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yotux | what can I do to help edubuntu? Seems that the wiki has alot missing documentation | 05:12 |
=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock | ||
LaserJock | yotux: what kinds of things are you interested in, in general? | 05:33 |
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yotux | LaserJock: I like working with wireless networks and helping other find solutions that work for them with open source. | 06:24 |
yotux | What I feel the need to do is give back to the community that allows me to use software that is stable and meeting my needs | 06:25 |
LaserJock | that's cool | 06:25 |
yotux | I have join a loco team | 06:25 |
LaserJock | well, we always need testing, advocacy, and support | 06:25 |
yotux | At the current time I am attending college for Computer Science. Thus term I am learning java | 06:26 |
LaserJock | yotux: have you tried out the Herd 5 Edubuntu release? | 06:26 |
yotux | Not yet I was thinking about it | 06:26 |
LaserJock | that really would be helpful | 06:26 |
yotux | I did some testing and using of kubuntu and found a small bug | 06:27 |
yotux | I have a launch pad account | 06:27 |
LaserJock | it's harder for Edubuntu to get testers I think | 06:27 |
yotux | For me I need a mix of a system that is some what stable to make my gf happy | 06:27 |
yotux | could I test herd five via vmware server? | 06:28 |
LaserJock | yes | 06:28 |
yotux | For me I have bounced between distro a little bit | 06:28 |
yotux | like slackware a little | 06:28 |
LaserJock | obviously some of the hardware testing won't work right | 06:29 |
LaserJock | but vmware is perfectly fine for software testing | 06:29 |
yotux | ok | 06:29 |
yotux | I am upgrading edubuntu to edgy right now | 06:29 |
yotux | for me my system is laid out with 4 partitions. they are /, /home, /usr/local/ ,and /ent -- for music and what not | 06:30 |
yotux | so I have the room to store and keep things separate. | 06:31 |
LaserJock | ok | 06:31 |
yotux | Strange to ask, but what is testing of herd five | 06:32 |
yotux | is that just using it an seeing what doesn't work? | 06:32 |
LaserJock | basically yes | 06:33 |
yotux | I would like to learn how to package but the packaging manual scares me to a degree | 06:33 |
LaserJock | which packaging manual? | 06:33 |
yotux | I have been a newbie user to long | 06:33 |
yotux | The one for ubuntu. I think I printed it from Ubutnu Documentation something or another | 06:34 |
yotux | link https://help.ubuntu.com/ | 06:35 |
yotux | where can I find a herd 5 release? | 06:41 |
LaserJock | cdimages.ubuntu.com | 06:43 |
yotux | thanks | 06:44 |
yotux | after the upgrade I will install vmware and start playing with fiesty :) | 06:44 |
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kenthomson | Hello! | 07:57 |
ajmitch | hi | 07:58 |
kenthomson | I want to know the complete process of setting up a LTSP-ed lab, with one server, and 10-thin-clients. I don't know much about hardware/linux. But i love ubuntu enough, and am ambitious/enthusiastic enough to go about this project alone. Can some of you tell me the keywords/websites/other-useful things, that i will have to research to accomplish this project? And the main things required? And is it really complex? | 07:58 |
kenthomson | Anyone...? | 07:59 |
TeePOG | kenthomson: that's not a simple answer | 08:00 |
TeePOG | and most ppl here aren't even at work yet, their PCs are just idling online | 08:00 |
TeePOG | but stick around | 08:00 |
LaserJock | kenthomson: do you have any hardware already? | 08:07 |
kenthomson | LaserJock, alteast some is awake sorry for the dealy | 08:10 |
kenthomson | LaserJock, none at all | 08:10 |
kenthomson | LaserJock, i am going to purchase all of that | 08:10 |
kenthomson | *-someone in the first reply | 08:11 |
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kenthomson | Helooo...Helooooo....Anybody-there......?--(echo)--..---((echo))---...----(((echo)))----......-----(((((echo)))))-----....... | 08:14 |
TeePOG | one thing you should not skimp on, is your network switches ... make a massive difference | 08:14 |
kenthomson | TeePOG, go one i am listening | 08:14 |
kenthomson | *on | 08:14 |
TeePOG | well, not much more to tell ... your thin clients can be commodity hardware, pII or so | 08:15 |
kenthomson | right | 08:15 |
TeePOG | harddrives not necessary | 08:15 |
TeePOG | a server with 2GB of RAM and a P4-level CPU can handle ~30clients | 08:16 |
TeePOG | LaserJock: correct me if i'm wrong | 08:16 |
kenthomson | TeePOG, may i have a web-source/keywords/list-of-important things to consider while i go about researching for this project? maybe web-sites/google-keywords, anything? What brand hardware is supported by OS community? Intel/AMD, nvidia/ATi, soundcard, netwrok_switched/ D_link/pthers. Anything | 08:16 |
kenthomson | TeePOG, i don't think he is here | 08:16 |
TeePOG | kenthomson: these are many of the developers of edubuntu ... meaning that they are actually at work on this thing, right now | 08:17 |
TeePOG | haste will bvring you nowhere, but there's no better place for help than here | 08:17 |
kenthomson | TeePOG, i shall wait, but is there anything you gottu say, in-terms of resources? | 08:18 |
TeePOG | i'm looking atm ... i'm not using ltsp on ubuntu, i've got a fat-client lab, so i need to check for these things myself | 08:18 |
kenthomson | TeePOG, i can wait | 08:19 |
TeePOG | http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/linux_terminal_server | 08:22 |
kenthomson | TeePOG, i studied that case-study long back and that is what inspired me to go about this! | 08:22 |
TeePOG | indeed | 08:22 |
TeePOG | ... what more do you need? | 08:22 |
TeePOG | http://www.edubuntu.org/GettingStarted | 08:23 |
TeePOG | http://www.mail-archive.com/edubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com/msg00114.html | 08:23 |
TeePOG | https://wiki.edubuntu.org/LTSPFatClients | 08:23 |
LaserJock | well, I think TeePOG is right | 08:23 |
LaserJock | making sure you have good network connections is important | 08:24 |
LaserJock | because you are going to have a lot of traffic | 08:24 |
TeePOG | i mean, we can't really offer more help until you have more specific questions, ie. busy with the installation.. | 08:25 |
LaserJock | thin clients can be pretty much anything that is network-bootable (PXE or etherboot) | 08:25 |
TeePOG | i will add a couple things though | 08:25 |
kenthomson | LaserJock, ok | 08:25 |
TeePOG | 1. make sure your network cabling is done professionally | 08:25 |
TeePOG | or you WILL have weird issues with clients not connecting / disconnecting | 08:25 |
kenthomson | LaserJock, i want to support 10 thin clients, could you tell me the hardware configuration for the server.? | 08:26 |
kenthomson | TeePOG, ok | 08:26 |
LaserJock | kenthomson: that sort of depends on what you want to run on the clients | 08:27 |
TeePOG | 2. if you want video playback on the clients, make sure you have a gigabit ethernet NIC on the server, a full-duplex gigabit-ethernet switch, and 100mbit on the clients ... that way, each client has the full 100mbit to/from the server | 08:27 |
kenthomson | LaserJock, the thin clients are going to be mainly used to tutor extremely young kids <15years. They will run things like basic_word_processing, simple-games, drawing apps, nothing ever hardware intensive | 08:28 |
TeePOG | that case study link i pasted, actually has a pretty good spec listing already kenthomson | 08:28 |
kenthomson | TeePOG, i know, i know | 08:28 |
LaserJock | kenthomson: I think you'll want something around 1GB of RAM | 08:28 |
kenthomson | LaserJock, go on... | 08:29 |
LaserJock | probably at least a 2GHz processor | 08:29 |
TeePOG | indeed ... i find the core 2 duos handle very well | 08:30 |
LaserJock | and a gigabit ethernet network | 08:30 |
kenthomson | LaserJock, and what for the thin-clients? | 08:30 |
TeePOG | half a TB or disk should give you enough disk space for scalability | 08:30 |
LaserJock | something > 533MHz | 08:31 |
LaserJock | doesn't need a lot of RAM | 08:31 |
kenthomson | LaserJock, i am looking for figures | 08:31 |
TeePOG | i find 64MB RAM is more than enough | 08:31 |
TeePOG | pII-level CPU ~300MHz or more | 08:32 |
LaserJock | kenthomson: and just make sure the thin clients are network-bootable | 08:33 |
kenthomson | LaserJock, i would like to repeat a few things i said above, in-case you missed; I want to know the complete process of setting up a LTSP-ed lab, with one server, and 10-thin-clients. I don't know much about hardware/linux. But i love ubuntu enough, and am ambitious/enthusiastic enough to go about this project alone. Can some of you tell me the keywords/websites/other-useful things, that i will have to research to accomplish this project? And the m | 08:33 |
kenthomson | ain things required? And is it really complex? may i have a web-source/keywords/list-of-important things to consider while i go about researching for this project? maybe web-sites/google-keywords, anything? What brand hardware is supported by OS community? Intel/AMD, nvidia/ATi, soundcard, netwrok_switched/ D_link/pthers. Anything...? | 08:33 |
TeePOG | http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/handbook/C/ltsp-hw.html | 08:34 |
TeePOG | 1. your 3d-acceleration won't work, so don't bother about which graphics | 08:34 |
kenthomson | TeePOG, thanks! you have been really kind | 08:34 |
LaserJock | kenthomson: we gave you hardware requirements | 08:34 |
kenthomson | LaserJock, right! | 08:34 |
LaserJock | kenthomson: now you just need to install Edubuntu :-) | 08:35 |
TeePOG | 2. sound might or might not work, so disregard sound ... anyway, most soundcards these days are the AC'976 chipset anyway | 08:35 |
kenthomson | LaserJock, and ofcourse purchase all that, i will have to look for motherboards/thier-chipsets, netwrok swtiches, a lot before you say that... | 08:35 |
kenthomson | anything i should particularly avoid? | 08:36 |
kenthomson | TeePOG, you have my full attention go on.. | 08:36 |
TeePOG | not much else to say kenthomson | 08:36 |
LaserJock | kenthomson: you really should test it out before buying all that | 08:36 |
LaserJock | kenthomson: you can try it on two machines | 08:36 |
kenthomson | LaserJock, as in...? I am going to assemble all this. | 08:37 |
TeePOG | LCD screens tend to be misdetected, so be prepared to do some xorg.conf hacking | 08:37 |
kenthomson | TeePOG, ok | 08:37 |
TeePOG | or use CRTs | 08:37 |
LaserJock | kenthomson: install Edubuntu on a machine to act as the server | 08:37 |
LaserJock | kenthomson: then run a crossover cable to some other machine | 08:37 |
kenthomson | LaserJock, ok so a simple client-server 1:1 first? | 08:37 |
LaserJock | it can play the thin client | 08:37 |
LaserJock | sure | 08:37 |
LaserJock | you are talking about a lot of money for a server and 10 clients + networking | 08:38 |
LaserJock | you should test it out first to make sure you know what you're doing | 08:38 |
kenthomson | LaserJock, right! | 08:38 |
TeePOG | any machine these days will be able to be a thin client | 08:38 |
kenthomson | LaserJock, TeePOG, any other advice before i tap into the promises that google holds? | 08:39 |
LaserJock | at the Paris summit we used a laptop for the server | 08:39 |
LaserJock | and just ran a ethernet cable to a thin client | 08:39 |
LaserJock | was really easy and cool | 08:39 |
TeePOG | erm kenthomson... it's kind of assumed that you google before you ask on IRC... so, no. have fun and ask here if there's anything else | 08:40 |
LaserJock | kenthomson: make sure to read the Edubuntu documentation and perhaps get on the edubuntu-users mailing list | 08:40 |
kenthomson | LaserJock, TeePOG so long! Its been enlightening. I have got a week's time to do all the research and hardware purchasing and i need a lab ready in 15 days, hope i can make it to the deadline. But you see, i am largely uninformed about LTSP, always used fat-clients. Lets hope everything goes OK. | 08:41 |
TeePOG | indeed | 08:41 |
LaserJock | good luk | 08:41 |
TeePOG | good luck | 08:41 |
kenthomson | Thank you! | 08:42 |
TeePOG | dang | 08:42 |
TeePOG | bbl, ciao | 08:46 |
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cbx33 | ping ogra | 11:49 |
cbx33 | question about GSoC | 11:49 |
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steven43126 | Im trying to get tftpd working for pxelinux boot, i can't seem to get access to any files in the directory? im starting tftpd from inetd with options -p -s /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386 | 12:46 |
steven43126 | im out of ideas on how to get this working, using a tftp client i can connect, but get requets just time out? | 12:47 |
ogra | cbx33, pong | 12:59 |
ogra | steven43126, if you had used the ltsp-server-standalone package it would have set that up for you | 01:00 |
ogra | steven43126, the line should be: tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/in.tftpd /usr/sbin/in.tft | 01:00 |
ogra | pd -s /var/lib/tftpboot | 01:00 |
cliebow_ | ogra: any way to ignore a memory stick booting 2.6.20? hangs loading of os.. | 01:01 |
steven43126 | orga, it was but i changed to see if i could solve my problems | 01:01 |
cliebow_ | ogra: any way to ignore a memory stick when booting 2.6.20? hangs loading of os.. | 01:01 |
ogra | no idea, unplug it ? | 01:01 |
cliebow_ | it is integral. | 01:01 |
cliebow_ | shows asd a usb device from 2.6.17 | 01:02 |
steven43126 | cliebow_, ernel options to disable usb ? | 01:02 |
cliebow_ | so modprobe.d/blacklist wont heklp | 01:02 |
ogra | right, try the bios, even though it might not help ... | 01:02 |
cliebow_ | nothing in the bios 8~( | 01:02 |
cliebow_ | feisty works ok with 2.6.17 but | 01:03 |
ogra | first of all file a bug ... either on kernel or on udev ... | 01:03 |
cliebow_ | k | 01:03 |
ogra | either is responsible | 01:03 |
cliebow_ | ill try thaat again | 01:03 |
ogra | steven43126, so what exactly did you do until now ? you installed the ltsp-server-standalone package and ran ltsp-build-client ? | 01:04 |
cliebow_ | steven43126, what is your filename statement? | 01:06 |
steven43126 | lol nevermind, i figured out the problem | 01:07 |
steven43126 | No network card! for some reason ubuntu has suddenly stopped finding the ethernet adapter (running under vmware) Boy do i feel stupid | 01:08 |
ogra | ouch :) | 01:08 |
steven43126 | tftp client looks like it connects but reading the docs it does not actually connect untill you issue a get DOH! | 01:08 |
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ogra | right ... it works like ftp | 01:09 |
jsgotangco | hello | 01:09 |
steven43126 | it's deceptice in tftp client if you trype status it shows you connected:, but it's not it's just where it will connect to when a get is issued lol | 01:10 |
cbx33 | ogra: can i pm you? | 01:14 |
ogra | sure | 01:14 |
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sbalneav | Morning all | 03:12 |
a5benwillis | morning | 03:13 |
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cbx33 | ogra got two secs for a really easy question | 03:29 |
cbx33 | hey sbalneav | 03:30 |
cbx33 | maybe you know.... :) | 03:30 |
cbx33 | it's not c just C | 03:30 |
cbx33 | if I define an array | 03:30 |
cbx33 | like this static GOptionEntry *entries | 03:30 |
cbx33 | and then i want to use it | 03:30 |
cbx33 | entries[] = {5,6,7} | 03:31 |
cbx33 | like that | 03:31 |
cbx33 | it doesn't work | 03:31 |
cbx33 | but I can do | 03:31 |
cbx33 | static int test | 03:31 |
cbx33 | and then | 03:31 |
cbx33 | test = 5 | 03:31 |
cbx33 | so how do i do it with an array | 03:31 |
cbx33 | i don't want to create a new array like this.... static GOptionEntry entries[] = {3,4,5} | 03:34 |
cbx33 | which does work... | 03:34 |
cbx33 | but I can't do it that way | 03:34 |
sbalneav | Well, you can't use the original define as a *entries, because that's just a pointer to a GOptionEntry type. | 03:36 |
sbalneav | So, no storage has been allocated to the bits you'll want to store. | 03:36 |
cbx33 | right | 03:37 |
cbx33 | that makes sense | 03:37 |
sbalneav | So, you'll have to say static GO... entries[] = { blah } | 03:37 |
cbx33 | i can't do that | 03:37 |
sbalneav | Because you need a pointer to it? | 03:37 |
cbx33 | can't i do like new array | 03:37 |
cbx33 | well basically the definition of the variable is in theclass header | 03:38 |
cbx33 | and I need to use that pointer | 03:38 |
cbx33 | if i create a new instance it won't be availble to ther other members in the class | 03:38 |
sbalneav | GOptionEntry *newptr | 03:38 |
sbalneav | newptr = entry | 03:38 |
sbalneav | <mangle newptr> | 03:38 |
sbalneav | Is entry your global array? | 03:39 |
cbx33 | yes | 03:40 |
cbx33 | entries is | 03:40 |
cbx33 | :p | 03:40 |
sbalneav | Ah, so you're wanting to assign a new set of values to entry? | 03:40 |
cbx33 | yes | 03:40 |
cbx33 | :D:D:D | 03:40 |
cbx33 | though the {3,3,3} type notation | 03:41 |
cbx33 | basically reinitialising it | 03:41 |
sbalneav | entry[0] = 3 | 03:41 |
cbx33 | but | 03:41 |
sbalneav | entry[1] = 3... etc. | 03:41 |
cbx33 | I have a large struct to do | 03:41 |
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sbalneav | so, do this: | 03:41 |
sbalneav | for (i = 0; i < len; i++) | 03:41 |
sbalneav | whoops, hold on | 03:42 |
cbx33 | heh | 03:42 |
cbx33 | ok | 03:42 |
sbalneav | GO... newthing = { foo, foo, foo } | 03:42 |
sbalneav | for (i = 0; i < len(newthing); i++) { entry[i] = newthing[i] ; } | 03:42 |
cbx33 | cool | 03:43 |
cbx33 | ok | 03:43 |
sbalneav | You can only use the {....} notation on initialization | 03:43 |
sbalneav | Once you're past that, you gotta access by subscript. | 03:43 |
cbx33 | ok | 03:43 |
cbx33 | well | 03:43 |
cbx33 | i just did | 03:43 |
cbx33 | static GO entries[] = { structure } | 03:43 |
cbx33 | and when compiling it says warning unused variable entries | 03:44 |
sbalneav | Hmmm, well, remember I only know C, maybe they extended that with c++ | 03:44 |
sbalneav | in C you can't do that. :) | 03:44 |
cbx33 | yeh | 03:45 |
cbx33 | but I'm trying a didfferent way | 03:45 |
cbx33 | doing it in the intialisation | 03:45 |
cbx33 | like you said | 03:45 |
cbx33 | and it's saying entries is an unused variable | 03:45 |
cbx33 | just pasting bining | 03:46 |
sbalneav | You should see the pastebot WE got. | 03:47 |
cbx33 | http://pastebin.ca/383627 | 03:47 |
cbx33 | yeh? | 03:47 |
sbalneav | pop over to #ltsp for a sec | 03:47 |
cliebow | ok | 03:48 |
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bddebian | Heya | 03:52 |
cbx33 | sbalneav: | 03:56 |
cbx33 | undefined reference to `phimage::tilesize` | 03:56 |
cbx33 | when they are defined above | 03:56 |
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cliebow | feisty.. prism2.5 wireless comes up as wiired card..any quick fix? | 09:53 |
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cbx33 | w00t c++ is getting easier | 10:21 |
cbx33 | hi LaserJock | 10:21 |
LaserJock | hi cbx33 | 10:23 |
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cbx33 | hey Burgwork | 10:26 |
cbx33 | sorry | 10:26 |
cbx33 | READ THE NICK _ READ THE NICK | 10:26 |
cbx33 | I keep forgetting that | 10:27 |
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