=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
tonyyarusso | !software | 01:11 |
ubotu | A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents and !Offline | 01:11 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
tonyyarusso | !Offline | 01:11 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about offline - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:11 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
tonyyarusso | hmm | 01:13 |
Hobbsee | hrm? | 01:14 |
ubotu | In ubotu, tonyyarusso said: software =~ /and !Offline// | 01:15 |
tonyyarusso | %login | 01:15 |
tonyyarusso | Hobbsee: Factoid referenced by another, but it doesn't actually exist anymore | 01:15 |
Hobbsee | ah | 01:17 |
=== maxamillion [n=adam@ngl-1-14.shsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v maxamillion] by ChanServ | ||
=== lonelystar [i=lonelyst@gateway/tor/x-87ab0fc83bdf80d2] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
ubotu | In ubotu, theblue said: it says dvd is encrypted | 01:39 |
=== theblue [n=theblue@unaffiliated/theblue] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
ubotu | In ubotu, theblue said: it says dvd is encrypted | 01:39 |
theblue | ? | 01:39 |
theblue | Sorry, don't know why that's coming in here. | 01:39 |
=== theblue [n=theblue@unaffiliated/theblue] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving"] | ||
PriceChild | !tor > lonelystar (Please see the pm from ubotu) | 01:40 |
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Amaranth] by ChanServ | ||
PriceChild | Shouldn't we send derek and metelhead to -read-topic ? | 02:08 |
PriceChild | And amaranth getting d/c'd at the same time too...? :O | 02:09 |
Hobbsee | yeah | 02:09 |
Hobbsee | but i dont have a script to banforward | 02:09 |
Hobbsee | hence i'm being lazy | 02:09 |
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=== maxamillion [n=max@r74-192-178-37.htvlcmta01.hnvitx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v maxamillion] by ChanServ | ||
Amaranth | PriceChild: just wireless being stupid, i think | 02:18 |
Amaranth | or is this router screwed? | 02:18 |
PriceChild | Only one way to find out :) | 02:18 |
Amaranth | try me | 02:18 |
PriceChild | #amaranth? | 02:18 |
PriceChild | Teehee :) | 02:19 |
PriceChild | The power I have over him for the next few minutes... | 02:19 |
Vorian | lol | 02:19 |
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Amaranth] by ChanServ | ||
PriceChild | Welcome back :) | 02:20 |
PriceChild | Fixed? | 02:20 |
PriceChild | Amaranth, ? | 02:24 |
tonyyarusso | That's the second time today I've seen a regular get bit | 02:27 |
SportChick | tonyyarusso: a what? | 02:27 |
tonyyarusso | SportChick: a regular. A user that's been around for a number of months, and you'd think they'd know about !exploit and such. | 02:28 |
SportChick | ahah | 02:29 |
=== PriceChild wishes he were an ubuntu op so he could rub it in and banforward him to -read-topic :P | ||
tonyyarusso | I'm surprised that wasn't done, actually | 02:29 |
PriceChild | Hobbsee had to run to work | 02:30 |
PriceChild | but sent factoids their way | 02:30 |
tonyyarusso | ah | 02:31 |
Amaranth | PriceChild: fixed | 02:35 |
PriceChild | woo :) | 02:35 |
Amaranth | i've not hard a router affected by that in so long i forgot about it | 02:35 |
Amaranth | PriceChild: dude i'm good, port 8001 :) | 02:36 |
PriceChild | Yay :) | 02:36 |
PriceChild | I hadn't seen that specific one they used ever... just heard about it. | 02:36 |
PriceChild | I thought t hat was a norton issue anyway? Didn't think it affected routers. | 02:37 |
nalioth | PriceChild: it affects a specific chipset | 02:39 |
nalioth | many brand names are affected | 02:39 |
PriceChild | You learn something new every day :) | 02:40 |
Amaranth | netgear and linksys | 02:45 |
Amaranth | cisco's cheap routers | 02:45 |
Amaranth | btw, i probably was banforwarded to -read-topic but chanserv.py > you ;) | 02:49 |
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=== nalioth [i=nalioth@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.nalioth] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
nalioth | tonyyarusso: just /remove | 03:25 |
tonyyarusso | nalioth: a'ight | 03:25 |
nalioth | tonyyarusso: now you have to go back and remove the ban | 03:25 |
nalioth | accidents happen | 03:25 |
tonyyarusso | of course | 03:25 |
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tonyyarusso | You say potato, I say potahto :P | 03:26 |
=== Dougie [n=Diana@c-67-171-103-197.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
Dougie | hmm | 03:27 |
nalioth | hi Dougie what can we do for you? | 03:27 |
tonyyarusso | Dougie is an exploit victim from earlier today; fixed yet? | 03:27 |
=== Dougie085 [n=Diana@c-67-171-103-197.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== Dougie085 is now known as Dougie | ||
Dougie | ok anyways got disconnected for some reason | 03:29 |
Dougie | but anyways my port is changed and everything but i still can't get into the room | 03:31 |
nalioth | Dougie: have you been tested? | 03:31 |
Dougie | umm don't think so? | 03:32 |
nalioth | Dougie: join #moderation please | 03:32 |
Mez | nalioth, you can do it without a channel ? | 03:33 |
nalioth | Mez: i can? | 03:33 |
Mez | nalioth, apparently so, thugh try your way first :D | 03:34 |
Mez | see if we get same results (to me, he passed) | 03:34 |
nalioth | Dougie: you can join #ubuntu now | 03:34 |
nalioth | thanks for your patience | 03:34 |
nalioth | Mez: SOME clients respond to the /ctcp variant of test and SOME don't | 03:35 |
nalioth | which is why i do both methods | 03:35 |
Dougie | ok thanks | 03:35 |
=== tonyyarusso starts writing hammer_exloitees_test.pl do save typing all the variants... | ||
nalioth | tonyyarusso: be careful you don't run afoul of the law with that . . . | 03:38 |
tonyyarusso | nalioth: Well, actually I'm kidding (for now), but yeah | 03:38 |
=== drudge [n=drudge@about/apple/macbook/drudge] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== ubot3 [n=supybot@unaffiliated/nalioth/bot/ubot3] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
nalioth | tonyyarusso: can you show drudge how the channel mangling script works (use ubot3 as your victim) | 03:41 |
tonyyarusso | nalioth: channel mangling? | 03:42 |
nalioth | tonyyarusso: chanserv.py or auto_bleh.pl | 03:43 |
tonyyarusso | gotcha | 03:43 |
tonyyarusso | drudge: a'ight, here's some fun: | 03:43 |
tonyyarusso | !ubuntu | 03:43 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome | 03:43 |
ubot3 | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome | 03:43 |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+b %*!*@unaffiliated/nalioth/bot/ubot3] by tonyyarusso | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-o tonyyarusso] by tonyyarusso | ||
tonyyarusso | !ubuntu | 03:43 |
tonyyarusso | heh, timed, right | 03:44 |
tonyyarusso | !ntfs | 03:44 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 03:44 |
tonyyarusso | Note that ubot3 can't respond - it's muted | 03:44 |
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-b %*!*@unaffiliated/nalioth/bot/ubot3] by tonyyarusso | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ | ||
tonyyarusso | !ohmy | ubot3 | 03:45 |
ubotu | ubot3: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 03:45 |
ubot3 | ubot3: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 03:45 |
tonyyarusso | naughty bot | 03:45 |
=== ubot3 [n=supybot@unaffiliated/nalioth/bot/ubot3] has left #ubuntu-ops ["nalioth"] | ||
tonyyarusso | and so on | 03:45 |
nalioth | drudge: you see? almost instantaneous action | 03:45 |
nalioth | no wearing of the crown necessary | 03:45 |
drudge | i do see | 03:45 |
=== Madpilot [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Madpilot] by ChanServ | ||
nalioth | thank you tonyyarusso | 03:49 |
drudge | yes thank you | 03:49 |
=== drudge [n=drudge@about/apple/macbook/drudge] has left #ubuntu-ops [] | ||
lonelystar | !ubuntu | 03:50 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome | 03:50 |
=== Dougie [n=Diana@c-67-171-103-197.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving"] | ||
Madpilot | that 2nd URL - the UbuntuHowCome one - does not exist | 04:04 |
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=== Vorian [n=vorian@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
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=== maxamillion [n=max@r74-192-178-37.htvlcmta01.hnvitx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v maxamillion] by ChanServ | ||
Vorian | nalioth, can we please have ubot3 in #ubuntu-us? | 05:48 |
Vorian | thanks! | 05:49 |
nalioth | you're welcome | 05:50 |
Vorian | would you mind if I added the occasional factoid to ubot3? | 05:51 |
Madpilot | ubot3? another bot? | 05:51 |
nalioth | Vorian: please add them to ubotu | 05:52 |
nalioth | i do database syncs daily | 05:52 |
Vorian | ah | 05:52 |
Vorian | ok | 05:52 |
nalioth | Madpilot: ljl went on vacation and took ubotwo with him | 05:52 |
nalioth | Madpilot: i've got ubot3 up and running to fill in | 05:52 |
Madpilot | ah, OK. hadn't realized ubotwo was seperately hosting/maintained - makes sense, though | 05:52 |
nothlit | I saw LjL yesterday | 05:53 |
nalioth | yes, he's in and out | 05:54 |
=== beuno [n=martin@201-212-110-136.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
nalioth | guess i could update the db hourly | 06:05 |
nalioth | it's only a cron job | 06:05 |
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nothlit | i'm trying to set a factoid, but !support-#ubuntuforums-beginners has two hypens and the bot doesn't like that, what should i do? | 06:51 |
mneptok | wha'ppens if you escape them? | 06:53 |
mneptok | support\-\#ubuntuforums\-beginners | 06:54 |
nalioth | mneptok: how to set a channel specific factoid? | 06:54 |
nalioth | that is what he needs | 06:54 |
nothlit | i did !support-#ubuntuforums-beginners is <reply> foo , but its telling me thats its only a bot and that its not intelligent | 06:55 |
mneptok | ubotu: support\-\#ubuntuforums-beginners is <reply>\i'm not wearing any pants! | 06:57 |
nothlit | nalioth: am i supposed to tell ubot3 that because its the only one in the channel? i'm under the impression that all factoids are straight synced from ubotus | 06:58 |
nalioth | nothlit: please do it to ubotu in here | 06:58 |
mneptok | that didn't work | 06:58 |
nothlit | !support-#ubuntuforums-beginners is <reply> This channel is for the Ubuntu Beginners Transitioning team. While we'll be glad to help you, you may find better luck in #ubuntu or one of the more specialised support channels. | 06:58 |
nalioth | nothlit: the syncs only go one way ubotu > ubot[clones] | 06:58 |
nothlit | 13:58 <ubotu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 06:58 |
mneptok | ubotu: support-#ubuntuforums-beginners is <reply>\i'm not wearing any pants! | 06:58 |
mneptok | same | 06:59 |
nalioth | nothlit: i suggest waiting on an experienced bot wrangler | 06:59 |
nothlit | mneptok: i tried a couple different escapes, didn't work =/ | 06:59 |
mneptok | ubotu: help infobot | 06:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about help infobot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:59 |
nothlit | nalioth: do i just wait for se.veas then? or just ask every once in a while | 07:00 |
nalioth | there are other bot wranglers than the dutchman. try apok ryph os when he shows up | 07:00 |
nothlit | oh ok, thanks for the advice | 07:01 |
Mez | nalioth, why did you put spaces in apokryphos 's names? | 07:04 |
nalioth | Mez: um, so his computer doesn't ping him for something he doesn't need to worry about RIGHT NOW | 07:06 |
nalioth | courtesy? | 07:06 |
Mez | oh, lol | 07:07 |
Mez | sorry | 07:07 |
=== Mez knows apokryphos wont even be awake right now anyways | ||
nothlit | =/ ljl set !support-#ubuntu-offtopic without any escapes IIRc | 07:11 |
Mez | nothlit, there are reasons for that | 07:17 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
Madpilot | evening, Hobbsee | 07:26 |
Hobbsee | hey Madpilot | 07:27 |
jenda | Good morning | 07:30 |
nalioth | who's that? | 07:30 |
=== GazzaK [n=Dogbert@colchester-lug/GazzaK] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== lonelystar [i=lonelyst@gateway/tor/x-17cefeeea24749c7] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
mneptok | any time | 09:32 |
mneptok | baby, let's go. | 09:32 |
mneptok | every day should be a holiday. | 09:33 |
GazzaK | !tor | lonelystar | 09:33 |
ubotu | lonelystar: The #ubuntu channel and related channels ban users joining from anonymous gateways like tor/silenceisdefeat/cgi:irc because the abuse:useful ratio is close to infinity:nothing -- project cloaks will let you join, otherwise you should simply not use an anonymizer. | 09:33 |
ubotu | Attention tor users. You may think you are anonymous, but you are not. Please visit http://tor.unixgu.ru/ and see for yourself. Please evaluate your need to use tor here on irc. If you wish anonymity, Freenode offers cloaks of many different types. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks | 09:33 |
nalioth | GazzaK: please stop | 09:33 |
GazzaK | okay | 09:33 |
nalioth | GazzaK: 1) he's already gotten the !tor factoid and 2) /msg ubotu tell NICK about TOR works a lot better on keeping the channel spam down | 09:34 |
nalioth | imho, the !factoid | NICK creates more channel crap | 09:34 |
GazzaK | okay, noted | 09:34 |
nalioth | also, i'd like to point out that a lot of these clients are on automatic and there is nobody at the wheel to see the message. please wait for folks to talk before /msg'g them | 09:37 |
GazzaK | nalioth, the factoid that command gives is about the tor component | 09:38 |
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nalioth | GazzaK: i understand. what i've said i think EVERY one should read | 09:39 |
lonelystar | who can tell me why I tpye /j #ubuntu I enter the channel #ubuntu-ops,how can I get into #ubuntu? | 09:42 |
nalioth | lonelystar: read your scrollback | 09:42 |
nalioth | lonelystar: you can connect directly to join #ubuntu | 09:43 |
lonelystar | nalioth, What mean scrollback? | 09:44 |
mneptok | !tor > lonelystar | 09:45 |
nalioth | lonelystar: since you've joined, you've been spoken to. please read the channel contents | 09:46 |
=== lonelystar [i=lonelyst@gateway/tor/x-17cefeeea24749c7] has left #ubuntu-ops [""] | ||
=== lonelystar [i=lonelyst@gateway/tor/x-17cefeeea24749c7] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@ip-62-105-182-26.dsl.twang.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Amaranth] by ChanServ | ||
=== mneptok baps Seveas | ||
=== jenda baps both Seveas and mneptok | ||
=== mneptok 's bladder surrenders first | ||
mneptok | that's .... going to stain. | 11:16 |
jenda | uh oh | 11:28 |
effie_jayx | heh | 11:43 |
elkbuntu | o.O | 11:53 |
=== Seveas throws out the mneptok | ||
jenda | hey... what happened to the CC elections? | 12:00 |
jenda | could anyone update me? :) | 12:00 |
effie_jayx | jenda@ubuntu-locoteams~$: sudo apt-get update ;) | 12:03 |
=== LongPointyStick throws out Seveas | ||
LongPointyStick | jenda: i'm not sure, but i definetly want to vote on that! | 12:06 |
jenda | effie_jayx: :) | 12:09 |
jenda | LongPointyStick: definitely | 12:09 |
jenda | I even vote in governmental elections, so how could I _not_ vote here ;) | 12:10 |
LongPointyStick | jenda: heh | 12:10 |
effie_jayx | whatever it is you guys are voting for... | 12:10 |
LongPointyStick | effie_jayx: community council members | 12:11 |
effie_jayx | Seveas will win... he is the ubuntu god... Seveas for president http://blogs.ubuntu-nl.org/dennis :S | 12:12 |
jenda | he isn't even candidating, is he? :) | 12:12 |
=== jenda watches the tiny bits of wood floating in his tea. | ||
Seveas | I'm indeed not | 12:12 |
effie_jayx | jenda, it the real thing :D | 12:13 |
jenda | effie_jayx: it is indeed ;) | 12:13 |
jenda | effie_jayx: it's the cinnamon I added ;) | 12:13 |
=== mneptok [n=mneptok@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v mneptok] by ChanServ | ||
jenda | --- trouble starts here --- | 12:14 |
effie_jayx | lol.... I was thinking it was some very special herbal tea that an ancient lady gave you when you wore your ubuntu shirt... :S ... now you ruined my mental picture :S | 12:14 |
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ | ||
jenda | :) | 12:15 |
jenda | PriceChild! | 12:15 |
jenda | PriceChild: I updated, my beryl's borked, and I blame you. | 12:15 |
PriceChild | whitescreen? | 12:15 |
jenda | "Voting starts on monday, feb 19 (if no technical issues delay this) and 3 out of these 5 people will join the community council." | 12:16 |
jenda | PriceChild: yup | 12:16 |
jenda | dayum... anyone know anything about that? | 12:16 |
PriceChild | !whitescreen-#ubuntu-effects > jenda | 12:16 |
jenda | O.O | 12:16 |
jenda | :) | 12:16 |
jenda | thx | 12:16 |
jenda | Seveas: you're the CC secretary, right? | 12:17 |
jenda | Seveas: so... what's with the elections? | 12:18 |
Seveas | no idea | 12:22 |
Seveas | sabdfl does that | 12:23 |
jenda | ok | 12:24 |
PriceChild | Could we have a topic change in +1 ? Remove the beryl bit and "Fixed x11-common packages are coming soon. Please be patient" on the end? | 12:31 |
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=== ikonia [n=mattd@alesi.projecthugo.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
ikonia_ | hey guys, I've just saw my nick at home sign out of ubuntu for excess flood what was my nick thats logged in at home doing ? | 12:36 |
ikonia_ | I didn't see it flood | 12:36 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
jenda | damn, this cinnamon stuff is good :) | 12:46 |
=== effie_jayx runs to the coffee shop at the corner to get some too... | ||
PriceChild | Thanks.... Seveas? | 12:48 |
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Amaranth] by ChanServ | ||
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=== Vorian [n=vorian@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== nipsirc [i=3a4503d0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-84024e0270698f0e] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
nipsirc | hello... | 02:25 |
PriceChild | Hey there | 02:36 |
PriceChild | !proxy > nipsirc (Please see the private message from ubotu) | 02:37 |
ikonia_ | aftenoon | 02:37 |
=== phos-phoros [n=donovan@unaffiliated/phos-phoros] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== oOo [n=Dogbert@colchester-lug/GazzaK] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== oOo is now known as GazzaK | ||
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=== rhoasdf is now known as rho-bo | ||
=== rho-bo is now known as darkrho | ||
Seveas | nalioth, prod | 04:11 |
=== Jucato [n=jucato@ubuntu/member/Jucato] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Jucato] by ChanServ | ||
apokryphos | Seveas: this bugzilla plugin appears to be crazily efficient | 04:14 |
Seveas | the gnome one? | 04:15 |
apokryphos | the guy's got his bot reporting *all* changes (assigned, etc) from 5 big bugzillas (novell, mozilla, redhat, etc), and he's got it in 20 channels | 04:15 |
apokryphos | see ##bugzilla-world | 04:15 |
apokryphos | nah, the supybot one | 04:15 |
Seveas | the Bugtracker plugin is also efficient | 04:16 |
apokryphos | I know; just seems odd -- it's under a really heavy load and it copes really well | 04:16 |
Seveas | at least the reporting bit is | 04:16 |
apokryphos | well, I presume it's a heavy load | 04:17 |
apokryphos | how often does the Bugtracker check for new bugs? | 04:17 |
=== LjL [n=ljl@unaffiliated/ljl] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v LjL] by ChanServ | ||
apokryphos | hi LjL | 04:18 |
LjL | hi apokryphos | 04:19 |
apokryphos | how you doing? | 04:19 |
LjL | could be better, i'm in one of my depressed moods these days | 04:20 |
apokryphos | dang; hope you feel better soon 8) | 04:21 |
Seveas | LjL, look at mneptok if you need a laugh | 04:28 |
=== LjL cries | ||
=== mc44 [n=mc44@unaffiliated/mc44] has joined #ubuntu-ops | ||
Seveas | hehe | 04:30 |
Seveas | mneptok, congratulations | 04:30 |
Seveas | you are now compltely useless | 04:30 |
GazzaK | mneptok making the girls cry again? | 04:30 |
Seveas | LjL, is not a girl | 04:31 |
LjL | sigh | 04:31 |
mc44 | isnt she? | 04:31 |
Seveas | not anymore at least | 04:32 |
GazzaK | was she? :p | 04:32 |
mc44 | Lorenzetta | 04:32 |
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LjL | @lart y'all | 04:35 |
=== Ubugtu spanks y'all with a pink tutu | ||
LjL | appropriate | 04:35 |
PriceChild | yours? | 04:36 |
mc44 | from her old dancing days | 04:36 |
mneptok | Seveas: "now?" | 04:36 |
Seveas | mneptok, as ridicule target you still had some use | 04:36 |
mneptok | you're right. you've stopped. | 04:37 |
Seveas | btw: I'm now Ubuntu Certified Professional | 04:37 |
mneptok | now you're just being honest. | 04:37 |
LjL | a bit like an MS MVP? | 04:37 |
PriceChild | show off | 04:37 |
mneptok | ooo! passed the last one? | 04:37 |
Seveas | mneptok, yup | 04:37 |
Seveas | in geneva, when Etienne G was proctor | 04:38 |
Seveas | got the "you passed" email today | 04:38 |
mneptok | where's an o: ? >:) | 04:38 |
mc44 | well I for one am thinking of all the amusing interpretations of UCP I can come up with | 04:38 |
mneptok | Universal Control Program | 04:39 |
PriceChild | Congratulations :) | 04:39 |
apokryphos | Seveas: Congrats | 04:40 |
apokryphos | where to now? | 04:40 |
mc44 | Ubuntu Certified Psychopath | 04:40 |
LjL | no more free wifi equipped hotels. pity. | 04:41 |
Seveas | apokryphos, now to take over the world | 04:42 |
apokryphos | just a stepping stone | 04:43 |
mneptok | Seveas: i can't even get my underwear drawer sorted. good luck with that world thing. | 04:44 |
mneptok | do you anticipate a need for cannon fodder? | 04:45 |
Seveas | yeah | 04:45 |
Seveas | I'm volunteering you | 04:45 |
mneptok | can do. | 04:46 |
mneptok | remind me frequently when and where. | 04:46 |
mneptok | oh, can i have a hat? | 04:46 |
mneptok | i can provide my own. but i'm not sure about dress code. you strike me as the "naked and muddy" type. | 04:47 |
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apokryphos | weird, now why did that ban not work | 05:28 |
SportChick | apokryphos: you banned nalioth? ;) | 05:31 |
apokryphos | SportChick: nah, in #ubuntu | 05:31 |
SportChick | apokryphos: I was teasing :) | 05:31 |
apokryphos | I set +b on a guy, but he was still allowed to speak | 05:32 |
apokryphos | he couldn't re-enter though | 05:32 |
SportChick | hrm | 05:33 |
=== maxamillion is now known as max_at_class | ||
Seveas | apokryphos, #ubuntu is on +z | 05:45 |
Seveas | so ops see everything :) | 05:45 |
Myrtti | /me stares max_at_class with evil look | 05:46 |
apokryphos | Ah, I didn't know +z works with +b | 05:46 |
=== apokryphos wonders if it works with +R yet | ||
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hexidigital | can someone unban me from #ubuntu? apparently i was banned for a DCC exploit? (or near a time one was happening) | 06:30 |
hexidigital | i haven't checked the bantracker to see why i was banned, though | 06:30 |
PriceChild | hexidigital, Hey, I can't unban you myself, but I can go test you while you wait for another op to see you :) | 06:31 |
PriceChild | #hexidigital for a test | 06:31 |
Seveas | it was not for dcc | 06:31 |
hexidigital | Seveas: what was it for? | 06:31 |
hexidigital | PriceChild: ##hexidigital | 06:31 |
PriceChild | @btlogin | 06:32 |
hexidigital | hmm? | 06:32 |
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hexidigital | bah | 06:32 |
hexidigital | sorry | 06:32 |
PriceChild | Ah sorry Seveas. *reads* | 06:32 |
Seveas | oh it was for DCC | 06:32 |
Seveas | apokryphos is just a lousy banner :) | 06:33 |
hexidigital | heh | 06:33 |
PriceChild | ah lol | 06:33 |
hexidigital | heh.. ican't even figure out how to use DCC to manage my eggdrop bot :/ | 06:33 |
hexidigital | let alone hack someone :) | 06:33 |
hexidigital | do you guys know how long the ban is in effect? | 06:34 |
PriceChild | hexidigital, I'm not happy about testing you in ## with other people. | 06:34 |
hexidigital | PriceChild: oh, ok | 06:34 |
Myrtti | do you have an url describing the dcc exploit in general? | 06:35 |
Myrtti | I'm intrested to see if it would explain one thing | 06:35 |
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PriceChild | hexidigital, please follow the instructions in topic to connect to freenode on port 8001 | 06:35 |
hexidigital | hmm.. am i exploitable? | 06:36 |
apokryphos | I can test to check if you still are | 06:36 |
PriceChild | hexidigital, I disconnected you ;) | 06:36 |
apokryphos | oh, PriceChild did | 06:36 |
hexidigital | ok... i'll be back | 06:36 |
apokryphos | Seveas: lousy? ;) | 06:36 |
PriceChild | Myrtti, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit | 06:36 |
hexidigital | PriceChild: thanks :) | 06:37 |
Tm_T | apokryphos: Find better word if you're not happy. ;( | 06:37 |
=== apokryphos bannings are infallible | ||
PriceChild | I think its the comment that Seve as was referring to. | 06:37 |
hexidigital | PriceChild: will you test me when i get back? | 06:37 |
PriceChild | hexidigital, of course :) | 06:38 |
hexidigital | PriceChild: ok, brb | 06:38 |
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apokryphos | hexidigital: don't IRC as root | 06:40 |
hexidigital | apokryphos: it's a conversation piece :) | 06:40 |
hexidigital | apokryphos: i'm not root | 06:40 |
apokryphos | :/ | 06:40 |
hexidigital | :-P it worked... we just had a conversation about it | 06:40 |
PriceChild | hexidigital, is fine now :) | 06:41 |
hexidigital | cool | 06:41 |
hexidigital | thanks :) | 06:41 |
jenda | /cs bf *=root@*!##Dont-log-in-as-root | 06:41 |
PriceChild | apokryphos, Could you unban him pleasie weasie ? | 06:41 |
hexidigital | do i need to be unbanned from #ubuntu, or could i just join ? | 06:41 |
hexidigital | ah | 06:41 |
tsmithe | jenda, ahaha | 06:42 |
apokryphos | done | 06:42 |
hexidigital | apokryphos: thank you :) | 06:42 |
jenda | actually, it is ##Dont-login-as-root | 06:42 |
hexidigital | heh | 06:43 |
hexidigital | thanks guys | 06:43 |
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effie_jayx | pleasie weasie ... lol | 06:44 |
PriceChild | It worked ;) | 06:45 |
effie_jayx | PriceChild, hehehe course it did it was a cool one.. | 06:46 |
=== effie_jayx takes notes "pleasie weasie" | ||
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ompaul | !support-#ubuntuforums-beginners is <reply> This channel is for the Ubuntu Beginners Transitioning team. While we'll be glad to help you, you may find better luck in #ubuntu or one of the more specialised support channels. | 08:00 |
ubotu | I'll remember that, ompaul | 08:00 |
ompaul | Mez, storm in a teacup, you have to be an editor | 08:01 |
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=== ompaul pokes Mez ^^ | ||
jenda | imagine if your nick was "pokes". | 08:26 |
ompaul | pokes pokes mez | 08:26 |
ompaul | bah! | 08:26 |
ompaul | :) | 08:26 |
jenda | imagine the beeps! | 08:27 |
ompaul | I don't do audio for my nick :) | 08:31 |
ompaul | during a recent international match I put "captain nemo" by MSG as the triggered sound when something was highlighted | 08:32 |
ompaul | it was not too bad | 08:32 |
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jenda | hehe | 08:36 |
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Mez | ompaul, sup? | 09:30 |
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ompaul | Mez, I was pointing out that the bots have an editor list - and put in that factoid | 09:44 |
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edit_21 | :-) | 10:02 |
edit_21 | was he dicking about? | 10:02 |
LjL | edit_21: this was the exchange: [21:57:52] <Javacat> fragalot! [21:57:56] <fragalot> Javacat: ! [21:58:10] <Javacat> fragalot: Are you sure this is the gay porn channel on freenode? [21:58:18] <fragalot> Javacat: pretty, yeah [21:58:22] <Javacat> oh, cool | 10:02 |
edit_21 | ffs, ok thanks | 10:02 |
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Mez | apokryphos, why are you never around? | 10:16 |
LjL | !no feisty is <reply> The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 10:17 |
ubotu | I'll remember that LjL | 10:17 |
LjL | 'cause if i get another one telling me "whaddyawant i know that feisty is alpha you smartass", i'm going to strangle them | 10:18 |
tonyyarusso | LjL: what did it say before? | 10:18 |
LjL | tonyyarusso: just "Help in #ubuntu+1" | 10:19 |
tonyyarusso | ah | 10:19 |
nalioth | LjL: welcome back | 10:20 |
nalioth | how were the alps? | 10:20 |
LjL | nice, i skied 4 days, and the snow, quite lacking, was good enough to ski on... now i'm in post-alps depression though >: | 10:21 |
=== pleia2 gives LjL some virtual gummie bears | ||
LjL | i don't know really, aside from skiing, there's nothing special at all i did while there... but even on the days when i didn't sky, i felt decent, i even woke up at 9am! =) but i've felt catatonic as soon as i came back to milan (and started again waking up at one). though i guess it's too easy to fault the place | 10:26 |
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nalioth | it's the high altitude | 10:27 |
nalioth | LjL: can you introduce yourself to ubot3, please? | 10:27 |
LjL | done | 10:28 |
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