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elkbuntu | omfg... ubuntu muslim edition finally happened? | 06:55 |
tonyyarusso | oh really? | 06:55 |
Madpilot | link? | 06:55 |
elkbuntu | ubuntume.com | 06:57 |
crimsun | neat | 06:58 |
crimsun | that it includes multiverse software by default is a bit of a headache (!), but neat otherwise | 06:58 |
elkbuntu | i am very much *not* looking forward to this hitting Sounder :-/ | 06:59 |
tonyyarusso | heh, might be interesting | 07:00 |
elkbuntu | tonyyarusso, sure. not necessarily in a CoC kind of way, however | 07:00 |
Madpilot | interesting in the sense of the famous Chinese curse, perhaps :) | 07:01 |
tonyyarusso | elkbuntu: Do MLs get moderated ever? | 07:01 |
Madpilot | I predict a few of sounder's better-known quasi-trolls will be very excited about this | 07:01 |
tonyyarusso | how did you hear, btw? | 07:02 |
tonyyarusso | @elkbuntu | 07:04 |
crimsun | tonyyarusso: most are, actually. We just don't proclaim our presence loudly ;) | 07:06 |
tonyyarusso | crimsun: If figured most would be, but wasn't sure if the really big ones could be | 07:06 |
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elkbuntu | roflmao @ the new eler | 07:39 |
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beuno | elkbuntu: ping | 08:25 |
elkbuntu | beuno, pong | 08:25 |
beuno | hey there, it's the first time I can actually get a hold of you :D | 08:25 |
beuno | just wanted to see if you could help me a bit get this UWN situation back on track | 08:25 |
beuno | I'm not 100% sure what to do, or how much I should do | 08:26 |
beuno | I've been helping out with it for months, just it suddenly seems I'm the only one pushing forward, and I'm not used to being "editor" | 08:26 |
elkbuntu | im not really in a time situation to do so at the moment either. best thing would be to try contact corey aka burgundavia | 08:26 |
beuno | yes, he basically said "go, have fun, run it by me before publishing" | 08:27 |
beuno | no biggie though, I'll keep working on it and bugging people I can get a hold of | 08:27 |
beuno | thanks | 08:27 |
elkbuntu | gah. i really dont have the spare time at the moment to tutor you in something i've never done myself :-/ | 08:27 |
beuno | np, I'll figure it out | 08:28 |
beuno | I think it's more of a "I'm not sure how many decisions I should take" then actuallt knowing "what to do" | 08:28 |
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=== beuno spots a somerville32_ in the distance | ||
beuno | lionel: :D | 11:35 |
lionel | hi beuno :) | 11:36 |
lionel | I noticed you were there just after adding you in my jabber contacts :) | 11:36 |
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beuno | I can multitask sometimes, hehehe | 11:37 |
beuno | I just replied to your email | 11:37 |
lionel | cool | 11:38 |
beuno | but basically I'm waiting for Corey to wake up (literally I think) | 11:38 |
beuno | and I'm sure mrevell can help me put some presure on the whole thing ;) | 11:38 |
lionel | Oh cool | 11:38 |
mrevell | hmph? | 11:38 |
mrevell | beuno: How can I help? | 11:38 |
beuno | I got UWN #30 up to a stage I think it can be published, and I want to get that out ASAP so we can start working on "current" news | 11:39 |
beuno | aka #31 | 11:39 |
beuno | but I need someone with more "authority" then myself to take a peak, and then move the strings necesary to get it out in the wild :) | 11:41 |
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mrevell | beuno: right, well, I have no authority but I'll happily take a look :) | 11:51 |
beuno | mrevell: great, I appreciate it | 11:52 |
beuno | I'll nag Corey all day then | 11:52 |
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lionel | beuno: sorry, I was disconnected | 12:05 |
beuno | lionel: np, maybe you can help proof-reading UWN #30 too | 12:05 |
lionel | beuno: I will read it again later today | 12:05 |
lionel | what do we need for #31 ? | 12:05 |
lionel | we are missing articles I think :) | 12:06 |
beuno | lionel: I haven't started making a "todo" list, but an easy thing to start with would be "In The Press" | 12:06 |
beuno | basically search for articles about Ubuntu on different sources, and write up a small summary | 12:07 |
beuno | but, from March 1st til today | 12:07 |
beuno | google news usually behaves pretty well | 12:07 |
lionel | hehe :) | 12:08 |
beuno | I don't want to open the UWN 31 wiki yet thou, might create confusion | 12:08 |
lionel | I agree | 12:08 |
mindspin | http://www.heise.de/open/artikel/85411 | 12:08 |
mindspin | its german and needs translation ;-) | 12:08 |
mindspin | basically its about canonicals business model | 12:09 |
mindspin | and the linspire deal | 12:09 |
beuno | mindspin: maybe a link to it, with a small summary in english wouldn't be bad | 12:09 |
beuno | can you write it up and email it to me? | 12:09 |
mindspin | sure | 12:09 |
mindspin | mail addy? | 12:10 |
beuno | :) thanks mindspin | 12:10 |
beuno | argentina@gmail | 12:10 |
mindspin | saved | 12:10 |
=== beuno is glad to see the UWN moving again | ||
lionel | :) | 12:12 |
beuno | anyway, gonno head off to the office | 12:16 |
beuno | I'll be back in an hour or so | 12:16 |
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beuno | jenda! | 05:34 |
=== meatballhat gasps | ||
jenda | beuno! | 05:35 |
jenda | :) | 05:35 |
beuno | how are you? | 05:35 |
jenda | tired, cold... | 05:35 |
jenda | great :) | 05:36 |
beuno | are you back already? | 05:36 |
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jenda | yp | 05:37 |
jenda | yup | 05:37 |
jenda | cut it a bit short ;) | 05:37 |
beuno | I imagined :D | 05:38 |
beuno | did you have to go back throu bangladesh? | 05:38 |
jenda | O_O | 05:38 |
jenda | Nope | 05:39 |
jenda | That's teh other way ;) | 05:39 |
beuno | aah, sorry, I was under the impression you had to go back through there :/ | 05:39 |
jenda | :) | 05:41 |
jenda | Not at all - flew from Colombo to Mumbai, then Moscow and home. | 05:41 |
beuno | well, I'm sorry the trip didn't work out as planned | 05:42 |
beuno | but I'm glad to have you back :p | 05:42 |
jenda | :) | 05:44 |
jenda | It was a great trip all the same | 05:45 |
=== beuno checks his inbox for pictures | ||
beuno | nothing :( | 05:45 |
jenda | I'll upload them :) | 05:47 |
beuno | hehe, no hurries | 05:48 |
beuno | jenda: are you ready to get your crafty hands to work? I need help getting the UWN published :D | 05:51 |
jenda | O_O | 05:51 |
jenda | umm | 05:51 |
jenda | I hope no is an option :) | 05:52 |
jenda | I didn't even wash yet ;) | 05:52 |
beuno | I'm not picky... :p | 05:52 |
jenda | hahaha | 05:52 |
beuno | np, I have a meeting in 30 minutes anyway | 05:52 |
=== beuno goes to his corner | ||
MenZa | jenda: welcome back :D | 06:13 |
jenda | thx :) | 06:13 |
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