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=== Topic for #ubuntu-classroom: The classroom schedule is located at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom | Transcripts and logs are at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts | *If you ask a question, hang out for an answer :) * | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-classroom): set by nalioth at Sun Feb 11 00:57:35 2007 | ||
=== DerXero [n=patrick@dslb-082-083-139-215.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-classroom | ||
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=== H264 [n=walterne@shr-88.oregoncoast.com] has joined #ubuntu-classroom | ||
H264 | ay | 11:41 |
nalioth | hi | 11:43 |
nalioth | have you restarted the afflicted machine? | 11:43 |
H264 | no, I thought it might be recoverable... | 11:43 |
H264 | not that it matters I guess | 11:43 |
nalioth | let's restart and see what we get | 11:43 |
H264 | heh, I would guess it would be fine... :) | 11:44 |
H264 | umm, the two computers a ~80 feet apart from eachother | 11:44 |
H264 | in different buildings | 11:44 |
nalioth | oh | 11:44 |
nalioth | no ssh access? | 11:44 |
H264 | and everybody is asleep | 11:44 |
nalioth | !xcfg | 11:45 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 11:45 |
nalioth | <sigh> | 11:45 |
H264 | can I by default? | 11:45 |
nalioth | H264: write this down: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 11:45 |
nalioth | if restarting the machine doesn't fix it, use that command at a console | 11:45 |
nalioth | choose the "VESA" driver | 11:45 |
H264 | hmm, ok | 11:46 |
H264 | <sigh>? | 11:46 |
nalioth | you can choose the default answers until you get to the driver option | 11:46 |
H264 | tired? of ppl like me asking dumb questions? | 11:46 |
nalioth | why would i be? | 11:47 |
H264 | <sigh> | 11:47 |
nalioth | i'm tired of people changing the factoids on me | 11:47 |
nalioth | i made the !xcfg factoid to show you the above command with a short explanation of how to use it | 11:48 |
H264 | oh, the bot responce? | 11:48 |
nalioth | and somebody changed it | 11:48 |
H264 | I see | 11:48 |
H264 | well, I'm off on the yellow brick road | 11:49 |
nalioth | enjoy | 11:49 |
H264 | brb | 11:49 |
H264 | still there? | 12:06 |
nalioth | i am | 12:07 |
H264 | ok, I am logged in on the other computer as X704 | 12:07 |
H264 | will join this room soon :) | 12:07 |
nalioth | :) | 12:08 |
=== X704 [n=walter@shr-88.oregoncoast.com] has joined #ubuntu-classroom | ||
X704 | Hi | 12:10 |
nalioth | howdy | 12:10 |
X704 | now, what do you suppose the problem was again? | 12:10 |
X704 | I have installed Kubuntu Saturday, and no problems | 12:10 |
nalioth | is it working now? | 12:10 |
X704 | seems to be, but I have not ran any programs other than this IRC program yet | 12:11 |
nalioth | is it a gui irc program? | 12:11 |
X704 | yeah, came with Ubuntu | 12:12 |
nalioth | then it sounds as if it was just an upgrade glitch | 12:12 |
X704 | hmm | 12:13 |
X704 | verry well... | 12:13 |
X704 | one more question... | 12:13 |
nalioth | of course | 12:14 |
X704 | I have this older computer (AMD K6-2 475Herz)... | 12:14 |
X704 | with 128 MB ram... | 12:14 |
X704 | and I installed Xubuntu on it | 12:14 |
X704 | with the same wireless network card in it as this computer | 12:15 |
X704 | but the other Xubuntu install won't work with it | 12:15 |
X704 | on the other computer | 12:16 |
nalioth | !wireless | 12:16 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 12:16 |
X704 | any idea? | 12:16 |
X704 | I was wondering why the other Ubuntu installs worked with it by default and Xubuntu won't | 12:17 |
nalioth | can you install ubuntu on it, and just run xubuntu after the install? | 12:18 |
X704 | that's all :) | 12:18 |
X704 | umm, maybe | 12:18 |
X704 | it has an eathernet card in it that works quite well... | 12:19 |
X704 | I'll just do something that way | 12:20 |
X704 | I guess | 12:20 |
X704 | I gave away 3 CD's of Ubuntu :) | 12:20 |
nalioth | excellent :) | 12:21 |
X704 | today and yesterday | 12:21 |
X704 | that's what I thought when I put in the live CD and everything worked | 12:22 |
X704 | heh, I was ready for the worst from Linux | 12:22 |
X704 | anyway | 12:23 |
X704 | thanks for being around for the late nighters | 12:23 |
X704 | (like 2 or 3 AM here) | 12:24 |
nalioth | it's 5:24 here | 12:24 |
nalioth | i've been insomniac lately | 12:24 |
X704 | heh | 12:24 |
X704 | what's the difference between Ubuntu and EDUbuntu? | 12:25 |
X704 | more programming tools? | 12:25 |
nalioth | you would ask that... | 12:25 |
nalioth | visit www.newsforge.com there is an article on it on the front page | 12:26 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-classroom: The classroom schedule is located at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom | Transcripts and logs are at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts | *If you ask a question, hang out for an answer :) * | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-classroom): set by nalioth at Sun Feb 11 00:57:35 2007 | ||
=== GaiaX11 [n=vagner@] has joined #ubuntu-classroom | ||
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