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=== Topic for #ubuntu-server: Ubuntu Server *development* discussion | general support -> #ubuntu
=== Topic (#ubuntu-server): set by fabbione at Wed Jan 10 11:19:15 2007
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CrummyGummyHi all, I just did an update to my server and it looks like the startup scripts have changed substantially. I've got a few custom startup scripts. Should I be worried. What changes need to be made?10:34
lionelCrummyGummy: you updated from whic release to which release ?10:35
lionelbut I am preaty sure you does not have to worry10:35
CrummyGummynot a release, just a general dist-upgrade. I'm still running Edgy. 10:40
CrummyGummyBut I'm super paranoid after the sh symlink was changed from bash to dash10:40
CrummyGummywithout me realising.10:40
lionelCrummyGummy: in Edgy, there are only bug fixed in upgrades10:41
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CrummyGummylionel, thanks. I was just a bit worried. My ha service goes for a loop if the startup scripts fall over :(10:50
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vandenoeverhi all, i'm trying to run xeyes from my server, but i get 'display not found'03:47
vandenoeveri'm even tried installing xorg-server but that does not help03:48
vandenoeveralso i restarted ssh with x11forwarding enabled03:48
vandenoeveri log in with ssh -X or -Y, but this does not help03:48
lionelvandenoever: try to install xbase-clients03:52
lionel(on th eserver)03:52
vandenoeverlionel: ah, i'll try, thanks03:55
vandenoeverlionel: wow, do i need all of that?03:57
lionelall of what ?03:57
vandenoever100 packages in xbase-clients03:57
lionelxbase-clients is on package03:58
lionelah, you means dependencies ?03:58
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vandenoeveryes, there are a lot of them03:59
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vandenoeverok, what i need is 'xauth'04:05
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cmdlnanyone have any guides to migrating to swraid from noraid?05:42
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Shane-Sis there a pre-made package that will install webalizer or other apache log analyzer?06:46
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-server: Ubuntu Server *development* discussion | general support -> #ubuntu
=== Topic (#ubuntu-server): set by fabbione at Wed Jan 10 11:19:15 2007
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firecrotchHi all: In a default install, does PHP run as an Apache module or as cgi?10:07
\shfirecrotch, when you install php module it runs as module, if not, you have to configure it as cgi10:07
ivoksfirecrotch: bottom line: you can do both :)10:08
firecrotchPerhaps I should have worded it differently... My host did a normal install with LAMP from the CD, and I haven't changed anything as far as how PHP runs... so... is it running as a module or cgi? I don't know how to tell from php_inf()10:10
=== sacater [n=sacater@host86-140-36-36.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-server
\shfirecrotch, depending on the installation he did.. the php5/4 module needs to be installed separatly10:13
firecrotch\sh: php_inf() will show me if it's running as a cgi, correct?10:17
\shfirecrotch, it should, I didn't use the cgi-style in ages :)  10:19
firecrotchOkay, I think it's running as a CGI.  I just finished an apt-get upgrade and there was an upgrade to php5-cgi10:20
firecrotchWould php5-cgi show up if I did ps -e in a console?10:21
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kupesoftI just got disconnected, but I hope this is relevant: -to check the SAPI of php, try: echo php_sapi_name();10:26
firecrotchAlright, I think I finally figured it out.  if it's running as a CGI, then the $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']  variable will show the php-cgi script and not the actual file.10:27
kupesoftfirecrotch: There's a better way: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.php-sapi-name.php10:28
firecrotchkupesoft: that gives me apache2handler10:28
kupesoftThen PHP is running as an apache module,10:28
kupesoftapache2 module, that is10:28
firecrotchThanks, kupesoft10:29
kupesoftfirecrotch: If you want to write PHP scripts for use locally, you can use php cli (sudo apt-get install php5-cli)10:29
kupesoftI mean if you want to write command-line php scripts10:30
firecrotchThanks =D10:31
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