAI am not running a custom firefox12:37
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godofredo07or use tinurl.com12:38
lufisBenPA: did you install java though?12:38
ubuntu_almost_wono message just black screen12:38
ubuntu_almost_wofresh install... nforce1 chipset12:38
ubuntu_almost_woall updates12:38
brusselis there a quicktime plugin for ubuntu?12:38
lufisBenPA: it isn't installed by default12:38
BenPAI thought I did but I will try again12:38
lufisbrussel: no, but totem works well12:38
godofredo07Can someone please tell me how to make this script executable AKA (a double click launcher for desktop) ?????? here it is... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8473/12:38
sergoomegabeta if i install xubunut-desktop (currently i'm using ubuntu) will ubuntu be completely looking as xubuntu? -)12:38
ompaulubuntu_almost_wo, no idea without a clue from the screen12:38
ubuntu_almost_wohow do I get a clue from the screen?12:39
lufisBenPA: type about:plugins in firefox and see if java's listed12:39
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Dr_willisgodofredo07,  chmod +x it, and make an icon launcher on the desktop for it.. check out the gnome guides for beginners docs12:39
lufisbrussel: provided you have the proper codecs installed12:39
brussellufis, i'm browsing and there is a tutorial in quicktime, can i use totem to watch it?12:39
godofredo07Dr_willis, i do what?12:39
lufisbrussel: if you have the codecs12:39
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godofredo07Dr_willis, I go to the terminal12:39
ompaulubuntu_almost_wo, it should say stuff as it is shutting down but you say it is not12:39
brussellufis, which codecs?12:39
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omegabetaompaul: Sego, you dont want to use xfce is you have to adk.. trust me on that ;)12:39
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erUSULgodofredo07: those two lines are better in /etc/rc.local12:39
ubuntu_almost_wois their a log I can do12:39
lufisbrussel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats12:40
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Dr_willisgodofredo07,  are we back to  learning the basics of linux again? :)12:40
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brussellufis: k12:40
godofredo07Dr_willis, define basics :)12:40
ompaulubuntu_almost_wo, you could ctrl alt F1 and then log in, then >> sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop << then >> sudo shutdown -h now << and see what comes up on the screen12:40
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Dr_willisgodofredo07,  if you dont know about 'chmod +x' thats about linux day 2 of linux 101 class..12:41
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.12:41
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ubuntu_almost_woit seems to only do it with the powerbutton12:41
ompaulubuntu_almost_wo, well are you going to do what I suggested?12:41
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godofredo07Dr_willis, I copy and pasted the text into a file called "etfix" then, I did cd ~/Desktop then chmod +x etfix ....now nothing changed :)12:42
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Urbanmagehey all, I have a real quick question.  I looked through the documentation and didn't find anything one way or the other, so I thought I'd come here as a last resort.12:43
dougbDoes Ubuntu have the DST bug like Windows has?12:43
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lufisdougb: dunno, but i bet you ubuntu won't charge for a patch ;)12:43
ompauldougb, define what the DST bug is12:43
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dougbseriously, $4,000 for a patch?12:43
crdlbdougb, I assume an update has been made12:43
godofredo07Dr_willis, you there?12:44
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mnk0hey sup12:44
godofredo07Dr_willis, did i do it completely wrong????12:44
mnk0im having problems with xgl+beryl on ati12:44
dougbthey call it a "bug" but it's changing the hard coded date set to change clocks for DST, since Bush changed it to be a few weeks earlier, not all OS's are aware of this and won't update the time accordingly12:44
mnk0folloewd a guide, and when i startup, the cube is all white12:44
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mnk0can't see anything on screen12:44
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UrbanmageI downloaded the desktop cd and I'm trying to figure out if I can install the server edition from it.  I thought maybe they might be the same cd with different options, but I wasn't sure12:44
lufisdougb: shrub is deciding that kind of thing now? oh god help us12:44
jlgaddisdougb: Run 'date -d "March 27"' in a terminal.12:45
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jlgaddisdougb: If it says xDT instead of xST, you're fine.12:45
jlgaddisdougb: Debian has the updated tzdata package, so I'm sure that Ubuntu does as well.12:45
Shankwhen something asks me for a prefix where I want to install something in /usr/local does it mean , where to put it i.e. /games or the like?12:45
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ompaulwhen is the summer time starting?12:46
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dougbyea, it showed xDT12:46
Dr_willisgodofredo07,  try a 'ls -l whateverfile' and see if the permissions are different nopw12:46
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erUSULdougb: there's been a lot of tzdata updates lately so no i think that ubuntu does not have the dst bug12:46
jlgaddisdougb: You're fine then.12:46
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dougbit wasn't a big deal, I just thought how Microsoft is charging $4k to "fix" the bug is ridiculous12:46
jlgaddisdougb: Say what?  $4,000?12:46
lufisShank: it depends on where you want it. both are valid paths12:46
jlgaddisWhoever told you that is lying.12:46
mnk0anyone use irssi ?12:46
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erUSULmnk0: me12:47
dougbyeah jlgaddis, and they dropped the price from $40k12:47
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Xenguy!anyone > mnk012:47
tommyvhi i just mounted a partition to ~/partition1, but now i cant move any files to it or anything cause of file permissions, how do i make it readable/writeable??12:47
mnk0erUSUL: do u know about hiding joins and parts from the chat??12:47
Dr_willisMS saved you 36,000$12:47
=== jlgaddis calls bullsh*t on that one
Shanklufis, what does it mean by prefix?12:47
Dr_willismnk0,  you use the ignore command.12:47
mnk0i tried it12:47
lufisShank: just where it installs to. if you choose /usr/local, it will send all the files there12:47
Dr_willismnk0,  like /gnore PARTS ALL12:47
mnk0oh yeah?12:47
=== jlgaddis hands dougb KB article #931836
Urbanmagedoes anyone have experience with the server edition of ubuntu?12:47
Dr_willismnk0,  and i ALWATYS get it backeareds12:47
lufisShank: it doesn't matter i don't guess, both are recognized when you run commands12:48
tommyvhi i just mounted a partition to ~/partition1, but now i cant move any files to it or anything cause of file permissions, how do i make it readable/writeable??12:48
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Xenguy!anyone > Urbanmage12:48
erUSULmnk0: /help ignore12:48
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Dr_willistommyv,  and what kind of partition/filesystem is this?12:48
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:48
lufisShank: if a command is in /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin, it will work either way12:48
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Shankok, thanks12:48
jlgaddisdougb: I manage Windows Servers for a .edu and have been dealing with this for the last few months.  I can state, definitively, that Microsoft is *NOT* charging to fix the "bug".12:48
mnk0do i have to quit irssi for it to take effect?12:48
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godofredo07Dr_willis, this is what it says: -rwx--x--x 1 godofredo godofredo 113 2007-03-03 18:40 etts_fix12:48
tommyvDr_willis: it's fat3212:48
Dr_willismnk0,  of course not. that would be silly12:48
dougbDepends how old your software is jlgaddis12:49
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ShankWhen it asks for a devicepath and the device is usbdisk, do i put /dev/usbdisk or /media/usbdisk or which?12:49
root_i cant get into xwindows12:49
mnk0'/ignore joins ALL12:49
Dr_willistommyv,  use the proper mount or fstab options. its well documented.12:49
jlgaddisdougb: If you're running crap older than Windows 2000, perhaps.12:49
Dr_willisDefacto NTFS (and works for Vfat as well) guide for your Fstab/mounting of NTFS partitions -->  http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfs-en#how_do_i_mount_an_ntfs_volume12:49
jlgaddisdougb: They're providing fixes for everything from Win2K and later.12:49
root_i installed barrel12:49
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse12:49
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mnk0hmm dosnt seem to work tho12:50
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dougbWindows 2k isn't included actually "Among the titles in that extended support category are Windows 2000, Exchange Server 2000 and Outlook 2000, the e-mail and calendar client included with Office 2000. For users running that software, Microsoft charges $4,000 per product for DST fixes."12:50
godofredo07Dr_willis, no clue what i just sent you meant...12:50
lupoI'm sorry. bye12:50
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lufisroot_: you mean beryl?12:50
jlgaddisdougb: They're providing a registry fix for Windows 2000.  I know, I'm installing it on a number of servers tomorrow morning.12:50
lufishi jamiehd12:50
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jamiehdDoes anyone here no anything about ubuntu server?12:51
jlgaddisdougb: I can provide you with plenty of URLs on microsoft.com, if you'd like to continuing spreading FUD.12:51
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jamiehdhi lufis12:51
dougbjlgaddis: well that is good to know.12:51
lufisjamiehd: what's the issue?12:51
ompauljamiehd, ask the real question, i.e. the next one12:51
ZambeziAnybody know how to start Gajims keyring in E17?12:51
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jamiehdHow do I configure ftp, so I can actually upload files to my server?12:51
dougbhaha no jlgaddis, I just think the price tag of the fix is ridiculous12:51
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Dr_willisgodofredo07,  back to the nasty learning of fundamentals again. :) the 'x' means the file is executable.12:52
jlgaddisdougb: If that's even true that they're charging it for stuff older than Win2K, I don't blame them.12:52
Dr_willisgodofredo07,  so NOW you can type ./whateverthatfileis12:52
Dr_willisand it will run12:52
jlgaddisdougb: There's a reason why the products are EOL'd.  They're friggin' old and you shouldn't be running them.12:52
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dougbThat's true, maybe the price tag is incentive to upgrade12:53
erUSULmnk0: something like /ignore #ubuntu * -ALL +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS12:53
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UrbanmageCan you install the server edition from the desktop cd?12:53
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godofredo07how do i become root?12:53
mnk0hmm cant u set that globally? without specifying the channel?12:53
godofredo07sudo -i?12:53
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lufisUrbanmage: don't think so12:53
nine09Urban: i am wondering the same thing12:53
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erUSULmnk0: something like /ignore * * -ALL +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS  ??12:54
nine09there don't seem to be any other ISO's to choose from12:54
jamiehdHow do I configure ftp, so I can actually upload files to my server?12:54
lufisUrbanmage: though there might be a server metapakcage or something12:54
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Alethesgah, is there anyway I can revert to the previous version of the nvidia driver?12:54
AlethesI did the update as suggested and now X dies on me randomly12:54
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UrbanmageLufis: thanks for the tip, I'll have to check.  I guess I'm really just being lazy and wanting to save myself the trouble of burning a new cd ;-)12:55
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lufisUrbanmage: yeah, i feel ya12:55
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lufisUrbanmage: search in synaptic for "server edition" or something along those lines12:55
godofredo07now, if i could only figure out how to make this program start up automatically!12:55
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Woodstokklooking for someone who can get me on a list to get Ubuntu CD's, can anyone help? (Not the 'shipit' info, I registered there and its not working right)12:55
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lufisjamiehd: proftpd?12:55
jamiehdWhat ever came with the disk12:56
joshjoshwhat's the terminal command to see what version of ubuntu i'm running.12:56
joshjoshor, how can i period?12:56
jamiehdI'm sorry, I don't know too much about it/12:56
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cr4z3dhmm.. how do i get rid of the | in x-chat12:56
nine09Urban: I have looked through the Help file fairly well, and havent found a clue to proceed with the server isntall12:56
godofredo07Now, does anyone know how to make a script run automatically on startup!!!!!! :)12:56
erUSULjoshjosh: lsb_release ??12:56
n-iCejoshjosh,  you can see it in about ubuntu12:56
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ardchoillejoshjosh: lsb_release -a12:56
Dr_willisgodofredo07,  depends on 'which' startup.12:56
PokerFacePenguingodofredo07: you running kde or gnome?   I know this is Ubuntu channel, but i gotta ask12:56
lufisjamiehd: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7958812:56
erUSULgodofredo07:i told you a few minutes ago "those two lines are better in /etc/rc.local"12:56
ardchoillejoshjosh: or lsb_release -a | grep Release12:56
Urbanmagelufis: I'm actually installing it on a different system than my current box12:57
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lufisUrbanmage: ah12:57
Woodstokklooking for someone who can get me on a list to get Ubuntu CD's, can anyone help? (Not the 'shipit' info, I registered there and its not working right)12:57
godofredo07PokerFacePenguin, Gnome12:57
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joshjoshhmm...how can i find out which herd i'm running?12:57
godofredo07erUSUL, what?12:57
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godofredo07erUSUL, i'm sooo confused.. :(12:57
fr500Woodstokk: as far as i know, you have to go to shipit.ubuntu.com and request them12:57
lufisjoshjosh: i forget the command, but if you go to system > about ubuntu12:57
Woodstokktried that... its not working right12:57
godofredo07erUSUL, someone emailed me a tutorial that told me to put it in etc/inid.d12:57
okaratasi prepared a deb packet for ubuntu which is not in the archives. how can i send this to archives? what should i do?12:57
joshjoshblah. i'm in kde12:57
lufisjoshjosh: oh, nvm then12:58
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lufisjoshjosh: look for "about ubuntu" somewhere i guess12:58
Woodstokkthey want you to register a launchpad account.  I did that, and then it still does not let me in12:58
erUSULgodofredo07: you can add the two lines of your script to that file and they will be run at startup12:58
leoIserverhow can i check if a filename is coded in UTF or if it is coded in ISO12:58
PokerFacePenguingodofredo07: then follow erUSUL directions...i was going to suggest the easy way...in my home dir (KDE) there is a subfolder of .kde called Autostart....i usually just add a line to a script i have in there12:58
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XenguyleoIserver: file filename12:58
XenguyleoIserver: maybe12:58
jamiehdIt said "couldn't find package proftpd"12:58
godofredo07okay, good...how do i access this file :) ..sorry12:58
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Xenguyjamiehd: vsftpd  ?12:59
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PokerFacePenguinsudo nano (or your favorite editor) filename12:59
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Akuma_why is the php5 package dependent on apache? i want just php by itself ... ?12:59
jamiehdsudo apt-get vsftpd ?12:59
lufisjamiehd: run ps aux | grep proftpd12:59
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antoniouhello everyone12:59
IndyGunFreakjoshjosh: did anyone tell you the command to see the version of ubuntu you're running/12:59
Xenguyjamiehd: sudo apt-get install vsftpd12:59
Xenguyjamiehd: if you want it installed01:00
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nine09why do I have no money>?01:00
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foormeadoes anyone use conky here? i've got a problem with fonts. i've got "use_xft yes" and "xftfont <existing_font_name>", either with conky 1.4.2 or with 1.4.5 built with xft support, it always uses the non-xft font specified by "font <font_name>"01:00
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Dr_willisnine09,  you bought pizza?01:00
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godofredo07erUSUL, okay, here is the file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8474/ where would i add those two lines of text ??01:00
nine09did i ever01:00
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lufisnine09: you're just not model material :(01:00
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ardchoilleAkuma_: ? what does php do without apache?01:00
jamiehdvsftpd is already the newest version.01:01
mnk0pic plz01:01
erUSULgodofredo07: yes01:01
calvinosaurushi all, can anyone tell me how to get a dual monitor display working?01:01
leoIserverdoesnt seem to tell me anything about the filename Xenguy01:01
Akuma_ardchoille: it processes files01:01
leoIserverclose though01:01
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godofredo07erUSUL, where would i add the text?01:01
GhostHello, i just installed ubuntu on my comptuer (virtural machiene), and it is running root@, what do i need to do to start?01:02
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godofredo07erUSUL, i'm looking at it right now ...01:02
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Akuma_ardchoille: i just want to develpe a page or two real quick, there's no need to install apache for that01:02
funestoHey guys.. Im trying to install the 64-bit version of Edgy with the Alternate CD and its basically telling me that i need to load drivers for my cdrom from a floppy... is there a place i could find linux drivers other than the manufacturer website?01:02
erUSULgodofredo07: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8475/01:02
ardchoilleAkuma_: Ah, ok01:02
XenguyleoIserver: just an idea - use it if it works :-)01:02
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Cycodoes anyone know of a way to troubleshoot init scripts, i am running edgy and my startup is getting hung at rc.local....If I hit enter it goes directly to login which is fine but just looking to solve this annoyance01:03
jamiehdI've tried to install proftpd, but it can't find the package01:03
Cycoi have sysv-rc-config and have disabled usplash amongst others and had no problems, only started hanging when i took quiet out of grub entry so i can see startup01:03
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godofredo07erUSUL, oh shasta! I have it pasted in...but , its read only!01:03
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godofredo07erUSUL, what should i do!!01:04
erUSULCyco: take a look at what you have  in /etc/rc.local (it should be mainly empty)01:04
bdragonmslanyone know of a good channel for help with WoW??01:04
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PokerFacePenguinCyco: is something prompting you for a password?01:04
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Cycoyes if i hit enter after rc.local (login prompt)01:04
erUSULgodofredo07: edit it with 'gksudo gedit /etc/rc.local'01:04
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Cycoonly entry in rc.local is exit 0 which is correct01:05
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mnk0ok, so .. i started a xgl session after setup, and the whole cube is white01:05
godofredo07erUSUL, done now what?01:06
erUSULCyco: maybe rc.local is not to blame... the new init system does thins in paralell...01:06
godofredo07erUSUL, pray and restart?01:06
Cycothis is what i assumed01:06
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erUSULgodofredo07: have you added the lines of the script?01:06
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godofredo07erUSUL, yep and i saved it01:06
jamiehdCan anyone help me with my server problem:01:06
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Cycobecause it is odd, during running through scripts i see a prompt, then dissapears and winbind, etc etc loads and then hangs at rc.local01:07
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jamiehdproftpd won't install01:07
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erUSULgodofredo07: sudo /etc/init.d/rc.local start01:07
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godofredo07erUSUL, done...now what (it said ok)01:07
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erUSULgodofredo07: it is done... those two lines will be run everytime the system starts01:08
godofredo07erUSUL, YOU ARE THE BEST!01:08
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godofredo07erUSUL, how long have you been using ubuntu?01:09
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tonyyarussoWhat would you recommend for conserving bandwidth on dialup, things like caching, image accelleration, etc.?01:09
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CycoerUSUL here is another question, I will research the init problem later as it poses no problems.  In sysv-rc-conf why are there still init scripts listed for packages that have been purged and are not in /etc/rcx.d01:09
erUSULgodofredo07: since a 4.10 warty beta01:09
godofredo07erUSUL, you are a vet!01:09
cr4z3di have a question about customizing the ubuntu i guess it's the splash screen? after i login the brown background and ubuntu bar that comes up and shows what's loading. how do i change that?01:09
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erUSULCyco: dunno sorry :(01:10
godofredo07erUSUL, is this closely tied to your career or something?01:10
godofredo07erUSUL, how do you have time?01:10
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erUSULgodofredo07: no, only a hobby01:10
tonyyarusso!splash | cr4z3d01:10
ubotucr4z3d: To change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.01:10
erUSULgodofredo07: time for what?01:10
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Shaba2Hello folks01:10
godofredo07erUSUL, all the commands...and tweaking and messing around!01:10
Shaba2Does ipcop com with 6.10?01:11
godofredo07erUSUL, I like computers and love messing with them...I just hope someday I can remember commands off the top of my head like you guys!01:11
calvinosaurushow do I set up a second monitor?01:11
godofredo07erUSUL, well, I'll get out of your way :)01:12
jamiehdSorry to keep on bugging you, but is there anyone who can help me with my ftp problem?01:12
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godofredo07erUSUL, there are more people that need your help!01:12
atomikucan I apt-get install beryl?01:12
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kupesoftWhat's the good C ide other than eclipse?01:12
Cycoyes atomiku01:12
erUSULgodofredo07: well i can use man while you are not looking ;)01:12
atomikuCant find the specific package name but im sure ive done it before01:12
maartenWonderful :) first Kubuntu installation, and no questions as of so far.... got my SMB working, got FTP server working, and my OpenTTD server has been playing with gamers since the start. (Used to run that on Windows)01:12
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Cycodeb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/ edgy main add this to your /etc/apt/sources.list01:13
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Shaba2gordonjcp I have been building comps for 27 years01:13
erUSULShaba2: afaik ipcop is distribution in it's own right01:13
Shaba2and still do not remember some commands off the top of my head01:13
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Shaba2thanks erUSUL01:13
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Shaba2I am not to linux/unix/*ix01:13
yomm  maarten : good !01:14
Cycodeb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/ edgy main add this to your /etc/apt/sources.list (ATOMIKU for BERYL)01:14
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calvinosaurusI dunno if you've seen Idiocracy before (it's a good movie -  "s'got electrolytes") but ya see, the problem is that I'm at my friend's place and I want to play it on their badass hdtv from my laptop01:15
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beanheadbecause it's what plants crave01:15
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neonum6nighty night...I'm going to sleep01:15
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DigitalNinjaWe are trying to build a test network for hacking. Just to play around. Can someone give me info on hacking into a Windows XP or Vista box? We are using nubuntu as our hacking OS.01:16
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ljlolelI have a .sty package file for latex.  How do I install it?01:16
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maartenFor some reason I am getting.... well, OTHER thoughts when I see the word "latex".01:17
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lufisderekjww: hi01:18
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ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:18
derekjwwI have my Ubuntu drapper installed, how do I upgrade to Ubuntu Edgy01:18
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lufisderekjww: feisty will be released soon. are you sure you don't want to wait?01:19
derekjwwI can01:19
lufisderekjww: it'll be out in april i think01:19
ljlolelhe has to install edgy first anyway01:19
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lufisljlolel: really? i didn't know that01:19
yommwhy ?01:19
derekjwwbut what do I have to do to upgrade anyways?01:20
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lufisderekjww: gksudo update-manager -d01:20
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ljloleldependency progressions... I've had trouble01:21
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derekjwwthere is nothing in the window?01:21
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lufisderekjww: nothing at all?01:21
yommI see !01:21
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mikemacdhey, can someone help me install the correct version of ubuntu on my system to get my beryl?01:22
metalheddWhats with my fstab? lol.01:22
metalheddi hope thats a common question.01:22
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DigitalNinjaCan one use Linux to hack into a Windows box? I've got nubuntu01:22
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mjrof course you can01:22
ClarKentanyone have a link to a good Mutt tutorial for edgy?01:22
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yommDigitalninja : of course you can , it's just an complex subject01:23
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calvinosaurusyou're going to need alluminum cds and a strong arm01:23
lufisDigitalNinja: no one here is going to help you be malicious01:23
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metalheddwhy are my devices looking like this in fstab? UUID=0c4c3703-6006-4be1-a1a3-4c52658fb35801:23
mikemacdhey, can someone help me install the correct version of ubuntu on my system to get my beryl?01:23
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lufisderekjww: hold on01:23
krieli just installed 6.10 onto my laptop and everything works fine except sound. yes, everything is unmuted. can anyone help me? I think I might have found a solution, a patch on ALSA's bug website, but I'm not experienced enough in anything to use that without help.01:23
DigitalNinjayomm: I was at a tech expo where they had a vista box setup for hacking into. The goal was to find the file with some text in it and tell the judge what it is.01:23
derekjwwlufis: ok01:23
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DigitalNinjayomm: I didn't try to hack in but I was later told that it wasn't that hard to get in.01:24
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DigitalNinjayomm: Do you know of any websites with this kind of info.01:24
lufisderekjww: gksudo update-manager -d01:24
lufisderekjww: whoops01:24
erUSUL!sound > kriel01:24
imc_Firestarter question - how can I set it to protect on use of ppp0, not eth001:24
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues01:24
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lufisderekjww: gksu update-manager -c 01:25
derekjwwubotu: who's that for?01:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about who's that for? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:25
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yommDigitalninja : there are various way to test network security ,and network vulnerablities ,there is no short answer01:25
jamiehdhow do I shut down using the teminal?01:25
foormeasudo init 001:26
erUSULjamiehd: shutdown -h now01:26
jlgaddisDon't feed the script kiddies.01:26
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DigitalNinjayomm: True! I've looked at nubuntu which comes with a lot of security tools. Most of them require a lot of reading and testing just to get them to work.01:26
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derekjwwit still doesn't work01:26
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DigitalNinjayomm: I was hoping someone in here could point me to a website with some info.01:26
Damewhat partition manager ubuntu use when u are installing it?01:26
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lufisderekjww: well i don't know. look at this http://www.debianadmin.com/upgrade-ubuntu-dapper-to-ubuntu-edgy-eft.html01:26
jlgaddisDigitalNinja: http://www.google.com/01:27
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jamiehdThanks erUSUL01:27
DigitalNinjajlgaddis: I'm searching01:27
derekjwwI've already looked at this page01:27
lufishi andres01:27
metalheddcan someone please explain how this UUID thing works in fstab? wats the deal? and for the record. I hate it already. lol01:27
imc_Firestarter question - how can I set it to protect on use of ppp0, not eth001:27
dabidecan someone recommend a FTP server i can use on my ubuntu server 6.10 ?01:27
ljlolelI have a .sty package file for latex.  How do I install it?01:27
yommDigiNinja : a bib of googling should give you you plenty of results01:27
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DigitalNinjajlgaddis: Maybe I need to get a trial copy of vista and do some scaning01:27
andres hey , i tried to install ubuntu with the live cd , so i put the live cd in my cd room and i restarted my computer , after thata the live cd showed me some options ! , i started "stard or install" after that was loading and later my screen turn black, and nothing happened , why ?01:27
jlgaddismetalhedd: Each partition on your system is given a UUID.  It uses that instead of, say, /dev/sda4 to refer to the partition.01:28
lufisandres: which version?01:28
metalheddhow do i find out what the UUIDs are for all of my partitions?01:28
andresversion 6.06 lts!01:28
erUSULmetalhedd: due to changes in the linux kernel ata drivers now hard disk devices will have to be adreesed by uuid01:28
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n-iCeHow can I install beryl in xubunto01:28
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mikemacdI'm using an ATI video card, and I need to install Ubuntu (and then Beryl) onto my computer, without a CD.  Can someone help?01:28
DigitalNinjaI have used nessus. Well, I was able to get it up and running. I scanned my own domain. That was about it01:28
lufisandres: i've had problems with booting from edgy. you can try removing "splash" from the grub menu and booting that way. it worked for me01:28
erUSULmetalhedd: to smooth the transition01:28
jlgaddismetalhedd: "e2label"01:29
metalheddjlgaddis: thanks.01:29
andresok , i'll try01:29
erUSULmetalhedd: ls -al /dev/disk/by-uuid/01:29
ubotuparted: The GNU Parted disk partition resizing program. In component main, is standard. Version 1.7.1-2.1ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 53 kB, installed size 156 kB01:29
lufisandres: if you need any help doing that jut ask01:29
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erUSULmetalhedd: blkid too01:29
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andrescan i install the beryl without install ubuntu , only running with the live cd?01:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about partitons - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:29
metalheddjlgaddis: I can use e2label to assign a better UUID than that big long thing?01:30
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about partiton - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:30
mikemacdIs there a way to access my files from the Windows XP part of my computer when I'm running Ubuntu?01:30
lufisandres: maybe, but you wouldn't want to01:30
jlgaddis!partition | Dame01:30
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lufisandres: the livecd loads itself into memory... you're stressing it as it is without all the eyecandy01:30
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metalheddjlgaddis: can I specify a label in fstab instead of a UUID?01:31
lufismikemacd: there are ext* drivers for windows... google "ext3 windows"01:31
lufisor ext201:31
andresi've just get the live cd yesterday in a conference so i'm trying !01:31
lufisandres: ah01:31
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metalhedderUSUL: can I specify only a label in the fstab or does there need to be a uuid?01:32
imc_So WHY is something listening on port 139 out of the box with Ubuntu edgy and how can I kill it?01:32
imc_So WHY is something listening on port 139 out of the box with Ubuntu edgy and how can I kill it?01:32
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erUSULmetalhedd: afaik you can use a label01:32
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erUSULimc_: samba?01:32
mikemacdwhat do i need drivers for?01:32
imc_erUSUL, prolly, but why out of the box, without me turning it on?01:32
dustinshould i upgrade to edgy in order to use my palm?01:32
lufismikemacd: oh, whoops, i misunderstood01:33
AozakiQuestion about the language support: I have some Japanese music files, in the file browser I can read it just fine but when I load the files in to xmms or any other music program, it displays as boxes. Anyone know why?01:33
Cycolufis ext3 for windows have you gotten it to work with resier?01:33
metalhedderUSUL: one more q. can I assign labels to ntfs and fat partitions as well?01:33
lufismikemacd: you'll need ntfs-3g for read/write support01:33
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lufisCyco: i don't use windows :P01:33
metalheddthis is a pain.. I have a lot of partitions to mount.01:33
erUSULmetalhedd: dunno01:33
Cycolol my wife needs it :(01:33
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lufisCyco: have no idea. try googling around01:33
imc_OR rather, How can I make it so that Samba server is not on unless I ask it to be, and not accepting incoming connections?01:33
lufis!ntfs-3g | mikemacd01:34
ubotumikemacd: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)01:34
Cycowill do  - - said it can, but i have not successfully achieved it....01:34
yommdoes windows ext2/3 even support reiserfs  ?? ( hence the name .. )01:34
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rbilimc_: sudo /etc/init.d/samba stop01:35
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Cycoyomm no it doesnt, but their is a driver that supports ext3 and mounts your linuxfs as "drives"01:35
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imc_rbil - I know how to do that, thanks. I'd like to stop it from starting on startup in the first place01:35
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yommCyco : I know , I'm using ext3 on my xp , but reiserfs is a different fs so ;a different driver , right ?01:36
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lufisyomm: i would assume so01:37
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yommok just to make clear :)01:37
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Cycoya but reiser is a relative and is suppposed to work, i will investigate it01:37
rbilimc_: remove the softlink S20samba from /etc/rc5.d01:37
lufisyomm: i used an ext2 driver i think for accessing a few files back when i dualbooted. never had an issue with it, but reiserfs is a whole different filesystem01:37
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic01:38
jlgaddisHeh, I imagine work on reiserfs has slowed down tremendously in the last few months, eh?  =)01:38
erUSULimc_: sudo update-rc.d -f samba remove01:38
dustinhey i get this error01:38
imc_thanks erSUL01:38
dustinpi_bind error: /dev/pilot Too many levels of symbolic links01:38
dabidewhy do i get only a transfer speed of ~800kb/s when accessing files on my ubuntu server via ftp? also transfers via samba fileshare are slow, ive got a 10/100 nic installed01:38
lufis<obligatory joke> what a filesystem, though, killer performance!</obligatory joke>01:38
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dabidei'm accessing the server via wlan in the local network01:39
yommMy xp crashed badly on one installation of the ext3 drivers , the other went fine01:39
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Lunar_Lampdabide, that sounds like a fast connection...01:39
crisi need help with wine plz01:39
jlgaddisdabide: Heh, I get faster than that from the Internet.01:39
andresis there some ubuntu channels in spanish ?01:39
yommLunar mb hes on lan01:39
billyI'd like to install a Real Player plugin to Firefox, but I've noticed on UbuntuForums that lots of folks are having difficulty.  Is there an "easy way" to get it going, or maybe someone knows of an easy to follow howto?01:39
lufiscris: what's the issue?01:40
erUSUL!es > andres01:40
dabideLunar_Lamp: forgot to mention that i'm connected to the server via wlan locally01:40
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sureshothello all01:40
lufishi sureshot01:40
erUSULandres: sin problema ;)01:40
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sureshotjust came back to ubuntu01:40
tom_hey everyone, i'm trying to install a belkin wireless pci card, taht I'm pretty sure works out of the box with ubuntu. could any one help?01:41
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sureshotdoes anyone know if vmplayer will run the vms operating system for vax01:42
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lufishi meik_01:43
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mike-dbI'm thinking about installing ubuntu now do I need windows xp duel booted in order to run Wine?01:43
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dabidea more detailed explanation of my problem: the server is connected trough ethernet with the router, and i'm connected to the router via wlan (the connectivity is very good), but when i send/fetch files to/from the server (via samba/windows network neighborhood, via ssh file transfer, or via ftp) i only get rather slow speeds, about 800kb/s with fpt and about 1000kb/s with ssh file transfer, any clues?01:44
lufismike-db: wine runs independent of windows, though it can use some of windows' libraries iirc01:44
Xenguymike-db: no01:44
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nrdb_mike-db: wine doesn't need a windows install to work01:44
mike-dbSo I don't need windows? Perfect! I only want to play WoW anyway.01:44
erUSULsureshot: vmware is not an emulator afaics01:45
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joeyk_dabide, your never gonna have exremly fast speeds using wlan01:45
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krielerUSUL: followed the troubleshooting on the website you gave me. still no sound, even though everything in the software says i should.01:45
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nrdb_mike-db: I don't know about WoW, but I run other programs, with no windows anywhere.01:45
sureshotwell it runs other ops just thought i would ask guess i am stuck with simh01:45
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K3nthey guys, i installed emerald and beryl and now i dont have any frames on my windows01:45
sureshotthank erusul01:46
dabidejoeyk_: but it should definetly be faster than 800kb/s, shouldn't it?01:46
yommI have set up my fstab to include 3 samba shares on my LAN ,when I do "sudo mount -a" they mount fine , but they won't mount after a reboot , any hints ?01:46
lufisK3nt: run "metacity" in the meantime01:46
nrdb_I am having a small problem with OpenOffice, when I mis-spell a word it isn't putting the red line under it, I think I have it enabled properly, can some help please ?01:46
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K3ntalright im back with windows01:46
lufisK3nt: ;)01:46
jlgaddisyomm: Sounds like you missed an option in /etc/fstab.01:46
K3ntwith the frames for windows in ubuntu i mean01:46
breadstichi guys, i was wondering if any of you could recommend something to download  and install to make ubuntu look all pretty like the latest suse with a 3d desktop environment?01:46
K3ntbut does anybody know how to use the themese from emeral? and make them work?01:46
yommjlgaddis : you want to take a look at it ?01:47
maartenhmmmm.... I messed something up. I was able to browse to my windows box with Konqurer, but now it says that the The Zeroconf daemon (mdnsd) is not running. I tried stopping/starting the avahi-daemon, but it fails to stop. Any ideas?01:47
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joeyk_depends on your wlan setup, if your connected a/b/g and signal strength..01:47
K3ntbreadstic: i would say beryl and emerald if i could get them to work01:47
breadsticcool, ok, i'll have a look at some screenshots, thnx01:48
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AaronMTanyone get wireless working on an inspiron 150101:48
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n-iCehow can i move a icon to my desktop ?01:48
n-iCeif is in the panel01:48
lufis-brbfudzn-iCe: drag it?01:48
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mike-dbSo wine works just as fine with kubuntu?01:49
n-iCedoesn't work01:49
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IndyGunFreakn-iCe: wine works with Ubuntu01:49
n-iCewine ?01:49
n-iCewhat's that?01:49
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IndyGunFreakoh, i thought you were talking to mike-db about wine01:49
pepo#/join espiral01:50
calvinosaurusn-iCe: wine runs programs designed to run in windows01:50
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calvinosauruserr allows you to run01:50
IndyGunFreakn-iCe: you're tryin to add an icon to your desktop.. where's the icon at, in your menu?01:50
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higiravenI am going to buy a laptop. What is the best graphics card for linux: nvidia or intel?01:51
n-iCeYeah IndyGunFreak01:51
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billyhigiraven, i have an intel and everything works fine.01:51
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higiraven3d rendering and so works out of the box, right?01:52
IndyGunFreakn-iCe: hang on a sec, i know its different.. pretty sure its not just drag and drop.01:52
billyhigiraven, alta needed a little tweaking, though.  real simple though.01:52
yharrowdoes anyone know how I can order a very large number of cds for my team?01:52
higiravenuhm ok thanks01:52
sureshothey all i forgot to add the dos petition in my install how do i mount it and have it mount automaticly each time i boot01:52
n-iCeIndyGunFreak,  isn't , thank you.01:52
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calvinosaurushigraven: i just picked up a gazelle series laptop from system 7601:52
mytrueheroI don't seem to be able to play DVDs with Ubuntu. I followed the steps in the starter guide, but they didn't work for me. Would anyone mind helping me figure this out?01:52
billyhigiraven, sorry.  so far no Beryl.01:52
calvinosaurusgot it a few days ago01:52
rbilK3nt: do u have colour depth in xorg.conf set to 24?01:53
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higiravenbilly I think Beryl works fine01:53
omaralguien habla espaol???????01:53
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n-iCeomar,  yo01:53
higiravensi, ve a #ubuntu-es01:53
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billyhigiraven, maybe for you, but not for me.  Probly b/c I suck though.  I'm a total newb.01:53
omarorale gracias01:53
K3ntrbil: im not sure01:53
erUSUL!es | omar01:53
omarnecesito ayuda01:53
ubotuomar: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:53
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higiravenuhm ok01:53
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erUSULomar: /join #ubuntu-es01:54
omarweno mmmm como instalo el amsn?01:54
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rbilK3nt: check it and if it's not, change it to 2401:54
higiravensudo apt-get install amsn01:54
K3ntrbil: how can i check it?01:54
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages01:54
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rbilK3nt: less /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:54
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n-iCeomar,  te recomiendo el kopete01:54
n-iCeme gusta ms01:54
omarok cual es el comando completo01:55
ubotucomix: GTK Comic Book Viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.3-1 (edgy), package size 146 kB, installed size 956 kB01:55
ubotukopete: instant messenger for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5+kopete0.12.3-0ubuntu2.2 (edgy), package size 6824 kB, installed size 18932 kB01:55
n-iCeomar,  prueba sumo apt-get install kopete01:55
K3ntrbil: ok i see it01:55
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maartenhmmmm.... I messed something up. I was able to browse to my windows box with Konqurer, but now it says that the The Zeroconf daemon (mdnsd) is not running. I tried stopping/starting the avahi-daemon, but it fails to stop. Any ideas?01:55
ubuntuHi again... I have a bit of a memory problem here.. What is the command that lets me configure my screens and drivers, mouse and keyboard?01:55
omarok grax y despues d eso q hago?01:55
n-iCeomar,  ya se instala y lo jalas01:55
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omarorale gracias01:55
K3ntrbil: doesnt say anything about color depth01:55
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sureshothow do i mount a dos petition and have it mount automaticly each time i boot01:56
rbilK3nt: DefaultDepth ?01:56
billyubuntu, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver ??01:56
erUSULomar: n-iCe higiraven creo que deberais moveros a #ubuntu-es este canal es ingls01:56
higiravenI know01:56
n-iCeme too01:56
higiravenim speaking english01:56
erUSUL!ntfs > sureshot01:56
calvinosaurusyo no habla espanol.01:56
billyubuntu, ACTUALLY sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:57
omarno se pudo!!!!!!01:57
higiravenomar #ubuntu-es01:57
K3ntrbil: can we pm? its like a storm in here01:57
sureshotthanks erUSUL i will read that01:57
omarok ok grax01:57
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AozakiQuestion about the language support: I have some Japanese music files, in the file browser I can read it just fine but when I load the files in to xmms or any other music program, it displays as boxes. Anyone know why?01:57
IndyGunFreakn-iCe: what app you trying to add to your desktop.01:57
IndyGunFreaki can't remember for the life of me how to do it.01:57
rbilK3nt: pm me if u like01:57
n-iCeIndyGunFreak,  swiftfox01:57
techiegood evening. I downloaded some files from "amule" and I see them but do not know how to access them can anybody help?01:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rss - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rssfeeds - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:58
techiethese files are on pdf01:58
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jinwhat to use to read rss feeds?01:58
n2obanyone know a good calendar app?01:58
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higiravenyou can use firefox..01:58
n-iCeor add it to the panel IndyGunFreak  ?01:58
Urbanmagejin: firefox or thunderbird?01:58
jinerm, isn't firefox just a browser?01:58
Xenguyjin: I use Firefox's 'sage' extension.01:58
IndyGunFreakn-iCe: doesn't seem there's a short way to do either one01:58
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IndyGunFreakjin: yes..01:58
Lr5!dual monitor01:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dual monitor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:58
higiravenerm you can use firefox to reed rss feeds01:58
techiehigiraven yes I know but the issue is the same, how do I read them?01:59
AaronMTdomi arigato mr uboto01:59
=== metalhedd [n=andre@bas6-london14-1168069811.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
tj239get an extension to read rss in firefox01:59
higiravenyou dont need an extension01:59
metalheddmy laptops sound card requires that I pass 'model=hp' to the kernel module.. how can I do this in ubuntu?01:59
higiravenfirefox reads rss natively01:59
n-iCethen ? IndyGunFreak  no idea?01:59
IndyGunFreakn-iCe: you might try asking in #xubuntu  I know I done it, i just can't remember exactly how.01:59
calvinosaurusthanks, Lr502:00
lufis-brbfudzmetalhedd: in grub, press esc to enter its menu. select the default, then press "e" to edit. edit the longest line and add "model=hp"02:00
techiecan anybody help. I see downloaded files from amule but do not know where they are or how to access them/read them. can anybody help?02:00
gbv22guys, i have a question regarding booting Ubuntu off USB. If u have a 2Gb usb flash drive, can I boot ubuntu off the USB and avail of all features? if so. can someone point me to where I can find instructions to do this? thanks02:00
Lr5calvinosaurus: what, where?02:00
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jinfirefox is awsome!02:01
lufis-brbfudzmetalhedd: er, maybe that would work02:01
lufis-brbfudzi dunno. try it02:01
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techiehow does firefox compare to amule?02:01
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higiravenfirefox is a web browser and amule is a p2p client02:01
calvinosaurusLr5: oh, i thought you told the bot to help me02:01
breadstici thought amule was a p2p prog02:01
metalheddlufis-brbfudz: on other distros there was a config file i had to adit for alsa.  i've never had to touch grub for it before.02:01
gbv22guys, i have a question regarding booting Ubuntu off USB. If u have a 2Gb usb flash drive, can I boot ubuntu off the USB and avail of all features? if so. can someone point me to where I can find instructions to do this? thanks02:01
lufis-brbfudzmetalhedd: ah, okay then., nevermind my advice02:02
techieduhs,,, i use firefox all the time!02:02
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calvinosaurusLr5: are you trying to get a second monitor working too?02:02
techieyes you are right. is great02:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:02
peija-kasubuntu ops: <thedcm> I'm going to come back later and flood the ubuntu channels with about 10 people02:02
peija-kashes at it again02:02
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Lr5calvinosaurus: yah, with an old thinkpad t2102:02
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tonyyarussoI'm looking for ways to limit bandwidth usage on dialup connections, and need tips.  Caching of files, DNS info, etc, whatever?02:02
IndyGunFreakn-iCe: here it is..... right click your desktop, Name---- Firefox... where it says, Command.. Firefox.  then choose an icon for it.02:02
K3ntrbil: i changed it to 24 from 1602:02
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K3ntdidnt do anything02:02
jinthe problem with firefox is, It only display the titles and not the description..02:02
billyabout how long does it take ShipIt to mail out Ubuntu CD's?02:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rssreader - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:02
rbilK3nt: and u restarted gdm?02:02
peija-kasubuntu ops: <thedcm> I already have them organized <thedcm> ;)02:02
peija-kasdo something about that guy :/02:03
rbilgui desktop02:03
tonyyarussopeija-kas: #ubuntu-ops please02:03
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K3ntnope is that ctrl-baclspace02:03
peija-kas<thedcm> pfred1: ubuntu supports multiculturalism02:03
rbilK3nt: yes, that's one way02:03
K3ntlol that doesnt do anything02:03
erUSULtonyyarusso: afaik in ubuntu bind is instaled by default as dns caching server you can use pdnsd too02:03
K3ntwhat if i just restarted ubuntu02:03
tonyyarussoerUSUL: thanks02:04
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead02:04
IndyGunFreakn-iCe: did that work?02:04
rbilK3nt: ctrl-alt-backspace02:04
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ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama02:04
calvinosaurusLr5: I was searching google earlier and I found that what needs to be done is to edit the xorg-config file. but I was having trouble finding a program that could do that automatically02:04
K3ntrbil: ctrl-alt-backspace restarts all of ubuntu02:04
rbilK3nt: no just restarts x server02:04
^Albe^hi to all, sry the fast question: is there a chance to see vlc "always on top"? :(02:05
peija-kask3nt yep it restarts X02:05
Urbanmagejin: how are you opening the rss link?  there should be an icon at the end of the address bar that you can click on to add the feed, after that you can follow the rss links to the article02:05
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lufis-brbfudz^Albe^: should be an option to do that when clicking on the window border's button02:05
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lufis-brbfudzon the left side02:05
K3ntrbil: ok that worked02:05
K3nti think02:05
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billy^Albe^, right click on the window title panel, click "on top"02:05
tj239ctrl alt backspace doesn't go check through the bios02:05
omegabetaQuestion : where do I get Qt 3.3 and < 4.0 header libraries?02:05
HymnToLife[] omegabeta, sudo apt-get install libqt3-mt-dev02:06
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omegabetaHymnToLife[] : cheers02:06
lufis-brbfudzomegabeta: search synaptic for "qt" or "libqt"02:06
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tj239pinky promise02:06
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=== Lr5 finds something very helpful-looking at the bot reply
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^Albe^thx not so bad that one :) , is there a chance to set the always on top option (for a smaller window)?02:07
sureshothey all just a thought... it is good to be back with a help channel that really helpful the other one i was on was not friendly02:07
billy^Albe^, should work the same way.02:07
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billy^Albe^, just resize the window manually.02:07
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Tairomanyone how the time (or inclination) to go into a private chat to help a new user on trying to get things running?02:07
=== Lr5 wonders if the configuration written on the help page works on his laptop too
billyTairom, what kind of probs you having?02:08
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Tairomlol where to start. 1) ati x1650 (known issue) 2) VPC0702:08
omegabetacrap, JUST as my bandwith cap is back.. =/ oh well, got all the themes.. just need the libary headers.. thanks guys02:08
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billyTairom, I wish I could help, but I have no experience with those.02:08
^Albe^the windows seems always "behind"02:09
Tairomnp thanks for the willingness anyway02:09
lufis-brbfudzomegabeta: bandwidth cap? ick. is it your isp's doing?02:09
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sureshotomegabeta do you have huges net yet02:09
sureshotomegabeta do you have huges net yet not yet but now02:09
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techieanybody here that has experience with showing files on the desktop? I think a folder must be made visible so that I can see the downloaded files. Can anybody help?02:09
billy^Albe^, when you right-click on the window's border, is "on top" checked?02:09
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yipeI can't log into edgy, it says the system is going to shut down in one minute02:09
omegabetalufis-brbfudz: ye, per month I get 60 gig, 20 on peek and 40 of peek02:10
omegabetaoffpeek being between 2am and 12pm02:10
omegabetaAustralia sp02:10
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yipeexcept that it never does shutdown, it just sits there02:10
omegabetaisp are crap02:10
techieanybody knows which command to use for this?02:10
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lufis-brbfudzomegabeta: ah... i've had trouble with some isps being absurdly greedy with bandwidth. they sell you unlimited access and then act all surprised when you actually use it! pssh02:10
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Tairomdoes anyone have some experence with virtual pc 07?02:10
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^Albe^sry the newbie question :P02:10
sureshoti have huges net like a 160 meg at a time then wait an hure for about another 15 minutes02:11
omegabetalufis-brbfudz: Yep, and then decide that you have breached their "Fair use policy"02:11
maartenhmmm... I can access my linux machine from windows, I can access my windows machine from other windows machines, but I cannot mount smb shares on my linux box. Says access denied, and the shares are all public. I created userid's on windows but still no go.02:11
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nykitoHi to all02:11
yipeanyone have a clue how I can trick edgy into not thinking it's going to shutdown anymore?02:11
billy^Albe^, it's no problem.  I myself have newb-questions flowing from all ends. ;)02:11
^Albe^:) ;) thx02:11
nykitoI'm trying to upgrade from dapper to edgy02:11
sureshothate that fap it hits at the wrong time... that is why i cant dl elf02:11
billynykito, you'll need a GOOD reason to do that.02:11
lufis-brbfudzbilly: get a towel02:11
nykitobut I've the error /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/apt/__init__.py:17: FutureWarning: apt API not stable yet02:11
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SkrotHi. Is there a easy way to delete files when they're older than X days?02:12
nykitowarnings.warn("apt API not stable yet", FutureWarning)02:12
K3ntocould somebeody help me get my wireless working again? i uninstalled some nvidia things a short while ago, and after reboot, my wireless crapped out :(02:12
billylufis-brbfudz: I wear a diaper.02:12
lufis-brbfudzbilly: good idea ;)02:12
nykitowhy billy?02:12
billynykito, i'm looking for the link.  just a sec.02:12
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IndyGunFreaknykito: sometimes its easier to do a clean install.02:12
sureshotwell off to configure simh and load the 14 disks of open vms see ya all later02:12
elkbuntuomegabeta, australian english is permitted in #ubuntu-au ;)02:12
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nykitoyou mean install edgy directly?02:13
erUSULK3nto: maybe it is an atheros card and you uninstaled restricted modules ??02:13
omegabetaelkbuntu: :P)02:13
jamiehdAnyone know how I can set up ftp, so I can upload to my server02:13
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nykitoIndyGunFreak: ?02:13
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jamiehdI have installed the server version of ubuntu02:13
K3ntoi did uninstall things from restricted modules. ill check02:13
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crishave someone tried the DirectFB window manager?02:13
IndyGunFreaknykito: i've never had luck upgrading Linux OSs(or M$ OS's for that matter).. always backup and do a clean install if you ask me.02:13
omegabetachecking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.3 and < 4.0) (library qt-mt) not found. Please check your installation!02:14
IndyGunFreakupgrades always seem to run slow02:14
omegabetaOdd, they are both installed02:14
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nykitoFirst time I've upgraded from dapper to edgy there were no problems02:14
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IndyGunFreaknykito: well when why are you trying to upgrade again?02:14
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billynykito, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=286209&highlight=thinking+of+upgrading02:15
Tairomok how about this, in a virtual enviro, would 6.06 or 6.10 be better. have read some posts that 6.10 and vpc arent playing nice02:15
nykitothank you billy02:15
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billynykito, not telling you not to.  but it's worth considering.  if u got everything working with Dapper, stick with it.02:16
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:16
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ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash02:16
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IndyGunFreakbilly:  Thats good advice.., I personally hate upgrading OS's,02:17
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IndyGunFreaknever works02:17
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billyIndyGunFreak, thanks.  I hate seeing someone making things harder on themselves.02:17
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IndyGunFreakbilly:  isn't that the truth02:18
wesleypanis there anyone that could help me with ndiswrapper?02:18
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erUSULIndyGunFreak: i have upgraded my ubuntu since warty beta all the way to edgy (and will do to feisty) without problems and without reinstalling02:18
nykitobut, anyway, what do you think about the error?02:18
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IndyGunFreakerUSUL: i'm not saying its impossible, its just never went right with me02:19
IndyGunFreakeither got some wierd error, or it was slow, etc.02:19
billyerUSUL, then that probably makes you the minority.02:19
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wesleypanwhy is it that i get a (you don't have permission)box..im the admin!02:19
K3nthey guys i got a problem02:19
=== HoffmannP [n=ber@c-69-248-210-174.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rbilbilly, i'm part of the minority also :-), but a 7 hour upgrade isn't alot of fun02:20
HoffmannPhy folks, can anyone tell me what happend about wireless lan in edgy?02:20
K3nti installed two nvidia things thinking they would helomy wireless card, but i got a blue screen on startup02:20
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billyrbil, word.  ain't fun at all.  but why upgrade when there's no reason and Dapper will be supported for 2.5 more years?02:20
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K3ntnow i have no gui02:20
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jamiehd I found it very east02:20
=== Dr_willis wonders what nvidia ghas to do with wireless.
jamiehd*easy to upgrage02:20
rbilbilly, not suggesting anyone upgrade, just that it "worked for me" :-)02:21
billyeven though I myself jumped into feisty first and then backtracked to Feisty.02:21
erUSULbilly: maybe but the beauty of linux and specially debian is that you don't have to reinstall02:21
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K3ntsomething in restricted-linux-modules02:21
Dr_willisunless you REALLY mess things up. :)02:21
erUSULbilly: as often as with other os's02:21
mptechwhat's the recommended method for installing a newer kernel on edgy?02:21
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ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild02:21
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billyerUSUL, that's true.  i meant to say, I started with FEisty and backtracked to Edgy.02:21
thepactWhat is the Debian equilavent of the ll command?02:21
Dr_willisll ?02:22
Dr_williswhat ll command?02:22
thepactYea, show files and their permissions02:22
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HoffmannPwas one of the answeres for me?02:22
Dr_willisyou mean ls02:22
nykitoerUSUL: what do you think about the error I got?02:22
maartenany reason why connecting to a windows share would result in "access denied" (other PC is Vista), while I can access the Vista computer perfectly from my Windows Laptop, and sharing is completely open?02:22
thepactIs there an equivalent command in Ubuntu?02:22
K3nterUSUL: i installed a couple packes; the ones you said and my gui is gone. llil help :D02:22
thepactls doesn't show perms02:22
Dr_willisoften ll = an alias for 'ls -l'02:22
HoffmannPls -la ist the ll command02:22
Dr_willisthepact,  time to read the ls manual. :) and bash 10102:22
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mptechDr_willis, I'd rather not have to compile myself02:22
mptechis it safe to borrow the kernel package from feisty?02:22
thepactYea, I'll get right on that02:23
billy!hi | miguel02:23
ubotumiguel: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:23
Urbanmagemptech: I've had success with sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:23
HoffmannPmaarten: why do you have vista at all? *sorry*02:23
thepactI am used to RH, where ll is a valid command02:23
thepactBut thanks02:23
Dr_willismptech,  the normal kernel updates are in  the repositories.. i dont think you can just get the fiesty kernel packages and use them02:23
migueli speak spanish02:23
crdlbthepact, you can alias it yourself02:23
maartenHoffmannP: That wasn't the question ;)02:23
miguelyo hablo espaol02:23
n-iCe!es miguel02:23
billyi played around with a Vista computer at the store.  my PC with Ubuntu is faster.02:23
ubotues: An extensible shell based on `rc'. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.90beta1-10.1 (edgy), package size 99 kB, installed size 248 kB02:23
_-zar_-hy all I just installed ubuntu yesterday, Ive been using linux for 10 years and everything worked out of the box on my acer laptop so im still in shock02:23
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:23
Dr_willis_-zar_-,  even suspend?02:23
mptechDr_willis, according to packages.ubuntu.org, only 2.6.17 is available in edgy02:23
Dr_willis_-zar_-,  :) amazing02:23
Dr_willismptech,  sounds about right...02:24
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mptechDr_willis, I need 2.6.18 for my motherboard02:24
mptechor else networking won't work02:24
_-zar_-busy install gcc to compile some extra stuff02:24
migueli speak spanish02:24
miguelyo hablo em espaol02:24
Urbanmagescratch that, I didn't see the kernel stuff :P02:24
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metalheddhow can I pass an option to one of the alsa modules?02:24
crdlbIt's miguel de icaza!02:24
Dr_willismptech,  -  use the soruce then - or try feisty.02:24
billymptech, what motherboard do you have?02:25
K3ntok i think i know what to do: i need to uninstall those packages from the terminal02:25
alexcamilodoes anyone know how to get the installer in ubuntu 6.10 ppc to not start in 1024x768 resolution? the fix i have now is switching to tty2 and editing the xorg.conf file and then resetting X. i could probubly do the same when it's finally installed but the ubuntu startup screen is still messed up. is there a way to fix that?02:25
_-zar_-the kubuntu did not work very well though02:25
mptechbilly, asus p5b deluxe02:25
erUSULK3nt: what?? have you instaled the nvidia drivers from nvidia.com (the *.run file) ??02:25
billymptech, and Edgy won't install?02:25
mptechbilly, it installs02:25
mptechbut no networking support02:25
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billymptech, oh sorry to distract.02:25
miguelalguien habla espaol???????????????02:25
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tonyyarusso!es | miguel02:25
ubotumiguel: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:25
billy!es | miguel02:25
K3nterUSUL: yes i had everything perfect except my wireless02:25
K3ntthen i installed a couple restricted packages02:26
K3ntand poof, no gui02:26
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_-zar_-I wish i had a nvida driver, Im stuck with a Intel Corporation Mobile Integrated Graphics Controller02:26
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eck_-zar_-: that's better for you02:26
eckmuch better linux drivers02:26
_-zar_-well 3d accell worked out of the box02:27
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_-zar_-Ya but it uses software pixel shaders instead of hardware ones :(02:27
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erUSULK3nt: that's the problem :( the restricted-modules package has the atheros driver *and the nvidia driver when you instaled it you screwed the nvidia instalation. it is an ugly hack but maybe rerunning the *,run  file fixes the thing...02:27
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Dr_willis_-zar_-,  vi dosent care about pixle shaders... :)02:27
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eckyeah, but it works02:27
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cameronheathI need some help installing please.02:28
_-zar_-yea but my winshit partition to play video games does02:28
K3nterUSUL: so i type what into the terminal?02:28
Dr_willisGames are for the weak.02:28
eckcameronheath: with what exactly?02:28
erUSULK3nt: if not you will have to uninstall the packages  restricted-modules package and reinstall nvidia and then install the atheros driver by hand02:28
Dr_willisive been playing RCTW:ET lately :) its a classic02:28
miguelmueranse todos los chuchaesumare hijos de puta y vayanse a la mierda todos los gringos putos hijitos de mama02:28
billyDr_willis, chess is the royal game.02:28
n-iCeHow can i change my keyboard configurations ?02:28
eckmiguel: that's not nice02:28
rotarisedHello! I've just installed ubuntu edgy eft. And when I click 'add/remove' in applications, it starts up ('starting installed and available applications'), and then disappears.02:29
K3nterUSUL: so what do i do in the terminal?02:29
erUSULK3nt: repeat what you did to install the nvidia driver02:29
firefly2442n-iCe: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard ?02:29
n-iCefirefly2442,  xubuntu02:29
wesleypanwhy can't a create new folders in the File System02:29
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cameronheatheck: with partitioning02:29
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firefly2442n-iCe: dunno sorry, I've never tried Xubuntu02:30
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eckcameronheath: with how to do it or what?02:30
_-zar_-Im still getting used to gnome after years of kdeing02:30
billywesleypan, did you `sudo mkdir ....` ?02:30
erUSULK3nt: something like 'sudo bash file.run'02:30
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wesleypanbut i'm not sure i did it correctly02:30
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:30
wesleypanim trying to get the ndiswrapper installed02:30
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billywesleypan, copy/paste the exact command you're using into the forum.02:30
_-zar_-yay my gcc installed correctly02:30
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cameronheatheck: yeah basicly, i have two options at the partition disks prompt02:31
eckcameronheath: you probably want the one where you resize partitions02:31
cameronheatheck: and they both say erase entire disk02:31
eckunless you have unpartitioned space on your hard drive02:31
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_-zar_- Couldn't find package kismet02:31
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cameronheathdont think so?02:32
eckisn't there a custom partition option?02:32
cameronheatheck: should i manually edit partition?02:32
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wesleypanbilly..it just wont work for me...the terminal i type has been different a lot02:32
wesleypani don't know what to do02:32
eckyes, do the manual option02:32
tur1hi can any one direct me to a site that show how to upgrade breezy to dapper?02:32
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wesleypanis there anyway to do it iwth the interface?02:32
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:32
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erUSUL!upgrade > tur102:33
billywesleypan, try this as a test.  copy/paste `sudo mkdir /home/test`.  tell me what happens.02:33
yurimxpxmanDo any of you know why there's an xscreensaver-command command in Ubuntu 6.10 but /not/ in Xubuntu 6.10?02:33
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eckyurimxpxman: my guess is that the command is provided by gnome-screensaver02:33
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eckyurimxpxman: i think you can use dpkg -S to see which package provided a binary02:34
billywesleypan, i don't think so.  sudo command is required.  this has been a criticism of Ubuntu: that you have to drop a command line.  But it's cool with me.02:34
sureshothow do you fine a file that you know is on you ubuntu drive but search does not find it02:34
cameronheatheck: no  i have SCSTI1(0,0,0) (sda) 3.2 gb vmware wmware virtual s02:34
_`XeOn_how do i delete a folder in command line?02:34
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erUSUL_`XeOn_: rmdir02:34
eckcameronheath: is this in a virtual machine?02:34
eck_`XeOn_: rm -rf02:34
wesleypanbilly it asks for my password than it gives me the open line for the directory02:34
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wesleypan(im new with terminal :s)02:35
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands02:35
cameronheatheck: yeah trying to setup using vmware fusion02:35
billywesleypan, that means it worked.02:35
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_`XeOn_rm -rf (folder) right?02:35
wesleypanso than i type in what i want the folder name to be?02:35
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eckcameronheath: if it is in a VM i think the whole disk really just means the whole virtual partition/filesystem02:35
rotarisedDoes anyone know why 'add/remove...' disappears after it appears to be starting up?02:35
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wesleypaninstead of tes?02:35
ShakaGoldSaintanyone can help me out with git?, i'm getting this when i try to run git clone....   : /usr/bin/gitfm: fatal error: `chdir' failed02:35
eck_`XeOn_: that is correct02:35
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billywesleypan, exactly, be sure to put in the `/` as the first character for the new directory.02:35
_`XeOn_eck,  ty02:36
billywesleypan, that was pretty vague.02:36
cameronheatheck:  ehat exactley does that mean02:36
billywesleypan, i meant ...02:36
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ClarKentAnyone have a mutt tutorial site? I set up fetchmail, but they're not working together02:36
cameronheatheck: did vm already partition02:36
billywesleypan, be sure your command is in the form `sudo mkdir /this/is/an/example`.02:36
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wesleypanwill do billy02:36
eckcameronheath: well, my understanding is that if you install vmware you set aside some amount of space, and then in the virtual machine the disk really refers to that space, not your actual hdd02:36
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brandon_I am trying to compile the latest ALSA drivers and I have a question02:37
brandon_can anyone help me?02:37
wesleypanwhat should i put it into?...filesystem home what?02:37
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sureshothow would i fine ka655x.bin on my ubuntu drive02:37
Dr_williseck,  yep. virtual drives02:37
sanityxAnybody know a good app for converting and burning videos to DVD?02:37
eckClarKent: is fetchmail working?02:37
billywesleypan, what are you making the new directory for?02:37
cameronheatheck: so if i choose the wm virtual i wont lose anything on my hd in partitioning02:37
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wesleypanim making it for ndiswrapper02:37
ClarKenteck: yeah02:37
saltysureshot: 'sudo whereis ka655x.bin'02:38
wesleypanthe program i guess so that i can use my linksys drivers or at least have it work02:38
Pelosureshot, menu > places > search,  set system files as the location and add the show hidden files and folder option02:38
eckcameronheath: yes, i believe so. it should be apparent becasue your "hard drive" will be much smaller than the physical hdd02:38
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sureshotthanks all salty and pelo02:38
eckClarKent: well it has been a while since i used mutt, but i think you just have to set your folder or mbox or whatever to the path of where fetchmail is putting your stuff02:38
billywesleypan, i'm not sure where to put that program.  Maybe Dr_willis can help you.02:38
_`XeOn_im trying to convert an .rpm and i get this output : Warning: Skipping conversion of scripts in package winex: postinst postrm prerm Warning: Use the --scripts parameter to include the scripts.02:38
billfurIs there a filesystem that is cross platform between windows and ubuntu that isn't going to require me to use multiple partitions for very large harddisks?02:38
eckClarKent: you shoudl be able to read the mail directly (e.g. with less) to verify that fetchmail is actually getting things02:38
_`XeOn_what to do?02:38
wesleypanis the dr in tha house?02:38
wesleypanDr. Willis?02:39
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=== Dr_willis dont screw with wireless any more
ClarKenteck: thanks, i'll check that out02:39
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brandon_I'm trying to upgrade ALSA and I am using this in terminal02:39
brandon_sudo ./configuresudo ./configure  --with-kernel=/usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r) --with-cards=<stac92xx> --with-oss=yes02:39
billywesleypan, did you see that message.  oh guess so.02:39
brandon_stac92xx is unknown it says02:39
rbil_`XeOn_: add the --scripts parameter02:39
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_-zar_-brb compiling kismet02:39
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brandon_what can I use instead?02:39
wesleypani have to use wirelless.02:39
Dr_willisif thats a firmware file. you could use locate or find to search the windows drives.. or redownload the drivers to perhaps find the file02:39
brandon_its ALSA02:40
billywesleypan, post your questions to www.ubuntuforums.org.  Be as specific with as many details as you can.02:40
josh_for the sources.list, what is the country code for USA, US?02:40
saltyi have to use wireless too02:40
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K3nterUSUL: i reinstalled the nvidia driver but i didnt get my gui back. i need to uninstall those packages02:40
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wesleypanis yours linksys?02:40
_`XeOn_rbil, just like this? --> alien --scripts winex-x.x.x.rpm02:40
brandon_k3nt, have you tried envy?02:40
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cameronheatheck: thats what i figured,  it only says 3.2 gb when i have 8002:40
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Dr_williswinex? egads - where did that come from?02:41
rbil_`XeOn_: sure02:41
brandon_google: Ubuntu Envy02:41
saltyno..ya need to use ndswrapper for them don't ya? i have atheros chip and the ipw394502:41
K3ntbrandon: no02:41
brandon_can someone tell me what is wrong with this line?02:41
brandon_try it02:41
wesleypanlast question billy:....if i used something like WINE or something..would i be able to install the drivers for wireless as exe?02:41
brandon_it installs drivers02:41
K3ntbut i want to fix edgy02:41
brandon_worked for my nvidia02:41
brandon_sudo ./configuresudo ./configure  --with-kernel=/usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r) --with-cards=<stac92xx> --with-oss=yes02:41
brandon_what is wrong with that?02:41
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eckbrandon_: well, first of all, the syntax is all wrong02:42
eckand you don't need to use sudo02:42
rbil_`XeOn_: btw, why are you using a RPM as opposed to getting the package from the repos?02:42
eckrun it just starting from ./configure02:42
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billywesleypan, i'm not sure.  i'm totally inexperienced with wireless.  from what I understand ubuntu is the best for wireless.  psot to ubuntuforums.org.02:42
brandon_ok, so I can leave the other stuff off?02:42
brandon_because that is what is giving me fits02:42
brandon_yes k3nt02:42
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saltywesleypan: i have a linksys that i don't use and it requires the rt8180 driver02:42
ecki think the stuff the the left of the configure is wrong02:42
brandon_it fixes edgy02:42
KeeNaF86hi guys02:43
_`XeOn_rbil, cuz theres no winex02:43
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KeeNaF86anybody can read my text?02:43
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wesleypanwould you be able to help me out than?02:43
K3nti know what i need to do to fix edgy02:43
K3ntand that is remove packages02:43
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cameronheatheck: oonce i have selected the drive, should i modify anything02:43
_`XeOn_im trying to get call of duty working02:43
brandon_I'm just saying...envy will remove the bad ones and install the right ones02:43
saltyno... i had problems with it too...so i bought another02:43
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eckcameronheath: you don't need to, just use the defaults02:43
KeeNaF86guys .. im new here .. :)02:44
wesleypanany recommendations on an easy wireless reciever for linux salty?>02:44
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KeeNaF86i have problem with my beryl which is doesnt have title bar02:44
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saltyi bought the netgear WG511T and it works great02:44
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wesleypanawesome salty.02:45
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ubmIndyGunFreak are you near the keyboard?02:45
IndyGunFreakubm: yeah, why?02:45
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saltyyou can use madwifi drivers... it has atheros chipset02:46
cameronheatheck: no root file system is defined02:46
ubmIndyGunFreak where is our wine friend did he every manage to install it?02:46
IndyGunFreakubm: you'll have to enlighten me.. i can't remember what you're talking about.02:46
wesleypanis there a program that is graphical that would install without myself typing in the terminal by anychance?02:46
IndyGunFreaki remember the conversation.02:46
billyPeace and Love to all humanity.  Billy must eat food for nourishment.  yum yum...02:46
wesleypanlike a program that would do that for you.02:46
billyoops. not in a terminal huh?02:46
erUSULK3nt: go ahead... i think you will need to reinstall the nvidia driver again after removing the package02:47
saltysynaptic if ya have a debian package02:47
ubmIndyGunFreak oh n/m some guy that was in here the other day for hours trying to get wine running on edgy eft latest build... you were helping him, it was just funny.02:47
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saltyubuntu comes with madwifi drivers02:47
IndyGunFreakubm: sorry, been knocked up on some drugs for my ankle for a couple days, didn't recall it.. but now that you mention it, it does seem to be coming back to me...02:47
IndyGunFreakwas coming back like every two seconds, saying something didn't work, and we knew he wasn't trying it.02:48
rbilKeeNaF86: http://forum.beryl-project.org/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=163102:48
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ubmIndyGunFreak yeah that was him02:48
chasetoyshey folks02:48
chasetoyscan anyone tell me how to install eclipse02:48
chasetoyson ubuntu... i'm running into lots of problems02:48
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IndyGunFreakubm: see, even with vicodin in me, i'm lucid..lol02:48
|Jason8|Hey guys, I just installed a new video card (Nvidia 5500) and Ubuntu won't run.  Says something about the display not working and to see http://wiki.x.org02:49
|Jason8|Doesn't help me at all :/02:49
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:49
wesleypanberyl = worth the time?02:49
mptechwesleypan, it's nice02:49
ubmIndyGunFreak haha yeah vicodin is wonderful isn't it!02:49
|Jason8|Thanks :)02:49
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crdlbwesleypan, depends on how much time it takes02:49
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IndyGunFreakwesleypan: i think everyone should install beryl once, cuz it is cool, but once its novelty wears off, and you start to notice the drag on your system, you'll likely remove it.02:49
salty'sudo apt-get install eclipse'02:50
_`XeOn_ok now i have a .deb package whats the command to install?02:50
wesleypancrdlb is it relativly easy to install?...i think iwill install beryl now..i've seen videos of beryl02:50
crdlbwesleypan, depends on your video card02:50
ubm| jason8| its not ubuntu its Nvidia ;) and yes it will support the card.02:50
IndyGunFreakwesleypan: you're vido card is the big key02:50
crdlbwesleypan, if you need help see #ubuntu-effects02:50
Xenguy_`XeOn_: dpkg -i02:50
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|Jason8|Cool, good to hear.  my GeForce 2 was getting old :p02:50
ubm| jason8| you need to install the nvidia drivers and configure X02:50
chasetoyscan i please run sudo apt-get install from multiple terminal windows?02:51
_`XeOn_Xenguy, Xenks you :)02:51
chasetoysi get an error that it cant get a lock..02:51
cyphaseHow hard would it be, during the boot process, to only start services necessary to the X server before starting the X server? That way, you can get a GUI as quickly as possible, and the non-essential services can finish starting up in the background. Is this possible with Upstart in Feisty?02:51
chasetoysis there a way around this02:51
wesleypani got a dece nvidia card.02:51
Xenguy_`XeOn_: yw02:51
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salty'dpkg -i <whatever file>.deb02:51
codecainechasetoys you might have synaptics open02:51
rbilchasetoys: no, can only run one instance of install02:51
Charles-AndreHi guys, I've tried all the afternoon to install Ubuntu from a live CD on my laptop. It takes half an hour to load, and when I double-click the "Install" icon, after like 10 minutes, it freezes without bringing the installer GUI. I checked CD-ROM integrity and RAM, everything's OK. My laptop has 256MB RAM. What is causing the problem? Thanks.02:51
ubm| Jason8| http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.2902:51
tonyyarussoWhat imaging tools are available for Linux?  (equiv to Norton Ghost)02:51
Xenguytonyyarusso: partimage  ?02:52
salty!ubuntu user guide02:52
eckCharles-Andre: try the alternate installer, i'm not sure if you have enough ram02:52
chasetoysok for those of you who have installed eclipse.... do you folks need to do this 'fakeroot' thing and tell ubuntu to use Java's JRE not gnu's.. i.e. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EclipseWebTools02:52
tonyyarussoXenguy: thanks02:52
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Charles-Andreeck: What's this alternate installer? From the terminal?02:52
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Xenguytonyyarusso: yw (and what codecaine said ?)02:52
saltyi use the alternate install to command line02:53
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codecaineyou can format and partion with it02:53
IndyGunFreaki really hate when people put their names in brackets02:53
codecaineubuntu actually use it for its install02:53
eckCharles-Andre: it is a text based installer, and you can get it from the regular download page02:53
cameronheatheck: no root file system is defined02:53
bulmerchasetoys: you can select which java via update-alternatives02:53
XenguyIndyGunFreak: annoying nicks are on the rise, get used to it ;-)02:53
Charles-Andreeck: Thanks, do you mean I need to download another ISO?02:53
chasetoysbulmer: thats all i have to type?02:54
IndyGunFreakXenguy: i konw, i know.02:54
bulmerchasetoys: i believe so02:54
ubmchasetoys yes fakeroot make-jpkg jre-6-linux-i586.bin02:54
Q_Continuumeck: Let me know when you've got a minute.  The USB idea almost worked.02:54
eckCharles-Andre: i'm afraid so, i don't think the regular install cd has a text based installer on it as well02:54
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Pelodpkg is the command line installer for deb packages right ?02:54
tonyyarussoPelo: yes02:54
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eckcameronheath: i am not sure how to troubleshoot vmware02:55
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tonyyarussoXenguy: Is it possible to make a grub option that runs a script?  In particular, restoring the drive to OEM status from a partition image?02:55
Charles-Andreeck: :/ ok, thank you02:55
eckQ_Continuum: how far did you get?02:55
Xenguytonyyarusso: dunno02:55
cameronheatheck: cool, thanks for your help02:55
saltyyou need alternate install for text base install02:55
shinobi2in nautilus, how can i bring back the address bar?02:55
Q_Continuumeck: It booted fine. However, I couldn't put an ISO on the drive as well.02:55
Artemis3I want to burn a data dvd using udf (4.3g file) any program to do this?02:55
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Q_Continuumeck: the boot.img also included how big it was, so it told the drive "You're 260MB in size, with 6MB used" - thus, no room to put the ISO.02:56
Xenguytonyyarusso: grub hates me BTW ;-)02:56
tonyyarussoXenguy: lol02:56
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ubmtonyyarusso you why not run it after boot i would stay away from editing the grub script to run something before boot.... not very smart.02:56
eckQ_Continuum: were you trying to put on the regular installer or the network installer?02:56
Q_Continuumeck: My thought was to partition it ahead of time (into two partitions) and put the ISO on the second one.  will dd let me write to a single partition, or is it directly to the device?02:56
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rbilXenguy, doesn't Grub like names that start with "X"?02:56
Xenguytonyyarusso: it's true - I have nothing but trouble with grub, and I long for the days of lilo :-)02:56
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PeloIf I'm building a scrit to auto install all my little apps in one go after I've reinstalled my system ,  is there a command to enter my root password only once , instead of after earch of the install commands  ?02:56
Peloearch /each02:56
Q_Continuumeck: the regular, it wanted to search for the ISO on the local drives but couldn't find it (since I didn't have it there)02:57
Xenguyrbil: heh, not this nick :-)02:57
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cchanceDoes http://www.amazon.com/Tuner-Card-Remote-Control-PCI/dp/B000C6FVPG/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/103-8922741-4907816?ie=UTF8&s=pc&qid=1172973314&sr=1-1 work with ubuntu02:57
=== SilentDis [n=SilentDi@wdwi0pool0-a236.wi.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
Q_Continuumeck: but there wasn't room to put it on the USB drive I'd booted off of because of the boot.img properties02:57
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eckQ_Continuum: the boot.img has a netinstaller on it02:57
bulmerPelo: you can put all your commands inside a (  )02:57
ubmcchance why dont you give us the hardware version as opposed to spamming us with links to amazon :)02:57
bulmerand do one sudo02:57
Q_Continuumeck: The options wouldn't let that happen.  It wanted the ISO.02:57
Pelobulmer,  thanks02:58
cchanceubm, because i  know nothing about the product but whats on their02:58
cameronheathcan anyone help me setting up a /root directory with vmfusion02:58
Q_Continuumeck: Want me to recreate it again, and give the same options a try?02:58
cchanceubm ASIN: B000C6FVPG02:58
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Q_Continuumeck: I'm adjusting my sleep schedule tonight, so I'll be up until morning sometime - I've got time to burn :D02:58
eckQ_Continuum: ok, here is what you should do. reformat the USB drive with FAT (you can do it in windows or linux, doesn't matter), and then install grub on it again02:58
Pelocan I ask dpkg to install multiple packages or do I have to do dkpg -i for each one ?02:58
ubmcchance i understand but its still spam :)02:59
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SilentDisPelo, from what I understand, dpkg is for single-file .deb installs.  otherwise, you'd be using apt-get or aptitude and pulling them from a repo.02:59
eckthen you basically want to follow these instrcutions: http://eklitzke.org/howto/02:59
ecki am not sure if they will work for the live cd02:59
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Q_Continuumeck: I also have a Fedora box at my beck and call now, along with the laptop with Windows on it (that I'm trying to install to)02:59
eckso it would be best to use the network install or alternate install images02:59
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cchanceubm, well do you know if it will work?02:59
PeloSilentDis,  thanks but those aren't repos'  , no matter it's a script , copy/paste isn'T much of a problem02:59
Q_Continuumeck: I'm fine with whatever, as long as it works :P03:00
=== CSVarg [n=richard@68-119-47-172.dhcp.spbg.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
iniakulohhahahai have already install apt-get install roundcube-webmail | but i cant login, question is : how i can create user login ?03:00
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covert|afkquick question: if have an AMD64, do i need to use the x64 alpha of ubuntu? the last time i used the x64 version, things didn't work too well....03:00
SilentDisPelo, yep.  was just typing out a suggestion to shell script it ;)03:00
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Artemis3anyone has any idea how to create an udf dvd?03:00
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Artemis3covert|afk no03:00
covert|afkthank you03:00
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SilentDisArtemis3, i believe k3b has support for that built in.  using command-line type tools, no idea, sorry03:00
ubmcchance yes ubuntu will work with that card the manufacturer  is Norwood Micro03:00
a_cowardI just downloaded pngout... where should I put the executable?03:00
Q_Continuumcovert|afk: no, you can use the i386 version - the amd64 is mainly used for those that need large RAM support (over 4GB) or other "specialty" situations.03:00
eckQ_Continuum: i think you are pretty close if you can reformat the drive and put grub on it03:01
CSVargdoes anyone know how to reset the SETUP_BIOS password on a laptop ?03:01
Q_Continuumeck: shouldn't be any problems that the drive formats as FAT32, instead of FAT correct?03:01
cchanceubm, is their anything else i need to get to make sure it works?03:01
ubma_coward you need to put it in /usr and create symlinks03:01
eckQ_Continuum: that's fine03:01
Q_ContinuumCSVarg: sometimes pulling the CMOS battery, but with any recent one you'd have to contact the manufacturer03:01
eckgrub can read all of them03:01
Q_Continuumeck: Its a 16GB flash drive :P03:01
ubmcchance if it dosnt work out for you make sure to have your receipt ready ;)03:02
CSVargPulling the battery didn't work and it is a used computer.03:02
SilentDisCSVarg, most of the time, it involves blanking the bios completely.  there are SOME brute force tools out there (image the bios and do a password lookup on it type of thing) but I don't know of any by name03:02
ubmcchance get it from compusa03:02
a_cowardCan i just put it in /usr/bin?03:02
Pelodo you guys know a command to add the enable the extra repos and to add thrid party one ?03:02
cchanceubm, as in physicaly go dow their? Their is not compusa near by with in 20 miles03:02
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SilentDisCSVarg, other than that, there's usually a jumper you can short to cause it to blank.  you'd need the bios mfgr/make info (usually printed on the mobo somewhere), then a trip to google to find a tech users manual03:03
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ubmcchance spend the extra 10 dollars for piece of mind03:03
Rocondahey,, how can I use two sound processes at the same time with esd? (e.g. teamspeak and sound? )03:03
mptechdoes anyone know where I can find newer kernels for edgy?03:03
mptechpackaged as .debs03:03
ubmcchance unless you dont mind dealing with shipping... to ease your mind ubuntu will work fine with that card03:03
cchanceubm or i could just send it back to amazon03:03
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ffxrwhere can i look at my bootsplash settings? sdurinhg the segment where i presume bootsplash is loading i get a black screen .. only output i get is on my monitor .. "frequency out of range"03:04
ubmcchance like i said if you don't mind dealing with shipping. :)03:04
cchanceubm, where are you getting your info03:04
jaredI'm trying to convert a .reg file from windows xp to Ubuntu's charset using recode. does anyone know how exactly I'm supposed to do this?03:04
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SilentDismptech, the newest kernel for edgy is 2.6.17-11.  feisty will have 2.6.20-x.  other than that, you're hand building, no prepacked .debs.03:04
cchanceubm, i need something to show my mom it is compatiba03:04
ubmcchance i use mine for myth tv03:04
iniakulohhahahai have already install apt-get install roundcube-webmail | but i cant login, question is : how i can create user login ?03:04
=== Magneta [n=rogier@s5592d621.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
CSVargA search on the make and model of the computer brought up nil as far as most of anything of importance goes.03:04
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cchanceubm, you it?03:05
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cchanceyou own it*03:05
jaredI'm trying to convert a .reg file from windows xp to Ubuntu's charset using recode. does anyone know how exactly I'm supposed to do this?03:05
ubmcchance i own that card i purchased it here in houston i run myth tv on my ubuntu desktop to record shows. the card works.03:05
IndyGunFreakubm: what card is that?03:05
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SilentDisCSVarg, other than that... is it a home built or a major manufaturer?  you very well may be SOL on this one, sorry :(03:05
cchanceubm, thanks for your help. Thats my next purchase03:05
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jaredcan anyone help me?03:05
saltyjared: i have nothing to do with windows...sorry03:05
CSVargGateway Solo pro 930003:05
ubmTV Tuner Card with Remote Control, PCI by Norwood Micro03:05
jaredyeah I'm trying to get onto ubuntu 100% so I need to get my photoshop and studio 8 running03:06
IndyGunFreakubm: the hauppage cards also work very well... thats what i have.03:06
ubmit uses a sis generic chipset03:06
SilentDisjared, .reg files in windows are registry entries.  you can open them, usually, in the text editor of your choice.  what exactly are you looking to do?03:06
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IndyGunFreakubm: yeah, Hauppage uses bttv..03:06
jaredI'm trying to convert it to Ubuntu's charset03:06
saltygimp is what i use instead of the photoshop cs2 9 i had03:06
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ubmyeah ubuntu supports most cards ive never had a problem i mean as long as you put in the effort most hardware works perfectly03:06
BalsamicChickenhow come when i burn a file on cd on one computer, i can't view the newly burnt file on another computer and this computer says the cd is full and therefore can't write new files onto this cd03:07
eckQ_Continuum: you know, you could also just install to the flash device with that much space03:07
IndyGunFreakubm: yeah.03:07
jaredit says to do  $ recode ucs-2..ascii adobe.reg    but that doesn't seem to work03:07
ubmIndyGunFreak dude i love myth tv it's wonderful and so much cheaper than tivo03:07
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jaredI don't like gimp that much :(03:07
IndyGunFreakubm: you should have seen my experience setting up dual monitors lastnight/this morning/thisafternoon/today..lol03:07
ecki'm not really sure how it would be useful, but i guess you could carry an ubuntu install in your pocket03:07
SilentDis!info recode03:07
uboturecode: Character set conversion utility. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6-12 (edgy), package size 175 kB, installed size 644 kB03:07
saltyhave ya tried gimp jared?03:07
ubmI record all my family guy and american dad episodes :D03:07
jaredplus there are more tutorials and stuff available for photoshop03:07
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jaredyeah I've tried it03:07
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ubmIndyGunFreak you mean you actually got it to work!03:07
=== auk hugs gimp
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ubmIndyGunFreak i still havent messed with that yet03:08
jaredI also need to get studio 8 working which I imagine would have the same kind of step since I also needed to pull over a .reg file03:08
SilentDisjared, I don't have much knowledge or experience with the program.  have you checked out the man page for it, or hit up google?  just trying to give suggestions on this one.03:08
|Jason8|m|Is there any chance that someone can walk me through installing my Nvidia drivers via the commandline?  I can't get into synaptic package manager, so I'm lost03:08
IndyGunFreakubm: never used MythTV, is it just a TV client?.. i use TVTime03:08
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IndyGunFreakubm: it was actually easy to get to work, problem was, it spread 1 desktop across both monitors, and id idn't like it that way03:08
IndyGunFreaki wanted one desktop on each monitor.03:08
IndyGunFreakit was a freakin pain03:08
grndslmwhy isn't my network-manager showing a list of available wireless networks??03:08
jaredI've tried google. All I really need to find out is which charset windows XP uses, and I really don't want to restart my comp03:08
ubmIndyGunFreak yeah its just for TV but you can record shows and save them to the hard drive03:08
saltymy problem is that i can't find a good 3d CAD app for linux03:08
SilentDis!envy | |Jason8|m| check this tool out, does all the hard work for ya03:08
ubotu|Jason8|m| check this tool out, does all the hard work for ya: envy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia and ATI drivers. Please see http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html . Developers may be interested in https://launchpad.net/products/envy - See also !Nvidia03:08
mptechIs it safe to borrow debian kernel packages?03:08
PeloSilentDis,  if you know the names of the packages,  just  sudo apt-get  install pakcage name03:09
IndyGunFreakubm: hmm, never tried mythtv, may give it a try03:09
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IndyGunFreakubm: is it in the repos?03:09
ubmI've been using it for around a 6 months03:09
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cameronheatheck: anything i should know about setting the clock to utm03:09
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cameronheatheck: utc'03:09
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ubmIndyGunFreak yeah i also have a modded xbox which was one of my smartest investments i love its wonderful03:10
SilentDiscameronheath, if you're dual booting to windows, it will be mad.  other than that, ubuntu does the translations to local time for you without hastle :)03:10
ubmIndyGunFreak i just built it from source its simple03:10
IndyGunFreakubm: lol, i've not been brave enought o try that, that 360 was to expensive to go screwing with the innards03:10
IndyGunFreakubm: oh ok03:10
=== norm [n=kvasir@ppp52-195.lns1.cbr1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubmIndyGunFreak you access it through http its really neat look at some of the screenshots on the site its very customizable as well..03:11
IndyGunFreakubm: ok..03:11
ubmgod i love linux03:11
grndslmanybody know why my network-manager showing a list of available wireless networks??03:11
IndyGunFreaki'm installing it now actually....lol03:11
eckcameronheath: use whatever your system clock is using03:11
eckcameronheath: if you are using windows just use local time03:11
ubmyou can install linux on just about any consumer device its crazy03:11
IndyGunFreakubm: me and you both,03:11
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ubmIndyGunFreak you need to check out openwrt and x-wrt its nuts03:12
ffxrwhere can i look at my bootsplash settings? sdurinhg the segment where i presume bootsplash is loading i get a black screen .. only output i get is on my monitor .. "frequency out of range"03:12
IndyGunFreakubm: just about.. i was looking on Youtube the other day, and they had a video of FC5 or 6 one, on a PS3.03:12
kelsinIndyGunFreak: Myth actually has a very good commercial skipper, and has been very solid for me and my friends as well03:12
=== SilentDis finds it rather funny that microsoft is charging companies $4000USD to patch the DST problem in W2k and earlier :D
=== _Enchained [n=cyrille@set25-1-88-166-169-102.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubmIndyGunFreak another cool port is NSLU2/Debian for the Linksys NSLU203:12
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:12
jaredhey, how exactly do I change the directory to something that has a space in the middle, like Program Files in my wine directory?03:12
mbdlhey everyone i just wanted to pop bye and state some facts.... you cant upgrade ubuntu via the update manager...03:12
ubmI run apache and ftpd on mine its very cool03:12
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jaredbecause everytime I do cd Program Files I get a theres no Program folder03:12
Peloffxr,  you'll probably have to edit the xorg.conf file for horizontal rez and verticla freq that match your screen03:13
mbdlu now haft to eather do it the apt-get or download the iso and mount it03:13
rbiljared: use quotes03:13
ubmIndyGunFreak no way thats crazy the hardware specs for the gpu on the PS3 is amazing03:13
SilentDisjared, 2 methods:  escape the space with a \, or put quotes around it.  either `cd Program\ Files` or `cd "Program Files"`03:13
mbdlplease pass it on03:13
saltyjared: /Program\ Files03:13
IndyGunFreakubm: yeah, its on Youtube, should be easy to find, or maybe GoogleVideo03:13
jaredthanks ")03:13
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ubmIndyGunFreak im searching now :)03:13
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ubmIndyGunFreak actually my wife just wrote a paper on the difference between linux and windows, pros and cons her professor had never even used linux after ready the paper she is using ubuntu which is pretty cool..03:15
Q_Continuumeck: One issue with that howto.  I don't have root or sudo access on this box.03:15
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SilentDisjared, I personally use escape characters.  I blame PHP.  :P03:15
IndyGunFreaknot sure how that happeened03:15
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jaredyeah php does that to you03:15
IndyGunFreakubm: did you find it, i have it pulled up if you want the link03:15
|Jason8|m|What's the command to fetch a file and install it that's located on a web server somewhere?03:15
|Jason8|m|it's a .deb file03:15
jareddid you know that PHP stands for PHP Hypertext Processor? isn't that stupid?03:16
ubmIndyGunFreak please toss me the link03:16
aroonihey folks03:16
=== bjames [n=bjames@client-82-3-224-159.glfd.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu
rbil|Jason8|m|: wget03:16
saltywget <the URL>03:16
elkbuntujared, about as stupid as GNU's Not Unix03:16
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=== ray_ [n=ray@ip24-252-200-10.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
aroonihow do i write to a readonly file03:16
Z_Morekwell... I've managed to completely break lirc on my system03:16
SilentDis|Jason8|m|, from the command line, you can issue a `wget http://server.com/file.whatever` command, if that's what you're looking for03:16
arooniin /etc/apt/sources.list03:16
aroonifolr example03:16
ffxrPelo they are set perfectly .. using my monitors manual.. & EVERYTHING elese works fine... i was thinking the bootsplash image was too big or something...03:16
|Jason8|m|thanks :)03:16
Z_Morekand I am jumping with joy03:16
IndyGunFreakubm: resolution is awful, must becuse of the standard TV output03:16
=== Tom_Kun [n=mithrand@ti132110a080-14201.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
|Jason8|m|Exactly what I was looking for :)03:16
ray_hello all03:16
Z_Morekanyone here good with lirc?03:17
BalsamicChickenhow come when i burn a file on cd on one computer, i can't view the newly burnt file on another computer and this computer says the cd is full and therefore can't write new files onto this cd03:17
Peloffxr,  this is not the default splash screen I take it ?03:17
aroonihey folks.... how can edit a read only file03:17
Z_Morekand able to guide me thru fixing a bad install03:17
SilentDis!info lirc03:17
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ubotulirc: Linux Infra-red Remote Control support. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.0-5ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 308 kB, installed size 1544 kB03:17
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Z_Morekarooni check the permissions03:17
grndslmthat was helpful03:17
bjamesdoes anyone have experience of installing Ubuntu over multiple drives using software JBOD?03:17
arooniZ_Morek: how do i do that... and how do i change persmission so i can edit it03:17
ray_i've installed ubuntu on my second hard drive but it doesn't seem to have installed grub, thus i never get the option to choose which OS I'd like to use03:17
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ubmIndyGunFreak yeah FC5 thats nuts03:18
=== pucho [n=pucho@host192.190-31-19.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
Tom_KunI have a driver question for ubuntu. Is there any way of getting the CNET CNUSB-611AR working? I know it uses atmel, but I have had 0 success in making it work properly in the past.03:18
SilentDisarooni, so long as it's on a partition mounted read/write, and just has permissions set for read only, you can use sudo to gain temporary super-user privalages.  what file are you trying to edit?03:18
IndyGunFreakubm: yeah, but the res sucks, he needs to get a hi def tv..lol03:18
ray_how do i install grub to the second hard drive now?03:18
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arooniin /etc/apt/sources.list03:18
puchoNo entiendo nada03:18
Z_Morekubotu: I need to install from source03:18
ffxryes it is.. Pelo.. ive had this problem since i first put the LiveCD into my CDROM.. everything is fine, except for 10secs of blackness during the boot process...03:18
puchoDe que est'an Hablando_03:18
saltyarooni 'sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list'03:19
SilentDisarooni, unless you know EXACTLY what you're doing, i don't recommend editing your sources.list file without a backup.  here's the command though: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list03:19
Peloffxr,  that's a bit out of my league, try looking it up on the forum03:19
eckQ_Continuum: so you can't format the drive?03:19
puchoYou are de Pelo, or not03:19
eckuse the live cd03:19
aroonii'm just uncommeting some stuff....03:19
|Jason8|m|Okay, so I downloaded the .deb file, now how do I install it?03:19
IndyGunFreakubm: one of those videos shows Windows XP running on a PS3..lol03:19
aroonii dont know what im doing , i m following http://www.urbanpuddle.com/articles/2006/12/07/install-ruby-rails-on-ubuntu-edgy-eft03:19
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SilentDissalty, if you're looking to super-user a gui program such as gedit, use gksudo ;)03:19
Pelopucho,  I am "a" Pelo03:19
jaredYeah I hear you can put any OS on a PS303:19
bjamesWinXP on PS3?!03:19
=== unop [n=sysops@82-47-200-4.cable.ubr04.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
saltyarooni 'sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list'03:20
ffxrok.. Pelo.. thanks for replying... [i think its got something to with an unsupported EEPROM on my motherboard...] 03:20
S0cratesAnyone gotten anjuta 2.1.1 working?03:20
bjamesI didn't realise they were x8603:20
arooniahh ok03:20
SilentDis|Jason8|m|, what are you trying to install?03:20
aroonisalty: i accidentally did chmod 77703:20
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IndyGunFreakbjames: yep....  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-Ecr8tWetI&mode=related&search=03:20
ray_i've installed ubuntu on my second hard drive but it doesn't seem to have installed grub, thus i never get the option to choose which OS I'd like to use03:20
aroonisalty: to edit it... how can i revert it back to read only03:20
puchoWhere are you from_03:20
=== drelac__ [n=asdf@ppp-70-246-93-119.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ray_how can i go back and install grub?03:20
Q_Continuumeck: crap.  I don't have any burned copies around.  I think I'll try doing it from windows again to the USB drive.  Think pre-partitioning it, then dd'ing that boot.img will work? (to a single partition)03:20
IndyGunFreakbjames: nevermind..03:20
Z_Morekarooni google around for chmod03:20
saltyas soon as you close it it'll be the  same03:20
IndyGunFreakidiot said it was XP, but its Fedora with Qemu running XP..lol03:20
grndslmarooni:  man chmod03:20
Q_Continuumeck: or would dd write to the whole device, and overwrite any and all partitions?03:20
Z_Morekit's a good thing to know about... and knowing permissions03:20
|Jason8|m|SilentDis, there's a program that installs nvidia drivers, I just downloaded it, it's a .deb file.  I'm doing everything with the commandline, so I'm kinda iffy on it all.03:20
IndyGunFreakstill pretty impressive.03:20
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SilentDis|Jason8|m|, using envy I take it?03:21
jaredgah! I forget how to get to the wine config. Anyone know?03:21
|Jason8|m|now I have to install it!03:21
grndslmanybody know why my network-manager isn't showing a list of available wireless networks, only wired??03:21
eckQ_Continuum: what would you be dd'ing?03:21
SilentDis|Jason8|m|, sudo dpkg -i envy*.deb :)03:21
ecksorry, i am a bit confused03:21
Q_Continuumeck: that boot.img that we tried last time.  It wanted an ISO of the Live CD.03:21
=== Sativa [n=jeje@AClermont-Ferrand-156-1-88-49.w90-9.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ray_i've installed ubuntu on my second hard drive but it doesn't seem to have installed grub, thus i never get the option to choose which OS I'd like to use03:21
SilentDis|Jason8|m|, after that, it's just sudo envy, and it does everything else for you :D03:21
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|Jason8|m|SilentDis, thanks a lot! :D03:22
IndyGunFreakubm: did you see that video claiming to run XP on a PS3?...lol03:22
ray_how can i install grub now?03:22
=== jkeyes0 [n=jkeyes0@host-067-131-062-080.dhcp.fewpb.net] has joined #ubuntu
bjamesnobody in here using JBOD then?03:22
Q_Continuumeck: which is what stopped it from installing.  dd'ing the boot.img to the drive (when it was one partition) overwrote it and told the drive that it only had about 250MB free.  Otherwise I would've dropped the .ISO on there and done it.03:22
arooniso its execute, write, read, ALL from 1,2,4,703:22
SilentDis!grub | ray_03:22
uboturay_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:22
SilentDis!info jbod03:22
ubotuPackage jbod does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas03:22
arooniand where it is depends on which group of users gets to do it03:22
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saltygrndslm i use wifi-radar to show  local access points03:22
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grndslmto show?03:22
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gwankyHowdy, quick question03:22
grndslmnetwork-manager worked great for a while03:23
ubmIndyGunFreak yeah apparently the PS3 allows you to save information such as bootloaders in memory thats awesome03:23
=== whosit [n=jlitten@n116s035.bbr1.shentel.net] has joined #ubuntu
saltymt 'network-manager' doesn't scan for access points but 'wifi-radar' will03:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jbod - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:23
SilentDisgwanky, ask quickly, there's too much blood in my nicotiene system right now, and while I am working to rectify that, my attention span is short lol03:23
IndyGunFreakubm: yeah.. but the thing was, he wasn't running windows, he was running FC5, w/ Qemu and Windows. XP03:23
=== ormandj [n=ormandj@cpe-66-8-222-8.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gwankyMy brother has a windows computer and I have a linux computer. When I burn Age of Empires II (the windows version, I'm using wine) on my brothers computer it reports all the files as not valid win32 applications.03:23
=== Chef [n=Chef@kernel-panic/member/Chef] has joined #ubuntu
eckQ_Continuum: try the image here http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/03:23
grndslmsalty:  very odd, i dunno if i like where this is headed03:23
eckQ_Continuum: i don't know how you plan on partitioning the drive beforehand03:24
grndslmsounds like a bug to me03:24
eckthat is what i am confused about03:24
ormandjwhy aren't my windows drives being automatically mounted? i checked the help docs, they say they should be03:24
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bjameskhaije: Ever tried it?03:24
Q_Continuumeck: I can boot to windows on the laptop I'm installing it on. (haven't wiped it yet)03:24
SilentDisgwanky, i've never herd of such a problem.  are you buring from an iso or just files?03:24
=== cappicrd [n=cappicar@CPE-24-163-224-187.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
eckQ_Continuum: i think you can write the boot.img with dd in windows03:24
khaijebjames: are you talking about just a bunch of disks aka lvm ?03:24
Q_Continuumeck: and repartition it with two, then when I dd the .img it (hopefully) only clobbers the one partition.03:24
Chefhey, anyone know why my 6.06 system won't let me know about 6.10 even if I run "update-manager -c"?03:24
Chefmore specifically, is there some sort of log I can look at for update-manager?03:25
bjamesJust a Bunch Of Disks, yes - I've got two drives I want to appear as one03:25
Q_Continuumeck: the problem is when I wrote the boot.img it decided it only had the free space that was available in the original boot.img device.03:25
SilentDis!upgrade | Chef - just trying to make sure the basics got covered with this info bit03:25
gwankythat I got off bittorrent03:25
ubotuChef - just trying to make sure the basics got covered with this info bit: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:25
eckQ_Continuum: i am not sure if that will work, you can try it. the reason is that the boot.img includes a MBR and partition table (which is why it tells you that you don't have very much space available)03:25
=== Cycne [n=Zuuu@adsl-158-182-204.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ormandjok, let me phrase it another way, do i have to manually edit fstab in order to have my windows disks automatically mounted?03:26
Q_Continuumeck: any way to "edit" the boot.img before I dd it then?  (Windows apps preferred) basically to "resize" the partition it creates.03:26
ChefSilentDis: thanks; I already upgraded one system just fine last week, but this one for some reason says no updates are available when I run: gksu "update-manager -c"03:26
whositormandj, yes03:26
Chef(same thing I did for the other system)03:26
=== defendguin [n=supertux@cpe-72-181-7-135.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ChefI did manage to get some security updates for 6.06 today, though...03:26
ormandjwhosit: thank you. maybe they should be mounted by default in future releases :)03:26
okarataswhat is ubuntu cdrom message ?03:27
SilentDisChef, hmm...  just to be sure everything is up to date, do this:  sudo aptitude update03:27
whositMine was automounted.03:27
whositwhat version you running?03:27
okaratasMar  4 04:25:35 ozgur kernel: [17192450.060000]  end_request: I/O error, dev hdb, sector 2403:27
SilentDisChef, from a terminal, of course03:27
okaratasMar  4 04:25:36 ozgur kernel: [17192450.168000]  hdb: command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }03:27
okaratasMar  4 04:25:36 ozgur kernel: [17192450.168000]  hdb: command error: error=0x51 { IllegalLengthIndication LastFailedSense=0x05 }03:27
okaratasMar  4 04:25:36 ozgur kernel: [17192450.168000]  ide: failed opcode was: unknown03:27
okaratasMar  4 04:25:36 ozgur kernel: [17192450.168000]  end_request: I/O error, dev hdb, sector 003:27
okaratasMar  4 04:25:36 ozgur kernel: [17192450.388000]  UDF-fs: No VRS found03:27
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ormandjwhosit: fresh install of 6.1003:27
SilentDis!pastebin | ormandj03:27
ubotuormandj: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:27
whositdual boot?03:27
ormandjSilentDis, dude, why?03:27
gwankyAnyone ever here of something like that03:27
ormandji'm not pasting anything, that ws okaratas03:27
codecainehow you open a image through terminal?03:27
codecainewhats the image viewer command name03:27
Tom_Kunhehe, assumed as much :p noone knows how to03:27
ormandjwhosit: no, just a ubuntu install only, but there are two NTFS disks03:27
okaratasormandj, hm okey sorry.03:28
Q_Continuumeck: I think I found a .img editor, or more than one.  I just need to increase the "size" of it so I can put the ISO on there after I dd the image on.  Then it will work fine.03:28
=== ubuntu_no_worky [n=lordmayn@h184.86.82.206.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
whositthats why.03:28
SilentDisormandj, sorry, dislexia and not enough nicotiene, my apologies.03:28
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ubmIndyGunFreak i wouldnt trust windows on my PS3 lol03:28
ormandjsilentdis: no worries03:28
ChefSilentDis: 'sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade' says 0 package to upgrade.03:28
Artemis3hm im having fun trying to build an udf disc...03:28
ubuntu_no_workyhey every1....03:28
SilentDis!pastebin | okaratas03:28
ubotuokaratas: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:28
eckQ_Continuum: yes, that would work03:28
IndyGunFreakubm: lol, me and you both03:28
ormandjwhosit: what do you mean?03:28
knovakHey all, I upgraded to Edgy the other night and when I try to run games now I get this: "Couldn't find matching GLX visual"03:28
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|Jason8|m|Is there a way to load the GUI of Ubuntu when you don't have drivers for your video card?03:28
whositYou have to create a mount point for them.03:28
ubuntu_no_workydoes anyone here know why the powerbutton locks up the computer but the normal shutdown works fine?03:28
ubmIndyGunFreak now if the screen through some odd kernel32 error it would have been more believable03:28
Q_Continuumeck: now just to find one that I don't have to pay to unlock that functionality ;-D03:28
SilentDisChef, ok good.  means the list is at least up to date...  let me do some poking...03:28
ormandjwhosit: yes, i know how to mount disks w/ mount and how to edit fstab, i just found it odd that ubuntu is automatically mounting them somewhere03:29
IndyGunFreakubm: perhaps if it crashed,03:29
grndslmsalty:  wifi-radar doesn't seem to be working either03:29
IndyGunFreakubm: maybe the BSOD..lol03:29
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SilentDis|Jason8|m|, you'll need to resetup x to use the VESA driver (basic vga stuff, nothing fancy).  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:29
whositYea, It never bothered me either since it is easy enough to set the up.03:29
ormandjwhosit: oh well, maybe next version :)03:29
Artemis3ormandj, it would be nice to disable automounting03:29
ormandjartemis: i want automounting, it's not working for me, neither of the NTFS disks are mounting automatically03:30
Artemis3why would you need an ntfs disk automounted? usb stick?03:30
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knovakanyone know how I can fix "Couldn't find matching GLX visual"? I have the latest nvidia legacy drivers for my card, and my xorg.conf file is set up right...03:30
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ormandjartemis3: usb thumbdrives03:31
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Artemis3cant you simply reformat into fat?03:31
sureshotif i wanted to compile the kernel how would i go about starting that03:31
eckQ_Continuum: so you don't have root access to a linux computer? that is definitely the easiest solution03:31
ubmIndyGunFreak dude so my mom works for a voting consumer research company and she works primarily with a younger crowd and she was in the office and she goes mabye we should start using linux and all young people were like you know about linux?!?! she responded yeah its free and opensource - the old woman made me proud when i herd about it.03:31
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EkToBoTwindow 103:31
IndyGunFreakubm: lol03:31
Pelosureshot,  check the forum I am sure you will find a howto03:31
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whositUbm, its free and Xgl kicks MS's but in eye candy :)03:32
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SilentDisChef, hmm... i'm not finding anything, other than the command SHOULD be `gksu "update-manager -c"`.  outside that, I'd say pull the alt-install CD (or the DVD) for edgy and try the `gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade"` command instead03:32
_`XeOn_i liked the command sudo apt-get remove windows-vista03:32
Artemis3on the other hand the other day i saw certain usb micro hd formated as ntfs... this could become a nuisance03:32
sureshotPelo thanks man just in a middle of a big project that is taking more time than i thought.. i was thinking build essentials03:32
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sureshoti need the compiler03:32
ubmIndyGunFreak they need to make a distro targeted towards 'parents' like ubuntu for parents. that would be cool big flashy icons for people with poor sight.. ya know something simple..03:33
=== Exershio [n=joey@653223hfc159.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pelosureshot,  if you are compiling you probably will need it03:33
|Jason8|m|SilentDis, any chance you'd be free to work with me via Query?03:33
ubuntu_no_workyanyone know how to automount drives... ext3?03:33
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Peloprobably/ assuredly03:33
IndyGunFreakubm: I think its called Kubuntu..lol03:33
=== ant [n=ant@tx-71-48-168-61.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntu_no_workywhy doesn't ubuntu do it automagically?  will this be fixed in feisty?03:33
Artemis3oh, and ext3 too?03:33
sureshotPelo a sense of humor i see well i need that thanks03:33
=== freeflyer57 [n=spencer@ip70-178-56-146.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
aroonihey folks03:33
SilentDis|Jason8|m|, I prefer to keep things in chat, so others can correct/read/learn/etc.  but if you insist, I am PMable :)03:33
arooniis there anyway i can get cool visual effects like vista has03:34
aroonior ox1003:34
ubmwhosit dude your absolutely right the Xgl is beautiful03:34
aroonios10 on apple..... for my ubuntu?03:34
Artemis3like beryl?03:34
aroonilike cool stuff for alt-tab... etc03:34
S0cratesI want a stable version of Anjuta, either 1.24 or 2.1.1 Beta, but not this 2.0.2 crap.  How do I make this happen the cleanest???03:34
whositYea, I got it running on my laptop right now :)03:34
|Jason8|m|SilentDis: Okay.  It'd be easier to keep track of in query.03:34
Errpast1trying to install  a brother 2070 printer on Ubuntu 6.0603:34
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EkToBoTuse spyglass03:34
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arooniEkToBoT: do i do sudo apt-get install spyglass03:34
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EkToBoTits a 3d desktop environment better than vista03:34
=== sonero28 [n=sonero28@user-12hdknr.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
codecainewhere can I get documentation on linux api03:34
cuscobefore I would dpkg-reconfigure locales to chose my local charset03:35
codecaineis linux api like windows api?03:35
EkToBoTyou will need to pull it off the net03:35
cusconow how do I do?03:35
SilentDis|Jason8|m|, just fyi, you do have to !register your nick on freenode to use PMs.03:35
codecainefor programming03:35
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Exershiocan somebody help me? I want to set my screen resolution at 1152x864, but all I have is 800x600, 1024x768, and 1280x102403:35
sontekHey, i'm trying to use virtualbox and I get this error: http://monoport.com/192603:35
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sontekanyone know what causes that?03:35
`nicolaHow do I configure myme types for .list files ? thanks I would like to change the default associated application03:35
ChefSilentDis: yeah...  couldn't find anything in the wikis or via google either.  I may just back up & do a fresh Edgy install...03:35
ubmIndyGunFreak i always tell people and i know at some point we have all herd this ' i dont use linux it's too difficult, i tried it and gave up.' you may have given up on linux but it will never give up on you. Windows is like rehab it's for quitters.03:35
arooniEkToBoT: having trouble finding spyglass03:36
Q_Continuumeck: correct.  No root access. (Now have laptop here next to me)03:36
grndslmErrpast1:  can you not go to System | Administration | Printers and click Add03:36
aesiamundoes anyone know if there are issues with installing wine?  I get the traditional: 'package referred by others but not found' error.03:36
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EkToBoTspyglass is pretty demanding should check the requirements before installing this addon for gnome03:36
rbilsontek: remove all references to wacom in your xorg.conf. I have no idea why Ubuntu decides to include input devices like that by default.03:36
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Peloaesiamun,  #winehq03:36
SilentDisChef, that's actually what I did personally to this machine.  Feisty will be my first in place upgrade heh03:36
IndyGunFreakubm: true statement there... i started in 2003.. mostly just distro hopping and going bak to Windows.03:36
EkToBoTlook on google video03:36
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ubmExershio what video card are you using?03:36
EkToBoTi think there is a link on the video03:36
aesiamunPelo, sorry but this is an ubuntu error, not wine03:36
IndyGunFreakfinally got Xandros to work about a year and a half ago03:36
aesiamunapt-get install wine fails03:37
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eckQ_Continuum: I don't suppose you could just install over windows and then reinstall at a later point in time?03:37
IndyGunFreakaesiamun: try SUDO apt-get install wine03:37
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IndyGunFreakbig difference..lol03:37
aesiamunyeah i did that03:37
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IndyGunFreakaesiamun: did you add thee repositobe?03:37
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Exershioub, I'm using an onboard intel one, but when I had Windows XP I was able to use that resolution03:37
IndyGunFreakaesiamun: did you add the repository03:37
arooniEkToBoT: cant find it on youtube03:37
Q_Continuumeck: as in do two installs?  No, I can do that.  I just need to make sure I can do it :D03:37
ubmIndyGunFreak yeah i did the exact same thing i think everyone does. We all just experiment at first then once we realize the huge amount of freedom you are given when you say no to the dows we stick with linux.03:37
=== amaan [n=amaanr@mc-109-142.IPReg.McMaster.CA] has joined #ubuntu
aesiamunit's not included in the default ubuntu repo?03:37
arooniis there any way i can install a vista like visual effect add on for my ubuntu 6.10?03:37
EkToBoTi will find the link for you one second pls03:38
aroonii'm having trouble finding it :(03:38
whositLinux, Xgl and Mythtv :)03:38
IndyGunFreakubm: ..yup... or you just get sick of upgrading M$'s crap...lol03:38
ubmIndyGunFreak i value AOL cds more than a windows install disc03:38
grndslmarooni:  you mean beryl?03:38
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aroonigrndslm: i have no idea what i mean...03:38
grndslmor an effect for beryl?03:38
IndyGunFreakaesiamun: i'm not sure to be truthful.... http://www.winehq.org  click on Download(or get now, something like that). click Ubuntu, it shows you how to add the repo and download wine03:38
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knovakHey all, I upgraded to Edgy the other night and when I try to run games now I get this: "Couldn't find matching GLX visual"03:38
aroonigrndslm: i just want a cool visual effect add in03:38
grndslmoh...well, then yea..beryl03:38
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aroonifor UI, for ... alt tab03:38
IndyGunFreakubm: lmao03:38
knovakand when I try running GLXgears I get this : "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"."03:39
aroonispice it up a little03:39
aesiamunum ok...03:39
ubmIndyGunFreak bill isnt fooling me by these large donations... he does it for tax purposes i will always think he sucks ass.03:39
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aroonigrndslm: can i run... sudo apt-get install beryl03:39
EkToBoTlol how hard did you look03:39
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IndyGunFreakubm: only people Bill has fooled is the justice dept..lol03:39
grndslm## Beryl03:39
grndslmdeb http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb edgy beryl-svn03:39
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grndslmarooni:  add that03:39
grndslmto your /etc/apt/sources.list03:39
Artemis3knovak, type glxinfo in a console03:39
Tom_Kunarooni, you can always spend about 1000$ upgradering your computer to be compatible with vista home premium.03:39
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Errpast1can someone please help me to get my brother 2070 n printer to work03:39
grndslmthen aptitude update && aptitude upgrade as root03:39
Scootyhy,is there anyone can help me,pls?03:39
grndslmby sudo -i03:39
ubmIndyGunFreak besides he is a pirate himself getting rich by deception03:39
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knovakname of display: :0.003:40
knovakXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".03:40
knovakXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".03:40
knovakXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".03:40
knovakError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual03:40
IndyGunFreakno kidding.03:40
ubmthat would be a good title for a book about bill gates03:40
knovaksorry for the 4 lines03:40
Scootyhy,is there anyone can help me,pls?03:40
EkToBoTsorry i got it wrong its called "looking glass"03:40
Errpast1I went to system>administration>printing>printers>add new printer03:40
aesiamunIndyGunFreak: Thanks,  I'm just surprised they don't have their own packages.03:40
Artemis3dont paste output here,03:40
IndyGunFreakaesiamun: they do...03:40
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aesiamunit's not in the ubuntu repos03:40
knovakyeah, I know03:40
IndyGunFreakbut i'm not sure what ubuntu repo to find it in, so just get it fromt he source03:40
knovakim just trying to get this working03:40
Errpast1I successfully added HP 2070N for CUPS - it shows up03:40
knovakbut I have no clue as to why it wouldnt03:40
IndyGunFreakaesiamun: its in one of the ubuntu repos, i'm just not sure which one to be truthful.03:41
aesiamuni have universe, metaverse and the normal...so if it's not in those three, i dont know of any other ubuntu repos03:41
Artemis3what card?03:41
grndslmErrpast1:  congrats!03:41
IndyGunFreakaesiamun: there's a gozillion.. :)03:41
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aesiamunis there really?03:41
aroonigrndslm: i edited the sources.list with that deb thing03:41
IndyGunFreakaesiamun: quite a few.03:41
ubmknovak use paste.ubuntu-nl.org please03:41
aesiamunIndyGunFreak: haven't heard of that one.03:41
arooniand when i tried sudo apt-get install it couldnt find it03:41
rbilknovak: have u got Load GLX and Load dri lines in your xorg.conf?03:41
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EkToBoTthats looking glass link03:41
grndslmarooni:  cool beans03:41
IndyGunFreakaesiamun: some are official, some are unofficial "backports", etc...03:42
Errpast1grndslm, but when I send a print job, it stays in the queue03:42
aroonigrndslm: well im a little unsure on how to get it workin :P03:42
EkToBoTnp only the vidoe but you can see if you will like it03:42
sontekHey, I install the kubuntu desktop to check it out but I like gdm more than kdm, How do I tell ubuntu that gdm is my default?03:42
ubmsontek in sessions before you login03:42
aesiamunIndyGunFreak: wow, even Google doesn't know about gozillion03:42
arooniEkToBoT: yes but how do i get it03:42
IndyGunFreakaesiamun: gozillion is a really high number....lol03:42
CpuID2grndslm, got a ppc beryl repo around?03:42
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knovakrbil, yes I do03:42
ubmsontek down at the left of the screen ;)03:42
amaanwhich mp3 playing software supports ipod besides rthymthbox?03:42
Errpast1I'm using it as a network printer, ethernet to my local home network03:42
sontekubm: wheres the config for it? I want to do /etc/init.d/gdm start03:42
aesiamunIndyGunFreak: oooh,...i thought that was the name :)03:42
IndyGunFreakaesiamun: lol.. no.. it was a reference to how many repos are out there for Ubuntu.03:43
IndyGunFreakthere's a list i saw the other day, that listed like 240...03:43
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IndyGunFreaksupposedly it was all of them, but i don't know.03:43
ubmsontek its located in /etc/03:43
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EkToBoTarooni: im not sure you will probably have to pull a.tar from the sun website03:43
ubmsontek one sec ill get the name of the file03:43
aesiamunIndyGunFreak: i realize there are a lot of unnoficial ones.  I just would have thought that Ubuntu would have their own wine package in one of the top three.03:43
Scootyhy,is there anyone can help me,pls?03:43
EkToBoTits all open source i think03:43
shriphaniguys i am compiling fluxbox from source on dapper and it doesnt show up in the sessions list in the login screen03:43
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IndyGunFreakaesiamun: again, i thought it was to be truthful, but who knows.03:43
ubmsontek gdm.conf ?03:44
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IndyGunFreakaesiamun: but its real easy to install from the wine repo.03:44
Pelosymlinks command is   ln -s symlink   target right ?03:44
rbilknovak: what video driver u using?03:44
aesiamunIndyGunFreak: yeah i'm looking at it now.03:44
aroonigrndslm: so once i add that deb link for beryl.... how do i install it03:44
eckshriphani: look at the fluxbox dpkg or build the fluxbox .deb03:44
IndyGunFreakaesiamun: ok..03:44
arooniEkToBoT: im a little new to linux03:44
aesiamunstupid sling media not having a real linux port is causing me to do this...it's the only reason03:44
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benjoer456indy : so do i03:44
ubmsontek /etc/gdm/gdm.conf i believe03:44
shriphanieck i got the tarball03:44
IndyGunFreakaesiamun: sling media?03:44
aesiamunyeah they make the slingbox03:44
Scootyhy,is there anyone can help me,pls?03:45
knovakrbil: I am using nvidia-glx-legacy, my card is Geforce MX 400003:45
IndyGunFreakbenjoer456: so do i what?..sorry you lost me03:45
eckshriphani: it will be easier for you to get the .deb source and patch it03:45
EkToBoTarooni: http://www.sun.com/software/looking_glass/03:45
aesiamunit's a box you hook up to your cable/satellite/etc and it streams to a client.03:45
EkToBoTthats the oficial homepage03:45
eckshriphani: or else read the GDM documentation03:45
benjoer456i'm new to linux too03:45
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IndyGunFreakaesiamun: oh ok.03:45
NET||abuseHi all,, just a little problem getting my share to work on my home network, trying to make a dir shareable so i can copy a file from my windows desktop onto my laptop (ubuntu) using smb03:45
sontekubm: I need to tell my computer that gdm is the default03:45
PeloScooty,  what is your problem ?03:45
Kismetanyone having freeze issue when quitting X.org with fglrx driver and ubuntu Edgy ?03:45
IndyGunFreakbenjoer456: what did you need to know?03:45
benjoer456how do i get libc6 package03:45
sontekubm: when I did /etc/init.d/gdm start it says it can't start because its not the defaut03:45
IndyGunFreakbeen that shoule be in your repositories.03:46
ubmsontek one sec03:46
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shriphaniguys where is the xsession file ?03:46
Pelobenjoer456,  menu > system > admin > synaptic : search03:46
IndyGunFreakbenjoer456: what are you trying to install that requires it?03:46
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NET||abusei right click and set the sharing, uncheck the read only bit,, but then when i go to my windows deskotp, start->run  \\x.x.x.x\winshare it asks for user/password03:46
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benjoer456needed for libmpeg303:46
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ubmsontek did you try .xsession or .xinitrc03:46
sontekubm: I think I found it, /etc/X11/default-display-manager03:46
benjoer456libc6 needed for libmpeg303:46
knovakrbil, hang on, im going to try rebooting my system03:46
Pelobenjoer456,  menu > system > admin > synaptic : search03:46
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aroonihow can have VIM like editing abilities on my command line03:46
NET||abusei put in my linux user user/pass and it comes back with the laptops hostname prepended infront of the username with a \ inbetween03:46
tachuhey im looking for ubuntu themes where can I download some03:47
aroonior at least jump to the beginning of the command line03:47
kenvI just installed the new ubuntu and am trying to get wmv files to run.  Any suggestions?03:47
NET||abuseis there a workgroup name or something i have to set for windows xp to get access to this share?03:47
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IndyGunFreakPelo: guess he didn't appreciate our advice..lol03:47
Pelotachu,  gnome look ,  gnome art ,  or try the art manager in synaptic03:47
grndslmarooni:  i already told ya... sudo -i to become root03:47
NET||abuseand how do i get to the samba configuration to set such an option?03:47
pepetruenoHi, i need to ask a dumb question, is it necesary to have both OS on the same hard drive so that grub will show them at boot time or you can have 2 OS in dif hdd and will they show in grub?03:47
tachuPelo: thanks03:47
PeloIndyGunFreak,  no one ever listens to me03:47
shriphanieck: where is the xsession file ?03:47
grndslmthen aptitude install beryl after you've updated && upgraded03:47
IndyGunFreakPelo: you were right on.... i always presume people have played with the menus enough to know where synaptic is03:48
Errpast1where is a good site to troubleshoot a network printer installation03:48
Scootyhy,is there anyone can help me,pls?03:48
IndyGunFreakErrpast1: http://www.hardashell.com03:48
PeloIndyGunFreak,  is the symlink command ln -s or ls -n ?03:48
PeloScooty,  what is your problem ?03:48
EkToBoTScooty: whats the problem03:48
aroonigrndslm: i can do that root thing but when i run aptitude install beryl it doesnt download anything...03:48
IndyGunFreaki think ls -n.. i don't use it to often.03:48
arooniit says after unpacking 0kb will be used03:48
Errpast1IndyGunFreak, ha ha.  It took me 2 minutes on Vista.  And I'm an hour into it with Ubuntu03:49
eckln -s03:49
grndslmarooni:  does it complain03:49
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kenvHelp!! I just installed the new ubuntu and am trying to get wmv files to run.  Any suggestions?03:49
IndyGunFreakErrpast1: i understand, but you'll feel more of a reward with Linux.. :)03:49
NET||abuseanyone ever setup a folder to let windows upload things onto their ubuntu box?03:49
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arooniCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "beryl"03:49
Scootyi need a pppoe internet connection and i don't know how to do it03:49
Werdnumhello all03:49
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:49
WerdnumI'm having apt troubles03:49
Scootycan you help me?03:49
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tachui installed beryl but it won't work, i get something that there is no composite so i edited the xorg.conf "Extensions" section to "Composite" "Enable" but it still won't work. help?03:49
Scootyi hade usb modem03:49
n-iCeThank you guys , gracias !03:50
Errpast1IndyGunFreak, ya, just wish I could print03:50
WerdnumE: Package libwmf0.2-7 has no installation candidate03:50
PeloScooty,  terminal ,  type sudo pppeoconf and answer the questions, when it doubt use the default provided03:50
WerdnumI don't know why.03:50
IndyGunFreakErrpast1:  i understand03:50
Scootyadsl connection03:50
IndyGunFreakn-iCe: did you get it to work?03:50
WerdnumI can't install adept using apt, either03:50
Errpast1I'm off to google ubuntu + 2070 +brother03:50
PeloScooty,  terminal ,  type sudo pppeoconf and answer the questions, when it doubt use the default provided03:50
n-iCeIndyGunFreak,  what ?03:50
Q_Continuumeck: So which way should I try? lol...considering I don't have root...what's probably the easiest way?  ('net connection is no issue, nor is drive space)03:50
ubmNET||abuse see here its real simple http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#Samba_Server03:50
IndyGunFreakhell, you asked me about something..lol03:50
EkToBoTScooty: would iptables help??03:50
Errpast1Will also check my O'reilly Ubuntu hacks book03:50
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IndyGunFreako9h yeah, how to hotlink to your desktop in Xfce03:50
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n-iCeahh no hahaha03:50
IndyGunFreaki told you how to do it.03:50
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eckQ_Continuum: were you successful in installing grub on the drive earlier?03:51
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Q_ContinuumYes.  I can install Grub without issue.03:51
n-iCeIndyGunFreak,  how :o ?03:51
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Q_ContinuumJust that we've discussed so many options, trying to solidify which one I'm trying :P03:51
IndyGunFreakn-iCe: right click your desktop, choose create launcher... Name.. Swiftfox... Command.. Swiftfox.. then click the Icon and choose an icon03:51
eckQ_Continuum: format the drive, and install grub, then copy a netboot kernel/initrd or the contents of the alternate installer ontot the drive03:51
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grndslmanybody know why my network-manager isn't showing a list of available wireless networks, only wired??  and neiter is wif-radar!!03:52
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NET||abuseubm, thanks,, i'll have a peruse of that :) nice one03:52
sureshotis the syntax for build-essentials that same for 6.06 lts as 6.1003:52
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sureshotthat = the03:52
Pelogrndslm, we are sorry but your bad spelling means that we will not help you03:52
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Pelosureshot, we are sorry but your bad spelling means that we will not help you03:53
n-iCeIndyGunFreak,  done and now ?03:53
IndyGunFreakclick on it03:53
grndslmPelo:  do you wanna throw down03:53
=== Pelo is in a mood
n-iCeopen a text file IndyGunFreak03:53
ubmgrndslm try sudo iwlist eth1 scan03:53
n-iCe[Desktop Entry] 03:53
sureshotother than that what was not spelled wright03:53
n-iCewith that inside03:53
ubmn-iCe use pastebin03:53
n-iCeub paste bin ?03:53
IndyGunFreakn-iCe: now you would try this after i put my laptop away03:54
IndyGunFreakbut id id it, and it worked fine03:54
n-iCeIndyGunFreak,  what ?03:54
IndyGunFreakoh i know..03:54
sureshotis the syntax for build-essentials the same for 6.06 as 6.1003:54
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NET||abuseone other thing,, i inadvertently installed konqueror,, now i dont' want rid as i need it to run an application(which one isn't coming to me right now) but it's taken over opening urls from xchat, how can i set xchat to open urls back in firefox again?03:54
IndyGunFreakn-iCe: it should be.. Category-  APplication, Name- Swiftfox... COMMAND-swiftfox... then chose an icon, leave everything else alone03:54
n-iCei did it03:55
RedRoseHow Do I change my tty Screen resolution. I am running server ubuntu, and the tty console is displaying at low resolutoion03:55
n-iCeIs: NAme: Swiftfox Browser03:55
n-iCeCommand : /opt/swiftfox/swiftfox03:55
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IndyGunFreakn-iCe: no.. not /opt/swiftfox/swiftfox..   just swiftfox03:55
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n-iCeyou're bad03:55
=== jordo23 [n=jordo23@CPE-70-94-36-146.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
n-iCei did it as i told you and works03:56
IndyGunFreakn-iCe: hmmm.03:56
ant hmmm03:56
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grndslmubm:  i get "eth1      Interface doesn't support scanning."  both with and without eth1 enabled in /etc/network/interfaces after restarting /etc/network/interfacs03:56
IndyGunFreakit should, but really, you shouldn't need the map there03:56
TazDevilGood evening everyone03:56
IndyGunFreakn-iCe: anyways, glad it works.03:56
knovakrbil: I rebooted and the problem still exists03:56
sontekwhere is xorg-config or whatever its called? I can't find it on my system03:56
n-iCebut said that is working i must close it first03:56
n-iCebut isn't working :/03:56
rbilknovak: in xorg.conf is Driver "nv" or "nvidia"?03:56
ScootyPelo ?03:56
tachusontek: i found it on /etc/X1103:56
sureshotis the syntax for build-essentials in 6.10 the same in 6.06lts03:56
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knovakit is "nvidia"03:56
IndyGunFreakn-iCe: sorry, not sure why it would say that....03:57
S0cratesHOW DO I INSTALL ANJUTA 1.2.4A OR 2.1.1?  The 2.0.2 is in the main repository, and it's broken.03:57
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PeloScooty,  what ?03:57
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sontektachu: under anything inside there? because mine isn't03:57
n-iCeisn't working03:57
rbilknovak: sorry, run out of ideas. if u have proprietary driver installed, I have no idea why it isn't rendering?03:57
IndyGunFreakS0crates: what makes you think its broken?03:57
ubmgrndslm what is the hardware version of the wireless card is it a broadcom or atheros based chipset?03:57
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sureshotpelo what have i done to tick you off03:57
n-iCeIndyGunFreak,  let me do it how you said03:57
tachusontek: just /etc/X11/xorg.conf that's where mine was...03:57
RedRoseHow do i change the screen resolution for tty's?03:57
knovakhmmm, well that sucks03:57
IndyGunFreakn-iCe: it worked fine on my laptop03:57
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grndslmubm:  INTEL!!03:58
S0cratesIndyGunFreak, it's 1 year old beta software.  It crashes often.  The help menu locks up, not integrated with Glade.... etc...03:58
Scootyi've tryed whit"sudo pppoeconf" and it founds only eth0  (sorry for my english)03:58
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sontektachu: I'm not looking for the config, i'm looking for the program that configures X for you03:58
rbilknovak: maybe someone using that card can help you? state your question, including card you're using03:58
S0cratesIndyGunFreak, sorry, I meant to say "Alpha", not beta03:58
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grndslmubm:  ipw394503:58
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ubmgrndslm get over her so i can slap you lol03:58
sureshotis the syntax for build-essentials in 6.10 the same in 6.06lts03:58
ubmgrndslm ah i hate intel03:58
IndyGunFreakS0crates: i have no idea.. sorry03:58
S0cratesHOW DO I INSTALL ANJUTA 1.2.4A OR 2.1.1?03:58
grndslmi thought it was the easiest for everyone03:58
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Q_Continuumeck: I should be able to do everything from a Ubuntu Live CD, correct? *might head to my house where I have a Live CD available*03:58
grndslmi've never had problems before03:58
IndyGunFreakS0crates: unless you ca find a place to download the source and install it that way03:58
ubmgrndslm yeah seriously not about the slapping part that was a joke but intel sucks ;)03:58
cables!attitude | S0crates03:58
ubotuS0crates: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:58
ScootyPelo: i don't know how to set up my usb modem :(03:59
ubmgrndslm did you install any drivers?03:59
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radar1976hello, I need some help with apache03:59
PeloScooty,  eth0 is your network card on your computer,  that is ok , just fill in the rest , unless you have a router in with case just setup the conneciton in the router03:59
PeloScooty,  what is your native language ?03:59
IndyGunFreakScooty: you'll find instructions at http://www.goodluck.com03:59
grndslmubm:  it was working until earlier today03:59
ubmgrndslm that card should support scanning mode03:59
radar1976my apache is not loading vhosts correctly03:59
grndslmno doubt03:59
knovakAlright, i'm using an Nvidia Geforce MX4000, with the nvidia-glx-legacy driver. I can't run 3D games, or even glxgears. When I do, I get this error: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".03:59
n-iCeRebooting brb03:59
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ubmgrndslm uh let try this can you remove the card or is it integrated ?03:59
ScootyPelo: romanian03:59
radar1976I have mod_vhost_alias loaded... but not sure if it is loading correctly03:59
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radar1976how cna i check that?03:59
Peloguys, do we have a romanian channel ?03:59
ubmgrndslm ifconfig eth1 down04:00
IndyGunFreaki've saw 1 persson in here get a USB modem figured out... seems it be cheaper to get an ethernet card.. hell theyar elike 10bucks now.04:00
ubmtake it down04:00
ubmthen ifconfig eth1 up04:00
=== morphinex [n=morphine@c-68-35-241-193.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubmis the card back up?04:00
dude__hello i need some help an aplication wont stop when told04:00
S0cratescables, I'm from the Gentoo community and am used to a wonderful community that loves to help one another.  Since I started using Ubuntu last month, I've found very little assistance, and am quite disconcerted.  Sorry if I am curt.04:00
IndyGunFreakdude__: feel free to ask.04:00
PeloScooty,   goto  www.uibuntuforum.org and search for your modem maker and model number,  there is a good chance you'll find instructions there04:00
ubmgrndslm use paste.ubuntu-nl.org/  and give me the out for iwconfig eth104:01
IndyGunFreakS0crates: its just USB modems are hard under Ubuntu...04:01
ScootyPelo: ok,thanks a lot04:01
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ubuntu_no_workyanyone here know anything about automounting hard drives04:02
BrendanMHas anyone here tried using Smart package manager on Ubuntu?04:02
yonilevygoing through installing some new hardware - a guide says to edit /etc/modprobe.conf. thing is, i have no /etc/modprobe.conf - only /etc/modprobe.d/* -- what should i do?04:02
cables!fstab | ubuntu_no_worky04:02
ubotuubuntu_no_worky: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions04:02
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yonilevyanyone knows /etc/modprobe.conf?04:03
=== lukas__ [n=lukas@p57A88F03.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
ubmS0crates sorry to hear that mabye you should just give up and go back to gentoo unless of course you want to ask for help and be humble about it rather than comming to #ubuntu to bitch. :)04:03
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ubuntu_no_workyisn't there a program that can automount?04:04
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knovakAlright, i'm using an Nvidia Geforce MX4000, with the nvidia-glx-legacy driver. I can't run 3D games, or even glxgears. When I do, I get this error: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".04:04
=== False_Courage [n=False_Co@c-24-14-254-177.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubmS0crates what is the problem your having with ubuntu?04:04
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IndyGunFreakubm: we are meanies and won't help him04:04
ubmoh he left good i cant stand complainers04:04
|Jason8|Hey guys, I'm in the command line, and it says gdm is already running.  How can I restart it?04:05
yonilevyi'm using an older version of ubuntu, and i don't have /etc/modprobe.conf but only /etc/modprobe.d/* - a guide is telling me to edit /etc/modprobe.conf - what should i edit instead?04:05
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ice_nineI'm having trouble mounting an iso file. I type 'sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop /path/to/iso.iso /mnt/iso' and it gives an error: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop204:05
ice_ninedmesg | tail shows : Unable to identify CD-ROM format.04:05
IndyGunFreakubm: yeah, he was having probs with a USB modem.. those things never seem to work, its just easier to go get an ethernet card04:05
=== soweto76 [n=jack@d226-43-189.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:05
eckQ_Continuum: that is correct (sorry, i am semi-afk atm)04:05
ubuntu_no_workyanyone here know how to automount drives?04:05
BrendanMhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2177858   <--automounting04:05
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=== dwi [n=dwi@cpe-76-183-20-36.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubmIndyGunFreak man i ask for help to just the other week was having an issue with fluxbox and nanutils someone in here was kind enough to help me and i was grateful i waited close to an hour for a response.04:06
Q_Continuumeck: That's fine.  I'm trying the "from USB" instructions on the wiki. (I'd previously done it halfway, not editing everything.  Should work.  If not, I'll be around.)04:06
aesiamunewll if you need a modem, an ethernet card won't work :)04:06
IndyGunFreakubm: i know, its "i want it, and i want it now, ".. with a lot of people in here...04:06
=== facugaich [i=facugaic@unaffiliated/facugaich] has joined #ubuntu
aesiamuni come from the slackware community, there's not I want it now :)04:07
=== funfun [n=Identd@eu85-84-100-231.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu
|Jason8|I'm in the command line, and it says gdm is already running.  How can I restart it?04:07
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|Jason8|whoops, sorry04:07
ubmIndyGunFreak when people help one another its a really selfless thing to do time is valuable so when people freely and selfishly sacrifice there personal time to help others its a big deal well to me at least..04:07
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aesiamun|Jason8|: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:07
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|Jason8|thanks :)04:07
aesiamunnp :)04:07
aroonii have a 'wireless presenter mouse 8000' its a bluetooth mouse from M$..... can i install it on ubuntu?04:07
IndyGunFreakubm: no doubt about that04:07
|Jason8|YES, I'M BACK IN A GUI!04:08
BrendanMarooni, almost certainly04:08
=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-74.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu
arooniBrendanM: i plugged it in but nothing happens ... :(04:08
ubuntu_no_workymaybe its not partitioned04:08
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aesiamunarooni: type dmesg right after plugging it in, it might say something04:08
ubuntu_no_workyI dont see it in fstab04:08
BrendanMarooni, you may have to do some tinkering with your xorg.conf file as well04:08
=== comradec [n=comrade@c-71-58-80-55.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubmaesiamum same here man i come from slackware community as well i remember waiting several weeks back in 98 or 99 cant remember but i waited weeks to download all 5 discs and sometimes months for drivers etc..04:08
Artemis3|Jason8|,  you were better as cli04:08
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=== Trouty [n=foe23423@pool-72-68-225-186.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntu_no_workywhere is the disk partitioner in edgy?04:09
BrendanMI have a wireless (not bluetooth) mouse, and I had to do a little messing04:09
=== Wolvenhaven [n=Wolvenha@adsl-074-166-044-024.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
arooniaesiamun: it said:  input: USB HID v1.11 Mouse [Microsoft Microsoft Wireless Notebook Presenter Mouse 8000]  on usb-0000:00:1d.1-1.304:09
IndyGunFreakubm: now there's a distro i never tried.04:09
TroutyWho wants to help an Ubuntu newbie with a X Windows problem?04:09
ubmoh and i spent years trying to figure out the directories04:09
comradecis there a way to configure the way X minizmizes windows, so they aren't "iconified"?04:09
aesiamunarooni: then it recognizes it.04:09
Artemis3ubuntu_no_worky, install gparted04:09
aesiamunarooni: what type of mouse did you have before this?04:09
IndyGunFreakubm: geez how long did you have it?...lol04:09
arooniaesiamun: but moving my mouse doesnt do anything :(04:09
ubmIndyGunFreak i really like slackware i dont use it anymore04:09
BrendanMarooni, you'll just need to add a section to xorg.conf to enable it04:09
arooniaesiamun: a regular usb notebook mouse04:09
jaredcould anyone help me with the step on http://blog.publicidadpixelada.com/how-to-adobe-photoshop-cs2-on-ubuntu-10-steps/ which says to use recode?04:09
TroutyWell, let me rephrase: Anyone kind enough to help a newbie with an X windows problem please pm me04:09
arooniBrendanM: ok where do i find that file04:09
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arooniand what do i do with it :P04:10
IndyGunFreakubm: well, my understanding is if you cna use slackware, you can use just about any distro..04:10
ubmIndyGunFreak i used slackware for about 2 years then i found out about debian :)04:10
aesiamunarooni: in /etc/X11/xorg.conf check the device section for the mouse, see if it points to /dev/input/mice04:10
jaredwhen I put in the command it says, it tells me  recode: adobe.reg failed: Untranslatable input in step `ISO-10646-UCS-2..ANSI_X3.4-1968'04:10
=== osotogari [n=osotogar@213-94-239-158.b-ras1.chf.cork.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu
aesiamunif it does, restart X and see if it works.04:10
=== Clint- [n=clanno@pool-68-239-144-243.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Artemis3slackware is simple, debian is not...04:10
Wolvenhavenim trying to install ubuntu server to a server i got, on bootup do i need to chose "install to hd" or "install as LAMP" i want it to be a webserver so LAMP is what it will be, but i didnt know if i needed to do the base install and use packetmanager to get apache/mysql/php or if i should chose LAMP and get it all, does it matter either way?04:10
TroutyI hate spamming a chatroom, should I just throw my question out there?04:10
aesiamunif it doesn't point to /dev/input/mice, change it so that it does :)04:10
Pelocan I make a repo out of a folder ?04:10
IndyGunFreakubm: i've thought about tring a true debian install, but I really like ubuntu, and i'm getting to know my way around it, so i'll just stick with it.04:10
atomikuTrouty: yeah04:11
aesiamunslackware is pure beauty if you like simplicity04:11
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arooniaesiamun: i cant see the mouse listed in xorg.conf04:11
Artemis3ubuntu is putting some sense back...04:11
Clint-I am having a problem whenever i try and update or install anything related to cd buring or media playing it give me a error with nero linux i am running the newest ver of ubuntu04:11
aesiamunarooni: hold on, let me check something.04:11
jaredcould anyone help me with the step on http://blog.publicidadpixelada.com/how-to-adobe-photoshop-cs2-on-ubuntu-10-steps/ which says to use recode?04:11
jaredwhen I put in the command it says, it tells me  recode: adobe.reg failed: Untranslatable input in step `ISO-10646-UCS-2..ANSI_X3.4-1968'04:11
TroutyI am trying to run Ubuntu live off the CD, but both Feisty Fawn Herd 5 and Edgy Eft tell me X Windows had a problem with xorg.conf, and refuses to run. It tells me "No Screens Found"04:11
ubmArtemis3 i use NSLU2/Debian for my linksys NSLU2 device04:11
Z_Morekhow can I completely remove everything related to the lirc driver so I can start from scratch04:11
Artemis3thats cool04:11
aesiamunarooni: see if you can find a section called "InputDevice"04:12
ubmArtemis3 its awesome04:12
arooniaesiamun: i mean i see a section "dev/input/mice" listed but theres no Microsfot stuff04:12
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arooniaesiamun: i see that!04:12
aesiamunarooni: it won't specifiy microsoft period04:12
osotogarihi all, im having trouble getting video to work in totem using Beryl. Im getting the blank video problem. Any help is much appreciated.04:12
ubmArtemis3 you should check out http://www.cyrius.com/debian/nslu2/ he has some great photos the guy is a freaking debian monster04:12
arooniaesiamun: ok so what should i do now04:12
m4nam using 6.06. it seems the laptop battery monitor has got some bug. While the laptop is working, if I connect the power, the monitor is not updating. Still showing 'Running on battery' Status04:12
aesiamunok, want to have some real fun to see if it works?04:12
jaredAnyone here have Photoshop CS2 running on Ubuntu?04:12
=== jordo23 [n=jordo23@CPE-70-94-36-146.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Clint-m4n: what laptop04:12
Wolvenhavenis there a difference between the default install and using packet manager to get apache/mysql/php or should i just install as LAMP to begin with?04:13
m4nClint-: this is HP04:13
Clint-i had the same problem04:13
m4nClint-: nc640004:13
Pelojared,  I saw an howto on digg a few days ago04:13
ubmsucks though atm im waiting on RC2 as RC1 is broke :(04:13
ZambeziK3B, Nero Linux or burning in Windows?04:13
Artemis3i suppose you can serve torrents from it...04:13
Clint-i reinstalled ubuntu and it worked the 2nd install as did my wireless04:13
jaredyeah I'm looking at a how to that was on digg (got like 16 diggs though) and I can't get past the recode step04:13
aesiamunarooni: drop to the console, hold down ctrl-alt and f1, when there log in as your user and type 'cat /dev/input/mice'  after hitting enter, move the ms mouse around a little.  If you get gobblygook ,then the system recognizes it.  To get back to Gnome, hold down alt and hit F704:13
ubmArtemis3 yeah you can so much with them its nuts i really enjoy mine04:13
BrendanMarooni, you'll need a section like this in your xorg.conf: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8486/04:13
jaredit gives me some weird eror like "untranslatable input in step blah blah blah"04:13
ubuntu_no_workywell gparted shows it as there04:14
ubmAtemis3 oh and very low power usage 15w i think04:14
ubuntu_no_workyis there a program that can mount it?04:14
aesiamunah, evdev?04:14
m4nClint-: now I have another problem. I thought of removing that applet and re-adding. I removed and now I cant see that applet to re-add :(04:14
BrendanMonly the section for "device" will have to match with whatever your mouse is recognized as04:14
aesiamunnever had to use that proto before.04:14
jareddamn lokoing through comments and there are lots of people who have errors with recode, I wonder if someone posted a fix04:14
Artemis3i rarely use a device like that, always having the case open, etc...04:15
arooniBrendanM: i see this when i insert the mouse: [17186971.432000]  input: USB HID v1.11 Mouse [Microsoft Microsoft Wireless Notebook Presenter Mouse 8000]  on usb-0000:00:1d.1-1.304:15
Peloubuntu_no_worky,  you can mount it manualy,  but as far as auto mount you still need a mound point04:15
arooniBrendanM: so what should i put there for 'device'04:15
aesiamuncrap vmware server is having issues on feisty.04:15
ubuntu_no_workyshould I just get rid of my second hard drive and use it in windows?04:15
Clint-nerolinux is killing me04:15
Peloubuntu_no_worky,  just make a mount point04:15
ubuntu_no_workyisn't there something which can do it for me automatically?04:16
Pelodoes anyone know if I can make a repo  out of a folder  ?04:16
Clint-its giving me a eror04:16
Clint-error 204:16
ubuntu_no_workyanyone know if this will be fixed in feisty?04:16
Clint-exception error04:16
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osotogarihi all, im having trouble getting video to work in totem using Beryl. Im getting the blank video problem. Any help is much appreciated.04:16
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ubmh-bomb hey bro glad you joined :)04:17
Clint-if someone got a sec04:17
ubmh-bomb how is that solarwinds package working out for you... :)04:17
BrendanMarooni, there's a way to find out which device the mouse is recognized as. Let me try to look it up. Or if somebody knows? I think it's a cat /dev...something04:17
TroutyI don't mean to be pokey, but did anyone catch my problem or should I try to articulate it better?04:17
=== jlamr_ [n=jlamr@FT-ESR1-208-102-54-63.fuse.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntu_no_workyanyone know a program that will create mount points and mount your drives automatically?04:18
Clint-Trouty: i just restate the problem like every 5 mins04:18
Wolvenhavenlol me too04:18
Wolvenhavenno ones helped sofar :P04:18
Clint-http://www.pastebin.ca/380501 <----- need some help04:18
Clint-Wolvenhaven: i can try04:18
aesiamunubuntu_no_worky: wait, what's wrong with just editing fstab?04:18
ubmIndyGunFreak h-bomb is one of my friends here houston actually he is the one who got me to convert from fedora core over to ubuntu :P04:18
aesiamunfedora bugs me.04:19
Clint-as for the other problem i have no clue04:19
Wolvenhaveni want to know what the difference is between installing the default or choosing INSTALL AS LAMP for ubuntuserver04:19
PeloTrouty,   sometimes no one can help,  I suggest you look up your hard ware in the forum04:19
ubuntu_no_workythats to hard04:19
ubuntu_no_workyI like automatix04:19
IndyGunFreakubm: ok..04:19
ubmaesiamun no doubt04:19
IndyGunFreakh-bomb: welcome..04:19
aesiamunwhat's automatix?04:19
Clint-not using server so i have no clue04:19
PeloTrouty,  sometimes noone present can help ...04:19
ubuntu_no_workythe thing that installs everything for u04:19
Artemis3Clint-, nerolinux seems to be bothering04:19
aesiamunubm:  i have to work with rpm distros all day...04:19
IndyGunFreakubuntu_no_worky: if you like automatix, thats why your user name applies..lol04:19
ubmIndyGunFreak this guys has more networking equipment than i've ever seen in my life.04:20
jaredwhats wrong with automatix?04:20
Artemis3so, purge it ;)04:20
ubuntu_no_workyautomatix is fine indy04:20
Clint-i tried04:20
ubmaesiamum are you a sys admin?04:20
aesiamunjust install automatix04:20
h-bombIndyGunFreak: thanks :)04:20
Clint-sudo apt-get remove04:20
Clint-and it errors04:20
Wolvenhavenlol so much for that 0_o04:20
TroutyI have two 7800 GTs and a Radeon 9200 in a PCI slot.  I am trying to run Ubuntu live off the CD and it tells me X could not load because of the warnings "No matching device section for instance" and the error "No screens found"04:20
Clint-same erroer04:20
m4ncan anyone tell me how to work with data card on ubuntu04:20
aesiamunubm: no software engineer...for an internal distribution of linux based on rhel4/504:20
IndyGunFreakubm: i saw a funny pic online one time.. this guy was trying to organize this server room, it was hilarious, wires all over the place, it was a mess.04:20
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Wolvenhavenwhy do you have 3 gfx cards?!04:21
Clint-3/4 of all progs i try and install error and update dies cause of nero04:21
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Clint-i need to remove nero i think but remove erroers04:21
aesiamunubm: three letter computer company from the 60's...04:21
Troutywindows doesn't allow dual monitors with SLI enabled so I needed a third, but the problem occurs even if I just have one graphics card in04:21
Clint-i dont know its just crap04:21
ubuntu_no_workyanyone know a program that automatically mounts and creates mountpoints for your disks... surely their must be one... u can't expect n00bs to use the commandline04:21
IndyGunFreakubuntu_no_worky: actually i've used automatix before also, and had no problems, but you'd swear you're Satans spawn from hell sent to destroy Ubuntu Linux if you bring it up here..lol04:21
Wolvenhavenyes ubuntu04:21
Wolvenhaventhere is04:21
ubuntu_no_workyso i notice04:21
Wolvenhavenits under admin controls04:21
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Wolvenhavenyou rightclick on the hd04:22
ubmaesiamun oh i have something for you my friend you will enjoy this its a good read check out Numenta04:22
Wolvenhavenand hit mount or something like that04:22
IndyGunFreakubuntu_no_worky: it is best to learn stuff on your own though, Automatix, EasyUbuntu, etc, they are ok, but its best to learn to do crap on your own.04:22
ubuntu_no_workywhere is admin controls?04:22
Wolvenhavenim not booted in ubuntu right now or i would figure out the exact way04:22
BrendanMubuntu_no_worky, supposedly EasyUbuntu is better than Automatix04:22
IndyGunFreaklook at the repositories as one big stable version of automatix..lol04:22
Artemis3automatix or automatix2?04:22
Clint-how to remove nerolinux compeatly04:22
aesiamunubm: is it a book?04:22
=== Wolvenhaven wonders if anyone here has even installed ubuntu server cause no one answers when i ask about it :P
IndyGunFreakArtemis3: i've not had probs out of either, but unless you want a tongue lashing...04:22
BrendanMarooni, try cat /proc/input/devices  see what it reports for your mouse04:23
ubuntu_no_workyanyone know where the admin tools are04:23
IndyGunFreakWolvenhaven: sorry...04:23
IndyGunFreakgood gracious i just screwed up my theme, brb.04:23
Wolvenhavencause im looking at the install guide04:23
Wolvenhavenand nothing there talks about the difference between default and LAMP04:23
Clint-i can pastebin it04:23
ubmaesiamun i dont want to ruin the experience for you. Its a company... You really need to check it out.04:23
Artemis3IndyGunFreak, its simply unsuported and at your own risk dont blame canonical for breaking your system, etc.04:23
aesiamunubm: going to numenta.com04:24
aesiamunBrendanM: cat /proc/devices04:24
ubmaesiamun check out the front page04:24
Trouty<IndyGunFreak> ubuntu_no_worky: it is best to learn stuff on your own though, Automatix, EasyUbuntu, etc, they are ok, but its best to learn to do crap on your own.04:24
Trouty<ubuntu_no_worky> where is admin controls?04:24
Trouty<Wolvenhaven> im not booted in ubuntu right now or i would figure04:24
Trouty<IndyGunFreak> ubuntu_no_worky: it is best to learn stuff on your own though, Automatix, EasyUbuntu, etc, they are ok, but its best to learn to do crap on your own.04:24
Trouty<ubuntu_no_worky> where is admin controls?04:24
Trouty<Wolvenhaven> im not booted in ubuntu right now or i would figure04:24
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weebitwow im glad no one told me i was a n00b when i installed linux for the first time and went straight to the command line.  lol  I would of been screwed.04:24
IndyGunFreakTrouty: thats what i told him,04:24
Clint-if someone can look04:24
aesiamunubm: lol nice04:24
Clint-nero is killing me04:24
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ubuntu_no_workyanyone here know of a program to set up your hard drives automatically04:24
Wolvenhaventrouty you didnt even take the whole thing04:24
Artemis3with coming festy the likes of automatix are getting less needed anyway, which is good imo04:24
Wolvenhaveni was talking about mounting a hd04:25
ubuntu_no_workyI got nerolinux working04:25
ubuntu_no_workyI had to make my own icon though04:25
ubuntu_no_workythat was a pain04:25
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Artemis3making a .desktop file is a pain?04:25
Troutythat's weird....why did I just repeat saying that...nevermind04:25
aesiamunubm: oooh they have downloadable software04:25
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BrendanMWolvenhaven, my understanding is that LAMP installs extra components04:25
ubmaesiamun that is every developers dream to capture the human brain and true AI ya know.04:25
Artemis3just copy it form another one ;)04:25
ubmaesiamun yes04:25
ubuntu_no_workythere wasn't one to copy04:25
IndyGunFreakubuntu_no_worky: is tha tlike Nero, the popular CD burning software04:25
Wolvenhavenso its just extra components and not a different install?04:25
ubuntu_no_workynerolinux off nero.com04:25
Artemis3oh, there are lots of em, locate .desktop ^^04:26
ubmaesiamun check it out you can also contribute as well plus i think they are hiring atm ;)04:26
IndyGunFreakubuntu_no_worky: you know there's GnomeBaker and K3b, both very good CD burners in the repositories, that take about 10sec to install.04:26
Wolvenhaventhanks brendan04:26
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aesiamunubm: cool, thanks :)04:26
Wolvenhavenif it doesnt work i can always ghost the drives :P04:26
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ubuntu_no_workygnomebaker and k3b are both unstable04:26
Artemis3hehe, but that app should go into commercial04:26
aesiamunubuntu_no_worky: nerolinux is no gift from god04:26
cablesI can't stand nero, it pisses me off.04:26
IndyGunFreakubuntu_no_worky: ?  I'm starting to think youre unstable..lol, gnomebaker has been flawless for me04:26
BrendanMarooni, did you find it?04:27
ubuntu_no_workyi tried them04:27
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Clint-http://www.pastebin.ca/380512 anyone that can help04:27
Artemis3they dont seem unstable, but brasero is quite a backstabber04:27
ubuntu_no_workybut both burned more coasters04:27
ubuntu_no_workythan cds04:27
cablesI love how Ubuntu can burn an ISO just by rightclicking on it.04:27
ubuntu_no_workynerolinux works great04:27
IndyGunFreakubuntu_no_worky: i believe you... i just donm't undersstand why you were havin the issue.04:27
cablesAnd copy a CD04:27
Artemis3what drive?04:27
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BrendanMOr I guess they left already. *sigh*04:27
crdlbthey all use cdrecord04:27
ubuntu_no_workyanyone here know a program to automount drives04:27
Artemis3i have lots of coasters thanks to brasero idiocy04:27
ubuntu_no_workyand mountpoints04:27
aesiamunoh well.04:27
IndyGunFreakArtemis3: what is brasero?04:27
Artemis3but in another machine it works perfectly04:27
aesiamunubuntu_no_worky: what about autofs?04:27
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ubotubrasero: CD/DVD burning application for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.4-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 520 kB, installed size 1172 kB04:27
IndyGunFreakcrdlb: oh ok.. thanks04:28
Clint-can someone tell me how to compleatly remove nero linux and then reinstall04:28
IndyGunFreaksurprising i've never used it... Gnomebaker has just always worked well for me04:28
Clint-cause even updating dont work04:28
Dna^somebody has tried to install counter-strike on ubuntu?04:28
ubmClint- what repositories are you using?04:28
BrendanMubuntu_no_worky, http://www.linux-consulting.com/Amd_AutoFS/autofs.html04:28
Clint-all 304:28
Clint-universe multiverse04:28
aesiamunBrendanM: thanks...was looking for that04:28
Clint-and the other one04:28
Artemis3because gnomebaker uses cdrecord, which in turns doesnt handle multisession dvds, unless you used a patched cdrecord...04:29
ubmClint- heh did you try forcing ?04:29
IndyGunFreakClint-: why don[t you just use gnomebaker?04:29
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Artemis3instead, brasero uses growisofs which handles multisession dvds, but won't make pure udf...04:29
IndyGunFreakArtemis3: this is true, but k3b, i'm pretty sure handles multisessions fine04:29
BrendanMhe's not going to want to read it...04:29
Artemis3yes k3b is fine04:29
Clint-IndyGunFreak: my problem is the fact that 3/4 of the things i try to update or install fail with nero04:29
Clint-i dont like nero on linux or windows04:29
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aesiamunBrendanM: autofs is fine, I use it all the time.  In fact, it took 2 seconds to enable /net for my nfs mounts04:30
IndyGunFreakClint-: i'm with you, i used a freebie off majorgeeks called DeepBurn under windows.04:30
IndyGunFreakClint-: update or install what?04:30
Clint-u see that04:30
Clint-that to remove04:30
vox754Artemis3, you mean it can split a DVD double layer into two single layer DVD?04:30
ubuntu_no_workywhere do I download it at?04:30
Clint-same error04:30
Clint-when i try and say install xgine04:30
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Artemis3what? no thats another matter entirely04:30
aroonihey folks.....04:30
Clint-or any program using video or audio04:30
BrendanMI'm sure it's fine, but I get the strong feeling he wants a one-click, no CLI solution04:30
bruenig!enter | Clint-04:31
ubotuClint-: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:31
aesiamununfortunately he's in the wrong OS for that.04:31
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Clint-ty for reminding me04:31
ubmClint- the only way possible would be to grab the dependencies and compile from source then install ..04:31
Artemis3Clint-, because apt system is blocked by that partial nero install04:31
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aroonimy synaptics touchpas *used* to have this cool thing that if you moved up and down to the far right of it... it'd move the page up and down04:31
IndyGunFreakArtemis3: yep04:31
arooniis there a way of doing htis now?04:31
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aroonion linux?  (versus winbloz)04:31
Clint-well should i reinstall or is there a way to fix cause this has been from day 104:31
BrendanMubuntu_no_worky, type "sudo apt-get install autofs"04:32
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IndyGunFreakClint-: how to fix... sudo apt-get install gnomebaker04:32
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Clint-will that overwrite nero04:32
bruenignerolinux is a joke04:32
cuscodudes what is it that I must do to make gmplayer work04:32
Artemis3i think he needs to force purge the nero package before anything04:32
bruenigClint-, seriously nerolinux is total garbage04:32
cuscoit says no videooutput04:32
ubmnero is a joke period :)04:32
Clint-i know04:32
Clint-how do i get rid of it04:32
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TheVaultI got a question. Is there a program for ubuntu that is similar to the Mac OS X Dock?04:32
Artemis3there is a command line for it, probably with dpkg04:32
BrendanMTheVault, yes04:33
bruenigClint-, was it a deb?04:33
IndyGunFreakArtemis3: yeah, you can try searching nero in Synaptic Package Manager, then search for Nero, and mark for complete removal04:33
ubuntu_no_worky:c do i have to recompile my kernel?  seems harder than this fstab stuff04:33
IndyGunFreakbruenig: i think he sourced it..04:33
TheVaultBrendanM: Whats the name?04:33
ubmTheVault hey man hows that wireless card working out?04:33
garCan I run ubuntu on my ppc?04:33
Clint-it was either defualt installed or installed when i updated04:33
ubotuppc is PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up until edgy, and is now a community port.04:33
TheVaultubm: EXCELLENT!04:33
Artemis3gar, yes04:33
BrendanMTheVault, there are actually "docks" for Linux that perform very similarly. I've never used them, but just google around04:33
cables!ppc | gar04:33
ubotugar: please see above04:33
bruenigif he sourced it, apt would not have problems04:33
ubmTheVault good deal man!04:33
bruenigunless he checkinstalled it04:33
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garabove what04:33
TheVaultYeah, but I am on my desktop now UBM, installed it here04:33
vox754Clint-, you can always "rm" (remove) all files but that is kind of creepy.04:33
IndyGunFreakWireless, thats my next challenge, i've got dual displays, up, wireless is next.04:34
Clint-brurm -rf04:34
Artemis3gar hehe just try to use something not too old04:34
Clint-err rm -rf04:34
IndyGunFreakbut i'm gonna tke a break first.. 17hrs to get dual displays, it warped my noggin04:34
BrendanMTheValve, try this: http://www.digg.com/linux_unix/Finally_A_Great_OSX_Like_Dock_For_Linux_Thanks_To_Google04:34
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Clint-but i wanna system uninstall it04:34
garis there a website dedicated to this sort of thing?04:34
vox754IndyGunFreak, how long have you been here? I'd say a month?04:34
BrendanMer, TheVault, not the TheValve. It's later04:34
ubmTheVault hehe just be careful linux is highly addictive and there is no cure :)04:34
Artemis3gar ppc support is official this place should do, or the forums04:34
cablesgar, I assume you mean power pc not pocket pc...04:34
IndyGunFreakvox754: somethin like that maybe a little longer.04:34
garyeah powerpc04:35
IndyGunFreakvox754: why do you ask?04:35
TheVaultubm: You got that right04:35
bruenigClint-, yeah that isn't going to happen, you are just going to have to rm everything04:35
garI mean pocketpc04:35
bruenigClint-, do you know where it installed?04:35
yonilevyNo1 knows? how come i don't have a /etc/modprobe.conf file?04:35
Artemis3gar no wait, i think they are ending it.... starting from feisty :(04:35
ubmTheVault now you can hang out in here with the rest of us and help people with the same issue :)04:35
gara cell phone04:35
Clint-whereis nero04:35
Clint-shows me all04:35
cablesgar, then nope.04:35
vox754IndyGunFreak, just curious. I installed Ubuntu on December, and got the wireless working on February.04:35
garnooooo :(04:35
TheVaultubm: yuppers, but I am no professional04:35
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yonilevyneed help with /etc/modprobe.conf04:35
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ubmClint- try searching /usr/bin04:35
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bruenigClint-, then rm it04:35
bruenigit would probably be /usr/local/bin unless nero is stupid04:36
IndyGunFreakvox754: lol... i've had Ubuntu since around Jul... but i think I first started coming here around early jan.. so its been a little over a month.04:36
ubmthe sudo rm -Rf nero*04:36
ubuntu_no_workyhow do I start autofs?  i installed it via synaptic but no icons?04:36
Clint-sec ill del all traces of nero04:36
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Artemis3gar, until edgy you could simply install it as long as you have more than 64mb of ram (for alternate cd install)04:36
garI've heard you can run the fedora core on it.04:36
bruenigubuntu_no_worky, try running "autofs" in terminal perhaps04:36
ubuntu_no_workyits a no go04:36
TheVaultubm: you on msn?04:36
vox754IndyGunFreak, yep, you are already a regular... good work!04:36
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IndyGunFreakgar: run FC on what?04:36
ubuntu_no_workycommand not found04:36
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:36
bruenigUbugtu, try au <tab> <tab>04:37
garppc-6700 similar to this - http://shadowmite.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=127604:37
Clint-in one line04:37
rpcanyone fancy checking if this path exists on ubuntu? /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/04:37
ubmTheVault nah not atm im about to leave my little brother's band is playing tonight promised i would show up...04:37
aroonimy synaptics touchpas *used* to have this cool thing that if you moved up and down to the far right of it... it'd move the page up and down04:37
vox754Clint-, first update your database "sudo updatedb" then "sudo locate <file>" in your case "nero" or whatever specifics you have.04:37
BrendanMubuntu_no_worky, this howto has tons of information: http://www.linux-consulting.com/Amd_AutoFS/autofs.html04:37
bruenigubuntu_no_worky, that was for you04:37
IndyGunFreakvox754: well, 1.  I have no life... at all...lol.  2.  I broke my ankle about a week and a half ago, thus why i'ev been here close to 24hrs(and also why i was able to spend 17hrs working on dual displays w/o consequnce)04:37
ubmill be back around beer 30 though :)04:37
TheVaultubm: ahh ok...well have fun04:37
BrendanMarooni, you're back04:37
aroonialso.... how do i get the equivalent of the 'kazaa lite codec pack' :P04:37
arooniBrendanM: yup04:37
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ubuntu_no_workysurely to god someone wrote a program for noobs to set up a second harddrive04:37
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bruenig!codecs | arooni04:38
ubotuarooni: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:38
ubuntu_no_workywill feisty fix this?04:38
omegabetaQuestion: Is there a way to tranfer files from ubuntu  to ntsf/xp directory's? (so drag and drop from home to sbd1)04:38
BrendanMarooni, did you get the mouse working? Also, you'll probably want qsynaptics to help you configure the touchpad04:38
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bruenigubuntu_no_worky, it is called mount04:38
rpccome on my lazy friends... anyone who can check this path for me? /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ does it exist?04:38
vox754IndyGunFreak, did you mention about the foot before? I kind of remember that...04:38
bruenigubuntu_no_worky, learn it04:38
ubmTheVault if you need some help ask IndyGunFreak hehe04:38
IndyGunFreakubuntu_no_worky: feisty will cause you more problems than it fixes..04:38
garyeah, htc ppc670004:38
Artemis3gar, that is not a powerpc04:38
TheVaultSure will ubm04:38
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IndyGunFreakubm: lol04:38
arooniBrendanM: never got the mouse working04:38
garI said pocketpc04:38
garor that's what I meant, sorry04:38
IndyGunFreakvox754: yeah, i might have in off-topic, if you're ever there.04:38
BrendanMTheVault, did you check this out: http://code.google.com/p/avant-window-navigator/  it looks to be exactly what you want.04:38
ubuntu_no_workylol... this is why linux is never gonna make it04:38
ubmIndyGunFreak im just waiting for you're fingers to fall off from all the typing you do :P04:38
Clint-sudo updatedb hangs up04:38
IndyGunFreakubm: lol, i'm a typin maniac04:39
Artemis3gar, ok, then no ubuntu supports x86 and x86-64 oonly04:39
TheVaultBrendanM: I'll check that out now04:39
bruenigubuntu_no_worky, how hard is mount /dev/hdb /mount/point04:39
ubuntu_no_workyshould this sort of thing be automatic like windows04:39
BrendanMubuntu_no_worky, why because you have to read things to make your computer work?04:39
arooniBrendanM: once i install qsynaptics... do i use the system => settinsg => mouse04:39
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IndyGunFreakubm: i'll tell you a funny story sometime about when I was a freshman in highschool, never had a typing class, what i did to my teacher04:39
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vox754!offtopic > IndyGunFreak04:39
ubuntu_no_workywell yeah.... thats why windows became popular... over dos04:39
bruenigBrendanM, we all know people hate reading, see USA04:39
BrendanMarooni, no qsynaptics is its own program.04:39
ubmIndyGunFreak yeah you are true guru ill give ya that04:39
ubuntu_no_workypeople don have 999999 hours to set this stuff up04:39
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IndyGunFreakubm: of typing only04:39
Clint-vox754: okey i updated and located u want me to remove them all04:39
bruenigubuntu_no_worky, learning mount takes 2-3 min max04:39
Q_Continuumeck: So far so good.  Running slow, but running....04:39
TheVaultBrendanM: Yeah, thats exactly what I was wanting, Thank you :)04:39
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ubuntu_no_workyand setting up printers and burning programs and wine04:40
BrendanMTheVault, it looks so sweet it makes me wish I were running GNOME.04:40
arooniBrendanM: when i open it i see 'pleas install the synaptics touchpad driver'... how can i do this?04:40
bruenigubuntu_no_worky, setting up burning programs, you mean like "sudo apt-get install gnomebaker"04:40
ubuntu_no_workyand and fixing x when updates break it04:40
bruenigoh gees hard hard04:40
=== weebit puts obstacle in middle of floor incase room mate comes walking though. maybe room mate can be more efficient if they brake ankle too. :)
IndyGunFreakbruenig: i've suggested that like 4x04:40
ubuntu_no_workylike nerolinux because gnomebacker blows and only makes coasters04:40
bruenigubuntu_no_worky, wine is not a fair assault because you are running a non native program, of course there is going to be added problems04:40
Clint-vox754: okey i updated and located u want me to remove them all04:40
vox754Clint-, it takes time to update the database. You COULD try removing, but that is up to you. I've done it succesfully with small programs like ndiswrapper, but others may need dependencies, and there is where it may break.04:40
bruenigubuntu_no_worky, nerolinux is a joke, I have used it, its functionality is nothing04:40
ubmIndyGunFreak let me know when you get that usb port installed in your head i want to know how it works out for you...  :P hahaha04:40
IndyGunFreakbruenig: he could install the "easy" cd burner.. sudo apt-get install k3b04:41
ubuntu_no_workybetter to have something than just coasters04:41
IndyGunFreakubm: lol04:41
BrendanMarooni, there's a setting to change in xorg.conf. Lets get your USB mouse working first and then I'll help you with qsynaptics.04:41
ubuntu_no_workyk3b crashes too04:41
bruenigk3b is good, or just use cdrecord04:41
Artemis3what drive brand and model you have?04:41
IndyGunFreakubuntu_no_worky: i don't know then, you're other linux native apps are x-cdroast(which i hate), or gnomebaker04:41
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arooniBrendanM: ok ... lets focus on the USB bluetooth mouse.... we have verfied that the mouse is detected when its inserted04:41
ubuntu_no_workyasus 1608p with latest firmware04:41
arooniBrendanM: whats the next step04:41
kalorinso I suppose it'd be too much to ask if linux actually has a GUI interface for making software raids?04:42
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ubmok.. i really got to go now04:42
garcan I use samba in active directory?04:42
ubuntu_no_workyI hope feisty automounts drives...04:42
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ubuntu_no_workyit think its silly not to04:42
vox754bruenig, just a small question, do you know what is ubotu's command that tells you if there is a specific nick in the channel?04:42
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IndyGunFreakubm_away: later04:42
bruenig!offtopic | ubuntu_no_worky go cry somewhere else seriously04:42
ubotuubuntu_no_worky go cry somewhere else seriously: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:42
=== Anohaakten [n=Anohaakt@66-227-152-35.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
AnohaaktenHey everyone04:42
bruenigvox754, !seen whatever04:42
aroonihow can list all commands i entered04:43
Artemis3ubuntu_no_worky, is it pata? is it alone in the cable?04:43
bruenigthat does it for all freenode though I think04:43
vox754!seen bruenig04:43
AnohaaktenHey guys, can I get some help with installing ubuntu?04:43
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen bruenig - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:43
IndyGunFreakh-bomb: ubm is a good guy04:43
Clint-vox754: all are removed04:43
vox754bruenig, danke!04:43
BrendanMarooni, in the command-line, type "cat /proc/devices" and see if there's a reference to your USB mouse04:43
IndyGunFreakAnohaakten: jus ask, if we can help, we all will04:43
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h-bombIndyGunFreak: yes he is :)04:43
bruenigperhaps they edited that out04:43
Anohaaktenalrighty cool04:43
vox754Clint-, then good luck with whatever you are doing!04:43
TheVaultlater ubm04:43
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IndyGunFreakvox754: lol04:44
Anohaaktenok, so, I installed ubuntu version 6.10 but could not seem to get it to recognize my Linksys WPC54G wireless card04:44
AnohaaktenI researched all over the net and I cannot seem to find a driver for it04:44
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:44
arooniBrendanM: have a look: http://pastie.caboo.se/4453604:44
h-bombill tell ya what04:44
vox754IndyGunFreak, what?! I'm always serious with what I suggest.04:44
vox754Anohaakten, WAIT, I have a link for you04:45
Clint-vox754:  ummm should i just reinstall?04:45
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Q_Continuumeck: Live CD booted off the USB drive...we're doin good so far... :D04:45
h-bombi love ubuntu, but the broadcom wireless support has got to get better04:45
IndyGunFreakvox754: so am i, but sometimes, i just sense sarcasm..lol04:45
omegabetaLogin: Panic :Trap :cpu0 "Operation illegal"04:45
h-bombits a freaking nightmare04:45
IndyGunFreakh-bomb: i think i read somewhere, on a list of "goals" for feisty, one of them was to make wireless setup easier04:45
dtsis there any OSS tools that come close to OneNote?04:45
BrendanMubtunu_no_worky, I personally agree with you that all drives should always be automounted all the time (I can't imagine a time when I'd want a drive connected but not mounted?) but that's just not how Linux is, so you can either learn to deal with it, or write your own software to change it (isn't open source cool?).04:45
Artemis3they need the linux mint thingie04:45
kalorinI've got two 400gb SATA drives. I was going to mirror them in the bios, but now come to find out that's software raid and flaky at best, might as well do it in the kernel04:46
Artemis3of course you could install that package from their evil repo...04:46
IndyGunFreakArtemis3: you ever tried LinuxMinut?04:46
vox754IndyGunFreak, actually I got here late, so I have little clue of what this guy is doing.04:46
kalorinis it worth doing that, or would it be better to just partition out the other drive identically and dd things every day or so?04:46
kelsinAnohaakten: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=564504:46
eckQ_Continuum: sounds promising04:46
kalorincause then I'd get undelete so to speak04:46
Artemis3there is a gui thing that lets you use ndiswrapper windows drivers04:46
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h-bombIndyGunFreak: i hope so, cause of the inability of dapper and edgy to work with my broadcom wireless on my dell lappy is the only thing keeping me from useing ubuntu on it04:46
IndyGunFreakArtemis3: is it pretty good?  I've heard its as good as ubuntu, jus don't have to worry about multimedia codecs, etc.04:46
arooniBrendanM: ok not sure what to do next04:46
ubuntu_no_workyanyone know how to automatically install and mount extra sata hardrives?04:46
rotarisedHello all. I would like to install a true-type font (.ttf file) on my freshly installed Edgy Eft. So I tried to paste and also drag the file into the 'Fonts' folder. But the font folder's paste command is greyed. So how do I go about installing a specific font?04:46
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IndyGunFreakh-bomb: if its got a broadcom chipset, it should work i think..04:47
eckubuntu_no_worky: gnome should do that04:47
vox754Anohaakten, http://linux-wless.passys.nl/04:47
Artemis3kind of its almost ubuntu with a couple of packages and different artwork04:47
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Artemis3but it seems to be moving04:47
BrendanMarooni, did you type "cat /proc/devices"04:47
kalorinrotarised: sudo cp <font> <folder>04:47
ubuntu_no_workyhahah IT SHOULD shouldn't it ^_^04:47
ubuntu_no_workyI agree04:47
kalorinthen sudo fc-cache -f -V <folder it was copied to>04:47
Jarhead756i was wondering, what will happen in dapper come daylight savings time? will it auto adjust?04:47
eshaasesorry if someone had already answered my question from before as I got disconnected but heres my problem: i'm setting up a somewhat complicated partitioning scheme using lvm and vgdisplay seems to incorreclty display the correct size of my volume groups, any ideas about how I should approach this?04:47
eckubuntu_no_worky: can you do it manually?04:47
rotarisedi think i tried that before. but i'll try again04:47
omegabetaQuestion : I have compiled Qt from scratch, installed the libs etc and i still get errors that i dont have Qt 25.<>4 lib-mt  what does this mean?04:47
kalorinjarhead, it's complaint with the new DST04:47
ubuntu_no_workyim too stupid04:47
Jarhead756kalorin: meaning?04:48
kalorinit's already set for the new DST stuff04:48
h-bombIndyGunFreak: it does somewhat, like it took 3 hours of tinkering and howtos and whatnot just to get it to recognize, after that its very flaky, ie, wont connect half time, have to do everything manually via cli when i was to do anything such as scan, connect, etc, also it doesnt connect at the full speeds, max is 11mbps04:48
BrendanMok, arooni, lemme look at your pastebin04:48
eckubuntu_no_worky: check that the kernel can see the device (with dmesg) and then use the mount command04:48
arooniBrendanM: i did, take a look at input  http://pastie.caboo.se/4453604:48
kalorinat least 6.10 is04:48
h-bombIndyGunFreak: half the time that doesnt work and i tryed on both dapper and edgy04:48
IndyGunFreakh-bomb: hmm.04:48
IndyGunFreakdidn't realize it was that unstable.04:48
ubuntu_no_workyI can see it in gparted and device manager(aka viewer)04:48
Artemis3but i think feisty is including another gui for wireless setups, there is a problem with people roaming from manual config to dhcp enviroments..04:48
Jarhead756kalorin: when is dst?04:49
h-bombIndyGunFreak: its very unstable04:49
kalorinmarch 11th04:49
ubuntu_no_workyisn't there a program for doing this automatically though?04:49
Q_Continuumeck: partitioning.  Looks like its gonna work fine. :D  *Dances*04:49
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eckQ_Continuum: excellent :-)04:49
vox754ubuntu_no_worky, the installation automatically sets mount points and creates a proper "fstab" file, so don't complain about that; if you want to add more drives that is not hard, just give me a second.04:49
Jarhead756kalorin: so will it auto adjust?04:49
h-bombArtemis3: indeed04:49
Q_Continuumeck: Followed these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick04:49
IndyGunFreakh-bomb: maybe i'll put off learning wireless w/ ubuntu until Ubuntu 12.09 "Kooky Kangaroo".. :)04:49
omegabetaQuestion: Is there a way to tranfer files from ubuntu  to ntsf/xp directory's? (so drag and drop from home to sbd1)04:49
h-bombIndyGunFreak: i would reccomend that04:49
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IndyGunFreaki think by then they'll have it figured out.04:49
h-bombIndyGunFreak: at least with broadcom wireless chipsets04:49
Q_Continuumeck: Now I have to find a (smaller) flash drive that is mine (not my roommate's) that I can leave this on :P04:50
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Artemis3hahaha kooky?04:50
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Dr_willisomegabeta,  thers ways to read/write to ntfs. (not adviseable) and windowsxp can read/write to ext2/3 partitions04:50
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IndyGunFreakArtemis3: it was the only thing i could come up with quick04:50
ubuntu_no_workyi installed edgy with this drive in the machine :c04:50
Dr_williswith the right tools04:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ifs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:50
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ext2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:50
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org04:50
Artemis3it seems to follow the pattern just fine04:50
IndyGunFreakArtemis3: isn't that the truth!04:50
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IndyGunFreakArtemis3: I'm convinced the next one is gonna be "Grump Gorrilla"04:50
ubuntu_no_worky!just work04:50
IndyGunFreakGrumpy, that is.04:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about just work - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about justwork - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:51
Dr_willisFlacculating Fawn04:51
BrendanMok, arooni, I think I found it. Try this "cat /proc/bus/usb/devices"04:51
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Artemis3nope, f is already taken04:51
IndyGunFreakFlaming Flamingo04:51
Anohaaktenguys do they ahve itunes for linux? (ubuntu)04:51
Artemis3its g alright04:51
IndyGunFreakAnohaakten: i don't think so.04:51
Dr_willisGyrating Giraffe04:51
vox754Anohaakten, search the forums for WPC54G http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=324967&highlight=WPC54G04:51
Anohaaktenalright, thakn you04:51
IndyGunFreakDr_willis: lol04:51
snaef999hey can somebody help me with an apt update issue?  Ive been away from Ubuntu for a while, but now im back and am trying to do an update and all the sources fail to download.  Can anybody help?04:52
IndyGunFreakGoofy Gopher04:52
Artemis3ganguro girl? oh that doesnt count ;)04:52
Dr_willisGuano Girl? eww04:52
tonyyarusso!itunes | Anohaakten04:52
ubotuAnohaakten: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee04:52
vox754h-bomb, look here http://bcm43xx.berlios.de/04:53
Artemis3hehe no no, that was a japanese fashion of darkening the skin and using yellow hair ^^04:53
h-bombvox754: ok04:53
vox754Anohaakten, your version is important WPC54G v.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 there are many.04:53
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Dr_willisArtemis3,  that describes my wifes last trip to the beauty saloon04:54
arooniBrendanM: i did, take a look at input  http://pastie.caboo.se/4453604:54
arooniBrendanM: i think we're talkin about :  Product=Microsoft Wireless Notebook Presenter Mouse 800004:54
kalorinso anyone got any thoughts on raid mirroring in the kernel or doing a dd to start and then rsyncing after that?04:54
h-bombvox754: hmm i wonder if that will solve all the instability issues with it and restore the speed from 11mbps to 5404:54
Jarhead756anyone try the new version of wine? any interesting updates?04:54
LazergunzHow do I set XMMS as my default media player?04:54
kalorinthe rsync method obviously gives me "undelete" or sorts04:54
IndyGunFreakLazergunz: sudo apt-get install xmms04:54
vox754h-bomb, you mean, it works but not as fast?04:55
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IndyGunFreakthen right click(say an mp3), choose properties, permissions, an choose xmms04:55
kalorinjarhead: it almost sort of allowed me to install photoshop elements 4 the other night04:55
kalorinbut crashed when it got ready to copy files to the harddisk04:55
BrendanMarooni, that looks good. One more, try "cat /proc/bus/input/devices" and look for the line that says "Handlers =" associated with your mouse04:55
h-bombvox754: when it works, half the time it doesnt, extremely unstable04:55
kalorinso no idea if it'd work or not04:55
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Jarhead756Anohaakten: you may want to take a look at songbird (just like itunes almost) but i like amarok better.04:55
arooniwhat is the shortcut to copy and paste from my console?04:55
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yeahlolgfsdfhow do I use IRC?04:55
Jarhead756kalorin: got any clue about cs2?04:55
eckarooni: highlight and middle click04:56
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kalorinI've heard it does that, but I don't have a copy04:56
Jarhead756yeahlolgfsdf: you're using it right now aren't you?04:56
eckalso shift insert04:56
kalorinif I did I'd know04:56
arooniBrendanM: ok the one frot the mouse is: H: Handlers=kbd mouse3 event6 ts204:56
Artemis3arooni, anything selected is already copied if you use middle button it is pasted04:56
doffarooni, ctrl+insert = ctrl+c, shift+insert = ctrl+v04:56
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kalorincause that's the one single app that I really wish more than any others ran under linux04:56
yeahlolgfsdfyeah...but I completely new to it04:56
Jarhead756kalorin: what do you mean you heard it?04:56
kalorinin fact, I have vmware installed just because of that ;(04:56
kalorinI've heard of folks having good luck with wine and cs204:56
arooniH: Handlers=mouse1 event5 ts104:56
kalorinI don't own it04:56
Dr_willisyeahlolgfsdf,  thers this stuff called 'documention' :)04:56
ubotuirc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto), gaim (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Konversation (http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/), irssi (console) (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi) - Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat and !guidelines04:56
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Jarhead756anyone know for a fact if photoshop cs2 works within newest version of wine?04:57
aroonidoes that middle click thing work *anywhere* in linux04:57
BrendanMarooni, fantastic. so in your xorg.conf, you'll want to add the section that I gave you before, only for "Device" put mouse104:57
yeahlolgfsdfwhere is that documentation04:57
BrendanMarooni, because mouse1 is one of the names Linux is using to address your mouse04:57
doffbtw how can I install direct 3d wine version? wha'ts the name of the package?04:57
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IndyGunFreakdoff: ? direct 3d wine version04:58
Artemis3try photoshop alternatives like gimp and krita04:58
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arooniBrendanM: ok i made that chage.... what should i do now04:58
h-bombvox754: i also dont like how i have to manaully change the accesspoints and passphrases in /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf everytime, im always going to different places with my laptop, extremely inconvient (sp)04:58
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ubuntu_no_workyanyone here know a way to automount and automatically make mountpoints?04:58
doffIndyGunFreak, something like winex but there's no such package04:58
ubotukrita: a pixel-based image manipulation program for the KDE Office Suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.5.2-0ubuntu2.1 (edgy), package size 2542 kB, installed size 7932 kB04:58
LazergunzIndyGunFreak: I don't want to install XMMS, I want to set it as a default to open media files of its type. I.e .mp3 :)04:58
vox754Attention everyone, "ndiswrapper 1.38" is out now.04:58
aroonii.e. mouse still aint workin :(04:58
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Anohaaktenugh, why cant linux just make it simple to install a driver...ugh04:58
techiecan anybody help? How do you deal with the browser resolution. Somehow, though subtle, it seems that the screen is a bit "fuzzy" any recommended fonts or settings for the firefox browser? Thanks.04:58
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BrendanMarooni, were you able to save xorg.conf? You'll want to restart the x-server, I think it's ctrl+alt+backspace, right?04:58
Anohaaktenyou have to do everything in terminal?04:58
IndyGunFreakLazergunz: right click an mp3.. choose properties, then Permissions, then choose Xmms04:59
yeahlolgfsdfcan someone help me install ubuntu?04:59
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.04:59
Artemis3Anohaakten, its simple, you don't. If something is not supported, the manufacturer never released specs of it04:59
=== Glench [n=chatzill@c-71-233-105-54.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Anohaaktenwell...I need to install a driver for my wireless internet...04:59
jaredyeahlolgfsdf: what do you need help with?04:59
vox754Anohaakten, did you followed the links for the wireless card? can you give more info?05:00
Anohaaktenfor my wpc54g05:00
yeahlolgfsdfwell I have a LiveCD05:00
Anohaaktensure did vox05:00
yeahlolgfsdfof ubuntu05:00
Anohaaktenits reaaaaaaaaaaaal confusing to a linux rookie05:00
Anohaaktensince I do not know linux code05:00
jaredhave you booted off it yet?05:00
vox754ubuntu_no_worky, go to #vocx05:00
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yeahlolgfsdfand I want to install it...i run it under safe graphics mode,because I can't run it in install mode because of a X server problem05:00
eckAnohaakten: if its not included with ubuntu it probably doesn't exist for your hardware05:00
doffyeahlolgfsdf,  I think everybody installed it from live cd or it's image :D05:00
vox754Anohaakten, go to #vocx05:00
Anohaaktenwhats there?05:00
eckAnohaakten: or else the driver is non-free and cannot be distributed05:00
Glencheck: au contraire05:00
GlenchI'm having my owns et of wireless problems05:00
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Glenchs/owns et/own set05:01
LazergunzIndyGunFreak: Thanks :)05:01
Artemis3Anohaakten, cannot be helped if the manufacturer doesnt cooperate, by not released specs or a driver...05:01
eckwell, the point is, that any drivers that aren't in mainline are essentially unsupported05:01
IndyGunFreakLazergunz: no sweat05:01
techieany way to make user names appear on xchat sidebar next to where I am writing?05:01
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LazergunzIndyGunFreak: Perhaps you know how I can rid of an ATI driver :P ?05:02
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yeahlolgfsdfcan anyone help me with a x-server problem in a ubuntu installation05:02
Glenchanyone know what I should blacklist under modprobe to get the usb wireless card I have to show up instead of Wired (wlan0)?05:02
cerberusHey guys, I'm having trouble compiling a webcam driver. A number of errors occure and I've put up the output at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8489/ for anyone to look over. Any help would be greatly appreciated.05:02
dofftechie, well if you've installed gnome-xchat it's very old version05:02
IndyGunFreakLazergunz: can you search synaptic, say for "ATI".. and see if it shows up there?  it probably will.05:02
techieyes it is. doff what do you recommend05:02
IndyGunFreakthen just right click /mark for removal...05:02
dofftechie, download from here http://seerofsouls.com/dists/dapper/contrib/binary-i386/05:02
IndyGunFreakLazergunz: whats wrong with the ATI driver?05:03
yeahlolgfsdfcould anyone help me with a x server problem in the gaim installation05:03
dofftechie, and uninstall your current version ;)05:03
yeahlolgfsdfI nmean05:03
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LazergunzIndyGunFreak: Long story short, I dont use ATI i use Nvidia... :P05:03
vox754!pastebin > Anohaakten05:03
kalorinnothing wrong wtih my ATI support that I've seen05:04
techiedoff once I download this file how do I open this> or do I do it through the synaptic package?05:04
IndyGunFreakLazergunz: yah, ::waterboy:: "Ma'ma says ATI is the Devil!:::waterboy::05:04
kalorinit' a wee bit bumpy for a first time install, after that though it seems to work just fine05:04
LazergunzIndyGunFreak: >.<05:04
dofftechie, so directly you need http://seerofsouls.com/dists/dapper/contrib/binary-i386/xchat_2.6.8-1ubuntu1_i386.deb just double click it and it will be ok)05:04
=== ed1t [n=box@unaffiliated/ed1t] has joined #ubuntu
IndyGunFreakLazergunz: it should be in Synaptic if you installed it properly, i would think anyways.05:05
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dofftechie, push install05:05
LazergunzIndyGunFreak: nah it's not there =/05:05
=== Maczimus [n=Tad@71-8-119-199.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
yeahlolgfsdfcould anyone help me with a X server problem in the ubuntu installation05:05
Artemis3cerberus, make sure you do a chown -R username:group to the folder with the code, and check permissions, might as well do chmod -R u+xr * inside the folder05:05
=== Ltar [n=chuck@c-24-22-250-171.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
LazergunzIndyGunFreak: It's in the applications menu though.05:05
kalorinlazerguns, set it to look around more05:06
Artemis3cerberus, other than that, check what the source depends on...05:06
techiedoff, how do I uninstall the old one... meaning where do i do that... sort of new still in here!05:06
h-bombanyways, i also run ubuntu on a server at home as my monitor server, runs solid has dapper on it, i run cacti, munin, monit, smokeping, mysql05:06
nalioth!ask | yeahlolgfsdf05:06
ubotuyeahlolgfsdf: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:06
kalorinspecifically settings -> repositories -> 1st, 2nd, 3rd boxes checked05:06
kalorinthen run an update and look again05:06
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dofftechie, from where did you installed it. synaptic is ok05:06
ubuntu_no_workyanyone here know how to automatically set up a ext3 sata drive without recompiling kernels or editing fstabs05:06
techieok thanks I will try it.05:06
techiedoff which version is the one I downloaded now... do you know?05:07
cerberusArtemis3, No difference at all. The files listed as unable to find aren'05:07
yeahlolgfsdf!ask          could some help me troubleshoot with a X server problem in the ubuntu instllation05:07
techieI will go and try it now and see what happens.05:07
=== yeahlolgfsdf is asking for help!
techiedoff thanks.05:07
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BrendanMubuntu_no_worky, you've asked that question like 11 times now. People have given you all kinds of answers, and tried to be nice about it. Go RTFM. Seriously.05:07
swanflanyone know where I can get help with frostwire?05:07
IndyGunFreakLazergunz: sorry, i don't really have much of a suggestion05:07
cerberusArtemis3, No difference at all. The files listed as unable to find aren't in the directory and to be honest I can't find them anywhere, can't find anywhere to install them from either05:07
=== iRock [n=root@cpe-24-209-224-152.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Errpast1I keep getting asked for a CUPS password05:08
ubuntu_no_workyi have05:08
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iRockHello, I am having problems with my new ATi card05:08
Errpast1I ran lppasswd, and set my username and password05:08
Errpast1CUPS is still asking me for password05:08
Errpast1root password doesn't work either05:08
=== IndyGunFreak [n=ken@user-0cdv00n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
IndyGunFreakoops, wrong X05:09
Errpast1How do I get past this password issue with CUPS?05:09
=== Glench_ [n=chatzill@c-71-233-105-54.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
doffErrpast1, try admin password05:09
=== Charly [n=harry@81-179-202-206.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Artemis3cerberus, you sure is not depending in some kernel headers or something? you have the build-essential installed?05:10
iRockI just installed the VisionTek x1300, tried booting up edgy, but it sticks at the bootsplash. Strange, as Ubuntuworks flawlessly on my Intel i810 integrated card05:10
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@203-59-211-120.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Errpast1doff, hmmmm. now it takes me to this URL05:10
yeahlolgfsdfcould someone help me with a x server problem05:10
yeahlolgfsdfin ubuntu05:10
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Errpast1but doesn't draw anyting on page05:10
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:10
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BrendanM*yawn*, I'm going to sleep. If arooni comes back, somebody tell him/her to add "SMHConfig" "On" to xorg.conf in order to qsynaptics to work.05:11
=== kalorin tips his hat
Errpast1I'm running 6.0605:11
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Errpast1Is CUPS better in 6.1005:11
sureshothey could someone give me the syntax on how to remove a directory with subs05:11
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Artemis3rm -r05:11
covertwhere should i enter glitches i have found regarding the feisty installer?05:11
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kalorinsureshot, man rm05:11
Glench_so anyone want to help with wireless problems?05:11
yeahlolgfsdfcould someone HELP ME INSTALL UBUNTU05:11
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sureshotArtmis3 thanks alot man05:11
kalorinyeahlolgfsdf, www.microsoft.com05:12
=== yeahlolgfsdf suck it
=== kalorin tips his hat
doffErrpast1, sorry I'm rather new to linux even don't know what is CUPS;) but I don't think it's better in edgy (6.10)05:12
kevcastHow can I delete an account in Thunderbird when there's no account settings under Tools?05:12
Toma-anyone know when ubuntu gaming arena will be back up?05:12
cerberusArtemis3, the hearder files are installed but I can't find the mentiond files anywhere05:12
maartenyeahlolgfsdf: Burn the ISO on a CD or DVD, then boot from it. Follow instructions on the screen :)05:12
sureshotkalorin was not sure that was the command and i am in such a bind at the moment thanks again05:12
tonyyarussoCan anyone recommend a slideshow/presentation tool that's lighter weight than OpenOffice.org's Impress?05:12
Charlyrm -r <path>05:12
Tremblordoes anyone have a minimum requirements? I want to put ubuntu on an oldish laptop05:12
Artemis3cups is the common unix printing system, something to make it easy to use printers :P05:12
BrendanMErrpast1, CUPS is a web-based printer configuration. Everyone hates it (apparently)05:12
yeahlolgfsdfI know05:13
yeahlolgfsdfI have a problem05:13
yeahlolgfsdfwith x server05:13
=== beandead [n=D-Fault@pool-71-101-13-180.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
maartenwhats that?05:13
yeahlolgfsdfduring the installation05:13
Artemis3well both gnome and kde are using cups clients to it when you use the nice add printer thingie05:13
covertdoes anyone know where i can report feisty errors?05:13
yeahlolgfsdfMaarten could you please reply back?05:13
kalorinyeahlolgfsdf, seriously05:13
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:13
Toma-!launchpad | convert05:13
ubotuconvert: launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/05:13
kalorinit's that simple05:13
BrendanMTremblor, you might try Xubuntu. It runs really well on older hardware.05:13
tonyyarussoTremblor: 3 GB HD, 192 MB RAM, ~500 MHz Proc would be my guess for default.  You can go lower too.05:13
Errpast1BrendanM, I'm just trying to get a brother 2070 laser printer installed05:13
maartenwhat is the problem? (I am a linux novice, but who knows)05:13
ubotuxubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels05:13
Errpast12 hours and no luck05:13
Errpast1took me 5 minutes with Vista05:14
__mikemHow do I ad a folder to the bash shell search path?05:14
IndyGunFreakXubuntu is awesome05:14
Artemis3xubuntu is good when ram is low ;)05:14
Errpast1I hate to gripe, but that's the facts05:14
=== Maverynthia [n=Maverynt@240-127.202-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
yeahlolgfsdfwell how I do troubleshoot with a x server problem05:14
maartenI installed Xunbuntu on a P2, 350 Mhz with 256 Mb - it ran fairly well. (That PC was dumped though a month back)05:14
IndyGunFreakArtemis3: actually, Xubuntu is pretty good even if you have a robust system... its about as bare minimum as Ubuntu can be05:14
=== BigMac [n=mike@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kalorinbash search path, edit the /etc/environment file05:14
Tremblorram isn't my big problem, i don't need speed per say, i want to turn my old laptop into a little linux machine05:14
Artemis3(or when you rather use your ram for something else)05:14
BrendanMI'm running Xubuntu on PIII w/128 M of RAM and it flies05:14
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__mikemthanks kalorin05:14
Errpast1IndyGunFreak, two hours later, and I can't get Brother printer to work05:15
kalorinI've got xbuntu on an athlon 3200+ w/ 1gb of ram05:15
Tremblorthanks maarten, my lappy is a bit faster than that, but not much05:15
maartenyeahlolgfsdf: what graphics card do you have?05:15
Errpast1Took me 5 minutes with Vista05:15
kalorineven with a 384meg vmware image of windows XP running it doesn't even hit swap05:15
IndyGunFreakErrpast1: sorry man, i know squat about printer support/linux...05:15
Errpast1hmm, I think I'll visit www.hardashell.com, as you suggested :)05:15
kalorinwith mail/web/remote desktop/vmware and so on going05:15
Artemis3its ok i have used xfce and xubuntu even on old imacs05:15
badfingeryeahlolgfsdf - in an xterm type 'sudp dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'05:15
kalorineven runing yahoo messenger05:15
Errpast1IndyGunFreak, that's ok, you're funny05:15
jaredi got a lexmark printer working on Ubuntu05:15
IndyGunFreakErrpast1: but the question is, who do you blame for that?.. Linux creators/writers/programme3rs, etc.. or the Printer manufacturer, for not having Linux drivers?05:15
Toma-Errpast1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68403&page=205:15
jaredit took real long05:15
badfingeryeahlolgfsdf - correction. sudo05:15
IndyGunFreakErrpast1: i try man, i try..05:15
jaredand was annoying05:16
jaredbut I got it working!05:16
Tremblorthe only thing i was worried about was that i have gps mapping stuff for windows on my lap that i use when going on trips, but a quick search found me some nice linux alternatives05:16
IndyGunFreakthis room needs a little levity sometimes05:16
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Errpast1Toma-, I'll give a try.  I think I tried it already though.  thanks05:16
kalorinErrpast1, I'd love to help with it, but I simply don't print much of anything and haven't bothered to set up printing05:16
yeahlolgfsdfI'll give it a  go05:16
yeahlolgfsdfI use a ATI graphics card05:16
kalorinI'd suggest googling around for a while05:16
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:16
kalorintells you exactly what to do05:16
badfingeryeahlolgfsdf - so do i.05:16
cerberusdoes anyone know where to find the v4l headers? google is so far turning up a blank05:16
__mikemkalorin how do I get the changes to take affect?05:16
kalorinand you have to do it twice, once for the install and then once after you boot05:17
kalorinmikem, leave X and come back in05:17
IndyGunFreakErrpast1: when you get to around 16-17hrs into configuring, then you can complain, you've barely scratched the surface at 2hrs!.. :)  I was about ready to put my head through one of my monitors earlier, ala Nightmare on Elm Street05:17
=== joemauch [n=Joe@0018f85fd9ce.click-network.com] has joined #ubuntu
maartenI have a ATI, worked with no problem. There is a text-install option though from the boot menu I believe if X don't work05:17
=== DWRZ [n=DWRZ@dzhu.stu.wesleyan.edu] has joined #ubuntu
yeahlolgfsdfI see05:17
Errpast1IndyGunFreak, good point.  :)05:17
Artemis3well i didnt do anything with a radeon 9600 it simply worked with the open drivers05:17
IndyGunFreakErrpast1: what kind of printer?05:17
yeahlolgfsdfcould someone give me a guide on the net ,for just a general introduction to ubuntu and linux05:17
DWRZHey...is this the right place to ask questions for OpenOffice support? Sorry, first time using IRC05:17
Toma-Errpast1: oh ok. you will want gutenprint installed. the HL-2070N is fully supported by cups and gutenprint. should be a click-tastic install tbh.05:18
=== DemisM [n=dumbinte@ip24-250-240-46.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Errpast1Toma-, yes.  that is a clear link.  I followed it about an hour ago.  still no luck05:18
jaredI guess you could ask about open office if you wanted05:18
Errpast1Toma-, cool.  do I apt-get install gutetnprint05:18
Toma-Errpast1: ok, well whats the issue? is it getting seen?05:18
=== techie [n=ralph@tesquefl-bw3500-1-69-167-111-117.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
yeahlolgfsdfjust like general guide for a general users functionality05:18
=== TopDogAPB1 [n=topdog@nc-71-52-249-136.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
Charlyyeahlolgfsdf, try http://ubuntuguide.org05:18
DWRZI'm just wondering two things...first, how to center the page (not the text, the page), second is how to add page numbers05:18
=== __mikem [n=michael@38-108.187-72.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
maartenyeahlolgfsdf: www.ubuntuguide.org05:18
IndyGunFreakErrpast1: probably won't hurt..lol05:18
maartenyeah that one :P05:18
__mikemkalorin, thanks05:18
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kalorinor wikipedia05:19
Errpast1Toma-, yes, I see it.  But can't print a test page.05:19
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kalorinmike, no sweat, was doing exactly that 4 hours ago05:19
techiedoff u there?05:19
Toma-Errpast1: any errors or just garbage getting printed?05:19
kalorinit's maddening, most other systems actually read the .bash_profile05:19
jaredgive me a sec DWRZ and I'll see if I can find out05:19
iRockkalorin: Okay, time to see if this will work. :)05:19
doffdrivers (ati, nvidia), codecs (mp3, all windows, dvd etc.), ms fonts and other cookies go easy with this http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/05:19
__mikemnow I have a place to put my own commands05:19
kaloringood luck irock05:19
Errpast1Toma-, nothing.05:19
=== richie [n=rgriffit@d58-106-45-247.bla2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Errpast1I ran05:19
dofftechie, yes. how's your new xchat version?05:19
DWRZthanks!! :)05:19
kalorinmike, I always add . and ~/bin05:19
TopDogAPB1alright guys, thanks for all the help earlier, my latest problem involves limewire, I've got all the way to where it is installed, and I'm trying to gedit a file, but I don't have permission to edit the file, and when I go to change permissions to edit, its says I'm not the owner, and I am. How do I fix this?05:20
yeahlolgfsdfdo you guys type ou/C/P t the IRC screenames or is there a command05:20
jaredcentering the page is very easy actually05:20
Errpast1sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/cupsys /etc/init.d/cups05:20
Errpast1sudo dpkg -i brhl2070nlpr_1.1.2-3_i386.deb05:20
Errpast1sudo dpkg -i cupswrapperhl2070n_1.0.0-1_i386.deb05:20
techiedoff I had to do it through the synaptic because downloadiing directly it did not work for me.05:20
Errpast1that's what I ran.05:20
jaredare you in the Open Office Writer (thing thats like word)05:20
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DWRZI've googled but no luck to be honest05:20
=== InfiL00p [n=infil00p@S0106001217d30467.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
techiethe new version though 2.66 is terrific05:20
Toma-yeahlolgfsdf: in xchat, type the first couple letters then hit TAB05:20
Errpast1Toma-, from the link you showed me.05:20
jaredok do you see the 3 A's?05:20
kalorinok brains05:20
jaredbold underlined and italic?05:20
techiedoff, it is terrific thanks.05:20
jaredok becide that there are a bunch of square with lines in them05:20
sureshoti am compileing a libcap library.. it says that lex is insufficiant .. i dl flex and installed but to no avail any thoughts05:20
Toma-Errpast1: try not to past. you dont NEED those installed tbh. it should be installed already05:20
jaredthe one on the far left is to the left05:20
=== enix [n=evan@ip72-202-138-96.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
kalorinanyone know of a good program for doing canon raw -> adobe digital negative format conversions under linux?05:20
jaredthe one beside it is centered05:20
DWRZyep, but that's for the text...05:21
techiedoff in this new version, how do you make the people's names appear on the side05:21
kalorinwell there's a windows program, I guess I could TRY to wine it05:21
DWRZi want to center the page05:21
enixcan anyone here help me w/ using gimp?05:21
maartenHey, is it better to install the ATI drivers from ATI, or are the ones that came with Ubuntu good enough for a 9700 Pro?05:21
Toma-kalorin: convert might do it05:21
techiedoff. how do you set it?05:21
yeahlolgfsdfhow do I use cywgin ,could someone give me a guide?05:21
eckkalorin: if there is a program that could do it, it would be imagemagick05:21
jareduh... what exactly do you mean by "center the page"?05:21
Errpast1Toma-, sorry about paste05:21
Toma-yeahlolgfsdf: cygwin isnt ubuntu. try the cygwin channel05:21
dofftechie, isn't it not on the side yet? I had it on the side just when I installed the new version05:21
=== BrendanM [n=mccollam@hor-gold95.hor.ucl.ac.uk] has left #ubuntu []
DWRZsorry to use this comparison, but in MS word the page (where the text is on) is diplayed in the center of the screen05:21
Errpast1Toma-, is gutenprint something I need to install. I will go Google it.;\05:21
DWRZright now, the page is displayed to the left of the screen05:22
techiedoff, not yet05:22
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=== Black^Dragon [n=The@24-176-50-120.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #Ubuntu
doffbut I didn't see this version in synaptic05:22
Toma-Errpast1: ive removed printing from this system so i cant test it, but i think its System > Admin > Printing... then Add Printer?05:22
techieit must be set05:22
yeahlolgfsdfwhat's the cygwin channel?05:22
=== Kresjah_laptop [n=Kresjah@ti231210a080-12440.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
Artemis3try your games and see, the less you use the closed binaries, the better imo, Some cards have no choice.05:22
jaredoh ok..05:22
DWRZdoes that make sense?05:22
Toma-Errpast1: its in synaptic. easy install.05:22
Toma-yeahlolgfsdf: im guessing #cygwin05:22
sureshoti am compileing a libcap library.. it says that lex is insufficiant .. what does this mean05:22
jaredyou could always minimize the window so that the page is in the center than move that to the center of your screen :P05:22
techiedoff but this is so good that I am impressed and I will figure it out05:22
yeahlolgfsdfmakes sense05:22
TopDogAPB1alright guys, thanks for all the help earlier, my latest problem involves limewire, I've got all the way to where it is installed, and I'm trying to gedit a file, but I don't have permission to edit the file, and when I go to change permissions to edit, its says I'm not the owner, and I am. How do I fix this?05:22
dofftechie, ok one minute I'll look through config file05:22
DWRZi guess, but i'm looking for a long term fix if it exists05:22
enixall i want to do is draw a rectangle, more like a frame, but i see no box tool05:23
Errpast1Toma-, I went the System>admin route two hours ago.  It hangs on "trying to find drivfers"05:23
Errpast1I will synaptic gutenprint right now05:23
CharlyDWRZ, try View>Print Layout05:23
techiedoff. thanks.05:23
richiei need help with ubuntu 6.10 basiclly having issues with keyboard(all previous versions of ubuntu have been ok) but basically keybaord not workng for live install. i have tried setting the keybaord in preferences but no luck. after a bit of investigation i found that if i make sure the num lock is turned off when live cd is booting that my keybaord will work. has anyone had similar problems. or know a good fix?05:23
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Toma-Errpast1: ok. it may already be installed tho05:23
abcdefcan someone help me, how do i install stuff? when i do apt-get install package it says not found05:23
jaredif you don't mind me asking DWRZ, why exactly do you need the page to be in the center of the screen?05:23
abcdefhow do i add package to source.luist?05:23
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Artemis3DWRZ, try this monster wiki, specially the FAQ for each openoffice component: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/OOoHelpOutline05:24
DWRZyeah, print layout doesn't fix it, it makes it span the entire screen05:24
dofftechie, see private dialog I'll help u there.05:24
DWRZok thanks artemis05:24
DWRZjared, just for ergonomics purposes i guess05:24
Zilulili can't find where wine was installed... it didn't go into the normal ~/.wine05:24
tj239abcdef, what you add to the source.list is called a repository05:25
Kresjah_laptopHey! I'm trying to use wxPython in my python app here, but I get "ImportError: No module named wx". I would have presumed that it meant wx wasn't installed, but a lot of wx packages are already selected in synaptic, including what seems like the logical dependencies to get "import wx" working. Anyone that can enlighten me on what packages I might be missing, or any extra steps that must be taken? Using Edgy Eft and Python 2.505:25
Errpast1Toma-, looks like it's installed already05:25
jaredI'm sorry i didn't help much... but I tried I gotta go now05:25
Toma-Errpast1: printers are terrible things :) i spent 1/2 a day trying to get proprietry drivers to work from Canon for my RX520. I ended up using the free drivers and it worked like a treat05:25
Toma-Errpast1: ok, lets find out why its stopping on loading those drivers05:25
abcdeftj239, how do i add universal packages to sourcelist?05:25
ubuntu_no_workyanyone here know a way to automount discs and mountpoints automatically?05:25
tj239abcdef, how you add to the source.list is with a command in the terminal................. sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list05:25
Errpast1Toma-, hmmm.  I bought this 2070 cause it seemed so well supported in linux community05:25
Zilulili can't find where wine was installed... it didn't go into the normal ~/.wine05:25
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IndyGunFreakeveryone I think i'm gonna bow out to, its late.  Errpast1 if after 17hrs you don't get your printer working, i'll give you the decoder ring.05:25
Errpast1Toma-, sure, thanks05:26
yharrowubuntu_no_worky,  what version of ubuntu are you using/05:26
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Toma-Errpast1: it is! how badly does the system lock when trying to load the drivers? because theres ALOT of drivers...05:26
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Artemis3tj239, you can always gksudo gedit ;)05:26
iRockDidn't work. :(05:26
CharlyDWRZ, try Format>Page to access Page properties05:26
tj239Artemis3, don't leave off vim or vi05:26
iRockI tried Dapper, but I got a kernel panic on it.05:26
maartenHey guys, whats a good IRC network these days with some tech channels, including windows, games, etc whatnot?05:26
HiDensityhow do I change into a directory with a space in terminal...ex: Program Files05:27
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abcdeftj239, hiow do i add universe packages to source list?05:27
Artemis3well its for prettier user experience05:27
Zilulili can't find where wine was installed... it didn't go into the normal ~/.wine how do i go about finding it?05:27
abcdefi know how to use nano, but what to add in there05:27
tj239abcdef, remove the # from the line that says universe on it05:27
Toma-HiDensity: you can either use 'Program Files' or Program\ Files05:27
techiedoff thanks for the help but none of it makes sense to me at this point.05:27
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maartenHiDensity: place the folder in quotes: "Program Files"05:27
Artemis3maarten, freenode?05:27
DWRZroger charly05:27
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iRockkalorin: I don't believe this may be a driver problem05:28
maartenArtemis3: Thanks, i'll try that05:28
HiDensitymaarten: you rock thanks05:28
Toma-HiDensity: better yet, type Prog then hit tab05:28
Errpast1Toma-, will I see drivers via lsmod (like I do with wireless drivers?)05:28
abcdefi feel stupid lolz, thanks man05:28
Artemis3maarten, you are already trying it05:28
dofftechie, k )05:28
iRockkalorin: I've tried every distro I have, they all panic. :(05:28
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Q_ContinuumHow difficult would it be to "slipstream" in the current patches for a Ubuntu install CD?  (If not, there should be an easy way to - this fresh install has 227MB of updates out of the box! Dialup users would die at that!)05:28
Toma-Errpast1: i dont think so. youll see it in the cups admin page tho05:28
Zilulili can't find where wine was installed... it didn't go into the normal ~/.wine how do i go about finding it?05:28
kalorinwait, you're getting kernel panic's?05:28
maartenI did not realize that :D05:28
Errpast1Toma-, yes, I see the printer in the CUPS admin page.05:28
Artemis3ubuntu servers are linked to freenode....05:28
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maartenI see :)05:29
iRockkalorin: Yes. It only happens when I have my ATi card in my PCI slot.05:29
kaloriniRock, a kernel panic is usually a harddware issue, are you overclocking it at all?05:29
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Toma-Errpast1: super. so it IS loading the driver already?05:29
yeahlolgfsdfwhat's ChanServ?05:29
Errpast1Toma-, but CUPS keeps asking for a password.  My root password doesn't work05:29
ubuntu_no_workyim running edgy eft05:29
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Errpast1Toma-, And I ran the lppasswd and created a user, that didn't work05:29
DWRZyeah, nothing on Format->page05:29
tj239abcdef,  that line should already be there so it doesn't need to be typed............... if it's not there; you need to go to  http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/05:29
iRockkalorin: No, It hasn't been overclocked.05:29
Zilulilanybody know how i can find my wine folder? it didn't install where it normally does05:29
Errpast1Toma-, I killed CUPS and restarted it, in case it needed to re read password files.  No luck05:29
kaloriniRock, oh, did you tell the bios to initialize the PCIe card first? or at least the one that X is expecting to see?05:29
Toma-Errpast1: ok05:30
Errpast1Toma-, I know my root password is correct.  I even changed that via passwd, to be sure05:30
kalorinthat would likely give you all kinds of hurt if you have a card and it's expecting to see a completely different card and tries to load the other drivers05:30
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iRockkalorin: I don't have any PCIe or AGP slots. My card is a standard PCI card.05:30
icebisa kenalan ngak?05:30
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kalorinman, sorry05:30
mbaci think someone broke the internet05:30
kalorinno idea then05:30
mbaci'm having trouble connecting to several nodes05:30
Artemis3hahaha nah that some language05:30
kalorinin the bios is it set to initalize the AGP/PCIe slot first though?05:30
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kalorinmaybe it's just getting lost?05:31
Toma-Errpast1: brb. checking other PC with cups on it05:31
icehai pa kabar boleh kenalan ngak?05:31
iRockkalorin: It's set to PCI first.05:31
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Artemis3malay or something, i dunno05:31
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Exershiocan somebody here help me? I want to set my resolution at 1152x864 but it doesn't appear on the list. it goes from 1024x768 to 1280x1024, and I don't know how to set it. I used 1152x864 on Windows XP before I installed Ubuntu05:31
iRockkalorin: Windows works perfectly, flawlessly with this card. Linux on the other hand... :'(05:31
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tonyyarusso!id | ice05:32
ubotuice: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia05:32
kalorinirock, that's odd, you sure you have the right driver installed?05:32
iRockkalorin: Yes.05:32
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iRockkalorin: fglrx, fresh from the repos05:32
ubuntu_no_workyanyone here know how to automount drives on edgy05:32
=== tj239 scratches head on that last line artemis3 posted to him..... how is gedit a prettier experience when there is green text on a black background with nano?
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mbacExershio, less /var/log/Xorg.log.005:33
Artemis3oi, nano is 2 colors only!05:33
mbacer, Xorg.0.log05:33
Errpast1Toma-, thx.  I'm poking around Google05:33
yeahlolgfsdfcould someone give me a guide to IRC05:33
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mbacsee if the resolution is probed05:33
yeahlolgfsdfI know nothing about it05:33
threadwhy am I having like zero luck trying to get this 20" lcd run at its native 1680x1050? this is the nvidia driver, and I've got the sync ranges specified correctly and tried all sorts of combinations of the edid ignoring directives.05:33
tj239hey, my gedit is black and white05:34
threadI just get "No valid modes for "1680x1050"; removing.05:34
Artemis3and its black, everyone knows users are scared of black05:34
Toma-Errpast1: its ment to be your 1st user username + pass in the cups admin page05:34
tonyyarussoArtemis3: Doesn't need to be - nano has the capability for multi-colored syntax hilighting.   Check your nanorc05:34
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iRockWell, One of the main reasons I got this card was to boost performance of Beryl on my comp. :)05:34
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Artemis3if it was for me...05:34
threadI can't find anything helpful on the forum or FixVideoResolutionHowto wiki page05:34
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kalorinwell, are you satisified?05:35
guest41234243i have a question05:35
TheVaultWhats the command to update firefox? I am using 6.06 of Ubuntu and I just installed all the updates and still no updated version of Firefox05:35
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cameronheathcan someone help me with Virtualization?05:35
guest41234243someone is using my wifi ... what can i do to them05:35
guest41234243i tried nbtstat -a05:35
kalorinoh man05:35
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guest41234243but it didnt work05:35
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kalorinpicassa from google is avialable now for linux05:35
kalorinthis might be useful :)05:35
Artemis3thread, if it were me, i would simply hand edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add the resolutions at the end of the file, of course you need to do sudo, etc.05:35
ubuntu_no_workyanyone here know how to automount drives on edgy05:35
techie_i am using both programs somehow05:35
NoelCowerkalorin: Interesting.05:35
TheVaultcameronheath: You don't want virtualization, trust me, super slow if you don't have a fast computer05:35
threadArtemis3: oh yeah, I've done that05:35
mbacTheVault, apt-get install firefox says the latest version is installed?05:35
techie_should I be erasing one05:35
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Errpast1Toma-, 1st user?  not sure what you mean05:35
dr-tofuhello all, how can i add paths to my PATH variable automatically at startup?05:35
kalorinyeah I just pulled and installed dcraw05:35
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kalorinit's command line05:36
kalorinnot sure it'll do what I want, but maybe05:36
TheVaultlemme try that mbac05:36
techie_the new xchat and the gnome one xchat05:36
Toma-Errpast1: as in, the main user. the 1st user you created on the system05:36
Errpast1Toma-, I've tried root and root's pw05:36
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Artemis3gnome xchat is nasty i don't like it05:36
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threadArtemis3: to all the sections by depth... the log file just says "No valid modes for "1680x1050"; removing."05:36
techie_does one program requires the other or not05:36
Charlyguest41234243, secure your wifi with wep or wpa05:36
iceboleh kenalan ngak?05:36
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cameronheaththevault: i already kinda have it i need a hand installing vmtools05:36
Errpast1Toma-, oh.  let me try that05:36
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brandon_can someone help me to get my sound working in Ubuntu?05:36
mbacArtemis, yeah, the worst part about it is it pushes you here by default ;)05:36
Artemis3thread, then your screen (monitor?) refresh rates are off05:36
mbaci just installed it a second ago05:36
nanothiefhow can i get a specific character (eg the 102nd char) of a file in bash?05:36
threadArtemis3: lcd, and no .. they're not.05:37
DWRZAnybody know how to automatically add page numbers to the lower right side of the page on OOo?05:37
iRockkalorin: Picasa for Linux is actually the Windows version running through Wine. :P05:37
brandon_I will pay $10 to anyone who can get my sound to work in Ubuntu :(05:37
mbacnanothief, cut05:37
kalorinthat's too bad05:37
crimsunbrandon_: have you followed wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems ?05:37
kalorinit's a ubuntu package that I'm downloading right now05:37
Artemis3if its not the adthingie that doesnt work in lionux05:37
crimsunbrandon_: so, where did you paste the info requested?05:37
threadyeah, I've worked through these resolution issues in the past, but I'm a bit baffled by this05:37
cameronheathTheVault: i already have vm fusion and ubuntu installed, i am just ahving trouble installing vmtools05:37
brandon_I have done quite a few things, that is why I need someone who knows quite a bit to help05:37
nanothiefmbac: thanks05:37
icekm nak mana?05:37
TheVaultmbac: Well it says its up to date but i checked the version of firefox and its
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mbacTheVault, try apt-get update first05:38
Artemis3what card it is?05:38
TheVaultcameronheath: Oh, well i am no expert on that, but all I know its slow stuff05:38
yeahlolgfsdfmy sound doesn't work with firefox on ubuntu05:38
Q_Continuumeck: Installed!  Now doing the 1/4 GB updates :-/05:38
yeahlolgfsdfcould someone help05:38
yeahlolgfsdfits the flash sound05:38
Errpast1Toma-, no luck05:38
TheVaultmbac: alright 1 sec05:38
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brandon_crimsun: I didn't actually see that page, I used the guide to troubleshooting sound problems05:38
cameronheathCan anyone help with Virtualization using VMware05:39
brandon_let me check out that page real quick05:39
Errpast1Toma-, thank you for your persistence and patience.05:39
Toma-Errpast1: didnt log you in? in http://localhost:631 ?05:39
threadArtemis3: geforce fx550005:39
ubuntu_no_workyanyone here know how to automount drives on edgy05:39
Errpast1Toma- that's corrrect05:39
TheVaultmbac:Reading package lists... Done05:39
TheVaultBuilding dependency tree... Done05:39
TheVault0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.05:39
kalorinwow, it's wine05:39
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TheVaultshit guys, sorry05:39
NoelCowerAre there any particular issues with gparted or hardware that would cause it to pretty much hang when loading (in and outside of ubiquity)?05:39
=== kalorin sighs
Artemis3thats nvidia realm...05:39
vox754ubuntu_no_worky, hey! why did you do that?05:39
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Errpast1When I go to that url, I am not asked to auth.  BUT when I choose a CUPS action like add printer, it provides an auth box05:39
Errpast1that's where I cannot get a successful auth.  with  main user.  root user.  ANY user05:39
Toma-Errpast1: is your user in the admin and lpadmin groups? (run 'groups')05:39
ubuntu_no_workyI thought u told me to leave?05:39
CharlyDWRZ, activate footer from Format>Page and then Insert>Field>Page number with right allignment in the footer05:40
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vox754ubuntu_no_worky, you are so NOT reading...05:40
Errpast1Toma-, no.05:40
TheVaultmbac: still nothing05:40
Errpast1Toma-, I will cat /etc/groups05:40
TheVaultmbac: what else should I try?05:40
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drage_av_lysanyone ever have a problem getting files off an ipod back onto the hard drive in ubuntu? :o05:40
Toma-Errpast1: try adding your user to those groups and try again, with that same username05:40
Artemis3NoelCower, i think its possible, its not exactly rock solid, i would simply leave empty (non partitioned) space and tell ubiquity to use that to avoid using gparted inside ubiquity too much05:40
rmathewsalsamixer identifies my card as SiS S7018, but sound isn't working.  any idea how I can fix this?  I'm on XUbuntu Edgy.05:40
dr-tofuhow can i add a path to my $PATH variable on startup? i tried PATH=$PATH:/dir in my rc.local, no beans..05:41
mbacTheVault, er, what do you expect the latest version to be?05:41
crimsunrmathews: paste the info requested from wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems, and tell us the URL05:41
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NoelCowerArtemis: I was considering that as an alternative, seems like my best option at the moment too05:41
brandon_OK, I'm back05:41
Toma-dr-tofu: add it to /etc/environments05:41
brandon_I checked out that debugging sound problems page, and the commands don't work because my card is not found05:41
vox754ubuntu_no_worky, well, I'm gone too. Sorry, that I could help you further.05:41
=== NoelCower walks to the other side of his room to pop into cfdisk
Artemis3NoelCower, you could use any resizing with the newest gparted live cd05:41
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TheVaultmbac: the latest firefox is 2.0.2 or something like that and i have 1.505:41
Errpast1Toma-, I think that means I 'm in the group, yes?05:41
mbacdpkg --status firefox for me says it conflicts with 2.005:41
DWRZthanks charly05:42
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brandon_I really will pay someone via paypal if we can get my sound working though05:42
dr-tofuToma-: thanks05:42
Toma-Errpast1: id say so05:42
mbacer, says 2.0 conflicts with 1.505:42
ubuntu_no_workyits k05:42
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ubuntu_no_workythanks anywho05:42
HiDensityhas anyone gotten slingplayer to work...im having problems05:42
crimsunbrandon_: well, to help you, I need the info that I requested.05:42
drage_av_lysno one? lol.05:42
TheVaultmbac: so there no way to update all the way?05:42
Artemis3ok whats your sound card again?05:42
Errpast1Toma-, thanks very much for your efforts.  I'll consider the last 2 and a half hours a learning experience, and hoepfully will get printing working tommorrow05:42
iRockI was googling, and I found a similar case: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ticket/284505:42
gravemindhey I have a question about wireless: this computer periodically disconnects from the wireless point, and then reconnects in ~20s. the other non-linux computers (even the ones in the same room) have no problem staying connected at all times. I have an atheros wireless chipset. Is this a common problem?05:42
brandon_crimsun:  The commands on the debugging page return an error for me05:42
Errpast1all the best05:42
mbacTheVault, no, it should, i just think firefox v1.5 and firefox v2.0 are considered different packages05:42
Toma-Errpast1: no probs05:42
brandon_should I report them anyways?05:43
L234How to update xfce 4.4 ?05:43
crimsunbrandon_: yes.05:43
mbacso upgrading firefox1 just brings you to the latest version of the firefox1 series05:43
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yeahlolgfsdfA sphere of radius R=4 is placed with its center at (0,0,5) and kept at voltage V=1, the infinite z=0 plane is kept at a voltage of V=0. Find the voltage in the region above the plane, and outside the sphere. Give your answer in cylindrical coordinates.05:43
NoelCowerArtemis: Actually, bit of an oddity.. I've left it going for an hour and it just loaded the instant I popped into a terminal to kill it05:43
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iRock*similar, if not exact05:43
=== NoelCower is.. scared now.
yeahlolgfsdfA sphere of radius R=4 is placed with its center at (0,0,5) and kept at voltage V=1, the infinite z=0 plane is kept at a voltage of V=0. Find the voltage in the region above the plane, and outside the sphere. Give your answer in cylindrical coordinates.05:43
TheVaultwell then I'll have to unistall 1.5 and install 2.0 manually?05:43
NoelCowerIt's become self-aware.05:43
brandon_ok, let me put together a quick report05:43
crimsunyeahlolgfsdf: kill it, please.05:43
Artemis3yeahlolgfsdf, or get the freak close to the acces point?05:43
NoelCowerOh well, no harm done here O-o05:43
mbacthevault, i'm not sure, i'm kind of expecting apt-get install firefox2 to work05:44
kalorinpicassa does in fact support raw files, but doesn't do adobe digital negatives05:44
techieCan anybody comment on this: After having erase program via add/remove the program still shows on the list of internet programs (the old xchat gnome) how do I remove it?05:44
TheVaultlemme try that05:44
mbacit'll probably say not found05:44
kalorinof all the OS's in the world that I woudl _THINK_ would do an open standard like adobe over various manufacturers raw formats, it'd be linux05:44
vox754yeahlolgfsdf, what book? Hayt? Cheng?05:44
TheVaultmbac: yeah your right, says not found05:44
techieThis reminds me in windows xp of programs still on the start menu even though they are no longer there.05:44
mbaci'm stumped05:44
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TheVaultmbac: Same here05:44
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gravemindtechie: try opening synaptic (system>administration>synaptic) and "completely remove" said programs05:45
TheVaultmbac: I'll go searching around and see what I can find05:45
mbacmaybe it's considered too bleeding edge for edgy eft or something05:45
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mbacand only when you enable "multiverse" crap in /etc/apt/sources.list do you get to upgrade to it05:45
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TheVaultI think I got multiverse05:45
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins05:46
TheVaultI went and installed all the respitories05:46
crimsun!info firefox05:46
ubotufirefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 9009 kB, installed size 28608 kB05:46
techiegravewind, I did remove the xchat gnome but then when I go to internet it is still listed in there but it will not work of course because it is deleted.05:46
gravemindmbac: you can add multiverse in synaptic without manually editing the sources.lst05:46
yeahlolgfsdfA sphere of radius R=4 is placed with its center at (0,0,5) and kept at voltage V=1, the infinite z=0 plane is kept at a voltage of V=0. Find the voltage in the region above the plane, and outside the sphere. Give your answer in cylindrical coordinates.05:46
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yeahlolgfsdf(3/3/2007 8:44:41 PM) vox754: yeahlolgfsdf, what book? Hayt? Cheng?05:46
crimsun!info firefox edgy-security05:46
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yeahlolgfsdfwhat book05:46
yeahlolgfsdfdid I get the problem from?05:46
mbacgravemind, you kids with your newfangled graphical configuratronic gizmos05:46
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yeahlolgfsdfyeah seriously@05:46
crimsunyeahlolgfsdf: that's completely off-topic for this channel. Use #ubuntu-offtopic if you need to.05:46
eshaaseis there such a thing as a network installer for ubuntu?05:46
gravemindtechie: there are two options in synaptic, remove and completely remove. Try doing completely remove this time05:46
manhai boleh kenaln and minta nohpnya ngak?05:46
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aroonihey folks05:47
eckeshaase: yes, is is on the mirrors05:47
techiegravewind. ok I will try that.05:47
eshaaseeck: damnit, ok, thanks05:47
ecklemme find a link05:47
TheVaultalright, im stumped, gonna go find information somewhere05:47
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TheVaultwould having 6.06 have anything to do with this problem?05:47
eshaaseeck: this is for the alternate installeR?05:47
gravemindmbac: yeah, but sometimes I get tired of all this slow gui stuff and crack open the virtual terminal05:47
arooniis there a sexy UI enhancement i can easily (from sudo apt-get install) to edgy?05:47
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Artemis3or the server, which is smaller05:47
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crimsunarooni: see #ubuntu-effects05:47
Toma-arooni: you can install e17. thats pretty sexy, but itll replace gnome05:47
BIGEEdoes ubuntu deserve to be number 1 on distrowatch.com? Discuss05:47
mbacgravemind, i'm actually surprised to find GUI tools for all this stuff05:48
ExershioSorry bout before, I went afk for a few mins, but can somebody help me get 1152x864 as my resolution? It doesn't appear on the list05:48
vox754yeahlolgfsdf, nevermind, the answer is obviously "(V-Vi)/r" or something like that converted to cylindrical.05:48
Toma-BIGEE: #ubuntu-offtopic05:48
Artemis3BIGEE, here or in offtopic?05:48
arooniToma-: what does that mean05:48
eckeshaase: http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/05:48
mbacit never even occurs to me to look, because i've been using shell everything for the last, oh, 12 years : /05:48
brandon_Crimsun:  Do you want me to just post the results in forums and give you the link?05:48
arooniToma-: do i need ghome (this is my first day in ubuntu)05:48
tonyyarussoToma-: You can have both Gnome and E17 installed (I do)05:48
NoelCowerThank you for the help, Artemis.  Chances are I'll be back once my ATI drivers have pissed me off. xD05:48
Toma-arooni: ahh. dont get e17 yet :D05:48
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arooniwell i just want something that installs easily05:48
crimsunbrandon_: I generally don't browse to forum urls. pastebin.ca will suffice.05:48
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Toma-tonyyarusso: but you cant run them at the same time ;)05:48
aroonithat makes stuff sexier.... maybe like os x05:48
gravemindmbac: gui is great for new users: like when I switched from mac, synaptic was the coolest thing ever cause it was a huge list of stuff I could get05:49
aroonilike that cool thing that separates windows05:49
arooniexpose or something05:49
tonyyarussoToma-: Actually....you can do that too :)05:49
ubuntu_no_workyanyone here know how to automount drives on edgy05:49
arooniplus something better for when i alt-tab05:49
crimsunToma-: :1, :2, etc.05:49
Toma-tonyyarusso: yeh, but not on your first day of using ubuntu05:49
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arooniwell not quite my first day...05:49
mbacgravemind, yeah, ithis ubuntu thing's got a ot of polish05:49
TheVaultmbac: Guess I gotta get automatix05:49
aroonibut first day giving up windows05:49
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mbacthevault, what's that?05:50
gravemindarooni: try beryl or compiz, but they can be hard to install.05:50
aroonioh noes05:50
eshaaseeck: how will the packages from a 6.10 differ from the ones collected from the net install?05:50
Toma-crimsun: i know :) ive run window managers on a nokia 770 with xnest and various other fun tools05:50
tonyyarussoToma-: Applications > System > New Login isn't so bad.  Compiling E17, on the other hand, uh no.05:50
gravemindTheVault: what are you trying to install? chances are you can do it better without automatix05:50
Artemis3i use it sometimes for games, or things that doesn't matter if the machine locks up05:50
eshaaseeck: *from a 6.10 cd05:50
Toma-gravemind: actually beryl is a peice of cake to install05:50
TheVaultgravemind: trying to install firefox 2.0.2(latest I guess)05:50
gravemindToma-: not on 64 :P05:50
Toma-!beryl | arooni05:50
ubotuarooni: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:50
mbacoh, it seems like i'm running 6.1005:51
mbacthat might be your trouble05:51
eckeshaase: i'm not sure how many updates have been issued since the release of edgy05:51
brandon_Crimsun: http://pastebin.ca/38059305:51
Toma-gravemind: nothing is easy to install on 64bit :)05:51
TheVaultmbac: yeah05:51
mbacsince it auto-updated to firefox 2 just 20 minutes ago when i booted this05:51
eckobviously if you installed from the CD you'd have to install all of those05:51
gravemindTheVault: download the sources and compile if you really want it05:51
brandon_Crimsun: Let me know if you would like any other outputs or if you want it formatted differently05:51
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rajncajnHas anyone here had any experience with Multisync?05:51
TheVaultwell thats the problem, I don't know where firefox is located or I would do that manually05:51
gravemindTheVault: I doubt that automatix would have firefox since it already comes installed on ubuntu by default05:51
crimsunbrandon_: lsmod |grep ^snd-hda-intel05:51
mbaci can't understand why older versions of ubuntu won't let you upgrade to current05:51
eshaaseeck: is this net install the same as the alternate cd install (with the exception of it being installed over the network)?05:52
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gravemindlook on the firefox site to see what the latest linux build is05:52
TheVaultgravemind: I guess it allows you to update to the fullest of whatever version is out there05:52
Charlycompiz appears more stable to me, although beryl has lot more features, it was crashing my video players in fullscreen05:52
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ubuntu_no_workyfree stuff to anyone who can help me05:52
Toma-mbac: have you read the upgrade pages? /msg ubotu upgrade05:52
eckeshaase: i think so, they both used the debian text based installer05:52
TheVaultWhy don't people like automatix anyway?05:52
Artemis3getting desperate?05:52
ubuntu_no_workylike I have old motherboards and sticks of ram and hard drives05:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automatics - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:52
ubuntu_no_workytake your pic05:52
fokusleehey anyone has a made deb for kiba-dock amd64? since cvs is closed?05:52
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:52
Toma-TheVault: it used to use --force-yes to install things which is pretty shifty.05:53
TheVaulttoma: Oh05:53
mbacToma, i'm going to guess this involves apt-get dist-upgrade05:53
TheVaultSo its one of those scary programs I guess05:53
Toma-mbac: yep.05:53
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gravemindTheVault: go to http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/05:53
mbactoma, *shudder*05:53
gravemindclick the big green button05:53
vox754If you are having problems with azureus installed from the repositories try installing "sun-java-jre" and using the azureus package directly from the developers' page.05:53
TheVaultgravemind: alrighty05:53
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Toma-mbac: hey, aslong as you keep running "dist-upgrade" and "apt-get -f install" till everything is settled, its fine05:54
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coverti've tried to install atleast a dozen times, but it keeps messing up at the partitioning....does anyone have suggestions?05:54
Toma-mbac: the problems come when you just run them once and things dont get installed/configured05:54
TheVaultgravemind: where is the location of firefox thats installed on my computer so I can overwrite everything with this newer version of firefox?05:54
gravemindhey I have a question about wireless: this computer periodically disconnects from the wireless point, and then reconnects in ~20s. the other non-linux computers (even the ones in the same room) have no problem staying connected at all times. I have an atheros wireless chipset. Is this a common problem?05:54
mbactoma, fortunately i'm already running 6.1005:54
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mbacgravemind, wild guess is that you have your access point set to any ("") instead of a specific one05:55
brandon_Crimsun: Can you see the dialog window from me?05:55
gravemindTheVault: I don't know that much about linux filestructure to tell you... see if the installer knows how to overwrite before worrying about it05:55
eshaaseeck: so i just grab that mini.iso?05:55
ubuntu_no_workyfree stuff... mailed to you.. if you help me... old hard drives motherboards cpus05:55
ubuntu_no_workyu name it05:55
Toma-TheVault: better option, is uninstall firefox, then install the binary from mozilla in /opt then run 'ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox'05:55
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rmathewscrimsun: http://pastebin.com/893102 .. it's all the info requested by https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems .. Any suggestions on what I should do next?05:55
ubuntu_no_workylooking for a program to automount ext3 sata drive05:55
eckeshaase: yes, if you are going to burn a CD (it is also possible to use hdd media with the tarball)05:55
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Artemis3ok but fedex only05:55
TheVaulttoma: alrighty05:56
jacoblol shiping?05:56
bjvim gonna run ubuntu on a 5gb disk, im i on track if i go with a 2048 blocksize?05:56
bjvwhat would be the reason why i would not want to do 1024 sized?05:56
gravemindmbac: where is this mysterious setting? I use network manager, and haven't had to config anything in /etc yet05:56
crimsunbrandon_: I do not accept queries that I did not initiate.05:56
eshaaseeck: ok, thanks05:56
Toma-mbac: youre trying to get to feisty already?05:56
tonyyarussoubuntu_no_worky: fstab?05:56
mbacgravemind, oh you've never actually configured wireless?05:56
Charlyubuntu_no_worky, add it to your fstab file05:56
Artemis3i think he means hotplug05:56
brandon_Crimsun: Alright, did the pastebin link work for you?05:56
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mbacToma, :P05:56
eshaaseeck: so this edgy release is updated after its release? i'm trying to understand the difference between an install from a 6.10 and a edgy net install05:56
mbacgravemind, try iwconfig in a shell and look for ESSID:05:56
ubuntu_no_workysurely theres a way around this fstab stuff05:56
vox754To add a path you can do it on your "~/.bashrc" PATH=$PATH:/some/new/path05:56
ubuntu_no_workylike a gui05:57
crimsunbrandon_: I asked you for more info. Did you provide it?05:57
brandon_brandon@brandon-laptop:~$ lsmod |grep ^snd-hda-intel05:57
Toma-mbac: cant you wait a little longer? :/ i am.05:57
eshaaseeck: *from a 6.10 cd =)05:57
gravemindmbac -nope. the madwifi drivers worked out of the box and I used network manager to select my ESSID and put in my WPA passkey05:57
Artemis3ah sure, there is gksudo gedit /etc/fstab :)05:57
crimsunbrandon_: well, that's the start of your problems.05:57
crimsunbrandon_: sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel05:57
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jacobWill vmware to windows work on linux with beryl05:57
Artemis3(from alt f2, you wont see the command line ;)05:57
brandon_brandon@brandon-laptop:~$ sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel05:57
brandon_WARNING: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-386/kernel/sound/acore/snd-page-alloc.ko': No such file or directory05:57
brandon_WARNING: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-386/kernel/sound/acore/snd.ko': No such file or directory05:57
brandon_WARNING: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-386/kernel/sound/acore/snd-timer.ko': No such file or directory05:57
brandon_WARNING: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-386/kernel/sound/acore/snd-pcm.ko': No such file or directory05:58
brandon_WARNING: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-386/kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-codec.ko': No such file or directory05:58
brandon_FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-386/kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-intel.ko': No such file or directory05:58
crimsunbrandon_: argh, don't paste here05:58
eckeshaase: i am pretty sure this just grabs all the latest versions of what would be on the regular install cd05:58
Toma-for the love of god.05:58
gravemindholy crap05:58
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brandon_sorry :(05:58
aroonihow can i list the last commands i typed into console05:58
crimsunbrandon_: ok, let's get you running a known-good kernel first. What cpu are you using?05:58
ubuntu_no_workymoney... I can send money order?05:58
andrejHi ... which package contains man-pages to C library stuff in ubuntu?05:58
Charlyubuntu_no_worky, no need to work around fstab. fstab is the linux way for mounting filesystems at boot05:58
gravemindarooni: press up arrow to see them05:58
TheVaulttoma: to unistall firefox, I do sudo apt-get unistall firefox05:58
jacobpress down i think05:58
brandon_amd 6405:58
mbacgravemind, generally the behavior you're describing occurs when your wireless NIC sees multiple access points when it's set to auto-connect to any05:58
crimsunandrej: manpages-dev05:58
aroonigravemind: i want more than that05:58
gravemindarooni: i don't know how to list then05:58
aroonii want a listing ;p05:58
eckeshaase: so basically after you install you don't need to apt-get upgrade to get the latest packages/security fixes05:58
coverthey...this is my partition screen...can anyone tell me why it won't work? the first 2 partitions are windows....http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/7163/screenshotuq1.png05:58
Toma-arooni: 'cat ~/.bash_history'05:58
jacobu guys holy ctap05:58
ubuntu_no_workyahh feature not a bug?05:58
andrejthanks crimsun05:58
arooniof last 50  commands typed ore so05:59
Artemis3ubuntu_no_worky, you can always get in contact with canonical ;)05:59
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mbacit happened to me in windows until i nailed down "connect to this and only this"05:59
Toma-TheVault: no, apt-get remove firefox05:59
brandon_Crimsun: can you initiate a dialog with me?05:59
TheVaultoh alrighty05:59
gravemindmbac: cool, great, where can I edit my settings then?05:59
crimsunbrandon_: ok, and are you using a binary-only driver (madwifi, nvidia/fglrx)?05:59
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crimsunbrandon_: no, I do not accept queries.05:59
mbacgravemind, System / Administration / Networking ?05:59
brandon_crimsun: Nvidia05:59
covertcan anyone tell me why this partitioning won't work? http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/7163/screenshotuq1.png05:59
gravemindmbac: cool I'll try it05:59
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iRockWell, looks like I'll have to go back to Windows for this comp. :(05:59
eshaaseeck: ok, thanks05:59
crimsunbrandon_: ok, so now ``sudo aptitude install linux-generic''06:00
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gravemindmbac: "Wireless connection: this network interface is not configured" lol06:00
mbacgravemind, uhhh...06:00
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mbacgravemind, did you know you're not on the internet?06:00
gravemindmbac: isn't that great06:00
Artemis3covert, it should06:00
techiegravemind, thanks it work (complete removal)06:00
andrejAnd what's the ubuntu way of updating apropos?06:00
gravemindtechie: great glad to hear it06:00
manhai bro boleh kenalanngak06:01
gravemindno prob06:01
crimsunrmathews: does muting 'External Amplifier' help?06:01
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gravemindmbac: I hope I won't have to uninstall network-manager now06:02
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andrejHow does one update the apropos database in the ubuntu way?06:02
Charlycovert, nothing wrong with that partitioning imo06:02
mbacgravemind, i bet your card just had a default connect to any access point mode06:02
mbacand if you use the network manager it'll override the settings06:02
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anthony_its called roaming06:02
anthony_your card is set to roam probly06:03
brandon_Crimsun: OK, done.06:03
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covertCharly and Artemis3: The partitioning is stuck at 5%, but atleast it hasn't crashed yet.  I've used the same configuration every time...06:03
crimsunbrandon_: now, reboot and choose the -generic kernel at the boot menu06:03
__mikemWho was banned and why?06:03
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crimsunno one was banned. A ban was removed.06:03
arrenlexIt was! :D06:04
covertThe installation appears to be working now...I guess 12th time's the charm!06:04
arrenlexI feel so freee.06:04
__mikemoh maybe I should read before I shoot my mouth06:04
georgehey Eck, thanks again for the help last night06:04
ubuntu_no_workyanyone know of an fstab gui?06:04
TheVaulttoma: How do I change permission to my opt folder06:04
TheVaultit won't allow me to add the firefox folder in there06:04
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rmathewscrimsun: nopes.  muting the External Amplifier doesn't help06:05
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covertMy installation is moving along now...27%....very curious06:05
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Artemis3wow scared of fstab?06:05
Toma-TheVault: use sudo. the permissions on /opt are correct for running things06:05
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Artemis3its just a text file06:05
omegabetaI ftabbed someone once my self.06:05
omegabetathen he echod and went null06:05
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omegabeta*hangs head in shame*06:05
crimsunrmathews: please stop all applications using sound; unload the alsa drivers; remove the state file; reload the driver.06:05
TheVaulttoma: you mean something like sudo chmod 777 /opt06:05
gravemin1mbac: well it seems that network settings and network-manager can coexist, but it doesn't solve the problem of random disconnects. One happened about 30s after i set it up06:05
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Artemis3omegabeta, fsck that06:05
covertHopefully the installer bugs will be worked out by the time that the final version of Feisty is released in April....06:06
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andrejUbunut seems to have no knowledge of makewhatis .. I can't find a makewhatis package.  How does one update the whatis/apropos database in ubuntu06:06
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ubuntu_no_workyi hope so06:06
Toma-TheVault: heck no.... ''sudo mv firefox.tar.gz /opt' then 'sudo tar -zxvf firefox.tar.gz'06:06
ubuntu_no_workydrives should be autodetected and set up in feisty06:06
gravemin1does anybody know why amarok won't play flac, although all my other progs will? is there some special plugin I need?06:06
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TridenT_Boy3555What is a good wi-fi card that has good linux drivers?06:07
covertThey are...I think that was the error, though.  It wouldn't install while drives were mounted.06:07
TridenT_Boy3555PCI is what I am looking at mainly, maybe USB.06:07
mbacgravemin1:  :(06:07
Artemis3another feisty improve, also with ntfs-g306:07
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gravemin1mbac: come to think of it, I've had strange problems with the wireless on this same computer in windows06:07
TridenT_Boy3555Sigh...I probably should ask somewhere else.06:07
gravemin1mbac, maybe it's hardware related06:08
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Artemis3TridenT_Boy3555, i know how to find one06:08
gravemin1mbac: lots of times in windows, it complains that I'm experiencing "limited connectivity"06:08
Charlyi dont know of any gui for fstab, would be a good idea to write one06:08
Q_ContinuumInteresting...just did fresh install of 6.10, ran all the updates that were available...and the buttons on the top and bottom bars disappeared.06:09
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Q_ContinuumI presume I should reset X?06:09
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TridenT_Boy3555What is a good video card to purchase for ubuntu...?06:09
eshaasei just finished installing ubuntu and i booted up my new system... it loads the splash screen and then dissappears only to show a console with a blank screen a blinking underscore cursor in the top-left corner of the screen, any ideas?06:09
fokusleecharly i second that maybe just a script to guide user through06:09
Q_ContinuumI reset X and then rebooted.  Hopefully that fixes it.06:09
Artemis3TridenT_Boy3555, use this list: http://www.openbsd.org/i386.html06:09
brandon_Crimsun: There was an Xorg error relating to graphics driver and I was taken to command prompt.  Should I install the Nvidia driver for the generic kernel?06:09
tj239Q_Continuum, on afresh install with a dist-upgrade it's best to reboot06:09
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gravemin1eshaase: I had that same problem, here's what to do06:10
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andrejThanks girls ... found it on the DEBIAN website.  The command to use instead of makewhatis in debian based distros is mandb :P06:10
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crimsunbrandon_: linux-generic should have taken care of that, but yes06:10
Artemis3no blobs in openbsd ;)06:10
Charlyi think mandrake used to have an fstab gui but havent used that distro in a long time06:10
acphotonhey guys, i need some help with my laptop.... i installed ubuntu and now when i try to boot in Windows XP mode, it says autochk program not found. skipping autocheck and then reboots the computer..... anyone have any ideas how to fix this :(06:10
aroonihey folks... i *love* beryl, but now qsynaptics (vertical scrolling on my touchpad) doesnt work anymore... suggestions?06:10
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Q_Continuumtj239: I was going to do that, but I couldn't because all the buttons disappeared (after applying the updates something in Gnome got replaced, and halfway killed it without bringing it back)06:10
covertI'm proud of myself.  I successfully isolated a bug in Ubiquity. :)06:10
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eshaasegravemin1: whats that?06:11
andrejI'm proud of myself! I manage to make ubunutu usable w/o their website or IRC channel :D06:11
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gravemin1eshaase: 1) press alt-ctrl-F1. 2) type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" without the quotes of course. 3) choose the defaults for most things, but when you get to video drivers, choose vesa.06:11
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vox754Charly, I think SUSE has one, but never got to understand it. After a few, SUSE kept crashing on me. But I could definitely set things like mount point and character encoding like utf=8.06:11
m1ke_lhow does one install kernel-headers?06:11
gravemin1eshaase: that should get your monitor to work06:11
eshaasegravemin1: control-alt-f1 shows a new console but it seems to be frozen and i can't type06:12
rmathewscrimsun: how do I do all that? ("stop all applications using sound; unload the alsa drivers; remove the state file; reload the driver.")  A look at the alsa website, says I should have the module snd-trident ... but modprobe doesn't return anything.  something is amiss, right?06:12
gravemin1m1ke_l: first find out what kernel you have by doing "uname -r"06:12
Artemis3gravemin1, i think its way easier to edit xorg and change nv or ati whatever with vesa...06:12
TridenT_Boy3555Anyone know if I'll need drivers for Attansic L1 NIC? It's built-in, got it on this P5L-MX board.06:12
crimsunrmathews: cat /proc/asound/modules06:12
fokusleeandrej makewhatis is more intuitive name i think06:12
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m1ke_lapt-get install kernel-headers-`uname -r` never returns the right thing06:12
gravemin1artemis3: true I guess06:12
eshaasegravemin1: it only shows "Starting up ...\n 4 logical volume(s) in volume group "systemvg" now active06:12
Artemis3debian ways are not always the easiest06:12
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crimsunm1ke_l: because we don't use kernel-headers. We use linux-headers.06:12
gravemin1eshaase: how did you do control-alt-f1 then? weird06:12
m1ke_lcrimsun, cool...thanks06:13
_`XeOn_how to use make? i typed make and it said (make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.) but the README says to do that.... what do i do?06:13
gravemin1I guess your problem is related to that then.06:13
eshaasegravemin1: how did i do control-alt-f1 then?06:13
tj239mike, isn't it blah-$(uname -r)06:13
rmathewscrimsun: heh,  ((0 snd_trident 1 snd_mpu401)) ... so that seems to be there.  what do I do now?06:13
mbacxeon, you need to run make in the directory with a 'Makefile' file in it06:13
gravemin1eshaase: oh, I just thought that wouldn't work if your keys are frozen, but the terminal is just busy I guess06:13
gravemin1eshaase: try restarting and seeing if it happens again06:13
m1ke_ltj239, in debian my syntax works06:14
ubuntu_no_workyanyone know how to automount and setup drives in edgy?  (without fstab)06:14
eshaasegravemin1: ok06:14
gravemin1ubuntu_no_worky: I'm pretty sure you have to use fstab, but it's not hard06:14
eshaasegravemin1: yep, same thing06:14
TheVaulttoma: I just finished doing that, now what do I do?06:14
Artemis3how mean of you covert mounting your drives before install ;)06:14
crimsunrmathews:  kill $(lsof -t /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*) ; sudo modprobe -r $(lsmod |grep ^snd |awk '{print $1}') && sudo rm -f /var/lib/alsa/asound.state && sudo modprobe snd-trident06:14
Toma-TheVault: run firefox?06:14
TheVaulttoma: finished moving and extracting to the opt folder, now what do i do?06:14
TheVaultthere is no folder in the opt folder06:15
ubuntu_no_workygrave do you know when they will fix it?06:15
_`XeOn_mbac, but theres only makefile.in06:15
TheVaultfor firefox06:15
ubuntu_no_workymaybe in feisty?06:15
Toma-TheVault: try 'sudo ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox'06:15
mbacxeon, oh, do ./configure first?06:15
aroonihey folks... i *love* beryl, but now qsynaptics (vertical scrolling on my touchpad) doesnt work anymore... suggestions?06:15
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covertArtemis3: What do you mean?  I mounted my Windows partitions before installing so I could work while it went.06:15
Artemis3covert, on the other hand, gparted does shows a lock if the disk you intend to modify is mounted06:15
TheVaulttoma: trying now06:15
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gravemin1eshaase: try doing ctrl-alt F206:15
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gravemin1or F306:15
_`XeOn_mbac, i did it and it says compile first06:15
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mbachaha what?06:15
covertArtemis3: I wasn't even altering the mounted drives.06:15
mbacthat's crazy06:15
gravemin1eshaase: see if you have any consoles that have a login06:16
TheVaulttoma: no such file or directory06:16
_`XeOn_i know right06:16
NoodleCowerIs there something.. wrong with nickserv here?06:16
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Toma-TheVault: did you extract the firefox archive INSIDE /opt?06:16
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Exershiohey, can somebody help me? I'm trying to upgrade firefox from 1.5 to 2.0, but I dunno how. XD I'm new to linux06:16
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Toma-whats in /opt now?06:16
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TheVaultjust my tar.gz file of firefox
Artemis3Exershio, what version of ubuntu?06:17
Exershioyou trying to upgrade too?06:17
Toma-well untar it there...06:17
eshaasegravemin1: i can't even boot in recovery mode =(06:17
_`XeOn_mbac, this... configure: error: *** Please compile setupdb first!06:17
TheVaulti did06:17
rmathewscrimsun: FATAL: Module snd_trident is in use.06:17
TheVaultlemme do again06:17
gravemin1eshaase: but the live cd worked well?06:17
eshaasegravemin1: yep 6.1006:17
tj239Exershio, you know what synaptic is?   make sure 'universe' is used06:17
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mbacxeon, what are you trying to install?06:17
Artemis3the easiest past would be to simply have backports in your repositories06:18
eshaasegravemin1: actually i used the alternate install because of my lvm requirements06:18
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_`XeOn_mbac, loki06:18
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gravemin1eshaase: well I don't know anything about lvm, and I've tried everything I know06:18
Artemis3then firefox 2 will appear as any other update06:18
crimsunrmathews: kill the applications using it.06:18
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TheVaulttoma: it will not allow me to extract things in the opt folder06:19
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brandon_Crimsun: Alright, I am now logged in using generic kernel06:19
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Toma-TheVault: like is aid, use sudo to extract it...06:19
Bactahow can I make my Ubuntu partition smaller?06:19
gravemin1eshaase: you might have a faulty install, or you have some hardware problem or quirk06:19
Exershiookay artemis, I'll try that06:19
crimsunbrandon_: follow the DebuggingSoundProblems wiki page, again.06:19
covertBetween Herd 4 and Herd 5, was the new system manager removed?  It would appear so from the live CD...06:19
TheVaulthow do i do that?06:19
Artemis3Bacta, use gparted live cd06:19
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BactaArtemis3 can I PM you?06:19
brandon_Crimsun: Alright, what was the pasting webpage again?06:19
Artemis3what for?06:19
crimsunbrandon_: pastebin.ca06:20
Bactais it the only way?06:20
Bactacan I do it through Windows?06:20
Toma-TheVault: 'sudo tar -zxvf your-firefox-archive.tar.gz'06:20
gravemin1eshaase: you could try installing DSL linux to see if another linux distro will work, but other than that... I don't know.06:20
gravemin1eshaase: sorry I couldn't help more06:20
TheVaultdoing so now06:20
Artemis3partition manager is simillar, but it has failed so many times to me that i wouldn't tell you to use it06:20
Artemis3partition magic06:20
jcol07covert: try  #ubuntu+106:20
Bactaok gparted then06:20
gravemin1gparted is pretty cool!06:20
Artemis3a bit silent at times, but yes06:21
Exershioartemis, all I see under the package manager is firefox 1.506:21
Exershiothere is no 2.006:21
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Artemis3what ubuntu version is that?06:21
gravemin1Exershio: go to the firefox page and download the binaries06:21
Artemis3did you added backports and refreshed?06:21
fokusleegravemin1:  is gparted packaged with ubuntu live cD?06:21
Exershiograveminl, I downloaded the tar.gz file06:21
Exershiobut what do I do with it?06:21
gravemin1fokuslee: yes, I'm pretty sure06:21
Exershioartemis, I have 6.0606:21
Artemis3see? then you dont have the backports do you?06:22
gravemin1Exershio: I don't know about that, did you click on the big green button?06:22
Exershiolemme try that06:22
fokusleegravemin1:  yeah ur rite i will just use that then cuz i was thinking of dl gparted livecd off their site06:22
TheVaulttoma: now there is a firefox folder in my home directory06:22
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eshaasegravemin1: its ok, thanks06:22
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Toma-TheVault: thats because you already ran that untar in your home directory. get rid of it06:23
erudifiedDoes anyone know how 'preload' works?06:23
erudifiedDoes it provide a noticable speedup?06:23
covert#ubuntu+1 is empty...06:23
eshaasei just finished installing ubuntu and i booted up my new system... it loads the splash screen and then dissappears only to show a console with a blank screen a blinking underscore cursor in the top-left corner of the screen, any ideas? i have a feeling its lvm-related06:23
gravemin1fokuslee: ok, just remember you can't change any mounted partitions06:23
mbacwhat package has the pictures of naked people in it?06:23
TheVaulttoma: no i didn't06:23
gravemin1fokuslee: sometimes it's better to use the live cd06:23
TheVaultnever extracted it there06:23
Artemis3Exershio, see this evil line in your sources.list? deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse06:23
jcol07its the feisty channel ... sometimes there's not much discussion06:23
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jcol07not empty though06:24
gravemin1mbac: lol06:24
fokusleeu mean the gparted livecd or ubuntu live cd? both only mounts the cd rom so i don't really get what your saying06:24
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coverti can tell...yay...3 hours later, the install is complete...i'm sure no average user would wait that long though....06:24
Exershioartemis, I dunno what you're talking about06:24
mbacis it under Education?06:24
Artemis3ah, he means the ubuntu backgrounds06:24
covertand i know its not empty, but there is no discussion06:24
gravemin1fokuslee: I meant the ubuntu live cd. It has gparted06:24
Toma-TheVault: ok, its pretty simple. 1. use 'sudo mv' to move your file to /opt. 2. use 'cd /opt' to get into /opt. 3. use 'sudo tar -zxvf' to untar the firefox dir.06:24
TheVaulttoma: in my home folder, there is a lock on that folder and it won't let me delete it06:24
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j3gcould anyone recommend me a USB wireless wifi adapter that works good on linux? i also need wpa support....06:24
ToddEDMso i install ubuntu on my lAptop.... no sound, or grafx card drivers.....install it on my desktopPC.... no internet, how nice06:24
Toma-TheVault: then use sudo to 'rm -r' it06:25
_`XeOn_mbac, what naked ppl :P06:25
fokusleegravemin1: yeah so i can run that off in live cd mode and change my partition on harddisk safely rite ?  i made the mistake of fsck my mounted drive before bad idea06:25
ToddEDMcan someone help me get internet on this machine please06:25
gravemin1fokuslee: yeah, that's right06:25
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Artemis3Exershio, hehehe i though so... see there is this text file in /etc/apt folder called sources.list, if you edit this file and add this line, the magic could work. I think you can do the same from synaptic tho, using the configuration repositories settings06:25
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gravemin1fokuslee: if you're worried at all, better do a backup than lose your data06:26
aSt3raLToddEDM: whats the problem?06:26
ubuntu_no_workyalmost got it working 90%06:26
Exershioartemis3, I'll try that, just a sec06:26
ToddEDMaSt3raL, i just cant get online06:26
gravemin1fokuslee: I've never had an accident, but I've heard that they happen06:26
ubuntu_no_workyI formatted it to fat3206:26
_`XeOn_ubuntu_no_worky, go back to microsoft06:26
aSt3raLToddEDM: ethernet or wireless?06:26
ToddEDMi just installed it a minute ago06:26
ubuntu_no_workyand used a script for windows drives06:26
ToddEDMwireless... it worked when i used the live CD06:26
Artemis3Exershio, from the command line, it would be as simple as gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:26
Toma-TheVault: sorry, ive got to run. good luck06:27
ubuntu_no_workyno wonder linux isn't taking off06:27
aSt3raLToddEDM: try installing the networkmanager applet06:27
TheVaulttoma: Thanks for the help :D06:27
tritiumubuntu_no_worky: please quit trolling06:27
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ubuntu_no_workyim not trolling u and xeon r06:27
ToddEDMaSt3raL.. thats under applications > add/remove06:28
ubuntu_no_workyanyone know how to see how much free space a fat32 part has?06:28
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tritiumubuntu_no_worky: df should work for any partition type06:28
Artemis3all usb thingies i plug in ubuntu get automounted, except ntfs06:28
aSt3raLToddEDM: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager06:28
Exershioartemis3, I have the file opened06:28
Exershiowhat do I add to it again?06:28
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Artemis3add the line06:29
Artemis3deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse06:29
ba5eI have found Ubuntu wont boot with a PCI graphics card!!!!!!!! help!06:29
Artemis3then save it06:29
Artemis3and issue this command: apt-get update06:29
tritiumba5e: sure it will06:29
fokusleethx gravemin1 yeah back-up data often is the golden rule althou im too lazy to follow it i nuked my system anytimes already lol06:29
Artemis3no wait06:29
Artemis3its sudo apt-get update06:29
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ubuntu_no_workyhow can i get a fat32 partition to show up in computer?06:29
ToddEDMaSt3raL Network manager cannot be instslled on my type of computer (i386)06:29
Artemis3or go to synaptic and push "refresh"06:29
Artemis3(its the same)06:30
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Exershioit's loading a bunch of stuff06:30
ba5etritium: its on a new core2duo - have no PCI-E card yet - X will not load06:30
ToddEDMaSt3raL thats the error i get06:30
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aSt3raLToddEDM: yes it can06:30
ba5eblank screen06:30
gravemindi keep getting kicked from irc'06:30
Artemis3you are not behaving then?06:30
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ToddEDMaSt3raL im not lying to you06:30
bakefywhat is the command to get a hard drive to mount on startup?06:30
Artemis3irc is a great place if you can remain cool06:30
gravemindArtemis3: i think my wireless is to blame06:30
aSt3raLwhat command did you run?06:30
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ba5etritium: im on the live CD btw06:31
ToddEDMi went into the add/remove applications06:31
Exershioartemis3, wait, I'm confused, what do I do after adding that line and saving it? XD06:31
ba5etritium: is there somewhere I can look to diagnose the situation06:31
ToddEDMfound it , and tried to install it06:31
bakefyI mounted it... but then everytime I restart it is not mounted again06:31
gravemindArtemis3: my wireless connection hiccups a lot] '06:31
Artemis3go to synaptic06:31
aSt3raLToddEDM:  sudo apt-get install network-manager06:31
tritiumba5e: where is it failing?06:31
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Artemis3Exershio, or wait for update-manager, or invoke it06:32
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ba5etritium: I get the splash screen, then when X starts, just a blank screen, however I can hear X starting up in the background06:32
ExershioI'll try that06:32
ba5eor a lot of hdd access06:32
brandon__Crimsun: Sorry for the delay06:32
brandon__Crimsun: http://pastebin.ca/38063706:32
ba5e& the CDROM of course06:32
gravemindba5e: try pressing ctrl alt f106:32
gyaresuAnyone one here with 'factoid' adding permissions? I thing a 'preface' factoid would be handy, in reference to prefacing ones comments with the 'nick' of the intended recipient.06:32
ba5eof course the other tty's06:33
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aSt3raLToddEDM: then run nm-applet06:33
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arooniwhat is the best visio type clone we have06:33
ExershioI opened up software updates, and it only shows 1.5 still06:33
ToddEDMaSt3raL, error: couldnt find package network-manager06:33
aroonior is there a web clone that does that06:33
ba5egravemind: im sure I tried that...humm06:33
Artemis3Exershio, else upgrade to edgy ;)06:33
aSt3raLToddEDM: you need to update your repository list06:33
gravemindba5e: what does tty stand for btw06:33
ExershioI would do that, but I've heard people had problems with it06:33
gravemindba5e: im still kind of new'06:34
tritiumba5e: /var/log/Xorg.0.log would be the first place to look06:34
ba5eits an S3 Savage PCI gfx card.....maybe its just not compatible06:34
Xenguyarooni: there is 'dia' - I don't know how mature it is06:34
crimsunbrandon__: I presume muting 'IEC958' doesn't help?06:34
ToddEDMcant get online to do it :P06:34
j3gcould anyone recommend me a USB wireless wifi adapter that works good on linux? i also need wpa support....06:34
Artemis3test with the desktop cd (live) and see if everything works06:34
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brandon__Crimsun: Do you mean unchecking that check box in the volume dialog?06:34
ray_i just installed ubuntu on a second hard drive, but i never got an option to install grub... why? help????06:34
Exershioalright, that'll be a big file to download06:34
crimsunbrandon__: err, sure...06:34
gravemindj3g try to get intel or atheros chipsets06:34
Artemis3do you really need fx 2.0?06:34
ba5egravemind: terminal06:35
Exershiono, I just like to stay with the latest updates06:35
j3ggravemind: but how to know ?06:35
gyaresucrimsun: Sorry to bother but do you have 'factoid' adding powers?06:35
Exershiodidn't think it'd be so hard06:35
Artemis3you get security updates06:35
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Artemis3its not hard at all06:35
ExershioI have firefox- on my desktop06:35
ExershioI downloaded it earlier06:35
Exershioanything I can do with it?06:35
crimsungyaresu: as much as the next person (i.e., no). I can propose that something be added.06:35
ba5etritium: gravemind thanks, will try this laters :)06:35
Artemis3you can use it but its not elegant06:35
gravemindj3g: there's a big list on the ndiswrapper wiki - try there06:35
brandon__Crimsun: No, doesn't help06:35
Artemis3besides, fx 3 is on the corner06:36
ToddEDMaSt3raL why would it work on the liv CD then not on the install06:36
j3ggravemind: ok... that would require ndiswrapper or would it also list the ones with native support?06:36
ExershioI'll just stick with 1.5 then06:36
Artemis3so why bother if you can do things with 1.506:36
chibiaceExershio: there will be a file inside it telling you how to install usually06:36
crimsunbrandon__: ok, then you'll need 1.0.14rc2. Compile it for your current kernel.06:36
Exershiothanks for your time06:36
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Exershiochibiace, unfortunately there isn't =p06:36
Artemis3for ease is better to stick with ubuntu packages06:36
crimsunbrandon__: be sure you do it carefully. If you have _any_ questions, ask me before doing something.06:36
ray_i just installed ubuntu on a second hard drive, but i never got an option to install grub... why? help????06:36
chibiaceExershio: their website.06:36
brandon__Crimsun:  Is it ok to use the standard ./configure command without additional parameters?06:36
crimsunbrandon__: no.06:36
Artemis3upgrade to edgy, then to feisty when its released06:37
Exershiochibiace, their linux instructions are blank for some reason06:37
brandon__crimsun: Which parameters should I use?06:37
gravemindj3g: intel and atheros (and a few others) don't need ndiswrapper, but the list might tell you which cards have which chipsets06:37
gyaresucrimsun: ah. Well I thing a 'preface' factoid would be handy in regards to comments and prefacing with the nick of the recipient. With perhaps a reference to TAB completion.06:37
Artemis3and you get more than just fx06:37
ExershioI'll just stick with what I have and upgrade to edgy later06:37
Exershiothank you for all your time everybody06:37
j3ggravemind:  ok :) thank you !06:37
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chibiaceExershio: 1.5 works fine06:37
crimsunbrandon__: ./configure --with-oss=yes --with-sequencer=yes --with-debug=full --with-kernel=/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build06:37
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crimsunbrandon__: note that you'll need linux-headers-generic installed prior06:37
Artemis3yes indeed, only outstanding thing would be the spell checking and you can add that as an extension06:37
brandon__crimsun: should I just do driver or other parts too?06:38
chibiaceExershio: edgy has 2 i think06:38
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gravemindj3g: the only usb wireless card I've tried is the linksys WUSB54gv2, which works with ndiswrapper, but it's not a picnic to config :P06:38
crimsunbrandon__: solely alsa-driver 1.0.14rc206:38
Exershiochibiace: okay, thanks. I'm gonna upgrade to edgy once I download it06:38
gravemindj3g: thats why i'd suggest getting one that is automatically detected06:38
chibiaceExershio: you can upgrade if you get dapper installed06:38
ubuntu_no_workyYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FIXED IT!!!06:39
Exershiochibiace: I have dapper installed, but I've heard people having problems upgrading from dapper to edgy06:39
ray_does anyone know much about grub, and why it wouldn't give me an option to install it when i install ubuntu?06:39
chibiaceExershio: update-manager with a flags like -c -d06:39
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ubuntu_no_workyis there a scandisk utility for fat32 in ubuntu?06:39
Artemis3Exershio, if you have patience: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22705206:39
ToddEDMray, it does06:39
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gravemindray_: it normally installs...06:39
chibiaceExershio: generally it should go ok.06:39
ExershioI have patience, I'll check that out06:39
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ray_it did not for me06:39
ToddEDMright after the partitioning06:39
ray_that's the problem06:39
ToddEDMyes it did06:39
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gravemindray_ did you use live install06:40
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ToddEDMit tells you grub will be installed on hd006:40
aSt3raLToddEDM: iwconfig06:40
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gravemindthen it probably did. check synaptic06:40
ToddEDMthx aSt3raL06:40
ray_it didn't though06:40
brandon__crimsun: what is the command for the headers?06:40
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aSt3raLToddEDM: heh did you figure it out?06:40
bulmerray_: have you booted off of the new install yet?06:40
ray_windows starts normally on my first hard drive with no choice of selecting ubuntu06:40
ToddEDMno aSt3raL06:40
chibiaceExershio: ive upgraded 5 machines and the only problem was having a powercut06:40
aSt3raLToddEDM: so why the thx?06:41
ToddEDMi thought you left, i was about to give up06:41
ToddEDMthx for coming back06:41
Artemis3chibiace, you need an ups06:41
gravemindray_: in that case, run the live cd again, and see what's up06:41
aSt3raLToddEDM: iwconfig to find the interface name06:41
Exershiochibiace: I just installed ubuntu earlier today, so I suppose there's no harm in trying06:41
aSt3raLToddEDM: then iwlist interfacename scan06:41
ray_i tried that. this is the second go06:41
ray_same result - no grub06:41
ToddEDMok i got all the info up, what is it you need to know?06:41
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aSt3raLToddEDM: it should be something like eth1 or wlan006:41
chibiaceArtemis3: i got 2 but they have dead batteries anyway it doesnt happen often06:41
gravemindray_ can you see the the two partitions in the live cd?06:42
ToddEDMyerah eth106:42
Artemis3Exershio, if you dont mind wiping your hd, you might want to get the cd image instead06:42
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chibiaceExershio: fresh installs work much better.06:42
ray_yes, i can see sda and hdb06:42
aSt3raLToddEDM: iwlist eth1 scan06:42
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MaartenHey, is the download driver from ATI any better then the one that comes with kubuntu?06:42
chibiaceExershio: for upgrading06:42
Exershiochibiace: I didn't really do anything on ubuntu so far except installing XChat06:42
Exershioso would it be fine that way?06:42
aSt3raLToddEDM: do you see your wireless network there?06:42
ray_and i can see that ubuntu has been installed on hdb06:42
fokusleeray_ i think itz because the grub is installed on the second harddisk but ur booting from the MBR of the first harddisk withc have the windows boot loader06:42
ToddEDMno scan results, it says06:42
crimsunbrandon__: sudo aptitude install linux-headers-generic06:42
winchesterHeya.... where can I add a command to be executed when ubuntu boots?06:42
chibiaceExershio: gksu 'update-manager -c -d'06:42
IgorSobreirahey,....anybody could give me a good sources.list??? is the same in kubuntu??06:42
Artemis3ah well then its ok both ways, probably ...06:42
gravemindray_: hmm, that's strange, I don't know why you don't see grub, but I do know something you can try...06:42
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Artemis3but its always nice to have the cd06:43
Dr_willisIgorSobreira,  identical.06:43
aSt3raLToddEDM: that means your wireless card cant see the wireless network06:43
bulmerray_ you can also run grub-install06:43
aSt3raLToddEDM: what wireless drivers are you using?06:43
Artemis3Exershio, with the cd, you can test before you install06:43
fokusleebulmer doesn't ray need supergrub or grub livecd for that?06:43
eshaasethe main/alternative installer (6.10) doesn't allow the type of lvm config i'm trying to setup so I boot into the livecd of 6.06 and manually setup my lvm config, then i install using the 6.10 alternative installer and proceed with my lvm/partition config, is there anything that i'm doing that i shouldn't?06:43
IgorSobreiraDr_willis: can you send me yours..mine are not good....i can find most programs06:43
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gravemindray_: super grub disk: http://adrian15.raulete.net/grub/06:43
Exershioartemis3: I think I'll try that06:43
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bulmerfokuslee: it should be on the liveCD06:44
ray_do i need to change the start up sequence to load ubuntu first?06:44
ToddEDMaSt3raL, i have no idea, it was working in the CD so i thought it would work here06:44
Dr_willisIgorSobreira,  that 'easysource' site lets you make them.. You shoudl read the wiki/docs on how to enable the other repositories.. its not hard to do.06:44
Exershiochibiace: I ran that command software updates came up, but no Ubuntu Edgy06:44
gravemindray_: that might fix it, but I don't know why the install doesn't work the way it should06:44
Dr_willisIgorSobreira,  you mean you "CANT" find most programs?06:44
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:44
chibiaceExershio: you may have to upgrade update-manager06:44
Artemis3Exershio, then simply load the desktop cd, use the gparted to delete your current ubuntu partitions, and start the installer, tell it to use the free available space (unpartitioned space)06:44
fokusleebulmer ok but i still think ray just installed grub to the MBR of the second hard disk just switch boot order of disk see if u can see grub menu06:44
Artemis3Exershio, that is, with the Edgy Eft Desktop cd06:45
the_stigHey fellas06:45
Exershiochibiace: I'll just do what artemis3 is saying, thanks for your time06:45
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ubuntu_no_workyis it possible to scandisk a fat32 parition in edgy?06:45
ray_i'll try that, as well as that super grub disk. thank you06:45
the_stigwhen i install ubuntu can i choose to keep XP on a seperate partition06:45
the_stigor do i have to do it myself..06:45
gravemindray_: good luck06:45
aSt3raLToddEDM: if you cant install a wireless driver you can still use the windows wireless driver for the wireless card using a program called ndiswrapper06:45
ray_can i ask a related question?06:45
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ToddEDMit needs to be installed, cause i cant download it06:46
Artemis3ubuntu_no_worky, only its not called scandisk but fsck.vfat06:46
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Artemis3ubuntu_no_worky, and you can not have them mounted!06:46
ray_when looking at the startup sequence earlier, it's showing that the second, ide drive isn't present, when it clearly is06:46
brandon__crimsun: sudo make install06:46
brandon__crimsun: or some other parameters?06:46
aSt3raLToddEDM: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper06:46
ray_wut up wit dat?06:46
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ubuntu_no_workyill just make a bootdisk06:46
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Artemis3use the desktop cd then06:46
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Artemis3or any other live cd06:47
Artemis3its the same06:47
aSt3raLToddEDM: i have to go.. good luck06:47
gravemindray_: so you have two drives? which startup sequence isn't showing it? BIOS?06:47
ray_yes, bios06:47
ray_yes two drives06:47
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Artemis3ubuntu_no_worky, are you scared of unmounting too?06:47
billygreetings earthlings.06:47
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ubuntu_no_workyI finally got it working06:47
ubuntu_no_workywith a script06:47
funestohey guys i really need some help installing ubuntu.. i've tried dapper.. edgy.. 64 bit at 32 bit and none of them work :(06:47
ubuntu_no_workyi dun wanna mess it up06:47
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ubuntu_no_workyhad to change it to fat3206:47
ubuntu_no_workyto get it to work06:48
ToddEDMthx aSt3raL06:48
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brandon__crimsun: should I sudo make install?06:48
gravemindray: maybe your bios is old or broken? if that's the problem, you could get a working ubuntu install by putting it on the first disk, and using the second as storage06:48
crimsunbrandon__: no, have you done ``make'' already?06:48
brandon__crimsun: yes06:48
ToddEDMwhy does installing ubuntu need to be so tough06:48
funestoi've tried using the alternate cd.. and it says that i have an uncommon cdrom.. and i have no clue what im supposed to do from there06:48
Artemis3it is?06:48
crimsunbrandon__: then use ``sudo make install-modules''06:48
nichosevening all, i have a 4 button mouse (left, right, scroll button, and another one by the thumb). How can i get the thumb button working? I tried xmodemap 1 2 3 4, no luck06:48
ray_gravemind: no go there, the wife is a windows user06:48
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Artemis3seemed pretty easy to me, maybe slow but not tough06:49
ray_i need it for photoshop. web designer06:49
chibiaceToddEDM: sometimes it can be hard06:49
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gravemindray_: no, you can have windows and ubuntu on the same disk, with partitons06:49
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brandon__crimsun: ok, done06:49
Artemis3or with qemu...06:49
crimsunbrandon__: now, ``sudo depmod -e''06:49
ray_gravemind: i understand, but the first hard drive is close to capacity as it is06:49
brandon__crimsun: done06:50
chibiaceqemu has horrible performance06:50
ToddEDMyeah, laptop, the sound doenst work... PC, the wireless card wont work... problems always06:50
Artemis3you might even pull something off using wine, with luck06:50
ray_gravemind: the computer is a dell and only a year old06:50
chibiaceToddEDM: its just the hardware, like mine works out of the box, but many others dont06:50
crimsunbrandon__: now, reboot.06:50
balthazar#ubuntu -arkansas06:50
funestoanyone? =\06:50
ubuntu_no_workyis 512mb enough for ubuntu06:50
ToddEDMnone of my equipment is obscure06:51
ubuntu_no_workykk thanks06:51
ray_gravemind: if the pins are not placed correctly would that screw with bios not seeing it?06:51
ubuntu_no_workyit just seems slower than win2k06:51
ubuntu_no_workyanyway to speed it up?06:51
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the_stigdo i have to burn the image onto a CD to run the setup?06:51
ray_pins or jumpers (whatever they're called)06:51
gravemindray_: how close is it to capacity? because I don't know how to fix bios, but I do know that you can install ubuntu on a pretty small space, and then use the second drive for space06:51
chibiaceubuntu_no_worky: the graphics are somewhat better.06:51
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Artemis3you could use a light theme06:51
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Artemis3and turn off those silly metacity animations06:51
Lag117hello, I'm trying to install package vnc4server but it doesn't seem to be there. What's equivalent package?06:52
the_stigjust wonderin.. do i have to burn the image onto a CD to run the setup? i ran outta cds :\06:52
ubuntu_no_workywhich is the best theme for speed clearlooks?06:52
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eshaaseis there any special things that I have to take into consideration when setting up an LVM system? i remember reading that /boot can't exist in the lvm or something like that06:52
ubuntu_no_workyi see mist but not minimal06:52
Artemis3mist is light too06:53
ray_gravemind: would a hard drive even work if the pins/jumpers/whatever aren't in the right place?06:53
fokuslee$ lsb_release06:53
fokusleeNo LSB modules are available.06:53
fokuslee what is the problem here/06:53
chibiaceeshaase: from what ive seen you cant have boot in it because the lvm doesnt start at that stage. but i think the rest of the drive can be lvm06:53
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gravemindit sure wouldn't - but if you can detect it on the live cd, then it's probably in working order06:54
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fokusleeray_ just put both on cable select06:54
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brandon2crimsun: I'm back06:54
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ubuntu_no_workyanyone know other ways to speed up ubuntu?06:55
fokusleeinstall xfce and use that06:55
gravemindray_: check your documentation and see if there's any way to fix bios if it's not working right06:55
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ubuntu_no_workyi thought about it06:55
Artemis3ubuntu_no_worky, sure, run gconf-editor06:55
gravemindubuntu_no_worky: buy more ram06:55
fokusleeubuntu_no_worky:  i think itz a meta packge called xubuntu-desktop06:55
K3ntoCould a wow user in here tell me about add ons in ubuntu06:55
ray_what about the power cords? there seem to be several inside for extra hard drives. would that throw it off? i'm just trying to eliminate all possiblities06:56
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ray_gravemind: will def be doing that06:56
Artemis3ubuntu_no_worky, then go to apps -> metacity -> general and check reduced resources06:56
crimsunbrandon2: ok, and DebuggingSoundProblems output?06:56
gravemindray_: you could detect the second drive in the live cd right? if you could, it's probably connected alright06:56
Artemis3oh you could try xubuntu too06:56
chibiacexubuntu-desktop installs stuff like abiword too. and probably changes the splash screen06:56
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brandon2crimsun: should I do all of the commands again and post the outputs?06:57
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crimsunbrandon2: only if audio remains inaudible.06:57
Artemis3i love xubuntu's boot06:57
ryan_can we speed up the ubuntu dappers boot up?06:57
brandon2crimsun: yes still inaduble, I will post commands06:57
ray_gravemind: it's sad, but i was actually hoping you'd say, nah, you hooked it up wrong. that way it would be an easy fix06:57
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chibiacexubuntu-desktop installs stuff like abiword too. and probably changes the splash screen;p suspend is good too06:57
eshaasemy net installation freezes at 6% during the "Select and install software" phase with the words "Please wait..." can someone help?06:57
=== chibiace is stupid.
gravemindray_: by all means, open up your case and check for loose cables if there's any doubt : )06:58
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=== cables isn't loose
fokusleeray_ yeah cable tie all the extra power plugs and unplug the windows installation harddisk see if it boots up06:58
billyray_: be sure to unplug your machine first.  CPU fans draw blood.06:58
ray_easy fix! thanks! ....okay maybe not06:59
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eshaaseahhh, it didn't freeze, its downloading files =)06:59
ray_ha. always do unplug the computer...06:59
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fokusleebilly are u using a razer blade/ shaver as ur cpu fan?06:59
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gravemindfokuslee: lol07:00
ryan_can we change the boot up screen?07:00
kalorinso anyone want to talk me out of using rsync to another disk in my box as a means to do backup?07:00
ryan_and make the boot up faster07:00
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gravemindfokuslee: the latest technology in cooling systems07:00
ray_you guys have been super help. thank you so much07:00
Dr_willisryan_,  the boot up screen aint goint to make things any faster ;)07:00
fokusleehaha gravemind ur funny07:00
gravemindray_: you're welcome07:00
cablesryan_, you want to disable it?07:00
kalorinwhat i'm really looking for is a lazy mirror sort of backup strategy07:00
Artemis3kalorin, why? if that works for you then go ahead07:00
thirdalbumryan_, you can turn off the boot up screen, but it won't make anything faster07:00
kalorinwell that's the question07:00
thirdalbumryan_, in your GRUB kernel arguments, get rid of the argument "splash".07:01
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bullgard3What command will show the modules in my kernel?07:01
ray_i'll probably be on at a later time to ask more questions!07:01
kalorinif i rsync -Slutvprog /boot/ to /boot.bak/07:01
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cablesryan_, you can disable it if you don't like it, but it really doesn't add much overhead.07:01
kalorinit's obviously not bootable07:01
fokusleeu can select the default and change the seletion timer to be shorter is that wut u mean?07:01
brandon2crimsun: http://pastebin.ca/38065707:01
fokusleelike 2 seconds instead of the defualt 3007:01
eshaasejeez, my net install is currently downloading the 565th package, how many are there!?!07:01
fokusleebut u gotta be a crazy gamer to select os dat fast lol07:01
ryan_yes buddies i know...wat i mean is in the new edgy they say they have made it faster(the boot-up)..i wanna make the dapper like tat..is it possible?07:01
gravemindryan_: you can disable it and see what else is slowing your boot07:01
=== Maarten [n=maarten@cpe-66-74-155-152.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kalorincause the partition isn't set to bootable and even if it was it wouldn't have the mbr set right07:01
kalorini could use dd I guess07:01
=== Luuna [n=luuna@dyn-88-123-241-197.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
kalorindd /dev/sda > /dev/sdb07:02
=== techie [n=ralph@tesquefl-bw3500-1-69-167-111-117.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
kalorinbut that'd be a TON of disk IO that should be necessary07:02
bulmerthat wont work07:02
Artemis3well you can always install grub later07:02
Dr_willisi dont think ya yse > wth dd07:02
Artemis3its not unrecoverable07:02
fokusleekalorin why are u dumping an entire disk?07:02
kalorini'm not07:02
Artemis3just save /home07:02
kalorinat this point I'm doing nothing just trying to figure out what makes sense07:03
=== theone [n=chatzill@ip72-197-27-218.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
kalorinoh home is all part of /07:03
crimsunbrandon2: ok, checking07:03
gravemindryan_: to temporarily disable your spash screen and find out what is making your boot slow, press e at the grub menu when you restart. ( make sure to press esc first if it's hidden by default)07:03
kalorinI have /boot =100mb / = the rest07:03
ryan_guys!..help me out plz07:03
theonehello... how is everyone?07:03
Artemis3hmm /dev and /proc will complain...07:03
techieI recently downloaded a movie which had an *.exe file which required video codes... what does that mean?07:03
theonecan someone help me please?07:03
=== ChaseCharleville [n=redfang_@ip68-97-184-97.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ryan_thanx gravemind07:03
kalorinI told it to --exclude /dev/* and /proc/*07:03
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Dr_willistechie,  that screams SPYWARE and VIRUS to me...07:03
kalorinthough I guess I really do want dev07:03
ChaseCharlevilleCan someone help me out?07:03
thirdalbumtheone, ask your question and then people may be able to help you :-)07:04
Episcopusi installed edgy yesterday, got my netgear ma311 working, downloaded all the updates to edgy and went to bed.  When i got up this morning, my wireless connection was dead.  The device manager shows that the card has been found, but it doesn't show up in the network list or iwconfig.  It shows a prism2 card loading in a PCI slot when i read dmesg.  The card is on the list of supported cards and is supposed to work out of th07:04
Episcopusmake it work?07:04
Artemis3and /var is mostly useless07:04
kalorinotherwise I'll be unhappy if I have to restore from it07:04
Dr_willistechie,  seen a lot of stuff that way - that you do NOT want to run/use07:04
gravemindryan_: then after you've pressed e, go to the kernel line, press e again, and delete the words "splash" and "quiet"07:04
theonei'm new to linux and i am trying to access my windows network...07:04
theonethank you07:04
=== stfukthxlol [n=Larry@adsl-69-108-73-62.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
gravemindryan_: when you've done all that you can press b to start it up07:04
fokusleetheone samba07:04
theoneit ask me for user name and a password and i put the one in from windows but it don't work07:04
Artemis3 /etc might be handy to save07:04
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT07:04
cablestheone, what are you trying to access on your windows network?07:04
theonewhat is samba?07:04
theonei'm totally new to this...07:04
cables!samba | theone07:04
ubotutheone: please see above07:04
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kalorinthe question is if the primary disk dies, what do I have to do to get it up and running on the backup disk07:04
ChaseCharlevilleI want to use ubuntu, but I need help installing07:04
kalorinI could mirror them I guess07:04
theonejust my drive on my windows computer...07:04
kalorinbut then I can't undelete a fat finger07:05
_`XeOn_theone, is kinda a brazilian dance07:05
cablestheone, read what Ubotu sent you07:05
=== jhornick [n=jhornick@c-24-13-78-232.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cables!samba > theone07:05
=== jughead [n=jughead@c-75-66-11-168.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
techieDr_willis I used to see this in Windows and  although I might agree with you in what you are saying, it has to do with the type of "codecs" I believe that need to additionally be installed into windows. When I did everything worked fine but I do not know the counterpart for Ubuntu!!!07:05
gravemindtheone: samba is the service/protocol/thingy linux uses to connect to windows07:05
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Artemis3kalorin, let me suggest something easy and pretty: use gparted live cd and copy the partition07:05
theoneok.. cool!! that is a big big help!07:05
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cablestheone, hold on07:05
fokusleetechie movie should never come as .exe07:05
kalorinArtemis3, ok, and just do that every so often you're saying?07:06
_`XeOn_!samba | theone07:06
ubotutheone: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT07:06
EpiscopusChaseCharleville: what do you need help with?07:06
=== Luuna_ [n=luuna@dyn-88-123-241-197.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
kalorinor just do it one time and then after that you'll be fine?07:06
techiefokuslee> thanks.07:06
Artemis3kalorin, well if its too often its not worth the trouble07:06
cablestheone, you can access it usually through Places>Network Servers, but that doesn't work for everything. In that case, you can mount it as a drive on your computer.07:06
kalorincause it can do it under the OS07:06
techiefokuslee>so a movie should then download as mpeg or avis?07:06
ryan_gravemind,  can we change the color or configure the console mode..i mean when we change from gnome to that..i wanna change the color of the font to green or blue or something for fun..can we plz?07:06
kalorinyeah that's the deal07:06
=== xsist [n=xsist@c-67-177-2-78.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willistechie,  theres a lot of 'codecs' that are just wrappers around spyware07:06
fokusleeif its exe then probably have a spyware/virus in it07:06
jhornickanyone feel like helping with stepmania sound issues?07:06
kalorinideally, it'd be a lazy mirror07:06
Artemis3but you could rsync only home and have the rest in a single copied partition07:06
=== yettenet_ [n=yettenet@dsl77-234-82-127.pool.tvnet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
_`XeOn_anyone got call of duty running on ubuntu?07:07
Artemis3ah well07:07
zshhi is there a way the music i'm playing can be played on all the computers on the network? sort of like piped music but on computers :)07:07
theoneyou guys are a great help!!07:07
billyfokuslee, naw man.  just trust me.  that bad boy will draw blood.07:07
fokusleetechie depends maybe rar or ra1 tuff like dat07:07
kalorinbtw, if anyone has a need, adobe's canon raw -> adobe dng runs just fine under wine07:07
Dr_willistechie,  some videos have a 'go to whatever.com and get this codec for the rest of the movie' - which is more spyware or worse07:07
Artemis3there are more methods involving dd, dump, etc07:07
=== Xanthomryr_ [n=User@xdsl-195-14-220-119.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
techie<Dr_willis>understood. So along those lines, do we need any type of antivirus even here in Ubuntus?07:07
cableszsh, you can stream it with VLC or something...07:07
Dr_willistechie,  not really07:07
kalorinif only linux supported dng for anything or could run photoshop elements under wine...07:07
fokusleetechie many formates like ogm07:07
cablestechie, no, but sometimes it's good to have one, just so you don't forward a virus to a windows-using friend.07:07
techiethat's a great idea. If so what is recommended for Ubuntu... I am using the 6.10 Edgy I think is called07:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about calmav - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:08
Artemis3just support the projects involved like krita or gimp or gthumb or digikam, etc07:08
ubotucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega07:08
techieany antivirus or protector then for Ubuntu?07:08
ubotuclamav: antivirus scanner for Unix. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.88.4-1ubuntu2.1 (edgy), package size 65 kB, installed size 208 kB07:08
gravemindryan_: lol, I've never tried that but it's probably possible. See if anyone else here knows, and google is your friend07:08
zshcables, thanks07:08
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fokusleehahah i had a typo i was like bot is being stupid07:08
cables!clamav | techie07:09
ubotutechie: please see above07:09
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ryan_gravemind, thanx ill find out07:09
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.07:09
fokusleeso i have a problem ~$ lsb_release07:09
fokusleeNo LSB modules are available.07:09
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ryan_gravemind, i wanted to ask if we can transfer files thrugh ubuntu..i know dc and stuff but any easier options..07:09
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techiecables where do you insert the !clamav command in terminal?07:09
cablestechie, !clamav is not a terminal command.07:10
gravemindwhat do you mean through ubuntu?07:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about slap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:10
techiecables so how do I do it?07:10
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cablestechie, that was just to tell ubotu, the ubuntu infobot, to tell you about it07:10
cablestechie, hold on07:10
cables!info clamav07:10
anandanbuhow do i install beryl in ubuntu 6.1007:10
fokusleetechie just install it via synaptic07:10
ubotuclamav: antivirus scanner for Unix. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.88.4-1ubuntu2.1 (edgy), package size 65 kB, installed size 208 kB07:10
gravemindtechie: try sudo apt-get install clamav07:10
gravemindthat usually works07:10
techiecables, I hear you thanks for the info.07:10
cablestechie, gravemind, he has to have universe enabled07:10
gravemindcables: good call07:11
cablestechie, Edgy or Dapper?07:11
macdtechie, in a terminal "sudo apt-get install avscan"  for gnome.07:11
techiecables Edgy07:11
cablestechie, macd is sorta wrong... we need to make sure of something first07:12
cablestechie, go to System>Administration>Software Sources07:12
techielet me try to synap package first and see if it searches for it.07:12
cablestechie, just go to the software sources first, to make sure we have Universe enabled.07:12
=== aesiamun [n=derekb@cpe-66-66-69-164.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
anandanbuhi can anyone help me to install Beryl in ubuntu edgy eft07:13
techieYes it is enable and the sources is from servers in US07:13
aesiamunnot strictly ubuntu question, but how would I stop soundjuicer from opening when I insert an audio cd?07:13
cablestechie, ok.07:13
macdanandanbu, you should join #ubuntu-effects07:13
techiecables, how indispensable is it to have this antivirus in your system?07:13
crimsunbrandon2: ok, so you likely need a quirk.07:13
cablestechie, in that case, install the package "avscan" with your preferred package manager. If you need help, I'll be right back.07:13
crimsunbrandon2: please do the following:07:13
anandanbuthanks macd07:13
techiebasically to avoid problems for window users or for ubuntu protection too?07:13
cablestechie, it won't do anything for you, just people you communicate with. It's mainly so you don't forward a virus to a Windows user.07:13
crimsunbrandon2: sudo modprobe -r snd-hda-intel && sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel model=ref07:13
cablestechie, i don't use it, because Gmail scans my email anyway.07:14
xsisthow do you enable the multiverse?07:14
macdtechie, its just a good practice since you interact with windows peers.07:14
arrenlex!multiverse | xsist07:14
ubotuxsist: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource07:14
techiecables... one final question is it safe to download movies in here and make sure we do not get any hackers etc....?07:14
cablesxsist, are you using edgy or dapper?07:14
techiemacd, understood, thanks.07:14
brandon2crimsun: for the first command, I get this: FATAL: Module snd_hda_intel is in use.07:14
Episcopusis anyone willing to help with wireless trouble in edgy?07:15
xsistherd 507:15
xsistgood stuff.07:15
crimsunbrandon2: kill $(lsof -t /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*)07:15
cablestechie, i don't understand that. I'll be right back, so hold on, then clarify please.07:15
techiecables... any recommended source for downloading safe movies07:15
cablestechie, i dunno... your discretion.07:15
aesiamuntechie, what kind of movies?07:15
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cablesxsist, if it's the same as on edgy, system>administration>software sources.07:15
=== Maarten_ [n=maarten@cpe-66-74-155-152.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
techieregular thriller, action etc.... educational.07:15
tehxed I'm having issues with my wireless chipset (on a laptop; the wireless card is a BCM4318). I have a Gateway MX7118 laptop with an Ubuntu Edgy Eft 6.10 AMD 64 installation. I've tried the following link but with the 64bit drivers for the wireless card:  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=285809    The wireless card does not show up when I check "Networking" under System Preferences... nor does it show up in t07:15
tehxed he networking window manager (GUI).  Also, the LED which shows the wireless to be on isn't showing up, but I am told this is related to the drivers for the wireless card not funcitioning properly.07:15
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Episcopustehxed: have you looked around here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs for help? lots of start info there07:16
aesiamunyou mean stuff you would find at a movie theatre?  Bit torrent...07:16
techiecable.... not necessary though, I am so busy that probably won't even have the time to enjoy them.. Just curious!07:16
aesiamunfind then torrents on your own :)07:17
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stfukthxlolit isn't calculus@07:17
brandon2crimsun:  terminal gives me a kill usage message07:17
crimsunbrandon2: lsmod |grep ^snd07:17
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techiecable you back?07:17
cablestechie, by the way, if you use gmail, you're already protected against sending windows viruses. Probably a lot of other email services do that too.07:17
fokusleetechie  u shouldn't discuss piracy on this channel07:17
brandon2crimsun: http://pastebin.ca/38067107:18
techiecables.... i do use gmail.07:18
aesiamunanyone know where i would go in gnome to stop soundjuicer from starting automatically when inserting an audio cd?07:18
billyaesiamun, are you using a main menu or a menu bar?07:18
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techiefokuslee i did not think i was.... i have gone to places in windows where they offer old movies part of the public domain.... all legal and downloaable07:18
xsistgot it.07:18
cablesaesiamun, system>preferences>removeable drives and media07:18
aesiamunbilly, what?  I put a cd in my cdrom drive and close it...poof!  up comes sound juicer07:19
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aesiamuncables, thanks.07:19
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billyaesiamun, what cables said.07:19
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cablesbilly, :)07:19
crimsunbrandon2: lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*07:19
fokusleetechie i appoligize07:19
techiefokuslee, mainly trying to learn as much as i can about ubuntu. no need to apologize07:19
brandon2crimsun: done07:19
aesiamuntechie: I still stick by my bittorrent answer :)07:19
crimsunbrandon2: url?07:19
brandon2crimsun: no output07:20
techieaesianum I have heard of it but also you must spend time looking for the torrent etc.. where they are and the links. but I do understand.07:20
aesiamuncables: that worked.  Thanks!07:20
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aozakiSorry I'm new to linux: I have an external hd that is currently set to "read-only" -- how do I change this? (chmod 777 doesn't seem to work)07:20
crimsunbrandon2: hmm, then we need a different approach. Try this:  echo "options snd-hda-intel model=ref" |sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base07:20
aesiamuntechie: there are lots of search engines for torrents on the net.  Google is your friend.07:20
tehxedEpiscopus: The documentation for NdisWrapper on AMD64 is ...a bit uncertain07:21
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o crimsun] by ChanServ
techieanyone: a question about firefox mozilla browser... I read the stuff clearly but my wife tells me the letters are a bit fuzzy... any way to clear that. I wonder if it is the font or the resolution or what. Very subtle though, Have anyone encountered that?07:21
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brandon2crimsun: http://pastebin.ca/38067507:21
bulmeraozaki: how did you mount it?07:21
techieaesianun i agree07:21
Episcopustehxed: i can't really help then, i was just throwing that out there because that's where i started. i am having wifi trouble too07:21
fokusleeaozaki u have to umask it07:21
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@adsl-69-108-73-62.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] by crimsun
aozakiI just popped it in the usb port and it showed up07:21
tehxedEpiscopus: Thanks! Appreciate thehelp.07:21
Openixtechie: install msfonts package07:21
Episcopustehxed: i tried :)07:22
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techiemaybe that has been the problem Openix.07:22
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cablestechie, there are several font packages you can install, I have a list that Automatix installs here if you want it.07:22
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crimsunbrandon2: good, now: sync07:22
techieOpenix..... do you think this will solve the problem or do I have to do anything after the install>07:22
crimsunbrandon2: then reboot07:22
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=== Beverage [n=jon@S0106001346cc2b95.va.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
brandon2crimsun: "sync" in terminal?07:22
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techiecables... whatever you think is good for the eyes07:22
crimsunbrandon2: yes07:23
=== jpoe [n=jpoe@adsl-214-113-136.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
aozakifokuslee: how do i umask it?07:23
cablestechie, here's what i installed, hold on a sec07:23
brandon2crimsun: ok brb07:23
techiecables... ok07:23
techiecan i do it through the synaptic package installer?07:23
techiehow about the msfont just mentioned by openix07:23
cablestechie, use the terminal, it's much easier. That way you can just paste in the line I'll send to you.07:23
Openixtechie: msfonts make firefox text bettet for me - there is also a setting for text sharpness in fonts section of preferences menu i believe07:24
jpoeIs there any way/command to find out when a specific user last modified a file?  I know you can tell who owns a file, and when it was last modified, but is there any way to tell who last accessed a file if multiple people have permissions to it?07:24
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cablestechie, open a terminal to be ready: Applications>Accessories>Terminal. By the way, you can paste into the terminal with ctrl-shift-v07:24
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arrenlexjpoe: ls -lc07:24
kalorinwell, rsync seems to work really well until it hits the /dev area07:24
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kalorinthen it blows up on "non-regular" files07:24
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techiecables which is the paste up07:24
techiewhat do I have to paste?07:25
cablestechie, sudo aptitude install gsfonts-other msttcorefonts t1-xfree86-nonfree ttf-dustin ttf-f500 ttf-isabella ttf-larabie-deco ttf-larabie-straight ttf-larabie-uncommon ttf-staypuft ttf-summersby ttf-ubuntu-title ttf-xfree86-nonfree xfonts-artwiz xfonts-intl-european07:25
navreethow can I grab the 32bit package of libuuid?07:25
navreet(on 64 bit)07:25
cableswhat the hell is a nick collision from services?07:25
=== techie [n=ralph@tesquefl-bw3500-1-69-167-111-117.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
cablestechie, you just missed that i think07:25
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arrenlexcables: More than one techie on at the same time.07:25
cablesarrenlex, and one is registered so he gets priority?07:26
Beverageheyllo, was wondering if there are any quick fixes to the minor lag i get while gaming...?07:26
Flannelnavreet: You just want to download it?07:26
Episcopusmy wireless card is supposed to work out of the box and doesn't. can anyone try helping me fix it?07:26
aesiamuni thought you had to initiate a reclaim if your registered it.07:26
navreetFlannel, and grab the .lib file out of there07:26
kalorinBeverage,  sure, stop gaming :)07:26
Flannelnavreet: Well, you can download it at packages.ubuntu.com (among others)07:26
kalorinthat'll fix it every time07:26
Flannelnavreet: but, that's probably the easiest way to grab it, without rolling up your sleeves07:27
Beveragekalorin, why? thats a stupid suggestion if there are all these emulators there must be away to get rid of the minor lag, im running a good gaming rig07:27
fokusleeaozaki:  umask=000 in fstab07:27
arrenlexcables: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IRC_takeover <-- second heading07:27
cablesIs there any way to change the font in the TTY's? During bootup, it starts out sharp, but then it gets all anti-aliased in a bad way.07:27
aesiamuncrap i'm having a hard time with wine.07:27
navreetFlannel, I can't find the binaries...07:27
kalorinemulation == lag07:27
kalorinthem's the breaks07:27
techiecables the whole thing is being installed. how do i see later that it all worked07:27
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cablestechie, if you don't get any errors, it worked.07:28
Openixaesiamun: why you using wine?07:28
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cablestechie, msttcorefonts tends to take a long time,.07:28
Flannelnavreet: Well, once you find the package at packages.ubuntu.com, scroll down to the bottom, and there'll be a little table where you can download the package07:28
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aesiamunOpenix: unfortunately slingmedia doesn't have a linux client yet07:28
Artemis3well depends what you are emulating, im sure old emulated systems can run faster or better ;)07:28
brandon2crimsun: back07:29
Openixaesiamun: never use wine, if i want windoae i vmware it07:29
crimsunbrandon2: ok, any luck?07:29
techiecables. still doing its thing... now is at application/octet- stream07:29
brandon2crimsun: no :(07:29
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crimsunbrandon2: you know the drill...07:29
cablestechie, it'll take a while.07:29
aesiamunOpenix: vmware isn't gonna work with this...too slow...07:29
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brandon2crimsun: on it07:29
aesiamunOpenix:  It's streaming video07:29
techie_cables thanks again.07:30
navreetFlannel, was clicking on the wrong link07:30
navreetFlannel, thnx07:30
arooniwhat is a good winamp reaplacement for ubuntu?07:30
Openixaesiamun: have you tried07:30
techie_cables thanks for the private info.07:30
aesiamunno, but i only have 1GB of RAM in this box.07:30
cables!winamp | arooni07:30
ubotuarooni: winamp is a windows music player. On Ubuntu you can use beep-media-player or xmms as alternative.07:30
aesiamuni would think that would suck up ram like a motha...wouldn't it?07:31
jpoe<arrenlex>:  ls -lc shows me the ctime information, but not the last user to modify it07:31
aroonicables: which is better07:31
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Openixaesiamun: ok thought that would do07:31
cablesarooni, I have no idea.07:31
Artemis3arooni, both are old, that ubotu info is outdated07:31
aesiamunOpenix: server or workstation?07:31
arrenlexjpoe: Oh, I misunderstood what you wanted, sorry.07:31
arooniArtemis3: which woudl you install?>07:31
Artemis3arooni, maybe you want the trend: Amarok07:31
Openixaesiamun: server07:31
aesiamunOpenix: I'll try it.07:32
jpoeAh, no prob .. thanks for the attempt though07:32
Openixarooni: I run Exaile07:32
aesiamunactually...i have a vmware server box, a 4100+ with 3GB...i wonder if the network would slow it down too much.  Thanks, i'll try it.07:32
Artemis3ah yes, that too07:32
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techie_cables some of the installation says no such file etc.... so I wondered how much will work and how much will not.07:33
techie_cables. not it is regenrating font cache07:33
Openixaesiamun: cool, i always advocate virtual technologies over wine07:33
brandon2crimsun: http://pastebin.ca/38068107:33
techie_setting up ttf-larabie-straight.... blablabla07:33
cablestechie_, that's what happened to me, and it worked. Just let it do its thing.07:33
aesiamunOpenix: yeah i wish we could virtualize 3d, then i could play eve again.07:33
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brandon2crimsun: this is taking a long time, I will give more if we can get it working07:33
TridenT_Boy3555Hey all07:33
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TridenT_Boy3555I need a question answered now if possible.07:34
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Openixaesiamun: read that vmware have a 3d version coming out07:34
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Vuenhey guys, anyone know why i have a file in /media called ".hal-mtab-lock"?07:34
billyTridenT_Boy3555, what's your Q?07:34
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aesiamunOpenix: i saw a demo of that.  I'll believe it when it's not on youtube and is sitting in front of me :)07:34
Openixaesiamun: lol07:35
aesiamunOpenix: I'll renew my workstation license if it's that good.07:35
TridenT_Boy3555I have a Asus P5L-MX motherboard, this motherboard has the Attansic L1 Gigabit NIC built-in. It did not work out of the box because of drivers in windows XP. Now will it work in Ubuntu? If not, I need a way to get the driver onto the ubuntu install...Also I need to know how to install it because I am a total "noob."07:35
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Vuenon a possibly related note, my cdrom won't mount. i put an ordinary data dvd in the drive, and it won't mount it or give me the pop up to view the files. i've tried a few different dvds that i know work. anyone know what's wrong?07:35
Openixaesiamun: i run server cause its free07:35
aesiamunOpenix: I have both because workstation is more friendly when it comes to developers and really getting into the vm.07:35
Artemis3TridenT_Boy3555, test booting from the ubuntu desktop cd to find out07:36
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billyTridenT_Boy3555, I have that exact same motherboard.07:36
Openixaesiamun: k07:36
aesiamunOpenix: but server runs just as well for normal vms07:36
jonnocan i hook up a second monitor(dual monitor) and have it work automatically?07:36
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TridenT_Boy3555Billy: and07:36
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jonnoor would i have to configure it?07:36
brandon2crimsun: did you get the last url?07:36
aesiamuncrap...my ubuntu server says I'm not in the sudoers list.07:36
techie_cable what is a good program to burn an iso to cd?07:36
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billyTridenT_Boy3555, and I have XP installed.07:36
TridenT_Boy3555billy: either you are a very thoughtful person or you are just really wanting to see how long you can prolong your statements.07:37
techie_or to open an iso in ubuntu?07:37
Openixaesiamun: im impressed with vmware - but virtualbox is looking better everyday and is being included in feisty so i hear07:37
Artemis3open as in viewing the contents?07:37
billyTridenT_Boy3555, I'm just saying that that may not be your problem.07:37
jonnoi have a question07:37
TridenT_Boy3555billy: Yea and07:37
TridenT_Boy3555billy: I installed drivers then it worked billy.07:37
cablesjonno, ask it07:37
jonnocan i hook up a second monitor(dual monitor) and have it work automatically?07:37
jonnoor would i have to configure it?07:37
billyTridenT_Boy3555, what's your problem again?07:37
TridenT_Boy3555billy: Out of the box working in ubuntu07:38
Artemis3i think file-roller can "extract" from iso too07:38
aesiamunOpenix: I tried xen but the 64bit xen kernel doesn't boot :(  Virtualbox looks good...Parallels is good too and the price is right...$80 is a steal especially because they give you a license that works in both windows and linux.07:38
techie_cables... I have an iso that need to burn to cd or open, which program do you recommend to do so?07:38
TridenT_Boy3555billy: everything, like the NIC on the P5L-MX07:38
Openixaesiamun: neat07:38
TridenT_Boy3555billy: because that sort of is helpful to have your NIC which is some-what uncommon to work out of the box since the CD that came with the motherboard does probably most likely not contain the Linux drivers for the NIC.07:38
crimsunbrandon2: busy atm, will look asap07:38
cablestechie_, just right click it, and click burn to disc. If that doesn't do it for you, you can use GnomeBaker07:38
brandon2crimsun: no problem07:38
aesiamunOpenix: but i use parallels on my mac, vmware server on my vm server and about to use vmware server on this box.07:39
techie_Cables.... thanks. the fonts still doing its thing!07:39
billyTridenT_Boy3555, I don't think I can help.  Sorry.07:39
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Episcopusanyone willing to help with a wireless card problem in edgy?07:39
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TridenT_Boy3555You know of where I can get my drivers?07:39
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aroonihow do i get the media codecs i need (MP3, ogg etc...)?07:40
techie_cables.... it finally finished... how do I know whether those fonts you gave me worked or not?07:40
billyTridenT_Boy3555: no.  I don't know.  Sorry.  Mine worked fairly well, with just a touch of tweaking of the xserver and alsa.07:40
crimsunbrandon2: can you set the levels for Master and PCM to both 100%, and also unmute LFE (and set it to 100%)?07:40
cablestechie_, try a website, see how it looks... restart the browser first though07:40
cablesjonno, ?07:40
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jonnoi asked07:40
techie_ok. i will try right now07:40
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billyTridenT_Boy3555: have you tried the Asus homepage.07:41
Openixarooni: http://www.openix.co.nz/nonfreemedia.php07:41
cablesjonno, that doesn't mean I can answer it. If someone can, they will. I was just telling you to ask your question to everyone.07:41
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TridenT_Boy3555billy: working on it.07:42
brandon2crimsun: no luck07:42
brandon2crimsun: what about iec958?07:42
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techie_Cables... this is kind of interesting .... I have not even opened the browser but I noticed the following: My applications are now at the bottom of the monitor where before, it was all on top . strange but I had gotten used to it.07:42
TridenT_Boy3555billy: no drivers on asus homepage for linux07:42
sureshothey is there a way to run a make file like a line at a time to see why and ware your errors are07:42
techie_but this way is better07:42
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cablestechie, your applications menu?07:42
cablestechie, you can change any of that.07:42
billyTridenT_Boy3555: hmm .... are you using Edgy?07:42
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TridenT_Boy3555billy: don't have it installed yet...6.1007:43
crimsunbrandon2: you can try it, but it won't help (unless you have a _weird_ quirk)07:43
cablestechie_, everything is totally configurable. You can move *anything* to any panel.07:43
TridenT_Boy3555billy: If I did, I wouldn't be talking to you...I'd be out of business as far as communications via the internet would go.07:43
brandon2crimsun: no luck07:43
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TridenT_Boy3555billy: So yea, no clue if it's edgy or whatever07:43
techie_Cables, yes but when you gave me those fonts, the whole monitor rearranged itself in a neater way. must be the fonts07:44
TridenT_Boy3555billy: I assume that is what you meant07:44
TridenT_Boy3555billy: real nub here07:44
cablestechie_, that's really weird...07:44
cablestechie_, do you mean that the menus moved or something?07:44
cypher1TridenT_Boy3555, lsb_release -c07:44
crimsunbrandon2: ok, then likely you'll need to try hg alsa-driver and back out one patch07:44
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crimsunbrandon2: sudo aptitude install mercurial autoconf automake1.707:45
sureshothey is there a way to run a make file like a line at a time to see why and ware your errors are07:45
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TridenT_Boy3555 cypher1: I'll try to remember that after I install ubuntu07:45
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TridenT_Boy3555Be back later, going to install07:46
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techie_well the microphone and applications, places and system were on the lower part when I first opened the browser now everything is back to normal they are on top07:46
Openixsureshot: pipe the output to a file eg make install > error.txt07:46
brandon2crimsun: done07:46
sureshotthanke Openix07:46
techie_cables maybe I touched something and I moved them without being aware.07:46
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cablestechie_, either way, if you don't like where they are, you can move them.07:46
techie_cables... but the browser looks now as clear as when I was using windows. and with the same bluish background... all very clear.07:46
crimsunbrandon2: hg clone http://hg-mirror.alsa-project.org/alsa-driver alsa-driver && hg clone http://hg-mirror.alsa-project.org/alsa-kernel alsa-kernel07:46
D7how do I edit the colours of a controls section of a theme?07:47
techie_cables. how do you move them.?07:47
techie_just to know because I like them where they are.07:47
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cablestechie_, you mean your panel menus? right click, uncheck Lock To Panel, right click again, click Move, move them.07:47
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brandon2crimsun: done07:49
techie_cables. how do you have yours organized.... example applications places, system are top left and the sound and date is top right07:49
KeeNaFhi guys07:49
sureshotwhat does yacc -d grammer.y means when running make07:49
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KeeNaFim using x chat but i cant see da list of people ..07:49
crimsunbrandon2: now you'll need to use hgcompile. Remember the configure options.07:49
brandon2crimsun: I do not07:50
scforthey people, I have an X-FI sound card and am not having luck making it work.  Have any of you had success?07:50
billyPeace and Love to all earthlings.  Goodnight.07:50
Beveragehey folks emergency...sord of...i installed ubuntu then windows xp onto a laptop, the laptop is using the windows boot menu and not giving me the option to boot into ubuntu how do i change this back to grub!?07:50
cablestechie_, i have my open windows list taskbar thingy at the bottom, along with force quit, show desktop, virtual desktops, and the trash, and I have my menus, notification area, clock, and shut down button, along with a bunch of monitors for batteries and stuff, at the top.07:50
arrenlex!grub | Beverage07:50
ubotuBeverage: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:50
cables!grub | Beverage07:50
sureshotwhat does yacc -d grammar.y means when running make (misspelled grammar)07:50
cablesarrenlex, damn, didn't see that07:50
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techie_KeeNaf I had a similar situation and it was me... what you do is position your cursor so that you can slide the names and you will see them. right now the names are squeezed against the right side of your xchat window... you have to play around with it.07:50
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kingvi'm tried to install kubuntu, xbuntu, ubuntu..every time i start the install in normal or safe graphics my monitor shows me bunch of messed up color and i can't see anything..07:50
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Beveragearrenlex, thanlks07:51
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Flannelkingv: grab the alternate CD07:51
cablesBeverage, hey, I tried :)07:51
crimsunbrandon2: well, first you'll need to back out http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa-kernel/raw-rev/02d568a3f44007:51
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KeeNaFahh .. got it .. TQ techie_ .. :)07:51
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brandon2crimsun: sorry I don't understand07:51
techie_Keenaf... u are welcome07:51
kingvflannel: from where ?07:51
KeeNaFi still new in linux .. just install around 1 month and i enjoy it!07:51
crimsunbrandon2: download it, then back it out using patch -p1 -R </path/to/patch07:52
Flannelkingv: same place.07:52
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kingvflannel: what's the difference ?07:52
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Flannelkingv: if youre grabbing edgy, you'll need to click the "More install options" to get to it07:52
techie_KeeNaf.. don't feel bad, I am just two days old doing this... sometimes you learn fast and other times you get stuck in the simplest things.07:52
bullgard3What command will show the modules in my kernel?07:52
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KeeNaFyes .. that is rite07:52
Flannelkingv: once you've installed? nothing.  during install-- instead of being a liveCD, with an install command, you get a textmode GUI to install07:52
cypher1bullgard3, lsmod07:53
techie_CAbles. I don't know if you tell me. how do you have your icons organized on yours.07:53
Beveragecables, thanks for your try :D if arrenlex had a heartattack you would have been my savior07:53
cablestechie_, I did, but i probably got your nick wrong07:53
techie_Cables... I have everything on top except for the trash at the bottom.07:53
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techie_tell me again.07:53
bullgard3cypher1: Thank you.07:53
kingvflannel: oh ok.. i will hop on and do that quickly .. thanks a lot for your help07:53
Episcopuscan't make my wireless card work in edgy. can anyone helo?07:53
cablestechie_, i have my open windows list taskbar thingy at the bottom, along with force quit, show desktop, virtual desktops, and the trash, and I have my menus, notification area, clock, and shut down button, along with a bunch of monitors for batteries and stuff, at the top07:53
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cablestechie_, see that?07:54
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techie_Cables... thanks for everything I must go and zzzzzzzzzzzzz before my eyelashes fall off by themselves!!!07:54
p47how did he rotate the images or windows like vista ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9UF4FKzsMk&mode=related&search=07:54
p47how did he rotate the images or windows like vista ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9UF4FKzsMk&mode=related&search=07:54
brandon2crimsun: do I save the contents as a .txt?  then do I run patch -p1 -R </home/patch.txt    ?07:54
crimsunbrandon2: sure, but your location is probably different07:54
Flannelp47: #ubuntu-effects will get you all setup with XGL07:54
affluxp47: at me its the windows-key and tab07:55
techie_cables.... must run. Thanks to all the people in this channel. Everybody is always very helpful. I appreciate the input.07:55
D7how can I edit the colours of the simple theme?07:55
techie_bye for now.07:55
cablestechie_, bye07:55
bulmerEpiscopus: what kind of chip your wifi have?07:55
p47afflux: ohh yeah that-s it07:55
p47afflux: thank-s07:55
Hasrat_USAhey ubunteros how are you all doing?07:56
Episcopusbulmer: it's a prism 2.5 netgear ma31107:56
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Episcopusbulmer: supposed to be supported out of the box07:56
brandon2crimsun: file to patch?07:56
crimsunbrandon2: yes, use the location where you placed it07:57
bulmerEpiscopus: what have you done so far to activate it?07:57
brandon2crimsun: http://pastebin.ca/38070707:57
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Episcopusbulmer: i had it completely functional yesterday, then i downloaded all of the updates that came out between yesterday and edgy's release and it quit working07:57
Episcopusnow iwconfig doesn't find it07:58
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crimsunbrandon2: make sure you're inside the directory of alsa-kernel07:58
Episcopusbulmer: and it isn't in my network list07:58
cablesCan anyone point me to the instructions on how to use the persistent liveCD?07:58
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bulmerEpiscopus: how many directories you have under /lib/firmware?07:58
Episcopusbulmer: how do i find out using the terminal?07:59
xerrozI would like to install a minimal ubuntu base with full debugging symbols. Can anyone point me to a resource that may help? Or if anyone knows...07:59
brandon2crimsun: done07:59
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TridenT_Boy3555Won't even boot07:59
TridenT_Boy3555Gives me error07:59
bulmerEpiscopus: you can list it07:59
crimsunbrandon2: now use the hgcompile script07:59
bulmerand count it07:59
TridenT_Boy3555Worst part is I only got a A in Excite truck!1!08:00
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brandon2crimsun: from the alsa-kernel directory .... sudo ./hgcompile?08:00
thekidrioanyone having problems with an ATI with herd 5?08:00
Episcopusbulmer: 2 folders inside /lib/firmware. they are 2.6.17-10-generic and 2.6.17-11-generic08:00
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TridenT_Boy3555Anyone wanna help me out herE?08:00
crimsunbrandon2: no, from alsa-driver08:00
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bulmerEpiscopus: do you see your old kernel amongst those directories?08:00
crimsunbrandon2: and don't use sudo08:00
thekidrioi can't seem to get hardware excel working with ATI x1900 with herd 508:00
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thekidrioi am using the drivers from ati.com08:01
Episcopusbulmer: i don't know what the old kernel was, i just installed ubuntu for the first time yesterday08:01
cypher1TridenT_Boy3555, what is your problem ?08:01
bulmerEpiscopus: do a  uname -a08:01
bulmerand match those to those dirs08:01
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:02
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arrenlexthekidrio: Pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log please08:02
Episcopusbulmer: "... 2.6.17-11-generic #2 SMP Thu Feb 108:02
arrenlex!pastebin | thekidrio08:02
TridenT_Boy3555cypher1: gives me hda error08:02
ubotuthekidrio: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:02
TridenT_Boy3555cypher1: hda: ide_intr: huh? expected NULL handler on exit08:02
MaartenLxI just installed VMWare on Linux.... and am now proceeding to install Windows 2003 Server in a VM, just to play around with it. :)08:03
TridenT_Boy3555cypher1: Buffer I/O error on device hda, logical block 35361208:03
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bulmerEpiscopus: then look in the 17-10 directory, your older drivers should be there08:03
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cypher1TridenT_Boy3555, when did you get that error ?08:03
thekidrioarrenlex: will do :)08:03
Episcopusbulmer: and that bulmer: this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsNetgear says "Detected as eth0 and started working after modules.conf was edited (wlan0 to eth0)"  do i have to go somewhere and change wlan 0 to etho, or should that mean that it was already done?08:04
techie_cables... I just came back because the following dawned on me! I have a friend who is also switching from windows to ubuntu soon, I would like to tell him about the fonts you sent me... can you give me the commands again and I will save them on some sort of editor so that I can tell him . I did not save the previous session before I left.08:04
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Episcopusbulmer: and there are lots of things in the 17-10 directory, but i don't know what they are08:05
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bulmerEpiscopus: you have to figure out which one of those is for the netgear chip you have08:05
TridenT_Boy3555cypher1: about 3 minutes after I hit install08:05
bulmerprism rather08:05
TridenT_Boy3555cypher1: on the intial boot screen08:05
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TridenT_Boy3555cypher1: Or maybe it was after I said check CD08:06
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:06
TridenT_Boy3555cypher1: not sure which08:06
techie_I guess cables is gone....08:06
Episcopusbulmer: ok, should be fun.  if i figure it out, then what08:06
techie_good night you all...08:06
bulmerEpiscopus: why did you have to upgrade ?08:06
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brandon2crimsun: done08:06
Episcopusi wanted to install opera and couldn't because of unmet dependencies08:07
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ubotusoundblaster is If you need help with setting up your soundblaster card, then visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundcardsWithHardwareSynth08:07
Episcopusbulmer: i wanted to install opera and couldn't because of unmet dependencies08:07
bulmerEpiscopus: well...what does iwconfig -a show?08:07
K3ntois soudblaster or alsa better08:07
crimsunbrandon2: installed, too? (sudo make install-modules && sudo depmod -e)08:07
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aroonihey folks...08:07
arooniwhere are apps installed by default08:07
Episcopusbulmer: no such device08:07
bulmerEpiscopus: well...what does iwconfig  show?08:07
gyaresuK3nto: alsa is the sound engine.08:07
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aroonieclipse for isntance08:08
arooniwhere do i find that....08:08
brandon2crimsun: reboot?08:08
arrenlex!eclipse | arooni08:08
arooniand how do i search for eclipse if i didnt know where it was located08:08
K3ntogyaresu: i just selecte soundblaster and its working08:08
ubotuarooni: eclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 121 kB, installed size 412 kB08:08
aroonior any program directory08:08
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Episcopusbulmer: lo - no wireless extensions; wlan0 - no wireless extensions; sit0 - no wireless extensions08:08
arrenlex!synaptic | arooni08:08
ubotuarooni: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto08:08
crimsunbrandon2: yes08:09
arooniok arrenlex i have eclipse on my comptuer already08:09
arooniand its installed08:09
gyaresuK3nto: good.08:09
bulmerEpiscopus: it looks like wlan0 is your nic for wireless08:09
aroonithe issue is where to find the program directory08:09
arooniand specifically where teh plugins dir is08:09
Episcopusbulmer: i figured, but there is nothing there and i don't know how to associate the wlan0 and my card08:09
K3ntogyaresu: are there any real differences between the two?08:09
gyaresuTridenT_Boy3555: hmmm?08:09
arrenlexarooni: You can type "dpkg -L <name of program>" in the console to list files in a package.08:10
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TridenT_Boy3555gyaresu: hda error before I get to install08:10
TridenT_Boy3555gyaresu: somethin' about logical boot error I think08:10
bulmerEpiscopus: use of dmesg, lshw will give you a hint to your wireless08:10
gyaresuK3nto: soundblaster is just the sound card. I wasn't following what you were doing but I'm pretty sure you just changed the sound device to the soundblaster. That's why it works now.08:10
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about reader - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:11
gyaresuTridenT_Boy3555: Can you be more specific please.08:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ms - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:11
gyaresuubotu: tell K3nto about ubotu08:11
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thoreauputic!botabuse > K3nto08:12
K3nto!ubotu | K3nto08:12
gyaresuK3nto: stop doing that in the channel.08:12
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Episcopusbulmer: lshw says network disabled; description: ethernet interface; product: prism 2.5 wavelan chispet; ...; logical name wlan0; ...08:12
clark07how can i open .rar archives?08:12
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TridenT_Boy3555About which part?08:12
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mackinacK3nto:   selecting "soundblaster" probably gives you OSS instead of ALSA08:12
gyaresuclark07: unrar08:12
TridenT_Boy3555The errors or what?08:12
clark07thank you : ) gyaresu08:12
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gyaresuclark07: welcome.08:13
brandon2crimsun: no luck08:13
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crimsunbrandon2: amixer output?08:13
K3ntoi have a memory card reader built into my computer. why does it only work with SD cards and not memory sticks?08:13
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K3ntowith ubuntu08:13
Episcopusbulmer: so, my wlan card show up as an ethernet interface. could that be a problem?08:14
gyaresuK3nto: what type of memory stick do you mean? USB?08:14
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bulmerEpiscopus: i dont believe so08:14
K3ntothe reader is built in08:14
gyaresuEpiscopus: not if you want networking with it.08:14
K3ntoi just push the memory stick in08:14
mackinacmemory stick as in Sony's ?08:14
K3ntosony memory stick08:14
Episcopusbulmer; gyaresu: ok, what should i try next then?08:15
K3ntoyeah its a medium format08:15
TridenT_Boy3555gyaresu: ....08:15
brandon2crimsun: pastebin not responding08:15
gyaresuK3nto: and when you do that it should register. check out the end of 'dmesg'. There should be '/dev/sda1' or somesuch.08:15
TridenT_Boy3555gyaresu: more specific about what08:15
gyaresuTridenT_Boy3555: yes.08:15
=== defendguin [n=supertux@cpe-72-181-7-135.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
arooniive got three files i need to write to /lib/eclipse/plugins.... but when i copy file over to the destination i get the error ' you dont have persmission to write to this folder'08:15
bulmerEpiscopus: you need to load the driver  again look in the  /lib/firmware/`uname -r`/08:15
arooniany ideas?08:15
crimsunbrandon2: use paste.ubuntu-nl.org08:15
gyaresuTridenT_Boy3555: If you want help then you need to phrase it as a question.08:15
K3ntogyaresu: what?08:15
TridenT_Boy3555gyaresu: lol08:15
bulmerarooni: you see who owns that dir08:16
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aroonibulmer: well i own everything i just installed linux today08:16
brandon2crimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8502/08:16
gyaresuK3nto: from a terminal run the command 'dmesg'08:16
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arrenlex!sudo | arooni08:16
ubotuarooni: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:16
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TridenT_Boy3555gyaresu: can you be more specific???08:16
bulmerarooni: you believed you do, which user you are logged on?08:16
aroonibulmer: chasetoys.. a user account08:17
crimsunbrandon2: amixer set 'IEC958' mute08:17
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aroonibulmer: i know how sudo works... but if youre trying to drag files grahpically, theres no place to type sudo in08:17
bulmerarooni: then does chasetoys own that directory you want to write to?08:17
bulmerarooni: then use the command line08:17
gyaresuTridenT_Boy3555: Are you joking? If you have a problem (which is why you said 'help') then I imagine you might need to state what the problem is.08:17
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aroonibulmer: theres no way to do it with the drag & drop?08:17
aroonisudo that is08:17
brandon2crimsun: done, no sound08:17
Episcopusbulmer: what does 'uname -r' mean08:17
K3ntogyaresu: ok. i should look for...08:18
bulmerEpiscopus: man uname08:18
crimsunbrandon2: ok, we'll need to modify something. Sec.08:18
TridenT_Boy3555gyaresu: won't boot..won't go to install even08:18
cypher1arooni, may be you do "sudo nautilius" and try.. not sure whether it will work08:18
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Openixarooni: to do things as root in natilus type   gksudo nautilus08:18
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Episcopusbulmer: got it, sorry08:18
TridenT_Boy3555gyaresu: I cannot load install for ubuntu... I try and I get errors before I get the option to install08:18
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crimsunbrandon2: which gateway model did you say yours is?08:19
bulmerEpiscopus: none to be sorry about, you just have to do a little more08:19
brandon2crimsun: Mx341408:19
gyaresuK3nto: If you plug the USB stick in then it will register at the end of 'dmesg'. Try that.08:19
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K3ntogyaresu: it isnt a usb stick08:20
crimsunbrandon2: please pastebin the contents of /proc/asound/card0/codec*08:20
gyaresuTridenT_Boy3555: Are you able to run the LiveCD?08:20
K3ntobut i know what u r saying i think08:20
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gyaresuK3nto: Sony chewing gum stick? Little blue thing?08:20
aroonicypher1: what does sudo nautilus do08:20
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mackinacgyaresu:   "memory stick" is a Sony memory card08:20
cypher1arooni, it starts the nautilus with root permissions08:21
Openixarooni: with nautilus  it should be gksudo08:21
Episcopusbulmer: i am probably not entering the right commands into the terminal... i should be entering "lib/firmware/'uname -r'/" right now, or something different?08:21
K3ntogyaresu: yes08:21
arooniOpenix: what is gksudo08:21
brandon2crimsun: empty?08:21
gyaresumackinac: I have no idea what that is. There are so many formats. Is it just flash memory in a proprietary enclosure?08:21
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mackinacgyaresu:   yes08:21
crimsunbrandon2: err, it can't be empty. cat it08:22
Openixarooni: gksudo is the gui version of sudo08:22
TridenT_Boy3555gyaresu: haven't tried.08:22
brandon2crimsun: brandon@brandon-laptop:~$ gedit /proc/asound/card0/codec*08:22
gyaresuK3nto: you need to run 'lspci' to see if it's recognised.08:22
bulmerEpiscopus: its backtick not forward ticks08:22
gyaresuTridenT_Boy3555: So what are you installing from?08:22
crimsunbrandon2: no, use cat from the Terminal08:22
TridenT_Boy3555gyaresu: the install cd...08:22
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jfenwickanyone know what the library is for the gtk C header files?08:23
Openixarooni: if you work in the console text only sudo is fine but for the gnome gui it should be gksudo08:23
gyaresuTridenT_Boy3555: So which CD have you got? (let's start from the beginning.)08:23
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arrenlexjfenwick: Compiling from source? apt-get install build-essential08:23
brandon2crimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8503/08:23
niyantaHi, I have installed Ubuntu in my compay presario 3000z laptop. Right now the screen resolution is 1024x768. How do I change it to 1280x800?08:23
TridenT_Boy3555gyaresu: the install cd08:23
arrenlex!fixres | niyanta08:24
TridenT_Boy3555gyaresu: the 64-bit one08:24
ubotuniyanta: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:24
Openixjfenwick: i think its just gtk.h08:24
gyaresuTridenT_Boy3555: So you are trying to install the 64bit version?08:24
the_stigHey can someone help me wiht installing ubuntu ISO without burning it onto a cd08:24
TridenT_Boy3555gyaresu: yea08:24
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:24
gyaresuTridenT_Boy3555: You are new to linux?08:24
TridenT_Boy3555the_stig: nice name08:24
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TridenT_Boy3555gyaresu: Some-what08:24
Episcopusbulmer: i switched to backticks and the only result was now the command line shows ">" and nothing else. should it take a while for a reaction?08:24
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TridenT_Boy3555gyaresu: used it before and stuff but never really full time and got to learn how to use it etc08:24
p47before I can capture somting with the mouse a image capture but now I don't know how08:25
arrenlexEpiscopus: You didn't end one of your backticks.08:25
gyaresuTridenT_Boy3555: You should just install the 32bit version.08:25
p47do you know how ?08:25
bulmerEpiscopus: you need to load the driver  again look in the  /lib/firmware/`uname -r`/  <-- cut and paste this08:25
jfenwickOpenix: where is that located?08:25
arrenlexEpiscopus: It's not doing anything. Cancel it with control+c and fix it.08:25
the_stigAny ideas?08:25
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dobblegohow do I set the refresh rate of the login screen? my monitor doesn't like it08:26
mackinac!install > the_stig08:26
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K3ntogyaresu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8504/08:26
K3ntoit picks up the reader alright08:26
gkellyis anyone here familiar in setting up XGL on a Ubuntu 64 bit OS?08:26
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Episcopusbulmer: can't copy/paste, different machine08:27
snaxis there a special channel for discussing feisty?08:27
gyaresuTridenT_Boy3555: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/GetUbuntu/download?action=show&redirect=download get that or the kubuntu version.08:27
jfenwickOpenix: the problem is I looked in my /usr/include and I can't find gtk.h so where would it be located, or what package do I need to download to get it?08:27
K3ntonot sure08:27
mackinacsnax - #ubuntu+108:27
TridenT_Boy3555gyaresu: what the heck is kubuntu??08:27
Openixjfenick: im not sure if its installed by default, you may have to install the gtk library and / or dev packages08:27
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bulmerEpiscopus: use   `   its below ~ on the left of 1 key08:27
Episcopusbulmer: finally did it right and have a list08:28
gkellydoes anyone know a website for what i said above?08:28
gkellyi have looked at forums08:28
=== ChaseCharleville [n=redfang_@ip68-97-184-97.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
gyaresuTridenT_Boy3555: ubuntu with KDE rather than Gnome (but you end up mixing and matching bits anyway)08:28
Openixjfenwick: im not sure if its installed by default, you may have to install the gtk library and / or dev packages08:28
ChaseCharlevilleI can't figure out how to boot from a cd to install ubuntu08:28
gkellydo you have the live cd?08:28
TridenT_Boy3555gyaresu: downin' at 550kbps08:28
ChaseCharlevilleWhat's that08:28
K3ntogyaresu: did you see my link?08:28
mackinacgkelly, I'd ask in #ubuntu+108:28
gkellyok ty08:28
gkellyjust a min chase08:29
gkellyi will get a link for you08:29
ChaseCharlevillei wrote the iso to a disk08:29
crimsunbrandon2: is this with headphones or...?08:29
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ChaseCharlevilleand it didn't work when i tryed to boot from it08:29
gyaresuK3nto: http://www.thisishull.net/showthread.php?t=24590408:29
mackinacgkelly:  sry, i mean #ubuntu-effects08:29
TridenT_Boy3555On another note I FINALLY GOT A S rank on excite racer for the freaking canada river run map08:29
gkellyhey chase08:29
TridenT_Boy3555God did it take forever08:29
brandon2crimsun: headphones and speakers both don't work08:29
brandon2crimsun: I have been trying both with each change08:30
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gyaresuK3nto: just a quick google for R5C592 which was in the memory stick line of your pastebin.08:30
gkellychase you there?08:30
gyaresuK3nto: unsupported.08:30
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Episcopusbulmer: the list is about 40 items, none indicate prism2 in their names08:30
ChaseCharlevillei am08:30
ChaseCharlevilleok i put in the cd and the ubuntu splash came up08:31
brandon2crimsun: people with mx3410 and mx3416 have same problem I believe08:31
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bulmerEpiscopus: it may not be named as prism2 ..google for whats the name for prism2 drivers08:31
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Openixjfenwick: check this out http://www.howtoforge.org/apt_file_debian_ubuntu08:31
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gkellydid it load to the login?08:31
jfenwickOpenix: thanks08:31
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gkellyi pmd you08:32
gkellylook on the side08:32
gkellyi will talk to you there08:32
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gkellywhat was that forum category again?08:32
gkellysomething effect?08:32
mackinacthe channel was #ubuntu-effects08:32
gkellyalright ty08:32
crimsunbrandon2: ok, there's no straightforward way to get your sound working. I'll forward this bug, and we'll need to work on it. It requires code changes to patch_08:33
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Episcopusbulmer: should be prism2_pci or hostap_pci, neither are in my list08:33
crimsunsound/pci/hda/patch_sigmatel.c, even.08:33
ChaseCharlevillei pmed you08:33
ChaseCharlevilletalk to you on the pm08:33
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brandon2crimsun: ok, sounds good.  Is there anything else you need from me?08:33
crimsunbrandon2: not atm08:34
brandon2crimsun: have paypal?08:34
bulmerEpiscopus: lsmod |grep hostap  and see if its loaded...if not then get the driver from some repositories and load it via modprobe08:34
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crimsunbrandon2: no need to pay. I'm ubuntu's alsa maintainer.08:34
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albackerwhat are some apps for editing .avi/.mpg videos under ubuntu ?!08:34
brandon2crimsun: I noticed that.  I appreciate all of your help.08:34
perplexityIs there any way to blacklist a driver when booting the Desktop LiveCD? I have an odd piece of hardware in a box and the default bttv probing locks the box solid, can I prevent Ubuntu from probing the bttv driver on bootup of the CD? (I can configure it properly once it's loaded)08:34
ChaseCharlevilleare oyu there?08:34
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brandon2crimsun: if you need to get in touch about this (brandoncolorado gmail) or brandoncolorado in forums.08:35
ChaseCharlevillei sent you a pm08:35
crimsunbrandon2: ok, I'll note the gmail for CCs08:35
gkellyyou arnet showing up08:35
gkellyo well08:35
gkellyi will talk to you here08:35
brandon2crimsun: sounds great, thanks again08:35
gyaresuChaseCharleville: gkelly If you're not registered then you can't pm.08:35
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gkellydo you ahve a 64 bit proc?08:35
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Episcopusbulmer: hostap_pci - 59152 - 0; hostap - 123012 - 1 - hostap_pci; ieee80211_crypt - 7552 - 1 - hostap08:36
ChaseCharlevillei wrote the iso to a cd08:36
gkellywhats your proc?08:36
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gkellyor intel08:36
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sanityxis there a way to see the size of a folder and all the files it contains?08:36
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gkellyright click on it08:36
gkellyand choose properties08:36
gkellypentium 4?08:36
ChaseCharleville3 or 408:36
sanityxi meant in the terminal08:36
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ChaseCharlevillecant remember08:36
gkellyalright let me get link08:36
gkellyfor you to download08:36
gkellyjust a min08:36
ChaseCharlevilledownload what08:36
ChaseCharlevillethe iso?08:36
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mackinacprivate messaging is disabled on FreeNode if your nickname isn't registered with nickserv08:37
gyaresugkelly: ChaseCharleville Could you guys preface your nicks so the rest of us know who you're talking to please. It just gets a little noisy in here is all.08:37
lordmaynothI just got openoffice 2.1 working08:37
brandon2crimsun: have a good night, shoot me an email if you need any more outputs08:37
=== Vluid [n=Vluid@dslb-084-063-017-135.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
gkellydownload the image to your desktop08:37
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mackinac!enter | gkelly08:37
ubotugkelly: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:37
Episcopusbulmer: 0 means off, doesn't it08:38
ChaseCharlevillegkelly: I have it downloaded08:38
TridenT_Boy3555Hey guys, what are some games on ubuntu..?08:38
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gkellythat same one08:38
gkellyhow you burn it?08:38
gkellywhat program you use08:38
gyaresu!offtopic | TridenT_Boy355508:38
ubotuTridenT_Boy3555: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:38
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JolyonWho  can help me ?08:38
ChaseCharlevilleI wrote it to a disk08:38
gkellyi know08:38
TridenT_Boy3555gyaresu: lol08:38
gkellybut you have to use a ISO burner08:38
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ChaseCharlevillei used infra recorder08:39
gyaresuJolyon: What's the problem?08:39
gkellyits made for burning iso's?08:39
ChaseCharlevillethe ubuntu website recomended it08:39
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gkellylol ok, well try imgburn08:39
gkellydoes the cd load at all?08:39
K3ntogyaresu: so until sony learns to share, there wont really be a stable driver08:39
ChaseCharlevilleyeah the ubuntu splash screen thingy comes up when i put the cd in08:39
dobblegois it possible to change the refresh rate of the login screen?08:39
ChaseCharlevillethe DiscTree08:39
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JolyonGdk Warning locale not supported by Xlib08:40
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gyaresuK3nto: Put them on your list of manafacturers not to buy from.08:40
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EpiscopusChaseCharleville: is your computer set to boot from cd drive?08:40
ChaseCharlevilleThat's what I want to know08:40
ChaseCharlevillehow to do it08:40
gkellyyou know how to get in bios?08:40
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gkellyumm, there is f4, f1208:41
gkellytry f1208:41
gyaresuJolyon: What were you doing when that happened.08:41
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gkellywhen your computer starts up08:41
gkelly'right at the beginning08:41
ChaseCharlevillei tryed that08:41
gkellywhats your computer?08:41
gkellyi think they are f208:41
gkellyor f408:41
gkellythey usually say at bootup08:41
ChaseCharlevilleits F1208:41
_cerberus_does anyone know what package I have to install in order to get v4l2-common.h?08:41
gkellyok lol08:41
gkellythen f1208:42
gkellypress it08:42
gkellyand it should let you into bios08:42
ChaseCharlevilleok i will08:42
gkellythen you just change the boot order08:42
gkellyto make the cd drive first08:42
gkellythen it should work,08:42
gyaresu!enter > gkelly08:42
ChaseCharlevilleF12 isnt the bios then08:42
mackinacwhy don't you two type "/join #gkelly" and dominate that channel instead? ;)08:42
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EpiscopusChaseChaleville: could be f8, that's what it is on both of my windows machines08:42
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gkellyexcellent suggestoion lol08:43
gkellyhe siad its f1208:43
ChaseCharlevilleill try F2, F4, F8 and F12 in the 3 seconds i have08:43
gkellynot f808:43
gkellythats windows08:43
brandon2I just added the generic kernel for troubleshooting, is it ok to keep using this kernel?08:43
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ChaseCharlevillei have windows...08:43
gyaresubrandon2: it's the kernel of choice.08:43
gkellyya, then tyr the f12 key or whatever08:44
_cerberus_does anyone know what package I have to install in order to get v4l2-common.h?08:44
brandon2gyaresu: ok thanks, is it possible/necessary to delete some of the others listed in GRUB?08:44
emetis there anyway to create a distributed apt repository?08:44
ChaseCharlevillelet me reboot08:44
ChaseCharlevilleill be back08:44
perplexity_cerberus_ have you searched http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/ ?08:44
K3ntogyaresu: haha can do08:45
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_cerberus_perplexity, I'll have a look08:45
gyaresubrandon2: 'dpkg --get-selections |grep image' Then 'apt-get remove' the ones you don't need. That's the clean way.08:45
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gyaresubrandon2: just make sure that 'uname -a' you leave the one you're currently using :)08:46
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brandon2gyaresu:  doesn't this seem like too many?   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8506/08:47
colbertHi I'm following this Howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto     What is the terminal command for "Run the mkdev.sh script in the lm-sensors source" ??08:48
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gyaresu brandon2 are you using the linux-image-2.6.17-11-generic kernel at the moment?08:48
_cerberus_perplexity, packages.ubuntulinux.org says it can't find it in any package for breezy08:48
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brandon2gyaresu: I think so, we downloaded generic just a while ago.08:48
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ChaseCharlevillegkelly are you there?08:49
gyaresubrandon2: 'uname -a' that will tell you. How old is the laptop? the -386 is for old machines.08:49
ChaseCharlevilleanyone know where gkelly went?08:49
brandon2gyaresu: 2.6.17-11-generic08:49
brandon2   (laptop is less than 1 year old)08:49
gkellyi am back08:49
EpiscopusChaseCharleville: did you get into your bios08:49
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darkcommongyaresu Talking about generic... AMD64 is the generic kernel??08:50
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ChaseCharlevillemy choices at startup were F2: Setup and F12: Boot Menu08:50
ChaseCharlevillei went to boot menu08:50
gkellyya, ok08:50
ChaseCharlevilleand my choices in there were08:50
gyaresubrandon2: then get rid of all the other linux-image ones and linux-image-38608:50
darkcommonF2= Bios Setup F12 = Boot Menu (select the booting drive"08:50
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gkellyboot menu08:51
gyaresudarkcommon: Sorry. I don't understand your question?08:51
gkellyyou would want to put cd first08:51
brandon2gyaresu apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.15-26-38608:51
GreyGhosthello guys... i updated my Edgy to a new kernel using the update manager ...but something seems to have gone wrong ..it did update the kernel and stuff fine.. but i still have the old kernel in the GRUB boot entry.. can i safely just delete thoose entries?08:51
brandon2gyaresu: like that?08:51
gyaresubrandon2: Yep.08:51
darkcommonGreyGhosy yep08:51
perplexity_cerberus_ looks like you need a newer distribution. It's available in Dapper +08:51
ChaseCharleville*Onboard SATA Hard Drive  *Onboard or USB CD-ROM Drive   *System Setup  * HardDrive Diagnostics  and *Boot to Utility Partition08:51
GreyGhostdarkcommon ,ok thanks :)08:51
ChaseCharlevillethose were my choices in boot menu08:51
gyaresubrandon2: or add all the packages on one line so you don't have to wait. Just leave a space in between them on the line.08:52
darkcommonGreyGhosy, or best, comment the lines of the olds kernels08:52
GreyGhostdarkcommon ,ahh ok :)08:52
darkcommonno problemo!!08:52
_cerberus_any chance of a backport of the required package? updating isn't really a option (dial up)08:52
colbertHi I'm following this Howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto     What is the terminal command for "Run the mkdev.sh script in the lm-sensors source" ??08:52
gyaresuGreyGhost: darkcommon Um. NO. apt-get remove them...08:52
GreyGhostgyaresu hmm .. and that wont harm the system right?08:53
darkcommongyaresu... REMOVE GRUB???08:53
perplexity_cerberus_ the required package is the kernel.. so yes you can probably do it, even so it's going to be a 20MB download08:53
ChaseCharlevilleany tips?08:53
gyaresudarkcommon: GreyGhost I've just been showing brandon2 how to safely get rid of old kernels.08:53
_cerberus_better than a 700Mb download though, cheers.08:53
ChaseCharlevilleYes? No?08:53
GreyGhostgyaresu ,ahh..ok .. i'll read back then ..08:53
gyaresudarkcommon: GreyGhost It will do it cleanly and remove grub entrys etc.08:54
ChaseCharlevillei put in my choices in boot menu up there08:54
aroonii need: PyGTK (version 2.0 or higher), GTK(version 2.4 or higher), and i'm not sure how i can get these.... sudo apt-get install odesnt find them08:54
ChaseCharlevillescroll up08:54
darkcommongyaresu well....08:54
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LordLimecathavin a bit of an annoying issue08:54
LordLimecatevery time i open add/remove...08:54
gkellyi will tell you right now, put cd first, then your hard drive08:54
darkcommonarooni "sudo aptitude search pygtk" "sudo aptitude search gtk"08:54
LordLimecatit says that the list of apps is out of date08:54
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brandon2gyaresu: can linux-generic go?08:54
LordLimecatand i need to reload08:54
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ChaseCharlevillebut how do i do that08:54
LordLimecatand i do08:54
LordLimecatbut it doesnt stop asking08:55
darkcommonarooni and instal the package more closer for u08:55
LordLimecative run apt-get update as well,08:55
aroonidarkcommon: what is this aptitude thing08:55
ChaseCharlevilleall i can do is select which one and enter08:55
gyaresubrandon2: (be verbose please) You mean this one: linux-image-generic ? Then no.08:55
darkcommonaptitude search" search and package on the repos08:55
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ChaseCharlevilleshould I go to F2 instead?08:55
ChaseCharlevilleits setup08:55
ChaseCharlevillethere's a bunch of stuff in there08:55
EpiscopusChaseCharleville: if you hit f2 and enter your bios, you should be able to change your boot order08:55
darkcommonChaseCharleville F2 is Bios Setup08:55
ChaseCharleville Ok08:56
ChaseCharlevillethen where do i go in there08:56
brandon2gyaresu: yes thank you08:56
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gyaresubrandon2: np08:56
GreyGhostLordLimecat ,tried using the Synaptic "Refresh " or whatever opton rather than rnning apt-get update?08:56
brandon2gyaresu: I am going to restart and check out the new clean GRUB :)08:56
gyaresubrandon2: see you soon ;)08:56
LordLimecatmany times08:56
LordLimecatand synaptic doesnt have the issue08:56
LordLimecatnor does apt-get08:56
darkcommonGreyGhost "Refresh" and "apt-get update" its the same08:56
EpiscopusChaseCharleville: it's different in every computer, look for something that says boot or boot order or boot device or something like that08:57
ChaseCharlevillethanks mate08:57
rapid_is allowing sshd connections a matter of opening the port in /etc/services?08:57
ChaseCharlevilleill try08:57
LordLimecatand its only fetching 13bytes08:57
GreyGhostdarkcommon ,oh k.. i just thought that the may mantain separate logs of their own..08:57
ChaseCharlevillewhat order?08:57
gyaresurapid_: you need to start the sshd service. Have you done that?08:57
LordLimecataptitude update, apt-get update, add/remove-->reload, and synaptic-->reload08:57
LordLimecatall run08:57
LordLimecatbut only add/remove complains when its opened08:58
darkcommonLordLimecat yep08:58
LordLimecatthe otehrs are fine08:58
gyaresurapid_: that file doesn't 'open ports' btw.08:58
EpiscopusChaseCharleville: 1st should be cd drive, then hard disk. your computer has to try to boot from your cd drive to run the intsall disk08:58
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rapid_gyaresu, no, ill do that now, I just have to go inside to do it08:58
EpiscopusChaseCharleville: i will be hear when you get back, give it a shot08:58
ChaseCharlevilleand leave the rest alone?08:58
Episcopusbut use my name whenyou come back08:58
darkcommonEpiscopus, or pushing F12 to select CDROM, its more simply08:58
ChaseCharlevillebe back in a jiff08:58
ChaseCharlevilleyeha but it dosen't work if i select cd-rom08:59
Episcopusdarkcommon: i know, but it should be set to boot from cd first anyway08:59
emetcan you open realmedia files in linux?08:59
ChaseCharlevilleuse Episcopus as my nickname?08:59
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Episcopusno, come in and say my name before talking08:59
aroonihow do i list *all* commandsi ever typed in08:59
GreyGhostLordLimecat ,lets try something weird.. backup ur sources.list ?08:59
Episcopusso i know you are back08:59
ChaseCharlevilleoh ok08:59
aroonito command line08:59
ChaseCharlevillesee you08:59
LordLimecatits backed up08:59
darkcommonemet "sudo apt-get install realplayer208:59
LordLimecatactually, i changed it, and i wonder if that could cause it?08:59
darkcommonemet "sudo apt-get install realplayer"08:59
gyaresurapid_: 'sudo update-rc.d ssh defaults' then 'sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start'08:59
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Rasiotehi guys09:00
rapid_gyaresu, cool. thanks.09:00
=== corevette [n=corevett@adsl-75-35-75-132.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
darkcommonemet Yes, I can09:00
gyaresurapid_: np.09:00
corevettewhat is the best video editing software for linux?09:00
LordLimecatbacked up09:00
darkcommoncorevette "Kino"09:00
emetdarkcommon, cool09:00
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GreyGhostLordLimecat ,just in case som,ething goes wrong ... ;) then open it and get rid of all the entries ... *remmebr make sure u have a proper backup of the list*09:00
darkcommonemet no problemo09:00
LordLimecati have many09:01
ghataki am problem with my NVIDIA drivers, when i run it compiles fine and then works fine too, but when i restart PC, the X does not start, and i have recompile the driver to use it. It complains that API is of diffirent version than kernel. If i run the downloaded driver from NVIDIA site then it will compile and run fine but wont work at restart. Help please .....!!!09:01
xerrozI would like to install a minimal ubuntu base with full debugging symbols. Can anyone point me to a resource that may help? Or if anyone knows...09:01
GreyGhost LordLimecat ,and make sure u know where it is ;)09:01
LordLimecati do :)09:01
LordLimecatjust...rm the file and re-create09:01
darkcommonghatak... search a new version of the Debian package.(if any)09:01
corevettewhat are the major cons of xfce?09:01
GreyGhostLordLimecat ,once u empty the list off all the entries ..save the file ..09:01
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LordLimecatits totally cleared09:01
GreyGhostLordLimecat ,dont delet e the file.. just delete the entries09:02
GreyGhostLordLimecat ,ok then .. sudo apt-get update09:02
Episcopusbulmer: i posted what appears when i did "lsmod |grep hostap" it doesn't mean anything to me though, so i am stuck. are you still here?09:02
LordLimecat(toolate o.0)09:02
gyaresudarkcommon: ghatak Your advice is less than acurate here at the moment...09:02
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GreyGhostthen put back an empty file with the same name ;)09:02
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gyaresughatak: I'll help you if you would like.09:02
aroonihow do i make something happen on startup?09:02
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LordLimecatwait, how did it know where to update from o.009:03
ghatakdarkcommon: there is a debian package for the driver, i upgraded because the version that came with Ubuntu gave some strange link raster lines on screen09:03
LordLimecatthe file is empty!09:03
EpiscopusChaseCharleville: did it work09:03
ghatakgyaresu: yes please09:03
darkcommonarooni System > Administration > Sessions there is a tab to add it09:03
ChaseCharlevilleI found the boot order and i changed it09:03
corevettearooni: system > preferences > sessions, then go to startups tab09:03
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ChaseCharlevillethen rrebooted agaun09:03
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LordLimecatit found stuff to update o.009:03
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LordLimecator rather09:03
ChaseCharlevilleand it just booted windows again09:03
GreyGhostLordLimecat ,oh k .. did u run apt-get update?09:03
EpiscopusChasCharleville: ok, still wouldn't go from disk?09:03
LordLimecatand yet the issue persists09:04
ChaseCharlevillemade cd drive the first prioritah09:04
gyaresughatak: So have you added the extra repos?09:04
GreyGhostLordLimecat ,then open it back up and then copy paste the stuff outa ur backup09:04
EpiscopusChaseCharleville: did you check your md5 checksums before burning your disk?09:04
ChaseCharlevillethen hard disk09:04
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colbertDoes anyone know what to type in terminal to do this: "Run the mkdev.sh script in the lm-sensors source" ???09:04
ChaseCharlevillehow do i do that?09:04
darkcommonChaseCharleville see the PM09:04
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arooniwhere should i put program files09:04
aroonilike gmail notifier09:04
aroonithat i downloaded09:04
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darkcommonChaseCharleville I will transfer you a boot floppy09:04
arooniand want to run on startup09:04
ghatakgyaresu: oh, i think it is already there, i can search again09:04
gyaresucolbert: did you donwload the lm-sensors source files?09:05
arooniright now its in /tmp09:05
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GreyGhostLordLimecat ,and then again "update" this had solved my problem with apt where it gave me weird errors.. maybe it;'ll work for this too ..09:05
EpiscopusChaseCharleville: there is a page that explains it linked to the howtoburniso page09:05
colbertgyaresu: Yes09:05
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ChaseCharlevillehowtoburniso page?09:05
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ChaseCharlevilleon the ubuntu site?09:05
LordLimecatbut how the heck did ubuntu still find servers to update from with an empty file09:05
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LordLimecatdoes it have a backup of its own?09:05
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gyaresughatak: Have you followed the nvidia instructions?09:05
gyaresughatak: I mean the ubuntu ones.09:06
LordLimecatW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://us.archive.ubuntu.com edgy/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_edgy_universe_binary-i386_Packages)09:06
LordLimecatW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://security.ubuntu.com edgy-security/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_edgy-security_universe_binary-i386_Packages)09:06
LordLimecatW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems09:06
EpiscopusChaseCharleville: yes, the HowToBurnIso page that told you to use infra recorder09:06
LordLimecatthis is probably my fault09:06
LordLimecatone sec09:06
GreyGhostLordLimecat ,it shouldn't it'll just pretty much try to update to emptyness..09:06
gyaresucolbert: so have you unpacked them and gone into that directory? that script is probably in there.09:06
ghatakgyaresu: no i have not, i am just looking for them on Wiki now09:06
LordLimecatbut it didnt!09:06
gyaresuubotu: tell ghatak about nvidia09:06
LordLimecatit listed all the default servers09:06
LordLimecatand updated from there09:06
NSolarzhey i need some help using ndiswrapper in eft09:06
krishnaI have a quick question... is there a keyboard shortcut to switch between workspaces?09:07
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EpiscopusChaseCharleville: are you trying to use edgy or dapper09:07
GreyGhostLordLimecat .weird... for me ..it just started with reading package tingys.. and then ended in a few lines..09:07
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krishnai want to remove the switcher from the taskbar - but still want to use the multiple workspaces09:07
Episcopus6.10 or 6.0609:07
snake_hi all. when i try to install k3d from adept it says to me could not commit changes. what can i do??09:07
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colbertgyaresu: I used sudo apt-get install lm-sensors, it finished and now how do I know where the directory is ??09:07
kingvflannel: i just installed it and colors were all messed up again... so i loged in to tty2.. anything that i could fix from here ?09:08
Episcopussorry krishna, that was directed to ChaseCharleville. i am too new to help with most things09:08
gyaresucolbert: Do you have a link to the info I assume you are following. Or more information.09:08
NSolarzhow do i use ndiswrapper in 6.10?09:08
snake_hi all. when i try to install k3d from adept it says to me could not commit changes. what can i do??09:08
arooniis there anything better than chatzilla for IRC for ubuntu?09:08
colbertgyaresu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto09:08
ChaseCharlevilleHold on Episcopus09:08
ChaseCharlevilledo you have AIM?09:08
arooniplease tell me there is.... im installing firefox plugins all the tiem09:08
GreyGhostsnake_ u had sudo right?09:08
LordLimecatW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://security.ubuntu.com edgy-security/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_edgy-security_universe_binary-i386_Packages)09:08
LordLimecatW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems09:09
ChaseCharlevilleIt's hard to see in all the text in here09:09
Episcopusyes, i do09:09
LordLimecatthere are no duplicates int he sources.list09:09
LordLimecatnor overlapping repos09:09
Episcopuspm  me09:09
ChaseCharlevillei did09:09
gyaresu!wifi |NSolarz09:09
ubotuNSolarz: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:09
GreyGhostLordLimecat ,just do what i said previously ..clear it up and run apt-get update.. and then add all the repos again ..i've had this warning before too..09:09
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ChaseCharlevilleI cant pm09:10
ChaseCharlevilleim not registered09:10
krishnaanyone have an idea how I can do it?09:10
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krishna*switch workspaces using keyboard shortcuts09:10
gyaresukrishna: from gnome?09:10
snake_any idea of the problem09:10
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about workspace - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:10
EpiscopusChaseCharleville: ocdavid14109:10
krishnai don't understand?09:11
gyaresusnake_: you mean k3b?09:11
darkcommonGreyGhost xD09:11
LordLimecatits STILL givin that error after clear & reload #209:11
LordLimecatone sec09:11
snake_no k3d09:11
GreyGhostkrishna ,sorry ..09:11
GreyGhostshouldnt ubotu know that??09:11
GreyGhostbbiab .. lunch09:11
LordLimecatim going to clear the contents of the folder /var/lib/apt/lists09:11
LordLimecatit alppears to be all of my repos09:12
happyface0I just installed Ubuntu and now after the splash screen all I see is flashing colors, and ctr+alt+f keys are impossible to read because it is a squished resolution or something. I can run with the 'single' command line option in Grub, but can't figure out how to fix the flashyness. I ran the xconfig and no luck with that. Can someone help?09:12
snake_k3d: 3d modeling and animation system09:12
gyaresusnake_: sorry no.09:12
snake_ok thanx09:12
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic09:12
panfistcould anyone help me out configuring my wireless card using ndiswrapper? ive read many forum threads, all the documentation and i still have problems09:12
r00tintheb0xhow can i adjust my volume?09:13
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darkcommonkrishna http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8511/09:13
gyaresu!sound > r00tintheb0x09:13
GreyGhosthappyface0 ,try disabling splash and stuff in the grub boot menu ..09:13
GreyGhost*may* help09:13
ubotuk3d: 3D modeling and animation system. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 10182 kB, installed size 43492 kB09:13
haarphey, how do i apply patches over several files? when i execute patch with only the patchfile but no origfile, it does nothing09:14
snake_i have problem installing this09:14
krishnathanks darkcommon09:14
darkcommonno problemo!!09:14
darkcommonwe are here for help!!09:14
gyaresusnake_: pastebin your message please.09:14
ghatakgyaresu: that tutorial refers to restricted respositries but i can not find that in my synapatic manager, I am running 6.10 Edgy09:14
krishnai'm new to ubuntu... but god dammit... this is awesome!09:14
gyaresu!repos > ghatak09:14
K3ntowhat section in xorg.conf would "Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "True"" go in?09:14
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darkcommonkrishna we help there!!09:15
colbertgyaresu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto   It's about 5 paragraphs from the top09:15
krishnathanks again darkcommon09:15
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happyface0GreyGhost, thats not the problem. I see the splash fine, but its after that it gets messed up09:15
panfisti only have wireless connectivity so i am booted into windows right now and have been trying to download/install/configure wireless in ubuntu offline. i downloaded 4 dvd isos of repositories from bittorrent and that had version 1.18 of ndiswrapper which is apparently very old.09:15
snake_gyaresu i cant because its in a window09:15
darkcommonkrishna no problemo!!09:15
darkcommonsnake_ what is in a window?09:15
snake_the message that i get09:15
gyaresuK3nto: Section "Screen"09:16
snake_when i try to install k3d09:16
snake_in adept09:16
GreyGhosthappyface0 . i have a similar problem .. but instead of flashyness i get nothing.. and that helped me..09:16
LordLimecatcheck it09:16
panfisteverything appeared to be working correctly, i installed the .inf for my card and when i ran "ndiswrapper -l" it said, "driver present, hardware installed" yet i could not configure the card or connect, so i tried to install a newer version of ndiswrapper09:16
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K3ntogyaresu: ok ty09:16
GreyGhostLordLimecat ,good and how ?09:16
LordLimecatthat warning about duplicates in /var/lib/apt/lists09:16
LordLimecatwell, i backed up the contents of that folder09:16
LordLimecatwhich appeared to be files named after all sources.list entries09:16
LordLimecatas well as some gpg files09:16
LordLimecati deleted all files09:16
r00tintheb0xgyaresu, it works, its just too loud09:16
LordLimecatthen restored the gpg files09:16
LordLimecatand then ran apt-get twice09:17
darkcommonr00tintheb0x: lol09:17
LordLimecatfirst time had some errors09:17
happyface0GreyGhost I'm almost positive its a xfree86 problem09:17
LordLimecatsecond time was perfect09:17
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panfisti downloaded a tar of ndiswrapper 1.38 but that won't install. when i try to run "make" from within the director i get errors and it exits. help please anyone?09:17
snake_so what can i do with k3d09:17
gyaresur00tintheb0x: alsamixer (or alsamixer -c 1)09:17
r00tintheb0xthanks gyaresu09:17
darkcommon!k3d > snake_09:17
darkcommonsnake_ see the PM of ubotu09:18
snake_i get the same error "could not commit changes" from adept09:18
gyaresucolbert: Hey. Yeah the guide is a little wacky.09:18
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GreyGhosthappyface0 ,just try it.. when GRUB starts up .. make sure ur Ubuntu option is highlighted.. press "e" and remove the "splash" part .. press "enter" and press "b" ... these are temporary changes and whont get savesd .. so worth a try09:18
happyface0GreyGhost I'l try the splash thing, brb09:18
snake_darkcommon: i have seen this09:18
LordLimecatknow what ubuntu needs by default?09:18
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happyface0thanks brb09:18
K3ntogyaresu: how can i back up the existing xorg.conf file befor i edit it09:18
gyaresucolbert: You can always 'sudo updatedb' then 'locate lm-sensors'09:18
GreyGhostbbiab ...lunch09:18
LordLimecata script on the desktop that new users can doubleclick which would join em to this irc09:18
LordLimecatcause im sure there are a LOT of users who dont even know how to use irc09:19
panfistthat doesnt help users like me that cant get online. help please!09:19
gyaresuK3nto: excelent question. 'sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak'09:19
K3ntok ty09:19
theidiotthatismeLordLimecat: You're right, there are a lot who dont know how to use IRC. But there is a link to community help in Gnome ;)09:19
r00tintheb0xanyone know of a good yahoo chat client besides gyach?09:19
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LordLimecatand many dont know how to search for help09:19
LordLimecatbecause its such a pain in win09:19
darkcommonLordLimecat good idea!09:19
gyaresu!gaim > r00tintheb0x09:19
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LordLimecatjust a few lins09:19
LordLimecatthats all it takes09:20
duffthi all09:20
aggrav8di'm having some trouble configuring a linksys WVC54GC wireless camera through OSX.  What would be the appropriate channel to ask for help in?  I normally only use freenode for ubuntu questions :)09:20
LordLimecatprobably here09:20
thoreauputicaggrav8d: I think there'sa #mac here09:20
colbertgyaresu: Okay, I did locate: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8513/    Which would it be ?09:20
gyaresuLordLimecat: No.09:20
aggrav8dthore - thanks09:20
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thoreauputicaggrav8d: no worries :)09:21
Egonhi all09:21
duffthm can i ask a question now?09:21
Egonwhere is cd <path to unpacked linux sources> in09:21
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:21
duffti've just intalled ubuntu 7.0409:21
LordLimecategon--whereever you extracted it09:21
dufftand it refuses to work with 1280x1024x7509:21
LordLimecatwere you told to issue the untar command?09:22
thoreauputic!fixres| dufft09:22
ubotudufft: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:22
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EgonLordLimecat: but in "out of the box" instalation? from CD?09:22
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LordLimecat...why do you need linux sources o.009:22
panfistcan anyone please help me figure out why ndiswrapper-1.38 won't make/install on my system?09:22
aggrav8dthore - is there, by any chance, a linksys channel?09:22
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darkcommonaggrav here no..09:22
emethow do I get a MIDI to play09:22
LinuxHelpapt-get install xserver-xorg-video-*- xserver-xorg-input-*- xserver-xorg-core+ xserver-xorg-input-synaptics+ # I'm trying to install just the two + packages, but this says: E: Couldn't find package xserver-xorg-video-*09:22
thoreauputicaggrav8d: I doubt it :) try typing /j #linksys09:22
dufftthnx a lot09:23
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thoreauputicdufft: those URLs should help09:23
EgonLordLimecat: to patch them, in order to install acpi, in order to install fnfx, uff09:23
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happyface0GreyGhost, disabling the splash didn't work09:23
LordLimecatwell, dunno...you could grab em from synaptic?09:23
LordLimecatdont know if theyre there by default09:23
K3ntoLordLimecat: i got the 5 sides afterwad09:24
GreyGhosthappyface0 , hmm :(09:24
ubotuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo09:24
LordLimecatcheck out the emerald theme, adonis mod09:24
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LordLimecati just widened the borders and rounded em09:24
LordLimecatglassy :D09:24
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panfistYou need a recent kernel, at least 2.6.6 or 2.4.26, with header files09:24
panfistfor the kernel. Make sure there is a link to the kernel source from09:24
panfistthe modules directory. The command09:24
panfist  ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build09:24
panfistshould have at least 'include' directory and '.config' file.09:24
=== ahave [n=ahave@adsl-6-43-59.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ahaverm -d should remove a directory, correct?09:25
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thoreauputicahave: rmdir09:26
aggrav8dahave - also rm -rf09:26
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panfistsorry bout that, anyway...that is an excerpt from the INSTALL text file included with ndiswrapper-1.38 and I -don't- have "include" or ".config" ... and it's not installing. why am i missing those, how can i get them, or more generally speaking...can anyone please help me with ndiswrapper09:26
LordLimecatcareful with that09:26
ahavewhat does -rf do?09:26
ahaveyea, i know09:26
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LordLimecatrecursively, force09:26
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aggrav8dforce recursive09:26
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ahaveforce meaning?09:26
LordLimecatreadonly as well, i think09:27
thoreauputicahave: only use -rf if you are *sure*09:27
aggrav8dit's like saying "do everything, and answer yes to every 'are you sure' question"09:27
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K3nt1LordLimecat: i didnt get WoW going tho. i just crashed. in order to make the 5 sides work, i had to remove the cap.09:27
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happyface0anyone know why my screen flashes colors after the Ubuntu splash screen? (just installed it)09:27
LordLimecatwe'll get it workin'09:27
LordLimecatdont you worrt09:27
aggrav8dhappy face - are you running on a c64? :)09:27
K3nt1i wasnt09:27
gyaresucolbert: Right. If I'm reading it right; you just need to run that script from anywhere. Does that make sense. (copy/paste to file chmod then 'sudo ./mkdev.sh' etc.)09:28
K3nt1i can still play w/o beryl09:28
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panfistso do you guys only respond to the easy questions a 5 second google search would answer?09:28
LordLimecatbut its not wallpapery09:28
happyface0aggrav8d that doesn't help09:28
aggrav8dpan - no, people would just tell you to google it.09:28
LordLimecati dunno about others09:28
thoreauputic!attitude| panfist09:28
ubotupanfist: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:28
LordLimecatbut i answer questions i know how09:28
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LordLimecatotherwise, i keep quiet09:28
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LordLimecatbecause if we all said, no i dont kno, itd be flooded09:29
colbertgyaresu: Ok, so what is the command? Sorry I am new hehe.. what do I do to run the mkdev.sh? sudo gedit mkdev.sh, paste all that in it, save it and then what ?09:29
LordLimecatif noone answers, its possible noone knows09:29
Work_DangitLime cat is not pleased09:29
K3nt1panfist what was your question?09:29
Work_Dangitdoes anyone here know what is causing this bug09:29
ncallerI built a box with 4GB of ram and AMD X2 processor.  I am installing 64bit ubuntu-server 6.10.  I would like to run 4 virtual machines on this platform to replace 1 linux box, 2 OpenBSD boxes, and 1 Windows 2003 server box I have.  My question is in order to do this do I need only the vmware player or server?09:29
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Work_Dangitwhen I press the power button after telling it to shut down.... it goes to a black screen and hangs...09:30
LordLimecatvmplayer CAN do installations09:30
ahavestill cant remove everything ... http://rafb.net/p/nitP7067.html09:30
LordLimecatbut you need to have the "harddrive" files first09:30
gyaresuthen make it 'executable' +x (i can tell you the cli way but you probably can do it via the gui these days [right click properties or something] )09:30
happyface0ncaller I know that the vmware player only can run the virtual machines, can't create tehm09:30
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LordLimecattheres some site that provides 5,10,15, 20, and 25 gb partition files09:30
LordLimecattotal size is like 50kb09:30
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LordLimecathappyface--you dont need vmplayer to create09:31
ncallerLordLimecat thanks, I know I can create the files qith utils from qemu... I just don't know if I need the vmware server for anything, I have read conflicting info on it09:31
LordLimecatusing only vmplayer i was able to install mandriva 200709:31
gyaresupanfist: Do you need the latest ndiswrapper? The package from ubuntu is not good enough?09:31
LordLimecatncaller--thats EXACTLY what you do :)09:31
yommHow do I install the whole gnome/ubuntu desktop frop a cli install ? What is the metapackage's name ?09:31
LordLimecatonce you have em, the player will boot em like normal09:31
thoreauputicyomm: ubuntu-desktop09:31
ncallerand I can run multiple player instances on the same box?09:31
LordLimecat...id imagine so09:32
LordLimecatcant say09:32
Work_Dangitwhen I press the power button after telling it to shut down.... it goes to a black screen and hangs...09:32
ncallerso what does the vmware "server" give you?09:32
yommthor : i see ! sometimes one looks too far :)09:32
ahavethoreauputic, still cant delete? http://rafb.net/p/nitP7067.html09:32
yommthx :)09:32
LordLimecatlol, id be pissed if it was just the ability to make the file :D09:32
ncalleryeah no kidding!09:32
panfistk3nt1: documentation included with ndiswrapper states that if i run "ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build i should see "include" and ".config" <-- those are not present, and ndiswrapper won't install, and i suspect that's why. i can't use apt-get because i have no connectivity in ubuntu and the repo ISOs i downloaded have ndiswrapper-1.18 which I could not get to work, and all the guides refer to newer versions, so I'm stuck09:32
LordLimecathonestly, i wonder that too09:32
Work_DangitLimecat... i am running ubuntu on an older rig... and connect to a windows box via vnc... it works faster than a virtual machine09:33
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K3ntopanfist: i got nothin09:33
thoreauputicahave: looks like the files have spaces09:33
thoreauputicahave: I mean the names09:33
Work_Dangitkinda the same effect09:33
ncallerok great so apparently it isn't necessary... now I also read about XenSource's xen virtualization which seems more complex then simply setting up some images for vmware, anyone know if there is a big advantage to using Xen over vmware, aside from the fact that it is GPL.09:33
ahavethoreauputic, but shouldnt the * capture it all?09:33
gyaresupanfist: you could just donwload the ndiswrapper .deb file and install with dpkg09:33
z9999Is anyone here able to hep with removing and re-installing Firefox 2.0.0.x in Ubuntu 6.06 Linux? We accidentally hosed it up and it no longer runs.09:33
thoreauputicahave: hmm - not sure09:34
gyaresu!offtopic | ncaller09:34
ubotuncaller: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:34
Work_Dangitanyone here know if ubuntu edgy will freak out if I change my cd-burner to a dvdburner09:34
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LordLimecatz99900 cant you go into add/remove09:34
LordLimecatand completely remove it09:34
gyaresuWork_Dangit: No it will be fine.09:34
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panfistgyaresu: thanks, gonna reboot in a sec to try that out09:34
K3ntoLordLimecat: PM for a sec09:34
Work_Dangitthanks | gyaresu09:34
z9999LordLimecat: We tried that yesterday but we still can't run Firefox.09:35
gyaresuhjmf: that doesn't work in this channel.09:35
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panfistgyaresu: where would i find the .deb, the project page on sourceforge just has the tar09:36
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arooniis there a quick way to go to the start of a previous command arg09:36
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aroonii mean command... so i dont have to scrolll back09:36
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LordLimecatz9999: you may need to get a 64bit firefox?09:37
thoreauputicarooni:  ctrl+b ( unless you are using gnome-terminal with the menu bar showing)09:37
LordLimecati really need to get experience with x64, im a bit clueless with ANY os x6409:37
thoreauputicarooni: I hide themenu bar for that reason09:37
LordLimecatdont really understand the point/limitation/issues/etc09:37
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aroonithoreauputic: how do you do that09:37
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ahavedoes anyone know how i can delete a read-only system file?09:37
thoreauputicarooni:  ctrl+w to erase the previous word  is another one09:38
thoreauputicarooni: right click, edit existing profile09:38
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thoreauputicarooni: tell it to hid the menu and make new instances start without it09:38
gyaresupanfist: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/n/ndiswrapper/09:38
LordLimecator make it non-readonly09:38
thoreauputicahave: erm... which file ?09:39
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ahavei am using sudo09:39
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LordLimecatone sec09:39
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ahaveline #8 http://rafb.net/p/nitP7067.html09:39
LordLimecat4 is read, 2 is write, right09:39
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Symmetrei have some gov 'technologists' asking for an ubuntu distro with beryl on it already, anyone know of one?09:39
LordLimecatyou could just do chmod 777 on the file09:39
LordLimecatand then delete it09:39
gyaresuSymmetre: distrowatch.com09:40
LordLimecatbut....what are you deleting09:40
AJIEXAgood day to all.09:40
AJIEXAHelp me please, where i can add more dictionarys to check my orfography in Gaim and Evolution ???09:40
gyaresuSymmetre: but Mepis should do the job. ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/metalab/distributions/mepis/testing/SimplyMEPIS-CD_6.5.b7_32.iso09:40
ahaveLordLimecat, chmod still doesnt work09:40
aroonithoreauputic: how can i get a list of all commands i typed09:40
z9999LordLimecat: We're not running 64 bit Ubuntu, and Firefox was working prior to applying updates 2 days ago. We fell back to the previous version but that didn't fix it.09:40
LordLimecatand yer doing rm -f?09:40
arooniinto the shell09:40
gyaresuarooni: 'history'09:40
Matt4781581history -l09:41
thoreauputicarooni: history09:41
aroonii can pipe that into grep09:41
aroonifor awesomeness09:41
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thoreauputicarooni: you don't need to - just do ctrl + r09:41
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gyaresuMatt4781581: no.09:41
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thoreauputicarooni: ctrl+r gives you a search of the history09:42
LordLimecatwill CLI ever cease to rock?09:42
Matt4781581no what09:42
LordLimecatdid not know about ctrl+309:42
aroonioh wow09:42
LordLimecatand i like it09:42
thoreauputicLordLimecat: :)09:42
ahaveLordLimecat, i am using sudo rm -rf *09:42
LordLimecatwhat are you deleting o.009:42
gyaresuMatt4781581: there is no '-l' option for history.09:42
LordLimecatand btw, youd want to do sudo rm -rf ./09:42
ahaveclearing out a flash drive09:42
Matt4781581oh gee thanks09:42
LordLimecatis the drive mounted with RW?09:43
LordLimecator RO09:43
ahavenot sure..09:43
ahaveubuntu auto mounted it09:43
LordLimecatdo you see yer drive listed?09:43
ahavewhat does $mount do/09:43
LordLimecattype mount09:43
LordLimecatjust mount09:43
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=== Zdra [n=zdra@38.177-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
LordLimecatits gonna be /dev/somethin09:44
LordLimecatmaybe /dev/sdc09:44
LordLimecatand itll prob be either ntfs or vfat09:44
ahave/dev/sda1 on /media/SD PLAYER type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,quiet,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8)09:44
LordLimecatif its ntfs, youre not gonna be able to mount it RW without additional stuff09:44
ahavei belive that is it09:44
Matt4781581you need ntfs-3g09:44
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DobleHi, I'm searchin some usable kernel boot arguments because my usb devices doesn't work at all.09:45
Matt4781581that is if you want to write to the drive09:45
arooniwhats a nice program to get weather in my 'ubuntu bar'09:45
LordLimecattry cd /media/SD\ PLAYER09:45
LordLimecatsudo rm -rf ./09:45
gyaresuMatt4781581: Your advice is incorrect: /dev/sda1 on /media/SD PLAYER type vfat09:45
LordLimecatwhat file is causin it09:45
LordLimecatgyaresu--he was respondin to me09:45
thoreauputicarooni: right-click panel, add wether applet09:46
LordLimecat AM) LordLimecat: if its ntfs, youre not gonna be able to mount it RW without additional stuff09:46
K3ntowhen i come out of a scrrensaver, everything goes black09:46
LordLimecati really dont feel comfortable saying that command, btw09:46
thoreauputicumm weather applet ...09:46
K3ntoi can only see the curser09:46
Matt4781581arroni: right-click on panel - add to panel - click weather report09:46
LordLimecatim really afraid someones gonna issue it09:47
Egonhow to recompile a kernel in ubuntu?09:47
ahaveLordLimecat, tried that, doesnt work. for somereason the entire device is in read-only mode09:47
thoreauputicEgon: why do you need to?09:47
pusher2882my windows vista partition is mounted but its read only  even with chmod and chown its dont change anything can somebody help me09:47
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LordLimecatwtf....its showing rw09:47
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LordLimecati really dont kno dude09:47
LordLimecatmaybe one of the options is causin it09:47
gyaresuDoble: Would you like some help?09:47
Matt4781581ntfs (vista filesystem) is read only on linux without extra software (ntfs-3g)09:48
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Doblegyaresu: Yes please :)09:48
thoreauputic!ntfs| pusher09:48
ubotupusher: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse09:48
pusher2882what can i do09:48
LordLimecatMatt4781581: its a vfat09:48
LordLimecatand its mounted in RW09:48
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Matt4781581ok vfat09:48
thoreauputicpusher2882: see ubotu above09:48
Matt4781581point is its not writeable from linux09:48
LordLimecatvfat IS09:49
pusher2882ok so i can do nothing09:49
ahaveLordLimecat, can i just format it or something?09:49
LordLimecatits fat3209:49
gyaresuDoble: Open a terminal and run the command 'lspci' then pastebin it please.09:49
aroonithoreauputic: but how do i move the items i have on my panel09:49
ahaveLordLimecat, starting to piss me off09:49
thoreauputicpusher2882: sure you can09:49
LordLimecatand its a VERY widely used FS09:49
Egonthoreauputic: in order to install this: http://fnfx.sourceforge.net/index.php?section=doc I will have to recompile kelner (I'm alredy uset synaptic to install fnfx and fnfxd ,but styll as far I can see I need to recompile kernel with CONFIGURE_ACPI_TOSHIBA)09:49
LordLimecatahave: i dont know dude09:49
LordLimecatahave: im not an expert, i dont know everythin, and im sorta new too09:49
gyaresu!language | ahave09:49
ubotuahave: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:49
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LordLimecatim trying my best to help09:49
thoreauputicEgon: there is a kernel compile howto on the wiki09:49
thoreauputicEgon: i don't have the URL habdy09:49
LordLimecatif you get pissed off, youre free to try google09:49
Matt4781581so vista uses fat32 by default??09:49
LordLimecatvista uses ntfs09:50
LordLimecatvfat is another term for fat3209:50
LordLimecatwhich was used by 9x09:50
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Egonthoreauputic: ubuntu wiki?09:50
thoreauputicEgon: yes09:50
pusher2882its a ntfs09:50
Matt4781581yes but hes using vista isnt he09:50
LordLimecatand is read/write supported by like every system known to man09:50
Egonthank you09:50
LordLimecati really doubt it09:50
LordLimecatits a SD memory card09:50
thoreauputicEgon: try searching for Kernel compile09:50
LordLimecatits using fat32 because thats what EVERYTHIGN supports09:50
Matt4781581yes but hes using vista isnt he, therfore its ntfs09:50
LordLimecatlinux, printers, windows, (possibly) mac09:51
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thoreauputicpusher2882: so read the URLs ubotu gave you09:51
LordLimecatif it was ntfs, it would NOT be fat09:51
thoreauputic!ntfs | pusher288209:51
ubotupusher2882: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse09:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about filesystem - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:51
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Matt4781581understood, so he has confirmed that it is fat3209:51
LordLimecatits vfat, so yes09:51
LordLimecatit is fat3209:51
LordLimecatand it is showing mounted in read/write mode09:51
LordLimecatand yet he cannot write to it09:51
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ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:52
LordLimecatahave: is there  a locking switch on memory card?09:52
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LordLimecatgyaresu: sorry o.009:52
gyaresuLordLimecat: s'aight.09:52
DiscusRapidushey, is there a simple howto on running windows (using VMware) in ubuntu?09:52
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ahaveno, it is actually a mp3 player in msc mode09:52
ahaveacts as a flash drive09:52
DiscusRapidus*an existing windows partition09:53
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware09:53
=== SkippyX [n=Thangleb@adsl-68-89-170-189.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
LordLimecatwhat brand is it?  Maybe theyre doing something funky internally?09:53
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:53
Doblegyaresu: http://www.pasteserver.net/36209:53
ahaveLordLimecat, maybe it is busy deleting? and wont delete anymore? idk09:53
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gyaresu!virtualbox | DiscusRapidus09:53
ubotuDiscusRapidus: VirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox09:53
LordLimecati really dont know ahave, maybe someone else knows, or you could try googling o.009:53
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LordLimecatit really SHOULD be writeable as far as i can tell,09:53
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ahaveLordLimecat, sansa e200 series09:54
ahaveLordLimecat, works fine on windows09:54
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gyaresuahave: what sort of memory stick and please post the tail of 'dmesg' after you plug it in.09:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flicker - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:54
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ahavegyaresu, it is a sandisk sans mp3 player acting as a usb flash drive09:55
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SkippyXA while ago I was wondering about ubuntu compatibility and someone advised me to go to a site (I think it was debian) that would scan my machine and tell me what was on it (letting me know it's got drivers). I thought it was cool - and forgot about it.09:55
ahavegyaresu, what do you mean by dmesg?09:55
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thestrikerhow to get codecs to play various multimedia files and also which is the best video player?09:55
Willi accidently removed my trash can from the panel,how do i get it back?09:55
SkippyXNow I've got a lappy that I need to check - and was wondering if any of y'all might know of a page that does that?09:55
gyaresuahave: cool. now unplug and replug then open a terminal and run the command 'dmesg' post the last page of it to pastebin.09:55
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thoreauputic!codecs > thestriker09:56
gyaresuDoble: :) got the link. What wasn't working... The USB right?09:56
LordLimecati shoulkd go to bed, but ill end up wondering why the hell that drive isnt working o.009:56
gyaresu!codecs | thestriker09:56
ubotuthestriker: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:56
LynoureSkippyX: you do not mean http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/ ?09:56
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Willi accidently removed my trash can from the panel,how do i get it back?09:57
LynoureSkippyX: (one of the first hits with  linux hardware check   search)09:57
SkippyXLynoure, I'm not sure - bringing it up now to check.09:57
ahavetrying to unmount... http://rafb.net/p/8xwpIv98.html09:57
LordLimecatwill: rightclick on the corner, add applet09:57
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LordLimecatwill: correction, rightclick up top, add to panel09:57
ahaveI dont want to just unplug it. that could hurt it more, right?09:57
ZampaktuHello, i have added a news hard disk (NTFS) to my ubuntu edgy machine, how can i have ubuntu automount it? thanks09:57
gyaresuahave No. it won't do anything bad.09:58
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LordLimecatdrag the trash applet to the place you want it09:58
SkippyXLynoure, That might be it. Outstanding. I guess I'll have to use a live disk on the lappy to see if it'll work or not.....09:58
thoreauputicahave: get out of the media directory first09:58
pusher2882thanks it works09:58
vir3ntZampaktu: google "ntfs fstab mount"09:58
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gyaresuahave: do what thoreauputic said. Run 'cd'. That will put you in you home directory.09:59
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ahavenow i plug it back in, let ubuntu auto mount, then type dmesg?09:59
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gyaresuahave: sure.09:59
Egonhi again: did somone was having problems with "personal security menager" after upgrading to firefox 2.0 ?10:00
ahavewoa, how much of this do you want?10:00
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gyaresuahave: last 20 lines or so. plus the output of 'mount'10:01
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ahavemount: http://rafb.net/p/tKwTpC55.html10:02
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joshjoshi accidentally deleted my err systray thing from my top panel. how can i get it back?10:02
loganhey everyone, I just wanted to pop in here real quick and say that I just got done installing ubuntu and automatix2 and if [bleeping]  rocks10:02
leros2I'm having some troubles installing networkmanager10:02
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loganso thanks all you devs out there10:02
sanityxI'm a little confused about what the fuss is about getting codecs, and using automatix and all that. apt-get install vlc. done.10:02
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LordLimecatjoshjosh: rightclick the top bar, add to panel10:02
joshjoshleros2: what ver ubuntu?10:02
gyaresuahave: You _have_ to preface your comments with the nick of the person. Or we won't see you.10:02
joshjoshlordlimecat: I know that, but I can't figure out which option it is10:02
leros2joshjosh, 6.1010:02
LordLimecatnotification area10:02
LordLimecatbut its invisible10:03
LordLimecatdont make more than one10:03
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joshjoshleros2: sudo apt-get remove network-manager10:03
ahavegyaresu, mount: http://rafb.net/p/tKwTpC55.html          dmsgh: http://rafb.net/p/nCbZzn16.html10:03
joshjoshsudo apt-get install network-manager10:03
joshjoshtry that and see if it'll work that time10:03
joshjoshthanks limecat10:04
ahavegyaresu, sorry10:04
gyaresuahave: np. Thanks for the links. brb.10:04
LordLimecatwait a tick, umask...is that like chmod10:04
LordLimecatif so, shouldnt umask be 077710:04
LordLimecatnp, josh :D10:05
leros2joshjosh, do i need to restart?10:05
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thoreauputicLordLimecat: umask is the inverse of chmod10:05
joshjoshyou shouldn't10:05
gyaresuahave: so now can you write to the folder /media/SD\ PLAYER ?10:05
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thoreauputicLordLimecat: so 000 umask = 777 chmod10:05
joshjoshjust type network-manager in console and see if taht launches it10:05
leros2command not found10:06
Egonhow to install letest personal secirty menager for firefox on ubuntu?10:06
LordLimecati see!10:06
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joshjoshdo you absolutely need network-manager? or would you be willing to use knetworkmanager?10:06
leros2will knetworkmanager work with gnome?10:06
joshjoshit does for me :)10:07
joshjoshsudo apt-get install knetworkmanager10:07
leros2im game as long as it works10:07
ahavegyaresu, no. i do not belive that i can10:07
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Lynoureleros2: there is gnome-networkmanager too, something wrong with that?10:07
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leros2i tried network-manager-gnome but i couldnt get it run10:07
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thestrikerif a download by apt-get gets broken for any reason can it be resumed?10:07
gyaresuahave: 'cd /media/SD\ PLAYER/' then 'touch test.txt' no good?10:07
krimxI'm trying to open an ISO with VLC but it doesn't work. The Wikipedia article on VLC says it should though. Do I have to manually mount ISOs in Terminal before watching them?10:07
Lynoureleros2: oh, ok. Not run at all. Weird.10:08
gyaresuthestriker: yes. no problem.10:08
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joshjoshok. i'm switching back to gnome after about 6 months with kde and i'm rusty. how do i add programs to startup?10:08
LordLimecatkrimx: i may be wrong, but IIRC, vlc had issues with cds in windows too10:08
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LordLimecatit may be an issue still being worked on10:08
thestrikergyaresu,  i mean even if i shut the comp down and restart it later...and i enter the command for download..will ir resume?10:08
ahavegyaresu, touch: cannot touch `test.txt': Read-only file system10:08
zac1How do I install an old ISA modem?10:09
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gyaresukrimx: if its a vcd then it will but if it's just an iso with avi's and mpgs then probably not.10:09
thestrikergyaresu:  i mean even if i shut the comp down and restart it later...and i enter the command for download..will ir resume?10:09
ghatakMy card support 3D rendering then why does X not load GLX extension, ?  >>  Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".10:09
krimxgyaresu, It's a dvd10:09
gyaresuthestriker: Yeah. I think so.10:10
LordLimecatdoes vlc have the DVD decoders in linux?10:10
krimxLordLimecat, I think you're right10:10
thoreauputicthestriker: the packages are cached in /var/cache/apt/archives10:10
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cypher1LordLimecat: yes10:10
zac1How do I install an ISA modem?\10:10
khaijeghatak: do you have the appropriate drivers activated?10:10
LordLimecatyea, it always screwed up in windows when i tried to open it10:10
LordLimecattry it in another player?10:10
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spottedHello, I have installed the package euro-support and euro-support-x but I cannot see the euro symbol when I type it :|10:10
leros2knetworkmanager seems to be working, is there a built-in network manager i need to disable?10:10
spottedCan anyone pls help me?10:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about isa - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:11
thoreauputiczac1: that question is way too vague - and ISA modems are tricky10:11
krimxLordLimecat, But I still have to mount it and lose at least 10 valuable seconds :)10:11
LordLimecatit should automount o.010:11
LordLimecatis it not?10:11
ghatakkhaije: yes the drivers are correct,10:11
ghataklet me paste the Xorg.log output in pastebin10:11
K3ntophew! 4am. its hard to stop using ubuntu :-P10:12
LordLimecatits hard to leave here10:12
LordLimecatyou learn so much10:12
LordLimecatand helping people is fun10:12
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krimxLordLimecat, No? Is it supposed to automount?10:12
zac1thoreauputic: It is Newcom NC 28, 801 IFX10:12
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LordLimecatim pretty sure, yea o.010:12
thestrikerthoreauputic: its in /var/cache/apt/archives/partial for the partial ones..the completed ones are in the folder archives..thanx !10:12
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krimxLordLimecat, how?10:12
thoreauputiczac1: I think you will have to google for that model with the keyword "linux" - can't help you, sorry10:13
leros2on knetworkmanager, i can't make it do anything with my wireless10:13
LordLimecat..you just stick the disk in, and as far as i know, if you go into computer, it would be there10:13
cypher1spotted: from the information from package.. did you try "euro-test" script ?10:13
ghatakkhaije: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8514/10:13
krimxLordLimecat, I thought there would be something in the menu when I right click an iso but nothing there.10:13
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joshjoshleros2: Did you install the drivers? What kind of wireless card?10:13
krimxLordLimecat, I don't have a disc, I have a downloaded iso :)10:13
LordLimecatyea, you gotta mount that10:13
LordLimecatthink theres a prog that handles stuff like that for you though :)10:13
leros2joshjosh, the standard dell intel ones, i was using wireless a few minutes ago, i cant just cant seem to make knetworkmanager deal with it10:14
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LordLimecat...you could burn the iso to disk10:14
cypher1krimx: you can mount an iso through loopback device10:14
LordLimecatthen insert the disk, and it would automount :)10:14
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zac1thoreauputic: what do you mean keyword?10:14
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joshjoshgo to your terminal and type iwconfig and see if it's set to wlan010:14
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spottedcypher1, I cannot display the euro symbol when iso8859-15 is used and I cannot type it with altgr+e. Then it says that it cannot determine my Xfree version properly10:15
thoreauputiczac1: try googling something like  Newcom NC 28, 801 IFX linux install10:15
leros2joshjosh, its set to eth110:15
aroonihow do i ssh somewhere10:15
thoreauputicarooni: ssh user@hostname10:15
aroonialso how do switch between tabs of my console10:15
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leros2joshjosh, im even connected to a wireless right now, it works fine10:15
khaijeghatak: checking it out now10:16
thoreauputicarooni: ctrl-shift-t10:16
aroonidamn thoreauputic you know all10:16
cypher1spotted: did u configure it ?10:16
krimxcyphase, yeah I found a thread with an example, would be convenient with that option in the right click-menu though.10:16
thoreauputicarooni: not quite :)10:16
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LordLimecatisnt there a gui prog that does rdp, vnc, and ssh?10:16
spottedcypher1, I told you what it said...10:16
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zac1thoreauputic: No luck!10:16
thestrikerspeaking of console..can anyone plz tell how to configure it!..i mean change the font color so it will look cool and stuff!!10:16
spottedcyphase, it cannot determine the Xfree version in use therefore it cannot configure anything...10:16
cypher1spotted: try euro-test and see whether you need to configure10:16
cypher1spotted: ok10:17
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aroonido you folks use linux cuz you develop ?10:17
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thoreauputiczac1: as i said, ISA is a pain on linux - most of this stuff is ancient and has only windows drivers if that10:17
joshjoshleros2: but you have wireless right now?10:17
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto10:17
Lynoureleros2: I think you have the normal problem with knetworkmanager. Try commenting out the interfaces in /etc/intefaces  and trying again.  If it does not help, just uncomment to get back to where you are now10:17
theidiotthatismearooni: I dont develop. I chose for many reasons :-)10:17
cypher1spotted: there is a document also included in that .. you can check it10:17
thoreauputicarooni: no, we use linux because it develops us :)10:17
Lynoureleros2: ooops /etc/interfaces10:18
micktmsomeone knows where does evolution save my email messages?10:18
LordLimecatLOL@ thoreauputic10:18
LordLimecatso true :D10:18
leros2joshjosh, my wireless works fine, i can configure it via terminal, but i'm looking for a gui solution10:18
LordLimecatin soviet russia...10:18
leros2lynoure, let me try that10:18
joshjosharooni: I use it because i hate viruses, malware.10:18
cypher1krimx: looks a nice option10:18
theidiotthatismearooni: My biggest reasons were customization of the desktop, Free applications, and wanting something that I could tune to work the way I wanted10:18
thestrikerhey guys!..help me plz..i thgt this channel will help!10:18
aroonithoreauputic: ctrl-shift-t opens a new tab window... how do i switch among active ones opened alreayd10:18
joshjoshleros2: you could try wifi-radar. I had the same problem with dapper, but that was about 8 months ago heh10:18
cypher1!ask > thestriker10:18
thoreauputicarooni: click on them ?10:18
Lynoureleros2: it requires at least restarting knetworkmanager afterward.10:18
aroonifrom the keyboard silly10:18
thoreauputicarooni: I don't know :)10:19
Ademanwhat torrent clients do you guys use? i've been using ktorrent, it's pretty good except it keeps stopping my downloads with some crap about too many files open10:19
leros2basically, im looking for a simple wifi network manager like windows xp has10:19
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krimxarooni, ctrl+page down and up? nah I'm just guessing10:19
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thoreauputicAdeman: limit your number of torrents and/or open files10:19
micktmsomeone knows where does evolution save my email messages?10:19
LordLimecatahave, no luck? :(10:19
aroonikrimx: you nailed it!!!10:20
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thoreauputicAdeman: or use azureus, rtorrent, qrorrent, etc etc10:20
ahaveLordLimecat, none yet10:20
spottedcypher1, I don't understand why dpkg-reconfigure locales does not work anymore...10:20
krimxAdeman, I use rtorrent. Deluge seems fine but I haven't tried it, Transmission isn't very nice.10:20
LordLimecatwell, i gotta sign off10:20
krimxarooni, wohoo :)10:20
LordLimecatgood luck, ahave10:20
cypher1krimx: you can try whether mount through loop back is shown in the right click after you start the nautilus through gksudo10:20
ahaveLordLimecat, thanks for your help10:21
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spottedcypher1, before that ran a script that let you configure your environment...10:21
khaijeghatak: can you pastebin the result of the glxinfo command? also have you edited xorg.conf manually and did you get the driver from repo's or website?10:21
LordLimecatnp, sorry i couldnt fix it10:21
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st0n3cutt3rI need help connecting to my wireless internet on ubuntu10:21
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:21
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st0n3cutt3rand also bridging my wireless and wired connections if possible10:21
cypher1spotted: i have not tried euro-support.. i just read the package info and told you10:21
gyaresu!hi > ufuntu10:22
darkcommon!hi ufuntu10:22
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hi ufuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:22
thoreauputicst0n3cutt3r: read the docs ubotu posted10:22
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:22
st0n3cutt3rI'm reading10:22
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thoreauputicst0n3cutt3r: and come back with more specific questions if needed :)10:22
cyclopsI am wondering, I have a pda that I want to be able to connect to my LAN via bluetooth, but I want it to use the DHCP server for its configuration so it is actually on the LAN.10:22
st0n3cutt3rI have a specific question10:23
krimxcypher1, nope, it didn't. No big deal though, I'll try and find some way to make it convenient if it starts to bug me.10:23
arooniwhere is the 'my documents' on ubuntu10:23
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leros2joshjosh, wifi-radar is installed and i can see all the access points around me. How do I connect to an access point? I double click and nothing happens10:23
arooniis it my home direcotry10:23
krimxarooni, /home/arooni10:23
ncallerwhen I boot ubuntu 6.10 server on this new HP box I got, I get: Booting the kernel. 0.000000]  dmi_string: out of memory 0.000000]  dmi_save_oem_strings_devices: out of memory10:23
ncallerAny ideas?10:23
theidiotthatismearooni: Yes, it's Home10:23
thoreauputicarooni: it isn't - it is more or less your home directory10:23
ncalleroh it is 64bit version as well10:23
thoreauputicarooni: for all practical purposes :)10:24
st0n3cutt3rI am running ubuntu 6.10 and have two different wireless cards that I can use10:24
st0n3cutt3rI know the name and pswd for my wireless modem10:24
st0n3cutt3rand enter them into the wireless profiles for each card10:24
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st0n3cutt3r(one at a time, or together, it makes no difference)10:25
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st0n3cutt3rdespite ubuntu recognizing that I have wireless cards, I can not access the network10:25
st0n3cutt3rthere is nothing to block people accessing the network10:25
st0n3cutt3rand my other operating systems on the computer can use those cards to access it10:26
thoreauputicst0n3cutt3r: try emoving the configurations, and install network-manager-gnome10:26
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st0n3cutt3rcan I get it without having ubuntu attached to the internet10:26
st0n3cutt3r(like a seperate download that I can get with windows?)10:26
thoreauputicst0n3cutt3r: ah, catch 2210:26
cyphasekrimx, spotted: i think you meant cypher110:27
thoreauputicst0n3cutt3r: yes, try packages.ubuntu.com10:27
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: thoreauputic You can download the .deb file (on another computer)  and install it with dpkg.10:27
slippyr4don't forget it's dependancies though10:27
spottedcypher1, yes, sorry10:27
spottedI meant cypherl10:27
darkcommonan offtopic question: I have Imagenio, what is SPDIF10:27
thoreauputicst0n3cutt3r: make sure you get the dependencies as well ( network-manager and nm-applet I think)10:27
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thoreauputicgyaresu: yes, thank you - I know about that :)10:28
ghatakany luck with that glx error mate ?10:28
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/ theidiotthatisme just keeping you in the loop ;)10:28
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thoreauputicst0n3cutt3r: and get the right version for your Ubuntu ( the edgy or dapper one etc)10:28
gyaresutheidiotthatisme: ignore that message.10:28
gyaresuthoreauputic: ^^10:28
slippyr4SPDIF is Sony/Philips Digital Interface10:28
st0n3cutt3rI'm on 6.1, which version is that?10:28
slippyr4darkcommon: ie, optical audio out10:28
slippyr4edgy eft10:29
thoreauputicst0n3cutt3r: 6.10 is edgy eft10:29
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darkcommonwhy?? SPDIF is an RCA cable!! connect to CD In??10:29
ghatakkhaije: any luck mate ?10:29
slippyr4darkcommon: what do you want to do with it? i just saw you asked what spdif was10:30
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: find the package you need then 'apt-cache showpkg thingy' will tell you versions.10:30
khaijeghatak: did you post answers to the questions i asked? i didn't see it...10:30
st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: I don't understand10:30
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darkcommonWhat port i need to connect in the amplificator of my Home Cinema??10:30
st0n3cutt3rsry, I am new to linux/ubuntu10:30
poningrust0n3cutt3r: whats wrong?10:31
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st0n3cutt3rI'm a power-user when it comes to windows, but...10:31
thoreauputic!docs | st0n3cutt3r10:31
ubotust0n3cutt3r: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com10:31
st0n3cutt3rponingru: I'm trying to get my wireless cards to access the internet10:31
slippyr4darkcommon: you are trying to get sound out of your pc, into your home cinema? or the other way round?10:31
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: that's alright. I can help you via command line but you may prefer thoreauputic to help you. I think he's more gui.10:31
ncalleron ubuntu server I see that it does not install a GUI by default which is cool, what are the names of the gnome or kde environments for ubuntu-server that I can apt-get install10:31
joshjoshst0n3cutt3r: What kind of wireless cards?10:31
darkcommonnope, by my deco, to a homecinema10:31
nwonknu-I'll find out10:31
thoreauputicgyaresu: hah10:31
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thoreauputicgyaresu: you couldn't be more wrong10:31
slippyr4st0n3cutt3r: network-manager is a good choice for that, i use it, it works very nicely10:32
gyaresuthoreauputic: that was _so_ not meant to be an insult :)10:32
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st0n3cutt3rI have a belkin and a linksys card10:32
thoreauputicgyaresu: :)10:32
joshjoshtype lspci in terminal and tell me what it says for network controller10:32
st0n3cutt3rjoshjosh: was that too me?10:33
thoreauputicgyaresu: I run fluxbox and roll my own regularly, and i have two Debian chroots on this box :)10:33
slippyr4darkcommon: what do you mean "by my deco" ?10:33
joshjoshstone: yeah10:33
gugu^please HELP. i have instaled LaserJet1018, and the test page is ok, but is not printing10:33
darkcommonfrom my.... for example "decodificateur"10:33
st0n3cutt3rjoshjosh: the only problem with that is that this computer accesses the internet via a bridged connection on my other computer (where ubuntu is installed)10:34
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st0n3cutt3rto type that will mean restarting my pc and losing internet on this computer10:34
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slippyr4darkcommon: you have an external, separate decoder ? what does it decode? DTS? Dolby Digital?10:34
st0n3cutt3rare there more instructions for me to take down before I do so?  (seeing as it's going to take at least 5 minutes to do that10:35
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darkcommonits an Kreatel10:35
joshjoshst0n3cutt3r: Hmm. I don't know if I can help you there. I know nothing of bridged connections.10:35
loppaIs there an irc channel for Suse? Or linux generally?10:35
darkcommonits Telefonica de Espana, SLU "Imagenio Service"10:35
ahavegyaresu, thanks for your help. i gotta goto work now. cya10:35
st0n3cutt3rwell, having internet on my primary computer is a good place to start10:35
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krimxI found a guide for mounting iso files in Nautilus if anyones interested, it's at http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Mount_ISO_script10:35
darkcommonloppa /j #suse10:35
st0n3cutt3rI just want to get as much done per restart as I can10:36
thoreauputicst0n3cutt3r: the main issue with wireless in Linux is drivers - some are not supported although ndiswrapper might help10:36
loppadarkcommon thnx. : )10:36
slippyr4darkcommon: kreatel is iptv?10:36
darkcommonslippyr4: yes!10:36
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st0n3cutt3rthoreauputic: how can I test ndiswrapper and what can it do?10:36
darkcommonslippyr4: Its an SPDIF out, I have a L114 HomeCinema of Airis10:36
slippyr4darkcommon: ok, and the kreatel has a SPDIF on it, and you want to connect to your Home Cinema Amp10:36
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joshjoshsudo apt-get install ndiswrapper10:36
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thoreauputicst0n3cutt3r: it basically acts as a linux wrapper for windows drivers10:37
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slippyr4darkcommon: is the SPDIF optical, or a coaxial (phono) connection10:37
thoreauputicst0n3cutt3r: I suggest that you read the wifi wiki docs10:37
st0n3cutt3ralright, how can I use it?  (and what version of windows drivers should I use?)10:37
darkcommonmy amp only have a CD IN without any RCA connector in it10:37
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st0n3cutt3rthoreauputic: any of them? all of them?10:37
st0n3cutt3rthere are a lot10:37
thoreauputicst0n3cutt3r: first find out if your chipset is supported or not :)10:38
darkcommonits good connect on it?? or need a coaxial??10:38
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gyaresust0n3cutt3r: the forums are great for success stories from folks with the same devices...10:38
yommHow is wireless performance under ndiswrapper ?10:38
joshjoshyomm: better than it is with the fwcutter10:38
slippyr4darkcommon what sort of connector is CD IN?10:38
darkcommona connector RCA10:38
yommI see !10:38
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slippyr4darkcommon: there is 1 connector? or two?10:39
darkcommontwo, Left and Right10:39
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slippyr4darkcommon, ok then you can't connect the IPTV to the amp with spdif. does the iptv not have RCA out on it?10:40
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darkcommonno... only an SPDIF10:40
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loppaIve got some problems with my gaim. The log on button is grey, so I cant press it. Any ideas?10:40
darkcommonbut the SPDIF is an RED RCA10:40
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slippyr4darkcommon: they use the same sort of plug, but the signal is very different10:40
NTNPsalut tlm10:41
darkcommonamm... its possible the connection to the DVD??10:41
gyaresuloppa: hold ALT and right-click with your mouse to drag window size.10:41
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gyaresuloppa: (left click drag to move whole window)10:41
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slippyr4darkcommon: you would need to buy a DAC to convert the digital to audio10:41
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arooniis there anyway to make ubuntu's estimates of how much power i have left more accurate?  its saying my laptop battery will last 12 more minutes when its at 69% full10:41
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darkcommonammm.. ok10:41
slippyr4darkcommon: what other connections are on the IPTV ? is there SCART / Peritel?10:42
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loppagyaresu: I dont think thats the problem, the thing is, I cant log on because the button I'm sposed to press aint "pressable"?10:42
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gyaresuloppa: possibly not letting you because of insufficent login information? Or a bug.10:43
the_stigHey fellas10:43
ghatak khaije:  i got dc'ed, sorry i did not see it. apologies10:43
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the_stigthis might sound super noob10:43
gyaresuloppa: New install?10:43
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the_stigbut how do i run the command prompt? i just installed10:43
loppagyaresu: I've created an account, and i've typed the passy, still its gray. So bug then?10:43
gyaresuthe_stig: You need a 'terminal'10:43
gyaresu!docs > the_stig10:44
slippyr4darkcommon: what other connections are on the IPTV ? is there SCART / Peritel?10:44
ubotudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com10:44
cypher1the_stig: Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal10:44
gyaresuloppa: Tryed upgrading?10:44
thoreauputicthe_stig: Apps - Accessories - Terminal10:44
loppagyaresu: upgrading the gaim?10:44
khaijeghatak: i just asked if you could pastebin the output to 'glxinfo' and how you installed the drivers10:44
gyaresuthe_stig: the ">" redirect was so it didn't flood the channel :)10:44
gyaresuloppa: yep. Is it a new ubuntu install?10:44
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loppagyaresu: actually its Suse 10.2, but theres no people in the suse channel.10:45
slippyr4there never are10:45
slippyr4imho suse has lost it's way10:45
loppagyaresu: so I figured i'd try here, and then hope somebody knew anything 'bout it.10:45
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gyaresuloppa: Then you still want to upgrade the system.10:46
theidiotthatismeWhen following directions on Launchpad to generate a gpg (for signing the Ubuntu Code Of Conduct), on step three it asks for key-id. What is the key-id from the output of gpg --list-keys emailaddress10:46
theidiotthatismeSorry step two and three10:46
GhostFreemanhey you guys know where Gnome tucks away its theme icons10:46
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GhostFreemanlike the trashcan, disk mounts and such?10:46
loppagyaresu: the whole thing?10:46
GhostFreemanI got some custom icons i'd like to add into the mix10:46
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ghatakkhaije: right, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8515/, i installed the drivers using the article on ubuntu site for nvidia binary driver. I would mention that i had a driver before this which i downloaded from nvidia site and it was giving me grief.10:46
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the_stigHow do i upgrade to 6.10.. im on 5.0410:47
gyaresuloppa: Start with upgrading gaim if you can.10:47
gyaresu!upgrade > the_stig10:47
loppagyaresu: have to use yast then?10:47
livingdaylightNow Playing: This guy's in love with you by Burt Bacharach from The Best of (0:40/4:46)10:47
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slippyr4ghostfreeman: somewhere under /usr/share/pixmaps iirc10:47
gyaresuloppa: pft! i have no idea :)10:47
livingdaylightHI Guys!10:47
GhostFreemanmuch obliged good sir10:48
GhostFreemanor good madam10:48
thoreauputiclivingdaylight: please turn that script off :)10:48
ubotuhello: The classic greeting, and a good example. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1.1-4 (edgy), package size 47 kB, installed size 472 kB10:48
loppagyaresu: that would be the same thing as synaptic in ubuntu. SOrt of.10:48
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GhostFreemanbetter yet, how do I drop a trash icon onto my Gnome desktop?10:48
gyaresuloppa: yes it is.10:48
ghatakkhaije: i also found that symlink libGLcore.so.1 was pointing to the old driver /usr/lib/libGLcore.so.1.0.9631 while there is another one now which is /usr/lib/libGLcore.so.1.0.8774 , i am changed the symlink and X has come up, but the resolution is weired, it only now shows 1024x768 as max10:48
livingdaylightQ: is it necessary to turn one's computer off when switching monitors?10:48
gyaresulivingdaylight: No.10:49
loppagyaresu: eventually, there might be some other clients I could use?10:49
ghatakkhaije: the resolution with /usr/lib/libGLcore.so.1.0.9631 is ok, but glx wont load10:49
affluxtheidiotthatisme: the key-id is the eight-character "id" in a line like: pub   1024D/71042B24 --- this would mean 71042B2410:49
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arooniis there anyway to make ubuntu's estimates of how much power i have left more accurate?  its saying my laptop battery will last 12 more minutes when its at 69% full10:49
livingdaylightgyaresu, thx...so you are certain its quite ok for me to take my monitor cable off and put it on a different terminal?10:49
theidiotthatismeafflux: Thanks a bunch! Been trying to figure it out so i could sign the CoF10:49
gyaresuloppa: Yes you can use other clients.10:49
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gyaresulivingdaylight: absolutely.10:50
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livingdaylightgyaresu, thx :D10:50
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gyaresulivingdaylight: np.10:50
aroonihow can i view windows media player files within firefox10:50
aroonivideo files that its10:50
aroonithat is10:50
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livingdaylightgyaresu, that makes switching alot easier. I have a 26" lcd tv i like to switch to to watch my dvd's :D10:50
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gyaresulivingdaylight: Rebooting would be rather bothersome.10:51
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gyaresuarooni: from websites or from your hard drive?10:51
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aroonigyaresu: from websites10:51
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livingdaylightgyaresu, yea! really, that's why i hoped it would be ok. So, what happens to the electical signals as i take the cable off? Aguess, they're not bothered?10:52
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gyaresulivingdaylight: very low voltage.10:52
zac1How do I install a modem10:52
gyaresuarooni: mozilla-mplayer10:52
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gyaresuzac1: adsl or dialup ?10:53
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gyaresuzac1: any linux experience?10:53
ghatakkhaije: i hope you got all that info ?10:53
aroonigyaresu: will that work in firefox?  do i need to do anything after installing it?10:53
zac1gyaresu: yes10:53
ardchoillelivingdaylight: One of the last things I do when I set up a server is unplug the monitor, keyboard and mose.. and nothing bad ever happens. So, I don't think anything bad will happen when you switch monitors.10:54
gyaresuzac1: Is the dialup modem internal or external?10:54
zac1gyaresu: internal ISA10:54
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ahrondoes anyone know if anyone has gotten ati xpress 200m and fglrx working with desktop-effects or beryl in feisty, i upgraded and cant get it to work. or should i try another channel10:54
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gyaresuarooni: I've found it inconsistent. Just don't find any wmv based websites that i watch anymore, so I don't know what the latest version is like.10:55
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livingdaylightardchoille, thanks for reassuring me. When one doesn't know one can get paranoid or superstitious ^^ but rebooting everytime just to switch monitors is bothersome...So, i'm glad to hear it's easy10:55
gyaresuzac1: It _might_ work but will probably suck.10:55
darkcommonslippyr4 Yes, SCART10:55
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zac1gyaresu: how will it suck?10:55
gyaresu!modem | zac110:55
ubotuzac1: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto10:55
slippyr4darkcommon: you use the scart to connect to your TV?10:55
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zac1gyaresu: yes10:56
darkcommonplease send me a OM10:56
gyaresuzac1: most internals are winmodems. external ones are hardware modulator/demodulators.10:56
aroonigyaresu: that works great thanx10:56
gyaresuzac1: winmodem (software based)10:56
zac1gyaresu: it is from 199510:56
gyaresuarooni: cool. I might give it another go. Got a link to a site for me to check something out?10:57
gyaresuzac1: what's the lscpi line for the modem?10:57
zac1gyaresu: what is lcspi line10:58
arooninothing that fun... just stuff on break.com or collegehumor.com ;p10:58
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aroonisee it seems to me unless this kinda stuff is installed by default10:58
arooniits gonna scare away the typical user10:58
gyaresuubotu: tell zac1 about modem10:58
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joshjosharooni: You can't just magically create an out of box OS for every system out there...you never tried installing linux 4 or 5 years ago. heh10:59
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z9999Anyone experienced in doing a system re-install? Who could answer some questions? Ubuntu 6.06 LTS10:59
gyaresuarooni: plenty of free codecs for streaming video... all good topics for #ubuntu-offtopic10:59
Razozhi, can any1 help me with a thing? In private10:59
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=== Kuba [n=hack@acdo66.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
gyaresuzac1: command 'lspci' lists pci devices so you can find out what the modem is _really_11:00
joshjoshwhat ver of ubuntu you running arooni?11:00
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gyaresuz9999: yup.11:00
=== llama32 [n=zak@068.a.001.beg.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
slippyr4z9999: how is a reinstall different from an install? we've all installed at some point. you'd be best just asking your real question11:00
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slippyr4razoz ask it in channel and someone will help if they know how11:01
zac1gyaresu: it is not PCI, it is ISA.11:01
gyaresuz9999: great thing is that as long as you keep your _entire_ home directory you can reinstall and then just dump it back in.11:01
Kubahi everyone11:01
joshjosharooni: Go into synaptic and search for gstreamer. install the ones with the ubuntu logo beside them11:01
=== schasi [n=blub@p54A1EEE1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
gyaresuzac1: forget about it. It is too old. Trust me. Don't argue. Run away from it screaming.11:01
slippyr4gyaresu: unless you create new users in a different order and then the file ownerships are off11:01
gyaresuzac1: You've got a PII huh?11:02
RazozIve got a real problem that i wanna solve, can anyone help med out?11:02
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:02
zac1gyaresu: you mean it won't work?11:02
slippyr4!hi | Kuba11:02
ubotuKuba: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:02
gyaresuzac1: That would be a more literal interpretation. Yes.11:02
=== Yaseax [n=Bla@p54ABEE03.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kubadoes anyone know why after i built and compile my kernel now i can not log in to my system11:02
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z9999We didn't do the original install as the system was purchased with Ubuntu 6.06 LTS pre-installed.11:03
z9999Do you have to back up your home directory first? and what about email?11:03
gyaresuKuba: Probably.11:03
Kubawhen i type login and password.11:03
slippyr4gyaresu: why wouldn't it work? if it's ISA its not a winmodem; its probably basicaly a 16550 UART, which ought to be supported11:03
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Kubai see fora moment the same screen...11:03
Kubaand so one11:03
schasiI have a onboard Geforce 6100, feisty fawn and a 1680x1050 Display. I cannot use the full resolution. Tried modelines, "UseEdidFreqs" so far. Any ideas?11:03
RazozWhen i start Xubuntu up, everything is okay but FX is slow as f**k! It takes like 1 min to load a webpage! The whole system is gay, everything laggy. Can it be my Graphic drivers?11:03
=== Hellevator [n=rko618@cpe-75-83-161-227.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
joshjoshi want to make a bot named Deep Thought that answers 42 to every sentence with a question mark.11:04
zac1Does anyone know how to install an ISA modem?11:04
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slippyr4z9999 your email is in your home directory. do ls -la and you'll see the hidden files and folders11:04
RazozThe networkport is integrated in my motherboard11:04
Kubawhy could i do bad?11:04
gyaresuslippyr4: Hey have fun helping that one. I'm just wondering what use it would be.11:04
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slippyr4gyaresu for sure, it;s old and crap, but i think it might work out the box and just be a tty somewhere11:05
joshjoshschasi: I have the same problem, but i need to get to 1280x800. sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg will help you set it up11:05
RazozCan anyone help me ffs?11:05
schasijoshjosh: Did not help11:05
schasiTried that a few times11:05
Kubawhat about me:)11:05
steel_ladyMy amule doesn't want to launch any more. Help!!!11:05
slippyr4zacl: have a look at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Modem-HOWTO.html11:06
Flannel!patience | Razoz11:06
ubotuRazoz: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:06
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zac1Does anyone know how to instoll a 1995 ISA modem?11:06
Razozokay, sorry all11:06
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FlannelRazoz: you graphics drivers wouldn't affect firefox's page load time11:06
Flannel!ipv6 | Razoz11:06
ubotuRazoz: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv411:06
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joshjoshschasi: same here. we're in the same boat11:07
gyaresuslippyr4: ISA modem. Don't know about you but there is some of my Linux learning that still gives me nightmares. 48hr kernel compiles are there too. zac1 How bad do you want this old box to be running that modem?11:07
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RazozFlenell: But the whole system is also pretty slow, But the probs with FX is worse!11:07
zac1gyaresu: very badly11:07
z9999slippyr4: Do we have to move the contents of the Home directory to some other system 1st? And how do you begin the reinstall? We haven't ever done one. Will anything remain intact at all?11:07
schasiHuh? Didnt you just say i will help me set it up?11:07
Flannelz9999: Depends on how your partitioning is done.  Pastebin /etc/fstab11:08
poningruRazoz: actually with 3.0 firefox your graphics card will determine how fast firefox performs11:08
=== Doksi [n=support@ip222-78-172-82.dyndsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu
slippyr4z9999: no nothing will remain intact. if you backup your home dir to another system, then you will be able to get stuff like your documents, your mail back11:08
Doksii've got rosegarden working but cant get in/out on midi using game port11:08
joshjoshinstall swiftfox if you're mad at how fast it's going11:08
gyaresuz9999: Why do you need to reinstall?11:09
slippyr4zacl: have a look at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Modem-HOWTO.html11:09
schasijoshjosh: woops, sry11:09
Kubawhy i can't log in to my system after i compiled my kernel?11:09
=== Gasten [n=Gasten@h138n10c1o1095.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
schasiKuba: You mean you provide username and password, but cannot log in?11:10
gyaresuKuba: You may have filled the HDD. If you can get to the login and it won't let you then that might be it.11:10
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slippyr4zacl: have you actually plugged the modem in yet? if so, pastebin the output of dmesg11:10
=== soundray [n=rolf@dsl-217-155-44-246.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
gyaresuKuba: can you go to the F2 terminal and login there?11:10
Kubai provide username and password and for a moment i see this screen again11:11
Doksiyou cant login if your /tmp dir is not set as +t 777711:11
Kubaand so one11:11
z9999slippyr4: Will the HD be formatted when you begin? And will we have to make partitions etc? As we don't know how much space we should allocate if so.11:11
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slippyr4Kuba: did you keep your previous kernel? can you boot with that and then login?11:11
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eshaaseis it all possible to su to root? having to sudo all the time is kinda annoying, especially when i can't cd into directories11:11
Doksikuba are you using usb keyboard?11:12
=== bronze_0_1 [n=Lester@c-24-62-225-133.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
slippyr4z9999: on the install you will have several choices for partitioning. A good one to use will be the "erase entire disk and partition automaticallY"11:12
Flanneleshaase: If you really want a root shell, use `sudo -i`11:12
Razozponingru: 3.0?? I thougt that was the newest11:12
slippyr4eshaase: you can sudo su -11:12
=== nysosym [n=nysosym@p54B7B588.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelz9999: you format during the install, and it all depends, but isn't too difficult anyway.  If you have a certain method of partitioning currently, you won't need to backup your home dir, as you can install the system "around" it.11:12
Flannelslippyr4: that's no good.  sudo -i is much better11:12
poningruRazoz: alpha11:13
slippyr4eshaase: or, if you're really determined, you could change the root password with sudo passwd root, then you can login or su to root directly. expect flamewar as to whether you should actually do this11:13
slippyr4flannel: why is it no good?11:13
Flannelslippyr4: there's (almost) no reason for anyone to need a root password.11:13
steel_ladyI think I hanve the general problem actually because I can't launch various applications and I think I know what caused it but I don't know how to mend it11:13
Kubamaybe i made a mistake with typing tekst in menu.lst??11:13
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gyaresuFlannel: slippyr4 eshaase or you set up the sudoers file 'visudo'11:14
Razozponingru: : Okay, u know how to solve the FXisgoingslow problem? My conecction is fine in windows :s11:14
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gyaresuFlannel: slippyr4 eshaase Ignore my last.11:14
eshaaseslippyr4: ok, i like the whole concept of only sudo but at times it does get annoying (no permission to cd somewhere)11:14
Kubawhat should i type in menu.lst11:14
poningruRazoz: try the ipv6 fix11:14
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slippyr4Flannel: that's debatable (root pw). there are strong arguments for and against11:15
joshjoshsudo su won't let you?11:15
=== thefoxx [n=janek@p57B9273F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelslippyr4: no. there are no reasons for an ubuntu user to need a root password (except for some old software, but thats fixed in newer versions of said software)11:15
slippyr4eshaase: i told you *how* to get round it, now you have to choose whether you think it's a good idea or not11:15
Flanneleshaase: `sudo -i` will get you a root shell11:16
=== Askar [n=askar@c-461ee755.010-88-6b697210.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #uBuntu
slippyr4Flannel: i have an ubuntu server at work. I only ever log into it for sysadmin tasks. So i use root.11:16
eshaaseslippyr4: =) ok, thanks11:16
slippyr4flannel: but it's really 6 of one, half a dozen of the other.11:16
Kuba what should i type in menu.lst???11:16
ardchoilleslippyr4: I have been using Ubuntu since Warty and have never needed to enable the root account. Any admin tasks you need to do can be done with sudo.11:17
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slippyr4flannel: but a n00b probably shouldnt be root11:17
Flannelslippyr4: In this channel, we don't want to cause headaches for users, as such, we don't advocate things that people don't need (or that will complicate stuff later), setting a root password is one of them.  You're more than welcome to do it separately on your own system, but when supporting here, not.11:17
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AskarWhat do I need to install to do a swedish spellcheck in AbiWord?11:18
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slippyr4flannel: look back at what i wrote: he asked how to do it, so i told him, and i warned him that it wasn;t a good idea. THAT is what support is11:18
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slippyr4flannel: it's not to be recommended, sure. but if someone asks, he shall be told. it's not your place to decide that some other guy shouldnt be able to do what he wants11:19
RazozDoes any1 know?11:19
joshjoshrazoz, know what?11:19
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Razozponingru: : What?  Im newb @ linux11:19
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Flannelslippyr4: sudo -i is more than capable replacement, theres no need for sudo su -11:20
poningru!ipv6 | Razoz11:20
ubotuRazoz: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv411:20
Razozjoshjosh: , my router lagged, couldent see waht you was writing 8)11:20
poningruRazoz: disable ipv611:20
Razozponingru: , thx11:20
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AskarWhat do I need to install to do a swedish spellcheck in AbiWord?11:20
st0n3cutt3r_alright, I need help again.  I found specific directions for my adapter, but they want me to have internet access to complete them.  can I get the files listed in step 2 from outside of ubuntu?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Belkin_F5D7050_ver_3000_%28Ralink_rt73_driver%29?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDevice%2911:21
Razozponingru: , just wanna know. What exactly is ipv6?11:21
Razozit for Internet Protocal like windows? :P11:21
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gyaresu Razoz google dude11:22
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Razozgyaresu: , yeah 8)11:22
Doksiany help for rosegarden midi?11:22
st0n3cutt3r_also the network manager I downloaded insisted that it was the wrong type11:22
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poningruRazoz: hehe11:22
ghatak X is not loading GLX extension, my card is NVidia GForce4 440MX, see glx failing in Xorg.log >>11:22
ghatak                http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8517/11:22
gyaresust0n3cutt3r_: No way of plugging this laptop into a LAN then?11:23
Razozponingru: : Thx for the tip11:23
poningruRazoz: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ipv611:23
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ghatakplease help11:23
st0n3cutt3r_I have an amd athlon 64 processor and downloaded the version I thought I needed for it11:23
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xdiskathere's someone?11:23
gyaresu!welcome | xdiska11:23
ubotuxdiska: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.11:23
st0n3cutt3r_gyaresu: This mac can only access the internet via a bridged connection through my pc (which contains ubuntu)11:23
xdiskai upgraded from edgy to feisty11:23
gyaresust0n3cutt3r_: ah. tricky and annoying.11:24
jussi01!feisty | xdiska11:24
ubotuxdiska: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+111:24
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xdiskabut now when i do try to shutdown my pc it reboot but dont halt11:24
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st0n3cutt3r_I attempted to connect it directly to the modem, but it can't get internet like that for some reason11:24
gyaresust0n3cutt3r_: so you can download the .deb packages that you need for network-manager or whatever by finding out what version you need.11:24
jussi01xdiska, --> #ubuntu+111:24
st0n3cutt3r_gyaresu: that's what I am having a problem with11:25
st0n3cutt3r_can you help?11:25
gyaresust0n3cutt3r_: sure11:25
xdiskawhat mean hussi?11:25
st0n3cutt3r_ubuntu 6.10 amd 64 processor11:25
gyaresust0n3cutt3r_: eating soup as well but we'll get there.11:25
st0n3cutt3r_idk what other information you need11:25
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st0n3cutt3r_I'm running the 32 bit version of ubuntu... if it makes a difference11:25
gyaresust0n3cutt3r_: Did you install the 64bit version?11:25
jussi01xdiska, you need to as feisty questions in #ubuntu+1 channel11:25
xdiskaok i understn11:26
gyaresust0n3cutt3r_: oh. thank goodness.11:26
st0n3cutt3r_the 64 bit version didn't work for some reason11:26
RazozI I chosed Xubuntu bcuze its got XFCE @ start and wanted a speedy system. s it a big difference between Xubuntu and Ubuntu?11:26
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eckRazoz: i don't think so11:26
gyaresust0n3cutt3r_: Just as well. Lots of packages aren't compiled for 64bit.11:26
OuZo_hi, anybody know a good site that will show me how to overclock my AMD 3000+? thanks11:26
eckRazoz: maybe a little bit of RAM saved, that's it11:26
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Razozeck: : @ therie webpage the say its theri lightest11:26
gyaresuOuZo_: http://overclockers.com.au11:27
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OuZo_gyaresu: thanks11:27
eckRazoz: yes, but none of the desktops are heavy on cpu time. you probably save a few tens of megabytes of memory11:27
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gyaresust0n3cutt3r_: so just to recap: you want to get your wireless card working?11:27
eckmaybe 20-30 MB11:27
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st0n3cutt3r_gyaresu: correct11:27
alexIdoiahi I come from Mac and I am looking for a replacement freesoftware for Bbedit on mac, all I want is a simple text editor with ASCII capabilities and most of all a integrated ftp client11:27
ecki'm not sure exactly how much11:27
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gyaresuOuZo_: the forums are good.11:27
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nemanja-can someone help me?11:27
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gyaresust0n3cutt3r_: but it's not recognised?11:27
gyaresu!question | nemanja-11:28
ubotunemanja-: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:28
jussi01!equivalents | alexIdoia11:28
ubotualexIdoia: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant11:28
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st0n3cutt3r_the card is, but it can not find the network to my knowledge11:28
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nemanja---- Connected. Now logging in..11:28
nemanja--Welcome- psyBNC2.3.2-711:28
nemanja---- Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).11:28
alexIdoiajussi01: mac ?11:28
nemanja-What is the problem in this?11:28
gyaresust0n3cutt3r_: what's the  output of 'iwconfig'11:28
slippyr4st0n3cutt3r: does the network run WPA perchance?11:28
Razozeck:  Heh, thats needed with my 512 8)   Getting 2 gb soon <33311:28
st0n3cutt3r_I don't know11:28
eckalexIdoia: an integrated ftp client? maybe emacs11:28
Razozeck: Good for Photoshop ;)11:28
panfistthanks to everyone that helped me earlier, because of you guys i'm online in ubuntu right now. if i could ask another question please, i tried to download/install the newest ATI graphics drivers and it's not working, they recommend to uninstall them before installing a different version, but nowhere do they explain how to uninstall. can anyone point me to a guide or explain?11:28
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gyaresust0n3cutt3r_: and 'iwlist wlan0/eth1/ra0/whatever scan'11:29
eckRazoz: i have 512 MB which is definitely more than enough to run any DE11:29
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jussi01!envy | panfist11:29
ubotupanfist: envy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia and ATI drivers. Please see http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html . Developers may be interested in https://launchpad.net/products/envy - See also !Nvidia11:29
alexIdoiaeck, emacs looks very cool but I found it too difficult11:29
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st0n3cutt3r_gyaresu: is that an exact command that I should enter into the terminal?11:29
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gyaresupanfist: you havn't installed them before so don't worry (apt-get remove blah)11:29
SandroadHi.  Could anyone help me getting my WPA to work on my IBM T42 pls11:29
eckalexIdoia: i would just go with something like gedit then, it supports external plugins, and you can probably find an ftp one11:30
eckalexIdoia: jedit might also have one11:30
jussi01!wpa | Sandroad11:30
gyaresust0n3cutt3r_: aye. 'iwconfig' will get you back the network devices.11:30
ubotuSandroad: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:30
steel_ladyI know that I have to be patient but I ask and nobody pays attention to me for hours!11:30
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gyaresust0n3cutt3r_: then tell me if you see eth1 or wlan0 or whatever.11:30
alexIdoiaeck, sounds good11:30
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panfistgyaresu: i did install them? i followed this guide to the letter except at the "verifying" step my device is "mesa3d"something instead of radeon x190011:30
jussi01steel_lady, whats your problem?11:30
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gyaresusteel_lady: Try again.11:30
slippyr4sandroad: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo worked very well for me.11:30
panfistgyaresu: this guide http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Edgy_Installation_Guide11:31
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st0n3cutt3r_gyaresu: are you talking about in the network ...utility? window?11:31
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eckRazoz: i think you will find that gnome uses very little memory, the things that use a lot are compiz/beryl, firefox, and some others like evince11:31
weitzhello, i tried installing ubuntu 6.10 on my desktop computer earlier and couldn't get the internet working, can anybody help me with this?11:31
gyaresust0n3cutt3r_: no. you need to open up a terminal. Lets use the real tools.11:31
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st0n3cutt3r_gyaresu: I can't have ubuntu open and be online on this computer at the same time, so I can restart and check something if I have specific instructions for what to do and what to report back11:31
jussi01weitz, wireless or normal ethernet?11:31
eckRazoz: if you investigate with a program like top you will see where the memory is really being used, and generally the things integrated with the desktop are pretty memory-concious11:32
weitzjussi01: ethernet11:32
weitzjussi01: i've got earthlink cable, and i connected directly to the cable modem, no router11:32
jussi01weitz, do you usually need a pssword in windows?11:32
steel_ladyjussi01: I think I have general problem launching apps. For now I can not launch Nedit and Amule anymnore and I think it happened after I gave by accident chmod 777 to the whole home and teturned it generally to 77511:32
weitzjussi01: no11:32
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eckRazoz: also, if you use any gnome applications you will end up loading most of the gnome libraries anyway (same with kde apps)11:32
weitzjussi01: should just work w/ DHCP11:32
lesshasteis there some tool to detect which wireless networks will actually let you log in? I was sitting in a train station the other days and there were about half a dozen non-encrypted networks available. If you tried to use any of them they took you to a page to ask you to pay11:32
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jussi01weitz, system -> administration -> network11:33
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weitzjussi01: i'm on my laptop on ubuntu and it's working fine, just DHCP11:33
eckweitz: you might have to reset the modem11:33
gyaresust0n3cutt3r_: yes, sorry. first get 'lspci' then 'iwconfig' (note the wireless device name wlan0 or whatever) then 'iwlist wlan0/whatever scan'. See you soon.11:33
eckweitz: a lot of cable modems don't really do dhcp properly, so resetting them will get it working again11:33
weitzeck: but i'm online right now, same modem, same ubuntu, just a laptop not desktop11:34
st0n3cutt3r_is it really supposed to be /whatever scan   ?11:34
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gyaresust0n3cutt3r_: dude...11:34
eckweitz: ah... try doing dhcp manually with dhclient and see what it gives you11:34
jussi01steel_lady, Im not too sure on that problem, Im sorry11:34
ecke.g. dhclient eth011:34
gyaresust0n3cutt3r_:  (note the wireless device name wlan0 or whatever)11:34
eck(as root of course)11:34
Razozeck: okay, thx11:34
st0n3cutt3r_gyaresu: ok, I was just checking (because you said it exactly the same way 3 times)11:35
steel_ladyjussi01, whom can I ask then?11:35
weitzeck: i have two ethernet interfaces on the desktop, could that cause a problem?11:35
st0n3cutt3r_thx, brb11:35
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gyaresust0n3cutt3r_: Sorry. Getting sleepy. Good luck. I'll be here.11:35
weitzeck: ubuntu seems to detect them both, and the hardware appears to work for both11:35
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Kubahey if my compiling kernel failed how can i remove everything(files etc)what i did?11:36
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eckweitz: i am not really sure, i only have one ethernet interface on my laptop so i have never found out how ubuntu does in that arena11:36
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gyaresusteel_lady: If you've 'chmod 755 -R /home/blah' then that's somewhat mess.11:36
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jussi01steel_lady, try #ubuntuforums they may not be able to help you, but then again the may. Just remember that is not an official support channel, so they dont *have* to help11:36
Kubato start compile again?11:36
ecki would be sort of surprised if that was the issue though11:36
soundrayKuba: 'make mrproper'11:36
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gyaresuKuba: if you installed it properly then you can 'apt-get remove' it.11:36
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ecksteel_lady: ouch, that is a very bad thing to do11:37
Kubain the directory with new kernel?11:37
weitzeck: alright, i'll have to log off my laptop test the dhclient command, no router11:37
kenthomsonWhen is feisty launching?11:37
ecksteel_lady: a lot of things should _not_ be world readable, e.g. ssh keys11:37
eilkeri wanna take a video of my 3d desktop. but i dont want its size big, which format to save avi or mpeg ?11:37
gyaresuKuba: preface your comments with a nick please.11:37
soundrayKuba: where you ran the compile11:37
eckweitz: ok11:37
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khaijeghatak: i would reccomend (1)using the repo'd nvidia blobs instead of any other ones for simplicity and ease , also (2) purge and reinstall the xserver-xorg-core package , and (3) dist-upgrade if you haven't done that lately11:37
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weitzeck: ok, bbiab11:38
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ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+111:38
alexIdoiaeck: that is strange no ftp capabilities for gedit, this is so strange I thought this was quite an essential feature, how do you guys do to edit html files to/from an external server ?11:38
Kubagyaresu:/usr/src/linux- right?11:38
ecksteel_lady: actually, some software will not even work if the configuration files do not have proper permissions11:38
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gyaresuKuba: what about it?11:39
ghatakkhaije: right, trying that now11:39
kenthomsonI am reading the beryl_wiki page and it has a section on "Show Desktop" plugin, but i can't find it in beryl-settings-manager; Can someone help me locate the Show-Desktop plugin11:39
Kubagyaresu:there i have to type apt-get remove?11:39
gyaresuKuba: Why on earth are you recompiling the kernel anyway?11:39
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aglivGreetings all :) having problems dual booting WinDOOF + ubuntu.... wanted to use the same /boot partitition for booth, but ubuntu wrote over the windows entries and now I can only start Ubuntu...11:39
kenthomsongyaresu, Is he not on ISS?11:39
eckalexIdoia: i think you can open up an ftp session in nautilus and then edit those files with gedit. i personally just edit files locally or over an ssh session (using vim)11:40
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gyaresukenthomson: the international space station?11:40
khaijeghatak: sorry my comp is slow and a little overloaded atm11:40
FlosoftI updated from edgy to feisty this night11:40
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steel_ladyjussi01, eck: first I did chmod 777 by accident then I returned to 755 but I don't believe that anybody can help me in general since we can not go file by file. but I did it in home! why is it affecting programs?11:40
Flosoftbut the update failed during the night11:40
sciboyHey guys, what download manager would you recommend?11:40
Flosoftnow I can't boot anymore :S11:40
kenthomsongyaresu, righto! International Space Station ;-)11:40
Kubagyaresu:i'd like to try compile kernel again.do i have to remove everything from last compiling?11:40
gyaresuKuba: Please pastebin the output of 'dpkg --get-selections |grep image'11:40
alexIdoiaeck: yes that is what I do right no, but vim can't do a lot of things11:41
kenthomsonFlosoft, i was thinking about doing the same things but with different results, how was the experience?11:41
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eckalexIdoia: like?11:41
gyaresuKuba: Why on earth are you recompiling the kernel anyway?11:41
eckit can edit files remotely11:41
gyaresuKuba: please read the messages.11:41
kenthomsongyaresu, are you sure he is not on ISS?11:41
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Flosoftwell .. when I boot into rescue mode I get this:11:41
FlosoftCannot open root device "UUID=*something*" or unknown-block(0,0)11:41
kenthomsongyaresu, if he is not reading any of the messages than how do you expect him to read that one?11:41
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FlosoftPlease append a correct root= boot option11:41
FlosoftKernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)11:42
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gyaresukenthomson: eyeballs bug.11:42
alexIdoiaeck: :) say that I am not sure how to do them, for ex how to encode a file with the proper charset11:42
FlosoftI really don't know what to do11:42
kenthomsonFlosoft, a forum search might help you get results faster11:42
Flosoftdidn't find anything :S11:42
kenthomsonI am reading the beryl_wiki page and it has a section on "Show Desktop" plugin, but i can't find it in beryl-settings-manager; Can someone help me locate the Show-Desktop plugin11:42
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eckalexIdoia: in vim try ":he charset"11:42
gyaresuubotu: tell me about yourself11:42
kenthomsonFlosoft, try making a detailed post, and great people at the forums will help you11:43
kenthomsongyaresu, does he understand natural language?11:43
kenthomsonubotu, what is your name?11:43
gugu^Please Help, I have instaled Hp laser Jet 1018, and his not printing, i folow instructions form here http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=220766&highlight=102011:43
Flosoftisn't there any quick fix?11:43
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eckalexIdoia: have you tried jedit? I am a sysadmin, so I am a really heavy vim user, but a lot of the programmers at work use that11:43
gyaresuKuba: hello?11:43
the_stighey im tryin to upgrade to breezy how do i change the repositories11:44
eckvim and emacs are good editors, but you definitely have to invest a _lot_ of time to use them efficiently11:44
eshaasei disabled the login manager and when i do a 'startx' i get an error about the gnome settings daemon and something about dbus, any idea whats going on?11:44
alexIdoiaeck: ok I'll try11:44
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Kubagyaresu:sorry but i don't understand your question-i don't speak english very well11:44
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soundraythe_stig: are you on warty?11:44
ecke.g. for vim i'd say you probably have to know at least 40 or so commands before it really becomes worthwhile to use it11:44
alexIdoiaeck: anyway, I like vim , is there a list of command somewhere so I can learn ?11:44
finalbetaFlosoft: You will have to boot with a live CD and edit your fstab so it will mount the correct partition. You can replace the UUID with the old style /dev/hd** if you want.11:45
eckalexIdoia: the built in help is the best documentation11:45
gyaresuKuba: Why do you want to recompile you kernel?11:45
eckalexIdoia: i think it also provides the best tutorial11:45
weitzeck: back, i tried manually running dhclient, should i paste the output?11:45
Kubayou mean compile again?11:45
kenthomsongyaresu, "earth", missing?11:45
eckweitz: pastebin it11:45
Flosoftfinalbeta: but the partitions should be ok?11:45
weitzeck: ok11:45
gyaresuKuba: Why do you want to recompile you kernel? At all. For what reason? What is the purpose?11:45
alexIdoiaeck:  and what do you think of gvim ?11:46
eckalexIdoia: you can search for something by trying ":he foo" and then hitting ctrl-d11:46
eckalexIdoia: gvim is nice, i use it when i edit files locally11:46
=== barata [n=barata@c-76-102-22-249.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kubagyaresu:to make my system safer etc...11:46
soundrayKuba: run 'make mrproper' in the directory where you ran the compile commands originally. Then you can start over.11:46
gyaresuKuba: No.11:46
ardchoillethe_stig: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list (CLI) or gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list (GUI)11:46
the_stigsoundray: im on hedgehog or somethin.. crazy names :\.. neway i'm just using the apt-get method seems like its working11:46
soundrayKuba: your system won't be safer from compiling a kernel11:46
alexIdoiaeck: has gvim the same command than vim ?11:46
baratahallo all, how can we make kde, gnome & xfce integrate seamlessly in Ubuntu11:46
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the_stigthere is no way i can do it straight to 6.10 ay?11:47
alexIdoiaso if I learn vim I would also know gvim ?11:47
finalbetaFlosoft: it's pointing to the wrong partition, or the partition is corrupted. You can check the partitons from the live cd11:47
baratayou know ... if you use gnome based, then gimp or thunderbird for instance will look funny & ugly in KDE11:47
soundraythe_stig: I think it's a bad idea to upgrade from hoary hedgehog to breezy badger. I recommend you do a fresh install of edgy eft.11:47
finalbetait's unlikely it's destroyed.11:47
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barataand vice versa11:47
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eckalexIdoia: gvim is just a pretty gui that allows you to have menus and better themes. the tabbing support is also a little more inuitive11:47
weitzeck: ok, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8527/11:47
eckbut the commands are the same11:47
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alexIdoiaeck: ok cool11:48
alexIdoiaeck: thanks11:48
Kubagyaresu? isifference beetween apt-get remove and 'make mrproper?11:48
the_stigive got an iso of edgy eft. but no blank cds.. neway i can run it without burning it??11:48
=== Aspen [n=Aspen@dslb-084-061-052-148.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
eckweitz: it looks like it isn't seeing any responses to its dhcp broadcasts11:48
ardchoilleeck: How would one get gvim to work in tty1 if they had a problem with X?11:48
eckardchoille: you would just use regular vim11:48
soundraythe_stig: there is a way to install without a CD, but it's a little more involved. Read the pm from ubotu:11:49
weitzeck: so what do you think is the problem?11:49
soundray!install > the_stif11:49
soundray!install > the_stig11:49
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gyaresuKuba: Can you show me a link to the guide you were following please?11:49
the_stig:) thnx11:49
=== soundray blushes
finalbetaFlosoft: using fschk.ext311:49
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ardchoilleeck: So, it's probably a good idea to get used to regular vim now?11:49
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st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: should I e-mail the results or what do you want with/from them?11:49
soundraythe_stig: topgear, eh?11:49
jpjacobsardchoille, there is a vim tutorial in the vim package if i'm not mistaken. that'll get you going11:49
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gyaresu!pastebin | st0n3cutt3r11:50
ubotust0n3cutt3r: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:50
eckardchoille: I always use it if i am working at the console, in X or not; i mostly use gvim for extended editing sessions11:50
jpjacobsardchoille, vimtutr it is11:50
sciboyCan anyone recommend a download manager?11:50
eckweitz: try resetting the modem, and make sure you are using the right interface11:50
ardchoillejpjacobs: I'm good with vim, I was just trying to see if eck would see the benefit to using regular vim now.11:50
soundraysciboy: wget11:50
gyaresu!offtopic | eck: ardchoille11:50
ubotueck: ardchoille: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:50
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gyaresusciboy: GUI or CLI?11:50
sciboyPlease. =)11:51
dgxHi :)11:51
weitzeck: yeah, the interface is right according to ifconfig output, besides they're both active and enabled, and i already reset the modem before that test11:51
ardchoillegyaresu: Thanks for that11:51
Kubagyaresu:i typed mrproper11:51
gyaresusciboy: Then no :) but axel is awesome and could be setup to be used by some programmes.11:51
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aglivcan anybody please help me fix my booting routiene so that windows is recognized?11:51
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st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8533/11:52
eckweitz: you should just get a router :-). you can also do static ip if you have to11:52
ardchoillegyaresu: Please don't be so quick on the ot trigger :)11:52
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eckweitz: i suspect that if you look at the interface with wireshark or tcpdump you will see that there are no dhcp responses11:52
weitzeck: but this is quite bizarre, it's working fine on my laptop11:52
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=== ikonia wakes
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gugu^Please Help, I have instaled Hp laser Jet 1018, and his not printing, i folow instructions form here http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=220766&highlight=102011:53
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:53
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eckweitz: there isn't a web interface for the modem, is there?11:53
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gyaresust0n3cutt3r: so you have two wireless devices. wlan0 doesn't find any networks.11:54
eckif there is you might check if it keeps any logs11:54
kenthomson Is there any place on the net/opther package that i can install to get even more beryl-plugins?11:54
weitzeck: no11:54
finalbetaaglet: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8538/ << that is what needs to be placed inside you /boot/grub/menu.lst , but you still need to specify the correct location.11:54
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ardchoillekenthomson: You might ask in #ubuntu-effects11:54
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st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: both of those devices appear for my 1 wireless adapter o_O11:55
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finalbetaagliv:  : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8538/ << that is what needs to be placed inside you /boot/grub/menu.lst , but you still need to specify the correct location.11:55
st0n3cutt3rI have another adapter that I could have tested, but I didn't think to plug it in (I would have to find it first)11:55
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weitzeck: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-10718.html, this appears to be similar to my issue11:55
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniakenthomson: beryl questions are better in #ubuntu-effect - there is more experienece there11:55
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: Right. Is it a card that you had unplugged when you ran lspci?11:55
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: is it internal?11:56
weitzeck: except that guy resolved it by resetting his modem, and has DSL11:56
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: is it external?11:56
kenthomsonikonia, hi!11:56
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: Are we having fun yet?11:56
kenthomsonardchoille, ikonia i will go there, but i find it sleepy/less-responsive11:56
ikoniaits the most expereinced place for beryl+ubuntu11:57
st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: lol11:57
eckweitz: i strongly suspect it is a problem on the modem's end, if you really want to make sure you would have to run a packet sniffing program11:57
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: This is the bit where maybe you provide me with a link to the model page or somesuch...11:57
eckweitz: dhclient would show some messages if there was anything that even looked like a reply11:57
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weitzeck: alright, any ideas how to resolve this?11:57
st0n3cutt3rI was just looking11:57
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kenthomsonubotu, foo is bar11:58
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ikonia!goodbotuse >kenthomson11:58
st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: http://catalog.belkin.com/IWCatProductPage.process?Product_Id=179211#11:58
nerdcorehs anyone tried a live persistant install?11:58
eckweitz: sorry, i don't have any more ideas11:59
nerdcoreI'm having issues with the persistant part...11:59
ikonianerdcore: whats a live persistant install ?11:59
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weitzeck: alright, thanks anyway, i guess i'll have to see if i can figure something out11:59
nerdcoreikonia: booting from CD or USB with a saved home11:59
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ikoniaahhh I see12:00
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ikoniaI've personally never appriciated that approach12:00
nerdcoreit's pretty slick..12:00
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nerdcoreonly good for when you work in an office and get shuffled around12:00
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gyaresust0n3cutt3r: I don't have to beat you to death with google do I? You have seen the plethora http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=F5D7050+ubuntu&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-812:00
nerdcoremultiple machines multiple headache12:00
ikoniaI appriciate the need, I just find it too rare a solution12:01
lesshasteis it possible to make grub come up with a blank screen which only shows the options if you press some key?12:01
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gyaresust0n3cutt3r: "Disclaimer. I accept no responsibility for anything that goes wrong using this howto. If it breaks your system, I guess you get to keep both halves. If it makes your system urinate on the dog, I guess you get to give the dog a bath"12:01
kenthomsonHELP; i have installed beagled, and it sits in the background using very-high number of CPU cycles, and it paralyzes my PC. can i make it run gentler? I even tried "beagle-shutdwon" but it rudely re-started and again bloated my system. I can't have a fully indexed, but bloated system, please help me make beagle behave a little more politely12:01
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gyaresukenthomson you need to re-'nice' the process.12:02
finalbetakenthomson: it should be using 100% cpu, using 80 would be a waste. But you can renice it if it's priority is to high. yet it shouldn't be.12:02
=== wladik [i=wlados22@adsl-d172.84-47-5.t-com.sk] has joined #ubuntu
eckkenthomson: i have seen it do this before on some malformed files, i don't think there is a fix; top will lower the cpu priority, but ti will still waste cpu time12:02
alexIdoiaeck: in vim to have the color syntax, the command is something link :sync on but I forget it exactly12:02
gyaresukenthomson: 'top' then hit the 'r' key to renice it.12:02
eckkenthomson: using tracker as a replacement is an option (although it is not as tightly integrated atm)12:03
finalbetaBut I would say, don't use beagle compiz and beryl, it's bad for you.12:03
wladikhi all! when is ubuntu 7.04 feisty fawn out?12:03
finalbetaIn 2007 month  0412:03
ardchoillewladik: April 19th, supposedly12:03
finalbetathat's why It's called 7.0412:03
Seveas!feisty| wladik12:03
gyaresukenthomson: 19 is a decent value.12:03
ubotuwladik: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+112:03
wladikwill be on cds shipit?12:03
eckalexIdoia: you need to :set syntax (and in the future, #vim is a more appropriate channel for vim questions)12:04
=== EADG [n=vader@d206-75-103-225.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
gyaresuwladik: no shipit is only 6.0612:04
ardchoillewladik: Not sure ShipIt will do that, since Dapper will still be supported.12:04
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EADGEvening all.12:04
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gyaresuubotu: tell me about greetings12:04
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finalbetawladik: they seems to ship only long term supported releases, the release 7.10 will probably be one of those.12:04
wladiki used dapper alot -ist a stable and reliable :-) hope feisty will be too12:04
ardchoillewladik: Indeed, Dapper is quite nice.12:05
kenthomsongyaresu, how do i make it work at 19, or whatever that is?12:05
gyaresukenthomson: did you run 'top'?12:05
st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: most instructions I find, so far as I can tell, expect that I have access to the internet with ubuntu otherwise12:05
st0n3cutt3r1. First, go into Synaptic Package Manager, and search for "ndiswrapper-utils"12:05
=== CBunny [n=carlad@host86-141-198-47.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
CBunnyHi! is it possible to install ubuntu using the serial port?12:06
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: 'apt-cache showpkg whatever' then see the exact version it would want to install. Get it and then 'sudo dpkg -i whatever'12:06
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lesshastewhere is the grub config file? Strangely I can't find it12:06
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eckkenthomson: just to let you know, renicing it will not prevent it from keeping your cpu on and making the fans loud; you should check what files it is getting stuck on, i had problems in the past where i would download video files (on bittorrent) and beagle would try to parse the metadata associated with them and hog the cpu because they were malformed12:07
soundrayCBunny: it may be possible, but I doubt that someone has documented the process12:07
eckkenthomson: you can do that with lsof12:07
CBunnysoundray, why's that?12:07
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: plus its dependencies. If you just run 'sudo apt-cache depends whatever' then that'll tell you.12:07
ardchoillelesshaste: Do you mean /boot/grub/menu.lst ?12:07
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lesshasteardchoille: oh !12:08
ecke.g. lsof | grep beagle12:08
st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: whatever being wlan0 or wmaster0 again?12:08
soundrayCBunny: serial ports are becoming rare in desktops. Embedded machines tend to use other distributions than ubuntu.12:08
finalbetaCBunny: because it's not something you want to be doing, check google for "install debian serial cable"12:08
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: no this is to install extra packages that you will need to get the wireless device happy.12:08
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finalbetadebian will likely turn up more results and is similar.12:09
st0n3cutt3rok, so what do I fill whatever with?12:09
CBunnyfinalbeta, what's wrong with it? i install most my servers using the serial port12:09
=== simmerz [n=simmerz@iitempest.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
lesshasteardchoille: thx :)12:09
finalbetaCBunny: got a guide? :)12:09
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: It's been detected but it isn't working. You might want to find a post with that exact problem/solution.12:09
nerdcorehas anyone in here trued a persistant live USB install before, I'm halfway through and I'm getting stuck. (I'm booting live off USB, but persistance doesn't want to work.)12:10
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ardchoillelesshaste: You're welcome :)12:10
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nerdcoreI'm getting a pretty clear error though when starting X12:10
FerretSurely the serial console instructions are trivially the same as the X-less instructions, asssuming the install CD puts the required one line in menu.lst and one line in inittab?12:10
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deadeyeshi all, I have a problem with snmpd... whenever I start it with the init.d script, it only listens to the loopback interface so I can only connect locally. I looked with ps aux and I saw an argument that tells smpd to only listen to loopback. I looked in the manual how I can change this... I found udp:161 but I cant seem to find where to change this so always as snmpd starts, that it listens to all interfaces:s12:11
=== Durtro [n=stuart@bzq-88-153-110-206.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: alright, I'll look12:11
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: Geeze it's messy. I'm not sure you want to do it without having net.12:11
kenthomsoneck, gyaresu i am a bit more of a novice than you assume, i understand completely simple commands, or a GUI, nothing more than that. My problem: beagle makes my computer unusable, please rephrase your solution in a way i can implement it. And another question, is beagle worth the CPU-time, or i am better of with "locate foo"?12:11
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nerdcoreall I get is unable to lock ICE authority file: /home/ubuntu/.ICEauthority12:12
ikoniaif beagle is killing your machine - its not worth it12:12
eckkenthomson: i think the problem that you are having isn't really possible to fix, beagle has a number of problems ineherent to it12:12
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eckkenthomson: i would just use locate, or maybe tracker12:12
kenthomsoneck, thank you that helps!12:12
st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: did you find instructions?12:12
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kenthomsoneck, and you mean to say there is no way i can make it behave nicer, with one-two commands for all-time?12:12
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ikoniadepends on the problem12:13
Seveasikonia, beagle is never worth it. Dog-slow12:13
gyaresukenthomson: I am cli monkey so bash tools are win imho. However if you open another terminal and run 'top' you will then be able to hit the 'r' key and it will ask you what PID you want to renice. Just enter the Process ID of Beagle and then enter '19' as the 'renice' value.12:13
st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: I can load a page on my mac (which I am talking to you from right now) and just leave it up while my pc reboots into windows and use the instructions from here12:13
eilkercan recordmydesktop save in avi format too or just ogg format ?12:13
ikoniaSeveas: I've had it running "acceptable"12:13
eckkenthomson: you can have the kernel schedule it with lower priority, so that it doesn't slow down other appications12:13
XifHi. I'm trying to install a Lexmark E240 on Edgy. Any help?12:13
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: st0n3cutt3r http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=44916612:13
eckbut this is _not_ the same as making it not use as much cpu12:13
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: messy.12:13
=== maxiounet [n=max@AMontpellier-256-1-137-193.w90-29.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasikonia, killer hardware I assume :)12:14
eckin particular, it will keep the cpu on, the cpu will not be able to idle, and you will be using more power and the fans will get loud12:14
XifGoogle said I might want to install it via the "generic PCL6" driver. anyone knows how I can do that?12:14
ikoniaSeveas: yes, it has a fair bit of grunt12:14
=== Roland [n=Roland@ppp-62-11-86-63.dialup.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniaand I agree its rarly worth it unless you have a real need for it12:14
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Xifi.e. where do I find the PCL6 on the Add New Printer wizard driver menu?12:15
gyaresuSeveas: Yay! Sorry to bother but would you be so kind as to add a factoid for nick prefacing please. It's something I end up typing a lot. !preface or somesuch?12:15
eckkenthomson: if you think that the amount of time that beagle is spending using the cpu is unreasonable (and i think that it is) dn't use it12:15
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ikoniaeck: and there lies the real advice12:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about prfefix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about prefix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:15
=== Alarm [n=rock@ppp91-223.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
finalbetaI don't see why beagle would have to be noticeably slow, it's doing it thing in the background. Taking up to many resources true, but when you search it's lightening fast.12:15
kenthomsoneck, right12:15
st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: I think I can do this, but I would like you to talk me through a few parts before I start, if you don't mind12:15
Alarmis there any danger writing from windows to linux partition while linux kernel is not running ? i searched for some articles but couldnt find something about it12:15
ardchoillekenthomson: I used beagle for a bit, found it to be too much, so I found the deskbar applet to be much better for me. You might try the deskbar applet and see if that works for you.12:16
=== DannyBhoy is now known as HeathenDan
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: Fire away.12:16
kenthomsonAlarm, i do it all the time12:16
ikoniaAlarm: how can you do that if the kernel is nor runnign ?12:16
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kenthomsonardchoille, i find it too much taxing12:16
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ikoniaAlarm: do you mean from windows ?12:16
Alarmcopy with ext2fs for example12:16
aglivfinalbeta: Thanks for the info... that helps... now I can list my partitions with fdsk -l ?12:16
st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: you will have to adjust your /usr/src/ to your kernel so, change to yours accordingly12:16
Seveas!prefix is <reply> If you prefix your lines with the nickname of the prson you're talking too, you have a grater chance that that person reads your messages12:16
lesshasteI am using hiddenmenu in grub but I would really like the screen to be completely blank instead of showing the minimal grub message... is this possible?12:16
kenthomsonardchoille, i might be better of with the deskbar applet, but what does it use to do a 'search'12:16
Seveas!prefix is <reply> If you prefix your lines with the nickname of the prson you're talking too, you have a grater chance that that person reads your messages12:16
ubotuI'll remember that, Seveas12:16
ikoniaAlarm: the danger is the ext2 driver for windows can cause issues, so its up to you if you chose to risk it12:16
Alarmon another partition12:16
ubotuIf you prefix your lines with the nickname of the prson you're talking too, you have a grater chance that that person reads your messages12:16
gyaresuSeveas: typo "person"12:17
ikoniakenthomson: he's just done that - the answer isn't going to change12:17
gyaresuSeveas: typo "greater"12:17
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ardchoillekenthomson: I believe it uses gnome-search-tool12:17
kenthomsonSeveas, it should be pErson prson12:17
Seveasgyaresu, my e is dodgy12:17
=== erUSUL [n=erUSUL@48.Red-83-44-221.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
nerdcorealarm .. I missed something but are you trying to read an ext2 drive from win?12:17
gyaresuSeveas: get a better dealer.12:17
Seveas!no prefix is <reply> If you prefix your lines with the nickname of the person you're talking too, you have a greater chance that that person reads your messages12:17
ubotuI'll remember that Seveas12:17
ubotuIf you prefix your lines with the nickname of the person you're talking too, you have a greater chance that that person reads your messages12:17
=== cerbero626 [n=cerbero@p213.54.37.40.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasgyaresu, no, I hammer on the keyboard too much12:17
Seveaskenthomson, would you mind not being so annoying?12:18
Alarmi see. so there shouldnt be a problem writing on linux partition and booting then to linux . (problems with fsck for example)12:18
kenthomsonSeveas, it is NOT talking "too" but "talking to", a single "o"12:18
bodyboarding_bumcan anyone help me with setting up dual monitors?12:18
eckkenthomson: if you are interested in a beagle-like tool, look at http://www.gnome.org/projects/tracker/12:18
gyaresuSeveas: Old IBM clicky clack for you then. (Thanks muchly for the factoid).12:18
finalbetaagliv: sudo fdisk -l12:18
eckkenthomson: it is in universe i think12:18
=== nichtweise [n=dummy@dynamic-unidsl-85-197-20-193.westend.de] has joined #ubuntu
kenthomsoneck, is it effecient, any first hand expreince?12:18
Seveasgyaresu, I'm on a laptop :)12:18
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eckkenthomson: my experiences with it have been very positive12:18
bodyboarding_bumanyone know anything about dual monitors?12:18
kenthomsonSeveas, it is NOT "talking too" but "talking to", a single "o"12:19
FerretThey come in pairs12:19
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kenthomson!twinview bodyboarding_bum12:19
ikoniabodyboarding_bum: whats the problem12:19
Alarmnerdcore,  i am asking the risks of writing to a linux partition from windows12:19
kenthomson!twinview | bodyboarding_bum12:19
ubotubodyboarding_bum: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead12:19
bodyboarding_bumi cant get my dual monitors working12:19
Otto-MateLooking for VMware Image of V6.10 Desktop - anyone ?12:19
ikoniabodyboarding_bum: what technique are you using and what graphics card12:19
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nerdcoreI would suggest checking out explore2fsPE (or with out PE) for the task at least..12:19
st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: sry, i didn't make that a real question; what does "you will have to adjust your /usr/src/ to your kernel so, change to yours accordingly" mean?12:20
bodyboarding_bumim using an ATI X300, and ive tried all the techniques i can find for ati cards, none worked12:20
=== bugz_ [n=bugz@adsl-69-235-207-143.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
kenthomsonAlarm, you need a EXT3 driver (fs-driver.org), and it works like a charm, but all your linux partition config files are openly visible in windows so anyone can change them without knowing the root password, if that is what you consider a security risk12:20
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: How you going with the reading? The build-essential package has all the fun toys you need to compile things yourself. /usr/src is where the linux headers or kernel source live.12:20
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Alarmokie :) thank you a lot12:20
=== A[D] minS [n=Whisky@dxb-b111084.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu
kenthomsongyaresu, is linux_headers = kernell source? what is linux-headers.12:20
A[D] minSWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running12:20
A[D] minSkernel? [/usr/src/linux/include12:20
=== green [n=green@70-57-115-236.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
A[D] minSam trying to install vmware so what i should do now?12:20
st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you just said12:21
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ikoniakenthomson: just be aware that driver is not always stable, it can corrupt your partitions, so be careful when using it (there is a waring on the website saying use at your own risk)12:21
Otto-MateLooking for VMware Image of V6.10 Desktop - anyone ?12:21
Otto-MateLooking for VMware Image of V6.10 Desktop - anyone ?12:21
aglivfinalbeta: hda 5 is winxp so what gose in the ( , )?12:21
holleis this the right channel to ask questions, problems about booting feisty fawn?12:21
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greenis there a dvd-rw eraseing program for ubuntu?12:21
andrewsI edited my xorg.conf to include a higher rez (that i know this monitor can do) and I changed my resolution on my computer and now im getting wierd lines down the screen - any ideas on how to fix?12:21
st0n3cutt3rdo I need to change /usr/src to something else?  (like /brian/src - brian being my user name)12:21
kenthomsonikonia, What does ubuntu say in its license? "ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.." Just press ctrl-alt-f1 and see what ubuntu says to you in the face!12:21
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CBunnygreen, cdrecord12:22
finalbetaagliv: (0 , 4)12:22
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ubotuIf you prefix your lines with the nickname of the person you're talking to, you have a greater chance that that person reads your messages12:22
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biotroxhow do i connect to my workplace using vpn?12:22
greenok ty12:22
aglivikonia: you're not the same ikonia that has been helping me out these past days, are you?12:22
greeni'll try that12:22
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finalbetaagliv: sry! it's (hd0,4)12:22
ikoniakenthomson: yes I know, I'm not talking about ubuntu - I'm talking about the windows file system driver for ext212:22
kenthomsonagliv, theres only one12:22
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: You will need the linux-headers-'uname -a' package to compile a new kernel module.12:22
kenthomsonikonia, ok12:22
ikoniakenthomson: just didn't want you to ruin your ext2 file systems12:22
ikoniaor think that driver was %100 stable12:22
ikoniaagliv: hello there12:22
=== paul__ [n=paul@adsl-83-100-174-73.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #ubuntu
phatrabbitHi i have a problem with Ubuntu 6.10. When i boot up ubuntu it shows the ubuntu loading screen and then my monitor goes to standby12:23
alexIdoiaeck still there ?12:23
Otto-MateLooking for VMware Image of V6.10 Desktop - anyone ?12:23
=== Spee_Der [n=n1gke@ip68-14-29-148.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
phatrabbitit was working fine before12:23
andrewsI edited my xorg.conf to include a higher rez (that i know this monitor can do) and I changed my resolution on my computer and now im getting wierd lines down the screen - any ideas on how to fix?12:23
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st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: I understand what you are saying, but your instructions are slightly too short (lacking a how or where or when) for me to be able to use them12:23
alexIdoiaI have open a file via nautilus in ssh, I have the permission to write in it but when using gvim, it does not allow me to write in it12:23
=== Tmi [n=tommi@kr-lun-9-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
aglivkenthomson sometimes ikonia sometimes ikonia_ and sometimes both at the same time....12:23
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: I'm still reading a couple of pages...12:23
alexIdoiaanyidea ?12:23
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:23
ikoniaagliv: thats when I'm on a clients site and leave my normal nick logged in at home12:24
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aglivikonia:  we never did finish our conversation12:24
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gyaresust0n3cutt3r: I'm just trying to get my head around how you should do this :)12:24
ikoniano, I had to go to a meeting12:24
kidbuntuHow do you format a USB Flash Disk in Edgy?12:24
aglivfinalbeta: will try... looks right anyhow ;)12:24
Otto-MateLooking for VMware Image of V6.10 Desktop - anyone know if this is available anywhere?12:24
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st0n3cutt3rphatrabbit: is someone helping you?12:24
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foxinessis there an update how-to to install ror?12:25
ikoniawhats ror ?12:25
phatrabbitst0n3cutt3r: nope i tried restarting xorg but i get this drum noise and my monitor tuirns off12:25
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greenive got k3b installed and it wont erase dvd-rw's?12:25
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st0n3cutt3rphatrabbit: ubuntu used to work correctly for you, or did you just install it?12:25
aglivikonia: got some spare time on your hands? or ICQ?12:26
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bodyboarding_bumsorry, froze12:26
phatrabbiti installed it and it was working fine12:26
ikoniaagliv: I can answer quick questions, but I'm doing a few things at the moment12:26
st0n3cutt3rand now it is not12:26
aglivgreen: have you configured k3b properly?12:26
st0n3cutt3rdid you change anything?12:26
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Ubuntu12:26
phatrabbitst0n3cutt3r: no i have not changed anything its a fresh install and i got all the updates12:26
greeni believe so it writes fine12:26
=== Manny_ [n=chris@p549682CC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
phatrabbitst0n3cutt3r: what is the command to reconfigure my xorg12:26
Otto-MateLooking for VMware Image of V6.10 Desktop - anyone know if this is available anywhere?12:26
ardchoillephatrabbit: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:27
bodyboarding_bumgreen: anyone help with ATI dual monitors?12:27
soundray!repeat | Otto-Mate12:27
ubotuOtto-Mate: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:27
phatrabbitardchoille: thanks12:27
aglivfinalbeta: just one last question.... how do I configure grub to automatacly show me the list and wait as apposed for me to having to prevent grub to default?12:27
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greeni dont have a ati card12:27
aglivikonia: do you have icq?12:28
Otto-Mateubotu - ok, thanks12:28
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ok, thanks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:28
ikoniaagliv: no, I don't use it12:28
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st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: I'm sorry I'm such a noob with ubuntu; what is ndiswrapper?12:28
aglivikonia: you probably don't want to give me your email here....12:28
A[D] minS!kernel-source12:28
ubotuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages12:28
st0n3cutt3rused to install windows drivers, right?12:28
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aglivikonia: don't like icq or never used it?12:29
ikonianot used it for ages, I'm sure I have an account somewhere12:29
greenlet me see how this is configed12:29
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aglivikonia: there is also a web-java based implement for people who don't want to install... works, more or less...12:30
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alexIdoiahey I have open a remote dir via ssh in nautilus, but I can't update file, why since all permission are clear12:30
=== nUllSkillZ [n=oliver@p54B2E1B5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: ndiswrapper is indeed a 'wrapper' around binary windows drivers.12:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vpnclient - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:31
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: You have the driver disk for that usb device?12:31
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lesshastehow do find the version of an installed package?12:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vpnn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:31
=== trelo_bifteki [n=lambros@athedsl-121799.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
bodyboarding_bumdoes anyone in here use an ATI card?12:31
aglivSay, could anyone inform me how to change Grub so that I don't to preess a key to get the list, it's automatically shown and then waits?12:31
Toma-sergo: try /msg ubotu help12:32
gyaresulesshaste: 'apt-cache showpkg thingy'12:32
greenon tools for k3b all ive got is cd-rw?12:32
=== bayle [n=bayle@host32-184-dynamic.11-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniaagliv: sorry you don't want grub to display the menu12:32
green how do i get dvd-rw erase?12:32
ikoniaagliv: not quite sure what your asking12:32
aglivikonia: why not12:32
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ikoniaagliv: because I'm not clear what your asking12:32
lesshastegyaresu: ok thanks.. looks like grub is at version 0.9712:33
=== mondeoscotch [n=andrzej@ACD45D3F.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
aglivikonia Step by step12:33
ikoniaagliv: how do you want grub ot behave12:33
gyaresuagliv: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst read the manual 'man grub'12:33
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=== sergo undernet sux
ikoniato behave that should read12:33
gyaresuikonia: boot order...12:33
bodyboarding_bumanyone use ATI?12:33
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ikoniagyaresu: he wants to change the boot order ?12:33
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aglivikonia:  the way it is now: I boot and grub says press a key within x seconds to list... If not -> default12:34
ikoniaagliv: yup - thats fine12:34
soundraybodyboarding_bum: is this a survey?12:34
ikoniaagliv: so what do you want it to do12:34
=== Otto-Mate heads off to make his own VMware image ten - can't believe there's not one to download
phatrabbitok reconfiguring xserver seemed to fix ti12:35
aglivIkonia: what I want is for me not to have to press a key within x sec, but for gub to ALWAYS show the list and wait for selection12:35
ikoniaagliv: edit the menu.lst and remove the timeout to 0 and make sure the default option is the one you want it to boot12:35
gyaresuagliv: ikonia You just need to change the file I pointed to ^^ or install the latest kernel. That will do it for you. 'man grub'12:35
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st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: yes, I do have the driver CD12:36
lesshasteI am using hiddenmenu in grub but I would really like the screen to be completely blank instead of showing the minimal grub message... the idea is that it would boot to the default after 5 seconds, say, unless you press Esc..is this possible?12:36
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aglivby setting timeout to 0 will it autoshow or wait for a key to be pressed12:37
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Valandiljoin #ubuntu-fr12:38
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aglivikonia: gyaresu I guess it really doesn't make a difference... as long as I can boot either windows or ubuntu correctly....12:38
soundrayagliv: I think it will boot into the default entry if you set timeout 0. To get the behaviour you want, comment out the timeout line.12:39
=== lbm [n=lbm@0x555373ab.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
aglivsoundray: greetings12:39
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: Ok. Well I think all you need is the 4(?) ndiswrapper packages.12:39
=== omegabeta [n=kvirc@124-168-214-120.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayagliv: salve12:39
=== spotted [n=spotted@81-208-83-249.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: where can I get them12:39
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:39
spottedCan anyone pls help me with my ati video card?12:39
aglivsoundray: iknoia still having problems with the geometery stuff12:39
st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: and do I just... install them (gui) and run the cd?12:39
hollei am using the newest feisty release. i upgraded from edgyeft. i am using a macbook (serial ata, rootfs = /dev/sda4). with the newest kernel (and udev) i am not able to boot (rootfs) not found. if i am using the edgy kernel (2.6.17) everything ist fine. any suggestions?12:39
spottedI can't let the latest ati drivers work with an ATI mobile X160012:40
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spottedI need to use the propertary drivers...12:40
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=ndiswrapper&searchon=names&subword=1&version=edgy&release=all12:40
=== delight [n=delight@bchm-4d090102.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu
ikonia!ati >spotted12:40
phatrabbitis there a keyboard shortcut to open a new terminal12:40
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spottedI have patched the drivers to work with the kernel 2.6.20 and then I have installed them as I read on an howto12:40
=== Decadent [n=variemai@ppp123-219.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
spottednow I still have mesa opengl instead of ATI12:40
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: There's a GUI. Just finding it now.12:41
soundrayphatrabbit: System-Preferences-Keyboard Shortcuts-Run a terminal12:41
st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: which of those 5 should I download?12:41
=== sacater [n=sacater@host86-143-217-100.range86-143.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniaspotted: are you using feisty ?12:41
tom_is there any way to change the resolution/font size on the consoles (ctrl-alt-f*)12:41
spottedikonia, I'm using edgy at the moment12:41
soundrayagliv: sorry to hear that12:41
loppaI cant get a DVD to work, it says: org.freedesktop.dbus.error.accessdenied. So it wont even mount it. Any ideas?12:41
ikoniaspotted: why are you using the 2.6.20 kernel ?12:41
spottedI quit feisty bedcause I couldn't let this work there12:41
aglivsoundray: ikonia: I think we got the Grub issue for box 3 working now... still having mount problems with box 2 that you both were trying so long to fix the other day...12:41
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spottedikonia, just because I have a MacBook Pro and there are a few fixes in this kernel12:42
ikoniaagliv: whats the mount problem ?12:42
ikoniaspotted: so you've built your own kernel12:42
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spottedikonia, but I had the same problem on the older kernel...12:42
spottedikonia, yes12:42
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spottedikonia, X starts with fglrx in xorg.conf12:42
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ikoniaok that sounds a good start12:42
spottedbut if I type fglrxinfo I get mesa opengl...12:42
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gyaresust0n3cutt3r: all but the ndiswrapper-utils-1.8 (I think)12:43
spottedinstead of using sudo module-assistant prepare12:43
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spottedI have built the kernel with make-kpkg module_image12:43
spottedbuilt the drivers*12:43
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aglivsoundray: ikonia geometry (hd0) listed /root as sda7 and geometry (hd1) listed nothing but when booting it says sda7 worng something or another...12:43
spottednext I ran dpkg -i driverfilename.deb12:43
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: install the common then the source then utils-1.1 then utils12:43
aglivsoundray: ikonia: but let me get box 3 fixed before we go back to box 2....12:44
ikoniaagliv: I'm not sure I'm clear about what your saying12:44
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: 'copy them onto laptop then 'sudo dpkg -i package_name.deb'12:44
st0n3cutt3rok (1,2,4,3?)12:44
[WaZ] Hi everyone, anyone know of a way to install IE7?12:44
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aglivikonia: don't you remember trying to fix it via ssh?12:44
yommHow can I see all users on my ubuntu box ?12:44
Ferretyomm: Total, or logged in?12:44
ikoniayes, I remember that, you are still having problems ?12:44
yommFerret : total :)12:44
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: and if you want a gui for installing ndiswrapper then there's http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/net/ndisgtk but you'll need it's dependencies as well.12:45
Ferretyomm: cut -f1 -d: /etc/passwd12:45
aglivikonia: then you had to leave for a meeting, thought it shold work but it didn't....12:45
st0n3cutt3rwhich do you think will be easier?12:45
yommFerret : thx12:45
ikoniaagliv: whats the error you get12:45
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aglivikonia: could I please clairify two other issues before moving on to box2 problems?12:46
ikoniashout when you're ready12:46
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ikoniaI will probably around12:46
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: just the ndiswrapper should be fine12:46
aglivsoundray: any idea why it's still not working?12:46
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st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: the gui or the alternative method (with 4 packages)12:47
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soundrayagliv: I'm confused -- box 2? box 3? mount? grub?12:47
aglivikonia: can I give you my ICQ or email and you contact me if have to leave on short notice12:47
ikoniaplease do12:47
ikoniastick iti n a pm12:47
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: the first packages are all necessary. The ndisgtk is just a pretty clicky thing that you don't need.12:48
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st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: ok, so what should I do?12:48
[WaZ] Anyone, whats the syntax for installing a package with the --force-overwrite flag?12:48
A[D] minSsetting12:48
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aglivsoundray: it is confusing... I am parrallely working on three seperat box installations: box 1 Windows XP, box 2 Ubuntu 6.06 x64. box 3, Windows XP + Ubuntu 6.0612:49
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: the links to the packages. You need to download them click on the 'Download' and chose which part of the world you are in.12:49
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st0n3cutt3rafter that12:49
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aglivsoundray: all three have seperate problems, and you were trying to help me with box 2: Ubuntu 6.06 x64... ring a bell?12:50
st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: (what do I do with them once I have them on my usb drive in ubuntu)12:50
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phatrabbitdamm whenever i update my nvidia drivers and restart xserver my monitor turns off12:50
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aglivikonia: how do I send you a pm via irc?12:50
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gyaresust0n3cutt3r: cp them all to a usb drive or cd or something and put them on the linux machine. From there you will need to install them. 'sudo dpkg -i package_name.deb'12:50
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st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: anything else after that?12:51
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gyaresust0n3cutt3r: probably even 'dpkg -i *.deb' from the folder they'll be in.12:51
ardchoilleagliv: You need to identify to nickserv first.12:51
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spottedI have followed the guide that ikonia linked to me but I can't do it work yet12:51
aglivarchoille: and how?12:51
spottedI have created the symbolic link as stated in the guide...12:52
soundrayagliv: yes, I do, but I'm trying to understand what you want help with now.12:52
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spottedunfortunately I still have OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org12:52
ardchoilleagliv: is your nick registered?12:52
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spottedand Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".12:52
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spottedikonia, help me pls :(12:52
spotted!ati > spotted12:52
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gyaresust0n3cutt3r: Well if all goes well, this should work. http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21003512:53
ardchoille!register | agliv12:54
yommthe commmand useradd somename -s /bin/false doesn't do the trick , how does it work on Ubuntu ?12:54
ubotuagliv: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration12:54
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Apaksiwhat would be the best way to install Ubuntu on a computer whose CD-drive is so bad that the live-cd session crashes? for example, does it simply work if I use Debian's netinstaller-cd and only change sources.list?12:54
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aglivsoundray, now I am working on box 3... and once that's finished and working then box 2...12:55
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soundrayyomm: what are you trying to do?12:55
aglivsoundray: 3 box windows + ubuntu, grub doesn't windows... problem12:55
flsphi folks. I have 2 NTFS partitions in my HD, but ubuntu (LIVE CD) does not create /dev/hda* on boot. It only creates /dev/hda. What can I do?12:55
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aglivubutu: regestering...12:55
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yommsoundray i: installing clamav , and it needs a user  without /bin12:56
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spotted(EE) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable12:56
soundrayApaksi: there are ways to install without a CD. Check the links page the ubotu will send to you, and take particular note when you find something about debootstrap12:56
gyaresuApaksi: you could try the 'alternative' iso for install or PXE.12:56
soundray!install > Apaksi12:56
yommsoundray : i suppose for security reasons12:56
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gyaresuubotu: tell me about install12:57
soundrayyomm: run 'adduser username' and edit /etc/passwd to replace that user's /bin/bash with /bin/false12:57
Apaksisoundray: ok, thanks :)12:57
jinnow virus scanner is also needed for ubuntu?12:57
st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: I will install those 4 and then how do I go from there to the instructions?12:57
yommsoundray great thx :)12:57
h1st0jin: no need for virus scanner12:57
spottedcan anyone pls pls pls help me?12:57
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ardchoillejin: No12:57
soundrayjin: only if you route mail for Windows users12:57
h1st0!virus | jin12:57
ubotujin: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2112:57
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h1st0spotted: what are you trying to get working and are you using Fiesty?12:58
h1st0spotted: like are you installing beryl/compiz?  and what video card do you have?12:58
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floi'vd installed amarok and kdevelop under a gnome envirment but now i have a /home/-/.kde/share/config empty folder how can i remadiate?12:59
phatrabbitst0n3cutt3r: do you have any ideas. everytime i update my xconf to the new nvidia drivers my monitor goes to standby. so i think the drivers are not compatible12:59
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erUSULspotted: do you have a 'Load "dri"' and Section "DRI"\n Mode 666\n EndSection  in your xorg.conf ??12:59
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: Your going to love this... Did you _read_ the page at !wifi ?12:59
h1st0flo: if you no longer have the programs installed you can just delet the .kde folders.12:59
gyaresu!wifi | st0n3cutt3r01:00
ubotust0n3cutt3r: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:00
phatrabbitbut they are the latest nvidia drivers and i have an nvidia card so im not sure what i am spose to do01:00
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Belkin_F5D7050_ver_3000_(Ralink_rt73_driver)?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDevice%2901:00
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Belkin_F5D7050_ver_4000_(ZyDas_zd1211b_driver)?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDevice%2901:00
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:00
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:00
st0n3cutt3rphatrabbit: I know that when I triple-booted my computer I had the same problem01:00
yommsoundray : it's strange , according to the useradd --help "-s /bin/false" should be a valid string ....01:00
phatrabbitst0n3cutt3r: no i am only using XP and ubuntu01:00
yommwell .. it works so :)01:00
st0n3cutt3rphatrabbit: I think that my computer did not like 64bit ubuntu at all01:00
agliv!register | aglIV01:01
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st0n3cutt3rphatrabbit: I think the principal still applies01:01
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soundrayyomm: what's wrong with my suggestion?01:01
phatrabbitst0n3cutt3r: how do i check if my ubuntu is 64 or 3201:01
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phatrabbitim pretty sure its 3201:01
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flsphi folks. I have 2 NTFS partitions in my HD, but ubuntu (LIVE CD) does not create /dev/hda* on boot. It only creates /dev/hda. What can I do?01:01
floh1st0: i have the progs installed and i want to run them but i get somme not writble files error in .kde/config(folder that is empty) on another pc this folder has a bunch of filles01:02
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: depending on your chipset... Looks like yours is the ZyDas zd1211b driver01:02
soundrayyomm: you can even do 'adduser --shell /bin/false username'01:02
st0n3cutt3rphatrabbit: do you have your ubuntu install CD?01:02
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phatrabbityer i do01:03
st0n3cutt3rphatrabbit: have you tried booting from that?01:03
phatrabbitst0n3cutt3r: well i can just reconfigure my xserver and it fixes it01:03
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: You can forget about the ndiswrapper. (Are you seeing my messages?)01:03
soundrayflsp: check if ubotu recognizes the partitions with 'fdisk -l /dev/hda' and tell me (just yes or no)01:03
phatrabbitst0n3cutt3r: its just i am puzzled becos i am updating my nvidia drivers and they dont work so what else am i spose to do :(01:03
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soundrayflsp: sorry, that must be 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda'01:04
h1st0flo: perhaps reinstall the programs?  Basically files in your ~ with . are hidden files ususually per user settings of the program.01:04
whackohi guyz, do any1 know how to add/remove an entry to the right click menu of a file/folder ?01:04
soundraykraut: not those Germans again ;)01:04
st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: yes I am, I am just extremely confused by them because you keep telling me different instructions to follow and i have no idea what to read or what to do with anything you are telling me.  sorry about not responding01:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xconf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:04
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AskarI think i should keep ubuntu on my laptop...01:04
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about x.conf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:05
flspsoundray, Yes.01:05
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soundray!xorg > phatrabbit01:05
ardchoillewhacko: In gnome? Not really any way to do that. Some apps, like nautilus-open-terminal, will add an anetry, but I don't think you can add/remove any entry you want.01:05
techiegood morning all. There are certain programs I want to use from xp but I need to install certain plugins to make them work in Ubuntu. Anybody knows what that means? Basically I am looking for a way to execute "Wenlin" (a chinese learning program) I used to use in windows now in Ubuntu!01:05
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:05
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whackoardchoille, r u sure?01:06
st0n3cutt3rphatrabbit: I'm sorry, I'm a noob with linux, I just know that I was having a very similar problem and thought I might offer up my solution01:06
soundrayflsp: then try 'sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt' (or replace hda1 appropriately). It will mount read-only.01:06
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aglivardchoille: now I'm registered... how do I send a pm?01:06
ardchoillewhacko: I have been searching for a way to do that for over a year and haven't found anything.01:06
soundray!goobotuse > phatrabbit, please read the private message from ubotu01:06
soundray!goodbotuse > phatrabbit, please read the private message from ubotu01:06
ardchoilleagliv: You type:  /query nick   and then pm with that person01:06
=== soundray blushes
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Belkin_F5D7050_ver_4000_(ZyDas_zd1211b_driver)?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDevice%29  These are the instructions for you.01:06
whackoardchoille, cant we just modify the code of nautilus-open-terminal? is it so big and complex?01:07
techieDoes anybody knows a good program in Ubuntu for learning chinese?01:07
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ardchoillewhacko: No idea.01:07
aglivardchoille: thanks for the assistance :)01:07
ardchoilleagliv: You're welcome :)01:07
st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: I tried those, but I can't do the sudo apt-get update because I am not connected to the internet01:07
whackoardchoille, i havent tried nautilus-open-terminal? it ll add an entry is it?01:07
Askarwhacko: ardchoille:  nautilus-actions?01:07
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aglivikonia: still there?01:08
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ardchoilleAskar: Never played with it01:08
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: You will need three packages: You can download form packages.ubuntu.com the exact links are...01:08
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ardchoilleAskar: I take that back, I remember playing with it, realising it was crap and uninstalled it.01:08
gyaresust0n3cutt3r: build-essential http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=i386&file=pool%2Fmain%2Fb%2Fbuild-essential%2Fbuild-essential_11.3_i386.deb&md5sum=9555bbff826c8f059d00a824d6285275&arch=i386&type=main01:08
flspsoundray, thats is the problem: mount responds: "the special device /dev/hda1 does not exist" - but hda1 is listed by fdisk01:08
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gyaresust0n3cutt3r: What kernel version are you running? Find out by 'uname -a'01:09
whackoAskar, have u used it to add an entry?01:09
soundrayflsp: could you pastebin your dmesg output pls (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org)01:09
aglivardchoille: is a pm just a message or a seperat chat room... i.e. can I just type away and the user will recieve or does the user have to join the "room" inorder to se what I have to say?01:09
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st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: ok, brb01:09
aglivsoundray: still there?01:10
elkbuntuspotted, you left while we were trying to get info from you. what is your video card?01:10
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ardchoilleagliv: a pm is like a private channel with you and the recipient. When you type and hit ENTER, they will see it provided you are registered and identified.01:10
Matic`MakovecWhich MSN client would you recommend?01:10
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aglivsounds good :) thankx again :)01:11
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flspsoundray, No. the computer under test does not recognizes eth0 either...01:11
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spottedelkbuntu, I solved it. :P01:12
soundrayflsp: is the disk in question IDE or SATA?01:12
elkbuntuspotted, yay!01:12
spottedI did everythin' but disabling compiz in the file xorg.conf01:12
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aglivardchoille: freenode is saying that I'm not regestired eventhough I followed all the steps...01:12
flspsoundray, IDE - its a notebook.01:12
JoeeigelI need a hand installing "Tracert" and getting my internet to work...01:12
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ardchoilleagliv: /msg nickserv help register01:12
elkbuntuspotted, you only needed to dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and disable the DRI module ;)  out of curiosity, ATI?01:13
spottedelkbuntu, yes01:13
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ubotuConventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network).  -  BitTorrent: see !torrent  -  Direct connect: try valknut.  -  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information.01:13
soundrayflsp: has anyone else had that kind of trouble with your model? Search tuxmobil.org01:13
elkbuntuspotted, and it was using the vesa driver?01:13
spottedNow I can install XGL and beryl01:13
spottedelkbuntu, yes01:13
elkbuntuspotted, you wont get beryl/compiz on the vesa :-/01:13
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soundrayJoeeigel: use tracepath - it is there by default01:13
jinspotted, why do you want it?01:13
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JoeeigelOk, but i also need help getting my internet to work on my ubuntu partition01:14
spottedelkbuntu, I have the fglrx driver running now, not vesa. :)01:14
aglivsoundray:  got you now.... so by inserting the correct infor for the windows partition and commenting out the timeout, the problem should be fixed?01:14
elkbuntuspotted, brilliant :)01:14
spottedjin, cos I like beryl effects?01:14
soundray!elaborate | Joeeigel01:14
ubotuJoeeigel: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)01:14
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JoeeigelWell... the internet just dosn't load on it01:15
JoeeigelIt can ping sites fine01:15
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Joeeigelbut they dont load01:15
Joeeigelsaim with the messenger01:15
soundrayagliv: the commenting-out will just disable automatic booting01:15
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soundray!enter | Joeeigel01:15
ubotuJoeeigel: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:15
aglivsoundray: will it show the list or not?01:16
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soundrayagliv: yes01:16
flspsoundray, I will serach... but I have another question: is there some linux application to recover windows MBR?01:16
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gyaresuJoeeigel: can you open a terminal up and type some commands in please?01:16
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aglivgood, then let me save and reboot.... hopefully I'll be back shortly ;)01:16
soundrayflsp: I don't think so, but you can probably do it with Freedos01:16
aglivsoundray: wish me luck01:16
JoeeigelIm on a windows PC atm as my linux partiton dosnt work with the internet..01:16
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Joeeigelif you want me to type commands, i would have to reset01:17
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gyaresuDo you have a second computer that you can use here while you work on the Linux machine? It'll be hard to help ypu otherwies.01:17
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soundrayJoeeigel: have you tried pinging sites by IP address, or by name also?01:18
JoeeigelI have a PSP which i could use for email01:18
JoeeigelSouind, ive pinged google.com, which gave me an average of 102ms01:18
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gyaresuJoeeigel: And you try looking at sites with which web browser?01:19
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Joeeigelthe firefox one, i cant get any others as i need an internet connection, which dosnt work.01:19
soundrayJoeeigel: I suggest you try again and open a site in a web browser. If you get a response after 2 minutes of waiting, it's your DNS setup at fault01:19
gyaresusoundray: if he can ping google however...01:20
flspsoundray, problem: this notebook does not have floppy unit. I can only boot from CD.01:20
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soundraygyaresu: ...the google IP may have been cached01:20
kane77i have a problem with disapearing dns... I'm on dapper.01:20
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rjalex01hello anyone with experience on IBM Thinkpads and Ubuntu 6.10 ?01:21
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gyaresuJoeeigel: Just try again and then report back can you? It's a strange problem that _shouldn't_ be happening. Try a few websites.01:21
soundrayrjalex01: is that a survey?01:21
gyaresu!question | rjalex0101:21
uboturjalex01: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:21
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gyaresukane77: you know about /etc/resolv.conf ?01:22
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Joeeigel<gyaresu>  Read PM01:22
soundrayflsp: you can get a boot CD with Freedos somewhere01:22
kane77gyaresu, yes I know of it, but mine said that it is generated and shouldn't be manualy edited...01:23
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gyaresuJoeeigel: Not me, I'm sleeping soon.01:23
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st0n3cutt3r_well.. that took long enough to reconnect :/01:23
Joeeigelok =/01:23
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Joeeigeli also tried www.donteatcake.co.uk01:23
rjalex01thank you and sorry .. newbie ... I am wonderig why the installation of the tpb package which on Debian I use to control the Thinkpad buttons, causes the removal of the packages ubuntu-desktop and hotkey setup (IBM T42 and new inst of 6.10)01:23
gyaresukane77: Do you have two network devices going (wifi & eth) bye any chance?01:23
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soundraykane77: you can safely edit it to diagnose the problem. It just means that your changes may be overwritten.01:24
gyaresust0n3cutt3r_: welcome back.01:24
st0n3cutt3r_gyaresu: thanks.  it said i68601:24
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kane77gyaresu, yes I have and I use both (i use wifi for internet connection and eth0 for sharing internet connection)01:24
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soundrayrjalex01: because the package conflicts with something that ubuntu-desktop depends on01:24
st0n3cutt3r_I am sure I copied the output txt to the usb drive, but it's not showing up for some reason01:25
rjalex01I want to be able to turn my wifi radio on and off by pressing Fn-F5 like I did under Debian and do under Windows01:25
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gyaresust0n3cutt3r_: ulp! um. 'uname -a' should give you something like: Linux sdf 2.6.17-11-generic #2 SMP Thu Feb 1 19:52:28 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux01:25
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soundrayrjalex01: either use hotkey setup instead, or let it remove ubuntu-desktop -- it is just a metapackage (read pm from ubotu)01:25
kane77gyaresu, I know I can edit it but when I setup the dns they work, only after reset/poweroff they disapear...01:25
gyaresust0n3cutt3r_: the bit you need is actually the 'uname -r' bit 2.6.17-11-generic in my case.01:25
soundray!metapackage > rjalex0101:25
st0n3cutt3r_gyaresu: oh01:25
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flspsoundray, probably is the only solution. Thanx!01:26
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soundrayflsp: which version of ubuntu live were you trying?01:26
st0n3cutt3r_gyaresu: -_-' I am about to pass out at this point; rebooting takes too long.  will you be on tonight?01:26
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rjalex01thanks soundray ... I am new to ubuntu but not new to Debian hance I understand what a metapackage is.01:26
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flspsoundray, Dapper 6.06 - but i've tried other distros - exact the same problem01:27
soundrayflsp: is it a fairly new laptop?01:27
rjalex01is the generic kernel better be replaced for my Dothan 1.8 GHz pentium M processor ?01:28
gyaresukane77: st0n3cutt3r_ sorry got to sleep soon. If you can take the machine to a LAN then things would be easier.01:28
soundrayrjalex01: no01:28
soundray!generic > rjalex0101:28
rjalex01thanks soundray01:28
st0n3cutt3r_gyaresu: I'll see what I can do about it01:28
kane77gyaresu, ok, good night then01:28
st0n3cutt3r_gyaresu: will you be on later to help?01:28
flspsoundray, yes, about 1year01:28
gyaresukane77: resolv.conf is overwriten by dhclient so if you change your network settings to static rather than dhcp you could keep them.01:28
daedraanyone recommend a good commandline music player?01:28
soundrayflsp: did you find any installation reports on tuxmobil or elsewhere?01:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about music - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:29
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soundraydaedra: ogg123, mpg32101:29
kane77gyaresu, that was exactly it, I dont use dhcp... (neither my isp)01:29
daedrasoundray: ncurses plzzz01:29
gyaresust0n3cutt3r_: I'll be around but if you show someone the link to the page you'll get help.01:29
st0n3cutt3r_gyaresu: ok, thanks01:29
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soundraydaedra: 'apt-cache search ncurses music' or similar01:30
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gyaresukane77: are both your network cards set statically?01:30
kane77gyaresu, yes01:30
ZaggynlHas anyone gotten Dungeondigger to work?  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=224535301:30
Zaggynl(Open Source Dungeon Keeper remake)01:30
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gyaresukane77: but you say your resolv.conf is being overwritten?01:31
kane77gyaresu, yes01:31
vleonhi if i hava a module for a devise "blabla.ko" how do i load it, or check if it is loaded?01:31
burepeIs there something that I can put in my tool bar to tell me how much disk space I have left?01:31
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phatrabbitcan somone tell me where all updates and apt-gets are saved to, as in the full path ?01:31
kane77gyaresu, that's why I think its strange....01:31
erUSULphatrabbit: /var/cache/apt/archives/01:31
aglIVsoundray: I partially worked, but I think I know what the problem is....01:31
gyaresukane77: I agree.01:31
phatrabbiterUSUL: thanks01:31
flspsoundray, tried google yesterday. found nothing. the real problem is: this notebook is from a friend, has only windows partitions, and suddenly becomes unbootable. I am trying to use linux to recover MBR, or to backup.01:32
erUSULkane77: not strange at all it says it clear in the 2 first lines of the file01:32
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aglIVsoundray: the other problem is that my wife is waiting and lunch is on the table, so I'll be back.....01:32
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kane77gyaresu, could it be the vmware that causes that? (it added some network devices..)01:32
DaveTarmacafternoon folks. got a networking problem. using a wired connection now. cable plugged directly in to router, light came on the router indicating that a connection has been made, but cannot retrieve ip from dhcp.01:32
soundrayaglIV: guten Appetit01:32
aglIVvielen dank01:32
gyaresukane77: Here's mine: http://rafb.net/p/R8yDRR61.html01:32
soundrayflsp: I see, so for all we know the disk may be faulty?01:32
gyaresukane77: no to vmware (i think)01:33
gyaresukane77: Sorry I won't be much use atm. I really must sleep.01:33
soundrayflsp: have you got a spare laptop hard disk to exchange it?01:33
DaveTarmacare there any special commands i need to enter in order to get my WIRED connection working?01:33
kane77gyaresu, ok, bye01:33
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aglIVsoundray:  auch zum essen gerad? dann malzeit und la's schmecken.... und tu nicht verrecken ;)01:33
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bigbang14omg! i was messing about in nautilus, yes i know bad thing to do, when i changed some important file permission. problem is i don't know which ones and i don't know how to change them back. is there a simple way out?01:34
gyaresukane77: Short term solution would be to run a script that changed it on boot. Maybe a line in /etc/rc.local01:34
soundrayaglIV: thanks, we'll have Brtchen for lunch today. We found a place here that makes good ones, indistinguishable from proper German ones ;)01:34
soundrayaglIV: well, "brunch"01:35
daedra"i must sleep" = "insomniac" said backwards01:35
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kane77gyaresu, okay, Ill try that anyways I plan to reinstall after feisty is released...01:35
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flspsoundray, not physically. I could find a linux prog "testdisk" which can list all the files inside the partitions - the data is all there.01:36
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DaveTarmaci have made sure that eth0 is up, but still cannot get an ip through dhcp using dhclient01:36
rjalex01how can I debug hibernate (suspend to disk) ? suspend to ram works well (Fn+F4) but suspend-to-disk (Fn+F12) does not seem to work (screen blanks momentarily but then session resumed)01:36
flspsoundray, no, I have not a spare disk01:36
logikonwhy keyring manager never actually "remembers" my password on a samba network access? I always have to type it again even though I check it to memorize..01:37
bigbang14i was messing about in nautilus, yes i know bad thing to do, when i changed some important file permission. problem is i don't know which ones and i don't know how to change them back. is there a simple way out?01:37
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Lunar_Lampbigbang14, what are the effects of the permissions change?01:38
soundrayflsp: for safety, I would recommend backing up the disk, perhaps with dd if all else fails. Do you have an external disk or space on an accessible network share for doing that?01:38
bigbang14Lunar_Lamp: im getting message on start up about .dmrc i think and i cant use sudo or compiz01:39
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bigbang14i changed most of the file permission starting from top01:39
bigbang14any way to change them back to a default?01:40
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soundraybigbang14: bummer. Easiest is to reinstall01:41
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soundraybigbang14: you can fix the permissions one by one, starting with .dmrc, but it will take longer.01:42
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flspsoundray, I have only a pendrive. have no big external unit to dd the entire disk. and have no network, because no linux distro could recognize this network adapter (Rhine II) - when i try to activate eth0, believe me, the kernel locks.01:43
ikoniarhine ii is supported isn't it01:43
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DaveTarmacgetting ticked at this now. why am i destined not to have this machine on the network?01:43
nazgulrunning dapper. I cannot get a new login when already logged into Gnome. neither nested mode nor new X server works. when I run "gdmflexiserver --xnest" in a shell nothing happens, it just blocks. any ideas?01:43
ikoniaDaveTarmac: explain01:43
phatrabbitdamm this is driving me crazy. I have used sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common and installed my drivers which didnt work. I have tried Envy which downloaded drivers and isntalled them and didnt work. i am stumped any help would be much appriciated thanks01:43
soundrayflsp: I'll be away for a while now -- freedos might be the solution for the mbr. Good luck01:44
DaveTarmacif anyone can help then I would be most grateful, plus it would save me money paying for new windows in the house.01:44
ikoniaDaveTarmac: explain01:44
flspikonia, i dont know... in my notebook, no linux distro could bring it up.01:44
ikoniaphatrabbit: what problem are you having01:44
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phatrabbitikonia: well i had huge problems with installing the latest nvidia drivers with ubuntu 6.06 dapper and now i upgraded to 6.10 and i am still having the same issue01:45
flspsoundray, thanks a lot for your assistance. i'll try freedos.01:45
DaveTarmacikonia: For tha past week I have been trying to get MadWifi working to no success. Today I gave up, carted the machine downstairs and plugged it directly in to the router. There is still no network connection though.01:45
loppacan anybody help me with a DVD issue? Cant get it to work, says access denied. Even though I've installed libxine1 and libdvdcss01:45
phatrabbitikonia: everytime i install the drivers and it updates the xconf and i restart xserver my monitor goes to standby01:46
ikoniaphatrabbit: 1.) what is the problem 2.) why are you trying to use the nvidia drivers, rather than the nvidia drivers from the ubuntu repos01:46
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ClujoDaveTarmac, did you try booting from the live cd?  what wifi card.01:46
DaveTarmacikonia: there are lights on the router in the port I've plugged it in to which means that an active connection is thee01:46
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nazgulhmm, actually I am running Edgy. I cannot start a second X server to have two sessions running.01:46
ikoniaDaveTarmac: that suggests there is something else wrong as the odds of your wifi and wired connection ont working is a little slim01:46
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ikonianazgul: you can only have 1 xserver running per display01:46
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phatrabbitikonia: i will paste my xconf file for you01:47
jinhow do I enable shadow without using beryl?01:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:47
nazgulikonia: I know.when I run "gdmflexiserver --xnest" in a shell nothing happens, it just blocks. any ideas?01:47
jpjacobsikonia, more like 1 xserver per VT, and then you can also use Xnest to have an xserver in an xserver01:47
DaveTarmacikonia: i did have the wifi working a couple of days ago, but it lost all settings on reboot01:47
g0suCan you help me with locale? -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8579/01:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about composite - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:47
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ikoniajpjacobs: thats a better description01:48
aglIVsoundray: I'm back... still there01:48
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aglIVikonia: you didn't recieve any pm from me did you?01:48
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ikoniaaglIV: nope01:48
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techieI need to install an xp into ubuntu via the cd and then put it in virtual C drive. How do I send this to virtual C drive?01:49
techiean xp program unto ubuntu01:49
bigbang14are all the permission in ubuntu the same or will i have to change them to differnt things?01:49
ikoniatechie: what are you on about - xp into ubuntu /???? do you mean using a virtual machine01:49
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Clujotechie- look up wine, see if that will do.01:50
DaveTarmacscrew it - i'm going to take a leaf out of the windows tech help book. If it doesn't work, format and reinstall!01:50
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ompaulDaveTarmac, hardly help in that case01:50
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:50
flsphi folks, can I run freedos fdisk inside linux, without having to boot freedos???01:50
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Askarhi!! The search option has disappeared from the places-menu! How do I get it back?01:51
techieIkonia. NO! Basically there is an specific program I used to use while in xp called "Wenlin" (for learning Chinese). According to the instructions the only way to run this in Linux is to actually install the program in linux and then put in virtual C and do a (fake windows) so that you can run that program!01:51
ikoniaflsp: not really - its still meant for dos01:51
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ikoniatechie: so you mean wine ?01:51
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elkbuntu!wine | techie01:51
ubotutechie: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.01:51
Clujotechie - again, have you looked at wine?01:51
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aglIVikonia: did you get my invitation?01:51
ompaulflsp, not really, but afik you could try to use qemu to start booting freefos if I understand it correctly01:51
techieI already have wine installed. and Yes the wine will try to run the program.01:51
ikoniaok - so whats your question, how do I use wine ?01:52
Phatrabbi1ikonia:  here is my xorg.config http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8580/01:52
ikoniaaglIV: nope01:52
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nazgulflsp: perhaps using a msdos emulator. but linux comes with fdisk, cfdisk, parted ...01:52
techieIkonia... hold on.01:52
ompaulaglIV, usually better to ask in the channel then anyone with a clue about what you are asking can help you01:52
flspompaul, I never used qemu - only wine... but i will try.01:53
ompaulflsp, not done it a while but the online howtos for it are rather good01:53
bigbang14where can i find a list of ubuntus original file permission?01:53
techieikonia. first I must install Wenlin in debian system and then put in virtual C and use the following command: wine ~'/.wine/fake_windows/Program Files/Wenlin3/wenlin.exe'.01:53
ikoniabigbang14: on an ubuntu box01:54
aglIVompaul: I want to send ikonia my email and ICQ address and really don't care but thought it would't be good to post here....01:54
flspnazgul, i have to recover dos MBR. I think only dos fdisk can do it. is that right?01:54
ikoniatechie: you do realise it may be a bit different on ubuntu01:54
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ikoniaaglIV: I'm not getting any info from you01:54
techieikonia... yes but the program is not a true linux program yet.... I realize it might not be perfect01:54
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aglIVikonia: looks like the /invite nick channel is not working... so would you join me in #aglIV-pm?01:55
ikoniatechie: the pogram is a windows program. So you need to install and configure wine on UBUNTU, then use wine to launch it01:55
ompaulaglIV, that would not be a good idea01:55
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techieikonia.... but I need the program and do not want to be going back to windows all the time just because of it.01:55
ikoniaaglIV: yup01:55
flspompaul, yep, ill do some reading, and come back here later... thanks for the hint.01:55
ompaulaglIV, you need to be ops in a channel for that to work01:55
ikoniatechie: thats fine - then use the ubuntu guide to install and configure wine01:55
ziottthi there01:55
techieIkonia I have already installed wine..... but what I do not understand is how to install to virtual drive c?01:56
Phatrabbi1ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8580/01:56
ikoniaPhatrabbi1: what ?01:56
Clujothe virtual drive c is already there if wine is installed.01:56
ikoniaPhatrabbi1: you need to tell me the problem01:56
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techieclujo. I was not aware even now I could see and read and use some of my windows programs through my windows folder01:56
ziottttime ago I remove apache and its service, but today I tried to re install it again but I can't find the service to launch it01:57
techieis that virtual c?01:57
phatrabbitikonia: everytime i install the new nvidia drivers and it updates the xconf and i restart xserver my monitor goes to standby01:57
ziottthow is it possible01:57
ziottttom@skeleton:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure apache-ssl01:57
ziotttReplacing config file /etc/apache-ssl/modules.conf with new version01:57
ziottttom@skeleton:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/ap01:57
ziotttapmd    apport01:57
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DaveTarmacikonia: ok - i've just booted it in to windows and that doesn't have the network driver for the onboard ethernet. could it be that Ubuntu doesn't either? If this is the case - how do Igo about putting one on?01:57
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ikoniaphatrabbit: are you using ubuntu or ubuntu x86_^401:57
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Phatrabbi1ikonia: i am using ubuntu 8601:57
ikoniaDaveTarmac: what windows has/has not got is nothing to do with what ubuntu may or may not have01:57
Phatrabbi1ikonia:  how can i double check01:58
erUSULPhatrabbi1: uname -m01:58
ClujoDaveTarmac, if you can, try a real cheap ethercard and boot from live cd.01:58
ompaulziottt, care to use a pastebin next time?01:58
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DaveTarmacso does ubuntu not work with onboard ethernet either then by default?01:58
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ikoniaphatrabbi I have seen issues like this  you may want to join #nvidia and ask in there as its normally something to do with dcc info not being advertised properly so it doesn't initialise the monitor, or dpms is not working01:58
ziotttok ok01:59
Phatrabbi1ok thanks01:59
SirTousterHello, I have been finally getting rid of windows, took one disk with windows out, reinstalled grub on my minulx disk, and all was fine. Only, the sound does not work any more. Only hint I can see is that the "volme control" in the tray is not there any more. Please, could anybody help? Shoudl I put here some other specifications (in lshw, I cann see my card properly). Running on EdgyEft.01:59
=== techie [n=ralph@tesquefl-bw3500-1-69-167-111-117.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Clujoubuntu should find it DaveTarmac .01:59
=== IanL [n=ian@p7068-ipbf1201marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
erUSULubotu tell SirTouster about sound | SirTouster see priv msg from ubotu01:59
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ClujoI have weird, old hardware and ubuntu has found everything.01:59
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:00
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techieikonia... another question. I recently download a medical movie ending with wrmv but I do not have the codecs to run it in totem. How do I download or find codecs for playing with my Ubuntu system?02:00
jinthe performance of nvidia on ubuntu is very poor here02:00
DaveTarmacok. so i'll get the latest live cd and try booting off that then to see if it picks it up.02:00
Clujofind a couple live cds.  knoppix too02:00
techieikonia .... or for that matter how do I install needed codecs to be able to play them with my media player?02:01
ompaulDave123, it does in most cases - I have yet to find a machine it does not work on02:01
ikoniatechie: probably win32 codecs02:01
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techieikonia.... ah, thanks.02:01
ikonia!restricedformats >techie02:01
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Matic`MakovecWhich video player is the best to use for watching .wmv or siilar things?02:01
ikoniaMatic`Makovec: doesn't matter, as long as they all have the codecs02:02
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Matic`MakovecWhich codecs are actually required? I'm kinda having problems with watching someting in Totem02:02
aglIVikonia: sent you an email ;)02:02
ikoniawin32 codecs02:02
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ikoniaaglIV: ok - thanks02:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about win32 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:02
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ikonia!restricedformats >matic`makovec02:03
Matic`Makovec!restricedformats > matic`makovec02:03
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Matic`MakovecRighto, thanks02:03
Euperiai have a Dell C400 Latitude Laptop with no cd/dvd or floppy drive running Slackware 10.1 and  I want to install ubuntu on it.  Bios has option to boot from network.  How do I boot the loopback device mounted on my main box from the laptop over the lan?02:03
ikoniaaglIV: I've just noticed I WAS getting your invites, it was just showing up on a difference desktop. Sorry02:03
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aglIVikonia: do you remember what info was in your ICQ profile??? I can search for you02:04
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paradroidHi. Is there an alternative to cups-pdf that will produce PDFs from any application (just like cups-pdf) but *with* the text in the PDF being selectable?02:04
aglIVikonia: don't worry02:04
ikoniaaglIV: nah, I'll find it on my old desktop02:04
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logikonwhen I apt-get install xubuntu-desktop, will it install the latest version of xfce?02:04
aglIVikonia: k, got time :)02:04
comosicusanybody using gaime?02:05
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Clujologikon, yes, but google it.02:05
ikoniacomosicus: yes02:05
paradroidcomosicus: Gaim? As IM Client? Yes, once in a while.02:05
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aglIVikonia: looks like soundray's no longer arround so your'e stuck with helping me out.... hehehe02:05
ikonianot at all02:05
ikoniahappy to help02:05
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logikonClujo: the about says version (xfce 4.4 beta2)02:05
Dameyey, finally my dad realised that he need to install linux on his pc, lap-top and at work. I feel good when gnu/linux gains people trust!02:05
logikonand I can't seem to find the transparency settings02:06
comosicuswhen i trying to ad buddy gaime says that the id is not on a server list02:06
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paradroidcomosicus: What protocoll?02:06
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paradroidAnyone using cups-pdf to generate PDFs?02:07
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aglIVikonia: so I chaged the entries in grub.lst, but the problem is another (I think)02:08
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comosicusin my acounts box it's yahoo....and if i click add it's aim/icq02:09
ikoniaaglIV: wich problem is this02:09
g0suaglet, in grub.lst or menu.lst?02:09
g0suaglIV, sorry02:09
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aglIVikonia: to make a long story short it's saying root (hd0,4) FS unknown Partition 0x702:09
=== Five_Star [n=ubuntu@c-69-246-92-89.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Five_Starhello everybody02:09
ikoniaaglIV: thats because you want (hd1,7)02:09
aglIVg0su: good question, let me look02:10
ikonia(assuming your root is sda8)02:10
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Five_StarI've been trying to install ubuntu (I'm a veteran to this but I'm having some odd problems)02:10
aglIVikonia: that was on box 2, talking bot box 3 now02:10
ikoniaok - so whats this problem02:10
aglIVikonia: :)02:10
g0suaglIV, in my ubuntu is /boot/grub/menu.lst...02:10
Five_StarEvery time I try to install, it gets to 15% (the ext3 partition part, I think creation), and it freezes02:10
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aglIVg0su: mine too ;)02:10
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g0suand in ubuntu documentation is /boot/grub/menu.lst XD02:10
ikoniaits /boot/grub/menu.lst - ok - we've established that02:11
paradroidcomosicus: Let me set up a Yahoo account for testing. Second.02:11
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Five_Staranybody have any ideas why it's freezing there?02:11
g0su(hd0,4) FS unknown Partition 0x7 = your partition dont have file system format or this partition is not correct02:11
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aglIVikonia:  g0su the problem was that grub was't seing windows so I updated menu.lst to the correct hd and partition, but then got the errror that I mentioned before02:11
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aglIVikonia:  g0su and I think that I know why.....02:12
ikoniaaglIV: you're grub options for windows looks different02:12
ikoniahang on I'll pastebin and example02:12
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g0suaglIV, df -h and you menu.lst i need it02:12
g0suhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org :D02:12
Hmmmmwhen is fiesty out?02:12
christopheHi folks. I have a strange Boot behavior with GRUB. I never saw that before. After the 'GRUB loading stage1.5.'-message it takes 30 sec (!) and then I get 'GRUB loading please wait' and then it takes another 30 sec. (!!) until ubuntu starts to boot. What is going wrong here?02:12
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Five_StarHey guys, I'm trying to install ubuntu (6.10), and every time it gets to the formatting part, it freezes at 15% (the ext3 partition creation part)02:13
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techieikonia totem movie player tells me I might not have the necessary pluggins. How do I install additional pluggins?02:13
christopheFive_Star: Are you sure, that your HD is ok?02:14
predaeuschristophe: does it always happen? And did you change anything?02:14
techieikonia the ending of the movie file is wmv02:14
Five_Starchristophe: yea, but just to be double sure is there a way I can tell if it has died?02:14
Five_Starchristophe: it's not making any crazy noises or the like02:14
ikonia!restrictedformats >technie02:15
ikonia!restrictedformats >techie02:15
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techieok thanks.02:15
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erUSULFive_Star: are you able to switch to a console and take a look at the logs? crtl+alt+F102:15
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Five_StarerUSUL: yea lemme look02:15
paradroidFive_Star: You could also use a GParted boot-disk to prepare the harddisk for installation and then let Ubuntu use this set-up.02:15
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:15
ikoniatechie: I just sent you that link02:15
ikonia!goodbotuse >techie02:15
christophepredaeus: I can confirm... It always happens and I didn't change anything in /boot/grub/menu.lst02:15
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techieIkonia ... yes I am going there now to the links.02:16
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javierhola, beuans tardes, alguien podria ayudarme?02:17
erUSUL!es > javier02:17
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predaeuschristophe: mine hangs only very seldom. and also not that long. maybe 1-2 times a year. dunno what that is though. sry.02:18
robinlinthHow do i get the newest Xfce on my ubuntu install?02:18
barataanybody uses Ubuntu Ultimate Edition 1.2?02:18
baratawhat the heck is that?02:18
ikoniabarata: its a none official product02:18
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baratais it good?02:18
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baratawhy not?02:19
ikoniaits just pre-packaged stuff02:19
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ikoniabut its not official02:19
aglIVikonia: g0su http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8583/02:19
ikoniaso its pointless02:19
christophepredaeus: Could that be a BIOS thing? I am using a 8.6 GB HD with a PIII 766Mhz IBM Netvista02:19
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jussi01!hi | comosicus,02:19
ubotucomosicus,: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:19
baratawhy the official one is 'better'?02:19
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ikoniaaglIV: that looks fine02:19
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ikoniaaglIV: whats the problem02:19
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ikoniaaglIV: what partition is your windows02:19
Five_starwhen I tried to do that, it froze completely02:20
ikoniabarata: because its suported02:20
tim167how do i install Alcatel Speedtouch USB modem on ubuntu ?02:20
Five_staris there a way I can do that from terminal instead? because I have irssi running to get to here xD02:20
baratasupported by whom?02:20
ikoniaubuntu support02:20
barataohh ... ic02:20
ikoniaeg: this channel02:20
barataare you with ubuntu ikonia02:20
=== IndyGunFreak [n=ken@user-0cdv00n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
baratawell, honestly this channel is useless02:20
magic-llamais there anything open source like flash that actually works? [it can export to a .gif or mpeg or whatever, i don't need sound, i don't really care about most features :) just basic vector animation stuff] 02:20
baratafor newbie maybe02:20
ikoniathen leave02:21
barataI will, I just wonder about that ultimate thing02:21
IndyGunFreakbarata: why do you think the channel is uselss?02:21
christopheFive_star: You could use the ubuntu alternate disk. That would give you a direct install, without loading the livedisk.02:21
IndyGunFreakI've learned a ton here02:21
ikoniabarata: if you're not a "newbie" then you should be able to read the website and understand02:21
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Five_starchristophe: :( I just downloaded this02:21
baratatoo many newbies question02:21
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Five_starchristophe: I don't wanna download it again02:21
=== ghatak [n=i_dont_k@82-38-203-125.cable.ubr05.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniayes that is true - but there are other channels02:21
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baratabut anyway, this is a place for wannabes & newbies02:22
comosicusparadroid how it's working?02:22
IndyGunFreakbarata: oh.. i understand, ikonia is helping you.... ;)02:22
=== neuratix [n=lorents@ti521110a080-9811.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
paradroidcomosicus: Got the account set up.02:22
elkbuntubarata, if you know so much, you should be able to help out then :)02:22
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: pardon ?02:22
paradroidcomosicus: Sorry, I had to think a lot to remember my password. ;)02:22
barataI can02:22
paradroidcomosicus: Long time I used the Yahoo account.02:22
predaeuschristophe, so it only started to be like that now. It has not been always like that? Dont know if its a BIOS thing. Could also be the disk. Or maybe the GRUB install is somehow foobared.02:22
paradroidcomosicus: Anyway, so now...02:22
christopheFive_star: Try to burn th *.iso image again with 24x speed or lower.02:22
ikoniabarata: you can what ?02:22
IndyGunFreakikonia: no offense at all, i twas just a colorful jab at how you never handhold newbies to an answer, just kinda nudge them02:22
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: he claimes he's not a newbie02:22
Five_starchristophe: I burnt it at 1x and verified it02:22
=== dalyaf [n=dalyaf@spc2-pete5-0-0-cust728.asfd.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
paradroidcomosicus: You want to add a buddy and then ...02:23
IndyGunFreakikonia: your advice is always spot on, it just makes me laugh when i watch you help people02:23
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: so he won't be needing my help02:23
barataI can help if I happen to around when a question is shot02:23
Five_starchristophe: I'm used to doing these things, which surprised me when this didn't work02:23
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christopheFive_star: Ok ;)02:23
IndyGunFreakikonia: lol, well you're definitely no use to him then..lol02:23
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: not a problem, I just didn't get it02:23
comosicusthat's all02:23
comosicusi want02:23
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: the gag went over my head, I see what your ribbing me on02:23
barataso, what is the advanced problem of the day today?02:23
IndyGunFreakikonia: yeah, sometimes a chatroom doesn't relay my humor well.02:23
Five_starlemme try this one more time02:23
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: I'm laughing now that I get it02:24
baratahow to crack windows using Ubuntu?02:24
barataanybody wanna know?02:24
ikoniabarata: no, we're not interested02:24
elkbuntubarata, that attitude is not welcome here.02:24
christopheFive_star: Try a new installation and make a partition at the end of the disk, skipping the place where you could have a HD-problem.02:24
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jussi01!offtopic | barata02:24
ubotubarata: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:24
Five_starbarata: only a noob would use another os to crack windows, windows doesn't need any help to hack itself02:24
barataoh man ... please ...02:24
ultrabarata, go away02:25
aglIVikonia: /dev/hda5 is windows02:25
paradroidFive_star: LOL02:25
Five_starbarata: you of all people should know about the neat new bios emulation hack02:25
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ikoniaaglIV: then that looks spot on02:25
jinwhen moving windows around, it leaves traces behind for half a second. any way to fix that?02:25
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jindoes that occur to your desktop too?02:25
barataoh yeah, it sucks02:25
ghatakHi, i installed artwiz fonts but they do not show up when i try to set Gnome Terminal fonts, i have checked and the fonts are in  /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc dir. the path is in xorg.conf, What do i have to do to get these fonts working ?02:25
baratastay away from Vista02:25
elkbuntuFive_star, the same goes for you. no cracking talk.02:25
aglIVikonia: spot on?02:25
=== golden [n=golden@xdsl-2675.elblag.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu
Five_starbarata: what do you think I'm installing ubuntu on top of? xD02:25
ikoniaaglIV: yup hd0,402:25
paradroidjin: You could activate the Reduced Ressources setting02:25
ikoniabarata: this is a support channel, contibute or be quiet - its busy enough as it is02:26
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paradroidjin: That will give you the frame of the windows when moving but not the contents02:26
jinparadroid, r heard of that. tell me more plz02:26
barataI dont know, I just run linux only02:26
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christophepredaeus: Hmmm.... Maybe I will try SuperGrub. It might help ...02:26
aglIVikonia: let me tell you what I did....02:26
ikoniaaglIV: ok02:26
IndyGunFreakbarata: you may have more luck finding people of your skill level in #ubuntu-experts02:26
jinparadroid, how do I do that?02:26
paradroidjin: Run gconf-editor02:26
=== ikonia watis for it
baratayou must use a windoz booter02:26
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=== ikonia waits for the kick
baratafor dual booting02:26
Five_starchristophe: it's giving me an sda buffer error at a random block every time02:26
Five_starchristophe: wait! It decided to work this time!02:27
barataand dont encrypt your vista02:27
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jinparadroid, then?02:27
paradroidjin: Then navigate to apps >metacity02:27
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
ikoniabarata: please give the windows chat a rest, this is a busy channel02:27
Hobbsee!ettiquite | barata02:27
Five_starchristophe: I'm going to go with: The fact that I was in #ubuntu while I tried to install it forced it to work. :)02:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ettiquite - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:27
paradroidjin: Expand and choose the "general" section02:27
Hobbsee!guidelines | barata02:27
ubotubarata: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:27
barataoh ... I dont need your help at all02:27
baratabye all02:28
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o elkbuntu] by ChanServ
christopheFive_star: Yeah ;)02:28
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paradroidjin: There you will find the "Reduced Resources" checkbox which you might want to check ;)02:28
Hobbseethanks elkbuntu02:28
IndyGunFreakpoor fella02:28
jinparadroid, does that effect occur on your desktop too?02:28
Five_starchristophe: maybe this hdd is on it's way out, I hope so, then I can yell at western digital until they give me steep discounts on their new 500gb drives02:28
IndyGunFreakbut i request that he not be allowed to invade off-topic either..lol02:28
ikoniathank you02:28
aglIVikonia g0su this is what happened... I wanted to use the same fat16 partition for both windows and linux booting -> hda102:28
paradroidjin: The trail of moved windows? No. I just thought the reduced resources might help.02:28
ikoniaaglIV: you can't do that02:28
ompaulIndyGunFreak, if he does he will meet o4o02:29
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IndyGunFreakompaul: lol02:29
jinparadroid, it does here. what do you think is the problem?02:29
aglIVikonia g0su then installed windows and then when trying to install ubuntu i messed everything up02:29
aglIVikonia:  yes i figured that out02:29
alitrixhi, after shutting down my kubunt, I get: 'time-of-day clock stopped'02:29
jinparadroid, any way to test my nvidia card with the current driver?02:29
ikoniaaglIV: ahh good02:29
Five_starwhy not just use two partitons?02:29
paradroidjin: Sounds like the window manager needs too much system resources. Do you run on old hardware?02:29
alitrixcan't get mine Dell laptop started anymore02:29
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jinparadroid, nope02:30
jinos[Linux 2.6.15-28-386 i686]  distro[Debian testing/unstable]  cpu[1 x AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3700+ @ 1.00GHz]  mem[Physical : 1519MB, 85.6% free]  disk[Total : 225.92GB, 36.60% Free]  video[10de:01df]  sound[NFORCE - Intel ICH] 02:30
alitrixbeen sniffing around on google, and I noticed a lot of ubuntu users have seen this issue02:30
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paradroidjin: But you do use Metacity.02:30
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elkbuntujin, please dont use /sysinfo here02:30
frodewWhere can I find systemrestore in Ubuntu ? (doing a school-task) msg thx:)02:30
jinparadroid, there02:30
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aglIVikonia I somehow screwed up the data on hd1 becaus windows will no longer boot and grub doesn't (didn't) see windows...02:30
IndyGunFreakalitrix: what seems to be the issue.02:30
paradroidcomosicus: Yeah, go on. You need to tell me what happens when you want to add a buddy.02:31
ikoniaaglIV: grub can't read ntfs partitions so you will get the "unknown" partition error02:31
paradroidcomosicus: I'll try to reproduce.02:31
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alitrixi'm having the same issues as these ppl02:31
aglIVikonia g0su so now I need to fix some stuff02:31
ikoniaaglIV: I see02:31
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alitrixand it looks like I've to open my laptop and remove the BIOS battery02:31
=== s] Catscrash [n=catscras@p54BA9CC1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
paradroidjin: What is your graphic card driver?02:31
aglIVso how do I boot windows?02:31
aglIVikonia: boot windows?02:31
alitrixI'm afraid to break the front-end of the laptop, when opening it02:31
jinparadroid, nvidia02:31
comosicusmy gaime it's says that the buddy is not on a server list02:32
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jinnvidia               4551028  1202:32
ikoniaaglIV: have a read up on the chainloader option02:32
jinagpgart                34888  1 nvidia02:32
tim167does anyone know how to install an Alcatel Speedtouch USB modem on ubuntu ?02:32
nominjin: I'm using the nvidia driver from nvidia's site right now, although I'm currently on a different distro.02:32
paradroidjin: Do glxgears run smooth for you?02:32
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FerretaglIV: usually just title windows  /  chainload (hd0,1)+102:32
jussi01tim167, usbmodems can be quite hard to get running02:33
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FerretaglIV: With the correct device (usually hd0,0 == hda1, hd1,1 == hdb2, etc..02:33
jinparadroid, how do you define smooth?02:33
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aglIVFerret: for c:/Windows?02:33
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comosicuswhere it is wrinting online or offline  in my gaime it's says not on a server list02:33
FerretaglIV: yah.02:33
=== s] Catscrash [n=catscras@p54BA9CC1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
paradroidjin: Good question. Just from the visual impression. Wanted to rule out that there might be something wrong with acceleration.02:33
nominjin: all I need to do on my 32-bit system is uninstall the current nvidia driver, download the file from nvidias site, exit X, then open the installer as root in a vitual terminal.02:33
tim167jussi01: that's what i suspected...but still i have to try it02:34
aglIVFerret hda502:34
nomin*virtual terminal02:34
jinnomin, ok, I'm gonna try it then02:34
paradroidcomosicus: So I just added you (using this nick) to my buddy list.02:34
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paradroidcomosicus: It told me also you were not on the server list, then I querried your info02:34
jinnomin, do you need the kernel source/header files?02:34
paradroidcomosicus: Now you show up fine.02:34
jinparadroid, I don't think it's smooth02:35
IndyGunFreakI'm running Dual Displays, which is awesome, but i just found something I don't like.  Each monitor has its own desktop, I can only have firefox open on one desktop, if I try to open it on the other, i get a Firefox is already running, close the existing process, or restart(gag)... anyway to make firefox run in multiple sessions?02:35
nominjin: oh yeah, I've needed the kernel source package as well.  The driver needs it to configure itself properly.02:35
jussi01jin you may want to use envy02:35
aglIVFerret: menu.lst excerpt :titleMicrosoft Windows XP Professional02:35
jussi01!envy | jin02:35
ubotujin: envy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia and ATI drivers. Please see http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html . Developers may be interested in https://launchpad.net/products/envy - See also !Nvidia02:35
jinjussi01, what's envy?02:35
paradroidparadroid: OK, then you seem to have driver issues.nomin was talking about installing drivers, right?02:35
nominjin: the kernel source is usually a big package so you'll need to spend some time downloading it.02:35
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comosicusi know that other people can add me but the problem is that i can't add other people02:35
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ompaulaglIV, can you use a pastebin for that stuff - more than two lines is a flood02:36
aglIVFerret ikonia so what's the deal?02:36
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IndyGunFreakcomosicus: what service are you trying to configure with GAIM/.. sounds like its not configured correctly02:36
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comosicusno sounds02:36
aglIVompaul: normally I would... thought 5 wasn't worth it...02:37
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IndyGunFreakcomosicus: do you have sound in other apps?02:37
ompaulaglIV, it is :)02:37
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IndyGunFreakcomosicus: does your sound work with other apps?02:38
nominjin: also, when you update the kernel, (which ubuntu does automatically every now and then), you'll probably need to download the kernel source for that new kernel and reinstall the nvidia driver again.02:38
IndyGunFreakcomosicus: applications, can you open, say a music application like XMMS, and play a sound file02:38
jinnomin, I'm going to run envy now02:38
=== s] Catscrash_ [n=catscras@p54BA9CC1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
comosicusnot all aplication02:38
IndyGunFreakcomosicus: huh?02:39
comosicusjust some02:39
nominhmmm...I don't think people need scripts like envy for installing the nvidia driver.02:39
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IndyGunFreakdo you get sound when you start ubuntu, the little humming africans or the bongo drums?02:39
IndyGunFreaknomin: whats envy?02:39
comosicusmy upgrade is not full02:39
jussi01!envy | IndyGunFreak02:39
ubotuIndyGunFreak: envy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia and ATI drivers. Please see http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html . Developers may be interested in https://launchpad.net/products/envy - See also !Nvidia02:39
IndyGunFreakcomosicus: you're not making any sense02:39
nominIndyGunFreak: http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html02:39
AMD- IndyGunFreak: thast a good sound gets me so exited02:39
IndyGunFreakAMD-: lol, no comment02:40
nominmaybe envy can be good but I've heard that the scripts that are supposed to make things super easy also cause problems.02:40
comosicusbut what in the hell have to do with my problem02:40
jussi01nomin, envy is a great script02:40
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comosicusi cant add buddy to my gaim list02:41
Five_starIndyGunFreak: so that's what that is? humming africans?02:41
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comosicusthat is my problem02:41
IndyGunFreakcomosicus: well, first we can't distinguish wether its your PC or GAIM02:41
IndyGunFreakFive_star: i think so.02:41
comosicusis gaim02:41
Five_starcomosicus: why not go to the gaim support channel?02:41
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nominjussi01: does envy set up everything for ATI's?02:41
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IndyGunFreakFive_star: they prolly threw him out.02:41
jussi01nomin, yes it does02:41
Five_starIndyGunFreak: lol, so they recorded humming africans?02:41
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comosicusbecouse some buddy work fine02:41
aglIVFerret: ikonia: still with me?02:41
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nominjussi01: sounds like a good deal.02:42
Five_starIndyGunFreak: they like, flew to africa and got some of them to hum, then recorded it?02:42
IndyGunFreakFive_star: well, maybe they simulated it...02:42
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Five_starIndyGunFreak: hehehe02:42
jussi01comosicus, have you got see offline buddies on?02:42
Five_staralright, ubuntu installed, time for the restart02:42
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AMD-IndyGunFreak:you must have a different sound from me then02:42
jussi01nomin, you always know its a good one when the bot doesnt do this:02:42
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe02:42
IndyGunFreakAMD-: just about everything i have is different from everyone else it seems..lol02:43
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AMD- IndyGunFreak: no comment02:43
IndyGunFreakAMD-: lo02:43
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=== Ferret laughs at the envy script
jussi01!hi | Also02:44
ubotuAlso: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:44
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FerretIt wants you to reboot when done02:44
Alsocould anyone tell me how i can get my "linksys wireles g notebook adapter" working?02:44
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comosicusalmoust all my buddy's work fine.......i can see them add them erased them and add again if i whant but i have 2 buddy that doesnt work02:44
IndyGunFreak!wireless | Also02:44
ubotuAlso: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:44
Alsook thanks!02:44
berentis there any sqlj compiler  for linux02:44
FerretaglIV: I'd say remove every line apart from the title and have: chainloader (hd0,4)+102:44
berentis there any sqlj compiler  for linux in ubuntu02:44
=== jamyskis [n=dlecount@dslb-084-061-085-126.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
jussi01!patience | berent02:45
ubotuberent: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:45
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comosicuswhere it sopoused to show if it is online or offline it show's :this is not on a server list02:45
IndyGunFreakcomosicus: well then something says youve not configured it wrong.02:45
IndyGunFreaki mean configured it right02:45
=== eyalw [n=eyalw@bzq-88-155-23-71.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
berentI am patient will anyone help this patient!!!02:46
IndyGunFreak!hi | eyalw02:46
eyalwhow do i open the formula bar in OpenDocument, ? ???02:46
ubotueyalw: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:46
comosicuswhen i click info on bad buddys it says :that language is not suported yet02:46
IndyGunFreakcomosicus: i have no idea, you might try the gaim support channel... i have no issues at all with GAIM.02:47
aglIVFerret: will that compensate for the faulty hd1?02:47
=== Jowi [n=johan@bgn92-4-82-238-212-88.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
IndyGunFreakcomosicus: what services are you trying to use with GAIM?02:47
eyalwhow do i open the formula bar in OpenDocument, ? ????02:47
IndyGunFreakhmm, my yahoo account is working fine.02:47
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IndyGunFreakcomosicus: have you ever tried kopete?02:47
FerretaglIV: I thought windows was on hda5?02:48
=== einPaul [n=siggy@dslb-084-060-052-220.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
tkpI'm trying to use update-manager to upgrade mt Dapper to Edgy02:48
FerretaglIV: What's on the second hard drive?02:48
comosicusno becouse i whant to solve that02:48
=== Urbanmage [n=chatzill@cpe-69-133-77-77.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
tkpI'm running it as `gksu "update-manager -c"`02:48
IndyGunFreakcomosicus: what version of GAIM?02:48
jamyskiswho should i go to if the NickServ is rejecting my password for whatever reason?02:48
tkpbut The button which allows you to upgrade seems to be missing02:48
tkpall I can do is check for package updates02:49
Skew-firefox question: is there a way to increase/decrease the font sizes for just 1 website?02:49
aglIVFerret: this is what happened... I wanted to use the same fat16 partition for both windows and linux booting -> hda102:49
berentI am patient will anyone help this patient!!!02:49
berentis there any sqlj compiler  for linux in ubuntu02:49
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aglIVFerret /windows is hda502:49
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tkpApparently there should be a little bit at the top of the window that says "New distribution release is available"02:49
IndyGunFreakhmm, well that should be the stable version.02:49
comosicusthere is a gaime suport channel?02:49
tkpwith a button saying "upgrade"02:49
tkpbut it's not there02:49
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:50
FerretaglIV: So hda1 is /boot?02:50
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.02:50
tkpwhat am I supposed to do to get this option??02:50
paradroidcomosicus: What version of Gaim do you use?02:50
aglIVFerret: but boot is /hd1 and on installing ubuntu I messed everything up...02:50
IndyGunFreakparadroid: 1.5  so he's using the stable version02:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sqlj - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:50
IndyGunFreakcomosicus: it has to be something you've configured wrong02:50
paradroidIndyGunFreak: OK.02:50
paradroidcomosicus: What is the server you are trying to connect to?02:51
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre02:51
aglIVFerret: perhaps you could counsolt with ikonia or g0su... and I'll be back in 15 min02:51
soundrayberent: you can ask all day long -- if nobody knows your answer, you won't get any. Logical?02:51
IndyGunFreakcomosicus: now i have read some reports on other forums about Yahoo having several outtages this weekend(I've had no probs though)02:51
paradroidcomosicus: scs.yahoo.com or scs.msg.yahoo.com02:51
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:51
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash02:51
IndyGunFreaktkp: keep your question on one line, its hard to follow one person with so much going on in here02:52
soundray!upgrade > tkp, read your pm please02:52
FerretaglIV: well, I would suggest trying the second post from this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html02:52
tkpsoundray: I have read that02:52
tkpand am doing what it say... "gksu update-manager -c "02:52
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paradroidtkp: gksudo "update-manager -c -d"02:53
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tkpparadroid: it doesn't say that02:53
tkpwhat is -d?02:53
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IndyGunFreaktkp: lol, he's tryng to help you and you're questioning his help02:53
soundraytkp: listen to paradroid, and try without the quotes -- they appear to be the wrong ones from your line02:53
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paradroidtkp: The switches tell the regular update manager to check for beta upgrades. This is necessary even when Edgy is out of beta, in order to upgrade from one version to the next.02:54
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tkp-d made no difference02:54
tkpgksu "update-manager -c -d02:54
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tkpand I tried without the quotes02:54
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paradroidtkp: Did you run a "Check" (update sources) again?02:55
soundraytkp: 'sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get update-manager'02:55
AMD-can any one help me with this ------------>Xerox:~# irw02:55
AMD-connect: Connection refused02:55
soundraytkp: sry 'sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install update-manager'02:55
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PeloAMD-,  what are you trying to do ?02:55
venikdoes anyone know how to install the NVIDIA drivers for geoforce 400?02:55
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jussi01!envy | venik02:56
ubotuvenik: envy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia and ATI drivers. Please see http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html . Developers may be interested in https://launchpad.net/products/envy - See also !Nvidia02:56
venikthe ENVY script did some damage, so I would like to stay away from it02:56
tkpsoundray: I have the packages already02:56
AMD-Pelo: get my mce remote to work02:56
alitrixa/w 4802:56
ohirinteresting.. such f*g unneeded thingy as flash9 was backported to dapper, postgres 8.2 you need to backport yourself :/02:56
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soundraytkp: just do it PLEASE02:56
tkpsoundray: I did!02:56
jussi01venik, what did it do?02:56
IndyGunFreaksoundray: lol02:56
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paradroidtkp: There is a very nice how-to for the upgrading process here: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/upgrading-ubuntu-from-dapper-to-edgy-with-update-manager/02:57
tkpand yes, I did run the check for updates02:57
IndyGunFreakcrdlb: have a nice nap?02:57
venikit messed around with the restricted modules of the kernel, and in the end I have no access to the NVIDIA settings02:57
crdlbIndyGunFreak, yes02:57
tkpparadroid: I know.... Thats' what I'm following02:57
soundraytkp: have you updated ubuntu-desktop as well?02:57
paradroidtkp: Oh. Sorry.02:57
kdrlxcoming over from ArchLinux and happy with ubuntu on laptop .. everything works .. hibernate, suspend everything .. this is nice02:57
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IndyGunFreakkdrlx: give it time,. something will break. :)02:57
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venikI am even thinking of reinstalling Ubuntu, but perhaps it is best to wait for the next version02:58
kdrlxi hope not :) but then again .. arch taught me too much ... :)02:58
jussi01venik, if you can, wait02:58
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IndyGunFreakvenik: next version isn't due till july i think02:58
IndyGunFreakor maybe april02:58
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paradroidIndyGunFreak: April02:58
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tkpI can't install ubuntu-desktop... broken packages02:58
paradroidIndyGunFreak: 19.04.02:58
comosicuslook on https://launchpad.net/gaim in the bottom of the page  #71326: yahoo contacts "not in the server list" while they are that is my problem but i dont know what it means02:58
IndyGunFreakparadroid: i thought it was 7.04... so i couldn't remember which number signified the month..02:58
IndyGunFreakobvioiusly though, the second does02:58
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venikthe thing works, but I would like to get to the NVIDIA settings02:59
soundrayvenik: the next release is planned for 19 April. You can help test it now -- /join #ubuntu+1 and read the topic02:59
fortran01hi, is there a GUI for setting up Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) in Ubuntu?02:59
paradroidIndyGunFreak: ;)02:59
IndyGunFreakparadroid: it seems awful unstable for only being a month out.02:59
IndyGunFreaki've not used it, i just see a lot of folks posting probs.02:59
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soundrayfortran01: yes, firestarter02:59
venikI am afraid I am too new on Ubuntu to be a tester02:59
IndyGunFreakparadroid: after the 17hr adventure i had setting up dual monitors, i don't think i'm ever gonna upgrade from Edgy...lol02:59
soundrayfortran01: although it claims to configure firewalls, it manages that as well02:59
venikI first installed it in November02:59
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d0dgeI've tried textbased messenger, browser (lynx), anything else fun & worth of trying? :)03:00
bjamesI've just installed Ubuntu via a live CD and now the PC fails to accept the drives on boot - "INVALID SYSTEM DISK...", now I've checked the BIOS and they are set to "auto", however the motherboard is quite old (PIII 450MHz) and the drives are fairly large (40GB and 160GB) - does anyone have any insight?03:00
paradroidIndyGunFreak: Oh boy...03:00
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paradroidIndyGunFreak: I don't know if I'll upgrade. Right now things are running so smoothly here...03:00
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IndyGunFreakparadroid: thing is, i got it working in about 45min, but i couldn't get it how i wanted, thrashed xorg.conf about 50x..lol03:00
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comosicusanybody heard me?03:01
IndyGunFreakparadroid: yeah, i agree... i'll wait a month or so to upgrade03:01
fortran01thanks soundray03:01
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soundraybjames: somehow, the grub boot loader installation has failed. Follow the instructions for when Windows has overwritten grub (pm from ubotu)03:01
soundray!grub > bjames03:01
bjamesthe BIOS sits at the autodetect stage03:01
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venikmy main (only?) problem has been the support foor the NVIDIA card, which is an old card03:01
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egonhi all03:01
IndyGunFreakvenik: i think legacy drivers are in the repos.. is eem to recall seeing them there03:01
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comosicus <IndyGunFreak>   <paradroid>  someoane03:02
IndyGunFreakcomosicus: whats wrong now?03:02
bjamessoundray: Can I ask a stupid question - what does that syntax mean? "!grub > bjames"?03:02
bjamesI should joib grub?03:02
comosicuslook on https://launchpad.net/gaim in the bottom of the page  #71326: yahoo contacts "not in the server list" while they are that is my problem but i dont know what it means03:02
soundraybjames: it instructs the bot to send you a message03:02
Jowibjames, it could be that if you have more than one disk in your system, their order in the bios might have been switched. that can give you that error.03:02
paradroidcomosicus: I'm reading it right now.. a second, please03:02
tkpI'm really stuck. It checks for new packages, then examines my system, and then thats it03:02
tkpno window pops up saying there is a new distribution available... no upgeade button03:02
bjamessoundray - it doesn't appear to do anything special03:03
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IndyGunFreakcomosicus: doesn't look like they've came up with a solution yet03:03
IndyGunFreakit appears the problem is GAIM03:03
soundraybjames: pardon?03:03
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bjamessoundray: the message you sent doesn't appear any different than any other message03:03
Jowibjames, set the boot drive as primary master, the other as primary slave or secondary master03:03
paradroidcomosicus: I can only second IndyGunFreak. One work-around seems to be to add those buddies using the "official" client.03:04
tkpit just says my system is up to date03:04
deadeyeshey guys, I delete accidentally a gnome bar... now I can't see the updates button anymore... also, when I start apps with wine, I get an extra window opened instead that it gets put in the system tray03:04
tkpwhich it aint!03:04
bjamesjowi: they are03:04
egonI have workign ubuntu, and I got working sound, the problem is that I have build in laptop speekers and plug for headspeekers, and the thing is that sound plays in the speekers and headspeekers at the same time, any sugetsion there to go/read?03:04
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IndyGunFreakcomosicus: I'm using Gaim 2.0.0beta3.1 and i've had no probs with yahoo..03:04
comosicusso what shoud i do?03:04
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soundraybjames: look for a place on your screen where you can access private messages03:04
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IndyGunFreakcomosicus: my suggestion, since it will be in the repos, not need compiled, etc.. is to install kopete03:04
Jowibjames, no, i mean: make sure that the disks physically have that switch.03:04
also_i didnt get that darm wlan working :/03:04
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bjamesjowi: they are hardware jumpers - can't get any more sure than that03:05
paradroidIndyGunFreak: ;) But maybe indeed an alternative client will solve that problem for the time being...03:05
jussi01also_, what went wrong?03:05
bjamesjowi: plus I took the drives from a working windows machine - it's also booted windows in this configuration03:05
IndyGunFreakparadroid: i think so, looks ike its a gaim issue.. I'm not having any issues at all though with Yahoo via gaim 2.0.0 b3.103:05
soundraytkp: I recommend that you scroll down and follow the "NOT RECOMMENDED" instructions03:05
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comosicusgod ideea but then i have to reques pending again from all my buddy's?03:05
VeryBritishHi, just installed ubunto in new partition. Problem: I only get 2 transverse lines iso the desktop, no way to interact. (Samsung M50 Notebook with widescreen). Any ideas?03:05
Jowibjames, very good. then double check the bios settings boot order.03:05
also_dont know.. I did exactly what https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessNetworking that site sayd :/03:06
IndyGunFreaklooks like several in that list though, have had that problem03:06
bjamessoundray: I'm using trillian03:06
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bjamesjowi: as I said it's stumbling on the autodetect03:06
soundray!grub | bjames03:06
ubotubjames: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:06
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bjamesjowi: not got the boot stage yet03:06
=== unimatrix9 [n=theGrid@a62-251-25-103.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
unimatrix9hello all03:06
jamyskisok - rephrased question - how can i get hold of an irc.ubuntu.com admin?03:06
paradroidcomosicus: I am not sure, they should be stored on the server along with their permissions.03:06
jussi01!hi | unimatrix903:06
ubotuunimatrix9: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:06
bjamesubotu: it's falling over far beofre that03:06
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ikoniaaglIV: sorry I was on the phone03:07
bjamessince ubuntu got it's hands on the drive03:07
ikoniagot summond to the lab03:07
jussi01comosicus, have you tried reinstalling gaim?03:07
soundraybjames: follow these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows03:07
bjamesmaybe I should try a reinstall?03:07
paradroidcomosicus: Actually, I would say yes. They should migrate.03:07
IndyGunFreakcomosicus: no, your buddies are on the server, you won't have to do any pending, etc.03:08
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IndyGunFreakor at least i never have03:08
bjamessoundray: I don't think this info is relevant03:08
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aglIVsoundray: ikonia g0su Ferret I'm back now... any ideas?03:08
bjamessoundray: I'm going to try installing without the live CD booting03:08
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soundraybjames: PLEASE listen to me03:08
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soundraybjames: you've installed ubuntu, haven't you?03:09
also_tai jos joku vois suomeks opastaa tuon Wlanin laiton niin saattas onnistuu paremmin ^03:09
Actarusneed some help please03:09
bjamessoundray: ok03:09
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Actarusdon`t know how to config WPA03:09
Actaruscant find any way03:09
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:09
ikoniaaglIV: I've only just got back myself, I mised half of your problem. You've got grub set to boot hd0,4 as windows - what happens when you try to boot it03:09
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soundraybjames: chances are that your installation is fine, except the bootloader.03:09
Actarusok tnaks03:09
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deadeyeshey guys, I delete accidentally a gnome bar... now I can't see the updates button anymore... also, when I start apps with wine, I get an extra window opened instead that it gets put in the system tray03:09
andytaylorukhi. I've been having performance issues because of my graphics card and was wondering if lowering the colour depth from 24 to 16 would help..?03:09
unimatrix9would it be possible to install metisse on ubuntu?03:09
bjamessoundray: yes I booted the live CD and used the installer - now the BIOS disk detection does not find the hard drive. This is before the "proper" boot stage03:09
soundraybjames: so follow the instructions to recover grub03:09
also_ubotu, i did exactly what that site sayd but it doesnt work :/03:10
comosicusnow i'm trying to understand how to install kopete03:10
ikoniacomosicus: apt-get install kopete03:10
ikoniawhats to understand03:10
ryanakcacan someone please help me test KMail + GPG? (aka, I sign an email to you, and you tell me if it identified properly...)03:10
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bjamessoundray: ok - I'll take a look. I may be back here shortly03:10
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jussi01deadeyes, right click on the existing bar and click add to panel03:10
comosicusi'll let you know for any problems that i might find03:10
soundraybjames: sec03:10
venikshould we use APTITUDE in all the places where it says apt-get?03:11
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Jowibjames, (i was thinking the bios autodetection should still detect the drives... make sure that the master disk is connected at the end of the ide cable.)03:11
dazjorzIs there any way to bind a key combination to a command (I'd like to bind Super+L to lock screen, since I'm used to Win+L to screen lock)03:11
jussi01venik, you can it is a good idea03:11
bjamesjowi: I was thinking it should do as well03:11
IndyGunFreakcomosicus: kopete will likely solve your problem03:11
comosicusi have ubuntu for several days my dear03:11
unimatrix9ubuntu and metisse desktop, does it work?03:11
aglIVsoundray: ikonia g0su Ferret: trying to boot windows from a dospromt doesn't work either because I screwed up the boot data on hda1 when istalling ubuntu... so I think my best bet would be to reformat hda1 and get the necessar boot data for windows reinstalled...03:11
comosicusi'm virgin on that op system03:12
deadeyesjussi01, I know that, but I cant find anything for system tray icons03:12
soundraybjames: if you think that ubuntu detected your drives, but your BIOS doesn't, the fix may be different03:12
ubotuMetisse is Mandriva's composite window manager. For more information, see http://www.mandriva.com/projects/metisse03:12
paradroidcomosicus: ;)03:12
jussi01dazjorz, you can do it in gconf-editor03:12
venikbut almost all the sudo suggestions use apt-get03:12
dazjorzjussi01: okay, thanks :)03:12
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ikoniaaglIV: if you've messed up the data - you'll need to re-install windows03:12
unimatrix9can i install metisse on edgy?03:12
IndyGunFreakparadroid: from looking at that link, it looks like that bug has been hanging around a bit, wonder why its not fixed yet03:12
bjamessoundray: ubuntu detected them fine when booting from the live CD - it's just now that it's installed the mobo doesn't seem to be able to find the drive03:12
soundraybjames: are both drives on the same IDE channel?03:13
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jussi01deadeyes, i think it is called notification error03:13
bjamessoundray: yes03:13
paradroidIndyGunFreak: I'm not really any wiser now after having read up on that... in one place someone suggests changing servers... in another it's about visibility of the contacts...03:13
deadeyesjussi01, ok, will search for that03:13
soundraybjames: have you set the jumpers so one of them is master, the other slave?03:13
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egonI have build in laptop speekers and plug for headspeekers, and the thing is that sound plays in the speekers and headspeekers at the same time, any sugetsion there to go/read do about this bug?03:13
venikdoes anyone know why I cannot uninstall ngircd?  it keeps telling me that a preprocess failed03:13
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IndyGunFreakparadroid: yeah,03:13
IndyGunFreakiv'e just never had probs with gaim, seems they're quick to fix03:14
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bjamessoundray: yes - as I said windows was booting fine.  One of the drives had windows, the other files03:14
venikit is an irc server, which I had stopped before uninstalling03:14
andytaylorukok, simpler question. How can I edit my xorg.conf because I get a readonly error at the moment.03:14
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bjamessoundray: I might try running the installer again - this time from the command line03:14
veniksudo su -03:14
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IndyGunFreakandytayloruk: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:14
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andytaylorukthankyou :)03:14
soundraybjames: I don't think it will make a difference -- there's something more low-level going on03:15
venikandy-- sudo su -03:15
IndyGunFreakvenik: whats that do?03:15
soundraybjames: I see the point you made earlier now and agree...03:15
venikit sets you as a supper user03:15
bjamessoundray: That's what I thought initially03:15
venikor root03:15
onatswhere can i find the crtl.o file?03:15
IndyGunFreakvenik: oh ok... didnt know that, i just always use sudo.03:15
soundraybjames: is your ubuntu installation spread across both disks?03:15
also_miten saan tuon wlanin toimimaan kun ei toimi vaikka tein ohjeitten mukaan kaiken?03:15
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bjamessoundray: I don't think so03:15
andytaylorukdo changes come into effect to xorg.conf after i restart x?03:16
bjamessoundray: I think it's only touched the smaller drive (as I told it)03:16
bdinaanyone know what I need to do to enable HT on an P4?  I have read a bit about it and it looks like all I need to do is add a line to my grub conf ht=on.... I think I should see multiple processors when I look at /proc/cpuinfo or top -- I dont...03:16
venikI used Krosader under KDE, which has a very nice LOCATE command03:16
deadeyesjussi01, it was something with notification... :D found and solved :D thanks!03:16
IndyGunFreakandytayloruk: i think so..03:16
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andytaylorukk thanx03:16
jussi01venik, it isnt usually reccommended to use sudo su - sudo does the job03:16
paradroidvenik: IndyGunFreak Going SuperUser might be problematic if you forget to exit that state again and stay su all day...03:16
soundraybjames: I would try disconnecting the bigger disk and see if that gets accepted if it's the only one03:16
CBunnybdina, are you using an SMP kernel?03:16
paradroidvenik: IndyGunFreak sudo is nicer for it only grants administrative rights for the job at hand.03:16
bjamessoundray: I was just going to suggest that03:16
IndyGunFreakparadroid: like i said, i never even knew it existed...  sudo works for me03:16
also_how i can get my wlan working? i did exactly what that site sayd but it doesnt work :/03:16
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bjamessoundray: I'll give it a go03:17
soundraybjames: if grub installed to the other one, the RecoveringGrub... instructions would again apply03:17
bdinaI am using 6.10, from what I understand the SMP is built into the default kernel... ??03:17
soundraybjames: hope you can fix it03:17
click_Is there a way to alllow root logon?03:17
soundraybdina: that's right03:17
soundrayclick_: there is, but it's completely and utterly not recommended.03:17
bdinasoundray: maybe I need to check my bios then?03:17
aglIVikonia: but only the data on hda1.... windows is installed in hda5....03:17
paradroidOh, for a change and since I don't seem to help anyone today... a question.03:17
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`nicolawhen I rigt-click on a task in the taskbar the first option is move to another workspace/move to the right workspace/always on top/ and then *close* ! the most frequent thing I do when I right click on an a tab in the taskbar is close how can I rearrange the menu ?03:17
paradroidIs there an alternative to cups-pdf to create PDFs from any application?03:17
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CBunnybdina, if you're after security you should probably leave HT disabled03:18
IndyGunFreakclick_: yeah... you log in as root, and your system is compromised, they can do whatever they want.. this is one of hte big issues with Windows03:18
ikoniaaglIV: whats hda1 ?03:18
soundraybdina: yes, it may be disabled there03:18
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aglIVikonia... windows boot03:18
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onatswhat package is equivalent to glibc-devel? i need to compile programs from source, and it doesn't work03:18
bdinaCBunny: nah, security is not a concern on this desktop03:18
IndyGunFreakclick_: what are you doin that needs root access?03:18
ikoniaaglIV: there is no such thing as windows boot - windows boots from its c drive03:18
click_I'd only use root offline.....it's for config purposes03:18
dazjorzjussi01: do you have any howto on how to set a key combination for locking or could you tell me how to do it? I did find some settings on locking in the config editor, but not a quick key03:18
bdinasoundray: I should see my system as having multiple procs right?03:18
aglIVikonia: not if c is only 20mb03:18
CBunnybdina, does /proc/cpuinfo only show one cpu?03:18
IndyGunFreakclick_: ok03:18
bdinaCBunny: yup.  only 1 (proc 0)03:19
soundraybdina: yes03:19
`nicolawhen I rigt-click on a task in the taskbar the first option is move to another workspace/move to the right workspace/always on top/ and then *close* ! the most frequent thing I do when I right click on an a tab in the taskbar is close. how can I rearrange the menu ?03:19
ikoniaaglIV: that doesn't make any sense03:19
aglIVikonia: why not?03:19
CBunnybdina, check your BIOS03:19
IndyGunFreakclick_: how long you been in this room?03:19
click_the first thing i found was to create a directory off of /03:19
click_about 30 seconds03:19
bdinaCBunny: right... Im gonna reboot and check it out... thanks!03:19
paradroid`nicola: Good question. I don't think there is an easy way to achieve that.03:19
ikoniaaglIV: windows doesn't boot from a seperate data set, it boots really one file, ntldr03:20
ikoniaso whats on hda103:20
soundrayclick_: use 'sudo mkdir /newdir' -- it'll ask for your root password03:20
`nicolathanks for the answer paradroid  on ##gnome  none took care about my question03:20
soundrayclick_: use 'sudo mkdir /newdir' -- it'll ask for your USER password (sry)03:20
onatscan anyone help me? i'm having problems compiling a program from source...03:20
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jussi01dazjorz, Im sorry, i cant quite remember where it is, there is a section for mapping keys though03:20
paradroid`nicola: You're welcome. I think the context menu is coded into the window manager.03:20
click_And how does onew go about setting a root password03:21
soundrayonats: what are you compiling and why?03:21
aglIVikonia, I don't know... I always assumed something like a dynamic boot link to the "real" boot partition03:21
onatssoundray, CVS..03:21
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paradroid`nicola: There should be some way to be able to reconfigure that, though.03:21
soundrayclick_: use sudo please03:21
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bjamessoundray: I think it might be my old motherboard that's causing the problems - as I booted from the CD to install it didn't need to know about the drives, but now it's trying to autodetect them I think it's falling over as they are too big for it03:21
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dazjorzjussi01: Yes, I found keybindings, but there isn't anything for screen locking03:21
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soundraybjames: BIOS update? (small hope)03:21
onatssoundray, i'm compiling it coz it seems that it doesn't have a compiled version ready for download03:21
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also_help somebody! why my linksys wlan notebook adapter card doesnt work! i did exactly what ubunty help site sayd but it doesnt work :/03:21
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minimecHi. I just realized that my MasterVolume is for internal speaker and the 'audio out' is recognized as Headphone. Is there a way to configure that? 'dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base' did not do it.03:22
bjamessoundray: it's quite an old motherboard unfortunately03:22
jussi01dazjorz, are you looking in gconf-editor?03:22
soundray!info csv | onats03:22
ubotuonats: Package csv does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas03:22
bjamessoundray: I'm going to try a fresh install with just the OS drive plugged in03:22
aglIVikonia: windows was just installed and I think it would be the eaisiest to just reinstall as long as it doesn't mess with ubuntu....?03:22
bjames(and CD ROM)03:22
soundray!info cvs | onats03:22
ubotuonats: cvs: Concurrent Versions System. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.12.13-3 (edgy), package size 1607 kB, installed size 3528 kB03:22
ikoniaaglIV: well it will remove the grub boot loader - but thats about it03:22
aglIVikonia: why? it's on a different partition...03:23
soundrayonats: install it from the repositories to save you pain and trouble03:23
jussi01dazjorz, you need to type gconf-editor in terminal03:23
also_jussi01, can you help me? why my linksys wlan notebook adapter card doesnt work! i did exactly what ubunty help site sayd but it doesnt work :/03:23
jussi01also_, what model linsys is it?03:23
dazjorzjussi01: I did03:23
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paradroiddazjorz: What is the command for locking the screen?03:24
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aglIVikonia: windows /boot and Ubuntu /boot are two different partitions...03:24
jussi01dazjorz, found it now03:24
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also_jussi01, it is wireles-g notebookadapter wpc54g version203:24
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jussi01in gconf-editor, go to apps->metacity03:24
jussi01also, be with you in a moment03:24
aglIVikonia: should I list my fstab?03:24
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ikoniaaglIV: no - I don't understand whats on windows /boot03:25
also_jussi01, ok03:25
dazjorzjussi01: I got it already :) Using beryl, set command 0 to 'xlock' and bound a key to command 003:25
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metalhedddid java6 get pullled out of multiverse?  i saw forum posts saying it was in there for edgy but I dont see it.03:25
jussi01dazjorz, sorry, didnt realise you were using beryl03:25
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aglIVikonia: nothing important anyway....03:25
dazjorzjussi01: I never told you :)03:25
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ikoniaaglIV: I just don't see how you expect to have a windows boot partition but not a full install on it03:26
rjale1dear friends, I have just configured wpa_supplicant to connect to my secured WPA2-PSK wifi AP, I then use a script with ifconfig, route add to configure the statis address I need here at home. what is the "ubuntu" or a more elegant way of doing so ? basically I need this setup at home, a second setup with DHCP at work and a third setup at free wifi spots around town03:26
ikoniaaglIV: I'd start again and keep it very simple03:26
southafrikanseI'm trying yo copy a file to /etc/wpasupplicant but I don't have permission what can I do?03:26
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IndyGunFreakikonia: lol03:26
Mayashello all ... have been running ubuntu and been happy ..for most of the time03:26
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dazjorzsouthafrikanse: put 'sudo' before 'cp'03:26
rjale1southafrikanse: sudo cp03:26
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raphaelhi all!03:26
Mayasif somebody has any clue abt the pblm i faced or faced similar problms.. 'll b happy to know ..03:27
southafrikanse'm doing manually. How can I do it with the console?03:27
Mayashere it is03:27
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dazjorzsouthafrikanse:  we just told you03:27
raphaelquestion: is one of the servers down?03:27
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Mayas6.01 ltc [dapper drake]  installation CD got stuck03:27
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rjale1southafikanse: sudo cp yourfile /etc/wpasupplicant03:27
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southafrikanseWhat is the location to my desktop?03:27
rjale1sudo will ask for your userid password03:27
dazjorzsouthafrikanse: ~/Desktop03:27
jussi01also_, here are instructions http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=564503:27
raphaeltrying to do an "update-manager -c "   to upgrade from dapper to edgy but  it keeps telling me "system is up-to-date" ???03:28
Mayasthis happened when i had told high and convinced one of my friends to install this .. and right at the timezone selection the installation hung03:28
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Mayasi was embarassed03:28
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also_jussi01, ok i try03:28
andytaylorukhi again03:28
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Mayasthe system has 256 mb ram03:28
andytaylorukhow can I tell if DRI is working?03:28
MrDevilyesssss wowwwwwwwwww hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii looooooooooool :D03:28
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dazjorzraphael: substitute dapper for edgy in /etc/apt/sources.list, then run sudo apt-get update, then run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in console.03:28
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aglIVikonia: 2 points... 1st whatever was on hda1 when I erased it caused windows on hda4 to no longer load.  2. I've been running Windows with a seperat 20mb c:\boot and Windows in D:\ or E:\Windows for over 8 years on numberous systems...03:28
Mayasso .. this guy got pissed abt ubuntu and then settled with FC 603:28
rjale1pointers to howto configure multiple wifi locations please03:28
onatssoundray, overlooked that.. thanks:)03:28
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raphaeldazjorz: oh, I thought this would be the "non prefered way"03:29
dazjorzaglIV: 20 mb C:\boot? :|03:29
metalhedddid java6 get pullled out of multiverse?  i saw forum posts saying it was in there for edgy but I dont see it.03:29
dazjorzraphael: It might be, but I'm from Debian03:29
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aglIVdazjorz: got a problem with it?03:29
dazjorzraphael: Ubuntu probably has a "more preferred way" for it, but I stick to the Debian ways.03:29
ikoniaaglIV: sound like your making it overcomplex03:30
soundray!info sun-java6-jdk | metalhedd, doesn't look like it...03:30
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ubotumetalhedd, doesn't look like it...: sun-java6-jdk: Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-00-0ubuntu1~edgy1 (edgy-backports), package size 9269 kB, installed size 31220 kB03:30
ikoniaaglIV: how do you install windows to a boot partition but not install the OS03:30
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dazjorzaglIV: NTFS can mount partitions to the filesystems, but Windows doesn't need a C:\boot nor is it able to mount non-Windows partitions03:30
aglIVikonia: could be, but it always worked before....03:30
dazjorzaglIV: I think you mean /boot03:30
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metalheddubotu: apt-cache search java6   No Results! I do definitely have mutliverse and iniverse enabled.03:31
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vox754metalhedd, "aptitude search java"03:31
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nuked_omenthere is an ext2 driver for windows03:32
aglIVdazjorz: what I am refering to as c:\boot for a better lack of terms, is the 1st partition on my HD regardless of OS03:32
onatswhat's a good interface for CVS?03:32
onatsgui i mean03:32
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dazjorzaglIV:  You mean /dev/hda003:32
paradroidmetalhedd: I did a apt-cache search for "java6" and get results...03:32
metalheddvox754: only java5 is inthere03:32
dazjorzaglIV: or how grub and others would call it (hd0,0)03:32
metalheddparadroid: I dont.  im using the canadian serve,r could it be that far behind?03:32
aglIVdazjorz:  /dev/hda1 I think03:33
vox754metalhedd, "sudo aptitude update" to update the list of repositories and packages on it.03:33
metalheddvox754: already did it03:33
dazjorzaglIV: Oh, yeah, it starts with 1.03:33
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aglIVdazjorz: we green?03:33
Data_hi; I have a wifi problem with DLink 624; does anybody help?03:33
paradroidmetalhedd: I see it's in the edgy backports..03:33
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dazjorzaglIV: Yet, C:\boot is completely wrong ;)03:33
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Errpast1Can anyone help me with the cups error log message03:33
Errpast1cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.03:33
vox754metalhedd, I don't think java6 is mainstream right now, why do you need it? It should be available from source, I guess.03:34
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dazjorzaglIV: Even because of C:\ doesn't have to be the first partition03:34
aglIVdazjorz: thanks for the clarification :)03:34
phar0zhi all, anyone has virtual hosts running on apache2 on ubuntu?03:34
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Errpast1I have configured cupsd.conf to be wide open.  Allow all03:34
paradroidmetalhedd: Do you have the backport section enabled for your sources?03:34
dazjorzaglIV: I had Windows installed on /dev/hda2, and expected windows to call its own partition D:, but no, C:.03:34
soundraymetalhedd: java6 is definitely in the repositories. Something is wrong with your sources.list03:34
metalheddparadroid: no backports. but i read that java6 is in multiverse,03:34
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Errpast1I have Brother 2070n drivers installed, but jobs won't print, the aobcve is that last error message I get in cups03:34
paradroidmetalhedd: It is. You still need to allow backports on your system.03:34
dazjorzmetalhedd: you sure you did sudo apt-get update afte rmodifying sources.list?03:34
soundraymetalhedd: run 'sudo apt-get update' and watch for errors03:34
minimecMy 'Master Volume' is changing volume on the internal speaker wich is quiet anoying... How would I change that?03:35
southafrikanse sudo cp  ~/Desktop/e-UConnect/wpa_supplicant.conf.sample  /etc/wpasupplicant03:35
southafrikanseIt doesn't work03:35
metalheddparadroid: how do I enable backports?03:35
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metalheddsoundray: I did all of that, 3 times so far.03:35
aglIVikonia:  when installing windows, if you force hda1 (thanks dazjorz) to be to small to install windows and select a different partition, large enough to fit windows, lets say hda2, then windows will format hda1 and write soemthing to hda1 that it needs to boot itself in hda2... Understand?03:35
Errpast1I got both the 2070N wrapper driver and the LPR driver from Brother site, so I think the drivers are installed03:35
dazjorzmetalhedd: It's a repository, just add it to sources.list03:35
`nicolametalhedd, look in your synaptic repositories menu03:35
metalheddi tried switching from canada server to US Server too.03:36
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paradroidmetalhedd: If you feel like GUI, go into Synaptic -> Settings -> Sources03:36
vox754southafrikanse, "sudo mv  ~/Desktop/e-UConnect/wpa_supplicant.conf.sample  /etc/wpasupplicant" maybe03:36
ikoniaaglIV: that seems a bit over the top, but what ever works for you03:36
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paradroidmetalhedd: I have the German version here, so I am not sure what the labels are exactly in English.03:36
Errpast1Toma-, howdy.  I'm back to trying to get the Brother printer to wrok03:36
aglIVdazjorz: you're correct, you can play arround with drive names, but I'd still never install an os to hda1!03:37
soundray!backports > metalhedd03:37
Toma-Errpast1: hey :D im a little drunk right now, so probably less useful now.03:37
Errpast1Toma-, 1> cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.-----that's the last message in error_log of cups (set to debug)03:37
dazjorzaglIV: Why not?03:37
metalheddok, it was in the backports. i got it. thanks03:37
paradroidmetalhedd: Welcome. ;)03:37
Errpast1Toma-, no problem.  aspirin and water03:37
Toma-Errpast1: no, im just starting :P03:37
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Errpast1Toma-, well bottoms up, then :)03:38
southafrikanseMy file vanished03:38
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Toma-Errpast1: it certainly sounds like a permsssion problem, probably bought on by those different methods you went about setting up the printer03:38
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aglIVikonia: I'm just going to reinstall windows... thanks for your time and hope to see you in ICQ03:38
dazjorzaglIV: I almost always have an OS on hda1, with one exception; my server had /var on hda1 and the OS on hdb or hdc03:38
southafrikanseAt it isn't in the folder I placed it03:38
southafrikanseHow can I find it now'03:38
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Errpast1Toma-, agreed.  CUPS 1.2 did a bunch of stuff to tighten down.  I read in a developer forum about all sorts of problems.  Maybe I'll unintall and reinistall cups03:39
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paradroidsouthafrikanse: Are you sure it's not in /etc/wpasupplicant ?03:39
vox754southafrikanse, there are graphical search buttons. you can "sudo updatedb" and then "locate <file>"03:39
Toma-Errpast1: make sure you run 'sudo apt-get remove --purge cupsd' to get rid of all those nasty configuration files03:39
onatscan anyone point me to a good tutorial for setting up a CVS server?03:39
Errpast1Toma-, will do03:40
aglIVdazjorz: because the first step in becoming parinoid about outside attacks is to change do things completeley differnt from the norm...03:40
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aglIVdazjorz, ok, that wasn't a sentance, but I think you still got the point03:40
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aglIVdazjorz: attackers expect your OS to be on hda1, that's way mine's not03:41
rhebiwhere does the cups-pdf printer put the pdf?03:41
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SlartaglIV: I think many attackers are going to be confused with SATA drives then =)03:41
paradroidrhebi: Usually in $HOME/PDF03:41
bjamessoundray: I think the BIOS may have given up the ghost03:41
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southafrikanseThis is where it is03:42
rhebiparadroid, thanks03:42
paradroidrhebi: You can set that, though.03:42
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paradroidrhebi: In /etc/cups/cups-pdf.conf03:42
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aglIVSlart: the more confused the attackers are, the better, wouldn't you agree?03:42
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paradroidsoulcatcher_: OK. So you have your file wpa_supplicant....03:43
paradroidsoulcatcher_: sorry, wrong nick ;)03:43
SlartaglIV: totally... let them wander in the dark for all I care =)03:43
=== ihmSelbst [n=dubistfe@xdsl-87-78-91-153.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
ihmSelbsti try to install ampache on ubuntu with this tutorial: https://ampache.bountysource.com/wiki/Ampache_on_Debian. Now i try to set the "set permissions of the folder /var/www/ampache". When i "find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} ;" type i get an error find: bad agument for "-exec". Can anybody help me?03:43
paradroidsouthafrikanse: So, you have your file wpa_supplicant right there.03:43
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ihmSelbst100% Agree *Thumbs Up*03:43
Joomlahow can i open a windows as root?03:43
Toma-If youre talking about confusing attackers, installed honeypots...03:43
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paradroidsouthafrikanse: You want to move it to /etc/wpasupplicant03:43
aglIVSlart, except for trinity ;) follow the white rabbit....03:43
Toma-Joomla: use gksu03:43
bulmertiming marks .... started thinkpad 600 install ..lets see how long03:43
paradroidsouthafrikanse: Right?03:44
SlartJoomla: gksudo xapplicationname03:44
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dazjorzHmm, how do I tell X-window to maximize the window when I doubleclick the taskbar, instead of showing just the taskbar?03:44
CBunnyaglIV, err, whatever disk it's installed on, the mount points are the same...03:45
rhebicups-pdf will overwrite files with new pdfs without warning, any countermeasure or way to fix this?03:45
jussi01dazjorz, its in beryl options somewhere03:45
bjamessoundray: how can I find out information like what mode to run the disk at and how many sectors/cylinders, etc the disk has?03:45
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jussi01cant remember where cause im a compiz boy...03:45
paradroiddazjorz: You can set that e. g. in System -> Settings -> Windows03:45
CBunnyaglIV, I don't see any security advantage03:45
aglIVCBunny, you can manually set your mountpoints....03:45
paradroidrhebi: Yes, a second.03:45
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paradroidrhebi: Edit the cups-pdf.conf, go to the block called "Label"03:46
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aglIVCBunny, in linux perhaps, but definately an advantage in the Microsoft-world03:46
paradroidrhebi: And set that variable to 103:46
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CBunnyaglIV, obviously, but they all start at / - unless your thinking of some bullshit security through obscurity nonsense03:46
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southafrikanseparadroid: yes03:47
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aglIVCBunny: I wasn't talking about security under Linux, but under Microsoft....03:47
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paradroidsouthafrikanse: In a terminal type: cp /home/eurico/Desktop/e-UConnect/wpa_supplicant.conf.sample etc/wpasupplicant03:48
CBunnyaglIV, forgive me.. i thought the topic of conversation would be linux03:48
paradroidsouthafrikanse: You did that before?03:48
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Errpast1Could someone please advise on a CUPS printing issue03:48
Errpast1seems to be permission related03:48
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Errpast1when I try to print, here's what the error log says03:48
Errpast11> cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.03:48
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aglIVCBunny: seeing as how this is an Ubuntu forum.... we kinda drifted off topic and you caught on tward the end...03:48
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CBunnyaglIV, alrighty03:49
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paradroidsouthafrikanse: You need to do: sudo cp /home/eurico/Desktop/e-UConnect/wpa_supplicant.conf.sample etc/wpasupplicant/03:49
lasse_Hi. Im having a problem with evolution. Every time I fetch mail it keeps eating up about 150 mb ram. So if i fetch mail 3 times Evolution idles at about 450mb ram. Anyone know what i can do to troubleshoot this?03:49
britMan. The old old version of X-Chat was so much better03:49
Errpast1In CUPS, what does this mean - E [04/Mar/2007:09:47:19 -0500]  cupsdAuthorize: Local authentication certificate not found!03:49
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aglIVWell time for me to follow the white bunny to the living room and spend some quality time with my wife :)  Evenyone enjoy their sunday and may your request results be prospaious :)03:50
vox754brit, which one?03:50
southafrikanseparadroid: It doesn't work03:50
dazjorzjussi01: I can't find it in beryls options03:50
rhebiparadroid, thanks,t hat's pretty good03:50
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paradroidrhebi: Oh, it did work? Nice. I was just guessing ;)03:50
Toma-Errpast1: is it a usb printer?03:50
britI'm using 0.16 now and it's missing a lot of the configuration options that some of the older versions had03:51
paradroidsouthafrikanse: Even my last command?03:51
rhebiyeah everything says Job-XX-filename, but I'd rather mv to rename than .lose data03:51
paradroidsouthafrikanse: It should ask you for your password to gain administrative rights for the copy command.03:51
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southafrikanseIt doesn't03:51
dazjorzjssi01: I found it in Emeralds settings though :)03:51
Errpast1Toma-, no.  But I just found a link that suggests this may be a CUPS 1.2 bug03:51
Toma-Errpast1: so youre using an LPT port?03:52
Errpast1Toma-, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cupsys/+bug/4280203:52
paradroidsouthafrikanse: sudo cp ~/Desktop/e-UConnect/wpa_supplicant.conf.sample /etc/wpasupplicant/03:52
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paradroidsouthafrikanse: Sorry, I had some typos in the lines before...03:52
sam_ihi all03:52
vox754brit, 0.16? xchat irc client? is it 2.6.6?03:52
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britThis is Xchat-GNOME03:52
southafrikanseIt says it isn't a directory my destiny location03:52
Errpast1Toma-, hmmm.  let me check.03:52
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britThat might be what it is03:53
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paradroidsouthafrikanse: Oh. Well.... then create it if you need it.03:53
sam_imind if i ask a question regarding tv out on ubuntu anyone?03:53
bulmertiming marks .... started thinkpad 600 install with 93meg of ram..lets see how long or even if install at all03:53
paradroidsouthafrikanse: sudo mkdir /etc/wpa_supplicant/03:53
deadeyesis there any possibility to emulate eject and insert of an usb device?03:53
dazjorzsam_i: don't ask to ask, just ask03:53
vox754brit, please be specific next time.03:53
southafrikanseBut isn't it there already?03:53
dazjorzsam_i: you'll see wether it's ok or not03:53
sam_ii have a posted here - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=375855 if you want to take a look - cheers dazjorz03:54
uglybettyHello all03:54
britI apologize, I didn't realize there was a difference at first03:54
Toma-Errpast1: and youve done 'sudo foomatic-cleanupdrivers' ?03:54
paradroidsouthafrikanse: Well, yes. That directory should exist03:54
Errpast1Toma-, ok.  in cups localhost:631; admin>add printer>brother>lpd/lpr>device URI - lpd://> choose driver> then prompted for credentials, and none work (e.g. root, origianl user)03:54
Errpast1hmmm. I;ll try that.03:54
uglybettyWill installing ubuntu on a USB hdd, damage my system03:54
paradroidsouthafrikanse: OK, do this for me, please: ls /etc/ | grep wpa03:54
Toma-Errpast1: ahhhh its on a network?03:55
southafrikanseIt says that its note possible creating the directory because it already exists.03:55
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paradroidsouthafrikanse: Now you are getting me confused. First the copy command tells you the destination directory is not there, then the mkdir command tells you it is there?03:55
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vox754uglybetty, I have read that you can install Ubuntu on USB drive without problem as long as your BIOS supports booting from USB.03:56
Errpast1toma  yes, a little local net.  LInksys to Cable.  Very vaniall.03:56
nuked_omenwhat does it mean if someone meeps someone else in a chat room?03:56
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southafrikansewpasupplicant and wpa_supplicant03:56
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southafrikanseThats what your last command gave me03:56
Errpast1Toma-, I CAN ping the printer.  And the printer has a fixed IP.  And it works like a charm on Vista03:56
paradroidsouthafrikanse:  cd /etc/wpa_supplicant/03:56
uglybettyok thanks, its just that I got told that it would damage my sytem03:56
Toma-eww vista :D03:56
phar0zsouthafrikanse, do you understand dutch? :D03:56
nuked_omeni don't see why vista is eww03:57
DaveTarmacvox754: Hey vox - i decided to scrap wifi for now and take the machine downstairs and plug it stright in to the router. Doesn't seem to play there either (it's an onboard ethernet card).03:57
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Lynourenuked_omen: meeps?03:57
DaveTarmacvox754: any ideas?03:57
southafrikansephar0z: No03:57
ubotutosca: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:57
nuked_omenLynoure: yeah03:57
vox754DaveTarmac, oh my! wired doesn't work?!03:57
phar0zoh k :(03:57
=== nuked_omen meeps Lynoure
Lynourenuked_omen: No idea, never really used chatrooms, just irc03:57
Lynourenuked_omen: sounds social, ask them?03:58
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nuked_omenthanks for trying03:58
ingrixubotu: Hablo un poco de Espanol.03:58
southafrikanseparadroid: What now?03:58
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:58
DaveTarmacvox754: i'm not sure the correct driver is installed for the onboard lan, so i'm going to try that. could the madwifi be playing heck with it too?03:58
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:58
databaseOops, I did it again. I think I blew up GDM by uninstalling nvidia-glx, how would I go about fixing it?03:58
paradroidsouthafrikanse: so you actually changed into that directory? This would mean it exists. ;)03:58
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nuked_omendatabase: reinstall nvidia-glx?03:59
dazjorzsam_i: I can't help you any further, so just ask your question here, ask people to read the forum thread or just wait untill people answer the question on the forum03:59
ubotuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl03:59
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dazjorzen vers gezette koffie03:59
databasenuked_omen: Done that. After loads of dependency troubles, it didn't help worth amonkey.03:59
vox754DaveTarmac, NO. Wired should work. What onboard LAN. Is it a PC?03:59
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southafrikanseI don't no... If you tell me it exists, it exists03:59
DaveTarmacyeah it is03:59
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DaveTarmacvox754: to be exact, it is: Marvell 88E8001 Gigabit Lan PCI Controller supporting 10/100/1000 BASE-T Ethernet04:00
h3xagramhello, i have a question.. i just installed ubuntu for the first time but i'm having a problem with the Network Settings (System -> Administration -> Networking)... it connects fine, but I have to always manually put in the SSID and PW for each network I go to04:00
paradroidsouthafrikanse: Look at the command line. Where are you right now?04:00
Toma-Errpast1: i have a sneeking suspicion that the device properties are wrong. possibly by udev04:00
h3xagramwhich is a bit irritating from the commute from home to work.. is there a program that will automatically hop on the network when im at work04:00
nuked_omendatabase: if you needed to install depencies, you might be installing the wrong package04:00
h3xagramand hop on the network when im at home?04:00
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databasenuked_omen: I very much doubt that.04:00
databaseIs there a way to just start over without a disc? :P04:00
vox754DaveTarmac, that is quite recent, it should work, I guess.04:00
nomindoes envy set up graphics acceleration for ATI's?04:00
crdlbnomin, yes04:01
southafrikanseAt the place you told me to go04:01
crdlbnomin, what card?04:01
nomincrdlb: ati 960004:01
nuked_omendatabase: not very good at fixing this type of issue, sorry04:01
DaveTarmacvox754: since i've been screwing around with the network settings, is it possible that the config files have become corrupt?04:01
paradroidsouthafrikanse: in /etc/wpa_supplicant? That's where you want to copy that file from your Desktop, right?04:01
sam_iok ill ask - i have a problem with tv out on my radean 9800, which when trying to put to tv it seems to be too higher refresh/res. I have installed all the standard ati drivers which seem to be working correctly. I have a pal tv. Is there a config that im missing or something like that? Cheers.04:01
crdlbnomin, you ought to use the free "radeon" driver included in ubuntu04:01
southafrikanseIt is it a folder on the desktop04:01
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nomincrdlb: does that one have acceleration?04:02
DaveTarmacvox754: is there a way to force ubuntu to see the card? it recognises there is one in the device manager, but network_manager_gnome claims that there isn't one04:02
paradroidsouthafrikanse: Oh. You have a FOLDER sitting on your Desktop that you want to copy?04:02
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paradroidsouthafrikanse: Not just a single file?04:02
crdlbnomin, for your card, yes04:02
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southafrikanseI want a single file in the folder04:02
vox754DaveTarmac, Wired is essentially secure, so you just need to set DHCP in the router and it should pick it up.04:02
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AskHLHey, I would like to install Sun JDK/JRE 6. But after installing through synaptic, there is no java-executable in PATH, and when I run java_vm it complains about JAVA_HOME and PLUGIN_HOME not being set. Can anyone help?04:03
paradroidsouthafrikanse: WHAT file from WHERE do you want to move?04:03
crdlbnomin, it may not be quite as fast (fps) but it will be much more reliable and stable04:03
southafrikanseIt is in e-UConnect folder04:03
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paradroidsouthafrikanse: OK.04:03
dazjorzDaveTarmac: Try to configure it on the console using ifconfig04:03
paradroidsouthafrikanse: Type ls, please.04:03
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DaveTarmacvox754: dhcp is set up. the windows machine and mac run fine on it.04:03
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nomincrdlb: cool.  I tried another distro on it about a year ago and there was no acceleration.  It would be nice if it can get at least 1,000 fps.  I'm thinking it should be able to get over 2,000 fps.04:04
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southafrikanseWhat does this mean?04:04
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paradroidsouthafrikanse: That's the contents of that folder. A script.04:04
vox754DaveTarmac, get a 12 m Ethernet cable so you don't have to move things around.04:04
paradroidsouthafrikanse: sudo cp /home/eurico/Desktop/e-UConnect/wpa_supplicant.conf.sample .04:04
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DaveTarmacit's fine - got a 1m cable and the machine is downstairs now04:04
crdlbnomin, It's a relatively recent development04:04
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:04
GaiaX11!network| h3xagram04:04
ubotuh3xagram: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:04
gharzguys... i want to copy an audio cd... but i don't want to install k3b... can anybody suggest any apps for gnome?04:05
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vox754paradroid, maybe he is trying to move the entire folder, like "mv <folder> <location>"04:05
ardchoillegharz: gnomebaker ?04:05
crdlbgharz, gnomebaker or brasero04:05
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paradroidvox754: I thought so, but it's about that single sample file. I'm quite sure.04:05
vox754h3xagram, I think there is an application like that, wifi radar or something.04:05
DaveTarmacvox754: think i'll go screw around with it, remove the madwifi drivers to make sure that ath0 and wifi0 go. that way I can narrow down the number of network conenctions.04:05
ingrixgharz: I have had a lot of good luck with Brasero04:05
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre04:06
gharzingrix: what do u mean a lot of good luck with Brasero? do u mean it isn't good as gnomebaker?04:06
DaveTarmacvox754: i'll let you know if it works later. gonna watch west wing and mess with it now. thanks for your help04:06
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vox754DaveTarmac, yeah sure.04:06
ingrixgharz: I am saying that I like Brasero a lot.  I'm not saying Gnomebaker is worse at all, just that I prefer Brasero04:06
=== Avantasia [n=fido@227.Red-88-16-134.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
`nicolawhere can I find others accessories to add to the gnome panel ? thanks04:07
gharzingrix: ok.. thanks!04:07
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vox754DaveTarmac, west wing? you into espionage?04:07
GaiaX11gharz: Everything is good in linux. It is only a matter of personal taste. Lin is not Win :)04:07
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crdlb`nicola, there aren't particularly many 3rd-party applets for the panel04:07
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h3xagramthanks vox75404:07
=== jfenwick [n=jfenwick@c-24-128-59-129.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
`nicolacrdlb, the applets for notes suck. I was using a real better applet in xfce04:08
vox754h3xagram, it worked?04:08
SlartGnomebaker has some issues with long filenames (filename+dir)... well.. it's the cd file format that's to blame.. but gnomebaker just complains.. brasero also complains but fixes it in some way04:08
southafrikanseparadroid, I'm getting confused04:08
h3xagrami dont know, im just saying thanks for the info04:08
ingrix`nicola: If you want to add application launchers, you can go to your menu, right click on what you want, and click "add to panel"04:08
paradroid`nicola: Have you tried Tomboy?04:08
sam_ianyone have any idea about tv out being too high res then04:08
paradroidsouthafrikanse: ;)04:08
paradroidsouthafrikanse: Sorry.04:08
vlt|home# fuser -am /dev/hdc3; --> /dev/hdc3:04:08
vlt|home# mdadm -vvvv /dev/md2 --add /dev/hdc3; --> mdadm: Cannot open /dev/hdc3: Device or resource busy04:08
vlt|homeAny idea?04:08
`nicolayes paradroid04:08
southafrikanseThe file is still not there04:08
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paradroid`nicola: Didn't like it? I think it's a quite nice note applet.04:08
GaiaX11!ask| Beto04:08
ubotuBeto: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:08
`nicolaI want a notes applet that when I click on it display the space to write04:08
vox754h3xagram, the packages seem to be "wifi-radar" and "kwifimanager"04:09
`nicolaI don't care about menus and stuff04:09
`nicolaIf i click on it I need to write04:09
ardchoille`nicola: sticky notes applet, you should already have it.04:09
ubotunicola: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:09
Slartnicola: there are a few "post it" apps out there04:09
dazjorzvlt|home:  Yes, unmount it04:09
`nicolasorry GaiaX1104:09
paradroidsouthafrikanse: After executing the command I gave you, are you asked for a password?04:09
BetoWell ok, Where would I get codecs for movie player? I a dvd but cannot watch it, as well as for other things live wmv, rmb,and others04:10
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`nicolaSlart, can I add this post apps to the taskbar ?04:10
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ubotuBeto: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:10
vlt|homedazjorz: It's not mounted anymore.04:10
Slartnicola: I think I went through most of them...I finally settled on Knotes, even though I ust gnome04:10
southafrikanseCan we start from the begginig?04:10
vox754`nicola, Yes, you add the path to the application and, if you want to, an icon too.04:10
paradroidsouthafrikanse: I'm sorry, I don't know how to explain it any better. What you have to do is do a sudo cp first referencing the file and then the destination. It's actually really simple.04:10
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ardchoille`nicola: right click the panel, choose Add to Panel, choose Sticky Notes and done04:11
`nicolasticky notes is worse than others04:11
southafrikanseI'll close the terminal and copy the file to the Desktop04:11
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paradroidsouthafrikanse: OK.04:11
vox754paradroid, I have an idea. Tell him to use "gksudo nautilus" and copy-paste.04:11
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`nicolaIf I click on the applet I need to write *now", sticky notes won't popup anything clicking on it04:11
paradroidvox754: Right. ;)04:11
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paradroidvox754: Who needs CLI anyway? ;)04:11
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vox754paradroid, yeah, CLI is for experts only... the hell with them...04:12
GaiaX11paradroid: I like CLI. They really make Linux a fun! :-)04:12
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paradroidvox754: It's just, for operations like the one at hand (copying, moving, ...) CLI is much more efficient than GUI.04:12
`nicolavox754, I'll try some othere post it application04:12
ingrixparadroid: You can say that again ;)04:13
paradroidsouthafrikanse: OK. Ready?04:13
nuked_omeni luv CLI04:13
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vox754paradroid, yeah... I was just being sarcastic.04:13
nuked_omenCLI is much more powerful04:13
Thug-N-Mechecking for GTK... configure: error: Package requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 2.8.0) were not met04:13
paradroidsouthafrikanse: Do you have the file you want to copy ready at your disposal?04:13
jinwhat's CLI?04:13
Thug-N-Mewhat do i need to install ?04:13
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nuked_omenjin: Command Line Interpreter04:13
southafrikanseYes. The file name is  wpa_supplicant.conf.sample04:13
nuked_omenjin: or Interface04:13
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands04:13
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paradroidnuked_omen: It's so funny to watch GUI-fans faces empty when you write some lines of code and on pressing Enter you have moved, renamed, sorted, etc. files ;)04:14
`nicolais there any clipboard applet for the taskbar ?04:14
GaiaX11Linux is not linux without CLI guys! :-)04:14
nuked_omenparadroid: exactly04:14
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akaohitting "save as" in bluefish causes it to quit04:14
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ingrixparadroid: That's one of the reasons I switched to Linux from Windows!04:14
paradroidsouthafrikanse: OK. That file resides on your Desktop right now?04:14
nuked_omenbesides, most GUI applications use CLI to do their job04:14
southafrikanseIt must go to /etc/wpasupplicant04:14
vox754`nicola, good luck. What you want seems to be very specific, so you can only hope for the best searching exactly what you want.04:14
paradroidsouthafrikanse: Press Alt+F204:14
jinis it posible to add an extra menu with a list of favorite application to the taskbar?04:15
paradroidsouthafrikanse: gksudo nautilus04:15
nuked_omenjin: yeah, just drag it to there04:15
nuked_omento the taskbar04:15
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jinnuked_omen, I want a menu, not just a shortcut04:15
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jina dropdown menu like the quicklaunch of win xp04:15
southafrikanseI'm on Nautilus now04:15
crdlbjin, you could put them in a "launchers list"04:15
`nicolavox754, what I want was the default notes applet in the xfce4 taskbar04:15
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paradroidsouthafrikanse: Navigate to your Desktop04:16
ardchoille`nicola: http://glipper.sourceforge.net/04:16
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nuked_omenjin: right-click > add to panel > main menu04:16
andytaylorukrelatively simple question... whenever I drag to select files on the desktop, there is a significant lag if I do a big box.. is this a sign of bad performance? should it be more smoother?04:16
nuked_omenjin: then you can select the menus and modify them04:16
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SmileyLapHi guys...... my amsn icon has *vanished* from the system tray, Its still "running" as i recive messages. Killing it using ps and grep doesn't help either. It moans about TCL ?04:16
southafrikanseI'm there but I can't see anything04:16
paradroidsouthafrikanse: Go to /home/eurico/Desktop04:16
paradroidsouthafrikanse: You're probably at root04:16
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jina workaround04:17
julioI recently installed Ubuntu and so far it's working great. But, I was wondering if there was any way I could get Windows to load by default when GRUB comes up. (Several people use my computer and they use Windows)04:17
vox754`nicola, oh. In that case, there surely is a way to port the application. Go to the developers page. Maybe you can install it anyways, just like KDE applications work fine on GNOME.04:17
crdlbjin, did you try the "launchers list"?04:17
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`nicolathanks ardchoille and vox75404:17
southafrikanseI'm there04:17
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jincrdlb, I dunno how to add a launcherlist04:17
paradroidsouthafrikanse: Now select the file, press Ctrl+C04:17
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vox754julio, this one is easy, come to #vocx04:17
marx2kjulio, look in /boot/grub/menu.list and there's a setting for default04:17
jincrdlb, I'm on dapper btw04:17
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onestepcan anyone help me, I am trying to complile a program and it is giving me an error that crtl.o file is missing04:17
crdlbjin, rt-click on empty space, add to panel, lauchers list04:17
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LoKo_De_TuDooh yeah thayn is a fuckin' bitch04:18
crdlbjin, it's in dapper04:18
LoKo_De_TuDoaren't you, izm99?04:18
LoKo_De_TuDoizN * sorry04:18
izNLoKo_De_TuDo, OL04:18
paradroidsouthafrikanse: Navigate to /etc/wpa_supplicant/04:18
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jincrdlb, I don't see it04:18
southafrikanseAlready did that04:18
southafrikanseThe file is there!04:18
paradroidsouthafrikanse: ;)04:19
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ingrixjin: Is there something there that says "drawer"04:19
izNompaul, are u crazy?04:19
southafrikanseNow I have to execute a Makefile04:19
DatabaseHow would one restart GDM from teh console?04:19
ihmSelbsti try to install ampache on ubuntu with this tutorial: https://ampache.bountysource.com/wiki/Ampache_on_Debian. Now i try to set the "set permissions of the folder /var/www/ampache". When i "find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} ;" type i get an error find: bad agument for "-exec". Can anybody help me?04:19
ingrixjin: If so, add that to the panel04:19
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southafrikanseLet's see if it works04:19
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ompaul!nickspam > Database04:19
keir_I'm having some probs with my Beryl on ATI if anyone could help?04:19
`nicolathanks ardchoille glipper is what I was looking for04:19
marx2kDatabase, im not sure if this would work but 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'04:19
DatabaseOh, yes.04:20
ompaulizN, no - and bad language is not permitted04:20
DatabaseI've seen that before.04:20
DatabaseHold on.04:20
jiningrix, found it :)04:20
izNompaul, hmmmmm..04:20
ihmSelbstkeir_, ati driver installed?04:20
raf256how to add repositories to ubuntu after install (thoes with windows codecs, mplayer, kaffeine etc)04:20
keir_ihmSelbst: yup :)04:20
Stormx2!repo | raf25604:20
uboturaf256: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource04:20
juliomarx2k, I'm a newbie so I don't know how to change the default setting04:20
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keir_ihmSelbst: when i type beryl in terminal i get Checking for XCOmposite Extension: failed04:20
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ihmSelbstsudo apt-get install beryl beryl-manager emerald04:20
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vox754!restricted > raf25604:20
sinizzlsome codecs are not available via teh multiverse repository04:20
ihmSelbstk, mom04:20
DatabaseNo luck, I think.04:20
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sinizzlnor any other 'official' rep04:21
Eko_Hermiyantois it possible for displaying website in desktop when we are online in gnome?04:21
marx2kjulio, its a  text file, just type (in console) 'gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.list' and read through the file.. it's self explanatory04:21
DatabaseAlt-F7 gives me no response04:21
ingrixraf256: Go to System -> Administration -> Software Sources04:21
keir_im on the latest emerald version04:21
ingrixraf256: Enter your password at the prompt04:21
marx2kDatabase, then Im out of options :)04:21
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Stormx2Database: Ctrl + Alt + F704:21
DatabaseWell, thanks. :)04:21
sam_icheers anyway, gtg04:21
DatabaseStormx2: Ahhh.04:21
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vox754julio, you have to set an option for default and the line where windows is displayed, like 3 or 4.04:21
ingrixraf256: Then make sure the first four boxes are checked04:21
raf256ingrix: yeah Im advanced debian user, only forgot and needed to help ubuntu friend04:21
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ingrixraf256: Gotcha :)04:22
DatabaseStormx2: Does nothing, unfortunately.04:22
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Eko_HermiyantoI have ubuntu system...04:22
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marx2kDatabase, well if gdm is closed, you can type 'startx &'04:22
jfenwickanyone here program in the gtk? I installed the dev packages for the gtk-2.0, and I tried importing the gtk.h from gtk-2.0/gtk/gtk.h, but it doesn't work because when I look in the head file it's importing all these files from the gtk directory, which it's already inside04:22
Eko_HermiyantoI think it's useful for having our desktop displaying website every time we are online...04:22
Eko_Hermiyantobut I don't know whether it is possible in gnome or not04:23
Database"Fatal error, no screens found". $%^%^!!!04:23
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SmileyLapHi guys...... my amsn icon has *vanished* from the system tray, Its still "running" as i recive messages. Killing it using ps and grep doesn't help either. It moans about TCL ?04:23
marx2kDatabase: uh oh04:23
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DatabaseAh, wait...04:23
SmileyLapattempt to provide package tls 1.5 failed: package tls 1.50 provided instead < this is teh error message.04:23
Errpast1toma what was that command you suggested to purge the cups package?04:23
vox754Database, I think you need first to go to a terminal like Ctrl+Alt+F1, then you run the init.d script04:23
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DatabaseLooks like I'm gonna have to hit Aptitiude again.04:23
marx2kDatabase: 'cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE' and find out what the problem is04:23
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Databasemarx2k: I'm aware of the problem, now.04:24
raf256SmileyLap: try kill -9 ?04:24
DatabaseMis-match on teh kernels.04:24
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Toma-Errpast1: sudo apt-get remove --purge cupsys (or whatever packages. you can do it from synaptic too, just right click and select completely remove)04:24
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DatabaseJust like someone said earlier.04:24
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SmileyLapraf256: i've done that04:24
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SmileyLapi just get hte same error, everytime i start it04:24
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raf256SmileyLap: oh04:25
ompaullarge group of un bans coming up04:25
Errpast1Toma-, thanks.  So that gets rid of all traces (at least in theory) of a package, right?04:25
southafrikanseI have a file named MakeFIle04:25
SmileyLapwhich leaves me kinda stuck :(04:25
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ikoniathats a lot of bans04:25
Toma-Errpast1: you bet04:25
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southafrikanseInside of it there are instructions to install a the script04:25
Toma-they were remove bans04:25
ompaulikonia, last weeks treasures04:25
vox754SmileyLap, Tcl is a programming language, so maybe it is not correctly installed.04:25
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southafrikanseBut I can understand it04:25
SmileyLapOk lets try this a different way: Does anyone know how to fix "attempt to provide package tls 1.5 failed: package tls 1.50 provided instead"04:25
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ardchoilleompaul: lol04:25
SmileyLapvox754: how would i reinstall it?04:26
Errpast1Toma-, thx04:26
DatabaseNo installation candidate.04:26
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=== Database ponders what that means/
lju2Yo, does anyone now why after playing with usermod I lost icons in Administration?04:26
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rhebicups-pdf is nice04:27
vox754SmileyLap, maybe "sudo aptitude reinstall tcl8.4" did you do anything special?04:27
SmileyLapvox754: not that im aware of, it happened shortly after i got my wireless working.04:28
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vox754SmileyLap, mmm... maybe you compiled or got new headers or something like that.04:28
SmileyLapok thanks vox754,04:28
SmileyLap:O Yes04:28
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SmileyLapheaders, i got some headers, to compile a driver....04:29
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=== Database cusses. I got 404'd.
globewhat is it called when I want to share a folder on one ubuntu machine and write to it from another ubuntu machine?04:29
SmileyLapi needed to compile a driver against some headers, so i downloaded headers.... Why would that change anything?04:29
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=== SmileyLap is normally a gentoo user, but has ubuntu on his laptop :)
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vox754SmileyLap, not sure. But Tcl is an interpreted language so if you modify something it may not be interpreted correctly. However your problem isn't serious, so go ahead and try it.04:30
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nothlit!nfs | globe04:30
ubotuglobe: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.04:30
=== SmileyLap reinstalls tcl
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raf256ubuntu is hard to install04:31
raf256there hould be a simple04:31
SmileyLapvox754: thanks for pointing that out, im nowgoogling and it seems there is at least "some" info.04:31
raf256click-me-to-add-non-free-repositories  icon on desktop04:31
vox754SmileyLap, okay.04:31
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ingrixraf256: lol, you're just sore about forgetting04:31
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raf256possible with confirmation box   [ ]  Yeah I do live outside the United States of Idiotic patents04:31
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globenothlit: thanks, I didn't even know what to call it, so I could not search for it.04:31
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vox754raf256, there is a single line to install most things on the web page, wiki, documentation.04:32
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raf256ingrix: I give the links to friend and he says its too complicated; I dont have ubuntu here to check04:32
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ingrixraf256: Oh04:32
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nothlitglobe: if you want to ever potentially share with windows computers, you should use samba though04:32
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raf256there should be one simple command to add them.04:32
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donkeeganhelp : I installed Openssh server but when i try to login using ssh localhost i get this error "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host"04:33
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donkeeganhelp : I installed Openssh server but when i try to login using ssh localhost i get this error "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host"04:34
DatabaseSomething just happened, but it looks like I have GDM back.04:34
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vox754Database, reboot?04:35
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Matic`MakovecHow could I make xchat, gaim...to use firefox for opening URLs I click on?  The programs are using Ephipany without any reason really04:35
vox754SmileyLap, more info "aptitude -v show amsn"04:35
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donkeeganhelp : I installed Openssh server but when i try to login using ssh localhost i get this error "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host"04:36
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SmileyLapvox754: i think i found the solution, it seems that tcl1.5 is broken, on the amsn site it made me edit a file, and now here we go :)04:36
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Almindorhi, how do I prevent ubuntu from "ifup"-ing my "ra0" (wireless) ?04:37
jordanwhat was the version of ubuntu that was announced or something of that nature that was aimed at audio production?04:37
AlmindorI have it "off" in the "networking" gui settings but it's always on after boot and searching like hell04:37
QewMatic`Makovec: in Gaim there should be a browser tab in the Preferences, where you can change the browser to be used.04:37
vox754SmileyLap, why do you say tcl1.5? the current version is like tcl8.504:37
globenothlit: yea, I have done that several times.  never w/o windows though04:37
Matic`Makovecdonkeegan,  http://www.raditha.com/blog/archives/000604.html04:37
SmileyLapvox754: thats what teh error message said04:38
Matic`MakovecQew, I'll check, thanks. Any idea about xchat?04:38
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QewMatic`Makovec: not sure about Xchat, because I haven't used it for some time, but I'm sure I remember some setting in preferences if you take a look.04:38
donkeeganive been throught that Matic`Makovec04:38
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SmileyLaphttp://amsn.sourceforge.net/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Frequently+Asked+Questions#faq-6-6 < vox754 thats what i found04:38
Matic`Makovecdonkeegan, weird04:38
SmileyLaptho there is STILL no sign of the amsn icon :(04:39
vox754Almindor, I guess you need to edit "/etc/noetwork/interfaces" and take out the "auto" line04:39
donkeeganshall i paste a detailed ssh --vv localhost in ur private04:39
Matic`MakovecSmileyLap, don't use amsn imo.04:39
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Almindorvox754, thanx04:39
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QewMatic`Makovec: http://www.xchat.org/faq/#q22104:39
SmileyLapMatic`Makovec: what isntead? Gaim crashes because of some issue with my list of users.04:40
vox754SmileyLap, graphical things are managed by Tk8.4 so you may need to reinstall it too.04:40
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jussi01SmileyLap, , what are you trying to do?04:40
Matic`MakovecGreat, thank you. How could I forgot about faq *slaps himself*04:40
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neo2dot0help, i cannot change the permissions for a partition i want to share in the network04:40
Matic`MakovecSmileyLap, owh, amsn then :)04:40
SmileyLapjussi01: i've lost the amsn icon which was in my system try.04:40
nothlitMatic`Makovec: System -> Preferences -> Preferred Applications, if that doesn't work, install galternatives and use that04:40
donkeeganhelp : I installed Openssh server but when i try to login using ssh localhost i get this error "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host"04:40
jussi01does amsn work?04:40
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neo2dot0chmod and sudo chmod commands are ignored04:41
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SmileyLapjussi01: yeah people are sending me messages04:41
DatabaseWhere is xorg.conf?04:41
SmileyLapbut i can't get to it04:41
SmileyLapi can't see it.04:41
SmileyLapnor configure it etc.04:41
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SmileyLapits like its running as a daemon. :-/ which isn't too useful if i want to send a message to anyone!04:42
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megabyte__hy all04:42
dtoljDatabase: whereis xorg.conf04:42
jussi01SmileyLap, have you tried killing the daemon and starting again?04:42
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Databasedtolj: Uhh?04:42
andytaylorukis it worth upgrading my kernel from generic to p4 specific if I have a p4?04:42
dtoljDatabase: type it04:42
andytaylorukor is the difference only slight?04:42
jussi01SmileyLap, like reinstalling amsn?04:42
SmileyLapyep jussi01, it just does teh same thing, with some error about not finiding tcl1.50 and getting 1.5 instead. Althought i've appently fixed that problem now.04:42
DatabaseAhhh, I see04:43
DatabaseA command.04:43
SmileyLapjussi01: done that too. Maybe i should do a total removal?04:43
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dtoljDatabase: locate xorg.conf also works04:43
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Leon-Linuxjjeej dziaa04:43
jussi01SmileyLap, yeah, I was just gonna suggest that, however, i have a script that makes amsn look nice, - it recompiles it, maybe it could help. would you like a copy?04:44
=== SmileyLap does a total removal on amsn. :o
stigghow can i go in quakenet?04:44
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SmileyLapjussi01: im trying the thing and then maybe.04:44
Databasestigg: Which client are you using?04:44
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SmileyLapis there anything else which should have a system...04:44
vox754andytayloruk, I think it is not necessary to change the kernel unless you know what you are doing. I think Ubuntu no longer recommends specific kernels.04:44
=== SmileyLap realises jussi01
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TheVaultlast night I had installed the gnome-desktop, I think i put the command as sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop (i think that was the command) but really, I never use it as much and I wanna remove it, what command would I use to remove it?04:44
DatabaseStigg: File > Network04:44
SmileyLapmy konverstation isn't in the system tray either, infact, its below the Applications bit.04:44
DatabaseOr something like that.04:44
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d9DEHello, I have mounted a samba share (from a linux server) using an entry in /etc/fstab (//samba.sane.lan/company /media/company   smbfs   username=jan,password=somepass  0 0) now the user jan can read files, but not write any files, how can I fix this (and making sure files are crreated by user jan and not root)04:45
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megabyte__does anyone have a clue why gnome could rename my partition???04:45
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Stormx2Hey folks. What is a good ratio of partition size for / vs /home ?04:45
Databasestigg: Just doubleclick QuakeNET in there.04:45
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ubotugnump3d: A streaming server for MP3 and OGG files. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.9.8-2 (edgy), package size 634 kB, installed size 2676 kB04:45
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gopis thier any thing better then gnump3d04:45
DatabaseStormx2: I made my /home 20GB v / 40GB04:45
raf256gop: what can it do?04:45
gopstream mp304:45
DatabaseBut that's probably waaay overboard.04:45
joerlendwhat does gnome-cups-icon do? It's using my cpu extensively, and I think that's strange, cause I don't have a printer attached?04:45
gopact like a juke box server04:45
raf256gop: is it good if I have in home a lan and I want to have one bux as local "radio"?04:45
gop!gnump3d > raf25604:45
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vox754SmileyLap, You need tcl8.4 and tk8.4 to run amsn. I just checked the page, it seems good. Maybe yours is just one of those reboot the X server to make it work.04:46
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gopraf256:  > icecast04:46
TheVaultCan someone help me?04:46
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QewDatabase: why 40gb for /? Six to ten gigs would suffice for most users.04:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about icecast - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:46
jussi01!ask | TheVault04:46
ubotuTheVault: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:46
gopraf256:  oh k you can listen to any of your songs via any computer on your lan raf25604:46
andytaylorukvox754: ok. just thought it might solve performance issues04:46
gopbut for some reason04:46
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ompaulraf256, ehh do /msg ubotu KeyWord :)04:46
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gopwhen I reboot or it won't even connect to the host / port number04:46
SmileyLapvox754: my Konversation icon is in the wrong place too04:46
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gopraf256:  also try shoutcast04:46
=== SmileyLap thinks maybe something which isn't amsn has gone wrong.
gopbut this is good idea but it not working04:47
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SmileyLapyeah im gonna reboot :D04:47
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DatabaseQew: Lack of knowledge, and sheer stubbornness. :)04:47
jussi01SmileyLap, wait a sec04:47
megabyte__does anyone have a clue why gnome could rename my partition???04:47
megabyte__I see some random characters instead of hda504:47
Stormx2megabyte__: Are you sure it has?04:47
SmileyLapjussi01: ok04:47
AzoffI am having a hard time to make ubuntu boot when having multiplie sw raids on the same system. Sometime, the SATA discs are detected before IDE and if that's the case, the SATA raid5 will become /dev/md0 and such. But sometimes it's the IDE raid1 that gets as /dev/md0, if that later is true, then the system will boot, the other case, not booting..04:47
QewDatabase: hehe04:47
vox754andytayloruk, what were you asking?04:47
Stormx2megabyte__: Check in /media or /mnt (wherever you have it mounted)04:47
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jussi01SmileyLap, have you still got a notification area on your taskbar?04:47
megabyte__"/media" is fine04:47
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TheVaultLast night, i had installed the gnome desktop(i'm using kubuntu) and I never really use the gnome environment and i thought that I would be using them both but it turns out i use the kde environment more. how do i more the gnome desktop, I forgot the command for unistalling it04:48
jussi01ie. systemtray?04:48
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Stormx2megabyte__: The its probably just what is displays em as04:48
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TheVault*remove the gnome desktop04:48
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megabyte__"/etc/fstab" is also fine04:48
scvmegabyte__: is the /media a FHS stuff?04:48
AzoffI have debuged and such and found that maybe if I just got mdadm.conf into the initramfs, it would work.. but no go there. Looks like mdrun(?) just has it's own party and dosn't care about what becomes what... :-(04:48
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jussi01TheVault, sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop04:48
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Azoffany ideas how to solve this issue?04:48
SmileyLapjussi01: im not sure :?04:49
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TheVaultjussi01: Thanks04:49
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jameyI've installed ndiswrapper and ndisgtk with wifi chipset drivers netw3. ndiswrapper reports driver installed, hardware present. But there's no "wlan0" or anything in network config, nor does ifconfig or iwconfig report anything. Can someone tell me how to get it working?04:49
Thug-N-Meis anyone ablt to play videos from http://zango.com/ ?04:49
PupUser2c276chey room04:49
AzoffI evan were unable to boot, due to this, right after install!04:49
Stormx2megabyte__: Why the "???" ?04:49
ompaulTheVault, sudo apt-get remove gnome (cos gnome-desktop is a metapackage but it will not get rid ot 100% but it will be good enough to go forward with)04:49
joerlendTheVault: that won't do.04:49
SmileyLapLOL Thankyou jussi01:D04:49
DatabaseThug-N-Me: SPYWARE.04:49
scvmegabyte__: is that a dir standard?04:49
DatabaseThug-N-Me: I think...04:49
PupUser2c276chows everyone today?04:49
jussi01SmileyLap, did you figure it out?04:49
megabyte__what is FHS?04:49
DatabaseThug-N-Me: Either way, I wouldn't trust it.04:49
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joerlendjussi01: that only removes the ubuntu-desktop meta package. It doesn't remove any software, iirc.04:49
vox754jamey, that seems a problem. There is a new ndiswrapper 1.38 now.04:49
SmileyLapjussi01: you rock :) Yeah, i had some how revmoed my notifcation area :)04:49
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Thug-N-MeDatabase yeah ? so thats why it requires windows os :)04:49
Stormx2PupUser2c276c: Tired... hah.04:49
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TheVaultThanks guys, I'll try all the command suggested and I'll see if that will work04:49
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Stormx2megabyte__: Google it.04:50
DatabaseThug-N-Me: Indeed. I'd advise you not try it. :)04:50
PupUser2c276cboy the guys in the debian room really don't like outsiders like puppylinux people04:50
SmileyLapcept there is a "blank" in it jussi01, i prob clicked the blank and tried to remove it. Any idea what the blank is :/04:50
Thug-N-MeDatabase ok :)04:50
=== scv sips the coffee
GaiaX11Is there a last.fm package for ubuntu?04:50
PupUser2c276cget some sleep storm, this site will be up when you get up04:50
SmileyLapjussi01: the blank "is" the notifcation area :?04:50
jameyCan someone help me with my ndiswrapper wifi problem please?04:50
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jussi01SmileyLap, yeah, just right click on the little bar and click move... then move it across04:51
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DatabaseThug-N-Me: Actually, I don't think it's possible anyway, unless you were to try using something like WINE.04:51
Stormx2PupUser2c276c: Its 3pm04:51
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ubotujamey: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:51
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vox754jamey, you tried ndiswrapper 1.38?04:51
extremalgun espaol '04:51
jameyvox754: only whatever the default package is...04:51
Stormx2!es | extrem04:51
ubotuextrem: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:51
PupUser2c276cthey called me a troll, i told them i'm 6foot 2inches tall, to big to be a troll04:51
DBFThey, today i've been setting up ubuntu on several computers in my house, while most have worked fine - one is refusing to connect to the network04:52
TheVaultSorry guys but neither commands work04:52
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PupUser2c276cwell storm just have a afternoon nap then04:52
DBFTin networking - will it list wireless if it does not detect a wireless card?04:52
Stormx2PupUser2c276c: Just be nice to em... they like everything to be on-topic in there. So do we actually, try #ubuntu-offtopic04:52
vox754jamey, If you installed from the repositories, then uninstall it. Get the new packages from the developers page. Compile and try it.04:52
GaiaX11extrem: No, pero s hablar su lengua. Pero es mejor ir a /join #ubuntu-es04:52
TheVaultit says this: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.04:52
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jameyvox754: okay thanks04:52
jordanDoes anyone know anything about that supposed audio focused Ubuntu derivative.04:52
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megabyte__fat32 is a standard?04:53
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PupUser2c276cit was fun as hell storm, almost turned it into a insult room, debian= debbie does ian,lol04:53
=== Database pssh.
Stormx2megabyte__: Just like ntfs, reiserfs, ext3, yes04:53
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TheVaultjussi01: Those commands does not work04:53
SmileyLapjussi01: ?04:53
megabyte__because a have a same type partition and that partition's name is fine04:53
jussi01sorry here now04:53
ompaulmegabyte__, no, not as an iso, but it is understood very well04:53
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DBFTin networking - will it list wireless if it does not detect a wireless card?(the computer lists wireless but wont connect to the network so i need to figure out if it is detecting the card)04:54
=== jussi01 went to get pizza from he oven
PupUser2c276cwhat ubuntu stand for anyways?04:54
SmileyLapjussi01: Ok, this is a straaaaaaange problem, the icon for Konversation wont go into the notification area? Its sitting randomly on the desktop instead.04:54
=== erUSUL [n=erUSUL@234.Red-83-37-198.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
kurbacikhelp on VPN?04:54
megabyte__i give u a link to a screenshot04:54
DatabaseIt's not an acronym, PupUser2c276c.04:54
DatabaseLook on teh website.04:54
TheVaultPupUser2c276: There is a video on your live CD if you have one04:54
TheVaultThat tells you what Ubuntu means04:54
jussi01SmileyLap, have you restarted konversation?04:54
kurbacikdoes anybody know ho to configure VPN at purdue?04:54
TheVaultits under Desktop > Examples04:54
PupUser2c276cya i have the live cd04:54
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TheVaultthen run it04:54
nominjordan: there is a live cd called agnula that's debian that has a demo of audio synthesizing stuff you can do on linux04:55
kurbacikVPN at Purdue?04:55
TheVaultWatch the video04:55
megabyte__here's a screenshot http://librarian.launchpad.net/6608695/Screenshot.png04:55
kurbacikVPN at Purdue in Ubuntu Dapper?04:55
PupUser2c276cokay vault will do04:55
jussi01!offtopic | PupUser2c276c04:55
ubotuPupUser2c276c: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:55
Databasenvidia-settings isn't giving me the option to configure my monitors... Why?04:55
joerlendjordan: it's called Ubuntu Studio. They have a webpage.04:55
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TheVaultPupUser2C276c: yeah, thats how I learned what the word ubuntu ment04:55
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PupUser2c276cthanks ubotu i keep tha in mind04:55
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TheVaultYour welcome :)04:56
jussi01!ubotu | PupUser2c276c04:56
ubotuPupUser2c276c: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:56
nominthat ubuntu studio looks pretty cool04:56
bcstvI get an erro when I try to start kiba dock04:56
megabyte__any clue?04:56
joerlendnomin: I agree. I'm a musician myself, so I'm really looking forward to trying it out.04:56
PupUser2c276cis their any small distro's of ubuntu like puppy  linux?04:57
TheVaultTo install java runtime system wide, i use sudo apt-get install java504:57
bcstv(kiba-dock:5812): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_str_has_suffix: assertion `str != NULL' failed04:57
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DatabasePupUser2c276c: Xubuntu is pretty small.04:57
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jussi01SmileyLap, how did you go?04:57
vox754TheVault, I think it is "sun-java-jre"04:57
megabyte__http://librarian.launchpad.net/6608695/Screenshot.png help please04:57
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TheVaultvox754: Lemme try that04:58
joerlendbcstv: that looks like something for #Ubuntu-bugs04:58
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SmileyLaphey jussi01, a reboot seems to of sorted it :) Hehhe. Now to fix my other problems - 1. the session doesn't save when i shutdown, 2 - when i hibernate, it just goes into a kind of standby and then doesn't do anything, 3 - setting up media keys, but i think i could prob sort that my self04:58
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TheVaultvox754: Nah, says cannot find package04:58
TheVaultits in the package manager right?04:58
TheVaultwhere you search?04:59
vox754TheVault, yep, it is  "sun-java5-jre" additionally you can "aptitude search sun-java"04:59
DBFTin networking - will it list wireless if it does not detect a wireless card?(the computer lists wireless but wont connect to the network so i need to figure out if it is detecting the card)04:59
MunksgaardHi! Can anyone tell me, why i haven't got a directory at /usr/src/linux?04:59
jussi01SmileyLap, media keys are easy04:59
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TheVaultvox754: Alright. I'm a linux noob but i'm learning the command quick04:59
jussi01SmileyLap, are you gnome or kde04:59
vox754Munksgaard, I guess you are trying to compile something from instructions from a web page.05:00
TheVaultlast night i was moving things around in terminal just to make sure I know my commands :D, don't worry, i was only moving pictures that I downloaded and imported05:00
SmileyLapjussi01: gnome.05:00
Munksgaardvox754: You got it right05:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xsession - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:00
=== SmileyLap suuddently remembers ho to sort his media keys :^_^
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jussi01SmileyLap, well done...05:00
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Jvik_where can i find the xsession file ?05:00
SmileyLapjussi01: the biggest problem is the hibernate one :D, it worked before i upgraded to 6.10.... ?05:01
DBFTsomeone answer me?05:01
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ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod05:01
vox754Munksgaard, want to find kernels or headers? what package do you want to compile?05:01
ingrixDBFT: No, if it doesn't find a network card, it won't be able to pick up wireless signals, so your card is detected05:01
Jvik_Where can i find the .xsession file???05:01
jussi01SmileyLap, that one is a mongrel05:01
uboturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for MP3 players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio.  See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!05:01
sarathmsis it possible to have graphics acceleration with an S3 Unichrome graphics chipset? does VIA provide free drivers?05:02
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riaalanyone theink it is possible to run skype and a usb topcom phone?05:02
SmileyLapjussi01: ..... :D i dont want to hear that :P it was fine before! (oh and the lid doesn't seem to notice if i close it or not.05:02
Munksgaardvox754: Im trying to install something i found located at: /lib/modules/fglrx in order to get my GFX card working05:02
vox754Jvik_, "locate .xsession"05:02
GaiaX11Is there a last.fm package for ubuntu?05:02
ingrixDBFT: You may have to use wpa_supplicant or xsupplicant if you arent trying to connect to a connection with anything that uses WPA or WPA205:02
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TheVaultgot a question. Sometimes when I run a program, it shows it launching but never completes, how do i fix that?05:02
ingrixDBFT: are trying*  Sorry05:03
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sarathmsTheVault, try running it from the terminal and see if it shows some error message05:03
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megabyte__please help05:03
Jvik_vox754, i can only find the .xsession-error file..05:03
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Jvik_im following this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2837405:03
jussi01GaiaX11, several of the music clients do it05:03
pjesiany ideas how to install eclipse extensions to eclipse installed with apt?05:04
vox754sarathms, there is a current bug in the drivers so 3D acceleration works but not perfectly.05:04
megabyte__I can print my fstab here05:04
SmileyLapok jussi01: how about - how can i disable the mouseclick functionality of my mousepad?05:04
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GaiaX11jussi01: Thx05:04
GaiaX11jussi01: For example?05:04
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntutesting - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:04
sarathmsvox754, where can i find information on that?05:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about testing - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mesa - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:05
vox754sarathms, search Viaarena and Openchrome on the internet05:05
riaalwhat do you think is best? amarok or Banshee?05:05
scvis ubuntu the real number one?05:05
jussi01deep, what you looking for?05:05
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vox754sarathms, try "man via"05:05
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SmileyLapAnyone -  how can i disable the mouseclick functionality of my mousepad?05:05
deepjussi01, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing, that. :D I googled it. (:05:05
Errpast1Toma-, hey, I got it printing.  Not sure exactly what I did, but it's printing.  Format isn't correct. but hey, progress ...;)05:05
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rpereiraHi.  Does someone know if the instability with Firefox and Flash (nonfree) on Edgy was resolved?05:05
Toma-Errpast1: great! :D05:06
rpereiraOr with Feisty?05:06
vox754Jvik_, that thread seems like 1 year old, so things may not apply.05:06
jameyvox754: I did as you said, compiled and instal it all. Now ndiswrapper reports "invalid driver!"05:06
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Jvik_vox754, can you give me link to a proper guide ?05:06
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jussi01GaiaX11, amorak05:06
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ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod05:06
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jussi01SmileyLap, you need gsynaptics05:07
vox754Jvik_, sorry. I guess it should work. Are you trying to set up mouse buttons, scroll and that?05:07
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kvm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:07
megabyte__so, does anyone have a clue why gnome prints some random characters instead of HDA5?05:07
Jvik_vox754, the forward and backward button on my mx 518 doesnt work05:07
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Jvik_in ubuntu05:07
GaiaX11scv: Yes. It seems to be:  http://distrowatch.com/05:07
GaiaX11jussi01: thx again.05:08
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jussi01GaiaX11, np's05:08
scvGaiaX11: O.O you are too LATE05:08
jameyvox754: yeah, it's a very new Vista laptop05:08
blake__I installed ubuntu and it works, but i want to put slackware back on... but now, fdisk is unable to open /dev/hda ! Please help me05:08
vox754jamey, remove it. That means running "make uninstall" many times. Then remove "rm -rf" every single file about ndis... wait Vista?!05:08
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GaiaX11scv: Why?05:08
Toma-blake__: are you using that disk?05:08
blake__Toma-, what disk?05:09
blake__i did in the past05:09
scvGaiaX11: I said that for a long time ago05:09
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vox754jamey, I think Vista uses a new NDIS6 language which is currently being implemented by the developers, so you just have to wait.05:09
ompauljamey, this is not a vista help channel see ##windows thanks05:09
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Jvik_vox754, any idea ?05:09
Toma-blake__: so youre not running ubuntu off /dev/hda and trying to format /dev/hda or soemthing at the same time?05:09
jameyompaul: what!? you really don't read much do you....05:09
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riaalwhat is the difference between kubuntu and ubuntu? =S05:10
blake__Toma-, i checked /etc/fstab and it only mentions /dev/hdb and /dev/hdc... but i tried fstabbing hdb and it was also unable to open it05:10
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vox754Jvik_, my mouse works okay. I guess, yours is not very standard. Mine has like 8 buttons.05:10
blake__Toma-, no i booted the slackware install disc05:10
ingrixriaal: Kubuntu uses the KDE 3 GUI, while Ubuntu uses GNOME05:10
Toma-blake__: ahh ok05:10
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Jvik_vox754, i have Logitech MX518.05:10
GaiaX11scv: It means that I take people question seriously. And I gave you a site to check that up. Be mor polite, please.05:10
ingrixriaal: There are different GUI programs that run on each.  Like Ubuntu has the Synaptic Package Manager, and Kubuntu has Adept Package Manager05:10
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blake__Toma-, any ideas then? :(05:11
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ompauljamey, not enough it appears05:11
Toma-blake__: no, sorry :(05:11
blake__thanks anyway05:11
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vox754Jvik_, look at your "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" I'll give you my "Input Device" information so you can compare05:12
riaalingrix, oh okey, bacecly the "graphical engine"?05:12
Toma-blake__: what kind of "cant access" error?05:12
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ingrixriaal: Mostly.  The kernel and most of the command line apps are the same05:12
Toma-blake__: also, ask in #slackware05:12
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Jvik_vox754, np. I found a guide for 51805:12
blake__Toma-, it just says "Unable to open /dev/hda"05:12
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vox754ompaul, take it easy boss...05:12
blake__Toma-, ok good idea i'll ask there05:12
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Toma-blake__: try /dev/hda1 ?05:12
ingrixriaal: I tell people to choose based on the cosmetic difference.  So whatever is more appealing to your eyeball is probably good for you05:12
blake__Toma-, i tried that05:13
leo|serveri have downloaded a avi to my windows computer over ftp, and now the avi doesnt work, what is wrong?05:13
SmileyLapgsynaptics - is this is ubuntus reps?05:13
vox754jamey, if you want to speed up development of ndiswrapper donate to the project. About 100 would be fine to start.05:13
Toma-!restrictedformats | leo|server05:13
ubotuleo|server: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:13
blake__Toma-, bye, thanks05:13
Toma-np cya05:13
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riaalingrix, Im using ubuntu, but when I was going to download Amarok, it said "for kubuntu"05:14
aleitneri am trying to upgrade a test machine to feisty, but "update-manager -d" does not show me any new release. what am i doing wrong?05:14
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vox754Jvik_, still, you can give me your information so I can compare too.05:14
ompaulvox754, did you not see me saying I obviously did not read enough .. I scrolled back to read it again05:14
leo|serverok thx05:14
riaalingrix, Can I use it whit ubuntu 2?05:14
leo|serveri will have a look05:14
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SmileyLapgsynaptics < i can't find this package, does ubuntu have it?05:14
vox754ompaul, yeah, I know. I was just teasing you because you are an OP.05:14
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ingrixriaal: I don't think so.  It looks like it's a KDE application05:15
jameyvox754: you wouldn't know how to recover the Vista partition once I've GRUB'd it all would you?05:15
riaalingrix, okey, thanks for the help mate05:15
ingrixriaal: Something you can do though, is if you want, install the kubuntu-desktop package, which installs KDE05:15
fatezeroI've got kind of a weird problem with ubuntu that maybe someone can help me with?05:15
ingrixYou could also get XMMS if you want a good audio player like Winamp05:15
ingrixfatezero: Ask your question05:16
vox754jamey, I think same as with XP. You boot up Vista CD and tell it to recover the Master Boot Record.05:16
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riaalingrix, sounds difficult?05:16
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CBunnyingrix, isn't xmms no longer maintained - the devs working on the new version?05:16
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keir_hi i'm having some beryl problems lol05:16
CBunnyCBunny, i know it's been removed from portage05:16
ingrixCBunny: It might not be, but I don't know05:16
fatezeroOkay, well I've installed ubuntu onto one of my machines and it works great except for it's internet connection.05:16
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ingrixfatezero: Wireless or wired?05:17
SmileyLapgsynaptics < i can't find this package, does ubuntu have it?05:17
ingrixriaal: It's really not difficult05:17
fatezeroIt's a shared connection through a router.05:17
Wolfcutterwow took a while to get here05:17
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riaalingrix, will it slow down everything or messup something? =P05:17
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vox754SmileyLap, "aptitude search synaptic" there it is05:17
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ingrixriaal: It will take up some memory, but you can choose which GUI to use when you login05:17
fatezeroWhich works, but the ubuntu machine can only connect to servers that other machines have been to.05:18
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FunnyLookinHatSmileyLap, yea, it's in the repositories, but you may have to add universe and/or multiverse to get it05:18
SmileyLapvox754: im using the package manager,  :o05:18
fatezeroSo, for instance, I can't connect to google until one of the other computers on the network has been to it first.05:18
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SmileyLapis it called qsynaptic ?05:18
ingrixriaal: in a terminal: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:18
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riaalingrix, wow, thats sounds relly cool, what about my programs etc.?05:18
FunnyLookinHatSmileyLap, it's called gsynaptics05:18
SmileyLapok hum, i dont think i've added the irght repo's05:18
vox754FunnyLookinHat, "aptitude search synaptic" there it is05:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repoistory - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:19
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ingrixriaal: The only problem with installing more than one destkop is that the menu buttons from both desktops will be included in the menu when you are using one of them05:19
SmileyLaperm, /me needs help setting up the repo's05:19
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FunnyLookinHatSmileyLap, if you have Synaptic package manager open  I can help you add them easily05:19
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ingrixYou can't really keep them separate05:19
SmileyLapyeah i do FunnyLookinHat:)05:19
FunnyLookinHatSmileyLap, Go to Settings - Repositories05:19
megabyte_01can someone please help me, with my gnome problem05:19
FunnyLookinHatSmileyLap, check the four boxes in that first main window, and uncheck the box next to CD-Rom05:19
ingrixriaal: But the last time I did it I could run KDE and GNOME apps on either of them, since the right stuff was there05:19
riaalingrix, oh, witch one do you use?05:19
leo|serverToma-,  ubotu, that looks like it has to do with playing stuff on the ubuntu computer, this is about how the ftpserver makes the file broken on a windows computer after it has downloaded it05:19
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Databasecommandline text-editor, please?05:20
ingrixriaal: I prefer GNOME05:20
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FunnyLookinHatSmileyLap, then click Close05:20
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:20
dgxHi all :)05:20
vox754Database, "nano"05:20
FunnyLookinHatSmileyLap, and click "Reload" on the main Synaptic window05:20
Wolfcutterhow do I add Java or Flash?05:20
riaalingrix, think I will stick to it for a while as im new to this, thanks for the help!05:20
ingrixNo problem05:20
SmileyLapFunnyLookinHat: they are all on, and there is nothing in the CDrom box.05:20
directhexi've got a problem with extremely high cpu load accompanying disk access on my server box. disks are a raid5 array behind an lsi megeraid hardware raid controller, megaraid_mbox module05:20
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FunnyLookinHatSmileyLap, ok, click "Close" and then click "Reload" in the main Synaptic page05:21
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SmileyLapFunnyLookinHat: ah i've done this before05:21
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megabyte_01so , why gnome prints a wrong partition name05:21
SmileyLapsome of them always fail; tho?05:21
megabyte_01plase help05:21
FunnyLookinHatSmileyLap, this is weird, it's not showing up for me in the package manager, but it does show up in the console....05:21
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riaalanyone know if I can use Amarok whit GNOME?05:21
FunnyLookinHatSmileyLap, try this: Go to Applications - Accessories - Terminal05:21
SmileyLapok FunnyLookinHathahaha, ill do it in the console05:21
FunnyLookinHatriaal, yea you can, I do and i love it05:21
directhexriaal, why wouldn't you?05:22
riaalFunnyLookinHat, great, cheers05:22
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FunnyLookinHatSmileyLap, then just type this command:  sudo apt-get install gsynaptics05:22
SmileyLapwill the gui know what i do in the console FunnyLookinHat?05:22
FunnyLookinHatSmileyLap, yup.05:22
dgxI wonder if anyone can help with my Graphic card problem?05:22
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SmileyLapwell this time it updated correctly :) and now it shows up in the gui :)05:22
FunnyLookinHatdirecthex, because Amarok uses QT as it's graphics lib and Gnome is built on GTK...    few distros make the transition as easy as ubuntu05:22
SmileyLaphahaha, every other time its failed half of them :)05:23
FunnyLookinHatSmileyLap, oh sweet, go figure.05:23
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dgxI'm running on a Radeon 9200 SE... Looked around the net everywhere for drivers to enable me to get a higher res than 1024x768 but, no luck..05:23
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:23
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FunnyLookinHatdgx, go to that link above  ^^^    : )05:23
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dgxTried a couple of things - not just a lazy request.05:23
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama05:23
dgxThanks FunnyLookinHat  :)05:23
FunnyLookinHatdgx, no problemo dude05:24
=== Lr5 goes to check if that has anything about getting firefox to work on both displays
SmileyLapGSynaptics couldn't initialize.05:24
SmileyLapYou have to set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86Config to use GSynaptics05:24
directhexFunnyLookinHat, why would the windowing toolkit make a difference? gtk+, qt, xaw3d, motif, wxwidgets, whatever. they're all just libraries05:24
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=== SmileyLap looks at FunnyLookinHat
ingrixWhat is a good audio player for GNOME besides rhythmbox and XMMS?05:24
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Lr5currently it ends in "firefox already running" and fails to open on another display05:24
FunnyLookinHatdirecthex, right...  but until the last year or so, it did make a difference... don't blame me, blame developers.05:24
FunnyLookinHatSmileyLap, cool, we can do this05:24
megabyte_01can some one help me????05:24
h3xagramhello, does anyone know where i can get old sound scheme? the new scheme sounds too 'african'05:24
=== SmileyLap is looking at xorg.conf atm
ingrixmegabyte_01: Could you explain it a little better?05:25
vox754directhex, I guess they all have subtle differences. Like menus don't behave the same, or scrollbars.05:25
FunnyLookinHatSmileyLap, Can you find a line with "SHMConfig" on it?  if so, set the value next to it to "True" and then you will have to restart X (Control _ Alt _ Backspace)05:25
SmileyLapi can't find the line FunnyLookinHat:/05:25
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Lr5megabyte_01: how?05:25
SmileyLapwhich section should it be in :?05:25
FunnyLookinHatSmileyLap, ok one sec.05:25
directhexvox754, correct. but that doesn't stop you from using them05:25
dgx"The model number for your Radeon card is a 9500 pro or above"05:25
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larson9999i feel like a moron for not being able to find this.  but where can i get cd art for fiesty fawn?05:25
directhexvox754, i used k3b (qt) as my cd burner of choice on xfce4 (gtk2) for years05:26
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dgxIs 9200 not supported in 6.10 edgy? :/05:26
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SmileyLapFunnyLookinHat: wont it be in the device section, for hte touch pad05:26
Errpast1I finally (3 hours) got my Brother 2070N to network print from Ubuntu 6.06.  BUT, the margins are not right.  Prints all the way to the bottom.  Properties on the printer doesn05:26
Lr5dgx: I guess that means newer than that05:26
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FunnyLookinHatSmileyLap, I think so05:26
ompaullarson9999, ask in #ubuntu+105:26
SmileyLapGSynaptics couldn't initialize.05:26
SmileyLapYou have to set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86Config to use GSynaptics05:26
Errpast1doesn't give me much choice.05:26
JvikCan anyone give me a proper guide to installing Logitech MX 51805:26
directhexJvik, plug it in05:26
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Dr_willisJvik,  mine works fine05:26
dgxLr5, does that mean I need a new video card? Or are there ways round that?05:26
Jvikdirecthex, yeah. But forwards and backwards button doesnt work05:26
vox754Jvik, what happened you could use that guide?05:26
SmileyLapas an Option "SHMConfig"     "true"05:26
FunnyLookinHatSmileyLap, but you are also going to have to add a line to your Module section05:26
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FunnyLookinHatSmileyLap, see this post:   http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=97542105:27
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Jvikvox754, the guide didnt work.. Nothing happend05:27
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Lr5dgx: no idea, I have no experience with drivers yet05:27
SmileyLapFunnyLookinHat: can i msg you?05:27
dgxhehe :) Thanks anyway Lr5.05:27
FunnyLookinHatSmileyLap, Sure.05:27
ffxrhi does some have the syntax for dpkg to create a .deb from a configure file..05:27
gaspipe1anyone familiar with Konverstaion?05:27
Dr_willisffxr,  you mean a source code ./configure stuff?05:27
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vox754Jvik, still, I'm dying to see what's in your xorg.conf05:28
FunnyLookinHatffxr, it's a bit more complex than that...   Try asking the guys in #ubuntu-motu for a tutorial page on package building05:28
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands05:28
ingrixgaspipe1: You might have better luck in the #kubuntu channel05:28
dgxI'll try running through the install instructions anyway.05:28
Jvik2sec vox75405:28
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ingrixgaspipe1: Although what do you need to know about it?05:28
gaspipe1ingrix: thanks....i tried that I can't seem to log in with my identity w/o sending nickserv a pm05:28
ffxryeh Dr_willis... isnt there a a command to create a deb from ./configue.. ok FunnyLookinHat i was aware it was any more complicated... ll have a look at that link thanks..05:28
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Jvikvox754, http://hashbin.com/2c7.html05:29
directhexdh_make. or checkconfig05:29
directhexboth are a bit iffy05:29
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Dr_willisffxr,  thers some build deb command that can make one from source code.. but its not very reliable05:29
=== Lr5 wonders why the bot doesn't just say "press alt+f2, write gnome-terminal and press enter"
vox754ffxr, the forums, I think there are guides to create a good deb http://www.ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=4405:29
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Lr5Or well, perhaps the bot's way is easier to remember...05:30
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alecjwhi. a user on my ocmputer cant use sudo. how do i allow him to?05:30
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Dr_willisalecjw,  edit the sudoers file is one way,, but i think there may be a better way/group he needs to be in05:30
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SmileyLapthanks FunnyLookinHat! ^_^ you rock :)05:30
ompaulalecjw, you add them to /etc/sudoers or you click on system administration users & groups and add the administration ability05:31
=== SmileyLap needs his laptop charger
Dr_willisalecjw,  you want him to have full 'sudo' access?05:31
FunnyLookinHatSmileyLap, it worked?  cool beans man05:31
megabyte_01here's the problem05:31
=== toporow [n=bartek@abdt206.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
megabyte_01 i have 5 partitions05:31
toporowhi all05:31
alecjwDr_willis, i want hinm to be able to use sudo. do i jsut add his username to the end of /etc/sudoers?05:31
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Jvikvox754, whats wrong in xorg ?05:31
vox754Jvik, wow! your section is identical to mine.05:31
megabyte_01 1xntfs 1xswap 1xreiserfs 2x fat42( hda5 and hda6)05:31
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toporowdo you speak polish??05:31
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megabyte_01 on my desktop y see hda1 hda6 but what should be hda5 has some random characters05:31
ffxrok.. Dr_willis, if the make includes a make uninstall option, i should be safe enough in terms of clean up? you see, i want to uprade a package, but the only way i can do it is building it from source.., m worried about how the make deals with upgrades.. i thought itd be safer if i created a package... cheers vox75405:31
megabyte_01help please05:31
FunnyLookinHatalecjw, Dr_willis    don't over complicate it.  Just go to Administration _ Users and Groups   ---  Properties of the user you are editing, and go to Privileges tab05:32
ompaul!pl | toporow05:32
ubotutoporow: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl05:32
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alecjwFunnyLookinHat, i dont have anyhtign graphical05:32
Jvikis "emulate 3 buttons" correct vox754  ?05:32
Dr_willisFunnyLookinHat,  you are talking to someone thats used to the console. :)05:32
FunnyLookinHatalecjw, ahhh gross.05:32
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Dr_willisFunnyLookinHat,  heh heh...05:32
FunnyLookinHatalecjw, then you will have to do it with the console method.05:32
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FunnyLookinHatDr_willis, I'm a console guy too  : )    But I found it's better to teach people to learn to use the GUI and find answers on their own...05:32
FunnyLookinHatDr_willis, go fig.05:32
alecjwFunnyLookinHat, so iu have to add the username ot the end of /etc/sudoers?05:33
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d00bycan anybody help me set up xinerama please05:33
vox754Jvik, it works for me.05:33
Dr_willis# Members of the admin group may gain root privileges05:33
Dr_willis%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL05:33
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Jvikvox754, xev does respond on mouseclick with forward and backwards button05:33
FunnyLookinHatalecjw, well, I would add the user to the admin group.....05:33
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Dr_willisso it looks like the guy has to be in the admin group.  and he should be able to sudo05:33
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FunnyLookinHatDr_willis, I forget how to do groups w/ console...  maybe you could help him?05:34
Dr_willisFunnyLookinHat,  i dont rember either. :) i always edit the /etc/groups file05:34
megabyte_01 on my desktop y see hda1 hda6 but what should be hda5 has some random characters, why???05:34
FunnyLookinHatDr_willis, ahh that's right, go for it05:34
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keir_Hi, could any one give me a hand? Got a Beryl prob05:34
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Dr_willisin /etc/group theres a ----->  admin:x:115:willis     I would guess ya add the users to the end.. or use the commands that do it properly for ya. ;)05:35
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vox754SmileyLap, what is that you worked out?05:35
directhexadduser username groupname05:35
MondusHi people.. I'm trying to install Ubuntu on a machine using an ATI Radeon x800gto .. but the live cd wont start up.. "no screens found".. are there any issues concerning ati graphics cards?05:35
megabyte_01 on my desktop I see hda1 hda6 but what should be hda5 has some random characters,why?05:36
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keir_well i got beryl installed and mines claiming no manageable screens found on display :1.005:36
keir_and i'm on ATI05:36
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:36
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alecjwFunnyLookinHat, Dr_willis, ompaul, thatnks - it's fidex now :)05:36
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vox754megabyte_01, can you post a picture? hda5 is the first logical unit of the extended partition right?05:36
h3xagramhello, im having an issue running frozen-bubble05:37
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fatezeroOkay, I fixed my problem by disabling IPv605:37
h3xagramif anyone can help me, i would appreciate it http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8626/05:37
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tuxplorerwhile booting my ubuntu edgy, I get the following error from fsck and get a terminal asking me to repair my filesystem, on quitting which I get my GDM. can someone help me with it? http://paste.uni.cc/1343305:37
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directhexhow do i set parameters for kernel modules loaded at boot time from initrd?05:37
linux_kidThat Add/Remove Programs thingy just disappeared from my applications menu.  how do i get it back (like, is it in the repo's?)05:37
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megabyte_01it has the correct naem in "/media"05:38
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h3xagramanyone? :(05:38
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megabyte_01 it has the correct name in "/media"05:38
vox754megabyte_01, wow! strange. Maybe utf8 in the fstab entry to display characters correctly05:39
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megabyte_01there is utf8 in fstab05:39
megabyte_01i tried to remove it05:39
DatabaseThis is taking a while. :P05:39
megabyte_01same result05:39
ingrixlinux_kid: Right click the applications menu, go to "edit menus" and then click applications.  In the right box at the bottom there should be a checkbox next to "add/remove programs"  Click it.05:39
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jayis python-2.4gtk2 available for edgy?05:40
vox754megabyte_01, you need to know exactly what filesystem it has and what options are admissible to it, maybe reading "man mount" and also you need an umask=0777 or something, I can't recall.05:40
HoffmannPgood morning everybody05:40
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HoffmannPCan anyone tell me what happend to wireless lan in Edgy?05:40
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vox754jay, "aptitude search python"05:41
megabyte_01in the device manager is the same random charactes _w05:41
jayI don't think it is, already tried that :)05:41
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megabyte_01I have an identical partitions hda605:41
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megabyte_01fat32 about 30 GB05:42
HoffmannPWhy is there suddenly an wlan0 and a wmaster0-adapter?05:42
HoffmannPAny why is my rausb0 not loaded any more05:42
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vox754h3xagram, I think you can install "frozen-bubble" with aptitude. How are you trying to run it? from a *.tar.gz?05:42
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megabyte_01even slackware is easyer to figure out05:43
vox754HoffmannP, did you use ndiswrapper? I think rausb conflicts with it.05:43
HoffmannP>Can anyone tell me what happend to wireless lan in Edgy?/kernel 2.6.17?05:43
HoffmannPvox: never05:43
HoffmannPvox754: I even deinstalled that, I had to compile my kernel my self05:44
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HoffmannPvox754: And usualy after inserting that module in the kernel it would have an rausb0-adapter which I could use for wireless lan05:44
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vox754megabyte_01, I heard Slackware is the first distribution but what makes it special?05:45
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vox754HoffmannP, mmm... that seems something I'm not experienced with.05:45
ingrixvox754: It is based on ease of computing, not user-friendliness05:45
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knovakAnyone know the solution to my nvidia problems (explained here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=375627&page=2)?05:45
nikinis there any smaller Ubuntu version than Xubuntu?05:45
megabyte_01it show the correct partition name :)05:45
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HoffmannPvox754: Thankyou anyway for the try05:46
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vox754megabyte_01, so, you just need to give it time, I guess.05:46
nikin;                     http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=375627&page=2)?05:46
DBFTis there a way to have my wireless network card search and list access points? iwlist ap returns Interface doesn't have a list of Peers/Access-Points on lo ra0 eth0 and sit005:46
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megabyte_01slackware had my time, a lot of it05:46
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megabyte_01ubuntu will get his part05:46
knovakAnyone here have experience with nVidia cards? Because i'm having trouble with mine05:47
updhi, how can i add some program in startup?05:47
ingrixDBFT: Is that actually what it says, or does it say "Interface doesn't support scanning" or something like that?05:47
megabyte_01this is the only problem I have so far with ubuntu05:47
DBFTthats what it says ingrix05:47
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ubotuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup05:47
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DBFTInterface doesn't have a list of Peers/Access-Points05:47
ardchoilleknovak: I have some experience with nvidia. What's up?05:47
updvox754, tnx05:47
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knovakardchoille: My problem is explained in detail here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=375627&page=2, but if its a problem I can type it out05:47
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ardchoilleknovak: I don't think I can help, I don't use Edgy or GLX05:48
knovakhmm, alright, thanks anyway05:49
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ingrixDBFT: It looks like your card isn't set up properly05:49
ingrixDBFT: What kind of wireless card do you have?05:49
rlji noticed some "new" linux-x-generic packages which claim to superseed the linux-x-k7 packages and similar. currently, i'm on a linux-x-386 kernel, running on an amd athlon64 processor. which kernel will perform best on my newish hardware? is linux-x-generic geared towards newer cpus than linux-x-386 and will i notice an improvement if i use that kernel instead?05:49
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rljor is linux-x-generic even more generic and "works on all cpus" than the -386 branch05:50
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DBFTingrix, im not sure -its not my pc, hmm05:50
vox754rlj, yes I think generic is better. Which processor do you have?05:50
DBFTingrix, is there a way to find out?05:50
Flamekebabwhy is it that when I use Skype it automatically and at random lowers my mic's input volume?05:50
ingrixDBFT: lspci05:50
Flamekebabit's infuriating..05:50
scizzyhey guys, stupid question but i finally got all my stuff working I think... but is there any way to make my wireless "active" when ubuntu loads... cuz now each time I have to double click on the icon and activate it!???  any ideas?05:51
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vox754ingrix, ease of computing in Slackware? what does that mean?05:51
ingrixvox754: It means it is programmed to be easy for the computer, not for the end-user05:51
DBFTok im gonna run downstairs :D05:51
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rljvox754: amd athlon64 3500+ in a socket939 i think. a desktop cpu in a laptop box...05:51
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keir_Can anyone help with this:::: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8629/05:51
vox754scizzy, look "/etc/network/interface" then add "auto eth0" or something05:51
nikinIs there a way to set maximum resoure usage for a program/process? i mean if i want a program to maximaly use 10Mb of RAM and only SWAP above that, and i want it to use not more than 5% of CPU power at any time05:51
ingrixvox754: So while the computer will run slackware really well, the user can get frustrated sooo easily05:51
scizzyok let me check05:52
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ubotuIf you feel the need to adopt security measures for your system, check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server05:52
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FunnyLookinHatkeir_, You should probably ask in #ubuntu-effects since it deals with beryl/compiz05:52
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keir_ah thanks :)05:52
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yoopernatedoes anyone use evolution with gmail....i'm having problems sending mail and was wondering how to make it work05:52
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scizzyvox, it is already in there... as "wlan0"05:53
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fevelhello, Im a translator in Brazil, and I would like to know if theres any tools to help a translator with his job for ubuntu, I know of such tools for windows but not for ubuntu05:53
vox754nikin, aaaaah. I think I've read what you want to do on a Gentoo forum.05:53
yoopernateall of the forums i've seen say i have the right settings but it still doesn't go05:53
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DBFTBroadcom Corporation somethingsomething 802.11g Wireless something05:53
fevelas soon as i get a hold of one ill be helping on the feisty translation05:53
DBFT(sorry its in the other room :))05:53
vox754scizzy, you said you have to click a button? maybe that is all it takes.05:53
cablesDoes anyone know of a third party Remote Desktop server that works on XP? VNC is so damn slow, and Ubuntu has a Remote Desktop client, and I'd really like to be able to use that.05:53
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nikinyoopernate... dubblecheck port and conection settings ... i had problems wit h that.. but i dont remember, and use Thunderbird nowdays05:54
ingrixDBFT: You should probably install ndiswrapper then05:54
Saulhudson__Hi, I have just installed Ubuntu but I can't use any USB dispositive. If I put an USB dispositive it crashes and I have to restart my computer. What should I do?05:54
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ingrixDBFT: Is it a Dell 1390?05:54
darkcommonhow I can to change the driver of Xorg05:54
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scizzyi mean i have to right click on the networking icon in the top right, click properties and activate each time05:54
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DBFThow would i install ndiswrapper without the internet? :p05:54
scizzyi was hoping that it would automatically do this when ubuntu loads05:54
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DBFTbut will that get it working anyway?05:54
vox754ingrix, I think Broadcom is supported by Linux kernel05:54
nikinvox754: can u send me a link?05:54
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ingrixvox754: It has a driver to do that, but it is really really buggy and only works on a couple broadcom cards05:55
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vox754nikin, about what?05:55
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DannyI installed Ubuntu and it said there were 116 updates. I installed them and the next time i came back to the computer it was turned off. When i turned it on it no longer had a wireless connection. Can somebody help me?05:55
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vox754DBFT, ingrix http://bcm43xx.berlios.de/?go=devices I guess you are right.05:55
ingrixDBFT: Does it have the build-essential package installed on it?05:55
Saulhudson__Hi, I have just installed Ubuntu but I can't use any USB dispositive. If I put an USB dispositive it crashes and I have to restart my computer. What should I do?05:55
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Dannythe what package?05:56
DBFTi just downloaded and installed in text mode - anything which is installed by default is installed05:56
techiecan anybody help: When I insert my cd in my cdrom to play it tells me that the totem player has not url handler setup or installed. What does it mean?05:56
vox754nikin, ah the processor speed. I forgot.05:56
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Dannyif somebody can help me get my internet working please semd me a message05:56
ikoniadannywhats the problem05:56
Flamekebabwhy is it that when I use Skype it automatically and at random lowers my mic's input volume?05:56
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ikoniadanny what's the problem05:56
DannyI installed Ubuntu and it said there were 116 updates. I installed them and the next time i came back to the computer it was turned off. When i turned it on it no longer had a wireless connection.05:57
techieIt actually said no iri handler implemented for vcd05:57
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vox754darkcommon, you open the "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" and edit the driver in the appropriate section.05:57
corevettehow do i edit what the options are on GRUB?05:57
ikoniadanny one of the updates possibly broke your wirless driver, try reconfiguring it05:57
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ingrixDBFT: Any chance you can get internet on it at all?  Wired or otherwise?05:57
ikoniacorevette: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst05:57
Dannyi dont know how05:57
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Dannyi'm new to linux05:57
ikonia!wireless >danny05:57
techieikonia "the no url handler implemented for vcd" , does that mean my vcd is not setup in ubuntu?05:57
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AskarHi! I am using edgy and I am thinking of upgrading to feisty, it seems to be pretty stable (?). Is it a good idea?05:57
darkcommonvox754 for an VIA card... who?05:57
AskarIf so, how do I do it simpliest?05:57
techieikonia it happens when i try to use my cdrom005:57
Dannyi already looked at the wireless docs05:58
Dannyand all that stuff05:58
ikoniatechie: it means nothing is available to manage vcd files05:58
vox754Danny, did the wireless worked natively? that is without you touching anything?05:58
Dannyi came here because i couldn't figure it out05:58
Dannyat first, yes05:58
ikoniadanny what have you tried05:58
techieikonia how do i install or manage the vdd files?05:58
rcmivhello!  how can I check ubuntu version from the command line?05:58
ikoniatechie: I don't know what vdd files05:58
vox754darkcommon, VIA uses the "via" driver, but initially it can run also with "vesa", which is crap.05:58
Dannydound all the stuff in the wireless troubleshooting guide thingy05:58
ikoniarcmiv: lsb_release05:58
techieikonia vcd files.05:58
ikoniadanny like what ?05:58
Dannybut i have to admit i really don't know what i'm doing05:58
rcmivikonia thx05:59
ikoniatechie: video cd files ?05:59
darkcommonvox754 for use beryl??05:59
Dannytrying to check if there was a driver05:59
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techieikonia yes05:59
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rljAskar: if you want to stay stable and avoid potential trouble, wait until it's released05:59
ingrixDBFT: Any chance you can get internet on it at all?  Wired or otherwise?05:59
Saulhudson__Hi, I have just installed Ubuntu but I can't use any USB dispositive. If I put an USB dispositive it crashes and I have to restart my computer. What should I do?05:59
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arcad3can someone paste me the inittab file from /etc?05:59
Dannyi tried wireless and it didn't work05:59
arcad3i broke mine05:59
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Dannyi mean wired05:59
rcmivikonia didn't work....05:59
vox754darkcommon, I don't think you can run beryl with VIA. I suppose you have an Integrated Graphics Card either on PC or a cheap Laptop.05:59
Askarrlj: when it is released how do I do? Do i have to burn it on a cd or just run some sort of upgrade?06:00
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yoopernatedoes anyone know a good mail client that has the same functionality as evolution...i know tb is an option but i was hoping to try something new06:00
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about inittab - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:00
Saulhudson__anyone may help me??06:00
darkcommonvox754 an Integrated, of an MSI, and I don't want to open my PC (for close, It's very hard!!)06:00
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rljAskar: you can probably upgrade without cd. i upgraded from dapper to edgy on an installed system without any major headaches06:00
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about initb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:00
rljAskar: some people had troubles though06:00
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ITSa341Has anyone had any luck or ideas for connecting a kyocera candid cell phone in linux? I can get the os to recognize the port but not recognize it as a modem. I tried using ndiswrapper but it says invalid driver.06:00
DaveTarmacvox754: still nil luck with this wired network. do you have any suggestions (short of trying a reinstall with the cable in)06:00
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ikoniadanny go into the network manager and see if you can see a network card06:01
techieanyone... how do i setup my cdrom0 to work?06:01
darkcommonhow I can to install an EyeToy cam on edgy??06:01
rcmivhow can I check ubuntu version from the command line?06:01
ikoniatechie: what do you mean ?06:01
ikoniarcmiv: lsb_release06:01
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rljAskar: let's hope the edgy->feisty upgrade process will be painless for everyone. but in order for it to be, the devs need to squish all bugs first, so if you want to potentially screw your system slightly and help the devs fix it, go ahead. if all you want is stable, wait until it's released. that's my advice06:01
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hflappyok if vmware-player error'd out then how can i possibly "force" remove it06:01
rcmivikonia, yep did that, got 'no lsb modules are available'06:01
xamoxwhere is the trash located?06:01
xamoxwhat directory?06:01
Otacon22hey, anyone can help me to give the 3d acceleration to a ATI Technologies Inc Rage Mobility P/M AGP 2x (rev 64) ? I am working on it for 4 hours: i installed mach64 dri module but the direct rendering is always NO...06:01
corevettehow do i add windows xp to the grub menu?06:02
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ikoniarcmiv: lsb_release -d06:02
vox754DaveTarmac, oh boy. Maybe, this. Go to the motherboard manufacturer, look for specific drivers and modules and compile your own kernel. This shouldn't be necessary since most driver are integrated into the generic kernel anyways.06:02
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ingrixOtacon22: Have you tried looking up the fglrx driver?06:02
techieikonia... it says Totem could not play 'vcd:///media/cdrom0 amnand uner that isaid No uri handler implemented for "vcd"06:02
vox754DaveTarmac, reinstall, why not?06:02
rcmivikonia, thx, worked06:02
hjmillswhy does my torrent client always seem to drop out at 99% - its rather infuriating and seems to happen far too often to be chance06:02
rljcorevette: ubuntu should've automatically added it if it was installed when you installed ubuntu06:02
ikoniatechie: thats nothing to do with your cdrom06:02
ikoniathats to do with no applications being aware of the codec for that file06:02
rljcorevette: otherise, pm me and i'll send you the lines for your /etc/grub/menu.lst06:02
Dannyis there any chance i could get a 1 on 1 talk with someone who could help me figure out what's went wrong with my wireless? I'm really confused here06:03
nikini found a program called cpulimit06:03
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Otacon22ya ingrix but my card is old for them, i also tryed to use the ati script to create the sources packages to compile but don't work.06:03
ikoniadanny best asking in the channel, have you done the debugging I suggested06:03
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techieikonia..... then which type of codec do I look for to play that. These are bought video I used to play when in xp06:03
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ikoniatechie: it doesn't matter what XP can or can't do06:03
Dannydebugging? i really don't know what i'm doing...06:03
ikoniatechie: what codecs where they made with06:03
brophati can't find the live CD section of the website06:03
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erUSULITSa341: sudo modprobe cdc-acm ?? (for usb modems some cell hones conform to that standar) a /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyACM0 or something like that sould be created...06:04
ikoniadanny yes I asked you to see if you could see the network card in the "networking" gui06:04
hflappyok if vmware-player error'd out then how can i possibly "force" remove it ...i already did autoremove but its still going thru the vmware config06:04
techieikonia.... these were bought so I do not know.06:04
PhopsyHowdy! Trying to reformat a hard drive with two ext3 partitions and a swap partition, but no matter what I try, absolutely nothing works. Tried testdisk and gparted - is there anything I should be doing?06:04
ikoniatechie: what codecs do you have installed06:04
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gharzguys... my ubuntu has just been installed... how do i play .mpg / .mpeg formats? totem and vlc can't run them. i wanna watch SVCD and VCD.06:04
vox754Danny, so you installed recently Ubuntu 6.10, then since there were like 200 updates, you did, that may had included Kernel updates which break things. The simple solution is to reinstall. Don't upgrade everything, do so in small steps.06:04
DaveTarmacvox754: go for the reinstall?06:04
ikoniaPhopsy: what error are you getting06:04
gharzplease help06:04
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hjmillsbrophat, the desktop cd is both a live and install cd06:05
ikonia!restrictedformats >gharz06:05
brophatanyone know were the website talks about the live CD ?06:05
vox754DaveTarmac, if you can afford it, YES.06:05
techieikonia... I have not installed any codecs yet in ubuntu06:05
nikinman cpulimit06:05
hjmills!live > brophat06:05
scizzyanyone know how to automatically activate my wireless when ubuntu loads...?06:05
ikoniatechie: but I sent you the link about 10 times06:05
nikinsorry... wrong xterm06:05
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PhopsyIkonia: I'm not getting any errors, it's literally just not deleting the old partitions06:05
ikoniatechie: why have you not installed any06:05
brophatahh ok06:05
DaveTarmacvox754: well there ain't anything else on there. plus it might be quicker in the long run06:05
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hjmillsscizzy, use network manager06:05
ikoniaPhopsy: formatting a file system won't delete a partition06:05
ITSa341erUSUL   ty, do you have a link to more info I could print out before I reboot to Ubuntu? I'm in Xandros 4 pro right now.06:05
gharzikonia: i've followed this... i've already installed the codecs.06:05
ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager06:05
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techieikonia when you gave them to me I had to get off the system and did not log off the site.06:05
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ikoniatechie: so go and install them06:05
scizzylet me try06:05
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ikoniatechie: rather than ask the same question you asked this morning06:06
techieikonia I will downlaod from wherever they are.06:06
hjmills!codecs > techie06:06
ikoniawhen you knew you need codecs06:06
Saulhudson__Hi, I have just installed Ubuntu but I can't use any USB dispositive. If I put an USB dispositive it crashes and I have to restart my computer. What should I do?06:06
ITSa341erUSUL  I tried google but found tons of irrelevent info06:06
PhopsyIkonia: Mmm, I know that...I'm using an untechnical term. I'm using gparted to try and delete the partitions, since that's how I'd normally go about doing it06:06
scizzyonce in netmanager, then what06:06
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ikoniatechie: this sort of time wasting is what annoys me06:06
DaveTarmacvox754: i found the drivers for the mobo lan, but they wouldn't install due to a problem with ./install.sh in the driver06:06
ikoniaPhopsy: do you want to remove the partition or format the file system06:06
techieikonia.... Yes, I noticed it annoys you.06:06
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Dannycusco i don't think you were recieving my messages comehow06:06
cuscoSaulhudson__: what device is it?06:06
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ikoniatechie: so try paying attention and not wasting time06:06
techieikonia ... understood it will not happen again.06:06
ikoniatechie: thank you06:06
PhopsyIkonia: Remove the partition :) Then get me some new partitions, obv.06:06
metalheddi have edgy isntalled on my laptop, works great but my USB Mouse doesn't work when I plug it in. :(06:06
cuscono Danny I weren't maybe you have to register on freenode06:06
hjmillsscizzy, once installed it should autoconnect you to wireless networks that your pc recognises06:06
Saulhudson__cusco anyone, Webcam, MP3 ...06:07
ikoniaPhopsy:  you can only edit a disk partition table when its not in use06:07
Dannyi've never used irc before06:07
PhopsyIkonia: It's not in use; it's mounted through an external caddy.06:07
ikoniaPhopsy: so its mounted - therefore its in use06:07
hjmillsPhopsy, if you are working on the root fs then do it all from a live cd is easiest06:07
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PhopsyIkonia: Hey, that's clever...06:07
hjmillsPhopsy, unmount it through gparted - i think it should be in the right click menu iirc06:07
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:08
ikoniaPhopsy: what is06:08
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f1assistancehow would i go about changing my workgroup name?06:08
vox754Phopsy, "sudo umount /mount/point" and the gparted and it's easy.06:08
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DaveTarmacvox754: I'll let you know how the reinstall goes.06:08
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vox754DaveTarmac, yes please. Also, since I don't remember everything, give your hardware details.06:09
hengstI found a great article on how everybody can use Linux even if they have to use windows programs such as games: http://www.bizz2web.com/web/mambo/content/view/25/27/06:09
arcad3 how ca i fix my inittab?06:09
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vox754arcad3, what is that, how did you borke it?06:10
DaveTarmacVox754: AMD XP 3200+ / 1GB RAM / 128MB GeForce FX5200 / On-board gigabit LAN (hopefully) / 40GB HDD06:10
DaveTarmacanything else?06:10
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reanjrI'm having an issue with really quiet audio on a new Sony Vaio. I ran gnome-alsamixer and ensured PCM was set to max. Is there a way to get the Fn+Vol+ and Fn+Vol- keys to work?06:11
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corevettewhen install windows...is there a way to make it so i won't lose grub in the process?06:11
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vox754DaveTarmac, seems good enough, I don't know why you are having problems. I'll search Gigabit for info.06:11
Saulhudson__Hi, I have just installed Ubuntu but I can't use any USB dispositive. If I put an USB dispositive it crashes and I have to restart my computer. What should I do?06:12
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reanjrcorevette, you could use MS bootloader to boot linux...06:12
vox754corevette, Windows likes to eat the Master Boot Record, so apparently NO.06:12
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enmatixhey guys06:12
DaveTarmacVox754: Cheers. Might be best if you try to PM me - or do you still have that channel I could join? that way I don't have to root through a load of other peoples conversations06:12
arcad3ok..i use live cd now .how can i mount a ext3 partition with write acces06:13
vox754DaveTarmac, #vocx06:13
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ZeZuwhat package has the curses headers ?06:13
ZeZuncurses-dev ?06:13
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Phops1Ikonia/HJmills: Thanks for your help - it's sorted now06:15
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vox754ZeZu, "aptitude search ncurses"06:16
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hjmillsPhops1, sure06:17
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT06:18
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metalheddi have edgy isntalled on my laptop, works great but my USB Mouse doesn't work when I plug it in. :(06:18
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lufisI edited my swap partition manually and now Ubuntu isn't mounting it automatically since it has moved. How do I reset the swap position?06:20
lufisjust use mount?06:20
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naughty1hello all.  i am getting the following error on both of my ubuntu boxes: I am getting the following error on both of my ubuntu boxes when running apt-get update:06:20
naughty1W: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com edgy-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>06:20
naughty1W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems06:20
naughty1can anyone help me with this?06:20
lufisnaughty1: typically you can ignore that, it's just a precaution06:21
grayman__lufis, you changed the swap partition?06:21
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rubyatlufis: swapon /dev/xxx06:21
lufisgrayman__: well, for good reason ;) I underestimated my need... ended up with a too-small swap and a lot of thrashing. Made it bigger06:21
naughty1lufis,  i know it it is cometic but how can i fix it06:21
ubotuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info06:21
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graymanif so you might want to edit /etc/fstab if you want it to mount on boot06:22
lufisgrayman: But in doing so i had to move it... so it's at a different partition now06:22
graymanjust fix the partition number06:22
lufisok, thanks06:22
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lufisgrayman: hmm, seems like it's at the same partition (/dev/hda3), but it isnt being automatically mounted06:25
naughty1does anyone else get this error: when running apt-get update:W: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com edgy-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems06:25
hflappyanyone know the "complete" removal howto for vmware-player  its returning an error status and still askin me bout the config of it everytime i try and install sumtin06:25
lufisnaughty1: you can safely ignore it as long as you know what's in your source list06:25
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gbv22can anyone point me to a link for a live USB drive setup....?06:25
lufisnaughty1: gpg signing is just a security precaution, it doesn't mess anything up06:25
naughty1i know iknow06:25
gbv22i want to use my USB like i would use a live cd06:25
clearzennaughty1: It's telling you that you need to get gpg keys for some of your repos06:25
naughty1but i want the error to go away06:25
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lufisnaughty1: find out the gpg key for whatever repo you're using06:26
lufisand add it06:26
vox754gbv22, I'm sure this is covered on ubuntuforums.org06:26
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lufisgrayman: swapon: cannot stat /dev/hda3: No such file or directory06:26
gbv22vox754: i looked, but i couldnt find a solid solution, so i was wondering if someone in here knew/has tried it06:26
graymanlufis, well, it should mount it at boot time06:27
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graymanthen it's not hda306:27
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lufisgrayman: but it is. The partition is the same number, but it's moved06:27
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vox754gbv22, ah, okay. I have no experience but I have definitely read successful stories.06:27
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Uggggghey vox!06:27
UgggggI got my partition mounted06:27
ingrixlufis: in a terminal, cat /etc/fstab, and look at the partition that is the swap partition06:28
Ugggggformatted to fat32 and used a script06:28
lufisgrayman: It was situated at the front of the disk, behind home and root so obviously I couldn't make it bigger that way. Deleted the old one and resized / so that there would be space for /swap.06:28
vox754Uggggg, other nick please.06:28
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ingrixthen do a vol_id on that partition, and see if it matches up with the UUID in fstab06:28
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vox754Uggggg, oh man, you serious?06:28
lufisgrayman: # /dev/hda3 UUID=8e7e52e7-7155-4ea2-8b8f-bd8060312ade none            swap    sw06:28
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Ugggggyeah I formated it to fat32 with gparted and then used the ubuntu automount-windows partion script06:29
graymanif it's correct in fstab then it should be mounted at boot time06:29
klaxiandoes anyone know how to recover from an IP address conflict on my network?  i had two devices with the same IP (the IP of my gateway) and now some of my systems can't connect06:29
graymanlet me check few things06:29
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lufisgrayman: well, hmm... i'll reboot and see if it sees it06:29
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vox754Uggggg, hold tight and don't forget that, so next time someone asks you are able to answer.06:29
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ubotuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info06:30
klaxiani'm guessing that the routers were broadcasting their MAC address somehow...ARP?  now the computers seem to think that the missing device is the correct one or something06:30
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klaxiancan i clear the ARP cache on my computers?06:30
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hflappyomfg...is there a force option or anything to "FULLY" remove vmware-player from this system...everything i do in terminal or synaptics its still erroring out cuz of this vmware bs won't uninstall06:31
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vox754Uggggg, so I guess you are no longer ubuntu_no_worky but something better.06:31
glatzorklaxian: arp -d IP06:31
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klaxianglatzor: thanks06:31
glatzorklaxian: or just wait some time :)06:31
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klaxianglatzor: yes i know to wait ;)  but i want it NOW :-P06:31
Uggggghaha yes06:32
klaxianglatzor: that didn't seem to help...maybe its not a problem with arp06:32
r3factoredim trying to mount a windows drive. I have one drive on sata, a dvd on sata. The windows drive is not sata. whats the command to list ide/ata devices?06:32
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UgggggI still can't get my printer or scanner to work06:32
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klaxianglatzor: i can ping computers on the network, but i can't ping the router (
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Ugggggwithout brainsurgery and copying over firmware out of a windows driver06:32
hflappyomfg...is there a force option or anything to "FULLY" remove vmware-player from this system...everything i do in terminal or synaptics its still erroring out cuz of this vmware bs won't uninstall...apt-get autoremove  and apt-get remove   doesn't seem to want to completely remove it and it's still erroring out06:33
glatzorklaxian: show me your "route -n" and your ifconfig06:33
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ingrixap-get purge?06:33
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lufishflappy: sudo aptitude remove vmware-player ?06:33
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hflappydid that06:33
vox754Uggggg, yo need specific drivers for printers and scanners. Be sure to check the hardware lists on ubunto docs and wikis.06:33
lufisgrayman: yeah06:33
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hflappydpkg: error while cleaning up:06:33
hflappy subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 106:33
hflappysum subprocess06:34
graymansudo fdisk -l /dev/hda <--- do this and see which number it is06:34
klaxianglatzor: whoa why is my gateway hmm06:34
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graymanalso did you try swapon with sudo?06:34
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graymanbecause you need root premission06:34
lufisgrayman: nope, one sec06:34
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glatzorr3factored: "grep hd /proc/partitions" returns all ide hard disks06:34
lufisgrayman: sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda returns nothing06:34
r3factoredglatzor: thanks - noting that06:34
Uggggglexmarkx73 scanner  canoni860 printer06:34
graymando you have it on hda?06:34
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lufisgrayman: yeah, only one disk06:35
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klaxianglatzor: i pasted the into in a private chat06:35
lufisgrayman: the thing is it's the same partition number but it's moved06:35
metalheddfrom the commandline I can cat /dev/input/mice and it shows activity from my touchpad and my USB mouse. but if I specify /dev/input/mice as the input device in xorg.conf the USB Mouse doesn't work.06:35
graymancould be that your cdrom is hda06:35
graymanor something weird like this06:35
lufisgrayman: nope, checked already06:35
glatzorr3factored: you should take a look at help.ubuntu.com there are a lot of helpful tutorials06:35
graymanand swapon with sudo still not working?06:35
TheVaultWhat font do you guys use when you use Firefox? Like Google links are to small while others are hard to read06:35
lufisgrayman: yeah, sudo swapon gives me the same error06:35
klaxianglatzor: i know what happened06:35
lufispon: cannot stat /dev/hda3: No such file or directory06:36
hflappysooooo....friggin autoremove  runs and its still wantin to setup vmware-player.....wtf is goin on here06:36
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klaxianglatzor: i figured it out :-P06:36
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graymando you have scasi disk by a chance?06:36
lufisgrayman: don't think so06:36
glatzorklaxian: you cannot send me private message. you have to identify yourself before on this server06:36
hflappyi can't install nada or uninstall anything till i fix this prob06:36
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klaxianglatzor: when i was working on this last night, i set my main router's IP to by accident when i meant to set the new one to
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TheVaultWhat font & font size do you guys use for Firefox?06:36
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reanjrAnyone offer insight into getting the Fn+Volume keys working on a Sony Vaio?06:37
lufisgrayman: It went from being at the front of the disk to the middle... could ubuntu be looking in the wrong place or something?06:37
klaxianglatzor: no problem, i'm all set now...sorry for bothering you06:37
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glatzorklaxian: your are welcome06:37
Brady_MHey, where did the streamcast teams wiki site go?!06:37
lufisgrayman: like, some sort of physical setting? i don't know06:37
rubyatlufis:  sudo cfdisk /dev/hda06:37
klaxianglatzor: thanks for the help06:37
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graymanwell, it can see my /dev/hda06:37
SmileyLapHey guys, i want to "re-enable hibernation" in my laptop. It worked before i upgraded to 6.10 and now it looks like its about to hibernate, but never quite manages it.06:37
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lufisgrayman: I'm going to open gparted on a livecd and re-make it, see if that helps. bbl06:38
riaalwhat torrent clents do you use?06:38
psykehas someone managed to play cstrike (non-source) using wine?06:38
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lufisriaal: deluge, ktorrent :) i recommend ktorrent06:38
LapSmileyHey guys, i want to "re-enable hibernation" in my laptop. It worked before i upgraded to 6.10 and now it looks like its about to hibernate, but never quite manages it.06:38
TheVaultAnyone? What font & font size do you guys use in Firefox?06:38
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riaallufis, uTorrents not avalable?06:38
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lufisriaal: Under wine, but who wants emulation06:39
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riaallufis, noone=) cheers06:39
K3ntohey i am having an issue with running games while in beryl. They seem to come up fine, but all there is is a black (full) screen.06:39
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lufisriaal: the new versions of ktorrent are a lot like utorrent06:39
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hflappyomfg...is there a force option or anything to "FULLY" remove vmware-player from this system...everything i do in terminal or synaptics its still erroring out cuz of this vmware bs won't uninstall...apt-get autoremove  and apt-get remove   doesn't seem to want to completely remove it and it's still erroring out ...i need fix plz...cuz i can't uninstall or install nada till fixe06:39
clearzen! sed06:39
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands06:39
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NinfomaneHi all06:39
directhexhflappy, dpkg --purge06:39
hflappyk i'll try06:40
Xenguylufis: interesting... does ktorrent have integrated blocklists yet at all?06:40
riaallufis, I will try it out, thanks06:40
lufisXenguy: via a plugin, i think. I use moblock anyway though06:40
NinfomaneI'va a problem with the command tar : Cannot open: Invalid argument, someone can help me ?06:40
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Xenguylufis: re: moblock: Is it true that it will co-exist with an existing firewall script?06:41
hflappynope didn't work06:41
peterretief how does one echo "a line" >> file at a certain line ie line 206:41
hflappyinvoke-rc.d: initscript vmware-player, action "start" failed.06:41
hflappydpkg: error while cleaning up:06:41
hflappy subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 106:41
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Jowihflappy, maybe you should remove the vmware-player-kernel-modules as well.06:41
lufisXenguy: I dunno, i haven't had any issues with it, but then again i haven't expected any06:41
reanjrIs there a way to make it so that files created in directory are owned by the owner of the directory?06:41
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ddawhat ISO image to choose for installing 6.10 on Intel Core Duo processor?06:41
busfahrerExcuse me, I have 'Driver "ati"' in my xorg.conf, yet glxinfo still says Direct Rendering: No. And I think I remember that I *had* direct rendering... any ideas?06:41
Xenguylufis: OK, but do you have a firewall in addition to moblock?06:41
lufisreanjr: sudo chown owner directory06:41
hflappyi can double check but i checked everyting to remove...did the autoremove which showed me the pkgs that its gonna remove for vmware-player06:41
directhexdda, core duo -> i38606:41
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lufisXenguy: firestarter, yes06:42
thestrikerhow to run c files?06:42
r3factoredglatzor: when i do the mount it says bad superblock. i look at syslog and it says parition is empty??? I have it connected as a primary06:42
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ddadirecthex: thanks, I was also thinking the same. but I doubt: will it use 64-bit properly?06:43
lufisreanjr: and you may need to make it recursive ... sudo chown -R owner directory06:43
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Jowidda, core duo is 32 bit. core 2 duo is 6406:43
Ugggggvox do you think feisty will fix this?06:43
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directhexdda, core duo is a 32-bit processor06:43
Xenguylufis: do you know offhand if iptables needs to be run as a service on boot for moblock to work?06:43
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SmileyLapHey guys, i want to "re-enable hibernation" in my laptop. It worked before i upgraded to 6.10 and now it looks like its about to hibernate, but never quite manages it. - IT just comes back and asks my password.06:43
lufisXenguy: have no idea06:43
reanjrlufis: what I mean is I have a directory with owner dirguy:dirguys and a user userguy who belongs to dirguys group.  When userguy creates a file in dirguys I want the owner of that file to be dirguy:dirguys06:44
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arronhey guys sorry for a newbie question but i'm having problems with my ACPI on my laptop, does anyone have any ideas06:44
ingrixSmileyLap: Do you have acpitool installed?06:44
peterretief how does one echo "a line" >> file at a certain line ie line 206:44
Xenguylufis: last question :-) So you recommend moblock overall?  It is working well for you?06:44
ddadirecthex: sorry, you are right, I meant core 2 duo06:44
vox754Uggggg, fix what? the partitions DO mount correctly. Everybody has issues.06:44
gharzguys... i've just downloaded all the necessary codecs and i still can't play .mpeg/.mpg/svcd/vcd... please help.06:44
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lufisXenguy: yeah, i've had no problems with it. it works06:44
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hflappynope don't friggin work06:44
directhexdda, then you want an amd64 image06:44
Pelodo we know of a list of progs that are installed out of the box with ubuntu ?06:44
ddaJowi: thanks for correction! :)06:44
lufisgharz: w32 codecs as well?06:44
directhexPelo, dpkg -l | grep ^ii06:44
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hflappysum sub-process script or sumtin won't friggin let me completely remove vmware-player06:44
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Uggggghttp://www.kaarsemaker.net/files/diskmounter  if you need it06:45
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Ugggggits the script06:45
Xenguylufis: thanks a lot -- I will probably try setting it up later this week or next weekend when I have a chance -- cheers!06:45
Jowidda, no probs .06:45
gharzlufis, is the filename w32? i'll use apt-get on it.06:45
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lufisgharz: no, you have to download it manually. one sec06:45
ingrixSmileyLap: Try reinstalling apci and acpid06:45
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ingrixSmileyLap: It worked on my laptop06:45
hflappyso no ideas still?06:45
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:46
SmileyLapok thanks ingrix:)06:46
lufisgharz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/WindowsCodecs06:46
Ferretpeterretief: sed -i -e '2 s/^/some line here\n/' file06:46
hflappyi'll post "again"06:46
hflappyomfg...is there a force option or anything to "FULLY" remove vmware-player from this system...everything i do in terminal or synaptics its still erroring out cuz of this vmware bs won't uninstall...apt-get autoremove  and apt-get remove   doesn't seem to want to completely remove it and it's still erroring out ...i need fix plz...cuz i can't uninstall or install nada till fixed06:46
Pelodirecthex,  no I mean out of the box, not what I currently have installed06:46
vox754!who > Uggggg06:46
ingrixSmileyLap: And if acpitool is installed, uninstall that06:46
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Taime1i installed konqueror, but it seems to not have any plugins...is there a way to tell it to point to my firefox plugins directory?06:47
Ugggggoh sorry I thought you might like the script (vox)06:47
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directhexPelo, depends on the release version and selected preseed. check the preseed files on the install cd, and the dependencies of the packages listed06:47
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gharzlufis, ok. i'll check that.06:47
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jef`hey, I'm trying to use murrine engine, I installed the .deb, and tryed to use some themes, but they only "half work"06:47
jef`anyone know where I may be going worng06:47
Pelodirecthex,  thanks06:47
ddadirecthex: interesting.. perhaps it should be mentioned on the download page (that AMD ISO is also for Intel core 2 duo)?06:47
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techieTotem player and the various !codecs I downloaded have not worked I even installed gxine and vl players.06:48
directhexdda, does the use if i386 on amd athlon need explicit statement?06:48
techieany thoughts anyone06:48
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eskerdahey a linux question, anyway to know the current upload download speed by /proc ? nice to use in a shit im doing http://eskerda.no-ip.org06:48
lufis!language | eskerda06:48
ubotueskerda: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:48
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SAM_themanI having a problem with ubuntu its doesn't seem to pick up my cpu06:48
vox754Uggggg, yep, I checked the page. Seems okay. That nalioth guy, he roams here, I want to ask him.06:48
punzui'm italian and i want to learn english...( this phrase is right, for example??)06:48
vox754!who > Uggggg06:48
SAM_themanIts just says unknown...06:48
eskerdawell, i meant a project...06:48
lufistechie: What media are you trying to play?06:49
SAM_themanIts A AMD 4400+ X206:49
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vox754nalioth, hey you there?06:49
Xenguypunzu: yes06:49
lufistechie: have you installed libdvdcss?06:49
techie<lufis>so i installed the vcl program player and nothing06:49
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lufistechie: i'm not sure if vcds even use encryption but you can try06:49
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techie<lufis>meaning ......06:50
techie<lufis>how do i try encryption06:50
lufistechie: well dvds are encrypted, so you need libdvdcss to read them.06:50
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techie<lufis>how do I check to see if i installed libvdcss   on synaptic?06:50
lufistechie: just search for it06:50
Taime1does anyone inhere use konqueror in gnome?06:50
directhexyou haven't, since it's technically illegal06:50
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pradeepTaime1, occasionally06:51
clearzen techie: If you haven't gone through steps to install it it isn't installed06:51
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eskerdaso.. there's no way to easy know what's the current download upload rate of an ethernet interface?06:51
eskerda something more candy to just get the downlaoded size of data and make the calc?06:51
Taime1predeep, did you find that, when you installed it, it had no plugins?06:51
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clearzen techie: Have you installed any codecs on your system?06:52
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hflappyomfg...is there a force option or anything to "FULLY" remove vmware-player from this system...everything i do in terminal or synaptics its still erroring out cuz of this vmware bs won't uninstall...apt-get autoremove  and apt-get remove   doesn't seem to want to completely remove it and it's still erroring out ...i need fix plz...cuz i can't uninstall or install nada till fixed06:52
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pradeepTaime1, yes, no plugins as far i can remember06:52
clearzenhflappy: dpkg -a --configure06:52
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hflappyi'll try06:52
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Taime1pradeep, is there a way to tell it to point to plugins? or does it need to be run in kde for that ?06:53
vox754hflappy, you have asked that hundreds of times, you may "rm -rf" every file right now.06:53
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punzuhow are you?06:53
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hflappyand? its some sub install process i don't know boutz wit vmware-player06:53
pradeepTaime1, sorry no clue about that06:53
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ddadirecthex: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#head-ff0a19a9ff23537e36b3cf9d40b2d8747bd45cd4 (it says about AMD64 processors and amd64 ISO, but I don't see any mention of core 2 duo anywhere)06:54
Taime1ah shucks06:54
techie<clearzen> i do not know whether i installed your codecs or no , since this is driving me crazy. I have installed a few... how do i find whether I installed yours or not?06:54
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Tenkawadoes 6.10 support wpa2 out of the box?06:54
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vox754hflappy, well that is the risk you took by installing it on the first place, remember all disclaimers, NO WARRANTIES.06:54
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clearzentechie:http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ follow that and it will work for you06:54
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techieNow my cdrom will not open06:54
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NickGarveyis it possible to move an ext3 partition?06:55
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ingrixTenkawa: You usually need to run wpa_supplicant, but Ubuntu comes with that, so I guess06:55
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hflappyyes i know...and there is no workaround for this?  to actually completely remove it in ubuntu?06:55
ddadirecthex: anyway, thanks for you answer.. I just wanted to make sure I download a correct ISO (it's not an easy thing here in Russia to download 700Mb) :)06:55
vox754dda, Core 2 Duo are normal i386 and x86_6406:55
Tenkawaingrix: ok.. thats what I thought06:55
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dr_nicki'm having trouble with my bluetooth keyboard since using feisty. it won't reconnect, i ALWAYS have to do "sudo hidd --connect ..." after switching my bt keyboard on.06:56
directhexdda, intel core 2 duo is an amd64 processor. amd athlon is an intel 386 processor. the convention with linux is to give naming credits where they are due06:56
dr_nickotherwise it's working fine, but it's quite frustrating to log in via ssh just to make my keyboard usable06:56
reanjrx86-64 is a more proper designation06:56
techie<clearzen> i went to your page but rather than codecs it looks more like some sort of documentation.06:57
cuscodirecthex: what do you mean? one of those processors has nothing to do with the other one!06:57
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clearzentechie: there is a link at the bottom06:57
techie<clearzen>also some code to download and install06:57
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directhexreanjr, when you can propose a company-agnostic name for i386, then that'll stand06:57
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vox754directhex, but you agree that it is best to download i386 even for 64 bit architecture, that until Java flash and all those plugins work correctly under 64 bit06:57
clearzentechie: direct link http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/get.html06:57
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reanjrdirecthex, heh06:58
directhexvox754, for typical desktop use06:58
clearzentechie: run the wget command06:58
NickGarveyvox754, yeah, I use 32 even though I have 6406:58
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vox754NickGarvey, same here. I just don't want to mislead new guys into using 64 bit.06:59
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IndyGunFreakNickGarvey: same here... seems like most with 64bit distros, spend a considerable amount of time getting 32bit apps to work with it.. so why bother06:59
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cuscothe best is to use the 64 bits06:59
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clearzentechie: then sudo -s    aptitude update && aptitude install easyubuntu06:59
cuscoand have a installed chrooted 32 bits06:59
obelixWhat's the best TV player for ubuntu? :)06:59
reanjrcusco: the 64 bit instruction set in AMD64 was taken by Intel and rebranded as EM64T.  A 64 bit Intel processor is then basically the AMD64 architecture.  Likewise, the older 32-bit AMDs used Intel's x86 architecture.06:59
cuscoso whenever you need to run something on 32, you do so06:59
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IndyGunFreakobelix: i like TVTime.06:59
obelixTVTime doesn't work for some reason.06:59
cuscoreanjr: yes buit not de core 206:59
IndyGunFreakobelix: KDETV then07:00
clearzentechie: Then I believe the program shows up under system tools. if not just type easyubuntu in a terminal07:00
cuscothose don't use 6407:00
obelixbut i don't wan07:00
reanjrcusco: Core 2 runs EM64T07:00
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cuscoare you sure??07:00
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minimecobelix: I agree with IndyGunFreak. Tvtime is quiet good.07:00
directhexcusco, yes07:00
reanjrpretty sure: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Core_207:00
ddathanks guys!07:00
ddathat become clear at last07:00
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dda(to some extent)07:01
IndyGunFreakminimec: guess he didn't want to stick around for our opinion..lol07:01
techie<clearzen>I see the tables with the various free codecs etc.. but do not say how to dowload.07:01
minimecguess so ... ;)07:01
ddaand I see that Ubuntu IRC community is just awesome!07:01
techie<clearzen>totemxine seems to be what I need, perhaps07:01
techie<clearzen>so I will search in ubuntu07:02
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cuscooki.. did't know that07:02
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aalhamadwhat are the codec for real media files?07:04
vox754cusco, chroot environment is useful but may sound like portuguese to guys who know little about computers. It is safer to go with 32 bit.07:04
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threadWhy am I having like zero luck trying to get this 20" lcd run at its native 1680x1050? This is the nvidia driver, and I've got the sync ranges specified correctly and tried all sorts of combinations of the edid ignoring directives.07:04
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threadIt just tells me (in Xorg.0.log) that there are no modes for 1680x1050, and refuses to use that res07:04
SmileyLapHey guys, i want to "re-enable hibernation" in my laptop. It worked before i upgraded to 6.10 and now it looks like its about to hibernate, but never quite manages it. - IT just comes back and asks my password.07:04
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vox754thread, that is a big monitor. You want no problems at all? go for an integrated graphics with a CRT monitor, else go battle.07:05
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threadvox754: what a silly answer07:05
threadthx for tryin07:05
=== LordSkylark [n=raven@host86-98-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #Ubuntu
vox754thread, thank you.07:05
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also_from where i can get ndiswrapper07:06
threadvox754: this is the gf's screen. I run a 24"er tyvm :)07:06
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rbilthread, do these sync rates match what you have in xorg.conf? sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange07:06
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IndyGunFreak!wireless | also_07:06
ubotualso_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:06
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vox754also_, search the web. SourceForge.net07:06
also_ok thx07:07
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techie<clearzen> u still here... all the codecs are being downloaded and install as I write in here. I hope it works.07:07
IndyGunFreakalso_: go to the link posted by ubotu... it has ndiswrapper instructions i think07:07
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:07
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ubotuhibernate: smartly puts your computer to sleep (suspend to RAM or disk). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.91-2 (edgy), package size 72 kB, installed size 364 kB07:07
ubotuacpi: displays information on ACPI devices. In component main, is optional. Version 0.09-1 (edgy), package size 10 kB, installed size 72 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 amd64)07:07
clearzentechie: it will07:07
ghetekhow do i add my remote ssh password to a sshfs mount? i want my sshfs mount to run at startup (i want to add it to my autostart applications in kde) so i need it to be all in one line07:07
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reanjrghetek: you should use public key encryption instead of password07:08
clearzentechie: If you have a problem just let me know and I'll help you to get it working07:08
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threadrbil: er... we have another problem now. they are the sync ranges for this lcd, taken from the specs.07:08
=== CharlieSu [n=charlie@pool-71-114-241-26.austtx.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompauldda, so eh please turn off that noisey away message thanks07:09
threadrbil: I'll try that as soon as I get back to a point where I can...07:09
reanjrghetek: run ssh-keygen on the machine you are connecting from and copy the contents of the id_rsa.pub file that it generates in ~/.ssh to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 on the server07:09
quad3dall the *java5* on packages.ubuntu.com needs to be updated to *java6*07:09
MadP3nGu1n4hey guy's.i have a question07:09
Taime1man, konqueror installed okay in gnome, but it doesnt have any plugins....can i just drop my ff plugins folder in the konqueror directory?07:09
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MadP3nGu1n4why cant i watch a dvd with movie player07:09
reanjrghetek: you should then be able to ssh without a password07:09
shadwanMadP3nGu1n4: dunno but i reccomend vlc07:10
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages07:10
SmileyLapHey guys, i want to "re-enable hibernation" in my laptop. It worked before i upgraded to 6.10 and now it looks like its about to hibernate, but never quite manages it. - IT just comes back and asks my password.07:10
IndyGunFreakMadP3nGu1n4: did you install the codecs?07:10
ompaul!restrictedformats > MadP3nGu1n407:10
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ompaulMadP3nGu1n4, please read the message from the bot thanks07:10
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MadP3nGu1n4i get this error.Error opening/initializing the selected video_out(-vo)device07:10
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ghetekreanjr: ok so i need to run ssh-keygen on the remote or the local machine?07:11
ddaompaul: oops, I did not know that it was a bad idea. I actually set the mode manually when stepped out..07:11
vox754SmileyLap, It stopped working for me. On laptops, I've read you need to set som "resume=/dev/sda2" line on the kernel, where the device is the swap partition. Look at the forums.07:11
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reanjrghetek:on local as the user that will be connecting to the server07:11
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Spaceghostalguien que me ayude07:11
shadwani've been going through the painful process of installing ATI drivers all day. i still have "direct rendering: no" despite following several guides. can anyone help?07:11
ompauldda, well there are 1078 users here so if we all did it :)07:11
SmileyLapvox754: ok ill try :/07:11
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obelixKDETV "Unable to grab video.  Video display is not possible with current plugin configuration. Try playing with the configuration options of the V4L2 plugin."  How do I fix this, the screen is just black when I have KDETV open.07:12
MadP3nGu1n4tryed vlc and got the same error07:12
IndyGunFreak!dvd | MadP3nGu1n407:12
ubotuMadP3nGu1n4: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages07:12
vox754Spaceghost, that is a nice nickname.07:12
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ompaul!es | Spaceghost07:12
ubotuSpaceghost: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:12
threadrbil: it doesn't look like it outputs sync ranges at all... it echos out mode:'s up to "mode: 1280x1024x16m" which is the highest res I seem to be able to attain. Then it says: "edid:" and finally "edidfail"07:13
obelixKDETV "Unable to grab video.  Video display is not possible with current plugin configuration. Try playing with the configuration options of the V4L2 plugin."  How do I fix this, the screen is just black when I have KDETV open. Help please :(07:13
Spaceghostbueno bueno07:13
Spaceghostno se quemen07:13
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IndyGunFreakobelix: what type of card?07:13
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threadrbil: this is from the livecd because I seem to have rendered the system unbootable07:13
techieclearzem you still there?07:14
obelixFlyvideo 300007:14
HeavenquakeI have trouble with wireless in Ubuntu. The card seems to be found, as well as the driver seems to be installed pr. default. according to iwlist scan, the interface does support scanning, but found no scan results. According to System -> Network my card is activated. The accesspoint has no encryption. My card is a PRISM...07:14
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reanjrghetek:dependin on your network, you may need to make a slight modification to the proper local hostname. If ssh still prompts for password, change the last part of the authorized_keys2 on the server to user@<correct_hostname>07:14
Matic`MakovecIs there any alternative for Vent that "works as intended" on Linux and can of course connect to a Ventrilo server?07:14
facefacehi, anyone had problems with "network manager" recently?07:14
obelixIndyGunFreak: I had it working on opensuse fine, but now trying it for the first time on ubuntu.  Flyviudeo 3000.07:14
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facefacemine stopped working, and I can't get it going again despite a clean re-install07:14
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obelixIndyGunFreak: But now nothing, just black :/07:15
facefacehow do I 'list_installed'07:15
IndyGunFreakobelix: yeah, sometimes they are a bit hard under Linux, I got mine(a Hauppage PCTV Win Plus) working after about 2 weeks of googling, searching, etc07:15
techiemy mounted windows icon just showed up on my desktop. Before it was not there. Can I safely get it of it from the desktop to clear the area? IF so, how do i do it?07:15
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vox754obelix, is that a "saa7134" chipset?07:16
obelixIndyGunFreak: wow ok, that sucks. :/  OpenSuse had it working fine :(07:16
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obelixhow do I check that vox75407:16
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IndyGunFreakobelix: yeah, but ubuntu kicks opensuse's butt... rarely does anything work immediately07:16
Taime1okay, opera sucks07:16
Taime1uninstalling now07:17
facefaceah... networkmanager was so cool :(07:17
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vox754obelix, "sudo dmesg | grep saa"07:17
clearzentechie: right click and go to the unmount option07:17
IndyGunFreakobelix:    http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76637&highlight=Flyvideo+300007:17
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shadwani have "direct rendering: no" despite following all sorts of guides for installing ATI drivers. can anyone help?07:17
comoddor1anyone can help?07:17
threadrbil: any idea what that means?07:17
vox754obelix, "sudo lspci -v"07:17
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IndyGunFreak!anybody | comoddor107:17
pradeepTaime1, don't like firefox eh? ;)07:17
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ubotucomoddor1: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:17
sigixguys/gals, what is a good GUI for using bluetooth between my desktop and cell phone?07:17
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comoddor1new user -need help07:17
techieclearzen>will this later mess me up when I try to read my windows folder via Places?07:17
threadrbil: ddcprobe only tells me I can go up to 1280x1024... clearly a lie.07:17
obelix7134 yes07:17
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IndyGunFreakobelix:   its explained here      http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76637&highlight=Flyvideo+300007:18
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Taime1i LOVE firefox, but it wont open certain sites07:18
spiffanyone know of a howto on buildind xen 3.0.4 on edgy? I've tried with -fno-stack-protector and gcc4.0, no luck07:18
obelixk, checking it out L:)07:18
Taime1and konqeror will07:18
comoddor1need to find out  how to connect to a greek server07:18
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Taime1so i need konqueror....but it doesnt install with plugin support, so it seems07:18
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SqueeHey everyone07:19
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ardchoillehi Squee07:19
techieclearzen>I repeat if I unmount the icon (looking like a drive, will I still be able to read the windows folder via Places?07:19
rbilthread: you're doing this from a livecd boot?07:19
vox754obelix, more info http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_saa713407:19
comoddor1is there any list from which i can browse servers?07:19
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SqueeDoes anyone have a page of hotkeys for Ubuntu, I'm running a game through cedega but it won't let me alt-tab out of it07:19
LordLimecatdoes anyone see a message at boot up saying something about07:19
LordLimecat"PCI device could not allocate resources @......"07:19
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sigixlooking for a good GUI for handling bluetooth comm between ubuntu (edgy) and my cell phone, any suggestions?07:20
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IndyGunFreakLordLimecat: no07:20
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LordLimecatbecause it happens on this machine (AMD64) and another one (core2)07:20
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LordLimecatonly in 6.1007:20
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facefaceach... I am going to try a re-install of all "network manager" packages...07:20
LordLimecatits before the ubuntu load bar07:20
LordLimecatid like to track down what it means07:20
techie<clearzen> If I unmount, do I latter have to mount everytime I want to peruse my windows' folder?07:20
also_how i can open a .inf file with ndiswrapper? I select to open it whit ndiswrapper but nothing  happens07:20
clearzentechie:one sec07:21
sigixndiswrapper -i *.inf07:21
=== BMad [n=BlackMad@247.red-81-184-83.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu
SqueeDoes anyone have a page of hotkeys for Ubuntu, I'm running a game through cedega but it won't let me alt-tab out of it07:21
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threadrbil: at the moment, yeah...07:21
=== Charly [n=harry@81-179-202-206.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
also_sigix, what that means?07:21
facefaceis there a network manager channel?07:21
threadrbil: but it does line up since 1280x1024 is the highest res I can obtain07:21
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rbilthread: and you've looked within xorg.conf in terms of resolutions there and the driver it's using?07:22
sigixalso_: means get to a command prompt, cd into dir with inf and type ndiswrapper -i my.inf07:22
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LordLimecatSquee: try system--> prefs--> keyboard shortcuts07:22
also_sigix, aaah ok07:22
threadrbil: yeah.. I've tried a lot of things  before rendering the system unbootable :)07:22
free2infiltrateso,oeone here07:22
sigixalso_: np07:22
lufisI'm having trouble with Ubuntu recognizing a swap partition. Tried swapon /dev/hda3, got /dev/hda3: No such file or directory07:22
threadrbil: set the resolution to 1680x1050 and was using the nvidia driver07:22
threadhw acceleration worked...07:23
sigixspeaking of which, what is the difference between twinview and xinerama?07:23
facefacewill someone please acknowladge that I exist07:23
sigixfaceface: you exists07:23
techieclearzen> ?07:23
IndyGunFreaksigix: for me, the diffference was, xinerama wouldn't work, and twinview did..lol07:23
facefacethanks sigix - somethimes I need it07:23
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clearzentechie: Almost done.....I'm at work07:23
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rbilthread: so you're using the Nvidia proprietary drivers or the oss drivers (nv)?07:23
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also_sigix, but where is that command prompt?07:23
techie<clearzen>totally understood.07:24
threadrbil: nvidia, although I tried nv for a moment for similar results07:24
FrostyCan I install ubuntu in a partition that already has files in without overwriting those files?07:24
facefaceI bin hoping that an upgrade some time soon will fix network manager... I can't work out how to configure wpa otherwise...07:24
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sigixalso_: Applications->Accessories->Terminal07:24
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facefaceFrosty, risky07:24
HymnToLifeFrosty, yes, but you don't want to07:24
rbilthread: what nvidia card are u using?07:24
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Stormx2Is there a key you can hit during usplash to see the text?07:24
threadrbil: geforce fx 5560007:24
also_sigix, thx07:24
facefaceFrosty, OS don't play well with other files, its just cleaner to have one install per partition07:24
SqueeLordLimeCat, thanks07:25
FrostyWell..its not another OS, just files07:25
LordLimecati love being in here XD07:25
=== Marchange_ [n=marchang@gra86-1-82-239-89-165.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
lufisStormx2: you can boot without splash and see all that's going on07:25
IndyGunFreakLordLimecat:  #ubuntu rocks.07:25
facefaceFrosty, belonging to another os right?07:25
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FrostyWell they're just music files07:25
LordLimecatwhy isnt there a one-click link to this channel on the desktop @ install?07:25
clearzentechie: You will not have to remount it manually. Ubuntu should mount it automaticly. If it doesn't you can edit the /etc/fstab file to make it mount everytime you boot.07:25
sigixguys, if I can get my dual monitor config working but primary display is on wrong monitor (TwinView by the way), how can I reverse that/07:25
vox754obelix, I could use TvTime, MythTV nor any other program to watch TV, so I suggest "xawtv", it is ugly but works.07:25
=== BlackMad [n=BlackMad@247.red-81-184-83.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu
IndyGunFreakLordLimecat: there really should be, i found out about this place by accident, and i've ained a ton of info here.07:26
Stormx2lufis: First, how? Second, I'm pretty sure you can hit a key during uSplash...07:26
LordLimecatsigix....couldnt you swap the monitoprs?07:26
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sigixit's laptop... so no..07:26
myfelGuys. I just to tell you all that I love you. I've tried other Linux distros before and they were cool, but they couldn't hold my attention. I have made the switch from Windows to Edgy on my main PC and haven't looked back. Thank you.07:26
LordLimecatIndyGunFreak: I know, the ppl who REALLY need help cant get in :(07:26
obelixvox754, how do I scan with it?07:26
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LordLimecatand linux is scary first time07:26
IndyGunFreakLordLimecat: yup07:26
LordLimecateven ubuntu07:26
LordLimecatblack screens with no mouse scare many ppl07:26
lufisStormx2: i dunno what key, but i would just rather not have splash myself. run gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.list and remove "quiet" and "splash" from your main entry07:26
rlevitinI just switched to dapper, and when i try to run easyubuntu, it gives me an error to fix broken packages before it can work, I have no idea which packages it is referring to. Any suggestions?07:27
=== BlackMad [n=BlackMad@247.red-81-184-83.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2obelix: MythTV is the big celebrated PVR for ubuntu07:27
obelixyeah I know about that...07:27
rbilthread: I'm not sure I understand what u mean when you say your system is unbootable. Had u already installed Ubuntu and are now trying to fix it with the livecd?07:27
IndyGunFreakLordLimecat: i wasn'tr eally scared of Linux, but if you're a linux user, and you've never hosed a windows install on accident, you're probably doin something wrong..lol07:27
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IndyGunFreakobelix: did you get it working?07:27
techie<clearzen>it dissappeared from my desktop now when I go to places and try to read my windows folders is not there.....the files.....07:27
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`nicolaI need some help to mount two *ext3* partition. in the fstab which value for dump and pass should I use ? I want them to be full writable from anyone07:27
LordLimecatlol@ indy07:27
obelixIt's working in mplayer, just not KDETV which I don't get07:27
LordLimecatrlevitin: Not entirely sure if i can help07:27
LordLimecatbut ill try07:27
vox754obelix, read "man xawtv" and "man scantv" not that hard. I'm off.07:27
obelixmplayer probably uses it's own codecs07:27
Frostyfaceface, are music files classes as being 'owned' by another OS?07:27
lufis!swap > lufis07:27
obelixthanks vox75407:27
LordLimecatcan you go into terminal and run sudo apt-get update07:27
techie<clearzen>this is exactly what I was afraid of.07:28
facefacedoes this look safe? The following packages will be REMOVED  dhcdbd libnm-util0 network-manager network-manager-dbg network-manager-dev network-manager-gnome network-manager-gnome-dbg 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 7 to remove and 0 not upgraded.07:28
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techie<clearzen>how do i edit.07:28
IndyGunFreakobelix: i'd recommend TVTime..07:28
clearzentechie: You can remount it07:28
dgxTrivial newbie question :) Best Ubuntu IRC client, bar XChat?07:28
techiewithout showing on the desktop07:28
facefaceFrosty, that isn't the point really... sorry for getting you sidetracked07:28
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rlevitinLordLimeCat, was that to me?07:28
obelixIndyGunFreak: Didn't work on my pc.07:28
Frostyok =] 07:28
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cscheesI shared a folder in Ubuntu, I see the folder on my Windows 2000 PC, but it prompts me for a password, What should I put in for it?07:28
techie<clearzen>how to do itl07:28
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obelixIndyGunFreak: Just doesn't start07:28
LordLimecatdgx, dunno, but dont use kopete for irc07:28
LordLimecatits slow07:28
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lufisdgx: gaim works07:28
rlevitindgx: I'm using the irc in gaim07:28
IndyGunFreakobelix: hmm that doesnt make sense07:28
facefaceFrosty, if you don't mind the idea of losing those files go ahead :)07:28
crdlbdgx, gaim?07:28
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Frosty:/ so it will delete the files?07:28
myfelDoes the feisty fawn release have the updated HAL package so it recognizes second generation iPod nanos correctly? Just wondering.07:28
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dgxFairly representative results then, eh? hehe - thanks.07:29
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facefaceFrosty, depends on how you configure the install.. me no expert07:29
sigixif lspci returns " 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Unknown device" then my driver isn't really working right?07:29
soundray`nicola: use 0 for dump and 2 for pass07:29
Frostythanks ;)07:29
techie<clearzen>listening to instructions07:29
IndyGunFreakobelix: well, if you can't get TVTime, my next choice would be KDE... XawTV.. as noted by someone above, works, but its ugly07:29
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facefacegonna restart now...07:29
soundray`nicola: 'man fstab' to find out why07:29
obelixIndyGunFreak: K, I'm gonna try tvtime again now07:29
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clearzentechie: open a terminal and type mount and paste the output in pastebin and I 'll tell you how to remount it07:29
rlevitinIs there a diagnostic program that checks for corrupt packages in dapper??07:29
facefacethanks for letting me know I exist...07:29
threadrbil: I made the boot partition too small (for some reason we ended up needing a boot partition to solve a grub error, despite this machine not being too old (P4))07:29
IndyGunFreakobelix: ok...07:29
LordLimecatdoes anyone have a link to a blog or somethin by fiesty devs?  tryin to find out whats new, havin no luck07:29
rlevitinor something like that?07:29
sacateranyone here who is a very good perl programmer and has a launchpad account please go to #sacater for a min or 207:29
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soundrayobelix: is it analog or DVB?07:29
vox754obelix, final info today http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=315379&highlight=ENLTV07:29
obelixIndyGunFreak: don't know how to scan with mplayer07:29
LordLimecatrlevitin:  can you go into the terminal and enter07:29
LordLimecatsudo apt-get update07:29
threadrbil: and ended up making it unbootable for an entirely separate reason/issue07:30
LordLimecatand tell me what errors are generated07:30
`nicolasoundray, in fdisk it says /dev/hdb1               1        4998    40146403+  83  Linux  what does Linux partition type is ?07:30
`nicolais it xt3 ?07:30
obelixsoundray: I'm gonna go with analog07:30
IndyGunFreakobelix: honestly, i never knew MPlayer could play TV..07:30
IndyGunFreakso i have no idea.07:30
keir_I'm having probs getting Beryl running if anyone could help?07:30
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obelixmplayer tv://07:30
dgxShall try Gaim, brb07:30
soundrayobelix: zapping is another possibility07:30
vox754IndyGunFreak, It was me; "xawtv" is the only one that works, not vlc, mplayer, nada, nothing. But I'll ask you next week.07:30
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:30
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rlevitinLordLimecat: no errors were generated07:30
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ubotukino: Non-linear editor for Digital Video data. In component main, is extra. Version 0.90-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1093 kB, installed size 3860 kB07:31
khafraWhen you can't start a movie or mp3 with sound because there's no sound device available, how do you see why?07:31
rlevitinLordLimecat: but the easyubuntu program does give me errors07:31
`nicolasoundray, it says wrong fs type. here's my fstab line /dev/hda1 /media/disco_b ext3 default 0 207:31
khafraI don't know how to find out what's taking up all the sound devices07:31
soundray`nicola: the partition type doesn't matter for mounting. The filesystem type does.07:31
LordLimecatrlevitin: dont think i can help then :(07:31
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LordLimecatyou could try sudo apt-get upgrade07:31
LordLimecatsee what happens there07:31
soundray`nicola: have you formatted /dev/hda1 with mkfs.ext3?07:31
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rbilthread: so why are u concerned about getting that resolution working within the LiveCD environment, when you can't even boot your Linux installation? I guess I'm not understanding what you're attempting to do here.07:31
andeldo i have to install MS SFU if i want to use libnss-ldap ?!07:32
`nicolasoundray, I formatted with gparted using ext3, I can do it again07:32
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threadrbil: I've installed ubuntu a couple of times recently. that is not the problem. the problem is that no matter what I do, I can't get this screen to go at a res over 1280x1024.07:32
myfelLordLimeCat: Was this what you were looking for? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+specs07:32
Half-LeftAnyone know why Feisty takes so long to boot, it says "Starting up" for about 10 seconds!07:32
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LordLimecatthread: have you edited the xorg.conf?07:32
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+107:32
threadLordLimecat: time, and time again07:32
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LordLimecat(i THINK thats the file07:32
clearzentechie: you still there?07:32
threadLordLimecat: yes... I have a fairly good idea of what I'm doing07:33
LordLimecatwhat graphics card and drivers07:33
techieyes and it will not paste on the pastebin07:33
`nicolasoundray, in gparted fylesystem is ext307:33
threadLordLimecat: geforce fx 5500, with the nvidia nvidia driver07:33
UgggggLimecat is not pleased!07:33
ompaulfiesty is in #ubuntu+107:33
LordLimecatand monitor supports it07:33
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techieclearzen can we open a private window and I will paste it there>07:33
soundray`nicola: did you hit Apply in gparted?07:33
threadSamsung SyncMaster 205BW07:33
khaframplayer says all my sound devices are busy, but I don't know how to find out what's taking up all the sound devices07:33
`nicolasure I did, now I mounted partitions with gparted and they works07:33
ammzi am new at irc :P :D07:34
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lufishi ammz07:34
LordLimecatsounds like an LCD, thread07:34
threadLordLimecat: indeed07:34
techieclearzen why did I unmount!!!07:34
IndyGunFreak!welcome | ammz07:34
ubotuammz: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.07:34
Ugggggis something supposed to happen when you plug in a usb printer?07:34
ammzThank you :D07:34
soundray`nicola: okay, so you're sorted?07:34
Ugggggor do you have to reboot to detect it?07:34
clearzentechie: okay just tell me what ls /proc/ide shows you07:34
LordLimecatlemme check on it real quick07:34
`nicolaprobably, let me restart the session07:34
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clearzentechie: cool just send me a message07:34
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soundrayUggggg: check with 'lsusb' if there is an output line that corresponds to your printer07:34
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!07:35
TheVaultWhats the command to remove something if its not letting you delete it?07:35
ammzi have seen some movies where they have like a 3d desktop?? Can i get that?07:35
Uggggglsusb? do i run that from terminal?07:35
techieclearzen there is no such line in there07:35
TheVaultgot a folder in my home directory not wanting to delete07:35
soundrayUggggg: yes07:35
LordLimecatthevault: you can try sudo07:35
techieat my terminal07:35
ammzI believe it's named XGL or something like that :P07:35
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lsusb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:35
ompaulammz, go to #ubuntu-effects07:35
LordLimecatbut there may be a reason its not letting you deleteit07:35
IndyGunFreakTheVault: I think its sudo rm pathtofile/filename07:35
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ammzhow o.o07:35
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keir_ok i ran beryl07:35
TheVaultThanks. lemme try that07:35
keir_(in xgl now)07:35
UgggggID 0000:000007:35
keir_and the menubar and taskbar have dissapeared07:35
ompaulammz, what irc client are you using?07:35
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keir_as have the titlebars of the windows lol07:35
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ammzno sorry ompaul xchat07:36
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lenaud01anyone know why a sound card would stop working?07:36
kimitakawhat do I need to install to get divx to play? totem is not doing it on a default install for me07:36
IndyGunFreakLordLimecat: he'll realizes there's a reason if his system crashes..lol07:36
soundrayUggggg: is that all you see from lsusb?07:36
ompaulammz, click on this >>>>     #ubuntu-effects07:36
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soundrayUggggg: do not paste here btw.07:36
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:36
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ompaulammz, right click even07:36
lenaud01kimitaka, type !divx in the chat07:36
TheVaultthis is what it said what I tried to delete it rm: cannot remove `/home/kylewitt/firefox': Is a directory07:36
Ugggggim retarded07:36
IndyGunFreakDoes anyone think this would cause a dependency problem... Sudo Apt-get remove apt-get   apt-get install apt-get?07:36
billymeterIs there a way to just click on someone's name in XChat and have their name appear in the textbox? Like when you reply to someone you just click their name and puts "billymeter: " in the text box?07:36
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TheVaultWhat other command would I use to delete it07:37
IndyGunFreakbillymeter: i don't think so, easiest way, is type the first few letters, and then tab07:37
AdvHertzHi all, anybody know how to enable the ene mmc card reader?07:37
lufisIndyGunFreak: what? you might tear a whole in the fabric of the universe!07:37
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lenaud01anyone know why a sound card would stop working?07:37
billymeterIndyGunFreak: ah, that's helpful, thank you07:37
clearzentechie: are you getting any of my messages?07:37
soundrayUggggg: so your printer is detected then07:37
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Ugggggi forgot to turn it on07:37
IndyGunFreakbillymeter: for instance though, there's like 3 billys in here now, so occasionally, you may have to go more than a few letters07:37
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IndyGunFreakfor instance, type your name, and you'll see what i mean07:37
directhexIndyGunFreak, given apt-get isn't a package...07:38
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: Any other way to delete that, says rm: cannot remove `/home/kylewitt/firefox': Is a directory when I did the command you told me07:38
IndyGunFreakdirecthex: good point.. i was just being facetious07:38
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soundrayUggggg: power can be useful...07:38
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lenaud01can someone help me trouble shoot my sound card not working?07:38
billymeterIndyGunFreak:  Yes, I understand how it has to be unique, thanks for that trick07:38
IndyGunFreakTheVault: are you trhing to delete a directory?07:38
IndyGunFreakTheVault: sudo Nautilus07:38
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IndyGunFreakthen navigate to the folder and delete it.07:38
AdvHertzlenaud01: which cards?07:38
TheVaultthen the path name?07:38
IndyGunFreakTheVault: no.. it will open up Nautilus07:39
IndyGunFreakthen you just navigate to the folder and delete it.07:39
lenaud01AdvHertz, via 823507:39
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rlevitinLordLimecat: I just took the list of package names from easyubuntu and put it through aptitude... it seems to be working now, thanks for trying to help :p07:39
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facefaceI just re-installed network manager... still no joy...07:39
IndyGunFreakbut when you do Sudo Nautilus.. it opens nautilus with root access07:39
luTroXI have installed Ubuntu today, i like it, its much better than windows :)07:39
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lenaud01AdvHertz, its a gateway laptop07:39
Ugggggsoundray, thanks again for the tip on VNC... almost as good as a dual core with virtualization now!07:39
=== mytruehero [n=joey@71-82-149-83.dhcp.eucl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
facefacenetwork manager dosn't list any wireless networks, while iwlist show them nicely07:39
mytrueheroHow do I upgrade to 7.04?07:39
billymeterIs there any benchmarking software out there? I have an SLI rig and want to see if it is working properly under Edgy.07:40
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facefaceI searched the mailing list archive, but no joy07:40
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IndyGunFreakmytruehero: if you have to ask, it might be wise to hold off till its at least a beta release07:40
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soundraymytruehero: /join #ubuntu+1 and read the topic07:40
kimitakafaceface: you a pilot?07:40
facefacekimitaka, no laptop07:40
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TheVaultIndyGunFreak: Says command cannot be found07:40
facefaceit was working beautifuly before then it just broke07:40
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obelixIndyGunFreak: Installing mythtv, but now it needs a mysql password etc...07:40
soundrayIndyGunFreak: please recommend gksudo instead of sudo with GUI programs07:40
IndyGunFreakTheVault: are you running KDE or XFce?07:40
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facefacenow it just won't list any wireless networks07:40
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obelixIndyGunFreak: and i'm not running one.07:41
IndyGunFreakobelix: now that i know nothing about i don't use mythtv07:41
soundrayIndyGunFreak: it prevents a (somewhat rare) situation where sudo won't work anymore07:41
facefaceI don't know how to connect to a wpa from the cli07:41
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obelixIndyGunFreak: haha ok ;)07:41
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: I am running GNOME07:41
IndyGunFreaksoundray: noted.. id idn't know that.07:41
LordLimecatsoundray: what exactly is the difference, except for appearance, between gksudo and sudo07:41
facefacewhy would network manager freak like that?07:41
techie_clearzen I got disconnected... u still there?07:41
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IndyGunFreakbut i've never had a problem with Sudo nautilus07:41
bjamesI've been having problems all day getting Linux installed - I've installed from a LiveCD and when booting I'm told by the BIOS that there are no active partitions on the drive.  How do I set the partition as active from within the LiveCD?07:41
lenaud01soundray, you know what I could do if my via 8235 sound card stoped working all of a sudden?07:41
LordLimecatbecause many FAQs say to use sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list07:41
mytrueheroIndyGunFreak: I'm trying to install KVM, and the instructions on help.ubuntu.com are for 7.04 only. It says "Install the 'kvm' package," but that package isn't in any of my repositories07:41
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soundrayLordLimecat: the way it asks for the password07:42
LordLimecateven when they recommend gksudo for graphical, they still show sudo gedit in their guides07:42
techie_clearzen...... u there... I got disconnected.07:42
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IndyGunFreakmytruehero: well, good luck... Feisty is very unstable right now... as its being updated/worked on constantly07:42
LordLimecatno internal difference?07:42
techie_can anybody tell me how to mount my drives again.07:42
techie_or my window.07:42
soundrayIndyGunFreak: neither did I, but if for some reason you lose the terminal you can lock it up07:42
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mytrueheroIndyGunFreak: Er, ok. I guess I'll hold off, then07:42
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facefaceubuntu is broken for me :(07:42
billymetermytruehero: Feisty is scheduled for release on April 1907:42
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IndyGunFreakmytruehero: you gotta remember, Feisty hasnt' even hit beta release yet, its still in alpha...07:42
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techie_somebody was helping but I lost him.07:43
facefaceso long, and thanks for listening07:43
soundrayLordLimecat: no, both run the program you give them with admin privileges.07:43
billymetermytruehero: So only have to wait about another month and a half or so07:43
bjamessoundray: I managed to change the drives over and now the BIOS recognises the drive, but doesn't boot - complaining that there are no active partitions.  How do I set it as active (should the installer not have done this!)?07:43
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IndyGunFreakbillymeter: exactly07:43
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techie_Can anybody help me to remount my windows folder from ubuntu?07:43
NaPsTeRhi...how do i run a program i made in eclipse?07:43
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IndyGunFreakbillymeter: if anything it will keep you from wanting to flush yourself down the toilet in frustration07:43
mytrueheroOk. Really, I just want to get KVM working. Is there a way to do it in 6.10?07:43
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billymeterIndyGunFreak: lol, yeah07:44
soundraybjames: that indicates that you don't have grub in the MBR. Grub doesn't need partitions to be active in order to boot from them.07:44
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IndyGunFreakmytruehero: i think so, hang on07:44
cyber_brain_mfkgbig problem!how to install grub in MBR???i'm useing live CD now(Thanx God and Ubuntu 4 that:)!07:44
minimeccyber_brain_mfkg: supergrub07:44
IndyGunFreakmytruehero: are you running 6.10 right now?07:44
soundraylenaud01: what did you change before you lost the sound?07:44
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bjamessoundray: how do I install grub to the MBR?07:44
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mytrueheroIndyGunFreak: yes07:44
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IndyGunFreakyeah, sorry, i just saw where you mentioned that07:45
cyber_brain_mfkgminimec: what supergrub is?07:45
mytrueheroIndyGunFreak: np :)07:45
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techie_Can anybody help? How do I remount my windows folder? The person helping me before must have left07:45
billymeterOfftopic, but my first generation iPod is dead =(07:45
soundraybjames https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows :)07:45
HS^will new ubuntu bring better fonts,  i still hate fonts on laptop07:45
NaPsTeRdoes anyone here use eclipse?07:45
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minimeccyber_brain_mfkg: it's a boot disk, that allows you to manipulate grub.07:45
vafadatechie_: use mount command07:45
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minimeccyber_brain_mfkg: http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/SuperGrubDiskPage.html07:46
IndyGunFreakmytruehero: is nothing working, or is some things working and others not?07:46
bjamessoundray: cheers07:46
zattaraHi all07:46
soundrayNaPsTeR: the Java IDE?07:46
techie_i did and got stuff on my terminal.07:46
HS^will new ubuntu bring better fonts,  i still hate fonts on laptop07:46
techie_vafada>i wrote mount on terminal and a bunch of lines appeared.07:46
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cyber_brain_mfkgminimec: where i can find it?how to use it?how to back grub in my MBR with old settings??? :(07:46
sureshothey is anyone here familier with dag api headers07:46
zattaraThank You for so great linux!07:46
soundrayHS^: have you activated subpixel rendering?07:46
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techie_vafada>does that mean is mounted? NO, i think i have to edit something else.07:47
mytrueheroIndyGunFreak: I'm following this tutorial ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM ), and it says "Install the 'kvm' package", but that package is not in any of my repositories07:47
soundrayNaPsTeR: not sure, you might find help sooner in a Java related channel07:47
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slippyr4is there an easy way of finding what device a given file is on?07:47
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vafadatechie_: which partition is your windows located?07:47
IndyGunFreakmytruehero: ok.. then you prolly need to add it, hang on07:47
minimeccyber_brain_mfkg: It will recreate a new grub boot configuration.07:47
lenaud01did not change anything soundray it stopped working after a reboot07:47
cyber_brain_mfkgminimec: i was trying to install GAG boot loader and after it's uninstall i can't boot ubuntu07:47
techie_vafada>hold on.07:47
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soundrayslippyr4: df $(dirname file)07:47
=== ChaseCharleville [n=redfang_@ip68-97-184-97.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
minimeccyber_brain_mfkg: supergrub is what you want ;)07:48
ChaseCharlevilleI'm back07:48
techie_vafada> under /media/windows07:48
soundraylenaud01: hardware fault?07:48
vafadatechie_: try "mount /media/windows"07:48
techie_vafada>but now when I go there I can't read it.07:48
cyber_brain_mfkgminimec: can i find supergrub in ubuntu repositories?07:48
IndyGunFreakmytruehero: well, you could try adding that feisty repo to your 6.10 install, see what happens.07:48
hflappyok here goes again....WTF i can't "remove" "autoremove" "dpkg --purge" whaeva this damn vmware-player...and does anyone actually know how to remove it completely from system?07:48
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techie_ok let me try it.07:48
IndyGunFreakprolly not a good idea though07:48
minimeccyber_brain_mfkg: http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/SuperGrubDiskPage.html07:48
HS^will new ubuntu bring better fonts,  i still hate fonts on laptop07:48
HS^will new ubuntu bring better fonts,  i still hate fonts on laptop07:48
soundrayHS^: it's rude to just repeat if someone has responded07:49
ChaseCharlevilleDo I have to have a bootable cd in order to install ubuntu or can i just burn the image to a regular cd?07:49
techie_vafada>thanks that did it.07:49
vafadatechie_: cool :D07:49
mytrueheroIndyGunFreak: Ok; how do I tell which repository it's in?07:49
ChaseCharlevilleand Do I have to have another hard drive07:49
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techie_vafada>do you know anything abou cdrom0 and codecs?07:49
vafadatechie_: what about cdrom?07:49
slippyr4any idea why i cannot write to an ntfs partition? it's mounted /dev/hda2 on /media/windows type ntfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev) : but if i do something like touch /media/windows/testfile then i am told it's a Read-only file system.07:50
techie_vafada>i tried to play a video but the totem player saids no url has been installed for vcd!07:50
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IndyGunFreakmytruehero: actuyally, id on't think that would be a good idea..07:50
soundray!fuse > slippyr4, read the pm from ubotu pls07:50
`nicolasoundray, thanks07:50
lenaud01not sure soundray, I think I might try booting from live CD and if sound works there I will have to reinstall I gues07:50
vafadatechie_: you can install codecs via synaptic07:50
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slippyr4chasecharleville: if you burn the image to a cdr, that cd *will* be bootable07:50
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techie_vafada>that is what I thought but could not find the codecs there.07:50
`nicolaguys the ubuntu loading screen is pretty ugly (at least this one) can I change it ? thanks07:50
ChaseCharlevilleBut it wont boot from it07:51
andeldo i have to install MS SFU if i want to use libnss-ldap ?!07:51
soundraylenaud01: no, if it's definitely a software problem, come back here and see if you find more knowledgeable people than me to help you.07:51
techie_vafada>i even installed vcl and gnex i think is called but they will not read it either07:51
ChaseCharlevilleI changed the boot order in the bios and it still dosen't work07:51
IndyGunFreakmytruehero: that tutorial on Feisty, looks like its gonna require you to install Qemu(like VMwareplayer), and Windows on top of LInux, then use the Emulated Windows to control the switch07:51
lufisUbuntu isn't recognizing my /swap partition and whatever I try it won't mount it. What's going on? I can't use "swapon" or "mkswap" because it won't even recognize it as a partition and mount it. :(07:51
Ranbeehi, does anyone know how to re-encoded an mp3 at a slower BPM? the track i downloaded is too fast :|07:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kvm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:51
soundraylenaud01: the "sound" in my nick refers to a former occupation with mine, not to audible sound.07:51
rob-westwhats the differents in the Ubuntu CD and DVD07:51
kalilawhat is ubuntu's user management applications? or gnome's?07:51
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lufissoundray: you were a urologist?07:51
slippyr4soundray: do you think i'd be better making the ntfs smaller, and creating a fat32 in the free space for file exchange between oses? or is fuse reliable enough for non-mission-critical use?07:51
soundraylufis: harhar, no07:51
lufissoundray: :P07:52
mytrueheroIndyGunFreak: Hrm, ok. All I'm trying to do is get Windows running within Ubuntu. Is there a decent way to do it in 6.10?07:52
mytrueheroIndyGunFreak: ok07:52
soundraylufis: ultrasound07:52
vafadatechie_: sorry can't help you on that... my VLC plays DVD with problems07:52
lufissoundray: ah07:52
lenaud01thanks for honesty soundray07:52
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techie_vafada>thanks a million for the previous help. I appreciate it.07:52
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techie_vafada>have a great day. I must take a break.07:52
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lufis!language | ChaseCharleville07:52
ubotuChaseCharleville: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:52
defrysk`nicola, sudo apt-get install gtweakui and select after install preferences> gtweak-ui > session07:52
kaliladoes ubuntu have any appliocation for managing/adding/remvoing users?07:52
`nicolathanks defrysk07:53
ChaseCharlevillelufis: Suck a big black DICK!07:53
lufisChaseCharleville: later, i'm busy now07:53
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bjamessoundray: that procedure didn't seem to help - I think it's missed the point, as I understand it every disk has a partition table and the boot code is only run form the one marked active07:53
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corevettei need help with gparted...can someone help me?07:53
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lufiskalila: Under system > administration > users and groups07:54
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soundraybjames: no, the default DOS/Windows type master boot record passes the boot process on to the active partition.07:54
ChaseCharlevilleFirst you suck ballsack07:54
HS^soundray yes i had activated that07:54
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slippyr4have we no ops awake here today?07:54
soundraybjames: grub replaces the default MBR07:54
corevettechasecharleville can you help?07:54
lufisChaseCharleville: i said LATER. I'M BUSY RIGHT NOW.07:54
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ChaseCharlevillelearn how to spell corvette07:54
bjamessoundray:  ok, but given that it can't find the active partition does this mean that grub hasn't written a correctg entry in the MBR?07:54
soundrayslippyr4: ops assume operator status on an as-needed basis07:54
ChaseCharlevillethen go suck a dick and then ask me again07:54
slippyr4surely one is needed right now?07:55
ScatterBrainAnyone willing to help me an LVM problem?07:55
corevettechasecharleville its a play on my name corey.....learn how to spell using spaces07:55
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slippyr4scatterbrain: i can try07:55
soundraybjames: yes, it does mean that.07:55
bjamessudo -i07:55
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lufishi cedric3007:55
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slippyr4scatterbrain: what is up?07:55
beckiis there something like an ubuntu-minimal install cd available? so that it starts an installer and fetches the rest of ubuntu from the web?07:55
soundraybjames: when you run the grub "setup" command, make sure you feed it the diskname as a parameter, ie. (hd0) instead of (hd0,1)07:55
ScatterBrainslippyr4: I've got a hardware RAID array that I've used to as a single LVM PV.  I added a drive the RAID but I can't get LVM to see the extra space.07:56
ChaseCharlevilleWell, seeing as how I capitalized Charleville, it's HINTING that there's supposed to be a space there, dumbshit.07:56
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corevetteWindows XP needs to rewrite the master boot record...but it can't rewrite it since it can't write on ext3....how do i make the MBR ntfs?07:56
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soundraybjames: that will install it in the MBR.07:56
ChaseCharlevilleYou suck a cock07:56
ChaseCharlevilleand it will work07:56
bjamessoundray: I did that07:56
lufisChaseCharleville: don't act like a child. be civil or leave07:56
soundraycorevette: you are confused as to what MBR is07:56
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bjamessoundray: and it said it succeeded07:57
billymeterSomeone is grumpy07:57
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ubotuchasecharleville: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:57
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ChaseCharlevilleNot acting like a child, I'm having fun07:57
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soundray!ops | ChaseCharleville - profanity07:57
ubotuChaseCharleville - profanity: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso07:57
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bjamesshould it not be hda1?07:57
soundraybjames: depending on which syntax you used07:58
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bjamesI remember one of the bootloaders using weird numbers07:58
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slippyr4scatterbrain: so you expanded the raid array?07:58
soundraybjames: no, definitely not hda1 if you want it in the MBR07:58
bjamescan we make a private chat?07:58
ammzi wonder how you are when you get angry ChaseCharleville07:58
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shatratgrub would say (hd0,0)07:58
topatohi, I just installed an ftp server on ubuntu. everything works fine inside my LAN, but accessing it from outside is very slow (and  sometimes does not work). Other services like sshfs etc works fine. Any settings I could do besides opening port 21 in my firewall?07:58
ScatterBrainslippyr4: Yes that went off without a problem.07:58
corevettesoundray, how do i install winxp so it can write to the mbr?  i'm installing it as slave07:58
soundraybjames: meet me in #ubuntu-classroom pls07:58
ammzoh he godt kicked07:59
DBFTsorry i had to go07:59
Ugggggwill 512mb of ram be enough for Feisty?07:59
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ammzhow do i change channel? Someone? :P07:59
DBFTwhat was it i had to install to get my wireless network card working?07:59
shatratUggggg, sure07:59
soundraycorevette: you are completely confusing terms07:59
lufisUggggg: yes, more than enough07:59
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lufisUggggg: make sure you have a good swap though07:59
ammzhow do i change channel? Someone? :P07:59
soundrayUggggg: newer ubuntu versions tend to be less demanding than the previous07:59
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shatratUggggg, more is always better, but 512 will still be plenty to run07:59
DBFTammz, /join?07:59
Ugggggi have 750MB swap08:00
Ugggggis that ok08:00
ammzoh ty! I am new at irc08:00
sigtermpick up the TV remote and press up/down =P08:00
corevettesoundray, so how would i do it08:00
cedric30I have a big problem, I had to shut down my computer badly and now gnome is very long too start and all the windows i open are long too, I had some errors on my disk using fsck and now I have no error but it is ever long08:00
shatratUggggg, probably08:00
lufisUggggg: i run ubuntu on 256+12808:00
cedric30is ther an issue ?08:00
billymetertopato: FTP works on ports 20 and 21 if I'm not mistaken08:00
lufisUggggg: works fine08:00
gobanubuntu defaulted to 7 GB of swap for me08:00
gobanwhys that08:00
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shatratgoban, well, I think it does your memory x1.508:00
Ugggggyeah I am upgrading to 512mb soon08:00
quaaldoes anyone know why when i ctrl-alt-bksp and i try to log back into gnome, i just get an empty black screen, with a moving mouse cursor ?08:01
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quaali have to reboot the computer if i want to get in X again08:01
topatobillymeter: Still the same problem08:01
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DBFThow woudl i install ndiswrapper on a computer without internet access?08:01
soundraycorevette: I don't know where to start helping you. You will have to understand basic stuff first. Join #ubuntu-classroom -- I *may* have time for you there later08:01
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cedric30I have nothing connect to my computer people say me it's a problem from system file08:01
serengetihi, can you think of any reason why Xv shouldn't work on opensource ati drivers? i'm not using aiglx/glx at the moment but still get just a blank window instead of a movie08:01
ScatterBrainslippyr4: I think I've come to the conclusion that LVM is something that I didn't need in this setup.08:01
dan_can anyone here me?08:01
=== ProN0ob [n=dot@pD9E3B2F4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
cedric30I had to reinstall all08:01
NaPsTeRhow do i watch dvds on my pc?08:02
ScatterBrainslippyr4: But i have no place to store 1TB+ while I rebuild.08:02
slippyr4scatterbrain: i'm sure this has worked previously for me: you've rebooted since you expanded the array? what does pvdisplay say?08:02
Ugggggget automatix and vlc08:02
shatrat!dvd | napster08:02
ubotunapster: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages08:02
Ugggggautomatix rules08:02
riaalwhere is ktorrent located when installed whit apt-get?08:02
defryskUggggg, no08:02
shatratUggggg, not really, it can hose your system08:02
billymetertopato: So the FTP server works fine on your LAN, but goes slow when going through your firewall?08:02
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dan_hey ugg i dont suppose u know much about xmms?08:02
lufisriaal: /usr/bin probably08:02
defrysk!automatix | Uggggg08:02
ubotuUggggg: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe08:02
riaallufis, thanks08:02
topatobillymeter: exactly08:02
ScatterBrainslippyr4: Look at this thread:  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37589108:02
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ScatterBrainslippyr4: I got tired of waiting.  ;-)08:03
lufisriaal: you can run ktorrent from the command line08:03
lufiswithout a path08:03
topatobillymeter: I'm trying to mount the ftp (mount -t ftp) under os x, but it refuses most of the time.. I can ftp in to it through the shell though.08:03
kimitakawish I knew about video stuff, I can't even play a simple divx file atm08:03
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riaallufis, know, Im trying to locate it for Firefox =/08:03
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cedric30Is there someone who had had this problem of long time on start08:03
lufisriaal: ah08:03
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Ugggggme shrugs  never heard of an actual problem caused by the newest builds...  the devs seem fairly intelligent and capable08:03
billymetertopato: Can you mount the ftp server via the Finder?08:04
Ugggggseems more like FUD to me08:04
billymetertopato: I forgot where that menu option is in OS X.08:04
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topatobillymeter: I can through the lan08:04
topatobillymeter: and .. partially through Internet08:04
billymetertopato: What kind of firewall/router are you using?08:04
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techieDoes this make sense to anyone? I have a windows icon on the desktop which takes me to the directories. However if I lick Places to go there, it seems to get forever.08:04
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techiethis windows icon is a mount of my /media/windows from Ubuntu08:04
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kimitakafat32 techie?08:05
techieWhy is my clicking Places not working now08:05
sureshothey how do you add the multiverse repo each time i check it it dont stay there08:05
cedric30Is there someone who can suggest a solution, or I have to reinstall ubuntu ?08:05
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oo7my HD filled up at the same time i was editing my fstab, using nano.  i saved fstab and closed nano.  when i looked at the contents of my fstab it is completely empty.  is there a way to recreate my fstab, without doing it manually?08:05
topatobillymeter: Could this possibly be because I'm trying to access it through the Internet from inside the LAN?08:05
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colbertHi guys I have installed a theme I really love but only want to change the color of the scrollbar in Ubuntu, how  ??08:05
oo7i have yet to reboot08:05
riaalCan anyone help me please? Im trying to locate Ktorrent for firefox to use as default08:05
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techie<kimitaka> but it was working fine yesterday until the icon showed up on the desktop08:05
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kimitakawhat happens in terminal?08:05
julesaAny ulimit gurus around? Is limiting a user to 500Mb of process space as simple as "user hard data 5120000" ?08:05
topatobillymeter: I can vaguely remember hearing something about problems with port forwards when you try them from inside the lan.08:05
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oo7riaal, edit your gnome menu and look at the command that is being run08:06
techie<kimitaka>I just mount /media/windows because someone told me to unmount to make this dissappear from desktop and that messed me up08:06
oo7or try from the CLI: whereis Ktorrent08:06
colberttechie: Add/Remove programs, search "ktorrent" it's right there08:06
techie<kimitaka>i think i must edit/fatsab or something08:06
billymetertopato: I'm not quite sure on accessing your external IP like that.... I did it a few weeks back with a ventrilo server and had no problems08:06
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Pinnenhow is the NTFS-support in linux nowdays? If I would plug in my ntfs-partitioned 500GB discdrive.. could I write and remove stuff from it without making the disc corrupt?08:06
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colbertriaal: Add/Remove programs, search "ktorrent" it's right there08:06
kimitakacan you browse the directories from terminal?08:06
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topatobillymeter: I see. weird.08:06
Mythmonanyone know why my mouse cursor is corrupted on my secondary monitor?08:06
techiecolbert what about ktorrent.08:07
oo7Pinnen, NTFS write is still experimental, but i believe you can write greater than 16kb files nowadays08:07
techieremove, or add, if so what will it do?08:07
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slippyr4scatterbrain: i found my notes, sorry for the delay. pvresize is what you need08:07
oo7Pinnen, NTFS read is stable i believe08:07
colberttechie that was meant for riaal sorry :)08:07
techiecolbert what will this do the adding or removing of ktorrent?08:07
techieah, ok08:07
techiecolbert. ok08:07
billymetertopato: You verified your internal IP on your FTP server and make sure it didn't change? (I'm assuming you're running DHCP on your LAN)08:07
ScatterBrainslippyr4: OK, hold on and let me try.08:07
topatobillymeter: It's a static address.08:07
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cedric30I search a solution to repare my system file08:07
oo7is there a way to recreate my FSTAB?  currently mine is empty and i cannot reboot08:07
techie<kimitaka>i do not know how to browse directories from terminal. tell me how08:08
slippyr4scatterbrain: you should just need pvresize /dev/sdd  - but use the -t (test) param first08:08
tomas_does anyone know how to install JOOST in ubuntu08:08
topatobillymeter: I have reserved a range for serverish computers08:08
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Pinnenoo7: ohh, ok.. well.. I've tried the READ-part before.. and write a couple of years ago.. which destroyed the disk :/ And it was still experimental then :) Well well... then I have to figure this out in some other way, thanks for the quck answer :)08:08
billymetertopato: Ah, okay. Port forwarding on ports 20 and 21 for the ftp server?08:08
ScatterBrainslippyr4: I don't seem to have a pvresize command.08:08
Ugggggwhat does sudo chmod a+r do?08:08
riaalcolbert, I know, what im trying to do is, when I open a torrent in firefox it asks for a program to open it whit and kTorrent isn't there. So I have to locate the ".exe" file for it08:08
slippyr4scatterbrain: when i did it, my LV's were NOT active. i don't know if this matters.08:08
Mythmontechie: the command "cd" changes directories, and "ls" lists the files in teh current director08:08
techie<kimitaka>even now my terminal is very slow and I can't access it08:08
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ScatterBrainslippyr4: root@firebrand:~# pv08:08
ScatterBrainpvchange   pvcreate   pvdisplay  pvmove     pvremove   pvs        pvscan08:08
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GMWeezelHow do I add a document template?08:08
oo7Pinnen: 11 days ago NTFS 3G released version 1.0: http://www.ntfs-3g.org/releases.html08:09
techie<kimitaka>i can't access terminal either.08:09
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oo7Pinnen, it's gotta be worth the read08:09
Mythmonso no one knows about setting up dual monitors with ATI drivers?08:09
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Pinnenoo7: ok, I'll check it out.. tnx a bunch :)08:09
oo7Mythmon, i dont think it matters that it's ATI08:09
ScatterBrainslippyr4: I know in the post I said the machine was running dapper, but it's actully running breezy.08:09
oo7it's X-org specific08:09
oo7let me see if i can find a doc....08:09
Mythmonthe mouse thing or the cursor problem?08:09
IndyGunFreakobelix: did you get it working?08:10
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techie<kimitaka>when trying to access terminal the little wheel goes around but nothing happens.08:10
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obelixIndyGunFreak: On xawtv, but now no sound.08:10
slippyr4scatterbrain: root@kenny:~# which pvresize08:10
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techieAnybody knows what is going on?08:10
oo7Mythmon, here's one for gentoo, if you're comfortable with the CLI you can follow this: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Dual_Monitors08:10
obelixIndyGunFreak: How do I set it up as fullscreen?  Not just 640x480?08:10
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kimitakayou don't want your windows partition mounted from fstab until you make sure you can mount it manually in terminal...08:10
IndyGunFreakobelix: that i don't know.... but your sound issue, hang on08:11
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`nicoladefrysk I wasn't talking about that loading screen08:11
Mythmoncool, thanks oo7, maybe i can get some info from this08:11
ScatterBrainslippyr4: yeah, it's not on my machine.  Those "pv" commands I showed you earlier is all I have.08:11
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zythCan anyone recommend a good Nintendo DS emu for Edgy?08:11
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techie<kimitaka>i can unmount the windows and see if I get access to my terminal again. does this make sense?08:11
recon31hello everyone can someone tell me how to give my dvd permissions so gxine can read it from mythtv08:11
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Mythmonzyth: i didnt know there were any NDS emus for anything?08:11
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IndyGunFreakobelix: right click the "Horn"... and look where it says Select a Device, Try changing that.. for instance, on my card, it has to be set to OSSMixer and Line 108:12
riaalPlease, when I wan't to open a torren't file in firefox (not download it first) I want to open it in kTorrent but it isn't in the "list".. I have to locate it.. anyone know's where its located?08:12
slippyr4scatterbrain: i'm running edgy, and it's there. what is your raid controller? is it natively supported or did you have to fiddle around adding modules?08:12
zythMythmon, several08:12
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oo7Mythmon, you need to add another Monitor section and Screen section and another device section if it's a second video card08:12
Mythmonzyth: oh, i guess im behind08:12
techie<kimitaka>no, I can't access my terminal or my places now.08:12
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techieshould i reboot?08:12
obelixIndyGunFreak: I'm kinda lost on "the horn"08:12
ScatterBrainslippyr4: is a Dell Perc4 - its supported with the MegaRAID module.  Built in.08:12
kimitakachange the uid and gid values in fstab might work recon3108:12
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techie<kimitaka>should i reboot or reinstall anything?08:12
colbertriaal: Ok, well then I am not sure, sorry :(08:12
IndyGunFreakobelix: you don't see like a horn in your taxkbar to adjust the system volume?08:12
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Mythmoni, no, i have multi monitor working, well, mostly, its just that i cant drag things between windows and my cursor is messed up on my secondary08:13
IndyGunFreakobelix: it looks like a horn to me anyways, maybe some would say its a speaker..08:13
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IndyGunFreakobelix: is it not there?08:13
slippyr4scatterbrain: that makes it pretty easy. download an edgy livecd - server would be a good choice cos it has lvm2 tools in it already. modprobe your raid module, then do the pvresize, then reboot.08:13
oo7riaal: from the command prompt, type "whereis ktorrent" or possibly "whereis KTorrent" or maybe even "whereis Ktorrent"08:13
riaalcolbert, I ninjad it =) thanks anyway08:13
obelixIndyGunFreak: Got it.08:13
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recon31does anyone know how to give permissions to a dvd/cdrom player08:13
riaaloo7, thanks08:13
IndyGunFreakok, make sure you know what the options are before you start08:13
obelixIndyGunFreak: If I select SAA1737 mixer there's nothing08:13
slippyr4scatterbrain: so long as you're lvm2, the metadata ought to just work out08:14
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Flosoftanyone here with a solution to this problem? http://paste.florianjensen.com/?4708:14
obelixIndyGunFreak: Before I start?08:14
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AskarHI! How do I format my external harddrive in ubuntu?08:14
Ugggggwhat is sane and do I need it for my scanner if I already have Xsane?08:14
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kimitakai don't have any instant answers techie but you should 1) learn some basic shell commands and get wher eyou can move around 2) mount the windows partition manually from terminal after, after that works 3) add it to fstab08:14
IndyGunFreakobelix: before you start, just make a note of the settings, so you can change them back.08:14
slippyr4askar: what sort of ext. hdd is it? usb?08:14
IndyGunFreakobelix: but my point is, screw around with different settings, and it will probably start to work eventually08:14
obelixIndyGunFreak: Where do I change settings?08:14
billymeterAnyone have a Logitech G15 keyboard and found any useful apps for using it under Edgy?08:14
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ScatterBrainslippyr4: thanks.  I'll have to do that tomorrow.  The box is co-lo'ed and I can't get to it except via SSH until then.08:14
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Noianoanybody in helping mood?08:14
ScatterBrainThanks for your help.08:15
IndyGunFreakobelix: you right clicked and preferences, right?08:15
obelixIndyGunFreak: THanks got it.08:15
NoianoI am getting mad with wifi...08:15
IndyGunFreakobelix: ok... did it work?08:15
obelixIndyGunFreak: Line in was muted, how retarded.08:15
IndyGunFreakobelix: lol08:15
oo7Flosoft, first the stupid questions....that was run as root right?08:15
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recon31I need help to noiano08:15
obelixIndyGunFreak: Yeah, haha, thanks :)08:15
Askarsippyr4: yes USB08:15
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IndyGunFreakobelix: no sweat08:15
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recon31but havn't got it08:15
kimitakamessage to all 1073 in channel: Learn some basic terminal, as soon as something weird starts happening you'll be fixing it in terminal08:15
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NoianoI cannot connect to any wifi net even if i can see it from iwlist08:15
nicobrain_hi @all08:15
slippyr4scatterbrain: i think this solution will work though. If i was you i'd investigate upgrading your lvm tools; but i'm not going to suggest you do that now cos there are potential kernel compatibility issues etc etc. the livecd is the safest way to go. presumably you have a backup for if this all goes pete tong?08:16
directhexmessage to patronising people: don't be patronising08:16
happyface0My Ubuntu screen (after the splash screen) is all flashing colors, even in terminal view. I can get in through 'single' mode in grub, but don't know how to fix it. I think its an x problem. Please help!08:16
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Askarslippyr4: its usb08:16
slippyr4kimitaka: is there a gnome app available for that?08:16
obelixIndyGunFreak: Now for full screen.08:16
nicobrain_i cant burn a cd in ubuntu via gnomebaker, serpentine or k3b08:16
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IndyGunFreakobelix: are you using Tvtime or Xaw?08:16
mytrueheroWhat's a good way to run Windows within Ubuntu 6.10? I'm doing some web development, and need to see how pages look in IE.08:16
n-iCeWhich one is the fastest distro ?08:16
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directhexnicobrain, all of the above are frontends for cdrecord08:17
happyface0I think you can run IE in linux somehow mytruehero08:17
obelixIndyGunFreak: Xaw08:17
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slippyr4askar: have you plugged it in? get a shell and type "dmesg" - that last few lines should give you a clue what device the usb drive was assigned. it'll be /dev/sdX where X is a,b, c etc.08:17
oo7Askar, when you plug in and turn on your USB drive, you should be able to check 'dmesg' to see the device name, such as /dev/sda or /dev/sdb, etc.  so you can use cfdisk /dev/sda to create partitions, then you can use mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1 (or whatever file system)08:17
billymetermytruehero: You could probably download VMWare and run Windows in a virtual machine08:17
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directhexn-iCe, not properly measurable, and doesn't matter for most people08:17
kimitakause wine mytruehero08:17
IndyGunFreakobelix: ok.. i know on TVTime, its a matter of checking a box in the "screen output"....08:17
kimitakavmware... parallels...08:17
directhexie in wine is not a proper way of doing web development. there are subtle changes in the way things are rendered08:17
happyface0No, there was this site which you could see a page in every possible browser, let me find.08:17
ScatterBrainslippyr4: I actually need to upgrade that machine to Dapper or Edgy, but just haven't done it yet.  I'll try the live CD and see how it goes.08:17
manitoba98xpWhat is the recommended way to suspend the system to disk (similar to Hibernate in Windows) in Ubuntu Edgy/Feisty?08:17
bastiaanmytruehero: Use IEs4Linux script08:17
n-iCedirecthex what?08:17
kimitakaparallels is only 50 dollars or so08:18
nicobrain_derecthex: k3b is gives me an error if i starting it via a konsole and sudo http://paste-it.net/146008:18
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n-iCewhat distro use less resources?08:18
nicobrain_the other programs gives me no error08:18
slippyr4happyface0: browsercam08:18
directhexn-iCe, the oldest and least functional one that runs on your hardware08:18
slippyr4happyface0: .com08:18
oo7manitoba98xp,  i click on the shutdown button them go to suspend, but also from the CLI there's the command 'suspend'08:18
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zigzag71how is everyone today?08:18
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:19
slippyr4!hi | zigzag7108:19
ubotuzigzag71: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:19
happyface0mytruehero there you go, browsercam.com08:19
oo7n-iCe, try fluxbox instead of gnome/kde08:19
LordLimecatisnt there a linux that uses like 1mb of ram?08:19
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LordLimecatmicroLinux :D08:19
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LordLimecatruns off of toasters and dryer lint08:19
directhexassorted embedded linuxes. you won't get a functional desktop kernel into a meg08:19
happyface0if my questino isnt answered do I just repost it in irc until it is?08:19
LordLimecatsomethin like that08:19
zigzag71hi ubotu08:19
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slippyr4lol @ zigzag7108:19
mytrueherobastiaan: That looks great. Thanks!08:19
shatrathappyface0, eventually it you might want to try the forums.08:19
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IndyGunFreakobelix: down under "Global Options...   http://www.die.net/doc/linux/man/man5/xawtvrc.5.html08:20
riaalI keep getting "Invalid resonse" in kTorrent from some of the largest trackers. why is that? =S08:20
oo7happyface0, search ubuntuforums.org while you wait for your question to be answered :)08:20
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oo7riaal: it might be a better idea to ask in some torrent chan08:20
slippyr4happyface0: within reason, yes. especially try at different times of the day too. consider the forums. what was your quetion anyway08:20
pir21390who knows a graphical 7zip unzipper?08:21
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happyface0My Ubuntu screen (after the splash screen) is all flashing colors, even in terminal view. I can get in through 'single' mode in grub, but don't know how to fix it. I think its an x problem. Please help!08:21
oo7pir21390, Archive Manager08:21
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IndyGunFreakpir21390: there's a couple zip programs in the repos08:21
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riaaloo7, probably =/08:21
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poningruhappyface0: if its in the terminal as well then its not X prob08:21
Comrade-Sergeihow do i change the rights of a second hdd to have access to write and alter from root?08:21
Taime1can anyone help me get plugin support in konqueror?08:21
riaalso, what other torrent clent then ktorrent is there? noone?08:22
LordLimecatComrade-Sergei: are you referring to a windows drive?08:22
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Taime1riaal, there are lots08:22
Comrade-SergeiLordLimecat well its a fat3208:22
saschcan help me with installation of my ubuntu ??08:22
happyface0poningru, its like the resolution in terminal is all swished to the max or something08:22
happyface0any suggestions?08:22
Taime1azureus, bittorrent etc..08:22
LordLimecatlol, that will work08:22
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slippyr4pir21390: Xarchiver does it08:22
billymeterMy 'man woman' command doesn't work. Can anyone help?08:22
zigzag71I added sources to download from on the desktop and now I can not boot the hard drive back into ubuntu08:22
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IndyGunFreakpir21390: doesn't fileroller handle zip files also?08:22
poningrubillymeter: lol08:22
pir21390IndyGunFreak: i thought it did...08:23
willAnyone know of a good OSX dock program I can apt-get or Synaptid?08:23
billymeterponingru: ;)08:23
saschwhy when i install my ubuntu with raid preconfigured in partition .... grub say me /dev/md1 filesystem don't reconignezed08:23
oo7billybob, sudo apt-get install women08:23
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poningrubillymeter: fsck.woman /dev/gf08:23
LordLimecatComrade-Sergei:  can you be more specific?  why can you not simply mount it normally and edit it08:23
Taime1will, i use gdesklets08:23
willTaime1, How do I get it?08:23
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IndyGunFreaki hate when people start askign questions and just leave int he middle of it, w/o saying weter its solved or not.08:23
poningruor fsck.woman /dev/wife08:23
willWhat's it like?08:23
Comrade-SergeiLordLimecat i mounted it yes, but all the permissions are root..08:23
Taime1install gdesklets...thereis a dock in it08:23
IppatsuHi all! I'm using 6.10 and I have a problem with audacity: it doesn't show any text (screenshot: http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/2693/adacityym2.png ). I had the same problem also while installing Wolfenstein Enemy Territory, so I suppose it's a problem with libwxgtk - has anyone an idea on how I could fix it?08:23
happyface0poningru if its not x, what could it be?08:23
LordLimecati see08:23
poningru!gdesklet | will08:23
ubotuwill: gDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/08:23
LordLimecati couldo be wrong08:23
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Taime1i set mine up to look nice, wanna see a screenshot of it?08:24
LordLimecatbut when you do the mount command08:24
LordLimecatthe umode option, try 000?08:24
LordLimecat(again, i could be totally wrong)08:24
Askarwhat should I use when having external harddrives in ubuntu? fat32?08:24
Comrade-Sergeiis there just a command LimeLordcat08:24
poningruhappyface0: do you see the same thing with X as you see in the terminal?08:24
oo7Askar, no08:24
LordLimecatmount blah -o .......umode=0000?08:24
poningruAskar: ext208:24
LordLimecatdid you have to run the mount command/08:24
poningruAskar: is this external hdd going to be used with windows?08:24
Askarcan windows read ext2?08:25
happyface0poningru, pretty much. runlevel 3 works, though and I can see the terminal fine08:25
LordLimecataskar yes08:25
oo7Askar, the only reason to use fat32 would be if you dual boot and needed to access the partitoin on both windows and linux08:25
Comrade-SergeiLord Limecat what that makes no sense08:25
slippyr4taimel yes please08:25
IndyGunFreakAskar: i don't think so.08:25
oo7but yah, still use ext208:25
Taime1can anyone help me get plugin support in konqueror?  pretty pleeeeease..08:25
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happyface0poningru the only diff. between terminal and non, is that non-terminal has flashing colors and terminal doesnt08:25
LordLimecatComrade-Sergei: did you have to run any commands to mount the drive?08:25
slippyr4askar: depends if you need windows to be able to read them08:25
IndyGunFreakah maybe it does08:25
poningru!ext | Askar08:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ext - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ext2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:25
willTaime1, Is it a memory hog?08:25
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Taime1not at all08:25
AskarIs ext2 better than fat32? If so why?08:25
Taime1that i can tell anyway08:26
zcat[1] Askar: windows can use ext3 and resierfs, there is software for it. But for drives you can just plug into any machine I'd stick with fat3208:26
Comrade-SergeiLordLimecat yes its mounted to /HDD but i need to change its permissions to "everyone and it wont let me do it through the gui08:26
LordLimecatslippyr, askar--there IS a windows driver that allows ext3 access08:26
LordLimecatbut its buggy IMO08:26
poningruAskar: fragmentation08:26
LordLimecatand a hassle08:26
Taime1wanna see mine?08:26
willTaime1, Can I use an OSX like dock with it?08:26
IndyGunFreakTaime1: why not just use Firefox?08:26
Askarponingru: fragmentation?08:26
IndyGunFreakor Opera08:26
willSee your whast?08:26
zcat[1] also the windows reiserfs really messed up my filesystem once...08:26
AskarLordLimecat: is it built in in winXP?08:26
Taime1IndyGunFreak: firefox doesnt work for all sites08:26
Taime1IndyGunFreak: one in particular only opens in konqueror08:27
IndyGunFreakTaime1: hmm, show me a site that doesn't work.. cuz i've had no issues with it.08:27
IndyGunFreakI've used Firefox for years08:27
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zcat[1] using fat32 or reiser from windows is about as risky as using ntfs from linux, I think..08:27
obelixIndyGunFreak: Can you see where xawtv puts it's config?08:27
LordLimecatComrade-Sergei: you had to run a command like "sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows -t vfat -o [some options] ,umode=02208:27
obelixI can't find it08:27
metalheddhow can I have a custom apache server thats only locally accessible and runs with the permissions of my main user?  I'd like to write a webapp to play movies/TV Shows on my TV-out08:27
oo7my HD filled up while i was editing my fstab.  when i saved the fstab and closed it, it didn't save and my fstab is now  blank.  is there a util for creating my fstab, like whatever util was used when dapper was convered to edgy?  any ideas besides doing this manually?08:27
Comrade-SergeiLordLimecat its already mounted to /HDD though that ll re mount it08:27
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Taime1will, are you looking for an OSX docklike applet?08:27
LordLimecatumount it08:27
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willTaimel, There is a firefox extension that will allow you to use the IE render engine.08:28
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willTaimel, Yes.08:28
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Taime1mine looks just like it...only, doesnt autohide...08:28
LordLimecatthen do the EXACT same command, except make the umode=000008:28
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Taime1the kdocker does tho i think08:28
LordLimecatthis is just a guess, i could be off (anyone care to comment?)08:28
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Taime1kdocker, kdock?08:28
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IndyGunFreakTaime1: maybe try Opera, i don't know.. but if you have 1.5 or above, it offers you a plugin08:28
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Taime1the plugin does not install08:29
Taime1and opera crashes08:29
LordLimecatopera 9.10 was screwed up :(08:29
IndyGunFreakTaime1: what about ie4linux or something like that?08:29
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Taime1why isnt anyone in any channel interested in showing me how to get konqueror to use plugins?08:29
LordLimecatunstable for me compared to 9.02 (in windows)08:29
willSynaptic says: kooldock or kdocker?08:29
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Comrade-SergeiLordLimecat i dont think your understanding, ITS ALREADY MOUNTED!08:29
IndyGunFreakTaime1: its a conspiracy...08:29
willPick the latter one?08:29
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LordLimecatComrade-Sergei: i understand.08:29
LordLimecatplease umount it08:29
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IndyGunFreakTaime1: first we assasinated kennedy, then we made sure you couldn't use plugins in Konq08:30
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LordLimecatsudo umount /dev/whatever_you_had_lasttime08:30
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Comrade-Sergeiwhy i had to alter my fstab for that LordLimecat08:30
Taime1fells that way.08:30
LordLimecatgo into the fstab08:30
LordLimecatand find the line you edited08:30
IndyGunFreakTaime1: seriously though...  id ont' know muca bout Konq, thus why im directing you other directions..08:30
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LordLimecatand change the umode to 000008:30
Taime1its cool08:30
IndyGunFreakie4linux is supposed to be almost 100% compatible with MS sites08:30
K3ntoim getting a very laggy cursor when running fullscreen games (wow in specific) how can i fix it?08:30
LordLimecatjust replace the 7s with 0s08:30
Taime1slow tho isnt it?08:30
happyface0poningru I foud someone with the exact problem I have: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=370031&highlight=flashing+screen08:31
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IndyGunFreakTaime1: if its MS compatible, probably..lol, but i've never used it08:31
LordLimecatk3nto: wow is workign now?08:31
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K3ntonot in beryl08:31
IndyGunFreakobelix: did ou find that config file?08:31
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kitcheK3nto: wow won't work in beryl probably due to you using XGL which kills 3d acc08:31
Ugggggive got a few .sh scripts I would like to automatically run in a certain order when I doubleclick an Icon is this possible?08:31
K3ntoim using automatic08:32
LordLimecatComrade-Sergei: if i wasnt clear/making sense, let me know, ill be more specific08:32
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obelixIndyGunFreak: still looking, i don't think it has one.08:32
obelixonly /etc08:32
IndyGunFreakits gotta have one somewhere08:32
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LordLimecatkitche--beryl CAN work with Wow when using nvidia08:32
LordLimecatwhich k3nto is08:32
Brunelluswhere can I list block devices08:32
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kitcheLordLimecat: not if he's uing XGL though08:32
Brunellushow do I list valid block devices08:32
whazillahey IndyGunFreak08:32
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LordLimecattrue, but hes not08:32
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billymeterEh, Beryl isn't that cool IMHO.....08:32
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IndyGunFreakwhazilla: ?08:32
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whazillau dcc chat requested me ?08:33
LordLimecatbilly, it is with Warcraft when you can have one desktop be wow, and another be somethin else08:33
Pinnenoo7: well.. the ntfs-3g driver seems to be fine, then I'll definently make a switch for my desktopcomputer (from xp to edgy) :) tnx again08:33
kitcheLordLimecat: so he's using AIGLX instead of XGL?08:33
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IndyGunFreakwhazilla: that was like 4 days ago, and it was a huge cluster.. all i can do at this point is apologize08:33
LordLimecatkitche: AFAIK, hes usin nvidia GLX08:33
K3ntokitche: automatic08:33
whazillahuge cluster ?08:33
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IndyGunFreakyou obviously werent one of the 300 people that PM'd me back, or even better, sent me IM's cussing me out..lol08:33
whazillacome again beep beep ?08:33
LordLimecatand for some reason, his wow screen is black when he opens it with beryl08:33
IndyGunFreakwhazilla: i accidentally dcc'd the whole room08:33
LordLimecatmine works perfectly08:33
whazillawhat happend ?08:33
billymeterLordLimecat: In my experience when playing games fullscreen with beryl, the panels wouldn't hide, they would stay on the top and the bottom of the screen.08:34
whazilladas happenz08:34
kitcheK3nto: automatic for what are youusign XGL or AIGLX with nvidia drivers08:34
IndyGunFreaklot of very unhappy people over that...08:34
LordLimecatbillymeter: this was the case for WoW, you are righ08:34
IndyGunFreakwhazilla: trust me, don't do it, you'll feel Seveas wrath.. :)08:34
LordLimecatnot for tremulous or other games08:34
IndyGunFreakbut he's forgiving if its a legit accident08:34
LordLimecatWoW became the wallpaper08:34
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=== whazilla bang bang ...
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Ippatsuhow do I restore all Ubuntu's default fonts?08:34
IndyGunFreaki just had to sit a couple days in the penalty box08:34
xf00fhas anyone else had problems with yamipod? it just sits there "updating play count" when I fire it up until I force quit it (that's with a shuffle) Is that a known issue or just my PC playing up?08:35
billymeterLordLimecat: Ah, I see08:35
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K3ntolil it still says automatic08:35
Ugggggdoes anyone here know how to set up an icon to start a .sh script08:35
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Ugggggis that possible even?08:35
kitcheK3nto: since the ubuntu driver doesn't support the feature that beryl needs to run08:35
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LordLimecatbillymeter: but it works, and allows easy rotating between game and other stuff, like thottbot or (HOPEFULLY) a second WoW instance :D08:35
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zYecan anyone help me set up a home network08:35
LordLimecatimagine 2 WoW instances, you could follow yourself with a second account priest08:36
gravelBadcan someone provide some insight on a SCSI write buffer failer problem with the Fusion MPT driver?08:36
K3ntohey LordLimecat, i started beryl after WoW and its ok. evcept there are no borders on the windows (to close stuff) and every desktop is black08:36
LordLimecatno luck yet08:36
billymeterLordLimecat: =D I use to play WoW, taking a hiatus right now.08:36
kitcheK3nto: unless of course your running nvidia 93xx driver08:36
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LordLimecatK3nto, im suspecting one of 2 things08:36
LordLimecatdrivers, or vidcard?08:36
K3ntoi think its emerals08:36
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oo7K3nto, reload windows decorator08:36
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LordLimecatexcept emerald only messes with window borders, i think08:36
gravelBadI'm trying to set up a new drive array using 2 identical external raid boxes, and two servers, each server is having the same problem08:36
LordLimecatberyls the one managing the whole shebang, i think08:37
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gravelBadany SCSI geniuses on here?08:37
K3ntooo7: still the same08:37
LordLimecatbut your hardware is weaker than mine, and your drivers were installed differently08:37
TheVaultGot a question. Since I installed Ubuntu, I have been putting it through a series of tests and so far its passing :), but I just popped in a DVD and it won't play and I got the codecs to do so,  whats going on?08:37
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LordLimecati think one of the two is where the issue is08:37
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oo7close beryl-manager and run it from the CLI, that way you can watch error messages08:37
LordLimecat.....would you be able to restore wireless function if we borked it again?08:37
oo7when you switch to emerald, it's spitting out an error, you need to see it08:37
oo7it should not affect wireless at all08:37
K3ntoLordLimecat: i am running Wow with beryl right now, i just cant see my themes and me desktops are all blaxk08:37
IndyGunFreakTheVault: are you sure you have the codecs?08:37
caravenaIt's not work http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/ddebs/dists/feisty/ ?08:37
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LordLimecatoo7--i was gonna suggest a driver install the way the guide i followed said, but last time we messed up wireless (removed certain packages)08:38
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TheVaultIndyGunFreak: Yup, I went to the Add/Remove and typed Codecs and there was 2 packages with codecs to play MPG, AVI, WMV & heck alotta more08:38
UgggggI just got my scanner working... does anyone here know how to make it higher than 8-bit color?08:38
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threadWhy am I having like zero luck trying to get this 20" lcd run at its native 1680x1050? This is the nvidia driver, and I've got the sync ranges specified correctly and tried all sorts of combinations of the edid ignoring directives.08:38
oo7LordLimecat, i got confused between you and K3nto  :)  no worries08:38
threadit just says "No valid modes for "1680x1050"; removing."08:38
TheVaultinstalled over 90+08:38
kendricki'm having a hell of a time finding a solution for this. i'm running kubuntu 6.10 with KDE 3.5.6, Xorg 7.1.1 and Linux kernel 2.6.17 on an AMD sempron with an Nvidia GeForce FX5200.  when KDE's screensaver comes on and I leave it for a while, I come back and Xorg is taking 100% of my CPU and X becomes unusable. mouse moves, but if I dare click or type, things stop. usually kill with Alt+SysReq+K.08:38
threadand the highest I can get it to go is 1280x102408:39
oo7thread, you need ModeLines08:39
willIf X chrashes all I have to do is restart my computer, right?08:39
LordLimecatthread--is it possible its an issue with refresh rate? like an invalid refresh assiociated with that rez?08:39
oo7thread, by any chance is it the dell fpw 2005?08:39
willOr is it screwed and needs to be reinstalled?08:39
kendricka friend happened to mention his Ubuntu (I think he uses XFCE but maybe Gnome) has a similar problem on some laptop. totally different hardware (gfx, cpu).08:39
LordLimecatwill--yes, as long as you havent been uninstalling drivers or messing with the xorg.conf08:39
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FurryNemesiswill, does it go back to the login screen08:39
threadoo7: I tried a modeline, but it didn't seem to help08:39
K3ntobrb i might crash08:39
IndyGunFreakTheVault: what do you mean installed over 90+-08:39
oo7it must have been the wrong modeline08:39
TheVaultlemme find it real quick08:39
oo7you definetly need a modeline for that resolution08:40
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kendricki've seen others with similar issues on forums, but never find solutions.08:40
willLordLimecat, So I don't have to worry about a renistall if I've been playing with kcontrol?08:40
threadoo7: it's a samsung syncmaster 205BW, which is likely The Same as the dell screen since dell uses samsung screens sometimes08:40
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willFurryNemesis, I think so.08:40
kendrickhttp://www.kde-forum.org/artikel/15881/KDE-Xorg-CPU-usage-increases-until-locks-X.html for example :(08:40
threadoo7: can you help me find the modeline?08:40
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threadLordLimecat: yea like I say, I have the sync rates in the xorg.conf08:40
oo7lemme smoke some medicine first :)08:40
threadoo7: hah of course :)08:40
LordLimecatdunno, im not gonna be able to help08:40
LordLimecati dont even know what modelines is :(08:40
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TheVaultIndyGunFreak: I installed the GSTREAMER08:41
LordLimecatwill--lemme see what kcontrol is08:41
oo7i'll help you, /msg me08:41
IndyGunFreakTheVault: you likely need libdvdcss208:41
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TheVaulthow would I acquire that?08:41
willLordLimecat, KDE Control panel.08:41
IndyGunFreakhold on.08:41
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LordLimecatwill, it doesnt look like you could have done annythin too drastic08:41
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: how would i acquire that?08:41
IndyGunFreakTheVault: hang on a sec, i'm looking08:42
LordLimecatthe only time a restart hosed me was when i didnt follow directions, uninstalled my nvidia drivers, messed up my xorg.conf, and issued the command "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"08:42
LordLimecatTHAT causes issues :D08:42
Slartah.. indygunfreak.. the guy that tried to dcc chat everyone a while back =)08:42
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IndyGunFreakSlart: come on, cut me some slack.08:42
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: Alrighty. Someone was telling me that they disable dvd playback on ubuntu for security reasons, but you manually gotta enable it, someone told me that a few days ago08:42
willLordLimecat, So if X crashes it'll just log me out?08:42
kendrickhrm, gotta go make breakfast. mention my nick in your response so i can find it in the traffic later :)08:42
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LordLimecathow has x been crashing08:42
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Mythmonis "sudo bash" to get a root command line considered a bad thing? (not a root command line, but this particular way)08:43
K3nt1yep i crashed08:43
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IndyGunFreakTheVault: yeah, its not really security reasons, its legal reasons.. its questionable wether you hve the right to decrypt a DVD you own... go figure08:43
SlartIndyGunFreak: no problem... slack cut =)08:43
willLordLimecat, I just see a black screen and a few seconds later I go to login.08:43
IndyGunFreakTheVault:     http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Edgy#How_to_install_DVD_playback_capability08:43
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IndyGunFreakSlart: i got put in the penalty box for 2 days over that..lol08:43
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K3nt1will: i get a black sceen with music08:43
billymeterIndyGunFreak: I don't it's it's questionable, I think it's illegal under the DCMA08:43
IndyGunFreakSlart: but Seveasis a forgiving God.. i mean Mod.. and reinstated me.08:43
gaspipe1does anyone have shockwave running on firefox for ubuntu?08:43
LordLimecatpersonally, i think youd be fine, if the files were messed up, i dont think x would start08:44
K3nt1will: it just stays black08:44
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SlartIndyGunFreak: what happened? you got a virus or something?08:44
willK3nt1, My speakers are off right now. :P08:44
IndyGunFreakbillymeter: well, let me rephrase.. its stupid that its illegal, when you own it.08:44
IndyGunFreakSlart: i was stupid, didn't know what DCC was, so i tried it,08:44
xf00fgaspipe - I don't believe you can get shockwave on linux, just flash08:44
billymeterIndyGunFreak: You're preaching to the choir buddy =)08:44
IndyGunFreakstupidity is the only reason i can give...lol08:44
IndyGunFreakbillymeter: lol...08:44
LordLimecatIndyGunFreak: its not questionable as to whether you have the right to decrypt a dvd--you DO have the right08:45
LordLimecatthe law just doesnt realize it yet08:45
SlartIndyGunFreak: ah.. well.. we all have the "what's this.. let's try it"-gene.. or we wouldn't be using linux ;)08:45
IndyGunFreakSlart: well let me make a suggestion, DCC isn't one to try..lol08:45
zcat[1] gaspipe1: You can install wine and the windows firefox, then run shockwave in that. I used to run flash that way before the linux version caught up..08:45
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SlartIndyGunFreak: hehe.. true08:45
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gopis thier a flash ppc version08:47
soundraygop: no08:47
zythgop, gnash08:47
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IndyGunFreakgop:  I don't think so.08:47
ubotuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/08:47
zyththere ya go.08:47
gaspipe1xf00f: u run flash08:47
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IndyGunFreakgop:  I guess thats your answer08:47
gaspipe1zcat[1] : dumb Q...if I install wine... do i need to install xp also?08:47
zcat[1] gaspipe1: not at all08:47
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gopgaspipe1:  nope08:47
gopthat what great about it08:47
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soundrayzcat[1] : you don't even need a Windows licence08:47
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soundrayzcat[1] : sry, I said that to the wrong guy ;)08:47
IndyGunFreakTheVault: any luck?08:47
gopme to08:47
zcat[1] soundray: according to monkeyboy I need an MS license just to run Linux :(08:47
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gaspipe1zcat[1] : wow...so i can install wine.. then run lets say itunes from my xp (ubuntu and xp pro are on my same HDD <dual boot> )08:48
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gopyou could08:48
threadhere's my xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log: http://rafb.net/p/7xVkJy21.html08:48
gopgaspipe1:  youc an even use vmserver08:48
thread1680x1050 refuses to work08:48
dan_Does anyone know how change play speeds in XMMS? because its playing songs really fast, all the voices are like chipmonks08:48
gopand run windows xp inside of08:48
threadwith or without the modeline08:48
LordLimecatgaspipe1: I am able to take the program folder for world of warcraft from windows, COPY the folder, and run it directly from linux08:48
LordLimecatno install'08:48
zcat[1] gaspipe1: in theory. In practise getting stuff to run under wine is often a pita..08:48
LordLimecatwine is quite good08:48
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gop!vmware > gaspipe108:48
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gopitunes under winde runs slow08:48
gopbut say program like ff or mirc it works great08:49
gaspipe1gop: what do u like wine or vmserver?08:49
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LordLimecatgames seem to work decent08:49
=== soundray ponders that software that is "quite good" is always a pita to run
gopgaspipe1:  wine is good08:49
gopfor games08:49
LordLimecatif yer computers beefy08:49
threadoo7: YGPM ?08:49
directhexi don't see the point in running specific applications with free, native equivalents under layers like wine08:49
gopbut vmserver is good for full xp desktop08:49
gopdirecthex:  true08:49
billymeterPersonally I think RhythmBox is just as good as iTunes08:49
gaspipe1can i install wine from apps>add/remove?08:49
gopgaspipe1:  nope08:49
oo7i'm a medical marijauna patient, i'm getting medicated08:49
billymeterJust don't have the access to DRM Tunes in the ITMS08:49
directhexthings like itunes. why bother?08:49
LordLimecatdirecthex: World of warcraft has no linux equivalent, nor does mirandaIM08:49
oo7it takes a couple minutes08:49
gopuse sudo apt-get install wine08:49
hflappybah still no friggin luck removing vmware-player anyone have problem with removing it?08:49
LordLimecatnor do a lot of games08:50
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zcat[1] directhex: there's a free shockwave plugin that works? :)08:50
gaspipe1billymeter: i been using amarak08:50
gop!install > gaspipe108:50
IndyGunFreakhflappy: did it have windows in it, or were you running windows with vmware'd linux?08:50
directhexLordLimecat, a multi-server im client has no free equivalent?08:50
ZeZuhow can i change a users home directory ?08:50
soundraydirecthex: sometimes "equivalent" is not equivalent enough, e.g. if you have to collaborate on documents with users on the dark side.08:50
gop!synpatic gaspipe108:50
LordLimecatdirecthex: not one with as big an addon selection08:50
billymetergaspipe1: To install wine, run 'sudo apt-get install wine' at the command line08:50
hflappyjust installed it...configure didn't work had 2 failures and now i can't remove it08:50
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LordLimecatkopete is the closest ive seen08:50
xf00fpretty sure you need a license (or you doid many moons ago when I first used it) - it uses the windows DLLs08:50
LordLimecatand its slow in irc08:50
oo7ZeZu, edit /etc/passwd08:50
IndyGunFreakhflappy: i dont' know man, good luck08:50
hflappyIndyGunFreak: kew kew...thx08:51
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gopuse irssi for irc08:51
LordLimecatonly crazy ppl use terminal for internets08:51
LordLimecatcrazy i say08:51
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:51
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billymeterLordLimecat: LYNX FTW08:51
oo7i named my cat lynx08:51
dan_how do i register?08:51
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LordLimecatunless lynx has text based tabs?08:51
billymeterLordLimecat: Oops, caps. Sorry.08:52
soundray!register > dan_, read the private msg from ubotu08:52
LordLimecatbillymeter: when using FTW, caps are mandatory :D08:52
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gaspipe1wine didn't install08:52
dan_thank you08:52
billymeterLordLimecat: I know, I was thinking ahead and held down shift when typing lynx =)08:52
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IndyGunFreakTheVault: is it working08:52
ZeZuoo7, thanks08:52
billymeterLordLimecat: I got too excited.08:52
LordLimecatthats disturbing08:53
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LordLimecatand by the way08:53
LordLimecatthis is gonna get me kicked, or killed, or worse08:53
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LordLimecatbut Vi sucks08:53
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LordLimecatim sorry, it does08:53
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soundraygaspipe1: have you enabled the universe repository?08:53
Mythmonuhoh... i smell a holy war...08:53
LordLimecatcant frikkin exit a file without blowing it up by hitting the wrong keyt08:53
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gaspipe1soundray: ahhh not sure08:53
billymeterLordLimecat: lol08:53
LordLimecati have to worry about what each key i press could do :(08:54
LordLimecati try to type hello and a nuke launches08:54
soundraygaspipe1: and make sure you're on i38608:54
gaspipe1soundray: was that a plug-in for Amorak to play mp3?08:54
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LordLimecatnano FTW08:54
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kelsinLordLimecat: if you want a quick easy "I don't want to do anything but hit arrows and letters" then don't use Vi, simple as that, clearly Vi is not for you08:54
gaspipe1soundray: I am using 64 bit08:54
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LordLimecatits not :(08:54
LordLimecatthats why god made guis08:54
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kelsindoesn't mean Vi sucks, it means you like Guis08:54
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soundraygaspipe1: sorry, no wine on amd64 unless you jump through some extra hoops08:54
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billymeterI'm wearing a shirt that says "fsck!"08:55
LordLimecatwell, anyone who suggests a noob use vi to edit fstab is evil08:55
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soundraygaspipe1: there are instructions on the forums08:55
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Mythmonspeaking of wine, how hard is it to get Photoshop CS2/CS3 Beta to work on Wine?08:55
billymeterLordLimecat: I'll agree with that08:55
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kelsinLordLimecat: agreed as well08:55
gaspipe1soundray: ok... right after I installed ubuntu 64 I read not to install that b/c it isn't supported...just my luck08:55
obelixWhere does 'scantv' save it's config file?08:55
IndyGunFreakbillymeter: how many people do you think know what that shirt means?08:55
gaspipe1soundray: thanks though...08:55
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IndyGunFreakobelix: scantv?.. never heard of it.08:55
obelixhaha :)08:55
soundraygaspipe1: I think the forums author you want to look for is called Kilz08:56
billymeterIndyGunFreak: Probably not many. They all think it's the other "f" word in code.08:56
obelixIndyGunFreak: it should output a xawtv config file08:56
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l337h4lAnyone had problems with the Nautilus DVD burning since updates in Feisty yesterday08:56
Mswordquick question: what should i format my drive for(I'm dual booting windows) for ubuntu?08:56
gaspipe1soundray: once Fiesty Fawn comes out can I upgrade that to i386 w/o doing a reformat and reinstall?08:56
ubuntudananyone know how to fix xmms when the play speed is all messed up, songs play super fast for me >.<08:56
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IndyGunFreakobelix: hmm08:56
najzlijijihey ppl i need some help about repositories.. PM me if u can help me08:56
soundrayl337h4l: ask in #ubuntu+1 please08:56
IndyGunFreakbillymeter: yeah, you're likely right08:56
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LordLimecatfrom the Vi lovers in here, i take it at least 2 of you (billy, kitche) are decently versed in linux?08:56
soundraygaspipe1: first of all, going to i386 is a downgrade IMO ;)08:56
gaspipe1is there an easy way to nistall flash?08:56
LordLimecati have an issue noones been able to answer, and i dunno if its an issue08:56
CBunnyhow do i boot the live cd text mode?08:56
billymeterLordLimecat: Not really. I'm still pretty much a n00b.08:57
gaspipe1soundray: u use 64?08:57
soundraygaspipe1: and second, no, you can't -- do a fresh install instead.08:57
LordLimecat@ boot: PCI: cannot allocate region 3 of...........08:57
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Mswordwhat should i format my drive for ubuntu?08:57
IndyGunFreakobelix: can you just open a terminal and type "scantv" no quotes?08:57
LordLimecatthen the load screen appears08:57
soundraygaspipe1: I do, on five cores at this time ;)08:57
d-s-di tried to create a cron-job that starts mplayer. But mplayer will only play for a second or so and then exits... why is that?08:57
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IndyGunFreakobelix: and what happens?08:57
ubuntudanXMMS Play speed? Anyone? Help? Pretty Please?08:57
lillpellehttp://hurf.mine.nu/micke/irctex/result-5820.png (58 x 46) 249 bytes08:57
obelixit scans08:57
gaspipe1soundray:  so u don't use wine?08:57
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soundraygaspipe1: no need08:57
IndyGunFreakubuntudan: ? whats wrong with it.. to slow, to fast, what/08:57
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Mswordshould i use ext3 for ubuntu?08:58
ubuntudanIndyGunFreak, Too fast, voices are all high pitched and everything is like 1 and a half times faster id say08:58
HirvinenMsword: ReiserFS or Ext3 should be good.08:58
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soundray!clone > gaspipe1, this will get you up and running quicker if you do decide to reinstall08:58
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soundrayMsword: short answer or long answer?08:58
gaspipe1soundray: ok....is there something u use?08:58
Mswordwhat do you recomend using08:58
LordLimecat!clone > LordLimecat08:58
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Msworddoesn't matter on length08:58
soundrayMsword: short answer is yes08:58
ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type "dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages", move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type "sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade"08:58
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xf00fto be fair vi is an abomination - it should at least have a line of text on screen to tell you how to enter commands. As it is you end up deleting/overwriting half your menu.lst trying to insert a line :/08:58
billymeterLordLimecat: Probably the most advanced Linux thing I've done has been getting the Broadcom driver to work in Slackware.08:58
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soundray!goodbotuse | gaspipe108:58
ubotugaspipe1: goodbotuse is please do "!factoid > user" see here: for more details:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/goodbotuse08:58
LordLimecatTHANK you, xf00f08:58
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Mswordwould using Gnome Partition Editor work well?08:59
Stormx2Yo. w32codecs lets media player play only audio of .rm files. How can I get it to play video also?08:59
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LordLimecatwhurs the "current mode" displayed?08:59
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LordLimecatwheres the "safe to type" light08:59
soundraygaspipe1: what do you mean by "is there something u use?"?08:59
sdac221x_hi, i haven't been able to find a link on showing how to edit the default time in the OS selection grub menu on boot.  can someone point me somewhere or tell me how to do this safely.. thanks08:59
ubuntudanIndyGunFreak, Dont suppose u got a fix for that?08:59
IndyGunFreakubuntudan: hmm i have no idea what would cause that... have ou tried Beep Media Player?.. its very similar to Xmms?08:59
gaspipe1soundray: i wasn't gett'n the info when u typed !clone > gaspipe108:59
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Mswordsoundray, is Gnome Partition Editor a good program for partitioning?08:59
LordLimecatsdac221x_: one second08:59
d-s-dcan someone help me?08:59
kitchexf00f: you probably never have used vi before have you :) it's much harder then vim lol08:59
kelsinLordLimecat: when I use vim I get a "INSERT" line when I'm in insert mode...08:59
LordLimecati knwo what yer talking about09:00
ubuntudanIndyGunFreak, i think i just messed up a setting, clicked something accidently, this has happend before a loong time ago, cant remember how to fix though09:00
najzlijijihey can somebody tell me how to delete mistyped repository in /etc/apt/sources.list?09:00
soundraysdac221x_: /boot/grub/menu.lst09:00
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K3ntoLordLimecat: how can i change from "froce GLX" to anything else in beryl without starting it? i changed it to that to experiment and now when i start beryl, everything freezes09:00
LordLimecatkelsin: thats not as clear as it could be -_-09:00
xf00fused vi before we had things like X terminals at uni. hated it09:00
soundraygaspipe1: it's in your private messages09:00
IndyGunFreakubuntudan: sorry, i went through the settings, can't find anything that would make it do that09:00
soundrayMsword: yes09:00
Mswordk ty09:00
ubuntudanIndyGunFreak, lol yeah its messed up hehe09:00
soundrayMsword: but use it from a live CD09:00
oo7Msword, also see cfdisk from the cli09:00
ubuntudananyone know how to fix xmms when the play speed is all messed up, songs play super fast for me anyone know what to do for that?09:00
billymeterIs SLI supported in the nVidia driver?09:01
kelsinLordLimecat: again then Vi is not for you guys, use a gui program, there are PLENTY, but complaining about Vi using features that make it as good as it is isn't helping09:01
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sdac221x_soundray:  i don't have a /boot  directory on my system09:01
gaspipe1soundray: holy crap....i didn't even see that.....this is a first lol09:01
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Stormx2w32codecs lets media player play only audio of .rm files. How can I get it to play video also?09:01
oo7sdac221x_, sudo mount /boot09:01
soundraysdac221x_: are you on ubuntu?09:01
LordLimecatsdac221x_:  i found it for you09:01
LordLimecatsudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst.backup09:01
LordLimecatsudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst09:01
sdac221x_soundray: i am on xubuntu but shouldnt make diff right ?09:02
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gaspipe1soundray: alright thanks again!!09:02
soundraysdac221x_: indeed, it shouldn't09:02
|Jason8|Hey guys, when I put any ubuntu CD in my drive and reboot my computer, the Ubuntu splash screen comes up with the menus.  Well, my keyboard and mouse both stop functioning.  Any idea why?09:02
LordLimecatkelsin: vi jibes are partly in jest, since so many ppl are fanatical about it09:02
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ubuntudananyone know how to fix xmms when the play speed is all messed up, songs play super fast for me anyone know what to do for that?09:02
sdac221x_oh hold on09:02
LordLimecati realize for gurus, its probably pretty coolk09:02
sdac221x_yes found it09:02
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soundray!repeat > ubuntudan09:03
najzlijijiis there anyone able to help me here???09:03
LordLimecatnajzlijiji: whats the issue?09:03
soundraysdac221x_: it's at the top of the file, the timeout option09:03
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ubuntudanPoint taken lol09:03
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billymeterDoes anyone else have an issue with the sound not working with Quake III Arena or Enemy Territory?09:03
LordLimecatubuntudan: if noone answers, google  or ubuntuguide.com are good resources....id get used to using them09:03
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sdac221x_is it safe to uncomment the "# Pretty colours" entry in grub file ?09:04
willWhat's KDE?09:04
sdac221x_i mean uncomment #color cyan/blue white/blue09:04
najzlijijii have mistyped wrong repository and then it chrashed .. so i removed all of reps... and yet that one that was bugging me is still there.. in /etc/apt/sources.list09:04
soundrayubuntudan: not to pretend I know how to help you, but have you tried another player, like mpg321 (command line)09:04
kelsinbillymeter: make sure you have the alsa-oss packages installed (I'm not sure if this is it)09:04
ubuntudanLordLimecat, lol been all over every doc i could find, this was my last hope hehe09:04
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE veresion is 3.5.6 for Edgy and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.09:04
billymeterkelsin: Thanks, I'll check that09:04
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LordLimecatubuntudan: what...exactly is happening?09:04
najzlijijiso now i have to remove that and put back thos default09:04
st0n3cutt3rgyaresu: are you back?09:04
ubuntudansoundray, noper, dont know how to do that09:04
Stormx2will: please /msg ubotu09:04
kelsinbillymeter: those games might still use OSS, not also, installing alsa-oss (I thinkt hat's the name) will add the oss-emulation with alsa09:04
billymeterkelsin: Alright, just installed that package, I'll test it out now.09:05
ubuntudanLordLimecat, My songs started playing really fast, like the play speed was increased, high pitched voices and stuff, happend a while ago cant remember how i fixed it though09:05
LordLimecatkelsin: isnt aoss installed by default?09:05
soundrayubuntudan: install mpg321 with your favourite package manager and run 'mpg321 filename.mp3'09:05
oo7ubuntudan, mess with the input/output in the xmms preferences, also check out amarok as an alternative09:05
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st0n3cutt3rif anyone can help me with these instructions:   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Belkin_F5D7050_ver_3000_%28Ralink_rt73_driver%29?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDevice%29   I would be very grateful09:05
kelsinLordLimecat: obviously for him it wasn't, since he just installed it09:05
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LordLimecatoh :|09:06
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kelsinLordLimecat: I'm unsure whether in different ubuntu releases it is already installed. If the default Ubuntu desktop doesn't have any apps that use OSS, I bet they would remove it09:06
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TheVaultIndyGunFreak: Alright, its working09:06
LordLimecatkelsin: i dont remember SUCCESSFULLY installing alsa or aoss, but when a doc suggested i use it for firefox to fix flash sound, it was there and worked09:07
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IndyGunFreakTheVault: ok.. cool.  if your DVD playback is real choppy...   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA09:07
LordLimecatim usin 6.10, maybe its new09:07
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: Yeah, just a lil choppy09:07
IndyGunFreakTheVault: you prolly need to enable DMA09:07
K3ntohow can i change the rendering for beryl w/o starting it? right now it is at GLX or something and i need it back to Nvidia. every time i start beryl it freezes.09:07
LordLimecatst0n3cutt3r: what do you need help withj09:07
IndyGunFreakfolow the instructions at that link i just sent.09:08
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billymeterkelsin: Okay, I get a Could not mmap dma buffer PROT_WRITE|PROT_READ error when running it now09:08
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: Thanks for helping me out. Anyway I can make Xine Movie Player my default DVD player of choice? I got another movie player that pops up and I don't want that player09:08
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ubuntudanLordLimecat, Looking at the time on XMMS, the seconds are going by faster then they should, its going 2 seconds for every REAL second09:08
hflappyhas anyone had a prob wit vmware-player and can't uninstall it?  dpkg is complaining bout sum --configure prob or sumtin09:08
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K3ntoLordLimecat: do you know?09:08
|Jason8|When I put any ubuntu CD in my drive and reboot my computer, the Ubuntu splash screen comes up with the menus.  Well, my keyboard and mouse both stop functioning.  Any idea why?09:09
IndyGunFreakTheVault: i know there's a way to do that, just not sure how... Xine rocks by the way09:09
st0n3cutt3rLordLimecat: I just need to know anything that I need to download for it to work, and where to get those things, because I have no internet access with ubuntu at all right now09:09
mbacis there a decent graphic boot editor?09:09
hflappyso how do i get it to remove completely from aptitude so it don't go thru the vmware-player's --configure process09:09
colbertHello, how can I set VLC to play a certain movie file like .mpg or .avi ??09:09
oo7K3nto, start beryl-manager only?09:09
LordLimecatK3nto: no, i dont , but i think theres a relationship between glx and nvidia?09:09
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: Then I picked it out myself personally09:09
LordLimecatie, one and the same?09:09
K3ntoand no bery09:09
LordLimecatoh, you want to get rid of beryl for now09:09
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kelsinbillymeter: http://www.happypenguin.org/show?Quake%203%20Arena&start=1009:09
IndyGunFreakTheVault: yeah, i think thats what i usually do, cuz it usually opens Totem for me, and I prefer VLC09:09
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mbaci mean, i'm impulsively just going to edit the grub config with vi but someone told me last night that these gee whiz graphical tools can do a lot these days09:09
LordLimecatrightclick the emerald, go to window manager, and select metacity09:09
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oo7beryl-manager --no-force-window-manager --no-force-decorator09:10
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billymeterkelsin: Thanks for the link09:10
kelsinbillymeter: people suggest stuff on that page to solve that error (next time try googling the error :))09:10
up365colbert, open the file and change the "open with" to VLC09:10
TheVaultYeah, that Totem kinda is a lame player(no offense to the creator, sorry)09:10
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IndyGunFreakTheVault: I don't care for it either, VLC is awesome.09:10
TheVaultYeah, VLC is another good one09:10
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TheVaultUse it on windows(oh god, he said windows) and its a excellent player09:10
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kelsinTotem depends on your gstreamer plugins, once you install a bunch (esp from multiverse and other reps) it's fine09:11
LordLimecatTheVault: the most delicious part is multicasting+web client09:11
KubaGnu C                  4.1.209:11
KubaGnu make               3.8109:11
Kubabinutils               2.1709:11
Kubautil-linux             2.12r09:11
Kubamount                  2.12r09:11
Kubamodule-init-tools      3.2.209:11
K3ntooo7: thanks that worked09:11
colbertup365: Yes, but I must do that everytime, I want to make VLC the default player.. if I double click on the movie it always opens with Totem player :( :(09:11
Kubae2fsprogs              1.3909:11
Kubareiserfsprogs          3.6.1909:11
KubaPPP                    2.4.409:11
argetlamI'm having problems with a new wireless card and ubuntu09:11
KubaLinux C Library        > libc.2.409:11
kelsin!pastebin > Kuba09:11
IndyGunFreakTheVault: lol, i think my DVD player just crapped out on me...lol09:11
KubaDynamic linker (ldd)   2.409:11
KubaProcps                 3.2.709:11
K3nto!pastebin | Kuba09:11
KubaNet-tools              1.6009:11
ubotuKuba: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:11
KubaConsole-tools          0.2.309:11
KubaSh-utils               5.9609:11
Kubaudev                   09309:11
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IndyGunFreakTheVault: it started making a wierd noise yesterday,09:11
ubotuWhile it is common in the computing field to consider 1kB (one kilobyte) = 1024B (1024 bytes), the correct equation, according to standard IEEE 1541, is 1kB = 1000B. On the other hand, 1KiB (one kibibyte) = 1024B  -  Same goes for all multiples09:11
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: Says DMA can be dangerious09:11
Kubaok okj:)09:11
up365colbert, I know I'd like to change default player also09:11
happyface0how can I install this in just terminal? http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html09:11
Kubaare that pockets enough to compile kernel?09:11
mbacapparantly the gnome system tool is supposed to have a boot editor09:12
IndyGunFreakTheVault: i dont know what danger it poses, but i've always enabled it w/o issue(note.. i think my DVD drive is dead..lol)09:12
argetlamI looked in the supported list on the wiki says it works out of the box but is not supported in Installed system09:12
Kubaare that pockets enough to compile kernel??09:12
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: Maybe DMA got hungry lol09:12
argetlamDo I have hope of getting it to work or do I need a different card09:12
Halcy0nCan anyone tell me where apt/synaptic would get its HTTP proxy settings?  Apparently I have an http proxy set somewhere and synaptic keeps trying to use it when I launch it.09:12
st0n3cutt3rLordLimecat: can you help me with it?09:12
IndyGunFreakTheVault: like i siad, it was making a wierd noise last night, so its prolly time for a new one09:12
LordLimecatst0n3cutt3r: ....lemme check09:13
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: Yeah maybe, but mines fairly new, bought it last year09:13
LordLimecatdo you know how to use the terminal?09:13
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Kubare that pockets enough to compile kernel?09:13
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TheVaultIndyGunFreak: Best of all mine is portable09:13
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IndyGunFreakTheVault: now that is good.09:13
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st0n3cutt3rLordLimecat: I think for the most part all I think I need to get files for is step 209:13
DemisMwhen you first load ubuntu you get the loading bar with ubuntu on it is there anyway to change or get rid of this?09:13
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: Man ubuntu players DVDs better than on Windows09:13
TheVault*plays dvds better than Windows09:14
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Shaba1hello all09:14
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LordLimecatyou should be able to copy-paste those commands into the terminal09:14
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IndyGunFreakTheVault: yeah, i really like VLC...09:14
LordLimecatapt-get will automagically grab them for you09:14
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TheVaultI am on a Pentium 3 Computer with 256mb of ram and a 20gig HD and my computer is running super fast09:14
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sherdog88hi, how can I install ubuntu from hdd ? i don't have cdrom. only iso image09:14
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oo7Halcy0n, Open Synaptic, Settings > Preferences > Network09:14
TheVaultOn windows, the playback skips badly09:15
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colbertup365:  Okay what we do is right-click the media file, go to Properties and then "open with" and select our player from the list, it will then make it default for all files of that type09:15
Halcy0noo7: yea, it wasn't set in there.  I finally found it.  It was buried in gconf.09:15
TheVaultI'm a windows guy(oh man, he said windows again) and I'm loving Ubuntu already :)09:15
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recon39could someone help me with adding permissions to a dvd player09:15
bjvdoes the 6.06 CD include gparted?09:15
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IndyGunFreak TheVaultthe key is, when you get frustrated, not to give up.. the answers are there, you just gotta find them09:15
Shaba1ok folks09:15
argetlamI'm having problems with a new wireless card (Belkin F5D7000 ver 5100) and ubuntu09:15
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argetlamI looked in the supported list on the wiki says it works out of the box but is not supported in Installed system09:16
TheVault*Thevault bows down to Linux but bill gates gives him an evil stare*09:16
Shaba1anyone here have any knowlege of ipcop09:16
cogenoKind of09:16
Shaba1becasue on that channel no on is answering09:16
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yell0wbjv, yes09:16
argetlamDo I have hope of getting it to work or do I need a different card09:16
billymeterkelsin: Thanks I got it to work. I did Google it a few days back and I found the echo "quake3.x86 0 0 direct"... thing. It didn't work because I didn't have that package installed. Thanks for the help.09:16
LordLimecatthe thing about windows, its not customizeable, so ppl like me who like to explore their system have nothin new to do after the first 6 months with xp09:16
techieAnyone! How do I make my totem movieplayer read my cdrom?09:16
TheVault*TheVault slaps bill gates, and bows down once again to linux*09:16
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kelsinbillymeter: np09:16
bjvyell0w: ok. i think i might just reboot then. :o09:16
LordLimecatfinding new software for xp thats quality is such a chore09:16
Eclipse75hello world09:16
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recon39does anyone know how to add permissions to a dvd player on mythtv09:16
TheVaultLordLimeCat: You got that right09:16
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yell0wbjv, don't do anything drastic, hehe09:17
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LordLimecathowever, utorrent, and mirandaIM ARE money :D'09:17
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techieEverytime i try to play cdrom dvd etcc Totem tell me "No uri to read the cdrom?09:17
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up365colbert, thanks I'll try that09:17
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LordLimecatvlc too, but thats linux's first :D09:17
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:17
TheVaulttechie: thats why just happend to me09:17
bjvyell0w: im just trying to resize this fat32 part09:17
colbertup365: np, it's working perfect for me :)09:17
Coffeegrindahhas anyone in here played with the persistant live / USB drive stuff?09:17
TheVaultIndyGunFreak helped me out on that problem09:17
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whieimhereI was wondering if by using either XFCE or Enlightenment 17 is there a decrease in the system resource usage in comparison to say the GNOME - Metacity combo?09:17
_MaPuChE_can anyone help me... im havin trouble with the instalation of ubuntu 6.1009:17
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recon39I am using gxine on mythtv and it dont see the dvd09:17
dg1What's up _MaPuChE_?09:17
techie<TheVault>explain.... did you solve the problem, if so how?09:17
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_MaPuChE_cant install09:18
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages09:18
joshjosh_MaPuChE_ What's it saying?09:18
elomakhi all !09:18
dg1_MaPuChE_: why not?09:18
oo7whieimhere, definetly09:18
_MaPuChE_nor run live cd09:18
ucordeshow can i get a square root symbol in openoffice.org writer that comes with ubuntu?09:18
recon39needod thanks09:18
K3ntoLordLimecat: 6 sides now!09:18
TheVaulttechie: Yeah, I went here and followed these instructions: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Edgy#How_to_install_DVD_playback_capability09:18
happyface0How can I install a .deb package from http in terminal?09:18
_MaPuChE_i get to the first raphical menu09:18
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linux_kidHow do I get my Lexmark X2250 Printer to work on my PC?  (the printer is connected to a networked windows xp pc with all the nessscery drivers installed)09:18
whieimhereI really liked Enlightenment 17 oo7 is that an increase or decrease?09:18
DemisMhow do I add some environment variable so that when gdm starts it loads it?09:18
joshjosh_MaPuChE_ can you get to the "Start of Install Ubuntu" screen?09:18
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dg1_MaPuChE_: To start with, type your problem entirely on one line ;) Helps when there's 1k+ people around.09:19
IndyGunFreakTheVault: thats a really good FAQ to hang on to, shows how to do just about everything09:19
techieTheVault... thanks I will give it a try09:19
AJIEXAwhat a program i must use to open "flv" file format ?09:19
LordLimecatlinux_kid: I've never done this before, but for lack of anyone else answering, i notice that under places, theres a connect to server option09:19
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whieimhereoo7 and XFCE is an increase?09:19
LordLimecatyou would probably want to "connect to windows share"09:19
rysiek|plguys, got a problem here. a friend tried running fglrx + beryl a wee bit too hard and he "lost" (don't ask...) his libGL.so.1 file (and now e.g. amarok won't start); now, libGL.so.1 is a symlink to libGL.so.1.2 (both are gone), and both are in the package libgl1-mesa-glx... but that doesn't want to reinstall, complaining that it's "impossible to create a symlink (/usr/lib/libGL.so.1): no such file or directory" anybody any ideas? apart09:19
rysiek|plfrom obviously copying the file from my system to his...09:19
Chief@AJIEXA: vlc09:19
LordLimecatfrom there, dunno09:19
dimychSound doesn't come out after system boot, but all settings in volume controls are correct. After some up/down of sliders (to max position and then back) it starts to work normally. What can be a reason?09:19
linux_kidLordLimecat, its a windows pc, so it wont show up as a recongnized printer09:19
Coffeegrindah<AJIEXA> you can use VLC09:19
oo7gnome would use more memory than XFCE09:20
LordLimecatsorry then09:20
whieimhereAliexa though it wont give you a timeline slider09:20
Mythmonhow difficult is it to get steam games (CS:S, HL2, etc) to work under wine?09:20
TheVaulttechie: your welcome. I'm learning things to and whatnot, so its just one step at a time for me09:20
AJIEXAChief:  thx but i can't see video09:20
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ubotuA quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html09:20
whieimhereoo7 and Enlightenment 17 uses more than GNOME?09:20
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: Yeah, I am making a folder in my Google Bookmarks for all these tutorials09:20
dg1I'm the same TheVault! :)09:20
linux_kidLordLimecat, you tried09:20
willTaime1,  where can I get tickets for that widgtres program?09:20
Chief@AJIEXA: the give mplayer a try09:20
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IndyGunFreakTheVault: yeah, mine has about 20 sites in it now..lol09:20
_MaPuChE_ok... this is the problem i put the cd in and boot from it... then a screen apears and i click on run or install ubuntu but when itends loading my monitors says out of range 75Khz 60hz and cant go further09:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lexmark - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:20
TheVaultdg1: yuppers. Next thing i'll do is setup my printer09:20
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TheVaultIndyGunFreak: yeah I know what you mean09:21
st0n3cutt3rcan anyone help me understand some instructions for installing a wireless adapter on ubuntu?09:21
Taime1i dont know, will, im sorry...09:21
joshjosh_MaPuChe_ press F6 at the boot screen and add noapic nolapic to that line09:21
kelsin_MaPuChE_: you can use the text install program, it's one of the options from the boot menu, hit f3 or f4 to see what option it is09:21
jussi01linux_kid, try www.linuxprinting.org09:21
Coffeegrindahdoes anyone know what to do with the "ubuntu" user after setting up a persistant live USB stick with a new user?09:21
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linux_kidjussi01 ok09:21
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minimecst0n3cutt3r: usb wifi adapter?09:21
IndyGunFreakTheVault: i don't know if this will help you... but what i do, in case links change,e tc, and its something REALLY useful(like how to configure my TV card)09:21
whieimhereIf I want the XFCE desktop what package do I install? I do not want o eliminate the GNOME desktop though09:22
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joshjoshwhieimhere: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop09:22
st0n3cutt3rminimec: yes09:22
megafaunaHi, how do I download a missing library file? What is the terminal command?>09:22
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: I have a Canon ip1700 printer, know of any install guides on how to get that running?09:22
_MaPuChE_ok... ill try... anythin else i should keep in mind?09:22
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IndyGunFreakTheVault: i open the file in Opera, and save it as an .mht file(more or less, a snapshot of the website)... and save those useful .mht's with my backups.. :)09:22
scooterskinwhat version would be best to install on a amd 3800 dual core?09:22
Pinnenwhich is the most featureistic msn-client for linux?09:22
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IndyGunFreakTheVault: no i really don't, sorry09:23
|Jason8|Is it possible to load software off of a kubuntu CD onto an ubuntu system?09:23
jussi01Pinnen, amsn09:23
minimecst0n3cutt3r: plug it in and try iwconfig in a console. You will see if your adapter was recognized.09:23
Coffeegrindah<Pinnen> Gaim (IMO)09:23
Chiefdoes somebody know, how to add a menu section to grub, which will do a fsck on my /09:23
_MaPuChE_ok thx for the help09:23
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: Alrighty, i'll see what I can come up with09:23
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whieimhereJoshJosh Thank you09:23
st0n3cutt3ri tried that and it was, but it failed to identify a network09:23
Flannel|Jason8|: You mean use the Kubuntu CD as a repository?  Is it an Alternate CD?09:23
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IndyGunFreakTheVault: printer support and wireless support, might be two of Linux's bigger drawbacks.09:23
jussi01|Jason8|, yes09:23
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Pinnenjussi01: Coffeegrindah: ok, tnx.. will try them out later then :)09:23
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|Jason8|That's possible?09:23
joshjoshwheimhere: When you restart x you'll have to click settings and choose your desktop from there09:23
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: Yeah, I had a nightmare with my Broadcom 43xx on my laptop(but got it working)09:23
Flannel|Jason8|: Ubuntu and Kubuntu are the same distro, just with different WMs09:24
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IndyGunFreakTheVault: yeah, i'm scared to try wireless just yet...like is aid yesterda, i spent 17hrs on dual monitors..lol09:24
whieimherejoshjosh Thanks09:24
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joshjoshno prob09:24
FlannelChief: you want to touch /forcefsck then reboot09:24
oo7fear not, a unified wireless subsystem went into the mm kernel recently, so linux may use it soon09:24
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: Wow09:24
joshjoshindygunfreak: It's not too hard. I have the horrid dell 1390 card and I got it working in about an hour...09:24
UgggggI finally got my scanner working09:24
TheVaultoo7: That sounds like good news about wireless :D09:24
IndyGunFreakTheVault: here's the crappy part, i had it set up in an hour, ...09:24
linux_kidHow do i find out what PCL version my printer uses?09:24
UgggggI had to extract firmware from the windows driver to do it09:25
IndyGunFreaki just couldn't get it set up like I wanted it set up.09:25
|Jason8|Flannel, can I upgrade ubuntu breezy with kubuntu dapper?  I really like KDE09:25
joshjoshindygunfreak: But ActuallyI could've done it in 15 minutes if i would've just restarted after modprobe ndiswrapper hah09:25
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IndyGunFreaki hosed my xorg.conf at leat 60x..lol09:25
Chief@Flannel: thx09:25
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: I know what your saying.09:25
jussi01linux_kid, which printer is it?09:25
joshjoshjason8: Update normally then sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:25
oo7linux_kid, linuxprinting.org!09:25
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linux_kidjussi01, lexmark x225009:25
IndyGunFreakjoshjosh: i had it set up in no time, it was getting it set how i wanted it, and i kept screwing up xorg.conf..lol09:25
linux_kidoo7 they called it a paperweight09:25
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minimecst0n3cutt3r: ok. In gnome you can configure your device in the network settings in the settings menu.09:25
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Flannel|Jason8|: If you don't want ubuntu, yeah.  You'll want to remove ubuntu, install kubuntu, then upgrade.  Or remove ubuntu, upgrade, then install kubuntu.  And, this only works with the Altenrate CD, Desktop CD can't be used as a repository09:26
linux_kidoo7, but i still need it to work09:26
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: My laptop is my baby, I do all my linux testing on my desktop, and when I feel i have mastered everything or enough to call it my primary OS, then I will09:26
joshjoshindygunfreak: I gotcha on that. I keep screwing my xorg.conf up trying to get my resolution correct09:26
prepuziogood evening. getting crazy with wpasupplicant. works very well hand launched but for some reason does not start automatically. /etc/default/wpasupplicant has the ENABLED=1 and OPTIONS="-i ath0 -D madwifi -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -B" lines. Any ideas please please please ????09:26
jussi01linux_kid, it probably is then09:26
minimecst0n3cutt3r: There is also a network-manager-applet for the taskbar.09:26
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IndyGunFreakjoshjosh: yeah, fortunately, i've always been a backup freak, so even if i had to erase and reinstall, i'm almost always ready09:26
linux_kidjussi01, but i still need it, and a while ago someone told me it supported pcl09:26
joshjoshindygunfreak: HAh. YOu have better habits than me. I'm a loose cannon on this thing09:26
IndyGunFreakjoshjosh: lol09:27
joshjoshst0n3cutt3r: Have you been in here all night?09:27
TheVaultjoshjosh: patients has its rewards09:27
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TheVaultjoshjosh: I would know09:27
LordLimecater....i just installed mythTV, and its askin gor the mysql password?09:27
|Jason8|Flannel, what's the difference between the Alternate CD and the Desktop CD?  I just have one CD, I assume that's the desktop CD09:27
LordLimecati do not recall setting one09:27
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joshjoshTheVault: Yeah. I need to learn that haha09:27
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darkcommonIts my mainboard "MSI K8MM3" compatible with Beryl or XGL/Compiz09:27
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kelsin|Jason8|: the easiest way to get kbuntu, is like the first response said, upgrade to ubuntu dapper the normal way, and then install the kubuntu-desktop packages09:28
Coffeegrindahhow would I go about adding a USB drive as a bootable option for my local install of GRUB, that is, I've got GRUB On my ThumbDrive, I just need my local install to point to a boot record on my usb drive09:28
prepuziowhy does the wpasupplicant package does NOT install an /etc/init.d/wpasupplicant script ???09:28
Flannel|Jason8|: the Desktop CD is the liveCD, it's just a disk image (and that's how it installs, by copying the image), the Alternate CD is the textmode installer, it installs by installing all the packages from it's local repository (on the CD)09:28
TheVaultjoshjosh: lol. When I was setting up wireless(using the live cd on my laptop) boy I was cussing left and right at it cause it would not work. Then finally, I used a differ method and it worked09:28
oo7LordLimecat, you'll probaby want to get familar with mysql, and an easy way is to install apache+php+phpmyadmin, phpmyadmin being a web interface for creating the database, creating users, setting permissions to local users only, etc...you'll probably want apache for other things on mythtv (ie, mythweb)09:28
|Jason8|Okay, tahnks a lot09:28
darkcommonFlannel the ALTERNATE is an CD for update ubuntu, nostle09:28
joshjoshTheVault: Same here. I had that with sabayon 3.26...Then I full installed, did everything, got mad it didn't work...restarted it and everything was fine.09:29
Flanneldarkcommon: er... What?09:29
joshjoshTheVault: Sabayon is a hog though, so I switched to ubuntu yet again09:29
oo7LordLimecat, but if you didn't set one, i bet you have local access without a password, so username = root, password is just blank/null09:29
IndyGunFreakTheVault: well, i figured out my DVD problem wasn't my DVD player at all, when I tried MythTV, it seems it screwed up my Codecs.. i just re-installed them, and now its working09:29
BrendanMWireless support is probably the single biggest shortcoming of Linux09:29
darkcommonits an CD for update Ubuntu. mostly09:29
TheVaultjoshjosh: I'm only good in Ubuntu09:29
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IndyGunFreakdrive is still clicking though, so its on its way to the pc graveyard09:29
LordLimecatyea, sigh, ill have to learn apache :(09:29
Flanneldarkcommon: no it's not.  It's an install CD, and can be used to upgrade.09:29
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prepuziook guys see that my wpasupplicant problems are too tough for you 8-) 8-) good night then !09:29
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TheVaultjoshjosh: Kubuntu is good but I know where most things are at in Ubuntu09:29
LordLimecatdont look forward to it, websites just never got my fancy :(09:29
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con-manIndyGunFreak: clicking hard drive? thats never good09:29
eckLordLimecat: apache is pretty sanely configured, it shouldn't be too hard09:30
darkcommonits best to use the Desktop disc to install P09:30
oo7just install apache, there's not much to configure unless you want a custom setup09:30
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IndyGunFreakcon-man: clicking dvd drive actually... just as bad..lol09:30
globeHas anybody any experience with NFS?09:30
IndyGunFreakcon-man: i dont' mess with clicking hard drives, i jus replace them, cuz they always seem to go bad when you least suspect it.09:30
Coffeegrindahanyone good with GRUB?09:30
arrenlex!anyone | Coffeegrindah09:30
Flannel!anyone | Coffeegrindah09:30
ubotuCoffeegrindah: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:30
prepuzioplease, is anyone reading me ? just want to make shure gaim is working properly, thanks.09:31
TheVaultI HATE GRUB! It was a nightmare when I had no clue on what I was doing09:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about supergrubdisk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:31
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kelsinprepuzio: yes we see you09:31
eckgrub is the best09:31
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TheVaultI'm going to get me some grub lol09:31
arrenlexTheVault: Do you see something wrong with "I hate it because I don't know what I was doing"? xD09:31
Flannelprepuzio: yep09:31
IndyGunFreakCoffeegrindah: sorry, i suck wth Grub, if it wasn't for the fact Ubuntu does it automatically, i'd be lost..lol09:31
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IndyGunFreakTheVault: lol, later09:31
scooterskinhello, can anyone tell me which version would be best to install edgy or dapper?09:31
prepuziothank you Flannel09:31
xf00fSystem->Preferences->Network Proxy probably09:31
eckCoffeegrindah: what is your question, i will see if i can help09:31
oo7edgy = newer packages, but less stable, while dapper = stable packages, but not necessarily the newest09:32
Coffeegrindahhate to repeat a big question again, but i need it to point to the boot record on my USB drive, My machine won't natively do it09:32
TheVaultarrenlex: When I first dual booted, I had no clue about ubuntu at the time, so when I deleted the linux partitions, grub did not let me boot back into Windows....but I know how to fix all that now, but it was a nightmare09:32
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Uggggganyone know how to make links I click in xchat open with firefox instead of terminal09:32
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eckCoffeegrindah: if your bios cannot see the usb drive, neither can grub09:32
admin__I need help installing Tor09:32
eck(it is in the grub documentation)09:33
ubotutor: anonymizing overlay network for TCP. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 763 kB, installed size 1556 kB09:33
admin__This guide: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2006/11/02/how-to-install-tor-privoxy-kubuntu-606-610/09:33
Uggggggoodluck andmin09:33
oo7Uggggg, good question09:33
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UgggggI just use my windows box09:33
globeum...I set up an NFS share on a Ubuntu computer to dump a hard drive from a laptop running Ubuntu live.  I can connect to the share and I can write to it, but I can't move files from the mounted harddrive to the network because of user permissions. Any ideas how I can accomplish this?09:33
st0n3cutt3rminimec: I'm not sure how to do any of that, sorry about the delay I have college stuff to deal with09:33
Ugggggit was too much trouble to get tor working in ubuntu09:33
Coffeegrindahmy bios "can" but won't for some reason..  it;s odd It says it will boot from a USB device, just not flashdrives09:33
IndyGunFreakUggggg: whats it do?09:33
st0n3cutt3rjoshjosh: no, I went to bed like 8 hours ago, got up and started at it again 2 hours ago09:33
admin__said I need to comment out: logfile logfile and jarfile jarfile how do I do this?09:33
Barbalanderi have problem with xorg. It freezes and looks like LSD drugs. Then the computer reboots.09:34
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eckCoffeegrindah: are you trying to put grub on your hard drive and have it boot from the flash drive, or putting it on the flash drive itself?09:34
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FlannelUggggg: You can install Tor easily (it's in universe)09:34
MalfermitaKodoHi, I wanted to know whether it is safe to shrink NTFS partitions using the Ubuntu installer09:34
ncallerIs there a package to install vmware-server with or only player?09:34
Flannel!it | gio09:34
ubotugio: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:34
Ugggggnot the latest version09:34
Uggggglike 10 year old versions09:34
gaysIf i buy a domain, what else do it need to get it to point to my dedicated server? =p09:34
oo7gays: dns09:35
minimecst0n3cutt3r: sudo apt-get install network-manager network-manager-gnome09:35
ncallerso best to just go download it09:35
oo7see afraid.org09:35
gaysoo7: Ok, do they provide it for free?09:35
kelsinadmin__: that guide tells you to edit some files (it uses vim, you can use gedit) and then comment some lines, it depends on the format of those files you're editing. It should be pretty easy to figure out what the comment format is09:35
oo7or you can setup your own09:35
Coffeegrindahech: well I've actually have it on my thumbdrive (installed at work) I need my local grub, to point to that09:35
kelsinadmin__: if that guide is confusing to you, Tor is probably not something you need to mess with09:35
gaysoo7: ok thanks :D09:35
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eckgays: some registrars will do it for you09:35
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: is there anyway to fix the choppy playback of flash videos? Like when I am on youtube, its all choppy09:35
minimecst0n3cutt3r: The next time you start your gnome session you should have a new applet in the taskbar, where you can configure your device.09:35
Ugggggtor is easy to install and setup in windows09:35
IndyGunFreakTheVault: I don't know, i've never had that problem.09:35
arrenlexTheVault: 7 or 9?09:36
UgggggI just use vnc to remotely use it via a win2k box09:36
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TheVaultarrenlex: I have nine09:36
FlannelUggggg: no, they're not old.09:36
admin__ok, but I don't see the "logfile logfile" nor the "jarfile jarfile" string09:36
oo7gays: to be honest, i personally know that afraid.org has a vuln and a select few can create or edit any entries to any domains hosted at afraid.org09:36
MalfermitaKodono one can tell me about that?09:36
IndyGunFreakTheVault: Flash works fine for me.09:36
eckCoffeegrindah: you only need grub in one place, either on your hard drive or on the flash drive (there is no need to chainload it)09:36
Ugggggyeah they are09:36
Ugggggi just checked09:36
kelsinadmin__: pastebin the file you're editing09:36
Uggggglike min 4 versions behind09:36
kelsin!pastebin > admin__09:37
FlannelUggggg: Edgy has and Dapper has, Those are right on schedule for when they were released09:37
eckCoffeegrindah: i would try just booting off the flash drive, since that is a bit easier09:37
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: Hmmm, maybe its my computer09:37
Coffeegrindaheck i cant09:37
gaysOk, but i bought a domain from godaddy, i selected paypal. but i havent paid anything for it yet. How long time does it take before i get a confirmation mail? =\09:37
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IndyGunFreakTheVault: maybe...09:37
Coffeegrindahthats why I'm here09:37
oo7gays: 2 minutes maybe09:37
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Ugggggrunning an older tor client is just asking for trouble09:37
zcat[1] how do I "repair" having used the nvidia installer? I've tried to delete them manually, and reinstall nvidia-glx, restricted-modules and xserver-xorg-nv but when I reboot I still have to manually modprobe nvidia before I can get X to start and most of the time it still won't run properly. At the moment I'm using the 'nv' driver.09:37
eckCoffeegrindah: well, it's an issue that you have to work out with your bios :-)09:37
TheVaultNo offense, but paypal SUX09:37
FlannelUggggg: Ubuntu freezes the versions of any software it's released with.  After that, only bugfixes and security patches are backported09:37
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IndyGunFreaki hate paypal09:38
Uggggglol if then...09:38
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TheVaultIndyGunFreak: They shut down my account for no apparent reason09:38
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gaysoo7: Hmm, i ordered for a few hours ago. But after i setup the billing agreement it said "Order is already placed" or something =\09:38
Ugggggits a feature to run old versions not a bug09:38
IndyGunFreakTheVault: well, my reasons for not liking them, are really political(they are rabidly antigun, along with Ebay)/...09:38
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: My friend had the same problem09:38
FlannelUggggg: you'd want to check the changelogs to see what bugs have been fixed.  If the subsequent releases are all just bugfixes, then in theory, the versions in dapper and edgy are identical to the newest release09:38
IndyGunFreakTheVault: does this video work09:38
billymetergays: I had my domain up and running from them in about 10 minutes after I paid09:38
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: Lemme try09:39
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Coffeegrindaheck: but if I can just point it to the kernel on /dev/sdb1 then I could bypass the secondary GRUB couldn't I?09:39
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kiranHi, I'm using edgy on a Dell inspiron 6400 with ATI X1400, but just can't find a way to install my drivers, could someone help me plz?09:39
IndyGunFreakTheVault: thats my favorite youtube video ever...lol09:39
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TheVaultits funny and true09:39
st0n3cutt3rminimec: how can I do that if I am not connected to the internet in the first place?09:39
Coffeegrindaheck; I need it on the flash drive to boot remotely, but I need it locally to well.. boot09:39
eckCoffeegrindah: yes, in theory you could, but i doubt it will work if you can't boot from the device itself; to do so you would need to make sure you have it as a grub device, instructions to do that are here: http://www.novell.com/documentation/suse91/suselinux-adminguide/html/ch07s04.html09:39
admin__logfile= http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8670/09:40
gaysbillymeter: Hmm, maybe i did something wrong. I had a hard time registring an account =P I think ill try again=P09:40
aschwohey, i've got some problems getting ubuntu to recognize my SATA HD on a 965p chipset mobo, can anyoen help me out?09:40
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eckCoffeegrindah: basically you need to make sure grub can see the device when you're in a grub shell, and make sure there is a device mapped to it09:40
billymetergays: I'd suggest checking oyur Paypal account to see if the payment went through09:40
Coffeegrindaheck: cool I'll check it out ..09:40
minimecst0n3cutt3r: Ok. There is a network-setting in your settings menu. There you should see the new wireless device.09:40
billymetergays: If it did, try talking to the customer service folks09:40
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linux_kidHow do i find the version of pcl on a windows printer?09:41
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TheVaultkeep seeing this thing jumping up and down lol09:41
=== jexdawg [n=jexdawg@adsl-2-157-174.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
teeLops didnt notice the nick >.<09:41
eckCoffeegrindah: especially look at section 7.4.209:41
renuhey people, i wanna upgrade from dapper to edgy, but the update manager doesn't show me that there is a needed update (and i don't wanna do it in the terminal as there are warnings that can mess up the comp)... so what do you recommend me? is it ok if i wait for the stable version of feisty?09:41
Coffeegrindahalready there :)09:41
teeLbillymeter: I didnt get to any paypal confirmation or anything like that.. ill try support.09:41
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st0n3cutt3rminimec: I can see the wireless device and even configure it, but it can't find the network for some reason :/09:42
renuanybody? :d09:42
billymeterteeL: You should be able to log in and view your account history. If you see that GoDaddy charged you, then well they have your money. If not, then maybe something happened and you have to do another transaction.09:42
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TheVaultIndyGunFreak: Mac killed my inner child LOL09:42
Flannelrenu: gksu "update-manager -c"09:42
billymeterI <3 Macintosh09:42
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UgggggI just got openoffice 2.1 working... the fonts don't look like squiggles anymore  YAY!!!!09:42
=== peterol [n=peterol@host-81-190-149-30.olsztyn.mm.pl] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelrenu: Since Dapper is a LTS, it won't nag you about Edgy unless you ask (with the -c)09:42
TheVaultuggggg: Congrats09:43
renuFlannel, that's what I did, but then i get a message saying my system is up to date09:43
jexdawghow can i configure the mplayer plug-in to play .wmvs, quicktime files, and files other than just flash, which is all it handles now? basically, where can i edit what the mplayer plugin handles? please help, its a huge pain not being able to stream any file type that isn't flash.09:43
mdasilvaout of interest09:43
Ugggggjex automatix will install all the crud09:43
Flannelrenu: you didn't add the -c probably09:43
Ugggggeven though everyone here will tell you it will kill your rig09:43
arrenlexjexdawg: mplayerplug-in doesn't handle flash. o_O09:43
IndyGunFreakTheVault: lol.. i know, its hilarious09:43
FlannelUggggg: please don't recommend automatix here.09:43
renuFlannel, but i did :)09:43
minimecst0n3cutt3r: you will not find any network with this. you may want to search a network on a console with the appropriate tool. one moment please ...09:43
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: But I can relate to that video09:43
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe09:43
jexdawgwell, i'm a liar, i coudln't remember exactly what it does play so i said flash. anyways, haha, it still doesn't play .wmvs and i'd like it too.09:43
IndyGunFreakTheVault: really?.. i never used a mac09:43
renui typed in the terminal sudo upadate manager -c -d09:43
teeLbillymeter: Nope, its not in the history..09:44
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coshxis there a good tutorial/wiki for writing a deb package for ubuntu? been searching google, but the ones i've found seem out of date.09:44
arrenlexjexdawg: go to about:plugins in firefox and pastebin the entire page, please.09:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about justworks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:44
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: Yeah, I use one everyday at school for my Multimedia Class09:44
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arrenlex!pastebin | jexdawg09:44
ubotujexdawg: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:44
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joshjoshgstreamer lets you play wmv09:44
minimecst0n3cutt3r: iwspy is the tool.09:44
TheVaultOnly thing I like about the Mac is the Dock09:44
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joshjoshTheVault: HAH!09:44
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IndyGunFreaki gues everything has to have some redeeming qualities.09:44
billymeterteeL: Then the transaction most likely didn't go through. Try registering it again.09:44
TheVaultjoshjosh: What?09:45
IndyGunFreakUggggg: do you use automatix?09:45
kelsincoshx: the best place I found is the New Maintainers Guide on the debian documentation page. Still, deb's been around so long it's tough to find a good basic guide :-(09:45
joshjoshTheVault: There's alot of things to like about the mac. I hate the dock personally09:45
minimecst0n3cutt3r: iwspy eth0 or so ...09:45
Ugggggyes on over 20 machines09:45
coshxkelsin: thanks. i'll check it out.09:45
Ugggggno problems09:45
Flannelrenu: er, no -d, that's if you're on edgy and wan to upgrade to feisty (while still unstable).  You should use gksu not sudo, but I don't think that'd cause the problem.  I don't know.09:45
joshjoshTheVault: I'd rather use object dock in XP than the mac dock09:45
TheVaultjoshjosh: Like I was reading, some people like the dock, others hate it09:45
teeLbillymeter: Ok =)09:45
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BrendanMoh yeah, TheVault, did you get your dock working?09:45
Ugggggeveryone I know who runs ubuntu in the real world uses it09:45
st0n3cutt3rminimec: just type that into the terminal?09:45
Ugggggunless they want to spend 20 hours configging stupid stuff in the cli09:45
joshjoshTheVault: Which dock you trying to use?09:45
FlannelUggggg: Good for you.  Please do not recommend it here.09:45
TheVaultBrendanM: I have not a clue how to set it up09:45
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jexdawgarrenlex: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8671/ <- my about:plugins09:46
TheVaultjoshjosh: nothing at the moment, just made a new panel with the "Look alike feel" but no magification thing on the right of my screen09:46
renuFlannel, I have edgy cd, and I could upadet from the cd, but I'm afraid that the programs on the cd are not latest versions compared to what I have on my laptop (with usual updates for dapper)... so do you think such an update would make sense...?09:46
minimecst0n3cutt3r: I have to correct myself type iwlist eth0 scanning09:46
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joshjoshTheVault: You try gdesklets? They have a toolbar launcher09:46
Ugggggflannel I throw down the gauntlet to you... show me one instance of a killed system (other than nvidia drivers)  by the newest build of automatix209:46
IndyGunFreakUggggg: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Edgy   thats a better place to send them09:46
sacateri doubt it. but has anyone got a server they dont use, or care little about, if they do i am looking to use for free by remote, root would be prefered09:46
arrenlexjexdawg: remove the totem-mozilla package and everything will magically work for you.09:47
IndyGunFreakUggggg: i've not even had issues with the Nvidia Driver, but thats another issue.09:47
FlannelIndyGunFreak: ubuntuguide isn't safe either.  (it wasnt, then it was, it is't again), send them to the wiki.09:47
Barbalanderwhen i start xorg i get fanzy colors fading all over the screen. Then my computer reboots. I've used nvidia-config.09:47
=== cb_ [n=circusbr@c-68-41-206-174.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
TheVaultjoshjosh: thats not the same. I want it where I put my mouse over the icons, it does what the mac dock does09:47
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IndyGunFreakFlannel: i don't know, i've had no issues with that wiki, and i always give it to folks09:47
joshjoshTheVault; The toolbar launcher has magnification, but it looks stupid. Sounds like you want something like kiba09:47
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joshjoshTheVault: What vers of ubuntu you running?09:47
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TheVaultjoshjosh: 6.0609:48
FlannelIndyGunFreak: It's canon fr this channel again, not to use ubuntuguide anymore09:48
jexdawgi used automatix to install mplayer and several codecs - perhaps that constitutes the majority of my problem. should i uninstall them all (with automatix?) and just redo it via terminal?09:48
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renuFlannel, I've just tried with gksu, but the same shit happens again :(09:48
slewis there a way to get a nifty little shadow behind the windows in gnome?09:48
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joshjoshTheVault: Well, kiba's a bit tricky and you have to have beryl installed to use it...09:48
arrenlexjexdawg: Did you hear what I said?09:48
Flannelrenu: pastebin your sources.list09:48
IndyGunFreakFlannel: first i've saw that09:48
jexdawgnope... sorry, i'll search for it09:48
coshxslew: beryl or the other xgl wm09:48
arrenlex(13:47:10) arrenlex: jexdawg: remove the totem-mozilla package and everything will magically work for you.09:48
IndyGunFreakFlannel: i've linked it a bazillion times09:48
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slewcoshx, neither09:48
BrendanMThere's a ton of docks out there: http://www.gnome-dock.org/trac09:48
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TheVaultjoshjosh: Well I don't have beryl installed nor do I think my graphics card could handel that09:48
jexdawghow does one go about removing the totem-mozilla package? (sorry, noob)09:49
joshjoshTheVault: Alright. Try the gdesklets toolbar launcher09:49
arrenlex!synaptics | jexdawg09:49
ubotujexdawg: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad09:49
arrenlex!synaptic | jexdawg09:49
ubotujexdawg: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto09:49
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arrenlexjexdawg: Sorry, you want the second link. Typo.09:49
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renuFlannel, what was the link for that?09:49
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Flannel!paste | renu09:49
uboturenu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:49
jexdawgi know how to use synaptic. alright, i'll give it a try, thanks arrenlex09:49
TheVaultBreandanM: I seen that url but I did not think you could download that09:49
TheVaultDon't know where to download it09:49
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renuok, thanks, ubotu!09:50
arrenlexjexdawg: Use synaptic to remove totem-mozilla.09:50
joshjoshTheVault: sudo apt-get install gdesklets09:50
TheVaultjoshjosh: wheres the homepage of gdesklets09:50
joshjoshIt's basically a widget engine for gnome.09:50
admin__how do restart a process?09:50
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Flanneladmin__: which one?09:50
teeLbillymeter: Should i register as Private or Public?09:51
joshjoshit seems to be down at the moment09:51
TheVaultnvm found the homepage of it09:51
BrendanMTheVault, sure why couldn't you download it?09:51
Flanneladmin__: usually its a script in /etc/init.d/09:51
billymeterteeL: The domain name? Is it refering to the Whois information?09:51
admin__is it easier to just restart the computer?09:51
globeis it possible to give myself permission to mount & umount remote nfs shares?  I can only mount them as root and only access them as user (which I cant because they were mounted as root)09:51
TheVaultBrendanM: where is the download link, Don't see it09:51
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kelsinadmin__: you're guide tells you: sudo /etc/init.d/privoxy restart09:52
renuFlannel, it's on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8675/09:52
jexdawgarrenlex, when i choose to uninstall totem-mozilla, synaptic says that i must also remove: ubuntu-desktop .... that seems kind of important, no?09:52
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BrendanMTheVault, here's a forum thread by somebody who installed it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30257009:52
teeLbillymeter: I think its the whois information. But it just says: Private or Public09:52
dg1Back later :) Good luck TheVault!09:52
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=== Mr_Pan [n=marcopan@host103-144.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
BrendanMHere's for the other one: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35128109:52
admin__how do I copy text from this program?09:52
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arrenlex!ubuntu-desktop | jexdawg09:53
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ubotujexdawg: k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.09:53
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Codpairum...is this where i can get help? my computer wont start without using live cd09:53
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billymeterteeL: That's up to you. It's asking if it will put your personal information in the Whois database, or if you want to keep it private you'll register it through Domains By Proxy and it'll hide your personal information.09:53
kelsinadmin__: what is "this program"09:53
TheVaultThanks guys for all the help, but I gotta go09:53
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TheVaultThanks once again :)09:54
FlannelCodpair: what error do you get? (what have you done so far to your computer?)09:54
kelsinadmin__: from most X programs you can select the text, then middle click where you want to paste09:54
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Codpairmy windows got really corrupted so i pulled out the linux09:54
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Codpair(first time user)09:54
teeLbillymeter: Ok, the private one is cheaper, and i dont need my personal information in the whois database =p But when i press Private it just adds the private domain, do i have to remove the other one?09:54
Codpairi installed it09:54
LordLimecatsomeone mentioned i should grab php, phpmyadmin, and apache09:54
rlevitinim having issues in dapper with gaim 2.0 suddenly closing at random intervals09:55
c1|freakyI just love kubuntu ;D (i dont like gnome that much)09:55
admin__but every time someone replies the text gets deselected.09:55
=== HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@LNeuilly-152-23-88-99.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Uggggganyone know a program to extract email from thunderbird on windows and import it to thunderbird on ubuntu?09:55
Codpairand now when i try to start the cpu i get an error 1809:55
LordLimecatwhich php?  i see php-mysql4 is installed, but php5 is available .009:55
billymeterteeL: I'm not quite sure what you're asking.09:55
JvikMy desktop has disappeared. The wallpaper is gone. When i try to use Places -> HDD1 i get the message :"There is no act associated to this location". Not sure if its exactly that it would be in english, because i have norwegian ubuntu.09:55
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JvikWhat the heck is wronge09:55
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:55
Jvikwrong *09:55
jexdawgarrenlex, sorry for all the questions, but i just uninstalled totem-mozilla and ubuntu-desktop. afterwards, i went to reinstall ubunut-desktop and it says other changes must occur, including the installation of totem-mozilla. seems like i'm running in circles?09:55
teeLbillymeter: Ok, i'll just take the public one ^^09:55
FlannelUggggg: Mozilla has instructions on copying stuff over09:55
rlevitinI compiled it from source, and i need help with either fixing the crashing issue or uninstalling a source compiled program...09:55
JvikSame message if i try to go places -> desktop09:55
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Flannelrenu: I don't know.  Looks like everything is in order.  You probably don't want to upgrade though, automatix is liable to break your system on upgrade.09:55
arrenlexjexdawg: Don't reinstall ubuntu-desktop.09:55
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jexdawgalright. i imagine its not vital then?09:55
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Flannelrenu: actually, update-manager could be seeing the third party packages and refusing to upgrade... but, I don't know if it'd do that.09:56
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renuFlannel, yes, that's what I'm afarid of too :d You think I should wait then for feisty?09:56
arrenlexjexdawg: It's a metapackage. It depends on other packages so you can install ubuntu-desktop rather than installing 5000 packages that ubuntu actually consists of. It itself doesn't actually contain anything.09:56
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Flannelrenu: Feisty won't be any better (unlessyou were planning on installing Feisty clean).  To upgrade to feisty, you'd still have to upgrade through edgy.09:57
jexdawgarrenlex: ah! okay, got it. thanks.09:57
rlevitinhow do i uninstall packages compiled from source?09:57
LordLimecatnvm -_-09:57
admin__is there any way to copy text off Konversation? there must be an easily way09:57
JvikMy desktop has disappeared. The wallpaper is gone. When i try to use Places -> HDD1 i get the message :"There is no act associated to this location". Not sure if its exactly that it would be in english, because i have norwegian ubuntu. Same message if i enter Places -> Desktop. What is wrong? Please help me09:57
arrenlexrlevitin: execute make uninstall in the source directory. In the future, use checkinstall.09:57
Codpairdose anyone know what error 18 is?09:57
arrenlex!checkinstall | rlevitin09:57
uboturlevitin: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!09:57
teeLbillymeter: Im about to checkout now, but godaddy asks for "New PayPal Information. Please enter in a friendly name to identify this PayPal account: " I dont know what to type there09:57
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Flannelrlevitin: make uninstall (if possible), otherwise delete all the files it installed.09:57
renuFlannel, and what if I update from the cd I have already? do you think that would be the best solution maybe?09:57
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billymeterteeL: I think you put in your paypal username there.09:58
Flannelrenu: do you have the Desktop CD or the Altenrate CD?09:58
rlevitinFlannel: i dunno every file it installed09:58
eckJvik: try entering 'mount' and seeing if the disk is mounted09:58
rlevitinand i think i deleted the source files once i compiled it :S09:58
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illriginalHey guys, how come my character map doesn't have the n with the ~ above it? That's a hispanic/latin character09:58
renui have a desktop one at the moment, but i can easily download the other one, if you that that'd be better09:58
Flannelrlevitin: you'll have to grab the source again.  This is why we use package management ;)09:58
=== Santad [n=Santad@ip68-226-128-66.lf.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
arrenlexrlevitin: That's why you use checkinstall =P09:58
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Jvikeck, is that the problem when i even cant find the desktop ?09:59
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kelsinussually compiles programs go into /usr/local (instead of /usr to keep /usr only system packages)09:59
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rlevitinFlannel: thanks09:59
rlevitinarrenlex: thanks09:59
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Markok765NO PROBLEM09:59
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IppatsuHi all! I'm using 6.10 and I have a problem with audacity: it doesn't show any text (screenshot: http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/2693/adacityym2.png ). I had the same problem also while installing Wolfenstein Enemy Territory, so I suppose it's a problem with libwxgtk - has anyone an idea on how I could fix it? Or: how can I restore *all* ubuntu fonts?09:59
renuFlannel,  i have a desktop one at the moment, but i can easily download the other one, if you that that'd be better (forgot to lighten you :)09:59
jexdawgarrenlex: i love you. i think mplayer is a pretty annoying and crappy plugin and poor replacement for windows media player and quicktime and stuff, but at least it works now. it still has to completely buffer before streaming, but at least it finally works. thanks a lot.09:59
=== lenaud01 [n=lenaud01@c-69-180-190-51.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
eckJvik: if you split up your install over more than one partition/device then if one of those goes away it could cause problems like that09:59
Flannelrenu: I don't think it'd help anyway, probably the same issue you have now.  What you might want to do is check out launchpad.net for bugs in update-manager.  Someone might have had this same thing, and a workaround is available, or whatnot (or an explanation)09:59
=== Urbanmage [n=chatzill@cpe-69-133-77-77.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
arrenlexjexdawg: Don't be mean to mplayer. It owns my soul.09:59
illriginalHey guys, how come my character map doesn't have the n with the ~ above it? That's a hispanic/latin character10:00
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Jvikeck; i only use one partition10:00
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arrenlexjexdawg: Shouldn't have to buffer completely. Can you right-click on a movie, go to preferences, and make a screenshot for me?10:00
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eckJvik: weird -- maybe you have filesystem corruption? look in /lost+found10:00
Codpairum...i cant start my comp w/o the live cd...i get an error every time i try10:00
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renuok, thanks Flannel!10:00
Jvikeck; i can give you ssh access if you want to take a look10:00
green_hi flannel, do u know how to configure k3b so it will erase dvd-rw's?10:01
FlannelCodpair: error 18 is "Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS", What's the layout of your partitions?10:01
eckJvik: that is not necessary, just try sudo ls -la /lost+found/10:01
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Comrade-Sergeihow do i change the rights on a HDD (read, write etc) via a  command prompt?10:01
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eckJvik: if you can't open a terminal switch to a VT with ctrl-alt-f110:01
jexdawgit is the devil, but the devil is hip, so its all good. anywho, why exactly was totem-mozilla bringing my video playing abilities to its knees?10:01
rlevitinarrenlex: checkinstall before i use make install? or instead of?10:01
eckComrade-Sergei: what filesystem?10:01
kelsinIppatsu: you aren't connecting with vnc are you?10:01
Comrade-Sergeieck fat3210:02
arrenlexrlevitin: Instead of. It makes a .deb package for you, which is then installed.10:02
Jvikeck,  can enter terminal10:02
Codpairflannel:i dont know, when i installed, i just said erase the hard drive10:02
Ippatsukelsin: no, I'm not using vnc10:02
arrenlexrlevitin: ./configure, make, sudo checkinstall10:02
jexdawgsure arrenlex, one second10:02
Jvikeck, http://hashbin.com/2c8.html10:02
eckComrade-Sergei: it is an option when you mount the filesystem, the details are in the mount man page (i think basically you have to mount it with uid=something)10:02
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Comrade-Sergeieck its already mounted can i change it now?10:03
eckJvik: it doesn't look like that is the case10:03
eckJvik: i am not sure what the problem is, sorry10:03
FlannelCodpair: hmm.  Right, that shouldn't be an issue then, if you just let the installer take care of it.  Well, except that it obviously is.10:03
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eckComrade-Sergei: you have to do something like mount -o remount,uid=something /mnt/fat3210:03
teeLbillymeter: Oh, its working now :D But is it possible to set up reverse dns to my dedicated server for free? =p10:03
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Markok765How much FASTER will ubuntu be than a 2000 pro install?10:03
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Codpairflannel:it happens while my computer is doing something like GRUB i think10:04
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Flannelrenu: another place you might look would be the forums (ubuntuforums.org)10:04
eckMarkok765: if it is, probably not much faster10:04
Shinodawould anyone have any idea why sudo alsactl store 0 doesn't do its job between reboots (ie, snd settings are always reset)? it used to, but i experimented a bit with 2 cards and now it doesn't (and yes, 0 is the correct card index). tia for any help10:04
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illriginalHey guys, how come my character map doesn't have the n with the ~ above it? That's a hispanic/latin character10:04
Markok765eck: its a 226mhz with 64m ram laptop10:04
eckMarkok765: it will be slow no matter what :-)10:05
Comrade-Sergeieck yea i changed that to mount -o remount,uid=something /HDD and it didnt do anything...10:05
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billymeterteeL: I'm not sure if GoDaddy supports that or not. Might have to try using a service at DynDns.com or equivalent10:05
eckMarkok765: _maybe_ you can load X + fluxbox without swapping, but good luck launching any apps that are useful to you10:05
teeLbillymeter: Ah ok, ill try dyndns. Thanks for helping :)10:05
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arrenlex!xubuntu | Markok76510:05
ubotuMarkok765: xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels10:06
billymeterteeL: No problem.10:06
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eckComrade-Sergei: look at the mount point and see if the ownership of files has changed10:06
PocketIRCI have an external Usb-harddrive. which format should I use on it if I want to use it in A)ubuntu or B)ubuntu and winxp10:06
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Sonderbladeillriginal: maybe because it is two characters10:06
Comrade-Sergeieck its still root10:06
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eckarrenlex: 64 MB is not even close to enough for xubuntu10:06
arrenlexPocketIRC: fat3210:06
FlannelCodpair: yeah, that's a GRUB error.  Since youre obviously in reinstalling mode... try reinstalling, when asked about partitioning, create a small one (~50MB) for /boot and then a second one for the rest (/)10:06
HymnToLifePocketIRC, ext310:06
jexdawgarrenlex: my mplayer preferences --> http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d148/whytfnot/Screenshot-mplayerplug-inconfigurat.png10:06
illriginalOh windows it's just a character.10:06
Markok765arrenlex: i have tried that, and it wont let me connect to the internet. ubuntu works on my 3ghz with 1GB ram machine very well10:06
illriginalLIke I said that character is used in both spanish and latin.10:07
illriginalit's just 1 character.10:07
Codpairok, ill try that10:07
eckComrade-Sergei: check that it took properly by just issuing the mount command10:07
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FlannelCodpair: just make sure that the /boot is the first partition on the drive (hda1)10:07
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kelsinillriginal: I found it by selecting "By Unicode BlocK" from View and then looking in the Latin-1 Supplement block10:07
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cedric30? I have a big problem, I had to shut down my computer badly and now gnome is very long too start and all the windows i open are long too, I had some errors on my disk using fsck and now I have no error but it is ever long10:07
eckillriginal: can you enter it without going through the character map, e.g. with copy and paste?10:07
PocketIRC<arrenlex> why?10:08
Markok765Can you launch ubuntu from a usb drive?10:08
illriginalwait.. kelsin it's in the character map? and select unicode block?10:08
PocketIRC<HymnToLife> why ext3?10:08
cedric30Someone have ever had this prob?10:08
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CoffeegrindahMarkok765 yes ..10:08
eckComrade-Sergei: no, just 'mount'10:08
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Comrade-SergeiMarkok765 yes if your mobo supports it10:08
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cuscoMarkok765: if your bios supports booting from a usb flash drive,yes10:08
HymnToLifePocketIRC, because FAT32 is old and ugly10:08
illriginalkelsin you rock!!!10:08
illriginalthanks a lot man... finally i found it lol10:08
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kelsinillriginal: I think that is a common character so it's way lower in the unicode spec then others, I don't understand it fully though10:08
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arrenlexPocketIRC: 'cause you said you wanted to share it with winxp, which can't read ext3 without special drivers.10:08
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cedric30Someone could help me to find a solution without re install all10:09
Markok765cusco: Do i have to set any flags, eg boot flag, and will it install directly to usb?10:09
HymnToLifearrenlex, so ? just install them10:09
factotumso you think there will ever be an actual manual or docs for using QTParted?10:09
riotkittiecedric30: solution for what?10:09
cedric30I have done a fsck 3 times10:09
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factotumI just installed it and cant find anything on how it works10:09
arrenlexHymnToLife: It's a USB drive. So I assume it'll be taken to many computers. He'd have to install special drivers on them all. No guarantee he'd have permissions to do it on them all, either.10:09
cedric30riotkittie: the start of gnome is very long10:09
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illriginalwhat combination of numbers/letters/keys do i need to press in order to use it?10:09
cr4z3dwhere should i go to ask questions about customizing ubuntu? (login screen, themes ect)10:09
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PocketIRCok so if I share my external with XP=fat32    just ubuntu=ext3?10:10
cedric30riotkittie: My system had crash and I had to shutdown10:10
wastedtimehi , i am trying to use a kubuntu live cd on an intel 945 Gm , i reconfigure xserver .. and the screen loads up....and i get a blank screen with a pointer10:10
wastedtimeany suggestions10:10
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CoffeegrindahMarkok765 - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent?highlight=%28liveusb%2910:10
kelsinillriginal: I think you can click and drag it from char map, past that I have no idea10:10
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illriginaloh ok10:10
illriginalthanks kelsin10:10
cedric30riotkittie: now the start of gnome and soft are very long10:10
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oo7so i accidently deleted my fstab...i just manually recreated it.  time to reboot.  wish me luck.10:10
cogenoHow do you accidentily delete your fstab...10:11
oo7so you want the story....10:11
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cedric30riotkittie: I have made a fsck 3times and it had corrected some errors....10:11
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Flannelcogeno: running as root, because you're silly10:11
cedric30riotkittie: but it's ever long10:11
Markok765cogeno: i once deleted the firmware of my mp3 player, i returned it10:11
arrenlexjexdawg: Looks fine, except that you should set your video driver to x11, audio to alsa, and check "connect to rtsp media over tcp". But this won't change the buffering, just compatibility.10:11
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riotkittiecedric30: oh. no clue, sorry.10:11
PocketIRCext3, ext2 what difference ?10:11
arrenlexMarkok765: This the 233mhz laptop?10:11
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cogenoMarkok765: I've done that several time on my chipod. I just restored it :D10:11
factotumanyone know how to resize a partition on qtparted? the option is greyed out for some reason, even as root10:11
cedric30Markok765: Me too10:12
arrenlexMarkok765: When did you come to this realisation?10:12
kelsinillriginal: you hold down ctrl and shift, then type F1 then let go aparently10:12
oo7i was downloading a torrent, which i thoguht was to a large partition, but the large partition wasn't mounted, so it was being downloaded to my / partition.  so overnight it filled up the HD.  so this morning i was wondering why the partition wasn't mounted, so i edited my fstab, while my HD was completly full.  when i saved my fstab, it was saved as an empty file and i lost the data within.  pretty shitty eh?10:12
Flannelfactotum: You can't resize mounted partitions.  that's most likely why.10:12
kelsinillriginal: (that's 'f' then '1', not the f1 key)10:12
illriginaloh lol10:12
illriginalhold on10:12
riotkittiecedric30: do you have any other accounts on the computer? can you log in as another user and see if the  slowness affects that account, too?10:12
Coffeegrindaheck: yeah looks like my machine doesn't like even looking at the drive..  see's my USB HDD no problem though..10:12
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illriginalNah doesn't work10:13
cedric30riotkittie: no no other account10:13
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kelsinillriginal: (it's working for me in gedit and gnome-terminal)10:13
Coffeegrindaheck: as far as using my persistant home I *can* still do it though, I just need to use my livecd10:13
illriginalat least not on x chat10:13
factotumFlannel: oh alright, I wish they would include that in their documentation, oh wait ther isn't any10:13
illriginalok hold on10:13
arrenlexoo7: If you boot from the liveCD, you can mount your target partition, clean it out, and recreate the ftsab from the one made by the cd.10:13
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Markok765arrenlex: yes10:13
eckCoffeegrindah: gross, some bioses actually make a distinction between different kinds of usb devices... i have a computer that has boot options for different kinds of usb devices, even though they should all reallly be the same10:13
oo7i manually recreated it10:13
kelsinillriginal:  and since irssi is in gnome terminal, here too 10:13
whazillahow do i install Qt >= 3.3 ?10:13
Markok765cogeno: it was a gameboy advance sp mp3 player10:13
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arrenlexwhazilla: apt-get install libqt3-mt10:13
oo7with with out the UID numbers, i used the /dev/ location10:14
factotumwondeful, i get to whipe the hard drive all over again, again.10:14
JvikWhen i start up computer the content in desktop is gone and wallpaper is gone and when i try to enter places -> Desktop i get the error "Can't open file:///home/jvik/Desktop" "There is no act associated to this location" I have norwegian ubuntu, so i transelated it myself. What the heck can be wrong? :\ I get the same message when i try to enter my harddrives.10:14
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cedric30riotkittie: it's come from my PC crash and now all is very long to start someone tell my it's come from my system file and I have to format ....10:14
arrenlexwhazilla: Or are you compiling a QT app? If so, apt-get install install kdelibs4-dev10:14
Coffeegrindaheck: yeah .. my laptop at work treat my USB HDD as a SCSI external, my flash drive as a flash drive, both work fine their though .. I was hoping .. meh .. of well I only need it when I'm at work anyway10:14
cedric30riotkittie: but I can't save all my partition10:14
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whazillachecking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0.3) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!10:15
whazillaFor more details about this problem, look at the end of config.log.10:15
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arrenlexwhazilla: (14:14:30) arrenlex: whazilla: Or are you compiling a QT app? If so, apt-get install install kdelibs4-dev10:15
illriginalkelsin ctrl +shift (held down together) then press F then 1?10:15
JvikWhen i start up computer the content in desktop is gone and wallpaper is gone and when i try to enter places -> Desktop i get the error "Can't open file:///home/jvik/Desktop" "There is no act associated to this location" I have norwegian ubuntu, so i transelated it myself. What the heck can be wrong? :\ I get the same message when i try to enter my harddrives.10:15
Flannel!repeat | Jvik10:15
ubotuJvik: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:15
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joshjoshWhat do you guys think of Epiphany now?10:15
riotkittiecedric30: formatting seems drastic. if you are outside of X, like in console, is it slow there as well?10:15
kelsinillriginal: hold down ctrl+shirt while you press f, then 1, the let go of ctrl+shift10:15
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Coffeegrindaheck: thanks anyways I'm off to work10:15
cedric30riotkittie: in console no10:15
jexdawgarrenlex: thanks a lot. you've got my problems completely solved, :)10:16
illriginalNah doesn't work for some odd reason.10:16
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cedric30riotkittie: just for some graphic application10:16
whazillaBOLABO-007:~/kommander/quanta-3.1.2-kde30$ sudo apt-get install install kdelibs4-dev10:16
whazilla ... could not find packet10:16
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arrenlexjexdawg: yw. Don't be mean to mplayer. It's fantastic.10:16
WarDoganyone here tried the alternate installer cd of feisty herd 5?10:16
meatmanekk, I'm trying to find a distro to recommend to a friend who wants to try linux. Does Ubuntu's installer allow easy partition resizing?10:16
whazillaarrenlex:  could not find packet10:16
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kelsinillriginal: http://www.pthree.org/2006/11/30/its-unicode-baby/10:16
mc44WarDog: try in #ubuntu+110:16
arrenlex!kdelibs4-dev | whazilla10:16
kelsinillriginal: you can try that too,  is U00F110:16
illriginalit says U+00F110:16
ubotuwhazilla: kdelibs4-dev: development files for the KDE core libraries. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3.1 (edgy), package size 1311 kB, installed size 7468 kB10:16
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Ferretmeatmanek: All the linux distros with graphical installers likely have gparted on them10:17
WarDogcause i got a big problem with the partitioner... problem is: wont work10:17
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illriginalhow do i do that?10:17
Markok765with the magic of rape10:17
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:17
Jowimeatmanek, yes. but resizing is always risky no matter which utility you use.10:17
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Ferret!ohmy > Markok76510:17
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illriginalkelsin i dunno how to use U00F110:18
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cedric30Someone know how could I repair my system files after a Crash10:18
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illriginalack im just gonna have to open up character map, then drag it i guess.10:18
Markok765Ferret: was that really nassacary?10:18
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:18
whazillaarrenlex:  i checked with Synaptec its already intsalled but apt dont find it ? o_0 :$10:18
FerretMarkok765: Yes.10:18
kelsinillriginal: http://www.pthree.org/2006/11/30/its-unicode-baby/ <- that site has a nother method of typing unicode, if my first method (works for me on debian etch) doesn't work, and that web site doesn't work I don't know what to tell you10:18
jexdawgarrenlex, when i told you everything was good before, i was, once again, lying. haha oops. everything works fine now, but why is the quality so bad? its awful... all pixelated and whatnot. (i'm running beryl - this may be impacting it). any ideas?10:18
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso10:18
illriginalok thanks kelsin!10:19
Mark17is there a list so i can see what proces is pulling up a warning message?10:19
FerretMarkok765: You didn't think that would work, did you?10:19
arrenlexjexdawg: Pixellated? Could you take a screenshot?10:19
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oo7fstab worked10:19
Markok765sorry everyone10:19
FerretMark17: Depends what kind of warning message, and where you're seeing it.10:19
Markok765Ferret: i thought it would work10:19
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Mark17!Warning Azureus did not shutdown tidily....... (i need to close this but i can't close it normally)10:19
chiNese_chaTTerHi there! I can't get the ubuntu-live-cd started10:20
Mark17Ferret: on my desktop (ubuntu)10:20
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oo7Mark17, go to the About window in Azureus, then try to "hide" that warning10:20
blockcipherps aux  .... then do kill <process id>10:20
K3ntoMark17: one-word keywords are usuall best10:20
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WarDogchiNese_chaTTer how do you try to start it?10:20
chiNese_chaTTerCan anybody help me? It's crashing at the beginning, when the irqs are assigned10:20
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Markok765chiNese_chaTTer: did you setup your bois to boot from cd?10:20
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khermans_chiNese_chaTTer, try kernel options10:20
whazilla#if ! (QT_VERSION >= 303)10:20
whazilla#error 110:20
whazillawhat version should i use ?10:20
illriginalthanks kelsin.10:21
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khermans_chiNese_chaTTer, noapic noacpi apic=off acpi=off10:21
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lorenzhello, can someone tell me how to mount my usb harddisk with ntfs-3g?10:21
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arrenlexwhazilla: Is the libqt3-mt-dev package installed?10:21
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MaartenLxHeh, I love Midnight Commander! Reminds me of the good old days of DOS10:21
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kelsinillriginal: np10:21
whazillaarrenlex:  yes10:21
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arrenlexwhazilla: And build-essential is installed?10:22
chiNese_chaTTerHmm, ok thx. But I think I've tried that some months ago with the kororaa-live-cd and it didn't work either. There's no known problem with the Asus A7N8X-Deluxe, is there?10:22
WarDogok, can anyone tell my why the feisty herd 5 alternate installer crashes when you try to use a NOT guieded partitioning mehtod? and: is there a workaround?10:22
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khermans_i am offering 30 minutes of support for $30 via phone, priv msg me10:22
lorenzhello, can someone tell me how to mount my usb harddisk with ntfs-3g?10:22
JowiWarDog, #ubuntu+1 for feisty10:22
Ferretkhermans_: No advertising in this channel please10:22
WarDogoh sry10:22
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cogenoJesus christ, here's a mouthful10:23
keir_anyone here good at setting up ubuntu and beryl on ati cards?10:23
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whazillaarrenlex:  yes10:23
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khermans_Ferret, i was obviously joking10:23
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arrenlexwhazilla: Dunno, then. Sorry...10:23
cogenoSound Blaster X-Fi XtremeGamer Fatal1ty Pro Series10:23
lorenz@keir_: did you try the wiki method?10:23
riotkittiecan someone tell me why my alpha software is acting like alpha software? :x10:23
Mswordquick question, what is a good windows free .iso converter?10:23
oo7he was obviously joking, but really, /msg me10:23
keir_and various other way's10:23
MaartenLxmsword: poweriso?10:23
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mc44riotkittie: because early adopters deserve to suffer10:23
MaartenLxnot sure if thats free though10:23
Ferretlorenz: It should just be as easy as -- install ntfs-3g and fuse, add a line to fstab that's the same as a normal vfat/ntfs type line except with 'ntfs-3g' as the filesystem10:24
keir_but i'm new to linux so really wanted someon eno msn or something that could talk me thru it10:24
riotkittiemc44: that's the spirit!10:24
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khermans_lorenz, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ntfs-3g10:24
jexdawgarrenlex: nevermind - i think it was just the video i was watching was naturally bad quality.... is there a reason, however, that mplayer doesn't have volume controls?10:24
kelsinMsword: Daemon tool sis a free windows program that will "add" a fake cdrom drive to your computer and let you mount a iso10:24
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lorenzthanks hermans and ferret10:24
Mswordpoweriso costs money10:24
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lorenz@keir_: I heard this helped many people http://lhansen.blogspot.com/2006/10/3d-desktop-beryl-and-xgl-on-ubuntu-edgy.html10:24
arrenlexjexdawg: No, that it doesn't. But your operating system has volume controls.10:24
FerretMark17: What's the error message?10:24
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Mswordgod, i just used one yesterday for the installation cd10:24
MarupaHow would I go about installing my Mustek 600 III EP Plus flatbed scanner?10:24
lorenz@keir_: I never got it to work though ;)10:25
keir_lol thats the last one i tried10:25
riotkittiegahh. i want extended desktop in linux. so very very much. :<10:25
keir_i'm in the XGL session now and when i drag windows etc they are jerky but in the gnome session they are smooth10:25
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Ferretlorenz: I set up tfs-3g today and it literally was one command and 3 letters added to fstab.  I suggest you give it a go :)10:25
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Mark17azureus did not shutdown tidily. check /home/username/.azureus/logs/save for diagnostic log files and consider reporting them to the azureus team10:25
lorenzferret, I am pretty new to all that, I don't know what fstab means?10:26
khermans_lorenz, /etc/fstab10:26
lorenzall the tutorials I read describe how to mount a partition, I need to do it with an usb drive10:26
leebaI am having a heck of a time to set up a server using ubuntu 6.110:26
Mswordinfra recorder10:26
Mswordfound it10:26
MaartenLxbrrr.... azureus is a resource hogging piece of (%badword) - use uTorrent, its slick, fast, and not eating up memory :)10:26
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leebai have successfully set up the server ubuntu 6.110:27
khermans_MaartenLx, or rtorrent10:27
kelsin!fstab | lorenz10:27
ubotulorenz: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions10:27
leebaandhave LAMPP10:27
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joshjoshutorrent for linux? what?10:27
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:27
mc44joshjosh: through wine10:27
khermans_joshjosh, wine utorrent.exe10:27
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crowdeerneed help with ubuntu'10:27
MaartenLxwell thats for windows actually :P10:27
riotkittiemount  a partition on a usb drive? or mount a ntfs partition on a usb drive rw?10:27
joshjoshwouldn't that slow it down?10:27
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joshjoshcrowdeer: What do you need?10:28
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:28
crowdeerI just installed and cant get my dial up modem to work10:28
lorenzmount an usb drive that is in the ntfs format10:28
lorenzI want to save my data on it, but cannot write on it10:28
matejwhat i must install to play sound when i go over the icon of mp3 file?10:28
leebai have ubuntu6.1 server set up and chose LAMPP10:28
joshjoshcrowdeer: what kind of modem is it?10:28
kelsinjoshjosh: wine does emulate windows, it adds the windows api, if a program works in wine, it normally runs fine (I play war3 and wow in wine all the time)10:28
crowdeerlucent on my ibm laptop10:28
leebabut I need to add gui since i am not too well versed in command line10:28
joshjoshcrowdeer: go to terminal and type lspci and see if you can see it in there somewhere10:28
Marupamatej, use ESD.10:28
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leebahow do I do that?10:28
joshjoshkelsin: I know all about wine. But I was thinking it'd be kinda laggy. I dunno10:29
matejMarupa, i have selected it, but nothing10:29
urgithi, I'm trying to compile usb-rndis-lite in ubuntu dapper but I get some errors, someone can help me10:29
kelsinleeba: if you want the FULL gui: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop10:29
Marupamatej:  Is your soundcard in use?10:29
crowdeerok josh where is terminal I am a newbie here'10:29
matejMarupa, and i have hardware mixing enabled card10:29
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MarupaSo do I, but linux doesn't use it.10:29
Ferretlorenz: A USB drive with NTFS on it?  Unusual...10:29
leebaso type in sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop?10:29
joshjoshapplications> accessories> terminal10:30
kelsinleeba: that will install the normal ubuntu desktop yep :)10:30
riotkittielorenz: ok, youre going to need to set up ntfs-3g to enable read write to ntfs ...  or use the fat32 sys, or a linux friendly fs. ntfs3g is probably the better option but writing to ntfs from linux is still considered beta, and you risk data loss.10:30
crowdeerok brb will look10:30
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leebakelsin: i am not having any luck with the command to add my ip info10:30
Ferretlorenz: Anyhow, if you look on the wiki or the forums for instructions for a normal USB pen drive (which will probably use vfat as the filesystem type), you should be able to follow them almost completely, except specify ntfs-3g as the type10:30
joshjoshhow hard is it to set up WoW in Wine btw?10:30
leebato get on line to add that desktop10:30
matejMarupa, btw, do i have to install alsa-utils? Couse i have sound without it?10:30
arrenlex!wow | joshjosh10:31
ubotujoshjosh: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org10:31
lorenzthank you ferret, will do10:31
kelsinjoshjosh: with new wine (> 9.28) easy, runs out of the box (at least did for me)10:31
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Marupamatej = If you use ESD and only ESD, everything should be fine.10:31
joshjoshkelsin: awesome. i'll have to check it out10:31
lorenzthanks too riotkittie as well - unfortunately I'll have to use that ntfs hard disk10:31
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leebaThis is a great place to find!!!10:31
crowdeerok it shows an LT winModem10:31
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kelsinjoshjosh: I copied over my windows install and ran it, make sure to use the -opengl flag or set opengl in your wow config file, just look up the game on winehq.com in the appdb, lots of info there10:31
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leebai set up a root username and password asl well.10:32
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crowdeerjosh also has ethernet controller which I am using right now10:32
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leebawhen I first login, what command do I put in to add my infomation to connect on line?10:35
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crowdeerI lost Josh10:35
crowdeercan anybody else help me with dial up modem10:35
riotkittienot me. i havent seen a modem in years. :P10:36
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=== Marupa is trying to figure out his scanner, right now, else he'd help.
riotkittiethough i should buy a pcmcia modem card for my laptop, just in case. on the other hand, i dont have a phone line. heh.10:36
arrenlexMarupa: What brand?10:37
Marupaarrenlex, Mustek.10:37
wastedtimehi , i am trying to use a kubuntu live cd on an intel 945 Gm , i reconfigure xserver .. and the screen loads up....and i get a blank screen with a pointer10:37
arrenlexMarupa: Isn't that a large animal used to pull carts?10:37
wastedtimean suggestions10:37
Marupaarrenlex, Har har.10:37
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Jowileeba, depends on your connection. "sudo pppoeconf" can be used to configure pppoe/pppoa dsl connections. "sudo network-admin" for general connection options.10:38
Jowi!dsl | leeba10:39
ubotuleeba: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE10:39
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wastedtimehi , i am trying to use a kubuntu live cd on an intel 945 Gm , i reconfigure xserver .. and the screen loads up....and i get a blank screen with a pointer..any suggestions ??10:39
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crowdeerare there any techs in here10:39
gleakenattempting to upgrade to edgy from dapper installation and upgrade-manager -c does not show upgrade button, any suggestions?  Tried reinstalling vte stuff and got nowhere.  There is no error with apt and I even tried disabling all other repositories10:39
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Jowiwastedtime, 945GM is a bit special. not sure with live cd. the package 915resolution need to be installed and you need to use the i810 driver for xorg10:40
GekiPinkHey all <310:40
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wastedtimei did actually10:41
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wastedtimestill does not seem to work10:41
crowdeerneed help configuring dial up with modem10:41
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Jowiwastedtime, for 915resolution to work a reboot is required (at least for me) that's why I'm unsure how it works with the live cd.10:41
GekiPinkI just booted into a Feisty Herd 5 virtual machine... It's so pretty.10:41
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lu-baois it normal in xchat-gnome that i cant see users list on right side that its just hided and i cant open it?10:42
oo7a reboot is rarely required only for a new kernel10:42
fjardtWhere is my Xconfig located?10:42
rlevitinhow do i find which directory holds the C header files that match my running kernel?10:42
oo7there's a command that is added to your startup, if you run it, there's no need to reboot10:42
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oo7rlevitin, vmware related?10:42
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lu-baois it normal in xchat-gnome that i cant see users list on right side that its just hided and i cant open it?10:42
oo7fjardt, /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:42
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Jowiwastedtime, I was limited to 1024x768 before the reboot.10:43
fjardtoo7: thanks10:43
oo7past me in a /msg the error10:43
GekiPinkI haven't been on Ubuntu in ages... it stopped letting me install new versions after... 5.10.10:43
a5cI have a quick question, I used wget to download a ubuntu iso, but it split it into many pieces "ubuntu.1 ubuntu.1.1 etc." how would I join them? You don't have to answer, I can just go elsewhere.10:43
rlevitinoo7: im trying to install vmware... but i dunno where my C header files for my kernel are10:43
oo7it's asking you, right?  then it has a default in []  brackets?10:44
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Jowifjardt, /etc/X11/xorg.conf is what you're looking for?10:44
Jowifjardt, sorry, didn't see oo7 answer10:44
rlevitinoo7: yeah but that folder is empty10:44
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oo7what is the folder?  and what are the results of "uname -a"10:44
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happyface0guys, should nvidia-xconfig be available once nvidia drivers are installed?10:44
oo7a5c, that's weird, what wget command did you use?10:44
Jowi!find nvidia-xconfig10:45
ubotuFound: nvidia-xconfig10:45
a5cjust wget 'http:// ... "10:45
fjardtJowi: is there a way to get the default xorg.conf that ubuntu comes with? when i booted up this morning everything was funky10:45
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a5cof course with an actual link10:45
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oo7it shouldn't split up, sometimes what happens is, if you DL the exact same file twice, the second file will have a .1 appended10:45
oo7does that sound familar?10:45
rlevitinoo7: /usr/src/linux/include is the folder, "Linux rlevitin-desktop 2.6.15-28-686 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Feb 1 16:14:07 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux" is the uname -a10:45
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Jowifjardt, not if you didn't back it up. but you can rerun the setup with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"10:46
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fjardtJowi: ok, thanks10:46
a5cno what happend is it reconnected in the middle and put the new connection in a new file10:46
riotkittieI want to play with Beryl :( ... which brings me to my Next Really Stupid Question!10:46
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Marupariotkittie, Shoot!10:46
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Jowihappyface0, to answer the question you need to install the "nvidia-xconfig" package10:47
rlevitinoo7: i probably just need to download the src files for my kernel right?10:47
oo7try : /lib/modules/2.6.15-28-686/include10:47
fjardtDoes this look like a video card? 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc 3D Rage LT Pro AGP-133 (rev dc)10:47
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Marupafjardt, Yes.10:48
Jowihappyface0, think it's in the universe repo10:48
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a5cI have a 30mb file a  500mb one and a 97mb one, I just want to combine them to get the 700mb one i'm looking for. I just don't know how10:48
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britHi people10:48
Hasrat_USAwhat's up brit10:48
rlevitinoo7: no luck10:49
Marupaa5c, what are they?10:49
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oo7a5c: you can try: cat file1 > newfile.iso && cat file2>> newfile.iso && cat file3 >> newfile.iso10:49
britNot much. I have a question that can be considered noobish but:10:49
oo7if they are like you say they are, that should work10:49
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Marupaa5c, Hard to tell what to do if you don't tell us what type of files.10:49
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Hasrat_USAbrit: but?10:49
a5cThey are .iso .iso.1 .iso.1.110:50
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MarupaAny ideas for my Mustek Scanner?10:50
britIs there any way to choose a different default audio player for Ubuntu Feisty. I dislike Rhythmbox10:50
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a5cbrit: banshee10:50
Marupaa5c, Yes, as oo7 said, cat them together.10:50
a5cokay thanks10:50
cedric30Someone could look my errors http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8680/10:50
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ompaulcube3|ZZz, so don't use nick changes here thanks10:50
Hasrat_USAI do the same. my favourite is XMMS10:50
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Jowifjardt, that card should use the standard "ati" driver.10:50
rlevitinoo7: there is no include directory at /lib/modules/2.6.15-28-686, and putting in that directory says it doesn't have an expected "linux" folder10:50
apokryphosubotu: players10:50
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs10:50
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britbanshee is what I want to set as my default, but with my ky shortcut, RB opens up10:51
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britThere was a thread on the forum about it, but it dead ended10:51
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BigMacIs there a batch conversion software for ubuntu that when I select a directory, it will add all images in that directory and subdirectories, copy over the original ones and be able to resize them all to like 100x10010:52
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lorenzhello, how can I check what kernel I use? is there a command?10:52
Jowilorenz, uname -a10:52
WhatsisnameBigMac, you could write a shell script to do that10:52
Whatsisnamelorenz, uname -a or cat /proc/version10:52
wastedtimehi , i am trying to use a kubuntu live cd on an intel 945 Gm , i reconfigure xserver .. and the screen loads up....and i get a blank screen with a pointer..any suggestions ??10:52
lorenzthank you.10:53
apokryphosBigMac: 'kim' in KDE has this, but I don't know about gnome. Otherwise just use find with -exec or a loop.10:53
BigMacI am not experiences enough to do that Whatsisname10:53
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exsanyone using feisty?.. if so, do you like it?10:53
Whatsisnamethen its time to learn10:53
britLove it10:53
britBut then again, I'm not quite the reviewer you want for that question10:53
apokryphosBigMac: you don't really need experience; just one command.10:53
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BigMacapokryphos: Well what would that command be10:54
BigMacI would look it up10:54
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cube3|ZZzUbuntu says no to non-free video drivers for Feisty10:54
BigMacbut I have like a half hour to get all of these resized and load them into my photobucket10:55
britUbuntu says no to non-free EVERYTHING10:55
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cedric30Someone could look my errors http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8680/10:55
cedric30Someone could look my errors http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8680/10:55
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Whatsisnamewrite a shell script that would find all images in a particular directory using the find command, then copy them in whatever way you want, then use imagemagick to resize them10:55
apokryphosBigMac: (i) cd to the directory you want to be in, then (ii) find . -iname "*.jpg" -exec convert -resize SOMENUMBER% {} {} \;10:55
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apokryphosBigMac: NOTE: that command is *recursive*. It will resize ALL images in subdirectories to SOMENUMBER percentage10:56
Whatsisnameand it wont copy them10:56
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BigMacapokryphos: so if I wanted to resize all the bmps too 100x10010:56
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BigMacwhat would I input into that command10:57
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daboneQuick question on mapped network drives.. How to I prevent them from showing on the desktop?10:57
apokryphosBigMac: like the above, but without the percent, instead with a !10:58
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Whatsisnameapokryphos, wont your command overwrite all the images10:58
andre_No non-free software in UBUNTU PLEASE.10:58
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apokryphosBigMac: so: find . -iname "*.jpg" -exec convert -resize 100x100! {} {} \;10:58
Whatsisnameyes, fuck non-free software10:58
apokryphosWhatsisname: yes, that's the aim. Resizing them.10:58
cedric30I have a HD problem  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8680/ ?10:58
apokryphos!ohmy | Whatsisname10:59
ubotuWhatsisname: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:59
BigMacah thank you I will try this10:59
apokryphos!philosophy | andre_10:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about philosophy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:59
BigMacand it will overwrite the file that it resized in each directory10:59
eyalwhi, planning on buying a 2 dual core Dell notebook. read i need to install something to get advantage of the Duo???10:59
Whatsisnameapokryphos, oh i see I suppose, I was thinking he meant to duplicate them with resized images10:59
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andre_apkryphos hehe10:59
apokryphosandre_: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/philosophy10:59
Whatsisnameeyalw, you'll need an SMP kernel and not much else I would think but I'm not sure10:59
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eyalwWhatsisname: what is an SMP Kernal ?11:00
apokryphosBigMac: yes. In each subdirectory as well, so be careful :)11:00
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MarupaHow do I check to see if my parallel port is working?11:00
Whatsisnamesymmetric multi processing11:00
cedric30Someone has 30s to give me a hand ?11:00
crishi i need some help with the gimp11:00
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Whatsisnamebsically a kernel that can take advantage of multiple logical processors11:00
Marupacris:  Tried their channel?11:01
zapradonwould an nvidia 6800 be considered a 'legacy' card?11:01
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cristhey have one?11:01
eshaasei'm using edgy and i need *one* package from feisty. i'm assuming that adding a feisty repos to my sources.list is the recommended approach and if so does ubuntu support debian's pinning mechanism?11:01
ompaulcedric30, you need to say what you want help with11:01
Marupacris, Last I checked.11:01
Whatsisnamezapradon, I wouldn't think so11:01
apokryphosubotu: philosophy is <alias> free11:01
ubotuI'll remember that, apokryphos11:01
cedric30ompaul: I have a disk problem  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8680/11:01
BigMacalright because the srtucture is lik e/music/artist/album/cover.bmp and there are hundreds of folders in that structure all named cover.bmp11:01
zapradonglx doesn't seem to want to 'take' :P11:01
eyalwWhatsisname: ???11:01
britUbotu is a bot?11:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is a bot? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:01
crisyeah they have ^^11:01
cedric30ompaul: and I search to repair it11:01
Whatsisnameeyalw, what11:01
Marupazapradon, Are you sure?  Tried glxgears?11:02
matejis there someone with working cedega 5.2.3?11:02
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:02
zapradonwhen I enable it it says it can't find glx extensions11:02
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User769can someone help me install lamp11:02
gyaresueyalw: You just need a 'generic' kernel e.g. latest edgy package is linux-image-2.6.17-11-generic you find out what your kernel is my typing the command 'uname -a' in a terminal.11:02
gleakenanybody willing to help with a dapper to edgy upgrade?  I am trying to upgrade the official way and I am not getting the option to upgrade11:02
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ompaulcedric30, no idea whatso ever - looks like bad ram - maybe memcheck86+ could be run11:03
graymanthe GUI way?11:03
gleakengrayman: yes11:03
gleakengrayman: update-manager -c11:03
zapradonk, I'll try that one!11:03
graymanyou can do it manualy11:03
BigMacapokryphos: it said find: convert: No such file or directory about 150 times11:03
cedric30ompaul: I think it's a disk problelm11:03
BigMacthen stopped11:03
gleakengrayman: no button saying that there is an upgrade shows up11:03
MaartenLxHmmm.... I got something weird.... I can no longer change the KDE background in Kubuntu. Whatever I try, the background I selected yesterday (one of the default ones) sticks. Rebooting does not help a bit, I just did ;)11:03
BigMacdoes that mean it worked11:03
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MaartenLxAnyone any idea?11:04
tesuki_can some one help me with gedit? is there a inbuildt function or do i need a plugin to have a "project manager" so I can save which document I had opened?11:04
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Whatsisnamezapradon, red this http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-9746/README/appendix-a.html11:04
Whatsisname*read this11:04
apokryphosBigMac: sorry, change jpg to bmp11:04
gleakengrayman: I am trying to figure out why I wouldn't get the upgrade message.  I used it on another machine with no problems11:04
BigMacI did11:04
User769is it easier to install ubuntu server edition or desktop editiion and then install lamp11:04
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graymani didn't get it too when i upgraded11:04
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MaartenLxI can't even change it to "no picture".11:04
graymanthe other ay is not to hard11:04
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gleakengrayman: I have all of the sources setup to point to official sources, disabled all 3rd party sources, still no luck11:05
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bimberiUser769: The server cd has a lamp install option at the boot menu!11:05
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gyaresuUser769: Are you wanting to just host your own site?11:05
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User769i know but i also want the desktop gui11:05
apokryphosBigMac: show me the exact command you're typing11:05
cedric30Whatsisname: I have a problem at the start of gnome it's very long, it 's came from when my PC crash and I shut down it bad  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8680/11:05
MaartenLxEven setting the defaults does not work....11:05
BigMacapokryphos: http://rafb.net/p/GU4hOL59.html11:05
MaartenLxNo one with any idea?11:05
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majdHey, sshfs won't let me mound unless i'm in sudo, but if i do, then i can't access the mount unless i'm in sudo either...the site says preferably not to mount as sudo, but that doesn't seem possible11:06
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n2obhey, what's the best way to run photoshop in linux?11:06
bimberiUser769: hm, i'd go server then install the ubuntu-desktop metapackage from there11:06
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Whatsisnamecedric30, looks like your harddisk isn't doing so great11:06
gyaresuUser769: So yeah you could just install it as a desktop and then add the packages for apache etc. You may be interested in http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_debian_lamp_server there are others on there as well.11:06
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Whatsisnamedo a filesystem check on hdc and hope it fixes it11:07
apokryphosBigMac: are you sure you've got imagemagick installed?11:07
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cedric30Whatsisname: i have try 5 times a fsck at the start11:07
eshaaseis debian's pinning mechanism the way to go to handle a system with packages from multiple releases?11:07
gyaresuUser769: Depends on exactly what you want to acheive but if you're just having a play then go for it.11:07
Whatsisnamemajd, sshfs uses fuse, and should never require root priveledges11:07
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Whatsisnamemajd, make sure fuse is installed and configured properly11:07
cedric30Whatsisname: ant it had correct some errors but it's ever the same problem11:07
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majdWhatsisname, this is the command i'm using if it explains anything:  sshfs majd@ /media/emachines/11:08
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bimberiUser769: that said, it will be less downloading to install a desktop and set up lamp from there.  So it depends what's more of an issue to you, easy setup or less download :)11:08
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majdWhatsisname, that won't work unless i have a sudo before it11:08
Whatsisnamemajd, make sure your user is in the fuse group11:08
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Whatsisnamethen logoff and log back in11:08
majdWhatsisname, the user on the server where i'm connecting to?11:09
Whatsisnamecedric30, I don't know what to tell you11:09
riaalanyone have any sugestion of "cool" or usefull programs for ubuntu? (new to this)11:09
andy05im trying to install lamp on ubuntu with the desktop GUI whats the easiest way to do that11:09
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IndyGunFreakriaal: what type of stuff do you do?11:09
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Whatsisnamemajd, the user attempted to use the fuse filesystem (sshfs), so whatever user is trying to run sshfs11:09
majdandy05, XAMPP11:09
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IndyGunFreakandy05: what type of programs did you have in mind?  for instance, what do you see lacking11:10
cedric30Whatsisname: reinstall all ...........11:10
andy05php5 apache mysql11:10
IndyGunFreakcedric30: lol11:10
riaalIndyGunFreak,  well, all from programing to animating but I was thinking simple usefull stuff.. that you use everyday? do you have any favourit programs?11:10
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Whatsisnamecedric30, is your drive hdc mission critical11:11
andy05i have ubuntu desktop right now11:11
IndyGunFreakriaal: yeah, but i don't do programming or animating.11:11
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IndyGunFreakriaal: i have favorite utilities,11:11
cedric30Whatsisname: I think11:11
riaalIndyGunFreak, yeh. fill me in =)11:11
Whatsisnamewhats on it11:11
andy05i could install server edition if it is easier11:11
gyaresu!offtopic riaal11:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about offtopic riaal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:11
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gyaresu!offtopic | riaal11:11
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uboturiaal: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:11
MunchkinguyIs there a mirror for http://people.ubuntu.com/ ? I can't access it11:11
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IndyGunFreakxmms for music, VLC for video, Gnomebaker for burning disks11:12
riaalgyaresu, oh, had no ide of that, cheers11:12
DoddmanCan someone help me install zsnes in ubuntu?11:12
brithas anyone come up with a solution to my problem? I don't mind asking again11:12
WhatsisnameDoddman, apt-get doesnt cut it?11:12
gyaresuriaal: s'aight.11:12
PhantomNJrunning Edgy Eft, trying to add radio stations to Listen and having no luck, is there anyone here who can assist?11:12
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Whatsisnamewhat fails11:12
Doddmanit says package not found11:12
Doddmanso I downloaded the source tarball11:13
Whatsisnamehave you made sure you have the right repositories11:13
riaalIndyGunFreak, gnomebaker sounds cool I use to use K3b but gb is better you think?11:13
Whatsisnameno k3b is better11:13
Doddmanupdated all of SDL (because that's all it was having problems with)11:13
james296can someone tell me how to remove folders that are in the Gnome menu editor on the left hand side?11:13
IndyGunFreakriaal: its 6 on one hand, half dozen on the other to me... either one is fine.11:13
Doddmanand when I installed11:13
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Doddman./configure, then make11:13
Doddmanit said it installed to /usr/local/bin11:13
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Whatsisnamemake should not install it anywhere, make install on the other hand would11:14
Doddmanbut there is no zsnes in /usr/local/bin, nor in /usr/bin, nor in /usr/games11:14
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riaalIndyGunFreak, cool, any sugestions to application for overlooking cpu and network usage?11:14
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james296excuse me11:14
IndyGunFreakriaal: sorry.. nope11:14
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shevek_ #Kaixo11:14
IndyGunFreakDoddman: zsnes is in the repos.11:14
lgcHi! How can I start my ubuntu without the graphical session?11:14
BigMacapokryphos: no you never told me to install it11:14
PhantomNJanyone here using Listen for streaming internet radio?11:14
minimecbrit: So why don't you change your key shortcut ;) with gnome-keybinding-properties?11:14
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Doddmanthank you11:15
koperToday when I turned on my computer something had changed. For example if I have a chat window up and click Firefox, the chat window is still on top, I have to click the titlebar to get a window ontop of the other. And that's for all windows. I haven't changed anything though..?11:15
apokryphosBigMac: I actually presumed Ubuntu had it on a default install, actually.11:15
Doddmansudo make install worked just fine11:15
Whatsisnameso does it work now11:15
Doddmannow it's in /usr/local/bin11:15
apokryphosBigMac: nevermind; install it and it should work.11:15
britIt opens RB and won't work in anything else becuase RB sucks all my shortcuts up11:15
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BigMacapokryphos: ok installing right now11:15
lgcFlannel, you there?11:16
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BigMacapokryphos: how do I know it is done11:16
minimecbrit you can also change the settings in the file-properties of nautilus.11:16
apokryphosBigMac: the command? It will return to the prompt11:17
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MaartenLxHmmm.... I got something weird.... I can no longer change the KDE background in Kubuntu. Whatever I try, the background I selected yesterday (one of the default ones) sticks. Rebooting does not help a bit, I just did ;)11:17
MaartenLxAnyone any idea?11:17
seanHm, link to MS fonts for ubuntu?11:17
Whatsisnamerebooting is almost always uncessary for GNU/Linux machines11:17
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Whatsisnamefor anything besides a new kernel11:18
lgcFlannel, cables, ardchoille, how can I start my ubuntu without the graphical session? Anyone?11:18
MarupaI went searching for parport0 on my system, and it doesn't exist...what's going on?11:18
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Whatsisnamelgc, you want the easy way or the hard way11:18
britI tried, that, but it only works if I double click the file. I have an Alt+' shortcut that I want to open Banshee, but RB pops up11:18
MaartenLxeither way, i'm trying to fix this ;)11:18
cableslgc, why are you asking me specifically?11:18
riqzhi fellas11:18
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lgcWhatsisname, the easy one, of course.11:18
ardchoillelgc: Please don't randomly hilight people11:19
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minimecbrit: And in the end we go to the properties of nautilus and change to single click.11:19
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lgccables, ardchoille, you guys have helped me in the past!11:19
Whatsisnameeasy way is once the computer boots up switch to a virtual terminal and shut down gdm11:19
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gyaresu!volunteer | lgc11:19
cableslgc, cool, i didn't know that. If you have BUM (boot-up manager) installed, I think you can disable GDM, but someone should double-check that11:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about volunteer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:20
ardchoilleyay for ignore lists :)11:20
ibob63hi guys. I am going to upgrade my graphics card, Anyhow know a good side for compatiability with ubuntu / compiz?11:20
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riqzautomatix rules the world11:20
gyaresu!behaviour | lgc11:20
ubotulgc: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:20
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cables!automatix | riqz11:20
uboturiqz: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe11:20
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lgcWhatsisname, I want the memory gdm takes.11:20
cablesgyaresu, what lgc did wasn't so bad11:20
riqzmy automatix rules11:20
Whatsisnamelgc, so just shut it down after it boots up11:20
britI don't think that will work for what I need it for, but thanks for your attempts.11:20
gyaresucables: Yeah but no better factoid.11:20
eshaasedamnit, my two favorite mp3 mplayers (audacious/bmpx) are in the feisty branch after i just installed edgy =(11:20
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Whatsisnameif you want it to not come up at all when you boot up, you're going to have to do things the hard way11:21
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MarupaAny ideas on how to get my parport working?11:21
lgcgyaresu, sometimes I find people here who are more 'popist' than the Pope itself!11:21
cablesriqz, whenever anyone says that, a little bit of me dies.11:21
Whatsisnamewhich really isn't all that hard but it takes a few minutes11:21
fran_Hello all, greetings from Argentina... I have a doubt.. It is possible to use checkinstall, to generate a .deb of the kernel in Ubuntu, just like kernel-package in Debian?11:21
riqzlol cables11:21
minimecthat you have to change in the gnome-keybinding-properties11:21
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minimecbrit: that you have to change in the gnome-keybinding-properties11:21
Marupafran_, Yes.11:21
riqzwell it takes care of dependencies that apt doesnt recognise11:21
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gyaresu!works for me | riqz11:21
uboturiqz: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.11:21
thestrikerin the applications menu..my internet is not showing up for some reason11:22
fran_Marupa, thanks11:22
cablesriqz, that's so not true... it just groups packages together.11:22
riqzi had problems installing azureus and xchat and then automatix BOOM installed11:22
thestrikeri tried configuring in the alacarte menu editor..but to no vain11:22
riqz1 click11:22
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aroonihey folks....11:22
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cablesriqz, great. Have fun upgrading to Feisty.11:22
arooniis there a *better* wireless connection detector?  i.e. one where i dont have to know the name of the SSID before i connect?11:23
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cables!networkmanager | arooni11:23
ubotuarooni: networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager11:23
cables!wifi-radar | arooni11:23
thestrikerin the alacarte menu editor i can see the INTERNET but its ITALIC while the others are not11:23
riqzon another subject anyway11:23
lgcWhatsisname, what would  be the hard way then?11:23
ubotuarooni: wifi-radar: graphical utility for managing Wi-Fi profiles. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.7-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 36 kB, installed size 208 kB11:23
Amaranththestriker: italic means hidden11:23
superkirbyartistComputer is too slow!  I need antivirus for Ubuntu, any suggestions please?11:23
cablesarooni, i can explain the diffirences to you if you want11:23
riqzi have been tinkering around with beryl lol. What a piece of bugged software lol. I gave up. Im gonna wait until its stable11:23
Amaranthsuperkirbyartist: ubuntu doens't need antivirus11:23
cablessuperkirbyartist, there are no linux viruses.11:23
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IndyGunFreaksuperkirbyartist: you likely don't need antivirus11:23
aroonicables: please... id like to know which one (or both) i should get11:23
thestrikerAmaranth: how can i make it unhidden11:24
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britThat's where I set the shortcuts, but when I check out the shortcuts in GConf, the command is just "music" I can't choose what player loads11:24
Amaranththestriker: there is a checkbox next to it11:24
mheathsuperkirbyartist, Very few viruses exist for Ubuntu and the software that runs on it. These issues are addressed through software updates, not through virus removal software.11:24
superkirbyartistIndyGunFreak: It's so slow, Openoffice.org and sometimes even Firefox!11:24
Whatsisnamelgc, the hard way would be creating a new runlevel, one that does not include gdm, and an entry in grubs config to allow to select runleve, at bootup11:24
riqzu can get firewalls for linux11:24
FlosoftI have updated one of my Kubuntu servers a few hours ago11:24
ubotubittorrent: Scatter-gather network file transfer. In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.2-6ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 90 kB, installed size 556 kB11:24
Whatsisnameriqz, sort of11:24
mheathsuperkirbyartist, That is likely because your computer's specifications aren't enough to run that software at a faster speed.11:25
ubotuConventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network).  -  BitTorrent: see !torrent  -  Direct connect: try valknut.  -  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information.11:25
Flosoftnow I want to update my laptop11:25
Whatsisnameiptables is a capable firware11:25
IndyGunFreaksuperkirbyartist: well, you may have some issues, but its highly unlikely its  avirus11:25
BigMacapokryphos: anyway I can make a script out of it, so when I doble click it, it will run that command in the directory that the script was placed11:25
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riqzuse azureus11:25
Flosoftis there a way to not re-download the packages?11:25
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thestrikerAmaranth: not next to internet..its next to the subapplications in INTERNET11:25
aroonicables: you there ? :P11:25
cablesarooni, wifi-radar works with the built-in networking subsystem, and saves everything in the /etc/network/interfaces file so you can have networking in recovery mode. NetworkManager is just cool, but it will disable networking in recovery mode and is less customizable. Wifi-radar didn't work for me however, but try it anyway to see if it works.11:25
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ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod11:26
ubotuazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo11:26
lgcWhatsisname, I think I'll try the easy way first. Is it any way you know to somehow 'flush' the memory?11:26
Whatsisnamelgc, X and gdm are just another program11:26
aroonicables: ok now that i installed wifi-radar how do i use it11:26
cablesarooni, they're both very different. NetworkManager requires disabling your interfaces in the regular networking settings in ubuntu, but is a littel more "automatic" and stuff11:26
soundrayFlosoft: best way is to copy all packages from /var/cache/apt/archives on the installed machine to the laptop11:26
Whatsisnamewhen its shut down, it will release all memory just like anything else11:26
cablesarooni, Applications>Internet>WiFi Radar11:26
Amaranththestriker: if you click on "Applications" you'll get Internet in the right pane11:26
gyaresuFlosoft: The packages you have are in /var/cache/apt/archives/11:26
Flosoftok thanks soundray11:26
Flosoftthx gyaresu11:27
superkirbyartist Guys?11:27
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superkirbyartistMy computer is slowing down to a crawl!11:27
thestrikerAmaranth: how clumsy of me!..thanx a lot buddy..thanx!11:27
lgcWhatsisname, I think I know that. But memory management isn't perfect, I believe...11:27
Jordan_UI can't figure out how to get a certain computer to boot from CD, I have set it as the first item in the boot priority but no go11:27
Whatsisnameif it doesnt free up its memory properly then you can't do anything about it anyway11:28
apokryphosBigMac: if you like. I really recommend using digiKam though, which is a wonderful image management application (and has easy tools like that, upload to flickr, etc)11:28
Jordan_Usuperkirbyartist, Hard drive problems?11:28
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thestrikerAmaranth: if i decide to upgrade to feisty..if i disconnect the upgrade for any reason will it resume the next time i start it?11:28
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riqzjordan : u checked if it recognizes the cd drive?11:28
Amaranththestriker: yes11:28
cablesarooni, is that working for you?11:28
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superkirbyartistJordan_U I think so indeed.11:28
Amaranththestriker: but don't cancel it while it's installing, only while it's downloading11:28
Jordan_Uriqz, It does11:28
Amaranththestriker: once it starts installing you need to let it finish11:28
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riqzjordan: what cd is it u want to boot11:28
lgcWhatsisname, let me try that, then. Thanks.11:28
tjl30Is there a program for Linux so that I can burn a .avi file to a dvd ?11:28
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Whatsisnametjl30, so it will play in standalone dvd players?11:29
Jordan_Uriqz, None will work, I have tried Debian, Ubuntu, Even the WIndows install CD it  came with11:29
thestrikerAmaranth: u mean while the installation is going on i shudnt cancel..tats only after the download is finished..so i dont think there shud be any problem11:29
aroonicables: looks like wifi radar is working great.... is there any need for something else?11:29
gyaresuFlosoft: you can also take a look at apt-cacher11:29
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Amaranththestriker: right11:29
cablesarooni, nope, if that works for you, that's great.11:29
riqzjordan: damn that sounds like some weird bad problem. Sorry bro11:29
Flosoftok .. will do11:29
paul928Whatsisname-try DeVeDe11:30
ardchoilletjl30: I think avidemux will do that11:30
arooniman i like this linux thing a lot11:30
charlesnwhi all11:30
thestrikerAmaranth: shud i upgrade now or shud i wait till the STABLE version comes in april...i mean wats a good option..ur advice !11:30
ardchoilletjl30: And I know devede will do it11:30
superkirbyartistJordan_U: Sometimes, it just endlessly hums and slows down the mouse, etc.11:30
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=== charlesnw is upgrading to feisty now
Jordan_Usuperkirbyartist, Have you tried an fsck?11:30
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+111:30
riqzholy crap already!11:30
Whatsisnamepaul928, wrong person lol11:31
Amaranththestriker: i'd wait at least until the release candidate unless you know what you're doing11:31
charlesnwfsck? shouldn't need that with journalling file systems11:31
superkirbyartistJordan_U: Let's see...11:31
cablesthestriker, back up!11:31
Amaranthriqz: new release every 6 months11:31
Jordan_Uthestriker, If you have to ask then you should probably wait.11:31
riqzis it easy to upgrade to another version of ubuntu?:11:31
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cablescharlesnw, things can get screwed up anyway11:31
apokryphosriqz: please take a look at the FAQ <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions> as linked to in the channel /topic.11:31
Amaranthriqz: it's more or less automated11:31
paul928Whatsisname-sorry, too much static11:31
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cablesriqz, I hate to break it to you, but not when you've used Automatix.11:31
charlesnwi am aware of that cables11:31
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Tibmolhow can i install my tv card as default video device ?11:31
riqzwhy would automatix have anything to do with it11:31
cablesriqz, absolutely serious here... that's when most of the errors come up11:31
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Jordan_Ucharlesnw, That is not true, just because it's journaled doesn't mean there aren't hardware caused problems11:31
charlesnwprecisely my point11:32
cablesDoes anyone care to explain to riqz why Automatix breaks upgrades?11:32
thestrikerok..but wats the deal of upgrading...will there be an erase in the data?11:32
aroonihow can i move things around on the 'ubuntu bar'11:32
charlesnwits not the fs. its hardware11:32
aroonii mean drag them to other locations on the ubuntu bar11:32
charlesnwarooni: just drag them. you might have to right click11:32
cablesarooni, right click, uncheck "lock to panel"11:32
ardchoillecables: Not without getting kicked for language, lol11:32
riqzi think my automatix just got stuck lol11:32
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Jordan_Uriqz, Automatix is the spawn of satin, honestly it can screw up your system.11:33
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riqzright... my automatix is stuck wooot11:33
riqzshould i dare press cancel?11:33
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riqzhere goes11:34
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riqzif i crash pray for me11:34
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riqzah no11:34
riqzit was just downloading11:34
Grnsgrfim using feisty (normal ubuntu) and i would like to install kde 4, how can i do this?11:34
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riqzanyone here managed to install beryl guys?11:35
britYou can't yet, me thinks11:35
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Jordan_Uriqz, In the future though, avoid automatix, Yes I have with the Beryl question11:35
charlesnwif its packaged you can install kubuntu-desktop11:35
andyhas anyone here install lamp and have a desktop gui11:35
riqzok i wont use automatix anymore11:35
jinmonths ago I have tried azureus on ubuntu dapper and I installed with apt-get and it had the bug where the error litle window does not go away when you click on "close" and today the bug is still there, But it's already fixed (probably months ago) by the azureus team and yet nothing has done on the version in the repo?11:35
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charlesnwyou shouldn't run a gui on servers11:35
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slyfoxHow can I add to my right clic kcontext menu - create new - open office text document ?11:35
soundrayGrnsgrf: #ubuntu+1 for feisty questions -- and generally, you should stick with the packages that ubuntu provides11:35
riqzjordan i managed to install beryl but it freezes on startup11:35
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riqzand i gave uip11:35
ardchoilleandy: Yes11:36
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Grnsgrfsoundray: yep, just want testing11:36
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dagerriqz: did you set up xgl/aiglx accordingly?11:36
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riqzbtw guys i cant get a list of users on xchat here... anyone care11:36
crdlbjin, try rtorrent (it's ncurses-based but has all the major features of azureus except DHT)11:36
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riqzdager: yes xgl and aiglx11:36
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soundrayGrnsgrf: if you install other stuff, you have to bypass the packaging system and relinquish one of the major advantages that ubuntu has11:36
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riqzdager: at least i think...it took me a whole night11:36
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jincrdlb, isn't rtorrent commandline based?11:36
dagerriqz: you only need to run one or the other.. having both set up might be causing the problem11:36
recon31does any one know how to add to group files11:37
crdlbjin, yes11:37
riqzdager: yeh i think that might be the problem11:37
Jordan_Uriqz, You can't have XGL AND AIGLX11:37
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oo7jin, 2 things you can try.  1) i learned a while ago to install azureus manually, it's the only program that i do install manually...or you cna go to the "About" in azureus, then you will be able to hit "hide" on those error messages11:37
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riqzdager: i have xgl11:37
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slyfoxHow can I add to my right click context menu - create new - open office text document ?11:37
andycan u help me install lamp11:37
soundrayrecon31: what are you trying to do?11:37
Eko_HermiyantoI have ubuntu system with GNOME desktop environment11:38
riqzdager: and when i run it it doesnt recognize my xgl11:38
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Eko_HermiyantoI want to install a new font11:38
crdlbslyfox, make an odt file and place it in ~/Templates/11:38
Jordan_U!lamp andy11:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lamp andy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:38
andyim new to linux'11:38
Jordan_U!lamp | andy11:38
ubotuandy: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)11:38
Eko_HermiyantoI have open font:/// in nautilus11:38
riqzdager: but linux confirms that im running xgl11:38
dagerriqz: try to switch to aiglx and run the open-source drivers with it, thats how i got mine working11:38
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Eko_Hermiyantoand open other nautilus box to open my font folder11:38
soundray!font > Eko_Hermiyanto, please read the private message from ubotu11:38
recon31soundray I  am trying to add mythtv user to the cdrom file in group11:38
riqzdager: yeh i'll try that11:38
slyfoxcrdlb: ~/Templates/    folder does not exist11:38
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer11:38
PhantomNJRunning Edgy Eft, Listen Music Player, can anyone help with adding internet radio stations?11:38
riqzdager: but to switch to aiglx do i have to disable xgl?if so how?11:39
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)11:39
soundrayrecon31: erm... are you trying to add the user named mythtv to the group named cdrom?11:39
crdlbslyfox, then create it11:39
dagerriqz: xgl needs to be disabled.. no idea how, i assume it would be just undo whatever you did to enable it11:39
Jordan_Uriqz, Yes, you do, just don't choose the XGL session when you log in11:39
soundrayrecon31: 'sudo adduser mythtv cdrom' would do that11:39
recon31yes my mythfrontend wont11:39
ardchoilleandy: I followed that tutorial and everything went fine.. no problems at all.11:39
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recon31mybe  i will try11:39
riqzjordan_u: how do i not choose it at login>???11:40
slyfoxcrdlb: /home/slyfox/Templates    ?11:40
a_cowardpng alpha transparency is slowing down firefox... how do enable 3d accleration to et better performance?11:40
crdlbslyfox, yes11:40
blurnwhen ssh is installed on ubuntu, and I am trying to login to my ssh server, it says my pass is wrong, what is it using for a pass?11:40
Jordan_Uriqz, Go click on sessions and choose Gnomw11:40
ubuntumicrosoft it is looser11:40
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truvisionarywhere and how do I get a dock for my desktop?11:40
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oo7blurn: when you ssh in as root?11:41
Jordan_Utruvisionary, What kind of dock, there should be a panel there by default\11:41
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slyfoxcrdlb: what should be the name of the odt file ?11:41
SpacePuppytruvisionary: don't docks usually come with boats?11:41
riqzjordan_u: u mean change sessions when i login?11:41
Jordan_Uriqz, Yes11:41
truvisionarynot funny11:41
riqzjordan_u: cos i dont remember a gnomw option11:41
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crdlbslyfox, "whatever you want to see in the menu.odt"11:42
blurnoo7 I am trying to connect to my ubuntu box, from another ubuntu box, but its not allowing the root passwd11:42
andyis it the same for edgy eft i noticed these instructions are for ubuntu 6.0611:42
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Jordan_Uriqz, That's because I mistyped "gnome" :)11:42
oo7probably because you've never set a root password11:42
oo7the password you set is for your user11:42
zackglennie_where is grub.conf in ubuntu?11:42
riqzjordan_u: but aint I on gnome already?11:42
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Jordan_Uzackglennie_, /boot/grub/menu.lst11:42
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truvisionaryI want a dock kind of like the ones used in mac OSX11:42
oo7if you want to set a root password go to root "sudo su -" then set a root pw, but to be completely honest, you should be careful, because by default ubuntu openssh server allows root login, might be a good idea to turn that off by editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config11:43
Jordan_Uriqz, Yes, but you are on Gnome + XGL, you want _just_ Gnome11:43
dagertruvisionary, try kiba-dock or gnome-dock11:43
crdlbtruvisionary, avant window navigator11:43
superkirbyartistWhat details would you like?11:43
superkirbyartistIt says "clean".11:43
SpacePuppytruvisionary: or try beryl11:43
PhantomNJoo7: egad11:43
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ardchoilleandy: I don't know, I don't use Edgy.. probably never will.11:43
riqzjordan so if I choose gnome then install aiglx11:43
PhantomNJwhy on earth would they have set it up that way?11:43
crdlbtruvisionary, avant requires compiz or beryl though11:43
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riqzill be running on gnome +aiglx from then on?11:43
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Jordan_Usuperkirbyartist, I was just wondering if it was corrupt, you might try to force a check even though it's listed as clean11:44
Eko_Hermiyantothere is something strange with font system in my ubuntu system11:44
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Eko_HermiyantoI have read instalation procedure on the web and ubotu11:44
aroonihey folks.... right now my sound is coming out of my speakers *and* my headphones... how can i make it so when i put in headphones, volume ONLY comes out of headphone jack11:44
oo7PhantomNJ, because by default the root password is scrambled, the devs don't expect you to "sudo su -" to get to root and reset your root pw, that's my guess11:44
Eko_Hermiyantobut doesn't work11:44
slyfoxcrdlb: did it and it does not work11:44
Eko_Hermiyantowhen I restart my X(even my ubuntu)... it doesn't work11:45
Jordan_Uriqz, Yes, what version of Ubuntu are you using?11:45
superkirbyartistJordan_U, how do we force a check?11:45
slyfoxcrdlb: maybe you mean this "go to ~/.kde/share/templates (make the directory if it doesn't exist) and create a shortcut to the file you want to use for your oo text template" ?11:45
Eko_Hermiyantoin font menu in system menu... there is no list of font I had installed11:45
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crdlbslyfox, didn't say you were using kde11:45
superkirbyartistJordan_U, how do we force a check?11:45
joshjoshi try to play my ipod in amarok and it says it has no mp3 support. everything works in rhythmbox though. any ideas?11:45
Eko_HermiyantoI have installed ttf_bitstream_vera-1.1011:45
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slyfoxcrdlb: oh yes, sorry I forgot about this being the ubunut channel11:45
Eko_Hermiyantobut there is no vera fonts11:46
Mswordi need some help11:46
Jordan_Usuperkirbyartist, Wait, did it just quickly tell you it was clean or did it take a minute?11:46
riqzwe all do hehe11:46
PhantomNJoo7: ugh......still not a good idea.......heck, Solaris didn't add openssh by default until I think version 9 or 10 and they still knew enough to have root login disabled by default11:46
superkirbyartistJordan_U it was quick.11:46
MswordI'm attempting to dual boot with windows and ubuntu11:46
ardenihi all, how i can add amarok to autostart?11:46
Eko_Hermiyantosoundray, it doesn't work in my ubuntu system11:46
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FlosoftI have a multiboot on my laptop11:46
Mswordbut when i went to the install thing (ive already partitioned) i got an error11:46
Flosoftis there a way to boot my Windows in Linux?11:47
riqzmsword what error11:47
siegieEach time i start up gnome i get bug buddy, and gnome is blocked, the generated file of bug buddy can be found on siegie.sin.khk.be foutrapportage11:47
crdlbardeni, System -> prefs -> sessions - startup apps11:47
Eko_Hermiyantothe fonts I have installed appear  in /home/eko/.fonts/11:47
superkirbyartistMsword: Dapper, edgy or feisty?11:47
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Eko_Hermiyantobut not in font menu in system menu11:47
aroonidoes anyone know how to fix the sound issue with my laptop11:47
Jordan_Usuperkirbyartist, I think you need to either run fsck from a liveCD or set it to run on the next boot11:47
siegieFlosoft: vmware?11:47
Eko_Hermiyantoaroony : in ubuntuguide has everything about sound system11:47
FlosoftI want to boot my Windows from my PC11:47
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superkirbyartistJordan_U can I force check from terminal?11:47
arooniEko_Hermiyanto: so you dont know how to make the sound come out only of my headphoens when i plug them in?11:47
MswordFile system doesn't have expected sizes for windows to like it. Cluster size is 2k(1k expected) Number of clusters is 20017(39957 expected) Size of FATs is 79 sectors(157 expected)11:48
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Jordan_Usuperkirbyartist, Yes, but I can't remember how, I'm looking now.11:48
Mswordcould anyone make sence of that?11:48
ardenicrdlb: thx :)11:48
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oo7PhantomNJ, yah there's really no reason to PermitRootLogin, but they do.  I make it a point to edit it.11:48
riqzwow i hope after installing these codecs I can finally watch .avi files on linux11:48
riqzthat would mean so much to me11:48
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Eko_Hermiyantoarooni, do you mean you only able to hear sound when you plug your headphone?11:48
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PhantomNJoo7: thanks for pointing it out......I'll have to go and fix that in my installs11:48
Eko_Hermiyantomy ubuntu system default able not to play sound at all...11:48
Eko_Hermiyantobut after following ubuntuguide...11:48
arooniEko_Hermiyanto: no. when i insert headphones i *still* hear sound out of my laptop speakesr (i dont want to )11:49
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riqzMsword: are u sure u partitioned correctly?11:49
Eko_Hermiyantomy ubuntu system able to play every multimedia files I wish to play11:49
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d0uglashi. just did a fresh install, apt got gtk-gnutella, but it's got no hosts... where can i look to get a gnutella host? google's unhelpful11:49
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Eko_Hermiyantoarooni, that's the problem with your hardware(because I have a mp4 player, it has similar problem too)11:49
crdlbd0uglas, are you behind a firewall?11:49
d0uglascrdlb: yes11:49
dreeshello roomies, greetings from Holland.11:49
Jordan_Usuperkirbyartist, run "sudo touch /forcefsck" then reboot11:50
riqzMSword: did u make a big enough partition? and a swap partition?11:50
MswordWhen i was installing ubuntu i got this error, everything is already partitioned and I'm attempting to dual boot with XP: File system doesn't have expected sizes for windows to like it. Cluster size is 2k(1k expected) Number of clusters is 20017(39957 expected) Size of FATs is 79 sectors(157 expected)11:50
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Mswordi made 1 6gig11:50
superkirbyartistJordan_U, then...11:50
Mswordthan the 1 gig11:50
Mswordthan a 37 gig11:50
Jordan_Usuperkirbyartist, See if it gives any errors ( you will see it run when you reboot )11:50
crdlbd0uglas, you may need to open some ports; I am behind a router and I didn't (but it works fine though)11:51
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riqzmsword: so u have 3 partitions. What partition is windows on and what filesystem type are all 311:51
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d0uglascrdlb: but the host cache is completely empty11:51
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dannyhey cusco, can you join #cusco again? i need some help getting jre installed11:51
coshxwhat's the cli command for determining which package a file comes from?11:51
soundraycoshx: dpkg -S filename11:51
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coshxsoundray: thanks11:51
riqzwht does dpkg stand for anyways11:51
d0uglasdebian package11:51
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Mswordok, i have 5 partitions in total, one is dell's, one is xp's, those already work. - i made one 6 gig ext3, one 1 gig linux-swap, and on 37(give or take) gig ext311:52
jinffox just crashed :(11:52
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soundray!ohmy | jin11:52
ubotujin: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:52
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riqzwhy did u make the 6gig one msword?11:52
Mswordmy tutorial said to...11:52
Mswordi wondered why i needed it...11:52
riqzmsword i think u chose the wrong one to install on11:52
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IndyGunFreakriqz: some tutorials suggest a separate partition for /home.. why i don't know.11:53
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AndruuJust wondering, I'm trying to compile something, and apparently stdio.h is missing, I found 'nostudio.h' and was wondering...what am I supposed to be able to compile anything that needs the stdio header?11:53
riqzindygunfreak: lol thts gay11:53
coshxokay, i just ran sudo aptitude remove postgresql-7.4, but i still see /etc/init.d/postgresql-7.4 (i also have 8.2 installed, but don't see this in System->Admin->Services)11:53
Mswordshould i just delete the six gig and put it into the 37 gig?11:53
IndyGunFreakriqz: i agree, i think its stupid11:53
crdlbIndyGunFreak, it's so you can reinstall w/o touching your files11:53
Mswordthis is the tutorial11:53
riqzmsword nono leave it like tht11:53
Jordan_UIndyGunFreak, It's so you can reformat and re-install and keep all your user files / preferences11:53
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IndyGunFreakcrdlb: iyeah, i know "why".., but i still think its silly, i'm a man, i just back up and let her rip..lol11:53
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riqzmsword. Try running the installer again and choose the right hda to install linux to11:54
truvisionarywhere could I get gnome dock and how would I install it?11:54
riqzmsword u prolly chose the swap partition11:54
IndyGunFreakcrdlb: remember, i don't even upgrade my OS, i just do clean installs..lol11:54
soundrayIndyGunFreak: because you can do a fresh system install and not touch user data in the process11:54
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HolyGoatcoshx: You can also use apt-file search (after you install apt-file)11:54
IndyGunFreaksoundray: i know, i just think its silly11:54
IndyGunFreaki'm sure it works for many folks, just not my cup of tea11:54
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riqzmsword. Yes. It asks you where u want to install it. It should be hda5 or 6 i cant say from here11:54
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riqzmsword u gotta choose the right one11:54
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Mswordok, i want to instal it on the 6 gig partition right?11:55
d0uglasany activesync-like ware for linux that does the job for windows mobile phones?11:55
truvisionarycan someone help me with this??11:55
riqzmsword if thts what u want yes11:55
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Shaba1what about it riqz11:55
soundrayIndyGunFreak: separating partitions is also a measure that limits the damage in case of filesystem corruption11:55
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Mswordalright, and once i do this it can still access the other 37 gig partition?11:55
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IndyGunFreakIndyGunFreak: yeah, yeah, i know.11:55
riqzshabal: no i was helping msword mate11:55
theidiotthatismeHas anyone here been able to get Alpha Centauri planetary pack to work on Edgy? I always get a seg. fault after shortly starting it11:55
superkirbyartistJordan_U: 2% non-contigious11:56
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HolyGoattruvisionary: Do you mean the gnome panel perhaps?11:56
riqzmsword: if its the one with windows on yes. The installation will create a boot loader where u can choose what to boot up11:56
HolyGoat(which is in the package gnome-panel, if you don't have it already)11:56
Mswordthanks much11:56
riqzmsword wait11:56
Jordan_Usuperkirbyartist, then your filesystem is OK11:56
riqzmsword make sure u install in the 6gig one11:56
soundrayd0uglas: synce + multisync11:56
superkirbyartistWhat is causing slowdown, then?11:56
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riqzmsword: good luck11:56
Mswordi'll be back if i need anything11:57
Mswordthanks for the help :)11:57
d0uglassoundray: thanks11:57
soundrayd0uglas: the forum has instructions - keyword pocketpc11:57
truvisionaryI don't know11:57
Jordan_Utruvisionary, Do you have Compiz / Beryl installed?11:57
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d0uglasoff hand do you know if that will do "tether mode" to use the phone for internet?11:57
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HolyGoattruvisionary: Or you might mean docker, which, surprisingly, is in the docker package.11:57
soundrayd0uglas: get a large cup of coffee and prepare for a long night though ;)11:57
d0uglaswell i'll try it and see11:57
d0uglassoundray: yeah i figured11:57
soundrayd0uglas: I don't think it will11:58
ExershioIs Ubuntu Edgy supposed to be slower in terms of performance than Windows XP?11:58
HolyGoator yes, as Jordan_U mentions, if you want real eye candy, get beryl :)11:58
Jordan_Utruvisionary, Because OSx has a GPU accellerated window manager, to get a truly OSx like dock you need one too ( hence Beryl / Compiz )11:58
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crdlbExershio, ubuntu isn't optimized for "snappiness" to the extent windows it11:58
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truvisionaryhow would I install compiz?11:58
Jordan_Ucrdlb, In what way?11:58
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=== superkirbyartist has just sent a nudge!
Exershiocrdlb, so it's supposed to be slower to respond?11:59
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Jordan_Usuperkirbyartist, I don't know what else to try.11:59
=== adnam [n=adnam@dslb-088-064-030-165.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
HolyGoatExershio: I don't really notice it.11:59
superkirbyartistAnti-virus please?11:59
=== Aiken [n=james@ppp216-125.lns2.bne1.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
=== SaltyPacifier [n=jeff@modemcable226.50-57-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayJordan_U: for example, Windows slows down large downloads when you're surfing interactively. Ubuntu doesn't make the assumption that that is what the user wants.11:59
Jordan_Usuperkirbyartist, Whell, actually, have you tried looking in the process manager11:59
ExershioHolyGoat: I'm running on 256mb of ram so I notice it =p11:59
ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2111:59
makuseruhow can i make a dvd from an avi in ubuntu12:00
HolyGoatExershio: Ah, yes, I can see you'd notice it :) Memory is cheap, get yourself some memory.12:00
=== magnushc [n=magnushc@cm-] has joined #ubuntu
=== chino [n=daquino@c-68-36-237-152.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== DiSRupT0r [n=padawan@ADijon-257-1-99-109.w86-218.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
=== HolyGoat is on 1GB with an AMD64 X2 4200 :)
=== eugman [n=eugene@c-71-195-88-202.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ExershioHolyGoat: I can't really get any memory without upgrading my entire computer12:00
HolyGoatExershio: That old?12:00
Jordan_Usuperkirbyartist, You can install ClamAV if you insist, but I really doubt you have a virus12:00
eugmanI need to draw a hexagon grid.12:00
magnushchow can i get kate on ubuntu12:00
DiSRupT0ri search a salon who speak turk plz12:00
=== arooni [n=chatzill@dsl-241-252.zhonka.net] has joined #ubuntu
superkirbyartistI am looking at ubotu, and clamav I don't know how to run.12:01
aroonihey folks12:01
paul928 makuseru-try DeVeDe12:01
ExershioHolyGoat: Yes. I have a 175w power supply, I'd need a better one for more memory. I'd need a new motherboard for a power supply, thus new components, etc12:01
theidiotthatismeDoes anyone here run any of the old Loki games on Edgy? (Alpha Centauri, Descent 3, SC3U)12:01
=== cables [n=cables@65-78-17-151.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_Umagnushc, sudo apt-get install kate12:01
cmillicanhi arooni12:01

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