
LaserJocklooks pretty good to me12:19
LaserJockbut I'm not sure if that doc is really being worked on much anymore12:19
gabe_could you suggest where my time might be better spent?12:19
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LaserJockgabe_: the stuff in the ubuntu/ and kubuntu/ directories12:26
gabe_ah ok12:26
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3915 kubuntu/system-settings/C/system-settings.xml: system-settings complete - ready for review04:41
nixternalconfig-desktop is it, and create a single point of access to kubuntu system docs for KHelpCenter and I am done!04:42
Admiral_Chicagonice, those the ones i helped on?04:42
nixternalAdmiral_Chicago: look04:49
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3916 common/C/contributors.xml: adding Freddy Martinez to the list of contributors for helping me with Kubuntu docs04:49
Admiral_Chicagohaha, thanks04:49
nixternalOK, one more section to complete and then some KHelpCenter trickery and Kubuntu docs for Feisty will be ready for review and in 3 days xml2po translation love!!!!!04:50
jjesseyeah for nixternal04:50
nixternalwhere is my check?04:50
jjessecomming soon :004:50
nixternalmaybe I can buy a soda with it04:51
nixternalI just want an Ubuntu or Kubuntu shirt that fits04:51
jjesseyou should04:53
jjesseget one for free04:53
jjessei wish this book didn't take so much friggen work04:53
nixternalI just paid $50 for a t-shirt and polo that are embroidered, beautiful, but they don't fit04:53
jjessed'oh you should get your money back04:53
nixternalso I will give them away to the guys in the LoCo04:53
jjesseman the internet is so slow here :(04:53
=== Admiral_Chicago waves
nixternalI got them from Juliux (Germany)04:53
Admiral_Chicagowhich reminds me, i still don't know what we are doing about UWN04:54
tonyyarussonixternal: what size?04:55
nixternalthey are supposed to be XXL, but umm, they are closer to L04:55
tonyyarussoheh, WAY out of my range04:55
nixternalGermans don't know size I guess :)04:56
nixternalI am 6'3" 230+, so XXL is a tough one due to my height04:56
Admiral_Chicagonixternal: you're 6'3"04:57
nixternalyou forgot already?04:57
Admiral_Chicagono, i don't remeber you being that tall.04:57
nixternal6'3", 230+, size 12 boot fo yo a#@#04:57
nixternalya, RJ has me by like an inch or 204:57
nixternaldamn kids04:57
Admiral_Chicagoyea hes a tall one for no good reason04:58
=== tonyyarusso is 5'5", 118...
nixternaltonyyarusso: these shirts would be a perfect size04:58
nixternalthey aren't huge04:58
nixternalhell, I think you are bigger than Admiral_Chicago04:59
nixternalbut my guys are gonna get them first04:59
Admiral_Chicagonah, i'm a good 5' 9"04:59
nixternalI think these shirts will only fit Admiral_Chicago and his brother04:59
nixternalI can't think of anyone in my LUG that could wear um04:59
Admiral_Chicagodude my brother is *much* taller than me :)04:59
nixternalhahaha, you lie05:00
Admiral_Chicagowhy yes i do05:02
tonyyarussonixternal: I usually wear a medium in polos05:11
LaserJocknixternal: I have a similar issue05:32
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3917 kubuntu/ (config-desktop/C/config-desktop.xml libs/kde-menus-C.ent): config-desktop ready for review - added new menu06:22
LaserJockgo nixternal go!06:26
nixternalI think I am going to bring over the Ubuntu advanced topics and change them around for Kubuntu as well06:27
LaserJockis it known that we aren't shipping nvidia or ati stuff?06:31
crimsunit has been made clear on various mailing lists iirc06:31
crimsunsome exchange between mdz and pitti, at least06:31
Madpilotthe general Linux-using public is probably still confused, but so be it.06:32
crimsunand I presume by "shipping" you meant "enabling by default"06:32
LaserJockno, no.06:32
tonyyarussoHey, I heard from Digg, so it's somewhat known06:32
LaserJockI mean we have no documentation for it06:32
LaserJockwe used to06:32
LaserJockbut we don't now06:32
nixternalLaserJock: I removed the documentation from Kubuntu docs for 2 reasons. 1) we don't support it, and 2) I don't care what you put in there for a tutorial on getting it to work, it is going to destroy someones setup06:33
nixternalI just refer them to a few links and let them know to read and read again before carrying through06:34
LaserJockwe don't support nvidia and ATI?06:34
nixternalnot the binary blobs06:34
LaserJockthat seems crazy06:34
nixternalthere is no way for us to troubleshoot it or debug it w/o the source06:35
LaserJockthat's always been the case06:35
LaserJockbut that doesn't mean you can document it06:35
nixternalwell, if we document it, we have to make sure it works for everybody06:36
crimsunit would be fairly ... strange to ship such documentation requiring a gui "help browser"06:36
nixternalthe Ubuntu documentation for Dapper, the NVidia and the ATI procedure didn't work for me as with Kubuntu06:36
LaserJockso we ignore it?06:36
crimsunsince well, if you can't _get_ a gui (X.Org) running without said drivers running...06:36
nixternalLaserJock: I didn't ignore it, I let the user know of locations they can research properly installing for their "card"06:36
LaserJockI use nv until I get nvidia installed06:36
nixternalwith NVidia, all of the instructions for GF4 MX420/440 does not work06:37
nixternalI can only use the nv driver for my card06:37
crimsun'nv' may work for some subset of chips; 'ati' simply will not work for many X* chips06:37
nixternalif you use the install directions we had, the user would be stairing at a black screen with a cursor in the top left corner blinking at them06:37
LaserJockfine, I really don't care what works on what06:37
nixternalLaserJock: I had killer documentation for ATI and NVidia just the other day06:38
crimsunI'm not sure I understand what you're saying, then, Jordan.06:38
LaserJockI just think that if a user does a search for nvidia or ATI in yelp they should get *something*06:38
nixternalbut after telling users in #kubuntu to try it, hell I had more issues than you can shake a stick at06:38
crimsunif you don't care what works on what, what's the point?06:38
LaserJockthat there should be *something*06:38
nixternalahh, LaserJock in Kubuntu they will get something :)06:38
nixternalwhew, I am good then ;p06:38
crimsunhow can users use yelp if they can't even get to a gui?06:38
LaserJockmany can06:39
LaserJockI've never had a problem with that06:39
nixternaleven people who have Intel and Matrox cards get information in my docs :)06:39
LaserJockand I'm sure I"m not alone06:39
LaserJockI've even used vesa before to learn how to get nvidia installed06:39
crimsunsure, but what about people for whom vesa fails? and I mean _utterly_.06:39
LaserJockthen they are screwed no matter what I guess06:40
LaserJockbut *not* putting docs won't help theme either06:40
crimsunThere's an ATI X600 sitting in my folks' PC that fits that precise use case.06:40
LaserJockthen the doc isn't for them06:40
LaserJockso we don't want to help *anybody* because we can't help *everybody*06:41
crimsunI don't think that's the argument06:41
LaserJockwell, I'm just saying for those people who are using radeon, vesa, or nv to get up and running06:41
crimsunI think the way to proceed to ask the installer guru if the aforementioned hook with accompanying text will be available in feisty06:41
Admiral_Chicagoshouldn't Bug 80390 be marked as Fix Released06:42
UbugtuMalone bug 80390 in ubuntu-docs "Feisty's default Firefox homepage still reports Edgy" [High,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8039006:42
crimsunis to ask ^06:42
LaserJockcrimsun: that would make sense, yes06:42
Admiral_ChicagoI just got 7.04 on my fresh profile06:42
crimsunAdmiral_Chicago: marked FR.06:42
Admiral_Chicagooh wait, I'm dyslexic...06:43
LaserJockwell, I guess maybe I'm just not thinking right :(06:43
Admiral_Chicagowait, no. thanks crimsun06:44
LaserJockit just seems like a regression to me06:44
Admiral_Chicagoi *am* dyslexic06:44
crimsunLaserJock: it _is_ a regression, yes. No one's debating that stance.06:44
MadpilotLaserJock, I noticed in the help wiki that the instructions for getting 3d support in Edgy w/ an ATI card are far more complex than the equivalent Breezy or Dapper info...06:46
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3918 kubuntu/ (hardware/C/hardware.xml libs/kde-menus-C.ent): added partition and booting info to hardware.xml harddrives section - ready for review - added new menu07:35
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3919 kubuntu/ (index.xml tmplibs/): removing doc.ubuntu.com index stuff and tmplibs dir - preparing to incorporate a KHelpCenter front page07:38
Madpilotspambot ;)07:39
nixternalproofreading time, a whole 2 days07:59
nixternalif something got left out, oh well, feisty+107:59
=== nixternal beds
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nixternalmorning :)08:58
mdkehiya nixternal08:59
mdkehow's it going?08:59
nixternalone eye open, fixing some Konqueror docs for KDE, trying to get the energy to crawl into bed09:01
nixternalhow's it going with you?09:01
mdkegood thanks09:02
mdkebeen mega busy moving house and at work09:02
nixternalahh, I was wondering where you had been hiding09:04
mdkeno internet yet09:06
mdkeexcept for my neighbour's09:06
nixternalouch, can't wait for that I bet09:07
mdkegood job taking care of kubuntu-docs :)09:08
nixternalThanks. Time for some proofing, and then in 2 days generate the po's for translations09:09
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nixternaloh well, bed time. g'nite09:18
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3920 kubuntu/newtokubuntu/C/newtokubuntu.xml: spelling error09:25
nixternalOK, now I can goto bed :)09:25
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r3921 ubuntu/musicvideophotos/C/musicvideophotos.xml: Restructure music section for readibility09:32
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crimsunmgalvin: never heard if -9.16 resolved your inaudible sound. If not, this next one should (just pushed a gigantenormous patch to BenC)11:36
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somerville32Where is mdke at?03:42
nixternalhe is probably at work03:58
nixternalI believe he has a new job, plus he has been moving as well03:58
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kdefreakAny blank spots that need to be filled in?04:56
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r3922 ubuntu/keeping-safe/C/keeping-safe.xml: Change title of updating section to make the word update more prominent09:26
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Admiral_Chicagookay, proofing stuff now richard10:31
Admiral_Chicagotheres quite a bit of stuff to download10:39
Admiral_Chicagoanyone know how to list the number of installeable packages10:56
Admiral_Chicagoi know its close more than 180010:56
Admiral_Chicagowait, synaptic.10:56
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3923 ubuntu/ (3 files in 3 dirs):11:26
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: * changes in build of Switching to Windows, for easier inclusion on11:26
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: winfoss section of livecd11:26
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: * not draft anymore11:26
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: * updated header image for html11:26
Admiral_Chicagonixternal: check your email. sent some edits your way. do what you will with them11:33
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